#I'm gonna make a prettier set when I'm home
princemick · 1 year
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there she is: the W14
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ghouljams · 4 months
Hockey au my light my love. The most chaotic boys. The Goon squad. The bane of coach Price's existence.
"Just talk to 'er mate," Soap nudges Ghost's shoulder. Poor guy has been staring you down all night, glaring like you walked in with his brother.
"What am I s'pposed ta say," Ghost grumbles over the lip of his beer. His eyes hardly budge from staring, watching you like a hawk as you laugh with your friends.
"Oh use a pickup line," Gaz chimes in, leaning around Soap at the bar.
"Good on ya Gaz," Soap pats the man on his shoulder in agreement before turning back to Ghost, "pickup line breaks the ice, get 'er to laugh and youre in."
"You're not suppose to break the ice," Ghost turns to look at his teammates. Soap groans, Gaz snorts, taking a sip of his drink.
"Go up to her and say something hockey like," Gaz chews his lip, thinking, "you should get two minutes for tripping, because I just fell for you."
"That's a good one," Soap says, almost surprised, smacking his hand against Gaz's chest.
"I know," Gaz boasts, sipping his beer.
"Got a better one though," Soap grins.
"Let's hear it," Gaz tips his head, yielding the proverbial floor.
"You want my sweater? 'Cause I think you need my name and number."
"Pretty good," Gaz nods, "how about this one-"
Ghost stands from his seat as Soap and Gaz go back and forth. Pickup line, he can do that, that's easy. He's good looking, he can talk to pretty people in bars. He stops next to your table and watches you turn to look up at him, your smile good natured and your brow raised in question. He stares at you a moment longer, God you're pretty. Prettier up close, he can't take his eyes off the sparkle in your eyes or the crooked tilt of your lips. You're waiting on him to say something, you deserve something good for putting up with his staring.
"Hi," he starts and your smile grows a little wider and everything flies out of his head, "I'm Simon, I'm a goalie."
"You play for the 141 right?" You ask, grabbing your drink to take a sip. It's something dark on ice, it tips in the glass like bourbon. Ghost nods. "You've got a .9 save percentage."
".921," Ghost corrects, "and six shut outs."
You set your drink back on the table and grab your jacket, Ghost doesn't move when you stand, even if it means you nearly bump into him. He wouldn't be mad if you did. He's hoping for it actually.
"You should take me home," you tell him, and Ghost wastes no time settling a big hand on the small of your back to lead you out into the cool night air.
He only realizes the mistake he made in the morning when you shake him awake the next morning and tell him, "We have practice at six, get your ass up."
Ghost groans and cracks his eyes open to stare at you, half asleep. "We?" He asks, not sure what you have to do with him or his practice schedule.
"New team manager nice to meet you," you pat his cheek and roll out of bed, "get your ass up Riley, we got a long day ahead of us."
Ghost sits up, watches you fish around on the floor for your underwear and tries to make the cogs in his head turn the right way. He's gotta stop getting into fights, he thought you said team manager. That- he'd know if you were his manager. He knows the team manager.
You toss a tee at him with a 'what are you doing?' look, "hell are you sitting around for ya fuckin' muppet? You got practice."
Ghost grabs the tee and tugs it over his head with a grumbled swear. You better stop yelling at him or he's gonna fall in love with you.
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hiramaris · 1 month
I'm gonna request something for haley bc i love how you write her and not so obsessed. im not sure if you are writing for request? but im gonna give my shot
a prompt where haley as wife, and the farmer was late passed midnight because of mining shit. and almost died (lmao). she got home safely, but limping with her wounds and bruise. then there's haley, saw her wife barely walking and her reaction, just comfort, fluff, worried and taking care of the farmer.
that's all, thanks, no pressure <3
Kiss it Off Me
Chapter Summary:
"I don't like your stupid gift!" She didn't intend for it to sound harsh, but as soon as her mouth opened, she couldn't stop the words from spilling out. "I honestly thought you'd know better than to give me something like this."
Pairings: Haley x Fem!farmer
Disclaimer:  I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: violence, blood
thanks to anon for being the first-ever reader to request a prompt. I initially thought to make a separate fic for this one but I realized why not make it as a new chapter? There would be some adjustments to the prompt, instead of Haley being the farmer's wife, she'd be somewhere in between a friend and a woman struggling to put a name to what she's feeling with the farmer. I'm really sorry anon for not following the route you're hoping for but I do hope you'll like this one.
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Summer 9
The sound of thunder clapping from above her made it difficult for sleep to come that night. Despite the late hour, the darkness outside was illuminated intermittently by flashes of lightning, casting eerie shadows across the walls of her room.
Rain drummed steadily against the glass, a constant reminder of Yoba's fury. The room felt oppressive, suffocating almost, as if the storm had seeped its way indoors, invading her sanctuary.
She had always hated rain. Well, the main reason is it's horrible weather for a dashing photographer like her. Not only does it ruin her hair that she spent all morning fixing, but it could also ruin her equipment. Oh, did she also mention it gives an awful lighting?
She also shares the same level of dislike for storms because they destroy the calmness of rain. It's aggressive, cold, and destructive.
That's why the moment the news announced there would be a storm for the next three days, she was quick to stock every little favorite snack she could think of because there was no way she was waltzing outside in that kind of weather.
Haley popped out a tired eye as she looked at the clock beside her.
1:56 AM.
Oh, joy it's almost two in the morning. How in Yoba's name could she go outside with bags under her eyes probably heavier than all of Emily's hippie gems combined?
'I mean– there's always a concealer,' she thought but quickly dismissed the idea.
She has been minimizing her makeup since... since whatever (when you told her she looked prettier even without them) PLUS with summer's sweltering heat, layering on cosmetics seemed suffocating.
With a groan, she pushed herself up from the bed, determination flashing in her tired eyes as she made her way to the kitchen to get a glass of milk, hoping that this little solution would finally give her the sleep she'd been craving for.
But as she reached for the milk, a cacophony outside shattered the stillness of the night. Haley froze, her heart pounding in her chest. It's kind of hard to tell with the harsh rain and thunder and everything.
As if to confirm that her mind wasn't playing tricks on her, a set of audible coughs echoed just behind the door. Haley's heart thumped so loud she was afraid it might come out of her chest.
That could only be an intruder.
In Haley's sleep-deprived mind, she didn't stop to even realize that Pelican Town had never experienced a robbery in the dead of night. Instead, she quickly bolted to her room, grabbing Alex's old baseball bat he had left here one time, not even having the presence of mind to wake up Emily to face this 'intruder' together.
Spoiler alert, it wasn't an intruder but an idiotic farmer covered in dirt and unbelievably wet from the rain.
You were holding your rucksack close to your chest for dear life with your sword held tightly by your other hand when Haley found you slumped against the door.
"What the hell are you doing outside at this hour and in this weather?" was the first words she uttered when her eyes spotted you. She was quick to help you up and bring you inside, not even minding the mud and water accumulating from where you stood.
When you didn't respond, Haley met your eyes.
Haley's heart nearly stopped at the sight beyond her. Without being hidden by the darkness, she could finally see your whole state.
There standing is the farmer herself. Your white hoodie was tattered and looked burned. Your hoodie's sleeves are ripped too up to your upper arms, and your left arm has a cut with fresh blood still gushing out of it.
You were missing the other pair of your shoes, and your hair was disheveled and covered with slime. You even had multiple scratches and scrapes all over your body. Your right cheek has some small scratches, and blood is rushing out of the wound on your forehead.
"Yoba..." Haley's voice was barely a whisper as she gently cupped your cheeks, careful not to aggravate your wounds. Her eyes flickered to the gash on your forehead, blood still seeping from the wound. "What happened, Y/n/n? We need to get you to Harvey!"
You shook your head weakly, struggling to stand upright. "No... H-harvey," you protested, your voice strained. "H-he'll kill me."
"Y/n!" Haley's arms enveloped you in a tight embrace as you nearly stumbled over her. She wanted to reprimand you, to demand answers, but the rush of blood in her ears and the pounding of her heart against her chest prevented her from doing so.
For now, she needed to make sure you were okay.
You only grunted in response as you gave in to her, allowing her to guide you onto the cushions.
"I'm just gonna get a towel and the first aid." Her lips trembled as she said those words.
In record time, she was able to get everything she thought you'd need, afraid if she missed any more seconds you wouldn't be breathing.
When she returned to the living room, she almost went ballistic when she spotted your form unmoving from your seat.
"Y/n! Wake up, for Yoba's sake! Don't you dare die on—" Haley's words caught in her throat as you rasped out a response.
"...oh, look an angel," you managed with a small grin, your tired eyes fluttering open.
Haley couldn't help but smile softly at your attempt to lighten the mood. "Very funny," she replied, relief flooding through her as she saw you conscious, if only barely.
Wordlessly, she draped a towel over you, tucking it gently to ensure you stayed warm. It was the same blanket she used during storms like this when she felt cold herself.
With a purposeful stride, she made her way to the fireplace, adding more wood to the fire in hopes of warming you further.
"Keep your eyes open, please? I'm just gonna get some rags to clean up your wound," she requested gently.
She placed the first aid kit on the coffee table in front of you before heading to the kitchen to gather clean rags and a sponge.
Returning to the living room, she filled a bowl with tap water and carried it carefully as she made her way back to you.
With great tenderness, Haley cautiously wiped the blood from your body with the sponge, dampening it in the tap water she had prepared. She winced as the color of the water turned red.
"You lost too much blood," Haley commented, masking the shakiness of her voice. She wasn't a great fan of blood but she was not naive with treating minor injuries either. She silently thanked Yoba for letting Emily force her to learn a thing or two about first aid.
You only grunted in response to her observation.
"What happened, Y/n?" She couldn't hide the worry in her voice even if she dared try. "I should call Harvey and get you to the clinic."
You groaned as she accidentally applied too much pressure to your wound. "No... it's okay. It's n-nothing, I'm fine."
"These serious injuries don't shout nothing, Y/n. What the hell happened?"
"'I went to the mine..." you explained, and Haley waited expectantly for you to continue.
"It's storming."
"I know..." You couldn't look at her in the eye. "It's just that there's not much going on in the farm so I thought I should continue my expeditions in the mine. I thought it would be safe but..."
"But it wasn't." Haley couldn't helped but deadpan.
You visibly winced, unsure if it was because of your wounds, Haley's biting remark, or just both. "I heard from Marlon I could find rare items once I reached the hundredth floor, which I did," you explained, tapping your rucksack beside you. "But I should have known better that those items are rare for a reason. Not because they're hard to find, but because they're hard to acquire. Once I got hold of this baby," you gestured to your bag, "the whole cave was swarmed by slimes and shadow people."
"What?" Haley's voice sputtered with disbelief, her brows furrowing in concern. "Shadow people? I thought they were just myths!"
You tried to nod in confirmation, but Haley kept a firm hand on your cheeks, preventing the movement. "Uhuh, they're very real," you affirmed, your voice tinged with exhaustion. "And I can say they aren't really fond of us humans and, uh, dwarves I think. They're more scared of me than intimidating. I tried not to, y'know, hurt them."
"That's a stupid idea."
"I know," you admitted, your gaze dropping to the floor. "But given our history with them, I didn't want to give them any more reason to hate us. Plus, I was the one invading their homes."
Haley let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping with weariness. "Still, you should have fought back. What if they had killed you in there? How would we have known you were down there and rotting? You're the only one crazy enough to go down there anyway."
You didn't speak after that, and Haley mistook that as compliance. She was too busy fuming at your lack of self-preservation to notice the frown creasing on your features.
After managing to cleanse the visible injuries of your body, she began to grab some clean rags to apply some pressure on your forehead and your forearm to keep your bleeding to an absolute minimum.
She cursed softly under her breath, trying to think of what to do next.
"…Y/n? Y/n, wake up, stop sleeping," Haley's voice was quiet, her tone laced with urgency as she gently tapped your cheek.
Your eyes pulled themselves open and looked tiredly at her. "Hn?"
"I need you to sit up straight and pull your hoodie off. What do you have underneath?" Haley's words were gentle but firm as she carefully supported your shoulder and hip.
"…just a tank top."
Slowly, you strained to sit upright, wincing with discomfort. Haley could tell from the way your grip tightened on her wrist that you were not comfortable sitting for very long.
With Haley's assistance, you managed to pull your hoodie off, careful not to aggravate any wounds. Once the clothes were removed, Haley's eyes lingered on the minor cuts just below your chest, blood still seeping from the wounds. She grabbed the sponge again, gently brushing away the blood from your cuts.
After cleansing the wounds, Haley applied alcohol and antibiotics, causing you to grunt in discomfort. No words were exchanged as she skillfully wrapped bandages around your forehead, forearm, and abdomen. She then helped you into warmer clothes she found in her wardrobe, her movements gentle and reassuring.
"How do you feel?" Haley bit her lip, anxious. Honestly speaking, she wasn't confident in her abilities to treat injuries, so she anxiously awaited your response, hoping she hadn't made things worse.
"…I'm alright now," you rasped, your voice hoarse with exhaustion. "…thank you, Hay."
Haley felt a wave of relief wash over her at your words. Your face had regained some color compared to earlier when you looked as pale as a ghost.
"Do you want anything to eat?" she questioned tentatively. "I'll whip you up some tea and soup."
You swallowed gently and nodded your head.
"I'll be back soon then. Rest. I'll wake you when your soup is done."
About twenty minutes later, Haley went back into the living room, a tray in her hands. She found you sprawled on the couch (thankfully not moving too much), embracing your rucksack in your arms once again. She wanted to question what was inside and why you couldn't part with it so much but decided to make sure you were okay first.
The things she does for you.
She placed the tray of food on the coffee table and sat beside you, taking in your sleeping form.
"Y/n/n? Food's ready," Haley said softly, tapping your thigh to rouse you from your slumber.
Startled and kind of a forced of habit, you tried to sit up straight. Thankfully, Haley was fast enough to stop you.
"Don't get up. | don't want to wrap your wounds again," Haley admonished, her tone firm.
She grabbed a pillow and propped it behind your back to elevate your head slightly. As she picked up the bowl of chicken soup, she could feel your eyes on her.
"I can feed myself, Haley. Thank you," you finally spoke. Haley's eyes met yours briefly before she averted her gaze, a flicker of emotion passing over her features.
"Clearly, you aren't capable of feeding yourself. Stop being a baby and let me do this."
Your eyes settled on her for probably a full minute before you sighed in resignation. Despite the hardened gaze she probably wore on her face, Haley gently placed a spoonful of soup in your mouth.
"I know you can, Y/n," Haley spoke after a few moments. "But you lost too much blood already, I don't want you to bleed again."
"I'm sorry for causing you all this trouble," you uttered softly.
Haley paused and finally looked at you, like, really looked at you properly this time. Since you had arrived covered in mud and blood, she had been operating on autopilot, with only one mission: ensuring you were okay. It's the only thing running through her mind, leaving no room for anything else. Mainly, she hadn't thought about the impact of her words.
"Don't be ridiculous. It's no trouble. I'm just..." Haley paused, thinking about what words to use without giving away that she cared too much. "I'm just glad that you're okay."
Once you had finished eating, Haley placed the empty bowl down and reached for a damp cloth. Brushing away a stray lock of your hair, she gently wiped away a few drops of blood and dirt, her touch surprisingly gentle. She was so focused on her task that she didn't notice you watching her quietly, your expression softening as she attended to the blemish on your face.
"Haley..." you called softly, breaking the silence. Haley looked down at you, her eyes startled. A small, appreciative smile graced your lips as you continued, "Thank you."
Haley couldn't help but smile in return. Sometimes it's hard to stay mad at you. "You can thank me by resting and making sure this won't happen again."
You chuckled softly as you closed your eyes, resting your head against the pillow once more. "No promises."
Seeing that you were getting sleepy, Haley quickly gathered the empty bowl and cup and placed them in the sink. When she returned, she extended a hand to help you up, much to your confusion.
"Come, let's get you to my room."
"Haley," you protested weakly. "I couldn't possibly impose more than I already have."
"Shut up. I won't let an injured woman sleep on the couch, Y/n."
Despite your protests, Haley managed to convince you to agree with her proposed setup. While Haley wasn't entirely keen on sleeping on the couch herself, it's not like she has a choice on the matter. The cushion is uncomfortable as hell, it's like sitting on a pile of bricks. That's more than enough reason to let you sleep on her bed. Plus, with the mess and worry weighing on her mind, she doubted she'd be able to sleep anyway.
She was about to leave to clean the mess in the living room when she finally sat you down on her bed, but a hand stopped her.
"…have you seen my bag, Hay?"
"Oh, that? Do you want me to get it for you?"
"No, no. Thanks but I can get it myself." You made a move to stand but Haley kept a firm grip on your shoulder.
Haley frowned. "You can't barely even stand. Do you think I'm gonna let you walk by yourself? What's in the bag anyway? I'll get it for you."
"I'm wounded, not disabled–" you tried to say but Haley only raised an eyebrow at you, daring you to finish your sentence. You sighed when you realized that you wouldn't win against her again. "It's... it's a gift."
"For whom?" Haley couldn't help but ask. Who could you possibly want to give a gift that you almost died just to get it?
Was it for Penny? Haley heard she liked gems as well. Or was it Maru? If she could remember correctly, tomorrow's her birthday and she seemed to like everything you can find in caves. This totally makes sense.
But why did her heart clench at the thought? More importantly, how did she even remember all this information when she didn't care about them at all?
Before you could respond, Haley left the room to retrieve your rucksack. She felt like she didn't need to hear the answer to her question.
When she returned, she wordlessly handed the bag to you, prepared to leave the room once more. However, your voice stopped her in her tracks.
"It's for you."
She turned, mouth agape. "What?"
"It's for you." You smiled warmly as you held out a familiar-looking crystalline gem, about the size of a palm, emitting a dazzling array of colors.
Haley's initial surprise quickly turned to dismay as she recognized the mineral. Her frown deepened, and a flicker of discomfort passed through her eyes at the sight of it. She knew what it was, and just the thought of touching it made her feel physically ill.
"What's wrong?" you asked, concerned at her sudden change in demeanor.
"I don't like your stupid gift!" She didn't intend for it to sound harsh, but as soon as her mouth opened, she couldn't stop the words from spilling out. "I honestly thought you'd know better than to give me something like this."
"Keep it," she said with finality. "Good night, Y/n."
With a curt nod, she turned on her heel and stormed off, the sound of the door slamming shut echoing in the room as she left.
She shouldn't have said that. She knows she shouldn't have but she was just so worried she couldn't control anything else spouting from her foul mouth.
She hated how she caused the light in your eyes to die down. Hated the way you weren't able to say anything else. Hated the way she just couldn't probably express her worries properly.
Now you probably thought she hated your guts.
Which is far from the truth. Kind of the opposite actually but she's far too tired and confused to delve into her feelings further at the moment.
It's true she doesn't share the same passion for gems and rocks as her sister Emily, and people will generally thank someone who will give them a prismatic shard because for one, they are pretty, she's not gonna lie about that. Secondly, they're super rare and by extension, expensive.
Haley just couldn't bring herself to appreciate it in the same way.
She hated them with passion. And she hated people assuming she liked shiny things because of her personality.
While it's true she's kind of materialistic, it was a trait ingrained in her from years of her parents trying to compensate for their absence by showering her with gifts.
She didn't like being materialistic, but she's so used to it that it's hard to stop.
And she hated how you seemed to think the same way about her when you thought about giving her a prismatic shard as a gift. That all she ever was were just pretty and expensive gifts.
And she hated how you let yourself get hurt just to give her this.
She hated everything about this.
Haley spent the majority of the night cleaning the living room, hoping to tire herself out enough to dull the heaviness and emptiness in her heart. She didn't know it was possible to feel both at the same time, but there she was, experiencing it firsthand, and she despised every moment of it.
And she hated herself more now because she found herself padding her way towards her room. Her steps faltered when she saw you peacefully sleeping on her bed. A gentle smile touched her lips at the sight of your chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.
Unable to resist, Haley approached you quietly. She carefully tucked you in, a tenderness in her actions that betrayed the turmoil in her heart. Leaning down, she pressed a soft kiss to your bandaged forehead, a gesture she had learned from her late grandmother.
"To kiss the pain away," her grandmother used to say, and Haley found solace in that belief.
With one last caress of your cheek, Haley settled onto the foot of her bed, a magazine in hand, silently hoping for the sun's rays to finally peek behind the horizon by her room's window.
Haley woke up surprisingly lacking any back pains. She didn't feel sleep-deprived either.
How'd she get in her bed? You're supposed to be– Oh.
She sat up straight when she realized she was holding a letter in her hand. Straightening up the almost crumpled paper, she could recognize your handwriting immediately.
Good morning, Haley. Sorry for the disturbance last night, and thank you for taking care of me. It means a lot. I didn't want to impose more than I already have so I excused myself while you were asleep. Thank you again. — Y/n
Haley studied the letter, noting the hastily scribbled handwriting that differed from your usual neat script. She could imagine you rushing to write it just to avoid dealing with her.
It hurt more than she cared to admit. But after what she said to you, who was she to complain?
At this point, it would be a miracle if you still talked to her.
"Good morning, sis!" Emily chirped, her voice echoing through the room as Haley emerged from her room. She sat on the couch, casually knitting what appeared to be another sweatshirt.
Haley's expression was one of mild annoyance as she replied, "It's noon."
She glanced around the living room, noting the sunlight filtering in through the curtains, indicating that the day was well underway and the storm had thankfully subsided.
"Storm has passed but Caroline canceled, just to be safe," Emily responded, her fingers deftly working the knitting needles as she spoke. "And I know it's noon. Just wanted to emphasize you slept late, little lady."
Haley let out a resigned groan, her movements sluggish as she made her way toward the kitchen to avoid further conversation with her sister.
"Just so you know, I saw Y/n/n come out of your room!" Emily called out from the living room, her tone playful yet teasing.
Haley froze mid-step, her grip tightening on the handle of her mug. "Wha—" Her voice wavered slightly, betraying her surprise. "Nothing happened!"
"Of course, nothing's going to happen in that state she's in," Emily retorted.
Haley couldn't ignore the sense of urgency that suddenly gripped her at the mention of your state. You're in no condition to go home all by yourself.
"Just tell me you took her home," she pleaded, her tone softening slightly as she returned to the living room.
Thankfully, Emily's too caught up with her work to notice that brief slip-up of vulnerability Haley rarely shows.
"I volunteered actually, but Penny saw us on our way and insisted she could do the job," Emily explained, her tone matter-of-fact.
"And you agreed?!" she sputtered incredulously.
"Of course, I would!" Emily readily defended. "She volunteered!"
Haley's sigh was heavy as she sank down onto the couch next to Emily. "You should have woken me up."
She could feel Emily's eyes settling on her as if trying to decipher what's got her so distressed.
"I tried, but Y/n/n won't let me. Said you needed the sleep," Emily finally answered after a few moments of silence.
"You're unbelievable." Haley couldn't help but massage the bridge of her nose at Emily's casualness about the situation as if seeing a heavily injured farmer waltz out of Haley's room was just a normal occurrence. "I suppose she told you what happened then?"
"Uh-huh. Accident in the mines, right? And she went here instead to the clinic because Harvey would kill her once he saw her state." Emily chuckled, her tone light as if discussing the weather. "He just literally told her last time to take it easy."
Haley blinked in disbelief. "And how do you know this?"
"Everyone knows this, Haley." Emily looked at her as if wondering why she didn't know this piece of information. "It's practically a common thing to see Y/n/n passed out outside in the morning."
Haley's brows furrowed in frustration, her mind racing with thoughts. Of course, she doesn't know this. If she would have known, she would have told you to take it easy. Hell, she'll help with farming if it will make things easier for you. This thing where you pass out and overwork yourself shouldn't be normalized. Actually, if anything—
She stopped herself from this line of thinking because why the hell was she even considering helping out with your farm when she, in fact, hated dirt?
"She also told me how you stepped up and helped her," Emily continued, her voice pulling Haley back to the present moment. She felt Emily's hand pat her shoulder in a gesture of reassurance. "I saw she's well-cleaned up. I'm proud of you, sis."
Haley forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. I'm not proud of what I did, Em.
Summer 10
The sky was painted with hues of pink and orange as Haley sat alone on the shore, the gentle sound of waves lapping against the sand providing a soothing rhythm to her troubled thoughts. She had come here seeking solace, the ocean always offering her a sense of peace in times of distress.
The events yesterday had bothered her more than she had let on. She convinced herself you'd understand why she reacted the way she did but a part of herself thinks she should apologize.
But as stubborn as she is, she instead spent the whole day sulking, which is what she did.
She embraced her knees closer to her chest, fingers brushing the bracelet adorning her wrist. It was her great-grandma's, a delicate piece of jewelry passed down through generations adorned in gold and pearl on the middle part. Her grandmother has given it to her instead of her mom because she'd rather wear luxurious things than some hand-me-down jewelry. But Haley loved them, and it's probably the only piece of jewelry she'd ever wear aside from the shell necklace she was wearing now.
It was a ritual of sorts for her, wearing the bracelet whenever she felt sad and alone. It's as if wearing it made her feel like her grandma was with her at this very moment, comforting her.
She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't realize her bracelet had slipped from her wrist. It wasn't until she reached to adjust it that she felt its absence.
"Oh, no..."
With trembling hands, she combed through the sand, her movements growing more frantic with each passing moment. Her eyes scanned the water's edge, fearing the worst as she desperately sought any glimmer of gold amidst the grains of sand.
No, no... impossible. She made sure she was far enough from the water for that specific reason.
An hour passed with no sign of the precious heirloom, and Haley felt tears welling up in her eyes as desperation threatened to consume her. She practically combed the whole beach for it and still no signs of the bracelet.
She couldn't help but slump back to the sand. She's feeling everything too much.
She's such a useless piece of shit. She couldn't even kept an important heirloom. How the hell can she even keep someone like you in her life?
Everyone's right. She's way up high in the clouds that everything she touches crumbles within her fingertips.
The tears are threatening to fall from her eyes and a sob is rising on her throat.
And just before a tear fell from her eyes, a hand shot up and grabbed her by the shoulder.
She looked up and met a pair of gray eyes staring into her own. The grayish color of your eyes is stark and deep and seemed a little bluish from the illumination of the sun. It almost looked like the sky during spring or the ocean seen from a cruising ship as a cold tundra threatened to ruin the quiet solitude of the season. Your eyes telltale thousands of untold stories with every blink, stories too ambiguous, too dark for any of them to understand. Though not dark enough to feed her thoughts of the midnight sea, of storms and drowning.
Calloused fingertips thumbed mascara stains from her cheeks with such gentleness Haley doesn't think she deserves.
"I'm here," you murmured. "What happened, Haley?"
"I l-lost it," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion as she struggled to hold back tears. "My bracelet... it's gone! I know I had it on when I got here... But now it's gone, Y/n and I can't find it anywhere..."
She couldn't help the sob that escaped her as she burrows closer into you. She had probably stained your shirt with expensive make-up and salty tears but she didn't care as she dug her face deeper into your collar bone further and sucks a shaky breath.
"Shh," you soothed, sturdy arms wrapped around her tightened instinctively. "I'll go find it, don't worry."
"I'll never find another one like it..."
"I'm really sorry..." she felt you murmur against her hair. "I'm sure it's just around here somewhere."
"...maybe it'll wash up on another shore," she hiccuped between sobs. "I can't bear to think of it at the bottom of the ocean."
"We'll find it, okay?" you assured her, and Haley swore her heart stopped beating when you planted a soft kiss on her forehead. "Stay here. We're not leaving until we find your bracelet."
And truth be told you did find it.
After what seemed like an eternity of combing through the sand, Haley's eyes lit up as she spotted the familiar-looking bracelet in your hands.
With a smile so bright it rivaled the sun, you approached her.
"You found it!" she cheered as she run towards you, hopping from the sand and straight to your arms.
You weren't deterred by this and proceeded to secure your arms around her to prevent her from falling.
"Careful there, we don't want to drop it again, do we?" You barked out a laugh but Haley was quick to recognize the grunt of pain in them.
"Yoba, I'm sorry! I forgot you're still wounded!" Haley made a move to let you go but you weren't having any of it. If anything, you hold her tighter. Haley couldn't help but let out a laugh as well as she wrapped her arms around your neck just as firmly. "Thank you so much, Y/n. You're a lifesaver."
"You're welcome," you murmured against her chest. "Here, I'll help you wear it."
You gently set her down, much to her disappointment, and began to fasten the bracelet around her wrist, your actions filled with care and tenderness.
"Thank you, Y/n. Really," she murmured softly. "You're always there whenever I needed you and all you get as a thank you is me being... a bitch to you. I'm sorry."
You frowned. "You're not a... 'b' word. Far from it."
"'B' word,"she scoffed, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips "What are you, twelve?"
"Hey!" you protested in mock indignation. "I can cuss. I just don't want to use it around you. I don't want to get used to it."
Haley's gaze softened drastically. If you keep this kind of consistency around her then Haley's bound to fall hard on her back. And since it's with you, you'd probably made your way to ensure she'll be falling in a pile of pillows and flowers. You're thoughtful like that.
"I'm sorry for giving you that gift yesterday..." you started after a moment of silence. "Let me finish first," you interrupted gently when you saw her mouth open to speak. "I just... prismatic shards are rare to find and I wanted to give it to you because I thought it's something you'd like to photograph."
You took her hand in yours, a tender gesture that made Haley's heart skip a beat, her cheeks flushing slightly at the warmth of your touch. The soft morning light bathed the shoreline in a golden hue, casting long shadows across the sand as gentle waves lapped against the shore.
"But then I realized how it may have looked like to you, and I'm sorry I made you feel that way."
"So I like to try again." Without further explanation, you strode towards the boat beside Elliot's cabin, your steps confident and purposeful, and produced a bouquet of—wait, are those sunflowers?
"No way!" she sputtered as she tried to fight the grin threatening to spill on her face. You're not supposed to look this dashing walking towards her with a bouquet in hand. It's unfair!
"Yes way." you grinned at her as you handed her the flowers, your eyes sparkling with mischief. "I hope I'm forgiven."
"I'm supposed to be the one saying sorry, you dunce!" Haley playfully slapped your shoulders before accepting them. "They're beautiful, Y/n! These are my absolute favorite! Thank you."
"No worries. And if you're free you can take a look at them at my farm."
"You planted them?" Now that she had mentioned it, it sounded like a stupid question. Of course, you planted them yourself, where else can you get these flowers?
But as usual, being the kind and patient person that you are, you only beamed at her and nodded. "Yep! I planted a whole yard."
"For real?"
"For real," you affirmed, your smile widening at her incredulous expression.
"But why? I mean compared to other crops I'm sure sunflowers aren't that profitable."
You shrugged again, your expression softening. "Eh, I wasn't aiming for the profit. I was aiming for your smile."
A/n: my toes are curling while I wrote this, I hope you felt the same. Anyway, the bouquet of sunflowers isn't the same bouquet that makes Haley your girlfriend. It's just a regular ol' bouquet our farmer has personally crafted because she's a simp for our queen but just too oblivious to see it. Sorry for the delay, I had just finished my clinical recently so I was busy the whole month of April. Hope y'all like this one!
P.S. comments are much appreciated!
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loloslaystheday · 6 months
Something About You
pairing: sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader
prompt: sanemi met the woman that he grew up loving and god be damned if he doesn’t marry her.
note: i tried to write a book on wattpad about this song but it does better as a one shot i feel like. i pasted it here and edited it… heavily🙂
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you glanced around the bustling street, searching for the next stalls to buy the last ingredients for dinner.
‘i’ve got the oil, the flour, now i just need-‘
your thoughts were cut off as you bumped into someone, falling to the ground with a hard thud.
"ow..." you hissed. ‘that’s gonna hurt tomorrow.’
"are you okay? i’m so sorry,"
"it’s fine, i should..." You looked up and almost instantly initiated eye-contact with quite the stunning boy. He had white hair and wide purple eyes, formerly filled wth concern that now seemed to be glazed over with an unreadable emotion.
you felt your heart flutter the longer you stared, mind fluttering with just the thought of him.
he seemed to finally snap out of his daze, blinking and shaking away the thoughts flooding his mind. he got up and reached a hand to you.
"sanemi shinazugawa." he said sweetly. you took his hand and he pulled you up.
"y/n l/n." you bowed… and noticed your money was scattered across the ground. "oh shoot..."
you started picking it up and he leaned down to help you.
"what are you doing out, l/n?" He asked in an attempt to create conversation.
"i'm buying ingredients for dinner."
"need any help?" his eagerness surprised you, but you nodded. who would deny free help?
"yes, please." sanemi nodded, stood up and dropped the money in your hands. "thanks."
"yeah, of course." he waved it off and began walking around the stalls with you. he insisted on helping carry the items…
but eventually, you got side tracked and forgot to return home. it was sunset and the two of you were talking the day away, propped up against a tree and snacking on ohagi.
"it feels like i’ve known you for years." you commented, glancing at sanemi as you did. he gave an eager hum, posture perking up at the mention. his wide purple eyes stared into your e/c ones.
"me too. maybe we knew each other in a past life."
"you believe in that stuff?" you furrowed your eyebrows and he scoffed.
"yeah. i just hope that old bastard doesn't get another one."
you raised an eyebrow at that.
"who?" you pondered.
"my dad." he waved his hand dismissively and took another bite of his ohagi.
"oh.." you muttered. after a while of staring, your gaze wandering toward the setting sun. 'i wish we could stay here forever.' you thought, a smile spreading across your lips as you fiddled with the sleeve of your kimono.
your eyes flickered back to sanemi, then the sun, then back to sanemi. a double take, you could say, as you noticed the look he gave.
"what?" you asked quizzically. he shook his head, still smiling while he looked at you.
"’just noticed something."
"what?" You asked, shifting to look at him. "is there something on my face? tell me!"
he pursed his lips and crossed his arms.
"hm... okay." his expression became neutral as he stared into your eyes. "there’s something about you.”
“what do you mean? is that a good thing?”
he couldn’t help but crack a smile at your furrowed eyebrows and the curious look on your face.
“it is.” you watched his eyes flicker over your frame and land back on your own.
“stop being cryptic, what do you mean?” you asked impatiently.
sanemi rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless.
“i… just think you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen.” he says softly.
it took a moment for you to process what he’d said but when you did, you felt your cheeks heating up with each passing second.
“you’re just being nice. surely you’ve seen much prettier girls-“
“and you’re just being modest.” sanemi shook his head.
“it’s not modesty, it’s honesty.”
“just because you rhyme doesn’t make it true..”
“hush.” you crossed your arms and sat back against the trunk of the tree.
sanemi leaned up a bit to stare at you before he got up, pulling a knife out of his pocket.
“woah, woah, okay, i’m being modest!”
he furrowed his eyebrows in bewilderment then scoffed.
“now i’m just offended.”
you stared up at him, watching as he started carving something in the tree. you got up to watch.
“hm…. is that a potato?”
“shut up.” he smirked at your playful remark then put his full focus onto the tree.
a short minute later, he flipped the knife back into his pocket and grinned.
“now we can find this tree whenever we hang out together.” he said.
“your s looks like shit.”
“you do it!”
you giggled at his pout and crossed arms. “it’s cute.”
“hm.” he looked back at the sunset, noticing how much darker it’d gotten. “oh shit we gotta get home-“
“oh yeah, i forgot about dinner!” you yelped, scrambling to collect the ingredients into your basket. “see you tomorrow?” you turned back to smile at sanemi.
“see you.” he smiled back, collecting his own items much calmer than you had.
“yes, sanemi, i know how you fell in love with me.” you say, trying to contain the grin that threatened to widen with ever passing second.
“and i love you more every day.” he adds as if you forgot.
“where are we going?” you ask after a few beats of comforting silence. sanemi’s posture stiffens, immediately turning the air awkward. “oh my gosh are you gonna show me your outhouse..?”
“what? no!” he laughs. “it’s a surprise.”
“so far i’m… loving it.” you mutter, dodging a tree branch that nearly smacked you in the face. “nemi!”
“sorry.” he chuckles. “but we’re almost there.”
you look down at the overgrown grass and weeds that threaten to tangle on your ankles if you make too quick a move.
“if i get bitten by a snake-“
“i’m good friends with snakes.” you glance down at his hand and purse your lips.
“mhm. who took your fingers then?”
“okay, you know that was muzan.”
“he’s a snake!”
“i shouldn’t have told you about demons…”
“i can’t wait to tell our kids about them.” sanemi’s heartbeat sped up when you said that. he’s convinced in that moment he fell even harder for you.
“we’ll make the most of the years i have left.”
“stop talking like you’re dead. you’re not dead yet.” you scolded. “i hate when you bring that up..”
“sorry.” he muttered.
“..it’s not showing right now, so the affects aren’t there right?”
“we don’t have to talk about that right now.” he looks up at the overgrown tree, a small smile on his face. “we’re here.”
“wow. nice, uh… nice tree.” sanemi whips around to gawk at you.
“you don’t remember?” he notices the smirk on your lips and he sucks his teeth. “you’re annoying.”
“of course i know this is our tree. you really think id forget?”
“i mean… you are kinda-“
“kinda what?”
“nothing.” your eyes narrowed accusingly.
“mhm.” sanemi dropped your hand and you walk up to the tree, looking for the carving of your initials. “oh, i found it!”
you turn around to show sanemi who’d gotten down on one knee.
“y/n..” he says gently. your smile fades as the moment sets in. “will you-“
without letting him finish his sentence, you cup his cheeks and kiss him like you’ll never see him again.
“yes.” you whisper, tears dripping down your cheeks. he can’t help the tears that flooded his eyes that he dared not let go.
“i love you.” he says softly, like if he spoke too loud it’d ruin the moment
“i love you more.” you say in return. and you know you’ve felt that way since day one.
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valiantstarlights · 11 months
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) AU
I'm still feral over Kuroshitsuji so we're gonna have a Demon!Hob and Nobleman!Dream AU.
yes, I know I have already written demon!dream and priest!hob, but I wanna have demon butler!hob and monsterfucker nobleman!dream too 🥺
CW: dark! monsterfucking! slightly spicy
So. Okay. To start, the Endless and the Burgess families are business rivals. Randall Burgess wants to make his father proud, and decides that the way to do that is by attacking the Endless family in their own home by himself and some hired men.
He dies in the attempt.
The thing is, the Endless didn't even lay a hand on him. The people who killed him are the very same men he hired to help him attack the Endless mansion unprompted.
In the thugs' defense, they'd rather be alive with only half the payment that Randall gave them than fuck with the Endless. Most sensible folk don't, and unfortunately for Randall, the men he hired wanted to live more than they wanted to be rich.
They tell Roderick Burgess that it was the Endless who did it, though, because why damn themselves when reliable forensics doesn't exist, and Old Man Roderick already has confirmation bias?
Naturally, Roderick immediately believes them, and gets his revenge on the Endless by setting their mansion on fire, killing everyone in it except for Dream, who he had arranged to be kidnapped earlier in the night. Dream is the closest to Randall in age, and Roderick plans to sacrifice Dream to a demon to get his son back. A life for a life and all that.
And so Dream is gagged, then chained to a sacrificial altar in the basement while Roderick and the rest of his followers do a demon summoning ritual.
Except the demon they summoned is Hob, who finds Roderick's wish tedious. A life for a life? They summoned him all the way from Hell just for that? Please.
If Roderick had asked for his son back, as well as riches and fame, then Hob might consider negotiating with him. He has always loved greedy humans. They're more reckless, and they usually get killed within a year or two after the contract is sealed, leaving Hob free to take up another contract.
He has already hit quota in the 16th century actually, and is just doing this for fun, in case there are some humans with interesting enough deals willing to make a deal with him.
But a grieving father with no need for anything else but his stupid son back? Hob doesn't have time for that.
Just as Hob is about to leave, Dream manages to get free of his gag and calls attention to himself.
Hob sees him, feels the murderous aura coming from him, and thinks he'd rather make a deal with this one, actually. He's prettier than any human Hob has ever met, and he looks like he has a more interesting deal to offer him than bringing someone back from the dead.
"What about you, pretty thing?" Hob says to the beautiful being in chains on the altar. "You got a better deal for me?"
And listen. Dream is smart, so he knows not to ask to get his family and pet raven back after seeing how disinterested the demon looked after Roderick said his wish. But he's also very much not in the right state of mind to be making a deal with a demon. He needs a therapist.
Unfortunately, actual proper therapists do not exist back in the Victorian era, and Dream is in the anger stage of the five stages of grief.
He saw how the demon looked at him with lust. And the demon isn't bad-looking at all. Quite the opposite, actually. And so he thinks, fuck it.
If he's gonna be damned for eternity for wanting the entire Burgess family dead, then he better do a good job and actually wipe them off the face of the earth. From Roderick to his cult followers to the servants, all of whom did nothing when he begged them for help.
Everyone who has ever wronged him is going to pay, and he is going to stand over their corpses and laugh. And if he has a handsome demon by his side with his hands red with blood doing Dream's bidding? Then all the better.
Dream sends Roderick Burgess his most hateful look, then turns back to the demon patiently waiting for him to speak. "Help me get revenge on everyone who has wronged me and my family," Dream says, "and I will be yours forever."
And, well.
Hob can't say no to that.
Vengeance is his favorite kind of contract, and the prospect of having this beautiful man forever in exchange for doing a job he loves?
Hob gets to work.
After, when there's no one else left alive, Hob walks over the corpses in order to unchain Dream from the sacrificial altar. The nobleman is still mostly clean, with only a few blood splatters here and there marring his pale skin and white dressing gown. They must have kidnapped him while he was sleeping.
Hob makes sure to be gentle with him. The poor thing looks like he's already been through so much over the past day alone.
"You okay, lovely thing?"
Dream nods and allows the demon to remove his chains. He is not at all alright, but the sight of viscera and blood covering the entire basement apart from the sacrificial altar where Dream is, as well as the feeling of the demon's gentle hands upon him made him feel a sense of peace.
"I want to reward you for a job well done," he tells the demon, who laughs as the final set of chains is removed from Dream's ankles. His fangs look so very sharp in the candlelight.
"No offense, darling," the handsome demon says, "but what can you possibly reward me with?"
In response, Dream wordlessly opens his legs.
After, when Hob has Dream in his arms, both of them still lying on the stone altar, Hob thinks that he could get used to this. He has always longed to have someone who only belongs to him, and Dream's deal--and how he worded it, allows Hob to have him like this.
Even if Dream were to die, Lucifer Morningstar themself wouldn't own his soul, because Hob already has it, and it has been given to him fair and square and very enthusiastically.
Dream shifts in his hold so he is looking up at Hob while his head rested on Hob's hairy chest. His pale fingers feel lovely caressing his chest hair. "Something on your mind, Hob?"
"Nothing much, my lord," he replies. "Just thinking how this might be the best deal I've struck in ages."
The best deal period, but they've only just met, and Hob doesn't want to frighten Dream with how possessive he can get.
Dream ducks his head in shyness, which Hob thinks is adorable considering how barely five minutes ago, the man was on his cock, riding him like an experienced equestrian, and begging him to fill his belly with demon cum.
So yeah. Hob really lucked out.
What he doesn't know is that Dream ducked his head so he could smile a secret smile against Hob's chest, sated and victorious, his hole filled with a copious amount of demon cum, his nipples puffy and swollen, and his entire body still shaking intermittently with the pleasure of his last orgasm.
Hob made sure he had a really good time, and Dream is keen to ride him again as soon as his legs cooperate with him.
Were his very religious parents still alive, they would be scandalized to know that Dream gave his virginity to a demon. So in a way, it's good that they're already dead.
When he rebuilds the Endless mansion, he is going to have Hob fuck him in each and every room. As a reward for his continued service, of course, and not because he's already addicted to him.
The demon doesn't know yet how many enemies the Endless family has made throughout the years. He's going to be Dream's for life, and Dream is going to be his in death.
Like a true Endless, Dream has managed to strike a very good deal, and made the other party believe that it was them who struck a better deal.
Hob might get very angry with him once he finds out about the neverending vengeance plots he'll be helping Dream with, but Dream is determined to make it worth his while.
"What's on your mind, sweet Dream?" Hob asks, one hand grazing over the contract seal in the middle of Dream's chest, which was glowing as red as a ruby. The light will fade in time, he had been told, but for now, he would have to wear thicker upper garments to hide the glow.
"Nothing much," Dream says, echoing the demon's words from earlier. "Just how much I'm looking forward to our partnership."
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Hey! So saw your ask yanderes and I decided to ask :)
It is okay if I ask : MK, Mei, Redson, Wukong, Macauqe, Syntax, Mayor, and Nezha ?
If I can then what would they do if their darling decided to just end the friendship because of their issues? Ahaha... TRUST ISSUES. their darling don't trust them no more and decided to end the friendship. And their darling will not be hearing any excuses from them and will end that friendship right there.
(My issues😘)
Hope you can do!
- 🌼 (did I request too much?)
A/N: You're good! I said no character limits, so no limit shall there be. Just a lil heads-up for anyone else, yes there are no limits, but do be warned I'll be taking extra time on longer asks to make sure everything flows properly A/N: Since Tumblr won't let me write too much (and started not letting me post it) I had to break it up into two parts! Don't worry I'll be posting it soon after this one <> CW: Kidnapping 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛 "Wait- what do you mean you don't want to see me anymore?" MK felt tears beginning to sting his eyes. "Listen, I know sometimes I kinda got intense, but I told you I don't mean to scare you. It's just- when I see someone who looks like they're gonna hurt you I get really angry, and I want to keep you safe. Y/N, please! Don't go!" He suddenly grabs you by the shoulders. "I can change, I swear! Just don't leave me!" As you turn and begin to walk away, his breathing gets shorter as panic begins to swell within his heart. In a blink, he's struck you unconscious. "It'll be okay...it'll be okay...I'll just get you home. Then we'll talk this out, it'll all be okay..." MK repeats this to himself like a calming mantra as he carries you off. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚 Upon you saying you're breaking things off, Mei laughs. "Ahh, that's a good one Y/N. You really had me goin' there for a minute." When you continue to stare at her, she slowly sets down her milkshake. "You're...not kidding? But why would you want to stop hangin' out with me? Don't we have fun together? Don't you like hanging out with me?" She stands up from her seat, hand twitching towards her jade sword. "Who is it, huh? Who's so much better than me that you're willing to just throw away what we have for them? What do they have that I don't?! Are they prettier? Smarter? WHAT IS IT?!" Mei can feel her power beginning to spark up, but she's too upset to truly care. "TELL ME!!!" ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Before you can even get the words out, Red Son's got you by the throat and is lifting you up into the air. His hair is completely aflame, and his eyes are blazing. "So that's it? You think you're just going to leave me? Well there's just one teensey little problem there, Y/N." He pulls you closer until your faces are inches apart. "You. Are. Mine. And I am not in the habit of letting go of what I rightfully own." Red Son's fingers are squeezing your throat, he doesn't seem to notice how much force he's using. "Now we are GOING back to my home, you will SIT in the dungeon and THINK about what you've done, and I EXPRESSLY FORBID YOU from EVER mentioning leaving me again. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 "Aww, it's cute that you think you can leave." Unbeknownst to Y/N, the seal to the entrance to Flower-Fruit Mountain begins glowing brighter, sealing them in. "Look Y/N, I think you've had a very long, very stressful day. Why don't you..." He picks from his fur a few strands and blows on them, transforming them into the sleep bugs he's used so often in his Westward journey. Before you can jerk back, he's got you by the throat and has dropped them upon you. "Take a little nap? Then when you wake up, you'll feel better! I'm feelin' like goin' out for dinner, we can talk then!" As the world begins to fade and your eyes begin to close you hear his laugh before he says, "Sweet dreams."
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scarletsxnss · 4 months
open to women!
characters: victor "conway" reed , 55 , he / him , & bruce laurant , 33 , he / him 
plot: fantasy au ! lowkey just started reading a court of thorns and roses and want a plot based on that ( but make it poly ) . doesn't have to be exact , but victor captures ym and takes them to his mansion/castle . for any reason u choose , she's now fated to live out her days in this new place but is given a home by victor and bruce . i'm just gonna say they're demons so i'm not completely ripping off the book lol up to u if u wanna go full fantasy but im also down for ym to be from the modern era.
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food was spread out on the table. with a wild display of wealth and abundance, victor opted to have the servants cook food from every corner of the earth—unsure of what type of food this particular human would want. his stoicism shines against the bright warmth of the nearby hearth. one by one, servants pour in bringing golden plates and goblets. victor's eyes barely look at his captive, since the journey from the land of the humans has caused him fatigue. his clothes were still clean, despite a long journey through the eye of the universe. his clean grey tunic sat beneath demonic steel armor—the only armor that can keep him safe from the fatality of human wepons. "eat." his voice nothing more than a low growl. "you haven't eaten in days."
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the large table is set for three, though the third guest doesn't enter until he's fashionably late. servants begin shuffling out of the room and leave the two in silence. the quiet doesn't last for long before the doors swing open and the pompous arrogance can be smelled off the royal that enters. bruce dons a luxurious leaver outfit, lined with the nicest of white threads to accent the rough warrior clothing. "conway." the prince speaks, calling victor by his nickname. "i heard the pet is here. how is she—" his tall figure pauses when he sees the girl. "oh." a dissaproving tone mixed with a judemental look. "victor... you didn't... dress her? did you?" he finally takes his seat across victor and observes the woman. "when i heard we were finally recieving a guest, i honestly imagined her prettier. though i bet if you'd wear a nicer dress than you'd look lovely, sweetheart."
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crystalsnow95z · 8 months
We have a tie for my Halloween poll, so it's gonna be Taejoon story..the comments had two ideas, so there's gonna be a bonus story to be posted later.
Sickie: Taejoon with bad colds (cough, fever, sniffles, a bit of vom!t towards the end.)
Caretakers: Ot7
Namjoon could see the dim light underneath the blanket of Taehyung's phone, the younger boy scrolling on the screen. It was almost midnight, but it was clear both boys couldn't sleep. "Tae?"
Taehyung pops his head from underneath the blanket. "I'm sorry. Was I keeping you up?"
"No, you're fine. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted to know if you'd want to go for a walk with me. I saw a park on our way to the hotel." Namjoon offers, relieved when he sees Taehyung getting up.
"Put on a hat and a face mask. We might be in another country, but we still don't want to be recognized." Namjoon warns, getting up to do the same. They came to America to do a collaboration, but the project kept them busy for the past two days, giving them no free time.
Taehyung nods, digging out a beige beanie from his suitcase to cover up his red hair. "I'm ready." He says with a smile, pulling his jacket over his shoulders and taking the face mask from the pocket.
Namjoon does the same, using a black beanie to cover up his blonde hair, quickly putting on his jacket and shoes.
"Are you sure that jacket is heavy enough, hyung?" Taehyung questions.
"Yeah, I'll be fine. You're gonna be sweating it that heavy trench coat." Namjoon teases. "Do you have the hotel key?"
Taehyung grabs his wallet. "I do now. What happened to yours?"
"Let's go before it gets too late." Namjoon doesn't answer his question, leaving the room.
"Hyung did you lose it already?" Taehyung whispers. "It's only been two days."
"No. It's somewhere in that room. It's just misplaced." Namjoon blushes in embarrassment to be scolded by the younger member, making Taehyung giggle.
"Shh.. people are sleeping.." Namjoon leads the way out of the building, the crisp autumn air hitting them with a cool breeze.
"Wow, even at night, all the colors are amazing.." Taehyung's eyes brighten seeing the orange and yellow trees underneath the street lamps, taking out his phone to take a picture.
"It'll be prettier at the park where there's tons of trees. Let's go, it's not that far. Namjoon pulls him by his elbow.
"It's been a while since it was only us two walking together..was the last time when we went up that mountian for losing that game?" Taehyung asks, looking around at all the different trees with amazement.
Namjoon laughs, watching his head turn every which way as they walk. "You look like a bird moving like that. It's like you never saw autumn leaves before."
"Sorry.. I'm just excited..I didn't get a good look in the car because of the tinted windows and us being rushed inside." Taehyung gives Namjoon a shy smile, earning himself a head pat from Namjoon.
"You don't have to be sorry. I just thought it was cute." Namjoon smiles. "Let's cross here."
The park was only a 15-minute walk from the hotel, the two ex roommates exchanging old memories with each other along the way.
"Look, hyung! A swing set!" Taehyung runs up to it, taking a seat on the swing."It reminds me of Hakdong park! Careful Namjoon, there are puddles under the swing."
"This one has an extra swing, but other than that, the setup is really similar." Namjoon takes the swing next to him, pulling it back to get on it without getting his feet wet. "If we have time, we should bring the others here before our flight home."
"Before we shoot run BTS?" Taehyung suggests, swinging lightly. "Ah, do you know what our challenge will be?"
"Nope. I have no idea. The only hint I got was that it's themed." Namjoon shrugs.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyung tilts his head.
"Probably something like a haunted house?" Namjoon leaned back on the swing to look up at the sky. "Wow, the moon's beautiful tonight."
Taehyung mimicks Namjoon, holding tightly on the chains as he lets himself fall back, looking up at the full moon with clouds swirling around it. "Woah. I wish I had brought my camera.. my phone can't capture it." He sat up quickly when he heard a loud bang, trying to see if it was a firework or gunshot.
"What was-" Namjoon tried to quickly sit up, falling out of the seat into the water below. "Ahpa..ahpa.." he rubbed the back of his head, Taehyung rushing to him.
"Are you okay Namjoon-ah?" Taehyung brushes the wet woodchips from his back.
"Yeah, I'm fine..just wet.." Namjoon gives Taehyung a reassuring smile through the pain. "That just startled me.."
"Me too.." Taehyung helps Namjoon, getting him to his feet. "You're soaked now Hyung.. I think we should get back to the hotel."
"Yeah, but I think we should go a different way.. I don't want to go towards that sound.." Namjoon says, feeling uneasy. He takes Taehyungs hand, walking the opposite direction of the hotel.
"Don't worry, Hyung. It was probably just a firework.. there's a holiday coming up, right?" Taehyung squeezes his hand.
Namjoon gives him a half smile. He knew Halloween wasn't known for fireworks, but he didn't want to tell Taehyung that if that's really what he believed. "Yeah,you're right. But it's better to be safe than sorry."
Taehyung trusted Namjoon's judgment, but that didn't stop him from worrying about him. "Namjoon-ah, your teeth are chattering.." Taehyung takes off his trench coat, draping over Namjoon’s shoulders.
"Taehyungie no. You need your jacket." Namjoon tried to give it back, but the younger runs ahead. "Taehyung-ah!" He tried quietly, yelling to get attention.
"No, I'll be fine. I don't want to see you suffering, Hyung. If I stay moving, I'll stay warm." Taehyung tells him, refusing to touch his coat. "It's only a short walk back. I can handle cold."
"Fine..just don't run ahead.. I don't want you getting lost." Namjoon catches up to him, grabbing him by the wrist. "Stay next to me."
"Namjoon-ah, Namjoonie-hyung..we need to meet with the others soon." Taehyung's voice came out as a raspy whisper, gently rubbing Namjoon’s chest. "Do you want me to tell them you aren't feeling well?"
Namjoon coughs, eyes fluttering open."Taehyung-Ah? Mm..no..I'll be okay...what time is it...?" My throat.. it hurts to talk..
"It's 10:15. We're supposed to meet up at 10:30.." Taehyung replies, clearing his throat.
"Sh*t.. okay..okay I'm getting up.." Namjoon sits up, coughing into his fist. "Could you get me some water?"
Taehyung nods, getting up to fill a cup with water, leaning against the sink as a wave of dizziness washes over him. He woke up twenty minutes before Namjoon to the sound of the older member coughing, feeling congested, his head pounding painfully against his sinuses.
"Taehyung, are you feeling okay?" Namjoon asks, stifling another cough when he sees him doubled over the sink.
"I'll be okay. My nose is just a bit stuffy because it's cold out. No big deal. You should quickly take your shower. The steam should help you feel better." Taehyung returns with a cup of water, giving it to him. The shower helped me a bit..
"Take it easy today, okay?" Namjoon warns him. I shouldn't have invited him out last night. He was fine yesterday.
"Okay Hyung. I will." Taehyung sniffles, laying back down on his bed. "I'll just rest a bit while you get ready."
Namjoon left to shower, quickly texting a staff member.
Could you bring some cough medicine when you pick us up? I'm not feeling well.. My throat hurts, and I have a bad headache.
Namjoon sets his phone down. He turns up the water to be as hot as he could handle, using the steam to try to clear the mucus that kept draining into his throat.
The hot water made him feel dizzy, holding the wall tightly. Am I running a fever? The thought crossed his mind, but he quickly shook his head. No. No, the water is just too hot. I'm fine..
Namjoon quickly turned off the water, laying in the tub, hands over his face. "I just need some water.." When he tried to get to his feet, his vision went hazy, falling back into the tub with a loud bang.
"Namjoon-ah! Hyung are you okay?" Taehyung rushes into the bathroom when he hears it.
"Yeah, yeah I just slipped. Clumsy me, this is embarrassing.." Namjoon gives him an awkward smile, taking Taehyung's out stretched hand.
"Don't worry Hyung. I won't tell any..one." Taehyung coughs out the last word, pressing his lips together.
"I guess we both aren't doing well.." Namjoon sighs. "I'm sorry. That night walk was a bad idea."
"Don't be sorry. I liked spending time with you.." Taehyung smiles, hearing someone knock on the door. "Get dressed. I'll handle it." He goes to the door, peeking through the peep hole. "Ah, Jungkook-ah. Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I slept great. How about you? You look tired." Jungkook says with a frown.
"Ah, Namjoonie-hyung kept me up...with his snoring." Taehyung quickly added.
"Oh right. He does snore really loud. I'm glad I didn't lose." Jungkook teases. "I'd offer you a sip of my coffee, but you'd hate it. I got you some cocoa though. Where's Rapmonnie-hyung? I brought him some coffee."
"Hes getting dressed. Thanks Jungukkie." Taehyung gratefully takes the hot beverage from the cup holder, sipping on it to soothe his throat.
Namjoon's coughing was heard from the bathroom, making Jungkook rush in to check on him. "Namjoonie hyung are you okay?"
"Yeah..yeah.. I'm fine. I just..choked on the tooth..paste.." Namjoon coughs in-between words
"Be careful hyungie.." Jungkook hands him the coffee. "Here, take a drink."
Namjoon takes a big swallow, sighing when the coughing stops. "Alright, I just need my shoes and I'm ready."
Namjoon leaned against the car window while they drove to the location of the shoot, trying to hold back another cough. He knew he couldn't hide it from the others for long, but as soon as he went to the car, the older members were onto him.
He was going to wait until they reached the location to take the medicine, but Yoongi was already fretting over him.
"Namjoon-ah are you coming down with a cold?" Yoongi was straight to the point, eyes darkened with concern.
"Yeah, but its just a sore throat.." Namjoon knew he couldn't brush off Yoongi like he did Jungkook.
"Namjoon-ah, if you aren't feeling well, maybe you should sit it out." Jin suggests lightly, already knowing the answer he'll give.
"No, no, I'll be fine after i take some medicine. It's just a cough. It's nothing serious." Namjoon tried to downplay how bad he felt. Talking at a normal level felt like he was screaming.
Taehyung stayed quiet, letting his nose drip down, licking his lips when the watery snot hit them. He didn't dare sniffle, not wanting to draw attention to himself, pretending to be engrossed in the comic he was reading on his phone.
"You sound like you sang two concerts back to back on your own.. you'll worry, army." Jimin tries to talk him out of it. "You should really rest."
Namjoon shakes his head, coughing into his elbow. "They'll worry either way. We can edit out of I cough too badly. It'll be fine. They said it'll only take two hours tops."
"Alright..fine..but you stop when I say so." Jin says with a serious tone, using his role as the oldest. "I don't want you completely losing your voice over one episode. We have a concert next week."
"I promise." Namjoon says, sipping some water. "I'll try to keep the talking to a minimum.."
"Woah! It's a real pumpkin patch! Like in those movies!" Jungkook excitedly looked at the vast field of orange pumpkins of all sorts of different shapes and sizes.
"What are we doing here?" J-Hope asks.
"Each of you will choose a pumpkin from the patch to carve, then we'll continue inside." Staff tells them.
"I've never carved a pumpkin before.." Jimin admits. "Is a bigger one easies or a smaller one?"
"I haven't either, but I think a bigger one would be easier to carve because it's a bigger surface, but it's more to clear out." Yoongi smiles when he sees J-hope make a face at the idea of gutting the pumpkin.
Namjoon moves out of the camera shot, coughing into his arm. The cold autumn air made it harder not to cough.
"We need to choose quickly..Namjoonie needs to get inside as soon as possible.." J-hope clenched his jaw, his chest tightening to hear his friend cough.
"HEH'HEHTICHI!" Taehyung sneezes, covering his face. "Ah, sorry, Hyung." He apologized when he saw Hobi jump,trying to sound causal.
"Bless you, Tae. You're not catching a cold, too, are you?" Jimin rubs the back of Taehyung’s neck. "You feel warm."
"Your hands are just cold from being outside." Taehyung smiles. "Let's go pick a pumpkin." He tried to keep his energy high, pulling Jimin through the patch.
"Be careful where you step. There's vines. Don't trip!" Jin warns them a little too late, watching Taehyung fall Jimin being pulled down with him, both boys stumbling over.
"I lost my shoe.." Taehyung pouts.
"Taehyungie what have I told you to wear your shoes properly!" Jimin yells at him.
Taehyung laughs, but it turns into a cough, trying to muffle it with his scarf. "Don't make me laugh.."
"You are sick.." Jimin frowns, quickly getting Taehyung's shoe, putting it properly on his foot.
"It's not as bad as Namjoonie. I just didn't want to worry you guys. I'm fine. Really, it's just my sinuses.." Taehyung reassures Jimin, sniffling.
"It doesn't matter if Namjoon is worse or not. You don't need to act like you're fine. Did you take any medicine?"
"Namjoon-ah gave me some. I'm handling it."Taehyung promises, stifling another cough. "Oh! Look at this one! It reminds me of Tata!" He picks up an oddly shaped pumpkin."No, wait.. It's a butt.. you can have that one.."
Jimin rolls his eyes, knowing what his soulmate is doing. Taehyung is trying his best to act playful so the others didn't worry. "I don't want that one. What about the one next to it?" Jimin picks up a medium-sized pumpkin, wanting to get Taehyung inside as quickly as possible."It's perfect."
"I'll give it to Namjoonie hyung." Taehyung gets to his feet, holding his hand out to Jimin. "Come on, let's go show him."
Jimin reluctantly takes it, letting Taehyung pull him to his feet. "Looks like Jungkook beat you to it. You'll have to keep my gifted pumpkin."
Taehyung looks over to Jungkook, holding two pumpkins, then to Namjoon. "I'll see if I can get Namjoon-ah to go inside with me then."
"Good idea." Taehyung carries his pumpkin to Namjoon. "Hyung, I'm cold.. Since we got our pumpkins, can we go in?"
Namjoon was relieved to have an excuse to go in without having to admit the cold air made his coughing worse. "Feeling shy to go in alone? Alright. I'll go."He takes Taehyung's hand, leading him inside, where some staff are waiting.
"Ah, Namjoon-sii, Taehyung-sii. Is everything okay?" A staff member approached them. "Do you need anything?"
"No, everything is fine. It's just cold out, I didn't want to risk getting worse. Is that..." Namjoon tried to keep his coughing under control, but the last sentence got cut off by a bout of coughing.
The woman takes the pumpkin from him, placing it on the table, and quickly digs a few cough drops out of her purse. "Here, this should help.. I don't have many. I'm sorry."
Namjoon goes to thank her, but when he tries to talk, the coughing starts up again. He fumbles with the wrapper, Taehyung taking it from him to help open it.
"Here, hyung. Open." Taehyung pops the cough drop into his brothers mouth, his voice coming out softly.
Namjoon sucks on the lozenge, feeling relief as the mentol drop coats his dry throat. "Thank you.." he bows to the staff member and turns to Taehyung, offering him one."Here, you take one too."
"There's only three.. you should keep them.. I'm not coughing much, I'll be fine." Taehyung closes Namjoon's hand. "I hear the others.."
"Jungkookie be careful, you elbowed me.. why did you have to choose the biggest pumpkin?" Jimins voice is heard in a pout.
Taehyung runs up to greet them, knowing Namjoon wouldn't force him if they were with the others. "Oh wow.. it almost takes up your whole chest."
"It's not that big..sorry, Jiminshii, it was slipping." Jungkook apologizes, quickly going to the table to set it down. Jimin puts his down next to his, Jungkook giggling. "It's tiny like you."
"You punk." Jimin pushes him. "I'm not tiny."
"You're the smallest."Jungkook taunts running as Jimin chases him, hiding behind Jin.
"I'm not a shield. Stop playing around." Jin scolds both of them. He usually didn't mind the younger boys messing around, but he wanted to get through filming as soon as possible. Even with Taehyung smiling watching his two friends play, Jin could hear his labored breathing from his stuffed nose.
"Okay, Hyung. Sorry." Jungkook bows to Jimin.
"Oh, there's a guest here.." Yoongi points out the unfamiliar face. Everyone looks around to see who he meant, a blonde haired man catching their attention.
"H-Hello everyone!" The man stammered nervously. "I'm Zach. I'm the owner of this pumpkin patch, well.. my father is.. I'm going to help you carve your pumpkins."
"1,2,3.." Namjoon counts for their introduction, but coughs before he could get more than the first part of his name.
"His name is Namjoon." Jin answers for him, going down the line for each member. "Thank you for teaching us.."
The others echoed their thanks, except Taehyung, who only mouths the words. He tried to focus on the lesson, watching Zach cut into the top of the pumpkin, but his nose kept leaking, making him have to constantly sniffle.
"Here Hyung.." Jungkook passes him a napkin discretely, whispering by his ear. "Your nose is leaking."
"Ah, thanks, Jk.." Taehyung whispers, trying to quietly blow his nose. Thankfully, the cameras were focused on Yoongi and Namjoon bickering.
Namjoon stabbed the knife into the pumpkin, trying to saw it open, lacking the strength to actually do it. He only got a few zig zags before he couldn't get deep enough, the knife slipping.
"Namjoon-ah stop. Let me do it. I don't want you to cut yourself." Yoongi takes over.
"I can do it myself." Namjoon argues, but does nothing to stop him from taking it from him. "What about your own?"
"Jimin can do it,he's almost done with his already. Right Jiminie?" Yoongi asks Jimin.
"Ah, of course. No problem." Jimin smiles. He knew helping Yoongi meant giving the deagu rapper the chance to help Namjoon. He peeks over to Taehyung to see if he is doing any better. He's struggling too..
Taehyung had to use both hands to have enough pressure to cut through, wiping his nose on his shoulder. Why is this so hard...? It's hard to breathe when I don't concentrate on breathing..
"You aren't doing it right. Let hyung do it." Jin abandoned his project to help Taehyung. He couldn't stand seeing the young member suffering.
"I'm sorry hyung.. I'm trying my best." Taehyung coughs, a twinge of guilt filling his belly. When he looks at Jin's unfinished project. "I can do it.."
"I know you can, but i dont want you to get hurt. It's fine. I'll get you do the fun part okay? You and Namjoon were never good in the kitchen." Jin kisses his forehead. He feels warm...
"Augh! Even with gloves, it's gross!" J-hope whines, pulling out the inside of the pumpkin placing the guts aside.
"Let me help Hyung.. you can help Jinnie-hyung finish opening the top." Taehyung offers, rising to his feet to go by J-hope."It isn't that hard.. Right?"
"Well, no..but I can do it. It's not too different from making kimchi, just more..clumpy..It's fine." J-hops felt his heart twinge when Taehyung shook his head and gave him a smile taking his pumpkin anyway. Jin wanted him to rest, and he ruined it.
"I got it." Taehyung puts on the gloves, finding it much easier to just stand and remove the insides.
Jin reached over to pat J-hopes back, mouthing 'it's okay'. J-hope gives the tiniest nods, watching the young vocalist with concern. His hands were shaky, but he looked determined, a serious look across his flushed cheeks.
J-hope turned his head quickly when he heard Namjoon's coughing. He tried to muffle it with the scarf he was wearing,but it made no difference.
Namjoon felt awful.. the more he moved, the worse he felt. The sound of the members talking amongst themselves made his head pound, making him want to give up, but he was already halfway through and refused to give up.
"Namjoon-ah you okay?" Yoongi asks, unable to touch him with the dirty gloves. "Do you need a break?"
"No.. no, I'm fine.. I just need some water.." Namjoon says hoarsely.
Jungkook jumps up to get him some, removing his gloves and rushing to the cooler staff brought in the room, rushing to Namjoon’s side. "Here hyung.." he tips the bottle by his lips.
Namjoon drinks slowly, feeling some energy flowing back inside him. "Thanks Jk.. I'm fine now.."
"No..you and Taehyungie are done." Yoongi uses a stern tone.
"But hyung-" Taehyung goes to argue, but Jin stops him.
"I agree. At least for now.. We'll prep the pumpkins, and then you can come back." Jin says, gently nudging him to his feet. "Go properly blow your nose, at least.."
"Okay.." Taehyung says softly.
"Come on Tae-yah.." Namjoon knew there was no arguing against it.. not when the two oldest both told them to rest. He led the younger to the bathroom, going to the sink to splash water in his face.
Taehyung went into the bathroom stall, getting some toliet paper to try to clear his nose, sitting cross legged on the floor. The tough tissue irritated his nose further. It felt like there was no end, and the more mucus he got out, the more his sinuses throbbed, making his eyes water.
The sound of Namjoon's coughing got Taehyung back to his feet, rushing over to him. "Hyung are you okay?"
Namjoon tried to talk, but all that came out were wheezing coughs. I can't breathe..it hurts..
Taehyung pulls Namjoon close, gasping when he feels the heat radiating off of him. When did he get so bad? "You're burning up. Hang on, let me get you help.."
Namjoon holds onto Taehyung with a soft whimper. "Do..Don't.." His voice came out as a wheezing cough. He didn't want to be left alone, not when his lungs burned and his head felt light with the lack of oxygen.
Taehyung quickly texted the group chat, his hands shaking, keeping his message as quick as possible.
Nam not brthing..
Taehyung puts his phone down. "They'll come help.. it's okay.. you'll be f.." His comforting words lost their impact when a bout of coughing rattles his chest, making it hard to breathe. No, no.. I need to be strong for Namjoonie-hyung..please..
He tried to hold his breath to keep his coughing under control, hugging Namjoon tightly to him, feeling Namjoon's cough on his neck.
I don't know what to do.. I need to wait for someone to check their phone..
Taehyung runs his hand through Namjoon's hair, feeling dizzy from cutting off his own air supply. His heart pounded painfully like a jack hammer in his chest,but he didn't want to worry Namjoon. Not when he was already suffering.
"It..it's okay..you..don't..have to..pretend for me.." Namjoon coughs out the words, pressing into Taehyung’s abdomen to force him to let go of the breath he was holding.
Taehyung coughed, gasping for air. "Ah, hyung th..at hu..rt.." he felt the tension ease when Namjoon spoke, his shred of hope snatched away when the coughing turned to gagging. "Namjoon..come on.. we need to move..to..the toliet." He practically dragged the rapper into the stall, lifting the seat.
Namjoon coughed up the coffee, groaning when the acidic tang rose up his throat and into the bowl. Taehyung kept his arms wrapped around Namjoon's waist to hold him up.
"Hyungie..it's okay I got you.." Tae whispers, feeling him trembling with effort to hold himself up, Namjoons hands tightly around the toliet bowl. He buried his face in Namjoon's shoulder, coughing into it.
"Namjoon-ah! Taehyung-ah!" Yoongi tuns in the bathroom, hearing the two members suffering. He goes into the stall, gently removing Tae from Namjoon to take over. "Go to Jinnie-hyung. I'll take care of him, okay?
"Vuu.. Vuu come to hyungie." Jin calls to Taehyung with open arms, Taehyung stumbling into him.
"I..I couldn't help.. he just kept getting worse." Taehyung squeezes Jin tightly, feeling tears prick the corners of his eyes.
"Shh.. it's okay.. it's okay you did all you could.. you stayed with him and that's all any of us can do. You did so good Voo. You stayed with him even if you weren't well yourself. I'm proud." Jin reassures the younger, stroking his hair. "Baby you're hot.. come on, let's find you a place to lay down."
"No.. no I want to.." Taehyung coughs,making half the sentence cut off.
"Yoongi has joon-ah under control.. it's okay.." Jin gives Taehyung no choice, picking him up. He wanted to get him away from the sound of Namjoon's retching and the sound of Namjoons sick spraying into the bowl.
"It's okay, it's okay. Don't try to fight it.. just let it run its course, and you'll feel better after.. I know it hurts.." Yoongi gently scratches Namjoon's back, taking deep breaths to keep himself from panicking. He couldn't let his anxiety take over, not when two members needed him to stay strong. "Deep breaths, Namjoon.."
Namjoon nods, trying to fill his lungs. "Yoongi it hurts to breathe.." he whimpers softly.
"I know baby, I know.. it'll be over soon.. just hang in there for me okay?" Yoongi rubs Namjoon’s stomach, feeling it churning underneath his hand, his muscles tightening as he starts to Vomit again.
Namjoon groans as he spits up foam, having nothing left in his stomach. He gagged again,another string of foamy spit comes. He had nothing left, collapsing against Yoongi's chest. "I..I think I'm done.." he coughs out the words.
"Good..good.. let's get you and Tae home.." Yoongi gently strokes Namjoon's hair. "We can finish the episode another time.. you two are more important.."
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artzychic27 · 9 months
Hi, I'm the anonymous who suggested the AU of Favoritism, and I had another idea for a while in my head and season 5 and you fixed it even more, what if Marc and Zoe were Ladybug and Chat Noir, Zoe with the miracle cat and Marc with the ladybug …. in this AU they would already be in school at the beginning of the year, they would not be akuma, and I think they would not make the same mistakes as the original duo (half of Paris' problems with akuma is because of the love square, and them not being in love would save a lot of headache), what do you think?
Did someone fancy Fancy Heroes au?! Let’s just pretend you did
Keep in mind, there’s gonna be some out of order episodes, so… Yeah, it’s an au. Not everything’s gonna match up, you guys
It’s Zoé’s first day at DuPont… And she’s terrified. Cue dramatic inner monologue giving a vague hint on what went down back at her old school and explains her slight trust issues and why she left New York
Fortunately, she’s got her half sister (Who’s not a complete mythic bitch because they’ve been DMing each other ever since Chloé took a dna test when she was thirteen) to show her around and occasionally translate if needed
While they walk to school, Zoé runs into an old Asian man about to get run over by a car, and quickly pulls him out of the way
After checking up on him, they leave, and fail to notice his hand slipping into their backpack
Zoé meets her classmates and keeps her guard up when they try to converse with her
Marc who was assigned as Zoé’s guide, meets up with her, and while they’re both sort of introverts, Zoé attempts and succeeds in getting a few words out of him, and even learns about his crush on a certain someone when she catches him eyeing a redheaded guy walking past their classroom
The first day of school is pretty normal. Mme. Mendeleive welcomes Zoé, goes over the lesson plan, the students go to study hall, and Cosette saves Zoé from tripping over some asshole’s leg and embarrassing herself on her first day
Cue lesbian crush becuase this pretty girl so much prettier up close, and is holding their hand!
While Zoé is busy chatting them up, trying not to be a disaster, Stoneheart suddenly appears and starts destroying everything on sight
Ismael: Nope! Nope! Nope, nope, nope, nope! *Speedwalks away* I’m out! Peace be with y’all!
The students evacuate and head home while Stoneheart hunts for Kim, and that’s where Zoé finds the box in her bag. And in them she finds a ring, and… A tiny cat
Introductions go as canon, with Plagg explaining her new role, talking about the misuse of the Butterfly miraculous, asking for cheese, and of course… She’s freaking out becuase she’s a teenager with the world on her shoulders!
But after a much needed confidence boost, he transforms into Apex Predator, and their outfit is just so distinguished lesbian punk
They head out to track down Stoneheart, and meet another hero named Mariquita. They communicate with each other as to what their power sets are, helping them to come up with a plan, easily turn Stoneheart back into Ivan, and purify the Akuma
Crisis. Averted. Boom.
Oh, but the cops try to arrest Ivan until Apex Predator fucking lays into them and gives them all a verbal lashing
Apex Predator: He’s clearly disoriented and has no idea what just happened! He was possessed by some maniac who preyed on his emotions! That’s the guy you should be arresting! So, leave this sort of work to us until you can get your shit together!
Mariquita: If I weren’t gay, I’d be all over you.
Apex Predator: Yo, same!
The next day, Apex Predator and Mariquita are all anyone can talk about, and Zoé is trying so hard not to blush when girls call her hero persona hot
She notices that Ivan isn’t around and makes a note to ask Mariquita to help her make a public statement when she hears people still blaming Ivan for something that was not his fault
And she may not have to wait long becuase another Akuma appears! And it’s Stoneheart again, becuase some assholes just wanna blame him
This time, Mariquita slaps a few police officers across the face with his glove for shooting at Stoneheart while he has captives, becuase that’s dangerous as hell!
Anyway, they save Ivan, Myléne, and Chloé, Miraculous Ladybug, all is well… Then Hawkmoth makes his appearance and blames them for the destruction
Apex Predator: Fuck you, you human condom!
Mariquita: At least we’re not preying on the emotions of hormonal teenagers, you creep!
Apex Predator: CREEP!
They’re turned into memes instantly
Apex Predator and Mariquita are an impressive team- No romance gets in the way, they communicate, and Mariquita doesn’t throw Apex Predator into danger without warning
Zoé and Marc get pretty close as friends, and this makes Marc friends with Chloé by association and the enemy of one Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Who despises anyone who’s friends with Chloé because of a childhood grudge)
One day during another Akuma… Let’s say Mime, Mariquita protects Nathaniel from getting hit by the invisible arrows (Cue Nath’s celebrity crush)
When the Akuma’s all taken care of, Mariquita and Apex Predator head off to transform back, but unknowingly go in the same directions and transform right next to each
Zoé: MARC?!
Marc: ZOÉ?!
Marc/Zoé: …
Zoé: … Wanna… Catch a movie, sit in comfortable silence and then talk when it’s over?
Marc: Yeah, alright.
I take you back a few weeks ago to the start of the school year!
Marc is a shy boy who prefers to keep his face in books, when all of a sudden!… He has to show the new student around and bear social interaction!
He dreads the walk to school, but is actually relieved he left when he did, because there is just this old man reaching for his cane, and no one is helping him. Because he’s not an asshole, Marc helps him up and heads to school, not noticing the extra weight in his bag
Stoneheart happens, he meets Tikki, freaks out, and to the present!
After getting some explaining out of the way, Marc and Zoé figure they can make this work. Besides, it’s not like the world will end if they know each other’s identities… Yeah, no it won’t… They’re fine
Anyway, school’s normal, no akumas in about two weeks now, Nathaniel’s drawing Mariquita, Marc notices and blushes because a pretty artist is drawing his hero self
Of course, Zoé has to tease him, and in retaliation, he teases her about her crush on Cosette
Zoé: It’s funny how we’re both gay punks in love with short artistic bisexuals.
Marc: Life is odd that way.
Let’s see… Oh, on the weekend, during the fencing team’s practice, and during the episode, Copycat, Lacey, a friend and classmate of Marc and Zoé spies Marinette sneaking into the locker room and follows her
There, she spies Marinette breaking into Adrien’s locker and swiping his phone
She snaps a picture of this, becuase this is highly disturbing!
Then on Monday~
Ismael: Whoa! That’s creepy!
Denise: And highly disturbing.
Simon: Amazing video quality, but yeah, I agree with Ismael and Denise.
Reshma: I have always had my suspicions about her. I’ve seen the way she’s stared at Adrien, but I assumed it was an innocent crush.
Aurore: I saw her drool over him. It was gross.
Cosette: So… What shall we do with this video?
Jean: Blackmail!
Denise: Jean!
Jean: I want free clothes.
Aurore: Okay, but let’s hold off on showing that video. Technically, Lacey broke a law.
Lacey: She broke it first.
Aurore: True, but let’s go through all the right channels, and get this bitch red handed.
Mireille: That’s my girl.
So, on top of superhero work, Zoé and Marc are working up the nerve to ask their crushes out, doing schoolwork, and exposing Marinette’s steadily growing list of felonies because her behavior is just becoming disturbing
When Lila arrives, the Science Kids can already tell she’s lying, but figure she’s only trying to fit in. It’s Marinette who’s got the real problem with her
Marinette: You all know she’s lying?!
Cosette: Could you not scream in my fucking ear? Yes, we know she’s lying, and we don’t care. Why? Becuase this does not concern us. She’s not in our class, and she’s just telling us about her “connections.”
Simon: Yeah, and if your friends believe everything she’s saying, I fear the day they come across a cult leader, but so far, Lila’s just telling tales of an extravagant life. No need to bite our heads off.
Marinette: B-but she-
Mireille: Has a crush on Adrien?… She’s become infatuated with the object of your obsession? Hm?… Yes?… I have hit the nail?… She’s somehow stolen the boy you cannot speak three words to?… Has she?… Yes?
Marinette: I didn’t not come here to be mocked-
Marc: What did you expect, then?
Marinette: Oh, you and Zoé are probably laughing with Chloé all about Lila humiliating me!
Zoé: No, just about how tacky glitter is. Oh, and Chloé doesn’t believe her, either. I laid down some facts.
Marinette: … UGH! *Storms off*
Zoé: You’re welcome! Can you believe that girl?
Denise: Uh, guys? She’s following Lila.
Lacey: She’s gonna murder her! I knew someone from this shit hole would turn out to be a murderer!
Ismael: We gotta stop her!… After lunch.
Mariquita and Apex Predator battle Volpina, and learn from an Akuma with no filter just how she got Akumatized
Mariquita: Why would you pretend to be a superhero, first of all and then go telling some random guy? That’s dangerous with Hawkmoth going around.
Apex Predator: Second, Marinette was in the wrong for how she reacted.
Volpina: That’s not all! She followed me to the park!
Apex Predator: … If you give up your Akuma, you can help some… associates with a sting operation to get Marinette of your back.
Volpina: DEAL! *Breaks her necklace*
So Lila’s not the antagonist, but Marinette still hates her even though she stopped lying… About certain things
She apologizes to the class for lying, and they (Except Marinette) allow themselves to give her a second chance
Really, this is all so Lila can be a spy for the Girl Squad’s Adrinette plans and report back to the Science Kids, and then use her powers of manipulation to slowly get in the girls heads on how Marinette’s behavior is disturbing and quite frankly, toxic. It doesn’t take long to bring Alix over to her side
Hmm… What else?… Oh, yeah, remember when Lila tossed the Grimoire in the trash? Well, Marinette found it and discovered a little something about the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. With the Wish, she can make Adrien all her’s!
She just has to get Akumatized and win
So, anytime there’s an Akuma near her, she makes a grab for it, but is real discreet about it and doesn’t go for one every day
Nothing can go wrong!
… Then Jean catches her reaching for an Akuma one day in Season 3. Fortunately, it got to Ikari Gozen first.
Reshma: This keeps getting better. Add it to the crimes list.
Simon: *Typing on his laptop* ‘Grabbing Akumas’. Okay, we’ve got breaking and entering, stealing, stalking, putting up an illegal ‘no parking’ sign, reading people’s private letters-
Lacey: Uh, guys? I caught Marinette making out with a wax statue of Adrien and then taking a strand of its hair… Then it turned out to be the real Adrien, and now I am going to have nightmares.
Simon: … I’ll add that to the ‘Disturbing Behavior’ list.
Mariquita and Apex Predator make sure to keep a nice close eye on Marinette from now on, but don’t account for her intentionally upsetting people so she can take their Akumas and look like the hero for keeping innocent people from getting Akumatized
Her latest victim? Nathaniel, already self conscious about being socially invisible and anxious after his classmates unintentionally left him behind during five Akuma attacks. She puts it in his head that it’s survival of the fittest and he’d just slow his friends down and put everyone in danger because he can’t keep up
Nathaniel: What the fuck?
Marinette: Or, and this is just a theory… Maybe it’s just that, they never liked you in the first place? Come on, you’re quiet, and it freaks people out. Sure, Juleka’s quiet, too, but Rose helps balance her out, you know, Nath?… Nath?
Nathaniel: …
Marinette: Yeah, good talk. *Leaves, but keeps an eye out for akumas*
Cue Akuma, but the next day, much to Marinette’s annoyance. Nathaniel is turned into Ultraviolet, an Akuma who can make himself invisible, and causes all sorts of chaos in his classroom- Flipping desks, scratching the chalkboard, breaking windows, and punching holes in the wall
When Alix realizes that the Akuma is Nathaniel, the students try to talk him down, but he refuses to listen and accuses them all of never caring about him, making them wonder where he got that idea from
Since they can’t just separate themselves from the group to go transform, Marc and Zoé attempt to talk to him and successfully assure him that his classmates do care about him
Doing so calms him down and allows Ultraviolet to reject the Akuma on his own while Tikki does the Miracle Cure
The first thing Nathaniel sees when he regains consciousness is a pretty boy looking concerned over him
When Alix goes to ask how he got Akumatized and where he got the idea that none of them cared about him, Nathaniel shuts down when he notices Marinette out of the corner of his eye
… Let’s skip
Okay, Marc and Nathaniel are slowly building their relationship, Cosette got tired of waiting an asked Zoé out since he’s obviously into them, and their list of Marinette’s crimes is slowly getting longer. Soon, they’ll turn it into the police and have the conduct an investigation. Oh, and they call new holders to help with Akumas (The Science Kids)
Marinette’s classmates, meanwhile, are becoming wary of her when they realize her “cute school girl crush” on Adrien is more of an obsession after Lila brings up the creepiness of the schedule
It’s late at night when suddenly, Marc and Zoé face their worst nightmares- Rejection, and Audrey
When they escape from their respective fears and run outside, they discover that this is the work of an Akuma, who just so happens to be Marc’s little brother!
To combat the nightmares being brought to life, they call in Jean to use the Pig Miraculous
Hamlet during his debut:
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(I just wanted an excuse to use this gif, now let’s get back to the story)
Marinette is becoming more frantic with each passing day. Adrien still isn’t hers’, her friends aren’t doing anything to help her with her plans, there are rumors going around that she caused Nathaniel to get akumatized because someone overheard their conversation, and the Science Kids have been spreading rumors around that she supposedly committed several crimes! Fortunately for her, Alya is sticking around (Only to keep her grounded)
When Alya tells her that maybe it’s time to move on, Marinette becomes angry and yells at her to leave
While Marinette’s alone, an Akuma makes its way into her room, and she grabs it. She tells Hawkmoth (Yeah, he’s Hawkmoth because I ain’t calling him Shadow Bitch) what powers she wants, and cue Princess Justice
Her power allows her to bring back every Akuma Hawkmoth’s ever made, and they’re all under her control, and by extension, Hawkmoth’s. Only he won’t get tired from having so many Akumas active, so that’s a win for him
A swarm of Akumas invades Paris and brings back many of the past Akumas. And while they’re spreading chaos, she’s hunting down the Science Kids and by extension, Chloé, Lila, Nathaniel, and Adrien
The Science Kids take refuge in a seemingly normal massage shop and watch live footage of the Akumapocalypse on their phones
Ismael: This is how we all die. I-I always thought I’d die long after I turn sixty, or something!
Cosette: That crazy bitch is gonna kill us all. We are fucking dead. So, I suggest we all pray for the cool hand of death to take us before she does!
Zoé: Babe, that’s dark.
Cosette: Because I’m scared as hell right now! She’s got a big ass sword, and I saw her pierce it through someone’s chest!
Master Fu: Can you all keep it down?
Science Kids: …
Jean: … Are we all seeing the same short Asian man?
Marc and Zoé realize they have no choice but to reveal themselves as Mariquita and Apex Predator.
Mireille: Knew it.
And Master Fu starts handing out the Miraculous for each of them to use. Jean gets the Pig, Denise gets the Turtle, Ismael gets the Snake, Reshma gets the Bee, Mireille gets the Mouse, Simon gets the Horse, Aurore gets the Rabbit, Cosette gets the Dragon, and Lacey gets the Fox
Their mission? Rip that Akuma from Princess Justice’s cold, dead hands!
Leonardo traps multiple Akumas in a massive Shell-ter, Lemon Bee freezes Dark Cupid so he can’t fire any arrows, Wyvern gathers up some lingering akumas using Wind Dragon, Bronco teleports those Princess Justice hasn’t slaughtered to safety, Minnie clones herself to break multiple Akuma-infected objects, Foxtrot distracts the Akumas with illusions of herself and the other heroes, and King Cobra stops many… Many horrible incidents
While battling some Akumas, Mariquita gets struck across the face by an unseen force and realizes that it’s Ultraviolet. He attempts to talk him out of it, but that only makes him angrier, so Mariquita says something to him that only Marc knows, momentarily distracting Ultraviolet enough for him to de-akumatize him
Nathaniel is just staring at him before Mariquita carries him bridal style to somewhere safe
Meanwhile, Princess Justice has found and kidnapped Adrien. Lapin’s not letting that happen, and goes back in time to whack Princess Justice over the head before yelling at her past self to get Adrien to safety and then leaving
Princess Justice is seething, and sends out more Akumas to akumatize more people while she goes to hunt down all those who betrayed her and put her sword to use
Eventually, Mariquita and Apex Predator corner her and give everything they’ve got against her attacks. However, when it looks like she’s about to win and cut their heads off, Hamlet swoops in and uses Gift on her. While she’s distracted by an image of Adrien being her devoted husband and having three planned kids, Apex Predator cataclysms her sword, and Mariquita purifies the Akuma, finally ending the madness
King Cobra: We lived, fuckers!
Lemon Bee: Oh, to hell with it. *Kisses Foxtrot*
Foxtrot: … Damn.
And while they’re celebrating, the police arrest Marinette because an unnamed someone emailed them a long list of her crimes, which include intentionally trying to get people Akumatized so she could take their Akumas
After Marinette is found guilty in a court of law, it’s a nice cozy jail cell countries away for her
Cosette: So… What now?
Marc: I guess we keep looking for Hawkmoth. I hear he’s got a new partner, now, and… Zoé and I could use more teammates if you-
Jean: Yes! For Daizzi and the outfit alone!
Cosette: Same, honestly.
Mireille: Is this happening? Are we doing this?
Zoé: We’re creating a superhero team! Fuck Fu’s shitty rules! And I’m gonna tell you guys so many fucking secrets about the Miraculous that Marc wasn’t allowed to tell me!
Marc: But then I told her! Fuck rules!
All I’ve got at the moment, but how am I just turning your prompts into pure Marinette Salt? Gimme another one, let’s see what else I can do
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mirror-to-the-past · 10 months
More (Apparently) KH3:Remind and Melody of Memory Stuff
Spiritually pounding on the windows of the Square Enix building- what do you MEAN I find out via YouTube that there's story cutscenes locked behind those egregious Data fights?? (That I'll personally beat... someday...)
(I also just went ahead and watched all the cutscenes for Melody of Memory, because I didn't want to play through a $60 rhythm game, sorryyy)
But first, Re:Mind and its sneaky, sneaky cutscenes...
Everything with Yozora has me Bonkers. I can't believe they've done this. Echoing Sora's first line in the series "I've been having these weird thoughts lately" through his own side of the story, him saying that he doesn't look like how he appears, the 'why do you know that name,' the "save Sora" while immediately drawing a gun on the man in question?? I'm just... *screaming noises* They're bringing everything together with the fiction versus reality stuff they have going on, and guys, I get SO excited when some games go meta. I'm squealing like a little girl; I'm ecstatic. Despite Sora being in (what I now know as Quadratum) and the background of the Yozora fight reflecting that, I can't help but wonder if it was another internal fight due to the arena switching to Sora's Heart Station for a second, akin to Roxas' fight in KH2.
And the music was so pretty... Yozora has a gorgeous theme. The prettier the battle theme, the more insane the KH fight, I say.
Also Riku was dreaming of Sora for a year. Lmao. He just... didn't say anything about it, while everyone was busting their asses. I'll be honest, literally the only way I could take that is that he dismissed his dreams as irrelevant- ah yes, dreaming of Sora? Nothing crazy to see here. Oh, Riku.
Also more importantly than Riku's angst deal- KAIRI WAS LAUNCHED INTO SPACE WHEN SHE WAS A PRESCHOOLER TO ACT AS A KEYBLADE WIELDER HOMING DEVICE, JESUS CHRIST. Kairi 🤝 Megamind 🤝 potentially Superman (I'm not a comics guy):
Getting launched out of their home planets into space in order to escape the destruction of their worlds, given vague and confusing scenarios and instructions to adapt to once they find a new planet, but they really just wanna chill and be loved and keep people safe.
And she's gonna train with Aqua! :D Another professional at getting launched into other worlds (realms). I hope she bonds with Ventus, as I've recently been made aware of their similarities in disposition, and how they are treated by others (hearts of pure light, designated by their groups as "the one who should stay home/be protected", wavering self confidence in their own abilities and self worth). Additionally, the hilarious potential scenarios of Kairi being like "yeah, and my favorite color's actually-" and Ventus interrupts with "Purple. I know," because the man essentially vicariously lived Sora's childhood. I'm super stoked for future Kairi screentime! Loved when she saw Xehanort in her memories and was like 'I don't care if you're a memory, data, manifestation of my heart or any other thing- I hate you, get out of my life forever. Hugs and kisses, die.' Like, 10/10, girl. Fair. Kairi's a volcano wrapped in a sweet package ready to snap at someone.
Riku's like "Y'know Ansem, I'm gonna miss you... 🥺"
And Sora's like "Xemnas, stooop all the violence. How can you take advantage of people with hearts? You should feel your feelings. You're valid, bestie. ☺️"
Kairi's no bleeding heart for baddies, she just wants everyone to get off her damn case, lol!
Also LOL at the fairy godmother of all people being the one to ship Riku off to Quadratum after Sora. My Cinderiku jokes (as well as my previous KH3 post's blurb about Riku determinedly walking into the ocean to find Sora) may not be completely unwarranted, now. Like, Miss 'specialty in dreams?' Miss "If you'd lost all your faith, I couldn't be here. And here I am." Not even to mention "a dream is a wish your heart makes," a very relevant lyric for this set of circumstances, if I do say so myself. I guess that's just gonna be another song I love and sing to myself that now makes me think of KH. 🤷 There's worse things I suppose, for example, like Buddy Holly being stuck in my head for three days straight and making me feel like I'm trapped listening to my uncle's records (thanks, Good Omens).
I ended up re-watching "Cinderella" for the first time in a while because of that part of Re:Mind and MoM. The KH association of the part with Fairy Godmother's appearance is now semi-heartwrenching, given the context of her appearance in "Cinderella," as well:
You have the vocalizing chorus throughout the opening of the scene acting as a callback to Cinderella's "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" song as well as reflecting her inner thoughts, and she has a dialogue with it while she sobs alone in the garden:
Chorus: Whatever you wish for, you keep...
Cinderella: "Oh, no... no, it isn't true."
Chorus: Have faith in your dreams and someday... your rainbow will come smiling through!
Cinderella: "It's just no use. No use at all."
Chorus: No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing...
Cinderella: "I can't believe! Not anymore..."
Chorus: The dream that you wish... *lyric trails off, unfinished*
Cinderella: "There's nothing left to believe in... nothing..."
[Fairy Godmother materializes next to her]
FG: "Nothing my dear? Oh, now you don't really mean that."
Cinderella: "Oh, but I do-"
FG: "Nonsense, child! If you lost all your faith, I couldn't be here, and here I am!"
[the violin and cello come in to finish the last part of the lyric] "...will come true."
Beautiful scene, really. The chorus assisting the animation is delightful... I watched Bambi and Lady and the Tramp (Bella Notte <3) a lot growing up because I loved that old-timey choral work. So dreamy...
Additional funny/sweet bit: I like how Mickey was freaking out to the point of being pinned down over Riku being unceremoniously dropped into Quadratum via Fairy Godmother's spontaneity and enabling.
'You sent my son to the big city ALONE?! He could get mugged, he could get lost, he could get hate-crimed, he could-'
*jump cut to Riku, and he's trying to gauge the value of Earth Money by spying on hot dog stands. He sheds his first known tear of the series by trying to figure out public transit routes*
Anyway, in the words of Cid:
"But what happens next?!"
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amiharana · 1 year
25 for the revalink prompts? Bonus for not the gerudo outfit
(ask game from here)
part two of You Guys Have the Same Brainworm in my Askbox. but aw darn ya got me anon!!! truthfully, if you want me to write this in canon, i'm not sure what other armor sets would incite the same sort of fluster the prompt implies? like i have a zelda wiki open on the botw armor page and i'm going through it like Hm. Not sexy enough. KJDFHJKDHF but i still wanna write this one in canon so we're gonna take the non-horny route on the definition of 'flustered' instead LMAO
👔 25. Link dresses up just to try and get Revali flustered.
"why in the name of the goddess do you have so much clothing?" revali grumbles, crossing his arms. he's sitting in the middle of their shared roost, surrounded by piles of link's collection of armor, growing more and more as the blond continues warping them out of the sheikah slate. how much could that little contraption hold?
"well, i didn't mean to get this much," link says, tapping at the slate. he holds one of his hands out and in the next second, a pair of opal earrings materializes out of blue light in his palm. "at first, it was just out of necessity. you know zelda left me with only one set of shirt and pants when i woke up? it was way too small and that shit had probably been molding for a hundred years."
he places the earrings on the table with the other jewelry he's pulled out of the slate so far. "i mean, thankfully i found some better pants on the great plateau, but i threw that shirt away as soon as i got to hateno. there's definitely some freak in akkala who got ahold of it somehow, though..."
"and then you just kept buying more?" revali says, peering at one of the piles. why did he have so many of the same green tunic?
"in my defense, i just found some of the stuff lying around hyrule!" link replies, raising both of his hands up in surrender. "but the stealth set is really useful, and the snowquill armor is my favorite of all of my armor." he smiles fondly at revali, and the rito can't help but melt a little bit under his songbird's gaze. "and i look really good in the gerudo top and sirwal." link wiggles his eyebrows at revali, his smile growing mischievous. "wanna see?"
warmth coils under revali's cheek feathers, but he wills it away as best as he can. "maybe another time, when you haven't made an actual nest out of our home," he mutters, looking away.
as he does, one of the armor pieces catches his attention. it's designed with glowing swirls of orange and dots of blue, reminiscent of ancient sheikah technology. "what's this one?" revali says, pulling the piece towards himself. the shoulder ridges sort of remind him of the crest of medoh's head...
link follows his gaze and hums. "that one's the ancient cuirass," he says. "you're supposed to wear it with the greaves over here—" link reaches over to a piece of the other side of revali, revealing matching pants. "and also the helm, but uh... the headpiece is honestly kinda goofy, so i just wear the diamond circlet because it's prettier."
he reaches back towards the table to find the circlet and places it on the head. link then places his hands under his chin and slightly turns his face to the side. "don't i make a prettier princess than zelda like this?"
revali snorts. "sure." he turns back to the cuirass. the orange glow honestly reminds him too much of windblight; the swirling patterns are too similar and he fights down a shiver. he has to remind himself that the sheikah technology had existed prior to the influence of ganon and that it was always meant to be used for good. "what does the helm look like?"
link giggles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "well, uh, here's the one i bought from robbie..." he taps at the sheikah slate and something that looks vaguely like the head of a guardian materializes and drops in link's lap. he holds it up towards revali, grinning in a way that looks more like a grimace.
revali blinks once and then his eyes widen, staring in disbelief at the headpiece. "what... in hylia's name is that," he says taking the helm from link. at closer inspection, the glowing blue circles dotting the circumference of the helm are reminiscent of guardian eyes, or like windblight's. revali shivers this time; he decides he doesn't like the helm at all.
link laughs again nervously. "yeah, like i said, it looks goofy and i feel really silly wearing it..." he trails off, looking away before perking up again. "oh! i have other ancient helms that you might like better than this one."
"robbie made more?" revali says, looking up at link.
the blond shakes his head, tapping at the slate again. "nah, he only made that one, and these ones..." he pauses, chewing on his lip. "um... would you believe me if told you these ones fell out of the sky after i defeated the ganon blights?"
revali blinks once slowly and stares at link, searching his face for any hint of mischief. the only expression on his little jewel's face is hesitance and wariness. "and how exactly would they have done that?"
"dunno, i couldn't explain it even if i tried," link says, shrugging. he taps at the sheikah slate again and another helm materializes from blue light, dropping in the blond's lap. but this time, revali's eyes widen. "i have four of these ones and they all look like—"
"what the hell?" revali exclaims. "how— what— where did you—?!" it feels like every feather on revali's body has risen, standing straight up. he probably looks ridiculous right now, but every part of his body is flushing warm with a feeling he can't put a name to. the helm looks like exactly like medoh's head, or perhaps more accurately, a smaller version of it.
link stares at him, frozen in place holding the helm. "uh... like i said, it kinda just... fell out of the sky after i beat windblight..." chewing on his lip, he slowly holds the helm out to revali. "do you wanna...?
revali just stares at the headpiece with wide eyes for a moment. how did link even get a hold of this? it was supposed to be... slowly and warily, revali takes the helm from link and turns it over in his hands until he's looking at it head-on. it really looks just like medoh.
"you said it fell out of the sky," he murmurs, running the tip of a feathered finger over the ridges of the helm, "but why... why was it given to you... and how did it get to you if..." he trails off, finally speechless.
"if what?" link says softly, trying to prompt revali to continue.
"this is the divine helm of medoh," revali says, his voice quiet. "it's supposed to be a treasure gifted to the one who controls medoh. and as her champion, this was gifted to me back then. i lost it during the awakening of the calamity and after windblight took over..." revali resists the urge to tremble. "i don't know what happened to it. how it came to be in your hands is..."
"i don't know either," link says. "i don't know why it was given to me either. i have other helms that look like the heads of the other divine beasts, too. if that one was yours, then i guess those helms belong to the other champions. i should give them back..." the blond fidgets. "do you... want yours back? it's not like i use it that much anyway. it's just been sitting in the slate collecting dust— i mean, if it could collect dust in there, i don't know how it's stored—"
"it's fine," revali cuts him off, his voice soft. he's still staring at the helm. "just keep it with you for now. the role of the champions and the use of the divine beasts is obsolete now, with ganon sealed away. i wouldn't have a use for it either."
"are you sure?" link murmurs. revali looks back at him and his precious little jewel's eyes are wide and shining. revali doesn't know if it's possible to love a person more than what he feels for link in this moment.
"yes, i'm sure, songbird," he replies and hands the helm back. "it will probably be safer with you in the sheikah slate as well. you'll take good care of it, right?"
"of course," link responds immediately. "it's yours, of course i will." he turns back to the sheikah slate and taps at it again. in seconds, the helm dematerializes in blue light, presumably back into the slate. revali wonders then how anything is stored in there; is it an endlessly sheikah-blue space, floating forever in a void inaccessible from this world?
then, link sets the slate off to the side and crawls forward into revali's lap, wrapping his arms around revali's neck. like clockwork, the rito responds by wrapping his own arms around link's waist and holding him flush against his own body.
"i'm sorry," link blurts suddenly.
revali raises a brow. "what for?"
"that i had the helm. i should have realized that it would probably be yours."
revali snorts. "it was, in the past. i'm not sure i'm worthy enough to have it now, failing my role as a champion and no longer being required as one. you don't need to suffer any feathers over it, snowdrop."
"i guess..." link shifts in his hold so that the side of his head rests on revali's shoulder and he faces revali's neck. "but you are worthy. you're always worthy of it, 'vali, even if we don't need champions anymore. i love you, you know that, right?"
"i do," the rito responds softly. "and i love you as well, much more than you could ever fathom, songbird. thank you." he hears link hum, a content noise against his throat. they sit like that, wrapped in each other's embrace quietly for a couple moments until link speaks again.
"wanna see me in the gerudo fit now?"
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ritcchamadayo · 1 year
"Hey Epel, let's be partners!" (Epel Felmier of Pomefiore)
"Let's see our ingredients for this potion is Icicle Muschroom (Hometown Visitation) and Ground Cherry seeds. (Spring)"
"And all we have to do is.. Mix them until they change colors! I hope it turns out pretty! (Fluff)"
(Hope you don't mind me sending the ask in this creative(?) way. Have a wonderful day and / or night and take your time with this ask ^-^)
I really don't mind it's so cute!! Thank you for sending a request!! sorry for the late replies guys! it's been hectic around here but rest assured, i'll get to everyone's requests in due time~!
Apple Blossoms
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Epel Felmier x Reader ;
[Part of Ritcchan's Potion-Making Trials!] Ingredients : Icicle Mushroom (Hometown Visitation), Ground Cherry Seeds (Spring) "You bet! Our potion's gonna be the best of the bunch!"
"W-Woah! It's so beautiful!!"
The crisp fresh air of the mountains quickly hit your face as you come out of the Dark Mirror, finding yourself in the middle of Harveston's many orchards. Epel followed suit, a huge grin on his face. "Oh, it's great to be back!"
Epel had invited you to come to Harveston with him during the weekends, and how could you resist? You've always wanted to see Harveston and Mount Moln in all of its glory!
"Epel, your hometown is beautiful!" "I know, right?" Epel giggled. "Come on now, let's get to my house! We need to walk past the apple orchards first though, if you don't mind."
You shook your head. "Of course I don't! Come on~"
The two of you walked along the path, admiring all the trees in full bloom. Epel pointed out a few orchards and picked out a few apples for you, and the two of you enjoyed the walk to his house.
"Meemaw! We're here!" "Why welcome home, Epel. I reckon this here fella is yer partner? Nice to meet you dear, my name is Marja. Feel free to look around Harveston, okay?" You happily nod, shaking her hand and looking around the house.
Epel stammered, a light blush tinting his cheeks. "P-partner?! Meemaw, don't go hollerin' round bout mah crush to the village!" Epel whispered into his grandma's ears, while Marja laughed softly. "Come now Epel, man up an' getcho feelins straight wit em! Yer partner's a good person, ya havta be honest an' tell em why you brought em here."
Epel lets out a sigh and nods, turning back towards you. "I know we're here for the spring festivals, but I wanna show you a cool place first!"
"We're here!" Epel exclaimed, motioning to a big tree on top of a small hill right behind his house. "I used to sit up here all the time when I was small. It's a great place to have a picnic in, so I packed us some pies from home!"
"You're right, it's beautiful here! I can imagine myself living up here instead of the bustling towns, it's so nice and peaceful here." You nod, sitting below the tree. "Come come! Sit beside me, Epel."
Epel smiles sheepishly, taking a seat next to you. "Gosh, I'm really flattered you think so highly of my hometown. If you'd like, you can come over and visit anytime you want! Just give me a holler when you're here, though!" "Of course! You're the first person I'd tell if I were to come by again!"
The wind fluttered by softly, swaying between Epel's locks of hair carrying flower petals with them, and you find yourself reaching out to caress them, giggling softly at Epel's awestruck look. The boy smiled at your reply, picking up a small flower and placing it on your hair. "Sure. If you ask me though, I really wouldn't mind if you decide to live here instead. Because, well, I have something to tell you..."
Marja looked out the house's windows, setting her sights on her grandson with you by his side. Her eyes crinkled as she smiled at the sight of you and Epel happily chatting away while your hands were intertwined with each other's. For the two Felmiers, it felt like this year's apple blossoms were prettier and livelier than any other years. "That's mah grandson. I knew you could do it."
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kxllerblond · 23 hours
what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? what genre do you primarily favour? what are you top five universes to RP within? what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching? what skills have you gained by roleplaying? Interested in all of these, but feel free to pick and choose <3
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what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why?
Coffee is the big one. I know I've answered this in prettier detail before but I'm not gonna go digging dkjfgbdg. Coffee is Clark's general identifier and also serves as one of his sole constants and connections to who he used to be. This and that, here nor there, half and half is also a big motif for obvious reasons lol. Facelessness with nothing but a suit as an identifier. Stuff like that.
what genre do you primarily favour?
Modern and urban fantasy and general occult/supernatural. I love the sci-fi aspect I have sprinkled in but I've definitely always been primarily drawn to genres with monsters and demons, etc. If we're talking genre as in, you know, genre-genre. I like a good crime mystery, general drama. Suspense. Also a big sucker for romance and dark comedy.
what are you top five universes to RP within?
Oh okay when they say universes they mean settings I think? So urban fantasy/supernatural, sci-fi, whatever superheroes falls under, I don't mind high-fantasy and historical if it transitions into modern supernatural, and post-apoc.
what have you learned by proxy of roleplaying and rp researching?
A lot of stuff about coffee, obviously! I'm no expert and I still don't use anything besides your basic plug n' go, but I've learned a lot about the roasting process and coffee types and stuff like barista competitions and how ethical (or unethical rather) side of the bean trade.
In terms of any social aspects, I'd say I've learned that you have to have a nice balance of caring and apathy here. You can't go around with this purely strict 'I don't owe anyone anything it's a hobby' mentality but you also can't fuck up your own enjoyment and mental well-being by trying to be everything and anything other people want. You've gotta put in effort to get effort back but you also need to be able to detach and move on when things get funky.
what skills have you gained by roleplaying?
I wish I could say writing but I do think I have regressed in that aspect. I go back and read older stuff from even pre-covid and I just wonder where that freak went and why they took my writing voice with them, lol. I've gained a hobby and in this day in age I feel like that in itself is a skill. I talk to so many younger coworkers and they just....go home and just do nothing and it's like...baffling, idk.
I like to think my time with Clark has taught me how to make a socially acceptable gary sue, lol.
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sluttyminghao · 2 years
chan always told you how good you looked when you wore lingerie, loved the way it hung over your curves and looked like it was crafted by the gods just for you and you only. every colour looks amazing on you and he makes sure you know that.
what he has never told you though, was his complete and utter desire to be the wearer of the lingerie. he fantasized about it almost daily, could practically feel the way the lace would sit on his hips and even pictured what colours he would wear.
which is why one day he was surprised to hear you come home early and find him in the bedroom, clad in one of your lingerie sets. it was a simple black lace set, and as you took in the sexy sight in front of you, he couldn't help but cover himself.
the lace contrasted against his skin wonderfully, and the blush that grew on his cheeks only made him look even prettier. his hair was slightly tousled and you could see his bulge in the lacy underwear, twitching under your gaze.
"you look really pretty chan" you comment, only to hear a whine escape his lips and he tries to hide under the bed sheets. you step forward and pull the sheets off the bed entirely, exposing him. "don't hide from me," you murmur, crawling onto the bed and sitting atop his thighs.
he's still too stunned to speak, his breaths heavy and cock twitching to the point where you can see the flushed tip of his cock peeking out, dribbling precum. you lick your lips at the sight and shimmy down until you're face-to-face with his dick and massage it lightly through the fabric.
"god, please," he manages to gasp out, his back arching up at the feeling. you smirk and take it one step further, dragging your tongue across the fabric where his cock continues to twitch and get to hear his pretty moans once more.
"don't think i'm gonna let you cum yet, pretty boy, i wanna have some more fun with you while you're dressed up like this for me"
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underburningstars · 2 years
A request where alpha tony and omega Peter tries to have a kid but couldn't be able to. Inspired by the beginning of up Disney movie
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Not gonna lie, this one was a difficult request. I'm still not confident that I could do it properly. Hope you still like it anon.
on ao3
Pairing : Tony Stark/Peter Parker
Tags : A/B/O, Alpha!Tony, Omega!Peter, Hurt/Comfort, insecure Peter, sweet Tony
TW : Infertility, Talks of miscarriage
CW : Zero medical knowledge
Seeing Peter so happy really brightened Tony's mood. Both of them had been working too much for the last month and could barely make time for each other. But now that all SI works were done, they were finally able to come to the picnic stop Peter wanted to visit for so long.
Seeing his Omega happy was all that Tony needed. "Babe!" Peter called, "Hurry up. It's even prettier here."
"How can that be when I'm looking at the prettiest view right now." at Tony's flirting Peter rolled his eyes but the blush rising on his cheeks gave him away. The only thing Tony loved more than making Peter moan was making him blush.
"Shut up and bring your ass here, Alpha." Tony just laughed and walked faster. Peter wasn't exaggerating. It really was a pretty view. But Tony's point still stood strong.
Although they weren't the only ones there, it was relatively quiet. They set up their picnic blanket and pulled out their sandwiches.
They talked about all mundane things and just enjoyed each other's presence. Something they haven't been able to do in a long time.
"Hey Pete, we should stop by some pastry shop while going home. I suddenly want some cake." when Peter didn't reply Tony turned to look at time and saw Peter looking at a family there.
It was a family of an Alpha mother, Omega father and their two pups running around. The kids weren't older than five and kept bringing flowers and pretty stones for their parents. It was quite cute a sight.
Peter looked at Tony with a little smile and laid down on his chest. "We could go to that café you like so much."
"Mhm, we sure can." Tony's looked down at the boy laying on his chest, "Something on your mind honey?"
"How do you feel about babies?" Peter sits up.
"Our babies?" Tony gets up too, feeling it's a serious conversation.
"Yeah. Y'know, we've been mated for three years now and we are easily qualified to take care of a pup or two until they're eighteen. So maybe it's time." Peter explains looking down on his hands.
Tony cups Peter's face with both his hands and puts their foreheads together, "A bigger family does sound good."
Peter smiles at him, "Do you think we'll be good parents?"
"We'll be the best."
They would be the best parents, Tony has no doubts on that, if they'd gotten the chance.
"The shape of your womb is too small Mr. Parker. It wouldn't be possible for you to conceive and even if you do the pup will not live." Dr. Blooms explains in a gentle voice. But, Tony sees how with each word Peter is breaking.
"There are no options for us? Nothing?" Tony asks.
Dr. Blooms smiles sadly at them, "I'm sorry Mr. Stark."
The ride back home is filled with silence. Tony is feeling devastated. After Peter brought it up, all he could do was think about having kids with Peter. But Tony knows than no one is hurting more than Peter. So he lets his emotions take back seat and prepares himself to the one who comforts his Omega.
Reaching home Peter goes straight to the washroom muttering about wanting to take a shower. Tony sighs and sits down on the bed. He knows they need to talk. And delaying it will only cause more problems. As he waits for Peter to more out, Tony notices that the sound of the shower has been going at the same rate for too long.
It sounds like the water is hitting something on the bottom and the pace doesn't change. He quickly runs to the en-suite and knocks on the door. "Peter. Peter, are you okay?" No reply. Getting worried Tony JARVIS to open the door.
Stepping inside Tony sees Peter sitting under the shower with his legs tucked close to his chest, head on his knees and hands wrapped around his head. The water keeps falling on him.
Tony quickly turns off the shower, uncaring of getting wet. He quietly clswears when he finds Peter's body ice cold. Wrapping a towel around the Omega's body, Tony carries him to their bed. "JARVIS, heat up the room." instantly the room temperature increases.
Tony wraps around a few more blankets around Peter and hugs him close, hoping that the body heat will help him. "What were you thinking, honey?" Peter doesn't answer. "I know all this is especially difficult for you. But what would I do if something happened to you, huh?"
"It would be better that way." comes a whispered reply.
"What was that, sweatheart?" Tony heard Peter clearly but he wishes that it was wrong.
Peter moves away from Tony's hold and sits up straight. "It would be better that way." This time his voice his loud and clear.
"Peter, do you have any idea what you’re saying?" Tony is trying really hard to not let his rising anger get the best of him. He knows that's the opposite of what Peter needs right now.
"Why? It's not like I'm wrong. I can't-I can't even give you a baby. I'm a-a failure. A w-worthless Omega. Good for n-..."
"Peter."Tony cuts him off, unwilling to hear more. "Don't talk about yourself like that. Do you hear me? For me nothing is more important than you. You're my family. My Omega." Tony takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
"For me, the day I met you was the best day of my life. I've never been more thankful for those horribly boring galas ever." Tony smiles at the memory. "While courting you, I was so sure I was gonna be rejected and even more when I wanted to ask you to mate with me. I knew you deserved better but I still wanted you. You make be the happiest person in life Peter. You come first. Forever." Tony isn't big on the feelings. It's hard for him to express his thoughts to words. But he hopes Peter understands what he's trying to say.
Peter keeps looking at him, not blinking. "So, you love me even if I can't give you pups?"
"Yeah Peter, I do." Tony nods.
"Really." Tony brings Peter closer again, tucking the smaller man under his chin. "I'll tell you this everyday. So that you can never forget." Peter falls asleep like that.
A few days later, Tony brings a file for adoption and puts it on Peter's hand. "Even if the pups are not biologically ours, we'd still be the best parents."
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dandyshucks · 5 months
i keep thinking about it and i really think the way Junebug finds out Guz likes them (because I'm an overthinking goober) is a drunk confession from him 😭
he probably gets really wasted one evening celebrating some sort of win for team skull and I'm sitting in another room where it's quiet and I'm doing something like reading or drawing, and he comes stumbling in because he misses me even though it's only been like less than an hour since he last saw me, and WAIT this is turning into an actual writing thing okay um uh - (1k words on the dot comin atcha)
Junebug looks up from their berry studies, grinning when they see what a mess Guzma is. "How're you doing there? You look a little rough around the edges," they tease, setting their book aside.
The man's face twists into a sloppy grin and he chuckles. "Nah, nah, nah, m'fine, m'fine. Jus' missed you, wanted to see ya...." He makes his (slightly stumbling) way over to the desk Juno's sitting at, before slumping down to the floor and leaning back against one of the trainer's legs. "Missed ya soooo much, missed seein' your face."
The face in question is now bright red, and Juno twists their head around to shield it from Guzma's gaze. "Sorry if I left too early, I just-"
"Nah, nah, not'n issue. Jus' like seein' your face. Havin' ya around." He leans back and sighs happily. "Makes me feel warm inside."
Face aflame, Juno sits for a moment, lost for words. "Oh, uh, I'm... glad I can... do that for you." He's not implying anything extra. You're just friends. This isn't anything other than a good friendship. Juno repeats this over and over in their head as Guzma settles even more heavily against them, leaning his whole weight against their leg now. Juno pulls themself together, the weight grounding them. "Guz, you're gonna knock us both over if you keep leaning on me like this. Here, let's adjust if you're going to hang out for a bit, okay? If you want to talk that's fine, but otherwise I'm just going to keep working on my studies here."
Guzma groans as he sits up, and Juno moves onto the floor over to the wall behind the desk.
Patting the floor beside them, they say, "Come over here, okay? Just don't crush the leaves in this bag; I'm sketching them out right now."
With another groan, he shuffles himself over to sit against the wall, before grabbing the bag Juno had held up from their lap. "S'bunch'a leaves?" he slurs out.
"Berry plant leaves," clarifies Juno. "I'm drawing them for some notes I have." They point to one of them, brushing against Guzma's hand as they do so, and say, "These one's are from the Oran plant; I brought them from home to compare with any I find here."
With a smile, Guzma grasps Juno's hand with his, carefully setting the bag down so he can bring that hand to trace the outlines of their fingers. Juno feels their face grow hot again, and they look away to the right. "Your hands are so small..." he muses, sounding almost awed.
Juno stays quiet, but turns their head back to look over at him again.
"I like your hands," he says decidedly. "Like 'em a lot." He looks up at them suddenly, a shy grin stretched across his face. "I like you a lot, too, the whole you. Every piece of ya. Nothin' I don't like." He raises a hand to place against their face. "Y'so pretty... 'n' small... like one'a my bugs..."
They can't help but laugh at that, and he laughs too, feeling them shake with mirth under his hand. "Your bugs are pretty?" Juno asks with a disbelieving smile.
"Not prettier than you. You're the prettiest bug around."
Juno laughs again, shaking their head and pulling away from him. "Guz, you're so drunk right now."
Guzma shakes his head, placing a firm but gentle hand on their face to turn it back to his. "Nahhh, I'm - ... well yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' wasted right now, I know that, I know." He laughs before continuing, "But I also know I like ya a lot an' I'm happy I'm finally tellin' ya. You really are the prettiest goddamn bug I ever saw, a little Junebug, and I'm so fuckin' glad I caught ya out in the forest that day or else the best goddamn thing in my life woulda passed me right on by!" He stares at their eyes earnestly, trying to convey just how real this all is for him.
As he talks, Juno's face softens, their eyebrows creasing up. "I'm glad I'm here, yeah," they say, pausing. They look down, opening their mouth to say more, glancing back up at Guzma's face, and then look back down as they shut their mouth again.
"Junebuuug," he says pleadingly. "You're holdin' out on me here, what're y'thinkin'?"
They shake their head, biting at their lip nervously.
He sighs. "Aight, aight, m'not gonna push ya. Lemme just sit here for a bit an' then I'll get outta your hair." He lets go of their face and leans back against the wall with another sigh. "Meant what I said though."
After a couple minutes of silence, interspersed by pencil scratches against paper, Juno finally asks quietly, "Which part?"
Guzma rolls his head around to look at them. "Huh?"
"Which part did you mean?"
He scratches the side of his nose. "Which part did I - oh, oh, wait, I gotcha. Am I really that drunk or did it just take ya forever for you to say anything?" He chuckles, slinging a hand over to shake their knee.
"Sorry, I was jus-"
"Don't worry about it, I'm just fuckin' with ya. You make it too easy!" He turns his body to face them properly and plants a heavy hand on their arm, still obviously drunk. "M'gonna say it again for you, really spell it out, aight?"
Juno bites at the inside of their cheek, looking up at him to meet his eyes, hands fidgeting.
He glances down to see that, and smiles, taking their hands in his. "I like you, Juno. An' I think you're a real goddamn catch. And I want you to stay here as long as you can, maybe forever, but I like ya and I like having you around." He pauses, searching for the right words in his alcohol-addled brain. "An' I'd give up a shit ton if it meant you'd be mine, y'know? I like ya a whole fuckin' lot."
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