#I'm sorry for answering anon messages so rarely
vanteguccir · 5 months
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         𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Between love and pain, Y/N fights to save the relationship that once brought her and Chris together, but Chris's fear of commitment seems to stop them from moving forward, leading the two to find themselves trapped in a labyrinth of despair and uncertainty.
WARNING: Crying, fighting, dark thoughts, insecurities, angst (with a happy ending).
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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Y/N looked at her phone, waiting for a message that never arrived. It was another lonely night, sitting in her bed, with her heart heavy with anguish. Her relationship with Chris started out like a fairy tale, but in recent days, everything seemed to be slowly falling apart.
She couldn't understand what was happening. There was a growing distance between them, as if Chris was moving away from her heart, plunging into an abyss of silence. The calls were becoming less and less frequent, the face-to-face moments rare and full of tension, the last one being the worst they had ever had.
Y/N walked down the hallway of Chris's house with a hesitant but happy heart. They hadn't seen each other for days, and she had noticed how distant he was in his texts, which made her want to visit him and spend the day together, maybe understand what had happened and help him with whatever he needed.
Entering the room she had frequented too many times to even count, she found Chris sitting on his own bed, his gaze lost somewhere in the distance. She quickly opened an involuntary smile, perhaps lighting up the room - as Chris said she always did - but he barely looked at her, his lips curling in a gesture of disdain.
"Hey baby." Y/N muttered softly, trying to ignore the feeling of rejection that enveloped her almost instantly.
"Hey." The brunette replied coldly, his voice cutting like a sharp blade.
Y/N tried to make conversation, she really did. She asked about his day, about how he was feeling, but Chris's answers were short and harsh. He seemed to avoid her at all costs, as if her mere presence was a nuisance.
The pain inside Y/N grew with every second that passed in that house that until days ago had been her refuge. She felt like a stranger in her own skin, an intruder in her own relationship.
As Chris continued to ignore her, the voice in her mind began to scream, hurling cruel accusations at herself. She found herself questioning her own worth, her own ability to love and be loved.
Tears threatened to overflow her eyes, but she fought to keep them contained. She didn't want to give Chris the satisfaction of watching her break, of watching her succumb to the pain he himself inflicted on her.
When it was finally time to leave, Y/N felt relief mixed with despair. She didn't know if she could stand another second in that place, surrounded by Chris's indifference.
Y/N really felt like she was holding on to a fragile rope, about to snap at any moment.
Meanwhile, Chris struggled through a storm of turbulent thoughts. Fear consumed him, dragging him away from the love he had found in Y/N. He found himself trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, fueled by his own insecurities and trauma. It all started when he realized that he loved her, he fell in love... Again.
Each unanswered message was a sharp knife piercing his soul, but he couldn't muster the courage to face his fears. Commitment was a monster that had haunted him since teenage days, a dark shadow that followed him even in his happiest moments.
He found himself questioning everything: his choices, his desires, even the very love he felt for Y/N, he didn't believe he had allowed himself to love her. Would it be fair to drag her into his darkness, condemning her to a life of uncertainty and pain? Or would it be nobler to walk away from her, leaving her free to find someone who could offer her the love she deserved?
The nights became endless for Chris, a constant battle between his head and his heart. He found himself lost in a labyrinth of doubts, struggling to find a way out but only sinking deeper into darkness.
Meanwhile, Y/N desperately tried to understand what was happening. They were just reaching the 3-month mark of their relationship, everything falling apart so suddenly, and so she blamed herself, questioned her own faults, trying to find an explanation for Chris's distance.
Maybe he had finally woken up and saw that she wasn't good enough for him. Maybe he had discovered he wasn't ready for a relationship. Or maybe... Maybe he had found someone else, the ideal and perfect woman.
But the answer was beyond her reach, hidden in the dark recesses of his mind.
And so, the gulf between them continued to grow, separating them more and more. It was a silent tragedy, a love lost in the shadows of doubt and fear. As Y/N struggled to stay afloat, Chris found himself diving deeper and deeper, moving away from the only ray of light in his life.
Y/N took a deep breath before knocking on the door of the triplets' house. Nick's invitation to spend the day there seemed like a ray of hope amid the darkness that consumed her soul. She knew that seeing Chris again would be painful after their last encounter, but the simple possibility of being close to him was enough to make her accept it.
Nick greeted her with a warm smile, but Y/N could barely return it. Her heart was beating wildly as she entered the place that transformed into a stage of pain and uncertainty. Every corner of the house seemed to echo with happy memories, but now those memories were like thorns piercing her skin.
She could feel Chris' gaze on her as she reached the living room floor, but when she turned to face him, he looked away at the turned off television, acting as if she were invisible.
Anguish grew inside Y/N every time she and Nick left his room, and inevitably, as if life was playing a trick on Y/N, came face to face with Chris. She found herself struggling to find words to break the oppressive silence that hung over them both. But Chris remained distant, his eyes empty, his expression impassive, monotonously answering Nick's questions.
She felt like a ghost...
Nick noticed the tension in the air at some point and tried to intervene, but Y/N just shook her head, unable to articulate the pain that consumed her. She felt like a helpless spectator to her own tragedy.
The day dragged on slowly, every minute an unbearable torture. Y/N tried to find comfort in the memories of the happy times she had shared with Chris, but now those memories were like sharp knives, cutting deep into her soul.
Nick found himself looking at Y/N all the time with a worried expression. He knew something was wrong, but Y/N dodged the topic every time he asked, as if he was stabbing her in the chest with a dagger, deciding to just force a smile, swallowing the words burning in her throat.
Y/N walked down the stairs with hesitant steps, determined to get a glass of water from the kitchen, but afraid of finding her own boyfriend - how ironic - without Nick by her side.
Upon reaching the room, her eyes quickly found the figure she knew more than herself, sitting in one of the chairs, his arms resting on the wooden table and his hands holding his phone tightly.
Y/N allowed herself to watch him for long seconds, before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, walking to the fridge, opening it while trying to ignore the feeling that her heart was being crushed in her chest.
"Hey." Her voice came out lower and more broken than she expected, making her wonder if he even heard it.
It's not like he'd answer anything, anyway.
She knew he would ignore her, as he had done all day, but a part of her still longed for a glimpse of the love they once shared.
As she filled her glass with water, the voice in her mind began screaming again, hurling cruel accusations against herself and her relationship.
Obviously, he's going to ignore you. He finally understands that you're just a broken piece to his perfect life.
You are not enough for him. He needs a strong, independent, and self-assured woman, not a scared little girl worn out by life like you.
Wake up, Y/N, he doesn't want you anymore.
You were a mistake.
A terrible mistake.
She found herself sinking into an abyss of self-deprecation, unable to find a way out.
It was then that something inside her broke. A wave of anger and sadness flooded her, filling her with a sudden determination. She dropped the half-full glass on the counter and turned to face Chris, her eyes brimming with pain and indignation.
"Chris." Y/N called, her voice shaking with suppressed emotion, coming out in a more vulnerable tone than she intended. "Can we talk? Please."
Chris blinked, clearly surprised by Y/N's sudden call. His eyes met hers, but he didn't say anything, just waited, as if he feared the words that might fall from his own lips.
He didn't expect her to keep trying.
Y/N felt tears burning in her eyes at the sight of him silent, expressionless, but she fought to hold her ground. She knew she needed to express the emotions that had been stifled within herself. If he didn't want her anymore, that was fine. She understood, but she needed him to formalize the situation.
"I don't know what's going on between us." She continued, clearing her throat, her voice becoming firmer as the words flowed. "But I can't live in this limbo of uncertainty anymore. I deserve better than to be ignored, Chris. We deserve better than this. I want to understand what's going on. What did I do?"
Chris remained staring at her for a few more seconds before lowering his gaze, unable to bear the intensity in Y/N's eyes. He found himself entangled in a web of regret and fear, unable to find the right words to express her feelings.
"I know I've been distant." He finally muttered, his voice thick with pain and his shoulders slumped. "And I'm sorry for that, Y/N. I just... I've been thinking, and I don't know if this is right anymore."
Chris' words cut Y/N like a sharp knife. That was it. He was going to break up with her. It would all come to an end.
She knew it.
"It's okay, it's not your fault." Y/N admitted finally. "It was... It was just a mistake... Right?"
Chris allowed his eyes to run over Y/N's weakened posture, his brow furrowed at her words.
"What was a mistake?"
"Us. We were a mistake...for you, at least." The girl sighed deeply after finishing her sentence, as if something large enough crushed her heart and lungs at the same time, hurting her and taking away all her air.
"No! What? No, honey, you were never a mistake. We... we are not a mistake, I promise you that." Chris perked up, jumping up from his seat, ready to walk over to Y/N, but his feet remained stuck against the floor, preventing him from even moving a centimeter.
"Then why, Chris? Why are you treating me like I'm a stranger? You keep pushing me away even though I try to get closer." She questioned him, thick, fat tears welling up in her eyes, running down her cheeks freely. "God, I did everything in my power to understand you, to talk to you and to make you feel welcomed, despite all the things and affirmations I needed from you too, I don't know anymore-" Her voice was already weakening when a loud and rude sob interrupted her own sentence, her right hand quickly rising towards her slightly open mouth, covering it, trying uselessly to stop the unwelcomed crying.
"Dove, please, I'm sorry for making you feel this way, I don't..." He shook his head, letting out an nervous laugh as his right hand flew to his own face, his index finger and thumb pressing the bridge of his nose, trying to stop his own tears from falling. "It was never my intention. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I just..." The boy's tone became extremely low too quickly, Y/N needing to hold her breath to hear him clearly. "I'm just scared."
"Scared? Scared of what? Do I make you feel scared?"
Chris swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Y/N's words like an anchor in his heart. He knew he needed to be honest with her, even if it meant facing his own demons.
"Scared of commitment... of giving myself completely to someone and ending up hurting myself in the process." His voice was a fragile whisper, loaded with vulnerability. "I know it's not fair to you, Y/N. You deserve someone who can give you the world, someone who isn't afraid to love. But I don't know if I'm that someone."
Y/N's tears continued to fall, a mixture of sadness and frustration that she could barely contain. She wanted to scream, to hit Chris, to demand a clear and definitive explanation. But deep down, she understood his fears, his traumas.
"I understand you're scared, Chris." Her voice was soft now, tinged with compassion, her hands drying her tear-soaked eyelashes roughly, sniffling before speaking again. "And I don't judge you for that, I just needed you to be clear with me, that you trust me enough to talk to me when things get tough. I don't care if you have that fear, I would never invalidate your feelings." She shook her head quickly, as if she wanted to make that clear. "I just wanted to talk, to understand. You left me in the dark."
Chris pressed his lips into a thin line, his eyes brimming with emotion as his left hand went to his own hair, ruffling the strands. He knew Y/N was right.
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, baby, I-" The boy took a deep breath, blinking quickly, trying futilely to ward off the tears that wouldn't stop welling up in his eyes. "I tried so hard to make you hate me. It would make everything easier, right? You would get tired at some point and give up. Give up on me. But I just ended up hurting you..." Chris shook his head, biting his bottom lip hard, the metallic taste of blood flooding his mouth within seconds. "You were breaking up with me, weren't you?" His voice sounded too close to a sob, his lower lip, now hurt, trembling at the thought of no longer having her as his girl, even though that was the plan from the beginning.
"I just thought it was what you wanted. You made it so explicit, Chris. How could I think of any other alternative than that?"
"I'm not too late, am I? To solve this?" His eyes looked like they were close to popping out of his skull when he finally managed to move and was able to walk towards Y/N with quick steps, grabbing her hands pleadingly. "I want to solve this... I'm sorry for what I've put you through these last few days, and I know that just saying sorry won't erase everything that I done, but I'll take care of it. I will take care of you. Please, dove."
"I need to ask you one thing first, Chris. Are you ready to stay in this relationship? I can help you and understand you, but there's no point in trying if you don't genuinely feel ready for this." Y/N explained sincerely, her heart aching with the contact of his skin against her own. She missed his touch so much.
"I do, I want you, only you, all of you, always! Please... please, babe, I-I know that I don't deserve it, but please give me a chance to make this right, to do this properly. Give me the chance to love you the way you deserve." Chris begged, squeezing his girlfriend's fingers between his own, involuntarily pulling her closer. "I want to try again, but properly this time. I want to fight my fears, my demons. And I want to do it with you by my side. Everything seemed so real now. Seeing you trying to break up with me made me realize that I can't see myself without you, I can't."
Y/N kept her eyes fixed on his for long seconds, searching for any trace of doubt, hesitation or lie on his face red and wet with tears, but she could only find a strong mix of hope and love.
She knew the road ahead would be difficult, full of challenges and uncertainty. But for the first time in a long time, she felt a spark of hope light up.
"Yeah? Really?" A low sob escaped Chris's mouth, fat tears rolling down his rosy cheek from the strong emotions in a short space of time, his heart racing strongly against his chest.
"Yeah. I don't want to lose you, so let's do this together." She whispered.
The boy let out a sigh of relief through tears, a small smile taking over his lips in seconds, his hands working to pull hers closer, consequently bringing her body close to his, engulfing her into a tight hug.
"I'm gonna do this right this time."
And she believed him.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hi cc💕 could I request some mammon fluff headcanons 🥺🥺
Hi there, anon!
Of course you can, my friend. I'm sorry it took so long! But I actually feel like this turned out pretty okay? It's definitely fluffy at any rate. And what can I say, I love Mammon. I still don't know what it is about him.
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Mammon
Warnings: none
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Everyone knows that Mammon is down bad for you. Even though he tries to play it off, he can't truly hide it from anyone. He will bluster and try to maintain his cool guy persona, but the reality is that no one is fooled. And the minute you're alone with him, it's like he becomes a different demon.
Mammon is a troublemaker, but he's also fun. When you first meet him, he's always scheming to find ways to make some fast Grimm. But as time goes on, he starts scheming about the best ways to make you smile. He comes up with some elaborate date ideas, taking you places that he thinks will impress you, constantly trying to outdo himself.
Despite this, he also enjoys a simple hang out. He'll take you in his car and just drive around the Devildom. He surprises you by stopping somewhere remote with a beautiful view of the city and the stars. Any time he wants you to himself, away from the chaos of his brothers, he asks if you want to go for a spin. You know this eventually leads to steamy make out sessions on the car hood because Mammon has a hard time keeping his hands to himself.
He's overprotective sometimes, but it makes you feel safe so you don't mind. If he ever feels like you're threatened in any way, he will immediately get between you and whatever the danger is. You have to talk him down occasionally, when a perceived insult from someone makes him start throwing punches.
Mammon likes to touch you. He needs the physical reassurance of your presence. He's always seeking out your hand or putting his arm around your shoulders. Even just sitting close to you is enough, your legs pressed together. If he can have his arms around you, he will. In quiet moments, when you're alone, he'll hold you as close as he can. He'll bury his face in your neck, taking in the feel of you, his grip almost desperate like he won't survive if he ever lets go.
It's at those times when he also finds he can't stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth. Words that he would never say where anyone else could hear. Words that he's kept bottled up for too long. Words that when he finally says them, he realizes he needs you to hear them. You listen and it's like stream of consciousness, almost incoherent, but there's no question that every word is about how much he loves you. About how important you are to him. About how he can't stand being apart from you.
He might even apologize. He knows it's his greed that makes him like this, too needy, too clingy, only wanting more. More of your time, more of your attention, more of your touch and your words and your soul - more of you. He might need your reassurance. Please, MC. Please tell him that ya don't mind. You hafta understand what ya do to him.
You do understand. You tell him as much, as often as he needs to hear it. You hold him close when he wants your touch. You stay beside him when he wants your time. You always answer when he calls you, always focus on him when he's with you. It turns out you've fallen just as hard for him as he has for you. Both of you are so lost in each other it starts to feel like nobody else even exists.
In those rare moments when you are apart, you can almost feel that red string of fate tying you together. When you enter a room that he's in, your eyes find him before anything else. And he's always looking right back at you, a bright grin on his face. When you're thinking of him, your D.D.D. will ding with a message where he's just saying hi. When you're in the human world, it feels like the universe is conspiring to bring the two of you back together.
Mammon will take you to parties and buy you expensive gifts that he worked hard to earn the Grimm for. He will make you feel like you've won the jackpot every day of your life. His favorite thing is to hear you laugh and to laugh with you.
He doesn't bother to think about how human you are. He has told you simply that he just wants to love you while you're still with him. Don't worry about the future. Not when he can have you right here, right now, safe in his arms.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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writing-whump · 1 month
Sensory overload
☕️-anon wished to see how Hector and Arnie were doing in the meantime, so here we go. A bit of Arnie and Hector plus Olive and some emeto.
Arnie found Hector glaring at his phone on the couch at 7 pm.
"I don't think you can make it bend to your will that way," Arnie said as he rubbed at his eyes.
Since Sunday he had trouble sleeping for some reason, waking up at 5 or 6 am although he was never a morning person. He would turn in bed for two hours, trying to get himself back to sleep, but to no avail. It left him tired and grumpy, cause he wanted to sleep but couldn't.
To compensate, he took frequent naps during the day, like the one he just woke up from. Probably worsening the problem by not being tired enough to sleep through the next morning again.
Hector grumbled something, leaning back with his coffee only for his eyes to return to the phone screen 10 seconds later.
"Who's not answering?"
Hector scoffed, like the name wasn't worth saying out loud. Arnie kept quiet and watched him until his older brother finally caved. "Isaiah."
"Oh? It's so rare for you to message him." Arnie sat down behind the table, still disoriented from sleep.
"Yeah. And just when I do he ignores me. Isn't it weird?"
"I told you he planned some special anniversary thing with Seline on Saturday. That's why we weren't meeting. And then she likely stayed over so he had his hands full over the weekend."
"It's Tuesday," Hector protested.
"It's summer break," Arnie reminded. "More busy with free time with his pack and stuff."
"That's why I..." Hector turned his head away to scowl at the twilight behind the window.
"What was that?" Arnie gave up on the table and went to sit down next to Hector instead, grabbing his untouched coffee from his hand. "Look, you have been super busy during the holidays. You work 25 hours from 24 each day or train or claim some new territories you don't need. Isaiah can't be waiting around for you to make time for him."
Arnie didn't mean himself at all when he said it. He felt more than a little neglected by Hector's constant 'work' excuses. It was his last holiday before starting university and Hector was nowhere to be found.
Hector growled at the cup being taken out of his hand but said nothing. "That's why I wanted...never mind."
Arnie took a sip and grimaced at the taste. No sugar. "Wanted what?"
Hector bared his teeth at no one in particular. "I thought we could plan a trip, okay?! Just the three of us. I'm fed up with the city, so I thought we could do mountain climbing or some shit in nature. And when I suggest it, he doesn't respond. Asshole."
Arnie sighed. "That's really nice, Hex. I'm sure he will like it once he sees it." The younger blond leaned back on the couch. "You know how Isaiah is with the phone detox thing. He likes to take breaks from screens and being available."
"It's the girl," Hector spit out angrily. "Just when we get him back he has to have a girlfriend and a new pack to piss me off."
Arnie rolled his eyes. "We are not losing him to Seline, come on."
"Women always destroy families. Especially brothers. And wolves."
"I'm sorry, how many experiences do you have with that?" Arnie said with a snort.
"Oh, not you too!" Hector crossed his arms on his chest, sliding farther away from him on the couch.
Arnie chuckled. Delaney and Hector's other closest wolves have been bringing it up from time to time now. That Hector should be looking for a partner soon, ideally a witch to cement his position as branch leader.
Everyone knew wolves couldn't rule alone. Stability came from relationships, from functioning compatibility. A leader should have a witch to lead with, to offer to the pack, to bring them all together.
Hector, who had zero interest in dating since Arnie could remember, saw this part as particularly annoying.
"So. You gonna be in this splendid mood for the rest of the evening or we putting on something on Netflix?" Arnie yawned, putting the coffee away.
Hector got up, pacing the living room. "Can't sit still. I'll go for a run."
"You gonna leave me here alone?" Arnie pouted. Free evening and Hector was gonna spend it away again?
"You can join me," Hector said with a knowing smirk.
Arnie groaned. Hector knew he was not very keen on exercise. Being around a superhuman you could never hope to keep up and who would never let you win even knowing this was rather demotivating.
"I thought so. Enjoy wasting your life on useless Netflix shit, I'm leaving."
Arnie huffed and slid down on the sofa into a more comfortable position. Agitated Hector needed the exercise to keep his shadow calm. It was for the best.
If you looked for a piece of quite in a crowded city such as Vienna, school grounds were the safest bet during summer.
It was tiring for wolves to be this surrounded by humans, noise and scenes all the time. Hector felt like the proximity of the buildings got only smaller, squeezing the air out of him.
He needed open space. Nature. Something green with a free view of the sky and the horizon.
Hector ended up back at the university campus at the bench near the ditch he found Matthew passed out not that long ago.
Of course he wanted the campus for himself now. He spend so much of his time there because of the uni that it felt like a base to him.
It was surprisingly lively on the way to the Messe, lights and people coming and going like fireflies drawn to light of the giant exhibition building. None went through the dark space around the bench though, for which Hector was grateful.
Not until his name suddenly echoed through the whole park.
Olive pushed her way through the crowd, which was quite an achievement since she was so small. "Hector! I didn't expect to see you here!"
Hector shrugged. "Just passing by." It always fascinated him how happy Olive seemed whenever she saw him. Her whole face lit up, her smoky gray eyes so big like a doe's.
"Oh." She stopped at the bunch, a cute little pout to her mouth. "So you are not coming to the expo?" When he looked perplexed, she continued, "Illusion and light play exhibition! It's just here for a few weeks."
Ah. That explained the liveliness.
Olive shuffled her feet. She wore a white button-up that hugged her slightly chubby figure, an orange-red necktie, short black hair hidden under a red beanie, and bright red shoes. Hector internally shook his head. Artists had the weirdest tastes.
"Would you...like to come too? I have been there several times, I know the best parts!"
She got excited so easily about the smallest things. If an exhibition or a nice sunset or a collection of crayons could make him so happy...then again, why not? He was not managing to stop thinking about Isaiah's unread messages and he could use a break from thoughts about his duties and goals before they started turning in circles too much.
"Whatever." He got up to his feet, which made Olive almost bounce on her feet.
"You are going to love it!" She actually grabbed his arm, dragging him forward.
Hector blinked at the contact. He wasn't sure how he felt about her being so comfortable touching him. On some level, he suspected she didn't realize he was a wolf or who he was in that world, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. It was amusing how relaxed she was, how she treated him with such friendliness. Was that normal with girls around guys?
Besides, it made him feel all smug he managed to throw people off his scent as a wolf. Managing this degree of control to not be recognized by the energy and danger wolves emitted or the thickness and reactiveness of their shadows was a point of pride for civilized wolves.
As they got inside and he automatically paid the ridiculously small tickets for them both, he wondered if there wasn't something else. Hector liked who he was. He was proud of who he was, and he never pretended to be anything else.
He was the Executioner's younger brother. He was Vincent Wolfson's son. He was the pack leader's nephew and chosen branch leader in a city as big as Vienna, in the heart of Western and Eastern Europe. Destined to achieve something big, to take over one day. That was his aim—he wasn't secretive about it.
But with Olive he was...just a guy. A stuck-up economy student who could be too blunt at times, but that she, for some reason, found amusing.
The exhibition's theme was the universe. There were seperate rooms projecting different light plays, from infinite space to exploding suns, kinetic installations, Milky ways changing colours, labyrinths of mirrors and light sculuptures.
Olive kept dragging him around, showing him her favorite pieces and projections, flooding him with background information and cool facts he didn't have the vocabulary to understand.
His eyes were beginning to hurt. The constant onslaught of lights that were actually everything but regular, the flashing patterns and ever-changing chaotic rooms...there were no points of reference. And worse, there were so many people—smashed together in an even tighter space, like a city, but smaller.
Hector felt a dull, throbbing headache building behind his temples. It reminded him of the subway, but worse. The lights were too much, the noise was too much. The rooms were spinning and turning, blending together and then spitting him out in confusing directions.
His stomach felt unsettled, waves of queasiness coming and going. Sweat was forming on his upper lip and at the back of his neck.
"O-Olive..." he blinked and screwed his eyes shut, stopping where he was, reaching with his hand in search of something solid. A wall or a door, something that wasn't moving.
"Hector? Hey, wait, what's wrong?"
"G-..." he gulped, his stomach feeling impossibly heavy. Heat went to his face and chest, intensifying the nausea. He gagged, slapping his hand against his mouth. "Get me out-"
He couldn't see in the confusion, the hall was too dark to contrast the effect of the rooms.
"Okay, just a second." A small hand closed around his. Hector squeezed it, maybe too tightly in his disorientation, mouth overflowing with saliva. Damn, he needed to sit down. The claustrophobic feeling was back and he gagged again, splash of acid against his throat.
Her small hand and trace of scent led the way and he let her, the only familiar focus point in the chaos of people and lights hurting his eyes. He crashed against the door on the way and cursed, but the pain of something solid against his side was a relief.
"Just a couple of steps," Olive said, tugging at his arm. "Almost there, I promise."
Hector unglued himself from the door with great difficulty, one more door coming up, when finally, finally he was hit with a wall of fresh air.
He gulped down on the semi-clean night wind greedily, panting to breathe against the nauseating sensation. Almost winning the round, if his stomach didn't cramp that moment and he groaned.
"Okay, okay, let's sit you down, okay?" Both of Olive's hands were wrapped around his arm, using all her weight and strength to steer him to the side of the entrance.
He couldn't tell where the bench was or where they were going. The ground was tilting again, all wrong and his knees buckled, sending him to the ground. Olive didn't let go, going down with him.
"I guess not. Okay, let's stay here, it's fine-"
Hector gagged, the world going deaf for a second and then retched as his dinner came out with a splash against the yellowed grass. At least it wasn't the pavement, that would have splattered more.
Olive was still under his arm, pressed into his side. Her hand snaked around his shoulders, tapping gently. "Feel better?" Her eyes were so wide again, glittering with concern.
"Sorry," he rasped. His body heaved with another retch but he fought it down. "Don't know what-"
"The lights. I'm sorry, I didn't know. The movement and lights can be overwhelming for more sensitive people-"
Hector scoffed, rocking up and down in attempt to catch his bearings. Why was he always throwing up around this girl? "I'm not sensitive."
"I didn't mean it like that," she said sharply, indignant now. "I mean, prone to motion sickness or with senses like shadow wolves. You can't say they are sensitive, can you? But there is even a warning at the entrance that it isn't good for them, cause there is a higher risk of sensory overload."
"Ah. That makes sense, then." He let himself fall back to sit on the ground properly, spreading his hands out. The world was still spinning, but it was slowing down a little.
Olive let go of him, kneeling at his side. "Huh?"
"I'm a shadow wolf too, Olive." Hector focused his eyes on her, wary of her reaction. "You really had no idea."
Her mouth made a little o, looking even more winded than he was. "Oh wow."
Hector cleared his throat. "So what? Scared of me now?" He shifted away. Normally, he enjoyed people being wary of him, of respecting his power, but the idea of Olive being scared of him wasn't appealing at all.
Maybe that was also one of the reasons he was in no hurry to correct her.
A flush crept up her face. "No, I'm not! I'm..."
"I wasn't hiding it, you know?"
"Right. The turf talk, and the people always behind your back. And how sick you felt at the subway...I just didn't...I never spoke to a wolf before. What does that- what does that mean now?" She covered her mouth with both hands. "Does that mean I was breaking all the rules of interaction? I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
Hector chuckled dryly, which turned into a cough and into another small gag. "Damn it."
Olive lifted herself up on her knees, gripping his shoulder. "You still feeling icky?"
Icky? What kind of word was that? He felt comforted by her unconscious touch though. On some level, he still didn't feel like a wolf to her. "Nah, almost good." He closed his eyes for a second, breathing through the sudden heat wave, letting out a loud burp against his hand before letting it fall to his side again.
"What does that mean for me?" Olive asked in a small voice. "You are not going to kidnap me or eat me or something, right?"
Hector had to laugh again. "No. That's not in our rules either." He looked at her hand on his biceps, realizing for the umpteenth time he didn't mind her touch as much as he should have. Not at all. Somehow she had touched herself into his shadow's graces and sense of space. "You don't have to follow any rules. Not with me. I'm too high up to mind," he reassured her.
She ducked her head, and when he tried to straighten up to catch her eye, he lost his balance and flopped right onto his back.
"Oh, so high up," she said with an involuntary giggle, leaning over him. "You okay?" Her hand climbed higher on his arm all the way to the top of his shoulder. "You are so sweaty."
"And dizzy," he admitted with a grimace. His arm shot up to grab onto her hand that was touching him. "A little warning, Olive. Wolves tend to think anything they are touching is theirs. You keep doing that," his eyes rose slowly over her arm to her body, "and I might forget how to let go."
Olive blushed even more, her round cheeks furiously red. Oh, he could get used to that expression.
Part 2
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charcubed · 1 year
I'm curious, what are the main reasons why Dean is your favorite canon bisexual in media? Love your meta and that video btw
Ooooo, anon, thank you for the kind words and for giving me an excuse to talk about my love for bisexual icon Dean Winchester <3
I'm going to be really annoying (sorry) and quote part of my meta first. It summarizes and articulates many of my thoughts on this. And then to further answer your question I'll add a bit under it!
From the very beginning, Dean Winchester has been a character tied to classic elements of American masculinity. He was introduced with a superficial veneer involving those elements, but almost immediately the early episodes provide a look at the complexity of his character underneath it. Over the years, that complexity was further explored, and he came to embody a study in things society would often have us think should be incompatible contrasts: the gruffness and grit of hunting life and its associated masculine iconography, paired with his open and deep emotional care for the world; unabashed love for classic rock, superheroes, and horror movies, as well as unabashed joy connected to TV dramas, chick flicks, and childhood favorites like Scooby-Doo; life on the road with a muscle car, but the desire for a home base with creature comforts he can make his own; motivation to always help people, but the clear longing for balance with personal domesticity and relaxation so he could save not only others but also himself.
As a whole, his character functions as an effective deconstruction of toxic masculinity and stereotypical American heroism. And while much of Dean’s most masculine traits and interests are said to come from his father’s influence, part of his journey is loving those parts of himself on their own merit not because he ever had to but because he wants to. He is not his father, and he redefines those valued parts of his identity so they are his and his alone. He also crucially learns to recognize and joyfully embody that those masculine traits were never all that he had to be, working through and overcoming shame and hesitancy along the way. The result? He’s “good with who he is.”
He and the audience are encouraged to see that there are no rules his identity and interests must subscribe to, on a micro or a macro level. The message is to disregard predetermined destiny or duty. Free will means his life is his to determine, his family can be what he makes of it and how he defines it, and what he needs and wants do not ever have to be mutually exclusive. Dean’s journey is about freedom from outwardly-imposed limitations–whether those limitations come from his father’s example and the God altering his story, or from the pervasive societal ideals and network/executive interference outside of it. Dean can and should contain multitudes, all at once.
In this way, Dean’s story is a powerfully queer narrative that acts as metacommentary. In the fullness of its execution, it is also specifically a deeply bisexual narrative.
The not-so-hidden truth is that Dean is canonically a bisexual man. His story was afforded something that’s rare for most characters and almost nonexistent for queer ones: fifteen years of lengthy, nuanced development.
Again: Dean’s identity journey is about how he can and does contain the capacity for multitudes, and it’s part of what makes him such a compelling character. He can like “this” and “that.” He can be attracted to women and men. Or, as writer Ben Edlund and director Phil Sgriccia said in a DVD commentary, Dean has “the potential for love in all places.”
I wanted to include the above verbatim because it spells out something specific: Dean's narrative is bisexual in its bones. Supernatural evolved to become a queer text, but the specific ways the show and Dean as a character evolved are very intertwined with and informed by the fact that Dean is a masculine bisexual man. SPN is a story that was not meant to be about being queer, but as it became about freedom through free will, those themes were then leveraged and emphasized in connection to queerness because of Destiel. And by the end, the free will narrative and Dean's journey as a bi man are utterly inseparable, because Dean's fight for true freedom is tied to his love for a man and their untraditional family in a way that higher forces are trying to hinder.
You cannot cut out or edit or remove Dean's bisexuality from the story, or several narratives and plot lines (not just Destiel) would at minimum be misunderstood or at maximum fall apart. And yet, simultaneously? Dean's bisexuality is also far from being the sole important thing about his character because he is written with such nuanced complexities and across so many years of material.
Of course, add onto this the overall unique situation that surrounds Supernatural as a piece of media. People talk at length about how there will never be anything like it again, including me; that's obviously true from multiple different angles and for multiple different reasons, with Destiel being prime amongst them. But a related yet distinctly significant branch of that topic is there will never be another bisexual character who is written and evolves quite like Dean.
Was Dean supposed to be bisexual from the very start, out of the mind of Kripke? Who can know for sure, but probably not. Were certain writers and members of production deliberately putting more queercoding and subtext into Dean's character/story from the very start? Who can know for sure, but potentially yes, and certainly the answer becomes unarguably definitely yes the farther you get into the show. That's part of my love and passion for him too, because all of that is deeply unique and incredibly cool.
Dean's bisexuality evolved in a way that (against all odds) actually feels organic, seamless, and like it's simply a part of his character that's been there all along. The effect when you look at Supernatural as a whole body of work is that Dean's always been bi, and his expressions of and acknowledgements of that part of him ebb and flow depending on situation–which is a very relatable notion for many queer people. And as those writing the show became more committed and certain about that piece of who Dean is, so did he, in nuanced and subtle ways skillfully embedded into his story by design. It's bafflingly, impressively cohesive; gives him an incredibly realistic feel; matches his overall character growth; and rings true to his demographic, age, personality, and experiences.
Dean and his story and the situation(s) surrounding both are simply incomparable, and that will be true forever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
...also. Well. I simply love him, y'know? For even more reasons unconnected to this. How can you not, right? :')
Thank you for asking, and thanks for reading this bi Dean manifesto!
Putting my video that you mentioned here for anyone who's not watched it:
My new magnum opus, please stream, etc.
(or watch on Tumblr here)
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same anon as the one that sent the teasing ask omh i didn't think you'd respond aAA!!
please he sounds so pathetic i love him ;__; i'm too weak for him in general and as much as i want to tease the living shit out of this man, i don't think i'd have the heart to do it for too long after seeing this man whine for too long fghGFDFHB LOVE WHAT YOU WROTE.. BIG KISS
okay, but have another thought; so he lives in an apartment, right? imagine being his neighbour. even better if you know about him online and you later realize your neighbour is this nasty loser… or you talked to him about your neighbour online or whatever without either of you realizing you're talking about him. normal people would move out at the speed of light if they really had to but i know the minority that (unfortunately) loves this nasty man (affectionate) would stay <3
hehe my ask box is egregiously full rn but yours struck me right in the coochie!! i had to respond immediately!! sorry to my other 120+ asks, i was overwhelmed by my own lust… i’m givin u a BIG KISS right back!! mwah mwah mwah!! ^u^
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correct!! inceltaru lives in an apartment, one that’s fairly nice though he could afford one that’s way nicer or a whole mansion if he wanted to but… he prefers only having as much space as he needs. i think he’s a bit uncomfortable with having too much space; he feels safer in smaller places. something something cozy something something he needs to feel a bit trapped at all times since he has a need for control. he’s a frequent browser of many online forums so the odds that you’ve seen at least one of his posts before is close to a hundred percent. consider this: you post a mini rant somewhere about how much you can’t stand your neighbour and his habit of having noisy gaming/jerk off sessions when you’re trying to sleep. he stumbles across it and quickly links the post back to you, his very next door adorable crush!! he’s immediately shooting you a message sympathizing with your issue and offering an ear to vent it all out to while grinning to himself all about how you have no clue it’s him. is he a bit peeved you’re talking so much shit about him?? yes, but he finds it far too hot that you know about him to be truly upset. the degradation only increases the frequency of his nasty actions to enjoy your equally increased annoyance. it’s a bit of a waiting game for you to find out it’s him but you’ll get it soon with all of the slight reflections of his ginger hair and glasses in the occasional photo he sends you!! inceltaru loves that your unaware and, to a degree, at his mercy <3 it takes a nearly clear photo of his face for you to put two and two together since you’ve only caught glimpses of him on the rare occasion he’s left his own apartment but when you do you’re halfway between cussing him out and breaking your lease. unfortunately, you’ve got a killer deal on rent so in your anger you storm over to his door to confront him on the verge of tears. you feel humiliated knowing he was fully aware and enjoying playing with you like some toy!! he answers the door with a lazy grin, wet hair, no shirt, and only clad in boxers. it would be wise to make fun of him for having what you assume is his monthly shower but you’re rendered speechless at the way he’s eyeing you and opening the door further to let you in. he leers at you upon entry and asks what’s up as if he isn’t fully aware like the asshole he is. suddenly you’re stuck between verbally beating him up or sucking the obvious boner you can see through his grey boxers…
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waayfo · 2 years
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let me show you my affection !!
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ji yeonwoo x gn!reader, yoojin x gn!reader (separated, sorry)
warning: fluff, ooc, bad grammar
a/n: hello anon! sorry for (very) late answering this, I have no idea what to write about them, and I don't understand their personalities. but hopefully satisfy you, thank you! <33 (i accidently click "post", i'm sorry TwT) & I make them separately.
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Yoojin :
I'm sure, that he will spoil you with his money. You want something? Just say the name, and later you will get it.
You are treated like a princess/prince. He will treat you kindly and carefully. It's as if you are the most valuable thing he's ever had, and you could break at any moment if he's not careful. So he provides the best service for you so that you feel happy and comfortable. So he will stop if you say so.
His gaze is always on your face. Often times you stare at each other by accident. Every time that happened, Yoojin always averted his eyes or covered his face. If only you knew, that his face was blushing, he felt like he was being carried up into the sky.
Yoojin often thinks of confessing his feelings. He is sure that you feel the same way as him, but he has to push that thought away for fear that later you will be targeted by his enemies. Even though there would be a lot of bodyguards that he commanded if that happened, it could be that the opponent was stronger. So Yoojin chose to bury his feelings as deep as possible.
Quality time? That's rare. But once that happens, Yoojin will take you to a place you can't forget. There will be precious moments every time it happens. There will be another surprise that Yoojin will give, and it's totally unpredictable.
Act of service? Of course Yoojin will give it. Yoojin is a gentleman (maybe just for you), and he will try to replace all your jobs. He doesn't want to let the person he likes suffer for some reason.
"Yoojin, are you free tomorrow?" Your voice sounded in Yoojin's ear, making him stop his activities immediately. "Unfortunately, no. What do you want to do anyway?"
"I want to take you to a place that my friends talk about. I'm afraid to be alone because this is my first time there." First time? Yoojin feels honored to be able to go somewhere with you, especially since it's your first time. Yoojin always wants to be first for you.
"In that case, I'll clear my schedule and go with you."
"Huh? I'm not forcing you! There are other things that you should prioritize besides me." Hearing that, Yoojin chuckled.
"Of course not. You are my priority after all." Yoojin's statement made you silent and constantly think about it. He doesn't give any explanation about it, and will try to find a diversion topic when you ask him. He just likes to play games with you and see your confused expression.
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Yeonwoo :
Will be confused about his own feelings. He always asks why his heart beats so fast when he's with you, hates it when you're close to another, and want you to always be his. And every time you meet, he's always nervous.
He will do everything he can to interact with you or spend time with you. He always helps you without you asking, putting a drink or food that you like on your desk with a sticky note that says, "you have done your best today" with a cute doodle, and he always invites you to go with him (if you want).
Like Yoojin, he always looks at you. His eyes are always on you, at least that's an secret that everyone in your and Yeonwo's classes knows.
Yeonwoo also wanted to sit next to you. Because when that happens, you two will always exchange messages via sticky notes. And if you only knew, he kept all those sticky notes and stuck it on his study table (of course in a place his father didn't know about) as a learning motivation.
He will always take care of you, and will not stay silent if you are hurt. And if that happens, he will always treat your wounds. (Also so you two can be close) but he gets nervous when he touch you.
He often takes you to the library together, then spend time together there. He will also help you with your homework or explain parts you don't understand. Surprisingly, you can immediately understand the explanation rather than the teacher's explanation. This makes you want to study with yeonwoo all the time, and of course he doesn't refuse (he's actually very happy)
Your eyes focus on the book and try to understand its contents. But no matter how many times you read it, you still can't understand it. Because you are too focused to understand it, you are not aware of someone's existence. You finally came to your senses when the person pressed a cold drink against your cheek, which surprised you.
"You're so focused, you don't even notice me." Yeonwoo handed the drink she brought to you. "From me. Think of it as a gift because you want to study hard."
"Yeonwoo, don't you always give me food and drink at my desk?" Yeonwoo nodded. "It's not expensive." "But still–" Yeonwoo sat next to you, took a pencil, then explained the part he was pointing at.
Oh, if only Yeonwoo knew, that your heart skips a beat when you see him; how he speaks and makes such an addictive voice, his handsome face, and the distance between the two of you is close. In fact you two are almost touching. And now...
"Are you listening?" Makes you surprised and aware. "Yeah, of course. Please continue." Yeonwoo smiled, then said, “Good.”
Once again you are surprised because he just smiled. I repeat again, yeonwoo smiled! He looks more and more handsome. Yeonwoo could have killed you because of his good looks. Without you knowing it, you're smiling too. Yeonwoo immediately turned his face the other way, making you confused.
Oh and if you only knew, Yeonwoo was almost driven mad by you. His face was as red as a tomato, his heart skipped a beat, his soul was carried flying into the sky. Since earlier, he was holding back from smiling and screaming.
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petite-madame · 11 months
I look at your art and i cannot even comprehend how you do it. Do you use procreate? what brushes do you use? I’m deeply in love with your work
Hi anon
Thank you so much for your message and for taking the time to contact me. 💗 Sorry about the late reply, I was quite busy in the past two weeks. 😳
Ok! So, to answer your question, I very rarely use Procreate. I used it a bit when I installed it on my iPad one-two years ago: it was exciting and new but I must admit that now, I work mainly on Photoshop. Don't get me wrong, Procreate is an amazing app, you can create tons of effects but I'm much more confortable with Photoshop. However, this artwork and this one were created using mainly Procreate.
More recently (= about 10 days ago 🤓), I bought an app called Rebelle 6 that emulates oil painting and watercolors. I used it on this Sherlock portrait but also on this one on Twitter. If you see this kind of textures in my art from now on, it's thanks to this app.
These were the exceptions, though. As far as the rest is concerned, I use Photoshop CS6 with an Xp-pen tablet. I tried all kind of brushes but the ones I always come back to give my artworks an "old painting" effect are the Mar-ka brushes and the Deharme brushes. (look at this artist's DA page, you have several sets of brushes available). However, sometimes, I change the settings: I add more texture, change the spacing, the brush dynamic, etc…(everything can be found in the PS brush settings). You have to see what works best for you.
On some artworks, I also add a paper texture a bit like the one below, at a low opacity (layer: soft light). Make sure it's a bit grainy and don't hesitate to adjust it using the "brightness/contrast" or "levels" tools.
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However, the opacity and the paper vary according to the artwork. What can work for one artwork is not going to work for another one because of the lighting, the exposure, the effects you want to give. You'll have to try different textures and opacities to reach the effect you want.
The rest is…my style. 🤓 I did a post HERE about how I draw realistic portraits and HERE about a step by step (it was several years ago though so I don't talk about textures, just how I block colors and how I draw realistically).
I hope I managed to answer your question. Thank you for enjoying my work so much and see you at the end of the week with a Stede Bonnet portrait (and then, I'll go on a break to rest a bit ^^)
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skzoologist · 10 months
I just woke up, Hello
My vision is failing me ngl, for some reason whenever I wake up my vision gets so goddamn blurry, I can't read
The ghost fic made me cry, so beautiful
The ghost anon is so sweet wth
OH and since you erased the 1 request for 1 person thing, I would like to request
"No! I want cuddles now!" 🧋☕ focused more on Bae, 3Racha
Go ham with it
P.S I saw that -6°C was nearly freezing? Is where you guys live that warm? Cuz here the lowest is like -33°C and highest is like -9°C so far
word count: ~1.4k
warnings: none
genre: fluff, crack
a/n: Hey-ho 🐿️ anonnie! I hope your vision got better soon afterwards, it sounds worrying 😨 And I'm sorry my ghost!Bae fic made you cry, I hope this one will cheer you back up! Made it extra fluffy, for you. I accidentally went ham with it, I did not mean to write this much lol 💀 Also where I live it's I guess relatively warm? It's kinda rare for it to snow here properly (and not just have sludge and ice all over the place), which is why I'm so happy it snowed a few days ago, even if only a few centimeters. Your place is waaaaay colder, so stay bundled up and cosy! 😊
Please let me know if I left a warning or anything out, I will add it in! Reblogs, likes and feedback are greatly appreciated!
!I don't condone anyone stealing my work and posting it anywhere without my permission, or feeding it to AI!
!This is just fiction, my interpretation of Stray Kids. By no means is this how they are and how they behave in real life!
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The powerful beats of their latest title track flowed through his body, his heart beating to that same, exhilarating rhythm. He knew the song from the top of his head already, having danced to it countless times, and yet, once the inevitable silence crept in, he restarted the cycle all over again, no matter how much his clothes and hair clinged to his sweaty skin.
Then suddenly the music cut off midway, a frustrated sigh left in its place amidst the dancer’s confusion.
“Bae, how many times have we talked about this? You’ve already perfected the choreography, you NEED to rest now.” - it was Minho, a disapproving scowl sitting on his sharp features.
Bae simply watched his hyung, heaving for air, wondering how the man got there in the first place. A quick glance at the now open door gave him all the answers he needed, knowing fully well that he was probably too absorbed in his own practice to even hear the sound of the door opening. Wouldn’t have been the first time, after all.
“I’m talking to a wall, I swear to god. Bae. If I see you in this room one. More. Time. I’m chucking you into the air fryer next to Hyunjin. Don’t look at me like that. Now go.” - the angry cat ushered him out, gathering all of the otter’s belongings and shoving them into his arms.
Bae obediently let himself be pushed out of the door, a click immediately resounding in the air.
He was locked out, that much was obvious.
Of course he knew not to push Minho’s buttons anymore, a miracle in itself that he was let off only with a simple warning. He’d already experienced the man’s wrath once before and it was not fun at all. Just the mere thought brought a shiver up his spine, never wanting to experience that ever again. Even if it was all for his own good, he would rather avoid a repeat of what’d happened.
Sighing, Bae trudged towards the locker room, the thought of a quick shower and fresh clothes soothing his mind.
Although that calmness disappeared the moment he checked his phone afterwards, the device filled with messages from Chan. There wasn’t a lot, not nearly enough to make him think something terrible had happened, but their contents were unusual, requesting him to drop by the studio. It had happened before, sure, but not often enough for it to be considered normal. The three idols preferred to work alone, their synergy so perfect, anyone else’s presence was a mere bother.
Confused, but not having anything else to do, Bae messaged his leader back and started his ascent to the seeked-after room. It took a bit of time; the hallways were packed, and so was the elevator, the rush hour inside the company hitting the idol full force. He politely bowed his head in greeting towards staff and other idols, some looking at him with a smile, some too busy and instead looking like they were about to collapse right then and there. It caused a worried crease to form in his forehead, but there was nothing he could do, sadly.
Having made his way to where he was needed, Bae let himself into the room, only after a soft knock and a quiet ‘Come in’ could be heard.
There sat Chan, Changbin and Jisung, all in comfy hoodies, bundled up and hunched over the table, way too entranced to even look away from the monitors fully. 
Only after Bae closed the door and plopped onto the couch did Chan shake himself out of this trance, headphones now fully slid off and hanging around his neck. A lopsided smile sat upon his face as their eyes met, only widening at Bae’s expression.
The other two joined the oldest soon, all eyes set on Bae and teasing smiles dancing on their lips. Bae didn’t know what warranted these expressions, simply confusedly tilting his head and causing soft giggling to be heard.
“So, I heard Minho kicked you out of the practice room.” - Chan gently whispered out amidst giggles, dimples fully on display. “Oh, so that’s why he looks like that!” “Jisung! Hey, it’s okay baby, don’t look so sad.” - Changbin said, his arms already guiding Bae’s head towards his chest in a soothing hug.
It was true that their tallest member was not happy about being kicked out, but the others’ reactions puzzled him greatly. He wasn’t devastated or anything, so what were they talking about?
Loud laughter grabbed his attention, the poorly breathing wolf soon joined by a quokka and a dwaekki. This only confused him more, a huff escaping his mouth as he crossed his arm, now free from Changbin’s hold, as the latter was too busy almost falling off the couch.
“I love it so much when you don’t realise you’re doing the puppy eyes. Hyung, you look like a kicked puppy!” - Jisung explained, making Bae’s eyes widen and cheeks dust over with pink. “Mh, our baby otter is so cute.” - Chan added in, watching in satisfaction as his victim’s skin only reddened. “YAH, you’re too cute, this is unfair!” - Changbin all but shouted, locking Bae into a tight hug and squeezing the air out of him.
Bae tried to wiggle out of the dwaekki’s arms, but the hold on him was way too strong for that. After realising this, he gave up, turning limp in the happily celebrating man’s clasp, essentially becoming his cuddle pillow. 
Seeing this all, the two left out members started protesting, wanting their fair share of their shy member and his cuddles. Bae didn’t hesitate to take the chance when Changbin’s arms loosened around him amidst his own protests about wanting to keep the man for himself, quickly slipping out and away from all of them. This naturally gathered all their attention; their eyes watching him fiercely, as if he was their prey, ready to be hunted.
“Is this why you called me here?” - he sternly asked, a furrow in his brows and a slight scowl in his lips that wasn’t there out of true anger. “Yes and naur. Minho asked me to essentially lock you into the studio with us, so you cannot secretly overwork yourself. And hey, who am I to say no to some cuddles?” - Chan answered, that teasing smirk dancing on his lips that told Bae he was not joking around.
Before the cornered otter could dash towards the door, Jisung pounced on him, keeping him in place just long enough for the other two to drag him back onto the couch. A soft ‘Oomph’ sound left his lips as he collided with the bouncy material, unable to fight against the entire force of Gymracha alone.
He had to accept his fate, one that was filled with stiffening cuddles and teasing for an unforeseen amount of time.
A deep sigh left his lips as he’d done exactly that, relaxing in Chan’s hold as Jisung was hugging his legs and Changbin was playing with his fingers, arm tightly hugged into his chest. The couch was impossibly small to house all four of them, yet somehow they managed, all crammed into the tiny space. 
The three seemed content to just stay like that, and seeing as Bae literally had no choice, he let them be, their warmth seeping into his clothes and skin, settling there in contentment. His muscles relaxed in a way he didn’t even know they needed to, a tension he’d never noticed leaving his body. The position he was trapped in felt safe, as if he had nothing to worry about in the entire world.
Maybe Minho was right, maybe he did need to rest for a bit, just a little bit.
But after an hour of it all, he was starting to overheat, the contact on his skin now too much, too warm.
“Shouldn’t you guys be working?” - he asked, hoping the answer would be yes, since all of them were workaholics to a certain degree. “No, I want cuddles now!” - Jisung shouted before anyone else could, flopping onto Bae’s front and burying his head into his clothed stomach.
Chan and Changbin only laughed at his misery, their answers probably similar to their younger members. Bae could only sigh for the umpteenth time, head gently plopping back against Chan’s shoulder.
“At least let me get my hoodie off.” “No.”
The afternoon seemed way too long in Bae’s eyes already, a fact that was only strengthened as time went on, even though there was an undeniable, gentle warmth that danced around in his eyes whenever he looked at the ones around him.
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morgana-ren · 3 days
Hello! Came here from ao3, I really love your fics and writing style.
I just wanted to ask (and feel free to ignore if you dont want to answer) since you write a lot of dark content, have you ever gotten rude messages from people or pearl clutchers commenting on your fics?
I'd like to write darker fics but I'm lowkey worried about the reception to some ideas. Thats why I really admire authors like yourself who write with a great sense of attitude. Do you have any advice? Were you nervous when you first started posting dark fics?
Ooh! Interesting question! So sorry this turned into something SUPER long, but I actually have been exactly where you are right now!
So, funny story! When I first started writing fics fuckin' years ago, I desperately wanted to get into writing darkfic. Traditional, cutesy fics— while awesome for other folks— just did not do it for me at all. It was actually something I'd known and understood since childhood and always wanted to foray into. I never read vanilla stories, and I had genuine trouble writing them for a lack of passion or interest. It was something I was deeply interested in and had ambitions for.
It was actually Tomura Shigaraki that made me dust off the old keyboard and begin writing again, and that... Was a huge problem.
See, the MHA fandom was NOT as accepting as it is now back when I started writing— and I hesitate to call it accepting even now. Darkfic was heavily demonized and even fairly rare to come across. It was a fucking wasteland of nosy, pathetic busybodies who thought very highly of themselves and their opinions and dubbed themselves the saviors of the Internet and took it upon themselves to be horrific, vicious little cunts without a single modicum of self-awareness or shame. They got their jollies bending over backwards to antagonize authors who did anything they didn't like by ironically showcasing their own staggering ignorance of how the mind works and making it everyone else's problem in real life. They were very loud and pretentious about it, and unfortunately, some of them garnered quite a following of vulnerable, ignorant children who hung on their every word and command and were tricked into thinking these people had a single idea what the hell they were talking about.
Harassing real people over fictional characters. Using pop-psychology terms they didn't understand. Biased claims that had no basis in reality. Siccing followers on authors. Stalking and doxxing— you name it, they did it with malevolent, self-righteous glee. People getting death threats and doxxed was a very real problem that had some talented, lovely authors disappear from the Internet entirely and put people's actual lives in danger. Over words. On the Internet.
Darkfic authors were one of the groups that were harassed relentlessly. It was pretty rare to find someone brave enough to post it on AO3, leave alone Tumblr, and those that did were pretty much guaranteed harassment on one level or another, whether it was death threats or call-out posts day in and day out, or just cruel, mean-spirited anons. The pioneers of darkfic in that shithole of a fandom were braver than any US marine lmao.
Needless to say, I was petrified. The first fic I sat down and wrote for the fandom (Vermilion) was pretty harmless for the most part, although it dipped its toes in dark subject matter if you were particularly squeamish. If I had my way, it was going to be much, much darker. I wanted it to be darker desperately, but I was so terrified of the petulant, pathetic fandom mommies that literally made it their job to harass authors over fictional characters that I ended up policing myself over it.
The tipping point for me was making friends who with the few people who did have the balls to post it. Authors who were unbelievably talented and didn't give a fuck what some fandom-obsessed weirdo with a superiority complex had to say about it. They actually gave me the courage to be true to myself, and even then, holy fuck it was harrowing at first. I was shaking when I posted the first dark thing I ever wrote on here.
There was an outpour of support. People who loved the story and wanted more. Slowly, I totally overcame the fear with the mix of people in the community being kind and supportive, and simultaneously realizing how utterly pathetic and almost sad the puritanical pop-science fandom police were. Even now, I feel bad for them. No one healthy has that level of fascination and hatred with someone they don't know or something they don't understand that is ENTIRELY OPTIONAL to consume. It's genuinely sad and strange and is far more dangerous than reading about dubious topics in a fanfic.
Slowly, more people started to write darkfic and post it in defiance of these weirdos, and now it's fairly common! I can also say that thankfully, a lot of the weirdo, obsessive puritans have disappeared. I'm hoping they grew up and realized how absurd the whole thing was and are deeply ashamed of their past actions. You don't have to like or respect stories with dark topics, but talking out of your ass and making up reasons why the authors are bad people who deserve to be harassed and die is... Hilariously ironic.
Now, all that being said, I actually have never received hatemail. I was shocked. Hell, I still am, because some of my stories are genuinely heinous. I think I got someone's attempt at it once, but they were either drunk or a 3 year old, because it was literally incoherent. (And it was over the fact I hate Bakugo and not the content of my stories lmao Bakugo stans be wildin' sometimes.)
I think the closest thing I've gotten to a mean comment is someone commenting (incorrectly) that my German translation was off, and one that basically equated to "I love this story but anything more would be too extreme for me," which was very polite and not intended to be rude (although I wasn't quite sure what the point of the comment was lmao)
My best advice? Be yourself. Unabashedly and without fear. Write that dark content and post it with a smile. Your audience will find you, and you'll find so much love and support in the community eventually. Your fics are for you, and if others don't like it? They can act like an adult and not read something that upsets or offends them. Mean words suck, but there is nothing more liberating than spitting in the face of someone who tries to smother you and doing it anyway happily.
Most people who pearl-clutch and sling insults have a tenuous grasp on their own logic and are extremely entitled. I've found that more often than not, they're hateful, reactionary youngsters looking for an excuse to feel superior by pretending they have the moral high ground. They talk out of their ass about things they don't understand and all it does is make them look foolish. Like, they are literally factually, scientifically incorrect most of the time. They are the fanfic/literary equivalent of evangelical white moms having a panic over metal music being from the devil and DND turning their kids gay.
Fanfiction is just that: fiction.
Understanding yourself, your kinks and your own mind can also help immensely. You don't care much if some snotty anon calls you a degenerate if you understand why you write what you do and have no shame regarding it. Understanding the impact of fiction vs. reality, kink science, trauma coping, psychology, and other related topics (depending on what you write) can also help if you want to waste time trying to educate them.
Truthfully though? The funniest response to hate is either not responding at all (oh my God they hate that one) or responding with complete and total nonsense a la "your mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts."
These days? I don't worry about it at all. I write what I write and it brings me great catharsis and joy. I've made incredible friends and met talented people. I've improved my own skills and I have a "productive" hobby. Some folks don't like it? Cope and seethe and piss your pants and suck the liquid back out of the fabric and tell your mom my jorts are feeling a bit dry.
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darklinaforever · 1 year
The way you ONLY ship bad boys/good girls who act as nurses/moral compasses/punching bag/psychiatrist (are you still in high school ? sorry the handsome popular boy never noticed you), I know you could never ship a female antagonist with the male hero/anti-hero.
Assuming an individual's age based on their taste in sailing is just childish and deeply stupid. By doing this, you just look immature, which you are undeniably saying / doing such things. Don't have anything else to do with your time but piss off people who are just enjoying their ships in peace ?
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I don't owe you anything, but I still want to point out (for those who are interested) that I'm 22 years old and I'm studying modern literature at university.
Also, how hateful and stupid do you have to be to say something as dumb as :
"sorry the handsome popular boy never noticed you"
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I appreciate these kinds of messages, because they only prove that the anti are real degenerates (yes I won't weigh my words because I'm pissed). But obviously the only reason you allow yourself to say such horrible things is because you hide under cover of anonymity in order to spread your hatred and negativity.
Just for information, in reality, there is rarely a "handsome popular boy" in high school, or in any type of school.
On the other hand, free and amusing anecdote, and just to make your big mouth shut, there was indeed one of "handsome popular boy", but in my college. And yes, he had noticed me. But I simply decided to refuse his interest, despite the consternation of all my friends at the time. (believe me or not, it's up to you)
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Then, as for the fact that apparently I'm not able to ship a female antagonist with a hero / an anti-hero, ladies and gentlemen, since this is an opportunity to introduce you to some other of my loved ships, here is a list :
- Nesta & Cassian.
- Moon Young & Kang Tae.
- Ying Kong Shi & Yan da.
- Ambar & Simon.
- Lucrecia & Valerio.
- Wednesday & Tyler.
- Stefen & Katherine.
- Morgana & Merlin.
- Mardmartigan & Sorsha.
- Maleficent & Diaval.
- Scarlett & Rhett.
- Thomas & Teresa.
- Thomas & Lucille.
I specify that in this playlist, there are Thomas and Lucille, from the movie Crimson Peak, but I also ship Thomas with the heroine Edith. I also specify that although I like Galavant & Madalena, I still prefer Galavant with Princess Isabella. Basically, a nice and a nice set. I also placed Wednesday and Tyler there, simply because Wednesday is an anti-heroine capable of horrible acts and certainly not a "good girl" and Tyler is basically a victim and not a vilain. Also, an inverted version of Darklina or Aleks is the summoner of light and Alina the summoner of darkness, simply because that possibility excites me madly ! 🤩
Also, your bullshit of only shipping bad boys with good girls, how does it work for LGBT ships ?
And now some ships (because it is impossible to list them all because there are so many of them) of heroin / girls with good guys I liked. Those who follow me will know that among them we can count Stydia / on which I have already published several times elsewhere, so blah blah the delirium of I only ship good girls with bad boys / and Bellarke.
By the way, most of my ships are not a question of "good girls who act as nurses/moral compasses/punching bag/psychiatrist" but simply and generally reminders of Beauty and the Beast. Stories of redemption and forgiveness. I will not develop more, the real ones know.
Last little thing, the next time I receive a message like this I delete it purely and simply. I only answered because it was an opportunity to show new ships to those who follow me, and respond at least once to this type of bullshit, never to be tempted to do so again, for I would have the satisfaction of this answer.
And to end on a high note ! Dear Anon :
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blamemma · 1 month
be so for realllll i asked you more than once if you could share the link and you never answered me! i even asked you if you could tell me why you hadnt put the link on a certain photo and you still haven't answered me, so don't come with that if only you had asked nicely becase we both know that's not true
where? today? i've had nothing today asking for any source sooooooooooooooooooooo? if in the past, look. i'm a busy girl. if i'm not on my laptop, i'm not checking my asks cause tumblr shoves ur asks in activity on mobile and i barely check that so i miss shit. i'm not tryna be a braggy cunt but i just very rarely answer asks if i dont have the time. this is how many i have unread.
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i miss shit. sorry. do i answer most of my dms from people. yes !! if ur taking the time to message me privately, i'm going to see that and answer it. i'm alwaaaays going to answer private messages over asks when i have the time. i'm gunna take the hint that u dont wanna come off anon so that's not going to work for you. but i am never intentionally ignoring you. i do this shit for free actually. i run this blog for my own personal fun. i am under NO moral obligation to provide anything for you. what i do and dont post on this blog is MY choice. if i've 'ignored' you in the past, i'm sorry, but there's no contract on tumblr that suggests i have to engage or answer with everything.
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mama-scarebear · 3 months
One second, at the prior anon who also had a crush on you, I am so sorry for devalidating your experience and what I said. Honestly, I was tired when I scanned through the blog to see if my ask had been answered and I didn't pay that much attention once I realised it wasn't mine.
I thought it was just an anon that didn't bother reading the bio and didn't continue reading past a point and completely missed the rest of the message. Nevertheless, that's not a message or behaviour I support. I really hope I didn't bring any harm to you but it's valid if I did.
Thank you for such a genuine and wonderful answer. Because I am literally incapable of being concise. I want you to know the response I was going to give had 10 paragraphs. Short ones, but still. I have cut it down to these statements:
Love that you're good with witchcraft AND you're a punk. You sound super cool.
Thanks for sharing her handle. Her tattoos look really cool and I love how she plays with dimensions in her tattoos and her bodywork.
I love the alt music scene. Because of circumstances in my life I am around the scene often and while I don't think I'm the biggest punk, the larger alt subculture in my area has my heart.
What are some of the artists you've listened to recently?
I've never been to a punk music festival. I've only ever been to 1 festival but it was so busy and not super fun in my case.
I've never seen dorohedoro. Thanks for the rec. It looks super cool and I'm looking forward to seeing why you enjoy it.
My curiosity has been sated but not permanently? Hope that counts :D
I suppose I'll reply to this in a similar fashion:
Ive a decent history with both witchcraft and punk and have dabbled in both quite a bit. I am far more or a punk than I am a witch though. The witchy stuff is a bit lost on me at times.
Ive an appointment with her this summer to get some work done and I can't wait. I love the unapologetic queerness of her work and how she portrays gender non-conformism. As someone who plays with gender liberally it's nice to see.
I love the alt scene quite a bit but only rarely get to properly participate. Another downside of rural living. I'm functionally the entirety of the visibly alt scene in town.
Lately I've been revisiting a lot of old favourites and some new bands I fell in love with over the last festival I went to, so we've got Bad Cop/Bad Cop, Against Me!, Middle Aged Queers, JER, The Anti-Queens, Whoredrobe, and Pat The Bunny.
Im sorry you didn't have fun at that festival. The one I go to yearly is spread out through multiple venues/bars so it's not all in one sensory overload of a place. You just pick your venue or barhop for the night, get drinks, ans enjoy some good music. Destroyed my legs though hahahaha.
Dorohedoro is a lot of fun though bizarre. I'm a bit of a cult classic sort of a girl. Which is a fancy way or saying my taste in media skews a little bizarre and "hipster".
Youre in luck then because like the proper narcissit that I am, I love talking about myself.
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imabillyami · 6 months
Hii I I'm back 😂
Okay so I would not have guessed English was not your first language 👀😳 you are doing amazingly well!
21 parts!! *fainting* I'm sooo happy to hear that haha Please please in your words - get over yourself and post that stupid (not stupid) chapter 4 😂 - I say this in the most loving and polite way possible 😁🥰 butttt obviously what I really mean is don't stress about it too much and post only when you're happy and comfortable with it (we'll be patiently waiting 😊). I'm glad to hear you're excited for the rest of it though!! 😁
On another note... My curiosity got the better of me 😆 Gentle Cottagecore Emoji Asks 🌱🥛🍯🐄🌳🐓🐇🌲🥞⛰️ answer as many as you like
(as always no pressure to respond) 😊
Hi Aussie anon friend 🥰
Took me a while to get to your message (April is this crazy busy month for me every single year, but in a mostly positive way), but here we are.
Yeah, the writing thing is delicate and very fickle. But I've been writing for 15+ years at this point and it rarely stresses me out anymore. I just gotta do things in my own time and remind myself from time to time to trust the process. We'll get there, always do in the end. Patience is key.
Thanks for sending those emoji asks, I'll be answering them under the cut 💕
Hugs to you 💜🌻
🌱 Seedling: What is a scent you find relaxing?
Sandalwood & the scent of the air when you walk through the woods after heavy rain
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad?
I dealt with some stuff in the past, so I’m not an "eat my feelings away" person anymore these days, and I’m really trying to prevent finding comfort in food or spending money when I feel sad, so I don’t have a specific food. In fact, I really struggle with eating when I’m sad these days, a complete 180 from when I was younger. 
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
Personality wise - my kindness. A lot of people think I’m faking that or playing it up, but I’m genuinely not. I just don’t see the point in making anyone’s life harder or miserable when I can spend my time putting smiles on people’s faces and leave them with good memories instead. Physically - probably my eyes. I like the dark color of them and the way people tell me I have kind eyes. So that.
🐄 Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate?
Picking one is impossible, really, cause we’re all here for different reasons and good at different thing and I’m just glad we get to share this space together and love the thing we love.
I’d like to shout out some of my dear friends though. Tay @taydaq for her incredible art and being an all around lovely person who’s always there for others.
Mahi @mahi-wayy / @bangazaii for being a complete sweetheart and our lovely fic writing sessions and idea spitballing sessions / rarepair shenanigans in our dms.
Shanie @shanie-the-komania-toyaddict for always being there when shit gets rough and calling me out on my bullshit, but never judging (& also writing the most beautiful kayfabe compliant steenerico fic + side stories).
Carla @samijey for providing me/us with the most beautiful gifs and the most gorgeous writing (and giving me a chance when it was easier not to).
And last but not least my dear friend E. @bremmommye who’s been my friend and comfort person in & out of the internet for many years by now and who I miss dearly cause we rarely ever get to see each other in "real life" (that's what living on opposite ends of the same country and being busy does).
I love all my moots and my followers and all the people I follow who don’t follow me back, but these people are the ones that have carved out that extra bit of space in my heart for themselves and made themselves a forever home in some shape or form. Sorry, didn’t mean to get that mushy, but I really love talking about my friends.
🌳 Tree: What is one thing in your future you are looking forward towards?
Honestly, it goes hand in hand with the answer above, I think. Being able to watch the people I adore, family, friends, acquaintances, strangers I have yet to meet, grow and evolve and live authentic lives that they’re feeling happy and fulfilled with. That’s what makes me happy - seeing the people around me happy. 
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
Sooo many. But one constant is The Princess Bride. Another one is The Breakfast Club. Grey’s Anatomy (very early seasons), Skam, Legally Blonde and more recently Heartstopper. I could go on and on, there’s a whole lot of them. 
🐇 Bunny: What’s a song that you really like?
If you could see my music library - it’s WILD. And I love every single song. I listen to music basically every single minute I’m awake and able to. So picking one song - good god. I’ll give you my 5 most recent played ones.
Thoughts of a child - The Lathums
Dublin in Ecstasy - Inhaler
Dreams - The Snuts
I bet you look good on the Dancefloor - Arctic Monkey
Poundshop Kardashians - Sam Fender
🌲 Pine: Do you prefer the cold, or the heat?
The heat. Don’t love the heat, but I can stand it a lot better than being cold.
🥞 Pancake: What is your favorite breakfast food?
Not a big breakfast person, don’t have a sweet tooth either (not anymore I should say), so probably something savory. I had this yummy grilled veggie & hummus on rye bread breakfast sandwich when I was traveling the other day, that one came to mind. On a normal day, I’ll just have a cup of tea (no sugar, no milk alternative), a handful of almonds, and a banana or an apple to hold me over till lunch. But yeah, if I’m going for actual breakfast, I prefer savory over sweet. 
⛰️ Mountains: Would you rather live in the mountains, city, beach, or the forest?
Grew up living near the forest and spending a lot of time playing in the woods as a kid, lived in a couple a large cities over the years, now living close to the mountains, but still in general vicinity of the city (albeit a smaller one), I’m really enjoying being able to go for a hike in the mountains if I need to catch a break. Reconnecting with nature and the quiet from time to time is real nice. 
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reallytryin · 2 years
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don't go breaking my heart pt 1
pairing: conrad Fisher x reader
Warnings: reader having a had relationship with their perants as well as being @bused by their dad
Genre:fluff and angst
a/n: I'm so sorry to the anon that requested this I lost the request but hopefully this finds its way back to you <3
That day was really hot. You had just gotten home from a party with your friends as well as your boyfriend conrad.
As you walk in to the front room you see your dad passed out on the couch,with your mom nowhere in sight. You sigh realising he's been drinking again. Looking over at all the cans of beer,and the open snacks you bought out of the money you got from working at the diner the weekend prior.
Before he could wake up you throw away the cans of beer and walk upstairs with your snacks. this should last me awhile if I get locked in my room again you thought. As your hiding your snacks in various places around the room, vanity,sock drawer ect. You hear your dad coming up the stairs.
Shit. You had to do something,but there's nothing you can do. You brace yourself for whats about to come. "Hey did you take my beers?" Your dad says in an aggressive tone. Yea I did what are ya gonna do about it? Is what you wanted to say instead you answered with a weak "no". His face twisted into a sinister smile. Like he was looking forward to what would come. Shit. He knew. He always knows. "Liar" he wisper yelled. For a few seconds the room fell silent. *ding* a message popped up
Connie 😽🩶
Did you get home safe? ❤
Oh god. "Who's that?" As far as your father knew conrad was just some dumb scrawny middle schooler,but conrad had grown up since 3 summers ago when your dad took you guys to the arcade. That was the last time he saw him,for good reason. "No one" your dad scoffed "yea right. Let me see" your dad was not as smart as he made himself out to be. But He acted tough enough for people to not question him. "No" oh god why did I do that.
"Excuse me?" You picked up your phone and put it in your back pocket. "You heard me" you felt so liberated so free,but that feeling didn't last for long.
You screamed as he pushed you into the wall and grabbed both your wrists. "Please I'm sorry I didn't mean it ple-e-eess" you say with tears streaming down your face. He raises his hand to hit you but the front door opens "I'm home y/n" it was your mother. The only one who listened,although she wasn't much help when your dad was taking his anger out on you she certainly helped you get cleaned up and would tell you over and over again how sorry she was.
"You got lucky this time bitch" it was rare for him to give up a fight but I guess he was hungry and your mom makes the best turkey sandwiches in the world.
You take your phone out of your back pocket and click on his message
Connie 😽🩶
Con:Hey did you get home safe? ❤️
Y/n:Yea I'm fine just my dick head dad
Con:You want me to come pick you up?
Yn:Yea please
Con:K be there in 5
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imagineanime2022 · 6 months
Brother's With A Rich S/O
Lucifer X Reader, Mammon X Reader, Leviathan X Reader, Satan X Reader, Asmodeus X Reader, Beelzebub X Reader, Belphegor X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi love may I request the obey me brothers with a rich gn! s/o who loves to spoil them and take them out on lavish dates?
Hope you have an amazing day and temeber to take care of yourself
(I'm sorry my English is not great :()
📚 Lucifer often got everything that he needed so you’d get him things that you thought he’d like because if he mentioned anything he’d just go and get it the next day. 📚 Most of the things ended up being practical because those are the things that he appreciated the most. 📚 There were times when he just wanted to relax and you often bought him new teas for that he loved tasting the different flavours. 📚 Lucifer always kept an eye on you, he was the only one who somehow stopped you from spending too much money on him, he accepted the small things and made sure that you used all of the more expensive stuff as much as he did.
Lucifer was not expecting you in his office when you opened the door, holding a small bag “what’s that?” He asked. “Just a little present.” You answered as you placed it on the desk, he raised an eyebrow. “For what?” He asked. “Just because.” You answered, he smiled as he reached for the bag he had under the desk for you. “Funny I thought you deserved the same.” He said softly as he pulled out the bag handing it to you. “You didn’t have to get me a present.” You frowned as you took the bag from him, he took your hand leading you around the desk before pushing his chair back and pulling you to sit on his lap. “Open it.” He prompted squeezing your waist slightly. You opened the small bag to find a perfume that you were sure he couldn’t get here. “How did you get this?” You asked. “Don’t worry about that, do you like it?” He asked. “Yes.” You answered. “Now will you open yours.” “Of course.” He said resting hi chin on your shoulder before opening the small box in the bag, there was a fountain pen, it was beautiful, the type of pen that you kept for special occasions, he smiled as he looked at you from the corner of his eyes. “This is beautiful. I will treasure it.” “I’m glad that you like it.” You answered softly. “I am glad that you like yours.” He said kiss your shoulder gently.
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💳 Mammon always wanted something and rarely had the money to get it for himself, that being said he doesn’t abuse the amount of money that you had. 💳 At first he didn’t realise that you would get him anything that he said he wanted, even if he just said it in passing. As soon as he did he was more careful, unless he really wanted something. 💳 You won’t have to do much detective work though, it’s easy to prompt him. He won’t realise what you're doing until he tells you a little too much. 💳 He treasures everything that you buy him and there’s a special place for everything, they are the only thing that he will never sell no matter the trouble that he was in.
Mammon had been out all day, he hadn’t actually seen you which he thought was a little weird, you hadn’t even texted him, or answered the text messages that he had sent you. He sighed as he opened the door to his room, eyes widening as he caught sight of all the jackets littering his bed, he had seen none of them before, they were all new and he assumed courtesy of you. “You weren’t supposed to be back yet.” He heard your voice,he turned to look over at you standing just inside his closet. “What is all this?” He asked. “You said that you had to throw out one of your jackets.” You said. “Yeah one of them, ya bought a whole store!” He teased as he walked over to the bed. “I just thought that it must be more than one that needs swapping out but then I realised that I didn’t remember what colours you had and so I just bought all of them but-” “Do ya mean tha whole store?” He asked, you narrowed your eyes at him. “You don’t want them, I can give them to the others.” You suggested. “I never said that!” He argued as he walked over to the bed and looked at all of the different jackets on the bed. “Ya gonna have ta take some a these back.” “I’m not taking any of these back.” You informed him and he rolled his eyes before walking over to you in the closet and smiled pressing a kiss to your temple. “Thanks.” He mumbled out a blush on his face. “You're welcome.” You smiled as you pressed a kiss to the underside of his chin before helping him fit everything into the closet.
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🎮 Not hard to find out what his new venture is, he’s usually so excited that he forgets that whatever he tells you about you’ll buy. 🎮 You’ve gotten in trouble with Lucifer because you buy Levi whatever he wants and you would always do it when he has access to Akuzon. 🎮 Levi’s collection of figures has become too big for his room, so they’ve started spilling over into yours, he’d come in every now and again to swap some so he gets time with all of them. 🎮 He doesn’t know how you do it but you’ve somehow become better than him at finding some of the more vintage figures and outfits that hadn’t been able to afford or find.
You smiled as you opened the door to Levi’s room, he was sitting at his computer playing something, you bit your lip as you quietly closed the door behind you. You could see that he was really trying hard to beat whatever boss was on screen so you silently moved over to the sofa where you waited for him to finish up.
It was only 5 minutes later that he let out a frustrated groan and leaned back in his chair before spinning around to face the room. He literally jumped out of his chair when he caught sight of you on the sofa “when did you get in here?” He asked. “A few minutes ago but you were playing so I didn’t want to distract you.” You answered. “Oh.” He said softly as he walked over to where you were sitting “is there something you needed?” “No, I just bought you something.” You answered as you handed him the bag that you had brought in with you. “What?” He asked, he hadn’t mentioned anything recently, he opened the bag and his eyes widened. There was a set of exclusive figures that he had mentioned in passing almost a month ago. “Where did you find these?” “Oh there was someone looking to make some money off of them and I knew you wanted them.” You answered with a shrug. “This cost too much money.” He guessed as he pulled out the figures still in their boxes. “It’s nothing.” You waved him off, but to Levi wasn’t nothing, in fact it was something that deserved a proper thanks, something that he couldn’t give you now but rest assured he will have something for you the next time that you visit him.
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🐈 Satan very rarely needed anything but there were some books that you could get him, ones from the human world but there was something that he appreciated more than that. 🐈 Cat toys! They weren't often expensive but they were always needed considering his cats could destroy toys in less than 10 minutes. 🐈 Honestly Satan loved seeing the excited look on your face when you rushed in with your new offerings and the cats always gathered. 🐈 He looks forward to the days when you came in with you purchases, you always took the time to show him everything while sitting on his lap or between his legs on the bed, the closeness always calmed him.
“Satan! Satan!” You yelled as you opened the door to his room, he looked up at you from his book with a raised eyebrow. “Yes dear?” He asked. “Look what I bought!” You said taking his hand and dragging him over to the bed where he sat down before you climbed onto the bed pulling the bag behind you. “What did you get?” He asked. “So I got these new toys for the cats.” You bounced slightly as you pulled out the little ball “they have to bat it around the get the treats out, isn’t it cute!?” “Very cute.” He answered “I’m sure that they are going to love it.” Just as he said that, some of the little cats came through the window, you gasped as you pulled out the treats that you bought quickly filling the little ball as the little cat tried to grab the treats from you. You hopped onto the floor and rolled it around the floor showing the cats what to do with it, they easily understood and started to bat the toy around picking up the treat as they did. “Told you they would love it.” “Oh! There’s one more thing.” You said as you jumped up from the floor going over to the bag, you reached in and grabbed the book at the bottom handing it to him. “It’s the next one in the series that you're reading.” “Thank you.” He said softly as you pulled you closer pressing a soft kiss to your lips “did you get anything for yourself?” “I didn’t see anything that I wanted but, I thought it would be nice if you read to me some time.” You answered resting your chin on his chest. “I can do that for you.” He promised as the ball was hit back towards you. “It seems they’ve run out of treats.” Satan smirked as he looked at you and you both laughed.
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💅 Asmo is shopping all the time but given the fact that he loved his skin care and make up there was always something that you could get him. 💅 Asmo always appreciated anything that you got him and returned the favour by having you try out whatever you got him, face mask, nail colours even clothes. 💅 Asmo does always tell you not to buy him anymore but you never listen, considering he used them everyday in your mind he needed them all the time. 💅 He often tried to go on your shopping trips with you to limit what you got because unsupervised you would buy a whole shop.
“As, As!” You asked as you walked into the room, he was already in his dressing gown in front of his mirror it seemed like he was taking off the day's makeup. “Where have you been?” He asked. “I was shopping.” You answered. “No…” He teased eyes moving over the bags that you had placed on his bed. “Hush, hush.” You waved him away “I only went in there because I remembered you saying you were running out of your green and pink nail polish but then I saw some other things.” “What did you see?” He asked a small smile on your face as bounced in place before passing him the nail polish that you had actually gone in there to buy. “So the first thing that I saw was this face mask.” You mumbled as you sorted through the bag, it’s supposed to help open your pores and pull anything we don’t want to the top.” You explained. “Mmhm.” He hummed as he looked at the ones you had gotten, probably the most expensive ones in the store. “Some foot masks, bath salts and soaps.” You mumbled as you threw them on the bed “and the best part… Some matching PJs!” Asmo smiled as he looked at what you had bought. “Well it is Friday, shall we have a spa night?” He asked. “Yes!” You cheered heading to his bathroom.
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🍔 There was only really one thing that Beel wanted and it was food and there was never a shortage of new foods that you could buy him especially with everything that came from the human world. 🍔 You always had a snack in your bag that you had bought him, he was never hungry around you. 🍔 Honestly Beel never really put together the fact that you were using your money to feed him but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t share everything with you whenever you gave him something. 🍔 You love how happy he was when he was eating and when he told everyone about the new snack you bought.
“What are you doing?” Beel asked as he appeared behind you in your room. “I was looking at all the new things that I got.” You answered “Solomon took me back to the human world so that I could get some stuff.” You gestured, he looked over all of the food from the human world and you smiled as you passed him over your favourite snack. “I think you’ll like this one, it was my favourite before I came here.” “It was?” He asked. “Mhm.” You hummed as you opened the packet, holding one out to him. Beel took the food from your hand, you watched as he put it in his mouth, his face scrunching slightly before it settled and you giggled. “It’s not like anything here.” He said and you nodded. “I thought the same thing when I came here, I used to miss this stuff but now all those sweets that you showed me they’re normal now.” You answered. “Is that bad?” He asked. “No! My favourite thing is when you show me all your favourite food, Then I know you would like it when I get you all your snacks.” You answered. “But these are the ones that you like?” He asked as he pointed at the bag that you had brought back with you. “Mhm.” You hummed. “Show me.” He said as he moved the bag, literally picking you up and placing you on his lap after he sat down on the bed, you grabbed the next snack and explained what it was before giving it to him. Beel spent the rest of the night learning what you missed from your Realm so that he could get Solomon to get it for you whenever he went back.
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💤 Belphie very rarely wanted anything but there was two things that he loved and that was sleeping or watching the stars. 💤 You’d bought him pillows and PJs all the time but there was one thing that you knew that he would love so you decided to surprise him with that. 💤 Belphie never expected anything but he treasured everything that you got him, he slept on the pillow that you got him and no one else was allowed to use it, except for Beel on very rare occasions. 💤 Belphie will never tell you what to do with your money but he did wish that you would use it on something that you wanted too.
You had text Belphie 30 minutes ago saying that you wanted him to meet you at the observatory, he had answered and said that he was on the way. You had just finished setting everything up when you heard him “where did you get that?” He asked. “Oh you're here!” You cheered as you looked at him. “The telescope who’d you borrow it from?” He asked. “I didn’t, I bought it for you, you like looking at the stars now you can look at them properly.” You explained, he walked over looking over the telescope before looking at you. “I wish you would spend your money on yourself too.” He mumbled. “Huh?” You asked. “Since you got here, you’ve bought everything you can think of for everyone else, and when we started dating… Well before that you’ve bought everything for me.” He said. “I… Is that… Bad?” You asked. “No, it’s very kind but you should enjoy your money the way that everyone else is enjoying it.” Belphie answered. “I’ll enjoy this too, you're going to teach me all about the stars right?” You asked. “Of course.” He smiled, leaning in and connecting your lips. “Thank you for the gift.” “No problem, I like giving you gifts.” You admitted and he nodded. “I know you do, you're too kind for this place.” He said softly as he led you over to the telescope “it’s clear enough do you want your first lesson?”
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silvercaptain24 · 2 years
Intro Post!
Call me Silver, Cap, Captain, I don't care! Long as you don't call me late to dinner! :D
I'm a part of the Hurricane Family! Also apparently the only one with braincells a fair percentage of the time, lol. I'm also the one who has the "rules"/intro post, so ask for it here!
I write! You can find all my stuff under the tag Silver Writes, or check out my Ao3! Username is Silver_Captain82403! And i also have a fic masterlist that hasn't been updated since it's creation here!
Um…. I have an art tag now? It’s Silver Does Art??? Should pop up in my featured tags.
Other Tags I commonly use are Silver Rambles (my negativity tag, feel free to block), Silver's Thoughts (usually my HC, Lore, etc. Tag), Silver's Shenanigans (everything. Everything is here).
@shyrule is my usual Wars angsting partner, don't worry about it.
I have sisters! I’ve ended up talking about them enough that they need nicknames, so in age order there’s: Music, Baker, and Comedy!
Pfp drawn by @ghosty-crow, and banner drawn by @cal-the-duende!! (Yeah I stole the idea from Venti not sorry Cal.)
Anon is on. so if you wanna send me an ask but are nervous (For reasons which I don't understand because I'm sorta ridiculous and definitely crazy), feel free to use it! I swear I don't bite, that's @gattodelblack's job.
Anon is temporarily off- I was getting some creepy asks, I’m sorry guys. Pine, Hermit and Wr0ng said they could take any messages from you- Cake, same deal, you’re gonna have to reach out to one of the others.
If you want to get to know me, please send an ask. I love talking to people, but I'm not big on Dm'ing unless I'm comfortable with someone.
Interact and I will end up giving you a nickname, I don’t make the rules.
@ajscico’s fic dealer on the regular. Don’t worry about it.
I think that's it?
Tumblr is currently being stupid and eating asks that I can only see on desktop, which I rarely get on. So if you send an ask and I don’t answer, there’s a chance it’s cause I don’t know about it. Sorry about that.
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