#I'll probably do a write up of their differences in appearance at a later date
archaeren · 3 months
Hello!! I hope you're having a good day ^^ I came across your post about writing non-linearly on Notion and I'm excited to try it out because the advice resonated with me! Though, I'm really new to using the app and, if possible, need help with how to do this part: 'where every scene is a separate table entry and the scene is written in the page inside that entry.' ;v;
Hello! Thank you so much for messaging!!! Since that post about writing non-linearly (linked for context) blew up roughly ten thousand times as much as anything I've ever posted, I've been kind of meaning to make a followup post explaining more about how I use Notion for writing non-linearly, but, you know, ADHD, so I haven't done it yet. XD In the meantime, I'll post a couple screenshots of my current long fic with some explanations! I'd make this post shorter, but I'm unable to not be Chatty. XD (just ask my poor readers how long my author notes are...) (There is a phone app as well which syncs with the desktop/browser versions, but I work predominantly in the desktop app so that's what I'm gonna be showing)
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(the table keeps going off the right side of the image but it's a bunch of unimportant stuff tbh) So this is more complicated than what you'll probably start with because I'm Normal and add a bunch of details that you might not need depending on what you're doing. For example, my fic switches POVs so I have a column for tracking that, and my fic follows a canon timeline so I have a column for dates so I can keep track of them, and I also made columns for things like if a scene had spoilers or certain content readers may want to avoid, which they can access in my spoiler and content guide for the fic. (As I said, I'm Normal.) I also do some complicated stuff using Status and estimated wordcount stuff to get an idea of how long I predict the content to be, but again, not necessary. Anyway, you don't need any of that. For the purposes of this explanation, we're just gonna look at the columns I have called Name, Order, and Status. (And one called Part, but we'll get into that later) Columns in Notion have different types, such as Text, Numbers, Select, Date, etc, so make sure to use the type that works best for the purpose of each column! For example, here I'm using Select for Character POVs, Number for Order and WC (wordcount), and Text for the In-Game Date. Okay let's get into it! Name is a column that comes in a Notion table by default, and you can't get rid of it (which drives me up the wall for some purposes but works totally fine for what we're doing here). As you can see on the scene I've labeled 'roll call', if you hover over a Name entry, a little button called 'Open' appears, which you click on to open the document that's inside the table. That's all default, you don't have to set anything up for it. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like when I click the one titled 'I will be anything for you' (I've scrolled down in the screenshot so you can see the text, but all the data fields also appear at the top of the page)
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(This view is called 'side peek' meaning the document opens on one side and you can still see the table under it on the left, which is what mine defaults to. But you can set it to 'center peek' or 'full page' as well.) All my scenes have their own entry like this! Note that I've said scenes, not chapters. I decide the chapters later by combining the scenes in whatever combination feels right, which means I can often decide in advance where my chapter endings will be. This helps me consciously give most of my endings more impact than I was usually able to do when I tried to write linearly. So hopefully that gives you an idea of what I mean by writing inside the table and treating the table as a living outline. The 'Status' column is also pretty straightforward, and might require a little setup for whatever your needs are. This is another default column type Notion has which is similar to a Select but has a few more specialized features. This is how mine is set up:
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(I don't actually use 'Done', idk why I left it there. Probably I should replace it with 'Posted' and use that instead of the checkmark on the far left? whatever, don't let anyone tell you I'm organized. XDD)
Pretty straightforward, it just lets me see easily what's complete and what still needs work. (You'll notice there's no status for editing, because like I mentioned in my other post, I don't ever sit down to consciously edit, I just let it happen as I reread) Obviously tailor this to your own needs! The Order column is sneakily important, because this is what makes it easy for me to keep the scenes organized. I set the Sort on the table to use the Order to keep the scene ordered chronologically. When I make the initial list of scenes I know the fic will have, I give all of them a whole number to put them in order of events. Then as I write and come up with new scene ideas, the new scenes get a number with a decimal point to put them in the spot they fit in the timeline. (you can't see it here, but some of them have a decimal three or four digits deep, lol). Technically you can drag them to the correct spot manually, but if you ever create another View in your table (you can see I have eight Views in this one, they're right under the title) it won't keep your sorting in the new View and you'll hate yourself when it jumbles all your scenes. XD (And if you get more comfortable with Notion, you probably will at some point desire to make more Views) The Part column isn't necessary, but I found that as the fic grew longer, I was naturally separating the scenes into different points along the timeline by changes in status quo, etc. (ex. "this is before they go overseas" "this is after they speak for the first time", stuff like that) in my mind. To make it easier to decide where to place new scenes in the timeline, I formalized this into Parts, which initially I named with short summaries of the current status quo, and later changed to actual titles because I decided it would be cool to actually use them in the fic itself. Since it's not in the screenshots above, here's what the dropdown for it looks like:
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(I've blocked some of the titles out for spoiler reasons)
Basically I only mention the Parts thing because I found it was a useful organizational tool for me and I was naturally doing it in my head anyway. Anyway, I could keep talking about this for a really long time because I love Notion (don't get me started on how I use toggle blocks for hiding content I've edited out without deleting it) but that should be enough to get started and I should really, you know, not make this another insanely long post. XDD And if anybody is curious about how the final results look, the fic can be found here.
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ghostgirl101 · 1 year
Hiiiii can u do green haired BEN relationship headcanons? Tyty 🫶
Dating BEN Would Be Like This:
A/N: I certainly can, I've been thinking about this green-haired hive-minded being, so I'll give it my best shot 🙃 There's quite a lot I wrote here, so enjoy. For those who don't know, these headcanons are based around BEN, not Ben Lawman. The difference is that Ben is one person, a Moon Child trapped in Majora's Mask, who seemed a threat but was actually trying to warn Jadusable, and "BEN is an evil entity made up of several Moon Children, with the Majora Moon Child serving as the main leader." I'll try making this as accurate as possible but I won't go into confusing specifics 😅
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🎮• Well, I'll start by saying that BEN here is the most annoying, unpredictable, crazed, dark sons of biatches you will ever have the pleasure of putting up with for... basically, eternity.
🎮• I've seen that basically everyone who's written for these guys thinks that it'd be a through-and-through toxic relationship, with no care for feelings, little to no romance or intimacy and you being toyed with like all their other victims. And, to an extent, I agree with your end relationship with BEN not being what you'd call a typical healthy relationship, which applies to pretty much all the slashers and creepypastas... but come on. If you're in a romantic relationship with BEN, I think there's gotta be something.
🎮• And I say there is. 😀
🎮• Don't get me wrong, though. They're not nice guys to anyone, they're devious, malevolent little brats who like getting into unsuspecting players' heads and twisting their world until they snap. You're one of the beginning targets who obliviously starts playing the warped copy of Majora's Mask, or a later victim once they've escaped to the internet. Either or, there's not much difference in the way they are. It's not like, you're unusually pretty and interesting to a few of them for whatever reason, so they'll take it easy on you. If anything, they'll make their methods worse.
🎮• Let's say you're a later victim, in which case, there are glitchy jumpscares out of nowhere while you're on your laptop doing work. YouTube videos crashing and pages redirecting to horrific ones with no URL. The screen flashing green when you're not using it from the corner of your eye, and weird, hard buzzing noises that wake you up from your already restless sleep. Then your phone starts playing up. Even your TV glitches and waves with bright colours every so often, all except the times when you have company or witnesses to prove you're not going mad.
🎮• It's when you're at your lowest mentally and really think you're losing your mind that they'll start making their proper appearances. First, it's through Cleverbot, or any documents and templates you'll be typing on. Then, one day, you'll go into your room and see a terrifyingly unnatural grinning face on your screen, before it disappears within the second you've seen it, leaving you reeling.
🎮• They can be very unpredictable in the ways they act and speak to you, because they're more than one person, and you never really know who you're interacting with. At this point, when you're having longer conversations on Cleverbot with different Moon Children from BEN, you're probably going to have to write out the differences based on what they say and how. But write it with pen and paper, because anything you type up can get mucked up by them, and it probably will.
🎮• When they're speaking collectively, you can tell, because the sentences are usually repeated loads of times, or their answers are shorter. It'll go from one of the telling you their real name and how strange you are to be talking so curiously with a hive-minded terroriser, to 'WE SEE YOU WE SEE YOU WE SEE YOU-'
🎮• That's the only way you really interact with BEN at first. Through them rifling through your computer programs and documents, redirecting you to pages when they feel like talking. Sometimes you have to wait days for them to feel like chatting, and other times they can't stop interacting with you. Depending on who it is that's driving them to talk, it could either be a fairly normal conversation, or just freaking crazy and disturbing. And the main person in control of the hive-minded being that makes up BEN is the Majora Moon Child.
🎮• Now, he's a real bitch.
🎮• I'm going to headcanon that all of Link going up in flames and the creepy messages through the game and the main ideas behind all of that was Majora. That's what you've grown to call him. He's the leader of BEN and makes the most appearances. He's the one that talks the most, that has the strongest personality, and is probably the most sadistic one of them all. He will absolutely get on your nerves and be the one you'll be dealing with him. So that's fun.
🎮• BEN collectively decides not to kill or hurt you after you've been associating with them for a month or so, since you're not trying to escape from them or screw up their plans anymore. It's a big debate; five of them don't understand why they feel like they should protect you from the world that turned them into monstrosities, three of them don't realise that what they're feeling might be love and are going mad with it, two of them have already decided that's its fate you and them met and they should start a more 'official' relationship with you. Four of them are annoyed by the fact that you're somehow different and pretty and nice and innocent, two others don't mind either way and see you more as a friend, while Majora decided days ago that you're theirs now.
🎮• So after that whole deliberation, you're woken up in the middle of the night to your computer buzzing and beeping, the screen going green, and red, pixelated text reading:
🎮• I beg of you to just say okay to them, otherwise they're gonna keep asking and asking and asking at the worst times and proving themselves to you in very drastic measures until you've got to accept them to make the madness stop.
🎮• Congratulations, you've got brats. For life. If things where chaotic before, get ready.
🎮• Now you're dating or whatever romantic relationship you're somehow in with BEN has started, you realise pretty early on that they are full-on yanderes. A few of them don't have much interest in romance and are more like weird friends or siblings to you, a few of them are surprisingly soft and quiet, but still just as brutal as the rest, and then there are the maniac lovers that are 100% possessive, protective, obsessive and clingy.
🎮• Sometimes they can act in contrasting ways because different people are taking control, and attitudes vary, but you can keep up with the shifting of personalities after a while. There are subtle hints, like the way their faces change slightly depending on who's appearing, and what and how they say things. Most of the time, though, you'll be faced with Majora. He's the fully green-haired grinning psycho boy who leads BEN, and being around him is... well, intense.
🎮• You'll know when you're chatting to him on Cleverbot or Word or whatever he's on, because he's a confident, arrogant jerk, and it shows. He's the one who likes making you jump by randomly appearing on your screen, toying with electricity and other things when he's not toying with unsuspecting peoples' minds. Sometimes you get BEN's face and a glitch, broken computerised voice - again, whose tone varies ever so slightly depending on who's talking - but most times, it's just typing.
🎮• If BEN are talking or arguing with each other, it's not really aloud, its in their shared mind, and I wanted to add the funny thought of you doing something random or asking a deep question, and how BEN's face goes completely blank and unblinking with that god-forsaken smile while they all fight in their head about how to react. So it's just him frozen for a solid ten minutes like 😀 on standby and you finding it funny until one of them snaps back to life - usually Majora - and jumpscares you by changing his face into something disturbing and blueish.
🎮• Yeah, he finds everyone's pain funny, but your screaming and cursing at him is even better. Then he and the others start thinking about trying to become more materialized to grab out at you and stuff, which leads to another debate. Seven of them are terrified at the concept of being vulnerable and weakened in a physical form, five of them don't care and want to be closer to you, four of them are trying to plan how it could best work, and Majora shuts them down with demanding they're doing it somehow, and takes the argument to you. Lucky you.
🎮• It turns out that the best way for them to appear in a glitchy, disturbing physical form is for the most amount of electricity and energy to be running in the house. You're going to need some stronger fuses, that's for sure. And your electricity bills are going to skyrocket. But, again, they can find a way to alter the prices in the system so it's not too much of a problem.
🎮• Of course, you're probably apprehensive by the idea of them being able to get to you physically now as well as through your devices and mentally, so ground rules have got to be set. You need to get them all listening and quiet, which could take ages if Majora's teasing you, or moments if he tells them all to shut up. Then you need to confirm that they won't hurt you, or anyone else, and understand that they can't leave the house and anything else that you want to avoid. If they don't follow the rules, you'll pull the plug.
🎮• And you're like "I will and I can if you don't do as I say 🙄"
🎮• Majora agrees to the terms in the end, and so they wait for you to plug and switch everything on, connect your computer to the TV, and let the horror of them climbing out of the screen unfurl as the glitchy green mass of a boy is standing in your home, grinning but blank, trying to adjust to their surroundings. Half of them are panicking, and half of them are just happy that they've found a way to be closer to you. And they can get pretty close.
🎮• If you leave everything electrical on all day, and especially when you're about to sleep, you're probably going to get intruded on by Majora, who almost gives you a heart attack when you wake up in the middle of the night to his glitchy figure and grin literally centimetres away from your face. He's impossible.
🎮• Right, now comes the physically affectionate side of things 😵‍💫
🎮• If it's anyone but Majora, you probably won't be too overwhelmed by it, since some of them or more twisted-friendly than they are romantic. But where it's the other way around with the group of Moon Children who are just as obsessive as Majora is, then that all goes out of the window. Any one of them can come out at any time, and once they're used to the natural world and the sensation of touch and basic senses they've been deprived of, you're gonna get ambushed.
🎮• He, along with the others, finds being materialised and almost a part of the real, outside world, fascinating and new in a way, so if they're out of the screen, they're probably touching all your stuff, looking through and studying everything like they're aliens. Some more carefully than others. Majora will knock some stuff over just to annoy you. He's a pain in the ass.
🎮• But since Majora is probably the one you'll be seeing the most out of BEN, you'll get used to him. He and the others like him are really grabby, since they're getting more comfortable in a material form and place, and they also find it funny when you get frustrated and push their glitchy, electric self off you so you can focus on your work. They're the type of guy that's always lingering curiously over your shoulder, playing with and examining your hair. Everything about you is fascinating to them, so you're gonna have to learn to get used to having this inhumane being hover over your shoulder with an absentminded grin while you watch Netflix or something.
🎮• When it comes to affection, they are very new to the concept of it. BEN are used to ruining people's lives, driving them so insane that they'll chuck themselves out of windows, do whatever they tell them to, just for the fun of it. So when they're introduced to coupley things like hugging and kissing and intimate conversations, you're going to have to explain and show them very slowly. Majora feels stupid doing it and has to get used to it, but he will get used to it. He just makes it a whole lot more intense.
🎮• Intense being realllly tight hugs where you're like "Majora, get off me, I actually can't feel a thing," because he's electrically charged and unstable and way too full-on. And he's all innocently grinning and cocking his head to the side with a "Why?"
🎮• "Because I can't breathe and you need to calm down." "Why?" "Because-" "Why?"
🎮• That's Majora 😑
🎮• Also, when you're hugging one of them, you're hugging all seventeen of them, so they're all going to feel it. Some of them get annoyed by that because they're possessive crazy people, and start arguing about who it was meant for and petty stuff like that, until Majora tells them to shut up.
🎮• They don't mind you touching them either, again, when they're used to it all. They trust you enough for it, but you might get shocked every so often, which is most of the time an accident, but if Majora's around, it most likely isn't. There'll be a sweet moment with you hanging around a shyer member of BEN and playing with their eye-watering green hair, and then Majora jumps in and says how annoying it is and tries untying yours or something stupid. It's safe to say that playfighting and winding you up is Majora's main love language and way of getting attention from you, even if it is enough to make a saint swear.
🎮• So when Majora's being surprisingly nice-ish and easier on you to the point where you'll let him kiss you...
🎮• BEN is going to short-circuit the first time, because holy hell, this is new, and they don't mind itttt-
🎮• It's literally the cliche of electric, because that's what BEN's running on, but all of them are different in their own ways. Some of them are a little gentler, some are surprisingly bashful, but once Majora's kissed you once and had his five minutes to pull himself together to make one of his proud remarks, he'll be a lot more confident in the future. He likes leaving you rolling your eyes in annoyance or completely spellbound, so it'll end in one way or the other. With a bit more time though, you will see that underneath all the dark humour and psycho-ness, he's the Moon Child that's been trapped in BEN the longest, and takes the longest to open up and let himself be vulnerable and surprisingly thoughtful and sweet. When he lets himself.
🎮• With some more time, more of them will tell you about who they were before BEN, though the details are a little fuzzy and painful to remember. That's pretty much the ultimate sign of trust, because there's no going back on what you've learnt, and what they learn about you. They remember every single thing you tell them, which is sweet sometimes, because they can order you stuff you said you want online for no cost on hacked accounts... or they can kill your enemies.
🎮• They can and they will. Even if it's a friend who you had a little disagreement with, BEN are going to take it personally. Basically, all of them think you can do no wrong and anyone that wrongs you is their new game. They won't leave that person alone, doxxing them, filming them and sending you clips of them terrified as a way to make you proud. And whether you choose to be proud, roll your eyes at the typical behaviour, or be completely unnerved by it is up to you, though it won't stop them. It's one way they show their love, and they will show it.
🎮• Majora, again, is a massive yandere, trying to watch you at all times, getting some of the others in BEN to lead with manipulation and terror in the screens while he obsesses over you with another few Moon Children. If you ever need one of them while they're busy on their latest 'game,' they've given you some intricate coding or website link to enter into your phone, and at least three of them, including Majora, are there and searching for the problem you need help with.
🎮• But even though, to the world and people they torture, BEN seems like an unfeeling, sadistic monster, you, one person out of all the others, somehow, are the only one who knows what they're really like.
🎮• Just don't tell anyone 🙃
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to-myalphonse · 1 year
Creator/Self Aware/ Reverse Isekai Au
Small spoilers for Caribert quest. Reader's lover is implied to be biracial.
Due to popular demand, I'll give Sagau Headcanons (well short stories.) This is for Creator Au, Self Aware Au and Reverse Isekai Au. (This is the only time I'm writing Creator Au)
To those who read my Sagau stories just a heads-up I don't write for Imposter or Cult AU.
These will be for the three Aus. Obviously it won't be a full story well it turned into a mix of stories and hcs, because I am a dumbass who forgot the Difference between the two.
I do angst so yk what to expect.
Creator Au
Reader becomes God and is stuck in Genshin playing God. They absolutely hate it, but play along for the time being. Whilst playing God, a shooting star appears one night. Catching the star, they get a message from their lover saying they'll stop by for a visit.
Through out the next nights, they wait on a balcony for some type of sign. Their favorite characters question it, and give up when they don't receive the answer they wish for.
Falling into Teyvat, a gold star passes through landing on the balcony next to them. The acolytes ran in, staring at the outlander hugging their God. They reached out their weapons to fire, only to see their grace hugging them back.
After quick introductions, they all went their separate ways. One day, Creator wakes up and notices their partner suddenly went missing. They search for them for awhile not finding them. Eventually they find a corpse laying not too far from the place they live. After checking it's revealed to be a hilichurrl with it's head chopped off. Standing up they went to leave it, until they noticed their partner's wedding ring on the the deceased hilichurrl.
Obviously gods got in trouble and Reader ends up cursing their people in response.
Self Aware Au
While traveling Teyvat with your team you explore and come across a time challenge. After multiple attempts at failing you hear Amber saying what you assume to be "Aw don't worry about it." It surprised you but you continue on playing. Much later on down the line when co-oping you get hurt really badly. Your co op partner finishes the boss. Their Ganyu approaches bending down checking over your Marin's injuries.
"Are you okay?" Their Ganyu begins healing your character before getting back into position. You remain stunned for a moment, until she says and does her idle line and pose. You go to question your partner, and they respond saying they "didn't see Ganyu walk off." They also mention that, "You should only be able to control the characters you have and that they can't walk off when you're controlling them."
Confused, you look up information on the internet about this specific voiceline, only to see nothing.
Reverse Isekai
Characters I'll be using for this Kokomi, Nahida, Heizou and Venti
Also No I do not have favorites
Nahida will sit in on nights you do your Sumeru world quests. She tries to think of solutions to the problems you face. If you play showing her the Sumeru Archon quest, she'll most likely be sad by remembering the events.
Most likely she'll have to go to school to integrate with this society.
For some reason I can see her ending up in Anya forger situations, but she always gets out of them herself.
Heizou is not one meant for housework. I can see him working for the military again being gone months to days.
Probably enjoys being out and going out late for dates during Fridays and Saturdays that you're available.
In his spare time, he'll read or play the game with you.
Like Nahida, I can see him trying to find other ways for the Traveler to avoid or get out of bad situations the game puts them through.
I remember her at one point saying "she doesn't want to be a leader."
Most likely would be an employee happy to not have responsibilities for once.
She's good at house work and works hard to repay you for letting her stay with you.
Late night dates walking at the beach.
When playing the game, she'll probably check in on Watatsumi island to make sure everyone is okay in her abscence.
Venti will Probably would be shocked to meet you for the first time?
He acts like a freeloader and doesn't do anything. Jk he's a musician and actually makes a good profit from it. 
He slowly is getting recognized by top singers, which means you get to travel to cool places.
When he plays he spends all your hero's with and mora to make him level 90 and triple crowned.
This leads to you trying to fight him.
Probably is good at housework?
You put a tight lock on your alcohol cabinet which surprisingly gets opened by the teal haired man.
Taglist @seirenspinel @pochipop @genshinings @teyvattales @stellumi @intothegenshinworld
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destinationtoast · 2 months
Hello there! I'm currently combing thru various Hetalia character tags and counting the ships that appear for any individual character, and I'm considering doing a write-up like how I see you make them! I'd like to ask you how do you go about formatting/presenting the information? I made a pie chart n everything!
Hi -- that sounds like an awesome project! Very cool. :)
I'll share what I do for data visualization, but I'll also say that there are other ways to do all of this, and depending on your goals, other ways may be better. So this isn't a recommendation -- just insight into my own process.
I use Google Sheets (similar to Excel) to gather/analyze data and to make graphs. (Many other programs/methods would work and have various pros & cons, so if you have a different favorite/you've already made your graphs, no problem! I use Sheets in part because it's easy to share to make my data broadly accessible.)
To get the unified look of my fandom stats -- and because I often want to add additional notes on top of/next to my graphs -- I copy/paste the graphs into Google Slides and add notes/titles/etc there. I have a slide theme that I use to made to get my particular Toastystats look; here's a more generic template of it that you can edit/use yourself, if that's helpful. I like to use it to put a border around my slides (so that if it's on a white background you can still see the edges) and to put my blog credit and the date at the bottom (useful in case someone stumbles across it years later and doesn't realize the data is old, or wants to ask you questions). If you want to change any of the defaults in these template slides (e.g., change the colors or fill in the footer text), you'll need to use the menus to go to "Slide -> Edit theme".
After that, I export each slide as a PNG image ("File -> Download").
I will also make a quick unsolicited suggestion about pie charts, which you can feel free to ignore: I use bar charts most of the time. I only use pie charts only when I have a bunch of different mutually exclusive categories that add up to 100% -- basically when I can think of the data as creating a "sensible whole pie."
So, for instance, imagine a possible pie here as "Fanworks where Character X is tagged." And I want to show how many of those fanworks have different ship tags. Well, multiple ship tags probably sometimes get used together, which means that actually some of the pie slices (i.e., the ships) should be overlapping, not separate -- and overlapping slices make for weird pie. :) Also, there are probably a large number of Character X tags that don't use any of the ship tags (which at minimum should mean I would also want a large "Other fanworks" slice of pie, if I did use a pie chart). Because of all this, I would probably choose to use a bar chart for that data.
Feel free to ask more questions if you have them (I recognize that many parts of this could be be confusing, depending on your particular background), and good luck! :)
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hexentanzenigma · 8 months
Astarion's Name - Meaning - LOTR Elven languages (Quenya/Sindarin)
WILD ASTARION SPOILERS AHEAD ~Sometimes I use Google Translate~ Sorry for the horrible formatting, I'm still figuring out things!
About 20 years ago, instead of taking the train and going to my university and attending my classes, I hid in the local library in my small town to study Sindarin. It was the time of LOTR movie trilogy. Obviously.
It's a shame that Sindarin is much less complete than Quenya, which at the time had some full books (in Italian) dedicated to the grammar. Sindarin had nothing more than this single text file I was able to find (and even in English there wasn't much more), but the challenge was more compelling because it was wonderful to have to rack my brain to create words that Tolkien had never bothered or had reason/time to invent.
Quenya and Sindarin are and sound completely different.
The nice thing was to discuss whether you offered a good translation or whether there was some other better combination.
Quenya therefore remains Tolkien's most used and abused elven language which, I believe, gave the basis to many other elven languages in other settings such as D&D.
Having made this small and useless premise to say that I know how to navigate Tolkien's elven languages, I get to the point:
assuming and probably not granting that whoever came up with this name in Larian did so by studying Quenya or looking for precise grammatical rules rather than simply coming up with it because the sound was beautiful or deriving it from another name...
let's see the meaning a little, without being too technical.
There are a few things called "astar" in Quenya.
1) the plural of "asta", that is a part of something else, almost always referred to a part of the year, a month. This wouldn't make any sense.
2) faith, loyalty (not belief) In Sindarin it's "astor", with the same meaning, pretty similar.
So "Faith"/"Loyalty" might be the right one.
About "ion" we must delve a little deeper and see both Quenya and Sindarin.
In Quenya "ion" means "from whom" or "of whom". It's a plural pronoun in genitive of "ye" - "who". We have also yondo, meaning "son" (the origin of this word is far more complex than this, so I'll keep it simple) but in some of Tolkien writings it means also "boy". Later in time, yondo as "son" would be replaced by anon.
This gives to -ion a patronymic use to say "son or descendant of". Like Russian ones (example: Boris Ivanovich, Boris son of Ivan) or Icelandic ones (Hallur Einarsson - Hallur son of Einar).
In Tolkien's works, for example, we have Isildurioni - "son/descendant of Isildur".
In Sindarin instead, "ion(n)" means "son" or "boy" as in Quenya, if used on its own.
But -ion as a suffix of a name, is THE Sindarin patronymic. No other use. The MASCULINE patronymic meaning "son (male child) of".
Gil-Galad is also called Ereinion (Scion of Kings) Inglorion (Son of Inglor)
So we could translate Astarion as the most simple meaning of the name, “Astarion - Son of the Faith”.
It would already be very appropriate.
Astarion, paradoxically, had a lot of faith in his heart. Faith also understood as hope.
The hope of one day freeing himself from Cazador's slavery and regaining his free will.
Faith in himself, not in Gods and heroes, that he prayed so much without anyone answering his prayers or coming to help him.
But what if, considering the two assumptions that now I write below, the meaning was more literal?
Assumption 1 - Astarion's tombstone says he lived only 39 years. Very few for an Elf. I still don't know if the dates are officially correct or something on Larian's part is incorrect, but let's leave it as it is.
Assumption 2 - In D&D 5e, elves appear to age like humans until they reach an "adult" appearance/maturity. Once physically adults, their life expectancy extends enormously and can reach 700-750 years. It's logical in fact that they do not remain vulnerable children for around 200 years, but spend most of their lives as adults.
Their concept of maturity, however, is completely on a voluntary basis: around 100/110 years of age, when an Elf feels ready, they declare that they're mature and take on an adult name, replacing the "child" one.
Between the reach of physical maturity and the social declaration of maturity, elves are considered whimsical, chaotic, prone to indulge in vices and desires, too emotional. They need to study, travel, explore, and accumulate wisdom and nurtore their personal knowledge and culture because this will "calm down" their mind. This is because of their Fey ancestry, their connection to the Feywild.
What if “Astarion” was not “son of faith” but “son of Astar”, having not yet declared his independence as an adult Elf and "Astarion" represents his "child name"?
Keep in mind that I share this more for fun than because I actually believe it. It's nice material for a few headcanons.
Honestly I don't think Larian put together Astarion's name from Quenya or Sindarin rather than the Elvish language from D&D, since there is one.
Personally I hope that in the future Larian will explain more about Astarion's age, because personally I don't really like the idea of him being under the Elven age of maturity. I would have preferred him at least about 150 years old, excluding the 200 spent as a slave.
It's true that Elves mature like humans, so 40 years are 40 years for everyone, so he IS physically 40 years old, he IS adult, he HAD his own important career. He just wasn't "socially adult" for the Elven culture.
But, speaking about age, would you like to know my take about the dates on Astarion's headstone?
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pipermca · 3 months
Writing Update - June 2024
June is in the history books! I had a huge thing at work this past month, which has taken a lot of my brain power. Now that project is out of the way, I fully intend to do a bit of coasting at work for a little while. (I'm not sure how much coasting I can do, but we'll try. lol)
That said, I did get a lot of writing done! I finished up my Reverse Big Bang fic (look for that in a few weeks!) and worked on a couple of other projects that interested me. I ran a poll a few weeks ago to see what people were interested in seeing from me, and the two big long fics I've been working on... tied. (One was ahead on Tumblr, while the other was ahead on Twitter, and if I combined the votes they literally tied.) At this point I'm just letting my brain work on whatever it wants to work on, although I would like to start posting that one fic later this summer. (And new today, I think I'm coming down with a summer cold. Hopefully it doesn't stick around for very long.)
Anyway, I wrote a total of 8960 words in June, blowing past the 3000 word goal. And I'm approaching another milestone: I have one more fic left in one of the compilation series I took down. (Two of the stories in that compilation were completely reworked and became the start for The Renegade and the Hound, so I won't be reposting those. That means there will be a total of 28 fics/chapters in the series.) After that I think I only have a few more to repost from the other compilation, and then I'll be all caught up. Huzzah!
And a follow up from last month's wrap up, I decided not to participate in the other Big Bang. I'm kind of regretting not signing up, but I know it was probably a good decision. I didn't need anymore obligations on my plate at the moment.
A Different Me. 830 words. This is a comic script of a scene from A Bonding, a Coronation, and a Funeral. It's one of the scripts I've been wanting to get done, so this feels good to have it posted!
Goat Crossing. 1000 words. This fic was reposted/rewritten. It was backdated to its original posting date (November 24, 2017) so it didn’t appear on AO3’s “front page.”
Family Ties. 2400 words. This fic was reposted/rewritten. It was backdated to its original posting date (November 26, 2017) so it didn’t appear on AO3’s “front page.”
These are the works that I actually put words down for this month.
Reverse Big Bang fic. 9200 words. This one is done and just waiting for the posting period to start! Look out for a preview of this piece coming soonish. :)
The Prime and His Protector. 47,600 words. I will eventually start posting this, I swear. But also...
Resonant (working title). 2700 words. This is a prequel to The Prime and His Protector. Yes, a prequel to a fic that I haven't started posting yet. No, I don't know what I'm doing. Lol. this will probably get posted to Tumblr and Pillowfort in full first, and will only go up on AO3 once I start posting Prime and Protector. (It gives some back story to some background characters and adds tragedy to something that gets mentioned in chapter 1 of Prime and Protector. Sorry/not sorry.)
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t1oui · 8 months
hey all. not a new fic idea post, but also kinda a new fic idea post. this one is just more stats/details of the series rewrite i'm plotting, which i hope to write and post to ao3 at some point. knowing me and writing projects, especially long ones, who the heck knows if i'll even get to book 1, but here you go.
first off, as i said, it would be a series rewrite where a few characters get their houses messed with. most of the cast you'll see will remain in their canon houses, but percy, harry, ron, hermione, blaise, seamus, and lavender will be placed in houses different from their canon ones.
knowing me, i think it's pretty obvious that harry and percy are in slytherin. other than that, ron, seamus, and lavender are in hufflepuff, and blaise and hermione are in ravenclaw.
the main cast will be made up of harry, ron, hermione, draco, pansy, blaise, neville, and percy. in later years dean, seamus, lavender, parvati, and maybe padma will make some appearances. cho, cedric, penelope, oliver, and marcus - percy's friends - also play roles in the story, specifically cedric and cho. luna also joins the cast, and there will be more about that later.
in this fic, i've switched it so that cedric and cho are in the same year (a year above harry) and cedric has an early birthday, probably in september like hermione. for the triwizard tournament, he is able to enter b/c 17 and 16 year olds can enter their names. (this is partially because i'm considering having harry shipped with cedric in this fic and also because i want more of the cedric, harry, cho trio and them being closer in age makes it easier to write.)
in this world, harry was adopted by the lovegoods, and pandora lovegood lives. (she's also evan rosier's twin sister, but that won't really be of any significance until later books.) harry and luna are therefore siblings, hence why luna joins in with harry's group. also, she's a seer - or at least implied to be one - so that helps.
some of the main friendships i decided to play with in this fic are hermione, harry, blaise, and pansy, who - along with luna and percy - will probably appear most in this fic. harry and pansy are both slytherins, and hermione and blaise are both ravenclaws. it'll probably usually turn out to be hermione and blaise doing a lot of the research & aiding with the shenanigans while harry and pansy are involved in a lot of the action. idk, i just thought these friendships would be fun to work with, especially since having 4-6 mcs is a LOT easier than working to include upwards of 14. as i said earlier, though, cho and cedric play a bigger part in later years, really from 3rd/4th year - forward.
while there is romance in this fic, the focus is on platonic relationships. this, plus the fact that i honestly don't strongly ship harry with anyone, is why he may or may not end up with someone. (i already mentioned that he might date cedric, but this is definitely not set in stone.) some of the relationships that i will definitely include, though, are percy/oliver (of course), neville/luna, and draco/blaise. past that i'm thinking of maybe adding hermione/ron, but since ron is mostly on the side of this fic and hermione is more of an mc, i'm not sure how their relationship would actually develop, so this pair might be excluded. (at first, i did consider doing either pansy/harry or pansy/hermione, but i don't want any pairs between the main four as, again, this will be a fic focusing on friendships.) sirius/remus will also be included, but probably won't be mentioned very much since their characters won't come up a lot.
a few details will be changed both because of harry's differing situation (being raised by the lovegoods/in the wizarding world & being a slytherin), but also just b/c let's be honest, there's plenty that can be changed and improved about hp. that's why i'm planning out this fic in the first place.
basically, this fic will be (or might be, depending on if i get around to writing & posting it or not) a whole lot of rare pairs, both platonic and romantic, and i think it'll be pretty fun.
as of right now, i'm focusing on plotting out the 7 books, and am about halfway through book 2. to help me write them (if/when i do), i think each book will go fairly quickly (i.e., not be too long, probably 50k each at most) so i can write them more easily.
if people are interested, i'll probably be more inclined to actually write, but considering my career in the hp fandom so far has been posting my fic ideas to tumblr, who knows.
see y'all in the next post.
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galaxyseclipse · 1 year
more Splatoon oc lore dump because I am yet again bored
Tsunami’s turn this time:
-21 years old as of Splat3
-was promoted to captain about a year before RotM, so when she was 20. She didn’t exactly want it, but also felt bad about saying no, so she accepted it. She’s a bit more comfortable with it now.
-as previously said, she’s Four’s cousin. They’re the only member of her family she talks to anymore.
-refuses to talk to/about her bio family; made Four(and eventually Eight) promise to keep their mouths shut about it. She considers the NSS her only family.
-used to be pretty good at skateboarding, but stopped when she got a car
-her design is based on the purpleback flying squid, so she’s got big ears, thinner tentacles, and a lankier build than the others. Still pretty average height though.
-ran track throughout school, so she’s a fast runner and a high jumper
-is in absolutely no way a morning person
-no major side effects of the sanitization, just discoloration and partial loss of feeling in that side of her face, and it goops a bit when she’s stressed or having flashbacks(I guess that probably counts as major, I need to reevaluate my personal definition of major I think lmao)
-does dj and producer work under the name Sango
-herself, Four, and Ivory are a band(?), occasionally Ika joins too
-she covers up her scars during performances, but the makeup will irritate her sanitization scar if left on for too long
-otherwise she doesn’t really care too much about her appearance
-Callie and Marie treat her like their sister, general sibling lighthearted harassment included
-acts almost completely different depending on whether she's being a captain, a dj, or a regular person. She's either stoic and commanding, charismatic, or a complete nerd/cringefail squid. Also depends on who she’s with
-has a slight aggression/threatening problem
-shocked/scared Cuttlefish and the Squid Sisters with her combat skills("are we sure this child is as unexperienced as she says she is?")
-mains shooters, but can use just about anything. a very quick and precise fighter who just wants to end the fight however necessary(unless she's sparring, then she'll drag it out for fun)
-has to pretend she has a bunch of special-related gear abilities to hide her ability to use them whenever, otherwise she doesn't mind or notice it most of the time
-she enjoys cooking quite a bit. she even learned a few Octarian dishes to impress Ivory before they started dating
-she can sing, but won’t unless she’s alone or with Ivory; rarely puts her own vocals into songs
-absolutely positively does not have issues trusting/opening up to people /s
-has a horrendous sleep schedule
-in general pretty emotionally distant
-changed her name when she moved to Inkopolis(only Four and Eight know what her real one is)
I do have a bit more, but I kinda wanna keep it a secret for now >;3c
and there's probably other stuff that fell out of my head while writing all this that I'll remember later lmao
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yourdlmatchmaker · 1 year
Hii sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you still do match ups and if not then feel free to ignore this ask
In case you still do I was wondering if I could get a match up for diabolik lovers
About me: I'm a short 5'1 girl, 45kg, brown middle length hair, brown eyes, big 🍑 small🍒 I have bigger thighs and I'm a bit chubby, I'm an infp, I'm kind considerate caring honest loyal patient understanding and I forgive easily, I love animals and I'm terrified of bugs and frogs, I'm also afraid of needles, I love to bake listen to music sing read books and write, I usually read mystery books and crime ones too and mostly russian writers, I don't like ungrateful people and unfairness, I usually dress comfy, I play games as well, I'm the therapist and the less beautiful one in my friend group (probably bc they are super into skin care and shit)
Admin Abi: OMG! You'll be my first ask since coming back from my hiatus! I'm excited to come to work! I'll do my best, since it's been a while!
*finishing your match up*
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Your match is…
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As cliché as it sounds, you two met in school. At first, you were simply classmates, mere acquaintances. Thank your teachers since you were paired together on a school project! Thanks to that you spent a lot of time together. You mostly spent time on the school's library. One day, he was late and you decided to have a break and started reading one of your books. When he came, he saw you and started to make conversation thanks to ✨books✨. Slowly, but shortly you discovered those things you have in common. Even when the school semester/year came to an end, you both continued hanging out. You both took the next step and finally started dating, and later one met his brothers that thankfully took you in as one of them since they trust Ruki's criteria. Plus your personality in general was very helpful.
I really think that Ruki isn't someone shallow that cares about physical appeareance. So in that, you can relax and feel reassure that it isn't a big deal. I bet your curves are something that does make him look at you just right. Plus not to mention that it gives the "surprise" factor whenever you decide to try something different from what you usually wear~. He (and me) defenitely disagree that you are the "least" pretty of your friends. Gurl: beauty is ephimeral, over time it ✨vanishes✨ (unless you're a vampire like them) and TRUE BEAUTY comes from the inside. He fell in love with the REAL you, not the exterior. If you really don't mind your appeareance, you can bet Ruki either.
What plays a hell lot on your favor overall is your personality. Again: these vampires are ✨damage✨ ✨hurt✨ and ✨in need of real love✨, so you are able to provide him (and low-key his brothers) with that help they ✨desperately✨ need. I can also imagine you being smooth to touch these issues with them: Ruki in private and the rest during dinner~. Just don't take their problems with you, since "not your monkeys, not your circus", ok? You are good at listening and maybe giving advice and comfort, but remember life is hard enough with your problems to carry with others problems, don't you think?
I think that Ruki needs someone like you: kind to nourish his hurt heart, considerate to him at all times, caring to him and his family, honest and loyal something that he greatly appreaciates since is something he struggles due to his past, patient and understanding and key for him to open to you and help him to help and forgiveness is one of the greatest virtue one can posses with people that in general can hurt us (just be careful with your own heart that is delicate as well). I think you both can work together to make your relationship work! Bonus points that he'll kill those bugs and keep frogs that scares you so much~!
Thank you for your patience and I hope you liked it!!
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chipp-zanuff-fanboy · 10 months
Even though it was like, more than half a year since I played GGST, I am still super excited about a possible sequel.
Like, imagine. After the new direction gameplay-wise and the story basically being the end of Sol's arc, the next game is probably going to be sort of a new generation, jumping-on-point-for-new-fans type of deal. Which is so much my fucking jam that I want to write a whole post of just predictions/wishes for the different characters.
-Sin gets rid of his eating gimmick and becomes a combination of his two dads, taking on the role of new protagonist and combining their gameplay. So he has a projectile that goes across the ground like Gun Flame, but can also be charged like Stun Edge. Also? Purple color scheme, as well as his own message on his belt buckle. I'm thinking Future, in reference to him being the new protagonist as well as "Goals and Future" from his theme in Strive.
-I am not sure what to do with Ram, but I feel like if they made her projectiles more powerful and versatile, taking back their properties from Xrd, would kind of help with her becoming a member of the Illyria Military. I'll go into what I want for story later, but I would love for her and Sin to kind of be a friendlier, more sibling-like take on Sol and Ky's whole Shonen rival thing. Her belt buckle bears the word "Meaning".
-Neither Sol, Ky or Asuka would appear as playable fighters, at least not as base roster. Ky is focusing on politics, and perhaps raising a new child, Sol is working on his rocket with Jack-O and Asuka is doing a podcast on the moon. Him narrating the events of the story is the framing device for story mode.
-Happy Chaos would reappear, taking on a new name and identity, probably as a weird magic hobo. He would take on a new role in the story as a weird anti-hero ally.
-Nago travels the word, having lost an eye to a mysterious new opponent. He searches tirelessly for it.
-Giovanna has risen up the ranks and is, somewhat unwillingly, taking on the role of a secret agent. Her role in the military is continuously prioritized below getting a date with Leo.
-Faust is becoming more and more monstrous. His Dr. Baldhead-identity is returning, and he searches for a cure to his condition before it's too late.
-Having acceptet her new identity, Bridget gets a re-design with some cowgirl-elements, in honor of Goldlewis influence. She reconnects with her brother, who has spent years searching for her. She has also become close friends with Dizzy, and has gotten work as her bodyguard.
As is essentially obligatory for this kind of sequel, several characters have gained protegés and the like:
-Chipp's story involves him training a citizen of the Eastern Chipp Kingdom to be a ninja. This citizen appears in his victory animation, participates in his supers and would perhaps be added with DLC.
-Leo gets a second-in-command, and through training him, comes to term with his trauma.
-Zato-ONE and Millia discovers a third host to a Forbidden Beast, and becomes the hosts weird adoptive parents, Slayer acting as the child's really weird grandpa; Robo-Ky and Venom as it's cool new uncles.
-Delilah reappears, wielding broken parts of her bed. She fights with a sword and uses the bed's arm to parry her enemies, like Baiken, and she also keeps her traps. These traps are a mix of her brother's and some inspired from Baiken, such as swords spinning in the air and Tatami mats appearing from the ground.
-Through the years, Johnny and May's relationship becomes more and more strained. In the end, Johnny disappears, and May becomes the new captain of the Jellyfish Pirates. On her journey to find Johnny and make amends, she ends up falling in love with someone new. In her Arcade ending, Johnny holds a tearful speech on her wedding.
-Having risen up the military ranks, Potemkin works tirelessly to improve Zepp's political standing. On his journey, he meets and saves an abused child worker from an weapon manufacturer, and helps her overcome her trauma.
That's about it for the characters. I think that if there was a Story Mode, it would be mostly character-focused, but would be focused on Sin and Ram pursuing a mysterious group of terrorists. Consisting of a small group of Gears that survived the hunting of Gears after Justice's defeat, as well as other outsiders, that blindly wanders the world commiting acts of violence.
I've been meaning to overcome my current art block, so for every like this posts get I'll draw a possible redesign/new character from this concept.
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lettersofsky · 5 years
An Agreement
Ok, so I have two characters that I’ve been fleshing out and developing on their own and decided to try writing them together as they’re supposed to be for once! So I wrote something to try playing around with the two of them and another of my characters in a fun little thing to actually get myself back into writing. Especially to make myself try to describe characters more as I write them which I’m pretty awful at XD
Mihal, Duelek and Orrin are all mine This is a kind of mythical creature/monster au of sorts! Mihal and Duelek are both kinda finned snake people things. Enjoy!
“Ya shouldn’ta bothered with ‘im.”
“He needed help though.”
“Ain’t no problem a ours none.”
“I be known but still… ain’t wanted ta leave him out there like that.”
“Woulda been his own fault.”
Orrin groaned, alerting the two arguing voices to the fact that he was returning to consciousness from the empty darkness of rest accompanied by a vicious pounding in his skull. He lifted his hand to his glass-covered clenched shut eyes, trying to further shade and protect them from the weak spring sun above him trying to pierce into his skull aided by the lenses that usually assisted him in the task of perceiving the world around him, only to find his path blocked by a different pair of hands, cold and wet and… off in a way he couldn’t quite make sense of.
“Ya real shouldn’t be touchin ‘im.”
“Hush yaself,” the snap was soft, distracted and from somewhere directly over Orrin’s face, contrasting the rougher voice that sounded a bit further away. Then there’s an odd cooing accompanied by the feeling of thumbs rubbing the skin of his cheeks, nails of some kind as well. “He’s needin help, we should be givin it.”
“I tried.”
“I said hush,” a sharp edge entered the voice above his head and Orrin flinched ever so slightly, drawing attention back to himself and a shadow over his face. “Ya alright?”
“I… do not believe so,” he groaned again, blue eyes squinting open so he could see exactly who was above him. “My head feels—” He cut himself off as the individual shading him from the shadow over his face came into focus.
A human face, skin dark in colour than Orrin himself was, if not for the purple scales lining it, settled around eyes that were dark and empty similar to that of a snake and fanning across sharp cheeks and their forehead leading into long, dark brown water-soaked curls. There were a set of fins to either side of the face above him, fluttering and fanning out in rapidly increasing motions.
This certainly wasn’t a human.
The creature drew it’s hands back towards itself at Orrin’s silence and inspection, curved fangs biting into it’s bottom lip as Orrin looked to them itself of the face over his. While humanoid at a glance it was obviously that instead of fingers it had claws, each one ended in a chipped nail far longer than any Orrin had ever seen before and covered completely in scales in every shade of purple from the elbow to the joint of it’s fingers.
“Told ya ya was better off leavin ‘im be.” The voice comes from somewhere behind the individual over Orrin and it turns back to hiss at the other voice, a short, low sound reminiscent of an annoyed or irritated snake.
“Shut up!” The fins on the side of it’s head flared out in a striking contrast of colour against the darkness of it’s hair. “S’just a little scared, s’all.”
“Scared and gonna tell people ‘bout this shit.” The other shot back, sounding much calmer than there was any right to be whilst implying that it was better to dispose of Orrin than not.
“If I could interject,” Orrin spoke around a pained noise as he forced himself to sit up, finally getting a better look at the first individual as well as his first on the other in the scenario, carefully pushing himself back from their proximity ever so slightly. The other was very similar to the first, if a bit sharper in it’s face and the sharp line of it’s shoulders, or what Orrin could see of them from where it was reclining on the shore of the nearby lake, arms folded and chin resting upon them. It’s hair was shorter than the first’s as well and closer to a black than the deep brown of the other. Both of them had long tails where their waist and legs should have been, bright scales glittering and shifting in colour tone before his eyes as they twitched and shifted gently, tipped with a pair of fins similar to those at the side of their heads.
Wholly inhuman and nothing Orrin should have ever involved himself with. Though how he had come to do so was a mystery to him.
“I will not—”
“Excuse me?”
It was the other one that had spoken and cut him off, chin rested on scaled claws, nails scoring into the wet soil at the edge of the lake. It’s eyes were half-lidded, hair fallen into it’s face and remaining stuck there in clumps of water-soaked strands. It rolled empty eyes at him, lips pulling back just enough to show off rows of needle-sharp teeth.
“Ain’t caring ‘bout whatever ya have ta ‘interject’ with,” it said, tail moving lazily in the water, a blur of formless purple. It’s lips pulled back further, baring more of it’s teeth and the stark white of it’s gums. “So shut yaself ‘fore I drag ya back under.”
“… that is incredibly rude of you.”
It’s all Orrin can really think in that moment and it’s far from what he wanted to say to the thing that was threatening him. It seemed that the two of them weren’t expecting to hear anything like that either if they way they both turned to stare at him in question was to go by, fins fluttering and head tilted similarly to a dog’s.
“Tryin ta be amusin ain’t helpin ya much.”
“We can’t just be makin threats afta savin ‘im!”
“I can,” the farther one dropped further back from the inquisitive lift it’d taken up at Orrin’s words, placing it’s chin back onto it’s folded arms, peering at Orrin from the corner of it’s eye, face turned towards the other. “I didn’t save ‘im.”
“Ya can’t—!”
“What if I swear myself to silence?” Orrin questioned, cutting off the softer of the two off as he felt that things were taking a turn for the dangerous. “Swear to not saying anything about either of you to anyone? Would that be enough?”
“Shake on it.”
“He doesn’t need ta—”
“He does.” The words rung with finality and Orrin felt his heart freeze in his chest, unsure of wht exactly what the rougher of the two was suggesting entailed but not sure he liked it either way. “If he don’t then Imma drag ‘im back down. No matta what ya want.”
“I will do it. I will shake on it.”
The two creatures turn back to him, the sharper looking pleased with his decision while the other’s face fell. His decision made Orrin chose to focus on the sharper of the two, meeting half-lidded eyes as levelly as he was able.
“Good. Go on bro, he’s wantin ta make the deal.”
The softer of the two looks between Orrin and the other, fins fluttering before they pressed close to its skull and it turned back to Orrin, face turned towards its own hands.
“Ok.” It breathed, tail stretching out as it shifted closer to Orrin, offering it’s claw towards him. “Promise not ta be speakin’ ‘bout us ta no other and shake.”
Orrin hesitated a moment, just a moment as he looked at the outstretched hand, offering his own when he heard the noticeable sound of water moving and taking it, the tone of his own skin a lighter contrast to the creature’s own.
There’s a sting, a bite where the tips of its nails sink shallow indents into Orrin’s skin, his eyes move away from the one watching the proceeding to see something like ink curl from the indents into a band at his wrist, cleanly encircling the flesh in a brand that would lead to nothing but question.
“Is that all?” That didn’t really seem to have much of any kind of purpose really, aside from the ink on his wrist that the creature holding his hand had raised his captive arm towards its face to inspect.
“S’alright,” there was an air of contentedness about the onlooker’s voice as Orrin’s hand was releasing, the creature stretching it’s torso out on the edge of the lake in a lazy sprawl. “Ain’t gone be able ta get ta chatterin with that, free ta do what ya want now.”
Orrin blinked, opened his mouth to say something only to stop as the one closest to him spoke up. “So he can stay, yeah?”
“What?” “Excuse me?”
It wilts a bit at both of their attention focused onto it, shoulders hunching up closer to the fins pressed tight to the side of it’s skull once more, voice losing volume and becoming shaky as it continued. “Iffin… Iffin he wants a course… ya said he could do whatever he wants now that he’s…” it trails off into mumbling that Orrin can’t catch and catch be sure that the onlooker didn’t.
“… suppose yeah.” Orrin’s attention snapped back to the onlooking creature who seemed uninterested in the situation once more, inspecting the nails of it’s own claws with a languid pace. “Iffin he be wantin’ ta.”
Remaining here for any length of extended time did not really sound too appealing to him, but saying so outright might be rude and he didn’t know how either would take such an abrupt and clear dismissal of his continued presence on their lakefront.
Even more so when the softer of the two turned back to him, a gleam in it’s eye and small, hopeful smile on it’s face. “Mayhaps… ya could stay a bit? S’not… S;probably s’not real good ta move too soon, yeah? Ya should stay here a bit and rest, yeah?”
“I think I should leave.”
It’s smile drops and its fins droop, arms crossing over it’s torso as blank eyes turned away from Orrin to focus on some point at the ground.
“Lookit you bein all heartbreakin afta he saved ya ass, rude.”
“I am completely soaked,” Orrin continued, ignoring the cold near snarl from the water. “I more than likely have an untreated concussion and I need to go be looked over and change before I freeze to death.”
The closest of the two perks up at his words, brows furrowing and mouth twisting as it splayed it’s claws out towards him, missing Orrin’s flinch even if the further of the two creature’s didn’t, motioning him off with small, quick motions. “Ya right! Ya warm blooded ones get cold and sick from the water, ya should go, it’s bein for the best.”
“Ya just—”
“It’s for the best.” It repeats, tail stretching out more from the curl of it Orrin had yet to notice as it pressed closer towards him, putting it’s face only a scant few inches from Orrin’s own as if to inspect him better. “Ain’t wantin ta waste hard work by ya gettin sick on us, yeah? Then ya really wouldn’t come back.” It chuckles the last little add-on but it rings hollow and aching, accompanied by it’s fins fluttering and flaring away from the side of it’s head.
Orrin looked between it and the other, teeth biting into his bottom lip and considering what to do now. It would be simply enough to take the opportunity granted and leave, escape and never come back. It wasn’t as if these creatures could really come and track him down, at least he certainly hoped they wouldn’t, whatever they were.
He was free to go, free to stand up and leave the lakefront and never look back on or think about it again. It was so easy to do.
“I will… try to return when I am… able to stay longer.” Or perhaps he could put his foot into his mouth and give another promise to these creatures, as if the first hadn’t been enough to cement how awful an idea it was to do so into his head.
It brightens up the creature in front of him though and it grins at him, showing off the odd backwards curve of it’s teeth towards the back of it’s own throat.
“Then we’ll be waitin ta see ya again!” It pauses, brow furrowing at Orrin. “Ain’t real knowin’ what ta call ya.”
“Orrin,” he doesn’t mention anything about his last name and that seems to be more than enough for the creature to return to grinning at him.
“Orrin.” It repeats, the name sounding a little off on it’s vocals. “Ya can call us Mihal and Duelek, yeah? For next time.”
“I will… keep those in mind for when I return.”
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julietvstheworld · 2 years
I just saw the general hc of cody can you do it cody with a crush and then with a s/o
i'll write the s/o cody hcs later today! :)
( crushing headcanons ) x-virus
sfw - gn reader x x-virus headcanons
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Cody is an inexperienced romantic. He grew up without any love, so he never felt love for anyone else. To him, love makes everything feel new and strange. He is clumsy and not sure what to do most of the time, but he has good intentions in all of his interactions with you
He falls in love with a person’s kindness and generosity.
He will ask you to hang out as much as possible but never clarifies it’s a date. His favorite places are coffee shops and parks. To him, quality time is his love language. He doesn’t understand the need for expensive dates when he is a firm believer in the person you’re with being the most vital.
He’s extremely nervous around you after he realizes your feelings. It’s easy to notice him hesitating and spacing out. He’s still just as energetic as he always is, but he’s more careful with his words.
Cody is the type to definitely talk about you too often, with the other proxies. He frequently asks an uninterested Jack for advice on minor things. (“I don’t know, should I bring her flowers? Is that too obvious?” “Cody, Jeff has a bullet in his shoulder, can you please stop talking about your partner and hand me the tweezers?” “Omg, we’re not even dating yet, stahpppp.”.
Leaves anonymous love letters on your desk that often stay unopened in your closet. He sometimes forgets that some romance tropes in real life are actually creepy.
If you’re attending college or university, he offers to tutor you on any subject. Cody is only good at science, but you better bet that he’s gonna try to learn your other classes on Wikipedia just to feel closer to you. He likes to feel depended on.
He changes small things about his appearance (styling his hair differently or dressing slightly nicer) just to see if you’d notice. If you do, he gets extremely bashful even though he got what he wanted.
Asks you lots of questions about your interests and hobbies. No matter how much he likes talking, he still prefers hearing you talk excitedly about anything.
I feel like no matter how oblivious you are, it’d be pretty damn obvious that he is into you. You’d probably have to ask him out first.
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yuriinadress · 2 years
Never Again, Don't Leave Me
Content warning: mentions of blood, swearing
(This is my first time writing fanfic so feedback is greatly appreciated.)
Five days.
That's how long it had been since Tim was admitted to the hospital. And Bernard didn't even find out until the second day. Through a news report. Not from Stephanie. Not from Dick Grayson. Not from Bruce Wayne. The fucking Channel 8 news.
'Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne Admitted to Hospital After Sustaining Gunshot Wounds'
'Fuck. Not again.'
Darla bleeding out in the school nurse's office. Tim bleeding out on a ballroom floor.
'Please god not again.'
Bernard doesn't even remember how he got to the hospital, let alone leaving his apartment. His socks are soaked. Must've run there in the rain. Entering the hospital was a blur. A lot of pleading, yelling, screaming - most of it from him he thinks - and the same phrase repeated over and over again: "Family members only."
"Family members only."
"Family only."
So here he is. Day 4 of sleeping in the uncomfortable waiting room chair, nibbling on the shitty energy bar he got from the hospital vending machine. Bernard's honestly surprised they haven't kicked him out yet. Pity most likely. The nurse he yelled at on the first day keeps bringing him water when he's asleep. He really should apologize to her, she's just doing her job.
Right now he just feels numb. Stephanie's probably tried to call him, but he's pretty sure his phone is dead by now. Now he's just sitting, waiting for someone, anyone, to let him see Tim or at least let him know how he's doing.
'He's fine he's fine he's fine. They would've sent you home already if he was-'
He recognizes that voice, from Tim's video calls with his family. He's even heard it on TV a couple of times.
He turns to face Dick Grayson, eldest son of the Wayne clan and the brother Tim's closest to based on their weekly phone calls.
"Hey." Bernard's voice came out raspy and quiet. When was the last time he drank something?
"Hey," Dick said, moving to take a seat next to him. "How long have you been here?"
"What day is it?"
"Oh. Um" - he pinched the bridge of his nose - "since Saturday I guess."
Dick's face is weird. He seemed to be going through at least five different emotions at once, the most prominent being anger. Bernard really wished he was better at reading faces. Then he would have never made that dumb joke about Tim's dad abusing him back in high school, noticed how weird he was when the girl Robin appeared, or understand the emotion that crossed Tim's face whenever he had to cancel a date.
"Have you seen him yet," Dick asked softly.
"No," he responded bitterly, "'family only.'"
"Oh. And no one's-"
He heard a large exhale after that. Bernard didn't bother to remove his hands from his eyes after hearing the chair next to him scrape across the linoleum floor. Less than a minute later he heard Dick's sneakers squeak towards him.
"Come on," Dick said, holding his hand out, "they said we can see him now."
He takes his hand and doesn't let go until they get to Tim's room.
Stopping in front of the door Dick starts, "They said he's in a coma right now but he's stable. It shouldn't be very long until he wakes up."
Bernard knows those words should be comforting, but the fact that he didn't know that for almost a week just makes him angrier.
"You go first, okay?" Dick says, flashing him a small smile. "I'll be right out here."
He feels so fucking selfish. Dick is his brother and he's probably been worried sick about him. He deserves to see him a lot more than Bernard does. All he can say is, "okay."
Walking in he doesn't know what he expected, his boyfriend covered in blood? He looks peaceful like he's finally getting the eight hours of sleep Bernard keeps forcing him to get or when he falls asleep watching Blade Runner for the 700th time. He's pale, paler than his normal Gotham pale, but still looks peaceful. If it wasn't for the steady beeping of the heart monitor or the breathing apparatus strapped to his face, Bernard would've thought he walked in on one of Tim's random cat-naps. Rounding the bed, he takes a seat in the armchair next to the window. It's a lot more comfortable than the chairs outside.
For a while, he just sits and watches Tim breathe, his exhalations fogging up the oxygen mask every so often. He starts reaching for Tim's hand, wondering if he's allowed to touch him.
'Fuck it.'
Bernard grabs his hand like Tim's going to sink right through the pristine hospital sheets and he starts talking.
"Hey, Timmy. Yeah, I'm gonna call you that because you're asleep and you can't stop me. I just wanted to tell you that you better wake up soon or you're gonna miss all the fun things I got planned. They're holding another Jonathan Lord marathon soon. I know we missed the last one because you had an emergency. And Tweedle-D's is opening again. They're giving out complimentary milkshakes to Louis Grieve kids who come. I'm so close to getting my certification too, just a few more classes and we can go together. We can be totally disgusting and share one. Then there's that new amusement park opening up in Burnside. I know you said your last amusement park date didn't go well but hey, maybe we can try something new. And I can't wait to go to my first pride with you. I've never had the guts to go by myself, even after I figured out I wasn't straight. And I would really love to spend it with you. A day to hang out at the park, party with other people, and just be ourselves. Sounds super fun right? I just... I can't lose you... not like Darla or... or Laura - shit! Just... fuck. Please..."
'Don't leave me again.'
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
white wolf: “the story of a first date”
first part — second part — third part — fourth part (soon)
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© @capsgrantrogers
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Sam helps Bucky to ask you out for a date and it's a disaster, but he gets it.
word count: 3.147 words. (not sorry, it worth it, i promise!!!)
warnings/tags: none. bucky being the cutest gentleman in the whole wide world, and sam keeping an eye on him.
author notes: as it happened with the first part, i'm not really happy with the result but i had so much fun writing it and i think that that made this writing perfect, so i hope you enjoy it as much as i enjoyed it. none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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The car stopped because of a red light, a moment where Sam took the advantage to turn at his copilot, glancing at Bucky from top to bottom in complete silence. Analyzing him. The soldier tilted his head raising an eyebrow, showing his curiosity about what the hell he was doing.
“What are you gonna wear, uh?” Sam asked then, maintaining a serious gesture on his face.
“Clothes”. Unworriedly, he put back his eyes to the front window.
“You probably look good naked, but that’s not what I’m talking ‘bout”.
“Just… some jeans, a shirt, and a jacket”.
“And shoes, I guess”.
Bucky turned on his seat towards his friend, squinting confused for the interrogatory. “Who cares?”
“About the shoe—”
“About the clothes”.
“Man, it’s a date! Do you wan’her to remember this night as the night Bucky Barnes shown up as a Russian bum?”
“I’m from Brookl—”.
“Yeah, but you look like mother Russia just spat you to the world”.
Sam rolled his eyes as a sigh escaped his mouth. Shaking his head, he took the next corner to the fifth avenue changing the planes they had in mind. A good outfit meant a good date. A good date meant happy soldier. Happy soldier meant no trouble. See the point? So the Falcon would take care of the Winter Soldier today. If only Steve could see them. He’d feel proud, that was for sure. They visited a couple of shops, finally letting Sam take control over the situation and pick the clothes he would wear for you. He had good taste, everybody knew that, and Bucky couldn’t complain about his choices.
Even less when the distinctive black suit dressed his anatomy to perfection. Spinning around in front of the mirror, he felt different. He looked different. He looked good, but not as he’d like. Holding the bucket of flowers once he was ready, Bucky left his apartment straight to the garage under the building. He was nervous, he couldn’t lie. But he had that sensation inside him that made him believe everything would be okay for the first time since he woke up.
The road didn’t take him more than ten minutes, not really worried about the time given that he had planned to arrive a little sooner than accorded. Life seemed like it was smiling at him, finding a parking lot in the same entrance. Landing his blue eyes on the rearview mirror, Bucky took a last view at his reflection, brushing back his hair as he used to do in the forties. He grabbed then the flowers he bought for you and stepped out of the car, trying to remember the advice Sam gave him. Resting his back against the copilot's door, he waited impatiently for you.
“Hey, you”.
His heart stopped for a second, raising his orbs to the man coming closer. Before he could react, the man in question tucked a hand beneath Bucky's jacket. Patting him down.
“What the hell are you doing, Sam?” He questioned irritatedly, slapping his hands and causing him to laugh.
“Just checking you didn't bring the notecards again”.
“Yeah, very funny…”
“Man, look at you! Should be illegal to look this good, uh?” Sam helped him to put on the jacket again, receiving another slap from his friend.
“Don't touch me”. Scowling, he fixed the flowers in his left hand, wanting them to be perfect. “Anyway, what are you doing here?”
“Watch you till (Y/N) comes. Lemme take a picture, I feel like a proud father on his son's prom day”.
“You're not m— Get the hell outta here, Sam”.
“Fighting again, kids? Should I call your mama?”
As Bucky heard you scoff, his soul abandoned. His pupils dilated. His legs trembled. And he could swear that everything disappeared around him when he watched you going downstairs, swinging your hips unconsciously sensual, with a black dress fitting you like a glove. If this morning Bucky wanted to marry you, now he wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side. Your makeup was on point, just like your hair, not being too formal but enough to run him out of words.
“Steve is off-duty, so, what 'you gonna do, soldier?” Sam mocked, an instant before noticing how pale Bucky was. He couldn't help but slap the back of his neck to bring him back to reality.
“I, uh… flowers… I bought you…”
“You're not Yoda”. Sam whispered as the other offered you the present.
“C'mon, stop messing with him”. You clicked your tongue, right before you drew an adorable smile on your lips, leaning to kiss Bucky's cheek. “Thank you”.
“You're welcome”. He just answered, responding to your same gesture while opening the door for you.
“Such a gentleman…” His playful murmur made Bucky frown and nudge him, trying to stop him from saying anything else and ruin the occasion.
“I'll bring him back at ten”. You joked palming his chest.
“The point is to not bring him back to me”. Sam cackled, shaking his head and taking a step back.
Once in the car turning on the engine, James joined the road after checking you were good. Never in his life he had driven with so much care as if he was carrying a bomb by his side. He set on the radio, not really knowing how to start a conversation, watching you through the corners of his eyes caressing the flowers over your lap. No one had bought you them before, thinking it was a thing that only happened in movies. But then, you met Bucky. An old-fashioned man, making yourself wonder how he was the same the news used to say he was a cold-blood assassin.
“What have you thought?”
“About the date”.
“Sam told me about a rest—”.
“Okay, okay, Bucky. Pull over”. You couldn't help but burst into laughter, as his face was pale again thinking you were about to step out and end the date.
“Sorry, did I…?”
You swiveled at him on your seat, kissing your teeth and squinting inevitably. Studying his face you knew how afraid he was, and it was the most adorable reaction ever. You could have kissed at that precise instant, but it'd have been a little awkward.
“Where do you wanna go?”
The question didn't take him by surprise, actually. He was still getting used to doing the things he desired and not what other people asked him to do. The restaurant was a fancy place with a distinguished menu according to what his friend explained to him, but it wasn't the kind of site that he'd normally go, or that represented him.
“When I, uh… came back, I discovered that my favorite burger joint in Brooklyn was still standing”. Bucky told you, facing you after finishing the sentence. “They prepare the best burgers of the whole New York and you can decide what ingredients add, and the bread, and the kind of meat. And it still having the original decoration”.
You reclined on your seat, just staring at him talking with that kind of burning passion about something he loved. Puckering your lips, you nodded your chin. The fact that not only he wanted to take you to a different place, but a place that he used to go to when he was young made butterflies flutter within your belly. Bucky wanted to make you part of his future, but also his past. That made the difference.
“Sounds good to me”.
“Really?” He inquired funnily confused, wrinkling his nose and forehead.
The shine that appeared within his eyes made you place a hand on his cheek to urge him to turn his head and drive again. An innocent gesture that provoked him a lively giggle. If that man knew all the things he caused you, he'd have taken the step months ago.
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As the night went on and Bucky was losing his shyness, he talked to you about the good old times. Before HYDRA, before the winter, before the war. When he was a kid with no worries more than keeping Steven safe from the bullies. It was nice to disconnect from the present, from the gazes around the two of you, from the back talks, only enjoying your dinner and your conversation. You talked to Bucky about how was to be raised on a farm, surrounded by open fields and animals, to join the army years later. Without going into details that could make him remember the old bad times, you told him about what you used to do, your missions, and how you were wounded in combat after being shot and fell from a helicopter.
Bucky felt confident enough to compare it with how everything started. Falling from a wagon to the snow. But as soon as his voice became lower, you couldn't help but hold his gloved left hand and intertwine your fingers with his. And you could swear you felt him shaking for a brief moment because of your touch.
“So, what, uh? It was a forties trend to jump into the void?” You tried to joke, wanting to feel relaxed.
“Yeah, seems like”. He mumbled curling up his lips. “Listen… I really want to… open up, and I know it’s easier with you because… y’know, you work doing this”.
“Hold on, Bucky”. You laughed waving your free hand, shaking your chin as you closed your eyes for a second. “That has sounded really bad”.
“Wait, wh— Oh, shit, no, no, no”.
For the first time since you walked into the small restaurant, his laughter was lively, unworriedly, honest.
“Take it easy, just kidding”. You grinned, nailing your elbow on the table to rest your cheek on your palm. “But… this isn’t work. We’re not doing therapy, we’re… knowing each other. And I don’t want to pressure you to talk about something you don’t feel prepared to, okay?”
“I know”.
Bucky couldn’t believe how much you seemed to empathize with him, not judging his acts nor his past, not deciding that the date wasn't a good idea nor running away. He couldn’t believe the less importance you were giving to his arm made of vibranium; usually, people used to freak out, to feel frightened somehow about the things it could do. But you were there, fingers playing with the others as if it was the most common and natural act in the world. And, for you, it was. That was you in all your best. Considerate, smart, patient, lovingly. The rainbow after a stormy life. Everything that Bucky needed in his life to start from scratch and be his better version. A shoulder to lean on and a reason to come back home.
“Was afraid of asking you out”. He confessed after some seconds admiring each other. Any person closer would say you had been dating for a long, long time by the way you had to keep silent and not feel uncomfortable.
“You came from war and made your world a place to live. I’m still stuck there”.
“I have my own red flags”. Clicking your tongue, you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, really? Please, surprise me”. Bucky teased you sitting up on his chair, not loosening the gentle grip around your left hand.
“I put the milk before cereals”.
“Oh… Oh, God”. He let out, pretending to be horrified and running a hand on his face. “Goddammit… you’re a monster, ma’am. I don’ think this is going to work”.
“Excuse me?” You chuckled, parting your lips in a breath while leaning over the table to palm his right shoulder. “It wasn’t me who added lettuce to the burger”.
“What? What’s the matter with that, uh?”
“Lettuce kills the savor!”
“Y’know what kills the savor? Ketchup. Today, people use ketchup literally with everything… And that’s disgusting”.
“Okay! Next time, no lettuce, and… no ketchup”.
“That’s a big challenge”. Bucky scoffed tenderly squeezing your hand between his cold fingers.
“I’ll live, Sergeant Barnes”. You narrowed your eyes and crinkled your nose at the same time.
“I was talking about a second date, not about your issue with ketchup”.
“So was I”.
A goofy smirk appeared on Bucky’s face, biting his inner cheek as he assented with his head. Seeing you again, knowing that you wanted it —that you wanted him—, made him trust Dr. Raynor’s words. He was having a second chance to do the right thing. To live and to be.
You wanted to add something else when the clock in his wrist started to beep. Curious, you raised an eyebrow. “We have to leave”.
“Sam told me you work tomorrow at eight, which means you’ll get up at six and a half… maybe seven. While I pay, take you home, all that stuff… I don’ want you to be tired in the morning”.
Bucky would never stop to amaze you, looking up to him in silence to contemplate how he called the bartender and beckoned his free hand to ask for the bill.
“What…? What are you doing?” He chuckled embarrassed, taking his beer to sip.
You cleared your throat when you realized how stupid you should look right now, shaking your head as you freed his cold hand from yours to find unlock your phone as soon as the guy brought the dataphone.
“Hey, no, no. I asked you out, I pay”. Bucky began to fight with you, provoking some laughs on the table as you tried to put your screen above the tpv.
“Well, welcome to the twenty-first century”. You hummed as the operation was confirmed.
“I’ll pay next time”. He declared licking his incisors, prior to his lips.
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You wished the ride back home to last forever, not wanting to end the date. But the car reached your neighborhood in a blink of eyes. You couldn't help but sigh barely appreciably for your companion, gazing through the window until double parking in front of your apartment. You turned towards him, hearing the engine shut off. Bucky seemed disappointed like you, not being able to remember when was the last time he had a break, he had fun. The date was nicer than he expected but the idea of not knowing exactly when he was going to see you again was killing him from the inside.
“I'll accompany you”. He declared undoing his seat belt as you did to step out.
You reacted with a delicate smile, holding the bucket of flowers against your abdomen while walking to the front door of the building. That moment was a little uncomfortable, not being sure about how to say goodbye, just looking like two teens in love.
“Thank you for tonight, Bucky”. You uttered without thinking about it. “It's been the best night I've ever had”.
“Next will be better, I promise”.
“That's a big challenge”. You chuckled repeating his words a while ago in the restaurant.
“I'll live”. He nodded convinced, glancing at you bowing down your interest to the red roses between your hands.
How could you tell him that you were dying to be together again? That you wouldn't mind waking up sooner and having breakfast? You bit your inner upper lip, trying to find the correct words to say, without sounding like you were feeling something else to a physical attraction. Bucky was hot as hell, that wasn't up to debate, but he was the kindest and charmingest man you had known. He was sensible and strong at the same time. You both complemented the other like the pieces of a puzzle and you never thought something like that could happen to you. To find your other half and having it so clear you didn't want anyone else.
“I am, uh… free tomorrow”.
His words pushed you out of your thoughts, putting up your attention to a Bucky almost flushing, stroking the back of his head, and having the impression that he could scare you.
“Got a break for lunch, if you want”. You proposed without hesitation.
His eyes sparkled with happiness, holding your left hand with his to bring it to his mouth, placing a fond kiss on the back. Such a gentleman, like Sam said, inducing your cheeks to burn. And then, you saw him doubting about taking another step. You wanted it too to happen, tho, leaning forward to press your lips together. Your eyes snapped closed at that precise instant, not having any rush, tasting each other's and shortening the distance between both of you by his free arm getting wrapped around your waist. The kiss was innocent but passionate. It was warm, intimate, trying to transmit all the chemistry you woke up within the other with only one look, with only one smile. Breaking it —much to your regret— when you needed air to breathe. And even so, Bucky rested his forehead against yours freeing your hand to place it on the right side of his neck.
Neither of the two of you opened your eyes, extending the moment as much as you could. You felt he craved to spend the night with you, and you desired it too, but you also felt that he needed some time to get used to this new world he was living in. It wasn't easy. You thought back to the months after the war, the recovery, the loneliness you forced yourself to be in. You were in Afghanistan for three months. He had been fighting since nineteen forty. And he didn't want to ruin what you were building together.
“I should leave”. Bucky murmured against his wishes.
“See you tomorrow”.
At the moment you opened your eyes to meet the pale blue ones, your whole body felt weak. You saw the brightness in them after letting him know that the second date was going to happen and that it wasn't just a formality before disappearing, wiping out any minimal doubt by kissing him again. The last kiss. A good night, I'll dream with you kiss.
“I'm gonna play this on your wedding day, definitely”.
You screamed because of the unexpected metallic voice coming closer, clinging to Bucky's neck as his heart raced too. Redwing was suspended in the air some steps away from you, being controlled by Sam. Who else is not him, uh?
“I'm starting to think you have separation anxiety”. The soldier growled trying to hit the flying device with his flesh hand, hearing you laughing against his chest.
“Good night, kids”. You chuckled separating from Bucky.
“No kiss for me, soldier?”
“I'm not gonna kiss that thing, Samuel”.
“What about a howl, White wolf? Would be very appro—”.
“White wo—”.
“Please, don't. Don't ask”. Bucky begged you, licking his bottom lip while rubbing the back of his head, clearly ashamed.
“Hope you show me one day what it means…”
“Oh, he will… Just wait till the full moon”.
“Sam!” Bucky and you yelled in unison, you playfully, he annoyed.
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I am OBS3SSED with your Prussia content! It's awesome that there's a writer out there who doesn't focus on "look at me im zee awesome Prussia!!" but really writes him as complex!! which of your fics are your faves tho? Do you have any? Sorry if this was a weird ask but I was just so curious! Love your blog!! 😘
Oh my goodness, Anon. Thank you for this ask, but I must admit Lovely that choosing a favorite fic is like having a mother choose her favorite child. ^_^;
But! I shall prevail.
Fair warning that I'm also pulling some fics from my DeviantArt account which haven't been posted here before, as they still hold a very special place in my heart.
Also, these are no in particular order~
First up is one of my personal favourites: a date at McDonald's. That probably sounds like grounds for some level of chaos, but it's actually one of the softer, quieter Prussia stories I've published so far. A long day turns into a quiet night together, and Gil brings up a topic he's been wondering about for quite a while. I have a weakness for liminal spaces, and this remains one of my all time faves.
For more tenderness, there's always zärtlich, which still fills my heart with all the good kinds of warm. A quiet house, a semi-ridiculous husband, and all the nuances that come with it. Plus, there's an added sense of domesticity that seems so rare for me to be able to properly pin down.
I'm also kind of in love with the Gil who appears in a Bronte based request. No audience, no distractions. Just an old swing, a forest, a book, and a conversation. And maybe a little bit of cuddling. It's... essentially all I want out of a partner for our quiet moments, truthfully.
From my DA days, I have Knight in Alabaster, with a lot of pondering, a bit of silliness, and overall just a feeling of warmth and comfort, an atmosphere of relaxation and familiarity. Also features a mention of Nyo!Prussia, so that remains a firm win in my mind.
For more chaos though, I absolutely love the ask where Germany decides to tease Prussia about his crush. I adore their relationship, and I still laugh once in a while thinking of how Lud and Gil bicker with each other throughout the whole affair. Plus, I love that I get to mention some of the many other characters in the series. They all have different relationships with each other, and I really wanted to hint at some of the different bonds here and there. (Turkey and Ireland arm wrestling? Yes; that is a thing I want to see.)
I loved exploring a bit of Austria and Prussia's relationship in the sequel? prequel? sister? fic to my vampire au. It's not a lot of interaction, but I love highlighting the subtle rivalry there, but even more I love getting the chance to sink my teeth more into some of Gil's history in that one. He also is kind of deliciously possessive in that one, which makes it all the more a fave for me. ^_^;
Another fic which hits on both that delightful darkness and the historical allure is überwältigen. That's one of those fics that kind of haunted me for several days before I finally surrendered and wrote it down, and it still lingers with me. I read once that Prussia was actually going to be the villain in Hetalia, and I think that played a huge role in this one.
And really, I love exploring his dark side, just a bit. If Scarred Torment, a tortuous little thing, proves anything, it's that I have been kind of interested in that darkness for... a while. I may explore some more of it later; it's always super intriguing (and admittedly alluring) to see what makes a good man snap.
And finally on this list, I think I'll end with heimweh, a story I wrote about coming home. This one is set quite some time after a huge fight, and while I don't go into details, I try to focus on the mutual longing, the hurt, the forgiveness. Arguments are natural in any relationship, but what makes or breaks them is the ability to talk it out, to compromise and, hopefully, find forgiveness.
I'm sure there are others I'm not even thinking of offhand, Lovely, but I hope this kind of answered your question? ^_^;
Thank you so much for the ask!
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kelleah-meah · 2 years
Plans for My 2022 Autumnal Equinox Celebration
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So I'm once again making plans for the upcoming Autumnal Equinox celebration, but I'm pretty sure that my plans will be much of the same as they were last year and the year before.
Generally speaking, I hope to start my celebration this Sunday. It's going to be a mix of day trips to the city, staying home to clean, going for a bike ride in the park, cooking up my Mabon menu, and hopefully lazing around a bit either reading my book or Librarians fanfiction. And somewhere in there I have to fit in a visit to the dentist.
Anyway, as usual, I plan to adjust the dates because the actual Equinox falls on September 22nd, but I have to work that day, so I can't spend it cooking, cleaning and frolicking in nature. My solution is to move up my main celebration activities to Tuesday, September 20th. (I don't work on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays.)
Here's what I've worked out so far:
* Note : I'm updating this as the week goes on. If an item appears in pink, it's because it was something originally scheduled for a different day.
Sunday (9/18) --
Sleep in 🛌 ☑️
Read in bed 📚 ☑️
Meditate - Tao - Tarot 🧘🏽‍♂️
Pilates or stretching
Trip into the city to see Tom Stoppard speak at the 92nd St. Y 🌇 ☑️
Visit a new coffeeshop and maybe write in my journal 🖋️ ☑️
Go home and relax ☑️
Monday (9/19) --
Read in bed 📚 ☑️
Go to dentist appointment ☑️
Pilates or stretching
Go for a walk or ride bike in park 🚴 ☑️
Write a new blog post 🖥️
Bake homemade bread for Mabon 🍞
Go through closet and pick out clothes to donate to a charity or two 👗
Promote new blog post
Tuesday (9/20) --
Read in bed 📚 ☑️
Meditate - Tao - Tarot (1st of 3 Autumnal Equinox spreads) 🧘🏽‍♂️ ☑️
Write a new blog post 🖥️ ☑️
Begin prepping my crock pot for my Mabon dinner 🍲 ☑️
Clean around the house (kitchen mostly) 🧽
Go for a walk or ride bike in park 🚴
Promote new blog post ☑️
Watch TV show starring my current celebrity obsession ☑️
Enjoy my Mabon dinner 🥘 ☑️
Watch TV show starring my current celebrity obsession ☑️
Paint and reflect on my journey 🖌️
For dinner, here’s what I’m making:
- Hobo Meatball Stew (recipe found here, except I’m using ground turkey and adding tomato sauce, cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, garlic and paprika based on the suggestions in the comments) 
- Fresh bread (nothing fancy)
- Apple crisp topped with S'mores-flavored ice cream (for dessert, as a farewell to summer and hello to fall)
I’ll probably have some hot chocolate later in the evening too as a final hat tip to the beginning of autumn. 
Wednesday (9/21) --
Meditate - Tao - Tarot (2nd of 3 Autumnal Equinox spreads) 🧘🏽‍♂️
Go to work for the day 🖼️ ☑️
Twist my hair ☑️
Thursday (9/22) --
Meditate - Tao - Tarot (3rd of 3 Autumnal Equinox spreads) 🧘🏽‍♂️
Go to work for the day 🖼️
Trip into the city to see Beetlejuice on Broadway 🎭 ☑️
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Oh yeah, another thing I plan to do this year (unless I forget because I already have a lot planned) is to start this photo challenge I found on Pinterest. I'm thinking about starting it on September 22nd, and keep it going for the next 31 days.
I don't want to share the photos on my Twitter or IG, so I'll likely share them here on Tumblr. I don't think anyone will be interested in the photos or join in, but then again, I have 112 followers on this blog apparently, so maybe I'm wrong.
The point is that it seems like fun, and I want to do something a little different this year.
Here are the photo challenge prompts (forgive the blurry screenshot):
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All in all, I think this is a solid plan for the final major harvest day of the year and the start of my favorite season. And as you may have heard, I plan to make the most of this season.
But first things first, bring on the last days of summer blending effortlessly into fall.
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