#I’m very tired of being dependent on it but I cannot get rid of my constant need of validation
vicsy · 1 year
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meowmeowuchiha · 1 year
how the snikety snack do I do the whole “set up aquarium keep fish alive and happy” thing?? I was gifted a 3 gal and a 5 gal tank and a bunch of this whit powder nonsense (looks like coke and I’m tired rn so I cannot be bothered to dig it out to figure out what it actually is) I’d like to do a Betta in the 3 gal and like maybe a couple small fish in the bigger one?? Do you have any recommendations? Thank you for your time and putting up with this ramble
Okay so
Without knowing what the white powder is I can't tell you anything about that.
As for setting it up, it's going to be the same for a betta as it is for other small fish!!!
Find the substrate you want (gravel is easier to clean, but sometimes people would rather use sand) and after you rinse it (with gravel at least you poke a bunch of tiny holes in the bottom, cut the top off, then run it under the faucet) just dump it in the tank! Typically you want roughly a pound of substrate for each one gallon, but this can vary depending on how deep you want the substrate and the overall footprint of the tank.
Then, select an appropriately sized filter and heater. Personally, I don't recommend anything Tetra brand, as I've heard far more bad than good about it. My top recommendation for filters is the Fluval aquaclear series, as you can decide what kind of filter media you want, can adjust the flow rate, and they typically last a long time. I have the size 20 filter on my 3 gallon (it's recommended for 5-20 gal) and I can adjust the flow rate enough so it doesn't bother my half-moon betta at all!!! For heaters, it's a lot easier. I just have a little aqueon heater for my 3 gallon, and it's worked just fine for me. Just make sure you have a thermometer so you can monitor the temperature of the tank properly, because if you don't, you might not catch it if the heater breaks for some reason.
Then decide on the decor.
That's going to be more personal taste than anything, with the only real exception being if you have fish with very long, flowing fins (like most bettas you'll find in shops). Plastic plants tend to be really rough, and sometimes fish with large fins can knock them into the rough decor and shred them up a bit. So if you get a long finned betta, I recommend either silk or live plants. Most live plants don't require extra care, either! If you want to know more specifically about live aquarium plants, just shoot me another ask. I don't want to do a COMPLETE info dump on you all in one post.
Once you have all that decided, you put it all together and fill it up! If using tap water, you'll need a water conditioner to make it safe. I always recommend Prime. You get the most bang for your buck with that, and it doesn't just get rid of chlorine, but also chloramines, which some places use instead of chlorine. Most other conditioners ONLY remove chlorine.
With the betta, you can typically put one in immediately since they're incredibly hardy, but best practice is to wait for a week or so until the tank "cycles", meaning the nitrogen cycle has stabilized itself. With other fish, you practically HAVE TO wait until the cycle stabilizes. Big chain pet stores and even most local fish stores offer free testing of your water, so you'll know if it's cycled or not. You can also get your own testing kit, and I ALWAYS recommend the liquid test kits, as they're far more accurate and easier to read than the strips. They all have instructions in them and they're easy to follow, even if it can sometimes feel tedious.
Once everything is set up and fish are in there, then it's typically fairly simple.
Turn lights on and off, leaving them on for roughly 8 hours (6-10 is my recommendation if you want to avoid a bunch of algae)
Feed once a day, never any more than the fish can eat within one minute (I prefer pellet foods, as they make far less of a mess and are easier to portion. Bettas will get 2-4 pellets a day, usually)
Change roughly 20% of the water once a week to once every other week, depending on how many fish you have
If any issues like diseases crop up, then you can Google, ask pet store employees (those who work with fish at least), ask others you know who have fish, or ask me again!!!!
Best of luck in your new adventure and don't hesitate to reach out and send me another ask if you need to!!!
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velvetcloxds · 3 years
Pairing: royal adviser!remus x princess!reader
Word count: 2.2k
Warning: mentions of getting undressed but no real nudity, angsty fluff?
Summary: You fell in love with your royal adviser and when your family offers your hand in marriage to another, you simply must see him before you meet your fate.
Details: moodboard by @sarahisslytherin
A/n: This is my entry for Rue's (@fairydxll ) writing challenge with the prompts 3, 6, 17. -This is also part of a royal au collab with @sarahisslytherin and @mendesxruel <3
Masterlist | Library Blog
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You knew that you were being unwise, acting out of impulse instead of reason, something he’d surely berate you for, as he always did, but you couldn’t quite keep yourself away from him tonight, and for that, you could hardly be blamed. You followed the familiar path down to the west wing of the palace, slipping into empty rooms and hiding behind corners when you sensed the presence of another. The thrill of your actions soon replaced with excitement to see him when you neared his bedroom. Your knuckles brushed against his door in a delicate knock, loud enough to alert him that there was someone here but not enough to inform the other guests of your presence in their side of the palace.
“Give me a second,” he groaned from the other side of the wooden barrier, his hoarse, clearly tired voice setting your insides ablaze as you waited impatiently for him to discover you, not considering the consequences of your actions for one second. “What could possibly be important enough to bother me at this hour?” he pondered, the door finally opening to reveal his disheveled figure, free hand scratching at his shirtless chest before he realized who it was that came to disrupt his slumber. “Princess,” he nearly gasped, delicately pulling you into his room with a giggle from your lips as he looked around the hallway in desperate search of anyone who may have spotted you.
“I’m certain I was not followed, I was careful,” you promised, tugging on his arm as his hand rested ever so gently on your waist.
“Heavens, princess,” he breathed, closing the door with one final glance to the outside before meeting your gaze. “You know that you cannot come down here unannounced, anyone could’ve seen you,” he scolded, and your excited eyes faltered for a second. “Not to mention that if I had known you were coming, I’d have made sure not to be indecent upon your arrival,” he noted, lips shadowing the faintest smile as he walked to his wardrobe to retrieve a shirt. “I thought we were smarter than this.”
“I hardly mind your indecency, my lord,” you quipped with a smile of your own, ignoring the warning glare he’d given you as you padded further into his room. “And I’m aware my actions may have been foolish, but I had to see you and I couldn’t be expected to wait until morning, not with the day I’ve had.”
“I insisted on being the one to tell you, though, your father has never been one to be advised against a mind already settled,” his voice had grown soft like it had when the concept had been suggested the first time when it was but a drop of water in an ocean of other possibilities.
“I am to be wed,” you noted, though neither of you were unaware, your frustration clear even though much hadn’t been said. “Am I to assume that my royal adviser fought against this?”
“As if my very life depended on it, as it does, no?” he was the first to step towards you, shaking his head as your excitement deflated into the hard truth of a fate you had no desire for. “I could only do so much unless I were to announce my feelings for you to the entirety of parliament,” his calloused fingers moved slowly, as always, as he brushed a thumb over your cheeks to rid the soft flesh of tears.
“I have no say in the matter,” you gasped, and he nodded in understanding, giving you a moment to breath when your fingers surrounded his wrists. “What if I wish to fight for you?” you asked him, desperate as you stepped even closer, seeing no need for space in a moment so drastically intimate. “What if I wish to fight for us, Rem?” you watched his eyes as they fled over your face, the simple slip of addressing him by his name made his entire body ache, an unfamiliar comfort he would need no time to adjust to.
“I wish to fight for you too,” he promised in return, and you ached to be even closer, in his arms, against his chest, you ached for a level of intimacy only provided by the one whom you loved.
“But if we have no more time.”
“We have,” he objected, empty words, words to soothe your heart, but not your mind. “We have, and I believe we will find a way to be happy, together, but no more tears tonight, hmm,” he cooed, and though you tried not to, you instantly melted into his touch when his other hand moulded around your cheek.
You lingered in the moment, wanting to savour every bit of it, knowing that words were merely words and that there was no guarantee that you’d find even a glimpse of happiness with the man you believed yourself to be in love with. You’ve always had stolen moments, and truthfully if the charade were to continue, you’d treasure the stolen moments even more than you did now, but there was something about the threat of finality that intensified your need to remember the faintest details of his very existence.
Remus was doing the same, of course, hiding his actions much more skillfully than you were, though he’d always had a habit of being the strong one between the two of you, the one who had the most hope. He saw solutions where you merely saw struggles and though it was his profession, it was also his pleasure to rid your life of anything that might cause you even an iota of unhappiness. Remus knew there would never truly be a future with you, not one without heartbreak and pain, he knew it to be an undoubted truth and he may not have a solution for that, but he knew what your heart longed for, and he’d be a coward to deny that his heart longed for the very same.
“Stay,” he nearly whispered, no longer being able to bear the silence surrounding you, your eyes lighting up in an instant at the prospect, knowing his rules, knowing the dangers. “Stay here tonight?”
“Are you certain?”
“No,” he answered quite quickly, smiling as you giggled softly. “No, not at all. If I were to consider myself a good advisor, I’d be advising you against it,” he sighed, lowering his hands to entwine your fingers with his own. “But I do not wish to see you leave, not when you’re upset,” he explained and then scoffed lightly. “And selfishly, I’d have to admit, that I’d simply enjoy your company.”
“I could leave before the rest of the house stirs,” you noted, excitedly gripping onto his hands as he smiled at you.
“You could,” he agreed with an intoxicating grin as he shifted slightly to guide you to the bed, knowing, of course, that you’d demand him to remain in the bed with you despite his constant objection, but he was in no mood to fight you on that tonight. “You need to release me, princess, I need to make room for you,” he teased and though you hid it well, he was very much aware of the blush his words prompted, kissing your hand as he’s done countless times before.
“Am I to sleep in this?” you mused as you looked down at your overly formal attire, his actions pausing as he realized you were still wearing your gown from the ball, having been so distracted by having you alone in his room that he truly hadn’t noticed. You shared a knowing look, both laughing lightly as he moved away from the bed once again.
“I think you’d rather not,” he hummed and retrieved another shirt from his wardrobe, eyeing you carefully to receive some sort of instruction as to what he should do next, having no lady’s maid to assist you in changing.
“I shall need some help, if you don’t mind,” you breathed, uncharacteristically nervous as he nodded, moving behind you where his fingers hovered over the strings, awaiting your nod of consent before he exhaled slowly, nimbly ridding you of the contraption that bound you as he placed it down. You thought him to want to move away for the next part, though Remus was always one to surprise you, shivers running down your spine as his fingers brushed over your increasingly exposed shoulders, pausing when he found you to be able to do the rest, not stepping away until his soft lips whispered a delicate kiss to the bare skin.
“Princess,” he breathed, suddenly very aware of his actions as he stepped away from you, realizing that though you’ve shared delicate moments before, this was entirely new and though an addictive idea, it was far too reckless of him.
“Not so concerned about indecency now, are you, my lord?” you mused, voice shaking with a rush of electricity caused by his touch, a smile on your lips when you turned around to see him, gripping your underdress tightly to keep yourself covered, his eyes not daring to leave yours as he smiled as well.
“You seem to rob me of all my restraint, your grace,” he shook his head at that, stepping aside to the other side of his room, where he made sure to keep his eyes plastered to the bricks of the wall, patiently, respectfully, though no doubt torturously waiting for you to slip into his clothes instead of your own. You wanted to test your limits though, understanding tonight, more than ever, that your time together was fleeting.
“Remus,” you nearly whispered, grateful for the close quarters as he turned, accepting your soft voice as permission to look at you, eyes lighting up at the sight and you thought yourself ever so lucky to be the reason behind the little reaction. “Would you hold me?” you pondered out loud, not sure if he’d allow you the illicit comfort of his arms wrapped around your body so freely.
“Of course,” he was breathless, no reason for it other than being overwhelmed by the liberties the two of you were taking, liberties that could destroy you both, his life hanging in the balance, your virtue and honour threatened simply by his presence, but he was past the point of return, have been from the second he saw you standing in his doorway, he was at your disposal- always had been, always would be.
He sat down onto the bed nimbly, a hand held out for you as you met him there, ever so carefully allowing him to guide you to be next to him, a shuddered breath leaving both of your lips when you sank down onto his chest, large eyes never leaving his as his strong arms surrounded you
“I must admit, that not a moment has passed where I had not pictured this very scene,” you confessed, shaky hands traveling over his chest, tracing the outlines of his scars through the barrier of his shirt, having memorized their position after years of pining from a distance, little interruptions of his sparring sessions, accidental intrusions like tonight- you’d memorized as much of him as he allowed you to see and then everything about himself he thought to be hidden. You knew it all, you loved it all, and you’d engraved it all into the walls of your mind in case you were to ever lose him. “I am so deeply infatuated with you, Remus Lupin,” you whispered as your head laid on his shoulder, body moulded to his as if he was created just for you.
“As am I with you,” he paused, your eager eyes swimming with excitement as he met your gaze. “As am I with you, Y/n,” he noted and smiled when the simplest little gesture made your skin crawl with excitement, face warm against his skin as you placed a soft kiss on his collarbone, enjoying the way his muscles tensed under your touch. “You are to be the end of me,” he teased, and his fingers brushed your chin as he pulled your face towards his. “I will always fight for our secret moments, for you- I will protect you with my life,” his eyes were restless as they jumped from yours to your lips to your eyes once again.
“Kiss me,” you nearly begged, hands fleeing to his neck as he pulled you closer. “Please,” you breathed, and he smirked.
“You need not ask again,” he whispered and when his lips met yours you knew your fate, you knew your future, you knew that not a man in this mundane world would be able to keep you from his arms- from his lips, every part of your body and soul was his and if you’d have to, you’d start a war for simply one more secret moment with your illicit lover.
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theodora3022 · 3 years
Playing tricks with the trickster
Summary: Failed escape attempt from yandere Childe. He lets you play your cards, even playing along, just for his own amusement.
Notes: My first genshin piece yay... I had a sweet and terrible dream of me running from Childe in the woods. Also some inspiration was drawn from @cinnamonest‘s this post, one big virtual hug to her! I hope I did Childe justice, what can I say I love manipulative smiling boys. It has become a pattern as I dash from one fandom to another. This is had turned out to be longer then I expected...Ginger boy demands my time and energy too much omg. Mind the warnings, although there is nothing extreme in this.
Fun fact, I was looping to Nintendo game by Alessia Cara when writing this down. I believe it fits the theme of this fic quite well.
Tagging: @akutaguagua a great friend who patiently beta-read this mess of a horror dream and gave me lots of kind praises! 
(Offical art belongs to miHoYo! This is a cover page of this video, if there is any issues, contact me and I will remove it at once)
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Warnings: Implied past abduction,dub-con touching, mild degradation, drugging(not on reader), implied non-con/dub-con at the end, this is not healthy love and I do not condone this irl.
It has been nearly a month since the youngest Fatui Harbinger had “taken you in”. After a few tries, you were too horrified by the punishments to continuously fight him. You learned on the first day that Childe’s smiling, the friendly mask would come off towards you. Your behaviour would decide if that is a curse or a “blessing”.
So you had quieted down, struggling to restrain yourself from yelling or screaming, carefully not to provoke his anger. Despite being compliant to his orders, you never truly showed him any affection either. Sure, you would sit on his lap if he asked, but you never initiated anything intimate with him. No matter how much Tartaglia spoiled you with clothes, books, jewelry or other luxuries, he is still the one who holds the commanding end of your shackles. It’s the best not to get used to all of that when your sight is set on the door.
Although he has taken your freedom away, you are not kept in a windowless room. On the contrary, you have too many outings now. Wherever he goes, you have to be present in a 2m radius, including meetings. Being a Harbinger is no easy job, so he prefers not having to worry about your safetly during buisness hours. The best way to do that is never let you out of his sight.
“Love, no one should witness our little problems. Well, no one alive that is.” Of course you wouldn’t want to put innocent people's lives at stake. You never dared to act out when you two are in public, and no one would bat an eye if a Fatui had taken a lover. 
You had taken an emotionless approach towards him. If Childe wants a kiss on the cheek, you’ll give him a quick light peck. If he wants breakfast, you’ll go make some pancakes with the topping he likes. Luckily, Childe had not done anything too extreme yet. If cuddling to sleep does not count as extreme that is. The only time you slipped up is when he suddenly hugs you from behind when you’re cooking.  
You thought maybe, just maybe, by being as boring and dull as you could, this bastard might just get tired of you and let you go. Childe only loves the fun of it right? Or maybe it could lower his guard.
Oh, how naive you are. You should have known better than to underestimate a Fatui harbinger. See, this is exactly why he needs to keep you around. Yes, unfortunately for you, Childe loves you, so very much. Speaking to him with a monotone voice isn’t going to alter that fact.
You have been devoid of emotions as of late. While Childe does appreciate fewer screams for the sake of his eardrums, this schemer can sense you are up to something. Perhaps this is the peace before your “storm”(he thought of it more like a drizzle)
You want to play a game? Okay, why not? Childe cannot wait to see what tricks you got on those sleeves. Are you ever getting away? Does an amateur ever win when they play a game with a professional trickster? Never.
Still, nothing bites like a cornered rat. You are no airhead, and he is fully aware of that. Just not as cunning and observent as him, that’s all.
The way you just kept your emotions sealed up is impressive, even to someone like him. Even when he got hansy, you did not flinch and just stared at the corner. Childe can only catch faint glimpses of anger when you thought he wasn’t looking.
Hm, when are you pulling your trigger? Tonight, or tomorrow night? Not that Childe is impatient, anything from you is worth waiting. But he would need to dismiss his patrolling underlings in the nearby woods beforehand. No extras would be allowed to disturb this game.
There is no chance during the day, a somewhat mutual understanding for you two. Night time in comparison, is a different story. 
Anyone’s sleeping hours is their most vulnerable time of the day, Childe is no exception. You do not plan to harm him, not that you don’t want to. But you are willing to swallow the pent up frustration towards him if you would never see his face again after this. Maybe beating up some slimes would help with the release?
You somehow managed to slip a mixture of herbs into his tea. Since he would buy cooking ingredients for you from time to time, you had requested a bunch of herbs along with the ingredients of a sleep inducing medicine you remembered. Although Childe does all he can to keep you near him, there are inevitable hours that he needs to be somewhere without you. He cannot jeopardize your safety with troublesome monsters. On a side note, he loves showing you off to anyone, his colleagues, acquaintances, business partners, anyone he does not deem a threat.
Enough time for you to make those herbs into powder and cover it up with a few spoons of milk. Tea with milk has become quite popular in Liyue as of late. Childe has grown to love them, so you have learned how to mix it up. He always let you handle his food and drinks, saying that he “trusts you”. What you do not know is this is one of the openings he exposed on purpose. It’s not like you can aquire anything deadly under his suffocating supervision.
Your plan will work, or so you think. Childe will not wake up when you wiggle out of his grasp, because dreamland will keep him occupied. All you need is a glider and a usable sword from Liyue and you’ll get your life back. Bottling up extreme emotions has certainly taken a toll on your mind, but it will be worth it if that is the prerequisite of being free.
Something about this being so easy sits ill with you. Have you really been with the youngest Fatui Harbinger this whole time? But that was brushed off your shoulders by the sheer excitement of regaining your long lost freedom. You know Liyue is in walking distance, all you need to do is cross these woods and-
The moment you dive into the forest, you think you heard an amused chuckle. 
That smooth voice terrifies you to no end, the same voice you took orders from for the past month.
Oh, how Childe loves seeing you happy. It’s priceless, both literally and figuratively. No matter how many things he buys you, you had not shown him even one small smile. Enjoy your sweet freedom, because it ain’t going to last. You certainly will know your place after this right? If not you are just dumber then he give you credit for.
That glow of relief in your eyes is worth every last bit of this intense dizzying feeling to Childe. To make sure your plan go through, he had drunk the tea without hesitation, quick enough to catch the momentarily excitement you expressed. He knows the game is on, therefore he had given the night patrol guards the entire evening off. Forcing himself to stay concious by digging his nails into his palms, Childe followed you into the woods.
Your potion is quite strong. Excellent, you’ll have to give him the recipe for informational purposes later. Especially how you managed to achieve such effects with a few herbs you had. He never took you to be anything less than a smart girl, but this has exceeded his expectations. Where’s the fun in a game without challenges?
How you storm through the forest wearing that cute terrified expression looks so endearing, it’s surely not his fault if he wants to enjoy this sight to be longer right.
So, each time you feel the slightest at ease due to whatever reason, expect Childe to make some sound to send you running like your life depends on it again. The sadistic man is hunting you down playfully, like a cat chasing a stray mouse to the inevitable corner.
You know he is toying with you. There is nothing you can do to make him shut up though.
“Love, you had scratched your leg. Must hurts by the looks of it.”
“Liyue is that way, you know.”
“Are you tired? If you want to jog in the middle of the night, you should have called me to come along!”
How can he say those things nonchalantly while you are trying to escape from him?  Here he is, daunting you with that signature smile he wears so very often. That is when reality slaps you right in the face. No matter how hard you plan, no matter how fast you run, there is no getting rid of him.
When your stamina runs out, a simple pull and push on your left wrist is enough to let you fall onto the ground panting. Even now, you still refuse to beg for mercy. You would take the cold grounds to the warmth of Childe’s embrace anyday. 
“Aw, burnt out already? Pathetic. Looks like we need to work on your stamina more. But this is not the place for exercise.”
“Look at me.” His slender but forceful fingers tilt your head up, making you look into those ocean blue orbs. There is anger present in his eyes, but those emotions are more a mixture of delight and that. His smile had also been replaced by a mocking smirk. “You, trying to leave me? Your sense of humor is...well, let’s just call it unique. Lucky for you, you amused me nonetheless.”
“I know what you’re thinking. How I’m a selfish jerk and you hate me. Why be so ungrateful? You get to live in luxury thanks to me, you know. I am selfish, yes, but look how stupid you are. I know you added something extra in my evening tea, my beloved.”
“Come now, we are going to do some exercises suited for a night like this once we’re back home. It is our one month milestone, after all. You had already given me your gift, it is only fair for you that I do the same.”
Childe is not making a sarcastic remark. The thrill of that chase was the best fun he had in months. And you are going to love his gift too, maybe not right away, but surely sometimes after. 
You have to mentally prepare yourself for the worst as he dragged you back to the prison, hopefully you’ll still be able to walk properly after whatever Childe got in store.
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panicinart · 3 years
🔞 Nsfw alphabet 🔞
☎️ OG Billy Lenz ☎️
It's time for some Chaotic Rat Gremlin
Also side note I'm at the moment reader the novel and ngl I changed a few things since it didn't fit his character very well. I'm not that far with it but I hope I did a good job with interpreting his character :)
A = Aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
☎️You know that feeling were you're really tired but got some extra suppressed energy, so you just kinda stand there in hell? That's him.
☎️Billy doesn't know if he should run around naked and do his usual rat gremlin stuff or fall asleep so hard like someone drugged him with something.
☎️Either way it's going to be a ride, because you're gonna need to catch a naked rat man running around before the sorority sisters come, or your whole bed is drenched in drool.
B = Body part (how is their body build? any favorite body part of them and their partner?)
☎️A fucking twunk, he probably was more of a twink before he met you because bitch only got small amounts of food and not that many opportunitys to build up muscles.
☎️Billy has a bit of a biceps, back muscle, and leg muscle but that's really it. He also doesn't have a lot of hair mostly a bit on his chest, crotch area and a small hair trail that bairly connects those points. If he goes all out he is also able to grow a bit arm and leg hair.
☎️Honestly I feel like this gremlin is proud of the little chest hair he has, so he really likes that area. He sometimes squeezes his man milkers and you cannot change my mind on that.
☎️Billy LOVES his s/o's thighs and chest! Big, small, doesn't matter their great (especially the thighs, their a gate way to something great).
☎️With the chest it is more of a thing that he thinks is funny, his grabby hands sometimes poke, squeeze and lightly slap them.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
☎️Doesn't produce a lot of cum, but it is STICKY. The cum is very white, and kinda like chewing gum. It comes in spurts and god help him this man can shoot a load meters away, he shoot his load more then he can count into his eye, and also yours.
☎️He also produces A LOT of precum
☎️It doesn't have a lot of taste, maeby a bit on the sour / bitter side???
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, do they have a dirty secret?)
☎️Billy has some kinks (???) that aren't really good for him, for example he would beg to be humiliated but after the act he will be a sobbing mess, be angry or thinks all the things his partner told him are true. Basically self destructive tendencies that he let's out with sex in an unhealthy way.
E = Experience (do they know what they're doing?)
☎️Surprisingly he kinda knows what he does, were did he got that info?? Who knows, Billy certainly can't remember, (probably watched some people geting it on or stole a porn magazine).
F = Favorite position (which position(s) do the like the most?)
☎️All positions are great positions as one confused and wise attic gremlin sayd.
☎️But in all honesty it depends on his mood so here are his top 5 in no particular order:
Stick figure
G = Goofy (are they more serious or do the like to clown around?)
☎️This man has a hard time staying serious, there are rare moments were he stays focused while being on the mission to go to pound town. Most of the time you hear him giggle, snorting and sometimes saying random one liners that he pulls out of his ass that don't make sense to you, but he still laughs like he heard the funniest shit in the world.
H = Hair (any hair down there? How do they groom it?)
☎️The hair is quite thin and a bit curly, it's a good amount of hair but not a forest, because Billy doesn't take care of it the hair it is all over the place and can look a bit overwhelming.
☎️Billy doesn't really groom it and since it's the 70s, he also doesn't shave it
I = Intimacy (how are they during sex in a romantic aspect?)
☎️He is generally not the romantic type so don't hope for rose pedals and lit candles.
☎️When he is in a more lucid state he will give your face small and sweet kisses while he giggles happily with a manic undertone.
J = Jack off / Jill off (how do they masturbate and how often?)
☎️Before he met you? Probably almost daily. The pumps are fast and eager without a rythm and really messy.
K = Kink (any kinks?)
☎️There is almost nothing he wouldn't try at least once, Billy is an adventurous and curious guy, so I keep it down to a hand full.
☎️Dirty talk, it's either messy game with words that he repeats like a broken record or really fucking good, not in a poetic way but the filth that comes from his mouth is GOOD. But he often does it when he is more unstable, be a bit more careful around him especially if the words become messier and messier.
☎️Breeding, not in a way of wanting children, god no don't let this man near kids, he is scared of them and they are scared of him, but more in a way of wanting to see you stuffed with his cum. He may not produce a lot but he got the Stamina for that, the only question that lays in the room is, if you can keep up with him.
☎️ We all know that he is really into voyeurism, it doesn't even need to be sexual he just likes watching you. If you give him a small show he will vibrated with anticipation and pounce on you immediately.
☎️Phone sex, do I need to say anything more?? It's thrilling for him and sometimes it gets paired up with a bit of roleplay (unintentionally most of the time) , the whole act is also a great way to tease him. Just don't do it too much, he can take a bit but it's a fine line of a horny Billy and an angry Billy.
☎️There is still so much more but god dammit I will be here forever.
Edging, overstimulation, Pegging, Thigh jobs, geting his hair pulled, praise and many more!
L = Location (were do they like to have sex?)
☎️The thought of fucking you everywhere is really alluring but he mostly does it in the bed and attic. He doesn't want to risk getting caught and honestly the thought alone that people could be near gives him anxiety.
M = Motivation (what turns them on/gets them going?)
☎️Everything, you could just walk around and he could pop a boner. The guy is just really unpredictable and his moods can swing erratically which influences his horniness a lot.
☎️But if we assume he is in a more stable mindset where is squirrel brain isn't high on sugar here are a few things that always work;
Soft and sensual touches on arms and thighs
Teasing/slight tickling with fingers on the back of his neck to the end of his spine
Showing a bit more skin the usually and having direct eye contact that lingers a bit longer then the norm
Any close contact to his crotch area, the man will jump on you like a dog
N= No (what's a turn off/they don't want to do?)
☎️Getting too violent, it's more of a safety thing for your own health. He can quickly slip in a dangerous mindset, ESPECIALLY at the beginning of the relationship and I doubt you like to be the moaner's next murderer victim.
☎️Billy can't stand brats in bed it irritates him, or just any kind of attitude.
☎️He also doesn't like it if his s/o dirty talks back, when he does it it often doesn't register in his mind, so if his lovely partner does it, it kind of disgust and displeases him greatly.
O = Oral (do they like to give or receive? How is their skill? How do they react during receiving?)
☎️He LOVES to give oral, Billy could die between your legs and honestly, that's the way he wants to go. He also wouldn't say no to a blowjob and would get ecstatic with the offer (if he didn't ask demanded first).
☎️But sadly Billy isn't that skillful, he makes a lot of sloppy noises and purposely makes a mess, spit, your juices and possibly his cum will be splattered across your whole crotch area and thighs.
☎️He does well alright tho, it isn't anything special but the way he has his grabby boney fingers grab at your body restlessly and his tongue tasting every corner makes it up for any lack of knowledge he has. His tounge is also really long.
☎️You think he stays still when you go down on him?? Oooooh no, god you might have to tie his hands up. They would grab anything they can get, cushion, objects your hair ect, and the guy will pull and squeeze it like his live depends on it.
☎️He also will buck his hips into you and straight up face fucks you, ya need a lot of strength in your arms and hands if you want Billy to stay still. Also the noise he makes? For some it can be really hot but for other a huge turn of, he chokes on his own spit and the moans can sound really animalistic and loud. Either gag him or let everyone know you get hot and heavy with him. That is if anyone is in the house.
P = Pace (how is their thrusting? Hard, fast, deep ect)
☎️He goes FAST, like a bunny in heat, so you better be prepared to have some bruising from his violent thrusting.
☎️The thrust are also relatively hard but 0 rythm.
☎️ His dick also sometimes just slips out, it happened a few times that he also completely missed the targed and rams his dick full speed to your ass (and continues like a champ).
☎️And if your afab he probably "accidentally" buries his junk in the wrong whole.
Q = Quickie (do they like Quickies, if yes how often?)
☎️Yes god he loves them, he often uses them to get rid of extra energy or pent up emotions and there is A LOT , (just be a bit careful with the emotions, maeby talk it out (if you manage to have a reasonable conversation with this rat of a man) what he feels and why he wants to do it, safe words is also a good idea).
R = Risk (any risk their willing to do?)
☎️Fucking you in a room while the sorority sisters are right next to it, he would be so drowned in the bliss that he forgetshis anxiety, but if you are able to comfort him afterwards do it. He often slips into a bad and sometimesaggressivemanic state untreated. (Again,it's a mess if you don't want to get caught, gag the man).
S = Stamina (how long can they go? How long do they last?)
☎️Bitch can go all night, no joke he recovers fast and his hunger for you has no end. He may take small breaks in between the rough fucking, but I'm gonna tell ya his grip on you is like steel he won't let go of you.
T = Toys (any toys they like? If yes, what toys do they like on themselves and on their partner?)
☎️He think's their funny and definitely will mess around with them. Use as many as your kinky heart desires he will follow lead.
☎️On him? Great he waits eagerly on the bed almost jumping from the spot because he is so excited. He loves vibrators and nipple clamps, but collars are good too!
☎️On you? Lord have mercy on your poor soul because you didn't know what's coming for you. Honey you got a big storm coming. But please teach him how to use them and what feels good and what not or else he will stab your insides with a dildo.
U = Unfair (are they a tease? How do they react if teased?)
☎️Billy goes always straight to the point, but sometimes he teases which often happens without his intentions.
☎️The whole thing gets even worse when he goes down on you. This man has bairly any cohesive thoughts what makes you think that he can concentrate for a solid minute. While he is doing it his mind is already somewhere else, which makes him stop for a few seconds or slow down, or not giving the right spots the attention they need. So your agonizingly lay between the almost orgasmic feeling and under stimulation.
V = Volume (how loud are they? What sounds do they make?)
☎️Not necessarily LOUD but people will know what's going on (if you go down on him it's a whole other thing).
☎️The noises he normally makes is strangled / chocked up moans, groaning, giggling or straight up laughing and some mumbling that you for the most part don't fully hear.
W = Wild card (random nsfw headcanon(s))
☎️Billy has a thing for submissive and innocent people, it is more fun to see them react to his vulgar and partly extreme behavior. The way the Yelp when he gives them a rough handling or spurts out the most filthiest thing makes his blood boil. It just something of corrupting someone innocent, sweet and well mannered to something that can only be described as a human mess is making him more feral then he already is. Bonus points if they are covered in his cum and drool.
☎️If somehow you both manage to a a healthy relationship this man will go down your pants faster then the speed of light. And Billy gets quite upset if you say no to him.
☎️Likes to suprise his s/o with him wanking it in front of you in the worst time you can imagine. Ho? Your bringing in the groceries and are in a hurry because the ice cream will melt? Suprises Billy blocks the doorway and rubs his dick violently while having direct eye contact. If you manage to walk past him he will follow you around trying to put your hands on his dick, or even try's to get a blowjob out of you. If not well then his hand and your thighs or ass will do the job too!
☎️Loves to bite and suck on your neck it's also something that gets him going like nothing else, nobody know why but it does.
X = X-ray (what's going on under those clothes?)
☎️Not exactly fat, but he got something packing, around 6.5 inches in length and 5.3 inches in girth. The man is cut and got some thin veins here and there.
Y = Yearning (how high is their libido?)
☎️High, just say your into the mood from another room while having a mouth full of stuff and the man will go crashing down the attic before you finish your sentence even tho it was bairly understandable on what you sayd.
Z = Zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep?)
☎️It's always different one time he is knockout in a few seconds the other night he was awake for another 4 hours, it just depends on how much gymnastics you both needed to make and how bad his manic episode is.
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Nightwing 79 Review
i said i would and i will. i did like this issue! not as striking and attention grabbing as 78, but i think this issue was meant to be a foundation one, laying out the groundwork for the future. overall, pretty good. also there wasn't enough bitewing. as promised, overly extensive metaphors and me reading too much into things under the cut
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i know i've talked about this cover before, but this particular thing is oddly important to me, so i'll talk about it again
this is me, once again screaming about how artists put nightwing in traditionally feminine poses and how every time i see it i just get whiplash. i mean, true, the main reason why is because nightwing is a so often sexualized character, and putting him in these poses just increases the objectification, which is a goal that dc producers have. but there are very few popular male characters that do this. the only one i can think of off the top of my head is deadpool, but that was so obviously a critique and a way to make fun of the media industry. when they draw dick like this, they’re being serious. they’re putting him in appealing poses meant to show him off, and that’s something that’s traditionally only been done to women.
it's a very direct and very loud breaking of traditional gender roles in media, especially for a character as high-profile and historic as dick grayson. colour also plays a factor in this. the entire background is pink. i was absolutely shocked when i first saw it, when the teaser came out, because i cannot think of any comic book covers of male comic heroes this high-profile where pink is even just prevalent in the cover, let alone the majority of the cover. the pink does look beautiful: it offsets and highlights the black and blue of dick's suit gorgeously, but does it with more finesse than orange or red. but the fact that the stylistic choice was made to accent and draw this cover with aesthetic and beauty in mind, completely ignoring traditional hard-set gender rules in art, was a conscious choice and one i wholeheartedly support.
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just another example of the sexualization i was talking about. i remember seeing harley quinn in this exact pose in suicide squad.
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so far, taylor's been pretty dead-set on bringing alfred to the forefront of importance in this series. he wants people to know how much he loves alfred's character, and how much the butler meant to dick growing up. he was dick's father too. but what i adore is how taylor managed to stress alfred's importance in a way that didn't insult or belittle bruce.
this is one of the best bruce and dick interactions i've seen, and it's done in one simple interaction. in this, bruce is tough and harsh. he knocked dick down hard, but then he reached a hand down and helped pull dick back up. let me analyze their dialogue for a minute
on your feet: this is bruce telling dick to get up. he's trained dick, he knows what the younger boy is capable of, he knows his limits, and he knows what dick can do. this is bruce telling dick i know you're strong enough to get up, so get up and prove me right
are you just going to knock me down again?: surface-level, it looks like dick's complaining. he doesn't like bruce's rough training, and he's tired of bruce knocking him down. but look at his face in this. he's smiling up at bruce, knowledgeable and a little hopeful. he knows that bruce is doing this to help dick better himself, he's completely on board with the rough training, because they both know the rewards are incredible. also, he's teasing. he's bantering with bruce. there's an ease in that joking statement, one that belies affection and intimacy. they've only known each other for a little bit, but they're already slipping into a close familial relationship.
it depends on how fast you learn: this is bruce bantering back. this is bruce not being a stoic, unfeeling asshole. instead, he's shown with the dry humor that a good batman writer knows is a staple of the character. he's teasing dick, telling him he'll basically whoop his ass if dick doesn't learn fast enough. it's incentive for dick to train harder, while also being lighthearted enough to tell dick that believes in dick and doesn't want him to push himself too hard.
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gosh i love the titans. also it looks like wally's staring at dick's ass.
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this was cute. a prod at dick's silly and playful sense of humor, while not dumbing him down for the sake of a laugh. instead, he's joking about food, which is stuff everyone jokes about. this is the kind of stuff that'll actually make me laugh, instead of just making me vaguely uncomfortable.
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bludhaven's almost always portrayed as a cesspool of a city. and to be honest, it really is. but this panel gives the city a meaningful history, while also giving us a reason for why dick moved there.
it talks of a time when people still thought they could beat the monsters. that if they fought hard enough, they could win the fight. it was a tentative hope that you could always overcome hardship.
dick's little "i like that it's still standing" shows how he still believes that, despite what the rest of the world thinks. despite everything that he's been through, dick is still tentatively an optimist, and believes he can fight the monsters of the world and win. it's a beautiful testament to his character, and i'm like that they added his signature element of hope back in. it used to be what he symbolized as robin, and despite his growth and character arc from robin to nightwing, this is one aspect of robin that i'm glad nightwing still has.
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remember when i said "things that make me vaguely uncomfortable??" yeahhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Shooketh Dick: A Sequel
(the expressions in this series are just,,,,on point)
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this was an incredibly sweet and kindhearted thing for dick to do, but i found it kind of,,,,,,,,desperate? maybe that's just me, but let me explain.
dick's suddenly a billionaire, and he has entirely too much money that he knows what to do with. it's also alfred's money, what the man left to him, so dick forever links it with alfred. in addition to that, he's back and bludhaven and looking at it with "fresh" eyes. (at least, from a different point of view since he got shot in the head. then mind controlled.) he's desperate to do something with the money and he's desperate to help the people around him that so obviously needs up, so he comes up with an on-the-fly solution that's a little impractical and a little crazy, but it still helps and still does some good.
to me, dick seems a little lost. he hasn't completely found his balance yet, and he's trying to do things that will. he tries charity, because that's what bruce did and it's what he knows, even though he admitted that he always thought bruce could have done more as bruce wayne than batman.
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they have a family group chat guys yall were right.
also, do i think that dick would ever actually get his wallet stolen?? no way in hell, he’d notice someone getting ready to pickpocket him a mile away. but i suppose it’s important to the Plot. 
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okay this is getting interesting. first blockbuster, now maroni (+ the weird heart stealer guy). i can officially say that i am intruiged
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this particular artistic quirk is shown a lot in this issue, and from this art team in general, but i feel like this panel is one of the best examples of it. it was stunning enough to take up a full page, and it’s well deserved.
the way they show dick moving is absolutely brilliant. as a reader, i like seeing these smaller versions of dick getting clearer and in more detail as they come closer to the screen. not only do they show depth in the picture beyond what a simple 3 dimensional piece of art does, it also shows the passage of time.
in addition, it showcases dick’s skill. dick spots these mobsters running after a group of petty thieves. he then, and follow me here, leaps off the roof of one building feet first, springboards backwards off the side of the adjacent building with his feet, gracefully continues his backflip, rights himself, shoots a line with perfect timing: just in time to soften his landing but not slow him down, execute said landing on top of a moving bus, keep running on the moving bus without missing a beat, shoot his grapple, use the grapple to swing, use the swing to build up momentum, then use the momentum to deliver a powerful blow to the mobsters. and he did all that fast enough to catch up with the mobsters, even though he was a ROOFTOP OVER. 
d a m n  s o n
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this panel, the very first in the issue, is also another example of that art style, but a little more distinctive. i love the way they showed dick’s different costumes through the ages, along with him simply growing up. it’s a little heartbreaking, but a lot uplifting to see how far he’s come. thank god he got rid of the red. now all we need is the fingerstripes, and we’ll be golden
discowing my beloved. also i can’t clearly see discowing’s hair but it definitely looks like it’s pulled back. it looks like he put it in a ponytail. guys. guys. dick had a ponytail omg. 
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he’s having a Hero Moment
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are you talking about the city, dick, or are you talking about you? the kgbeast, the court, the joker. dick fell to each one of them, no matter how hard he fought. he won in the end, eventually and with his family’s help. but i think he’s feeling a little low, a little defeated right now. it’s almost like he needs a win, he needs to feel victorious, he needs to feel like he helped someone (hence the food and the hotel room), just because he needs to remember what it feels like.
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these lines were supposed to resonate with you, and goddamn they did.
i looked at it from two ways. first, it’s the girl asking, begging nightwing not to hurt them. bludhaven doesn’t know dick the way gotham does, they’re still a little frightened of him. this child was brave enough to step in front of all of the other hurt and homeless kids and ask, to a strange man in a mask, if he was going to hurt them like the other men had. it’s heartbreaking, but commendable, and an echo of the city itself that dick’s decided to protect. they’re bloody and broken and terrified, but still gritty and brave enough to stare what they fear in the eye and ask it not to hurt them.
second, it’s dick seeing the question reflected in himself. recently, he got shot in the head and lost all his memories. while i think that the way ric reacted was a perfectly valid and human response to the situation, i think dick still regrets how callously and rudely he treated his family. then, he was manipulated by the court of owls, then he was brainwashed with a magic crystal by the joker. dick does have a guilt complex. it’s not a big as bruce’s, but it’s there. and right now, with this girl begging her not to hurt them, dick is probably thinking about all the times he hurt people, in control of his own actions or not, bc he “didn’t have a heart.” 
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little ambitious don’t you think, dick?
also just look at the sunset colours loOK at the they could not make this any more obvious oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd
in conclusion, i need more of her
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
(3)—and so they’ve never really had convo’s unless they get invited to hang out w/ their mutual friends. so maybe it makes them think if they’ve done anything wrong to her, but in reality it’s just her way of coping when she starts to genuinely like someone? so if she avoids them, she thinks it will get rid of her crush on them? it’s your choice if it’s the reader or the guy that’ll confess! ☺️ anyways, god bless and i hope you have a good day xx
on avoiding your crush with oikawa, kuroo, akaashi, and terushima
a/n: ngl this one is kinda long that’s why it took a while to post, but i like spoiling you guys so enjoy :))
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— o. tooru
you were never really the type to confess your feelings to someone as not doing anything about your feelings and forgetting them is much easier that having to suffer the consequences of rejection or heartbreak
this was especially prevalent when the boy you’re literally head over heels for is in fact none other than the golden boy of seijoh himself, oikawa tooru
homeboy has a literal entourage of girls following around all the time
they literally give him sweet little gifts like baked goods and cute little knickknacks, not to mention a lot of them are super pretty and attractive
like how the hell could you compete with that many girls ??
not to mention you had always come to believe that oikawa was into more outspoken and lively girls granted his own personality
that dynamic of you being the quiet one in the relationship with him being the loud one was something you thought oikawa wasn’t looking for,, it honestly made you want to give up your feelings for him completely
mind you, you literally CANNOT escape this man
not only was he talked about a lot among your classmates, but by some form of sheer luck and faith, you two were both in the same friend group
you honestly had no idea how the hell you were part of it in the first place, but during first year you just magically became part of this friend group composed of oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsukawa, and a couple of other girls from your year
anyone that attended seijoh with half a brain cell would know that the friend group you were in was definitely the popular crowd
you couldn’t help but feel some sort of impostor syndrome as you weren’t exactly the most popular, if anything people only knew you as the quiet girl in oikawa’s group
that definitely didn’t mean that anyone in your circle was rude to you in any way
everyone in your friend group would literally die for you as you’re genuinely the sweetest person they have ever met
like if they hear anyone talk shit about you, they’re immediately #protecty/n2020 !!
yet despite being in the same circle of friends, you and oikawa rarely talk. hell, you guys are barely considered acquaintances let alone friends
you liked to stick around the girls of the group more as the only guy you actually talked to in your circle was iwaizumi and that was it
this obviously led oikawa to believe that he had done something to you that made you avoid him at all costs
the thing is, he always had this problem with since the start of your first year together, but recently it had been affecting him more than he had thought considering he would’ve been used to it by now in his third year
perhaps it was the way he would watch you giggle at something matsukawa whispered in your ear, or the fact that you literally had a secret handshake with iwaizumi, or often shared some of the snacks you bought with your girl friend but did absolutely nothing with him
it irked him to his very core that the one he had always was the most found with in his group of friends was someone who avoided him at all costs
he would spend his breaks during practice to exasperatedly vent to iwaizumi about how adorable your laugh was and how envious he was that he couldn’t make you laugh
or how whenever you would sometimes greet iwaizumi with a hug but completely pass by him would literally make him chase after you
“Y/N!! where’s my hug??” 
yeah he’s that type of guy, but in a good way tho lmao
and in the midst of oikawa telling his best friend how much he just wanted to be your friend made iwaizumi roll his eyes
“the way you talk about (y/n) makes it sound like you like her,” he would mutter nonchalantly as he sipped at his water bottle
iwaizumi would flicker his gaze towards oikawa to see the capillaries in his cheeks literally burst, tinting his cheeks all pink 
he had to stop himself from snorting out a laugh as iwa may or may not have known about your crush on seijoh’s golden boy himself
the way he had find out was pretty simple considering you and iwa were walking side by side near the back of the group as they were walking towards somewhere to eat
the girls and mattsun in the front were too busy teasing oikawa, that they weren’t really paying attention to you and iwa lagging behind
“you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but why do you avoid him?” iwaizumi asked gently. as he was the only guy in the group that you trusted, he didn’t want to ruin it by forcing an answer out of you knowing how you were
immediately, your cheeks heated you lowered your voice down into a mere whisper. “promise me you won’t tell anyone,” iwa nodded before bringing his ear down so you could whisper in his ear. “i really like oikawa and...” you paused, almost hesitating and you don’t exactly know why
but fortunately, iwa was super patient with you like he’s literally a homie
“i’ve liked him since our first year and i figured avoiding him would make me lose feelings. but the thing is, it’s been three years and i still like that idiot.” you sighed, and yet for once you didn’t expect the worst as you knew you could trust iwa with valuable information like that
he nods, pinching his pointer finger and his thumb together before pretending to lock his lips. “you’re secret safe with me, (y/n).”
so here iwa was now, attempting to provoke something in oikawa 
it was then the coach had blown the whistle, signalling that break time was over and they had to get back on court for their last practice game
oikawa cleared his throat as they stood up, flickering a look towards his best friend as he suddenly remembered the times he felt envious of him. “what if i do like (y/n)?”
iwaizumi feigned a smirk on his lips, “then confess to her before i do.” (he wasn’t actually going to lol)
and lemme tell you sumn, even though this was just a practice game, oikawa played as if his life depended on it
as if having you depended on it
and per usual, oikawa’s team won in the end and every day after volleyball practice, you and the rest of the girls would walk in and wait for the rest of the boys to get ready so you can all get food
there you were in all your glory, you hair blew gently behind you due to the air conditioned gym. you were waiting patiently and you definitely didn’t mind waiting as the boys had to clean up after themselves, but you swore you had never seen oikawa clean up faster in his life
once the vb team finished and your circle of friends were on your way out of school, oikawa purposely lagged behind the group as he stood next to you to your surprise
he was usually leading the group, but for once he was at the end with you. giving you a smile, to which you quickly avoided, oikawa quickly rested his hand around you
“hey (y/n)?” he says as you try your best to hide the sudden onset of heat rising to your cheeks
“hm?” you hummed, attempting to not give much of a reaction. maybe then he would leave you alone and your feelings for him would finally disappear
oikawa brought his lips to your ear, “do you know how long i’ve liked you?”
and immediately you froze, forcing oikawa to stop walking too and making the gap between you and the rest of the group to widen. you shake the thought out of your head, he’s probably playing around, you thought before continuing down the road
“shut it, oikawa.” you pulled yourself out of his grasp only to be pulled back in by him
“i’m serious, (y/n). i’ve liked you for a while now and it’s been absolute torture seeing you be closer to iwa and mattsun rather than me.” muttered oikawa, almost feeling embarrassed himself despite experiencing many confessions himself
perhaps maybe this time he was the one confessing and not the other way around
— k. tetsurou
where do i even start with this man
there was something always so compelling about kuroo, that you really couldn’t resist his good looks and to how kind he treated you
granted, you were the manager for nekoma’s volleyball team so maybe it was a given, but there is no denying the fact that you were irrevocably head over heels for the captain
your feelings for him initially formed in the middle of your first year at nekoma and the volleyball team’s manager was already in their last yer and preparing to leave so they needed a replacement
at first you said no, but kuroo, who was also a first year and in the same class as you literally begged for you to join. he mentioned how fun it would be, especially with him around
from the way your heart bounded in place within the confines of your ribs, to the way your cheeks often heated up whenever you were around him, even kenma (who you didn’t even meet until your second year) had already seen through you
fortunately, kenma was always the kind to mind his own business and stay in his lane. in fact, he had actually been a big help in you vying for kuroo’s attention but you both eventually got tired of how daft the captain had been
instead, you aimed to just avoid kuroo as much as possible for the time being, perhaps your feelings for him from the past three years would finally disappear and you can finally move on with your life
but it was safe to say you were not anticipating how hard it was going to be
not only were the nekoma’s volleyball manager and had to interact with the captain, you and kenma were also close friends. and when it comes to being friends with kenma, kuroo is more or less with him as well which made it inevitably more difficult
momma didn’t raise no bitch tho, so you powered through and avoided kuroo as best as you could and only talked to him if it involved school or volleyball
this was technically the worst form of silent treatment where it wasn’t full on ignoring (which honestly isn’t that bad cause you tended to forget about the person anyway) but this kind of silent treatment where you are constantly reminded of it because you had to talk once in a while was literally killing kuroo slowly
he was always a social person and usually respected and didn’t mind those who wanted to distance themselves from him, but once it came from you, it was literally game over
he believed that you were the second closest person to him besides kenma (and excluding the rest of the vb team) and the fact that you don’t even like making eye contact with him makes him feel dejected
especially when your actions really came abrupt as one day you were laughing and hanging out with him to giving him the cold shoulder and only talking to kenma
kuroo genuinely thought he had done something to you 
eventually, after volleyball practice where everyone had to clean up, he would deliberately slowed down and waited until you and him were the last ones in the gymnasium
“(y/n),” he called out to you as you finished putting all the stray balls into it’s respective basket
your eyes widened into saucers as your pulse suddenly increased, turning around to face the tall captain, you had to force a mellow look upon your face
he held the net in his hands, “could you help me with this?”
you didn’t even mutter a response as you only nodded. you hated how you had to act so cold to him, but it was what you had to do in order to leave your feelings for him behind
your train of thought went like this: it was only a couple months before your third year ended anyway, might as well forget about him
walking past the captain, you bent down and grabbed the other end of the net and you two began folding it in quietly
kuroo was going to spark a conversation, but he surprisingly found that silence blanketing you two to be comforting. he couldn’t take his eyes off of you each and every time the net had gotten shorter and shorter
eventually you two met in the middle, your eyes were directly looking at his broad chest you had hesitantly flickering a glance up at him
“stop ignoring me,” kuroo said in almost a harsh whisper
your cheeks flared red as you looked away shyly, pulling the net along with you and out of his hands. “i’m not ignoring you.”
“yes, you are.” he presses, “we were fine before, but now you don’t even talk to me anymore... did i do something wrong?”
you couldn’t help but notice that slight hurt in his serious tone that made you look back to him. your eyebrows furrow as suddenly your throat felt incredibly dry
“you didn’t do anything wrong,” you answered while kuroo approached you closer
“then what is it?” he scoffs dejectedly, placing his hands on his hips as he searched your expression for any answer. it was then his eyes widened larger than ever as he felt the rhythm of his heart quicken, “holy shit,” he sighed, “did you find out?”
confusion melted over your visage as you looked up at him, “find out what?”
“lev and yaku probably told you didn’t they?”
you were still not following, “told me what?”
“that i like you!” he exclaimed, his sudden confess echoing throughout the empty gym as everything went silent. the only sound surrounding you two was the air conditioning circulating around you two as you were completely frozen in place
you mouth ran slightly agape and undeniably speechless at the mere fact that that just happened. you certainly weren’t expecting it as your cheeks heated up for the umpteenth time, you swore they were never going to be given a break anytime soon.
meanwhile, whilst you were in a state of utter shock, the worst was spiraling inside kuroo psyche. with how long the silence fell upon you two, he couldn’t help but to feel that you were just thinking of a nice way to reject him
“look (y/n), i--” he was immediately cut off by you throwing a light punch to his chest, your eyes had fallen to the floor to hide the burning red sensation tinting your ears and cheeks
“i like you too, idiot.” you mutter, almost feeling a shiver down your spine as kuroo held your hand that was on his chest. “why do you think i was avoiding you for so long?”
— a. keiji
as i’ve mentioned in previous headcanons, homeboy is BLUNT
and he would definitely call you out on your shit with avoiding him and all
despite being on the quieter side, he does like conversing with other people with his amiable witticisms and classical one-liners whenever he would pop into a conversation
usually people (specifically ones he’s not entirely close to) would get annoyed by this, which is why he’s quiet in the first place. but when he first met you, you played off of his words. for once, akaashi was surprised by this and was immediately compelled by you
meanwhile, you were good friends with bokuto, which was the only reason why you had gotten to know the setter in the first place. you were well aware that he was bo’s best friend and was genuinely surprised how nuanced the pair was
eventually, you had come to take a liking for the boy as he was always quiet and a bit mysterious, yet whenever he talked it would always make you laugh or melt a smirk on your face
you were a year older and in the same year as bokuto, so to you it always seemed a bit weird to date someone younger than you. you always pined yourself as someone who would rather date older guys or someone around your age, but this was definitely an exception
however, you definitely didn’t like the idea of perhaps confessing to akaashi and then leaving in a couple months for college. it honestly seemed like a waste of time to get into a relationship especially in this time of the school year, so had decided to do something you had always done:
avoid your feelings until they disappear into oblivion
it would make things easier on both of your parts anyway, you were in your last year of high school and on your way to college while akaashi had the possibility of taking over the captain spot next year and had to focus on his final year
besides, despite knowing him for a good two years, you could never tell whether or not he liked you (even as a friend)
so here you were, acting suspiciously cold and avoiding your underclassman who, for once, is vying for you attention and you aren’t even noticing
whenever you were around bokuto, akaashi would purposely try to be in the conversation more and maybe even try to stand closer to you than before. he would often ignore the slight aching jealousy in his gut whenever you and bokuto messed around during lunch
honestly, homie doesn’t even know he has feelings for you and just simply thinks he did something wrong that you don’t want to interact with him anymore
he eventually went to bokuto about it, “does (y/n) hate me?”
and perhaps his best friend had to feign laughing right in akaashi’s face at this, “why would you think that?”
“well, she’s avoiding me and i don’t like it.”
one of bokuto’s eyebrows lift as he gave akaashi a look, “why don’t you ask her yourself?”
the setter sighs, “but she’s an upper--”
“since when were you scared of third years?” the alabaster haired boy chuckles, “c’mon akaashi, you’re a big boy now. deal with that yourself.”
the second year grumbles as he pushing himself off his chair, “fine.” he mutters as he made his way out of bo’s classroom and towards the courtyard where you sometimes hung out during lunch
he immediately spotted your figure talking among other third year girls, eyes never leaving you as he made his way over.
“excuse me, can i borrow (y/n) for a minute?” he asked, his height looming over you and the others as they gave you a look.
a sigh left your lips as you excused yourself and went with akaashi. you didn’t bother speaking to him as you simply just followed him into an empty hallway
“do you know how rude it is to ignore people, senpai?” he starts, provocation lacing his words as you gave him a look. he was well aware of the fact that you lowkey didn’t like being called senpai, so he was definitely saying just to get you riled up
“eh,” you shrug, trying to act nonchalant as possible. “it depends on who and why you’re ignoring them.”
“why are you ignoring me then?” he interrogates you.
and you weren’t entirely sure if it was his height towering over you or the way his words were leaving your mouth that made your heart skip a beat, you had almost forgot his was your kouhai
akaashi peered his eyes at how sus you were being, “because??”
you sigh, ripping your eyes away from him as you thought to yourself briefly. you definitely couldn’t continue looking at him as each beat that passes you felt the rhythm of your heart quicken. was he really affecting you this much?
you considered this: you were in the your last and final year with the possibility of not seeing akaashi ever again once you graduate. despite it being a bit bittersweet, telling him your feelings would possibly lift some weight off your shoulders and you didn’t have to worry about it anymore
looking back at him, you swallowed your pride. fuck it
“because i have feelings for you and i’m trying to forget them,” you confess quickly as your arms braided over each other, watching as akaashi’s expression morphed into surprise and almost a mere confusion
“y-you like me?” he asks for a confirmation to which to nod and watch his cheeks and his ears burst into shades of pink and red blush
perhaps you found yourself blushing too with how adorable he was as he cleared his throat to regain his composure
“why were you trying to forget them?” there was a hint of hesitance in his voice as he asked, almost to afraid to know the reason.
bittersweetness suddenly coursed through your veins as you sigh, “i’m going to graduate in a few months, akaashi... i’m going to go away for college while you’re still going to be here and i’m not sure if we’re actually going to see each other again.”
“we can if we tried,” he mutters quietly as there was still an inch of hope within him. “we can still make it work.”
“you think so?”
“i know so.”
— t. yuuji
you had now idea how the hell you had come to like someone like terushima yuuji
not only was he incredibly loud and a bit childish in nature, he was an absolute fuckboy
it should’ve been a big enough turn off, but perhaps you somehow liked how he would remember the little things whenever he would annoy the shit out of you everyday
like how you always got melon buns for lunch, he would always buy you one before you even had the chance. or how he knew your favorite subject was math, despite you never mentioning to him. or how he knew that there was always a kick in your step whenever you were in a good mood.
despite his persistent nature is more likely to come off as arrogant and annoying, sometimes his assertiveness comes to be beneficial at times
like that one time you were walking home during the night and a pair of creepy older dudes kept asking you for your number, terushima (who was also going home after volleyball practice) had come to help you
his persistence in making sure the guys left you alone had worked and perhaps the way he wrapped his arm around you protectively had your heart pumping faster than you anticipated
that was when you had finally come to the conclusion that you had feelings for some fuckboy name terushima yuuji, who literally annoyed you to your core
knowing damn well that terushima wasn’t going anywhere, you figured that if you avoided him enough, that your feelings for him would eventually go away
you supposed it was because of his usual nature, constantly flirting around with other girls before eventually getting bored of them. it then rang into your head, wondering when terushima would eventually get bored of you
perhaps there was an aching his your heart when you thought about it, but in your brain you wished for him to forget about you. if anything, it would’ve made loosing your feelings for the blond boy to go away easier
your avoidance and lack of interaction with terushima definitely did not unnoticed by him. if anything, it made him want to talk to you more
he would literally shower you with melon buns and snacks during lunch, to which you would politely decline and walk away from him. he would greet you everyday in the mornings, to which you would simply flicker him a look before brushing past him
for once, terushima felt challenged when it came it you and only fueled his yearning to get back to that stage of comfortably throwing his arm over your shoulder
it even got to the point of you ignoring him enough that you started talking to another guy in your class, with how comfortable you are with the new dude as you were playfully handsy and giggled loudly at his jokes
perhaps he felt a bit jealous that someone else was making you act like. terushima wanted that to be him
it was like a wave of emotions had tumbled over him as he saw you and the boy walking with a group of others in front of him. he swiftly caught up and pulled you away from the group fast enough that they didn’t notice
“terushima?” you said breathlessly
“i like you, (y/n).” he went straight to the point. there was no reason to beat around the bush any longer as you and him were finally alone together and he didn’t know whether he would have this chance ever again, “i like you a lot, so stop ignoring me.”
“y-you like me?” you repeat, you eyebrows suddenly furrowing. “is this a joke?”
homie couldn’t help but notice the slight worry lacing your voice, as if he wasn’t serious and just playing you. he was well away of his reputation and certainly did not want it to get in the way of you and him. 
“i’m serious.” he reassures, “there’s a reason why you’re the only one i haven’t gotten bored of.”
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sapphicautistic · 3 years
Today we figured out that despite the assurances of the landlord, the dryers in this building do not get hot enough to kill bedbugs and now their sheer impossible immortality despite treatment after treatment of the home itself suddenly makes a horrible kind of sense.
No one here is physically capable of going to the laundromat enough to get rid of them. We have barely managed getting to the laundry room.
We have to move within 2 months.
It’s looking like we won’t be able to get rid of them before we move.
The people we’ll be living with are disabled themselves, have carpet, and just cannot fucking get bedbugs.
In order to not spread them, I think we will have to replace our clothes and anything else that might harbour them.  We’re packing our most special items with poison and we’ll keep it double or triple wrapped in plastic for a year. Almost everything else will have to be replaced or lived without.
Our freezer apparently doesn’t get cold enough to kill them. The oven doesn’t go lower than 200F, and my clothes are mostly microfiber which starts to melt well below that. I can soak a few items in rubbing alcohol, but I don’t actually know where I could dry them to completely avoid risk of reinfestation.
The poison only works when there’s enough air circulation so it’s too risky to depend on that alone for something like a bag of fabric - it’s also dangerous to breathe so we’re only using it inside 3mil bags packed in sealed plastic totes.
I’m so goddamn tired and meanwhile my sister can’t afford her medication and I’ve already sent her all I can afford to send right now because the move was gonna be fucking expensive even without this wrinkle cuz the new place is a couple states away. And I’m dealing with my own medical stuff and a lot of very stressful stuff with family and friends.
And I’m not resting enough so I feel like I’m physically dying every moment of every day and I can’t TELL anyone that because they’re all stressed out about me not being able to do the things they need me to do because there’s no one else to do them.
I hate this so much and I can’t stop fucking crying.
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rwbyvein · 3 years
Firen Lhain:  Chapter 902:  Corner:  Part III / III
The airship landed on the roof as Ruby Petal Burst out of the guard house. A moment later, Yang, then Nora, and finally Weiss catapulted themselves up the side of the tower. The rear gate dropped and Ironwood walked down. Weiss saluted, put her rapier away and then curtsied.
"General Ironwood!" Ruby exclaimed.
"I did tell Ms. Ainsley that I was coming."
"Okay, yeah, but..." Ruby voiced and trailed off. "I'm not saying you're not welcome, because you're like always welcome, but, I mean, don't you have important General things to do?"
They heard a female voice who turned out to be Winter, "He likes to take care of things personally."
"That's probably why he's so tired." Ruby voiced, "I mean... coffee? Weiss makes great coffee?"
Ironwood let out a weak smile, "I would love to stay, but I will have to be on my way as quickly as possible."
"Then why are you here?" Yang asked, "If you don't mind me asking?"
"Because nothing said here can leave your castle." Ironwood replied. "First, let me introduce Sarah Arns. You can come out, Lieutenant." She shyly walked out and waved at them. "Perhaps some place in doors."
Yang walked up to him, "Nothing we talk about here is going to leave."
"I might be a bit paranoid with information, but it comes with being a general."
"Let's go into our suite." Jaune stated.
* * *
J + RWBY sat on the couches in the suite's ante-chambre, with General Ironwood, Winter, and Sarah Arns standing off to the side.
"So?.." Ruby asked.
"As I said before, nothing said her can leave your castle. The very fate of Atlas could depend on it. This is former Second Lieutenant Sarah Arns."
"Former?" Blake asked.
"Officially she's just been dishonourably discharged."
"That..." Yang voiced, "Seems kind of big?"
"Indeed." Ironwood stated, "But she's here because she has my recommendation."
"Even if she was dishonourably discharged?" Weiss asked.
Ironwood's Aura flashed for a moment. "I feel it happened because I was trying to fix my mistake."
"And that was?"
"It's simple." Ironwood stated, "Or entirely complicated? Anyways, I allowed Atlas to get a stone's throw from revolution. To deal with it, I put Lieutenant-General Hartman in charge of the First Roboticized Brigade Group."
Ruby held up her hand, "To get rid of her?"
Ironwood developed a weak smile, "I have long wanted to remove people from the danger of combat, and had been considering a Roboticized Brigade Group for years. With the development of the Paladin, and the upcoming Great Knights..."
"Great knights?" Weiss asked.
"You can thank your husband for that." Ironwood replied. "In terms of capabilities and experience, Lieutenant-General Hartman would be the best choice to lead it. Conveniently, the best way to make this Brigade Group successful would also isolate her from the central command structure."
"So?" Weiss simply asked, and he focused on her, "What went wrong?"
"Oh?" Ironwood asked, "Nothing much, just she managed to leave her soldiers on the ground, starving, facing a horde of Beowulves without proper support. She then completely ignored her signaller, as Specialist Chrysanta on the ground was trying to communicate her... issues..."
"I believe I see where this is heading." Weiss quipped.
"Long story short, she blamed Second Lieutenant Arns."
"And she could not handle the pressure?"
"I'm sorry..." Arns stated.
"You don't need to apologize." Ironwood said to her, "It was my mistake that put you in that situation in the first place."
"And?" Ruby asked, "She wants to be a minion?"
"I'm sorry?" Arns asked.
"It was Nora's idea." Jaune stated. "Long story short, we really have no idea how much money we're going to be making as Huntsmen."
"Our first weeks have been eventful." Weiss quipped. "We cannot promise any specific renumerations, so, instead the majority of the income will go to the house, with 5% being put aside for personal discretionary spending and 5% more for retirement."
"An allowance?" Arns asked.
"Basically, yeah." Yang replied.
"And you all agreed to this?" Arns asked.
"Everyone." Blake stated.
"Everyone?" Arns asked.
"Us, Ren, Nora, Aurora, Taj, Ilia, Ciel, Penthesilea."
Jaune then spoke back up, "The house money will go to provide living expenses, as well as improvements. And Neo."
"Such as?" Arns asked.
"Sheep!" Ruby exclaimed.
Jaune went to speak, but was smiling too brightly to do so initially. He had to wait a moment as he quickly looked at her. He then looked back at Arns. "The castle grounds also include the slope and the woods below us. We intend to get sheep, and eventually engage in sustainable forestry."
"So?.." Arns my asked, "My income would be tied to all of this?"
"Of course." Jaune stated.
"So, it's kind of like an investment it your?.." she said and paused, "in what you're doing here?"
"In so many words?" Weiss asked, "Yes."
It was Yang's turn to jump in, "We're also going to you know, Huntresses and whatnot, and that has already done quite well for us."
"So?" Ironwood asked, "The decisions?"
"For a disgraced soldier, it sounds like a wonderful opportunity." Arns stated.
Jaune looked between his wives, whom all seemed to be in agreement. He looked back to Arns. "If you want to."
"I do." Arns replied.
"Alright?" Yang asked, "If this Hartman chick did such terrible shit, then why did you go so far out of your way?.."
"She is a great soldier." Ironwood stated, "Was? I hoped to remind her of that, or at least respect what she has done."
Aurora stepped forward, "And now for the second business."
"Which is?" Weiss asked, and Aurora gestured to Blake.
"Put me on the spot, why don't you?" Blake asked. She stood up and stepped far enough away to look between them. "I asked the General to host our wedding."
"To ensure it is of the highest quality?" Weiss asked.
"To stick it to your father."
"Pardon?" Weiss asked.
"Think about it?" Blake asked, and stepped towards Weiss until they were inches apart, "This is your chance to say everything you've ever wanted about your father."
"But, I had not..."
"Do you want to see Jacques Schnee in charge of Atlas Academy?"
Weiss nervously looked down. Blake gently craddled her face and pulled it up to look her deep in her eyes. Blake let her go and quickly stepped back, "I think we can all agree that Jacques Schnee in charge of Atlas academy would be disastrous for both Atlas, and Remnant as a whole."
"He's the one responsible for?.." Jaune asked, and paused for a moment, "He's the one responsible for all the evil, isn't he?"
"He's probably the one thing Weiss truly hates." Ruby added.
"You know?" Yang asked, "I've never actually met him, but I can tell you one thing for sure."
"And that is?" Weiss asked.
"That I want to knock his lights out."
"For it to succeed." Aurora stated, and they all looked at her, "We would have to invite the rest of your family."
"I suppose my mother should be there for my wedding."
"And super-Weiss!" Ruby exclaimed. Weiss gave her a brief glare.
"And I suppose my brother." Weiss stated. "But I do not want it to turn into a ball for the elite."
"Well, yeah." Yang said, "None of us do."
"Let's just say we invite family." Jaune stated.
"And minions!" Ruby exclaimed.
"And minions." Jaune echoed with a smile.
"And General Ironwood?" Blake asked.
"He's my uncle's friend!" Ruby exclaimed, "So obviously family."
"That's obvious?" Arns asked, "I mean, wait, if I'm a minion, does that mean I get to attend, to?"
"She is just a little bit oblivious." Weiss stated. "And of course you can attend the nuptuals."
"And everyone's Plus One." Aurora stated.
"Of course." Weiss replied. "We will need to select a location."
"Duh!" Ruby exclaimed, "The castle!"
"It would have to be in Atlas." Aurora stated, "For Blake's plan to work. And if it was in Atlas, the best location would be the Great War monument."
"Only the monument to our own arrogance." Weiss huffed.
"For those not, you know?" Yang asked as she gestured to Weiss.
Weiss stood up straight. "Oh?, yes. While originally a monument to the Great War, ostensibly as a way to remember our folly, it has since become the most prestigious venue in all of Atlas."
"What makes it so special?" Ruby asked.
"Oh, yes?" Weiss asked, "Due to it's status as a monument, you need the approval of the Atlas Council to use it. It is also the focus of the most glamourous division of Atlas. All-in-all, an icon of the most connected elite to prove how well conencted they are."
"Luckily for you," Ironwood neutrally voiced, "you know someone on the Atlas Council. Two, in fact."
"Who?!" Ruby eagerly asked.
"You dolt." Weiss replied, "The General, obviously."
"Well, yeah, but what about the other one?"
"Also the General." Blake added.
"Wait..." Ruby voiced, "He has two chairs!"
Weiss wrapped her arm around Ruby's shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
"Don't we need like, three, though?" Yang asked.
"We do." Ironwood stated. "I can present it as yet another gift to those that saved Haven."
"Though in doing so would have to admit to supporting Faunus?" Blake asked.
"Unfortunately, yes." Ironwood voiced.
"Unfortunately?.." Yang nervously asked.
"I am honestly getting tired of this childishness." Ironwood stated, and crossed his hands behind his back. "We as a society have to realize that the Faunus can be just as good or evil as Humans can. I am tired of walking on egg shelters on the fragile egos of an even more fragile populous. Faunus are people, just as Humans are. I've spent my entire life fighting for Faunus to be judged by the actions, rather than their ears." He looked at Blake, who looked around nervously.
Ilia walked out, decloaking. Ironwood gave her a harsh gaze.
"Easy!" Yang quickly shouted at her. "She's one of us."
"She just likes stalking Jaune." Ruby stated.
"I've come to count on it." Jaune stated.
"Blake." Ilia quielty said to her, and paused as Blake looked over. "We both know what would happen if we were judged on our actions."
"What?!" Ironwood asked, "That's not what I meant at all."
"It's not?" Ilia asked.
"You have both fought for the rights of Faunus. I just hope that one day that will happen. If we are lucky, it might even in the near future. I'm so sick and tired of having to hide some of the greatest people I know simply because of their heritage."
"Jaune is kind of hard to hide." Ruby said, looking up at his antlers.
"Indeed?" Ironwood replied as he followed her gaze.
"Surprisingly good at hiding though." Yang added. "Like really sneaky for a big guy."
"My point remains." Ironwood stated. "I will push to allow your wedding. The rest of the council do not need to know exactly who you are until it is approved. Once it is, there is nothing even they could do to stop it. The only thing you will have to decide on is the decorations."
"Which, speaking of." Aurora stated as she stepped forward. "I have been designing a Coat of Arms for House Arc Nouveau."
"New what?" Ruby asked.
"I do believe she means us." Weiss added.
Aurora turned her scroll towards them and showed them her design.
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starstruckmyths · 3 years
Steve and Bucky being stress bakers. Some bad shit happens in the world and they punch at too much dough ending up with a bakery worth bread.
Stressssssss bakkerrssssssssss
I’ve probably said it already, but I’ll say it again: Steve admitted to being a shitty cook in Endgame, but every part in me knows that he’d make a brilliant baker. Steve is a super-soldier, so he would be really precise. 
My mom once told me, "Cooking is about feeling. Baking is about getting everything exactly right". 
Cooking is about trying out, it’s about what you like, adding more or less spices, sweet or sour or salty. Steve probably doesn't really have the cooking-gut-feeling, so he wouldn't be good at it. On the other hand, Steve is amazing at being precise. He would follow the recipes to the letter. Bucky would as well. They’re both soldiers, both have wielded weapons, and both have been in situations where they cannot lose any focus or everyone dies. So they’re really good at estimating how much sugar a “spoonful” is ;)
And then now, I will write you a little piece. 
The Avengers weren’t home, and Steve was sitting around in the comfy armchair, staring at his drawing pad but nothing came out of his pencil. It just... refused to let him draw anything. 
Bucky was still asleep, bundled up in the bedroom after one of the worst missions Steve had ever been on. It had not been particularly gruesome or nasty, but the bad guy had gotten away, he had fallen into a muddy ditch, Tony had crashed into a tree, Sam nearly got caught in some power lines, Clint had gotten his foot stuck in a hole in the ground, and Bucky had been hit by a car. 
All in all, a pretty laugh-worthy mission. 
And now here he was, his head still not entirely right and Bucky sleeping off the pain of his cracked ribs. He was frustrated. And hungry. He did not really feel up to anything, or rather he did, but he was not sure what that was. He wanted to eat something, a snack of some sort. Perhaps a cookie. Something sweet. Were their any cookies left or had the rest of the team gotten them all?
Steve pushed himself up out of the armchair and left his drawing pad on the coffee table, strolling over towards the kitchen where he pulled open some cabinets and looked for the cookie tin. Ah, there it was. As soon as he opened it, he scrunched his nose. Three tiny biscuits and a bunch of crumbs. Sighing loudly, he ate the last three cookies and thumbed the crumbs from the tin. Now it was really empty, and boy did that suck. 
“That’s not nearly enough,” he mumbled to himself, and he turned around to the counter. 
He looked in a few more cabinets, trying to lower his standards to what he was willing to eat, until he found a book. A cookbook. Steve made a curious noise, and pulled the thing out. Cooking was not really his thing, but he had often helped his mom bake, so perhaps he could make something out of that. It really was two birds with one stone: with the book, he could distract himself and get himself some more snacks. Win-win. 
It couldn’t go wrong, he just had to do what the book said and he would be fine. The book seemed to be more focused on baking than cooking anyway, so he was golden. There was a whole list of things to make, a bunch of cakes and other sweet snacks, but mostly cookies. Cookies with apple, chocolate, jam, nuts, honey, cinnamon, and more. 
This wasn’t a cookbook, this was a cookie-book.  
He had most of the ingredients, so that was a plus. Now, he only had to pick one kind of cookie from the list, and he was good! Only, they all looked so good. The one with apples, and with honey, and nuts... he picked the one with chocolate. He was feeling something for chocolate at the moment. 
And so he grabbed himself the flour, eggs, milk, oil, chocolate, and baking powder. He put the book against the backsplash of the kitchen, so he could read along as he went. He put the ingredients together and mixed it all with a spoon to get rid of at least some of his pent-up energy. 
“Let the dough rest for half an hour,” Steve read from the book. He scrunched up his nose again, deeper this time, and read the sentence another time. Half an hour. Half an hour? What was he supposed to do in the meantime?! Wait around? 
Stuffing the dough into the oven, he huffed in annoyance, lying his head in his neck as he tried to think of something he could do while waiting a whole half hour. 
But wait!
Instead of waiting around, he could bake the other cookies! Cookies with apple, with cinnamon, with peanut butter, jam, and all the others! That way, he could keep baking even when he had to wait for the dough! They had ovens and space to spare, so no one would mind, really. Steve pulled his stuff together and went to work straight away. 
Half an hour passed. 
Dough went in and out of the oven. 
The pile of flour and eggs became smaller and smaller, but Steve barely noticed as his stack of cookies only grew. 
He baked, and he baked, and he baked, without even looking at the clock. 
The whole kitchen smelled of fresh cookies, molten chocolate, and more. It had drawn Bucky to the kitchen, bandages wrapped around his chest, and he joined in. With the combined power of two super soldiers kneading and stirring the dough, cutting apples and chocolate, piling cookie after cookie after cookie onto the oven racks, they worked down the list cookie by cookie.
The entire counter was filled with all kinds of delicious things, crumbs and nuts and chocolate and honey and peanut butter and more. Another half an hour went passed, and then an hour, and then double that! There was flour on their faces, stains on their aprons, the cookbook was sticky, peanut butter in their hair, but neither Steve or Bucky paid it any mind as they baked as if their life depended on it. 
It turned dark outside, the sun dipping behind the horizon, but neither of them noticed, too caught up in their baking spell to stop. 
Then, late in the evening, the Avengers returned home, tired and worn out from their duty, some of them (Clint and Tony) were a little grumpy. There was light still coming from the kitchen, and as soon as the doors of the elevator opened the team was hit in the face by the taunting smell of cookies, cinnamon and honey. 
“Great,” Clint grumbled, “Now I’m hungry.”
“You think they left some for us?” Sam asked, standing on his near tiptoes as he took another deep breath, closing his eyes as he did so. 
Natasha was the first to step forward and out of the elevator. “Let’s hope they did.”
The very moment they stepped foot into the kitchen they were met with a sight that was both many’s personal wonderland, but also an almost terrifying one. 
Somehow, the entire kitchen was filled with stacks, heaps and piles of cookies. The entire counter save for a few tiny gaps was filled with cookies. Big cookies, small cookies, cookies with apple and honey and peanut butter, pale cookies, dark cookies. There were cookies on the cupboards, on top of the fridge, there were even cookies laid out on newspapers on the floor. And in the middle, Bucky and Steve were moving around, seemingly still baking. 
They thought they had to be dreaming. 
“Wha- wha-” Tony stumbled, “What have you done?”
Steve lifted his head from the book, his eyes slightly wider than could be normal, and he stared with the gaze of a man who had seen terrible things. In his arm, he clutched a bowl, holding it tightly as his other hand moved around a large spoon. “We baked some cookies.”
Bucky turned around, a fresh batch in his hands, holding it out towards the others. “Want one?”
Please forgive me, Nonnie. 
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justakpopfic · 4 years
On the Final New Moon-chapter 3
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Summary: You learn more about Seonghwa...
Genre: demon!au, angst? Suggestive?? Idk anymore but Seonghwa’s a demon.
Masterlist / Next
The next day with Seonghwa being the new king of your kingdom was harder than expected. You had cried yourself to sleep last night, not being able to accept the fact that your parents were dead, and all of the workers whom you have been familiar with were most likely dead as well.
But as much as the grief stung, you used it as motivation to stop Seonghwa from hurting anyone else.
You woke up late that morning, the sun had risen a while ago. You changed out of your nightgown into a comfortable blue dress, and brushed you tangled hair. You grabbed the book of prophecies, out of habit more than anything, since it was now virtually useless. Still, you took it with you to the library.
The library was full of books ranging from kingdom records to fairy tales you used to read to yourself as a child. Upon entering it, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. Nothing had changed. At least, not yet. You walked over to the large armchair near the records. Before sitting down, you grabbed a bunch of books ranging from birth records centuries ago and the kingdom’s laws.
You had two goals today. One: learn about this prophet Yunho that Seonghwa had told you about. And two: find the laws regarding crowning someone ruler of the kingdom.
You decided to start with the coronation laws, since those were the easiest. You had read these books hundreds of times in your studies, so you already knew where it was. The smell of aging parchment greeted your nose as you opened the book.
After minutes of browsing, you found it. Laws regarding crowning a ruler.
Sure enough, it had to be passed down by blood. Someone outside of the royal family couldn’t take the throne if there is still a royal member alive. Of course, there were exceptions for specific cases, for example, if the royal member was too young, then someone trusted would temporarily take up the post.
But if every royal member died, then the throne becomes a free for all to everyone in the world. It was then that it hit you, you were the last standing royal member.
Your parents were both only children, so you had no aunts, uncles, or cousins. And you were an only child, you were the only person left in your bloodline who is able to take the throne back.
“No pressure,” you told yourself. You found a bookmark so that you wouldn’t loose your place. You wouldn’t be a threat to Seonghwa right now, as you were still young. But he might have a plan to get rid of you when you get older. You’ll have to kill him soon, but not right away.
You groaned inwardly. Waiting until you were old enough to take the throne before killing Seonghwa would be the best route. If he wasn’t a powerful demon king. And smart, he most likely knows what you were planning.
You sighed. It was only morning but you already felt tired. And it was only going to get worse. You picked up the citizenship records from a century ago. It was time to find this Yunho.
You had no idea when you fell asleep. All you knew was that someone was shaking you awake gently. For a moment, you thought it was your mother, but you knew it couldn’t be her, because she never woke you up once in your life.
You opened your eyes to a pair of red ones. You didn’t react in fear, Seonghwa’s presence was all too normal for you not. Still, you pushed him away as you sat up and stretched.
“Wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty,” Seonghwa teased.
“Shut up,” you said. “What do you want?”
You swore you saw Seonghwa pout. He moved to stand in front of you. He wore a red collared shirt with black pants. Fitting for a demon king.
“I wanted to make sure that you ate today,” Seonghwa said. “After all, humans need to eat, don’t they?”
“Yes,” you said.
“Oh, good. You’ll get a meal soon. My servants are making themselves comfortable here.”
“What?” You stood up from your seat, the book falling to the ground. “What do you mean servants?”
Seonghwa smirked. “I got rid of all your human ones, and I’m replacing them with my own. They’re situating themselves here was we speak. My personal servant is already here.”
Seonghwa turned to where the door to the library was. He spoke something in that haunting demonic language of his. A short man walked up, with pure white hair. He came and stood next to Seonghwa.
“Princess y/n,” Seonghwa said. “This is my personal servant, Hongjoong. He will be in charge for all of your personal needs.”
Hongjoong bowed down. “It is a pleasure to meet you, my princess,” he said.
“What about you?” You asked, confused.
“I can take care of myself just fine. Besides, Hongjoong is a very good servant, he’ll be able to take care of the both of us.”
“Okay, then.”
“You must be hungry, princess,” Hongjoong said. “Come, let’s get you some food.”
You didn’t want to go with them. You didn’t trust them at all. But your hunger overpowered your distrust, so you followed the two demons down to the kitchens.
You wiped your face with a napkin before placing it down next to your empty plate. You had no idea how, but somehow Hongjoong had managed to make the most delicious meal you have ever tasted.
Looking up from your plate, you saw Seonghwa sitting across from you, staring you down. You shuddered. You were so engrossed with the food, you had forgotten that Seonghwa was there. And after a quick look around the kitchen, it seemed that Hongjoong had left while you were eating, and you hadn’t noticed.
Seonghwa said nothing nor did anything. You avoided his gaze, the silence in the room suffocating you.
“So,” you said, your voice quiet. “I’m guessing demons don’t need to eat?”
“Not human food,” Seonghwa said, resting a hand on his cheek. “In the underworld, we need to eat food. But in the human realm, we basically become immortal. If we die, we return to the underworld, and can return here as we please. Well, depending on your status.”
“Status?” You asked. “You mean that even demons have statuses?”
“Correct,” Seonghwa smirked. “The higher your status, the easier it is to access a portal to the human realm. The lowest cannot access a portal on their own, they need a higher demon to do it. Unfortunately, most of them don’t care about beings lesser than them.”
“That’s not surprising,” you said. You stood up, picking up your plate and silverware with you. You had intended to put your dishes away, but it had just occurred to you that you had no idea where they should go.
“I’ll take those, princess,” Seonghwa said, standing up. He took the plate out of your hands, his fingers brushing yours. They were warm. He walked over to the sink and placed them inside.
“Is that where they go?” You asked.
“For now,” Seonghwa said. “But you shouldn’t worry your pretty little head over it. My servants shall take care of it.”
“Where are they?”
Seonghwa sighed. “Probably slacking off. Come, princess. We need to find them. I’m sure they’ll pretend that they’re lost as an excuse. A weak one, that is. My castle in the underworld is so much larger than this one.”
You followed Seonghwa out of the kitchens. “You must think you’re so much more powerful than me,” you said mockingly.
Seonghwa chuckled. It was low and sinister. He looked back at you, his red eyes seemingly glowing. “Oh, princess. I am more powerful than you. I could destroy you in under a second.”
“Then why don’t you?” You asked. “It’s not like you need me.”
The glow left Seonghwa’s eyes and cheeks. His face was pale, inhuman. His smile disappeared. “It’s complicated,” he said.
You both walked out into an empty hallway, your steps echoing. “I have time,” you said, curiosity growing inside you.
Seonghwa glanced at you. It was neither dark nor light. More hesitant in a way.
“I’m not sure where to start,” he said. “The most simple reason I can give you is that you are not a threat to me. So why waste my time in killing you?”
“I may not be a threat to you now,” you said. “But I will in the future. I’ll be old enough to take the throne, and you will have a challenger to the crown.”
Seonghwa smiled his sinister smile. You were beginning to get used to it. “You’re not going to give up that easily, aren’t you?” He said.
“Of course not.”
Seonghwa stopped, causing you to stop as well. He turned, facing you, taking a step forward until you backed yourself the wall. You felt so tiny in his gaze. His sharp, yet handsome gaze.
“Why do you want the throne so badly?” Seonghwa asked. His deep voice distracted you. For a moment your mind was preoccupied with different thoughts.
You blinked. “It is my duty as princess to protect the land and it’s people,” you answered.
Seonghwa smirked. “Wow,” he said sarcastically. “Where have I heard that before?”
“Are you-“
“Yes, darling. I am mocking you.”
You stared at the floor. Looking at his face became too much for you. “Don’t call me darling.”
“Why do you want to protect these people?” Seonghwa asked, ignoring your request.
You opened your mouth, before closing it. “I...don’t...know,” you said with surprise. You truly didn’t know. It was just what you were told to feel ever since you were young. But how much of it was real?
Seonghwa came closer, his taller body barely an inch away from yours. Your back pressed against the wall, you peered up at those vibrant eyes. He stared at you, saying nothing. His breaths seemed to grow deeper, as if he was trying to control himself. Your mind betrayed you, dreaming sinful thoughts about him and his body, and the things that it could do...
Stop it, you scolded yourself. He is a demon. He is not good news. But your mind ignored it, enjoying the warm feeling that his body’s close proximity made you feel.
Seonghwa’s silky voice drifted into your ears. “I have many more reasons to keep you alive,” Seonghwa said. “And one of them is for you to decide whether you truly want to be a princess, and in the future, queen.”
You nodded to give the illusion that you understood, but your body was warm and feverish. Seonghwa smiled, having to force himself to step away from you.
“Just some food for thought,” Seonghwa said. His voice deepened. “Darling.”
And with that, he walked away.
Tag list: @teeztheflag @palesans
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diavolodigitale · 3 years
L’appel Du Vide: 01 What a Way to Start
Not that anybody is really reading it here, but I decided to follow through with this story no matter what.
All chapters: 00 - 01 - All stories in PDF
Rhys is the CEO of Atlas and Jack’s AI is back, surprise, surprise! Now Rhys is dismayed, Jack doesn’t care much, and the events of Borderlands 3 are just beginning to unravel. Is there any way to fix the plot of this game? Would it be any better if Rhys had to cooperate with Jack this whole time? Well, this is your chance to find out!
Spoiler: yes, dammit, it would. Everything’s better with a bit of Handsome Jack in it.
Genres: Fix-It, Developing Relationship, Alternate Canon, POV Third Person, Humor, Drama, Plot-driven (kind of? well, it has plot)
Pairing: Handsome Jack’s AI/Rhys (they’re still just talking, dammit)
Characters: Handsome Jack’s AI, Rhys
Rating: M for Mature but not in this chapter lol
Size: around 3000 words (chapter 2/11)
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Sun set and rose, another day began. Rhys shaved off his moustache.
“Mornin’, sleeping beauty,” said Jack, who was sitting in Rhys’ chair when the latter one entered his office wearing only red bathrobe and home slippers.
“Morning,” replied Rhys, eying Jack wearily. Jack almost expected him to be surprised by his presence all over again, but it seemed like Rhys did not, after all, convince himself that the events of the previous day were just a dream, which, depending on how one looks at it, might even be considered personal growth. “Let me say how much I appreciate you not stalking me while I sleep. Just so you knew,” he said, painfully aware of Jack’s realness and determination to stay.
“Actually,” began Jack, idly following Rhys’s movements around the room with his gaze, “I watched you for some time, but your face looked so stupid that I started having these fits of hysterical laughter, so I left not to wake you up accidentally. I care for you so much, after all, and… Hey!”–he suddenly sat upright in the chair and pointed at Rhys’s hunched miserable figure–“that thing from your face disappeared! I could’ve sworn I saw it yesterday...”
“And now it’s gone,” concluded Rhys with a sigh.
“Phew, great job, pal. It was so awful, I cannot even begin to describe.”
“What? I thought you liked it,” said Rhys, nonplussed.
“Yeah, about that… I lied. Didn’t want to tell you this, but with that moustache, I wouldn’t let my kids anywhere near you,” said Jack and cackled.
Rhys scowled. He got rid of his moustache precisely because Jack told him he liked it, even despite the fact that it was particularly hard for him, considering the meaning it supposedly held. Since the day before he had this strange desire to do everything in opposition to Jack. Perhaps, it was deeply rooted in his former traumatic experience with the AI. Or in the fact that he had always been kind of mischievous, either one of those two.
“I see you’re in a good mood today,” said Rhys, making himself a morning coffee. He couldn’t say the same thing about himself – half of the night he spent persuading himself not to bang his head on the wall until Jack left for good. As a temporary means, it was as good as anything, but certainly wouldn’t be a reliable way to get rid of the AI forever. In any case, it seems not to have worked for Rhys previously, so he had to come up with something else. Changing the prosthetics took time, and he didn’t have that precious resource at his disposal in the needed amount.
In the end, when he finally managed to fall asleep, it was at the thought that he was actually a little sorry for what happened with Jack’s hologram during their last confrontation. Despite all the evil Jack had done, he used to be a significant part of Rhys’s life and helped shape him into what he was now. Most importantly, he taught him not to trust anybody and to always swing for the fences. Now, being the CEO of Atlas, Rhys could clearly see that this strategy worked perfectly.
“Oh, by the by, I took some time to look through your files and check out this Kawatagi guy we talked about yesterday. Must say, he’s a very promising candidate. Maybe, I should’ve chosen him as my successor instead of you-know-who,” said Jack in a conspiratorial tone, stroking his chin and narrowing his eyes. “Instead of you, I’m talking about you,” he added in a normal voice.
Rhys sighed, gently lowering two sugar cubes into his coffee. Here we go again.
“First, why the heck did you rummage in my computers without my permission? Second, his name’s Katagawa, more precisely – Katagawa Junior. And a candidate for what? Wait, don’t say anything, I don’t even want to know. Now get out of my chair,” said Rhys and proceeded to try and shoo Jack away with a few careless waves of his hand.
“It’s not like you can’t sit here. I’m just a hologram, you know.”
Jack was grinning, of course. Rhys looked down at him with his tired sleepless eyes and sighed the fortieth time this morning.
“Remember when we first met, you called me weird? Now you’re the one being weird, congratulations.”
“Oh, come o-o-on, don’t be so bo-o-oring.” Jack disappeared from the chair and reappeared on the sofa, lying on his side with his head resting on his hand. “You know, I think I’ve now seen enough of you to bet with confidence that you don’t have any friends. I bet I was your closest friend (and don’t forget that I was your imaginary closest friend), ‘cause I don’t see how someone can tolerate that attitude for long.”
Don’t worry, Rhys, he won’t get to you, you’re thick-skinned now, you know that, thought Rhys and put his mug on the table. He sunk into his chair and turned on the ECHO device to check for any new messages.
“Actually, I do have friends,” he said in his best I-am-not-offended tone.
“Yeah? Anybody in particular?”
“Zer0, for example. I am proud to call him my friend and I’m sure he’s proud to be called mine.”
“Zer0, yeah… wait, who’s that again?”
Rhys rolled his eyes. Some things just never changed.
“One of the vault hunters who… took part in your elimination, so to put it,” he answered carefully.
“Oh, yeah, that filthy bandit, I remember him! Well, not him killing me, of course, but I think I saw him somewhere. Didn’t he have that mental condition? I remember him saying some gibberish instead of speaking like normal people do. Yeah, right,”–Jack laughed–“I can see you two dorks being friends.”
“How could I have survived this long without you trying to offend me all the time? Unbelievable.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking! Or was that still your thought? I always forget I’m in your head. Anyway, to summarize our conversation so far, we’ve established that you’re a pathetic loner with only one creature in the whole world you can call a friend of sorts. You never seize to amaze me, Rhys.”
“There’s also Vaughn,” said Rhys through his teeth, beginning to lose his patience.
“And that is…?”
“You remember Vaughn, don’t you?”
“If I’m asking who that is, then, apparently, I don’t,” answered Jack, making the irritation in his voice sound as blatant as possible. “Why do you carry around that thing people call a head, huh?”
“He used to work for Hyperion with me.” Rhys threw a quick glance at Jack, looking for any sign of recognition on his face, but there was none. “Is short, wears glasses?” Still no signs. “Has a six-pack?” he said in his last desperate attempt to make Jack’s memory serve its purpose.
To his surprise, it actually worked. Jack snapped his fingers and rolled over on the sofa.
“Oh, that ne-erd, yeah, I remember him. Where’s he now?” he asked, not even trying to pretend that he really cared about the answer.
“He’s on Pandora, doing some bandit stuff. Guess he is working for the…” Rhys suddenly stopped, hastily thinking about what he had almost let out.
“For whom?” asked Jack indifferently. The answer still didn’t matter much to him, but he just couldn’t bear the thought of Rhys keeping something hidden from him.
“For the… err… for, well, you know… coughmson coughders,” replied Rhys, sounding like he was choking on something, and started loudly typing on the table, pretending that he was incredibly busy with his emails.
“What? Didn’t quite catch that.”
“Rimzon raide-ez,” indistinctly said Rhys into his fist and cleared his throat.”
“God dammit, Rhys, what the fuck are you saying there?” shouted Jack with annoyance and jerked up from the sofa. “Should I stand right behind you all the time to know what comes out of your mouth? Even your thoughts are more distinct than that.”
Perhaps, scared by the prospect of Jack constantly following him closely, even closer than he already did, Rhys gave in.
“It’s the Crimson Raiders, for god’s sake!” he yelled and landed his fist heavily on the table. He then took a deep breath to calm down and added, “He works for the Crimson Raiders. I just didn’t want to tell you.”
“O-oh. O-o-o-oh, I see how it is. He’s with team idiots now, isn’t he? Well, good to know. Now we’ve proven that all your friends are either stupid or nonexistent. Great.”
Rhys’s left eye was glowing as he was interfacing with the devices in his office. He took a sip of his coffee, scrolled down the list of new casualties reports and tried not to take what he had heard close to his heart.
“Now that I got my daily dose of humiliating you, let’s talk business,” said Jack and laced his fingers together as if he had a very profitable offer for his interlocutor. “I think we can squeeze something out of this Katamaga,” he began, and Rhys immediately exerted himself. He did not like the sound of that. “I think there’s more to him than you see. He doesn’t just want Atlas, you see, he very obviously wants you to work with him. What a fool! That’s a perfect opportunity for us to rob him of everything he has, including his pathetic corporation. I mean, I never liked Maliwan, but if it’s a gift horse… Who am I not to take it on your behalf, right?”
“I appreciate the thought you put into it, but I already have another plan, and it definitely isn’t allying with Katagawa Jr. He’s an obsessed psychopath and I don’t want anything to do with him,” replied Rhys confidently. He shivered even at the possibility of having another Jack-like associate.
“Enlighten me then. What genius idea has your corporate mind produced?”
“First, you have to promise not to yell at me. My head aches and I won’t endure any more than you already being here and talking to me,” said Rhys patiently, already predicting Jack’s reaction to what he intended to share. There was no way to keep it a secret, so he wanted to at least soften the blow.
“Yeah, whatever,” said Jack and yawned.
Rhys braced himself. Discussing this would surely be no easy matter.
“I want to make a deal with Lilith. She helps me defeat maliwans, and I give her something she wants in return.”
There was silence. Then there was a snarl and a nondescript squeal.
“WHAT. THE FUCK. ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! MM, RHYSIE, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?” Jack appeared standing on Rhys’s table right before him. The sight made Rhys spit out a bunch of his coffee. “You’re joking, right?” Jack squatted down to see Rhys’s face when he spoke. “Out of a-a-all people in these 6 goddamn galaxies you choose her? I see you’ve been a very bad boy in daddy’s absence, completely out of your mind!”
Rhys raised his index finger and burbled, “You told me you won’t yell. I specifically asked you not to yell, Jack.”
“What am I supposed to do then, huh?!” Jack disappeared and in the next second was already standing at the window with his arms crossed, thoughtfully observing the Atlas soldiers running around outside. “I thought you can’t disappoint me more than you already have, but it seems like you always manage to conquer new heights.”
“Look, there’s really no point in talking about this. I’m my own boss now and this is my decision. I was the one to rebuild Atlas from ruins, so I’m sure I’ll be able to take care of it. Please, Jack, I’m tired and sick and I don’t want all this.” Rhys sighed wearily and rubbed a coffee stain on the table with the sleeve of his bathrobe.
“Okay. Okay-okay-okay-okay, hear me out. Just this one time, just once, let me tell you something.” Jack turned to Rhys and Rhys gave him a little nod after considering for a few seconds. It’s not like he really had a choice, he just liked to think he had a firm grip on the situation. “Tell me, do you remember Lilith doing something, anything for the sake of somebody else?”
“Um, yeah, she killed you, actually,” replied Rhys confidently.
“No-no-no, honey, she didn’t do it for somebody, she just wanted to have her revenge on me,” said Jack, stressing what he viewed as essential pieces of information to make sure Rhys REALLY got what he wanted to say. Were he not a hologram, he would probably be shaking with rage as he did it. “She wanted to destroy me, because I destroyed her boyfriend who just wouldn’t let me wipe those bandit asses, which, by the way, included his, off my planet. She couldn’t care less about all those people that died, about Crimson Raiders, about her other “friends”. She is a murderer, just like you, me, like any other person on that goddamn planet. The only difference is that she, unlike us, didn’t have ANY good will.”
Jack’s intense stare made Rhys turn away. AI’s words made him consider what he knew of Lilith, but he felt almost wrong when doing so. He shook his head, trying to scare the thoughts away.
“You just hate her, that’s all. She may not be the best option, but when choosing between her and Maliwan, I believe, the choice is obvious.
“Is it? Is it, though?” asked Jack furiously with his eyes almost bulging out. “Let me tell you one thing. Two things, actually. Despite how surprising it might sound to you, I’m actually happy that she killed me. You know why? Of course, you don’t, otherwise we wouldn’t have this conversation now, dummy. So, I’ll be kind enough to explain. Even after her betrayal, I didn’t finish her off, which means I am better than her. “What is the second thing, Jack?” you might ask. Well, here goes: she is a stinking bandit. A bandit, and the only thing you should do with bandits is kill them, but I’m sure this much you should know by now.” After finishing his rant, Jack exhaled loudly and adjusted his unmoving hair with a swift motion of his hand. To top his speech off, he asked, “Still better than Katagawa?”
Rhys, however, still remained unimpressed.
“Jack, he killed his entire family to become the CEO of Maliwan. I imagine you would think it’s a reasonable thing to do when you want to run the corporation so bad, but I’m sure you know I disagree with that.”
“And what do YOU know about his family?” asked Jack, clearly upset by the lack of expected reaction. “Do you even know anything about the way he runs Maliwan? The only thing I know is that now they are more successful than ever (even though I hate to say it). Use your brains, kid, and you’ll go further than you could’ve hoped. One of these two alliances will bestow endless opportunities upon you while the other one will almost certainly get you stabbed in the back.”
“I hear you. I hear you and I disagree. I’m sorry, Jack,” said Rhys and shook his head apologetically. He was already imagining what would such a start of his day lead to.
“Oh my god, how can you not see that you have more in common with him than a skag and a grinder! He sees something in you, and that something makes him crave for your favor with such persistence. Just imagine how much you can squeeze out of him if you give him the tiniest thing in return. It’s simply a gold mine!”
“He wants us to merge, that’s enough of a reason for me to refuse him,” said Rhys with utter disgust.  
“So what? Don’t worry about that, cupcake, you’ve got me, and I’m here to help. Who says we’re gonna merge?” Noticing how Rhys was shaking his head again, Jack leaned closer, trying to make the atmosphere more… companionable, and continued in a calmer voice.  “Believe me, I know that Atlas is your child and you would never sacrifice it. We’re gonna… adjust the conditions a little, little tiny bit. No merge, only the alliance. How does that sound?”
Rhys thought that Jack was once again confirming what a masterful negotiator he was. No matter what objections Rhys had, he always did his homework and learned his weaknesses. The long-forgotten feeling of a threat sitting right at his side returned to Rhys as he caught himself thinking over the possibility of allying with Maliwan. Don’t budge, Rhys, don’t let him see that you have second thoughts, he’ll eat you alive.
“Completely unachievable,” he was only able to utter.
“Come on, stop screwing around, will you? You’re wasting time with your fidelity to stupid principles. Have I ever given you any bad advice?”
Rhys chose not to say anything. It was as good an answer as any other. The leftover coffee in his mug already went cold and he frowned in disgust when sipping on it.
“Okay then, I’m beginning to grow real tired of this, so you better listen here, you little dipshit, and listen carefully…” Jack’s tone was once again peremptory and his eyes were drilling into Rhys’s soul. “I’m tryna help here, so stop pretending you’re a princess who lives in a tower filled with her little cute ponies and chooses to believe there’s no filth around her. Just do what I say and you’ll be on your road trip to success. And you’ll thank me later, believe me. If you choose not to do this, however, I’ll follow you around all the time, saying what a sore loser you are. All day, all night, Rhysie. You know me, I’m restless, and I can come up with millions of ways to make you hate your life. You won’t sleep, you won’t talk to anybody, you won’t eat your fucking lunch without me standing one centimeter away from your ear, whispering how much you suck. Now let that sink in. Once it has, give me your final answer.”
Jack’s eyes were glowing. His whole body was glowing because he was a hologram, that’s just what holograms do. Yet even though it was his permanent state, an unchangeable condition, his eyes looked different.
He really is serious, thought Rhys to himself. Well then, guess I’m going to die of starvation, sleep deprivation, and lack of human contact.
“Fuck you, Jack. Fuck. You.”
“Is that a yes?”
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mnthpprt · 4 years
Chapter 45: Skeletons In The Garden
It has been almost a week since I decided to give William a chance. More than that, I decided to earn his trust, no matter what it took. I think I am succeeding so far, but there is a price I have to pay. With every day we spend together in town, with every night we join our bodies into one, we become closer. Just as I have gained his trust, he is beginning to gain mine. I have to constantly remind myself why I came here, but then he looks at me with that smile, that light in his eyes... It takes all my effort not forget the reason I agreed to be with him in the first place.
I sleepily stumble around the kitchen in search of the jar of ground coffee, wearing nothing but William’s dressing gown. I borrowed it again last night to head back to my bedroom and fell asleep in it. Though the sleeves are way too long for me, the fabric is luxurious and soft, and I have taken up the habit of stealing it after our nightly activities.
A few minutes ago, William woke me up without bothering to knock on my door.  He said we were going somewhere, but did not explain any further. I was too tired to ask. Though it is not that early, I have been having more trouble sleeping than usual, and I have the feeling it has nothing to do with my new vampiric condition. Fuck, this man drives me insane in every way possible: I either want to kiss him, break his nose, or both. That last one gets very confusing, and usually ends up involving lots of bites from me, out of anger, and from him, in retaliation. 
I pour a cup for him before taking my coffee up to my bedroom. I stare at my clothes, which are laid out on the bed, as I drink it. I have been putting off returning to the mansion for my stuff, but I do need more dresses. I would also like to resume my research, so I’ll have to borrow some books for that.
When I return downstairs, empty cup in hand and hair loosely braided, William is waiting for me on the sofa. He offers me a bottle of rouge, and I pet Puck as I take it.
“Today is the troupe’s day off,” I observe.
“I know,” he simply replies. Where is he taking me? As if he could read my mind, he smiles and sips his rouge before explaining. “Dost thou remember how I wanted thee to meet someone?”
I nod, but narrow my eyes as the implication sinks in. Either he really trusts me enough to introduce me to his deranged accomplice, or this is his way to get rid of me once and for all. Sure, he has been nothing but charming and sweet since I moved into his house, but this is William. If there is a God, even He doesn’t know what he’s plotting.
An hour later, our carriage pulls up next to an old church. From the outside, I see no signs of it being used. It looks rather abandoned. However, as we approach the entrance, I catch the scent of burning candles, meaning there must be people inside. What is this place?
The wooden door creaks loudly when William pushes it open, just enough for us to pass through. Once inside, he closes it behind us.
“Please lock that, will you?” a man’s voice chimes from the altar. I cannot see him, but I hear glass tinkering behind the decorative screen in the back.
“Do not worry, we shall be quick,” William says, but obliges anyway. Great, now I am trapped here with a stranger who might have killed me.
He takes my hand and guides me down the nave. Our steps echo ominously under the high stone arches, and I have to take a deep breath to relax. Do not show them you are nervous, Anaïs, for they might take it the wrong way. For God’s sake, act normal.
We walk past the altar and into the ambulatory, where the stranger in question seems to have set up a lab of sorts, packed with all kinds of flasks, beakers, and, uh... medical equipment. Creepy. He is slightly taller than William, slender and dressed in clothing as black as his hair, and wears glasses with a chain around his neck.
“What do we have here?” he asks with a malicious grin that gives me shivers. He has a mild German accent. “Is this the neophyte you mentioned? She would make a fine guinea pig...”
“No, thank you.” He raises an eyebrow at my quick reply, while William chuckles and wraps his arm around my waist.
“My nightshade, this is Johann Georg Faust. Johann, meet Anaïs.”
“Faust like the legend?”
“The very same,” William smiles.
“Oh. Nice to meet you, I guess. So, um... What are you doing there?” I ask, pointing at the collection of scribbled on papers and lab equipment.
“Nothing you need to concern yourself with, fräulein Anaïs. I am sure you would find my experiments rather tedious...”
I ignore the condescending tone of his answer. A sculpture behind him has caught my eye. Faust interrupts his deceivingly polite excuse when I march past him to approach it.
“Oh, hell no,” I mumble. “María, cariño, ¿qué te han hecho? (Mary, honey, what have they done to you?)”
 I reach up to touch the Virgin’s gilded coat and, sure enough, the gold leaf crumbles in my fingers, leaving behind a glittery mess. I turn to the bespectacled man, only for my look of indignation to be met with his, equal parts intrigued and offended.
“She’s falling apart! See?” I show the golden dust on my palm to the two men. “I need to fix this before it gets-” Oh no he didn’t. Right beside Faust, on his work table, I see a clean rag neatly folded beside a bottle of clear liquid. ‘Carbolic acid’, the label reads. I bring the cloth to my nose and immediately put two and two together. “You wiped it with phenol?!” I exclaim, incredulous, as I furiously wave the rag around. “I don’t know why you needed to disinfect poor Mary over here in the first place, but for fuck’s sake, don’t do it again. God, no wonder everyone hates this stupid century, y’all discover something and decide to use it for everything without ever thinking about what it might do.”
“Everyone?” William asks, confused.
“This century?” Faust says almost at the same time.
“In my line of work, I mean,” I explain, completely ignoring the second question. I am not sure how safe it would be for me to mention that I come from the future. “Seriously, the amount of damage I’ve had to undo is insane. Why you people use so many questionable compounds is beyond me. Can I borrow a scalpel?”
“You came through the door,” Faust states. Shit, I guess he knows about it.
“Yes, I’m from the future,” I sigh, before grabbing a scalpel myself, not bothering to wait for permission.
I return my focus to the sculpture and carefully examine it. The state it is in is poorer than I had previously noticed. Judging by the proportions, it looks gothic. That makes it around 300 years old at least. Though the passage of time has obviously taken its toll, I have no doubt that its degradation has been made worse by well-meaning yet ignorant attempts at preserving it. Or, in Faust’s case, by his attempt to prep the area for whatever freaky surgical shit he has going on here. I must admit, the fact that he allegedly sold his soul to the devil for knowledge does not exactly reassure me about his intentions.
“The year 2020, to be exact,” I continue as I awkwardly manoeuvre around the sculpture to scrape some paint and gesso off the back in order to check the state of the wood underneath. “I’m guessing you’re not a pureblood... Do you know how to use a shotgun, by any chance?” I ask casually without looking up from my delicate task.
“Is this about Salieri?” Judging by Faust’s tone, I can tell he is rolling his eyes. “That would be Charles,” he sighs. Whoever this Charles is, Faust sounds like a bored babysitter. He has no interest in the conversation whatsoever. “May I have my scalpel back? You’re going to blunt it.”
“I’m almost done.” I manage to cut a cross section just in time to see him approach and forcibly take the sharp object from my hand. I then make my way back to the work table and search for what I need, carefully holding the thin slice of wood and gesso between my fingers. “Do you have a... What are they called, those round looky things with the handle?”
“Magnifying glass,” William aids.
“Yeah, that. Actually,” I change my mind when I see a pile of neatly stacked glass slides, “I’m gonna take one of these. I forgot that microscopes already exist. Where is yours, anyway?”
“Safely locked away,” the alchemist deadpans. Oh well, it looks like I’ll have to save my sample for later, then.
William takes my hand and gently ushers me away from the improvised lab, I assume to stop me from annoying its owner any further. Though he acts polite, I can tell it is nothing more than a weak façade that could drop any second.
“My dearest,” he says, “we should move on to the reason of our visit?”
“Vlad, was it?” I nod. He merely mentioned the name in passing days ago, but I have hung onto that minuscule snippet of information like my life depends on it. It might.
He leads me to a discrete door nestled in the corner of the transept to our left. Before we can reach it, however, Faust calls out from behind the altar.
“I look forward to studying you, fräulein.”
“Well, I do not!” I sing in response. He lets out an unnerving chuckle that I decide to ignore.
I follow William through the door and up a dark staircase. As we walk along the hallway, I get the feeling that he does not know exactly where he is leading me, either. Still, he finds the person he was looking for inside a small room. It looks like it had been used for storage in the past, but now is completely empty save for a desk and a few chairs. The white haired man sitting on one of them looks up when we enter through the already open door. This must be him. The pureblood that is going after the residents.
He is strikingly beautiful, despite the unnervingly red shade of his eyes. Dressed in expensive clothes, he moves elegantly to greet me. I instinctively do the polite thing and offer my hand for him to hold.
“Anaïs Bertran, I presume?” His voice is slightly breathy, and as delicately controlled as his poise. “You are as beautiful as a rose.”
I do not dare to complain out loud, but I give William an exasperated look, causing him to laugh. I smack his arm.
“Stop being a dickhead,” I scold him, even though I have to hold back a smile.
“Ah, I see you have thorns as well,” the other man chuckles. “It is rare for such a pretty flower to be so foul mouthed. I must confess I appreciate it, it adds character. Was that some kind of joke between you two?”
“I guess you could call it that,” I sigh. “I just think there are more interesting flowers to be compared to.”
“Such as?” he prompts.
“I don’t know, lisianthus, dahlias... Sunflowers are pretty nifty, and I’ve always liked orchids. People tend to think they’re really hard to grow, for some reason, but they just need a bit of attention and the right amount of light. Chrysanthemums are also really cool...” I ramble.
“Those are an old favorite of mine, but not as much as roses, I’m afraid. Do you enjoy gardening?”
“Is it that obvious?” I chuckle, embarrassed. “But yeah, I worked as a florist for a few years.”
“Oh?” he smiles. “I own a flower shop in town. I sense we are going to get along well, Anaïs. Oh my, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself. You may call me Vlad.”
“Well, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” I politely say before tilting my head. “I have to say, I find it a bit strange to be here, speaking to you. I mean, you sent a sniper after Salieri to stop him from revealing your identity, yet here we are, being formally introduced,” I remark.
“Yes, I am well aware of the incident that took place. Quite a fortunate outcome you got, don’t you think?”
“If by fortunate you mean bleeding out in a sewer, then sure, but I beg to differ.” A cold smile accompanies my response. Not only did dying obliterate any semblance of a schedule I had, it also caused me to be turned into... this. I have nothing against vampires, but I’d rather not go through the pain of being a neophyte, or whatever these people call it. 
“Pardon my crudeness, but isn’t that what happens when you jump in front of a bullet that is not meant for you?” Vlad quips.
“Yeah... That is the stupidest thing I have ever done, can’t argue with that logic,” I mutter, resigned. “By the way, if you’re gonna play with gunpowder inside a tunnel, I’d recommend finding another one that isn’t full of highly flammable methane gas. Just a tip,” I wink.
Our tense exchange is interrupted by a knock on the door frame. Under it stands another man with a boyish smile and shaggy hair.
“I bought those strawberries you- Oh.” He pauses when he sees me, his eyes growing wide in recognition. “Hello there.”
“Are you Charles?” I innocently ask, approaching him. When he nods, I smirk. 
There is no warning when I grab his jacket and shoot my knee into his groin at full force. I hear William’s incredulous snort behind me, along with a muffled chuckle belonging to Vlad.
“Argh, putain!” Charles groans, folding over in pain. I observe him as I wait for him to recover. “Why?” he cries from the floor. I simply pull my dress down to reveal the scar on my cleavage. His mouth opens and closes quickly, not knowing what to say.
“Sorry, just had to get that out of my system,” I explain with no trace in my voice of the violence I just displayed. “I’m Anaïs,” I smile, offering my hand. He takes it, and I pull him to his feet. The boyish grin returns to his face as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck.
“I am so sorry about shooting you, it was an accident. You jumped out of nowhere! I didn’t even want to in the first place, but- Ehem, sorry.”
I follow his gaze when he suddenly interrupts himself with a fake cough. Vlad’s eyes are slightly narrowed in what I can only assume is a look of warning. Okay, something’s going on. Well, yet another thing, on top of the long list of unexplained actions from this strange group of people.
“Don’t worry about it,” I say before the silence becomes awkward, “we’re even now.” I turn to the pureblood and look at him inquisitively. “Anyway, I have a lot of questions. I don’t want to judge until I know exactly what your intentions are for doing whatever it is you’re doing. I have to admit I am finding it hard to keep my emotions under control, so we better get on with it, yeah?”
I do not need to justify my volatile state. Vlad knows perfectly well that he was the one to cause it.
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judesstfrancis · 4 years
Hope you don’t mind me asking but you are well versed in horror films. What would you recommend as a good place to start for someone who is not comfortable with demons or jumpscares? (Ghosts are fine but there’s something about demons that really unsettle me for some reason) thanks!!!
I don’t mind at all!! honestly I love answering questions like these, I grew up with horror so I love helping other people figure out what they might like.
before I start, I do wanna note that jumpscares have a very broad, kinda vague definition. it really all depends on your personal sensitivity! so while some of these movies have scenes that are technically labeled as jumpscares, they may not actually read like that onscreen. a good resource I think is wheresthejump.com, and I’ll be providing links for each movie that has a profile on the website. regardless, I’ll make sure to only rec movies that I don’t consider to have blatant jumpscares and that only have minor jumpscare ratings on the site. and bc I’ll be linking you to the profiles directly, you’ll be able to decide for yourself if it’s something you want to actually consume. the profiles will both describe what the jumpscares are, how major or minor they are, and the exact time stamps they occur at. if the movie doesn’t have a profile on the website, u should ostensibly be safe!
here we go!
my personal first introduction to horror was the lost boys (1987) and I cannot recommend it enough. really classic 80s horror, vampires, extremely Gender and extremely Homosexual Subtext. a young boy and his family move to santa carla and his older brother accidentally gets turned into a vampire bc he’s trying to impress the local hot boys! he’s technically trying to impress literally the only woman his age in the movie, but look. the vampire men look Like That, he was trying to impress the local hot boys. (no profile on wheresthejump)
I also have to rec scream (1996) bc it is my absolute favorite horror film. this movie is like a really classic teen slasher but, and I’m sure u already know what I’m about to say if you’ve followed this blog for more than 24 hours, it is full of incredible twists. absolutely deconstructed the entire slasher subgenre and is the reason the Film Nerd Who Knows Everything About Horror trope was popularized. it absolutely does not take itself seriously and there’s a lot of outside references to other horror projects the director was involved in and honestly that’s what makes it genius. it thinks its a joke! it treats itself like a joke, but it’s not. also sidney prescott is like THE horror franchise frontwoman, thank u miss neve campbell (wheresthejump profile)
okay other recs that I’m hopefully gonna not talk as long about since I’m trying not to make this Super Long:
us (2019) everything jordan peele has ever done, horror wise, is a masterpiece. the man simply knows what he’s doing. this one has a family vacation gone wrong, dopplegangers, and an overall amazing narrative. (wheresthejump profile)
van helsing (2004) this may perhaps be way too cheesy to label as a horror movie but look I love it and it’s been a favorite of mine for a very long time so I’m including it. hugh jackman plays van helsing! real fun vampire hunting. (wheresthejump profile)
when a stranger calls (1979) the call is coming from inside the house! your classic babysitter horror but like. it was the Blueprint for classic babysitter horror, u know? absolutely amazing, one of my favorites. (wheresthejump profile)
the raven (2012) one of my favorite movies, even outside of horror! it’s actually labeled as a crime mystery/thriller but we all know how I feel about thrillers being horror. also it’s a serial killer so like. horror film. anyway it’s based on edgar allan poe and he has to help solve murders based on his own stories! really neat premise! (no profile on wheresthejump)
coraline (2009) technically marketed as a fantasy kid’s film but look shit is SCARY. I watched it for the first time when I was 18 and I was spooked. really cool kinda adventure-y thing where she finds a portal to an alternate universe and hangs out with her Other Family and has fun initially but then things get Weird. (no profile on wheresthejump)
don’t look under the bed (1999) this shit was apparently so scary that disney had to take it off the air for a Very Long Time after it was first released on the channel. what happens when u forget your imaginary friends? apparently boogeymen! one of my absolute favorite movies in the entire world, I was always so excited when it actually was on tv (no profile on wheresthejump)
lady in white (1988) ghosts! this one’s just really neat. narrated story about a little boy in the 60s who sees a murder and gets haunted afterwards. but like in a cool way!! he helps the ghosts it's neat (no profile on wheresthejump) (no demons)
the frighteners (1996) another favorite of mine that I just love to death. this one’s part comedy! michael j fox gets into a car accident that kills his wife and can talk to spirits after that so he makes friends with them to stage hauntings and scam people out of money by pretending to get rid of them. things get wild tho when he finds an evil ghost pretending to be the grim reaper that is actually the ghost of a serial killer from however long ago and is now marking victims to kill them later. (no profile on wheresthejump) (evil spirits but no demons, it is very clear that he is just a regular, human serial murderer turned ghost)
hope this was helpful! I tried to give a good little sample mix of some of my favorites that weren’t Too Gross and didn’t rely on just blaring loud music and shoving a scary picture in your face for no reason. overall I’d say probably creature features and slashers might be your best bet for avoiding jumpscares and demonic narratives? older movies as well will rely on jumpscares less so that’s something to keep in mind. if you’re ever unsure, make sure to use wheresthejump.com for descriptions/time stamps/ratings of jumpscares and check out doesthedogdie.com as well! doesthedogdie originated to warn about animal death in horror, but it has a wide array of phobias and potential triggers that it tracks too, so it’s good for a number of things.
also delving into horror that’s marketed for kids slaps. there’s a lot less possibility that it’s gonna be gross just for the sake of it and those usually don’t have jumpscares. they’re also a lot more creative! it’s why I added coraline and don’t look under the bed to the list, I truly just think horror that’s marketed for children is amazing bc it doesn’t have the ability to rely on tired, cheap gimmicks to get their scares. I hope this doesn’t come off as me being like patronizing or anything bc I truly am being genuine, like as a fan of the genre I just love children’s horror. I recommend that everyone checks it out bc it is absolutely unparalleled, so like definitely delve into that a little, too.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
“Like ships in the night, you keep passing me by”
Do you own a black leather jacket? A pleather one, yes. Something badass about wearing one haha.
Do you find musicians or athletes more attractive? I’ve been attracted to more musicians, but that’s cause I’m more familiar with them. I don’t see a lot of athletes as someone who doesn’t watch or care at all about sports. Although, guys in baseball uniforms are nice. haha. Oh, back when I was like 13 or 14 I remember thinking Andy Roddick, a tennis player, was hot. I saw his photo in a magazine. Are you better at spelling or writing? I think both. How many siblings do you have? Two. If you could have an ice cream sundae right now, would you? No.
Do you use emoji's? Yeah. I don’t go crazy, but I like to use them as I see fit. When was the last time you lost a tooth? I broke a tooth like 10 years ago and had to get it pulled. You ask this question like it’s the norm to loose a tooth when I’m pretty sure the people who take surveys are past the ages where you lose your teeth.  Do you like bendy or regular straws better? I like to use coffee stirrer straws cause the holes are small. If someone signed you up for karate lessons, would you take them? Uh, no. What's your favorite song? I have numerous favorite songs.
Click shuffle on any music device. What's the 12th song that comes up? Nah. What's your most used website? Tumblr and YouTube. Do you come on this website as much as you used to when you first found it? Not as much, no. I used to spend like all day on Tumblr back in the day. Now I typically just get on at night as part of my nighttime routine of Tumblr and surveys. That’s also when I watch the most YouTube cause I like to listen to ASMR at night. I feel like I probably go on YouTube more now than before or perhaps it’s about the same. Do you drink hot tea? Once in awhile. It’s usually when I’m feeling really anxious or really sick.
“& it’s too cold outside for angels to fly”
Is there anyone you want to see in concert really bad? I’m sad I never got to see Linkin Park. I don’t know if they’ll decide tour now, but it wouldn’t be the same without Chester. :( Do you like Abercombie? Nah. Do you still take a survey even if they don't capitalize letters? Yeah. Does your computer have word correct on it? It’ll do the red squiggly line if something is misspelled or it doesn’t recognize the word and if I hit control and click on the word it’ll offer a suggestion if it’s a recognized word. What's one of your wishes for 2013? Well, we’re towards the end of 2020 now and I just pray we’re able to get through the rest of the year without anything else crazy coming at us. Do you fight with your mom often? No, my mom is my best friend she and I very close. We just bicker sometimes. Would you rather have your son have the name Daniel as first or middle name? Sounds more like a first name to me, but meh I don’t really care for the name at all. I don’t even want to have children so it doesn’t matter lol but if I did I’d go with another name. Have you ever made up a food combo & everyone tired it & loved it? Pizza rolls and mustard. What was the last movie you watched? Would you recomend it to people? Bringing Down the House the other day cause I happened to catch it on TV. It came out in like 2003 so it’s not new, but I’ve always liked it. I think it’s funny. What is one word you cannot seem to spell? Every time this question comes up I always say “onomatopoeia” for some reason and damnit I have yet to spell it right without having to look it up. I don’t know what it is about that stupid word that I just can’t seem to remember lol. It’s a word I never use unless this question comes up, so I guess maybe that’s why, but still. I should be able to spell it. Were you born on an odd or even number? Even. Do you like Ed Sheeran? I like several of his songs. When you type, what hand & finger do you use to hit the space bar? I use my right index finger. I don’t type the proper way, I use my index fingers lol. I type really fast that way, too. Do you like to take pictures of you in the mirror? Only if I want to show the shirt or outfit I’m wearing.
“you are the best thing that’s ever been mine”
Have you read the book Lord of the Flies? Yeah, it was required in my 10th grade English class. Would you rather type or hand write notes? My handwriting is trash, but I feel like handwritten notes are nice. Do you like the number seven? I don’t have anything against it. Do you believe that when you go to heaven, you become an angel? No. I believe in angels, but not that we become one. Angels are another of God’s creations. They’re ministering spirits. They’re their own thing and humans are another. How much money do you plan on spending tomorrow? I don’t plan on spending any money tomorrow. Are you good at writing poems? No. I dabbled a bit with it when I was like 16 and angsty, but they’re so cringe. I still have the journal stored away with them and I’ve gone back to read them as an adult and yikes. Do you come on here daily? For the most part, unless I’m really not feeling well. What's one thing you wish you were perfect at? No one is perfect, but it’d be nice to be a functioning adult.  Can you play the saxophone? Nope. Does it bother you when people breathe loud? I will say I feel uncomfortable when someone has a breathing problem because it makes me hyper focused on my own breathing and I end up feeling like I can’t breathe.  Are you going to any concerts in 2013? Can you believe it's going to be 2013? I didn’t. The last concert I went to was back in 2009. Were you in love with the movie Mary Poppins? Not in love with it, but I like it. Do you like breadsticks? Yes. Have you ever been on a mountain? Yeah, I took a gondola ride up to one. If you had to get rid of one of your sense, which one and why? I’d really rather not.
“the first cut is the deepest”
Can you swim? Nope. Do you usually wear shorts around your house all year long? No, I wear leggings all year long. Do you remember Sesame Street? Of course. It’s also still very much a thing. Do you believe every word that comes out of peoples mouths? Of course not. You have to take some things with a grain of salt or healthy dose of skepticism. You gotta gauge what is being said and who is saying it, too, and make the judgment. That doesn’t mean I don’t trust my loved ones or that I think everyone is a liar or something, but people can give misinformation unknowingly, so it’s not always being done intentionally. It’s just not a good idea to believe every single word that comes out of people’s mouths. Do you like the questions that really make you think? Depends on my mood.  What are you asking for for Christmas? Just a few little things. What time do you plan on going to bed on Tuesday? I don’t have a set bedtime for any given day, I go to bed whenever.  I’ve talked a lot about my messed up sleep schedule in surveys. It’s certainly not planned. How many of your friends are online right now on here? I have no idea who’s currently on. I’m kind of the night owl of the survey community who’s up doing surveys while everyone is asleep like normal people. When they’re getting up in the morning, I’m going to bed, ha. :X Do you know what Je means in French? I do, actually. How often do you write in red pen? I don’t recall the last time I used a red pen. Do you cut your own hair? No. I used to trim my own bangs back when I had ‘em, though. Do you have any pictures in your room from concerts? No. Would you ever name your son Harry? Again, I don’t want to have children, but Harry is another name I don’t particularly care for. Have you ever had your nails done in french tips? Yeah, the one and only time I got my nails done, which was for my 8th grade promotion. Is it harder for you to type on a keyboard that isn't yours & not used to? Yes, for sure. I also don’t type as fast on my phone than I do on my laptop. 
“I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller”
What shoe do you take off first? Hm. I think my right. What do you think a good teen couple name would be for a story? Uh I don’t know? If you were coming to the states from another country, where first? I’m from the states. Would you pay $82 for facial products? No. Do you get a lot of compliments often? Nope. It’s rare. Was Mean Girls one of the best movies in your opinion? I wouldn’t say it was the best movie, but it’s a favorite of mine. It’s just a classic, ya know? One of those nostalgic movies with a lot of memorable quotes.  If it was Sat, 2 in the afternoon, what would we find you to be doing? I’d most likely be asleep. Do any of your best friends have red hair? No. Would you like to be on the cover of Seventeen magazine? No. Or any magazine. Would you rather go to an Adele or Bruno Mars concert? I mean, I like songs from both so I wouldn’t be opposed to either one. Would you like to live in Sweden? No, but I’d love to visit. Are you concerned about your weight? Yes. I’m too underweight.   Do you know anyone who has the middle name Sebastian? I don’t think so. Do you remember where you got your first kiss at? Of course. Did you ever watch the show 8 Simple Rules? I watched it here and there cause it was part of the TGIF lineup that had other shows I liked.
“I hope you’re in the mood, because this is going to be a long ride”
Does your computer need to be cleaned? Underneath the keys badly need to be cleaned. Would you ever name your child Sushine, Raine, River etc? I kinda like Raine. Is it any of your friend's birthday today? No friends.  When is the person you like birthday? I don’t like anyone in the romantic sense. Do you like yogurt? Nah. When you type, do you ever mix letters around by accident? (EX: ot - to) Yes. Do you like butterflies? No. I’m afraid of ALL bugs/insects, even the ones people think are cute like butterflies and ladybugs. Nopeee. Do you consider the tomato a fruit or vegetable? Tomatoes apparently can be referred to as either one. I always thought they were a vegetable.  Does it rain over where you live? Yes. It hasn’t rained since like March or April, though. We Californians get excited when it rains cause it doesn’t happen often lol. I hope we get some soon. It’s been cold now at least, which I love. Is there any snow on the ground? It doesn’t snow in my city. :( Do you like soup? I only like ramen. When's the last time you made cupcakes? It’s been a few years. How many lamps are in the room your currently in? My lights are off. Have you talked the person you like today? Have you ever been bullied? No.
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wolfpawn · 4 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 159
Chapter Summary - Tom and Danielle tell Luke their news before it is declared to the world.
Previous Chapter
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
Copyright for the photo is the owners, not mine. All image rights belong to their owners
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @wolfsmom1 @black-ninja-blade
Luke stretched his neck and cursed falling asleep sitting up the night before. Tabloids had caught wind of Tom being at Wimbledon and every last one to see it made note that Danielle was not there with him and assumed they had been the first to realise that she had left him or him her without any shred of proof or indication of such. It was hardly the most taxing or bothersome of stories but it covered more of the internet than Tom's recent outings so he had to keep an eye on it all the same. He found himself rolling his eyes at the analysis of some people declaring that Tom was depressed looking, or elated to be rid of Danielle, depending on their own personal thoughts of her. To be honest, Luke could never understand what would make a woman willing to endure the sheer madness of Tom's life outside of genuine love of him.
He looked at his watch and noted that Tom would be arriving at his office supposedly in the next fifteen minutes. He shook his head. Tom tried to be punctual, he really did, but he would get caught talking to someone or get overly interested in a book and genuinely be too polite to excuse himself or forget the time before being delayed and turning up late and apologising profusely. He was unsure why Tom asked to see him with no situation that he could think of to warrant an official enough meeting between them. He knew of Tom and Danielle's trip to the seaside with his family, he worried that perhaps something had gone awry there and the pair had seen fit to part ways, but his tone on the phone was pleasant, something he knew with confidence that Tom would not be inclined to be should his friend and his partner had broken up.
Only five minutes later, he received a call from his secretary informing him that his clients were waiting outside. He chuckled and he gave his assistant the go-ahead to let them in before waiting to see what it was he was dealing with, the plural giving him an indication it was not an impending breakup.
Tom and Danielle came in smiling, Tom embracing his friend and Danielle giving him a small peck on the cheek as they entered. “Hello, I was worried about this meeting at first, I see that was a terrible assumption on my behalf.” He indicated for them to sit across from him at his desk. “I assume that this is an official visit?” Tom smirked and handed a sheet of paper to his friend. Luke looked at him sceptically before taking the piece of paper and opening it. For a moment, he looked at the paper before looking up at the pair across from him. “Really?”
Tom smirk turned and lifted Danielle's hand, showing her ring to him. “Mum is having it put in tomorrow's paper because Danielle is working in London for a fortnight and she will be spotted wearing it, so we thought it best to inform you so to prepare for whatever madness arises.”
Luke reread the piece again before smiling brightly. “Well, after the claims from yesterday, this will be hilarious, congratulations to you both,” he looked at Danielle's hand. “Antique and classy, as though I could expect anything else.”
“What's this of yesterday's claims?” Tom asked worriedly.
“You, going to the tennis final by yourself is somehow a declaration that you two have gone your separate ways.” Luke informed them. “Danielle’s absence is nothing short of a formal break up announcement in their opinion.”
'Wow, this will be awkward for them,” Danielle scoffed. “Are we allowed any time apart? I dare say it is tiring being attached to one's significant other all the time. I was too busy stealing our niece for a few hours to boil myself in the unusually warm weather.”
“Yes, I cannot believe it had lasted this long.” Luke looked to the air conditioning vent in his office. “If that fails, I will be relocating to a freezer.” Tom and Danielle gave a laugh. “So, this is official? When are you thinking about a wedding? There's nothing rushing this is there?”
“No, nothing of the sort, we are talking about next summer, most likely. Nothing is planned yet, though Mum very much has plans to change that soon for fear we delay.” Tom informed him.
“Well, I appreciate the consideration. We can ensure everything is covered on this side of things,” Luke smiled before chuckling. “For a time, I genuinely never thought I'd see the day. You finding someone and settling down. Danielle, you made him see sense.”
“And this is my penance apparently,” she joked in return. “I’m sorry for the bother that this will cause you.”
Luke shook his head slightly. “Please, this is what I do as my living, I am just grateful that this is a good and pleasant situation to be overseeing as opposed to what others have to deal with. I will have this place ready for it, all I can say is like with the announcement that you two are together, there will be positive and negative reactions.”
“We know.” Tom gently rubbed Danielle's hand. “As Elle said, you will have to bear the brunt of this, so long as Elle stays offline,” he gave her a small pleading look.
“What, some people are ridiculous and hilarious?” She shrugged.
“And cruel and spiteful and some outright sick in the head,” Luke added, which Tom nodded to.
“They're the minority and the immature. People with odd notions of somehow finding Prince Charming and him ignoring obvious issues such as age, geography and other aspects and running away with them to live happily ever after into the sunset together. And I will admit, I enjoy their tantrums when I'm in the right mood.”
Tom shook his head and sighed. “You are mad.”
“You knew this anyway.” She laughed with a slight shrug as they all rose from their chairs.
“Elle, I need to speak to Tom for a moment, if that's alright?” Luke requested.
Danielle did not even blink before smiling brightly. “Of course.” She stepped out of the room and went to sit on one of the comfortable chairs outside Luke's office.
“A little warning?” Luke chuckled. “I know you said soon but you never mentioned it being this swift.”
“The last time I tried to plan around her, she overheard part of the conversation and thought there was something to worry about. I hadn't a time and place planned, I just went with what felt right and thankfully, she said yes.”
“Against her better judgement, no doubt.” Luke joked. “I am thrilled for you, Tom, I really am. How was your family's reaction?”
“You need to ask?” Tom beamed. “Mum is anxious to start planning.”
“So, it really is going to be a long engagement, as they do?”
“I don't think you could force her forward. Apparently, her cousin is getting married in the Spring of next year, which is already being noted as being too soon and to go ahead of that is a social faux-pas like nothing before by Irish standards.”
“I'll take your word for it. But being honest Tom, I am not sure Elle should allow herself read what some people are going to say, this will get a vitriolic reaction from some, in the same way Ben Cumberbatch and his wife suffered. I am not joking when I say that there may be reason to alert the authorities should they threaten her physically.”
Tom's eyes widened slightly. “They are just vocal online because of anonymity, they surely wouldn't….”
“They don't tend to, no but considering the abuse I physically witnessed her receive the time it was revealed she and Emma were friends before you began seeing one another, people seem to forget that they cannot say and do what they like without consequence. You too have noted how things have changed, Elle's safety from fanatics, and indeed yours is paramount. I think some may not take this well and get angered at you also.”
Tom studied Luke's expression. “What do you not tell me about what you see online with regards me and Elle?”
“You would lose sleep if I told you everything,” Luke confessed. “But with even YouTube stars being shot dead by supposed fans these days, no PR person can take any threat too lightly.”
“Alright, we'll be smart,” Tom swore, not certain as to whether or not he would say too much to Danielle for fear of scaring her when it was more than likely not necessary.
Luke made towards the door and opened it. When they stepped out, Danielle was looking astutely at her phone. She did not notice the two men standing beside her as she focused on the work plan in front of her.
“More changes?” Tom asked, knowing that she had been given two altered sets already.
She looked up at them and put her phone on standby. “No, just studying the street plan to see where are dangerous positions for large machinery.” She explained as she sighed. “I really should do more on my laptop or invest in a tablet, I am going bleary-eyed from looking at a small screen.”
“Business expenses, it's a great excuse,” Luke suggested with a grin. “I will alert everyone here to the imminent news so don't worry about that. You two have a pleasant day before your faces hit every celebrity news site and no doubt a tonne of papers and don't allow it to bother you.” He shook Tom's hand but Tom pulled him in for a hug. “You did better than you should have.” Luke jested.
“There's no need to tell me I am punching above my weight.” Tom acknowledged.
“Elle, congratulations, or commiserations, I'm not sure which is more suitable, it's debatable.” He moved forward and embraced her.
Danielle laughed at his words. “Well, you've had to endure him for enough of a period of time to know the truth in that.” She gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for this and I really am sorry for any bother this creates for you.”
“If I did not wish to deal with public relations, I think it is safe to say I am in the wrong job.” He laughed as they walked to the office door. “I will be contactable if either or both of you want me and of course, I will be keeping you both posted on everything here.” After giving their thanks, Tom and Danielle left. Luke smiled at his friend's news and happiness as they did so before looking to the piece of paper in his hand and turning to his secretary. “Could you call everyone to my office please?” He requested, causing his secretary to go and do as requested. “We're in for a busy day tomorrow.”
The engagement is announced between Tom, only son of Dr James Hiddleston, of Oxford and Mrs Diana Hiddleston, of Aldeburgh and Danielle, the only child of the late Dr Matthew Hughes and the late Mrs Bridget Hughes, of Connemara, Co. Galway, Ireland.
The next morning, The Telegraph declared to the world in its engagement section that Tom and Elle were engaged. To them, bar the texts of congratulations from those they had not told by text themselves, nothing was any different. Tom kept Danielle offline by strategically requesting that she assist him with a long overdue clearing of his wardrobe, as it was becoming cluttered. Before he said anything, she had a black bag readied, her sleeves rolled up, and a terrifying look of determination on her face, Tom felt allowing her online would be less painful at that moment.
“I don't want to dump anything.”
“There are clothes here with holes that are not supposed to have holes,” she pointed specifically to a pair of socks that Tom was certain he wore training for the London marathon over a decade previous with large holes in any seam it had. “Do you need these?”
“No.” A moment later, they were in the bag. She then held up a t-shirt with a hole in the armpit. “No, not that,” he pleaded.
“Have you worn it in the last year?”
“I haven't worn it in over a decade.”
“Then why keep it?”
“It means a lot to me, I have a lot of fond memories in this.” He smiled at the t-shirt before taking it from her. “In RADA, I always wore this before a performance that mattered, for grades and such.” He watched as she took it from him and folded it neatly and placed it on the bed with a loving smile before holding up something else. “Don't bother dumping that, burn it,” he declared, physically wincing at the shirt she was holding up. “What the fuck was I thinking?”
Danielle assessed the shirt and shook her head. “I think it's safe to say you weren't thinking. I take it you bought this when you were shitfaced someday and thought it a good idea?”
“No.” Tom growled before looking at her sheepishly. “I was hungover and my shirt was covered in...well not pleasant things and my lift back from Cambridge was due and there was no way I would be allowed in the car otherwise and it was the best of a bad lot.” Danielle laughed. “So burn it.”
She glanced over the shirt. “It hasn't been worn since has it?”
Tom shook his head. “I'm still trying to figure out how it got here, I'm fairly sure I dumped it years ago before moving here.” He watched as Danielle placed it in a smaller empty bag she took out. “What are you doing?”
“Donating it. That could be something someone else needs.” She smiled.
Tom could only smile at her, elated at the knowledge that the world would now know she saw him as worthy of something she held in such high regard like marriage.
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