#I'm crying into my tea I love them so much look at them aLL AGGRESSIVELY TAKING CARE OF ONE OF THEIR OWN
greenunoreversecard · 4 months
Kai,llyod, and Cole hc of them with a s/o that's kinda like a child of aphrodite from pjo? A bit more like piper though, they hate their gift and have to deal with cat callers alot?
I got cat called by way older men on the way home so this would be really comforting.
A/N:sorry it took so long to get this out for you. Ik my words can't offer much, but I'm sorry you get catcalled, it's not a fun feeling.
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader
individual headcanons of kai, cole and lloyd with a stunning S/O
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Kai, despite being extremely similar to his element in a multitude of ways, is an utter gentleman.
Hes always respectful of you, and makes sure to ask before he touches you in anyway, and is respectful with his eyes as well
With this said, as you guys grow close and start dating, he becomes uber protective of you.
He knows your very stunning.
And he knows others know that as well.
But alot of times, these people are creepy and go about saying: "hi, your outfit is cool" weirdly
And so he won't hesitate to punt a bitch into the sun
Most likely to throw a punch before a word leaves the creeps mouth.
And if your ever feeling gross and icky bc of the creeps?
Bros pulling out every stop.
Hes getting Zane to make a 10 course Michelin star meal, he's getting your comfort items, a hoodie (yours or his, doesn't matter) and he's becoming a 10/10 massager
Hes getting self care items, and a bath along with movies and cuddles with a side of shoulder to cry on
But if you get angry about the creeps??
He eggs you on. Agrees with you"YEAH BABE, FUCK THOSE ASSWIPES"
he will actively encourage any fist fights fights want to start with them
Hes your number 1 hype man, as well as comforter
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This man worships the ground you walk on. Just generally
Also drinks the respect tea (all of them do)
Hes always telling you how amazing you look, and even gives advice for anything you may need
Clothes? Food? Whatever hobby your working on?
He just has a eye for style of all categories
Hes generally also more down to earth, and realizes its much more than looks that makes a person
Which is why it takes him a bit longer to confess, as he wanted to get to know you better first (this man is demiromantic and demisexual)
Hes also fucking oblivious
So when people are more... sly about their intentions, like wording and such, he prolly won't notice
But the second he gets wind of what they are tryna pull
Hes super passive aggressive
And he slings a arm around your shoulder, or hides you behind him
Trys to talk it out first, and if they don't catch the hint they will catch his hands
Hes not... great with comfort tbh
His mom's dead and his dad's lowkey emotionally unavailable so he's not good at it
But he will rub your back when you cry, and buy takeout
He'll also prolly ask kai or Jay about how to comfort you better, bc both had either a sibling or parent.
He would ask Nia buts she's a younger sibling with a emotional brick wall of a brother so it's next to never she did some comforting.
Hes a little confused when it comes to comfort but Hes got spirit
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He has always been a little silly
So expect to bark at your aggressors
Idk why I just see him barking at your catcallers
Besides that
Hes always relied more on personality for if he likes someone, like cole
Not that kai doesn't care for personality he does, but looks plays a bigger factor for kai than they do cole and lloyd
Off topic
Lloyd doesn't make a big deal how you look. Like doesn't comment on your outfits like cole.
Doesnt mean he doesn't think you don't look nice, bc he thinks you look lovely always
But moreso doesn't give a fuck
Wear a potato sack, or go naked, he doesn't give a fuck he just wants to get to the mall before it closes to he can check out the anime shops
He Def has a idrc additude, especially in dragon rising i feel, so I think if you want compliments you'd have to be outright about it, whereas the other two just kinda;"aww my partner is lovely🥰🥰"
And he's like;"babe, love you to bits and pieces but hurry the fucketh upeth I wanna get there before the fucking store closes"
And bc of that he's also the worst at comfort
Like he's always been told to suck it up so he kinda just is like... cool you done? And stands there awkwardly. He will get better with time, but please explain how to help better for future moments bc he was a Lil scared when you started crying.
Anyways back to the beginning about when mfs are being creepy
Barks at them
Fr barks
Bc it weird them out and he thinks it's funny
Or just tries to be as weird as possible
Like starts acting possessed
Crawls backwards on all fours like the lady from the ring or smth
If generally weirdness doesn't work he fights them
Though he tries to scare them off first
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sillysillygoofygoose · 10 months
Dad Toji Headcanons!
Dad Toji, who is honestly a terrible father. Down right horrendous, boy failure, bad father. But he's trying his absolute best.
Dad Toji, who feeds a barley-teethed Megumi medium rare steak and is shocked when his son freaks out at the chewy texture he's unable to break down with his small and few pearly whites. Toji, however, still sneaks him food like he's a dog after being scolded by you.
"Shh sh, eat eat eat. Good boy, don't let mommy see."
Dad Toji, who loves taking pictures of his little boy. Megumi in a new outfit, Megumi on the playground, Megumi holding onto your neck, his unamused expression contrasting your bright smile... all of it is "professionally" captured on his beaten up iPhone 11.
Dad Toji, who thinks his son's attitude is the funniest thing ever.
"Baby look, I'm tickling the damn kid and he's fucking pissed!"
"Toji, please don't say 'fucking' in front of Megumi."
"HAHAHAHAHAHA, that's my boy! Say it again, Gumi!"
Dad Toji, who does not support the neck. This man holds his kid, his own flesh and blood, like a stylish tote bag. Tucked under his arm horizontally, suspended in the air as Toji grips onto his collar, upside-down held onto by the ankle. It just seems to get worse and worse every time Toji picks him up. However, the little boy remains completely unbothered and unfazed by his father's careless antics.
Dad Toji, who kinda wanted a girl. He would learn how to do her hair (and would fail miserably, but it's the thought that counts), he would play tea party with her, and would definitely tell her first boyfriend the most embarrassing stories he can think of, right after giving the young man the nastiest death stare as he walked into the house. Oh well, you'll just have try again! Maybe it will be a girl this time.
Dad Toji, who gets so nervous when Megumi starts crying. Not necessarily because of the cries, but because he has no idea how to stop them. It's like an alarm clock with no snooze button.
"Stop. Gumi, stop it. C'mon why are you crying? Stop." Toji, the baby can't understand you. He tries patting his back, or even better, just staring at him. Eventually Megumi stops crying when Toji gathers him up in his arms, bouncing him up and down a little too aggressively.
Dad Toji, who forgets kids are kids.
"Dad, I drew this picture of you." Five year old Megumi waddles up to his dad, handing him a colorful and sloppy drawing of a skinny structure of a man.
"Hm very cool bud. Does this really look like daddy though?" Toji scratches his head, looking at the very endearing drawing.
Megumi looks at his father with a deadpan glare, small fists balled up at his sides.
"Oh okay, little man."
Yikes, that kid is kinda scary.
Dad Toji, who genuinely loves Megumi and spending time with him. He's excited to watch his son grow into a young man and has a feeling he'll be much more helpful to him when he gets older. Girls, cheap marijuana, rebellion... yeah, that's much more up Toji's alley than singing the ABC's and speaking in a saccharine baby voice.
Dad Toji, who's not a perfect father, not even a good one but he is a father. And he's trying his best.
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ambiguous-perfection · 9 months
friends with benefits.
Another day, another mission. Your apartment door creaks open slightly illuminating the darkness of your apartment. You could hear the slight hum of cars in the distance... workers starting their 3am shifts, you thought to yourself. You feel the ache in your core, arms and legs as you drag yourself to the bathroom to just get cleaned up. You'd hated if the bed got soiled with whatever splattered on your uniform attire a few hours ago. The though of it made you gag.
You put your daggers and weapons aside, peeled off your clothing and headed into the shower.
The vibration of your cell interrupted the last step of your skin care routine. You put down your lip balm once you're done and approached your phone.
"R u up"
Not even a question mark. You thought to yourself.
You knew what he wanted. But at this time?
an immediate reply from Gojo
"im here'
A knock at the door startled your tired conscious. You answered the door in just your towel. He's going to want everything off anyways, so why bother. Gojo looked composed, still in his uniform but had a distant, distracted look in his eye as he smiled his nonchalant smile.
"I didn't mean to bother you this late."
"Oh, don't worry about it, I just finished a mission."
You let him in as you usually do, you hear his shoes clatter at the door as he took them off with your back towards him. You were about to offer him some tea before you felt his hand grip your elbow as Gojo turned you towards him. He kisses you aggressively, passionately. You let your towel fall to the floor as you help him unbutton his pants, he let those fall to the floor while he unbuttoned his top. His hot tongue invading your mouth as he pushes you onto your bed. His mouth never leaving yours as he threw off his shirt, your hands gripping his back, unaware that you were that desperate for his touch, his kisses, his warmth.
You let yourself cry out as he enters into you. Again and again. Your mouth never leaving his, but only for the small gasps of breaths you needed to take. Gojo grips your thighs as he thrusts hard into you. Breathless pants fill the silence in your room while he pounds mercilessly into you. You love it, you love the fact that it felt like he was desperate to fuck you. You loved how he wordlessly knew exactly what to do, exactly where to grip and touch.
"I'm coming." he gasps.
You answered in groans and gasps, reeling from the pleasure only he can give.
He thrusts his final thrust into you and collapsed on top of you. You could see beads of sweat from the moonlit beams from your window. You realized he didn't pull out like he usually does and moved from on top of you to your side and pulls you closer into his embrace. You felt his member leave your body after a while but Gojo remained next to you, arms around you, both your breathing slowing with every breath. He still hasn't spoken but his embrace remained firm.
In that moment, you felt the familiar ache of yearning and a horrible realization that you loved him. All those moments after a passionate session you notice he lingers next to you, he gets up to shower (treating the damn place like his own), makes you breakfast, asks about your day and tells you about his. Days where he 'didn't feel like it' he'd ask you out to lunch, with 'just you' cause 'he's bored' and stubbornly claiming that it's just what friends are for! in his ridiculous singsong voice. You joke about how his definition of friends with benefits is basically him being a boyfriend.
"Satoru-chan, aren't you acting too much like my boyfriend??"
You see the corners of his mouth lift producing a slight chuckle then brushes you off by changing the subject. Always. Every time.
You suggested a friends with benefits situation because you knew you were afraid when one thing led to another 2 months ago. You didn't tell him how you felt, you just kissed him when you both were about to go your own separate ways to your respective apartments. He kissed back, and teleported you back to his room where he tore your clothes off and ravished you on his bed.
You were afraid to get attached, to love, then to lose him. You were afraid of his rejection before, yet you yearned for him. You were afraid of the risks, so you opted for pure physical fulfilment. And maybe he was afraid too? Why else, would he agree so quickly for a quick fuck now and again and brush you off so quickly when you joke about labels and your friendship.
As you doze off into sleep a little part of you wishes that if jujutsu sorcery didn't exist, if you and Gojo were just normal human beings living normal lives without the daily stress of dying, would he tell you he loved you? Would he feel the same?
Awaken by the sounds of morning birds chirping outside your room and Gojo's feather-like kiss on your cheek then your shoulder. You felt him linger with his eyes on you. You kept your eyes closed and pretended to still be asleep when you hear a little whisper.
"I love you."
Then his receding footsteps to the door, the clatter of his shoes as he puts them on and shuts the door behind as he leaves yet again.
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pigeonrobespierre · 11 months
Ok so gomens season 2 watching experience
- laptop and prime crashed as soon as I clicked on it.
- frew up from HYPE after the first ten seconds...
- also LOTS of jumping around my bedroom
- ???
- kept checking off my "speculations" notes AND I GOT SMTH LIKE 70% OF IT RIGHT. So I consider it a win
- died halfway thru because I drank TOO MUCH EXPRESSO AND MILK today.
- nausea again bc HOLY FU-
- kept mumbling and growling
- I hissed a few times too..
- ..was mainly because I kept looking at Azi and thinking "I WANNA BITE HIM, I WANT A HUG I WANNA *cuteness aggression* yes."
- I love all the characters. I LOVE THEM.
- it is now 7am. I will be rewatching at a Lil party I'm throwing this afternoon to watch with my friends I CAN'T WAIT FOR THEIR REACTIONS Hehe.
- happy they got their good ending at least but AGHHH?
-... Ineffable suffering really.
- Muriel baby I loved every interaction <3 THE AWKWARD CUP OF TEA HOLDING
- (mind you I spoiled myself both EVERY and the plot of the first two eps but I WAS STILL IN AWE)
- I wanna yell, cry, roll on the floor, throw confetti. The waiting and seeing PAID OFF
- Magic show 💕💕💕
- David being a mess of limbs <3
- only thing I'm sad about is there were too few ducks sobs
- I wanna both slap and bite every single one of them. All them characters.
- NINA AND MAGGIE my beloveds
- the plants 💕💕
Really WHILE I'm hurting from the ending, I find it fits really!! It's ALL SO GOOD. I'm Loving the plot, the new characters, the relationships. I DEFINITELY AM ALREADY WAIT-AND-SEEING FOR A THIRD SEASON!!
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worldismyne · 1 year
The Longest Sleepover: Ch 15 (End)
Summary: The first year of school did not go as planned for Harv and he’s never felt more alone. That is, until a loud kid from the saga studies course decides they’re best friends now.
(Year 1 AU, Harv deals with homophobia, Finn is oblivious.)
Series: Warrior U
Pairing: HarvFinn
Rating: T
Ao3 Link
Harv approached his home for the first time in weeks. The goats trotted about excitedly hoping for a treat or a head pat. He practically had to escort Finn to the door to keep them from munching on his very expensive clothes. Harv breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the clang of hot iron under a hammer. With his father in the smithy, it would make things easier. He entered the house with Finn close behind, his hands trembled as the door clicked shut behind him. His mother looked up from the fire pit casually, only to knock over her stool to run toward him.
"Harv!" She held him close, placing kisses on his head and cheeks. "I've been so worried." She looked over his shoulder at the stranger Harv had let into their home. Finn shifted uncomfortably and offered an awkward wave hello. "Is this your friend?" She asked.
"...In a way." Finn said. Harv peeled himself out of his mother's grasp.
"I brought money," Harv reached in his satchel and pulled out a coin purse, "it's not a lot, but it's a start."
"Harv, you don't need to do that." Clover tried to push it away, but Harv insisted.
"Is that what dad thinks too?" He asked. Her expression faltered and she ushered them to sit at the table. Finn took a seat next to him, clearly uncomfortable, but uncertain what to say.
"We saw your duel the other day," his mother said pouring tea, "it was very promising." Then they also had seen Finn crawling all over them. Harv took the tin cup a tad aggressively and sighed.
"I'm not going back." He said.
"I know." She said. "You'll do great at whatever you do, it's just a shame to see you give up so quickly." His grip tightened on the cup.
"This was a bad idea, we should-" Harv began, Finn laid a gentle hand on his arm.
"Harv deserves an apology." Finn said. "At the very least listen to what he has to say." Harv settled a little in his chair as Finn squeezed his arm. Harv knew running away had hurt his parents, his siblings, and he could only imagine the burden it put on the farm.
"I did everything I could to make you happy," Harv said, "but the one time I asked for something you didn't listen. You... made it sound like I was just being over emotional, but I was just tired of letting everyone down. I didn't like who I was becoming either." He took Finn's hand in his own. "Now that I'm on my own, at least this way I can help without... Without being a bad influence on my siblings."
"Harv, we've always been proud of you." His mother looked like she wanted to cry. "I just wanted to fix what was hurting you." She noticed the way he tensed. "I never meant to disregard your feelings. We love you so much. The last thing I wanted was for you to feel like you were hurting this family. I'm sorry."
"Then why..." Harv took a deep breath. "Why did you hide what was happening from my brothers? You told them I was looking for a cure, but I'm not. I'm staying at the witch's house because I want to." That was what hurt the most, how easily his parents had written over what he wanted without thinking of how it made him feel.
"They're just so young..."
"Even Rhodri?" Harv said. He knew his brother had already talked about courting someone rich. Those discussions seemed perfectly fine, but the moment Harv's feelings for Trevor had come up, suddenly it was taboo. "This is why I'm not coming back. I know it's been difficult, but... I have to be able to talk about myself without it being some kind of secret."
"I understand." His mother said sadly.
"And I'm not talking to dad until he's ready to apologize." Harv said, knowing the likelihood of that happening was poor at best. "If Puck or Biggie ask where I am, please tell them. I don't want them to feel like they can't talk to me." She nodded, but he could tell he'd have to ask Rhodri to pass that message along. "I just wanted to let you know I'm okay." He stood up from the table and offered her a tense hug. All in all, things could have gone worse, but he still felt like he'd reopened a healing wound. "I love you mom."
"I love you too honey." She let him go, biting her lip all the while.
"Come on Finn, let's go." Harv said. Finn hurried behind him, their tea left to cool on the kitchen table. They exited the farmhouse just as Puck had begun to bring out the goat's feed. He left the open bag where the goats could feast and ran toward them.
"Harv!" Puck clung to his leg. Harv crouched down hugging him so tight it almost hurt.
"Sorry buddy, I have to go." Harv said. The young child clung to him tighter.
"No, you can't leave. You're not allowed." Puck cried. It was hard for Harv to pry his sibling off him, but he couldn't hear the telltale sound of metalwork coming from the smithy anymore.
"Ask Rhodri to bring you over for a visit." Harv whispered in the boy's ear. "I'm sorry I have to go, but I do." He let go of his brother, despite the younger's protests. He wanted more time, but he caught sight of his father leaving the shed. They briefly made eye contact and Harv panicked. "Finn, we need to go now." They ran to the cart; his brother chased after them, nearly breaking his heart.
They drove back to the witch's house and as soon as the cart came to a stop, Harv sat in silence. Finn leaned against him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Harv's shoulders shook.
"They just need more time Harvey." Finn said sweetly, though his heart ached for the warrior. Things certainly could have gone better, but at the bare minimum they'd gotten an apology of sorts. "You'll be able to see your brothers again. Emet hangs out with Rhodri some time, we can talk to them through those two." Harv nodded mutely, trying his best to gain control of his emotions. "I'm sorry it didn't go how you hoped." Harv leaned his head against Finn's. It would be a while before he'd feel grounded enough to guide the sheep back to their shed. He'd get there eventually. For now he was content with Finn holding him.
The night of Finn's first performance with his band was... well Harv wasn't an expert, but it was not good. He'd found himself in the same music club Trevor took them to, though he went out of his way to pick a different seat. It was a small gig, with Finn's band opening for a headlining act. Unfortunately, the group still hadn't agreed on a band name and Shad was able to declare them Algal before either member could speak.
As they played their opening number, the crowd turned their attention away, talking over the performance. Some younger audience members even tried talking to Beatus who was actively playing. At the back of the room some of the gruffer attendees were tossing around a ball to keep them entertained. Where they had gotten it, Harv had no clue. Harv could see the disinterest take its toll during Finn's solo, as the blond caught sight of just how many people didn't care.
At the end of the first song, Harv swallowed his pride and stood. He clapped and cheered, generally making an utter fool of himself to be heard over the other concert goers. It caused Finn to light up with a brilliant smile and launch into his next song.
By the end of their set, the headliner still hadn't gotten ready, causing Finn's group to stall for time. They played more experimental pieces and even some of the earlier songs again when they still had to buy time. People grew restless, chanting the name of the group they actually came to see over them playing. At long last, the main act came on stage to a cheering, drunk audience and Finn was set free. Harv's empty table was suddenly swarmed by three tired bards.
"No one threw things at us!" Shad cheered, and the other bards celebrated less enthusiastically.
"The bar is that low, hunh?" Harv asked.
"Oh Harvey, no one appreciates the arts like you do." Finn sighed, snuggling up against him with a mischievous glint.
"It's not the art he's a fan of." Beatus rolled his eyes.
"Even better." Finn said and stuck out his tongue. "The last thing you need is a fan."
"Unfortunately, the bar is that low." Shad said with a sigh. "It's hard to establish yourself with less formal venues to attend at. People think since they see you walk to the stage, they're entitled to treat you the same as someone from the audience."
"Even harder since we'll have to change the name." Finn pouted. "Algal doesn't say anything about the band. It should be Fabulux or something that represents the sound, not some random thing only you know."
"I still think it should be a symbol." Beatus said.
"No one's going to know how to pronounce that." Harv added.
"Thank you, Harvey." Finn said, lacing their fingers together. "Majority rules, no symbols."
"You use your boyfriend to weigh the vote in your favor." Shad said, sensing a dangerous powerplay in motion. "He's not technically in the band anyway."
Even with everyone bickering around him, Harv smiled. Finn's friends could care less whether they were dating or not, and were rather encouraging all things considered. Finn never denied it when the term was flung as an insult, despite the fact that technically they hadn't discussed being exclusive yet. He knew when they'd get home, Leenan would be waiting to hear how the concert went and give Harv his next list of tasks. Finn would vent about the backstage drama and the pros putting them in a tough spot, and they'd stay up as late as possible before Harv would have to go back to his own room. If he opened his window a crack, he'd be able to hear Finn practicing the lyre a few doors down and be lulled to sleep by the sounds of Finn's music.
"Harvey, is everything okay?" Finn poked his cheek, having noticed his mind was elsewhere.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Harv said. "You think next time we could snag an extra ticket for my brothers?"
"Absolutely!" Finn shook him a little. "The more plants we have in the audience the better. I will not be upstaged by a ball in the audience again."
"Of course you won't." Harv pecked Finn's forehead. The blond gasped, a brilliant twinkle in his eye.
"Did you see that!?" Finn couldn't help but taunt. "Did you?" His friends rolled their eyes, already used to Finn's obsessive fascination with public displays of affection, no matter how small. No matter what Harv did, as long as Finn was by his side, he knew he'd never face silence again.
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petitelepus · 2 years
If you're still doing Twisted Wonderland matchups, could I have one?
Pronouns are she/her, I'm a Leo, my mbti is intp, and I'm autistic
My hobbies are baking/cooking, drawing/writing, painting, and gaming. I also love studying animals and nature, and care deeply about the environment. I love learning new things about animals regardless how "weird" or "gross" the facts I learn are, and I have no real "favorite" one because they're all so awesome. Although, I do have a little doggie named Charlie and I love him so, so much, and I also have a softspot for stereotypically "scary" animals like sharks and ravens and all that.
I also love collecting plushies, and the rarer and more unique the design/animal they are the better. But I also absolutely love big ones, that are really squishy so I have something to hug at night. My style is also kinda girly, I can't quite afford all the pieces I'd need for it but I really wanna adopt the pastel goth look. I do really like pairing cutesy pink with black leather and spikes/studs.
My favorite place to be is the beach, I love the sound and smell there and even though I can't swim well enough, I love just playing in the shallows when the waves are big so I can see how long I last without getting knocked over. Other than that though, my other favorite places are arcades and amusement parks. Basically places that are all fun and games, but also kinda childish.
As a friend/lover, I'm extremely loyal can cannot conceve being anything but that. And while I'm not always good with words for the situation, I'm always willing to be a shoulder to cry on. It's hard for me to meet new people and make new friends because I have resting bitchface and I'm shy, but I love /having/ friends and hanging out with them. I'm introverted so I'll need alone time, but still. I'm very physically affectionate in public or otherwise, and I'm always ready to give gifts or make food for people I care about. I say and take things very literally, so when I give a compliment it's always sincere. But that also means I don't do well with people being sarcastic or snarky with me, because I end up thinking it's mean. And god forbid you get passive aggressive with me, because I WILL die on the inside and never speak to you again.
I also don't like being in a crowded space without a good enough distraction, and being yelled at aggressively gives me an overload. I also have a case of "gifted kid" syndrome and the burnout has very much cemented itself in me already from it, but I also have "eldest daughter" syndrome so I'm used to doing favors/errands/chores for others all the time. When I'm doing nothing, I tend to play with my hands, and if I'm happy or excited I tend to do some idle little dance in place. When I'm particularly nervous or upset, I'll tuck my hair behind my ear even if it's already there. What calms me down is tea, classical music, and/or something that makes me laugh.
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I match you with Azul Ashengrotto!
You're passionate and creative and those show in your drawings, stories, and paintings. Heck, even the way you cook or bake can be creative! You could assist in the kitchen or work as a waiter in Mostro Lounge. Azul would love it because it would mean that the two of you could work close to each other.
The young man admires such passion and encourages you to do what you love most, like studying the most bizarre and scary animals.
A dog? Well, Azul doesn't mind them as long as they are potty trained. It would spell a disaster if your Charlie would do his business in Mostro Lounge. People spend money to eat in cafes with cats living there, maybe Charlie can lure in some dog-lovers?
Azul has seen your plush collection and to make it even better, he has started to collect octopus and squid plushies for you. You once said that tentacles reminded you of him and he wants to be in your mind all the time. As much as he would love to be one you hug in your sleep, the replica of his octopus form will do the job.
You are so adorable when you put on your favorite pastel skirt and the leather jacket with spikes on your shoulders. He knows and understands the look you are after, but by the Seven Great Ones, you are adorable.
You love the beach, yet can't swim? Azul might have a deal for you...?
He knows some powerful magic and he is certain that he can give you a tail and gills if you want to go see his home under the water in the Coral Sea. He would love to take you to his family restaurant and meet his parents and grandparents.
Azul isn't used to rollercoasters or such since such things don't exist under the sea, but he is willing to try them for you. Once the poor guy gets out, he wobbles straight to the closest trashcan and empties his stomach. Thank God the twins weren't there or they would laugh and mock him. You end up sitting on a bench and gently petting his head as he rests his head against your thighs.
If someone asked why Azul fell for you, the first thing he would say is how different you were from the rest of the people. He admits that you started out as a client, but after the Overplot he started to open up and found you standing there and waiting for him.
Yes, you were shy and had trouble making friends, but thanks to that warm shoulder and kindness of yours, Azul could rely on you at his weakest.
He adores things you do or get for him. When he is feeling down you hug him close so he can hear your heart beating in your chest and offer to listen and tell him how you feel about him. How amazing, kind and unique he is and how you love him. He knows you're a very literal person and how much your words mean, so he knows you mean them. Those are guaranteed to cheer him up and he happily returns your hugs.
Azul never acts sarcastic or passive-aggressive with you since he has no reason to. You never try to start fights or such and he is similar. Personally, he dislikes any sort of argument and prefers to solve things peacefully instead of yelling and saying things in a heat of the moment that you would both regret.
You offer to do little things like helping Floyd in the kitchen or Jade with customers. You're a great help at Mostro and Azul makes sure to let you know just how helpful you are since he feels like he would be lost without you.
One of Azul's favorite moments is to sit with you in his office after a long day of studying and working and drink some tea with you while fine music plays in the background. Seeing you spend time with him like that always makes his day and reminds him what a blessing you really are.
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ulabewriting · 18 days
Celestia Foreman-McGuire.
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TW : (a lot of) cursing, mention of alcohol.
– Adopted in Pennsylvania.
– Leo.
– CEO of a talent management agency.
• looks like a doll.
….until she opens her mouth.
• “the FUCK 'you looking at, you fucking waste of yo’ dad’s jizzm??”
• the hot-headed one of the family.
• throws nasty looks at people you don’t like. Just come to her and say “look at them for me, please.” She’ll stare at whoever you pointed like they’re a sickening walking piece of trash and only once they’re gone, she’ll turn to you like “why d’you want me to do that btw ?”
• theater kid with anger issues looking like barbie, basically.
• aggressively affectionate. <3
• takes you to a different, expensive ass restaurant on every date. Each time, her only indication to you will be “doll yourself up, we’re eating good tonight.” And because she only ever gives you the best there is, you always do.
• known as the diva of the Foreman-Mcguires.
• gags at the idea of wearing a bad outfit.
• will throw a fit if you refuse to eat breakfast.
• wears stiletto heels everyday. (and you’ve never seen her stumble. never.)
• “Okay, I’mma stop you right there ‘cause we’re not really talking about me anymore, sooo… yeah, no, I don’t care.”
• dresses like a princess and acts like a villain.
• has a secret sanrio obsession.
• a sucker for flowers. Get her a bouquet and she might buy you a house or two.
• asked you out as if you were the one interested in her.
• “I mean, I guess we've been talking a lot recently, yeah. I can't blame you. I am irresistible; like WHO could possibly not want me, right ? So, if you threw yourself at me to, I don't know, kiss me or whatever, I wouldn't be mad... I'd definitely understand.... I'm just saying–”
• always spends 50/50 of her free time : drinking a cup of tea, sitting in a cafe/restaurant, bitching about people - or - going shopping in the fanciest places in town. (bonus; she brings Oliver to hold her bags whenever he's around.)
• obsessed with ribbons; she often wears pink ones in her hair.
• very confrontational – if she has a problem, she’ll gladly let you know, and don’t expect her to be sweet about it.
• don’t get it wrong though, she’s not feared. She’s basically the human version of a chihuahua and her siblings, especially the youngest, love to tease and annoy her on purpose. You can’t blame them, she has the best reactions–
• well aware of her diva reputation and absolutely loves it.
• “Urgh, I’m forgetting your face as I’m looking at it.”
• clingy behind closed doors. She always needs your attention and cuddles and if you don’t provide, she will pouuuut.
• you expected her to be an insufferable boss but, even though she is very serious about her work and will want only the best from her employees; she's actually very considerate and right with all of them.
• loves journaling. She draws little hearts and flowers on ever single page.
• wears strong, bewitching perfumes. leaves a delicate scent anywhere she goes.
• “Imagine disliking me, though.”
• owns a “drama queen certificate”. (Mickayla gave it to her for her birthday; Celestia said she hated it but still keeps it neatly in her desk drawer for some reason, uh.)
• loves alcohol but very much is a lightweight.
• can be cocky and seem arrogant, but gets weirdly sweet and innocent when you’re around. (and of course, she gets teased to death for it.)
• always needs to press your wrist when she's anxious; feeling your pulse soothes her.
• very loyal. If somebody messes with her siblings or you, she’s baring her claws. And it stings.
• has one of the prettiest faces you’ve ever seen; easily could’ve been a model.
• second biggest fashionista of the family. (nobody could ever compete against Mickayla for top 1.)
• bickers a lot with Liz (meaning, they’re best friends.)
• “Listen here lady, you might have the tits, but I have the ego, which is what one needs to survive, so quit polluting my space, will ya?”
• ugly crying in your arms when she misses her siblings after not seeing them for like a week.
• wearing flavored gloss all the time. because it looks good. and tastes good. just in case you’d go for a spontaneous kiss. just in case.
• amazing pianist. She used to play everyday when she was younger but eventually stopped as she got older. started when she was 13.
• sometimes, when you come visit her, you can hear beautiful notes echoing in the large, luxurious space of her house. You don’t make any noise when you approach her just to get a chance to look at her play; she looks like an angel, far away from the annoyed gaze and sardonic smirk she usually shows.
• openly jealous and possessive – not so much so that she’d keep you from living your life; but she’s by far the most “territorial” one of the family.
• love languages : gift giving (very big on that one; you often get overwhelmed by her generosity – you’d never thought someone would buy you a car or a whole brand new wardrobe just… because? she can?) and physical touch. usually she wouldn’t let anybody get close to her because “ew, your fucking greasy hands on my prada clothes, bitch” but she lives for your hands on her, her waist, her hair and, she can’t keep hers to herself… especially in public. she’s grabbing you all over and there’s nothing you can do to escape it.
• loves, loves, loves bunnies. She’s a big animal lover girlie, but these little fluffy balls just have her heart.
• bakes when she’s nervous; and with the industry she’s in and the agency she rules, it happens a lot. Prepare your tummy and tastebuds for apple pies, cookies, peanut butter bread and blueberry muffins every three to five business days.
• romantically calls you "bitch". (you only get cheesy, disgustingly sweet pet names behing closed doors though<3)
• “I just decided everybody here is a stupid bitch. Not you, though. Nah, you're cool. You're my stupid bitch. ”
0 notes
whumpmatsus · 3 years
aaaa are you still taking the sickfic requests?? maybe "don't speak" with choro as the sickie pls?
SickFic Prompts / ACCEPTING!
Don’t Speak - (character) has a horribly sore throat and is reduced to barely talking while they load up on hot drinks and soup to recover.
yesssss always!!! I had so much fun with this, it hit me right in the Honey Nut Feelios and I hope it does the same for u, sunshine 😩
After still feeling like total crap for several days while his brothers were almost completely recovered from the cold they’d all caught, Choromatsu finally breaks down and goes to the doctor.
He doesn’t really want to. Being sick is something they all hate, and continuing to suffer after everyone else felt better is just astronomically unfair. Sometimes he thinks he can will himself back to health if only he sleeps and takes medicine and does everything a sick person is supposed to do.
The others prod at him to get checked out, though, considering the fact that lately every time he’s tried to speak, it’s set off a cough and is painful even to those just listening.
When he comes back home with a pharmacy bag and an informational sheet proclaiming that he’s been diagnosed with laryngitis, it explains a lot.
He has little choice but to hand the sheet over to Osomatsu as Karamatsu comes over to help remove his scarf and coat and walk him over to the kotatsu. The eldest of them doesn’t necessarily know best all the time, but usually when one of them is sick or hurt with more than a cold or a tiny scrape, Osomatsu often slides into big brother mode and shows a surprising amount of maturity.
For once, Choromatsu is actually glad his oldest brother is taking charge of the situation.
“Okaaaay, guys,” he calls as Choromatsu settles in at the table. “So this thing says Choromatsu has… acute laryngitis. The doctor thinks it’s because he had a cold, I guess, since it says ‘viral cause’. Huh.”
Everyone else is already seated around the kotatsu since it’s the middle of winter and freezing. Jyushimatsu’s arm shoots up right away. “Oh! What’s laryngitis? That’s a funny word. Are we gonna get it too?”
Choromatsu opens his mouth to try and explain, like usual. Instead, he manages to get out a weak, “Probably not,” before he starts to cough.
“Hey,” Osomatsu pouts as Karamatsu pats the third eldest on the back, “this thing says you’re not supposed to talk if you can help it, Fappymatsu. So, y’know… shut up.”
What he gets in return for his efforts is an unimpressed glare.
Osomatsu grins, running a finger under his nose before looking back at the information sheet. “Well, I’m not wrong! Okay, so… the cold was contagious, but it says the actual laryngitis isn’t. It’s just some kind of throat thing that happened because of the cold. So it might happen for the rest of us, but I doubt it since we’re all feeling better already. Choromatsu just has bad luck, I guess.”
Karamatsu hums in thought and continues to rub his brother’s back. “Hmph, we’re probably safe then. Which means we just have to focus on taking care of our dear brother. How do we do that?”
Choromatsu holds the bag from the pharmacy up, allowing Ichimatsu to snatch it and dump the contents out on the table. He points toward the things he picked up at the doctor’s recommendation ― over-the-counter painkillers, lozenges, a throat spray, and cough syrup. There’s other stuff mixed in too, like tissues and a jar of yuzu-cha and a magazine. Though he could have lived without everyone seeing that, it’s not a huge deal.
Osomatsu waves the paper before picking through everything on the table. “Well, it says they don’t have any kind of prescription to give him. No antibiotics since it’s viral. Looks like it says the cough medicines and painkillers might help. ‘Home remedies may also provide temporary relief’… like tea and soup, huh? So we should probably try to keep the bastard hydrated with warm stuff.”
Karamatsu gets to his feet, grabbing the jar of yuzu-cha on his way. “In that case, why don’t I go mix up some of this for you right now? After being out in the cold air, your throat could probably use something warm. Want me to add a little honey?”
Choromatsu nods eagerly, mouthing, “Yes, please.”
Karamatsu’s face brightens at being useful, and he gives an exaggerated pose before heading into the kitchen. “What a good patient! Your big brother will be back with something soothing before you know it!”
“Hold on,” Totty comments as he scoots the lozenges, spray, and syrup toward him, “did you get all this stuff to take for your throat?”
His eyes scan over the labels, then roll back in his head when he’s finished. “Ah, Choromatsu-nii-san! You can’t take all of these at the same time. See, look. They all say ‘do not use with other medications containing’ ― uh ― well ― w-well, I can’t pronounce the word, but it’s the same one! They must all contain this ingredient, so you can’t take them all in the same day.”
Ichimatsu makes a gesture for Totty to hand them over, then nods after reading them. “Yeah, he’s right. If you take all these in the same day, even if you use each one like the directions say, you’ll be basically overdosing on this shit. Your mouth’ll go numb. Be drooling all over the place and maybe having trouble breathing.”
All the medicine is plucked from his hands by Osomatsu. “Okay, so we’ll rotate ‘em, and I’ll take care of giving it to you whenever you need medicine. Y’know, so that fever doesn’t fry your brain and make you forget which one you’re taking for the day. Which one do you wanna use today?”
Choromatsu lets out a soft groan which only serves to irritate his throat further. He could seriously just kick his own ass for not checking that before he bought all of those. The only excuse he has is that he’s in a lot of pain and not thinking like he normally does. He points to the spray, thinking maybe it’ll feel kind of like sour spray candy; once it gets sprayed on, it melts and lingers for a minute, which might be a nice quality in a medicine for sore throats.
“Alright, open up.” Osomatsu tears off the plastic packaging. “Totty, Ichimatsu, did either of you see how many times I’m supposed to spray this?”
“Two sprays every two hours as needed. But it’s only supposed to stay for fifteen seconds, then he has to spit it out. He’s not supposed to swallow it or it might give him a stomachache. Totty, you wanna go get an empty cup for him to spit in and a glass of water to wash the taste out of his mouth afterwards?”
“What?? Why can’t you do it? Your legs aren’t broken!”
“Yeah, but I’m busy.”
“Are you kidding me? Doing what?!”
Ichimatsu shuffles himself closer to Choromatsu and puts an arm around his big brother. “I’m his emotional support Ichimatsu.”
Choromatsu chuckles a bit, though it turns into coughing pretty quickly.
“Oh, my God. Now you know why you’re not first in my brother rankings, right?” Totty grumbles, but gets up anyway. “Fiiiiine, I’ll be right back.”
The idea of an emotional support anything is nice, though, so Choromatsu leans into the contact, resting his head on Ichimatsu’s shoulder. As it is, the fourth eldest is almost like a cat, warm and cuddly when he feels like it.
His fever must be getting to him, because he could even swear he hears Ichimatsu purring.
The next three days in the Matsuno household are, predictably, a little wild.
Although Choromatsu sleeps on the couch in the other room so that his coughing doesn’t wake his brothers, it’s pretty much all for naught. At least one of them ends up missing him in the night and coming to camp out with him anyway; he just counts his lucky stars that when he needs them most, they show themselves to be pretty great brothers.
He also practically lives on soup and tea. Mom and the others try to switch it up a little, because otherwise eating and drinking the same things every day would drive him nuts. Plain miso and zosui were fine for the first day, but after he could breathe through his nose and smell things again, they started offering him other stuff.
Honestly, shogayu and negi-miso-yu have never tasted so good. Now that he can taste the yuzu-cha, too, and Karamatsu prepares some for him at least once in the afternoon, it’s like a small slice of heaven. He’s pretty sure Karamatsu can tell how grateful he is even without words, if the stupidly proud look on his older brother’s face whenever Choromatsu drinks it is any indication.
His throat still hurts like hell for a while. It’s difficult to speak, so Osomatsu, in his infinite wisdom, has relegated his brother to using a mini dry erase board and marker if he needs to say anything. That doesn’t mean Choromatsu doesn’t try to talk. He does his best not to if he doesn’t absolutely need to, however, since he wants to be rid of this thing more than anyone.
Thankfully, everyone is apparently using this as an excuse to treat him nicely. He gets to sit in front of the TV watching Nyaa-chan concerts almost nonstop, while nestling in against his emotional support Ichimatsu. Karamatsu in particular keeps checking every twenty minutes or so to see if there’s anything he can get for his little brother, and whatever Choromatsu asks for, he gets. Hell, at one point he’s craving ice cream, even though milky things aren’t a good idea for someone who’s coughing, and Karamatsu comes back with a melon ice pop, which is almost as good.
Totty even manages to do something nice while typing away on his phone. He says he’s got Choromatsu a date. With a girl. Who likes pop idols. Who’s really excited to meet him as soon as he’s better. He says he texted her a picture of Choromatsu and she thinks he’s really cute. It’s perhaps a good thing that he can’t say much right now, because he’s sure he’d scream loud enough to lose his voice a second time.
Jyushimatsu even sits there on Choromatsu’s other side, and reads magazine articles to him whenever they’re not watching TV. Of course, he doesn’t read the dirty articles… well, he doesn’t read those out loud after the first time he tried and everybody ended up crying with laughter. They all joked that even when he was sick that would be Choromatsu’s main priority, and for once, he laughed along with them despite the fact that it made him cough.
The one who surprises him the most is Osomatsu. Maybe that shouldn’t actually be a surprise, though. He fills the role of diligent oldest brother with a lot more ease than one might expect; he breaks out the thermometer every few hours to make sure Choromatsu’s fever isn’t getting higher, he keeps track of which medicines Choromatsu is supposed to take and when, he helps Mom cook things that will help Choromatsu feel better, and if he’s not doing any of that other stuff, he’s positioned with Choromatsu sitting on his lap, with Ichimatsu and Jyushimatsu on either side, running his fingers through his little brother’s hair. It almost feels like the way things were when they were all kids.
Choromatsu is easily tired out when he’s sick, and he’s 99.99999% sure that it’s Osomatsu who carries him to bed every night when he inevitably falls asleep.
Despite the fact that he gives them a lot of shit, and none of them are perfect people, he knows he’s got some pretty amazing brothers.
Today he’s feeling nearly back to his old self, and his throat is less sore than it’s been in over a week. He knows it’s partially thanks to rest and partially thanks to how well his family has been taking care of him. Despite that he’s starting to recover, the others are still treating him much the same as they have been. Tea whenever he wants it ― as well as Karamatsu shoving it in his direction, urging him to drink with that pathetic puppy dog face of his, even when he doesn’t quite want it ― and lots of head pats and the TV turned to whatever he’s in the mood for.
He’s not quite as tired as he’s been lately, so it would be all too effortless to just take advantage of all this. Instead, his thoughts have just kept turning to how grateful he is to have so many people he can count on.
There’s some small part of him that has to admit he can be just as bad as they all are sometimes. He can be selfish and rude and lazy. But when one of his brothers is sick or hurt, he knows he steps up to the plate to try and take care of them. To know that they’re all willing to do the same for him when he’s the one in need makes him happier than he thinks he’s been in a long time.
He’s still got the dumb little whiteboard Osomatsu gave him, because his voice isn’t back to normal just yet. For a moment, he scribbles on it, then he holds it up for Osomatsu who’s sitting behind him. “Hey, Oso,” he speaks up in a quiet, breathy, raspy voice.
“Uh…! Hey, dumbass, you’re not supposed to be talking yet,” Osomatsu laughs, then lifts his head to look at the board. “… Huh? Choromatsu… hey…”
He laughs in a way that makes it sound like he’s about to cry, then takes the board and waves it to get everyone else’s attention. “Hey, guys! Haha… look! Look at this shit!”
Four other pairs of eyes turn in their direction. Practically as soon as everyone has processed what Choromatsu has written, he’s buried in a pile of brothers. He gets arms put around him, and kisses on his forehead, and everyone nuzzling against his face. They’re all laughing in that same way Osomatsu did…
… Well, until they all start actually crying. Including Choromatsu himself.
The whiteboard falls to the ground, mostly forgotten, but the words written on it hanging over the sextuplets like a rainbow.
Thanks for everything. I love you guys. 💚
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husbandohunter · 2 years
Hey I saw that your requests are open so, remember your genshin impact x reader, where the reader was very smol :X I have been recently Been simping intensely for ayato. Could you maybe make a part 2 where ayato is present? I would love to see that happen!
Inazuma Daycare [Baby Male Genshin]
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Characters: Itto, Ayato, Thoma, Kazuha, Gorou
Synopsis: A supposed demon, a Yashiro Commissioner, a former criminal, a foreign servant and the General of Watatsumi…all under the age of six. Since it can’t be helped, you must do everything for them.
Tags: gn reader, platonic love, children
(A/n): When someone request the child series, it's free real estate *proceeds to insert the rest of the boys*
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Arataki Itto
The loud kid who speaks before raising his hand. The kid who brings trading cards and aggressively shows off how poggers his legendary collections are worth MILLIONS (they're not). The kid who sucks the life energy out of your body.
"Teacher! Pick me, pick me!"
But you just can't hate him.
Itto would undoubtedly still be the tallest. His horns were like little bumps, barely poking out. He's not particularly savvy with his face painting skills yet, which you must fix it up for him after he got into a mess as always.
"I wanna use the colour red. Make it streak down like tears of blood on my face! Oh man, I'm going to look so cool!"
Okay Itto, now sit properly or this marker is going across your nose.
During art time, he likes to create his own version of 'Teyvat Creatures'. You had an earful of them: King of Hiligalaticalspectadogchurls and Evil Beans (the main villain of his hand-made manga by the way). Colours outside of the lines too. Very proud of his work. Sells them for 50 mora each.
Lunch time was the messiest for him. He can't hold his utensils and prefers to use bare hands.
The reason why Itto has such good beatboxing skills was that he practiced at a young age. Though he ends up spitting everywhere instead. You hope that he'll get better as soon as possible.
Voice cracks. You can hear him across the playground field.
But no matter how rowdy he is, Itto gets along with everybody and never leaves them feel left out. You find him inviting little children in the corner to a game of tag during recess. Sadly, he still ends up being last place in these games. Might pout. Might get salty. Might cry.
Itto refuses to agree that he is a crybaby. He runs a lot outside and would end up scraping his knee when too careless. You remember fixing a wound for him, his face would be all scrunched up as tears were piling up. He'll just keep repeating the same phrases: "this is nothing"/ "I'm a man and men don't cry".
You laughed, "Yes, indeed you are."
Kamisato Ayato
The kid whose parents fund your entire business. The popular trustfundkid. The kid way too mature for his age. Ayato holds tight to his refined image that he may come off a bit vain. Why is he even in your daycare anyways?
The first thing he does when entering you classroom was to mutter, "So this is where the donations went."
"Excuse you not everyone can afford high-quality furniture like you and for the record, I bought them myself."
When Thoma isn't available you'll be his substitute. It's unbelievable how rich the Kamisatos are. Ayato couldn't even fasten a sash knot and expected you to put on his kimono the moment he outstretched his hands.
You found a hidden bottle of Bubble Tea which of course, you confiscated. No desserts before lunchtime, Young Master.
Despite his rather lavish upbringing, you often found Ayato being picked up by his servants rather than his parents. His family loved him very much, but they were obviously too busy to attend their son's needs all the time. Since then, you saw him in a different light.
Thus when indoor recess was finished, you made Ayato in charge of putting the toys back into the toybox.
Thoma was about to help, that is, until you interjected faster than the Shogun's lightning.
This would be the first step to helping the young boy connect with his fellow classmates. He didn't have to be treated on a pedestal, he was an equal, a child who needed your attention more than anything. Initially, Ayato felt bothered by the tasks you gave to someone like him but those tasks ended up bringing the two of you closer.
For instance, serving the meals. Ayato genuinely liked your cooking much to your surprise. He was often served the best and healthiest dishes with the best ingredients but they lacked the cozy hearth-like feeling that you had. He said it tasted simple, yet honest.
Enjoys his hand being held when you both cross the street. Politely asks if he could keep holding onto you. “I like it when you hold me, teacher.” It's safe to say that the kid has grown attached, albeit clingy. Next thing you find yourself carrying him like a baby.
You will never know that Ayato intentionally finds excuses to follow you around. He'll get jealous when his classmates, even Thoma, steal your attention. And when you scold him for it, he'll get sad. But don't be fooled! They might just be puppy eyes.
The kid every teacher- no, every MOTHER would dream to have. (Totally 100% a mommy's boy). He's got that vibe to attract grandmas and aunties of all sorts. Thoma deserves all the stickers and he always ends up claiming his sticker prizes first, for being such a good boy. In fact, he is the only kid that eats everything you serve, even the vegetables.
Give him the head pats, give him ALL the head pats (Ayato stares menacingly from the corner). "Whos a good boy? Yes you are, yes yoo are Thoma uuu!!"
In contrast to his master, Thoma was an appreciative, humble and attentive little boy. You found him glued to Ayato's side, performing duties such as carrying his luggage, smiling through the obvious heavy lifting. You feared that he was threatened and sold into child slavery.
Kid!Thoma would definitely be a ship figurine junkie. He'd bring in a new model everyday and held it tightly in his tiny, fat, little hands. It's so endearing to see him during indoor recess, when he drags his toy across the floor, making splattering sounds with his mouth.
"Sshhhhhhwishhhhhh, pow! Bam. Babababababbaammbam!!" he says while bumping two boats together in battle.
Thoma, boats can't shoot elements from their canons.
In art sessions, he drew you a picture of him and you together eating ?dango? (he tried his best, okay?), "This is for you teacher, because I love you soooo much!" HNNNNGG
*Clutching chest and dies of heart failure*
When there would be quarrels among the other kids (Oh the usual, Itto whining over how Sara took his favourite cup), he's the first to call you over. "Teacher said no more fighting, we have to be nice to each other!"
He's such a sweetheart. Thoma would pull in a stool and reach to sprinkle food into the fishtank before eating his lunch. He said he felts bad that the fish had to watch everyone eat while they wait for their turn :(
"Good job Thoma, here's your seventh sticker for the day."
Kaedehara Kazuha
The toddler 1/2
You recalled the day when Mister Tomo dropped off Kazuha on his in daycare for the first and he'd timidly clung to his pants while hiding from behind. He's a shy little one, still is. You had to do a little coaxing otherwise Mister Tomo would have been late for work and stayed in your school for the rest of the evening.
However when Mister Tomo managed to sneak out without Kazuha noticing, he started to cry immediately. It brought so much distress that Gorou felt like crying too. You had to carry him because if you didn't, Kazuha would have found some way and climb over the fence, chasing down the running figure.
It took a long time before Baby Kazuha became comfortable with you. He tends to be very sensitive, especially towards nature. You'd bring him to the school garden every once in a while to show him the flowers. He looked so cute when trying to grab a butterfly, twisting and turning in your arms.
Quiet reading time was when you spent most with the toddlers out of all the kids. Kazuha is the only one to take out a bunch of books but never go through all of them. He'd flip through a few pages before getting bored and moving on to the next. You found him to be an extremely fast learner when it comes to literate subjects.
The way his little smile stretches his chubby cheeks when he says a word out loud. That's it. That's the show.
Kazuha may be a toddler but he's old enough to walk and play with Itto and the other kids. The thing is, he never does. He prefers to quietly play in the sandbox with Gorou. It's a wonderful bonding experience for both of them. Since the day you taught Kazuha not to eat sand to draw shapes and build sandcastles, he couldn't pull away from it anymore. And if you did, he'll start whining.
Likes to play with the pet turtles. When I say play I mean he simply sits there and stares as they watch them slowly crawl on the floor. When Mister Tomo arrived to pick him up, Kazuha asked him whether they can have a turtle too.
Needless to say, he'll have no trouble coming to daycare anymore.
The toddler 2/2
Juggling between Kazuha and Gorou was hard, especially when you had to shoo Itto away from petting his ears or prying Yae's hands from pulling his cheeks. He was often dropped off at daycare with a stuffed Shiba Inu in his arms, notably that it was his guardian and good luck charm. Everywhere he went, General Gorou Jr would follow him too.
Since he was still young, you also had to spoonfeed him his lunch. Ah but don't forget to feed General Gorou Jr! You would now be serving two small bowls as his stuffed toy took space on an empty seat. Most of the time it was just Gorou talking to his stuffed animal and you learned many things about his alter ego. From General Gorou Jr's birthday to the way that he liked his bread sliced up.
Gorou once placed his Shiba Inu against your cheek to mimic a dog kissing you indicating that General Gorou Jr appreciated all the work you've done. Totally not lowkey expecting a kiss in return.
It's funny how his dog sense would kick in and he would suddenly become shy about it. One of those moments was where he'll be digging the sand beside Kazuha's sandcastles and burying the shovels that were needed for the process. This would make Kazuha angry and they get into a fight over protecting/digging up the sandbox.
Then there were other moments when a ball would suddenly roll by (Yae) and it would distract him from whatever he was previously doing (ends up having his desserts stolen because no one was guarding it)
"Hehe, teacher did you know that Gorou sleeps while hugging his tail?"
See for yourself. When it was nap time, Gorou was the first one to fall asleep and the last one to wake up. He'd pull up his fluffy tail between his legs, nuzzling against the fur, dozing off into dreamland.
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teddy-yandere · 3 years
Friendly neighborhood Koku-chan summoner 🤣 damn this is not funny but oh well
I think I remembered my previous asks and I'll add a cursed meme at the end, as promised
One was about yandere Kyojuro, Sanemi, Kokushibo and Muzan(if you don't mind, can Uzui, Douma and Akaza be added, if it'snot too much) , where let's say one of these cheesecakes already kidnapped their Darling, but the other yandere is also simping for the Darling, like what would let's say Kyo do if Sanemi was also yandere for his darling and ect.
The other one was like a Yandere Darling secretly in live with the Yandere cheesecakes, if you watched Hey Arnold and remember Helga, so that's the Darling. Maybe not insulting but aggressive and stuff, but secretly deeply in love but somehow even after being kidnapped need a lot of time to actually act normally towards the cheesecakes.
Hope this makes sense, but you always amaze us so I'm not worried.
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Spill the tea sis.
- Steal -
⚠️WARNING⚠️ will contain dark themes
Characters = Rengoku , Sanemi , Kokushibou , Muzan , Tengan , Douma , Akaza
A/N = I will probably complete the second request a little later , i had a lot of fun writing this !!Feel free to request any characters you want. I write for many different fandoms , all you have to do is scroll to the bottom of this post and pick what fandom and character you want me to write for and send me a request. My inbox is always open so feel free to chat with me!! <3
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Sanemi tried to steal you from Rengoku
• Rengoku had always known that Sanemi had some feelings towards you. Let’s just say Rengoku tried to act as civil as he can around Sanemi but it was very hard too , when he knew that Sanemi was simpimg for his Darling.
• After Rengoku kidnapped you , he started to act a lot more relaxed around Sanemi because he felt like there was absolutely nothing to worry about , because you were safe in his home.
• Little did Rengoku know , that Sanemi knew about him kidnapping you. Sanemi had been watching Rengoku for a while , and knew that he had taken you because he followed him home one day. Sanemi was furious that Rengoku would even dare lay a hand on you , so he decided to confront Rengoku about it. Let’s just say that , it did not end well. Turns out that , Sanemi had threatened to take you from Rengoku , all Rengoku did was laugh in his face and tell him “ good luck “.
• A couple weeks later , when Rengoku was walking though the front door , he expected to see you laying on the couch, but instead he could hear you crying for help in the bedroom. When he walked in , he saw Sanemi Sanemi jumping through the window. He was about to go after him , but he decided to ask you what had happened.
• Turned out that Sanemi came to try to convince you to come with him , because he can “ protect you better “. Rengoku was furious , but he knew that he could never approach Sanemi about it , because Sanemi would report him.
• The only thing that Rengoku did was , put wooden boards on most of the windows.
Obanai tried to steal you from Sanemi
• As we all know , Sanemi is very protective and possessive over his darling , saying this , sometimes he can act like a very aggressive dog around his Darling. He does not like it when people talk , touch or interact with his darling in any way.
• The only person that he does trust around them , is Obanai. Sanemi really trusts Obanai , so he did not think that Iguro would try anything with his darling. Little did he know , that Obanai had fell in love with you from the moment he first saw you. That being said , Obanai felt a strong responsibility over you. When it was announced that you had gone missing ( Sanemi kidnapped you ), Obanai was completely destroyed over the news, but he tried to hide it so Sanemi would not question him.
• So imagine Obanai’s surprise when he looked over , and saw that Sanemi had a calm face , and was showing no emotion over the fact that you had just been kidnapped. When Obanai approached him about the matter , Sanemi whispered in his ear , “ the only reason why I am not worried , is because I took them , they are safer with me “. Obanai only nodded his head , and started to plot a way to get you back to him.
• Obanai decided that the best way to take you from Sanemi’s house , is if he waited for Sanemi to go on a long mission. That way the house would be empty. He waited for the moment Sanemi went off on a mission , and he headed to his estate to get you. Unknown to Iguro , Sanemi had actually stopped by his house to kiss you goodbye.
• Instead if being greeted with you , he was greeted with Obanai in the middle of his living room. “ what the fuck are you doing “. Sanemi asked. “ nothing I just wanted to make sure that all of your doors were locked… the window was opened”.
• Sanemi only stared at him, before asking him to leave. Sanemi knew that something was up, but he did not want to cause a scene in front of you.
• Iguro would have to come get you another day.
Douma tried to steal you from Kokushibou
• When Kokushibou first kidnapped you , he took you to the infinity tower and introduced you to Muzan and the other upper moons. Kokushibou felt like it was very important that you get along with them , especially Muzan. The reason for this , is because he wanted you to join him as a upper rank demon. Just because he told you to be nice to them , does not mean that he wants you to have long conversations with them.
• Kokushibou always feels like the other upper moons are trying to steal you away from him, especially Douma. Ever since Douma first met you , he has always made a effort to talk to you , or be in the same room as you. Every once in a while , Douma will give you compliments and tal bad about Kokushibou in front of him and you.
• Still , Kokushibou did not feel like Douma was a threat , until Douma started to make many different comments about taking you , and keeping you all to himself. That crossed the line for Kokushibou. One time , Kokushibou even threatened Douma about the whole matter.
• Lately, you had been spending more time with Douma , then with Kokushibou. Kokushibou never brought it up because he did not want you to think that he was insecure. One day , Kokushibou walked into your room after a long mission , expecting some cuddles , but found that you were not there. So he started to look for you around the palace , but he could not find you.
• He tried not to panic , but every time he went into a empty room , he could feel a sense of anxiety start to wash over him like cold water. Eventually he found you , but you were with Douma. Turns out that Douma wanted to show off some of his expensive jewelry. Kokushibou just watched from the doorway. He knew that you would never try anything with Douma , but he wanted to see how Douma acts around you.
• “ Does Kokushibou ever buy you expensive stuff ?”. Douma asked in a teasing voice. “ Oh Yeah !! He buys me a ton of stuff “ you said proudly. “Don’t you think you would be happier with me “?. You froze when you heard that question coming from Douma’s mouth . Kokushibou felt like he was going to explode out of anger , it took everything in him not to beat up Douma. All there was , was silence. Eventually Kokushibou walked in and picked you up and threw you over his shoulder , and started to walk out.
• He was going to have a serious talk with Douma , after he is done cuddling you to death.
• This is going to be really short because I don’t think that anyone would even try to take you from Muzan. Not even Kokushibou would dare try . You have to be mentally insane to think that you could get away with taking Muzan’s Darling.
• The second Muzan fees like someone is going to try to take his darling , they are dead. He does not even want anyone else , but him , to be around his darling.
Rengoku tried to take you from Tengan
• It had been a while since Tengam and his wives had taken a you , but by all accounts , you were adjusting very well to your new life.
• But sometimes , you start to miss your old life. You were a hashira in the demon slayer corps. That is how you got to meet Tengan Uzui. You also became quite close with most of the other hashira’s. You were very close to Rengoku in particular.
• Sometimes , Rengoku used joke about the two of you being together, most of the time , Tengan would just laugh it off . Little did Tengan know that Rengoku had fallen head over heels in love with you , and was stalking you. Rengoku knew that Tengan had taken you .
• After Tengan had taken you , however , he stopped worrying about all of those things , and was just focused on you , and his wives. One day , one of his wives spotted Rengoku in the distance. This was unusual, because Tengan wasn’t here , and he was suppose to be on a mission.
• Almost immediately, his wives started to rush you into a secret bedroom . Tengan had warned them that Rengoku would suspect them . When Rengoku came banging on the door demanding you , the wives simply kicked him out , and sent a crow to Tengan , asking him to come home immediately.
• This won’t be the last time Rengoku tries to get you. The next time , would be bloody.
Akaza wants to steal you from Douma
• This sneaky little bastard.
• He would always tease Akaza about him having a huge crush on you. I mean who wouldn’t? You were perfect in Douma’s eyes. He saw nothing wrong with bragging about you to everyone.
• Apparently, Douam bragged one too many times to Akaza , because Akaza snapped at him one day.
• He basically told him to shut his mouth , or else he will take you from Douma.
• Douma was speechless
• How dare his underclass man threaten him. Douma did not take this threat lightly , and locked you up the next day.
• Every once in a while , you swear that you can see Akaza looking through your window. You will be Akaza’s, one day..
• Same thing as Muzan -
• I don’t think anyone has the guts to take you from him
* .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * * .:。✧*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. * . *.:。✧ *゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *.
Thanks for reading Darling !! <3
Feel free to request any character you want. I write for all genders. If you don’t tell me what gender you want then I will just make it gender nuetural. I write for many different fandoms such as:
• Demon Slayer
• Haikyuu
• Attack on Titan
• My Hero Academia
• Death Note
• Jujitsu Kaisan
Have a nice Day / Night ~
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devotion · 3 years
our tess → t.h
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summary: tess is protective during your pregnancy and you admire her for it.
requested: yes <3 this is so cute, too.
warnings: fluff, a swear.
word count: 1.1k+ | masterlist
amongst many other things in your relationship with tom, you loved the way his dog, tessa, warmed up to you from the very first encounter you had with her. soon enough, after living with tom and his housemates for months, tess was as comfortable with you as she was with the others. up till the point she became somewhat of a best friend to you.
with that in mind, you still found it funny when you cried because you were leaving her this one time─to go with tom to the far from home premiere in america. at the time she couldn't come with, and you saw the cute face she pulled when you waved bye to her on the doorstep. you bawled your eyes out in tom's chest for most of the ride to the airport.
"d-did you see that face, tom?" you snivelled, wiping your eyes after you tried to regain your composure.
tom's thumb wiped under your eyes, responding, "yeah i did, love. but you don't have to cry this much. you've never cried this much for when i've gone─"
"─fuck you, she looked cute."
he gasped, "and i don't?" he shook his head, faking to be upset, "issues, love."
adorable as it was, tom had admitted many times how much he loved seeing you both interact with each other. "my two girls" he would say; when he'd talk about you in interviews, whenever he'd come home, before bed sometimes too when tess would plant herself between you both. during the time that you would be reading, tess' head would be on your lap whilst you stroke her head, kissing it often so you could send her to sleep. times like these were precious. two years in, it was as if she was like your little child; shouting out 'baby' when you couldn't find her, and cradling her when you were in family gatherings.
all up to the time you fell pregnant. or, until you were so heavily pregnant, waddling down the stairs, unable to have her laying completely across your stomach like she used to at nights. fortunately, tess was a smart girl─perhaps even more observant than you realised. so it was no wonder that tessa seemed to sense the state that you were in. especially how difficult it was doing most things.
"dogs have that lovely smell," tom said as he sighed happily, his nose buried in his pet's head, "there's just that dog and puppy smell, there's nothing like it."
you nodded along with him, raising an eyebrow. he had just come back from work. after three months of constant filming, he was home─having the privilege of an extra month of paternity leave much earlier than expected. you were due in a couple of weeks and now with tom by your side, the stress and anxiety of this all eased to a great extent.
"you want a drink whilst you tell me what happened?" you stood up, with difficulty, making your leave towards the kitchen. it was only a few steps that were needed to get there; you haven't really moved from the sofa since the morning.
"oh god yeah," he groaned, placing tessa back on the floor, "but you need to rest. lemme do it─"
you were already near the kitchen, ready to put the kettle on to make him tea. though, what tom noticed the most was the way that tessa was hot on your heels, perhaps too close that you could have tripped over her.
tom followed you into the kitchen, attempting to pick his staffie up. yet, all he got was tess growling back at him, in which tom moved back a whole few metres with his hands up in defence. then, still baffled by her aggressiveness, he saw her perched next to your feet, rubbing her head back and forth on your leg. whereas, you were struggling to reach the box of tea bags, mentally slapping yourself for throwing them too far into the cupboard.
upon seeing this, a still wary tom approached behind you, placing his hands on your shoulders to indicate that he'll help to get it. after giving you the box, his hand slid across your bulging stomach, lips pressing on the side of your temple.
"lemme do it, babe," he offered, hearing the kettle click, "sit down and i'll make you a hot chocolate, yeah?"
"done enough sitting but," you sighed before smiling, returning the kiss on the underside of his jaw, "anything for your hot chocolate."
you were sent to the dining table to sit there, and funnily enough, tess doesn't come with you this time. in fact, she was stroking her head against tom's feet. then, she looked up at him. as if to apologise, it seemed.
after setting the mug in the microwave, he noticed her. and she then attempted to lick his face.
hearing him giggle was always an enjoyable thing─witnessing it in your very own eyes after months though, beat it further. you even felt yourself pouting as you stared at them.
tom put tess down, a smile on his face, turning towards your direction, asking, "why did she act like that before, though?"
you shrugged, joking, "not to toot my own horn or anything, but she loves me more."
"tell me something i don't know," tom grinned, rolling his eyes.
"no, but," you continued, reminding him, "remember when i mentioned before about her behaviour?" he nodded. "the midwife said that dogs have some kind of sixth sense with this sort of stuff─she knows i'm pregnant which is cute."
finished with preparing your hot chocolate and his tea, tom came over with the cups, taking a seat next to you. he laughed again, a solid, fruity laugh, "so she just gets a bit defensive sometimes, huh?"
you knew allowing your child to grow up with a beloved friend would provide some emotional support for you as you navigated the world of new parenthood. and it was reassuring how your baby will have that─their own friend to grow up with.
"yeah," you assented, bowing your head to lay your cheek on the rim of your cup. you held it with one hand, the other finding tom's under the table. his thumb lightly swept across the back of your hand, soft and tender.
"tom?" you murmured, smiling at the chocolate that was smeared on his chin because of the jaffa cakes. "just wanna let you know that i got everything i wanted." he raised his eyebrows. "my everything was you."
he lightly choked on his jaffa cake, eyes widening. then, they softened as he looked at you, glazing over, "babyyy, shush." his arm snaked around your shoulders, kissing your nose.
he added cheekily, "and tessa?"
eyes wrinkling, you wiped your finger over his chin, confirming, "and tessa."
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luvring · 2 years
I saw your blog and i have risen from the dead :) anyway if it's okay can i request some headcanons about Felix with an MC that speaks another language? My goal in life is to call him a cute petname in Greek and watch him get so red he looks like a fire hydrant (i dont know if i spelled that right but whatever you know what im talking about) you know how dogs don't know what we're saying but they go off of tone? (I saw that in a tiktok once i don't know if its entirely true or not) I wanna tell felix i love him so much but my friends tell me i sound more aggressive in Greek so he might think I'm angry at him or something n then i tell him i was just saying how much i love him and he goes !!!!!!!!😳 I'm rambling sorry but i think it would be funny watching him get frustrated. Oh! Maybe he says something to the MC in Velan! (I think thats what its called) oh i love him so much...
— felix with a multilingual mc
note from nia: achievement unlocked raise someone from the dead :heart_eyes: BUT THIS IS SO CUTE...wishing i knew more than hs french & basic korean rn . sorrow
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the first time he hears you speak in a different language oh he is so intrigued. gets excited about the possibilities
his menace side awakens . he's going to start making fun of sage and swearing around escell and no one can stop him
he'd ask you to teach him things in exchange for learning something in velan
i don't know if this is too specific but y'know that one couple on tiktok that made those videos of greeting the other one as they came home in their native language to surprise them. like you would talk in velan and he'd speak in greek
smh he would have practiced so hard and done little pronunciation notes. asked you how to say things at random times so you didn't get suspicious...
you can probably find a bunch of pages of him trying to write a script and also practicing his writing
especially if it has a different alphabet like greek, korean, urdu, etc. he's writing out letters and words over and over
would use it in cards or letters whenever he could because he thinks it's romantic
would get rings for the both of you with your names/a phrase in each other's languages. i'm going to cry
the kind of guy to watch a show in your language and when he hears something he understands he feels so accomplished and points out what it meant. yes they did just say do you want to eat
you teach him a bunch of petnames then proceed to immediately call him those petnames
he may not have been able to specifically connect which word meant what but even having a general idea of what you were doing got him all flustered
once he figures them out he'll use one on you to get your attention
if you do the same to him he gets all @!@?!%#?>!? especially if it's in velan and/or said casually . he loves casual intimacy help him
saying i love you for the first time and he ?? that sounded very aggressive. i didn't realize you disliked this flavour of tea so much
but then you tell him it just means 'i love you' and he short-circuits like "oh! oh. well, uhm," 🧍‍♂️ he tries repeating it back to you (it isn't good but it also isn't. bad?)
asks you to teach him how to say it and now he says it randomly to fluster you. pain and sorrow
he also starts to pick up on words and your tone . like if you say something that sounds sort of aggressive around someone who hasn't heard it before they're confused but then felix replies nonchalantly since he's used to it o(-(
felix trying to flirt/be romantic with you in your language and just getting it...terribly wrong. grammar, vocabulary,, everything . but he tried so hard you can't help but go easy on him. like yes, thank you for thinking i'm warm and kind like soup
might ask you to quiz him on basics so he can prove that he's doing better and show off
if you see him staring very hard at something there's a good chance it's because he's trying to think of the word for it in your language
he puts so much effort and time into learning that if you ever did the same for him he'd be so excited and grateful. like he didn't need you to but you're doing it anyways to prove you care ?? no way
he likes listening to you softly sing songs in your other language as he falls asleep
y'know how you can forget a word in one language and try figuring out or describing it in another one . felix will randomly be your saving grace when everyone else is just staring helplessly
may or may not get you to speak in a different language pretending to be a foreigner so you guys can reap tourist benefits
strategically . knowing a different language than any of your enemies,, in my opinion,, may come in handy. :thumbs_up:
the vocal version of [long rant text message] "i'm not reading all that. i'm happy for you tho. or sorry that happened"
like you only really ramble to each other in your other language when it's just the two of you. and you can tell when something is upsetting. pick up little words here or there but the other person finishes and it's just like. mhm. are you feeling better now? and waiting for a yes or explanation in the language you're both fluent in
he thinks the fact that you're the only ones around who can use it is very ?? intimate?? like okay...only two people in the world (real)
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annie-blackhill · 3 years
Aight, I know that I've been away for awhile but now I'm back and I have ideas babes!
Past panic attacks
Mentions of past domestic violence
Abusive childhood
Post traumatic events unconscious coping mechanisms
Unconscious flinching out of instinct
Sudden panic when hearing fighting between a man and a woman screaming very near
Loss of breath
Domestic violence
Panic attack
Dazai Osamu
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Safe and Sound
Dazai and (Y/N) have been in a relationship for two years now. They're so in love with each other that everyone at the ADA are questioning the fact as to why they weren't married yet.
Dazai really loves (Y/N) and she loves him just as much back. They both really love each other and they both understand each other the most too.
But there were still some things that Dazai didn't know.
The main reason why (Y/N) and Dazai weren't married yet was because Dazai wanted to get her parents' blessings first. He was so excited to get their blessings, to meet the people who brought his perfectly imperfect lover into this cruel, tainted world.
He was eternally grateful to them for bringing her into this world, although the cruel world had tainted her and made her the broken person she is now, he still loves her for her. She's the only reason he has to live now. And he loves her for that.
Whenever Dazai asked (Y/N) about her family, she would tell him stories about when she was a child and how her dad would bring them to the beach every weekend because they lived near to the beach or when they went back to school shopping together.
But that was it. Her dad never really appeared in her other stories much. He would pop in at some point of the tale and then disappear. Her mum, was mostly the one to witness her achievements.
But (Y/N) has never described her parents' proud expressions whenever she achieved something.
At times, when Dazai did pry lightly, she would turn the story somewhere else, mostly to her friends.
He knew that she didn't really have a good primary school life, seeing as she's told him before that she's been bullied at that time. She's described them as the loneliest years of her life and how much she's hated herself those times.
Whenever (Y/N) talked about friends, it would be about her friends from her high school life. Her high school was much more on the better side.
She had been a prefect in her high school years, since her first year to her last year.
The only bad memories she had was when she realized that being in the first class and being the top of the class meant the other students would sabotage her and the two times in her senior years where she had to fight back as self-defense when she tried to break up a fight and they started to hit her too.
Dazai wasn't daft. Of course, he picked up on all the signs she showed that she wasn't really fond of her parents.
At first, he thought that it was just because of a small fight they had. But two years have passed in their relationship and (Y/N) hasn't cracked even the least to tell him why her childhood stories are only until a certain age or why she's never told him how proud her parents were of her.
Dazai was worried. In the end, he decided that maybe her parents just have a slightly tight relationship with each other.
Dazai decided to not ask. He let it slide and slip past them. He never touched the subject of her parents for the half of the second year of their relationship.
As the other half year of their relationship rolled in, Dazai and (Y/N) had saved enough money to buy a cozy little apartment near the ADA and move out of the ADA's hostel.
The day they were moving in, the couple were greeted by the middle aged woman who lived next door with her husband and 4 year old daughter.
She had been a very sweet auntie that welcome the sweet couple to the apartment complex with open arms and a sweet smile.
More than once had she cooked good food for the duo since they always returned late from work.
"You two kinda remind me of how my husband and I used to be when we were younger and so in love," the auntie would say to the duo all the time.
The little 4 year old would also come by and play around with the loving couple whenever they were on leave.
Auntie would always try persuade her daughter from "disturbing the lovely young couple" as she would always say to her daughter.
"It's alright, auntie! I love kids! (N/N)-chan and I are planning to have a few little munchkins like this when we're married too!" Dazai would assure her, while playing with the little girl.
But there was always something about how (Y/N) would send the auntie knowing looks as though she knew something that he didn't all the time, so he decided to pay more attention too.
When Dazai did start to notice more, he noticed the dark bags under the auntie's eyes and he noticed how tired she always was.
The more he noticed the more concerning she looked to him day by day.
"Auntie, would you like to join us for tea, today? Osamu and I wanted to play with that sweet little angel," (Y/N) invited the auntie.
"WHO'S THAT AT THE DOOR???!!!" the booming voice of the male from inside the auntie's house shook (Y/N) to the core and it ignited old memories that she didn't have to remember.
"Auntie, you really should come. Osamu insists! You know how he gets when he doesn't get what he wants! He'll be whining all day long like a little baby!" (Y/N) tried to convince the auntie discreetly.
"I ASKED 'WHO'S THAT AT THE DOOR'! ANSWER ME YOU USELESS WOMAN!!!" the man shouted from the bedroom again.
(Y/N) flinched. She was regretting sending Dazai to the store now. They had been running low on groceries and she had sent Dazai to the store, as she would say "please contribute you're lazy arse to do something in this household, my love" and he had carried his lazy arse to the store near the apartment complex.
After Dazai had left was when she started to hear the shouts and yells from the next door auntie's house.
Even as the bad memories plunged her being, she had forced herself to go and at least try to save the auntie before anything bad happened to either her or her daughter.
But even then, if you looked closely at (Y/N) you could see that she was trembling badly and that she could barely stand on her two feet.
"Auntie, come on please!" (Y/N) begged in a mutter exclamation.
"I'm sorry," the auntie murmured before closing the door on her with an apologetic smile.
"Auntie, no!" (Y/N) exclaimed.
And that was when she heard the terrible screams and the yell. The cries of the little 4 year old teared her soul apart into the smallest of pieces.
"NO, NO, NO!!!!" (Y/N) yelled as her mind turned blank and the memories flooded her brain.
Her mind turned so blank that she forgot that she was slamming her fists onto the door and that she had an ability.
The memories of how her father would come home drunk and lay on the sofa. Of how her mother had found out that he was having an affair. Of how, he would beat the living daylights out of her mother.
(Y/N) never told Dazai any of that. She felt ashamed to tell him that her childhood was the most terrible thing to ever happen to her.
A blood curdling screamed pierced the air along with a loud cry and that was enough for (Y/N) to snap out of her traumas and remember that there were lives on the stake right now.
She finally regained her senses fully and remembered that she has an ability.
Using her elemental abilities, she bent the wooden front door so much that it broke it half and broke off of it's hinges. The lower half flew to the side of the corridor almost hitting her while the other half flew into the house and hit the middle aged aggressive man that was about to beat his wife over the head with a glass flower vase.
The auntie stood in shock as the younger woman ran to her and hugged her.
"Auntie! Are you alright?! Are you bleeding anywhere?! Do you have any fatal injuries?!" (Y/N) questioned quickly as she held the shorter's woman's face in her hands and looked her over, making sure that she wasn bleeding anywhere majorly.
"Why you little freak show! You must one of those freak shows that are born with those little abilities! How dare you interfere with someone else's family problems?! Youngsters these days don't know how to respect their elders! Let me teach you then!" the man yelled at (Y/N) as she stood in front of the trembling woman, making sure that the older woman was perfectly hidden behind her.
(Y/N) slipped a hand into the back pocket of her jeans. She clutched the holster of her gun.
"Step away, right now before I seriously hurt you," (Y/N) warned as she held her left hand out to stop him from coming any nearer to them.
The man took off his belt and folded it into two, straightening it out with a snap, which caused both women to flinch as more dark memories flooded into (Y/N)'s mind.
"I said STOP RIGHT THERE!" (Y/N) warned yet again. It was against the law for her to shoot him and she couldn't even use her abilities against him as he was a normal civilian.
She was trying her best to not hurt anyone here and let the civilian authorities handle the ruthless man.
The moment the man raised his arm was the same time (Y/N) slipped her gun out of her back pocket and shot his arm.
The man let out a cry of pain and fell back from the sudden pain. He looked at the younger woman, wide eyed as she held the gun tight and pointed the barrel to his forehead.
"Armed Detective Agency member, (L/N) (Y/N)," (Y/N) announced as she showed him her ADA card.
The man backed away more at that. His eyes wide as he realized that she was a member of the authorities.
"(Y/N)?!" Dazai shouted as he entered only to see the bloodied situation of the man and the two trembling women.
"Where's the child?!" Dazai asked immediately.
"Sh-she's in her room," the auntie answered meekly.
Dazai nodded. He looked down at the man, disgust, venom and a desire to kill clear on his face.
The man even then, still tried to gain Dazai's pity as Dazai was a fellow man too.
"S-sir! All I was trying to do was educate my wife to be more better and obedient! I wasn't trying to do anything other than that! I swear!" the man said.
That only made Dazai even more disgusted as he spat on the man's face in disgust. He stomped his foot harshly on the man's hand that was holding the belt.
"You disgust me you old fool! You're an utter disgrace of a human being! I'm disgusted to see people like you are still alive! Terrorizing women's lives! Making them only feel like obedient dolls that should only do whatever you say!
I'd rather kill you then let you go to jail and then get back out after a few months! People like you shouldn't exist at all in the first place!
Your wife is supposed to be your life partner! Not some maid or toy that would do everything you say! You're supposed to live life and do everything together!
I can't believe you even had a child with her only to state your dominance over her and make her unable to run away from you!
You disgust me!" Dazai yelled at the man as he twisted his foot on the man's hand more and stomped it over and over and over again, intent on breaking it.
(Y/N) shielded the auntie's sight form her lover's rage as he broke the man's hand and rendered it completely shattered under his shoe.
"Osamu..." (Y/N) called out for him.
Dazai raised his head to look at his lover, tears streaming from his eyes from utter pure white hot rage.
"Are you alright? Are the two of you alright? Is that little angel injured?" Dazai's voice turned so soft that (Y/N)'s heart broke at the mere sound of it. He sounded as scared as she was feeling.
Dazai went over to the two women and squeezed them into a light hug, he buried his face into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck. (Y/N) hugged his waist, her arm practically limp, but her hand still clutching the gun tight just in case the man tried anything, her ear was placed against his frantically beating heart.
The older woman had wrapped her arm over his back and was hugging him tight, scared out of her life and grateful for the presence of the two youngsters at the moment.
"Osamu... We need to call the police and the ADA, specifically Kunikida-san. We need to explain a hell load to them all," (Y/N) murmured lightly to the shaken man.
Dazai nodded lightly at her statement before pressing a light kiss to the crook of her neck and removing himself from the hold of the two women.
"Auntie, do get your little girl and wait outside of the house. (Y/N) and I will call the police and our co-worker to handle the mess here," Dazai informed the older woman.
She merely nodded, not trusting her voice to be strong enough to answer him as she went to the little girl's bedroom to get her out of the house.
Once the child and woman were safely out of the house, Dazai dialed Kunikida while (Y/N) dialed the police station.
Both at had arrived at the house. The man was brought away on a stretcher by the paramedics as (Y/N) was explaining to the police as to why she had used her gun.
Kunikida and Dazai, both standing on either side of her, trying to justify the reason as to why she did so and the police accepted the reasons in the end.
Dazai said his end of the story and then they moved on to ask the wife and the child about their ends of the story.
"(Y/N), you know you shouldn't have used your gun. I'll have to confiscate it for now. You'll only be allowed to use it on missions. I'm sorry but those are the rules that you need to follow after that little act of 'misusage' as the police says," Kunikida sighed as he took the gun lightly from her slightly slackened grasp on it now.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I was scared and he raised the belt above me, ready to hit at any moment---" her voice cracked and she couldn't continue the sentence anymore.
Kunikida held her hand softly as Dazai brought (Y/N) into a soft side hug, holding her softly and rubbing her shoulders.
"I know and that's why I'm the one that's supposed to be saying sorry for taking away your gun, (Y/N)," Kunikida said.
"Hey, hey. It's alright, the both of you. I'll pull some strings here and there and make sure, (Y/N) gets her gun back, alright? Easy peasy!" Dazai lightened the mood up a little.
"Sigh, thank you, Dazai. For making this easier for all of us," Kunikida said before excusing himself, saying that he needs to fill out a few more forms at the police station and make sure that neither Dazai or (Y/N) get accused for anything that they didn't do.
Dazai proceeded to lead (Y/N) back to their little home as the auntie and her daughter were led to the second ambulance by the new paramedics.
(Y/N) leaned into Dazai as she curled up onto him. He held her close and tight, knowing full well that she was shaken up from the encounter.
"Osamu... Remember how you always asked for the truth about my childhood... What you witnessed today that was happening to that auntie and her daughter? That's the real truth to my childhood.
But no one saved us. And as I grew and my dad lived his other life with his little affair, he would come and go to let off steam on my mother and my mother started to blame me for how miserable our lives were.
That's why I never had a past occupation like everyone else. I had been working with the ADA ever since I was 18 and I ran away from her.
The president helped me. He helped my mother by providing her safety and a new home.
My father is still out there, somewhere with that other woman.
And I... I've never seen my mother since the day I ran away. She must be happier now," (Y/N) said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
Dazai hugged her closer and kissed her forehead.
"It's alright, love. You have me and the other ADA members for you as well now. Hell, even the Port Mafia is with you right now after how much you helped them out when we were all having trouble with The Guild and Fyodor. You have all of us here for you.
Most importantly, my love, you have me. I won't let anyone so much as hurt you even a little bit and go off the hook.
I swear," Dazai murmured softly into her ear and she snuggled closer to him, their feets touching and their hands interwined with each other's.
"Port Mafia strikes again as a man who was arrested yesterday due to commiting domestic violence was murdered by them brutally in his own jail cell much to the surprise of all the police officers present.
Police officers were considering requesting the Armed Detective Agency to further an investigation at first, but has now decided against it as the chief of the police station has deemed it as a waste since the man was a criminal," the news reporter announced on the morning news as (Y/N) sipped her (bitter/sweet/neutral) (coffee/tea) and Dazai adorable chewed his crab sandwich.
"Who did you ask to do it?" (Y/N) asked immediately as soon as Dazai swallowed.
"Chuuya was more than willing after I told him the story. I didn't even have to tell him which police station and cell that scum was in, he ran off and figured it all out himself and finished the job," Dazai answered before continuing to adorably eat his crab sandwich.
"That scum deserved it," (Y/N) agreed as she continue sipping her (coffee/tea).
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Awareness Note:
Stop domestic violence. The pain lingers on even after the relationship has ended. No one should have to be bounded to a spouse that only views them as an object and an inferior instead of a human being and an equal. No one has to go through physical and mental pain with a monster that prefers to take control of everything. No one has to go through such pain.
Marriage isn't pain! Marriage is a bond of two people who love each other!
If it hurts both physically and mentally, then it's not love.
Know the difference.
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magicpumpkin3 · 3 years
Idia Shroud x (Fem?)reader
Warning: NSFW; light!dom/sub; maid outfit; pegging(kinda); Idia is kinda OCC'ish
Note: thank yous go to → @intynidad Check out their blog! It's... interesting ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Note 2: sorry for shitty writing, author is new to smuts :). (My second ever smut tbh)
"…P-please… stop!" Idia desperately trys to hide his legs as much as possible with that stupid skirt. He has nothing against maid outfits. It's more opposite way actually, he loves them! It's not that he's wearing one right now, no. It's you, staring at him. And all of this because of a stupid bet! He could've sworn, you were horrible at this game but no. You just had to be lucky today and win. And loser, who's punishment was to wear a maid outfit, is him. Blushing like a mad man, sitting in a corner of your room, Idia trys to hide from your eyes.
Giggling like a five-year old kid that just got their own toy as present for Christmas, you slowly walk towards your boyfriend. "Hey, you look wonderful, no need to hide!" His hair bursting in bright red flames even more, Idia lets out a groan of frustration. "It's n-not, I'm…You…m-me…" And there he goes mumbling again. You love him to the depths of your heart but sometimes he needs to be a bit louder and clearer with his words and thoughts. Though, you can't blame him. We've all been there, still there at some point actually.
Sitting on a floor, turned away from you, keeping his knees close to his chin, Idia trys so hard not burn your entire room. "Idia~…" Hearing your voice sing-song his name, makes him want to hide himself even more. Your gentle touch on his arms makes him jump in surprise. "You okay?" Asking him gently, making him want to tackle you and hold you for ever. How can you be so brave? He slowly, a bit shackly, turns his head towards you. Red as Riddles hair, he tries to to mutter something out.
He's so cute like that. Not being able to hold yourself together, you bend forward and give his lips a small peck. Small whimper escapes him. "It's n-not fa-funny…" Chuckling to yourself, you lightly shacke your head. "Yes, it's not funny how gorgeous you look." Oh boi! You can practically see steam leaving his ears. Gently placing one hand on his thigh, that are covered by black stockings and another on his shoulder.
Shuddering because of the gesture, Idia sheepishly looks you in the eyes. Staring at you, like you're one of the great seven. He suddenly feels your lips on his. What starts as a small tender kiss, turns into a heated make out session really fast. Your tongues dancing together, pushing one another. Moaning into your mouth, he closes his eyes in a bless.
Pulling away, breathing heavy, you look at him. Such a mess, flushed all over, breath wrecked, he trys to avoid your gaze. Though, his body speaks for him better then his words. Idia now is fully turned to you and is sitting on his knees before you. Looking so delicious, it's almost painful. Scooting closer to him, you now place your hands on his cheeks, making him look at you. Staring into one another's soul, you kiss each other again.
He can feel your hands slowly moving down his body. They gently, like afraid of scaring him, caress his sides, pushing on his sweet spots, that make him hitch his breath. Almost bitting his own tongue, and yours too off, when he feels you go beneath the skirt. Breaking apart, breathing in and out rapidly, Idia looks at you. Thin line of saliva still connecting your mouths.
You slowly, bend forward and start leaving trail of kisses and small bites down his neck. Idia sinks his teath down his bottom lip to keep himself quiet. Soft cry leaving his throat. You move one of your hands up his thigh. Reaching beginning of his underwear, you teas it a little, pulling and tapping it. You can particularly fell his cock twitch.
"P-plea-se! I…Ah! Pl-please…Hn...I c-can't!…" Face flushed, tongue rolled out a bit, your boyfriend trys to say something. "Yes, dear? You want something me to do?" You ask Idia in teasing manner. Your hand reaches his erection. Slowly stroking it through his underwear, you keep smiling at him with that grin of yours. "Use your words dear."
"P-please!!! More ah!" Right when he finished his thought out loud, you put a pressure on a head of his cock. Bucking his hips towards your hands he whimpers and crys in pleasure. Pushing Idia down, you pin his hands over his head. Kissing him heatedly again, you push your knee between his legs. Moaning into your mouth, he arches his back towards your other hand that is playing with his nipple under that stupid outfit.
Pulling away, you rise a bit to look at him. Flushed all over the place, hot rigged breath, eyes slightly open, his neck and collarbones with few of your marks. Maid outfit pushed down his shoulders to expose more skin that was begging for more marks. Realising his hands, you carefully help him to get those short sleeves out of the way. Front falling down a bit reviling his erect nipples, making you bend down and press a few teasing kisses to them.
"Idia, do you trust me?" You asked in husky hushed voice. He looked you on the eyes with a second doubt nodding. Smiling like Cheshire cat, you press a fee kisses to his face and get off him. You can see the confusion on your boyfriends face. "Be a good boy and wait for me here." Coying it sweetly, you quickly leave the room.
Laying down, all alone, Idia's hands without him noticing it, reach to his bulge. Slowly, with shaky hands he removed his underwear from his also shaking legs and slowly started touching himself. Moving fingers up and down his shaft, he exhales with a small whimper. Your loving hands feel so much better then his. Squeezing around himself he began to pump his hand up and down. Precum leaking out already. He closes his eyes and groans with pleasure.
What a beautiful sight you walked on. Him, moaning your name out like this, legs bend a bit, like waiting for someone to rail him in the ass, jearking himself off in that cute outfit. It makes you get even more turned on. Slowly walking closer to him, you sit down near your boyfriend. Apparently he got too consumed by the filing and didn't see you. Not to worry. You know just the way to get his attention. Reaching your hand, you slowly add pressure on his hand over his cock. Choking out a gasp, Idia opens his eyes and looks at you.
"I'm…I-" Before he could say anything, you shut him up with a kiss. He melts immediately. Slowly, you move one of your hands towards his asshole. He crys out in a kiss of the feeling of your fingers massaging hole. Breaking a kiss, you bend even further, whispering into his ear. "Sorry for, keeping you waiting you". You put mote pressure, more moans follow. "I thought we could try something…" Smiling like you're a devil in a flesh, you push your index finger in.
Silent scream left his lips. A few trails of droll roll from his mouth. Idia clings to you shoulders and crys out into your ear. You slowly start to move your finger inside, slowly trying to add another. "It-it! Insi-side!!! Agh!" After having all four fingers inside of him, rhythmetically fucking him, he's already almost sits on your hand. One of his stockings has rolled down, and his whole outfit was steady only on his abbs. Suddenly you stop and pull your hand away. Low whines and crys of disapproval are heard from your Idia. "So the thing I wanted to try…" you turn your back to him and grab something. "Well…what do you think?" Turning back to him, you revel a strap-on. Not too big, not too small. Medium. Glaring at it for a few moments, he realizes what's it for. He almost immediately got on his back and raised one if his legs. Turning his head away from you, he trys to hide behind one of his own arms. Chuckling to yourself, you smile down on him, putting your toy in place, getting the lubricant oil and getting ready. Whole time your boyfriends eyes were glued to you. Getting on top of him and placing one of his legs over your shoulder, you bend down and hover over him once again. "Say what you want~" you say in a husky voice. Idia desperately trys to push himself on your toy but you keep moving away. "Neh-neh! That won't do, dear. You have to tell me what you want." Even though Idia shuted his eyes long time ago he could feel you smile at him.
"I-I want…"
"I w-want you to…to," here he goes again, trying to push himself on a strap-on.
"Shh~. Tell me I'll do it" moving away from him, you kiss pulls on his neck.
"I want y-you! To!…"
"I want you to fuck me!" Almost yelling it out, Idia opened his eyes and looked at you. Holding on to you for dear life.
"Very well then"
A loud cry echoes through your room. Pushing in slowly, you sigh, as if you could feel how it feels to be inside of your boyfriend. Slowly bumping in and out, you thrusts deeper with each push. Head rolled flames a bit purple, not quite red, not quite blue, droll dripping from his mouth, tongue also out, Idia moans and crys like madman. You're truly grateful that your dorm is as far away from any 'crowded places'.
Kissing and sucking on one of his nipples, you slowly start to use your free hand to jerk him off a bit. Almost immediately his head shots up and he's pressed flushed to you. You start to move more aggressively and harsh, making him particularly scream your name and how much 'he fucking loves it'. You can feel his cock twitch when you hit one specific spot inside of him, making him scream from pleasure, literally. You start to hit it over and over again, making him see stars. Burning fire inside of him, grows bigger and bigger every single time, you touch one of his sensitive parts. He's so close he can feel it.
Suddenly he stops you. Looking down at him worriedly you ask "Everything okay?" Before you could mentally prepare yourself Idia half says, half huffs "C-can you…ri-ride me but k-keep t-the stra-pon i-inside?…" You at loose of your words. "I mean...we can try?" Slowly detention strapon from yourself, you get on top of him and line his dick to your entrance. Slowly pushing yourself onto his shaft, you sigh and shiver from the feeling. You can feel Idia buck his hips tawords you.
Slowly you, you start to ride him. Skirt up, revealing his crotch area, where your body's connect, hands holding into a carpet to keep himself from hurting himself or you, he looks at your eyes with his golden once. You smile daring at him, you start to move even harsher. Moaning in unison, bumping and crying out in pleasure.
A great idea comes to your head. Leaning back a bit, with one hand, you try to find with another the tip of a strap-on. Finally finding it, you grab it and push in your boyfriends hole a bit. Hearing a raw crys of pleasure, as you ride him.
Hot bubbling feeling inside of you getting stronger as you get more aggressive. Pushing in harsher, ridding more rigged you make eye contact with him again. And it's your both breaking point. You can feel him twitching inside of you and realising hot semen into you, he almost screams but bite's his lower lip just in time to just moan really loud. He stills and now it's your time to cum. Hot knots inside are vanishing. Your vision is unclear, white noise filing your ears.
After what felt like an hours, you collapsed on top of him. Giggling to yourself, you make a mental note to make more bets like that
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leggerefiore · 2 years
kinda a random question but do you have any pokemon ocs? ive always loved hearing about peoples ocs (esp pokemon bcos i love it so much) and youre so skilled with drawing out the finer points in writing and plots, i figured if you did have any they'd be super cool/interesting!
mmm i suck at ocs for fandoms haha, i have lots of characters and sometimes i just paint them over with a pokemon colour.
some of my player characters are given funny backstories.
Alexandra (Alex, Lexi)
Female, She/Her
A posh, Galarian character who is like have equivalent of whatever pokemon Scottish is. She uses ghost types, and she's an extremely lonely sort. She's got some paternal issues do to him taking her from her mother when she was young and forcing her into an entirely different environment that her grandfather's country home. This lack of connection with her peer group and family led her feeling completely isolated and unwanted. She leaves a cuppa out while having a cry over her state. This is what led to her first pokemon, Sinistea.
Her love of the ghost type led to trying to collect more of them without incurring her father's silent rage. He doesn't really care for her training and thinks business and politics are important. So at one point she was just stashing a Lampent, Polteageist, Galarian Yamask, Doublade, Dartrix and Female Frillish in her room praying no one notice her ghost party just chilling. Naturally, they were discovered, and her father was furious at her, but quickly hushed up when Polteageist shoots tea into his mouth. He comes to the realisation that she's going to be a trainer if her team is already evolving and that protective.
She doubles as an elite four member (for a different region, still attempting to debate where she goes. Unova maybe? Like if Shauntel retires.) along with a fashion designer and seamstress. Her lonely nature leads to her being either overly polite and proper or aggressive and brash. Alexandra is also far-sighted and needs glasses! Her team isn't super mischievous due to their trainer's more stern nature, but if she's ever feeling more light-hearted, they'll prank to other elite four members. (They being Polteageist and Chandelure. Aegislash and Runerigus have no interest in pranks, while Jellicent and Decidueye are good-natured friends.)
She's also a lesbian! I have no idea how to fit that in, but she is! Her pokemon are attempting to find her a girlfriend, but she's down bad for another OC (who isn't interested, because I think I'm going to make them acearo? Going back and forth on that.). It's unfortunate, but she'll eventually move on to find someone who's interested in her. Hopefully, they'll overlook her apartment being covered in fabric and half finished clothing ideas while Polteageist floats around with a discarded sheet over it. They agreed to date the ghost type trainer.
Physically, she's extremely fair-skinned and her face is covered in freckles. Her hair has no texture and is as straight as a ruler with a strawberry-blonde colour. Her eyes are an emerald green. She's extremely skinny and frail looking because she was a bit malnourished as a child and struggled with an eating disorder in her teen years. She's doing much better now, however. Usually, her outfits are more fashionable and modern or formal. Her character colour is green! Despite the ghosts!
Non-Binary, They/Them
They're a wanderer of sorts who never settles down anywhere. There are rumours that they're from Sinnoh, but no one is sure just where in Sinnoh. They only really have one Sinnohian (?) pokemon and that's Luxray. Their team is a bit all over the place with Feraligatr, Garbodor, Luxray, Malamar, Froslass, and Breloom. Not only that, but they seem like they just feel out of the sky one day. In fact, they go around telling people that. No one believes them. They are often harassed as they're a famous trainer for being strong. It's a rumour they're the champion of a far off region.
In actuality, they were created by Arceus to fix the bullshit organized teams keep doing. Team Aqua wants to flood the earth? Chiori, you're going to Hoenn. Team Galactic trying to create a new world? Chiori return to Sinnoh. Galarian Monopoly Man trying to summon an alien to make infinite energy? Chiori go experience the wonder that is Galar's bullshit. They would appreciate if the team would stop. They're getting closer to snapping every time it happens. The next person who attempts to send the world into disorder will be meeting their hands rather than their team. That's why they're wandering so much. They would very much like a break; they are going back to Alola when they finally get it.
Well, they said that, then Arceus dropped them off in Hisui. There is no break; there is no freedom. Volo is getting punched by an angry mask-wearing person who just wants their tropical vacation. Horribly confused by the present of the Subway man from Unova. They are also mildly concerned about whatever his twin is doing in his absence. Ingo heard them screaming about Volo's bullshit all the way at the base of Mt. Coronet. He nodded at their sheer volume. They impressed even him and caused a minor avalanche.
Their pokemon are like their weird family. Feraligatr was met as a Totodile when they nearly drowned and pulled them out of the water. He since has refused to leave their side. Their Luxray shocked a would be harasser when they were first dropped onto the earth. They actually saved the Trubbish who became Garbodor because they found them weirdly cute. This has led to Garbodor attempting to hug them constantly; they politely decline the affection.
They actually caught Malamar of their own volition. Something about the little squid called to them. Snorunt waddled after them as the nearly froze in Shoal cave, searching for a Shell Bell. She has nearly frozen multiple trainers, not leaving Chiori alone. Shroomish was entranced with their swagger as they travelled through Petalburg Wood without having slept more than three hours in three days. Chiori wonders if their pokemon actually like them or if Arceus intervened. (They like them of their volition. Chiori is just being bashful.)
Their features are hard to see as they usually stick to wearing masks to obscure them. They have white hair cut into a fringed bob with bright dandelion eyes. Typically, they were baggy clothing in an attempt to hide their physical features. They desperately want to be left alone, but they are constantly bothered. This world tortures them, and they would like either be allowed to relax or to return to Arceus. Dumbly, they wear the same jacket everywhere, which is how they often get recognised.
I think I'm making them acearo, and this is who Alexandra is interested in. They are a bit more feminine in physical appearance, but their voice is extremely androgynous alongside side their features.
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dancingazaleas · 3 years
𖨆. 02 / all for us
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summary: you’ve finally decided it was time to eat and bathe, but now that you aren’t worried about starving to death, you’re getting homesick. maybe a cup of tea and a movie is the best.
note: i, now, have a taglist for this series especially!! here’s the taglist form!! it will also be posted on the series masterlist!! much love <33
word count: +3.0k
warnings/notes: starvation, manipulation, abuse, slight panic attack, thoughts of suicide
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IT'S been five days since you've had anything to eat.
your body is so weak from the lack of nutrients that you can't stand up on your own. your head is constantly aching from lack of food and you keep getting dizzy.
you feel like you're on the brink of death now, you can't even get out of bed to get yourself water out of your sink, shortening your life span if you keep this up. you feel yourself crying as you roll your body off of the bed and onto the floor.
hissing in pain, you dig your nails into the spruce hardwood floor.
"you are not weak for this. you're surviving," you whisper to yourself as you push yourself forwards with your arms.
it's so painful with the bruises. they rub up against your clothing, already irritating them a bit more than before, and now it's having pressure added onto it. your tears are blocking your sight, but you push on anyways. the door has never felt so far away.
you almost perk up when your nails scratch at the door. with weak fists, you bang at the door and call for one of the men that has captured you. your tears are dripping on the ground below you, forming a small puddle as they all bunch together.
"please," you croak, "please..."
the door is being unlocked and you feel as if all of your strength has been used at that moment. you lay still as your breath falters from your sobbing.
the door bumps against your head, shooting a sharp pain through your head. you can't find strength to care about it.
"so you're finally ready to listen. you look pathetic," you don't have to look up to tell it's levi speaking to you.
he calls out to erwin, telling him to fix you small and easy meal and to get you new clothes. he squats down and takes you into his arms bridal style.
if you weren't crying and letting out weak sobs, he would think your dead. you're so limp in his arms and your eyes are empty and droopy as they stare right through him. and it creeps him out.
he takes you into a bathroom with a tub, setting you gently on the toilet. he doesn't bother locking the door behind him, you're too weak to run away right now. levi's preparing you a bath, walking back and forth as he gets towels and soaps and checking the water.
you hiccup as you watch levi starting to remove that collar and chains around your neck, and you feel like a weight has been lifted off of your chest, literally. he's undressing you, obviously trying to avert his cold eyes away from your body. you're gently laid in the bath, head resting against the rim.
levi's quiet as he pours a warm cup of water over your hair and face, squatting down to reach your level.
"stupid," he scoffs as he lathers up shampoo in his hands. he washes your hair gently.
"this isn't mine and erwin's fault," he shakes his head while he pours water over your head, "it's your fault. you refused our care."
you don't argue back, too tired to even think of a comeback. you also don't feel like getting beat any more than you already are. your eyelids are getting heavy, immediately shutting them as soon as you feel the pressure on them.
levi stares, mouth slightly parted as you breathe in and out through your nose. your cheek was sprinkled in the color crimson, his own handiwork made him cringe. he just sighs, now brushing through your locks of hair with conditioner coated on his hands.
he rinses his hands off, letting the conditioner stay there just for a few seconds so it can soak in. his eyes trail down your body, stopping at your bruised breast. he didn't even realize he hit you there.
he shrugs it off and gathers water into the small cup in his hand, pouring it over your head. he expects you to jump up at the water over your head but all you do is mumble. he wants to wash your body, specifically your underarms, but with you half asleep and barely able to stand on your own without him holding onto you, he can't.
he clicks his tongue and pulls out the cover up blocking the drain. he grabs you by the arm, ignoring the whimper of pain that you let out, and pulls you up onto your wobbling feet. he helps you step out of the tub and wraps a fluffy pink towel around your shoulders, carefully sitting you onto the toilet again.
the bath water is a little murky and levi cringes at it because he knows it'll leave a ring around the tub. he'll clean it up later.
erwin's opening the door, a pile of clothes in his large hands.
"she's all tuckered out," he chuckles, handing off the clothes to levi.
"yeah. don't know how, she's barely done anything. must be the hunger or something," levi shrugs and watches the folded clothing come undone as he holds the hemline between his fingers.
"maybe we were too harsh on her."
"no, we weren't. we can't trust her. believe it or not, but forks can hurt whenever you put force into them when you stab someone. she could've hurt one of us or herself," he folds the clothes over his arm and holds out a hand.
erwin hands him underwear, "i suppose you're right."
"i'm always right," levi carefully puts on your underwear for you.
erwin rolls his eyes at levi's comment, "make sure to dry her hair."
"i know what i'm doing," he snaps, "go put her food in her room."
erwin complies, swinging the door shut behind him as he goes to fetch your food.
you've barely processed their conversation, too focused on levi's hands putting you in a satin light grey nightgown that ends just below your knees. the bishop sleeves keep your arms warm and cold at the same time, in fact, the whole material of the dress does as well. the neckline is a v-neck, not that you mind too much because of the risk you might get too hot.
"do i...," you manage to mumble, "do i have to wear this to sleep...?"
"yeah, unless you feel like sleeping in just underwear. i don't think you want that though," he scoffs as he towels off your damp hair.
you don't reply, far too tired to even say a 'whatever' to him. you let your forehead come into contact with his hip, taking in the cold temperature radiating off of his body. you want to nuzzle into his hip, but thankfully you have enough will to not do so. it reminds you of your friend, pieck, and her cat like tendencies. the memory has you letting out a pained laugh.
levi can feel his face getting warmer at every movement you make with your head, but he manages to play it off because of the towel blocking your view. he throws the towel into the basket by the tub, hand silently stroking at the back of your head in comfort.
it doesn't give you comfort. but you don't let it show.
levi's grabbing a hair brush, a clean and new one, and running it through your (hair type) locks. there are far too many tangles from the lack of care you've been giving your hair, but not enough to make a knot.
levi then pulls out a block of deodorant from the cabinet below the sink. it's unused and you can smell the scent of flowers on it as he brings it closer. his hands slide up your dress with caution, trying to avoid coming into contact with your bruised body.
he manages to put on the deodorant easily. he picks you back up with a grunt, eyebrows furrowing at your pained expression. he's placing you back onto your bed in just a matter of seconds, throwing the covers over your legs.
erwin's sitting at the edge of your bed, holding a fork with food already on it. your eyes are droopy while you look at erwin.
you don't eat a lot, they're in fear that you might throw everything up if fed too fast. you don't blame them, you haven't eaten in five miserable days. it's best to be cautious.
"scooby...," you manage to whisper out, eyes fluttering shut.
"she wants to watch scooby doo even though she's already asleep," levi huffs with the shaking of his head, grabbing the tray from erwin's hands.
erwin follows after levi, closing the door behind the both of them and locking it.
"she seems to be getting adjusted," erwin notes while standing behind levi and watching him wash the dishes.
"only because she was on the brink of death. let's just hope she learned from it," levi's aggressively scrubbing the plate with a sponge.
you lay in your bed a few days later, the feeling of homesickness is eating you up inside. did no one care? did anyone even notice you vanished? where was everyone? what were they doing?
you think of zeke. the man you were sort of dating, it's complicated. well, it was. now, it's just nonexistent.
zeke was out of the country for a bit, something to do with work. he left you with a kiss on the forehead and a hug. you wonder if he's texted you.
you think of pieck. oh my god, she's had to have noticed by now. she's your best friend, she lives with you. but the memory of the two of you fighting right before you were kidnapped comes flooding back, and you deflate. if you weren't in the house then pieck would probably think it was normal.
what about porco? reiner? your guys friends who act like guard dogs towards you. where were they? did they notice? surely they had to, you never not text them back.
bertholdt? your close friend that you also worked with him. he was a music prodigy and he texted you almost everyday. did he notice?
you're breathing erratically as you sit up and clutch your hands over your ringing ears. where were they? where even was your phone?
you're gonna get killed before you can tell any of them that you love them. the thought has you crying and tugging at your hair. you were so mean to pieck before you were kidnapped. you hadn't talked to zeke since the day of your kidnapping, who probably wasn't worried because he was busy with work.
when will you see them again? will you ever even get to see them again?
'maybe after death,' you think, eyes darting up to the mirror on your vanity.
you slap yourself upside the head, slapping away the thought. you struggle to get onto your feet, but when you do, you're banging at the door for levi and erwin again.
you have to know if they're okay, to know if they know you're gone. you step away from the door at the sound of keys jingling and their footsteps.
"what are you freaking out about now," levi's being followed by erwin.
"my friends... did.. did you tell them i was okay," with a boost of confidence, your gripping at levi's biceps.
"get your filthy hands off of me," he smacks them away.
"yes, we did tell them you were going away. we said you decided on a vacation," erwin speaks and watches your eyes dart back to the mirror.
"fuck," you whisper to yourself. everyone would believe you'd go on vacation, you had been stressed with your job for the past month.
"levi's gonna make you some tea and then we can all chat, we were about to do so anyways," erwin's hand rubs at your back as he pulls you close to him.
levi leaves the room, following the orders of erwin. erwin, on the other hand, is cooing at you.
"no one's going to miss you," he whispers in a sweet tone and it gives you goosebumps, "no one at all."
you know it's not true. it can't be true. zeke would miss you. reiner would miss you, pieck, porco, bertholdt. they'd all miss you.... right?
"we're the only ones who care, no one else cares," his grip tightens.
"want to know what that girl said," you hear the arrogance in his voice, and you can't do anything to stop it since he's buried your face in his chest.
"she said she was glad you were on vacation. she said that it was good that she didn't have to see you," yoy hiccup against his chest, pieck couldn't have said that, right?
he pulls away finally, satisfied at your expressionless face—if you overlook the tears. you can't give in, pieck would never say that. never in a million years would she say that, even if she hated your guts.
levi comes back in, hands holding a tray that has teacups and a pot of tea on it. levi goes to the area with three chairs, setting the tray onto the coffee table and sitting himself down in one. erwin follows behind him, leaving the chair in between them open for you to sit.
they stare at you expectedly, it makes you uncomfortable so you decide to just deal with it and sit with them.
"what tea is this," erwin asks while levi pours everyone a cup.
"earl grey, what else do we have," levi hands a cup to erwin and then to you.
you hold it by the handle, silently admiring the cup's delicate and intricate design. you try to ignore the voice in the back of your head to break it on the ground and slash your neck open. you want to drink it too, it smells absolutely perfect, but if you hold it any longer you might just listen to that voice.
you set it back down, left hand immediately grabbing at your right wrist. you didn't trust yourself to make a move on your own, if you did you fear it might end up with a shard of glass at your throat.
erwin's ice eyes stare at your wrist and hand, taking in how your knuckles were white and the skin on your arm was reddening.
"just say if you want handcuffs," erwin sips at his tea and looks away.
"what," you flinch at his voice interrupting the quiet that was once there.
his comment has you looking at your hands, which you let go of at the sight of the irritation.
"sorry," you shrug and lean back in your chair.
"good. can't have you hurting your hands," levi comments, eyes staring outside of the bay window.
"speaking of that," you sigh, "why do you always leave my hands alone. you've shown no mercy to my arms, so why my hands?"
"when you're good enough, you'll be allowed to play the piano," erwin crosses a leg over the other, ankle resting on his knee.
"play? for who? there's no one in this empty house but us," you scoff and cross your arms.
"me. and there's more people here than you think," levi's giving you a small smirk, "you're just separated from them."
"it's hard to believe that you have friends, levi," you mumble loud enough for them to hear. your comment has erwin chuckling and levi rolling his eyes.
"i have friends, believe it or not. watch your attitude," he's putting his tea back onto the tray.
"i don't have an attitude," you sound like a child arguing with their parent.
erwin butts in the conversation before levi can get mad, "anyways, we will allow you to play if we think you've been good enough. levi likes the piano, remember?"
you bite down on your tongue to stop the words 'no but i remember getting kidnapped!!' from coming out of your mouth.
"when can i leave this room, it's too stuffy in here?"
"did you not just listen to erwin? he said when we feel you've been good enough. you've got to start by loosing the attitude," levi snaps his fingers irritatedly.
"how am i supposed to act?!"
"obedient," erwin's now standing over your chair, hands gripping the arms as he leans over you.
"like a dog," you look to levi at the sound of his voice, you try to make yourself smaller.
"you have on a chain and collar for a reason, don't you," erwin smiles gently, hand taking ahold of the chains while he stands up straight.
you choke when erwin tugs the chains towards himself, head knocking right against his stomach while the chains swing in the air and curl around his arm. his other arm swiftly grabs at jaw and forces you to look up at him with your chin pressed to his body.
erwin feels himself harden at the sight, your eyes are widened and your mouth his agape and panting because of the sudden cut off of air.
"just like that," he strokes his thumb along your jaw while you wonder what's caused a sudden change in him these past few days; he used to be so gentle. oh right, kidnapping.
his words have you turning hot, embarrassment hugging you from behind. it wasn't like you easily complied, you were forced to do so. you're also embarrassed because you can feel his hard-on against your sternum, and while you haven't thought about it before, you realize that erwin is fucking hung. you hope that you're not too good for them.
you're saying prayers in your head whenever levi speaks up, "i thought we came in here to watch a movie or something."
erwin lets you go, chains dropping from his arm as he does so. you sigh in relief as erwin grabs the remote from your bed and turns the tv on. you huff while you flop onto your bed and crawl up under your covers, knowing that you'll probably just fall asleep as you watch the movie.
unfortunately, this gives off the impression that you would like to be cuddled. levi's sliding under the covers with you, chest pressing against your back with arms wrapped around your waist. erwin follows soon after, inserting himself in your arms as he scrolls through the different movies at his disposal on the television. you're slightly frustrated at all of the physical contact, but you know that if you reject their advances it'll end up bad for you.
"put on heather's, please," you ask, which erwin obliges to.
as the movie goes on, you hope that they get the message.
you'll be veronica, and they'll be jd.
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