readersmagnet · 9 days
Brion K. Hanks offers thought-provoking and solaceful writing, particularly for hospice patients and their loved ones. His work reflects honesty and humanness, providing inspiration and comfort during life's challenges.
Experience Brion K. Hanks'Hanks' heartfelt journey through life'slife's challenges. Visit https://www.brionkhanks-poetry.com/ and order "Tales of a Traveler in Poetry and Prose" today. Find comfort in his words.
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lifetales-by-ops · 4 months
Embrace the Unknown: A Heartfelt Conversation with Tomorrow
Dear Readers,
Step into a world of reflection and anticipation with my latest blog post, "A Conversation with Tomorrow." Join me as I share a deeply personal letter to the future, where I open up about the hopes, fears, and dreams that accompany the unknown.
🌟 Why You Should Read This Post:
Gain a fresh perspective on facing the uncertainties of the future.
Reflect on your own hopes and fears about what lies ahead.
Find inspiration in the delicate balance between fear and excitement.
Join me on this introspective journey and let's explore the possibilities that tomorrow holds together. Your thoughts and reflections are always welcome, so feel free to share them in the comments.
Let’s step into the unknown with hope and courage, one day at a time.
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writeleg1ant · 10 months
How to Find Inspiration from Literature Writers
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Outline of the Article
- Introduction - The importance of inspiration in writing - Connecting with literature for creative ideas - Understanding the Role of Literature - Literature as a source of diverse ideas - Impact of literary techniques on storytelling - Exploring Different Genres - How various genres offer distinct perspectives - Broadening creative horizons through exploration - Analyzing Storytelling Techniques - Deconstructing plots, characters, and settings - Learning from the narrative structure of renowned authors - Delving into Classical Literature - The timeless appeal of classical works - Extracting inspiration from literary masterpieces - Connecting with Literary Communities - The benefits of engaging with fellow writers - Finding inspiration in shared experiences - Extracting Universal Themes - Identifying recurring motifs and themes - Incorporating timeless concepts into your writing - Balancing Influence and Originality - Navigating the fine line between inspiration and imitation - Transforming literary influence into unique storytelling - The Art of Blending Styles - Experimenting with different writing styles - Infusing your own voice into the narrative - Staying Inspired Through Challenges - Overcoming writer's block with literature - Strategies for maintaining a constant flow of inspiration - Practical Tips for Writers - Creating a conducive writing environment - Establishing habits that foster creativity - Personal Experiences with Literary Inspiration - Sharing anecdotes of personal breakthroughs - Encouraging writers to find their unique sources of inspiration - Writers United: Fostering Inspiration through Community - How to find inspiration for writing a song - Conclusion - Reinforcing the importance of literary inspiration - Encouraging writers to embark on a continuous journey of exploration - FAQs about Finding Inspiration - Addressing common queries related to writer's inspiration
How to Find Inspiration from Literature Writers
Introduction Finding inspiration is the lifeblood of any writer. In this digital age, where creativity intertwines with technology, drawing inspiration from literature remains a timeless and invaluable practice. As we explore how to find inspiration from literature writers, we embark on a journey that transcends the boundaries of time and space, connecting us with the profound wisdom and creativity of those who came before us. Understanding the Role of Literature Literature serves as an expansive playground for creative minds. It is not merely a collection of words but a vast landscape of ideas, emotions, and storytelling techniques. By understanding the profound impact literature can have on our craft, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities. Exploring Different Genres One of the richest aspects of literature is its diversity. Each genre offers a unique lens through which we can view the world. From the poetic elegance of classic literature to the raw authenticity of contemporary fiction, exploring various genres broadens our creative horizons. Analyzing Storytelling Techniques Great literature is a masterclass in storytelling. Deconstructing plots, characters, and settings from the works of accomplished authors provides a blueprint for crafting our narratives. By examining how the literary greats wield their pens, we gain insights into the art and science of storytelling. Delving into Classical Literature The classics are timeless for a reason. The works of Shakespeare, Austen, Dickens, and others have endured through centuries, resonating with readers across generations. Delving into these masterpieces not only exposes us to the beauty of language but also provides a deep well of inspiration. Connecting with Literary Communities Writing can be a solitary pursuit, but the importance of community cannot be overstated. Engaging with fellow writers, whether online or in person, introduces us to fresh perspectives and shared experiences. The camaraderie of a literary community can be a powerful catalyst for inspiration. Extracting Universal Themes Literature often revolves around universal themes—love, loss, resilience, and self-discovery. Identifying these recurring motifs allows us to tap into the shared human experience. Drawing inspiration from these timeless concepts gives our writing a relatable and enduring quality. Balancing Influence and Originality While drawing inspiration from literature is essential, the key lies in transforming that influence into something uniquely ours. It's not about replication but about blending different elements, experimenting with styles, and infusing our voice into the narrative. The Art of Blending Styles Experimentation is the heart of creativity. Literature offers a myriad of styles, from the eloquence of Victorian prose to the succinctness of contemporary writing. By experimenting with different styles, we discover our unique voice and writing identity. Staying Inspired Through Challenges Writer's block is an inevitable part of the creative process. However, literature can be a reliable companion during these challenging times. Whether it's revisiting a favorite book or exploring a new genre, literature has the power to reignite our creative spark. Practical Tips for Writers Creating an environment conducive to creativity is crucial. Establishing writing habits, maintaining a reading routine, and surrounding ourselves with inspiration contribute to a continuous flow of creative energy. Personal Experiences with Literary Inspiration Each writer's journey is unique. Sharing personal anecdotes of breakthroughs and moments of inspiration fosters a sense of connection among writers. It encourages individuals to explore their distinct sources of creative inspiration. Writers United: Fostering Inspiration through Community Finding inspiration is a pivotal aspect of a writer's journey, and who better to guide us than the literary luminaries who have left an indelible mark on the world of words? Let's delve into the wisdom of renowned authors and explore the best ways to ignite the creative spark. - Immerse Yourself in Nature: Many authors find solace and inspiration in the embrace of nature. Whether it's a serene forest, a bustling city park, or the rhythmic waves of the ocean, the outdoors can breathe life into your writing. - Read Voraciously: The bedrock of inspiration often lies in the pages of other authors' works. Reading extensively across genres exposes you to diverse writing styles, perspectives, and narrative techniques that can fuel your creativity. - Embrace Writing Prompts: Writing prompts act as ignition keys for creativity. They present challenges or scenarios, pushing you to think beyond the ordinary and explore the extraordinary. - Cultivate Writing Rituals: Establishing rituals can signal your brain that it's time to write. Whether it's a specific time of day, a favorite writing spot, or a particular beverage, rituals create a conducive environment for inspiration. - Engage with Different Art Forms: Inspiration transcends mediums. Explore art, music, and film to awaken your senses and stimulate creative connections that can manifest in your writing. - Capture Your Dreams: Dreams are a wellspring of untapped creativity. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to capture the ethereal narratives your subconscious weaves during the night. - Connect with Fellow Writers: Join writing communities or attend literary events to share experiences with fellow writers. Engaging in discussions and collaborating can provide fresh perspectives and inspiration. - Travel and Explore: Experiencing new cultures, landscapes, and people can inject vitality into your writing. Travel opens doors to uncharted territories of inspiration. - Reflect on Personal Experiences: Your own life is a canvas waiting to be painted with words. Reflecting on personal experiences, emotions, and challenges can yield authentic and compelling narratives. - Embrace Silence and Solitude: In the quiet corners of solitude, the whispers of inspiration often emerge. Take moments of silence to listen to the inner voices that spark creativity. By weaving these practices into your writing routine, you can discover a kaleidoscope of inspiration that transforms your words into a captivating tapestry. How to find inspiration for writing a song In the rhythmic world of songwriting, finding inspiration is akin to discovering the secret melody that connects emotion to lyrics. Songwriters navigate the vast landscapes of creativity, drawing from diverse sources to craft harmonies that resonate with listeners. Here are some strategies to unearth the muse for your next musical masterpiece: - Emotional Landscapes: Delve into your emotional terrain. Channel personal experiences, feelings, and relationships to create lyrics that resonate authentically. Emotions are the heartbeat of compelling songs. - Musical Exploration: Broaden your musical horizons. Listen to various genres, styles, and artists. Draw inspiration from the diverse tones, rhythms, and structures, weaving them into your unique musical tapestry. - Observational Lyricism: Observe the world around you. Everyday moments, people, and places can be wellsprings of inspiration. Transform ordinary occurrences into lyrical narratives that captivate the imagination. - Collaborative Energy: Collaborate with fellow musicians. Sharing ideas and perspectives can spark creativity. A collaborative synergy often leads to fresh, innovative approaches to songwriting. - Visual Imagery: Embrace visual inspiration. Art, photography, or even a scenic view can evoke emotions and images that translate seamlessly into lyrical content. Let your song paint a vivid picture. - Literary Resonance: Read literature and poetry. The written word can evoke powerful emotions and imagery. Translate the beauty of language into your lyrics, infusing depth and meaning into your songwriting. - Life's Soundtrack: Capture the soundtrack of your life. Reflect on significant moments, milestones, and challenges. Your personal journey can provide a rich source of inspiration for creating timeless songs. - Rhythmic Patterns: Explore rhythmic patterns. Sometimes, the beat itself can inspire lyrics. Experiment with different rhythms, beats, and musical arrangements to discover fresh and dynamic song structures. - Nature's Symphony: Connect with nature. The sounds of the natural world – birdsong, rustling leaves, or waves crashing – can serve as a foundation for unique musical compositions. - Reflect and Revisit: Allow your creative well to refill. Take breaks, reflect on your work, and revisit past creations. Sometimes, returning to earlier material can spark new ideas and directions. Writer inspiration quotes - Terry Pratchett: "The first draft is just you telling yourself the story." - Natalie Goldberg: "Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open." - Toni Morrison: "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." - C.S. Lewis: "You can make anything by writing." - Joss Whedon: "I write to give myself strength. I write to be the characters that I am not. I write to explore all the things I'm afraid of." - Anton Chekhov: "Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." - Steve Jobs: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Louis L'Amour: "Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on." - Robert Cormier: "The beautiful part of writing is that you don't have to get it right the first time, unlike, say, a brain surgeon." - Stephen King: "The scariest moment is always just before you start." Conclusion In the vast expanse of literature, finding inspiration for our stories is an enriching journey. From understanding the role of literature to balancing influence and originality, each step contributes to a holistic and sustainable approach to inspiration. As we conclude, remember that the journey is ongoing, and literature will always stand as a steadfast companion in our creative endeavors. FAQs about Finding Inspiration 1. How often should I read to find inspiration? Reading regularly is beneficial, but the quality of your engagement matters more than quantity. Delve deep into the stories, analyzing and reflecting on them. 2. Can movies and TV shows also inspire writing? Absolutely. Visual storytelling can offer unique perspectives and inspire your own narrative techniques. However, balance is crucial. 3. Should I focus on one genre or explore multiple genres for inspiration? Exploring multiple genres enriches your creative palette. It exposes you to diverse writing styles and helps you discover your unique voice. 4. How do I avoid plagiarism when drawing inspiration from literature? While drawing inspiration is encouraged, always strive to add your original twist. Transform ideas rather than replicating them verbatim. 5. What should I do when facing writer's block despite reading literature? Take a break, explore different mediums of art, or engage in activities unrelated to writing. Sometimes, stepping back can lead to a breakthrough. 6. How can writers keep track of their inspiration? Writers can use various tools and techniques to track their inspiration effectively. One popular method is to maintain a dedicated inspiration journal. In this journal, writers jot down ideas, snippets of dialogue, or observations that spark creativity. Utilizing note-taking apps or voice recorders on smartphones can also help capture fleeting thoughts on the go. By organizing these snippets into categories or themes, writers create a valuable resource to revisit when seeking inspiration for future projects. 7. How do I find inspiration for a story? Inspiration for a story can be found in myriad places. Engaging with diverse forms of art, such as literature, visual arts, or music, often sparks creative ideas. Exploring nature, observing people, or delving into personal experiences can also yield rich storytelling material. Additionally, trying writing prompts or exercises can kickstart creativity by pushing writers out of their comfort zones. 8. What do writers use for inspiration? Writers employ a wide range of sources for inspiration. Books and other literature are common wellsprings, but visual arts, music, films, and even everyday experiences also play vital roles. Writers often draw from personal journeys, emotions, and relationships to infuse authenticity into their work. 9. Where do writers get inspiration from when they write books or stories? Writers derive inspiration from a multitude of sources. It can originate from historical events, philosophical concepts, dreams, or cultural influences. Engaging with different genres and styles of literature can offer fresh perspectives, while exploring one's passions or areas of expertise can provide a unique lens through which to craft compelling narratives. 10. Is reading books the only way to get inspiration for writing something? While reading books is a potent source of inspiration, it is by no means the only avenue. Writers can find inspiration in visual arts, music, travel, conversations, and even in quiet moments of reflection. Diversity in experiences broadens the spectrum of inspiration, allowing writers to craft more nuanced and original stories. 11. What do writers do for inspiration? Writers engage in a variety of activities to foster inspiration. Some establish daily rituals or routines, others experiment with writing prompts, and many actively seek out new experiences. Engaging with a community of writers, attending literary events, or participating in workshops can also provide a motivational boost. 12. How do I get inspiration for writing? Getting inspiration for writing involves embracing curiosity and staying open to the world around you. Actively observe your surroundings, read widely across genres, and seek inspiration from personal experiences. Experiment with writing exercises, explore unconventional perspectives, and allow your mind to wander freely. 13. Where do writers draw inspiration from? Writers draw inspiration from diverse sources, including nature, art, history, personal experiences, and even the mundane details of everyday life. Interacting with a community of writers, sharing ideas, and collaborating on projects can also be a powerful source of inspiration. The key is to stay receptive to the world and open to the unexpected. In essence, the journey of finding inspiration is highly personal and can be as varied as the stories writers aim to tell. Read the full article
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bernardo1969 · 1 year
The relationship between the Bible and the law of attraction is highly debatable. The law of attraction is never mentioned in the Law of Moses, nor does it seem to be considered as a form of wisdom by the sapiential books such as Wisdom, Psalms, Proverbs, or Ben Sira. The law of attraction basically states that like attracts like, and that if man modifies his thinking and focuses it on what is desirable and good, the universe will provide it. The fundamental issue is whether this is knowledge or not. There is no story in the Bible that confirms this law. But on the other hand, there are statements that seem to confirm this law, for example, this christian teaching: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you" Matthew 7:7. To investigate more about the subject in the Bible there are examples of laws such as the law of sowing and reaping: "For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." Hosea 8:7, "Do not sow in the furrows of injustice, lest you harvest it sevenfold," Ben Sira 7:3. On this law there are innumerable practical cases that confirm its validity, what we give to the universe that same thing comes back to us sooner or later. The law of sowing and reaping is therefore considered a form of wisdom, but the same cannot be said about the law of attraction. It must be observed, that in the sapiential books, there is a point at which wisdom and the law of attraction seem to fully coincide, like attracts like, but this seems to be the only point of contact between the Bible and the law of attraction. This is why it can be said with security that the relationship between the Bible and the law of attraction is only superficial and tangential. This is how the Bible teaches us how the like attracts the like: "Every living thing loves its own kind, and every man loves someone like himself. All creatures associate with their own kind, and every man sticks close to those like himself. What does a wolf have in common with a lamb? The same applies to a sinner with a devout man" Ben Sira 13:15-17.
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productre · 1 year
Are you looking for the best ChatGPT prompts to take your content creation to the next level? Look no further than Promptigo! Our platform offers the ultimate solution for anyone struggling with writer's block or seeking inspiration. In this video, we'll unveil the top ChatGPT prompts that will transform your writing game and help you create compelling content that stands out. Join us as we dive into the world of ChatGPT and discover the ultimate solution for content creation. Check out here ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⠀ https://promptigo.com/
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thecherryvine1 · 2 years
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Rebirth in Dark Flames
by JairoBarbosaCosta Bruce Wayne, Gotham's Batman, faces the Joker in a decisive battle but meets his demise. Instead of finding himself in Gotham, Bruce wakes up in Westeros, inhabiting the body of Rhaegar Targaryen, during the time of the Mad King. Confused, Bruce, now Rhaegar, interacts with Game of Thrones characters. In the first chapter, he awakens in his new body, talks to his Kingsguard, and decides he needs time to comprehend this new reality. The chapter ends with Rhaegar/Bruce embarking on a journey that intertwines the destinies of Westeros. Words: 1044, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English Fandoms: Batman (Comics), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV), Batman - All Media Types, House of the Dragon (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Bruce Wayne, Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Robert Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Arthur Dayne, Aerys II Targaryen, Barristan Selmy, Gerold Hightower, Viserys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Joker (DCU), Ashara Dayne, Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Catelyn Tully Stark, Benjen Stark, Howland Reed, Euron Greyjoy, Oberyn Martell, Balon Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Stannis Baratheon, Hoster Tully, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Mace Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Jon Arryn, Jon Connington Relationships: Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Brandon Stark/Catelyn Tully Stark Additional Tags: tv, Comic, hq, Book - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Self-Insert, Harems, Game of Thrones References, Inspired by Game of Thrones, DC Comics References, Detectives, Investigations, Battle, Crossover, Gotham, Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), InspirationalWriting, Storytelling, Adventure, Bruce Wayne - Freeform, Rhaegar Targaryen - Freeform, Fanfiction via https://ift.tt/JOQjoAv
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krescendospalette · 2 years
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thepoetoaster · 5 years
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I just created a travel blog and it would mean the world to me if you could check it out and give me your feedback :
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acorntops · 2 years
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Day 6 of #themoonshadowandskychallenge for "moodboard Monday: MC's goal," #FantasyIndiesJune for "one line Monday," and #SpilltheNovelTea with "most inspirational thing your MC has done!" A couple of these required some thinking, and even help from a beta-reader. A main theme of the story is survival and from the very beginning of An Impossible Dream, Sare's focus is on survival. During the first pages she tells Madam Hayworth, "I assure you, ma'am, I can survive any place." As for her more inspirational moments, as one of my earliest beta-readers said, "her inspiration is very subtle." She believes so much in her friends and would do anything for them. But it's never a grand, over-the-top gesture, to the point where she misses this about herself, too. As she reflects on a comparison between herself and one of her friends, "she knew more about surviving than how to be good." #moodboardmonday #onelinenonday #charactergoal #characterinspiration #inspirationalwriting #animpossibledream #bebookseries #bookseries #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #charactermoodboard #bookmoodboard #bookaesthetics #characteraesthetic #writingchallenge #WritingCommunity #writerscommunity #authorgram #authorcommunity #authorchallenge #bookchallenge #readingofinstagram #readerscommunity #readersofinstagram #readingcommunity #writingofinstagram #writersofinstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CeeXwDeP9WG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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directionerrimi · 2 years
I had participated for a writeup on things that inspire me in my life. Hope you like it.
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powerinapause · 3 years
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The past and the future are intricately woven into the present moment. Every single present moment then becomes a continuum - one which upholds the entire tapestry of our life. If you think about it, the present is also the past and the future. Living fully in that moment establishes a strong foundation for the future to unfold. It is in this moment that we have the power to create and build - not yesterday nor tomorrow. When we are seized with a fear of what is yet to come or the longing of what no longer exists, we paralyze the potential of the power of now. It’s easier said than done. To rise above the fear and longing is no mean feat. But is it impossible? Perhaps not. One of the keys to that is intention, which is not in the same spirit as a new year resolution that gets lost amidst the cacophony of the mundane. It is the kind of intention that we set from a much deeper place - this intention heeds the call of the soul, the kind that once set in motion resists all inertia and continues in its orbit around the sun. It is the kind of intention that has the power to push one through obstacles, doubts and fears which is often an illusion placed by the mind. When we set an intention of that stature it becomes a living source of inspiration in our lives that is internal and certainly more powerful than any words, books or material objects. It is then that we begin to awaken and harness the power within each moment which otherwise lies dormant.
- d.h.
For more please visit: https://www.powerinapause.com
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thecherryvine1 · 4 years
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
Rebirth in Dark Flames
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/JOQjoAv by JairoBarbosaCosta Bruce Wayne, Gotham's Batman, faces the Joker in a decisive battle but meets his demise. Instead of finding himself in Gotham, Bruce wakes up in Westeros, inhabiting the body of Rhaegar Targaryen, during the time of the Mad King. Confused, Bruce, now Rhaegar, interacts with Game of Thrones characters. In the first chapter, he awakens in his new body, talks to his Kingsguard, and decides he needs time to comprehend this new reality. The chapter ends with Rhaegar/Bruce embarking on a journey that intertwines the destinies of Westeros. Words: 1044, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English Fandoms: Batman (Comics), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV), Batman - All Media Types, House of the Dragon (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Bruce Wayne, Rhaegar Targaryen, Lyanna Stark, Robert Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Arthur Dayne, Aerys II Targaryen, Barristan Selmy, Gerold Hightower, Viserys Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Joker (DCU), Ashara Dayne, Ned Stark, Jon Snow, Catelyn Tully Stark, Benjen Stark, Howland Reed, Euron Greyjoy, Oberyn Martell, Balon Greyjoy, Victarion Greyjoy, Dacey Mormont, Stannis Baratheon, Hoster Tully, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Mace Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Jon Arryn, Jon Connington Relationships: Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen, Elia Martell/Rhaegar Targaryen, Ashara Dayne/Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Brandon Stark/Catelyn Tully Stark Additional Tags: tv, Comic, hq, Book - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Self-Insert, Harems, Game of Thrones References, Inspired by Game of Thrones, DC Comics References, Detectives, Investigations, Battle, Crossover, Gotham, Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), InspirationalWriting, Storytelling, Adventure, Bruce Wayne - Freeform, Rhaegar Targaryen - Freeform, Fanfiction read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/JOQjoAv
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