#Injured Sam
cherriontop · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins Additional Tags: Mob AU, shield is a mob, hydra is a mob, infiltrated shield, Friendly Fire, backstabbing, steve bucky sam and nat are all on the same team, Injured Bucky, Injured Steve, Injured Sam, drug deal, Drug deal gone wrong, Steve rescues Bucky, lots of people getting shot and stabbed, not too graphic though, traitors rumlow and rollins, getaway, Revenge Summary:
After being shot by a supposed team member, Bucky realizes that the Shield mob may have some internal problems.
Written for @stuckybingo Square B4: AU: Mob/Gangsters
@buckybarnesbingo Square U2: AU: Mafia/Mobsters
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A/N- so i am catching up but its taking longer than id like. Anyway enjoy this little fic for whumptober day 4: a hairs breadth from death. Just imagine it has perfect spelling, punctuation and grammar becayse grammarly said it found 154 errors but they are for premium eyes only. Anyway, have fun <3
Whumptober day 4: A Hair's Breadth From Death.
Cass' POV
it was supposed to be a low-level salt and burn, just a simple job to get them out of the bunker for a bit, two experienced hunters and an experienced angel, it should have been simple. It wasn't. Bad Intel lead to them being surrounded and much more than the simple ghost hunt they were expecting. It was an ambush, with what must have been 20 demons surrounding them, before long most were dead. I threw my angel blade to dean from my sleeve knowing sam was always armed with ruby's demon knife and that I could grace kill them. Sam killed 7 before he was thrown against a tree, dean made that particular demon his 6th kill of the group before one of the rear-standing demons flung him against the headstone of one Mrs Ava Greenly. Snapping the stone slab clear in two. I killed the remaining 7 demons and thankfully dean and Sam were long since unconscious. Bewildered as to how the plan went so south I stumbled over to deans lifeless body placed two fingers on his forehead and fixed four broken ribs and a minor concussion dean gasped as his eyelids flew open, and his pupils darted around the place before settling on me
"did you get them all?" Dean questioned
"yes of course. I have to fix Sam." I winced as I arose and hobbled over to Sam "are you hurt? I know you are so don't lie to me how badly are you hurt?" I looked at sam and said "not bad, just a couple scraped and bruises from the demons, some rest and ill be fine, what the hell were those demons about, by the way, I thought you said Salt and burn?" I said trying to dodge more questions and permission to see, before crumpling to my knees beside sam, I was spared deans usual array of questions as he examined his brother's condition, dean looked soul shattered as he gazed at his brother. Repeated the action as I gestured two fingers towards Sam and he woke up, I, however, ended up slumping back onto dean, leaning on him, he didn't seem to notice. He looked relieved until he saw a wound on Sam's calf still gleaming red as was the offending branch on the floor beside him. Dean looked at Sam relieved then he saw his leg and looked at me. "are you ok?" He asked worriedly. "fine, my grace is just low from the fight I had to disintegrate several of the demons, and I had to heal you too. I healed all that was potentially fatal, I just started with the most threatening." Cass explained tiredly.
"yeah, thanks for that Cass" Sam said smiling at me. I smiled back and as dean helped Sam to the car I followed behind, far behind and seemingly getting further. We arrived at the motel room he helped Sam to a bed and I laid down exhausted.
3rd person POV:
dean cleaned and stitched Sam's wound while he grunted and moaned in pain while Cass laid eerily quiet on the opposing bed. Dean didn't really have time to focus on Cass, especially given that he was quiet. Dean had to focus on Sam who was clearly in pain. He gave Sam some pain pills and water and Dean watched Sam swallow them. Wearily dean turned around to make sure Cass was ok, he looked over and he was sleeping soundly, his back turned to Dean and he slept on his side. Dean was a bit surprised but he supposed it made sense, tired from the lack of grace so he tried to restore it with a nap. Tired himself, dean walked past Cass' bed and walked into the bathroom, he washed his hands and brushed his teeth before coming back out towards Sam and Cass he stared at Cass, worried. Something had been wrong with him on the journey back, he was too quiet. Dean walked over and immediately noticed Cass' clammy skin and his irregular breathing, then he noticed the edge of a red stain on the mattress below Cass's ribs. Dean's heart stopped and his stomach plummeted as he tried to shake Cass awake. "Cass, Cass, Cass!" He called desperately.
the angel's eyes fell open and stared into Dean's tiredly.
"what happened, why didn't you tell me?" Dean questioned, Cass looked down at his chest and he knew he was busted, "the demons, they had angel blades, one hit me while I was distracted killing another." Cass grunted. "okay and you didn't tell me because?" Dean asked quite mad but not with Cass, with himself, he had been lying there for maybe an hour bleeding out silently and dean was none the wiser, completely unaware. "because dean, Sam, he needs your help more." Cass Said with a semi-successful inhale. "new rule, you have to tell me if ever you are hurt, and be completely honest about the severity." The second the words passes his lips he felt stupid saying it they both knew that in the loosest of terms Cass was gonna be a rebel. "well heal yourself damnit!" Dean said sadly.
"Can't. Used all my grace fixing you, Sam and killing those demons" Cass stumbled through his words." well why would you do that without fixing yourself too?"
I would've run out sooner less for you two, I had every intention of fixing myself if I had enough grace left, but I didn't, so I couldn't. I didn't even have enough to fix Sam." Cass was mad at himself, he was disappointed in his actions, he was upset that Sam had to be in any pain before waking, and then he had to get stitches too.
"I failed."
"look today you got stabbed, I think you've broken a rib that is pushing against your lung, killed seven demons single-handedly and heal two humans, that's not a failing Cass. You're a success story." Dean said encouragingly
"but Sam's ankle, if I had just been stronger," Cass said looking over his shoulder at his dear friend in his drug-induced state and smiling instinctively.
"even if you had that grace, Sam would insist you use it on yourself, you're in much worse condition than he was, even before I gave him the stitches." dean said affectionately.
"ok dean, I'm sorry I didn't just stop the demons from hurting you before they did." Cass' words slurred making dean alert to what would happen next, just as he thought that Cass' limbs went slick, his eyes closed and dean panicked, he check the angel for a pulse, and he found it, weak and slow, a hair's breadth away from death. Dean carefully peeled off what clothes he could and cut what had to be cut. Soon dean rolled Cass as gently as possible onto his back to get a better angle to see his wound. Jesus. That was a lot of blood. As Dean stood there guilt-ridden he examined his pale colourless friend and the size of the bloodstained dean was shocked Cass made it as far through the conversation as he did. Dean sterilised the wound and made a mental note to flip the motel mattress before they left and to buy new sheets to put on them he began stitching Cass' wound he felt along his ribs and felt a distinct break in the bone, one on either side of the wound. Cass grunted and groaned but slept through the night and didn't wake up until the afternoon of the next day, late afternoon. Dean didn't leave his bedside except to check on Sam but even then he stood in the gap between their beds not comfortable to stray too far from him.
When Sam woke up the next morning he felt much better and looked over to dean, whose eyes were planted on Cass who had rolled over again back onto his wound, facing the bathroom, away from Sam. Sammy looked over to an unresponsive dean and saw the edge of a bloodstain peeking out. From behind Cass' back.
"oh my god, dean what happened?" Sam asked shocked and confused.
"he was stabbed by a demon from last night and has two broken ribs," Dean said flatly.
"he didn't heal himself?" Sam asked innocently.
"he couldn't, he killed seven demons with disintegrated seven demons rather, and healed the two of us, and frankly by the time he got to you he was running on empty." Sam's shoulders tensed with rage and sadness. "why didn't he say anything?" He almost yelled.
"he decided you needed more help more urgently, he felt guilty enough that he failed you by not fixing your leg, he wouldn't have let me help him first, even if we did know. Dean said his voice said unchanged. "Damnit Cass, I'm fine, you've gotta take care of yourself first, you needed more help," Sam said angrily, waves of guilt hitting him hard with every word, every breath he took.
" yeah because we are such good examples." Dean said feeling the Sam conflict Sam was. "he passed out around 11:15 last night and he hasn't woken up yet. I'm not happy with the idea of waking him so well let him sleep until 3. If he's not up by then he would wake him up and check on him...." Hours passed dean didn't move at all, still, as a statue. Cass slowly drifted awake and dean stared into his misty blue eyes. "hello dean." Cas said gruffly, dean let out a sigh of relief and hugged Cass with all his might before Cass winced away in pain. "Now heal yourself damn it!" Dean yelled.
"too soon, I need more rest," Cass said quickly but gently.
"ok," dean said, "but let's get you to the car and take you home, you'll be happy, it's an 8-hour drive," dean said smiling at Cass. Who hummed in agreement but was already unconscious. Dean got the pleasure of carrying Cass to the car. Bridal-style. While Sam locked up and took the bags. Sam offered to drive dean gladly accepted hoping to follow Cass' example and sleep on the way home. He took one last look behind him to check on Cass asleep, on the seats behind. Dean smiled at him happily and dozed off.
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ashipwreckcoast · 4 months
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jasmines-library · 8 months
Can u pls do a Winchester sister fic like the dead in the water episode but the sister ends up going into the water with Lucas and the boys have to save them
Dead In The Water
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Warnings: Drowning
Word Count: 1.1k
They had told you to stay inside. To watch Lucas and keep him safe. That was it. A simple job that you could do with your eyes closed. 
The small boy clung anxiously to your side as you watched your brothers out of the window. The sheriff was pointing a gun at them and it made your body itch to race outside to them. But you had orders to stay inside and to look after the boy. But watching anxiously out of the window waiting to spring into action in case things escalated had you a little distracted. And you hadn’t noticed that Lucas had slipped away. 
Crying out his name you rushed towards him as he wandered over toward the water in a trance-like state. Your heart pounded in your chest as you raced towards him watching with wide eyes as he leaned dangerously over the side of the dock, trailing his plump fingers in the water. Nonono. 
With a sudden gasp, he was gripped by a claw-like hand that dragged him into the water. He splashed and flailed, struggling to keep his head above the water. And without thinking you dived in.
Frigid cold invaded your senses the second your skin hit the water. The sensation was not too dissimilar to kives piercing the surface of your skin. Except colder. Much, much colder. You scrambled in the darkness desperately trying to find the small boy. It was nearly pitch black in the water, but you could just about make out the outline of his hair and the small bubbles that rose alarmingly from his mouth. You reached out, struggling to grip onto his fingers as he was dragged further and further down. But as soon as your fingers wrapped around his, you began to tug him back up to the surface. 
As you made your way back toward the ripples on the surface, you felt an icy hand grip your calf. You kicked, struggling to force it away from you, but with your lungs burning from your lack of oxygen you found yourself struggling to get leverage against the creature. Struggling, you let go of Lucas who was concerningly still and gave him a gentle push watching with bleary eyes as he floated up towards the surface. You just hoped that one of your brothers was nearby and would be able to get him out of the water before it was too late for him. 
Your lungs continued to burn as you struggled against the creature, but you could see the surface drifting further and further away from you. Blinking against the cold you tried to clear your vision, but you could hardly see anything in the darkness as it was let alone as you slowly began to run out of oxygen. It took much less time than you thought it would for your movements to slow. Frighteningly much less. You tried to fight, but you were just so tired. And you soon found your eyes drifting closed as your lungs filled with water. 
A hand gripped your forearm as Dean propelled himself toward you. He was met with no resistance from the creature; he had drifted toward the sheriff. Sam and Dean had jumped in the water in seconds after hearing your shout and seeing the cluster of bubbles rise in the water. The two of your brothers searched desperately in the lake trying to find you and Lucas, but neither of them were having much luck. And then Lucas had resurfaced flailing frantically as he sucked in air greedily. Sam made a beeline to him to help haul him back onto the bank and back to his mother. That was when Dean took another plunge into the water, forming himself deep down where he had seen Lucas emerge from. It was there that he saw you. still except for the hair which floated around your face. 
When his head shot up from the water he took a gasping breath, paling when you didn’t do the same. Instead you lolled against his chest, unusually heavy in his arms. Fighting to get you back on dry land, Sam helped haul you onto the dock, pulling his brother up too. The water that soaked your clothes created a pool on the wooden panels as you continued to lay sickeningly still. Yet to take a breath. 
“Sammy!” Dean cried out to his brother. He was a mess. His body unsure how to react to your slow pulse. 
Sam moved quickly, beginning compressions on your still chest. And yet you continued to lay still. 
Until suddenly you spluttered, a fountain of cold water spewing from your lips as you gasped for air. Sam rolled your cumbersome limbs over so that you were lying on your side. Your body wracked with shivers as you coughed. 
Dean patted you gently on the back, massaging slow circles into your back as you tried to breathe. You collapsed back into his chest and he wrapped you up in his arms, trying to keep you warm. 
Sam moved away for a single moment, returning with one of his flannels which he draped over you. You clung onto it.  And then your eyes widened in panic.
“Lucas!” Your voice was hoarse as you craned your head to try and look for him, your breathing picking up again.
“Hey, Hey.” Sam crouched in front of you, holding onto one of your hands. “He’s okay. You got him out.”
You let out a sigh of relief, only to be overtaken by another round of coughing and spluttering.
“You’re alright, sweetheart. We’ve got you.”
“You gave us quite a scare there, kiddo.” Sam chuckled slightly poorly, masking the concern in his voice. “Always tryna keep us on our toes, huh?”
Dean shifted you in his arms. “Let’s get you somewhere warmer, okay?”
You nodded. The three of you clung close together as you moved back toward the house, following behind Lucas and his mother. You brothers refused to peel their eyes away from you as if you would vanish again any second. But the two of them seemed to relax once you were back in the house and had changed into something warm and dry. It was safe to say however, that none of you were going swimming any time soon. 
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gizmogirz · 1 year
Sam & Max go to jail for their crimes
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opheliasam · 9 months
The thing is that the ways in which dean and sam need each other are both compatible and parallel in their nature.
Dean needs sam to stay with him (let him take care of him look after him and be with him) and sam despite all his need for autonomy and freedom which he does desire of course (he needs dean to respect his choices and see him) also needs dean to need him—choose him. It’s always been that way—something we see from the very pilot itself. He goes with dean in the pilot after dean admits that he doesn’t want to do it without sam even if he is capable for it.
It affects sam profoundly when dean gets close to other people—especially men because it threatens the idea that dean could need people other than him (even the mere desire to want for others apart from him is distasteful even if he doesn’t want it to be—he just can’t help it, it’s the way they are.) Of course dean has never needed for anything more than sam, that sam and just sam has always been more than enough but sam needs that from him, constantly and actively.
In Sacrifice (8x23), when he reveals that the fact that dean chose to turn to people (an angel, a vampire) apart from him was unbearable to him was just so.. much. And it’s interesting because we know that sam too is friends with cas, has never been shown to consider him a rival in any sense (but just the mere possibility of sam and just sam not being enough for dean is devastating for him.) He doesn’t harbour any resentment or competition towards cas, it’s just that he needs to be the choice over everything else from dean. He needs it because he chose that too, even when he had a chance to get out—multiple times over. And yes, the circumstances shaping his choices are often not ideal, are sometimes not even entirely choices but he always stays because of the knowledge that dean will always choose him.
The conflict then is often caused by doubt—dean, deeply insecure about sam’s loyalty. For him, it’s a given—that sam will always be first, has always and forever been above everything else but he expects sam to know it too. Despite everything he puts on him and says to him, despite the fights and the anger and the mistrust. None of that will ever change this one fundamental thing.
But Sam doesn’t (!!) Maybe at one time he did, before the demon blood and the soullessness and the countless countless ways he thinks he fucked up but somewhere along the line it became clear to Sam that he could not trust it to always be Dean’s first choice, can’t know it for sure.
Doubt again, Sam—unable to know if Dean will always choose him over all else and Dean unable to verbalise that enough because of said insecurity (the fear that he needs sam more than sam needs him) and unable to understand why Sam would feel this way because he expects him to already know that Sam will always be above all else, at the end of the day despite whatever happens because that is who Dean is.
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If this is how I go, it’s worth it.
Dean x injured reader
Word count: 1,926
Trigger Warnings: injury, blood, mention of a firearm.
Summary: reader gets hurt protecting Dean.
A/N: Requests are open! Please send them to me. If you’d like to be added to my tag list, please let me know! Masterlist
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I’ve always had a hard time letting people into my life. Introducing them to the real me, the darker side of me that I hide behind a bubbly facade. The childhood that shaped me, something that very few people know about. When I was little there was no one to protect me from the things that I had to live through, the nightmarish situations that I still relive too often in my sleep. In adulthood, I’ve changed the narrative. I’ve become the protector, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to help someone else. Save someone else. Especially those that I love and hold close to my heart.
Sam and Dean have always held a special place in my life. Ever since I met them, on a hunt many years ago. They’d taken me under their wing, Sam willingly, Dean reluctantly. I knew nothing of the supernatural until I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and become the next helpless victim of a nest of vampires. That was until Sam and Dean showed up, just in time.
They knew I didn’t have a great childhood, I’d clued them into that much. However, I would never let them in entirely. It was too much, I didn’t want them to think of me any differently. I’ve seen the way Dean already looks at me after hunts, the annoyance that comes over him when things don’t go the way he wanted. I see the concern that washes over Sam, when I come close to being injured, or when I walk away with cuts and bruises. I don’t need their pity, they don’t need that burden.
Through everything over the years, I began to love them more than I thought possible. Sam like a brother. Dean like an annoying asshole, but also my best friend that I loved with all of my heart, not that I would ever tell him. I couldn’t, he would never feel the same way I was sure of it.
So when I saw that demon smirk and point a gun directly towards Dean’s head, I never hesitated to throw myself onto him and shove him to the ground. My body blocking the path of the bullet, giving Sam enough time to finish the exorcism, the black cloud erupting from the helpless man and fleeing the room.
“What the hell, Y/N. You shouldn’t have done that!” Dean yells, anger etching its way across his face, the concern only evident from the tone of his voice. His eyes searching mine for any sign of pain.
“He was going to kill You Dean.” I grovel, pushing myself off of him, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. Dean scowls, his hand coming up to his face to wipe some sweat from his brow.
“So what? You were going to sacrifice yourself for me? How much of an idiot are you?”
I roll my eyes at him, pushing off my thighs to stand from the squatting position I had moved into. It wasn’t until I stood fully upright and began to stretch my limbs that the searing pain caught up to me. I press my hand to my abdomen instinctively, trying to dull the pain.
“I’m not an idiot De-“ I stop mid sentence as I bring my hand up to eye level. Red. Dripping , red blood, covers the entirety of my fingers. My eyes dart up from my hand, locking with Sam’s from across the room. He’s staring back at me, shock etched across his face, but beginning to walk towards me.
“That’s debatable- oh my god Y/N, fuck.” Dean starts, his tone changing halfway through his lecture. He takes the two steps necessary to get to me, taking his flannel off in the process. I feel his hands grip my body, one going to my back, the other balling his flannel up and pressing it tightly against the wound in my abdomen.
“Sam, you’ve gotta help me.” Dean pleads, his eyes never leaving my face.
My body starts to feel numb, the adrenaline wearing off and searing pain roaring through every nerve ending in my body. I feel my legs collapse beneath me, Dean quickly compensating for my lack of lower body strength, by pulling me into his embrace.
I laugh bitterly, coughing and choking on what I assume is blood making its way through my lungs and out of my throat.
“If this is how I go De, it’s worth it. I promise you.” I whisper, my eyes locking with his vivid green ones. His eyes. I’d never allowed myself to stare into his eyes for this long, the deep green is enchanting. Pulling me in, the longer I look. I barely even notice my tears beginning to fall, I’m too focused on the way his eyes are beginning to water as he stares back at me.
I can see his lips moving, feel the way he’s shaking me gently, his hand cupping my face. Sam is right next to me too, I feel the floor pressing into my body as they lower me to the ground, in an attempt to slow the bleeding and apply more pressure. None of that matters now. Nothing matters now, my vision is blurring. My eyelids are heavy, so heavy.
“Hey!” Dean’s firm voice breaks through my haze, his hand lightly slapping my face, “don’t do that, Y/N. Don’t close your eyes. You don’t get to die on me, you hear me sweetheart?” I blink rapidly, trying to clear my field of vision. I momentarily succeed, my eyes locking with his again. I can see the absolute panic engraved into every ounce of this man’s face, he’s moving me now. My head falls forward as he places an arm under my shoulders, the other under my knees. He tucks my head against his chest with his chin, pressing a kiss to my sweat soaked hairline. I continue to fight the wave of exhaustion sweeping over me, blinking my eyes trying to keep them open. The last thing I see is Dean, looking down at me pleading for me to stay with him. But slowly, ever so slowly, my eyes fall closed and the world around me goes black
This must be hell, the amount of pain that I’m in, the only explanation is hell.
A low groan escapes my lips, every inch of my skin is on fire. Muscles and nerves that I didn’t know I had are screaming out in protest as I try to take a full breath. I manage to inhale, immediately turning into a coughing fit as I choke on the air entering my lungs.
“Easy. Slow breaths, sweetheart.” A hand comes to rest on the crown of my head, stroking my hair gently. The touch startling me, causing me to panic and try to brush away the touch.
“Shhhh, it’s okay.” His voice rushes over my senses, calming me, reassuring me.
I force myself to open my eyes, unsure what to expect.
“Dean?” I whisper, finally realizing that he’s here in-front of me. “Am I dead?” My voice barely functioning, my throat dry and hoarse.
“It’s me sweetheart. You’re not dead. I told you I wasn’t going to let you go.” He smiles slightly, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He holds a cup up to my lips, letting me take small sips, his fingers never leaving my skin.
“I must be dead, the Dean I know is never this nice to me.” I whisper, a small laugh escaping me, which I immediately regret. Relief floods over deans face, the crease in his brow lessens, a small smile reaches his eyes this time.
“That’s not true, idiot.” He says, pressing a kiss to my knuckles.
“That’s more like it, bitch.” I say, squeezing his hand back.
The next few weeks pass slowly, I’m never alone for more than five minutes. The boys take turns, keeping me company, changing my bandages, helping me shower, and just all around waiting on me hand and foot. Dean spends every night on the couch, that he had dragged into my room in the bunker. I don’t object, too weak and tired to even dare. I spend a lot of time sleeping, nightmares plaguing my every attempt at resting.
Tonight is one of those nights, I’ve already awoken from a nightmare. Now I lay on my side, gazing at Dean sitting on the couch. His fingers hovering over the keyboard on his laptop, researching some creature that he has refused to tell me about. Any time I have asked, it starts an argument about how the only thing I need to think about right now is recovering.
“I can feel you staring.” He smirks, bringing his eyes to meet my own, the corners of his mouth turning into a smile. He seems older, worry is etched deeper into his face, his eyes not nearly as bright as they used to be. The dark circles under his eyes, accentuated by the terrible late night lighting of my room.
“I can’t help it, you’re just so annoying I can’t not stare.” I mumble, gently pushing myself up on my elbow. Trying to conceal the wince that follows this slight movement.
Dean chuckles, closing his laptop and turning his body to face me.
“Y/N, we need to talk about what happened back there.” He stares, his brow furrowing again. So many emotions sweep across his face at once, I cant read him.
“You can’t do that again. You cant throw yourself into harms way to save me. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you. What am I saying? Something did happen to you. I already have a hard time looking at you, knowing you almost died to save me. I love you too much, to let you die for me.” He wrings his hands as he speaks, his eyes moving away from mine and focusing on the wooden floor boards beneath his feet.
A silence falls between us for a few moments, his words hanging heavy in the air. My head spinning at his words, I love you too much. Dean Winchester loves me.
“Dean, I don’t think you understand me nearly as well as you think you do. There is nothing you can say or do that would stop me from taking a bullet for you again. I will always do everything in my power to protect you. Protect you in the way that I never had. You would do it for me De, you gotta let me do it for you too.” His eyes are trained on me again, red rimmed and watery. He swipes at them with his fingers, clearing his throat and maintaining eye contact with me once more.
I slide my feet towards the edge of the bed, intent upon going to sit near to him. He stops me with a look and a few mumbled words about how I better not move my ass from my spot or else.
I huff, patting the bed next to me.
“C’mere then, Winchester.” I say, watching his every move as he crosses the distance of the bedroom to sit by my side.
“De-“I rest my head on his shoulder, taking a deep breath and steeling my nerves. He reaches over and intertwines our fingers, his thumb tracing a pattern into the back of my hand. “I love you too, more than I thought possible. I’ll always do anything I can to save you. On this side of hell and the next.”
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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Jamie Fraser whump in Outlander 7x08
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ratatatastic · 3 months
another angle of lombo climbing the pole (the act of sluttery to start it all like a fucked up game of dominoes) to take down the jersey from the rafters has hit the towers because we needed another angle of benny pushing up lombos ass as he scales that thing like hes gonna get graded in gym class
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slow dancing in a club...may the alcohol pour and that we might comfort in each others body as we become anonymous in the sea of thousands
do you ever think about the fact that on a random wednesdaythursday in a city practically 40 years away from being claimed by the sea and yet has put unimaginable money time and resources into pump systems to delay the onset for just a little while and yet is still plauged with flooding problems and is riddled with construction all around its city center making it both a "go-to destination" in terms of things to do and also a carcass of itself... in a little club... there is romance being borne anew again. quite frankly its beautiful may the hollow slabs of concrete bless this little coupling and may they ever continue to bring a precious bond to this team
also the juxtaposition of them being in their own world while lundy bounces and tries to hype up the crowd dear god i dont think any finn on this team knows how to dance but bless this dork anyways its the vibe that matters and hes passing with flying colours
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also drunken sidestory that is sasha turning around and bumping into uvis and IMMEDIATELY GRABBING his shoulder to read the name of the jersey and going "Ba-lin-skis? Ah your name? Your name :)!" and uvis going "yeah :)!" and drags him into a hug like there was any other reaction he could have but hug the teddy bear that is sasha
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sunfishstories · 1 year
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Dance lessons (good luck you two)
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xysidhequeen · 11 months
So I turned on notifications for you blog early on in the Red Knight series so Id know when you posted the next chapter. After not seeing notifications from your blog for months, it literally makes me smile every time I see a simple "xysidhequeen reblogged x" now. Im sorry that you have to deal with everything but Im glad to see every notification that we havent lost you.
Ajajsjaheha THIS IS SO SWEET? Thank you! Also hope you don't mind being bombarded with notifs.
Also how many of you thought I really died? 😭 I'm so sorry to scare you all like that.
Here's an apology snippet
There was a voice that sounded suspiciously like Jazz, even complete with annoyed exasperation, groaning at him to just ask Danny out already, that he very firmly beat back to the bowels of his mind with a stick.
He could, maybe, to himself, in the middle of the night when he was going on forty hours with no sleep, just perhaps admit he most definitely had a crush on his best friend. But those late night, sleep deprived admissions were no where near strong enough to overcome the choking, cloying fear that strangled his lungs and shredded his heart at the very thought of admitting it aloud. Let alone to Danny.
Danny was his friend, his best friend, his king. Danny saved him, back when he was nothing more than an angry slip of a teen with a chip on his shoulder and fresh from his own grave.
Danny had given him a home, a family, a purpose. He had given him everything, he had made Jason who he was today. Someone he could be proud of.
How could he ever risk losing that? Losing Danny?
We get so close then Jason just takes three huge steps back. Baby is so scared. We'll get there, eventually. I promise. But when I say slow burn I mean SLOW burn.
Also me while writing this chapter so far:
Me: TimTimTimTimTIM!!!!
Jason: What about four thousand words of straight introspection
Can you feel Jazz's influence on him? Because I can, and I hate it(affectionately). I want to get to Tim!!! But Jason just wanted to think! He has so many thoughts in that head of his. It's the overthinking thing all the Bats and Birds learned from Bruce.
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novafics · 1 year
l Save me l
Sam Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Hunt gone wrong, mentions of Violence, Talk of death, strong language.
Summary: You go solo on a seemingly easy Vampire hunt though you are quick to realise its not as easy as you first thought.
Word Count: 1.3K
You knew you should have asked for help on this hunt, but of course you were too stubborn for your own good. Currently you were on what you thought would be an easy Vampire hunt, but quickly turned sour once you realised this wasn't just 1 or 2 vampires it was a whole nest with close to 15 vampires. Wayyy more than you could handle on your own. Sam had checked in with you 5 minutes before you set out to where you had tracked them down and you assured him that you could handle yourself, how wrong you were.
Sam loved and trusted you so you knew that you wouldn't receive any ‘do you need any help’ texts as he knew just how capable you were, but this was when you told him it was just 1 or 2 Vampires.
You were currently huddled in the back corners of the house that the nest was occupying. You entered through the back door of the house taking the extra precaution to make sure that you weren't heard which definitely paid off when you witnessed 6 vampires stroll past you into another room. That was when you realised just how bad you fucked up as you had to quickly duck through the open basement door to which the vampires you had just avoided blocked the way you came in.
You had two options at this point; option one which was to be stubborn and continue with the hunt which would most likely end up with you dead, which wasn’t a very enticing option, so option two it is; swallow your pride and call Sam.
You pulled your phone out and silently prayed that he would answer quickly as you could hear more and more footsteps getting way too close to your location for your comfort.
One ring, two ring, three rings, you prayed and prayed that you wouldn't be stuck in this situation any longer, the feeling of dread that you would be stuck for the whole nest of Vampires to find made your blood run cold. Luckily for you Sam picked up.
“Hey sweetheart, how is the hunt going?” Sam asked flipping through lore research, “umm Sam, i need your help, i fucked up” the fear in your voice not escaping his eared making alarm bells go off in his head. You never call for help, let alone sounding as scared as you did. “Ok me and Dean are on the way don’t worry, what’s going on?” you could hear the roar of the impala in the background along with the worried sound of Dean also asking what was going on. “The nest turned out to be wayyy bigger than I thought Sam, there are close to 15 Vampires here, I'm hiding in the basement, I don't know if i'll make it out of this one Sam” You have never been so scared on a hunt, let alone admitting that it might be your last one. “Don't say that love, were on our way, were so close” just as he said that you heard movement outside the basement door and not just from 1 person.
As you heard the footsteps get closer you decided the best thing to do was huddle behind the stairs and hope to god that none of them spotted you. You turned your phone sound off all the way. Unknown to you Sam and dean were painstakingly begging you to answer them until they realised you couldn't talk so they remained silent listening and making sure they didn't hear any distress on your end.
You swore you could hear your own heartbeat beating out of your chest at how anxious you  were in this moment. You watched painfully as multiple sets of feet came slowly stalking down the stairs and filling the basement. Your hope of not getting spotted was quickly dwindling as multiple vampires filled the basement. “Who do we have down here” One loud voice boomed down the stairs, just that sentence alone filled you with dread. They knew you were here.
 “Looks like a hunter picked the wrong nest to hunt” I heard from my right, just before I was roughly grabbed and shoved up the stairs, my arms being twisted painfully behind my back eliciting a scream which was enough to let both Sam and Dean know you had been found.
Both Sam and Dean heard your scream just as they had pulled up to the Vampire infested house. You had never been captured before so Sam in this moment was filled up with as much fear as one man could have. He feared that you would be lying dead inside the house and that your last moments would have been filled with terror and fear, something he had feared would happen after he experienced Jessica die.
Sam and Dead had raced up the steps to the house machetes in hand ready to kill whatever they had to in order to get you back, what they weren't prepared for however was to come face to face with 7 or so Vampires and for you to be weakly on your knees holding your definitely broken arm with multiple bite marks littering your neck from where the Vampires fed on you. You were weak and deadly pale, but alive. There were close to 15 Vampires here in the beginning but through the discovery of Sam Winchester's girlfriend being in the house many fled knowing that Sam and Dean weren't far behind.
You weakly kneeled there waiting for the next Vampire to take their turn feeding from you when you heard the front door burst open, splintering and sending wood all over the floor in front of you. “Let her go!!” You knew that voice, it was the voice you love and the voice you were praying you would hear this whole hunt. “And what if we don't?” the Vampire holding you on your knees stated “you don’t have a choice, you're all gonna lose your heads anyway” you heard Dean say while admiring the freshly sharpened machete in his hand. Not long after Dean stated that both he and Sam started swinging. You were too weak to hold your head up at this point and with the fighting the Vampire holding you let your body drop to the floor in order to avoid the blade of Dean’s machete.
While you weakly lied there you held your arm close to your body and tried to keep your eyes open. Though you were weak you managed to lift your head up to see the last vampire's head roll making the last of your fear vanish. Moments later you felt someone lift your body up into their lap and hold your face in their hands. In that second you realised just how cold you had become turning your body more into theirs in order to relish in their body heat.
“Baby?” “please open your eyes love, please” you knew that voice, of course you did, it was the man you loved. You painstakingly opened your eyes with as much energy as you could muster in that moment looking straight into Sam’s eyes letting him know that you were still alive and here with them. They hadn't lost you.
“Thank you for saving me Sammy” you whispered thankful to know that you were now safe, hurt, but alive. “You don’t have to thank me love, let's go home, what do you say?” Sam had never felt such relief in his life.
Sam then continued to pick you up and carry you out to the Impala where Dean was waiting to drive everyone back to the bunker. “Thank you too Dean” you announced once you were gently laid down in the back with your head in Sam’s lap “no problem darling, glad you're ok. Couldn't bear it if you left me to deal with Sam alone” he joked, eliciting a laugh from you and an eye roll from sam. You snuggled into Sam on the way back thankful to have such great people you can trust.
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Btw the best wincest dynamic is batshit insane Sam with munchausen syndrome and Dean with munchausen syndrome by proxy so they both just feed into each other's flaws
Also Sam will still argue he doesn't need Dean to care for him while actively making Dean care for him
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jasmines-library · 11 months
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All the things on the road so far:
Total count: 35
Last updated: 17 September 2024
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⛤ Hey Jude
Summary: When a demon hunt doesn't go to plan, the Winchesters have to rush to save their little sister. Though to make matters worse, once back home in the safety of the bunker her wound gets infected. With their angel friend MIA, Sam and Dean must battle time to find a way to help their sister.
⛤ Just One Big Headache
Summary: A routine salt 'n' burn takes a nasty turn when the spirit directs its anger towards you, leaving you with a nasty concussion, but not to worry, the Winchesters are there to look after you.
⛤ Spellbound Sickness
Summary: A long and cumbersome witch hunt turns much worse when you begin to develop a high fever; a side effect of the curse she managed to spit out at you. Will the Winchesters find the cure in time?
⛤ Up and Down
Summary: After returning from being tortured by the devil himself, your brain can’t help conjure up its own images which refuse to leave you alone.
⛤ Let It Linger
Summary: after a rough hunt resurfaces some unwanted memories, you slip into your own mind. But Sam is there to help you through it.
⛤ Blood Bag
Summary: you are captured by a group of vamps whilst on a hunt. They take their time trying to kill you, draining you of your blood in an old warehouse. For the Winchesters, it’s a race against time to reach you before something fatal happens.
⛤ Safehouse
Summary: after sustaining an injury on a hunt, you and Dean are forced back to the safehouse, however the wound festers and becomes infected, leaving you very ill. With Cas MIA and without the proper equipment to treat the wound, you are left clinging onto life. (Unknowingly like Hey Jude because I’m stupid and forgot id already done it. It’s slightly different though)
⛤ The Basement
Summary: You are captured alongside your brother Sam by the BMOL. They want something you won't tell them, so they try to force it out of you.
⛤ Hidden on the inside
Summary: During a hunt, you take a nasty hit which at first seems fine, but it's what's hidden deep under the surface that creates a problem. (I get it, i suck and writing summaries.)
⛤ Oh, Baby.
Summary: on the way back from a hunt, an out of control car veers into yours sending it hurtling off of the path and into a tree, leaving you trapped. Too far from the hospital, the Winchesters are left with the task of getting your body from the car as they wait for Cas to arrive.
⛤ Sweet Creature
Summary: When Dean is a Demon, he does something unexpected to you. Since then, you have become withdrawn, refusing to sleep in fear of the images that plague your mind. When you eventually give in and suffer a nightmare, Cas is there to help.
⛤ Sounds Of Someday
Summary: the request pretty much says it all. When you and your brothers split up during an unusual hunt, you get caught and become part of a witch’s ritual, which ends with your life slipping away and your brothers struggling to reach you as you are ripped away from them.
⛤ Devil in Disguise
Summary: After escaping from the cage, Lucifer decides to pay Sam a visit, only he's not there. So he settles on the next best thing: you.
⛤ Black Smoke Rising
Summary: Seeking revenge on the Winchesters, a demon decides to go undercover by using your body as a vessel to sneak into the bunker. Whilst trapped within your own mind, you can only hope that Sam and Dean notice that something is amiss before it is too late.
⛤ Just A Little Complication
Summary: Whilst Dean is in hell, the reader is the only one who can calm Sam down when he gets overwhelmed.
⛤ Knock it off
Summary: whilst at dinner with her family, the reader begins to choke.
⛤ Groundhog Day
Summary: takes place during the episode ‘Mystery Spot’ but instead of Dean dying over and over again, Sam and Dean are forced to watch their sister die repeatedly .
⛤ Sleep Is For The Weak
Summary: With too much to do and not a lot of time to do it, you overwork yourself, missing out on sleep. When your brothers try to get involved, you dismiss them only for you to end up collapsing during a hunt.
⛤ The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester
Summary: Takes place during S5E7 where the reader loses years off of her life to save Dean from a demon deal, however when Sam tried to win her years back, it may already be a little bit too late.
⛤ Dead In The Water
Summary: takes place during S1E3 where the reader ends up in the water with Lucas.
⛤ Dilemma
Summary: When you and your brothers get caught of guard during a werewolf hunt, they are quick to try and blame each other. But little do they know that their bickering might cost you your life.
⛤ Teeth
Summary: Reader gets turned into a vampire
⛤ So close, Yet Too far
Summary: you just really need a hug.
⛤ Hexed
Summary: a hex bag finds its way to you…
⛤ Breathe
Summary: You have an asthma attack.
⛤ Currents Convulsive
Summary: you get electrocuted.
⛤ The Things They Carried
Summary: based on the episode; you get infected by a parasite and have to find a way to get it out.
⛤ Caught Off Guard
Summary: you get attacked by a werewolf and have a panic attack
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⛤ ‘Tis the Season
Summary: A fluffy one shot where the Winchesters celebrate Christmas.
⛤ A Winchester Surprise
Summary: After years of your birthday being forgotten or consumed by a hunt, your brothers make sure that this one is extra special.
⛤ Time For A Wedding
Summary: Sam and Dean attend the readers wedding.
⛤ Unconditional
Summary: 15 year old Winchester!sister discovers she is a lesbian, and whilst on a date with a girl she sees in a diner she gets harassed by a homophobic boy. When she returns, Sam and Dean comfort her.
⛤ Somebody Told Me
Summary: Sam and Dean give their nervous younger sister dating advice.
⛤ Sick Bug
Summary: When you wake up feeling sick, your big brothers are there to help make you feel better. (Hurt/comfort ish)
⛤ Noodle Soup
Summary: The reader takes care of their sick brothers
⛤ Changes (spn x dc)
Summary: You are sick of Sam and Deans bickering, so you venture to Gotham to hunt some vampires where you meet some very interesting vigilantes.
⛤ Family First
Summary: Sam and Dean show their appreciation for their older sister
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⛤ Today I Saw The Whole World
Summary: You are Sam Winchester’s twin sister, cursed with the same blood running through your veins. When Sam begins experiencing his visions, you too discover a new skill. You can see into the veil.
⛤ Bringers Of The Apocalypse (spn x DC Crossove)
Summary: The day Lucifer was freed from the cage was the day your life completely fell apart. You were ripped harshly from the peaceful life you had created for yourself in Gotham when your duty as the horseman of war calls and you are faced with a difficult decision: stay with your family in Gotham and let the apocalypse play out, or give up the ring (and ultimately your life) to go with the Winchester brothers who are searching for you to send Lucifer back to hell and save the world… or perhaps you can find a compromise somewhere inbeteeen.
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gaycrittercentral · 1 year
Just a random question-
Why is your art so good pfft- ok heres real one-
What are your thoughts on a Sam&Max Au where Sam gets injured? Totally doesnt have an au with this premise...
SCREECH ?????? 💕💖💕💖💕 awww thank you that’s awful sweet!! ^^ it’s bc I’m gay and I’ve been hyperfixating on them for like 2 years lmaooooooo
OOOOH aus where Sam gets injured…I love me a good hurt/comfort thing, let’s see what I’ve got kickin around in my piles of vague aus and fic beginnings eehehhee
Blegh having just perused my options I have come up with a disturbing lack of fitting scenarios >:( why haven’t I done this!! Closest I’ve got is a goofy little Titanic au I drafted up after seeing it for the first time like a year ago and deciding that what Rose really needs, instead of a boyfriend, is a couple of chaos dads to encourage her to leave her shitty situation and be a goblin lmaooooo. I had Sam almost freeze to death in it but I couldn’t actually kill him bc I’m a soft bastard at heart :p so if anyone’s interested in that I could drop a link to it hhhdgsjdhdhd, I think it turned out pretty funny teehee
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Poor Max. He was really looking forward to how cool that’d look lmaooo
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opheliasam · 4 months
he’s such an asshole im crying
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