#I've got all these cool pins that never see the light of day cause they live on bags I don't carry
craacked-splatters · 2 years
tumblr is the only place where my hyperfixations and ramblings won't make me seem like I've been trapped in a basement never seeing the light of day as I piece together a century long conspiracy. Apologies 4 the person I'm about 2 become . I'm gonna full theorist mode but I only have time to point out the puzzle pieces in d first ep for now cuz I got work in like 6 hrs :(( ill come bak n do rhe rest ltr feel free 2 add if u want
Ok so i was rewatching the eps again on my phone & collecting screenshots for my conspiracy board when I found this symbol in the intro 2 d first ep
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And I was like wait a min that kinda looks like d ones from the book so i went to see if was true and yep
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I don't know if there's anymore symbols scattered around in the other eps or if it was just forshadowing either way its making my brain vibrate. Has anyone else noticed this before? It's so cool
The other things in d intro that seemed a bit weird 2 me was the pics n letters on the fridge, the fact that our 3 guys r coming out of a clock house, and fuking roy looking into d house thru a hole in the wall. The symbolism and metaphors r there guys. I know it but Im putting a pin on unraveling that for ltr cuz I don't have time rn :((
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I kept my eyes peeled 4 anything else n then I saw the similarities between the breifcase n his older bro and yellowguy and his imaginary older bro
Both of them were like stuck in the shadow of their younger sibs u know kinda left behind, like the smol suitcase felt inferior n could only watch as his younger was running around being bigger n better, the yellows fake bro was always stuck in the background while yellow took the spotlight,
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and they both like lost their shit and injured themselves. The suitcase bro punched a wall n the fake bro literally comitted suicide. Maybe I'm looking to much into this but that kinda intrigued me a bit. Again I'll dissect to that ltr cuz I don't have d time 😔
So the 1st EP was about work & jobs right?
Noticed how like each guy had the same positions in each job?
Duck: (The judge, cryptocurrency, General, astronaut)
At 1st duck's jobs are more centered on power,on bieng a higher authority figure, someone who is respected, admired and successful. He views himself above the rest, he said one needed aggression to get ahead in workplace, (u know w/ the attention freaks part lmao),he narssistic, hes selfish, and is always strivings for better positions, better everything (the vending machine, wanting a better job etc)
He doesn't like this job, he failed at his work tasks, and no one is taking him seriously.
When the screen lady starts singing about stress n shit I was like hold up
First we see, him on the beach with a crab offering him pills. Relaxation=drugs?? An escape from reality perhaps 🤨
Then him walking on a tightrope with a bunch of red things under him (portraying his struggles with his inner demons maybe?? Showing that he is or was barely keeping himself from falling to them??)
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This whole thing. The line segments with the relaxing never being an easy straight line,(gotta go thru hell 1st b4 ur happy type of thinking??) And also the colors on the diagram. It's our 3 main guys. Red duck and yellow. (I'll dissect this ltr too no time rn😔)
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And this. The coins, (cryptocurrency?? financial issues??) The screw(shitty work jobs maybe) the crab(drugs) the red snake(inner demons?) And the green thing...idk what that is it has scissors n looks like its shushing(untold secrets/issues?) Maybe ita part of himself he doesn't like or harms him
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Duck is forced to like his job. He tries to go along with this whole bs, but he can't and snaps causing the hand accident. Is that what happened from before he was dead? Did he cause the death of someone? We know they all died at the same time different places.Then we see ltr that his jobs aren't as powerful as before, he is a mailman, hes a struggling artist, those jobs usually arent seen as impressive as say a CEO. Is this lore👀 could it be a bit of backstory for duck👀
Next we have Red: (Doctor, Barber, boss 2 whole company, horseshoe maker) His jobs are more concentrated on responsibility and expectations. A lot of ppl rely on doctors to help them out, a lot of pressure is laid on their shoulders especially with serious situations. With barbers you want them to give you exactly what u asked for, or at least something acceptable if u cant think of anything. Bosses are bosses. They're literally in charge of a shit ton of things. They keep everything running smoothly cuz 1 wrong move and everything starts going haywire. And horses need shoes to walk I guess
Notice how red is kinda... negligent? I wouldn't say lazy hes not. But remember how he would always want to do something else besides what they were doing? Or be anywhere else besides in the now? He didn't want to do anything at all in the 1st ep deciding to just chill. He didn't want to acknowledge yellows sadness in the Death EP, I guess he didn't want to deal with it? He wanted to meet a real fam, saying that the 3 of them weren't it. The whole road trip breakdown and "Im not going back to that house"?? Very interesting 👀
Yellow: (lumberjack, icecream man, fisherman, assembly worker, therapy patient??)
Yellows jobs r more centered on labor. They're average jobs regular ppl like u and me could get whenever. They usually don't ask for degrees or sumthn just experience perhaps. They might be easy, but there is a form of danger to them Lumberjack? You chop up wood dude, you could easily lose a limb or die. Ice cream man? Well you could always run over someone and uh, stranger danger? Fisherman? Fall out and drown or get lost at sea Assembly line worker? You saw what happened the same as the lumberjack (Trust me I work at a GE and ppl r always getting hurt)I got nothing 4 patient 😔
Besides the assembly one(I'm not counting it it was a lesson), the other jobs could be viewed as experiences.
Lumberjack- helping build the shack with his dad (Roy was there)
Icecream man- its icecream. lot of us go after that car. Especially children.
Fisherman- going fishing for fun, could be a bonding experience idk
Therapy patient- c'mon
There's a lot of shit I didn't cover but it's fine. Everything is so cool and fascinating I'm losing sleep to this whole thing. I'll talk more about it later I'm tired n it's 5am I've got 2 hrs to sleep.
Edit: yo I'm literally at work rn but I realized something. Yellows jobs are repetitive too. A cycle of things that are done a sort of loop. Lumber jacks, assembly line workers, etc etc usually focus on doing one task only, over and over whether it's screwing in bolts, chopping wood, serving food doesn't matter. It's repetitive, meaning you don't have to worry about changes bcuz there aren't supposed to be. You become accustomed to it, it's reliable.
This might've been a bit forshadowing about the way our 3 characters have to start the same routine in the same house again and again, a seemingly endless loop.
Did y'all notice how yellow was extremely against the road trip idea? And the death episode? He didn't want the routine to change. he didn't like it was confusing to him. And just when he's getting used to a change it all collapses on him. Man :(( this show is so cool fr I'll continue dissecting ltr gotta go now
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medicinemane · 2 years
Ok so... today...
Today was both a bad and a neutral day
Went to costco cause we were out of a ton of things, agreed I'd put it on my card in return for my mom picking up other stuff for the household
We go there, and my mom's real "oh, that would be good, lets get this, lets get that". Like she sees a $150 convection oven and is wanting to pick it up (no, not today)... all on my money, the last of the money I have
I'm... I don't know, maybe I was kind of faking, but I was getting light headed as cost went up and up and up. I'm using my calculator to keep track of stuff as she's barreling ahead putting things in the cart
I actually... at one point I wasn't doing well because the calculator like... put in the price I wanted to add as a fresh number, and between the noise, and my mom, and the cost I was just so overwhelmed I couldn't think and she's asking me stuff and I had to be like "give me a minute, I need to fix something with my calculator" so I could grab the past total out of history and keep going
Then my mom's making the classic blunders of stuff like being like "oh this honey bbq chicken nugget is on sale, therefore it's cheaper" and I have to be like hold up, after she grabs two out, cause I look and that one's 3.5lbs and the plain is 5lbs, so it was still way cheaper
As we're leaving she's looking through all the sweets and stuff and is like "I'm just looking to see if there's any treats that are too good a deal to pass up", and it's just like... asshole
You don't buy yourself treats on someone else's dime when they're broke. You think I don't like sweets? Of course I do, which is why I don't even look, so I'm not tempted. Thankfully avoided getting anything, but still, that's a super uncool move
Like if I take someone out to dinner that's one thing, or like if someone was taking me out I'd still be asking "is it cool if I get dessert?", but when you're going grocery shopping on the dime of someone with zero income... don't be looking for sweets when they're already having to turn down various stuff. You grabbed bacon, that is the treat
Finally I get to the cash register, I know I've got to put some of it on my card, and I take it out to pay... and I realize... this is a new card... I've never used it before... the pin is written down at home, I don't know it
Thankfully the cashier said if it's visa it can be run credit, and it was and it ran credit successfully but...
...not happy
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
Knock knock it's the "you absolutely should make a jean jacket" squad (but it's just me because the rest of the squad was too busy building their own jean jackets)
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hello!! i've made a request before but this idea came in my brain and i heard your requests were open. So ive seen a lot of fics of the brothers saving mc, but what about mc kinda of saving the brothers, i mean like badass sword fighting style. Just like a stereotypical disney prince saves a princess mc kinda saves the brothers from getting killed by a lesser demon with a sword and just being badass (and sword) and the bros find it hot (weak humans? never heard of them)
*spongebob narrator voice* 400 years lat’er..... So sorry this took so long! I genuinely don’t know why I couldn’t get it done. When I actually tried, I got it done in like 2 days. My only excuse is that I’m a horrible trash munny >.<
Obey me Boys + Power Princess MC
It offends him that this creature, this being not fit to lick the soles of his boots, would raise their hand to him. The attack was not even what upset him, but just the gall. The utter stupidity of this decision to throw one’s life away. The fact that they had attacked with you around only made him wish to end that pathetic life that much sooner.
“Step back [Y/N]. I’ll deal with this quic—” Lucifer cut himself off when you rushed forward. A bright shining sword in your hand as you lunged. Slashing through the demon, who wailed and instantly turned to dust & ash. “What on Earth was that?”
“Oh. It’s my sword.” You reply nonchalantly. Turning around to show it to him. “It’s a holy arc sword, or something. I can summon it from my bracelet whenever I need it. Cool to know it actually works in a pinch.”
“And where did you get such a magical artifact?” Lucifer asked. Perplexed beyond reason, but trying not to show it.
“Lord Diavolo gave it to me when I first got here.” The demon arched a brow. Lord Diavolo? “It would be really irresponsible of him to just let a human wander around hell without some kind of weapon.”
He paused for a moment. Trying to piece all of what you had just said together. Then he just chuckled. “Yes, I suppose it would be.” And here he thought that he had been the only one protecting you. When all along you could do it yourself.
His hand reached out to pat your head fondly. His breast swelling with pride. “I’ll have to thank him for giving you such a thoughtful, practical gift. We’ll also have to add sword play to your lesson plans. I’d be more than happy to be your tutor.
‘Shit!’ Mammon mentally cursed as he was hit again.
This wasn’t the first time he’d been rough up outside a club. Given his lifestyle, and his gambling track record, he’d been pummeled by a few bouncers in his life. With his immense power, he could easily take them; if he tried. But then he would be banned from the club, and ever other, and that was something he couldn’t handle over the humiliation of being beat up by these clowns. He needed this. It was all he had.
So, he took his beatings from lesser demons when they came around. He’d only wished they’d picked a different night to get their ‘payment’ back since you were supposed to be here soon.
“Come on guys. Don’t ya think you’ve had enough?”
“We’ll tell you when we’ve had enough!” One demon sneered at him, before kicking a man while he was down. Classy. “You owe us. And we’re gonna get back every cent you owe out of your hide!”
The demon reared his foot back to kick him again, and Mammon mentally sighed. Preparing himself for the kick and really being over this since it began. But….no kick came.
The demon let out a loud grunt over the sound of a metal ‘wack’ before the two, even lesser goons beside him suffer the same fate and they all slump to the ground. “Mammon! Are you ok?!”
The silver haired demon looked up at you in shock. The light from the street lamp causing a halo to form around you, highlighting your worried face as you brandished a rusty pipe like some great sword. “Yeah…I’m fine….”
“You don’t look fine! You’re all beat up!” He just sat there as you dropped the pipe and dropped down to him. Fretting over him as you looked him over. He couldn’t hear what you were saying over the beating sound of his heart in his ears.
No one had ever tried to help him before.
Mammon lifted his arms and wrapped them around you. “Mammon? What—“Let’s get out of here.” He interrupted as he hugged you. Standing up, and helping you to your feet, after a moment to walk out of the alley. “I don’t want to be here anymore. I wanna go somewhere with you.”
“But….I thought you wanted to go out tonight. Play cards. You said you were feeling lucky?”
He couldn’t tell if that was a jab or not, but replied, “well clearly I was wrong.” Though despite his bumps and bruises, he did still feel pretty lucky right not. “I just want to get out of here. I don’t need this anymore.” You both decide to head home to help Mammon nurse his wounds. He never went back to that club, or really any club, after that night.
“Levi….I don’t think this is such a good idea.”
“Nonsense!” Levi quipped in response to your perfectly reasonable, concerned feelings. “It’s just a little further. Besides, I want to see Henry 1! I’ve missed him a ton recently, and want to make sure he remembers me.” It had broken his heart to discover his poor, lost serpent had been down here, all alone, this whole time. So he made an effort to see him every now and then.
“Yeah but…isn’t this still like super-secret for Lord Diavolo’s family and stuff? What if there’s like booby traps and stuff?”
“Come on! There weren’t any booby traps or anything before. Why would he when he has Henry to keep it…..” Levi trailed off as both of you were ingulfed by a long, dark shadow. A low hissing sound growing louder as a gold, stripped serpent towered over you with a menacing glare. “That’s not Henry.”
The snake hissed loudly with bared fangs and an open mouth, and you both scream and run to get away from it.
The serpent of course chased you. Easily able to keep up, and only loosing you when the two of you duck into a narrow corridor. Levi turned around to say something to you, but you were gone. His immediate thought was that the stranger snake had gotten you, and it was all his fault, and he would never see you again!
When he came to the end of the corridor, walking out like a man on death row instead of running, he looked up to see the snake in front of him. Clearly angered by having to chase him. Levi didn’t care. He wanted to die if anything happened to you. He’d rather die than live one moment without you.
Prepared to accept his fate, the demon didn’t move when the snake unhinged his jaw to eat him in one gulp. Only for a sharp spike to thrust out from his mouth a moment later. A strange, hissing gasp escaping it before it slumped down in a lifeless heap on the floor. “[Y/N]!”
“Jesus! Not to put too fine a pin on it, but this place is literally a maze. One minute I’m next to you, and the next I’m in some armory on the other side of the hall 50 feet away. Are you alright Levi?”
The demon scrambled up the snake corpse to stand next to you and wrapped his arms tight around your being. “[Y/N]! I was so scared! I thought this Henry imposter got you, and you were dead, and I couldn’t think of anything!”
“I’m really ok Levi.” You assure him, as he wept into your shoulder. “Do you still want to see the real Henry? I think I spotted where he actually is when I was running back with the spear?” Levi nodded into your shoulder. Still not prepared to let you go.
Satan always tried to be a reasonable man.
He hated being referred to as ‘The Demon of Wrath’. It wasn’t his wrath that had caused him to be born. And he wasn’t any angrier than his brothers, so why did he have to be labeled the ‘bad seed’? So he always tried to be level headed. Calm. Patient. But there were somethings he just could not abide. Like the boorish behavior of someone talking loudly in the library.
“Excuse me,” the blonde said, attempting to remain calm, as he came over to the rude demon two tables over, “could you please keep it down? This is a library.”
“Yeah. I know what it is.” He quipped back rather snippily. “What are you? The librarian?”
“No. Just a fellow book lover.” Satan replied. Grinding his teeth now. “And one who can follow the rules and basic social decorum of keeping my conversations to myself in a place like this.”
“Are you calling me stupid?!”
“No. I’m calling you uncouth. A word meaning undignified, and without manners.”
“Why you!”
The demon rose to his feet, towering over Satan now that he was standing. Not that it mattered. Height was not an immediate representation of strength. Look at Belphie. His younger, shorter brother could level a whole city with a flick of his wrist. Satan could easily dispatch of his imbecile without even breaking a sweat.
He never got the chance though, as just after he stood the demon let out a grunt and slumped to the floor; with you standing behind him on his depleted chair with a book in your hand like you had just pulled it from The Stone. “Bet you’re glad I think Kindles are dumb now.”
Satan had to right himself on what he was seeing, and then frowned at you. “I never said that, and get down.” He insisted. Offering you his hand to get down. You hop down with ease and set your weapon book on the table. “Honestly, I could have handled him without resorting to violence or cheap theatrics.”
“Cheap?? This book was very expensive.” You insist, and Satan had to scoff.
“Be that as it may, please do not use books for more than their intended purpose. I appreciate the assist, but I can’t have you hurting yourself or fine literature in the future.”
“You’re such a buzz kill sometimes Satan…..”
Asmo always loved going to the club. The dancing. The energy. The pulsing music. The people.
Well…usually the people. Some people, usually bro-dude demons, just couldn’t take a hint that ‘no’ meant ‘no’.
“Come on Asmo! Why are you being so stingy?!”
“I’m not being ‘stingy’,” Asmo replied with a frown marring his beautiful face. “I’m just not interested.”
“You were interested last time.” His pursuer replied. Like that somehow gave automatic permission that things would happen again.
“That was a long time ago.” The dusk haired blonde replied. Sipping his cocktail and looking thoughtful across the spacious VIP lounge over to you.
Yes, things had certainly changed. Once where it would take a whole room of people and attention to make him content, these days all he wanted was you. Just you sparing a moment to look at him made his heart feel incredibly full. He had come here to have a fun night out with you, but it seemed no matter where he went his beauty was always causing problems.
The lesser demon frowned, then looked towards the direction Asmo was looking to land on you. “Shoot, just bring them along with us.”
“Excuse me?” Asmo asked. Beautiful expression turning Ignatius as he sat down his drink.
“Bring them along. I’ve never had sex with a human. But there must be something to it if you’re willing to do them. Not that I suppose that takes much….”
At that, Asmo leapt from his chair and grabbing the brute by the collar. He wasn’t normally one for violence. He wasn’t like his dull brothers. But he couldn’t let a slight like that against you slide. “Take it back!”
The two demon’s scuffle. Clearing out the VIP lounge as everyone ran. Scared that they might transform at any moment and literally tear each other apart. Asmo somehow ended up on his back, a position that usually didn’t bother him, as the other reared back to punch him in the face.
Or, at least he would have if he didn’t start convulsing and fall on the ground a moment later.
“Asmo! Are you ok?!”
The Lust Demon looked at you for a moment. Then delicately covered his mouth with both hands. Returning to normal. “[Y/N]! You saved me!!”
“Yeah. This little thing packs a punch.” You replied. Holding out your little pink taser from She-Sword from your clutch. “I couldn’t let this jerk hurt your beautiful face.”
“No one is more beautiful than you my fierce warrior queen!” He praised. Basking in the moment for only a second before you both scamper off before security came.
You both might be beautiful, but you didn’t want to end up on the evening news.
“I want to take up kendo.” Beel announced to you one day. Out of the blue. “I’ve been looking for ways to add variety to my workout. I came across this video on kendo and thought it would be fun.”
Of course, Beel knew you had practiced kendo in the past at school. So he might have also been looking for fitness activities for you to do together. In any case, he really liked seeing you in your little workout outfit. It was super cute.
He also liked you showing him the basics of kendo; stance, footing, basic strike movement. When he felt he had gotten the hang of it, Beel jovially asked for a sparring match with you.
“I don’t know….”
“Come on [Y/N], sparring with someone is the best way to learn fighting.” He reasoned. “Besides, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
“I’m not worried about that….” He heard you mutter under your breath, but thought that he must have imagined it as you squared off.
Standing across from you in the arena, something changed. The hair on the back of Beel’s neck stood up. Not in the excited way that it normally did when he saw you. But something more….primal. His grip tightened a little more as he realized he might have to get a little serious with you.
It was all for nothing though as the match was over just as soon as it started.
The shinai went flying out of his hands, landing across the room just as Beel landed on his butt. His backside throbbing as his bell was rung clear as day. He rubbed his head as he looked up at you. “I may have forgotten to mention that I was three-time national kendo champ all through school.”
The demon looked up at you with a shiny, sparkly gaze only until now reserved for delicious food. “Teach me sensei!”
He hated being out. He wanted to go home.
Being outside in the sun, with all these…..people was hell to him. Belphie would rather be home, in actual hell, with his blanket and pillow and quiet, rather than ‘top side’ with you for the whole afternoon. Not that it was you or anything. You were the only bright star on this miserable day. He’d be damned if he’d let one of his brothers spend the day with you when he could.
“Belphie, do you want an ice cream? Maybe that will help with the heat?”
He wanted to say that the only thing that would help him was getting the hell out of here. But, he bit his tongue. The demon knew how important this was to you to come ‘home’ now & then and he didn’t want to ruin it for you. So he just nodded and asked, “strawberry please.”
He sat in the shade as he watched you go over to the ice cream truck alone. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe he was just a hopeless shut in. Like Levi, only worse. He just wanted humans so much that being around them was making him crankier than normal today.
“Geez, get a look at that side show over there.”
Belphie looked up from his daze at the human who was a few yards away from him. Snickering and staring with his friends in a voice that a regular human wouldn’t be able to hear. “If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck.” Again, he was very cranky.
The human was obviously taken aback at being heard and then called out like that. “What did you say to me?!” He yelled, once he got his bearings on the situation, and took a ‘threatening’ step forward to see if he would repeat it.
“I said ‘If you have something to say, then say it, you chicken shit fuck’.” Of course he repeated it. “Don’t mutter something under your breath like a coward. Say it like a man, or keep your gross mouth shut.” This was why he hated humans. No spine.
Well, metaphorical spine. If he kept this up, Belphie was gonna prove that he had a spine when he ripped it out and made him wear it as a neck tie.
“You little fuck--!” Belphie, of course, didn’t move when he stomped closer. Not that he needed to, because he was stopped in his tracks rather abruptly when you stepped between then. Holding a knife from your pocket.
“I suggest you get out of here, before the only ‘side show’ around here is your knife swallowing act pal.” The man seemed to frozen for a moment as he tried to process if you were serious. Then his flight instincts kicked in and he took off running with his friends across the park. “Gosh, I think I’ve been spending to much time with you guys. I never would have done anything like this before.” You said after a sigh, then turned back to Belphie.
“My hero.” He cheered softly, in his typical tired voice but still with a soft smile. Seeming extremely proud of the bad influence he was on you.
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Gonna watch The Poughkeepsie Tapes and keep yall updated
Tw for pretty much anything under the sun in this movie. It is a mockumentary about a serial killer and there is a lot of graphic, really triggering imagery. I am not telling people to watch it and this is my official statement saying don't watch this if gore, r*pe, murder, csa, and really upsetting discussions about crime scenes even make you mildly uncomfortable.
Okay starting off, it's real weird. Mf just killed a little girl and that's pretty fucked up. The 911 call from the mom was chilling as fuck.
Okay so he's hitchhiking with a young couple. That is the number one thing you never do that horror movies teach you.
Mind you it is 11:30 am and I'm home alone with my cats
Okay so he just chloroformed the girl and I think he killed the dude.
Feel bad for that dude who had to watch all of the tapes. Homie could not sleep forever.
Criminal minds has trained me for this.
Yeah sure poking her with a stick will wake her up- oh. Ew.
Ew. Ew. Just.
Oh he used sign language to- that's kinda cool tbh. A little stupid cause he gave himself away on one part but that-
"Okay. Here's a killer who understands bureaucracy" WHY IS THAT SO FUCKING FUNNY TO ME
Oh now we getting to the real fucked up parts.
Well I hate to break it to you but something IS going to happen and you are really not going to like it
Why this dude got the same kitchen layout as me tf
That is. A large knife
Oh wait is he in the girl's house?
She got the same kitchen as me
And she's showering oh no
Uh oh
How is this guy so good at hiding holy shit
Bro you are leaving fingerprints EVERYWHERE. amateur.
Girly your ice cream is gonna mel- girl- YOUR ICE CREAM IS MELTING
Why am I more stressed out over the dude being caught than I am over the motherfuckers getting MURDERED
How is he so quiet he is literally right behind someone what the fUCK OH AND THE BOYFRIEND GOT MURDERED
GIRL RU- aaand she's unconscious.
Oh that's messed up.
Christmas tree lights??? Sock drawer??? WHAT THE FUCK
I ain't no expert but I don't think she's coming home
Oh he is talking to the mother oh god.
Oh that's fucked up
Ah yeah changed M.O will do it
Hun as soon as you give the killer a name he will start kiLLING FASTER
To be fair she did warn you
Oh now he's interviewing bundy and it is MESSED UP
Good he needs to die
Oh fuck 9/11 happened two days after
Fuck he was innocent???
Damn I've got like 30 mins left of this movie
Oh that's where that gif is from. That used to give me such bad paranoia
Oh shit she's alive!!
She's gonna need so much therapy holy shit
Oh honey.
Fuck she can't even catch a break dead holy shit
"I wonder what was on those tapes" I don't!!!
Oh shit I thought that was the end of it.
Final thoughts:
It was fucked up in ways I couldn't describe, it gave me the chills, kinda made me feel gross, but it also, in some ways, wasn't AS fucked up as most say. Definitely adhere to my trigger warning above. I honestly didn't like it that much, it relied too hard on shock and gore, and I don't think that makes a good movie. I really liked the style of it, and I like that although it doesn't give you a break from the upsetting discussions, it gives breaks in between having to see the tapes.
Final rating: I'd say a 5/10. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great. It was just okay.
If you wanna see me react to more horror movies shoot me an ask, and I'll make a list in my pinned of what movies I refuse to watch!
If you wanna see more of this boring ass post type, the tag I made for it is #brxken horror movie reactions
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aficwhore · 3 years
Truth Is
Chapter 1: A Night Many Months Ago
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Frankie "Catfish" Morales x F!reader
Summary: When reuniting for the mission in Colombia, Frankie and the reader (nicknamed "Chipmunk"), bicker due to their rocky past. After some angry exchanges, a few truths come out, changing both of their perspectives. Will the relationship be mended? Or once this is over, will they go back to the way things were before?
Word Count: 3K
Warnings: explicit language, blood, violence, guns/weapons, lots of angst and emotions, infidelity, talk of sex and sexual encounters, drinking, mentions of drugs, talk of death, and talk of mental health(PTSD, depression).
A/N: This was inspired by the song "Truth Is" by Sabrina Claudio. I want to make this a series (my first series ever), but it's still being decided, so please let me know if you want this to be continued! And I am still taking requests and prompts! Thanks Lovelies <3
"Cmon, please Chip, we can't do this without you." Santiago begged, his hands clasped together in front of him to show his desperation as he stood before me in my small apartment kitchen. I sighed, glancing around our surroundings. He had come to ask about joining one last escapade, one last job and we'd all be set for the rest of our lives.
Finally breaking the silence and meeting his weary gaze, "Who all have you rounded up? If Will or Benny said no, there's no way I'm doing it without them." I took another deep breath, turning to continue the dishes I had been doing when Pope showed up.
Santi's face began to light up, his stance growing slightly as he grinned, "Great! They both wanted in, so did Tom." Seeming relieved he leaned against the counter next to the sink and crossed his arms.
"And F-Fish?" I hesitated, pausing the scrubbing on the porcelain dish in my hand. It felt like the air in my lungs no longer existed. My heart began to pound it's way up my throat and into my ears.
His head dipped down, feeling the concern laced in my voice. Clearing his voice, he quietly explained "Haven't asked him yet, he was last on my list."
I silently placed the last dish onto the rack near the sink and wiped my wet hands on my jeans, looking down and watching the wet marks gradually making themselves known. No longer forcing myself to make eye contact, I nodded at the ground.
"Look, querida, if you two just talked I'm sure it would work out." He pushed himself off the counter and stepped towards me, reaching a hand out and gently rubbing my shoulder to console me. "But don't let this change your mind, we really do need you."
"When are you going to mention it to him?" I breathed out, wanting to keep any and all emotions at bay. His hand on my arm squeezed, as if he was trying to give me some courage.
"Tonight, at Benny's fight, I thought his spirits would be up enough to persuade him." He chuckled lightly, knowing his plan was to take a little bit of advantage of Frankie's mood.
I laughed softly, "Definitely sounds like a Santi move if you ask me."
He smirked and shook his head "I know, shame on me." As he dropped his hand back to his side he quirked, "You should come tonight, we can go out for drinks after the fight, relax a little before we leave tomorrow."
It took me a second to register what he said, but when I did I burst out "wait what?! Tomorrow? Santi, why didn't you tell me that? You forgot the biggest detail!"
He cowered down slightly, rubbing the back of his neck "Because I knew you'd yell at me, it was worth a shot putting off the anger a little longer." He smiled coyly.
Rolling my eyes I couldn't help but forgive his dumb smile. "Well it starts soon, why don't I get my things real quick and we can head to the arena together?"
His smile widened, "Of course!" I grabbed my purse and keys, making sure to turn off the lights and lock the door behind me. As we made our way down the elevator and out to his car, Santi told me a few details about the missions and the plan. But once we got into his rinky dink ford truck, I turned to him.
"About Frankie, I'm sure one of the boys told you, but just in case; his license was revoked." Santi's face contorted with confusion.
"What? How? Did he crash or hurt somebody?" He questioned quickly.
After taking a breath of courage I spoke, "No Pope. He-He was caught with coke."
Santi stayed quiet, turning the engine on. "I don't get it" A sad expression plastered on his face.
With a furrow in my brow I spoke again, "What don't you get? He was doing drugs, hardcore ones at that". I began to ramble more, "For what reason, I'm not sure, maybe the PTSD and depression. Maybe he felt he had no one to go to-"
"Stop. I know." He cut me off while finally shifting the gear into drive and moving up forward. "You can't blame anyone for this. All we can do is move on and help him. He's our friend, okay? But I know he's still the same Fish, just a little turned around."
"I know, okay. I can't help it. From what the boys told me, he seems to be a lot better." I added, stirring in my seat. "Anyways, it's been awhile since all of us have been back together. It's exciting."
Santi snickered, "But didn't you all hang out while I've been out of the U.S.?"
Seeing that we're close to the arena's parking garage I explained, "I mean, yea, but only me, Ironhead, Benny and Fish. I haven't talked to Redfly in months, we all had a fallout with him. Especially me."
"Tom didn't say anything when I talked to him, Do you wanna fill me in?" He asked with a quirked eyebrow.
Huffing, I turn to face him, telling him the events of that night.
The four of us, the Millers, Frankie and I sat on my couch, watching TV and talking, when we hear a bang at the door. I got up to open it and find Tom slumped on the doorway. He looked rough and smelled like he had been drinking the past several days. "Woah, Tom, you're really drunk, and you drove here?"
He snapped, beginning to yell, "Who are you to judge me? Huh? My wife left me, this is how I cope." He angrily pushed his way past me and tumbled into the living room. He was greeted with the boys standing around him with concerned faces.
"What the hell were you thinking? You know how dangerous that is? You know you could've called and we would've been there for you!" I raised my voice back, causing Tom to swing around to face me.
He laughed darkly, "Oh shut up 'Miss Perfect,' just like you did for Fish? When he was nose deep in coke? Or are you too self obsessed? Or do you just have favorites!"
"Hey man, that's not cool." Will interrupted and tried to get a handle on Tom. Frankie lowered his head in embarrassment. Will reached forward and placed a hand on his back, but things escalated more.
"Oh okay, yea protect the whore, we all know she's there for you guys more than just talking. I wouldn't doubt it if you all fucked her too. But me? Nah, you leave me out of everything." Tom howled, yanking away from Will and slurring his words and no longer making sense.
Anger becoming more prominent, I spoke, "Seriously?! Whore?! How is it my fault that you push us away and don't let us help? We include you in everything, but you have your head so far stuck up your ass you never show up!" I've come face to face with him, my hot breath and voice blowing into his face above me. "And another thing, I'm not a whore, you asshole, I'm with Frankie!"
He leaned closer to me, his breath reeking of alcohol, "Just him? Does he know where you're at everyday Monday and Wednesday at 1?! I doubt it!"
Frankie speaks up, "What? What is he talking about?" A devilish smirk makes its way to Tom's face.
"Nothing, I swear it's nothing." I try to explain, making eye contact with my partially hurt lover.
"Tell him, tell him you've been seeing a 'Dr. Philips.' Go on, do it." He rubs it in.
Looking behind Tom, I saw Frankie looking like his world had just shattered. "You've been seeing someone?!"
Panicking, I speak, "Yes, but it's not what you think, I promise!"
"Then what is it?" Tom adds, stumbling back a foot and crossing his arms contently at the damage he just caused.
Benny spoke up, knowing the truth about who I was "seeing." "You need to leave man, you have no right to say shit like that. You don't know the real situation"
Tom burst, yelling "I want her to admit it! I want her to admit that she isn't the perfect bitch she makes herself out to be!"
"Fuck you! Get the hell out of my house!" I scream, tears slightly welling in my eyes. "Frankie-" I turn to him, but to find him grabbing his things. "Baby please, let me explain."
"Explain what? You've been cheating on me?" his voice is loud, and cracks slightly.
A tear breaks its way down my cheek, "I haven't, Frankie, please believe me." I grab his hand, trying to stall his movements, but he pulls away.
"You just admitted it!" He frowns and yanks his hand away and heads for the door.
"That's right Fishie boy! Leave her, she's no good anyway!" Tom squawks as Benny grabs a hold of him and shoves him to the door, Will right behind to help.
"You bastard!" I lunged forward and swung my hand, landing right on the side of his face with a loud crack. Frankie spun around, startled at my actions.
The action only fueled Tom's anger because he ripped away from Benny's grip and grabbed me. I didn't back down and started to shove him and swing my arms, hitting him in the face and chest as he fought back.
But just as quickly as the fight started, it ended. Frankie tore me off of Tom, pinning me to his chest and stopping my brutal hits. Will and Benny wrested Tom into submission and dragged him out of the front door as he yelled slurs at me, and dumped him outside with a battered face.
While the brothers were dealing with a drunk Redfly, Frankie scolded and verbally fought with me.
"Just tell me! Who is Dr. Philips!" He questioned, slightly shaking me by the shoulders.
With many emotions running through my head, I couldn't process what was going on. "I-I can't, Frankie, I can't even admit it to myself." Tears streaming down my face I brought my hands up to the sides of his face. "But you have to believe me, por favor (please)."
Francisco looked like he was fighting an emotional battle in his mind. He finally spoke, "Either you tell me, or I leave, I can't do this, not if you keep things from me."
Feeling my heart break, I whispered "Please, mi amor (my love), don't make me. I'm not strong enough." My eyes now running like an open faucet and my hands tightly pressed to his cheeks.
He blinks away tears, reaching his hands up to grab mine and pull them away from his face, "Then I have to go." He drops my hands and turns to leave.
"Por favor no me dejes! (Please don't leave me)" I call after him, watching as he heads out of the door and into the night, leaving me alone. I drop to the floor, tears blurring my vision and all that can be heard are my sobs.
After what feels like hours, Will and Benny return, picking me up off the floor and taking me to my bed. They lay me down, attempting to help my emotional breakdown. They pick up whatever mess that was left after the event of that night.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~end flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"And after that night, Tom was no longer invited anywhere with us. Frankie distanced himself and refused to talk to me. But Will and Benny did their best to be there for me in any way they could. They did the same for Frankie. But as for Tom, they casted him out, because he changed, badly." I finished covering the story of that night, fighting the tears that threatened to spill. "And the Dr. Philips I was seeing, was my therapist. I didn't want anyone to know I wasn't okay mentally. I was embarrassed and part of me didn't want to admit I needed help. The lives we chose aren't easy."
Santi parked, and seemed shocked, "I'm sorry love, I knew you split with Fish, but didn't know any details or about Tom." He reached over and patted my thigh sympathetically. "I really am sorry that you went through all of that because Tom was an asshole. You really don't have to do this-"
"No I want to, I'm in a better place, so is everyone else." I smiled shyly, wanting to lift the spirits. "So what do you say? Let's go wrangle up our boys and get rich?"
Pope smiled brightly, "Hell yes!" We both got out of the car, and headed to the back of the arena and knocked, hoping Will was there to open it like he told Santi he would. Much to our luck, the door swung open to reveal a tall, smiling, blonde Miller brother.
"Brother!" Santi chuckled as he pulled the eldest Miller into a hug, clapping each other on the back. They pulled away as Pope headed inside to find the others.
"Hey pretty girl, long time no see." Will joked, hugging me tightly.
I scoffed, "Will, you were just at my house last night." We both laughed and he led me into a rank smelling locker room, which I assumed was for Benny to get ready. As we rounded the corner, I saw Benny and Tom chatting on one of the benches between the lockers.
"Chipmunk!" Benny roared as he ran over, picked me up and spun me around. "I missed you! I'm so glad you could make it!" He sat me back down and stepped back to sit on the bench again.
"Of course, I wouldn't miss you getting your ass beat for the world!" I giggled as I winked at him, showing the younger of us a bit of love.
He shook his head with a grin. As my eyes left him, they met with the eyes of Tom. He seemed to have a look of regret, trying to give me a sad smile.
I walked over to him, reaching my hand in a fist forward, lightly tapping his shoulder, "Hey fly, how you been?"
A small wave of relief washed over him as he responded "I'm good Chip, how are you? And look I'm really sorry, I wasn't in a good place and I regret-"
"Its okay Tom, really, it is. I'm just glad you're better. It's water under the bridge." I sit next to him and pat his back, showing that all, or at least most, is forgiven.
He nods slowly, "Thank you, it means a lot that you're here."
"Oh cmon you have to admit it, you couldn't do it without me, the best there is." I pretend to act over confident and burst into laughter. And Tom joins in.
As Tom and I begin to catch up, talking about what we've missed these past several months, I overhear a conversation.
"Hermano (brother)! How are you?" Santi greets Frankie, I assume, he was the last of us, who wasn't already here. When I realize that it is him, my heart begins to race. My skin starts to burn and get hot, my palms becoming sweaty.
"Pope! Benny! Ironhead! What is this, a reunion?" Frankie's voice echoes as they come closer. As the three round the corner, "All we need is Redfly and Chip-" Frankie stops as we become revealed to him. Tom gets up immediately and struts over to give Fish a hug. Frankie's face lights up with glee and hugs him back. When they step away from each other, I wearily stand up and all he does is give an awkward smile and nods in my direction.
Benny attempts to whisper to Santi, "Ouch, that's cold." And Santi jabs him in the stomach with his elbow, causing him to double over and make a "hmf" sound.
Being slightly hurt, I break the uneasy tension by opening an invitation, "Alright well I'm gonna go get a beer and find us some good seats, it's close to showtime!" Faking a smile I continue, "Who's coming?"
"Me, I can't be in here with this doofus anymore." Will chuckle as he ruffles Ben's hair and follows right behind me.
When we make it to the concession stand and order beers, Will taps my arm, "How are you feeling?"
With a sigh, "Honestly I expected that, but it hurt more when it actually happened. But what can I say." I grab out drinks from the concession worker and thank her and turn on my heels to find a seat. "I love him, and if that means waiting to mend things, it worth it, even if it means waiting forever."
Will offers a sympathetic grin. "It'll work, just watch. Oh! Over there! Perfect seats!" He points as his attention was caught by an opening near the rink. He pursues it as I follow behind.
While we sit, we joke around, waiting for the rest of the gang to come sit and watch Benny get thrown around. Finally the last three show up and sit with us, Tom sat on Will's right side, me on his other side, Santi on my left, but when Frankie walks up, he bends down and whispers to Santi, causing him to scoot further away from me and leaving room for Frankie to slot himself between us. Which took me by surprise. Once he was seated, he glanced over to me and gave me a genuine smile.
We don't say a word as the lights begin to dim and the announcer's voice breaks through the speaks, introducing our dear Benny and his opponent.
Our small group starts to cheer and scream Benny's name, to show him support. As he enters the rink, he searches for us, and when he finds us, he smiles big.
In the midst of all the commotion, Frankie leans over and whispers to me, "I missed you, cariño (sweetheart)."
My face whips around to meet a very close Fish, who is smiling. "I missed you too." I give a small smile and lean to my side to shoulder bump him, as he places a hand on my knee.
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🕯Anon said : Can I request headcanons with a Modern Au Teacher!Erwin and his s/o is a slightly famous artist like a painter that’s always in the basement. Maybe have a moment where the art teacher begs him to bring them to the school when they find out who Erwin is with. ? 🕯
Teacher!Erwin brings you, a famous painter, to work.
{ Erwin x Reader | tw:none | fluff, suggestive kiss | modern }
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{ "Leisurely Sunday in the Villa Comunale in Naples" 1993 by Francesco Tammaro Born in 1939 }
Grassy fields surrounded the old big building as the trees undressing of their leaves onto the sidewalks, currently being swept away by the janitor.
Students were filling the halls, the sound of chatter and laughter following after. Outside in the yard, the whistle of the gym teacher could be heard following by heavy footsteps as the football team started their morning practice. Not long after the bell rang, the halls were empty again only for some crumbled papers and snack covers left behind.
"Pigs, all of them. There's a trashcan right there." Levi scrunched his nose at the smell of axe spray and deodorant near the trophy cases. "Tell Miche to spray his running monkeys with soap every once in a while."
"Now now, what got you so grumpy this early in the morning?" Adjusting the lab coat on their suit, Hange replied. "Oh cut the kids some slack, their big game is coming soon or something."
"And he's been implenting a more strick hygiene policy." Said Erwin, holding a plastic binder with a stack of exam papers, mostly marked red. "He's trying to convince the principal to ban deodorant during practice because it's making his nose burn."
Huffing in response, Levi crossed his arms. "Yeah because the principle will definitely listen to him after that whole sniffing people scandal- Hey! Brats, don't you have classes"
As Levi went to scold the two students currently hanging a handmade poster for the upcoming game on the wall, a couple of students came up to Hange, looking in a hurry as they explained the Science lab was locked and they're getting tired of sitting on their backpacks outside.
Soon after, Erwin too made his way to class.
Upon entering the room, the talking quieted down as the squeaking sound of people going back to their own desks followed. Walking upfront, Erwin dropped the binder on his desk beside the empty mug, a couple of groans filled the room as the students realised what it was.
"Mr.Smith, didn't we just take the test yesterday? Shouldn't you like...I don't know double check or something? Maybe you rushed grading them?" One student called from the back as some chuckles and agreement followed from the rest.
Taking the stacks of papers out, Erwin made his way between the students, giving each on their graded paper. "I don't know Connie, maybe you should've double checked your answers instead?"
The playful atmosphere of the classroom was cut short as the door slammed open, making everyone freeze in their seats, none other than the art teacher walked in.
Nile Dawk, current art teacher who fails at least a quarter of his class each year. Who has oh just the most swell relationship with Erwin and anyone can tell you that.
You see, Erwin adored art, both the classic and the modern. Nile admired history and knew just how each art era had its link to a historical event.
And the pair couldn't stand each other.
Crossing his arms, Nile said "Erwin, you have explaining to do." Before dropping a newly printed magazine onto his desk, 
Its cover, showing a brand new art museum that just finished construction and is hosting a lot of different paintings from unrecognised underground talents. 
"Nile, I think you misunderstand. I teach history, I'm not an architect." He said raising an eyebrow, before tilting his head as if he's deep in thought, "or do you want me to explain what a museum is?"
Sneering at his remark, Nile flipped through the pages till he reached a certain one. It depicted a one of the paintings that will be displayed in the museum, a portrait of a blond man with broad shoulders and sharp blue eyes seemingly distracted from reality by the book in his hand.
The soft glow of the fireplace next to the red armchair he sat in, adding a certain orange hue to his light complexion. His long fingers holding the leather book as a glass-stained maroon vase sat on the small table behind him, containing a single red rose.
It's clear from the details poured into his eyes and the shading for each strand of his hair that whoever made this painting, held a great affection for the man.
"Now Mr.history teacher, care to explain why your face is on this painting? By one of the few promising artists of this useless generation?."
Hushed murmurs filled the classroom as students took out their phones googling the name y/n, showing each other the said painting while staring with wide eyes at Erwin.
Rubbing his temple with his fingers, Erwin frowned at the scene the other was causing. Knowing very well it won't take long for this fire to spread, he decided to add more fuel to the flames.
He took a long breath, before telling the class to quiet down with a stern expression. 
"Mr.Dawk, are you really asking me why y/n, my love, the person I'm married to, paint me?" He said facing the other, looking directly into his eyes. "Maybe you should ask y/n instead if you're so insisting on forcing yourself in my private life."
Narrowing his eyes, Nile snorted. "You know what Erwin? Maybe I should.
And that's the story Erwin told you while having dinner that day.
He looks at you with pleading eyes as if to silently apologise for dragging you into this mess, his plate still half full and drink untouched.
Please reassure him that it's alright, you don't mind taking a day off to visit his work
He'll reach out to gently squeeze your hand in his, whispering a small thank you as his thumb rubs against your skin.
He also says he'll do the dishes that day, you can go rest and he will join you in bed after a while, a relieved smile on his face.
The next day, as he wakes up early like usual. He makes sure to wake you up with a kiss, stroking your face before murmuring "good morning" against your lips. 
He knows because of your work you don't wake up early, so he's really patient and understanding if you happen to get grumpy for a while.
Handing you a warm drink to help wake you up, he'll make sure you eat something before changing and heading out.
You're not surprised to find him already done and dressed himself.
Hair as perfect as usual.
On the drive to school, you'll feel the cool morning air against your skin while your head leans back into the seat, eyes fluttering shut.
You can have your mini nap, Erwin will make sure to wake you up when you arrive.
When arriving, he made sure to open the car door for you. The fresh air and green scenery surrounded you both.
When arriving at the teacher's lounge, you're almost surprised to see two people already there from how early it was.
The first was sitting on the old black couch near the window, his dirty blond bangs covering his eyes. The second you could see making tea on the other side of the room Where the kitchenware was.
Both of them glanced up when Erwin called their name, staring at the way he had an arm wrapped around your waist while introducing you.
It was Miche who came first, standing from the couch you noticed just how tall he was. Offering your hand for him to shake, only for him to pull you into a tight hug instead.
He pulled away, tapping his nose before a smile slowly formed on his face, nodding in approval
The second was Levi, who ignored your offered hand only to sip on his teacup, assessing you up and down.
Not too long after, a person with a messy ponytail and a colorful lab coat arrived.
They took one glance at you, then the matching wedding rings on yours and Erwins fingers before taking an immediate interest in you.
Hange asked questions faster than you can answer them, with sparkling eyes and a wide smile.
At the first sign of you being uncomfortable, it was Levi who stepped in to tell Hange to tone it down before apologizing to you.
And it was Miche who got you some snacks from the teacher's secret stash after.
You've heard stories and one sided phone calls about them from Erwin, yet it still didn't prepare you for actually meeting them.
While overwhelming at first, the more time you spent talking as Erwin reassuringly sat beside you, you noticed how genuinely interested they were.
Levi, while seemingly cold, was actually the most considerate and paid the most attention to you. He'd step in whenever things got too much and would be really polite despite having a colourful language. By the end of it he even made you some tea, something that seemed to surprise Erwin and the rest.
"It's just...he never trusted someone this quickly before."
Hange was genuinely interested in you, having researched you and your art beforehand. They really were eager to hear even the most boring details and were capable of understanding your way of thinking. They even gave you a small rubber frog they carried around in their pocket to hand out. It would've been cute wasn't for the fact immediately after they mentioned the real human skeleton they have pinned to the lab door.
"His name is bean! I've been actually investing into getting him a human heart for Valentine's day, but all the ones I've found so far were in jars."
The most quiet of them was actually Miche, although he'd smile at you whenever you looked his way. Despite his intimidating size you learned how harmless and easy going he is, the most chill out of the three. He did mention knowing Erwin for the longest time out of them, having been childhood friends even. He promised to tell you all the embarrassing secrets Erwin tried to erase from existence as he added his number on your phone.
"He ain't as proper as he looks, I got the dirt on him."
You saw Erwin's jaw tightening before he changed the subject quickly, giving the side eye to Miche who only smiled back.
The rest of the day went by smoothly, Erwin didn't leave your side for one minute and made sure to check on you constantly. 
He introduced you to the rest of the teachers and seemed only amused at any teasing he got from students passing by.
By the end of the day, as the sun began to set and the students already done with their clubs, you and Erwin had one final place to go.
The art classroom.
"Just one more thing before that" he told you, guiding you into an empty classroom.
You saw his desk, the mug you gifted him on father's day as a joke sat on his desk, several paper sketches you made were framed next to it.
It was his classroom, with only you and him, the door open.
He closed it.
You stood against his desk as he moved closer, arms circling you, not breaking eye contact.
"May I?" He whispered, licking his own lips.
As he got your permission, he pressed his lips against yours, arm stroking your back before pulling away after some seconds.
He rubbed your swollen bottom lip with his thumb, a small smile on his face before pulling away.
Your heart was still fluttering against your chest as you left the classroom, while Erwin seemed to be smiling at nothing with a slight curl to his lips, steps more lighter than before.
Right after that he took you to the art classroom. The smell of oil paint and sound of brushes scratching against paper filling the air.
Stepping inside, the scratching sound stopped as a certain black haired man stared at you, eyes wide and lips parted.
Disbelief clear in his face, Nile was quick to mask his emotions as he noticed the smugness Erwin was in.
"Nile, I'd like to introduce you to my lovely darling, y/n." There was a chipper to Erwin's voice as he leaned in to kiss your cheek. 
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Part 5
For once in your life, your eyes slowly open, only having been disturbed by warm morning sunlight. The soft comforter trapping your body heat and essentially you, as it pinned you to the soft mattress. You snuggle deeper into the sheets, breathing in the smell of clean linen and caramel.
Wait. Caramel?
With a jolt you jump from the bed, eyes wide as you look for the source of the scent. Patting down your jeans and shirt for at least one knife. You hardly remember what happened after dinner with his family. You remember booze, light conversation while feeling warm and floaty. Oh shit what was that passive that activated again? Rest assured?
"Info on rest assured." You grumble, voice soft from disuse. Your quirk happily pulls up a little informational box that you can see. Too sleepy to make the box private as it reads aloud to you.
"PASSIVE BUFF REST ASSURED. A newly unlocked buff that increases sleep quality and can only be activated around trusted individuals and safe places. Would you like a list?"
You stare at the question box with a flashing yes or no before you point with the tip of your knife to yes.
"Currently there is only one thing listed. Type : Individual Name: Bakugou Ka…."
"Oi." Someone calls from the front door of the apartment as you dismiss the information with a wave of your hand. He discards his boots at the door before making his way to his bedroom.
"You talking to yourself dumbass?" He says, blocking your only exit by leaning on the door jamb. He holds an iced coffee towards you, his eyes sharp as he adds.
"We need to talk about your file."
Crossing his arms you ignore his offer of iced appeasement, he sets it on the low dresser as you speak.
"It's not up for discussion."
"I'm your boss, I deserve to know."
"What you deserve to know is what's in that file. My whole life doesn't fit into a manila fucking folder. Quit asking questions."
"I'll ask what I want." He growls, "Because it's suspicious that you have this unbelievably complex quirk and yet I'm sure your top skills have nothing to do with stealing."
"If you're that concerned then ask the director of the program. I'm not the only secret 'reform'." You throw your hands into the air is exasperation
"He showed up dead shortly after you were inducted. Plus no one has any real record of what you've done. Not a single thing listed on what you've stolen."
"Talk to Deku then, he's next in line for that program, he ain't dead."
"He said he doesn't remember approving your file." He bites back and before you can retort strong fingers wrap around your wrist. His calloused pads brush over the cool metal of your bracelet.
"RECOGNIZED, BAKUGOU KATSUKI : NEW LIMITED ACCESS GRANTED. 1. Health and Condition status, upon request 2. Top five skills 3. Buffs that would benefit Bakugou Katuski. 4. Pending buffs to be activated by host. Please state a number."
"Two." "Cancel!" You try to shout over him but he beats you to it. The bracelet opens up a little box displaying your top five skills as of late.
"Stab resistance, poison resistance, what would a thief need those for? Stealth is number three and slight of hand is number five. Shit don't add up Princess." He glares while your nostrils flare, ripping your wrist away from his grip.
"You're really fucking pushing it…" He takes a step towards you while you step back as if it were part of a dance as you try so hard to keep your wrath in check.
"Am I? Like I said, shit ain't adding up. You have this bracelet that still has limited information to your quirk, support knows nothing of the recordings or god damn blocks you've placed on it and lastly…" Your knees hit the back of the back of the bed causing you to sit on the mattress. His rough palms come to lie flat against the fabric next to your thighs as he leans in. You fight to shrink back.
"Lastly, I deserve to know how an unnamed woman, who obviously knew you, turns up dead moments after I arrive on scene and then her body is gone in a matter of minutes. She poisoned you with a complex concoction that the lab in the agency has yet to figure out the formula to it and yet you knew the fucking antidote? What did you really do?"
Rage boils in your blood as you stare into his vermilion eyes. Like flipping a switch you turn ice cold, your breath mingles with his.
"You know what's funny? You don't see me asking how you became a manager with your shitty attitude. Nor do you see me asking how you manipulated and gaslit your way to the number one spot." You press your cheek against his as your lips graze his ear, "And you sure as hell don't see me asking how you're considered a hero at all after you told Izuku to kill himself in middle school."
The scars in his chest and stomach roar to life, demanding attention as his shirt scrapes against the sensitive skin. He takes a step back as if struck while the room begins to smell of smokey spiced caramel. His bones groan as his knuckles bloom white.
You smile as you stand, collecting your bag and the jacket he lent. Even grabbing the iced coffee he got you. Because why let it go to waste?
Cruelty slips onto your shoulders as nicely as his borrowed jacket while you pause at his bedroom door wanting nothing more than to leave him with terrible thoughts.
"Did you ever even apologize for that?"
Silence is your answer as you chuckle to yourself.
"Didn't think so."
You leave him with those nasty thoughts. Long gone as he still pants, pain shooting through his gut and lungs as it did all those fucking years ago.
As he moved without a second thought and placed himself in front of a stupid, dopey mop top boy who tried to hold up the weight of the world by himself.
With a guttural growl he looks over his destroyed room, as if a bomb went off.
He reaches for his phone dialing the number he never bothered to save.
"Meet me at our usual when you get off your stupid fucking shift. I know you've forgotten to eat you useless hero." The other line chimes in with a deep laugh as he adds.
"Okay Kaachan. I'll be there."
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Izuku doesn't get invited out often and especially not by Bakugou. So the emerald haired boy decides to keep an eye on his oldest friend. Silently watching and not glancing too long as hot head huffs and puffs, taking another shot. The ash blonde's favorite spicy ramen goes untouched as the large man across from him slurps up his fourth bowl, covered in sweat and dirt from the day's work.
"You better get my fucking money's worth of this endless ramen bowl shit." He bites, slamming down another shot, fingers subconsciously finding the old scar on his chest. The action does not go unnoticed by his more docile friend. Izuku thanks the waiter as he starts on his fifth bowl.
"I'm starting to think you're mad about more than the endless ramen you ordered me." Bright emerald meet dark garnet eyes that glare, Bakugou's cheeks burn in his buzz.
"Fuck you. Nothin's wrong." Another deadly shot.
"That's your seventh. Kaachan you can't fool me. Your body language gives it away." Bakugou follows Izuku's eyes to his fingers. Quickly he removes his calloused pads from the divot. Angrily staring at the wall like a child who's been caught.
"Fuck you." He murmurs, silence settles over the pair in the far back corner of the restaurant. Bakugou's eyes glance over to Izuku who continues to eat, crimson bore into the scars on his arms from where the dumbass had broken them time and time again. His scars burn with your words, with the memory of what he's said in the past.
Too cruel and for what?
"You know I'm-" Bakugou starts but Izuku holds up a hand, wanting to spare his friend.
"I know, you've shown me everyday, even before you jumped in front of me, Kaachan. I've always known." He leaves it at that, in his heart he knows that Bakugou is sorry. He's seen it in every action since their first year at UA, he doesn't need to hear him say it.
What good are words when actions spoke louder?
"So what's bothering you? Worried over someone? You're dating Rogue now right?" Izuku asks, holding his chopsticks at a point while Bakugou takes another shot.
"Her file is what's bothering me. Deku, she doesn't have a fucking thing of her past. Not to mention you don't even remember signing off on her. Real responsible." Bakugou watches with a dull snarl as Izuku goes back to slurping his noodles.
"Ka...Kaachan." Izuku chokes, "Not fair. They put a lot of your desk too and I bet you don't remember half of it."
"I'd remember something like that. Just makes it that much more suspicious. Probably foraged by someone but the question is who…." Katsuki sets his head in his hand, staring at his orange broth.
"Well, did you ask her yourself?" Bakugou scoffs in response.
"Yea, and it didn't fucking turn out well." His finger finds his stomach this time, the ghastly white crater suddenly irritated by the fabric of his shirt. Izuku stops eating, he isn't stupid and easily connects the dots. The soft man thinks back a decade of his friend is the worst condition but more worried about him.
"Kaachan…" Deep jade eyes water a bit but Bakugou puts up a hand
"Don't." He barks, sighing.
"So you must really care about her if whatever she said affected you that much. You weren't even bothered when they were trying to 'cancel' you." Izuku taps Bakugou's bowl with his chopsticks, silently begging the blonde to eat. Hopping he'll take at least a bite to soak up some of that alcohol. Reluctantly deadly fingers pick up the sticks, gathering ramen between them but still undecided if he should eat.
His silence is answer enough for Izuku.
"I know my agency started the program. I'll look into it some more tomorrow. I'll be mostly office duty since I have so much paperwork anyway. But even if her past is dark Katsuki, what are you going to do? She may not have had any say in the matter, she doesn't give me that evil vibe."
Bakugou thinks back to you. How you fight, how you hold yourself.
How cute you were sleeping on his shoulder before he eased you onto his lap. How softly you snored in his bed. His stomach twists, Izuku's words and yours floating around his head.
"I guess I'll decide once I have more answers." With that the blonde decides to bring the spicy noodles to his lips.
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allegra-writes · 4 years
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Bar musician! Harry styles x Bartender!Reader
General audiences
Warnings: None
Just some Valentine's day fluff with our favorite green eyed boy. Dedicated to @gaycinnamonrollgirl for giving me the idea, and @tomsrebeleyebrow for patiently listening to me endlessly gush about Harry Styles and still being my friend. Happy belated Valentine's day 💖
"You don't have to say you love me
I just wanna tell you somethin'
Lately you've been on my mind..."
Adore you - Harry Styles
...Oh, she looks so good, oh, she looks so fine
And I got this crazy feeling that I'm gonna ah-ah…
"Bartender, my good friend! I'll have my usual and a plate of your finest chips, if you would be so kind"
It was closing time when Harry, the local musician, sat in front of you, elbows on the bar you were wiping down while humming to Patti Smith's "Gloria".
You raised an eyebrow at him, but the willowy man could see the slight tremble at the corner of your lips, a tell that you were suppressing a smile.
"I'm afraid the kitchen is closed, mister Styles. Sam left an hour ago."
"Yes yes, but I have it from a very good source he left you a big pile of leftover chips before he did," He accused, "you know, as he does every night..."
You frowned in confusion,
"I thought you hated cold fries. That you found them to be, and I quote, soggy and disgusting" 
"I guess you can say I acquired a taste for them" He shrugged, mischievous green eyes sparkling, "Just like you did for this lowlife songwriter in front of you and the heartfelt conversations you share with him" 
"Did you now?" There was an edge of scepticism in your voice, but you were already disappearing inside the kitchen. 
Harry's heart did a little jump as you didn't immediately deny liking him.
"Hey, Joe" he called out, "why don't you go home? I'll help Y/N close when we're done…" 
There was a deaf noise as a young waiter, the only person left in the bar beside the two of you, set the last chair on top of a table. 
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I got this" he reassured him, "did it dozens of times. Go home to your girl"
"Thanks, mate!" The second brit practically skipped on his way to the backroom, but turned around just before reaching the door. "Listen, you know I like you, but if you hurt y/n in any way…"
Harry smiled, genuinely. He could never get mad at anyone that protective of you.
"You know where I live. Pick my sister on the way, though. I think she would like to join you."
Joe rolled his baby blues,
"I know you're not a creep. I meant her heart"
"Yeah, me too…"
Whatever your friend saw inside Harry's eyes was enough to convince him. He nodded and left, as the musician got up to lock the front door and turn the "open" sign off. 
If you noticed Joe's absence at your return, you didn't comment on it, simply setting the giant pile of chips and two cans of cherry cola you were carrying, down in front of Harry, who had returned to his seat. 
"Ah, you always have the good stuff!" the sigh that left his lips as he took the first sip of the soda was not unlike the one any of your regulars made after the first taste of something strong after a hard day. 
"Rough night?" 
"Kind of. Good show though, so at least I have that going on for me…" 
"It really was, I'm actually impressed" You had to confess, "And surprised too, it was a bold choice going acoustic on a night like this, with such a big audience," So many people had gathered to see the show that the bouncer had to start rejecting people so you wouldn't have trouble with the fire department "but it definitely worked" 
There was a slight blush on the singer's cheeks when he replied, far more humble than you were used to,
"Well, you know, Valentine's day and all that. The band, all have boyfriends and girls they wanted to spend the evening with…"
You tilted your head,
"And you didn't?" It was hard to believe, when almost every night he played there you would see him leave with a different, always sculptural, painfully perfect girl. Or man. 
Harry didn't reply, choosing instead to stuff his face with stale fries.
"Alright then" You raised your shoulder in surrender, "keep your secrets…"
He squinted in disbelief,
"Did you just quoted The Lord of the Rings at me?"
"Did you just recognize my Lord of the rings quote?" You countered.
"You are such a nerd!"
"Look who's talking, chicken little!" You gestured at his powder blue sweater with a yellow baby chick at the front and herringbone pants. 
"Oi!" His manchester accent popped out, like it always did whenever he lost his cool "I'll have you know, this is Gucci"
You scoffed,
"That doesn't make it any better, it just means that you spent a shit load of money to look like my third grade teacher, mister Harrington!" 
"Ok, first of all," he countered, "your teacher sounds awesome and second-"
An inelegant snort escaped your mouth. Harry's emerald eyes pinned you down. 
"Second of all, you're no one to talk either, kitten hoodie" 
You could feel the heat creeping up your cheeks. Praying he couldn't see your blush in the dim light, you took a mouthful of soda to cool you down. 
For a moment, none of you said anything, the sweet notes of Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" the only thing filling the silence.
… Players only love you when they're playing
Women, they will come and they will go...
"Listen, y/n-"
"If I'm being honest-" 
He chuckled,
"I'm sorry, ladies first" 
"Now I'm not sure if I wanna tell you…"
"Come on" A grown ass man pouting should not be that cute, "I want to know"
You feigned a long suffering sigh,
"Fine, if you must know- If you must know, I actually like your new style. It's way better than that... rock and roll cliche... thing you had going on when we first met" You gestured vaguely in the direction of his body, "You know, the long hair, black clothes, doc boots…" 
He flinched, 
"Ugh, Don't remind me. I was trying too hard back then. And not only with my clothes, with my music too"
"Oh, yeah, I remember. All you used to sing about was" You chose your words carefully, "frisky girls and being horny…" 
"Well, to be fair, I still sing about being horny"
"Yeah, but now you're…"
You trailed off, unsure of how you could explain the difference, the change in your feelings towards his music, without explaining the change in your feelings towards the man that made it.
However, Harry would not let it go that easy. He was used to you being sharp, opinionated, guarded. Now there was a crack on that armour, and he wanted to see what was underneath it. 
You hadn't even realized how close you had leaned into each other until his hot breath fanned over your face.
"Now I'm what, y/n?"
More real. More mature. More emotional, as if he had finally found the link, made the connection between sex and love. 
"More open"
Harry smiled,
"Open. Yeah, I like that…"
So close. He was so close now, his malaquite eyes were out of focus. So close you could feel his magnetic field, the gravity of his atoms pulling in yours.
Never in his twenty seven years of life and over ten as a musician, had he heard a more beautiful sound than his name, breathlessly falling from your lips.
"Yes?" He murmured, lips ghosting over your soft, perfect ones.
"No" You repeated, more firmly, taking a step back, putting as much space between the two of you as possible, "I know what this is"
"And what is this, y/n" To your surprise, he didn't sound mad, or demanding. He sounded confused and sad. Dissapointed but unsurprised, as if he had expected it to go south or… never had dared expect it would actually happen at all. 
"A bad idea" You explained, "with guys like you, is always the same: You have beautiful women throwing themselves at you every night. And you take them home with you cause why wouldn't you? You are young, and free and hot. There is nothing wrong with taking what's being offered" 
"I'm not saying it's your fault" You went on, ignoring him, "And I'm not saying you don't fall in love, sometimes. But that's the exception, not the rule, and I… I'm the kind of girl that's the rule. Not the exception"
Harry had always thought the worst that could happen to him was losing your friendship. Finally making a move, a real move, and getting rejected by you. He thought that was the definitive pain, the one that would obliterate him, if things were not to work out. And he was almost certain they would not work out. 
But sitting there, in front of you, separated by a wooden bar that might as well have been the great wall of china as you stood there, arms around yourself, small and defenseless as you explained to him all the reasons why you wouldn't allow yourself to love him… that was way worse. 
"What if you already were my exception?" He blurted out, before he could stop himself, "What if I was in love with you?"
You laughed, bitterly.
"Harry, I'm not even your type. I've seen you leave night after night with models and socialites and actors, each one more surreally stunning than the last one…" You didn't have a bad self esteem, you didn't. You considered yourself attractive, but the people Harry usually went for were on a whole different level.
"Yes, but that's only because the most absolutely perfect woman in the world for me, keeps me at arm's length!" He rubbed his face in frustration, "And it's so maddening, so fucked up, the way I can't even get away from her long enough to get over her, because even the pain of seeing her every night knowing I can't touch what I see, that I will never have her, is better than the pain of being away from her. 
So I keep on taking home the hottest people I can find hoping they will keep me distracted long enough to fill the hours until I can see her again… until I can-"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Never, in all the time you had known each other, had Harry given you a single signal indicating he had any kind of feelings for you. Your relationship had always consisted of friendly banter and quip battles. Sure, you could get flirty sometimes, but you were a bartender, flirting was pretty much your customer service voice, and he was a musician, he would flirt with his own shadow if he could.
Harry opened his mouth to explain, but a familiar melody started coming from the still working speakers.
Walk in your rainbow paradise
Strawberry lipstick state of mind…
"Hey, this is my song!" You didn't quite understand why he seemed so marveled, "You never added any of my songs to your playlist before!"
Oh. Oh.
"Yeah, well" Harry could now clearly see your darkened cheeks as you stumbled over your words, "I guessed I never liked one of your songs so much before" 
This time, he was the one blushing and avoiding your eyes.
"What would you say if I told you-... If I told you I wrote this one for you?"
"I'd say you're full of shit" You scoffed, "Didn't you tell me you only ever wrote about girls you had dated?"
"No," he corrected, "I said I only ever wrote about women that had broken my heart…"
"How did I break your heart?"
Harry sighed. Your walls were back up, higher than ever, and he didn't know how to break through them. It wasn't your fault -and had it been your fault, truth was he could never blame you either, there was something about you that made it physically impossible for him to get mad at you- you spoke from experience, he didn't need to unlock the secrets of your past, didn't need the details. It was obvious you had been burned before, and though he hated it, hated them for whatever they had done to you, he couldn't fault you for trying to protect yourself.
Not when he wanted to protect you too. 
"You didn't like me, back when we first met"
"No, it's ok. You didn't like me, and you were right not to like me. I know you probably didn't realize it but, that first time you rejected me, when I flirted with you that very first night and you rolled your eyes at me… you changed my life"
"What? How??"
"You weren't wrong, I was a cliche. And I was trying way too hard, to be cool, act like a rockstar… but you took a look at that guy, at that though, playboy, sex, drugs and rock 'n roll guy… and you hated him" Harry snickered. You didn't understand what about all that was so funny, "I had created that guy so that everyone would like him, and you hated him. And the funny thing is-" He finally met your eye. No, he caught your eye and imprisoned them, "The funny thing is, you hating me for what I wasn't, somehow allowed me to start being myself a little bit more, because if you already disliked me… then I had nothing to lose" 
You didn't quite know what to say to that.
His bright green eyes were unable to face yours, choosing instead to focus on the palms he was picking at,
"Is that why you… uhm…" You pointed at his sweater.
"Yup" He admitted, "I showed up here one day, on laundry day, in one of my old nerdy sweater vests and you smiled, when you saw it"
"I remember that!" You chuckled, "It was the brown striped one, it almost looked like a crop top, cause it obviously didn't fit anymore"
Harry nodded,
"I may have had a couple grow spurts since I got that in high school" 
"Ok, but, you made it work somehow…" 
"Thank you. The point is…" he turned serious again, his deep, rich voice even more hypnotic than usual. Or maybe it was just you, for the first time allowing yourself to enjoy it without reservations. "The point is, you didn't like cool Harry, but you liked the real me. Even if just a little bit, and that meant the world to me. I… I adored you because of it. So I wrote a song for you, cause even if I couldn't say it to your face, I had to get it out. Just like I had to get this out tonight"
He opened his arms wide, in his typical ta-da gesture, sad, resigned smile on his face, before getting up from his stool, grabbing his jacket and guitar case.
"You don't have to say anything, I don't expect you to love me back" He declared, "I just- I thought I'd let you know. Valentine's day and all that."
He turned to leave, his own voice still signing in the background,
I'd walk through fire for you, just let me adore you
 Oh, honey…
"Harry, wait!" You almost fell on your face, trying to jump over the bar, but managing to stop him right before he reached the door. His poorly concealed smirk told you he might have seen your little show, but you didn't care.
"Did you mean it? That you'd do anything for me?" 
"I did" He confirmed, earnestly, "I still do. Anything you want, just say the word"
"Well then," you took a step towards him, that he mirrored without even noticing, "what about a date? A daytime date. At a public place." You clarified. Harry did smirk at that.
"What's the matter, afraid you won't be able to keep your hands off me?" He teased, leaning closer. 
"Don't ruin this, Styles" You warned, raising to your tiptoes to meet him eye to eye.
His smile faltered, replaced by the most sincere intensity you had ever seen on his handsome face,
"Wouldn't dream of it, bartender" He whispered, before capturing your lips with his.
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simpingforsoftboys · 4 years
Y/N and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
ft. OikAka (Oikawa x Akaashi)
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!GN Reader!
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Thanks so much for the request anon! Ngl I've never considered this ship but it kinda makes a lot of sense? Like damn they'd be so cute together- and with the reader? Woo! Love it! Going to go for hurt/comfort in this one!
Also yes, the title is based on that one kids book.
Today had been a pretty terrible day for you. Your boss was in a bad mood- meaning she had been increasingly rude to you throughout the day, the office's wifi cut out while you were finishing up the report you had worked tirelessly on for the past week, and you had accidentally dropped your phone in a puddle- screen down- effectively cracking the screen and rendering it unusable (since the insides got wet too). Needless to say, it was quite possibly the worst day you've ever experienced. It took absolutely every ounce of strength to prevent yourself from bursting into tears in the street. There was nothing you wanted to do besides break down and eat a tub of ice cream- actually, being comforted by your lovers would be a good alternative. The only good thing that had happened so far was getting to go home early- since your boss was not in a working mindset and instead decided to go get drunk, a little after noon. It's not really a good thing actually, just means you'll have more work to do the day after tomorrow.
Crying sounded really good right now.
Fifteen minutes later you got off the bus and walked into your apartment complex. The elevator ride to the fifteenth floor was devoid of any other residents. Alone in your misery, you allowed your bottom lip to wobble.
The elevator dings- signaling that you've arrived on your floor.
You step out of the lift and into the hall. The walk to your front door is just as long as usual but somehow feels as though it took an eternity. Seems like your bad fortune followed you home- since the house key breaks, leaving the bottom half in the lock itself.
You're locked outside.
Again, it's a struggle to hold back the tears.
Keiji and Toru wouldn't be home at the moment, since the both of them were out on a date. (There's nothing wrong with that- it's just as important to have one on one dates as it is to have dates with the three of you. You also have plenty of dates with just Toru or Keiji by themselves.) Looks like you'll have to call your landlord... oh wait your phone is broken... and you forgot that he's on his yearly vacation in Seoul at the moment.
Maybe one of your neighbors will let you use their phone to call one of your partners! Nodding to yourself, you get up and knock on Rina-san's door. She's not home. Swallowing your mild frustration, you move along the hall to the next door. Kento-san's not home either. This pattern continues for the next few doors- eventually you just give up. The other apartments are vacant after all, still under renovation.
You return back to your apartment's door and slide down to the ground- back to the wood. Lips quivering, frustration evident, you bow your head and let the tears fall. There's no other noise in the hallway aside from your quiet sobs.
Today was just the worst.
Did you accidentally upset the universe somehow? Or maybe you said something disrespectful and some culture's god was angry at you.
Tears still streaming from your tear ducts, you let your head softly slam back against the door. There's so many things you're feeling right now. Sadness- because you really wanted to have a good day and now that you can't have that you want to be comforted, resentment- at the world, at yourself, at everyone. It wasn't fair- and by that you mean everything- every single, little thing was unfair. Anger- because damnit what else could you be feeling right now? The situation was beyond your control- anyone would feel angry in your shoes. It's hard to fathom that somewhere in the world, someone was suffering worse than you were at the moment.
You didn't care about them.
All you were focused on was how you were feeling.
Thinking that way suddenly made you feel very self conscious.
Maybe there was a reason for the day going like this.
A humbling experience perhaps?
That thought had you seriously wondering if you had actually done something unfathomably terrible... but your memory came up blank. 
The lift dinged.
You had to force yourself to look in the direction of the noise.
The overhead lighting seemed almost heavenly- surrounding your saviors in an unearthly way and appearing to give them halos. 
Why did they look so shocked to see you?
Isn’t that what they’re here to do?
Save you from your plight?
“Y/n darling, what are you doing here on the ground?” Keiji asks, beating Toru by a millisecond and running over to your side- pulling you into his comforting embrace. His hold makes you feel safe, likening him to the firm, concrete walls of strongholds. Yes, Keiji feels secure, strong, and upright. You just know that you can collapse against him and he won’t waver.
Looks like your tears aren’t dried out yet, because you let out a choked sob, dripping snot and all- burying your face into his neck. 
“Shh, it’s alright baby- me and Keiji have you.” Toru says softly, finally coming to your side and wrapping his long arms around the two of you. His hug feels different. It’s like lava- but not quite so. He could burn you- but he chooses to use his heat to bring you comfort instead- only burning those he deems a threat to what he calls his. He’s flexible but will give it all up at a moments notice- trading that mobility for statuesque stillness- letting himself cool, despite his better judgement, in order to become a tall, rock wall capable of protecting you and Keiji. 
You’re warm and you’re safe.
They construct walls around you.
So you let your own walls fall, trusting them to protect you when you’re at your most vulnerable.
“I-I had a really bad d-day.” You whimper into the ravenette’s milky skin. He can feel the hot tears against the column of his neck but chooses not to say anything- instead he holds you tighter. “My boss w-was in a s-shitty mood, I couldn’t f-finish my report in time c-cause the wifi cut out. My p-phone broke- and my k-key did too-” Overwhelmed once again, you cut yourself off and fall back into silence, sniffling quietly. 
“I’m sorry Y/n, you shouldn’t have had to go through all of that.” Keiji says- and you can hear the sincerity in his tone. You bask in his company for a long while, trying to pretend that time stopped- just for the three of you. 
“I need to get the key out okay? Then we can go take a nice bath inside, how’s that sound?” Keiji whispers softly, not wanting to upset you but also wanting you to understand the benefit of letting him go. You’re tempted to say no- wanting to just enjoy his touch, but your rational side tells you that you’ll get all the cuddles you want once you’re in the apartment. 
“O-okay... sounds good.” You move to cling to Toru, while Akaashi begins removing some bobby pins he has hidden in his hair and gets to work. 
“Hey babe.” Your brunette lover murmurs, turning your chin up to gaze into his eyes. “You’re wheezing so much, am I really that breathtaking?” The two of you stare at each other- personally you don’t know if you want to laugh at his horrible attempt at humor or if you want to cry. So you settle on slapping the back of his head. 
“Not the time ‘ru.” You scold, but there’s an undeniable smile on your face.
“Ouch... okay okay I’m sorry!” He apologizes, rubbing the back of his head. “I just hate seeing you so sad.”
“I know ‘ru... thank you.” Toru lets out an acknowledging hum and you can feel the way his heart beat increases ever so slightly. He’s so warm- his fiery love practically oozing out of his being. You love him so much.
A few minutes later, Keiji manages to get the broken part of the key out of the lock and the three of you can finally go home. He’s always been so clever- and you’re reminded again, why you love him.
The three of you head inside...
You take a relaxing shower (since all three of you can’t fit in the small bathtub), then cuddle up together on your king sized bed, tubs of ice cream in hand and candles lit to set the mood. Your favorite comfort show is streaming from the television, both the loves of your life sandwiching you between them, and you realize just how fortunate you are. 
You’ll take as many bad days as necessary- so long as you get to come home to this. 
Maybe, the universe was fair to some after all.
Just maybe- you could consider yourself one of the lucky ones.
I hope this was what you were looking for and more! It’s a little on the shorter side but I’m pretty proud of how it turned out!
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loudestcloud · 3 years
Time for Luffy's fashion exam! Now, I'll be honest, I did skip an outfit because I decided I will be ending this whole thing with the Strawhat fashion show in Episode of Luffy. Also, sorry for the posting gap, I remembered I have other unfinished post sets. That being said, this is a very long one so let's do this!
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Kid Luffy, Post-Enies Lobby & Fish-Man Island: I think it's super cute when Luffy has white t shirts with red based logos because it reminds me of the first picture. Makes him look baby plus, they can always be found in cute domestic EPs or fun, cute flashbacks. The shorts change over time and that's also kinda cute, a range of cuffs is a nice change up. It's nice to see the red contrast the blue shorts and the white is a nice color on him cos it contrast his hair!
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Romance Dawn, Enies Lobby, Thriller Bark, Sabaody Archipelago, Amazon Lily, Marineford & last Dressrosa outfit: This look is the pre Luffy look. It's the pre Timeskip look everyone thinks of is cuffed shorts, Kimono sandels and sleeveless vest (and Strawhat, obviously) but have you ever seen them all in a line? It's mad. Each outfit is the same basic look bit more are more spicy each time! I like the Thriller Bark and Sabaody Archipelago looks a little bit more cos it's nice to see that jacket open and it feels like he was trying something new. I also feel that the buttons on the jacket look like the ones on Shanks' pegged ankle sailor pants when we first see him so that's cool. (it took me hours to find the name for his trousers, oh my fucking god) The last Dressrosa outfit feels like a nice callback to the rest of the line up here without being too much cos it's just a red vest top instead and I do find it funny it's like the Enies Lobby and it's used in Dressrosa because of the jokes people make about Robin and Law being so similar.
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Timeskip: This is it lads, it's the one true icon itself, the post look! ☺️ When I sit back and look at it I see all the people this look is influenced by and want to cry at how masterful it really is. (Now, I do wanna say that I didn't come up with this nor am I the first to say it and I am definitely probably looking too much into this but) The yellow belt is taken from Shanks' red belt the first time we see him and the Shanks look Luffy is more familiar with. Now onto the jacket. I know it won't stand out as to why for most but it's Ace inspired! When Ace leave to become a pirate, the start of his adventure, he has his jacket open and Luffy having his jacket open also shows his scar from the ending of Ace's adventure. I also really appreciate how no one hides scars in this anime. Also, someone said that the style of the jacket and it's fancy frills could be in reference to Sabo's little jabot collar and honestly I do see it. it's quite subtle unlike Shanks' but not as hard to catch as Ace's so I enjoy thinking that it's there too. Lastly, he still has his cuffed shorts and kimono sandels because it's still Luffy's outfit at the end of the day and he is still who is is, just with a stronger appreciation of what people have done for him now. It's also his colour pallette for the pure fact he is the main character n needs his pallet. also sometimes he just has normal wooden sandels but the same outfit sometimes, it's a small detil a lot of people overlook but I prefer the sound of his Kimono sandels 😊
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Dressrosa: I love this outfit cos it's stilly but also has very nice vibes. Looks ready for the beach but is really throwing hands and that's the best kind of outfit, it's a nice expectation subversion tbh. I also like how he tried to hide the Straw hat but not... All of it? And I love how the crew didn't actually question it either. It would have been super easy for one of them to just tell him to leave it behind or something but I do really love how respectful they always are of the hat. I myself have a hat that's super important to me and when I loose it I go mad.
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Whole Cake Island: I love this arc for outfits! I swear if the actual content of it doesn't kill me, the act looks will 😭 it's all so magical and it knows it is! Like I said before, white is a good color on him as he has black hair but for the same reason, so is black! In this arcs outfit range, the Staw hat seems almost invisible and his outfit gets less and less 'Luffy' as the arc gose on showing this is not about him. He's not the focus of this arc and you can see that in a lot of the outfits thb. I also like the lack of blue and yellow, 2/3 of his colors as Sanji is often associated with those too as we've talked about before. Also, I like the little red strips on the white jacket with the gold buttons, idk why and I think it's nice that the last 2 outfits are so simple in general, it's a nice look for him. oh, what's that? A Pink jabot? Your killing me Lu, straight up killing me here lil' bro! Side note, is this the first time in canon Luffy has worn a suit jacket or is it the only time I've noticed? Cos DAMM!! Shits sick as fuck and I actually love that when wearing a suit jacket as such he always keep short on 😆
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Spa Island, Z's Ambition & Strong World: WHOS READY FOR A RELAXING SUNNY DAAAYY!? (pun not intended but very much enjoyed) I actually adore the fact Luffy still tries to go swimming cos it was his favourite thing to do as a kid so like fuck Luffy is gonna give up on that. He's got his safety measures ready, what more do you want from him? I mean I personally want him not to swim with his hat on cos it's litrally Staw and that's not good for water but anyway Z's Ambition, am I right!? The top is so fucking cute and I just noticed those shorts are also ✨designer✨ fancy man!! Now, the pic of Zoro is the one I missed out before and it's also from Z's Ambition. I love that Luffy has the shark top but Zoro has the ocean shorts. I really love Zoro in this purple cos and thick white stripes really work with the ocean waves. It's really well put together and hes got dark brown sandels on to off set all the white but keep the purple from being a stand out color, it's cool! Than the last Luffy looks like he's at a fashion show. It looks like the shorts come from a kids set the shark top belongs to. Imagine those together, it'd be so cute. However, it isn't an ocean patten, those are clouds cos Nami has a bikini top with the same pattern in Skypiea and it's actually one of my favourites for her.
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Boss Luffy Historical Special! This filler AU is so much fun, I think any it a lot. He has his hair up in that super cute and useless way that doesn't actually do much but I do have my hair like that a lot n it's just... nice? Idk, it's strange buy I like he did that. I really enjoy his Kimono more that the actual Wano one cos it's a lot more simple look. The Sai being tucked in in that way is also cool but kinda makes it look like it's stabbing him a bit 👁️👄👁️. I like the pin strips being like a faded purpleish cos if you just glance at it, it makes it look it fuzzy. The belt also looks very nice with the middle ligter bit. It really feels like the Wano one was inspired by this is a way cos of the color matches. Like, it's probably not but still.
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3D2Y, Adventure of Nebulandia 😍 & Heart of Gold: Hat-less Luffy is both a sin and a blessing. Regardless, I LOVE OP BOYS IN HOODIES!! I had to show you this specific the 3D2Y because we don't see the hood and it's soooo cute cos it a paw 😍 but also 😬 cos it's like... Kuma's paw the thing that cause 3D2Y in the first place. But that's also why it's so cool at the same time and AHHHHHH 😄 Now! On to Nebulandia! I really like this movie but also in canon, how does he have that jumper? Who made it for him and can I have one? It's Usopp flag design so I guess it could be him but he doesn't seem the type. Point is I want one. Last of this set is some really cosy outfits!! "How much fur?" "Yes" am I right? Like the first one is sooooo cosy with all the fur! Plus, a funky new bamboo hat, always a good thing to have a new hat. I appreciate that you can see the zips on these too. Then the orange turtle neck one with little fluffy bits is just here cos it's so out of his usual looks, I had to at least mention it.
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Strong world & Film Z: The shorts on the first one are really cute cos it's a light rosey pink with red fur and just a plain solid dark blue colour jacket works really well. Not to mention the fact he has a super cute orange and yellow flight helmet hat with goggles on under the Staw hat. The 2 bag straps also make an X which is a nice detail. The 2nd outfits in this movie are super fuckin cool ngl. It's so strange to see them all dress in black and have guns but I like the red shirt for him with the yellow highlighted parts. Makes the Straw hat actually work with the outfit instead of ignoring it. Film Z brings us the same flight helmet hat just brighter and without the goggles but also opens with this T-Shirt and Luffy being silly with it. I think that's the only reason to mention it, it's funny. Then the obligation pirate outfit, always stunning plus the meat belt.
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Film: Gold & Stampede (also used in Cidre Guild): these are my top 3 Luffy outfits no matter what else I see. I love the straw cowboy hat sooooo much cos it's very Luffy. I like the balls they has as a team to choose white for all of them, considering they are all quite messy people, living for that dad shirt and I like the Golden chain around his neck but am always confused as to why it was never used against him. Like dude could and should have tried to choke him at least once, right? Anyway, the dress! Now, the dress isn't actually that good but it's my favourite because it shows how Luffy has no fucks about gendered things. On to of that, a big pink flower is wonderful and look at his confidences in it, he's so proud of it the boom, Nami told him he can't wear it! Lastly, the Stampede outfit!!! Just like the Nebulandia jumper, I have no idea who made it but it's irrelevant cos it's beautiful and I want it so badly. I like that it's white and red stripes, gives thenprefect vibes for Stampedes opening. The shirt is actually too big for him, you can see on his arms but it's actually super cute. I love the simple look of these shorts then the fact his yellow belt is replaced with white bandages and the black on the kimono sandels are now red? It's such a simple pallet and it's truly the best!
I also just wanna add, I think it's really cute when Luffy has the Straw hat on his back just cos his hair is really cute. Idk why, it's looks kinda cursed but cute at the same time
This post took 2 weeks or so to make and we made listening to the complete BNHA soundtrack, film gold OST and Sonic generations vol.1
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kayrogers · 5 years
to all the girls i've loved before ][ p.  parker
a tatbilb au
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Paring(s): LJ!tom holland x PK!reader
Inspo: TATBILB cause Peter is a total soft boi and also I'm a slut for rom-coms
Word Count: 1700+
Warning(s): cursing and awkward kissing
Part: prologue | part ??
A/N: this has literally been a draft in my notes for like over a year, but college has been creatively hitting me in the stomach with a baseball bat so I only wanted to start it when I got a semi-break. Obvs updates will not be regular just like everything else I write because I am the worst, but I mean thanks in advance if ya read it!
‘ Dear [Y/n] [Y/l/n],
First of all, I refuse to call you [Y/l/n]. You think you’re so cool, going by your last name all the sudden. Just so you know, that only makes you one of the guys. That’s it.
Did you know that I didn’t stop thinking about our kiss every time I saw you in school for at least the rest of seventh grade? Sometimes I think you do. Because you always seem to know everything. And you always smile when you see me blushing like you know you’re the reason why. That’s what I hate about you. Because you do just know, or at least you act like it. You’re too cool to be bothered by anything, or be wrong EVER.
Well here are some things you don’t know that I think:
You swear all the time and say the grossest things. I’ve heard every dirty joke Flash has ever made, and you beat him without trying! And you just assume everyone will think it’s cute cause you’re a pretty girl and you curse. And if they don’t, who cares, right? Wrong! You care. You care a lot about what people think of you.
You always show us bugs you think are cool and it’s gross. That’s terrifying and I hate when you stick them in my face cause I’m grossed out. It’s rude.
You’re so good at everything. Too good. I have to try harder around the guys to be half as cool as you.
You kissed me for no reason! You knew Flash wanted to kiss you. Everyone knew that Flash wanted to kiss you. He made all of us spit-shake on not kissing you if we ended up in the closet for 7 minutes in heaven because he liked you. But you still did it. Why? I wanted my first kiss to be special, and with my future girlfriend. All romantic, you know? That’s what it was supposed to be. And it wasn’t any of that. Thanks to you it was the most un-special kiss it could be AND I got my ass kicked by Flash!
The stupidest part is, that kiss made me like you. I never did before. Didn’t think of you as anything but one of the guys. Flash has always said you’re the prettiest girl we know. And yeah, that’s true. But I still didn’t LIKE you. Missed the hook that every other guy was on in middle school. A lot of people are beautiful. Doesn’t make them interesting or intriguing or cool.
Is that why you kissed me? Cause I was the only one who wasn’t wrapped around your finger? Well it worked! Ever since then, I saw you. I mean really looked at you. Behind every scratch, bump, and bruise from whatever sport you were playing, I saw you. How you weren’t just beautiful, that word isn’t good enough. You just exist effortlessly.
And yes, I did go through the thesaurus for that adjective. You’re hard to describe, [Y/n].
After you kissed me, I liked you for the rest of seventh grade and almost all of eighth. It’s not easy watching you with Flash. It’s also not easy when he shoves it in my face all the time cause he doesn’t like me anymore. So thanks for that! But I get it, if I had you I wouldn’t be able to shut up about you either. You make him feel special. Because that’s what you do, right? You’re good at making people feel special.
But not me anymore. I haven’t really seen you over the past year. And any time I do, you’re with Flash. Your spell has worn off [Y/n] [Y/l/n]. I am proud to say that I am once again the only boy in school to not be hooked into you. All because I got too much of you at once and now I don’t think I’ll want to be under that spell ever again.
What a relief!
Peter Benjamin Parker ’
You felt your brows furrow, cheeks equally red from a shyness you hadn’t felt in years and slight anger. Clearly he wrote this years ago, but why send it now? Right after Flash cheated on you?!
Did he like you? Did he hate you? Why did you care? It was just Peter-fucking-Parker.
You purse your lip, placing the letter back on the desk. Your blood boiled, heart skipping a beat. Every single reaction in your body was opposing and you hated how much it affected you.
So what would be the best course of action? To act like it didn’t effect you at all. At least, that’s what you saw as the right decision. It’d be easy, just let Parker down and tell him you didn’t feel the same. Because maybe that’s what this was? Maybe Peter did fall back “under your spell” and now that you were finally single he had to tell you? That was the only idea which came to your mind anyways.
You looked over at your closet, eyes focusing on your favorite shirt. It was a white crew neck sweater decorated in the entomology of beetles, and you decided you would be wearing that to turn him down.
“Don’t like my bugs? Yeah okay, Dickhead.” You muttered and pulled the item out before forming the rest of the outfit which consisted of running shorts and sneakers. Classy, right?
You took a picture of the letter before folding it back up and placing it into the envelope. Why? Well not that you’d admit it, but you were never complimented like that before. And that part of the letter made you feel kinda nice actually. He paid attention to you back then, which could have been sweet once upon a time. Now? Now you didn’t know how to feel about it and that bothered you immensely. 
Later, in school, You mulled over how you would confront the boy. It was weird, really weird. You and Peter hadn’t really talked since middle school and the most the two of you interacted in high school was you apologizing for Flash being a dick to him about 24/7. And now he was apparently infatuated with you once and you had to tell him that you didn’t feel the same. But as the clock ticked on, you knew you had at least one class with him and that was gym.
 You anxiously gripped the letter in your hand, jogging along the track and looking for a familiar set of brown curls. It didn’t take long for you to catch up with him, spotting Peter and Ned half-walking the whole thing while the gym teacher wasn’t looking.
“Yo Parker! Wait up a second.” You called and his head whipped around, his eyes instantly going to your sweater.
‘Do bugs really bother him that much?’ You thought and held back a frown before shrugging it off. There were more important matters.
“Nice shirt! Is it accurate?” Ned instantly chirped up and you let yourself smirk, he always had such an excited demeanor in a way that could light up a room if anyone bothered to notice him.
“You think you’d catch me wearing pseudoscience? What the hell do you take me for?” That smirk grew into a smile as you spoke to Ned, not noticing the pale color staining Peter’s face. Because while you were focused on Ned, Peter was focused on you. 
Specifically, the letter in your hand.
“You’re right, I apologize. What brings you over here anyways? You usually lap us twice by now.” You looked over to Peter while Ned talked, watching how he was unable to even look up from your hand.
“I wanted to talk to Peter, actually…  alone?” You scratched the back of your neck while Ned let out a big ‘ohh’ and quickly made himself scarce.
The boy looked more nervous than you had ever seen him, running his hands through his hair so much that every knot could have been plucked out by now. 
“What um- what’s up, [Y/n]?”
 “Listen, I’m gonna make this quick to save both of us the awkwardness. I think it’s really nice that you think I’m one of the prettiest girls in our grade and stuff… but me and Flash just broke up and I really don’t see you that way-”
The only thing you heard from him was an exasperated ‘what?’ before practically watching the boy fall in slow motion. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and you gasped out loud when his head hit the ground.
“Oh my god, Peter!” Dropping to the ground after him, you immediately move his hair from his eyes and wave your hand in front of his face.
“Are you okay? Parker? Do you know your name? What day is it?” You gave a choppy version of the concussion questions your coaches asked after a particularly bad hit to the head, panic evident in your eyes.
‘Did I just concuss this kid?!’ you thought wildly.
Slowly, he sat up, taking a couple breaths while you kept your hand on his shoulder. “You weren’t supposed to see that,” he said exasperated and you watched his eyes grow twice their size as he glanced to his left.
Storming towards the two of you was a recognizable scowl, an envelope in her hand. Michelle Jones. She was MJ to you, once upon a time, but you couldn’t think of the last time the two of you said a word to each other.
“Oh god!” Peter rolled his eyes, grabbing your attention yet again.
In a blink, the boy had managed to grab your waist and pin you underneath him, one hand was gently caressing your head while the other wrapped underneath you. You couldn’t even take a breath before his lips were on yours, surprise flooding your system. His lips were soft and you hadn’t even realized how your body instantly reacted to him as if you had done this a thousand times before, kissing him in a quick but simple rhythm. But once your brain did register it? You grabbed his face, separating the two of you.
“Parker, the fuck?!-”
“Bye!” He blurted out before letting go of you and running off at a speed you didn’t even think was possible for him.
So this left you, alone, confused, and strangely breathless on the ground.
tatgilb -
permanent - 
@ultrunning​ @jesseswartzwelder​
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jinxthequeergirl · 4 years
Dream Come True
Steve harrington x Hopper! Reader (coraline AU)
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Summary: escaping your everyday life after you move to live with your father couldn't have been something you wanted more, luckily for you you are given the chance
Warning: swearing, Horror themes like idk It's Coraline i think that speaks for itself no?
So i don't know if im going to end up making this a series or not but hey if this does really well then I might, but just this is so long so i might have to.
In front of you sat a small box with many opportunities, two small glossy black buttons, thread and the promise of freedom...
You watched the rain drops race down the window intently as your father drove you home from the headwear store. you'd only been In Hawkins for only half a month, having to move there with your father after your mom died. And you had only spent the time unpacking, today you had finally convinced your dad to take you to get supplies so you could really make your new rooms more like you.
The car bounced slightly causing your head to lift and hit the window. "Ow!"
"Sorry pot hole..." Hopper said glancing over to you. "You alright?"
"Yea...but guess it takes a while to figure out if you have brain damage or not.." You muttered sitting straight in the car seat, crossing your arms over your chest.
"C'mon don't be that way...you get to redecorate your room..that must be exciting for you? Give you something to do while we wait for the rain to clear up. "I guess..." You perked up at a new idea popping into your head.
"Maybe I can start a garden in the front too? Make it look pretty? I have a garden box so we wouldn't need anything, el can help me too!?" You said almost as a question seeing if he would go along with the idea.
"Sure... Sounds good, just wait till the rain clears up so you aren't bringing mud in." You frowned lightly, ut had been raining for the past three days without any sign of stopping soon. "Yea...sure."
The car came to a slow stop infront of the house. "I'll help you get this stuff inside and make you lunch but I've got to go back to work." You nodded as you got out of the car.
You'd begun by rearanging the few things of furniture in the room,while hopper set to work at making you a lunch. You starting with the dresser dragging it across the room to set it in its new place.
You dusted off your hands and turned your attention to look at the new space you made, stopping once it was caught by something on the wall where the dresser once was.
"Hello..." You slid across the floor and dragged your fingers across the outline of a small door in the wall.
"Hey Dad!?" You yelled getting up to look for him. "Whats up?"
"What this?" You asked now running your finger over the key hole. "Do you have the key!?" You asked hopefully turing to look up at him in the dokr way. He shook his head and shrugged. "I...maybe? I'm not sure...if i did it's probably boared up! They're would be no point."
You rolled your eyes. "Now Food in on the counter your sister is with Mike so make sure to call in about an hour to check on her-"
"Can you please look for a key?" You cut in. He sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. "I can, but I'm late so just finish unpacking and setting up and I'll look for it when I come back." You huffed but nodded and started to finish setting up your room.
After about an hour and a half you'd finished painting, unpacking and decorating your room, you had finished. Even had lunch and called El just like hopper had asked. Now you simpily sat in your room staring at the photo of your previous bestfriends that sat on the bedside table.
Back in New York with your mom you never had to worry about being bored, all your friends where their and there where places to go. Hawkins was diffrent, granted you where still adjusting but that didn't make it any less difficult.
The phone rang snapping you of of your thoughts. You hustled across the house to puck it up. "Hello?"
"Y/n! Thank god you picked up! Just the girl I was looking for!"
"Hey Robin,whats up?"
"Not much, I was just wondering since the rains cleared up would you be intrested in taking a tour of Hawkins with me and Steve?"
You thought about it for a moment, The first day you'd mobed here and met everyone they where the two you'd hit it off with, well You did with Robin anyways so you didn't see why you couldn't get out.
"Yea...I'd love to!"
"Cool! We'll be there in a few."
"So what does one do around here?" You asked following beside Robin And Steve down the sidewalk. "Well there's the arcade... " steve started but quickly trailed off. "There are some shops around town." Robin added.
"Is there like, i dunno a mall maybe? A movie theater at least?"
"Movie theater yes, mall not so much."
"It a...it burned down." Steve informed. "Oh...wow..." You followed them through town, going in and out of every store that was open.
"So Steve...." You attempted to start while looking through a clothing Rack in a thrift store.
"Got a girlfriend?"
"Uh no..no ya know I'm kinda just testing the waters...seeing if theres anyone worth dating around here."
"And?" You asked not looking up at him, you could clearly tell he was trying to act cool around you.
"And?" He repeated your question.
"Is there?...anyone worth dating around here?"
"Nah none that are really my type." He said nonchalantly fixing his hair in the mirror across from him. "Wow...are you always this increadibly douchie? Or are you like this just for me?" You asked leaning on clothing rack to look at him better.
"What I'm not...I'm not being-"
"You kinda where Harrington." Robin said from across the store earing a chuckle from you. His face flushed and he pretened to look at a jacket that seemingly caught his attention. "Ah don't be that way stevie...it's sooo charming, I'm practically swooning for you." You said sarcastically. "Shut up!"
The sun was hanging low through the trees casting that late afternoon orange glow upon the three of you as you walked back home.
"This place is...pretty boring...how do you guys manage?"
"Hawkins isn't all bad...besides It's a lot more exciting than you would think." Robin said while offering you some of her candy. "You just gotta...know where to look."
"Sometimes the intresting things find you." Steve said stopping once your house came into view. "If you say so...thanks for showing me around."
"No problem, maybe we can hang out again soon." She offered as you started to continue forward. "Yea! That would be great!" They both waved to you as you stepped into the house shutting the door.
You placed a few of the nick nacks you'd bought onto the top of your dresser for decoration, glancing at something that wasn't there before. A glossy black key.
You plucked it from its spot on the dresser and turned to the small door quickly slidding across the floor once again to get to the door. You hestitantly dragged the key across the outline of the door ripping the wall paper open before slipping the key inside.
It slid in perfectly, giving you some sort of relife as it clicked open, you pulled it open being met with nithing but brick.
"Damn..." You huffed and shut the door and placed the key back ontop of the dresser.
Something yanked you from your sleep suddenly and you lied awake, a sliver of silver moonlight hitting your face through the curtains as you did so.
It was quiet as you lied there except for an ever so faint sound of humming that you just barrely missed. You stayed still fir a second trying to pin point the sound, it continued for a while as you did so softly floating through the air from an unknown source, you finally gave in and tossed the covers off and stood up from your bed moving around the room to find it stopping when your foot hit something on the ground.
"What the hell!?" Jumping back slightly at the contact you looked down seeing a long greyish green vine across your bedroom floor. "What the hell..." You repeared examining it closer you followed it with your gaze seeing it came from the small opening of the little door a slight glow came from it along with little white particals that floated up into the air around it.
You moved carefully over to it kneeling next to it careful to avoide the vine protruding from it, as you did you could hear the humming closer now. You pulled the door open getting a blast of air blown back into your face along with a bright glow. You gasped slightly watching a tunnle appear almost instantly infront of you.
The humming slightly louder now. With out a second thought you climbed through, eventually met with another door which you easily pushed open and found yourself crawling through only to see you'd cralwed back into your bedroom. "Huh?" The humming was louder, unmistakable too, you knew that song. You looked at your bedroom door seeing the light from the living room shining in.
"Dad!?" You stood up and exited the room being greeted by the smell of food cooking. "Dad? What are you do-" you stopped a few feet from the counter seeing him move around the kitchen
"Hey sweet pea! You're just in time for dinner!" You gulped thickly when he turned to face you. "Oh god...I must be mistaken...you aren't my dad...my dad-" it was him but, diffrent. He seemed plaer yet more lively.
"Doesn't cook?" He asked guesturing to the freshly cooked meal. You couldn't help but stumble back a little bit as he approached you with a light hearted laugh. "Well thats because I'm your other father dear! Well better father"
"Why don't you get your mom and Tell her dinner is ready!"
"Well your Mother of course silly! I actually think she's in the garden out front." He pushed you forward lightly and you glanced back cautiously before going to the front door.
You opened the door and stepped outside being greeted by a beautifully bright garden. "Holy sh-"
"Watch your mouth young lady!" You jumped turning tonthe voice and and gulping.
"Oh my god....mom!?" You stopped and covered your mouth feeling tears briming in your eyes.
"Hello sweet pea!" She opened her arms and you instantly ran to her and hugged her. You could tell just like with your father she was diffrent but couldn't exactly tell whatbwas diffrent.
"You...your alive!"
"Well of course I am! Oh come look at this!"
She pulled away taking your hand and pulling you down the steps of the pourch into the flower filled front yard.
She held your shoulders as you watched the flowers practically bloom before you. "I planted them just this afternoon! Our faviorte!" It was true the flowers before you where always both you and your mothers faviorte.
"They're beautiful mom! Oh!" You turned to her with a smile. "Dad said dinner was ready and sent me to get you."
"Oh! We don't wanna keep him waiting!" She said giggling with you and guiding you back to the house.
"There they are!" Hopper yelled setting the last of the food on the table. "Thirsty?" Your mom asked as you sat down. "Mmm you know I could go for a purple cow!"
"Coming right up!" She knocked on the table lightly the lights above lowered themselves offering you said drink, along with extra grape soda and vanilla icecream just incase.
"Wow thank you!" You said taking the drink and extras. Hopper placed a plate infront of you. "Here comes the Gravey train choochoo!" You mom said earning a laugh from both you and your dad.
A toy train in fact made its way across the table stopping infront of you to dump gravey on your plate.
"Mmh! This is so good!" Youbsaid stuffing your mouth full of food. "More?" Hopper asked.
"No thank you I'm stuffed." You said leaning back and taking a last sip of your icecream float.
Hopper took the plate from you and your mother placed a cake before you that read 'Welcome home'
"We've been expecting you for a while!" Hopper said.
"Of course! You beling here! With your family!"
You smiled lightly.
"Thanks...but It's late...I should go to bed.."
"Oh of course!" You stood up and they both followed you to your bedroom. You crawled into bed and they took turns kissing your forhead and wishing you a goodnight. You slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully.
"It was so weird!" You said throwing a rock into the water infront of you.
"Well it was just a dream, nothing to freak about." Robin shrugged.
"Yea I mean your mom was there it couldn't have been real..."
You and robin both glared at Steve. "I...well thats not what I meant..." He gulped slinging his own rock into the water.
"He's right though." You said softly. "But it just...it felt so real! The food the...feeling! But I woke up and the door was all bricked up again..."
"That's just further proof it was only a dream." Robin said as you sat beside her.
"Yea..." It was already late afternoon and you had decided to stay out until the sun had set well into night.
Steve had dropped robin off at her house and so you sat alone with him in his car as he took you home.
"Sorry about what i said...about your mom..."
He said finally. "No...it's ok...like i said you where right...it's just a dream..." He frowned slightly, you could tell he was beating himself up about it.
In all honestly you hadn't gotten off on the best of feet with him but it's wasn't so awful to be around him, he just had a hard time telling when to open his mouth and when to keep it shut. But you liked him.
"Well here we are." He said pulling up to the house. "Thank." You said with a smile before getting out and going inside.
"Hey kid!" Hopper said happily as you stepped inside.
"Hey!" You smiled. "Oh hey, sorry I never got around to finding that key for you."
"Thats ok I found it"
El stood in the door way with a concerned look. "What are you-" you hurried to your room and pulled the key out and showed him.
"You where right though...there was nothing there." You shrugged going back to your room.
"Bad place." You jumped at El's voice behind you. "What?"
"Don't keep going there it's a bad place..." She said quietly. "What bad place?"
"El! Its Mike's on the phone!" El quickly left to take the phone.
"Bad place?..."
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shimmeringclouds · 4 years
♔ | 𝐕𝐈𝐈
»»----- ♔ -----««
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You walked down the stone steps you had traversed the previous day, holding down a lock of your hair as it swayed in the breeze. The petals of the azalea flowers glistened in the sunshine, fluttering in the wind as they kept your styled hair in place.
Dayoko had done a beautiful job of your hair, twirling and plaiting your locks in an elegant fashion, pinning everything in place with bunches of azaleas, red and eye catching.
'I also saw you had no dresses with you, so you can borrow one of mine!'
You smiled down at your attire, admiring the black floral material that rested over your upper body, feeling the loose flow of the red skirt around your legs. A black shoulder bag rested just above your hips, swinging lightly to the left and right with each move you made. Your small black heels clicked against the grey stone beneath you satisfyingly, filling the air around you with the gentle sound.
You had thanked Dayoko profusely, tracing feather light touches over your locks in awe. You would never be able to do something this pretty with your hair. You did look just as pretty as Dayoko, but she insisted you had surpassed her looks greatly.
She sent you off with a bright smile and a wave, watching as you ventured away from the Estate and back down into Akatsuka Village.
You were too busy glancing up at the trees bending up around you, smiling fondly as the leaves seemed to wave as you passed by, rays of light filtering through from above. As you reached the last step, the sun suddenly glaring down at you making you squint, you heard a low whistle from ahead.
"You clean up nice, doll!"
A deep blush coated your cheeks at the compliment, immediately recognising the voice with a small sense of dread. Memories of last night flooded your mind, embarrassingly increasing your red glow.
Ozo stood in front of a parked white car — most likely a taxi, you thought — leaning against the side of it with a green can in his hand. He grinned over at you, brushing a hand through his hair. You couldn't help but notice each strand falling through the gaps of his fingers, resting over his forehead with a slight sway.
"You... actually waited? F-For me?" You mumbled timidly, taking slow steps closer to him.
"I told you I would, didn't I?" He replied, soft and gentle. "Besides, how could I pass up the chance to help such a pretty lady?" He pushed himself off the car, closing the gap between you both as he reached a hand up to your hair, brushing over the decorations. He chuckled lightly, "They look good on you. I'm starting to think that red really is your colour."
"Ah, th-thank you..." you averted your eyes downwards, accidentally resting over the hand that clutched onto what you could now see was a beer can, the cooled droplets of water cascading downwards and over his fingertips, glistening as they rolled down his warm skin...
"Where are ya' headed?" Ozo suddenly asked, moving back.
"Huh..? Oh!" You snapped out of your daze, cursing yourself for getting so.. distracted like that. "I was going to head over to Iriabi, actually. To that cafe you told me about."
Ozo's smile brightened, rubbing a finger under his nose. "Wow, you're taking my suggestion! I'm flattered," he joked. He tucked a hand into his trouser pocket, taking out a ring of keys, spinning it around his finger. "Let's get going, shall we?"
"You're gonna take me there?" You questioned, following him nevertheless as he nodded.
"I mean, it's kinda my job to do that," he laughed. He moved around to the passengers side, opening the door with a deep bow. "After you."
You chuckled at his performance, taking up his offer and slipping into your seat, catching a glimpse of his large grin before he closed the door, moving back to the driver's seat and strapping in. He brushed his hair away as he inserted the keys, the engine causing the car to rumble.
Carefully manoeuvring the vehicle onto the road, you started to pick up speed on the empty dirt road, driving past the shops and houses you had seen before. They looked just as empty as yesterday, and you felt slightly uneasy at the stillness of the area; not having any bustling streets and crowds of people wasn't something you were used to.
A little further down was a large building standing on its own. On the roof was a sign, which looked to be similar to neon lights, although they weren't activated due to it being daytime. As you passed by, you squinted to try and make out what they were shaped to be, raising a brow as you saw they looked similar to two chickens on either side of some words you didn't get to read.
"What's that building?" You asked, pointing back to it. Ozo glanced over to where you pointed, smiling widely.
"That is my favourite place in this entire District," he leaned an arm against the window edge beside him, using one hand to steer the car around a soft bend. "That's the Bang Bang Chicken Bar. I'm a regular, but I guess that's 'cuz it's the only bar around here."
He sounded pretty proud of himself, although you felt a slight concern fester inside of you. How often did he go there? That was a bad thing, wasn't it? Also; 'Bang Bang Chicken Bar...' Another interesting name, but why chickens? Before you could voice your questions, Ozo continued.
"I'll take you for a drink sometime! On me, since I've actually got money now!" He seemed to find this quite funny, laughing loudly at his own words.
"I'll think about it," you replied. You hadn't gone out for a drink with anyone for a while. You wondered if you'd even be able to handle your liquor as well as you used to, or if you'd just make a fool of yourself in front of him.
The chatter died down after a moment, leaving Ozo to concentrate on the road whilst you continued peering out the window, a soft smile playing on your lips as you took in the sights. The sky was a brilliant azure, decorated with light wisps of white clouds, drifting off further into the distance. Fields of sunflowers and tulips filled the empty spaces beside the road, fluttering in the summer wind. The sunshine rested on your face, it's warmth a lot more gentle this time, lighting up your face with a golden glow.
Ozo cleared his throat after a while, his hands gripping the wheel a little too tightly. He couldn't help but turn his eyes to your relaxed form every few seconds, attracted to your plump lips and warm cheeks, your glistening orbs and curled hair. Your dress fit you perfectly, complimenting your curves and skin beautifully, and damn— the colour red was just too good on you.
"[Y/N], y-you..." he swore under his breath, hating that he was feeling so nervous. What happened to his usual confidence? Why did he suddenly feel scared of you rejecting his attempts, even though that was all he was ever used to?
"Ozo?" You turned to him, tilting you head. He stared at you for a minute, his half-lidded eyes widening slightly before he turned away again. He took a deep breath, blaming the flush on his cheeks on the summer heat.
"...You look really good... I mean it.."
There was a stunned silence in the car. Your fingers clutched tightly at the skirt of your dress, legs pressing together nervously. You saw the obvious blush on his face, which made yours multiply tenfold.
Eventually, you broke out of your daze, a bright smile on your face. If Ozo wasn't driving, he'd gladly stare at it all day.
"Thank you, Ozo. You don't look too bad yourself."
»»----- ♔ -----««
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
See you around One.
Pairing: Marvel x reader
Word Count: 3,866
Warnings: Swearing? Implied smut?
Request: Hello! I have searched everywhere, trying to find an imagine or fic for my boi Marvel. When I came across your blog and finding out you could write about him, my heart- I thought of a x reader insert where the reader is from another district and she catches Marvels attention, the other careers tease him about his crush and the night before the games they meet up and kiss or sumn else 👀 Thank you :)
A/n: ok so. All of this might not be accurate from the books but like idc. Umm sorry this took so long to come out, hope you guys like it.
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Marvel had never been a very romantic boy. He had never liked a girl past the thought of her being hot, he had never wished for a girl in more than a sexual way and he sure as hell never dated a girl. 
He stuck to himself in the academy and focused on training, it was easier that way. But here he was finding himself staring helplessly at you again and again, his eyes tracing over your body as you twirled a knife in your hand before thrusting it at a target, as always lodging itself into the red circle on its head. 
"Marvel!" Cato yelled clapping his hands together to gain the boys attention. 
Marvel tore his gaze away from you and glared at the other boy. 
"What?" He asked sharply, visibly annoyed with the other careers. 
"Can you please at least try and focus on something besides Four's ass?" Glimmer scoffed, "It makes us look weak." 
"Please Glimmer the only thing making us look weak is your poor attempt at a shot," Marvel mumbled, "Now hand me that bow so you know what hitting a target is." 
Glimmer rolled her eyes handing the boy the bow before walking off to talk with Clove. 
Once she left he took a few shots before letting his eyes wander back to you. He knew it was wrong, but he could help himself. 
He had first seen you in person just before the chariot parade and he had felt his breath leave his body. 
You had been dressed in a maroon strapless bikini with a fishnet dress hanging loosely over your body. Your hair had been half up half down, curled slightly at the ends. 
The boy had been in a daze the whole parade, he couldn't focus when he could run his eyes over so much of your smooth y/s/c skin. It was definitely true what they said, district four had the most attractive tributes.
Marvel was snapped from his daze when you began to head towards him. He quickly turned his gaze from you and back towards the targets attempting to ignore the color trickling up his neck. He knocked  another arrow, pulled back the string and released. It wasn't a perfect shot but it was okay.
You were now beside him and he felt his cheeks rise in temperature. 
"You almost done with that?" You asked, your voice strong and sharp. 
Marvel turned towards you. Your hair hanging in a Dutch braid a few strands falling into your face. The tight shirt and pants you were wearing brought attention to your curves, your y/e/c eyes shining dangerously. Your eyebrows were raised in anticipation, arms crossed, waiting for an answer. 
"Almost." Marvel shrugged causing you to roll your eyes impatiently. 
The tribute grabbed a final arrow all to aware of your judicious eyes watching him carefully. He once again knocked an arrow, pulling back the string and releasing smoothly.
You snorted quietly, trying to control your laughter.
Marvel turned back towards you his intense hazel eyes narrowed, "What?"
"Your doing it wrong." You laughed biting your deliciously pink lips. 
"How would you know?" He asked scornfully. 
"Well just from looking at one shot I can tell you're not floating your aim, your trying to pin-point it, which wont work well. You need to follow through mentally and focus in more in the smaller range your trying to hit" You smirked, "Also your grip is way too tight, you need to relax your hand." 
Marvel attempted to mask his embarrassment with annoyance, "Is that all?" He drawled sarcastically despite his cheeks flashing crimson. 
"Nope," You popped the 'p' in your lips. "You also should only use two fingers to pull back the string, you may feel like you have more power when you use three, but it fucks with your aim." 
You laughed again, Marvel had never heard such a sweet sound. "Can I have the bow now?" 
He nodded handing you the weapon, his face red, ego damaged. 
You knocked an arrow pulling back the string and releasing, hitting the target square in the chest. 
The embarrassed boy turned to leave but was stopped by you voice, "It also helps if you focus on your shot instead of on the girl throwing knives across the room."
Marvel blushed deeply and looked at anything but you, his gaze landed on the group of three who were now laughing and giggling behind their hands at him. His eyes were brought back to you when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. 
"I'm kidding you know, I don't really mind the staring, its refreshing." You shrugged. 
"You don't get stared at often?" Marvel said in disbelief. 
"I do, just usually by men twice my age or slimy creeps, not…" your voice trailed off as your eyes traced his body, "attractive young men." 
"Oh." Marvel repeated his face warmer than it had ever been before, he noticed a bit of color in yours as well. 
You knocked another arrow firing at the target to the left, "Also, I've seen you with a spear, your really good." 
"Thanks." Marvel mumbled scratching the back of his neck. 
"You'll have to give me some tips some time." Another arrow, this time at the target to the far right. "I can't throw a spear for shit." 
"Y-yeah, sure." Marvel stuttered feeling his heart rate pick up at the idea of talking to you again. 
"It's been fun talking to you Marvel, it's nice to know not all of the careers as assholes." You murmured nodding your head at the group of teenagers laughing at a young girl on the climbing wall.
"You too y/n." He paused before adding, "Good to know I have someone besides assholes to talk to." 
"See you around One." You smiled before setting down the bow and heading over to a rope climbing section. Marvel watched you leave in a daze a small smile twitching on his lips.
The smile disappeared quickly when the group of three began to make their way towards him. 
"How was your little chat lover boy?" Clove sneered. 
"None of your business Clove." The boy murmured walking towards a rack of swords.
"Oh he's all bitter now that his girlfriend left." Glimmer pouted humorously. 
"She's not my girlfriend." Marvel grumbled angrily, picking up a short Dao sword with leather handle. 
"Oh but you wish she was." Clove snickered. 
"Trust me your going to be happy that she isnt when were in the arena and I drive a knife through her pretty little ne-" Catos words were cut off when a sword was suddenly thrust centimeters from his neck. Glimmer gasped Clove room an instinctive step backwards.
"I'd watch what you say if I were you." Marvel hissed his voice low and dark, "Wouldn't want to get hurt now would we?"
Cato leaned forward, almost touching his neck to the sharp blade, "You need to get a hold on your emotions One, or you'll get yourself killed over some stupid girl." He spat. 
Marvels eyes darkened with rage but before any action could be taken the boys were pulled apart, the blade pushed from Marvels hand. 
You watched from your perch in the netting strug along the ceiling. You hadn't heard Marvels words but you couldn't help but smile as you watched a blade was put to Catos neck. You hoped you would be the one to get him in the arena.
The next time you and Marvel spoke was the day after the fight as you stood in line waiting for your turn to throw knives. 
You nodded your head sending silent respect to Clove. She may have been a complete bitch but she definitely had some skill. 
"You're better than her you know." Marvel stated, suddenly appearing next to you. 
"I don't know about that, but I do know I'm better than you." You smiled, turning to face the boy. He had been the first to throw, they were on target but the rotation was off causing the handle to hit the target instead of the blade. 
"Well, you are definitely better than Clove, she can hit some but she misses quite often as well. I've never seen you miss." 
"I've never seen her miss." You shrugged taking a step forward as the boy from three reached for a knife. 
"Well I have." Marvel smirked, "How did you get so good with knives? I thought tributes from four were supposed to be good with tridents and spears?"
You snorted, "We all know that spears are your thing One." 
"Well, why are you so good with knives and a bow? We all know that not fours thing." 
You sighed, "My dad cleaned fish for a living, I have been around knives my whole life. They are definitely different types but once you get good with a blade, it's easy to pick up another. I started throwing when I was nine, my dad got me a set of throwing knives for my birthday." 
Marvel nodded, he wondered what it would have been like if he hadn't trained in an academy for most of his life, what would he be good at then? 
"And I'm good with a bow because I have always been terrible with a spear. I used to use arrows with fishing line attached to fish instead. I got really good at it." 
"Cool." Marvel nodded he opened his mouth to continue the conversation but was cut off.
"District Four!" The trainer shouted. 
"See you around One." You smirked before stepping and forward grabbing the set of knives, standing on the platform to wait for the targets to light up.
 You could feel four sets of eyes boring into you, you turned to see all four Careers staring at you. Cloves mouth twitched into a sneer her eyes narrowed. 
You glared back before turning back to the targets.
You took a deep breath in and waited. The second the target lit up red you sent a blade into its chest where it landed with a thump. The next target lit up and a knife lodged itself into its head. Another target and you released a blade with perfect aim.
 You took in a deep breath, the last targets were two at once. Clove had to take one shot then the other because she couldn't throw with her left but you were used to throwing with your left hand. 
Both targets lit at once and you released a knife from each hand, hitting both in the head. You smirked looking back at the careers, Clove shrugged raising her eyebrows, Glimmer rolled her eyes and Cato was glaring at Marvel who had a lopsided smile plastered on his face. 
"You were right." You said as you descended from the platform. "I am better than Clove." 
The next two weeks were a constant flirtatious banter between you and Marvel. You would tell small stories to each other about your family's or your interests. Just quick things while you were waiting in line or practicing side by side. You would both sprinkle suggestive remarks and various complements into your conversations making the other blush as well. 
You could still feel his eyes locked on you when you spared with a trainer or climbed the wall, but it's not like you didn't stare. You had found your self following his movements as he thrust a spear into a target or admiring his muscular form as he pinned a trainer to the ground, he sure as hell wasn't ugly. 
Marvel got into one more fight before the games. It was four days before the game, the boy from district eight had been hovering around you all day, chatting and training with you. Marvel had been on nerve since he had seen the boy graze his hand along your arm that morning. 
"Somebody's jealous." Glimmer cooed as Marvels jaw clenched watching as the boy from eight showed you how to grip an axe. 
"I am not jealous." Marvel scoffed reaching for the next spear angrily and thrusting it at the target. 
"Oh please," Glimmer snickered, "a blind man could see it, your jealous because another boy is flirting with your girlfriend." 
"She's not my-
"Yeah, yeah we know, we've been over it." Clove interrupted rolling his eyes. "Catos right you know." 
"Never heard that sentence before." Marvel jeered grabbing another spear and thrusting it at the target. 
"Well he is, you need to get your emotions in check before they check you." Clove stated looking back up at Marvel who's eyes and attention was elsewhere. 
The girls followed his gaze to you and Eight just as you bent over to pick up an axe you dropped. Eights eyes danced over you hungrily before reaching out and grabbing your ass. Marvel dropped the spear he was holding with a loud clang, the two girls glanced at each other knowing this wasn't going to end well.
You spun around anger radiating from you, your eyes dark and dangerous, fists clenched. 
The boy put his hands up in surrender "Sorry." He scoffed, "I just thought you were an easy fuck." 
Your fist connected with his jaw wand he sprawled to the ground,his hand flying to his jaw. You were about to advance on him once more but Marvel beat you to it. 
He grabbed the boy off the ground lifting him by his shirt into the air, "You touch her again and I will kill you before you even get a chance to look at the arena." Marvel snarled his eyes narrowed. 
He threw the boy to the ground and began to advance on him but was pushed back by a man in white body armor. 
"Step back! I said step back!" 
"Yeah, yeah, I got it, I'm back." Marvel spoke harshly backing away his hands raised. His gaze softened when he turned to you only to be met with anger. 
Your eyes were set in an icy stare but much to Marvel's surprise it was directed straight at him.  
"Y/n?" He asked softly, taking a step towards you. 
You scoffed turning and walking away from the tribute. 
You had effectively ignored Marvel for two days, and he had no idea why. 
It made him angry, confused and  heartbroken. You wouldn't even look at him, the feeling of your eyes lingering over him disappeared completely after the fight. 
Cato and Glimmer tried to convince him to forget about you and move on and he tried, he kept telling himself it was stupid to start to like you anyway, you would be trying to kill each other in a matter of days. He thought if he had time away from you it would be easier in the arena. 
He was terribly wrong, your complete absence made things worse, he found himself imagining your touch and taste more than ever now. He had dreams about you, they varied from kissing you to killing you. Some gave him relief when he awoke, others made him wish he had stayed asleep. He missed your small chats, your cunning smile and your sweet laughter desperately. 
You sat in the private sessions waiting room running the plan you and your mentor had made over and over again in your head. He had said if you got a nine or over he could get you some sponsors. So that's what you were going to do.
You were tapping your foot nervously when the door at the front swung open to reveal Marvel, a thin layer of sweat made his face shine his dusty blonde hair was a tousled mess he glanced at you his hazel eyes locking with your y/e/c ones for just a second before yours darted away. 
The next time you saw each other was before your interviews. You were adorned in a white and blue top that reached just before your belly button with a matching skirt that had two slits in the fabric where your legs were, making the skirts material fall around your skin. Gold painted swirls twisted around your arms and legs paired with golden dots at the corner of your eyes and a golden tiara to match. 
It took everything in Marvel not to slam you against the wall and kiss you right there, but he kept his composure and calmly made his way over to you much to the other careers amusement. 
When you saw him coming you turned to leave but were stopped by his voice. 
"Please y/n, just listen to me." He begged making you turn to face him. Marvel was in a blue and yellow tux, his hair combed back neatly his eyes desperate and longing. 
"What?" you snapped harshly.
Marvel smiled a bit, he hadn't even expected you to speak to him. "You look amazi-" 
"Don't attempt to flatter me Marvel, what do you want?" You hissed despite the color rising in your cheeks. 
He leaned in close to you, his breath on your neck making you shiver. "Meet me near the elevator on the second floor at midnight tonight." He whispered, "Please." 
Marvel then walked back to the front of the line. He heard giggles from Clove and turned to face her. When he turned Cato got down to his knees in front of Clove. "Oh please, y/n please talk to me, I'm so desperately in love with you please." He mocked.
Clove responded with, "Don't attempt to flatter me!" Before bursting into a fit of giggles Cato mimicking her actions. 
"You two are childish." Marvel scoffed rolling his eyes. 
"Well at least we're not in love with a girl they are going to have to kill." Cato pointed out causing Marvel to flush.
"I'm not in love with her dumbas-
"District 1!" A voice called and Marvel rolled his eyes before ascending the stairs to the stage.
You debated meeting Marvel for a long time. On one hand you were pissd at him, on the other you really, really wanted to see him, run your hands through his soft hair and kiss his boyish pink lips.
 Finally after two hours of pacing and debating you slipped into the elevator, heart racing. You pressed the button next to the number two and listen to the soft hum as it dropped you three levels. 
The doors opened with a soft ding and you were met with a relieved pair of hazel eyes. 
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't come." Marvel said softly, reaching for you hand and pulling you through the penthouse his district was staying in. 
He lead you to a bedroom shutting the door softly before turning to face you. 
"Why are you so mad at me?" His voice was kind yet melancholy when he spoke. 
You sighed walking over to the window where you could see the people of the capital partying below. 
"I barely touched that guy I don't understand." 
"It's not about how much you hurt the guy." You huffed in annoyance. 
"Well then what is it?" Marvel asked joining you beside the window. 
"It's the fact that you stepped in, you made me look weak." You explained looking down at your hands. 
Marvel stood silently, unsure of what to do, he was slowly realizing how him stepping in to save her could appear on her end, especially in front of the gamemakers. 
"I-im really sorry, y/n I didn't mean to." The boy stuttered, "I just got so mad when I saw him touch you. I wanted to help you." 
You glared up at him, "I was fine by myself. I was handling it." 
"I know, you were, it was stupid of me to step in I just…" he exhaled loudly not exscatly sure what happened himself. "I got so angry I couldn't stop myself."
"You should try to keep your emotions in check." You scoffed. 
"You think I haven't tried?" Marvel seethed.
"Try harder." You hissed back.
"You make it very difficult!" He defend quietly, not wanting to wake the other people in the apartment.
You sighed looking down again. 
"If it's any consolation, you got a higher score than me." Marvel mumbled. 
"That did feel good." You smiled, your happiness was cut short when you were reminded of your impending doom by a particularly loud cheer from the crowd below you. 
You reached slowly for Marvel's hand brushing your knuckles against his. He quickly grabbed your hand, wrapping it in his own. 
"I don't want to have to kill you tomorrow." You mumbled a tear leaking from your y/e/c eye. 
"I know," Marvel sighed sadly lifting your chin with one of his fingers to meet his gaze. "I don't either." 
"I'm sorry." You whispered you voice breaking. 
"For what?" Marvel asked confusion momentary taking over his features. 
"For this." You murmured before placing your lips on his. 
You kissed him softly, feeling his lips dance slowly against your own, he tasted minty and sharp, reminding you of the peppermint candies you used to steal from your kitchen. When you felt his tongue grazed your lips you pulled away. 
"If I do this I don't think I'll be able to kill you." You whispered dropping his hands. 
"We only have tonight." Marvel mumbled tracing your jawline softly, "I don't want to waste it." 
Against your better judgement you slammed your lips back onto his. This kiss was much more aggressive. It was desperate and lustful, so drastic from the first kiss you shared. 
Marvel pushed you roughly against the wall sliding his tongue into your mouth without hesitation, his hands holding your waist firmly. Your own hands found the back of his neck, one of the two sliding up to his smooth hair.  
His lips moved from your own down your jaw to your neck leaving marks that were sure to be bruised tomorrow. You moaned quietly when his lips danced just above your collarbone. 
Marvel lifted you up and walked you over to the bed his lips meeting yours quickly because the truth was you did only have one night. 
The next morning you woke to a shriek followed by muffled giggles.
You darted upward to see Glimmer standing in the door entrance hand clasped over her mouth, eyes wide.
"Oh my god!" She yelled making you flush red when you realized you had no clothes on and was in an equally naked boys arms. 
Marvel quickly jerked awake flashing red before yelling "Glimmer get out!" And throwing a pillow at the girl before turning to you. 
"Sorry, she has no concept of personal space." He mumbled, face a light pink. 
"I better get out of here." You sighed sadly, wanting to stay in bed with him forever.
"Yeah. You probably should." Marvel agreed his voice equally glum. 
You stood up the cold air hitting you in a wave before you gathered your clothes and got dressed. 
The whole time you could feel his eyes following you. You turned and looked at the boy, a small forced smile taking your lips. 
"See you around One." You mumbled before turning and walking out through the door. 
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years
I was complaining about his pictures.. I didn't like them... Not that he's not beautiful.. I just didnt like h pictures...
People say alot about "me not being there"
But his pictures... He's not there..
I've told him before...
This I watched a thousand times when he first posted it... I didn't know why or why i heard him say id taught him that on date night on accident or that it had hit me in the head..
It felt like only two of us had been there... But with the sound it made it feel like a bunch... Which made me think may Be it was a busy night or maybe we went with a group
By the time he had posted it, i had known he was in my life... But only for a short time...
So I didn't know what he meant. I thought I should message and ask him...
But I didn't. I wanted to tell myself to try.
But i didn't. I just wanted to keep watching.
At first, my reaction was the same as tonight, what a dork. Like REALLY. What a complete dork. No one think he's any thing but annoying and total dork 2 year old too hyper annoying child.
Then i watch it again. And again. And again.
And i see him. When he walks off camera. That's where he is.
It would have made sense to write him since he only appeared off camera.
But i had only seen him once.
What if he was damaged like me? I already knew i was too damaged for myself...
And so I would mess him up.... Because I always do.. I can't hold a relationship. Like never.
I get too impatient. Too angry. Too Me.
I decided to just be glad i saw him. Maybe it didn't make any difference to him and probably I'd forget in all reality. So then in the end it wouldn't make a difference if I saw him...
Now would it?
And so if I wrote him and I was too damaged then i would ruin it all. I always did. Always too much pressure on someone. Me or them.
I wasn't ready.
And I tell you. It's true. The one day I decided to try. He blocked me.
He really did. I just use another account cause fuck that shit, you're not gonna stand in my way Alex Laughlin with that giant phone in your pocket. Unblock me when you're ready. I'll just stalk you not so silently on social media.
Now we'll see about that date night we had...
Michael Jackson asked us to check on the people we sent home. He said he wanted to join the CIA and they checked and watched but he wanted to see if it were all true. Since we knew who we sent home, we should go. So we all four went.
Saint Luches and Jesse Tony went dressed like homeless beggars to see if they'd catch up with a kidnapper or protector.
And we went on a date night to a local putt-putt mini golf.
Alex was freaking out because it was an hour and a half and we hadn't seen them walk by yet. So he had us in the corner nearest where they were supposed to walk up at. He sat on a bench "not even a page" he checked his beeper.
We both knew they were in danger and they were gonna get jacked up. We knew. The plan was they were to get kidnapped. Find the kidnappers hide outs and make sure our girl's were at home, had beem delivered by the CIA. Alex didn't want to be kidnapped. He couldn't handle that. So he went with me. We never went out on date night.
"Give me your ball. You're not ruining date night"
"What? Excuse me? Our friends could be dead and you're worried about you, yourself?"
"Neither one are dead. I would know" i stacked two balls and he threw his hands up in the air. God he could be so annoying in public. I never knew. He is sitting there looking so sexy and doesn't even know. Maybe i should tell him! Strike One. Right. Then I'll get in trouble. Besides didn't I already show him with a blow job in the car? But no all he had to do was worry. That was all. Did he compliant my dress? Strike Two. Yes he did. Of course he did. He Always did. But could he tell the difference between one dress and another?
"Can you tell three difference between me and a suit? The different ones I wear?"
I looked up at him. Yeah. Of course I could. This one was blue with jeans in case he had to run. Tomorrow was black which I preferred with black jeans, again. I looked down at the ground but i was still watching him and the street from the corner of my eye. No one was coming. Not good.
He threw his hands up "not again! Not--!" He stood and pulled at his leg "these ones are blue!"
"I know that honey! I just meant--"
"Why are you whiney?"
"Just stuff."
I felt him lean backwards on me, back to back, slide down and end face up between my legs.
"Get on. Hurry before someone sees" I looked down between my legs at him. His bright blue jeans were undone
"But you're not out yet and you don't like me being on top!"
"Look again"
"Oh you're out already?! But some one could see!"
"You better hide it" i looked down the street. "They're not coming you're right they've been kidnapped. Saint Luches was already. Jesse is still waiting. Mark told me and he told me I better take care of you. Come on! Its getting cold! You're gonna freeze my thing off of me!"
"But Mark shouldn't I lay down?"
"Lets do the proper thing and lay your coat down under her. These guys in this van behind her have been watching her and you." Said Mark
"Lead the way babe! This New Orleans thing aint bad at all when you're with someone who knows how to have fun!"
"I can't ... I can't get it up ... I can't do it when some kidnappers are sitting here watching me! Now they know my face!!"
"Well they can get to know my pussy." He was looking up and i could hear a car "what? Its Jesse isn't it? What was he pointing down at?"
"Time? What? Idk!!"
"He said meet me here. He knows what to do this time and he is gonna attack the kidnappers and take the van. Quick baby get up. Someone is coming. Baby! Look at me"
"Im watching Jesse"
"I can't see. Babe. I feel the ground vibrations. You gotta get up. Babe. Honey please. Babe he's coming to you" he had no idea a kidnapper from the van was coming and the on side he had me pinned down in. I could see his shadow. I didn't know if he was using chloroform and how fast he was. He thought i was talking about Jesse in the van. No. I was talking about the people at our feet!! Not our heads.
"Why don't you trust me i can see just fine!" He looked down at me and kissed my lips and saw the shadow i saw. He looked up. There was 7 kidnappers surrounding us. He still hadn't entered me and had his Dick in his hand. But he was over me so they couldn't see. He looked me in the eyes. Slide your knee up. So I did. Carefully and zip. Then he was up in a milisecond, climbing off me, grabbing the club and swinging. What do i do? "Tuck and Roll!!"
I did away from them, the same direction he had went "Go!! Don't run!!"
He meant hide. He was fighting for the club it seemed.. One was watching and 2 were down and 2 were fighting him and one was nearby to jump in.
"You can't catch me!!!!" I ran toward him. Zig
Zag! "Hey!! You wanna piece of me?!?! I got a pretty pussy!!" I smiled and pulled at the hem of my skirt and twisted my hips back and forth.
The guy fighting him for the club.. He was sickest. I saw it in his eyes. He didn't know what a human was anymore. It was so long since he had been one. Surrounded by evil so long that's all he knew and has become.
Dam if he hadn't distracted me just enough... First i felt a light touch on my ankle, "me" "no, that's enough she can only have me dammit" my arm was grabbed roughly. I felt i was in a horror film and i was the one to die. The man sized thing had a death grip on me and blacked out teeth and a look on his eyes that passed psycho. I was scared. I checked Laughlin. He was just watching keeping cool twirling the golf club like a baton. I could hear Luches saying I said help me and Laughlin saying I said run.
"Let GO!" I yanked my arm. I spun around, bent my knees. There was 4. Shit, all eyes on me! Its time! Go! I ran toward the one i expected to grab me But didn't. Past him fast, jog past Laughlin in heels. I know he liked it. I was in heels. Extra special sauce. Slow jog so he could enjoy. Larger outer rim and super fast towards the kick. I slammed myself into the chain link fence. Ducked down a bit and tight squeeze -- heels to the side. Stand in the middle. I completed a full circle. Dodged behind the storage shed. I only had 6 inches. My ass bent the fence so i could sit a bit, taking pressure off my knees because I put my feet in toe facing toe. I was too desperate to think that step. Man I was scared
"Stay in the middle. He will come and get you. Man look at my baby I'm so proud" I heard my real mom. The one that gave birth to me.
"Mom! I'm scared! There's too many! Is he gonna be alright?"
"Mark will help he will be fine."
"Okay I'll just wait then" I looked down at my nails and picked at the cuticles.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. It was grotesque. I flinched.
"Don't you want me?" He asked leaning his head in as far as he could between the fence and shed.
"Don't look up"
I did anyway. At least he looked somewhat human. He was probably the Boss. He was the one i expected to grab me. Instead he just stands around while everyone else does the work.
"They're too high to know what they're doing. They'll be alright"
"Mom my heart!"
"Every thing is alright you just need to caaalllm through it" I felt relief
I just need to look at the normal one. That will be okay..
"Are you kidnapped?"
I heard the chain link behind me I looked and he was trying to move in behind the shed. I whimpered.
"Yeah. You are young, too, I expect. I think i know your boyfriend. He work in New York City?"
I gasped "you are kidnapped! What are you doing?!!"
"They made me do it. Said if i didn't they would kill my whole family. So i pretend to be the lookout hoping someone will catch me, them, they pay me good too. Your other friend is in the van"
Alex appeared
"No!!!" I gasped and put my hand in my face as he knocked out the innocent kid "just go get the other--"
"What am I doing?"
"Kill that thing over there"
"What baby? Let's get you out of there" he leaned over to assist
"Oh my God! Watch out!" I saw the shadow loom near him
"Huh? I already hit this one! Just go the other way babe! It'll be alright"
"Oh my God. I hope so!"
"It will just do what you need to" i heard my mom's voice. "He's over here"
"I know" I was so scared to look around the corner and see the eyes of herion on the face of a psycho but I had to, I know Alex was just holding him off. Pretending to fight. I could tell.
"Now run!" My mom said
"Okay!" I was whining "to the van! I know! Right in front of me!" I felt confident. I got past the fence into the lot "oh no! There's two!"
"Just get in! That is what i was trying to tell you!" Mom said
"Okay... I... I... Okay come on door open for me!" It did it smelled like oily car parts "saint Lcuha?"
Okay get in. What? Did he say no? I could smell his cologne. I was in such a panic. My heart was failing me so bad
"Why are you putting your seat belt on for? He wants thou to drive and Don't duck"
Who? Saint Luches? I looked up and saw Alex.
"I'm hoping that other one is empty. I took the keys. Idk why. Now let's find Jesse"
It took 3 weeks to clean up New Orleans. The CIA there went bad. They said they would let people return home but if any one was on the street they were free game. The mini golf was abandoned. Gate ripped off. Cars in the parking lot but no one was there. We got the club and balls our self.
I had to go to the emergency room 4 times because of chronic heart failure.
One time All i could do was bend over and put pressure on my heart but it was too bad. Alex held my hand as he drove. He drove to the hospital, covered in kidnapper blood. Saint Luches had to carry me in. I was already gone.
They said it was heart attacks. Nurses said it was miracles. 3 heart attacks within 10 days. Massive heart failure. Dead for 9 hours one time. About t pronounce me dead but had to wait on a lawyer from NYC. A miracle they said. But I felt like shit.
Only 6 of us against 294 kidnappers, 2/3 were CIA/FBI
No one went to school or work. Only fully loaded adult vans went to stores and not many shelves had food.
The Evil was great in that town. Just East of New Orleans.
Only 294 took down thousands.
Only 6 if us it took to save them all.
We did the same thing every time. 2 homeless/hungry street walkers, sometimes prostituting.
Or 3 if I couldn't go because I was too sick, around my kryptonite heroin and kidnappers.
2 Michael Jackson and T at movie theaters, gas stations, wherever normal went. Sometimes I went with them. Sat in the back seat. Lincoln Continental. Tinted windows. Back seat window slant for privacy. They would lock the doors. I would unlock T's he would use the key or she would open. Sometimes I did both. That's when we knew I was feeling better. I had to unlock 2 doors all day at least 4 days without missing a stop without a reason. Or I had to stay in the car. I got paid. Really sick days I laid down and slept. She would go in through his side door or stay in and sit with me.
9 times I unlocked the door for a kidnapper. I was usually reading a novella. Id see a shadow, think it was her or sometimes Michael. Just unlock it auto matic ally.
The first time I ran screaming from the car when a zombie got in. And collapsed 20 feet away. I felt dumb. I tried to keep my eyes open. To see whose feet i could hear but i was dead.
T telling Michael "2 days after her 3rd massive heart attack and what's she out doing? Exercising. What the doctor say to do? Not that! You not dead yet? We're taking you to the hospital anyway. This will be no fun. Im not taking the fall for that. What was she doing anyway? Unlocking the door for that that thing. I don't blame her I would taken off running screaming too if that thing came near me. What she call them? zombie? Dam things are scary looking. And she opened the door for the scariest. Bet he could smell her sweet pussy like that other one did that scared her so bad. Said he reminded her of her dad that day when she called the police on him but worse. She said she only told me that cause she said I'm a girl and pretty and her mom was giving her a pretty hard time About it and she wondered she should be scared or not, it was pretty dam bad Michael. She had this look in her eyes that i never seen before. She's asleep now. Wuss. Wuss. But it was bad Michael im telling you. That look in her eyes. Shes never had it, it was terror. Complete terror. Wuss. Wake up wuss. She told me to call her that. Might make her angry i don't care about her feelings. Make her wanna fight me. Im her cousin. I could do that. Wuss. Wuss. She's too weak. She can't. She wants to though. She's awake, i told your secret you wanna fight me? She said no. Don't tell them other two boys tho. I already told Jess. She said i could because he's independent like her but the other two seem to rely on her and she don't want them to know. She said Jesse would know what to do and protect them for her. But if they knew how scared she was They would go berserk. But she said they would start fighting how to take care of her. She said it was good you were here tho. You could take leadership over her and they would let you. They want her safe and out of the way the most part thats what she said. Wuss. Get back in your body. I ain't putting up with that shit, she said at the hospital. Theres something happening up a head. She can't see laying down. Van! Kidnappers! She said that is the one the boys are in. She said to follow. Who is in? Oh Jesse and Alex. Saint Luches always goes alone. But Alex won't. Oh he will now? She said he knew something was wrong so he jumped in too. They're trying to figure out what. Or what to do, what is. Oh they don't know what is wrong with her. Get back in Yoir body and sit up. She said no. She's too weak just tell the boys to shove her against the window. You know they won't. They will have a dam heart attack. Sit up! You see this. She's waving her arm at and it goes up 6 inches then thump. She can't do shit. Wuss. She's just a wuss. I'm just unlocking the door for them So they can get in faster. She had a heart attack. She said collapsed she's trying but she has no rhythm. Just rub her hands and legs and feet that's what the doctor said to do. No she's been shaking her head although slightly and nodding. Nodding is clearer but she's only moving near millimeters. Aren't ya? Look! She smiled! She's lethargic. No don't try to move! Just lay there let them help your blood flow to your heart and brain"
Jesse had got in at my head. Alex at my feet. They just slid under my body. When we got Saint Luches, Jesse slid to the middle and bent me up in his lap then laid me down gently into Saint Luches lap.
Of all the people in the car, Saint Luches put his seat belt on.
Boy been thrown in the back of vans with no seats much less belts for weeks!!. Dam boy. I laughed and it killed me..at least I died laughing, i thought. Instead of of terror.
I had to stay over night. Total 9 days in the hospital. For 3 massive coronary and medium to severe heart attack, that wasnt too bad.
Im glad they diagnosed me. My mother said it was a panic attack. I told her I was sure glad she wasn't a nurse! She laughed.
She didn't die laughing, though, she was already dead.
She was right though... She wanted to become a nurse because of my heart condition. It's actually backwards when I was born. Its turned 3/4 of the way backwards now...
Apparently there's extra long tubes so it could turn all the way.
Love is the only cure. My work here isn't done.
Balls to the walls, kids.
So after that... Well the night i got out of the hospital.. My blood pressure dropped from stress, from remembering the last time i had been in the car, so T had to climb over the seat and help the blood flow to my limbs
So after that Alex decided I couldn't ride alone.
So then when i saw a shadow go to the window 2 days after my 4th trip to the hospital after 4 insane heart attacks, and everyone left me in the car alone because there was 7 vans I just unlocked the door
I wasn't really reading. I was trying but really i wss just looking at the book, listening. So when the kidnapper got in, I leaned all the way back in the seat so my head was far as possible. It exposed my chest so if he wanted to perv on my boobs there was nothing I can do. But it was better than being attacked in my spine or head. So i tried to hold the hardcover book to protect me.
I opened my car door to signal a problem.
"Don't move. Stay in the car"
I shut the door. "What is this? I think the seat belt went out" open the door. Slam. "No shit. I really did it this time" open door Slam. "Now the buckle.." Open door Slam. I saw Alex perk on the 3rd. "Now just one more..." Open door. Slam. I heard him. "I'm coming Baby" "got it. Finally" "uhhh sir? I didn't see you in here before. Did you get in the wrong car? Because I don't know yo--"
I realized if he didn't turn around then may be it was better. If I didn't see his face, I had a feeling I wanted to But I didn't know if it was curiosity or instinct. He had a hood up so when he turned his head it wasn't enough.
"Hey... Uhm.. Did you want to get something to eat? One of my friends has lots of money. Did you see her? You're in her seat. You might want to scoot over towards the middle" Alex had came and he had cracked his door open to hear. I knew we needed to find out our situation. And Alex was there. I wouldn't get So scared. If I saw a shadow behind I would just scream and point. This guy wasn't turning around for nothing. He wouldn't see me point out his friends. Of course the shadows were going the wrong direction. But if i could see i could scream, that would make my point clear. I opened up my book to steady my heart. It wzs begining to race and I had to steady it in the beginning. Just think about Alex getting in the car being safe i said to myself.
"Yeah buddy. You may just want to scoot over. Hey did you want to drive or anything? You can the car is already on." Alex climbed in the car. Shut and locked the door and began to mess with his seatbelt
"Where is the girl with the money?"
"Oh they're not coming" Alex looked at me like why did you say that for?
Idk sounded good to me. They were criminals. All criminals wanted money. I was pretty sure he wasn't going anywhere.
"But i took the money. See? I got a hunny" he pulled out a dollar bill from my purse in the floor.
"This is a one!! I need to make me some money!!" He slid over to the driver side
He doesn't even sound human i worried. Alex said he didn't look like he had any eyes.
He put the car in drive
"Alex! No!"
Alex dust busted him anyway, jumped over the seat and put it in park
"He left his clothes?!"
"Yeah. Sit up here with me"
"No I don't want too. Too much strength. Action. Movement. I can't even read. Did you know? Too much strength"
"I had a feeling. But you're smart enough to slam the door to alert me. Put your seat belt on. There you go that's nice. Thank you bunny"
He was driving around the vans looking for our friends. He turned the corner and so many shadows. He parked. They seemed to get bigger.
"Oh no! Alex! Alex!" Then I just literally screamed and covered my head, he reached back and locked my door. Moving slow and still.
"They're just buildings now. You can look"
"Oh no Alex. One just got in the car! He's sitting behind you! Alex! No! Please don't touch me! Alex! Shoot it!"
He tried to climb up the back window. Like the one the day before had when I was just with Michael and T. He laid there mimicking me. And dangling his arm off the back of the back dash. I didn't tell anyone. I didn't know if it was because i had been dead and it was Mark and my brain wasn't working proper cause the blood so i couldn't recognize. T turned around to check on me a lot and Mike checked the review mirror a lot. I knew he was driving but surely he could see if something was dangerous... But his eyes didn't acknowledge. Neither did hers.
"Your mom said i could!" He sounded hurt. In 2020 that attitude pisses me off and i kill things dead immediately, "we were in the morgue! And we were listening!! They said. They said you were scared! And we knew we couldn't kill the Queen! So i didnt turn around! And i was shot! Shot twice!"
Alex looked at me questioningly. "I don't know? If my mom said it's for a reason. I saw him yesterday and didn't tell no one"
"Thats not what i meant and i think i know that. You do, too. You're hiding something from me. Why are you sacred? Why did you let him in the car?" He said as he climbed over the seat. The last question was angry.
"Idk. You're beautiful do you know that? I love you"
"You make me want to fuck you! But I need to know what you're hiding from me, i know you do it sometimes and you haven't said one word about not working and sitting in a car being a door unlocker and you can kill, too"
"I know i can. Its just temporary until i feel better. Your eyes are so beautiful. Lets cuddle"
"Don't make me do this to you. I can't cuddle and you're sick and i know the truth"
"Oh that's okay just put your arm on the back of rhe seat and ill snuggle with you"
"No. I'm being patient with you. Don't look like i just slapped you."
"You did. Not my face but my heart"
"Fine. Lean against me"
"Take your shirt off"
"No I'm not doing that right now, honey"
"Your pants?"
"I would like to say yes but in your condition that's exerting too much pressure on your tonsils"
"What's wrong with T? She hasn't moved since you brought me over here"
"We don't know. Michael is trying to find the answer"
"You just need to shoot her. Here" i reached for the gun on his thigh near his knee
"No!!!!" He snatched it away.
"She won't die! She's not evil"
No way he was like no way
"Babe trust. Look see me. See her? She needs help. She's not like me. She can't move. Whatever hurt her is not her heart. She would have fallen over."
"Let me ask Mike"
"No let me just shoot her"
"You let one alien in the car and you want to kill our friend?!"
"I've let two."
"Oh well! And!" He was losing it.
"She's my cousin!. Trust. I know her. Something that has her is evil. Remember the clothes in the front seat? You shoved them out the door. So her. It must be alien. It must also be evil alien to do that to her. What if there's like a truck to come run her over so they can take her body. Im going to go stand next to her so i can see"
"No baby I'll just ... Ill just try it. But you owe me the truth why you're scared of aliens."
"Did they kill Mike? They killed Mark"
"No he's in a vacant house using the phone takinf9to the alien agency. Are you ready?"
"Yes. Please hurry. Just fire the dam thing already! Ill do it myself!! Ow that's hot"
"I told you I would do it and I did it. Now you owe me the truth"
"i can't im busy"
"You're not doing anything!"
"Im waiting for... She's awake!! Run!! Please hurry!! Hurry!! Let her in!!"
"What's going on!!!!!"
She ran and jumped in. Moments later a big blue worker uhaul type truck plowed into the car.
"The glass didn't shatter this is good. Now we have to kill them. Hurry! No don't get out! Through the window!"
"No one's driving. What if no one is driving? I didn't see anyone-- why is the truck doors opening!!?? No one was anywhere ne--"
I saw them climbing across the hood of the car. To get in. They could just get in. Especially through glass. I started screaming like a toddler. Then yelling "just shoot it!"
"What? Get down!".
Covering my own ears screaming like a toddler, my heart exploding, i sat in the floor board facing the seat. My back against T's seat. Screaming. "Just shoot them! They're every where!! Theres since many!! They're all gonna die!!" I scream like a toddler again.
T is saying over and over to stop screaming.
Alex is losing his mind and fluctuating between adoring and wanting to kill me.
"Just fucking stop it for Jesus sakes!!" He grabs my arm to pull my hand off my ear.
"Are they done? All dead i mean?" I Sat in the seat
"Jesus Christ my babe! Look you screamed so loud you woke the dead, here he comes"
I cover my ears and start screaming again.
"Jesus Christ who woke the kid?".
Alex gets in my face "That's not what i meant!! Okay?!?! Look!! Babe!! Please!! Just look!! Out the window!!"
I grab his hand and cover my eyes and turn to the window
"Jesus Christ. Do you see what she just did!?"
I lift his little finger. Drop it, Thwn his ring but I still can't see so I lift his middle finger and i can see Michael walking towards us
"Really baby?"
"Im not a baby. Im a babe."
"Well you scream like one!" T is excited to see her man "I'm over here!!!!!" She waves to him.
"No don't open the door. Just don't, you don't want her to scream do you?"
"Well how is he supposed to get in?"
"He can get in. He's family. When i scream it feels good"
"Michael is looking at the clothes. She shot me! I'm over here. Her mom told me she would. She said I'm not evil. I'm good and it won't hurt me But protect me."
"Yeah and my mom told me to scream. She said i used to do it when I was little"
"Not to wake the dead"
"Not like we lived next to the cemetery. Besides maybe they think my singing is beautiful and they want to listen more so they come closer and my singing brings them to life because im magical."
T forgot she could move and Michael was sure she was dead. Couldn't figure out how there was skid marks where she was if they had wanted to use her body. Didn't realize she had already moved. Finally she opened her car door and stood. Me yelling did nothing. His jaw dropped. His eyes widened. His head swiveled. He dropped all these papers.a briefcase and ran to the car "oh my honey! I thought you were dead! I was sure of it! I didn't want to go home. Just wait where you died until you returned." He said into her hair all muffled.
"I told you. Love" i say
"Goddamit Youre sexy" she said
"See? All about Love!"
"But how did you get to move? Get to life or whatever did happen?"
"They shot me"
His face went crazy rage "YOU SHOT MY DAM WIFE!?!"
"See?!? I told you! Love!"
"Im gonna fucking kill you!!" He literally threw ber into the door and tried to get to Alex and strangle him
"Or may be not!"
Long story short. She spanked him. He got woke. I went to get the papers he dropped and he abandoned me in the parking lot.
"Yeah what the fuck!" I gathered them up "yeah you're a real stupid ass. Im glad it got hit. I felt pretty bad for you for a minute even though you tried to kill Alex. Now i don't know how i feel. Yeah!! Mad!!!! Leave the abandoned orpahan alone in the parking lot with alien ghosts with a heart condition! 3 massive heart attacks and a really fucking bad one!!! I can have a stroke any minu-- oh my God. I need to calm down im going to die. Im gonna die. Mom i don't know how to breathe I'm gonna choke to death. Mom! Help!! Somebody?!?!" I fell. It was all dramatic and beautiful.
Alex got out of the car that screeched down the street and picked me up "is this what heaven is like?"
"You wish. You've really got some explaining to do"
"This is so romantic! This is so sweet!!" Everything was pink and blue and not the colors they were supposed to be "is the street a river? Is this good?"
Alex walked around to the other side of the car after dropping me off.
"Oh my God!!! Sabrina!! Oh my God! No stop the car! Are you bleeding?! No! You're turning pink! Armageddon wants you back. No don't go we need you to much. Sit baxk. We will pretend we are ina limo"
"Hes not even in the car"
"Then who wss driving? He was in the seat. The world keeps changing too many colors, the people. I need to eat by the way"
"Sabrina what happened to you by the way? Why did you fall? You were all covered in blood out your nose, eyes. Ears, wrists. Then you turned pink like you lived on Armageddon. And the colors you explain are Armageddon but nothing we saw changed but not on you. Not in the air. Nothing."
"They want me back. They want me back. We will have a meeting tonight. I stayed here?"
"Then all will be fine. Lift up your shirt. No him."
"Why do you Keep telling me to do that?"
"To keep rhythm with your heart. My mom told me that's how she kept me alive. That and with screaming. My dad couldn't do it. That's why they always took me to the bar. That's what she said. She said you could do it for me since Mark isn't here. And just about any Earthling or human as long as it's not Jupiter"
I fell asleep. I woke at the hotel restaurant parking lot
"I'm back!!! I went to Armageddon and they said they're a bunch of douche bag bastards and want to take over the Earth and asked what I thought. I said no. They said they believed it was temporary!!"
Michael turned around. He was an alien. Alex was. Everyone was. I laid back in the seat and started screaming and kicking while they tried to eatmy soul.
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