#I'm not gonna say it made me care about baseball but almost. almost.
billthedrake · 11 months
"Russ?" the voice called out as I walked through the big-box store parking lot. "Russ McAdams?"
Maybe it was the dark winter dusk or maybe I just didn't expect to see Coach Stanley, out of the classroom in his casual hoodie and jeans, but it took me a second me a second to connect the voice with the face.
Given how much I'd jerked off to fantasies about my AP History teacher back, I probably should have recognized him immediately. The guy wasn't the only dude I lusted after in high school, my body swimming in teen hormones and my head trying to make sense of it all, but I always thought he was the hottest teacher at Aurora High. 5'11" thick ex-baseball player muscle, thinning brown hair and a clean-shaven face that always seemed on the verge of a five o'clock shadow. Even the way he walked was a little bow-legged and a lot masculine.
He wasn't clean-shaven any more, instead sporting a closely trimmed beard. And he wasn't in his khakis and button down shirt now, but instead had on a puffy winter jacket and jeans, with a scarf that mostly covered a casual sweatshirt underneath.
"Coach Stanley?" I said as I realized who was walking up to me. Ed Stanley wasn't my coach, just my teacher, but all the school called him Coach Stanley or Coach S for short.
"Almost didn't recognize you," he said as he held out a gloved hand. I shook it. "Seems you've done some growing in college."
"Yeah, I guess I have," I chuckled and took his words to be a big ego pump. After I moved off to school and came out, I decided that I'd hit the gym. Hard. I was an athletic kid in high school, on the soccer and tennis teams, but I was slender, and my height made me look even leaner. But it was winter break of my junior year and I'd put on a lot of muscle since Coach Stanley last saw me.
"Well, you're looking good, Russ," Coach S said. I mean it was probably an innocent compliment, but standing a few feet apart from the guy, I got caught up in his blue eyes and bright smile for a second. All those silly adolescent puppy crushes I thought I'd outgrown came flooding back to me.
I know I blushed, but my red cheeks could probably be explained by the cold evening weather. I'd underdressed given I had only planned to pop in for a last-minute gift for my sister. "You running some errands, Coach?" I asked.
The man nodded and gave one of those trademark Coach Stanley smiles. Fuck I was gonna be jerking off thinking of him later, for sure. "I've kind of procrastinated but I'm here to pick up a tree." He gave an embarrassed shrug. "It's a lot of trouble to go through with just me, but you know, I guess it doesn't feel like Christmas without one."
I didn't know Coach Stanley's story. I mean, a few of the girls in my high school gossiped about his hot fiancee, so I think I expected him to be married by now.
"You busy shopping, Russ?" he asked. I half thought Coach would just say hello then go on his way. But I figured a teacher enjoys running into a former student. And I was a good student, I knew - academically successful and all-around "good kid."
"A last minute gift," I replied, holding up my bag. "Guess I'm a procrastinator, too, Coach," I laughed.
Stanley flashed me that bright grin, and it seemed like his eyes couldn't break contact. Fuck. "Well, I guess I better let you get on with your errands," he said. "Good running into you, Russ. Take care."
"I will," I said. "Good seeing you, too, Coach."
He paused and then added. "And if you ever want to stop by the school, say hi... I'm always around."
"Will do," I said.
We both kind of stood in the parking lot, looking at each other. I think we laughed at the same time from the awkwardness.
"All right," he finally said with a nod and turned to walk over to where the Christmas trees were set up.
He got about four paces, but I spoke up. I couldn't believe I was about to say this, but I figured if I made a fool of myself, it didn't matter. I didn't live in my hometown any more. And something about Coach's vibe made me think something was up.
"Hey Coach," I said. The man stopped, surprised, but turned around. I took a couple steps forward. "This may sounds weird," I said with a deep blush. "But if you want some help setting up your tree, I'd be glad to help out."
I could feel my heart pound, and I wanted the parking lot to swallow me, the embarrassment was coming on so strong. Thankfully, Coach Stanley's smile returned. "Yeah?"
I nodded.
He seemed like he was trying to check some emotion. "I'm sure you have better things to do, Russ," he said.
I had no inclination that Coach Stanley even thought about guys, but those words were when I knew he wanted me.
"My parents have some holiday party to go to, and I don't have any plans," I said. "I'm happy to help. Honest."
Coach paused then agreed. "All right. Maybe I can give you my address and you can meet me over there?"
We made a plan.
I went back home to drop off my shopping and to grab a quick bite. I had a quick change of clothes. I felt weirdly nervous, like I didn't know what Coach Stanley went for. It was a weird thought and unexpected I'd even be thinking this on a Saturday night before Christmas. I took off my sweats and slipped on a nice pair of jeans. A long-sleeve gray T and a layered T-shirt with my college logo on it seemed to be a nice jocky-preppy outfit and the snug size showed off my body pretty well.
"Hope you like it, Coach," I laughed in the mirror.
I went down to find some leftovers for dinner.
My dad was in the kitchen, pulling out a bottle of wine he was taking to the party. I told him I was thinking of going over to hang out with one of my friends. And maybe staying over if that was Ok.
Dad was the softer touch of my parents, but Mom probably didn't care. I was responsible, and they had a lot of me time over the holidays. "Just text us when you know your plans for sure," he said.
"Will do, Dad," I replied. "Have fun at the party."
"Be safe," he added, as went to get his coat, just as Mom came down the stairs.
They left pretty soon thereafter, and I cleaned up from my quick dinner.
By the time I got to Coach Stanley's place, I was feeling nervous, real nervous. I parked my car and walked up to the front door of the modest colonial house in a decent but not overly fancy neighborhood. I started second guessing myself. Maybe I'd been misreading the cues, but even if so I'd have some quality time with an incredibly hot man. I figured I'd just enjoy that for what it was worth.
When Coach answered the door, I was so turned on. Gone was the puffy coat and the scarf and the sweatshirt. My high school history teacher stood before me in a pair of jeans, sock-clad feet and a loose, thin cotton T-shirt of some fundraising road race. This shirt was a little loose but somehow draped perfectly over the rounded shoulder muscle and strong pecs. Even if it wasn't snug, I could tell Stanley kept his midsection flat and trim for a dude in his late 30s. I don't know why this was a major turn on, but Stanley wore a thin gold chain necklace around his corded neck.
"Glad you could make it, Russ," he greeted, his mellow tenor voice gaining a friendly edge. "Come in. I've just put the tree in the stand and was about to start on the lights."
I did feel kind of dumb. In my imagination, I'd come over and right away would be having sex with my former teachers. But here I was to help him with his tree. I took off my coat and followed him to the living room.
There were a few wrapped presents set to the side and a few family photos in frames. And there was a big bookshelf with hardbound books. But other than that it was very much a bachelor home. Sparse and clean, but not homey at all. I kind of liked it as a glimpse into Coach's personality, but it kind of felt lonely, too.
I set my coat down and followed his directions, holding the string of lights as he wrapped it around.
It was all business, but having two men at the task made it go more quickly. Next was the garland. Then there were a bunch of ornaments to put up - a couple of boxes.
"We don't need to do all of these," Coach said, handing me one.
It was a little frustrating being so close to this hunk in his own home. But it was a good kind of frustration. Sneaking looks at him. His handsome face, his serious demeanor, his hunky body. It was like every sexual thought I'd had sitting in his third period class all junior year came back to me, only it felt more powerful. Closer, more real.
At that point I wasn't expecting anything to happen. Maybe Coach was lonely at the holidays and just wanted some company. If so, I was happy to give it.
Then I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Let me just get by you a sec," he said. He reached up over my shoulder and hung an ornament in a bare spot. And just as quickly his hand left.
I wouldn't think anything of it, only two minutes later, he repeated the action. I paused and savored the grip of his hand on my shoulder as he placed the ornament.
My heart was pounding now. I waited a few more minutes, feeling this strange energy in the room. I really didn't want to misread things, but something was up. As Coach reached over and put a ball on a branch, I stepped beside him, almost behind him and put my hand on the middle of his back. Coach Stanley had one hell of a strong back, I could tell, and up close I could smell his aftershave.
"Mind if I get in here, Coach?" I asked, reaching up to the top. I had a good four inches of height on him.
As soon as I placed the ball, my eyes dropped level again and I saw those mesmerizing blue eyes. Quietly expectant.
I gently massaged that spot in his back, through the T-shirt and leaned in.
Coach's lips were soft, almost chapped, but they parted and I felt the tip of his tongue graze my own lips. As I parted them, our mouths connected fully in a kiss.
In my imagination of how this evening would go down, nothing compared to the thrill of that kiss. I was a young guy still, just 21, and I was realizing then that none of the guys I'd been with really knew how to kiss. Not like this.
Stanley's look was all serious when we finally broke for air. My heart was racing and I just sensed his was, too.
"You OK with this, Russ?" he asked softly. "I usually don't do anything like this."
I ran my fingers along the small of his back. I may not have had Coach's kissing skills, but I enjoyed being physical and handsy-flirty when I hooked up with a guy. It was something I learned from a frat boy I sorta-kinda dated and now something I consciously worked on.
Coach seemed to like it, and I could see his nostrils flare as my fingertips slid under the hem of his shirt to touch his bare flesh.
"More than OK with it, Coach," I grinned. Just being close to him I could tell how solid his body was, and that was turning me the fuck on. But I noticed Coach S wasn't making much move to touch me or feel my body. "More to the point... are you OK with it?"
He cocked me a little grin. "Yeah, Russ... it's just... part of me thinks I shouldn't be doing this."
"I'm not gonna blab to anyone, Coach," I said. "Promise." I ran my fingers up higher along his lats. Rock hard solid muscle that was more dense than bulky. I could tell the man was gonna give me new workout goals, already. "Come on... I want this so bad."
That made him smile. "I want you, too, Russ," he whispered, getting that serious look on his face again. And I was now getting my second Ed Stanley kiss, almost better than the first. And the man's hands were now on my waist, openly feeling me up as he pulled me into his body.
We made out, right in his living room, right in front of the Christmas tree, and our hands moved from gentle exploration gradually into groping. It was like we were copying each other's moves, and one-upping them.
The look on Coach S's face when he pulled back was adorable. I could see a crazy amount of lust but also the desire to fight it.
"I like to take things slow, Russ," he said as his blue eyes swept up my taller form.
"Works for me, Coach," I muttered, my voice cracking with lust. I mean, my normal MO would have been to go hard and heavy with a dude like this. But I didn't want to see the impatient young guy I really was.
He cracked a smile. "How bout some make out time in the bedroom?"
I nodded and followed him. The master bedroom was somehow even barer than the living room of Coach Stanley's house. But it smelled like Coach's aftershave and the scent hit me like pheromones as I watched the man pull the covers down and get up on the bed, still in his stocking feet and clothes.
Normally, I'd be stripping down, ready to get it on, but I followed Coach's lead and kicked off my shoes before joining him.
"Thanks for coming over, Russ," Coach said softly after a kiss.
My hands were on his chest. I was doing my very best to be a good boy and not grope the man too much but fuck he felt nice. I'd hooked up with some hot guys before, but Stanley was probably the hottest I'd scored. And the fact that I had some lingering high school fantasies added to the thrill. I was rock hard in my jeans as we lay on our sides, face to face.
"Not how I was expecting my evening to play out, Coach," I said. "This is a fantasy come true, to be honest."
He chuckled softly and ran his fingers along my flank. "It's Ed, Russ," he said. "You can call me Ed."
"All right, Ed," I said. "But I'm probably still gonna think of you as Coach."
He shook his head gently. Maybe mildly bothered by the fucking with his former student thing, but owning up to the dynamic. "Probably to be expected." Then he added, "You really better not fucking tell anyone, Russ." It was the first time I'd heard my former teacher swear, but the gruff tone was in gest, even if I knew Stanley had real anxiety about what we were doing.
"For real, Ed.... whatever happens stays between us." I took a deep breath and felt my heart pound. I was not good at doing the patient approach. "I know you wanna take it slow, Coach, but you make me so fucking horny."
That made the man laugh. "All right, buddy," he grinned. He pulled back and kind of sat up. I watched him pull his T-shirt off over his head.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" I gasped, my thought going straight from my head to my lips. Coach's body was just incredible. Meaty and thick, but also in shape, even with knotted abs. He had a lot of brown fur on his chest, swirling over his round pecs capped with thick brown-pink nipples. And to top it off that gold chain clung around his neck.
"What?" he reacted with a laugh.
"You, that's what," I said. "That body is insane." I normally didn't verbalize my reactions to men when I hooked up. Then again, normally with my hook ups both men would have gotten off by now and be getting dressed to go our own ways.
Stanley seemed pleased with my compliment. "You're looking in fine form, too, Russ... come on, show me what you got."
I felt inadequate but I wanted to get the party going, so I stripped my shirt off, and raised the ante by undoing my jeans and pulling them down over my legs.
Already, Ed's hands were on my semi-naked body, feeling me up. Seems that Mr. Take it Slow was getting horny himself.
"Damn, Russ, you're not one of those Corbin Fisher guys, are you?" he teased.
I was eating his praise and his touch, too. After I kicked off my jeans I spread my legs to show off the hardon in my boxer briefs. I wasn't porn hung, but I measured up pretty well against most guys I'd been with, and I was certainly rock hard right then.
"You watch that stuff, Coach?" I laughed.
"I won't lie, Russ. That stuff's gotten me through some pretty lonely nights." His blue eyes met mine directly, communicating not only his desire but his vulnerability. For some reason, that made my cock twitch.
"No need for porn tonight, Ed," I replied. Then with an impish smile, I added, "Unless you wanna have it on."
He shook his head with a laugh. "No. No porn." He took his hands off my biceps and reached down to undo his jeans.
I swear my breath stopped as I watched him peel them down. I swear I don't know how and why I didn't realize that Ed Stanley had gone commando. As the jeans slipped down, I saw the thick brown hair of his lower belly, then a solid erection eager to poke out.
Coach was of average length. Totally average, yet thicker than normal. His cock was girthy and beautiful and seemed to fit him.
But his attention was on me, and as he scooted up back close to me he ran his fingers along the waistband of my underwear. "May I?" he asked.
"Oh yeah," I replied. Like a kid unwrapping a present he peeled them off over my boner and then jerked them down my legs. My prick stood up and jerked in excitement.
"That's a nice tool, ya got, Russ," he growled. He stared at my cock then looked up to my face again. "You definitely could be in one of those Corbin Fisher videos." His fist wrapped around my hard meat and almost instantly his palm was smearing my pre cum down the shaft with its regular strokes.
I touched his dick, now, too, feeling like I had permission. He hissed, and I watched his face react as I did my best to adjust my touch and approach. "You into college dudes, Ed?" I asked. Maybe it was nosy or forward to ask. Coach wasn't old or anything, I'd guess mid 30s, but he seemed very much into my collegiate body.
He nodded. "If I'm honest with myself... yeah. I guess I think and wonder what if I'd done stuff back then."
I felt back for Coach S and also weirdly protective of the man. I let go of his dick and held up my arm. "Come here, Coach," I muttered.
He took the invitation and scooted into my embrace, nestling his warm furry body against mine. For a man in his early 30s, Ed Stanley was as hairy as a man in his late 40s. I wrapped my arm around his back and he held me in a similar grip. We humped our hard dicks together, slowly, but didn't really escalate the sex. Not yet. Ed just rested his head in the crook of my neck and held on to me.
"Feels nice, buddy," he said. Then, nervously, "you must think I'm a mess."
I patted his back. It was incredible how solid his lats were. "Not all, Coach... Ed..." I heard him laugh. "It bother you that I'm still calling you 'Coach'?" I asked. "Old habits and all."
Stanley pulled back. Up close his face seemed less youthful but he was even more handsome. I tried to memorize the soft lines in his rough-skinned face and the close trim of his beard. "It's probably not making me feel less like an old pervert, but it's all good, Russ."
He'd asked me to take things slow and we were just in this quiet emotional moment. Which is why I was surprised by the sudden move Coach made to roll me onto my back, with him on top of me. He was 5'11" and shorter than me but he easily weighed as much. I loved feeling every bound of his hard body on top of mine.
We kissed, and Ed was no longer doing the soft, gentle kiss. It was more the hard sexual kissing I was used to. Coming from this man, it drove me wild. Roughly he thrust into my crotch with his. I never was into frottage, and this wasn't gonna get me off. But as foreplay I fricking loved it. Feeling Coach S's athletic ex-jock body on top of mine, working up his own sexual heat to match mine as we sucked each other's tongues and then took turns plunging in and out of our mouths with them.
This whole evening had been unexpected and had played out with surprising ease. Only I realized I didn't know Coach Stanley's deal. On the apps, you know from the get go what the guy is looking for. I didn't know if Coach was a top or even if he was into fucking. For my part I was pretty vers and while anal was my favorite thing, giving or receiving, practicality mean that an oral hookup was more common.
The way Ed was putting his whole body into our intensely sexual make out made me half expect the man to kick my legs apart and ravage me. Instead he slowed his hips and paused, pulling back with a big fucking grin.
"Please tell me you suck dick, Russ," he hissed.
I chuckled. "Yeah, Coach."
That was all he needed to hear. Gone was the patient man. Instead he quickly scooted up and lined up his dripping cock to my lips. I mentally prepared myself, hoping Stanley wasn't the type to go into rough facefucking mode. I opened my lips and felt his prick press past them.
Thankfully after Coach pushed in three solid inches, he let me do the work. I didn't have a great angle or a lot of room for move my head back and forth, but that was OK. Stanley didn't need a pro blowjob, it turns out. After a minute of my awkward bobs, I felt his quads tense and his voice get real strained.
"That's it, Russ..." he hissed. His sexy masculine voice now needy. "Right fucking there, buddy.... so close... Yeah, keep sucking! Oh god, oh fuck... UNGH!"
His cum was hot and the load thick. The angle made it shoot against the roof of my mouth so it was a half second before I tasted him. He was salty and sweet and I was instantly hooked. I swallowed that ejaculation and moved my mouth back and forth, adding suction to coax out a few more jets. Other than the my sorta frat-guy boyfriend and a 20-something dude I went out with for a few months, I didn't have much relationship experience. And in my one-off hookups, my dick size meant I was more often then not being serviced orally. But damn, I loved this feeling of a man cumming in my mouth and down my throat. Particularly because it was Coach S.
He finally pulled back, a huge smile on his face. "Thank you," he muttered and patted my cheek. Then, he said, "your turn."
I watched as he quickly scooted down to get on all fours between my legs. I had been so focused on blowing him, I almost forgot how eager I was to get off myself. Coach was reminding me now, the way he licked up my boner, one side then the other.
Maybe Coach was closeted, I don't know. But the man knew how to suck cock. He had a good technique as he took me into my mouth and started working me up and and down. But the most amazing thing was his enthusiasm. Even though he'd already gotten his rocks off, the man was so clearly into this. Into sucking dick. My dick.
I watched him and enjoyed him, not overly urgent in my need to cum.
But, fuck, I felt Ed's fingers nudge my ball, and the urgency hit me. I thought of trying to hold back but I worried I'd mess up a perfectly great orgasm.
"Coach!" I hissed. "I'm gonna cum.... oh SHiT!"
I could hear Ed gulp as I pulsed my seed into his mouth. Then on my second spurt, he let out a deep, excited moan.
I leaned my head back and just enjoyed every wave of pleasure that coursed through me. I could get used to Ed Stanley's skills, for sure.
Finally, the man relinquished my prick and gently kissed up my belly and chest. I felt a little ticklish after the intense cum, which made him laugh softly.
"Thank you, Russ," he said, now raising his weight above mine, our soft dicks pressed together but our torsos not touching.
"Man... you're the one that's letting me live out my high school fantasies."
I could see him wince a little at that but he just nodded. "Well, I'm glad." He gingerly scooted off to the side, resting on the bed beside me. "I'll be honest, Russ... I don't know the etiquette in these situations."
"What do you mean, Coach?" I asked, turning toward him and running my fingers through the hair on his chest. I wanted to memorize the look and feel of this man.
He seemed shy now. "Sometimes guys seem to want to split once they get their nut. And sometimes they seem mad if I don't ask them to stay."
"I've done both, Ed," I assured him.
That seemed to relax him. "Well, you wanna stay for a bit? Maybe we can light the tree, enjoy some egg nog?"
I nodded, a smile on my face. "Yeah," I said.
That made him happy, I could tell. It seemed strange a man as hot as this could be so lonely, but I was happy to be his stand-in boyfriend or whatever for the evening.
We kissed some and then got up to get dressed again. As we padded back into his living room, I had to ask, "So... there been a lot of guys for you?" Maybe it was a sore point, but I figured if Ed wanted to some quality time, we could talk man-to-man.
He shrugged. "About ten. About half of those in the last year," he explained. "I guess I'm still figuring some stuff out."
I nodded, sympathetic. I had a different journey than Coach, but I understood some of what he was going through. "Well, I'm real glad I ran into you, Ed."
He smiled. "I'm glad too, Russ."
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Tylo oneshot - Tire Swing
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Everyone was walking around their camp, doing something.
Ashlyn was teaching Aiden how to throw a proper punch, Ben was restocking the first aid kit, Taylor putting in new light bulbs in their stage lights, and Tyler was kind of just sitting there, bored.
He had gotten an injury at his last baseball game, and everyone insisted that he sit down to avoid him overexerting himself. He just thought they were all overreacting. It wasn't an awful injury. He wasn't a baby. And besides, it was only his arm.
It really just frustrated him. He hated not being able to feel helpful. Helping and being productive is how he's managed to keep his family from crumbling for years.
Though, there was one thing he did notice, since he wasn't too busy working. Logan was missing. Everyone else was so busy with their own tasks that they just didn't seem to notice.
And, honestly, the more he thought about it, the more concerned he got. Logan hasn't been in a very good mood today. Sad and melancholic.
Out of instinct, Tyler checked Logan's tire spot, but was reminded that it wasn't there anymore.
Due to Logan getting overwhelmed easily, they decided to give him his own quiet spot a little farther from the rest of the camp. A tire swing, hanging from a sturdy tree.
Tyler got up and froze like a deer in headlights for a split second, hoping no one noticed him leaving. Namely Taylor, who's been keeping him under surveillance like a security guard.
Once he saw that everyone was distracted enough, he slinked away. The grass was getting really tall and itchy. He waded through it and spotted the swing, gently moving back and forth against the wind. And there, in the swing, was Logan, the evening sunlight reflecting off of his glasses, casting a faint shadow.
Tyler hesitated. Logan looked sad and rather serious. Lost in thought. Should he really interrupt him?
Tyler shifted a little bit and decided to try and take a step back, only to end up stepping on a branch.
Logan's head quickly turned to where the noise came from and froze, staring at Tyler.
"Um... sorry. I just came to check on you."
Logan stared at him for a bit longer before turning his head and blinking a bit. "It's ok."
Tyler stood there before taking slow and steady steps forward. "So, uh... what are you, uhm-"
Logan turned to him again, his brow furrowed and tears in the corners of his eyes.
They stared at each other, another staring contest before Tyler clenched his fists.
"You're crying," he said. Pointing out the obvious, thanks Tyler.
"Who made you cry?" Tyler asked, seething with rage.
"It's not something you need to worry about, Tyler."
"But you're crying. I can't not want to-"
"I said it's ok!"
Tyler's eyes widened, and Logan's did too. Neither of them expected the outburst.
Tyler almost felt helpless. And he hated feeling helpless. When Taylor was sad, he always managed to make her feel better. Who was he if not someone who could help the people he cared about?
Tyler turned his head, thinking, before stamping his foot into the dirt in frustration and climbing into the tire swing with him.
"H-Huh!? Tyler, what are you doing?"
Tyler uncomfortably got situated and grumbled a little. "How do you spend so much time in this thing?"
Logan pouted a little and repeated his question: "What are you doing?"
"I'm gonna stay in here until you tell me what's wrong."
Logan's eyes widened. "Seriously?"
"Yep. You shouldn't bottle it in, or whatever."
"Tyler, you're too cramped. Your arm-"
"-will be fine," Tyler finished for him. "Don't worry."
Their legs awkwardly tangled together. Tyler's legs were definitely too long for this.
Logan sighed a little and looked out at the distance. "Why are you doing this?"
"I.. I don't like not being able to help," he said gruffly. He hated saying that stuff out loud, but if he was going to force Logan to open up, he should probably as well... just a little. He didn't like being too vulnerable.
Logan doesn't say anything for a good minute before rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. "Nothing specifically is wrong. I'm just.. sad."
"How can that be? You can't just be sad for no reason."
Logan shrugged. "Sometimes I am. I have a bad habit where I think about things, make up scenarios in my head, fake conversations in my head and I get sad about them before forgetting what it was that I thought to make me so sad in the first place."
Tyler doesn't know what to say to that before being Captain Obvious again: "That sounds awful."
Logan chuckles halfheartedly. "It is what it is. I've been like this ever since I started to live with my grandparents. I just get sad for no reason and I hide myself away."
Tyler pauses for a moment before gently tapping on Logan's knee. "What can I do to help?"
Logan shakes his head. "Nothing. I can't help that this happens. Most I can do is ride it out."
"But how am I supposed to make things better? I'm supposed to...-" I'm supposed to be the problem solver.
Logan sniffles a little. "Honestly... knowing that you care is almost enough."
Tyler pauses, sweat dripping down his nose from the heat of being in the tire, the Georgia sun, and Logan's body heat so close.
"It is?"
Logan nods and their hands almost touch before they both stop themselves.
"So should I stay?"
"I'd like that.. just no talking. I want your presence."
"Will that make you feel better?" Tyler asked. He didn't know why his voice was so quiet, it just was.
Logan thinks for a second before nodding again. "Ya. It really would."
The swing gently swayed in the wind, the almost setting sun in the distance, casting a shadow over the tree, giving them a cooling shade, as if the world itself was saying:
"Stay and rest."
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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marcspectorstannie · 1 year
☆All Nighter☆(Marc Spector x reader)
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Summary- late night/early morning talk with Marc when he comes home to find you still up
Warnings- none I don't think? Just one curse but mainly fluff
A/n- when I started this it was 4:03, it's now 4:51 so that's my inspo ALSO GIF IS MINE!
A/n p2- dropping this bc now I'm obsessed w/ spiderman
'4:30 AM'
You were still up past your normally bed time.Bored out of your mind, hungry as hell, tired but can't seem to go to sleep, the list could go on. Your eyes stuck together as you blinked slowly, scrolling on your phone to tire yourself out. You weren't sure why you couldn't sleep but either way it felt like sleep was far away from where you were now. The hungry grew in your stomach as it cried out for some sort of food. Crawling out of your bed you slugged your way to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal. 'No need for effort, this will just keep me up'
As you stood in the kitchen eating your cereal depressingly,you didn't the front door creek open and close. "Babe? What are you doing still up?" You jumped at the sudden voice near you, nearly choking on your food. It was your boyfriend Marc,wearing some torn clothes and a baseball cap. He looked extremely exhausted. "Jesus Christ Marc, you scared me." He removed his cap and hung it near the door. He watched you continue eating after the quick scare and leaned on the table in front of you. "Why are you up at almost 5AM? You're usually sleep by now." Usually you're greeting to him at this time was your sleeping face pressed into the pillow with and arm being moved from the sheets to his waist in bed. "I don't even know, couldn't seem to fall asleep even though I feel like I can pass out at any second." Marc sighed and stood next to you, taking the spoon out of your hand and stealing a bite from you. You were too tired to even care. You just wanted to finally get that feeling of sleep taking over your body.
"You're lucky you don't have work tomorrow or else you'd be fucked"
"I do have work"
Marc's eyes widen as he rushed over to take the cereal from you. "Why in the world are you up at this hour when you have work tomorrow.Are you ok? Something wrong?" You could tell he was a little pissed but concerned. "I'm fine I swear, I said I just can't seem to fall asleep. No big deal." It was a big deal. You could feel yourself go insane with nothing to do when you can't do the main thing you want to do. Sleep. You knew you had to work tomorrow early and continued shoveling the cereal in your mouth. Marc took the bowl from your hands and set it on the table. Placing his hands on your arms, he looked at you with a concerned face, almost like a dad about to discipline his kid. "Here's what we're gonna do, ok? We're gonna get you some water, and we're gonna lay right in that bed, no matter how long it takes you to go to sleep." You rolled your eyes at his demands but you knew that's what you really wanted. Still holding onto you, he walked you over to the side of the bed and sat you down, then rushed to get you some water.
You tried to glare at him through your heavy eyelids but they fell back shut. Slowly drinking your water, Marc went to dispose of the cereal and cut off the lights. He slid into the bed with you and snaked his arms around you. "Time for bed sleepyhead." You tried to laugh at his nickname but all you could muster was a small smile. Laying down once again, you turned to face Marc and watched him admire your tired face. "Here, cmon" he pulled you closer and placed you on his chest "Tomorrow morning, you're gonna call your job and say you can't make it. You're gonna say something came up and you'll be back the next day." Too tired to object, you simply nodded and nuzzled your face into his chest. Marc smiled slightly a kissed the top of your head as you both drifted off to sleep at last. Maybe all you needed was some cuddles and cereal.
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lovable-liar · 8 months
IDK IF UR STILL LOOKING FOR BASEBALL SCHLATT but as someone who's played softball for years, and who's brother played baseball (meaning i was always dragged out to his games) this is what i can say:
- he's always trying to get you to do something baseball adjacent w him, especially if you don't play it/anything similar!!! for some reason, one of the best dates i had was when i was seeing this guy who played tennis, and he took me to a court so i could try it. i was kind of crap but we laughed so much that istg i fell in love. if you're good he's either trying to play off how impressed he is (or is super vocal abt it, depends on how u see it), and if you're bad he's teasing you with the biggest shit eating grin on his face (he means well, sort of)
- if you go to his games, he will absolutely try to get you to kiss him for good luck. like actually begging you to slip over to the dugout, so he can kiss you through the fence before he goes out on the field or to bat. probably just trying to show off that he's got someone.
- somewhere along those lines are how big his eho gets when you cheer for him. especially if you're super loud (and even if u aren't). like that's his personal cheerleader!!! definitely gloats about it (no one gaf but he doesn't either - he's yapping about it for sure)
- you already know how competitive he is. im pretty sure he mentioned he was first baseman, which is such a core position on the feild. as soon as that ball is hit, you NEED to get it to first before the runner gets there. so much pressure for sure, especially since being under pressure to get it to first always made my throws shitty. and yeah, he's great at his position for sure, but no one can be perfect. definitely seeks your comfort after losing a game, ranting about how the opposing team was so shit, there was no way they could of won (denial), or just about what everyone did wrong (especially if they're "stupid mistakes").
- sometimes (at least when i was younger), even when someone was batting, they'd send the next batter out to practice their swing on the side of the field. schlatt is probably just mostly staring at you, getting you to wave at him just so he can do something stupid like winking at you or blowing you a kiss.
- is he always at practice? probably. does he always ask to see you after? yeah. he wouldn't even care if he's still sweaty, he'll collapse into you like you could hold him up. definitely has almost killed you that way.
- final thoughts: butt. baseball guys have big booties. i don't make the rules, that's just how it is. do with that what you will. ik he's looking way too good in his uniform.
I am currently employing people with good baseball knowledge and the skills to dumb said knowledge down enough so I'll understand, but you didn't hear that from me.
If you're already good at baseball, he feels a little butt hurt.
HE was supposed to teach you how to play!
HE was supposed to be stood behind you to show you how to hold the bat!
HE was supposed to show you which hand to use when pitching!
Not some random P.E. teacher!
But alas, at least you're pretty fuckin' good at it.
He get's so competitive, he almost forgets he's steps away from becoming a professional baseball player and that he should probably (definitely) tone it down a bit.
But, if you're not so good at baseball, he *does* get to teach you all of those things!
And he's reeling about it <3
"You know how to play?"
"No, not really, but I'm willing to learn!"
"Oh, you're willing to learn, are ya? Well! Lemme teach ya."
"So, ya wanna get to one of the stops before I can catch ya out, yeah?"
"Gimme ya hands, I'll show ya how ta hold the bat."
"You a leftie? 'Cos ya gonna wanna be a leftie pitcher. Rightie batters can't see nothin' comin' when ya pitch with ya left. Ya got the advantage."
He loves watching you improve over the course of your three hour long date.
He definitely goes easy on you.
If you have mobility issues (like I do) or if you hate running in general, he probably takes a little longer to retrieve the ball or he'll stumble when catching it so it falls just out of reach so you can walk over to the stops.
But he absolutely loves seeing you get all competitive, running as fast as you can.
He'll probably stay pitching 'cos he knows he'll hit it out the park if he bats.
At his games, he picks out a specific seat that he dubs 'your seat'
Doesn't matter if you're home or away, he's got a specific seat, right in front of the fence next to the dugout, that's entirely yours in his mind.
"Sorry buddy, that seat's taken. No, I know it probably says this is ya seat on the ticket, but the seat's taken! Look, dude, there's plenty of other seats, now, move."
Absolutely begs you for a kiss through the fence.
"Just one? A tiny one? A tiny peck? Just a peck! On the lips? On the cheek? On the nose? Just one tiny peck on the forehead! Toooots, yer killin' me here! You betcha lucky star I'm givin' you the fattest, wettest kiss on that mouth of yours once I get into that dugout."
And he does!
You've got him wiping your saliva off of his mouth before he pitches, just to make even more of a thing about having a partner and how much he loves you.
If you're a super loud cheerer, you've got him BLUSHING
And even if you're not, he's still all bubbly like a school boy with a puppy love crush when he merely thinks about the fact that you painted his colors on your cheeks.
"Yeah, that's my one, right there. Shut the fuck up, they're not loud! They're passionate."
"Yeah, that's my one, right there. The one there! Shut the fuck up, they're shy! They're not bored."
When his team loses a game, he blames it on one of three things.
1. The other team.
"They fuckin' cheated! Multiple times! If I find out that ref has somethin' ta do with them, well, baby, that just fuckin' goes to show how corrupt that team is. Swear to god! Since my pa was playin', he always warned me 'bout 'em."
2. Other players on *his* team.
"Fuckin' fielders don't know what they're doin. 'nd don' even get me STARTED on that fuckin' pitcher! Looked like a newborn deer! Who pitches like that?! 'S slow, and sloppy. Looks bad for the team! I tell ya, I could do so much better than that if Cap gave me one fuckin' chance."
3. Basically anything but him - if the other team played 'fair' in his eyes, and if his team played good too.
"Fuckin' sun was in my eyes."
"I knew today wasn't gonna be ours. The fuckin' wind told me."
"Too goddamn cold. NO IDEA what those motherfuckin' refs were talkin' about 28°F, it was too goddamn cold to be playin' today."
"Ya gotta stop lookin' so cute, toots! Swear. Gonna make ya stop comin' to my games, 'n you know how much I hate it when ya don't come to my games."
"You got me BLISSFULLY IGNORANT, sugar! Ignorant to the fuckin' game goin' on! God..."
When he's practicing?
He's making a show of it
Flexing reaaaaal good
Popping his ass out
Yes, yes I did just write that.
He'll wave at you, wink, blow kisses, pretend to eat you out/suck you off-
You two definitely have a secret handshake
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Last one for now. What's your 3rd favorite sbg character and why? You're not allowed to compare how much you like them with how much you like other characters (such as their rank, or even if you like them more or less) in the explanation
You bastard you gave me conditions for this I'll try but sorry if I bend the rules a little. I'm going to try to handle this as a pros and cons rather than a numbered list.
I'd say Tyler is my third favorite.
Pros: I do enjoy that he is the "protector" and it's gotten him hurt really bad at one point for him to have to take a step down and realize that he has to also let other people take care of him too. That trope always made me think "ahh yes a baybeee" for characters. His idea that he has to take on a parental role only to realize he is a kid is something that I always felt akin to? (I took care of my brother and mom for a while so...Tylercore ig) I do enjoy that he is a sarcastic bastard sometimes! The humor makes him well rounded and I know that he is "Just A Kid" so watching him be a little silly sometimes is reason that I always look for him in the background too. Little guy (he's so much taller than me) has a lot to learn and it's like a little brother that you can't wait to watch him get his heart broken for the first time, smile the biggest smile youve ever seen at graduation, and finally get a taste of adult freedom when he gets his license after painfully teaching and getting frustrated. Cons: Though, I sometimes roll my eyes and smack the wrinkles off my forehead a little bit when he decides that instead of working together as a team, he just immediately goes into pointing fingers, trying to find someone to blame. The anger and wanting answers for a situation where its very obvious that no one has answers is the most frustrating part about him. I jsut wanna grab his shoulders and scream "CALM DOWN PLEASE JUST LISTEN BEFORE YOU GAIN STRONG OPINIONS" soo bad but unfor he is but a comic character. I did respond to a post earlier that I really wish he would play to his own strengths (use a baseball bat as a weapon instead of almost immediately getting a gun) and planning for the worst with all the other characters in his mind. As someone who tends to protect the other people in their life, I'm always constantly thinking of the worst case scenarios and it makes me come back and basically wrap everything in bubblewrap so no one else gets hurt. I'm constantly checking the ground for glass and I wish that Tyler would do that too instead of being such a "I'm shrugging my shoulders cause I dont care about you but if you get hurt I'm going to tell you how useless you are" LIKE???? BROTHER???? HELP THEM THEN! <- which makes me say "uuughhh SHUT UP!!" sometimes soooo idk
I'll leave it at that for now but I can honestly do this for each character if I had the time to (plus no one would actually read it so eh)
(Also this is absolutely not dogging on Red's writing whatsoever. I love how rounded a lot of her characters are, even the side ones, they feel more human than some of the other webtoons I've read. They're flawed!! I like that about all of them. In the end, they're just teenagers. They're gonna suck! You're gonna like parts of them! They're teenagers in a really really shitty and unfortunate situation. They are constantly being lied to and gaslit into what is true and what isn't. They are literally fighting for their life ALL. THE. TIME. Give them - and Red - a break! PLEASE! )
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bellysoupset · 1 year
OMG, I love Vince taking care of Leo even though he's in pain. In my opinion, their friendship is EVERYTHING!!
I really want to see when Jonah comes home and is like "What the--?" and he takes care of Leo before Vince admits that he's in a lot of pain and Jon helps him then. And if Jonah is really tired after a long day and gets to cuddle with Leo after he's done taking care of Vince or something like that.
Alright, alright! Part 2 - No emeto, just lots of hurt/comfort.
Lucas: How are they?? If you need I can come over, I'm feeling better now
Lucas: Jon answer me pls
Lucas: Vin isn't picking up his phone and i'm worried
Lucas: oh nvm. you're still at work
Lucas: 😅😅😅 sorry
Lucas: please text me once u get home, i wanna know about them
Jonah stared at the string of texts as he removed his white doctor coat and folded it, putting it away in his bag. This was... Worrying.
He clicked out of Lucas' conversation and onto Leo's contact. Leo's last text had been that morning, him saying they were going out to the community baseball game. Maybe Lucas didn't know? Maybe he hadn't been invited?
He clicked out again, then on Vin's contact. There was no green dot next to his picture. His last text had been three days before, a picture he had taken of Leo, passed out on the dinner table, with the books all around him.
This was all very weird.
He was already concerned, made worse when he got home and Leo's car wasn't in it's designated parking spot. So they were still out?
Jonah fished out his phone again, clicking on Leo's contact and calling as soon as the elevator came to a stop on his floor. Only to hear the phone ringing through the door.
Had Leo forgotten the phone home?
He pushed the door open, "Leo? Vin?"
There was a groan and Jonah quickly hit the end-call button, setting his work bag on the floor and walking to the living room area.
Vince had Leo's head on his lap and the blonde seemed to be asleep. He was a shade paler than normal and curled up on himself.
"What the---?" Jon started to ask, but Vince shushed him by pressing a finger to his own lips.
"Casper the friendly ghost here is allergic to sun," he whispered, teasingly and Jonah raised his eyebrows, sitting on the edge of the couch.
"What happened?" he whispered back, studying them both. Vince also looked his own share of awful: he was pale and clammy, pained lines next to his eyes.
"He got heatstroke when we were out in the game. Luke drove us back."
"How long ago?"
"A couple hours."
Jonah hummed, then reached in so he could touch Leo's neck and cheek. His skin was still worryingly dry, "did he pass out?"
"Almost. Threw up a bunch."
Jon sighed, then touched his boyfriend's shoulder, gently, "Leo," he whispered, shaking him lightly, "baby, wake up."
It took some more shaking, but then Leo opened his eyes, blinking quickly to situate himself. He rolled onto his back, head still on Vin's lap and groaned.
"Welcome to the land of the living, Casper," Vince teased lightly, a big hand pushing his blonde hair back and Leo closed his eyes, almost drifting back to sleep, wasn't it for Jon tapping his arm.
"Leo," he called, a little stronger, "you're still super dehydrated, baby, I need you to drink some water for me."
"Uhm, no," Leo grimaced, rolling away from him and shoving his face on Vince's stomach, causing the man to wince. Jonah studied Vin's face, making a mental note to check up on him in a bit, then grabbed his boyfriend's arm, forcing him to roll back around.
"Yes," he said strongly, "you need some water in you and a cold bath, c'mon."
"Not gonna stay down, my stomach hurts," Leo groaned, wrapping his arm around his belly and squeezing, "please, Jon-"
"Sorry, love, no can do," Jonah said in a sympathetic manner, then grabbed both his arms, pulling Leo on a sitting down position. The blonde groaned again and fell forward, as if he had no strength on his spine, forehead meeting Jon's chest.
"I really don't feel well, Jon."
"I know, baby, I know. This is going to help," he moved to wrap an arm around Leo's waist and then threw the man's right arm around his shoulders, pulling him up, "c'mon, Leo."
"Hold on," Vince said, using the couch to pull himself up.
"Sit back down, I can handle h-" Jonah started to say, only to be forced to swallow those words down as Leo gagged softly next to him, whole body jerking with an empty heave.
"I'll sit down in a moment," Vin said, his voice strained, and used his good arm to hold on to Leo, "c'mon, let's get him to the bathroom."
It was no easy feat: between Leo's nauseous, dizzy state and Vince's limping, punctuated by hisses, they took almost ten minutes to fully get Leo inside the master suite's bathroom and undressed down to his boxers.
"Jon," Leo moaned, his head lolling like a baby's and forehead meeting his boyfriend's bicep, "Jon, this is awful."
"Yeah, but you're gonna be fine in no time," Jon said, turning up the water. All of the cold tap, a little bit of the warm, in order to avoid the thermic shock, "how's your stomach?"
"Queasy," Leo sighed, then slid down the bathtub, relief appearing on his face, "uhm, this feels nice."
"I know," Jon said in a fond manner, kissing the top of his head, "I'm going to get you some water, alright?" he glanced past his shoulder, to where Vince had sat down heavily on the closed toilet and was panting for air, "can you keep an eye on him? Just so he doesn't drown."
"Yeah, don't worry," Vince said, raising a thumb up and Jonah rolled his eyes. He was beyond worried.
Against his will he stepped out of the bathroom and got to it. He removed the comforter from their bed and turned on the A/C, to chill down the room, then went to the kitchen. Instead of water he grabbed a gatorade bottle and then, just for precaution, a bucket in the laundry room. He returned to the bedroom and put both items next to the bed, then laid down the largest towel they had on the bed, with another one on top just to be sure.
He entered the bathroom back again and snorted. Leo seemed to have fallen asleep once more and Vince was leaning back on the toilet, mask slipping since there was no one to see him. His face was wrinkled with pain.
"What hurts?" Jon asked, deciding Leo wasn't as urgent as long as he didn't slip and drown in the tub, crouching before Vince.
"Nothing," he opened his eyes and they did him a disservice, with how red they were, "just due my meds I guess."
"You're way due your meds," Jon agreed, then pushed Vince's arm out of the way and his shirt up, "and I think you burst one stitch."
"Just my luck," Vince scoffed, rubbing a hand over his face, "I'm fine, Jon-"
"Are you nauseous?" Jonah frowned at him, ignoring the reassuring lies, "you look a little green."
"It's just the pain," Vince sighed, "I'm fine-"
"Did you eat anything today? You can't take the pills on an empty stomach."
Vince's mouth snapped shut and then he winced, shaking his head no, "neither of us did. We were going out to eat after the game, but..." he trailed off, shrugged and then hissed, since he had forgotten about the wounded shoulder.
"Got it," Jonah sighed, then patted Vince's thigh, "c'mon, lean on me. Let's get you in your room."
"But Leo-"
"Isn't going anywhere, we'll be quick," Jon got up from his crouched down position and let Vince drape his good arm around his shoulders, huffing with his weight. Even if Vince looked considerably skinny now, he was still a giant.
They stumbled back to the guest room, that Vin had completely taken over and Jonah tried to gently put him down, but basically they both fell into bed. Vince let out a groan, his back melting against the pillows.
"Okay, hang in there. I'm gonna get you something to eat, I just need to move Leo first."
"You should've let me help, he's basically boneless."
"I can figure," Jon rolled his eyes, "stay put. try getting out of the shirt while I check on him."
He rushed back to the bathroom, but Leo was still in the same exact position, chest rising and falling comfortably now that he was in the cold water.
Jon sighed, deciding he was not going to drown if left alone and rushed back out.
"I got you a sandwich," Jon said, walking into the room and holding it out. He raised an eyebrow, "you actually manage to strip the shirt on your own, I'm impressed."
Vince cracked a pained smile, "the little buttons are a pain in the ass, but they're not impossible..." he grimaced as he glanced the sandwich, "do I have to?"
"If you want to take the painkillers, yeah," Jon rolled his eyes, passing him the sandwich, "small bites, okay? I'm sure part of the nausea is because you didn't eat today."
"Maybe..." Vince sighed, taking the tiniest, daintiest bite, "so doc?"
"You definitely burst a stitch," Jonah winced in sympathy, "but I can shut it with a butterfly bandage, at least until tomorrow for your check up."
"Don't remind me," Vince groaned, queasiness written all over his face.
"Your foot can't be feeling good," Jonah mumbled, grabbing a spare pillow and putting it under Vince's left calf, elevating the foot, "with all the jumping around... How are your ribs?"
"I'll live."
"So hurting like a bitch," Jon extrapolated, causing his friend to snort and take another bite, not confirming or denying.
"Eat your sandwich. I'm gonna be right back... Please, try to keep it down."
"Yes, don't worry," Vince mumbled, shooing him off.
Jon rolled his shoulders. They were stiff with tension already.
Leo had woken up or was starting to, just as Jon walked into the bathroom. He smiled, getting a glimpse of the exact moment Leo realized he was there and his whole body relaxed.
"Hey..." he said, voice scratchy, "I feel better."
"Good," Jon smiled, sitting on the edge of the tub, "scared the hell out of me, baby."
"Sorry," Leo sighed, then touched his forehead and frowned, "is there... Sand in my hair?"
"Dried sweat," Jonah cringed, "c'mon, move, let me wash your hair."
He stripped the pants down and moved behind Leo, sitting on the edge of the tub and using the shower head to wet it. The cold water caused the blonde to shudder.
"This feels amazing."
"I can imagine..." Jonah grabbed the bottle of shampoo sitting inside the shower glass stall, having to stretch to grab it, then put a dollop on top of Leo's greasy hair, starting to work it in.
"Oh, I get to use your fancy shampoo today?" Leo teased as he smelled it, "you were really scared, uh?"
Jonah rolled his eyes, "shut up, Leo," he said with a smile, rubbing his fingertips on his scalp with a little more force and eliciting a moan.
He washed the shampoo off, then combed conditioner through it, despite Leo scoffing and saying he never used conditioner and didn't need it.
"Okay, feels better now?"
"Much," Leo sighed, running a hand through his now clean hair, "thank you, Jon..."
"Let's get you in bed, you need to drink something. Eat too," Jonah said, getting out of the tub and drying his feet on the mat, "here, hold on to me."
Leo held on his shoulders to get up, almost falling and trembling like a puppy as Jon wrapped the large towel around him, helping him stumble to the bedroom.
"I'm cold now..."
"Good," Jonah said, going through his clothes and then pushing Leo's arms up, shoving a sweater down his head, "how's your stomach feeling?"
"Better," Leo sighed, then glared down at his lap, "Was Vince... Did Vince see me naked?" his face burned red and Jonah chuckled.
"You've seen Vince's dick more than mine lately, he can live having seen yours once," Jon scoffed, holding out a pair of boxers to him, "lie down, I'm gonna check on him and get you something to eat."
"Get something for you too..." Leo yawned against his hand, "what time is it?"
"No idea," Jonah shrugged, walking to the door, "almost eight?"
Which meant Vince had missed two doses of painkillers. No wonder he was so pasty.
Jonah walked back in the guest room and noticed the sandwich was gone and the water bottle had moved, "I already took the meds," Vince said sleepily, "two of 'em."
"Two?" Jonah groaned, pinching his nose bridge, "Vince, you're not supposed to double dose when you miss one..."
"Uhm," he blinked heavily, "it hurt, though..."
Jon sighed, grabbing the pill bottle and trying to remember just how worried he should be with this medication in particular. Deciding it wasn't that much of a big deal, he tugged at the blanket and threw it over Vince's legs, opening the bedside table's drawer - which had become a mini hospital - and grabbing a strip of butterfly bandages.
"Turn, let me put this one down... It's gonna pinch a little," he said, manhandling Vince to face him and pinching the burst stitch together, gluing it shut. Jon pulled back, "you're good? You need anything?"
"I'm fine, thanks..." Vince's voice was all soft and sleepy, "how's Leo?"
"Much better," Jonah smiled, "get some rest..."
"Uhum," Vince yawned, head falling to the side, the double dosages of painkillers hitting him like a truck.
Jonah rolled his eyes at the sight and continued on, despite his whole body wishing he would just stop.
He grabbed a cup of instant noodles in the kitchen and heated up some soup for Leo, yawning against his fist as he waited for both to be ready. In the meantime he texted Lucas back.
Jon: i'm home, they're both fine.
He pressed send and immediately shut his phone off, not in the mood to handle Luke's hysterics at the moment. Then went back to his bedroom, now holding a bowl of soup and his own super hot cup-noodles.
"I thought you hated those," Leo said, yawning as he walked in.
"I do, but I'm too lazy to cook now," Jonah passed him the soup, "eat slowly, you don't wanna throw it back up."
"I'm fine now, I swear," Leo said, stirring the soup, "how's Vin?"
"High as a kite," Jonah snickered, getting in bed and starting to eat, moving as close to Leo as he could. He felt his boyfriend slump against him, resting his head on Jon's shoulder.
"Thank you," he said softly, turning his head to press a kiss on his shoulder, "for taking care of us."
Jonah's cheeks burned and he opted for kissing Leo's forehead, instead of answering.
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doyouknowbtsswag · 1 year
Baseball |Seungmin AU|
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Making this gif was annoying
The uniform was red and black but it had a red and black striped uniform with white buttons. The material used for the shirt was nice and made it easy to take on and off.
"I will don't worry" he smiled and held my hand. "When am I not careful?"
"The time you face-planted on the dirt to catch a ball and almost broke your nose"
"And I caught it" He smiled "Plus when you played softball you scratched yourself every game"
"This isn't about me it's about you" I looked up at him when I finished fixing the uniform. "There you go"
"It's gonna get messed up after the first inning."
"So? You should look nice when you get out on the big screen”
"Seungmin say bye to your girlfriend and let's go you need to warm up. " his teammate said annoyed.
I understand why he was annoyed. It was the championship and they were going against NCT who had multiple good players. Although Straykids didn't have 9 players they recruited their close friend.
"I'm coming I'm coming" He sighed smiling. "Bye love"
"Bye minee you got this" I smiled kissing his cheek. He fixed my baseball hat and walked away with his annoyed teammate who grabbed his hand because he was "too slow".
I went up to get something to eat and drink before the game started. Seungmin felt bad that I wasn't able to watch from the VIP box but I reassured him it was fine. I grabbed popcorn and soda along with Seungmin's favorite candy and walked back to my seat. It was relatively close to perfect seating next to the foul ball section. Of course, I brought a glove to tease Seungmin before an inning started. I smiled and watch Seungmin ran to the pitcher's mound. His grandfather was a pitcher which inspired him to be one. Seungmin had a dark purple glove which was his favorite color. The coach approved of the color which set him into a good mood for days. each teammate had their own color. I watched as Seungmin made his pitching stance. The sweet carefree Seungmin turned into a whole other person.
He glared at player 23 as he hit the ball in the outfield that was easily caught by Jeongin. Jeongin threw the ball to Chan so Seungmin could have it. The game was entertaining, to say the least. Thanks to Minho's reflexes getting outs at first was a piece of cake. Changbin having a stronger body made it easy for them to get on bases and hit the ball further. Han and Minho communicated well so double plays were easy from any direction. Chan can easily get almost every hit to him. Unfortunately, some players could hit and others not so much. The team didn't quite have the same level of hitting as their opponents.
It was the last inning and both teams were tired. NCT was batting first and everyone was on edge. Straykids was up by one hit. All they had to do was make sure they didn't score and they made sure of that. Seungmin had the most pressure. He had to make sure his pitches were on point. His hands were shaky and he zoned out a little. There were two outs and the bases were full. He threw a ball almost hitting the batter. He tapped his foot as caught the ball so he could make the next pitch. He threw yet another ball this time low. He got the ball back and looked up frustrated. He looked over to where I was giving me almost a cry for help literally. I smiled and gave him a heart and blew a kiss.
"LET'S GO NUMBER 8!" I yelled which gave me some questionable stares.
Seungmin smiled a little and focused back to the game. He looked back to the ball and wiped his hand on his pants. He grabbed the ball taking a deep breath and threw the ball right to Changbin who gave him a nod. Changbin caught the ball which was outside.
"Take it easy," Han said from second base trying to comfort his teammate.
"Come on" Seungmin whispered to himself he threw the last pitch.
He pitched the ball which the batter swung at. The ball was hit right to Seungmin managed to catch the ball cushioning it from hitting his stomach preventing him from getting a severe injury. That was the third out which solidified their win. Everyone on his team yelled and hugged Seungmin jumping up and down. He flinched a bit but hugged back anyway.
"That's my pitcher!" Changbin yelled hugging Seungmin again.
"That was getting scary at the end," Seungmin said laughing at his own pain.
"Are you okay?" Chan said concerned. "I saw the ball hit you in the stomach.
"I cushioned it enough to stop it from hitting my stomach hard but I know I have a bad bruise," Seungmin said.
"Be careful". Han said rubbing his hair.
"Stop that" He smiled pushing his hand off his hair.
After their celebration, there was a ceremony dedicated to their team's win. everyone had a medal and Chan held the trophy. I smiled watching Seungmin's bright smile. People took pictures around them and followed the team until they made it to the dugout.
"Great job everyone, I'm proud of you all and I can't wait for next season because I know we can end up back to the championship!" Their coach said as everyone was backing up.
"Let me look at your stomach," the athletic trainer said before Seungmin could leave. "I want to make sure it's not something serious"
"I'm sure I'm fine but safe than sorry." He said as he pulled up the side of his shirt which had a nasty bruise.
"Do you mind if I touch it? It's to make sure there's nothing wrong internally."
Seungmin nodded getting a little nervous. The athletic trainer touched his bruise and he winced.
"Everything feels fine, thankfully it just barely missed critical organs. I suggest you take it easy for a few weeks and if you notice the bruise gets worse or there is no sign of its healing go to the hospital to get it checked out." She said. "Good job today though"
"Thank you" He smiled and walked away. I waited for him at the entrance smiling about his success.
"Seungmin!" I smiled running up to hug him. "You did such a good job!"
"Of course I did," He said wincing about but chuckled at your excitement.
"Your okay right?" I said pulling away. "I'm sorry I forgot"
"It's okay" He smiled. "It's just a bruise nothing more"
"How bad?" I said.
"The bruise is not pretty that's for sure but it's fine" He reassured leaving out what the athletic trainer told him. "I was just told to take it easy"
"I told you not to hurt yourself!" I crossed my arms holding the candy. "No candy for you"
"Wait it's not my fault," He said whining jokingly.
"Alright alright," I said giving him the candy. "Let's go home so you can so you can relax superstar"
"Sounds good" He smiled putting his arm around me.
"I'll even make you favorite" I looked at him. "I'll take care of you don't worry"
"I wouldn't want anyone else to," He said kissing my cheek.
I want to apologize for not posting in a while. This has been in my drafts but a lot of things popped up since I'm graduating high school I needed to focus on picking a college. I also found out about the passing of my favorite teacher recently. I'm still upset about it but I'm doing my best to get it out of my mind. I hope you guys understand. Remember you all are ✨ PERFECT ✨ and ✨ WORTH IT ✨ the way you are. Love you, guys!
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
Little Bird Starts Nesting
Chapter 1: Little Bird
3rd and final work in The Way It Should've Been -series
Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen, M/M Relationships: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Billy Hargrove & Original Character(s), Steve Harrington & Original Character(s) Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Original Character(s) Additional Tags: Harringrove, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Domestic Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington, Family Issues, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Unplanned Pregnancy, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: Billy and Steve find out that their eldest daughter Emma, at the age of eighteen, was coming of age in a way they never expected. They do their best to help her make a big decision about her future.
Notes: It took me ages, but here's finally the third and final part to this series! I'll be updating probably only once or twice a month because I'm working on so many different fics right now. Best to subscribe to this on AO3 if you want to know when a new chapter is up :) I'll be adding tags whenever chapters require it. FYI: You need to be up to date on the previous works in this series to get the best of it, so, off you go if you haven't read them yet
Read the whole series on AO3 >>
“Dada?” Billy raised his gaze from the book he’d been reading. He saw Emma, the almost nineteen-year-old long-haired beauty who’s dada Billy was proud to call himself, standing at the bedroom doorway. “Yeah?” Emma was fidgeting with her hands, her chin quivering. Billy took off his reading glasses and put them away with the book altogether. “What is it, birdie?” he asked, concerned. “Please don’t be mad at me.”
Billy knew from experience that when your kid asks you to not be mad, it’s usually something you sure as hell might get mad for. A broken window in the neighbor’s minivan (courtesy of a new baseball bat and ball and 10-year-old boy who ‘just wanted to practice’). Or a defrosted freezer in the summer, thanks to a teenager left home alone for a few days (because apparently it was a good idea to pull the plug from the freezer ‘just for a few hours’ to video chat with a friend in the kitchen uninterrupted). Or bite marks in the arm of a kindergarten teacher (yeah, 5-year-old Annie reminded Billy then, once again, that she indeed was his flesh and blood. In her defense, even though Billy didn’t fully approve Annie’s approach, he thought that 'the teacher was stupid' too).
He sat up and patted the mattress next to him. “Ok, come here. What’s up?” Emma sat next to Billy, and he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, hugging her sideways. “You know you can always talk to me. No matter what.” Emma grimaced. “I messed up,” she sniffled. “Okay. But that’s kinda broad, birdie. You’re gonna have to fill me in a bit more.” “Please, don’t tell dad. He’ll kill me.”
It had turned out that Steve was the more strict parent of them too. All three of their kids had wrapped Billy around their fingers and he could hardly deny anything from them. So, having Emma come to him first when in trouble instead of Steve was no surprise.
“Hey, no one is going to kill anyone. But I hope it’s nothing I should keep from him, you know.” Emma looked down at her hands, and then at Billy with pained eyes. “I missed my period,” she whispered.
Billy had heard those words in the ancient past once or twice from a girl. The kind who were trying to get a leverage on him after it had turned out that his interest in them was more of a facade than anything else. Hearing the words from his own daughter, though, made an icy coldness grow inside him. “How many days?” “Three weeks.” Billy was speechless - or rather, chose not to say what came to his mind.
‘What the fuck’, ‘How in the hell’, ‘You knew what could happen if you weren’t careful’ and ‘I’m going to kill that son of a bitch’ all visited the tip of his tongue, ready to fly out of his mouth.
But he also knew that none of those would make the situation any better, so he reeled each one back in and down his throat. “Three weeks? Why didn’t you talk to me earlier?” “I didn’t know if I was just late or late. And I still don’t! I’m sorry, dada!” Emma cried. Billy hugged her tighter when she started sobbing. “Emma. So, you don’t know if you actually are just late or...the other thing?” She shook her head. “But I was really sick in the morning yesterday and today.” Billy took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes with his fingers. “Does Ryan know?” Emma shook her head.
“Ok, birdie, this is what’s going to happen. First, we’re going to get you a test and see what it says. Then we’re going to think this further. Okay?” Emma nodded. “Are you mad at me?” she asked between hiccups. “No, I’m not. But I would’ve appreciated if you’d come to me sooner.” He paused. “Uh, do you have any idea when...you know, when the accident might’ve happened?” Emma looked away. “Emma? Was there a time when the condom maybe broke?” She still said nothing and wouldn’t look at Billy. Billy had to take a few deep breaths to steady his temper. He still couldn’t keep all the edge out of his tone. “So you’re on the pill and it didn’t work, or you forgot to take it?”
When she still said nothing, Billy had to get up and walk by the window to keep himself from shouting at the girl. “Fuck. I knew we should’ve gotten it for you earlier,” he mumbled to himself. He turned to look back at her. “So, you had unprotected sex with Ryan, just like that? No protection at all? Not even a condom?” “He said he didn’t like using one and then we used this calculation method and...” Billy’s eyes grew large. “Birdie, that’s not a method a young girl like you should use!” he growled. “You’ve known him only for a few months. Who knows where he has put his dick in before...”
The moment the last words fell out of his mouth, Billy knew he’d gone too far.
Emma wailed as she ran out of the room, slamming the door of her own room closed behind her. Billy grimaced and took a deep breath. He ran his fingers through his hair, looking at the window. “Well, fuck.”
As Billy was trying to process the news, a boy’s voice sounded from the door: “Are you mad, dada?” Billy turned to look at the 10-year-old dark-haired boy, Junior, who’s big brown eyes always melted his heart, just like his dad’s eyes. Because he was Steve’s son. “No, Jr, I’m not. I just don’t know what to think.” The boy walked into the room and sat on the bed, tapping the mattress just like Billy had done. “We should talk about it.” Despite the severity of the matter at hand, Billy couldn’t help smiling. The kid was exactly like his dad. He walked back to the bed and sat down next to Jr., wrapping his arm around the boy. “Why did you shout at Emma?” the boy asked. “Well, Emma did something that I wasn’t happy about and I lost my temper.” Jr. looked at Billy, his eyes wide. “What happened?” “It’s an adult thing. But you don’t have to worry about it. I will talk with you and Annie about it when we’ve sorted it out a bit more with Emma and dad. Alright?” Jr. nodded. “Can you help me with my homework?” he asked, already moving on from the issue, trusting that his dads would keep him on the loop if necessary. Billy hugged the boy. “I have to stop by the mini-mart. But I’ll help you when I come back, okay? Just do the ones you can yourself and let’s look at the tough ones together.” “Okay.”
Billy changed his sweats into jeans and walked to Emma’s door. He knocked on it. “Hey, birdie?” No reply. “I’m going to the mini-mart to get the test. I won’t be gone for long and dad’s coming home soon, but could you please look after Annie and Jr. while I’m gone?” No answer. “Hey, Emma?” When there still was no reply, Billy leaned his head on the door frame. “I’m sorry that I shouted at you. I’m not angry, just really, really worried. Please, look after our siblings just for fifteen minutes. I’ll be right back.” “Okay,” Emma replied quietly. Billy sighed, relieved. “Thank you, birdie.”
He walked out and sat in his Camaro, turning the key in the ignition. The car barked to life. He placed his hands on top of the wheel and stared at the glorious view of the sea that was turning dark earlier than it had just a few weeks ago, thanks to autumn.
He bit his lip so hard that he tasted blood. His little girl, the one he’d held in his arms less than a day old in the incubator, was possibly having a baby of her own. The prospect horrified him. It was 2015, and it wasn’t like teenagers didn’t get pregnant all the time. And he was fully aware how they got Emma in the first place - but if it was Emma... He didn’t want that for her. To have a baby just when she was supposed to have the world open in front of her. To halt school and postpone going into college... She shouldn’t have to settle down with a family first thing... Not yet, at least.
And the worst was that he didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know how to help his baby and he felt so useless that before he even noticed he was already hyperventilating with a full-on panic attack. He scrambled for one of the paper bags he had stacked in the glove box just in case. He hadn’t had a panic attack in a very long time, thanks to his medication, but the news was so overwhelming that probably no amount of medication would’ve been enough to keep him from having one.
When the attack finally passed and his breathing settled, he made it to the mini-mart.
He walked through the aisles towards the personal hygiene section, fidgeting with the nicotine spray he had in his pocket. As he passed other customers, he felt like every one of them was staring at him, judging him for not doing a better job as a father.
The last time he’d felt this nervous while approaching the hygiene section was when he’d had to buy first period pads for Emma. Then, too, he hadn’t known what he was supposed to be doing, and he’d just bought a pack of everything the mart had. Emma hadn’t needed new ones for months. Jesus. That was just a few years ago, he thought to himself. And he knew that at any moment now he’d have to buy pads for Annie too.
What the hell happened to the time suddenly? Everything used to feel like it lasted for forever. Summer nights at the quarry, stolen moments with Steve in the janitor’s closet, school year...
And now time was just running past them and he and Steve were just trying desperately to keep up.
Bill stood in front of the shelf that held the tests. Three different brands. He was a father of three, but not once had he been in this situation. He’d been in the ultrasound examination to find out if Sharon, the surrogate mother who they had Annie and Jr. with, was pregnant. But having to do a pregnancy test at his house... He let out a deep sigh and took one of each brand. Might as well go overboard than not be sure.
When he returned home, Steve’s BMW was in the driveway. “Shit,” he groaned. He put the tests into one of the paper bags he still had out on the passenger seat.
“Hey, firecracker,” Steve said from the couch when Billy walked in. Billy smiled a forced smile. “Hey, babe.”
The years had begun to show on Steve’s face and in the beard he’d began sporting a few years back, making him a snackable silver fox. But his dark eyes were just as they’d always been: deep dark ponds Billy could drown himself in. Billy shook the paper bag in his hand and went straight to the stairs. “Had to get something for Emma. I’ll come down soon.”
Billy sat on Emma’s bed with her and took the tests from the bag. “There were three brands, so I took one of each. Two ones are normal and then this one,” he took one of the boxes in his hand, “is digital. It’s supposed to be the most accurate. They all work with the same idea: you just pee on the strip on the other end.” Emma took one in her trembling hand. Billy set his hand on hers and brushed the hand gently with his thumb, soothing her. Just like Steve did whenever he wanted to soothe him. “Hey, Emma. It’s okay. We’re sorting this out. Let’s read the manuals and then you go to the bathroom.” “Don’t tell dad,” the girl begged again, looking up at Billy. He hugged her. “My little bird,” he said, and let out a deep breath. “We’ll tell him together if there’s something to tell.”
When Emma left for the bathroom, Billy went back downstairs and sat next to Steve on the couch. “Kids.” Steve pecked his cheek and wrapped his arm around him, pulling him into a hug. “Missed you.” Billy would’ve loved to be happy about Steve being home, but he was too worried about Emma. “Missed you, too,” he replied shortly. ”What’s up?” Steve asked. ”Something.” Steve looked at Billy. “Something serious?” ”You could say that.” ”Okay, now I’m worried too.” ”I’ll tell you when I know more. Okay? I promised her.” ”Emma?” Billy grimaced and pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He closed his eyes and nodded. ”Hey,” Steve said and rubbed Billy’s arm with his hand. “You’re sorting it out with her?” Billy opened his eyes and looked at Steve. “Yeah.” “Okay. Tell me when you know more,” Steve said, and hugged Billy tighter.
They cuddled on the couch for a while until Emma called Billy from the stairs. “Yeah, coming,” Billy said, getting up. Emma was sitting on her bed when Billy walked in and closed the door behind him. “So?” he asked. Emma’s face was all white and big, fat tears fell on her cheeks as she looked at Billy. Billy’s stomach dropped. “Show me.”
Emma handed the tests to Billy. The normal ones showed two red stripes, a sign of pregnancy, and the digital one said 'you’re positive'. Billy knew it meant exactly that, that the test was positive, but right now he really didn’t feel too positive himself. He sat next to Emma and buried his face in his hands, leaning his elbows on his thighs. “What am I going to do, dada?” Emma asked, sniffling. “Birdie, I wish I knew.” Billy took a deep breath and looked at her. When she started crying, Billy took her in a tight bear hug. “We’re going to figure it out, Emma. Don’t worry,” he assured her, even though he sure as hell didn’t feel confident at all.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
Ok your mission, should you choose to accept it, watch A League Of Their Own and reassemble at 0800 hours to join me in a collective cry about meaningful representation for the history of lesbian community and friendship. god it's so GOOD is everything I WANT from queer storytelling also I recognise that Clance is straight but she is my wife I love her too much 🥰
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 20
Request: Yes or No
"Time travel sounds fun until you see how cringy you used to be." You said, watching Nebula fix some things on the suit Scott had on.
"I've never been cringy." Scott said. You stayed silent in response, glancing at Rhodes. Scott blinked, scoffing softly as you giggled.
"You're great, Scott." You gave a tired smile. Bruce went to put in the red capsules.
"Hey- Hey, be careful!"
"I'm being very careful." Bruce replied.
"No, you're being very Hulky." Scott put in the capsules himself. Even if Bruce was careful, he could still crush whatever was in there without even thinking about it. It was weird seeing Bruce in Hulks body but you supposed it helped end the beef they had. Scott and Bruce went back and forth until he turned small and big in a second.
"Alright, one test run." Scott gave a sheepish smile, glancing at everyone in the room. "I'm not ready for this."
"I'm game." You turned your head, looking at Clint. You crossed your arms, a soft sigh leaving you.
"I'll do it." Clint shrugged. Scott licked his lips, looking at Bruce. Bruce gave him a small nod so Scott walked out of the room to change out of the suit. Clint followed.
"So.. He got a new tattoo." Rhodes glanced at you. You licked your lips, shrugging lightly. Rhodes sighed, leaving the room momentarily before returning with some twizzlers. He offered one to you, giving a small smile. You took it, taking a small bite from it as Clint walked into the room with the suit on. Nebula made sure everything was good with the suit.
"Clint, you're gonna feel a little discombobulated from the shift. Don't worry about it." Bruce told him.
"Wait, wait.. Let me ask you something. If we can do this, you know go back in time, why don't we just find baby Thanos and just.." Rhodes made a wrapping and squeezing motion.
"I mean, it's a solid idea. Baby Thanos was probably real ugly anyways." You said, chewing on the candy. Bruce stared at you and Rhodes in disbelief.
"First of all, that's horrible-"
"It's Thanos."
"And secondly, time doesn't work that way. Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"We go back and get the stones before Thanos gets them.. Thanos doesn't get the stones!" Scott said, shrugging. Rhodes nodded, motioning to him.
"Problem solved!"
"Bingo." Clint nodded as Nebula glanced at them, giving a small shake of her head.
"That's not how it works." She muttered.
"Anyways, who told you that?"
"Star Trek, Terminator, Time Cop, Time After Time, Wrinkle in Time, Hot Tub Time Machine-"
"So, any movie with time in the name." You said with a chuckle.
"Well, it doesn't work like that. If you travel to the past, that past becomes your future and your former present becomes your past." Bruce explained. You hummed, continuing to munch on the twizzler.
"If time travel works.. That means there's different versions of ourselves in different.. Dimensions, right? Like living things we've lived and making decisions we'll eventually make?"
"Yes, actually." Bruce nodded, glad that at least someone was getting it.
"For example, my past self might be in Sokovia fighting Ultron right now while my future self might be relaxing on a beach." Bruce said with a shrug. You hummed, nodding.
"I wonder what my future self is doing.."
"Probably getting therapy instead of napping and drinking." Rhodes muttered, glancing at you. You scoffed softly.
"You drink?" Clint questioned, brows furrowing as a frown tugged at his lips. You shifted your gaze back to the man you used to call dad and shrugged.
"Occasionally." Once the suit was good to go and Bruce had told Clint everything he needed to do, you followed the guys and Nebula to the platform Rocket had built. It was surprising how much a raccoon could built. You glanced at Thor, giving him a small nod. Bruce walked up to the controls, the others standing behind him as they watched Clint stand in the center.
"Alright, Clint.. We're going in three.. Two.." You could tell Clint was nervous, you were too. Despite everything, he had still been someone who took you in and loved you. You slowly chewed on the twizzler, gaze flickering around the platform. To Clint it could feel like hours but it would merely be seconds for you and the others. Clint suddenly appeared, falling on the ground. The helmet retracted as he panted. Natasha quickly rushed up onto the platform with you following incase he had injuries. Natasha helped him up, getting him grounded as Clint looked around.
"I saw her... I saw Lila again.." Clint panted. You stared at him, swallowing as your grip on the twizzler tightened. Clint tossed a baseball glove at Tony, nodding.
"It worked." Clint said. A sense of relief filled you along with everyone. There was a chance at getting everyone back. The team turned, heading to an office in order to talk more and come up with a game plan. You finished your twizzler, taking a seat and watching Tony pull up pictures of the stones.
"We gotta find out the when and the where." Steve said, looking over all of the stones.
"Almost everyone in this room has had at least one encounter with an infinity stone." Steve turned his attention onto everyone. You supposed Vision counted as an encounter.
"Or substitute encounter by being damn near killed by one of the stones." Tony added, shrugging as he sipped on his coffee.
"I haven't." Scott piped in. "I have no clue what the hell you're talking about."
"Regardless, we only have enough pinparticles for one trip each and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history." Bruce said, slowly walking around the office.
"Our history." Tony reminded him. "So, not alot of convenient spots to drop in."
"Which means we'll have to pick our targets." Clint muttered. Tony nodded, shooting him the side eye. You cocked a brow when you made eye contact with Tony. Tony simply patted your shoulder.
"Let's start with the ether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve asked, everyones' attention shifting onto the god of lighting. Thor sat in a corner, coke bottle in hand and sunglasses on.
"Is he asleep?" Natasha asked after Thor didn't answer. You stared at him. The last five years had definitely been rough for him.
"Pretty sure he's dead." Rhodes mumbled. You sighed, reaching forward and grabbing a cup of water. You made it turn ice cold before tossing it at the god. Thor jolted awake, looking down at his wet shirt.
"Thor, the reality stone. What do you know about it?" Steve asked again, watching him stand and approach the picture of the reality stone. You listened to Thors' rambling, turning to look at Tony. Scott was the only one interested in what he had to say. Tony approached him, urging him to sit.
"Alright.. Who's next?"
You stared at the pictures. Three stones in New York, one in Asgard, and the other two in Morag. You looked at Steve as he approached the hologram.
"Alright, we have a plan. Six stones, three teams. One shot." Steve said. You swallowed, glancing at Rocket and Thor. You had been assigned on their team. Just in case. You stood up with the others, going off to change. You stared at the two pictures in your locker. One of the Barton family and the other of the Stark family. You headed towards the platform after changing, standing beside Thor and Rocket.
"Stay safe." Natasha said softly, giving your arm a squeeze. Steve gave a pep talk before you put your helmet on. You absolutely hated the feeling as you went through what looked like a blue tunnel. When you blinked, you were in Asgard. Thor held a finger up to his lips, passing by a room. You followed, glancing back and seeing his brother. You had never officially met Loki but he was an odd dude. You reached a hall, standing besides Thor. You listened to the women talk in the hall. You shared a look with Rocket.
"There's Jane." Thor whimpered, shaking his head. Rocket sighed.
"Alright.." Rocket hopped off the stone block, looking at you and Thor.
"You're gonna charm her, (Y/N) will be our lookout, and I'll poke her with this thing, get the stone, and we'll be gone." Rocket said, watching Thor. You gave a nod but Thor sniffled.
"I'll be right back. The wine cellar is just down here. My father used to have this huge barrel of ale." You stared at Thor, letting out a sigh as you scratched your forehead. You heard a door opening and quickly ducked besides Rocket.
"Yes, and could you also let me know when Gaia plans on visiting again?" You blinked, feeling your body freeze. You slowly stood, glancing at Thor as he slowly walked down the hall, gaze on the woman.
"Who's the fancy woman?" Rocket asked, hopping onto the stone. You swallowed, turning your head and looking at the woman.
"That's my mother..." Thor answered. Your eyes slightly widened, turning to face Thor. You opened your mouth to ask him a question.
"She dies today." Thor whispered. You shut your mouth, frowning. You licked your lips, gaze flickering around.
"How.. How does she know Gaia?" You asked softly. Thor glanced at you with furrowed brows.
"She was a friend of my mothers'." Thor answered. He looked back at where his mother had been, shaking his head.
"I can't do this." He breathed out, beginning to pant softly. You and Rocket faced him. Rocket told Thor to get closer as Thor rambled. You blinked as Rocket slapped him, almost laughing at the sight of a raccoon slapping a god.
"You think you're the only one who lost people? What do you think we're doing here? I lost the only family I ever had. Same with nature boy over here. I get you miss your mom, but she's gone. Really gone and there are plenty of people who are kind of gone. You can help them. So is it too much to ask that you brush the crumbs out of your beard, talk to the girl, and when she's not looking, suck the infinity stone and help us get our families back?" Rocket stared at him. Thor nodded, a small whimper leaving him as his eyes watered.
"Thor, calm down." You said softly, placing a gentle hand on his arm. "You're the god of lighting, Thor. You can do this."
"Yeah, yeah, I can." Thor nodded. You gave him a small smile, following Raccoon towards the door. You turned, hearing footsteps rushing away. You sighed.
"He's gone." You muttered. Rocket groaned softly.
"You go after him. I'll go get the stone." Rocket said, turning around and walking towards the room.
"I don't know this place." You huffed, looking at the talking raccoon. Rocket let out an exasperated sigh.
"Be my lookout." He mumbled. You walked towards the room Jane was in, watching Rocket enter. You stood infront of the doors, gaze flickering around. You had no idea what you were gonna do if somebody asked you what you were doing. You swallowed, glancing in the direction Thors' mother had gone in.
"He'll be fine." You assured yourself, speedwalking in the direction. You spotted Thor, quietly walking towards him.
"Shh." He brought up a finger to his lips. Thor grabbed you, keeping you hidden behind the pillar as his mother passed by. She dismissed her girls. You and Thor peeked around the corner.
"What are you doing?" You flinched, letting out a yelp as a woman yelped as well. You turned and faced her, watching her look at Thor. Thor suddenly grabbed you, covering you with his jacket.
"You're better off leaving the sneaking to your brother." The woman said, head tilting.
"What are you wearing? Who is this?" She asked, stepping forward. You swatted Thor's arm away, clearing your throat.
"Uhm, I'm- I'm (Y/N)." You said. Rocket was gonna kill you.
"Frigga." She gave a polite smile. "What are you wearing?" Friggas' brows furrowed, looking Thor over. Frigga slowly approached her son, placing a hand on his cheek. Thor rambled slightly. Frigga smiled softly.
"You're not the Thor I know, are you?" She asked softly.
"Yes I am."
"The future hasn't been kind to you, has it?" She gently brushed some hair out of his face. You watched her, gaze softening. You could see why Thor loved his mother so much. They shared a tight hug, something Thor had desperately needed.
"Let's talk." Frigga smiled. You tuned out as Thor spoke to his mother. You walked around her room, looking over the glass. You licked your lips, looking over at them.
"How do you know Gaia?" You asked softly. Frigga turned to look you curiously.
"Like, uhm, Thor told me but I.. I wanna know more." You said, facing her. Frigga tilted her head, slowly approaching you.
"Gaia? What would you want with her?"
"She's my mother and she.. She kind of abandonded me." You shrugged lightly, letting out a small awkward laugh. Frigga hummed, gaze softening.
"Gaia's in.. It's hard to explain. She's in The Garden. She lives there and it's how she watches over her creations." Frigga explained.
"How do I get there?"
"Fairy rings. Only certain people have access to her portals." Frigga said. You nodded, keeping it in mind. Thor stood, approaching you and his mom.
"Mother, I must tell you something-"
"No, Thor." Frigga turned to face her son, pressing a finger to his lips.
"Guys!" Rocket shouted, running towards you. "You were supposed to watch the door!"
"I know." You gave an apologetic smile. Rocket shook his head, showing the stone.
"I got it." He breathed out. "Oh, hey, you must be mom."
"I wish we had more time." Thor said softly. Frigga smiled gently, grabbing his hands.
"This was a gift. Now you go and be the man you were meant to be." Frigga said softly. Thor gave her a sad smile.
"I love you, mom."
"I love you." Frigga hugged Thor tightly. She pulled back and smiled. Rocket began to count but Thor stopped him. He extended his hand towards the balcony area. You and Rocket shared a look.
"W-What are we looking at?" He asked.
"It takes a second." Frigga chuckled softly. Thors hammer returned to him, making him beam. You smiled softly as the suit returned.
"Nice meeting you." You said.
"Same here." Frigga smiled, giving a small wave. The helmet came on and you went back through the nauseating blue tunnel. You grunted, shutting your eyes tightly.
"Yeah, fuck that." You muttered, rubbing your forehead. You looked around, noticing Clint fall to his knees with teary eyes.
"Where's Nat?"
Tags: @geek-and-proud @wolfelocksley @babyvisionisamenace @jjk-is-my-shit
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abarbaricyalp · 3 years
Idk if you are still taking prompts, but you know the vine two dudes chilling in a hot tub 5 feet apart cause they're not gay, and a girl quoting it in a park about two girls in the distance and one of them hearing and going "Actually I am gay" Like that scenario, only involving them fixing the boat? Maybe Sarah quoting it to give Sam shit when she thinks Bucky cant hear and Bucky goes "Wait, no I'm gay" or something, or just the general gist of that. Sorry if this us too specific, I've never sent anyone a prompt before :P
Hello Friend! Thank you so much for sending anything in at all! I know the vine you're talking about, but I couldn't find it on Youtube. (I did find a two day rabbit hole of old compilations though) This was also my first foray into writing Sarah as a fully fleshed character! I was excited to get the practice 'cause I had an idea bouncing around in my head about her and Bucky talking after he wakes up in the Wilson house. I kept her a little more like she had been in my other fics pre-show here. I so wish we got a little more of her!
Feel free, anyone, to send me Sambucky prompts!
The North American Superhero in a Domestic Situation
Sarah Wilson loved her brother deeply. The kind of soul crushing love that could only be formed through family, loss, and approximately four thousand brawls around the living room throughout their life. She looked up to her brother more than she could ever imagine looking up to anyone. Even when they were fighting or picking on each other, she couldn’t help but feel a swell in her chest when he came into her line of sight.
That didn’t mean she understood him. In fact, from the age of eight, watching her brother interact with the world had become her go-to pastime. Why did he have to roll every pea around the plate individually before eating them? Why did he and his friends spend seven years socking each other in the arm to prove friendship? Why did he talk to himself in the mirror, even when he knew Sarah or someone else was standing in the doorway?
Sam Wilson was just deeply weird. She had no idea how he had tricked the Avengers, a plethora of bad guys, and half of the media world into thinking he was remotely cool. She saw a news story once that had King T’Challa standing on a platform with Sam and the newscasters talked about how impressive Sam’s suit was. It was unnatural, the effect he had on people.
And in all her years, she never thought she’d see anyone weirder than Sam. But then James Barnes had showed up. It was like a complete reversal of Sam. Sarah was taken in for approximately three hours by his charm and face before she realized he too was deeply, deeply weird.
She justified sitting on the edge of the Paul and Darlene, watching her brother and James Barnes spar off about some dumb trivia fact, by deciding it was an anthropological expedition. The North American Superhero in a Domestic Situation. She watched Sam watch Barnes take a long pull off his beer. She watched Barnes kick his feet up near Sam’s legs and then draw them back quickly when a current jolted the boat. She watched Barnes’ fingers tap-tap-tap against the edge of the boat, inching closer to Sam’s shoulder before he chickened out and brought his hand back to his own lap. She watched Sam suggest Bucky take his jacket off, ‘unless you plan on sun blinding me with the robocop arm.’ She watched Sam look away when Barnes did shrug his jacket off.
When she was seventeen and Sam was fifteen, she had found Sam crying in his room, pillow pressed to his face to muffle the noise. They were at the age where going into each other’s rooms uninvited started international conflicts, but Sarah, who watched her brother intently, felt like she knew what was going on. So she let herself in through their Jack-and-Jill bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Sam didn’t stop crying, not even to yell at her to get out, so she sat on the end of his bed and rolled a baseball under her foot for a while. Finally, she’d said, “You don’t have to tell Mom and Dad, y’know.”
Sam had just about wailed and bit the corner of his pillow to stop himself.
“That’s gross, stop it,” Sarah ordered and pushed Sam’s shoulder back enough to yank his pillow free and then reached over to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “I should make you do the laundry this week so I know I’m not touching your snot germs,” she teased softly.
“How did you know?” Sam hiccuped out. Tears were still brimming at his eyes, but they didn’t fall.
“I’m your older sister. I made you. Like a doll. You think there’s something about you that I don’t know?” she joked. And when the tears did spill over his long lashes, she sighed and pulled him closer to her side. “I just know the way you interact with that boy from the basketball team ain’t just friendly.”
“Jesus, do you think he can tell?” Sam asked and she could hear the mortification in his voice.
“Sam, he’s a freshman in high school. The only thing he knows is that he’s scared of everything too. No one’s paying that much attention to you.”
“Screw you,” Sam muttered.
“What’re all these tears for you if you didn’t make a move and get shot down?”
“God, Sarah, can you not say things like that?”
“Watch your mouth,” Sarah warned with no heat in her voice. “Come on, tell me what’s wrong. I’m not leaving until you do.”
“I just…” Sam sat up and worked his jaw for a while. His chin dimpled and his eyes watered but he managed to control himself. “I’m scared, Sarah. I’m scared of never being in love. Of having to leave if I am. I’m scared to say something and I’m scared not to say something. I’m so scared of...losing any of it.”
“Sam,” Sarah sighed and pulled Sam into another hug. “You’re fifteen. You’re not supposed to be in love yet. You don’t have to think about any of that. You just have to focus on passing Geometry, alright? Mom’ll whoop your ass more for failing than anything else.”
“I have a B+, that’s not failing!” Sam snapped. He kept his face against her shoulder for a second long before he sat up and wiped his tears away. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
“Who am I gonna tell? I told you, my friends don’t like you as much as you think they do.”
“Your friends like me more than they like you,” Sam shot back and he almost sounded normal.
Sarah smiled softly and patted Sam’s cheek. “I won’t tell Mom or Dad. Of course not. That’s for you to do. But--”
“I’m always going to tell them when you sneak out the window.”
“No! Sam! You can’t! You owe me now!”
“Going to field parties is not the same thing!” Sam said in a shriek as Sarah leaned over to pinch his sides. They grappled for a second before Sam managed to push Sarah off the bed.
“You owe me,” she reminded him as she walked back to the bathroom.
Sam wiped his eyes again and nodded. “Sure, Sarah. I do.”
Sam almost had the same look on his face now. Like there was something he wanted to reach for that he thought was too impossible to hold. The Older Sister Instinct to Antagonize into a Solution kicked in.
“Two bros, chilling on a boat, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay,” she sing-songed. Sam looked mortified again but masked his face into something more irritated with a roll of his eyes when Barnes looked over at him.
“Ignore her. It’s this old video--” Sam started.
But Bucky interrupted to say, “Actually I am gay,” as he looked back over at Sarah. “Sorry if I got your hopes up,” he added with a grin that really did get the hopes up.
“What?” Sam asked and Sarah, ever watchful, could see the beer bottle shaking in his hand.
“What?” Bucky repeated innocently.
“He said he’s gay,” Sarah clarified.
“Thank you, Sarah,” Sam ground out. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Bucky snorted. “When would I have said anything? ‘Sorry for ripping your wings off and kicking you off of a hellicarrier, by the way I’m gay.’?”
“You did what?” Sarah asked.
“‘Sorry for claiming I didn’t bomb the UN only to be reverted back to the assassin who would have done that and then fighting you again. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Thanks for saving my life. Sorry about the giant undersea prison. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘There’s an imminent battle with weird ass space dogs that want to eat our faces. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Sorry about Tony Stark, whose life I kind of ruined. Lovely funeral. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘I’m in the middle of being pissed at you about the Shield. By the way I’m gay.’ ‘Maybe don’t take me rolling through a field of flowers. It does things to me ‘cause I’m gay.’ ‘John Walker’s fucking insane. I’m gay, but definitely not for this bullshit.’ I mean, come on, Sam.”
“Flowers?” Sarah asked.
“Besides, why would you care? I don’t make it a habit of telling straight guys I’m into guys.”
“You don’t seem to make a habit of telling many people that,” Sarah pointed out. “I googled you. Nothing suggesting that came up.”
Bucky shrugged. “I’m a guy from the 30s. It was trained out of me.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Sarah said quickly. “Back up away from that because we’re not gonna try to Oppression Olympics our way through our histories. Did you just say Sam was straight?”
“Sarah!” Sam hissed.
“Sure. I mean, I saw him with Romanov. Hill. He has Tinder on his phone.”
“Samuel Thomas, you better not,” Sarah warned lightly. “You’re better than that.”
“He’s a lady-killer.”
Sarah snorted and had to bring her hand up to her face. “He definitely is not. There has been no lady-killing on his end for a long time.”
“Sarah!” Sam tried again.
“You explain it to him then. Mr. 30s is gonna need the long way round explanation.”
Sam sighed and dragged his hand over his face. “Dammit. Fine. I’m not straight either, alright? I’m...bi, or something. It’s been a while since I’ve had to think about it.”
“What?” Bucky asked, not unlike Sam had.
“He said he’s bisexual. Interested in both parties. Swings either way. Hit a homerun and then hasn’t really swung since.”
“Sarah, Jesus Christ,” Sam groaned.
“What?” Bucky asked again.
“I was engaged. To a man,” Sam said.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Bucky asked, clearly missing the irony.
“Oh, it was inconvenient for you but I had plenty of opportunities, huh?” Sam asked. “Ms. Tell-It-All over there wasn’t joking. I haven’t swung any direction in a while. Not since before I met Steve. My fiance died. And then it never came up.”
Bucky blinked at Sam. He kept bringing the bottle halfway up his body and then setting it back on his leg without ever taking a drink. “Fuck, Sam, I’m sorry,” Bucky said, which was not what Sarah was expecting and it clearly wasn’t what Sam was expecting because Sam finally moved closer to Bucky on the bench.
“What for? You didn’t do anything. This time.”
“Yeah, but if I’d known you were into me too, I woulda kissed you in Germany.”
“Oh, I am so not into you,” Sam denied. “And I wouldn’t have our first kiss ruined by immediately running into the government’s roving show monkey.”
“That’s the worst,” Bucky agreed and also finally moved over on the bench until they were pressed thigh to thigh. “Tell me how much you don’t like me again,” he challenged.
“I can’t stand you,” Sam answered and brought his hand up to Bucky’s jaw.
Sarah couldn’t fight down the grin that came to her face and turned to prop her feet on the pier, back to Sam and Bucky. Just this once, she didn’t need to watch her brother to understand him.
Read on AO3 here!
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Part I.
with Johnny ‘Coco’ Cruz.
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Warnings: none.
Word count: about 2k.
Aurora says: this writing hasn't been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I'm sorry about that!
Gif credits: to my wonderful @sonsofeorl ✨
Masterlist. You can subscribe to my broadcast list, to be notified whenever I post a writing!
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The klaxon sounding outside and calling your attention, pushes you out of your thoughts. You weren't sure about what kind of outfit would be appropriate, being this your first date ever. Putting on the skirt of the black tight dress well, to get the wrinkles out, you grab your bag to hand it in a shoulder. Keeping your keys inside it, as you go downstairs, you can't help but show him a shy smile on your lips when you see Coco resting against the pilot seat. Thinking how good the black baseball cap on backwards fits on him, he welcomes you between his arms, narrowing you under his grip for a second.
“Ready?” He's trying to hide his nerves, the same you're feeling and getting mixed with the tickles in your belly. You nod.
He follows you to the other side of the car, to open the door for you. By the gesture on his face, you are very sure that it's the first time he does something like that. Stepping in, he closes it without a word, securing the seat belt over your chest and waist in the meantime that he takes a place by your side. The plan is simple, but amazing. Dinner at the fair in Santa Madre and then, maybe, a walk. Whatever is enough for you two, after the way you met some weeks ago. But even if you were almost dying to be close to the other, the road to the mexicali border is quiet and silent. Only the latin music through the speakers breaks it.
Once the Mayan has parked the car, you two get out of it. You can't help but let your eyes travel around the place. There are a lot of colorful lights, people everywhere. You can hear the laughs of everyone walking next to you, children running from one side to another, and more music. You like it. It's like a site you would go if you were sad. That happiness wrapping you, draws a smile on your lips, unconsciously, with your orbs finding Coco's. He chuckles watching you admire the fair as a child would do. One of his arms ends up over your shoulders, mingling with the crowd and looking for one of those food trucks installed there. Following the smell of fried frijoles, you urge him to walk a little faster, raising your nose to take a deep breath by it.
“That's the one”. You sentence, pointing at it.
“You sure, mami?” He laughs.
“Yes”. Nodding firmly, you place yourself at the end of the row.
For some reason, maybe for inertia, you intertwine your fingers with the long ones hanging over your shoulder, before placing your other arm around his lower back. You feel comfortable in that position, waiting to be attended to.
“So, what you want t—”.
You can't finish the question, when his phone starts to ring. Clicking his tongue, Coco rolls his eyes.
“Sorry, gotta answer, I'll be back in a moment. Order whatever you want”.
A little disappointed, he disappears from your visual field almost suddenly. Puckering your lips, you turn back to the food truck, taking some steps to the counter. You aren't sure of his tastes, so you order a piece of every taco on the menu and two beers. In the meantime you look for your purse inside your bag, but when you're about to pay, the mexican appears putting fifteen dollars over it.
“Nah, c'mon, I wanna buy you”. Even if you complain, he doesn't care.
“Next date”. He replies.
His arm is back to your shoulders, making you feel strangely protected. But that sensation turns to one more nervous when he places a soft kiss on your temple. The nice shivers run your spine, and you can't help but surround his waist with your arms. A fleeting hug happens between you two, intensifying the tickles within your belly. He smells so good, flooding your lungs with his scent even if you don't want to. It's inevitable. But the gesture, much to your regret, gets broken when the order is ready. Guiding your steps to a picnic table, unlike others couples there, you sit together. Arm by arm.
“Damn, I'm starving”. He whispers, a little fascinated for your good taste, when he opens the cardboard box.
Luckily, you have made the right choice.
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“But you are from Mexico!” He says a little surprised, with an incredulous gesture on his face.
“So, what?”
“How is it possible that you don' like guacamole?”
“You don't like corn! And that's the main ingredient of our recipes”.
“Nah, I don' like raw corn, you know… I eat it when it's cooked”.
“What a shame”. You laugh, covering your mouth with a hand just for a moment.
“Shame on you, mami! You're the one who doesn' like guacamole”.
“Okay, let's make a deal”.
Coco places himself in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest. Curious.
“Next date, I will take you out to a mexican restaurant. In Yuma. A friend told me about it. So… You will try raw corn, and I will try guacamole”. You propose poking his chest with your forefinger.
“Deal”. He nods offering you a hand.
Narrowing it with yours, he doesn't waste time to put back his arm on your shoulders, without loosening the grip. Getting mixed between the crowd, he leads you to one of the stalls. A shooting one. Raising an eyebrow, you look for his dark eyes wrinkling your nose.
“Wanna impress me?” You chuckle. “Will you hit a single one?”
“One?” He pretends to be indignated. “Watch out, mami”.
Taking off the baseball cap, he puts it on you, palming the top of your hair to look for some dollars inside his wallet. As soon as he has the rifle between his arms, the mechanism starts to move all the wooden ducks. Putting his elbows over the counter, he leans forward, placing his right eye on the peephole. The shots are fast and accurate. Poor ducks. Yes, you are impressed, but you don't show it more like puckering your lips with a soft smile.
“See?” Coco raises his chin with a proud gesture, before pointing at the bigger stuffed animals. “Choose”.
“That one, please”. You mumble to the stalls owner, with your eyes over a big white seal with googly eyes.
Coco is happy seeing you carrying it all around the fair, even if you have your hands on it and not on him. Having a walk and sharing a blue cotton candy, he can't help but focus on his baseball cap on you. It looks good. For him, you look like an angel. Always wearing that smile that makes his heart flutter. But what gives him curiosity enough to push him into his thoughts is the fact that you didn't ask about his aim. Like if you don't care. Not in the way that you don't want to know things about him, but in the way that you know what is going on on Santo Padre and its surroundings. And you accept it.
“Earth to Coco, earth to Coco”. Imitating the sound of a broken radio, the mexican looks at you. Laughing like two idiots, he shakes his head. “What about the ferris wheel?”
“You wanna ride there, ah?”
“Yes. What? Are you gonna tell me you're afraid of heights?”
“You're challengin' me a lot tonight…”
“Just a little”. Holding the seal with an arm, you make a gesture with two fingers from your free hand. “Lemme ask that guy if he can keep my new friend”.
Coco simply nods, placing himself at the end of the row, while you walk towards the stall. Knocking the window, the old man with a friendly look attends you opening the door.
“¿Sí, chamaquita?”
“¿Puedo pedirle dos favores?” (Can I ask you two favors?) The man laughs, maybe you are too evident. Giving him twenty dollars and the seal, he understands. “Muchas gracias”.
“Disfruta, niña”. (Enjoy, kid)
Now your arms can surround Coco again, who kisses this time your cheek.
From there, you can see all around you. Santa Madre, the border, Santo Padre and all their surroundings, with the desert. The views are simply amazing, resting your temple on his shoulder. You could be there for an eternity, just with him, feeling his fingers caressing your cheek so gently that give you some soft chills. Your heart jumps slightly when the ferris wheel suddenly stops. Of course, you were expecting it.
“¡Denme un momento!” (Give me a second!) The old man steps out from his stalls, feigning that something isn't working.
“The lucky ones”. You joke then, as if it wasn't your idea.
“Nah, don' worry, I protect you, mami”. Coco says, closing his arms around you a little tightly.
“Yeah, I'm double lucky”. Chuckling, and focusing on the fact that he doesn't look worried, you squint for a second.
“Nothing”. You laugh loud.
But this melodic sound ends up drowning onto his lips, when he presses yours with his. For inertia, you close your eyes. Your hands travel to his chest and the back of his neck, pushing yourself a little closer. Your mouths look like the pieces of a puzzle, destined to fit with the other. Taking his time, Coco slides his tongue into your cavity, tasting your saliva until he finds yours. Both touching slightly, but making you feel countless sensations, tangling your fingers on his shirt. The slow gesture is turning itself in your favorite thing ever, until it gets interrupted by the attraction working again. Your laughs rhythmic his, so close that you can almost drink each other's.
Tumblr media
Much to your regret, the night has to have an end. It's late and both of you work the next day. Actually, you have to wake up in less than six hours. But it's worth the tiredness. Parking in front of your house, in the same place you found him some hours ago, you step out of it as he does. Taking off the baseball cap, you offer to him back, but he shakes his head denying it.
“Keep'et, so you can wear it on our next date”.
“Okay”. Smirking at him, you grab the big stuffed animal under an arm.
His hands go straight to your lower back, hugging you against his chest. You don't want him to go, but he has to. Even if he doesn't want either.
“Did you have fun?” Coco whispers onto your ear, you just nod.
“Tell me… something”.
Putting yourself away from him and licking your bottom lip for a second, you twist your neck a little to the side.
“Did you… pay that man to stop the ferris wheel?”
“Ah… Well…” He says, somewhat nervous. “Yeah, maybe… Sorry, I tho—”.
“I did it too”.
The mexican stays in silence for a second, before breaking into laughter.
“That motherfucker scammed us!”
“Yeah, we're a little dorks…” You nod then. “Okay, ahm… I gotta go…”
“It's okay, gotta too”.
His lips come back to yours, as you were craving since the first kiss ended. Again, his soft caresses make you lose the north. Your fingers stroke his scalp, running the tip of your nails down to his nape.
“Will you text me tomorrow?”
He sounds worried, even if he tries to hide it, touching your nose with his and his forehead resting against yours.
“Yeah, maybe…”
Tickling your sides, he makes you laugh loud again, before attracting you between his arms to hug you tightly.
“I will, I own you a second dinner”.
“That's true”.
“Good night, Coco”.
“Sleep good, mami”.
Grabbing the seal with both hands, you leave a last kiss onto his lips, before guiding yourself to the main door of the building. Once that he sees light inside your flat, through the windows, making sure you are at home, he leaves with a huge smile on his lips. The crew is waiting for him at the clubhouse, to know how the date was.
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uwua3 · 4 years
may I request taichi with friend/crush reader? reader asked taichi to help them dye their hair, and while the hair dye is processing they start to awkwardly flirt/joke with each other to the point that they don't notice how much time passed and the dye became too dark. i'm sorry if this is too specific, but thank you so much in advance if you do write it! take care! c:
hi hi, anon~ ☆ thank you so much for requesting! this made me sososo #Happy because taichi deserves all the love in the world 💗 !! ∪・ω・∪ please give our baby puppy nanao your heart 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 he deserves it! you also deserve love, anon~ ‧⁺◟( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ ·̫ ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ ) please accept all my #Love 💖✨ for this prompt! thank you for everything, i love you lots, okay? :D 💕
summary: when your best friend, taichi, texts you there’s an emergency, you come running to a bad hair day
author’s note: please love taichi lots, reader! that’s all~ have a good rest of your day and remember taichi & i will always love you sososo much !! (>◡<♡).:。
word count: 3,055
music: dream boy – waterparks
bad hair day!
🍁🛹 nanao taichi
“where is he?!”
sakyo stared down at you, opening the door after waking up to repetitive pounding that nearly shook the whole dorm
you were still in your pajamas and out of breath—did you run over here?
before sakyo could angrily swear at you for making no sense just past midnight, you ducked underneath his arm and escaped around the corner
although some dorm lights were on, most of the rooms were pitch black as expected of it being a school day tomorrow. you were about to sprint into the slightly ajar door of room 105 before omi stepped out, an amused smile greeting you
“taichi’s in the bathroom, if you’re looking for him.” omi gestured towards the shared bathrooms at the end of the hallway, to which you gratefully thanked him and ran off again
(omi looked after you, a smile upon his tired expression. “kids these days.” omi yawned, heading back into his dorms and shutting the door softly behind him)
you didn’t take as much consideration into your actions before you slid into the communal bathroom, slamming the door behind you with uncontrollable force. you leaned against it, panting as you finally saw him
nanao taichi was sitting near the sink with three (3) boxes of random hair dye on the counters, very obviously confused and distressed
“taichi, what’s the emergency?!”
“my hair dye isn’t the right shade!”
“... are you serious?”
this was it. it was hair–dye day
except this time, it wouldn’t be just taichi’s hair transformation—you were getting a new look, too!
how did you get yourself into this mess exactly? maybe sleepily reading an urgent message from your best friend late at night declaring he was having an “emergency” wasn’t a good idea after all...
there was something about taichi’s big puppy eyes that couldn’t make you say no despite all your frustration, so here you were, tiredly following an overexcited boy down the aisles of the local convenience store
did i mention it was way too late? on a school day, by the way? i didn’t, well, now you know!
“taichi,” you called out, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes and tried not to wince at the bright led lights of the display. taichi barely paid attention, humming an incoherent answer as he browsed the rainbow shelf of hair dyes in front of him
“don’t you think... we should wait until tomorrow?” taichi seemed to process your words a moment late, because he turned towards you, bewildered as if you were the crazy one
yeah, you were crazy. taichi definitely wasn’t holding three wildly different boxes of hair dye and debating between all of them. he also definitely didn’t mislead you into thinking something happened when all he had was s bad hair day. you knew you had to intervene or else his usual red would become kazunari’s palette
“tomorrow? what’s wrong with now?”
“it’s almost midnight, we have school in nearly seven hours, and i know for a fact you didn’t do your homework.”
(taichi flinched at that and you were unsatisfied to see you were right, as always)
“i know that, but!—” “it’s midnight.” “hey, new day, new you, right?” “we have school in a few hours.” “think of how cool you’ll be showing up with dyed hair!” “you have homework.”
“i know, i know,” taichi shrugged, holding the boxes up to his line of sight with serious consideration as he glanced at you. with one look at your tiredness, taichi put the red cart down and completely faced you, putting his hands on your shoulders with a pout
“come on, don’t be like that!” taichi whined, nearly stomping his feet when you just huffed and looked away. jumping so he stayed in your view, it was like a pet wanting attention and using its cuteness as its charm
“hey, hey, look at me, please~?” taichi dragged out, moving his hands so they cupped your cheeks. he made you look at him and all you saw was a backwards baseball cap on a head of nearly half black hair and wide cyan eyes. he looked fully awake, you wondered where his infectious energy came from
“turn that frown, upside down!” taichi turned the corners of your lips up with his pointer fingers, making you automatically smile with the way his giggle got louder. “that’s my best friend!” taichi patted your cheeks again and bounced back down to his heels, rocking back and forth on his worn down sneakers
“look at us! we’re two high schoolers about to make an impulsive decision! nothing could go wrong!” taichi laughed and although there were a million things that could’ve gone wrong, you just sighed with a smile on your face
“you’re right.” you said even if he wasn’t. taichi just picked the cart back up and tilted his head towards the dyes, asking for your opinion on what colors you liked
you chose red, too. when taichi questioned why curiously, you patted his head and responded with, “so we can match!”. the boxes of hair dye you both bought were red just like taichi’s face when you answered honestly
sneaking back into the bathroom to avoid the “you have school” lecture from a very pissed off sakyo who still couldn’t go back to sleep, you and taichi failed at hushed whispers. everything felt like a joke and it didn’t exactly help taichi found everything you did hilarious and comical
setting down the boxes like it was second nature, taichi let out a sound of excitement at the colors. even if you were running on little to no sleep, you felt the same with the adrenaline of looking like a new person in just a few hours
“we’re gonna look so cool!” taichi squealed, taking his time mixing the dye color with the bowl and brush quickly
you sat on the sink counter, swinging your legs as taichi leaned onto the surface next to you, rambling away about how popular red was this season and how all the students will fall in love with his trendiness
used to your friend’s lovesick, hopeless romantic antics, you fondly rolled your eyes as you stretched, stifling a yawn
“is that why you decided to dye your hair tonight?”
“... maybe. there was advice that having perfext roots would attract any woman in my favorite love advice column!”
“...” “do you think people will like my hair?” “they might think we’re a couple since we’re matching.”
taichi suddenly stopped mixing, staring at the bowl wide eyed at the red dye. you were about to ask what happened, before taichi nervously laughed and looked towards the ground
“u–us? a couple?! no way...” taichi blurted out, avoiding your eyes as he began mixing even faster
“do you want me to change my color then—?” you cautiously started, about to change your mind before taichi interrupted hastily, almost knocking the other boxes over by waving his gloved hands
“no! i mean, haha... no, no, it’s fine! don’t worry about it!” taichi laughed so you slowly nodded, not buying it but deciding to go with the flow anyways. you were too tired to think about it too hard
you both unanimously agreed that taichi would dye your hair first. after all, he had more experience doing this by himself until you came along
one thing though, you didn’t want to ruin your pajama shirt. after rummaging through his closet quietly, you felt a t–shirt land on your head and heard a victorious laugh from the doorway
lifting the shirt, you recognized the one–eyed monster graphic design on the front, its tongue sticking out with some graffiti text above its head
“are you sure? you always wear this one?” you hesitated to take it before taichi forced it back into your hands, his expression easy and humorous
“take it, it’ll look better on you, anyways.” taichi casually said and you wondered how many smooth pick up lines he’s been reading. but, one look at his light smile and you could tell he genuinely meant it
returning back into the bathroom wearing a black t–shirt, you had changed into his t–shirt as well. while you were making sure all the dyes were separated to avoid any accidents, you barely noticed taichi stop dead in his tracks
(how come you looked so... good, in his t–shirt? maybe, he should give you his clothes more often... taichi gulped, wondering why he was suddenly feeling this way. it must’ve been the lack of sleep, the tiredness of staying up past his usual bedtime, that’s all!)
“are you ready for the best hair day ever?”
unexpectedly, taichi was quiet for the next hour or so. you could tell from the way he carefully applied just the right amount on your roots to how he knew the time on the box without even looking
maybe it was the way neither of you had proper sleep schedules, but you nearly fell asleep when taichi began combing your hair. after letting it develop, taichi began evenly distributing the red color while humming a popular pop song from his playlist in the background
you didn’t know when you dozed off, but you woke up to a flash of a camera and heard taichi’s snickers right in front of you. rubbing your eyes, you sat up straighter to notice a plastic bag was wrapped around your hair with an empty bowl of red dye discarded in the sink
“morning, sleepyhead~!” taichi greeted way too happily at this hour, making you groan as you stood up. “you didn’t sleep, taichi?” you wondered out loud, noticing how he scrolled through his phone aimlessly with a nonchalant sound
“yawn—i mean! i’m not even tired, gotta wait for your timer to go off to rinse your hair!” (it was his rule that he was always the last person to sleep if he was with you) taichi proudly held up his phone and showed you the screen, as if you could see it from there
(maybe if you could, you would’ve prevented the disaster about to occur in the very near future)
“your turn, puppy. come over here.” you stretched and taichi squealed, running over just to nearly knock over the chair from excitement. taichi always liked doing things with you, and you pampering him made him feel a lot happier than he’d like to admit
“can you stay still?” “i’m trying~! geez, so mean first thing in the morning... uuh...” “awww come on, don’t act like a kicked puppy, taichi!” “woof...”
it was the saddest bark you’ve ever heard. you smiled even if taichi was squirming in his seat and pet his dry hair, your best friend automatically leaning into your touch with a content sigh as he closed his eyes. oh, finally! taichi went still, letting you start the dye process quickly
just like you, taichi was on the verge of staying awake and falling asleep. it was nice to have someone taking care of you like a little kid, not to mention how neither of you have slept for more than half a hour at time. as you applied the rest and making sure all the sections were even, taichi stirred in his sleep with a cute yawn again
“i’m cool, right?” taichi mumbled, seemingly getting closer and closer to snoring. you held back a snicker, nodding your head as you kept going with the dye. for your first time, it wasn’t even that bad
“yes, of course. you’re the coolest boy at o high, taichi.” you reassured truthfully, to which taichi pouted like a kid, crossing his arms and leaning his head back. you made sure none of the dye dripped off before you started painting the bright red on again
“that’s not true... juza and tenma go to o high... they’re so popular, everyone loves them.” taichi added on sadly, but you knew he meant it and it wasn’t just fishing for compliments. wondering why a boy as amazing as taichi would have an inferiorty complex, you frowned and tried to focus on applying the dye
“well, i think you’re the coolest to me, then. after all, juza and tenma don’t have this cool red hair!” you almost ruffled his hair but stopped, knowing it’d mess up the part. taichi must’ve sensed you were about to do so, because he let out a loud, sudden laugh with a big smile
“hehe, you’re the coolest to me, too!” taichi trailed off into a low voice, about to fall asleep for good. you wrapped his head to make sure the hair stayed in place, satisfied with your hard work and dedication to your best friend’s appearance
“do you say that to everyone you meet?” you joked, but taichi just shook his head vigirously, entering sleepy puppy mode anyways
“no, just you, you know why~?”
“‘cause... i like y...”
taichi snored, his head falling lower as he fell asleep for good. you didn’t even process it, deciding to take the seat next to him without checking the time
time to get some shut eye...
you slowly woke up, realizing that you were now laying your head on top of taichi’s. he was almost drooling on your shoulder, even breaths leaving his lips as he continued sleeping. you lifted your head to look around for the reason why you woke up, until you noticed the constant ringing of taichi’s phone on the sink counter
“puppy, wake up, it’s time to rinse our hair.” you pushed taichi off, automatically waking him up as he rapidly blinked, trying to focus his blurry vision as he yawned
“... has the sun always been up?”
you froze, staring at taichi’s casual expression before it morphed into shock, his wide eyes finding yours with urgency. don’t tell me...
you rushed off the chair, nearly hitting it to the ground as you grabbed taichi’s vibrating phone, looking at the screen. instead of a timer for rinsing, it was labeled for starting the school day
“taichi.” you said, slowly turning to see him staring back at you. the realization dawned upon both of you severely. “we have school in less than a hour.”
mankai bathrooms were always chaotic in the morning, especially with twenty (20) plus boys all sharing one space. yet, today might’ve been the worst day to use the bathroom yet
you and taichi immediately began cleaning up and rinsing your hair at the same time, losing your minds over the lack of time as you two knew both your hair could not be saved
“what if i’m not cool anymore?!”
“can we focus on going to school on time?”
(banri and juza were exchanging their usual harsh morning greetings to each other, walking side by side to the bathroom only to hear taichi’s pierching shriek and your immediate scream back. they shared a look before collectively going back to their room, not wanting to know. it was the first thing they agreed upon in a while)
taichi dashed out of the bathroom with half a hour to spare, quickly putting on his uniform on without noticing omi who stood by the door, holding onto taichi’s backpack with an amused glint to his eyes
when taichi finally found his o high dark green blazer and pants (his dress shirt buttons were mismatched, but that wasn’t important), he was about to run right past omi before omi put his arm out, stopping taichi from leaving
“forgetting something?” omi held out taichi’s backpack with a packed lunch, making taichi exhale with relief as he took it gratefully. “omi, you’re the best ever!”
omi instead shook his head and crossed his arms, gesturing towards the bathroom where you were still cleaning up the red mess
“no, they’re the best. make sure you tell them that.” omi scolded gently, ruffling taichi’s hair but suddenly narrowing his eyes, looking the teen up and down with a confused look
“huh...? didn’t you dye your hair, why isn’t it that red?”
“don’t remind me, omi!”
(fun fact: leaving hair dye on for longer than 45 minutes will in fact, make the color much darker than intended)
(also... dry hair...)
you luckily brought your uniform, thinking the big emergency would require a sleepover. you stepped out of the bathroom and apologized to the bewildered and incredulous line that formed outside, rushing off to find taichi shoving a piece of bread in his mouth
“here! catch!” you assumed taichi tried to say, because his words were muffled as he threw you something from the kitchen. you caught it with ease, putting it in your pocket as you and taichi said goodbye to everyone in the dorms
you two didn’t even bother addressing why taichi’s hair was many shades darker and why yours was red as well. you two just left and prayed to whoever was listening you’d make it to school on time... or else
half way through making it out the door, you and taichi finally caught each other’s eyes and burst into laughter, nearly falling onto each other in the middle of the sidewalk like a bunch of weirdos
“yo! look at our hair!” taichi spluttered out, reaching up to touch your now red hair. you wheezed, trying to not cry from the sheer audacity of the strange situation at hand
“dude, look at your hair! it’s even darker!” you laughed and even though his bright red hair was apart of his identity, taichi couldn’t stop laughing just because he went through it with you
“am i still cool?”
“definitely, even cooler now, i think.”
the laughter died down and taichi wrapped his arm around your shoulder, grinning like there was no tomorrow
“you’re the best. i’m so lucky to have you.”
you suddenly remembered something you didn’t respond to just mere hours ago, and figured it was better late than never
“i like you, too.”
when taichi overcame his visible shock and multiple “are you serious?! don’t play with my feelings like that!” and figuring out you were being honest, he slipped his hand into yours with a visible jump to his step as you two walked to school
even if he wore gloves, his hands were still somewhat stained red from the hair dye that started it all
(“did you do the homework this morning?”)
(“... we had homework?”)
(“oh, taichi...”)
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yeongwvnhi · 4 years
You and I on top of it all
This one is quite the brutal piece of work so proceed with caution and be mindful of the warnings. Do tell me if I missed something possibly triggering.
Pairing - Oneus Hyung line (only one makes it) x fem reader
Genre - Angst, Suspense, Suggestive, Horror, Gore
Warnings - murder, violence, blood, weapons, language, death, injuries, guns, shooting, graphic descriptions of murder and violence, romanticizing these themes for the plot
Taglist - @twancingyunhoe @runaway-fics @bearseokie @kingleedo @malzenn
Word count - 3k
It was 11pm and you were hurrying down the street to get back home. You weren't planning on being outside when it started. Last year still left you shaking in your boots, but this year you will turn the table and stop being afraid. 
What exactly is it? 
It is the purge. The day every crime is made legal and services like police, firefighters or paramedics aren't available. 
Originally you were planning on just hiding out somewhere safe until the 12 hours were over but not this year. This time you wanted to let loose, go absolutely crazy and see where the night will take you. Maybe you'll find a companion or more? Maybe you'll die, who knows? 
Back on topic.. Why were you even out this late? Simple. You bought some nice weapons for tonight. What were those weapons? An array of knives, a bat with spikes and even a damn katana. This time you wouldn't hold back. 
A guy came your way and immediately changed course after seeing your array of weapons. This was exactly what you wanted people to do. Fear you, be scared for their life and just run as far away as they could from you. 
Eyeing the clock above your TV in the living room while taking off your shoes, you realize that it's barely 11:20pm. The fun would have to wait. 
With a shrug you move into your bedroom to put on tonight's outfit. You were going crazy tonight and no one would hold you back, not even your damn clothes. 
You have carefully picked out your clothes a few days ago just for tonight. All black to blend into the night, your casual tight fitting jeans and shirt and your newly bought jacket. There you would store all the knives since it had a lot of pockets. 
The sound of a notification from your phone made you stop examining yourself in your mirror and with an eye roll you go to check. 
Hwanwoong: Hey Y/N, I know that you will be partaking in tonight's purge… I hope you won't die so I can see you again soon.. 
Your best friend has always been worried about you and everything that could happen. 
You: I will be just fine, Woong, don't worry. You better be safe tho or I will kill you. 
After you sent your reply, you didn't bother to check if he answered. You wouldn't be taking your phone with you tonight. Everything else besides your weapons will be staying in your apartment tonight… besides your keys, you decided to give them to your friendly neighbor since he would be waiting out the event tonight. 
Once again your eyes find the clock and a small smile slowly crawls onto your lips. 11:30pm. Soon the fun would begin and you just couldn't wait to finally get your sweet, sweet revenge. 
You secure your sword around your back with the holster and then take your baseball bat. These spikes were so sharp and you couldn't wait to see the damage they would cause. 
The weight of your jacket slowly increased the more knives you put into the pockets and you were so full of adrenalin, to find the person who took everything from you. 
11:45pm, the crazed smile slowly made its way back onto your lips. Just a little while. 
You got up and put your also black leather boots on, tired of waiting for the chaos to unfold. 
With the baseball bat in one hand and your keys in the other you exit your apartment. You lock the door and go to knock on your neighbor's door. 
The man opens the door and you give him a less crazy smile upon seeing the fear in his eyes. "Hey Keonhee, don't worry i just came here to drop off my keys!" You say and hold up said object. 
The taller guy visibly relaxes and smiles back at you. "You scared me there, Y/N" 
"Sorry~" you chuckle and put your keys into his outstretched palm. "Please be safe, yeah?" 
Keonhee chuckles nervously and nods. "You too" 
"Oh I will" you reply, "I'm going to go now. I'll see you tomorrow at 12" 
He closes the door and you hear several locks clicking shut behind it, one after another. 
You swing the bat up and rest it on your shoulder, mindful of the spikes, and walk down the street. It was awfully quiet now and your gaze meets the giant digital clock on a huge building. 
"Hey!" Someone calls after you and you halt in your steps. "Where are you heading to?" 
You turn around and look at the guy. Tall, black hair and also full black attire. "Why would you wanna know? But I suppose you already know the answer judging from your choice of clothing" 
He walks closer and you now fully see his features. He looks too good to be true. The black turtleneck sweater isn't helping your thoughts either. "You're right" he replies with a sinister smirk. "I'm also going to fuck up someone's life" 
You immediately felt drawn to him, he looked just as crazed as you right now. 
But that didn't mean you'd stay here any longer to chat away, no. It was almost time and you wanted to get your hands dirty. 
So you give the guy an almost too nice looking smile and turn back around. 
"Hey, where are you going?" He asks and you hear his fast paced footsteps approach you. "Don't just leave a conversation like that" 
You chuckle and start swinging your bat around. "I don't really care about conversations right now, pretty boy" 
The Guy scoffs, but you see his smirk in your peripheral vision. "So… are you out for someone special tonight? Or do you just want to blow off some steam?" 
"Does it really matter?" You question in return and meet his eyes for a second. "Also, who even are you?" 
"I'm Youngjo" He replies and shoots you a grin, this time less sinister. "And I guess it does? I could help you out" 
He did have a point, maybe he would actually be of help. "Fine" you nod. "Someone-" 
A loud alarm shakes the silence of the city, the purge has started. 
The two of you immediately look at each other with an excited expression. "Fuck it, let's spill some blood" he says and grabs you by the wrist, dragging you right into the chaos of people running around left and right. 
You manage to escape his grip and fasten your pace to match his. 
"Out of my way!" Someone yells and you see a guy running straight at you. 
No way you're having that shit tonight. "Fuck off!" You spit back and swing your baseball bat right at the guy's head. 
Pretty much to his horror because he can't stop and runs straight into your death trap. His skull smashes against your spiky weapon and you feel his blood splattering onto your face. 
Youngjo has stopped running the moment he heard you spitting back at that guy and witnessed the gory scene. He felt his heart skip a beat and met your eyes, both of you dazed.
"That felt so fucking good" You murmur and Youngjo nods eagerly. For that moment the two of you completely blended out the chaos around you. 
Until there were gunshots, that's when you reacted and pulled him into an alleyway, hiding behind the wall to not get shot. 
Youngjo cornered you against the wall, one hand beside your head for balance. He had his gaze fixated on your side profile while you were checking where the gunshots were coming from. 
"Hey" The tall guy mumbles and your attention belongs to him this instant. "I never thought I'd think that watching a girl smashing a guy's head in would be this hot" 
You click your tongue and roll your eyes, but can't help the smirk that appears slowly. "You're crazy" 
Youngjo's head falls down and he breathes out a chuckle before looking you dead in the eye. "It would be boring if I wasn't, wouldn't it, sweetheart?" 
You can't deny the tingling feeling you felt in your stomach at that and your free hand went up to the back of his neck. "Shut up" 
"Make me" 
"What the fuck are you doing?" A new voice interrupts the two of you. "Wait- Hyung?" 
You turn to look at the guy, annoyance written all over your face for having interrupted the moment. "I fucking hate you for this" 
The guy chuckles nervously and Youngjo leans away to stand at a normal distance. "Why are you here, Seoho? And where is Geonhak?" 
"You didn't just ask me that" he retorts and holds up a bloody machete. "Obviously I'm out for blood tonight" 
A shiver runs down your spine, the vibes that guy gives off are insane. Quite literally. 
"Oh" Youngjo's mouth forms an o-shape. "I see. But now where is Geonhak?" 
"Ah! Right" Seoho piques up and nods his head in the left direction. "He started chasing some weirdo who was about to get a bit too comfy with this girl" 
"Still the nice guy even during a time like this, huh?" Youngjo laughs. "Anyway, we should continue our little fun game now, shouldn't we?" 
You grin and pick up your bat. "We should just go as a group, covering more people n shit" 
"What's your name?" Seoho asks you out of the blue, nodding at your suggestion. 
"Oh, I'm Y/N" You reply before making your way out of the alley and onto the street. "And I see a group of people right up front" 
"Let's spill some blood then, shall we?" Youngjo smirks. 
The two guys follow you and you hear one of them clinking blades together. 
"Hey you!" You shout and the group of four, three guys and a girl, look at you. "Wanna die?!" 
"What are you gonna do, little girl?" One of the guys shouts back and you halt in your steps. 
With a dark chuckle, you open your jacket and pull out a knife. "I'll fucking kill you" is your only response as you throw the knife at him. It connects with his thigh, making him scream in pain and fall to the ground. 
"You have good aim, doll" Youngjo mumbles while passing by you. "Now I'll finish him" 
"Leave some fun for me too!" Seoho whines and just runs at the group of people, slicing the girls throat with his machete with ease. 
Her blood pours out of the massive gash and you hear her gurgling on the liquid. 
One of the two unharmed guys squares up against Youngjo, but he's at a disadvantage in height. 
Youngjo makes quick work of the guy, pulling out a knife from a pocket on his pants and stabbing him in the chest. He pushes the guy away from him and he collapses on the corpse of the girl. 
The fourth guy must've ran away so it's only the injured man on the ground and your little group. 
"Finish him! Finish him c'mon!" Seoho jumps around and you look at Youngjo, but he just nods towards the guy. Your sign to kill him. 
"Too bad that you will die now, huh?" You say and lunge the bat right into his face, killing him right on the spot. "Bastard" You spit and pull out your knife from his thigh and put it back where you took it from. 
"Jesus christ" Seoho murmurs and you look at him. "That was fucking hot" 
You shake off the remains of the guy's brain from your bat. "Shut up" you hiss, slightly flustered. "We should find your friend instead" 
"Right" Youngjo agrees. "Let's go" 
He leads the way with Seoho and you following behind. 
"So… are you out for someone special tonight?" Seoho asks and looks at you through his sharp eyes. "You look tense, darling" 
"I probably won't find him anyways, I'm tense because I don't know if I will die tonight" You give him your answer and hold your bat just a little bit tighter. "So I'm going to use that as my fuel to create as much chaos as I can" 
"I see~" He chirps and focuses back on Youngjo who's still leading the way. 
After a bit more walking, the two guys spot their friend sitting next to a wall, gun in hand and blood on his hands and face. 
"Geonhak, what the fuck happened" Youngjo asks him straight away and kneels in front of him. 
"I killed that asshole, but I also accidently shot the girl. They're both dead" he mumbles, but a satisfied grin forms on his lips. "Now she won't suffer anymore" 
"Hey get up, we gotta create more chaos!" Seoho urges and you exhale a breathy laugh. 
"I think there are a lot of people in the inner city. It's getting louder the closer we get" You say and nod in the vague direction. "Let's go guys" 
"Ooohh sure~" Seoho immediately agrees and Youngjo also looks pleased with your suggestion. 
"Oh you guys brought a companion?" Geonhak asks and stands up. "What's your name pretty girl?" 
You shake the hair out of your face and scoff at the compliment. "I'm Y/N. Now let's go!" 
"I know a shortcut" Seoho exclaims. "It's just-" 
"No! Your shortcuts are dangerous as fuck!" Youngjo rejects his suggestion. 
"C'mon let's just go this way" you tell Seoho. "We can take your shortcut on our way back, alright?" 
"Fine" He grumbles in response. 
Your group quickly gets to the big commotion in the inner city and you just decide to let hell break loose. 
Geonhak starts shooting whoever comes into focus, Youngjo aimlessly stabs people in his way and Seoho attacks everything in his way. 
"Let's dance little lady" some weirdo says and faces you, pipe in his hand. "Got ya!" He yells and strikes at you. 
You dodge in the last moment, swinging your spiky bat at the dude's face, making him stumble back in surprise. "You got a mean one there, hun. Would be a shame if it went out of your hands, right?" 
"Shut up asshole" you hiss and and take another swing at him, this time grazing his arm with a spike and making it bleed. 
"That hurt you stupid bitch" he spits with venom. "I'll end you" 
"Good luck" you huff and take a step back. 
"What-" before he can finish his sentence, you hear a gunshot and blood splattering everywhere. 
"Nice shot Geonhak!" You shout and give the man a thumb up. "Saved my ass" 
After that little exchange you quickly go on and just smash in people heads left and right. 
One was a tough nut though. 
"You've got some nerves, little girl" a tall man smirks after he smacked the bat out of your hands and a good distance away from you. "Attacking others from behind. Tch" 
"Stop talking, bastard" you growl and pull out your katana, glad you took it with you. "I'll kill you" 
"Try to~" he laughs and throws a punch, but you step aside at the last second. 
"Go to hell!" You yell and swing your blade at him, slicing his cheek and leaving him in shock. 
"You'll pay for that you damn bitch" 
After that, a painful shout came from behind you and you heard Geonhak calling out Youngjo's name. 
"Shit-" you go to turn around and leave this fucker behind, but he kicks away your legs and you fall to the ground. 
"Fuck you" you huff in pain, the katana luckily still in your hand. That's when you see your three companions. 
Geonhak has Youngjo's head in his lap and repeatedly smacks his cheeks to get him to wake up. 
But he won't. 
He's dead. 
"Oh noo~ Did your friend die? What a shame" the man mocks and laughs. 
You clench your hand around the handle of the katana and roll onto your back and thrust the blade right into his torso. 
"What-" He coughs in shock before falling to the floor backwards. 
You just stand up and run towards the guys now, falling to your knees next to Youngjo's lifeless body in Geonhak's lap. 
"Who did this?" You ask, emotionless, eyes void of anything but rage. 
"I did" Geonhak mumbles, hanging his head. "I wanted to shoot the fucker you were fighting, but Hyung caught the bullet" 
You remain silent, but you see Seoho behind Geonhak going rigid. "You… killed Youngjo Hyung…?" 
"It was an accide-" 
Geonhak couldn't finish his sentence. Seoho slit his throat right there and the green haired man's blood splattered your already dirty face even more. 
But you weren't fazed. You couldn't help him anymore anyways. 
That's when you noticed just how quiet everything suddenly was, so you looked around and saw corpses upon corpses. 
"When did this happen?" You ask and look at Seoho, his blank stare not bothering you at all as you stand up. 
"I killed the last person before I saw you guys here" He answers and you step away from the two men on the ground, dead and bleeding out. 
You heard Seoho walking up next to you. "So this is it? We go home after this and try to get our lives back together?" 
"Not necessarily" he says, "we can stay together" 
"What do you mean?" 
"People who kill together, stay together" he explains and smiles. He actually looks cute and for a second you forgot that he's a serial killer. 
But so are you. 
"That sounds nice" you smile back. 
"So now it's you and I on top of it all" He whispers and pulls you in close by the waist. "You're mine" 
Your hands wander up to his shoulders and you move closer. "Only yours" you mumble against his lips and he closes the gap, greedily moving his mouth against yours. His grip on your waist tightens and pulls you impossibly closer. 
You'll never forget this day. 
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
The Blip- JJ Maybank
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Gif credit @toesure
Marvel x Outer Banks AU !
Summary: your best friend disappears after 'the blip' only to return 5 years later.
Word count: 1,554
Warnings: none
For the last few years, JJ Maybank had been babysitting you, his younger neighbor. When you first met him, he was only 15 years old. You shyly walked up to him, asking if he would play house with you since your mother never paid attention to you.
Ever since then whenever you needed JJ, he would go over and take care of you or you would be at his house. Your mom never cared how long you stayed at his, she was too busy drinking at bars. He loved you and was always there for you.
You were currently 13 years old when JJ was helping you get ready for the middle school dance. JJ leaned against the doorframe of your room, grinning as you took one final look at yourself in the mirror. "JJ, this looks amazing! How did you manage to do my eyeliner perfectly?" You asked, pointing out just how good his makeup skills were.
"I'm not gonna lie, I practiced for a bit because I figured there be some time you'd wanna give me a makeover or something." He laughed, shoving his hands into his pockets. He walked up behind you, almost falling to the ground as you tackled him in a hug. "Thank you JJ, you're the best!" You grinned, thankful to have him as a friend. 
A shiver was sent through JJ's spine as he released you. He stood there uncomfortably, his hands out by his side. "Are you okay, JJ?" You asked, stepping back before realizing his fingers were starting to disintegrate into thin air. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as your mouth fell open in horror. 
JJ fell to his knees as he held his hands out, watching his own body disappear. Falling to your knees, you held his elbows in your hand. "Y/N? Y/N, what's happening to me?" JJ cried out, collapsing in your arms. "You're gonna be okay JJ. I got you." You panicked, tears squeezing out of your eyes as you watched your best friend slowly slip away from your arms. 
He locked eyes with you, "you're gonna be okay Y/N. You're strong, you're gonna go through life and you're gonna be okay-" JJ's sentence ran short as he disappeared in your arms, you covered your mouth with your hands as you let out a soft cry. You pulled your knees up to your chest, your once soft cries turned into loud sobs. Your best friend was gone, and there was nothing you could do to get him back.
You chose to skip the dance, deciding to lock yourself in your room. Your heart ached knowing that JJ wouldn't see you grow up, you would have to deal with your problems by yourself which scared you.
Nothing could have prepared you for this, you slowly sat down on your bed and began to cry into your comforter.
5 years later.
You sat on your legs criss crossed on your bed as you were watching another episode of Friends as you scrolled through your phone. Your breath hitched in your throat when you came across a picture of you and JJ from years ago before the blip happened. JJ wasn't the only one who disappeared that day, apparently half of the population disappeared as well. You missed him everyday and prayed that he would come back safe.
The sound of something falling onto your floor made your head snap up from your phone. You let out a small shriek at the sight of a body on your floor. "Who the fuck are you?" You asked, grabbing the baseball bat from the side of your bed and standing on the floor.
The person turned around on the ground to face you, their hands raising up in defence. "Please don't hit me I'm sorry!" You immediately froze in your steps at the familiar voice. Turning on your bedside light, you nearly dropped the bat at the sight of JJ Maybank on your floor.
The bat slowly fell from your hand and onto the floor. JJ looked at you and slowly stood up, trying to figure out whose room he mysteriously popped into. "JJ?" You asked, walking towards him. He shoved his hands into his front pockets, a habit he used to do. 5 years later and he's still doing it which you thought was cute.
"I am so, so sorry! I didn't mean to just show up in a stranger's house I was literally just sitting-" you cut him off, "JJ! It's me, Y/F/N Y/L/N!" JJ's eyes widened in disbelief. "No there's no way!" 
You gasped, your heart racing a mile a minute as he smiled brightly, holding out his arms open. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist. He held you tightly as you entangled your fingers into his hair. He laughed loudly as he looked into your eyes. "Y/N I missed you too but it's only been a day since I last saw you, how did you grow up so fast?" He mumbled in the crook of your neck.
You untangled yourself from him as you started up at him with a serious expression. "What?" He asked. "J, It's been 5 years." The truth seemed to have knocked the breath out of him.
"W-what? Wait, woah. Okay, so uh, so that means I'm still 18 but you're...." he trailed off, "18." You nodded your head as you invited him to sit on your bed. "Wait, that means I missed 5 years of your life?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows as a wave of sadness rushed through his body. You leaned forward, resting your hand on his knee.
"Hey, the point is you're here now, okay? So, tell me about what happened in your day." You told him, shifting in your seat to hear his story. Sitting criss crossed, you rested your elbows on your knees while your chin layed on your hands.
"I honestly don't even know where I was. But there were so many people there. I couldn't recognize anybody. I was just standing there by myself when I met this guy, his name was Peter Parker. He's from Queens and he's a total dork but you'd like him. Really friendly. I told him I missed you and he asked if I had a picture so I pulled out my wallet and showed him. He said you were so adorable.  Anyway I told him I'd visit him if I ever got out of there. I also met this guy James but a few people there called him Bucky, we didn't talk much mostly just cause he looked really angry. Then this guy Stephen Strange complimented my hair which was odd but I like the guy. But was it really a whole 5 years?" He rambled on until he was out of breath.
You leaned against your bed frame and sat up straight to look at him, you nodded your head. " whole 5 years of people mourning, people trying to move on, but I just sat here missing you," you paused to take a shaky breath. "5 years of begging to someone out there to bring you and everyone back. 5 years of feeling stupid for having a silly crush on you my entire life. 5 years of just… a hole in my chest." You mumbled, looking down as you picked at your nails.
A tear slowly trailed down your face as you laughed softly, swiping the tear with your thumb. JJ leaned forward and cautiously held the side of your cheek, wiping away the excess tears. "I'm here now Y/N and I'm not going anywhere." You melted into his touch, your hand holding his in place against the side of your face. 
 His gaze went outside of your window, realizing it was still dark out. "Wait, what time is it?" You checked your phone, "3:57 a.m." you answered. His eyes widened, "why are you still awake?" He questioned, lightly snacking your shoulder 
"Hey man, having someone you care about disappear takes a toll on you okay." You defended yourself, still not believing that JJ was in front of you. JJ laid down in your bed, making enough room for you to lay down with him. You took the space next to him, his arm immediately resting around your waist. "This is okay, right?" He asked looking down at you. You quickly nodded your head, resting it against his chest.
"You had a crush on me?" JJ broke the silence causing you to groan in embarrassment. "Shut up. Shut up I didn't mean to say that." You squeezed your eyes shut, hitting your head on his chest. He laughed quietly, lightly scratching your back; something he used to do when you were upset. 
"I hope you know we're gonna talk about that later. But for now just get some sleep, I'm right here." He mumbled. You let your eyelids flutter shut, hearing the faint sound of his heartbeat. You let the sound be the only thing you focused on as you tried to fall asleep, feeling blessed to have him back.
JJ planted a kiss to your forehead before whispering a soft "goodnight Y/N." You couldn't help but smile as you snuggled closer to him. "Goodnight JJ." 
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