#Introject Terms
astral-arbour-system · 9 months
Redoing my original icofictive coining post
Ico- A prefix to describe system members with contradictory source memories, for example multiple sets of memories from different timelines. Can be used for any type of sourced headmate. I've made flags for icofictive, icofactive, and icofaitive here, thank you anendoandfriendo for the flag idea!
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[PT: Feative /End PT]
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[ID: A five stripe flag. From top to bottom the colors are medium green, medium light green, light green, desaturated warm purple, light warm purple. /End ID]
Feative: Someone who is introjected based on or is otherwise sourced from one or two typically key features of someone/something, but shares nothing else in common. For example seeing someone who is so excited about something, and introjecting some else who's really excited about one thing (may or may not be the same thing), but has nothing else in common with who they introjected from.
While this by default is classified as an introject or otherwise sourced headmate term, one may or may not consider themself either partially or wholly brainmade or otherwise non-sourced due to only being from one or two features.
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[ID: A thin light green line. /End ID]
Etymology: Feat- from Feature and -tive from the pattern of words like "Fictive", "Factive", "Fogtive".
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[ID: A thin light purple line. /End ID]
This was originally coined by us on the Otherkinder discord server on Tuesday, September 26th, 2023 at 7:29 AM, and has been shared in a couple discord servers since then. However, we wanted a publicly available post both for easy finding of the term, as well as a place to link to when we add it to Pluralpedia.
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gam8ligant · 6 days
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A nonperson/aperson flag for anyone who identifies as nonperson! The black and grey represent the absent of personhood, and the blue is the inverse of brown, a color associated with people.
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hellgai · 1 month
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✦ Planoject …
A Planogect is a term used to describe a headmate whose source is a planet. This doesn’t have to be one of the eight, any planet. { includes pluto }
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the-silent-fellowship · 4 months
[PT: Spitetive]
Spitetive, a introject source out of spite of something. This can be simply about their existence, spite towards certain groups/things, or a personification of spite.
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[ID: In ALT text]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai
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dynamic fictive & static fictive !
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a dynamic fictive is a fictive that changes along with their source! they may change in appearance, gain new memories, adopt new mannerisms or have new opinions!
things that may cause a dynamic fictive to change are:
✖️ their source updating
✖️ the system reading a fanfiction about them set in an alternate universe
✖️ a system’s own headcanons for their source changing
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a static fictive is the opposite of a dynamic fictive. they stay just as they were when introjected in spite of any updates to their source!
colours picked from the fictive flag by @yourfavisafictive
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moonpool-system · 6 months
Alterhuman Coining: Phoenitrauma & Phoenitraumagenic
[PT: Alterhuman Coining: Phoenitrauma & Phoenitraumagenic]
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🌀 Phoenitrauma 🌀
alternatively: fenitrauma, phenitrauma
Phoenitrauma refers to any trauma someone has experienced/is affected by that originates from a past life, reincarnation, etc. The term is meant to validate the traumatic experience and the post-traumatic effects one might experience from their past lives, but still distinguish itself from trauma experienced within both this world and life. The word is derivative of "phoenixal" and meant to describe a certain type of exotrauma specific to people whose exomemories are from past lives/reincarnation/etc. The symbol is a combination of the phoenixal symbol and the aqua PTSD ribbon, over the phoenixal flag.
This term is meant for all people/beings/etc that experience any sort of reincarnation or past lives, including otherkin/therians, introjected system members, and more. This term does not discriminate between spiritual-based and string-theory-based reincarnation/dimensional concepts.
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🌀 Phoenitraumagenic 🌀
alternatively: fenitraumagenic, phenitraumagenic
A system or system member that is phoenitraumagenic originates from phoenitrauma, a specific type of exotrauma stemming from past lives and other reincarnations. This means that the system/member(s) themselves stemmed from pre-existing phoenitrauma, rather than it simply coming with their exomemories.
Example 1: Member A has a traumatic past life, and Member B forms to cope with a specific aspect of that trauma. Member B is phoenitraumagenic.
Example 2: The system has no existing past life connection to Character C, but when Fictive C showed up, they found themself to be deeply affected by the exotrauma they experienced. Fictive C has phoenitrauma, but is not phoenitraumagenic.
Example 3: Member E has phoenitrauma from a bad experience in a previous reincarnation. Eventually, Member E splits a subsystem specifically centered around the phoenitrauma experienced. Member E's subsystem is phoenitraumagenic.
Example 4: Member G unlocks memories of a past life, and due to the trauma related to that past life, their identity is drastically altered to present completely as that past life. Member G is phoenitraumagenic.
Some alternative flags & symbols!
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🌀 For use by all alterhumans; these terms are not gatekept, but phoenitraumagenic is a term intended for systems/plurals/etc. Hate will be removed. 🌀
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3scapethevoid · 3 months
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[PT: Dyvergian. End PT]
“ DEF;; A term for introjects who use different labels/identities than their source/source mems but don't want that to separate them from their source. This is generally only to be used by introjects who identify with/as their source. ”
★ Can be used as a prefix for an identity. Ex; dyverpansexual, dyverbigender.
★ EXTRA;; dyverpronominal (which I am not making a flag for) would be this same concept but with pronouns.
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plural-userboxes · 3 months
Chimera introject flag
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Similar to Splitroject, where an alter has more than one source, except they are a literal combination of all their sources.
requested by: no one
technically recoined from an anti endo
though i do not like anti endos they are aloud to use this flag if they would like/gen
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Memroject: an introject from another person's memories, typically someone outside their system but if you feel like it fits for memories within the system you can use it for that too.
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Flag colours literally mean nothing lol they're just meant to be similar to other types of introject flags.
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intrnetangel · 2 months
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(derived from "spiculum" meaning "little sharp point or sting," cercueil meaning "coffin," and -ili(an) as in lilies)
a gender that feels like a coffin surrounded by thorns and lilies. this gender is serene with a hint of melancholy and mystique to it.
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req'd by: no one (self indulgent) !
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belinhagamer999 · 8 months
Alt flag for problematic factives
[PT: Alt flag for problematic factives /END PT]
Inspired by the first problematic factives flag made by @problematicfactive
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[IMAGE ID: The image features an abstract geometric composition with a central black rectangle containing a bicolor yellow circle. This square is enclosed in a surrounding border, with the gold circle. The background which is composed of the retangles border mentioned above is segmented into four distinct quadrants, each displaying a different color; dark maroon on the top left, dark purple on the top right, dark blue on the bottom right, and dark magenta on the bottom left. /END ID]
It has the same meaning they applied to the flag, just other design and more darker colors.
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the-100-percent · 5 months
me when I'm about to coin a term cause I'm so awesome and cool (lemme know if this is already a thing or not cause idk)
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Credits to Souviik (not any specific social media) for the flag!
(flag ID: The top stripe is a light yellow orange, the stripe below is a darker orange, the very center is a PNG of a white clock with a dark brown circle behind it, the stripe below is a dark orangey brown, and the very bottom stripe is a lighter orangey brown)
Chronoject: A system member whose source is a form of time, that could be: A specific time "7:43 AM", a not so specific time "3:00", "somewhere around 5 am", etc, AM/PM as a whole, or anything else related to time!
-⬜ (idk what else to add) (👍👍)
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hellgai · 1 month
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✦ Therative …
Therative is a term used to describe a factive of one of/the systems current or past therapist/s. A therative can be formed from a negative or positive experience with a therapist. A therative may also be classified as an abuser introject if it was an abusive therapist but it doesn’t have to be to be a therative.
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the-silent-fellowship · 5 months
[PT: Multi-Factive]
“Multifactive is the state of being multiple factives at once, having multiple factive identies, etc. This can be due to fusion, merging, integration, or amalgamation.” - Pluralpeida(link)
This flag takes inspiration from this Mutli-Fictive flag(link) and @revenant-coining’s factive flag
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[ID: In Alt text]
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[Tag] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai
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elpisflags · 1 year
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Multiject is the state of having multiple sources at once. There's no "limit" to how many sources an alter can have. This can be due to fusion or integration.
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Free to use if system!!
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