#I’m so bad at staying on task it’s ridiculous
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I’m procrastinating!!! I have stuff I need to do!!! I can’t stop drawing Alice dyer!!!
50 notes · View notes
avatar-anna · 5 months
Honeymoon Avenue
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Harry Styles x Latina! Reader Masterlist
More silence.
Y/n rolled her eyes and blew a stray piece of hair out of her face. Straddling Harry’s waist on their shared hotel bed, she shook his shoulders with both hands. “Bubba. Wake. Up.”
“Huh? Oh hi.” Harry slowly blinked his eyes open to find his wife sitting on top of him. 
His wife. Even though he had proposed, and even though he was there standing in front of Y/n to put the ring on her finger as they exchanged vows, Harry still couldn’t quite believe that they were married.
Seeing the way she was sitting on him, he grinned, his hands reaching up and underneath her shirt to lazily trace patterns along her back. Harry’s grin deepened when he felt goosebumps rise along her spine.
“We were supposed to go watch the sunrise,” she pouted a while later. She was sitting on top of the ridiculously large marble bathroom counter in their ridiculously large hotel bathroom. Y/n had told Harry multiple times that she was more than comfortable staying somewhere less extravagant, but he insisted, never one to shy away from his love for the finer things in life; that and the hotel they were staying at had a fantastic security team, something Harry was interested when he helped her plan their honeymoon.
Y/n tried to stay on task and remember why she had been trying to wake Harry before the sun rose in the first place, but with the way he was looking at her and how one of his hands took one of hers and brought it to his mouth and began kissing along her palm and down her wrist, she could hardly think straight. She felt herself lean down almost involuntarily, pressing her lips to his. Harry hummed happily as he kissed her, no longer tired or curious as to why Y/n had decided to wake him up when it was still dark outside. He was quick to slip her shirt up and off of her, flipping them over so that she was against the bed and he hovered over her. Y/n whimpered quietly against Harry’s lips as he pushed her deeper against the mattress, his tongue tangling with hers as his hand brought her leg up to wrap around his waist, grinding against her to let her know just how awake he was now.
It was slow, unrushed, Harry and Y/n both too sleepy to do more than hold each other closely and press lazy kisses on lips and warm skin. Y/n gripped his hair, which had grown longer and curlier since the wedding. While they were out, Harry usually wore a ratty cap to tame it, but she loved the length, loved running her fingers through the silky strands.
Harry murmured sweet nothings in Y/n's ear, groaning when she squeezed around him tighter. He swallowed her moans with kisses, nibbling gently on her bottom lip until she fell apart beneath him.
Harry stepped out from behind the foggy glass shower doors, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair extra curly from the steam. “I’m sorry. Tomorrow maybe?”
“I doubt it,” she huffed. “We’ll just end up back where we started this morning.”
“Is that such a bad thing?” Harry asked her, leaning both of his hands on either side of her. “You.” A kiss to her jaw. “Me.” Her cheekbone. “Hours and hours to ourselves with absolutely nowhere else to be.” He kissed her lips this time, and he could taste the minty flavor of her toothpaste on her tongue.
Y/n brought her hands up to wrap around Harry’s neck and pull him even closer, her calves brushing the spot where towel met skin on Harry’s waist as she circled them around his middle. She felt his hands move underneath her coverup, cold to the touch from leaning against the marble countertop. Her feet began to push his towel down, but Harry pulled away from her with a final kiss before she got the chance.
“Now, I know I’m absolutely irresistible, but I’ve made plans for us this afternoon,” Harry said, helping Y/n off the counter. Her mouth widened in surprise, but Harry just kissed the top of her head and left the bathroom to get ready for their day. “And make sure you wear something you feel comfortable hiking in,” he said over his shoulder. 
She shook her head in disbelief at his antics, though this far into her relationship with Harry, Y/n supposed she shouldn’t have underestimated his playful side.
“What? You mean you couldn’t find someone to carry us on gold couches wherever we’re going?” she asked him teasingly as she followed Harry into the main area of their suite. 
He turned towards her, a light blue t-shirt fisted in his hands. “Well, I tried, but they were all booked up.”
About twenty minutes later, the newlyweds were out the door and ready to start their day. They waited outside for the car Harry had rented to come around, Harry holding Y/n close to his chest, moving her braids aside so he could kiss the side of her neck. She didn’t say anything at first, too wrapped up in his touch to remember they were out in the open and not hidden away on a secluded beach or back in their suite.
“People could see us, bubba” she mumbled quietly under her breath.
He only stopped to kiss her cheek and whisper in her ear. “Let them.”
Y/n swiftly turned around in their small bubble so that they were facing each other. Harry didn’t hesitate to kiss her on the lips, and on instinct, she threaded her fingers through his hair to pull him closer.
“I don’t want to be one of those couples,” she told him when she finally came to her senses enough to lean back from him.
“What do you mean?”
“You know, all over each other and throwing what they have in other people’s faces. You know that.” What she didn’t have to say was that she also didn’t love having their more intimate moments captured on camera because she knew he felt the same way; though obviously he felt different about it today. It made Y/n feel like it wasn’t just the two of them in their relationship, like she was sharing that side of Harry with the rest of the world. They could have his music and his charisma and his charm, but there were some parts of him that she selfishly wanted all to herself.
And it was embarrassing to be sent pictures of her and Harry making out on the beach back home by one of her family members.
“I know, and I’m sorry,” Harry said, kissing the tip of her nose. “I just love you too much, I think.”
She heard a car pull up behind them and turned around, her hands still on either side of his face. “Come on, our ride is here.” Taking her hand in his, they walked the few steps to the car, Harry opening the door for Y/n. She didn’t react, but only because he’d been doing it every day since they got here.
Y/n grinned as her heart melted into a puddle at her feet. The rest of the world be damned, she thought. Throwing her arms around him, she kissed him, reaching up on her toes and holding his face in her hands. Pulling away, she kissed all over Harry’s face, grinning when he began to blush.
Here being Fiji. It had taken a while for the two of them to settle on somewhere both of them wanted to go. Harry wanted their honeymoon to be relaxing and full of spending nearly every moment in their bed. “We can do that anywhere,” Y/n told him when he kept showing her secluded islands that only had white sand as far as the eye could see.
“Oh we can?” Harry had asked her, wiggling his eyebrows and suddenly ready to turn in for the night.
“Don’t give me that look, I just meant that we should have a little adventure too.”
“We can be adventurous,” He’d said, but she just smacked his chest in reply.
“Focus. We need to get this done before it’s too late.” 
Harry eventually sat back in his seat instead of practically sitting in hers at the kitchen table. He knew Y/n was organized and liked to do things as efficiently as possible. He had the urge to tell her that wherever they looked, someone would always make a space for them if his name was on the booking, but he liked watching her comb through various websites and trying to find the best place that had what both of them wanted, so he let her do her research and gave his opinion when she asked for it.
So now they were in Fiji, on their way to hike up to some waterfall.
This particular activity Harry had looked up all on his own. Well, it was more like a friend of his mentioned it when Harry said that’s where he and Y/n were going for their honeymoon, and from there he tried to figure out more, thinking she would love it. He never actually told her where they were going today, but she was always up for doing something outside the confines of their hotel—sailing, surfing, dancing in nightclubs (though Harry had to admit he liked that one too). He enjoyed all of them, really, but it was like Y/n was constantly full of energy; he was always tugging on her hand and pulling her back into bed or to his towel on the beach. He was surprised she hadn’t tried to go for a run while they’d been here, but he was happy to wake up next to her every morning all the same.
“I can feel you staring at my ass, bubba” she called over her shoulder.
Harry walked behind Y/n as they continued up the trail together, admiring her behind the dark shades of his sunglasses. She was quiet for most of their hike up to the waterfall, except for the few times she asked where they were going or what he was up to, finally having given up twenty minutes ago when Harry just kept grinning and shook his head.
Harry’s face split into a grin as he took a few more strides to take her hand in his. “I wasn’t.”
He was a terrible liar, they both knew that, and his cheeky little smile did nothing to help his case. “You were, but that’s okay,” she told him, raising a hand to her face to shield herself from the sun. She was wearing sunglasses, a gift from Harry once he realized she was constantly using her hand to keep the sun out of her eyes, but it seemed like the habit stuck.
They walked some more, talking about random things as they took in everything around them. Y/n was surprised that Harry had a day planned for them outdoors. Not that he wasn’t the outdoorsy type—they’d gone on all sorts of adventures together when their schedules allowed it—but he had been so adamant that this trip was about relaxing and staying in bed for as long as possible and trips to the spa (together of course). When they came to their destination, though, she saw why Harry would’ve wanted to come up here.
“I wasn’t,” Harry insisted, but Y/n only shook her head, amused by his refusal to admit when he checked her out, having done it often enough that they’d had similar conversations before. Since they'd gotten together, he openly admired Y/n, something that had earned him relentless teasing from friends for years.
But this wasn't the same, not really. He was just admiring her in general, stunned into silence by the fact that someone as kind and beautiful as she was his wife. But Harry would never admit that so easily, not if he wanted to avoid being relentlessly teased by his wife for being so thoughtful and romantic. She would call it cheesy, but he always thought he was charming, endearing.
“Oh, Harry,” she breathed, her eyes taking in the huge waterfall in front of her. Y/n had heard the water crashing into the large pool before they’d reached it, but seeing it all up close made her stop.
“You like it?” Harry asked, watching her reaction. She would tell him that he should be looking at what he’d obviously brought them up here for, and she would definitely punch his shoulder for saying this out loud, but he thought she was a much more incredible sight to behold.
Y/n nodded, her eyes quickly darting from the top of the waterfall to where it ended in a pool of crystal clear water. “Is it—”
“Safe to swim in? Yes. Wouldn’t have brought you here if it wasn’t. Come on,” he told her, nudging her arm a bit to get her moving again. She blinked out of her momentary daze and began to shed her clothes like Harry had.
Before he could slip off his shoes, Y/n pulled Harry down to her lips. She pulled away from him almost as fast as she had kissed him. “Race you to the waterfall,” she said quickly before taking off toward the edge of the pool.
It took Harry hearing the sound of Y/n's splash in the water to get Harry moving. Slipping off his shoes, he raced after her, his jump into the pool not quite as gracefully as she probably did. It wasn’t a long swim, but she still beat Harry, waiting for him on the other side of the waterfall with a victorious grin. He swam the last few feet to where she seemed to be sitting on a large boulder. It was shallower on the other side, just enough for Harry to stand comfortably and hold Y/n when he pulled her off her perch.
“I won,” she said proudly. It was loud with all the water crashing into the pool, but she was close enough for him to hear her gloat.
“You did,” he replied, but from where Harry stood, he thought he was the one that had won.
He kissed her then, something he never got tired of doing. Her lips were cold and wet against his own from their swim, but holding her like this made Harry feel like he had been set on fire. He involuntarily shuffled them so that Y/n was pinned against the boulder she’d been sitting on. She whimpered from the cool surface making contact with her back, feeling both hot and cold at the same time as Harry followed a single droplet of water that fell down her neck with his lips and tongue.
Harry’s hands traveled from where they had been cupping either side of her face to her back, pulling at the strings of her swimsuit until they came loose, then doing the same with the tie at her neck.
Removing her arms from around his neck she covered herself, feeling self-conscious even though no one was around to see her now bare chest. Harry tried to carefully pry her arms away, but Y/n shook her head, refusing to uncross them.
“What are you doing—Hey I’m gonna need that!” A nervous giggle bubbled up and out of Y/n as Harry waved her bikini in her face and tossed it behind him, mumbling don’t need this as he threw it over his shoulder and it landed in the water with a resounding slap! 
“Oh, she’s shy now,” Harry joked, gently removing a strand of wet hair from her cheek. “Come on darling,” he said, trying to coax his wife back out of the shell she’d hidden inside, kissing her on the tip of her nose. “There isn’t another soul for miles. It’s just you and me.”
She knew that, but she still couldn’t shake the nervousness that overcame her just then go away, the mere thought of someone other than Harry seeing her so exposed a little frightening.
Harry pressed a feather-light kiss to her cheek, then the other, and then both sides of her jaw, peppering her face until he was a hair’s breadth away from her lips. He hovered there for a moment, looking at Y/n with a question in his eyes. He could tell she was opening up, the grip her arms had around her body wasn’t so tight anymore.
“You know,” Harry said, letting go of her for a second to locate the top half of her swimsuit. “It’s always been a dream of mine to have sex under a waterfall.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at that admission, mostly because she knew it wasn’t the slightest bit true. Still, she felt the smallest kernel of excitement unfurl inside her. “Since when?”
“Mm...Since about an hour ago,” he replied as he swam back over to her. Harry held out her bikini top, an obnoxious hot pink thing she’d gotten as a joke but seemed to be one of Harry’s favorites while they were on their honeymoon; it was part of the reason she was surprised when he threw it away from them so carelessly.
She scoffed but didn’t immediately take the top back. She knew he was giving her a choice, one that he wouldn’t object to or make a fuss about if she decided to quit while they were ahead. 
Still going one hand across her chest, Y/n reached out and took her bikini back from Harry. He wasn’t disappointed, just swam closer to her so he could kiss her again. His interest piqued though when she took the top and set it on the boulder behind her and pulled him closer so that their chests were touching.
“Really?” Harry asked, trying to contain his budding excitement. He’d kind of meant it as a joke but now he really wanted to. Still, even if they were married and had been together a few years prior, he never wanted to make Y/n do something she wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable with.
She nodded, pulling the hair ties from her braids and uncoiling her hair. “It’s just you and me right?”
“Just you and me,” he told her, pulling her legs back around his waist, his thumbs rubbing circles into her hips next to the fabric of her swimsuit bottoms.
“Then let’s make your dreams come true, shall we?” She asked, then promptly pulled him in for a searing kiss.
Harry didn’t have time to respond, but he would make sure she knew that she had pretty much made every single one of his dreams a reality.
“Are you going to ignore me all day?”
“Are you going to ignore me forever?”
Harry settled down next to where Y/n was lying down on a towel, her face hidden in her arms. To the untrained eye, she was merely suntanning, maybe even sleeping, but Harry knew better. His wife hadn’t spoken a word to him since they’d left the waterfall, only giving him hums or grunts when he asked her a question about whether she was hungry or how they wanted to spend the rest of their day. He was a little embarrassed too, but he was mostly amused by the whole situation.
He rolled onto his stomach and rested his head in his arms so that he was facing his wife. “It wasn’t that bad.”
Y/n turned her head to face him. “‘It’s just you and me,’ he said. ‘Make my dreams come true, baby,’ he said.” She turned her head back around.
“I did not say that,” Harry said, trying to hide his laugh. “Nobody saw anything, I promise.”
“Harry, it was a whole family!” Y/n whisper-shouted at him. “I was topless, I was in a pool under a waterfall, and a whole family swam right over to us.”
He bit his lip, not knowing what else to say. He rested a hand on her back, the strings of her swimsuit now tightly secured around her back and neck. Harry felt a little relieved when she didn’t flinch or shake off his touch, and he began to rub soothing circles into her skin. 
Y/n was right, a family had walked, or swam, in their case, in on them. Her entire body went red as she darted away from where Harry had her pinned against that boulder and ducked underwater. Harry quickly shimmied back into his swim trunks and grabbed her bikini from where it was sitting on the boulder like a bright pink signal that told the world what they had been doing. When she came back up, she only raised her head above the water, but Harry could tell her arms were back around her chest again. He tossed Y/n her swimsuit, and she turned around for him to help her tie it. 
“I—It came loose,” she had stuttered when the mother gave a curious look in their direction. She, along with what Harry and Y/n assumed was her husband and two young boys, were behind the waterfall and playing around it, the father pointing out different things to them, perhaps distracting his sons while Y/n situated herself. The mother didn’t say anything, but she didn’t look entirely convinced, which made Y/n flush even more, but they didn’t stick around to talk to her, or any other members of her family. She and Harry didn’t say anything as they made the swim of shame back to where their clothes were, and she hadn’t spoken to Harry since.
So now they were back at the beach that stretched along the length of the hotel they were staying at, Y/n trying to sleep and forget while Harry tried to find ways to make her feel better. “Will it make you feel better if I told you you’ll never see them ever again?” He asked her, but she only groaned into the crook of her arm. Rolling his eyes at her childish behavior, he moved even closer to her.
More groaning.
“Y/nnn,” Harry sing-songed, poking her in the arm.
“What?” She asked, but it sounded more like a whine.
He grinned, even though she couldn’t see it. “I love you.”
Harry gasped dramatically in disbelief. “Say it back!”
Y/n didn’t respond at all this time, just shuffled a little farther away from him on her towel. Harry sat up and rolled her over, placing both hands on either side of her head. She studied his face for a moment, noting the new freckles that appeared on his face from spending so much time in the sun, and a tan that complimented his green eyes and gave some of her siblings a run for their money.
“Yes?” she asked, pretending not to know what he wanted. 
Harry frowned at her, but it was playful, the corners of his mouth wanting to break out into a grin instead. “You have to say it back.”
“Or what?” Y/n knew that Harry wasn’t at fault for what happened at the waterfall, and now that she’d pouted long enough, she was ready to resume their trip.
“Or...I’ll just have to kiss you,” he said finally.
She gave him a funny look. “That’s not exactly a threat.”
Harry grinned mischievously, and Y/n suddenly wished she hadn’t said anything at all. “Guess I’ll just have to do this then,” he said before flattening himself on top of her. She let out a muffled oof as Harry put all his weight on her, nearly covering her entire body.
“Oh my God, Harry,” Y/n wheezed, trying and failing to push him off. “It is too hot outside for this.”
His hair, curlier now from the heat and their swim earlier, tickled her nose as he nestled against her, apparently having no plans to move anytime soon. Sighing, Y/n started to run a hand through his hair, unable to help her small grin when she felt Harry relax against her. “I love you too,” she whispered into his hair when he eventually fell asleep. She let him sleep on top of her for a little bit, but eventually the late afternoon sun and his body heat became entirely too much and she had to get out from underneath him.
After minutes of carefully peeling Harry off of her, Y/n got up and walked over to the hotel bar that had been set up on the beach. She sat down and ordered a margarita, her eyes widening when two were set in front of her. The bartender pointed to the sign behind her that Y/n had apparently missed. Happy Hour, it read. Two For One Special. 
Well, she thought. Why not? She began sipping on the first margarita and chatting with the bartender whenever she wasn’t serving other patrons. The longer she sat there, the more Y/n forgot about the embarrassing slip-up at the waterfall, her mind feeling light and breezy, not a care in the world could reach her as she started in on margarita number four.
“They want to buy you a drink,” Farrah, her bartender, said, pointing to two men a few seats down from where Y/n was. 
She looked over at the men in question. They were okay looking, she supposed, very red from not wearing enough sunscreen, but decent looking. Both of them smiled and waved at her, and she did the same, too polite for her own good. Y/n turned back to Farrah and quietly told her no. Farrah winked at her and left to go tell them.
“What is it with this bathing suit? Fucking magic or some shit,” she mumbled to herself, looking down at the cursed thing. 
“I, for one, think you look hot.”
Y/n got excited for a moment, but then she heard the voice and the rest of what the person said. Harry never called her hot; he might think it, but his compliments were always more endearing and well thought out. And this person’s voice was definitely not her husband’s.
Looking up she saw the two guys took her rejection as an invitation to come closer. She shot a look at Farrah, feeling betrayed by the kind bartender, but she gave Y/n an apologetic look and shook her head. Guess they hadn’t heeded either of their warnings then.
Y/n played with the ring on her left hand, a habit she had picked up since Harry had proposed. She was too drunk for this.  “I—”
She was cut off by the same guy who’d called her hot, asking her all sorts of questions about what she was doing here and why she was all alone.
“Um, I—”
“Are you here with your sorority or something?” The second guy asked.
Sorority? I’m twenty-eight. Y/n looked toward Farrah again, wanting to leave but not without paying her bill. The bartender met her eyes and gave her a shooing motion, letting her know that they would deal with it later.
“Uh…No entiendo” she said in a last-ditch effort to get rid of them. But it seemed like her attempts were in vain, their eyes widening and interest sparking even more.
Ready to bullshit her way through lies and excuses in Spanish, Y/n stood up, stumbling a bit. Not from the alcohol, but because these two men—she didn’t even know their names—were standing too close. Before she could fall on her ass, a hand was on her arm to steady her. She was about to turn around and give this person a piece of her mind, becoming more and more impatient with strangers coming up to her. But Y/n caught a glimpse of the hand that was still wrapped around her arm, spotting a ring on this person’s hand. She knew that ring, she’d helped pick out that ring.
Feeling a sense of relief and giddiness wash over her, she turned around to see Harry. His hair was a little mussed on one side from how he’d been sleeping, and there were grains of sand dotting his cheeks and eyebrows, but in that moment Y/n thought he’d never looked better. On instinct, she latched onto her husband, his skin still warm, and perhaps a little red, from laying in the sun for so long. 
Harry wrapped his arms around her immediately, goosebumps prickling his skin when she pressed a tiny kiss to his chest.
He’d woken up a little disoriented, distinctly remembering that Y/n was there when he fell asleep. He walked around aimlessly for a bit, looking up and down the long stretch of coast trying to see where his wife had run off to, occasionally getting stopped for a picture as he went.
To say he was surprised to see her sitting at the hotel bar with two men talking to her was an understatement. It’s not that he didn’t trust his wife, he knew they only had eyes for each other, but something about seeing those guys trying to make a move on her while she most likely tried to rebuff them in the nicest way possible made Harry’s blood boil. 
In her current state, Y/n just barely caught the way Harry’s face had become very stoic, or the way Farrah and the two guys that came up to her seemed to recognize who she was with. She smiled dreamily up at him and hugged him tight. “You made it. I was just thinking about you.”
Harry’s glare softened at the slight slurring in his wife's voice, his eyebrows raising as she kissed his chest again and her thumbs rubbed circles into his sides. “Starting without me, I see,” he said, trying not to sound pissed off at the two guys for her sake. “Are you going to introduce me to your friends?”
Y/n shot him a knowing look. Maybe she’s more sober than I thought, Harry thought to himself. She shrugged. “These are the men who came up to me at the bar. Men who came up to me at the bar, meet my husband. He’s, like, an indie singer. Really small stuff, so you probably haven’t heard of him, but I think he’s pretty good.”
She heard Farrah snort from behind the bar at her answer, not having expected a response like that. Y/n turned toward Harry, who looked amused but not surprised at how she introduced him, and Farrah assumed that this wasn’t the first time Y/n had said something like this.
“Can we go, bubba?” she asked, looking down at her swimsuit. “With great power comes great responsibility, and I’m not feeling very responsible at the moment.”
“Of course, lovie,” he said as he kissed her temple, trying not to laugh at her nonsensical words. Harry had no idea what his wife was talking about, but that’s why he’d come looking for her anyway.
He reached down to take her hand, but Y/n had other plans. Harry had about two seconds to catch her as she jumped into his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. He quietly gave his and Y/n's suite number to the bartender who had been watching this whole scene unfold and gave her a sheepish smile as he waved goodbye and Y/n nuzzled Harry’s neck. Hardly even glancing at the two men who had come up to his wife, Harry walked away, Y/n giving them a friendly wave as they got farther and farther away.
“I missed you,” she told Harry. Her lips grazed his ear, but Harry knew it wasn’t intentional.
“Did you? Why’d you leave then?” 
They entered the elevator after Harry stopped to pick up their things. He got a couple of odd looks, but Harry didn’t pay them any mind. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to carry Y/n after she’d had more than a few drinks. She had always been the kind of drunk who liked to cuddle and give hugs to whoever was in sight, but over time she only ever wanted Harry when she got like this. He didn’t mind, of course. He felt like it was the only time Y/n ever let him really take care of her; even when she was sick, which wasn’t often, she was constantly evading Harry as he tried to get her back into bed to rest.
“Well, when you decided to sleep on me, it got very hot, so I went to the bar where I met Farrah, and then some guys must’ve realized that I’m really hot because they tried to buy me a drink, but I told them no, but they came over anyway. Like magic, I’m telling you.”
Harry let her ramble while he walked them back to their suite, but his interest piqued at the end. “What is love?”
“What is what?” she asked him, her head tilting to one side.
He laughed and shook his head at her. “You said something was like magic, but you didn’t say what.”
Y/n had to think about it for a moment as Harry set her down on the bed. “Oh, I remember! It was my bathing suit,” she told him, standing up from the bed and taking it off, throwing it behind her. Harry watched amusedly while she wandered around their suite and pulled on a hoodie; his hoodie, he quickly realized. “So many people were staring at it today. You, those two boys at the waterfall, those guys at the bar. Magic, it’s gotta be.”
Harry didn’t bother to change out of his swim trunks as he got into bed with her, Y/n quickly latching onto him again. He wanted to tell her that it wasn’t so much the swimsuit as her in the swimsuit, but she was already onto the next thing.
“What are you up to over there?” he asked her as he felt her kiss the back of his neck.
“I’m just cuddling,” she said simply, her lips moving against his skin.
Harry turned so that they were facing each other, but Y/n only buried her face into the crook of his neck again. “As someone who has been cuddled by you before, I can say with certainty that this isn't always the norm.”
She squeezed him tighter, her fingers finding purchase in his hair. She didn’t answer him at first, and for a moment, Harry thought she wasn’t going to. She leaned back and brought her mouth to his, her lips soft and warm and tasting faintly of tequila.
“I’m kissing all the jealousy away,” she told him when she pulled away, their noses still touching.
“What?” Harry laughed, surprised by her confession.
Y/n leaned even further back and raised an eyebrow at him. “Don’t think I didn’t notice how grumpy you were back there, mister. I’m a little tipsy, not stupid.”
He kissed her cheek, smiling when he felt her grin against his lips.“I was better this time though, wasn’t I?”
“Mm, I would say you’re improving, yes,” Y/n answered.
Harry had a habit of getting jealous every now and again when they went out together. It was mostly because Y/n was too nice and didn’t realize when someone was flirting with her, and she was the kind of person who liked to use touch as a form of expression—hands on the arm, playful shoves to the shoulder. She never meant any harm by it, but Harry couldn’t help but feel a little jealous whenever someone leaned a little too close or tried to buy her a drink. Y/n always kissed his cheek and told him not to worry, trying to wipe the scowl off his face the best she could. He’d gotten better about hiding it over time, but she always seemed to know what Harry was thinking, sometimes before he even thought it.
“So, I was going to suggest drinking all night to forget this afternoon, but you started without me,” Harry said now, brushing a strand of hair out of his wife’s face.
Her eyes went round with excitement. “Oh, can we, bubba? Please?”
“Look where we are, lovie,” Harry replied, looking at the way they were cuddled up on the hotel bed. “Do you really want to get up right now?”
Y/n nodded, already starting to sit up and pulling Harry up with her. “Yes. I know how much you love to dance with me,” she said, smiling a little. 
Getting up from the bed, she started rummaging around through her husband’s things to find something for him to wear. She walked back to where Harry was still sitting on the bed and handed him a button-up and a pair of shorts. “Unless you’re still recovering from the wedding and are using me as an excuse?”
Harry stared at his wife for a moment before rolling his eyes and taking the clothes in her hands. He wanted to argue with her about their wedding night, but she was kind of right, having taken one too many shots with her brothers and not quite ready to relive it. “Alright, you win. What’s the second shirt for?”
Y/n looked down at the shirt in her hands, then back to Harry. “We’re going to match, obviously.”
So Harry and Y/n went to some club that night, each dressed in one of his patterned Hawaiian shirts and ready to dance the night away. Hers pretty much covered her shorts and fell to one side to expose one shoulder, but she walked hand in hand with her husband like she was strutting down a runway. They looked a little silly, but neither of them cared one bit, the only thing on their minds was each other and the life spent together ahead of them.
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starriluvs · 1 year
Hate me not ———————
Ao’nung x Reader Prompt: Oblivious Ao’nung who has a soft spot and a subtle reader, need i say more. A/N: Sorry this one’s short, been having writer’s block</3 ————————
Since arriving in the Met’Kayina clan, you had felt nothing but exhaustion, physically and mentally.
Between learning new customs and ways, and having to deal with the headache that was Ao’nung, you found that you desired nothing more than sleep.
You found temporary solace in the water, floating amongst the ocean with your arms stretched out.
‘Come on Ao’nung, can’t we take a short break?’ You called out drearily to the boy. Though you didn’t see, he rolled his eyes in response.
He had been misfortunate enough to be assigned the task of personally teaching you.
For reasons unbeknownst to him, you were his least favourite of the Sully siblings. He had tried to tease you constantly- more so than he had to the rest of your family. Yet, you’d never given him face.
Once, he’d called both you and your sister freaks. You’d simply thanked him with a smile for seeing them as unique, before proceeding to show off your forest-suited features. He’d only deadpanned at you before stomping off as he grumbled.
Another time, Ao’nung had called you an ugly four fingered freak in-front of your friends. Tsireya had jumped to defend you, but you’d waved her off with a relaxed grin.
You were delighted to mention how he had been lying- courtesy of the violet tinge on his ears when he’d spoken of you. You’d shot him a smug smirk as you caught him blue-handed. He’d huffed before muttering a ‘whatever’ to himself.
In conclusion, nothing he did roused you in the slightest. He’d always chased for opportunities to see you, so he could take the chance to rile you up.
You never took offence to what he said, always deflecting quickly to flip the situation around. It was irritating.
As was your whole being.
Your slim frame that had caused you trouble in the water at first, and so he’d had to guide you by force, with a hand wrapped firmly around your arm.
Your amber eyes that always shone with vivid emotion. Ao’nung had always found it hard to fully meet your gaze.
Your voice that was so full of life. It was grating to hear your voice, especially when he felt his heartbeat quicken at the sound of it.
The boy didn’t know what was so special about you. Why his body reacted the way it did when he was around you.
Shaking his head, he brought himself back to the present. The boy watched as you mindlessly floated amongst the waves, looking as though you didn’t have a care in the world. You looked so relaxed, at peace even.
He was about to tell you to continue your ilu riding, but at the relaxed expression on your face, the boy felt a slight twinge in his heart. As though he were the bad guy, when you rightfully should be practicing.
He mentally cursed his body for feeling such weakness- because of you, at that.
Ao’nung sighed drearily, running a dampened palm across his face. ‘Fine.’ He called out, voice grating against his throat at the hesitation.
He didn’t know why he let you continue floating like an idiot. He only knew that if he didn’t, his heart would’ve felt burdened at disturbing you.
You responded to his sentiment with a small, closed-eye smile. ‘Thanks, Nung.’
Ao’nungs heart lurched at the nickname. He really didn’t understand you.
A serene silence washed over the two of you. You continued your mission to stay afloat, as Ao’nung sat mildly annoyed on your ilu.
The boy stared at your form, wondering how you could benefit from looking so ridiculous.
‘You do realise that you look like an absolute idiot right now. What are you even doing anyway?’ The boy inquired, eyes narrowed in annoyed confusion.
‘I’m relaxing.’ You spoke with a satisfied sigh. ‘After the hectic nature of the past few weeks, I’ve been meaning to destress myself.’
‘You should try it too, y’know? Considering how grumpy you are all the time, it’d do you some good to just relax.’ Your voice called out clear to him.
The boy scowled in response. ‘I don’t want to look like an idiot, you skxawng.’
‘Come on, Ao’nung. Please?’ You dragged out the word to try and convince him.
Ao’nung stared at you for a moment longer than necessary, contemplating life choices.
Eventually, he gave in. He didn’t exactly have much to do anyway.
The sounds of splashing could be heard as Ao’nung swam his way through the water to you. A loud sigh released as he began to float.
‘See, it’s not so bad, is it?’ You coaxed. The boy only let a muffled grumble to let you know he was listening.
Opening your eyes, you swam slightly closer to him. You began to splash your hand in the water slightly as you spoke. ‘Here, Nung. Hold my hand so you can feel my heartbeat.’ You offered, hoping to reciprocate the skills you’d learned from him.
He stared hesitantly, wondering whether you were joking.
‘If you feel my relaxed heartbeat, maybe you’ll be able to do the same.’
Once more, the boy gave in, hesitantly taking hold of your wrist. He felt as though he physically could not say no to you. Curse you for making him feel obliged to go along with your strange ideas.
‘Now, just breathe in, and then breathe out. Let go of your worries, and watch as you start to feel lighter.’ You advised gently, smiling at the soft grip the boy held on your wrist.
Opening your eyes once more, you turned your head to watch as he did what was instructed. Surprisingly so without complaints.
You sank back into the water, embracing the ocean in silence. The two of you stayed in that position for a few moments, overlapping of the waves filling in the silence.
Just as you were appreciating the moment however, Ao’nung unsurprisingly had to ruin the moment.
‘I hate you, you know.’
And you both knew no greater lie could be told.
‘If you did, you wouldn’t be holding my hand now, would you?’
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Finding yourself with Ghost in a… tight situation
This is ridiculous, I love it!
You’re pressed against him as you’re both forced to retreat in a very small space in between two crates. Your back is turned to him, you can’t even take deep breaths in there. How come he seems even more massive than usual?
You do your best to stay still but your equipment is digging into your rib cage. You wriggle ever so slightly to relieve some of the pressure. You can’t help but notice his breath slithering into the crook of your neck. When suddenly something starts pressing harder and harder against your ass.
Oh no…
“Lieutenant…” You fling a quiet word into the deep silence, unsure if he wants to have this conversation right now. Your heart was already beating fast when you found yourself in this situation. You never thought your veins could take the amount of pressure your blood was under right now.
“That’s not a gun if that’s what you’re wondering,” he responds, moving his head to the side slowly to look at your surroundings. You let out a quiet chuckle. Humor, in this kind of situation, L.t?
“Tight spaces, sorry about that,” he lets out, his mouth suddenly dangerously close to your ear as he takes in the remaining of your surroundings. “I’ll let you know this is beyond my control, otherwise I wouldn’t have let it happen…” he lets the words hang between you.
“If you wouldn’t indeed, and if we weren’t in this situation I’d say… too bad,” you replied almost immediately, throwing your words into the air like rocks in a pond, just to see what ripples you could create on the surface.
“Copy that,” he simply says, “let’s focus on the task at hand, for now, yeah?” So he’s not entirely against the idea?
“Sure thing, Lieutenant,” you say with confidence.
After a moment, you can be sure no enemy is left in the area. Now it’s only you, him… and something that’s still pressed hard against you -and of which you are more than aware.
“I think we’re clear,” he says, checking one last time. You acknowledge his remark with a strong nod and prepare your exit from your hiding spot.
“I’m moving, you ready?” you ask him. Seeing how you’re pressed against each other, you will inevitably rub against him upon your exit. You strangely look forward to it… As slowly as you can and still trying to keep yourself as far from his body as you can, you slide to your left.
“Mmmh, fuck,” he practically moans from behind you and you’re left stunned, his warmth suddenly missing to your back as you’re completely extracted from your small space.
You don’t want to turn around to look at him right now, you can’t. However, you can still catch from the corner of your eye his massive form. His hands resting on his thighs as he tries his hardest to compose himself. You give him a minute, keeping your weapon ready, just in case.
You’re both out of there in a minute. He’s back in focus quicker than you thought possible and you don’t say a word about this to each other. That is… until the next time you find yourself alone with him.
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believesthings · 9 months
Lose Your Mind // Ted lasso x reader
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Summary: just a quick little fic while I work on some bigger projects. inspired by @my-soupy-brain’s “Together At Last” fic. Basically, Ted asks you to come to nelson road early before everyone else has clocked in, smut ensues from there.
Warnings: smut smut smut.
You’ve never heard the office so… quiet before. The sound of your footsteps is the only thing in your ear as you pace down the hallway to Ted’s office.
You were practically galloping.
Ted had been gone with the team for a stint of away games while you had stayed back with Higgins to take care of some Admin tasks.
As ridiculous as it probably sounded, it was the longest you’ve been away from Ted since you started dating and you missed him terribly.
When you got a message from Ted asking you to meet him early at Nelson Road this morning, you wasted no time.
“Well, hey there sugar plum.”
God, he was a sight for sore eyes. His hair was slightly disheveled, stubble growing where he hadn’t shaved in a few days, his sleeves rolled up, exposing his forearms.
He’s leaving against his desk, folding his arms over his chest. “Sorry to bother you so early, I just - we’ve been so busy and I haven’t gotten to see ya and I just wanted a little time for us, sorry it has to be like this.”
“That’s alright. God, I missed you.” You sprint to him, wrapping your arms around his middle and burrowing your face in his chest.
“Me too, sugar. You have no idea.” You can feel the vibrations of his chest underneath you when he speaks. His hands are reaching up to rub your back.
“You know, this is the longest I’ve gone without kissing you.” Ted says.
“Oh yeah? How you holding up?”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Not well. I’m all upside down and sideways. I almost put shaving cream on my toothbrush this morning.”
You looked up at him, taking his chin in your hand and running your hand over the stubble forming there. “Well, thank goodness you made it back to me in one piece. We should probably take care of that kiss situation before anything bad happens to you.”
You lean up and begin pressing kisses to his jaw but he quickly grabs you face and lifts your head up to his lips. Thank god no one is here because you’re practically moaning into his mouth.
He turns you over and lifts you up onto his desk, reversing your positions. He stands between your legs, running his hands up your thighs while you undo the buttons of his shirt. The cold, hard wooden desk wasn’t exactly the ideal spot for this, but at the moment, neither you really seemed to care. Once you had undone all the buttons you were pushing the fabric off his shoulders, you dip down and kiss the sensitive spots of his neck, whimpering while you writhed beneath him. Ted was losing his mind at the sensations you were creating. Your mouth was sucking at his pulse points, body pressed up against his. With your legs wrapped around his lower half, you’re pulling his growing erection closer towards you, Ted was acutely aware that only a bit of fabric separated him from your sweet pussy.
Fuck it, he decides. Your dress has already risen to an obscene height and he guides the material up your body, encouraging you to lift your arms and remove the garment completely.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers against your mouth.
You move your hands to undo his belt. Ted always takes such care to make sure that you’re satisfied and you really want to make this one about him. You were pushing his khakis off his body but once you started to go for his boxers, he grabs your wrists.
“Honey…” he warns, he is still kissing on your chest but he is acutely aware that you’re in public and while your both here early, that didn’t mean that someone couldn’t show up at any moment.
“No sex, Ted. Not right now. I don’t think we’re gonna have time for that this morning. But, you’ve been away and I want to make this good for you.” Even though you are the only two there, you’re still whispering like someone could bust in at any moment. “Don’t worry about me. Just let yourself enjoy it.”
He lets out a whimper at your words and nods letting you continue pushing off his boxers. You can feel his erection buck forward towards you once you completely get his clothes off. Reaching down, you push your panties, leaving you both completely naked. Ted could feel himself getting impossibly hard. He hasn’t really anticipated things going this far but he trusted you enough to do as you said, to just let his body react and enjoy your movements. He loved the way you felt moving underneath him. He leaned you back onto the desk and took in the sight you pinned beneath his body. You took his cock in your hand, stroking him, seeming to take your time over every ridge and groove as if you weren’t already intimately familiar with it. He moaned out in response to your movements.
“Oh my god - honey.” He croaks out.
Your other hand crawled up to the back of his head and you pull him down into a hungry kiss, quieting his moans with your own mouth as you continue to stoke his cock. Ted’s breathing is getting heavier when he begins to feel you position the head of his cock just outside the center of your pussy.
He tenses up, you break the kiss and force him to look at you. “Relax, baby.”
He nods although he really wasn’t sure what your were about to do.
“Look at me.” You whisper. He fought to keep his eyes open and focused on you. When he felt you take the tip of his cock and grind it against the wetness of your pussy, he thought he was going to lose his mind.
“Oh god”. He moans out. It takes every ounce of self control he has to keep from thrusting his hips forward and entering you. He knows how tight you would be and being away you from you for so long, he wants you badly, more than he wants his next breath.
You’re far from unaffected yourself. You were naked. He was on top of you. His chest on perfect display for you, his cock positioned at your entrance, teasing your pussy, causing you to practically drop onto the surface of his desk.
It wouldn’t have taken much. All you would have to do is slide your body a few inches down and he’d be inside you. But you knew this wasn’t the place for it. People would be filing in any minute, if they haven’t already. You can feel your self control beginning to slip so you decide to reposition yourself so that temptation wasn’t just a breath away.
Ted groaned at the loss of sensation, but there was also a sense of relief since he wouldn’t have to fight with his body to remain in control.
Truthfully, he wasn’t sure how much longer he would have been able to hold out. To compensate for the loss, you tighten the grip you had on him and watched his eyes fall shut. You wrapped your legs around him tightly, maintaining smooth, even stokes on his cock.
It wasn’t sex, but it felt amazing. Ted looked down at you, his lips brushing against yours as he continued to thrust into your hand. The sounds of your moans and the feel of your body, naked against his own, was enough to send him to the brink.
He began to move harder and faster against you, his breathing growing more erratic, until with one final push, he finally reached his release. He collapsed against you, trying to catch his breath. Once he finally did, he rolled off you.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He whispers, kissing the side of your head.
“Geez, sorry honey. It looks like I made a mess of you.”
You give him a shy smile as you start to clean yourself off and get redressed, “don’t worry about it.” You assured him. Ted retrieved his boxers and khakis and put them back on. You sneak into the bathroom to finish cleaning yourself up and make it look like you hadn’t just been engaging in incredibly naughty behavior in the workplace.
Once you return, you see Ted with a sheepish expression on his face, holding up a cup of coffee. “Sorry, darling. I bought this for ya this morning but I guess I got so wrapped up in our activity there that I forgot to give it to you. It’s probably cold by now.”
You take the cup from him anyway. “That’s alright.” Truthfully, after what you just did with Ted, you didn’t really think you’d need it.
You could hear the chatter of voice down the hall coming closer. Ted did a quick inspection of the office to make sure you hadn’t left behind any evidence of this morning’s events.
Ted gives you one final kiss goodbye. When he pulls back he whispers, “we’ll um - finish up the rest of this tonight?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, Coach.”
He groans. He can’t tell if you genuinely don’t know how much it turns him on when you call him coach or if you do know and you do it anyway just to get a rise out of him.
“Love you, honey.”
You quip back, “I love you more.”
He grins at you, “I don’t think that’s possible.”
“I guess that’s just something we’ll have to settle tonight too.”
You give him one last kiss and you’re out the door, on the way to your own office before he can even process your words.
Glancing at the clock, he wants to scream at the amount of hours that stand between him and the promised tonight. He loves coaching. His loves this team. but god, he couldn’t stop thinking about you and what you had in store for him.
If he knows you as well as he thinks he does, he was sure it was bound to make him lose his fucking mind.
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A First Time for Everything (18+ Short Fic)
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Pairing: Poly Pro!KirishimaBakugouMina x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: You and your girlfriend Mina have been dating for three amazing years. You couldn’t ask for a better partner–someone who is supportive, loving, and willing to explore new things with you…including in the bedroom. So, after a UA High 5-year reunion when you run into THE Katsuki Bakugou and Eijrou Kirishima, two of the top pros in the game and your old crushes, you don’t expect those past butterflies to come rushing back. And when you find out Mina, Kiri, and Bakugou feel the same, you decide to embark on the journey of experiencing your first-ever foursome and possible polyamorous romance.
Warnings: Smutty Smut, 18+ (MINORS GO AWAY), Unprotected PIV Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), Adult!KiriBakuMina (both are in their late 20s), Alcohol Consumption, Consensual, FOURSOOOME, Poly Romance, Daddy Kink, Deepthroating/Facefucking, Cunnilingus, Spanking, Hair Pulling, Clit Stimulation, Choking, Multiple Positions, Praise Kink, Light Degradation, Couch Sex, Creampies, Facials, Aftercare 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer’s Note: Hiiiiiiii :) I’m back with yet ANOTHER smutty-ass poly short MHA fic cuz I’m a smutty-ass person. This fic is only seven chapters or so cuz I didn’t feel like writing all that lol. Anyhow, I hope y’all enjoy! I appreciate any comments or criticism so feel free to drop any. Love y’all! -Jazz
AO3 Link HERE!
You’d never felt more nervous than you do now standing at the threshold of Dynamight and Red Riot’s ridiculously huge and beautiful home, your hand wrapped tightly in your girlfriend’s.
The two top pro heroes’ home makes your and your partner Mina’s condo look like shit. Your eyes roam over the glass windows and balconies on the upper floors; the large pool and two large cabanas on the patio covered by the tarp to protect from the rain; the personal tennis and basketball courts you can see from your spot at the steps, facing the door. It is truly the epitome of wealth.
It also reminds you that you’re about to enter the home of two pros who you’ve also been crushing on since they hit the scene. It’s a stupid, schoolgirl crush, like the ones you have on celebrities and dreamy characters in books and TV shows. It’s one your girlfriend teases you about often, especially since she knows them so well.
Mina, with her gorgeous, golden eyes and supportive smile, glances at you as you stand together under the overcast clouds in the warm summer night. “Ready?” she asks gently. “We should go inside now before the storm starts. Kiri said we’re free to stay to wait it out later if we want.”
You haven’t even started the night yet and yet the talk of a “later” makes you flush in your light cardigan and sundress that feel soft against your bare thighs and legs. Mina had helped you pick out the outfit and you paired it with some nice simple flats. Your makeup is on the softer side, not wanting to go dramatic for a simple home-cooked dinner and movie.
Mina is much different. She went for a turquoise mini dress that hugs her toned body and shows off her legs, right down to her painted toes peeking out of her open-toed sandals. She looks damn good and you made that known to her during the car ride over with your hand on her thigh and your lips on hers.
The day leading up to tonight wasn’t as bad, with so many tasks and duties distracting you enough to not think about it. But with everything now coming to fruition, you’re less than ready, even though you had agreed to it with enthusiasm. Mina, noticing that you haven’t answered, drops your hand and twists you around. “You’ve got that look on your face,” she comments. You blink at her, confused. “What look?”
“That look you get when you’re deep in thought,” she replies, her tone firm. “Talk to me, babe. What’s wrong? Do you not wanna do this? Because we can turn around right now and–”
“No!” you immediately reply in a frantic snap. She blinks at you, surprised. You sigh deeply, feeling bad for acting like this. After all, you and she are really here because of you. For the past month since that UA High reunion, you and Mina have embarked on a very interesting and very intoxicating voyage that led right to Dynamight and Red Riot.
The reunion was sometime in late April and every person who graduated from UA was in attendance, including Class A-1. Mina took you as her date to celebrate your two-year relationship and to introduce you to old friends and teachers. You had seen some people you were excepting to come, but what you didn’t expect to see at all was Katsuki Bakugou and Ejirou Kirishima.
You had literally bumped into Bakugou while getting yourself a glass of punch from the snack table after an hour of dancing with Mina and the A-1 girls to the music that just seemed to get better and better with every transition. You didn’t quite see where you were going and bumped right into hard muscle and flesh.
“Oh, my God, I’m so sorry!” you immediately apologized. “I didn’t even see…” Your words died in your throat as soon as you looked up into the vermillion eyes and scowl of Bakugou who looked dapper in his burgundy button-down, suit jacket, and tailored pants. He was tall with piercings in his eyebrow and ear and his unruly blonde hair was styled into an undercut that fit him well.
“…you,” you finished, the word coming out of your lips like an exhale.
Bakugou didn’t say anything. He just continued to fix you with that look, similar to that of the old days. You expected him to start yelling at you and call you a dumbass as Mina said he usually did with people he thought were extras back when they were teens, and you mentally braced yourself for the public humiliation of knocking into Dynamight, pro hero number two.
But instead, Bakugou’s face broke as he began to laugh, throwing his head back. “Aw, man!” he cackled. “You should’ve seen your face! You looked like you were gonna piss yourself!” He doubled over, still laughing hysterically.
You stood there, not sure what to do or say. “Katsuki!” someone yelled from behind you. The voice was deep and raspy, similar to Bakugou’s but a bit higher and very familiar to you. You turned to see none other than Ejirou Kirishima in all of his big broadness. He wore a black V-neck that stretched over his broad chest and big pecs that should’ve been illegal, dress slacks, and a burgundy jacket that matched Bakugou’s a little too well.
As he got closer, you mapped out his features: his hair was long, pulled into a low bun; he had his own piercings as well, including in both ears, his eyebrow, and his nipples that you could clearly see through the thin fabric of his shirt; and he was rocking black stubble on his chin and upper lip that resembled a goatee that looked absolutely, ridiculously sexy on him. “Is he bothering you, miss?” he asked gently. “Sorry. He’s a little tipsy.”
You were at a loss for words, too shook to speak. Your heart hammered against your chest, as fast as a hummingbird’s wings. Desperately, you searched for words, but you were luckily saved by your girlfriend. “Kiri!” Mina shouted from behind Katsuki as she raced off the dance floor. “Katsuki!”
Kiri’s crimson eyes widened at the sight of his old friend. “Mina Ashido!” he hollered. “Fuck, girl, it’s been forever!” He swooped in to embrace her, taking her right off the ground. She squealed, wrapping her arms and legs around him before he put her down. “How have you been?” he asked happily. “Pro work treating you well? Fuck, you look amazing! You been growing your hair out?”
“Oi, shitty-hair,” Bakugou grumbled, nudging Kiri hard with his elbow. “Relax with the third degree, huh? You just ran into the girl.” He smirked down at her. “What’s up, shorty? You gonna give me a hug or what?”
Mina giggled and swooped in for a hug, earning a squeeze from Bakugou and his impressive arms. You were surprised at the spark of jealousy you felt seeing your pretty girlfriend get hugged by the two equally pretty men, wanting to feel their arms around you too. “Hey, you guys met Y/N, my girlfriend?” Mina asked once she moved away from Bakugou. She took your hand and brought you closer to the duo, smiling proudly.
“Oh, so this is her?” Kiri asked, grinning down at you. “It’s so nice to meet you! We’ve seen you a lot on Mina’s IG.” He stuck his hand out and you shook it, noticing how much bigger and rougher it was.
Bakugou stuck his hand out too, but you eyed it warily. “Do you really deserve a handshake after laughing at me?” you asked, and he raised a brow at your quip. Mina looked between you two, confused. “Wait, huh?”
As Kiri laughed, you smirked. “Long story.”
“Chill,” Bakugou sighed. “It was a joke. And it was kinda funny.” He stuck out his hand to you once more, smiling. “Come on. Truce?” You stared him down for a while until, finally, you gave in and shook his hand. “Katsuki. Nice to meet you.” He gave you a dazzling smile that nearly left you without your sarcastic front for a moment.
Mina let out a big sigh, shaking her head up at the guys. “Can’t believe the second and forth most popular pros decided to show up for us extras.”
“Hey, the number one is here too,” Kiri replied, referring to Deku. “By the way, congrats on your spot at number seven.” Mina grinned widely at the mention of her accomplishment. “Thanks! It was hard, but I’m happy. But I’m aiming for number six next year. Charge Bolt better watch his fucking back!”
“You guys wanna sit with us?” Kiri nodded at an empty table nearby, claimed by their jackets. “We just got here, so we were just making rounds until we ran this one.” He smiled apologetically at you, filling your stomach with butterflies. “Sorry you had to fall victim to Katsuki’s pregame.” Bakugou rolled his crimson eyes.
“Sure!” Mina answered before turning to you. “Is that okay with you, babe?” You could only muster a nod, too afraid to open your mouth and say something embarrassing. You could hardly believe it when Kiri and Bakugou walked you over to their table where a plate of snacks sits–cheese cubes, crackers and salami, fruit, and pastries. Kiri told you and Mina they were up for grabs as he and Bakugou sat down across from you.
“So what’s been up, stranger?” he asked, grinning at Mina. He sat back against his chair, slinging an arm over Bakugou’s seat. “Sorry it’s been so long since we’ve talked. With trying to keep crime off the streets, it’s been–”
“Hey.” Mina’s tone was firm, but her smile was kind. “No apologies. Life happens and besides, we’re all here now.” She put a hand over Kiri’s and grinned at Bakugou. “Just like old times.” Bakugou smirked at her and you envisioned them all as teens in high school, just like this.
“And we’re finally meeting you too,” Kiri said, giving you a sweet smile. “You pick ‘em well, Mina.” The compliment made you flush under the lights. “Well, she picked me, really,” Mina giggled, nudging you with her knee. “It’s hard to find people that aren’t trying to just fuck a pro in this world. Wanna know how we met?”
She began to tell the story of how you met at a speed-dating event that your friends forced you to attend after a dead-end relationship ended months into dating. Mina was there to meet someone after being tired of hookups or people wanting to date her just for the money or fame aspects. Out of all the dates you had, you clicked with Mina the most, regardless of her status, and picked her to give your number after the event ended. After going home, her eyes, like sunken treasure, and pink curls haunted your dreams.
After the story finished, Kiri asked what you did for work and you were happy to respond, going into detail for both him and Bakugou. “I love what I do,” you said. “And it pays well.”
“How’s it feel to be dating a pro hero, huh?” Kiri then asked, smiling playfully at you. You were happy to answer that too. “Amazing,” you cooed, holding Mina’s hand in yours and gazing into her eyes. “It’s been two years and I still feel like I’m getting to know her every single day.” Mina gave you a dazzling smile. “The feeling’s mutual.”
While Kiri audibly “aww”ed at you, Bakugou clicked his tongue against his mouth, rolling his eyes. “You guys are disgusting,” he grumbled before taking a sip of punch that may or may not be spiked with something.
“So what about you?” you asked, more to play with him than actually know. Bakugou glared at you for even asking. “Anybody have you wrapped around your finger? Or you, Eji?” Kiri glanced at Bakugou and a blush coated his cheeks. “Uh, you could say that…”
He glanced again at Bakugou who scowled back at him but it isn’t mean or cold. If anything, it was affectionate. Slowly, the puzzle pieces began to fit together. Wait,” you gasped softly. “Are you two dating?” The guys silently looked at you, neither saying yes nor no. “Seriously?!” you whispered, mouth agape. “I thought those were just rumors!”
For a while, there had been rumors of Dyanmight and Red Riot being more than just coworkers or friends.
“Nope,” Kiri replied, validating your suspicions. “It’s the real deal, but we’ve been keeping it under wraps since the damn paparazzi will make a story out of our dating lives than what we do as heroes.” Bakugou huffed at the mention of them. “Fuckin’ losers.”
You leaned in towards Mina. “Did you know?” you whispered in her ear. She leaned in, nearly knocking your forehead with hers. “Yeah, but they swore me to secrecy. They’d been dating since high school on and off ‘cause of Bakugou’s emotional issues.” She turns to her friends, smiling as Kiri tells Bakugou a joke and he tries not to laugh. “But I guess they’ve gotten stronger.”
You leaned away from Mina, clearing your throat. “So are you guys here together together or…?”
“Nah, just as friends,” Kiri replied. “Which we’re trusting you to keep a secret. Can we make sure you don’t go flapping your gums to some trashy tabloid?” He gave you a mock-serious stare that made your heart knock a little faster against your chest, especially combined with Bakugou’s intense glare.
Luckily for you, the alcohol was working its magic and you leaned in with a smile. “Boys, your secret is safe with me,” you slyly said, crossing your heart. “So.” You curled your fist under your skin, smiling at the attractive pro couple sitting across from you. “What’s been up with you pros?”
The reunion lasted for another hour, most of it spent with Kiri and Bakugou laughing, talking, and trying to get Bakugou to dance. When the night ended, you felt like you knew the couple well and felt yourself feeling sad without them as they walked you and Mina outside the school.
As Mina started the car with her keys, Kiri gave each of you a hug. You felt safe and warm in his muscular arms, those butterflies becoming annoying as he squeezed you to his hard chest. “You girls stay safe, alright?” he said. “We’ll follow you home if you want.”
You giggled as Mina rolled her eyes playfully. “Always the protective one.” Kiri shrugged, still looking concerned for you–it was cute. “Hey, what can I say? Crime is lurking around every corner.”
“Stop killing my buzz, shitty hair!” Bakugou growled after he started his sportscar. Mina laughed as she walked to the car, ready to go home and sleep. Before you could follow her, Bakugou grabbed your hand. Your eyes glanced at his hand in yours before looking into those eyes like rubies. “Mina can give you our numbers. You’re gonna call, right?”
Though his tone sounded rough, which you realized was just his natural voice, you weren’t intimidated at all. He sounded hopeful and his eyes almost held a plea in them that you couldn’t refuse. “Y-Yeah,” you stuttered out, surprised you could even speak.
Bakugou nodded once, looking pleased by that, before Kiri butted in and pressed an unexpected kiss to your cheek. “It was nice meeting you, Y/N,” he whispered, his peppermint-fresh breath fanning in your face. “We hope to see you again soon.”
And you hoped that too. God, did you hope that with all your being!
Mina seemed to want that too because in the weeks after the reunion, the four of you were talking nonstop in the group chat made for you, meeting up on lunch breaks, and going out for day and night activities. It was the most fun you’d had with other people besides Mina and after a while, in your stupid brain that seemed to love to torture you with your girlish fantasies, started to think of your activities as dates.
However, your feelings for Kiri and Bakugou transformed into something more intimate and sensual, not quite a schoolgirl crush anymore, when you all went out for drinks one Friday night after your shift ended. Kiri and Bakugou had picked you up at your office while Mina met you there later after her patrols ended.
You had been there for two hours when the drinks started hitting and everything seemed warmer and bubblier, and Bakugou’s story about his and Kiri’s nightclub romp with an obsessed fan that much funnier. “No way!” Mina shouted while you giggled uncontrollably.
“I’m telling you it happened,” Bakugou grinned as Kiri took a sip of his beer. “She fucking threw herself at Kiri and me butt naked and proclaimed her undying love to us.” He shivered at the memory. “That’s the last time we tried anything new, like that damn nightclub.”
“Aw, come on, Katsuki,” Mina cooed, sipping her third cocktail of the night. “Trying new things is good! Y/N and I do it all the time: new restaurants, new activities, new toys–” She covered her mouth immediately and you froze, your drink at your lips. “That slipped out,” she said apologetically to you.
You could’ve hidden in embarrassment at your tipsy girlfriend’s big mouth. Kiri and Bakugou stared you two down, eyes wide. “Wait, wait,” Kiri said with a guffaw, “now you have to finish that thought. What do you mean ‘toys’?”
“What do you think she means, dumbass?” Bakugou snickered. “Sex toys.” Kiri raised his pierced brow, surprised by delighted by your and Mina’s secret. “You two are freaky like that?”
“Sex toys aren’t even that freaky!” you laughed, the alcohol influencing your looseness. “And yes, we like to indulge in new things from time to time to spice up our sex life.” “Like any loving, long-term couple would.”
Kiri and Bakugou shared an unreadable look. “Like what?” Bakugou grumbled. “Name ‘em.”
Mina looked at you for permission and you nodded, a light, tipsy giggle on your lips. She hummed to herself, counting them off on her fingers. “We’ve done shibari, a bit of dabbling in BDSM, handcuffs, roleplay…” She glanced at you thoughtfully. “We forgetting something?”
“We’ve done all that too,” Kiri snickered. “Katsuki is fond of handcuffs.” Bakugou growled while you began thinking of him handcuffed to Kiri’s headboard, body on full display. “So what’s something you two haven’t tried yet that you’d want to in the bedroom?” he asked, glancing at you. “We’ll start with you.”
Then all eyes were on you, anticipating your answer. You flushed under their gazes and the heat of the lights above, suddenly regretting drinking the cocktails. “Um…” You stirred your straw around your glass, avoiding their eyes. “I’ve always wanted to have a foursome with another couple.”
“Really?” Kiri asked, sounding shocked. “Even with you being possessive, Mina?” Mina giggled. “Anything my baby wants, she gets.” Her pet name made you flush. “Plus I’ve always wanted to try it too. I’ll try anything once.”
“Same here,” Kiri replied, and Bakugou hummed in agreement.
“But we could never find any good couples to do that with,” Mina continued. “People are fuckin’ weird, especially to pros. Yeah, we’re celebs in a way, but we’re people too. You don’t have to constantly flaunt that you had sex with one.”
You nodded because yes, it’s been hard to really put your fantasy into action ever since you let Mina in on it. “So why a foursome, cutie?” Kiri asked, and you flicked your eyes up to him finally.
You wish you didn’t. His and Bakugou’s vermillion eyes on you felt too personal. Too intimate. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to feel secure. “I don’t know.” Bakugou grunted, shaking his head. “That ain’t an answer.”
You sighed, realizing they wouldn’t let up until you gave them an honest, stripped answer. So, with a sip of your cocktail, you gave it to them: “Mina and I have been together for two years. When we met, we’ve always been adventurous and willing to try new things with each other to excite our sex life. I figured maybe being with another couple would be fun to experience together and maybe make our relationship stronger, I guess.”
After you finished, you peered at Kiri and Bakugou through your lashes, smirking. “Was that an answer?” you boldly ask. They didn’t answer you, but those hot gazes stayed on their faces.
You shifted in your seat, feeling warm–and not from the alcohol. “As pros, I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of rendezvous together, right?” you asked, your voice coming out breathless. Kiri shook his head, answering for Bakugou. “No?” you asked, shocked.
“We’re definitely not against it,” he explained. “It’s just not something we’ve tried before. Can’t say it doesn’t sound hot though.” He grinned toothily at you and it filled your body with butterflies.
He leaned back in his seat, exposing the stretch of his muscles in his tight, white tee. “Only problem is we’re both possessive, so if we have sex with other people, it has to be together.” He looked between you and Mina, eyes hooded. You passed it off as the alcohol’s influence. “And the partners we manage to rendezvous with have to be ours entirely. Feels better that way, in my opinion.”
Bakugou was fixing you with the same gaze, his eyes never breaking from either you nor Mina. “Agreed,” he softly growled.
A week after that conversation, you knew you were attracted to them. There was no denying it or keeping it from Mina any longer. So, one Saturday afternoon, you decided to go on a walk with Mina in your local park.
Hand in hand and away from the joggers, dogwalkers, and school kids out for the weekend, you got up the nerve to tell her your damning secret. “I have to tell you something,” you nervously began, “and I’m only telling you because I love you and I know that communication is key in healthy relationships.”
Mina stopped walking and stared at you, trying to hide her worry. “Okay.”
Under the blooming trees in the late-spring breeze, you allowed yourself to come clean despite the nervous pricks at your skin. You inhaled deeply and exhaled, “I’m feeling some type of way for Kiri and Bakugou.”
Mina blinked at you, never responding. “Not in a bad way!” you rushed to explain. “I like them a lot, but…just in a friendly way.”
Once again, she wordlessly blinked at you and you groaned, frustrated. “Fuck, I’m attracted to them! I don’t know how it happened, but every time we’re together, I just feel hot all over and I can’t focus on anything but them. And, of course, I’m attracted to you too, but now it’s like I’m attracted to all three of you. …Am I making sense?”
You stopped your word vomit momentarily to look at your girlfriend, screaming internally for a response. Finally, after staring you down, she replied. “Yes, and I feel the same way.” Now it was your turn to blink at her, shocked. “Y-You do?” you stuttered softly.
Mina toyed with the stray string on her oversized yellow sweater, shy. “I didn’t tell you this before,” she admitted, “but Kiri, Baku, and I had an FWB thing back in high school for a short time. It only lasted for a semester because we decided we worked better as friends, but…” She sighed, looking conflicted. “My crush on them never faded and I guess seeing them again only made it flare back up. I didn’t wanna tell you because it felt like I was cheating on you in some way.”
You swear you could’ve kissed her right there. Relief flooded through you like the cool spring breeze did in your lungs. “Me too,” you confessed. “I felt so bad that I felt this way about other people, let alone a couple.”
Mina’s shoulders dropped in relief and she reached for your hand, squeezing it. “I’m so glad we were able to talk about this,” you sighed happily. “Which brings me to my next topic…” You felt those nervous pricks again, that flip in your stomach nearly making you not say it. “Uh…you know how you’ve always wanted a foursome, but we could never find the right couple to do it with?”
Mina quirks an eyebrow. “Yeah…”
You flushed, biting your lower lip. “Um…w-well…I’m starting to think that maybe Kiri and Katsuki are the right couple.”
Realization cleared in your girlfriend’s gold eyes. “Y/N, are you saying you’d want to have a foursome with my best friends?” she asked lowly. You stared down at your shoes, waiting for her to refuse and break up with you. “Because if so, I’d happily go along with it.”
You stared back up at her, shook. “Wait, seriously?”
Mina laughed, the sound startling. “Shit, yeah!” she shouted cheerfully. “When I talk on the phone with the guys, you should hear the way they talk about you. And when we’re out, the looks they give you aren’t exactly subtle or friendly.”
She smirked as you flushed over her words. “I’ve been feeling this way for a while too, but I wanted to make sure you got to know them first before we really talked about it, y’know?”
You could’ve done more than kiss her at that moment. You could’ve fucked her right there in the park. “Babe…” Joy filled you, making you giggle deliriously. “I can’t believe this is real.”
“Believe it, baby,” Mina hummed, closing the gap between you both with a peck on your lips. “We can talk about it more, but would you want me to call the guys and suggest it to them? Though something tells me they’d be down for it anyway.” Her hands go for your hips, holding you close. “They wouldn’t know how good they got it, fucking a pretty girl at the same time.”
Heat pooled between your thighs at her dirty words and you wrapped your arms around her. “You mean two pretty girls at the same time,” you cooed. “Thank you, Mina, for this.”
She smiled at you, nudging your nose with hers. “Thank me when we get a yes.”
And a very enthusiastic and quick yes from both the guys is what you got. That week, you and Mina were going over boundaries and kinks with Kiri and Bakugou while out for coffee, the conversation barely sexual and serious. You wouldn’t have expected to have gotten turned on over a latte while Kiri and Bakugou listened intently to all your likes and dislikes, your ins and outs, as if committing them all to memory.
They had decided to invite you and Mina over for a date night before your fantasy took place. Bakugou demanded he cook while Kiri took care of the cleaning and picking the movies. It was a sweet gesture, especially given the context of the date night.
That is how you find yourself here now, facing your own fantasy head-on and feeling horrible for making Mina worry so much. “I’m sorry, Mina,” you sigh apologetically. “I guess I’m just a little nervous. I mean, fantasies are different from reality.”
Mina nods, squeezing your hand tightly. “I understand,” she softly says. “But remember, babe: this is about you. If you’re having second thoughts or you feel that you aren’t ready, please let me know. This can either be just a normal dinner or we can leave.”
You nod, exhaling deeply. Though her words comfort you, those damn butterflies still frantically flap their wings against your stomach, making you want to bolt. ‘No!’ you think, irked with yourself and your anxiety. ‘You’re not leaving. You have nothing to worry about.’
Mina suddenly drops your hand and comes up behind you, distracting you from your thoughts.
“But it’d be a shame to waste such an outfit,” she purrs into your ear as her hand toys with the hem of your sundress that stops mid-thigh. “I’m sure Bakugou would love to see you in this. He has a thing for your legs.” She giggles the hitch in your breath as her hand glides up and under your dress. “Just looking at your body in this dress is doing things to me.”
Her fingers glide across the naked skin of your thigh, dangerously close to your underwear. “Mina…” Her name is a nervous whimper on your lips, afraid that someone might see.
Luckily, you get a warning first when the front door to Dynamight and Red Riot’s home cracks open. Mina immediately snatches her hand away from you and grins at the very handsome and grinning Kiri that greets you. “Hey, you guys made it!” he cheerfully states. “C’mon inside before it rains.”
With a supportive glance your way, Mina grabs your hand and takes you inside.
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 2 months
Not Ready - Part Two
Summary: You've been with the Bad Bath for a few months - things are going a little rough with Hunter
A/N: Hello lovelies,
I've actually wrote more to this story, so there are three parts, I'll upload the first one today, the remaining three each week. I hope you all love this as much as you loved the first one.
Love oo.
Italics - flashback
Warnings: Angst, irritations, yelling, lack of trust, slavers, electroshock collars, cuffs, alcohol, being told to leave, I think that's it. Let me know if I miss anything.
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Months passed since you joined Omega and her brothers, at first things between you and Hunter were … well it wasn’t great. In fact, you could say, things were downright frosty, at times you were both ready to kill each other, and other times it was if you both were walking on the edge of a knife. Leaned too far one way or the other, you would’ve fallen over.
Maybe the animosity started when Echo suggested they go to Ord Mantell and get help from Cid. It had been the most ridiculous notion you ever heard, why would you go and seek help from someone Echo never even met? How could you trust this person? Maybe you should’ve kept your opinions to yourself, but that wasn’t you, especially when their decisions could’ve put you at risk.
“Are you crazy? You want to go and ask for help from someone you don’t even know!” You yelled after Tech eloquently pointed out that the Jedi who trusted this Cid are all dead. 
“You need to back off” Hunter stood facing you, “I don’t hear you offering any suggestions.”
“I can go on my own and meet Fennec, find out why she was after Omega.”
“And let you leave my sight? I don’t think so.” He clenched his fists by his side.
“You still don’t trust me?”
“Still? Was there ever a point where I actually did?” It wasn’t exactly that he didn’t trust you, it was the fact he didn’t know you and didn’t trust you. 
“If I was going to foul you up with Fennec, I would’ve done that on Pandora, buddy!” You poked him in his chest, narrowing your eyes at him. No one said anything, as the tension between the two of you grew. 
“She has a point.” Omega’s voice echoed off the comm links, everyone turned to look at her. You couldn’t help smirk at her adorable way of easing the tension. 
Things got icier after you met Cid, especially when you felt you were right about Cid, you had pulled Hunter aside, and told him as much before you all left to find this Muchi. 
“We need to find another way.”
“There is no other way.”
“There is, but you’re too stubborn to listen to reason.”
“Listen, Butterfly, I appreciate that you helped rescue Omega, and for some strange reason she’s fond of you. That is the only reason I’m giving you any slack, but you have no say in this; we’re going to rescue this Muchi, and that’s all there is to it.”
He stormed off back to the Marauder, as though that was the end of the conversation. However, you had a chance to further your point, when you were captured by the Zygerrian slave traders, and had to leave it to Omega to rescue you all.
“Oh what a great idea!” You mocked Hunter, as you sat beside Tech, “I know next time, I’ll walk up to a random stranger, and say hey random stranger, I'm looking for intel, why don’t you give me some weird task so you can give me that intel. Oh, did I mention I’m a gullible fool and have absolutely no faith you’re actually going to get the information I requested. Sounds like a deal?” 
You couldn’t hide your irritation, as you narrowed your eyes at Hunter. You did your best however, to keep your voice low as much as possible, especially since one of those traders was all too happy to use the electro-collar. 
“Can you not just stay quiet? I mean seriously, stop talking.” Hunter whispered back.
Neither of you noticed how the other three simply rolled their eyes at the both of you, or the fact they had a pool going as to how long it would be before something happened between you, either death or romance. 
“When I see someone make a bad decision, that impacts me directly …” you jostled your chained wrists, making a point that Hunter looked at your cuffs, “I tend to get cranky and pissed off.”
“Well you can leave at any time.”
You let out an annoyed laugh, “I’m not giving you the satisfactions, and until Omega tells me to leave, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me.” You narrowed your eyes at him again, as handsome and rugged as he was, at that moment all you wanted to do was pull his hair. 
Maybe that’s why now, as you made the climb following Omega and Hunter, you couldn’t help but wonder if this was the right idea to head back to the ship. The Empire wasn’t far behind, despite blowing up the engine they were after all of you with a fury. The only saving grace was that they didn’t know who you were at this current moment otherwise things could have gotten worse for them. This is why you made a point not to get close to anyone, not to stay in one place for too long, something you tried to explain to the guys and Omega, when Cid offered her ‘mutually beneficial arrangement.’ You already knew it was a bad idea, you tried to convince them to not take up Cid’s offer, to keep moving, to not stay in one place but you were outvoted.
You sat at an outdoor cafe, drinking what was supposed to be ale, but you couldn’t exactly be sure. Either way, it was strong liquor and that’s all you needed at this moment. 
“Easy on that stuff.”
Force, his voice was starting to grate on your nerves, it was either ‘watch this’, ‘don’t do that’, you slammed the drink down on the table, looking up to meet Hunter’s eyes. “You know, surprisingly enough I’ve managed to survive all this time without you, no injuries, no issues, however, since I’ve met you, I’ve had to fight for my life with Fennec, run away from stormtroopers, deal with getting electrocuted by Zygerrian slavers, and … oh yes, having to deal with Cid. So thanks, but no thanks. I’m done listening to you.”
“Then leave.”
“I told you, I’m not leaving until Omega tells me to go.” There was that tension again, “Maybe, what you need to realize is that I have more experience in this universe than you do.”
“Meaning what?”
“Meaning, you’re going to get played by that woman! You need to get out now!”
“There seems to be a point you are not understanding,” he placed his hand beside your arm, the heat from his very large, very muscular and exceptionally strong hand radiating warmth through your arm, “You are a guest here, Butterfly, remember that. You’re not in charge, and if you don’t like how my family and I operate, then leave. However,” he leaned closer, his eyes piercing your own, the scent of his musk circling around you, “I will not have you acting like some spoiled child who doesn’t know how to communicate in front of Omega. For some reason she looks up to you, you will behave accordingly, and if you have a disagreement, you can either talk about it calmly or pull me aside out of earshot of everyone and behave like the insane crazy woman you are.”
You slowly stood, facing him, both your eyes locked in a show for dominance. 
“I think you’re intimidated by me, because heaven forbid, I’m smarter, more experienced, and more capable than you.”
“You think I’m intimidated by the likes of you?” 
The tension that seemed to appear at random between you two, seemed to have returned with force, as your eyes slowly drifted to his lips and back to his eyes. You didn’t move away, neither did he. It was as though the tension between the two of you overwhelmed and distorted reality. You pulled back, when a strange sensation shifted in your heart, it scared you. That’s not what you wanted or longed for; just because you may have trusted them to a certain extent, didn’t mean he deserved a space in your heart. 
“I don’t think, I know. But think whatever you want,” all the anger and frustration that had been building, seem to ebb away, “I’m telling you though, I’ve known people like Cid before; they’ll try to con you, and use you as long as it benefits them. The moment you’re no longer useful to her, that’s the moment she’ll turn on you.” You picked up your cup, and chugged back the rest of your drink wiping away the dribble, “You’ve been warned.” You slammed the cup down and walked away. 
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nerdieforpedro · 5 months
Patrolling on Christmas
Joel Miller x plus size female reader
Fanfiction rating: Teens and up
My blog overall is 18+
Word Count: approx 2.5k
Summary: Joel prefers patrol rather to be around others at Christmas, even after spending a few years in Jackson. He’s paired up with you on patrol and it’s not so bad. If asked, he may even say fair.
Warnings: Post outbreak, cursing, Joel is a grump, depression, survivors’ remorse/guilt, jokes about The Bard, damn knees and back, a fall, minor injury, ending fluff
Notes: I wanted to write Christmas Joel. I was going for sweet & happy. Post-outbreak Joel cropped up and my post shift mood determined that This is The Way. Merry Christmas 🎄 It’s got a sliver of sweet.
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“Patrol can wait a day Joel. I don’t get why you’re still so damn weird about Christmas. It’s just all of us gathering at the Tipsy Bison and talking shit. No one’s going to ask you to do anything, not even me for fuck’s sake.” Elle threw her hands up in the air in frustration.
“...Language Elle.” Joel reminded her.
“I mean, I agree, language, but she’s right. There’s other people on rotation who can-” Tommy with his arms crossed explains, trying to put on a stern face. Doesn’t affect Joel at all.
“Shut it. I said I’m goin’. That’s it. See you tonight.” Heavy boots stepped out of the house and stopped on the porch looking back. “Have fun. Stay out of trouble.” With that, he adjusted the rifle that was over his shoulder and made his way to the perimeter to meet up with his patrol partner. He was expecting Sam or John but tried to control his eyebrows raising at the sight of you. He thought you’d join the others at the festivities.
Just like in the world before the outbreak, no one wanted to work holidays. The few holidays that were still celebrated anyway. Joel volunteered in part because the holidays always reminded him of the people he’d lost and it kept his brain from wandering to the dark recesses of his mind. If he kept busy, followed tasks and tired himself to the point of exhaustion, he’d briefly say goodnight to Elle and collapse in his bed. Then he may be blessed with the void of sleep, where his mistakes and failings may not play back through his head because he’s shut down.
The former smuggler wasn’t disappointed or annoyed that you’d be patrolling with him. In fact, it was likely best. You alternated between silence and run-on sentences about any and everything. That also removed his thoughts from being on himself. He even found himself chuckling on occasion at something you’d say that he found funny. He knew you didn’t mean it to come out that way, but hearing about horoscopes that you thought you remembered and comparing them with Maria and the other ladies based on some old papers they’d found was weird as it was ridiculous to Joel. It was good to have a bit of silliness in this hopeless world.
The both of you checked your weapons, you had a revolver in addition to your rifle. You said that you won it in a bet with Fred that Joel would ‘fire’ you as a patrol partner. Joel was curious as to why. You didn’t look directly at him when you told him why. Your gift of gab and keeping things light as well as your build which was short, stocky and thought to be poor for evading clickers, raiders and hunters. Fred wasn’t wrong in that respect outright, but you’d learned to either hide well or improve your aim to prevent them from getting to you.
Joel noted that Fred was a bigger asshole than he thought.
“Doesn't matter. What does is that I get the job done and come home. Let’s go.” Joel followed your lead, it seemed the bet you’d have with Fred had spurred action in you, not a bad thing, but it’s best to keep a cool head.
“Keep focused. Raiders and clickers don’t give two shits about Christmas.” Joel adjusted his rifle again as the two of you walked, it was a familiar path around the Jackson settlement. Shorter than normal patrol.
“I almost thought Elle was with me instead of you Miller with you talking like that.” A light laugh made Joel feel more at ease. ‘That’s more like normal. Am I sounding like Elle? Dammit.’ He wondered if he needed to worry about his own language use. The sun was high behind the clouds, peeking through every so soften as the crunch of grass and dirt was heard from both of your boots.
You still weren’t saying much and Joel had no clue what to say to get you talking. He suggested about halfway that you both sit on a rock. You offered it to him first on account of his knees. Joel’s face contorted into a scowl and refused to sit until you sat down first. When you saw that he was serious, you sat down and patted the space left on the rock and he took his seat next to you. The elder Miller brother turned away from you to keep an eye out as you did on your side. His knees stopped screaming at him that they ached, they only whispered now.
The crisp air reminded Joel that he was alive. His hair flopped with the wind, his eyes squinting slightly to get a better look at the trees and lake in the distance. He flexed and relaxed his fingers, feeling calm when he should be on high alert. Sometimes Joel found himself concerned that he wasn’t built for a calmer life. That he desired the chaos of the unknown instead of the predictability of the commune “Tommy refused to call a spade a spade. The damn place is nice, but it is a commune…” Joel muttered aloud grinning, he recalled discussing it with his brother and him being so adamant about it.
“I mean, a rose by any other name is, well not a rose. I feel like it's supposed to be more poetic than that.” Her answer made Joel turn his head slightly before keeping his face front, he still needs to be aware of any threats.
“I never had much use for The Bard. Especially now. The hell’s that pentameter shit gonna do with a clicker?”
“I’m surprised you remember that Joel. I just remember Romeo and Juliet. Hamlet. Tights and Plays, I think.”
“Full of surprises darlin’, even with these sore knees.” The broad man stood as you turned to look back at him. Hair bouncing on his head and a wry smile on his face. “We should get a move on, ya good?” He saw you nod and stand, though he couldn’t quite make out the look on your face. Maybe he did really surprise you, the thought alone made Joel put a half a pep in his step. His knees would be back to screeching soon enough. This time around you let him lead as you chatted about what the both of you knew about Shakesphere, neither of you remembered much so the two of you started making up things that he may put in a Christmas play.
“There’s gotta be some weird trickster spirit fairies that give good children presents and punish bad children. Plus ghosts, there’s usually a ghost.”
“Hamlet’s daddy came back as a ghost right? Might be a dead relative of whoever the play’s ‘bout. Also need a big feast. There’s also food.”
“Don’t talk about food Joel, I’m going to be even more hungry.”
“They always have turkey legs and grapes and wine at those things I think. I feel like that’s what was always in them plays as props.”
“You’ve seen a Sharkesphere play?”
There was a moment where Joel was quiet. “Now Darlin’ keep this to yourself. I maybe was one of those cousins of Romeo or Juliet. Don’t ‘member which one thou.” he heard you stop walking and looked to see what was wrong. Your face was beaming with this piece of information. Joel almost regretted it, but still wanted you to know. He needed not to think about why, he’d go back in the recesses of his mind again that connected to those emotions. They’re locked away to keep him functioning. “Told ya we gotta move. I’ll leave you right there.” He began walking again and heard your steps move to catch up with him.
It was when the gate to Jackson was within view. It was another period of silence after finishing the conversation about the bard and you asking several questions about Joel’s short stint in acting. He said it didn’t suit him and continued with football. You then asked if maybe he sang since they can sometimes go hand in hand. That wasn’t what did it, Joel heard you tell him that he had the voice for it. Sure it was a little raspy, but what he was able to communicate in verbal and non-verbal cues suited some songs.
Joel Miller is not an easy man to surprise. He’s seen too much, done too much and been through too much for that. At least he thought he had, and when he stopped walking, his foot got caught on some underbrush and he tried to break his fall. His left hand hitting a sharp rock and he went down. Would he be able to get up? How badly was he injured? He didn’t feel his knees right now…nope, never mind. He felt them, even more than before. He heard you yell and move by his side, he was slightly out of it and you weren’t able to lift him all the way.
“Sweetheart, don’t ruin your back. Gimmie a few.” He told you, sure he was embarrassed but he could sulk about that later. Joel really did need to get off the ground. It was cold, he was sore and anything could happen. He’s completely open. Slowly, he rolled on his side and sat up with a loud groan. The worried look on your face made him sigh, he’s supposed to be the experienced one here and he falls right in front of home basically. “Hands darlin’.” Joel stretched his large hands toward yours and you pulled him up, using your body weight to force him upright. He hopped up and took a minute to adjust, large hands holding your small ones. Joel knew he held them a few seconds more than was necessary, but he told himself it was to ensure he was steady so he wouldn’t fall again. But he knew it wasn’t, and it was no help when you decided to walk at side by side with one of your hands on his back. Normally he’d fight you on it as he did with the rock, but he doesn’t mind it being there and understands that you’re trying to help.
Your hand left Joel’s back when you two could see the guards at Jackson’s gate. Joel decided the least he could do was walk you back to your house after reporting in. Nothing unusual, no raiders or clickers. No news was good news. Your house is smaller than Joel’s, it is meant for one person. A small wreath is on your door with a red and gold bow.
“Maria said I had to put something on my door. I’ve never been much for decorating. You have to put it away later.” You explained and unlocked your door, letting him in. You had a couch, kitchen, cabinet with a few books and a dented wooden globe. Tommy had let you keep it and you weren the only person interested in it so he said it was fine you took the thing. All of them had pieces of garland on them. “Sit down Joel, I’m gonna wrap your hand.”
Joel instead walked over to the sink and rinsed his hand under some cold water. “Nah darlin’ you’ve done plenty.” Apparently, you’d had a small first-aid kit. Joel wondered what you may have traded to get one, or what you may have done to earn one.
“If you won’t sit, then I’ll wrap it while you stand. You might want to be nice to your knees though. I won’t have you falling in here.” You’re teasing him, he doesn’t hate it. Joel resigns himself to his fate and plops on your couch, noting some mistletoe on the wooden post next to the loveseat he just sat on. It looked like it was slapped up there. “Maria and Kelly decorated, hence all the garland, I never noticed that though.” Your eyes rolled and you sat next to Joel and took some supplies out of the kit, dabbing and cleaning his hand before adding some clean gauze and wrapping it. You taped it and Joel complemented your work, it was better that it was covered as to stave off an infection. He knew he didn’t need anything like that.
Not thinking about it, Joel patted your thigh before standing up, “Thanks darlin’. Didn’t mean to cause trouble. I’ll be on my way.” He realized he needed to go. It’s been too long any he can’t. He needs to wrap his head around this if he can. Maybe not his head. He just made room for Elle in his heart, would he have room for you too? Did you even want to be there? You’re friendly and talkative with everyone, it just seems special because Joel is aware of how prickly he is. But you’re not treating him differently, he’s reading into it. He may be heavily starved for companionship.
Those heavy boots of his start to carry him toward your door. He’s bid you goodbye, but you grab his arm. “Darlin’ I-”
“Joel, wait.” He closes his eyes for a moment, then stops. His boots step toward you, Joel looks down at you, trying to discover what’s on your face, but it’s something he recognizes - longing. “Could I just, just close your eyes Joel.” He shakes his head, but your grip on his arm doesn’t wane, he allows his body to relax with an exhale.
“S’alright. Don’t feel ya hafta do-”
“I don’t have to do anything. Yes, I know. Just close your eyes will you? This is the most I’ve heard you talk today Joel.” He ended up bending forward slightly, tipping his chin down and his face toward you. A pair of soft lips touched his cheek, right above his graying beard. “M-Marry Christmas Joel. That’s all I wanted to do.”
A smirk spread on Joel’s face, “Sure about that Sweetheart?” He was aware he was playing a dangerous game, but it was enjoyable. He was one for some risk. You huffed which he found adorable, your other hand found its way to his cheek and pinched him.
“I’m sure Joel Miller. Go on home and rest. Your back and knees will thank you. Dream of the bard while you’re at it.” Joel and you chuckled and you lowered your hand as he caught it, kissing the back of it and then your forehead.
“Not going to dream of some puffy bard darlin’, got someone a lot sweeter on my mind. Merry Christmas to you too. Sleep well.” Your grip on his arm loosened and he dropped your hand, heading to the door before opening and exiting your home. He stood on the porch to hear you lock it, then he started walking to he and Elle’s home.
Joel Miller might be ready to let someone in this Christmas.
Joel Miller’s Sweethearts: @morallyinept @fhatbhabie @goodwithcheese @trulybetty @for-a-longlongtime @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @musings-of-a-rose @rhoorl @laurfilijames @avastrasposts @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @megamindsecretlair @saturn-rings-writes @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @maggiemayhemnj @undercoverpena @alltheglitterandtheroar @pedrodascal @linzels-blog @lincolndjarin @pedritapascal @sp00kymulderr @movievillainess721 @perotovar @pamasaur @magpiepillsjunior @yorksgirl @guelyury @legendary-pink-dot
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
fast car | part 1/?
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general series tags/warnings: slow burn, mentions of family history of substance use, implied economic disparity in relationship, angst typical of co-workers to lovers stories, family drama
summary: all things considered you don’t have it that bad. your four year old little boy is happy, and you’re happy- finally in a place where getting out of bed in the morning doesn’t feel like a herculean task. but things could be better, which is why you take the PA job on a movie filming down the road. you can work when jack is in school, bring in some extra money- and be able to say you helped make a movie. unlike your mom insists, you didn’t take the job to ‘meet someone’- let alone austin butler. funny how your mom’s intuition is never wrong.
word count: 2152
i live for comments and love talking about my writing, feel free to pop me an anon anytime!
“Momma, I don’ wanna go to school.”
You laugh a little at how serious Jackson sounds in contrast with how he looks sitting in his carseat in a Spiderman hoodie with matching velcro shoes. He pushes his eyebrows together, arms crossed lightly over his chest. A few hairs from the top knot you'd thrown his hair into fall out and frame his face- that when he’s being indignant, according to your mother, looks exactly like yours.
“Well,” You start as you park the car, looking at him in the rearview mirror as you unclip your seatbelt. “You don’t have a choice buddy, mommy has to go to work.”
His eyebrows go from furrowed to pushed up, the confusion evident on his face. Which is fair- given that for the past year you've been working nights, a neighbor coming over to stay in the house while he sleeps.
"Nuh-uh," He insists, jabbing his pointer finger out the car window at the sun. "Not nigh' time."
“I’m working somewhere different now- and you wanna know something really cool?” You start as you go around to the passenger side door, opening it and helping him unbuckle his chest clip. “My new job is helping people make a movie.”
The job in question more or less fell into your lap- literally, a job posting for production assistants coming off the community information board at your last gig when you were closing up for the night. You'd applied mostly as a joke with a friend, and when she got a rejection email you accepted you would too.
Except you didn't.
The four year old seems to perk up a little at that, taking your hand to hop down out of the car.
“That’s cool momma,” He says, swinging your hand as you walk towards the building that he looks at through squinted eyes. “But I s'ill don’t wanna go."
Chuckling to yourself, you bend down to kiss his head.
“You’ll live, baby.” You say lightly, squeezing his shoulder before directing him into line with the other kids in his class waiting to go inside. “Love love love you, be good, have fun!” You continue a little louder as he reluctantly ran off, watching him for a second before going back to your car.
- - -
Pulling out of the school parking lot, you let the GPS direct you to the filming location that had been sent in the pre-shoot email the night before, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel as you drive. You feel a little ridiculous for being so nervous. This isn’t a glamorous gig on a Warner Bros lot down the street from Hollywood Boulevard. It’s Ohio.
And yet pulling up to the lot seeing the line of trailers still makes your stomach flip over on itself.
Check in is easy enough, you go through an orientation that feels a little quick with the other PA and tour the lot before being split off. You’re in the office helping make copies off a call list when the woman who had been introduced as a supervisor clears her throat.
Looking up from her phone when you turn your head, her thumbs still linger over the keyboard as she speaks.
“Could you go grab Mr. Butler and bring him to set A?” She says lightly, glancing down to look at the time. “He should just be finishing up in hair and makeup now.”
You nod and finish making the copy you were working on, your chest tightening a little.
There was making copies and there was having to interact with the people in this movie. Which you signed up for, you try to remind yourself as you chew on your lip. And you’re familiar with most of them. Your little sister and self proclaimed theatre nerd had squealed into the phone when she realized you’d be working with Mike Faist, and your mom is a Tom Hardy fan.
Your mother is also an Elvis Presley fan, and saw the recent biopic no short of eight times over the summer. She dragged you with her on round four, and you thought it was alright.
But sitting in a movie theater watching him pretend to be Elvis for three is hours is about the only context you have for the actor you’re walking across the lot to go meet.
The hair and makeup trailer doors are open when you approach, which makes you feel a degree more intimidated. But you step just inside, a girl holding a makeup brush turning to you when she hears the footsteps.
Who you assume to be Austin is in the chair next to her, and follows her gaze as he turns.
The first thing you notice is that he has significantly more facial hair than he did in the movie you saw with your mom.
The second is that you’ve been standing there without saying anything for thirty seconds. Oops.
“Hi!” You exclaim as you clear your throat, standing up a little straighter. “I’m here for Mr. Butler, he’s needed on set?
“Austin is fine.” He says cooly, thanking the makeup and hair team before getting up to follow you. He’s wearing khakis and a leather biker jacket with some patches, the boots he has on putting an extra inch on the height that already has him a bit over your head.
“Sorry, Austin,” You reply and swallow, suddenly so nervous that you have half a mind to be a little embarrassed. “I’ve never worked on a uh- movie set before. Still trying to figure everything out I guess- you know, the etiquette.”
You hear him chuckle as you walk in lockstep, the realization that you’ve been rambling making your face hot, and your gut sink. Way to be Y/N, getting yourself fired on your first day.
“I’m actually probably not supposed to be talking to you at all right now, am I? I’m so sorry-”
“Hey- no,” Austin says he cuts you off, and when you catch a glance at his face you notice his eyes softening. “If I was one of those hard asses that doesn’t want people to look me in the eyes they woulda warned you,” He continues. “And I mean- I’m not. Been doing this for a few years and I still don’t really get those people.”
There's still a hint of a southern drawl leftover from Elvis in his voice, which you find amusing. Alongside finding yourself relieved that he’s being so nice. No getting fired on your first day then after all.
After offering him a quiet thank you, you fall into a comfortable silence until you reach your destination, the parking lot of a rundown bar littered with old cars and motorcycles. It’s quite the sight, and it almost feels like you stepped into a time machine. Out of the corner of your eye you see Austin’s eyebrows go up, the smile his lips are tugged into as he takes it all in childlike. It’s endearing to witness.
You startle when his name being called by Jeff pulls you out of your head.
Austin waves at him from across the parking lot but stops short of running over, turning back to you.
"Thank you,” He says, pausing, and you’re quick to realize you hadn’t actually introduced yourself.
"Oh- it's Y/N." You blurt out, not wanting to keep him too long.
Austin nods, giving you a little mock salute with a “Thanks Y/N, see you around.” before jogging off in the direction of the rest of the cast.
Hanging back, you watch the cast mingle and be directed around to where they’re supposed to be, fascinated by how this whole movie thing actually works. But you can’tt watch for long, recognizing the voice of another PA before you actually see her.
“Hey!” She calls as she comes over, pushing her hair back. Not that you can really pick favorite co-workers on day one, but if you had to it would be her. She introduced herself earlier in the day as Vada, “Yeah like My Girl,”, coming across as an Energizer Bunny of sorts.
And you don’t mind, you actually appreciate her temperament more than the straight edged focus of the others. Though you do find it a little amusing how out of breath she sounds assuming she must’ve run from wherever she was to here “I have to help with extra corralling, they sent me to send you back to the office.”
You give her a nod, more bummed than you want to admit that she gets to do the “cool stuff” and you have to go back to making copies. But it couldn’t all be glamorous escorting of stars all day. There were afterall, other duties listed in your job description.
Thanking her and going to walk away, you scan the set to see if you can see where Austin ended up. Your eyes find him mounting one of the motorcycles, and you let yourself watch for a few seconds as he revs it up, unable to help a smile at the enthused laugh that escapes him as it roars to life.
- - -
“Soooo how was it? My little Hollywood bigshot.”
Your mom croones and you can’t help but roll your eyes a little, holding the phone against your ear with your elbow as you straighten up the living room. It was nice being able to spend the evening with Jack instead of working. But in the interest of not having been able to in a while you wound up letting him run a little wild. And go to bed without having to pick up his mess.
Hence why you were doing it at 10pm.
“I’m a glorified intern- but it was fine.” You say, putting your son’s Hot Wheels cars back in their garage. “Cool to see how the old motorcycles and cars they’re using for different things- Austin was nice,”
The last part flies out before you can stop it, mostly because that interaction was the most interesting part of your day spent mostly in the office. You just about hear your mother’s eyebrows shoot up over the phone.
“Austin? As in Elvis Austin?” She says, and you chuckle. “Yeah, that one. He’s sweet.”
The line falls silent again, and you recognize what this particular pause from your mother is implying quickly. Your face heats up just like it did earlier, a sensation you don’t particularly enjoy.
“Sweet and single?”
You groan for emphasis, but it doesn’t sway her from the path she’s already charging down as you plop on the couch.
“C’mon, it wouldn’t be a bad deal if you found someone on this job. I’m sure the guys there are more suitable than the ones at Meijer- bet they’re cuter too,”
“I’m there to work, that’s it.” You try to interject, but she just keeps going.
“And Jackson could use-”
You cut her off more harshly before she can finish that sentence, and start the argument you found yourself having with her at least once a month. Whether she means well or not, it gets under your skin every time.
“Oh don’t even start with that. If Jackson needed a dad his real one wouldn’t have been such a colossal piece of shit.” You punch out, pinching the bridge of your nose.
She tsks on the other end of the line, and you hear a door creak that you can’t identify as happening at your house or hers. “That wasn’t what I was going to say Y/N. I’m your mom- it’s my job to look out for you two and I worry, that’s all.”
Before you can respond you realize the door creak had been from your place, hearing small footsteps padding down the hallway. Jackson emerges soon enough, rubbing his eyes with a little sniffle.
"Hey, mom I gotta go," You rush out and hang up, opening your arms for your son to come to you.
“What's goin' on sweetie, you have a bad dream?" You coo softly as he meanders over, knocking into your knees and letting you lift him onto your lap. A little hiccup escapes him as he nodded.
Mumbling, he presses his face into your neck with a "Scary." so quiet you almost don’t hear it. Rubbing his back, you press a kiss to his tangled bedhead.
This was never part of the plan- not in the slightest.
There was a time where you were certain that you’d leave Ohio the day you graduated high school and never look back. Dropping out of school and moving back into the same neighborhood that you’d lived in since you were little, alone, with a baby in your arms wasn’t on your to-do list.
A quote you saw recently read “Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks in it.”, and how much it resonated made your gut twist.
Because there’s a version of you somewhere in a parallel universe that didn’t have to let go of so much, and you mourn for her a little.
But you love your son to death. That’s your priority. Your only priority.
tag list: @planetch1ld @homebodybirkin2003 @caro1inev @ximeher @potatoes46 @brain-vs-life-blog @fanaticalfantasist @sqrlgrl22 @simpforcxdy @lokissuper @awakenbutasleep @wil3 @shiikan0iin @lala1267 @wherinthehell @chasingwildflowers @big-mama @anon17sblog @butlersfan @weluvnoelle @eliseinmemphis @butlersluvbot @selaliq @my-away-world @captainmoofy @hopemoon94 @cat-or-kitten @marriedtopresley @cuvntt @tik99 @kaywe323 @peanutbutterinacup @bella07 @bella-the-proud-fangirl @wildestvy @jeffco40863 @mikayla02 @joyhhh @jessicarcates @iloveaustinbutler @lucy27055 @madilynnk @ochrely @st4rylusty @karenal82thepartydotcom @loreons @bottleofruse @kendralavon7 @xmusse @fallinlovewithurlove @dreamofhopes @lovelylanas @snwells @18lkpeters @ifyouloveweedletsgosmoke @kelbabyblue @presleyenterprise @lauren08764 @hardcoredisneynerd @abbymcguire @abloversblog @slowsweetlove @day0420 @xxanaduwrites @luna-fanning @powellssugarbaby @plasticfantasticl0ver @lindsey101 @myradiaz @honeyorangess @dontworrypumpkin @ab4eva @richardslady121 @snwells
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munano-theprophet · 2 years
Double Trouble Yandere!Austin!Elvis and Jesse x Reader Part 1
Imagine living in a world where Jesse, Elvis’ identical twin brother, survives his birth and the two go on to a life of superstardom and immense wealth.
Author’s Note: Hey everyone! This is my first time publishing my work in a while, so bear with me. I really hope you like this fic! This chapter is dedicated to @venus-haze, who inspired me to write again. 
Part 2
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Holy shit. 
 If you thought dealing with one Presley was bad enough, the universe rolled you a die and told you to double the trouble.
Word Count: 2.5k
You worked at the International Hotel, and your job was to clean the showroom and dressing rooms before and after the acts would perform. You and a few other coworkers were in an empty dressing room listening to instructions by your manager on how this new act would be arriving today and how everything needs to be perfect. “They will be coming in this evening for sound check and I expect you all to be on your best behavior.” your manager reiterated sternly. He and the other higher-ups were being tight-lipped about who the new act performing was. Could it be The Beatles? Rolling Stones? Could it be--
“It’s the Presleys!” your best friend and coworker Ada whisper yelled. She’s been a huge fan of them since high school, and you would often tease her about how much merchandise she collected on them. You just smiled and nodded, “Oh, neat.” you said before going back into the showroom to clean before sound check, that was not the reaction she was expecting. Ada’s jaw dropped and she walked with you, “You’re telling me you’re not the least bit excited that they’re coming here? You have the best opportunity to see them!” she huffed crossing her arms. 
“Oh please, with their whole entourage and the inevitable influx of security, I’ll be lucky enough to even hear them cough.” you giggled. You liked the Presley Brothers’ music, while you didn’t think bad of them, you just found it a bit ridiculous as to how fans acted like complete animals, going ballistic just at the sight of one of them. Ada looked down at her watch as they made it to the showroom, “Well, I’m about to take my break, I’ll meet you back here after the sound check.”. You nodded your head, going in to hug her, “Okay, see you.”
When you went back to the showroom, you had seen that the Presleys had arrived, they were greeted with many hellos, welcomes, and applause by the staff and crew. You didn’t bother going out of your way to go and greet them. You were just trying to finish up part of your task so that you could take your much-needed lunch break. 
While wiping down the last few tables, you couldn’t help but feel eyes on you. In the corner of your eye, you swear you saw a silhouette, staying still amongst the chaos of the stage. After a few moments, you quickly looked up, briskly trying to find out who it could be. They seemed to be one step ahead of you, when you looked up, you saw no one looking in your direction.
After more wiping, you looked at your watch and it was 5:30, you huffed and threw your towel down. You quickly walked to the stage to take your break outside in the back of the building. You were planning how the rest of your night would go, considering making some food for you and Ada since you were getting off an hour earlier than she. Then again you were considering checking out that new movie--
You had collided with something hard, you would have thought it was a wall if the warmth of it didn’t give away that it was a person. Not expecting the collision to occur, you fell on your butt. “Damn it, if I had half a mind I would-” when you looked at who you had bumped into, it seems like your words got trapped in your throat.
It was as if everything in the world stopped, while it probably ended in seconds, it felt like hours passed. Icy blue eyes seemed to pierce right through your own and touch the darkest, most intimate parts of your soul. You had to blink a few times to make sure you weren’t dreaming,
you were standing in front of one of the Presleys.
“Woah there little lady,” he laughed jovially, flashing you a smile, “you’re off in a hurry.”. Your mouth fell agape for a bit before you gained your sense of reality again, “I-I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going, I’m about to take my break.”. He shook his head, “It’s not your fault darlin, I didn’t see you, are you okay?” he asked. “She would be if you helped pick her up.” The other twin chimed in, walking over to you and helping you up. Elvis rolled his eyes, “I was gettin’ there Jesse.” Jesse shook his head, “No you weren’t.”. They started to argue and you giggled at their banter, but then looked at your watch. “I should get going, sorry for running into you, it was nice meeting you both!”
You started making your way to the back exit, not hearing the faint ‘Wait!’ amongst the commotion backstage. 
On your way out of the door, you heard some voices whispering. You softly closed the door and slowed your pace to hear the conversation clearly. The back of the building was sort of alleyway style, so there was about 2 feet of a wall after stepping out of the door. You looked to the side of the exit and saw a tall man with blonde, long hair. He handed another man dressed in all black with a trenchcoat on a thick envelope. The man dressed in black looked around, before taking it and quickly stuffing it into his trenchcoat.
“Meet me back here in one week with the info,” the blonde said. Trenchcoat man nodded and walked out of the alley. The blonde faced your direction to start walking back in and you jolted your head back. You opened the door and closed it, making it seem like you were walking out of the building. The blonde stepped to the side to give you room, not even glancing your way once.
During your break, you sat outside, eating your sandwich, you smiled to yourself about the interaction between Jesse, Elvis, and you. Ada was gonna flip when you tell her about what happened, that is if you don’t drop dead asleep the second you get home. Nothing in the entirety of the world can prepare someone for reality, if you told your 18-year-old self that this would be your reality, she’d laugh in your face. You and Ada moved from Chicago to Las Vegas, wanting to stretch your wings and gain your own independence. You initially wanted to go to med school at UChicago, but you always had a deep passion for film arts. Not having enough money to make it all the way to LA, you and Ada stayed with one of her cousins for some time in Las Vegas that summer, after a while, the dream of pursuing fine arts was becoming a distant fantasy.
You landed the International Hotel job, you worked like a dog day and night but no matter how much money you made, it was never enough. Women got paid less doing the same job as a man, and you could have sworn on the Bible that your manager was taking out more tax than usual on your check. You wanted to quit, but you needed this job, it was either that or you’d have to turn to…other measures. You had too much respect for yourself and too much dignity to not be subjected to man’s darkest desires. 
It was 5:55 PM, you took one last drag out of your cigarette, tossed it, and headed back inside. They were setting up for sound check and you saw Elvis and Jesse warming up. They looked so relaxed, they wore the same outfit, just different colors. One of them wore blue slacks with a white collar shirt, while the other wore white slacks with a blue collar shirt. They looked so identical, it was surprising how the Memphis Mafia could tell them apart. Then again, they’ve known the Presleys for years so it makes sense. 
You continued on with your cleaning, this time sweeping the whole area and putting programs on each table. You heard them practicing and my God, they sound amazing. Their voices melted like butter on a hot skillet, especially the way they harmonized so naturally.
By 9:00, you were ready to clock out, but you realized you couldn’t find your timesheet. You cursed to yourself, wondering where it could be. You checked the area you cleaned, backstage, and quickly checked the dressing room you were in when your manager was speaking to you. You sighed in relief as it was on one of the couches, you picked it up, and turned around to head out when you were startled by one of the Presleys again. He was leaning against the wall, playing with a toothpick in his mouth, his eyes were intense, staring down at you as if he was lost in thought. He saw your reaction and leaned off to try and comfort you, “m sorry,” he said with sincerity, “didn’t think you’d get so spooked. I forgot my jacket in here and wanted to quickly get it, thought you heard me come in.” he softly explained. 
You checked your heart to make sure you were still alive. It was still pounding out of your ribcage, not even from the fright, but from being in such proximity of even just one of the Presleys. His 6 feet tall height towered you, and with how close he was, he made you feel smaller than a button. “It’s okay, I had left my timesheet in here earlier before you and your brother came in. I don’t mean to intrude.” You say apologetically, avoiding eye contact.
I better not get fired for this, you thought to yourself. Sneaking in or even being in an active use dressing room was a big no-no for employees, If your manager even caught you, it would be over and done with. “I need to get going though, I’m not supposed to be in here,” you say, stepping to the side of him about to head out. “Wait,” he says grabbing your arm, “Never introduced myself to you after you ran away,” he said jokingly. 
You laughed, “Hell, who doesn’t know you y’all are?”, 
“Just being a gentleman. I’m sorry about my brother, he can get in his head and forget simple things like manners and whatnot.” You laughed and he took it as a good sign, holding out his hand, he introduced himself, “I’m Jesse, the better twin, by the way,”.
You laughed again, “I’m y/n,” You both shook hands and his hold on you lingered a lot longer than usual.You were the one to drop your hand first, “I always wondered, how do people tell y’all apart? You guys look the exact same even up close.” He held up his left hand, clad with jewelry, that held a ring with the letters ‘JP’ on it. No doubt those were his initials, “I’m left handed and my brother’s right handed, so we always wore rings on our dominant hands.” 
“Aw…” you say to yourself, “...makes sense.”. He absentmindedly fixed his hair back into it’s signature quiff style, with one loose hair hanging on the left side, “Even to this day the only one that can tell us apart is mama.”. 
You scrunched your nose in question, “Not even the Memphis Mafia?” you asked. He shook his head, a devious smirk came on his face. “We played a prank on Jerry, and dressed up as each other.” A silence fell in the room and his eye contact still held, avoiding an awkward situation, you perked up saying, “I do have to get going though, if my manager sees me in here I’m dea--” 
“JP!” someone called out for Jesse, “JP are you in--” the tall blonde that you saw outside during your break quickly stepped in. “JP what kept you? Colonel’s been looking for you,” he said, his eyes flickered in your direction and you decided that your shoes were the most interesting thing in the world to look at.
“Left my jacket, where’s my brother?” He said, tossing his jacket from side to side, “Already upstairs, we gotta head up there now,” he said checking his watch. Jesse nodded before he headed out towards the door, he took your hand and kissed it, “It was very nice meeting you y/n,” you smiled at him, “The pleasure is all mine.”. He headed out with the blonde and you were left in a daze of awe. The Presleys were some smooth, fine men. You could see why girls were starstruck over them, they act the way all women wanted to be treated by a man. 
You walked to the bus stop with a bit more pep in your step, his touch still lingered on you and you tried to reason with yourself, They’re showmen, that’s what they do to attract fans. It’s not like anyone would want you anyways. You weren’t ugly, yet you weren’t Audrey Hepburn beautiful, you were just…you. 
With that being said, you pushed the encounters you had with the boys and focused on not missing your stop and getting home.
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Owl House prompt!
Now the leader of the isles’ government, Raine faces the difficult task of cramming their work bag full of paperwork folders to take home and review.
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Just when Raine thought the work was done, twenty more papers seemed to magically appear in the pile. If it wasn’t for the fact that Eber was off today, Raine would have thought it was a prank.
Great, they thought tiredly. It was time to head home and they weren’t nearly done with all this stupid paperwork. Barely even halfway.
…How bad would it be to feed it all to Hooty?
Okay, no, no, that would be terrible. And it would require them actually getting this ridiculous pile home in the first place.
They had to get this work done, but Eda would not be pleased if they fell asleep at work again. So it seemed like they were stuck with trying to get it all home anyway.
Yay, they thought, rubbing tiredly at their eyes. They wished they could leave it all here, at their office, where it belonged. But needs must. No one ever said that rebuilding the Boiling Isles would be easy.
But how to get it all home? There was no way this would all fit in their bag…
Moments later, Darius was treated to the sight of Raine kicking their office door open, clearly struggling to carry all their work. Their bag was so full of paperwork and folders that it was barely staying closed. They carried three huge folders under each of their arms and clutched another folder in their free hand.
“…You need a hand, Raine?” Darius asked. He resisted the urge to pull out his Scroll and record this.
“Nope, I’m okay!” Raine cheerfully lied. “I’ve got this!”
“Sure you do.”
“I do!” Raine said, and promptly tripped into Lilith’s desk.
Paperwork and folders flew everywhere. Raine’s bag burst open and more papers were added to the chaos.
Darius pulled out his Scroll and hit record.
Hey, at least Hunter and Eber would get a laugh out of this.
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heyheydidjaknow · 1 year
I’ve wondered this forever and I feel like you’d be a good person to ask? Why exactly do you think L tested the Task Force, particularly Aizawa, with that bait n switch “It’s catch Kira or stay on the police force” situation? I just don’t understand the motive aside from toying with folks for the hell of it. I know he’s an asshole and Ohba describes his perception of L as “slightly evil” but still… a part of me’s always wondered if it was a sort of…? “Purposely making himself look as bad as possible ‘cause he kind of doesn’t like himself” type thing?? Especially since he was already sort of depressed and generally crabby around this arc. But I doubt Ohba was going for that or would even put that much thought into something like that. Maybe? … Maybe he was trying to whittle down the team so as to minimize casualties since the case was now getting into Big Boy territory?
Ah fuck, I dunno, that moment’s always thrown me for a loop and felt weird and out of place. And I know there’s also debate about whether his “I always liked you Aizawa, thanks for everything” was genuine or just him getting the last word/being cheeky. Or both. Maybe I’m just overthinking it? Sorry for the wall of text! If you have any interest or thoughts on this I’d love to hear ‘em!
At around that time the stakes were being raised; he had put all his money on Light being Kira and now that it was proven that he wasn’t he was kind of going in blind. I’ve always seen the scene as a reaffirmation of their resolve; after all, right before that, there was a lot of talk amongst the group about how ridiculous they thought the whole “lock Light and Misa and the police chief in a room until one of them talks” thing was, so it would make sense if after all that they did not have much faith in him and would rather keep their job security and lives than follow someone who had forced their boss to threaten to murder his son and his girlfriend. There is, in that reading, an underlying sense of him not trusting his judgment to go “If you want out now’s the time” and kind of assuming people are going to leave after his stunt.
In regards to the Aizawa line, I do genuinely believe he liked him. I also understand why Aizawa would not think that L likes him; they’re fairly dissimilar on a surface level. But Aizawa prioritizing his dignity and his family over throwing himself in harm’s way for some guy who just sent the whole task force on a wild goose chase after an 18-year-old? Stepping away and not letting the sunk cost fallacy get to him? That takes a lot of guts, guts that we see earlier when he’s ready to rush into the Sakura TV building. He’s got a strong sense of justice and listens to his emotions and his gut, something L, who prioritizes facts and logic when making serious calls in regards to the Kira case and whose trepidation inevitably gets him killed, can respect and admire.
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jooillusion · 3 months
🌸 Hiiii, feels like I haven't been here in ages💀 college been killing me lately😭, hope you're doing better than me
Seungmin and that mf tie 👔.
That's it, that's the whole request😭😭, I'm simping so bad right now.
okay but yk the first thing that comes to mind? ceo seungmin- 💥💥💥
okay so look we all know the apprentice x ceo relationship yada yada…BUUUUT you got tired of seungmin bossing you around just because he knew you didn’t like him. he found it amusing to see your face irritated during your long shifts, thinking of another ridiculous task you can do right after you finish the previous one.
you were tired of his antics and the cockiness behind his shit eating grin.
so imagine tying him up to his office chair, his hands behind the seat so his touches are restricted. he’s always commanding you so it’s your turn. his wrists struggle in the rope, trying to break free from the restraints.
you kneel over him, looking down at seungmin. he still wears the same smirk, you’re more than ready to wipe the smirk right off of his face. your eyes trail to the neatly tied tie around his neck, your fingers running down the piece of clothing and grabbing onto it. you lean down, pulling his face close to yours. your lips get dangerously close to one another’s.
“you fuck up my uniform, i’ll make sure you’ll be ready to quit.” he says lowly. you wrap your hands around the tie in a tight hold, the tie forcing his head forwards. you lean forward, his lips puckering when yours is just a half inch away. his eyes close but your lips never meet his though, leaving him to peek through one eye.
“you think i’d let you have it easy?” you laugh in his face. you let go of the tie, letting his head fall back. you’re quick to catch the look of disappointment on his face. you’ll save the image of it in your mind for as long as you stay.
BOOM his pants and underwear are pulled down his thighs, the first few buttons of his dress shirt are unbuttoned, and you’re riding him like a madman. his head is thrown back as you pull on his tie, the resistance starting to hurt his neck that he has no choice but to fall forward into your chest. you watch him struggle to keep himself content, his hips slightly thrusting into yours.
“oh, what happened seungmin?” you say in the same tone he’d use to tease you every day. “you don’t have much to say huh?” your lips meet his, swallowing the breathy grunts he lets out every time you bounce down on him. you’re both close, you can feel it in the way he’s throbbing inside of you.
you’re caught off guard when his hands hold your hips down, keeping you in place as he spills inside of you.
and in the next few minutes he has you bent over his desk, gathering your wrists together and loosening his tie. your wrists are being roughly tied with the same tie you pulled on earlier.
mind can’t think 💔 mind is broken 💔 sorry this is so short I’ve been trying to shorten down the thoughts so I don’t get lost in the sauce 😭
but I’m doing okay i’ve just been working full time these days and work has been killing me 😭 but good luck love hope college gets better
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sailtomarina · 9 months
We're roommates
Of all the weekends to be sent on a remote assignment, it had to be the weekend of Hermione’s birthday.
There wasn’t any particular reason why she wanted to stay home. Previous years hadn’t included anything special other than the hastily planned dinners while she and Ron had dated, a brief and truthfully forgettable period of time. Harry and Ginny were too wrapped up in the chaos of raising their children, a task she did not at all begrudge them. Hell, if she were a mother, Hermione was sure she’d need to hire Hagrid to control the little beasts who would no doubt inherit her hair.
No, what Hermione dreaded this year was that she’d be spending her birthday weekend with Draco Malfoy.
She had to admit after working with the wizard that he was a natural at slithering his way around outdated Ministry policies. She hadn’t really appreciated his brains when they were students, but now in a department rife with imbeciles hired by connections rather than abilities, she was thankful for him. It felt odd saying that, knowing that in another reality Malfoy could have easily bought his way into any department and position—that is, if he would have even deigned to enter the workforce, much less work for the government. Instead, he was her subordinate at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures thanks to the Wizengamot’s ruling after his trial and had been for several years. He might roll his eyes at her ongoing support for magical beings, but he nevertheless did the thorough research she needed.
They worked so well together that the head of their department deemed them a necessary unit for this job. Hermione had inwardly fumed despite taking on the task without protest. If Malfoy immediately accepted, then she certainly could and would…except the git had gone and made a huge mistake.
“Excuse me, what did you say?”
The front desk clerk of the hotel didn’t even bat an eyelash at her sharp tone. Staring Hermione back dead in the eye, she repeated herself, “You have one room. There are no other available rooms for the rest of the weekend.”
“C’mon Granger, it can’t be that bad. Let’s at least go take a look.” He had the audacity to swipe the hair back from his eyes without a care in the world, completely ignoring the glare she sent him.
She grumbled the entire way from the walk to the lift, up eight floors, and down to their doorway at the end of the hall. She stamped her foot in frustration as the ward accepted Malfoy’s wand. She shoved her way in first and proceeded to let loose a string of profanities that would have made the Weasley boys proud. Finally, she pointed her wand threateningly from Malfoy to the nearby couch.
“You will sleep on the couch.”
“I will not sleep on the couch.”
“Well, I certainly won’t. This was your mistake!”
“You won’t have to. We can share the bed like the self-controlled adults that we are.”
“Absolutely not.”
“It’s a king-sized bed. It’s large enough to line the middle with pillows if you’re that terrified of assaulting me in my sleep.” He smirked at her in his usual infuriating way, before plopping down on the side closest to the door with his arms cushioning his head.
“Me assault you?” Hermione barked out a laugh in disbelief. She refused to tell him that he was lying on her usual side of the bed.
“Of course. I know how irresistible I look, especially when I’m dressed down for the evening.” The muscles in his biceps flexed as if agreeing with the ridiculous claim.
She couldn’t even dignify that with a response, mouth gaping then snapping shut multiple times as words failed her. She had to deal with this for three whole days? She wasn’t even sure he’d survive until the end of the night if things continued as they currently were.
“Come now, Granger, let’s see if this sad excuse for a town has anything resembling good food.”
He bounced up from the mattress and swatted her on the arse with a pillow.
Where had this playful side even come from? He grinned down at her with a strangely relaxed drape to his frame she wasn’t used to seeing. Was this how he always was outside of the workplace?
“We’re roommates now, so we might as well make the best of it.” With a casual flick of his wand in a blatant display of silent magic, he popped open his luggage and sent its interiors soaring into the closet and nearby drawers. His toiletries zipped over the bathroom with another swivel of his wrist.
“I will sleep with you—no, not like that—on one condition.”
“Name your price, witch.” He waggled his eyebrows at the slip of her tongue.
“Teach me that spell you just used.”
He repeated his earlier movements on her own luggage.
“Wait, Malfoy, that’s not what I asked—” Her voice cut off as one particular item stopped mid-flight and flew into his hand.
“Granger, care to tell me why you not only have a Falmouth jersey,” he paused to turn the offending item around before continuing, “but one with Flint’s name on it?”
She could not, would not, look at him. The jersey was one of the softest shirts she owned and her favorite to sleep in. She coughed delicately into her fist and tried to shuffle around him towards the exit.
“We might have…dated…a bit.”
He caught her on the arm before she could completely pass him.
“How did you two even meet?” The curious tone to his voice, not at all judgmental as she had initially expected, encouraged her to finally look up at him. He held her gaze, completely earnest in his question. Hermione was tempted to brush the hair that had fallen into his eyes back into place.
“He, um, had his teeth fixed a while ago by my parents.”
Understanding dawned on his face as he recalled the last time he’d seen Marcus. “So that’s what happened. I wondered who he went to.”
Glancing back down at the jersey, he finally let go and allowed it to join the rest of her shirts in the drawer.
“I’ll show you the details of the spell after dinner as long as you join me.”
He remained serious, smirk nowhere in sight and one hand still warm where it wrapped around her upper arm. She had a feeling she could say no and that he’d accept without a protest. She didn’t need to know the spell—Hermione was fairly certain she could suss out the incantations given enough time and practice. There was just something particularly intriguing about the way that he was looking at her and the entire scenario in which they’d found themselves.
He’d accepted their assignment immediately and booked their accommodation before she’d asked him to. He hadn’t corrected the desk clerk when she announced their rooming situation. Instead, he insisted they share the bed. Now, he was withholding knowledge, which he knew she passionately pursued, with dinner as a requirement.
Hermione was intelligent, but sometimes she had to admit she could be a little dense at times.
“Okay, Malfoy. Let’s go eat.”
Any doubts she might have had about accepting his offer were banished at the sight of the smile that lit up his entire face. The slight squeeze on her arm before he let go and rushed for the door sent a pulse through her body she recognized as want. She hadn’t felt that since…well, since Marcus, which was over a year ago.
Maybe this birthday wouldn’t be so bad, after all.
WC 1283
Even though this is obviously a Dramione, I've revealed a bit of my Flintmione interests. What can I say? I can't resist Slytherin boys in Quidditch uniforms.
My parents are in town driving me batty with usual parent things. Someone HELP ME!
Twitter prompt from DramionePrompts
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cariantha · 2 years
Fireworks (Intern Year Series)
Book: Open Heart, Book 1, Chapter 3
Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks)
Rating: General
Warning: A couple curse words.
Category: Fluff
Word count: 3.1K
Summary: It’s Sawyer's fourth day on the job and her confidence is starting to waver. She’s hoping a night out with her new friends will distract her from feeling sorry for herself.  When things don’t work out as planned, Ethan ensures she's still able to enjoy her evening.   
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Sawyer laid down on the couch with a deep sigh and closed her eyes, willing tears of frustration to stay at bay.  “Ride it out,” she told herself, remembering Bryce’s advice from the last time she was on the verge of a breakdown.  
The physical and emotional toll of the last four days begged for release. The competitiveness amongst the interns, the bullying from senior residents, and the rudeness of the attendings made her wonder if her skin was thick enough.  Since the resuscitation incident with Annie, she found herself second-guessing every decision.  Because should there be a bad outcome, she’d surely get a tongue-lashing from that ass of a resident, Dr. Mirani.  Or worse from her medical hero, Dr. Ethan Ramsey.  
She knew she was asking for punishment when she called him out during rounds the other day, but since then she had intentionally kept her head down.  Yet Dr. Ramsey continued to single her out and test her more than the others.  The interns who were once impressed he knew her name, now grateful to be nameless blips on his radar.  And it was unsettling how she kept catching him eyeing her.  A few days ago she thought they were looks of interest, attraction even, but now she can only assume he’s deviously plotting ways to make an example of her in front of her peers.  
Further contributing to her stress was a lack of sleep and uncharacteristically impulsive decisions.  Like drunkenly agreeing to share an apartment with four people that she’s only known for three days.  
The personal pity party came to a halt with the buzz of a notification on her phone, a reminder that she had an important call to make.  
Finding the break room empty, Ethan approached the water station to refill his tumbler.  
“Bryce is cool. I like him, but he doesn’t seem that much different from the kinds of guys that I dated in L.A. A bit flashy and puts off the self-absorbed vibe.” 
Ethan turned his head when he recognized the familiar voice, but confusion crossed his face when he didn't see her.  
“Oh, him?  Well, yeah. He’s ridiculously smart and you know that’s a major turn on.  And a sarcastic ass, but you know I love that kind of humor. Not to mention the man is unfairly attractive.” 
He tracked her voice to the couch on the opposite side of the room.  The flip of her ponytail falling over the sidearm confirmed that she was indeed hiding on the other side.     
“I seriously doubt it.  Looking back, I’m sure it was just my drunken imagination.  Even if there was something real between us the other night, I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m an incompetent moron.”
Ethan stood in silence as various thoughts swam in his head.
“I don’t know, there’s just been a few things.  But hey, let’s talk about that another time.  This is supposed to be me calling to wish you a happy birthday.  Are you guys headed down to the beach soon?”
Not wanting to get caught eavesdropping, he returned to his task and did so just in the nick of time.
“Hi, Dr. Ramsey!” Sienna called out, prompting Sawyer to sit up quickly and peer over the back of the couch. 
“Dr. Trinh,” he acknowledged.  “Is this the part where you tell me Dr. Toussaint needs to speak with me again?” he chided while dispensing the water into his cup.   
Sienna didn’t seem to care that he had caught on to her previous scam.  “Nope.  I was actually looking for Dr. Brooks.  Have you seen her?”
“I’m right here.  One sec, Sienna,” Sawyer called out as she stood and wrapped up her call. “Greer, duty calls.  Don’t have too much fun without me and tell everyone I said ‘Hi’ and that I miss them.  Happy birthday, Sis,” she said wholeheartedly.  “Love you too... ‘kay bye.”      
“Hey, the lab results are ready for Mr. Delany,” Sienna reported.  
“Great, let’s go see what we’ve got,” Sawyer answered, pocketing her phone and straightening her white coat.  
As he secured the lid on his water bottle, Ethan felt her gaze on him.  When he lifted his head, their eyes met for a split second before Sawyer averted hers to the ground and followed Sienna into the hallway.  
It was nearly 7pm, the end of another grueling 14-hour shift, and the soon-to-be roommates signed charts and discussed their plans for the evening around the nurses’ station.
“We can meet up at Donahue’s for drinks and then…” Sienna started to suggest before being cut off.
“Then your boy, Bryce, is hooking you up!” he boasted while tapping his chest.  “I scored us invites to an epic party on a charter boat.  We’ll be able to watch the fireworks from out on the water.”
“And which random hook-up should we be thanking for your score?  The long-legged redhead on four or the stacked blonde in ICU,” Jackie scoffed.
Ignoring her, Bryce swung an arm over Sawyer’s shoulders as she scribbled notes in a chart.  “You in, Brooks?”  
“I really ought to go home and pack, but I love fireworks and the Boston show is on my bucket list.  I’m so in.”  Then so that only he could hear, “And I almost had another closet meltdown today, so I could really use the distraction.” 
Bryce squeezed her shoulders in support.
“Hey kids, Mirani is coming this way.  You all better look busy or scatter,” said the older night nurse who was just coming on shift.   
“Thanks for the heads up, Jan,” Sienna replied as she started walking backward down the hallway.  “Okay people, 8:30 at Donahue’s!” 
With everyone in agreement, the gang dispersed.  Sawyer stayed behind to finish what she was doing.  
“Dr. Brooks, Maureen wanted me to let you know that Annie was just asking for you.  She wondered if you were available to help answer questions for when she calls her mom back.”  
“Of course.  Let me just sign this…and…done!” she announced, closing the chart and putting it on the rack behind the desk.  
Later that night, Ethan was reviewing charts at the nurses’ station when he heard loud laughter coming from a nearby patient’s room.
“Jan, aren’t visiting hours over?” he asked even though he already knew the answer.
“Oh, it’s ok.  It’s Dr. Brooks.  She stayed late tonight to keep Annie company.  The poor thing is here in Boston all by herself and has been so anxious.”
Masking his curiosity, he simply responded with a “Hm.” 
“Earlier tonight I heard Dr. Brooks making plans with the other interns.  She was so excited to see the fireworks tonight.  Mentioned it was on her bucket list.  But when she realized how down Annie was feeling she canceled and stayed behind with her.  Wasn’t that sweet?”
“Yeah, uh, that was nice of her,” Ethan said, pretending to be focused on his paperwork.
“She’s a lot like you in some ways, honey.  How you are with your patients.  She and Annie remind me of you and your special friend.  Remind me of her name…Deborah?”
Grandma Jan, as she was affectionately known to most at Edenbrook, was everyone’s favorite nurse including Ethan’s.  Just as Naveen was like a father to him, Jan had been the closest thing Ethan had to a mother-figure these last ten years.  She started working at the hospital twenty years before Ethan walked through the doors.  She watched him grow into the doctor he was today and had been one of the very few privileged to see the tenderhearted side of Dr. Ramsey. 
“That’s right.  Dolores.  Beautiful young lady,” she recalled while gathering up some medical supplies.  “You know who else is quite stunning?” tipping her head toward the room that Sawyer currently occupied, “Dr. Brooks. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“Jan…” he admonished.
“Just making an observation, hon.  No need to take it any other way,” she sang with a wink before walking away.
Ethan shook his head in annoyance, but as soon as Jan was out of sight, he looked over at Annie’s room in contemplation.  
After saying goodnight to Annie, Sawyer stepped into the hall surprised to see Dr. Ramsey standing nearby.
He glanced up at her, then to his watch, and back to the chart in front of him.  “You’re here late.”
“So are you,” she said hesitantly, approaching the nurses' desk.  “No big Fourth of July plans?”  
“I usually work a double shift on holidays so that others can take time off.”
“That…that’s really thoughtful.”  She felt slightly awkward and unsure how to engage with him.  Given the intimidating work interactions, and the chance that he might have overheard something in the breakroom, her stomach tied into nervous and embarrassed knots.  
“It’s not a big deal… since I have no one waiting at home,” he reminded her with a smirk.  Then pointing and swirling his pen in her direction, “What about you? I figured you’d be out with your band of misfits.”
Feeling slightly more relaxed by his jesting, “I had plans to meet up with them and watch the fireworks but my patient really needed a friend tonight.  So, I decided to stay and hang out with her instead.”
“That was…really thoughtful,” borrowing her words.
Sawyer shrugged her shoulders and with a small smile mimicked him.  “It’s no big deal.”
“Hey, kiddo,” Jan cheerfully exclaimed as she returned to her post. “I’m sorry your plans for the evening didn’t pan out, but what you did tonight for Annie was very kind.”
“Thanks, Jan.  Yeah, I’m a little bummed that I’ll miss the show, but there’s always next year. Annie feeling better is what's important.”  
“Dr. Ramsey, I know we generally don’t let the interns in on our little Independence Day secret, but perhaps we could make an exception this year for Dr. Brooks?” Jan tried to convince him.  
“Hmm, I suppose we could.”
“Excellent!  You kids go ahead.  I told Mrs. Martinez I would escort her up.  We’ll meet you there in a few.”
But rather than meeting Jan and the others in the understood location, Ethan had another idea.  
Sawyer watched as he pocketed his pen and closed the chart he had been studying.  He looked at his watch again, then to her.  “Come on then,” he urged as he started to walk away.    
Sawyer tried to keep pace with his long strides as she followed him to the elevators.
“Where are we going?” she inquired.
As he punched the call button for the elevator, “Up.”  
Once inside, he pressed the button for the top floor.  He kept his eyes on the numbers above the doors as they lit up one by one indicating each passing floor.  Sawyer stood slightly behind him trying to guess where they were headed. She assumed they were going to the helipad, having put two and two together, but that entrance was now two floors below them.   
With a ding, the doors opened.  Ethan stepped out and Sawyer again followed.  As they reached a crossroad in the hallway, he stopped abruptly.  “Wait here.”  
Ethan ducked around a corner.  Sawyer heard some buzzing and whirling, and then he reappeared.  “Okay, let’s go.”
They reached the end of a long hallway where there was a door marked with an ‘Authorized Personnel Only’ sign.  “After you,” he gestured, holding the door open for her.  
She looked over her shoulder as she crossed the threshold, a silent question on her face.  There was nowhere to go but up a dark flight of stairs.  
As she climbed the stairs, she couldn’t help but joke, “Is this some kind of intern initiation?”
Turning the corners of his lips up a smidge, Ethan shook his head in mild amusement.
When she reached the top of the stairs, there was another door with similar warning signs.  She paused and looked back at Ethan.
“Go ahead.” 
The door opened to a small squared off section of the rooftop, the highest point of the building.   
She looked around for a moment then turned back to face him, “I’m the sacrifice aren’t I?” she quipped.
“You know, where you throw the dud intern off the roof while the residents and nurses down below chant and cheer you on,” she pointed to the people gathered below on the section of roof marked with a giant white ‘H’.  
Furrowing his brow, “What the hell are you talking about?” 
“A sacrificial offering to the medical gods.”
“I get that part.  The part I’m baffled by is why you think you’re the dud.”
She looked down at her feet and chewed on her lip while trying to decide how truthful to be.  Plenty of reasons why had occupied her mind earlier in the day, but she wasn’t sure she wanted to share in case he considered it further weakness. 
“I… I was just poking fun at myself,” she said unconvincingly.  
“No, you weren’t,” Ethan called her out.
“Fine.  The truth is I’m the intern who almost killed her first patient.  I’m the '007' of the group.”  
He looked at her quizzically not understanding the reference, but realized it didn’t matter as she continued to vent.
“And because of that I second-guess every decision now. When you asked if my confidence had been shaken, I said no.  But since then, yeah actually, I think it has.”
He was about to interject, but held his tongue to let her finish.  “And it doesn’t boost my confidence any that you single me out.  A lot.”  
Ethan carefully considered how to respond.
“Must be because I favor you.” 
That was all it took to lighten the mood as Sawyer couldn’t help but laugh.
“Rookie, you graduated from a highly competitive medical scientist training program.  That puts you on a different level than that of your peers.  So, yes, I’ll admit I push you more. It’s my job to challenge you, to help you reach your maximum potential.”  
Thoughtfully contemplating his words, she turned and walked to the concrete ledge taking in the view of the city lights glowing on the other side of the harbor.  
Ethan observed as her wheels turned for a moment, then joined her, leaning down to rest his elbows on the ledge.   
“Did you feel like this during your intern year? Overwhelmed?  Afraid of making a wrong move?” she asked softly.  
“Me?  Of course not,” he bragged. 
But then looking over at her with a small grin, “Of course I did,” he admitted.  “I definitely had moments of self-doubt, and at times I even felt like…an ‘incompetent moron’.”
She turned her head to him in a flash but he pretended to be interested in a barge that was anchored in the water down below.  When he didn't rise to her silent challenge, Sawyer conceded and followed his gaze to the water.  But that’s when Ethan looked over at her with a sly smile.  She felt his gaze on the side of her flushed face, and coming to terms with that fact that he did hear some of her earlier conversation, she jabbed him with her elbow.  
“Did you hide and cry in supply closets too?” she teased him back.
“No,” he said firmly.  But then with a lighthearted snort, “I came up here.”    
“How’d you even know about this place?”
Sawyer waited for him to elaborate but instead of saying more, Ethan turned his head in the opposite direction hiding his eyes from her.  Reading his body language, she resisted her curiosity and changed the subject.  
“So, why are we way up here and not down there with everyone else?” she nodded to the helipad.  “Didn’t want to be the senior who brings the freshman to prom?” 
Accompanied by an eyeroll, he shook his head.
“The view’s better up here,” he jutted his chin to the sky just as giant flashes of light exploded before them.  
“Oh my god!  They’re so close,” she yelled over the explosive booms that echoed all around them. “I can’t believe this! This is amazing,” she awed.     
They watched for several minutes in a comfortable silence until Sawyer broke it during a particularly impressive segment of the show.  “Whoa.  They're beautiful.”
When she turned her head to see if he had any reaction, Ethan briefly met her gaze.  Fireworks reflected in her mesmerizing green eyes and nearly took his breath away.
With an awkward cough, he returned his gaze to the sky.  “Yeah, they are.” 
Sawyer smiled to herself.  She was not drunk tonight, and that moment, however brief, felt like the real deal.   
“Dr. Ramsey, thank you for this.  Maybe you’re not… you know what nevermind,” she stopped herself.
“Not what… an asshole?” Ethan suggested.
Her cheeks rosy again, “Okay, seriously, you won’t need to throw me over the side as a sacrificial offering because I’m just going to throw myself over,” she confessed her embarrassment.
Ethan let out a small chuckle.  “Oh, I nearly forgot,” digging into his pocket, “Here.”  Ethan extended his upright palm holding a colorful plastic package.
Her lips curled up as she accepted the Geyser’s Fruit Snacks, impressed by the cute gesture.
“Did you remember to treat your-"
“Myself?” he interrupted, pulling a chocolate bar from his coat pocket.  “I did.”
As they enjoyed their snacks and continued watching the show, Ethan glanced down at the helipad where Jan and Mrs. Martinez had spotted him.  With toothy smiles, they both offered him a double-thumbs up that he quickly swatted away.  
Three years later…
“You’re just in time.  They’re about to start.”
“I would have been here sooner but the damn vending machine wouldn’t take my dollar bill.  Here.”  
Ethan handed her the Geysers, pocketing his chocolate bar.  He pulled her in front of him, hugging her tightly from behind as the first glittery rockets shot into the sky.  She rested the back of her head into the space between his shoulder and neck, while Ethan placed a prolonged kiss on her temple.  She opened her snack, popping a couple of the gummies into her mouth.  Lifting a hand over her shoulder she offered one to Ethan, which he gladly leaned forward and bit from her fingers.    
As the sky lit up around them, Sawyer whispered into the breezy night air.   “Wow… so beautiful.” 
Ethan pressed a kiss to her cheek.  “Yes, you are.”   
Thirty minutes later the sky erupted in front of them.  Loud bangs reverberated all around.     
“Whoa, now that’s a finale,” she uttered.  
Without warning, Ethan spun her around into his arms.  “Oh, that’s not the finale,” he said, diving in for a passionate kiss.
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So Taryn Manning played Scott’s character’s ex-wife/baby momma in One Day as a Lion. 
I was like  👀 👀 👀
That’s almost one McGarrett away!
But of course my fanfic brain’s gonna do what a fanfic brain’s gonna do. So imagine if Joanie and Gracie were Danny and Mary’s twins. 
It hadn’t been love but lust that brought their girls into the world. Co-parenting with both of their personalities at those ages back towards season one had to be a balancing act. 
Somehow they’d have to end up in Hawaii just slightly before the Hesse situation(or if I can’ think of another reason idk) but it all ends up with Danny working John’s case like in canon, Steve comes back to the island and it’s all very canon-ish...until Steve realizes that Danny’s been staying at the McGarrett home longer than he has(minus the last couple of days. Danny heard Steve was making it for John’s funeral and they’ve never really met and  better or worse, he was getting to the bottom of his girl’s grandfather’s case, so he was staying in a motel for the time Steve said he’d be there) so more canon as Steve takes the task force, forces Danny to join, Steve’s tunnel vision is pretty bad because later he’ll be slightly embarrassed it took him too long to realize how much time Danny spent at his house “working on the case” but also helping with the girls. 
This is season one Steve so he wasn’t going to question someone who probably knew how to deal with kids to help his sister with her girls. Mary wants Danny to stop wasting money on the motel and just move back in full time. If he’s her baby daddy and working with her brother? Why not? 
Danny’s pretty sure Steve doesn’t know and she’s like, don’t be ridiculous, but sometimes people are blind to stuff when there’s a lot going on and not only did Steve just lose his dad, he’s still got a big fish to catch that’ll leave a stain on his career if he doesn’t, and all while adjusting to not being in the military any more. Mary ends up sitting Steve down and bluntly revealing Danny is the girl’s father. 
It’s a weird clash of protective older brother/I’m now your boss but we’ve been becoming friends mental gymnastics Steve’s got to do but he does. But Danny’s a good guy, they get more leads and they work pretty well together, the bickering’s also fun. Living in close proximity to Danny, as in the room down the hall(I’m very confused about rooms in this house, but it’s with the assumption that there’s the master bedroom that belonged to john that will then belong to Steve. With Mary’s and Steve’s old childhood rooms available. I can assume after he sent his kids away, maybe he had them made into offices later? Or if the house already had an office. idk but I’m assuming it minimumly had three. Steve gets the master bed room, mary takes her old child hood room, the girls get Steve’s old room, and Danny still sleeps on the couch for the time being so a McGarrett invites him to bed.) 
Is it Soap-opera-y for Steve to fall in love with his sister’s baby daddy? Yes...yes it is. 
But Scott’s Character had a baby Steve look a like with Taryn’s character! And I’ve been watching more Spanish novelas so...to ponder at.  
I mean it also inspired some CA:TWS ideas too because the actor who played Rumlow is in One Day as a Lion as someone Scott’s character knew, so Danny having a dangerous fake SHIELD/actually HYDRA ex-lover who comes to the island to cause trouble and it brings to light maybe some Captain Rogers/Danny history too, for some GREAT Jealous!Steve McGarrett who is also very possessive of Danny and had some boyhood dreams crushed because his old childhood hero SLEPT WITH HIS DANNO! And he’s gotta prove to be the better Steve so there’s also a competitive Steve story plot in there. 
This year my goal is to wrap up my WIPs so I’m just gonna get these ideas out of my head somewhat/somehow  xD maybe i’ll come back to them next year 
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