funnywizard3000 · 1 year
tagged by @mxsovereign to write my url in songs!! F - Foggy Burial Invocation by Weeping Coffin - F​.​B​.​I
U - Ultraviolet Angels Descend on Iceland - Autoglass N - No Longer Human - Baphomorph N - Narrow Hallways - Castevet Y - YOU ARE LIKE A FUCKING BABY TO ME - Kaho Matsui W - Weathervaning - Old Saw I - Interlude - Modulogeek Z - Zero the Hero - Black Sabbath A - Arizona Analyzer - HAT R - RADIATION - GOSH D - Do You Remember? (Moose) - Theater of Magic 3 - fuck it i cant find a 3 song. dracula flow 3 0 - 04 Eat Your Heart - Micachu (i am not doing three 0s im not torturing myself like that)
tagging @jammerjenny @exchangeyourexperience @twobat @versleon @starscweam @feedonmyflesh @wirebrother @mundanesalad @ouja @bubblo AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS TOO!!
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whereflowersbloom · 4 years
Pumpkin Disaster
Richard could almost smell the cinnamon spice, vanilla scent and cinnamon sugar in the air. The colors of the leaves changed from green to a dazzling display of red, orange and yellow. The air became crisper and temperatures dropped a bit as a chill came into the air.
Richard Grayson absolutely loved Halloween. As expected of the eldest Wayne sibling, he was the kind of person who enjoyed decorating and preparing the manor for Halloween because of his everlasting enthusiasm for holidays. He loved the cheesy and horror movies, the excuse to stuff his face with candy, the seasonal special editions of cereal, the elaborate and extravagant costumes, the creative decorations. It was his second favorite holiday. And he definitely considered it a holiday.
Halloween wasn’t just a day to him. Oh no. The whole month of October was Halloween. But with his vigilante duties, intermittent Titans training and constant Gotham crises cropping up, he had made it through two weeks of the month without an ounce of Halloween festivity. But that was about to change.
“You never carved pumpkins for Halloween?” Dick Grayson asked incredulously, pressing a hand to his chest in a move overly dramatic.
Damian exclaimed a familiar ‘TT’ in response. For him seeing people playing pretend, wearing flashy and ridiculous costumes was not particularly interesting. Thought they weren’t much different from the impractical clothing Todd and Richard insisted on wearing. It was just a recurrent reminder that he was not a normal child.
“Which part of I was raised in the inhospitable and desolate mountains you didn’t comprehend, Grayson?” Damian brusquely returned with furrowed eyebrows.
“But we cannot celebrate it without carving your first pumpkin...” Grayson sounded so downhearted it stung Damian with shadowy guilt. Out of all his adoptive siblings Grayson was the pleasant and tolerable one. Damian swallowed hard.
“I want all of us to carve a pumpkin!” Dick declared holding up his index finger in contempt. Damian raised a dark eyebrow as a go on communicating silently. “We are all doing this together as a family.”
“It’s not necessary. I’m not a small child anymore.” Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes before refocusing on his Robert Frost book, flipping another page. No. He would not acquiesce easily into this. He was self-sufficient, mature preteen. Not a child.
“Demon spawn, you are only eleven.” Jason commented before putting out a finished cigarette. Fortunately Alfred wasn’t lurking around to give him disapproving eyes for smoking inside the manor.
“Is this your way of asking for a new scar, Todd?” Damian threatened through gritted teeth and clenched fists, mind quickly calculating the damage of throwing an explosive batarang.
“You’re getting less insufferable to be around.” Jason scoffed and met Damian with a sly smirk. “Dickie, pouting is not an acceptable reaction for a full-grown adult.” Jason sing-songed as he grabbed his motorbike keys.
“This includes you Jaybird. I plan on getting you into the Halloween spirit.” Dick announced with his authoritative leader tone, letting Jason know he would be part of this wether he liked it or not.
Jason groaned dreadfully, cursing under his breath. Great. Now he was part of the Halloween circus. At least he didn’t have to take the annoying gremlin pumpkin picking. God knows what would happened if they fed him candy. The thought gave Jason chilling goosebumps.
Damian folded his arms over his chest in a sign of disagreement. “I don’t do pumpkins. It’s a waste of food. It amounts to about 18,000 tons of pumpkin, including flesh and seeds. Have you read the recent studies on how it’s destroying the environment?”
“Come on, D. You will have fun. You can carve your own Robin lantern” Dick encouraged, practically vibrating with excitement. Damian wondered what on earth he did to deserve such blinding sunshine as his adoptive sibling. “...and I’m sure Alfred will find a convenient way to make use of the pumpkins.”the last words seemed to have done the trick to convince the younger boy.
Damian considered the options carefully for a solid minute. He knew better than ignoring Richard wouldn’t get him anywhere. He wouldn’t leave it alone. Sigh. If it meant he could help Pennyworth baking a pumpkin spice pie with ginger-snag crust...
“Lead the way, Grayson.” Damian sighed resignedly.
Dick squealed in joy, bouncing to his feet and wrapping his arms around Damian’s neck.
It was just pumpkin carving what exactly could go wrong. Right?
Less than two hours later Jason Todd walked into the kitchen of the Wayne manor, initially looking for a cup of peppermint tea as the Gotham chilly autumn winds were making him crave a hot beverage.
“Would anyone care to explain why is there a whole fucking pumpkin patch on the kitchen table?” Jason muttered audibly, mouth opened in stupefaction. What in the name of Halloweentown....Where did all these pumpkins come from?
“Language, Jay.” Dick scolded him glancing up at him over a pile of massive mutant pumpkins with a provoking grin.
“I grew up in the Narrows. I’m allowed to swear.” Jason rolled his eyes in reply as he tried to avoid stepping on the pumpkins, accidentally squashing them, they were scattered on the floor, table, those fucking things were everywhere. “Dickie, are you going to explain?”
“These are from Roy.” Richard gestured the numerous orange bulbs with his right hand. “I think he got these from some illegal smuggling bust. I didn’t really ask a lot of questions. I just accepted them because I thought it’d be fun to try carving Batman lanterns with little D.”
It took Jason less than two minutes to process the information. Why was the golden boy not bothered by this?
“You mean these are contraband pumpkins.” He remarked skeptically, green-blue eyes widening still rather incredulous.
Dick simply shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d have a problem.”
Right. Only if Bruce found out about the origin of the contraband pumpkins. Then he’d be blamed for being the bad influence and his merry band of disreputable friends. He groaned as he rubbed the nape of his neck.
“And where is the demon spawn. I don’t seem him anywhere.” He questioned narrowing his eyes and tilting his head to the side the slightest. He had to be close to Dick, but the kitchen was alarmingly too quiet. Too quiet for his liking. This meant trouble.
Tim didn’t try too hard not to flinch as a knife flashed dangerously close to his face and flied past Jason. “This is the third time in the last hour. I’m starting to think it’s personal.” Tim spoke calmly with a sarcastic tone as he continued sipping his black coffee expressionless as usual. Getting knifed by the little demon spawn before Halloween would hav been the cherry on top of the misfortune cake.
Jason was genuinely concerned and wondered how many cups of coffee Tim has had today. Hopefully not over five.
“If he wanted you dead, you’d be already in a casket.” Jason pointed out. It was no secret Damian’s strong aversion towards replacement, but he didn’t wish the shortstack dead.
Tim just shrugged his shoulders casually. “Well, I suppose we always could use your old one.” Fuck that. He took it back.
“Low blow, replacement.” Jason feigned hurt putting a hand to his chest right above his heart in a offended manner.
“It’s juts not cooperating.” The young kid voiced his frustration and discontentment . Leaving the kitchen knife he used on the table. Tt. He was trained and raised for excellence and he couldn’t carve flawlessly a stupid pumpkin. Mother would be entirely displeased.
“Requires time and practice, Dami.” Dick whispered softly with a warm smile, running his hand up and down the preteen’s back.
“I don’t know D, to me it looks like you’re slaughtering it mercilessly.” Jason joked with a wolflike smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Head moving in different angles trying to find a figure or face in the pumpkin Damian had been carving. “Unless you were thinking of the Joker, If so then you have my seal of approval.” The little demon spawn was never the most pleasant person to be around but deep,very deep down maybe Jason had a soft spot for him. Not that he would ever admit it out loud. Never.
“Do us a favor and keep your mouth shut, Todd.” Damian barked, glaring daggers at him.
“I never did Halloween with my parents.” The words escaped Tim’s mouth before his brilliant brain registered the order. The pain wasn’t there anymore. No. There were charity Galas, social events for wealthy socialites, last minute journeys for significant discoveries. Because people often assumed there will be plenty of time later. Tim didn’t want Damian to live for the later.
“I remember trading a cheap wristwatch for expired candy once. Not a great deal.” Jason muttered nonchalantly, giving it unimportance. Tone flat and factual. His memories from the narrows weren’t memorable for being happy or enjoyable but he had what he managed to obtain and he did what was necessary in order to survive. Nothing to be ashamed of.
“There’s always a first, Timbo.” Dick placed sympathetically a hand on Tim’s shoulder in a comforting way. Tim smiled softly back. Well, perhaps this pumpkin carving experience could be fun.
“This is the grossest thing I’ve ever done.” Tim announced, scooping a handful of pumpkin guts out of his pumpkin and examining them distastefully. “Seriously. I’ve done some pretty gross things, but this takes the cake.”
Jason flicked playfully a few pumpkin seeds at him and Tim moved fast enough to evade almost all of them. “Don’t be such a crybaby, replacement.” He has been playing with the large pumpkin, stabbing it numerous times picturing the joker’s fAce.
“Look at the gremlin, he’s been doing it for like two hours. What if he’s developed an addiction?” Jason mumbled slightly concerned and half-joking to Tim.
Damian pulled the pumpkin impossibly closer to him, practically cradling the thing in his lap. His mind completely absorbed in the task of carving the perfect pumpkin. His back was pressed to the cupboards behind him, a series of knives and napkins scattered at his sides. He looked focused, impossibly focused, like there could never be a more important thing for him to pour his energy into. Because Damian Wayne even if he didn’t admit it was obsessed with maintaining perfection. Failure was not a word he accepted.
Damian rolled his eyes. “I’m fairly sure no one has ever got addicted to pumpkin carving and I can hear you, mindless fools.”
"Any behavior can become compulsive.” Tim supplied absently, eyes fixed on the small pumpkin in front of him.
Dick paused briefly from working on his Nightwing lantern to just observe Damian, not even trying to hide the smile on his lips.
Dick and Jason quietly exchange discreet glances. Quickly they picked a few pumpkin seeds out of the bowl that resided in the scented of the kitchen table, flicking them over towards Damian who squawked and tried unsuccessfully, to duck. Due to being too focused on the task assigned. “Will you stop distracting me? I have a masterpiece to finish!”
“A masterpiece?” Jason asked teasingly, glancing pointedly at his Batman lantern.
“Yes. A masterpiece, Todd.” Damian exhaled exasperated. What did anyone have to do to carve a mere pumpkin in peace?
“Come on, little D. It’s time to have some fun!” Jason threw a handful of pulpy flesh at his face. Oh. This would be seen as a declaration of war. Quickly, Damian grabbed a portion of pumpkin and aimed for Jason’s leather jacket. ‘NOT MY JACKET’ several minutes later, Drake was covered in the orange flesh from head to toes. He was in urgent need of a bath. Grayson was smart enough to grasp a breakfast tray and use it as a shield, however it didn’t work for long. Damian and Tim teamed up to caught him on the top with a surprise attack, Drake sneaking behind his back. Needless to say the kitchen was in shambles at this point. Good thing Pennyworth has been busy the whole day reorganizing the library.
“What’s all this mess in my kitchen?! Master Richard I demand a proper explanation!” A very agitated British voice came from the doorframe. Alfred very upset, furrowing his grey brows appeared looking utterly baffled by the chaos.
“Fuck me” Jason and Richard grumbled in unison from the floor covered in pumpkin pulp. Soon they broke out in bowls of laughter all four of them. Damian genuinely laughed at his heart’s content with the innocence of a normal child. His family may have been unstable and insane, but canned if they weren’t entertaining and the best part of his new life.
Some mandatory batbros bonding October prompt 🎃 🙈🙈🙈❤️💜💜
Also I’m celebrating 1.8K followers. Thank you so much for your support and reading my stories. I appreciate it 🥺🥺
Edited here:
@sofiii @chromium7sky @deep-in-mind67
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andyquhyn · 5 years
prompt list #4 (spotify version)
(based on my top 2019 songs from spotify, can be used as dialogue or just as ideas! also please don’t roast be about my songs rip)
Make It Alright by WILD: “Whatever we can get through is what makes us survive.”
Good Nights (feat. Mascolo) by Whethan: “We were perfect as fuck, making dreams about our lives up in the stars.”
Burn The House Down by AJR: “Way up, way up, oh no, we gon’ burn the whole house down.”
Only Got Eyes For Her by Ezra Jordan: “I’m going out my mind, thinking ’bout the one I should’ve never left behind.”
Passenget Seat (feat. Kora) by Clueless Kit: “You know this is who we are, this is what we do, driving in circles til’ we find something new, the only person I enjoy sitting in the car with is you.”
seasonal depression by mxmtoon: “We’re all just trying to get by, searching desperately for bits of blue in the sky.”
There’s Still A Light In The House by Valley: “When she crash, she brings a storm in, I kinda like the way it pours.”
RUNAWAY by half·alive: “I find that everything I am is everything I should be, I don't need to run away.”
Choke by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: “If I could burn this town, I wouldn’t hesitate, to smile while you suffocate and die.”
Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier: “Be still my foolish heart, don’t ruin this on me.”
Happy Man by Jungle: “It all could be different, time to do something new, I’ve given everything, I want to be a happy man too.”
Not What I Meant (feat. Lewis Watson) by dodie: “Will I have grown a little empire, or made a fucking mess?”
Be Mine by Ofenbach: “And if you wanna fight, let’s start the show, ’cause I want you to be mine.”
Sanctuary by Joji: “Not anyone, you’re the one, more than fun, you’re the sanctuary.”
Casio by Jungle: “When all your dreams are gone, and you’re still holding on, you waited far too long.”
Wildflower by Dutchkid: “I never knew that I could love like this.”
Arms Unfolding by dodie: “But here I am with arms unfolding, I guess it isn‘t quite the end, oh, partner in crime, I’m going to try to fall in love with you again.”
Preacher Man by The Driver Era: “I’m ashamed of the dark places I have been, fix my soul so I don’t lose a love again.”
prom dress by mxmtoon: “I keep collections of masks upon my wall, to try and stop myself from revealing it all.” 
Blame It on Me by George Ezra: “When I dance alone, and the sun’s bleeding down, blame it on me.”
Surround Me by LÉON: “Baby take me outside, kiss me in the moonlight.”
Work by Charlotte Day Wilson: “’Cause people come and go, but I think you should know, that I think this will work.”
Glory by The Score: “I’ll be written in the stars.”
Take Me With You by Wingtip: “Our hearts don’t break, they just rearrange.”
Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel: “You're the only one worth seeing, the only place worth being.”
Runaway Kids by HARBOUR: “We’re the runaway kids, let’s escape, we’ll get there some day.”
Monster by dodie: “Two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers, blind to the past, like a couple of monsters.”
Runaway Goliath by Mantaraybryn: “Are you just gonna stay in the shade when you were made for light?”
HandClap by Fitz and The Tantrums: “You’re like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold, I want the good life, every good night, you’re a hard one to hold.”
Swim by Valley: “Swim with me, get to someplace better, I’ll be waiting on you forever.”
home ft WALK THE MOON by morgxn: “I’m going back home to the place where I belong, there’s nothing like it.”
arrow by half·alive: “I know that I can’t run forever, but I can’t stand still for too long, this heart is afraid to beat slowly.”
NASA’S Fake by Raffaella: “Jesus Christ, gimme a break, is there a pill I can take?”
Better Not (with Wafia) by Louis The Child: “You know it in your gut you’re healing, from every time that you’ve been hurt before.”
Side Effects by The Chainsmokers: “It’s 4AM, I don’t know where to go, everywhere is closed, I should just go home, my feet are taking me to your front door, I know I shouldn’t though, heaven only knows.”
All My Friends (feat. Tinashe & Chance the Rapper) by Snakehips: “My eyes are black and red, I’m crawling back to your bed.”
So Close by NOTD, Felix Jaehn & Captain Cuts feat. Georgia Ku: “Have you ever wondered if you loved me harder, where we’d be now?”
I’m Good by Wafia: “Finally got back everything I gave to you, every part of me that I left in your room, now I really don’t care what you do, or who you do it with, I really don't care, I think I just quit.”
dream of you by mxmtoon: “I had a dream about you last night, and you said your last goodbye, I woke up to wipe my tears, although I said I’d never cry.”
Colder Shoulders by Gabe Fleck: “I can’t hide from what is destined for me.”
Last Dance by Rhys: “Oh if all we ever had was an illusion, and if we gave it every chance.”
Send Them Off! - Whethan Remix by Bastille & Whethan: “I’ve got demons running round in my head, and they feed on insecurities I have.”
Bad Days by Chance Peña: “All I know is the weight on my shoulder won’t hold me down.”
Crimes by Gallant: “And honestly I can’t keep overlookin' all your crimes.”
Check It Out by Oh The Larceny: “I’m gonna light it up.”
It Ain’t Wrong Loving You by HONNE: “Don’t care what they say, I will have my way, ’cause it ain't wrong loving you.”
wish you were gay by Billie Eilish: “I can’t tell you how much I wish I didn’t wanna stay.”
my ted talk by mxmtoon: “I’m fooling myself over something I don't know.”
Never Been In Love by Will Jay: “I’ve never been in love, and it’s all good.”
I Believe in Us by WILD: “Don’t think about the fear that much, we’re gonna be alright.”
Pure Gold by half·alive: “Wait, for the tides of change will come.”
blame game by mxmtoon: “I put my heart into us, and I was the one to crack it in two.”
Genesis by Daniela Andrade: “But first I gotta let go of the things I tried to be.”
Save Me From Myself (with NoMBe & Big Gigantic) by Louis The Child: “So won’t you save me from myself right now, right now, ’cause I feel like someone else, somehow.”
You And I by LÉON: “But in my head, oh, you say, say you still want it, that you’re done with being lonely now.”
Blue Hundreds by Holy Mattress Money: “What’s electric more than two lovers?”
I Like (the idea of) You by Tessa Violet: “I like the idea of you, wonder how it’d be to love you.”
Green by Cavetown: “I hope you feel happy, that’s all I want.”
Superlove (feat. Oh Wonder) by Whethan: “I’ve been looking at your face, it’s dangerous, making me so goddamn crazy.”
She by dodie: “I;d never tell, no, I’d never say a word, and oh, it aches, but it feels oddly good to hurt.”
Debbie by Your Smith: “What did you get me into? This always happens when I listen to you.”
Prophet by King Princess: “I can only think about you, and what it’s like to walk around you.”
Tell Me by Spencer Sutherland: “Tell me where your heart lies, and I know where your heart lies.”
Juice by Lizzo: “It ain’t my fault that I'm out here makin’ news.”
If I’m Being Honest by dodie: “Could you love this? Will this one be right?”
mime by Isaac Dunbar: “And now all I’ve got is broken bones and cheap skin to hold me.”
Maybe by half·alive: “Realize I’m at war in my own mind.”
Alps by Novo Amor & Ed Tullett: “I would break every inch of my love.”
Waiting for You by The Aces: “It’s getting frustrating waiting for you, I think you know what I want.”
Your Voice by Moira & Claire: “Your voice keeps playing inside my head like a song I can't get out.”
From Eden by Hozier: “Babe, there’s something tragic about you.”
Beige by Yoke Lore: “Let me go under your skin, and let me find the demon that drives those heavenly limbs.”
still feel. by half·alive: “Trying to recognize myself when I feel I’ve been replaced.”
Someone That Loves You by HONNE & Izzy Bizu: “Whoever said it was easy must have had it pretty good.”
Find Someone by A R I Z O N A: “Picking wings off of angels has always been my religion.”
Do It All The Time by I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME: “We’re taking over the world, a little victimless crime.”
Sick in the Head by Jackson Penn: “My love for you is deeper than the ocean.”
Boys by Lizzo: “Baby, I don’t need you, I just wanna freak you.”
bad guy by Billie Eilish: “Bruises, on both my knees for you.”
CAN’T GET OVER YOU (feat. Clams Casino) by Joji: I can’t get over you, and before I die I pray that I could be the one.”
Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) by Clean Bandit: “But as long as you are with me, there's no place I’d rather be.”
Chateau - Acoustic by Angus & Julia Stone: “Don't be scared of what you don't already know.”
Blue by Samuel Larson: “We swear that this is love, but we keep feeling smaller.”
Boys Like You by dodie: “You thought you could charm me, and, damn it, you’re right.”
Cherry Wine by Hozier: “Open hand or closed fist would be fine, the blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.”
Wait by NoMBe: “Let’s make it last forever, ’cause the night’s still young.”
Rivers and Roads by The Head and the Heart: “Been talking about the way things change.”
Human by dodie: “Will you share your soul with me?”
Dinner & Diatribes by Hozier: “That’s the kind of love I’ve been dreaming of.”
Show Me The Way by Penguin Prison: “I’ve never been anyone that I want.”
The Fall by half·alive: “I’d jump off and into your arms, but if I can’t trust the fall.”
I Wanna Get Better by Bleachers: “So now I’m standing on the overpass screaming at the cars, hey, I wanna get better!”
Work Song by Hozier: “No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her.”
Talk Too Much by COIN: “Honey, come put your lips on mine and shut me up.”
Low by JR JR: “All the looks are saying, nothing in life is free.”
What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club: “I can tell just what you want, you don’t want to be alone.”
Burned Out by dodie: “I am burnt out, I smell of smoke.”
California by The Lagoons: “I’ve been on the run, just to get a moment with you.”
Radar (feat. HONNE) by Whethan: “Tight on my grip and I won’t let you slip away.”
ok ok? by half·alive: “Felt it rippin’ me apart, to find my place among the stars.”
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Survey #271
“some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.”
Do you cook on the stove at all, or just microwave? I just use the microwave. I'm scared of the stove lmao. Do you ever debate religion with your friends? Bruuuh no. I am so disinterested in debating about something that to me ultimately doesn't matter yet humanity has made so serious. Whatever happens after we die, happens, there's that. Just be a decent human being and go out knowing you did your best to make the world better than when you entered it. Do you keep your shampoo in the shower or someplace else? In the shower. Something your mother said or did that shocked you: Like... recently? Or in my entire life? I dunno about recently, but I guess the most shocking to me was when she vehemently called my sister something I won't repeat. Did your mom go to college? She was before the cancer. Ready to graduate, too, but that didn't go as planned thanks to, y'know, cancer. Which food do you think you have the most cans of in your cupboard? Good question, no clue. I don't really pay attention to the canned foods. Maybe fruits? Do you save fortunes from fortune cookies? No. Are you offended when Christmas is spelled Xmas? Nah. Where do you put your keys when you come home? In my purse. Describe your favorite mug or glass to drink from? I don't have one. That I use, anyway. Sara gave me a Markiplier quote one that's a Holy Item on my shelf and instead of holding a beverage holds All My Love. Your bad habit that you love the most: UGH I hate how much I love soda. Invent a pop tart flavor: STORY TIME!!!! As a kid, there was this contest to design a type and you won like... a fucking huge supply of the newest flavor, which was at the time that wild berry whatever thing. My sister and I made one that I think I recall being pink with heart sprinkles and strawberry flavored, and we won. Guess who fucking hates the wild berry flavor now lmao. Okay but anyway if I was to invent one now... is there a BLUE raspberry flavor? Cuz a bitch loves blue raspberry flavored everything. Do you name your pets after tv/movie/book characters: Sometimes. I don't currently have a pet that is, though. Are you proud of yourself for what you've accomplished? The few things I actually have, sure? I'm more ashamed of what I haven't. Do you own any sexy lingerie? Nooooo no one would want to see me in that, least of all myself lmao. Have you ever caught a bouquet of flowers at a wedding before? No. Has a horse ever neighed at you before? Uhhh I don't think so? Do you prefer ice cream or sorbet? Ice cream. Have you gotten your pets spayed? My cat is. That's like... the only pet we ever have fixed, sadly. My parents/Mom (depending on time period) could just never afford it. The only real reason we managed to get Roman neutered was because our sister directed us to a cheap on-the-go business where it was like... only $45, and Roman was marking the house badly so it was pretty urgent. Would you ever take in a stray animal? HA, that is the STORY of my family with cats. At this current time, most likely not. We don't need another pet right now, nevermind one of a mysterious background with my mom being sick. When is payday? N/A Have you ever walked on a runway before? No. How long is your workday? N/A Is there a walkway or a pathway to your front door? No. What is your favorite color? What is your least favorite color? Pink is superior to all colors. I'm really not a puke-green fan, but I mean... is anyone? What color dominates your wardrobe? Everything is B L A C K. What color are your eyes? Grayish blue. Are you colorblind, or do you know anyone who is? I'm not, but Jason's brother is colorblind to I think red and blue? Do you prefer color photos or black-and white? It greatly depends on the composition and subject matter of the photograph. I find great beauty in both. If I had to pick though, color usually appeals to me more. Are you one of those people who can taste, feel, or smell colors? No. Have you ever seen a double rainbow before? Yes. Do you enjoy coloring? It tends to be my least-favorite part of the art process because that's where I always fuck shit up. Do you know anyone who is racist? Oh my, PLENTY. Welcome to the South. Are your nails painted any color(s) right now? They never are. Can you lift more than 100lbs? I probably CAN, but it would be very hard. What's your opinion on incest? It's fucking repulsive. Morally and negative from a scientific standpoint, anyway. Do you have a favorite color for cats? Orange. What video games did you play when you were younger? I was a massive gamer as a kid, teenager too, so I could put a hell of a lot here. But, I'll just imagine you're referring to when I was quite young. The Spyro games (save for Skylanders) were my LIFE, I loved Nintendogs, the Crash Bandicoot trilogy, lots of games that were based on movies (like Madagascar and Finding Nemo are two I really enjoyed), uhhh... OH! And absolutely weird, but I loved hunting games. Like, I had a whooole lot, despite hating real life hunting even as a child. I think it was because I got to see wild animals, plus it could be calming to wander and scary, too, when things like wolves found you. Oh, and then there were fishing games, too. LOOK I just love(d) games. Would you ever get a tramp stamp? I hate that nickname. Having a tattoo literally anywhere does not equate you to a stereotype. Yes, because I want to be heavily tattooed anyway. Did you cry when Michael Jackson died? No. Not that I didn't care at all, I just wasn't a giant fan. What's the ugliest species of animal? Lmao how mean. The blobfish immediately comes to mind, though. Looks like a ball of mucus shaped into an old man's face. Are you embarrassed about any songs on your iPod? I used to be, now it's just like whatever. I like what I like. What do you use to listen to music on the computer? YouTube. Do people know a lot about you? Places on the Internet sure do lmao. I try to be much more private now online to a degree, depending on where. Irl, no. I'm too easily embarrassed/afraid of being judged for what makes me, me. Who was the last person you slept beside? Sara. Do you like Metallica? They're one of my all-time favorites and I trust NOBODY who claims to hate them. What's your favorite kind of soup? I'm not a fan of soup. What’s your best friend's favorite band? Her all-time favorite is Pink Floyd. Who was the last person you took a picture with? Ummm idr. Do you play Guitar Hero? Not really anymore, but I fuckin slayed that shit back in the day. Whose house did you last visit? My older sister's. Who was the last person to come to your house? My younger sister. What time do you usually eat dinner? Anywhere between 5:30 to like... 7:00 or so. Have you ever searched your own house on Google Earth? Not this current one, no. Does it bother you when people have a loose grip on hugs? No? Some people don't like hugs. Are you looking forward to next year? I don't know. Is covid gonna be history by then? It depends on a lot of things. What have you done so far this summer? *blink blink blink* What's your favorite punk band? Honestly, I don't even really separate bands by genres now because I don't know. There's so so many, plenty overlap, etc. etc, and people - especially those who enjoy rock/metal stuff, I've found - get all snobbish and "WELL ACTUALLY" when you "misgenre" or whatever. Which is better: cold or hot weather? COLD. FUCK hot weather. Anything above ~75*F is disgusting. Is photography something you enjoy? I'm an aspiring photographer so like- What’s the best flavor snow cone? I haven't had a legit snow cone in years... but we have a place called Pelican's Snowballs, which is really just like... snow cones in a cup? They are A M A Z I N G and strawberry is to die for. When driving, are you a speed demon or do you drive like your grandmother? I don't drive because I'm terrified to. Have you ever met someone who just had you at hello? No. Bet you were expecting "Jason," but no, I was weirded out that a stranger just comes up to me in the hall on the way to class and starts talking to me. Have you ever written poetry? Yeah. Do you have any addictions? Technology, ugh. And soda, rip. When was the last time you just laid and looked at the stars? Laid, many years ago one summer when Jason and I were just lying on the trampoline while my dad was grilling. What song reminds you of an ex? A lot. What color eyeliner do you prefer? Black. What was the last thing that you made with your own two hands? Like, made from scratch? Hell if I know. What’s the deepest water you will wade into? Like, shoulder-deep in the ocean. How many blades does your razor have? Three, I think? Highest grade of education you’ve completed? Just one semester of college. Lowest grade you’ve received on a test? Yikes, Fs in college math. He taught in such an abstract way that I failed like... every test, or nearly did. I was too afraid to ask questions continuously. Do you enjoy sitting in the sun or the shade more? There is NO situation where I would rather be in the sun. Do you enjoy going to arcades? Hell yeah. What parades do you like to go to? None. When’s the last time you went on a tirade? I ranted to Mom about the fucking ridiculous anti-maskers that are a big reason this motherfucking pandemic is worsening in America. With my mom being immunocompromised, it is something I take VERY goddamn seriously. It's not a difference in opinion - it's a difference in morality. Do you like to play charades? I loved to as a kid. Now it'd feel weird. Would you ever lead a crusade? I wouldn't want to lead anything. Have your parents ever forbade you from doing something? Aha, so as a kid, I had a game demo disc that showed the preview to Parasite Eve, and my sisters and I would secretly watch it despite it scaring us to where Mom did forbid us to click on it. And all these years later, I've played it and love it... ha ha. Otherwise, my parents have always been pretty open to letting us do stuff, save for things the usual parent doesn't like, like swearing. When’s the last time someone said something degrading to you? A few days back when I got into an argument on Facebook about some asshole teasing their newly-hatched cobra to where it kept striking at the tongs, hood flared and all. Apparently I had no idea what I was talking about, pointing out the snake was clearly stressed out. What’s the last homemade dish you’ve made? I legit haven't cooked a thing since Sara was here and I made her eggs for breakfast. Which was like, a year ago. Do you like lemonade? What flavor(s)? Broooo YES. Pink lemonade is better, but I enjoy just the classic kind, too. Has anyone ever serenaded you before? Fuck this question. Would you like to visit the Everglades? Lemme see them motherfuckin GATORS. Have you ever attended a masquerade ball before? No. Would be dope, though. Have you lost anyone to AIDS? No, thank god. Have you ever been paid for sex? Hell no. Have you ever had a maid in your home before? HUNNY we are too poor for that shit. Do you know how to do different types of braids in hair? No. When’s the last time you wore a Band-aid? Where and why? I have no clue. When was the last time you were afraid? Of what? A family friend was over here a couple days ago and she had this weirdest muscle cramp in her leg that brought her to the floor gasping for like over a minute. I was super scared, and Mom was too, as we had no idea what to do. I almost had to call 911. Crazy woman hasn't gone to the doctor about it, to my knowledge. Would you ever consider growing your hair out to your waist, or longer? NOOOO NO NO. I am probably having short hair for the rest of my life. Is there anywhere in your house that you're scared to be alone in? No. What is your favorite shoe brand? I don't have one. What weird things did you do as a small child? I was just a weird kid in general. I did a lotta stuff that would make people raise a brow. Who puts the most pressure on you in your life? My goddamn self. Do you laugh off embarrassing moments? Hell no, I turn red as a cherry and probably cry once I'm in private. Do you have a favourite actor/actress? If so, who? No. Do you like little kids, or do they annoy you? I feel uncomfortable around them. They're too brutally honest, I feel like every move I make is wrong, and I just generally feel incapable of handling them properly. Do you want a small or a large family when you get older? Well, I don't want any kids, so... Are you a good dancer? If not, do you enjoy dancing anyways? No and no. I'd be embarrassed. Have you ever lied to avoid getting into trouble? Yeah. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital for a long period of time? I'd say two weeks is pretty long, and I was supposed to stay an entire month. I only got out of that by going to court. Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself, or are you camera shy? I HATE being in front of the camera. What are your choice of toppings on a hamburger? And do you prefer gas or charcoal grilling? I just like ketchup, mustard, and pickles, really. A bit of diced onion is fine, too. I prefer gas; I hate the charcoal-y taste. You are chosen to have lunch with the president. the condition is you only get to ask one question. What do you ask? Fuck that, I'd decline going to begin with. What is your concession stand must-have at the movies? Popcorn, of course. Which do you dislike most: pop-up ads or spam email? Pop-up ads. How long was it from ‘the first date’ until the proposal of marriage? How long until the wedding? N/A What topic can put you to sleep quicker than any other? Probably like, wrestling. Golf. Sports in general. How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test? I haven't tried it yet. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose? I always just use chocolate syrup. Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic? CHRIST, TRAFFIC. Elevators kinda scare me and I'm very scared of being stuck in one. What are you sitting on right now? My bed. Are you listening to anything? Halocene's cover of "Killing In The Name." Have you parents ever hated one of your boyfriends/girlfriends? No. Who was the last person to give you money? I have no idea. Have you ever dreamed of someone you barely know? Actually yeah. Weird as hell. When was the most recent time, if ever, that you felt “impostor syndrome,” or that you felt unqualified to be somewhere? Hm. I suppose when I went to the doctor by myself for my foot. I'd never done an appointment without Mom at all, and I was veeery clueless to a lot of steps, questions, etc. What are some ways that pop culture has helped you learn historic or scientific facts? Some TV shows, I guess. Or games, even. Have you ever had a job in which you felt that you had nothing to do? What was the protocol in that situation (e.g., surfing the web, taking on the job of co-workers, or pretending to work)? If you have not, do you think it would be lucky or unlucky to have such a job? No. I was expected to always be doing something. I'd consider that to be pretty unlucky, as it sounds boring and pointless. Have you ever intimidated or made another person feel legitimately threatened? If not, do you think that you could ever be seen as scary? I don't know. Mom has admitted me yelling has scared her before, though. I can yell pretty fucking loudly. But she herself never felt threatened. And do I think I could be seen as scary? Yes. Especially given my chronic fucking nightmares that almost always involve confrontation. In what ways do you or would you need to be validated by a partner? (For example, liking your posts/talking about you on social media, or perhaps by doting on you with gifts.) I am VERY much a "words of affirmation" person. I NEED reassurance that I'm adequate and sincerely loved. When you are having a hard time emotionally, what are some of the telltale ways that you act out or that your personality reflects your struggles? I become very snappy and more reclusive than usual. I cry really easily. Do you tend to succeed by weaning yourself off of something or by quitting cold turkey? It depends on what it is, but I've generally needed to wean myself off of things when necessary. Is there a specific type of pet breed/size/etc. that you don’t want? Why not? I am very turned off by animal breeds/types that are subject to serious health issues, such as pugs, dachsunds, Persians, spider ball pythons... Just don't fucking breed them. Ironically, some of these are the cutest, but I care far more about the health of the animal. Have you ever lived in a notoriously dangerous area? If not, would it bother you to do so? Yes and yes. Has a friend’s significant other ever interfered with or damaged your friendship? What about a significant other of yours damaging a friendship? I don't believe so, no. What, if anything, is something that you put pressure on yourself about? What do you imagine would happen if you did not live up to this expectation? Getting a job, for Heaven's sake, and actually managing to keep it. I've proven inept in this area so far, so, I've already failed that. :^) If you have been in a serious relationship, have you and your partner ever discussed lifetime plans that clashed? Did you reconcile them or did you break up? If you have not been in a relationship, what are some issues that would be deal-breakers? Jason and I kinda casually talked about kids early in our relationship, at which time I didn't see myself wanting them at all and he did at some point. It didn't really bother either of us, though; it was something we'd figure out if we actually got anywhere. Then he became the only person I could ever imagine myself having kids with. Life's funny.
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venus-says · 5 years
Aikatsu Friends! Episodes 58-63
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Smiles are the seeds that bloom into flowers of happiness.
Me? Posting Aikatsu again? Oh boy, I think I’m sick. XD
Okay, jokes aside, aikatsu is back in the blog. I promise I still like aikatsu, the thing is, the subs come out very late and I kinda forget about it because I have stuff to do, and since doing these without subs ain’t the best idea (you gonna see why in a minute) the episodes end up pilling up. I’m a mess, sorry. XD
But anyway we got a lot to cover so let’s get going.
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Episode 58 is the start of the Sorbet Kingdom ark.
So to starters, I have to apologize. I always very mad about the whole borders situation last time I did this mostly because I thought Sorbet was like an entire country and what they’ve shown us was just the capital, but from this episode is clear that this isn’t the case. Sorbet is either a city-state or a microstate, pretty much like what Monaco is (the difference being Monaco doesn’t have a king, when sorbet has one), so denying their visa wouldn’t do much since they were traveling to another country that has free passage to Sorbet. So I’m sorry.
Now back to the episode itself, I think they went a bit overboard with how Alicia treated the girls. I’m not saying that she should receive them with open arms and everyone be happy forever, but when you have a scene of she coldly saying that they should fuck off and in the next scene she says to let them use rooms from the castle it gives mixed signals and it just seems dumb. I think they should either had toned her coldness in the first scene and denying Hibiki in a less rash way or make Charles find another place in town to put the girls and be something like “my sister doesn’t want you all here, but I know she’s in pain and I wanna help so I’m gonna sneak you guys to X place”, either option would’ve worked better.
That little flashback about the kingdom was nice, but I don’t think it had a lot of purpose. I think it serves to show Hibiki why Alicia went back to her country and never went to meet her again, but seeing that their relationship was already going places via their text messages and phone calls, it’s odd that this was never brought up by Hibiki or Alicia. I must say for a show about friendship, people in this universe don’t seem to talk to each other at all and is just weird.
The performance... it was okay, I guess. I still don’t know why they had to perform the most basic song in their most basic outfit but I really don’t care that much. What I’m more curious about, as someone who lives in a country where snow isn’t a thing, is can you actually make a stage out of snow and have people stand on top of it without the whole thing collapsing? XD Friends from the northern hemisphere, please tell me.
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I kinda wanna skip talking about Episode 59, because I don’t have a lot to say about the episode itself and all I have in my mind is Mirai’s performance because that’s the only interesting thing this episode has going on for itself.
Like, LMT is there and that’s nice (even though I don’t see why they traveled separated from the main group), I didn’t really understand the whole evol ustakia thing (but those three sisters were a lot of fun), and I honestly didn’t see the point of having Tamaki flashing here and there having troubles just to upload a video.
That final scene with Hibiki and Alicia was nice, we got a little bit of the jeweling dresses lore and a lovely moment of Hibiki promising that she’ll bring everyone’s smiles back. But that’s not enough to hold the episode high.
Mirai’s performance does lift things up a bit, Nice na to meet you is an A M A Z I N G song and it was very refreshing to see something new (which for some reason it seems to be a very rare thing for friends!). This reveal could’ve been more impactful if the opening hadn’t spoiled Mirai’s dress? I believe yes. But even that can’t take away the positives of this performance that was, without a doubt, the highlight of the episode.
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While 59 was meh Episode 60 was kinda good, I quite enjoyed this one, I dare to say this is the best one of this ark.
This episode goes hard on the emotional side, we all know this is the first time in the Aikatsu series we see a character die, and it is a very strong scene. Sadly it seems that all of the emotional parts were focused only on the flashbacks and they forgot of bringing this to the present a little bit.
Like, in the present we see more of Alicia’s struggle on trying to be a good ruler for the people and the country she loves while still wanting to do Aikatsu, but everything is still very undertoned. We know she didn’t want to stop Aikatsu but she had to because in her mind that was the correct thing to do, but we don’t see that being verbalized or acted in the present, we see glimpses of it which is interesting, but we could’ve seen more of that.
The main conflict of this episode works just fine, and I like how Tamaki deals with the situation, but when they pull out a kotatsu out of nowhere they lose me in that scene, like how’s that supposed to work outside? Aren’t those things electric? Where are they plugging it in????? C’mon people. I’d like much more to see more of Alicia, maybe she talking to Charles about her duties and everything so that we can see in her the desire to do Aikatsu again rather than the kotatsu scene (even though Mirai’s impression of Aine was really fun to watch).
Seeing Hibiki perform is always great, but seeing Alicia asking Hibiki to perform holds more meaning and is one of those glimpses that I mentioned that I wish we could’ve seen more. Regardless is still great and the moment when Hibiki reassures her promise to Alicia from the last episode just crown up this episode as a good one, despite its flaws.
Loose notes from the episode: Hibiki and Mirai’s competition was fun, I like Karen being the one who gets to win even though she wasn’t competing; the three sisters again are a treat like always; Charles remains the goodest boy ever and I want a plushie of him; and to top it all we got to see Honey Cat for a little bit so we know at least someone in the writing team didn’t forget they exist so, points for this episode.
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Episode 61 is the polemic one.
So, the first time I saw this episode I watched it without subs and I watched it alone without watching the 3 episodes past. And at that moment it worked for me, it seemed like a good resolve for this mini-ark.
But watching now with the subs I don’t like it as much.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love Alicia’s performance and the moment she and Hibiki reconciliate is pretty good. I also appreciate having more lore in the Jeweling dresses, I feel like we desperately need a lot more info on them because so far they all just seem like a gimmick and they don’t have a purpose or reason to exist at all so any bit of info we get I’m happy.
This episode has a massive throwback, everything on this episode was build upon a lie. I get that Mio’s suggestion was supposed to be a “white lie”, a lie that causes no harm. But that doesn’t work when you make AN ENTIRE CITY LIE and tells them TO PRETEND THEY’RE LIVING AN EXPERIENCE THAT CAN GET THEM DEAD just to make their princess sing and dance on a stage. This is so selfish and so wrong. *sigh* I don’t even want to continue talking about this. Let’s just move on.
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Episode 62 is a good change of pace after the low point that 61 was.
Yeah, it was silly. I have a lot of questions about how Love Me Tear got there earlier than the other, and what was the point of the frogs, and how they didn’t give much of a reaction to knowing about Karen’s house when none of them went there before.
But I’m okay with all of that because this episode was very sweet and it was good seeing the “side” girls get some attention. And how good of a combination that Reflect Moon and Wakaba was, I’m legitimately surprised I wasn’t expecting this to work so well, but they formed a very good group to follow around for this period of time.
Having two performances on this episode was a cheap move probably to fill up time but you know what? I’m not complaining. I’m just glad I got to clear my pallet from the terrible after taste last episode left in my mouth.
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Episode 63 was nice. I like that they had an episode to reintegrate Alicia in the idol world. Sadly the episode had to share space with Karen's plot that wasn't as strong and interesting and makes a potentially great episode become just a regular one in the end.
And this time I'm being true to my words when I say I don' have anything else to comment about this episode. Like, Karen's dress looks good and her song is nice as well, but I like her old ones better. I don't see the point of Karen hiding to read her fan mail in the middle of the night. And most of Alicia's adapting process was very fun but there's not a lot there to create a conversation on my eyes.
Like, my brain didn't have a lot of work going on while I was watching it, it was a nice watch to just space out a bit while I was thinking in the job application I just dropped in the mayor's office today. I'm sorry if I wasn't as invested in this one as I was for the other ones I promise to dedicate myself more next time FOR THE HONEY CAT EPISODE THAT I'M SUPER EXCITED ABOUT. See ya~ XD
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vvardenfellcat · 7 years
Tagged by: I was tagged by many
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag some people you’d like to know better.
A - Age: early/mid 20s B - Birthplace: US C - Current Time: time for a nap D - Drink you last had: water E - Easiest person to talk to: talking is hard, there’s like 2 ppl I’m super comfortable with but honestly if you’re comfortable in silence we may just get along irl F - Favourite Song: too many, currently I’m in a Mother Mother groove so those I guess G - Grossest Memory: I dunno, my grasp of gross varies. I used to eat bugs as a kid so that’s who you’re asking H - Horror yes, or horror no?: Yes? I have to be picky with my horror tho, jumpscares are fucking cheap and I hate them, give me some actual horror please. White dudes with chainsaws and knives are not horror imo, just goreporn 90% of the time I - In love: dunno, talkin to an aro here J - Jealous of people: People who have non-abusive families who actually give a damn about them. K - Missing: my werewolf boyfriend shirt and a new pair of sweatpants with my school’s logo on them, I haven’t been able to find them in months :c L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: Shoo, I’m busy. M - Middle name: No. N - Number of siblings: Ugh. The ones I actually count as siblings, 2. All? Uh...5? But 2 of them never lived in the same house as me. My family’s fucked up yo. O - One wish: Stability: mentally, emotionally, financially, etc. For the love of fuck, please. P - Last number you called: My financial aid office to see if I’m okay to go for the next semester of school. Q - Question you were always asked: WHO’S YOUR BOYFRIEND, GOT A BOYFRIEND YET, IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND, ARE YOU GOING OUT WITH THAT GUY WHO’S LIKE 9 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU AND YOU’RE A TEENAGER, ARE YOU GOING OUT WITH THAT GUY WHO’S LIKE 20 YEARS OLDER THAN YOU AND YOU’RE A TEENAGER??
I’m gay-ace, motherfucker. The heteronormativity is real.
R - Reasons to smile: Tryin to stave off the worst of my chronic depression. Even if it doesn’t work, it seems like other ppl feel better to see a smiling face, which sometimes boosts me up a lil bit in turn. Also the world fucking sucks, may as well try to make it a lil more bearable if we’re all here for a while S - Song You Last Sang: Fuck iunno, I’ve been listening to instrumental shit lately and okay a song just popped into my head so Dread In My Heart by Mother Mother T - Time You Woke Up: My alarm screamed at me at 10, I didn’t check my phone until 10:16 U - Underwear Colour: I have many colors. My favorite ones are black with a hot pink waistband. Boxer-brief things are comfyyyyyyy V - Vacation Destination: Places tend to hold little appeal for me unless friends are there or are coming with me, but there’s this swimming pool place that has a super deep pool (I think it’s Nemo 47 or smthn like that, I can’t recall offhand) that might be neato to go to sometime W - Worst habit: I tend to chew on things I’m not supposed to w/o realizing it, often my nails to the point that they hurt and bleed. I’m also painfully self-destructive X - X-rays?: My teeth, my leg, my pelvis. Teeth to make sure I don’t have holes in em or w/e and my leg and pelvis to make sure that all my bones were still intact after an accident. Y - Your favorite food: Oh gosh, uhhhh... I love love LOVE sweet potato waffle fries, but I also love the mashed sweet potatoes that taste just like pumpkin pie because I fucking love pumpkin pie. I love many things. Except red cabbage. Fuck that shit. Z - Zodiac Sign: Apparently I’m two? Bc I was born just as another sign was rising or smthn like that. So I’m the archer centaur and the fishgoat. I love the fishgoat lmao
Originally posted by laweyd
Tagging: Whoever hasn’t done and wants to!
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singingrass-archive · 7 years
a .  age : 27 Y_Y b .  birthplace :   Be’er Ya’akov, Israel. c .  current  time :   09:03 PM when I started this, 09:34 when posting. d .  drink  you  had  last :  coke. e .  easiest  person(s)  to  talk  to :   myyyyy spouse obviously. But then my mom, a couple of IRL friends, and @ghostsandwhiskey​ my internet husband. f .  favorite  song(s) :   it will forever be an unsettled debate between The Threshingfloor by Wovenhand and Praying Arm Lane by Sixteen Horsepower. h .  horror  yes  or  horror  no :   yes but I am apparently on this with everybody else when I say good horror has become increasingly hard to find. Basically Hitchcock was the last director to truly chill me. i .  in  love ? :   I mean I better be in love with the dude I’m married to. j .  jealous  of  people :  I regret to admit that yes I am quite often. k .  killed  someone :  I mean any relation between myself and the mysterious disappearances of Ariel’s exes is completely coincidential l .  love  at  first  sight  or  should  i  walk  by  again ? :     ew I am not a romantic like at all. m.  middle  name(s) :   none! n .  number  of  siblings :  one brother, four years younger. o .  one  wish :   wow are everybody around here the same person? To create a piece of art that deeply touches or inspires someone. q .  question  you’re  always  asked :   where’d I get my English / where in the US am I from / the latter is not so much a question as it is a statement: I’m lying when I say I’m not Russian / don’t speak Russian. r .  reason(s)  to  smile :  this video of my bird giving my spouse some kisses. s .  song  you  sang  last :   Gravy Boat from Bob’s Burgers as covered by The National. t .  top  3  fictional  characters :   Harry Starks(!!!!!!!), Leonard Shelby, Narrator/Jack. u .  underwear  &  color :   teal. v .  vacation :   really hoping to go back to the Czech Republic this summer. Beautiful country, amazing food, cheap as all fuck. w .  when’s  your  birthday :   March 19th. x .  x - rays :   lower back. y .  your  favorite  food :   Thai curry and/or a variety of Mexican foods. z .  zodiac  sign : Pisces. That’s right, I’m creative and emotionally unstable.
tagged by:   @memoryserved <3 tags:    @ghostsandwhiskey @inrovina @necrctic @splatteredfingers
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Book Meme!
Tagged by @yavemiel​! Thank you so much!! <3 
Tagging: @darkwingdukat, @animatedamerican, @apprenticebard
1. Which book has been on your shelves the longest?
There are some at my mom’s place that are twenty years old, I’m sure, but of the books I brought with me to my own place, definitely Harry Potter. Those childhood copies are so beat up and loved and I love them. My ex however still has my childhood copy of PoA :( 
2. What is your current read, your last read and the book you’ll read next?
I’m currently reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell which is an adorable gay Harry Potter parody. I last read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline for my book club, which was a fun nostalgic beach read but I have Criticisms (sexism, transphobia, limited view of nerd culture, weak character arcs...). Next I’ll either finish Watchmen or will cave and instead read the new book by Sarah Addison Allen I saw at my new library the other day. *__*
3. Which book does everyone like and you hated?
The Magicians by Lev Grossman. I couldn’t take the narrator’s piss-poor attitude or one more comment on his distractingly bodacious female classmates and teachers. Harry Potter for adults, my ass. ‘For adults’ does not have to mean cynical and depressing and mentally fucked up. 
4. Which book do you keep telling yourself you’ll read, but you probably won’t?
Dune. It’s so classic but there are so many and my dad found it boring so I think I’m subconsciously avoiding it.
5. Which book are you saving for “retirement?”
Not exactly saving for retirement but I’m having a ridiculous time finding the first of the Mistborn series. The first of the series is never in any library or bookstore I walk into for some goddamn reason, except for one time when it was ridiculously expensive so I thought I could get it cheaper elsewhere but then I never saw it again. 
Could I order it off Amazon cheap? Yes. But at this point I’m just letting the world take me for a ride of finding that damn book. 
6. Last page: read it first or wait till the end?
Read it as soon as the suspense starts. 
7. Acknowledgements: waste of ink and paper or interesting aside?
I think it’s great. So many people come together in helping a book come to being and they should definitely be acknowledged for it. 
8. Which book character would you switch places with?
I’m not sure. I love the stories in books but they also have such tough lives a lot of the time, and my own life is pretty cool. Maybe a random unnamed Hogwarts student. 
9. Do you have a book that reminds you of something specific in your life (a person, a place, a time)?
Many! Enid Blyton reminds me of sweltering temperatures in India; Harry Potter reminds me of summers of my childhood; the Guardians of Time is middle school and my friends back then.
10. Name a book you acquired in some interesting way.
Only thing I can think of is when we were reading The Canterbury Tales in school my copy disappeared so I paid for it, and then three months later it turned up again. I’ve been lugging it with me every time I move since, because mine now and why not.
11. Have you ever given away a book for a special reason to a special person?
My little cousin in India has most of my random childhood books. It’s really fun when I visit him and he’ll reference one of them like The Thief Lord, and I’ll go :DDDD!!! I love the fact he is loving the same copies I loved so much when I was little. 
12. Which book has been with you to the most places?
In my adult life, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life On Earth by Chris Hadfield.
13. Any “required reading” you hated in high school that wasn’t so bad ten years later?
I think the only ones I outright hated in high school were Heart of Darkness and Catch-22 and I have no particular desire to go back and try to read them again. 
14. What is the strangest item you’ve ever found in a book?
I’ve found a lost bookmarks and once I found a Hebrew blessing? That’s about it. 
15. Used or brand new?
16. Stephen King: Literary genius or opiate of the masses?
I think he’s a talented writer. I don’t read his work often though. 
17. Have you ever seen a movie you liked better than the book?
Probably, can’t think of any. 
18. Conversely, which book should NEVER have been introduced to celluloid?
WORLD WAR FUCKING Z. The move had nothing to do with the book and threw out everything that made the book fantastic. It doesn’t deserve the name. 
19. Have you ever read a book that’s made you hungry, cookbooks being excluded from this question?
Redwall series! 
20. Who is the person whose book advice you’ll always take?
Honestly I don’t even take my own book advice half the time. I don’t know what I’ll like. It’s hard. 
book meme 2
1) Do you have a certain place at home for reading?
During the summer I love to be outside. Beach, porch, open window. Winter, it’s definitely bed. 
2) Bookmark or random piece of paper?
Bookmarks. My childhood bookstore gave a free bookmark with every purchase so they’re all over the place. And now that you mention it Roisin, I have to figure out in which book I left the bookmark Mai made for me last Christmas! 
3) Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?
I can either stop whenever or I have to finish the whole damn book. 
4) Do you eat or drink while reading?
Tea, that’s it.  
5) Music or TV while reading?
Soft music. I use the Spotify playlist The Most Beautiful Songs in the World. 
6) Reading at home or everywhere?
7) Reading out loud or silently in your head?
Well most of the time silently of course, but I love reading aloud to an engaged audience. I used to read Harry Potter aloud to my ex and to my old roommate, and it’s so much fun. 
8) Do you read ahead or even skip pages?
I will skip forward to figure out how a plot point that’s stressing me out is resolved, then go back. 
9) Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?
I don’t try to break the spine; I don’t try to keep it like new. I just read it. 
10) Do you write in your books?
Fiction, no, nonfiction yes. 
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