#I’m sorry if I don’t reply plz know I read them all and reply in my head
norrizzandpia · 5 months
this might have to be more than one part, but can you please write a wrong number lando fic? like lando texts the wrong number somehow and they end up becoming good friends, they start falling for each other but lando lies about his identity the whole time until they meet or he tells the reader. and she’s pissed and she doesn’t know anything about f1 anyways so she doesn’t understand why he lied. with angst and stuff? idk if this is too specific or too much to ask!
Wrong Number, Right Person (LN4)
Summary: A wrong number leads Lando right to Y/n, but even the beautiful love they find together struggles to stand a chance against Lando’s lie of identity.
Warnings: none, BUT A HAPPY ENDING!!! Y/n’s bsf threatens to kill lando lol
Note: she is LONG! The word count is almost 9k oml but i have to say that @piastrification was a major help in making this because she read it for me and made it read less stupid! She also gave me some ideas so credit to her for that xx
If there was any moment where Y/n was beyond confused with absolutely no inkling of an answer, it was now. She stared down at her phone, clutching the device as she read over the message sitting on her Lock Screen over and over.
“What’s wrong?” Her best friend, Annie, asked. Her eyebrows were scrunched together in a way she had always done since they were kids, Y/n loved the way that had never changed. The two women had experienced so much growth over the years, but it was heartwarming to see some things hadn’t.
Her eyes flickered to Annie before turning her phone around, “Why does this person think I’m supposed to be meeting them in half an hour?”
Annie laughed out loud, taking the phone from the other girl’s hands and typing out a reply, “Seems like this poor person has the wrong number.”
When Y/n’s phone is returned to her grasp, she giggles at what Annie had done.
Unknown Number
Hey! Just letting you know I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Hope you aren’t running late like last time…
Uh, I’m actually running really behind schedule. I won’t be able to get there until around three hours from now. Sorry.
The two girls continued their lunch, feeling a bit bad about messing with a stranger’s plans but laughing nonetheless. It wasn't until Y/n’s phone started blowing up that the color began to drain from their faces.
Unknown Number
Unknown Number
Unknown Number
If you don’t answer me in .5 seconds, I WILL show up to your house and wreck your shit
Unknown Number
Unknown Number
Literally answer me rn or I’m telling Oscar to help me plan your murder
Y/n’s hand clasped over her mouth as she frantically began to type out a reply, guilt settling over the amusement.
You most definitely have the wrong number. Sorry, me and my friend thought it would be funny to tell you that your plans were basically ruined. Our bad. But, I have no idea who Oscar is and I pray for the person you are meaning to text rn. Plz don’t wreck their shit!
His response was immediate.
Unknown Number
Oh… sorry for my small outburst then. But, how am I meant to know this isn’t actually the person I’m trying to get a hold of?
Y/n laughed before Annie suggested taking a picture and sending it to the mysterious number. Probably stupid considering they had no idea who was on the other side of the phone, but an image was sent regardless.
*Image Attached*
I am most definitely not whoever you are trying to get a hold of.
The number doesn’t respond for a few minutes, busy for all they know or getting bored of texting a supposed stranger. However, her phone dings on the table and the two girls peek to see the response.
Unknown Number
Woah, you are for sure not who I am meant to be texting right now.
Unknown Number
You are very pretty tho
Y/n giggled,
Thank you, but not thank you if you are an old man or serial killer. I don’t take compliments from psychos.
Unknown Number
Haha no I am not an old man or serial killer. I’m a child in a 24 year old man’s body.
How do I know this for sure?
Unknown Number
Trust me?
Okay, ig. What’s your name?
The food comes to the table and Annie begins to dig in, watching her best friend closely before the girl puts her phone down.
“He stopped responding. I asked for his name. Probably got scared or something.” She murmurs before cutting into her chicken. Annie nods her head side to side before they take up another topic of conversation, seemingly moving on from the previous random male who had interrupted their lunch.
However, there’s another vibration on the table ten minutes later. Y/n picks up her phone.
Unknown Number
Robert :) But, people call me Bob. What’s yours?
I am going against everything my parents ever taught me by telling a stranger my name and what I look like… but I’m Y/n :)
Btw bob sounds like a fake name that’s so funny
The next day, Y/n wakes up to yet another message from Bob- who had begun to take up the majority of her text notifications’ real estate. She didn’t mind in the slightest, though. They got on like a house on fire, banter, jokes and conversation free-flowing at any given time.
Good morning :)
Wait, is it morning for you? Where do you even live?
Okay, stalker. It’s literally 9 am, why am I already having to deal with a man trying to get my address.
GIRL WHAT? That isn’t what i meant and you know it, Y/n
Yes, i know what you meant, bob. I’m just joking lol
I live in London! What about you?
Shit, girl. You’re rich asf?
NO nah nah nah. Y/n, I literally work as a server here. I enjoy the glamor tho
Oh… so no diamond necklaces :( You could’ve been my sugar daddy, bob.
No i joke I JOKE i can buy my own damn diamond necklaces
Of course you can, Y/n. I’m not surprised.
Her heart warms at his portrayed support, and even though her bank account is in the negative, she likes to think Bob believes in her just as Annie does. Maybe he actually did.
She shakes her head at her thoughts. I’ve known him for a day, she thinks. He shouldn’t already mean this much to her. She doesn’t even know him.
Ty, bob :) I have to go though. I have so much to get done today.
Ok! text me when you’re free?
There is a small void in Y/n’s body as she unlocks the front door of her apartment. A day of being broken down has taken its toll on her. Usually, it doesn’t get to her, the stress and pressure of it all, but today, as she flops down onto her ratty couch, part of her wants to give up.
Her phone buzzes underneath her leg.
Are you free yet?? It’s been all day, y/n!!!
sry, i just got home.
Just now? Didn’t you leave at like 9:30 this morn??
Y/n, its 10:45 at night for you
that would be correct… how did you know that?? Tracking my time zone, Robert?
you might be scared to hear I have London saved on my world clock so I can see it at all times
thats love fr
but yeah its been a long day
oh, well, im sorry :( how are you? Tired?
Yeah, definitely. Just a hard day in general.
Talk to me about it then <3
Her face blushes before the color is being forced back beneath her face. She doesn’t know this man enough to tell him all her sorrows. He’s just being nice.
it’s ok. Thank you tho bob
Who else are you planning to talk to abt it then?
no one?
you need to talk about it y/n to let it go. Talk to me.
We barely know each other.
Do i look like i care?
She laughs and types,
Bob, I don’t even know what you look like
We’ll fix that someday :) Now talk to me about everything
Y/n takes a breath before her fingers begin flying across the keyboard.
People are just mean. I try so hard everyday to give my all and my best effort, to not let people down, but I seem to still do it. I can’t quite get things right and my boss is suffocating me with the way he looms over me like I can't hold my own. It makes me think I can't. There’s no room for mistakes or excuses, you have to be perfect in the office i work and i will never be that. There’s this other girl who holds my same position yet she does it so much better. I will never hold a candle to her and I know that. She’s everything I want to be because she accomplishes everything I can't. My boss knows it, everyone knows it, and it makes me feel like an outsider. I can’t share certain memories with these people or fit in quite right because I haven't been able to achieve the same success as they have. I know I’m just starting out and I have the rest of my life to surpass them, but what if I can't? What if I am never able to gain a good understanding and I am constantly behind?
There are tears pooling in her eyes as she relives the moments of her day when certain tasks were given to this girl she envies, Sam, while her boss gave her a look that had her close to quitting on the spot. Sam gets to revel in the future while Y/n stays in terror of it. A career path she has wanted all her life taunting her.
I can relate to that. I can understand the feeling of seeing everyone around you get something you want so dearly while you share the same tools they do and yet you still come up empty. But I’ve also learned that good things come with time and we can’t always be yearning for something that isn’t meant to happen right now. What’s meant to happen will happen for you, I’m sure of it, Y/n. I know it’s hard to not be jealous or feel inadequate, but you just have to make peace with the fact that you try your best and that’s enough. You’re a good person, Y/n. All the good will come to you.
There’s something in his words that makes her feel heard and for once, Y/n finds peace in another’s reassurance. She doesn’t want to think about what that means toward who Bob is to her.
Thank you. That means a lot.
Of course. I wish I would’ve had someone telling me that when I was experiencing it.
When were you experiencing it?
A few years ago. But, that doesn’t matter.
You’re always vague, bob. Give me something please? I’ve told you so much.
There’s not much to tell, Y/n.
You’re a server. Is that something you want to do for the rest of your life?
I don’t know. I’m still figuring it out.
Ok, okkk!! I don’t want to be a server for the rest of my life. I think I’d like to work in Formula One. I’ve always loved racing and cars, the thrill of speed and all that. Trying to be Max Verstappen fs
Her eyes twinkle,
Haha yeah right brotha
That’s great tho! I think you’d be great in Formula One, Bob. I’ve heard of it but not a huge fan. It seems boring.
Damn, shitting on my favorite thing… but thank you, Y/n. I think I’d be great too.
You know i didn’t mean it that way!! What about your family?
If you’re gonna ask me all these questions, should we just call?? Might be easier haha
She stares at his text for a moment, only a few seconds, before his contact name is large on her screen as his call awaits her answer. She clicks the green button and puts the phone to her ear, suddenly nervous to hear his voice for the first time.
“Y/n?” His deep, husky tone fills her ears and the truth of his identity begins to genuinely reign true. His voice is none of some old, slimy man. She could see it fitting someone younger, handsome even. Part of her even wants to say he sounds familiar.
She breathes, “Bob?”
There’s a silence that passes between them, a line crossed in the random relationship they’d surprisingly developed. Rustling sounds from Bob’s end, sheets moving before Y/n adds to the commotion, her heels falling to the floor once she pushes them off.
“Are you going to ask me about my family?” He asks, a hint of laughter in his voice.
Y/n giggles, “Tell me about your family, Bob.”
He lets out a small noise of confirmation, “Well, I have two sisters and a brother. A mom and dad. Still married. I don’t know, what do you want to know?”
The two laugh together at his sudden loss of words before Y/n speaks, “Uh, tell me about your parents. Any crazy love stories in the family?”
“No, they got together relatively normal. They’ve been together since they were younger and they’re still in love to this day. They set up a great example for me.”
Y/n rises from her couch, putting Bob on speaker, and moving into her bedroom to get ready for the end of the night. His voice echoes off the walls of the glistening white walls of her bathroom as she asks him more questions about his siblings and relatives. The way he speaks so highly of them makes the pull to him she feels stronger. Something about him seems too good to be true, but she wouldn’t say that out loud. She believes too much in the power of a jinx.
Bob somehow changes the conversation to her, asking her further about her job and her worries. It’s scary how easy it feels to open up to him, things she had a hard time even telling Annie. Maybe it’s the anonymity of him, the elusiveness of the man she truly doesn’t know. However, none of that matters wholly as she lays in bed, eyes trained on the fan above going in circles as she talks about insecurities she’s had since she was a kid.
“It’s hard to know what traits you truly hold, you know? I can be the sweetest to one person, but horribly mean to another. I don’t want people to think I’m armed with ill intent. Sometimes things just don’t come out the way I want.” She whispers, arms sitting heavy over her stomach.
Bob sighs, “It’s scary how much we share in common. I’ve felt that way too many times before. You can never be too careful with your words and it just hits so hard when people don’t understand who you truly are at your core. If they did, they wouldn’t think I was saying something with malice.”
She smiles to herself. It’s as if he lives in her head. “I don’t think you’d mean anything malicious, Bob.”
He chuckles, “I don’t think you’d mean anything malicious either, Y/n.”
The quietness of her name on his lips brings her closer to sleep and it’s the way he begins to ramble about how much he loves to talk to her that sends her over the edge, a warmness accompanying her body to sleep.
Bob keeps talking for a few minutes before her silence is deafening and he realizes what’s happened. Still, he talks, traumas and all, because something about knowing she’s there makes him not want to hang up.
“So, you’ve been talking to this guy for how long?” Annie questions, her eyebrows pulled together just as they always have while she stares bewilderedly at Y/n.
“Three weeks,” She replies, a message from Bob appearing on her screen just as they utter his name.
Annie stares at her, “And you don’t know what he looks like?”
Y/n shakes her head lightly, “No…”
Annie scoffs, “Y/n! That’s so stupid! He could be stalking you for all we know!”
“No! He’s not stalking me, Annie. I think I know him now, really. In the beginning, no, but we call all the time and we talk about anything and everything. He’s sweet and he’s everything I’ve ever been looking for in a guy.” Y/n is quick to defend, her phone in her hands as Bob calls her.
Annie glances down to the ringing phone, “Is that him?”
Her challenging look makes Y/n nod slowly. Annie lurches forward and Y/n yelps just as her best friend yanks the phone out of her hands and answers the call.
“ANNIE!” Y/n yells, grasping for the phone while Annie just moves away.
Bob’s voice meets Annie’s ears, “Y/n?”
“This is Annie, Y/n’s best friend. I’d like to know your address and full name, seeing as my beloved friend has not gotten that information yet.” She demands, eyes glancing toward Y/n as she awaits the man’s answer.
Bob stutters, “Uh, my name is Robert Dancing. I live in Monaco.”
Annie shakes her head, “No, I’m talking address. Like, 12345 Hemingway Street.”
Bob laughs, “Can I just talk to Y/n?” There’s a hint of anxiousness in his voice that sends Annie into a manic spiral.
“No, tell me where you live.” She fires back.
“Annie!” Y/n tries again, grabbing onto Annie’s sweatshirt to pull her closer. When she’s within reach, Y/n reaches for the phone and snatches it back, much to Annie’s dismay.
Y/n apologizes, “Bob, I’m so sorry. Annie’s a little insane.”
He laughs and it lingers around her heart, “It’s okay. Just call me later, yeah?”
She nods and murmurs confirmation before hanging up. She turns to look at her best friend, a rare moment of betrayal. “Why would you do that?” She asks, annoyance radiating off of her.
Annie crosses her arms, “Because, Y/n! You don’t know this man.”
Y/n groans, “Yes, I do! Also, getting to know him by demanding his address seems satisfactory to you?”
“You’re being stupid, Y/n! I’m just looking out for you!” She raises her voice, anger getting in the way of truly getting her point across.
Y/n shakes her head, “Looking out for me would be trusting me when I ask that of you! You just completely went against everything I asked of you! I asked for support, not outraged behavior!”
Annie’s face drops, “You don’t get it! Y/n, you do not know this man! You didn’t even know his last name until I asked for you yet you’ve apparently told him all of your secrets?!”
Y/n begins to pack her purse in a moment of fury, “No, Annie, you don’t get it!”
As she stands at the cusp of the front door, Annie yells back at her, “Stop falling in love with someone you can’t trust!”
Y/n closes the door shut, a huff coming from her lips as she storms down the stairs, tears down her face. To have her best friend question her judgment regarding someone who means so much to her hurts immensely. Though, what hurts worse is knowing she might be right.
Max almost looks perplexed when Lando hangs up the phone.
“Robert Dancing? What the hell kind of name is that?” He teases, a patronizing tone.
Lando shakes his head, “I didn’t know what else to say! Dancing was the first thing that came to my head!”
Max crosses his arms over his chest, “Are you ever planning on telling this woman who you really are?”
Lando’s mouth opens and falls closed, at a loss for words, “I don’t know. I want to, but I know she’ll run. I don’t blame her. I’ve lied about fundamental things.” There’s a crease in his forehead as he continues, “I can’t lose her. I’m too addicted to the way she makes me feel.”
Max sighs, “I hate to say it, but you might, Lan. You told her you were a completely different person, betrayed her trust in an insane way. You’ve got something special, that counts for something, but you need to be prepared for the possibility of her never being able to find it in herself to forgive you. I don’t want you to get your hopes up and get hurt.”
“I won’t. I know the risks of what I’ve done, but I can’t take it back now. I just need to find the time to tell her. I will tell her and I’ll do it in a coherent, calm way.” He tries, but the two of them know he’s already gotten his hopes up. Max looks at him with faux confidence, knowing Lando’s found himself with someone it’ll cut deep to let go of.
Lando knows it too, knows the kind of pain that’ll shred through him if she leaves because of his mistake. It’s ironic in the way that a lie, one so unnecessary, is the thing that plagues his mind at night even as Y/n’s voice puts him to sleep.
There’s a nagging in Y/n’s brain that pushes her to get out from under the covers of her bed and find her desk in the dark of the night. She sits in the chair with a creak before opening her laptop and the random browser she’s had tabs open in for days on end.
Her fingers however over the keys before typing in a dreaded question of truth.
“Robert Dancing.” She whispers as she presses enter and the screen begins to load. Her stomach churns and her eyes whip away, too scared to look. What would she do if nothing came up? What if Annie was right? What if Bob wasn’t who she thought he was after all?
But, then, his voice calls her back to the safety of her blind trust as it rings throughout her brain. He seems too nice to be what Annie had thought him to be. Bob is who she thinks he is, he has to be.
Her gaze takes one more look at the picture of her and Annie on her nightstand before she turns her head fully to find out her fate.
A blank screen with the haunting words, “Sorry, we couldn’t find what you were looking for.” stares back at her. For a moment, she thinks she must’ve spelled his name wrong and she tries multiple, very clearly wrong, versions of what his name could be in an attempt to console the last of hope dwindling out of her body.
Bob. A name in her mouth that now means nothing takes on what she had originally thought it had been. A fake name.
This can’t be, she thinks. There has to be some logical explanation. But, then again, Robert Dancing is not a typical name, something should come up for a server who lives in Monaco. A link to his social media would’ve shown. He’s young and living in Europe, there would be a trace of him.
Robert Dancing does not exist.
Y/n, you never called me back. Is everything okay?
Everything is fine.
Can I call you now?
I’m busy.
It’s been three days and I haven’t heard from you at all. Seriously, are you okay?
Y/n, answer me. What’s going on?
Stop messaging me.
Her body jolts in surprise when her phone rings aggressively against the desk at her work. She looks around sheepishly at her staring coworkers before grabbing the loud device and walking outside. The moment the door shuts behind her, she answers.
Bob speaks so quickly, “Y/n, what’s going on?”
She stares at the skyline, trying to find peace in the view, “What’s your name?”
Bob is quiet, “Robert Dancing. You know this.”
“No, I don’t. What’s your name?” She tries again, anger in her voice and sadness deep in her soul.
“Bob.” He states, breaking her heart once more.
Y/n scoffs, “I know that’s not your name. If you don’t start telling me the truth right now, I will hang up and block you.”
A door closes on his side and she hears him take a breath, “Okay, okay. Don’t do that. How’d you find out?”
A dry laugh leaves her mouth, mixed with astonishment, “Do you think I’m stupid?! You gave me what was supposed to be your full name, so I searched you up. Choose a name that actually comes up next time, yeah?”
“Y/n, I’m so sorry. You told me you would never think I meant malice by my actions. That should apply here.” He tries, but she just shakes her head.
“That was back when I thought I knew at least your name. Who ever are you? Do you even live in Monaco? Was any of it true?” She cries, somewhat surprised at the tears that have appeared.
He sounds disappointed, “Yes, it all was. I do live in Monaco and I have three other siblings. My parents are still married. All the things I told you were true, my doubts and insecurities. That wasn’t fake, Y/n.”
She pulls herself together, not ready to break down for a man so cruel, and wipes her tears, “What’s your name?”
“Y/n, I-”
She interrupts, determined, “What’s your name?”
A build up manifests from the silence he lets go on before he answers her dying question, “Lando Norris.”
Part of her was expecting him to say a name she would’ve recognized, but no part of her has any reaction to him. His name is just another one she wished to have been able to connect to another human being.
He takes her silence for realization and his body slumps against the wall behind him. Part of him knows she won’t, but another part worries she’ll take their situation and everything he’s told her to the press.
What she says next completely contradicts everything he built up in his head, “You act like that’s supposed to mean anything to me.”
With that, she hangs up the phone.
Annie and Y/n haven’t spoken since their fight a week ago, but the betrayal of it is pushed aside when Annie opens the door to find Y/n crying at her door.
No words are shared, Annie understands, and Y/n is ushered into the home, coaxed by her best friend to sit on the couch.
“What happened?” She whispers, her hand rubbing over Y/n’s back. Annie hates to see her best friend in such brokenness, even in a moment where she could tell her I told you so. That would do no one good, Annie knows that. Y/n doesn’t need to be proven wrong right now, she needs someone to sit with her when no one else seemingly won’t.
A sharp intake of breath and Y/n speaks, “He wasn’t who he said he was. Robert Dancing doesn’t exist. His actual name is Lando Norris. As if that means anything. Why would he lie?”
Annie cocks her head because it doesn’t make sense. Why would he lie? Lying about your life to make it seem more interesting than it was would make sense, but to blatantly lie completely about your identity? That didn’t make sense.
“Have you searched him up? Maybe it’s supposed to mean something?” She tries, genuinely lost at the situation.
Y/n shakes her head, tears falling to her lap as she hangs her head, “If I do and I see him, I don’t want to know. I already like him too much and that makes this hurt more than it should. If I see him, learn who he truly is, I’m scared I’ll never be able to let him go.”
Annie frowns, part of her wants to know about the man that put her friend in such a state. But, it’s not what Y/n needs as she cries on the beige couch. Her head fits in the crook of Annie’s shoulder as the girl turns on mindless TV for her friend.
Still, though, Annie knew she would find herself investigating Lando Norris later when Y/n fell asleep.
It’s ironic how similar Y/n and Annie look when they scour the internet for information about a specific man. Annie has a bit of blanket pulled over her lap as Y/n hogs the majority of it, the rise and fall of her chest a telltale sign of needed slumber.
The face of Lando Norris stares back at her as she tries to think of this man calling her best friend at night, asking questions no one has before. He seemed bubbly in the few moments she spoke to him and when she clicks on a video of him in an interview, she knows immediately it's him. His voice is distinct as it speaks through a clear microphone. There were no lies in his second confession to Y/n.
From what she can tell, he’s a beloved member of the Formula One community, a sport she had never truly looked into because she assumed it was overrated. So, did Y/n. The off chance that Lando texted a random person and found something more with them, he lucked out that that someone was clueless when it came to the sport that made him famous.
Her breathing stops when she finds a video that titles Lando’s supposed telling of a woman he’s taken a liking to. The date of the video tells her it’s within the time frame of him and Y/n.
She glances at her sleeping best friend before clicking the link, his smiling face large on her screen.
Lando’s giggle is sweet, “Yeah, I guess you could say I’ve found someone. Or, at least, have a crush. This girl and I are definitely not official, but there’s something there, I think we can both feel it. I’ve never felt so free with someone.”
The reporter, out of view from the watcher, coos, “That’s great, Lando! What’s her name?”
Lando gives the man a warning glance as he states authoritatively, “I won’t be handing that information right now.”
He clutches the microphone and Annie can see the way his body shifts with protectiveness. If anything, this is exactly the kind of way she had always wanted Y/n to be treated. Protected and cherished. From what she could gather, from the deepdive of articles and the stories Y/n had told, Lando did just that.
Her heart aches. A stupid man tried to protect himself whilst falling in love with a woman that never even knew who he was. They were never even given a chance.
Somehow, in a black out of pure sadness for Y/n who had always yearned to be adored in this way, Annie found herself buying a ticket to the next Grand Prix, Silverstone of all places.
With a crappy seat and no plan or guarantee of finding him, Annie knew she had to find Lando. She had to fight for something that wasn’t even hers.
The commotion of fans surrounding the entrance to the paddock puts Annie on edge, not to mention the size of the crowd. She thought she got here early, wanting to be at the front so she could try and talk to him, but as she sees the large amount of people between her and the path where the drivers walk, hope diminishes. Still, she pushes through everyone, apologizing when she gets dirty looks. She knows how bad this looks, how much this most likely goes against common courtesy at races such as these. The face of Y/n with bloodshot eyes and a puffy face forces her to persevere, her best friend deserves someone like Lando.
She’s halfway through the crowd when it roars to life, screams emitting as people begin to stick McLaren hats and posters in the air. From the sliver of light she can see through some bodies, Annie watches Lando begin to walk through. He stops to sign for some fans and she pushes more forcefully, knowing this is her only chance.
He moves through it all with grace, but a certain speed that makes her heart pick up. He’s at the front of the crowd, about to step into the paddock and be lost completely to her when she yells, “Lando! It’s Annie!”
It’s the first thing that she can think of, hoping he’ll be reminded of Y/n’s voice when she tried to cover for her best friend’s moment of protection. Annie watches him pause, turn around slowly, as his eyes roam over the sea of people. He locks eyes with her as she waves her arms in the air, something passes between them and he begins running toward her. A connection to the woman he let down, one he hadn’t stopped thinking of in the weeks she had left him.
When he reaches her, Lando is stunned by her presence. “You’re Annie? Like Y/n’s Annie?” He whispers, the people around her screaming for his signature as she nods her head.
“Y/n’s Annie.” He looks to be fighting tears as he ushers a security guard over. “I need you to escort her into the paddock, to my driver’s room.”
The large man nods and Lando walks off, nodding at Annie gratefully. Once he’s gone from the premises, the guard moves the rope keeping people from bombarding the drivers up and lets her through.
The walk to wherever Lando had ordered is quiet as Annie takes in the money that surrounds her. People with Cartier jewelry and Birkens waltz around with an air to them that allows Annie to suddenly understand Lando. This is what he was afraid of. A greedy woman who would take advantage of the status he had and lie to him to get to his money and the money around him. While she understood, however, she still felt angry at his deceiving. Y/n was never given the benefit of the doubt.
The guard knocks on Lando’s door and it swings open, his sunken face coming into view and in the new light, Annie can see the love that Lando had found in her best friend. The effect of her leaving him is seen all over his body and from what she could gather during her time looking into him, he wasn’t doing as well as he usually had during races.
He motions for her to come in and when she does, the door closed, he begins talking, “Did Y/n send you here? Is she here? Can I talk to her? Does she want to see me? Is she forgiving me? Are you-”
Her heart breaks as she interrupts him and his quick anticipation of a reconciliation is crushed, “None of that is true. I’m here on my own terms. Y/n doesn’t know I’m here. At this point in time, she doesn’t want to see you, but I think that’s the shock of finding out about you.. That will wear off eventually. She’s hurt, Lando, but I also know she hates not talking to you. She hasn’t stopped talking about you. And I can’t stand to know that you two found something she’s always deserved, but let it slip away because of fears and betrayals.”
He sits opposite of her, staring at her and trying to find the answers he wants to hear in her eyes. He never does.
Lando rubs his palms over his eyes, “I never even got her last name. There was no way for me to find her.”
“Y/n Y/l/n.”
He lifts his head slowly, “What?”
At the look in his eyes, Annie smiles, “Y/n Y/l/n. That’s her last name. Actually, her full name, I guess.”
A small grin finds its way to Lando’s face and the way he touches his mouth lightly makes her think he hasn’t smiled in a while. “Y/n Y/l/n,” He whispers, smile widening as it all falls from his lips.
He’s even in love with her name, Annie thinks.
“Can you take me to her? I would like to be given the opportunity to fight for her.” He asks hesitantly, as if Annie hasn’t made it abundantly clear that she is here to help.
She nods, “I will tell you where to meet her, but first, I need you to tell me everything from the beginning, from your perspective.”
Lando’s head hangs and he begins, hands wringing together in his lap, “When I first texted her, I thought she was my friend, Daniel.”
“Daniel Ricciardo?” She asks, clarification needed for this story.
Lando’s eyebrows rise, “You know the sport?”
She shakes her head, “No, both Y/n and I never got into it because we didn’t think it was that exciting - sorry - but, I basically learned everything about your life and Formula One when Y/n told me your name.”
He nods and continues, “Well, yes, I thought she was Daniel Ricciardo, we were supposed to be meeting for lunch that day to just catch up before starting the new season. Well, as it turns out, he had changed his phone number over break because it leaked and never told anyone that he wasn’t needing to contact immediately during that time. I assume Y/n must’ve gotten a new number around the time because she got his.”
Annie thinks back before realizing Y/n had shattered her phone in the weeks before and ended up getting an entire new cell phone profile. New number, email, everything. She had said she liked the clean slate.
At her nodding, Lando talks once more, “When she sent me the picture of her, I immediately thought she was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen in my entire life. That’s cliche, but it’s true. She’s still so beautiful to me. Um,” He shakes his head, tears having pooled in his eyes at the mention of her beauty, “I knew I wanted to keep talking to her, see where it went because I couldn’t just stop talking to her and never knew what could’ve been. So, I made a quick, impulsive decision. I lied about who I was because I just wanted her to treat me normally. I had no idea who she was or her morals, I couldn’t guarantee that she would treat me like everyone else. Obviously, when I learned of who she was and the deep parts of her that no one else got to see, I wanted to change it all. I wanted to tell her so many times who I was and what I wanted with her, what I saw with her, but I knew if I did, I would just lose her. So, I tried to find ways to keep talking to her, but also slowly introduce the truth. Clearly, I never found a way. When you called me, demanding my address and full name I panicked and didn’t think about what would happen if I said what was supposed to be my full name. You’re very scary, you know.” He chuckles, Annie does with him, “So, it all fell from there. She found out Robert Dancing was something entirely fabricated and she called me, telling me to tell her the truth. I was backed into a corner and everything I wanted, I needed, left me. That moment is ingrained in my brain.”
He breathes slowly, his eyes still on his hands, before whispering, “I miss her.”
Annie nods, “I know. So does she. That’s why you need to go to this address,” She hands him a small paper, “Meet her there on Monday at 7 PM, come prepared to tell her all of that and more.”
He clutches the paper like it’s his last lifeline and Annie smiles at how important Y/n is to him.
Lando glances up at her, “What do you mean by more?”
Annie continues to smile lightly, “That you love her. That you need her. That you’re sorry. Lando, remind her of what you two had.”
The small apartment complex is daunting to Lando as he stands in front of it. Annie never told him where he was going or what he would be met with, but considering he’s here to see Y/n, he can only assume the building he stares at is her home. His anxiety only spikes. He does not want to mess up again. He doesn’t want to taint her home with even more pain, he thinks to himself, images of himself groveling and begging for her forgiveness flashing in his mind’s eye.
Nonetheless, he knows if he backs out, Annie would find his address this time and physically harm him.
So, the boy walks to the gate and rings her neighbor, following Annie’s instructions closely. He remembered how she told him if he rang Y/n, she wouldn’t let him in, being stubborn and all. Though, if he rang the neighbor, an older woman Annie called Lo, he had a chance.
“Hello? I’m here to see Y/n.” He said into the rusty speaker, a questionable smell infiltrating his nose.
A crackling sound emits from it before Lo is speaking back to him, “Are you Robert Dancing? Annie told me you would be coming.”
Lando laughs at the name, his random ideas being the reason for it, and murmurs a yes to her. She doesn’t say anything back, just a loud buzzing noise that tells him the door is unlocked.
When he walks through, part of him groans at the lack of an elevator. For an athlete, the man is lazy.
Thus, he begins his scale to the top floor, cursing himself for falling in love with someone who lives so high up.
He’s almost completely lost to his thoughts that he doesn’t realize Y/n’s door stands in his way once his feet hit the doormat. It dawns on him the time has come to meet her in person, having never before. It should be studied, he thinks, how he’s fallen in love with her without ever truly seeing her.
He knocks on the door, not wasting time before he truly aborts whatever mission he’s found himself on. And his heart soars when he hears her yell, “Coming!”
He’s only ever heard it over the phone. To hear it feet away from him is almost as exciting as the idea of her forgiving him.
The door unlocks and pulls open, revealing Y/n in a matching set of pajamas that he remembers her texting him about, asking if they were a stupid purchase or not. He told her to get them, she told him probably not, that she was poor, but she still had.
Her eyes land on him and he’s ready for whatever screaming he’s about to endure, but she just smiles at him.
“Hi! Can I help you with anything?” She acts as if she doesn’t recognize him and Lando realizes she doesn’t. Annie had mentioned something about Y/n becoming disinterested in seeing who he truly was, out of fear of becoming too attached. His mind must’ve not genuinely absorbed that information because he only understands it now.
She doesn’t know who he is.
He could do the same thing he had before, lie and tell her he’s someone else. Take the safer option and secure her love, but he takes a breath instead and remembers all Annie had told him. He’d already put her through so much, to do it again would be cruel.
“Y/n, I’m Lando.” He says while he watches her face fall.
Her hands fly to the door, about to slam it on his face, but he sticks his foot in right before she can. The impact hurts, but he continues with what he had practiced so many times on the way here.
“Please, Y/n, just hear me out.” He pleads as her cheeks fill with red. He’s almost sure it isn’t a blush.
“How’d you even get my address?” She says, astonished at who stands before her. Her eyes fall over his body, trying to understand the information. Who he is, what he wants.
“Annie.” He whispers, knowing her confusion will only heighten more.
Her mouth falls open and she yells, “ANNIE?!”
What he believes to be Lo, pops out from her behind her door at the yelling and Lando lowers his head.
“Can I come in? We shouldn’t have this conversation in the hallway of your complex.” He rubs a hand over the back of his neck, hoping she’ll agree. When she does, opening the door for him slowly, he flies forward. While he was ecstatic to be given another chance, he still fears for his image and what would be speculated about a seemingly heated conversation between him and another woman.
She guides him to the couch and they sit down. A familiar creak sounds that reminds him of the ones he would hear when they got into deep conversation during their nighttime calls. The image of her on the phone with him, concentration on her face as she listened to whatever he was revealing and getting comfortable on her sofa, makes him smile softly.
“Bo- I mean, Lando, you need to start talking. I don’t have all the time in the world to listen.” She gives, her tone ice cold. However, the break in it when she realizes she’s said his former, fake name makes the anger he felt over his lies further. He wants her to say his name, the real one. He wants her to say it with love and excitement, not distance. He wants her and his name on her lips.
“I never meant to hurt you. Actually, what I did was in an attempt to shield myself from any kind of bad faith. I didn’t expect to develop what he did. I didn’t even expect to open up to you in the way I did. I thought I could make a friend, one who didn’t know who I was and didn’t have any kind of bias toward me. I’ve always wanted that with someone, especially a partner. I saw an opportunity and I took it, not thinking through it all and I hurt you in the process. I’m so sorry, Y/n. From the moment we started truly talking, calling and all, I knew I had messed up, but I never found a way to tell you. Well, a way to tell you that wouldn’t result in you getting rid of me. I wish I could take it all back, but not you. Not what I got to experience with you, what I felt with you. You’re my favorite memory and you’ll never understand how grateful I am for you. You helped me through bad races even when you didn’t know, helped me through weird press interactions when you didn’t know. I loved that. I loved how at peace you made me feel. I can’t let this go without knowing I gave it everything I have and when Annie showed up at Silverstone, telling me I had to fight for you, I took whatever she had to give.”
Y/n stares at him, trying to digest it all, and murmurs, “Annie went to Silverstone?”
He chuckles lightly, “Yes, she came and she told me who she was, what she was doing there. She told me she knew what we had and she didn’t want you to lose something you’ve always deserved. She gave me this address and told me to come here at this time, told me to buzz Lo instead of you so I could come in. She told me I needed to remind you of what we had.”
Y/n goes red again, blushing this time. She smiles at the idea of Annie going to great lengths just to make her happy, “Annie sounds determined.”
Lando smiles along with her, “She was. She told me if I didn’t fight for you, she’d find me and kill me. She’s really scary, Y/n.”
Their eyes meet and Y/n is reminded of what once was, the way he made her feel. She misses him and knowing the intricate shade of brown in his eyes doesn’t help how much she wants to shut him out.
“I understand why you did what you did, but that doesn’t make it any better. You could’ve given up everything you were saying at any point in time and you didn’t. You only told me when I confronted you with it.” She whispers, disappointment evident in her voice. She plays with her fingers and Lando is close to taking them in his hand.
He nods, “I get that. But, I was scared to tell you because I was just so in love with you. I still am.”
Her eyes snap to his and a moment passes before she asks, “Still am? You love me?”
His cheeks turn cherry tomato, “Yes, of course, I am. The moment I realized you were safe enough to open up to, knowing my identity or not, I was in love with you.”
She groans and lets her face fall to her palms, “But, I’m in love with you too.”
He laughs and shakes his head, “Why is that a bad thing?”
Her eyes peek from over her hands, “Because I want to hate you.”
Finally, his fingers lace with hers as he brings them away from her face, “But, you love me. Isn’t that enough?”
She knows it is. He knows it is. Annie knows it is, even if she isn’t there. It’s a matter of if Y/n can put aside the grand web of lies he put together to let them have their shot at something that could be wonderful. In the warmth of his presence, she thinks she can.
Can you stop blowing up my phone
Bob <3
Why????? I’m bored baby
im at work girly
Bob <3
girly 🤭🫶🏻🤗 plz go out to the balcony and answer me
I think you might be obsessed with me
Bob <3
i made an alter ego so i could talk to you didn’t i?
She picks up his call as she closes the door behind her, the new office building she’s in allowing for a wider view of London. The new team she works with is less competitive than the last and their support is proving beneficial with the news she got today.
“My beloved girlfriend, are you free for lunch today?” Lando giggles into the speaker like the lovesick man he is. Y/n can hear Oscar make fun of him in the background.
She smiles, “I thought you were bored?”
“Yes, so now I’m asking if you want to have lunch with me” He answers as if it’s obvious. In the months after the soft moment shared between Lando and Y/n on her old couch, they’ve found something more than love between them. Lando says it’s destiny and Y/n says it’s a soulmate tie, but they agree that the love they once shared over the phone only grew once in person.
Y/n chuckles at his antics, “Sure, I will have lunch with you, Lan. Can you come pick me up though? I don’t want to drive.”
Lando makes a noise, “What did you think I was going to do? Make you drive yourself? No way. There’s one person in this relationship that drives cars professionally and it’s not you, sweetheart. Sorry to break it to you.”
Oliver, her coworker, comes to the door, asking for her assistance on something with a smile. She tells him she’ll be a minute and he nods, retreating back into the office quietly, “Sorry, my love. I need to go. But, you’ll be here when?”
Lando hums, “An hour?”
“Perfect! Oh, and, Lando?” She asks, her voice filled with joy as he responds, “You’ll have to come to the Junior VP’s office to pick me up.”
Silence is met with her sentence before Lando whispers, “Either I’m stupid and you have some big project I forgot about or you’re trying to tell me something that will actually make me lose my mind and sanity right now.”
She laughs loudly, “I got Junior VP, Lan. Youngest one yet.”
He shrieks, momentarily making Y/n go deaf, before screaming to everyone around him about his girlfriend’s achievement, “I’m so proud of you, baby! Oh my god! I’m so happy! We need to buy champagne! You can have your own podium moment! Holy shit, I’m so proud!”
“I would love that, Lan. Thank you. I love you.” She whispers the last part softly, three words that mean so much.
He’ll never get tired of hearing her speak of her love for him, “I love you too, Y/n.”
She’d never get tired of saying it.
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joekeeryswife · 10 months
plz could you write something about mase looking after you when you’ve had a rough day with the baby!!
stress - m.m
a/n: hello angel! thank you for your request. omg i love it so much, kinda changed it a little if that’s okay! (dad! imagines own my heart!!!!). idk how to feel about this one so lmk what you guys think! anyways, let’s get on with the imagine, enjoy reading 🫶
mason mount taglist: @noturbabe22 @luvvtrent @peterparkerbae
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four weeks, it had only been four weeks since you’d had your baby and you were already feeling like you’d failed her.
you knew becoming a mum would be difficult but you didn’t realise just how hard it was going to be. it was like everything you did was wrong.
Mason had gone back to work only a week after Margot was born and that was one of the worst thing to ever happen. you felt like you didn’t have support even though he would get up with her during the night and as soon as he got back from work he would take over looking after her. what was funny was whenever Mason got back from football she was never crying, it was like she could sense he was coming home.
Margot loved Mason. whenever he had her she hardly cried, she’d watch his face with such concentration and coo at him all the time. but when she was with you, she’d scream and cry no matter what you did.
you felt useless.
you felt like the worst mum in the entire world, not understanding what was wrong with her as she cried just hurt your heart. you just wanted to be in the ‘baby bubble’ everyone spoke about.
you wanted to feel like your friends did when they had their kids. they were always smiling, always happy when they were with their babies who hardly cried when they were with them, it was like you were broken.
today was like no other. it started out okay, Margot was actually happy this morning when you woke up, Mason had given her a bath and put her in the cutest outfit but then as soon as he said his goodbyes to the two of you and he drove out of the driveway, all hell broke loose.
she was just sobbing and it hurt you to hear those cries. “oh Margot, what’s the matter my angel. please don’t cry sweetheart. are you hungry? is that what it is?”
you quickly balanced her with one arm as you tried to lift up your pyjama top so you could breastfeed her but every time you tried to get her to latch she would turn her head away and sob louder.
you had realised that Margot would hardly ever latch when you tried to breastfeed her. it was very rare that she would allow you to breast feed her so you had decided to start pumping your milk and give it to her in a bottle instead and most of the time she would drink it from the bottle.
“how about we get you a bottle instead hmm? would that make you feel better?” you knew she wouldn’t reply to you but it was nice to speak to her. you got up from the sofa after fixing your top and warmed up the milk.
her sobs grew louder as you rocked her. waiting for the microwave to ‘ding’ felt like hours. “i know sweet girl, not long now” you poured the milk once it was warm enough into the bottle and went to sit back down on the sofa. you tried a few times before she finally started drinking the milk, her sobs died down but her eyes were still filled with tears and the tear stains on her cheeks broke your heart.
she was hiccuping slightly as she drank her milk but her eyes were fluttering masa img she was trying her best to not fall asleep. “you rest angel, mummy isn’t going anywhere. and i’m sorry i can’t understand you like your dad does, i promise i’m trying my best”
with that, her eyes closed and it was finally silent in the house. you just hoped today would be a lot better than the rest.
Mason was back home a little later than expected tonight, he had been asked to stay back to speak to ten Hag which he forgot to tell you about but he knew you had it all okay at home. you always had Margot in a good-ish mood when he would come home and it was always nice to come home to a quiet house after training or a football match. he would hear shouting all day and coming home was just perfect.
you didn’t want Mason to know you were struggling, to you it felt like the worst thing i’m the world. you were meant to be a good mum as soon as you gave birth but you just felt like all you did was struggle. you had no idea what you were doing and you didn’t want Mason to be disappointed in you.
however, tonight Margot would not stop crying. after her bottle this morning she napped for maybe 30 minutes before her sobs started again and that continued for the entire day. you didn’t know what to do and you felt like you had failed as a mother. you had no idea what was wrong with her and you hated that you couldn’t understand what she was crying for. you felt like she hated you.
as Mason entered the house he could hear the wails coming from Margot, he had never ever heard her sound like this before and or worried him. he could hear you, speaking to her softly over her cries, you sounded just as upset as her. “i’m so sorry angel, i don’t understand why you’re crying. i’ve fed you, cuddled you, changed you, i don’t know what else i can do. i’m sorry i’m failing you”
his heart broke. he walked into the living room and saw you holding Margot in your chest with tears streaming down your face. you looked so defeated and he hated it. “hey, what’s going on? are you okay?” he questioned as he slowly walked towards you.
you hadn’t heard the front door close so hearing him made you jump. you didn’t want him ti see you like this so you quickly wiped your eyes and showed him your best convincing smile. “oh yeah i’m fine, she’s just, i don’t know what’s the matter. i think she just might be tired” you lied, of course you weren’t okay.
“do you want me to take her?” he held is arms out so he could take Margo from you so you quickly passed her to him and he gently started rocking her which no i’m surprise stopped her cries. you felt your heart break. was it really that easy?
your eyes filled with tears, jealousy and frustration taking over your body as you saw how easy it was for him to calm her down. “look, go upstairs and have a shower, i’ll take care of Margot and you just have a break okay?we can talk after if you want to” he watched your shoulders drop slightly and your chin quiver as you tried to hold in your tears, something was definitely wrong and he was going to figure out what.
once he heard the bathroom door close he sat down on the sofa with Margot. he watched her huge brown eyes dart across his face. “what’s happened angel? you giving mama a hard time?” she cooed at him, a small smile on her face which looked exactly like yours. “you can’t give mama a hard time honey, mama’s with you all day” she squealed, obviously not understanding him.
“i’m sure you tired, if you’ve been crying like that all day i’m surprised you’re up right now” he decided to grab a bottle and try get her to nap so he could speak to you. he had never seen you like that before.
he warmed up the bottle and went upstairs to her nursery and sat in the rocking chair. he started feeding Margot and immediately her eyes started to close, he honestly wished that he was able to stay off work with you when Margot was first born. he had only gotten a week off work before he had to go back and he felt awful but ten Hag wouldn’t give him anymore time off.
once Margot finished her bottle he turned on the white noise machine and put her down into her crib. he quickly exited her bedroom to leave her to nap and went to your shared bedroom. he wanted to talk to you, you barely speak to each other now and he wanted to spend time with you.
after waiting for a while you finally came out the bathroom in new pyjamas and your hair was wrapped in a towel. your eyes were red, it was obvious you had been crying. “hey” you said, noticing him on the bed. he opened his arms and waited for you to sit on the bed next to him so he could hug you.
you quickly got onto the bed and cuddled into him. “we haven’t cuddled in ages, we haven’t spoke in ages. i want to know what’s bothering you sweetheart. i’ve never seen you look so upset” he kissed your forehead.
“i just, i feel like i’m not a good mum. like everyday all she does as soon as you leave is scream and cry and i’m trying my best to understand what’s wrong with her and i’m struggling. i’m struggling a lot” you felt your eyes well up with new tears. Mason felt his heart break. he was annoyed with himself for not noticing sooner.
“it feels like she hates me. and i just feel stupid because as soon as she’s with you, you calm her down. she even smiles at you. i’m feeling so lonely and i feel like a terrible mum.” your tears started flowing down your cheeks. you were quietly sobbing as Mason pulled you in closer and ran his hand up and down your back.
“i’m so sorry sweetheart, i really am. i’m sorry i haven’t been here to support you, i’m sorry you’ve had to do it all on your own. it’s not fair at all. and i’m sorry you think that you’re a bad mum because you aren’t. you are the most incredible mum” he heard your sniffles, guilt eating him alive.
“if you weren’t a good mum you wouldn’t do half the shit you do now. she doesn’t hate you angel, she loves you. you don’t know what she tells me when i come home” he joked which made you giggle through tears.
“i know it is tough right now, but i promise it’ll get better.” you looked up at him with uncertainty. “it will, stop giving me that look” he gave you a sympathetic smile. he hated that you were feeling this way, he wanted you to enjoy being a mum.
“you stay here for a bit, i need to go do something. don’t come downstairs until i say alright? just watch some tv and i’ll be back” he gave you a few pecks before he left you in the bedroom, confusion filling your body. but nevertheless you grabbed the remote and turned on the tv, trying to finally relax.
it had been over an hour since Mason asked you to stay upstairs and all you could hear downstairs was Mason’s footsteps. you had absolutely no idea what he was doing and you were nervous to even go back downstairs.
“y/n sweetheart you can come down now” you heard him shout up to you so you quickly turned off the tv and made your way downstairs. whilst you were upstairs Mason did come to get Margot who had awoken from her nap about thirty minutes into him leaving you upstairs.
you had gone to get her out of her nursery but Mason quickly shooed you away back to the bedroom so he could take care of her. you were grateful he went to help Margot, he knew how stressed you were and he was trying to make you feel better so he took Margot downstairs with him.
you walked down the stairs and into the living room and saw blankets and pillows covering the sofa with your favourite food on the coffee table and your favourite movie ready to play on the tv. Mason was holding a now very aware Margot who actually reached out for you.
“i know it’s not much but i thought maybe we could spend time together for once?” Mason handed Margot over to you and kissed you passionately. “i’d love to” you kissed him one more time before you both made your way to get under the covers on the sofa.
Mason pulled you into his hold and kissed your forehead. “i know this doesn’t make up for what’s been happening these past few weeks but i do want you to know me and Margot appreciate everything you do” you felt a smile form on your face as he spoke, he had a way with words which always made you feel special.
“i have also spoken to ten Hag and told him that i’m gonna take a few weeks time off to look after you both. i don’t want you to feel alone, ever, because i am here for you” you looked up at him, it was the first time he’d seen you smile in ages.
“i know you are, you didn’t need to take a few weeks off. will he not get angry at you?” you kissed his cheek and he shook his head. “i didn’t get to take the time of when she was first born so i i don’t care if he’s mad. i have a family to look after” he lent down to kiss you again.
you didn’t know why you were so anxious to tell Mason how you were feeling, you knew he would help you and you appreciated him. “thank you mase, i love you” he smiled at you “i love you more”.
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uvonobu · 9 days
Intro post !!! ^_^
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General Info:
I’m Kaz ! I’m 17 and a senior in hs! (So old ik…) I’m genderfluid and only use he/him pronouns online. If you know me irl u can use all prns ^_^ I’m also a lesbian :3 oh and I’m HEAVILY hyperfixated on Uvonaga and the phantom troupe, so y’all are gonna have to deal with me for two yrs until the hyperfix fades LMFAO yes I’m aware how cringe it is I did not choose to be hyperfixated on uvonaga
About this blog:
I will post my art, reblog phantom troupe posts, and yap about the phantom troupe ^_^ Pfp by Tiucotheth btw!! I’m gonna be posting a lot of Uvonaga so if you don’t like that ship u should probably stay away from this blog LMAO… I will also reply to asks! Don’t be scared to yap about a theory, ship or character in my asks, I will be very very very happy to answer it :3
Plz send me asks !!! :P
Asks I will absolutely love to reply to:
• Asking for headcanons, theories, or opinions of a certain hxh character
• PHANTOM TROUPE RAIRPAIRS/SHIPS!!! Pls I love them so much and no matter how rare ur pair is I’d love to hear you out and give you little headcanons and my opinion of them ^_^
• Overall anything related to HxH or the Phantom troupe
Asks I will not answer:
• Anything nsfw, I am asexual so u will not get the reply u hope for LMAO
• Any Shizuku ship/most Machi ships, I don’t personally enjoy ships with them for my own reasons and I wouldn’t want to half ass giving you hcs :p sorry chat
• Any illegal rarepair and absolutely no Illumi or Hisoka ships
Before you follow:
I post a shit shit ton of rarepairs, I will post a lot of Uvonaga, I will genderbend/headcanon characters as different genders sometimes, uhhh idk don’t follow if you are allergic to whimsy and happiness basically LMFAO
Other socials:
• Tiktok - Uvonaga
• Ao3 - Uvonaga
• Twitter - Uvonaga
• Insta - Nobuuvo
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That is all phantom troupe nation!! Thank u for reading ^_^
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xxbl00ds0akeds3raxx · 9 months
hey, fifi? seraphina? my love, my one and only… we really need to talk.
i was reading through your old posts and i found some REALLY weird stuff there.
like, okay, i know we’ve talked about ur other… flings before. i’ll tolerate them for you, you still know that. but.. what’s this about working at the brothel??? PLEASE tell me someone was joking writing that… in all of those asks… this has to be some weird joke, right???
at least with ur modeling and streaming, i can keep you safe. no one can hurt u there. but the brothel? sure, the whole town is crawling with rapists, but why would u intentionally go where they’re all gathered??? u even SAID that u KNOW it’s unsafe. why do u keep working there? it has to be a joke. if it’s not, u need to quit.
please. I can get us a flat or something since u can’t stay at my house. or get my parents to like u more. It’ll just take a bit more time. u don’t have to keep working to earn money. or at least not there. i could keep us safe, and happy… i just don’t know why u don’t trust me to do that!!
…i need to go look through the rest of ur posts now too. don’t block me, i have other accounts too, you already know that. u can’t keep hiding these things from me.
is there anything else u want to admit now too?? u know i'll find out eventually.
i’m TRYING to be good for u here. but it’s getting really fucking hard. i'm just trying to protect u.
…please reply.
- kylar
hhh hello kylar! my love, my pretty boy!!! umm!! tha thing abt my old posts is that they r old! ^.^ no need to look through the rest of them. not that i'm hiding anything from u— i just think we should talk b4 u... mmm, rile urself up more maybe ??
ofc i have no reason 2 lie to u sooo ahaha... ^_^ yes, i used to work at the brothel. i mean...,, i technically still do but mostly just to restock the facilities! i dont dance anymore. except for fridays,,, but all of that is very meticulously planned out and none of it is real! just a show!! briar makes sure it's safe 4 me bc umm the audience rlly likes me and i make her a lot of money so i can't just... quit really–
i don't have 2 fuck anyone there anymore, so its okay, right?? i could go over tha terms n conditions of shows w/ u if it'd make u more comfortable ??? ^^' i swear ik what i'm doing & i am being safe now, i didn't tell u bcos i knew u wld get worried and i never want to make u upset im sorry :((
baby, that sounds wonderful but... how would you even afford a flat— ? i mean, i could pitch in of course, but i still have to pay off bailey :/ and i have 2 be responsible 4 robin as well,,, u know im working hard 2 get on ur parents good sides but it will take time ಥ_ಥ
i do trust u!! i know u have my best interest in mind <3 it's just that um... sometimes wat u want isn't... realistic- like,,, even if i did quit, the problems wouldn't go away. i made my bed n now i gotta lie in it & until i have tha resources to cover it up,,, its smth we have 2 live w/ 〒▽〒 ghhh im sorry that i've dragged u into all of this :( i will make it up 2 u i promise !!!
u are being so good and i'm so proud of u, i love u so much <3 plz be patient w/ me, i'm also trying,,,
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
BDBWM Day 14 | Overprotection
original prompt | complete masterlist
Marinette finishes slipping on her shoes at the same time the doorbell rings. She races towards it, giddiness pumping in her chest. 
But Jason beats her to it. 
He opens the door and easily covers the path with his stature. Marinette’s face twists into a scowl. Jason leans on the doorframe. “Name, age, occupation, intentions with my sister?” 
Before the visitor can reply, Marinette pulls Jason away, growling, “Felix Graham de Vanily, eighteen, my fucking boyfriend, here to take me out on a date!” 
“Hmp.” Jason crosses his arms. 
“I already told you about our plans!” She raises her voice. “Wait—did you just go to the manor for this? Weren’t all of you done with your shovel talk?!” 
Jason examines his fingernails. “Were we?” 
She waves him away. “Go away, Jason.” 
He turns to Felix. “Have her home by—” 
“Nine p.m. sharp, I know.” Felix says coolly. 
Damian pops out of nowhere with his katana. “Keep her safe or else I will skewer you!” 
“Damian!” Marinette hisses. “Not the family heirloom!” 
The boy grumbles under his breath after Felix makes the promise. Marinette pushes both her brothers away and shuts the door behind her. Felix smiles, takes her hand, and bends down to press a featherlight kiss on her knuckles. “Mademoiselle.” 
Her grin stretches wide as she pulls him for a hug. “Mon amour, I missed you.” 
In her periphery, she spots both Jason and Damian’s face squished against the window. She throws them a glare and locks her arm around Felix’s, walking down the front steps. 
“I’m so sorry about them,” she groans, running her fingers through her heated curls. 
“It’s not out of the ordinary,” Felix says with a hint of amusement in his tone. “It’s a good thing they are protective of you.” 
“Overprotective,” she corrects. “This is why I prefer our dates to be in Paris and not Gotham.” 
“Even so, they find ways to threaten me.” 
She huffs. 
“And then I told Adrien to catch those M&M’s with his mouth—” Marinette stops, nearly dropping her fork. 
There, on one of the rooftops near the outdoor restaurant, she spots several figures. Reds. Green. Blue. Black. 
Her entire family. 
Her mouth hangs open as she tries not to look at them. “It’s still the afternoon!” She whispers. “Why the hell are they here?” 
Felix doesn’t seem to mind, but the vigilantes diligently follow them on their date: hiding behind trees during their stroll in the gardens; scaling windows outside the museum; hopping across buildings whenever they traveled with a cab. She also spots Orphan casually sitting on a park bench, reading an oversized newspaper, not bothering to make herself less suspicious. 
As they walk in the streets, Marinette stops and looks straight at Felix. “Let’s go to a love hotel.” 
“Ma belle, your father will have a heart attack.” 
“I don’t care. As long as it gets us some privacy.” 
“They will stage a crime scene there to keep us out.” 
She muffles her frustrated scream against his chest. They will, won’t they? 
Marinette slams Bruce’s home office door open, fuming in her stomps. “Dad.” She fearlessly faces him head on. “I want to file a restraining order.”
@maribat-bdbwm @tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging@iloontjeboontje@thatonecroc@user00000003@paradoxaloccurance@kking13@laydeekrayzee@chaos-inperson@astol07@the-coffee-fandom@nerd-nowandforever@nightmarewasteland@certainmuffinbagelcalzone@the-hospitality-of-knives@stainedglassm@talia-scar123@trying414@starling218 @buginetye @ascetic-orange @myazael @child-of-the-clouds @ladythugs
@adrestar @therealkotlc @blueneko9314
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wildrangers · 2 years
The Moon & Her Sun // Josh Kiszka
Chapter One // The Fool
Josh Kiszka x fem! musician reader
Word Count: 3.5K
keep reading here :)
Hi y'all! This will be a multi-part, slow burn story so buckle up. Also, the titles will be very tarot-based but I am by no means an expert.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of anxiety, drinking (plz let me know if I missed any)
*18+ only, smut will happen later in the series*
“Please tell me you’re fucking with us” Sam said, eyes wide as all the boys leaned towards the phone he had on speaker.
“Sorry guys, I wish I was. Apparently, they’re having some real issues and are on the verge of breaking up. They’ve cancelled all their gigs for this summer, including opening for you” their manager replied, not exactly pleased himself at this change of plans.
“But we leave for tour in three weeks” Danny replied. “What are we going to do? We need an opener.”
“We’re working on it now, in the mean-time, you could always take in some shows around Nashville while you’re there to see if anyone sticks out to you. I swear, we will have this figured out by next week the latest.”
The boys mumbled their agreements and goodbyes before Sam disconnected the call. All they could do was stare at each other in shock. They hadn’t been able to tour in years because of COVID and they’d worked so hard to put together a good show, which of course started with the opening band.
“Fuck!” Jake yelled, running his hand through his hair just as Jita walked in.
“What’s going on? Why does everyone look like someone died? Please tell me no one died” Jita rambled as she looped her arm through Jake’s. They quickly filled her in and she chewed on her lip thoughtfully for a moment. “I mean, I obviously don’t know what they’re schedule is like for the summer but that band I’m really into, Rising Sirens, is playing tonight. I was dragging Jake along with me but it’s all general admission, I’m sure we could get three more tickets.”
They mulled it over, Josh turning to Jake, “Have you listened to them? What do you think?”
“I have, they definitely seem musically similar to our opener we just lost. It would really depend on their stage presence which we could all see tonight. It can’t hurt, right?” Jake argued, shrugging his shoulders. They all quickly agreed, Jita ordering the additional tickets before they went out for dinner.
Several hours later, Josh found himself waiting in line with his brothers and Jita, stomach queasy with anxiety. This tour meant a lot to him, to all of them, and he was hoping to the Universe this band fit the bill. With tour starting so soon, it would be hard to find anyone who wasn’t already booked up. Josh was pleased to see the crowd around him was buzzing with excitement, anxiously peeking their heads towards the doors every few moments. This was a popular venue but it seemed that most of the crowd was here for Rising Sirens, not just a night out.
As the doors finally opened, a few excited shouts sounded from the crowd and they were all quickly jostled inside. “Jesus, I haven’t actually been part of a crowd like this in ages” Jake mused beside him. As Josh turned to respond, he caught Jita excitedly jumping up and down as they took in the stage.
“Okay, the best spot is still open follow me” she commanded, dragging Jake by his hand, the rest of them following. They walked up a small set of stairs, settling in at a high-top bar table with a great view of the stage. Jake and Jita went to get drinks for everyone as the opening band began warming up.
“I have a good feeling about them with Jita being this stoked about being here” Danny said, taking in the crowd around them. Sam nodded, “Plus, this place is buzzing right now.”
The next hour or so was spent listening to Rising Siren’s opening act and having a few rounds of drinks. “I mean, if we get SUPER desperate, we could always steal their opener” Sam joked causing Jake to snort beside him.
“Stop it guys, they weren’t that bad” Danny defended, sending a glare towards the two boys. Just as Sam was about to retort, the lights dimmed and the room erupted. Josh liked to think he was on top of up-and-coming bands but judging by the volume and intensity of the crowd, he had clearly missed out on them.  
The drums sounded first and the dark-skinned drummer’s form was illuminated from a light below, highlighting their buzzcut. More cheers erupted at the sight of them, only intensifying as a tan girl with multi-colored hair bounded onstage with her bass, adding to the drummer’s beat. The last instrumentalist to emerge was a tall, bronzed man who looked similar to the bassist, albeit without the dyed hair. A particularly loud squeal sounded from the crowd, making Josh chuckle quietly; he guessed this guy was the heartthrob of the group based on the wide-eyed audience members nearby.
As the music swelled, the microphone was lit by a spotlight but no one was there yet. The crowd roared seemingly desperate for the singer to arrive so the show could truly begin. The music suddenly cut, allowing a brief pause of total silence before a woman’s voice rang from offstage. Josh felt goosebumps pepper his skin as the woman wailed in the most beautiful, bluesy voice he had ever heard, the music quickly joining her again.
The crowd was absolutely feral, singing along with the woman who finally entered the spotlight, her long hair illuminated in the bright light. She donned a flowing lacy black dress, sparkly purple Doc Marten’s on her feet. Her neck, wrists, and fingers were covered in silver jewelry and her eyes seemed to glow as she took in the eager crowd before her.
“Holy shit” Josh mumbled without fully realizing he was speaking. He saw the others nod in agreement, unable to take their eyes off the stage. The next hour and a half passed in a blur, Josh’s eyes rarely straying from the lead singer’s form. She flew around the stage, dress billowing behind her, never once losing the melody or missing a note. Her voice was beautiful and she had great stage presence but more than that, he felt drawn to her like a magnet.
All of the band members were playful with each other onstage and it was clear to Josh that they’d known each other a long time based on their ease with one another. Their songs were a blend of classic and punk rock, the singer’s bluesy tone adding a richness to the melodies she sang. As they said their goodbye’s, before what Josh assumed would be a brief encore, he felt a hand on his forearm. Turning, he saw Jake who was beaming.
“I think it’s safe to say were sold on Rising Sirens?” he questioned his twin, hand clamped on his shoulder. Josh felt himself nodding, for once at a loss for words. Jake posed the same question to Danny and Sam who quickly agreed. “I know the venue’s manager so I’m going to head backstage and see if they can introduce us. I’ll call you once I talk to her.”
Josh nodded, his eyes quickly turning back to the stage when he heard the crowd begin cheering. There was no way he was going miss seeing that singer perform one last time tonight.
You collapsed on the couch backstage following the encore, greedily chugging down one of the water bottles left out in the dressing room.
“The crowd was on fucking fire tonight!” Carolina shouted in delight, placing her beloved bass beside her brother Caleb’s guitar. “Can you believe that shit?”
“It’s the hometown crowd, essentially, I would have been disappointed if they weren’t” Kimmy pointed out, drumming their sticks on the arm of the couch.
“Where the fuck is Caleb? He came back here for a second and then disappeared” Caroline moped, always eager to get her twin’s feedback on her performance. The two were polar opposites but thick as thieves. Carolina’s bright hair matched her loud, effervescent personality; she had yet to meet a person she hasn’t made her friend. Caleb, on the other hand, was serious and studious, insistent upon managing the band even though it doubled his workload.
“Maybe the venue management needed him? If they’re smart, they’ll book us again soon. We have those few festival dates but otherwise we’re open this summer while we work on the new album” Kimmy pointed out, dragging Carolina beside them and forcing a water bottle into her hands. Carolina pecked them on the cheek and began chugging the bottle’s contents.
You smiled at your friends but kept quiet, reflecting on the show. Your flamboyant stage presence was always a contrast to your real-life personality; you had long preferred to quietly observe, taking in what was going on around you. You were similar to Caleb in that way but hoped you weren’t quite as intense as him.
The door opened and Caleb entered, quickly closing it behind him despite the commotion outside. “What was that about?” you asked, curious. You were normally good at reading his moods but this one was particularly tricky.
“So, a band came to scope us out tonight to see if we would be willing to open for their summer tour” Caleb explained, leaning back on the door.
“What band?” Carolina asked, excitement gleaming in her eyes as she sat up.
“Before I share that detail, we need to decide if committing to three months of touring will be good for our writing process. I’m sure the record label won’t mind the additional exposure even if it pushes back the planned release date a little but it would still be a tight squeeze” he explained, ever the pragmatist.
“Really, that’s between you and Y/N. You two write the lyrics and flush out the basics and we go from there. We can do that part anywhere, right Carolina?” Kimmy asked and Carolina nodded her agreement.
You sat silently thinking over this mysterious proposal. Judging by Caleb’s reluctance to name the band, they must be significant enough that he didn’t want their name to sway our decision either way. Normally, you hunkered down with Caleb, spending weeks almost exclusively with each other while mapping out the framework of the album. But you’d be lying if you weren’t intrigued by the idea of writing while touring, allowing the energy and inspiration from each night’s show to propel the album’s writing process.
“I think we should do it with two exceptions. One, obviously, if any of us totally hate the band it’s a no. Two, we only agree if there are enough off days where we could hunker down either in a hotel or bus.”
Caleb nodded at your answer, taking it in alongside whatever was flying through his own mind. A moment later he whispered, “It’s Greta Van Fleet.”
“No fucking way! I swear to God, if you’re playing some kind of sick prank on us, I will end you” Carolina shrieked, eyes wide. You turned towards her, only to see Kimmy’s excitement mirroring her own.
“I’m sorry, who?” you questioned.
“Greta Van Fleet, they’re the band Carolina and Kimmy are obsessed with. If you heard them, you’d recognize them” Caleb explained and you nodded.
“Oh my god guys, please, let’s make this work somehow. They’re incredible” Kimmy exclaimed, looking between the two of you.
“Tell them you’ll meet with their management, we have to make sure we have time to write or this just won’t work” you argued, Carolina and Kimmy groaning but reluctantly agreeing. As Caleb snuck back outside, you briefly met a curly-haired boy’s golden eyes. You fought back laughter as Kimmy and Carolina collectively lost their shit about this new development. Awhile later, Caleb returned, leaving the door open behind him revealing a now empty hallway.
“Well?!” Carolina exclaimed. “They understood our requirements and I have a call scheduled with their manager tomorrow morning. No matter what though, they’re going to send over four tickets for us to see them tomorrow” Caleb replied, bracing himself as his twin and Kimmy began screaming and jumping up and down.
“Okay, new rule you two: absolutely NO dating any of them if we end up touring, alright? Keep the fangirling to a minimum or they’ll change their mind” you teased. Carolina stuck her tongue out as Kimmy flipped you off, everyone laughing as you continued to unwind from the show.
The following day, Caleb reported the meeting went well and could expect the contract tomorrow morning. As you got ready for the show, Carolina blasted their music from her phone and it was, in fact, familiar. You were intrigued if the singer could actually hit some of those notes live. You felt your mind wandering as you added some glitter onto your lids atop the dark, smudged eyeliner.
You took a step back to look at your entire outfit, taking in the dark hues and flowing silhouette. Carolina, on the other hand, was wearing neon and pastels. You smiled at your best friend’s bright appearance and obvious eagerness to get going. People always marveled at you both, seeing as you tended towards darkness while Carolina radiated light. Some were confused by the contrast but it had always worked for the two of you.
“Kimmy just pick a pair of Vans already! We got to get going” Carolina sighed in exasperation, causing Kimmy to roll their eyes towards you as they grabbed the nearest pair that matched their bright jeans and leather jacket. Caleb was surely waiting downstairs already, dressed in his usual basics: dark bomber jacket, tight jeans. The group’s contrasting styles were always a topic of conversation at any photoshoot, the stylist faced with the impossible task of pleasing everyone.
Carolina quickly forced everyone down the stairs and out, Caleb already complaining we had all taken too long and would be late, which was unprofessional. You rolled your eyes as you buckled your seat belt, tuning out the twins’ bickering as Kimmy showed you a funny video on their phone.
Once you arrived at the venue, you were surprised when security immediately escorted your group to a reserved section, just to the side of the stage. The area was clearly used for friends and family but only one woman was there, smile bright on her face.
“Hi! I’m Jita, Jake’s girlfriend. I just wanted to say I’m absolutely obsessed with your music, I’m so glad it seems like this tour will work out.”
“Oh my God, stop, you’re so sweet!” Carolina beamed, folding her into a tight embrace. The rest of you quickly introduced yourselves and hugged her, excluding Caleb who gave her a simple nod.
"Ignore him, he’s grumpy” you heard Carolina tease as you made your way to sit beside him.
“You know, I could argue being rude to Jita is wildly unprofessional, maybe even more so than being late which we weren’t anyway” you teased, smirking. He rolled his eyes before responding, “I wasn’t rude, I just don’t feel the need to grab people like the rest of you do.”
“If you say so” you joked, drawing out the o at the end. “But seriously, are you okay with all of this? I know it’s a departure from our normal process.”
He shrugged, thinking it over before responding, “As an artist, I’m concerned but as the manager, I’m excited. I mean this is huge exposure for us, we just can’t pass it up. The label was over the moon when I told them how this opportunity fell into our laps.”
Before you could respond, the lights dimmed and the crowd cheered. You assumed they had no opener and knew the crowd would go wild when they realized they were jumping right into Greta Van Fleet’s performance. You clapped Caleb on the back before joining the others by the railing, wanting to take in the show as much as you possibly could.
As everyone made their way onto the stage, your eyes were instantly drawn to the curly-haired man you’d accidentally made eye contact with the night before. Despite his smaller stature, his voice was absolutely operatic, booming forth with precision and passion all while he ran about the stage, almost seeming to bother his bandmates while they played their various solos. You loved his jumpsuit and how he strutted around; it brought to mind other rock stars like Freddie Mercury or Mick Jagger.
Their set passed quickly and by its conclusion you were thrilled you’d somehow lucked out into opening for them. Carolina’s and Kimmy’s voices were hoarse from their screaming as they happily discussed their favorite parts of the show. As your group finally followed Jita backstage, you felt your stomach erupt with butterflies. Not only were you now a fan of their music but you worried you wouldn’t live up to their expectations. People almost always commented on how different you were offstage versus on and you were dreading that conversation, which always made you feel vulnerable and awkward.
Luckily, the guys were still buzzing with excitement from the show and introductions happened quickly and easily. They ordered a bunch of drinks for everyone and you found yourself sitting beside Danny, which you quickly became grateful for. Unlike the others, he seemed quieter and less intense which put you more at ease.
“No way! You guys are twins too?!” Josh laughed pointing between a very unamused looking Caleb and a giddy Carolina.
“Yes way! Isn’t that funny? Two sets of twins on tour” she laughed.
“Oh my god, we totally need to rename the tour that now” Jake joked, making everyone laugh.
“Is he always so serious?” Danny asked beside you and you chuckled before turning to face him.
“What do you mean? He’s barely containing himself right now” you grinned and Danny threw his head back in laughter. “But yeah, he’s been this way since we were kids if you can believe it. Carolina and I have been friends since kindergarten and I seriously thought he hated me until we were like 12.”
“That’s understandable if his face always looks so angry” Sam joined in from the other side of Danny and you giggled, nodding. You always felt more comfortable in pairs or small groups, rather than a large party or everyone talking at once. As the evening progressed, everyone began talking over one another, so you quietly excused yourself to head out to the bar for one last drink.
Josh felt frustrated as he watched you sneak out of the room. He had watched you chatting with Sammy and Daniel, but whenever he tried pulling you into the larger conversation, you’d shut down. He felt someone nudge him and he turned to see a smirking Jake. “What do you want?” Josh frowned, always a little worried when Jake seemed amused with himself.
“If you want to talk to Y/N, just go do it.”
“I don’t know what you mean” Josh lied and Jake gave him a pointed look.
“You have literally been staring at her all night and you deflate like a balloon every time she doesn’t laugh at your jokes. It’s pathetic, man” Jake goaded him. Josh not-so-playfully nudged his twin as he downed his drink, making his way out to where he thought the bar was. He was surprised to see you had settled on a bar stool by yourself rather than returning to the dressing room.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked and felt his heart flutter as your bright eyes met his.
“Of course not, I just needed a break from the huge crowd” you admitted as Josh sat beside you.
Josh ordered another cocktail and grinned at you, “I’m surprised you’re not a social butterfly. I was kind of expecting you to be after the show you put on last night.”
He quickly wanted to kick himself as he saw you fail to hide your cringe. “Yeah, that’s the general feedback if people meet me after seeing me perform—always a bit of letdown.”
The bartender set down his drink but Josh ignored it, instead replying, “Who said it was a letdown? I was just jealous Daniel and Sammy got to hang out with you all night.”
He watched as you continued avoiding his eyes, “Well, here I am!” you joked lightly.
“Well first of all, obviously, how did you learn to sing like that?” he complimented, taking a sip of his drink. At this comment, your whole face lit up as you delved into all of your vocal training before talking about your songwriting process. Josh added comments here and there but you were so clearly passionate about your work that he didn’t want to interrupt.
“I’m sorry, I’m just rambling now” you laughed, your eyes finally steadily meeting his own.
“I could listen to you talk all night if I’m being honest” he said, pleased with himself when you nervously cut your gaze away at his flirtation. Before he could think of something to add, music blasted from down the hallway causing you to giggle. “Why are you laughing at them playing ‘You’re Still the One’? That song is a classic.” Josh asked.
“I’m laughing because whenever they want me back in the dressing room or studio after I’ve wondered off, they take turns playing my favorite songs to speed up my return” you explained and he laughed.
“Well, at least you have good taste. Should we go back then?” he asked and you quickly shook your head.
“They’ll cut the song if I go right now, I want to listen” you admitted, smiling up at him.
“I’ve always wanted to cover this song” Josh mused to himself and you quickly agreed. As the final verse began, Josh found himself saying, “Well, maybe we should sing it together on tour then.”
keep reading here!
A/N: This is my first GVF fic so I hope y'all enjoy this, I'm always open to hearing feedback :) If you liked it, please reblog, it really helps! Also, let me know if you want me to write for more of the boys.
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yslkook · 3 years
TiO (8)
mind of mine masterlist
summary: jungkook is a man of mystery and you take him on a date.
pairing: “badboy” jk x “shy/reserved” oc
warnings: cursing, alc, excessive use of pet names, a shitty relationship, unprotected sex (pls use protection, these two are being foolish) , some choking, grinding, making out, oral
word count: ~6.3k
a/n: if you want to be tagged, send an ask plz. would love to hear your thoughts. a big thank you to @cutechim for creating the texts for me lmao<33
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Jungkook remains tight-lipped about what it was he had done over the weekend, when he had gone with Jin and Mina to a tattoo convention a few hours away. They had ended up staying the night there, and while Jungkook wanted to ask you to come with him, he wondered if it was too soon to ask. After all, you were both still enjoying each other’s company at your own sweet pace.
Eventually his little secret gets put on the back burner for the rest of the week. You were supposed to get bubble tea with him on Tuesday, but unfortunately a last minute work issue with your client and your application came up. You’d ended up working late, your eyes screaming in fatigue and went straight to bed that evening. He had understood, of course he did.
On Thursday, he was supposed to grab lunch with you at a cafe that he thought you might like, but this time it was him who had a conflict. His older sister had showed up to the tattoo parlor without any prior notice. She does this every so often, when things aren’t going well with her on again, off again shitty “boyfriend”.
Jungkook had sighed, cancelling on lunch with you to spend time with Jooyeon and comfort her with fried chicken and ice cream. You had sent an understanding thumbs up and a promise to call him later and end up having lunch with your work wife, Kira instead.
Kira who doesn’t fail to point out the glow in your cheeks and your general aura, even though it’s been nearly a week and a half since you saw Jungkook last. You roll your eyes and ignore the flames in your cheeks (and her laughter), and change the subject to your work projects. She tells you about some of the coding issues and compliance issues she’s been having with her software, and you tell her about the hours you’ve been pouring into your application for your client.
It doesn’t bother you that Jungkook hadn’t asked if you wanted to meet his sister. After all, he’d told you bits and pieces about her and her relationship. And in the last few weeks, your relationship has blossomed so beautifully. There was no reason to rush, you think. You’ll meet her hopefully under better circumstances for her.
Jungkook spends most of the evening with Jooyeon, letting her cry herself to sleep in his bed. His sister hardly ever cries like this, with sobs full of pain and hurt because of another man. But it’s been happening too much lately, too many fights and too much of Joo losing herself. It makes Jungkook see red more often than not. He knows what you’d say- that she needs him more than anything else and to not be so impulsive.
He makes sure Joo eats a warm meal before she falls asleep and he shoots you a text:
Jungkook: baby
You: hi
You: everything ok?
Jungkook: no, joo’s bf is a fkin asshole
Jungkook: she’s sleeping
Jungkook: miss u
You: im sorry baby :( can i call you?
He jumps at the chance, the sound of your voice and sight of your pretty face on video call instantly calming him. Jungkook is sure to wear a beanie to hide his surprise for you (but you don’t question it. After all, you’ve seen him in beanies plenty of times before and it’s dim in the apartment.) He moves to the couch, asking softly for you to tell him about your day. You recount every single detail from memory, shifting under your covers to tell him about how you had nearly stumbled down the stairs in front of your manager’s manager because you had missed a step.
It pulls a soft laugh from him.
“Jungkook,” You say quietly, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“I don’t even know what to say,” Jungkook sighs, “She’s just… Byung-woo and her have had this on and off thing for years now. He won’t commit to her and she just refuses to see him for what he is. Like, when it’s good, it’s really good. But when it’s bad, it’s awful. I wish she’d fucking see it for herself. I don’t know what to do anymore, baby.”
“Oh, baby,” You murmur, wishing you could hug him, “All you can do is be there for her but be honest with her. She’ll come around soon, hopefully. It’s hard to see past a shitty person sometimes, when all you want is for them to love you.”
“I hope so, too,” Jungkook says, “She’d love you, you know?”
“Who wouldn’t?”
“Don’t get a big head,” Jungkook chuckles, “Maybe you can meet her someday. Under better circumstances, I mean.”
“Really? You want me to meet your older sister?” You ask softly, feeling a little flustered, “That’s serious.”
“I told you, baby,” Jungkook soothes, “I’m serious about you.”
“Yeah. Seriously crazy about me,” You giggle to yourself. You know if Jungkook was with you, he’d flick your forehead.
“It’s true,” He murmurs, “Maybe I can see you this weekend?”
“Yeah, you still have to show me what you did over the weekend! Take care of Jooyeon first,” You reply, “Let me know if you need anything. I’ll drop stuff off, just tell me.”
“I will,” Jungkook promises, “Sleep well, I miss you.”
“Sleep well. I miss you.”
Jooyeon ends up leaving on Saturday morning after a lecture from Jungkook and with determined resolve in her eyes. You jump at the chance to take him out tonight, knowing how stressed he’s been the last few days.
You: be ready at 6:30 tn, im taking u out. and dress slutty
Jungkook doesn’t know how to interpret your text when he reads it. He considers asking Mina and Mei what this means, but ultimately leaves it alone. Replying to your message with a quick thumbs up, he busies himself with getting ready to see you (and surprising you, finally after a full week of wanting to show you what he had done.)
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Once you parallel park your car (which takes far too long than you’d like to admit), you grab the small bouquet of purple roses that you had gotten for Jungkook and text him saying that you’ll be up in a few minutes.
Taehyung had caught you struggling to parallel park, and had told Jungkook with a snicker. Which earned him a punch to the arm.
There wasn’t a particular reason that you had chosen to get purple roses for him, other than the fact that they reminded you of him. You hope he likes them.
Jungkook hears a soft knock at the door, and can already envision you behind it. He hopes you like his surprise, the one he’s been teasing you for a week about. You had given no hints of what you would be wearing- you had only sent him one selfie that didn’t give much of a hint into your outfit. He has no doubt that you’ll look gorgeous, but still.
Maybe Jungkook’s nerves shouldn’t be this intense, but he can’t help it. He swings the front door open, only to be greeted by you swaying on your feet with your hands held behind your back. His heart throbs when you pull your hands apart and present him with a beautiful bouquet of purple roses.
How ironic.
“Hello,” You say with a small smile, suddenly feeling a little shy and gasping when your eyes land on his hair, “Wow. You weren’t kidding…”
His hair is tied back into a ponytail, but it’s unmistakably elegant and so violet. Two neat pieces of his newly dyed hair fall into his face effortlessly, but then your gaze reaches the piercing on his left eyebrow. Your lips remain parted in surprise and without thinking, you reach up to touch his hair. It’s still soft, as it always is.
“Come in, baby,” Jungkook says, taking the roses from you, “You must really like me, huh? Got me flowers and everything?”
“Shut up,” You mutter, cheeks heating up, “Don’t get a big head.”
Jungkook only grins wolfishly at you and winks at you, eyes unashamedly glued to your ass. You roll your eyes, and swat his shoulder as you watch him put the rose in a vase and place it in the center of the dining table.
This isn’t the first time you’ve been in his shared apartment (that he lives with Taehyung and Jimin in) but you somehow feel shy in his presence again, as if it was the first time. The first time you had been here with him had been the first time you had spent the night at his apartment several weeks ago, after a night out with your friends.
You let your gaze wander, curious eyes settling on the subtle matching of the furniture and the cleanliness of the apartment. There’s not a stray speck of dust in sight, but maybe you’re distracting yourself from addressing the pretty purple of his hair. Your mouth is dry, and you’re probably drooling a little. You wonder if Jungkook prepared for this, the same way you did (in that you had washed your car, cleaned every inch of it and gotten a new car freshener).
A faint scent of fresh laundry and lavender sits in the spaces of his home. It calms you and gives you the boost to turn your eyes to him.
“Thanks for the roses, baby,” Jungkook says, giving you a smile and starry eyes. He pulls you into his arms, your back against the counter. “Surprise. Do you like it?”
“Uh,” You mumble, brain deciding to short-circuit with the way he looks at you. His smile turns into a smirk, deciding to further render you speechless by pressing himself closer to you and cradling your neck. He’s careful not to touch your face. He doesn’t want to mess your makeup up terribly, at least not yet.
“I know you like my hair. Your face says it all, baby,” Jungkook continues and ducks his head for a quick kiss, “You’re pretty.” He does quite like this dress, light blue and dotted in small flowers with thin straps. His eyes are instantly drawn to the drawstring at the center of your chest and he quells the urge to pull at it.
Jungkook’s mouth waters when he sees the side split of the dress but you want more from him immediately, but he pulls away to your chagrin. Even with the simple kiss, the burgundy color of your lipstick stains his plump bottom lip.
You shiver. It appears that he tried to take your words via text to heart- to dress slutty. He’s wearing a loose animal print button up, with the top three buttons undone. It gives you a delectable view of his pecs, his collarbones and a hint of the tattoo on his right side. As if you weren’t already weak in the knees for him as it was, he wears a black coat and tight, leather pants.
Jungkook pulls it off, like he pulls everything off and the purple hair blends seamlessly with his look. Tonight, he’d opted for two silver hoops in each ear and a thin silver necklace to match.
Your knees are weak, they’ve been weak since you had seen him in this offensive outfit and his hair, his new piercing that was clearly an attack on your entire existence.
The purple hair. The piercing. He’ll be the death of you tonight, you know it. Your legs are wobbly, panties already probably a little wet just from seeing him and from a few of his kisses. But you can’t help it. Without thinking, you press your lips to his, drawing your tongue into his mouth eagerly. You are so hungry, so eager to devour him and drink up anything that he offers you. Jungkook tugs you closer to him lightly by your waist but-
“Seriously? Right in front of my dinner?” Comes an amused voice from behind Jungkook and you nearly screech at the familiar sound of Jimin’s voice.
“I- I didn’t-You-” You stammer, feeling your face heat up to a degree that it’s definitely never heated up to before. You hide behind Jungkook to fix your surely wrecked lipstick. You’re certain his own lips are probably comically smudged with your lipstick as well. “Sorry Jimin, I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know, we’ll leave-”
Jungkook only rolls his eyes at Jimin’s wide smirk and knowing eyes. He hears you scolding Jungkook for not telling him that anyone was home, to which he promptly responds “well, you didn’t ask!”
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Despite the very natural and easy flow of conversation between you and Jungkook in your car, you still feel overheated and jumpy, your fingers incessantly tapping on the steering wheel. It’s not Jungkook, it’s you and your own nerves. It’s not the first time you’ve gone out to dinner with him and it’s certainly not the first time you’ve had him in your car. If Jungkook notices, he says nothing.
“Where are we going, baby?” Jungkook asks, looking at you. You don’t meet his eyes, choosing instead to focus on the road despite being at a red light.
“Umm, that place you mentioned the other day. The one we talked about trying together,” You say softly. Jungkook can only wonder why you’re a little quiet, but he thinks he knows. You slip into your head so easily and he doesn’t mind gently tugging you out of your thought cloud and into reality with him.
“Can you help me park,” You mumble sheepishly, “I get nervous parking in such tight spaces.”
“Yeah, pull over here before it’s impossible to,” Jungkook murmurs. You nod and do so, hopping out of the driver’s seat to switch places with him. But before you can get in the passenger’s seat, Jungkook grips your wrist loosely. You look at him curiously, with wide eyes and he drops a kiss to your lips, swallowing your surprise.
“You’re so pretty,” Jungkook murmurs, “So fucking pretty, baby. I love this dress on you.” You preen at his praise, leaning forward for another kiss with a shy smile. He subtly squeezes your left tit before letting his hand travel downward.
“You look really good, Jungkook,” You murmur before he kisses you, “I-I really, really like it. A lot.”
He gently caresses your thigh from under your dress, the heat of his hand shooting straight up your core. Jungkook slips his tongue into your mouth quickly, coaxing your endearing nervousness away. As if you both aren’t pulled over to the side of the street where cars are passing you by (and surely wondering why you both were making out like this in public).
“Are we gonna be those people who have a roadside quickie,” You laugh, gently pushing his shoulder when you pull away.
“Roadside quickie? Get your mind out of the gutter,” Jungkook says but his lips twist into a wicked smirk, “But hey, if you wanna give me road head, I’m not going to complain about it-”
“Ha, you would be so lucky,” You scoff, feeling your nerves beginning to ease out of you, “C’mon, our reservation is soon. And then we can talk about road head.”
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Dinner goes perfectly and after a glass of wine you feel those inexplicable nerves wash away. What did you have to be nervous for anyway? It was Jungkook- Jungkook who you’ve known for years. Your friend before any of this. He asks you about work, how your application is going-
“Your client sounds pretty demanding,” Jungkook muses, “You keeping up with it okay?”
“Yeah, but I’m not even an application engineer so I’m just learning as I go. My true roots are data and data science but I get to see all of it. Which is cool. But also time consuming, like the other evening, I had to read up on the compliance regulations. But my favorite thing is creating modeling and programs for this app, it’s really cool because it’s healthcare specific. So I’m learning about that sector as well, it’s mostly python but we’ve been doing testing with different healthcare providers in the area and they’re all responding really well to it-” You’re rambling, you know it, but your passion for your career knows no bounds and Jungkook makes no move to stop you. He only smiles at you, eyes crinkling and nose scrunching, gesturing for you to continue.
It’s funny. Not even a few months ago, you would have cut yourself off from your own rambling. In an attempt to convince yourself that the other person didn’t need to hear about it. Maybe that was Sora’s subconscious influence on you. Today, you don’t think twice about it, glowing and shimmering under the dim, blue lights of the restaurant as you tell Jungkook more about your job.
He makes your heart race and he’s sitting right in front of you. Your chin is in your hands as you listen to the pretty words slipping out of his lips. He’s so dreamy, and you struggle to not let your gaze stray from his eyes and linger on his exposed tattoos and chest. You don’t even know where to look, deciding to settle on the way his newly purple locks fall to his forehead just perfectly.
“What do you wanna eat for dessert?” You murmur, looking at the menu and cautiously allowing your foot to brush against his.
In hindsight, you should’ve seen it coming-
“You,” Jungkook says easily, as if he’s talking about the weather.
“Corny,” You roll your eyes, but nudge his foot again. You end up deciding on sharing a slice of decadent, chocolate mousse cake. Which Jungkook ends up finishing off when you satisfy your sweet tooth after a few big bites.
He leans over without a second thought, thumbing away stray cream from the corner of your mouth. Your tongue darts out to lick the tip of his thumb and he looks at you with wide eyes before grinning roguishly.
“Wanna get outta here, baby?”
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“Should I take you home, Jungkook?” You ask, finding the courage somewhere in the remnants of the glass of wine currently evaporating from your system to take his hand in your lap once you’re both settled in your car.
“Do you want to take me home?” Jungkook asks with a quirked eyebrow.
“I have some wine I think you’d like at my place. I just got it,” You say a little breathlessly, “And I have to inspect something, I might need your help.” Jungkook laughs, a little derisively and you pout.
“You don’t have to bribe me with wine, baby. You know I would’ve been down regardless,” Jungkook says, squeezing your hand, “What do you need to inspect? Do you have a leak or something?”
“Yeah, I’ve got a leak alright,” You say under your breath, thinking about the growing wetness in your panties, “My man just showed up here with purple hair and an eyebrow piercing, looking like a damn model after one whole week. I have to inspect him.”
“Oh, is that so? In that case, I would love to be your lab rat. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen the inside of your bedroom before-”
“Who said you’d get that far?”
“I already did, baby. Did you forget?” Jungkook’s smirk widens, eyes sparkling with mischief. He gently cups your face, thumb on your chin and hovers just over your lips. You think he’s about to kiss you, so you close your eyes in anticipation of his lips on yours.
But it never comes. Instead, his breath fans over your cheeks and he lets out a low laugh. “I sure didn’t forget, and I know you didn’t either.”
You roll your eyes and swat his hand away, ignoring (but letting out a smile) when he chuckles. You decide to hold his hand for as much of the drive back home you can.
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Jungkook’s hands are on your hips even as you’re fumbling with the keys to your front door. He’s a distraction, his warm heat plastered against your back and the simple act of opening your damn door feels like too much of a chore. When Jungkook’s lips glaze over the back of your neck, his fingers roaming your waist, it’s difficult for you to focus.
So Jungkook scoffs and turns the key for you. “Can’t open the door, baby?” Jungkook taunts and you level him with a glare.
“It’s not my fault you can’t keep your hands to yourself in front of my door!”
“You like it,” Jungkook says, shutting the door behind him and hugging you as you try to walk away from him to wash up. You escape his grip with a giggle and lock yourself in your bathroom, while Jungkook waits with a disgruntled pout.
When you come out, you head into the kitchen to pour out two glasses of wine and bring some snacks out. You’re not particularly hungry, though you wouldn’t mind eating and you’re sure Jungkook wouldn’t mind either.
Your train of thought is of course interrupted by the man himself and he wraps his arms around you from behind, pushing you into the counter. One might say that Jungkook is being clingy, but you know this is how he shows his affections. Through physical touch more than anything else. And you quite like it, you like the reassurance of his body close to yours. It’s what you’ve always wanted and never known that you needed.
“Missed you,” He breathes into your hair. Even if he’s been with you for the last few hours… You understand him. It feels like you’re both making up for lost time. For time that you could’ve spent together, rather than apart.
“Me too,” You murmur, “Can you take this to the couch, honey? I’ll bring the glasses and the wine.”
Jungkook hums and kisses your temple, squeezing your ass before heeding your soft demand. You sit next to him, thighs touching, and pour out a glass for both of you to enjoy. You lean against his shoulder, wrapping an arm around his bicep and turn the television on. But neither of you are really paying attention.
“Hey,” Jungkook murmurs, “I had a good time tonight, baby.”
“Don’t I know it,” You say smugly, “It’s not everyday a pretty girl takes you out for din-” He cuts your words off by pulling you into his lap, somehow not spilling even a single drop of wine in the movement. You would’ve killed him if even a hint of a wine stain appeared on your velvet couch.
You press your hand into his shoulder, the hint of his tattoo and the glint of his piercing catching your eye. You swirl your glass of wine with your other hand. “What a precarious position to be in,” You say dryly, even grinding your hips into his playfully. He gives you a look, and stills your movements with one hand on your waist. Jungkook sets his glass on the coffee table behind you and cradles your neck, pulling you down for a sharp kiss. It’s almost desperate and needy, nothing like his kisses from before.
You slip your tongue into his honeyed mouth, tasting seeds of his desperation with your tongue. But then, you remember your wine glass and pull away from his lips with a lewd smack to reach behind you and place it on the coffee table as well.
“So pretty,” Jungkook moans, pushing the straps of your dress to the side and dotting your shoulders in wine-stained kisses, “Pretty girl, my pretty baby-”
You tilt his cheek towards you for a kiss, whining into his mouth at his praise. It shoots down your spine in a delicious hum and his hands roaming the expanse of your back makes you feel warm and powerful.
The way your hips move in time with his, the way you fit into the crevices of his thighs and his chest- he just wants to give you everything. He wants to treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Jungkook will give you everything, if you let him.
“And what about you?” You rasp with swollen lips and wild eyes when you finally pull away. You press your fingers into the exposed, inky part of his chest, where his shirt is unbuttoned for your eyes. “You look so fucking good all the time, but-but I told you to dress slutty and you did this for me, huh? You did this for me, bunny?”
Jungkook’s cock jumps in his tight pants and his throat goes dry. Your eyes are devious, filled with mischief and sin and he gives himself to you fully and wholly.
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods eagerly, “Yeah, I wanted to look nice for you, baby.”
“A-and your hair,” You mumble, feeling a little lovesick, “I love it, I love it, I love it-I just wanna- wanna make you feel good. Can I do that, bunny? Make you feel good?”
Jungkook nods with wide, doe eyes, wondering how the tables were turned so quickly.
“Take me to my bedroom,” You demand softly. The glasses of wine and snacks on the tray are left forgotten as Jungkook easily scoops you up in his arms. Even with your lips soft and slow against his neck, he somehow makes it to your bed.
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It’s definitely not the first time you’ve had Jungkook in your bed (or that you’ve been in his bed). It’s not the first time you’ve peeled his shirt off meticulously and licked your way down his chest, to unbutton his tight pants. It’s not the first time he’s seen you on your knees on your bed (to alleviate the strain on your knees if you were on the floor).
By now, the shock of your impatience has worn off. Jungkook frequently reminds you to slow down, that you both have nowhere to be except with each other.
It looks like his pants are glued to his legs, and while you can appreciate the visual, you want to appreciate the real thing. You groan in frustration and Jungkook does the work for you, pushing the offending fabric away and breathing a sigh of relief. You crawl closer to him, nails featherlight against his taut thighs.
He’s golden, his body taut and spilling with swirls of color in the divots of his muscles. Your mouth waters.
But Jungkook moves your hands away when you start inching closer, wanting to palm his cock. He joins you on the bed, pushing your back to the bed and hiking the skirt of your dress up to your hips. His hands are tight and warm and welcome on your hips, a flare of desire shooting down your spine and straight to your pussy. You buck your hips up towards him with a pout but he only squeezes.
“What did I tell you,” Jungkook murmurs, swatting your thigh lightly.
“You’ll have to remind me,” You breathe.
“Told you to slow down, baby,” Jungkook says, letting his fingers trail up your thighs and slip under your panties. His hand is warm in contrast to the rings on his fingers. They do little to cool your skin, though. “Impatient girl.”
“You say that like a bad thing-”
“And you talk so fucking much,” Jungkook drawls, hovering over you and dropping his weight on top of you, nudging your cheek to kiss you. You reach upwards to thread your hands through his hair but he’s quick, so much quicker than you. Jungkook pins your wrists with just one hand, and the mere action, the mere display of strength has you sighing and your pussy fluttering.
“Lift your hips,” Jungkook says thickly, and you do so immediately. It’s easy for him to pull your black lace panties off to the side. But before he does so he gives you a small smile of approval, knowing that you wore them specifically for him to see.
“I really do love this dress, baby,” He says, “Makes your tits and your ass look amazing.”
“Take it off, then. And see the goods up close,” You say, wiggling against his grip.
“I will,” Jungkook says lazily, “Don’t you worry your pretty head about it.” Without a single warning, he lifts you up easily into his lap. Your bare pussy brushes against his bare cock deliciously, your hips moving of their own accord. He stills you again, and carefully unzips your dress and pulls it off of you. His fingers on you are soft but firm, leaving your head spinning and hazy.
You haven’t even had his cock yet, and you’re about ready to combust. Jungkook pushes you on the bed, your tits bouncing with the force of your back hitting the mattress and hovers over you. You pull at his hair a little impatiently and he groans, the sound reverberating across the walls only to ring in your head. You want to hear it again, and again and again.
“Jungkook,” You whine, “Please, bunny, do something. Look at me, look at my pussy, come clean me up-”
“So needy,” Jungkook murmurs and ignores you in favor of kissing your tits, rubbing your nipples with his fingers, “‘M needy for you too, baby.”
“You’re so hard, so big,” You babble, “Please, want your cock, baby.”
Impatient. Jungkook kisses your chest, your belly, your hips and makes you cum on his tongue twice (while you tear up and cry a little bit, gripping his purple locks fiercely and holding onto his shoulder) before letting you stroke his cock. You’re about to push him on his back to blow him with determined eyes, but he stops you.
It appears he’s impatient too, and he wants to see you cream his cock before cumming all over your tits (which has become his favorite place to).
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“Jungkook,” You breathe sharply, “There, baby, right there-” You cut yourself off with a groan, stilling your hips and pushing his face into your chest. Jungkook’s groans are muffled against your tits, but you feel the wetness of his lips and the warmth of his tongue over your nipples.
“Shit,” You mumble, “Feels so good-”
“So pretty, baby,” Jungkook coos, pulling away from your tits to look up at you with lust in his eyes, “I’m yours, all yours-”
You groan, bouncing on his cock even harder as a flare of possessiveness flashes across your belly. “Move back,” You say softly, “Lay down. I’m gonna ride you so good, baby.”
Jungkook barely has a chance to catch his breath before your nails are on his chest, trying to hold yourself steady as you push yourself down onto his cock, pulling a deep moan of your name from his lips. His hands are tight on your hips, watching with wide eyes- he doesn’t know where to look, what to do.
He squeezes when one of your hands drifts over his and rests on top of his hand.
“I’m yours, I’m yours,” Jungkook mumbles, “Whatever you want baby, I’m yours-”
“You talk so much,” You say hoarsely, with a wicked smile, “It’s cute.” Your free hand floats upward, resting loosely at the base of his neck. His chain is cold against his heated skin but all he can focus on is the glide of your hand over his neck.
His cock twitches inside you and your smile widens. “Is this okay?” You whisper, “This okay, bunny?”
“Harder,” Jungkook groans, “Fuck, harder, baby.”
“Like this?” You ask innocently, closing your hand around the sensitive spots of his neck. His pretty eyes flutter as he nods, a quiet moan slipping out into the air.
“You’re pretty like this,” You say softly, “Shit, you’re pretty like this…”
He lets out a choked laugh at that. You lean forward, pressing your lips to his hastily. Jungkook thrusts upward, hips meeting your ass but your hand doesn’t leave his neck. Not just yet. You breathe into his mouth, allowing him to swallow your soft whimpers.
You wet your lips with a loud smack and cradle his cheek gently. Jungkook is mesmerized by the heat in your eyes, smoldering and burning through his skin. You let your fingers glide over your clit, gathering wetness and before Jungkook can ask what you're doing-
“Open,” You mumble hoarsely, “Open, bunny.”
Pushing a finger past his chapped lips, you gasp at the sight of him below you with your fingers in his mouth.
You could cum just from watching him. His tongue swirls over your finger before sucking lightly with a pretty flush covering his cheeks. Your eyes widen, another gasp brushing over his cheeks.
“Fuck,” You mumble dreamily, “You’re so good, bunny.”
Your body is burning, jaw slack and the feeling of Jungkook’s bare cock inside of you almost too much to handle. It was wildly irresponsible- he wasn’t wearing a condom and you weren’t on birth control, and it was a conversation for later. But you can’t think, not when it feels this good, not when you’ve had a taste of his cock in this way. Besides, he always pulls out just in time. But still, you both should know better.
“Oh, Jungkook,” You whine, “‘m close, I’m so fucking close, make me cum, bunny-”
“Baby,” Jungkook rasps, “My pretty baby looks so good on my cock like this. My smart, kind, b-beautiful girl, my angel-”
Tears prick your eyes- it’s easy for you to become overwhelmed like this. You tug your hands away and thread your fingers through his, dipping your head for a kiss.
“You like that, angel? You like being mine?” Jungkook murmurs, slowing your hips so he can take over. But he knows you’re close.
“Only yours,” You mumble. Jungkook pulls you into his chest swiftly and flips you so that you’re on your back. He places your legs over his shoulders and brackets your head with his forearms, his necklace just above your nose and his hair tickling your face. But you're mesmerized by the determination and adoration in his eyes.
“Jungkook,” You murmur brokenly, “O-oh, y-yeah, baby, there, mmmf-” You squeeze his biceps with a gasp, watching his face closely. Pushing his hair behind his ears, you cradle his cheek and pull him down for a sweet, long kiss.
His fingers dance across your thighs and rub your clit in slow circles and murmuring soft words of praise in your ear. You’re vaguely aware that your body erupts in a tidal wave of flames, warming you from inside out. You don’t hear anything except for your cries of his name, you don’t see anything but him through your blurry eyes.
“Baby,” Jungkook says through clenched teeth, “O-open your mouth, baby. Fuck, baby, this pussy- I’m gonna cum, baby, fuck-”
You open your mouth with hooded eyes and your tongue lolling out and Jungkook pulls out of you abruptly with a series of curses. He’s not fast enough to get all of his cum in your mouth, some of it landing on your cheek. You swallow his cum with a dopey smile and open your arms for him to bury his face in your tits.
“Fuck, baby,” Jungkook says breathlessly, rolling off of you and pulling you into his side, “This pussy’s gonna be the death of me. Where’d you learn to ride dick like that, huh?”
“I’ll never tell,” You mumble, “Gimme a kiss.”
And so he does, tasting himself on your lips. He kisses you nice and slow, just how you both like after a night like this. Eventually he cleans you up and you do the same for him.
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Under the covers with only the shared warmth between your sheets to keep you company, you rest your head on Jungkook’s bicep and look up at him. Your fingers continue tracing patterns on his chest, tracing the swirls and curves of ink as they appear.
Jungkook dips his head to nudge your nose and you softly laugh as his hair falls into your face. “What are you thinking about, baby?” He murmurs, lazily draping an arm over you. By now, you’ve realized that Jungkook is possibly the most vulnerable with you in moments like this. When you’re both bare and basking in a post-sex haze.
That’s not to say that he’s not vulnerable at other times. But it’s just different like this.
You take his hand and thread your fingers through his. His fingers are bare, as you had taken his rings off and they’re currently sitting in your jewelry dish on your dresser.
“We just,” You murmur, “We spent so long being apart. When we should’ve been together. All because I…”
“Stop,” Jungkook says firmly but gently, “Don’t do that. You’re where you’re supposed to be. We’re where we’re supposed to be.”
“But we wasted so much time not being together because of me,” You mumble forlornly, feeling your throat getting a little dry, “Because I listened to Sora and didn’t-”
“Oh, baby,” Jungkook says, pulling you in for a hug and a forehead kiss, “That’s not true at all. We’re together now, and we both had some growing to do. That’s what matters.”
“Okay,” You reply in a strained voice. You don’t quite sound like you believe him, and Jungkook makes a mental note of that. “Do you feel like… we have lost time to make up for?”
“Do you feel like that?” Jungkook counters, making your heart skip a beat, “Because I don’t. I know it’s hard, baby, but you can’t beat yourself up for that. It’s in the past, baby. Forgive yourself. There’s nothing to race against, it’s just me and you.”
“I’ll try,” You say a little meekly. Jungkook nods and pulls you in for a soft kiss, one that has your toes curling and your belly flipping. He shifts so that you’re tucked into his side, surrounded by him and his hands on your skin. He kisses you until your previous thoughts don’t feel so loud in your head, he whispers to you and pulls sweet laughs from your throat until you can detach from the strange cloud that had suddenly appeared.
He’s your safe place.
MoM TAGS: @tiemeuptogoldenchains @boymeetsparadise @jungkooksseuphoria @kaepjjangiya @drumsofheaven @ppeachyttae @tae-bebe @yiyi4657 @mygscafe @beeeetsandskzreads @maichiverse @hordanhearsawhooo @anonymous2505 @dreadity @mysugarkoo @ULTRAANONYMOUSEY @moonchild1 @fan-ati--c
TAGS: @kookdbean @codeinebelle
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pudimsuki · 3 years
Takamki Keigo + beach+ NSFW plz maybe the reader has brought a new swim suit and it’s red like his wings ( yes the reader definitely did it to get his attention lol) and hawks sees them in it and goes a bit crazy
Crimson. Like his wings | Hawks x reader
Hi <3 I loved this request, sorry for taking so long!
Warnings: NSFW (18+ content), fem reader, swearing.
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It was rare for the two of you to have some free time together. Like, REALLY rare. So when your winged hero boyfriend finally got a day off, you decided that you’re gonna enjoy the hell out of it.
You guys rented a beach house for the weekend ー In a deserted area for obvious reasons. I mean, you definitely didn't want a range of your pro-hero boyfriend fans asking for autographs and photos in the middle of his rest day, and besides, Hawks loved having privacy with you.
You took one last turn in front of the mirror, admiring your own image. You had bought that bikini especially for him, crimson red like his beautiful wings.
Choosing to remain barefoot, you walked through the glass doors and down the few steps that led directly to the shore. The warm sand tickled your feet and you lifted your arm above your face until you got used to the sunlight in your eyes.
Keigo was lying on his back on a towel, leaning his weight on his elbows as he watched the waves come and go, dark glasses on. Small droplets of water glistened on his bare torso, indicating that he had already ventured into that sea of salt water. His feathers stretched magnificently over the sand so that the sun touched every plumage.
You sighed at the view.
"I know I'm hot, babe. No need to stare."
You rolled your eyes, muttering an "asshole" under your breath. Keigo chuckled deliciously, turning his head to finally face you, only to be caught off guard by the image of you. The red color of your bathing suit managed to match exactly the color of his wings, which definitely didn't go unnoticed by him; your bare skin glowing extremely invitingly, the shape of the fabric leaving little to the imagination.
Keigo let out a long whistle, taking off his glasses. "Oh my, what do we have here?"
"I know I'm hot, babe. No need to stare." You mimic, throwing your hair over your shoulder.
That went straight between his legs.
“Little tease.” He purrs, licking his lips. "Come here, pretty thing"
You walk slowly towards him, making sure to arch your back as you spread your towel on the sand.
"If I knew my cute little bird could be hotter than it already was, I would have arranged this weekend much sooner."
“Um, maybe I should buy more bikinis.”
“Are you always such a tease?”
“Just for you, Kei.” You winked at him before lying face down on the towel and closing your eyes, feeling the sun kissing your back.
Keigo felt his cock twitch in his bathing shorts. Shit, he was already horny.
He rolled onto his stomach until he reached you. You felt him approaching, a smile already painting your lips, but you remained still.
“Hum…” Keigo hummed, tracing the curve of your back with the palm of his hand from the base of your neck to the swell of your ass, which he squeezed between his fingers. “Just for me, yeah?”
With your eyes still closed, you felt your boyfriend's soft lips ghosting over your skin, from bottom to top, until they reached the junction of your shoulder and neck, where they began a trail of soft kisses up to your earlobe.
He swung one of his legs over you until his body was above yours, his huge wings forming a shadow on the ground. "I would invite you for a swim, but I don't think we're going to get past the sand today."
Just to prove his point, he pressed his body against yours, making you gasp as you felt the bulge pressed against the shell of your ass.
“Kei…” you moaned, lifting up a little to rub against him. Keigo growled at the friction, bucking his hips back on you, both of you still dressed.
“'m gonna fuck this tight hole of yours, baby." He promised, hot breath against your neck.
"Do it, Kei.” You breathe, already feeling your panties getting wet. “I missed you so much.”
His wings rustled above you. He pulled back a little, making you whimper at the loss of contact, but he just turned you around so you could face him. You sighed at the predatory look he gave you and opened your legs for him.
“I’m all yours”, you purred.
That was enough to draw a growl from his throat, and before you could blink, the bottom of your bikini was ripped to shreds, leaving your intimacy completely bare and at his mercy. “Keigo! It was new!” You complained. “I couldn't use it for ten minutes!”
“I’ll buy you as many as you want. And besides”, he bent closer to your mouth. “It’s your fault for being so damn hot.”
Then he kissed you. Slowly, sensually. You held the back of his head, bringing him closer as your tongues engaged in a delicious rhythm.
“So wet for me, baby bird” He praised when you pulled away, pressing two fingers between your folds. You whined, lifting your hips for more. "But still so impatient.” The chuckle that follows was from pure amusement. “I should teach you how to be more patient, love. What do you say?” He teased, swirling his fingers excruciatingly slowly over your clit.
"No" you cried, moving your hips. "I want you now, Kei. Please, want you now.”
"Want my cock, baby? Want me to fuck you real good?”
“Yes, yes, please.” You babble, his fingers still working on your bundle of nerves.
“As you wish, ma'am.”
In less than two seconds, he'd lowered his bathing shorts, his erect member popping out immediately.
That sight was almost divine, the sun streaming through his wings as he positioned himself between your legs. You ran your fingers over his defined abdomen, feeling the remnants of the salt water on his skin. Keigo smiled, pushing into you slowly. You sighed in bliss at the stretching sensation, wrapping your legs around his waist until he was fully inside, your faces mere inches from each other, his hair tickling you.
"Love you," you whispered into his mouth.
Keigo wrapped his arms around your body and began to move at a pleasant, almost lazy pace. It was intimate and extremely sensual. You closed your eyes, none of you bothering to hold back your moans as only the roar of the waves covered your sounds.
"Love you, my dove," he replies, kissing your neck as he increases the speed of his thrusts. He lifts the top of your already-lost bikini, exposing your soft globes to his gaze. “So pretty...” Then you cried his name, feeling his hot tongue circling your nipple before sucking hard.
He continued his ministrations, and you felt the towel slipping out of place, causing your limbs to touch the floor, the sand biting into your skin and sticking to your hair, but that was the last of your worries at the moment. Keigo moaned with his eyes closed as he felt you squeezing him, your walls already closing in around him.
“Fuck, Keigo” you moan. “I’m close.”
“Cum, baby, cum for me.”
So you did. White fluid bursted around him as you cried out loud, arching your back as you came. He gripped your thighs to keep you from letting go of his waist and continued his thrusts, reaching for his own high. Your legs trembled with the arousal, limbs going limp as he thrust harder, your breasts bouncing with the movement.
Keigo pulled out of you before he came, painting your breasts and your once red bra white. He fell beside you and you just stared at the sky for a few moments, bodies sweaty from the sun and sex.
“You owe me a new bikini”, you pointed after a minute making him laugh, a little breathless.
“Do I?” You looked at him accusingly, to which he just answered with a cheeky grin. "Actually, I think you're not gonna need clothes for this weekend."
You scoffed. “You wish. Maybe I should - Keigo!”
He suddenly turned you around, getting behind you and pulling your hips so that your ass was in the air, arms and face in the sand. Fast as always, Hawks.
"Oh baby," he cooed and you felt the tip of his cock already starting to get hard again against your entrance, "you didn't think we were done, did you? We have two whole days to go."
Needless to say you were sore at the end of the weekend.
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I love this winged man
Thank you for reading and for the support!
Angie ❤
[any comments will be answered with my main account: @angie-1306]
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xcrystalzero · 3 years
to understand you
pairing: xiao x gn!reader
summary: as far as you know, xiao hates humans. so why is he offering to come to liyue harbor with you?
note: listen to this, then read plz! warning, these are leaks so don't listen to it or read this fic if you don't want to be spoiled for coming content!
"If you have free time, we can go to Liyue Harbor together."
Never in your life did you think that you would hear those words coming from Xiao. He had been warming up to you in the months that had passed since you had met, enough so that he would actually stick around after the missions you went on together for lunch or just to rest instead of immediately disappearing as he had in the past. He even talked to you now, about things that weren't conquering demons or karmic debt!
Baby steps, you had thought, just happy to able to share his company for some time. So this was a bit out of left field. Of course, that didn't mean that you would treat such a suggestion lightly! The light dusting of pink on his cheeks and the way he wouldn't meet your gaze told you that it must have taken a lot of mustered courage for him to bring this up himself. If you refused him here, you doubted he would ever open himself to you again.
Not that you had plans to refuse him in the first place. No sane person would.
And now, the two of you stood at the edge of one of the many bridges leading into the harbor, you felt a strange giddiness come over you. Xiao was coming with you to Liyue Harbor, he was here because of you!
"So... you're doing this for me?" you had asked.
"Yes, to understand you."
If only he knew exactly how much of an effect those words had had on you.
When you glanced over at the adeptus however, you had to stiffle a giggle. Xiao was standing up stiff as a board, his eyes darting between the people meandering through the pavilion in the distance with a sort of nervous worry. As a man crossed the bridge across from the two of you, Xiao all but leapt out of his way, standing as close to the railing as you were sure was physically possible.
"Are you alright?" you asked, trying to keep the amusement out of your voice, though judging by the glint of annoyance in Xiao's gaze, you hadn't been particularly successful.
"There's... a lot more people than I thought there would be..." he muttered, eyes downcast now as though not looking at said people might somehow make them disappear.
At that, you audibly laughed, drawing the adeptus' gaze back up to you. "Well, it is a harbor! Don't worry, I doubt you'll get recognized or anything like that!"
"That's not what I'm worried about..." For a man pretending to be so cold, his eyes certainly were expressive. Was that, guilt?
"Xiao... you know that you're not going to hurt anyone just by being here right?"
Bingo. Xiao flinched slightly. "... you don't understand my debt... It is supposed to be my burden to handle and yet, with all these people here..."
A soft smile made its way onto your face as you slowly reached out, wrapping your fingers lightly around Xiao's wrist. His initial reaction was to try to pull away immediately, though when your grip remained even then, he relaxed slightly. "Xiao, you're not going to hurt these people. Think of it this way! If the one in a million happens and things do go south, I'm here to take care of things right?"
Xiao was silent and for a moment, you were sure that he was about to drop all of this and make his way immediately back to Wangshu Inn.
"... alright, I trust you."
Oh. You hoped the grin that had spread over your face covered the way your cheeks and ears were heating up like a furnace. "Alright then, let's go!" With the hand still around his wrist, you gently tugged him forward, pulling the two of you across the bridge and into Liyue Harbor.
As much as you wanted Xiao to try out Liyue Cuisine, you were a bit worried. After all, the only thing you had seen the adeptus eat was Almond Tofu, a steep departure from the spicy seafood cuisine that was served in Liyue Harbor. You brought the issue up to Xiao and his reply was a bit unexpected
"I said I wanted to learn about your world didn't I? If this is the food you are always speaking about, then I must too experience it to be able to relate to you."
As it turned out, you were correct in being worried because for all his strength as a Yaksha, Xiao had the worst spice tolerance you had ever seen. All it took was a single bite of Xiangling's signature Wanmin Restaurant Boiled Fish and he was coughing his lungs out. Were those... tears in the corner of his eyes?
"I'm so sorry Xiao, I had no idea it would be like this!" you sputtered, waving down the nearest waiter with urgency. "Could we please get a plate of Almond Tofu! And some more water!"
"I'm fine-" Xiao hacked out, evidently not okay. "Just... give me a moment..."
"I'm sorry, it's my fault! I should have given more care to your tastes!"
"I told you didn't I! I want to experience what you talk about, and if it ends like this, then that's fine as well," he managed between coughs and if he wasn't currently hacking his lungs out in front of you, you thought you might have tackled him in a hug.
When the Almond Tofu arrived, despite all this protests, Xiao seemed intensely happy and gulped it down within minutes. Eager to put the meal behind you, you paid quickly and pulled Xiao back out onto the street with you.
The next few hours were honestly a blur. There was just so much to show Xiao. Despite his initial reluctance to make conversation with the people wandering about, you found that it was actually rather easy to get him to talk. All it took was a sentence or two on your part to draw him into conversation and he would always grudgingly join in. There was often a scoff involved, or a "humans..." muttered under his breath, but at least he was talking to people!
He also didn't seem to want you two to leave. Every time you thought that you may be running out of places, he would make some innocuous remark about a landmark you had mentioned or a certain stall that you frequented that he hadn't seen so far. If you didn't know better, you'd think that he was looking for excuses for the two of you to remain in the harbor.
Not that you were complaining of course, especially since your special plan for the day hinged on you two remaining there until the sun set. Finally, it seemed as though you two had exhausted your sightseeing list, you look a seat on the steps overlooking the harbor, sitting in comfortable silence.
Despite his apparent lack of love for human food, you had managed to get him to try a certain pulled cotton candy dessert. He must have absolutely loved it because he had gone back for seconds about three times before you managed to pull him away from the stall.
"Such a sweet tooth!" you had teased, bringing a slight blush to his cheeks as he took another bite.
"... shut up it tastes... nice."
The sun had gone down a little while ago and from where you sat, you could see the edge of the wharf, as well as the activity you had been planning the entire day. Hopefully Xiao would like it... You were't sure though if it would be particularly to his taste. After all, he had refused to come to the Lan-
"Are you ready to head back now?" Xiao questioned, drawing you from your thoughts.
You shook your head, perhaps a little to enthusiastically based on the questioning look he aimed at you. "N-No not yet! There's just one more thing I think we should do before we leave!"
Xiao shrugged at that, though the way he was glancing at you out of the corner of his eye was a dead giveaway that he was at least a little interested. "Well, let's get it over with then."
Beaming over at him, you stood, making your way over to the edge of the wharf. There was a woman you had never met before standing there, a pair of glowing lanterns in her hands. As she saw you, she gave you a warm smile before extending the lanterns to you. With them in your possession, she bowed quickly and turned to leave. Xiao's curious gaze followed her as she retreated, though his attention turned back to you and your lanterns quickly.
"What are these for?" he questioned.
"They're lanterns! You weren't here during the Lantern Rite, but people release them with their loved ones! You're supposed to make wishes on them too!" Your tone is a little too peppy, but you can't help it. Not being able to get Xiao to come to the Lantern Rite had felt like a genuine failure to you, mainly because there was nothing you wanted more than to just see him happy. If he left now too...
Xiao aimed a skeptical look at you before examining his lantern. "I don't see how this contraption has the power to grant human wishes..."
You giggled at that. "It's just a tradition! Don't think about it too much, and just make a wish!"
Xiao was still staring at you rather blankly. "How do I?"
"Well, close your eyes. Then think of your wish and when you're done with that, just release the lantern!"
You closed your eyes as though to demonstrate, though they opened quickly once more to glance over at Xiao the moment you knew he was no longer looking at you.
Despite his hesitation, the adeptus went along with your instructions. With a soft sigh, he closed his eyes, holding the lantern between the palms of his hands as he angled his face up to the sky. You weren't sure if it was just you, but there was something different about him right now, but you couldn't pinpoint what it was.
"I just want you to know-" When he started talking, you almost dropped your lantern in shock. Immediately, you closed your own eyes, hoping that he hadn't noticed your staring. "I... I saw part of the Lantern Rite this year."
"You were speaking so highly of it, so I watched from a distance... The lanterns drifting into the sky looked so beautiful, even from far away and... and I wished that I had gone with you."
Your eyes opened on instinct as you turned back to him, mouth agape. Xiao's eyes however, remained closed as he continued to speak softly into the sky.
"Thank you, for this." The words were so soft you may have missed them if you weren't so captivated. It was then that Xiao softly let go of his lantern, finally opening his eyes to watch it drift gently up into the night sky.
You couldn't drag your gaze away from him for a moment, but when you did, you let out a soft sigh before releasing your own lantern.
"These are called Xiao Lanterns you know. They are beauty and hope and a light in the darkness. I wonder who they might be inspired by..."
If you didn't know the man next to you, you might have thought that the small sound he just let out had a hint of a laugh to it.
"Perhaps one day, you'll be able to meet him. Someone worthy of such a legacy."
As the Xiao Lanterns floated up into the heavens, the two of you sat the the edge of the pier, watching them. Eventually, you broke the silence with a soft question.
"So tell me, how did you like my world? Did you enjoy experiencing all that you've heard about?"
Xiao sighed, though the sound lacked the usual grit. "Today was certainly... interesting. I suppose humans and their strange rituals aren't always terrible..."
"You could just say you had fun you know?" you giggled as you nudged him gently, bringing a slight glare to his face as he pulled away first before taking his turn to pointedly nudge you back.
"Well, some humans are quite adept at ruining the mood..."
You laughed at that, turning your face to the sky as you basked in this moment. "That, we are!"
note: he's so precious. i just want him to be happy...
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natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey lol i hope i'm not bothering bug if that's okay could i request the first years + Grim {platonic only for the gremlin lol} (sorry i just love them they're all so precious🥺) with a MC who has demonic heritage? Like, when the mirror judged them he talked about them being stronger than the average human or something and they just shrugged went "ah yeah, it's because my grandparents are demons".
They're still human since they're the dominant genes but as i said previously they're stronger than an average person and have heightened senses. they're not as strong as a demon or a half-human half-demon but they're capable to defend themselves if needed.
Bonus if they actually get to meet their demon relatives and their relatives are super sweet to them. Sorry i just love the thought of a thousands of years old creature being soft for a kid 👉👈 gsksgs sorry that this is so specific gsksgsk
A/N: There’s nothing wrong with specific asks bby I love this prompt! I will be making a part two where the first years meet the grandparents :)
Y/N is gender neutral
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Epel Felmeir, Jack Howl, Sebek Zigvolt, Grim (platonic ofc)
-You both had to study for an upcoming test for Magical History
-Ace texting you, and I quote “PLZ HELP”
-With a ridiculously, large textbook with leather fastening laid out on the table and other resources you began your session
-”Okay, I understand every section of this book. But the last one is about demons, but I really don’t understand it. It’s in this forgien text and I can’t read any of it.”
-You turned to look at the page, looking it over, you understood it perfectly
-”It’s discussing magic potion compounds demons use. It’s nothing that we really need to study in depth.”
-Ace looked at you like you grew another head, “How could you understand any of that, Y/N!?”
-”Well, my grandparents are demons after all.”
-”Y/N, what the fuck.”
-You can’t just drop a bombshell like that?? So casually??
- Ace had been crushing on you forever, and just now you’re confessing this to him??
-I mean he knew that you were incredibly strong, but he just thought that was how humans from this place you call Earth come from
-He was so shocked and in a state of disbelief that he just had to meet your grandparents
-There had been rumors of a dark evil from within the forest, something otherworldly
-”Hey Deuce, wanna go check out of what's in the forest?” you asked, bored on this Friday night
-”W-what?! Are you crazy? I’m not going with you and you shouldn’t either-”
-And there he was, by your side roaming through the dark forest with a flashlight
-Hearing the coos and caws of different creatures lurking within
-”Ah new humans to devour, my favorite!” a new voice exclaimed.
-And while Deuce screamed, he got infront of you to protect you “Y/N get behind me now!”
-You recognized that voice. “Eren?”
-”Oh, well this is awkward-”
-”Now what did your mother tell you about terrorizing the innocent?” you asked, gripping the shadow beast’s...ear?
-”Now you best go home, otherwise I’ll tell Aunt Acheron!”
-Deuce was in a state of shock, mouth gaping open at your exchange
-”Sorry, that was my cousin Eren” you said sheepishly.
-”What do you mean cousin?” Deuce asked, not believing what was coming out of your mouth
-”Well my grandparents are demons. Almost my entire family is!”
-You were just… full of surprises aren’t you Y/N…
-Pomefiore was hosting a “Party for the Ages” as Vil called it
-And they needed to get these decorations on point, so Epel called Y/N to help aid them
-They needed to hand the streamers from the upper handrail of the stairs, which keep in mind is a completely second story
-”Hey Y/N, could you please hang these up there?” Epel asked, handing you the streamers
-”Oh okay cool” you replied. Wait why are you running- oh my god you jumped to the second story of the dorm
-”Y/N!” Epel yelled out.
-”What did you just do?!”
-That was superhuman strength, no human being could jump from the ground to the second story of a house, let alone a mansion like building?
-Once you both finished decorating you told him about your heritage with demons
-” I-I see”
-He understands but he is still in shock
-He always knew that there was something strange about you
-Your abilities were flat out inhuman and your smell was different
-But he just couldn’t figure it out
-Until one day, he just had to ask
-You decided to help the organize the Rugby field with him in the afternoon
-”Hey, Jack! Catch!” you said, about 80 feet away from him
-And there you threw, except you didn’t quite aim it right
-And...the ball went right out of the vicinity
-the display looking like a comet as it blistered with so much heat it turned a bright orange-fiery hue
-Jack gasped at what just happened
-”Y/N, what even are you?” he asked, still bewildered
-”Well, a quarter demon. I’m not as strong as my grandparents though” you smiled.
-Jack loves you dearly Y/N, but god did you confuse him
-Ah, Sebek he really did try to keep his feelings for you at bay
-I mean, him with a human? Pathetic, it could never happen
-But everyone did see how he treated you more gently than others he had distaste for
-When he realized your true power and when you told him about your family was when you challenged to spar him
-Sebek decided to just go easy on you and throw out a couple of magical beams or whatever to help your skills in combat-
-Wait you’re beating his ass hold on-
-Even though Sebek won, the fae started his own little fit
-”What was that?! T-That isn’t like weak humans at all!”
-”Well, technically I’m not human since my grandparents are demons.”
-You grabbed your towel since you started to sweat
-”Well I’m going home, nice sparring match, Sebek! You did super good!” you complimented, giving a soft pat to his forehead with the back of your palm
-If he struggled this much fighting someone who only has a ¼ or ½ human DNA (he doesn’t know your parent’s DNA after all) then how powerful is a fullbread demon?
-The man has so many questions that he will bother you about
Grim (platonic):
-He knew during the first few months of school when you both had ghosts in your dorm
-And while you didn’t mind, there were a few in particular that seriously got on your nerves
-Those ghosts had to go
-One day they just wouldn’t stop messing with Grim
-And while he is a slight menace to society, Grim didn’t deserve it
-So you decided to take out your Amina Box (Soul Box), or your Soul Snatcher as you liked to call it that your grandmother had gifted to you
-Once you opened it, in the ghosts went inside vacuum like
-Grim was so weirded out
-”They were bullying me the whole time and you didn’t bother to stop them?! And where did you even get a box like that, stupid human?”
-”First of all, it was a little funny. Second off, I’m not really a human, after all my grandparents were demons.”
-Grim stayed in silence, connecting the dots until the light bulb went off and he got a little jealous
- “How come all the cool stuff happens to you?” Grim said, pouting.
-”Don’t worry, Grim. If ‘cool stuff’ happens, I’ll be sure to take you with me. I promise.”
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The Brother’s Reaction to MC having a Nightmare
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this gif... holy SHIT 
Whether you started the evening snuggled up under his chin or all alone in your room, he’s an extremely light sleeper since he’s got to keep an ear out for Mammon being stupid at 2 am
So when you start to move restlessly and/or whimper and cry, naturally he’ll awaken and see what the issue is
Lucifer will sit up and gently rest a tentative hand on your trembling shoulder, so as not to startle you
His presence only seemed to make it worse! Your tears got bigger and your cries got louder, your breathing became more uneven until you woke with a start, your own shrill scream scaring you into a frightened, crying ball in front of him
Boi is at a loss…
Was this his fault?
“MC, darling, what has gotten into you? Are you alright?”
“L-Lucifer?” You whimper, watery eyes roving aimlessly in the darkness “L-L-Lucifer?! Where are-”
Wrapping his arms around you and pulling you close, he reassures you: “I’m here, right here princess,” “I’ve got you, it was just a dream MC... nothing to worry about.”
Strokes your head, smoothing your rumpled hair and supporting your back while you hide your puffy, tearstained face in his collar and cling to him for dear life until you calm down
You’re still shaking when the usually stiff demon presses a kiss to the crown of your head and begins to rock from side to side, murmuring gentle, reassuring words in your ear
“Nothing can hurt you as long as you’re in my arms, MC.” “Deep breaths my love, deep breaths…”
Mammon’s vivid scary stories before bed had obviously been a bad decision, Lucifer decided as he dabbed your cheeks with a kleenex
his poor, sweet human having nightmares about silly campfire tales…
How endearing, yet upsetting
He’ll carry you to the kitchen bridal style and hold you close after getting you a glass of water, then carry you back to bed and tuck you safely against his broad chest for the rest of the night making a mental note to hang Mammon upside down from the banister the following morning
He woke up from his dream about goldie who had read “∞” on the ATM and opened his door in answer to the frantic knock to find his favorite human crying
You rushed into his arms, burying your face in his chest to hide your shuddering sobs, nearly sending the now blushing Avatar of Greed off balance in your haste
“Jeez, human! Wha… What happened? Why’re ya crying like that?”
No, like seriously, plz stop crying babie or he’s gonna cry too
Returns the hug, holding MC firmly as he regains his footing and manages to shut the door behind you
“MC, sssh, I’m right here! You don’t hafta worry, ok? Luckily you’ve got the best demon on the job to make ya feel better! Hug me as hard as ya need, ok?”
*forehead and cheek smooches*
Lets you curl up in his lap until you can talk to him without stuttering or choking on tears
Holds you the whole time, almost as if he’s afraid to let go for fear you’ll cry again
“Bad dream? What was it about?”
“Th-Those characters from Levi’s horror game w-were eating you alive and I c-couldn’t move!” You whimper tearfully, “You were begging me for help a-and I couldn’t do anything to save you from them because every time I moved th-these ropes got t-tighter around my neck a-an-”
First of all, he’s horrified that Levi showed you those games when he knew they gave you nightmares. Unfortunately, you had to if you didn’t want to be called a normie for the billionth time that week
Second, he, the great Mammon, begging a mere human for help? Yeah right
Even though he knew in his heart of hearts that that would definitely be the case
“They’re not real, remember that. And if you still think those freaks are lurking in the dark, come find me and the great Mammon will protect you!”
You can't help but giggle and hug him more tightly, knocking him back onto his pillow
Neither of you felt like moving, so Mammon pulls the sheets up over your shoulders and you snuggle together until the morning comes
At the breakfast table, Mammon doesn’t hesitate to screech at Levi for giving you nightmares while cradling your tired, sleep-deprived body against him
Doesn’t hear MC’s knock at first, he’s too absorbed in the 14th episode of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible
As the knocking gets louder and more frantic, the otaku finally notices and pauses the anime, goes to the door and opens it a tiny bit
Just enough to see the teary-eyed MC, hugging their waist in discomfort, shivering in fear, and looking left and right down the hall for danger
“... Yeah?”
“L-Levi? C-Can I come in? *sniff* I just had a really scary dream-”
“I-uh… Ummm I g-guess,”
He lets you in and on a whim, places a tentative hand on your back
He expected you to push him away, but when you choked and rushed into his half-open arms and buried your face in his chest, leviachan.exe has stopped working
What was he supposed to do with his hands?!?!??
MC was crying and he was just standing there like a normie? Wh… WhAt wOULd HenRy dO?
“MC, h-hey, it cant’ve been that bad… here, um let’s s-sit down a-and you can talk to me. Sound good?”
He feels you nod and leads you to his large gaming beanbag chair and you get squooshed against his side, shivering and sniveling, but warm and safe
Levi dries your face with the edge of his shirt and after a few moments of comfortable silence, you begin to explain your dream
The slimy creatures scaling the walls of the House of Lamentation with their slimy entrails dripping whitish goo in their wake. Eight spindly legs to each monster, sixteen sinister red eyes, and countless rows of gleaming fangs ready to take a chunk out of anyone who came too close
They managed to get into the house and they chased you and the brothers, but the otaku had tripped over a fallen suit of armor and a spider creature made its move before he could get away
At that point, you’d woken up absolutely terrified and rushed to see if Levi was ok
“But you’ve played horror games with me and we watched My Sister and I Found a Spider and Took It Home, Realizing Soon After it Was a Demon Who Eventually Escaped From the Glass Jar We Used for a House and Ate Our Toes, Transporting Us To Hell Where We Were F-”
“Yeah… I know… B-But it wasn’t that bad. I was reading one of the books Satan recommended. It was a really well-written horror story and it had very realistic pictures. I just can’t seem to get those gross monsters out of my head:(”
Your voice slowly trailed off and Levi realized what he had accomplished
You… You weren’t crying anymore!!
Also, you weren’t breathing really hard or shaking too much! Had… had this yucky otaku really calmed the human down?
*gasp* he was rubbing your back too!? And you hadn’t slapped his icky hands away?
You… you were ok with this? B-Being all snuggled up together on the beanbag chair?
“L-Levi, I-I’m ok now. I’ll leave you alone… I hope I didn’t wake you up…”
“Something wrong?”
“No… I-um,” (he couldn’t let you get away now! This was perfect! He had you all to himself!! No WAY was he gonna screw this up!!) “You c-can stay a little longer if you’d like… I-I was in the middle of I Was Eating Avocado Salmon Sushi at a Hundred-Yen Revolving Sushi Restaurant When Suddenly I Was Thrown Back in Time a Thousand Years to the Heian Era, Where I Was Selected to Be a Personal Chef for a Princess and Was Later Chosen as a Possible Candidate to Be Her Husband… Now someone Please Tell Me How That’s Even Possible… Do you maybe want to stay and watch?”
“You don’t mind? I don’t want to intrude-”
“No! It’s fine!”
And so he fumbled with the remote and hit the play button, but couldn’t focus on a single word the protagonists were saying
You. Fell. Asleep.
On. Him.
“Maybe… Maybe MC doesn’t think I’m a… ‘yucky otaku’ after all… But don’t get your hopes up, Levi.”
He fell asleep in his chair, book resting on his chest when he heard a short, quick (almost frantic) string of taps on his door
Being a light sleeper (just like his papa), he immediately woke up to hear your voice on the other side of the door
“Satan? Are… Are you awake? *sniffle*”
It was you
What could you possibly want at this hour?
Upon opening the door, your body crashed into his own, but not before impulsively throwing your arms around his neck and breaking down on his shoulder
“M-MC? Are you alright?”
No, you weren’t
Judging by your stormy sobs and trembling figure, something must have shaken you up horribly for you to act like this
The sweet MC he knew usually kept their cool
He leads you to his big armchair and sits you down, careful to keep a firm hand on your back for support, both emotional and physical
Your eyes were wide and glassy, pupils darting to each corner of the room looking for monsters, bad demons, giant bugs, etc.
Finding none, you finally make shy eye contact with the blonde demon who has kept his arms close about you and dabbed your endless tears away until you were calm enough to speak
“MC, did you have a night terror or something?”
“*sniffle* M-hm. I-I’m sorry S-Satan, I was just so scared I c-couldn’t stay in my room all alone and you were the first person I thought of. So… I ran here. Did I wake you?”
“I fell asleep in my chair again MC. So I would have awakened during the night anyway,” He replied, “Plus, I don’t mind at all. I’m… I’m happy you came. What was your dream about?”
“It was really twisted… are you sure you want to know?”
“You’ll feel better when you talk about it and I’m always up for a story.” He smiled.
He sat back in his chair tentatively resting your head on his chest as you began describing the terrors from only minutes before
“Asmodeus and I, we watched some of those cringey teen romance movies this afternoon and somehow they morphed into a really scary dream. You and I, the rest of your brothers, the angels, Solomon, Diavolo, and even Barbatos were playing spin the bottle for some reason and I landed on you, but when I kissed you, you turned to dust! Th-Then when I landed on Mammon and Beel, the s-same thing happened again, but no one seemed to notice! Th-”
Noticing you were getting worked up again, Satan rubbed soothing circles into your back, hushing you gently and assuring you that everything was fine and ‘innocent’ kissing games weren’t actually deadly
Unless they were
But he didn’t mention that to you at that moment
Instead, he cradled you in his lap and read to you until your eyelids began to droop once more for some much-needed sleep
Being the good boy he is, he tucked you into his bed
Before he could walk back to his chair
“Satan, aren’t… aren’t you gonna lay with me?” You ask, tired, sweet voice ringing in his ears, “I-If you don’t mind that is. I mean it is your bed, after all, I didn’t mean t-”
He’s blushing up to his ears at your request, but nonetheless rolls onto the mattress next to you and you snuggle up close and fall asleep almost instantly
“As long as you’re here with me, you’ll be safe MC.”
Why… Why was he up so early? What was that noise? Wait… Where were you?
He could’ve sworn he fell asleep with you in his arms
Sitting up groggily he looked around after rubbing the crust of sleep from his eyes
Something was moving and whimpering next to him, caught in a snare of fluffy blankets
The fearful cries of “Asmodeus! Oh, Asmo please don’t die! No, no, no, NO!!” broke the sweet demon’s heart
Your ragged breathing turned to a blood-curdling scream and you shot upright, but the blankets blocking your vision increased your tearful unease tenfold and you began struggling even harder against them
Taking action, Asmo tugged at the sheets, doing everything he could to help you
When your face emerged from the heap, you took a great gasp of air and immediately began sobbing your heart out
Asmo paused, knowing it unwise to approach someone who’d just escaped the clutches of a nightmare, but he couldn’t just sit there and stare at you!
Luckily, you chose that moment to look around
Your eyes met his amber ones in the semi-darkness and you tackled him, wrapping him in an impossibly tight hug
“Darling, wh-”
“Oh my god! I thought I killed you! I r-ruined your pretty face! You just sh-shriveled up a-and-”
“Sweetheart, hey~” He murmured, closing his arms around your back and cradling the back of your head in his hand, “Don’t cry anymore, Asmo’s here…”
His gentle comforting coos as he rocked from side to side brought your tears to a halt and soon you were able to look him in the face
Your glassy, frightened eyes had almost a look of reverence when you ever so slightly cupped your palm over his cheek, afraid he would crumble away at your caress once more
When he didn’t, you let out a shaky sigh of relief and visibly relaxed; shoving your face in his shoulder and wrapping your legs and arms around him so he couldn’t escape
It was quiet for a moment
Asmodeus settled his forearms around your waist and said
“Dearest, are you alright?”
“I… I don’t know.”  You fisted his shirt in your palms and looked at him, “That was a really vivid one.”
“Tell me what it was about!” He smiled sympathetically and stroked your cheek, “I have bad dreams sometimes too, MC. If you tell me yours I’ll tell you a few of mii-iiine!”
You couldn’t help but crack a small grin as his sweet tone and nod
“Yesterday Beel told me about the one time he touched Satan’s favorite plant. He’d seen Satan pet the stalk and petals before and he wanted to do it too. (Satan is a plant dad, fight me) But when he touched it, it shriveled up and died on the spot. I… I had a dream where I touched you and you shriveled up! I tried to help you, but every time I touched you, you screamed in pain! Then… Then you died in my arms and I woke up.”
You clung to the demon as he moved, lost in thought. Settling back into the abundant pillows and tugging a sheet over your shoulders, he began to speak
“That sounds absolutely terrifying! What would you do without me?”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding!” He nuzzled your cheek and hugged you tighter, “Why don’t we find a way to help you forget about it? I have a couple of suggestions… if you’d like to hear them~”
He’d only been gone for a minute… or four… maybe five…? Right?
Why were you writhing around like that? You sounded like a lost little puppy and… were those tears?
“MC? Are you awake?”
No reply, just your continued whines of discontent and a steady stream of tears soaking the pillow
He dropped his snacks on the floor and carefully knelt on the edge of the mattress, putting a gentle hand on your forehead
Lucifer used to do that when he was sick, long ago when they still lived in the celestial realm. Maybe it would help you? Somehow? Hopefully?
The strangled sob that fell from your lips as you forced his hand away broke his big heart in two
Hold on, your eyes were closed! Wait, you were having a bad dream!
Throwing all caution to the wind (and not knowing the consequences of waking someone in this state) and began shaking you rather roughly, scaring you awake and making you bonk heads when you sat up too quickly
Now you were crying for more reasons than one
Your head hurt, two big scary hands had your shoulders in a tight grip, there was a large figure looming over you in the dark, your dream was still raging and replaying in your head, and it was really dark and uncomfortably warm
Even in the dim light, Beel witnessed the look of pure terror that crossed your face
You thought his heart was broken? Well it just fucking shattered
You were scared? Of him?
“MC, it’s just me! Don’t be afraid!”
He’d woken you up, but apparently he’d only made things worse…
Beel is vewy sowwy :(
Those lovely amethyst eyes…
“B… Beeley?”
“MC? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, I didn-”
You silence the ginger demon by throwing yourself into his arms in unparalleled relief, afraid you hadn’t really woken up and the shadow of your favorite brother was just MC’s Nightmare, Continued
Happy you’re in his arms, he squeezes back with all his might and burying his face in your shoulder
“I just had the worst nightmare Beel. I’m so happy you’re here…” You murmur, wiping your nose on your sleeve.
“Is your head ok?”
The pair of you sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, Beel offers you a tissue to dry your face, but you can’t seem to stop crying
“MC, maybe if you told me about it, you’d feel better!”
His sweet, honest smile made you melt
But the contents of your dream… You looked guiltily toward the bed on the other side of the room where you knew the Avatar of Sloth was sleeping peacefully
“You… You promise not to tell Belphie?”
“What do you mean?”
“W-Well I dreamt about that time… you know… when he killed me? He gave me a hug before bed like he always does a-and I love Belphie’s hugs but I can’t help but think about... that. I feel bad, it’s the same as holding a grudge! I’m sorry Beel.”
*insert pikachu face meme* = beel
“Why are you apologizing? It’s not your fault you had the dream.”
“I know… I feel bad though. Did I wake you up?” You ask, changing the subject.
“Nuh-uh. I was already up grabbing snacks.” He pointed to the untidy pile a few feet away. “Maybe some TSL and food will bring your smile back. Don’t worry about your dream MC, the secret is safe with me. Plus, you’re only human and I guess being killed would be really scary for you. I didn’t protect you that time, but if anyone ever tries to hurt you again, I’ll be there before you can say Burgers from Akuzon, ok?”
The smile lifts your lips before he finishes his sentence warms his heart and puts a happy smile on his own as you give him a final squeeze and whisper
“Thanks a lot, Beeley.”
It is said the Avatar of Sloth could sleep through anything, even the loudest storm and the echoes of 4th of July from the human world
But when the precious human cuddled up in his arms every night begins to move around and/or whimper in fear, Belphegor is awake in minutes only to find you squirming away from him and begging to some invisible entity “Just… Just d-don’t hurt them! I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry, please don’t hurt me I-”
The seventh born is squeezing your hand and whispering encouragement in your ear, telling you you’re safe and that it’s just a dream
Slowly opening your eyes you look around, still terrified and jumpy from your vision, but the warm hand intertwined with yours and the comforting arm around your back, plus the familiar scents of the twins’ room slowly bring you back to reality
“Belphie? I-Is that you?”
“Who else would it be, dummy.”
You ignore the half hearted insult and bury your face in his chest, allowing your heart to reach a normal pace and his natural scent and warmth to wash over you
“Tell me about it. Sounded pretty scary.”
“I’m sorry for waking you up Belphie, I know how you hate losing sleep…”
“Just… Be quiet and tell me your dream!”
“S-Sorry… Um, so I didn’t know you too well yet and an angel came and took the precious grimoire, but me and Beel were caught up in it and there was this whole thing with Purgatory Hall and Luke and-”
“Your stories can put me right to bed you know that? Anyway, so what happened? Did Lucifer tear the angel’s head off?” He looked rather hopeful…
“Of course not! Lucifer was gonna make me choose who I wanted to save, either Beel or Luke and I didn’t want either of them to get hurt so I said ‘both’ and Lucifer got really mad and scary and in my dream he ended up hurting Luke and Beel and he would’ve gotten me if you hadn’t woken me up.”
“You’re welcome.”
“... *sigh* Thanks for listening Belphie.”
With a sigh of his own, he pulled you into his arms, resting his chin on your shoulder
“It was just a dream. You don’t have to be afraid, you know. I’m right here for you. Always.”
“Aww, than-”
“Forget I said that! Shut up and go to sleep!”
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How to Ask Steven stuff.
Because apparently we need a tutorial.
Okay guys. I know I encourage you to send me asks and then somehow don’t reply to any of your lovingly-crafted little gifts of joy and 280 characters. I ask for questions for Steven and then never touch them when they arrive. 
And so it stands to reason that we may need to explain WHY and HOW I choose the asks I answer. 
It turns out I DON’T just answer every question willy nilly, and I DON’T just answer the ones who yell the loudest, beg the most, and send me the most asks. In fact, all those things just make it more likely to delete your message! (Sorry guys, but if you wrote ‘plz reply!!!!’ into any message you sent me, there’s a 99% chance I deleted it immediately.)
Anyway, to remedy this breakdown in communication, I’ve decided to do a quick writeup of how I select asks - and which asks I delete on sight and why. 
Keep in mind that this is not an exhaustive list. 
Let’s get right into it:
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[Text: Reason #1: Future Vision. Ask reads: “Steven!! Listen to me! You’re not a full gem! You’re White Diamond’s don! Pearl killed Pink! Rose Quartz isn’t who she says she is!!!” - REJECTED.]
Guilty of - trying to be a sapphire and using future vision to spoil plot points FOR THE CHARACTERS. 
I will not reply to these asks. Full stop. The ONLY time I did was back in season 1 where someone told Steven he’s magical.
Reason: It takes away Steven’s ability to discover things on his own, and makes even less sense in the meta. WHY would a person sending him asks know more about it than he, himself does?
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[Text: Reason #2: Choose Your Own Adventure Gaming. Ask reads: “Steven, you should go up to the lighthouse on top of the temple. Then knock on the door. Then talk to Ronaldo. Then ask him about Sneeple. Then...” - REJECTED]
Guilty of - trying to control Steven like a character in a videogame or an RPG.
These asks get a delete 90% of the time because 90% of the time they don’t move the story forward. They’re just the asker trying to grab control of the story to move it in the direction THEY personally want it to go. The solution here is to make your own story. 
Even asks that have one thing are on thin ice. If you sent me a message that starts with ‘Steven, you should ___’ then there’s a 50% chance it will not be answered.
Reason: It says ‘ASK’, not  ‘TELL’ and not ‘ORDER’. 
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[Text: Reason #3: Sex/Violence. Ask is censored with a mosaic. REJECTED. ]
Guilty of: Not reading the room.
We get it. You’re edgy. You Grew Up. You know about Big Adult Stuff. It’s Exciting for you because it’s new and makes you realize for the first time that you’re a bag of meat. You’re trying to wipe the feeling off by inflicting it on other people and hope it makes them feel the same way because you can’t handle thoughts going through it alone. The idea of thinking something and NOT immediately sharing it is alien to you. You have no self control. 
Reason: There’s a time and place for everything. This is not that time, and not that place. 
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[Text: Reason #4: Too Soon. Ask: “Hey Steven, I just wanted to ask about how Earl feels about Rose now that she knows Rose shattered Pink Diamond!” ON HOLD.]
Guilty of: Jumping the gun and asking about a plot turn that has not yet taken place in the comic. 
These asks are actually fine! :)
But I am unlikely to answer them anytime soon. The most likely outcome is that I save them to my Big Ol’ Pile of Asks and answer them... someday. When they finally become applicable. 
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[Text: Reason #5: Misc. Ask 1: “Hey can you draw me my OC he has spiky hair and anime eyes and big boots and his...” Ask 2: “can steven skateboard? also i love your work :)” Ask 3: “When is the next comic coming oooout? Last week you posted 36 panels and this week you ONLY posted 34!!! >:( Why are you so lazy?!”]
I think most of these are a little self-explanitory.
I will generally delete asks that:
- beg for artwork, especially for free
- ignore the FAQ
- ask ME questions instead of asking Steven, or combine them (sorry guys... I wanna answer, but if I can’t tell which one of us you’re talking to, I can’t use the ask!)
- Demand that I work MORE or that I’m somehow not satisfying your intense need for free-to-read content at the desired pace, because the world is your oyster and you NEED. THAT. PONY!!!! 
... I want to mention one LAST reason that I may be ‘ignoring’ your ask. 
And that is to say, I’m not ignoring you at aLL and instead I’m just holding the ask quietly and sobbing because you’ve absolutely made my day with your kind words and I can’t find it in me to release the ask into the wild. 
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(I love you all, I promise I read your ask!! I’m just very bad at answering! I’m so sorry!!!!)
And just to finish off, to put your minds to rest I will also say this:
- Your English isn’t “good enough”
I am an immigrant. I also had to learn English. Trust me, a few mistakes here and there are FINE! Don’t worry about spelling or grammar! If I understand you, we’re good. 
Thank you for reading! I hope this was somewhat helpful.
Okay but seriously, PLEASE read the FAQ.
1K notes · View notes
meeowerzz · 3 years
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✦[ kirby | it/vwoop (please refer to us in masc ways!!) | 18 | bday: 11/30 ]
✦[ ND, plz use /srs, /hj, /neg or /r tone tags!! (I have a hard time with those ones- the rest I’m ok with ^^) ]
my tags!!:
✦[ meowzzrs.weowzzrs ]- my art
✦[ meowzzmewz ]- my text posts
✦[ meeowz.scratch ]- my fics
✦[ meeowz.huh ]- my headcanons/concepts
✦[ meeowz.ocz ]- my oc tag
✦[ meeowzbitez ]- my asks
✦[ @gameboystimz ]- my stimblog
✦[ @meeowzzadex ]- my fantroll blog
[ other good tags to check on this blog are #mutuals <3 (mutual’s art), #meow meow tag (literally just cat pics) #art ref!! , #writing ref , #important!! (info that’s good to know), #artist support!! (artist commission info), #I hate capitalism (pirating), #how to!! (tutorials) and #to read!! (fics!!) ]
paypal/kofi comms are open!! check my carrd/dm me for more info!!
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.・゜-: ✧ :-
✦[ !! THIS BLOG IS A SAFE SPACE !! we do not appreciate any toxicity of any kind here ]
✦[ drama/problematic free blog, keep that shit away from me thanks ]
✦[ NOT a spoiler free blog!! am sorry but I don’t tag spoilers on things ]
if you have any things you need tagged as a certain tag plz send an ask!! I’ll add it right away!!
(note: I tag realistic/photos of bugs, but tend to not tag obviously cartoony-fictional looking insects. I don’t tag scars either- please don’t tw tag scars on any of my art.)
heads up: I post about dsmp characters. I am not a fan of dream/dteam nor enjoy any of their content. do not accuse me of being a supporter of them and I don’t recommend anyone who does support him to follow me.
(I try to avoid discourse posting, but will tag is appropriately if I do post something revolving said discourse. apologies in advance)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
✦[ feel free to go on a like/reblogging spree!! I don’t mind the notifs ]
this blog has an art tag list for finished works! you can ask to be added by sending an ask or replying to my post!!
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140 notes · View notes
mitsungo · 3 years
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We are already this far! And this has turned into more of an Akaza x reader story 🌸 I’m sorry Kyo— for now it’s just Akaza, patience, patience. Plz excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes! I’m on vacation right now and I have been adding to this when I get inspired! The next part will be the last part which I hope to finish by Sunday! Because we need closure! No cliffhangers! Not here! 🍡 Enjoy for now! Also time is like super super uh 😵‍💫 just stick with the plot okay! 😭
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿ ❄️ ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
Y/n was currently working on a kimono, the client was none other Kocho Shinobu, the insect hashira. It was daytime, so Akaza wasn’t able to be visit her, though he wish he could. He was currently down in the cellar of the mansion. Waiting for Y/n to signal him that sundown was already here. Shinobu was a very good friend of Y/n’s, and she personally would check up on her and the baby. Or babies, as Y/n would put it. Something in her told her that she were going to have twins. It was a gut feeling.
“Y/n, you really shouldn’t overwork yourself. Your body is turning very weak lately, I fear that you will fall ill if you continue working yourself too much.” Shinobu said to her one day when she came to check how Y/n was doing. “I won’t fall ill Shinobu-chan. Don’t worry so much, I’m a strong woman. I can handle this. Come now, sit down with me.” Y/n said softly, patting a spot next to her. Shinobu frowned slightly with concern. “Don’t be worried. Like I said, I am fine. Shine me a beautiful smile would you? I hate seeing a frown on your face! It disheartens me!” Y/n teased Shinobu, letting out a small giggle as Shinobu shaked her head with a smile.
It had passed around six months now, and y/n was getting sicker by the day. Her body was very frail and sickly, she couldn’t really walk around anymore either without help. Her aunt and uncle refused to leave her alone anymore but she would tell them that she needed to be alone sometimes. Senjuro and Shinjuro would come around and visit Y/n often, Senjuro more worried about Y/n’s health than anything else. Mitsuri and Shinobu would drop by too, especially Shinobu who would give Y/n medicine to help with her health and pain that she would have at times. Akaza on the other hand would visit rarely for personal reasons as he told y/n. She didn’t argue, as her energy didn’t allow her to do so. But when Akaza did visit, he would hold her and make sure she had water nearby and the medicine Shinobu gave her. Everyone, including Akaza agreed that y/n should not continue working on anymore kimonos or anything that requires work. Y/n also didn’t argue, since she was too tired to even try and everyone would notice it too.
“Y/n? Dear? You have a letter from Tanjiro-kun!” Her aunt said behind the door. Y/n immediately stopped reading the book she had in her hands. Her aunt slid open the door and gently put the letter down next to her futon. “You finished your tea already. I’ll go brew you some new tea for later.” She told y/n, picking up the tray and leaving the room quietly. Y/n smiled softly, grabbing the letter and opening it. Kamado Tanjiro, he was a very kind and gentle boy that Kyojuro had met during his hashira meeting and his last mission. Tanjiro had come by one day to deliver some last words from Kyojuro to y/n, which made her burst out into tears, then proceeding to grasp Tanjiro into a hug, causing the young boy to cry as well. Ever since that day, the both of them wrote frequently to one another, with y/n telling him about her pregnancy, wishing him luck on his missions and other things. Tanjiro would write about his missions, or his day, or how Zenitsu and inosuke missed her and how much he loved reading about how y/n and the babies were doing. Another point to y/n on how she knew she was going to have twins, when Tanjiro visited her one day during her early months of pregnancy, he assured her that she was having twins. Still, no one believed the two, though Zenitsu too assured her that she was pregnant with twins.
A few days later, Tanjiro and Nezuko had stopped by to pay a visit to Y/n. It had been around two weeks since they had last seen her, and Tanjiro was dying to speak to her. As Tanjiro and Nezuko walked to her residence, he couldn’t help but think about how much of a mother figure y/n was to him and Nezuko. She reminded him of his mother, her gentle and soft spoken nature caused him to think of his mother when y/n spoke or laughed. When she hugged him the first time they met, Tanjiro was left in a state of shock, the warmth was that of a mother, a loving and kind embrace. They both arrived in front of the mansion and immediately saw the gate open. It was Y/n’s aunt.
“Oh! Tanjiro-kun! Nezuko-chan! Good timing! I just brewed Y/n some tea! Come in! Come in my dears!” Her aunt waved, yanking Tanjiro and Nezuko in before they could even greet her. “Thank you very much Mrs. L/n!” “I told you to call me aunt! We are like family now! Don’t be shy dear!” Mrs. L/n giggled, putting a hand over her mouth, her eyes closed. “Ah yes sorry Mrs— erm auntie.” How much he missed visiting the L/n residence.
“She’s in her room! You know where it is darlings!” Aunt L/n said, before leaving to go get the tea. “Come on Nezuko, let’s go see Y/n!” Tanjiro grabbed Nezuko’s hand and they both quickly made their way to her room. “Y/n.” Nezuko softly said. “Yeah that’s right—!” The doors to y/n’s room slid open, interrupting Tanjiro. “Tanjiro. Nezuko. I’m so happy to see you both again.” Y/n smiled softly, her arms wrapping themselves around the siblings. Tanjiro’s eyes widened, “You can’t be up mother!” He quickly realized what he said, his face flushed red with embarrassment. Y/n laughed weakly, still hugging the two siblings.
After getting settled and drinking some tea, y/n pulled a small box out from her drawer. “I want to give you both something. As you both have been very kind to me, my family and my children.” Y/n said, pulling out two small handkerchiefs, one patterned like Tanjiro’s haori and the other like nezuko’s kimono. Y/n handed them to the two siblings, Tanjiro bowed his head, taking the piece of cloth and looking at it closely. It was a snowy mountain, it reminded him of his home, the snow, the trees, the grey sky. Y/n was taken by surprise when Tanjiro embraced her, tears falling from his eyes. “I’m—.” Tanjiro started but was cut off by y/n embracing him back tightly, Nezuko joining in, both children nuzzling themselves into Y/n’s hug. “You both, are one of the many greatest treasures blessed to me. I am so glad to have two wonderful children like you both.” Y/n said in between tears, Tanjiro looked up at her, a warm gentle smiling adoring her face as tears fell from her eyes. The two of them cried softly, Nezuko blinking in surprise at why her two favorite people were crying.
When Akaza arrived later that day, y/n was a bit shocked but she quickly welcomed him into her room. Akaza went to give her an embrace but he stopped midway. She smelt different, and it irritated him. Just who the hell was she seeing during the day? He had gotten familiar with a few scents, her aunt, her uncle, three friends that she refused to give the names of, but these two new scents were just unbearable, he had smelt one of them somewhere before, but he couldn’t remember from where. Y/n picked up on his new mood and looked down slightly, preferring not to say anything, as Akaza could easily get annoyed when he is in deep thought. Y/n sighed, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. Suddenly, a wave of pain hit her like a rock, she didn’t know what it was but it was almost as if it was a cramp. She let out a small gasp, covering her mouth quickly so Akaza couldn’t hear her, but Akaza had noticed and was already by her side.
“What’s wrong Y/n? What hurts? Tell me! Where is the medicine? Come on! It has to always be near you! You know this!” He cried, looking around for the medicine Shinobu had given to y/n for pain. “It’s in the cabinet. Top shelf.” Y/n replied, putting her hand on her stomach. As Akaza was looking for her medicine, she started to hum a tune, rubbing her stomach to soothe the babies down. “On wintery days, up on the snowy hills, a house not far from the village—.” A few small kicks from her stomach caused y/n to stop singing. She was surprised, her babies have never kicked once. Akaza froze immediately at how silent the room had become, he swiftly took the medicine and was by y/n’s side in less than a few seconds. “What happened?” He questioned, glancing back and forth at her and her stomach. “The babies, just kicked me.” Y/n answered, tears brimming from her eyes. Akaza was in shock, his eyes moved to look at y/n’s, she looked back at him, her eyes now sparkling like the stars. “Akaza-kun, I want you to know something.” Y/n started, picking up his hand and moving it towards her stomach, placing it on top. “I might die, giving birth to the babies. But it is worth my own life, as any other mother would do the same for their children. These babies, will have a life worth living, they will be able to experience what it is to grow, to love and to cry. Even though, their parents won’t be around.” Akaza’s eyes widened at her words, how could she calmly say such things? Does she not fear death? Why is that? How is that possible? No, he could not let her die, not when she had children to live for. “You can not die. You must not die!” He cried, gripping her hands tightly, causing her to flinch and look at him with surprise. “These children, can not live without a parent! They need you! Their mother! Their mother is most important person in the world! That is why you can not die! Their fathers may not be alive when they are born and when they grow up! But they will have you! And you will tell them all about their fathers, their lives and their wills! So you have to promise me….” He paused, staring intently into y/n’s eyes, who’s eyes have started to spill more tears. “…you have to promise me that you will live! For you! And for our children!” Akaza yanked y/n into a kiss, he could not be able to cry one single tear, as much as he wished he could, but y/n knew this, as she was crying much more now. “I will have to leave you. This is my last visit. I only wish. We could have spent much more time together. If only then…if only, no, this is how it must be. I’m sorry. I—.” The words wouldn’t come out of his mouth, he couldn’t say it, he didn’t have the courage to do so. Y/n gently gripped his hands, bringing them up to her heart. Akaza stared in awe, as y/n’s tears finally stopped.
Why did it have to be like this? Why couldn’t they just be together a bit more? Was it too much to ask for? He was going to be a father, after all these years, and yet he had to leave it all behind. His little affair with Y/n, his own child, his love, his kindness, his warmth, it would be all gone. All of this happiness will disappear after he leaves, after he steps foot out of her mansion, the final battle was approaching, and y/n knew it too. Why was the world like this? No, he had a role to fulfill, he must continue fighting, no matter the cost. Akaza was a demon, he ate and murdered humans. He was a monster, a very strong monster too, yet this woman who someone managed to entangle with his emotions, caused him to see beauty in the world just for a little bit. The woman who’s fiancé he had killed with his own hands, he took her only happiness away and still she found new happiness with him. And now, with twins on the way, she would be happy even more. How beautiful. Akaza felt himself stand up with y/n by his side, going near the window in the room, they stood in front of it, hands intertwined together. She kissed the knuckles of his hands, and opened her mouth,
“You are one of the most understanding, kind, respectful and wonderful persons I have ever met in my life. I am thankful for having such a sweet person with me for this long. I owe you so much Akaza-kun. So please take care of yourself.” She reached her hand out towards his cheeks, his eyes widening with confusion, her smile, was the most genuine he had ever seen on a person throughout his entire life as a demon. “Fight with honor, and do the best you have ever done in your entire life, as this is the last blessing I will give you…” Y/n’s hands fell to her sides, her eyes glimmering with passion and determination. He knew this was it, this was their last day together. As he jumped from her window, into the garden, and onto the fence. He looked back one more time to see her, just to see her before he left for good, his heart aching as he heard her words slip from her mouth.
“Akaza-kun. I love you too.”
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gaylittlewizardcat · 2 years
✨Intro post✨ plz read :]
Hi! This is my Cats the musical sideblog! My main is @absolutehumandisaster
My name is Nate, I also go by Star, I use mainly she/her but also starself and he/him pronouns and I’m an adult
Some general info about my blog, what I make, what I would prefer not to see, my tag navigation system (that I’m very proud of) and some other stuff under the cut :3
This blog is almost entirely sfw, the worst you’ll see is a dirty joke and they’re few and far between
Feel free to use any of my edits/gifs as long as you credit me (and the person the footage is from when applicable)
When it comes to my original art you’re always (unless otherwise specified) allowed to save/screenshot it and send it to friends in private messages. With permission and crediting me you may use it as a header/pfp, in a collage/edit etc. Please never repost my art and under no circumstance feed any of the things I make into any sort of AI.
I really like making gifs, my ask box is open so feel free to make requests! I’m also open to headcanon asks and just general chatting about Cats
It’s totally cool and will probably make my day if you scroll back and interact with a bunch of my old posts (though spam liking (without reblogging anything) is not all that appreciated). Also, I’m okay with getting asks about anything in the jellicle asks tag, no matter how far back in time they’re from
Speaking of asks: If you’ve ever sent me an ask I haven’t replied to despite it being sent really long ago, there’s a 97% chance I feel like I don’t have a good response for it (or that the ask has a lot of potential but brain isn’t braining) so I wait for inspiration to strike, and then I felt like I need to have an even better response for it cause it had taken so long. I love getting asks and I’m sorry I’m so bad at answering them </3
I’m a multimedia artist, I like drawing, writing, crafts, cosplay, making edits and a lot of other stuff (but I don’t actually create as much as I wish I did)
Also I have three rp side blogs @quaxo-mistoffelees , @cettie-etcetera and @jellicle-electra they’re all very much WIPs and I don’t know what I’m doing but the best way to learn is to do so weeeeeee
While I’m a firm believer that Cats doesn’t have a solid canon and that you can have whichever headcanons you want, I’d like to ask that posts tagged with “monochromatic siblings” aren’t tagged with “mistoria” or anything similar. If you ship them that’s great, but it makes me a bit uncomfortable
Don’t bash the 2019 movie in replies, especially not if the post has nothing to do with it. Yeah it has some issues but most of the hate it got was bandwagoning and you know it. Get a hobby.
I’m not gonna put a DNI other than “bigots fuck off” but jsyk: for my own sanity I try to stay away from discourse of any kind, so if you actively post about it (no matter which “side” you’re on) I’m probably gonna block you if you interact
My tag master post
My AO3
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
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Just a night at the studio with Yoongi
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: fluff, smut (18+ only plz) I love yoongi so much omg
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This can be read as a stand alone or as an extension of the FnD series. I am so in love with yoongi it’s insane and, I’ve missed him so much my goodness. I wrote this in like two hours so I really hope you like it ok bye :D
Warnings: explicit smut
“You look good.” You note simply from the pull-out couch in Yoongi’s studio, growing disinterested with the pile of work sitting on the table in front of you
Yoongi looks as though you’ve just shook his hand with a prank buzzer, his body subtly jolting in his desk chair.  
“Me? Why?”
His response makes you laugh as you prop your elbow on the arm of the couch, “You just do. I like watching you work, you look cool.”  
Yoongi is unable to help the new color present on his cheeks nor is able to help the flutter of desire in his gut.  
But all he does his smirk, glancing towards you and then back at his computer screen whilst his long fingers card through his black hair.
“Thanks.” He mutters but there is a renewed sense of light in his eyes as he hits enter on the keyboard.
The sound pulls you towards his fingers, which you have an unnatural obsession with.  
They look graceful settled on the black keys and yet agitated all at the same time.  
They are unsure of exactly where to go, unflexing and flexing against the plastic before Yoongi drags them slowly back to the surface of the desk.  
You’ve been here for hours.
He asked you to accompany him this morning and you eagerly obliged, wanting nothing more than to spend the day with him, even if you weren’t interacting.  
The blue light emanating from your phone lets you know what time it is and you have to admit, you’re a little shocked.
You hadn’t even remembered seeing 9 o’clock, how did time pass so quickly?
As if on cue, you yawn, quickly covering your mouth with your hand to avoid alerting Yoongi.
You’re too late.  
He sees you out of the corner of his eye and immediately takes out one of his headphones, his eyes holding a bit of regret.
“Yah, I’ve kept you here for so long haven’t I?” His voice is tender and warm, seeping in through the fabric of your hoodie and down into your skin, “I should take you home...I’m sorry jagi. I didn’t even realize how late it was.”
“No no-” You cut in, shaking your head, “You don’t have to be sorry at all- you've been working your ass off. I’m just happy you ask me to come, I’ve never gotten to see you work before.”
Yoongi’s heart skips a bit a little at how genuine you sound. He can’t understand why you’d want to just sit here with while he produces but, he’s touched regardless.
“You’ve been working hard too though.” He points out, nodding his head to the mountain of paper on the table, “I don’t want to keep you up all night.”
“I like staying up late.” You insist, crossing your legs and tucking them up on the futon, “Besides,” The tone of your voice lowers a bit as you feel quite shy about what you’re going to say next, “I don’t like sleeping without you...”
Yoongi is almost certain he made out what you said because the grin on his lips is involuntary. However, he decides to mess with you anyway.
“What was that last part?” He asks, brows raised playfully.
He spins slightly in his desk chair with his legs spread out in a way that shouldn’t be attractive.
But it absolutely is.
With a roll of your eyes, you slump against the futon, shoving your hands into your lap, “I said I don’t like sleeping without you.”  
His grin widens, his pretty teeth practically blinding you as he does.
“That shit is cute...” He chuckles more to himself than to you, his teeth securing themselves to his bottom lip, “You wanna stay with me then?”
Yoongi calling you cute makes you want to squeal like a schoolgirl but thankfully, you’re able to refrain.  
With an assured nod, you return his grin, “Yes please.” Your reply is delivered musically which causes him to chuckle again.
He shakes his head, practically exploding with fondness before using his fingers to gesture to the screen in front of him.
“I shouldn’t be too much longer, maybe like an hour or so, then we can go to bed.”
With that, your plans for the remainder of the evening are set in place and you decide that you’re going to put away your work for the night and scroll on your phone.  
You can only work on something for so long before your brain is fried.
Another hour or so passes and you find yourself growing sleepier and sleepier.  
However, your brain quickly finds itself attaching to the only thing in this room that could distract you from the heaviness in your lids:
He’s dressed head to toe in black: black hair, black sweats, black hoodie and black vans.  
The only thing that stands out in terms of color are the many silver earrings adorning his ears.
The way he hunches over the desk, transfixed on the screen shouldn’t be sexy.
The way he manspreads in the chair shouldn’t be sexy.
The way he chews on the tip of his thumb shouldn’t be sexy.
But it is.  
Because he is.  
You find yourself growing uneasy with the lack of attention.
Not in an emotional way but, in another way entirely.
You can’t help but stare at him and wonder how the hell you got so lucky.  
It would be incredibly easy to stare at him all night, marveling at all of the little things that make him beautiful.
However, he doesn’t allow you to because his heighten sense of awareness has finally caught onto the fact that you’re staring at him.  
Turning towards you, he smirks and shakes his head playfully, “Yah- “ He jerks his chin at you, “What are you looking at?”
Shamelessly, you giggle and prop your chin up on the palm of your hand, “My insanely hot boyfriend...”
He waves you off, wrinkling his face in mock disgust, “Aish, stop all of that.”
“Why don’t you ever let me compliment you?” You protest, your voice heightening slightly, “If I want to say you’re hot, I’m going to say it- whether you like it or not.”
The apples of his cheeks turn a dusty rose color, his teeth finding purchase on his bottom lip as he forces his eyes to stay put on the screen, “I never said I didn’t like it...”
He smirks at the end of his confession, tapping his index finger against the space bar, letting the beat fill the room for the 1000th time.  
It sounds good so you honestly didn’t mind.
Getting to hear Yoongi’s music as it was being made was a privilege you did not take for granted so, you certainly didn’t mind if you had to hear it 1000 more times.  
A few more moments pass as the two of you settle back comfortable silence. You don’t refrain from stealing more glances of your boyfriend but, you decide to stop pestering him until his ready to call it a night.
Then it’s fair game.
During a stolen glance however, you notice him wincing a bit as he adjusts himself in his chair. Yoongi has a bad back that he frequently sees a chiropractor for but, it doesn’t stop him from hunching over for hours on end anyway.
“Is your back hurting?” You murmur, trying to keep the concern in your voice at a minimum.
He hates when you worry about him and, you expect him to tell you no but instead he brings a hand around his shoulder to rub at the likely tense muscles.  
“Yeah- it’s really sore. I need to get with a posture coach or something because, I’m sure sitting in this chair for hours on end only makes it worse.” He winces again, trying to straighten up in the rickety old desk chair.
You make a mental note of looking into buying him a new chair for Christmas; maybe one of those fancy gamer chairs with all the padding.
“Do you want me to rub it for you?”
Keeping your tone casual is easy enough but it doesn’t stop the excitement from brewing in the pit of your stomach. You and Yoongi often indulge in physical affection (and by often, you mean OFTEN) but it’s been a busy few weeks which has unfortunately lessened the amount of time you were able to spend wrapped up in one another. This has been starting to get to you of course but, the reasonable side of your brain tells you that it’s perfectly normal/healthy to go without sex for a few weeks. However, the less-logical (ie the ridiculously in love) part of your brain tends a signal to the entirety of your nervous system that makes you literally ache for your boyfriend.  
The way he’s been acting this evening is only worsening that ache.  
Besides, you don’t like the fact that he’s hurting so really massaging him would be a win/win scenario.  
A small smirk forms on his lips, as he putters around on his keyboard. He still doesn’t look at you but, the glint in his eyes tells you he likes the idea.
“I wouldn’t mind that - I just need like 15 more minutes.” He murmurs, straightening his back once more, his eyes showing a bit of discomfort.
“You don’t have to stop...” You offer, keeping your voice nice and sweet, “I can just sit behind you while you work.”
He licks his lips, shifting in his chair before finally glancing over at you, the smirk still lingering on his lips, “Is it my birthday or something? Why are you trying to spoil me?”
This makes you roll your eyes, “Because I’m in love with you and I want to make sure you feel good, is that alright? Why are you being so difficult?” You gripe, quite matter of factly.
Yoongi breaks out in a fit of rickety laughter, amused by your annoyance.  
The softie in him wants to love on you 24 hours a day but, the brat in him secretly gets a kick out of riling you up.
Plus, annoying you sometimes comes with an added bonus that fuels the less orthodox side of Yoongi’s desires.
“Come here then-” He says in the midst of his laughter, “My aching back needs you...”
You push yourself off of the futon, grumbling to yourself, “This is why I always say you’re like a cat because, I’m trying to love you and you’re asking me if I permit or something...”
Yoongi laughs again, shaking his head and before you can sit down, he’s turning in his chair and grabbing your hand. Despite you pretending to wiggle your hand out of his grip, he interlocks his fingers with yours and places a kiss to the back of your hand.
“I love you.”
These words have been spoken a thousand times but it doesn’t stop your soul from ascending to the tippy top of heaven anyway.
You don’t think you’ll ever tire of him being soft for you.
“Whatever.” You pout, pretending to jerk your hand away once more which causes him to flash that brilliant gummy smile of his. “Just make your stupid, beautiful music, pretend I’m not even here...”
He kisses his teeth and shakes his head, “That’s literally impossible but I’ll try.”
His words may be sarcastic and subtle but you know very well that they have 100 different meanings.
That’s kind of your favorite thing about him.
It’s the fact that he can say so much whilst using his words sparingly. Yoongi has a way of letting you know how he feels without pouring his heart out. Although, there are plenty of times when he does that too and, you love it all the same. But, he’s the type of person to love in secret and, it’s not because he’s ashamed or emotionally unavailable; it’s because he understands how precious love really is and you’re the only one he wants to be vulnerable with.  
You bite your lip to avoid smiling and as you try to move away, Yoongi jerks your hand towards his body gently, his pretty chestnut eyes widening a bit.
“Say it back.” He insists, his voice softening to a specific tone that seems to rot your resolve from the inside out.  
You can’t tell if he knows what he’s doing or if he is unaware he’s using the same voice he uses when he begs for you but either way: you give him what he wants.
“I love you too.”
This satisfies him beyond belief, his grin returning whilst he tugs you down to his level, his sweet lips awaiting yours.
Despite what he wants to do, Yoongi just pecks at your mouth a few times before releasing your hand.
He knows if he kisses you the way he wants to, it will be game over so, thankfully he manages to control himself.  
“This track is called Moonlight right?” You inquire gently, as you take your seat behind him, doing your best to find the right position that won’t limit his movement.  
He grins to himself, delighting in the fact that you remembered something he’s only told you once.
“Yeah.” He clicks over his keyboard, trying to prepare himself for your touch. He takes a deep breath, his eyes fluttering a bit when he feels your palms smooth over his aching back.
He knows it might sound excessive but it really isn’t his fault.
The way you touch him has devasting effects on his ability to think clearly. He knows being in love intensifies things yes but, it’s the way you seem to know his body, the way you seem to treasure him and the way you seem to seek out the areas of his skin that are the most sensitive that drives him up the wall.  
Yoongi has a feeling that you’d be able to touch anyone this way but, he counts every single lucky star in the sky that he’s the one you want to touch.  
“Do you like it so far?” You lower your voice to the precipice of a whisper, not wanting to disturb him too much.
As he readies his reply, you begin gently massaging the parts of his back that you know bother him the most: his shoulder blade, the center of his spine and base of his neck. The close proximity allows you to take in the way your boyfriend smells: like clean laundry and the summer berries. You resist the urge to take a bite out of him as he replies.
“I do but it needs a lot of work still.” He realizes how quick he is to downplay his progress and he amends his response in order to give himself some credit, “I got a lot done today though and I’m excited to see where this track goes.”
His answer makes you happy as it’s not often Yoongi outwardly expresses excitement towards his current projects.  
“Do you like it?” He asks you, keeping his tone casual as he turns down the volume slightly, wanting to hear you clearly.
With a kiss to the back of his neck, you smile, “Honestly? I’m already in love with it. It has such a cool vibe. It’s very old school but also very modern at the same time, the lo-fi elements are sending me. I can’t wait to hear the vocals when you’re done with the lyrics.”
Yoongi grins, his features swimming with pride at your compliments. He is addicted to your praise in normal situations but hearing you compliment what he is most passionate about sends him into another world.
“Thank you.” He mumbles warmly, relaxing further into your touch, “I should be starting on vocals tomorrow I think. I don’t have the second verse done yet, but I think once I have everything recorded, it will give me more inspiration.”
You’re working at the tenderness surrounding his shoulder, not pressing too hard but insuring that your fingers are gently working all of the knots that have formed within his muscles. You wonder if it’s helping him at all but the way he sighs and presses against your hands tells you all you need to know. Before you’re able to continue the conversation, your boyfriend chuckles in front of you, almost in disbelief.
“What?” You prod, smiling at the sound of his laughter.
“Nothing it’s just-” He leans back against his chair fully causing you to remove your hands from him for moment, “if you had told 15 year old me that one day I would be working on my music, in a real studio, while the most beautiful girl in the world rubs my back for me, I would have told you to fuck off and stop messing with me.”
Your smile broadens as you lean forward, draping your arms around the back of the chair and resting them on your boyfriend’s chest. You place a kiss on his temple which makes him smile, his hands coming up to rest on top of yours.
“I wish 15 year old you didn’t have to endure so much but,” You kiss his cheek now, your heart filling with joy as his gums once again make an appearance, “I’m glad you’ve let me prove him wrong.”
He turns slightly, his lips brushing against your whilst he does and rather than say anything, he just places a soft kiss onto your mouth.
Despite the awkward angle, you reciprocate, allowing your lips to melt against his, kissing him slowly but deliberately. He tucks his lips between yours, nibbling gently at your bottom lip, a shaky breath escaping his nose. The hands he placed over yours intertwining messily with your fingers, squeezing softly whilst he cranes his neck to continue kissing you. Freeing one of your hands, you trail your fingers up the side of his throat, eliciting a shiver from your boyfriend as you cup his cheek.
It’s not an ideal angle to start making out but something about his throat and chest being exposed to you, makes it 10 times hotter. The beat of his song is still playing softly in the background until his hand suddenly moves from yours to hit the space bar. He doesn’t stop kissing you all the while, only seeking to deepen the motions between your lips. You allow your fingers to run up the side of his neck again as they tuck themselves into his hair, scratching tenderly at his scalp. Yoongi seems to sigh hopelessly into your mouth, unable to resist how weak you make him.  
You want to feel his tongue but just as you trace yours against the inside of his lips, he pulls away, a bit of shared saliva still connecting the two of you.
“Let’s go to bed...” He whispers shakily and you know very well what he means by that.
Seconds later, your back is pressed against the sheets covering the futon, your boyfriend quickly descending over you, his lips eagerly seeking yours again.  
He resumes his earlier motions with slightly more enthusiasm, sucking and licking into your mouth, his hips pressing down against yours. You can feel how hard he’s gotten, his erection straining painfully against the denim of his jeans. He doesn’t seem to mind though, his focus is on kissing you right now.  
You allow your hands to travel to the hem of his t-shirt, slipping your fingers beneath the material to explore the velvety texture of his skin. Yoongi’s hips and stomach are extremely sensitive, he’s told you before that touching him there is almost immediately going to get him hard. Given the fact that he’s already hard, he has no choice but to twitch around in his jeans while you touch him.  
In order to distract himself from the possibility of cumming in his pants, he pulls away from your lips momentarily to sit back on his knees. He stares down at you with an intensity he only reserves for performing and fucking, which to Yoongi, they are often one in the same. He pulls his t-shirt off hastily, throwing it behind him and revealing the beautiful expanse of his body to you. The sight of him makes you reach up with grabby hands, wanting nothing more than to feel his weight on you again. Instead of coming back down however, he merely smirks and shakes his head.
“Uh uh, it’s your turn...” He murmurs, his voice deep with the heavy arousal weighing on his tongue.  
You pout but otherwise oblige, pulling off the hoodie you’re wearing to reveal the black sports bra you had thrown on before coming to meet him here.  
Its nothing fancy or intentionally erotic but it gets Yoongi going anyway, merely because it’s your body.
He makes a small grunt in the back of his throat as he rushes back with his lips. He begins kissing over the swell of your breasts, biting and sucking as he does, his eyes shutting.
“How are you so fucking beautiful hm? Did they make you in a lab or something?” He accuses in his raspy voice, grinning when he hears you giggle.
“Yes actually they did- I've been meaning to tell you for awhile now but, I wasn’t sure how you’d react...”
He bites down harder on you playfully, sucking the skin between his teeth. The delicious sting causes a sharp intake of breath on your part and the sound makes Yoongi even harder. Licking over the purple mark he made, he pulls back to admire his work. With wet lips and dark eyes he looks up at you, a smirk on his mouth,
“I can see why you like giving me these so much...” He raps, his tongue poking out to lick at his bottom lip, “I want you covered in me now.”
His proclamation makes you sick with lust and you’re quick to pull him back over your completely, capturing his lips in a kiss once more.  
Yoongi is eager to reciprocate, his technique a lot sloppier now as the need to be inside of you slowly over takes him.
With one hand, he finds the button of his jeans and pops it open, sighing in relief as his dick is allowed the room it needs. Your hand is quick to cover his, searching for his swollen length mindlessly, desperate to touch him.
“Can I fuck you?” He whispers, nudging his nose on the tip of yours, “Please?”
You nod, kissing at his lips still, your breath uneven, “Yes please.”
The giggle that leaves your mouth shouldn’t spur him on but it does and after finally riding. both you and him of the rest of your clothes, Yoongi is lining himself at your entrance.  
He pushes inside of you, letting another shaky sigh out of his mouth before covering your body with his once more.  
It’s a slow but powerful fuck, leaving no room for the outside world.  
He kisses your face, your neck, your chest, your breasts and tells you how much he loves you.  
He rubs on your clit when you tell him how close you are, encouraging you to let go.
“Ah there it is- is that good jagi? Is it good? Are you gonna cum for me?” He whispers, his face tensing up with pleasure as you contract around him, “You’re squeezing me so tight, you’re doing so good. Just cum baby, I’ll cum too...I just wanna watch you.”
With choppy breath, you arch your back, your hands clawing at his free arm desperately, clining onto him as your orgasm begins crashing over you.
“Yoongi, I’m gonna cum- fu-fuck, fuck I’m gonna cum...I’m gonna cum, oh god...please don’t stop.” You moan softly and the sweetness in your voice drives Yoongi crazy, his pace against your clit increasing. He stares at you, a small but fucked out smile on his lips,
“Oh I’ll never stop sweetheart, not until you cum those pretty brains out...”
His words send you over the edge, your toes curling against the mattress as you whisper his name once again.  
The sight of you cumming is too much for him and although he normally cums inside of you, your post-orgasm haze has a different plan.
“Cum in my mouth.” You plead, tugging at his hips.
Yoongi swallows thickly, nearly blowing his load right then and there, “Really?”
“Yes.” You urge, tugging his hips again, “Please? I want to taste you. Remember you said you wanted me covered in you- cover me. Cover my face please.”
Yoongi’s brain literally short-circuits as he tries his best to process how fucking hot you’re being, his dick twitching inside of you.
“Anything you want remember baby? I’ll give you anything you want...” He grunts, his black hair sticking to his forehead with sweat as he pulls out of you, both of you pained by the loss of contact. He is quick to scoot up the bed until his soaking dick is positioned near your mouth, “I’m going to cum so fucking hard for you- are you gonna swallow it all?”
You nod, wrapping your hand around the length of him, licking at the slit, tasting the mixture of you and him together.  
“Until my stomach is full of you.” You promise before sucking him into your mouth
Yoongi finally breaks, whimpering for you as he usually does, his body jerking as the pleasure overtakes him,
“Holy fucking shit-” He whimpers again, his eyes rolling back as he gives you rope after rope of his release.
It’s a lot but you don’t care, you want every last drop of him. Your hand coaxes out the rest of his cum, your mind high off the taste of your boyfriend; there really is nothing better than this.
Yoongi tucks his fingers into your hair tenderly, grounding himself but also because he wants to touch you.
“Oh my god look at you ah- that's my fucking girl isn't it? You’re so pretty down there you know that? Made me cum so good.”
His voice is pitchy and fucked out and his praise makes you wet all over again, despite your need for a break.  
Immediately Yoongi leans down, kissing you with everything he has, licking at your mouth as if he wants a taste of himself.  
The kissing lasts for another minute or so before Yoongi lays down beside you, pulling you onto his chest.  
You burrow into him, soothing yourself with his unsteady heartbeat as he holds you.
Yoongi smiles down at you, despite the fact that you aren’t looking at him, taking a moment to thank all of his lucky stars once again.
You place a kiss to his chest before turning to look at him, rubbing a thumb over his reddened cheek, “I love you.”
He kisses your thumb, “I love you too.”  
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