#again in a mostly civil manner
is anyone else interested in joining my server? not quite ready to invite people yet but should be soon. just gauging interest right now. “like” or reply to this post and when i’m ready i’ll send you an invite.
server will probably be dual purpose. 
there will be (1) a semi-public side oriented toward general discussion (topics like politics, books, history, philosophy, religion, media, science, tech, etc) and community building (nothing is set in stone yet but i am imagining activities like book club, movie watching, playing games, contests and giveaways, etc). and there will be (2) a private side dedicated to more focused discussions and internal cult matters.
the server won’t be a “safe space” -- i’m fine with a bit of edge (within ToS. not trying to get terminated.) -- but i do want this server (at least the semi-public side) to be /relatively/ welcoming and civil. so if you’re egregiously toxic or vulgar or prone to shitflinging or sperging out you won’t be welcome here. neither will you be welcome if you’re overly sensitive.
otherwise, as long as you follow the rules, you will be fine. though i always reserve the right to executively veto your presence for any reason.
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lovelybucky1 · 25 days
I. Need. More. Threesomes. With. Deadpool. And. Wolverine. ASAP!!!!!
Please please pleaseeeee 🥺
you’re not really sure why logan agreed to sub for you and wade. honestly, you’re not sure if logan knows why he agreed to this. it was fine at first, but he started to have some trouble following the rules.
you thought the guidelines were pretty simple. do as we say, and don’t touch or cum without permission. its not so much that logan isn’t willing to listen, it’s just his nature to do pretty much the opposite of what wade wants him to do.
you would have restained logan, but neither you or wade knew where to get handcuffs strong enough to hold a wolverine. instead, you were holding onto hope that he has enough self restraint to listen. newsflash: he doesn’t.
you were teasing the tip of his dick with your mouth; kissing it and swirling your tongue around it, when logan pushed your head down on his length.
“woah, woah, woah! those aren’t very good manners, wolvie. you don’t push a lady’s head unless she asks for it, and i don’t seem to remember her asking. if you don’t follow the rules, we’re gonna have to punish you,” wade says in that melodic voice that irritates logan like nothing else.
“fuck off, wade. stop teasin’ and suck my dick,” logan says.
you cock an eyebrow at him. “you won’t get anything with that attitude.”
“i think what you meant to say was ‘pretty please suck my dick, my goddess,’” wade says. that only makes logan more resistant.
“please,” logan grits out. you figure it’s as good as you’re going to get, so you give in.
from then on, things go pretty good. you suck, logan moans, wade commentates. logan keeps his hands to himself and he is mostly civil with wade. it isn’t until logan gets close to orgasm that he has some trouble again.
he tries to buck his hips up to fuck your mouth, but wade pins him down to stop him. logan doesn’t like that and tells wade such. before either of you could notice or stop it, logan’s brows are pinching together in pleasure and he’s cumming in your mouth.
you swallow it down out of instinct with a surprised noise.
“you broke a rule, peanut,” wade tuts. “you came without permission. you know what that means?” logan glares at him. “we have to punish you.”
pulling your mouth off of him, you sit up on your knees and grab ahold of his cock. he’s still half hard but it’s coming down from his orgasm. before you can do anything, wade bats your hand away and takes over.
he strokes him slowly, squeezing the sensitive tip and making sure to drag it out. logan hisses from the overstimulation but wade keeps him from squirming away.
“fuck, stop it,” logan growls. “hurts.”
“you should’ve thought about that before you disobeyed,” you say.
logan keeps all of his anger directed at wade. he has a soft spot for you, even if you’re aiding in his sexual torture.
“let go, wade.” logan’s voice is gruff, but it has an edge of desperation. “c’mon.”
“no can do, honeybuns. if i don’t enforce the rules, then you’ll think you can get away with whatever you want.”
groaning loudly, logan unleashes his claws and the tip of one catches wade in the thigh. “stop right now or i’ll cut your fuckin’ hands off.” wade laughs at him, which only pisses logan off more.
“you know the safe word, logan,” you say. “unless you use it, wade isn’t gonna stop.”
logan’s eyes flick up to yours for a moment before going back to wade.
“cut me up all you want, peanut. it’s gonna take a lot more than that to get me to safeword,” wade grins.
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batrogers · 7 months
Civilized Or Not
So there’s some common Zelda fanon I wanna talk about, relating to civilization tropes I think some of y’all haven’t really thought about in detail before, and that’s Hyrule (Zelda 1 &2 Link), Wild (BOTW mostly), and Ravio (LbW).
I’m using the Linked Universe names, because that’s where most of it comes up, because these things happen most often where you can contrast the boys with each other. This is often done, quick and dirty, by people assigning “roles” to each without much thought. Ravio’s unfortunately tends to be extremely pervasive outside LU spaces, too.
But, in brief, there is a trend for people to craft these characters in a framework of innocent vs savagery vs trickery that can have some really unfortunate implications I’m not sure many are even aware of. Hopefully I can explain better where these ideas come from, why they’re so easy and appealing, and why we should try to avoid repeating them for more than just the sake of “easy” but also to stop repeating some really nasty historical tropes.
I would start from what’s probably the simplest one to address: the tendency towards a “feral” personification of Wild. This tends to come from two places: Wild’s amnesia, and the collapse of society around him and his lost place in it.
Now, brain damage is complicated. You can lose a range of things to any given injury because of the way information is encoded differently and in different places. You can lose memory and/or skills and/or coordination and/or balance, etc, because it all depends on what got damaged. But in-game a lot of stuff suggests that Link retains things like speech, reading/writing, coordination, and martial skills. None of the people who knew Link prior to his injury suggest he seems changed in any way not attributed to stress and anxiety...
And, more importantly, real people suffer memory loss just like that in the real world. Treating him like he’s become “feral” due to memory loss is cruel to actual people living with brain damage today, and if you go there you should have a good reason for it.
Social collapse is a wide-spread theme in basically every Zelda game. The threat that the Big Bad poses is almost always the destruction of society as it exists: Malladus literally vanishes the infrastructure of New Hyrule in Spirit Tracks; the Twilight turns people into spirits living lives they don’t realize are questionably real in Twilight Princess; Veran freezes the passage of time to force people to work forever in Oracle of Ages. King Daphnes and Ganondorf under the sea vie over the fate of the world above in Wind Waker: keep what’s been made, or start all over again?
In modern culture, people tell a lot of stories about the fragility of civilization and what happens in its absence. You get the range from Lord of the Flies, in which children wrecked on an island attempt (and fail) to recreate civilization on their own, Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” in which Mowgli is treated as reckless and innocent, and a much more obscure piece from the 18th century “Paul et Virginie” (and likely many more I don’t know offhand.) Essentially all of them play with the question of how do people become civilized, and what happens when they do? In Lord of the Flies, the children were civilized and failed to maintain it; in the Jungle Book, the boy wasn’t civilized and innocently interacts with it. In Paul et Virginie, the children were (relatively) uncivilized on the (French colonized) Mauritius, raised by their mothers but when the girl was sent away, she becomes civilized and dies tragically to preserve it.
The two Links most removed from civilization are Hyrule and Wild. Wild “lost” civilization, losing both his memories of it and the structure of it. Making him feral, without manners, and without a place to belong is that kind of Lord of the Flies savagery mixed with Mowgli’s innocent playfulness: there isn’t a structure to adhere to, so he’s a savage. Whereas Hyrule is more like the Paul eg Virginie side: innocent of civilization, he remains pure and sweet and kind, unable to conceive of big concepts like evil or money or so on. Neither position permits them to interact with the civilization that is right there in front of them! Wild can buy a house; he has people who know and care for him. He has social connections and social rights. The world exists, but the fandom does not seem to want him to interact with it in favour of remaining “wild.” In Zelda 2 – a game explicitly set within a decade of Zelda 1 – there are whole towns with trade and a castle and massive structures with on-going life in them... but very few fans seem to ever reach into that story or relate it back to the first. Hyrule, the character, does not exist within Hyrule, the country.
Strangely, Wind Waker does not fall prey to this, I think because the structures are presented as fait accompli: Link wakes up with his grandmother and his sister, he has a defined home, and a society in which you spend the entire game forced to engage with. Zelda 1 & 2 were not sophisticated enough to waste resources on going as in depth in social terms (although such interactions absolutely exist in Zelda 2!) and BOTW leaves such interactions as optional: you can survive the game with minimal social contact... but it’s a choice to play with it that way, not the default. The ways in which this edges onto the noble savage trope, in which “uncivilized” tribes are either innocent or brutish (rather than complex social systems in their own right) is fairly obvious.
There is one other character in Zelda who gets treated to the question of whether he is an innocent, free of civilization and all its rigour... or something else. Ravio, coming from the devastated world of Lorule, can often wind up slotted into the scared, innocent child trope and unfortunately that’s the better position people frequently take. The worse one evokes the Merchant of Venice: the deceitful, Jewish merchant who values money over people’s lives.
Lorule (and Nintedo’s approach towards their humanoid Zelda villains in general) is near-eastern-coded in many ways, down to the fact that Yuga’s outfit is the spitting image of Ottoman dress. Yuga being a depraved bisexual (a common historical trope about Muslim men towards Christian men and boys), and Hilda being deceitful and conspiring against everyone she was once allied to are a backdrop to the ways in which Ravio is a greedy coward. He’s not an evil character in the game; the mechanic of penalizing death without being too severe is interesting and works well! But that doesn’t take away the stereotype, just like it’s not okay Nabooru is pretty explicitly predatory towards child Link in Ocarina of Time, too.
Arab and Jewish stereotypes often converge, because both people's originate from the same region, and both are hostile "Others" to Christian Europe and Nintendo doesn’t have a great track record of their near-Eastern coding in Zelda. It crosses the whole gamut from harem and amazon tropes with the Gerudo to breath-takingly anti-semitic or anti-black (Ganondorf being green, eg. non-human, in various incarnations), all packaged neatly in the ideal of medieval fantasy Europe. The scale would be impressive if it wasn’t so damn awful, but we can at least stop repeating it in our fanworks.
Wild doesn’t have to be feral to be a playful little shit; Hyrule doesn’t have to be pure and innocent to be kind. Ravio doesn’t need to be innocent or scheming, and he shouldn’t place money over Link’s well-being (If you chose to respawn at home, he is consistently only ever concerned for Link! Once you buy the items outright, he promises he'll still be there to take care of you.)
Do better. It’s more interesting that way, and I want to see that variety grow!
[If any of y'all would like me to dig up better sources on any point, I can do so but I didn't want to bog this post down further. I have largely left the anti-arab stuff alone because it's not the biggest issue with Ravio's fanon presence, which is the focus here.]
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matrixbearer2024 · 2 days
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"Lean left! Hard right! Hold tightly to her helm, she'll try to drown you just for spite!"
"Heave, ho! 'Til first light! She'll give a fight to all who try to claim 'The Shadow'!"
"None can tame the one the sailors call: 'The Shadow'!"
Cuz I was working on something pretty angsty with this guy and realized how sad the reunion of this AU would technically be have Aeschylus(Max) being a sailor post-weirdmaggedon joining his father and uncle on their sea adventures. The song that this post is referencing is a sea shanty by Sail North; 'Tale of The Shadow'.
As always, more lore below the cut!
Of the triplets, Aeschylus is the oldest. He came out 20 minutes before Alexander and 35 minutes before Athena. He's the one most like his father in terms of mannerism and hubris, this guy was the one I mentioned being Ford's mini-me always seeking him out whenever the old man's not around.
Aeschylus is also the most adventurous of the triplets since he's curious to a fault, again- very much like Sixer. He's also very trigger-happy and often defaults to violence when being civil with the other party is no longer working or worthwhile, no Stan didn't teach him that. It's just something that developed over time as he grew up an emotionally constipated mess.
"Violence is the language we speak when words no longer suffice."
Sometimes it makes sense he was named after a Greek dramatist, even if Ford had to pick the most ODD poet to name his eldest(technically) after-
That is how his hair normally falls(mostly, he has bangs but he swipes them up because he finds them distracting) if he's not busy slicking it back to avoid looking like Ford, there's a reason why he only starts allowing his hair to fall into it's natural state after Bill's defeat and post-Weirdmaggedon. He doesn't stop wearing contacts though since they're just more convenient than glasses, but he does have glasses and carries them on his person in case of emergency.
There are times he hides Ford's glasses when he's just messing with his old man, he and Stan sometimes have a good laugh about Poindexter being blind as a bat.
Also! The biggest reason why I can see him tagging along with the Sea Stans is due to the biggest fact that very much like Ford, once his huge objective is over and done with– he's at a loss of what to do. His dad on the other hand, wanting to make amends with his brother– suggested the Stan O' War like in canon. Ford's trying to fix his relationships one at a time to get it right. It was Stan who nudged Ford to drag Max along with them as well since he knew inherently those two needed to spend time with each other just as much as he did with his brother.
Yes Stan practically raised the triplets alongside Ford's sweetheart for the entire 30 years yours truly was in the nightmare realm. He's not their dad but he's the dad that stepped the fuck UP- even if it kinda is partially his fault that their dad ended up in that realm in the first place LOLOLOL
Sketchy for this doodle pile is here!
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I understand there are practical reasons it doesn't happen but I wish more series shifted genres between installments. Have the first book be a detective story, the second a romance novel, the third a children's book and just keep moving genres.
Bujold does this a little with the Vorkosigan Saga where the Miles novels are mostly milSF/Space opera but the series moves to romance/comedy of manners for A Civil Campaign, The Mountains of Morning tell a smaller more poignant story, and later in the series it returns to romance and a story about growing older when Cordelia takes center stage again in Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen
More authors should do that! Don't just tread the same ground again and again. Give us a little variety.
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speedforce-zoomies · 8 months
Something I think that’s funny (not in a judgey way) is how a lot of the fandom views Tim’s relationships with the other Batfam members/Gotham heroes
Tim might be the bat fam member/Gotham vigilante with the most positive relationships out of every one but for the angst a lot of people ignore that (again not judging, also love a good angsty fic, just think it’s interesting) and I listed it out below : )
Tim & Alfred - Alfred loves him, that’s one of his boys
Tim & Jim Gordon - as far as I’m aware Gordon has never had anything bad to say about Tim
Lucius Fox - they worked well together to stop Ra’s al Ghul from destroying Wayne enterprises/Industries (whatever its being called now) in Red Robin
Tim & Bruce - that’s his son and most of the time Bruce acts like it
Tim & Selina “He’s a goody two-shoes but I like that kid” (Catwoman #31)
Kate Kane - as of Tim Drake: Robin their relationship hit a rough spot but he was still wanting to do whatever he could to protect her so I think they are/ will be good
(Tim & Luke Fox - genuinely have no idea if they’ve had any significant interactions so I’m gonna assume they’re good but not sure if it counts so I’ll leave that up to individual opinion)
Tim & Barbara - Barbara has said he’s the only batboy with manners lol and she has fallen for his baby brother charms
Tim & Dick - has literally stated in canon that he would do anything for Tim, he’s Dick’s litte brother, Dick is absolutely Tim’s favorite brother
Tim & Jean Paul Valley - JPV hurt him but due to his reaction to hearing Tim got the clench and trying to save him he obviously still cares and they’ve worked together since so I think they’re on good terms
Tim & Helena - she was so genuinely heartbroken when she thought he was killed by killer croc, has also fallen for his little brother charms
Tim & Cassandra - siblings who have each others back no matter what
Tim & Jason - despite their rocky start, as of Knight Terrors: Robin they’ve been shown to have a civil if not a positive relationship
Tim & Stephanie - besties despite being exes
Tim & Harper Row - what I’ve seen of them has been a fun relationship “I should go. Probably some kind of mischief going on.” “Mischief huh?” (Batman Eternal #52 I think)
Tim & Duke Thomas - they alway come through for each other and haven’t had any beef as far as I’m aware
Tim & Darcy Thomas - good relationship
Tim & Damian - as of Tim Drake: Robin, Tim is calling Damian his little brother. They may have hated each other in the beginning but they don’t now
(Am I missing anyone??)
Out of the other characters that are generally considered to have good/positive relationships with everyone else -
From my understanding, Alfred, Gordon, & Barbara have had mostly positive relationships with the others (sometimes they’ve had bumps in the road but usually the relationship recovered from that) but I don’t recall if they have had a relationship with ALL of the above characters
Cass and Jason did have beef due to extremely different ideologies and I’m not aware of that being resolved
Duke Thomas has not been shown to have interactions with all of those listed above
Dick has some on again off again beefs with some of the others
+ other beefs I’m aware of
Jason & Damian last I recall were still getting into tumbles whenever they made the other angry, which is a lot
Bruce has multiple beefs going on at all times it seems : (
I feel like I’m forgetting some unresolved beef involving JPV but maybe I’m wrong
Anyways my point is, unless I’m majorly wrong about any of the above, or forgetting several people, Tim is most likely the canonical Batfam member with the most positive relationships amongst Gotham vigilantes (if I went past that that list would never end lol) even if a lot of his relationships with the others started out rough or had a rough patch at some point
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asinbunn · 1 year
Hii I love your whole shrine aesthetic and can I pray for Scara and Xingqui with a drunk flirty s/o :D
𝐃𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐭
Prep Note : I added Albedo because I got mixed up mid way as this request is a year ago, and I'm very fucking sorry 👯 I tried analyzing their mannerisms in speech through voicelines, the way they deliver their speech esp with Wanderer still having Scaramouch traits, the harshness has toned down to a (civil enough ig) certain level.
Everyone except Xingqiu has a short imagine because,,my brain short circuited = short texts
Characters : Xingqiu x Reader || Albedo x Reader || Wanderer/Scaramouche x Reader
Genre : Fluff // Crack // Lovey Dovey shæt // TEXT + IMAGINES/SCENARIOS
Warnings : Mentions of alcohol // Cringe pickup lines 🤡 // You will have a stroke deciphering the texts // Could still be OOC // Mentions of Ningguang, Beidou + Kaeya + Aether // Established relationships // Scara's became kinda deep ngl
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Not every msg is translated ! "HEYY BANGSIES, I MISS YOU 😔 HELLO" — "Are you busy" — "Whaat awesome 🥰🥰 I'm actually with Beidou and Ningguang" — "THEY'RE SO LOVELY 😭😭😭" — "UHM YEAH SHE CAN HOLD ALCOHOL REALLY REALLY WELL" — "you know what let's go to the library tmr together" — "don't worry, don't worry it's OK bbg" — "WDYM OH"
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Again not everything is translated ! "Yeaah baedo HEYY" — "anything for you my sweet baedo" — "hehe you know what, I think even without gravity on Teyvat"
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As you lower down your phone, you could see Albedo coming into the tavern, your whole face lights up even more and Kaeya notices that, chuckling at you. Your expression melts in infatuation as the pale blonde approaches your table.
"Let's go home now darling, it's getting quite late" He reached out to hold your hand with a welcoming smile. You stood up fast, wobbly then waving the tall exhausted male a goodbye for the night whilst clinging onto your beloved Alchemist for standing support. You two start exiting the tavern after paying the bill, walking slowly toward your designated home.
At first, the air was creaking in the silent night, difficult to see the sight of stars but the positively pleasant glow of the moonlight just takes your breath away, you inhale the fresh air of Mondstadt lightly before interrupting the peaceful silence between you and your lover,
"uhgh..i'm burning, it's getting so much hotter, could be because of the hottie by my side ahheug.." Albedo smiles fondly, continuing to listen to you ramble nonsense before carrying on the conversation himself,
"You know dear, it actually takes a lot of heat to burn things" you don't pay much attention to what's he saying though still registering the words emitting from his soft voice, Albedo continues with a hum,
"I guess it doesn't take much for me to bring the heat to your cheeks" 
As he finishes the sentence the alchemist let's out a raspy chuckle after seeing your eyes widen and ears start glowing red. You can't tell whether it's the alcohol that's causing your temperature to rise or the fact that Albedo is getting bolder by the minute. Mostly likely both, which proves his statement.
Despite having sobered up just slightly, you still stumbled up the stairs before you could take impact upon the concrete, reacting quickly, Albedo firmly caught your arms, and suddenly an idea came into his tinkering mind.
"My dear, could you stand still for a moment?"
You do as he says, patiently waiting for him as he takes off his long white hooded coat. He asks you to wrap it around your lower waist, using his coat to act as a towel. You follow his instructions without paying any mind to it or giving a second thought.
Although before you could thank him for catching you, he swiftly sweeps you off your feet resulting in you letting out a low startled gasp all while in the motion of being carried by your beloved pale-blondie in bridal style. To ensure your safety and comfort, he'll let you adjust to the position as well as the coat wrapped around your legs first before carrying on to returning home.
"Ah~ Albedoo you're so gentle and sweet to me" you softly state while giggling a little whilst laying your head by his firm shoulder and neck with your eyes resting closed. Albedo tilts his gaze towards your blissed expression and smiles tenderly as he brings you two back to your shared home.
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reader is more stable but unhinged texter here
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You quickly stand up upon reading the last text he sent, letting out a little screech mid way through Aether’s sentence, startling him and resulting in him asking what’s wrong. 
“My beloved is heree!” you excitedly exclaim while darting your attention to the front doors of the restaurant, the serene blue dressed male standing by idly waiting for you. You briskly walked over.
Your pace speeds up recklessly, you spread your arms as you reach closer to your beloved puppet boy, closing your eyes to brace yourself for the impact. Crashing into Scaramouche’s figure, he wraps his arms around your waist whilst yours slides up from his biceps to his thin porcelain neck. You suddenly burst into a fit of giggles, joyful to see him after spending many hours with your new friend, the renowned Traveller.
“Well, hey there you silly thing, had enough fun for tonight yet?” he asks as the corners of his lips perks into a smirk, eyebrow raised high. You snickered out a ramble of "Yes" in repetition, in which Scara's wide smirk melts into a fond little smile, just for his love.
As Aether approaches, you motion a wave for him to come closer, "Say hi guys, you two have met more than once! No need to be so awkward at this point.." You proudly state as if you didn't know their past predicament already.
Aether lets out a quiet "Hey" though still remaining eye contact with your loverboy, while Scaramouche only nods in acknowledgement. It's now 10:36pm, you start to doze off a little, resting your eyes all while leaning on your boyfriend's figure for support and muttering, mumbling incoherent jumbles of words into Scara's ear. Of course, they both take notice to your sleepy drunk state and Scaramouche decides to end it off for today,
"Thanks for entertaining them today Traveller, I'll be taking them back home, have a goodnight then." As he says those last few words, he gently shakes you, re-awaking your drifting mind. Making sure you're conscious, his gaze is only in your droopy eyes, he then whispers with one hand on your cheek, "We're going home now okay sleepyhead?" To that you give a nod of approval, rubbing the sleep off your eyes for a little while. You turn your head and attention towards Aether wishing him goodnight and bid him a goodbye as you and your beloved begin walking out.
Just a moment after walking out the doors you come to a stop, in which Scaramouche caught sight of in an instant. "What's wrong? Why did you stop?" he questioned in slight concern for you. You stare into his lovely indigo eyes, in your own little world, you blurted out in reply,
"Can you carry me on your back please" well that seemed very sudden to him but not all that surprising as it's getting late and it isn't easy staying conscious whilst being drunk. He blinks at your pretty little sleep-desiring eyes,
“...Seriously? you're just going to ask me that, out of the blue?” He could only sigh at your needs, although it’s not like he could ever say no to you in moments like these anyways. “I suppose I can make an exception for you, get on.” He lowers his body in a stance for you to hop on his back. You beamed brightly at his quick cooperation and advanced toward his lowered figure, hugging his hunched back and wrapping your arms from the top of his shoulders, down to his hardened chest. Once you're both comfortable and ready to get moving again, he lifts himself and your figure up straight with ease.
Scaramouche ponders for a moment as he starts walking, “So what were you guys talking about if you hung out for half the day?” You let out a muffled hiccup, then gave a peck on the side of his neck before raising your head from nuzzling his neck. “Aether and I were just trying to get to know each other a little better, they asked a bunch of questions like what I was interested in” You replied, words slurring, you took a second to process your sleepy state before continuing, “I- *hic* I said..I was interested in Scara obviouslyy~” you let out a hushed laugh and stirred. You try to shift yourself forward to sneak a peek at Scara’s face, wondering how he’s gonna react. His ears are dusted in red whilst his cheeks burn up within the cool breezy night.
"Do you always spout your feelings around whilst you’re drunk?” He says that as if he hates it but you both know that’s just the way he is, can’t forwardly accept and admit these things until sooner or later. You inhale sharply, “I am drunk but.. *hic* I love you” even if you are drunk, you don’t believe that your feelings would ever go astray like the way your mind does.
“I’ve heard many say that some humans are the most honest with such heartfelt emotions in times like these. I love you too but I am sober.” He smiles at you with absolute devoted affection, at the very moment you’re still not completely sober however you don’t miss the slight rising blush as he brings himself to say those tender words with nothing but utter sincerity. He’s been hurt, put into a shell of despair for many decades only until he learnt the truth of his world, was when he had the ability to free himself of such sorrows and self-pity. Trust is something he felt he would never be able to give out again, and so for you to present your vulnerability so freely to him makes him think twice. Perhaps he’ll take in all your love even if he will experience the pain from all those years ago once again, he would do so, to gain happiness in the moment with you without wanting to think of the possible consequences it may bring. He’ll endure it no matter what, because you are the best thing that has ever happened to him in a long time. Suddenly his deprecating thoughts are brushed away the instant you speak up again,
“Your smile is the prettiest type of smile I have ever seen..” it’s bewildering, just how much he wants to believe in everything you say. Even if it’s complete nonsense, he really is infatuated with you..
“This smile only exists when I’m with you.”
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End Note : I'm living in constant fear of tumblr's word limit, I got carried away with Scaramouche's passage but it took me days to write it all out along with procrastination. I was also using a chat bot to gain ideas from Scara's slight identity shift and some replies were so 😰 MOST WERE HELPFUL THOUGH SO IT'S OKAY - asinbunn
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cherrypikkins · 11 months
Here is my contribution to today's prompt from @fe-oc-week ! Oct 14 - Supports
with some more Kitt art and lore :3
cw body horror, death
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I will also be linking some old support art soon :3
and once again for more lore, take a look below the cut!
The Burgess Family It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the family of Burgess arrived at Annwen, though in likelihood they appeared some time after the defeat of Nemesis, and well after Gwyn was laid to rest. Though they claimed to be a family of merchants, many suspected that they were refugees from remnant factions of the now dismantled Agarthan empire. Gwyn, the founder of the original city of Annwen, had been known to take in defectors of Agarthan origin. And so, in following the example of their departed hero, the people of Annwen accepted the merchant family into the fold, sheltering them from the Church of Seiros.
They settled in without trouble, bringing with them ancient artifacts stolen from the underground caches of their former civilization. These they offered up to the people of Annwen for safekeeping and communal use. Mostly, they included crafting implements that were used to forge armor, weave garments, and polish stones.
Among the artifacts was a curious knife, ordinary-looking in all appearances yet strangely versatile in various applications of craftsmanship. Villagers would often remark on how it would subtly change in appearance over time, but not in a way that signified normal wear and tear. There were times when it appeared to shift and transform before their very eyes, though many dismissed this as a trick of the light. Others believed that the knife was magical. But whenever the people of Annwen used it for their own purposes, there was never any trouble.
In any case, these artifacts enabled the people of Annwen to thrive independently, away from the Church and the Empire, as well as the Kingdom and the Alliance when they each formed years later. These contributions cemented the Burgess family's place in the village for ages thereafter, even enabling them to take on leadership and guidance roles within the village from time to time. Eventually, enough time passed such that not even their present day descendants could remember their Agarthan ancestry…
The Village at Lake Annwen - Part II Many followers of the Church of Seiros wondered why certain remote settlements were allowed to exist in Fodlan away from the enlightenment of Seiros' teachings. The village of Annwen, which Gwyn held sacred, was one such example before its destruction. In particular, Saint Cichol was known to forbid anyone from interfering with the affairs of the village by order of the Church. Even in recent years, Seteth has remained adamant on this stance. Only a handful of scholars and researchers have been allowed to visit on a provisional basis, on the condition that there was to be no proselytizing.
That was not to say that the people of Annwen did not pay respects to the Goddess - only that Seiros and the Four Saints were less prominent in their worship. Even the hero Gwyn, despite not trusting Seiros and her followers, had been known whisper prayers to the Goddess Sothis. And so, in following the example of their hero, the villagers of Annwen honored the Goddess in a manner wholly unique from the Central, Eastern, and Western Churches. For some reason, the Central Church has decided not to object to this, and allowed the people of Annwen to live peaceful lives of their own choosing. Such was the promise sworn by Saint Cichol to the hero Gwyn.
Perhaps this was one of the factors that led to its destruction, for it left the Church unaware and unable to intervene when mages from a more sinister faction began to make frequent visits, making their ill intentions known only once the people of Annwen were fully accustomed and trusting to their presence. Disguised as humble scholars, they were determined to retrieve the fabled Heart of Annwen for their own dark purposes. In a sudden and coordinated attack, they struck down any who dared stand in their way, burning the village to the ground in the process.
One can only imagine the wrath they would have faced if Gwyn were to witness the crimes inflicted upon their beloved village and its people. Perhaps this was why the survivors who managed to escape the initial attack decided with heavy hearts that the time had finally arrived to enact the Rite of Awakening, even at the cost of their own lives.
Though the Rite of Awakening was meant to revive Gwyn from their endless sleep, it is speculated that something more ancient and terrible was summoned forth instead. But what could have gone wrong? The only evidence is a peculiar knife that was found at the scene of the ritual. At first it was ordinary and innocuous in appearance. But once placed in Kitt's hands, it transformed into weapon resembling a Hero's Relic. As its power awakened, so did the rage and torment of the demonic creature whose bones and blood were used to forge it.
But as the legend goes, both hero and demon are one and the same - thus it can be argued that perhaps in some unrecognizable shape and form, Gwyn did return to life.
... A few months after Kitt was rescued by Seteth and Flayn, a handful of dark mages returned to the scene of Annwen's destruction to pick at the ruins, searching for clues on where a certain Crest Stone may be found. One by one they were hunted down and felled without mercy, while a scant few survivors fled back underground to tell the tale. How ironic that those who fancied themselves superior to gods and beasts alike would now flinch at having to contend with a ghost instead.
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Can you do Dazai in love with Fyodor’s sister?
Another one with this sister thing. Thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡ my enemy is my love ♡¸.•'
Dazai x gn!reader
Bsd masterlist
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When Dazai first met you there was not a doubt in his mind you were Fyodor's sibling or related to Fyodor in some other way, I mean name me a Russian from bsd who isn't involved with Fyodor, that's right, there is none.
So naturally Dazai couldn't help but think you would betray him in some way or another and spill all of his secrets to Fyodor.
After warming up to the idea that you weren't going to betray him he started court you.
When you two start going out it's more secretly but once you get more comfortable in the relationship you can start dating and going out more openly, you might even get introduced to the agency but that is unlikely.
When Fyodor finds out about the relationship he is furious and demands you to never see Dazai again in a calm yet deadly manner.
When you refuse to go against your brothers wishes and still go out with Dazai, Fyodor might threaten Dazai's life but when he realises you are truly happy he will start acting more civil and not threaten Dazai with a certain and painful death.
Fyodor wants you to be happy and if that means having to bare seeing Dazai he will do his best not to try and kill the bastard.
Whenever at a gathering of you three Fyodor will talk to you mostly in Russian hoping Dazai hasn't cracked the language yet. If you two know another language (preferably slavic so it doesn't sound like you are talking in two different languages) he will use a mix of both, either to confus Dazai or- no, only to confus him.
Also Dazai will probably make out with you - or try to atleast- to annoy Fyodor, which works well if he may say so himself.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Random food for thought: do y'all think Bram will get an Irish accent? And if so which part of Ireland? Or will he get a different accent or just no accent at all?
Have a wonderful day/night! Sweet dreams to anyone who is going to sleep :)
-with love, Az
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Florrickology, Part 5: Counsellor Desiré "Fuck It, We Ball" Florrick
Back in Part 1, I alluded to this fascinating aspect of my beloved's personality. I have had much to say about her overarching actions re: her role in the story, but it's time to focus on the details of what she actually does and how she actually handles the challenges she faces of the course of the three acts.
What is so interesting about Florrick is that she's presented as character who would be fully Lawful Good: careful, methodical, a planner... but IS she?
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Again, it's important to emphasize that Florrick is a background figure. She's a quest-giver and a story-mover first, and a character last.
As I mentioned in previous installments of Florrickology, what she actually says and does isn't as important as the impression they leave the player with; you aren't supposed to read too much into her literal lines/actions, but rather take them at pretty much face-value and move on with the game, because they mostly boil down to a) moving the plot for more important characters/events and b) video game mechanics.
But as a background character propagandist and Florrick's first and #1 simp, this creates a playground of fun stuff to play with that is actually rooted in canon, because even if you aren't supposed to read into these things, you can and I did.
In Part 1, I said:
I'll have more to say about Desiré "Fuck It, We Ball" Florrick and her personality in another florrickology post, but the long and short of it is that this woman is not afraid of shit and sashays into every situation fully confident in her ability to charm or steamroll it to her liking. "She is used to getting her way", indeed.
Let's dig in deeper, encounter-by-encounter.
"She is used to getting her way" is straight from the dialogue file for the first Florrick encounter conversation, which along with "She should come off as no-nonsense but good" is the only description of her in the files. These definitely set the tone, because what's the first thing Florrick does in the game?
Command the player to assist with search and rescue. She's not really asking, even if she does phrase it in a civilized manner. As far as she's concerned, she's calling the player up (on borrowed authority, as she's only an advisor, not a duke herself) for a mandatory civic duty... even if they're not even Baldurian, or even from this plane of existence. If you think about it, unless Wyll is with you, it makes 0 sense to agree to anything she asks (especially if you don't yet know anything about the overall plot), and all this is an insane thing to ask of a random stranger who just happened to stop by.
I love this because not only is it insane, it's assertive. It's asking for forgiveness, not permission. It's the door-in-the-face technique. It's being so self-assured and confident that she is correct and others will comply because she is correct that it doesn't even occur to her that anyone would refuse. From her perspective, it's probably a small ask considering what she would be willing to do, and proceeds to actually do, for the sake of the greater good and the survival of Baldur's Gate.
My first play through I had literally no clue what the fuck she was talking about, was only tangentially aware that "Baldur's Gate" was an actual place and not the place I currently was, and had not yet synthesized any information about the overall plot, but of course I was immediately like "never arguing with a woman with big brown eyes... whatever you say gorgeous" and would have immediately run to """moonrise towers""" if I had any idea where it was. So needless to say it worked on me.
This blisteringly self-assured and balls-to-the-wall approach to handling every situation follows her throughout the game.
Depending on how you progress through the Act 1 map, she may be the first character who tells you details about Moonrise Towers, the center of this hot new cult on the block, swallowed in shadows so perilous that they can only be attributed to nefarious powers at work... so obviously, she's just like "anyway, I'll see you there."
And then she literally runs off with her ragtag group of surviving Fists, thong and all. No further planning. No correspondence with contacts in the city. It IS the next step in handling this matter in her estimation, which is true and correct, so that's what they'll do.
Fuck it, we ball.
When you meet her again in the Last Light Inn, her Fists have completed a reconnaissance mission to Moonrise (maybe she went with, considering her famously good scouting skills) and determined it to be unassailable, which indicates she considered storming the tower as an option, despite presumably already having rendezvoused with the Harpers who informed her that the tower was guarded by cultists, zombies, and an immortal undead general. (You also find her mid-argument with a Fist, putting him in his place as he questions her authority and she is NOT having it.)
On speaking with her, she promptly voluntells the player's party to investigate the tower further, while she returns to the city to appeal to the council for reinforcements, specifically newfangled Steel Watch units. Then for some reason, she drops this fairly baffling line:
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Baby... what the fuck do you mean?
Does she mean she half-expects to die trying to transverse the shadow-cursed lands, which she's already done with no issues (presumably sheltered by the radiant glow of her gorgeousness)... or does she know or suspect there's something up with the council, which she's never indicated before? I think I missed something in this convo due to being distracted by beautiful she looks in this lighting, but if I didn't, then I guess she's possibly referring to getting past the Absolute's army parked in the way to the city, but regardless...
Fuck it, we ball. It's what she decided to do, so it will be done.
The next time you meet her, she's like a completely different woman. Defeated, head hung, demoralized, just waiting in her cell for execution. She can't escape for Video Game Reasons, but realistically... she definitely could, as a level 11 wizard. She just chooses not to, because as she says herself, she already lost. She failed, and the city will fall, and there's nothing worth living for.
It's shocking to see her in this state because it's so discordant with her previous behavior: head high, spine iron, barking orders.
So, good thing she bounces back immediately! This is again a Video Game Mechanic, but I do find it very in character that her response to even the "I'll beat your ass" rescue option is basically "You're totally right, giving up wasn't very cash money of me."
I've had much to say about the last real Florrick encounter, and how much it sucks ass, but it really is the biggest Fuck It, We Ball moment in the game, because you have to consider:
Florrick knows the player and/or Wyll have killed the avatar of a god. And she confronts them anyway, ready to fight and definitely ready to die. She's already fugitive marked for death; she's already determined that with Ulder fallen, the city is doomed.
Might as well die like she lived, right? Might as well take a mother fucker down with her, right?
All of this subtle chaos and insanity is super fun (also hot) to me because it's like... what is this woman's actual deal? Combined with what I pointed out in Florrickology Part 3, where Wyll implies it's somewhat routine practice for her to up and kill would-be assassins and also scout the wilderness for danger, "moving the plot" and "video game mechanics" add up to one hell of a woman. How does she come off as such an uptight, level-headed person but sometimes act like 5 raccoons stuffed into a distractingly sexy dress?
Truly an icon of a character for us modern-day corporate girlies who just get a little squirrelies sometimes.
Women can truly do it all!
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Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (female)
Genre: angst to fluff, slice of life, slow burn, domestic.
Summary: Your jobs took up most of your time, hence not bring able to spend it on each other. This led to a series of blaming things on one another, only to end up in the arms of the other. Reader also likes Indian food, Reader is very short compared to katsuki.
Warnings: Suggestive, swearing, mentions of not doing things properly, angst, blaming, closer to reality.
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It's already 7:30 pm.
You were supposed to leave the house at 6:45. He hadn't shown up yet, he was running late. Again. For the 5th time this month.
This had been happening since 3 months now, you and katsuki could barely make time for eachother anymore due to your jobs. Whenever you managed to get off of work early, a new villain would choose to shine to the crowd. Mostly it was just pesky burglars, or just Some adult minor going off with a weak quirk to cause trouble. But since your lovely beloved was in the top 3, being the 2nd, he was required to be present at most of the crimes.
His job demanded him and his time immensely and you respected that. But you having to de-prioritise yours everytime to make time for the both of you, for it to not even be used, made it worthless to even try to.
Here you were staring at the clock, waiting for katsuki to get home.
The agency held him back to fill out the paper work for all the crimes he handled this past month. The crimes because of which he could never make it to the planned dates.
As you waited, the clock didn't stop, time flowing like a bottle of wine, it was about to be 8pm in about another 16-15 minutes. 8pm was the time of the reservation you guys booked for the evening. It was to the new restraunt which opened last to last week, it was an Indian one, and you loved it. You wanted to go since the day it opened but like always, you both didn't have the time.
3 minutes later you heard keys jangle into your door, katsukis here.
You got up from the couch and tried your best to scurry in your wine coloured bodycon dress while wearing 4 inch heels to reach katsukis shoulders atleast.
Katsuki entered to see you there, looking so pretty in the dim light. He assumed you turned the rest off, thinking he'd reach sooner and you guys will leave the house
"Fuck, baby, I'm sorry"
"Work is just busting my ass right now. All these idiots are good for nothing. I don't even know why I pay them.They do fucking nothing, it's as if they give me all their fucking Work to complete."
He said as he speed walked towards your shared bedroom to change out of his hero suit to wear a white button up with jeans instead.
That's when you spoke up and said,
"It's fine."
"Not like I had to forget my work and come home early." You mumbled the last line to yourself. Were you pissed? No.
Disappointed? Yes.
You kept quiet and didn't say anything till you guys made it in the car.
"Could we go a bit faster?" You said, "I mean like maybe speed up a bit?"
Katsuki squinted his eyes at you,"I can't just run over the red light Y/N" "plus I'm a hero, I'm bound to follow the law."
The silence between you two was heavy, just the radio in the background and the slightest noise of the air conditioner spewing cold air into your faces.
Soon enough, which was an hour and a half, you guys reached the restraunt. It was 9:30 now, and to your surprise the retraunt closes at 10.
So to make your mood even worse. They couldn't allow you guys to dine. Even though katsuki fought a bit, in a little less civilized manner, they unfortunately could not serve costumers some time before closing.
Defeated and sad you walked back to the car with a fuming and tired katsuki.
Katsuki was tired and hungry from working all day and driving for so long, only to drive back with nothing.
On the way back he sped up a little on the road since it was empty,
That's when you said something "Oh so now you decide to go faster?."
See, now, you were pissed. Not having food made you cranky. Like all the time. And with all the pressure of trying to keep a work-life balance, being hungry was the cherry on top for you.
He turned to look at you on the passenger seat,
He had a look of anger and a little hurt, just a tiny bit. Mostly anger.
"The fuck Y/N?"
"Look I'm sorry about All this delay cause of Me but these comments are unnecessary".
You scoffed and looked ahead instead.
"You should be sorry."
He was still looking at you in utter astonishment and not the road,
That's when you saw a person crossing the road, you screamed " KATSUKI! WATCH THE ROAD!"
Thanks to Katsuki's good reflex he saw and hit the breaks in time.
" I swear to fucking god katsuki! Drive properly!"
" I do drive properly.., it's because of your cribbing this happened." He grumbled under his breath
You heard him, but kept quiet to soothe your own ego.
Katsuki sucked in air through his gritted teeth in annoyance and continued driving in egotistical silence from the both of you.
When you guys reached home, you opened your heels at the door and strutted towards the bedroom to change into your night wear (which consisted of one of katsukis old t-shirts and your little high waisted shorts)
Katsuki grunted as he saw you walking away from him giving him the cold shoulder.
He took off his shoes and went straight to the kitchen rather then changing his clothes. He groaned as he saw the clock while opening the fridge to take out ingredients to make a simple ramen bowl for the two of you.
He was done making the Ramen before you came back. He took two bowls out and served the Ramen in them, garnished it with coriander leaves and sesame seeds with cut up boiled eggs on top.
Soon you walked out of the bedroom towards the living room, you sat on the couch. You could smell delicious food in the kitchen.
But of course you didn't dare get up and have food, that would mean that your submitting to katsuki and that you were wrong.
And obviously you weren't wrong at all! You can never be wrong!.
Katsuki knew you were in the living room,
He heard those changing audios on your phone probably from tiktoks.
He picked up his bowl, leaving yours in the microwave so that it doesn't get cold.
He walked into the living room and sat on the other couch seat parallel to the couch itself, propped his feet up on the center table, turned the T.V on for some national documentary, and slurped on his Ramen. Trying his best to tease you by showing how much he enjoyed his food.
You saw katsuki eating his dinner as If you weren't even there. Where the fuck is my Ramen!?!?! You thought.
You saw him watching the TV, so you increased the volume of your phone so that it would overlap his hearing of the TV.
Katsuki realised what you were doing and increased the volume of the TV,
Now he knew you couldn't beat that with your silly phone in the background. He was in anger from your previous behaviour and actions.
Oh now you were really really pissed
But you knew you couldn't do anything, so you kept quiet.
Glancing at katsuki eating from now and then.
That's when your tummy grumbled, indicating your hungry. And will die of starvation at one point.
See, now katsuki was mad and stubborn as fuck, but not Heartless, especially not to you.
He heard your stomach begging for food,
So he got up, put his bowl in the sink and got yours to the living room for you to eat.
He kept the bowl on the table without a word and just grunted before going back to his seat to watch whatever it was he was watching.
"I'm not hungry" You said, not looking up from your phone
"Hah?" "Eat." Katsuki replied turning around to look at you
"I'm. not. hungry." You repreated
"The fuck Y/N, your just cranky from not having any food, clearly you need to eat." Katsuki replied trying to keep his cool
"I don't want your food." You said,
"Oh so it's on me now? That it's food i made so you won't eat?"...." yknow what leave it." Katsuki replied.
You scoffed "what a joke." You mumbled to yourself, still enough for him to hear though.
"Alright. Enough of this shit, what's the fucking issue Y/N?." katsuki spoke
"The issue? The issue Is that no one cares about my occupation here!"
"I always make time for you but you can never seem to do the same for me!" You replied.
"Well I'm sorry my job requires me to give it my time, It's not like I'm out there SAVING LIVES!"
katsuki exclaimed. Now katsuki valued your work alot, it meant the whole world for you and he appreciated every bit of it. Just that today, both of you were on your toes. Up for fighting, there was rage surging through him and he doesn't know why, just that he needs to steam it off. And without a thought, that's what he's doing.
you got up from your position on the couch and bit back at katsuki, raising your voice higher by each line.
Katsuki screamed back.
you spoke, well screamed while turning around in anger and stomping to the kitchen to make instant noodles and grabbed a pack of chips with a soda can. You were banging the cabinets whenever you opened or closed them to take food. "YEAH GO HAVE THAT FUCKING TOXIC FOOD, YOU CANT EVEN FUCKING COOK FOR THE LIFE OF YOU Y/N. AND YOU HAVE BEEN PRANCING AROUND BLAMING ME?! YOU ARE SO FUCKING UNGRATEFUL! CAN YOU EVER DO ANYTHING PROPERLY!?"
Katsuki Came over to you and snatched the bag of chips and soda can from your hands.
You scoffed in offense and looked at katsuki in amusement, "Y'know what katsuki? You're sleeping on the fucking couch tonight. And don't you dare think about bothering me." You said in a cold tone as you threatened him and got close to him while pointing a finger at his chest.
you spinned on your heel and bee lined for the bedroom, you threw a pillow and a blanket from the bedroom door onto the couch and banged the door close.
Katsuki just stared at the closed door of the bedroom, he sighed in defeat as he began to clean the house a bit. He put away the junk you took out and washed his dirty bowl in the sink.
When he returned to the living room, He saw that the bowl of Ramen was gone, a small smile displayed on his features as he figured you took the bowl with you. He turned off the TV and the kitchen lights, he took the blanket and pillow and layed on the couch trying to sleep.
He was still bummed about the fight. He replayed every single thing he said and realised he didn't even mean more than half of the shit he did say to you... The guilt was eating him alive... for all he knows you might be in a worse situation with yourself right now. He knew your deal with overthinking, you've always had it. The knack to always make things seem for the worse... but it also prepared you for it. Ugh this overthinking was actually killing him. He isn't used to feeling nervous. But then you make him feel everything he never thought he would. He covered his face with his pillow and groaned in agony, full of annoyance and anger on himself.
A few minutes passed and he got impatient, he took his blanket and pillow and sat infront the bedroom door. Waiting for morning to come early so that he could see you and apologise to you.
You sat in the dark room, the only light helping you to see was the moon shining from in between the blinds. You opened the blinds. You sat on the floor, your back resting on the side of the bed as you faced the wall which was a window itself and ate your Ramen in silence. You were thinking of how you could sleep without katsuki by your side.. no matter how mad you are at him, you will always love him twice as much. As you finished your food You looked out the window, it was a crescent moon in the midnight sky it made you remember all those nights you and katsuki used to sneak out of your school's dormitories and meet at the roof of the building in front the local central park. A tear slid down your right cheek... you didn't mean to end the night on bad terms with katsuki... it made you feel so fucking awful.. you sat there as more tears started pouring out of your eyes and soon you were full on crying... trying to keep your sobs in. You figured you weren't gonna get any sleep without katsuki so you wrapped yourself in a blanket, got up while crying, went out of your bedroom just to see katsuki in the doorway with his eyes drooping. He was going in and out of consciousness. You saw him and slowly whispered trying not to cry while you spoke " katsuki? Are you asleep?.. I'm sorry.." your voice cracked " I can't sleep without you... sorry, " You said as more tears flowed from your now swollen eyes.
Katsuki heard you, he wasn't asleep, he couldn't sleep, not without you he can't. He grunted, and opened his arms for you to come to him, you immediately jumped into his arms and cuddled into his chest as you sobbed apologies into his now wet t-shirt. Katsuki palmed your head and rubbed your back to help you let it all out as he too whispered sweet nothings and Apologies into your hair. " I know sweets, I know you didn't meant it. And I'm sorry too I didn't mean any of that fucking shit I just said. I love you so fucking much princess you could never be a bother to me.." katsuki whispered into your ear and kissed you forehead tenderly. As he soothed you, you had fallen asleep in his arms, still sobbing a bit in your sleep. He carried you in his arms as he wrapped you in your blanket like a baby and took you to the bedroom. He layed you down on your side of the bed and went to his. He saw the empty bowl of Ramen which made him sigh in relief, now he knows you ate and didn't starve yourself. He got into the bed beside you as he got covers over the two of you. He cuddled you the rest of the night, giving you small kisses now and then whenever he woke up for a bit. You both finally slept peacefully, in each other's loving embrace.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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Aradia hopped into the Time Vortex as a sprite - but the version of her that emerged is rendered in a less symbolic manner. 
The end of the session is a big deal, so Aradia dressed for the occasion. 
FUTURE apocalypseArisen [FAA] 2:16 HOURS FROM NOW opened private transtimeline bulletin board r0ad t0 the und0ing.
Aradia refers to the result of her plan as the Undoing.
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This is an event which accompanies the destruction of the universe, and is likely triggered by Snowman’s death. Aradia is still a puppet, and there is now no question whatsoever as to her puppeteer's intentions. 
They’re trying to summon Lord English.  
FAA: this private b0ard will and has already served as a l0g 0f past events f0r future selves t0 rec0rd and a guide 0f future events f0r past selves t0 f0ll0w FAA: i d0nt kn0w which half 0f its r0le has been 0r will be m0re imp0rtant FAA: p0ssibly neither is critical since deviati0n fr0m the c0urse is m0stly imp0ssible and reflecti0n 0n its traversal is c0mpletely irrelevant FAA: but im typing this anyway FAA: because im b0red again
Aradia’s dry wit is always a hoot. She’s still mostly emotionless here, even though we know her robot body is capable of having feelings. 
Maybe Aradia was never as void of personality as she was pretending to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was partially an act - a way to detach herself from the grim reality of her situation. 
PAST apocalypseArisen [PAA] 601 HOURS AGO responded to memo. PAA: and here i was thinking we were finished taking 0rders fr0m v0ices!
If the Voices were Horrorterrors, she couldn’t leave them behind by entering a session that they’re part of. We’re looking for an entity located outside the session, who has a vested interest in ending the universe. 
There is basically no chance whatsoever that the culprit isn't Doc Scratch. 
PAA: weve 0nly swapped the imperatives 0f the dead with th0se 0f 0ur future selves PAA: wh0 are als0 dead FAA: yes it seems that way PAA: 0h well it was an enj0yable reprieve fr0m fatalism while it lasted PAA: id nearly managed t0 sav0r it FAA: an err0r narr0wly av0ided then
Aradia’s manipulation is, at this point, completely artificial. The Voices are gone, but Homestuck’s own predestination system has kicked in, ‘forcing’ her to perform certain actions. 
I’ve talked before about how predestination in Homestuck seems to serve the game’s ends, at the expense of its Players - but why would Sgrub want to cause the Undoing? It sent a group of Exiles to rebuild civilization on Alternia, so I don’t know why it would want the planet destroyed. 
This particular instance of predestination seems to benefit Doc Scratch, at the game’s expense. Sgrub might not be the only entity that can twist fate to suit its own ends. 
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
I'm curious as to what would happen if the human, Fiend, Pal, Buddy and the other alliance members met a large variant mimic that isn't affected by the 'Death Spiral' disease, and would a large variant mimic fight another large variant mimic if they met. (I want to know, I am loving the large mimics and I want to know more about them)
Upon seeing a large mimic, they would have similar reactions to before. But upon seeing it acting...civil...it makes the group uneasy. They have always heard that there are some mimics out there that are immune to the death spiral...but those were always just legends. Folktales among the mimic communities. How can a mimic resist the natural spiral into self destruction?? It's unheard of. The human, upon seeing it behaving as normal as any other mimic, would probably not sense the unease among their peers. They would want to approach it, but the rest of the group would force them to stay inside the circle. Understandably...but it's just so...different? It's not making the hair on your neck stand up on end, so they couldn't be that threatening...right? The human, again, would try to approach, but would still be halted. It's a little frustrating. But once the larger mimic moves on elsewhere, the group relaxes. It's a shame they won't let you get close...but maybe there's a reason you just can't sense? Your curiosity grows about that large mimic. The Alliance Members would become on edge the moment it appears. Haven't they've been in this situation before...? No matter. They need to get the human, and themselves, out of here as soon as possible. But upon noticing the peculiar behavior of the large mimic, the group would become puzzled and a little confused. Maybe that mimic was in the advanced stage of deterioration? It doesn't look that sick...however, they had to keep their distance for safety concerns. The human, as oblivious and naive as always, tries to APPROACH the large mimic. The advance was quickly halted. Are you crazy?! You are NOT going near that thing, no matter how "passive" it seems to be! Don't be an idiot, human! The moment it moves off is a relief to to the group. They just gotta leave the area and get the overly-trusting human back to safety. The Mimic Trio would all feel the presence similar to last time...but the sense is different...it's not as aggressive. There's no scent of blood in the air either. That didn't stop them from flinching the moment the large mimic appears. They didn't feel threatened under it's gaze...but there's something chilling about it. The impossibility of a mimic being immune to the death spiral...it's legend. It can't be real, right? For as long as mimics existed, there's always been tales of large mimics that are immune to the natural order of death. Those with discipline and genetic material so strong that it resists it's own self-destructive nature. It's like running into an urban legend...and the sense is familiar. The mimic trio can only freeze as they recognize the sensation. The large mimic...it feels like them. The moment it moves on is when the trio snaps out of their daze and look around in a confused manner. That was an experience they hope they don't have again any time soon. As for if the large mimics would fight, yes they would.
Especially large feral mimics. Sophisticated ones would probably just try to intimidate, but they are also fighter. Two civil large mimics meeting would be INCREDIBLY slim, so it would mostly be feral vs feral or civil vs feral fights.
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lajulie24 · 1 year
It Had to Be You
Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2023 - Day 1: Anniversary / Memory
Inspired by When Harry Met Sally… (companion playlist here)
The first thing that General Han Solo and former Chief of State Princess Leia Organa did after entering the room for the interview was request that the documentary team dispense with their formal titles. Well, that, and give the crew a taste of the playful banter that apparently is a hallmark of their marriage.
“Just Leia, please,” the Princess said, shaking Selsama’s hand warmly. “No need for formalities for us.”
“Speak for yourself, Sweetheart,” Solo countered, giving his wife a sly grin and then turning to Selsama. “You can call me General Prince Consort Grand Real Important His Worshipfulness Han Solo,” he said, as Leia rolled her eyes.
“You think you’re funny, but you’re not,” she admonished him as they sat down, though she was doing a poor job of concealing her smile.
“I’m hilarious, and you love it,” her husband insisted.
Before they began, Selsama went over the basic of the project again – “Love and War,” a retrospective on the Galactic Civil War from the perspective of love and romance, produced in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the Alliance’s decisive victory at the Battle of Endor. This would be one of several interviews with committed mates who had been involved with the Rebellion.
Selsama smiled as the couple settled in close to one another on the small loveseat. Though their gray hair and wrinkled features definitely showed the four decades since the war, their expressions and manner towards one another immediately brought to her mind the candid holos of them from the war archives. Which, impossibly, seemed to have mostly been taken before they were officially together.
“So, let’s get started with something basic. Tell us about how you met,” Selsama said.
Now Leia was the one who had a bit of a mischievous look in her eyes. “The first time we met, we hated each other,” she began.
“You didn’t hate me, you ordered me into a trash compactor!” Han protested.
“You broke into an Imperial detention area with no plan to get out! And then you nearly got us killed.”
“Well, we both did that. We almost got smashed in that trash compactor, remember?”
“Oh, I remember,” Leia replied. “You helped me stay on top of the garbage.”
Han and Leia paused and smiled at each other, as if there were more to that memory than what they were saying. Well, it was Selsama’s job to capture that, so she was going to do her damnedest to do so.
“What were your impressions of each other, during that first meeting?”
“Bossy,” Han blurted out, and Leia scowled at him. “I know, I know, I didn’t like being told what to do, and you decided you were the boss of me five seconds in.” He grinned at his wife. “I did tell Luke you had a lot of spirit. Always liked that.”
Leia smiled back. “I thought he had a lot of courage,” she told Selsama. “We were in a tough situation, and he didn’t back down. We were going to escape or die trying.”
More shared looks between them, a conversation all of its own.
“Tell us a little bit about how you got together. When did that happen?” Selsama asked.
Han and Leia looked at each other for a beat, and then Han turned toward the camera again and shrugged. “‘S hard to pick an exact moment. We met, we escaped the Death Star, I left…”
“And then you came back,” Leia added. “And helped destroy it.” She had a rather smug look on her face for some reason.
“You knew I would.”
“I had a good feeling,” Leia continued, “that you were more than you seemed. And you stayed.”
“Right,” Han continued. “And then we became friends. We were friends for a long time.”
“And then we weren’t.”
“And then we fell in love.”
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liliallowed · 5 months
LV Triangle: Abandoned Family(or Abandoned Route) AU thought
The possibility of Frisk redoing Y/Ns routine and mannerisms to the point where one of their first words is either Crimson's name or Dust's name
They don't even fully know why they know those words or what real meaning they have-
Frisk just starts becoming a parrot, repeating things Y/N would say
If they managed to make conversation I feel like it would kinda be like a Bumblebee situation from Transformers, just putting different words/sentences they've heard together to say a mostly well conveyed thought
content warning: verbal abuse. psychological abuse. stabbing. angst
stop it stop T A L K I N G.
they muttered glaring at the child.
they child studders, as they muttered jumbled words in silence.
he had the same idea of wanting to quiet frisk but not like this.
he slammed crimson's soul to the floor.
don't take it out on them you hypocrite.
they giggle.
why not? it's not like they actually FEEL it anyway. just like the rest of those fucking idiots I killed. they won't remember what's the fucking poi-
he pointed their knife to their throat.
how about you take your own advice hm? stop talking.
PFFFFT... oh it's almost fucking NOSTALGIC. why act so civil? y/n isn't here they can't be disappointed again. why hold back NOW? or we can just go kidnap them again~ wanna bet who'd catch them first? wanna make it a race-
he plunged the knife to their shoulder cutting them off.
don't make me dismantle that stupid mouth of yours.
do you actually think this mimick of a person matters?
it's what's left of them...
hah! you're even worse than me! treating that husk like itsya parting gift of y/n! you're pathetic. you don't see it as a person either DO YOU?
it doesn't matter what I think. I know y/n would want to protect them. object. husk. it doesn't matter if it's important to y/n then I won't let you break it.
they left frisk behind. do you really think they are that important to them.
he sighs as he turns around walking away.
there's no reasoning with you. must've hit a nerve to be abandoned again.
he chuckled leaving them in the room as he gestured frisk to follow him.
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kitshiki · 5 months
        001.  /  kitsune hamlet worldbuilding
what does rai love doing more than completely off the cuff worldbuilding for small isolated populations from which only like 1-2 canon characters come from. nothing. so let's geaux.
⠀◦◞ ORIGIN ﹗
this was lightly foregrounded in the interview i wrote for nishiki ( where i sprinkled in some original lore surrounding the kitsune hamlet ) but the kitsune of hoshido believe in a fairly uniform creation story that explains how they got to be where they are today:
it's believed that in the ancient times, hoshido was once a land of mostly water and swamp, the majority of it uncultivable and uninhabitable. mankind at this time lived in pockets of civilization, separated from one another. during a time of great famine, the goddess o-inari descended from the heavens to aid life in this land, bringing with her her children and servants: the foxes  
o-inari exists in the kitsune mindset as a being separate from the dragon-gods of fates lore, originating from a different place ( heaven ). there is no apparent relation between the two beliefs systems  
the legend continues that after saving life from starvation, o-inari departed again for heaven, but left her children behind as stewards of the land in her stead. as time passed however, people forgot the purpose of the foxes, and grew to see them as any other animal. from the foxes' watchful, playful, and secretive manner, they drew many stories that painted them as malicious and selfish tricksters. they grew to fear them and see them as omens of bad luck, and then finally to hunt them for the beauty of their fur  
defenseless, the foxes prayed for help, and o-inari descended again. she made for them a home in the mountains of hoshido and established the kitsune hamlet, a place where they could live safe and peacefully free from human persecution. and to defend themselves from incursions, she granted them human-like intelligence, a unique magic ( the power of illusion ), and the ability to transform and hide themselves. this was the beginning of the modern-day kitsune race  
the age of this story far transcends the life of any living kitsune today, so none of them know exactly how long ago this was said to be. but it is how they've lived ever since, passing down this story and the cautionary tales of humans that hated and feared them
accordingly with the above legends, the kitsune see themselves as descendants of the god/goddess o-inari, an essentially genderfluid being, though she is often depicted in artworks with feminine features and often colloquially referred to in feminine terms. o-inari is believed to be a goddess of fertility, agriculture, and abundance, and is thus also associated with goods like rice, bread, sake, and cotton.
o-inari is believed by the kitsune to be a kind goddess who detests violence since bloodshed is antonymous with the bounty that she represents. she is depicted to be sheltering, as when she chose to shield the foxes and give them the means to defend themselves rather than punish the humans that hunted them. however, there are stories passed down that show that o-inari can also be strict and vengeful; at times, she is shown wielding a sword or a sickle of heaven with which she burns huge swaths of crops.
o-inari herself is believed to be a shapeshifter, another trait passed down to the kitsune in the form of their illusory magic. in certain stories, she appears in various forms such as snakes or humans or spiders.
reciprocity, one of the strongest tenets of kitsune culture that nishiki shows us in canon, also is rooted in their belief system. it is believed that o-inari greatly emphasized and praised reciprocity and the repaying of debts, as the constant ongoing cycle of give and take between individuals and societies was what generated the karma that allowed the world to turn, and thus abundance to spread. it's believed that without reciprocity, the karma of the world would shrivel and decay, leading eventually to the end of all life. to demonstrate reciprocity and live by this tenet, therefore, is to show great respect to o-inari as well as to honor the cycle of life and the laws of heaven. concurrently, it's believed that shirking reciprocity is an actively harmful act unto life itself, and that heaven keeps a checkbook of sorts on how good you've been about it, and thus how much karma you've helped to generate.
some other worldbuilding that's more directly related to the kitsune race and hamlet life:
just like o-inari herself, kitsune are genderfluid beings conceptually. they believe that the older a kitsune grows, the more powerful they become, and at certain benchmarks in age, one gains the qualities of masculinity and femininity equally. it's unclear exactly what this means functionally as the kitsune tend to only talk about it in spiritual terms, but nishiki would tell you that the elders of the hamlet that were centuries old were definitely no longer defined by a singular gender  
kitsune are not illiterate, but due to spending most of their time in fox form and usually only taking humanoid shape for either convenience or when traveling outside the hamlet, reading and writing aren't large parts of their native culture. instead, they have a strong oral tradition; stories and legends are passed down by word of mouth and occasionally through artwork. this is supplemented by the kitsune's naturally long memory  
leading the kitsune hamlet is like leading a colony of street cats. though kitsune still retain some natural inclinations toward the sense of community and belonging ( we see some of this in nishiki's hinata support ), they're much less socially-bound than humans, and nishiki's behavior of coming and going from the hamlet for long stretches of time with no set return date, etc. is not uncommon. as a result, leadership among kitsune is a loosely-defined term, and there aren't a lot of rules, structure, or determinate hierarchy among the kitsune, nor much sense of obligation. the chief takes on some sense of doing what's best for the hamlet and protecting it from danger, but outside of times of strife, don't assume much of a leadership role from day to day and everyone is more or less allowed to do what they want. in essence, the chief exists as the point of decision-making in emergencies when one is needed, but other than that the social structure is very laissez-faire. the position of chief is also at least partly hereditary, as seen by nishiki telling us that his father was chief before him  
this individuality, independence, and loose attitude toward social structure, along with the kitsunes' aversion to violence, is ultimately why they lose the battle to defend themselves so spectacularly against a trained and disciplined army despite the danger that an individual kitsune poses and the advantage they had of being on home turf
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