#Immigration Support
visa4you1 · 4 months
On January 16, 2024, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship, Marc Miller, unveiled a series of initiatives aimed at bolstering support for French-speaking newcomers outside of Quebec.
Here’s an overview of the key announcements:
Overview of the Francophone Immigration
Francophone immigration refers to the immigration of French-speaking individuals to a country or region where French is spoken, with a focus on promoting and preserving the French language and culture. This term is often used in the context of immigration policies and programs designed to encourage the settlement of French-speaking individuals in specific areas.
Opening Doors to Francophone Flourishing: Introducing the FISP 2023–2028
Mark your calendars! The Francophone Immigration Support Program (FISP), launched in 2023 and spanning five years until 2028, marks a pivotal moment for French-speaking communities across Canada. This bold initiative, championed by Minister Marc Miller, aims to:
Strengthen Francophone communities: By streamlining the immigration process for French-speaking individuals, FISP seeks to attract skilled professionals, entrepreneurs, and artists, enriching and revitalizing smaller communities outside Quebec.
Address labor shortages: With Canada facing critical workforce gaps, FISP leverages the potential of Francophone newcomers, injecting fresh talent and expertise into key sectors.
Boost economic growth: By fostering a vibrant Francophone presence, FISP contributes to a more diverse and dynamic Canadian economy, unlocking new opportunities and partnerships.
Embrace cultural richness: FISP celebrates Canada’s bilingual identity, strengthening the tapestry of French language and culture across the nation.
Renewal and Expansion of Welcoming Francophone Communities Initiatives:
In addition to the Francophone Immigration Support Program, Marc Miller also disclosed the renewal and expansion of the Welcoming Francophone Communities initiatives. Fourteen communities in Canada will continue to receive funding, facilitating the integration of Francophone newcomers into these communities.
Canada’s Ongoing Promotion of Francophone Immigration:
Canada’s commitment to promoting Francophone immigration remains evident through measures such as Category-based Express Entry draws and the inclusion of French proficiency as a selection criterion. In its endeavor to increase the Francophone immigrant population, even outside of Quebec, the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced new measures while expanding existing ones.
Preserving Canada’s Bilingual Heritage:
As a bilingual country with English and French as its official languages, Canada is actively preserving its heritage through various initiatives. Quebec places particular emphasis on Francophone immigration to safeguard its traditions and culture. The government strives to uphold equality between English and French speakers, supporting minority linguistic communities through these initiatives.
To gain valuable insights and advice from our immigration experts on these developments, kindly fill out the form below. We are here to guide you through the evolving landscape of Canadian immigration.
For further details and to initiate your PR visa application for immigration to Canada in 2024, feel free to reach out to our seasoned Immigration Advisor and Expert at Visa4you.
Contact us at [email protected] or Call us at (+91) 98509 98509.
We are here to guide you through the immigration process with expertise and reliability.
Originally published at https://www.visa4you.co.in on January 19, 2024.
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songofwizardry · 8 months
ok I'm not an expert but I'm not seeing much specific info going around here, and there's a lotta Palestine solidarity protests in the UK this weekend, so here is some (including UK-specific) protest info and resources (mostly pulled whole-cloth from Twitter)
policing is heavy at Palestine protests generally
Hamas is a proscribed org under UK law. that means "inviting support" for them or "wearing clothing or displaying articles" that implies you are a supporter is a criminal offence (if you're interested, here's the full list of criminal offences from gov.uk). Palestinian flags etc are ok*, but do not have something that could be mistaken for Hamas imagery. don't go out there looking for convictions pls.
*in spite of what Suella Braverman has implied, the London Muslim Community Forum has just confirmed that the Palestinian flag is not a proscribed flag and is not banned (apologies for quoting the "we advise the met police" group but I thought it was important to have that info explicitly)
don't talk to cops. that includes the police liasion officers in blue bibs.
particularly if you're concerned about your face ending up on social media etc, but also just good practice in general (both in terms of COVID and protest safety)—mask up. cover up tattoos etc.
have bustcards or contact details for protest legal support on you. Green and Black Cross can be contacted on 07946 541 511. write the number on your arm etc.
if you witness an arrest: check if there's a legal observer nearby and if so call them over; if not: if the arrestee doesn't have a bustcard, give them one, find out where they're being taken, and contact eg GBC or a protest support line
if you have the time and can help out, there will likely be arrestee support required after—GBC tend to post callouts on Twitter for this
other links
for particularly children and young people and their families being referred to PREVENT for pro-Palestine statements, contact PREVENTWatch and maybe also Palestine in School (newer initiative I think, I don't have an excessive amount of detail on them just FYI)
Liberty, Migrants Organise and Black Protest Legal Support have bustcards in different languages, including Arabic and Somali (also Liberty's website has lotsa useful info, including advice for disabled protesters, protesting and immigration status, and what to do if you're kettled)
GBC's thread on what to do if you see an arrest is useful, as are all their resources generally
if I've missed anything or made a mistake, lmk—as I said, I am very much not an expert. if you know people who are protesting, pass them the legal support line numbers; if you're attending, stay safe and be vigilant; and ofc carry water.
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This election day, I'm thinking of my Nana.
I'm thinking of how as a young woman, she fled political violence in her native Colombia to build a new home in a more stable country. I'm thinking about how she lived a long life, but not long enough to see her home country elect its first ever progressive president (just a few months ago!).
Coincidentally, I was living in Colombia at that time (in the very city she grew up in), and I was able to witness what felt like a miracle. A very conservative country, suffering from the violent inheritance of colonization and catholic invasion and the war on drugs, against a backdrop of the dangerous global rise of the far right--this unlikely country managed to elect one of the most progressive heads of state in the world, in 2022. That's a pretty big deal.
And I'm thinking about this, this election day, because that election was won by a very thin margin. I'm thinking about how it almost didn't happen. I'm thinking about how it was only possible thanks to the highest voter turnout in 20 year. And I am thinking about the countless number of voters who chose to vote for the first time. I am thinking of the poorest and most disenfranchised citizens who showed up at the polls. I am thinking of the indigenous women who rode 12 hours on public buses to vote at the 'nearest' polling stations. I am thinking of all the money and corruption that went into preventing minority citizens from voting, and I'm thinking about how they showed up in the millions and voted anyway.
I am thinking that I would like to see a miracle like that in my own home country.
So if you're on the fence about waiting in line today to cast your vote, I hope that you will think--about the country you want to live in, the future you hope will unfold, and about all of the people it takes to make a miracle.
Because history may deem us nameless and faceless, but when we show up en masse, we are the ones who make history happen.
And yes, maybe also spare a thought for my Nana. Who was in fact a very angry and judgemental woman who supported the republican party for 50+ years, and who would be turning in her grave right now (if the family hadn't had her cremated). Think about the mean angry ghost of my Colombian grandmother, who very much wants you to not show up at the polls to support abortion and other sinful progressive values. Think about her. Do it for her. Do it for Nana.
#Do it! for her#not a shitpost#serious post#politics#ask to tag#I love you Nana but i disagree SO vehemently with almost all of your personal political and religious values#also you should have treated my mom SO MUCH BETTER when she was a kid. all of your kids really#i see you very much as a victim of religious trauma & childhood poverty#followed by the cultural isolation of being a first generation immigrant with no local hispanic community to provide support#plus the failure of late 20th century mental health care almost certainly compounded by medical sexism#recognize sympathize and am indignant on your behalf for all of those reasons and more#but that truth can also coexist alongside the truth that#hot DAMN Nana you and Papa very much failed to provide your children with an emotionally safe and stable environment in which to grow#and me and my sibs are still dealing with the generational trauma#and who knows how many of my cousins. I HAVE TWENTY-ONE COUSINS AND I DON'T TALK TO ANY OF THEM#that is too many cousins to not be in contact with any of them#(and fyi that's on *one* side of the family. on the other side are a dozen half-aunts-and-cousins I've never met#because Other Grandpa was a Certified Piece of Shit)#Anyway. ANYWAY...#apparently i really needed to overshare today. know what? no judgement. judgement free zone#i have no judgement thoughts or opinions i am finally FREE#........gosh that sounds so relaxing#ANYway#yeah. break the cycle of abuse or your descendants will grow up and critique your parenting choices on third-tier social media platforms#when people say 'they will always be remembered' at a funeral--that is a THREAT#what they actually mean is 'OH HONEYBUN YOU DONE FUCKED UP'#.........i want that in my eulogy actually
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brandyschillace · 2 months
Censorship threatens our right to read—and that threatens us all. Books lift us, connect us, inspire us; they make us question, research, and make our own choices. We can’t let that be taken away. I’m a historian who writes about the Nazi book burning—about how censorship was used to take away the rights of #transgender #lgbtq and minorities, resulting in attacks on #immigrants, Jews, homosexuals, #women, trans, Romani, and #disabled people. It’s not many steps from banning books to burning them—so: Make you voice heard! Today, I’m participating in #RightToReadDay with other authors, readers, and community members across the country. Safeguarding our freedom to read requires all of us - learn how you can take action:
Learn more from Unite Against Book Bans and join the campaign!
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 2 months
Iran is bombing Israel apparently, FAFO moment truly.
Both Biden and Trump are vowing to defend Israel with harsh military force against Iran.
If they follow through with it and the US moves against Iran, this will actually become a war.
Do not stop pressuring politicians to support Palestine. Do not stop advocating for Palestine. Do not stop protesting Israel. Do not stop protesting genocide.
From the river to the sea.
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hussyknee · 7 months
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Link to article
Senator Shaheen has to date been paid $572,575 by AIPAC.
Norway, Sweden and Denmark divested from Elbit Systems for selling surveillance systems and weapons for Israel's illegal occupation of West Bank, Denmark outright blacklisting it, HSBC divested when it started manufacturing cluster bombs for Israel that resulted in mass-scale destruction of towns and villages in Lebanon. It also manufactures white phosphorus. It sells spyware not just for Israeli surveillance over its Occupied Territories, but also the US patrol of the Mexican border and the European Union's border control in the Mediterranean to arrest and deport North African refugees. The same systems were discovered to be targeting Ethiopian journalists all over the world.
But apparently throwing paint on its walls and protesting it helping genocide people is "antisemitic".
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the-catboy-minyan · 5 months
people who use DNA tests to """prove""" Jews aren't indigenous to Israel by showing some Israelis ancestry is purely European.
you know Jewish converts are a thing right?
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everythingsinred · 10 months
can we PLEASE stop tolerating the "god forbid women do anything" jokes when it comes to ACTUAL nonfictional atrocities. its not funny when youre talking abt real life murder, abuse, and exploitation and im tired of seeing it
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fandomtrumpshate · 5 months
2024 Supported Org: Never Again Action
Anti-immigrant hatred, antisemitism, and other forms of bigotry uphold one another—and safety lies in the collective struggle against white nationalism and white supremacy. For many American Jews, honoring their heritage means standing with vulnerable people of all kinds in their struggle for justice and recognition. When they stand up for themselves as Jews, and for their allies in the immigrant community, they recognize that we are all in this together. Never again means never again for anyone —not in the United States, and not in Palestine.
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Never Again Action is a Jewish-led mobilization against the persecution, detention, and deportation of immigrants in the United States, taking direct action to raise the alarm about the current system and disrupt its operation, and to catalyze a popular movement for permanent protection for all undocumented people. They work by empowering the public, not making compromises with the powerful. They don’t negotiate with candidates, politicians, or companies–but welcome them to move to the right side of history. They act to change the common sense among the American public, to create the political conditions that politicians will have no choice but to follow.
Continuing their work to fight antisemitism and anti-immigrant bigotry, for the past several months, NAA has also worked in cooperation with other organizations to mobilize in support of a ceasefire in Gaza, working to challenge the narrative conflating Jews and Israel, staging protests and demonstrations in support of Gaza and calling for a ceasefire. NAA and its partner organizations argue that the culture and values of Judaism require them to stand up against injustice and oppression everywhere.
They imagine a world where people of all races, identities, and origins come together to tear down the walls that have kept us apart from each other and build a new world.
You can support Never Again Action as a creator in the 2024 FTH auction (or as a bidder, when the time comes to donate for the auctions you’ve won.)
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plethoraworldatlas · 14 days
President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced an immigration authority that will allow the administration to ban asylum seekers who cross the US-Mexico border illegally.
The new executive action bars migrants who cross illegally from seeking asylum – a departure from decades-long protocol – once a daily threshold is met, unless individuals meet certain exemptions. The measure could be turned on and off and would be lifted when there's a daily average of fewer than 1,500 encounters between ports of entry, officials said. The action is set to take effect at midnight ET.
The ACLU said it intends to file a lawsuit to stop the executive action from going into effect.
The move was an attempt to address one of Biden's most urgent political problems in his reelection push. It comes just weeks before the first debate between the president and his opponent, former President Donald Trump. It is the same authority Trump tried to use in office.
Besides the fact this absolutely won't work and will make everything worse, besides the fact that it's inhumane and illegal and a slap in the face of every immigrant and migrant and Refugees Rights advocate who voted and supported and canvassers for him, besides a million things, this won't even get him the extra supporters he wants because it's not racist enough for them. But hey, that's the democrat strategy; If you're losing the minorities who make up your base, nuke all support you get from them and start trying to appeal to White suburbanites, because even if most of them are republican, surely there has to be enough "on the fence" or are too ashamed to vote democrat unless they're just a bit more racist.
Seriously, none of his original base, the minorities who actually got him elected, would want this; They're either indifferent or pissed and betrayed
The Republicans and conservatives are calling this "too little too late" and "Biden admitting defeat/admitting it's his fault" so it wins nothing from them
"Moderate" Republicans and suburbanites also that this as him admitting failure
The only people this could conceivably be for is "Democrat/moderate Immigrant Rights But", as in the kind of people who say "I'm a Democrat/moderate who supports immigrant rights,... BUT_" and those racists are already voting for him (and freely canvassing for him, though since their idea of convincing people to vote Biden is calling minorities who care about the genocide against Palestinians "Trump loving racist fascists", he honestly should be paying them to stop)
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how are the posts about the eu elections literally more annoying than the ones about us elections. didnt think that was possible. and why is literally nobody differentiating the european union and europe. so you are politically invested but dont even bother to use the right terminology even though there are 20 different countries in europe that are not in the union? oh you worry the eu is going to become fascist now when it has been such a beacon of peace and freedom before? maybe im cynical but the takes i see make my eyes roll into my head. reverse the european union back to be a trade union im begging i cant do this anymore.
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celestialseawitch-ff · 4 months
when your coworker tells you with her whole fucking chest that she's a Trump supporter
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kinomiya · 4 months
I cannot believe I am watching the western world mourn a racist nationalist who was only throwing tantrums because it wasn't him in control of the empire.
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jloisse · 2 months
La Palestine était un beau pays jusqu'à ce que des immigrants illégaux viennent la détruire.
Ce que les migrants juifs ont fait à la Palestine devrait servir d'avertissement au reste du monde pour qu'il ne permette pas une immigration incontrôlée.
Nabeel Rajab : Voici comment était la Palestine en 1938, un beau pays dans lequel vivaient des musulmans, des chrétiens et des juifs, avant qu'il ne soit occupé par les sionistes qui l'ont appelé Israël.
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me1onmi1k · 1 year
I'm very happy abt it so I'll share it here lol- IM OFFICIALLY A PERMANENT RESIDENT OF CANADA !!!!! WE DID IT LADS !!!! I GET TO STAY WITH MY WIFE !!
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