k4zz0-s0l0 · 1 year
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i really hope none of you were expecting good content
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moonlandingtrip · 2 years
Art tip from professor:
Don't erase mistakes right away. Make sure they're still visible (light erasing/drawing lightly, preferably the both) and then draw the fixed version. Then you can erase it.
If you can't see the error you made you might just make it again.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
Not me thinking about how the plot of 1917 was built on love
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hellohoihey · 2 years
What am I even here for if I can't be online for more than four hours a day everyday. Like what's the point even honestly
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Hi do you know any French speaking blogs? I want to get something tattooed in French but obviously want it to be accurate and I don’t trust google translate
i don't have that many but i'd suggest @saintms! they are fluent i believe :))) as well as @macknnons.
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cor-lapis · 5 months
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I decided to have a go at doing my own redesigns because these three are my favourites and I love them very much. further notes + sources under the readmore (warning: lots of text). I did my best with the research, but if there's anything I overlooked, I'd really appreciate people letting me know :)
My main source for Tighnari was this excellent thread, from which I looked up each item of clothing individually. Since djellabas tend to be quite long, and Tighnari needs mobility for forest ranger activities, I figured he would cut and re-hem the lower half. He also has a lot of clothing pieces that are traditionally multicoloured, but to keep his design cohesive I decided to use the same colours across different items, but using a larger palette of colours than I would usually. I like the bright colours on him a lot though!
There are also some minor details I just changed because I wanted to. The flower on his chest is now a nilotpala lotus, because I thought it was nice to include his acension material/the material he asks you to help gather. The dirt stains/scuff marks are because rainforests are muddy and I wanted the design to emphasise Tighnari being very practical and hands-on with his work (see also, the specimen belt).
Finally, I shrunk the magnifying glass on his back (because I'm pretty sure it's meant to be his first magnifying glass toy and that thing is very large for a child to handle) and gave him an undercut because it seemed right. Also, I merged his front and back trailing cloths into a scarf type of thing that he could wrap around his nose and mouth to prevent inhaling spores from mushrooms.
COLLEI my beloved. I had a mild nightmare trying to figure out a specific source culture for her design, but nobody seemed to know specifics and her outfit wasn't matching with any traditional dress I looked up, so in the end decided to keep the overall look the same. Just in case I assigned her something else, but then it turned out I missed her actual inspiration.
Anyway, I made her shoes simpler (no fur, heels, and open toes in the rainforest seemed reasonable to me), and gave her shorts. I liked the green colour because it's pretty unique under a dark dress, and pairs nicely with Nahida's white dress + green undersides. Amber's tie stays, but I made most of her jewellery smaller since it felt a little clunky for a trainee ranger.
Her earring and necklace(?) are allusions to the Evil Eye and the Khmissa/Hamsa, both symbols of protection. Especially considering the fact they're meant to ward off evil, and very common across multiple MENA cultures, it seemed fitting for Collei to have them. Also, she has Eleazar scars, and I used the design for her stockings as inspiration for the combination knee braces (similar to those used for arthritis, since Eleazar also causes stiff limbs and I HC that people affected would probably still need some recovery support)/knee pads (in the case of a fall). I like the idea that Kaveh would have helped make them for her (tangent but the fic Here is the House explores similar ideas; it's really really good, I heavily recommend it). Finally, she has curly hair because I thought it would be cute.
Here's the thread I found for Cyno. The main critique was to do with the eras from which each aspect of his clothing drew inspiration, but I admittedly wouldn't be able to do much about this without a lot of research. One thing I did try and verify was the small strip of cloth on the left of his chest, and I found a few wall murals where the people seem to be wearing similar strips of cloth? (example here; rightmost figure) Therefore, I didn't remove it, but if someone wants to explain Ancient Egyptian clothing history to me I'd be really interested to hear it 6.6
I might iterate on the design in the future, but for now the changes are mostly HC territory. Cyno wearing his hair in locs (a protective hairstyle) makes sense for someone who does a lot of hiking after rogue scholars, and I also gave him quite old and faded top surgery scars because healthcare is canonically free in Sumeru (thanks for that information, al-Haitham)(though tbf Cyno makes bank anyway). I also adjusted the colours a bit, since Genshin tends to use desaturated shades for metallic elements.
I also considered giving Cyno more scars, but figured that it could indicate Hermanubis' presence that someone you'd expect to get injured a lot is relatively scar-free (i.e. some sort of godly healing factor/resistance to damage). However, we know next to nothing about Hermanubis, so Cyno having a lot of scars also makes sense. This paragraph is mostly just a cry for help cyno story quest 2 literally any more elaboration about the nature of Hermanubis' pact and the Temple of Silence.
I wasn't intending to write one when I started the explanations but this got REALLY long so if you made it this far, thank you so so much ToT please check out the links; the threads especially were a great resource, and I'm grateful that people take the time to make them <3 genshin's character design department are cowards but I'm glad I learned some new things through the redesign process
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yawarakaizai · 8 months
pm dazai and pm chuuya who constantly fight each other for readers attention... but then someone hurts reader and all of a sudden they work together so seamlessly to kill the mf who dared to touch you (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM!Dazai Osamu + PM!Chuuya Nakahara (BSD) CONTENTS jealousy, reader+chuuya+dazai are 16/17, reader is an heiress, hostage situation, fluff n cute!! (implied) torture, worried chuuya NOTE This wasn't the department you specialised in. You wanted to manage finances, and while Mori was more than happy to grant you the role - Dazai would nag for you to join him and Chuuya on missions that didn't concern you in the slightest. There's only so much patience one can have. COMPANY Tangled Up
A/N THI S WA S RLL Y C UT E !! sorr y this one was l ate ;//; i hav e a scho o l trip tmrw ^^// maybe i'l l t ry sm ut nex t ... i have a l ot of good re qs i ho pe i ca n ge t throu gh the m a ll ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱
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Missions with Dazai and Chuuya always resulted in a thrilling adventure. There was never a time you'd look back on a mission you'd had with both and say to yourself, 'that was a bummer.'
You weren't supposed to work alongside them. Within the Port Mafia, Dazai and Chuuya were always to be assigned missions that were too dangerous for someone ordinary.
And, you? Well.
You possessed no ability. Your purpose in the Port Mafia was your background - your status.
Heiress to your father's wealth in your homeland of France, your parents were part of a certain elite group that made you a walking target should you venture without protection.
That is why you were always thrown as the bait.
With all respects to Dazai, that is, who introduced to Mori the idea of having you be the helpless, dumb damsel skipping merrily into danger.
You weren't happy about this arrangement and that was made clear by your sulking.
" Oh, look at me, I am an unattended woman. "
You sluggishly wandered around the dark halls of the abandoned facility, your voice just barely loud enough for the walls to echo your sarcastic jokes.
" This is serioouuuss! " The earpiece cleverly hidden in your ear crackled into life, you knew the voice belonged to Dazai. " Been chasing this guy for ages now, I think he's got some sort of phasing ability. He might appear outta no where, but Chuuya's trailing behind you, so don't worry. "
As if it could ease your nerves, it only made you regret agreeing to this further. " Great. I'm comforted. " You replied in a snarky manner.
You were dressed in lavish clothing that not even your pompous, arrogant mother would ever think of wearing. You seemed to have a distaste for reminders of the generational wealth you possess and opt to distance yourself from a 'royal' life. It proved impossible when it was the only thing that allowed you to maintain a job in the Port Mafia.
The gloomy and cold atmosphere left you hugging yourself for warmth as you traversed through complicated corridors. Although your earpiece was not connected to Chuuya's, you worried that you were walking off-course and/or Chuuya knew where you are meant to go, but could not blow his cover to correct your stupid mistakes.
Chuuya did a pretty good job at staying hidden. You could not hear a thing other than the clacking of your heels against metal flooring. " Ohh.. I'm so scared. " You pitched your voice higher, this being your best shot at luring out whoever it is the PM were after. You weren't taking this seriously, that was clear to both Dazai and Chuuya.
This wasn't the first mission you three were together, there were a few others that you'd two go through but this was the first time you were thrown a seal to a shark.
Dazai was elsewhere in the building, you weren't sure where and he gave no information when asked. With the affirmation Chuuya had your back, you knew that there was nothing to fear.
You would have appreciated some communication on his end though. You figured it must be his unnatural shyness towards you that made it hard for him to be too forward.
You easily noticed how his behaviour would change around you. And with Dazai around? Oh, boy.
Even if you could be a little air-headed sometimes, you weren't dumb to the hints in front of you.
From the day you were rescued from captivity - a story for another day - Chuuya stood out. You find it funny how he'd be unable to face you for more than a minute before looking away hurriedly. It sprung your new-found hobby of teasing Chuuya whenever you could. Of course Dazai picked up on it pretty soon after too and Chuuya has not known peace since. You couldn't help it! You weren't to blame! You giggled to yourself reminding yourself of Chuuya's little crush, fingers intertwined behind your back loosely, your back straightening from its previous hunched-over stance.
Feeling sudden confidence surge through your veins with the recollection of memories with Chuuya, you were just about to turn on your heel to address the gravity manipulator until a hand grabbed you from behind - before you had the chance to see who it was, you felt cold metal press against your temple that made you freeze up.
In front of you, Chuuya had finally revealed himself, but he too was stood as still as stone.
" Kill me 'n the girl goes too. "
They have never let it get THIS bad. Not ever have you ever even been in the hold or this close to an enemy, and here you were at gunpoint, something that was not planned.
You didn't dare break eye contact from Chuuya. This might just be your final moment. With great trust in Chuuya and Dazai's ability, you weren't sure how they'd proceed with this.
Chuuya might end up being the last thing you see. The look of fear on his face too didn't ease your nerves. They were not in the position to bargain. And funnily enough, you blamed yourself for this.
" Fine, yeah. Let her go. " Chuuya stood up from his mid-offensive position and dropped whatever weapon he had. A gun and a small knife for close-combat, he raised his arms above his head to firmly show his surrender. The hand that was previously on your lower hip raised to roughly cover your mouth, a gloved palm shoving itself in your face and that broke you down immediately. Fear took over and your knees went weak with pure fright, yet the man behind you had his fingers digging into the flesh of your cheek with such a harsh grab that it kept you standing up-right, the barrel of the gun pressing in deeper to your skull, sure to leave indents - that is if you weren't just shot dead. Then an indent would be the less of your worries.
With your back pressed against the chest of the stranger, you could feel the vibration of his confident voice as he spoke loudly, " Don't take me for a fool, Nakahara. You could easily use that ability of yours. " And that was true. You actually forgot about Chuuya's ability. Your mind was too foggy at the moment.
It was the first time you saw Chuuya Nakahara look uncertain in whether this mission would end well or not. He smiled insecurely as he let out a gruff exhale, " Wouldn't do that if I wanted her to live, yeah? Now let her go. "
Even if he kept grinning, you could see how the sweat dripped from his face even through your own teary eyes. With the palm pressing over your mouth and nose, it was difficult to breathe and steady your heart that was already beating fast enough as it is.
" Hmm.. " The gun was lowered slowly, caressing down your cheek and to your chest before being positioned at the pit of your stomach, " But do I really wanna? "
You began to squeal in protest, unable to accept your helplessness but it seemed someone else did your job of retaliation for you.
In the blink of an eye, the man holding you captive fell backwards and consequentially dragged you down with him but ended up tripping you up a bit further. You fell with your head banging on the hard floor, your captors hand slipping from your mouth and allowing you to briefly ‎gasp for air. The clattering of a gun was heard somewhere yet you were too dazed to properly do anything at this point.
The last thing you remember was the feeling of being raised from your underarms and distant shouting.
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" -as if she'd be able to do-"
" No, you shut up! You could've done something easily. "
" It was your idea to use her as a fuckin' pawn, don't twist this. "
" Uhh! I'm sowwy~! I thought Chuuya Naka-fucking-hara had some balls to intercept~! "
" Zip it! She's waking up! "
Groggily, you stared at the two of them, sitting opposite each-other on the end of your bed. Judging by the bright white, you were most likely in the infirmary.
Chuuya was the first to lean in, he must have not noticed his hand coming to rest over yours which were folded nearly over your stomach. He had hope in his eyes, contrasting with the emotion you last remember them in. " Y/N? " He called out to you, taking a glimpse at the steady heart monitor.
Testing your voice, you let out a low hum before croaking out a meek, " Heya. "
Dazai was the first to break a laugh at your first words. His and Chuuya's eyes were soft.
" Don't look cute, I'm pissed at you both. " You huffed, turning your head to the side, avoiding them both.
Chuuya held your hand a little tighter, he understood if you decided to be unhappy with him. " Sorry, Y/N. I really fucked that up. Shit, I just didn't know what to do. " He explained himself with such compassion you were urged to look at him again. " I guess I discovered seein' you like that. Uh. In trouble and stuff, makes me seize up badly. "
From the corner of your eye you saw Dazai huff before standing up, but Chuuya held onto your attention as he continued speaking tenderly to you, " I thought that this loser would have planned a set-up and knew that was gonna happen but. It took too long. I realised last second he didn't plan shit. "
" Hey! Don't be so rude, Chuuya~ Besides, if it weren't for me, precious princess would've been shot. " You saw Dazai reach into his back pocket for something you couldn't quite recognise yet.
" Oh, that was you, Dazai? " You asked, alluding to the sudden drop during the action. " Yuup~ And y'know what the best part is? "
You quirked a brow and stole a shared glance from Chuuya. Dazai was unexpectable.
" Since me and Chuuya are so nice.. "
So Chuuya was in on this too?
Dazai paused his sentence and hummed in a baby-ish voice. " Kill me and the girl goes too! " He mocked, earning him an earnest giggle from you. " That wasn't funny, Dazai! I was scared! " You retorted, but still couldn't wipe that smile off of your face.
" Sorry, sorry. But, like he wanted, he's not dead. "
Dazai held the object he had pulled out in front of him. Bloodied priars.
" Technically death caused by unattended injuries is not 'killing him' on MY end, isn't that right, Chuuya? "
Chuuya nod his head before you.
They have that man locked in a fucking basement.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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munsonluhvr · 6 months
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader word count: 3.7k warnings: fluff, nervous Eddie, bullying, mentions of a fight, light cussing, alluding to eating disorder, probs misspellings lol
next chapter: part 2
You take a deep breath as you open the door to exit your classroom; feeling relief that you were finished with your least favorite class – chemistry. 
Sneakers squeak all around you, your fellow schoolmates excited to be out of class and going to lunch, as you made your way down the hallway. You get to your locker, twisting the lock that held the door closed until it popped open. To your surprise, Chrissy Cunningham, your closest friend, slides up next to you, leaning against the set of lockers that neighbor yours.
“Look who survived chemistry another day,” she exclaims, nudging your shoulder. Chrissy knew how much you hated chemistry. 
“Somehow; I zone out by the first twenty minutes,” You say, shaking your head. “I’m not looking forward to the final.” 
Chrissy giggles, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “That’s me with Mr. Khan’s class. He makes history so boring.” 
Before you could respond, Jason Carver, Chrissy’s boyfriend, sneaks up to hugs Chrissy from behind. She squeals with surprise, and you roll your eyes, annoyed by how in love your friends were. They had been dating for some time now, always having their hands on each other. Since then, you’ve been a third wheel, nonetheless, still very included.  You put your books away, re-locking the door. 
“You survived chemistry again, y/n!” Jason says, catching your eye.
Chrissy giggles, “That’s exactly what I said.” 
You laugh, leaning back on your locker, joining Chrissy and Jason who watch fellow school-mates walk by. Several guys from the basketball team came up to Jason, patting him on the back and saying hello. Their girlfriends, who were friends of yours and Chrissy from the cheerleading squad, came up to you and Chrissy. Your group is bigger, having accumulated boys and girls from the basketball team and cheerleading squad. You chat together, laughing as your friends make jokes. Your eyes are pulled away from your friends when Eddie Munson, leader of the 'Hellfire' club walks by with his friends.
Your breath hitches as you watch Eddie walk by who is in deep in conversation with Dustin Henderson, laughing about something someone in their group said. Just as he passes by, Eddie looks up, making eye contact with you. Your stomach twists, already blushing under his gaze. His eyes go wide, noticing your gaze on him, and he pauses in his steps. 
You take in his appearance, as you usually do every day, and your fingers dig into the fabric on your skirt. Today, he wears Hellfire's club t-shirt, a jean jacket, black jeans (hugging him in all the right places), and his typical dirty white sneakers. His face was beautiful, as always, freshly shaved and a smile planted on his mouth.
You're pulled out of your gaze when Jason claps his hands, also pulling Eddie out of his trance. “Keep moving, freak.” 
Eddie's eyes automatically drop to the floor and he picks his pace to catch up with his group of friends that moved forward with out him. You blink, turning back to Chrissy who shoved Jason lightly. "That's not nice, Jason." Chrissy muttered, shaking her head. "Don't say that."
You feel guilty, associating with people that make fun of others, calling them names to make them feel inferior. You turn your head slightly to watch Eddie walk away, heading into the cafeteria. Jason and his friends laugh, amusing themselves.
You look back at Chrissy, "Should we head into lunch? I'm starving."
She shrugs, and then nods. "Sure."
You and Chrissy make your way into the cafeteria, weaving through the large crowd that is doing the same thing; Jason and his friends trail behind. The table you and your friends sit at every day waits for you completely empty, the perks of being on the cheerleader team. You hate to admit it, but you enjoy being popular. Being elevated in the high school social system adds an extra layer of ease and carefree-ness. Or does it?
Your eyes flick to find where Eddie and the Hellfire club sit, always on the right side of the cafeteria. You spot them sitting down with trays already in hand.
"I'll get your food for you, y/n" Alex, a friend of Jason, says as he pulls out one of the chairs for you to sit down. You smile, putting on your pleased face. Alex is sweet to you, but that's about it. Of course, Jason would disagree. Alex plays rough on the court, usually targeting the skinniest kids on the opposing team to knock over. He laughs when they fall, high-fiving other players. It makes your stomach twist to watch from the sidelines.
You sit with the some of the girls who wait for their boyfriends to bring them their food that the cafeteria is serving today. After only a minute, Alex places your tray of food down in front of you and you thank him. He smiles at you, pleased with himself, and you try your hardest not to roll your eyes. Jason had told Chrissy, who told you, that Alex had a major crush on you, spilling his intentions to ask you to prom. You had pretended to be excited, but in reality you would rather skip prom than go with him.
Jason sits next to Chrissy, who sat with no tray in front of her. You frown, "Chrissy, aren't you going to eat?"
Chrissy shakes her head, looking down at her lap. "Not hungry," she says simply.
Jason leans forward to look over at you, snickering "I think she's on a diet or something."
You turn back to your tray, picking up your fork. You bite your lip, thinking about all the times you've noticed Chrissy skip a meal lately. You didn't know if you should say something but you decided it was best to not bring up questions in front of everyone.
Conversation flowed across the table, the loud hum of everyone else chattering in the cafeteria. Chrissy whispers to you about how Alex was staring at you from the other end of the table but you couldn't get yourself to look over. Conversation came to a halt when a performance from another table occurrs.
"As long as you're into band, or science, or parties.." A voice, who you identified as Eddie, says as he stood up on one of the cafeteria tables. Everyone's attention turns to where he stands, elevated over the rest of the cafeteria. Jason and his friends snicker, watching him.
"-Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets," Eddie says, aiming his gaze to the table where you and your friends sit.
Jason stood up quickly, his chair knocking over behind him. "You want something, freak?" Jason yells back to Eddie. Chrissy covers her face with her hand, embarrassed by her partners outburst. You shrink in your chair, arms crossing in front of your chest, although you can't help but continue to watch Eddie and Jason's interaction.
In response, Eddie makes horns with his fingers, sticking his tongue out accordingly. For a brief second, Eddie and Jason have a moment of exchanging intense gazes and your breath hitches in fear of what will happen next. Surely, Jason could easily beat Eddie to a pulp in a fight.
"Prick," you hear Jason mutter, turning to pick his chair up and sit back down.
You breathe out, feeling relief that the intense moment between the two boys is over. Jason, however, is still annoyed.
"What is Munson's problem? It's like he wants to get his ass beaten." Jason says, shaking his head.
You zone out, letting the other boys conspire together. Chrissy leans over, nudging your shoulder. "Boys are so stupid, right?" She says, smiling big enough to show her two front teeth that overlapped. You smiled, agreeing, "So stupid."
The bell rang loudly across the cafeteria sending everyone to disperse from where they sat. Jason leans to kiss Chrissy on the cheek and followed his friends out of the room. Your eyes catch Eddie walking out, and again, he looks over and catches your eye. You smile, and his face expresses surprise that a girl in a cheerleader outfit would lend him such a gesture. You feel embarrassed for a moment until Eddie lifts his hand slightly, offering you a small, almost unnoticeable wave. You return the wave, and he smiles too, continuing to walk out the cafeteria doors.
Your stomach flips at the littlest interaction with Eddie, although this was the most you and Eddie had ever interacted before. You had noticed him look at you sometimes, and vice versa. Eddie had caught you looking at him too. But of course, your friend groups and social status kept you apart although you knew you wouldn't care what either would have to say about being seen with Eddie.
The rest of the school day went by quickly, you only had two classes left. The first one, English, went by fast without much excitement. History was your last class of the day and what occurs upends the rest of your day.
The previous week, Mr. Kepner had assigned a paper on a historical moment that was similar to the historical events the class had covered already. You had chosen to write about Egyptian civilization and you hoped you had done a decent job as you underestimated the complexity and denseness of the topic.
At the beginning of class, Mr. Kepner places graded papers on everyones desk. You take a deep breath before flipping the paper over to see a '100%' placed at the corner of your paper. Written next to the grade was 'see me after class.' You frown wondering how you could be in trouble by getting a perfect grade.
Your stomach was in knots for the rest of the class, afraid to hear what Mr. Kepner had to say to you. When class concluded, you walked up to your teachers desk.
"Y/n, I must say well done on your paper." Mr. Kepner says, taking his glasses off.
"Thank you, Mr. Kepner."
"I was thinking that you should submit the paper for the school's annual scholarship contest." Mr. Kepner says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "I dare say you'd have a good chance at winning."
You're flattered, feeling stupid for worrying so much about the paper and not having confidence in your work. "I'd love to; do I have to fill out a form?"
Mr. Kepner begins to explain how to submit the paper and your mind went to the fact that you were cutting it close to missing your bus. Normally you peel out of class to miss the first bus instead of waiting twenty more minutes for the next one.
"-and that should be enough. I'll sign off on your submission of course." Mr. Kepner says, handing you the form to fill out.
You nod, taking the paper and side stepping away from his desk to head towards the door.
"Miss y/n, I still have more to discuss with you." Mr. Kepner says, watching you head towards the door. "I think you should take AP History next year. Your work is far more advanced than your classmates and I think you'd be better suited there."
You nod, still inching towards the door. "That would be great, Mr. Kepner. That would help with college admissions too. I'm really sorry but I have to catch my bus."
Mr. Kepner nods, standing up. "So sorry to keep you, y/n. I hope I didn't make you miss the bus. See you tomorrow."
You peel out of the room, listening to the door slam behind you. You jog to the end of the door at the hallway, ignoring the stares from the people you run pass. Once you reach the end of the hallway to the parking lot, you push open the door. Your eyes scan the parking lot to see the back end of your bus driving away from you.
"Fuck," you whisper to yourself.
"Let me guess, that was your bus." A voice says beside to you. You turn your head to see Eddie standing next to you.
You turn quickly back to look ahead of you, "That was my bus. Freakin' Mr. Kepner made me miss it. "
Eddie hums, "Ohh yeah. Mr. Kepner is a chatterbox. You're y/n, right?" Eddie leans against the brick wall of the school, his leg propping him up.
You nod, "That's me."
"I'm Eddie Munson." Eddie says, pushing himself off the wall to stand next to you. He has a curious smile on his face, as he puts his hand out for you to shake.
You match his smile, amused by his hand placed in front of you. You take his hand, shaking it. "I know who you are."
Eddie stares at you for a minute, analyzing your face. His eyes move from yours to your lips. You feel nervous under his gaze and you cough to break the moment. "So, what are you still doing at school? I'd assume you be out the minute the bell rings to go play that game you and your friends play."
Eddie places a hand on his chest. "It's Dungeons and Dragons; it's not just a game, it's a lifestyle. I'm waiting to make some extra cash." Eddie says, pulling a small bag with green lumps in it. You had previously heard some of the basketball players talk about Eddie's quality of products. You raise your eyebrows and nod, "I see."
Eddie tucks the bag away and clasps his hands in front of him. "When does the next bus come?"
You sigh, "Twenty minutes or something like that."
Eddie coos, "That won't do. I can take you home after my client comes."
You laugh, "Your client? Pretty fancy for a drug dealer."
"I'm not a drug dealer, it's just a side hustle."
"Sure," You say, a teasing tone lacing your words. You don't want to come off excited to spend time alone with Eddie. "If it's not any trouble, I would appreciate a ride home."
Eddie nods and before he could speak, Alex turns around the corner. "Y/n?" Alex says, looking between you and Eddie. "Is this freak bothering you?"
You shake your head, "No, Alex. I just missed by bus and I'm waiting."
"Are we going to do this or not? Twenty bucks, brother." Eddie says, displaying the bag of weed to Alex. Alex scoffs, "I'm not your brother and here." Alex places a paper bill in Eddie's hand.
Eddie takes the bill, tucking it into his pocket. "Thanks for doing business."
Alex ignores Eddie, turning towards you. "Y/n, I'll drive you home so you don't have to wait."
You grimace, but catch yourself and put a fake smile on. "It's okay, Alex. Eddie already offered."
Alex turns to Eddie who offers him a simple smile. Alex shakes his head, "I'm sure Eddie has a club of freaks to attend to. Just get in my car."
You turn away from both boys, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your puffer jacket. You want to signal to Alex to get the hint and leave you alone. You wanted to spend time with Eddie, certainly not Alex. "You have practice anyway, Alex. You couldn't drop me off and get back in time."
"Run along," Eddie says, snickering. "You heard the lady."
Alex glares at Eddie and mutters an expletive at him. Alex saunters away, taking one last chance to look between you and Eddie. Once Alex is gone, Eddie turns to you. "Shall we?"
You nod, following Eddie across the parking lot. The brisk Indiana wind cut through your jacket, sending shivers to your skin. Eddie guided you to his car which wasn't far from where you started near the school. His car was a large, maroon colored van, most certainly bought used, with a white stripe in the middle. Eddie walks over to the passenger side, opening the door quickly. He leans in, swiping objects of the seat.
Eddie backs up, helping you into the van. "Sorry for the mess, I didn't expect a co-pilot today." You smile, glancing at him. You could tell he was nervous by the way his eyes shifted.
You sit down in the passenger seat, taking a look around. In the middle of the two front seats there's a pile of cassette tapes. You lean over, picking two up; Iron Maiden and Metallica. Sometimes, late at night, you wondered what music Eddie might be listening to in his room at the same moment. Now you knew.
Eddie climbs into the van, sticking the key into the ignition.
"Nice music," You say, hoping he didn't ask what songs you liked. You had never listened to Iron Maiden or Metallica but you wanted to come off as cool to Eddie.
Eddie takes the cassettes from you, looking at which ones you picked up. "You like Iron Maiden? And Metallica?"
You nod, folding your hands in your lap. "Yeah."
Eddie raises his eyebrows, glancing at you. "I didn't expect that." Eddie puts the car in reverse, barely looking to make sure there was nobody walking or driving behind him.
"What do you mean?" You ask, cocking your head at him.
Eddie shrugs, "You're just a cheerleader, you know. I definitely didn't expect for you to be in my car ever."
You laugh, "Why not? I'm still a person even though I'm a cheerleader."
Eddie pulls out of the school's parking lot, starting to drive towards the street. "You hang out with Jason and all his friends. They don't like me at all."
You bite your lip. "Jason doesn't speak for all of us."
Eddie coughs, nervous at the sound of you alluding to the fact that you don't find him weird. "Where do you live again?" Eddie asks, before he pulls on to the street. You tell him your address, and he brings the car to a start again.
You sit in silence as Eddie drives. Your body flushes, the reality that you're alone with Eddie starting to settle in. You notice Eddie taking glances at you and clearing his throat. "Which songs from Iron Maiden do you like the most?"
You stomach clenches at the question. "Oh you know. They're all so good, how can you pick just one?" You roll your eyes at your response, and you look out the window.
Eddie laughs, "You're never listened to Iron Maiden before, right?"
You sigh, glancing at Eddie. "No, I just said that to sound cool to you."
Eddie raises his eyebrows again, turning his eyes back to the road. "Why would you need to act cool? You're already the cool one; in fact, you being in my car would get you kicked out of being popular."
You turn towards Eddie now. "Why do you think I care so much about being popular?"
"Don't you?"
You sit back in your seat. "No. It's lonely; you seem to have more genuine friendships with the Hellfire club."
"So you're watching me and my friends?" Eddie says, a smirk playing on his lips.
You are embarrassed at your choice of words and you quickly search your mind for a comeback. "It's kind of hard not to when you stand on a cafeteria table and publicly launch insults at the people I'm sitting at the table with."
Eddie laughs, shaking his head. "That was pretty good, wasn't it? God, I didn't think you'd be like this at all."
"You keep saying that, what do you mean?"
"I just- I don't know. I just always imagined you'd be-" Eddie stumbles over his words, causing you to look over at him. "The truth is I've had like a major crush on you since sophomore year and I always assumed you'd be a certain type of way because you're a cheerleader but you're..."
Your heart thumped at Eddie's confession but you tried to play it off. "But I'm kinda nice, right? You out of all people shouldn't judge how another may be."
Eddie glances at you, "Fair enough."
"So you've had a crush on me?"
Eddie nervously laughs, "I was hoping you wouldn't come back to that."
You cross one leg under your other, turning towards Eddie. "How could I? That's quite the confession."
"I shouldn't have said anything."
You shake your head, glad to finally get this secret off your chest. "I'm glad you did because the crush is reciprocal."
Eddie jams on the breaks, sending you forward until the seatbelt caught you. He turns towards you, cars honking behind him. "Really?"
You look in the side mirrors, watching cars dodge around you. You flinch watching a car almost slam into the back of Eddie's van. "Eddie you should probably drive," you say, afraid of what will happen if his car continues to sit in the middle of the road.
Eddie listens to you, pressing the gas. He turns the car onto your street, leaning forward to look for your house number on the mailbox. "It's the white one," You say.
Eddie parks the car in front of your house. "You really like me too?"
You smile at him, sad that your social status makes it seem impossible for you to be with Eddie. "Yes," you say simply.
Eddie's nervousness appears again, his words beginning to jumble and his voice high-pitched. "I-I, wow that's cool, I mean."
You laugh, opening the car door. You lean over, deciding to be bold, and you place a kiss on his cheek. You inhale, embracing the strong cologne he has on. You pull away, moving to grab your backpack and hop out of the car. "Thanks for the ride, Eddie."
You look back at him from outside the car. He offers you a small wave, startled by your move. You turn around but then turn back again. "Would you ever want to go out sometime?"
Eddie's jaw slacks, "Y-Yeah, I'd love to."
You smile, glad that he agreed to go out with you. You drop your backpack on the ground, pulling a sheet of of notebook paper out and finding a pen at the bottom of your bag. You write your home's phone number on the paper and hand it to Eddie. "Call me sometime." Eddie folds the piece of paper, putting it into his jacket.
You turn around, leaving Eddie behind you. You feel his eyes trailing you and you smile to yourself, proud of your boldness.
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Omg I just accidently found your blog and I'm so freaking happy, cause there are not enough writer who writes for Deacon 😭 unfortunately I'm super obsessed with him, with an unhealthy amount of fic ideas in my brain xD so I give it a try and send you one of those, hopefully jot annoying you with this (or with my shitty English, it's not my first language, so I'm sorry).
Well buckle up for my request:
Reader is a new Swat member and instantly everybody loves her, with her bubbly friendly self. She's bonding great with her teammates and especially her and Deacon grow super close (they develop feelings for each other but don't want to tell the each other afraid to ruin their friendship, so their feelings stay hidden). When one day a case goes sideways and it leaves her injured (maybe a concussion or something like that) Deacon blames himself for her injury and the next days he distances himself from her, cause he thinks that it is unhealthy for him to have such deep feelings for her and him constantly worrying for her wellbeing. She notices his change of behavior and she's super sad. He starts to being unfriendly to her and being a little bit of an ass?! Even alerting the other members with his behavior. The whole situation is taking a toll on her and she is starting to effecting not only her poor heart but also her health. (so maybe she falls sick, but keep it from her teammates especially Deacon, cause she thinks that after her injury during a case he thinks of her as not capable or something like that). That is until one day she doesn't show up to work which very uncommon for her, cause she's always on time and the first one at the station. They're all worrried and Hondo tells Deacon that he has to drive to her apartment. Well he tries to refuse and send Stress but Hondo insists, so Deacon drives to her apartment. He finds her suffering from a very high fever..... So maybe with a happy ending like Deacon regrets his shitty behavior, she instantly cries when she recognizes him in her feverish state, asking him why he hates her suddenly, which is now breaking his heart. He cares for her and nurses her back to health, or at first tries to bring her fever down. Later he confesses why he was an asshole.
Soooorry it's so long. There's so pressure for you to write this. Maybe you just want to use some ideas? Well I would be so happy.
Please take care lovely
Here you go, hope you enjoy!
“Nice!” Luca exclaimed as the team watched you send rounds down range from your firearm.
With the increase in officer related shootings, LAPD had decided to provide each team a SWAT medic and you were the newest member of 20 squad. 
“Who knew girls can shoot?” You heard Deacon asked. You turned to playfully scowl at him and noticed him wink at you. 
“Better watch it, Kay, or I’ll show you just how good I really am.” 
You had been a part of the team for just over two months and they were the best guys you had ever worked with in your career. You truly became a part of their family – you had their backs and they had yours. There was one that was different though. 
David Kay. 
You had noticed him watching you on more than one occasion, stealing winks from you, sharing small, flirtatious smiles. You weren’t sure if your attraction to him was mutual or not, but if you had to guess, you would say yes. However, you didn’t want to complicate anything by dating one of your teammates and you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you had developed with Deacon. You assumed Deacon adopted the same mindset because he never brought it up either. 
However, that didn’t mean your flirting with each other fell on blind eyes. 
The entire team noticed it and often gave you both shit over it. 
You both were in the middle of denying another teasing round of friends with benefits accusations from your teammates when you were dispatched to a school shooting. 
The mood immediately sobered up as all of you put on your gear and grabbed your bags and firearms. The ride to the school in Black Betty was quiet minus updates from Hondo. 
“Stay liquid, guys,” He told the team as you pulled up on scene. 
There were multiple reports of injured children inside of the school. 
This call was all yours. 
It was going to be your job to go inside and assess each injured child to see how critically injured they were. It was your team’s job to protect you while you did that. You were going in without any knowledge of where the shooter was, but you knew if you had children, you would want someone to go in and save your baby. You swallowed your fear and prepared to do your job. 
You got out of the armored truck and took your spot in the middle of your team. You slowed your breathing down to get your heart rate under control and keep your emotions in check. 
Deacon made sure that he stayed close to you as you entered the school. He knew his teammates would have your back too, but he felt…��differently about you. He cared about you a lot. He had quickly fallen for your smile and your personality. You didn’t let the team’s banter intimidate you one bit from the start. You were quick and witty with your playfulness with them. You were smart as hell when it came to medicine and you had proven to be a solid member of the SWAT team in training exercises and on calls you had run together. He wanted so badly to ask you out to dinner, but he wasn’t willing to change the dynamic of the team by adding a relationship to the mix. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be protective over you – whether you noticed it or not. 
That was why Deacon had taken it so personally when you were knelt down, applying a tourniquet to a fourth-grade student’s leg and got shot by the hidden gunman. His team covered him while he immediately turned to you to make sure you were okay. The round had struck your vest, but you knew it had broken ribs. The pain you felt in your side was unmistakable. Regardless, you threw your body over the child’s to protect her from the gunfire that ensued. Deacon and Luca dragged you both behind a desk behind a wall in a classroom. 
“Are you okay?” Deacon asked without taking his aim from the door way. 
“We’ve got to get her out of here.” You ignored his question as you continued to try and stop the little girl’s bleeding. 
Your voice was forced and you were breathy. 
“I asked if you were okay,” Deacon said angrily. 
“I’m fine.” You retorted. 
You soon heard Tan’s voice over the radio that the shooter had been neutralized. You didn’t know if there was more than one shooter, but didn’t see any signs of one so far. When you got the clear from Hondo, you radioed for another team to come in and get the girl out and get her to a hospital. Once she was safely removed, you resumed your formation in the middle of the team to continue to clear the school building. Deacon could tell you were injured because you didn’t shoulder your firearm correctly, but he didn’t see any blood so he let it go. He was pissed off at you for not stopping and going to get help yourself, but he was even more pissed off at himself for not seeing the gunman before he shot at you. 
It took two hours to clear the rest of the school and stabilize the remaining children. By the time you were done, you were visibly diaphoretic and short of breath. You could hardly manage three words without stopping to catch your breath. 
“20-David to command,” Deacon radioed, “We need an EMS unit to our location, we have a team member who needs to be checked out.” 
You were in pain, you couldn’t breathe, and you were pissed off that Deacon asked for EMS without consulting you first. 
“Why did you do that?!” You managed to asked through clenched teeth. “These children need those paramedics.” You took a few shallow breaths, “Not me! Cancel. Them.” 
If looks could kill, your sergeant would be the one who needed a medic unit, not you.
“Officer,” Deacon said sternly, “You look like hell and you cannot breathe.”
You started to open your mouth to cut him off, but he started speaking loudly again.
“Now, I suggest you shut up and listen to your sergeant. I am not the one who takes orders from you.” 
His harsh words hit you harder than the bullet hit your ballistic vest and left you just as speechless. David had never been so disrespectful to you. If the paramedics hadn’t arrived to assess you, you would have turned in your badge right there. You knew the rest of the team had noticed as well because they were all silent which pissed you off even more. Where was your support?
The paramedics tried helping you onto the stretcher, but you refused it. Despite not being able to speak for being short of breath. You held onto the stretcher for support and walked to the ambulance. By the time you finally made it outside to the ambulance, you were physically unable to get into the ambulance because you were hurting so bad and so short of breath. The EMS providers finally convinced you to get onto the stretcher and they were able to load you into the truck. 
When you arrived to the ER, you were taken to a trauma room due to the fact that you had technically been shot. Your chest x-ray revealed a collapsed lung due to the broken ribs. 
The rest of the team finished debriefing before being cleared to leave for the day. Hondo met Deacon in the quiet locker rooms since most of everyone else had already left. 
“Deac…” Hondo paused, knowing he needed to tread carefully, “What was up back at the school? I have never heard you speak to anyone like that – especially one of our teammates.” 
Deacon slammed his locker shut. 
“Hondo, now ain’t the time, brother.”
The lieutenant raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, I won’t press, but I do ask that you consider an apology. It was unwarranted today. We all performed immaculately given the circumstances.”
“No, Hondo. No. We did not all perform immaculately.” His tone was biting. 
Deacon walked passed Hondo and left the locker rooms. He left the station and threw his duffel bag in the backseat of his truck. He climbed in, started it, and drove to a nearby lake that off the road and would likely be deserted after dark on a week night. He parked in the dark and slammed his fists against the steering wheel in frustration. 
Tears filled his eyes as he mentally kicked himself in the ass for missing the shooter that injured you today. He didn’t fight the tears as they spilled down his cheeks. What had gotten into him? Why were you different? Why was he so upset? Why did you getting injured bother him so badly? You were okay and you were expected to make a full recovery according to Hicks. Where along the line had he developed feelings and why was he so afraid of talking to you about them?
You spent 6 days in the hospital, 4 of those with a chest tube before being discharged home. During your entire hospital stay, Deacon had not been by to see you once despite daily visits from the rest of your teammates. It made you mad, but most of all, it hurt your feelings. You really liked you sergeant – or you thought that you did. His actions since you had been injured spoke louder than any words that could have been said. 
Luca and Chris were there to take you home and help you get settled. They carried your bags in and Chris helped you unpack your things while Luca cooked supper for the three of you. Chris helped you remove your bra so you could put on a loose, comfy t-shirt. Being the only females on the squad left you two comfortable around each other. 
“That is one hell of a bruise, babe.” She said as she looked at your black and purple side. 
You had to agree – the entire left side of your torso was bruised. It looked awful. Thankfully, the doctors had been able to help manage your pain with narcotics. 
“I’m glad it finally looks worse than it feels… Which is saying a lot because it still hurts like hell.” 
You slipped on a pair of sleep shorts and made your way back into your kitchen with Chris. 
You took a pain pill and joined your teammates in your living room to eat the spaghetti that Luca made. 
“Thank you so much for taking care of me guys,” You said several hours later as you walked Luca and Chris to your door. 
“That’s what we’re here for, love,” Luca said, pulling you into a gentle hug. 
You kissed his cheek, “Supper was delicious, Dom. Thank you times a million.” 
He returned the kiss to your cheek and Chris pulled you in for a hug. 
“Call us if you need anything?” 
You smiled at her after the hug, “You know I will.” 
You settled onto your couch with a glass of wine. You knew the alcohol and narcotic wasn’t the smartest elixir, however, you needed to mask more than your physical pain. 
You couldn’t get Deacon off your mind and your heart had yet to stop hurting. Your emotional pain screamed much louder than your physical pain. 
“Dammit!” You heard through clouded consciousness. “What the fuck?” 
You felt yourself being picked up and carried to your bed. You recognized a familiar cologne but quickly disregarded the scent and winced at the pain in your ribs before drifting back off to sleep. 
You woke up the next morning nearly in tears again as you entered a coughing spell. You managed to get out of bed and make your way to the kitchen where your pain pills were, but you were scared shitless by a man sitting at your kitchen table. As soon as your heart began racing with fear, the fear subsided, realizing that it was Deacon sitting inside of your home. 
“Jesus Christ! What the fuck, David?” You held your chest with one hand and braced your broken ribs with the other. 
He didn’t answer you. 
You ignored his silence and took your morning pain medication. 
“Ya know… I said the same thing last night when I came over and found you unconscious on your couch. So, I can also say, what the fuck? What were you thinking?” Deacon’s voice grew steadily louder as he stood up and turned to you. “Pain pills and alcohol?”
You were angry. “Something to make this shit stop hurting,” You spat as you snatched up the side of your shirt to reveal your black and blue torso. 
You could tell the extent of your injuries caught Deacon off guard. His facial expression softened and he didn’t respond. 
You let go of your shirt, letting it fall back down to your waist and continued fixing yourself a glass of water to take your pain pill with. You took your medicine and continued to ignore your sergeant as you turned your back to him to get the milk out of your refrigerator to fix yourself a bowl of cereal. His hand stopped yours mid-air reaching for your cabinet. He gently held your wrist with one hand and you felt the edge of your shirt being lifted again. He let go of your hand, staring at the bruising that covered you. You could sense his demeanor soften. 
There was a long silence as he took in your injuries. 
“I’m so sorry…” He whispered. 
The tone in his voice felt like a hug to your soul. 
“Deacon-” You turned around to face him. 
“No, listen to me,” he interrupted you. “This…” He grazed his fingertip down your side, “is all my fault.”
The confusion was written all over your face. 
“I should have seen that bastard before he ever had a chance at you.” 
You began shaking your head but you weren’t quite sure what to say. 
“You’ve been an asshole to me ever since it happened, David, what the hell has changed now?” You were beginning to grow angry again. 
“Look, I am so, so sorry.” His voice was gentle. “I should have stopped that guy before he shot you. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like I did. I should have visited you in the hospital. You are a teammate and I failed you, but I really should have told you from the get-go that I have developed feelings for you.” He didn’t take a breath the entire time he spoke so you struggled to follow him, but his last sentence hit you like a ton of bricks. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Ever since you have been on the team with us, you have become more than just a teammate to me. Truthfully, I have liked you from the day that I met you and my attraction to you has only grown every single day. I like you so much more than just as a teammate. I would dare say that I am falling in love with you.” He slowly reached up to cradle your face with his hand, hesitant, wondering if you would allow him to touch you. 
You did. 
“I am so, so sorry that I have treated you so poorly this week – so wrong. It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with the fact that I hate myself for not being able to protect you like I should have. I’ve been so afraid to let you know how I feel about you. I’m sorry I was more afraid of affecting the team than I was giving you the honesty that you deserve. Please, please forgive me.” 
He looked into your eyes as he nervously chewed on his bottom lip. 
“Deacon…” You said quietly, leaning into his hand caressing your jaw. 
He took a deep breath and continued, “If you don’t feel the same way, I understand, but I came over here last night to apologize and tell you all of this. When I found you passed out on the couch, barely responsive, it frustrated me. So, I stayed here last night to make sure you were okay. Please don’t be mad.” 
Silence fell between you while you considered how to respond. Given the emotions that you had worked through over the past week, going from feelings for your partner, to physical and emotional hurt, to anger towards David for not visiting, texting or calling, resentment towards yourself for having feelings towards David despite how cruel he had been to you with his absence while you had been hospitalized, you struggled to find any words.
Deacon watched you suffer through a week’s worth of feelings as he watched your eyes. You took a deep breath. 
He decided that you were taken too long to respond and if he didn’t act now, he never would. 
He leaned down and softly pressed his lips on yours. 
You instinctively closed your eyes and allowed David to kiss you. When you didn’t pull away, he parted his lips just enough to run his tongue tenderly along your bottom lip. You opened your lips, allowing him to kiss you deeper. You began to return the kiss when David went to place his hands on your waist, forgetting about your injuries. You stopped kissing him and winced. 
“God, I’m so sorry,” he said.
“It’s okay.” You whispered, your voice shaky. 
Deacon noticed the tears that trickled down your cheeks. 
He wiped them away with his thumbs and began apologizing to you again. 
You interrupted him with another kiss. You reached up and intertwined your fingers behind his head, softly rubbing his neck with your fingertips. He moaned quietly into the kiss. He grabbed your arm and squeezed it, needing to touch you, but being mindful of your injuries. You enjoyed the feeling of his tall, muscular body, towering over yours. You felt protected. 
He pressed his forehead to yours, brushing a stand of hair behind your ear, “Mmhmm?”
“I love you.” 
"I love you too."
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
Home For Christmas - Jake Seresin x OC
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A/N: This is my entry for @bellaireland1981's Winter RomCom Writing Challenge, with the trope childhood friends. I was watching a lot of romcoms last night and felt inspired, it's definitely heavily influenced by 13 Going on 30, Just Friends + Sweet Home Alabama. (I realize only one of those is set in the winter, but I digress). I'm debating a part two/epilogue as well, if anyone is interested! Also super proud of this one, because it's the longest fic I've ever written.
pairing: Jake Seresin x OC
warnings/content: none, lots of fluff and pining. Jake's been promoted to Captain. Probably a lot of inaccuracies.
word count: 7.7k (literally my longest one yet, I'm sorry)
tagging anyone who might be interested: @littleenglishfangirl, @floydsmuse, @sailor-aviator, @mamachasesmayhem 🤍
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December, 1999
“Jake! Jake, wait up!” 
“Run faster then, I gotta get home before the street lights come on or my mama’s gonna be so mad she won’t let you come over tomorrow!” 
“Jake, your mama’s not gonna say no to me comin’ over and you know it.”
“Jenna, how you ever gonna keep up with me when I join the navy and start having to run a few miles every day?”
Jake turned around to face you for a moment, running backwards with a grin plastered on his face, his baby-faced cheeks red from the cold, his green eyes full of mischief as he watched you try and keep up with him. His sandy blonde hair stuck out slightly from underneath his Dallas Cowboys baseball cap, a handmedown from his older brother that he rarely left home without since Matt had given it to him. He stopped running, placing his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, the cold air stinging his throat as he panted. You finally managed to close the distance between the two of you, raising an eyebrow as you panted, your own cheeks ruddy from the combination of cold winter air and physical activity. 
You and Jake had been best friends as long as you could remember. In eleven years, you couldn’t name a single time where the two of you had as much as had a disagreement, or went more than a few hours without talking to one another. Your mothers had been best friends in high school, and you two were destined to be best friends since birth - born four days apart in the same hospital, living on the same street and having your first play date at 10 and 7 days old. Jake was four days older than you, and he never let you forget it when it came to matters where age or maturity played a role. However, where Jake had four days more experience in the world, you had multitudes more experience in dealing with hardship than any eleven-year-old child should have. 
Where Jake had the picture-perfect family - a mom, a dad, an older sister, an older brother and him, all living in perfect harmonious happiness, never as much as a doubt as to whether or not there was love in his household, you had the opposite. An absent father, an only child, and a mother who worked two jobs to try and make life better for the two of you, you spent almost every waking minute with Jake and his family, not only as an escape to experience the happy, blissfully carefree life he lived, but also, as a favour to your mother, with Mrs. Seresin often volunteering to care for you when your mother had to work late or work on weekends. 
You were at the Seresin home almost every night, with Jake’s mother fussing over her best friend’s daughter, helping her lifelong friend however she could in guiding her little girl, you acting as the surrogate daughter that part of her had always wanted. Jake’s father trying to fill in the blanks where your father had lacked - offering to coach sports teams and including you in games of catch with Jake and his brother, taking you and the boys to get new baseball gloves or soccer cleats when needed, taking the three of you for ice cream after a big achievement in life. Jake’s 16 year old sister, Bethany, would take time to do your hair in the mornings before school whenever she had a chance, offering to do it in all the fun styles she and her friends wore, the kind you were often envious of, passing you old tubes of lip gloss she had lingering around in her backpack on your way to school, encouraging you to use them to your hearts content.  Even Matt, who at 14, thought his brother and his brother’s friends were the most irritating beings in existence, had offered you old sports jerseys of his that no longer fit, teasing you the same way he’d tease Jake, treating you like the little sister he never had. 
Until this past summer, you found yourself wishing most days that Jake’s family would just adopt you, let your mother move in with them and the two of you could just officially be a part of their fun, bustling family that served as your cheerful escape from life. However, when elementary school ended in June with middle school looming around the corner, Bethany had pulled you aside to talk to you about the transition between schools. 
“You know, middle school is…different. It’s not bad. It’s just…things change sometimes. You and Jake might start going on dates with people from school, and it might change your relationship. It happens,” She’d said matter of factly, not mincing words as she shrugged her shoulders, fixing her frosted eyeshadow in the mirror before turning to face you again.
“You might even develop feelings for each other.”
At the time, her words didn’t hold meaning for you. You and Jake had been best friends since Jake was four days old. Your moms were best friends. You practically lived in their home. There was no way things could change between you. You could never have a crush on Jake. He was Jake, the boy who would hide under his mama’s kitchen table with you and a flashlight, swapping baseball cards with one another, the boy who, when you were six-years-old, you’d witnessed eat an entire package of Oreos, then laughed at as he proceeded to throw up an hour later from the sheer volume of chocolate-vanilla sandwich cookies he’d consumed that day. Jake could never be someone you’d have a crush on. He was your best friend. That would never change.
It was two weeks later when Jake had been on the baseball diamond, pitching an inning of Little League with you in the stands watching on. His baseball cap had been flipped backwards to mimic one of his favourite major league players, his green eyes narrowing in concentration with every pitch he threw out. His golden blonde hair poked out the front of his baseball cap, much like it was doing today, on this cold January evening. His focus was on nothing but baseball, while yours was on everything but when it came to him. When he happened to look your way during the game, you felt a weird feeling in your stomach - a bubbling sensation, like nerves that couldn’t be settled. Your cheeks flushed, turning a pale pink as they became warm to the touch, reddening slightly as you felt Bethany’s gaze fall on you, a grin forming on her face as you proved her right about how your feelings were evolving for Jake. 
Since that day, you’d found yourself continuing to crush on him, each day your feelings grew deeper and more intense than the day before. At this point, you almost swore you could see yourself marrying him one day. You had to admit, you knew everything there was to know about him, you always had fun with him, and he was always happy to see you - you were convinced you two could be as happy and as in love as his parents were someday when you and Jake got older. You’d never tell Jake, you just hoped and prayed that he’d realize one day that he felt the same way about you as you felt about him. You knew there was always the chance that it might not happen, but you didn’t want to think about that.  In fact, as far as you were concerned, you hoped that there was never a day where Jake didn’t love you as wholeheartedly as your little eleven year old self loved him.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
Present Day
“Jake, please, come back. I miss you,”
“I miss you too, Jenna, I’m coming home to you. It’s always been you.”
The ear-piercing screech of your phone’s alarm blared from your nightstand, interrupting your dream as it screamed at you. You rolled over in bed, groaning as you clumsily stuck your hand out, feeling around on the wooden side table for your phone to silence it and allow yourself a few more moments of peace and quiet before you had to start your day. The last think you wanted right now was to let this dream slip away on you - it was the closest you’d ever find yourself to Jake professing his love for you after all these years, and you clung to it whenever it cropped up in your mind as you slept. 
Jake had always been the one-who-got-away for you. You spent your entire middle school years trying to hide your feelings for him, refusing to break until he said how he felt first. You were 13 when he got his first girlfriend, Tiffany Donaldson, a girl in your class. Tiffany was pretty and popular, something that you couldn’t claim for yourself in either case - growing up with Jake, you were seen as more of a teammate or a sister-figure than anything else, despite his sister’s best efforts to help you shake that connection somewhat. After Tiffany, you two had begun high school, and Jake made the football team, and the baseball team. As the school’s star runningback and starting pitcher for the varsity team, Jake was popular beyond words. No one could hold a candle to him, and as his popularity soared because of his athletic prowess in school, you faded further and further back into obscurity, the limelight falling from you and onto someone new each time Jake began dating another girl. Eventually, by the time graduation rolled around, you and Jake had all but fallen out of touch with each other outside of family get-togethers shared between your mothers. 
You had just worked up the courage to tell him your feelings at the graduation party Jake’s parents had thrown for you both, convincing yourself that it was perfect timing - Jake had accepted an offer at the University of Texas at Austin, keeping close to home as he planned to study finance, his secret talent having always been math. You’d accepted an offer to study communications at the same school, and with both of you remaining local, it would be the perfect time to tell him how you felt and attempt a relationship with him, or so you thought.
Before the words could even leave your mouth, Jake was excitedly pulling you aside at the party, stopping outside of his childhood bedroom, the place where the two of you had often played as kids. His green eyes were full of excitement as he looked at you, causing your heart to race as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, making it hard to concentrate on his words. You almost didn’t hear him when he spoke, you were so transfixed on him. If the news had been anything else, you probably wouldn’t have even registered what he’d said the first time. You could still hear the excitement in his voice as he told you his news, and still feel the ache in the pit of your stomach as his words fell on your ears.
“I got accepted! I’m going to the Naval Academy, Jenna, can you believe it? I’m going to serve in the Navy, just like I always wanted. I’m going to be the best aviator they’ve ever seen. Just you watch.” 
Jake’s voice was practically buzzing with excitement as he’d told you his news, and it took everything you had in you to not fall apart as he spoke. While you knew he’d always dreamed of being a naval aviator, as long as you could remember, the news hit you like a ton of bricks, unexpected and hard as it rendered you speechless, leaving you nodding your head and smiling like an idiot while inside you wanted nothing more than to scream out how you felt. You knew this could never work out between you now. Your chance was gone, moving away to Maryland and joining the Navy before you’d even had a second to realize what was happening when he spoke. 
That was 17 years ago, and the moment still haunted you from time to time, more than you’d like to admit to anyone. At first, you’d kept in touch with Jake and his family, seeing Jake when he came home for holidays and such at first, but then, as you and Jake began entering your first romantic relationships as adults, you found yourselves including each other less and less in your lives. With each boyfriend you had, you realized more and more that you could never love them the way you loved Jake -he’d always be your first love, regardless of how he felt in return. When Jake graduated, he’d been stationed at NAS Lemoore, swapping Maryland for California. You’d still hear the odd update from your mother, who remained in touch with Jake’s parents, but otherwise, you didn’t ask much about Jake’s adult life. You knew he’d never married, that he’d become a Top Gun graduate, and held true to his word about becoming one of the greatest fighter pilots in the United States Navy, but other than that, you knew little about his life now. Last you had heard, last Christmas, he’d been stationed in San Diego. 
You sat up in bed, yawning and stretching your body out before heaving a heavy sigh and shaking your head to rid yourself of thoughts of Jake. You were preparing for a trip back home to Texas for the holidays, spending three weeks back with your mother, part of you wishing and longing for Jake to be visiting his family at the same time, while the other part of you prayed he was staying in California or serving a tour so he wouldn’t be able to be there while you were. It had been close to 15 years since you’d seen him, and the last thing you needed was to be reminded of how you strongly you felt. You didn’t need the help from seeing him. The memories of him were more than enough to keep you clinging on. 
Your phone rang and with bleary eyes, you picked it up, pressing the green button to answer the call.
“Good morning, sweetheart!” Your mother practically sang out in a voice that was far too cheerful for anyone to have at this hour. 
“Hi mama, what’s up? My flight doesn’t land until this evening.” 
“Well, I was talking to Mrs. Seresin about Jake, Matt and Bethany…” Your mother’s voice trailed off as she spoke, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat at the mention of Jake.
“Mhmm?” You responded as you stood up, balancing the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you folded a sweatshirt and set it down neatly on the bed, waiting to be packed.
“It turns out both of us are having our kids home for Christmas! Bethany’s coming down from Dallas with her husband and their little ones, and Matt’s coming from Oklahoma City with his fiancee, and Jake’s flying in on leave from California. He’s made his way up to Captain now, you know, Jenna. He’s made quite the career for himself.”
“Mama, I don’t need a sales pitch on why Jake Seresin is the perfect man for me, ok? He hasn’t seen me in years. He probably wouldn’t even recognize me if he saw me.”
“You never know. But I expect you to dress nicely for their Christmas party. You and I have been invited to join them, and I already said you would gladly be attending.”
“Of course you did. So Jake will be there, then?”
“I think his flight lands just before yours does today, actually. His mama and I were actually discussing if we should just carpool together to pick you both up like back when you two were in school together. Remember that? We used to take turns carting you kids back and forth from home to school.”
“I remember, mama. Don’t worry.”
“Anyway…we were talking and it turns out, Jake happens to be single.”
“Mama, why would I care that Jake’s single?” You replied, trying to sound as level-headed as possible. 
“Please, Jenna. You really think I don’t know about this crush of yours you’ve been harbourin’ for years?” You could hear the laughter in your mother’s tone as she spoke, and it stung, almost as though your feelings had betrayed you.
“Mama! I haven’t had a crush on Jake in years. Not since he left for the Navy.”
“Of course not…just, do me a favour? Wear something nice for that Christmas party, ok?”
“Sure, Mama, whatever you say.”
You finished the conversation with your mother and let out an exasperated sigh as you tossed your phone onto your bed beside you. You had to be at the airport in three hours, leaving you little time to completely reconfigure your wardrobe for the next few weeks at home in Austin. Peering into your closet, scanning the items as they sat on wire hangers in the tiny space, you frowned, realizing that nothing was worthy of a reunion with Jake after all these years. At the back of the closet, you found a black, form-fitting sweater dress that you hadn’t worn in years, but, as you held it up to yourself in the mirror, you figured it could work. Part of you hoped this reunion could be the thing that’d remind Jake of what he was missing out on for the last 17 years. 
As you finished packing your suitcase, you zipped it closed with a sigh, shaking your head as you tried to calm your nerves before getting yourself ready for your flight. There was a chance you could see Jake at the airport, and you knew you had to look your best, just in case. 
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
The flight from Chicago to Austin was the most painful three hours of your life. You tried to focus your attention on anything but Jake, but every movie saved on your phone, every book on your tablet, and every thought that crossed your mind was filled with him. You tried reminding yourself that he could be a totally different person from who he was when you were 18. That he could look completely different, act completely different - that he may not even know who you are anymore. The thought of Jake forgetting you was suffocating, closing in on you a little bit more every time it creeped into your mind. You took a deep breath as you departed the plane, your eyes scanning the crowd for your mother as you gripped your carry-on. Your face went white as a sheet as you saw her standing with Mrs. Serensin, both of whom waved frantically with excitement as they saw you.
“Jenna! It’s been so long, darlin’, how have you been? Your mama’s told me lots, but I feel like it’s no substitute for getting to see you in person!” 
“Hi, Mrs. Serensin! I’ve been ok, how have you guys been? Haven’t seen you in about, 15 years? I think I saw y’all the one visit after Jake shipped out, but I haven’t been home much for the holidays, Mama’s usually up in Chicago visiting me.”
“We’ve been good, Bethany has two boys now, Easton and Dylan, and Matt’s met this girl, Alexis, she’s wonderful, a real sweetheart. He’s gettin’ married next summer. “
“Oh, that’s great news!” You replied cheerfully, fighting the instinct to bite your lip as she failed to mention where Jake was at in life. 
“We better get going, Julie, Jake’s plane’s about to land,” Your mother said as she grabbed Mrs. Seresin’s arm excitedly, nodding her head.
“Oh, I thought Jake landed earlier?” 
“He was meant to, but his flight got delayed, he’s landing in a few minutes now, I think.”
You nodded your head slowly, reluctantly following behind as your mom and Mrs. Serensin led the way to Jake’s terminal, biting the inside of your cheek as your eyes followed the signage as you walked past. You tried your best to focus on something, anything, but your nerves but so far, your nerves were winning. You were terrified. What if Jake hated you for not staying in touch? What if he forgot all about you? What if you were the last person he wanted to see? What he if came through those doors with a surprise girlfriend on his arm?
“Ma!” You heard a voice call out. You looked up to see a tall, handsome man with neatly combed blonde hair, piercing green eyes and sunkissed skin. His naval uniform was still perfectly pressed without a crease on it somehow after his flight, and he looked perfect. You knew in an instant that it was him.
“Ms. T?” He chuckled as he shook his head, pulling back from his mother’s embrace as he gave your mother a heartfelt hug, before pausing as he looked at you, a warm smile on his lips as he nodded his head, his blonde eyebrow cocked upwards in surprise. 
“The one and only,” You shrugged with a smile as you tried your best to play it cool, forgetting for a moment that at 35 years old, you shouldn’t be getting tongue-tied and start giggling like a schoolgirl over a crush. The mere fact that you still had a crush on Jake was enough to make you feel like a fool.
“It’s nice to see ya, Jenna,” Jake nodded as he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you into his embrace. You breathed in the scent of his cologne, notes of whiskey and cedarwood encircling you as his grip remained tight, yet comfortable around you, as if he was hugging his long lost friend, which, he was in a sense. 
“Nice to see you too, Jake,” You nodded once as he pulled away, a soft smile on your lips as you looked at him, trying to commit this moment to memory before it drifted away on you. 
You swore out of the corner of your eye, you saw your mothers exchange a look with one another, a secret signal to one another, as if a master plan of theirs was underway, and everything was beginning to come together before their eyes.  
As the four of you headed out to the car together, you caught yourself repeatedly stealing glances at Jake. He hadn’t changed hardly at all since you saw him last, apart from gaining some muscle, and his cheekbones and jawline becoming a bit more defined as he’d aged. He looked incredible for 35, if you didn’t know him, you likely would have guessed he was barely 30, and you couldn’t help but feel yourself fall deeper with each stolen look at him. 
“So, you’re Captain Seresin now then?” You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him, hoping to break the silence brewing between the two of you.
“Yeah, this past April! I didn’t expect to get it, to be honest.”
Jake’s cheeks reddened as he smiled at you, trying to appear modest as he spoke of his accomplishments in the Navy since you’d last seen him. He had always used to have an ego so big that it’d rival some of the aircraft around in size, especially as a teenager - he was good and he knew he was good when it came to sports. It was part of what drove the two of you apart, but around you? He was modest like he always had been before, acting embarrassed by the achievements he’d otherwise never shut up about. If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think Jake was nervous around you. Jake Seresin, the only service member on active duty with multiple confirmed kills, the US Naval Air Force Captain who’s served for the last 17 years without as much as a scratch on him, the man who graduated top of his class from the Top Gun program, where only the best of the best are selected to participate. Jake Seresin had no need to be nervous about impressing you. He could have impressed you by simply looking your way - but for some reason, he was nervous around you, reduced to a blushing, modest mess.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
“Jake’s such a lovely boy,” Your mother said as she sipped her morning coffee, eyes fixated on the news program on her television set. 
“He’s 35, mama, he’s hardly a boy now.”
“Fine, Jake’s a lovely man, he’s still just as sweet as I remember him being when he was young. He comes back to visit whenever he gets a leave and stays for a few days, and he always stops by to say hello - he even asks about you sometimes.”
“He asks about me?”
“He sure does, he asked Julie about you the other day, in fact. He was asking if you’d be home this time at Christmas. Seems you two always come back to visit on opposite schedules and never run into each other. He was saying he’d like to see you again, Jenna.”
Your mother’s words hung in the air for a moment. You took a sip from your coffee mug and furrowed your brow as you thought it over. You dismissed your mother’s words as nothing more than an attempt to set you and Jake up on a date, one that you figured Jake wasn’t going to be a willing participant of. 
“Oh Mama, hush, he probably just said that to be polite because he figured I’d be coming home for the holidays anyway.”
“Jenna, why are you always so stubborn?” Your mother frowned, shaking her head as she let out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m not stubborn, I’m just…practical. I’m the only one who seems to realize the fact that Jake and I haven’t seen each other in 17 years, Mama. We’re not the same people we were when we were 18. He could be a serial womanizer with a series of broken hearts left behind waiting for him in California for all I know. He could have 17 kids by different women, or be a serial killer, Mama. I literally know nothing about him anymore.”
“Jenna Elizabeth Taylor, you’re just being ridiculous now,” Your mother frowned as she shook her head, sighing, “I think Julie would have mentioned it if Jake was a father, and do you really think he’s the type to go around breaking hearts for fun? Besides, how could he be a serial killer if he’s busy flying around on missions all the time?”
“You’re missing my point, Ma.”
“No, Jenna, I think you’re missing mine,” She sighed, setting her mug down on the table as she pursed her lips, “My point is, I know you’ve been holding out for him for years. He’s asked his mama about you, he’s been asking if you were coming home, he stops in to see me whenever he comes home - do you really think he’d do all that if he didn’t still feel something for you?”
“Mama, I’m not going to make a fool of myself and throw myself at him, contrary to what you think would work.”
You heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, and when you turned on your heel, you stood face to face with Jake, now sporting a fitted pair of acid-washed light denim jeans and a burnt orange Texas Longhorns football jersey and a brown corduroy bomber jacket shrugged on over top. His blonde hair peaked out from behind his beloved baseball cap, you’d swear it was the same one he’d been wearing since he was 15 if you didn’t know any better, this hat looked like it had been through hell and back.
He’d let himself in through the unlocked front door, almost certainly at your mother’s previous insistence or invitation. His cheeks were blushing again, his green eyes darting between the two of you, a blonde eyebrow cocked upwards as his gaze landed on you.
“Throw yourself at who?” He chuckled, flashing a set of perfect white teeth your way as gave you that same grin that he always did when you were kids. It was the kind of smile that always got him out of trouble, and sometimes, into trouble, depending on the situation. 
“No one,” You said quickly, shooting your mother a warning glance as you shook your head, a few strands of light brown hair falling free from your half-assed ponytail that you’d thrown it up into the night before for bed. You realized that Jake was now standing in your mother’s living room while you were sporting an oversized old Texas Longhorns tee and a pair of sweatpants - not ideal attire for seeing a man you were attracted to in, regardless of your protests about your feelings to your mother. 
“Right,” Jake nodded his head, but the tone in his voice told you he didn’t quite believe a word you were saying, “I know this isn’t a great time, but Ma wanted me to check and see if you and Ms. T were still able to make it tonight, she wanted me to ask in person, and she wanted me to see if you needed my help bringing anything over, she said you were bringing your famous taco dip, Ms. T? I can bring the dish over now for you if you’d like, Ma’s cleared out the fridge of anything that isn’t a necessity for the party so there’s tons of room.”
“Sure, Jake, honey, it’s in the fridge, Jenna can show you where, I just have to run upstairs and grab something to send to your mama’s with you,” Your mother said as she stood up, heading off up the stairs quicker than you could say a word, leaving you and Jake alone in an awkward stance, nothing but the sound of the morning news to fill the silent void between you, until Jake cleared his throat again before pointing his index finger towards the kitchen.
“In here? I’m sure I can find it if you need to go upstairs and get changed.” 
“I’m fine, not like you haven’t seen me in pajamas before, Jake.”
“Well, in my defense, last time we were like, 12.”
“I’m sure you’ve seen a woman in an oversized tee and sweatpants before,” You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending to be completely unbothered by the fact you felt like you were dressed like an absolute slob right now. 
“Alright, lead the way then,” Jake nodded as he followed behind you. 
You felt his eyes make their way down your body, and you swore you could hear him muttering something under his breath as he sauntered into the kitchen after you. You couldn’t make out what he had said, but it sounded almost like a “Jesus Christ” before he coughed and averted his gaze as you turned to face him. You opened the fridge and grabbed the dish containing your mom’s taco dip before setting it on the counter for Jake to take home. You raised an eyebrow at Jake as you caught him staring in your direction, a look of bewilderment on his face. 
“You good, Hangman?”
“Hmm?” Jake said as he shook his head, an awkward laugh escaping his lips as he raised an eyebrow at you, “How did you know my callsign?”
“Because it’s on the back of your jersey, genius.”
Jake raised an eyebrow as he looked down, as if he’d forgotten what shirt he was wearing today. He nodded his head and laughed as he ran a hand through the back of his hair, scratching the back of his neck as he looked back up at you. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m good. Just, uh, jet-lagged, I think.”
“Jet-lagged? Isn’t only two hours behind us in San Diego?”
“You can still feel jet-lag with a two hour difference, Jenna.”
“I’m not stupid, Jake, I know that, but you seem…distracted? Not tired.”
“I’m fine, honest,” He nodded as he shoved his hands into his front pockets, looking around the kitchen as you checked the fridge for the extra shredded cheese and green onions your mother had prepared the night before to top the dip she’d made. 
“Suit yourself, Jake,” You laughed as you set everything out on the counter for him and nodded, “If you give me five minutes to get dressed, I’ll help you bring it over.”
“Five minutes? God, I remember you taking 30 minutes to get ready when we were kids.”
“I was 12, it was 2000, I needed more time to perfect my lip gloss routine. Now I just have to put something warmer and nicer on than a t-shirt and sweatpants.”
“Fair enough, I can wait here. Your mama said she’d back down in a minute with something for Ma anyways.”
“Right, I’ll be back down in five.” 
You turned around and headed back up the stairs, sighing softly to yourself as you entered your childhood bedroom, opening your suitcase as you grabbed out a pair of jeans and a vintage crewneck sweatshirt. You tidied your hair up into a neat ponytail before heading back down the stairs to meet Jake, who was currently talking to your mother in the kitchen, his body leaning against the counter as he spoke. Jake looked up at you, straightening his posture as he saw you. He picked the taco dip up from the counter, along with the reusable shopping bag your mother had packed up of the extra ingredients. Sitting on the counter next to the food was a gift, perfectly wrapped with a gold bow and a tag written out in your mother’s sleek handwriting. Jake’s mother and yours had always exchanged gifts with one another, and it warmed your heart in a sense to see the tradition still carrying on for them. 
“So, you enjoy living in Chicago?” Jake asked, watching you as the two of you headed back from your childhood home, Jake having insisted on walking you back so you could spend some time catching up, even if just for a few minutes. .
“Yeah, it’s a change of scenery. It’s different from Austin for sure. How’s San Diego treating you?”
“It’s pretty good, I like being on the beach. I do miss home sometimes though,” He laughed softly, giving his shoulders a gentle shrug as he looked around at the street you grew up on, just a couple of blocks away from his own childhood home.
“I mean, yeah, I miss my mom sometimes when I’m in Chicago, but, I know it’s easier for me to come home and see her than for you to come home and see your family.”
“Jenna? Can I ask you something?”
“Do you…do you regret leaving for Chicago?”
“No, I wouldn’t be where I’m at now if I hadn’t left. I have a really good career in public relations, and I’m happy with where I’m at professionally. I wouldn’t have gotten that if I stayed in Austin, just like you wouldn’t have gotten as far in the Navy if you hadn’t gone to Annapolis.”
Jake stayed silent for a minute, his eyes looking everywhere but at you, avoiding your gaze. You could sense tension between the two of you. The Jake you knew growing up was never awkward, and never stopped talking - had he really changed that much since he’d left? You couldn’t see the Navy taming him to the point where he became reserved, Jake had always been so outgoing, so full of self-pride that it often came off as cocksure arrogance, but most of the time, it was out of sheer disbelief that he’d made it that far. You looked to him, his hands firmly in his pockets as he let out a huff, his breath turning to vapor in the cool December air. 
“I should really get going,” Jake nodded slowly, checking his watch as he looked back towards the street, “I promised Ma I’d help her set up.”
“Right, right, I’ll see you in a couple hours? Mama and I’ll be there.”
“Perfect, I’ll see you then,” Jake nodded, a warm smile on his features as he turned to start heading back.
You let out a heavy sigh, mentally kicking yourself as you realized you’d just let another opportunity to tell Jake how you felt slip away from you. As you headed up to your bedroom to get ready, moving quickly to dodge any questions from your mother, who was probably desperate to hear how your alone time with Jake had gone. 
You shut the door behind you, sighing again as you sat at your old vanity table, brushing through your hair and sectioning it with a claw clip as you began straightening it, trying your best to calm your nerves and make a decision on how you were going to approach Jake. You wanted to tell him, desperately, how you felt, but, part of you couldn’t help but cling to the fact you might regret it. That you might be disappointed and find out that Jake never felt the same about you, and that he never would. Or that he’d be in a relationship with someone else back in San Diego, someone prettier, younger, smarter, better. 
On the other hand, did you really want to commit yourself to never telling him how you felt? Letting the door shut on the one man you’d loved the longest, the most, and the hardest in your lifetime? Could you really be happy with anyone else? What if something happened to Jake while he was serving and you never got the chance to share how you felt? What if, somehow, there was the off chance he felt the same way about you?
As you finished your makeup, taking a deep breath as you looked yourself over in the mirror, you nodded your head. You had to tell him. There was no way you could let him go back to San Diego without knowing. You couldn’t let this go unsaid any longer, if for no other reason than to give yourself closure. If he rejected you, you could move on - or at least, try to. You could finally let go of your feelings and meet someone, and try your hardest to love them with the same enthusiastic, all-consuming love you felt for Jake. If he felt the same way, you’d apply for a job transfer to Los Angeles as soon as possible, because a three-hour drive was much more manageable of a commute to see him than a flight from Chicago to San Diego. 
This was it, you were going to finally do it. You just needed to get Jake alone.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
“Oh, Jenna! It’s been so long, how are you?” 
Bethany’s voice was sweet as honey as she spoke, wrapping her arms around you in a warm embrace, as if she’d been missing you for years and the sight of you reminded her of just how much.
“I’m great thanks, Beth, how are you? Your mama said you have two boys now? Easton and Dylan?” 
“Yeah, they’re 6 and 4, they’re little handfuls like their uncles, but I guess that’s to be expected when you’ve got Jake and Matt as influences for you. My husband’s not much better.” 
Bethany laughed as she gestured towards Jake playing with Easton? Or was it Dylan? Jake’s unmistakeable toothy grin plastered on his face, his green eyes alight with joy as he lifted his young nephew up, tickling him, the young boy’s laughter filling the air as Jake continued to make him laugh. Jake looked up to see you with his sister, smiling as he set the boy down on the floor, ruffling his hair with his fingers before making his way over to you. 
“Jenna! Hey, I’m glad you came.”
“Told you I would, didn’t I?” You laughed, shrugging your shoulders as effortlessly as possible as you tried to play it cool, praying no one saw through the front you were putting up.
“Hey, Jenna, can I…can I talk to you for a sec?” Jake asked sheepishly.
You couldn’t mistake the look on Bethany’s face, biting her lip to hold back a grin. You caught Jake giving her a stare that could make any person stop dead in their tracks, his green eyes practically piercing through his older sister as she tried not to laugh. As you nodded your head, raising your eyebrow at the scene unfolding before you. You followed behind Jake as he led you upstairs to his old childhood bedroom. When he opened the door, you were confronted with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Old pictures adorned the wall, some including you and Jake as children, with ice cream covered smiles and skinned knees, baseball uniforms and halloween costumes, missing teeth and messy curls. 
“Ma hasn’t changed anything since I left home, I don’t even think she’s bought new bedding for this room.” He chuckled as he looked around the room, his large hands placed firmly on his hips as he stood in the doorway. 
“Still sleeping with those baseball player sheets you had as a kid?” You teased, eyeing the comforter on the bed, neatly made and pulled together, a sign of Jake’s time in the navy.
“You know it, I’m still a big kid, really,” He laughed, nodding his head as he pointed to a picture on the wall before looking over at you, “Remember this one? Your 7th birthday party, I think I snuck an extra little bit of frosting off your birthday cake and my mama almost killed me. She told me I had the table manners of a barn animal.” 
“You did, you used to chew with your mouth full too.”
“I grew out of it at least. I’m a little more civilized now.” Jake replied with a smirk, shrugging his shoulders as he turned to face you, his chest rising and falling as he took a deep breath before exhaling sharply. You could see Jake chewing at the inside of his cheek, nodding his head as his eyes met yours.
“I have to tell you something, ok?” He finally said, sighing heavily.
“I’m listening, Jake.”
“I should have told you this a long time ago, but…I love you.”
You sputtered for a moment, eyes wide in shock as he spoke. He frowned, clearly expecting a better reaction than what you’d given him. Jake shook his head and took your hand in his, stroking the back of your hand gently with his fingers, which were almost surprisingly soft and smooth to the touch.
“I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way. I don’t care if you just wanna be friends after hearing this, because even though the truth is, I'm scared to be your friend, I would rather have you in my life as a friend than not have you in my life at all. The last 17 years have been spent missing you and wishing I’d said something before I left. That I’d kissed you or held you, or said something, anything to you.” He frowned, nodding his head as he looked to the ground before continuing to speak, his voice beginning to tremble with emotion.
“I was stupid to just go and leave things there, but I’ve been paying for it ever since. No other woman has ever compared to you.”
Without another word, you gripped the front of Jake’s football jersey, using it to give you leverage to pull him in closer, your lips crashing into his just as he looked up at you to see what you were doing. Any initial hesitation either of you felt melted away into the kiss, your lips moving together passionately, Jake’s hands trailing their way down your sides to rest on your hips, pulling your body in closer to his. When he finally pulled away to catch his breath, he maintained a small distance between the two of you, speaking in a low whisper as he watched you bite your now puffy, kiss-bitten bottom lip.
“Is that your way of telling me you feel the same way? Because if you do, I want to take you on a date. And I don't care if it's in the day, or at night, or whenever, as long as it's a real date. And I wanna sit there and tell you how beautiful I think you are, Inside and out. How you’ve always been the most beautiful girl in the world to me, without a doubt. And I wanna have babies with you, and I wanna marry you, and I wanna tell you every day that I love you and I always have." Jake nodded, his cheeks blushing as he scratched the back of his neck again, waiting for your response to his rambling feelings.
“Jake, I’ve spent the last 17 years of my life waiting to hear you say that.”
“I know, I’m sorry, Jenna. I’m so sorry I made you wait.”
“Promise me something, Jake?”
“Anything you want, pretty girl.”
“Promise me you won’t make me wait that long again? I’m not sure I can wait another 17 years for you to ask me to marry you.” 
“Jenna, I swear to you, I’m not making you wait for anything ever again. I’d marry you tomorrow if I didn’t think my mama would have me committed for running off to get married three days after our reunion.”
“You’d marry me tomorrow?”
“With bells on, babe. With bells on. I’d marry you right here, right now, in my beat up Longhorns jersey, and drive off into the sunset with you in my truck if you wanted.”
“I don’t know about that, Captain Seresin,” You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him as you felt his hands caress your sides, “As tempting as that sounds, we do have 17 years of lost time to make up for.”
“And I intend to make up for every single second of that with you, Jenna. Here, Chicago, San Diego, I don’t care. I just want you. All of you, completely and totally.”
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bjtch-craft · 6 months
"I'm a Rockstar Babe"
Todd Ingram X Bottom Male! Reader
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☆ Summary: [Name] reunites with an old high-school friend turned rockstar things take a turn when they restart their old high-school ways.
☆Request: Yes or No
☆ Word count: 2,836
☆Genre: Angst to Smut (Kinda)
☆Warnings: Smut, degradation, manipulation (kinda, tbh I just tried making him cocky but rereading it it sounds like bro is manipulating), Bl♡wjobs, slapping, just douchy rockstar things, spitting (he's one of those ppl)
☆Authors note: Dude, I rewatched the movie and reread the novels, and why is Todd so mf fine like WHAT? And why are there no stories about this man? Anyways enjoy!! (P.s this has been in my drafts for like 2 months now and I've never finished editing it for some reason...)
Also look at the comic version of him like WHAT A CUTIE like yeah sure he's arrogant, narcissistic, uncaring, and may or may not be a pathological liar, and a walking red flag but like that red looking a little orange so??? PRAYING SOME OF YALL READ THIS!!
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Did this count as being a groupie? No. It's not like I'm some obsessed super fan like Joseph I mean for fucks sake I knew Todd in high school [Name] thought as he lay on the mattress of the cheap motel room waiting for Todd to get out of the shower.
10:15 P.M. - some time earlier
[Name] was shoved and pushed around by the hundreds of thousands of fans who had gathered to watch the band play. The band in question was none other than The Clash at Demonhead. [Name] new one of the members (while technically two if you count Envy but they didn’t know each other. They were more of acquaintances really.) Todd Ingram who he was close friends with. Really close.
He'd given him head a couple of times (and slept with him too) but that didn't mean anything to them (yes it did.) it was what Todd considered a "bro-job" whatever the fuck that was. But that's not important (yes it is) what is important is how quickly their friendship ended after he got with Envy. They tried to keep in touch but after the band blew the absolute fuck up he cut ties with him.
Did it hurt? Yes. A lot. But [Name] didn't let it get to him he still supported Todd even if Todd himself didn't know it. [Name] bought every CD, vinyl, and cassette tape, and got tickets to most shows. He even tried to get backstage passes to rekindle his relationship with Todd but the prices were far out of his price range.
There have been times when for a quick second he'd seen Todd after a show or two and waved to him or said a quick word but he didn't recognize him. Which also hurt. How can you not recognize someone you spent almost TEN YEARS of your life with? But [Name] was determined to catch up with his best friend so after pulling a couple of night shifts and saving up some money he... still didn’t have enough.
10: 50 P.M.
"Todd's so hot!"
"Jesus Envys even hotter in person!"
"Why's that chick got a robotic arm?"
These are just some of the things [Name] heard throughout the event which was on the verge of ending.
12:10 A.M. - Later
The concert was over and [Name] pushed and shoved his way out of the venue and quickly rushed towards the back of the building looking for the band.
"Come on please don't tell me I missed them!"
His shoes thudded against the gravel, and as he rounded the corner a gate came into view.
"No. No, no, no, no!"
The gate door was slid open. How safe right?
"Envy? Do you wanna get a bite to eat or something?"
[Name] stopped for a moment as he saw Todd standing there his guitar case in hand talking to Envy. He took a deep breath and stepped through the gates. Fuck?
Todd turned to look at him a look of shock and anger upon his face.
"Who the hell let you in" Todd asked as he stepped closer to [Name] his voice coming off as aggressive as his eyes and hair started to glow.
"N-no one the gate was open."
"So you just snuck in?"
"I'm [Name], [First name], [Last name] we went to high school together. Remember?"
Todd's eyes and hair stopped glowing as his hair drifted back down in front of his face.
"You're kidding?!"
Todd dropped his guitar case and ran up to [Name] his tough guy rockstar persona shedding completely. He threw his arms around [Name] and pulled him into his chest. [Name] could feel the heat rising to two places as his face was smushed into Todd's rather large pecs.
"Todd you're squishing me..." [Name] said his voice muffled.
"Sorry!" He pulled away. "Jesus it's been a long time since we've seen each other... I'm a Rockstar!"
"I can see that!"
"Todd, what the fuck is going on," Envy asked?
Todd turned to look at them wrapping his arm around [Name's] waist. "This is [Name] from high school! He's my best friend remember?"
"While to me he looks like a fucking groupie! Let's go" Envy replied.
"I'm not a groupie..."
"Do you think he can come back to the motel with us?"
"Find some other cheap motel to fuck in," The Bionic arm bitch said.
"He's not a groupie and we're not gonna fuck! He's my friend and I wanna catch up with him!"
"Find. Another. Motel." Envy said the tone of her voice showed her annoyance more than anything.
12:30 A.M.
And they did find a cheap motel in an extremely unsafe part of town. Fits the stereotype, huh? A rockstar takes one of his fans to a cheap rundown-looking motel just to get it in.
[Name] once again was hugging Todd but this time was looking up at him.
"I'm so sorry for ghosting you [Name]."
"It's fine."
Todd's hands traveled down [Name's] back and reached his ass and groped it firmly, making [Name] let out an involuntary yelp. He pushed Todd off of him, causing the blonde boy to let out a laugh.
"What's the matter [Name] just like old times!"
"Todd aren't you dating Envy or something?"
He shifted his weight on his feet annoyingly.
"I'm a Rockstar babe we don't date," Todd said cockily.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower. I know I reek of sweat... care to join me?"
"Smooth Todd.... real smooth."
He winked at [Name] and waltzed into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. After a minute or two he heard the shower go on.
Did this count as being a groupie? No. It's not like I'm some obsessed super fan like Joseph I mean for fucks sake I knew Todd in high school [Name] thought as he lay on the mattress of the cheap motel room waiting for Todd to get out of the shower.
"Do I wanna do this... again?"
The first time [Name] and Todd ever did anything together was on his eighteenth birthday. They were both unbelievably drunk, and both were bored lying on Todd's bed in silence. One of them now and then would say something, and they would have a short conversation.
"H-heyyy~ [Name] can I ask you for a favor," Todd asked his words coming out slurred.
"Yeah- hic! What'sss ~'s up?"
"Do you think you could um... s-suck me off?"
"Well, I'm one drunk! And two horny as fuck~! So can you?"
"You know what fuck it! You are my best friend!"
[Name] slid his basketball shorts off and then his boxers and grabbed at his length.
"I've never done this before so um... bear with me~."
Todd nodded his head a goofy grin on his face. "Do it as if someone's doing yours."
[Name] took him into his mouth slowly going down inch by inch the girth was almost too much to handle. Almost.
But that was years ago. They were two dumb eighteen-year-olds who were just helping each other out. But [Name] didn't feel that way anymore... but reminiscing on their old days made [Name] slowly begin to get hard in the shorts Todd had given him.
[Name] rubbed himself through the fabric and pushed down on it, making him release a soft moan. He needed Todd he didn't realize how badly he did until right then and there. The door opened to the bathroom, and [Name] quickly through the blanket over his lap.
Todd walked out with just a towel around his waist, his bulge catching [Names] eye as well as his body, which was still wet and glistened in the light.
"What are you doing?"
"Getting another pair of boxers, I forgot to bring them into the shower..." Todd looked at [Name] and noticed the tent that was forming underneath the blanket. "Aw, are you happy to see me like this again, baby?"
"What! No!"
"Come on..." He said huskily. The cockiness was back. "I heard you moan... were you thinking of the times I fucked you? The times you begged me to fill you up? The times I came on that pretty face of yours?"
[Name] could feel his cock growing harder with each question.
"N-no" [Name] whimpered out.
Todd walked to the side of the bed grabbed [Name's] hand and placed it on his groin.
"You miss my fat cock don't you," He asked his voice sounding oddly humiliating.
"I don't have to say anything."
Todd started to move his hips grinding his bulge against the palm of [Names] hand.
"Todd we can't... you have a girlfriend."
"I told you we rockstars don't really - truly date, and if anything, it's just another bro-job, remember?"
[Name] pulled his hand away and sat up and using both hands opened Todd's towel up causing his cock to pop out and slap against his happy trail.
"Fuck~," [Name] whispered out.
[Name] reached out and pumped his cock twice.
"Yeah that's it~ I know you fucking missed it haven't you?"
[Name] let go of Todd's cock and adjusted his position so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. Todd backed up a little.
"Please don't like- hurt me that much. Please?"
Todd chuckled and ran his hand through his wet hair.
"You sweet dumb thing, you know I can't promise that."
[Name] grabbed Todd's cock once more and spat on it and stroked him off spreading the saliva over his cock.
"I haven't done this in a long time... so I'm a little rusty."
Todd smiled down at him. The grin was a mixture of amusement and humiliation.
[Name] placed the tip on his tongue and licked it gently before wrapping his lips around it and slowly going down on it.
[Name] couldn't lie he truly did miss this. Not only did he enjoy it, but it honestly made them closer as friends.
[Name] gagged on the base as he looked up at Todd with tearful eyes.
"Aww you look so cute with my big cock in your mouth," Todd said softly his voice coated in lust as he gently patted [Name's] cheek.
[Name] began to slowly come off his cock before Todd placed a hand on the back of his skull and slammed him back down causing him to gag and for drool to pour out of the sides of his mouth.
"Mmm-hmm-agh." [Name] groaned out.
Todd pulled his cock out of the boy's mouth and slapped it on either side of the guy's cheek.
"You took it so well [Name]~."
[Name] looked up at Todd with innocent eyes, his tongue sticking out a little as he gasped for air.
"Jesus you look so fucking gorgeous."
"I-I think you bruised the back of my throat!"
Todd grabs [Names] chin as he angles his head straight aligning his cock with [Names] lips.
Todd spat on his cock (and on [Names] face) and slammed it down [Names] throat before pulling out. [Name] stuck out his tongue and licked a stripe down his cock.
"You're such a fucking slut baby. I bet you've been craving my cock since you heard about our band haven't you?"
[Name] nodded his head embarrassingly. Todd placed a hand on the back of [Names] head and leaned in, planting a kiss on his lips as his hands traveled down his body. His hands reached the bottom of the boy's shirt and began to pull it up over his head, breaking the kiss in the process.
Todd pushes [Name] down onto the bed by his chest and crawls on top of him, attacking his neck, causing [name] to let out a soft moan. Todd kisses down his neck while unbuckling [Names] belt and gently pulls them off along with his boxers.
"I don't reckon you have a condom do you?"
"I have one in my wallet in my left pocket," [Name] says, his voice barely above a whisper.
Todd grabs [Names] jeans off the floor and pulls out the condom from the wallet before discarding them back onto the floor.
Todd rips the wrapping of the condom off with his teeth and slides the rubber on. He places [Bames] legs on his shoulders and lines himself up at his entrance.
[Name] squeezes his eyes shut as Todd pushes himself into him. A sudden wave of pain and pleasure washes over him, causing him to grab onto the sheets, twisting them in his hands. A soft whimper escapes his lips as Todd continues to push deeper into him.
"Shit- Todd, you're so fucking- ngh~ big!" [Name] whimpered out, causing Todd to look down at him with a cocky grin.
Todd had pushed himself into the other boy and slowly began to pull back out, only to slam back into him, which earned him a low groan.
"Does that feel good?"
[Name] nodded his head and let out a whimper. Todd began to rock his hips in and out of him, the tip occasionally brushing against his prostate. His thirst got faster and quicker he reached down and grabbed [Name's] hands and placed them above his head.
Todd began pounding into [Name]. The sound of skin against skin filled the room as well as screams of pleasure from both boys.
"Ugh~ F-fuck! You're going to har-!" [Name] wasn't able to finish his sentence as Todd delivered a gentle (but still hard) slap across his face.
"Don't tell me what the fuck to do!" Todd growled out.
[Names] cock twitched as pre-cum drizzled down his cock causing a moan to escape from his lips.
"Don't tell me you're into this shit you slut?"
"S-s-shut up Todd~"
Todd smirked and began rocking his hips.
"How bad do you want it?"
"W-what?" [Name] stuttered.
"I can pull out right now and leave and not let you finish you."
"Please don't~ I'll do anything!"
"Then admit it.'
"Admit you're a filthy whore" Todd said his voice thick with lust.
"I'm not going to- ah~!"
Todd pulled out of [Name] leaving him feeling empty and somehow even more fucking desperate.
"Todd please" [Name] begged.
"Then say it."
"I-I’m a whore okay? Is that what you want to hear from me? I'm a fucking slut for you okay?!"
Todd looked down at [Name] with a cocky grin.
"Good boy."
Todd leaned back over [Name] and placed a soft kiss on his lips before pushing himself back into him. He wrapped his hand around [Name's] throat and began pounding into him. The sounds of skin against skin filled the room once again.
Todd raised his hand and brought it across [Names] face with enough power to cause a sting of pain leading [Name] to let out a dry moan.
"I can't believe your into this shit!" Todd said with a cheesy grin.
"Shut up!" The boy underneath him whined out.
Todd smirked and removed his hand from [Names] neck and grabbed him by the waist and slowed his thrusts.
"What are you- agh~!"
Todd pulled [Name] into him driving his cock deeper into him pushing past his prostate. [Names] jaw dropped as the sudden feeling causing a high pitched moan to erupt from his throat. Todd took this opportunity and grabbed his jaw holding it open and dipped his thumb into his mouth.
"Don't close your mouth got that?"
[Name] replied with a whimper as Todd's thurst became annoyingly slow as a string of spit slowly began to fall from his lips and landed in [Names] mouth.
[Named] closed his mouth after Todd gave him a look that practically yelled at him, too. Todd's slow thrust became faster and faster. Todd wrapped his hand around [Name's] dick and began jerking him off as [Name] placed his palm at the back of Todd's head.
"I'm so close!" Todd groaned out as his rhythm began to go out of sync.
His movements became harder and harder as he felt himself getting closer and closer to finishing.
"W-where- fuck~ where do you want it?" He moaned out.
"On me..."
Todd placed a hand behind [Names] head as his thurst became sloppy he spat once again at [Name] the salvia covering his face before pulling out and jerking himself off.
"Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
With one final moan ropes of cum erupted from his cock covering [Names] body in white ropes. Todd pumped [Name's] cock for a minute before he came their cum mixing on his stomach. Todd scooped up some of his cum off of the boy's body with his index finger and popped it into [Names] mouth.
"How's it taste?"
"Salty... can you get me a towel?"
1:35 AM
[Name] lay on the cheap hotel's mattress, his head on Todd's chest, listening to his heartbeat.
"Hey, have you ever thought of being a roadie?'
"A what?"
"A roadie helps the band set up... you could be one for us so we could keep in touch and..." He wrapped his hand around [Names] body and groped his ass "Have some more time to ourselves."
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Authors note!!
Again, sorry for the break. School is still once again kicking my ass :) I do plan on writing more over Christmas break, but I do have like half-written stories in my drafts, so here are some of them. (Some of them have titles, but they are to be determined, so kill me or wtv) .
Darry Jenner x Male reader (Fluff)
Miguel Ohara x Male reader (Smut)
Chad Meeks x Male reader (TBD)
Simon Kalivoda x Male reader (Fluff)
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Twst dorm leaders with an affectionate S/o
A/n: btw as for the minors basically everyone besides vil Idia Leona and malleus, this is not sexualising them it's just a fluffy scenerio
Riddle rosehearts
He is not used to affection at all so he's gonna be so shocked when you hug him for the first time my boy was confused he was like
"is there something you need?"
And your like "nah I'm just hugging you"
he's like "oh."
So he's very happy of course, plus he's touch starved (I mean who isn't in twst?)
"do you want me to stop?" "Oh no no it's fine I quite like it, I'm just not used to it is all" riddle said as he's faced reddened. After that hug he really liked faint wholesome touches here and there, such as hugging, headpats, high fives, hand pats (don't ask why i just see him patting your hand) etc. And when he does these often that means he feels safe around you since he only shows this side of him only to you, seven forbid ace and cater find out about this.
nah they lowkey saw riddle resting he's head on your shoulder with a happy look the face, they snickered and riddles head whipped so fast, then ofc they got the good ol' "off with your heads!" But overall he genuinely feels safe around you and absolutely loves having tea parties with only you.
Leona kingscholar
Okay so he's a smug bastard, so he acts all cocky when you show your "soft side" to him but on the inside he's over the moon. He loves how affectionate you are and how you show it tho ofc he'll never admit that.
"eh herbivore I'm always the one asleep on your lap didn't expect it to be the opposite"
"I don't even know how I managed to be sleepy before you but it is what it is" you said slowly dozing off
"yeah whatever, don't get your hopes up because this is a one time thing" he said coldly, you hummed as you drifted off. once he made your you were fast asleep he gently stroked your hair, his eyes filled with nothing but admiration
"I swear you have a love spell on me herbivore, it's annoying"
Azul ashengrotto
Like riddle he is touch starved, the only affection he received was from he's mama and no one else, so one day when you just go up to him and kiss his cheek his face goes wild red
"heheee look jade azul looks like goldfishie when he's maddd~" Floyd laughed at azul
"Fufufu indeed he does floyd~, dear prefect has quite a strong affect on him" Jade replied with a closed eye smile
"s-shut up! Both of you! Go back to your jobs otherwise I'm cutting off your salary!!" Azul screeched at them, the twins then backed off leaving you with a flushed octopus
"ahem..s-sorry dear prefect ahah.. it's just, you see I'm not very used to physical affection not that I don't enjoy it, no no it's quite the opposite"
"oh I see, well as long as I'm around you'll get used to it!" Azul smiled, satisfied with your answer as he hugged you and patted your back
"I have to go back now, i promise I'll make it up to you after we close the lounge"
"Ooo were gonna go to the aquarium right?"
"yes, since that's what you've been looking forward to, tho I don't understand why?-"
"it's okay azul you don't have to understand everything" azul scoffed at that comment but then patted your head and went back to doing he's work
Kalim AI-Alsim (I have no idea how to write he's name I'm sorry)
You guys are made for eachother like holy shit soulmates all the way, he loves affection, you love affection, perfect match. Jamil is so tired of y'all tho generally feel bad for him it always goes like this:
"KALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMM" you yell running to him
"S/OOOOOOO" he yells back also running to you with he's arms out ready to tackle you, then you both tackle eachother and end up falling on the floor, Jamil in the distance contemplating his entire life like
"why was I born?
Why did I have to see this?
what did I do to deserve this?"
But you two are too preoccupied yelling your guts out
Vil scho....yea hell no I am not even gonna try to write he's last name
Okay this can go one of two ways. 1. He loves the affection but wont necessarily show it or 2. He hates it and will poison you if you don't get tf off him right no-" yeah I'm just kidding that was a joke, he loves it, he isn't touch starved he gets a lot of attention, just not like genuine love so he appreciates the fact that you love him for who he actually is and not because he's popular and pretty, like Leona he'll never admit that outloud but he enjoyes it.
Vil was doing he's makeup Infront of the mirror when you entered his room waving at him from the mirror
"hello dear prefect how are you doing"
"oh I'm doing fine, what about you? Anything new?"
"I'm doing good as well, also not much, except for the fact that epel threw another fit about not wanting to wear the uniform" vil sighed as you laughed
"yeah you'll never get him to wear it that's for sure" you said as you kissed the crown of he's head, vil looked surprised for a moment but he's eyes softened as he continued doing the makeup, he'll never say it outloud but oh how much he loves those faint pecks on he's head
Idia shroud
(my favourite omg 💗😞)
He is the most. Touch starved person in NRC, forget malleus and riddle he takes the cherry on top, so imagine the first time you kiss he's cheek he's hair goes all pink and he's screeching like "AH PREFECT WHAT WHY DID YOU KISS ME?" Don't mind him it's not that he doesn't like it he's just never expirienced it, ever so he's covering his face with his hands while rocking back and forth breathing fast, almost like he's having an asthma attack or something- so when you manage to calm him down he apologises, you of course tell him it's nothing to be sorry of and you two move on, but not Idia, he was thinking of a way to make it up to you, so that's why he took 3 weeks of courage and managed to kiss you on the cheek but then vanished from existence, no one knows where he went, only ortho.
Malleus draconia
He loves you no questions needed, and I'm not really sure if he received any affection? I think he did from Lilia but who knows, what I do know is that when you peck he's lips for a split second he reboots, he's trying to process wtf just happened and then when it hits him it hits him like a train, so he's smiling like little kid Jimmy when he first gets he's bicycle, he asks if he can and kisses you back, the kiss lasting a bit longer, after you said your goodbyes my man was skipping to he's house, he was like a sunshine he was so happy he was like
"Lilia prefect and I shared a kiss"
"oh great that means you must get married now"
"oh really?"
The next day you woke up to the whole nrc being covered in your favourite flowers and you were questioning if this was a ceremony of your funeral or smth. But in all seriousness he loves you. And wants your hand in marriage. N o w .
The end
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Giving König a Bracelet to Help with His Anxiety
@puff0o0 Hey, I'm the anon who said they'd write this! I know you deleted that ask, which is why I'm not really sure if you care about this anymore in the first place, so if this bothers you, just tell me and I'll delete it! Either way, I hope it's enjoyable enough and thank you for the idea!
From the doorway you watched the behemoth go about his day, with him currently picking out the food he would like to make. From what you could see, both options he weighed seemed to have been some form of pasta, although his large frame did cover the picture of the second bag. With a sigh, he put down one of them, the winner seemingly being noodles with broccoli sauce.
“I hoff meim Liebling werdn’s schmecken. Guad sans jo eigentlich scho.”
Fascinating, he was speaking his mother tongue again, but seemingly in the way where no machine translator in the world could help you. Strange as it was, to have been so confident in what little German you did know, there were many times you failed to understand him, but that’s what made it all the more charming as well. Either way, dialect or not, you had something else planned, something transcending language.
Creeping up to him, like a benevolent shadow, you took the piece of jewelry out of your pocket, holding it in your hand as you gave it another quick glance. It should fit him, but hopefully, it won’t pinch him too much. Seemingly distracted by the packet of noodles, or maybe he was just playing along with you, it was hard to tell, you stood behind him, not making a move. It was a bit ironic in your eyes: The gift you had gotten him takes its bearer’s anxiety and cleanses it, yet here you were, worried he might not like it. It still wasn’t too late to go back, or maybe leave it somewhere for him to find. Which, however, would make way for another problem, mainly that he would think it belonged to you when such couldn’t be further from the truth. You were certain König was a different man on the battlefield, fierce, frightening, fatal, but when it came to domestic things, he seemed a bit lost.
He was a sweetheart to you at all times, very aware of his strength and how easily he could hurt you by accident. He’s cracked several eggs on his hand instead of inside the frying pan, he’s even broken glass by holding it. And even then, the problem wasn’t the splitters in his hand, he was more worried about you being mad at him for breaking it. The guilt in his eyes was something else as you patched him up.
“I don’t deserve someone like you.”
And every time anew, you would tell him:
“Who said that?! Who do I need to cuddle the sadness out of?!”
Stupid as it was, it would always make him smile. But you couldn’t always be there with him, reassure him that everything was going to be alright. You probably didn’t need to, but you couldn’t help but want to, no matter what. For as scared as you were this time, you had to bite the bullet, let it be known that you loved and cared for him, even got him something. “Honey?”
“Oh, you’re back home. I am so glad to see you, I was just about to make dinner. Say, do you like broccoli?”
König turned to face you, his slight excitement was evident in his voice, the fact he tried to swallow it down even more so. It was adorable how his eyes almost glistened in the artificial light just because he was looking at you instead of pasta instructions now.
Softening your grip on the small bracelet, you hadn’t even realized you were gripping tightly enough to cause pain, you put your other hand on top of it, making sure to conceal it entirely. This was all or nothing. “I, uh, got you something. Can I have your arm for a moment, please?”
“Naturally.” Taking the pack of pasta into his other hand, he extended his arm towards you. It never ceased to amaze you just how big it was, his hand, too. He could likely take someone’s skull and crush it using just one. But in that moment, all it did was hang there, giving you the opportunity to attach the bracelet. That you did, putting the hook through the loop to make sure it wouldn’t fall off.
“There we go.”
König lifted his arm towards his face, inspecting the little accessory closely. While he wasn’t quite sure what those pretty crystals were, he could make an educated guess, having listened to you talk about them from time to time. The purple one, he was sure, he could make out fairly easily, the faintly pink one made his gears turn for a moment. “...amethyst and rose quartz? Is that what those are?”
“Oh, you actually remembered.” Taken aback for a second, you recovered quickly enough, taking his arm into your hands. You ran your thumb over the back of his hand. “But yes, that’s what they are. Good job, König, that makes me really happy.” Flashing him a smile, you took a shaky breath. “I got you this because it will help with your anxiety, though it seems like I should have one myself, haha. The amethyst calms the mind and the rose quartz will soothe the heart. But generally speaking, rose quartz will also help you when you can’t sleep at night. I want this to be yours so you will be well wherever you are.”
König’s eyes widened for a moment, breaking eye contact with you to look at the bracelet instead. It was absolutely gorgeous, a reminder from you that everything will be alright, no matter when or where he may be. Softly, he rubbed your arm with his free hand before pulling you into a hug. You couldn’t complain, he was tall, strong and warm. It calmed your senses, feeling his arms wrap around you, as he muttered his gratitude to you.
“Danke, Schatzi, ich hab dich so so lieb, du hast ja gar keine Ahnung.”
That German seemed to be easier to understand than what he said about the noodles earlier.
“I love you too. Be well and come back to me always, alright? Do you promise you will do that for me?”
You pulled away from the hug, putting a hand on König’s cheek while caressing it gently with your thumb.
“Yes, of course.”
“I hoff meim Liebling werdn’s schmecken. Guad sans jo eigentlich scho.” = "I hope my darling will like it. They are normally pretty good."
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glorismorningstar · 1 month
Pairing: Vox x fem!angel!reader
Summary: Now that little Pixel is born, you and Vox raise her thanks to a deal with Heaven and lots of chaos.
A/N: this is part two of PREGNANT, thank you sm for the request anon! Idk if it's the same one that asked for the first part but if it is I hope you like it <3
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VOX tends to get home late, so you usually spend the day with Pixel until he comes back
At the end of his work day, he greets his daughter like she's the most precious thing in the world
Because she is
And because she came out of the second most precious thing in the world
You see him with Pixel in his lap, her little screen staring at his bigger one and babbling something unintelligible
It almost makes you cry tears of joy
Vox normally struggles to be soft around others
Well, not exactly struggles as chooses not to, because he has a reputation to maintain
But when it comes to his family he'll do anything and everything to protect them
You notice that he seems much more himself around you and Pixel
Not that you're complaining, of course
You love this vulnerable side of him more than the eccentric, manipulative businessman he purports to be
Although if you mention it to him, he'd likely deny it
Still hellbent on keeping you away from Valentino
As a friend he's great, sure, but his filthy habits near his newborn daughter and the mother of the aforementioned daughter do not sit right with him
You're wary of keeping Velvette on babysitting duty, although Vox convinces you to try it once
Not the worst babysitting shift in the history of the world, which surprised you greatly
After you gave birth, Vox moved you and Pixel to another house to separate his family from his work life
He deems it to be safer
And he would be completely correct
That's why when Alastor returns, he flips out
He's afraid of losing you and his little Pixie to that smiling freak
And if he loses everything he's worked for, how will he support his family?
Honestly, you have no qualms about his borderline homoerotic obsession with Alastor
Of all the flaws he has, that might not be number one
And he could do much worse, in your opinion
As long as he doesn't act on it, you're completely fine with it
It's true that you're an angel and he's a demon, a seraphim and an overlord no less
It makes you wonder why Sera would agree to let you keep the child and spend your maternity leave wherever you wish
Pixel is technically a hellborn, but she's the child of a blessed and a damned soul
You don't know how that would work
When she comes of age, she'll have her court case to decide her fate, since as a newborn child she's still of indeterminate morality
As hard as it would be, Vox would want her to live a blessed life
Therefore he lets you raise her to be a good person
You teach the little girl kindness, empathy, generosity and care
The sight is bittersweet for Vox
On the one hand, he's proud of seeing his own blood be a better person than he is
On the other hand, he'd miss Pixie being home at the end of every day and clinging to his leg like a vice
"My sweet girl. Thank God you're just a baby. Dad doesn't want to give you away, but he knows it's the right choice."
You hear him talk to her like that one night, and tears spill from your eyes as you overhear the conversation
It breaks your heart to see him suffer like this
To give up his own child in this way, you know full well that you wouldn't be able to if the roles were reversed
You freeze in place when a little babbling voice reaches your ears, while Vox grins so hard and his eyes glisten with tears for a brief moment
"That's right, sweetie... dad's here. Dad's here."
You sniffle softly and walk over to sit beside him, resting your head on his shoulder and stroking the top of Pixie's screen
"I can't believe it. Time flew by so fast."
"I know... suddenly I'm seeing her go off to school."
You giggle at that, kissing Vox on the cheek and running your thumb over the edge of his screen with a little sniffle
"Are you sure you're okay with me taking her to Heaven?"
Vox sighs, expression dropping from the joy of the moment as he pauses to word his reply properly
"Yeah. It's not easy, but it's what she deserves. It's the life I want her to have."
You wrap your arms around his neck when he says so, affectionately caressing the back of his screen
"I'm really sorry. I know I'd be flipping out if I were in your place."
"Oh, believe me, I am. I'm just doing a stunningly good job at covering it up."
You chuckle softly, nuzzling your nose on his screen
He laughs along with you and plants a sweet kiss on your lips, then holds both you and Pixie close to his chest
Soon Pixel grows into a pre-teen
She has already sprouted her wings and goes to school
Vox suggests that you let her go on her own, as she can fly and he has cameras everywhere
And he'd definitely maul to death anyone who tries to mess with his daughter
But you're still extremely on edge, insisting that even if he could know when she's in danger, there's no way either of you would get there in time to save her
So you drop her off and pick her up by flight every day
She doesn't like it very much, but somehow understands it's for her own good
It isn't until she's 14 that she finds out about the Radio Demon
She first overhears it while passing by Valentino's tower when she drops by the Headquarters one day and decides to ask Vox about it
"Yes, dear?"
"Who's Alastor?"
Vox is visibly aggravated
Electricity zaps across his antennae and racks his entire body as he struggles not to dig his clawed fingers in the table
"Ha, ha... where did you learn that name, Pixie?"
Pixel worries for his reaction, flinching back as she stutters out a soft, "I- I- I-"
"Lady Archangel Pixel of Pride and Kindness, tell me who told you about that freak right now!"
"I- I heard Uncle Val saying that name, and- and that he hears he's back...!"
Vox is seconds away from electrocuting the entire Pentagram
So today he's going to deal with explaining to his teenage daughter about some psychopath he used to know and is learning that he's back from his child
"Oh, no, because God forbid Valentino shut his mouth for once in his fucking life!"
He slams his fist on the table and buries his screen in his hands, resting his elbows on the table and attempting to take a few deep breaths
He looks up and sees his daughter's big eyes staring at him with concern
He must have scared her with his outburst
Vox frowns and gathers her in his arms, sighing as he plants a kiss on the top of her screen
"I'm sorry, Pixie, I'm sorry. Alastor used to be my partner."
Pixel looks to the side and back at him, blinking multiple times
This conversation just took quite the turn
"I'll probably regret this, but... partner as in...?"
"Business partner! Jesus Christ, Pixel!"
The young girl sighs in relief
Honestly, he couldn't blame her for jumping to that conclusion
Vox tells her about his partnership with Alastor, everything about what he's really like and what he could do to hurt them now
He knows she's mature enough to understand
"What I want you to do now is call your mother and ask her to come pick you up. Now."
"Now, Pixel."
Pixel hesitates, eyes flickering around with worry as she finally stared up at Vox
"Do you trust me?"
"...yes. Yes, I trust you."
"Then do as I say. Please."
She can tell something's off, her father has never acted this way before
The girl throws her arms around him, burying her face in his chest
Vox wipes the tears from her eyes and gives her a reassuring smile, holding her screen in his hands
"I love you, okay?"
"I love you, too, dad..."
He presses another kiss to her forehead and squeezes her tight
He's so terrified of letting her go, but he knows that he has to, for her own good
"Go over to aunt Velvette's and ask her to call your mother. Tell her to meet me here as soon as she can and we'll come get you."
Pixel is extremely apprehensive, but obliges either way
As she trots off to Velvette's tower, Vox gets footage of the Hazbin Hotel from Valentino
Meanwhile, you receive Velvette's call and fly over to the Headquarters as fast as possible
Vox clings to you and squeezes you tight, cupping your cheeks in his hands and looking into your eyes
"Ask for an advance on the court date."
You swear you feel your soul leave your body when he says those words
You've been dreading this for so many years
"Vox, this- this can't be the only solution."
"She's in limbo, Y/N, and right now the good in her has the edge. Request sanctuary and ask Sera to move the date. Please."
With a heavy heart, you agree
He's right, if Alastor really is back, you need to get Pixel to safety
You hug Vox close, tucking your face in the crook of his neck and letting out a sob
You don't know if you're going to see him ever again, and that terrifies both of you to your very cores
"Don't cry, my love, don't cry."
"I love you, Vox."
"I know. I love you, too."
You share a last passionate kiss before departing, tears brimming both yours and his eyes as Velvette accompanies Pixel to say her goodbyes
Vox's farewell to his child is heartbreaking
He reassures her that he loves her and it's for her own good, even if he knows that deep down she'd never forgive him
You give Vox a last kiss before opening the portal to Heaven, letting the dimensions swallow up both of you, never to see Hell for years on end
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mixes-archive · 2 years
👀👀 can I request what könig would do on the battlefield with his s/o and how he would act? or headcanons as to how he'd act if his s/o knew how to speak and write German 👉👈
König on the battlefield Headcanons
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Hello there! Those are some really good prompts, I just might make the other one too haha^^ Hope you enjoy!
We all know this man does a complete 180
König never really wanted you to see this side of him, so he tried his best to either completely avoid going on missions with you or keeping a large amount of distance
It bothered you a lot and when you finally confronted him, he couldn't stop apologizing
"Oh Schatz, wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass es dir weh tut hätte ichs dir von Anfang an erklärt."¹
After he explained himself, you just kinda laughed and said you knew how he acted on the battlefield and that you found it kind of funny
Bro when I tell you this man was SHOCKED
So, when you actually do end up going on the battlefield together a few days later, man's stuck by your side the entire time
He was like his usual self in the beginning, but as soon as he shot the first enemy down and he said his iconic line "pick your guts off the floor", it was like a switch had flipped in his head
You finally got to witness him dropping the Hochdeutsch and switching to true austrian german (if you aren't familiar with it, I recommend looking it up on YouTube or TikTok)
"Di oaschlöcher geben net auf" "Soiche voitrottln gibts" "Kum scho Schatz, mach mas fertig"²
If you weren't familiar with this way of talking, it's safe to say you'd be surprised
Also most likely understand even less than when he was speaking german
König would also become much more confident romantically
Has never flirted this much with you before
The stuff he says would border on douchey if he wasn't in a relationship with you
Probably definitely slapped your ass too tbh
He isn't directing any insults at you, but he is being less polite when it comes to correcting your stance/grip or lectures you when you narrowly avoided getting shot
Very protective
"Get out of there, Dirndl! It's too dangerous, I'm coming to pick you up right now."
If you got separated, he would be contacting you every few seconds just to check if you're alive
God help your enemies if you get injured at all
"Where did that scrape come from?" "Relax babe, I just cut my cheek on a branch!" "I will make them pay."
You need to tell him to chill or else this man will continue bugging you until you get home, and then some
Checks on you after missions, constantly asking if you're injured or if you're okay
König becomes a big baby once you get home lmao
Will cuddle you to hell and back (and might hug you so tight you can't breathe)
Honestly, he's just relieved you both made it out alive
¹ "Oh treasure (Schatz is used like 'honey', but this is a direct translation) if I had known that it hurt you, I would've explained it to you from the beginning"
² "Those assholes aren't quitting" "Idiots like that exist" "Come on treasure, let's finish them"
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6-zao-xing-9 · 6 months
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Jealousy, Jealousy, and Jealousy
Pjsk boys x fem! reader
Summary: Oneshot: You and your boyfriend are having a nice walk around the park.... When a 'friend' from school 'runs into' you. Your boyfriend isn't very fond of this 'friend'. What do you do? Headcannons: how they act when they're jealous
This writing contains.... Shy reader...
A/N: results of this poll and this poll. No, the person with red quotes isn't Arata. Sorry if this isnt what you were expecting. I kinda wanted to go a bit more calm with this one. If you want something more spicy ✨dramatic✨, then just lmk :p yes i just discovered my kindle yes im using a kindle dont ask me why just had diff quotation marks. Just added a lil bit of hcs bc i felt like it :c
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Kamishiro Rui:
denies it at first
He'll be like
“Me? Little old me?”
if you keep calling him out, then he'll eventually admit it without shame
Gets super clingy when he's jealous
If youre in public, then he'll just hold your hand tightly and give you a kiss every now and then
If youre in private
Chances are you wont be going home tonight
As I gripped her hand gently, I continued rambling about my 'crazy' ideas for WonderlandxShowtime's upcoming show. As I finally run out of things to say, the calm silence fills the air, my eyes drifting to the beautiful view of the park, when the silence is suddenly interrupted.
An unfamiliar voice rings through my ears before I hear footsteps near towards the two of us.
“N/N! You did great in the school musical today!”
I see a slightly familiar boy run up to Y/N and place his hands on her shoulders as he smiles brightly, pushing me aside as if I was nothing.
“U-Uh.... Thanks..?”
The girl says quietly and shyly, seeming a bit surprised by the sudden contact.
“Ah, pardon me.”
The boy says and retracts his hands from her shoulders.
“To celebrate your success, I wanted to maybe... Take you out for a drink? I've actually wanted to for a long time! I'll pay of course, I—”
The boy turns towards me, as if he didn't know I was here.
“I believe N/N already has plans for the day.”
“Oh? Oh! That's fine! What about tomorrow? Tomorrow's fine right? After scho—”
“I'm afraid she has plans for tomorrow as well.”
“I do....?”
Placing a hand on her shoulder, I turn to her with a commanding grin.
“Why of course, dear. We were gonna go on a date tomorrow, remember?”
“Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry Shenke.”
“Uh, that's alright! But you can always call me if you ever want to hangout.”
“... Okay....”
Due to him leaving the scene, I feel my shoulders unintentionally relax slightly, before turning back to Y/N.
“Now then, let's continue our walk, shall we?”
Taking her hand, I watch her nod to my words before we continue our walk around the park.
Absentmindly, I find myself humming to myself before Y/N's soft voice interrupts me.
“.... Rui..?”
“Hm? Yes, dear?”
“You.... What was that back there?”
“What do you mean?”
“Why'd you..... Yknow.... Say we were going out tomorrow? I mean, I don't have a problem with it but...”
“If you don't have a problem with it, then what's your point, N/N?"
“.... Rui, are you.... Are you.. Jealous?”
I chuckle and am quick to deny her words.
“Me? Jealous? Oh sweetie, why would I be jealous?”
“Well, I don't know, you just...... Nevermind..”
I smile at her and sigh out of relief internally as she drops the topi—
“Are you sure you aren't jealous?”
“I'm not jealous, okay Y/N? I have no need to be jealous, right?”
“I guess.....”
“Good. Now, I was thinking, for our next show, along the lines of—”
“I think you're jealous.”
I sigh and turn to her.
“What can I do to make you drop this topic?”
“.... Admit you're jealous..”
I sigh again, this time dramatically before placing a hand on her head.
“Fine, fine, I'm jealous. But I have every right to be, don't I? I hate it when someone asks you out right in front of my very eyes.”
“Rui you know I'd never leave you.”
“I do. Though I still can't stand it when someone invades your personal space.”
“But he wasn't really invading my—”
“Now come on, let's go to my house.”
“What, why?”
“I'm jealous, remember? When I get jealous, I tend to feel a bit more... Possessive..”
“You mean you're going to demand cuddles?"
“... Why must you say it as if it's a bad thing?”
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Tenma Tsukasa:
kinda laughed it off when you first asked him if he was jealous
He tries not to think about it too much because he might end up actually convincing himself hes jealous
And he doesn't want that
If he does end up accepting it though
Then he'll just be like super super clingy
Lets say he got jealous when you guys were in public, and now your in one of your guys' houses
If its his house then he'll just pick you up and bring you to his room for cuddles
If its your house then he'll just basically do the same but without picking you up
Because of family
“So, what do you think? Brilliant, right?”
I asked the girl beside me, my smile shining brightly.
“.... Yes, it's very nice, Tsukasa. You should write your script more often.”
My smile widens after hearing her words, though I sadly admit,
“Unfortunately, I can't write the script all the time, or that would give me less time to work on my acting skills in detail. So—”
“Huh? Did you hear—”
Suddenly, a boy that appears to be around our age runs up to us, Y/N specifically, and places his hands on her shoulders.
“H-Huh? Who are—”
“N/N! You did so good in the musical today! Did you want to celebrate? I was thinking we could go to this new bakery today that my parents just opened up!"
I could see Y/N's eyes drifted away from the boy, seemingly uncomfortable.
“Excuse me, but I believe my co-star is already occupied with spending the day with her boyfriend!”
“Huh??? You have a boyfriend? Since when??”
The boy seemed genuinely confused but also a bit suspicious as he spoke.
“Since I confessed my astounding love towards this beautiful girl that you're asking out.”
“.... Really? Well, regardless, do give me a call if you want to.. hangout. You have my number!”
And with that, the boy walked off, leaving me standing with my hands on my hips.
Turning my head towards Y/N I speak in an unintentional slightly commanding tone.
“Why do you have his number?”
“I needed it for a school project we had to work on a while ago.... Why?”
“You know, you shouldn't give your number to strangers!”
“... But he's not a stranger.”
“Still, you know, I'm thinking maybe you should delete him from your contacts. Boys like him—”
I stop talking and smile at her as she calls me by my name.
“Yes, dear Y/N?”
“Are you..... Jealous?”
“J-Jealous? Me? Of course not! As a star such as myself could never be jealous over anyone!”
“A-Are you sure? You're acting a bit weird..”
I nod my head to her question, the big smile still present on my face.
“I'm one hundred percent sure, my dear co-star! A star should never lie!”
“.... You sound jealous to me.”
“N/N, everything is not always as it seems or sounds. You've got to learn that in li—”
“Why are you jealous?”
I look at her, confused. I thought I just said I wasn't jealous. Or does she not believe me?
“Y/N, I-I told you I'm not jealous! Why won't you believe me?”
She stays silent, thinking for a few moments, before replying.
“You're just acting a bit different than usual, that's all.”
What's this I feel on my forehead? Sweat?
“I... I have no idea what you're talking about!”
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Aoyagi Toya:
was genuinely confused when he got jealous
“What is this feeling?”
He'll probably talk to you about it
When you end up telling him he's probably jealous, he'll just be like ‘oh’
Then he starts asking questions like
“I didn't do anything rash, right?”
bro thinks he turned evil just because he became a lil jealous
You have to convince him he didn't do anything wrong
Or he'll probably beat himself up(metaphorically, ofc)
He might just hold your hand a bit tighter for the rest of the day
He gets super quiet if someone starts obviously flirting with you
he may be a little dense but he aint dumb
If he sees youre uncomfortable though, he'll step in to protect you
I close the door behind Y/N as we walk into the arcade, a small smile on my face as I do so. I've been waiting for this arcade date for a long time. Finally, we can have some time for oursel—
My thoughts are interrupted by a loud male voice coming from the crane game direction.
A boy suddenly runs up to us, almost crashing into Y/N due to his current speed.
“Y/N, Y/N! You did so great at the school musical today that I just had to get you this plush to celebrate!”
The boy talks before energetically handing Y/N a bunny plush.
“Um, thanks.... This is very... Sweet of you.”
“You're welcome! Hey, since we're both here, do you wanna hangout together? Maybe grab a bite when we're done?”
I turn my head to Y/N, waiting to see her answer, as it would be impolite for me to butt into someone else's conversation.
“S-Sorry, but I'm on a date with someone already.”
“Y... You are?”
Looking surprised, he turns his towards me, before blinking and turning back to Y/N.
“Oh! That's okay! I'll see you later then.”
After the boy walks off, I look at the big bunny plush in her hand, and have a sudden urge to go the crane game section.
“I'd like to try my luck at a few crane games, if you don't mind.”
“Huh? Oh that's fine.”
I smile slightly and grasp her hand before leading her to the crane game sections.
“What plushie do you want?”
I watch Y/N's eyes shift from each of the crane games, before her mouth opens as she points to a plushie in one of the machines.
“I kind of want that cat plushie.”
I walk up to the machine which holds the desired plushie and enter a few coins inside.
“I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick.”
I hum absentmindedly, my attention focused on the crane machine and the plush.
Y/N soon returns from the bathroom 5 minutes later to see me waiting for her with a boatload of plushies in my arms, before handing them to her.
“Toya? How did you get so many plushies while I was gone?? It's been like, 5 minutes.. Why did you get me all these?”
“I had a sudden urge to get you some plushies when I say that boy give you that plushie. It's weird....”
“You.... Did?”
I nod as she takes some of the plushies from my hands.
“I felt this weird feeling when that boy came up to you. I don't know why, but I really didn't like it when he put his hands on your shoulders.”
“Maybe you were just.... Jealous...?”
I tilt my head to the side, not having thought of that concept.
“Hm. Is that a bad thing?”
“Well... As long as you don't do anything rash.... I don't see anything wrong with it... Though, you know, you shouldn't be jealous... I mean... It's... Not like I would leave you anyway..”
A small smile curls on my lips after hearing her words, causing me to pat her head gently.
“I know that, I.... I'm sorry for being jealous.”
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Shinonome Akito:
When this boy gets jealous
He gets moody af
And also clingy
You tell him he's jealous? Denial denial denial
“I'm not jealous! That's just stupid.”
He will never admit it for the life of him
he gets super possesive over you when hes jealous
If youre in private
Chances are you wont be going home for at least a week/j
But seriously
You probably wont be going home that night
“Oh, here it is! The new cheesecake place my sister found. I hope their cheesecake is actually decent.”
I open the door for me and Y/N, my hand not leaving hers as we enter the small cafe.
We wait in line for a minute or two before I hear a voice.
“Next— eh? Y/N? Hey, what's up?”
My head perks up from my phone and to the voice behind the counter.
“Oh, hi.”
I see Y/N give a shy wave to the boy, before the boy talks again.
“It's nice to see you again. I've actually been thinking recently, maybe we could go out sometime to—”
“Hey, can I get two cheesecakes please?”
I cut the boy's sentence short, lightly slamming my hand on the counter.
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
The boy takes a couple of plates before continuing his sentence.
“Anyway, as I was saying, I was thinking maybe we could—”
“Oh, and here's the money for mine and hers.”
I slam the money down on the counter while making eye contact with the boy.
“Dude, do you mind? I'm tryna ask a girl out.”
“Actually, I do mind. That's my girlfriend you're trying to ask out.”
He narrows his eyes at me and I do just the same.
While speaking, he slams the two plates of cheesecake on the counter.
“Here's your cheesecake.”
I walk away aggressively as I grip Y/N's hand.
I plop down on a chair by the table, feeling moody.
“....Are you—”
“No, I'm not jealous! Why would you think that? You're not gonna leave me for him, obviously, I know that!”
“I was just gonna ask if you were gonna use that fork. They only gave us one.”
“I'll go get another one.”
I go to the counter to obtain a fork before handing it to Y/N after returning.
“So.... Why are you jealous?—”
“I'm not jealous!”
“But your actions show that you are..”
I see her look away shyly as she takes a small bite of her cheesecake.
“You know... I'll never leave you...”
“I know I know....”
“I'm sorry, okay?”
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Requests are always welcome until 12/24/23!
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