cozygold · 7 months
Mystery of Lilia's ring
Lilia x Reader
Warnings: angst/fluff, fem reader, general lilia, book 7 spoiler
Pt. I Pt. II
Lilia wears a wedding ring under his gloves. However when asked he doges the question or makes up some silly excuse
Malleus is aware that he had wife. Lilia confirmed it a while ago but did not elborate further
It was only during the Malleus overblot incident that Diasnomia family found out about her and who she was
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(it takes place after Malleus have put everyone to sleep Silver/Sebek/Yuu watch Lilia dream play in front of them like movie)
Lilia woke up in unknown place. His whole body was burning with pain, he barely had the strenght to open his eyes
Everything was blurry but he could make out soothing humming and chopping of knife against a wooden board. It made him relax his muscles a little before the noise stopped. At the same time he realized
'Wait...it sounds like.. a human language?!'
He shot up sitting up on the bed before tumbling back down from the anguish
"My,my don't strain yourself like that, dear"
His eyes widden in horror when he felt hot breath right next to his ear along with voice that he heard ealier. He quickly reached to his waist trying to grab his weapon. But it wasn't there
"Sorry, love I had a feeling you might try that so i had to take your toy away so my head will stay on my shoulders"
He whipped his head around and saw a human woman. Now standing good few feet away from him. She was wearing a dark cloak and a long dress. Both looked pretty torn down and dirty
"What do you want, human? Even without my weapon i can take you down easily"
His eyes started intensly at her. A sight simillar to a wounded animal
"Haha, you would be right if you weren't in a state you're currently in. I barely saved that leg of yours. I'm medic that specilizes in humans, you see~"
She took few steps closer to him. Smile never leaving her face
"I'm (y/n)(y/l), i'm a traveling medic. I manged to save you from that abush that you got yourself into earlier"
Lilia squinted his eyes, trying to recall what happend. He remembers how fast his heart was beating, the metal that tore through his flesh...
Green fire, and a figure with what looked like horns
"Meleanor?! What the hell was she doing there?! Speak human!"
"Oh, i'm sure she's safe and sound in her castle"
"What?! Don't try to make fool out of me. I know what i saw. This green fire and the horns must have belonged to her"
"Oh no it was just me"
She deadpaned looking blankly at him. They stared at each other in awkward. Lilia pinched the bridge of his nose
"Care to explain yourself?"
(y/n) giggled and puffed her chest proudly
"It looks like two twigs on my head and some plant colored fire was enough to send the fools running. I honestly suprised you fell for it too"
She tilted her head to the side, looking smugly at him. Lilia felt his cheeks warm up. How could he had fallen for such simple trick?
He quickly turned around on the bed facing the wall and hiding his red face
Meanwhile Sebek, Silver and Yuu watched as the dream played in front of them
"Who is this woman?! How dare she mock Master Lilia!"
"Shh, Sebek that might be her. Father's wife..."
"Nonsense! He never even mentioned having a wife. Let alone a human"
"Never directly. But i once overheard Lord Malleus try to speak about her with him. After confirmation Father quickly changed the subject"
Silver scratched his chin, deep in thought
"as much i feel like inviding Father's privacy, this might be our only chance to really get to know her"
Back to the dream
"Awww, come on General! You gotta i eat! I didnt work so hard to save you just for you to die out of starvation"
Lilia scrunched up his face, turning away from the spoon being held to him. He spent about 4 days in the human's cottage refusing to eat, still not being able to stand up from the bed.
He didnt trust her one bit. She has no reason to do it so. What kind of motive drives her? Trying to gain his trust to poison him? Is she secretly a twisted woman trying to make him in some sort of fae pet for her amusement?
He has to get out as soon as possible
"I have no intention of taking anything from you, woman"
His tone harsh as it always been, red eyes glaring at her
She sighed, pulled out a chair and slumped down on it, setting the bowl of soup on the table. (eye color) eyes looked up blankly at the ceiling
It was her first time taking in a fae patient. She did as much reaserch as she could on them during such short amout of time. She knew that they could survive longer without food than humans. They also recovered faster
But his state was quite serious. Regular man would have probably passed by now. Used to enduring injuries in battle he's probably not even aware of it.
She Has to make him trust her. Just enough for him to her treat him
"You never told me your name. I just know you by 'general' "
She finally broke the tense silence, turning her head in his direction. He still refused to meet her eyes
"There is no need for you know it"
"Huhhh, no fair, i already told you mine"
Her attempt at teasing him got ignored making the room go quiet once again
"I never wanted this war. And i know you didnt either"
She dropped the teasing letting her tone get more grim
"Tch, don't act like you know me or what i want"
It was clear from his body language that this conversation was getting on his nerves, yet she continued to press further. It was now or never
"I know that my people caused you unimaginable pain. No matter what either side has to gain from its not worth all the suffering.
Fae, human, merfolk, beastman...i was taught to treasure all lives. I swore that i will save as many as i can as a medic. Just like you swore to protect your people as a general"
Lilia despite still being sceptical for first time seemed to not ignore her
"My parents were medic as well. They made me what i am today, taught me how to treat people. My whole village fell victim to this conflict"
Her voice shaked, eyes starting to get watery. She took a deep breath to remain composed before speaking futher
"I will not ask for your pity or gratitude towards me. Just please let me treat you. We already lost enough"
She bowed her head to him, her voice pleading almost like she was begging for her own life. Lilia let out a heavy sigh
"Rise your head, human. I do not want to be subjected to such a pitful sight any longer"
Few stray tears streaming down her cheek, her eyes looked up him hopefully
"I will eat your soup so cease your whining"
A bright smile adorned her features. She clasped her hands together letting out a joyful laugh
"Thank you sooo much! Don't be afraid to say if you don't like it i will adjust it to your taste next time! Please enjoy it!"
She handed him a bowl and a spoon
"I will be in the kitchen mixing up some healing herbs for you!"
"Sevens, quit talking my ear off! J-just go do what you're supposed to do"
"Right! Please call me if you need anything"
She skipped towards the door and just about when she was about to leave the room she heard her patient speak up
She turned around, tilting her head curiosly
"Its Lilia Vanrouge. My name"
Suprise washed over her features for a moment before her lips spread into a thoothy grin
"Nice to meet you, Lilia"
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scwheeler · 1 year
🍒💋🍒 ˖ ࣪⊹ — ‘CHERRY FLAVORED’
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pairing: ethan landry x reader
summary: at a halloween party you and ethan get to talking and drinking, both of you only focused on each other’s cherry flavored lips
author’s note: thank you so much for the appreciation in my last two ethan fics!! also what the fuck was ethan even dressed up as… (this was originally gonna be based off of the nbhd song ‘cherry flavored’ but i got lazy) 👋👋
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you licked your lips before coating your lips with another layer of cherry-flavored lip gloss. “are you ready yet?” tara asked from the other room. you grabbed your just-finished charged phone and checked your reflection in the mirror before getting up from your vanity and meeting tara by the front door.
“ok im all good,” your eyes traveled up to tara’s costume. she was dressed up as a pirate and honestly best choice of the year.
“you look really good what the fuck,” you expressed and gave her a few up and down looks. a smile crept up her face and you could tell she appreciated your comment, “oh shut up, you’re pretending that you dont look like the hottest babe on the planet!”
she put her hands up and presented you in your costume. you were dressed up as an angel because you had a white dress lying around and got this last minute invite by chad a few hours ago.
everyone knew chad’s crush on tara so you had to force her to come with you. you liked acting like a little matchmaker for your friends and no one could disagree that they would look so cute together.
mindy and anika picked you two up and in around fifteen minutes, the party was in sight.
“ok so we’re totally getting wasted tonight,” tara mentioned as she looked around the light up house surrounded by blasting music. you rolled your eyes and grabbed her arm before running straight into the house.
mindy and anika followed briefly, holding each other’s hands. every corner of the house was filled with drunk teenagers shouting and hollering. both of you tried your best not getting run down by a frat guy chasing his friends without a shirt.
speaking of a guy without a shirt, chad walked up dressed up as a cowboy. “hey you guys made it!” he exclaimed and put his hands in the air.
“i would never refused free booze,” you sarcastically remarked and slightly pushed tara into chad.
they started making awkward conversation about each other’s costumes. “so you’re a naked cowboy?” tara asked and pointed to his bare chest. which only led to chad nervously laughing, “well i mean i do have pants on.”
you headed to the kitchen to follow up on your free booze comment.
however you had some company. “ethan you’re here!” you tried not sounding so surprised but ethan landry was not the type of guy to be at a halloween party with loud music and alcohol. if anything he was the one saying that everyone should stay home.
you were shocked to found out that he wasn’t at home studying for econ as he has for every past friday night since school started. “sorry that came out wrong, i just meant that i didnt expect you to be here,” you attempted to make up for your past sentence. luckily he cracked a small smile, “yeah i know, chad just insisted that i come since its halloween and everything.”
“well i’m glad you’re here and im digging your costume,” you said and indicated to the horned helmet on his head.
he slightly laughed, “yeah its homemade if you couldn’t tell” he sarcastically replied. you laughed with him at the cardboard covering his body head to toe.
“y’know i like your costume too,” he complimented and was about to say something else but stopped himself.
he bit his lip and contemplated for a second before talking again, “did it hurt?” you got confused and had to further question him, “wait what—what do you mean?”
“did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” he tried not to laugh and you spotted the shy blush creeping on his face. if it weren’t for the dim lighting and colorful strobe lights covering the room, you could’ve easily saw his bright red face.
his body tensed up at the lack of response from you until you burst out laughing. “oh god that was terrible but in a good way, that was perfect though because i’m an angel!” you exclaimed and playfully slapped his arm.
while you were practically dying at the stupid joke, you missed ethan’s eyes which remained on your hand on his arm.
“hey do you want a drink?” ethan changed the subject and tried hiding his embarrassed face from his failed pickup line and your body being so close to his. “oh yeah that would be great, mindy was complaining in the car sooo much about this new movie coming out next week. so i definitely need a drink,” you chuckled and followed him further into the party to a bunch of bottles lined up on the counter.
“you want me to make you the best thing you’ll ever drink?” you asked and swiftly turned to face ethan. he was flustered and took a step back before replying, “oh um im the designated driver so i cant really drink…”
“—wait you room with chad though right? how about mindy just gives you a ride after the party? if i beg her, she will probably say yes!” you smiled and took one of his hands with both of yours.
if only you saw how pretty you looked in ethan’s eyes. your eyes lit up and your red lips was the only thing ethan was focused on.
“so? can you? please say yes, i promise you i’ll make it extra special!” you begged and shook the two bottles in your hands. and what was ethan supposed to do? how could he say no to that face?
dismissing the fact his car was literally parked down the street from the house, he answered, “ok fine i’ll try it.” your face immediately smiled and you jumped into his arms out of excitement and thanks to a little pregaming with tara earlier.
ethan caught you but didn’t know whether to push you away or hold you. you hugged him tight and then stepped back before turning to make his drink. ethan stood there yet again starstuck at how eager you seemed to hang out with him.
it was the first time he felt this way. why were so nice to him? why did you like him?
while ethan was off thinking about the list of possibilities you were making a damn drink for him right now, with trying to kill him secretly being his top choice, you spun around and had two red solo cups. one you kept close to yourself and the other outstretched towards him.
“it’s a surprise but you have to give me your honest opinion whether you like it or not,” you handed the cup to his right hand and nervously waited for his reaction. ethan carefully took a sip of the mysterious concoction and gulped.
it was cherry flavored. the flavor was evident and so was the color. as soon as ethan put the cup down, his lips and tongue were painted in red. he looked like a vampire after eating a whole ass meal.
the drink was fizzy and bubbly therefore ethan felt it moving it’s way to his stomach. it was sweet and quite bitter because of the vodka but he couldn’t deny that he was good. even better that you made it specially for him.
you stood in front of him, eyes wide and awaiting his opinion while sipping on your own cup. “i’m not gonna lie, that was the best drink i’ve ever had,” ethan admitted and started gulping the rest down.
you laughed in relief, “oh thank god! it’s pretty easy to make. i like to call it a cherry bomb because it kind of explodes in your mouth and all the way to your stomach.” you winked and chugged the rest of your cup.
after a couple more drinks, you were wasted but ethan decided to stop after two. he felt like he needed to keep a serious eye on you so you didn’t get into reckless behavior.
without your full knowledge, you danced with him, hugged him, held his hand, and even almost kissed him but ethan stopped you because if you did ever kiss him, he wanted you to remember it. so you pulled back and let you lay back on the couch for a little while to get some rest.
the party was dying down and some people started to leave, including your friends. mindy and anika approached the pair on the couch whilst moving to the beat of the high tempo music. “hey lovebirds, ready to go?” mindy asked and held anika close by her.
ethan looked away once mindy said ‘lovebirds.’ his ears started burning and his face clearly was flustered. you suddenly gained consciousness and stood up, “yes yes let’s go!” you almost raced to the door with ethan shortly following you, to make sure you didn’t run straight into a wall.
mindy and anika laughed at how cute you two looked. they also watched how ethan followed you around like a little lost puppy even though you didn’t even realize it.
thanks to a little bribing from anika of having candy at home, you finally got into the car in the back alongside tara and ethan. tara sat in the left, you in the middle, and ethan on the right. anika sat in the passenger seat and mindy was driving.
tara was passed out after partying way too hard and doing who knows what with chad all night. mindy was going on and on about this new film theory she read online while anika responded with short replies of ‘mhm’ and ‘ohhhh’ since she was way too wasted to say anything else.
your head felt heavy and naturally fell upon ethan’s shoulder. to his surprise, he found you peacefully napping practically on him! throughout the car ride, he tried to keep as still as possible to not wake you.
there were a million bumps and sharp turns because mindy could not work the GPS in the car and refused to use google maps. but ethan kept you close and occasionally tucked your hair behind your ear or held onto the side of your face so you didn’t fall and wake up.
your body jerked awake once the car came to a harsh stop though. “we’re here!” mindy announced. you slowly lifted your head on ethan’s now numb shoulder and groggily opened your eyes. luckily ethan and chad’s dorm was right next to tara and your’s so the there were no stops to be made.
also mindy and anika were sleeping over since it was too exhausting to drive all the way to their place. anika opened tara’s side door and gently shook her awake while ethan was almost carrying you out of the car.
“god you guys are wasted,” mindy commented. you groaned at a pounding headache approaching and tried walking on your own but found yourself almost crashing onto the pavement.
thank the gods for ethan’s existence. all ethan was thinking of was how glad he was that he went to the gym often because with you practically leaning your entire body of him, he had to carry you.
the group eventually got to the dorm door and this is where ethan would retire to his own dorm. “thank you so much ethan,” anika said and pulled your body off of him with the help of mindy.
“yeah no problem, it’s my pleasure,” he replied and took a sigh of relief once he knew you were safe and in good hands. but before he turned to go home, you walked away from your friends and back for he doorway where he stood.
“w-wait—ethan wait,” you called after him and fell into his arms since your legs didn’t properly work at the moment.
again, he caught you.
“what is it y/n?” he asked and looked down at those dazzling eyes for the second time. you smiled before speaking, staring into his left then right eye. you looked at his curly brown hair and how it had tangles in it due to the constant jumping and dancing you made him do early.
then your eyes drifted down to his lips.
there were still faintly coated in cherry vodka. without answering his question, you jumped up and held his face close. you put your lips on his and kissed him. for a split second, you felt yourself waking up and sobering up.
ethan was surprised and taken so aback but he didn’t complain. your lips felt right on his and he leaned forward more into the kiss. he wrapped his arms around your waist. after a minute the two of you pulled back to breathe some air.
“wow,” you muttered and smiled at the fluttery feeling growing inside of you. the feeling ethan had the entire night. he licked his lips before responding, “your lips are cherry flavored.”
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p0k3m0n-catch3r · 6 months
Do you perhaps do crossovers (like for example obey me x twst or sumn similar to that)?
If so, could you perhaps do the demon brothers or Diavolo with a Malleus!Male! Reader? Doesn't exactly have to look like Malleus (mainly just the horns and magic abilities, personality too if you wanna add that).
Maybe some fluff headcanons of Diavolo or the demon brothers just simply being around Malleus!reader and spending time with him, and Malleus!reader being somewhat shocked that they aren't really afraid of him?
I'm hope you have a wonderful day!
dude im so sorry i never got any notification that told me i got an ask
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Malleus!Reader and the Brothers
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When you first arrived, your first instinct was to, well, put your magic talents to use.
After your attack on his brothers, leaving Levi a scar on his arm and Satan a small fire spell to his head, he didn’t like you. At all. What concerned him was your abilities, and of course, your appearance. Nothing could’ve really prepared him to see a tall man with large horns, especially one with the amount of power to actually harm them.
Throughout the year Lucifer (along with his brothers) kinda avoided you, and gave you weird glances and left you alone. It was understandable to you though, and you were kinda used to it.
He eventually warmed up to you, and you did try to keep out of trouble so nothing much happened. His trust also kind of broke a bit when he saw you using magic on his younger brother, Belphegor. He understood it was for defense purposes though.
When he learns that people tend to avoid you and are usually scared of you, he felt a bit bad. He likes spending time with you now, and isn’t scared of you. He adores your love and interest for gargoyles, and is extremely impressed when he finds out what your power level. Nothing could really compare to the brothers though, not even Belphegor.
Oh god, he was didnt like you at first. He was extremely late to the meeting this time, and decided that his goldie would be broken if he just never showed up. What he didn’t expect was Levi and Satan with some pretty bad wounds, and the human exchange student getting ready to use another spell, targeted at Diavolo.
Lucifer was able to step before he could even react, but man he was ready to fight you too. Even with a sharp glance from Lucifer, only a binding spell from Barbatos was able to stop him.
He pretty much ignored you and hated you, like what gave you the right to harm his brothers?! He won’t let you explain, at all.
During the year he slowly warms up to you but not as much as the regular story. Expect him to forgive you by the time the wounds have healed, and the brothers who had wounds forgive you first.
He was bored out of his mind when he was suddenly out of his little fantasy and before he can even react, he had felt the blood slowly drip out from his large wound on his arm. Without much thinking, he immediately ducked down from his chair, and took shelter behind the board that separated you and him.
He doesn’t really remember much since it was a blur, a lot of yelling was heard and he could hear Satan grunting and ducking down, with blood on his forehead. He didn’t see him immediately, since he started panicking and looking at at the wound at his arm, roughly 5 inches big with different thorns sticking into his skin, which was in pretty deep. You panicked and used the first thing that came to mind, which was Foral Magic.
He pretty much avoided you after that. He wouldve anyway if that didn’t happen, since you were scary enough. He was able to deal with the wound, with Simeons help he was able to heal in less than a week. A small scar is still there by the time you’d leave, but its not that bad.
He does get closer with you by the end of the year, you were eager to learn what he knew about TSL. Well if you were able to talk about Gargoyles, and he was completely fine with it. Anything to talk to someone about TSL.
For him, this was a… different situation. He was ready to kill you, he was already on the verge of blowing up at Lucifer and Mammon because Lucifer dragged him here and Mammon… Well, hes just being himself, of course.
He didn’t expect some fae to appear instead of a human, especially one to use a fire blast to his face. It was weak enough to not blind him or melt anything off, but enough to hurt him and for him to duck down and panic a bit. That lasted a minute until he was able to open his eyes, and he was ready to murder you. Using a bit of magic, he was able to move up and use the same magic Barbatos used on Mammon to hold him back, and he made sure no spells would harm more people.
After that incident and his wound healing, he didnt pay much attention to you. Most interactions were outbursts against you, so both avoided each other as much as possible. He was the second to last to actually forgive you, right above Belphie. His wrath and anger slowly died down, and he saw that you tried to make things up. He learned that you were kind of similar to him, and doesnt hate you much now.
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(I will do the rest soon, tired today and want to get this out as quickly as possible. Im still so sorry for not seeing your ask until now!!)
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tamiiii46 · 7 months
i was wandering if i could request a annabeth x femreader angst without a happy ending? Like for refrence annabeth breaks it off between them and the reader like dies if that makes sense???? Anyways dont feel pressured to and thank you for your time<3
Okayyy sure. This is kind of my first time writing so it might not be good. After this, please send some tips on how i could improve.
You slam your cabin door, tucking yourself in bed as your feelings overwhelm you. You feel tears building up in your eyes as you try to prevent them falling.
Unknowingly, you started to sob.
Annabeth had meant a lot to you, and she had said she cared for you too. If so, why had she shut you out, why would she broke things of so abruptly. It was like you were talking to a completely different person, her eyes had lost their sparkle, and she was nothing but rude and impertinent.
She had been so happy a few hours before, but you hadn't known what had gone wrong. Before you could think more on the matter you noticed one of your cabinmates stirring in their sleep. You decided to quiet down and sleep it off.
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The next morning, you woke up tired and sad. A lot of your friends had noticed and found it weird. You were always so energetic and bubbly. Eventually, you just started to ignore all the worried glances coming your way. Until you were approached by two close friends.
"Y/n are you okay?"
You looked up to saw Percy with a worried looking Grover by his side. You let out a huff of frustration and sadness, building up the discipline to not break down in tears.
"Im okay, just having a bad day" you said giving them a tight lipped smile.
They didnt seem to believe you much as Grover placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Are you sure?" Grover asked, his voice filled with uncertainty. You nodded quietly and for a few minutes, you three stood there in awkard silence; Grover's hand still on your shoulder.
Grover cleared his throat, making you arch an eyebrow. He elbowed Percy in the gut, very obviously hinting him to say something. Percy grunted out, giving Grover a dirty look.
"Does this have anything to do with Annabeth?" You were quiet as you looked at anything but them. You eyes soon started to water as your two friends pulled you into a comforting hug. She appreciated them, but she didnt want anyone seeing her weak.
"Thanks guys for your support, but i need some space to properly process this." You broke aways from them, not waiting for a response.
Walking back to your cabin, you bump into someone making you fall flat on your ass. You apologize quickly to the person looking up. Only to come face to face with Annabeth. You both stared into the others eyes. Before anyone of you could say a word, loud screams were heard. You both ran towards them.
Running up to Percy and Grover, your eyes come in contact with a Minotaur. The stench of rotten flesh wafts around the air, making you scruch your nose.
The monstrous creature roared out, its skin rough and dirty. With its head bent low, and nostrils flared, it charged towards Annabeth. Without thinking you did the only thing that came to your mind at the time.
You grabbed a spear from Grover running directly at the half human half bull. You got on top of the wild beast, stabbing it in its back. The Minotaur started to aggressively move around, desperately trying to throw you off of itself. Your legs lose their bearing around its torso as your hands grip tightly onto the spear.
You hope for the best as your body is left flinging around in the air. For a moment it became fun, until the spear slips out of your fingers. You grasp the air for a surface, grabbing onto the Minotaurs left horn. The terrifying creature turns its head to the side, throwing your chest directly unto its right horn.
You cry out in pain as tears fall past you eyes. The Minotaur shakes its head in hopes of getting you off its horn. This sends you flying into a wooden table, breaking it into pieces, leaving you bleeding out onto the grass.
The last thing you hear is hurried footsteps and Annabeth yelling out your name.
Then everything goes black.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
My first storyy. Idk if it's good or not, but i think i tried.
It's kind if short, but who cares.
Send more requests.
Thanks for reading, and please dont foget to send your tips on how i could write better.
Or other ways you would like me to write...
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Solairen: *laying on his side, one wing definitely broken from cushioning his fall but alive* morning lords grace- M-my love? *rolls over and gasps, not at the decapitated head of Mephistopheles glaring at him with milky white eyes, but at the vision beside him* my love…
Raphael: *unconscious with a concussion cocktail of incubus spittle and blunt force trauma from riding his fathers head to the ground after severing it with solairens sword. The wedding gown he’d been forced into and paraded around the court of mephistar in as a final humiliation now torn to ribbons hanging off his naked red body, a final act of humiliation before his wedding to a hoard of pit fiends and lemurs that is* mmnn… *opens his eyes to see Solairen, the Paladin he’d fallen in love with as a drow, now a celestial solar ascended by lathander, glowing like a beacon of hope in the hell he thought would be his eternal tomb* m-my love… are you, o-okay?…
Solairen: *smiles and strokes his cheek* I am, I am my love.
Raphael: *leans into his touch without a fuss* h-Haarlep drugged me… brought me here so father could lure you and Astarion, he wanted to kill you in front of me, he wanted to remind me of my place… I didn’t think, you’d come for me…
Solairen: *blinks and laughs through tears* I married you. Astarion married you. He’s worried sick waiting for me to bring you home! I’d go to the end of the astral if it meant saving you… but you saved me instead. *smiles*
Raphael: *closes his eyes and grins playfully as the leathery membrane of his wings begins to flake away like burning paper* a saviour, that… is for certain. My love… *passes out again as large white feathers sprout from his back and many of his cambion characteristics are replaced with that of a solar celestial, his horns lined with gold framing a halo resembling a burning sun, and the jagged arrow point of his tail smoothing to a gentle heart, before returning to a handsome human man, with a heavenly warm golden glow surrounding him*
Solairen: *looks up to the heavens hearing lathanders words in his mind*
“He has proven himself worthy… and you have proven me wrong yet again… you did see good within him”
Solairen: *smiles and closes his eyes* I saw him… only him. *lifts his husband into his arms, giving him a loving, chaste kiss knowing Mephistopheles is still alive in hus corpse. Glaring at him from seemingly lifeless eyes* … *strokes Raphael’s face* you were always, more than enough… let’s go home my fire… *carries him through the portal back to the devils fee*
Astarion: *pacing back and forth frantically, haarleps blood still coating every part of his magistrate robes* they’re not back yet! Somethings wrong.
Wyll: it’ll be alright.
Calliope: *bursts in through a portal followed by Gale* WHAT DO YOU MEAN RAPHAELS BEEN KIDNAPPED?!
Astarion: I mean I had a bad feeling as I went to kiss him and I stopped in time to realise that fucker! *points at haarleps body* Smells nothing like my husband!! Solairens gone after him and neither of them have returned!
Gale: I’m sure they’ll be fine.
Solairen: *steps through the portal holding Raphael, shielding his body with his wing* I’ve got him.
Gale: told you.
Astarion: I- you’re hurt! Gods you’re both hurt!! *hurries over and embraces them both* he’s?… glowing? These markings they look like yours is- what happened?
Solairen: now you have two celestial husbands, my little star.
Astarion: I- you- *sobs* d-don’t be cute I’m very upset! Let’s get him home I need to clean both of you up! You reek of the hells!
*the next morning*
Raphael: *growling as he tries to get rid of the glow on his skin and the halo following him* ARGHH! *grabs it and throws it only for it to reappear* I DIDNT ASK FOR THIS! *hurries to the balcony and looks up at the sun* FUCK YOU LATHANDER!!!
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verrescent · 6 months
"Regulus has the more gorgeous curls ever!" AND YOU WANNA KNOW WHY
for the longest time he just left his hair slicked back or combed over. (yes im pushing my choir boy reg agenda WHAT ABT IT) like he didnt even know he had curls till he was too lazy to comb it over one lazy morning and all of a sudden his head was a frizzy curled mess. (picture a horrible perm) he didnt even know until a slytherin first year who was jumping through hoops for his favor offered to teach him a bird repelling spell. after asking why, he was horrified and the first year apologized.
He tried potions and spells and chants and stones yet nothing seemed to help calm his hair... and he couldn't very well ask Sirius for help since his hair was much less coiled than Regulus's. After about a month of tireless effect (anger filled quidditch practices when he cursed every great wizard for keeping the one muggle custom of hating anything that isn't straight) he finally caved and called in reinforcements.
You know where I'm going with this, right?
Listening carefully, while James nodded without actually listening (occasionally saying things like 'mhm mhm yes sir you make a fine point.' to impress or bother lily enough that she'll like him ...she'll never admit it but she giggled a little internally) operation make 'regulus handsome again!' was forced in motion.
James tried a natural salve that his dad made that 'enhanced your roots and made your strands shine!' It sort of worked, except they found out that Regulus is allergic to unicorn horn dust and sapflowers.
Lily tried massaging oils that she'd seen her mom use occasionally (and Mrs Evans had the prettiest curls ever!) but it weighed down the strands too much since she applied enough for three people so regulus kind of just looked like Snape. (After regulus saw his reflection, he looked like he'd braved a fight with a dementor)
Remus, who'd been the last one to try anything, and who did the least for his curls (yet they still looking impeccable! fking lupin genes 😒) decided to lend Regulus some of his self made soaps and conditioners that never really worked for him. Regulus did, reluctantly, and found that the frizz was almost gone, and that it smelled very reminiscent of citrus and eucalyptus. In fact, they looked so good that not only did lily ask for the recipe and James berated Remus for never hooking him up with his idiotic talent for accidentally making things that work wonderfully, he was able to convince his mother to left him open his own gringotts vault (of which he planned to use to finally rid his surroundings of those horrid walls of horrid memories.) the end!!!!!! Idk when I wanted this to go but it went somewhere I think
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gabessquishytum · 2 years
i'm a big fan of dream and hob finally getting their act together and confessing and getting together only to be the absolute worst to be around. like, hob's colleagues had been telling him for *months* that he needed to man up and ask dream out already, because even they could tell how in love with each other they were, and honestly it was getting really annoying watching them do this weird little dance around each other for so long. so when hob finally tells them that they have nothing to worry about anymore, they're dating now :)! they're all so relieved. except then dream (ever the possessive and clingy bastard) never leaves hob alone and trails behind him constantly and they realize that they should've been grateful before.
especially when hob doesn't stop him, hell, he definitely encourages him, and they also realize that the two of them cant be left alone together, like, ever. dream shows up to hob's office hours with coffee for him? give it five minutes and one of them will have the other bent over the desk struggling to take their clothes off. dream comes to a work gala of some sort? at some point everyone else vacates the room to go look at something/talk to someone/listen to a speech in another room and by the time they come back the two of them are noticeably more disheveled than before and might be wearing each other's belts. it gets to a point where they cant even carpool together without getting caught making out in the drivers seat because someone leaned too far back and honked the horn (it was dream. hob laughed until he cried and didnt even care when someone walking to their car saw them and dream hid his face in hob's neck out of rather uncharacteristic shame)
it probably goes for in the dreaming, too. matthew is relieved that his boss is finally getting laid and visibly holds less tension in his shoulders, but as soon as he walks in on lucienne lecturing dream and hob about making it a point to please not fuck in the library, with half their clothes still on the floor and a rather criminalizing amount of spit making its way down dreams chin, he decides he's not gonna bother dream for the next twenty years until he's got all his pent up frustrations out of his system. (he soon realizes dream's [canonical!!!] habit of accidentally flashing the entire dreaming every time he gets fucked and gets over his general uncomfort pretty quick. you know, exposure therapy n stuff)
Oh you just know that everyone loves to hate these idiots. Hob went from normal, well adjusted dude to horny lovestruck teenager literally overnight, and everyone who knows him is at their wit’s end. He should know better but he absolutely Does Not and he is utterly unrepentant about it. He’s been pining for several lifetimes and the sexual energy is overwhelming!!! He doesn’t discourage Dream from sitting on his lap, or giving him hickeys in public, or crawling under his desk during office hours and not coming out until there’s something suspicious and white dribbling from the corner of his mouth…
Nobody is safe from the shenanigans. The new inn patrons just have to get used to the sounds of creaking floorboards from upstairs. Why Dream has to insist on fucking on the floor, nobody knows. The bar staff learn to turn up the music. No one wants to hear their boss screaming Middle English profanities through his third orgasm of the night.
It’s even worse in the dreaming, because Dream is the dreaming, so technically… the dreaming is getting laid? And it certainly isn’t shy about that fact. The throne room is looking very… phallic, recently. Matthew is just praying that the windows don’t produce more LITERAL PORNOGRAPHIC IMAGES. Please, can he just have one day without seeing Hob Gadling’s (ok, admittedly impressive) penis? Please? No? Ok.
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grim-ghou1 · 1 year
A Kings Cry...
The Brotherhood had just gotten back From Oropo's Tower, Eveyone was exhausted and Tired.
Especially Yugo.
Night began to Fall as Everyone was getting ready for Bed, Yugo However was pacing Back and forth in His room Next to Adamaï.
He couldn't Stop thinking, 'What if we get Attacked? What if we get Ambused?..' He thought as he continued to Pace.
That was until a voice snapped him form his Thoughts; "Hey, You've been pacing for atleast 20 Minutes, What's Wrong?" Adamaï got up Looking at him worriedly.
Yugo had been Extremely Jumpy Since they got back from Oropos Tower; He'd act like something was always around the Corner. His tail swayed Unconsciously Without him Knowing, Adamaï could feel his Stress. He would bring yugo to his Side trying to calm him Down.
"A..Ad I dont.. Know!" Yugo said Shakily as he started to break. His tail curled under him as he looked up at Adamaï.
"Stay here." Adamaï said to Yugo, Gently Pushing him on the bed. Yugo curled up into a ball, His wings wrapped around himself while his tail remained curled under him. He was terrified of Oropo coming back.
Adamaï walked out of Yugos Room, Closing the door as gentle as possible.
"So How is he!?" Elely Shouted at the dragon. Adamaï quickly put his claw on her Mouth, Putting a finger to his Lips Shushing her.
"He's worse than when we left, He wont calm down. I'm gonna have to talk to Phearis about this, This is too much for him." Adamaï continued.
"You." He pointed at Amalia, "Me?.." She said confused. "Yes, Can you try to calm Him down?" He almost sounded Desperate.
Amalia Nodded, Walking behind Adamaï and putting her hand on the doorknob.
Adamaï Nodded, Walking out of the House, Flying off.
Amalia turned the Doorknob, Walking into the Room and closing the door quietly.
Outside of his room, The group has still worried about Yugo.
"So what's wrong with Him?" Rubilax asked
"That's what I'm Asking myself, Rubi." Dally replied to Him.
*"He's Mentality and Physically Exhausted, It's Making him Overwhelm Himself, He thinks Oropo will come back for Us. And he thinks he needs to protect Us, I know He's a King but... This is Too much for him." Eva explained
"Ohh!" Elely and Flopin said in Sync.
"That's better than I could've explained it." Ruel shrugged.
As Amalia closed the door, She saw Yugo. He looked horrible; He had developed bags from Lack of sleep, He was extremely Skinny. Adamaï did say he wouldn't eat..
Amalia walked over to His bed, She made Slow movements Not wanting to spook the boy.
When yugo saw her, He looked desperate to see her. Her slow movements somehow made him let his guard down the Slightest bit.
Amalia sat on his bed, Moving her hand to his. Grabbing it gently.
Yugo looked up at her, Shaking as tears dripped down his face. His Hood-ears twitched.
"Yugo.." she spoke softly, "What's Scarring you..?" She confused to speak softly. Almost a whisper.
Yugo shook his head "E...e-everything Ami.." his voice was a gust in the wind.
Amalia opened her Arms, Knowing what he needed.
Yugo almost flew into her Arms, Shaking and Sobbing as he put his head into her neck.
Amalia hugged him tightly as she slowly rocked them both, Yugos Wings wrapped around Ami as he was I'm desperate need Of comfort.. And Amalia would so her best to help him.
This AU Tajes place after Season 3, Yugo is Extremely Traumatized and has some traits from Adamaï; Wings, Horns, Tail ect-
Instincts are heightened, Making it easier to find people--
Okay so in my AUs Yugo has always had the traits from his brother, Like let's say he was somewhat taller than in cannon like.. hes 5"3.. Yugo figured out he had a dragon tail in the end of S3. The Brotherhood knew about it, But yugo knew he had actually wings in his back. But he didnt want to reveal them yet. The only one who knows is Adamai, And he hasn't showed his Wings on his head. He's showed Adamaï but He just teases him about them, By teases I mean he takes off his hat when there alone. Yugo just loves his brother...
And yugos always had an instinct where he can sense Anyone behind him because his tail would be able to sense the vibrations. His tail isn't too long but it's long enough to where it touched The ground.
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The beginning of the end of Lloyd Lloyd Hanson origin story.
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COMMENTS welcome its still a Work in progress. Reblogs are welcome working on a larger peice im thinking it might go this way or maybe another way. So I need feedback
Trigger Warnings 18+ as always just incase there is mention of Lloyd getting aroused once just one sentance violence, kidnapping. Guns being shot and manipulation. No reposting or publishing elsewhere or translating you are responsible for what you read.
Immediately following the events of The Gray Man
Lloyd stood frozen at the sight he last time he saw her she was...
"Meg but I thought you were-"
"So did I looks like we were both reserected. Happy Easter. We've got work to do" she shoved files in his hand. Not amused at him or the situation.
Lloyd stood there speachless by the only women who could do that to him. Who turned him into....by breaking his heart. Alive breathing and she looked good.
Years ago when Lloyd had begun his training.
Lloyd: copy that you're clear I have eyes you get to-
He felt steal against his head
Lloyd's head dropped
Then the gun lowered "bang"
"You're dead Lloyd What are you doing?" He didn't respond "What. Were. You. Do.Ing."
" I was covering my p-"
" No You were trying to get killed," she held her her hand for the ear peice. "Give it to me.:
He bregrudegedly agreed.
"You need to look out for yourself because trust me no one will be covering your ass in the field. It may be all friendships bracelets and kumbayas now but out there no one care trust me."
She blows a horn two long one and two short signaling a reset on the field.
"Again We start from the top" she emphases to Lloyd
"I don't care . Just as much as you hate it its boring for me to go over the same stupid simulation point out the the same issues. I mean how many time do I have to fucking say it Lloyd. No one will come for you. No one will rescue you you go on there and your partner will do the same thing you go down they continue. When will you start to fucking trust me on this. It's not boy scouts"
The frustration rose in the chest as she finally fired the gun at three trunks.
Lloyd. Steped back a little.
"Oh yea I dont have a training gun oops she says dryly. " Crushing his earpiece with her bare hand it both terrified Lloyd and turned him on.
She turned her back and walked away and Lloyd caught up and put his hand on her shoulder which she grabbed, twisted and held him securely with his hand behind his back
"Don't do that."
"How do you know?"
"I was like you then I spent six fucking months in a terrorist camp in the hills. partner was dead mission failed and HQ knew. They heard. And I waited for my rescue and no one came I got myself out. Then I found out there was no failed exfil there wasn't even an attempt at one. As far as they were concerned I was K.I.A. in an unscantioned operation."
She took a shaky breath
Then through gritted teeth "I am trying to help you here."
She let go and he turned around rubbing her wrist.
"I love you Lloyd. I do. But you're going to get killed out there unless you listen to me. Because he was alive"
"My partner"
"Alive and fine he didn't even care while he knew I was-"
Her head dropped.
He stepped slowly to her
Then in a caring voice- slowly lifting his hand to her shoulder
"Did they?"
"Don't" she said softly with a tear escaping for her eye.
"I dont want to be going to your funeral Lloyd because I didnt do my job." She sniffled.
He looked her over- this confident badness chuck just gone. Her eyes down. Her shoulders rolled forward slightly
"You won't. I'll listen. I promise you. When were on a mission together."
She looked at something else on the ground. As he stepped closer
"When because ill pass training. I'll never leave you behind I'd rather be there with you. Than to live without you."
Thier faces were closes her breathes uneven as she then threw her arms around Lloyd's neck
Promise me you won't tell anyone what I just told you. I never told anyone- her breath shaky
"I promise" me wispered in her ear as he rubbed her back.
"Come on" she sniffed "Lets go get another ear peice for you." She went to while her tears off when Lloyd did it for her.
"What did I say about getting too close? "
"It's more fun to see the fear as you kill them. Not that you ass."
They did then things were reset.
Everyone was reset as meg and the other trainers and supervisors sat at the command center
"Well that was evil." One commented
"That was fun" she laughed
"Tears were a nice touch."
"You can send my Oscar to my office."
"And you don't feel the slightest bit of sorrow for him?"
She breathed in slow. "No. " She smiled "he'll thank me one day well not thank me my grave stone. I'm thinking I want one of those infinity flames. But trust me if I needed a heart transplant he'd give me his. Bit of a shame though- might have made someone a good husband." She says with an indifferent look
"Oh yea you look so broken up." A handler rolls thier eyes.
"Hey I train him to be a ruthless killer I've done my penance and I'm back on the field and Meg is dead."
What do you all think
@nana1000night @sapphire-rogers @sparklybarbarianninja @patzammit @hawkeyes-queen
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midnight1404 · 10 months
1, 6, 7, 16, 19, 27, 28, 29!
Well, this was my first year dong fanfiction so following my word count (without counting three comms of 5k words that i didnt upload) i write 65, 993 words this year!!! yippy!!
6. To my surprise, that will be "As we fall (You will be part of me)" my poem collection that i have a little abandoned (but i will be back tho heheheh :3)
7. Well tbh, with a few exceptions, i almost never use song lyrics as titles so for now i don't an especial artist that i use the most (but i predict that one will be surely Breaking Benjamin or Ethel Cain surely)
16. Taking out the obvious ones like Dead dove, incest, etc. I'm proud that tag is "Catholic imagery" and "Daddy issues"
19. I can say jakelo? nah, just kidding...I think bessides my otp, im interested in explore more Quaritch's charcter in different angles and obviously i will do it along with Lo'ak (and maybe Taliya bc i just like imagine Q with someone he can't stand.)
27. I can't explain it very well, is a mess without a real order, is just a mix of Crystal Castles, Breaking Benjamin (or rock in general), Mitski, etc.
28. The Offspring and My Sab's gift one-shot (that is coming)
29.I have two coming from my two first works ever, and i cant chose just one so here it is:
The first one comes from the fourth chapter of A Father's child (my first fanfic, pls dont read it, is bad compared to my other works.), and i hold it close to my heart bc summarizes one of the main reasons why im so fixated in Lo'ak and Jake's relathionship, how difficult and fuck up it is, where there is intense amount of love but also a lot of past, guilt, and ghosts:
“I know that I’m a failure to you…” Lo’ak says with a broken voice, a single tear falls from his eye. “But is a lot of begging to look at me? Not as Toruk makto’s soldier or the kid that you were once time ago but as your son, Father….” More tears fall through his face, his voice cracking. “I’m your son, an imperfect one.”
 Jake thinks that statement it’s a cruel joke. Every time that he sees Lo’ak since his birth, the first sentence that come always to Jake’s mind is My child. The single one from his children of blood that came to this world with five fingers and eyebrows, the one who is stubborn and capable of jump to the danger without think twice, just like Jake.
"Neteyam is his pride, Kiri his empathy and Tuk his kindness. Lo’ak is the child that could have been born just from Jake’s rib. Jake Sully’s child in appearance, blood and heart.
Jake is scared for him because of that, the last thing that he desires for his boy is the same road and mistakes.
Ending with stained hands and uncountable sins. That simple thought makes Jake want to eat Lo'ak to make him reborn without the curse of being like Jake Sully."
The second one is from the sixth chapter of Look at me (on the horns of a dilemma), this one is mortly bc i suffered writing this with my impostor sindrome hitting me in my guts while my lack of english was not helping me at all, writing something more ambicious than i did before, and im proud that atleast i made to not gave up in it in the process.
"“After days spent doubtful and afraid, Fabian made the decision to free his little brother from Christian’s claws. So, in the dead of night when the eldest boy returned to the house, Fabian mustered the courage to sneak into his brother’s room and steal the shed’s key. When he managed to grab the keys without making noise, he didn't waste any time and ran to the shed so fast his legs ached. He opened the door with trembling hands, but what he was met with was not something he recognized as his brother.”
Lo’ak doesn’t want to feel like he’s walking in a tightrope anymore. He doesn’t want to feel like every breath he takes is a step closer to falling into a void, never to see the sun again. Lo’ak wants to be capable of at least knowing what he really wants for his future, something that is not swimming.
“A chained wolf-beast was what he saw. A beast with a big mouth that contained deadly, stained fangs. A beast with claws that appeared larger than Fabian’s head. It began to growl, which let out a putrid scent from its mouth. The boy froze in front of the thing that he once called a child, staring into its eyes. Dark, foggy-red orbs replacing the warm amber, erasing any trace of innocence, leaving only the dreadful ferocity. Fabian would have begun to cry if not for the sudden sound of the door closing. His heart stopped when he tried to open it and found out that it was locked. He started to scream, begging to be let out. This seemed to irritate the beast behind him, its growls getting louder with every cry. He heard Christian’s voice through the other side of the door, ‘This is what happens when you don’t listen’.”
Lo’ak is aware that the people around him would not even stand him being their sight if they knew about his forbidden lust and he understands why.
“No matter how Fabian begged or cried or screamed, Christian, the perfect son and brother, left his little brother trapped with a monster that, with the sunrise, would wake up as a kid again. A kid that would wake up with blood coating his skin and a new corpse that wasn’t from a sheep.”
But the Sully's middle child can’t stop thinking about his younger self. If the kid that Lo’ak was could see him in the present, what would his impression be?"
Thanks for the asks!!!
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mdpikachu · 2 years
List of hc’s concerning a clown (mephi fgo) as requested
(Not ordered in any way, old hcs and new ones intermixed.)
-Do not put your clown in direct sunlight for extended periods, he will sunburn SO fast.
--Jeanne’s interlude? Where she thanks Mephi for helping her and his response is, open quotes, “Reeeally? I’m not used to this sort of thing, so I’m not quite sure how to respond to that. But as long as you enjoyed yourself, that’s all that matters. Even better if it made you smile!” Please praise your clown. Clowns require praise to function. Hell, just speak to him. Acknowledge him.
-In Chibichuki, Mephi is shown as a hairdresser, so make that Chaldea occupation #3 under Clown and Alchemist. Wait, no. And makeup artist. he’d 100% help james/moriRuler/what have you, with his goofy makeup. edit FORGOT ABOUT THE CASINO DEALER TOO. At this point mephi’s just talented way outside the expected perimeters that aren’t combat. he does a LOT. buttling/butlering if he HAS to. etc. etc. etc. etc. talent clown.
--His eye color is startlingly inconsistent- Sometimes they’re blue and pink, and sometimes just plain Purple. I think in life they were blue without the pink. here’s a visual complaint. i do like the purple but it’s not... correct?
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-There is a joke around here somewhere concerning what it means to have an “ego”. There is also a comment regarding clown gender around here somewhere. Spoilers: it’s a bomb down there. for emergencies. trans rigs. local baby homun goes to dad and says “im boy”. situation over. his ingame bio says ♂? you cannot fight me here. if he really needs to prove it, he’ll let euryale shoot him. for science.
--For the longest time I thought the make-up was permanent markings. In this house they’re permanent markings except when they’re not. 
-Santa Mephi could potentially lead to a Krampus situation, especially if he ends up in half again. I would accept this. I’d also accept getting a costume and being an elf for someone else. I just want him to get into a christmas event for more than 1 seconds. as cute as a lily mephi would be, his spirit origin wouldnt be strong enough to be on it’s own. these are less HCs and more commentary
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--I drew mephi in his lab coat once here, take it, and yes that Is an alchemy circle on his neck. Tattoo from Papa Faust. That’s kept covered up 100% of the time. no touchy. (DID DRAW HIM AGAIN RECENTLY BUT NOT DONE YET)
-bc of his panicked reaction to the large ghost in knk, secretly a bit scared of ghosts. a “bit”. only a “little” (BLATANT LIE)
--the tiny horns he can hide at will and are from innocent monster. two of his tails are from the same source. one tail he’s always had.
-this is the absolute hardest take on here, but i dont think he (mephi the homunculus) killed faust. the innocent monster mephi (the demon) would take CREDIT for it, but he’s just acting in accordance to the myth that he caused it, like how salieri’s totally fucked up. who actually killed faust? idk. the church probably. stop summoning demons and making shit. thats not very churchgoing of you. unless faust himself asks, in which case mephi is free to say “no, i didnt!”. cause he didnt and he liked dad outside of the whole “killing people” thing. (which i did NOT know about when that was decided. kept outta spite and it being too late to fix.)
--isn’t mephi gay in at least one version of Faust. I’d need to research that one. highest honor, slaps with both ace and bi labels and then leaves without explaining myself. 
-mephi cares. mephi cares so Fucking Much and probably genuinely struggles with it. the one i write figured it out, kinda, but he’s lucky. canon mephi and generally accurate mephis have Issues with this.
--the mephi i write for is Lucky. the guda that summoned him (her name is Minako, mink for short) is a horror fan and as soon as she saw his name she was like “oh fuck yes”. in hindsight this is hilarious knowing now that Most People in Chaldea or In General do not like him. no wonder her mephis doing so well. Immediate Acceptance. i wrote that in fucking 2017 with a base knowledge of him. im not fixing it. im not linking it either bc i do need to rewrite a small segment. the og rp that came before that is from even EARLIER. mephi betraying his betrayal nature SPEEDRUN ANY % bc mink yelled “YES I LIKE YOU” immediately. again not changing this.
-hates being Not Clowny, esp. in public. he can tolerate it for short bursts, if its to fuck with everybody, or if he’s allowed to be an Absolute Menace the entire time.
--need a read on his emotions? cant trust his face? look at his tails. his hearts on his tails [i am booed off stage for the pun, and i shout “BUT ITS TRUE!” on the way out].  they wag, they wave, they curl up or go still. sometimes they all do different stuff. i know they’re meant to be one splitting into three but consider;;;; no?
-im like 90% sure he called mash his sister once as a joke in the knk event... he’s not far off. shes a designer baby (that hadn’t been revealed yet), hes a homunculus with an ego. hes like... the prototype to most homunculi and to mash. hes absolutely her older “brother” and if u fuck with her, he gets to kill you for free. from this, he absolutely accepts jokes about Lancelot being his dad. He thinks its Very Funny.
--his SERVANT name is Mephistopheles. named after the contract demon (NAME EXPUNGED). as a Just a Little Guy his name was Philetus and No One is allowed to use that. One of the few things hes serious about. (i don’t remember where i go that from. i think bc it sounded good. I genuinely don’t remember. something between the Pheles part and Philos (which is a name for a type of love, and also the name of a completely unrelated oc that has 0% to do with fate or any of this but. i think it was just bc it sounded good next to Faust or Faustus.)
update on above:  Philetos means beloved so THATS also probably where it came from. faust cared him so goddamn much.
-since he’s very much not human, getting sick is a bit easier for him than the average servant. he also doesnt drink booze for the same reason. 0 to 100 speedrun of a clown eating SHIT.
--Something about being good at witchcraft so hes aware of the witching hour. local fake demon can just. abuse a magical extra hour.
-Always knows the time (HES ALWAYS COVERED IN CLOCKS, CMON). ... actually, even without the clocks. thats his Thing.
--Can and will loophole. Someone call a place Hell? Sure, that’s a hellscape now! He can now appear.
-I DID give a rough design for the contract demon and faust but not putting here.
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cyverrieee · 2 years
In the room
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GN!Reader x Genshin impact
Someone went into your room without your permission, and now they saw some unwanted or even unrecognizable technology infront of their eyes
Au summary:
You got transferred into teyvat witu your devices, you know everything and everyone. And you spend alot of time in your room, they were worried or curious on whays happening in your room
[ A/N ] · This idea is purely original! So yeah 😍
— 𝘐𝘵𝘵𝘰
You were busy in your room half of the time, and your tough funny man, Itto was bored of waiting for you outside your room, he isnt allowed in your room since it's very confusing you say which made Itto more curious to go in your room.
One day, you were gone to go to Sumeru, The land of wisdom. He notice that your room was unlocked, taking his chance. He gently went into the room, closing his eyes as if hes going to see something unpleasant, he opened his eyes to see.. bright square things! There were three of them, he noticed a mouse and started messing around but also being careful about some important stuff.
It was night time, Itto didnt realize it yet since he was too busy watching videos about him in this website called Youtube ! People actually love his silly dumb personality which made Itto more happy!
You notice that your room was unlocked and mid way open, you see someone with red horns and white hair!? You immediately went into your room and slammed the door open which made Itto flinch! You notice that hes watching Tiktok compliation videos of him.
You died right on the spot
— 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪
Ever since you guys met, you always never invited venti into your room or anyone in particular, your mother always said that when she needs something in your room, you create a small animal like an owl or a cat or a dog and ETC with the use of your vision. This made Venti curious, are you planning something devious to destroy mondstadt? Or there is something in your room that you dont want others to see. So it has been tue mission for venti to see what were you up to! When you go to your room, he would put his ear close to the door, he can hear slight muffled noises of "NOO" or "ARE YOU SERIOUS" or anything that considers screaming, Venti though you were hurt or something. One time, your mother heard you say "OH FUCKING BARBATOS" once, which scared the hell out of venti. Did he do something wrong?
One night you forgot to lock your door, you decided to play genshin.. while you were in genshin.. venti notice this right away, and peeked through the gap. You were some how cosplay venti himself, while in your computer, wishing for him. When you got him, you screamed- as in literally screamed.. he slip through the gap and touched your shoulder.
"Hi there"
He said as if he didnt just went in your room. You immediately fainted afterwards..
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mik-mania · 2 years
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i hyperfocused and somehow its 5am now
maelia -> @sasster​
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dr4cking · 3 years
can i request a car smut with draco please 😏
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draco malfoy x reader | smut |
a/n : ugh this idea has been running on my mind 😁 thank you for requesting! <3
y/n walked out of her house when she heard the horn from his car, running to the man she was supposed to go on a date.
she quickly get in the car, greeting draco with a kiss on his cheek.
“looking gorgeous as always, love” he compliments, her perfume filling his car intoxicating him as soon as she sits on the passenger seat.
“thank you, you look hot as always” both of them chuckles and he starts the car.
they were driving to their destination for about an hour, they’re going to somewhere special to celebrate their anniversary but now they’re currently stuck in traffic.
“ugh traffic sucks” y/n whines, the music from the radio isnt curing their boredom anymore.
“yeah it sucks we’ve been trapped for like what, 30 minutes i think” he replied with the same annoyance, sipping his coke.
the more they stuck the more they got bored, but after a few minutes the vehicles in front of them slowly disappeared one by one.
y/n cant help but stare at his hands gripping on the steering wheels and his eyes focusing on the road, her cheeks suddenly heated as she feels arousal down there.
she put one of her hand on his tense shoulder, caressing it slowly making him relaxed until she let her hand trailing down to his biceps squeezing it lightly.
draco was still focused on the road thinking she was just being touchy but her next move making him bite his lip.
she gently tracing and stroking his thigh dangerously close to his crotch, letting her fingertips tapping his thigh while moving up to his part.
“y/n.. what are you d-doing?” his face flushed as she palmed him through his jeans and her thumb playing with the zipper.
“what do you mean? i didnt do anything” she replied pretending to be innocent while her hand pressing down on his hardening cock making him sighed.
she continues her naughty move, her hand now squeezing his cock through his jeans, her other hand quickly working on the button and the zipper.
“y/n this isnt safe..” draco said between his moan as she pulling out his cock, squeezing the tip with her fingers making precum oozing out of it.
she bend down now facing his crotch, she licks a straight line from the base to the top. swirling her tongue around it.
“ah! baby, its- its not safe” he gripped the wheels tighter as she spits on his sensitive tip then pressing her tongue on his slit getting more of precum coming out. the tingly feeling making him bucked his hips.
y/n pulled away sitting straight up to normal making his head snapped instantly to her, anger showing on his face.
“what the fuck do you think youre doing?”
“you said its not safe so i stop it, dont wanna crash down you know..” she chuckles as she saw his disbelief look.
“shut your bullshit and get back here, finish what you have started.” her breath got caught in her throat when she heard the dominant tone in his voice, rubbing her thighs together shakily bending down to him again.
she gripped his cock tightly without warning, pulling it in her mouth until it touches the back of her throat.
“fucking hell..” draco’s knuckles turned pale as he gripped the wheels tightly, his body jolted out from her sudden action.
she suck him eagerly, her nose were hitting his lower abdomen repeatedly. he was twitching when she hummed and moaned around his cock.
the slurping sounds and his heavy breaths making his ears turned pink. now his car is nothing but unholy scene.
luckily, his window is dark enough to cover what she was doing to him right now.
“f-fuck i’m gonna cum!” he moaned loudly as he let his orgasm hit him, spurting his cum down her throat which she gladly swallowed.
his eyes closed for a second before opening up again, thanking the universe that no one is going in front of them.
he looks at y/n who was still sucking on her fingers cleaning his cum, his pupils widened and filled with lust.
draco quickly pulling over to the abandoned empty parking spot, parking his car right away and lowering his seat down.
“you’re such a needy slut, cant even wait until we got there and decided to be a distraction instead.”
“i was just really bored, daddy” he grabbed her wrist impatiently pulling y/n onto his lap making the girl yelped.
he pushed her skirt up, ripping her underwear apart and throwing it to the backseat.
his fingers rubbing around her glistening cunt making her dropped her head back in pleasure finally getting some friction.
he inserts his fingers into her, pumping them into her, the sounds it made due to how she was already slicked making his smirk get wider.
“god, there daddy..!” he curls his fingers inside her his long fingers brushing her gspot without making any effort, she screamed when the knot tightened in her stomach.
“yes daddy.. i’m so close!” he pushed his fingers deeper and thats when she let go, coming undone her walls clenching around his fingers making him groaned.
he pulls his fingers out and sucking on them savouring her taste moaning at it making her body burns at the sight.
he smirked before pushing his fingers down her throat letting her tasting herself.
“so fucking delicious, right babygirl?” she nodded, grinding her cunt on his cock petting him, he groaned loudly and slapped her ass.
“fuck me, now” she obliged and lifted her body up, gripping his cock under her lining it up with her.
she keeps their eye contact, biting her bottom lip before sinking down on his cock.
uncontrolled moans and groans filling the car, the air conditioner cant even cooling down the heat anymore.
she started bouncing up and down on him, gripping on his shoulder to balance herself, his hands are guiding her hips. his tongue licking her clothed breast damping it and biting on her nipple making the girl let out a squeak.
draco feels her movements faltered and decided to take the control, his hands moved to her ass squeezing it hard, he thrusts upwards into her, pounding his cock harder and deeper.
the car is moving uncontrollably due to his rough thrusts, if anyone passed by them they would obviously know what was happening.
y/n let her head dropped down to his shoulder biting his exposed neck to hold her screams when he brushed her spot over and over again, forcing her high to coming back to her.
“feels so good, angel?”
she was so lost in her pleasure that she cant even heard him, his pounding was making her head dizzy as the coil tightened ready to snapped through her body.
“god, so fucking lost that you cant even focused on me, huh? all braindead for me” he chuckles, one of his hands gripped her throat pulling her closer to him forcing her to answer him.
“i’m sorry daddy it feels too g- good” he moved his hand down to her clit, rubbing and pinching it lightly making the girl squirmed.
“be a good girl for me and cum” and with one deep short thrust he gave, she let her high washed over her with a loud scream of his name left her lips, a single tear dropped off of her eyes.
it was so good that she instantly collapsed on his body. her legs are shaking uncontrollably.
“holy fuck.. you squirted- oh shit y/n!” draco cums right away at the feeling of her walls clenching and squeezing him so hard and tight, he groaned loudly shooting all of his seed into her filling her up.
he lazily ride out their high. letting their bodies relaxed into each other, catching their breaths.
“that was so fucking good, darling” he cupped her face, capturing her lips on him kissing her sweetly.
“i made a mess..” she chuckles as she broke the kiss looking down and seeing his jeans all soaked up.
“i love it, reminding me of how good i fucked you” he made no move to pulls out of her letting her cockwarming him.
“happy anniversary, my love” draco kissed her one more time, her hand stroking his hair softly.
“happy anniversary, my love” y/n let her head resting on his shoulder.
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @youreso-golden @f4iryluvy @dracmalf0y-dm @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @dlmmdl @rylynn-m @black-repunzel99 @yiamalfoy @i-love-scott-mccall @acciodignity @slythermuf @arzfia @alexthealexthealex @seriouslyinlove @yvonnearce22 @doyounggf
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the7thheroine · 2 years
the elktaur x reader
• its more then likely he is going to be very flustered with you. he just loves you so much
• I think he’s actually very shy with pda in public but would love holding hands and walking along together whilst swinging arms.
• In private however, he will sneak looks at you and just admire, sometimes stealing kisses or cuddling up to you whilst reading up about the realms.
• hes most likely gonna think about you all day and will bring you little flowers or trinkets whilst being out
• You both travel a little bit in between the two realms just to spend some time together
• If you two were to fight he would not apologise at first feeling nervous as if it may make it worse so you may have to coax him a little
•once one of you apologises its all good and ends with sex cuddling and kisses
• ofcourse hes still invested in his research so he may be a little bit busy, but if you bought him food or drinks to work he would be very grateful. ;)
• damn bro…
• If he became the king of nothing hes definitely not letting you anywhere near him.
• it may be because you two got separated or because something had happened to you he became like this
• He will always remember the look on your face when you first saw him like this. It was pure terror as you didnt know who was under that slime
• Now when he is uncovered and his backstory gets revealed he just wants to hold you, even if its the last time
•so whilst in the pit on the floor you both just kind of stare at each other for a moment before he try’s to get to you, but because he’s weak, and cannot stand, you run to him.
•he’ll cradle you in his arms on the floor, begging for forgiveness and gently kissing your head as your forced to kill him.
• Both of you are most likely just crying, almost trying to meld your skin together from being apart so long. Neither of you wanted this fate.
• If you do choose to end his suffering it will take awhile to recover
•however if you two chose to run away together, leaving behind the key, and choosing to just live together and finally be happy with peace, then it may be some of your happiest moments
• Ofcourse hes still riddling with guilt and wont touch you for a long time, afraid he might hurt you.
•But on a certain night he does? well it certainly is something
Gently sitting back in the pile of pillows and quilts of fur, you read your book, awaiting your lover to come and join you in bed. You heard the door quietly creak open, their stood elktaur, he was staring down at his hoofs whilst his fingers knotted. “darling? “ you call out “is something wrong?” gently you put your book down leaning up slightly. His messy hair covered his face, his horns were rough and needed to be scrubbed down. “i-i… is this.. ok?” he asked quietly. still refusing to meet your gaze. “Of course it is my love, why do you ask?” His head tilts up, his cheeks were puffy and his eyes red, he had been crying for awhile you’d presume from his state of sobs that soon accompanied. pushing the quilt of you, you move towards him gently pulling him to the floor by the arms. He soon falls forward, straight into your arms and lap, his horns nudging again your legs. As he cried all of his guilt spilled out, his fears, his wishes, and how much he wanted you. it took some time but eventually he wiped his eyes sitting up. “im sorry my love, i wasn’t… i just wanted to be with you.” His head pressed against yours, his eyes closing, without responding you closed your eyes pressing your forehead back against his. His eyes soon open, his gaze finding your lips.. quietly you both leaned in, sharing your first kiss since he came back.
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
The Demon Babysitter | HDBNY pt.1
Karl Jacobs x reader
Masterlist | Next Part
collab with @alec-lost-bee, (you can go follow him if you want to know some headcanons and behind-the-scenes stuff!!)
The taglist for this fic is open!
also, we are not promoting summoning demons and stuff, this is just a FANFICTION
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"Boredom will kill me."
"Not if I kill you first."
So bored.
So freaking bored.
That's what Karl was feeling.
Even scrolling through his phone was not entertaining him.
He let out a sigh as he got up from his chair and plopped down back on his bed.
He sighed.
Nothing to do.
He sighed as he got up from bed and plopped down on his chair and just started to aimlessly surf on his computer.
Karl squinted his eyes and clicked on the last link as it opened to a… funny-looking website.
He scoffed, really? Summon a demon?
He hummed as he thought for a second.
Well, he had nothing better to do anyway.
Imagined being so bored that you try to summon a freaking demon.
Welp, Karl knew it wasn’t gonna work anyways…
He skimmed through the site as he decided to skip the big paragraphs,
Treat them with honesty and respect. NEVER command, demand, or try to exploit them in any way
1. Know the demon you are trying to summon, [demon list: demons WE have interacted with]
2. It is important to have a specific purpose, know exactly why you are summoning a particular demon.
Well, he was bored.
Isn’t that valid enough?
3. When we ask for assistance from a Demon, it is only proper to offer something in return. Be prepared to give something in return.
He hummed as he thought for a minute, what can he offer?
His eyes landed on some monster cans on his desk as he shrugged.
Monster is a cool offering in his opinion.
He skipped a few parts as he just started skimming through the things he needed.
A quiet place.
Incense stick.
Black candles.
A paper containing the demon’s sigil.
He clicked on the demon list and started scrolling.
I have plenty of knowledge.
Astral projection.
What the hell is astral projection?
Ha. Love.
He hummed.
Like a demon councilor?
Sounds pretty cool.
He clicked on the first name he saw,
He hummed as a sigil opened up in a new tab and he proceeded to print it.
Okay, candles and incense sticks.
He must have them.
After looking for five minutes, he found three candles and two incense sticks.
He turned off his lights as lit them all up in front of his mirror as he exhaled.
What does he have to do now?
Okay, imagine the sigil in your mind, and chant the demon's name in your head without any interruptions.
He closed his eyes as he did what was told.
He opened his eyes as a gust of wind blew out the candles.
He furrowed his brows.
I thought the windows were closed.
The smoke from the incense sticks started to make weird patterns in the air as Karl's eyes widened.
There is no way in hell this is happening.
He gulped in panic as he mumbled to himself, "Why the fuck am I doing this? Summoning a fucking demon? Why-"
"Now, that's a bit harsh, don't you think?"
Two bright red dots lit up in the dark corner of the room, as Karl's eyes widened.
It actually freaking worked.
He whipped his head around so fast that he almost got whiplash, as those two red dots glowed even brighter.
"Holy shit-"
You hissed, "Please don't use that word, Mr. Karl Jacobs."
He slightly gasped, "How do you know my name?"
You chuckled and stepped out of the dark and clicked your fingers as his lights turned back on, "You know mine, it'd be rude if I don't know yours."
Karl just gulped again as he drank in your appearance.
He didnt really expect a demon to look like... this.
There were no horns, no wings, no tail.
You were wearing a suit?
You slightly smirked as you noticed he was practically checking you out, "Karl Jacobs?"
He snapped out of his trance as his lips parted, "You're... you're a..."
You raised a brow, "A demon? Yes. Now, what is it that you want me to do?"
He took a deep breath, "You're... you're Asmodeus?"
You smiled and nodded, "Yes, that is my demon name."
He slowly nodded, "And I summoned you?"
You closed your eyes as your jaw tightened, "........Yes. YOU summoned ME. That's why I am asking, what do you need me to do?"
He blinked as he nervously chuckled, "That, you see... um, you give advice, right?"
You tilted your head and folded your hands, "Yep, advice, answer to any of your questions, astral projection, relationships, I can even guard an important possession of yours."
He blinked as he slowly nodded in understanding, "Oh..."
You clicked your tongue and "Karl Jacobs, did you summon me without any purpose?"
His eyes slightly widened, "I... I do have a purpose...?"
You rolled your eyes, "So no purpose got it."
"I was bored," He blurted out of fear.
Great Karl.
You raised a brow, "You were bored... That is your justification? You were bored, and that's why you decided to summon me, out of boredom?"
"Um, it's not like that-"
An unimpressed look came over your face, "And I'm guessing you have nothing to offer either?"
He eyed the monster cans, "You... like monsters?"
You slightly smirked as your eyes turned slightly red, "Of course I do. I am one."
He gulped as you traced the monster can with your pointer finger, "Well, it's only fair if I take your soul as compensation for wasting my time..."
His eyes widened like saucers, "What? No, please no-"
You smiled in satisfaction as you could feel his fear, "Tell me, Karl Jacobs, what is it that you desire?"
You took a step forward as he leaned away from you, "Um, the will to live?"
You blinked and paused, "What?"
He paused as well and tilted his head, "Was I supposed to give a different answer?"
You squinted your eyes as they turned back to brown, "You were actually... Can you show me your wrist?"
Before he can even move his arm, you grabbed it as you turn it with slight force.
Karl's eyes slightly widened as he saw what was written on his wrist.
You hummed, "I like the cursive."
Karl stared at his wrist in wonder as he looked up to you, "Is my name written on you too?"
You nodded, "Yeah."
His eyes twinkled, "Show me."
You playfully rolled your eyes, "I can't. It's on my ass."
He blinked, "What?"
You chuckled and shook your head, "I'm kidding."
You pulled up your sleeve as you showed him his name, which was written in the same cursive font.
"So, are you gonna take my soul? As compensation?"
You laughed as you went in front of the mirror and started fixing your hair, "I just wanted to scare you. I like fear. But since I'm here now..."
You hummed and picked up the paper with your sigil as you stared at it, "I can't really leave now."
You clicked your fingers as a book appeared in your hand and tucked the paper inside it, "Keep this somewhere safe, maybe among your... mangas? Good vibes, you know?"
You turned to him and patted his head, "Don't burn it or I'll kill you."
His eyes widened, "What?"
You just hummed, "Your hair is so fluffy. How old are you again?"
He just awkwardly chuckled, "Thanks... I'm turning 24 in a few months I guess."
You nodded and hummed again, "I gotta go now. I have some work to do."
He blinked as you sniffed the incense stick, "W-work?"
You nodded, "Yeah, work. This smells so good, I'm keeping this."
You tucked both the burnt-out incense sticks in your pocket, "Better than perfume. Can I use your phone?"
He fumbled with his phone as he unlocked it, "Y-yeah, sure."
You smiled and dialed a number, which was obviously unknown to Karl, "Wilbur? Can you- what do you mean who? It's me, Y/n."
You peeked out of the window and paused, "I need you to pick me up. I have some work to do, need your help as well. Alright. Dream? Sure."
You muttered the address and ended the call, handing the phone back to Karl, "I'll see you later. Someone else will come and visit you."
He furrowed his brows, "Wait- what? Who is gonna visit me? And is your name Y/n-"
But you were already gone.
Both Dream and Wilbur stared at Karl's house in disgust.
Wilbur turned to you, "So, you are like his councilor?
You rolled your eyes, "More like a babysitter. He doesn't have a purpose but my name is already imprinted on him."
Dream rolled his eyes, "Why are you even staying if he doesn't have a purpose? Just take his soul and go back."
You sighed, "My... desire thing didnt work on him."
They both paused as Wilbur furrowed his brows, "...What?"
You nodded and cracked your knuckles, "That's why I'm gonna stay."
Dream clicked his tongue, "What do you need us to do?"
You took a deep breath as darkness slowly surrounded your form, "I need you to find out why Karl has an angel charm on his house."
Karl was staring at his shelf.
More specifically, on that book.
The book that had that sigil.
He sighed as he wondered to himself.
What will happen if he burns the sigil?
Will you be gone?
He hummed.
You did tell him NOT to burn the book, and that you will kill him if he tried to.
What if he did burn it?
He hummed.
Maybe he should burn it.
That is what got into him in this mess.
Well, technically, it was his boredom but,
never mind.
I have to pee first.
He got up as he went to do his business. But when he got back,
He jumped in surprise as he saw three total strangers in his room, one was sitting on the window sill, one was leaning on his computer table, munching on a muffin, and one was sitting on his bed.
All of them were staring at him.
Karl shivered as a deep voice rumbled,
"What were you thinking of doing, Karl Jacobs?"
His eyes widened as the one on the window sill got up and took a step forward.
Karl gulped, "You have... you have a very deep voice, mister..."
The guy offered him a handshake, "Corpse."
The one with a muffin happily waved at him, "I'm Bad!"
Karl furrowed his brows, "You're bad?"
Bad giggled, "My full name is Badboyhalo, but you can call me Bad."
Karl slowly nodded as his eyes moved on the guy who was sitting on his bed.
The guy gave him a mini salute as Corpse spoke for him, "That's Callahan."
Karl nodded again and cleared his throat, "Oh... um, I'm Karl, but you already know that so... Who are you guys again?"
Bad grinned, "We are Y/n's friends! Wait, don't tell me she didn't tell you that we were going to come and visit?"
Karl paused as he recalled that you did tell him, "No, she did say that someone will come and visit me... Are you guys... demons too?"
Callahan nodded in response.
"So back to the main topic, why were you thinking of burning the sigil?"
His eyes slightly widened as he looked at Corpse, "You guys are psychic? Well, I should've already-"
Bad pointed at Callahan, "He's psychic, so be careful of what you are thinking around him."
I think you guys are idiots.
Callahan gave Karl a 'really' look as Karl let out an embarrassed chuckle, "Sorry. And I wasn't really going to do it, I was just wondering what would happen if I did burn it...?"
Corpse's eyes darkened, "Don't burn it. If you break your bond abruptly, it won't end well for both of you."
Karl tilted his head in slight confusion, "Our bond?"
Callahan gestured to his wrist as Bad hummed, "You summoned her, so you both are kind of connected now. She'd be here, even before you think about her."
He blinked, "Really? She'll appear anytime I want her to?"
Corpse nodded, "Yeah, kind of. Unless she is super busy."
Karl closed his eyes tightly as he braced himself from the sudden gust of wind that blew in the room.
But the demons didn't even flinch.
"I was eating."
He flinched as he turned around to find you standing there with a fork and knife in your hand, "Oh... okay then, um, go back to eating?"
And she was gone even before Karl blinked.
Bad hummed as he looked at Corpse, "The charm is already gone right?"
Callahan gave Bad an 'I'm done' look, as Bad gasped, "Oh, right, if it wasn't gone we wouldn't be here."
Karl furrowed his brows, "What charm?"
Bad smiled at him, "It's a demon thing. So, Karl, do you like muffins?"
Sigil: a symbol
Angel charm (here): a protection spell on Karl's house, that prevented demons to enter his house
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@rexit-mo, @alex--awesome--22, @hi-imuwu, @the-official-memester, @beeissdead, @malfoysslutt, @beeseira, @incorrectquotesformyuse, @uselesssapphickitten, @ahmya-4, @penumbrasposts, @itsberrydreemurstuff, @chaoticotaku, @aikochan4859
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