#I'll reblog this with part 2
matchingbatbites · 1 year
Love Grows - Part 1
This is my take on teen dad Steve! It was just supposed to be a ficlet, but the word count is currently hovering at 4k and I'm not done, so this will be going up in parts. <3
Ao3 | Part 2
February '85
The rumors have been flying for weeks. It only took one cheerleader to see Steve Harrington out and about with a baby and soon enough the news was all over the school. Nevermind that no one else has even seen said baby, but just the one accusation is enough to send the rumor mill into production.
It's something that had piqued Eddie's interest, but he quickly attributed it to teenagers spreading drama, a fiction created for their own entertainment. That is, until the day Harrington shows up to school with the baby.
The halls are buzzing, more so than usual, and it only takes until second period for Eddie to realize why. The entire class breaks into whispers when Steve walks in with a baby carrier in one hand, a piece of paper in the other, and a diaper bag slung over his shoulder. The paper goes to the teacher, who reads it before saying something to Steve, and Eddie is so curious but unable to hear anything over the chatter in the room.
Eddie can’t take his eyes off Steve for the rest of the class. He watches as the carrier finds a home on the floor, right by Steve’s desk, and Eddie has a perfect view of the little, rosy-cheeked baby girl from his seat two rows behind Steve (at least, Eddie’s assuming it’s a girl. The blanket tucked around her is a soft pink, so-). He sees every time Steve leans over to check on her, sees how her big eyes flick up to look at him, how she smiles around the pacifier in her mouth. 
It makes Eddie go all gooey inside; he's always loved kids, always hoped to find a guy who is good with them, and seeing Harrington being so attentive only increases the low-key crush he has on the other guy (he knows it’s a little pathetic, but Steve is very attractive, and Eddie is very gay, sue him). When the class ends, Eddie gathers his stuff slowly so he has an excuse to hang back a little and watch Steve interact with the baby some more, but soon enough the younger is also packed up and out the door.
Eddie doesn't see Steve again until later that day, when he's skipping out on 5th period and hears a baby crying as he passes by a closed classroom door. He peeks in through the window and sees Harrington pacing slowly while holding the baby against his shoulder, one arm supporting her from the bottom as his free hand rubs circles into her back. 
For a moment Eddie thinks about walking on, about just leaving Steve alone as he comforts his wailing child, but the cries pull hard on Eddie's heartstrings and he finds himself opening the door and slipping inside.
"Everything okay?" he asks, and Steve looks up in surprise before his expression shifts into something unreadable. 
"Yeah, we're fine. She's just extra fussy because she's teething. I came in here because I don't want to disturb anyone else." 
Eddie hums and goes to the nearby diaper bag, starts digging through it and is surprised when Steve doesn't tell him to stop. He finds a little bottle of numbing gel and smears some onto his pinky before sliding it into the baby's still wailing mouth, and carefully rubs it over her gums as he coos at her. 
"I know, honey, it hurts so bad. It's gonna be okay, though, just you wait." 
He glances up to see Steve staring at him, his expression curious, and Eddie suddenly feels overexposed. 
"My last neighbor had two jobs and three small kids, so I have a little experience with babies," Eddie explains, needing to fill the sudden silence that falls as the baby calms. His finger is still in her mouth, and he feels no desire to remove it, especially once she starts gnawing on it gently. Steve glances down at his girl before giving Eddie a soft smile, and Eddie's heart flips in his chest. 
"That's more than I have, at least. Thanks." 
"No worries, man. What, uh- what's her name?"
"Rosemary," Steve says, humming when the baby makes a soft noise. "At least, that's what I'm changing it to, as soon as I'm able." 
The warmth that had settled in Eddie's stomach sours a little at Steve's declaration, and as he pulls his finger from the baby's mouth he can't help biting out "And her mom is okay with you changing her name?" 
The atmosphere in the room changes as Steve's face crumbles, and Eddie knows he's said something wrong. 
"Her mom didn't want anything to do with her," Steve replies softly, and oh no, Eddie instantly feels like a piece of shit. He'd heard the rumors that some girl had just dumped the baby on him, but he didn't think they were true. 
"Shit, I'm so sorry, man. I didn't mean to assume anything." 
"It's okay. No one really knows about the whole… situation." 
There's an awkward pause before Eddie asks "So, Rosemary. Your choice wouldn't happen to be inspired by a certain Edison Lighthouse song, would it?" He smiles when Steve blushes, the pink dusting his face so sweetly as he shrugs. 
"It was my grandma's favorite song, and a lot of my happy memories are with her, so... I've already started calling her Rosie, so she'll be used to it." 
"It’s a good name," Eddie hums, rubbing his thumb over Rosie's tiny eyebrow. "She's a cute kid, Harrington."
Steve mutters a soft “Thanks,” and then there’s a brief pause before he asks "Do you- do you want to hold her?" and Eddie doesn't even hesitate before nodding and giving a quick “Yes!”
He takes off his jacket and vest in one go, knowing the fabric is a little rough, and takes the baby when Steve offers her to him. He holds her close, one hand supporting her and the other resting on her back, and starts to sway a little. "I haven't held a baby in like, two years. I forgot how calming it is." Steve hums and smiles as he sits on a nearby desk. “Yeah, it is.”
They spend the rest of the time just talking about whatever comes to mind, and it's really fucking nice. Eddie learns about the gaggle of kids Steve babysits ("They're all shitheads, but I love them, even when they're using me as a chauffeur.") and Eddie talks a little about his own friends, his band ("I mean being famous is the end goal, but it's also just fun to get together and be creative just for the sake of it, you know?") and before they know it, the bell is ringing to signal the end of the period. 
Steve frowns, a cute pout that tugs on the corners of his mouth, and Eddie has to bite back a smile at the expression. He sets a now sleeping Rosie back into her carrier before shrugging on his jacket and vest, and hesitates for a moment. 
"Listen, Harrington. I know that we don't really know each other, but I've seen firsthand how tough this single parent shit can be, so. If you ever need a hand, or need someone to watch her so you can get shit done, you can ask me, yeah? No worry, no judgment."
Steve blinks at him, big hazel eyes flicking between Eddie's like he's making an insight check against Eddie's words. He must like what he finds, because he smiles softly and says "Thanks, Munson."
And Eddie shrugs, and smiles in return. "Call me Eddie, man."
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elliespuns · 3 months
Okay, since we all like to talk about Ellie's sexual life (apparently), what do you think Ellie and Dina did after they started making out and the camera went off?
What are your theories about their first time? Like, do you think they wouldn't go as far as touching each other, or do you think they went all the way? Or do you even think they didn't have sex at all?
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All the asks you're sending me about Ellie's first time got me curious. I have my own visuals of what have probably happened, but I need yours.
Reblog with a deeper analysis. Heaven knows we all love these the most. Sharing is caring.
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squishosaur · 1 year
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first year heart stickers !!!
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superkooku · 6 days
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+ Orpheus, through the maenads
And Perseus is the only one who didn't lose 🤣
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I just realized I forgot to post part 4. 😭 anyways, time for Simon Riley in the COD x Stardew Valley crossover! (Also this turned out longer than expected, so most of the drabble is below the cut.)
When Simon moves to Pelican Town, no one actually notices at first. It's the middle of winter, with snowstorms every other day, and most people wouldn't expect anyone to be out in that weather for normal errands, let alone moving. The first mention anyone makes of him is Leah, when she tells Haley and Elliot about this weird cottage that was built near the wizard's tower, and how she never sees anyone coming or going but has seen smoke in the chimney and large bootprints in the snow nearby, usually heading up into the farmer's land. This conversation starts some whispers and rumors around town, of course, but with the farmer being gone most days, there isn't much for anyone to do about the gossip.
The farmer comes into town bright and early one morning (after several grueling days of mining in the Skull Caverns) and sees a notice in front of Pierre's shop asking for someone to kill some skeletons in the mines, as the "local population is getting too large to be safe." Well... money is money, the farmer thinks. They decide to go home and suit up, even though they had planned on resting that day.
The mines are cold and damp, as usual. The farmer gives a quick hello to the dwarf that hangs out just inside the mines and is surprised to learn that they haven't been the only visitor recently. Apparently a large man with a skull mask had come through earlier that morning. Every time he's here, he goes straight to the elevator, usually entering the place before daybreak, and doesn't come back out until well after night falls. Intrigued, the farmer wonders whether or not they got a new resident in town while they smack the down button to the elevator, hearing the wheels and pulleys creak as they get lowered into the earth.
As soon as the door opens on the 60th level of the mines, the farmer notices several things that are out of place. The stalactites are still dripping icy cold water into puddles, the air is frigid and stale, and it sounds like there might be a few monsters about, but the place feels... off. Someone certainly has been down here, and the copious amount of bones littering the floor just affirms what the dwarf told the farmer.
As they progress down one, two, five, and finally ten floors, they catch neither sight nor sound from the man, but see even more evidence he was here. Rocks broken into pieces but not picked up after, bones and slime littering the floors, and once, even a few discarded gems, laid haphazardly in a corner by the next floor entrance. As the farmer pockets these things, mumbling about wastefulness, they feel more curiousity over whoever is in the mines with them, thinking how odd it is that a person would go to all the effort of being down here without taking any loot back to the surface. And on another note, why come down here and kill all these skeletons without taking the message from the board so he can get paid for being down here? These questions plague the farmer's mind as they continue working through levels, deciding to break at the next safe room before heading back home for the night.
The sound alerts the farmer to the man's presence before they actually see him. As they drop down from level 79 to level 80, quaking from exhaustion, exertion, and the adrenaline that comes with fighting monsters, they hear the crunch-munch of someone chewing. Then, the farmer sees the cheery glow of a small campfire, and, gaze trailing up from the floor, the hulking behemoth of a man sitting next to it. He's mid-chew on what looks to be a cave carrot, and stares right on back as the farmer sizes him up.
"Y'know, I can see why you might've left the rocks and slime alone, but dropping actual gemstones seems a little over-the-top." The farmer blurts out, a sheepish smile on their face as they pull out one of the abandoned gems from their pocket. The sparkling, frozen teardrop catches light from the fire as they pass it from hand to hand before returning it to their pack. "I assume you just moved to Pelican Town, seeing as I haven't met you yet?"
The stranger nods. "Name's Simon. Moved in a week ago. I prefer my solitude." He gives the farmer a pointed glance before returning to his carrot, seemingly ending the conversation. Unfortunately for him, the farmer isn't deterred so easily. They decide to plop down across the fire from Simon and make a quick snack out of their cheese and granola before trying to start the conversation back up.
"So, Simon... usually the first place people want to explore around here isn't monster-filled mine shafts, even when they want to be alone. Any particular reason you're down here and not at home or something?" Simon shoots the farmer a glance and hesitates before answering.
"Straight to the point, aren't you? Need somethin' to do. Don't got much else to occupy my time." He finishes his snack, fixes his mask back over his face, and starts putting the fire out, forcing the farmer to stand to avoid getting smoke and ash in their eyes.
"So you like fighting monsters?"
"Being chivalrous, then? Keeping the town safe or some other similar reason?" The farmer jokes.
"If you say so."
"Care to join me in some monster-filled caverns in the desert sometime?"
At this last question, Simon finally pauses packing his things, eyes glinting at the farmer from behind his mask. "Explain. And walk while you're at it. It's getting late." He has the farmer walk in front of him as they explain about the Skull Caverns, offering no noises or any other indications that he's listening beyond the occasional grunt when they pause for breath.
"There's all sorts of crazy crap down there, and you can't even begin to imagine how rich the resources are. I meam, I've found prismatic shards, emphasis on the plural, in that place. Problem is, the whole cavern is crawling with hundreds of monsters, most of which are a lot tougher to kill than what we get in the mines. Things like flying serpents and iridium crabs and pepper rexes. Thought you might be interested in coming along, and I'd pay to get you good gear and a better weapon if you did. It can be difficult traversing places like that alone, even if you're pretty good at that kind of thing. And I promise I won't be so chatty all the time if you do decide to join me." The farmer trails off as the elevator reaches the top of the shaft, yawning and stretching their back.
"I'll consider it." That's all he says before walking off, but it's more than the farmer might've hoped for. A week goes by without them seeing their new neighbor again, but they notice his boot prints leading straight through the middle of their land and up to the mountains every day without fail, so they start leaving little notes and snacks in a bucket for him every night. At first, the bucket goes untouched, but one day they find it empty, save for a small note scrawled with messy lettering that says 'thank you'.
A few days before spring, the farmer decides to stay home for the day and relax. They haven't seen Simon in two weeks, and without having any idea of where he is in the mines, it seems like a bad idea to try to check on him. It's really too bad, the farmer thinks, seeing as he likely would've made a good companion to have along for cavern days... they feel their eyes drifiting closed as they think about it, and have just decided to take a cat nap when they're startled by a heavy knock at the door.
The farmer shuffles over, and is only half surprised to see Simon on their front step, towering over their doorway in a get-up that can only mean one thing.
"Hey, Simon. What brings you here? Thought you'd be well into the mines at this time." The farmer smiles as they invite Simon inside, feeling the floorboards shake a little as he knocks the snow off his boots off by the door.
"Decided to take you up on your offer, if it still stands." He glances at the farmer, seeming to note their pajamas and socked feet before chuckling. "Taking a day off, are we? Might've just stayed home then. I appreciate the little gifts you've been leaving me. Is it all homemade?" He watches as the farmer shuffles into the kitchen, grabbing two mugs from a cabinet and starting coffee machine. The farmer grins as they turn their back to him, not missing how chatty he is compared to their last conversation.
"Yeah, actually. I have some animals and a surplus of cheese and eggs and milk, so I figured I'd share some of my better stuff as a thank-you since you've been tending to the mines for me. Before you moved up here, I was the only person in town that was skilled enough to successfully explore most of the mines. Not that I was very good either, mind you. Care for a cup?" The farmer smiles ruefully before offering Simon a plain cup of strong coffee.
"Well, it's good stuff. Thanks for the cup. You should get ready, those Skull Caverns have had my curiousity for weeks now and I'd like to get there as soon as possible." He starts sipping at his coffee and blowing on it, and you watch his eyebrows lift in surprise when he finally gets a good drink of it.
"I have coffee bean plants in my greenhouse, so that's freshly grown, roasted, *and* brewed coffee, by the way. I'll be right back." The farmer smirks as they walk away, and Simon chuckles again. He hadn't originally intended on talking to the farmer more, having moved to Pelican Town for some peace and quiet, but they had worn him down rather quickly when, instead of being irritated or frustrated with his shortness towards them, they had decided to make sure he was taken care of. Because really, what kind of person leaves offerings like that to a somewhat rude man they've met one time? And it was all good quality, homemade food too, not that microwave crap they sell at JojaMart. He's already bulked up another 10 pounds from the hearty foodstuffs they've been leaving him every day. Simon shakes his head at the train of thought, bewildered but not upset by any means, as the uncommonly friendly farmer returns with their gear in tow.
"Ready to go?" They smile up at him again, and he feels his own lips twitch up for a moment. Pelican Town really was a decent place for some peace and quiet, but being able to be around the farmer... well, he supposes he won't mind the noise for once.
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jotarosexhusband · 8 months
Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kujo Jotaro (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
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taurnachardhin · 28 days
They're sad. They're lonely. They stubbornly dedicated their lives to the same cause for years in the face of all doubt and judgment, but never met. They have supporting character syndrome and habitually subsume their own desires in service to others. They're afraid they're disappointing everyone around them anyway. They helped a teenager kill a godking together. They were each other's closest and arguably only friend for a year but that friendship was tragically severed by circumstances beyond their control and they each still bear literal scars from the wounds the other dealt in spite of having functionally infinite healing ability. They became near-immortal godlike beings and they STILL subsume their own desires in service to others and only became more tragic than ever. They're convinced they will never be loved. They each resemble the other's sole canon love interest more closely than any other character and both of those love interests are dead so what now.
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Impa!! She's an extremely interesting character who's full to the brim with potential, and I don't see her identity, either as a single incarnation or the fact that she's tied to the reincarnation cycle, explored super often.
So I wrote a fic about her and Ganondorf called Litany of Betrayal. It's set during the infamous OoT moment where everyone has to live under the same roof while Link collects the Spiritual Stones, and it explores their uncomfortable relationship as the only two non-hylians on opposite sides of the coming war, and their struggle as they desperately try to avoid recognizing parts of themselves in each other.
Also Zelda is here, and so is the King of Hyrule and his new wife, and everyone is having such a greattt tiiiime 😬😬😬
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sugar-omi · 6 days
For kinktober, there's not enough poly olba stuff in the world, particularly Cove x Baxter stuff
OMG YOU'VE GIVEN ME THE PERFECT IDEA... i was gonna do cam show with cove n baxter separately, but perhaps a lil collab is in their future.... im looking forward to day 23 now 🤭🤭
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hansols-yoda-boxers · 2 years
Oct 22nd [The8 + Fun with Clones]
[8:08] “Okay, dude. What gives?” You were staring down Minghao in his doorway. He’d been avoiding you. Honestly he’d been avoiding everything and everyone and you were tired of it. All of his reasons had been evasive and weird and you were sure at this point that something was going on.
“Wh-What are you doing here?” He said, gaze shifting back into his house.
“I’m checking up on you. Now let me in.”
“No!” He fully pushed you back before grabbing the door again and keeping the opening as small as possible. 
“Minghao, what the hell?!”
“It’s a big mess.”
“As if I’d care.” You tried to push past him.
“I-I’m sick.” He quickly changed his excuse, throwing a weak cough for extra emphasis.
“Okay, what did you do? What weird shit is going on in there?” You questioned.
“It’s really nothing. Please, just- I am begging you to leave.”
“I’m not going until-”
“Do we have a visitor?”
You froze and so did Minghao. The voice that came from inside his apartment sounded exactly the same as his. Minghao gave you a wide-eyed stare, face white with fear as your gaze shifted between him and the gap in the door.
“H-Hello?” You called cautiously. Minghao’s eyes were pleading with you, one last chance to walk away but now you were confused and intrigued and you needed to know what he was up to. Minghao stayed frozen to the spot as the door swung open to reveal…
“I didn’t know you had a twin?” You mused.
“I’m not a twin, silly,” the second Minghao smiled. “I’m a clone.”
“A what?!”
“OKAY!” Minghao grabbed you and his clone and dragged you both inside, slamming the door shut behind you. He pulled you to the couch where you plopped down trying to process. The two of you had joked about clones before, about the government cloning people. Governments do all kinds of weird conspiracy-theory worthy shit. But you didn’t think they actually had the technology to clone people.
“How the fuck did this happen?”
“They made me in a lab, duh,” The clone said, perched on the end of the couch. “Minghao, why didn’t you tell me you had hot friends?”
You looked at him in surprise and Minghao went red in the face sputtering.
“You think I’m hot?”
“Of course we do-”
“Can you give us a minute!?” Minghao said quickly, shooing his clone away. The clone sighed but got up, giving you a quick wink that made your face warm as he sauntered away down the hall. You turned your attention back to Minghao.
“Okay look, you remember how like a month ago I was freaked out. I thought someone was following me?”
“Yeah, and then you when MIA. I thought you fully skipped town.”
“I did,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I needed to know for sure. And when I saw… Hao I just- I-I don’t know what I was thinking but I thought it was better to have him with me than whatever else anyone could want to do with a look-a-like.”
“Did you steal your own clone?!”
“I had to!” He cried. “What else could I do? I know I can’t stay here much longer either.”
“So you’re leaving for good?” You said, shoulders falling.
“I mean there’s no way I’m allowed to just keep a clone here,” he said dejectedly. “I don’t want to but I think as soon as I saw him nothing good was going to come of it for me.”
“I can go with you.”  You said.
Minghao said you name sadly, shaking his head. “That’s not a good idea.”
“You might need someone they aren’t looking for.”
“Still, I don’t want to put you in danger.”
You rolled your eyes. “If they’re secretly making clones of us we’re all already in danger. And without you I’m in danger of eternal boredom and bad decisions.”
“Ah-” Minghao stopped, a smile tugging at his lips. “That’s not entirely false.”
“See,” you nudged his arm. “It’s a good thing I came barging in. Call him back, I wanna meet him.”
“He’s the same as me,” Minghao mumbled. “Well, we were exactly the same person up until he was fully formed and started walking around on his own. But we share all the same feelings and memories and a lot of the same thoughts.”
“So that’s what he meant by “of course we do”.” You mused, looking back down the hall.
“Ah, that.”
You trained your gaze back on Minghao. “You think I’m hot?”
“Of course I do,” he mumbled. “How could I not?”
You scoffed. “You never said anything.”
“Why would I have?” He questioned.
“You didn’t think it would go anywhere?”
He looked at you helplessly. “Of course not. You’re not interested.”
“Who said I’m not?”
Minghao just stared at you. Some part of you was annoyed that he never thought to mention his feelings. Most of you was so overwhelmed from the information you were processing that it felt like very little of your brain was even functioning and the rest was just computing power.
“I-I,” Minghao couldn’t quite manage to get any words out. All this time he’d wanted something with it and when all of this started he was sure any chance he had was completely gone. And he hid his feelings so well you’d dismissed any of your own as wishful thinking.
“God for someone smart you’re an idiot,” you sighed, grabbing his face and kissing him. Minghao froze for a moment, only a moment before he started kissing you back. He was slow and hesitant and as you wrapped your arms around him and urged him closer you were sure you could hear his heart beating out of his chest. 
Minghao’s hands found your waist and he tugged at you, wanting you closer. You carefully climbed onto his lap, continuing the kiss and pressing against his chest. His touch was gentle and sweet as he seemed to come to terms with all of it, more and more passion seeping into his kisses.
“What? You get to kiss your hot friend but I don’t?”
You broke apart from the kiss, feeling heat rising to your face. Minghao wouldn’t let you move from his lap even though his skin was as warm as yours judging by the colour of it.
“Do you mind?”
“Yes,” Hao responded. “I want in on the action.”
“Can you not take a hint?”
“I don’t want to,” He bickered.
“Yep, same person,” you chuckled.
“What do you think?” Hao turned his attention to you. “Do you want me to go or stay.”
“I-” You thought for a moment. Your brain seemed numb to all of the strange things happening at this point and you weren’t sure in all honesty. 
“Do you actually want him to join?” Minghao questioned.
“I-I don’t know,” you said truthfully. “Like it’s weird. But this is already so weird anyway? You must have known he’d feel the same way about me.”
“I wasn’t planning on introducing you,” he muttered.
“Look,” Hao came up next to you two, ruffling Minghao’s hair who tried to shake him off. “I think you’re hot, but the crush is all Minghao here. I’m not going to get in the way of whatever you’ve just decided to have. All I’m proposing is a little fun.”
You shrugged to Minghao. “Why don’t we just figure out everything else later?”
Minghao looked between you and himself and sigh. “Well, the day couldn't get any weirder anyway.”
“Never say never,” Hao hummed, sitting next to the two of you on the couch. “I know all the freaky shit you like.”
Minghao’s skin burned red as you looked between them. “What freaky shit?!”
“All in good time,” Hao patted your arm before gently urging you off Minghao’s lap. He reluctantly released you and let you settle between the two of them. Hao tilted your face back to Minghao and you took the hint kissing him again. You felt Minghao’s hand start rubbing your thigh and you sighed. Hao pressed to your other side, leaving a kiss on your neck as his hand slipped up under your shirt.
“Just sit back and enjoy,” Hao purred.
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calamitaswrath · 1 month
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Barely even done with my first drawing, and I already just gotta get started on the next one. . .
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froggyrights · 3 months
are you leaving? sorry for asking :/
Not sure yet :') being in this fandom takes such a huge toll on me when shit hits the fan that i cant really justify to myself staying and being invested in the same capacity as I have been. However I love my mutuals and this community too damn much to just up and leave completely 😭 for now im gonna take a break from tumblr and just give it some time. I could never leave tumblr fully though I fear I'm a yapper at heart so maybe I'll just end up posting about whatever. I really don't know ! I'll figure it out !!
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xxlady-lunaxx · 3 months
Fireflies (pt.1+2) | {ObaGiyuu}
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Theme: Floof
Giyuu and Obanai had been put on a mission together that night. It was dark as they walked, but warm. The summer air was almost suffocating in its heat, persperation dripping slowly down their faces.
They ignored this, however, quietly walking through the forest as they searched for any sign of the demon(s) they were sent to kill.
They came to a stop, eventually, both freezing when they heard a sound somewhere far off. Their eyes met and they nodded, listening closely for the demon. Then, upon having some vague sense on where it was, they ran towards the sound. 
The ground was grassy and their footsteps were muted by it as they weaved through the trees, spotting the demon instantly. Obanai propelled himself up, jumping off a tree and unsheathing his katana as he did.
Giyuu stayed on the ground, his katana held up and ready as he charged forward, slashing at the demon.
The demon, not having expected them, nearly got it's head cut off by Giyuu's katana, but moved back at the last second.
Obanai moved behind the demon, landing on its back.
The demon flipped him off, making Obanai have to steady himself. The demon, distracted, didn't notice Giyuu as he quickly slashed off its head, watching it topple down immediately.
"Is that all?" Obanai asked quietly, as they watched the demon disintigrate. 
"I doubt it. They would not send two Hashira, were it so," Giyuu murmured. He glanced down at the head, noting the number on one of the demons eyes. "A lowermoon."
Obanai nodded. 
They turned and continued to walk through the forest, fully on guard. For several minutes, they walked in silence, before, almost at once, both sensed a demon nearby—from opposite directions.
"You go that way, I'll go the other," Obanai said, immediately running off in the direction he'd sensed.
Giyuu sped off to the opposite direction, finding a small group of demons bickering about something. Quickly, before they noticed him, he decapitated most of the demons, killing the remaining right after.
Then he sheathed his katana, walking back to where he figured Obanai was, still looking around for any other demons.
He noticed Obanai up ahead and sped up slightly.
Obanai stood in the middle of a clearing, the demons he'd sensed mostly disintigrated now. Small fireflies were flying around him, making him look almost ethereal. He turned, noticing Giyuu, and gave him a nod. 
"You found them?" Obanai asked, stepping forward. He didn't seem to be paying the fireflies much attention as the flit around him, a small glow lighting them all up.
Giyuu nodded breathlessly, unsure why he was so drawn to Obanai suddenly. "Yes."
"We should stay here a bit, I don't know if that's all of them. The sun will rise in about..." Obanai paused. "I forgot."
"Two hours," Giyuu replied quickly, moving towards Obanai. 
"Right. Two hours." 
They stood side by side, the fireflies moving as if to make room for Giyuu in the clearing, although they hovered around the Hashira.
It was silent, with the faint sound of cicadas somewhere in the distance.
Giyuu moved slightly, facing Obanai. 
Obanai looked up, meeting his eyes. "Hm?"
Obanai gave him a perplexed look, his hair framing his face in the light. Kaburamaru, who sat on Obanai's shoulders, seemed to notice something Obanai hadn't and appeared to be smiling to himself.
"Alright," Obanai murmured.
« Word count: 550 » (pt.1)
The light had begun to filter through the dense forest when Obanai and Giyuu proposed to go back, their mission finishing as the sun rose.
They walked quietly, their presences soothing each other. 
Giyuu was lost in thought, his mind drawing out Obanai's figure standing admist the fireflies, looking like some goddamn angel. His heart beat abnormally fast at the thought and he wondered what the hell was wrong with him. Obanai hadn't been particularily kind to him before, never had given him a second glance.
And yet.
And yet, Giyuu was in love. Had fallen into some feverish dream of admiration, his eyes wandering over to the Serpent Hashira.
Obanai didn't seem to notice, at first, keeping to himself. He held a hand up to Kaburamaru, stroking the snake's head affectionately. But then he turned slightly, and caught Giyuu's eye. 
"Why do you keep staring at me?" Obanai asked, cocking his head. He didn't sound mad, not yet, at least. He sounded curious, only.
"I... Apologies," Giyuu murmured, turning his flushed face away.
Obanai stopped and Giyuu mimicked him, unsure what was going to happen.
"Do you need anything?" the shorter of the two asked, crossing arms. Although his tone stayed placid, his eyes had a interested light to them.
"No," Giyuu replied quietly. That was a lie. Yes, yes he needed something. He needed someone. 
"Mhm. You might as well be the worst liar in history," Obanai said pointedly, rolling his eyes.
 "Is something wrong?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Just tell me, Tomioka."
"No... Why do you keep asking?" Giyuu said, changing the subject.
"You're the one who was staring at me. I have the right to know why!" Obanai said, which was a fair point, unfortunately. 
"...Okay," Giyuu mumbled. "But you won't like it."
"Obviously. I won't tell anyone what you say, if that makes you feel better," he offered. 
"Right." Giyuu hesitated. "I think I like you."
A pause.
"I like you," Giyuu repeated.
"No, I heard that, don't... don't say it again," Obanai mumbled, flushed. He brought his hand up to his face, his sleeve obscuring his expression.
There was another moment of silence as Giyuu waited for a reaction. 
"Are you mad?" he asked finally, unsure what to make of his unanswered confession.
"I'm not," Obanai said, albeit he turned away. "No. I'm not mad."
"Then... what?"
"You're talking a lot today," he said quietly, trying to steer away from having to answer. 
"I am?" 
"If you're not mad, then what are you?" Giyuu asked, going back to the previous subject.
"I'll... respond... later," Obanai murmured, starting to walk again, picking up his pace.
Giyuu, deciding this was fair, followed him quickly. 
The air was beginning to warm as the sun slowly made its ascent into the sky and the two Hashira found the path out of the forest, making their way back.
« Word count: 500 »
it's short and it's silly and I'll probably have to write a part 3 but whatever 
love you all<3
« Word count (for pt.1+pt.2): 1050»
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is anyone else interested in joining my server? not quite ready to invite people yet but should be soon. just gauging interest right now. “like” or reply to this post and when i’m ready i’ll send you an invite.
server will probably be dual purpose. 
there will be (1) a semi-public side oriented toward general discussion (topics like politics, books, history, philosophy, religion, media, science, tech, etc) and community building (nothing is set in stone yet but i am imagining activities like book club, movie watching, playing games, contests and giveaways, etc). and there will be (2) a private side dedicated to more focused discussions and internal cult matters.
the server won’t be a “safe space” -- i’m fine with a bit of edge (within ToS. not trying to get terminated.) -- but i do want this server (at least the semi-public side) to be /relatively/ welcoming and civil. so if you’re egregiously toxic or vulgar or prone to shitflinging or sperging out you won’t be welcome here. neither will you be welcome if you’re overly sensitive.
otherwise, as long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. though i always reserve the right to executively veto your presence for any reason.
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ask-iri-and-widdle · 1 year
Premonitions Part 1
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jotarosexhusband · 8 months
Higashikata Josuke (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable) VS Firo Prochainezo (Baccano!)
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