#I'm tired of living a boring life where i don't really get to do much
grimandghoulish · 1 year
#i want to go on a vacation#i have to go to Florida in August for my partner's dad's birthday is his 50th and he really misses us#really don't want to go considering all the bullshit going on down there#so im going at least I'll be able to see some of my friends again#be there for like a week saving up all this money right now#i wish i was saving the money for Niagra falls or something instead...#i just want to go on a romantic vacation with my partner#i want to show him Salem Massachusetts#I'd love to take him to morro bay in California and show him the elephant seals#or go play in the woods together in West Virginia (we'll be careful) and i want to see the moth man festival#run around nyc together and just be free young adults#i want to do something#SOMETHING#I'm tired of living a boring life where i don't really get to do much#i go to work... go home and watch an episode of tv before going to sleep just to do it again tomorrow#even though that's all i do I'm exhausted all the time#i barely make enough money at work and i never have much if anything left over by the end of the week#i have to spend it all on bills and car payments and this and that#i just want to forget about it for a little bit and explore somewhere and have enough money not to worry#where i can actually go and spend it on fun stuff sometimes#i need more#i feel so unstimulated and it's agonizing#I'm desperately craving a road trip#or something you know?? i want to pile in the car with my partner and my closest friends and just go and do what we want#even if it's just for a little bit#before i have to come back inevitably to the same shit i do every day
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strawberryblue-blog · 4 months
You don't know me —Pablo Gavi
summary: you get drunk and Gavi has to take you home but you hate each other (mostly you)
warnings: yes. alcohol consumption, bad words, enemies to lovers.
words count: +2k.
#SEXYNOTE: English is not my first language so i apologize for any spelling errors or misunderstandings.
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The music blared in your ears as you continued to dance with your friends. The alcohol in your blood was responsible for your happiness and maybe you had had enough but you felt so good. It was like one of those days where you didn't care about anything but enjoying your youth, so you just enjoyed yourself. You had missed coming to dance and have fun with your friends.
The dance floor was a little small for you. You couldn't stop moving as your friends moved around you and laughed happily, dancing and drinking.
"I think it's time to go home" you heard your friend say.
"Nooooooo" you groaned as Fermin grabbed you below the waist, helping you walk.
"We need more of this" you squealed raising your glass in the air.
Lately these days you had been feeling stressed and a little sad. Exams were on the doorstep and you couldn't miss them and you were working in the evenings to support yourself. So you were coming home late in the day with a broken and tired head. So you didn't have much time to go out with friends or go dancing, you just came home to rest and go back to class in a loop.
"You'll thank me tomorrow" he said taking your bag from the table. Your other friends complained and you had to say goodbye to them even though you didn't want to leave.
Fermin, who was in charge of driving you home tonight, helped you walk back to the VIP table of the guys, who were drinking and laughing while watching the others. Buh boring. Fermin was one of your best friends since childhood, since you used to go to the same school and then upon graduation you went to the same university. Fermin was still the same kid you knew from before, only now he was a great football player and very famous but he didn't lose the essence. Although the advantage of having a famous friend was something you began to like at times. You were in one of the best clubs in Barcelona, free drinks and really rich people. You couldn't complain. Although his other friends were really boring, what was the point of being famous if you weren't going to enjoy your life? They were always there, sitting around, drinking and chatting with each other.
"I need help with this one" he announced and you laughed as you almost fell over from not being able to hold your balance.
In front of you, you could see the players watching you hiding their laughter at your ridiculous spectacle and as Fermin tried to hold you up so you wouldn't run out of his hands onto the dance floor again.
"I'll take care of the others, could someone drive her home?" you heard him ask towards his friends and you rolled your eyes.
You didn't want to be a bother to any of them, surely they had something to do with their busy celebrity lives, so you planned to take a cab home. Yes, you were drunk but nothing you couldn't handle on your own. It wasn't the first time.
"I can give her a ride, i'm leaving anyway" someone said and you could see one of his friends get up from his spot.
Pablo Gavi. The man that every woman in Spain is crazy about him. A self-centered jerk that you still couldn't get along with. Not for anything special, he just had some attitudes you didn't like, like thinking he was the center of the world, that all women were at his feet or that he was the best at his job. You really didn't understand how someone like him could be Fermín's best friend. They were such opposites.
"I'll send you her address, take care of her, brother" Fermin warned pointing to his friend.
"I don't want to leave!" you whined as your friend helped you put on your jacket. You hear a snort from the boy who was waiting behind you but you ignored him.
"You need to rest, tomorrow you'll have the worst day of your life, Y/n" he said hugging you goodbye.
You pouted and nodded resignedly.
"See you around, gentlemen" you waved them towards the other players, who waved back at you animatedly as you staggered out behind Gavi.
There were still quite a few people for it being almost closing time, so you walked carefully trying to step firmly following Gavi but the boy's back was getting further and further away from you. He didn't even bother to notice if you were behind him, he just continued on his way out of the place. Idiot.
When you crossed the door of the discotheque, you hugged your body in the cool of the night and your eyes caught sight of the young man waiting for you a little further away. His gaze was cold, disinterested. So you rolled your eyes, walking towards the edge of the street, away from him.
"What are you doing?" you heard him ask in the distance.
"Going home" you mumbled looking to your sides to see if a cab was approaching.
"The car is that way" he sighs again pointing.
Clearly you were a bother to him and you didn't want to owe any favors to any of Fermin's friends, least of all him.
"You're fucking drunk, come on" he said and you let out a wry huff.
"I'm not your concern anymore, you can go" you said again.
"I told Fermin I'd take you" he reneged coming up behind you.
"I won't tell him anything, you go your way, I'll go mine. Problem solved" you reply edgewise. You can hear him sigh angrily.
For a few seconds silence ensues, you say nothing but you can see out of the corner of your eye his figure behind you. Maybe you're being a bit airheaded but you know he's only taking you home for commitment and you'd rather not bother him honestly.
"Whatever you want" you hear him say and nod.
When you think he'll leave, because you see him move, you sigh in relief... but then hands wrap around your legs and you squeal as you're lifted off the ground. You scream as you are left face down, Gavi grabbed your legs and carried you over his shoulder, depositing his hand on your legs while the other on your back holding you up.
"Put me down!" you scream trying to kick but he stops you forcefully. "Pablo, put me down now!" you ask again screaming.
His cold hands squeeze your skin and make you shiver, how dare he? you want to hit him so bad! Your legs are uncovered in front of him and it embarrasses you, probably everyone is seeing your panties thanks to that idiot Pablo Gavi.
"I'm. going. to. kill. you" you scream over and over again, hitting his muscular back.
Damn. His muscles are really hard, you swallow saliva as you feel his firmness under your fingers. Being upside down is no doubt making you unable to think. You get to his car, where you hear him unlock it and open the passenger door, you make a move to get out of it but Gavi lifts you back up and sits you in the seat as if you were a five year old. You cross your arms over your chest and refuse to even look at him.
"Stop acting whimsical" he mutters as his arms cross your body to buckle himself in. You roll your eyes at his words and ignore him.
You are angry. You want to hit him and hit Fermin for letting you go with Gavi.
Damn it, you can't take it.
During the whole trip, you stay in your place as if you were not there, even at times your eyes close but you force yourself to stay awake. Gavi kept spying on you while driving, making sure everything was okay. The atmosphere is tense and silent, no one says a word. You're not sure if Fermin told him where you lived or how he was supposed to know the way to your house because when you realize it you start to recognize your neighborhood.
He parks in front of your building and waits a few seconds until you unbuckle your seatbelt and grab your stuff.
"Do i have to carry you all the way home too?" he says teasingly and you open the car door.
Duh duh duh duh. You want to taunt him in that sarcastic tone and curse him out but he won't take any more from you.
As you take a step outside and try to walk, you trip over your own foot and stagger but manage to grab hold of the door before you fall. You hear a low chuckle and your nerves start to make you sweat (or maybe it's the alcohol).
You tell yourself that you can and stand back up to take another step. The worst thing is that you know Gavi is watching you with his smile judging you and makes you want to die right there. Sure, he's a perfect guy who has never come home drunk enough to make a fool of himself.
When you manage to take a few steps away from the car, you start looking in your purse for your building key but start gasping when your hands can't find it. You pick up everything, cards, lipstick, chewing gum, bills but can't find it. Damn, did it all have to happen to you now? You hear Gavi get out of the car and you rush to look for the key starting to curse in whispers.
A sigh of relief leaves your mouth as you grab them from the bottom of your purse, my god. If it wasn't for the fact that you were controlling yourself you probably would have screamed with happiness when you pulled them out.
You walk to the big door and open it, hearing footsteps behind you approach. You turn and see the young man with his hands in his pockets, watching you. As your eyes make contact with his, your stomach churns and your throat goes dry. why is he still here?
"T-thank you for bringing me" you thank him stammering.
"I'll come up with you, i have to make sure you get home and don't fall on the way" he says slowly.
Did you look that bad? How could he think you needed a ride home? Yes, you were drunk. But you could, you had managed to walk here by yourself and open the door. Taking the elevator and getting into the house couldn't be impossible, could it? You didn't understand why he cared so much if he hardly ever cared about you. It seemed that he was also intent on bothering you.
"Whatever you want" you repeat like him before and roll your eyes making room to let him pass.
You turn to start walking and your world turns upside down, making you stagger again from the sudden movement. Fuck, you shouldn't have drunk so much. Not when you hadn't had a drink in so long, you'd clearly lost your taste.
His hands help support you, placing them on your hips. His touch is warm and when his fingers press against your skin, your legs tremble and you're not sure it's from the alcohol especially. He is so close to you that you can hear his breaths, his scent invades your nostrils and you swallow saliva trying to assimilate.
You are paralyzed as if your mind had stopped working, when his hands move a little, helping you back on your feet. You are thankful he is behind you because you feel your face burning, your lips tremble as you feel his warmth next to yours and you don't understand what is happening to you. You keep walking towards the elevator still without seeing him, you will die of embarrassment if you do, he is surely enjoying this and can mock you forever.
The elevator doors open and you enter first going to the side, seeing how Gavi enters inside the metal box as well. He is untouched, sporting his perfect hairstyle, his well-ironed, clean, quality clothes, his face looks uncluttered, fresh. For some reason thinking about him makes you feel discomfort in your belly as if something is fluttering inside you. You sigh as the doors come off and you mark your floor, looking to your side seeing the boy standing next to you.
Pablo turns to look at you and when he catches you looking at him he smiles a little, you feel your neck burn with embarrassment but for some reason you can't stop looking at him. It's as if you study his every move, watching him there, standing next to you, hands in his pockets, expressionless.
You turn slightly, leaning against the metal wall your back against it and turn your attention back to him. You suddenly feel like talking but don't know what to say.
"How does it feel to be famous?" you ask curiously.
He lifts his shoulders indifferently. Is he really a cocky idiot like everyone says? They always say that footballers are narcissistic, self-centered and womanizers. Many claim that Gavi is one of them. Curiosity killed the cat and you're honestly dying to know.
"You must have a very big ego" you say somewhat sarcastically.
He sighs as if he's tired of you and that makes you want to keep pestering him.
"Actually, no" he says in response and turns around facing you.
"Of course you'll say that" you click your tongue. "At the end of the day you're Pablo Gavi" you roll your eyes laughing.
His eyes narrow trying to understand your answer and the sound of the sound that came to your floor announces itself, opening the doors. You straighten up taking a step to leave but when you try to cross, his hand stops you. You swallow as you see how his hand is almost close to your belly, brushing against you and the memories of him carrying you in the discotheque come back to your head. Out of the corner of your eye you see him so close to you, you tremble, he has presence on you and you are attentive to any movement he makes.
His hand now encircles your body and he pushes you into a corner against the wall as the elevator closes its doors again after a few seconds of waiting. Your back slams against the metal wall again as his body presses against yours.
"Do you have a fucking problem with me?" he asks harshly and you raise your head to face him.
Your heart is pounding as if you've just finished running a marathon. Your palms sweat, you even feel your pulse tremble and you know the alcohol isn't to blame for that... it's Gavi. Words get stuck in your throat when you try to speak, it's as if your conscience doesn't respond on its own.
Still, you raise your jaw to face him, you will not show him fear, you will not show him weakness. Even though you feel like every atom of you wants to fade away because of his closeness.
He waits for an answer, because he keeps looking at you through his dark eyes, serious and agonizing. Your exposed chest rises and falls at the lack of air between you, you begin to suffocate beneath him and if you don't respond right now, he will have won.
"I don't like you, just that" you admit feigning harshness.
Gavi lets out a wry huff, smiling a little.
"You don't know me" he says edgeily, gritting his teeth. His neck is red and you can see his veins starting to mark through his pale skin. For god's sake.
But he was right, you don't know him at all. Although you could deduce what kind of person he was from so few things.
"And I don't want to" you spit getting closer to her face to show him that you can be tough too and not just another one of his pile.
You're so angry that you're not afraid. In fact it doesn't bother you to be so close to him, you just want to face him, you want to hurt him. If he was a normal person, you probably would have broken his heart with those words but you're not dealing with just any person.
In front of you, Pablo Gavi smiles licking his lips in mockery. He's not just any man, he's one of those who don't break easily and that everyone fears.
But not you.
Kiss him. You hear your thoughts and freeze. Damn, did you drink too much? or not enough? because right now you're losing your mind.
Words become null and void. You can only hear your breaths in front of each other. The atmosphere is tense, suffocating and even toxic. You are both angry, full of adrenaline and about to explode.
Without realizing it, your movements come to life and you grab his neck from behind and pull him close to you in a matter of seconds, without thinking. Your lips collide with his and you kiss wildly.
The grip on your waist presses your bodies together and you gasp at the sensation of his fingers squeezing you.
You melt into the heat of a bold, hard and hot kiss. You waste no time fighting to touch each other and your hands trying to hold onto each other any way you can. You are desperate as if you were two hunters before a prey, killing by hunger. You both touch, kiss, feel each other, enjoying the moment. His hand sinks into your legs and helps you lift it over his body as you keep trying to touch him, your skin feeling his hard muscles.
Sparks shoot from your bodies, you are so desperate that you don't notice that you are still inside the elevator. The minutes pass like shooting stars but you don't stop kissing.
You will definitely have the worst day of your life tomorrow and you really wish all the alcohol you drank today was enough to not remember any of this.
Otherwise, you won't be able to live with it.
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literaila · 7 months
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: it's midnight and satoru's bored
warnings: abandonment issues, anxiety, and gojo <3
a/n: angst tomorrow?
last part | next part
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second year, month five.
you're sitting on your bed, reading through an old textbook that nanami gave you (for some indiscernible reason) when there's a knock on your door. 
pounding, actually. it shakes the walls and makes you jump. 
there's a distant chuckle from the other side of the door. 
no one really comes to check in on you, so this is unusual. even after living at jujutsu high for four months, you're finding it difficult to fit in. 
maybe it's the fact that you were a month late to join your classmates, maybe it's because you find yourself pushing any available person away (because of fear, or insanity, or...), or maybe it's just that you can't relate to anyone for the life of you. 
but, either way, the last person to knock on your door was yaga, who came to wake you up to go out on your second day here. 
and, it's midnight, so unless someone's dying-- 
you sigh, shaking your hair out of your face. your eyes burn from staring at the small text for so long, so you rub them, hoping that you fell asleep and this is a dream. 
it's not, apparently, because there's a second knock, much louder than the first. so you reluctantly get up and go to the door. 
you try to tip-toe across the floors, hoping that the person hellbent on speaking to you can't hear you creeping up to the peephole. 
"let me in," someone says because they have any right to demand anything of you. 
you cross your arms like he can see you, and wait. 
"y/n?" gojo whines, and there's a thud as he slumps against the door. you can almost hear him breathing. "please. it's important." 
you wait another moment, for an explanation (which is unlikely) or for him to leave (which won't happen). you should've pretended to be asleep. then, after you realize he's going to wait, you sigh and unlock the door. 
and when you open it, gojo falls right on top of you. 
"ugh," you say, pushing him off, not caring about the two seconds it takes him to regain his balance. "you're heavy." 
" i work out. i'm made of muscle." 
you roll your eyes. "what do you want?" you ask, crossing your arms. you make sure not to open the door all of the way. lord knows that gojo has a way of slipping through the cracks. 
"no one else is around," he whines, "and i'm bored." 
"okay? go step on some ants or burn down your room or something. i'm going to bed." 
you should be nicer to your classmates--the people whom you literally entrust your life with--but you can't help your hard exterior. at least you know that no one will be able to break through it if you don't let them. 
and plus, gojo kind of annoys you (and is maybe, a little bit, amusing).
gojo looks you up and down with a brow raised. how you're able to see him from behind his ridiculous sunglasses, who knows. 
he's clearly questioning your outfit and the shoes you're still wearing inside your room. it was a mistake to stay in your uniform. 
"you don't look very tired," he says, smiling at you. his face is unwrinkled and youthful. he looks like a boy and acts like a child. 
"you're terrible at reading people." 
"hey, no i'm not. i can tell you want to hang out with me." 
"can you?" 
"mm-hmm," he hums, grinning as he tries to lean forward, into your room. 
"where's suguru?" 
he gives you a skeptical look. "why do you wanna know?" 
you snort. "cause usually you'd be bothering him." 
"oh," he grins, undeterred by your insult, "he went to see his family." 
you frown. "oh." 
"and before you ask, shoko said that she's tired of me," he pouts a bit, but behind his notorious smile. gojo is an illusion of expressions. you've never seen anybody's face move so quickly, or shift so subtly. "now can i come in?" 
you weigh the cost and benefits of allowing satoru gojo to intrude on your saturday night, and how likely you'll be subjected to him in the future. (is he going to damage you if you let him in? are you going to let him break you?).
but he's leaning down so you can see the tips of his lashes, and he's smiling like he already knows your answer. 
so you sigh, hesitantly, and open the door a bit more. "don't touch any of my stuff." 
"wow," gojo says as he walks in, by-stepping you and ignoring the glare you shoot his way. "you're a terrible decorator." 
he's right. you haven't bothered to put anything up on the walls, even after almost half a year. a small part of you has been too worried that you won't be here for long. that you might die, or... 
"sorry it's not up to your standards," you roll your eyes, going back to sit on your bed and leaf through the stupid textbook again. "but, you know, luckily, you have your own room. i can show you where it is, if you forgot. we can go there now." 
"subtle," he says and messes with a couple of books on your shelf. you doubt he's going to pick one up and ruin it, so you ignore him. 
you could complain about him touching your things like you just told him not to, but it's probably not going to get you very far. plus, you don't want to say something he can laugh at. or something to make him leave. 
but after a moment, you can't help yourself. 
"why are you up, anyway?" you ask him, trying to sound more annoyed than you are. "didn't you have to leave early for a mission this morning?"
"are you keeping tabs on me?" 
"you were bragging about a 'solo' mission all through dinner last night. it was impossible not to overhear." 
gojo sighs. "i don't get a lot of sleep. it's too lonely." 
"i've heard some very interesting rumors about you and suguru's cuddling rituals." 
he grins but doesn't say anything, teasing you with just his eyes. 
after a second of it, you ask, "don't you have a family to go home to?" 
he turns to you, tilting his head, long fingers tapping along your appliances. "clans are more like... begrudged allies than families. i haven't seen my parents in..." he whistles, shaking his head. but it doesn't seem to bother him, because he shrugs after, and resumes his snooping. 
that... actually explains a lot. 
at least he's like the rest of you. 
gojo, abandoning your books--which he probably can't read--goes to sit down on your swivel chair, spinning around. "what about your family? don't you miss them?" 
you give him a tired look. "seriously? you think i don't know that you guys talk about me when i'm not around?" 
gojo bites his cheek, having the gull to not even blink, and then a reluctant smile makes its way to his lips. "who told you?" 
"haibara can't keep a secret to save his life. don't gossip around him anymore." 
he shakes his head, grinning at you again. gojo knows no shame. "well you started pretty late into the semester," he says, "that's not very typical." 
you roll your eyes. 
"so. not going home?" 
"i'm not welcome in my parent's house, anymore," you say, trying to act like the words mean nothing. you could be discussing your favorite color. "as i'm sure you know." 
"did they kick you out?" 
"do you really want to talk about this? it'll probably bore you." 
he shrugs. "nothing else to do." 
you sigh, shutting your textbook.
maybe it's because gojo doesn't seem to actually care, or because you've been alone all day--with lots of time to spend spewing over choices that weren't yours. either way, the words make their way to your lips before you can stop them.  
"both of my parents pretty much ignored me as soon as i turned ten and started having nightmares about the monsters i was seeing around our house," you shake your head, swallowing, "and after yaga scouted me this year, they decided i'd probably be better off with 'people like me.' so, no, i'm not going home. i'm sure they've already moved." 
gojo stares at you like he's trying to discern if you're telling the truth or not. 
you probably shouldn't have said anything. but it's not your fault that no one's had the guts to ask before him, or that you've been dying to talk about it. 
you roll your eyes. "satisfied, gojo?" 
"satoru," he says, grinning. "anyone who's got a clear attitude problem gets to call me by my first name." 
"did your 'begrudged allies' forget to teach you manners?"
he hums. "i think i skipped those lessons." 
you snort. 
you could thank him for not pitying you--for not saying a single thing about how you didn't deserve it, or that it isn't fair--but you don't. it doesn't feel necessary. 
"suguru's family is like that," he adds because this is a normal thing to discuss with an acquaintance you've hung out with once. "but he's too righteous to cut them off." 
"yeah, i don't have that issue." 
he laughs, spinning around again. then he stands up and plops down on your bed, unwarranted, taking off his glasses so he can lie on his side. 
and then he sits there, staring at you. 
it only takes thirty seconds for you to break. 
"did someone surgically implant diamonds into your eyes?" you demand, kicking his foot away from yours. his body is warm against yours, and it makes you wonder if he's got a fever. 
he would come and bother you just to get you sick. 
"these are all-natural, sweetheart," he whispers, fluttering his lashes. he doesn't look away for a moment. his eyes are prettier up close, you suppose, when you can see them in their full glory. they look less alien, somehow less intense. 
"what are the glasses for anyway?" 
"try 'em on." 
he hands them to you, grinning like he knows something you don't, and you take them--maybe just so you can smudge the lens. 
they are surprisingly light, and warm. you put them over your eyes, blinking. 
"oh, are you clinically blind?" you ask, feeling slightly bad for bringing it up. he's probably going to pull your hair and lock you in your room now. 
satoru snorts. "no, i just don't need to see, unlike some people." 
"...was that supposed to be a brag?" 
you take off the glasses, wincing at the light. then you hand them back to him, tingling skin where your fingers brush his. 
"it would drain my cursed energy if i didn't wear them," he says, "'cause i see a lot more than you do." 
"okay? so it’s not to keep people from screaming when they see you?”
he pinches your thigh in retaliation, scoffing. “i am beautiful.”
he shakes his head, but leaves the glasses off, setting them on his stomach, and closing his eyes. one hand travels to the top of his head, as he relaxes into your bed. 
you'll probably need to wash the sheets after this. 
"hey," you say after he's been still for a minute. "satoru. you can't fall asleep here. i thought you wanted to be entertained."
"then entertain me." 
you roll your eyes, even though he's not looking. "i'm not your servant. go back to your room if you're just going to bed. i'm not cuddling with you." 
"i promise i'm good at it. ask suguru." 
"he's not here, so i can't." 
satoru sighs, opening his eyes again. "talk about something." 
"like what?" 
"uh... your favorite movie." 
"i don't watch a lot of movies." 
he sits up. "what?" he asks, genuinely shocked. 
you roll your eyes at him again. 
and, okay. despite his attitude, and his freaky eyes, you guess it is... nice, to be called upon. 
and as satoru sits there, talking to you about the most ridiculous of things, you feel settled in. unafraid of saying something wrong or pushing him away. 
it's good, you suppose, easy. 
next part | series masterlist
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
oh my GOD ninny- i LOVED the fricking drabble for princess! Please, force feed us more!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Let's see.. oh yeah, how about I tell you about the time he put MC on her fridge?
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"We bought that for the entire week, not just today." Jungkook scolds you, closing the fridge again right into your face. "You can't just eat everything at once." He explains, and you cross your arms, annoyed.
"It's not like I don't have the money for it." You huff, glaring at him. "It wasn't even all that expensive-"
"But it's wasteful." He argues. "You'll open all the packages, and then stuff gets bad quicker. Wasting food is a no-go." He denies you, and nod after a moment, feeling a bit ashamed about it.
Jungkook is really trying to help you get used to a normal life- because he plans on making that a possibility for you, once he gets you out of that slave contract. And its obvious he, to some degree, has to start at the very basics of living on your own, and that includes things such as this. You've never learned how to pace your emotions at all, and so he can't blame you for getting so overly excited about all the groceries you bought today- wanting to eat them all at once, no feeling of hunger or appetite at all.
Or more so, you have a constant appetite, at all times- but no idea how to really listen to your body if it's just a craving, or genuine hunger.
And it's not just food you seem to have this problem with- it's also other aspects of life. Be it at dance practice where you can get so excited about things that you almost faint on him due to exhaustion, and whenever you're comfortable, you'll sleep until you get a headache from it. You have barely any feeling for time, you never got taught how to use money and how to value it, and you also never been out as much as these days with him.
He will probably forever remember that ride on the bus with you, simply because you were so in awe of everything around you. In a way, it's also interesting to him, because all the things that are normal and boring to him, are mesmerizing to you.
The second he's not looking at you however, you're back at the fridge, and frankly, he's had enough of your antics today. So with not much thought, he picks you up, and puts you right on top of the small fridge you have in your apartment, before stepping back.
"Let me down!" You argue, but he just shakes his head. "This isn't funny-"
"Never said it was." He tells you. "But you get what you deserve. I told you, you've been really testing me today, and I can really only take so much." He explains, making your curled tail unravel in shame as you realize how exhausting you must've been for him. And the moment he sees that, he walks closer again, carefully getting you back down to look at you. "I'm not angry at you. Just a little exhausted." He jokes, and you nod.
"M' sorry." You apologize, but he just pets your head playfully, before he walks towards your couch, where you sit down as well. "What're you doing?" You ask, and he shrugs, before he lays down.
"I need to recharge." He tells you. "Babysitting is making me tired, you know?" He teases, but much to his surprise, you instead quietly lay down next to him, even going as far as to cuddle up, before you wait, most likely for any sort of reaction.
But all you get, is his arm around you, pulling you in more comfortably-
quietly accepting not only the close proximity, but so much more.
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mustainegf · 1 month
hi elena!
could you do a james angst where the reader gets into a fight with him during the tour and goes out to get some air and gets hurt really bad and james doesn’t realize until he notices she’s been gone for like 30 minutes and then he freaks out and takes care of her/helps her.
thank you babes i hope all is well
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The tour was full bore ahead, and we were living somewhere between exhausted and exhilarated. But this continuous moving, this endless stream of cities and faces, wears down even the strongest of people.
James and I had been together long enough that I knew the ups and downs of touring better than many. But tonight, those late nights, the missed calls, the exhaustion that makes everything feel ten times worse.
We were back in the hotel, everyone else in the band spirited off to their own rooms, no doubt winding down from the show. I perched on the edge of the bed, trying to read a book, but the words swam in front of my eyes. Behind me, I could feel James's pacing, his energy crackling in the small space.
"Can you just sit for a minute?" I tried to keep my voice calm, but I could hear myself getting agitated. "You're making me nervous."
He stopped, but he didn't sit. "I can't sit down. I'm too wired from the gig."
I exhaled heavily and closed the book, setting it beside me. "I know, but you're driving me crazy."
He finally sat, but the annoyance was still there, radiating off his tan skin. "What's your problem tonight?"
His voice was razor sharp, and he immediately got me on my heels. "I don't have a problem, James. I'm just tired. We've been on the road for weeks, and I'm tired. You're so… restless."
"You think I'm not tired, too?" he spat back, his eyes narrowing. "You think it's easy for me? Every night, putting everything I have into those fuckin' shows, And then I come back here, and all you do is complain."
His words bit, sharp as a slap in the face. "I'm not complaining. I am trying to talk to you. It's like, lately, you're just not even hearing anymore."
"I'm here, aren't I?" he barked. "What more do you want out of me?
I felt my frustration welling up, ready to spill out of me. "I want you here with me, emotionally, not just a warm body."
"I'm doin' all that I can!" he bellowed, his voice rising. "What do you want me to do? Quit the band? Stop touring? This is my life, and if you can't handle it, maybe you shouldn't be here!"
The words lay on the carpeted floor between us in the open air, heavy, painful. My eyes stung with tears, but I dug my heels in. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of seeing how much he'd hurt me.
"I'm going for a walk," I said. My voice was shaking. "Maybe I won't come back."
I didn't give him time to reply. I took my jacket, opened the door, and just walked out of the room. At the end, I slammed the door behind me.
I needed some fresh air, an escape from the suffocation. When I finally stepped outside, the night was nippy compared to the warmth inside the hotel. I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my pants and started walking, really not caring where I might end up.
The streets were very quiet, almost eerily so. It was late, and the city was in that strange no man's land time of night when most people were asleep but the night itself still lived. I walked aimlessly, my thoughts replaying the argument again and again with every single word cutting a little deeper than the last.
How had we come to this? I was scared not just about losing him but about losing myself in the process.
I wasn't watching where I was going. The streetlights were spaced far enough apart that their long shadows reached out into the distance. I was so lost in my head that I didn't even notice the uneven pavement beneath my feet until it was too late.
One minute I was walking along just fine, and then my foot came down on a raised spike of concrete. I stumbled forward, trying to catch myself, but my ankle twisted, sending a sharp pain up the leg. I hit hard on the ground, my hands scraping against the rough surface as I tried to break my fall.
I just lay there for a moment, the shock of the pain making it hard to think. My ankle throbbed, and I could feel the sting of the scrape on my palms. I tried to push myself up, but another shoot of pain came with the giving of my ankle.
I bit back a curse, and frustration welled up in tears in my eyes. Sitting there on the cold pavement, hurt and all alone, I felt so pathetic. It finally settled in, I'd stormed out of the hotel without a single thought for the consequences, and now I was stuck, hurt, and not able to get back on my own.
I pulled myself up to a seated position, cradling my ankle in my hands. It wasn't broken, at least, I didn't think it was, but it hurt like hell. I glanced around, realizing how far I had wandered off. The hotel was out of sight, and the street was deserted, in a city that was unknown to me.
I cursed under my breath, rubbing at the tears that had started to fall. I needed to get back, but I didn't know how. My ankle throbbed, and I could hardly put any weight on it. My hands and ankle were bleeding badly, with visible blood on the pavement, even in the dark of night. The thought of limping all the way back to the hotel was scary, but what choice did I have?
Just as I was about to have another go at standing, I heard my name being called. First, I thought it was my imagination, a trick of my tired brain. Then I heard it again, this time more closely, panicked.
"Where are you? Baby?!"
It was James.
"James!" I called out again, my voice breaking.
A few seconds later, I saw him rounding the corner, his eyes wide. Seeing me sitting on the ground made his expression turn from fear to relief in the beat of a heart. He rushed over to me, dropping down to his knees beside me.
"What happened, baby?" he asked as his hands hovered over me, unsure where to touch. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," I lied, brushing it off, but the wince that followed my words gave me away. "I just tripped. It's not a big deal."
"Not a big deal?" he echoed. "You're hurt, You're bleeding, Why didn't you come back?"
His words were guilty, and I could feel his torment, see it in his pretty blue eyes. He was blaming himself, and my heart cracked. "I was mad," I said, voice small. "I just needed some air, and I wasn't paying attention. It's my fault."
He shook his head again, and I felt his hands finally come to rest on my arms. "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said those things. I was a dick, and I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of it. You're my girl, and I don't want to lose you."
"You don't have to apologize. We were both upset. I shouldn't have stormed out like that."
He let out a shaky breath, his hands moving to cup my face. "I was so scared when I realized you were gone. I've never been that scared in my life. I thought... I thought you popped on a plane to leave, that I'd lost you."
I reached up, placing my hands over his, feeling the warmth of his skin against mine. "I'm right here," I whispered. "I'm not going anywhere."
He leaned closer, his forehead touching mine, our breath intermingling. "I can't lose you," he said, his voice shaking. "You're everything to me... and I need to work on my anger."
My heart ached at the raw emotion in his voice, he was facing the issue, an that's what meant the world to me. "It's alright, Jamie," I promised firmly. "I'm not going anywhere, James.
He pulled back a little. "I love you," he said, and the words sort of tumbled out of him, like a confession. "I love you so goddamn much, and I'm sorry I haven't been showing it."
His words sent a rush of warmth through me, melting away the last of my tension that had ratcheted up between us. "I love you too."
James gave a sweet nod before planting a kiss on my forehead. "Alright, lets get you up." He slipped his arm around my waist, supporting me as I tried to stand. The moment I put weight on my ankle, pain shot through me, and I couldn't help the small cry that escaped my lips.
"Take it easy," he murmured, voice gentle but firm. "Lean on me. We'll take it real slow."
I nodded, my teeth biting down as I held onto him. With his aid, I was able to stand up, though I couldn't put much weight on my injured ankle. James didn't crush me with his pace, he matched mine.
As we set out to walk back to the hotel, it seemed that I had come a long way from the hotel. But not a word of complaint came from James. He just kept his attention focused on me, his arm strong and firm about my waist.
Once we finally arrived back in our hotel room, after an hour of limping down the sidewalk and into the hotel, James helped me settle into bed, and even got ice for my ankle.
"Breathe, try not to move your foot," James cooed, flicking the lamp of and snuggling to me. With my injured state, James insisted I stay on my back. The roles were reversed as he nestles to my side, his head resting on my shoulder.
"I'll never let go again." James whispered, kissing my shoulder.
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
Random ass question, but what do you think is the best way for a 4/10 girl to become at least a 7 out of 10? I’m aware that “beauty is subjective” but I’m literally below average, 4/10 is being lenient for me lol
How to have confidence in your physical appearance 🎀
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First of all sweetie,
let's not rate ourselves on a scale about how pretty we are! It's really degrading and I feel like you deserve so much better than that. Living in a generation where filters are oversaturated, people using AI to edit their photos, and incels with porn addictions and have never felt the touch of a woman, will call the most beautiful girl "mid". It's so understandable why one's self esteem can feel low at times. You need to change the way you talk about yourself (especially me). Beauty always start from within - as redundant as that sounds. You can't feel pretty if you're not focusing on the reason why you feel this way. A pretty soul (and self concept!) makes a prettier face. Moving on, let's get into the actual tips of a glow up 💖
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Let's address the elephant in the room 🐘: you're not ugly, just acting pitiful
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Have you ever wondered why you have seen those people who are considered "unattractive" or "unconventionallly pretty" by others be in successful relationships or popular with their peers? It's because they have confidence. Have you ever been attracted to someone that may not necessarily fit the beauty standards or be considered a jaw dropping model, but you thought they were cute anyways because of their personality or charm? That's exactly what I mean. You can be a pretty face or have a nice body, but have terrible self esteem. Living in California my whole life I come across this everyday. There is plenty of beautiful people here, but there is also a lot of people with no sense of humor and no offense, but have no personalities. In other words, you can be attractive, but superficial and boring.
To feel beautiful or more like a "10" even on your worst day is mainly having a good self concept. You need to think with the mindset of "I am the baddest bitch even on my worse days and nobody can make me feel different about that, not even me." Our concept can be changed, reshaped, rebuilt, morphed, etc, into any way we want it to be. Our self concept and dominant thoughts are created by our previous past experiences and what people have told us what we are. For example, if you were bullied in your youth and somebody picked on you for your features. Why would you give a fuck about what a bully thinks??? A person who humiliated and traumatized someone at a weak point in their life does not matter. Their opinion, their actions, their thoughts - doesn't matter. You can change yourself anytime you want, we are animals, we are literally mean to be apart of this cycle called life and our habits, attitudes, opinions, etc, can change at any moment. We are meant to grow and adapt. You get to decide who you are, what you feel, and how you wish people to perceive you. Nobody else. So when you repeatedly say things to people like "I'm not beautiful", they're gonna get tired of it honestly and be like "Yk what damn bitch I guess you are ugly!" because it gets tiring to hear someone complain about the same thing even when they just reassured them (again, I'm guilty of this too). So when you depend on someone to make you feel good about yourself, that's just codependency. You are also giving them the power to manipulate you. Don't do that. Be free and be independent, love yourself. It's your self esteem and you cannot be dependent on anybody else to fill that void you have within yourself.
As Katt Williams said, "It's the esteem of your motherfucking self!"
Why it's not your fault you don't 'feel" pretty
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Like I said above, you are most likely a product of your surroundings. Most people are not raised by their parents to have good self esteem or to teach them how to be confident or emotionally secure. There are many environmental factors to insecurity and that it is okay if you are never 100% feeling confident about yourself. People in the media construct this ego to seem "cool" and act conceited as a way to avoid being seen as weak to society. You can be confident and also have insecurities. Confidence is just about being secure with the essence of who you are and setting boundaries when necessary with other people when it comes to that. A confident person doesn't tolerate disrespect.
"Conceited" or confident?: how to avoid confusing the two
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I think the most irritating thing to me that is normalized these days is narcissism and conceited people. People will literally act boastful and cocky then say "I'm just confident". Behaving like a narcissist or saying that you are one is not cute and never will be because it's literally a personality disorder, a mental health condition. Everytime I hear this it makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head. Try to avoid being this person with a "God complex" because there's a difference between a person who is being loud and fake with "confidence". A real confident person makes moves in silence and is genuine with themselves. If you have to brag or put another person down to feel like hot shit, then you're not a confident person, period.
Tips to enhance your beauty
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As I said before anon you are already a 10 in my eyes, but I understand how it feels to not feel pretty at times and we all have our days when we are looking "rough". Here are some self care tips I do that helps me feel pretty and pampered physically ✨️
Get some beauty sleep! This is not just a saying. When your body has time to rest it gives you time to reset & have more energy for the next day. Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent dark circles & puffy eyes as well. If you struggle with falling asleep spray lavender pillow spray, drink tea, or play asmr/soothing sounds.
Skincare & hygiene, this is such a crucial step that everyone should practice in their daily lives. All of us have different skin textures and when we neglect our skin it causes a dry, oily, or bumpy surfaces. Now skin texture is totally normal but if you notice the days where you are not washing your face frequently enough, your skin either looks dull, dirty, or you experience more pimples / acne breakouts. Not to mention how dirty we feel when our body is projecting a certain odor. You don't need to have an extravagant routine, but at least try to have about 4 hygienic products (soap, deodorant, lotion, & body spray/prrfume) and 4 skincare products (facial cleanser (I recommend double cleansing!), serum, SPF/Sunscreen, & face lotion).
Mirror work, saying affirmations in the mirror has proven to be helpful for people's self esteem & feeling more confident with their physical appearance.
Change your wardrobe! Start dressing for your body type & how your ideal self would. It might feel uncomfortable at first but you will feel so much more beautiful! You could try finding videos on tiktok of people with your body type to help (for example, if you are plus sized, you could search your desired aesthetic & find people with the same shape as you).
Detox from social media 📱, learn when it is time to take a break from your phone & engage with the real world. Scrolling for hours on your phone can be really harmful especially if you're reading negative comments or watching videos that are self depreciating.
Follow people who uplift you, not tear you down. If you are following people who obviously are negative or affect your self esteem somehow, then you do not need to be supporting them.
Make appointments! Whether that is a doctor appointment or lash, nail, or hair appointments. Take care of your mind, health, and body. You could ask your doctor what vitamins you should take or also seek a counselor/therapist to find the root of your insecurities in a safe place. Also sometimes just getting my hair or nails done makes me feel more confident!
Learn to treat yourself. Buy yourself flowers or a gift you always wanted but never received. This could be anything, it doesn't necessarily mean to spend money. For example, cooking your favorite food, having a lazy day, etc. Remember that you deserve to be happy!
Lastly, beauty spells, glamour magick, and manifestation are popular methods for people who wish to enhance their physical appearance. I do all of these myself and I always feel so hot afterwards!
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I hope you found these tips helpful beautiful ♡!
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that-one-xachster · 4 months
Megumi x Childhood Bestie!Reader Hcs part two
ok I'm continuing this lmfao
so lets get to the part after go/joe kidnaps itadori
and you're just chilling with megumi in his room questioning all life choices
and he's questioning life itself
"crabs probably think fish can fly"
"...what did you eat today"
"tuna mayo"
"istg if you pull the Inumaki crap-"
"bean bags are boneless sofas"
"...I want a beanbag."
*audibly sighs*
so yeah very fun
and you have a sleepover with him bc like
why not
and drama
so let's say todays that very special once in a lifetime day that you fall asleep INSTANTLY
and like just boom "I'm tired" you're knocked out
and megumi's just there like "gurl??"
my bro is absolutely done cause you're like taking up most of his bed
and personal space
give the man a break 😔✋
so he tries shoving you a lil to the side
keyword: tries
but you're a stubborn person so you don't budge
also you're gripping the bed for dear life in your sLEEP-
you haven't grown out of it lmao
megumi pulls his iconic face and is just
absolutely done at this point
he's known you since childhood anyway right
and you're asleep right
so you won't mind if he just plops on top of you and cuddle-spoons you while your sleeping to create space right 😊
just to create space
you don't mind even when you're awake but megumi doesn't know that-
so yes he lies on top of you- wraps an arm around your waist- and spoons you while he falls asleep-
im giggling squealing kicking my feet writing this don't mind me
so yes he's still spooning you while you're asleep-
and in the morning he wakes up first ehe-
bc sleep = none or sleep = all
"all's well thats well for me"
but you're still sleeping
and its like 7:30 am
its too early for this shit
so he just stays in bed cuddling you
and boom half an hour later you wake up
but you pretend to be sleeping heh
so you two are technically cuddling rn and then my bro realizes that your awake-
and hes like
"oh good morning"
yeah we're totally gonna gaslight
"good morning to you too"
we're gonna keep up the gaslighting
so you turn around and you're facing megumi and you're like what time is it he's like 8:30 am or sum
so you both get up bleh the boring stuff
so then megumi walks out of the room but you're still inside cause why not
and then itadori and megumi have some bro talk and you just pop up behind megumi-
itadori sHRIEKS
gojos like 'did u two have a sleepover 😼'
and megumi ofc is like 'why do you care'
and itadori goes-
the way your faces heat up so fast
and hes like 'what the f no i'm not dating this idiot here'
you're like 'i wish 😔'
no this does not go unnoticed by gojo and he whips out his phone faster than lightning mcqueen and bombards him with pictures
'smile for the camera megumi~'
'boy if you don't shut your skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan Indiana jones overgrown flintstone x and Y chromosome hormone friend zone Sylvester Stallone Sierra loan autozone professionally seen silver patrone head ass up-'
yes I had to
anyway y'all gotta go pick up the other first year aka nobara
and you're like
"hehe you'll see"
so you make all of them speed to wherever the hell yer picking her up
idt I mentioned you slept in the car and your head was on megumis shoulder eheh
itadori kept teasing him and won't let him live it down fr
so yk nobara and her iconic scene
you have no shame
and you drink your respect women juice
im trying to make this gender neutral 😭
you see the uniform and you're cheering her on so much like
and shes like tf is this crazy bish doing
but you're just really excited to have another person in the group cause being around the same uh 7-8 people can get boring
so you meet her and you're pretty excited
"be glad boys, you're getting another girl in the group."
now that drops your opinion
so you have a smol idea
to uh
you whisper something in her ear and the wAY HER EXPRESSION DROPS
guess what you said <3 bc ik ofc I wanna see what y'all think
anyhoo so then shes like WHAT THE HELL and drops it
and boom you pull your feminine/masculine/nonbinary wiles and she's now your bestie
and gojo says we're going sOmEwHeRe
and nobara and itadori get so excited
yk the EJWRHTKWJEHTAUIETHR and the hugging gojo
you're standing next to megumi though cause you know whats coming
the way their face drops when y'all go to that messed up school- was it a school?
anyway yuji and nobara go in and you're outside with megumi and gojo
y'all are sitting down nearby
you're tired af with this shit so you just plop your head down in megumi's lap and no questions he just lets you
and hes running his fingers through your HAIRRRRR
so you have some lovey-dovey time and gojo sneaks a picture cause he low-key ships you two
and after the two come out y'all just walk back very nice day
okay moving on from the boring stuff he goes back to his dorm
is developing a crush ehe
so hes just lying in bed thinking like
poor guys conflicted
but good for you hehe
sigh I'm tired ill write a part 3 later lmao
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highlordofkrypton · 3 months
I'm not into comics that much but why do Batman and Superman beef with each other? Like if you two don't kiss each other right now instead of fighting-
Like fuck beating the other to a pulp, just fuck each other already😑
It really depends on what media you're following. They don't actually hate each other except in specific works. They're best friends, colleagues and at the very least, consider each other family. Even with the variety of universes in comics, Batman and Superman hating each other is very rare and in specific circumstances with reasons behind it.
Long story short: they don't (beef). They disagree and argue, sure. They're rivals, but in a manner that conveys the utmost respect for one another. Their friendship can turn toxic, too, but it's never out of hate.
Yes, there is initial friction when they start working together. Both come with a different set of values and methods to uphold justice, which is what makes their friendship so compelling. After everything, even when they don't see eye to eye, they support one another and they are there for one another. They show deep compassion and understanding for one another, even without necessarily speaking. Batman is highly observant, and Superman is endlessly compassionate.
I'm too tired to find the examples right now, but a couple of bullet points:
Batman is Superman's hero - Superman has unwavering faith in Batman even if his plans are batshit crazy. I can't find the panels rn, but there was even an arc where Batman had a plan that involved Clark slowly killing himself for a 1% chance (or something ridic like that) of saving the universe. It was horrible, but Clark trusted him no matter what.
When Bruce got engaged with Selina, there was an entire sidestory where they went on a double date with Clark and Lois, and both men went into great depth of why they admire one another and how important they are to each other. The respect between them is immeasurable.
Batman's first Robin (Dick Grayson) was a huge Superman fan, and Superman was an important part of his life. To the point that once he stopped being Robin and became Nightwing, his hero name 'Nightwing' actually comes from a Kryptonian story Superman told him.
Both Superman and Batman's respective families are closely knit, each 'bat' has a 'super' that is associated with them, either on a team with them or as friends. If they hated each other, I don't think their families would be this close-knit.
Superman knows the sound of Bruce's heartbeat and listens for it often.
Batman has a voice tone, or grunts, that is reserved for Clark only. Fun fact, the JL unanimously agrees that Clark is the best at doing the Batman voice.
They founded the Justice League together, along with Wonder Woman and other team variations (usually with the Flash and the Green Lantern).
Even in AUs where they hate each other, or they've grown apart, they still respect one another.
They have multiple comic runs as a duo/partners: World's Finest and Superman/Batman.
In one of the runs above, Superman's cousin crashes to earth and both Batman and Superman become parental figures and argue about raising her until Wonder Woman intervenes. Again, they disagree, but it was more on execution of integrating Kara onto earth.
Anyway, the idea that these heroes hate each other isn't really, at least in my experience with other comic fans, common? Mass media (such as films and video games) has a weird attachment to turning Superman into a villain to fight the allegations that he's boring, but he's actually a compelling character if you (general you, me @ the WB execs.) can get past the weird power-obsession and enjoy characters for their depth.
That said, while I do ship superbats, I have a deep appreciation for the women in their lives, especially Selina (who is able to recognize her feelings for Bruce and how they may not be good for one another) and Lois (who is such a fierce character on her own). They add so much to Batman and Superman respectively, so I whenever I talk about Superman and Batman, I make sure to mention this too.
It's important to me, especially in this ship to emphasize that it's not just about kissing the pain away, but understanding the depth and the history that comes with this relationship. Also, not erasing women for the sake of the ship, too.
Final disclaimer: comics have so many different versions, timelines and resets that someone can easily swoop in and prove me wrong, so please take everything above as my way of enjoying the comics.
If I have the energy, I will try to find the panels, but I am so tired 😭
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ebeane · 6 months
Yandere Tomura Shigaraki x Fem!reader
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///TW/// Somnophilia, Non-con/ Dub-con, Kidnaped reader, Comfort at the end I guess,
Note: This is my first post sorry for bad writing :')
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Everything was fine at least you thought it was you lived a normal life nothing really special about you yet here you are kidnapped by a guy named Tomura Shigaraki, that has been watching you for over a month now.
You were heading home back from college until you heard a noise of a kid crying, you go see where it's coming from and then your vision is blocked by a cloth and your head hits the ground.
It's been 1 1/2 months with Tomura now, you don't do much but stay in his room chain by the bed frame. Sometimes he lets you out of your hand cuffs but most of the time he does it so he can have his way with you. For the first few weeks you tried to fight back but evidently you gave up and just followed his orders and behaved. You didn't fight back when he "made love with you" all you did was cry and say a few no's here and there but you gave up.
Now here you lay on the bed that was made perfectly well with new washed sheets that you had put on in the morning when Tomura was away. You're sleeping peacefully since you know he won't be back till late or heck even tomorrow. You're wearing a night gown he bought for you and asks you to wear to bed everyday. It's a silk white night gown that has a bow attaching the front part holding up your boobs. "Pretty for a princess" he calls it, other then that you're basically left naked with only your panties, then again they are way too small and revealing for your liking. Your breathing peacefully sleeping not knowing that a tired and exhausted Tomura had come home.
He opens the door to his bedroom to find it clean, you must have cleaned it as ordered. He takes off his headphones and puts it on his desk, he then tiredly headed to the bathroom to freshen up, he comes back and sits on his gaming chair and plays games for an hour, until he eventually gets bored and turns his attention to you.
The way your chest was begging to be touched and for that flimsy bow to be removed, your smooth legs and wavy hair. He could stare at you for hours. He gets up and heads to the bed and slowly climbs on top of you being held up by one arm. He touches your soft face and kisses your cheek. He starts going lower and kisses your neck leaving hickeys along the way. He starts to untie the bow on your nightgown trying to release the beauty underneath, and when he successfully does he kisses your nipples and breast so gently. He starts sucking on your boobs while touching you. You shuffle in your sleep starting to wake up. He slowly starts rubbing your thighs moving your night gown up exposing your white and pink panties. He rubs your sex in slow circles making you release a soft mewl. That sound made his dick go so hard it hurts. He starts rubbing your sex more and faster making you cum in your panties. You wake up surprised to find Tomura but as soon as you see him, you just lay back down tired. "Tomura not now..later I'm tired can't we just go to sleep, c'mon I'll cuddle with you." Lifting up your arms to gesture to him to cuddle. "No we can cuddle later right now I want you, I want to feel you and make you feel good" he says as he cuddles up to your neck. "Fine but I'm gonna continue sleeping." You shift so your back to being comfortable. "Whatever as long as I get to touch what's mine, not like you'll be able to sleep with how rough I'll be." He smirks.
Note: yeah uh making fan fics has been in the back of my head for a while I got some ideas of what I wanna write about sooo yeah.. if you guys like it and want me to continue tell me in the comments!!
PART 2!!
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sukibenders · 1 year
I really enjoy Yellowjackets but the way it throws its poc characters to the side, the way the fandom does is so unsurprising but saddening at the same time. Shauna is one of my favorite characters, she's cool and stuff but, being honest, the trope of housewife having an affair because she's bored of her current life has been played before. So what if this one had certain elements outside of it, it's still common so it kind of grew tiring to see Yellowjackets constantly shove this plot at me when Tai's storyline is right there.
Taissa, a biracial woman who, even after living through something horrific as a kid, "bounced back" and lived the life she always wanted. She was a lawyer, now ran for and won a position in office, married a beautiful and smart woman and had a son, has a whole perfect family who she loves. Only for the trauma, the aspect of her life she promised herself and others to never talk about, is now coming back and in the process causes her to do things she doesn't want to do. The plot that could have come from Taissa alone is out of this world. You mean to tell me that a biracial lesbain running for office wouldn't be more entertaining than Shauna's storyline? Why couldn't Tai be the main focus?
And I don't even want to get into the fandom, but I have too. Listen, I like TaiVan for all that they are. They helped each other survive during a time where they thought it would be impossible. But what annoys me and, sadly, almost pushed me away from this ship, was how the writers and fans treat Simone and Sammy. Like the shows only way to have Tai together with Van was to put her wife in a coma and abandoned her son? That really does not sound like Tai, who fought to get her old life. And very insidious how some fans make certain jokes that just reek of "Let's push away the black characters to make room for the yte ones", because I've seen people call Simone the villain, to other things, just because she told Tai to get help all while framing Van as the better option. I've seen people in the fan call Sammy unnatural or even a demon just because he exists in a way that is not natural, by that I mean acting out and expressing coping mannerisms because he saw a version of his mother who terrified him but can't express, but I forgot because he's a little black boy who needs help people will ignore him or dehumanize him, because that's how this works right? The shows main, and only dark-skinned black characters were quickly pushed aside by the plot for what?
And I have a feeling the show may make us watch Taissa go through great lengths to keep Van alive (even though I do want Van to live), but won't extend the same want to Simone, which will read badly with the undertones in so many ways.
And the fandom treats Tai poorly as well (don't even get me started on some pretending to care about her family just to hang it over her head and call her a deadbeat) and reaching some nearly very ableist thinking when talking about her. Taissa deserved so much better, from the show and the fandom, and I hope they do better in season three but I'm not so sure to be honest, because most of the scenes even having mentions of Tai's blackness were because of Jasmine, not the showrunners, who it would be fine if it were small things here and there but to add so many crucial parts to your character because others won't begins to become a pattern.
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afterhourswjay · 2 years
HI JAY! Ive been sick for like a week now so it got me wondering... how would Thoma Ayato Itto and wanderer take care of the reader when they are sick? (SFW, HEADCANON) I NEED THE MALEWIFE OR DOTING PARTNER ENERGY 😞😞😞😞❤️❤️❤️
Howdy, Kichi!! That sounds like it sucks! I'm also really, REALLY, sorry for how late this is!! I haven't had the motivation to write as of late (・・;) I've also been kinda sick myself
Drown in soup, but not literally
the reader is sick, and requires bedrest to get better. how does their partner help them out??
characters: Thoma, Ayato, Itto, and Wanderer warnings:
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goes full nurse on you
when he hears that your not feeling well, he immediately ushers you off to bed. you don't need to worry about any of your obligations, as he'll make sure to take care of them to the best of his ability
if you're sick with the flu, then he's making sure that your keeping food and fluids down
if you got a simple head cold, then he's not nearly as worried which is saying a lot
he really loves you and doesn't like the fact that theres only so much he can do to help you feel better
he gets really scared if your unable to keep stuff in your stomach
i feel like you'd be pretty good friends with ayato and ayaka, so they'd be more than willing to contact some of the best doctors on your behalf for some of the best medicine they can afford
ngl, he's super worried about you
if he notices your uncomfortable, tired, or really anything other than rested and comfortable, he'll try his best to help you out
do you need more pillows or blankets? are you hungry or thirsty? are you bored, perhaps??
makes you the best meal when your finally feeling better
probably takes you out for an evening walk as well, since you haven't really been moving while sick
definitely hovers around you a lot more for about a week or 2 after you've recovered before he eases up
he knows that getting sick is just part of life, and that it happens to everyone, but that doesn't mean he won't still worry about you
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Kamisato Ayato
ngl, i feel like his attention is already split between all his responsibilities that he doesn't notice you feeling unwell at first
once he does notice, however, than he's ushering you off to rest for the time being
he doesn't want to see you trying to do any work until your feeling well
you two have been living together as a way to make it easier for him to protect you from any attempts at people trying to kidnap you for ransom
has the staff bring you anything you may need on days where he's particularly busy
he's not the best cook, either, so he has his staff cook the best foods for someone whos feeling under the weather
spends any of his spare time in your room with you
some times he'll even bring his paperwork in with him so that he can spend time with you but also get some stuff done hint: hes too worried about you to work on his stuff
your condition worsens into the flu before you start getting better
by the time your feeling better, you've pretty much got a mountain of blankets and pillows on your bed
he asks you what you want to eat a day or so after confirming with a doctor that you are officially recovered
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Arataki Itto
you were taking a couple days off from taking commissions from the adventurers guild, deciding to spend it with your boyfriend arataki itto
the two of you were running around the whole of inazuma, collecting lavender melons and catching onikabuto beetles
you and itto had gotten caught in a downpour, having to book it across the beach to some makeshift and rather run down huts
why the two of you chose to come to koseki village, you'll never know
but, after the downpour passes, you two head back to your waverider and then back to inazuma city
wet clothes forgotten about due to the rest of the arataki gang having gotten into a little trouble with the guards, you proceed to talk to them while kuki shinobu chews out everyone
eventually, like. close to sundown, your able to make your way to your home to change out of your still damp clothes
you catch a cold the day after, having full body shivers
with practically no word from you for a few days has the whole gang worried for your wellbeing, and they practically break into your home
when you wake up, all bleary eyed from sleep, your met with the group surrounding your bed
after explaining you just have the chills, and are fine for the most part, the most of them leave to go do what they do most days
however, itto sticks around, keeping you company
he does also apologize for the fact that you got caught in the rain a few days ago
you immediately tell him that he has nothing to be sorry about, unless he can control the weather and intentionally made it downpour on the two of you
you then get out of bed, giving him a hug, and then meander off to your kitchen, asking him to help you make some soup
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whenever you start being sucked down by depression, you tend to push yourself to work harder
and, often times, this leads you to neglecting your own needs
he may not be the best boyfriend, what with having to sort through his past and his feelings, but he does try his best
he's also hella observant. while he may not comment on everything, hardly anything is able to get past him
so, he makes a mental note every time you add another commission onto your growing list of commissions
he starts to grow annoyed with you when, instead of stopping to take a break for lunch that, you decide to just eat lunch on the way to your next commission
you don't really know what you did to upset him, but kuni seems to start making what your brain interprets as snide comments towards you sometimes
it isn't until your body decides to rebel against you and you fall sick when you realize that he wasn't really making snide comments towards you, thats just how your tired brain interpreted it
he was trying to warn you about pushing yourself to do more than what your body could handle
kuni doesn't really let you do anything until your recovered from being sick
he puts you back on a proper schedule, making sure you get 3 meals a day, all easy on your stomach as to not make you feel worse than you likely already are
he also puts you on a proper sleep schedule, making sure you get between 8-10 hours of sleep a night
kuni's surprisingly nice while your sick. he knows how much more sensitive you are to his usual comments during times like these so he saves the lectures for when your back to feeling 100% better
its ok, tho. he's back to being mean, and more than makes up for it by basically dragging you all over sumeru and inazuma for ascension materials
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dol-dee · 5 months
IK nobody asked buuuuut I'll talk about it anyways.
I somewhat fall into the category of prefering fem iterations of the dol characters. I say somewhat bc, Yeah I like women but thats not the main reason.
DoL HEAVILY relies on tropes and well known character archetypes when it comes to it's NPCs.
A lot of them are ol' reliables and (at least to me) feel very worn out when in their cis male version. Which is why I often gravitate to the version that feels more "fresh" or subversive to me.
For Example: I love my fem Sydney but her particular character trope (corruption of the "pure" religious character) feels a bit more interesting (to me) when its M!Sydney.
Although I will admit that another reason I tend to favor the female versions is that most dol fandom depictions (that I have seen) already have a strong bias towards the male version of these characters. The ground there is plenty covered already and I don't think I can bring much new to the table there.
I don't think most people will care about my particular opinions/List on this , so I'll put it under a cut haha.
Tbf I like to let the game do it's own thing to see what it cooks up in the npcs body, sex and gender department but I do have a few characters that I consistently change like Avery.
Cis M!Avery is just suuuch a tired trope to me (probably bc it's not that uncommon in real life either?) Another man with anger issues who exclusively dates (according to canon aka Vrel) only 18 to 20 year olds? YAWN. idk I could just go look at Leonardo DiCaprios dating chart if I wanted to see that. Obviously, if it does something for you, go right ahead. I'll leave you to your feast, it's just not for me. I need Avery to be a very smarmy, maladjusted butch woman.
Okokok I'll get to the list now (for the characters that I have developed strong opinions about anyways) and I'll go into, what my current/canon run is set to as well as what I prefer depending on what I find more interesting. (with some notes if I have thoughts on the character) uhhhhh Ig I'll do it in Alphabetical order?
Avery: Preferred: F! Avery Current Run: F! Avery (note: I think I went in and manually changed it) - (Nothing more to say really, I already mentioned my reasons. Plus M!Avery just makes me feel icky)
Alex: Preferred: No preference Current Run: M! Alex
Bailey: Preferred: somewhat neutral but leaning towards F! Bailey Current Run: F! Bailey - (Bailey once again seems to have a lot of M! fanworks already and I like the idea of her being either futch or butch. Bailey just strikes me as someone who'd wear a lot of boring suits. Very nondescript/practical)
Eden: Preferred: F! Eden Current Run: F! Eden - (Eden is a case where I really wanted to live my Huntress dbd fantasies out with her but was open to the option of M!Eden. Until I ran into him in my first run and I really didn't like it very much. I prefer her as a hulking hermit woman atp also sad toxic yuri between Eden and Bailey <3)
Harper: Preferred: No preference Current Run: F! Harper - (Harper lowkey gives me Moira Overwatch vibes (mainly bc of my design lmao) so I have a soft spot for fem!Harper)
Kylar: Preferred: No preference Current Run: F! Kylar - (I do think same sex PC and Kylar is hilarious considering Kylar is so fixated on getting you pregnant, so in this case: ig whatevers funnier <3)
Remy: Preferred: F!Remy kinda Current Run: F! Remy - (I'm actually kind neutral on Remy's sex and gender but I do think its somehow funnier when it's F!Remy. Like whats going on there that she wants to give other women humongus tits and milk them?)
Robin: Preferred: No preference Current Run: M! Robin - (Robin is cute either way!)
Sydney: Preferred: No preference Current Run: F! Sydney - ( I have no real preference for Sydney and I already mentioned my thoughts on them)
Whitney: Preferred: F! Whitney Current Run: M! Whitney - (I've seen this trope so many times with hyperagressive dudes. It's not doing much for me. To see that kind of behavior with a fem character instead really revitalizes my interest in It! M!Whitney is fine and hes kinda grown on me but I think I'd have more fun with Whitney if they were femme instead)
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kykyonthemoon · 8 months
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Dream 9451
Prison is when you have to live in darkness and yearn for what you never had.
He was a traveler from year 9451 to meet her, the girl who had died before he existed.
❀ Rafayel x OC/MC | AU
❀ This story was based on a dream that I had after a day in this game. Hence, there's a cliffhanger.
❀ L&D Masterlist
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Afternoon sunlight penetrated through the open window frame. The curtains were blown by the wind and disturbed above the small bed. Leaning on the edge of the bed, with her body sliding to the floor and her head nestled on the soft duvet was Lucielle. 
It was late afternoon, well past one o'clock. She covered her shoulders with her purple-purple pastel headphones and massaged her eyes. A nonchalant exhale escaped from her lips. A rather significant heat was coming from the laptop that was open on her lap, indicating many hours of continuous work.
As soon as she turned off the laptop and set it aside, Lucielle's phone vibrated again. She reached for it and picked it up:
"I'm here."
On the other end of the line came the voice of her best friend Cery:
"Hey, meet me at the mall later, okay?"
"At the shopping mall, or at the claw machines area?" Lucielle asked with a chuckle. She knew that her friend had invited her there only because the girl had her eyes on a guy who would show up at the arcade often lately.
"You know it! Shall we meet at three o'clock?"
"Sounds good... But I'm a little tired..." 
Sniffing Lucielle's intention to retreat, Cery said immediately:
"Let's go. I've read your tarot for today. Undoubtedly, you would meet the destiny of your life there. So you must come! Don't let fate slip out of your hand."
"Absolutely." Lucielle replied with a laugh. "Your tarot cards never say anything good about my love life."
"They do, this time!" Cery gave a solid reply. "I'll see you at the entrance then!"
Lucielle could only agree. It's good to hang out once in a while. She had spent too much time sitting in her room getting her work done. And it was another day off. While others were out on dates, or having fun with friends, she chose to lull in her room for the day.
Lucielle was just an ordinary office worker, living in a tiny apartment full of plush toys that she had won from claw machines. Besides from work, she just hung around at home holding her computer or phone, or spent time and pennies on claw machines at the arcade. Sometimes she got bored and really lonely, but in any case, life still went on. She did not have big ambitions. She just stood outside of this ever changing life, watching others live theirs, as if she was just an observer.
Perhaps all she was waiting for was a magical adventure. An encounter by chance. Something only happened once in a lifetime.
Alternatively, it could be that her wishful thinking came from having read and watched far too much fiction. 
She reflected on what Cery had just said, about meeting her destiny today. Then she laughed at her nonsense thoughts. The fate Cery refers to may be a special edition plushie. If so, that would be nice.
It was more than three o'clock in the afternoon. Lucielle stood under a tree outside the building rebuilt from the old structure. What was now the city's largest commercial building nonetheless held remnants of the past. That's how Linkon was — a modern place where the past met the present. Lucielle impatiently glanced at the watch before shifting her gaze to both sides of the wide road ahead of her.
She did not see Cery. But Lucielle's attention was drawn to someone at once. On the opposite side on the same sidewalk, a slender figure stood out from the crowd. Dark curls tinged with purple glow intertwined, resting down his brow and eyes were firmly looking in her direction. Lucielle let go of a heartbeat. The whole street froze and the only thing moving was the stranger's footsteps heading in this direction.
He came to a halt in front of Lucielle. The thin lips curled up into a smile. If someone had painted a dream, it would be exactly like this. Because this was so unreal. Why would there be such a perfect shaped person? Lucielle only dared to look up once, and their eyes met. 
"There you are!"
A soft voice spoke, drowning out all the noise in the street, birds singing in the trees and rustling leaves. It was as if the only sound in the universe. Lucielle was perplexed. This was a man she had never seen before, but he gave the impression that he had known her for a long, long time.
Just as she was about to say something, Lucielle heard a loud call of her name from another side. Turning her head, she caught sight of Cery walking happily towards her.
Lucielle raised a hand to wave. Then when she returned to the stranger earlier, he was long gone.
"How long did you wait? Today's bus was running a little late." Cery moved over to stand beside her. "But... What are you looking at?"
"Nothing..." Lucielle shook her head and said. "I’ve just met a very strange person..."
Lucielle paused. How could she put it into words; that she had just met a picturesque beauty?; that he had just vanished without a trace in a split second? She must have been dizzy and she blamed all the milk coffee she had had for the day. 
She took another glance at the street, before stepping inside the building in deep thought.
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Rafayel darted a gaze across the busy street, where sunlight fell alternately through the foliage, covering her with a soothing aura. 
He had found her. In the world where she was truly alive.
Rafayel's mind was as deep as the ocean. Somewhere in the raging waves laid the memory of another land. In that place, she slept soundly, for eternity. 
Year 9451,
After a series of catastrophic disasters many millennia ago, the entire world was submerged in seawater.
A new species appeared. They resembled humans but possessed fish tails, with strength and longevity far exceeding those of humans. They were Lemurians.
Humanity entered a new life form. They drifted into slumber inside peculiar cocoons kept in the lowest depths of the ocean. In anticipation of the day the human eventually awoke, the Lemurians watched over them.
However, nobody had ever awakened. The cocoons that the ocean cherished for thousands of years began to rot, eventually dying out. 
Those humans’ eyes would never be able to open again…
* *
Reaching out to the glass, Rafayel removed the black seaweed that was holding the cocoon in place. They purposefully obscured the lovely sleeping girl who was drifting in an oceanic dream. He brushed the moss off the metal board attached to the cocoon to the side.
Lucielle Caelum
Her face was pale, but relaxed as if she were just taking a long nap. Not a scratch, unscathed by the outer world. She was the best preserved specimen that the Lemurians had recovered from an ancient natural disaster.  And she was one of the humans placed in Rafayel’s care here.
Rafayel approached the cocoon until his nose came into contact with the glass. He had been to this place thousands and thousands of times, watching her fall asleep and sketching her dreams. Perhaps she was dreaming of the world in which she had lived, where people could walk with two feet on the ground. Little did she know, what awaited her when she woke up was the darkness of the ocean. 
Rafayel consequently created innumerable illustrations of the lands, or stories that he had learned about the ancient world. When she woke up, she would see them. She herself would tell him her story before slipping into this never-ending slumber. Rafayel allowed himself the autonomy to envisage her life, her family, her friends. He was daydreaming of a Lucielle he had not ever met.
For millennia when his eyes were only on her, Rafayel had fallen in love.
Yet, despite all their attempts to awaken humans, the Lemurians never succeeded. Eventually, the cocoons were unable to support the inhabitants within.They collapsed, and the tide carried the frail human bodies away, transforming them into bubbles that soared skyward, as though their souls yearned to rise above the waves once more. One after another, slowly, they were all gone.
Except for this only left.
"There is nothing we can do for humans anymore."
"They are too fragile for the world today."
"Let’s give up..."
The Lemurians voiced. But Rafayel, and he alone, had not given up. He assembled a group of other distinguished Lemurians and constructed a machine, before it was too late.
"Must you do this, Lord Rafayel?"
"Lemurian cannot be without a leader. Please reconsider your decision!"
"There is instability with this machine. Once you go back to the past, chances are you won't be able to return here..."
The discussions echoed across the vast sea as they carried on. Rafayel was adamant, though. Prison is when you have to live in darkness and yearn for what you never had. Going back to when it all began and preventing that event of doom was the only way. No matter how dangerous it was, he had to give it a try.
On the day of his departure, he came to see her one last time. 
The cocoon that held her did not last much longer. Having to watch her vanish was as if watching himself die. Rafayel's slender hand touched her face behind the glass as he said farewell.
"I'll find you."
And then, he went. The gears of the machine turned, forming countless rolling waves, and then the ocean disappeared. She disappeared.
* *
He found her in the third millennium. As vivid as his dream came true.
There were only three hundred and sixty-four days remaining before her world began to crumble.
-The End?-
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sod-1-um · 18 days
Life is hell. I'm so tired of living in a world where everything upsets me; where every little thing can ruin my morning. Every day, it's like a test to see if anything (and if so, what it is) finally breaks me and leaves me non-functional most of the day. And I say most of the day, because perhaps at midnight I decide that everyone is just stupid and that I'm actually happy and start planning my workout routine or something.
At first, the internet was a place where I could break free from the stress of normal relationships; I wouldn't need to worry about people being colder than usual, or talking with other people, or not smiling at me, but it's kind of become a new hell and I have nowhere else to go. Many people are randomly mean to me, my online friends have other friends that they like better and care more about, sometimes I just see something and assume it's about me and go insane... At this point I don't know if I'm having episodes every day or if I'm in a 3-day episode.
I've cut so much lately too. I don't recognize my thigh when I see the zone. I think... Did I really do this? Is this really my leg? Cutting doesn't even make me feel much better but it calms me down enough for me to be able to distract myself with something else.
If this is how it's going to be all the time I don't think I like living very much. Every year it all gets progressively worse. Well, it is ME that gets progressively worse. I want to keep living but not this way. I'm not even sure I want to keep living tbh. This is horrible but the stereotypical 9 to 5 and then family life sounds boring. And I think I'm unlucky enough for the therapy and meds that everyone else takes to not work for me so I don't want to try. I don't want my only hope to be crushed. I don't know what to do. I think I've hit rock bottom considering a few days ago I was chatting with a 4chan creep and happy that somebody finally wanted me unlike everyone else
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ValSkug Merge Incorrect Quotes Part 2
Ghastly : Valkyrie, what did you just do!?
Valkyrie : I took your advice. I stopped running from the problem and I tackled it head on.
Ghastly : I meant try emotional honesty, not murder!!
Skulduggery's house is on fire, but they don't know it
Ghastly : Damn, it's hot in here.
Valkyrie: I know, it's so hot there's smoke coming out of the vent!
Ghastly :
Ghastly : First of all, I'm assuming you have no idea what the problem with that statement is.
Valkyrie: What?
Ghastly : Second of all, we need to get the fuck out of here, NOW.
Ghastly : Yes, I'm adopting Valkyrie and you cowards can't tell me no!
Ghastly : Valkyrie, we tried things your way.
Valkyrie: No, we didn't.
Ghastly : I did it in my head and it didn't work.
Valkyrie: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak like ‘look at this fucking flower. This flower is taller than I am. This flower is winning and I’m losing.’
Solomon: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.
Valkyrie: Eat shit and die, Solomon!!!
Solomon: Eat shit and live, Valkyrie.
Valkyrie: I made lightly fried fish fillets for dinner.
Solomon: Valkyrie, It’s 1:15 am, what the fuck.
Valkyrie: Do you want the lightly fried fish fillets or not.
Solomon: Well, I mean yeah.
Valkyrie: So come downstairs while they’re still hot.
Solomon: Wait, you just made them?
Valkyrie: Yeah, I wasn’t tired so I decided to make lightly fried fish fillets.
Solomon: Say lightly fried fish fillets one more time Valkyrie.
Valkyrie: Isn't it amazing how I can feel so bad and still look so good?
Skulduggery: It's certainly a miracle.
China, about to leave the house: Don’t spend all day watching YouTube, okay?
Valkyrie: No, I don't want to talk about physics! I don't know anything about the laws of physics because they are hard and boring. I simply would like them to behave in a way that is most convenient to ME and MY LIFE! Is that really asking too much?
China: Yes, as a matter of fact, it is!
Valkyrie: Well, guess what? Science is stupid bullshit!!
China: You take that back!!!
Valkyrie: No. Magic is awesome. Science blows. The end.
China: You need to stop swearing so much.
Valkyrie: Shut the fuck up.
China: Yeah, that's not how you do it.
Valkyrie: Alright sorry. It's just that it's hard not to swear. The words just creep up on me when I least expect it.
China: Now now, don't be like that. Just replace the swear words with 'beep' and you'll be fine.
Valkyrie: Shit the beep up.
Valkyrie: Hello China, made anyone cry today?
China: Sadly, no. But it’s only 4:30.
China: You don’t deserve me.
Valkyrie: At your worst or your best?
China: I don’t have a worst.
Valkyrie: Because you’re already at your worst?
Fletcher: So… what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Valkyrie: Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Fletcher: Yes.
Valkyrie: I'd sleep.
Valkyrie: Remember, Fletcher, don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Fletcher: I think I crossed that line when I got a date.
Valkyrie: Hey, about that love letter you sent me-
Fletcher: blushes What are your thoughts?
Valkyrie: The fourth sentence-
Fletcher: Yeah, that’s where I got really emotional and I-
Valkyrie: It’s “you’re” not “your”.
Valkyrie: Did you know you remind me of all 26 letters of the alphabet?
Fletcher: What? Like J F K W S Q X-
Valkyrie: No, like, U R A Q T.
Fletcher: Awwww!
Valkyrie: I fell—
Fletcher: From heaven?
Valkyrie: No, I literally fell—
Fletcher: In love with me the moment you saw me?
Fletcher: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Valkyrie: I love you.
Fletcher, not paying attention: What was that?
Valkyrie: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Valkyrie: If I didn't know better, Fletcher, I'd say you were scared.
Fletcher: Heh, scared?
absolute silence
Valkyrie: Ok so, apparently the "bad vibes" I've been feeling are actually severe psychological distress.
Fletcher: When's the last time you slept?
Valkyrie: Uh… a few days ago, I think.
Fletcher: A few- how many?!
Valkyrie: Uh… starts counting on fingers I need more fingers…
Fletcher: What you need is sleep!
Skulduggery: Valkyrie, I don’t think I can handle any more of your tomfuckery.
Valkyrie: Oh yeah? Well I can keep going until you’re all tomfuckered out!
Skulduggery: Your future self is talking shit about you right now.
Valkyrie: Jokes on them. I'll ruin their fucking life.
Skulduggery: Come on, Valkyrie! How any times do I have to apologize?
Valkyrie: Once!
Skulduggery: …No.
Skulduggery: May luck (and this picture of Valkyrie eating shredded cheese at 3 in the morning) be with you.
Valkyrie: I want to grow up and be like Skulduggery!
Skulduggery: That is called Acquiring Depression.
Valkyrie: I'm going to get myself some soup.
Skulduggery: Be careful not to burn yourself, it's hot.
Valkyrie: Pfft, I won't burn myself.
30 seconds later
Valkyrie, entering the room: I burned myself.
Valkyrie: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Skulduggery: Sure!
Skulduggery: Whats your favorite color?
Valkyrie, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
Darquesse, bursting into the room: You two are having sex!
Nefarian, not looking up from their book: Really? Skulduggery, why didn’t you tell me? I would have put my book down.
Skulduggery: is wearing silk pants How does this look?
Nefarian: Like its slips on and off really easily.
Nefarian: No, I didn't mean it like that-
Valkyrie: We know what you meant.
Darquesse: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way?
Skulduggery: Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you?
Valkyrie: What the fuck is wrong with you two?
Valkyrie: Who would you swipe right for? Nefarian or Skulduggery?
Darquesse: I would delete the app.
Valkyrie: Hey, Skulduggery, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds?
Skulduggery: Yes?
Valkyrie: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days.
Skulduggery: Fuck.
Valkyrie: It's gonna be a fun week!
Skulduggery: I'm going to ask Darquesse to destroy my soul.
Valkyrie: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Valkyrie: I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Fletcher: This is a lie.
Fletcher: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Nefarian: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like #### a little bit.
Valkyrie, holding Nefarian's notepad: You doodled your wedding invitation.
Nefarian: No, that's our joint tombstone.
Valkyrie: My mistake.
Valkyrie: If I see a bug, I simply leave the room elegantly and require someone else do something about it.
Valkyrie: If no one fulfills my wish, I simply never go back in there.
Nefarian: I only have 6 weeks left to live.
Darquesse: Oh my god, really?!
Nefarian: It's just a guesstimate based on the choices I've made.
Valkyrie: Hi, I'm Nefarian's emergency contact.
Counter Woman: You're here to pick him up?
Valkyrie: I'm here to remove myself as his emergency contact.
Skulduggery: Do you ever get pre-annoyed? Like you already know someone is going to piss you off?
Darquesse: What? No, I—
Nefarian: enters room
Skulduggery: jaw clenches
Skulduggery: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
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Long boring vent.
I keep alternating between "I want to stay in Japan for 10 years" and "I want to go back to the UK at the end of this year". When I think about all the unexplored potential I still have here - and when I think about how trapped and stuck I felt in the UK - I can't imagine the thought of ever living there again.
But also, I'm lonely and I'm homesick.
I haven't had a proper hug in months. I keep watching animes that are centered around the strong bonds of family and friendship, and all those are things I left behind in the UK. My brother sends the Whatsapp group chat photos of my niece and I wish I was there to see her grow up. My mum tells me about the difficulties she has with my nan and I want to help.
Heck, I even want to see my dad. He's a pain in the ass and seeing him is stressful, but last time I saw him he'd lost a lot of weight and said he knew something was wrong with him but he refused to go to the doctor. "I know what the problem is: I'm old and I'm dying." He thinks he shouldn't get medical help because of that.
More than anything, I miss my cats. I miss them so much and it breaks my heart to know I abandoned them. I want to go home to them so much.
But the place I lived didn't feel like home; it felt like a cage where I was rotting.
I'm also considering the fact I don't think I'll ever love again. I just don't think I could go through another relationship. I can't bear the thought of being trapped again, or the thought of breaking someone else's heart and ruining their life. I don't know how to be vulnerable with people or how to express myself and the thought of being in a relationship again where I'm not only expected to be vulnerable but also punished for not being able to be vulnerable... it's not for me.
I've never wanted kids but now I'm wondering if I've changed my mind. Not that it matters because I threw away the relationship I had in favour of this life, and now I can't ever imagine myself in a position where I'm mentally and financially stable enough to have children of my own.
Besides, I can't help but think it's something I've started considering for the wrong reasons. Do I really want a family, or do I just want a mini-me? Even looking after my cats felt like an inconvenience sometimes, how the hell would I actually cope with a child? I wouldn't; I've already proved I can readily abandon the things I love in favour of my own selfish dreams.
I'm so tired of trying to be and adult and trying to figure it out. I want to be small, I want someone to look after me. I'm in my goddamn 30s ffs, I should be over this. I should be climbing the ladder, I should have a house, I should be someone I'm comfortable with, I shouldn't still be desperately trying to grow up.
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