#I'm worried things could be a little awkward tomorrow... I've changed a lot since then
w2soneshots · 3 months
Oh Haz -W2S
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words: 0.8k+
warnings: angst, commitment issues.
summary: Harry freaks out and bolts when you tell him that you love him, so he has to figure out a way to make it up to you.
notes: hello loves! I have a few requests to write but I thought of this fic all by myself🙊 (for once😅). I hope you enjoy!!💘🫶🏼
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"So you told him that you love him and he just... left?" Talia asked in disbelief as we ate lunch. I nodded. "What a prick! Did he say anything?" "No. He stuttered for a second then got up off the bed, grabbed his coat and made a b-line for the front door." I replied. Me and Harry have been seeing each other for almost four months now and I've known that I love him for over a month. I decided to wait a little while because I didn't want him to freak out but it seems I should've waited even longer.
That night, after talking things over with Talia, all I could think about was him. Worried in case I'd completely fucked everything up. Eventually I decided that it wasn't my fault. If he wasn't ready to commit after a whole four months then maybe he didn't like me as much as I thought he did. I just wanted him to text me because I wasn't sure what was going on. The last time I spoke to him was the night he left, I've heard nothing since then.
The next day I got up and got ready for work. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, pinned my hair back, applied a little bit of makeup then got dressed into a matching skirt and blazer suit along with tights and some black heels. After quickly eating some breakfast I grabbed my bag and drove to the building in which I work.
The day dragged on and so I couldn't wait to get home, get into my pyjamas, order a takeout and watch some trashy tv. Once I was finally finished I said good night to my boss and headed home.
My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I walked towards the front of my apartment. My brows furrowed as I noticed something on my doorstep. Once I was a close enough I realised what it was. I picked up the bouquet of white flowers then unlocked my apartment door and went inside.
I set the flowers on my kitchen counter and walked into my bedroom to change into some comfy clothes. Once I was finished I took a closer look at the roses. A note was placed inside. I pulled it out then opened it. The note read: "I'm sorry about the other day. Can I make it up to you with dinner tomorrow night? -Harry x" I smiled. He could've just sent me a text but this was way cuter and meant a lot more.
I sent him a quick message: "thank you for the flowers. Do you wanna meet at our usual spot at 7 ish?" He replied quickly, "yeah, that's perfect. See u then." I set my phone down and enjoyed the rest of my night but not before I called Talia to tell her about what had happened in the past twenty minutes and she also thought that the flowers were adorable.
After getting a good sleep I woke up in a great mood. Thankfully it was also my day off so I went to run some errands before I came back and began getting ready for mine and Harry's date. I took a warm shower, took time to do my hair and makeup then slipped into a cute dress that I had brought earlier that day. Once I was finished I left my apartment and drove to the restaurant me and Harry always go to; since we both love it and it's where we had our first date.
I parked my car then headed inside. I was quickly met with a waitress who took me to a quiet table at the back. Harry hadn't arrived yet so I sat patiently on my phone while I waited.
"Hey." I looked up to see Harry. "Hi." I stood to greet him. We shared a quick hug before both sitting down. "How are you?" He asked. "Good. You?" It was awkward, which is what I expected. "I feel awful, you know- because of the other day. I owe you an explanation." He began seriously. I smiled lightly at him since I could tell he was very nervous.
He took a deep breath. "I uh- my last relationship was really fast and it ended quickly as well. I think I freaked out because I um- I didn't want the same thing to happen with us 'cause... I love you, like a lot." He didn't look me in the eyes until he said the last sentence. My features softened. "Oh Haz, I understand. We can take it as slow as you need. And I'm really relieved that you feel the same." I replied.
The mood changed quickly and we enjoyed our night like nothing had even happened. Harry invited me over to his apartment afterwards and as we lay together on his bed, my head rested on his chest and his fingers gently playing with my hair, I felt so happy.
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gracie-gloom · 2 years
When Worlds Collide
Story where a new Overwatch agent (you) and Junker Queen are on a new mission together and are forced into close quarters.
Junker Queen x fem reader
My first story/idea (:
A mission was to be set out on Monday morning, you were a new Overwatch recruit that had been rushed in last minute. Arriving at a house that held the agents who were assigned to the mission, Tracer cheerfully welcomed you in and showed you around,
"Sorry love, we needed more backup than we had expected! I hope this will suffice..." she looked at you nervously, opening the door to a small bedroom, a desk, bed and wardrobe, with not much remaining space, it wasn't much but it was enough.
After checking something on the tablet quickly, Tracer made a worried face and looked back to you.
"Uh.. about what I was saying.. seems that I've miscalculated how many agents were really on board for the next set out. We had to pull in reinforcements from other locations so you'll be seeing a lot of new faces from new places, and you may or may not be having some company, hope you understand!" She gestured to your room then promptly walked out.
It was 11pm now, after dinner, you washed up and changed into your nightgown. Returning to your room, you begin putting away your things until you hear a knock on the door frame.
"Am I? In the right place?" a tall, muscular woman with blue hair stood with a blank expression on her face.
"Odessa! Or do you prefer Junker Queen? I was expecting you.. I'm (y/n), I believe we'll be sharing a room. But I could talk to Tracer to arrange something else if you're uncomfortable, it's a little short notice, they barely had enough room for me already." you said with a laugh, shrugging your shoulders.
Junker Queen thought to herself, man.. well she is pretty cute so, why not.
"It's alright, I don't mind. And yeah, you can call me Odessa" she responded eyeing you up and down.
"Did you bring much with you? I've already set down most of my things." Odessa looked around before responding with a gesture to a duffel bag she was holding. It was almost midnight and you had a long day of documents and research papers ahead of you to prepare for Monday. You didn't want to lie down yet, the thought of having Odessa so close beside you made you nervous, you trusted she was one of the good guys since she had been called to help. But there was something else about her that made your heart beat faster.
Hm, seems she's heading off to bed now, I guess I should too.. I've travelled a long way today already, I'm exhausted. Junker Queen thought to herself, she felt out of place and hoped that she didn't scare you. Reaching for the light she turned it off and fell back down beside you.
C'mon (y/n)! You gotta get some sleep, you only have tomorrow to prepare then we set out Monday, it was Autumn but you felt like you were breaking into sweats right now, the Queen breathed slow and steady next to you, lying on top of the covers while you laid underneath them. This is gonna be a long night.....
Junker Queen POV:
Sighing as you lied down, the bed was nice and much more comfortable than what you had in Junker Town despite being the Queen. You were naturally warm so you laid on top of the covers, not wanting to make things more awkward.
She has a soft look.. big innocent eyes with a cute smile, you thought to yourself, glancing over at the girl beside you.
"Yeah, definitely," you chuckled to yourself before nodding off to sleep, leaving (y/n) to wonder who and what you were talking about.
Part 2
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lushsynths · 1 month
This week has been so emotionally taxing for me.
I'm waiting for confirmation of graduation from my university and they're taking their sweet fucking time. I'm supposed to know by tomorrow, but I've been done with summer classes almost two weeks now.
And I feel nervous that I won't be cleared to graduate, but I'm also nervous to find a real job. I'm comfortable at my job and the pay is decent and I'm scared that my new job will suck, or I'll hate it. I don't like interviews, and I HATE talking about myself so I'd have to really up the bullshit in order to come off as someone who they should hire. I'm as hard ass worker and good one but it's hard for me to brag about myself. Plus, change is scary, but I really do want to get a new job at the same time.
An old high school acquaintance came to my workplace, and I wasn't in a particularly good mood to reminisce about life. I planned on playing it cool and just ignoring him, so I didn't have to make small talk. (I sound like a douche when I write this out oh my god, but I promise I'm pretty nice irl, we haven't seen each other in 10 years) Well he went out of his way to say hi and was really happy to see me and I was like surprised because it's not like we were great friends back in high school. We had mutual friends, so we ran into each other throughout the years. But I can't recall a time where we just talked to each other without any other people there. We had a little chat and as I was running around doing stuff we smiled at each other here and there. Anyways, I felt really bad because I could tell he wanted to talk to me, but it was genuinely busy at the time, and I was in charge, so I didn't' have time to chat. Later when I was off work, I messaged him on Instagram and said it was nice to see him and if we run into each other again we should catch up. Well since you can donate plasma twice a week, he came back two days later and then I felt awkward because I really wanted to show him that I appreciated his attention and time. I really did want to say hi, but I worry that I came of as ingenuine.
The next day at work I was working with one of my coworkers who's autistic and an acquired taste to talk to. I personally don't mind him now that I've figured out how to talk to him and keep things chill. But he found out I had cancer at one point in my life and kept bringing it up in front of the donors and I realllyyy don't like having a conversation about myself in front of strangers like whenever my coworkers try to do that I lowkey change the subject bc like...it's my business. Ofc when I can chat with them alone, I'm an open book but like not an open book for random people. So anyways I knew he wouldn't drop it, so I answered his questions about cancer and what not. And that made me uncomfortable to a degree, but what really sent me into a spiral was his comment about my appearance. I have a LOT of self-image issues like a LOOOOT. I haven't gotten on any apps to date or tried to put myself out there because of them. I also don't have any pictures of myself aside from a few my family has taken. My biggest insecurity is my hair loss and I'm not sure if it was genetics or the chemotherapy because my hair didn't grow back the same way as it was before. I think it's a combination of both but anyways it's a huge insecurity of mine and one of MANY. Well, this coworker looked at me dead in the eyes while we were working and was like 'can I make a bald joke?' And I was shocked because OBVIOUSLY I know people can tell I've lost hair for my age (29) but no one has ever mentioned it because I'm sure they're just being nice. And to hear it acknowledged by someone really really hurt my self-esteem and there's not a lot of that within me. Like I already feel ugly and unwanted it really hurt to hear. Plus that day one of my other coworkers came to me because she thought I was in charge and was like "Hey handsome can I go to break later rather than sooner?" and I was like "well I'm not in charge today but I'm sure it would be fine with X" and she was like "well I take back calling you handsome" and it was obviously joking but goddamn that hurt my feelings too.
I actually think I need to see a therapist about my self image issues. I just feel so fucking ugly all the time. I've started to workout semi consistently, but I'm so depressed the past couple of days. I take care of my appearance and practice self-care to like to try and keep my self-esteem normal but it's so fragile it's sad. This is delusion talking but when I went to message my old classmate, I saw he came out as bisexual a while back and thinking about how happy he was to see me and talk to me made me feel good like maybe a man can find me attractive the way I am now, but I just can't bring myself to believe that. Not fully, and I fear that if I ever get into a serious relationship that I won't ever be able to believe my partner actually likes me genuinely so that's another reason I don't pursue dating. God.
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keefwho · 9 months
January 04 - 2024 Thursday
This morning I showered immediately because mom was going to take me to Seeley. For breakfast I had a little leftover potato soup with a couple pieces of toast and a babybel cheese. We left 30 minutes later than I wanted to because breakfast took longer than I thought.
The first place we went was the grocery store. I grabbed 2 potatoes, a carrot, a celery stick, and really good looking egg noodles. Also picked up drinks for the weekend. The guy at the register didn't card me. After that we went to the high school so mom could drop something off. I've been wanting to see the inside of the school again and I finally got to 10 years later. It was a strange experience, I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there or like I loaded a 100% completed save file. I was flooded with memories of things that happened in the few halls we went down and the few rooms I saw into. Very nostalgic. Then we went to the post office so I could mail Daisy's Christmas presents. I crumbled a little and asked mom if she could go in with me but she said no which was a good thing. I went in on my own and it went okay. It was a little awkward because I was standing at the wrong card machine but other than that, it went fine. Our last stop was the weed store where mom picked up a new disposable vape pen for me. I can't enter the store myself because my ID is expired.
When I got home I started work and was warming up with space art. Daisy called me for something so I stopped streaming to spend time with her but started again when we were done. I finished 2 space art warmups and worked on 570's commission for a little over an hour. I ended early because of my busy morning but I did as much as I needed to. Right after that I hung up Daisy's friendiversary gift over my bed and relocated my Master Sword a little to the left. Both nails were being finicky and got bent but I made them work.
Lunch was a big turkey sandwich with some Doritos. Breakfast was small calorie-wise and I could feel it. I was also weighing less from yesterday so lunch was very big and hardy. While I ate I watched Bojack as usual. After lunch I did today's request which was a little hard and annoying but I did it. Then I spent an hour working on a Zelda pic while hanging out in David's server. I actually wanted to socialize so I wasn't so annoyed being there this time.
After work I did my yoga which has made my core sore. Not long after that Daisy was free so we called and were productive together. She worked on her fursuit and I worked on a couple worlds. When I was done I started playing Kerbal finally since thats all I wanted to do today. We watched another Chris Chan reading and some more of My Immortal. Daisy headed upstairs so I booted up Neopets. We talked a lot tonight about work stress, change, and the sexual atmosphere of the furry fandom. In Neopets I got bugged and had to reload and re-fight the entire coloseum. I was able to squeeze in one more rocket launch in KSP after she fell asleep. I also had to address some urges for the second time today even though it was too late for it.
Today went well. I didn't feel like going to Seeley and interacting with people but I got over it and had fun outside. I felt a little bad about not doing my full commission time but realistically I was okay not doing it all. I had some thoughts today about change and how scary it is whether it's good or bad. I'm looking forward to partying tomorrow. In general I feel good about some things and worried about others.
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gatual · 2 years
I hope tomorrow my eyes are not swollen anymore bc Im supposed to meet a college friend from my old major and I haven't seen her in 3 years!!!!!!!! and I wanna look good for her :(
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phonixa08 · 3 years
The comfort café
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Café au (obv), a lot of fluff
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Felix x reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Mentions of food
𝐀/𝐧: Since I adore cozy cafés I decided to write this au with a little magical touch to it :) I will make this a tiny series so let me know if you like it! Like the title suggests I hope you can find comfort in this if you aren't feeling well and remember that you're not alone <3 Apologies if there are any grammatical errors, english is not my first language
The familiar scent of coffee beans entered my nose as I opened the door of the café, a little bell announcing my entrance. It was the café I went to almost everyday of the week. Why, you might ask? Well, because it was my comfort place, not only mine but most of the people's here. The owner of the café, an older man with a kind heart, founded it with the intention of bringing comfort to people's lives.
He wanted to make this a special place where one could let go of one's worries and just enjoy the simple things in life- coffee and good music. That's also why this place has a lot of books and is decorated with fairy lights and candles. On the weekends there are shows on the little stage where someone would sing and the café would be filled with people- all of different age groups.
As I walked to the counter I was surprised to see a different face smiling back at me. The usual face with it's wrinkles crinkling at the outer corners of the old eyes which have seen so many parts of this world, were replaced with bright, warm ones. Around them were freckles dusted all over the cheeks and the blonde hair was somehow gracefully tousled over his forehead, partly covering it in the process. "Lee Felix", that's what it read on his nametag but I had no more time to wonder about the sudden change of things because-
"Uhm, do you want to order something or are you gonna keep on staring at me?" his teasing tone apparent in his voice.
Suddenly my cheeks were getting very wam and in my embarassment I could only stutter out my order. Just great- I thought- so much for not being socially awkward. That he was cute wasn't helping either.
When he was finished working on my caramel latte I gave him an awkward smile and quickly made my way to my usual seat which was at the very corner of the café in front of a big window.
Normally I came here to enjoy some solitude and of course because of the amazing coffee but today I actually wanted to ask if I could work part time at this place. I've just recently lost my job and therefore was in desperate need of a new one.
Being a collage student isn't easy, you've gotta earn your own money to pay the bills.
Since Mr. Lee, the owner, was always very kind and welcoming I thought that I might have a chance in getting a job here, so I was kind of disappointed he wasn't here today.
Realizing that sulking over it wouldn't get me anywhere, I decided to try again tomorrow and just as I was packing my things to leave I heard a familiar voice calling my name.
"Y/N! Great to see you. I wanted to tell you something, my dear."
I stopped in my tracks to see Mr.Lee smiling at me.
"Oh, hello Mr.Lee! I didn't see you at the counter today and already wondered where you were. You never miss a day at the café."
I was kind of shocked to suddenly hear all this but I also knew how very much he loved this café and if someone would make a good decision, then it was him.
He laughed at my reply. "You know me well. Yes, that was what I wanted to talk with you about. Since I'm not getting any younger, I'm retiring and instead my grandson Felix will watch over this café. He is the best person for this job and I'm not saying that just because he is my grandson. I know he is a very talented barista and knows how to take responsibility. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier but it's a decision I was debating for a long time, I hope you understand."
"I understand, even though everyone will have to get used to not seeing you around anymore." I gave him a sad smile.
"Come on, don't be so negative about it. I will still be here and I think you and Felix will get along well. Have you met him already?"
I felt the embarassment wash over me once again
"Yes, kind of. But I wanted to ask you something."
He nodded , signaling me to go ahead.
"I've just recently lost my job and I thought that I could, if possible, maybe work here?"
I felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and a smile crept up on my lips.
I looked at him, unsure if he would agree.
"Why do you sound so afraid? Of course you can, I know you learn very fast. You can start tomorrow if you want."
"Thank you so much! I'll work hard!"
Once again he chuckled and jokingly held up his finger "Of course, you have to."
The next morning I went to the café, little jumps in my steps indicating how excited I was. It might sound weird but I've always wanted to work as a barista at a beautiful café, the thought of it alone always made me long for that feeling. There was something about brewing coffee, the calming chatter of people and the slow jazz music, that made it magical.
Excited, I opened the door and was grazed with a déjà-vu. There stood Felix, sideways leaning on the counter, one corner of his lips turned upwards and eyebrows raised.
"Do you know that you're annoying?" I asked him, trying to ignore how good he looked in that button up.
"Careful there, I'm your boss now, remember? So, from today on I'll be teaching you all about the art of being a barista. I hope you're motivated to learn. And from what Grandpa told me I think you'll do a great job."
The smirk was replaced with a gentle smile and I knew this would be a difficult time for me. Not because I wasn't competent enough to learn, but much more because it would be hard to not fall for the person who was smiling at me.
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hollanderfangirl · 4 years
Nothing lasts forever |Harry Holland|
A/N: K, I wrote this for you. @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh congratulations on 1k!!! I wrote this through a writer's block so yeah not my best work
Warnings: angst, mentions of divorce, Harry being a dick
Word count: 3k
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They say love conquers all. But it’s not that simple, is it? You meet, you fall in love, you think that love is enough and when things start to go downhill, you realise that it isn’t, after all. It’s the effort, time, circumstances, along with hundreds of other things. You make promises of being together forever but nothing lasts forever. Nothing. And when the promises break? You get your heart broken. But a heart that’s broken is a heart that’s been loved. How can something so perfect, something that brought you so much happiness, something you thought would be yours forever, go so wrong?
When you and Harry got married, everyone knew you were one of those couples who make you believe in ‘together forever’. You had met when you were teenagers and neither of you thought the relationship would last even six months. But there you were, seven years later, having the most extravagant wedding, vowing to never leave each other’s side and to support one another through it all.
The first two years of marriage was a honeymoon period, you both were having the best time of your lives, going on dates often, cooking together, falling asleep next to each other, you wondered how you even got so lucky. You joined him on most of his trips, you both travelled across the beautiful cities of Europe and America together and nothing else really mattered. You loved him more than anything in the world, and he loved you, what else did you need?
When your work was piling up, you knew that you had to go back, although neither of you wanted to leave each other. He was away from you more often, working on sets and filming his own movies, but you were quite used to it to say the least. Spending away nights of frustrations all alone, with no one there for you. But you didn’t complain, you could never do that. You could never stand in the way of Harry and his career.
Two years later, on Christmas Day, you held your daughter in your arms, a healthy and beautiful baby. You and Harry had never been more happy and overwhelmed.
“So what should we name her?” he asked you while gently rocking her to sleep.
“Noelle,” you smiled. “She really decided to make Christmas even more special”
Over the years, you were so proud of your little family, you would often look at Noelle and Harry, playing or reading together and the ‘father-daughter bonding time’ as Harry liked to call it. She was more fond of Harry than you, and that was why it was even harder for her than it was for you. You regretted it so many times, you didn’t want to give it all up, to give him up. But it was becoming so difficult, taking care of a small child all on your own, along with Harry acting like a child himself. It was far too much responsibility than you could handle. You loved him, you really did, but love is never enough.
Now you were cooking in the kitchen with Noelle sitting on the counter, reciting her lessons from school.
“But mommy! We have holidays coming up now!”
“Yes and you will have all the time to play and enjoy, ok?”
“And there’s something else too,” she giggled.
“Oh is it?” you pretend to think.
“Yes! It’s my birthday”
“That’s right, you’ll spend your birthday with grandma and grandpa and your uncles”
“Will daddy be there?”
“Hopefully yeah,” you sigh.
“Will you be there?”
“Of course, sweetie. Mommy would never miss your birthday party,” you pinch her cheeks.
“Why don’t you and daddy ever want to meet?” she speaks up after a minute.
“Baby… daddy and I…” you honestly didn’t know how to phrase it. “We just kind of don’t… talk anymore, you know?”
“Like Tina and me?”
“Yes, exactly like you and Tina”
“But you told me that I should not be angry at her and we should become friends again”
“That is for you, the thing between me and daddy is much more complicated”
“What does complicated mean?”
You chuckle, the questions never end.
You step out of the car into the bitter cold December wind in front of the Holland household. It had been a while since it had snowed this heavy, and you were worried if you would be able to drive in this weather.
“Here you go,” you say as you hand over Noelle to Sam.
“Gosh it’s so cold today, what are you even going to do?” he asks you.
“Go back to the office I don't really have anywhere to be”
“You're gonna work through Christmas? Take some time off, why don’t you stay with us?”
“Sam no-”
“Come on, y/n. How long will you keep avoiding him this way?”
“I- ”
“And what about Noelle’s birthday?”
“I’ll come and visit for a few hours on 25th”
“Y/n, this will always be your home too, with or without Harry. We would love to have you over for Christmas”
“Mommy please, I’m feeling cold out here,” Noelle says reaching out her tiny hands out to you from Sam’s arms.
“Okay fine,” you laugh.
As you get inside the house, Noelle jumps off from Sam and starts running into the house.
“Oh my little princess I’ve missed you!” you see Harry run from the living room, picking up Noelle and kissing her forehead. “How have you been? Have you been good? Otherwise who’s gonna get all the gifts?” he pretended to say in a childlike voice.
Your heart warmed up at the sight, your lips curling into a smile. It had been so long since you had seen the two of them reunited like this. Everytime you went to drop Noelle off at Harry’s house, you just waved from the car, not even caring about what happened afterwards.
He seemed a little surprised to see you there and you weren’t sure if it was a good surprise or not.
“Y/n… hi”
“Hey Harry”
“You um changed your hair”
“And you’re wearing the same old sweater”
“No this is a new sweater it’s uh-” he says trying not to continue with an awkward silence. “It’s the old sweater,” he shrugs, making you smile
"Y/n! What a surprise," Nikki calls you from the living room. "It's so nice to have you here over Christmas, everyone misses you so much"
You walk over to meet everyone as Noelle calls Sam to the side.
"Hmm what's up?" he asks the little girl.
"I know how mum and daddy can talk"
He lets out a laugh. "What? And why's that?"
"Mommy said that she and daddy don't talk anymore and that's the only problem. We just have to find a way for them to talk and become friends again"
"What's your plan, genius?"
And then she told him.
After dinner that night, you were sitting on the front porch with Sam. He was your friend, someone who you could always turn to. All of Harry's family was like that. When you both got divorced, you thought you would lose contact with the Hollands, you didn't want to lose them too because they were just like your own family but the bond didn't change, Sam helped you get through it, just like he helped Harry and he was the one who had tried to resolve things between you both.
"I still don't understand. You both were doing just fine, better than fine. All of you were so happy, what even happened?"
"Sam… Harry and I haven't even talked about what went wrong between us. Everytime we tried to talk, something came in between"
"Then talk now, you have plenty of time"
"How does it even matter now?"
"It does. I've seen how miserable you two are, you don't even want to see each other. I know you both still have something"
"We have Noelle," you say as a matter of factly.
"You know what I mean. You both love each other"
"See that's the thing with love. Love doesn't help me take care of a four year old all on my own, Sam. She misses him so much. She just keeps asking me when she'll get to see her father. He never made time for us"
"I know he's been a kind of a jerk"
You raise an eyebrow at him.
"Okay a big jerk, but he cares about you and Noelle. I'm not asking you to get back together but at least talk and resolve whatever beef you both have"
"We can't"
"It's just… I don't even know"
There was a long silence. If it was summer, you would have been hearing the crickets chirping but at this hour of a cold winter night, all you could hear was the faint distant noise of the faraway traffic.
"How about this, you both go out tomorrow, just for an hour or two, hang out, talk, just say whatever you had been holding in all this time"
"You're setting us up on a date?"
"Not a date. You both just need to talk, right? So you just need some alone time"
"Has Harry agreed to this?"
"He definitely would"
"No, it'll be too much. And what about Noelle?"
"What about her? We're all here to take care of her. You just go and talk this over"
You lay awake at night thinking about the happy times you had with Harry. How did things go so so wrong?
Two years earlier
"Harry, the opening ceremony is on Friday, it's huge for the company!"
"Yes I know, love. I really wish I could make it"
"What… do you mean?"
"I'll be leaving for Atlanta two days from now"
"But it's important to me and everyone will be asking for you"
"I'm so sorry, baby but I have to go"
"You've done a great job, y/n. Where's Harry? I'd love to meet him," your manager asks you at the after party of the opening ceremony.
"He couldn't make it tonight. He really wanted to be here"
"Where's your husband, miss y/l/n? This is such a big day for you!" another one of your colleagues asked you later that night.
"He's really disappointed he couldn't be here but duty calls," you tried to hide your loneliness and sadness through a smile.
"Y/n! I haven't seen Harry tonight…"
"How's the movie coming up?" you were talking to Harry at 2 in the morning, time zones were driving the both of you crazy.
"It's going great! The location is amazing, I think we could shoot the whole film here. I just wish you were here I miss you so much"
"I miss you too, just come back home," listening to his voice seemed to make you even lonelier.
"I will," you hear music playing in the background and the noise of people cheering and talking.
"What's happening there?"
"Ah they're throwing a party in my honour, it's been such a success-" you heard a woman laugh right beside him.
"So are you having a good time?"
"Yes I am I just-"
"Then you should go back to it. Bye"
"But y/n-"
You were still working when he came back from the airport and you immediately rushed home after you were free.
When you saw him, you felt as though you were seeing a stranger. He looked different and he felt different and he looked tired than ever. Nevertheless you jumped on him and hugged him tight, making sure he was real.
"Oh god I've missed you, more than you could ever know," he stroked your hair and kissed your forehead.
"Really? Then show me how much you've missed me," you say as you lead him into your shared bedroom.
"I'm so sorry I missed your opening, darling I really wanted to be there"
"It's alright, we have another celebration next month, you can meet everyone there"
"Oh I can't make it to that either, I have to get away again after three weeks"
"But you just came back! And Noelle is just two years old, how do you expect me to take care of her and go to work?"
"There's nothing I can do, y/n. The contracts have already been signed. This is my big break, it's important to me"
"And our marriage is not? Your daughter is not?"
"You both are the most important to me," he put his calloused hands on your cheeks. "But you knew this was what our life would be when you married me"
"Everything has changed since then, Harry. We have a child now and we're so happy here. Why do you have to go away halfway across the world for months"
"Nothing has changed. I still love you the same and our careers are still as important to us as before"
"You could have at least talked to me about this"
"Yes I'm sorry. Everything will be alright once I return, I just have to go now"
Harry couldn't focus on work that day. He just kept replaying the conversation he had with you before leaving.
'I can't lose her. I really can't," he thought. 'Oh my god I love her, I love her so much. We have to find a way to make this work'
And ten thousand miles away from him, you sat all alone on the bed, thinking, 'this will not work, we're so happy, why does he want to give all of this up?'
"We're not teenagers anymore, y/n. Now I want something and you want something else, our worlds are different"
"So we just let it go?"
"I'm not saying that we have to let anything go, but it's my career, y/n. For the first time in my life, things have finally started to move and I don't want to lose anything"
"Harry… I have always supported your career. I have always supported your dreams. But you can have everything you want right here with me and Noelle. You don't have to leave"
"You're not even trying to understand"
"I'm understanding everything. I can't do this anymore, I'm not another one of your fans, Harry. I can't just keep on chasing you like this"
"Ice skating? Really?" you say as you see the long sheet of ice that lay on the ground in front of you, there were only a few people as it was a cold day. Everyone was probably snuggled up in bed with some warm coffee rather than going out on a date with their ex husband.
"We can go somewhere else if you want, there's a restaurant-"
"No this is fine. After all Noelle chose it"
He helps you put on your skates and you both hold each other, trying not to lose balance until you reach the ice rink.
"Ah that's it," he lets go of your arm but still holds your hand in his.
"Wait what did you mean Noelle chose it?"
"You don't know your daughter, Mr Holland. She's grown up to be quite the matchmaker," you laugh.
"You remember how we used to come here?" you smile at the memories, you and Harry used to go ice skating almost every week in winters. Although neither of you were the best at it, you loved the times you spent falling and laughing and later on having hot chocolate in each other's arms.
"Yeah," he tries to hold your other hand as well. "You remember the Christmas Noelle was born? I miss taking her out ice skating"
"Of course I remember," you sigh. "Eighteen hours of labor, and I was alone. You couldn't even make it in time for the birth of your own daughter"
"She was supposed to be born in January, how could I have known she would come in so early?"
"Well you always have the excuses ready, don't you?"
"It's not an excuse, it's more of an explanation. The flights were all booked, I mean it was Christmas! And I did reach the hospital in time"
"You reached the hospital when she was all cleaned up and in my arms"
He stays silent for a few moments and then speaks, with a gentler tone. "Y/n I'm sorry, I really am"
"You always said that, yet you never did anything to understand what went wrong"
"I was just so caught up in my life, I mean… there was so much work. I know I didn't spend much time with you both and-"
"It wasn't even about spending time, Harry. The thing is, you were never there for us. When I needed you the most, you weren't there. Even your brother understood that I needed someone but you didn't. You're just so-" you choked on the words.
"I know, and all I can say is that I've messed up, big time. I know you can't forgive me"
"Oh I've forgiven you a long time ago, Harry"
His hair was all messed up from the wind, going wild in all directions like a crown on his head. His nose and cheeks were turning red from the cold and all you wanted in that moment, was just kiss him. You wanted to feel his cold lips on yours until they turned warm. You wanted to hold his hair in your fingers, you wanted to touch him, you wanted to feel him. You wanted everything you once had. You wanted him back.
"I remember everything about you, you know?" he spoke up. "How can I ever forget? I remember how much you loved reading and how you hated it when I left my clothes on the floor. And how you keep your socks on during sex"
"You just had to bring that up" you roll your eyes and laugh.
"The thing is, I love you. I always have, even now when we're.... over, I still love you. I never got over you"
"Y/n, what we had, it was something else. You're… the only woman I've actually ever loved in my life"
"And you're the only one who I've loved in my life. But we can't go back now"
"Why? Why can't we give it another chance? Give us another chance?"
"It didn't work the first time, why do you think it'll work now?"
"I don't. But I'm miserable without you and we're different now. I've lost you once and I'll never make you feel like I'm busy for you, ever again"
"Are you sure? I'm tired, Harry. I'm so tired, I really cannot go through this if everything goes wrong again"
"It won't. I promise you, let's give us another chance, please?"
You looked into his eyes and you knew the answer.
@mischiefmanaged011 @notsosmexy @drie-the-derp @justanothermarvelmaniac @amorhollands @thisetaernallove @calltothewild @fancyxparker @peterspideysstuff @musicalkeys @theliterarymess @hollands-weasley @tommysparker @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @parkerpeter24 @more-like-reyna @hollandbroz-n-haz @aqiise @sarcasticallywitty15 @spiderrrling @theonly1outof-a-billion
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pixie88 · 4 years
My Science Buff
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A/N: Those who play Lovelink know Marco Bottazzi. He recently when grey on me, I miss him so decided to do a FF especially for him! He makes it hard not to fall for him while he sets you up with his best friend. This might be a one shot piece or I might continue I’m not sure yet. Let me know if you would like to be tagged or untagged!
Find my other Marco Bottazzi FF HERE on my masterlist under Lovelink - One shots. Along with my Rory Bear & Shopping Trip (Rory O’Brien), Tattoo Artist to Businessman (Blake Bailey) & Photogenic (Dominic Wright) FF. .
Comments always welcome!
Word count: 1649
WARNINGS: ⚠️ MILD NSFW & Fluffy fluff
Disclaimer: Characters are property of Lovelink.
Pairings: Marco X MC - Naomi
*1 New Message on Lovelink from Marco*
[Hey Naomi, I've broken things off with Sally. She also admitted she has feelings for Taylor. She still loves me but not in the same way she used to. She also said she was forced to realize our spark had disappeared the moment she saw us together]
[Hi handsome, I hope you are ok? Wow, talk about string you along....! So what happens now?]
[*Blushing!* I'm actually........relieved don't get me wrong, I am a little sad 10 years is a long time, but we have been dead in the water for a while it took meeting you to realize that. Now? Sally has moved back to her parents until I find somewhere to live. I was hoping this also means I could take you on a proper date JUST me and you?]
[Just goes to show when you are too close to someone you never really see the situation right in front of you. It always takes an outsider to see what you have become blind to. Sound like you have a plan. A date? Not too soon?]
[Ouch! But I know you are right. Yeah, I can't wait to move on with my life. Too soon? I don't think it is unless you have changed your mind?]
[I am always right, I thought you had figured that out already haha! I haven't changed my mind, I'm just worried it might be too soon for you?]
[I have lol! Definitely not too soon. I want to take you on a date just me and you. A real date please? :( ]
[You are a fast learner haha. OK, how can I say no to a sad face?]
[I am! You can't ;) why don't you come here and I'll teach you how to make Ramen?]
[I'm not comfortable with coming to yours and Sally's place! What if you came here instead?]
[Ok, that's fine. Yeah, I'll grab the ingredients on the way. Are you free tomorrow night?]
[Great, I can't wait! Tomorrow is fine. I get back from work at 5 so shall we say 6 maybe 7?]
[I can't wait either. Awesome I'm excited to see you! Is 7 ok?]
[I am too! 7 is perfect! Do you need me to get anything?]
[Awesome! I'll see you then. Text me your address and no I'll grab everything on the way]
The next day I get in from work and go for a shower, I decide on a navy polka dot dress. I leave my hair with wavy curls, I'm just finishing my make up when I hear a knock at the door. I look up at the clock, it only 6.41 pm he's early! I spray myself with perfume and head to the door. I open it, and he stood there with a massive bouquet of flowers.
He's wearing a grey suit and a white unbuttoned shirt, just looking at him gives me butterflies!
"Marco, you didn't have to get those"
"Naomi, I wanted to give you a real romantic date! You look beautiful"
"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself. Come in,"
He smiles, hands me the flowers as we step inside. "You have a gorgeous home Naomi"
"Thanks, the kitchen is this way" I lead him to the kitchen.
We get to the kitchen, he puts the bags on the side and empties the bags.
"So, what do we need to do?" 
"Chop and wash the ingredients first, then stir fry the pork mince," he says.
"Great, let's get started,"
He smiles "I got us some wine too"
"Great, I'm looking forward to this!"
"Me too!" he smirks.
I get to work on chopping while he cooks the pork. We move around the kitchen together. Each time I look over at him, he's already looking at me. My cheeks burn as I blush. I set up the table as he finishes cooking and dishes up.  I grab the wine and a couple of glasses as he takes over the plates.
We take our seats "Dig in" He says.
As soon as I put the first mouthful in, it's like an explosion of flavours in my mouth "Oh my god Marco this is amazing!"
His face lights up "I'm glad you like it"
"Like it? I love it. Please tell me there is more?"
"There is loads more. Probably enough to feed you for a week" He says.
I laugh. After dinner, I start to clean up when his arms come around me and I turn in his arms to face him.
"Hey" He smiles.
"Hi" my heart is racing.
He brushes a strand of hair away from my face, he leans in his face inches from mine. I close the gap crashing my lips to his, the kiss is electrifying my hands' come round to the nape of his neck and his tongue invades my mouth. He pulls me tighter to him as he deepens the kiss, he lifts me onto the counter this kiss becomes more fierce.
His hand starts to run up my thigh and slips under my dress. We can't get enough of each other, he finds my centre and he brushes against me.
"Marco......we should stop"
He pulls away confused. "Marco, don't get me wrong, I want to I really do but I don't want to rush this. I want it to be special"
He smiles "You're right, let's take it slow"
He helps me down off the kitchen counter "Hey, I forgot dessert!" He pulls a tray out of his shopping bag and unwraps the brown paper.
"I hope you like homemade chocolate brownies"
My face light up "Brownies? You made brownies?"
"Yeah, I thought you might like them?"
"You're going to have to fight me for some" I grab the tray and run but he chases after me.
"Hey!! Come back here with those brownies!" He shouts.
I laugh running away from him, I run behind the couch, and he's on the other side.
"NAOMI!" he says with a smirk
I take a brownie from the tray and take a huge bite "Oh wow! These are amazing! They might even be better than sex!"
He laughs "That's probably because you haven't had sex with me yet" he winks and I blush, this distracts me so I don't have time to react when he jumps on and over my couch and grabs me.
"Ahhhh!" I scream as he takes the tray off me "One, that was sneaky and two, no shoes on my couch!"
He laughs, "Sorry, I'll make it up to you by baking you a mountain load of brownies?"
I smirk "Ok, I forgive you!"
"Good, now let's sit down and eat these" he takes my hand and leads me back to the dining table.
"So, have you found a place to stay?" I ask.
"I actually viewed a place 5 minutes away from here before our date"
"Ooo, so we could be neighbors?!"
He laughs, "Yeah, I guess so!"
"Have you spoken to Taylor since the other day?" I ask.
"Nope, he's being awkward with me. He is ignoring my calls at the moment"
"Why? You did what he asked you to do!"
"I don't know. To be honest with you since he told me about his feelings for Sally. I don't feel like I know him anymore. If that makes sense?"
"Perfect sense! Especially since he's kept a secret from you for so long"
He gives me a weak smile "Let's not talk about them. This is our date, not theirs"
I smile, "So as it's our date. Have you seen there is a Science convention at the weekend?"
His face lights up "Yeah, I actually have two tickets for me and Tay...." he cuts himself off.
"So you are going by yourself?" I ask.
"Yeah, I am now," he says.
"Tell me no if you want but if you still have Taylor's ticket I would love to go with you!"
He's beaming "Really? You would come with me?"
I laugh, "Of course! If you invite me that is!"
He smirks "You said you weren't much of a science buff!"
"I might not be but it's something you like, so I want to take an interest in it. You might have to explain a lot to me, but I'm willing to learn if you're willing to teach? Pun intended" I wink.
"Wow, Sally would never com....know what I would love for you to be my date!"
"Ooo I didn't know it would be a date! I'll have to wear a super sexy outfit" I say with a grin.
"Not too sexy you'll give all those nerds a heart attack" he laughs.
A little while later he's leaving.
"Text me when you're home?"
He smiles "Will do! Thanks for tonight Naomi!"
"Thank you for all the amazing food!" He pulls me to him and plants a soft kiss against my lips.
"I'm so looking forward to this weekend!" He says as he pulls away.
"Me too!" I wink.
He walks down the steps and starts walking down the street to his car as he drives past and waves.
20 minutes later I'm getting ready for bed when my phone vibrates.
*1 New Message on Lovelink from Marco*
[Hey, gorgeous! I really enjoyed tonight and I'm home BTW! Also, do you think we could actually exchange numbers now? Rather than talking through a dating app? X]
[Hi handsome, I had a fab night too so thank you. Glad you made it home safe! Mister Bottazzi I never give my number out before I put out ;P So you have 1, 2, or maybe 5 dates before you earn that privilege! ;) Night xx]
[HOLY CRAP! Now that's all I can think about :( X]
[You're welcome! Nighty night xx]
[I'm going for a cold shower. Sweet dreams X]
I’m tagging you because I know your a Lovelink fan lovely @khoicesbyk​
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hardforbenhardy · 5 years
the perfect gift | benxfem!reader
summary: the first time ben is meeting your parents, and you are nervous. but not as nervous as you are to give ben his present
warnings: intense fluff so prepare yourself coz ben is a d o r a b l e in this
based on two prompts: "that's what your wearing?" and "i tested positive"
word count: 4.5k
thought i'd do a little christmassy themed oneshot considering it was ... yakno... christmas; it’s been in my drafts for a while so there’s no better time than the present (no pun intended😊) i had fun writing this so i hope you have fun reading it! :)
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Christmas had always been the same; through the 27 years of your life, you stuck to your traditions. You would always spend the time with your whole family, with the traditional Christmas roast and gift-giving. You loved it; you were extremely close with all your family, and spending time with them was always cherished since it only happened twice a year. However, there was one part that you couldn't stand. The worst part of it all was the fact that every year you were the only adult who was yet to find a relationship. All your siblings, your parents, aunt and uncles, grandma and grandpa, even some of your older cousins; they were all coupled up. You had even tried to convince them one year that you had finally found yourself a man; of course, you had simply bribed your best friend to pretend to be your boyfriend for the one day. He, however, was not as good of an actor as you thought he would be - caving in after only 3 hours in the household by accidentally spilling that he was in fact gay.
Though, this year you didn't have to pretend; you had finally found a man who you truly loved. He was the spitting image of what you considered perfection and you were sure he was the one. You and Ben had taken your relationship quite quickly, you had only been together for 10 months and yet you had already moved into a house together and adopted a small puppy. Though, you didn't see it as a particularly bad thing; you knew for certain that he was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, the man you wanted to start a family with, grow old with. And you were also pretty certain that you were that woman for him; I mean, that's what he told you every single day. Every morning as you sat around the table to eat your breakfast; every lunch time when you'd facetime him from the office; every evening when you were snuggling in bed and he just had to mention it, which of course often led to more. You were absolutely hooked onto him, like a baby to a bottle; you simply couldn't resist him. So showing him off to your family was assuredly what you were most looking forward to this Christmas. You had already met Ben's family, and so it was now his time.
The two of you were about to leave to drive down for Christmas Eve, and the nerves were beginning to set in; what if they didn't like Ben? What if they thought you were both moving too fast? What if the nieces and nephews didn't want to play with him? What if they all took one glance at Ben and thought he could do better? You saw Ben as an angel, but you didn't know about them; after all, your mother had always wanted the perfect step-son.  She had been pretty adamant about it from the start. Nevertheless, you brushed the nerves off and paid attention to curling your hair. Your concentration was broken, however, by the sight of Ben entering the bedroom in the reflection of the mirror in front of you. You grinned widely at the sight before you, or rather behind you, as the strapping blonde man strode in wearing what you noticed to be a rather formal suit considering the fact you were only attending a Christmas dinner with your family. In fact, it was extremely formal considering the fact you were only attending a Christmas dinner with your family; meaning you couldn't help but giggle.
"That's what your wearing? Baby, we're going to my parents for Christmas, not a wedding!"
"What? I wanted to impress them!" He exclaimed rather seriously, which made you chuckle before standing up off the little stool to walk towards him to give him a small peck on the cheek; which funnily made him blush like a madman. That was something you loved about Ben; he seemed like every day he saw you was as if he was seeing you for the first time again. Somedays, he acted like a horny teenager who couldn't resist your touch. Other days, he acted like you were made of glass, as if you were the most precious, fragile thing on the earth which led to being peppered with little kisses and hugs of every form whenever he saw you. And other days, he acted like he was made of glass, and would blush or smile every time you even placed a gentle finger on him; and you had a strong feeling, this was one of those days. "I mean, what if they don't like me, or they don't think I'm good enough for their daughter? What do we do then? Because I love you, I really really love you and I want to spend my whole life with you but I can't do that if your family doesn't like me because-“
"Baby, I know they're going to love you, okay. Maybe not as much as I do, but trust me; my mum is going to take one look at you and she'll treat you like the son she never had. You look gorgeous, and as much as I am admiring the way you look in this suit, you need to change. Swap the shirt and tie out for a tshirt, and the tapered pants for some of your nice jeans." you encourage him, stroking his upper arm lightly and smiling up at his face which looked extremely defeated. You could sense the anxiety emanating from his body, he was just as nervous to meet your parents as you were for them to meet him. But you didn't tell him that, because you didn't want to worry him anymore than he already was. He simply nodded, taking a deep breath and unsleeving his arms from the blazer so that he could unbutton his shirt. You pushed his hand out the way and did it yourself, after seeing the way his hands were pretty much shaking. He still preoccupied himself, beginning to pull his trousers off to fasten the pace, as he knew you needed to set off soon to make it in time.
Once he was dressed in more appropriate clothing, which you deemed suitable for a first impression, you were finally able to leave for your parents. The car journey over there was a little less stressful, as Ben had began to calm down and forget all about his little moment in the morning. However, as you stood outside your parent's house, your own nerves began to set in. You had arrived a lot later than you expected to, having been stuck in traffic for a lot of the journey. Your hand trembled as you went to ring the doorbell, Ben stood a step behind you so that your parents would be able to greet you first. The door swung open after a few seconds, revealing the bright cheery face of your mother.
"Darling, hello! It's lovely to see you! Come in, come in!" she cheered, stepping to the side to allow you and Ben to enter. You gave her a warm hug as you walked in, in which she responded with a small kiss to your temple. Your father entered the room too, a smile emerging on his face, and you couldn't help but laugh as you noticed the apron he was wearing; it was the same one he wore every single year, with an awful christmas pun which to be honest was not a suitable apron to wear around children.
"Mum! Dad! I've missed you so much! Sorry we were late - the traffic was awful" you squealed, pulling your dad in for a hug as well, until you looked to the side to see Ben standing there incredibly awkwardly as you greeted your parents. "Mum, Dad, I'd love for you to meet my boyfriend, Ben"
"It's nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs LN. Thank you for having me, especially during a time which is meant for spending time with family" He greeted, holding his hand out to shake my fathers, but rather he pulled Ben in for a hug. You then realised you had completely forgotten to mention to Ben quite how open and friendly your family were, meaning he had quite a shocked reaction to the sudden embrace.
"Please, call us Lydia and Michael. And you are part of this family Ben; any friend of YN's is a friend of ours, lovie. Now why don't the two of you head up to your room and settle down - that way, you'll be awake in time for tomorrow morning when the kids come up and completely wreck your lie-in!" Your mum whisper-yelled, chuckling as she handed your suitcases over to your dad to help you haul them up the flights of stairs to your old childhood room that you and Ben were planning to stay in for the next two nights. Admittedly, you were a bit embarrassed considering you knew your mother hadn't changed anything about your room since you were 18 and moved out to University, so you were in for an awkward and humiliating moment when Ben first saw the posters of Roger Taylor and Queen all over your wall like you were some kind of crazy fangirl. Which, of course, you were but you didn't even think about having to explain that until now.
After a good 10 minutes of Ben laughing at your seemingly-passionate devotion to the band, you had finally settled down in your bed, which was thankfully a double. It was rather cold, being wintertime, so you and Ben were cuddled up extremely close together under bundles of blankets in an attempt to keep some warmth between you. You spent a majority of your nights curled up like this, Ben's touch providing a haven for you. And just like every other night, you ended it with the same words.
"I told you they'd love you, you practically had my mum wrapped around your finger!" You grinned, poking Bens stomach jokingly as he released a low chuckle at your point. He knew you were right, because you had mentioned that your mother was often more removed from people if she didn't like them.
"Okay, okay; I was worried for nothing, I'll admit it! But I had every right to be!" He defended himself, his warm breath on your shoulder sending shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but cuddle closer, wrapping your arms around his torso and place your head in the nook of his shoulder.
"I know, I know; I really do love you Ben"
"I love you too"
You were woken by the feeling of a small body pouncing onto your stomach, shouting and cheering filling the otherwise silent room; "Aunty Yn, Unca Bwen! Wake up! It's Christmas Day! And Santa's come!"
You chuckled, partly at your nieces urgency to get downstairs and open some presents, but mainly at Ben's low groan at being woken at 7 in the morning. Your heart softened at her reference to Ben being her Uncle, and not just a random man who had joined the family for the day. You urged the 4 year old to move off you so you could climb out of bed, grabbing the dressing gown screwed up in the floor and pushing your arms through the sleeves. "Lilah, give us 10 minutes and we'll be right down, okay?"
"Okay!" She squealed, wrapping her tiny arms around your legs before running off to shout to her brother Jackson that you'd be down in "twen" minutes.
"Baby, wake up" You whispered, shaking Bens arm lightly and kissing his forehead, only to hear him grunt and roll to face the other way. "Tired"
"So am I, but it's Christmas hun; come on, I want my presents!" You giggled, giving him a shove and jumping out of bed to tie the newly-clad gown. Ben pulled himself off the mattress and lugged over to the en-suite bathroom, mumbling that he was taking a quick shower before they head down. In the meanwhile, you busied yourself with helping your mum out in the kitchen to prepare Christmas dinner.
"Is Ben not joining us this morning?"
"He's just taking a quick shower, he'll be down soon" you explained, chopping the veg; you found yourself grinning at the mention of his name. Of course, your mother noticed this.
"You seem perfect for each other, you know. He seems like a very lovely lad too; your father and I are very happy you have found yourself someone" She smiled, elbowing your side a little which made you chuckle and grin widely; you were extremely happy that your parents actually accepted Ben into the family so unquestionably, and liked him. "So when can Michael and I expect more grandchildren!"
You saw the question coming; there was no doubt that your mother loved being a grandmother to Lilah and Jackson. But they were getting older now, Jackson being 7 and Lilah being 4, and Lydia desperately wanted a baby to care for. So, your next words came like a haven to her.
"What if I have reason to believe roughly 9 months?" You mumbled, placing your hand on your stomach and looking up at your mum with nervous eyes. Her own eyes widened in shock and happiness, taking in your words.
"You mean? You're pregnant?" She whispered, not wanting the rest of the house to hear. You nodded, worried your mother would think you and Ben were moving too fast, having only been together for roughly 10 months. "Darling, oh my gosh, that's amazing! I'm so happy! Does Ben know?"
"No not yet; in fact only you know. I was planning on telling him today, and the rest of the family, but I'm seriously beginning to second guess everything; what if Ben doesn't want the baby? I mean, we're not even married and Ben is always away for press tours and filming. What if he thinks we're moving too fast? I don't want to scare him away-" You stumbled, tears beginning to brim your eyes. Whether it was the hormones or your nerves you didn't know; but it was most likely a mixture of both. Your mother hushed you, rubbing your arm in a way to calm you down as she understood you tended to over worry about a lot; and of course, this is an extremely reasonable thing to worry about.
"Lovie, look; you will not scare Ben away. I see the look of lust in that boys eyes when he looks at you, and I can tell just how much he really loves you. This is a big thing, of course it is, but you need to tell Ben; whether you plan on keeping the child or not. He deserves to know, and if he turns you away then he was never a gentleman to begin with. You have this whole family to support you the whole way, but at the end of the day; it is both yours and Bens decision" She comforted, her words calming you a little as you realised she was right. You couldn't just not tell Ben, it was his child and you were a couple. And, to be completely honest, you were excited as hell to start a family with the man you considered the love of your life. The only reason you were hesitant with this was because you and Ben had literally never spoke about having children or starting a family, so you didn't have his opinion on the matter to fall back on. The moment between your mother and you was interrupted by the man himself, hugging you from behind and pressing a small kiss to your neck.
"Hiya love, everything okay?" He muttered, his arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you continue to chop the carrots as you were before the conversation with your mother. You hummed, leaning back into his touch, hoping he hadn't heard the previous conversation between you and your mother. You felt the smile on his lips against your skin, and he tucked his head into your neck.
"Why don't you go and meet my siblings huh? I'll be in in a few minutes, just finishing up with this" You suggested, to which he nodded and placed a small kiss to your temple, before walking into the living room to join your family. You could hear the loud voices of your older brother, Sam, and his wife greeting Ben from the other room, and painfully worried that Ben wouldn't get too nervous as your brother tended to be quite boisterous at times. In fact, your whole family did; which was extremely different to Ben's family who were much more calm and collected. Although by the sight you received entering the room a few minutes later, you were immediately filled with joy; the sight of Ben sat on the living room floor, cross legged, with Lilah on his lap and Jackson sat beside him, as he read them a story Lilah had begged him to. You were a little confused as to how he was getting on with them all so well; Lilah didn't usually warm up to people so well unless she had been properly introduced. And your mum was usually very judgemental of your boyfriends that you had brought home before. And your brother was often extremely protective over you. And your sister would most likely try to steal any guy you brought home and have him for herself.
You can't help but admire the way he is around the 2 children; it's as if he's done the whole parenting thing before. Lilah was smiling so widely, you thought her face was going to get permanently stuck like that. The two were amazingly engaged as he spoke the words on the page, acting out the story with little actions and different voices,  making sound effects when needed. Your brother's wife, Sophia, walked up to you with a small grin on her face before mumbling "You've got a good one there, don't ruin it" in your direction as she passed by to enter the kitchen. At the sight before you, you realised exactly how correct she was. You had got someone in your life who you could never lose; you'd be a fool to ruin what you and Ben had. So of course, you began second guessing telling him the news once again. If you told him the truth, he may leave and then you've lost him for good. But seeing just how well he was around the children and how engaged he was, you actually considered that this was a good idea.
The time came to finally exchange presents; no doubt after the children had nagged the adults for 20 minutes straight, asking "when can we open them?". The children spent the most time opening presents, getting excited after each one and showing it off to every single adult in the room. You were sat on the small armchair; well Ben was, and you were perched on his lap, an arm around his neck and head rested on his shoulder. You were admittedly beginning to grow impatient at telling Ben the news; as much as you didn't want to tell him, waiting to do it was becoming painful because it only gave you more time to re-evaluate your decision. Thankfully, your mother had finished giving everyone her gifts, so it was the end and you could give Ben his. You rushed out of the room to where your coat hung up, pulling out a small box that was wrapped in paper and had a bow placed on the top. Ben noticed the box and furrowed his brows, even more so when you went to hand it to him.
"YN, we agreed we weren't doing presents this year?" he questioned, hesitantly taking the box from your hand, almost as if he expected it to explode in his hand. You nodded your head a little, understanding his confusion. Honestly, you forgot that you had agreed to not give each other presents this year because you had spent quite a lot of money so far on your relationship, first buying the house and then investing in a pet.
"I-I know, but you wouldn't have got any other gifts, and I think you'll like this one" You mumbled, urging him to open it and trying to hide your nerves from Ben as you knew he had a strange talent of noticing when you were hesitant to do something. He was like a human radar; he knew when you were happy, sad, angry, nervous, excited. He had a mental notebook of all your habits for each emotion, so he could probably tell that you were absolutely bricking it right now. But you assumed that he just thought this because you were nervous he wouldn't like the gift; which you were, but he didn't realise why. He took his sweet time opening the present, unwrapping it slowly considering he had all eyes of the room on him at that moment, alongside the glare of a camera that your mother had pulled out in excitement of the moment. As he opened the flaps to the small cardboard box underneath the wrapping paper, his eyes widened and his whole body froze. You can't deny, so did yours. He slowly pulled out the small stick out of the shadows of the box to reveal two small pink lines on the small screen.
"A-are you... is this real?" he mumbled, looking up to meet your eyes. You saw the tears beginning to pool at the bottom of his eyes, and you saw a glint of happiness. You nodded, awaiting his reaction.
"I tested positive."
You didn't know if this was a good reaction or a bad one because he didn't really show much emotion on his face. That was until a giant smile stretched across his face and his hands dropped the box so that he could wrap his arms around you. It was rather sudden, but he took you into the tightest hug you'd ever felt; his head rested against your shoulder and you felt the tears of joy seeping into your jumper. You obviously hugged back, relieved that he was actually happy about this.
"I-I'm gonna be a dad? W-We're gonna be parents?" He continued questioning, unable to believe any of this was true because he didn't think contentment like this could exist. You could barely speak your own words, only having the ability to nod and cry as well as Ben.  The whole family was now cheering with you, Lilah jumping on your lap to give you the biggest hug she possibly could, exclaiming that she couldn't wait to have a little cousin she could play with. Well, you assumed that's what she said, considering most of her words were indistinguishable.
"I can't believe this, this is the best day of my fucking life. God, we're gonna be parents in 9 bloody months, love. I love you so much, and you too" he gushed, tears brimming in his eyes once again and also yours. He bent down and gently kissed your practically-non-existent bump as he whispered "and you too" and you couldn't help but admire how well he took the news; you certainly didn't expect this much of a reaction from him and you felt a little stupid for ever second guessing yourself. Of course, being the bundle of nerves Ben tended to be, started questioning everything; "How far along are you? Have you been feeling ill? Because I'm sorry if I haven't been much help to make you feel better but I don't recall hearing you being sick of anything in the mornings so I don't know-"
"Ben, I've been fine so far; I'm only a month along and I've only had two instances of morning sickness, both of which you weren't home for so you don't have to worry. I suppose I've felt a little under the weather recently but nothing that I couldn't cope with." You explained, which brought comfort to Ben as he knew you weren't suffering too much in the time being. Though, he had heard of how harsh pregnancy can be for some women and he prayed to the Lord that you would not be one of the small percentage.
After finding out the exciting news, Ben had been non-stop protecting you like you were a piece of glass; not that he didn't before, he just did it a lot more intensely now. Every time you tried to sit down or stand up, he would help you so that you didn't 'strain your back'. Every time you went up the stairs, he would walk right behind you. Every time you yawned, he asked if you wanted to go to bed and insisted you had an early night so that you and 'bean' were well rested. Oh yes, and he had nicknamed the growing child 'bean'. You, thankfully, now found yourself wrapped up in the covers of your duvet after a long Christmas day and could not wait to fall asleep. Ben had jumped in beside you and cuddled close so that he could rest his hand on your stomach and head on your shoulder. You were so close to being asleep, until Ben decided to create conversation.
"You know, I thought your boobs had gotten bigger, but I didn't want to mention it in case you thought I was complaining" He mumbled into your neck, which woke you up immediately. You slapped his arm and chuckled loudly, making him wince in pain a little.
"They've also gotten a lot more sore so no touching. And alongside that, I constantly need to pee, very gassy and am continually getting mood swings; so good luck for the next 9 months because you're officially dating a zombie" you countered, making him chuckle gleefully. He didn't care how disgusting or gross you may have seen yourself; you were still beautiful to him and he was going to let you know that every day.
"A gorgeous zombie who I love very very much and is literally bringing my child into the world; with my help, of course." He smirked, making you roll your eyes because you completely understood what he meant by 'his help'.
"I'm so happy that your happy and I can't wait to have a family with the love of my life"
"And I can't wait either" He grinned, feeling happiness he had never felt before in his life. Now, all he had to do was propose; luckily, he'd been planning it all along
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theravenclawlover · 5 years
Parings: James “Bucky” Barnes x Reader.
Warnings: +18 Mentions of torture, mature language, future smut, mentions of death, slight depression, mentions of kidnapping.  
Word Count: 2,066.
Summary: You are one of the youngest members of the Avengers, and you love it. Out of the blue an impossible mission is assigned to you alongside Natasha Romanoff, and it was sure to change your life. Lies, and betrayal from the closest people in your life; they never told you who you really were.
Chapter Number: 2.
Chapter Tittle: The Mission.
A/N: Hey! I’m back with another update for this series as you can see! I’ve been so busy with life, it’s a little tiring. Who would’ve thought that online courses could be so homework heavy... Nevertheless, I made some time to twink this thing up and some other chapter, so my prediction is that maybe later or tomorrow there’s going to be another chapter up! Thank you for being so patient with me, it means a lot! Now for those who read my Harry Potter fics, I know I still owe you lot a smutty Weasley Twins fic, and I promise I’ll post it by the end of the month or beginnigs of next, I haven’t been able to finish it for some reason. Also, I think I’ll try to start drafting chapters for my “Welcome to the Industry of Porn.” It’s been almost a year since I last updated that one. Okay, I’ll stop! Enjoy my fellow readers! 
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After getting things ready, Nat and you found yourselves in her car; Natasha on the wheel. She kept on glancing at you, not real expression set but it was kind of annoying you. At first it didn't bother you and didn't really mind it, but it had been an hour since her eyeing had begun, so the annoyance was bound to sprout from you any minute.
"What?" you said a little snappy, it couldn't be ignored any longer. It was just rude to stare.
"What?" echoed Natasha with feigned confusion.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" You exclaimed while turning to face her as much as you could with the seatbelt on.
"Like what?" She didn't turn like you had, but you were able to see the change of her expression from your seat, she just gave you a confused look at your words.
"Nat, you haven't stop looking at me! It might sound crazy, but you've looked worried ever since Steve mentioned this "Bucky" person." You couldn't stop from raising your voice a little. She was agitating you and you knew you probably were overreacting at the whole situation.
She let out a sigh before answering, "Y/n, we have been sent to bring the Winter Soldier by no means of force. He has memory problems because HYDRA thought it was a great idea to mess with his brain. So, I'm sorry If I can't take my mind out of it! Also, I'm not looking at you with worry, I was just wondering why you seem so calm." At the last words she'd turned to face you, having reached a red light.
"I never thought that I would witness what I believe is a mini freak out from you. Also, I had my breakdown in my room when we were getting ready. He's scary for what I've read in his report. Remember Washington? Stupid question, of course you do. Dude, I cried when you and Steve were on the run. Trust me, I'm fucking scared, but I'm trying to stay calm. I have a theory that he can smell fear. So, I'm practicing my 'I'm cool with a brainwashed assassin in the room' face," you exclaimed with the tiniest grin on your face. Joking about the matter seem to help with your anxiousness, and the exasperation from before now gone.
"To be honest with you, I'm rather impressed that you look better than I do right now," she said after stopping the car in front of a big old building that looked like it was about to fall, "we're here."
"Shit." It was really happening. All you had to do was peacefully bring a brainwashed dude with you back to the base. Should be easy. Piece of cake, right?
"Let's do this, " said Nat getting out of the car, her façade of tough—not really a façade, she was tough—assassin had 'activated' once more.
You both stepped through the rough looking doors, according to the last report on him, he was in last the floor going up. You were shaking a little when you had finally made your way up. Nat made her way toward the door with quiet steps. Once the two of you were in front of the room neither of you knew what to do next. Do we just knock, or we burst in like the badass women we fucking are? you thought to yourself, a little grin trying to break on your face. You didn't get to dwell on it for too long because Nat had knocked on the door, her face showed the clear regret of that action. She had just acted without thinking of the consequences of her actions—how odd.
There was a noise coming from inside, you could hear hesitant footsteps coming towards the door, you knew he was going to open the door anytime soon, but you didn't know what to do so you just stood there. The movements from inside suddenly stopped, you saw the shadow of someone right in front of the door from its order side. A second later, that someone opened the door, and lord did the sight made you blush.
The door opened to show a shirtless man, long hair covering his face. He looked as if he had just taken a shower, he hadn't been expecting anyone—I mean, who would? The building was mostly empty, except for the homeless that looked for shelter. You knew you were staring but you couldn't remove you gaze from his massive, muscular form, and that glistening arm.
"Good afternoon," said Natasha, breaking the silence. He didn't say anything he just kept looking at both of you trying to figure out who you two were, and most likely wondering why you had disturbed his peace and quiet. After her words, more silence came—awkward silence.
"We are here to help you out, we know who you are," Natasha proceeded to say without introductions. Wrong move. The calm face he'd had was now replace with a cold expression. Before either of you could muster words out, he'd closed the door and hurried back inside.
"Shit! Shouldn't have done that!" Natasha grabbed her gun kicking the door trying to stop him. You did the same thing, grabbed your gun and try to stop him before he disappeared once again. You knew it had been hard to get a hold on a ghost like the Winter Soldier, so you couldn't afford to mess the mission up.
Once inside, he had put out on a shirt and was ready to jump from the window. Nat shouted a 'stop' but he didn't listen, he jumped from the window. You ran to the window to see him landing flawlessly on the ground. Before running off, he turned his head, and you swore he winked your way. Without another glance, he ran and vanished from your view when he took the first turn to the left.
"Crap! The fucker ran away again! He was ready," said an angered Natasha, now standing by your side.
"That was so fast. Who gets dressed that fast?, and that bag must've been packed already," you said looking around for any type of intel you could find. You needed to know where he has heading next, that could help with the foul mood Fury was surely going to be in.
"I don't know, but what I do know is that we are in big trouble when we get back," said Natasha with a sigh escaping her lips. With one quick look around, you gave up and headed back to the car, your murder by your boss awaiting you.
"Sir, he just ran back inside and jumped from the window and disappeared." For the umpteenth time you told what had happened to Fury. When the two of you got to the new secret facility of S.H.I.E.L.D.—or what was left of it—you were to give your mission report to Fury. Steve was there, listening on how bad the mission had gone; he looked worried, but you had a feeling that it was because his friend was in the world off the radar rather than worried about either Nat or you being yelled at by Fury. You felt guilty, Natasha and you had messed up the chance for him to see this 'Bucky,' but at the same time you were slightly annoyed at his uncharacteristic coldness at your failure.
Fury was mad that you two had failed the mission, but he had known that someone like him was no easy target, but that doesn't mean that he let you off without some type of punishment. You knew that S.H.I.E.L.D wasn't the same organization that once was, now it was just a little group left since the incident with HYDRA. Fury told you after he had—somewhat—calm down that Natasha and you were to be in the tracking team. Meaning that you were to sit down in front of a computer until you got wind of him.
You got back to your room but not before spending the rest of the afternoon working for the new coordinates of where he could have run to hide. You opened the door to your room; once in, you kicked your shoes off and walked towards where your bed was, putting your gun and badge on the nightstand. You were exhausted to even remain awake while walking around to get things done. You went to the bathroom to take the most relaxing shower. The warm water felt so good against your tired body and your thoughts ran wild, with no care. At first it was just how bad you had mess up the mission and the guilt that came with that, but then you could only focus on him. Those piercing blue eyes that seem to take you away from reality... You shook your head trying to forget about those eyes, but you found yourself going back to them. They seem to bring you a sense of comfort that you couldn't explain. You quickly finished your shower, trying to rid yourself from thoughts of him. Once out, you grabbed your panties and the biggest, baggiest t-shirt you owned, and with no trouble you fell asleep.
You were in a room that seem too familiar for some reason, there was a glass window in front of you. You walked towards it; it showed another room. Your eyes landed in the person that was in the middle of the room, it was him. He was shirtless inside a capsule, he looked troubled while he slept. There were people waking him up, and when they did, they sat him on a chair not far from the capsule he had been. There were doctors around him with clipboards, and big machines were being situated around the blue-eyed man. You looked around, besides the doctors there were people in green outfits—officers. Then you looked to your other side and saw one of the doctors coming to the room you were in, he walked towards to what looked like a control panel. You saw him pressing some buttons, and the big machines in the other room started moving.
Your eyes moved to find his, he was already staring right at you; he couldn't see you, though, the glass didn't allow it. One of the doctors near him grabbed something and put it in his mouth, him never questioning what. He kept looking straight ahead, you felt as if he could really see you through the glass, it made you shiver unconsciously. One of the doctors now gave a signal towards the glass, and so, the man on your side of the glass pressed one button and the machine got closer to the man sitting on the chair. Before you could guess what was going on, he was screaming. You didn't want to see, your heart ached at the way his eyes shut abruptly, how his knuckles were now white from gripping the chair. You couldn't look away and you weren't even able to flinch at his screams. You didn't know how long it went like that, but all the screaming was soon replaced with a shrilling silence. As soon as he was still, dead-looking, some officers were now helping him up and taking him somewhere else. Everyone started to leave, doctors and officers alike—loud-ish chatter amongst them. There was one person who didn't move, and he was looking at you. The man smiled and made his way towards you, he seemed familiar and nice.
"What you just saw, Y/n, was how we made our best weapon stay emotionless, and strong. That is why he is valuable to us; he doesn't show emotions towards his victims." The man was now kneeling in front of you, "now, honey, we better get you to your room. Tomorrow is going to be another day full of training."
"Yes, sir," you said. Your voice sounded so young, probably less than ten years old. He picked you up, and you wrapped your tiny arms around his neck. It took forever to get to what you guessed was your room. Once inside and you were changed into your pajamas, he helped you get in bed, tucking you in.
"Have sweet dreams, my little princess," said the man that was looking at you with loving eyes.
You gave him a soft, sleepy smile before yawning while muttering softly, "goodnight, papa."  
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@boredtotearz100 @john-benderr @cnco-ravenclaw-46
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CHAPTER 4 - Two birds, no stone
Exsomnis: Wakeful, vigilant
Summary: Fresh Doctor out of residency you didn’t expect Conyers to be this uneventful until everything happened at the same time. From the outset, an odd meeting with what seems like a steadfast Detective but it was only the beginning.
Notes: English is not my native language, I’m trying to get better at it, please be indulgent.
Based on the movie Prisoners by Denis Villeneuve (so I don’t own any of the OG characters) if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you do (maybe before reading) :) The story takes place before and through the event in the movie.
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 Thanksgiving was around the corner, meaning you were short on staff at the hospital leaving you no time to spend at home. Erin and Rachel were at Rach’s parents, they had tried to convince you to come but family dinners were not your thing, even more with a family you practically don’t know.  
2 days before Thanksgiving you crossed paths with Detective Loki. Since last time you didn't really have time to meet, so you took a few minutes around a coffee to catch up. He noted that you were alone on Thanksgiving’s night so managed to invite you for dinner. 
 “Dr Y/L/N, I’m sorry but we need you to stay on shift tonight, we’re shorthanded.” The HR announced as you were taking your break. You cursed under your breath, the HR gave you an apologetic smile. Phone in hand, waiting for Loki to pick-up you hoped he was busy too, it would make it easier.
“Hey,” he answered, you heard rustling papers, he was surely at work, you huffed alleviate.
“Hi, uhm, I’m sorry I won’t be able to make it tonight. Got to stay at the hospital. Understaffed.” You announced at once, ripping off the bandage as fast as possible. He could understand, it’s kind of the same at the station. He inhaled on the other side of the phone.
“Duty is duty, don’t worry.”
“Come out next year, and we'll do it all over again ok?” you heard him chuckle
“Let’s do that but not next year.” He offered hopefull.
“Agreed, see you soon then.” You bid goodbyes wishing each other a happy Thanksgiving.
 Little did you know after your call he asked to stay on shit for the night.
  A few hours later, you were finally free from the Hospital but you frowned as soon as you put a foot outside. By the time you reached your car you were soaked, the heavy rain whipped your windshield, making driving difficult indeed it took you twice the time to head home. It was 2 am on your kitchen clock, you wondered if Loki was still up, you texted him not expecting an immediate answer so went to bed immediately.
You woke up around 9am, dragging your overly tired self to the coffee machine, checking your phone while the hot liquid filled the big cup. Rach and Erin had ranted about how Thanksgiving at Rach’s parents went horribly awkward. Erin had even sent a ‘rescue me’ video from Rach’s parents’ toilet in the group chat, you couldn’t help yourself to smile and blessed yourself for not going.
No answer from Loki, you felt this inescapable pang in your stomach when you find yourself led, in the blink of an eye, to question your own emotional life.
Then your phone buzzed.
“Busy, talk to you soon, sorry. Loki” you stayed silent reading the text multiple times, somehow relieved that he had answered but not quite sure of how to render the text. Trying to find something to say, you finally decided for an “Ok sure.”
You drink your coffee lost in your thoughts, heading to the living room. The news on TV blurting the Thanksgiving usual hazards: Snowy roads; traffic jams; accidents; lost items in turkeys...
“Yesterday in the usually quiet town of Conyers, Thanksgiving turned into a horrid day for two families. Two little girls disappeared in broad daylight. Soon one suspect was in custody, he was apparently driving an RV that was parked in the girls’ neighbourhood early in the day. He tried to run away with his vehicle when found at a gas station parking late last night. The two girls are still missing as we speak.”
“Damn it.” you shook your head sighing, what is wrong with people you thought while listening to the news and at the same time checking your sns.
“Detective Loki from the Conyers Department of Police has been appointed to the case.”
Raising your head from your phone, mouth agape at the TV, you rewind all the pieces of information in your mind. If you had known sooner you would have said something else in the text. Long minutes passed, during which you wondered if you should send him another message. The blinking cursor in the box "new message" seemed to became impatient until the buzz of a call made you jump. 
“Y/N, have you heard about ...!? A honk made you put the phone away from your ears. Only two words “Loki”, “abduction” were audible.
“Hello to you too, yes I’ve just heard, that’s awful!”
“Yeah, hi, definitely not good timing for you though!”
“Erin!” you scolded and heard Rachel do the same. 
“Okay okay, just trying to lighten the mood.” she apologized.
“Where are you by the way?” you turned the TV off.
“Traffic jams.” She sighed, another honk resonated in the phone, you heard Rachel swear at another driver.
“Tell me when you’re home. And ... we should stop the night’s run for now just in case.”
“I wish we had to stop for another reason.”
“Yeah, call me okay.”
“Yeah bye.”
Instead of the usual run, you met with the girls for board games, usually, it involved a bottle of wine and Rachel’s exquisite cuisine. 
“Okay, hear me out” she put her glass on the ground, you rolled your eyes. All night she had asked about Loki.
“What about your needs Y/N? I feel like you're waiting for him to finally give you some time of his, as you're not a priority.”
“I'm not a priority right now Erin.” You sipped on your wine. 
“You know what I mean. I am just afraid that you're making his needs overpass yours without taking care of how you feel in all of that.” Her hands making big gestures, you grabbed them.
“We’re not even a couple or something, calm down! you smiled, I'm not blinded by the guy, I know what I worth, what I deserve. And my needs, for now, are fine thank you.” You stifled a laugh at her frowning face. 
“I shouldn’t have pushed for something to happen between you two.” she said questioning her cupid skills
“Ok, you released her hands and continued, look at me back in Cleveland, the exams took over me, the internship at the hospital was a disaster and how many times did you present me a guy?” 
“Lots of times…” she mumbled
“Yeah, and you want to know why it never worked out?”
“They were assholes.” She grimaced
“Hm mostly yeah, but I wasn't ready to be in a relationship! My mind was elsewhere, I had no time to take care of my physical and mental health as much as I should have. It was a hard time, you witnessed it.”
She nodded admitted it.
“I’m fine now but I can't crash into his life like that and take his focus out of this case especially because I know it won’t work out since he is concentrating on his duty.” 
“I got it okay, but there will always be another case and did he text you or something …”
“I know but I like to think we'll have a moment of respite. And he’s not quite the texter but that’s fine by me, you know I’m not a good morning and good night's texts kind of person.”
She stared at you squinting her eyes, you mimicked her wondering.
“You really want the guy!” she caught you so off guard that you almost spit your wine.
“Miss the point by miles, you cough, but yeah let's say that.” You both cracked into laughter. She was still a bit concerned, but she got around in the end.
40hours after the abduction, no sign of Loki except on the news, thankfully you had lots of work at the hospital so you didn't have time to let your mind wander.
When you heard the indictment of the paedophile priest, you almost threw a tantrum in the break room.
“How the fuck that asshole is still in charge of a church, he is surrounded by children all the fucking day!” you screamed at the tv, scaring the surgeon next to you, some students looked at you from the lunch table. The ringtone coming from your pocket made you walk out and step outside on the emergency staircase allowing you to take some fresh air.
“Hi there..,”
“Hey, I'm sorry I didn't call sooner”
“No no, it's okay I've seen the news. I know you have a lot to do ... and the freaking priest ... I mean why is that guy still out there.”
“I don't know Y/N, I'm not a judge.” He answered with a tight voice.
“Right sorry, I jumped on you, it's just that..it's really upsetting.” you sighed rubbing your eyes.
A 2-seconds silence felt, giving you both opportunity to breathe in and change the subject.
“Are you all right?” You asked
“Tired mostly, he inhaled, I wish .. I could see you without feeling guilty .. but my mind is on the case..” 
“Hey hey, you shushed gently, it's okay, they are the priority here.”
“Why didn't we met at another time.” He said gravely.
“At least we've met, even though you had to be stabbed for it to happen.” He chuckled over the phone. “I have to go back, be careful out there.”
“You got my word.”
He hung up, you took a big breath of fresh air before stepping back in the building, thinking of what he said. What would have happened if you had met at another time?
Erin bumped into you. 
“The community is organizing a vigil in front of the Birch’s house tomorrow night, she handed you a flyer, you’re coming?”
“Yeah, I’ll drop by your place so we can go together.” she nodded and you sighed looking at the face of the two little girls on the handout.
Chapter 5: Respect all, trust few soon
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gamegrumpiess · 6 years
Don't Forget About Me PART ONE?
Its been a fucken minute. I've been working a lot really. Trying to get my place together since I moved and what not. I have free time again! So here you go. Also! If you want me to continue this, let me know!
Dan x Reader
Warnings? Might be a bit sad, but nothing worth crying over.
You can request some shit!
(y/m/n) - your mom's name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(h/t)- home town
Young Danny's POV
"Dan! Dinners ready!" My mom yells from downstairs. "I'll be right there!" I pause my game and make my way down. It's been freezing in my room lately, New Jersey winter really taking a toll on our house. The heater isn't installed yet, though I wish it was. I only have so many blankets.
"Dana, Leigh, there's new neighbors across the street. They've been here for about a week, I met the woman and her fiance last night, but her kids weren't home. I think it'd be a good idea to welcome them all. After dinner we'll all go down together. Is that a good idea?" My mom and dad have always been really nice like that. I feel wave of anxiety rush over me, it's not that I don't want to meet them, I just feel weird going to their house just to introduce ourselves. Dana nods her head and goes back to eating her soup, so content with her life. I'm not looking forward to this...
After we all finish eating, my mother tells us to get ready and look decent for the neighbors. What would 'decent' be? A regular shirt with jeans? I'll be in my jacket so I guess it really doesn't matter. After I get myself together, I walk downstairs to see Mom and Dad waiting for me and Dana. "Alright, let's go guys!" Dana comes out of her room dressed and ready as well. "I'm ready!" She yells with her childish voice. At least she's excited, because I'm not.
*ding ding dong ding*
A woman opens the door with a smile. "Oh, hello Debbie! What brings you here?" My mom smiles back at the woman, "I thought we could all come welcome you to the neighborhood!" The woman looks shocked a bit before she opens the door wide and invited us all in. "So this is my husband, call him Avi, my daughter Dana, and my son Leigh. He likes to be called Daniel, though." The woman smiles and shakes my dad's hand and mine. Dana has gotten a little bit shy, so the woman kneels down to her height. "Hi Dana, I'm (y/m/n). I work with kids your age all the time! You know, we have a pet turtle, his name is Cheesy. Would you like to meet him?" Dana's eyes light up at what (y/m/n) said. She nods her head frantically as the woman points to a glass talk with rocks and a little bit of water. "He's right there. Go ahead and talk to him!" As Dana runs to look at, what I assume is Cheesy, the woman turns back to us. "My fiance is at work right now. But my daughter and son are here. Y/N!" (Y/m/n) yells upstairs. "I'm coming!!" A little voice yells back. A girl came downstairs into view. She looks my age, but I haven't seen her at school, is she new? "This is my daughter, y/n. My younger son, Jacob is taking a nap in his room. Shes been working on her room all day." My mom smiles at y/n, "hey y/n! How old are you? Do you go to school here yet?" Y/n looks down, clearly a little shy. "I'm 12 years old... I don't go to school yet here, I'm new, I kind of don't want to." She states truthfully. She's only a year younger than me, but she seems very mature for a 12 year old. Then again, I'm kind of mature for a 13 year old.
As time goes on, y/n and her mom start breaking out of their she'll a little bit. Ms (y/l/n) says they just moved here from (h/t), she left her husband a while back and met a man who lived here. So I guess the man who lives here now isn't y/n's and Jacob's actual dad. Something about that is really sad to me, I have both of my parents. I can't really imagine what it's like to only have one in your life. "Is y/n going to go to the same school as Leigh?" I knew that question would come up. And turns out, yes she will. I'm not really complaining. At least she'll have one person she knows. I'm not entirely popular at all, but at least she won't be alone. Y/n looks at me and smiles. She really does have a sweet smile.
~later that night~
"Debbie, she's out there again! Poor kid, I hope she's okay." My dad calls out to my mom. "She's out there almost every night. Do you think she's okay?" I get curious and look at the time. 10:18 pm. Who would be out this late? Sure, it's a Saturday, but it's so cold outside this time. It's probably going to snow soon. I walk out to my mom and dad to see what's going on. "Who's outside?" Mom points out the window and I look out to see a figure sitting in the empty driveway across the street. "Almost every night, y/n just sits on the cold driveway. Her mom works graveyard shifts a lot. I wouldn't doubt it if she's home alone, poor thing." My mom puts her hand over her heart and looks down, her motherly instincts kicking in. "Leigh, could you please go out there and see if she's okay? She's always out there for hours at a time." I comply to what my mom says, mostly because I don't want to disappoint her by saying no. Also, I'm a little curious as well as to why she's out in the cold so late.
Space is so cool. I've loved the stars and planets since I was a baby. On the nights when my mom is working, Jacob stays with my stepdad at his place. He's only 5, I get it. At this point I'm used to being alone. It's not a bad thing. I like it. When I was younger my dad would always leave me by myself so he could work. I was old enough to take care of myself though, little 7 year old me. I would do this back then as well. Sit outside and look at the sky. Even on days when the sky would be covered by clouds, I'd still stare In wonder above.
I hear a door close across the street and a skinny boy huddled up in jackets walk out of it. I hope he's not coming here, I'm not good with boys one on one. They make me feel awkward. Plus, he's a good looking boy. That makes it way worse. "Y/n, right?" He's standing right above me. I smile slightly, "Yeah, that's right. Aren't you cold?" He's very skinny, probably doesn't have body heat of his own like me. Im on the thicker side of the wall when it comes to looks. I'll probably always will be, but that okay. "Yes I'm freezing. But I saw you out here and I thought I should ask if you're okay."
I look up at him, "I'm okay. I just like looking at the stars. I'd rather be out here looking at the sky than in a quiet house." I tell him truthfully. "Are you home alone?" I nod and smile. "Yea, my mom works at the children's hospital and my little brother is with my stepdad at his house. I dont go because my stepsisters don't really like me. Which is fine, I don't really like them either." He sits down by me, criss crossed and hands in his pockets. "Are you okay on your own, though? My mom is worried too." His mom? Why would she be worried about me? I guess I am out here a lot. "Tell your mom im fine, and thank you for worrying. I appreciate that." He looks back to his house and then to me again. "Do you want me to sit here with you for a bit?" I smile again, "Sure. Just don't get frostbite in my driveway." He laughs and I join in as well.
I've known Dan for almost 6 years now. Since that night he'd be sitting on my driveway with me any chance we could. He's grown up a lot, but so have I. I'm proud of him, really. He just graduated high school, the only thing is, he's leaving for college. I still have 12th grade left. It sucks, my best friend is leaving. In the 6 years I've known him, I've grown to have a massive crush on him. He's gotten a lot taller, his hair has grown more, he's just this tall silly nerd. I'm not one for cliche cheesiness... But I really do love him. The times hes had girlfriends, it's been pretty painful. There's been more than a few nights when I'm on the driveway alone, or I'd have to eat lunch with Joe and Dylan alone because he'd be out with his girlfriend at that time. I'd be in pain, but I would never let it get to me. If he's had other girlfriends, it's clear he doesn't like me like that. And that's fine, I'm okay with just being his friend. As long as he's in my life at all I'm okay.
But he's leaving.
Dan's POV
My last night here in New Jersey is tonight. The flight for Boston leaves tomorrow morning, early as hell too. I'd have to go to bed soon if I really want to catch it. My room looks so empty... All my memories of growing up are in this exact house. I went to go see Ms (y/l/n) earlier today and say goodbye before she went to work, even said bye to Jacob. Y/n wasn't there, (y/m/n) said she was at band practice. I told her not to worry, I'll probably see y/n tonight since I usually sit with her in her driveway at night. Luckily, it's not cold anymore. Summer weather keeping me cool enough to not wear shorts, though. I walk out and see y/n sitting where she usually sits. Except now with a cat in he shirt to keep the cat warm in the cool weather. She looks up at me and waves, and I can't help but smile a little and wave back before starting to walk over.
If I had a choice, I'd take her with me. She's my best friend, I don't want to leave her alone. Joe and Dylan are leaving as well, she'll be alone at school and she'd have no one to sit with at night in her driveway. 6 years spent with her, and I wouldn't want to change it for the world. She's a really good friend.
"Hey.." she says, careful not to wake the cat in her lap. "Hey, I'm leaving tomorrow morning.. I wanted to come say bye to the cat." I say jokingly. She rolls her eyes and nudges my leg as I sit beside her. "Shut up, Dan. I can't believe it, you're going to college." I can't help but agree. I shake out my hair a little bit. "Yup. I really want to be a musician, but my dad said hed pay for my college if I go into advertising. I really don't want to, but I cant pay for myself on my own." She pets the cat again and shrugs. "Soon enough, you will be a musician. You'll have thousands of fans, be on stage rocking out like you've always wanted. You'll have people recognize you in the street wanting a picture and an autograph. You'll be so successful, as long as you put your passion in it." I can't help but smile at her. That is my dream, always has been. "It's gonna be weird without you guys. Senior year... I have one more year before I leave too," she looks at the sky again. "It's kinda scary. I won't be a kid anymore. Growing up in general is scary." I grab her shoulder and look in her eyes. "Hey don't talk like that. You're gonna be a great voice actress like you've always wanted to be. You might even become a singer too. You have to put passion in it too. You'll be in all your favorite anime shows, and video games. You can do it too. Don't forget that." She looks down and nods. "I will. Hey promise me something though." I look at her and encourage her to go on. "Don't forget about me. I know you're gonna grow up and find all the success in the world, just don't forget about this time in your life. Our friendship, who you are. Don't forget, please." I give her a sad smile and lean in to hug her. "I could never forget about you. You're one of my best friends. Don't worry. I'll keep in touch as much as possible, I promise." She smiles and hugs back. I start to walk back to the house when I hear her call my name again, "Dan!......." I turn back to her and she looks down before looking back up to me. "Be safe out there." She stares at me and I nod. "You too, y/n.."
To be continued?~
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Life of Kaede - Hope's Peak
Chapter #4: Idk how to name this chapter asgbdg
While Kaede walked around the halls of the school, she heard someone yelling her name.
"Hey! Akamatsu!"
As Kaede turned around, she saw how the assassin ran up to her and grabbed her shoulders.
"Oh, hey Haruka-"
"We need to do the project today." Maki spoke coldly as she looked at Kaede dead in the eyes.
"You can't tomorrow? That's fine! So, we meeting in the library after school?" Asked the pianist as Harukawa let go off her shoulders.
"Is it okay if we do it at your house? In the library there's a lot of people." Said Maki as she looked to her side.
"Uh, sure..." Answered Kaede as she noticed how anxious the brunette looked.
"Are you okay, Harukawa?" Kaede asked as Maki's gaze went straight to Kaede's eyes.
"Yes! Now-"
"U-Uhm, hey H-Harukawa..." spoke an unfamiliar voice as Maki turned around and Kaede looked at the girl with long braids.
"What do you want Genoci- Fukawa!" Half yelled the annoyed Harukawa.
"I-I'm sorry! I just w-wanted to know if you'll be able to come to our... u-uhm, 'business' m-meeting tomorrow!" Apologized the girl with glasses as Kaede just stood in confusion.
"Ugh, Yes. Okay? Now leave me alone!" Spoke Harukawa before she grabbed Kaede's wrist and started jogging away.
"Who's that?" Asked Kaede as Maki only kept jogging.
"She's just a business partner. She's the ultimate book worm, so sh-she usually writes books for the children I take care of." Excused Harukawa, but Kaede still wasn't completely convinced by the burnette's excuse.
"If you say so..." sighed Kaede as she didn't even know where Harukawa was taking her.
When Maki stopped jogging, Kaede noticed that they were in a random classroom.
"What are we doing in here?" Asked the blonde as Harukawa sighed.
"Oh, I-I don't know. Let's just- Stay in here!" Said Harukawa as she simply stayed stood up as Kaede sat down on a desk.
The air felt dry, as a few minutes of awkward silence passed.
'I can't stay like this...' Thought Kaede as she saw how the brunette started fidgeting with one of her ponytails as she only looked down.
"So, you're the ultimate child caretaker, right?"
Maki's head quickly turned up as her eyes widened at the blonde's question.
"Yes. Why are you asking?" Harukawa asked as she looked at Kaede dead in the eyes, which sent shivers down her spine.
"Oh, nothing! I just wanted to make sure" Sighed Kaede as she scratched the back of her neck nervously.
"And, how did you find your talent?" Asked the pianist as the other female looked at her.
"Why do you care?" Asked Maki as Kaede's eyes widened. "I just want to get to meet you, you know, so that we could be friends" answered Kaede as the brunette sighed.
"Fine. I was raised at an orphanage, and I used to take good care if the kids in there." Spoke the twin-tailed girl as she looked up to her side.
"Oh, that's nice! I'm glad that you weren't alone," Spoke Kaede as she walked closer to Maki.
"Aren't you surprised that kids would want to be with me?" Asked the twin-tailed girl as Kaede jumped out of surprise. "I mean, if you are the ultimate child caregiver, then the kids must like you, even if others see you as cold or something" said Kaede as she smiled at Maki, which made the red-eyed girl surprised.
"Anyways, y-you are the ultimate pianist, right?" Spoke the brunette trying to change the subject as she noticed the blonde sat next to her.
"Yup! I got my talent because since I was little I was obsessed with playing the piano..." Said Kaede as she giggled and started twirling her ahoge between her fingers.
"I can see. I've heard that you've made a lot of concerts..." Harukawa spoke as she looked at the eyes of the blonde.
"Yup! I really like making concerts and making people happy, it really makes my day!" Said Kaede as she grinned.
"I guess that's good, if it makes you happy." Sighed Maki.
Then, the bell rang. The brunette simply took the blonde's forearm, and ran towards their classroom.
Kaede only hoping that they were going to their classroom.
When they got to the classroom, Maki simply sat on her desk with out a word. Kaede, confused, simply sat on her desk as she brushed her hair.
"Oi kiddos!" Announced their teacher as he came in to the classroom.
Everyone greeted him, before he started talking about his life, talent, and how the school would help them better theirs.
"That's why, we have different classrooms for different types of talents. For example, we have a music classroom for the people with a music-related talent, an art classroom for the artsy talents, for the sporty people we have basketball courts, soccer fields, tracks, etc. Same with the other types of talents, there are classrooms for whatever you want to do.
And that's one of Hope's Peak's mission; to make you guy's talents completely bloom and shine." Spoke their teacher as he smiled brightly at them and noticed how they started getting excited.
"That's why, we're going to be doing a really quick school tour." Their teacher announced as a few cheers left the students.
"Why didn't we do this on the first school hours? That would have been way more organized, y'know?" Spoke a small boy as everyone turned to him.
"Shut up Kokichi!" Yelled Miu as she almost threw a book at the Panta lover's head.
"Ouma, you may be right. But the thing was that the other classrooms were doing a tour at the same time (the morning), and I didn't want the halls being full of people." Announced their teacher as the teens turned again towards him.
"I guess you're not as dumb as I thought" whispered the purple haired boy before he yawned.
"Any questions?" Asked the teacher as the students stayed in silence.
"Alright kiddos! Follow me for the tour!" Announced excitedly the teacher as the students started to stand up and followed the teacher put of the classroom.
Kaede was one of the teens that was really paying attention to where they were going, since the school was so big and she didn't want to get lost.
While the teacher was talking as they walked, the pianist noticed how Saihara was walking behind, all alone as he looked to the ground.
"Hey, Saihara! Why are you walking behind? Come on!" Soon the blond as she grabbed the boy's forearm and dragged him over to the group.
"A-Akamatsu! What are you doing?" Asked Saihara in surprise as Kaede only looked at him and giggled.
"Didn't you listen? We're walking with the group" said the blonde calmly as they walked together with the group and looked at the classrooms as the teacher explained what they were for.
"But it's too crowed..." sighed Saihara shyly.
"We'll be fine, these are just our classmates. And this won't be forever" Kaede answered as she only smiled at him and Saihara only sighed in response.
"This is the hall of the music classrooms. As you can see, we have 5 of them so the music-talented students can have some space for themselves to practice their instruments and music genres with no worries." Spoke the teacher as they saw a bunch of music classrooms that had some teens inside.
Kaede's eyes widened as a big grin left her lips. Saihara noticed how happy and excited Kaede looked, which made him smile a little.
After what seemed like days of walking around the gigantic school, showing all the classrooms, gyms, tracks, and hell even labs the school bell ringed.
"Oh, it seems that the way is finished. You may go to the classroom, grab your bags and leave the school! Or, if you have some activities, you may stay and go to the place where your activities start. Remember that they end at 4:00 P.M!" Said their teacher as a few of the students had already ran off towards the classroom to grab their things.
"Thank you Mr. Saito! See you tomorrow!" Said the blond as their teacher looked down at them and smiled.
"No problem, Ms. Akamatsu. Goodbye!" Said their teacher before he walked towards the teacher's room.
When Kaede got to the classroom, she grabbed her backpack and as she was leaving the classroom, someone grabbed her forearm from behind.
"Oh, hey Harukawa!" Some the pianist as she turned around to look at the caregiver.
"Hey, Akamatsu. Can we go to your house now?" Asked the brunette coldly as Kaede felt how she got some shivers.
"Sure! Follow me!" Said Kaede excitedly as she grabbed the red-eyed girl's hand and started jogging towards the school's exit, and from there on, to her house.
So I'm currently writing the next chapter in wattpad ajsvkabsba which I remind you to check out if you want to read the other chapters that there are (Wattpad: aaaaicecream)
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quellines-stories · 7 years
I've probably sent you five messages now and I'm being super annoying but I'm having valeyne withdraws
You’re not annoying at all don’t worry anon! Your messages are v sweet and mean a lot to me so thank you for taking the time to send them!
I’m sorry you’re having Valeyne withdrawals asdfgkh–
I haven’t finished the next chapter yet but here have some imagines if that helps lmfao 😃
[14 yr. old Wayne and 17 yr. old Jerome] 1) The Gotham origins era. Essentially the show era where Wayne and Jerome are just a pair of kiddos. To the GCPD, Wayne’s just a rich kid and Jerome’s a criminal that went into hiding. The unrequited era where Wayne has a thing for Jerome, but Jerome doesn’t return the notion due to how he’s about to be an adult, and Wayne’s just started high school.
2) Everyone including Jerome knows Wayne has a crush on Jerome and Wayne even admitted it at that, yet for the one time he admitted it the one hundred times he’s denied it. It’s become a game- a bet- to see who can get Wayne to admit it again first. Jerome isn’t fond of the game and tells the kids to bug off.
3) Jerome is a natural flirt. A jokester flirt. A flirt who accidentally says something flirty to Wayne that wasn’t meant to be flirty and results in Wayne either being awkward and avoiding him with a blush for a week or ballsy and smirking at him smugly for a week. There’s no in between and Wayne never comments on it– only provides expressions.
4) Wayne very rarely laughs, but when he does it’s generally thanks to Jerome. Jerome is rarely serious, but when he is it’s generally because of something involving Wayne. They balance each other out.
5) They both help each other’s impulse controls. Wayne eases Jerome’s urges to lunge at Gordon and Jerome eases Wayne’s urges to challenge five high school bullies to a fight. Wayne keeps Jerome’s ballsy behavior in check, Jerome keeps Wayne’s pride in check.
6) The only other friend they feel as comfortable as they feel with each other is Selina. Jerome views her as a little sister, Wayne views her as Crush Number Two.
7) Despite Jerome being careful to not be too touchy feely after finding out about Wayne’s attraction towards him, he still comforts Wayne with long hugs and rubs on the back whenever the boy has a nightmare about the alleyway, or when he’s freaking out about how Selina has been gone for way too long. Additionally, while Wayne respects Jerome’s boundaries, he does the same whenever Jerome is feeling upset, and while it occurs A LOT more rarely and A LOT less severely than Wayne’s panic attacks, they still occur every once in a while.
8) Despite being closer to one another than anyone else, they can pick up each other’s social cues, and know when to let the other have some time to themselves.
9) While Wayne’s bummed out Jerome doesn’t return his attraction, he gradually grows thankful when realizing Jerome could have very well taken advantage of him, and is even relieved Jerome was clear about why he needs to look out for older men who would welcome his affection.
10) Jerome is terrified of clowns, Wayne’s terrified of bats. Selina is the only other one who is aware of this. Selina resists the urge to dress up as a clown bat, because Selina is not a mean person, and that costume would probably look silly in any case. Jen encourages it jokingly.
11) Jerome definitely has a bond that’s stronger than a close friendship with Wayne, and it’s not a brotherly one, however it’s certainly not romantic.
12) Jerome and Wayne are just two traumatized kids that found each other, and aren’t sure what it would be like if they hadn’t, and aren’t sure they want to be. This is also why they view their other friends (Selina, Ivy, Jen, Jonathan, and Harley) as family as well– even if Jerome isn’t as close to them, to an extent, he cares about them.
[19 yr. old Wayne and 21 yr. old Jerome]1) The training era. The era where Wayne trains to become Batman, and something pushes Jerome to train with the Redhood gang. To the GCPD, they’re not worth noting yet, because Wayne’s on the other side of the world and the Redhood gang hasn’t committed big enough crimes to get noticed since the cops have bigger things to worry about than a few stealthy robberies. The lenient era where Jerome doesn’t frown down upon Wayne’s occasional flirts, but doesn’t encourage them either, but since he smirks at the advances rather than give Wayne a look, the occasional flirts have become a bit more common.
2) One of Ra’s Al Ghul’s first questions is whether Wayne is close to anyone who isn’t family since he needs to separate himself from all loved ones regardless of relation. Ra’s Al Ghul elaborates by asking Wayne if there’s a woman, for example. Wayne says no, and technically he isn’t lying, because Jerome isn’t a woman.
3) Jerome never mentions Wayne to the Redhood gang, because he’s aware that if he ever messed up, they’d go after anyone he cared about. So Jerome lies and insists he doesn’t have any loved ones.
4) Wayne writes a lot of letters to all of his friends– particularly Jerome, Selina, and Alfred. Alfred’s the only one who receives the letters, because the others get ‘lost.’
5) Jerome gets his ass kicked by a Redhood member he directs a sarcastic comment to. This is the first time Jerome has to patch himself up without Wayne’s help.
6) Wayne allows Ra’s Al Ghul to mess with his mind the same way the older guy that mind controlled him in Gotham did. Wayne tries to keep Jerome and Selina secrets since Ra’s already knows about Alfred. Wayne fails, and as punishment for not being honest Ra locks away his emotions towards them. It takes Wayne a month to break free of such and finally feel something other than disdain towards his old friends.
7) Jerome visits Selina sometimes. She can tell he’s not doing well, but he won’t listen when she begs him to leave the Redhood gang. Selina hopes Wayne will come back soon to talk some sense into Jerome. Wayne doesn’t come back for a long time. Jerome gradually starts visiting Selina less frequently.
8) Wayne has trouble recalling what Jerome looks and sounds like after a while. He’s also lost the picture he took of him with his friends the day before he left for training. He’s pretty sure Ra’s magic is the cause of this.
9) Jerome promised Wayne he’d stay on the right track when Wayne left. He doesn’t.
10) Wayne finally realized Ra’s was trying to shape him into a killer. Wayne escapes the league of shadows, but it’s a long way down the snowy mountain. It’s cold, but it’s fine, because he’ll see Jerome and the others tomorrow, and that’s what keeps the injured male going.
11) Jerome doesn’t miss Wayne anymore. He’s pissed at him for not coming back.
12) When Wayne finally does come back, he finds all his friends have moved, and only Alfred is there. He’s not sure where any of them are, and not even the best resources manage to tell him.
[21 yr. old Wayne and 24 yr. old Jerome] 1) The vigilante and Redhood era. The era where Wayne doesn’t really have a name for himself, and Jerome’s not solo nor Joker yet due to being in the Redhood gang. To the GCPD, they’re both menaces. The mutual era where the pair haven’t seen each other for a while, and neither is aware of the others’ secret identity, although this time Jerome returns Wayne’s advances because he has to admit– Mr. Wayne has become quite the catch.
2) Jerome sees Wayne just passing by when they finally reunite, and he has to do a double take because that’s definitely not the scrawny kid he befriended a while back, is it?
3) Wayne isn’t that different because when Wayne realizes Jerome’s staring at him in disbelief from the sidewalk he stutters like four times before regaining himself and ‘smoothly’ greeting the other with that charming Mr. Wayne charisma
4) Jerome can’t tell if he wants to hug his best friend, flirt with the new and improved billionaire, or strangle the jackass that went away for two and a half years longer than he said he’d be gone. Jerome goes with just flashing a smile to cover up his pissed off expression.
5) Wayne is too excited to realize Jerome’s a bit sore. He’s so excited in fact that he blurts out an invitation to dinner. He somehow does it casually, however.
6) Jerome accepts the dinner invitation because he likes free food. He’s not sure whether or not he wants to kill Wayne after dinner’s been paid for or get a few more free meals out of him. Jerome is nice and doesn’t kill the bastard acting like he hadn’t just left him high and dry for almost three years.
7) Wayne takes Jerome on a lot of dates. He’s still surprised that Jerome actually agreed to go with him on each date.
8) Jerome starts flirting with Wayne for fun. Jerome does not expect to have as much fun as he does.
9) Wayne flirts back, of course. Wayne is rather suave on the outside, and he’s pretty sure Jerome’s the only one who can tell he’s actually fairly anxious.
10) Jerome starts to fall for Wayne and Wayne’s an ass for making Jerome fall for him because Jerome’s SUPPOSED to be upset at Wayne but he’s gradually becoming anything but.
11) Jerome realizes they’re running out of date plans. He’s not sure why that’s resulting in him becoming so panicky until Wayne invites him to his house to just hang out, and Jerome feels relief at that. Jerome’s relieved that Wayne still likes just spending time with him, and they don’t always have to do fancy things to have fun. Jerome’s relieved that hasn’t changed.
12) Jerome is used to getting into others’ guy’s pants. He’s never really liked the guys he’s been with for the last few years, but at least the fun in the sheets wasn’t as boring as the guys were. Wayne hasn’t been with a lot of people despite his title of playboy, so when he goes tense when things get a little too heated, Jerome catches it, and Jerome backs off. Wayne isn’t used to not being chastised for being a 'prude’, and he feels rather safe around Jerome. They watch movies instead, and Jerome’s fine with that. Eventually, they do have a bit of fun, and it’s the first time Wayne hasn’t been teased into it. Wayne finds he’s pretty sure he loves Jerome, and while the feelings are mutual, Jerome can’t really find the words to say it back, and Wayne’s fine with waiting until he does.
[26 yr. old Wayne and 24 yr. old Jerome] 1) The Batman and Joker era. To the GCPD, Joker’s the only menace– unless you’re a bad cop. The complicated era where Joker has this obvious thing for Batsy that neither of them comment on, and where Wayne has a thing for Jerome– who he hasn’t seen in five years.
2) Jerome had a fight with Wayne a while back. He acts like he doesn’t even recall what it was about, but he does– it helps to just distract his mind from it, and insanity certainly helps with that.
3) Wayne blames himself for the argument. He should have handled it better. He shouldn’t have acted rashly. Jerome had every reason to be upset with him. He hadn’t realized it was going to result in Jerome leaving and never showing back up. The best resources couldn’t find Jerome, and Wayne’s not sure if he’s even in Gotham anymore, much less alive at that. Wayne likes to believe he is.
4) Jerome hasn’t been called Jerome for a while now. He’s not sure how many times he’s dyed his hair a lovely shade of emerald, or how many layers of war paint he has on his face that he never removes, or how many makeup kits he had to go through until the scar designs stopped rubbing off and ended up settling in like a permanent smudge.
5) Wayne became Batman to protect people like his friends. To be sure no one else ever had to go through what they did. To be sure they never had to go through what they each faced again. Nowadays, that Wayne seems like a mask, and he keeps his distance from it by occupying himself with capturing his friends he swore to protect and throwing them back in Arkham, because he’s gone and convinced himself that there’s a chance they could get better in there, and he’s doing the right thing.
6) Joker knows who all of the rogues are, but he doesn’t know who the vigilante is.
7) Batman is aware of who all the rogues are except for Joker– he’s believes he knows, but he doesn’t. He believes it’s a copycat from Jerome’s following– believes it’s Jack Napier. It’s not.
8) Joker manages to convince himself he feels nothing but hate for that jackass Mr. Wayne by directing the affection he’d had for him towards Batman. In reality, his affection has become obsession. In reality, he does feel a lot of hate for Wayne– but that’s not all he feels. It hurts to accept that, so Joker doesn’t.
9) Batman hates Joker because this piece of shit copycat just keeps coming back around and reminding him of Jerome. Nonetheless, considering he’s the closest thing he has to Jerome he can’t help but also somehow have this thing that he doesn’t have with the other rogues, and he’s not really sure if there’s a word for it, and he’s not sure how to describe it, but it’s screwed up and it pisses him off since it’s like this piece of Jerome is both helping him cope with what happened while also forcing him to not let it go.
10) Joker doesn’t expect their fights to ever turn out very different, however one does when Batman says those words, and even the voice changing device can’t cover up a phrase, because Wayne used that exact same phrase when they were pillow fighting and Jerome pinned him down, and how. funny. is. that.
11) Batman realizes who Joker is when Joker replies to that phrase the exact same way Jerome did.
12) Joker can’t help but contemplate on whether he wants to stab or kiss the jackass that he’d tried to leave five years ago yet had been seeing weekly this whole time in their little fights the same way five years ago Jerome couldn’t tell whether to strangle or flirt with the bastard that just showed up out of nowhere after disappearing for two and a half years.
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