mono-dot-jpeg · 6 months
boy failures for u - i. yoichi, s. nagi, s. ryusei, b. meguru
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summary; in which some boys just love you so much, they simply can't function
genre/extra tags; scenarios, fluff, comedy, projecting my love for dog energy boys, they're so pathetic /pos, bachira is clumsy, ryusei is an embarrassingly horny dude (can confirm, he gets no bitches, absolutely ZERO play!!), nagi... is perfect as he is, yoichi,,,, is just socially awkward around people he has a crush on
[gender neutral reader]
a/n; look at me being fancy this one panel banner, slay. tbh i couldn't think of a good three photos to use for it so i tried this which is kind of nice. anyways i had a sudden thought hit me and it must be done. and what better anime to write for than the one where everyone has unexplainable gay tension between each other. i swear im as caught up as possible i think and i swear the gay tension is like,, crazy.
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isagi yoichi is endearing. he's so bad at being normal around you. his face flushed a cute red, and his words barely managing to leave his mouth as you talk to him so sweetly. he doesn't know how to handle a crush. and it's so cute to tease him because he just doesn't know how to respond properly.
the times where he does manage to gain enough confidence to talk a conversation with you, he's never taking the lead in any of them. he's talking [somewhat] normally to you, answering your questions and [attempting] to reply to your thoughts and responses. of course, just don't flirt with him too hard. there's like a 50 percent chance he will understand it or not.
he can't even admire you correctly. when he attempts to give you a compliment, he's saying all the wrong words and apologizing profusely like he offended your entire bloodline. he's so utterly enchanted by you, he wonders if you're an angel sent just for him.
"you're so nice, y/n." "huh?" "i-i mean you're really cute! wait- i didn't mean that! fuck- not that i don't think you look cute! you're really a great person, you know?! sorry! i'm just gonna go back to practice...!"
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nagi seishiro is so lazy that you can't help but watch over him. you understand why reo adores him (a little too much). he's a boy with pretty privilege and talent. he talks to you with such honesty that he unintentionally flirts with you. he doesn't know a lot of things well, but even he's had his fair share with understanding liking people (but that's only with the random dating sims he's tried).
when he manages to get on his feet, whether it's for a soccer match or you, he's stuck by you like a cute koala. he whines about everything being "too much of a hassle." but he finds himself walking around looking for you, no matter how far you are. he whines to you about how he had to get up to find you, and he's cuddling close to you. his mouth turned into his signature X shape as he pouts at you, annoyed that you just had to be away from him for more than a minute.
he tries so hard to be around you but at the cost of his laziness, he mutters to you about how much easier it would be if you just stay with him all the time like his purple-haired companion or his cactus pet. he fell for you first, but he makes it so easy for you to fall harder.
"why do you always have to do stuff?" "it's my job, sei." "you should just stay with me all the time. you take care of me so well."
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shidou ryuusei is annoyingly desperate for you. if isagi was endearing, shidou was insolent. he speaks before he thinks. he has no shame in chasing after you. it's quite a feat that you haven't even shooed him away as much as sae has. you sort of find a friend in sae because of that. he always rolls his eyes when you mention him. he wonders why you keep being around the blonde jock, and you tell him, "who doesn't love a pathetic man?"
when he talks to you, he just can't read a room with you in it. he's the type of guy to say "this shot is for you." and it hits the goal post and then to his face. of course he'd never actually miss in a real match but i can guarantee that it would happen during a practice match. he unintentionally humiliates himself every time he tries to be cool. if sae is there, it's even worse. he's trying to bump up the flirting up to a 200 and failing miserably to woo either of you.
he's like those tweets where it's like, "how did i pull them? easy. i just went, PLEASEPLEAPLSEPWPLEAPLELA-". without fail, he basically tries to re-enact that but he doesn't even pull you because you'd much rather wait for him to actually be a decent man and grow the rest of his brain. though it doesn't seem he'll learn his lesson anytime soon.
"did i ever tell you how hot you look right now?" "yes. you have. multiple times. today." "please go out with me." "no."
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bachira meguru is confusing. he's clingy, blunt, teasing, a little stupid but has the spirit, and an absolute cutie. he's passionate about what he likes. and surprise, surprise, he likes you. he's an infodumper but you don't mind at all. but sometimes those talks take a hard left into just telling you how much he likes you. you better hope you're strong because he will be jumping on you for a hug.
when he's just buzzing with excitement, he can't help but scramble by your side to cling onto you in any way that you will allow him to. he's not as boy failure as the others on this list because even when he fails to capture your heart, he's still succeeding in his book. he loves when you give him any sliver of attention. that's probably his thing as a boy failure. he is a hyper and needy dog who's too big to cuddle with but doesn't care. and you can't say no because then they just stare at you with those big eyes until you cave.
he's the type of guy to be confused when people ask if you're dating him and you say no. "what do you mean we're not dating? i thought this was the dating." he's never actually confessed, but he considers his "s-tier affection" to be confession enough. but he's kind of coward whether he realizes it or not. he's scared to actually say that he wants to be yours, but that's like an angsty story for another time, SO SHUT.
"what if we kissed? like right now?" "but we're not dating, meguru." "we're not? we should." "i'll think about it." "no think! just do!"
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Hello, first I would like to greatly apologize for any spam of likes I have sent your way because my brain decided to obsess randomly with Dp x Dc crossovers for the past few days. I'm not even into Dc comics, and I only watch Danny Phantom when I randomly it exists and the fandom pulls me back into its clutches until I'm able to finally escape only to be pulled back in a few months later. I write this to you at 1:30 am with a bag of shittily made popcorn with my cat accompanying me because my mind has decided to fall in love with Danny being taken care of by the Bat family and it's mostly you're fault. I hope you're happy. I want to kiss you so bad you have no idea. I've come up with so many scenarios and have the balls to share them with you cause I really like the way you write and since I'm not a writer I have no idea what I'm doing but here I go:
Danny and Dani are basically travelling the world, Danny would call it running from the cops but that doesn't have as nice a ring to it. (Situation can be up to you, bad reaction from parents, was framed, anything for Danny and Dani on the run with Danny having protective older brother vibes)
They end up in Gotham for a few nights to rest easily and its snowing cause I said so and theyre starving at this point. Danny's like "We need to hide and need shelter" and Dani's like "Dude look over there at that creepy mansion :D" And they have no idea that its not only very much inhabited, but a bunch of rich people live there (And the Bat family but who cares about that part)
Danny is obviously on the fence cause 1. He doesn't have a good history with rich people so why their houses and 2. They dont know whats in there what if a bunch of weirdos are staying there but they decide they're cold and need a place to rest so they fly in and luckily land in the kitchen.
The lights are off and they're to focused on finding food to notice two figures standing in the middle of the kitchen just watching them.
Dani pulls out a box of the shittiest cereal you can think that shouldn't be counted as cereal all happy "Danny, they have my favorite cereal!" And poor Danny's horrified, "Have you even ever had cereal before?"
They start rambling and then someone turns on the light its Alfred he was in the middle of boiling midnight tea for him and Tim.
And there's just 2 GLOWING awkward teens FLOATING, one's holding Bruce's 'cereal' clearly not assesing the situation and the other has a horrified expression on their face, and looks like on the verge of passing out.
Tim is way to sleep deprived thinking they're hallucinations and sits down, also on the verge of passing out, while Alfred just keeps boiling his tea.
Danny is sweating trying to figure out how hes gonna get them out if this situation and Danis just, munching on dry crappy cereal.
Albert like the God he is just fucking opens the fridge, looks Dani in the eye and asks "Would you like some milk with that, my lady?" And thats all I got out of me FOR THAT SCENARIO.
The other is I fucking forgot I took 30 mins to write all this I forgot what else I had Im so sleep deprived OH FUCK I REMEMBER IT WAS ABOUT DRUGS
Ok so tw for drugs (weed):
Ok so Danny's a teen he's stupid right, knowing him in the show he'd be the kid to decline drugs but then take a hit when his crush says "i KnEw YoU wEreNt coOl" yknow? Delicious social pressure.
Well he's like pretty much adopted by the Wayne's at this point so he's just chilling on the couch about to light a joint and Jason being the noble man he is snatches it out of Danny's hand like "Nono, bad small child dont do drugs" half joking and smokes it instead.
Danny's now panicking, silently following Jason to make sure he's alright and not dead or reacting badly to it.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be fine?" And the high kicks in.
The thing is is that it was ghost weed. And Jason for once feels completely calm, he doesn't feel a single bit of the pit its silent.
He's crying and Danny's like "Omg are you ok???" Thinking he poisoned his family/lover/whatever the fuck they are.
And Jason's just "This is some real good shit" silently sobbing, not even thinking about where Danny got it or why its doing this he's just happy.
And you can turn this into extreme angst by making him codependent or a comedy by him making high jokes
Ok thats it again I'm so sorry I just really had to tell someone this
Homie you, me, behind the Bat Burger; We shall marry at dawn. Man, it makes me so happy that you enjoy the stuff I write that much I’m really proud that I could bring you that much joy! Be sure to give your kitty some pets for me :).
Oh also, “not a writer”?! You spin a web of lies. This is incredible!! Sure it’s rambly, but that’s because you’re writing in a way that’s unsure of yourself. (It’s also very much so how I write so I feel you homie.) I still feel like my writing is equivalent to a middle schooler's but I do my best to shake that off. I don’t write fics because I’m bad at dialogue, I’m workin on it though! You simply just have to try and believe in yourself. You’ll reread it later and go, “Damn, did I just write that?!” And feel proud of what you accomplished. You absolutely have unique and brilliant ideas so take a shot at writing some stuff! I’m sure you’ll do great! :D
Also bro your: "what was I talking about? oH YEAH DRUGS!" was so unexpected. it made me laugh so hard so thank you for that :)
Danny and Dani are fucking floored that this stoic-ass old British man just rolled with seeing the two. Dani's eyes light up as she accepts the milk from the British guy. Snatching the fancy glass milk container, she haphazardly pours the milk into her bowl causing bits of cereal to ricochet the milk out of the bowl and flying absolutely everywhere.
Tim just stands still and stares at the two very much so Not Human entities that are currently in his house. The tired vigilante rummages around in his pocket for his phone and takes a quick photo of the scene in front of him.
Tim double takes glancing between the kitchen and his phone. At first he assumed they were hallucinations because no figures were present in the photograph… the floating bowl of cereal and spoon says otherwise.
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shimmer-wolf-arts · 7 months
I can blame/thank Pansy for why I'm gonna ramble a bit, LOL 🤣 /pos
like, we don't see Varian making a ton of friends his age. Like, all the people he hangs out with are either older or younger than him, and it's mostly adults. Poor kid is only 14-16 and he's friends with ppl who are mostly over 18. The only ones who aren't are Keira and Catalina, and they're, what, like 12 at the oldest, in season 3? Maybe?
I mean, don't get me started on Varian's neurodivergence/obvious ADHD. But that's probably one major reason why his friends are mostly older than him. I know my AuDHD is why I connect more with people older or younger than me.
And yeah. Varian literally befriended the raccoon that was intruding on his lab. And crushed on Cass like, 2 seconds after she saved him and 100% failed at flirting with her.
But you see how socially awkward this kid is when he's talking to other people, especially in season 3. Talking to Feldspar? Awkward as hell. He's stuttering, not making eye contact, and let's not forget the nervous laughs he makes. And if he's trying to argue a point, and someone very much calls him out on it (coughLANCEcough), he gets stuttery and trips over his words then too.
This poor kid just does not know how to socialize. And when he gets overwhelmed, he starts shutting down. "Be Very Afraid" was a perfect example of that, outside of the fact that his shutdown was also trauma induced.
So yeah, sending him out on the 7k journey, I can imagine he's in way over his head. And I imagine Hugo takes full advantage of that, a lot of the time.
But in my story, Grace is also very much isolated when it comes to kids her age. It's kind of why she and Varian bond is because they 1. Both have trauma, and 2. Both struggle to make friends their age. The only other person Grace knows that's her age is the person she considers her cousin bc their dads grew up together and consider each other brothers. So she's kinda lucky that she at least had one person her age to hang around. Varian didn't. So he meets Grace when they're both 17, and he's just thinking "Oh shit this is a pretty girl who is actually my age wtf do i do?!"
Poor kid does stumble over his words (and just in general) with her a lot until he becomes more comfortable around her. And especially after they start dating, he gets a bit more confident since they both help each other out with trauma and whatnot. He's still socially awkward with ppl his age, and just in general, but it's not nearly as bad as it was when he was 14-16.
And Hugo, being street smart, as well as putting on the facade that he knows everything (and that making him look like an asshole lol), it very much throws Varian for a loop, lol. He doesn't know what to do with it at first, and he's very thrown off and unsure of how to handle it.
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
Alright I've decided to take you up on your dare :›. So. Tell me: what would the octo-agents do if they found you were having a bad day?
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He's a little socially awkward (aren't we all), but if he noticed you weren't having a great day he'd try to very subtly fix it. He'd try cheering you up with things that would cheer him up—like, he'd start rambling to you about water (how fast that river was flowing, how big that storm was last night, etc), or offering to make some Paani Patties with you. If these don't work, he might ask the Octonauts for advice, and then do whatever Whoever He Asks tells him to do.
There's probably a Polar Scout lesson for "cheering up your sad friend" somewhere out there, and he definitely has the badge for it. He likely wouldn't do anything at first (he doesn't wanna intrude on your personal life), but if you mention to him; "man my day kinda sucks :(" He'll be ON IT in a heartbeat. It'd be pretty generic stuff though, like, whatever comes up when you Google "wikihow to cheer someone up" is what you'd get from him. He WILL hug you, and it WILL be awkward. He's trying his best.
He is not usually a feelings-talker. Where d'ya think Barnacles gets it from? He will hug you too, if you're comfortable with it, and it'll be nice. Barnacles also gets his top-tier pep-talk skills from him, and yes yes, you will be crying afterwards (in a good way). I believe with all my heart that he's the Great Life Advice flavour of old man, so whatever you're dealing with—he might be a bit blunt, but you will have 99 less problems when he's done with you. He somehow manages to say exactly what you needed to hear, and you will literally not have another bad day for at least a month after.
Calico Jack
Oh, he has had his fair share of bad days. Does this mean he's an expert at dealing with them? Absolutely not <3
He might not be able to relate to anything you're dealing with, but he will try his best. He wants to help you, he really does. He'd move the oceans for you. He's actually pretty emotionally in tune, and knows a great deal of psychology. He'd literally become your new therapist. He'll mostly just sit and listen to you rant, occasionally chiming in with some advice he hopes is helpful (if you want it). I feel like if you were REALLY sad he would share some of his treasure with you. Can't be sad with pirate gold in your hands, it's impossible.
Ranger Marsh
He will drag you through the swamps /pos.
He is such a dad™, you will not end the day without a dad hug (unless you don't want one, then he'd just pat you on the shoulder. you can't avoid that I'm sorry). He'd literally drag you around the Everglades to run errands with him, and introduce you to his critter friends along the way. You'd just get a nice, relaxing day in nature, and if you're still upset by the end of it, he'll show you pictures of Tweak as a kid to make you laugh. Don't tell her.
You're probably gonna end up slimy/covered in algae by the end of the day, so hopefully you're into that. She makes you babysit Peri for a few hours, and that alone makes you feel better, but when she comes back she goes into Big Sister Mode and takes you out on a "fun day" (cue the algae), or a mini vacation somewhere in the world, or back home in Scotland. She teaches you a bunch of stuff about plants, and it's actually really cool. You basically end up forgetting about whatever was wrong in the first place.
I can see her pulling out a random old map from Who Knows Where and just. sending you on a quest. She'd plan a whole adventure for you to go on, like some RPG or LARP—she'd lay puzzles, and call Inkling to ask him to send some creature pals to act as passing travelers in need of rescuing, there'd be treasures to collect along the way, and an ultimate reward at the end. She'd go all out (it would actually take a couple days for her to plan tbh), and it would be REALLY fun.
Would she notice that you're having a rough day? Maybe. Would her first instinct be to help? Maybe not-
I think she's not really a ""Feelings Person"" unless you're really close, but even then she's awkward about that kind of stuff. But! If you specifically WENT to HER for help, I think she'd at least try. She'd look at it practically, and try to solve whatever/any problem(s) you're having. She'd tell you wild cave diving stories (maybe take you on one if you appear interested), offer you weird food, and maybe gift you a free copy of her book (signed, of course).
*cough* bonus Inkling because I forgot him in the last one:
Such a grampa, he will absolutely read you stories and feed you biscuits. He'll play chill music in the library, dim the lights, and give you some space to read or simply relax for a while. He'll share his tea with you, if you want some. The Vegimals will visit you a couple times, and put on little shows or sing for you, and make you feel less lonely during your alone time. If you decide you want to talk out your feelings with someone, Inkling will be right there, ready to listen.
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3rrorsnas · 6 months
URGH I HATE NPD TESTS. I FEEL LIKE IM BOTH EACH TIME. I'm both overly confident but have awful self esteem lurking in the background and they're both fighting to come out. it depends on who I'm around with and what happens. basically I feel that with strangers I'd be super confident, then have some moments of opening up about my self doubts, then be confident again but in a more healthy way and basically sorta hyping each other up. but it without being linear like- I still have moments where I feel like shit and open up to people close to me about my lack of self esteem.
(it's long TT/gen srs) :
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like see?? overall I wanna be the center of attention, in a way of "I've been isolated for a huge chunk of my life and am scared to be alone" and "I need the attention to get validation in order to counter my lack of self esteem"
BUT me being isolated for so long ALSO drives me to be awkward, shy, and sometimes straight up scared to interact with people because I'm scared to mess things up or just don't know how to do so[interact] (especially if you take into account me being autistic and already struggling as heck with social cues). but I'm ALSO scared to get the attention from the fear that that attention would be bad attention where people would ridicule me/not take me seriously (FUCJ YOU CQ./SRS NEG) and just lead my self estime to drop even lower
I feel like I'm both extremities, and if not at the same time then shifting from one another too often./srs neg tired (ntm at self tbh, I don't hate how I am. I'm just frustrated by the problems I encounter. it's tiring./srs neg info)
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as someone who has been manipulated before, I don't like it. but that doesn't mean that I don't find it easy or I can never see myself being able to do so easily.
I just hate people lying and I can get the job done by being straightforward anyway, I'm not losing time with this bs./srs neg tense info
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yeah, as someone who is fcking ridiculed by an ENTIRE MULTIVERSE and THEIR(my) CREATOR I don't really think I get the respect that I deserve. hmph./s angry srs gen (tired and sad too)
like all I'm asking is people to not make fun of me being bipolar. and autistic. and mentally ill. for FUCK'S sake.
yeah I probably warded off half(/exaggeration) the system including fresh with my shouting. sorry pal/gen srs)
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do I.
do I even.
ahaha- do I even have to fucking answer this???!! are you shitting me???/s srs neg angry
you know the answer./neg
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I'm calling this infodumping but whatever./s ntm neutr tired
(I like showing my puppets and plushies ok?) (they're pretty and took time to make and are sort of like my friends, I'm proud of making them)
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...this is a freaking trick question./srs neg stressed because bOTH ARE TRUE.
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...does this count if you didn't have the choice? or refused help when you needed until people forcefully got you out of trouble?/gen srs gq
....I'd say it does./srs, ???/
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...ok yeah...I...think I made....that clear.../srs, neg(?), shameful, tired/
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aha...yes, I do.../lh, gen, pos, less sad/
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holobethyname · 2 years
📝 sf rant #2
🍃 On Fansigns/Fancalls and Asking for/about HOLO
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Let me preface this by saying some things. I understand that the fans paid for the calls with their money, so they can do whatever the hell they want. I am not claiming that I know better how to spend the few minutes they have with the idols, but I just hope that some of these fans are more conscientious when interacting with them.
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Since I haven't had the opportunity to get into fansigns or fancalls with idols (specifically Haechan), I can only form my opinion from the video recordings that pass through my Twitter timeline.
For context, these online fansigns last only for a few minutes. I think the longest I heard of was 8 minutes, but most are 2-3 minutes. That's a really short time for the amount of money spent to get a slot, but perhaps for most of the fans, a few minutes of interaction once (or a couple of times) with their favorite idol is worth the price.
That said, I have seen a lot of fellow fans who secured a fansign slot asking their mutuals or people from their subfandom what to do during those 2-3 minutes. I appreciate this kind of fans so much.
I've seen this a lot among sunflowers, and I'm glad that most of us are on the same page: congratulating Haechan, mentioning some of his achievements that he may not be informed of yet, talking about his music, some random Haechan-related stuff, and showing pets among others.
Of course, there are some that do things that I personally won't do, hence this rant, but again, it's their money.
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Since I entered the fandom during the pandemic, I've only seen a few face-to-face fansigns. I'm more familiar with online fansigns but it doesn't mean that I am unaware of what happens during the face-to-face ones.
I know of that NCT 127 fansign where someone attended wearing a bridal dress and Doyoung looked disgusted surprised. This actually happened to Haechan on an online fansign where he was made to pretend as a groom, marrying the fan in a bridal dress and white veil. I know I'm not the only one who found this weird, and Haechan also looked awkward.
I wonder if the Neos talk about their weird fans after the fansigns like those that make them act like animals, the ones who command them to call themselves stupid or whatnot, those that force them to take selcas using their personal phones, etc.
I'm not shaming gf stans on fansigns. You do you, I guess. Plus Haechan usually indulges most of them and he likes teasing people. He gets shy on some occasions (when he's hit with a cheesy pick-up line or when he's caught off-guard /pos) which is always a treat for everyone because the boy is super confident and rarely gets shy.
Sure, fan service is a part of the idol industry, but idols are still humans. This goes without saying, but they also deserve to be treated with respect. I just hope that fans on these online calls stop making them do stuff that they are not comfortable with.
(Always ask if they're okay with it. Also, some idols, like Haechan, will mostly agree with whatever for fans, so learn to read body language. Anyway, just be a decent person.)
Moreover, we are still fans. There is still a boundary between idols and fans. At the end of the day, they are still strangers to us, and we are much more of a stranger to them. So, boundaries.
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One more thing about fansigns that give me the ick are shippers who forward their shipping agenda to the idols. I'm pretty sure some, if not most, of these idols are aware of ships among their group members, but that is not a warrant to be so shameless about it on fansigns.
[I still wonder how fans can still insert shipping in a 2-minute fancall because I'd run out of time praising Haechan alone.]
There's already a whole debate on shipping, rpf/rps, so I don't want to delve deeper into that. I'm not one to stop people with their shipping agenda. Again, you do you. Just remember that you have avenues to do that. That's why there's a whole rps/rpf community on social media platforms (on Tumblr!!!) where you breathe life into your headcanons.
So, boundaries.
I don't know how idols deal with the knowledge that people ship them with their bandmates. I guess they are just chill about it, but you know, if we can be mindful (and perhaps not create an awkward atmosphere among the members being shipped), let's do that. Or I don't know. If you can't keep it to yourself, be subtle? 😭
This is also related to shipping, but it rubs me wrong when a fan who is on a fansign with an idol is talking mostly about another idol. Uhm, you should've just attended the other idol's fansign? Some idols may be fine with that, but personally, If I were an idol, I'd feel disrespected.
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Now, onto the more positive things, before I talk about something that I feel conflicted about, and I'll just enumerate since there is no explanation needed.
Haechan praise: (he gets really shy sometimes and he doesn't know what to respond, that's when we know the fan has got him) complimenting how he's doing so far for the promotions, his vocals and dance, or really anything worth-mentioning that he did recently
Talks on Haechan's music: future music plans, genres of music he wants to do, songs he currently loves, musical inspirations
When fans request him to sing something
Talking about his hobbies, food preferences, pets (and showing him fans' pets)
Showing him video edits of sunflowers' messages for him, link to a compilation of fan letters
Mentioning stuff about him that he may not be aware of yet: how he has a lot of kpop idol fanboys, celebrity fans, my personal favorite is when one of the people i follow informed him that she mentioned him to Michael Jackson's nephew
Joking with him, and trying to make him laugh
I'm not really a fan of the Tiktok challenges that they make him do, but he really looks adorable trying the challenges in some, and I'm also glad someone showed him his viral Untouchable Tiktok edit
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So, this is the thing I'm conflicted about. Recently, Haechan has been sending messages on Bubble about how fans will not regret supporting him. He's also said this to a fansign. I only saw one video but I'm not sure if there are more. He's telling us to wait a bit more. It seems unspoken but it's like a request to keep holding on to him? Am I the only one who feels that way (and my friend, too)?
We think that he probably feels burdened whenever people ask him about solo activities, dance covers, song covers, solo albums, new music, etc.
I cannot blame sunflowers for talking about solo stuff and asking him, because honestly, I'd do it, too. He was so excited talking about solo stuff prior to the release of Love Sign. Then, we figured after the release that maybe he was so giddy in his seat because he was gonna surprise the fans with a song he wrote. To us, that translated to "he likes it when we talk about his solo stuff and when we ask him about his solo career plans".
Besides, for the lack of solo stuff in the past 6 years, we all feel like he deserves to have more activities and more opportunities to grow individually at this point. For someone that talented, he can do it and he will succeed.
However, thinking about it these past few days, I feel conflicted. Haechan's just 22 years old and honestly, he has a lot on his plate as an idol and a member of three active NCT units. His schedule is so tight that he barely has any rest in between. The way SM's making him work is unhealthy, unethical even. Also, sure, we can blame it on SM's capitalist mindset but I cannot help but feel for Haechan since he's the one we're asking for schedules from. Not directly SM. So yeah, he carries that burden alone.
It's not like Haechan doesn't want to release his own music. That's his dream: to be a singer-songwriter. I bet he's itching to do it, too. However, no matter how talented or how big his fanbase is, the decision to release a solo does not rely solely on his hands. There are a lot of aspects to consider: the company, the budget, the staff, the time that will be spent on his activities which is equivalent to his time out of the units he's in.
There's also the factor that Haechan's a good team player. I think he feels the responsibility, as a vital member of the units he's in, to think about the group first (which is sad since I really think it's high time for him to focus on himself).
We're such in a fucked up position, especially Haechan, that it makes me think that even if I want the world to know Soloist Haechan as soon as possible, I don't want him to feel like I'm disappointed in him for asking and asking when he cannot do anything about it. I don't want to pressure him, especially at a time where more than the pressure of releasing something (which is such a drain on an artist's creative juices), he needs to know that people support him and are willing to wait for him.
So, parting words, since this has been such a long rant, if you're ever on a fansign with Haechan, please reassure him that we can wait and that we will always want the best for him. If that's going at his own pace and focusing on the group more, no matter how if we agree or disagree, it's his career anyway.
The recent bubbles and fansign conversations just bothered me really and made me rethink this with a friend. I don't want him to feel like he's gonna lose fans because he's not powerful (?) enough or that he's not greedy (?) enough to demand that he be given something for himself and halt other activities for him or whatever.
Please let him know that we won't get tired, and that we will stay to support him until the time comes when he can already focus on himself. We all know that day will be worth it.
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goodnightmoonvale · 4 years
all my friends are having such bad mental health days today and idk what to do :((
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snailsgarden · 2 years
hello!! how r u today? i hope your day is going fantastic so far, do you mind if i reqest something? if you dont wanna do this one feel free to decline :) but here i go anyways...
can you do Aoi Asahina, Hajime Hinata, and Gonta Gokuhara with a yuri-like reader from doki doki literature club?
i hope you can do this one, and i hope you have a amazing day, make sure to drink plenty of water today :D
heyhey! you're so sweet! *sobs* <3 /pos pos pos
i'm doing just fine, thank you for asking! i hope your day is just as amazing :)
and of course i can do this!
i hope these are good!<3
cws: none that i can think of other than mentions of being socially awkward!
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🍩 ⊹ aoi asahina ..
she'd be so patient and supportive of you when it came to social interactions, helping you out during conversations and such
she also loves how passionate you are about your hobbies!
is always reassuring you of things you're ashamed/insecure abt<3
admires how polite and elegant you are!
probably reads one or two your book recommendations even though she doesn't particularly likes horror/suspense stories<33
overall very nice and supportive of you!
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🍊 ⊹ hajime hinata ..
i think he wouldn't be soo fond of you at first..
like, he'd assume you'd have an incredly huge ego judging by how elegant, polite and reserved you seemed like
tho as soon as he got to talk to and understand you more, that changed a lot!
thinks you're so nice!
loves hearing you talk about your interests, don't tell anyone tho.
he's probably not into books, let alone suspense/horror ones, but he'd enjoy being around you while you're reading
i just think he'd like the quiet atmosphere of it all!
if you're ashamed by anything like, per example, rambling he goes 🤨
also helps you out during social interactions
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🐛 ⊹ gonta gokuhara . .
he probably looks up to you!
i headcanon he doesn't knows how to read/is not good at reading, so when he first saw you reading books with such "hard words" he'd also think of you as a smart person!
he doesn't really cares if you're socially awkward, cuz..? he doesn't understands it that much??
is also one that likes listening to you when you talk about your interests! he might not understand half of it but pls bare with him!
he just loves how you sound so happy about it!
is mainly confused if you're ashamed by things such as rambling or your looks, like, to him you're just so likeable?
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yesterday i tried starting a modern au witcher fic
managed to take notes on the characters
and that was it
(idk how to start or what the story is)
but behold:
Didn’t go to college
Studies animals and helps in a vet
Insanely smart so will probably enter veterinary school soon
Currently works at a cafe
What can i say i'm a sucker for a coffee shop au
Major in music
Is not in a band
Has been in multiple bands
Everyone keeps leaving
He says its cause “he’s too talented for them”
But deep down he thinks its cause he’s an annoying and pretentious asshole
The real reason is mostly that jaskier takes the band really seriously and most members don’t
This doesn't help his inferiority issues
Social butterfly that isn’t really close to anyone
The closest person he is is to geralt but the man isn’t very talkative so sometimes jaskier wonders if he truly is completely alone
He isn’t but mans stupid so he doens’t know
If i make this with magic he will be part fae but he didn’t know
Geralt’s younger sister
They both got adopted by vesemir at a young age (geralt 10, ciri 2)
So yeah there’s that
She is 12
She loves all her brothers and geralt's friends equally
(her favourite is yen)
Geralt’s ex girlfriend
They had an on and off relationship
Now they just friends with an awkward vibe
Istredd is the librarian ex boyfriend with a passion for rocks
If magic then she has a flower shop that serves as a magic spot
Likes talking shit about geralt to ciri
Father ™
Has too many kids (geralt, ciri, eskell, lambert, remus(?))
Owns a bar
Vander vibe
Idk much about the boy yet
So for now he’s away for college
He sends geralt a plant tho
Little shit /pos
Ciri says she hates him but she will chill in his room more often than not
Got jealous of geralt always helping her with homework
So he decided to start taking ciri to the gym
Yes he goes to the gym i just decided
He mocks ciri for being weak
But helps her get better
Omg hes a tsundere
He’s like “tch ur so bad at this r u sure u wanna be here?”
But then he helps her do the shit
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh trauma?
Yen’s friend
… uhhhhhh i’ll finish this maybe later
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Zelda & Zach
ihatemyguts: [Ready for a flimsy excuse to talk lmao] ihatemyguts: Question, would Lauren actually be 👍 or 👎 if I turn up to her stream? ihatemyguts: Couldn't tell inandout: ecstatic inandout: her 👚👕👖🧦 could come off inandout: it's hard to tell if she's joking ihatemyguts: I will 🏃 to 🧼 my 👀 ihatemyguts: and time my tip really well before that potential eventuality inandout: smart move inandout: people pleasing ihatemyguts: She was nice, funny ihatemyguts: no 💩 nosing but yeah, I'm not in a position to be picky inandout: she's good at the "older sister away at uni partying but still there for you" role ihatemyguts: do you have a real one? inandout: I've got a brother, he's older than her and less of a party animal ihatemyguts: Mine too ihatemyguts: he's not as old as her but first date @ 18 isn't far off the vibe inandout: Robbie would call that hella awkward inandout: but I don't think mine has had one yet at 21 inandout: unless it's with a 🤖 he created ihatemyguts: that would be as impressive as it is 😢 inandout: he only likes to flex academically impressive muscles inandout: and believes no girls are interested in that inandout: despite being at uni ihatemyguts: 💔 ihatemyguts: Bless inandout: Lauren would knock his head together with every dream girl of his he's surrounded by until it fell off inandout: I'm a pacifist though ihatemyguts: Brothers are stupid ihatemyguts: his 💭👸 might be the stereotype of a cheerleader that doesn't even exist ihatemyguts: just ⏳⌛️ inandout: wouldn't leave me shooketh to find out you're onto something inandout: he does watch Love Island ihatemyguts: 🧠 representation, man ihatemyguts: you do not always get the girl at the end and if you do, you'll have so little in common you should just put her back inandout: I had a mental image of him just forcing a girl back up onto these high shelves we have in our kitchen inandout: not today, honey ihatemyguts: 😂 ihatemyguts: if only people were shelvable ihatemyguts: keep 'em in storage 'til you're feeling 💯 inandout: + if I'm heroically expected to get her down, the stumbling block is that the 🍪🍬🍭 are kept up there ihatemyguts: she'll have to eat it all to save you right back inandout: a love story inandout: we need to pitch it to Netflix ihatemyguts: I have done so much research for this ihatemyguts: Robyn can write it ihatemyguts: Rich can DEMAND actually disabled actors, and Rosie can ask nicely inandout: you have to be the lead, then the viewers will be on edge of their seats when you eat the 🍪🍬🍭 ihatemyguts: Lauren might 👊 me for it inandout: the spotlight would give her a seizure ihatemyguts: Awh ihatemyguts: lucky teen dramas are so moodily lit ihatemyguts: think twilight not spring breakers inandout: so dark that everyone has to squint and give themselves a headache inandout: dizzying camera angles inandout: getting our own back one symptom at a time ihatemyguts: may have to 🔪🔪 someone to make 'em shit their pants ihatemyguts: but you can nominate your brother, that's cool inandout: let him come back as a 🤖 at the end ihatemyguts: how's his Arnie? inandout: hmmm inandout: borderline racist? inandout: but we're Jewish and he's Austrian, I don't think he'll come for us ihatemyguts: not gonna go zombie for that ihatemyguts: definitely free pass for life on all the racial jokes @ their expense inandout: the shortened life span will help make up for it too ihatemyguts: no 🤖 ending? ihatemyguts: 👎 inandout: abrupt fade to black inandout: hopefully ihatemyguts: Iconic ihatemyguts: see your vision inandout: much as lingering death rattle would be an epic punk band or album name ihatemyguts: 🤔 ihatemyguts: you're a frontman, right? inandout: self nominated ihatemyguts: I see it inandout: you're drums ihatemyguts: only if I get to be on a dramatic raised platform above you all at the back inandout: if you swear not to 🚿 us with 💩 ihatemyguts: it would bring the horror ihatemyguts: very Carrie ihatemyguts: but 🤞 inandout: very Slipknot ihatemyguts: I'm down for a mask situation inandout: I'm not 🥵 ihatemyguts: Valid ihatemyguts: but you're cute, people will wanna see you inandout: cute is 🐕🐩🐈 or 🐖🐑🐐🐄 inandout: we can't start an animal band unless you can talk to them and ask if they really want inandout: ...some kind of rockstar life ihatemyguts: True, Ozzy was NOT asking those 🦇 if they were about the fame inandout: and they became another casualty of inandout: sickening ihatemyguts: is that the deal ihatemyguts: my bowel has decided not to work so I get to speak to animals? ihatemyguts: 🤙 inandout: that's a 10 episode series pitch ihatemyguts: god knows there has to be a redeeming feature of a sick kid ihatemyguts: can't be an arsehole who's suffering, not relatable and not enjoyable -10/10 inandout: you can only be an arsehole if yours works inandout: hooray for me ihatemyguts: lucky ihatemyguts: don't wanna flex on you by sparking up, really inandout: can you drink? It's a no for me ihatemyguts: it's iffy ihatemyguts: like it's not great ihatemyguts: but if I don't get big sister at Uni levels, technically inandout: technically same, but who wouldn't wanna get to that level inandout: who's doing it for the taste? ihatemyguts: I personally LOVE the taste of rotting fruit inandout: I have no sense of smell and barely any of taste and even I know wine and beer are both bad inandout: maybe the first sip of spirits will change my life ihatemyguts: that's a dangerous game ihatemyguts: it's already supposedly scentless a lot of the time ihatemyguts: you'd get wasted real fast inandout: not a date then ihatemyguts: not for long ihatemyguts: 🏥 is a fave haunt obviously but not ideal, even for a 2nd date inandout: 3rd? ihatemyguts: s'one way to end up in bed ihatemyguts: sure inandout: kids at my school do keep asking me if I've ever hooked up in hospital inandout: that being my number 1 priority each time ihatemyguts: 🙄 ihatemyguts: like it's some cringy show mums would watch ihatemyguts: with the staff or with all the random hottie in their prime that are just roaming the corridors, yeah, alright inandout: + 🏥 = PICC  in case there weren't a high enough risk of getting caught or mild peril ihatemyguts: the thrill of it all ihatemyguts: worth being sick for all the steamy romance, honestly inandout: don't forget the nurses inandout: another fave topic of everyone in class ihatemyguts: yeah, the stress eating and shift work makes 'em 🔥🔥🔥 inandout: no 💐 allowed to keep the atmosphere romantic either ihatemyguts: 💔💔💔 ihatemyguts: sure your class is not concerned about the vibe inandout: well read inandout: they just wanna touch a boob inandout: which is a good song title ihatemyguts: with potential to make a b-side literally about 🍑 ihatemyguts: high🖐 inandout: hi-hat, drummer girl ihatemyguts: badumtss inandout: 🎤 drop ihatemyguts: 🙇👏 inandout: Lauren swears she'll keep her clothes on to play Breath of the Wild ihatemyguts: I'm honoured ihatemyguts: and not at all disappointed ihatemyguts: 😉 inandout: her wardrobe of onesies are incredible inandout: they'll cheer you back up inandout: 👽🤖🐛🐲🦕🦑 + more animals than you'd have time to chinwag with ihatemyguts: obviously, I need to see this to believe 🖖 inandout: like a 🦄 she has one of those too ihatemyguts: thanks for the inside scoop ihatemyguts: can pretend I'm fully psychic now ihatemyguts: get all those oddly specific requests out inandout: that'll spook her inandout: I'm for it ihatemyguts: 🔮🗣🐒 ihatemyguts: not trying too hard to compensate, AT ALL inandout: I hadn't seen the others before today inandout: that was cool ihatemyguts: For real? ihatemyguts: It seems like you all hang like all the time, from the outside creepin' in inandout: you heard the commander, we're not supposed to post pics or personal stuff ihatemyguts: still a weird rule ihatemyguts: like, I get it, online predators, poor defenseless baby disableds, not ideal ihatemyguts: if it was an IRL group, we wouldn't be going by quippy puns on our name badges inandout: [gives her his socials and Lauren is of course in his friends so she can add her too] inandout: I was gonna suggest a meet up but didn't wanna get shot down inandout: the point is, some of us can't get out and about inandout: hasn't passed me by ihatemyguts: that's true ihatemyguts: there has to be a way we can include everybody though, everybody that would possibly want to ihatemyguts: Christ, if we as a group can't think of accessibility solutions ihatemyguts: but my point is, drop you a 💬 if I have any 💡 inandout: @ Rich inandout: he'd figure it out ihatemyguts: right? ihatemyguts: not that I'm desperate for company but frankly ihatemyguts: no, it could be cool inandout: and she won't say, despite what I said about trading on her fame, but Lauren's anniversary is coming up inandout: she'll want company for that ihatemyguts: I don't know if I should know, and I know I'm not gonna ask her ihatemyguts: but it can't be a fun anniversary, anything we could do to make it less of a shit time ihatemyguts: why not inandout: you're in inandout: cool ihatemyguts: 👍 ihatemyguts: the social engagements I won't need to turn down for this ihatemyguts: busy 🐝 I ain't inandout: I wanna ask if you had loads of friends before inandout: it seems like you would ihatemyguts: Kinda ihatemyguts: and not everyone turned into total cunts either, not trying to be that tragic heroine ihatemyguts: awkward adjustment, mainly for me, I know but ihatemyguts: wish I had a cool illness, you know ihatemyguts: can't make 💩 work for me inandout: what's a cool one? ihatemyguts: there's no cool one to have, I know that, like, intelligently, I get it ihatemyguts: but at least if you've got a decent story or you aren't essentially shitting yourself to death as your quirky symptom, people are more into it ihatemyguts: it's stupid but inandout: something that makes you faint dramatically inandout: that'd be netflix worthy inandout: the harder the name is to pronounce, the better ihatemyguts: exactly, providing I do it gracefully and look pretty whilst doing it ihatemyguts: 'cos what's the point in this pain if I can't peddle it to the masses inandout: you could look pretty doing it ihatemyguts: oh yeah ihatemyguts: the glamour would be unreal 😂 inandout: 🍃 ihatemyguts: 📽 ihatemyguts: cinematic inandout: American Beauty and you're the plastic bag ihatemyguts: that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me ihatemyguts: okay, Katy Perry inandout: leave Robbie to do the 🐯 roar ihatemyguts: she's cute ihatemyguts: no offense to you but inandout: how many dates are you two going on? ihatemyguts: do her parents let her out of her house, legit ihatemyguts: 'cos that will change the answer a lot inandout: only for 🏥 inandout: but she'll wanna come to the meet up ihatemyguts: then, we'll have to go on loads of dates ihatemyguts: so I can convince them I'm very respectable and not at all contagious inandout: I know JRA sucks but they'd put her in a bubble if they could ihatemyguts: I get it but also ihatemyguts: stop ihatemyguts: actual case of how it's being dealt with making it worse, when I was in hospital, the first time ihatemyguts: there was this tiny kid, and his ma was like...just insane, which is understandable but, it weren't helping her or him inandout: she could outgrow it when she's 16, that'll shake them up ihatemyguts: serious? ihatemyguts: damn inandout: it happens inandout: that's the J inandout: for being a kid ihatemyguts: I had no idea ihatemyguts: like you stop growing and it stops fucking with you, basically? ihatemyguts: that's cool ihatemyguts: if it happens ihatemyguts: worst fucking false hope if it doesn't inandout: yep inandout: sweet or bittersweet 16 ihatemyguts: like 5 months, she said? inandout: I'm gonna go to the party inandout: you should come ihatemyguts: Yeah? ihatemyguts: you think she meant it ihatemyguts: you can tell me if it was just politeness 'cos she is inandout: loneliness inandout: but she likes us too ihatemyguts: how long have you been in the group? inandout: they gave me the info when I was 12 inandout: I didn't wanna use it then though inandout: last summer I decided to ihatemyguts: I feel you ihatemyguts: like, what should we have in common ihatemyguts: but that's actually like any friendship, you got sat next to them one day in class or they shared with you at break ihatemyguts: I was just being a dick about it inandout: there are those inandout: like fibro inandout: but the core group are cool ihatemyguts: Everyone was decent ihatemyguts: if you're a dick you just are, regardless of our shared experiences ihatemyguts: but that is more than I've got with some of my old friends, that's just facts, whether you wanna accept it or nah, you know inandout: yep, me and my 🤖 brother have nothing shared inandout: his DNA is fine ihatemyguts: how was that ihatemyguts: like, was he mad guilty and did you wanna stomp on his lungs a 🤏 bit inandout: some days inandout: but Lauren says I'm better looking than him so what else matters ihatemyguts: 😂 inandout: how's your brother doing with your 💩 life? ihatemyguts: He doesn't say a whole lot ihatemyguts: that was a thing pre 💩 life too so ihatemyguts: guess he gets to keep being mysterious and my illness feels the least invisible when I'm the only kid let out to the 🚽 multiple times a lesson ihatemyguts: 🤷 inandout: you could suggest home school inandout: Robbie's an expert, she'd do you a pro slideshow ihatemyguts: I already miss people inandout: okay, okay, we'll bring the first date forward inandout: I'll escort you to the party ihatemyguts: what's the dresscode? this is vital and I know she's already said inandout: 👑💎 ihatemyguts: Oh good, you'll look extra adorable ihatemyguts: it'll be the usual trial picking which tiara to wear but think I'll survive inandout: Maybe you can take her shopping for your first date ihatemyguts: 💡 idea I'll have to claim as my own inandout: 🙇 ihatemyguts: do any of you go to the same schools ihatemyguts: or are you meant to not know that, either inandout: I don't know where either R goes inandout: and I'd remember Lauren or Rich if they'd been at my school, I think ihatemyguts: I reckon ihatemyguts: shame ihatemyguts: not that I reckoned there'd be an underground network of secret disabled kids at mine but oh well inandout: there could be inandout: you didn't need to find out before ihatemyguts: True ihatemyguts: ⭐ not being the one though ihatemyguts: have to do some more subtle digging inandout: my school has some invisible and visibles besides me ihatemyguts: statistically, there's no chance I'm the only one inandout: most of the ones in our camp have mental health stuff though inandout: or dyslexia, ADHD etc ihatemyguts: hadn't even considered those kinds ihatemyguts: got a lot of studying to do ihatemyguts: that's how it feels ihatemyguts: I barely get what I've got, never mind the endless possibilities of how a human can be slightly fucked inandout: they tend to have their own forums anyway inandout: not that Rosie wouldn't welcome them with a sleepy hug ihatemyguts: ☺️ inandout: it's less 🏥💉🩸 I guess? inandout: sort of 💊 and 🗪 ihatemyguts: Definite crossovers but not fully the same deal ihatemyguts: I see my pharmacist so often we're on date ... ihatemyguts: dread to think inandout: people don't wanna feel like others don't understand them somewhere where they're going for solidarity inandout: or that they can't get a sentence in over all the rest that are being typed ihatemyguts: it is pretty nervewracking ihatemyguts: even if yours is decent inandout: I used to be a big lurker inandout: some days I still am inandout: Lauren will always fill up the gaps ihatemyguts: you need all types, I reckon inandout: same ihatemyguts: like families ihatemyguts: even the creepy uncle inandout: if I don't have one does that mean I'm destined to become him? ihatemyguts: only if your brother finds a cheerleader ihatemyguts: you're probably alright inandout: he could adopt Robbie and let her live cage free ihatemyguts: that was a bit creepy ihatemyguts: oh my god, it's started ihatemyguts: 👹 inandout: damn inandout: much to think about inandout: a life to reassess ihatemyguts: if you're actually going ihatemyguts: thanks ihatemyguts: for being cool inandout: you were cool first inandout: I didn't lead a revolution ihatemyguts: you had to be cool enough not to shoot it down inandout: I'm so cool I've fallen at the creepy uncle fashion hurdle inandout: can't get a 🧢 on without a haircut inandout: it's all about the 🧦 now ihatemyguts: you know how to paint a picture ihatemyguts: even though I can now stalk your socials in my own time inandout: easier to explain you than Lauren inandout: my friends at school were shook by her ihatemyguts: I can imagine ihatemyguts: she'd be happy with that though 😏 inandout: she was inandout: [posts a selfie with his best attempt at a creepy uncle aesthetic because I doubt I'm finding a gem like that from Finn] ihatemyguts: oh my god ihatemyguts: 👏 ihatemyguts: that would be fully #triggering, top marks inandout: ♟ your move inandout: wine mum or vodka aunt ihatemyguts: Oh, I have perfect wine mum clothes ihatemyguts: had very bad taste a few years back and the 👻 are hanging about ihatemyguts: hold on inandout: I can't make the baited breath comment twice in a day, that's too much inandout: and I know I did in group ihatemyguts: 💔 I'm not special enough inandout: come back tomorrow for new puns ihatemyguts: [selfie in Amma's weird little girl/suburban mom clothing 'cos was not a mood] ihatemyguts: are you sure? inandout: damn inandout: come back tomorrow for a new photo challenge ihatemyguts: alright ihatemyguts: you're on inandout: cool
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enchantechante · 2 years
My bf is very introverted.I think that's the word.He isn't a big phone person so every time we do talk on the phone he just rambles.For example,we were on the phone for three hours yesterday.All he talked about was work,his friends back home and the weird shit they once did and wrestling and comic books.He let me talk for a bit then he ate and went to bed for work.He was like I'm doing pretty good with having phone conversations and I'm like no you are not lol. He didn't ask how I'm doing or anything close to it and he was like... I thought you were doing fine because if you weren't you would've told me soon as I got on the phone.He was right but omg.He is 42 and very socially awkward on the phone but in person he does a lot better.I think I need to work with him when it comes to that but how? I don't want to be a asshole because he thinks I judge him at times since we were raised very different.Him,his friends and family are like those people from Jackass always goofing off and pranking,cursing etc while my family is more modest and traditional.We don't do all of that stuff.I did tell him he needs to chill when he's around my family with that so he doesn't talk shit and act crazy.I'm also black and he's white so my family not too happy with him being white.They don't disrespect him they just want me to bring home a nice,modest,black guy around my age.
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Aww!! 🥰🥺 You betta guiiiiide yo lil introvert 😌
Sounds like he's doing the work you're just want a bit more - be clear. 😌 Have you tried compliment sandwich?
Compliment sandwiches are 2 positives, 1 suggestion, and 1 pos comment. It can sound like, “Yeah it’s definitely improving. I love how natural you let things flow. Next time I would like some time to dig into one topic we're familiar with. It helps me get to know you better."
Instead of, "Meh- you're not really improving." Sometimes men need to know their role in making it better. Ya gotta break it down. Wishing yall great success!
(PS - Your parents can get over it. Yall like each other & im sure they dont want you sneaking around w a yt guy they dont know/never see 🙃)
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