#I'm done and maybe I should pop the game back open since I'm not that tired anyway rn lmao
izzy-b-hands · 1 year
I played Bleeding Out tonight, so naturally I’m having Boss/Gat/Aisha thoughts and wound up writing another ‘Eesh has died, but Johnny is out of the hospital now and back home with Boss, and no one is equipped for this emotional upheaval but it’s here all the same’ thing.
Using one of my more recent Bosses, Ellis. If you’ve happened upon any of my SR stuff from the past year or so, you’ve probably read something with him in it already kladsfldjsa
“Thought we weren’t doing rings,” Ellis remarks, silver band in hand.
“Yeah,” Johnny mutters. “Well. I bought us rings. Wear it or don’t.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
Johnny won’t look at him, and the third ring sits between them on the coffee table.
“Gonna give it to the funeral home?”
“Not sure yet. She didn’t get to wear it, so what would be the point in keeping it to wear myself, right?” Johnny asks. A hand worries at the bandages under his shirt.
“Don’t fuck with that.”
“It itches,” Johnny grumps. “I survived being fucking vivisected damn near, if I want to itch the fucking thing-”
“I don’t want you in the hospital again,” Ellis interrupts as gently as he can. “That’s all I meant.”
“Do you think she’d want it?”
“To be put on her in the coffin?”
“At all,” Johnny’s eyes are stuck to the ring.
“You know she would have said yes. You’d talked about it, and we’d worked out how it would work with me-”
“Should have just gotten two.”
“Would it help if I do it?” Ellis asks. “You tell me if you want it at the funeral home, and I’ll take it there. If you want a chain for it so you can wear it like that, we’ll do that.”
He doesn’t expect Johnny to move and join him on the couch, or to lay down and set his head in his lap.
But he plays with Johnny’s hair, and rubs his back. “Take the night and think on it. They said we could bring anything we wanted to go in it damn near up until the burial itself.”
“Think they could put me in there?”
“Don’t fucking say that.”
“You blame me for wanting it?”
“No. Just don’t like hearing it, since I damn near had to bury you with this,” Ellis replies, hand lingering down lower, at the bump of the bandages under Johnny’s shirt.
“Yeah, I fucking did,” Ellis insists. “You didn’t have to sit there and watch yourself nearly bleed out while that fucking asshole-”
“Trent did his best,” Johnny sits up slowly and wraps an arm around him. “His route, I’m told was-”
“Bad. He’s banned from driving right now, as a result,” Ellis sighs. “Because who the fuck thinks, ‘oh, we need the hospital immediately, but we’re being followed by rival gang members, let’s fucking do a jump from the road to the roof of a building below it, and-”
“I’m okay,” Johnny interrupts. “I’m breathing. He did fine.”
“Any room in that coffin for me too?”
“We’ll have to ask. Eesh would be pissed though.”
“At having to share, or us giving up?”
“Maybe a little bit of both,” Johnny muses. “It’s not a big coffin, so maybe the sharing. That’s why she had us buy that new mattress-”
“Because we either replace it with a bigger one, or Ellis is gonna keep falling out of bed,” Ellis quotes. “She was right. It is really nice, not falling out of the bed because it’s too small. Kind of too big now, isn’t it?”
Johnny peers around the house, and his voice catches in his throat. “Would you hate it if we went to your place near the hideout, maybe?”
“No,” Ellis will never say it aloud to Johnny, but every day and night they’ve spent in Aisha’s place, what had been their place, all three of them...
He sees it. Over and fucking over again.
The chair she was tied to and her body limp in it, and the blood on the walls, and the flowers cut and tossed to the floor, and her head-
“Should we call Pierce or Shaundi to come get us?” Ellis asks.
“I don’t think I can handle any questions,” Johnny says. “If Carlos was still here-”
“He’d pick us up and not say a single fucking word if we asked him not to,” Ellis gives up and buries his face into Johnny’s neck. “I don’t wanna undo all the work we’ve done. But if I could have two things, just two-”
“I know. We don’t get that though. But we can get revenge.”
“Maybe some sleep first?”
“Never thought I’d hear you say that,” Johnny chuckles, but there’s a bitter note in it. “Have you been sleeping at all?”
“You know I haven’t. I keep coming down here at night,” Ellis murmurs against Johnny’s skin, just loud enough to be audible. “Because it feels like she’ll be down here. And I’ll untie her, and she’ll shout at us for fucking up, and then she’ll come upstairs to bed.”
They wind up taking the train, where they stay until the sun rises, sleeping as the cars follow their endless loop around the city.
0 notes
noiriarti · 2 months
Just Practice: Anakin Skywalker x Reader (Modern Best Friends AU) Ch. 2
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Summary: Anakin is your best friend, the one person you can't survive without, and you're about to go to different colleges. You bring up your worries about your inexperience and he offers to help.
NSFW!!!!!!! Literally so NSFW!!! TW for mentions of choking and degradation
Ch. 1, [Ch. 2], Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Bonus Chapter
Chapter 2: An Inescapable Fact
Anakin Skywalker was in love with his best friend. It was an inescapable fact, the same way that the sky was blue, and the Earth was round. Another fact was that he had made out with and practically came on his best friend. He didn't really know what he had been thinking, or if he even had been thinking, but, after he left, all he knew was that he wanted to do it again. And again. And again.
Maybe he liked it a little too much. When he walked down the front steps of your house with his mom, picked up his bike from your lawn, and dashed up to his room to "finish packing," he not-so-subtly palmed himself, his hand lingering on the front of his jeans, where you were grinding against him minutes (minutes!!!) ago. It took him all of thirty seconds to take care of it, imagining you were still on top of him. As he lay there, panting, his hand covered in cum, he wondered if you were doing the same thing. (You were, of course, but he didn't know that.) He pulled out his phone with his clean hand and typed out a message. Hey. His phone dinged less than a second later. Hey, you had sent back. Now he was left wondering what the fuck a person is supposed to say to their best friend who they're in love with and just "for practice" made out with? 
That was great. No, too eager.
That was hot. No, weirdly horny.
How are you? No, too nonchalant.
I've been in love with you since seventh grade and I can't imagine life without you so please don't stop being my friend and if you want to be more I'd really enjoy that but no worries if you want to stay just friends. Jesus Christ.
We should do that again. Passable. Send. 
And so he waited for you to respond. And waited. And then stood up and cleaned himself up. And packed a bit. Eventually, later in the night, his phone pinged and he dove across the room to check it, but it was a notification from Instagram that one of his teammates had sent him a post. Anakin tossed his phone back on his bed with a little bit more force than necessary, then threw more of his shirts into the open suitcase on the floor. Another hour passed, and there was still radio silence from you. He opened his texts and stared at your exchange for a bit. It was still unread.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I crossed a line and it obviously is making you uncomfortable. I enjoyed what we did, and I'd like it to continue, if you want. If not, that's chill. I just want you to talk to me. Tell me what you're thinking, and how you're feeling, and if you still want me in your life. Please-- he drafted, stopping suddenly when he saw the Read notification pop up. He deleted the entire thing with shaking hands. What were you going to say?
Those three dots in the bubble were literal torture, he decided. Being stretched on the rack was probably easier than this horrible purgatory of not knowing whether the one person in his life who he couldn't exist without wanted to end their friendship.
Agreed, your text read. He immediately typed out a Are you okay?, which you answered with Yeah, you?. He assured you that he was, and you told him you were going to sleep for the night. Anakin finally put his phone down and asked himself what was wrong with him.
He hadn't felt this way around a girl, well, ever. In sophomore year, Padmé approached him and asked him out. He was so thrilled someone showed interest in him that he didn't think too carefully about it, but he caught feelings for her quickly. She was smart, kind, pretty. All the things a girlfriend ought to be. She made signs for his games, and kissed him with a desire he longed for. Everyone knew that she loved him, especially him. That's what made it gut-wrenching, because there was always something he was looking for that he could never find with her. Something he was missing. Little things killed them, like when she bought him cranberries and didn't know that he hated them, or when he realized her parents would never approve of him, no matter how hard he tried. He was always the captain of the soccer team who lived in the not-so-nice part of the town, where there were more cows than people, and she was always the genius debater from a house that had six bathrooms.
The first time he had sex with her, it was all hands and kisses and whispered praise. The second time, when he was less stunned by the newness of everything, he started feeling it. That wrongness. And it just didn't stop. When he said her name, the word felt foreign on his lips, like he wasn't meant to say it. Once, he brought up doing something more intense, like pulling her hair or smacking her ass, and she said she probably wouldn't enjoy it, but she'd try it anyway. She, in fact, did not enjoy it, and Anakin drove away from her house later that night in his beat-up Toyota feeling like a monster. Everything was just a little off between them. All his fantasies, all his conceptions of how a girlfriend and sex should be were based on how he imagined you would act. He'd know about your sweet tooth and give you the frosting off his cupcake, and you'd give him the pickles off your burger. With Padmé, nothing fit just right, it was a little off. In another world, he thought that he could have choked it down, married her. Had a happy life in a suburb somewhere. She would have loved it.
He found himself responding to her texts slowly, and kept trying to bring himself back to their dates when he zoned out. It didn't work, and, after a teary, bittersweet goodbye eight months after they dated, he was single again. When Padmé got into Harvard in her senior year, his junior year, he congratulated her, and she hugged him, and he knew that they were okay. Maybe he didn't ever really get to know all of Padmé's nooks and crannies because he didn't feel the urge to. With you, it was practically pathological. He hungered for every photo of you, every glance that you threw him. 
Now that he had kissed you, finally giving in to his stupid desires, he knew, with certainty, that this was love. Not a childish crush, not a teenage boy's lust, but love. (And also lust, but that was secondary.) As he fell asleep that night, he decided to tell you that just thinking of you was setting his heart racing now, that he wanted nothing more than to be yours. He'd just do it when he visited you.
When he loaded his whole life (three suitcases, it turned out) into the back of the massive van your parents had rented, he realized you hadn't seen you this morning yet. Your parents were setting up the front, arguing over which highway to take. Why did it matter? There were four hours until the flight. Your parents had pulled out two of your five suitcases, which Anakin dutifully loaded into the back next to his own luggage. You must have packed a whole rack of weights inside them, leaving Anakin sweating after stuffing the trunk.  The pom poms you had made for both of your suitcases (an early going away present, you had said, which made his heart constrict and ache) were laid down like ducks in a row. As your mother emerged with the remaining three suitcases, probably even heavier than the first two, he thanked his lucky stars Coach made them do so much conditioning. That, and the away games gave him practice at waking up at the ass-crack of dawn, a skill that came in useful today.
You weren't a morning person, which he knew, so your absence wasn't a shock, but you coming out of the house looking perfectly awake was. Anakin watched you cast one last look at your house, memorizing its grooves like you didn't already know them by heart, before you turned your gaze to him. Your eyes met, and he instantly looked away. Fuck, you looked pretty this morning. You walked up to him, and he noticed the faintest trace of makeup around your eyes.
"You look nice," he blurted out once you walked up to him. He cursed himself. When had he become so awkward around you?
"Thanks," you said as you smiled back at him. Like nothing had ever happened, like he hadn't kissed your neck eight short hours ago. So it probably meant less to you than it did to him. The cool early morning air soothed the sting of that idea. You climbed into the backseat, wedging yourself in between the various backpacks and Anakin's seat. When he buckled himself in, your thighs were pressed together, just like last night. Anakin's hand itched to bring your legs over his, to grab your knee and kiss you again. But he wasn't going to.
The car ride was calming, only an hour to the airport, and you were the only car on the road. In the dark, early morning, you had fallen asleep almost instantly. Your parents had lapsed into silence, and he was supposed to be only torn up about leaving his mom, but he kept getting distracted by the way your head lolled around the headrest. Eventually, your head fell into the space between you, resting at an angle Anakin thought would need a chiropractor to fix. So, he did what any best friend would. He gently guided your head to his shoulder. It must have been more comfortable for you that way, anyway. He couldn't sleep, hyperaware of your every movement like he had never been before. Heart fluttering and hands antsy, Anakin managed to survive the drive. Once you got to the airport, and your parents called your name, you jolted up, and he missed you immediately. If he thought separating before would be hard, he had fucked up last night and made it a thousand times worse. Not that he regretted it, really.
The five of you made it through check-in (another lifting of the bags, which broke him into a sweat he hoped looked rugged and not gross) and security (where every single one of his bags was pulled aside because he was carrying some of his projects, which, okay, did have a lot of wires and chips in them, but he was an engineer, dammit, not a bomber). By the time you had dragged yourselves to the gate, the sun had risen. Your flight was first, straight to LaGuardia, then Anakin and Shmi would get on the plane to Ithaca just an hour later. You still had two hours until the flight, which the two of you spent in McDonalds getting one last Icee (cherry for Anakin, blue raspberry for you), drinking it until Anakin's stomach hurt from the sugar. It was like the previous night never happened, and neither of you mentioned it, dodging the topic and filling every silent moment with some comment about a tourist dropping all their bags or some mom with a child on a leash. When the first boarding call came from your gate, only ten seconds' walk away from your current perch next to some chargers on a wall, he knew your parents would want you back soon. He only had a minute, and you sensed it too. The sun was rising, casting its sleepy shine through the windows of the terminal and lighting up a halo of frizz around your head. You were beautiful, he thought. He pulled you into a crushing hug.
"Thank you for being my best friend. Promise you won't forget me?" You whispered to him while still in his bear hug. The tiny voice you used, the fear that question hid were too much for him. He pulled you in tighter, until he could barely breathe. 
"I could never. I'll be your best friend forever," he affirmed. Because that's what you were, above all else. Friends. Anakin had to preserve that, and he wavered on the decision to tell you about his feelings. Your friendship came first. When he walked you back to your gate, the last he saw of you was when you turned back to look at him right before walking through the gangway to your plane. It reminded him of the way you looked at your house before you left, a gesture of love and loyalty. Then you were gone, and he missed you instantly.
Another hour in the airport was dreadfully boring without you, it turned out, and the five hour plane ride was even worse. By the time they landed, Anakin was practically ready to jump out of the emergency exit, just for the entertainment of it. Everything he did was tinged with the slightest bit of disinterest. The book he packed, The Art of Electronics, proved to be dreadfully dull, and his phone was similar. There was only one person he wanted to hear from.
When they landed in Ithaca's airport, Anakin and Shmi loaded into a taxi and drove off to his dorm, which was comfortingly close. Just a hop away, then he could be home. The room itself, when entered, smelled damp and stale but at least looked clean. He and Ben, his slightly older roommate who played professionally in leagues in the UK before coming to college, got on like fire and tall grass, and Shmi practically had to keep reminding them that they, indeed, needed to unpack. 
Around five, he shot you a text.
Anakin: How's your room?
You: Nice, big! Here's a pic
You sent a picture
You: I finally met Ahsoka IRL, and she's just as nice as I thought she'd be!
You: I really like hanging out with her and her girlfriend Barriss
You: What about you?
Anakin: It's good, me and Ben, who's also on the soccer team
Anakin: lmfao that looks tiny
Anakin: We have a common room
Anakin: Feast your eyes
Anakin sent a picture
You: Jesus how have you managed to make it gross already
Anakin: It's not gross
Anakin: The Nicki Minaj American flag is camp
Anakin: And we only need two chairs for the TV
You: Two folding chairs in the middle of the room and nothing else on the walls is unhinged
Anakin: Unfriended
He smiled and set his phone down. Things were back to normal. Now, all he had to do to finish move-in was get thoroughly drunk with his new teammates.
You kept in contact with one another, sending cute squirrels (Anakin) and rats (you) that crossed your paths, or updating each other on your classes. Two weeks in the semester, Anakin finally felt brave enough to ask you. He was sitting on his newly-acquired couch, which you had bullied him into buying off of Facebook Marketplace. It was dingy, and had several stains that made him wonder if it was a crime scene, but it was cheap, and that was what mattered.
Anakin: Hey, can I come over this weekend?
You: Please. I'm going crazy here without you.
Anakin: Can I crash on your floor then?
You: I mean, if you're coming, we could practice a bit more, so you wouldn't have to use the floor
Anakin: That sounds amazing. What do you want to do?
You: I don't know. What do you want to do?
Anakin: I asked first
You: lol idk. It's just weird to talk about this with you
You: Not that I don't enjoy it, or want it. Just still feels weird.
Anakin: I get that, for me too.
You: I don't know if I'm ready to be idk, naked? I guess?
You: But I want to do more
You: I think I want to try giving head
Anakin: You don't have to do anything you don't want to
Anakin: I'd enjoy that a lot
You: g2g to class ttyl
Ben wasn't home, thank God, or else he could have walked in on Anakin stroking himself in the living room like a pervert. The image of your lips around him was too much to resist, even for the second it took him to get up and walk to his room. While fucking his fist, the fantasy escalated. Him fucking your throat harshly, feeling you gag on it. Him using your hair to drag your mouth up and down his cock while your hands were tied behind you. Once he came, he started feeling guilty about imagining you in such a rough situation. Anakin had no idea if you even wanted that, and he vowed to let you take the lead as much as possible. He also felt guilty about leaving another teeny tiny stain on the already suspicious couch when some cum dribbled down his hand, but it kind of blended in.
On Tuesday, he left his electrical engineering course when he got a text that stopped him in the middle of the hall.
You: Hey
You: So I am going to a sex store for the first time today
Anakin: Hey
Anakin: Wow ok exploring nyc
You: Should I get anything for this weekend?
Anakin: Idk, up to you
Anakin: Just choose whatever you want to try
You: ok i will pull up with a massive horse dildo for u then king
You: But seriously, I want to make it enjoyable for you too.
You: Do you have any requests for like outfits or something?
Anakin: fuck all the way off
Anakin: What? Like, shirts?
You: No
Anakin: Oh
Anakin: Whatever makes you feel good
You: But cmon you've got to have a pereference
You: *preference
Anakin: pereference
Anakin: I don't have a pereference
Anakin: You could say I don't perefer anything
You: Fuck off
You: Answer the question motherfucker
Anakin: Idk maybe black lace? Whatever makes you happy
Anakin: I've always wanted to rip fishnets, if that's something you want
You: Sounds like a plan
He liked the message and slipped his phone in his pocket as he bounced over to the student lab, ready to finish the Arduino gadget he was making for class. You in a lacy set sounded like a dream come true, mainly because he was almost certain he had that exact wet dream last year.
The four ensuing days allowed Anakin to think, for once, which was never a good idea. It grew new doubts to stress over. Had he accidentally pushed the idea of fishnets on you? What if you weren't into the stuff he was into, or if you decided you weren't into him enough to be able to do anything further with him, now that the horny initial haze had dwindled? He was considering this again while on the train, watching the upstate countryside roll by. Sometimes it was close enough to Minnesota that he felt like he was home, so he shot his mom a text saying he missed her, and that he'd call her tomorrow. He also had two unread texts from you.
You: Hey!! When you arrive just text me and I'll grab you
You: I'm excited to see you
Anakin: Hey
Anakin: I'm excited to see you too
Anakin: Lots of stories to share
Before he could think better of it, he typed out something he hoped would dull the constant questioning in his mind.
Anakin: Oh
Anakin: Also
Anakin: I feel kinda bad for bringing up something only I'm interested in the last time we talked about me coming over
Anakin: This should be about you
You: Takes two to tango, as they say
Anakin: Never say that again
You: I will say it again
Anakin: Shut up I'm trying to be serious
You: I'm saying that I'm interested in that sort of stuff
You: When I was at the store there were a bunch of things I wanted to try
You: Like wax and ropes
Anakin: Kinky
And, now, the question he had been nervous to ask, or even to think about. 
Anakin: Do you want to try them on me, or for me to try them on you?
You: Definitely you doing that to me
You: I've been doing research
You: There's a lot of stuff I want to try, if you want to practice with me
Anakin: Fuck that sounds fun
Anakin: Like what?
Was he letting his cards show too much? Maybe. It just felt too good not to ask.
You: Degradation, overstim, just idk. Rough in general
You: Down the road maybe rope
Anakin: Damn ok 50 shades of grey
Anakin: You have been doing your research
Anakin: That all sounds good to me, as long as it's good for you
Anakin: I can't wait to get there
The rush of excitement he felt at the idea of tying you up and fucking you until you screamed drowned out the notes he was meant to be reviewing in front of him, and the circuit diagram he was supposed to draw. 
He thought of you splayed out in front of him, covering those slutty lace panties in your juice until it soaked through the other side. He thought about his hand on your neck as you begged him to cum. And--fuck--you gagging on your knees as he thrust into your throat. He was hard--again.
But he had to remember what he was coming here to do, really. To tell you how he felt. He pulled out the piece of paper he had spent the past two weeks writing and rewriting in his mind as he did dribbling drills and soldered wires. There were four drafts in his desk, written out and crumpled into the back of the drawers, because he knew that one look at you in your room, giving him those desperate eyes, would wipe him blank of anything except how much he wanted you. After how platonic you were at the airport, he wasn't sure if he should say anything, because the distance over the next four years would make it so hard to be together, and you hadn't ever talked about long distance. Now, he looked at the paper and didn't know what to think. Did he really want to say words as big as "I love you" so quickly, so soon? The doubt plagued him as he looked over the final version of the letter, which was suddenly sappy and childish.
Since we were kids, I've considered you my closest friend. Someone who made me *me*. I started listening to Fall Out Boy because you did, I peel bananas upside down because you showed me how, and I only eat pepperoni pizza with olives and mushrooms because you've ordered it so much that it grew on me. I treasure you your friendship so much, and those feelings have been changing since we were younger to something more romantic. I don't know when it started, but when we kissed, I knew I loved--
He looked away. Why was he using the word love? He didn't know if you two would even work romantically. What if you went on a date and it felt just like your regular dynamic? What if he was a bad boyfriend, like he was to Padmé, and you didn't want him anymore? Was he about to throw years of your trust away?
He wasn't sure whether to tell you, at all. Anakin just wanted to know if you felt the same way about him, or else he'd lose more than just his pride. He had to give it more time. And, until then, this was all practice anyway. (He was really, really good at lying to himself.) He folded the paper precisely, and stuck it in his pocket. Just in case.
The train slowed with a screeching that rung his ears and arrived at Grand Central. From the moment he left the train, the station was packed with people. Everything was buzzing, from the voices shouting over each other to the side of his arm where someone smacked into him. The air was stale and warm from the bodies, which moved in completely unpredictable patterns through the vast space. If he was this overwhelmed, how were you faring in the city? He made his way to the subway station just a few blocks across midtown, then got on the 1, which was surprisingly clean based on everything he had heard about New York. Anakin half expected to be pickpocketed and to see rats on the trains, but the plastic yellow and red seats playfully shined at him, clean and inviting.
Before long, he found himself on Columbia's campus at sunset, walking through the buildings which all looked a little bit too similar to find your dorm. Carman Hall, there it was. Anakin texted you that he was outside and steadied his nerves. He would finally get to see you again. Hug you again. Kiss you again, a part of his brain that he dutifully shoved into a dark corner said.
Three minutes passed--he was looking at his phone clock for every one of the--and then the entrance clicked open. There you were. You looked amazing, and city life clearly agreed with you. You were wearing a simple denim skirt and green shirt, but you looked incredible. You had added a few ear cuffs, glinting in the dwindling sunlight, which cast your skin in a warm glow.
"Hey," he said into your temple as he crushed you back, "You look--wow." He pulled away and grabbed your shoulders, examining if you were still the person he knew. You were, he determined when you beamed at him. Your hand was still the same as he remembered when you flashed an ID badge, featuring a photo he had taken against a wall in your house, at the bored-looking security guard, who just waved you two by.
Anakin had just started telling you about how one of the midfielders, Rex, kicked the ball directly in the coach's crotch, when the elevator doors opened on the sixth floor, and he followed you down a winding hallway full of nameplates, whiteboards, and decorations. One room had construction paper black cats and pumpkins all over the door, which made him stop and smile. You stopped in front of a door that had fake leaves stuck to it, making it look like a tree was dropping paper leaves onto the floor. You unlocked the door, which groaned as it opened to show exactly the room you had sent him photos of, but with significantly more clutter on your desk.
"Welcome! This is my humble abode!" On the other side of the room, the girl sitting on her bed, cast him a withering glance. She had wide, doe-like eyes that he was sure probably hid a lot of mischief. Her hair was styled in twists she had gathered into pigtails that tumbled over her shoulders, with a string of beads woven into the crown of her head.
"This must be Jake," the woman he presumed to be Ahsoka said, scrutinizing him with her piercing eyes. Jake? Who the fuck is Jake? Anakin wondered as he tried to read your reaction. You spluttered, obviously not ready to have that piece of information revealed yet.
"No, no, this is Anakin! From home!" You put on a strained smile in an attempt to salvage the situation.
"So, you're not dating?" Ahsoka quirked up one eyebrow, not buying for one second that whatever she was seeing in front of her was platonic.
"No, not at all. I could never date him, he's my best friend!" You said too loudly, forcing the words out. Perfect. Just perfect. That solidified his decision. If you were friendzoning him this hard, and you were obviously trying to practice for this Jake guy's sake, then there wasn't any point in what he was going to say. The paper in his pocket was so easy to crush under his fingers, he almost wished he had done it sooner. It was stupid, anyway. This wasn't anything more than two people exploring new things. His feelings would pass, eventually.
Ahsoka shrugged and hugged you goodbye after she slipped off the bed and grabbed an overnight bag. She left, presumably for Barriss's room, and closed the door behind her.
In the silence left in the room, the words were on the tip of his tongue. Who's Jake?, he would ask nonchalantly. Like it didn't matter. Anakin stopped himself. It wouldn't do him any good to know more. Instead, he kept recounting the story of Rex making the whole team run sprints for the day with his crazy aim, albeit with less enthusiasm. In return, you told him about the suck-up in your Intro to Psychology course, who gushed to the professor that he loved his work and was his biggest fan. It was literally a 101 class, what was he trying to prove?
Anakin's pack lay forgotten by the door as you two recounted your weeks to one another, and for a moment it didn't feel like a new city, it just felt like home. He didn't even realize that it was night until you pointed it out, mentioning that you missed the stars that you could see from your yard. And the fireflies. But the city lights twinkled nicely enough that he couldn't see  a difference. You lapsed into silence, watching students walk out onto the street as stores pulled down their shutter doors. The bed was to your left as you stood watching the window, and your eyes glanced to it. 
"So, um. Want to watch some Netflix?" You said in your best approximation of a sexy voice, turning to your right and looking up at him in a way that you hoped was seductive. Anakin looked at your face and burst out laughing.
"If you want to do stuff, just ask!" He raised the pitch of his voice, imitating yours as he bit his lip fake-sexily. "Netflix and chill?" You grabbed one of the copious pillows on your bed and hit him with it. He caught it immediately and lobbed it back at your head, but you ducked at the last possible moment, so it hit the bed with a thump.
"Missed!" You giggled. That sweet laughter would be the death of him. When you caught your breath, the sweet smile he had stole your breath. 
"Um, do you want to... practice?" You asked. In truth, you wanted him, badly. Your eyes flitted down to his lips, which he immediately noticed and took as his cue to use the last of his willpower to make sure you were okay with this before kissing you silly, and hopefully doing more. Much more. He stepped closer to you, drawing you in with his arms around your waist.
"Just so that I'm perfectly clear. You don't have to do anything that makes you feel the slightest bit weird. We don't have to do anything now, at all. Or ever, if that's what you want," he said huskily.
"No, I do want this," you whispered, nodding and leaning in so that you were nearly touching noses, "I want you down my throat." Fuck. There went his self-control. He crushed his lips into yours, the softness of the previous time eclipsed by the need in both of you that had been building in between texts for the weeks you had been apart.
No. You had to talk this through. He had to know that you understood what you were getting into. Anakin pulled away, even though it killed him.
"We should talk more. No touching until we're done talking," he said, holding his hands up to prove that he was serious.
"Fine. But you're going to break first. I'd bet anything." You also held your hands up, defiant as ever. He was seized with the urge to make you obey him, and quieted it down as much as he could.
"Fine. I'll take that deal. Just, let's talk first. You said that you wanted to try rougher stuff, and I don't want to do that before I'm certain I don't cross a boundary," he said. He thought of himself last year, the guilt over Padmé.
"What boundaries could you possibly cross? I'm asking you to be rough." Anakin was still worried.
"Yes, but it's your first time giving head. I don't want to make it uncomfortable. Or, if I cross a line and can't tell... I just want to keep you safe. How about you tap me twice for good to go, three times for slow down, and four times for stop?" You nodded, giving him those same big eyes that made him want to absolutely ravish you. The time between you stretched, turning pliant and gooey as he searched your eyes for uncertainty. "Show me," he purred. He had poured some of the commanding tone into it that he wanted so desperately to use. You obediently tapped out the sequence on his arm, and he tossed you a smirk. 
"Okay. First of all, I won. You touched me first," he said, enjoying the way you were about to fight him on it, "And, second of all, shut up and kiss me." And you did.
AN: Oh we are getting raunchy in the next chapter buddies!!!
Tag List (message me or reply if you'd like to be added!): @akixxrafiiy
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clydiepie · 2 years
Team Stan x reader! (Cooking for them)
Cooking for your boyfriend is never dull that's for sure lol
cw: none!
Team Stan (individually) x reader who loves to cook for them!
She/her pronouns
mentions of NSFW
Enjoy!! <3
do i even have to explain???
okay i will lol
"Hey, babe instead of us going out how about I make dinner?" You said popping your head out from the kitchen
"I think i love you.." he mumbled
"What was that?"
"Nothing stupid get back in the kitchen" he joked
While you worked in the kitchen you were super focused, you always wanted things to be just the way Eric liked (especially since he would never let you forget If you fucked something up)
He is probably sitting on the couch playing some videogame with the boys online when he smells something coming from the kitchen.
He pulls off his headset and leaves the game to follow that delicious smell
"Where the hell did he go?"
but the game has been long abandoned he shuffles his way closer to you as you focused on whatever was on the stovetop.
You were pulled from your intense focus as Eric protectively wrapped his arms around your waist
"Almost done?"
Eric is gracious enough to set the table for you guys
Once you guys have eaten, Eric drags you to the couch to cuddle with him (even though he will insist that he only wants to relax while his food digests)
You guys snuggle up on his couch and watch T.V together
you can see his phone on the end table that keeps lighting up with texts from the boys wondering where he went, he ignores them.
"Maybe you should just say over, I don't want to walk you home in this cold weather."
"Eric it's cold every day."
He really just wants to help
dear god let him or he'll explode
"Y/N honey, do you want any help?"
"I'm okay but thank you!"
Kyle will sit in the kitchen and watch your every move, not judging or anything he is just curious (plus he just likes being around you)
He waits patiently for you to give him some kind of task, he really just wants to be helpful.
"Yes!" Kyle says a little too enthused jumping up from his seat.
"Would you ask Ike if he is hungry, I have enough for the three of us." you say with a smile
Kyle begrudgingly invites his little brother to eat with you guys. (he just wanted you to himself)
The three of you are gathered around Kyle's kitchen table as you serve up the food to the boys.
Kyle can't help but imagine what a good mother you would be.
Like you are so good at helping out with Ike he can’t even think about it without blushing
You take notice of his red face and ask if the food is too spicy
“Oh no it’s perfect!!”
He calmly composed himself as you and Ike chat about how school is going
Shortly after you finish eating Ike scurries upstairs back to his video games while Kyle helps you wash the dishes.
The two of you side by side at the sink, laughing as you play with the bubbles in the sink
You take a huge handful of bubbles and slap it in his face
He wipes his face and underneath the mess you see a devious smirk
You slowly start to back away from him knowing what was about to happen
“Oh baby you’re going to pay for that.”
All is heard is your screams as Kyle chases you with a handful of bubbles
“Ike help me!!” You yell
“Sorry Buddy.” Ike yells back from his room
Stan actually didn't even know you were going to be at his house when he got home
His parents are out of town so he figured he would just heat up a frozen pizza or something
But he walked in the door and was greeted by you wearing a cute little apron and setting the table with some simple plates for the two of you
"Uh Y/N, what's all this?"
"Oh, I just thought it would be nice for us to have a little dinner date." you smile
You are so fucking cute Stan can't handle it
He follows you into the kitchen and sees a number of things strewn about the counters
a cookbook sat open next to the stove as you continued to stir whatever was in the boiling pot in front of you
He could tell you were putting in a lot of effort and he felt bad he hadn't done anything for you
instead of offering his help, which he knew you wouldn't accept, he hatched a plan of his own
Stan strolled over to you and kissed your forehead while you worked
"I'll be right back okay?"
You hummed in response deep in concentration with your project
As fast as he came he was gone again, swiftly grabbing his keys and walking out the front door
As you heard the front door close you thought to yourself what he might be doing but you decided just to focus on the task at hand.
Just as you were about to finish up the food you hear the front door open and some movement in the dining room
You figure Stan is just up to some weird joke so you finish up the food and walk into the dining room with 2 plates in hand
You walk out to see Stan holding a bouquet of flowers and the table is set with candles and rose petals all around
"Stanley" you say trying not to cry because of how sweet he was
"What kind of date doesn't have flowers for their girlfriend?"
You put the food down on the table and walk over to him and pull him in for a sweet kiss
"Maybe I could treat you to some dessert later hm" you say kissing him again
"What did I do to deserve you."
You decided to surprise your boyfriend at his house with plans to make him and his siblings dinner
You arrived at Kenny's and gave the door a quick knock before being greeted by your boyfriend with a surprised look on his face
"Babe what are you doing here." he says as he swoops in to take all the heavy bags you were carrying
"I thought I could make dinner for everyone." you smiled as you started to unpack the contents of your bags onto the counters
Kenny was shocked you would spend your time and money on him and his family
He needed to repay you somehow
As you started to prepare some stuff for cooking you noticed that Kenny had started to help you pulling out mixing bowls and a few utensils
"Ken you don't have to help, I got this," you say resting your hand on his shoulder as he leans down into the bottom cabinet looking for something.
"I know you do but I just want to help, please let me." he cooed standing up with an old wooden cutting board in hand.
You gave in instantly, how could you say no to that face
The two of you worked together cutting vegetables and cooking over the stove, Kenny would sometimes just walk up and kiss you in the middle of something
The two of you worked so well together, it's like he always knew what your next move would be
he was always one step ahead
As you too finished up cooking Kenny did the best he could to find matching plates and cups for you and his siblings
You went to call the kids in for dinner as Kenny put the plates of food on the table
domestic life seemed to fit you both so well, as you all ate Kenny talked with his sister and brother about their day
he held your hand below the table the whole time
After dinner, you guys just tossed the dishes in the sink and went to Kenny's room to cuddle
As he held you in his arms he mumbled a question into your shoulder
"Would you ever want kids one day?"
"Only if you were my baby daddy." you laugh
"Oh, I can arrange that."
Thanks for reading! i kinda got a little carried away sorry if this is too long lol!!
-m <3
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
Out of The Blue – Keys
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I walked into my apartment and kicked off my shoes. I went upstairs and changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized flannel. The second I got downstairs, I collapsed onto the couch.
Right out of MIT, I got a job as a traveling coder. I meet with business professionals and owners and help them build their websites. After the first meeting, everything I did could be done from home.
I grabbed my laptop off my desk and took it to the family room. I put on the TV show I was currently binge-watching and slowly started working on my newest project. I was finishing up for the night when I glanced over and saw how late it was. I was just about to close my computer when it dinged. With furrowed eyebrows, I checked my email.
Walter McKeys.
My heart flipped and then plummeted into my stomach. I haven't talked to Keys since college. We were in a lot of classes together. We constantly studied together and helped each other with our homework. I was the one who gave him the nickname "Keys". He gave me the nickname "Buggy". He used to say that I was annoyingly good at finding and getting rid of computer bugs.
Memories came flooding back as I read his email.
Hey Buggy, It's been a long time. I'm sorry for this random email, but I've been thinking a lot about you lately. That's probably weird. To be honest, I don't really know how to explain why I'm emailing you. I've never been very good with words. I'm only good with code. You know that. How many times did we have to do a presentation and all I could do was the coding part? You were always the one who did the presentation and the talking part.
Sorry. I'm email-rambling. Anyway, I've been having this issue with a code and AI. I finally made the connection and figured out the problem. I only figured it out because of you. I know that doesn't make sense, Buggy, and I'm sorry. Please watch the video attached and maybe, just maybe, it'll make more sense.
Sincerely, Your Keys
As I finished the email, my breathing was unsteady, almost coming out in short gasps. I reread it over and over again, my mind spinning with questions. I opened the attachment, but for some reason, I couldn't play it. When I finally pressed play, Keys popped up on my laptop screen. From the looks of it, he was at his office late at night.
Why would he film this at his office and send it to me despite how late it was?
That question made me finally press play. I held my breath as Keys started talking.
"Hey, Buggy," he smiled at the camera. "I know this is kinda weird, but I need to get some things off my chest. I'm not sure if you know this but for the last year, I've been working for Soonami on a game called, "Free Life". Lately, I've noticed something. . . Strange. Before I explain, I need to confess something. A while ago, I created a game with a friend of mine called, Life Itself. To be honest, Y/N, I used part of your code from our senior project."
Keys looked away from the camera and sighed. When he looked back, my chest tightened at the look on his face.
"I'm really sorry, Y/N," he whispered. "I should've. . . I changed it a little bit. Your code was focused on programming. All I did was adapt it for gaming. I'm sorry. I know I should've called and asked for your permission. I really hope that doesn't make you hate me."
He cleared his throat and took a minute to get his thoughts back on track. "Anway," he continued, "Soonami bought "Life Itself". They claimed to have shelved it, but my friend Millie found proof that they didn't. For you to understand what happened, I need to introduce you to Guy."
I smiled when his scream split and I saw the character he started talking about. "He's supposed to be an NPC, but something changed. Now, from the beginning. . . Guy's behavior is much more complex than it should be, thanks to our code."
My heart jumped when he called it "our code".
"But he's still stuck in "Free City,"" he continued. "He's still stuck in his life, this loop. And then, something changes. He comes to life. Why? And then I remembered. One of the characters from "Life Itself" was this guy that I nicknamed, "Lovelorn". And he was someone who was designed to never meet the right person. It was essentially the building blocks of the character. But he never stopped hoping that he would meet "the girl of his dreams". So I had to base this girl off of someone. . . and who better than the person that I was sitting next to every day? You."
My breathing sped up and I felt my heart jump back into my throat as he continued to explain to me what was going on.
"But then, one day, he meets Millie in "Free City", and once he sees her. . . he can never be the same. He was supposed to feel doomed, but instead, he feels alive until eventually, he is alive. Millie changed him. You wrote the code that was able to be changed by one person. One connection. You brought him to life, Y/N. You wrote the code that brought him to life. And he was alive because he met the one person he'd been waiting for his whole life. And I had to make it realistic, so. . . I based it off of. . . You. The woman of his dreams. . . she was the same as mine."
I hit the pause button, my heart beating against my chest. I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to put my thoughts together.
"But Millie is the one who met him," I mumbled under my breath. "She's the one who brought him to life. . . I just wrote his code."
I grabbed my bag and headed to my car but stopped when I realized what time it was.
I went to bed but as soon as I got up, I found Soonami's address. I anxiously drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as I got close. I signed in at the front desk and headed up to the offices. The entire time I was in the elevator, I kept repeating what Keys said in the video.
"Hello, gorgeous," a guy smirked. "I'm Mouser. And you are?"
"Not looking for you," I said harshly. "Where's Keys?"
"Not here," he shrugged. I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.
"You got an address?"
* * * * *
When I pulled up to Keys' apartment complex, my nerves made me freeze. I wasn't even sure what I was going to say to him when and if he opened that door. I barely found the courage to park my car and head up to his place.
I got to his door but hesitated before knocking. I held my breath as I waited for him to answer. The longer it took him, the closer I got to turning around and running away. I was just about to when the door opened.
"Y/N," Keys stuttered.
"Hi," I said, my voice softer than I wished. "We need to talk about that video."
He sent me a small smile and nodded. I took a shaky breath when he opened the door and moved aside for me to come in. I walked in and instantly started nervously playing with my hands.
"Have a seat," he invited me.
"Nice place," I mumbled as I looked around but didn't sit down.
"Thanks," he chuckled, clearly embarrassed. He cleared his throat before attempting to break through the tension. "So, that video. . ."
"Millie brought him to life," I cut him off. "Not me."
"It was your code," he shrugged with a small look on his face.
"You said I was the woman of your dreams," I continued, "but your friend Millie is the one who brought him to life. Not me. So according to that, she should be the woman of your dreams."
"But she's not," he said, slowly taking a step closer to me. "Millie has a lot in common with you. She loves bubblegum ice cream, swingsets, and Mariah Carey. So yes, Millie is the one that Guy ran into, but it was the similarities that he fell for. In fact, if you had run into him in the game, you would have brought him to life."
"Keys, this is. . . I don't understand. . . I just. . ."
I cut myself off when he leaned in, his face inches from mine. "I know I was rambling," he whispered, "but there is one important part in what I said."
"What are you talking about?"
"I've had a lot of time to think about this," he continued. "You're the woman of my dreams, Buggy."
Before I could say anything, Keys leaned in and gently pressed his lips to mine. My mind was swimming as I slowly kissed him back. He broke the kiss with a small smile on his face. We looked into each other's eyes as we struggled to catch our breaths.
"I know this was completely random," he whispered with his forehead pressed to mine, "but I couldn't stop thinking about you, Buggy. Every day I fixed the coding issues with Free Life, I thought about you. I haven't stopped thinking about you since the night we graduated from MIT."
"That video. . ." I whispered but didn't continue.
"Was my cowardly way of admitting my feelings for you," he said with a small chuckle as he leaned back. I held my breath as he reached forward and gently grabbed my hands, slightly pulling me closer.
"Say it," I said under my breath.
"Say what?" He asked, slightly tilting his head.
"Confess to me what you confessed in the video."
Keys smiled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"You are the woman of my dreams," he whispered. "I created the character Lovelorn and kinda based him off of me. I designed him to never meet the right person because I was worried I never would. As I was creating him and "the girl of his dreams", I started basing her off the first girl that came to my mind. You. I thought about what I felt as we sat next to each other and worked on our senior projects. I thought about how I felt when you helped me with my code. I thought about how badly I wanted to be more than just coding partners. You, my dear Buggy, are the woman of my dreams."
I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. I felt him smile as he tightened his arms around my waist and kissed me back. We let out matching laughs as we fell back onto his couch. He hovered over me, looking deeply into my eyes.
"I've missed you, Buggy."
"I've missed you too, Keys."
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boltupbitches · 9 months
My Daughter Thinks I'm Ugly - Justin Herbert
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Part 4 of the Layla Herbert series
Part 1 - One Day at a Time
Part 2 - Today's the Day
Part 3 - Cheer's To Us
Justin sighed as he walked into his house, carefully lugging his bag with one hand while he juggled his water bottle and phone in the other. He could imagine Alex’s reaction if she saw him carrying his bag on the side of his body where his injured hand was.
He sat his bag in the foyer on the bench next to the closet. He walked into the kitchen and sighed as his stomach growled. He should have eaten before leaving the facility, but he wanted to get home in time to surprise Alex and Layla, who were at a doctor’s appointment.
He wanted to attend, but after his panic over Layla’s last set of vaccines (she bawled - he got mad at the nurse irrationally for it), Alex decided to book her next appointment during a training day he couldn’t get out of since he had a rehab appointment and post-op with the team’s head doctor. He decided to stick around to watch practice for the upcoming Chiefs game - the last game of the season. It was bittersweet. 
Just as he pulled out the leftover grilled chicken he helped Alex make last night, he heard her car pull up. He quickly popped the lid off the container and put it in the microwave. When he made it to the front door he saw the door open. A surprised Alex was staring back at him with Layla’s car seat in one hand and her diaper bag in the other.
“When did you get home?” Alex asked in surprise, handing the car seat with a sleeping Layla in it over to an eager Justin.
“About 20 minutes ago. I wanted to get home early so I finished my stuff up at the facility as fast as I could.” He cooed at his sleeping daughter. “She do ok?” He moved out of  Alex’s way, following her into the living room where Alex sat her stuff down and plopped on the couch.
“She did,” Alex confirmed with a sigh. “Well, I mean, she cried again like last time. The second we got into the room, she was inconsolable. Thankfully I took her ducky with her so she was relaxed as soon as I gave it to her. That is… until the doctor had to check her ears to make sure the infection was gone.. She started to cry again.”
“Was she too rough maybe?” He asked with alarm.
Alex gave him a deadpan stare, still amazed at how irrational her boyfriend was over their daughter. This was a man who had medical professionals in his family and had considered the same profession as an alternative to pro football. “She was perfectly fine. Just cranky and tired. She didn’t take her nap before the appointment so she was already not in the mood going in.”
Justin nodded as he looked at his peacefully sleeping daughter. She was just a little over 2 months old and would be 3 months old on January 16th. He couldn’t believe how big she was getting - it was as if the last 2.5 months flashed by in an instant.
She could recognize her loved ones, smile, babble, and laugh among other things. She’d give him a squinty smile, something everyone loved to point out came from him. His heart fluttered with happiness every time he saw her flash him a gummy smile and laughter. Even when she was grabbing fistfuls of his hair and trying to gnaw on his nose when he gave her kisses.
Speaking of hair… he still had his baseball cap on from his haircut earlier this morning. His teammates and team staff were shocked at the cut. Alex and Layla had no idea about it. He knew he was about to shock his tired girlfriend.
“So… I don’t know if you noticed... But I got a haircut today.” Justin said shyly, peaking at Alex’s alarmed look.
She stared at him, taking in his ballcap that was hiding whatever he got done underneath. She could see some hair but not his usual long locks. She assumed he probably pulled his hair back in a bun or something as a new style. She was so tired she didn’t realize the possibility that he cut his hair.
“Please tell me it’s not a buzz like last time.” She said lowly, her eyes inspecting his cap as if it held the world’s biggest mystery.
“God no,” He said in disgust, almost offended she thought he’d consider that ever again. He learned his lesson and went to an actual professional this time. 
He sighed and lifted the cap off his head, showing Alex the shortcut he got done.
She stared in surprise at it, “Well… it’s much better than I imagined. Although you look a lot like a slightly older version of freshman you that your mom showed me.” She teased and then laughed at his unimpressed look. “You look very handsome.” She said softly, smiling at him.
“I didn’t know if you’d like it.” He admitted, a blush taking over his cheeks. “I know it’s different, but it’s almost off-season for me and I wanted something a little different just for a bit. At least until I grow it out over the summer.” He ran his hand throw the shortened locks at the top, causing a little curl to drop down against his forehead.
Alex squirmed as she felt herself heat up at the thought of rubbing her hands through his hair. Now wasn’t the time - not with her sleeping daughter just a foot away from them in her car seat. 
Justin smirked when he realized what she just did, “Well, we’ll see how much length you’ll have to pull on tonight.”
“Stop..” Alex whined as she pressed a pillow against her face. “Don’t get me started.”
“I’m not, I’m not.” Justin laughed. “I’ll stop. I promise.” He promised in his head he’ll get her going tonight once Layla was in bed.
Speaking of Layla, she picked the perfect time to announce her waking by making a loud “ahhhhhhhh” sound.
“She knows you’re here,” Alex chuckled at her daughter, who was very obviously a daddy’s girl. 
“Ahhhh!” she squealed again, her hands moving around as she searched for her parents.
Justin got into her view and reached in to get her out of her car seat, reaching up to smooth down the puff of brown hair on her head. “Hi, baby girl.” He cooed with a huge smile as he stared at his daughter with complete and utter adoration.
Layla stared back in confusion, a very clear “Who the fuck are you?” look on her face as she stared back at her dad. 
Alex pulled her phone out and silently recorded the interaction, she couldn’t hide her silent snicker at the two.
Justin stared back in confusion which morphed into concern the longer Layla stared at him. She was staring at him like a stranger. “Lay lay it’s me. It’s dada.” He leaned in to press a kiss to her right cheek, making an exaggerated “mawh” sound as he did so. That was something he recently learned would make her laugh.
She didn’t.
When he pulled back, he could see her dark blue eyes clouded with tears, her lip puckered out as it wobbled. She was about to cry.
And she did. With a loud wail, Layla proceeded to burst into tears at the confusing sight of her dad.
Justin tried to shush her and calm her down, but when she opened her eyes to look at him, she cried even worse. “Oh my god. What the hell is going on?” He turned to Alex with a panic.
She sat the phone down after stopping the video and moved to collect her dramatic daughter. “She might not recognize you with your haircut, babe.” She cooed at her daughter and rocked her back and forth. “It’s just dada, baby girl. It’s dada,” she pointed at her devastated boyfriend. “He just looks different but it’s him.” She pressed a kiss to her daughter’s forehead, listening to her sniffle as Layla stared at her dad while laying her head against her mom’s shoulder.
“My daughter thinks I’m ugly,” Justin mourned as he lowered his head into his hands. 
“Oh my god.” Alex playfully rolled her eyes, “No she doesn’t. You just look different to her with a haircut. Like when Patrick shaved his beard a week ago. She doesn’t understand.”
Justin lifted his head and stared with misty eyes at his daughter who stared back at him. She had the fisted material of her mom’s shirt now in her mouth as she continued to stare back at him.
Justin got up slowly and approached the two. “It’s me, Lay Lay, it’s dada.” He reached gently out to touch her hand and smiled softly at his daughter.
She cooed at him and flexed her hand in her mouth. 
“Sorry, I scared you, pretty girl.” He said softly, “dada needed a haircut.”
Layla continued to coo and even made a soft shrill sound as she reached her hand out toward his face.
Justin leaned in, letting her press her little fingers against his bearded jaw. He cringed slightly at the feeling of her wet fingers wiping her drool on his face.
Layla made another loud shrill and laughed at the feeling of her dad’s face. 
He looked at her as she smiled her gums at him, her eyes doing their famous squinty-eye thing that his did.
Justin grinned at that, his own eyes squinting with the smile as he stared back at his little mini-me.
“See, she’s ok and she doesn’t think you’re ugly,” Alex said gently. 
“No, but she does think Patrick’s ugly,” Justin quipped back with a smirk.
“Don’t let your mom hear that,” Alex laughed, “Or Patrick because he’ll be blowing up your phone with all sorts of insults.”
“We’re not afraid of him, right Lay Lay?” Justin gently scooped his baby up and pressed a kiss to her cheek, doing his signature “mawh” sound to hear her laugh again.
Layla cooed and pressed her wet, drool-covered hands on her dad’s nose, digging her nails in. 
“Ouch,” Justin winced, gently grabbing her hand on his nose. “Those talons are sharp.”
Layla just sighed in response and pressed her head deeper into his neck. 
“She seems to dig the surprise now,” Alex mused. “Let’s hope I feel the same.”
“You will after tonight,” Justin grinned, flashing her a knowing look. “Still enough to pull.”
“Oh my god,” Alex rolled her eyes but couldn’t stop the smile from spreading. She headed for the kitchen.
“It’s true,” Justin called after her with a grin. He suddenly remembered his long-forgotten lunch. “Can you grab my food babe?”
“Only if you do all the work tonight because I’m not lifting a finger.” Alex was in the kitchen at that point.
“Deal,” Justin called back. 
Layla dosed once more against her dad, oblivious to the conversation her parents were having. All was fine once more in the Herbert house - as long as Justin didn’t buzz the rest of his hair off. He wasn’t certain Alex or Layla would forgive him if he did.
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thenightfolknetwork · 9 months
Ever since I was young, I was raised to be a total blank slate. No interests, no aesthetics, nothing. I was meant to be the vessel to L’Gogamet, the Hallowed One. So, that meant I had to fully give myself over to Them.
The only problem is: They never bothered to show up. I sat there, on my eighteenth birthday, waiting for Them to rend my soul from my flesh, only to receive a burning blaze of light reading “sorry, can’t make it, save the next one for me.”
My family wasn’t exactly thrilled. They were under the impression that I had done something wrong, though for the life of me I have no clue what it was. And now, I’m all alone. I have no clue what I’m meant to do.
I have a small apartment and a roommate. I’ve tried to get interested in the same stuff she likes, but it honestly just doesn’t appeal to me. But I have no clue what there is that I do like. Apparently, outside of my family, there isn’t exactly a “L’Gogamet fanbase”, and that was the only thing I was allowed to be interested in for my whole life.
I’ve gone to support groups, but sitting in a circle with other blank slates doesn’t exactly feel helpful. And then when someone does find something interesting, I’m like “wow! good for you! time to go back to doing nothing with my life.”
Worst of all are the modifications. My family took it upon themselves to alter me in a few ways, various piercings and tattoos that They should have loved. Only now, I’m stuck with them. And most of them are cursed to never be removed. I’ve been called out a few times, told that they’re “appropriative for a Sapio like me to have.” That hurt more than most comments, because I guess that’s all I am now. A Sapio, with nothing special about me except the disgusting markings all over me.
Your show came up in one of the support group meetings. I thought maybe you would have some advice? How do I find my interests and my self when I’ve been raised to be a nobody?
I'm so sorry your family have treated you with such unkindness – and I don't only mean their failure to support you after their plans went awry. It was profoundly unkind of them to raise you the way they did, as if you were nothing but a vessel for their hopes and aspirations and not your own person.
Their treatment of your body is particularly upsetting. I am certainly not going to try and tell you that your markings aren't “disgusting”, or to tell you how you ought to feel about your own body. I do encourage you to take whatever steps you feel appropriate in reclaiming your body, however.
Part of this reclamation might involve covering or removing the marks inflicted on you by your family. But I encourage you to experiment with other ways of changing your appearance, too. Play around with your clothing, hairstyles, hair colour, make-up – whatever you can think of.
The point isn't to find a style that you love, but rather to demonstrate actively to yourself that this body is yours, your own, and that finally, you are in charge of how it looks.
Of course, this process does bump up against your initial question rather. How are you supposed to know what sort of choices you want to make when you've never been allowed to make that kind of choice before?
The answer may seem obvious: you need to try as many things as you can, and expose yourself to as many new experiences as possible. But for the time being, I want you try and set aside your concerns about finding what you “really” like.
That is a huge amount of pressure to put on yourself, especially when you're starting from scratch, like you are. Instead, go into these activities with no more pressure on yourself than a sense of open curiosity.
You're not on some great quest to discover your True Self – you're just popping into the local book club to see what it's like, or borrowing some knitting needles from a friend and giving it a go. You can check what clubs and events are running at your local library, and make a game of trying as many as you can fit into your schedule.
Give yourself time. Imagine your personality as a plant that has been left in a dark, cold room with nothing to feed it and no light to help it grow. Against all odds, it has survived – pale and stunted, but alive. Now imagine you bring that plant into a warm, bright room, you feed it and water it, and above all you give it the space it needs. Who knows what kind of beautiful thing it might blossom into?
Finally, a word on your identity. Reader, you absolutely don't have to identify as sapio if you don't want to. There are plenty of people who consider themselves to be people of the night based on their magical practice, their religious background, or their occupations. You personal experiences more than qualify you to do the same.
As I've said many times before, liminality is defined by the people who claim it. There isn't an external, objective standard of “strangeness” that you have to meet in order to be a member of the community. Anyone who says otherwise is at best dangerously ignorant and at worst, wilfully so.
[For more creaturely advice, check out Monstrous Agonies on your podcast platform of choice, or visit monstrousproductions.org for more info]
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herosplatling-replica · 8 months
Birdes of a Feather
General - RD Possession AU, 2553 Words
[ Author's Note: this is what that poll was about lmao. i had a lot of fun writing this but it felt too self indulgent to put anywhere but tumblr hfjgdjfghdfhg so i'm just putting it here for the sake of archiving my writing. jay uses she/they/he pronouns btw. enjoyyyyy ]
It was a bit too quiet today. Jay was still half asleep as he scooped up his pager, rubbing her eyes before squinting at her assignments for the day. There wasn’t anything new, just check-ups with the current patients. They had done it all before, and mumbled to themself as they put their golden button into their coat pocket.
She just needed to see how the other interns were doing, then figure out how best to divide up the work from there. Jay had been making a habit of picking up excess work for the other interns just so that way they could keep themselves afloat. Half of them were still in high school, the others seemed just stressed, and she wanted to help if she could.
Jay didn’t seem to have much left in terms of assigned patients. She huffed as she holstered the pager on her pants, taking a moment to stretch. They had just come off of their lunch break, and spent most of it fucking around playing games on their phone. If they were quick, maybe they could get the last few ones on her list done before the handover took place. That way, there would be even less work for the others.
Just a few more to go, and she could clock out. No problem.
Jay tried not to sigh as she pushed her body to move, just wanting to get it over with. They popped an earbud into their right ear, and started walking with their clipboard in hand. They had to check in on the bird quartet in the plant room, then the Stevensons in their ward, and then from there-
Okay, she heard that over her music. Jay stopped in her tracks, taking her earbuds out to listen in. The hospital lights seemed to drone on in a sort of sinister way, but the noise didn’t make itself known again.
The intern supervisor just swallowed nervously, pulling their earbuds into a loose ball and stuffing them in their coat pocket. For a brief moment, they considered unhooking their pepper spray from their lanyard – before quickly remembering she should be helping people get out of the hospital, not in. Jay bit the inside of his lip, trying to settle her nerves before continuing on the path to the plant room.
Right as she was reaching to open the plant room, there it was again. Another loud thunk as something made impact with glass. This time, closer-
Suddenly, the window that peeked into the plant room was obscured entirely by feathers. Jay yelped and jumped back, before realizing what it was.
It was the Cockatiel. Well, Mrs. Stevensons’ Cockatiel, to be specific. It seemed to have been startled by something, and was flapping around the plant room. Or – was it trapped there? The door was shut soundly, and while the birds were more than smart enough to figure out ways to get around, they didn’t have enough strength to turn a doorknob aside from the Owl.
“Okay shh, settle down. Calmate, pajarito,you’re gonna hurt yourself,” Jay murmured to the glass, hoping the bird would hear her. It did, and seemed to back away from the door to make room for her to get inside. It made a shrill call when she didn’t immediately walk in, to which she responded with a tired “ya voy, ya voy.”
The other interns had handed Jay any examinations with the birds, since they were more comfortable handling them. Even now, she was a bit anxious handling the Owl, but it had a rather intelligent demeanor that quickly made her feel at ease while checking on the bird quartet. However, by now the four birds had learned to identify her shuffling footsteps when she came down the hall. Was that why the Cockatiel was hitting the glass? Because it heard her coming?
She shrugged and creaked the door open, shutting it behind her. Whatever was so urgent apparently didn’t require her immediate attention, as the Cockatiel flew out of sight.
“Okay, very funny. I’m telling your mama to let you have less treats if you keep doing this to scare the doctors,” Jay mumbled aloud. “If you’re just lonely, say so.”
Her words were met with an uncharacteristic silence. Jay frowned at that, taking a few more steps into the room. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary, as far as she could tell. The plants looked a little worse for wear – what with the kids regularly coming in here to dance and the birds pushing their way around the shelves. The supervisor tilted her head.
“Cotorrito, what’s wrong? You wanna go to sleep, maybe? I can close the blinds if that’s the case, but…” This was starting to freak her out. The other birds didn’t seem to be here, either. The Parrot, Oriole, and Owl were nowhere in sight. Usually wherever one was, the others were, too.
Jay bit the inside of her lip, and went to close the plant room’s blinds. Sometimes her own birds made a fuss when they wanted to sleep already but couldn’t because of light or noise, so maybe this would help?
It was right when she pulled the first one closed that she felt a sudden gust of wind, and a bird hiss. Jay instinctively ducked, feeling the rush of talons above her.
“WHAT THE HELL,” she screeched, looking up to spot the Owl flying back up to the hanging ceiling lights.
Okay, so they’re bored. Jay sighed, reaching into her pocket to pull out her lanyard’s house keys and jingled them for a second. Sure enough, the Parrot swooped out and with another hiss, dove at the keychain.
“What’s with you today, little weirdos?” Jay mumbled affectionately, reaching to provide a perch for the Parrot. However, the instant she got close enough to poke its stomach with a finger, it made a loud shriek that scared her again before flying off.
Dios mio, they’re all going nuts.
Right as she thought that, she heard the flapping of wings again as the Oriole dove at her head. This time Jay was on guard, and gently put her clipboard in between the two. The Oriole landed on the top edge, its beak clacking as it tried to pull something out of her hair. When it didn’t get anything more than a strand, it backed off to join the others.
“Oye, calmate! Qué demonios, qué clase de comportamiento- Oh fuck.”
It was then that she noticed the odd hue in the bird quartet’s eyes. Jay had already memorized every detail of their plumage, their coloration, everything, so she knew what was normal – whatever the hell she was looking at was not. The birds seemed to stare at her with glowing purple eyes, clearly all affected by whatever was going on.
“Okay, that’s not funny. You four need to calm down,” Jay muttered, huffing as she narrowed her eyes.
In response, the quartet let out an angry call. Then, before she could figure out what to do next-
The Owl’s talons swiped at her clipboard, scooping it away. The Parrot and Oriole then grabbed her lanyard, house keys and pepper spray and all, managing to take it while Jay was already bewildered by losing the clipboard.
Right in the center of her forehead, there was a sudden impact with a hiss from the Cockatiel. Jay cried out as she fell unceremoniously, only barely aware of the sound of the birds backing off once more. Somewhere, her glasses clattered to the ground.
What the hell..? Oww.
She pressed a hand to the point of impact, wincing as she felt what had to be blood. There was no mistaking it. Jay groaned aloud, squinting in the dark as she tried to spot where the birds went.
Something was definitely wrong. What it was, Jay wasn’t sure of, but she knew it wasn’t good. She rested her head back down on the tiled floor, trying to regain her bearings as she felt around with a hand for her glasses.
“None of my birds ever did that,” Jay muttered, wiping the blood off her head. It didn’t show any signs of stopping, but it was a good thing she was in the hospital. She’d have to have someone take a look at it, though it would be embarrassing to admit a bunch of birds got the better of her.
She sighed, squinting again as she tried to spot where they went. Jay could barely spot the figure of the Owl and its gleaming purple eyes, as if it was watching and waiting for whatever happened next.
There was an odd sort of itching sensation in her scalp. She was starting to get a terrible headache – though she figured that must be a sign of a concussion.
Ah fuck. Paperwork on this one’s gonna suck.
Jay grimaced, but tried to wipe at her head with her coat sleeve.
It was when she pulled her arm away that she caught a glimpse of it.
That same purple hue, almost glowing in the dark, was painted all over her sleeve where her blood should be.
What the fuck is-?
Before she could think any further along that train of thought, the pain spiked in Jay’s head. She cried out, hands scrambling to find purchase on anything that was in reach. Her fingertips started to feel numb as she crammed them between the floor tiles, trying to find anything to hold onto.
There was a sickening noise – like bones breaking – and suddenly the pressure in her head lessened. The pain dulled a bit and Jay had a moment to catch her breath. It took a moment to realize that she had screamed.
She blinked and suddenly the room felt a lot brighter. Her vision was still blurry, but it was as if she could see in the dark. The bird quartet seemed to be watching her still.
…What’s… what’s happening?
Jay tried to pull herself up into a seated position, and quickly thought better of it. “N-nope. Staying on the floor a bit longer,” she mumbled aloud. She could feel the blood running down her face and cautiously pulled her phone out, trying to get her camera open.
That was when she noticed the purple spreading across her fingers as well. Jay briefly felt panic, before something else told her to stay calm.
This is normal, just breathe. It’s not over yet, the voice murmured to her.
How is any part of this normal, she wanted to ask, before managing to get the camera up and facing herself. There was movement above her eye line-
The new things on her head twitched, fanning themselves out. It looked like – wings? Wings, on her head? Bird wings.
That must’ve been what the pressure was-
“What the fuck did you four do,” Jay ground out, pushing herself up despite how much her head protested. She squinted at her phone, trying to open messages up. If she could just call Ian, or Ada, or anybody-
As if on cue, the birds made a screech before taking flight again, swooping in her direction. Jay groaned, curling over the device in her hands as she tried to keep it close.
JB: llgjjjdkgdlfg JB: ianIANIANIANIANIAN JB: PLANTROROOM IAN: what?? JB: BIRDSGONENIUST IAN: Jay, I’m really busy with everything going on so if this is an inside joke or something I’m not able to piece it together right now, I’m sorry. IAN: Actually, wait, you’re in the plant room?!
She huffed in annoyance, trying to open her camera again to take a picture of her current state – and it was right then that the Owl gained a good grasp on the phone. It swooped off towards the sink.
“Don’t you fucking dare-”
Plop. Her phone fell into the sink, the device making a final gurgled notification chime as it ceased to work.
Her feathers – no, her hair – stood on end as she seethed, pulling herself up to a standing position. “Do you know how hard it is to get a good replacement phone that isn’t a cheap piece of shit nowadays? They keep trying to sell you the new crap that takes a few months for that planned obsolescence to kick in!”
The Owl, of course, doesn’t respond, for it is an owl. It simply clacks its beak sleepily, then spreads its wings to fly towards one of the shelves again.
Okay, it’s not safe here. It’s not safe… in here, or in the rest of the hospital, if the other patients are like this too. I should get the hell out of here…
And what about the interns you’re supposed to keep an eye on?
Jay froze as she thought on it. The interns, they…
They could probably be dead by now, the voice murmured. There’s those two sword wielding men, and that baseball player… and who knows what else is out there.
They’re our fucking patients, they’re not gonna attack kids-
Then why did those four attack you?
Jay’s head felt too full again, and she shook it to try to clear her mind. They’re birds, that’s just what they do. Maybe I just… intruded on a nest? Birds are really territorial…
Hmm, the voice hummed in response.
Oh, wait. I have to warn them.
Jay started to move, but found something still stopping her. No, not quite. There was something else she had to do. Something more important.
Maybe I should… make a nest too. That way, the interns… Nobody can hurt them.
Atta girl, was all she heard before her head spiked in pain again.
Jay cried out as she pressed her hands to her temples, trying to relieve the pressure. Something cold was washing over her, something foreign- but just as it was getting to be too much, it passed. The supervisor took a moment to regain her bearings. Her back felt odd, and her head still hurt, but she seemed to be fine for the most part. Her vision was a little blurry still – though now she wasn’t even sure if it was because of the concussion or not. Jay briefly considered stopping to find her glasses, but changed her mind.
She had to warn the interns about what was happening- no, she had to make a safe refuge for them. They were already in for the long haul, Jay just needed to make sure nothing worse happened to them. A sort of anxious energy filled her as she reached to open the plant room door again, this time noticing the purple claws that sprouted from her fingertips.
…Just my luck to turn into some bird-thing, huh..?
Well, she’d use it to her advantage.
Whatever it takes, I’ll…
Jay couldn’t help but cackle as she held the door open for the other birds, letting them back into the rest of the hospital. She’d get them back for what they did later – for now, she had some supply closets to raid for nest material. Jay could faintly recall the janitor pointing out one that had spare lab coats.
I’ll keep them safe.
She made her way down the hall, ignoring the dull ache in her back. She had work to do.
I’ll keep all of the hospital’s fledglings safe…
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sunwarmed-ash · 1 year
I love you, friend! 💕
A couple of my headcanons for your amusement:
1) Connor likes to spend his free time playing video games (esp. farming sims) because they trigger the Mission Successful reward system in his brain
2) Gavin has quite the collection of fantasy dildos 😈
first off i love BOTH OF THESE. Very canon to me imo, I wrote the second one first, I hope you enjoy!
*NSFW warning*
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Secret Box
This thing, between the three of them, that started small and innocently enough, turned into something so much bigger, stronger, and honestly sexier than any of them initially intended. So much so they closed on a three bedroom house last week and Hank, Sumo, Connor, and Gavin are moving in together.��
But moving is also greuling, at least to the two humans who complained about aches and pains every free moment they could. It's why Connor offered to bring everything in in the first place. Connor would not get tired. He was specifically designed for advanced stamina. But Hank and Gavin were two of the most prideful and stubborn men Connor has ever met. 
It took them a while to agree, but after Hank’s back popped in a way that was more bad than good, he threw the white flag and thanked Connor for his help before going to pass out on the couch. 
Gavin lasted a little longer, but once he and Connor carried their king sized mattress up two flights of stairs, he threw the flag too.  
There aren't too many more boxes, under half a dozen, and most of them headed for the same floor. He should be done and ready to lay down with his exhausted humans in about 15 minutes. 
Connor moves another large wardrobe box containing some of Hank’s old suits exposing a time faded blue, 15x15x10 box that he doesn't remember packing on the truck. Or seeing before honestly. 
Written all across the slightly yellowing cardboard is handwriting that matches Gavin’s, the words, 
Over almost every surface. 
A padlock opened in Connors vision and a prompt to 
Open the box? 
Had him biting into his lip so hard it bled, in strain to do the right thing. 
Because, well it's not his stuff. It’s very obviously Gavin’s. But whatever is in there, it's obvious he wants to keep it a secret. Under plenty of warfare in fact. 
What's the phrase Hank always says to him, curiosity killed the cat? 
Well, Connor isn't a cat, he’s an android. But he’s also not an idiot. He won’t open it down here, in plain view of everything and everyone. He will take it upstairs, into their shared master bedroom and open it there. 
Connor hasn't felt a choice impact him this strongly since he deviated. It's weird. It's just a box, he shouldn't be afraid of the damn thing. But it wasn't necessarily the box that was scary. It was the potential of everything that could be in there. 
What could be in there that Gavin didn't want Hank and him to see?
Maybe it was something super rare. Like the world's only albino guinea pig. 
Or maybe Gavin’s a master jewel thief and it's full of diamonds… 
Or maybe Gavin’s a deranged maniac who keeps his victims severed heads in a box!
Or worse….
What if its an embarassing snapshot of Connor from the DPD Christmas party?!??!
His fans whirring in his obvious anxiety attack has him shaking his head and clearing all of the ridiculous thoughts he just had. It’s just a box. And he knows Gavin better than he knows most people in the world after nearly 2 years. 
But once he opens the lid of the long traveled box, he instantly wished he hadn’t. 
Mostly, because in that moment, someone had come into the room behind him, exposing his crime. And even worse, that person was Gavin. 
“Hey! What are you doing!”
“I'm sorry!!” Connor panics, slapping the lid back onto the box so hard its sides folded under his force. He didn't even get a chance to look at everything inside, he was too scared of Gavin’s much deserved, wrath. 
“Ey, easy!! Those aren't cheap you know!” Gavin says, genuine worry in his tone and Connor’s hands pulls off the box and steps back. 
Hank and Sumo are on Gavin’s heels, barging sleepily into the room to add to his humiliation. 
“What’s- oh shit. Ha! I see you found Gavin’s collection.”
Connor and Gavin’s cheeks boths flushed in embarrassment.
“Hank!” Gavin scolds at the same time Connor asks, 
“What are they?”
“What do you mean what are they? They’re fucking dildos” Gavin says hotly, temperature matching the blood boiling under his cheeks. 
Connor looks at the box with the busted lid again, though he doesn't need to. He has the video feed already saved, he can bring up every inch of his first glimpse in high graphic detail. 
“But, they don’t, look like our other ones,” Connor says carefully, reading Gavins stress levels and adjusting his particular phrasing. 
“Cuz they’re not modeled after human dicks,” Gavin says again, and Connor thinks about the one on top. The one that didn't look like a dick at all. More like a tongue, easily as long as Hank’s cock but curved and shaped drastically different. 
“And that feels good?” there wasn't any judgment in Connor’s voice, just genuine curiosity. He thinks that's what really gives him the upper hand and reduces some of Gavin’s stress. 
“It feels phcking incredible. All of them do.”
“Some of those are big Gavin.”
“I’m well aware.”
Connor’s eyes glazed over, imagining Hank using any of them on Gavin, or vice versa. It was enough motivation for Connor to then ask, with the biggest, softest eyes he can, if he can fuck Gavin with one. 
Gavin’s knees shake as he struggles to take the ninth irregularly bulging inch, but he begged for it deeper, his cock still stiff and spitting fluid all down the shaft.
“Phck,” he can’t keep the pant back as much as he wants to. It hurts, but in the way he loves, and the fact that Hank and Connor are both so obviously getting off to it only adds to it. 
“You’re doing so good Gavin,” Hank praises, and Gavin feels more fluid fall off the tip of his cock onto their mattress below. He felt like he was about to lose his mind, so he’s glad at least it looks more polished than he feels. 
“Con, don’t stop, please.” 
Connor’s hand squeezes his hip before twisting the bulging dildo in his ass. 
The pleasure that rocketed through Gavin’s body at that particular action knocks out his knees and Gavin is barely holding his face off the mattress by his elbows. “Oh my god.”
“It’s actually Connor, but I appreciate the compliment,” the robot sasses and if Gavin wasn’t so desprate for an orgasm, he might have shot something back. Instead he shuddered, and pulled his tired legs back to their original position. It lined one of the bumps of the dildo up with his prostate and Gavin was putty in Connor’s hands. 
“Are you gonna cum?” Hank asks, sitting on the bed beside him, running his warm hand across Gavin's face to get the sweat out of his eyes. 
Gavin nods in Hank’s hand, and then Connor’s thrusts becomes relentless. It doesn't take much at all, and then Gavin is screaming through a painfully strong orgasm. 
AN: I'm sorry for the minor crack, but I just had to with the spongebob reference. It really wrote itself. You can blame Daddy Clancy for the melding of fandoms in my brain. 
As for the sex toys, use your imagination or alt the links I got the inspo from 1. 2.
* do I have a box just like this? Wouldn't you like to know weather boy.
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 7 Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support cybird by buying their stories. JP SPOILERS under the cut. Expect mistakes
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A few days later.
Mai: “Okay! I’m done!”
I snipped the thread and unfolded the garment I had just finished sewing.
(I didn’t have enough time, but it turned out pretty good.)
(All that’s left to do is to add some minor touches and do a final check. I think I can make it in time.)
Although the work is not yet complete, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction fills my soul, bringing a smile to my lips.
(I hope he’ll be happy with the rest.)
The last time I spoke with Kicho was a few days ago when he told me about his past.
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After that, he briefly summarized the story.
He met a professor at Honnoji Temple, where he learned about the wormhole and was finally able to return to the Sengoku era after three years.
The place he returned to was the same as mine on the night of the Honnoji Incident.
After telling me all that, he laid down on the bed, exhausted, and told me to get out of his room.
(Since then, we’ve been so busy that we haven’t seen each other.)
(Well, I’m sure we’ll see each other tomorrow.)
(Anyway, I gotta do what I gotta do now!)
I lightly slapped my cheeks with both hands and started working again.
Mai: “Ouch!”
I lost my focus for a moment as I pricked my finger with the needle.
(I’ve been doing this for at least two hours straight.)
(I feel like my eyes are starting to hurt from all the work I've been doing.)
Mai: "*sigh* I think I'll take a break."
I put the needle back and stretched as far as I could, when一
Subordinate's voice: "Excuse me."
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Mai: "Yes, is something wrong?"
Subordinate's voice: "I heard there's a package addressed to you. Do you know anything about it?"
???: "Hello. Sarutobi Delivery at your service."
Mai: "Yes, I asked for more fabric. Let him in."
Subordinate's voice: "I see. You can come in then."
With permission to enter, the door opened, and a familiar face appeared.
Sasuke: "Hi, Miss. Thank you for your patronage."
Mai: "No, not at all."
Mai: "Thank you for coming at just the right time. I really need it."
While talking casually, I listened for any noises on the other side of the door and signaled Sasuke with my fingers as soon as the footsteps moved away.
Sasuke: "Mai, it's been a few weeks."
Mai: "Yeah. How have you been?"
Sasuke: "As you can see. No matter what kind of mission I'm on, my health comes first, so I pay attention to that."
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Sasuke: "Proper sleep, diet, exercise, and makibishi (metal spikes) are crucial."
Mai: "Does the last one have anything to do with health?"
Sasuke: "Of course, just having these things makes a huge difference in how I feel. How about you?"
Mai: "Hehe, I'm okay."
Mai: "By the way, the fact that you came like this today means..."
Sasuke: “Just as you expect. I have a message from Mitsuhide for you.”
Mai: “I see, so you got to meet him safely. Thank you for doing this.”
Sasuke: “You’re welcome.”
Sasuke: “This may sound personal, but I’m grateful I got to talk to Mitsuhide Akechi in person. So don’t worry about it.”
(His eyes are twinkling.)
(Sasuke is really tough in this way.)
Sasuke: “Let’s get down to business.”
Sasuke: “Mai, you need to get out of this place.”
Mai: “Huh?”
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Fuku: “This way.”
Mai: “Yeah, thanks for showing me the way.”
I was on my way to Kicho’s room after catching Fuku as he tried to escape.
Fuku: “Kicho.”
Mai: “It’s gonna be okay. Let’s go back to your room first.”
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(Her chirping is somewhat listless. Maybe it’s because she hasn’t been able to spend much time with Kicho.)
(Well, it’s normal to miss the person you love. I miss him too.)
(Wait, what the hell am I thinking?)
I need to concentrate and drive the feelings that keep popping up in my heart.
(I should never feel lonely.)
(After all, I will be his enemy soon.)
Sasuke: “Mai, you need to get out of this place.”
Mai: “Huh?”
Sasuke: “Mitsuhide told me that things had changed while you were here.”
Sasuke: “I think it’s true because it was consistent with the information I had gotten from Kasugayama.”
Mai: “What do you mean by ‘things’?”
Sasuke: “Recently, the rebellions suddenly calmed down.”
Sasuke: “There are almost no skirmishes happening, and Japan is eerily quiet right now.”
Mai: “That can’t be a good thing, right?”
Mai: “Is someone else behind it?”
Sasuke: “Yeah. There must be something going on.”
Sasuke: “It looks like the Oda forces intend to capture Kicho before he can attack them.”
Mai: “Capture!?”
(Capturing Kicho?)
Sasuke: “Mai, are you okay?”
Mai: “Yes, of course.”
He looked at me worriedly, seeing my reaction, and I nodded, pretending that nothing was wrong.
Sasuke: “Anyway, you’ll be in danger if you stay here.”
Sasuke: “We don’t know what might happen, and he might take you as a hostage.”
Sasuke: "They'll execute the plan tomorrow night. You need to escape with Mitsuhide."
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Mai: "Tomorrow? That's just too sudden."
Sasuke: "Yeah, but it's much better than taking our time to make a plan."
Sasuke: "You, of all people, should know better that we're dealing with the enemy here. It's better to move before he senses we're on to him."
Mai: "Okay."
---------Flashback Ends---------
(Midnight, huh?)
(Normally, I would be in my room after work, but tomorrow...)
Mai: "I hope the party will be a success."
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The same day, time of the boar (9-11 p.m.)
Motonari: “So, everything is pretty much as planned.”
Kicho: “I see. No problems here, either. We’re moving forward with the plans I previously told you about.”
Kicho: “The first ship will arrive tomorrow morning to unload.”
Motonari: “Yeah, I know. If they leave right away, they can make it in time.”
Motonari: “But you’re right. We should have had that thing if we’re going to stock that many.”
Kicho: “What are you talking about?”
Motonari: “Air transportation. Well, I’m sure a ship can carry more than a bird (plane) can.”
Motonari: “Or is there some other way to get around in this world that I don’t know about?”
Kicho: “There is no point explaining it to you. In any case, it’s not possible in this era.”
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Motonari: “This era, huh?”
Kicho: “Why are you suddenly saying this? You weren’t interested before.”
Motonari: “Yeah, not one bit.”
Motonari: “You’re always talking nonsense like you’ve really seen it with your own eyes, but...”
Motonari cut off his words and lit the cigar he had taken out. Then, as the tip of the cigar lit up with the same color as his eyes, a thin wisp of smoke rose.
Motonari: “Lately, you’ve stopped talking about this nonsense.”
Motonari: “You’re acting strange today, too.”
Kicho: “..............”
Kicho said nothing and pushed the ashtray quietly toward Motonari, who sighed and blew out the smoke.
Motonari: “I’m telling you, the only reason I’m working with you is that we have the same goals.”
Motonari: “If you ever start acting weird, you know what will happen, right?”
Kicho: “Of course. I’ve come this far. I have no intention of twisting the cause I’ve set forward.”
Kicho: “Besides, I’m no different from you. If you were in my way, I would have taken care of you long ago.”
Motonari: “Ha! Sure.”
With a satisfied grin, Motonari pushed his cigar into the ashtray and stood up.
Motonari: “That’s the end of this pain in the ass talk. I’ll still be your partner for now.”
Motonari: “Let’s watch the grand march in the same hell.”
Kicho: “Yeah.”
After Motonari left, Kicho remained alone in the room and stared at the ashtray.
The remaining cigar was no longer lit and only slightly charred at the tip, but when shaken by the slightest breeze, it started burning red again.
At the same time, in Sakai.
Messenger: "These are the instructions from Lord Nobunaga."
Mitsuhide: "I understand."
Messenger: "Well, I'll be going now."
As the messenger quickly left into the night, a man appeared in his place.
Sasuke: "Mitsuhide, good evening."
Sasuke: "I told Mai about what you said."
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Mitsuhide: "I see. Sorry for the trouble."
Mitsuhide: "By the way, why are you dressed like a ninja?"
Sasuke: "Because I'm a ninja. I received an order from the top to return home, so I have to leave this town."
Mitsuhide: "I see. But still, I never thought she knew someone from Kasugayama."
Sasuke: "No matter where we are, we're still friends and from the same hometown."
Mitsuhide: "Same hometown, huh?"
Sasuke: "Yes. I can't go into details, though."
Mitsuhide: "Did you know you can get information using torture?"
Sasuke: "My apologies."
Mitsuhide: "I'm kidding. If anyone can make up for that girl's ambiguity, so be it."
Sasuke: "Mitsuhide. Please take care of Mai."
Mitsuhide: "Yeah, you don't have to tell me. That's what I'm here for."
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The Next Day
I was cleaning the area around the entrance in the early afternoon.
Mai: "Hmm. What should I do?"
Sweeping over the cobblestones with my broom, I glanced at the upstairs window.
(I wonder if Kicho is in his room today.)
(I want to deliver it after cleaning this, but I might annoy him if I give it to him out of the blue.)
Last night, after much worrying, I managed to complete the outfit.
However, I still couldn’t decide how to give it to him.
(No, maybe I’m not worried about giving him the clothes. Maybe I’m afraid of meeting him.)
(Because today...)
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Kicho’s subordinate: “Hey, Lady Mai!”
Mai: “Y-Yes!”
I turned around to see Kicho’s men beckoning me through the entrance of the trading post.
Kicho’s subordinate: “Lord Kicho wants to see you.”
Mai: “Ehh!?”
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Mai: “E-Excuse me.”
Kicho: “You’re here.”
He was standing by the window when I entered the room.
He then looked at me and shifted his gaze to the package I was carrying.
Kicho: “What’s that?”
Mai: “Um, I made you this outfit.”
Kicho: “Outfit?”
Mai: “Yup. A foreign style outfit for today’s party.”
Mai: “Oh, but don't worry. I’m not forcing you to wear it.”
I quickly said this and put it on the desk.
(I don’t have much time to prepare myself for this, but I think it’s better than not giving it to him.)
Kicho: “I see. You beat me to it.”
Mai: “Beat you to it?”
He walked towards the corner of the room and removed the cloth, hanging on to something, revealing a magnificent dress.
Mai: “Wow! It’s beautiful.”
Kicho: “I called you here to give you this.”
Kicho: “Since it’s a party, you can dress up to your heart’s content tonight.”
Mai: “Are you sure you want me to join the party?”
Kicho: “I’m not forcing you to do this, but I need a companion tonight. That’s why I’m inviting you.”
(Is that?)
My heart beats faster as I get the meaning of his words.
(I’m not gonna change my mind now, but I want to be with him as much as possible.)
Mai: “Are you sure about this?”
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Kicho: “Do you want me to say no?”
Mai: “No.”
Kicho: “Me neither. I don’t want you to say that to me.”
Kicho: “So much so that I cut off your escape route first with this dress.”
Mai: “Then, by all means, please.”
Kicho prepared not only the dress but also the shoes and hair accessories.
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Just as I returned to my room and finished putting it all on, someone knocked on my door.
Kicho’s voice: “Mai, I’m coming in.”
Mai: “Sure.”
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I blinked a few times when I saw him enter the room.
Kicho: “How is it?”
Mai: “You look really cool.”
(I designed it myself, but it’s more powerful than I ever imagined.)
Mai: “The colors are perfect for you. It’s really nice.”
Kicho: “I was asking about your dress. It looks like I didn't say it properly.”
Mai: “What?”
Kicho: “First of all, let me thank you. I guess you went out of your way to prepare this for me, even though you have other work to do.”
Kicho: “I could tell how good you are when I put the sleeves on. You’re very meticulous in your work.”
Mai: “Thank you. I’m glad to hear you say so.”
(It’s been a while since I’ve had someone wear and be happy with the clothes I made.)
(I’m really happy.)
As I reflect on my feelings, I realize again that I love doing this.
(Even after coming to the Sengoku period, I’m still me.)
Mai: “Right. Let me thank you too.”
Mai: “Thank you for the beautiful dress. It fits me perfectly and is very comfortable.”
The dress, like those worn by fairytale princesses, was elegantly colored in white, and the hem was made of a generous layer of fabric that, even with the slightest movement, fluffed up.
The waistline was also tight, making me straighten up my back unconsciously.
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Kicho: “I’m glad you like it. Now, let’s move on to the finishing touches.”
Mai: “Huh? Finishing touches?”
He placed a wooden box on the table he had brought from his room, opened the lid, and I saw some cosmetic kit inside.
(What on earth?)
Kicho: “Sit on the chair over there.”
Mai: “Okay.”
I sat down, and he stared at me while carefully taking out the makeup kit one at a time and placing it carefully on my skin.
Mai: “You know how to put on makeup?”
Kicho: “Yes, my sister taught me.”
Kicho: “Not only makeup but also how to dress, behave, and everything else so that I can live as a woman.”
Mai: “Your sister really cared about you.”
Kicho: “I wonder about that.”
Mai: “You’re very gentle with your hands. I can tell that you’re taking good care of me right now.”
Kicho: “I see. Well, it’s only natural.”
His long fingertips lifted my chin.
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Kicho: “I cherish you. I can assure you that much.”
Mai: “............”
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Previous╏Kicho's POV╏Next
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somebodystoleme · 2 years
you know when it's time to go | miya atsumu x reader
summary: you always knew you and atsumu could never be together; you were two worlds apart, and two worlds it will stay
w.c: > 1.0k
a/n: UHH PART 2???? y'all im so sorry abt the request i'm almost done w/ most of them :)))
warnings: cheating, angst, cliffhanger
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you know when it's time to go
when you got home from your shift at the coffee shop, it seemed that time had stopped. atsumu's sports jacket laid across the wooden table, you two bought when it was your 19th birthday. but as you take a closer look at it you realize how scratched up it looks, you see the water stains on the time.
you know where atsumu is right now. he's with her. you know he is. as you grab out the wine bottle and pop it open, you can't help to wonder why you are with him to start.
maybe it's cause he stuck with you when you were grounded your whole senior year. you used to have sleepovers with your best friend so you could text him on her phone, smiling constantly. but soon trouble spewed all over everything that was supposed to be perfect.
you first noticed the way he looks at her in sophomore year. she had that personality. you know! that one! the funny one, the happy one, and the one who fakes everything cause that was what she was taught. you on the other hand were completely opposite. while she was out partying with him, you were stuck at home trying to study for your ap exam the next day.
or perhaps maybe it's because when you spent time complaining over your parent's divorce, she was bragging about her new weight. it constantly felt like a competition, it was all a sick game in her head. she knew i was angry. but he wasn't mine, so why should you care?
until senior prom. you dressed up in your finest attire. all your stupid paycheck from that stupid coffee shop you still work at. he wore the black suit he's had since 9th grade. something changed between you two that night. he thought you seemed like an angel underneath the light, you likewise. he kissed you. right underneath that cheap disco.
he was a dream.
his lips were chapped that night, you run your hand over your mouth to maybe have some recognition of that night. nothing. you run cold thinking about miya astumu now.
he would ask you out the next day. and you said yes. but dear god did he make you happy.
you caught astumu cheating on you for the first time last may. your head plopped down on his tough chest. you were watching a thriller and pulled the blanket closer to the both of you. but as the movie kept on going, he kept texting someone. every three minutes he pulled his phone out and his cheesy grin would plaster on.
you were confused at first
angry the second
you grabbed the phone.
it just happen, it felt gravitated towards it, you grabbed it.
you saw the messages and even who it was. atsumu didn't even try to hide it. you scrolled throughout. but what shocked you the most was-
it was from her.
you cry about it, you should've left when that happened. but you didn't. you let him again after the fight. he promised he would cut it off. he said he started going to church. that was the first time you ever saw such panic on his face.
you know he's cheating right now. you check the clock. 2 a.m. he deleted life360 a long time ago.
"it's invasion of privacy!"
"but- atsumu. you cheated on me! don't forget that!"
"i don't care. aurora wouldn't do this."
he said it as if i was the monster- like i forced him to date me. i should've broken up with him then. on sundays, he would tell he was going to church. but now that i think about it, he's never once told me anything about it.
the door opens.
it's atsumu thinking i'm about to start begging for him to tell him what's wrong. but i'm not.
"let's end this."
"whatever sick game you and aurora are playing let's stop it."
"why? why would you leave. i gave you everything."
i turned around to face him, "atsumu- or should i say miya now? i know you and her are fucking behind my back. i didn't know church lasted till 2 a.m?"
"y/n. i can't do this again. i love you so much! why don't you see this? are you crazy or something?"
"i'm not crazy! i'm just sick of waiting for you to change! you never showed any sign of change; just lies, lies, lies! i'm sick." i grab my phone off the wooden table and my cardigan.
"goodbye atsumu."
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funeral-grayy · 2 years
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yn moves to liyue to chase her dreams of opening a flower shop. follow her on this journey, where she’ll make her way through the men of genshin impact. reverse harem with end game. angst, fluff, smut. modern au with a twist. (this chapter is written by me!)
Chapter warnings:
making out, slightly suggestive
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Chapter Masterlist
Chapter one
The day you moved into your flower shop, it was gloomy outside. The sky was dark and the clouds threatened to rain down on you. Standing in the threshold of the store, you took it all in. This had been such a long time coming for you, your dream was finally becoming reality. Sure, the store still needed some renovations and a lot of cleaning, but you were up for the job. Ever since you could remember, you wanted to own your own flower shop. Your love for flowers started at a young age. Glancing around the store front, you made a mental list of all the things that needed to be done in the next few weeks leading up to the grand opening. You had a very specific vision in mind and wanted the store to be bright and welcoming. The grimy walls needed to be cleaned and repainted, the counter needed to be completely replaced, lighting fixtures needed to be switched out to more suit your overall look, and some shelves and displays needed to be installed. Maybe you would take Kaeya’s advice and hire some help.
Kaeya was a childhood friend who was actually the one to find you this prime location. He had spotted a for rent sign in the window suddenly one day and immediately texted you, knowing you were in the market for a store front. It also helped that there was a small studio apartment above it, so you’d be able to live above your shop and be there in an instant if needed. Letting out a long sigh, you knew all of this could wait until tomorrow. It had been a long drive from Monstadt and you just needed to relax a bit. You glanced over your shoulder, wondering if you should pop into Kaeya’s tattoo shop and see if he wanted to grab a drink after his shift. You’d only communicated with him via text for the past few months, so you were itching to see him in person and catch up. Deciding it wouldn’t hurt, you grabbed your purse off of the counter, along with your jacket and headed across the street.
Kaeya’s shop was the exact opposite of what your storefront would end up being. His decor was dark and gothic, black walls with deep blue accents throughout. Upon entering the shop, a slender woman with dark burgundy hair greets you from behind a desk. She barely glanced up from her phone as you approached.
“Hi, uhm…I was wondering if I could speak to Kaeya?” You asked in a small voice, this woman already intimidating you beyond belief. Rolling her eyes, she sat herself up straighter and placed her phone face down on the counter.
“He’s busy.”
The finality in her voice made you feel small. You hesitantly looked around, not entirely sure what you were supposed to do next. Maybe, you should have texted him first or even called?
“Oh! Oh I'm so sorry to bother, I'll just text him or something?” You’re not sure why you posed that as a question but she was already back on her phone and completely disinterested in you. Taking this as your cue to leave, you quickly turned around for your escape. Just as your hand landed on the door handle, Kaeya’s voice came from behind the partitions set up.
“Is that my sweet little y/n I hear? Or do my ears deceive me?” He asked as he rounded the corner and spotted you leaving. Smiling to yourself, you released the door handle and turned around. Kaeya had grown up from the teenager you knew prior, in the span of 6 years, he turned into a man. His look was completely different now, more alternative than you remembered. A black choker around his neck, bronzed chest on display, his white shirt very low cut. You visibly gulped taking him, trailing your eyes down his body. Tight black pants adorned his slim legs and black combat boots to finish the look off. Realizing you were checking him out, you quickly looked back up to his face. He smirked at you, knowingly and came around from behind the desk.
“I was just coming to see if maybe you wanted to grab a drink or something? Catch up?” You asked timidly, you weren’t sure why you were so nervous around him, you both used to be childhood best friends. The woman behind the counter let out a snort in reply and continued typing away on her phone.
“Ignore Rosaria, she’s a bit of a bitch to people she’s unfamiliar with. But yes, I’d love to. I know just the place too.” You nodded in response, words lost on you. His voice was so smooth and intoxicating, had it always sounded like that? He placed a gentle hand to your lower back and ushered you to the streets of Liyue.
The bar Kaeya had picked had a very homey feel to it. On one side of the room there was a wall full of shelves with alcohol lining them. The bar itself looked to be made of pure white and gold marble with lights installed underneath to give it a glowing effect. The rest of the room was composed of brown leather seats with small tables between them. A small dance floor was hidden in the back of the room. Everything was accented with gold. It gave off a very cozy upscale vibe, which made you feel somewhat out of place. It seemed like a fairly quiet night, not very many patrons but that could have just been because it wasn’t that late at night yet. You glanced around the room, seeing what kind of people would frequent such an establishment. It seemed like mostly people with corporate jobs and higher ups discussing business. Most tables had 2 or 3 people sitting around them, conversing in hushed voices.
One man caught your eye, he sat in the back corner, idly sipping the amber drink in his glass while watching the room. He was handsome, his ginger hair was tussled, as if he had been running his hands through it constantly. The suit he wore looked expensive, the top few buttons undone and the black harness he wore on top loosened. What you hadn’t noticed was the man had been checking you out as well, seeing as you were new to town and he’d never seen you before. Oh yes, you piqued his interests very much. Before you could even notice the way he was staring at you, Kaeya grabbed your attention back to him.
“Let's sit up at the bar, what would you like to drink?” his hand found its way back to your lower back and walked the both of you towards the bar. Sitting on one of the high leather stools, you surveyed what was on tap. Sensing the bartender in front of you now, you looked up to place your order but your voice was suddenly caught in your throat. Were all the men in this damn town handsome? Before you stood the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen, his gold eyes seemed to pierce your damn soul as he looked at you. He wore a neat suit, tailored to fit him perfectly. His long brown hair was tied back in a loose ponytail, pushed to one side. Realizing it had been a few seconds, you snapped out of it.
“Could I get Wangshu Ale, please?” he simply nodded at your request and turned to Kaeya, awaiting his order.
“A glass of Death After Noon, please” He asked, then turned to face you. You both settled into a deep conversation, talking about anything and everything. Talking with Kaeya had always been so easy, so you weren’t surprised when a few hours and drinks had passed you by. By no means were you drunk but you were definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol. It was getting late and you really wanted to get a head start on your shop tomorrow, so you thanked the bartender for the drinks and stood up.
“I think I should head back home, I'd like to start on my shop fairly early. Thank you so much for the drinks, Kaeya '' The way you said his name, with just the slightest slur did something to him. Standing up with you, he draped your jacket over your shoulders and put some cash down on the counter top for both of your drinks.
“Come, I’ll walk you home.” Knowing you wouldn’t win if you argued, you nodded and followed him out of the bar.
The fresh air sobered you up, but only slightly. You still felt a fuzzy buzz in your system. The streets of Liyue were inviting and made you feel safe. Lanterns hung from posts along the sidewalk, and it felt like you had entered another world. The streets were still busy at this time of night, people heading home from work or heading to the bar. You’d eventually have to explore the night life a bit more, since it seemed so lively. Kaeya walked next to you silently, watching you as you took the town in. He found comfort in the way your eyes lit up in excitement when you spotted a cat down an alley or when you saw a boba shop. You were a positive piece of his home and he was glad to have you back in his life. You continued to talk as you walked, hands brushing every now and sending sparks throughout your body. You did your best to ignore the feeling, chopping it up to being buzzed and nothing more. This kept happening and you tried so hard to ignore it, but you felt such a pull towards your childhood friend.
Interrupting your thoughts, Kaeya announces your arrival at your apartment door, which was around the side of your flower shop. Beyond the door, there were stairs leading to your studio. The air around you two was thick. Kaeya’s gaze flickered from your eyes down to your lips. He felt the pull too. Every time your hands brushed, he ached to grab your hand. And right now, you looked like the sweetest treat in front of him, just tempting him to close the distance. Maybe it was the alcohol clouding his mind or maybe it was the night air, he didn’t know and he didn’t care.
Without another word he pressed his body to yours, pushing you against the door. A gasp left your lips, not expecting the rough movement from him. He waited a beat, giving you a chance to push away if you didn’t want this but you didn’t, your hands grasped the collar of his jacket. Taking that as permission, his lips hungrily crashed into yours. His lips were soft, you noted, as they pushed harder into yours. The kiss was fierce, like nothing you had experienced before. It was desperate, it was fast. One of his hands roughly grabbed your ass, and he took advantage of your sudden gasp, plunging his tongue into your mouth. He tasted like the beer and wine you two had been drinking and cigarettes, with a hint of something sweet. You could feel yourself becoming addicted to his taste, to his touch. You moaned into his mouth as he pressed his growing length into you. Just as you were about to reach down and feel him through his pants, a voice broke the trance you two were in.
“Kaeya?” a males voice cut through the two of you, Kaeya suddenly pushing himself away from you, as if you had burnt him. Clearing his throat, he gazed down to the sidewalk where the other male stood.
“Diluc.” He said roughly, not fond of his foster brother's intrusion. You took this as your chance to escape, now realizing it was a mistake.
“Thank you for the drinks and tonight” You said softly, a quick kiss to his cheek and you darted inside. Running up the stairs as fast as humanly possible, you slammed the door shut behind you. Releasing a breath that you didn't know you were holding, you took off your shoes and tossed your purse onto the counter. "Time for a shower" you said out loud to yourself. Afterwards, you slid into your bed and recalled the events of that night. You ran your fingers over your face and they lingered over your lips. Sleep came quickly, and that night you dreamt of a certain toned chest that may or may not belong to your blue haired friend.
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muiltifandomnerd · 6 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 25: The Confession
Flash Forward (Three Months)
Chika PoV
The volleyball team of my school went up against Isabelle's team. Both Isabelle and I just sat on the bleachers together as we saw Reyna crushing it at the field. Isabelle is wearing jeans and a red shirt, which oddly suits her better than the preppy clothing she usually wears. I decided to wear jean shorts with a white floral-patterned shirt. It’s nice that Isabelle and Chika are slowly becoming close again, but I can tell Isabelle is very distant from Reyna.
"Hey Isabelle, I want to ask. Why do you hate Reyna?" I saw in a low voice to not attract attention while Isabelle just sighed and stared at me.
"Look I don't hate Reyna or anyone for that matter. It's just at times, I'm very jealous of her because she seems so perfect and composed. I had never seen her in a vulnerable state like we have been throughout the years. Hades, right now she's winning regionals for your school." Just like that, the referee called the end of the game while Reyna scored the winning serve. The scorecard shows that my school beats Isabelle's school by 31-27. Isabelle looks apathetic while my entire school volleyball team just tackle hug Reyna to the ground while some carrying her on their shoulders. Reyna looked down on the team as she was carried and she did a small smile like she was content.
I’m happy that Reyna is fitting in at school, 3 months ago she was a bit guarded. It got to the point that many guys tried to date her, but she declined every time. I'm glad that she is having fun at school and away from running the settlement. Speaking of settlements, I should get Isabelle to come to Camp Jupiter with me. I'm going to ask her right now since it's obvious she didn't come here for the game.
“Hey Isabelle, I know that your godly mother is adamant about you not going to Camp Half-Blood, but I was thinking you could join us at Camp Jupiter.” I offered as we both watched Reyna celebrating with the volleyball team.
"I can't join Camp Jupiter as well, but my mom finds a settlement for me to go to. It's in Vancouver, Canada and it's run by the Titans who helped Olympus win the war." Wait there is a settlement run by Titans, that can be either good or bad, I wonder if somehow the Titans have kids with mortals and what will they be like. So many questions kept popping up in my head about this, maybe Reyna and I could check out the place.
"That is nice that your mom found a place away from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter, maybe we could visit it together" Isabelle smiled warmly and just decided to hug me out of nowhere.
"I would love that." Isabelle lets go of the hug and we both decide to leave the bleachers to meet with Reyna at the locker room. We move out of the stadium and look for the girl's locker room and as we step into the locker room, we see Hyun standing there as if she's been waiting for a while. Why is she here? I decided to take a fighting sense and move Isabelle behind me.
"Woah chill Chika, I'm not here to fight. I'm just here to pick up Isabelle, but you and Reyna are welcome to join us." I take a deep breath and I get out of my fighting sense, I'm not sure what Hyun is after but it seems that she is working for someone and her spying days could be done. I’m not even sure how Reyna will react to her ex-friend coming back to this school. Reyna stepped out of the locker room in black leggings and green shirt and she didn't look phase about Hyun standing out of the locker room with us.
"Hey Hyun, you right at the time. The girl behind Chika is Isabelle, the one you need to pick up." Reyna says in a neutral tone like she's talking to one of her soldiers.
“I’m glad that you are open to hearing me out. I know that you still hate me for being a spy, but I still want to atone and help demigods out. Ryan took me in, and he got me to be one of his recruiters to join his community to protect other demigods who are outcasts from both camps." Hyun explains while all three of us listen.
"Look Hyun, I'm glad that you have been calling me and letting me know that you are helping the settlement and that you are doing good. Look I'm open to forgiving you and moving on, but you still got a long road ahead." Reyna says while Hyun Listen. Wait, Reyna has been in contact with her without letting me know. I guess Reyna thinks that I hate Hyun or something.
"Reyna, have you been in contact with her during your stay at my house? I understand why you didn't tell me about Hyun because you thought I hated her but looking back at our fight, I hope you trust me enough to handle it. Hyun was just trying to Ben out, so I forgive you to Hyun as well." I say calmly. I'm not going to lie, it still kind of sucks that Reyna didn’t let me know that she was in regular contact with Hyun.
“You’re right Chika, I should have let you know about Hyun. To be honest I only got in contact with her only like 3 weeks ago. Next time Chika, I will not hide any secrets from you. I swear on the River Styx that I will not hide anything for you. Hyun has been helping me out with sorting my feelings.”
“Wait what feelings? Feelings about what?” I asked in a loud shouting voice, is she talking feelings about me? or about the school? or how she feels about the normal?
“Look I will tell you once Hyun takes us to Vancouver" I stand still, I'm so curious about what Reyna is feeling.
"Look lovers, you guys need to huddle around me before monsters ruin your moment" Isabelle just silently watched Reyna and me looking at each other, but all three of us hundle around Hyun and I felt my body disintegrating into the shadows. Man I don't miss this at all, I'm glad that we made it to Vancouver where we stood at the black gate. So this is the place where the other Titans live.
"Ok, lovers now you can talk about your feelings," Hyun shouted along with a bearing mischievous smirk. The black gate suddenly opened and Hyun took Isabelle's hand. Suddenly both disappeared into the shadows, what is Hyun up to? Does Isabelle know about her plan? Those two are a pain in the butt.
“We are safe to share our feelings now Chika, don’t worry Isabelle and Hyun are safe”
"It's not them I'm worried about Reyna, what do you mean by feelings?" I asked her while he walked side by side. I noticed Reyna was sharing glances with me and suddenly she took my hand and held it. We stopped walking and Reyna stood before me on one knee while she gently caressed my hand. Man, this is so awesome, Reyna is holding my hand. I finally got a shot with her, just be cool.
“Chika I want to know what you feel about me and I want you to be honest. Do not lie and hold back" Reyna says softly while she gently moves her hand around my knuckle and she looks on to in adoration.
"Do you want to know how I feel about you, Reyna? You might not like it, but I know I can't hide the truth any longer." Reyna closed both our hands together while she closed her eyes.
"Say it" Reyna quietly spoke while she bows before me, and she lovely caressed my knuckles. I felt my face flushed red; ok this is too much. I can't just be a blushing fangirl with Reyna anymore, I must tell her. This is it; I must do this. There is no backing down, my heart is pounding in anticipation, and I have to take a deep breath. This is so exciting, I got this.
“Reyna, I don’t have feelings for what a normal friend has towards one another or even a sister. When I first saw you, I found the best girl in the world. Every time, we train together for the quest, I enjoy listening to you about fighting techniques. Every time I see you smile for my cooking, it makes me want to cook more. You inspire me Reyna…to become stronger, that's why I haven’t lost my marbles sharing my body with the planet. I want to be your equal and I want to be your solace. I want to give you my love. Reyna, will you be my girlfriend?” Suddenly Reyna lifted me to the ground and just kissed me on the lips. This is heaven, this is a dream come true…Reyna is kissing me, this is the best day of my life. I finally did it, I confessed my feelings.
“I would be proud to be your girlfriend Chika. I cherished every minute with you. When I’m around you, my troubles are gone and all I feel is joy. You are my sun Chika." We both continue to kiss one another for long periods.
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dojae-huh · 2 years
Completely agree with your standpoint on the NCT Home app issue.
I personally think that it was harmless, except for the fact that SM is capitalising on fans nonstop but what's new? They'd do anything to promote the Neos, even if making them into controllable avatars.
Maybe they view it as dehumanising since the movement of the graphics seems very unsettling, and with the rising issue of how deepfakes are ruining people's lives could explain the mass fear of the app. But the Neos have agreed to the idea, given if they were briefed and signed a contract before shooting all the angles. So what's the big harm? They consented, just as how other form of fanservice they have done.
Fans should address the "dehumanising" issue from another standpoint - how SM is less focusing on their musical talent and promoting their idol image as products. Nowadays it's all about looks - all these merchandises with their beautiful images being sold and of course fans (and me) will spend some money (for Doyoung's pretty smile). SM and the NCT team needs to reflect on what even started the Neo movement, because now it's getting pretty stale... How the "Neo" brand is presented to the public... It's what made NCT special from other groups, and I really love their uniqueness and bravery to challenge different concepts each time. Hopefully after all this SM mess die down, we'll get NCT 2020 back (one of their best comebacks).
Thanks for reading my 2 cents, love your blog!
I agree, AI imitating art, deep fakes, body shape enhancing and skin smoothing filters are very new phenomenas, people are still sorting out how they feel about it, where is the line, what is ethical and what is not. Because there is no consensus, it attracts attention and provokes thought.
I can't be sure, however, I suspect that Japanese and Koreans saw no problem with the app. They are much more accustomed to virtual reality and virtual idols, the idea of robots looking like humans, etc. Look at how idols often play with face demorphing filters. It is fun, not scary. At least at this stage, when the line moved just a tad, when it is still "just a game".
To make it clear, I agree with the fans who don't like the app. It is better to stop a malpractice at the beginning than fear SM will release your bias avatars in the future for sell. I would prefer to have Naevis kind of avatars, completely made from scratch. Still, is there really a big difference between making a digital likeness of an idol to open its mouth and making a flesh-and-blood idol to open his mouth by showing a funny cartoon as an instruction to action? In the first case it's emotionless pixels, in the second case it's a real person with feelings you have an eye contact with in a situation where you are in a position of power over him for a minute.
There are "class clown' people who will do a lot to get attention, ilicit a laugh and be cheered on. These type of people do aegyo and everything else with ease. And, surelly, there are "dancer"/"show off" type of people who are very in tune with their body and sexuality and are not afraid of being sexy or even provocative at all. It doesn't apply to all idols. Some have to bear through the tasks, psychologically adjust, internalise their feelings because "it's what the fans want, it's what is needed to be done to achieve popularity". However, because "it is the norm", only extreme cases "warrant" concern from fans.
The Neoness... I'm waiting for the new comeback. 127 and NCT2023's run in 2023 will tell if the new SM showrunners remember the roots and the main idea or not.
Do you know that idol pictures evolved from prints of portraits of Japanese kabuki actors? Ans that mostly the actors survived thanks to their patrons not tickets? Koreans imported a lot of J-pop practices in the beginning.
As said as it is, the music doesn't sell on its own. It is well known that even cello players who cover rock bands and modernise classic pieces have to be conventionally attractive to make it big in general public. And, let's be completely brutally honest, many of neos are not that talented to make it on singing/dancing skills alone. Not even Doyoung. Therefore, I just accept the promotional idol part of things. I agree, though, that 127 need to comeback to neoness. Taeyong's hairdo in "Ay-Yo" was a breath of fresh air...
The solos released by SM these past months for other SM artists make me be at ease. The music is good, the albums are nice to look at, there are thought-through concepts. Jaehyun got a nice video for his solo song. It was promoted in a quite way, by the way. Many magazines included it in the top 20 songs of the year lists. Renjun does a lot of covers for YT. Taeyong released several dance videos for his unreleased tracks.
"Killing voice" happened. Karaoke sessions and singing in a cafe live were shot and uploaded to YT. Xiaojun was sent to shows where he sang live. So SM staff does some work in this direction. Not enough, I agree. It will be nice to see neos more often on those programmes that allow to showcase vocal abilities.
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not-my-circuss · 4 months
Hope you're doing okay. -C
Why do you care? What are you still doing here?? Why are you still hiding in the safety of online "anonymity," yet you sign the message so I know it was you. So if I chose to respond, it would have to be here in the open, rather than finding whatever blog you're using to message you directly. Just to callback to what we pulled in high school? I could still block you by the way, tumblr allows users to block blogs even if they say something anonymously. But, I've turned off anons now, which I suppose I should have done a long time ago.
I'm genuinely curious, what is the goal here? I'm assuming you've perused through my recent posts, so you know I've been through a breakup. So, what, you thought you'd extend your sympathies, and maybe we'd start talking again since I'm single and it wouldn't offend any partners? And then what? And then maybe we'd get coffee, and you'd tell me all about "traveling abroad" (you went on a cruise, get over yourself) and then you'd start showing me YouTube videos and your latest video game fixation, just like old times, right?
Is it for the drama? Are you clinging onto that star-crossed narrative we spun when we were children? Popping up every few months just to see if I'm still as miserable as you made me?
I'm too tired for all those games now. If you're gonna say something to me, say it with your chest.
Allow me to make it plain for you: I have long since forgiven you for all that happened between us. The cheating, the lies, the berating, etc. I've forgiven myself for going back to you time and time again when all of your actions showed me that all you cared about was yourself. I've forgiven myself for treating you poorly when I did. We were two messed up kids that only had messed up examples of how to love and be loved.
But here's the thing about the passage of time: it gives one perspective, and hopefully, wisdom. So I'm a little bit wiser now, and I know better than to let you near me again. You are both the careless boy that leaves a lantern out in the barn, and the stupid cow that kicks it over. You are the moth that rushes into the flames to feel its divine warmth- if only for a moment- before destruction.
I hope you are well. I hope you have people in your life that make the bad days easier. I hope you've grown. But everything I've seen from you in the last year, little though it may be, tells me that you are still somebody that I don't want to know.
When I think about the girl that crawled through the window to lay with the same person that ripped her apart... I feel devastated for her. The girl that cried in a tiny bathroom in a strange city. The girl that writhed in agony waiting for her body to purge the foreign entity. The girl that begged a boy for attention backstage. What she did just to feel loved, when she didn't know all the unconditional, uncomplicated love in store for her. I carry all the versions of her with me everywhere I go. She deserved so much better. Not just from you, but from herself. So, this is me taking care of her now.
Grow up, and move on.
And stay out of my fucking bar.
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fossadeileonixv · 2 years
Milan 3 Empoli 1
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Well that sure was something!
Damn, I almost nailed the scoreline in the matchday post when I said: “I think I’m going to go with a 1-0 Milan win and the only goal coming after the 60th minute when Pioli puts on more firepower to get all 3pts.” Rebić scored at the 79th minute and it was sitting at 1-0 when the 90th minute hit JUST LIKE I SAID and then all hell broke loose. What a ride.
Anyway, quick ratings and just a few comments at the bottom of the post. Let's go...
TATARUSANU 7 Maybe too generous but I thought he played to his strengths and that was not holding onto the ball and was about as decisive as I've ever seen him back there. Also, wasn't much he could do on the goal
CALABRIA 6.5 Wasn't playing bad when he clearly felt a pop. I'm pulled both of my hamstrings and tore my right one once. Some of the most excruciating pain you'll ever feel but thankfully it only lasts a few days. It still hurts and you can't really run for 4-6wks, but I felt for him when he pulled up. I've been there
KJÆR 6.5 I didn't predict he'd play but I did mention that this wouldn't be a bad game to play him since Empoli seemed to be allergic to scoring goals. Played well but was getting bumped around and finally left injured
TOMORI 7 After a couple of shaky performances this was back-to-normal-programming-Tomori. Covered lots of ground, good reading of the game all game 
BALLO TOURE 7.5 Now that's how you take your chances filling in for a sure-fire starter! Was solid if unspectacular all game but then made the crucial run for the game winner. Well done kid. Much needed confidence boost
BENNACER 7 Did Bennacer things
TONALI 7 What a heads up play to find Leao on the throw in for what ended up being the opening goal to Rebic (a hockey assist!). So maybe times you see a player on the touchline who can easily just get the ball and throw it back into play but they'll leave it for the fullback because it's the fullback's job. Oh, and I loved him getting the armband. Can't wait until it's regularly his
SAELEMAEKERS 6 Very Saelemaekers day. Oh, and left injured
CDK 6 Had a really nice play in the box to hold off some defenders and really should have had an assist to Leão for the opening goal. Outside of that? Seemed to be just a little bit off all day. Out of sync with his teammates
LEÃO 9 Co-MOTM Really poor effort on the nice pass from CDK but made up for it late with a wonderful play to find Rebić for the opener and then the pretty chip over the keeper on the breakaway goal to seal it super late. Love seeing his smile those last 10min plus stoppage
GIROUD 7 Guy was all over the place and really put in a hardhat-type of effort. No goal this game but was crucial throughout. Always impressed by the just-turned-36yr-old
KRUNIĆ 7 Ok, maybe looping him in with some of the other guys I said were all thumbs in the comment section of the last ratings post was too harsh. He's not Cristiano Ronaldo but this is now back-to-back performances where he's had some nice and nifty moves in the box, this time a beautifully timed leaping header to find Ballo Toure for the game winner
KALULU 7 Seems like whenever he doesn't start he gets called into duty either by yellow card or injury. He initially came in for Calabria after popping him hammy, but then got pushed over to CB for Kjær when he got injured. Got, I love this kid. Such an important player for the team
DEST 6 Wasn't what I would call a, bounce-back performance, but he didn't get de-pantsed like he did vs Napoli. He's going to get his chance now for the next month (and lots of games!). Time to see what you got, kid
DÍAZ 6.3 Was very energetic and drew some fouls and was getting in the box. Very workman like effort from the little guy
REBIĆ 9 Co-MOTM Rebić! What the hell, man?! Dude is playing lights out, better known as Springtime Rebić. Need him to keep it up. He's killing it in this NBA's 6th Man of Year role for Milan right now.
PIOLI 6.5 Better than vs Napoli but I thought too conservative with his lineup. I didn't mind the Kjær play though as his size was helpful. I really would love to see him go a little more aggressive offensively rather than needing to scramble in the last 30min to pull out a W
Quick scoring stats
Prior to this game Milan had only scored 1 goal in the final quarter of the game in both league and CL play. Versus Empoli they scored 3
Milan has scored 20 goals all season in league and CL play and Leão has scored or assisted on 10 of them (4 goals and 6 assists)
The CF position (Giroud and Rebić) has scored or contributed 8 goals and 2 assists across all competitions this season. This is probably higher than the banter era combined
Combined Brahim Díaz and CDK have 1 goal and 2 assists. Not exactly stellar. How has Milan fared when either of them are on the pitch? Milan has scored 11 goals with Díaz on the pitch and 10 with CDK (Milan has scored 20 goals total in league and CL but they were both on the pitch for the Napoli goal and therefore are both getting credit). The difference: Díaz has 8 appearances/352 minutes, for a goal every 32 minutes and for CDK the numbers are 10 appearances/526 minutes/goal every 52.6 minutes. For those of you screaming (you know who you are). "but that's only with these 3 goals vs Empoli", if you exclude his minutes and team goals from the Empoli game (why would you, they all count...) he's at 7 appearances/335 minutes, and Milan is scoring every 41.9 minutes on the pitch...which is still lower (meaning they score more often) with Brahim out there. Hmm...
Next Match
On deck is Chelsea midweek before Juve this upcoming weekend and then Chelsea again on the first of the return legs in CL. Chelsea recently changed managers and have won 1 and drawn 2 while scoring 4 and conceding 3, which is pretty much what they were doing (scoring/allowing) before Thomas Tuchel got fired after their CL game loss to Dynamo. *thanks to some guy named Tom for catching a mistake in the chronology of Chelsea/Tuchel firing events. Post has been updated*
Always tough to gauge how a team will play (both style and quality) when there's a new manager but the manager has had about a month now, and while there's only 3 total games under his belt to see how he's doing, there doesn't seem to be much difference in the Thomas Tuchel-led Chelsea and the Graham Potter-led Chelsea. What does this mean? Well, combined with this and after talking to my good buddy this past weekend who's a big Chelsea supporter, it seems to be that Chelsea is just a very poorly constructed team at the moment. Basically the last 2 or so years of shiny-object chasing is starting to catch up to them. Wrong pieces for the system or the wrong system for the pieces (except for attack, that's just a total mess for them). Let's hope it continues.
Milan will still be without Maignan and Theo for the Chelsea match and Calabria and Kjær can now be added to that list. Lots of missing pieces but I still think Milan have more than enough to beat them particularly up front with Leão and Giroud (and Rebić?! Waaa?!). My prediction right now (might change by the matchday post): Milan win 3-1.
Ok, that's about it. Let us know what you think below!
Forza Milan
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twistedmusings · 3 years
A/N: Planning to post some finished requests tonight thankfully but I wanted to share something super self indulgent with you guys since I just recently got an Alexa! I'm still kind of in a funk (since classes are STILL not over with) so thank you everyone for your kind words in my inbox q wq For now I only have Riddle and Leona...but if everyone likes it I'll make an effort to finish! I kinda am working on Azul's as we speak >:3 Warnings: Boys missing you terribly, Riddle justifying the breaking of rules and Leona realizing that he is talking to an inanimate object.
The Ramshackle Prefect leaves to go to RSA for a month, following a lead that could get them back home. And while the dorm leaders do miss them terribly, it seems one of them is hiding something.
. .
The Octavinelle dorm leader barely listened to his friend's request as he also crowded over Idia’s phone, the other five dorm leaders looking down at the screen as a pair of familiar eyes stared back at them.
“Where is Idia? Can you please hand me back to him?”
Riddle blinked at the sprite on the screen before looking back at Idia with a frown.
“Explain yourself, Shroud.”
Idia whimpered as he hung his head low in shame.
“[Y/N]-san...I mean...the Prefect left to go to RSA for a whole month, right? Crowley said it was to help them find a way back home but apparently there was some trouble there too and...and he brought them to fix it...”
Malleus’s neutral expression changes into something a bit sadder while Kalim lets out what everybody was thinking.
“To take them away so suddenly...I didn’t even get a chance to give them a goodbye party!”
“They’re only away for a month, Kalim.” Vil’s eyes stay on Idia’s phone screen.
“But I’m sure a party would have let them know how much I would miss them!”
Riddle clears his throat, “That still doesn’t explain anything about what I am seeing. Why in the world do you have something that looks like...that looks so much like them on your phone!”
Idia was sure this was hell. Of all the people to catch him using his phone during a dorm leader meeting, why did it have to be Riddle? What was he even supposed to answer to that question! That he missed talking to [Y/N]-san about the new animes that were releasing this week that he had purposefully made an AI from data Ortho had collected on them and their mannerisms?
He would rather die!
“I--I was testing a new AI! Just...for schedules and stuff like that! And I didn’t have anything else to base it on so I just took [Y/N]-san’s information and made a prototype! It’s not just going to go out to the public like that! They can customize it however they like--!”
Azul hums as he taps the screen, the sprite giggling as he touches their cheek before looking up at all of them expectantly.
“...A prototype, huh.” he smiles and leans back while taking his phone out, “Everybody stop crowding around him, we might as well be breaking his arm slowly at this point.”
The rest of the dorm leader's move back with only some protest, Idia’s eyes shining as he looks up at his other friend.
The dorm leader of Octavinelle grins, “If it’s a prototype then that means it needs users, correct? More people to test it out?”
Azul puts his phone in front of Idia and smiles at him like he was just about to close a rather important business transaction.
“Well then I want the prototype as well. Download it to my phone, will you?”
Idia presses his phone to his chest as if Azul was about to take it, looking around nervously as the other dorm leaders take their phones out and set it in front of him.
“If it’s an application for scheduling then I could use it to keep Heartslabyul’s matters in check. I’ll take one too.”
“Ruggie is gonna be busy during exams...this thing better work as an alarm.”
“Surely this would help me keep track of my schedule for both the Monstro Lounge and school. I’ll take one with a statistics program built in, Idia”
“Oh!! I want mine to be able to sing! And can I also get them in Scarabia’s dorm uniform? I want to see what [Y/N]-san would look like!’
“I’ll take that as well. I also want a photo re-touch feature as well as one hour updates as to what is going on in my Magicam account.”
Each phone was placed in front of him as Idia felt his head start to spin. He just wanted to keep this thing a secret only for himself! He wasn’t even planning to release it, it was all just a lie so they wouldn’t know his greatest shame!
A shadow was casted over him, Idia looking up slowly as Malleus smiled and placed his phone down.
“I am eager to see your finished product, Shroud.”
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The tarts in front of him looked absolutely delicious.
Trey had really outdone himself this time. The strawberries were cut into perfectly neat shapes and the glaze over them made them so mouth wateringly shiny that he could practically taste the sweet treat without even having to taste it!
Which only made his want of one grow even more.
“And here comes the next batch.” Trey smiles as he puts down another plate in front of him, Riddle’s eyes now staring at that plate while his vice dorm leader cleans himself up.
“When did you say the Unbirthday party was going to be today?”
“A-At three o’clock sharp.”
Trey nods as he looks at the clock in the kitchen.
“Perfect. I promised to meet Jade to get some herbs he has been growing as well as letting him teach me how to make this one soup they had in the Monstro Lounge about a week ago.”
He grabs his phone and heads out, leaving Riddle with a quick goodbye and a promise that he would make it back as quick as possible.
Leaving him all alone with two plates filled with his favourite treat.
The dorm leader looks around once...then twice...checking if anybody was coming into the kitchen before going back to stare at the plates.
It wasn’t like he was going to grab one
The Unbirthday party today would be using pastries that Trey had made yesterday. It was the third of the month so the rules required a completely different pastry. The strawberry tarts were most likely for tomorrow.
So Riddle could wait. He was the Heartslabyul dorm leader after all so not only could he wait but he was required to wait! As the dorm leader he was to set an example and he couldn’t let himself be seduced so easily by just two plates of such yummy looking tarts--!
He quickly takes his phone out and looks down at the screen, face flushing as he tries to remember how Idia told him to open up the new app.
A face peeks out from the corner of his phone, smiling as it recognizes his face and steps out while giving him a polite bow.
“Good morning, Riddle-san! What can I help you with?”
He can’t help a small rush of excitement at seeing the Prefect’s face after not seeing them for two weeks. Riddle would make an effort to stop and talk to them whenever they made their way to Heartslabyul that not seeing them for so long had almost thrown him off his schedule.
And...he missed the conversations he had with them.
As the dorm leader and a student in NRC he didn’t necessarily have time to go to any other events or take part in any of the shenanigans others would get up to, not that he necessarily wanted to, but it was entertaining when the Prefect talked about it with him.
It felt like they were letting him into their world.
So maybe this substitute would suffice...it was a scheduling app after all so it wasn’t like he was using it for pleasure only.
“Would you please repeat rule 56 of the Queen’s handbook?”
The AI clears their throat as a book animation appears before them.
“Rule number 56: On the third of April, black tea should be served along with pineapple tarts. Followed by a game of cards in which the loser must pour the Queen tea for the rest of the Unbirthday party.”
Riddle sighs as he looks back at the plate of tarts.
“...I guess I’ll wait until tomorrow…”
“Wait until what?”
He looks down at the AI, the sprite blinking in confusion as it waits for an answer. Idia had mentioned adding a conversational feature…
“There is no rule about what to eat tomorrow so I decided that we would have strawberry tarts.”
“Are those your favourite?”
Riddle nods and steps out of the kitchen, making his way to his room as he stared back at the open door.
“They are. Ever since I was little. I couldn’t have many because of--”
He decides to not go deep into the subject.
“I’m sure Trey’s pineapple tarts will be excellent. I will just have to wait until tomorrow to enjoy the strawberry ones.”
The AI hums before the book animation pops up again, looking down and flipping a couple of pages before speaking up.
“Riddle-san. While it does say that black tea should be served with pineapple tarts...it does state that it should be done for the Unbirthday party and the Unbirthday party only.”
He frowns, “Your point?”
“I am sure no rule would be broken if only the Queen has a tea party before the Unbirthday party. From what I am seeing here--”
They flip a couple more pages.
“There is no rule about a tea party of one enjoying a strawberry tart.”
Riddle blinks before looking down at his phone, the sprite smiling as they shut the small book and lets it disappear with a ‘poof.’
No rule would be broken...if it was only a tea part of one?
He looks down at the AI when he hears them giggle.
“Riddle-san looks really happy.”
A blush covers his face at being called out on how big his smile probably was.
“Did I help in any way?”
The dorm leader takes a deep breath before smiling as he looks down at the phone and presses his fingertip on top of their head, rubbing it back and forth as if they were petting them. Something he knew he could never really do with them in real life lest he was looking to get odd looks.
“More than enough. Would you like to accompany me during this tea party?”
“Yes please!”
Riddle nods before looking around once more and clearing his throat.
“And...would you refer to me as ‘dorm leader’ from now on?”
The sprite nods as they give him a polite bow.
“Yes, dorm leader!”
He would need to send his report of the app as quickly as possible, Idia had really outdone himself this time...maybe he could ask if he could get them dressed up in the Heartslabyul uniform?
Riddle still wished you would hurry back.
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“Leona-san! Please wake up!”
The blankets on the bed wriggled a bit as the phone was tousled over from one side of the bed to the other, the sprite inside frowning as they tried again.
“Leona-san! Please wake up! Ruggie-san texted you!”
A hand comes out of the blankets before holding the phone up.
“Read the text out loud then.”
Sighing, the AI pulls the text up and reads out loud.
“Please be awake by the time I get there, Leona. I need to make sure I get your signature on these papers for the dorm budget. If you don’t I’ll hold your lunch captive!”
Leona’s face finally pops up from under the blanket, the man sitting up and running a hand through his hair as he speaks up again.
‘Oi. What time is it?”
“It is 3:14 in the afternoon, Leona-san.”
“And when did Ruggie send the text?”
“At 3:00 o'clock.”
He groans and lays back down, the pillows flying about as he holds the phone to his face and smiling when he sees the sprite looking down at him worriedly.
“You really do look like them…” Leona whispers before tapping the screen so that he is poking the sprite’s cheek, “What is that face for?”
“I’m just worried for you, Leona-san. Too much sleep is a symptom of some sicknesses so--”
“Hah? You think I would get sick so easily?” he yawns and stretches, “I’m different from humans. Beastmen need a lot more sleep than regular humans do so...I’m just doing what my body tells me.”
Green eyes watch a notepad appear before the AI as they write down the information, smiling as they close it up and watch it disappear.
“I’ll keep that information in mind so I can serve Leona-san better. Thank you so much.”
Leona blinks at the words before a lazy smile crosses his face.
“Serve me better, huh? Never thought I would hear you say that.”
Usually the herbivore would be frowning and telling him to get up and actually take charge of his dorm and how he didn’t act like any grown up they knew. The sprite, however, tilts their head in confusion before speaking up once again.
“I am yours, after all.”
“Damn right you are.”
He looked at the phone a bit more, the sprite smiling up at him as he poked their cheek or patted their head. A part of him wondered if you would react like that with him as well. You always seemed so annoyed with his antics yet you never failed to come back to talk to him, telling him how he needs to get his act together if he is ever planning to go back to the Afterglow.
Leona would bet money that if he patted your head out of nowhere you would be highly flustered. Getting praise from him was something that didn’t happen often, after all.
“What day is it?”
“The 12th day of April, Leona-san.”
Another two weeks of you being gone. He frowns and closes his eyes as he thinks about you meeting those other students. RSA was just full of idiots...like his brother--
He slams the phone down but blinks when he hears a small yelp, turning the phone back around to find the AI looking rather frazzled with their eyes closed and hair all over the place.
“Shit. Are you....okay?”
Great, he was asking an application if it was okay. He could understand why Idia would hide this, right now he felt like he was crazy.
“Y--Yes! It was just unexpected!”
The sprite fixed itself up quickly and smiled back at Leona.
“Are you okay though, Leona-san?”
The dorm leader chuckled and nodded as they set the phone down gently and laid down next to it. At least that part was very much like you, worrying about others before focusing on yourself.
“You’re not going to complain? I almost just threw you.”
Without missing a beat, the AI stands up and looks at him.
“Leona-san is still working hard despite his body telling him to sleep. My program tells me that it would be a natural emotion to feel frustrated if you are not allowed to do something you want. Normal actions of frustration speak of physical manifestations such as kicking, punching or throwing. I was simply calculating it for it to be the latter and for it to happen towards a pillow. I’ll make sure to fix my calculations next time.”
He shakes his head and sets the phone down gently.
“Weird thing. You shouldn’t forgive someone so easily after they wronged you.”
“But you didn’t wrong me, Leona-san. I didn’t feel any pain. I just want to make sure you are feeling your best! You are my number one priority!”
This machine is going to make him go insane, he knows you would never say that but the fact that Idia had gotten your voice down so well that it was almost as if you had just told him he was your number one---
He was already getting a headache.
“Set an alarm for an hour. Ruggie will take around that long anyway.” Leona lays down and wraps the blankets around him.
“Of course. Alarm set for one hour. Would you like to be woken up with a personalized message?”
Leona hummed before grinning.
“Wake me up by calling me ‘King’.”
The sprite fixes its settings before giving a polite bow.
“Yes, my King. Please enjoy your rest.”
After this he would send his report to Shroud and maybe ask for an outfit upgrade. He only needed to show him some Afterglow clothes and the nerd would probably be able to make the AI wear them, right?
Whatever, the moment you came back Leona would make sure that you gave him some headpats for making him wait so long.
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