dpomalescreative · 8 months
Day 988 of 1095
I miss you my brother
You were like no other
Your talent surpassed any other
I wish I could've been more like you
All the many things you could do
As a child I would follow you
Hang on your every word
I looked up to you
I'd even wear
your hand-me-down clothes
Thats just what mom used to do
We were like twins at one point, who knew
We were seemingly just that close
But as time passed we grew apart
You went your own way
Like a ball straight out the park
You became estranged my brother
Like a stranger in the dark
We lost touch
attached only by our mother/father
Where did you go my brother
As you lost your way
Stumbling through life
Trying to fight your way back
You lost sight of what mattered
You became misplaced and scattered
But you are in heaven now so I pray
That you found your answers
I think about you every day
Wishing we had just found a way
To keep you here with us still today
But God didn't see it that way
Gone too soon, just ain't OK
Be well my brother
Come what may
We shall meet again, one day, this I pray
Until then may you watch over us
Be the Guardian Angel we need
By our side, is where we want you to be
Look out for us, never leave
As Life MooVes us like the oceans tides
Ebb and Flow is my kinda ride
Please protect us
as we dive
into these waves of life
As it is
Life can cut like a knife
Feeling this pain of you gone
Reality bites
but life must go on
None the less it hits us like a BomB
Your passing will haunt me forever long
Life just ain't easy sometimes
It feels like an 3nding to a song
That you wish would play on
And so it ends
Yet time MooVes on
So we continue to MooVe along
I will miss you my brother
Now that your gone
Now that heaven has called you home
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elyseswords · 2 years
I have lost myself again
To my love of fear
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freedformwriter · 28 days
Sitting in a tin can
No blogs for a while - this is sorta why.
I yank open the hotel-grade curtains and a blaze of blue sky reflects off the tower block opposite. The few deeply recessed pinpricks of light from early office workers look like stars. It’s my first morning waking up in a little island of tower blocks wedged between one of Lisbon’s motor arteries and a giant hospital complex. I arrived the evening before in the utter stillness of a Sunday and…
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heroickseraph · 6 months
How Creative Writing Helped Me
Writing can be a profoundly transformative and therapeutic tool, especially during formative years when communication with peers can be challenging at school. For me, it became a sanctuary, a place where I could freely express myself and explore the complexities of the world around me. After a long day at school, I would eagerly retreat to my private writing space, where I could immerse myself in the world of fictional characters that I had crafted with my words.
These characters, born from my imagination and nurtured through my writing, served as more than mere creations; they were my companions, my confidants, and my sounding boards. Through their eyes, I could navigate the intricacies of life that often felt overwhelming when viewed through my own lens. I projected my thoughts, emotions, and dilemmas onto these characters, allowing them to bear the weight of my uncertainties and fears. In return, they gifted me with insights and solutions that I struggled to find elsewhere.
In the world of my stories, I could address the challenges and dilemmas that perplexed me in real life. Through my characters, I could explore different perspectives, experiment with various choices, and experience the consequences of those decisions, all within the safety of the written page. This unique form of dialogue, carried out in the realm of fiction, offered a sense of liberation. It allowed me to experiment with who I could be and how I could interact with the world around me.
Each character I created bore a part of me, mirroring my experiences, fears, and hopes. In their stories, I uncovered fragments of my own identity and the capacity to cope with the real-world challenges that lay ahead.
Looking back, I can see that those early years of writing were not just about crafting tales; they were about crafting myself. Through the written word, I found the ability to communicate and ultimately shape my place in this world. Writing, in all its fictional wonder, offered me the guidance and courage I needed to navigate the complexities of life.
As I delved into the world of writing, I discovered a remarkable truth about storytelling—it possessed the power not only to express individual experiences but also to unite people through shared emotions. I aim not only to convey my personal struggles and triumphs but to tap into the collective human experience.
Each character, storyline, and plot twist becomes a vessel through which readers can find echoes of their own lives, their own dreams, and their own challenges. Through this shared storytelling, I feel a profound sense of connection with any reader.
The act of writing novels is no longer a solitary endeavor but a bridge that connects me to a diverse and global audience. Every person who reads anything I wrote is part of that diverse audience. I've already received feedback from readers who have found comfort within the pages of my writings. This sense of shared understanding and mutual support strengthens my resolve to continue writing and sharing my stories with everyone else.
Furthermore, the characters in my novels have evolved to reflect the growth and maturity I've achieved as a writer and an individual. They embody not only my personal experiences but also the rich variability of the human experience. In creating characters from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, I hope to foster empathy and understanding among my readers, encouraging them to explore the intricate and multifaceted nature of the world we live in.
The characters that once helped me communicate with the real world during my early years have inspired me to stay on the ongoing journey of novel writing. This journey extends beyond self-expression through the written word. This ongoing journey that I call my life is a proof of the transformative power of storytelling.
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emotionscanvas · 11 months
"Words Untold"
"So, this is my first-ever blog, so I hope you won't expect perfection from me. However, I do hope to improve because writing feels like therapy to me.
I want to share something that life has been teaching me, especially over the last 9-10 months. It's about the people we care about, our friends, and loved ones. What I have learned and observed is that if you truly care for someone, if you truly love them, and if they hold great importance in your life — someone for whom you would even take a bullet — you might expect them to reciprocate that same level of care and value.
But sometimes, their actions can make you doubt your significance in their lives. They might say to your face, "Oh! You're one of my closest friends," but their behavior or actions often indicate otherwise. They may not give you the same importance you give them. For instance, they might treat you differently when you're alone with them compared to when you're in a group setting, where they might not even acknowledge your presence.
What I have realized is that you can still continue to do things for them without expecting anything in return. It might sound strange to some, but my understanding is that you shouldn't compromise your quality of always being there for others just because of how they treat you. It's not necessary to make them realize their wrongdoings directly because doing so could make you lose your self-respect. Instead, you can drop subtle hints indirectly. You can also create some distance from those individuals without even letting them know, gradually stop sharing your emotions or details of your life with them. While they might listen and react in the moment, the harsh reality is that they hardly care about it.
My realization is that you should continue to do good and collect positive experiences. Give them the freedom to choose how they want to be in your life, and if there's any sort of pressure from any side, focus on yourself. Eventually, you will meet the right people who genuinely deserve your energy and presence in their lives. It might be just one person, but that person will go above and beyond to make you feel special. They will care deeply about your feelings regarding their actions and efforts.
So, this concludes my first blog. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm really interested to hear your thoughts on these people and different phases of life."
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airamsuyal · 1 year
I remember the first memory of being shaken by my mother. I was probably between two and three because my brother had not been born yet. I can’t say if she ever shook me before; I hope not. 
In any case, I remember it vividly; it was terrifying. She grabbed me by my shirt, lifted me up in the air, and just shook me as she screamed to my face. 
But what shook my thoughts the most was what came afterward. Her laughing, mocking me when I grabbed my shirt to describe, with tears, what she had done. I could not speak. Yet in my mind, I knew, amidst confusion, that something was wrong with this person. My mother.
I learned to keep quiet, stay away and escape in my mind with my imagination. Living in a universe where I could be safe. 
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serenityinseven · 1 year
Negative Thoughts? No Thanks! 7 Ways to Let Them Go
Negative thoughts can be a real buzzkill, am I right? They can creep into our minds and really put a damper on our day, affecting our mood, our relationships, and our overall mental health. But don't worry, because there are ways to let go of those negative thoughts and move on to happier days. Here are seven effective strategies:
Identify your negative thoughts: The first step in letting go of negative thoughts is to recognize them. Take note of when they enter your mind and what triggers them. Once you know what they are, you can work on addressing them.
Practice gratitude: One of the best ways to shift your focus away from negativity is to practice gratitude. Take a few moments each day to think about the things in your life that you're grateful for, whether it's a good cup of coffee, a loving partner, or a job that makes you feel fulfilled. By focusing on the good stuff, you can cultivate a more positive mindset.
Challenge your negative thoughts: When you have a negative thought, try to challenge it. Ask yourself if it's really true and if there's any evidence to support it. Often, our negative thoughts are based on assumptions rather than facts.
Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness is a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety, and it can also help you let go of negative thoughts. By practicing mindfulness, you can learn to observe your thoughts without getting too caught up in them.
Surround yourself with positivity: Who you spend your time with can have a big impact on your mental health. Seek out people who lift you up and engage in activities that make you feel good. Surrounding yourself with positivity can help shift your focus away from negative thoughts.
Write it out: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a great way to process negativity and gain perspective. Try keeping a journal where you can reflect on your emotions and explore ways to reframe negative thoughts into more positive ones.
Seek professional help: If you're struggling with persistent negative thoughts, seeking professional help may be necessary. A therapist or counselor can help you develop coping strategies and provide you with support as you work to improve your mental health.
In conclusion, negative thoughts are a part of life, but they don't have to control us. By identifying negative thoughts, practicing gratitude, challenging negative thoughts, practicing mindfulness, surrounding yourself with positivity, writing it out, and seeking professional help if necessary, you can let go of negativity and move toward a more positive, fulfilling life.
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micheleksdare · 1 year
Moment of Clarity: Be Curious, Not Judgmental
In my mind, there is a place I call ‘the dark place’. It’s a place that can provide great insight even though it’s not an easy or comfortable place to visit. I call it ‘the dark place’ because it’s where I go to find answers to the questions that I’ve been trying to answer for a long time. Since I started this self-help/therapy journey as I call it, there have been three questions I’ve been…
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essoloundiario · 1 year
3 de enero 2023
Hoy estuve mejor de ánimo, me mantuve en un modo particular para la entrevista que enfrente hoy día. Es la pega de mis sueños, junto con la de “BI” son las que mas se asemejan a todo lo que he estudiado durante el año 2022. Quizás por ese motivo es que hoy estuve más optimista. La pena de mirar las fotos de la casa de mis padres hoy día no la sentí. Creo que también influyó la actitud de mi madrastra y la de mi papá, fue mas amena. Fue un gran día. Fui a entrenar al gym que queda cerca de la casa. Me queda el resto de noche para avanzar con mis cosas pendientes.
Se me acaba de ocurrir una idea de negocios, no sé si podré llevar acabo acá en la casa de mis padres. En todo caso no se ni por dónde empezar.
Hoy invité a “M” al cumpleaños número 55 de mi papá que será dentro de pocos días. Se puso contenta con la invitación. Hoy no tengo ganas de escribir sobre todo lo que paso en estos 10 años y como están las cosas ahora. Estoy focalizado en que mi meta número uno es encontrar trabajo y se que esta muy cerca esa oportunidad.
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Everything laid around you are mere a bunch of lie, When you look at the mirror, you find a lie lying within ! Walking down that alley with a despaired soul, When someone asks, How you doing ? You reply with a smile, That's where the lie lies !
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dpomalescreative · 1 year
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Day 803 of 1095 Forgiveness is difficult Practically impossible When the blatant disrespect Is beyond phenomenal When the passing of a LooVed one is left unsaid..unmentioned How in the world can that be done How on earth is that possible May God forgive them for what they have done How can we forgive the actions of others When there is so much pain being felt In a time of mourning my brother Where the worst of cards were dealt We must be concerned about our health It's so much more important than wealth But relationships will suffer in the end There's no chanc3 of being friends Family should have put family 1st And the fact is they didn't Family we were suppose to be Now I feel indifferent So how are we supposed to find forgiveness When the anger inside is beyond sufficient I stand behind this heartfelt decision Now as my mother mourns the loss Of her only surviving sister On top of mourning the loss of my brother Somebody clearly forgot that they were sisters before they were mothers It's just so much to handle One death after the other May they both find their heavenly peace Perhaps they are now with one another Looking down upon us Now our Guardian angels May they always protect us As for the rest of us here on earth May we find peace amongst us As having to deal with this has me furious May God Bless us and keep us Now as we MooVe forward So in God we trust We must Live on without them We must do what we must Keeping secrets is simply fukked up As life is so short and precious God will call us home one by one That's simply the name of the game As we are all human one in the same So Hold on to your family now in the living Say all the things that we are feeling Leave nothing out Start from the beginning For once the truth comes out You better hope those you hurt remain forgiving And in this case there's just no winning #ptsd #ptsdawareness #dpomlive #poetry #poetryworld #poetrywriting #writingtherapy #writing #therapy #anxietysupport #anxietyrelief #inspired #inspiredaily #inspireothers #forgiveness #sayinggoodbye #somethingsjustcantbeforgiven https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp3rHd_siYB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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softandpowerful · 1 year
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My creativity comes in waves; I’m either drowning in it or starving for a single drop. Working to create more, write more, feel more. Here’s an oldie but a goodie: “the exhaustion overtakes me swallows me whole and spits me out with no remorse i am suffocating under the ambivalence of depression lost and alone with no motivation to escape too tired to even pray to the setting sun or make any effort towards completion” I will be okay. #poetry #poetryporn #poetrycommunity #poetryisnotdead #poetrylovers #poetrygram #poetryofig #poetryofinstagram #poems #poem #poemporn #poemoftheday #poemsociety #poemsporn #poemsofinsta #depression #sadpoetry #bipolar #creativity #coping #writing #writingtherapy #journaling #writingcommunity #writingheals #writings #writingofinstagram #writer #writersliftingwriters https://www.instagram.com/p/CkpMsYmMCKP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allthingschapter · 6 months
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Every story is unique, and so is every journal in our Writing Therapy collection. 📖 Each journal is designed to help you navigate your thoughts, emotions, and experiences. 🧡 Swipe to check out the collection and tap the link in our bio to shop. 🛍️ Your journey to self-discovery starts here. #WritingTherapy #Journaling #SelfDiscovery
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offthesofa · 1 year
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#podcast #guestspeakers #mentalhealth #history #personbal #collective #national #local #place-based #memory #methods #research #clients #therapists #conversation #dialogue #paradigm shift #society #culture #women #sexuality #standup #narrative #worldview #authorship #memoir #autobiography #biography #writingtherapy #public speaking #rhetoric #eloquence #innerbeauty #innerlight #paradigm shift #words #eunoia #language #bibliotherapy #reading #poetrytherapy #naturetherapy #psychophysics #psycho-physical #psychogeography #freedom #liberation #suffering #bodymindsoul #union #true self
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jacobgreb · 1 year
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Storyteller vol. 3: Midnight Haze Another set of short story collection debuts March 15, 2023. Writing for Therapy. Writing as Therapy. Unconventional. Experimental. Caught in a moment.
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lovefantasynovels · 1 year
Writing Ranting - How Many Apps Does It Take to Post a Video?
With the threat of banning TikTok in the US, creators are exploring more social media apps and their capabilities. Even though I’m in Europe, I’ll still lose a huge amount of followers and views, and it’s worth my time looking into more app that are basically my marketing tools. One thing I’ve noticed is that other social media apps don’t offer nearly as much as TT in relation to editing such as…
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