imariejoyce · 27 days
Your lessons made me my best self...
an open letter I made few years ago, to the one that got away...
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Dear YOU,
As I sit down to write this letter, I find myself reflecting on our time together with a sense of peace and gratitude. You were the one that got away, but contrary to what many might expect, I don't really have any regrets. Instead, I feel a deep appreciation for the role you played in my life and the lessons you taught me.
I still clearly remember how we used to make plans for our future, working around the time difference to stay in touch and connected. After we broke up, I frequently thought about what might have been if we hadn't abandoned those dreams and plans. We crossed paths when I was still figuring out who I was and what I truly wanted from life. In many aspects, you represented both my strengths and weaknesses. You challenged me, encouraged my growth, and made me see the potential within me that I hadn't recognized before. Our relationship was not without its struggles, but it was within those struggles that I found the most valuable lessons. I learned about patience, compromise, and the importance of communication, especially since our relationship was long-distance.
When our paths eventually parted, I won’t lie—it was incredibly difficult. It took some time for me to move on, and each morning when I wake up, it felt like there were bricks on my chest; I could hardly breathe. Time seemed to move so slow, and all I could think about was why it happened despite all the effort I put into making it work. But then, one day, the pain faded. I began to see our separation not as a loss, but as a necessary step in my life. Our time together became a turning point for my personal growth, motivating me to strive for a better version of myself, to become the person I always had the potential to be. For that, I am deeply thankful to you.
Looking back now, I can honestly say I'm grateful for everything we went through. You were an important chapter in my life, one that greatly influenced the person I am today. My world used to revolve around you. I believed I was a strong, independent woman because I thought you'd always be proud of me and never leave if I kept proving myself. I don't regret it, though, as it pushed me to achieve a lot in life. While it wasn't the healthiest motivation to strive just to please you, I'm still thankful for the experience. But as that chapter ended, a new one began. In this new chapter, I've discovered a new version of myself, someone who realized that I never needed to please anyone to feel worthy. I now know that I can be my best without chasing after someone’s approval; instead, I should pursue my dreams for myself. Through this phase, I've learned that by doing so, I’ll attract the right people and the right energy into my life. I discovered my own resilience and realized that love is not just about finding someone who completes you but about finding someone who complements you—someone who helps you become a better version of yourself.
I slowly opened my mind and let my guard down, allowing others to know me better while also gaining a deeper understanding of myself. Because of the lessons I learned from our time together, I can now say that I am wiser and have a clearer sense of what I truly want in life. So, to you, the one that got away, I want to say thank you. Thank you for the lessons, the memories, and the motivation to keep growing. I wish you nothing but happiness and fulfillment in your life. Our paths may have separated, but the impact you had on my life will always remain.
Sincerely, ME
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blackboujeebeauty · 2 years
5 Lessons I'm Learning In my 20's
As a young woman in my early 20s (23 to be exact) I find myself constantly learning a new lesson almost every day. Some of those lessons have not been easy to learn at all! But in these lessons, I am learning how to navigate through life with a different perspective than before which I find to only be beneficial for my growth. If you're also in your 20s right now or find yourself going through the growing pains that come along with this life then here are 5 lessons that I hope are of help to you as they have been to me.
Lesson #1: Growing Pains
To clarify I am not referencing the physical symptoms of a growing pain but what can feel like painful experiences that we go through in life to come out of those experiences as a different version of ourselves. It can be uncomfortable, and uneasy but it's a sign that we're growing and changing.
Growing pains happen when our minds are expanding to make room for new thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and emotions through experiences that we go through. When we experience growing pains it means that something inside us is changing – maybe our perspective on something has changed or we’ve learned something new; perhaps our habits have been challenged by someone else or we've become aware of an aspect of ourselves that needs improving. Regardless of what's causing these feelings in us; they're signs that change is happening! And while they may feel uncomfortable at times, they're only temporary yet necessary.
A lesson that I have learned with growing pains is that they are needed to become an elevated version of ourselves that knows better and can now do better than before. We find ourselves fighting this feeling when we choose to stay complacent and comfortable where we are versus getting out of our comfort zones because we may fear what lies ahead. The truth of the matter is going through these experiences is what fuels us to grow and sometimes we may never know what it is like to transcend If we do not allow ourselves to get comfortable with being uncomfortable but in the end knowing that we are going to get through it as a better version of ourselves.
Lesson #2: It's okay to say No.
Chile, this lesson is still one that I consistently have to teach myself and find the power in this one word. No.
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What I have learned is that there is so much power in saying No and it honestly feels so good when we allow ourselves to choose ourselves over the expectations of others. Does it make us selfish? Not at all, it's really about having a balance between the things we don't mind saying yes to vs saying yes because we feel like we have to appease others. If you feel like your relationship with someone would be jeopardized because you choose to set that boundary knowing that the other party would not respect you for it, is that a person that you want to be associated with?
Lesson #3: Patience, Persistence, Perseverance
Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance are the three most important skills that I am learning in my 20's so far. They're all related but each has its lessons to learn from them.
Patience is a virtue that everyone can benefit from learning how to develop or improve on. Patience is one thing that many people struggle with because we live in a world now where we expect everything to come to us when we want it at the moment and when we don't get what we want, we get restless and irritable. I am learning that patience is truly a virtue because life is not a race it's a marathon and when something doesn't come when we expect it to it most certainly will when we need it, have you ever reflected on your life and say wow I didn't get this at that time but it came to me at the most perfect time. During our time of having to be patient, the best thing that we can do for ourselves is developing a faith that everything is working out the way that it is intended to even when it may not feel like it and I know that can sound easier said than done but learning how to cope in those moments is what makes us stronger and prepared to receive more.
Persistence is closely related to patience because it's about continuing with something even after failure; sometimes we don't succeed at first but if we persevere then eventually we'll get there! Persistence teaches us how not to give up when things get difficult so instead of giving up let's dust ourselves off and try again.
Perseverance means continuing even when you have felt like you failed or not getting the results that you intended; this skill comes in handy when doing something new, taking a risk, stepping out of your comfort zone, or whatever that may look like to you. Sustaining that perseverance is where having the mindset of determination will be your best friend. If you want something badly enough then don’t stop until it happens…even if it feels like all odds are stacked against you!
Lesson #4: Self-Fulfillment
Self-fulfillment is the fulfillment of your own needs and wants, as opposed to fulfilling other people's expectations or desires. It means pursuing the things that make you happy, rather than what others want you to do with your life or what you feel like you have to do based on the societal norms that are pushed onto us. One of the greatest things that we can do for ourselves is to not allow ourselves to live by anyone else's expectations but by the ones that we set for ourselves.
If you find what feels fulfilling to you then don't let that thing fall by the wayside. Embrace that feeling because ultimately that is where true happiness lies.
If you aren't sure what feels most fulfilling for you ask yourself what is the thing that I can talk about for hours, that makes me light up inside and brings me excitement to share with others?
Lesson #5: It's All In Our Minds
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It's all in our minds. Mindset is the most important factor when it comes to your success and happiness. I've learned that becoming mindful of what we focus our thoughts on is important because whether the thoughts are intentional or not, after a period of continuously thinking in a way or having a vision of ourselves, that will magnify our physical reality.
Whenever you feel your thoughts evading your mind, not in a positive way, take a minute to become aware of how you are thinking and decide how you can think differently. If a thought brings on stress, ask yourself what moment in your life can you focus on that made you feel the most at ease and relaxed.
What you think determines how you respond, and how you respond determines what happens next. When thinking about how you invasion yourself, how you want your life to go, the kind of people you want to attract into your life, and what you want to happen in your life be intentional.
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namusawant · 3 months
Journey to Inner Peace: How Spiritual Retreats Can Reshape Your Life?
Change is the only constant in life, and accepting change is crucial. The best way to do this is to become the change you wish to see in others. Spiritual retreats are held worldwide, but only some understand their importance. At TranceForMission, you can connect with nature, the universe, your beliefs, and yourself by attending a spiritual retreat. Each time you participate in a spiritual retreat, you grow in mindfulness and become a new version of yourself. Whether you follow a mentor, coach, or Guru or believe in the universe, dedicating yourself to your spiritual journey is essential. This dedication can become a light of hope in every situation.
The Unique Experience of TranceForMission Retreats- 
Spiritual retreats, like the ones TranceForMission offers in Goa, offer a quiet escape from the busy and stressful everyday life. They provide a unique space to quiet your mind and connect with your spirit. You can connect with your spiritual self through meditation, guided visualizations, and group prayers. Every part of the retreat is designed to help you find peace and connect with something greater than yourself.
When you join our retreat, you enter a world where every detail is thoughtfully organized to enhance your spiritual journey. From the serene beaches of Goa to the tranquil mountains, each location is chosen for its natural beauty and peaceful environment. Imagine waking up to the sound of waves, participating in early morning meditation sessions, and spending your day exploring various spiritual practices.
The Healing Power of Spiritual Retreats-
Attending a spiritual retreat offers more than just spiritual growth; it also brings emotional healing, mental clarity, and a fresh appreciation for life. People often leave these retreats feeling refreshed, excited about life, and with a better understanding of what’s essential. This emotional renewal is especially beneficial for those feeling stressed, burned out, or disconnected. The healing power of a spiritual retreat can help you feel rejuvenated and ready to face life’s challenges with a new perspective.
Building Community and Lasting Connections-
One of the lesser-known benefits of spiritual retreats is the community you build. These retreats attract like-minded individuals, each searching for something greater that can only be found in a collective setting. The bonds formed here are based on mutual spiritual quests, creating relationships that often last long beyond the retreat. Sharing stories around a campfire, participating in group activities, and supporting each other’s journeys encourage a sense of belonging. You may find lifelong friends who understand and share your spiritual path. The sense of community can be a powerful source of support and inspiration, even after the retreat ends.
Integrating Retreat Learnings into Daily Life-
Attending a spiritual retreat is highly transformative, but integrating that experience into daily life is the real challenge. The practices and insights from a retreat can guide your everyday decisions and interactions, helping you cultivate a more mindful and compassionate approach to life. The essence of a retreat's impact lies in applying the lessons learned to daily situations, enriching your everyday life with the spirituality experienced during the retreat.
Practical Tips for Integration-
Start Your Day with Intention: Begin each day with a short meditation or prayer, setting a positive tone for the day ahead.
Mindful Moments: Incorporate mindfulness into daily activities, whether eating, walking, or working. Take a few moments to be fully present.
Keep a Journal: Document your thoughts, feelings, and experiences to reflect on your growth and stay connected to your spiritual journey.
Stay Connected: Keep in touch with the friends you made during the retreat. Share your progress, support each other, and continue your journey together.
Create a Sacred Space: Dedicate a small area in your home for meditation and reflection, keeping the retreat's essence alive in your daily life.
Critical Benefits of Spiritual Retreats-
Mental Clarity: Clear your mind from daily stress and distractions.
Emotional Healing: Renew your spirit and find new joy in life.
Community Building: Connect with like-minded individuals for lasting friendships.
Deeper Practice: Enhance your spiritual practice with guided sessions.
Life Integration: Apply retreat lessons to everyday life for continuous growth.
The Transformative Power of Nature-
Nature plays a vital role in the TranceForMission experience. Being surrounded by its beauty helps to ground you, bringing a sense of peace and clarity. Whether meditating on a beach at sunrise or hiking through lush forests, nature’s calming presence enhances your spiritual practice.
Why Choose TranceForMission?
Experienced Instructors: Learn from seasoned practitioners who guide you with compassion and wisdom.
Beautiful Locations: Retreats are held in serene, natural settings that enhance your spiritual journey.
Comprehensive Programs: Our retreats offer a variety of activities, from meditation to group discussions, ensuring a well-rounded experience.
At TranceForMission, under the guidance of Coach Kunal Buch and his team, we are dedicated to helping you embark on a transformative spiritual journey. Our mission is to support you in making changes for yourself, helping you grow, find peace, and achieve personal enlightenment. If you're ready to take the first step towards a more spiritual, fulfilled life, we're here to guide you every step of the way. Ready to transform with our spiritual retreat? Contact us today and start your journey to self-discovery and spiritual growth. At TranceForMission, a spiritual retreat can reshape your life, providing the tools and support you need to become the best version of yourself. Join us and experience a spiritual retreat's profound impact on your well-being and outlook on life.
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languageyeti1985 · 1 year
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Time Is On Your Side...
Time Is On Your Side…
Welcome to a short lesson about life and the beauty of individual journeys. Let's explore real-life examples illustrating why embracing your unique path can lead to a fulfilling future.
Imagine this:
Meet Jane. She graduated at the age of 22, filled with dreams and aspirations. However, she decided to take a different route and explore the world before settling into a career. After travelling, gaining new experiences, and discovering her true passion, she finally secured a fantastic job at 27. By waiting those extra years, Jane found a fulfilling career that brought her joy and purpose.
Now, let's look at John's story. He was an ambitious soul who became a CEO at the young age of 25. He achieved great success and prosperity in his career, but life had other plans tragically, and he passed away at 50. John's journey teaches us that success can come early, but life's true worth lies in our impact and the memories we create.
On the other hand, we have Michael. He only became a CEO when he was 50 years old. Throughout his life, he worked hard, gained valuable experience, and climbed the ladder at a steady pace. He lived a long and fulfilling life until he was 90, cherishing each moment and leaving a lasting legacy behind.
Now, let's switch gears to personal life. Mark is still single, while his high school friend, Alex, has become a proud grandfather. Mark sometimes feels a pang of envy, wondering if he's falling behind in life. However, he realises that relationships and family planning are personal choices. Just because Alex became a grandfather earlier doesn't mean Mark is late; he's merely running his race, and his time will come when the moment is right.
In politics, we see a stark contrast between Obama and Trump. Obama retired at 55, having accomplished significant milestones during his time in office. Meanwhile, Trump started his political journey at 70, showcasing that it's always possible to make a difference and pursue your passions.
Life, much like the Earth, operates in various time zones. People around you may be ahead or behind in different aspects, but that's the beauty of it. We all have unique journeys, and comparing yourself to others only causes unnecessary stress.
Time is a friend who walks with us through life, guiding us along our personal journeys. It's a constant companion, offering growth, learning, and discovery opportunities. Like a patient mentor, time allows us to evolve, learn from our experiences, and bloom into the best versions of ourselves. Embrace time's gentle presence, for it will enable us to savour every moment, celebrate each accomplishment, and learn from every setback. As we walk hand in hand with time, we realise that life's most beautiful moments are often found in the simplest of steps, reminding us that the journey itself is as precious as reaching the destination.
So, let us cherish time as the companion it is, and trust in its wisdom as we journey toward a future that is uniquely our own. Remember, you are on your path, which is something to celebrate. Whether chasing your dreams at a young age or finding your purpose later in life, your journey is yours to embrace. 
Take a deep breath, relax, and trust in the timing of your life. 
Your desired goals will come to fruition when the time is right. 
Be encouraged by the stories of those who navigated their lives at their own pace and found true fulfilment along the way. 
You are exactly where you need to be, and your potential future is bright. 
Embrace your unique journey, and watch as life unfolds wonders for you.
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Thinking about Loki and Mobius again
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astubborntaurus · 4 years
Locational Astrology Part III - Choosing the Best Places to Go
Part I - Relocation Charts
Part II - AstroCartography Maps
Welcome to the 3rd and final part of my Introduction to Locational Astrology lesson! In Part 1 we talked about why location matters in astrology and the role of relocation charts, in Part 2 we talked about AstroCartography maps, and now we’re going to use that knowledge to pick out the best places in the world for you to go. If you haven’t read Parts 1 and 2 yet, I highly suggest reading through those before continuing so this lesson will make sense. Also, again, these techniques depend on having an absolutely exact time of birth for your chart, down to the precise minute. Even just a several minute inaccuracy can completely throw off the entire interpretation.
Here we go!
Start with the natal chart
Now that we understand relocation charts and AstroCartography maps, we’re equipped to start answering the fundamental question of locational astrology: “where are the best places for me to go?” The first step in answering this is to look at your natal chart to get a sense of your most advantageous and most challenging placements. If you have any planets that are in their ruling sign, are exalted, or have trine and/or sextile aspects, make a note of that. If you have planets that are in their detriment or fall, or have squares or oppositions to other planets, make a note of those, too. What we want to do in the next step is find places that put your best-placed planets on top of your AC, MC, DC, or IC, and in ways that line up with what you want to achieve through relocation.
Getting to know the planets
First, let’s look at the planets. Remember, moving to a location on one of these lines could turn up the volume of any of that planet’s traits for you, including those that come from more personal configurations in your chart rather than just the planet’s “normal” archetype. Things like rulership, aspects, sign placements, and anything else from your natal chart can’t be accounted for in this general intro lesson here, but make sure to consider those when interpreting what one of your lines will do. Each line will turn up the volume of that planet in your life exponentially, so you’ll want to get to know the planet’s role in your life as intimately as possible when interpreting what that line means for you.
The general effects of each line
Once you understand the personal role of a planet in your life, it’s a great time to start thinking about what the lines mean. Below are some general interpretations for each planet and angles on the lines. Be sure to check the interpretation for both the planet and the angle. For example, to learn about the Mercury MC line, read both the “Mercury Lines” and the “MC Lines” interpretations below to see which theme is being amplified and where in life it’s being channeled. 
Planets: Which themes you’re amplifying
Sun Lines: If you have a well-placed and well-aspected natal sun, these lines can amplify your vitality and life force, making you feel bolder, energetic, empowered, and inspired in these places.
Moon Lines: These lines put more of a spotlight on your emotions, family, fundamental roots, and sense of security. If you have a well-placed moon, this can go very well on your DC or IC, but it’s typically best to avoid more public-facing moon lines unless you have a really good reason for wanting to go more public with your emotions.
Mercury Lines: These lines can make you much busier and immerse you in constant communication with others and intellectual stimulation.
Venus Lines: These lines put more of an emphasis on themes like beauty, romance, and indulgence. These also tend to be great places to develop your sense of charisma if you have a well-aspected Venus.
Mars Lines: These places can really stimulate your passion, energy, and willpower, but also make you more prone to anger, recklessness, and accidents. They’re exciting, but can be a bit of a wildcard. They’re typically safest if you have a very well-aspected Mars.
Jupiter Lines: These are ideal lines for adventure, growth, and expansion. Your activities on these lines will probably expand to things much vaster than planned. They’re fantastic places to go if you’re feeling restricted and looking to expand more on something in your life.
Saturn Lines: On these lines, you may be forced to work harder and develop a much more rigid sense of discipline and responsibility. They also can make you feel very trapped and restricted, though, and you may end up stuck in these places (literally or metaphorically) and stay for longer than planned
Uranus Lines: These places will make you feel more rebellious and unsatisfied, demanding that you act on your need for freedom and independence to make changes and fight the status quo. They require a large amount of self-motivation, or else you might end up feeling angry and unsatisfied.
Neptune Lines: These lines are excellent for escapism and artistic endeavors. However, things might not be what they seem to be here, and you may find yourself seeing the world through rose tinted glasses in these places if you’re not very careful.
Pluto Lines: These are very intense places that will put you face-to-face with themes of death, the taboo, and very intense transformation.
Lunar Node Lines: These are probably the weirdest of the lines, and visiting them will likely be very deep and karmic experiences that feel too strange to be coincidence. These usually aren’t ideal places to live long-term because they are so spiritually exhausting, but shorter trips to these places can be life-altering experiences in unexpected ways.
Angles: Where in your life that planet will be channeled
AC Lines: These relate to your self, identity, and expression. These put the corresponding planet on the forefront of your identity, allowing you to explore formerly repressed parts of your identity and express yourself more truly to that part of yourself.
MC Lines: These lines make their corresponding planet become extremely public to the world and prominent in your career and public image. If you’d rather keep the traits of a particular planet private, such as your moon, don’t move to its MC line.
DC Lines: These relate to your relationships, coworkers, close friendships, and enemies. The corresponding planets of these lines might manifest in two ways: in the way you experience your connections with others, or in the kinds of people who come into your life here.
IC Lines: These lines make their corresponding planet manifest very strongly in your home and family life. This is ideal for stability-seeking planets that can help you build a solid foundation in your home life in the new location, but planets like Mars and Pluto on the IC can make your home life more volatile and unstable.
Good lines for challenging placements
Some lines may be extremely beneficial for some people, but rathe dangerous for others because of how the corresponding planet is placed and aspected in their natal charts. Earlier in the lecture, I said to take note of the strongest and most challenging placements in your chart to avoid moving to a line that will put your more challenging areas of your life on a pedestal. If there’s a theme in life that you want to develop, but it’s connected to a more challengingly-placed planet in your chart, another way to get beneficial effects for planets that are more harshly placed or aspected in your chart is to click the “w. harmonious aspects” button on the AstroClick travel map from Part 2. This shows where you can go to form trines and sextiles between planets and your AC, IC, MC, or DC in the relocation chart, getting a softer and more mellowed-down but harmonious version of what you’d get on the conjunction line. These can still be very powerful places to go with an incredible impact on your life. Seriously, these lines are epic - don’t underestimate them. 
What to do next
Looking at your AstroCartography map, make note of some specific locations on lines that you like. Once you have a few places in mind, check out your relocation charts for those places more detailed information about how they could impact you, and there you have it! You’ve done a locational astrology reading!
Advanced AstroCartography
These are just a few techniques used in interpreting relocation charts and AstroCartography maps, but many astrologers have their own individualized approaches to it. Some astrologers use techniques such as Zenith Latitudes to Crossing Latitudes to create even more lines, and some people even cross-check planets in both tropical and sidereal charts to see if a planet is well-placed in one but debilitated in another. Also, looking at any transits and progressions impacting the planets you’re hoping to amplify can give you a much more detailed view of what’s going on, but that’s more advanced and outside the scope of this lesson. That only begins the list of many other locational astrology techniques, but I hope that this lesson helped you get a feel for the general idea so that you can start building an approach of your own!
Thank you so much for reading this lesson, and I hope that it was helpful. As always, I’m here if you ever have any questions. This is one of my favorite topics in astrology and I’m always happy to talk about it more.
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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Max Evans has had one hell of a year. The Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 premiere, which picked up a year after the events of the Season 2 finale, saw the alien-turned-cop living large with his pseudo siblings Isobel and Michael. However, his easygoing demeanor was nothing more than a facade. As it turns out, he is dying, principally because his body is rejecting the heart transplant he received last season. Now, he is on a mission to wrap up his unfinished business -- not the least of which involves Liz Ortecho, the estranged love of his life, and Jones, the alien from whom he was cloned.
Speaking to CBR, Roswell, New Mexico star Nathan Dean offered some insight into Max's end-of-life plans. He shared why it was so fun to play two separate characters in Season 3, as well as how that effect was accomplished behind the scenes. He explained the key difference between Max and Jones, which may very well show Max his own potential. He teased Anatsa's key role this season and warned fans to be worried about the results of Maria's ominous visions. He also previewed Max's reunion with Liz, the real-world issues that Season 3 will tackle and more.
CBR: This season, you're playing two separate characters. How do you alter your approach to differentiate between Max and Jones?
Nathan Dean: You know, Max has spent his whole life suppressing who he is, suppressing his abilities and trying to hide and trying to be human. Jones has never tried to do that. He has never suppressed anything. He's never tried to stop himself from finding his full potential. So really, it was just the opportunity.
I thank our showrunner Chris Hollier and our writers for allowing me to do this, to really step into the potential of what Max could have been under different circumstances, if he hadn't grown up on Earth around humans. If he never tried to suppress these abilities, if he never tried to suppress who you are or your potential, what is that? What is the limit there? For Jones, there is none.
So it was really fun to then step into this fully evolved version of the character that I've been playing and then switch between the two, go back to understanding the circumstances of, "Alright, you're human, you're trying to be human," but then switch back into, "Oh, no, you're not. You're so much more than human. You're something far beyond that." Yeah, juxtaposing the two was a lot of fun.
What is it like for you to act opposite yourself? What does that look like for you behind the scenes?
Nathan Dean: It's very weird! It's very weird. You know, there were days where there would be myself and there would be a photo double -- one for Max, one for Jones -- and there would be stunt doubles -- one for Max, one for Jones -- and we just kept multiplying on set. But it was very bizarre. It was a lot of fun.
You sort of do one side of the scene a certain way and then switch over. You know, you take the beard off, you change the outfit and change the mannerisms, change the demeanor, and then try to have a conversation with the self that you just were. It was very fun! [laughs] It was very bizarre, but it was great.
Thanks to Jones, Max is finally getting some of the answers he's longed for. How will that impact the way he sees himself, particularly in relation to Isobel and Guerin?
Nathan Dean: It impacts him a lot. I mean, we spent this past year... we weren't working. You know, a lot of people weren't working and you just kind of sit at home and have to look yourself in the mirror and really figure out who you want to be and how you want the world to remember you and how you want the world to see you.
Max is confronted with this thing in a very real person of Jones, literally looking yourself in the mirror. It sort of forces Max, I think, to take stock and appreciate Guerin and appreciate Isobel and Liz, too. I mean, just be grateful for having them in his life and finding out his place in the universe. You get to see, I think, that growth from him all season of just that gratitude and approaching people with respect, and respecting his situation so much more seeing it from someone else's eyes.
As we found out in the premiere, Max is dying. How does he envision his last days? What does his bucket list look like?
Well, I think largely it comes down to him wanting to respect and honor the people around him that have loved him in his life, and he hasn't necessarily always been good on that. So he just really wants to just be there for the people he cares about. I think for him, dying quietly and disappearing is the best option. He's always wanted to disappear into the shadows, but this season and Jones in particular kind of forced him to step out of those shadows and step into himself more.
I hope that, by the end of the season, that we see a much more mature, a much more fully formed Max than we have in the past. He's no longer allowed to hide because now there's two of him! So yeah, he's kind of forced to step into the spotlight when he doesn't necessarily want to.
It looks like Roswell has a new sheriff in town. How will that affect Max's job and his role in the community?
Nathan Dean: It doesn't really affect him. I mean, Max thankfully is not -- he doesn't have his job by election, but it definitely hurts him because Valenti was tough, but she was always kind of on his side and had his back. So yeah, he has to definitely adjust and learn a new place and learn if you he trust the new sheriff, who is coming into town in very crazy times, because now there's not one, but there's two of me.
He's got to learn how to adjust with that and hopefully, the new sheriff will be able to -- maybe not be as understanding as Valenti was, but yeah, she'll have a whole new set of problems to deal with. I hope we can trust her and hope that he'll be able to keep his job and try to keep her out of it as much as possible. But yeah, it's definitely a new rule.
In this week's episode, we learn a little more about Anatsa and her reason for coming to Roswell. How will we see that dynamic evolve as the season progresses?
Nathan Dean: Well, that's gonna be fun. I mean, she has her own agenda, definitely, and Max is a little bit reckless off the top and kind of steps a little bit out of line. But yeah, I mean, she's coming here, she's gonna learn a whole lot of things that she wasn't quite ready to learn when she first came to Roswell. Yeah, as the season goes on, we'll see her become integrated into not only Max's life, but then obviously, Michael and Isobel's life as well. She is really striving to uncover what turns out to be some uncomfortable truths.
Roswell has never shied away from dipping its toes into controversial topics, so how does that set the stage for the show to tackle some real-world current events?
Nathan Dean: Well, we've all been through a lot of these last couple years. Having jumped forward a year, we definitely touch on -- I mean, it's unavoidable. There was a pandemic! There was a lot of people going through some pretty difficult times. Yeah, we definitely jump into it. I mean, we'll talk about it. We always try to stay as current as possible.
I mean, the fact that Max is a cop, that's controversial in and of itself, and we definitely talk about that. Yeah, like you said, we don't shy away from situations that are going on in the real world, and I think this year, we were given a good platform to be able to have these conversations with level heads and not shy away from it. Stuff will come up about being a cop; stuff will come up about the pandemic. Kyle, one of our main characters, is a doctor. This stuff that doctors have had to go through these past couple of years, it's all very, very much at the forefront of this show.
We try to tackle everything with a level head and with respect. We just were given a lot of ammunition this past year, and we'll dive into it and we'll talk about it. But central to our show, obviously, is going to be these aliens and the relationship between Liz and Max and all that. So we try to play it all on an even playing field.
Just how trustworthy is Jones?
Nathan Dean: [laughs] I think you've got to figure out his agenda first! I mean, you've got to figure out what he wants. Ultimately, Jones sort of operates as a window into the past. Michael and Isobel primarily, but also Max, always had these questions boiling around in their minds about, "Who are we? Why are we here? Where did we come from? What's our place in the stars? What are we doing? What's happening?" And Jones is a window into that.
He obviously has his own plans and his own thing, but at the end of the day, yeah, he's sort of what Max could have been, had Max not grown up on Earth. We get to see that unfold and unfold throughout the season. So yeah, I mean, do you trust Max? Do you just Isobel? Do you trust Michael? Do you trust any of these aliens? Do you trust Jones? I don't know! That's all yet to be seen.
Maria keeps having visions of a funeral and she isn't quite sure who's in the coffin. How worried should fans be?
Nathan Dean: Definitely be worried. You know, we're just learning now what Maria's abilities are and what her role in this cosmic game is. As we move forward, trying to figure out what her ability is, and are these are these, in fact, real? Are these set in stone? Is this something that can be changed? What are these visions? Are these the future that's going to happen or a future that could happen?
Yeah, we learn a lot about Maria this year, and obviously Liz is off in LA trying to figure out how to deal with that as well. It's fun to sort of -- you know, she's one of the new aliens in the group and we get to figure out what that's about.
What can you tease about Max's reunion with Liz?
Nathan Dean: I mean, Max and Liz have this relationship that is constantly push and pull. They're in this orbit around each other they just can't break. It is very appropriate that she literally runs into him, because no matter how hard they try to be apart and try to be separated, the world, the universe, whatever it is, they just keep literally crashing into each other.
Obviously, it's been a year. Max is not doing well, in a lot of ways. There's also another Max out there somewhere. So yeah, they crash into each other in quite a spectacular way.
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
June 30, 2021
Coco (and Lulu’s) Legacy
Coco wrote the book on how to be a Hololive member, from front to back. She plotted out how one can amass an audience, how to interact and build a worldwide fandom, how to integrate ideas of the audience to the grand narrative of the company, how to deal with tee-tee and pairings, how to cope when YouTube strikes you down in its impunity, and how to cope when Cancel Brigade comes to destroy your work, along with how to bring a more cohesive workplace, how to protect yourself from the unmooring of identity that is inherent in VTube, and finally how to leave when you are in a rollercoaster that is only going up. Coco wrote the book and now we follow.
AsaCoco was brilliant from its outset. Having a place to know the ins and outs of various members of Hololive was a great way to connect the rabbit hole. But there is a deeper reason for the brilliance. I talked before about how the major tension in VTube is one between the corporate back-end tradition of Japan colliding with the audience front-end tradition of YouTube. AsaCoco is something directly in line with that second tradition. The visual language of YouTube is different from those of movies. A jump cut in a movie denotes a different idea than a jump cut on YouTube. Movie critic complaining about jump cuts in vlogs is like a Spanish reader complaining about a sentence in English being awkward. Of course it is, it’s in a different language. Unlike movies, which come from theatre and literature, vlogs’ lineage comes from news broadcasts. Many of the early web successes were styled in a news format (rocketboom, Ze Frank, What the Buck and so on…) One does not complain about the jump cut between different presenters in a newscast, and so one does not complain when a similar thing happens in vlogs. But the point is that AsaCoco harkens to the audience-based tradition.
One might write off the ARK arc as an aberration, but I think ARK did add something constructive to Hololive and VTubers as a whole. I like to think of ARK as a training wheel for Minecraft. Minecraft is relatively challenging compared to ARK. Minecraft speedruns are mildly impressive, ARK speedrun less so. ARK is actually like the middle ground between Monster Hunter and Minecraft. You can play ARK like Monster Hunter, gather a bunch of friends to hunt monsters, or like Minecraft, build your own zoo or house or so on… And in that flexibility, one can easily learn how to tell a compelling narrative in an open-world setting. Pekora’s war criminal tendencies developed there, Miko’s ‘pon’ nature was crystalized there, and so on…
Holohouse was an underrated achievement. At first, the idea feels like the natural extension of their idol nature. Idols live together, so why not virtual idols? But having virtual idols living together comes with additional benefits that Nijisanji should note.
Stalking is an awful thing, I know since I experienced and have done something similar in my past, but stalking is also a desperate thing. And desperation tends to abate when people are more open about themselves. One of the articles talking about Coco’s graduation infamously notes the mystery of Coco’s identity, which is chucklesome since Coco’s identity might be the most open secret in all of Hololive. This was in line with Hololive’s more open policy, several of Hololive members do their own personal work on the side, while in many early companies, this was forbidden. Nijisanji’s background is less open than Hololive, perhaps due to the number and less mass attention, and that leads to stalking being a more adventurous one. One that livers have to deal with more alone, while for Hololive, it’s likely people would catch and perhaps even tar the perpetrator. More attention means more risk with less excitement.
Holohouse also protects aggressive fan behavior by introducing VTuber solidarity. With more offline collabs, the people would know each other more personally and therefore have a ground of contacts in which to alert suspicious behavior. Safety in numbers.
Holohouse also brought us KanaCoco, which was a lesser known pairing until the couple ring story, and now it has become one of three big couples of Hololive, the other two being NoeFlare and OkaKoro. The big three all have a different style of their tee tee. KanaCoco is the type of a longtime buddy. Both Kanata and Coco struggled with familial and economic circumstances, and they are both struggling under the same roof. And within that struggle comes comity and friendship. It’s not love in your typical sense, but it is a type that would lead to marriage and childrens… but the current LBGTQ+ status in Japan is pretty bad, so tee tee and hush hush it is.
In a sense, KanaCoco provides for an excellent cover. It is one of the most inspiring portrayals of woman-woman friendships in media and it would be one of the more enduring aspect of Coco’s legacy as it passes down through the generations.
[Note: This somehow became an apologia of the past week. Well, I do like to show my thinking with my behavior, perhaps to my detriment, so… just be warned.]
For the past week, I was hyping about the fact that Gura passed Kizuna Ai to become the most-subscribed VTuber. And I made the point, not through immaturity, but because I realized this coincided with Coco’s graduation. Without Coco, there wouldn’t be Hololive English, or Gawr Gura, and therefore this event would not have happened. This, therefore, was one of the last great accomplishments of Coco. An indelible mark of her foresight and perseverance. A realization of her plans. So, in a sense, this was one of my ways of celebrating Coco’s career, albeit in an admittedly twisted way.
But beyond Hololive English, there was the famous Meme Review, which has a weak lineage with the early meme review series from PewDiePie. Now for the digression, whoever ends up at the top gives us a flavor for that specific era, since one naturally assumes success means finesse and would try to emulate the style. Vlogbrother’s visual style and mannerism was largely lifted from Ze Frank. PBS Idea Channel famously emulated Ray William Johnson’s background to his own ends. And Kizuna Ai was famously inspired by PewDiePie at several points in her career. Which is why PewDiePie’s Congratulations felt right as a tribute. One of the big shared characteristics of the two was the lonely years at the top. PewDiePie is probably going to be longest reigning ‘King’ of YouTube for a while (of course, depends on if Cocomelon catches T-Series in due time) and at the time his reign was abnormally long. Most people hold onto the top spot for a year or two, so it felt odd that PewDiePie was untouchable for so long. Similar things must have been raised for Kizuna Ai as well. Many people must have felt that Kizuna Ai just did not represent VTubers at the current time.
So, when competition showed up, of course people were excited. It felt like it was time. I believe PewDiePie’s Congratulations was not a simple diss track, although it’s formatted like one, just due to the culture at the time. So the hypothetical Kizuna Ai version would be extremely light-hearted. The ‘diss’ would be your typical “she’s short”, “she’s hydrodynamic” and so on… it would be clear there is no actual bad blood, and the song would be welcoming of the new era. Era, as I said before, brought on by Coco.
Back to the Meme Review, meme review was great as it centered reddit as the base for the fandom, rather than twitter, which is a horrible platform to bring a sense of communal welcomeness. Reddit is probably the best functional place for stuff like this, even though we all know it has its host of problems that needs to be resolved.
What is the most important stream in Hololive? Well, some people would point to Aqua and Coco’s The Raft stream, which is a poignant encapsulation of a stream. The dramatic counterweight to the other greatest stream in Hololive, Korone’s all-english Mario stream. Aqua and Coco are always the odd pairing, but it could have worked, and it might have been beneficial. Aqua is one of the most shy people in Hololive, and Mio is already busy with Ayame and Subaru, so the best person might have been Coco.
But China. There were two big beneficiaries from China in Hololive, one was Fubuki and the other was Aqua. While Fubuki, in Coco’s last months, famously went out of her way to intertwine herself with Coco to directly redirect her audience, like the mensch she is, Aqua always struggled with her audience retention, therefore played shy with Coco.
Edit: Well, my initial final impression was… what a wonderful finish. The interview portion was well-meant, but honestly a little formal. When the 4th Gen went together, is when the stream turned into something special for me, and the final performance was actually really well-done. Coco went out like an idol, which makes sense. For whatever provocation Coco perpetuated, Coco only did them out of love. And ultimately Cover knew that. Coco’s final month was a warning and a reminder.
Can I talk about all the different tributes lately? In some sense, Usaken Summer Festival is part of this… for an organization that is immensely popular, I just adore how Cover and their talent always has this drive to throw everything and see if it works. I noticed this during Golden Week. Golden Week in Hololive was jam packed. There were great events, Mio’s morning stream was astounding, leading to one of biggest growth spurt for Mio. Miko’s drawing collab was absolutely hilarious, for such a simple and seemingly hastily put idea. One of the people in a forum commented on this and affixed something that left my mind… what did Nijisanji during the same week? Even I was surprised by how little Nijisanji did that Golden week. They barely did anything!
The innovative spirit does give them trouble, more than it is worth, but Cover never really stopped its momentum, even when most other companies would have stopped a long time ago! This is the greatest thing about Hololive and Cover, the most redeeming feature. One that would serve them well. Coco wrote the playing book, let us pray that Cover sticks to them, because the fall of Cover comes the moment they stray.
The Pre-Coco era was about a company struggling to get their idea through. The Coco era was about writing the playing book. So the Post-Coco era will be about remembrance, it’ll be a struggle to keep the memory of what the playing book is. It’ll be about them being Hololive as they become part of the global zeitgeist.
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nctinfo · 4 years
[TRANS] WayV’s interview with ELLE Korea May 2020 issue!
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— Kun
A suffering leader, everyone's Kun —  With a meticulous personality. The pros and cons would be: I think I am the leader thanks to my sense of responsibility and delicacy. [But] when there is too much to take care of, it is a bit cumbersome. There’s no member who gives me a hard time because they all pick on me one by one (laughs). If I had to introduce my hometown, Fujian Province, it's a quiet city with clean air and few people. Many people come to visit because the mountains and the lakes are beautiful. When I think about nature, I start missing my hometown. At school, I was the head of the student council's entertainment department. I might look like a serious person since the members are so active and mischievous, but I'm also a fun person. Times when I feel like we’re one team are when you know what the others are thinking just by the look in their eyes and, when we dance and the movements are 'synchronised'. WayV to me is the comfort of being able to share everything with each other. All the members worry a lot about music so a lot of ideas come out every time we hear new music. It is certainly an advantage that all seven have a lot of desire. I have a bright young voice, but my desire as a vocalist is to have a thicker and more mature voice these days. Wouldn't it suit dance songs that match our [team's] style more than ballads. I graduated in Practical Music. If there is a song I want to arrange: I'm still trying to look for my style while listening to various songs. I want to challenge not only the arrangement but also the composition. I am a good cook. The dishes I recently made for the members are the dishes that I learned from the main chef of the company while I practiced them [on the members]. The menu with the biggest reaction recently was DongPo Pork. When I can't sleep, I deliberately watch low-rated movies and these days, I watch a four-hour-long landscape video shot from a train driver's perspective. It makes me fall asleep really fast (laughs). The most memorable stage after debuting was as expected, MAMA 2019. When I was giving the award speech, my hand that was holding the microphone was shaking and it was all captured [on camera]. What I want to say to myself in hard times is to be confident! The moment you lose your confidence, everything becomes more difficult. The mindset I don't want to lose is to be grateful. Everything I do right now is impossible to do by myself. This is the most important. To Winwin: who has known me the longest among the members! I hope you always take on challenges with courage because I will always be there beside you to support you. Also, all the members know that you are cute.  
— Lucas
Healthy energy, hot Lucas — Between a boy and a man, I feel closer to 100% boy! I don't think I feel mature enough. [Maybe I’m just like] a baby who wants to be a man (laughs). The most impressive man to me is a responsible person. And also, a man who gives everything to his loved ones. Having an attractive rapping sound because of a low and husky voice. My desire to sing is big! I want to sing a sad song. I've heard from people around me that a calm song suits my voice. Like the calm songs of Paul Kim I normally listen to too. My favorite song is "Take Off, The killing point is the dance break, with the powerful guitar riff. Emotion is what is the most important on stage. I believe each song has its own soul, and it is important to immerse yourself. My role in the team is positive energy. Although always looking bright, surprisingly, I have a lot of thoughts. Yesterday too, I had a lot of thoughts before going to bed, so it took me a while to fall asleep. Not long ago, Kun hyung played me a song he had composed and so many ideas came up so I wrote them down and sent it to him. WayV to me is a friendship that feels really deep even though it’s been only a year since I made a debut with the people I love so much. So much that when we come back from a schedule, as we laugh and talk together, the stress will suddenly be gone. The most important thing in a team is to have sincere conversations with each other to understand each other's differences. Only then can we get along well because of the wider understanding. Having appeared in a number of familiar variety shows like the Chinese version of <Running Man> <Let's Run Season 3> I like that I can go to various places the most. It's also a special opportunity to meet people with other jobs and not only artists. I think I'm often called/casted [for these shows] because of my sincere youthful reactions. The mindset I don't want to lose is the promise I made when I debuted to be a good influence on people. That's what I always keep in mind. I want to be a person who always gives positive influence to people, family, and fans around me. To Yangyang: who I know is really smart, you're still a cute little brother to me (laughs)
— Winwin A quiet presence, Winwin — In the reality show <Dream Plan>, mingling well with the elders in the village was impressive. Special trick behind it was thanking them for looking out for me! Since they were all kind natured, I guess treating them with sincerity looked good. When Lucas and I visited their home, we got served a meal and received a warm welcome. A performance video of Ten and I has been released. As a dancer, Ten is a member whose strength is being versatile. He helps the members at dance practices a lot. I’ve learned dancing in a special dance school. At the time I was the shortest and least talkative kid until I grew taller in high school. I’ve spent most of the time practicing alone. Chinese dance is similar to modern dance mixed with ballet. Learning the choreography is fast and it’s an advantage to be skillful in tumbling. I would like to properly showcase a modern dance at a concert someday. When I’m on the stage what I care about the most is my gestures and facial expression. During ‘Take Off’ promotions, the gestures and facial expressions I did during my part varied from stage to stage. I hear that I’m ‘pure’ a lot. A new charm that I want to have: our fans call me ‘Baby Chick’. I want to showcase more of an ‘eagle’ image, so I cut my hair short. Isn’t it similar to Park Saeroy (laugh). Something that makes me angry, although I normally have a good temper is being unsatisfied with stage performance to the point I can’t sleep on that day. But it’s okay to just take a nap. I just need to do better. The most memorable moment in WayV promotions was receiving the Best New Asian Artist Award at the MAMAs, it was the first time we’ve gotten an award together so I was very happy. The reason why I went to Beijing on my own as a middle school student seems to be fate. I passed my exams without much determination, left my hometown and went to school in Beijing where I was noticed and then debuted. Coincidence became fate. To me WayV is a path that we’re talking together, a team with a lot of growth potential. I’d like it if the younger members came to me whenever they need someone. I feel our fans love and support the most when: I’m always amazed and grateful for our fans hearts. All of the people who always look out for us even when we’re not promoting any albums and who support us are an immense source of strength. Success to me is when more people get to know us and we get to perform in many different countries. I want to think about my personal success after my team’s success. To Kun: when members want advice, we reach out to Kun first before our families. He knows a lot, can do a lot, and is a person we can depend on.  
 — Ten
Ten who is curious about what's next rather than what’s now — The secret to adapting well everywhere is attending an international school. I had friends of various nationalities and I also traveled a lot. Wherever I went, I went to see the common [places] first. Learning an unfamiliar culture is fun. I’m learning Thai, English, Korean, Japanese and now working hard at learning Chinese. I memorize expressions that I can use while watching Chinese variety shows and dramas. Although it's still difficult to read the buzzwords and hanja. The most important thing as a performer, and what makes you an outstanding dancer, is to have your own style while not being trapped by masculinity and femininity. I am different now from a few years ago and I'm trying to challenge myself by being flexible in various aspects. What I've learned since debut is, in the case of WayV, that when you work with various genres the main concern is the vocal style and with SuperM, I learned about the importance of performance through the activities [we did]. 'It's important to dance well, but you must also have your own [style]', 'think about what you want to express in front of the camera, but you must be faithful to your feelings on every stage in order to develop [yourself]' is the advice I received from the Hyungs (Baekhyun, Kai, Taemin). For the dance video that I did together with Winwin, the concept, music, settings, and outfits were all decided by us together without the company's advice. I came to realize the difficulties of being a staff member (laughs). I can [now] see the wider picture and more details. I like poetry too. I think poetry expresses emotions. It helps me  understand the world and the society as a person and not as an artist. The lyrics of my 2nd solo song 'New Heroes' feel like an autobiography. If 'Dream in a Dream' was all about the performance then 'New Heroes' is a song about the time spent committing [to something] and I thought anyone can sympathize with that. The [original] lyrics were so great that I asked them not to change it and to just go with it. I want to write lyrics myself someday. The kind of person I want to be is [someone who] always tries to go with the flow as I think that making plans and setting expectations can make it more difficult on yourself. I hope I could be a person who can leave a good impact on others. WayV to me is just like a family who always does everything together and takes care of each other asking ‘have you already eaten?’. Everyone has an open mind to try and accept new challenges. During the 'Moonwalk' promotion period, I was kinda surprised how well we got along. Having received recognition for my skills since debut. The times when the expectations are high are: Art and languages too are ever-evolving disciplines, so it's not easy to keep up. Nevertheless, there are self-expectations and anticipations to show a new side of myself. I will work hard (laughs). I still play Pokemon Go and I'm waiting for the June update. I will catch a lot of new Pokemon again! To Xiaojun: with whom I saw Harry Potter together yesterday! Let's make an appearance in Harry Potter when there is a reboot.
— Hendery
Flexible midfielder, Hendery — Something I’ve gotten into recently is practicing playing drums. Kun hyung is cooking a lot lately so I’ve been reviewing the food too. The other day he made kimchi jjigae so good that it even got an approval from manager hyung. My favourite track is ‘Take Off’. We filmed the music video in Ukraine and spent loads of happy times together, so I feel happier whenever I listen to it. Something I’ve improved on since debut is that recording songs takes less time. When I hear a member of staff say ‘Is this really Hendery’s voice?’ I feel proud of myself. The charm of my vocal is: I’m still looking for it, but I feel like my rap sounds nice when I spice it up with a little melody. Good at giving advice to our members. A tip to giving good advice is: it’s important to have helping and not making decisions in mind. Talk about both bad and good points about the A and B. The secret to always looking like I’m at peace is my parents always telling me ‘Your happiness is the most important. You always have a home to come back to, so work as much as you can enjoy’, thanks to them I grew up as someone with little stress or worries. Mindset that I don’t want to lose is the excitement before going on stage. I think the most important thing for an artist is their greed for performing. When I get on stage the most important is interacting with fans. The most memorable stage was our Korean debut on <Show! Champion>. I couldn’t believe we’re performing Chinese songs in Korea. I was so overwhelmed to see our fans welcoming us so enthusiastically even though they didn’t understand what we were saying. I opened an instagram account recently. My posting plan is ‘This is where I am‘ ‘I am filming today’. I want to showcase my daily self. I hope our fans can smile for a brief moment when they see the pics I had the most fun taking. To me WayV is: I feel empty when I go away to see my family for a little. Every time that happens I facetime them to relieve the sadness. Lucas is the member who picks up the most (laugh). To Lucas: No matter how busy we get, even if we become grandpas, I’ll always be by your side. It’s something I want to say to all of the members, but Lucas is a friend I'm especially attached to so I really wanted to say this. 
— Yangyang
Infinite potential, bold maknae Yangyang — I speak Chinese, German, English Korean and Spanish. Great language skills are useful when you travel. Whenever I talk with friends of various nationalities, I think it's fortunate that I can speak many languages. In our team alone, it's full [with people who speak] Chinese, Thai, English, and Korean (laughs). My role in the team is being the happy virus! Although of course, the hyungs think I'm a maknae that requires a lot of energy from them. WayV to me is a high tension team that can deliver strong and positive energy. If someone shows a slight sign of exhaustion, we immediately stick together and somehow infect each other with energy. I think that such energy is conveyed to fans on stage. If I have learned anything from living together with the members [it would be] the habit I have developed to control my greed and to care for others. I'm used to looking at the other's feelings now before doing something. My favorite song is ‘King of Hearts’, because I participated in writing the lyrics. I also love 'Love Talk' from the 2nd mini album. It is a charming song that is sweet and sexy but has a way to make your body move. My ambition as a rapper is the flow. Because I think this is the aspect that determines the impression of a song from the listener's point of view. I want to be a multi-talented person who is good at not only rapping but also dancing, singing, and writing lyrics. I've always had a lot of ambition. The attractive part of writing lyrics is that I can tell my story, since from a long time ago, I wrote lyrics little by little and it's always fun work. I want to steadily keep doing it. I like Virgil Ablo and Demna Gvasalia, and the fashion icon who caught my eye these days is Mike Amirie. I am drawn to people who have a simple yet clear style. The same goes for musicians. I like people who have a clear style like Travis Scott and A$AP Rocky. I’ve said 'I like who I am' before. Instances when I am especially like myself is when I'm confident. When I have confidence and want to show off, I can show much more than my actual skills. I use SNS to check on NBA and fashion news. I see the news on sneakers I'm looking forward to fast. Surprisingly, I don't look up anything about me [but] when a stage or performance is over I do look up the reactions. Most of them are good, so every time I read, I get energized. To Hendery: hyung, you seem to really get into gaming, but don't try too hard (laughs). 
— Xiaojun
Warm voice, Xiaojun — Something I’m into these days is practicing the songs that will be included in the next album that we are preparing for. Before debuting, I only sang my favorite ballad song, but nowadays, I want to sing songs of other genres such as R&B. I've been uploading videos of me singing on my personal Instagram. My favorite song is ‘Face to Face’. My heart warms up every time I hear it. I really like the lyrics ‘You won’t be lonely because I’ll be your strength, I won’t let you cope with your wounds alone in silence’. The keywords that describe me are kind. Friendly. Positive. I often say ‘I wish my songs were healing different people’. The way I heal myself is: my heart calms down when I look at pictures with many memories sealed in them. I take a lot of pictures of the scenery and especially when I look at the pictures of my hometown in Guangdong I feel healed. The reason behind my strong sensitivity is the big influence of my dad who’s a singer and my older brother. Ever since I was little we would often watch movies together. I graduated with a musical major. My greed for musicals is: I’ll surely do it again later. I like starring in musicals but one day I’d like to make my own. A musical piece I’d like to recommend is <Dear Evan Hansen> who won at Tony Awards and Grammys. It’s a warm story about a lonely high school boy suffering from social anxiety disorder, who is working on his trauma and healing from the pain. My way of dealing with stress is quiet time on my own. Just like positive energy, negative energy is easily spread to others, so I’d rather be alone. A memory I really want to make is a trip, I promised to go on before debuting, with the members. The destination is still undecided. The kind of team member I want to be is a silent supporter. It would be nice if I can be 'my people/dearest' to others. Something I want to do this year is to have an event for the fans. I like to surprise friends or throw surprise birthday parties. I think fans will love it if we would do a guerilla performance. I told you here so I have to throw [that idea] away and I will prepare something else (laughs). To Ten: You are one of the 'Hyung-line', and you Korean is the best so there are many times you have to lead us. Don't carry everything on your own and sometimes lean on us! The same goes for Kun hyung.
t/n: Due to the structure of this interview there might be inaccuracies as many things only made sense in Korean but sounded kinda awkward in English (more so compared to other translations we did). We tried our best to convey what they meant, but please keep this in mind when reading this interview.
Translation: Alex, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ELLE Korea Scans — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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gaywatch · 3 years
When you first started studying tarot how & where did you start? I've been wanting to study tarot for a long time but I don't know what to do or how to even start.
Yesssssss, my moment has arrived. <3
What you're most likely looking for are guides to the Rider-Waite-Smith tarot, by far the most popular version of the tarot deck. There are a few other versions out there which are starkly different from RWS yet serve similar goals, but I strongly recommend starting with RWS and branching out from there if you're curious.
Overview: The great thing with tarot is that it's all about your specific view, insight, and intuition about the cards. Yes, there are agreed upon core meanings and layers to each of the cards that we all operate from. But no two people will have the exact same feelings and insights about a single card. Everyone has something new to contribute, some angle you never considered. As you gather other people's meanings/insights/lessons about the cards and learn more about the images, symbols, and associations, you'll start to get your own notions about things. This, essentially, is how you learn tarot. What's more, that's how tarot was created: a couple people drew images and inspiration from all kinds of different places and made a deck out of their own conclusions. It's all highly personal, yet strangely universal. I dunno how, but RWS managed to boil down the entire human experience into 78 cards. Wild.
How tarot works: Tarot is a tool, and like any tool it can be used to various ends. The deck has its roots in divination and fortune-telling, but the truth is that many hands have touched and influenced the deck over the past century or so, from pagans to Christians to Judaism to psychologists. Basically, any belief about what really makes tarot work (magic/cosmic/secular) is valid and after digging into it for a while you'll likely form your own opinion.
My personal take has become more and more popular in the past twenty years: that tarot is a psychological tool which can be used for personal growth and problem solving (aka - therapy). By using age-old symbols and images that we have built associations with over thousands of years, tarot cards bring thoughts/feelings from the subconscious into the conscious in a rather astonishing way. It's kinda like an ink blot test, except the ink blots have a meaning of their own, working with you instead of purely waiting to be projected upon.
Where to start: You can find the original RWS tarot deck (78 cards made up of 22 Major, 40 Minor, 16 Court) for under $20 online or at any new age-y store. There are a couple variations of the art quality on offer--just choose whichever one you like best. From there you can go hunting on Youtube, the bookstore, or wherever else for individual card meanings and start compiling them in one place and in your own words (like a word doc or notebook). There's no need to rush, you have 78 cards to get acquainted with before you even introduce the concept of reversals. Absorbing the meanings and lessons* within the cards is equally as important learning how to conduct a reading for yourself or others.
*Honestly, you'll gain an enormous amount of wisdom simply from studying the lessons within each card and taking them to heart.
Where I started: If you dig the secular/psychological approach like me, here are the main resources I used in the beginning.
Kelly Ann Maddox - Her beginner's guide to tarot is indispensable when it comes to grasping the concepts, context, and history of tarot + the cards. She's from the witchy end of things, but I found the way she presents the information to be very neutral and secular. I've watched the entire series more than once.
Biddy Tarot - An excellent place for card meanings. She's thorough, insightful, clear, and accessible.
Galaxy Tarot - It's the only tarot app I've ever liked, and I love it. It has all the meanings, does spreads for you, connects common themes within a spread for you, and just for a one time fee of a few bucks you can make your own notes on every single card (plus unlock a bunch of extras). May as well have a deck and a cheat sheet in your pocket.
Side Note: Since there's no rigid structure to learning tarot, if you need some benchmarks to judge your knowledge by I tend to split the progress up like this: If you're still learning the card meanings, you're a beginner. When you have the cards down cold and you're learning how they interact with each other + your intuition for the best readings, you're at a moderate level. When you can give readings for yourself or others without second guessing yourself or looking something up for reference, you're advanced. When you can clearly communicate a reading to someone, helping them glean their own meaning and lesson from a spread while guiding them through their problems with the wisdom of the deck, you're a professional.
Pace yourself, find joy in the learning process, and if you ever wanna talk tarot my inbox is totally waiting. <3
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punkofsunshine · 4 years
The (Informal) Miniature Anarcho-Solarpunk Manifesto
The integration of communalism into a classless system away from the main caste-esque system of hierarchy around the world is very costly when viewed from a consumer lens, but is essential in the degradation of the overbearing hierarchy that the main populace is subjected to and thusly become numb to the pressures placed upon them from an early age, spiral into endlessly consuming for a sense of being in a world that doesn’t care if you’re alive, to them you’re just a replaceable cog in the profit machine. The goal of the communalist, socialist, solarpunk, etc. should not be to live in their own bubble, but to expand their influence exponentially through participation with the outside world, turn a commune into a city as it were. Less people in a place that has dictated control by the state and the consumers within, the less control the state and capital have over people. A migration of people increases quality of life and food consumption, luckily food growth can be optimized to accommodate many people when given according to need as opposed to given to whomever has the money to afford produce. One must also keep in mind, the debt accrued is now a community responsibility, so the members will do everything in their power to keep people functioning in the community, that must include people paying off debts. Who are you if you let a fellow worker suffer on their own? Who are you to let a human such as yourself be subjected to the violence of the state in its many forms? Pushing back against such oppression is why we ascribe to this ideology, so we can taste freedom and save the earth from ourselves.
No individual is solely responsible for the pollution and poverty. Multiple corporations and their figureheads are. Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Bernard Arnault, Qin Yinglin & family, Michael Bloomberg, The Koch family, Jim Simons, Alaian & Gerard Wertheimer, Mark Zuckerburg, Amancio Ortega, Larry Ellison, Warren Buffett, the Walton Family, Steve Ballmer, Carlos Slim Helu & family, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, Francoise Bittencourt Meyers & family, Jack Ma, Ma Huateng, Mukesh Ambani, Mackenzie Scott, Beate Heister & Karl Albrecht Jr., David Thomson & family, Phil Knight & family, Lee Shau Kee, François Pinault & family. Sheldon Alelson, The Mars family, Elon Musk, Giovanni Ferrero, Michael Dell, Hui Ka Yan, Li Ka-Shing, He Xiangjian, Yang Huiyan & family, Joseph Safra, Dieter Schwarz, Vladimir Potanin, Tadashi Yanai & family, Vladamir Lisin, Ray Dalio, Takemitsu Takizaki, Leonid Mikhelson, etc. (Forbes) The list could go on, but I’m not about to list four-hundred people, the people have to change what the ruling class refuses to, hijacking corporate manufacturing and removing police of their power is essential. The police are targets due to the fact they protect corporate interests and stunt progressive growth, all of the people listed above refuse to let power be taken from them, there are too few people willing to make attempts to go after them because what would happen to their favourite source of consumption if that happened? What would happen to convenience? It would disappear, they don’t want to have to make things themselves, such is the first world’s entitlement. Doing without the convenience to save the environment should be a priority, things aren’t going to just get better on their own just because you installed solar panels and an eco-friendly water filtration system. The extent of the work that needs to be done is tremendous and must be organized efficiently and with regard to equivalency of power.
The world is in the process of ending due to all the turmoil we put it through, but the fact we’re more worried about comfort and convenience is very telling of what kind of culture western society has, instead of trying to fight those who destroy the environment and oppress us, we’re eager to mimic them. Why? Because they have and we have not. Such is the downfall of the consumerist mind. A majority of Americans think like consumers, not citizens, which is very telling because the anti-communist culture moted it be after the second world war. (Vox) There’s no telling where the zeitgeist is headed, but there’s political radicalization on both sides of the spectrum, sadly the other side of the spectrum is what we fought against, fascism, nazism, and authoritarianism. 2016 through 2020 were the worst years in terms of hate crimes committed on minority groups since the 60’s which is really saying something, neo-nazi groups sprung up and made themselves the focus, where there are fascists, there will always be anti-fascists or to be informal, antifa. I, the author am a background informant for the loose collective known as antifa, our job is simply to let people know where rallies are going down, we use pseudonyms and VPNs so we cannot be tracked. So why am I telling you this? Isn’t this supposed to be about what we can do to rebel against the systems that oppress us? Yes, and I’m getting there. There’s a reason I’m talking about fascism, and that is the fact fascism and capitalism are linked together.
Fascism/imperialism has been described as “capitalism in decay” by Vladimir Lenin due to the fact that neoliberalism is capitalism functioning as normal, communism post-capitalism, and fascism is capitalism going away slowly. It is an unjust and evil way of looking at the world, but once capitalists sense danger to their power, they fund fascism just so they can keep their power for longer. Anti-fascist action is also anti-capitalist action, for every nazi destroyed, we are one step closer to freedom. For every capitalist institution raided and demolished, we are one step closer to freedom. The city isn’t made of buildings that you can buy from, it’s made of the people who live there, so when the BLM protests occurred and stores were “looted” and burned, that was a form of praxis that hasn’t happened in years it was truly inspiring to see the people of Oregon (among other places) fight the police, fight back the alt-right, give capitalists the middle finger, create autonomous zones, and keep people from getting evicted during the pandemic. That is what communalism is partly about, supporting each other in the face of adversity no matter the cost of personal wellbeing, it’s the pinnacle of mutual aid.
Revolutionary action is one-hundred percent essential in securing future freedoms for not only generation Y, but generation Z and subsequent generations. As a member of generation Z, I feel fear, anger, and dread when it comes to climate change and the fact our generation will have to clean up the messes of the former generations when it comes to pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, unsustainable farming practices, soil health degradation, deforestation, the melting of polar habitats, natural disasters, etc. The weight of the world falls upon our shoulders and we realize this as a truth or we reject reality and follow in our parent’s footsteps and do nothing about it, it’s up to us, the most depressed and angry generation in the U.S.’s rather short history to right the wrongs made by former generations when most of us can’t even find motivation to get out of bed in the morning. I am writing this manifesto in my bed as I have been for the past week when I remember to write it down. It’s not enough to just write a theory however, put practice in it and it becomes more than just a talking point. It becomes a movement, how far you want to take it depends on you, but I do not condone violence against any of the people in the list above for strictly legal reasons. It is not absurd to think that we don’t have a snowball's chance in hell to stop the impending climate disaster that is about to fall onto us, because that assumption is correct. The best we can do is rebuild afterwards then hope and pray the next generation continues our work to restore the planet and maybe move outside our solar system, god willing.
I’ve tried writing a short solarpunk novel, I realized that the fiction may be important for outreach, but I was trying to add personal political theory to a narrative that’s supposed to be about a character’s internal conflicts as opposed to what I’m doing now, informal political theory, which is why I’m addressing you, the reader. I’ve read and listened to political theory in the past, and it’s incredibly dry and hard to pay attention to, don’t get me wrong, it’s important when you’re a part of various movements such as eco-socialism, communalist-anarchism, and anarcho-solarpunk, but I think it’s more important to connect with a reader or listener to make sure they understand the message before saying “do some praxis.” That is the goal here, not to be the leftist, humane version Ayne Rand, but instead instill in people a hope for the future that learns to do without mass manufacturing, that learns to make their own food sustainably, that learns that we all have a right to food, clean water, housing, medical treatment, and clean air without having to pay for all of those things. I may not be a part of the bottom percentage of people, but if I were my point would still stand strong, the notion that you have to work to get basic necessities is immoral on many levels, but in “free market” economies that’s the standard and I was as blind to it as most people before I found solarpunk, it started out by liking the aesthetic, but I started thinking about what we do to our planet and realized this isn’t just a bunch of pretty pictures, this is an idea for a utopian future entrenched in equality, sustainability, environmentalism, and anti-corpocracy.
Many people say that socialism has never worked, they give reasoning such as “Income inequality expands under socialism.” Which is just capitalist projection, during the 2020 pandemic, which is still ongoing at the time or writing, the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. “. . . in the months since the virus reached the United States, many of the nation’s wealthiest citizens have actually profited handsomely. Over a roughly seven-month period starting in mid-March – a week after President Donald Trump declared a national emergency – America’s 614 billionaires grew their net worth by a collective $931 billion.” (USA Today) The middle class, which skyrocketed post-feudalism/post-monarchy has been getting erased by the ruling class, which is the goal of capitalism. Capitalism is rooted in the aristocracy or the bourgeoisie and was created to have control over the masses without having a direct economic power structure overhead. Things may have gotten better for the growing middle class and the poor marginally, then the industrial revolution kicked in and everything went downhill from there. Pollution began with burning coal, the car came along, now it’s coal and oil, and so on until today where we have access to truly world-altering technologies, but what’s holding us back are the people who continue to exploit non-renewable resources for profit and solely profit. The betterment of mankind isn’t on the mind of the capitalist, they can avoid global catastrophe, they aren’t the peasants, they’re the monarchs. Why do you think billionaires fund space travel and cryogenics research? It’s not to better the rest of the world, it’s to get the hell out of dodge after global warming takes its toll and they have no more workers willing to fill their pockets by letting their labor be exploited. As I said above, it’s up to my generation to fix the mess they made. Maybe we’ll learn a lesson, or maybe we’ll die in the process, either way the situation is dire and action needs to be taken.
Who will take action? Well, if you made it this far into the manifesto without falling asleep or getting angry at the things I have to say, it’s you, me, and everyone else who cares, is tired of selling their soul, and wants freedom. Freedom, not via the dollar, but via being human. It matters not your ethnicity, skin colour, religion (or lack thereof), sexuality, gender, or anything else; you matter, the world matters, and it takes all of us to save it.
-A manifesto by Aeron Fae Greenwood
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legobiwan · 4 years
Whumptober #2
“pick who dies”
Notes: This got out of control. I was going to add an Obi-wan + Anakin section but I had to cut myself off as I do have other things I need to get to today. This is less whump than...a set of pretentious character studies with THE LINEAGE (including Rael) and an excuse to explore the trolley problem within a Star Wars setting. I blame my recent Hannibal obsession for what you see below. First part here, rest under the cut. Note, I am a musician, not a philosophy student, so allow for some creative interpretation here. 
General Whumptober tag
Whumptober 2020 #1
(excerpt from “The Padawan’s Guide to Philosophy.” Eds. Masters Thrife-Foran & Ugaaalich. 616th e. Coruscant, 940 ARR. Holobook.)
You are out for an afternoon walk in the outer regions of Thymilla, a moderately-populated city on the planet Ungar. On your walk, you pass by a set of hovertrain tracks, which branch into two separate arms - one an extension of the main track, the other a smaller offshoot which leads to a cargo loading zone, about fifty clicks south of where you are. (Diagram 3)
As a hovertrain approaches from the north, you hear screaming, the words of the driver becoming clearer as the hovertrain barrels towards the switch. The brakes of the train have failed and there is no chance of repair. If the train continues on its current path, it will kill five workers making repairs on the track. If you pull a switch, the hovertrain will divert to the offshoot, where it will kill one worker at the cargo loading zone.
Because of an anomaly in Ungar’s atmosphere, you cannot access the Force.
Do you pull the switch or do nothing and allow the train to speed forward?
“Your thoughts, Padawan.”
Dooku shifted on his meditation pod, the firm material groaning as he uncrossed his legs from the lotus position, gingerly setting both his bare feet to the cool, tiled floor of his Master’s chambers. The young man allowed himself a small wince with the action. Yoda might have been able to keep that damnable position for hours, probably days on end, but Dooku was just a few months shy of his eighteenth life day, and another recent growth spurt seemingly focused all on his legs made sitting for any long amount of time…uncomfortable, to say the least.
Which was likely why Yoda had had him trapped him here for the past three hours, running through one ethical thought experiment after the other, poking his literal and metaphorical gimmer stick precisely at each gnarled and swollen joint in both his body and thoughts.
To act - to pull the switch - would mean to commit premeditated murder, even if it were for the greater good. Hardly a Jedi-like action. But then again, they had been taught - indoctrinated, really - with the idea that is was acceptable to sacrifice one life for the lives of many. A supposedly fair trade-off, although Dooku had seen enough of the Jedi’s relationship to the Senate, had seen enough of the Council’s internal politics, to know that two lives did not necessarily hold equal weight.
But to not act - to let the train barrel through, to leave it up to the will of the Force...Dooku clenched his teeth. That seemed more in line with the Order he was coming to know, was consistent with the Council’s lack of action on Protobranch, when Sifo-Diyas had seen the calamity that was to befall the planet and yet the Council, his Master, had done too little, too late, preferring to allow events to transpire as they would, the Jedi only impassive bystanders.
What was the point of their abilities, their training, their place in the universe, if they weren’t able to change the course of events for the better?
“I suppose,” Dooku began slowly, coming to stand, suddenly not caring if he was maintaining his proper meditation position. The young man padded towards the slightly shuttered windows on the other side of the room.
“I suppose it depends on the relative worth of each life,” he said, turning away from Yoda as to not see the subtle moue of distaste Dooku was certain would cross the old Master’s face.
“Is not all life sacred, Padawan?”
Dooku barely bit back the dark chuckle threatening to escape from his chest. Only in the holos and classrooms and the empty rhetoric of the Council was all life sacred. The Jedi could do so much more, he could do so much more to change the galaxy and yet the Order allowed itself to be chained to politicians, leashed like akk-dogs until receiving command.
No, Dooku thought. There was no balance - not here and not in the Force.
“From the information you’ve provided,” Dooku said, ignoring Yoda’s question. He peered through the slits of the rotor blinds into the watery illumination of Coruscant’s night sky. The dome of the Senate building rose through the rain like an oddly-shaped umbrella, shielding those in power with its wide beadth. “We can assume both parties of victims are of equal social standing, being manual laborers. Because of this, we must find other ways of determining their worth, their ability to enact change in the galaxy.”
Dooku clasped his hands behind his back, daring to turn to face his Master’s displeasure.
“The question becomes whether you want to hold sway over the transit network of a forgettable city, or the imports and exports that may go off-world. Exports which might include valuable resources or even smuggled goods. Items which could affect the governance of our imagined city and therefore, by extension, an even larger part of the populace.”
“Which is why, in this case,” Dooku concluded, his posture straightening, “I would choose to allow the hovertrain to continue its course and save the cargo worker.”
Yoda folded both claws over his gimmer stick, frowning. After a moment, he let out a small grunt, his features now inscrutable.
“And see yourself as the final arbiter of worth, do you, my young apprentice? Stand you above all others holding a golden scale, you do?”
Don’t we, as Jedi, hold these scales every day and yet choose to ignore them? Dooku thought.
“Someone,” the young man replied, “will make the judgment regardless. Is it not better for the Jedi to use our powers to make such decisions?”
This time Yoda did let out a wet sigh, shaking his head.
“Dangerous, these thoughts are, my Padawan,” Yoda grumbled, gesturing at the meditation pod. “Sit, young Dooku. Much we have to discuss.”
“Your thoughts, Rael.”
Rael Averross slung an arm over the back of Dooku’s couch, sleeves of his Master’s borrowed robe hanging long near the tips of his fingers. It had been the third time that month Rael had “misplaced” his own robe, his Master’s foisted upon him in the wee hours of the morning, Dooku grunting something about “Jedi propriety” before shoving Rael out the door. (The things were a damned inconvenience, and made him look like something straight out of a space station ghost story, to boot. Was it so surprising he showed up to Dooku’s quarters in a state which his Master referred to as “half-naked?”)
Rael bit his lip, trying to not think of all the times he had actually been half-naked in the Temple. Those were fun times. Unfortunately, Dooku could probably mind read them out of him right now if he weren’t so concentrated on this thought experiment.
“Why not save them both?” Rael drawled amiably, scratching at the beginnings of a beard with his other hand as he hoped to distract his Master from any hint of his past indiscretions. It was about time, too, he thought. Never going to look my age going around all smooth-faced like a transparisteel window surface.
Dooku gave a small smile. “You cannot, Rael. Those are the rules of the scenario.”
“Rules,” Rael scoffed, picking at the hem of Dooku’s overly-fancy robe before suddenly launching to his feet, unable to contain his restlessness. The younger Jedi paced up and down the length of Dooku’s couch, grateful his usually strict Master was allowing him this indulgence. Not that Dooku had any problem sitting still for what felt like forever - stiff as a board, that one - but Rael was too jittery, too full potential energy to keep his thoughts in neat line with his body. “Rules are meant to be broken, Master,” Rael gave a swift chop with his hand in illustration. “You’re the first one to tell me that.”
Rael heard his Master let out a soft snort in response. Only Dooku could make such a noise sound dignified. “I suppose I did,” the older man answered evenly.
“So there you go! Blow up the train and everyone’s fine.”
“And kill the driver?”
Rael spun to face Dooku, the other man’s eyebrows raised not in condemnation, but genuine interest. It was days like this Rael truly appreciated having Dooku as a Master. Sure, he was as pretentious as any big-city Senator, a hard taskmaster in his lessons, and an even tougher dueling trainer - but at the end of the day, Dooku only expected Rael to follow Dooku’s rules, and not the Order’s.
And as much as Rael chaffed under any collar, he’d take Dooku’s version of the Code over the Council’s any day.
“I mean, the driver is the one in control of the train,” Rael shrugged. “Sure, it’s an accident, but the they were going to be dead either way once they hit those other bodies. Probably would go flying through the window and bash their skull in. This way, you save six lives,” Rael gave his best used speeder salesman grin. “Buy five, get one free.”
That little addition did cause his Master to roll his eyes.
“You are…” Dooku pressed his lips together, sitting back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other. It was as close as Dooku ever got to a casual posture. “Colorful rhetoric aside, you are essentially advocating for pre-emptive action. Very interesting, Rael.”
“Interesting as in,” Rael pulled a sour face, imitating Dooku’s proper Serennian accent, “‘And now I will assign you five Jedi moral precepts to memorize and write a five-page essay about’ or interesting as in ‘I will now have you learn the complete codified law of the Umbargans, whose entire military strategy revolved around non-preemptive attacks.”
Dooku chuckled - actually chuckled - at Rael’s minor impertinent outburst. “Neither, Rael. Although, I must say you have provided me the perfect means by which I may punish you later on.” Damn, dug my own grave with that one, thought Rael. 
“No,” Dooku continued, “I merely find your stance on this matter to be refreshingly…original.”
“You mean the Council wouldn’t approve?”
It took his Master a full minute to answer, his gaze shifting beyond Rael, beyond the confines of their shared quarters, Dooku seeming lost in some memory.
“Hardly,” he finally said. “And that is for the best.”
“Your thoughts, Padawan?”
Qui-gon Jinn sat motionless on the small patch of grass, listening to the susurrations of the light breeze in the Room of a Thousand Fountains finger through a nearby thicket of Borto reeds. Across from him, Master Dooku sat in a mirrored pose, long legs crossed over the other in the lotus position, expression unreadable, his presence in the Force - or, his effect on the Force presence on the vegetation around him - one of controlled expectancy, a single blade of grass erect and ready despite the buffeting winds.
“We shouldn’t have to choose, Master,” Qui-gon replied, trying to steady his own uneven thoughts and emotions. Although he had been Dooku’s Padawan for almost five years now, Qui-gon still found himself worrying his responses to thought experiments like these would not pass his Master’s high and stringent intellectual standards.
“In an ideal world, Qui-gon, we wouldn’t. But as you have learned - as I have shown you - the status quo rarely measures up to our ideals.”
The status quo, Qui-gon thought. Code for the Senate, for the Council, for the Republic at large. That much he had figured out, had learned from Rael, whose ability to translate Dooku’s sometimes opaque rhetoric to something more digestible never ceased to amaze Qui-gon.
The status quo. The more years he spent with Dooku - with Rael, when the younger man was around - the more Qui-gon understood. Perhaps he always had a predilection to question, to challenge what was “known,” the dictums etched in stone handed down from the Council to the Council’s Masters to its Padawans. But with Dooku’s guidance, and with his own exploration of the Jedi prophecies, Qui-gon had developed his own sense of right and wrong, of how the galaxy ought to work in consonance with the ideals of the Jedi Code and his own moral compass.
“In that case, I would ask the Force for guidance,” Qui-gon replied, thoughts slipping back to the many hours he had spent in the Archives, poring over ancient holocrons. The Force had provided for the seers of old, why shouldn’t it provide now?
“Perhaps the Force cannot provide all the answers,” Dooku countered, as if reading his mind.
Qui-gon frowned, tilting his head. “Is that not what the Jedi teach, Master? What you teach? To follow the Force?”
“To a degree,” Dooku assented, rare amusement curling the side of his lips. “But the Jedi work in symbiosis with the Force, and even that is within a certain self-imposed definition of what the Force may or may not be capable of.”
Self-imposed definition? Qui-gon ran his hands through the soft grass at his sides, no longer able to keep that perfect stillness now that Dooku had so upset his equilibrium. Had his study of the prophecies not proven that exact point? That the Jedi of now no longer regarded the Force with as open a mind those of millennia ago?
“The Force is more infinite, has more potentialities than the confines of what we could possibly hope to study in a thousand lifetimes,” Qui-gon hedged.
“And so you hope to use prophecy to save these doomed beings?” Dooku retorted with a small wave of his hand. Ah yes, the hovertrain problem, Qui-gon grimaced. He had almost quite forgotten about the whole reason for this conversation.
“I would hope to…” Qui-gon cocked his head, watching a pair of butterflies flutter over a Byrsonima crassifolia, fragile leaves fluttering in their wake. An action - or a lack of action. If he saved one life or saved five. What would the repercussions be? How could he know he was making the right choice? How could the Order know, if not for guidance from the Force, in all its possible iterations?
And yet, the study prophecy of was considered at best, an esoteric hobby - at worst, a dangerous arm of mysticism by much of the Council.
Which is why your Master encourages you to think beyond the dictates of the Council, Qui-gon concluded.
“Yes, then,” Qui-gon stated, suddenly more confident in his answers. “I would hope to ameliorate the situation by using a similar mindset of the prophets. One of openness, wonder, and possibility - to find my way in this situation.”
“And just how far would you be willing to take supposed,” Dooku trained him with an enigmatic expression, “openness?” The word weighed heavy with implication.
Qui-gon started. What exactly is Dooku trying to get at here? Hadn’t it been his Master who had introduced him to the prophecies, to the Force beyond the dictates of the Code? So far, Dooku had not steered him wrong, and yet just as the nearby Byrsonima crassifolia cast a long shadow over the open grass, so did Dooku’s unspoken entreaty.
But before Qui-gon could cobble together an answer, Dooku seemed to break out of his trance, chuckling slightly as he got to his feet. He extended a long arm to Qui-gon, who took it without hesitation, coming to stand at his Master’s side.
“Meditate on the answer, Qui-gon. For now, I believe it is past time for dinner.”
“Your thoughts, Padawan.”
Obi-wan Kenobi shifted in the overly-large, overly-plush velvet chair which threatened to swallow him whole. He and Qui-gon had been dispatched to Barstovia, a little-known desert mining planet in the Mid-Rim. A simple mission, really, overseeing a trade deal between Barstovia and Ord Mantell, opening up some shipping lines of the rare fermenium mineral to the Republic. A wholly forgettable mission, if Obi-wan were being honest, except for the fact the diminutive race of Barstovia seemed to prize, of all the unlikely things, oversized, over-upholstered furniture.
While Obi-wan struggled with a crimson throw pillow the size of his torso, his master, Qui-gon Jinn, sat across from him, perfectly serene in his eight-foot tall, royal blue armchair.
“Well, Master,” Obi-wan said, words strained as he punched the pillow to his side with un-Jedi-like ferocity. Of all times for Qui-gon to pull out a thought experiment.
“The prevailing wisdom would say to sacrifice one life to save five - a utilitarian outlook and the most practical, at least on the surface.” Obi-wan pushed down on the seat of his chair, trying in vain to straighten his posture, to lend his answer some form of credence beyond his words. Inevitably, Qui-gon would hold the exact opposite opinion from Obi-wan’s, and while Obi-wan had often kept his feelings to himself under the guise of “picking his battles,” he preferred to express his thoughts while at least looking the part of an almost eighteen-year-old Padawan, and not some child stuck in a chair too large for him.  He struck at the recalcitrant cushion one last time. “But as Jedi, we often prioritize a single being or beings if they hold an important role.” 
“In the short-term,” Obi-wan grimaced suddenly, pulling an impossible second pillow from under his right thigh, “we would lose four lives over one, granted. But in the long-term, that single life lost might mean the eventual deaths of hundreds, perhaps thousands.”
“But you do not have this information, Padawan,” Qui-gon replied, a crease of annoyance in his brow. Obi-wan noted there was no accompanying crease in the cushion of his Master’s chair. “All you know is the number of beings.”
Obi-wan bit down on a caustic reply. Yes, I know that, Master. I hadn’t gotten to my point yet. But when did Qui-gon actually ever listen to him?
“Yes, Master, this is true,” the younger Jedi answered, Obi-wan impressed with the evenness of his own response despite his increasing irritation. “Which is why I would endeavor to save them all.”
A beat. a raised eyebrow coupled with a subtle sigh. “Quite the feat, Obi-wan,” Qui-gon finally said, his words laced with skepticism. “How would you accomplish such a thing?”
How in the world is he not drowning in that chair? Obi-wan thought, distracted by his Master’s impenetrability, despite the audacious situation. There was Qui-gon, halfway across the room, composed and neat - well, as neat as Qui-gon ever got - against the regal backdrop of the humorously-sized chair while Obi-wan floundered in a sea of crimson, just out of his Master’s reach.
And wasn’t that the perfect metaphor for their troubled partnership?
Obi-wan wiped at his brow. “It’s quite simple, Master. The hovertrain could be diverted, or at least impeded by a third party inserting themselves into the equation.”
Something in Qui-gon’s expression shifted at the statement, earlier annoyance now melting into something closer to concern. The older man leaned forward in his chair, for the first time exhibiting a pang of discomfort as he battled the voluminous material.
“And who might that be?” Qui-gon asked, batting at the tsunami of beige woven blanket at his side.
“Myself, of course.”
Dead silence met Obi-wan’s words.
Wrong answer, Kenobi. Absolutely the wrong answer. Disappointment was written all over Qui-gon’s body language, even emanating from his usually controlled Force signature. Obi-wan fell back into the chair, not bothering to fight the dunes and valleys of velvet threatening to overtake him, averting his gaze to some preposterously-sized side-table and vase. Hopefully, his failure to provide the correct response would be the end of this increasingly uncomfortable conversation. Qui-gon would assign him some reading and meditation, and let the matter rest until they returned to Coruscant.
But Qui-gon only peered at Obi-wan with a piercing stare, apparently not ready to give up on the exchange.
“You would sacrifice yourself to save the others?”
Obi-wan found himself mirroring his master’s movements.
“Isn’t that what it means to be a Jedi?” he asked, genuinely perplexed. “We are servants of the Republic, of the Force - if our actions can save lives so that Republic may continue in peace - “ Obi-wan’s mouth opened and closed, trying to form the words that would express his devotion to the Order, the Code, his own sense of honor - but found himself gaping like an Ithorian cuttlefish.
Once again, Qui-gon fell into contemplation, back arching against tall, bulbous pillows, brushing his mustache with a single finger. A minute, then two went by, the only sound the clicks of a nearby chrono. Over eighteen feet tall, the clicks sounded more like the steps of a lurking gundark than a timepiece, doing nothing for Obi-wan’s nerves.
Finally, Qui-gon broke the uncomfortable semi-silence. “Don’t be so hasty to throw away your own life, Padawan. As you rightly said, the death of a monarch may cause the deaths of many others down the road. But you cannot know how many lives would remain unsaved if you were to treat your own so lightly.”
Obi-wan’s eyebrows rose. That had not been the reaction he was expecting.
“But how am I to know when that sacrifice is necessary?” he asked automatically. Obi-wan would make that sacrifice gladly, although...to be perfectly honest, he would prefer not to die as a seventeen-year-old Padawan. 
“The better question is how you can work to reach a more productive option rather than coming to such a dire conclusion.” Qui-gon’s voice softened. “I am serious, Obi-wan. You have much to offer the galaxy. Don’t let your strict adherence to Jedi ideals extinguish your star too early. Not only would the Republic be at a loss, but…” Qui-gon looked away, staring down at some invisible pattern in the corner of the room. “I would, as well.”
Obi-wan’s mouth dropped open. “Master, I - “
“Ah, Master Jedi!” A new voice squeaked from the gargantuan entranceway. “Thank you so much for waiting,” proclaimed the three-foot Minister of Commerce, Parhary Hatch, bedecked in a long, flowery robe whose velvet train stretched back several feet. “Please, if you would,” he gestured towards the tall archway.
“Yes, of course, Minister Hatch,” Qui-gon replied in his diplomatic voice, jumping neatly off the chair, his landing as elegant as a Coruscanti ice skater.
Obi-wan frowned, joining his Master in a slightly less dignified, but no less effective maneuver. They had been on the verge of…something, some kind of understanding, or at least a truce. Whatever words had remained unsaid between would likely stay so, the moment gone, the trip back to Coruscant, and then to a Hutt outpost taking priority over these types of conversations.
Another time, then, Obi-wan sighed to himself, following the slinking violet trail of the Bartovian minister and his Master into the long corridors of the palace.
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neocatharsis · 4 years
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The Brilliant Members of World Renowned NCT 127 Share Their Thoughts Fashion, Music, Lifestyle, Favorite Things… What Their Individual Styles Are #006 JAEHYUN
Full Interview https://mensnonno.jp/post/51051
Some Excerpts
The secret behind NCT 127’s “neo-esque” aspect
MN: In contrast, to the question, “What do you find is cool about NCT 127?”, you responded,“An identity that is all our own”. In a nutshell, what is this?
J: I believe it is our neo-esque aspect.
MN: So, the “neo” from Neo Culture Technology (=NCT). With the meaning of “new” there, you even use “NEO CITY” in your tour titles, so we can see how important the term is all-around for NCT 127.
J: Exactly. We believe that ‘identity’ is something more that just the team’s identity. It’s more about the members that make up the team, the song, each and every performance. Since our debut, we have strongly felt that those aspects and what is yet to come are what “neo” means for NCT 127.
MN: Wonderful. So, it’s not so much that the team is made up of a group of people, but rather that the team is made up of the individuality that each person brings to the table. As part of NCT 127, to the question, “How has being a part of a group and its activities had an impact on you?”, you responded,“Through many experiences, it has helped me to grow”.
J: There is something I feel strongly about when performing. That is, ultimately, that I really do love to sing and dance. I come to this realization each and every time I’m on stage. It is something that I have felt since our first tour and it makes me want to grow even more.
MN: So, would you say that every time you go on stage, you realize that you love to sing and dance, and the more experience you gain, the more motivated you are to grow?
J: Exactly. First of all, in terms of skills with music, I think I’ve grown as I’ve gradually gained more experience while recording. I feel like I’m progressing as I listen to our recordings and improving on what I lack as I go through the process of recording over and over again. The same can be said for dance. I practice every single day, and I think I’m making progress by doing so. And personally, or should I say, on the people-to-people side, I feel like I have been able to grow because I’m part of the NCT 127 team. When working, we live with each other 24-7, even when we’re not on stage, and so I feel like I have learned a lot about accepting someone as they are and understanding them for who they are.
MN: Since NCT 127 is a multinational group, it feels like there is a rich environment for accepting people with different customs and cultures.
J: Yes, it is. I really do think I’ve also grown in terms of accepting others.
MN: To the question, “Please tell us what you think is great about the group”, you responded,“We advance together towards our goals, rejoice together when we are happy, and grieve together when we are sad“. We can tell you are building a relationship based on trust.
J: For me, NCT 127 is also with whom I’m spending my youth with.
MN: It sounds like they are more than co-workers to you. Without a doubt, the readers are certainly becoming more and more interested in the group called NCT 127. Now, we’d like to ask you to introduce some pieces of work you highly recommend.
J: Yes. I would love to.
MN: We would like to paste in the link to the MV you really want the readers to see, JAEHYUN-san. However, apologies in advance, but all the members up to now have pushed “Hero; Kick It”…
J: Ohhhh, I bet. I was thinking about that one as well (LOL).
MN: Sorry (LOL). From this series of articles, we can clearly tell how confident you are that it is one of your best works. Since we are at it, it would be amazing if you could list up a different song.
J: Sure. Since it has come up so many times, I would be glad to introduce a different one~!
MN: Thank you for your consideration!
J: Please catch the Japanese version of “Limitless”. There is a story behind it and I just love the atmosphere that shows through the visuals. I also recommend a feel good piece, “Highway to Heaven”.
MN: We promise to write about how you love “Hero; Kick It” too.
J:  (In Japanese) “Yes, thank you so much (LOL).
What do you mean by challenging spirit backed by passion?
MN: Next, we’d like to dig deeper into your “passion”. We can already tell from what you said earlier that you’re quite passionate about the way you engage yourself in your performances. For the question, “How do you want to spend your 20s?”, you wrote,“Full on and with passion”.
J: That’s right. The first thing I’m most passionate about right now is singing. I have a lot of passion for singing, truly so much. And the other thing is that I do not want to have any regrets about challenging myself to do something new. I always feel that there should never be any regrets and so that’s why I also have passion towards ‘challenging new things’.
MN: Regarding that, even with the questions on fashion, we could really tell that you are someone who loves to challenge yourself in terms of fashion as well. For the question, “What type of fashion would you like to try out?”, you wrote,“high fashion photogravure. I enjoy the challenge itself”. Additionally, for the question, “Fashion is indispensable when it comes to transmitting performances and artwork, but what’s your take on it?” , you responded, “When it comes to outfits for the stage and for photo shoots, even if they may require some bold courage, I try my best to assimilate”. Your challenging spirit on what you wear also comes through.
J: You mentioned that I am a person who loves to challenge myself. I totally agree! When on a shoot for a magazine or CD jacket, I often wear clothes that require a sense of challenge, and I love to imagine the different ways I could wear those outfits while the photos are being taken. By daring to challenge myself, I am able to find what suits me, what I like, and what don’t like, and that’s what makes the challenge so much fun.
MN: ”Fun”… nice. You really do enjoy fashion.
J: Exactly~! (In Japanese) Fashion is one way to express myself,
MN: To the question, “When thinking about what to wear, what is the most important thing, your policy?”, you responded,“It has to look good on me”. While many of the members preferred a more carefree taste in the interviews up to now, your answer that it has to look good on you shows your stoic mindset, which is different in personality from the others and also shows your challenging nature.
J: Ohhh, right~. As for the reason why I responded, “it has to look good on me”, I think it’s super cool when you can wear something eccentric and it still looks good on you. In contrary, even if the item isn’t particularly unique, if it suits the person, then it too will look cool. So, in the end, I think it is important to know what suits you and wear it with style. It’s not so much that I’ve decided on a particular fashion style. It’s more about how I can enjoy different styles in that way”
What is it to have sincerity?
MN: We fully understand that both “classic” and “passion” make up who you are, JAEHYUN-san. Now we would like to ask about the third element of “sincerity”.
J: I wrote sincerity because, well… it’s a little embarrassing, but if you talk about your true feelings with sincerity and without embellishment, I think the other person will understand how you feel, and that kind of thing is important to me.
MN: That is really lovely. There are many types of sincerity, but for you in particular, JAEHYUN-san, from the questionnaire, we can tell that you have a strong desire to care for the people around you. To the question, “What dream would you like to achieve in your life other than music?”, you wrote,“The health and happiness of my loved ones”, which was quite impressive.
J: You see… when you try to do something on your own, I feel there is a limit to what you can do. That’s where the people that are willing to be around you become important. That is the thought behind my response.
MN: Since when have you thought that way?
J: Let me see… probably since our debut. When you do your best and work hard at it, you can inspire others. And under those conditions, you can also be inspired by others around you. Working in a positive manner like that is very important even for the work itself, and since our debut, I have felt that it is all about the people around you.
MN: For this series, we have added the question, “Have you already found the real you?” You responded,“I have, but I’m still searching for more”. Including your devotion on growth and your policy of taking good care of the people around you for that purpose, would you say that what you have told us thus far constitutes who you are at this point in time?
J: Well… I mean, I am totally serious about what I talk about regarding what kind of tastes I have, what kind of things I like, what kind of person I am, but I think I’m still in the process of getting to know myself. That’s how I feel and that’s where, “I have, but I’m still searching for more” comes from.
MN: I know it’s really a difficult question to answer. Thank you for sharing something invaluable about your thoughts right now.
What do you need to create a world of comfort?
MN: You wrote about other things that you also like. To “what has had an impact on you?”, you wrote,“R&B, JAZZ”. To the questions, “What kind of place or atmosphere do you like?” “What landscape symbolizes who you are?”, your response was,“nightscape”.
J: I love to watch the nightscape. It’s healing, calming and eases my mind, and it makes it possible for me to think about a lot of things. Although I’m not able to see it that often, I try to make it a point to watch the nightscape whenever I can.
MN: As we ask you about the things you like, JAEHYUN-san, such as classical atmosphere and music, as well as the nightscape, what comes to mind is the visuals of the cover you did of Lauv’s “I Like Me Better”. It feels like it is packed with all the things you like. We hear it’s getting a lot of views on YouTube, too… (as of Nov. 2020: Approximately 40 million views).
J: (In Japanese) Ohhhh, why thank you! The reason why I decided to make it in the first place was because I was in Europe for a performance and the landscape was so lovely. It all begin while I was thinking about wanting to put myself in a landscape like that and take a photo. I then thought that the mood of Lauv’s “I Like Me Better” would fit really well; and since I love the songs in Lauv’s album to being with, I decided on that song. At first, I never even thought people would like this video as much as they have, but I’m very grateful to everyone who has watched it. At the time I shot this, I was simply trying to capture my trip as natural as possible and preserve it. I just want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone for the response and for liking it so much.
MN: We will make sure to pass on this message to everyone as well.
J: Yes, please. Thank you!
MN: Please tell us your enthusiasm towards your new Japanese album “LOVEHOLIC”. The release date is now set for February 17th, which is near your birthday, JAEHYUN-san.
J: Exactly.We’re actually in preparation as we speak [editorial staff note: at the time of the interview], but it’s been a long time since we’ve prepared and released a Japanese album like this, so I’m really excited about it. Whenever we release a new album, I have a strong desire to show a new side of myself, and you can expect the same this time as well”
MN: In light of the album title, what does “LOVEHOLIC” mean to you, JAEHYUN-san?
J: It means to really be into something. I’m really into Netflix as of late! (LOL)
MN: Hahaha! That’s really not romantic at all.
J: (Chuckle) I guess I’m into Netflix love.
MN: We are told that the lead track is a love song. There are many types of love songs, but what kind of love song do you like to sing, JAEHYUN-san?
J: When I’m listening to a love song, I like super sad love songs or love songs about a broken heart, but I prefer love songs with a happy ending. So, if I’m going to sing a love song, I prefer a happy love song. However, since “LOVEHOLIC” expresses various kinds of love, I would like to convey a bigger and stronger love than just a love song. I hope to be able to tour in Japan and to show it on stage. I really can’t wait to see all of you.
MN: Is there anything in particular that you would like us to focus on with regard to the album?
J: The growth in my vocals!
MN: We’re really looking forward to the release. Thank you for everything you have shared with us today. On a final note, could you share with us what you feel is “my own style” right now, JAEHYUN-san?
J: You mean in a word, right? “To be continued”… Mmmm… no… let me think about it again… Let’s go with, “As everyone sees me.
MN: My own style is “As everyone sees me”. You’re the first person to give a response that basically leaves your style to the other person’s perception, JAEHYUN-san. “To be continued” is intriguing as well. With what you shared today, they both make sense… In the end, you’ve given us a comment that will linger on in our minds.
J: Thank you deeply for interviewing me about so many things. To the readers, stay tuned for all our upcoming activities~!
MN: Thank you very much.
J: (In Japanese) Thank you! Until we meet again!
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scoutception · 3 years
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation review
The original Dragon Quest was an extremely important and influential game that built the foundations to the Japanese role playing game genre, but was an extremely basic game that would end up outclassed by nearly any other RPG on the NES released afterwards that wasn’t completely incompetent, and while Dragon Quest II improved upon the foundation of the original, namely in terms of party progression, it was also a rushed, unbalanced, overly difficult and overall tedious experience. Despite its importance, Dragon Quest’s third installment would have to be a significant step up, and as luck would have it, it was, becoming another of the most legendary and important RPGs ever made, and firmly cementing Dragon Quest as a series that would stay around even to the present day, and how exactly this came to be is what we’ll be looking at today. The version I played was the SNES remake with a fan made English patch, so many of the names in the screenshots won’t match up with official translations. Other options are the Game Boy Color version, which was officially released in English, and even has a bit more exclusive content, namely a very time consuming sidequest and a bonus dungeon related to it, the Ice Cave, and much more recently, the mobile/Switch version, which is also available in English, and is based on the SNES version, minus some of its exclusive content. Be warned, there will be spoilers.
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Story: In an unnamed land, geographically similar to the real world, the archfiend Baramos has appeared and unleashed monsters to plague the land, with its people’s woes ranging from groups of bandits robbing kings and kidnapping citizens, to monsters impersonating rulers, to entire towns being wiped out by the forces of Baramos, who ultimately plots to destroy the entire world. A hero from Aliahan, Ortega, once set out on a journey to slay the archfiend, only to fall in combat with a dragon over a volcano. The child of Ortega is thus given the task of slaying Baramos themselves on their 16th birthday, with the help of a group of adventurers recruited from Aliahan’s tavern.
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On the surface, it’s still not much more of a plot than the first two games, and for the most part, that is true, but it’s still much more interesting simply because there’s much more going on. Many of the towns you visit are facing some sort of crisis, or have some sort of interesting circumstances around them, such as the immigrant town that slowly changes and expands as the game goes on, making them a lot more fun to discover and explore compared to the towns of the first two games. Additionally, there’s the famous and influential late game twist that strikes after defeating Baramos, namely the reveal of Zoma, Baramos’ superior, and the second world map of Alefgard, the setting of the first Dragon Quest. These two twists are a large part of what made Dragon Quest III so impactful when it came out in 1988, and considering the game presents itself as unrelated to the previous games, and that by the time you defeat Baramos, you’ll have explored the entire world, barring two small locations at most, they hold up fairly well even today. There’s not much more for me to add besides this, however, so it’s time to hop straight to the gameplay.
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Gameplay: Dragon Quest III uses the same turn based battle system as the first two games, and besides things like new types of spells and weapons, not too much is changed with the combat itself. The biggest change DQ3 provides is to the party progression system. Instead of the Hero being completely alone like the first game, or gaining two fixed party members in the second, DQ3 allows you to build a party from the ground up, besides the Hero, who’s always required to be in the party, and has the exclusive Hero class, with well balanced stats and unique and useful spells. The party size has been increased to four at a time, and party members can be created and exchanged in Aliahan, with a total of 8 different classes they can be: warriors, slow, yet well equipped physical fighters that act has tanks and heavy hitters, priests, who specialize in healing and support spells and, contrary to most healers in RPGs, actually have decent equipment and offensive options, mages, typical magic attackers with great offensive spells, yet bad physical stats, martial artists, physical attackers with great agility who forgo most equipment and have a higher chance of landing critical hits, merchants, average at best fighters who have supporting abilities like being able to earn extra gold after battle, gadabouts, odd and clownish characters with bad stats besides luck, and a fixed chance to simply goof off and take random actions instead of doing as commanded, thieves, a class exclusive to the remakes, with great agility and several abilities that mainly help with exploration, and sages, who learn nearly every spell in the game, and have a wide selection of equipment options, yet cannot be put in the party to start.
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Compared to Final Fantasy I, which had a similar class based party system, and came out only a few months before DQ3, this system actually has quite a few advancements. Most importantly, you’re never simply stuck with the party you start with. As long as you can make it to Aliahan, you can simply make new characters and swap out whoever you’re currently using. Obviously, doing this too much isn’t very practical, considering new members will be behind on EXP, but not being able to permanently lock yourself into an awful party combination is a big improvement alone. Party members who have reached level 20 can also change classes at Alltrades Abbey, resetting their level to 1, and cutting their stats in half, but keeping any learned abilities, meaning, if you were so inclined, you could make a mage with the physical stats of a warrior, a warrior with the speed of a thief, and so forth. Changing classes like this is also the only way to get sages into the party, and even then, only with the use of a Words of Wisdom book, of which only two exist in the game. This lends itself to a lot of creativity, and while I personally didn’t use this mechanic much, only turning my priest into a sage, it’s still an impressive level of complexity for a game this old.
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The class balance is also fairly interesting, as beyond the upsides and downsides already listed, classes also level at different rates. Warriors are expensive to equip and very slow, but level the fastest out of the main offensive classes. Martial artists are, by contrast, very cheap, but have the third slowest leveling rate in the game, and the little equipment they do have is usually pretty difficult to get, especially their weapons. Merchants are guaranteed to eventually fall behind if you try to use them, but actually have quite a bit of exclusive, and good, equipment early on, and level the fastest out of everyone. Gadabouts are liabilities, but level second fastest, and can become sages for free once they reach level 20, making them an investment class. Despite how several classes are very obviously inferior in the long run, you actually can get away with some pretty unorthodox party combinations, at least earlier on. Take my party of hero, warrior, martial artist, and priest: very strong physically, but expensive to upkeep, despite the martial artist somewhat balancing it out, and lacking in offensive magic. While switching the priest to sage later on mostly fixed the latter issue, I was still left wishing I had taken a mage with me from the start several times, and yet I was still more than capable of finishing the game. While the difficulty has definitely been lowered compared to the first two games, that’s still a sign of ultimately successful balancing.
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For some more combat related changes and improvements, some stats have been added or changed since the first two games. Resilience now determines how many hit points a character can gain when leveling up along with being added to physical defense as before, Wisdom determines a character’s potential magic points, as well as how soon they learn spells, with spells being delayed or expedited by up to three levels, and Luck determines how well a character can avoid debuffs and status ailments inflicted by monsters. Related to these stats, exclusive to the remakes is the personality system, which affects the stat growth of each character, with each party member gaining a personality during character creation or, in the case of the Hero, through a personality quiz given at the start of the game. While this generally doesn’t matter too much for casual play, assuming you aren’t unlucky enough to get the worst personalities on all your party members, it still adds an even greater deal of complexity, either allowing you to try to compensate for a character’s weaknesses, or add to their strengths. You could, for example, give a female warrior the Amazon personality, raising their strength growth, but lowering their agility, wisdom, and luck growth, stats they don’t care about much anyway. You can also change personalities during the course of the game, either temporarily by equipping certain accessories, or permanently by reading certain books scattered throughout the game, which further adds to the depth. It’s a bit overwhelming, but still pretty interesting to see.
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Beyond the combat and classes, there’s still a lot of nice things to see. The bag from DQ6, which can hold an unlimited amount of items which can be taken out at any time, has been added, allowing easy inventory management on the spot. The Zoom spell now lets you return to towns of your choice, rather than the last place you saved your game, and while not every town can be warped to, it’s still a massive time saver. There’s a day night cycle, which gradually changes when traversing the world map and affects the state of the towns, and while it isn’t super prominent, there are a few towns pretty heavily affected by it, and you actually get a few ways to manipulate it later on. There’s also a few minigames added, once again exclusive to the remakes, those being the monster arena, where you can bet on computer controlled monster fights for the chance of winning money, and Treasures n' Trapdoors, which is basically a giant board game one of your party members can traverse, with several very valuable prizes available, both from winning and from landing on certain spots on the boards. Despite being very luck based, it’s creative and rewarding enough that the boards are actually a lot of fun to play, and the Switch version lacking this minigame entirely is a big shame. The remakes also added the Cloudsgate Citadel, a bonus dungeon accessible after defeating the final boss, with a superboss, Xenlon, waiting at the end. Defeating Xenlon within a certain number of turns allows you one wish, such as opening up a new Treasures n’ Trapdoors track, or resurrecting a certain character, and thankfully, you don’t actually need to traverse the entire dungeon again to refight Xenlon for more wishes, as a Zoom location is added only a few rooms away.
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The biggest improvement DQ3 makes, however, is just how well the game flows. There’s still grinding to be found, yes, but generally, the game goes by much faster. Characters move quickly, the difficulty, as mentioned before, is much lowered, so you don’t need to grind 5 levels just to walk a bit north, and there’s just a lot of variety that keeps the game fresh all the way through, instead of becoming monotonous like DQ2. The dungeons are also much more reasonably designed compared to the giant, nightmarish mazes of DQ2, and while you do get a ship like in DQ2, it comes quite a bit later, keeping the amount of areas now available to explore from being as overwhelming. The obligatory key item fetch quest, this time collecting the six orbs to hatch the phoenix Ramia, is also much more reasonable to complete, with the orbs either being in locations that NPCs directly talk about, or being acquired by fighting bosses. Speaking of which, there’s also many more bosses than in previous games, and while they’re not as frequent as in most RPGs, they still add a nice bit of variety, along with actually being pretty challenging, in a good way. Overall, Dragon Quest III’s gameplay actually holds up very well, and just makes it a lot of fun to play. Even considering this is a remake with a lot of quality of life improvements, I was amazed that this was originally an NES game.
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Graphics: DQ3′s visuals are quite nice, as the SNES version was made with DQ6′s engine. To give a comparison, whereas the games using DQ5′s engine were about comparable to the visuals of Final Fantasy IV and V, the visuals here are comparable to Final Fantasy VI, and considering that’s one of the best looking SNES games out there, that’s a pretty big leap. The character designs come out quite well, and many locations have unique looks to them, both towns and dungeons, with the Pyramid and Baramos’ ghastly castle sticking out the most to me. The enemy battle sprites are still great, and are actually animated whenever they attack, adding a lot of life to them.
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Sound: As with the rest of the series, DQ3′s soundtrack was done by Koichi Sugiyama, and it’s once again a great soundtrack, even better than the soundtracks of the previous games. From the peaceful Small Shrine, to the iconic Overture, to the peaceful Heavenly Flight, to the world map theme Adventure, to the great final boss theme, Hero’s Challenge, it’s a soundtrack that’s a joy to listen to. It also gives towns different themes for both day and night, which is one of my favorite things to see in games.
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Conclusion: Overall, I would give Dragon Quest III a recommended. It’s aged very, very well, and genuinely feels like it could have been on the SNES to start. Between the much deeper, yet ultimately accessible mechanics that give quite a bit of replay value, to much better overall design gameplay, graphical, and sound design, it makes a fantastic entry point for the series, if you have a liking for classic RPGs. Till next time. -Scout
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Pan? Polysexual sounds better now
Back to guys, gay girls, nonbinaries, pan, bi, gender-fluid, and queer people.
I might have to take a recap on matches who are trans for right now,
I still have a lot to learn about what my true identity is for right now.
Because I really can't stick to just one label...
Aye, that's just me. And dating apps are starting to feel like a job, there's too many people matching with me and trying to remember names is getting a lot to handle when you're on 3 different apps and about 20 conversations going at the same time. And still 99 people waiting on you to swipe right on them, on each one. And plus I'm not as picky about looks as I was before, so I'm mostly reading just bios, analyzing photos to see what could be their interests in, and making sure I'm not being too passive on red flags when people talk to you.
I will admit, I still swipe right on them if they're trans and I'm attracted to them. I just know me, I'd rather date someone who was fully transitioned or somebody who is still on the nonbinary, before part. Only because I know me.
I had to watch someone I had already grown into getting to know and getting attached to, and then when I finally got comfortable with them for over a yr, they changed that drastically during those 3months we were separate and I had no idea about it.....I'm not sure if I could watch it happen before my eyes. Cause then I would have to miss the way they were before, because of my attraction to their naturally mixed feminine/masculine looking features and actions. So, ideally I wouldn't have changed anything about them.
I don't wanna grow attached to a voice or a face or a body that will no longer be there tomorrow. I know that person before is still in there, but it's different when you're romantically attracted to them, been intimate with them vs when you're just a friend. My experience shocked and scared my paranoia and fear of change. I remember crying when my dad started growing white and grey hairs in his beard. Cause I never want my dad to change, cause I've grown up with him being this strong man that always was there for me, held me, made me feel safe, calmed me down when I had my moments, and tucked me in when I wanted to feel comfortable. He showed me that he always loved me, always cared about me, and that he was never gonna leave me. As if he's never gonna die during my time on this earth. Seeing his greyishly, white hairs, I thought death and that my daddy will soon no longer be the fun, happy, strong dad that I've always been with as his princess. And that's kind of what vibe this particular person was to me, even though they weren't as smart, strong, or always there for me....cause most of the time my nights alone cause they couldn't or didn't know I needed them to be there fo r me like that to feel loved or just to feel wanted. Cause I couldn't speak up.
But now, that they has turned into a he. I feel like its brutally denying me to chance to not only say goodbye to them as they, but I would have to get reacquainted to HE, with a totally different name, maybe different personality, maybe different sexuality, and I won't know if I like the new evolved version of this person. The fear of the unknown is high for me. Especially when there's a 40% rate of fems that decided to change their sexual orientation after taking testosterone. I 'm possessive about my partners and I would hate to know that after seeing this person physically change and go through so much emotional/mental changes that one day they decide "Hey, I think I like men now, I wanna give this a shot. Could we make this work?"
I would tell Him, to go right ahead and go on a date with that coworker or guy on Tinder/Grinder. But I'm not gonna be here when you come home. Because to me that's some bullshit. And I've known this person well enough to know, that they don't mind using other people to meet their sexual needs that I can't possibly give them due to my actual gender and my body as such. I wouldn't want to share my partner, nor watch them get fucked by another man...because I'm not a man, im a woman...theres a huuuuuugggeeee difference.
And if it ever came to that point 3 yrs later and He became someone I didn't know anymore, because of the hormones changing how they feel as a man, dysphoria gone....I get it, you've hated yourself for years and now you're happy in the dream body you always asked for. But, I would be scared to lose you, to whoever else you decide to open up to in your selections. Cause you're that type to leave to please you and not make it work. I don't want somebody who changes their mind all the time about who they wanna be, who else do they wanna smash, and who else they can flirt with. That's cheater mentality.
And I'm sorry trans community that I'm basing my recent experience with someone as the example for the rest of you. Because I know there are some ftm's who've already changed and stayed with their partners. I just don't know if I could trust this process, knowing the effects, the research on whether or not they become completely detached to women or become bisexual... I can't.
And I'm thankful for the ftm's that have been posting youtube videos and tiktoks for viewers like me who are curious about the possible cons, and physical or emotional changes they've overcome. I was shocked the first time I ever watched a bandaged ftm, who finally unrevealed their scars from top surgery. I've always been preparing myself for this. Because I knew one day, that this cute, fluffy, soft skinned, white latino looking, but really just mixed mocha, nonbinary person was gonna be...changed over a year or so. I thought I could prepare for it, so that when it does happen it doesn't hurt as much to watch to them in pain if the bleeding from the scars are irritating them or if one day they're super cranky and obnoxious for what seems to be no reason. Or if one day they end up feeling they dont need anybody like Zanthos, with the 4 avenger rings lol.
But I'm too damn fucking sensitive. I was born this way. I've always prepared myself with the worst and the best information, that way when it does happen, the tidal wave of emotions from the reaction, doesn't end up torching my soul or blowing me out the water. Cause I am gay. I adore women, men, and when I met this person I loved them as an in-betweener as nonbinary. They are so brutally harsh, twisted, manipulative, jealous, and possesive. But I've always liked that they had these emotions inside of them that they hold back because they don't wanna seem so soft, always hiding this feminine quality about them because ideally, they're pretty looking, gorgeous eyes that can turn black cold like obsidian, and those fucking cheeks and cat nose. I've only seen the slight hips, but I didn't mind it. And they've always hid their body away even when we would try to have sex. I knew the dysphoria was there, cause again I prepared myself to be patient and kind.
So, I'm glad they're turning a new leaf to make themselves feel more confident about being recognized in society as a full, grown ass man. I'm pretty sure HE, is gonna get cocky af, cause that's just the way he was when they were they.
I know it's selfish of me to say, but I'm afraid of what will happen down the line years later. But that's just me being afraid. If He ends up not liking me anymore, I know it won't be the end of the world and I walked away at the right time when I did. Because this person is currently separated from me, and I'm still insecure about that part too. Not knowing how they are during this transition for what may become years or not...I hope HE is doing okay and not piercing everyone with their new, world domination, ego.
I just don't wanna imagine them get fucked by a guy....sorry that's just me. And will their buttery ass kisses, still be as sweet anymore?
Will I be ok with HE having chest hair?
Will I love the sound of their new voice or will I just hate it, while still missing the old, brodie, sexy, slightly feminine voice?
Especially when they used to go all soft and cuddly on me over the phone, it was soooo cuteeee. I miss our phone and text conversations.
Will they grow into another relationship with somebody else because they started to become unattached and unattracted to my body, my tits, my hips, my vagina even....just because they completely changed their identity?
And I still a woman? I've only thought about wearing a binder a couple of times, and yes, I do watch ftm and trans porn because I did like the fantasy of being intimate with someone who had a bigger clit size or just having a big clit of my own that felt like a dick.
I'm willing to admit that. Because let's be honest, boys get away with so much more shit as a male, compared to us females.
I wish I could grow a dick overnight and nobody not know I'm still a chick! Lol, but I still don't like the all over hair body growth and I still want my vagina back. Like a rental suit with an actual dick and no tits. Those are the onllyyyyyyyyy things I've thought about, but would never admit out loud. Only because I still like my body and my gender identity as is. I feel like the blue girl from X-Men could get away with it, cause she can be anybody she wants to and go back to being herself at the end of the day. And still camouflage behind walls. Lucky chick. Especially if she could teleport, oh he'll yeah.
It's gonna take me awhile to get over this, so please be patient with me. As I'm trying not to cry as I watch my ftm porn get fucked by a guy. Cause I used to be heavy into it, now I feel wrong for watching it and then I'm reminded "40% chance, you're watching it" 😞🤮😫
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hannawilliamson · 4 years
Relapses Happen
“Growth isn’t always constant… relapses happen. You’re not back at square one. Your growth prior to your relapse isn’t erased. Take your time. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’ll be okay.”  - Unknown 
Over the last several years of my life I have been a passionate self-care advocate. It started my senior year of college during my first counseling session when I was encouraged to read Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. I dove hard into the book finishing it before the next therapy session. It helped me identify with parts of myself that I was unable to put into words and that someone else so eloquently wrote out on the pages I found in my hands. As the years continued I was a dedicated reader to self-help literature, growing my soul with each book that I read. These books allowed me the opportunity to identify with others, reflect within and grow my own being. I became dedicated to the process of personal growth and felt that our souls were here to grow on this journey of life. 
When I started counseling in college I was heartbroken and terrified of my own self. I was noted to have depression and codependent behaviors. I listened to videos, read books and articles on these topics to learn more about myself, how to take the appropriate steps into my future and best serve myself in the coming years. I had come up with a foundational practice of self-care. I would enjoy self-help literature, would process my emotions verbally until I formulated a thought and was compelled to write on the days I felt most unstable. I would consciously make the effort to enjoy the small things in life that brought me joy. 
I’d be lying if I told you I haven’t struggled with my depression and codependent tendencies in the last 5 years. There have been a fair share of breakdowns and victories. I sit here today, years later on the other side of a severe relapse. 
In May, my hours shifted at my full-time job and the opportunity for more time at my secondary job opened up. As someone with no savings living in the times of a world pandemic, I felt it was necessary that I build myself a savings account. Throughout the next several months I was absent from my residence from morning to night. I was working tirelessly at an emotionally demanding position during the day and a physically exhausting position during the night. On the weekends I tried to keep up with housework, family, friends and the mounds of laundry that piled up throughout the week. I failed to realize that my body handling work and earning money was not the way to care for my soul. In those months that I powered through I did not read a single self-help book, I didn’t write out my emotions, I failed to cry at a number of suitable opportunities and the essence of my being started to go numb. I was moving through the motions of life, but I wasn’t living. I was merely surviving. 
When I recognized the reality of the existence I was living, I reached out via messaging to my siblings asking if they ever felt this way too. I began to speak openly with my family about the potential to cut back my hours at my second job. I have always voiced my philosophy that, “I work to live, I do not live to work”. I am passionate about my career but I do not feel that my professional work is the solo mission for my life. I truly feel that my soul is here to experience, grow and learn about its own self. My loved ones wish to see me financially stable, and while that concern was appreciated I would become quickly defensive. I would have an internal struggle between the understanding of financial stability and the emotional needs that weren’t being fulfilled. I have the personal understanding that my own anger is always covering up a deeper emotion, typically one of pain and hurt. In my off moments instead of processing these emotions I would numb with social media, non educational videos and sleep. In my professional work I was becoming overwhelmed. I felt that I was working against time while managing the roles of my position, I began to struggle with prioritization. I was struggling to handle my own emotions and becoming reactive in my responses rather than intentional. I was drowning and the only way I knew to stay afloat was to keep moving forward, until the day that attitude stopped working. 
It was a simple moment that tipped my boat over, the experience had occurred many times before in which I was irritated but for the most part un-phased. On this particular day, I was feeling overwhelmed, defeated and angry. Do you ever become so upset that you are either going to be outraged or an emotional disaster? Do you recall all the emotional opportunities I had over the last several months to cry in which I refrained? It all ended up coming at once. As I opened up to others about my feelings I heard myself say, “I am most upset with myself as I allowed it to get to this point”. The shame was instant and I was no longer standing on the solid ground I imagined beneath me for the last 7 months of this dual position, money building, self-neglecting existence. Once I was no longer flooded with racing thoughts, my action plan began. I needed therapy, which was unlikely to work in my current schedule. I turned to my next best thing, self-help literature. I started at my roots, with the audio version of Codependent No More by Melody Beattie. As I listened I began to process my emotions of shame, self-doubt, and the questioning of my own existence. Again I completed this book within a few days, this time diving right into the next book, Beyond Codependency by Melody Beattie. I learned about codependent relapse. Again this author took my out of control feelings, thoughts and behaviors placing them on the pages in writing, helping me feel known in a time that I wasn’t sure I could even recognize myself. 
The following week I changed my schedule at my second job, I started being intentional in prioritization of my work instead of being reactive. I started taking time to advocate for myself, my emotions and come up with a new self-care plan. My soul has been calling me to write for sometime now, and it feels good to finally be experiencing this release. I wasn’t ready to process until now, and instead of feeling shame or living in the “should have” mentality, I will instead say that I am proud of where I am today. I may have relapsed to a place that I never wished to see again, but I am not the same person I was all those years ago. My relapse is not a failure, it has allowed me the opportunity to refocus my intentions, and lean back onto my philosophy for this existence. I find it is so important on our most challenging days to remind ourselves that mental health is going to ebb and flow as the rest of the universe does. There will be moments of decline. It is the season of regrowth after the downfall in which we can truly find our strength and refocus on the betterment of ourselves, our experiences and the impact we can have on society. 
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