#I’m so upset and angry it’s unreal
izzyhandswhore · 11 months
No I’m sorry I’m so angry with all the people on their high horse saying “if you’re disappointed with the finale then you weren’t following the actual narrative and don’t deserve the show”
I know that that thing makes sense. I know that it was leading up to it and would have made a nice full circles, I get it.
But for it to happen like that? For Ed and Stede to not have a single full conversation about anything the whole episode? For Ed to pick up his leathers ONE EPISODE after he abandoned them?
How is the Inn any different to their other whims? How?
What would be the point in Season 3? They become pirates again? That surely undoes the character development Ed went though, no? Or we have the exact same conflict we had this season of Stede wanting to be a pirate and Ed not wanting that. So what would be the point???
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delululand · 11 months
could u pls do txts kissing styles ?? <33
soobin - gentle kisses: soft, delicate kiss like way to show love, respect, and affection
you agreed to have dinner with soobin together, but he had to stay late for rehearsal. this was not the first time, so this situation upset you. arriving home and seeing you in the kitchen clearing everything from the table, soobin came up to you and gently put his hands on your waist, looking with his big puppy eyes. looking at him you said “stop looking at me like that, I’m angry” but after he sees your barely noticeable smile he leans closer and whispers “well, I know that you can’t stop yourself in front of my eyes, hm?” and gently touches your lips with his lips, after which you finally give in and kiss him back, wrapping your arms around his neck
yeonjun - intimate kisses: intense, deep kiss that expresses unconditional love
yeonjun had been on tour for almost two months and hearing the front door open on the day of his return made your heart flutter. when you saw him in the doorway, you immediately ran to hug him. seeing him after such a long separation seemed unreal. you looked into each other's eyes for several seconds, not believing that you were together again. you’re felt how hearts racing and breathing quickening. your lips automatically reached for each other. a kisses started off slowly, but grew more intense with each passing second. you ran hands through each other's hair, caressing and kissing way down the neck, shoulders, and chest. you totally couldn't control yourself, losing yourself in the moment and giving in completely to yours feelings
beomgyu - teasing kisses: playful, flirty kiss on the neck or ear
you spent lazy weekends at home because you didn't want to go out. everyone around was talking about some new super popular movie and beomgyu suggested watching it. he stares at you the entire movie. you feel his gaze on you and without turning away from the tv you say “stop staring at me like that” and he just grins, moves closer to your ear and whispers “or what?”, burning with his breath while simultaneously touching your thigh with his fingertips. he’ll move your hair to the side and begin to slowly run his nose along your neck, moving you closer to him, placing his hand on your waist. you sigh in surprise and he just turns down the volume on the tv, leans closer to you and captures your lips in a hot kiss
taehyun - romantic kisses: a long, passionate kiss on lips
you are cooking breakfast, your throughs make a gentle smile on your face. you are pouring milk into a cup, beating eggs in a bowl, and chopping veggies on a cutting board. suddenly, you feel a pair of arms around your waist and a soft kiss on your shoulder. taehyun puts his head on your shoulder, gently hugging you from behind while you stand dressed in his shirt. his hair is wet from the shower and the smell of his shampoo fills your nostrils. he nuzzles into your neck saying “in the morning you look even more beautiful than at night”. he turning you around kisses you on the lips while sliding his fingers along your thighs making you want more
huening kai - healing gentle kisses: tender, healing kiss that soothes and conveys support
after a long and tiring day, you were so happy to see your boyfriend home. he was lying on the bed and only his smile already warmed your heart so when he called you to lie with him it seemed like a heaven sent as a reward for all the hardships of that day. you lay sprawled on the kai’s chest, talking about your day. he listened to you attentively, stroking your hair and kissing you on the face and top of your head. a gentle breeze from opening window brushing against yours faces. he continued to kiss your face and hands until you fell asleep. you felt so comfortable and relaxed as everything bad that happened to you during the day just evaporated in his arms
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broadswordandpistol · 5 months
Fifth Wall
(( For context: Alvin has been teetering on the unpleasant revelation that he's an imaginary character for some time. Events at the Spring Festitales managed to push him off that tightrope and into an existential crisis. Fortunately, the walls between fiction and reality are particularly thin there, so his author decided to give him a hand.
Below the cut is some admittedly self-indulgent fic, because sometimes you gotta take care of your muse.))
Alvin gave Elize a gentle squeeze, and nudged her off his lap. She looked up at him, worry etched across her small forehead.
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“I’ll be fine,” he promised her. “Just gotta clear my head. It’s noisy in here.” It certainly was, with Vicious, Raven, and two different Judes going at it hammer and tongs.
He slipped out into the night, moonlight gleaming palely through the cherry blossoms. The path was paved with fallen petals; the festival would be over soon enough. He’d thrown himself into it with vigor, and for the most part, had felt good — strong, rejuvenated, and content.
But there was — not a voice, not like the one Ludger had in his head, but a definite sensation of another, and a physical feeling of unreality he couldn’t seem to shake. He could feel it time and again elsewhere, but here it was stronger. He’d nearly confronted it last year, until events had conspired to occupy his time and his energy. This year, he’d felt it again, too strongly to ignore.
You can keep walking. It’s safe here. All the instigators are back at the kiddie table.
He snorted. “Yeah, I thought so. Only matters if there’s something important going on, and even then.”
Are you angry?
“I — no.” That wasn’t a lie. “Upset. Feeling a bit lied-to. Ironic, I know. Who likes to find out that they’re not real?”
Who told you that?
And you believe him?
That earned a pause. “I … don’t know. I feel real to me.”
That’s because you are. You’re not flesh-and-blood real. But you’re still real enough. That whole business about being a vessel for a story — that’s not wrong, but it’s not the whole truth.
You’re an Idea. You’re not even my idea, to begin with.
“The hell you say.”
I’m serious. Other people created you. But I liked your Idea so much that I kept it close. Gave you access to more people, more life experiences, more story, so your Idea would stay alive. At this point, you’re as much my Idea as you were someone else’s to begin with.
“I don’t —“
Like not knowing things, being pushed around, treated as a tool. I know. You’re not. I couldn’t tell you; you had to come to this understanding on your own.
I don’t ever force you to do things. But you don’t always get to know everything. That’d be counter to who you are, anyway. 
He flopped down on a bench, arms over its back, and looked up at the moon.
“Let’s say what you’re saying is true. Why would you even bother with an idea like me, anyway? There are a million better ideas.”
But they’re not you.
Your Idea is one of persistence and determination. The willingness to pick yourself back up and keep going no matter what happens. To play a bad hand, and try to make the best of it. To make choices and live with them, and their consequences. To be honest about being dishonest, and about being human. To learn to truly understand friendship. To suffer, to fail, and to redeem yourself.
You’re a really powerful Idea. 
Doesn’t hurt that you’re smart, strong, funny, and good-looking, on top of it.
He paused, taken aback, then chuckled. “Smart enough to know flattery when I hear it, too.”
Is it flattery if it’s true?
“That’s my line.” The corners of his mouth turned up. 
I can’t say I’m not pretty deeply invested in you. You speak to a lot of my values through your Stories.
That silenced him. “Role models” were one thing, and he would never be one, in his estimation. But values — those rang a different tone.
“So …” he looked around, seeing the world again from a different angle. He probably looked like Koun, seeing color for the first time, he thought dryly. “These are all Ideas. This — all of it — ” he swept a hand, indicating the people he’d left behind earlier, the others in his multitude of lives and scopes, that somehow he could always feel, even if he couldn’t bring them to bear — “it’s all Ideas, making up new Stories.”
That’s right. You know now why it is you can tell four different Judes apart from each other, but they’re still all your oldest friend. Your Idea and their Ideas are part of each other. It’s pretty cool.
“Huh.” He propped his elbows on his knees, and leaned his chin on his laced fingers. “And you — you chose my Idea, out of everything else you could’ve taken?”
That’s right.
“You’re crazy.” There was no sting in his words, just an uncomfortable surprise. “So, now what?”
Well, that’s up to you, isn’t it? I can’t make this easier. That’s not part of your Idea. But getting through tough times — that is. It’s what makes you so strong.
“Heh. So just — pick up and move on, and play it by ear, huh?”
Yep, sounds like you. You’ll manage. Besides, you’ve got friends now, who care about you. And you know that includes me. Between you and me, you’ve still got plenty more Stories left to tell.
“… Thanks. I think.”
You’re welcome. I love you. Now go get ‘em.
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alarrytale · 8 months
So re the poor concert reviews: I’ve attended both Louis’ tours, with the shows being around 2 years apart. The decline in quality since the walls show is unreal. Even my friend who’s much more positive on Louis’ new laddy lad stuff saw and felt it. These guys have been travelling the world and partying like animals for years and it’s showing. It’s unprofessional and it makes me angry. I know you’re a millionaire, but your fans aren’t, and we actually pay for a good product. Drinking, smoking and acting like emotionally stunted college students backstage then coming out like you don’t even really care smh. I love l Louis but I am a little upset at the environment he fosters and I think I’m allowed be!
Hi, anon!
Of course you're allowed to be upset! Your feelings are shared with a growing number of people. The social contract between a fan and an artist is that the artist gives you music and a good concert experience and the fan gives you time, money and support in return. He isn't holding up his end of the bargain for some fans. It isn't entitlement on the fans part to expect the artist to know the lyric to their songs by heart, it's bare minimum expectations everyone should have.
There is a backstage environment he helps foster/or partakes in that isn't professional, respectful, encouraging and uplifting. According to Joni it sounds like people lie, cheat on their partners, drinks and does drugs. It's become prevelant and you'll look like an outsider if you don’t parttake and conform to the pressure. Louis lives a fast paced lifestyle and it's not possible to give a good performance if he doesn’t get enough sleep and time to recooperate after a binge night. The environment backstage influence the environment on stage. And to some fans, what he delivers on stage makes it seem like he doesn’t care to give a good performance. This isn't how it should be.
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@lorraine-widow-jackson-st-oc​ asked:
(I want you to know I LOVE Errol regardless of the Au especially in our Stranger Things Au interactions, but this meme interests me and I want to see Errol’s reaction. Plus this concept reminds me of one of his nightmares that we have discussed before.)
“I hate you. Your mother was right to want to lock you away. Your a tempered animal.. a murderer…a monster..and a psychopath…and I was foolish to fall in love with you..I regret it..I regret everything. You only wanted to use me..and I fell for it. I want nothing to do with you..I wished you stayed in that lab to rot…I want nothing to do with you anymore..and I..I hate you..I am leaving you forever..” ~Nightmare/Dream, Lorraine
(lol, no worries, I know anyone sending mean stuff to my muses isn’t intending to be malicious towards me, it’s just fun for character development purposes, it’s all good)
At first Errol was in too much shock to say anything. He simply stared at Lorraine, like he couldn’t believe what she was saying. It was like it wasn’t even her anymore. Coming from someone else, Errol might have been angry and upset, but he could at least handle it. Coming from her... from Lorraine... his little spider. It felt unreal.
The worst part was that when she called him those horrible things, he couldn’t even argue with her. Because deep down, he knew she was right. He’d spent every moment since he’d become Errol instead of Henry trying to prove his true nature wrong, but in the end, it was still the same. He was still the same. He could pretend all he wanted, but deep inside, he knew what he really was.
But when she said he only wanted to use her, Errol finally had to say something. “No, that’s not true! Lorraine, I never-” he choked on his words though. Because that wasn’t true either, was it? Never wasn’t true. There had been a time, at the very beginning of their relationship, before he’d really fallen in love with her, that he had only ever intended to use her. That had changed, of course, but was it too late?
Apparently so. She hated him now. She was leaving him.
Swallowing thickly, it still wasn’t enough to stop the tears. “Lorraine...” his voice cracked and he reached out for her desperately. “Please don’t go. Wait. I’m sorry. Please, I’m sorry. Don’t leave me. Please, god, no...”
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ruminate88 · 2 months
08/05/24 Still On The Healing Journey
Who needs tv, when I can create better visions in my head? 😝😝(but why do I do that?) Also, my dreams likes to show me faces all the time. Still waking up in the night after dreaming of someone. For awhile it was like one dream of Cody after the other but last night it was of Andrew 💔❤️‍🩹 it was a very sad dream and I woke up just feeling frustrated that I can’t get a full night’s rest…
I’ve been waiting for something to finally click in my head and make sense. There has been multiple little things that makes me go, “Oh I get why that happened like that…” but I’m waiting for “big picture” and that might be years down the road. I just don’t know but I understand life is all these pieces of a puzzle coming together to make this grand puzzle complete and show where I started in life and then where I ended up.
Life is so deep if you’ll keep searching and I continue to find lessons and more purpose. I continue to find more love and forgiveness in my heart for my exes Cody and Andrew. My brain wants to see them as great guys that i had romance with but my heart knows how awful they treated me but that they’re human and who am I to judge them?? I’m nobody because I make my own mistakes. I ask God to forgive me every day and to please help cody and andrew be safe and be well within their souls. To have peace ❤️‍🩹
Why would I care so much for two people who basically ruined my life??? The truth is, love is so real and so grand. I’ve always thought that and im not gonna give that up. Even knowing I can’t ever trust andrew or cody. Oh I wanna write the letters so bad and tell them each how sad I am they hurt me and that I love them more than words but I dont want them to misinterpret that how they treated me was okay OR that they can waltz back in my door and abuse me more. Creating boundaries hasn’t been easy cuz I never understood what that was till this stage of my life.
I was always raised on the teachings of “love one another” and “love your neighbor as yourself”. I always tried to love and respect cody and Andrew but truth is, I was also addicted to porn back then and so I was comfortable to talk dirty to each of them and show them my nudes. I understand I can’t take that back and I have to forgive myself. It’s all been a big process for me and I’m still working on it.
Everywhere I turn for help, it screams at me, “Unresolved feelings” and “wanting closure”. I understand I got married so fast after I blocked Andrew’s number because I couldn’t stand the pain. Andrew hurt me more than I could ever express. He made me hate myself and feel like my life wasn’t worth living. My husband however, made me feel safe against Andrew, so I married him so fast to get safe and stable but never really knew IF I was majorly attracted to him or loved him. I didn’t deal with the pain of Andrew 💔💔💔 I covered it up and moved on so fast.
Now years later I can’t continue to hide the pain and the shame has also been unreal. I can’t believe how guilty I’ve felt. When I first found out what “emotional abuse” was, I began to understand why I thought andrew and Cody were toxic. I started to get really angry thinking I was just a joke to them and I started writing my story on this account thinking how stupid I feel and I beat myself up. Over time though, I’ve experienced the guilt and the sadness. More sadness than anything. Sad for Andrew and Cody. Burdened for their souls.
I’ve never tried to contact them or wanted “justice” or “karma” on them. I am not asking them to pay for their abuse towards me. I simply just them to be well and I want to be so healed that I can see them in the street and not feel anything or get upset. Right now, if I saw them ever I would cry so hard. I need to heal these wounds and I can’t do it alone. God is helping me and I’ve made so many mistakes on this journey.
I think my brain wants to make up so many scenarios of Andrew in my head because it’s less painful to think of him as what I hoped he would be with me. Not the scary and hurtful person he actually ended up being. After we broke up, I was so confused, I kept trying to get answers and he kept changing his story. I realized he couldn't tell the truth and that he would only say what he thought I wanted him to say. I knew then I can’t believe anything he tells me or trust him. 🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
Andrew breaking my trust, that just made me so sad. I wanted to trust him and love him. I wanted to be faithful to him but he can’t be faithful to me. I was jealous of his new girlfriend he had so fast but if he can’t be faithful to me, how could he be faithful to her? I’ve since accepted he’s not the one or someone who can treat me right but I’ll always remember when I did trust him and love him. I’ll always remember when I did believe in him and believe in “us”. 🥺💔 when it stops hurting, I don’t know but I’m trying to be patient. I try to focus on my current man but I know I have to heal. I know I have to rebuild trust again completely.
no one could explain to me back then that it was emotional abuse and that I was taking emotional baggage into my marriage. ❤️‍🩹 I’m sorry to my husband not sure what he understands but I know it’s not fair but also he doesn’t ever ask me if I’m ok 😓 my husband never once says I look sad or upset. I always wonder what does he know or think of me? Am I really good at hiding my feelings or does he just not know what to say? ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 I always want my husband to hug me and tell me I’m gonna be ok but he doesn’t and I don’t wanna ask for it 🥺 I’m just too tired.
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yoongiblunt · 9 months
I really got my job and some lil hoes from my job running around trashing me every other direction and I’m so Fuckin burned out it’s unreal.
I’m more upset about the personal bit than setting fired. I can handle that.
But me saying someone caused my relapse?
Me saying I was having this sexual relationship with my friends that wasn’t happening?
I can understand how the second one could have gotten melded into truth, I do. There were a lot of jokes made, but I’ve made those with the couple in mind and with them present. It was never disrespectful, or not by intention. So that really fucking bugs me that it got so far out of what I could control that it’s circling around this way.
But the first one is blatantly untrue and it’s an awful thing for anyone to be told. I hate that it’s something someone believes I said. Because I would never want something that damaging said about someone to be something that came from my mouth. We discussed all of the factors of using again together with each other, it was a really good night. One that I hold with a lot of care in my memory, and I even thanked my friend and tried to make sure he knew how much I appreciated him. He even got me an Uber home.
I hate that someone tarnished that memory. It didn’t deserve to go sour. I’ve never blamed anyone for my using coke. I’ve never once said it was his fault I relapsed. I never said that. And I can’t even defend myself. I can’t even work out how that got said.
Right now I’m dealing with my job lying about me, and if I sit here and publicly call these lies too, I just look like someone who can’t take accountability.
I am accountable for the jokes about our sex life, one hundred percent. I made the mistake of letting those jokes fall on the untrained ear, I’ve made the mistake of tellin them in ways where they’ve sounded like truths. Calling them my boyfriend and girlfriend for the bit was funny to me. It was all a bit, none of it was real. I thought people knew that. I didn’t think it would get twisted up like this. We have always had a fun flirty friendship, nothing sexual. Nothing real like that. It was just goofing around, I know that. So it’s difficult to be projected like I don’t.
The drugs part just makes me angry for them. How dare someone say something so hateful to them. Because that’s not just about hurting me, I can take my character being attacked. I can take being made to look like a creep or whatever. What I can’t take is y’all damaging two very decent people for the sake of spilling some tea. They don’t deserve to hear that someone they called a friend said they forced them to use drugs.
He was working on his sobriety. We had amazing talks about our use of drugs and our struggles with them. This narrative totally shits on all of that trust and care we built. And for what purpose? What did either of them do to deserve someone telling them something so fucking mean?
If you’re gonna go after someone, just go after me.
And I’m sure I know who said it.
They guilted me when I wouldn’t text him to get us coke when we were out. Said that I had just relapsed days before why was I so high and mighty.
I said I’m not, you can get coke from literally anyone, I’m not texting him when he’s home, not out with us, and interrupting his time with drugs he expressed wanting to use less of. They fucking threw their hands in my face and then started having a panic attack.
Then they went thru my room when I got home looking for coke.
So I know what that intention was. I know why they did that.
They were also mad at me for making it hard for them to get at him. I listened to them all night talk about finding a way to get him home, and I joked I had been sowing those seeds for years. It was light hearted. They were immediately catty and trying to be competitive with me all night when him and I were just hanging out and having drinks. They dominated conversations and shut me down over and over.
I feel like I know who said these things, but I’m not sure.
I have an inkling of who would have something against me. They’re angry, I understand, but it’s an awful thing to do to tarnish someone else’s memories with your own pathetic behavior.
I wish I could express to literally anyone the way this feels because it’s not even a little bit fair to them that they have to feel like someone misused their trust like this.
I’m just so sorry them knowing me has made things so hard on them. It isn’t fair. I just want my friends happy. I just want them to feel respected.
I would never say something like this. And I wish I could control this narrative better
Maybe I’m misguided. Maybe I just don’t understand anything at all, I’m not sure what to believe. I know the things I’ve said, and I know I would never say anything like this. This is,,, just out of control really.
I can’t even attempt to fix any of it because I don’t even know how. I don’t know who said it, I don’t know how you fix a lie. I’ve spent my whole year rebuilding the person I was, trying to grow and learn how to better handle hard situations so that I could be this better person. But it really turns out im not a better person. Im just as hopelessly confused about everything as I’ve ever been, and im worried that this is the way people will see me now.
Im not even really worried about other people, im moreso worried about them. I have a lot of good memories with them. I don’t want those to go away or hurt when I remember them. I don’t want THIS to be what my brain remembers, I don’t want THIS to be what comes up when they think of me. It isn’t fair that other people get to have so much control over you, your words, and how others see you. Because the person that was described to me was someone I didn’t like. And it’s worse because I know I didn’t say those things. So what am I even supposed to do?
How do you apologize to someone for something you didn’t do and how do you give them proper closure when you didn’t mean to cause this damage?
I just wanna do the right thing.
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crazygaysex · 2 years
I’m so sad I miss him so much my heart is breaking I can’t believe it is gone this big unbelievable gaping hole in my life I can’t believe it half th day I’m out of body forget where I am it’s unreal I get so angry at him and then I remember and my heart breaks and that’s really the whole problem isn’t it that we have completely incompatible worldviews he doesn’t think he’s worth shit and that he’s powerless and deserves to suffer to be abandoned and I think he’s everything I want to go home to him every night I want to love him more than anything and he’s just wrong it hurts so much I know why he feels that way I understand I know that when that has been your whole life that the way I see him really must be impossible for him to understand but I hope to god he can change I was really stupid to think I could convince him of anything about himself but I still wanted to I wanrEd him to see it so badly. Hurt so much when he would say things about wanting to start his life over and do it all differently I want to shake him he really thinks it’s his fault that so many people hurt him and failed him that it’s something in his nature that makes it inevitable and I just want to shake him and tell him over and over you were just a kid. You couldn’t do anything to stop it they didn’t take care of you like they should’ve they failed you. And I want to shake them and tell them you’re 23 you can leave that behind. Watching them keep abusing that broken down little kid inside them is so painful I’m not stupid I know it’s hard to change literally your entire worldview and understanding of yourself I still know they can do it I have to believe it. I saw the good in them I saw them underneath all the difficulties and pain and complications and they are so beautiful the more they let me in the more I fell in love with them I loved every moment of intimacy I was allowed with them it means everything to me to have been able to experience something like that. To have this kind of connection with someone. And I’m so angry with them but it all just goes in one big circle back to love I’m angry because they can’t let me love them and they hurt me for trying. I thought I could prove it to them it was foolish but I couldn’t bear the idea of leaving because I wanted to show them they were worthwhile worth effort and devotion I didn’t want to give up on them like everyone else did i found out pretty fast that it was almost impossible for them to account for my feelings if the feelings were from things they had done and said to me it hurt them when I tried to it made them feel incompetent and like a burden to me and so I buried a lot of the hurt from lots of things in me because I was so scared to hurt them I never wanted to hurt them and then I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. I know it’s dumb to think I could change their mind but I loved him so much and whenever he let me near him it was so good and I loved that he could feel vulnerable at all with me that he could sometimes let himself need things from me that he would sometimes let me take care of him it felt good to do it to see him smile calmly or laugh a little the silly noises he’d make when I scratched his back or his head and it must’ve been so hard for him. It must’ve been so hard to let me near him to accept kindness from me. He said it was like taking candy when your moms not looking. A lot of things made sense from that and it was another time my heart just ached for him because I know he loves me so much as much as I love him and it’s just too hard for him to accept it right now. And when I let him hurt me without saying anything I wasn’t helping anyone. It’s sad and desperate but I really want to be with him I love him so much I miss him so much I don’t want to stop looking I want to hold him and smell his hair I can’t keep doing it spying on him he deserves his privacy I can’t keep getting myself upset and angry with whatever he’s doing it’s not my business anymore god it fucking hurts man. I really really miss him so much already I don’t know if it’ll ever stop
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writingat-night · 4 years
theon greyjoy season 2 episode 6 moodboard
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veryunbecoming · 2 years
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quitesins · 3 years
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Masterlist | Read on AO3
Bakugou x fem!reader
Tags: 18+, Nsfw/ Smut, aged up! Bakugou, pro Hero! Bakugou, oneshot, office sex, degradation, name calling, kinda soft tho, he cums inside? [practice safe sex guys], slight exhibitionism, unrealistic cervix touching [no science just horny!], mentions of unspecified medication, not beta read, based off a whole meme I found, author note at the end!
After weeks of being unable to get off, you’re miserable and the office is starting to get sick of your attitude. Particularly Bakugou, who’s determined to figure out what the fuck has you so worked up in the first place.
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Even Bakugou was slightly worried, the hot headed blond side eyeing you each time you huff as the copier jams.
You had been like this all week, in a mood, not particularly upset but evidently frustrated. Kirishima tried talking to you, the more friendly of the hero bunch, but you just waved him off, a faux smile silently threatening him to back off. The entire office was put off by your agitation, but no one could really say anything, you got your work done and… you weren’t a bigger bother than your own boss, Bakugou.
Still, you were definitely being difficult, Bakugou has known you since UA, eventually hiring you as his own agency’s manager. Of course he spent half his years in UA bickering with you, but he couldn’t deny your skill. Sure you may have hated his guts too, but the pay was unreal, and he wasn’t too bad of a hero himself.
However even the pay couldn't get you through this week, everything seeming to tick you off, the playful remarks between you and your boss, now genuine bites of snark. Bakugou wouldn’t admit it but there was a small twinge of guilt already festering. He wasn’t even sure why, yet he couldn’t put your foul mood past him, after all, he wasn’t the nicest of people to be around either.
So he tried, to figure out the reason behind your iciness, in his own- Bakugou way.
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“The fuck is wrong with you.”
The brash voice, that broke the calm silence of your office, startled you, the creaking of the door still going as he had just barged in.
You collected yourself and shot up, glaring straight at him. “What are you talking about?”
“Look, in the most respectful way possible-” Bakugou walked closer to your desk, staring you down. “-What the fuck is wrong with you.”
That didn’t answer your question, still confused, so you had given him the finger, telling him to get lost.
He didn’t, of course, instead he opted to inch closer, almost across the desk.
“This shit, you’re always so angry, if I did something just spit it out.”
Without responding you looked away, it’s not that you didn’t have an answer… you just didn’t want to say it.
Ever so perceptive, he noticed that, his mission now to drag the reason out of you.
“Are you hungry?” As much as the man was smart, he could also be quite the idiot.
“What- no?” He made you sound like a damn toddler, moody and unable to word why.
“Well the fuck is it then…” He watched you resume to your seat, taking his own in one of the sofas in your room, tempted to kick up his feet on the table nearby, but he had already risked enough with his comment. “Is it because I drank all the coffee on Monday.”
It’s a better guess, but his tapping at your new white settee made you seethe.
“Kats’, i’m not angry at all, you’re imagining things.”
Your eyebrow twitched as his legs raised, to rest against the side of your sofa, you already saw scuff marks that would remain from his filthy shoes.
“Yeah, and that look isn’t one that says ‘I’ll kill you for dirtying my seat.’”
You couldn’t believe him, the gall to casually saunter in without knocking and then deliberately mess up the best investment you’d made for this company.
Getting up, you stomped over to the door, opening it and demanding, “Get out, now.”
In a show of surrender, he got up, walking over to the door. He was still intent on bringing the source of your frustrations out, but even he could tell he was not going about it the right way.
Still, he had to get one last word in before he left.
“Acting like you haven’t been fucked in weeks.” It was just a snide comment, a huff if anything, but it’s that that had you stilling.
It was true, well half true. Past weeks you’d tried anything, calling up old flings, tempted to text an ex, already having tried yourself, but nothing was working… nothing could make you cum. So perhaps you were a bit cranky, but several nights of ruined orgasms, one after the other, what else were you meant to feel. Those damn tablets, starting some new medication, it had just made you numb down there, nothing turning you on, leading you to absolute misery.
You must have been pondering for too long, because the lack of response made Bakugou’s eyes widen, then narrow as a small smirk started to slither onto his face.
“It is that, isn’t it?” The lowered chuckle broke you from your stupor, taking your boss in view, now closer, eyes darker, voice deeper. “You haven’t been fucked.”
“That’s not-” He didn’t let you continue, cutting you off as he edged closer, his breath fanning your ears.
“Haven’t had this pussy satisfied have you?” Deft fingers crept past your hips, slipping under the elastic of your skirt, letting it snap back in place and making you jump.
Maybe you were so pent up you finally had lost it, but the man in front of you, tall and towering over you, thick arms, face sculpted like a statue, your stomach fluttered at the sight of him.
Embers seared into your own stare, a lustful glow silently asking permission to burn, to kiss you with passion. And you assented, allowing yourself to be swept up by the fire, his mouth moving with such fervour against yours, his hands bringing your body to press against his. It was messy, almost angry, but you couldn’t help but melt at his touch.
“Tell me you don’t want this, sweetheart, and I’ll stop right now, I’ll leave.” Bakugou pulled away, letting out a huff before putting his forehead against yours. “But kiss me again, and I’ll fuck you till you’re numb.”
You didn’t even think, you just pushed your lips back onto his, wrapping your arms around him as he hoisted your legs around his waist.
It wasn’t until your back hit your desk, did you notice how far he had carried you, how far your skirt had ridden up, and how hard he was, even through his slacks.
“See something you want?” That dastardly smirk was back on his face, and you could feel it again as his lips kissed against your neck, while his fingers undid the buttons of your shirt. “You’ll get it soon enough.”
You couldn’t help but keen as he unclasped your bra, latching onto your breasts, palming himself at the sweet sounds that escaped you. He never thought he’d have you like this, his stuck up manager, who he wouldn’t admit he admired, whimpering as his fingers drew closer to your core.
He could’ve came right there, hearing that startled gasp as he finally reached your panties, already dampened by his ministrations.
Your breath hitched as his finger circled your entrance, bringing the evidence of your lust up to your clit, pressing lightly before dipping back down again. You needed something inside but Bakugou’s smile was telling; you weren’t getting anything until you begged.
“Come on princess, tell me what you want.” After your hips had pressed closer to his fingers, he snatched them away, a slap to your thighs making you tremble. “I’ll give you anything, just tell me.”
“In-inside,” you panted out, eyes teary, you needed him so bad, after weeks of nothing, the sudden rush of arousal left you insatiable.
The blond almost wanted to tease a little longer,but the mere sight of you was making him impatient, so he plunged a finger into your hole, grinning at how your eyes widened.
Clenching around his finger, you felt the rivulets of your slick as he pumped in and out, soon he had moved onto his second finger, and then third, prepping you well for what you had been waiting for.
Hearing the clink of a belt, your eyes immediately latched onto Bakugou’s cock, and you damn near salivated.
It was fucking big.
Curved slightly, head flushed pink, a tuft of blonde by the base, if you didn’t have that inside of you any minute now, you were sure to start crying.
“J-just fuck me.” It had meant to leave an order, but your stutter only made him laugh.
“Look at you, so eager.” He pressed the head into your slick, letting the fluid coat itself onto his cock, then tapping it against your clit. “Horny fucking slut, in your office, where anyone could walk in.”
“I need you.” Unsure you could take another second without him inside you, you pleaded. “Please put it in.”
With a deep groan, he inserted the tip in, bringing himself towards you, kissing at the side of your mouth, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
There was a honest layer of concern within his voice, a genuine care, and beyond everything, your frustration, your arousal, in that moment you could only smile. “I will.”
As he inched further in, his own breath staggered, the plush walls of your insides encasing his cock, shaping itself around him, as if you were made for him.
“F-fuck, you’re perfect.” was the only thing he could spit out, stilling as he reached his hilt, your own throat struggling to let out a breath.
After a moment of being entwined in each other's embrace, you finally let out the whimper to move, and so he did.
He fucked you hard, but not fast, rather it was slow and deep. Bringing himself out to the tip before slamming himself back in with a force that made you choke. The constant motion, alongside the circles he was persistent on rubbing at your clit, had you moaning, drawing closer to you end.
“Sweet girl, look at you.” His teeth glinted as they barred. “Such a mess for me already.”
The sickening squelch of your fluids, with each thrust, was testament to that, the drag of his cock filling you up till you crumbled underneath him.
Letting out another short gasp, you felt his cock hit that particular spot inside of you, and when he noticed, he didn’t let up, grazing it again and again and again.
“Kat-katsuki, fuck I’m gonna.” He knew, just by the way you tightened around him, the way your eyes squeezed shut, the way your voice pitched higher, louder and sweeter.
“Me too, pretty girl,” he huffed out against your skin. “Think you can hold out a little?”
You nodded fervently, craving to obey him, aching to make him proud.
“You’re so fucking cute, princess, too fucking cute.” Bakugou cut off as his lips fell back to yours, kissing you with a softness that you hadn’t felt before, making you whimper into the kiss.
You felt his cock twitch inside you, and that only made your pussy clench around him. His fingers still on your clit, length kissing your cervix, and his mouth sucking at yours, you came with a sudden cry.
And so did he, the wetness of your walls, clamping down onto him, like it didn’t want to let go, the melodies of your voice, the damn tears that had started to collect by your glistening eyes, it was all too much.
The two of you simply floated in the feeling of your high. The tickle of his ash blond hair against your forehead, the languid trail of kisses he left upon your neck and the feeling of his cock still burried deep within, you were in heaven.
Soon the stickiness of sex became unpleasant , the desk incredibly uncomfortable and you both shifted, Katsuki slipping out while you adjusted to the emptiness.
You wobbled slightly, trying to get up on your feet, before Katsuki brought an arm around you, then picking you up to place you on the sofa. Forgetting all about how new they were, you warmed at the show of affection.
“I’ll get us some water, then something else to wear,” he said, clothing himself and coming back to you, stroking a stay hair away from your face before kissing your temple. “You alright?”
Humming, you nodded as he passed you your shirt, using it to cover yourself, a sweet makeshift blanket. He went in for another kiss, but as he attempted to detach, you tugged on the half done shirt he had on.
“We should do this again.” After the weeks of irritation, you weren’t going to lose the only man who could make you cum. And perhaps the man you’d been secretly pining for.
Air left his nose with a playful snicker, returning to smile onto your kiss. “Let me take you on a date first.”
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Not particularly my best work and it’s definitely rushed, but I saw this meme and started cracking up a while ago and it lead to this thought. Ty for reading!!
Edit: changed a few lines that I disliked writing but had nothing else on the mind… think they new lines sound much better [06/01/22]
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gigglymarvel · 2 years
Tickle Monster vs Grumpy Gills (Natasha x Yelena)
Natasha is having a bad day and snaps at Yelena, then feels bad and sulks in her room. It’s not long before Yelena brushes her sisters harsh words off and goes to cheer her sister up. (Word count: 1550)
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“Yelena, whatever you’re planning, don’t. I’m not in the mood.” Natasha told her little sister quietly, sensing that she was about to prank a very grumpy Black Widow, and she was not in the mood to be messed with.
"I wasn’t doing anything!" She said innocently as she tucked the whipped cream behind her back, biting her lip as she had not expected her sister's mood. So instead she started spraying it in her own mouth openly, "I just wanted to see if you wanted a snack!"
“I’m good.” Natasha replied simply, raising her eyebrows as she watched Yelena, before turning her attention to the book.
Yelena tested the waters and held the whipped cream near Natasha's face, "When we were but children you loved when we'd spray whipped cream from the can."
Natasha glared at her sister, moving the book in front of her face. “We are no longer children, Yelena, so don’t do it.” She warned.
Yelena smirked playfully and sprayed just a little on her nose, "Oh for elderly times sake!"
“I told you I’m not in the mood!” Nat snapped and wiped the cream off her nose. “You can be so childish sometimes it’s unreal, grow up.” She told her angrily before getting up and storming off to her room.
The guilt sunk in the second she collapsed on her bed, she knew Yelena had to miss out on her childhood due to what happened when she was six, so that was always a sensitive subject for her.
She decided to remain in her room, thinking Yelena would be too angry or upset to talk to her right now. She curled up a little more and mentally beat herself up in silence.
Yelena sat in shock for a few minutes, a tear rolling down her cheek, but she knew something must be bothering Natasha for her to behave like this and so she took Fanny for a walk to clear her head. After about an hour, she went back to Natasha's room, "Natashka?" She asked softly with a knock on the door.
The red headed woman was half asleep, she had clearly been crying from how awful she felt after talking to Yelena that way. She curled up a little more when she heard a knock on the door and a familiar voice, but she didn’t say anything in response.
Yelena came to comfort her, coming up behind and spooning her older sister, "Natashka what is wrong?"
Natasha was stubborn, she shrugged in response and tensed up slightly, shaking her head as she purposely squirmed to brush Yelena off.
"Oh no, you're not getting rid of me this time," she said and immediately reached under her sister's arms and dug into her armpits, causing Nat to yelp and slam her arms down, rolling away from her sister as she held back her giggles.
"Oh c'mon Natashka, you know you wanna laugh," the blonde smirked and grabbed her thighs, squeezing and spideringly in quickly.
“Nonono Yelena leave me alone!” She yelped out, kicking and biting her lip as she rolled to the other side of the bed, remaining stubborn.
"No," Yelena smirked and followed her, squeezing her sides and shaking into her ribs, "Ticktickticktickle!"
Nat whined and curled up again, trying to push her sister away as she shook her head. “Get off meeeee!” She told her sister with a pout.
"No," she smirked and straddled her, scribbling into her tummy and sides rapidly. Eventually, Natasha cracked, and broke into giggles as she covered her upper body.
"Aww there we goo! Coochiescoochiecoochie coo sissy! Payback tiiiickle!" Lena smirked and pulled Nat's top up and raspberried her tummy, making the Black Widow screech with laughter as she immediately shoved her shirt back down.
“NOHOHO RAHAHASPBERRIES!” She cackled out, gently shoving the blonde away. Yelena laughed and then nibbled her ribs through her shirt, "Okay then! NOMNOMNOM!"
“YOHOHOU AHAHASSHOLE!” Natasha screeched out as she kept pushing at Yelena, silently hoping that her sister forgot her worst spot - her inner thighs.
Yelena smirked and spidered up and down Nat's inner thighs, "Ohoho did you think I'd forget?" She teased as she nibbled her ribs too, "Nomnomnomnom!"
“AHAHA NOHOHOOOO!” Nat cackled and was quick to roll onto her belly, squeezing her legs together. “You’re so mean!”
Yelena smiled, sitting on her sister's back and rubbing her shoulders, "Depends on my mood." She told her sister as she relaxed into the feeling, sighing as she remembered what happened earlier.
“Why aren’t you mad at me?” She asked her sister straight out.
"I was sad, but I know you do not get like this unless something is eating your mind." She said gently as she worked her way down her shoulders and back.
The older sister sighed, feeling awful for making Yelena sad, she remained quiet in response as she relaxed into the feeling, not used to talking about what had been happening.
"Natashka, it is okay. We are both sad sometimes. You shared your sad by me feeling sad, I just hope you can share with me the words to help me understand why you are sad, poser." She said gently and teased her, tickling her sides lightly.
“Buhuhut that’s whahahat older sisters dohohoho!” Natasha replied, giggling a little as she tried to grab Yelena’s hands to hold them away from her sides.
"And younger sister's! Don't rule me out sestra!" She smirked and wiggled her fingers at the redhead, making Nat roll her eyes and hold her sisters hands away.
“Oh yeah, I’m ruling you out of this, I’m meant to be here for you and to be your role model, you don’t need to see me weak.” Natasha murmured quietly.
"You're not weak," she insisted, pleading with her sister, "You're human," she whispered quietly.
Natasha chuckled. “Barely human.” She replied, bringing her arms up to rest her head on them since she couldn’t move anyway.
Yelena smirked and scribbled immediately into her armpits, "Ticktickticktickle!" She teased as Nat yelped and burst into giggly laughter, she immediately slammed her arms down.
“NOHOHOHO LEHEHEHENA!” The blonde smirked, "Awww c'mon, it's just a little tickling! Ticklingticklingtickling!" She sang playfully as she skittered in.
“AHAHAHAND IT SUHUHUHUCKS!” Nat protested, trying to get Yelena’s fingers to stop wriggling by squeezing her arms against her sides.
"Ah ah ah, now they're trapped in there!" She smirked and shook in instead, causing Natasha to laugh helplessly and lift her arms to shove her sisters hands away.
Yelena smirked and shook into Nat's ribs, "Ticktickticktickle!" She teased, causing Natasha to cackle and slam her arms against her sides.
“MEHEHEHEAN!” She screeched out, blushing as she thrashed and attempted to throw Yelena off.
Yelena rode out the wave, and then squeezed into her sister's sensitive thighs again, causing Natasha to yelp and kick her legs out, shaking her head helplessly as she squirmed from side to side.
Yelena finally let up, "Have you learned your lesson?" She asked, as the red head nodded in response, curling up and taking deep breaths with a bashful smile.
"You can never lose me," she said and hugged Nat closely, making her nod and hug her back.
“I’m sorry again.. how can I make it up to you?” She asked her sister, biting her lip. "Hey, you're forgiven," she said softly, "Tell me what was eating you or if you need a distraction?"
Natasha just shook her head. “It’s a dumb thing. Tony snapped at me and called me a useless idiot because I didn’t file paperwork correctly. Even Steve made me feel like a dumbass.” She explained quietly.
"Oh Natashka," Yelena said softly and hugged her, rocking her older sister, "I'm so sorry. They deserve to be blower punched."
Natasha chuckled a little and shook her head. “Nah, they’re just having a grumpy day, it’s fine.” She replied, hugging her back.
"That doesn't mean they should take it out on you. They owe you an apology! I'll make them give you one!" She protested and kissed the top of Nat's head.
“No please… I don’t want anything to kick off.” She murmured quietly, shaking her head.
Yelena nodded softly in understanding, "Okay then I'll make the Tony and Steve in my head cry so I feel better." She said, trying to be humorous.
“Uhh… have fun with that.” Nat replied, rolling onto her side and stretching with a sigh. Yelena smirked, "I have a better idea," and scribbled into Natasha's armpit again, making her yelp and slam her arm down.
“Okahahahay! We can do something else!” She replied and shoved at Yelena gently.
"I think we need a girly night," Yelena beamed, "Two sisters enjoying the night together!" She offered, waiting for Nat to reply with the activity she wanted since she'd had the hard day.
“That’s very unlike you to be eager to do something girly.” She chuckled, but Yelena just grinned and shrugged.
“Well I’m going to make it the most girly night possible, nails, gossip and pillow fights!” Natasha teased with a cheeky smile as she sat up, eagerly going to get snacks.
Yelena shook her head fondly, just thankful that her sister was feeling better now, despite it costing her sanity by doing a load of girly stuff, as long as the two bonded, that’s all that mattered.
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shitty17 · 4 years
Rating every Gordon Freeman
Half life 1 gordon
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Beloved and classic. Cannot beat the original! You gotta respect your roots. The man who started it all. He’s a tough quiet little redhead with a fun little pony tail. Fascinating design choices lead him to be a regular blank slate character who you can still pick out of the mass of similar ones by his iconic goatee and glasses. The early 90s art did a good job of showing you “this isn’t a giant beast of a killer man, this is your 40 something geometry teacher in a microwave with a gun” and that set the WHOLE precedent for Gordon’s character for me. The glasses, goatee, and defined cheek lines that seemed to be in every half life model at the time age him a touch more than 27, but if you stare at him long enough you can believe it. Plus, not a lot of detail to glean from a low poly model anyhow. His expression shows him as cool, level headed, and focused. He’s so fucking ORANGE holy shit. This is our very first Gordon! The fucking sexy SNATCHED little waist and chicken neck give him extra points for being a shitty little skinny legend. The metal diaper and looking like he’s about to give me detention because I spoke too loud in class docks tho.
9/10 Beloved classic Gordon who’s flaws can easily be waved away with “it was our first try”, and yet also make him a fun original stand out character.
Half life 2 Gordon
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He is no longer my pain in the ass highschool teacher, he is now my bitchy gay college TA who rolls his eyes when the professor says some dumb shit and looks WAY too much like House MD if you get too close. Props for consistencey, this really is just a dolled up version of low poly Gordon. Still got his heavy brow and aged face creases so he looks more like a 30 something dad than a 27 y/o scientist, but that can be blamed on all the stress. Hes got bigger prettier eyes now. He’s still remaining cool and focused, but he’s getting upset. He’s getting distracted. He’s had enough already. And yet, he still finds it in himself to keep going. The new HEV is a VERY sexy little upgrade, maintaining core features such as keeping that waist cinched, and supporting his skinny chicken neck. Finally got RID of that diaper and replaced it with a stylish yet flirty dragon underbelly scale set. It do kinda give the vibe that his dick out tho, which is both hilarious and also pretty ballsy, pun not intended. The colors are not so orange now, which is good! Balanced it out with a lot of grey. Makes him easier to look at, but a little easier to glaze over. Everyone from my generation will know Gordon Freeman by these images, they’re iconic. A good medium between “a regular guy” and “rough tough white mchandsome fps protagonist”. Hairs a lil more of a pretty chestnut brown and still got that nice warm red tone to it. I can’t tell if these images are so iconic that it’s seen as the norm, or if I’ve seen this guys face so much that I’m used to it by now, but he does give off “just kinda of a mediocre guy design wise”. I like that about him. Gordon Freeman just being a regular dude is huge and important to his character. He’s been upgraded to be sleeker and cooler and that’s got him serious traction amongst fans but he falls a bit more to the “generic badass” bin with this. Still, a lot to love.
8/10: Brilliant, iconic, handsome, sleek, and cool to look at, but making him easy to sell action figures of detracts from his character. An upgrade visually but has yet to convince me that he really is as cool as he looks.
Half-life: Alyx
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Sweet holy mother of Jesus Christ our lord.
Like. Where do I start. Okay I’ll start with the obvious. He’s cute now. He’s super fucking cute now. He no longer looks like Walter white. He looks like a young man. He looks like a barista you would get at Starbucks who’s voice has deepened from 5 years of T and he tells you to “have a nice day :)” in the sweetest of tones and you really do have a nice day because of it. He’s got big ole peepers now. His old man wrinkles have smoothed out. He’s got noticable birthmarks and freckles. His cranium is regular sized now instead of cartoonishly massive, making his hairline look less like it’s receding.
But also? The most important part? Even when he looks angry, even when he puts back on the cool focused serious look? Even when he tries to put on his classic badass look? It’s not convincing anyone any more. We know now. We know this is just a young man in a HEV suit. He’s not indestructible, he’s scared. Look at him. He clings to these weapons because they’re the only thing stopping everything else in the world from killing him. His brows are furrowed not because he’s pissed with blind rage, but because he has to focus and think and be careful or else he will get dropped. He’s hurt. He has taken damage to his suit. He is not indestructible unstoppable badass or the idol of freedom he’s been made out to be, he’s been sold as. This is a man. This is your friend. He needs your help as much as you need his. This in particular reflects the plight of society nowadays. In 2020, we have less and less faith in our governments and ruling classes, and the only faith we have left is feeling vulnerable and asking for help. This Gordon is relatable. This Gordon shows pain. This Gordon needs his family as much as they need him. This Gordon is being pushed too far, but he still says he can take it. This Gordon is way more badass.
They fucking nailed it. They made a perfect Gordon Freeman. I straight up could look at this dude for hours. He’s so cute I need to give him a bowl of soup and a kiss.
10/10. Unreal.
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10000/10 if you squint Lamarrs eyes can look like Gordon’s eyebrows.
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ruminate88 · 4 months
Free Cell 🃏 (Healing From Emotional Abuse)
In short, Free Cell is a game where all the cards are misplaced and you have to sort them out into their correct piles. So far, healing from emotional abuse has felt that way 😬 Trying to untangle my way out of the lies, the confusion and the mental fog. I have learned so much from watching TikTok but it honestly gets on my nerves too because some of the videos are either hateful, just as cold or they says things like “how to beat the narcissist at their own game” 🙄😲 No…. I don’t care how angry people are. I know all about being angry. I know it sucks to find out someone you believed you loved more than anyone or anything in the whole world turns out to be fake. A person with no personality. A person who just lies non stop. They lie about lying. 🤠 So, it hurts and it sucks but ok, we’re not going to “sink to their level”. They need help and obviously we need help too. I was soooo cold after I was ghosted. I didn’t care about myself or anyone anymore. I only cared about my family but even then I shut them out to a degree and my mom said I pushed her away and wasn’t really talking to her. She still doesn’t know I was ghosted. I haven’t wanted to tell my family anything but I fear I’m going to have to because this “healing process” sometimes feels over my head. 😵‍💫
Also, I wanna talk about the impacts that seem to linger and need your attention. My stomach for one, has been my biggest problem. Everyone around me is upset at how much weight I’ve lost. Some alluded to the notion that I’m purposely losing weight/starving myself and ugh if they only knew. People see me from the outside. They don’t know the internal battles and the hurt. I make myself eat. Even when my stomach feels sick. When I met Jake, he was so intimidating and scary. I had really bad feelings when we talked over the phone. He would yell at me if I was watching tv and not saying much. I didn’t know what to say…. It was awkward!!! He made it awkward and uncomfortable. My whole body was nervous.
THEN to meet cody and he’s saying he’s soooo obsessed with me and I couldn’t eat cuz it was so intense. I wanted to sit in a corner and cry. Cody randomly dumped and that summer I sent him a long text saying I missed him and still loved him… he read it but didn’t respond…. 🤮 I threw up that whole night!!!! Violently shaking and crying! This is not dramatic, I was on vacation with my family and of course I lied to them and said it was what I ate…. They believed me. I never told them I was upset because Cody saw my message but ignored it.
Finally, I meet Andrew it was way different with him. He seemed “normal” for a long time but there were some small things here and there that obviously confused me but nothing so jarring as what Jake or Cody put me through… Wasn’t till Andrew started doing the reward and punishment cycle that I even worried and yet I still ate mostly just not a ton. I mostly lived on Mountain Dew. It was AFTER we broke up that I saw Andrew’s true colors and there was sooooo much drama, I just wouldn’t even think of food. I was on edge wondering what’s Andrew gonna do or say next. His audacity with me was unreal. I remember asking one of my nieces, “Hey… Have I ate today at all???” And she was like, “uh… you don’t know?????” 😳😳 So crazy and scary!!!!! I couldn’t focus on anything but how in the world to make Andrew happy and change the outcome of our relationship. It went further than south. It went to a dark place and I was sooo suicidal and Andrew was more than happy. 😓😓😓
Your body recognizes the stress and danger and totally locks up. Everything shuts down and stops working. Stress can cause you so many problems you’ve never had before. I wasn’t a big person to start with. I only weighed 127 lbs. Also stress can cause you to lose hair, can cause anxiety, depression, severe tiredness. There’s so much to work through!!! I knew NOTHING about emotional abuse for so long and could NOT make sense of Andrew. I didn’t understand why he was suck a jerk to me when he originally was so loving and nice. We were together for over a year. My brain and heart just couldn’t understand or stop hurting. I hurt soooooo much words can’t express. It hurts way less to fall and skin up your elbows. (Not being dramatic)
Covid is what it took to open my eyes. Everyone was getting sick and all these weird symptoms. That’s when I randomly lost over 25 lbs but I didn’t know if covid was to blame or not. Especially when covid “ended” and my stomach continued to act up. I realized before covid I often struggled with different foods. Plus the hair loss… I was on vacation with family when I happened to see for the first time how much hair I was losing in the front. I quickly showed my husband scared and said to my family, “Am I sick??????” Your mind automatically goes to worse case scenario 😫 I wondered if covid is to blame yet again HOWEVER, there is a picture of me and my husband from thanksgiving long before covid and when I actually looked, I already had a bald spot starting…. Wow.
Even in 2021, I can’t stop thinking of Andrew and Cody. I feel obsessed with them in an unhealthy way but I don’t understand it all. I’m ashamed to talk about it with anyone but I can’t explain what’s going on. I start to say out loud “I think they were toxic with me.” But idk what toxic really means…. Seems so extreme and harsh. I hate saying it but it feels right. Finally I started praying for answers and 2022 rolls around. Nothing changed for me accept now I’m obsessively wanting to make TikTok’s and talk about my confusing break up with Andrew but can’t post it cuz I’m afraid what people wil say. Am I crazy???? Did I not understand Andrew??? Why can’t I stop hyper focusing on it and trying to make sense. It was so hurtful that Andrew was a robot and what does that even mean??
BOOM in the fall of 2022, my first video shows up on my feed about, “If their words does not match their actions, they’re manipulating you.” 😳 Okay… wow. Now I think Andrew is a manipulator but why?? Why is he a manipulator? Another few weeks or so and the narcissist videos came flooding in!!!!! It was sooooo much information and extremely overwhelming. I felt trapped watching these videos and I had so much to process and make sense. So in 2023, I made this account to write down everything I could remember that happened to me and then I have read back over it all making sense and understanding. Not enough information takes away the pain, makes me trust myself or anyone else ALSO, doesn’t take away the fear.
If I could be so close to people who mirror me and “trick” me, I don’t feel safe. I don’t wanna go outside by myself. I don’t wanna talk to strangers by myself. It sucks but it’s my reality. My mind continues to look out for danger everywhere I go and my stomach continues to tighten, it’s like my body stays ready to take the next hit. Yet I’ve been so tired not wanting to do anything or truly go anywhere accept to my parent’s house. Even then, I’m forcing it.
Moral of this post, healing takes time. You will sort all this out just like in the game of Free Cell. Don’t give up ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
0 notes
Enhypen reacting to you cheating in a game to win
More enha timeeee I've got more stuff in the works for them so soon I'll make a masterlist! Doing a mixture of both video games and arcade games in this. If it's not obvious to tell from my past fics I love me some video games I'm now super into Genshin atm!! Heeseung is absurdly long btw sorry about that he's the only one I actually had an idea for from a random tropes list on Wattpad the rest I wrote the prompt games and ideas for sitting through a school lecture
Pairing: Enhypen x reader
Genre: fluff, crack
Warning: swearing!
Gif credits to rightful owner ✨
Thinking of a way to spend time with your boyfriend and have a fun date
You went to play laser tag, there's no physical harm in laser tag
Problem here is you're both competitive
And deciding against being on the same team
Decided to go being on opposite team
Whoever lost has to buy lunch
So going into the game in the black out neon room full of obstacles you both had one thing on your mind
"I'm going to win" was the one thought racing through both of your heads (spoiler alert you won in the end)
Protecting your chestplate for your life in fear of someone shooting you
The game got very heated but you thought strategically
You didn't try to find him (that was his goal to find you, but by his height yells or cheers of success eliminating a player you knew where he was 99% of the time) you actually avoided him
You went to get out all of his teammates
It wasn't hard you where in it to win it
You realized there's no way it's not just you and Heeseung now
An idea came to mind
Yelling to him you said
"Heeseung I have an idea to make this fun for us , meet me at the middle since I don't want to yell"
You both made your way to the middle very cautious of eachother but he was very curious of the challenge
Quickly you explained that you two should go on opposite ends of the laser tag maze but each step you take you have to do one shot no matter what
Due to your limited amo this intrigued Heeseung
How he could strategically move his lanky body around the maze without loosing tok much amo
He agreed
And you leaned in for a kiss before "putting the plan to action"
He quickly accepted the kiss closing his eyes taking in the moment before having to head to the opposite corner
That was until he heard the "Defeated" noise come from his chest plate as you shot him in the chest neon red lights covering the what used to be blue chestplate
You giggled as you broke the kiss
"UNFAIR" Heeseung yelled
"We can talk about it over lunch" you said putting your hand in his
You explained your true strategy to him at lunch and how you made that plan up just so he wouldn't kill you on spot
He peas so pouty
Just ate his food and sulked
"You owe me a fist game and next time let's try that challenge I was excited baby"
He'd say with just 🥺 eyes
Pls win this boy some sort of gift he deserves a pick me up
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You guys where having a great time having an in home date
Then you disrespected man's gaming skills
Oh all hell broke loose into a heated argument
"I totally bet I could beat you in Tekken"
"Oh you fucking wish"
"Who do you main"
"Roger" (Roger is a Kangaroo)
"What the fuck are you doing? Representing Jake's home? That character takes no skill to beat people as"
"Yeah well who do you main"
"Is that even a question? Alisa Bosconovitch. A cyborg robot lady with fucking jet legs and chainsaw arms you can't tell me that's not cool"
"You're telling me I'M the one that plays someone that takes no skill to play as?"
You both knew there was only one way to settle this
Jay got out Playstation and everything for it and put it as a 5 match game
Settling yourselves into the game you both where doing actually really well
Way too well actually it was 2 to 2 so whoever won this round one the game
Your anxiety got too high
You where not gonna let this dude win
He'd be too cocky for his own good holding it over you
Quickly you had an idea as you saw his health was only 50% of the way nearing death and your ultra power and held up enough exp
"BABY IS THAT A SPIDER" you yelled looking at the ground near his leg
Causing him to roll away from his spot fearing a spider near his leg loosing focus
That's when you charged at his character
You could see the soul leave his body
When he saw the pink and magenta hair move speedy across the screen straight to his sweet little kangaroo in boxing gloves and a neck tie
"K.O" filling the screen you knew his yell was coming before he even did it
"No baby I just had to through you off your rthym"
Man he was HURT
"I can't tell if that was foul or not. I'm going to talk with Niki on if what you did was fair or not"
"Babe it's not that deep-"
"No No No you owe me a rematch, kiss and patience as I consult with Niki"
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Gosh this sweet boy
You two where playing dead by daylight on switches laying on opposite sides of the couch so you couldn't see eachothers screen
And you just kept scaring Jake coming up out of no where behind him
"Baby please just kill me you don't have to run up behind me" he was so scared please(〒﹏〒)
He was giving you puppy dog eyes that quickly went to fear as he shrieked from you running up behind him as he tried to start the car for the 18478282 time
You realized he was actually almost done fixing the car due to his pears so you went on a killing spree it was just you, Jake and some girl who was searching for fuel that you couldn't find
Getting back to Jake you realized he actually started the car and was ready to drive it and win the game
You hid behind a tree so he wouldn't see you
So in that moment you said "Jake can you toss the blanket I'm really cold"
Jake is too much if a gentle men he did so immedietly with a smile on his face you felt a little bad for what you where doing ngl
You took this chance and killed Jake's character
He knows that's how the game works that you you still could've done that without
But boy still yelled that it was unfair
Another boy who would just pout
Beware next round he's not going to be nice and will play the murderer
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Who knew a game of thumb war would get so aggressive
You where just waiting for the time to pass for a cafe to open up since you guys where too early before opening
The glares you shot eachother where unreal
Neither of you wanted to loose and both where confident in winning
But one thing was tempting you
The sign flipping over to open on the front door
So in that quick moment you felt really bad
But you stepped on his toe as you lifted your arms down and quickly put your thumb over his
"12345678910 I WIN"
He was so upset omg
The glare on his face
You know the look like just 😐 but definitely angry
But he couldn't hide the smile on his face when you leaned in to kiss his cheek
"I needed the game to end the cafes open now baby,,,"
He went blank for a second confused then
A smile filled his face and he moved your hands to be in an actual hand holding way as you too went in
But don't get me wrong
This boy getting a rematch
And if you playing dirty he'll play dirty too
But for now he'll be fine having this cafe date of coffee/tea and pastries with you
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Rthym games aren't a competition
But you guys made it one-
Who could get a higher score??
Originally a joke gone TOO far
Since here you are playing one song from Superstar Woollim, Superstar SM and Superstar JYP
Just 3 main and random superstar rthym games
Each thing was going alright then you got to Woollim
You both played the same songs but each got to choose a song
Woollim you knew The Eye was hard so you chose it and had him go first
He was doing surprisingly well though
Too well🤔
But suddenly Jungwon entered the room
You knew what to do
Make that boy jealous
"Hi bubs! How are you?" You said looking up to Jungwon
Jungwon was very polite asked you how you where
And Sunoo was not having it
He's fine with you being friends with all of enha
He encourages it!
But bubs is a pet name that's for him and him only😔😔
This caused his attention to tare away for a second
Suddenly in the blink of an eye his heart dropped as the "missed" noise came through the phone
The yELL
He was so mad
Once the song was done he immedietly went
"Did you do that on purpose?"
"Sort of"
And then you just did your turn and this boy gasped and look at you likeヽ༼⁰o⁰;༽ノ
He would be pettyyyyy
He'd be so mad
Pouting and glaring at you
Just completely done
You'd have to go in with a LOT of cuddles and affection
But he'd still not budge for a while
You got a better score than him so you won
But he will hold this over you whenever he wants something he'll be like
"remember when you cheated in a game we where playing by making me jealous? That was a little too much don't you think? Now grab me one of the ice cream bars from the freezer"
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Wonnie this precious boy
Ppuyo ppuyo Tetris is not a game to play with others
It ruins relationships, friendships, family bonds (from personal experience as someone who got grilled on their Tetris skills while playing 1v1 while my friend was also doing terrible)
He got it since the characters looked cute
And Tetris is fun!
So why not??
You guys started playing it on the switch and everything was fine at first
Then it started getting faster
Wonnie chose the annoying little wizard guy that just yells every 5 seconds
It was driving you both up a wall ngl
So you where like how do I cheat in Tetris,,,
You realized you where gonna get a 5 in 1 move so it was gonna fuck up his play real hard
But if he realizes that's your move he can make one just as strong if he puts his brain to realize what spots he has open and he's good at coming back from riskfull moments
So you digged deep in your brain to think of something quick
It hit you then
"Wonnie did I ever tell you who my Enhypen bias was"
His face just sort scrunched and he was like ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯ I thought it was me? Moment
"wouldn't it be me? I never thought to ask"
"Oh okay" legit you had gone in with the 5 in 1 move and he hadn't looked at the silver blocks that quickly started to fill his screen he wanted to know
"nonono who is it?" Turned to you he didn't even see the mess that was on his screen
Until he heard the god for saken wizard just yell in defeat
"wait no that's unfair you can't drop something like that on me while we where in a 1v1 match"
His eyes he would just ಠ︵ಠ
Boy so sad :((
He lost the game and now he doesn't know if you bias him or not
If you do bias him you'd just tell him and he'd be like you stressed me out for noThing??
If you didn't bias him he'd be fine with it but he'd need a little moment of confirmation
Idk give this boy some kisses you stressing him out
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Intense DDR fight let's go
This boy don't go down without a fight
Neither do you
But as the levels kept going and the energy got more and more intense
You know it was very likely Niki could win
That boy is dancing prodigy type of guy
So he be doing these steps while also the hand work of the dance itself just to flex
Done with the cute boys snarky behavior
You did the one thing that would throw him of his rthym
Pretend to get hurt
You crouched in a way and made it seem like your knee was in pain but you where still doing the steps
Niki was gonna look over to you to be snarky and witty
But you looked in pain and this giant baby got panicked
"nononono baby are you okay? If you're in pain don't worsen your injury we can stop playing, what about your knee hurts?" He was panicking and you immedietly felt so bad
He stopped moving and so his score got worse and worse
You felt so bad you pretended to just act it out a lil more
"no don't worry Riki it's okay I'll be fine"
"don't say that you're in pain you could worsen your condition, let's find out what happened maybe you just buckled your knee? I've done that, be more careful please"
He legit went over to your board and tried to just stop your movements and left a kiss on your forehead
The song would end and your score would be higher but you would never do that as a cheat again
You didn't even have the courage to tell Riki after
He continued to be just so sweet and caring throughout the date
Would probably even text you afterwards like "Im sorry you injured your knee a little but I'm glad afterwards you felt better and I had a lot of fun :))"
Pls you better keep that all in till the day you die or tell him it's up to you but don't mess with this pore boy again like that pls(〒﹏〒)
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opossumanonymous · 3 years
How did things get so messed up?
Warnings: Talk of murder, a single swear, Inko just sometimes thinks about murder, uh vigilante Izuku
Black Widow Inko! Part 2 featuring Dad Might vs Dad for One! This is honestly just Crack with a plot...
It seemed like yesterday he was in that hospital room meeting his son for the first time. Inko holding their sons tiny body, tears welling in her eyes as she beckoned him closer.
He walked over with no hesitation fully ready to meet Izuku (The name chosen by Inko who got to pick after winning a bet).
Sitting down next to his tired wife he stared down at the infant in wonder. The tiny human they'd waited 9 months for was finally here. Hizashi almost didn't know how to act for a second, so caught up in looking at the tufts of green hair and freckles covering small cheeks.
Reaching out Hizashi gently caressed Izuku's little face with a single finger causing the baby to let out a coo. He grabbed his father's finger in his little fist nearly bringing the 200 year old man to tears.
If asked that's how that day went to Hizashi of course Inko remembers him nearly flooding the hospital room but Hizashi would never admit that.
Tears or not that day Hizashi knew he would protect them with his life so how....how did things get so messed up?!
How did he end up sitting across from his arch nemesis?!
How did Izuku out of everyone in Japan end up with one for all?!
And most importantly how did All Might end up seducing his goddess Inko?!?!
Seriously Hizashi just couldn't understand how she could be with such a lowlife, she must not know who he is.
Never before had Hizashi felt such a deep burning hatred for anyone.
Currently he was sitting on the couch in his and Inko's apartment while she and All Might sat on the adjacent couch. No one spoke until Inko finally cleared her throat.
"Toshi this is my ex hus-"
"Current Husband."
She looked at him with eyes full of fire and a voice full of venom as she spoke. "You forfeited that title the second you thought not calling for 12 years was a good idea."
She always knew what to say to shut him up especially when she was angry. One of the things that interested him in Inko at first was how unlike most she got incredibly smart when angry.
She also got more sadistic, he could practically hear the gears turning in her head as she calculated all the ways she could kill him.
In this house he was not the devil no, the cute green haired woman sitting across from him was. In fact the murderous aura around her was very concerning, not that he feared for his life with witnesses around. He knew she'd be angry but he'd hoped him getting on his knees and begging for forgiveness would work like last time.
Meanwhile Toshinori was on the verge of having a mental breakdown. At first when he walked into the apartment after a date night he was shocked to find none other than All for One standing in his living room. He quickly pushed Inko behind him ready to defend her against Japan's greatest villain.
While he no longer held one for all that wouldn't stop him from protecting his wife with all he had. How did All for One break out of tartarus anyway?
And just how did he look like this?
All for one looked the way he did before their battle where he smashed his upper face in. All for one, who last they spoke had no eyes, hair and barely a nose now had all of that back and even looked a few years younger.
Each and every person in this room was plotting how to kill someone. Thankfully this day they'd all walk away unscathed.
Mainly because they all had a secret to hide from eachother.
Inko didn't want Toshinori to know about her past, Toshinori didn't want Inko to know who her ex was, and Hizashi didn't want to anger his wife further by revealing any of her secrets. (He may have been criminally insane but he wasn't stupid)
After all one does not rat out their ex-assassin wife's past to her new husband who is also the ex-symbol of peace. Lest they both team up, beat your ass and throw you back in prison or just straight up murder you.
"Anyway Toshi this is my ex husband Hizashi, Izukus father, he left about 12 years ago with no contact or information."
"Oh come now darling those divorce papers weren't serious. I understand you're mad but I'm back and I promise nothing will keep me away this time."
The utter nerve of this guy he really wants to die today! He's lucky he stopped wearing ties years ago or else Inko would've been choked him to death!
"Tea. I'm going to go make some tea I'll be back soon." She said with a strained smile resisting the urge to rip out Hizashi's teeth.
After she left to the kitchen the atmosphere got even darker the two mortal enemies now left alone.
"So it wasn't enough that you destroyed my face and took my son as your successor, you just had to go and seduce my wife too!"
"Your wife! Did you not just hear her she divorced you?!"
"Yeah all because of you and your meddling if you hadn't destroyed my face putting me in comatose I would've been there for her and Izuku!"
All Might paused for a second realization hitting him like cold bucket of water. Before he got his composer back not wanting the enemy to get the upper hand.
"If you hadn't have been quirk smuggling and stealing classified documents I wouldn't have had to!"
"Oh so it's all entirely my fault?!" Hizashi scoffed "I bet she doesn't even know what you did to me does she?"
Toshinori stayed silent it was true she may have known who he was but she didn't know about his hand in her ex husband's absence.
He had no idea how lucky he was she didn't know or there would be two dead men walking instead of one.
"I take your silence as a yes then?" Hizashi was a little smug now.
"Not like you've told her who you really are." Hizashi frowned at this causing Toshinori to smile "I see I'm right as well."
Well he was only half right he never out right told Inko she figured it out on her own. But All Might didn't need to know that, after all no use making Inko even more upset then she already was.
Meanwhile in the kitchen Inko was trying to figure out how to shoot her ex from the kitchen without Toshinori noticing.
While she knew it was impossible without blowing her secret a woman could dream.
As the tea finally came to a boil she noted the distinct sound of her sons bedroom window opening and closing. Knowing her son was back from his nightly vigilantism only done on weekend nights per their agreement. She briefly considered pouring rat poison in Hizashi's serving but decided against it.
Not that the good for nothing scumbag didn't deserve it. But just scaring him would do for now unless Izuku didn't want him in his life. After all he was Izuku's father and Izuku deserved to choose whether he wanted him in his life or not.
Bringing back a tray with the tea she sat the cups down with an eerie look on her face. "Here you go Hizashi I made yours just how you like it!~" She said sweetly.
Yeah Hizashi isn't drinking that, no way she definitely must have done something to it. He hasn't survived the past 200 years to die like that, thankfully his lovely queen isn't good at holding her emotions in.
"Thankyou darling you're too kind." He said taking a cup but not drinking from it.
Toshinori on the other hand called her buff he knew she wouldn't do anything. As he drunk his own cup he remarked on how good it was, well atleast he didn't have to worry about no real or imaginary poison.
Toshinori really didn't know what to do he was having a mental crisis. Should he tell Inko and young Midoriya the truth about All for one or not say anything? The boy would be devastated and would he really want to fight his own father when the time came? He would never forgive himself if it caused Izuku mental pain.
But if he turned Hizashi in to the hero commission they wouldn't know it was him. But he'd still have to deal with them being distraught and possibly hating him for not telling them sooner. Plus everything might become public and there's no telling how many enemies All for one has made that would be out for blood.
This was bad, both his morals and heart clashed at the thought of hurting Izuku and Inko they both quickly became the family he never got to have.
Izuku even started calling him dad for crying out loud! What would he call him if he found out his idol and mentor was the one who separated him from his biological father?!
"We need to settle this once and for all." Inko finally said still annoyed and just wanting Hizashi out.
"Yes you're right we should Inko darling. I won't make this hard, I promise I only want to see my son. Perhaps he can sleepover at my place on the weekends?"
Toshinori paled at that, if he got young Midoriya alone there's no telling what that monster would do to the boy. He could kidnap him, take one for all, and lock him away forever. Toshinori couldn't let that happen deciding he'd rather tell both Inko and Izuku who 'Hizashi' really was.
"Yeah no I don't think so you can have supervised visits and you can take him somewhere if I'm available to go with."
Yeah Inko wasn't buying what her ex was selling she knew he'd have Izuku quirkless and vaulted if she left them alone.
Not to mention that would force her to try rescuing him leading to her being vaulted as well.
But together they could defeat him after all he couldn't fight them both at once.
Hizashi was about to open his mouth when all of a sudden a voice called from the hall.
"Yes son?" Both men said in unison before looking at eachother with a glare.
Izuku just stood there frozen in shock as his step dad and biological father glared at eachother. He couldn't believe his eyes, even though he heard his father's voice he just thought his mom finally got him on the phone. But this is unreal he never thought in his wildest dreams his father would be in front of him again.
He gripped his plan shirt that had "shirt" written on it in big white letters. His heart felt like it would beat out of his chest at any moment, a million questions going through his mind.
He was so deep in thought he didn't hear his mom get up from the couch and approach him till he felt her hand on his shoulder.
"Sweetie are you okay?" His mom asked him worried.
The two men stopped glaring at eachother now focused on Izuku concerned for him.
Tears came to the greenettes eyes as his voice shook with joy. "Dad!"
Hizashi was then tackled by the boy, slight bits of green lighting appearing on him showing his small use of one for all. Despite Izukus small stature compared to his father's hulking one, Hizashi nearly doubled over feeling like he was punched.
His son was a strong boy, he lamented the years lost since his little green bean was no longer little.
Wrapping his arms around his son Japan's evilest villain patted Izukus head. Causing the ex-symbol of peace to go into a coughing fit, a waterfall of blood pouring from his mouth.
"Dad are you okay?!"
Pushing away from Hizashi Izuku went to check on Toshinori as Inko offered up a handkerchief. Taking it in gratitude Toshinori thanked his wife before reassuring Izuku he was okay. "Thankyou son I'm alright no need to worry." Giving his signature grin he ignored his enemies death glare.
All for One the demon emperor would never admit he's jealous of anyone especially his arch-nemesis. But seeing his son coddle that blonde theif made his blood boil.
"Well this will be a new experience I never thought you'd call someone else dad..." Hizashi said with a strained smile his mouth lighting up with fire for a second.
He could always burn the blonde homewreaker with his fire breath good thing that was the quirk he with.
"Oh I guess it will get really confusing calling you both dad. But what other alternative names for you both? Or I could just call one dad and the other something else...maybe papa could work?" Izuku muttered suddenly, scratching the back of his head.
Both men looked at eachother realizing this could be the deciding factor. They knew that whoever got papa would win, after all it was the cuter of the two choices.
"Alright it's decided then!" Izuku claped his hands together a wide grin growing on his face. Both men sitting in anticipation at the boys verdict. The two looking like they were on a high stakes game show as sweat trickled down their foreheads.
"I'll call you dad" Izuku pointed at Hizashi "and I'll call you papa!" He then pointed to Toshinori.
Toshinori felt like he could do a cheer, his crops were watered, his stomach was back, his scares gone, everything in the universe was right.
That was until he looked over at All for One who he was sure would definitely kill him now if he wasn't going to before. His aura now darker than before as Toshinori's own aura glowed bright with happiness knowing he was the superior father figure in Izukus life.
Meanwhile Izuku ever oblivious to his father's fued just gave his mom his best smile feeling happier to have them in his life. After all they were his family and he wouldn't change that for nothing in the world.
Sometime later
Yoichi: Leave brother we will not leave this host!
AFO: Oh I don't want your quirk little brother, no not anymore.
Yoichi: Then why are you here what else could you possibly want?!
Yoichi: I see so that's what this is about...yeah no this is what you get. Consider this karma goodbye brother.
Yoichi: *disconnects AFO from Izukus conscious*
AFO: *Sitting in Izukus room while his son sleeps* I can't believe it he hung up on me.
AFO: I'll have you know I did alot of good things I'm not a good for nothing scumbag!
Inko: Oh really name one good deed you've done since we got married.
AFO:............Well umm..... Oh! I had Izuku our son!
Inko: Hehe yeah no I had Izuku you just stood there and cried in the corner for 11 hours.
AFO: WELL YOU TRY BEING SUPPORTIVE WHEN YOUR WIFE CALLS YOU A- Wait no actually I adopted a stray child off the streets! That definitely counts as one good deed!
Inko: WHAT!?
AFO: *realizing how bad he messed up* You what happened was....
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