idiot-mushroom · 7 months
keep hearing ppl on here saying shit (or talking abt what ppl said/say) like ‘csa is such a uncomfy topic!!’ or ‘ i don’t really feel comfortable with that stuff…’ or ‘kids shouldn’t know this adult stuff!’
guys, i’m a minor, a chunk of my ttnm iteration is literally about my experiences with sexual harassment, be it I don’t rlly show it via art, i do talk abt it, dude i made a whole fic abt it!! I even made a sequel to the fic!!
and yeah if it does make u uncomfy, i always tag trigger warnings, so you can block those tags or just ignore the post, but don’t say i have to stop talking abt something that is so common and ignored and misinterpreted in the present day. sure my experiences can’t sum up everyone’s experiences but that’s the thing! they’re my experiences!
thank fuck that ppl don’t say shit like ‘you should take this down’ on my vent posts abt this shit bc i would honestly block them and then have to think abt how fucked up it is that as soon as I actually try to really dive deep in myself and be vulnerable and show the world my experience and emotions and thought and my memories and raw feelings i would get shut down because it made them ‘uncomfy’.
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i-miss-breathing · 1 year
I just want to say that I’m really really happy that redson wasn’t mad that his samadhi fire went to someone else.
I was kind of scared he would be and then he wasn’t and he was completely on board with helping her use it and everything and I love that.
Idk maybe I’ve seen too many shows where a character immediately jumps to anger because of similar things.
Like when older sisters get mad after giving their sister something they didn’t even really like, or something they themselves said they outgrew and then the younger sister using it how they want because it’s theirs.
I guess it was just kind of refreshing that he was like “hell yeah that’s YOUR power and I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO USE IT SAFELY!!”
This probably doesn’t make much sense lol but I wanted to put my 2 cents out there
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sheltoner · 2 months
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trollblivion-ooc · 8 days
if i had a nickel for every time someone on tumblr vague posted about me/my opinions immediately after commenting something rude/heinous, i would have two nickels
its not a lot but its weird that it happened twice within the same year
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mando-abs · 5 months
I have a feeling this is just because my periods starting soon and the sudden change in lifestyle
But like, do I ever know how to live? How to function properly? As an adult?
I don’t.
What if I’m stuck with a job I hate forever and I can’t write creatively anymore? I don’t think I can live without that. I know I haven’t written in like a year but my health has suffered so. But in the long run, if I can’t write….who am I?
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zerio105 · 9 months
Not to complain too much, but I'm genuinely getting really sick of seeing hostility for literally anything even remotely furry on the internet. It's fucking bullshit.
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The Maze's Deceit snippet
            He knew something was wrong before he opened his eyes, before he even took in the spring air hitting him at full force. Shivers like needles waltzed down his spine. The boy held his breath as he sat up, gathering his bearings. What had happened when he left campus? He remembered the girl, her smile so captivating as she laughed at something he said. How had he won her over? That didn’t matter now. Because his eyes went blurry, then white… then he woke up in this hell. But that begged the question… where had he ended up?
            Her perfume still made his heart race, sent butterflies swarming into his stomach. And his mother would say that was what falling in love felt like, painting pictures of the beauty you found the one you’ll keep by your side forever, for better or worse and all that bullshit. So why did she make his blood run cold? Why had he ended up here? He kept his eyes on her body, studying every dip and curve. It was easy to conjure an image of her now, even though it terrified him. Terrified him as much as the dark sky above him, the thud of something that wasn’t human footsteps, the swish of what felt like weapons all around him.
            Elliot Gardner looked left, then right, shaking black hair from his eyes. His heart felt like it might just explode, splattering blood and guts all over this wretched place…. whatever it was. He had to make it out, had to find Alyssa. Was that even her name? She never looked at him when she spoke, kept her finger trailing her lip. It didn’t make any sense. Did she love him, or want him dead? Did she want to help him get out of this mess, or was she the reason he was here? Maybe he knew the answer and didn’t want to admit it, but what if waking up in the maze was only the beginning of his questions?
            Alyssa. The metal around him whispered, its voice growing louder and louder the longer he stood in one place. He couldn’t do this- had to get out- would get out. No. He couldn’t. There were three paths, but they all seemed wrong. Three paths, with no clues. The faint smell of blood filled his nose, sending bile to his mouth in a split second.  Then, someone screamed. It grew louder and louder. Did he follow it, or run the other way? Was it someone trying to help him, or were they the reason he was here?
            There was only one way to find out. Only one way to get more information, a hint as to what was going on or what he might be doing here. His mother used to tell him that he was destined for great things, but this couldn’t be what she met, couldn’t be what she was training him to fight through. He had to take that first step, had to make that choice to live for himself, if not for his girl. It was the only way he might see her again.
            But this place… this place had other plans. He took deep breaths, digging his nails in to his palms as his fists clenched, bleaching his knuckles in an instant. A crack filled the air. Whirling on his heel, Elliot was met with blades waltzing forward, each step faster than the one before. He didn’t breathe, barely gave himself time to think, before he was throwing one foot in front of the other. He had to move, had to get away before he failed this test. He couldn’t fail… not again. That would only be proving everyone right. But they didn’t know him. Was that why he was here, why the maze chose him? Everyone in New York always said that people should feel lucky to be put in here, and even luckier if they were one of the few that survived. But right now, surrounded by impenetrable smoke walls, he felt anything but. Was this what everyone was warning him to be afraid of, when he walked home alone day after day? Was this what they told him to run away from?
            Feet finally slowing behind a stack of bricks, Elliot struggled to catch his breath. He would not die here. He couldn’t. His family… they wouldn’t survive. Was that why the maze chose him, because it knew? When he was a child, there were tales of this place. Parents would whisper that it knew all, that it whisked bad little boys away from their beds at midnight, that the only way to make it out was to promise to do better. So he followed the rules. He never cut class, never talked back. He didn’t dare to make his father so much as scowl at him. He was a good boy, wasn’t he? Did he mess up, or was that just a stupid story?
            The ground rumbled, a new path forming before his eyes. He was stuck, staring at a fork in the road. Path one, two, or three? Were they all wrong, just hiding weapons or demons in the shadows to execute him? Cold sweat glued the back of his shirt to his skin. He couldn’t breathe, could hardly think. But he had to wreck his brain, had to figure this out. He couldn’t stop fighting until he made it out of this place. There was no other option.
            But then, her voice broke through the air. She said his name again and again. They couldn’t have gotten her, too… couldn’t have thrown her in this hell with him. “ALYSSA!” The few syllables that made up her name fell from his lips like honey, sprinkled with needles. Because this place was playing tricks on him, it had to be. It couldn’t have taken her, too. This place had taken enough souls, both from him and the rest of this town.
            The boy took off running, not even caring what souls lurked behind him. His knuckles were white around the gleaming sword, biceps working to fend off the vines and demons that jumped out to bite, drooling as they caught whiffs of his crimson blood. He swung, missing almost every target, as that voice shrieked through the air again. Elliot… help. Come find me. You have to help- they’re going to kill me. It couldn’t be real. No… he could feel her in his arms, could hear her voice everywhere instead of just ahead. His eyes fluttered, throat spazzed from the pain.
Elliot swore under his breath as he kept moving, turning left and right so that he might catch a glimpse of his girl. But something told him, deep down, that that wasn’t going to happen. Not today.  Not ever- unless he could find a way out of this place. Would he, or was he damned to rot in this hell for eternity, never dying but always being brought back to take another wrong turn? He was torn from his thoughts as the floor turned beneath him, unveiling different pathways and blocking the old ones. What was this place? Who was that staring down at him? Were they even real? “Let me go,” he begged, looking the figure in what had to be their eyes. But they were a shadow, gone in an instant. Then, the hellscape was silent again.
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poorsapadvocate · 5 months
Went to bed early and got the combo breaker nightmare.
a) I had to go back to my old job, where I has forgotten to do everything and I was wearing my pj's instead of a uniform (distant cousin to the "going back to school only in my underwear and forgetting the big test was today" nightmare)
b) I was only there to train the sister I'm estranged from
c) Between customers we were watching a grimdark Winnie the Pooh movie (like it was some kind of war movie but Pooh and friends were the weapons? but they were also just acting like Pooh and friends before they were thrown into battle and blew up), so I also had some gore and violence imagery
idk I'm just impressed I got so many things to be scared of from one nightmare. Do I win a prize?
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localdiscountgoth · 7 months
i really hate myself sometimes
when im out at bars or parties and im drunk or high, i become a better version of myself.
she’s less anxious, she can have full conversations with new people and not even panic
its so amazing being that person. everybody likes that person. she’s fun, she’s bubbly she’s outgoing, she’s spontaneous
she fits.
i’m anxious, i stumble over my words, i cant make eye contact. i cant keep the flow of the conversation going. i dont know the right things to say or do.
i wish i could be her
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archivistr · 11 months
tbh no matter how good the post is I'm not rebbloging art that's not properly captioned. damn exhausted of "paralels posts" with just the names of the artists. what's the work called, jeremy? name the damn work. just done with posts of painting's details and nothing else. what is this. why is this.
aesthetic over information? fuck that
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crowkip · 26 days
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slides u some timkon wip scribbs
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dxkjf · 7 months
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they drive me absolutely mad
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cheezestixk · 1 month
For old times sake
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akoichoi · 2 months
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same couple, different font
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chiricat · 5 months
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assorted wips again
1. anchan space buns!!
2. emo arisato twins + ryomina and akiham
3. mzen x p3
4. suzalulu sketch dump
5. suzalulu + souyo (eng voice actor joke)
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lem0nicle · 2 months
this came to me in a vision. and it was way funnier in my head.
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im so sorry. its almost 3 am. please excuse this thing.
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