#I- i don’t know that dude
swirly-lemonade · 1 year
I finished the sphere (I still need to finish the shadow and make a square but it’s whatever)
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Also I think someone flirted with me lmao
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badolmen · 11 months
People against piracy fail to realize that no, I can’t just ‘buy it.’ They stopped making DVDs and Blu-Rays. They’re barely offering digital copies for download. I am not spending money I could use for food or bills to pay for a subscription service just so I can always have access to a beloved piece of media. Especially not when the service will remove media on a whim without concern for how the loss of access to that piece will make its artistic conservation nigh impossible.
For example, I recently learned that Disney+ had an original film called Crater. It’s scifi, family friendly, and seems cool - I would love to buy it as a holiday gift for my little brother! But: it’s exclusive to D+ and THEY REMOVED IT LITERALLY MONTHS AFTER ITS RELEASE.
The ONLY way I can directly access this film is through piracy. The ONLY available ‘copies’ of this film are hosted on piracy websites. Disney will NEVER release it in theaters, or as something to buy, and it may NEVER return to the streaming service. It will be LOST because we aren’t allowed to purchase it for personal viewing. If I can’t pay to own it, I won’t pay for the privilege of losing it when corporate decides to put it in a vault.
So yes, I’m going to pirate and support piracy.
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mearchy · 3 months
The best fics are the ones that recognize that although Luke Skywalker may APPEAR on the outside to be a normal friendly twink who happens to have cool powers, especially when contrasted with such ship partners as Boba or Din or even Han, he is arguably the scariest person alive in the galaxy around the prequel era. AND, crucially, he is also a fundamentally weird guy. This man was homeschooled on a rural farm his entire life and then apprenticed to a swamp gremlin who showed him how to tap into the cosmic power of the universe. He blew up the death star age 19, killing approx 2 million-ish Imperials. He is a vortex of Force power that can communicate with the ghosts of dead Jedi. He’s staring into the distance and mumbling to himself and doing Yoda aphorisms and casually pulling out the “yeah I could crush that guy into a paste with my mind (:” and nobody around him knows what to do with that. I think he is a character who has very little frame of reference for how a Jedi or a person in general is supposed to act and there is some thing about him that is by necessity really fucking weird and a little scary but he’s so nice that it can throw you off the scent a little bit. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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actually-nagito · 5 months
i don’t care. I don’t care. you are all SLEEPING on David tennant’s Shakespeare career. i don’t think you understand how passionate I am about this. not the “oh he quoted hamlet once haha” no I’m talking about THE YEARS AND YEARS HE SPENT DOING THEATRE, PERFORMING SHAKESPEARE, AND BEING ONE OF THE BEST THEATRICAL ACTORS EVER I don’t care I don’t care I don’t care DO YOU REALIZE HOW IMPORTANT SHAKESPEARE HAS BEEN FOR THE ARTS AND FOR THEATRE DO YOU REALIZE HOW ID DIE JUST TO WATCH HIM PERFORM IN AS YOU LIKE IT OR THE SCOTTISH PLAY ?? OR ANY SHAKESPEARE PIECE PERIOD HE COULD EVEN STAND ON STAGE AND READ HIS SONNETS AND ID BE HAPPY. don’t sleep on his Shakespeare career please I am begging you I have such a love for theatre
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novelconcepts · 2 years
The defintion of hell is knowing a show is incredibly well-received in its first season, but if people don’t become machines churning out tweets, content, and rewatching 24/7, there’s no likelihood it’ll get a chance to tell its whole story. This shit is madness. Shows in different genres shouldn’t have to pit-battle for dominance. First seasons are MEANT to be baselines establishing worlds and characters, not complete storylines. The idea that this golden age of television has turned into “get it done in one or get out” is revolting.
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Rohan Kishibe just built different
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lyntarts · 5 months
Me and who?
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vroom-vrooms · 2 months
Charles answering with “we have a good relationship” to a question about beating Max is like the direct opposite of Lewis answering with “I remember the first time i looked up the girls. When I met my girlfriend. I remember the first time having sex” to someone asking if he remembered meeting Nico
Lewis tries and fails to deflect in the most unconvincing way possible, Charles chooses to expose himself very clearly
Weird tactics but ok guys 🙄
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goldensunset · 18 hours
when people refer to canon story-relevant kingdom hearts games as ‘spinoffs’ it makes me sad not only for the obvious reasons i always say but also bc like man i WISH this series had spinoffs. imagine what they could do if they had permission from nomura to truly go off the rails and ignore the greater canon for a second and just do some fun whimsical plotless thing in an alternate universe. imagine a fishing/boating game on destiny islands. kh fighting game. it is an injustice that we have been deprived of kingdom karts. can anyone hear me
#in terms of alternate gameplay and lack of reliance on plot#i feel like melody of memory is the closest thing kh has actually had to a spinoff#but even that is important in its own way in the end#union cross to a certain degree as well what with being an online multiplayer gacha type game#its original concept i would definitely classify as a spinoff game#bc it was set in a totally different world and time period and was supposed to be about customization and fun with friends#and nomura or someone said it wasn’t meant to be connected to the plot#but then like. he did very much go and give it a plot. like he went back on that almost immediately#and even then. given that the game is still very much combat and exploration#even from the beginning can it really be called a spinoff? it’s just kh in a different format#i’m talking like a game in which the objective is something totally different.#racing game or cooking game or fighting game or (another) rhythm game#ace attorney style detective game. dancing game. dude i don’t know#there are so many different flavors they could go with here#alas nomura is allergic to genuine whimsy which is hilarious given that this is a disney series#like he apparently was like ‘ohhh should we really let sora in smash? would it make sense in the story?’#my brother in christ surely we’re not supposed to interpret this as canon to kh right? right????#i guess it’s just that the kh franchise has a very specific pristine vibe he wants to maintain#which is disney shenanigans as a seasoning on top of a main dish of Stone Cold Serious Anime Plot#kingdom hearts#kh#mine: kh
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buckyisonfire · 7 months
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FELLAS. These are great ideas. But I’ll do you one better;
Undyne and Saxton Hale
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rosedominatesyou · 6 months
The boy in the produce section at the grocery store told me I remind him of a “very rare bird.” I asked him wtf that meant and he said, “because I don’t see you very often, and it’s so exciting when I do.”
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ricky-mortis · 1 month
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Have some Ted doodles- as a treat.
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bloobydabloob · 3 months
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Medieval prince & page DirkJake designs because of a post I saw on twitter. The post was deleted but shoutout to them
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swedenis-h · 7 months
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Shaking magneto in a jar
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haunteddollgender · 1 year
Let’s hear some noise for femme lesbians who are kind of guys
For those of us who have short hair, facial hair, body hair, who use he/him pronouns, who want to be handsome more than beautiful, who are overtly gnc, pls affirm our masculinity too.
Just as some butches find their femininity in their masculinity, some femmes find our masculinity in our femininity. And we desire it.
Like I’m a femme dyke who often dates butch dykes. And I’m also a transmasc person who often dates other transmasc ppl, those being the butch dykes. The amount of lesbians who are just kind of gay boys is rly insane. Go to a lesbian bar and i promise you a bunch of those women are twinks and bears.
And don’t make assumptions about that either, because in basically all my past relationships, I’ve been the bear
Celebrating lesbian visibility week means acknowledging transmasc/multigendered lesbians. Even if we don’t fit your idea of what a transmasc/multigendered person looks like
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starheirxero · 7 months
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I think Lord Eclipse and Lord Lunar would have SUCH a funny dynamic. Local gods have a feud but only one of them actually cares about it. Servant Eclipse thinks they’re both being ridiculous.
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