#It also makes him easier to draw - less stuff to remember
Absolutely love that Izzy is always wearing the same clothes. He just like me fr
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quibbs126 · 1 year
How about a Madeleine cookie and Dark choco fan kid?
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Alright, here you go, this girl is Choco Madeleine Cookie
So for her name, I just looked up “are there chocolate flavored madeleines” and yeah, they’re just called chocolate madeleines. It’s pretty simple.
That’s the thing with Dark Choco, he’s the main representative of chocolate, meaning that when making a fankid with him, you can just go “just add chocolate” with a lot of these. I feel like it’s too easy. I mean I probably shouldn’t complain, I’m not spending ages looking for potential names, but still
I was considering changing it to a different food, but then I remembered that the Madeleine family tends to have Madeleine in their names, with Grand Madeleine Cookie and Madeleine Cookie, so it works
Chocolate madeleines:
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I’ll be honest, I’m really proud of her design. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull off Madeleine’s relatively more complex costume and combine it with Dark Choco, but I think I did good. Her design is mainly based of Grand Madeleine and Dark Choco’s new costume, with some of the armor inspiration coming from Madeleine
I knew before making her that I wanted to make her hair dark brown. I chose to make her madeleines chocolate flavored since that’s what she is, but I have the normal flavored madeleines so that it all doesn’t blend together. I made her eyes and gems red because I thought it fit better with her browns than the blue
Also I saw a bunch of chocolate madeleines have powdered sugar on them, and I wanted to incorporate that. I was gonna put it on the madeleines, but it looked too crowded. Then I decided to put it on the cape, and I think it looks good. Also a little call back to her grandfather
I was also considering giving her long hair, given everyone else in her family, but I thought she looked good with short hair
So on to Choco Madeleine herself, so she’s a warrior, just like her parents. She’s from the Crème Republic (since Dark Choco’s whole status is uncertain at best. Though that’s not to say she doesn’t visit her grandfather’s kingdom), and is heir of House Madeleine. She’s a good fighter and is seen as a vigilant warrior. In reality though, she’s an absolute ball of anxiety, and has a difficult time interacting in social situations. Internally she’s a nervous wreck, but somehow her words filter out to make her seem like a functional, if not constantly serious, person
I also drew her as a small. It was a quick sketch, so I’ll probably refine it if I draw her later, which I do want to
I feel bad that I have so much to say about her (as well as Mallomar), when I have little to say about Biscotti. Like I swear, I don’t want to seem biased because Dark Choco is a hyperfixation character of mine, and make it seem like the only ones I care about are those with him in it, and that I’m putting less effort into the other ones, it’s just that I end up making up more stuff with them. Granted, it’s probably a mixture of “it’s easy to come up with foods for them because you just need to add chocolate/I already have ideas for them before drawing” and “I already know the character and what they’re all about so I know where to go when it comes to making their fankid”, but still. I don’t want to seem unfair with it, but that’s just how it seems to pan out
Though perhaps another reason is the fact that in both scenarios, Choco Madeleine and Mallomar were the second ones I drew that day, so maybe it’s that my creative juices were already flowing and I could make stuff easier
But yeah, tangent aside, here she is, I hope you like her
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aspenonpawzzz · 6 days
AU lore dump!
In this AU, grim walkers are kinda like a Alterhuman/wolfwalker/werewolf mix. After Hollow Mind ,Hunter runs off into the woods,(goes on all fours!) (edit: he trips like the idiot he is, and shifts then.) and shifts into his wolf form, (which I have dubbed Phantom, hence the name of the AU) and instead of going to hexside, he finds a cave  where he hides out for a while (4/5 weeks), stealing food and blankets, and transforming the cave into his den
While this is happening luz is freaking out,due to no one having glimpsed hunter in weeks.And on top of that, there is a strange wolf( in this AU, Wild Canines are from the demon realm,so not that weird) haunting (see what I did there?) the streets, stealing food and other things. She things it looks familiar,but she cannot place her finger on in. Phantom becomes a celebrity, and befriends luz (I sort of call Phantom and Hunter to separate entities, even tho they’re the same person, System style) then Hunter builds up confidence to reappear, and starts making small appearances, like a ghost (Hahah. maybe one of them should be a bus disappearance thingy) and luz is less scared that he got caught. Finally, hunter appears on the owl houses door step, and gets melded with the owl fam. The time frame for this part of it is 1-2 months. To make it less suspicious that right when he vanished that phantom appeared, and vice versa, he sneaks out at night and makes appearances, and sometimes during the day. He lies that he “is just a fan” of phantom (kinda selfish bro)( to be extra sneaky, he draws phantom [he’s good at drawing] and fakes being a bad lier.) and keeps tabs on his image. Luz starts to get suspicious(“he says he is a fan of phantom, and phantom is a friendly boy, but Hunter never is to bet found when phantom is around and vice versa. Also, phantom appeared right after he went missing, and Hunter never talks about were he was/is during is absence. Also. Fangs, he is crepuscular, he is very defensive of his stuff/friends,his eyes glow, he has strange abilities , he is mostly carnivorous, his hair grows fast, also, they two look smiliar.they have to be the same person!”) and tries to prove her suspicions. This doesn’t go well.
Orrrrrrrr they (hexsquad- hunter) get kidnapped and Hunter saves them using his wolfie powers, but then has to explain why he has them. Only Luz knows till human realm. They are stuck there for a year.
Canon deviations
day of bs is in 10-11 months 
Hexsquad is in HR for a year 
Labyrinth runners is changed and later 
Hunter has enhanced abilities after the first shift 
Edge of the world is FAR later than canon
Wild Canines(coyotes, wolves, foxes,hyenas,exc) are from the BI
My HC of him being coy-wolf coping link is changed (wolf therian, both psychologically and spiritually)
Hunter lives with the owl fam after the first part.
Luz is otter-link
Amity is cat-hearted
Lumity is a4a (alterhuman 4 alterhuman)
Belos  is not actively after the owl fam. Also he does not quite learn Hunter has unlocked his wolf form until abt a month or two before the day of unity 
Luz still knows that hunter is a grimwalker, but doesn’t know what it is, and there isn’t anything really on them.(she also forgets Abt it cause she’s bad at remembering stuff){as we see in canon}
Hunter goes to hexside, but besides the EEs, no one knows that he was the gg. (IT RHYMES)(He takes the potion track[most fanfics],Beast-keeping[wolfyness] and bard[vocal mess of wolves]bump allows him to use flapjack as an aid.)
Hunters style is alterhuman grunge .
Flapjack knew most of the previous Golden Guards. HE DOES NOT CUT HIS HAIR IT LOOKS DUMB. Luz and the hex squad are suffering from adrien agrest syndrome( means they are oblivious) hunter uses he/it/they pronouns.( “hunter here with he/it pronouns and a wish to he/it [hit] Belos”) when hunter has been in his witch form for too long,his chest starts to ache/hurt, and he can be annoyed easier. he has three different forms, witch( canon, but with fluffy hair that looks like a mix of his hair and the hair eda had when she first meet king, sharper and longer teeth, what could be classified as claws, a stronger that the “normal” of smell; sight; bite force, can jump higher, is supernaturally fast and agile ,at least by non-magically enhanced standards, especially high stamina and a alter human grudge style), semi witch ( wolf form teeth, kinda claws, harpy eda hair, wolf form ears and tail, extra sharp smell; eye-site; strong bite force and can jump really freaking high, and is fast,agile, and durable ) and wolf (literally a wolf hunter with enhanced wolf abilities) Hunter has more self-esteem than canon.He’s still kinda a bad boy.
possible AU Of this AU where Hunter unlocked his wolf form at about 4-5 ish. Belos has used in as an Attack/guard dog. hunters wolf form has a cream collar with a gold emperors coven sigil as the tag, gold cuff thingys on his paws, sharpening his claws. Belos  told him it was a curse, and gives him a tonic to “keep the wolf under control” (this is obviously a lie, this is a domestication potion which is used in feral animals, basically making hunter way more submissive, laid back[when applicable, it sometimes makes him far more aggressive] and more dog like than canon)two variations are possible : Luz knows, changing the plot drastically, and Luz is oblivious, having little to no effect on plot.
great huh!?
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hajihiko · 2 years
Ive been wondering. Did Hajime and Izuru finally fuse at the end, or is it still somewhat Hajime, and Izuru is just rolling around in his head drinking tea like a high class individual?
I think it's never totally explained, only that somehow neither Izuru nor Hajime is gone. But here's my own (long) take on the whole shebang;
Mind you, this is just how I like to interpret things, for my own reasons! Not dissing anyone else's takes, and my only reason is "this resonates a lot with me". Also it's just my general take, maybe other people have opinions and maybe it depends on AUs and such. I implore you to remember that this is just how I like to look at the topic through my own lens.
Basically, when I'm drawing Hajime or Izuru or HajiZuru, it's Oops! All Hajime.
Hajime at the earliest that we see: student, crippling self esteem and inferiority issues, pretty brash but smart and friendly. Signs up for the Project.
Hajime (Izuru) in and after the project: No emotions, no personality, no memories. This stuff makes up a person, so he *is* effectively a different one, but it's still a Hajime. Just, one that has been completely crushed and is behaving purely on auto-logic, with no past references to go off of. The identity of Izuru Kamukura was thrust upon him, and he never really had any opinions on who he was (or, anything really).
Hajime (HajiZuru) post-game and onwards: both of those guys' memories, which are his memories, because he never really stopped being himself in the flesh. He's not the same as Hajime 1, because who could possibly be the same after that experience, but he's also not like Some Other Guy. He's the same but different, like you are the same person you were 10 but also probably fundamentally different
Like, I think of it less as different personalities in a literal sense, and more like "you're not really you when you lack everything that makes you you, and going through that much trauma changes you without removing you from yourself". Does that make sense?
To me, Izuru isn't a separate person or personality, just the complete lack of a personality in a person that's gotten their brain fucked with. They doesn't feel strongly about anything including themself and their identity, and I think someone mentioned that they use a phrase "I am called Izuru" rather than 'I am'. The lack of anything that makes up their person is what renders them almost unrecognizable from someone who was feisty and strong-minded and had some real wants and fears.
Sort of like, and maybe someone can relate, being intensely and I mean intensely depressed, traumatized and then amnesia on top of it all.
The way things have been explained to me (by a few therapists and a year of psychology, not that I'm saying I'm an expert just that it's a common way to look at it) is that, the brain makes these little pathways to have an easier time reacting to stuff. These pathways can be really fucking difficult to get out of when they're deep enough, and they tend to get deep when it feels like a matter of life and death or when they serve as a defense.
One of these pathways might be Shutting Out Emotion. Feeling feelings hasn't helped in the past, just made things worse, and Not Feeling was better than being miserable all the time, so there ya go. The tricky part is that shutting out every single emotion includes stuff like, want and need and hope (hehe) and dislike. It's hard to get out of this rut when you don't- can't- want to.
Izuru to me is what happens when a person breaks completely and the brain shuts it all away for protection because it can't deal. Being upset, in pain, angry, etc was Not Helping Hajime's situation so it all got filed away, but it's hard to shut out only certain parts, so the whole entire emotions thing got chucked out (with the help of surgeries). Brain enters complete depression mode of Nothing Feels Like Anything. And when things stop hurting, the brain is like OKAY GREAT WE DID IT. And like, it sort of did; the brain is not in constant distress anymore, so it does work as emergency protection (which is what the brain likes to do under so much duress). Also, again, surgery speedrun.
Hajime in the game gets a brain-altering kick out of this rut, that he wouldn't have managed on his own. His Big Moment was the choice to not fall into that brainpath again, even though it might be easier and more convenient (tying into my take on the theme of the ending which is to face hardships and not take the easy road out of fear or desperation or apathy). He gets back enough of memory, feeling and sensation to understand that he does want to be himself fully, warts and all, and now he can work on carving out brainpaths that let him have feelings and be himself as he chooses to be.
The idea that Want is an emotion is pretty big to me. Someone with absolutely no want, like Izuru, wouldn't really want to change, but not really want to stay the same, anyway. Doesn't want to be alive, but doesn't want to be anything else either; total apathy, which sounds like hell, except you can't really feel bad about it either. Hajime wanting to protect his friends from an impossible choice and not wanting to disappear was a deciding factor.
So, to answer the actual question lmao, in my opinion they can't really fuse since they were never different people to begin with, and they aren't separate either. It's just one guy who goes from being a normal insecure person, to having no memory or feeling, to regaining his memories and choosing to take on the mess that is The Human Condition. Izuru is just a name someone slapped on a boy that had his brain broken.
I also think that there is a danger in Hajime ever falling back into that deep deep brainpath that he was in when he was effectively Izuru. If he embraced that emotionless but admittedly incredibly convenient way of being, it would be hard to get back to wanting to get out. With time, he might have carved out an even deeper brainpath that he decided on himself, and doesn't need to worry about snapping into an emotionless fog again. Ideal ending!
(Personal [feel free to skip]: the reason I'm really About this whole narrative is because I'm currently in the stage of carving out Emotion Brainpaths myself. No forced surgery or superpowers included (I wouldnt mind the latter), but I've been in a place where feelings were so shut out there was no Want for eating or moving or breathing, no sense of right and wrong beyond objective knowledge, and lot of reckless behaviour just to see if it did anything. I'm better now though! And that's why I'm so emo about my own take on this whole narrative.)
That was a long fucking read gold star if you made it ☆
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channelinglament · 7 months
Name: Sage
Age: young? idk
Hobbies: drawing, playing string instruments, I do choir if that counts, playing games, sleeping (not often achievable)
Likes and dislikes: I like sweets as long as they aren’t too sweet. I also like animals. Animals are cute sometimes. Sometimes. I also like Ghibli movies and I have a collection of stuffed animals. Vocaloid supremacy(including virtual singers). I dislike loud noises, and things that feel weird.
Fandom(s): Genshin Impact and Project Sekai
I have been told that I act like Furina, Hu Tao, and Mizuki from Genshin and Project Sekai if that helps with anything :) I may or may not have slight anger issues, or I just like kicking and throwing things at people-
Happy 500 followers ! sorry if I wrote too much :(
Hi! Tysm! Somehow I've got 700 rn heh
And I match you with....
Project Sekai:
He adores you
And cannot make you sleep, due to his bad sleeping habits.
You probably put him to sleep, during the nights when he creates robots instead of sleeping. He knows you worry about his health, but he also loves his hobby (relatable ngl), so he just says 5 more minutes and will say so, until you would physically try to drag him.
When you would start tugging, he would immediately take action of standing up and going to do the teeth brushing and stuff to sleep.
I, for some reason, think that he sleeps in one pose throughout the night. He also probably has insomnia. If you sleep with stuffed animals, he probably either cuddles them along with you, either throws them off the bed to cuddle only you. There's no in-between. He also would say that they fell by themselves.
Would always come and support you when do choir and play instruments!
He would create a lot of small glowing bots, that would create your face and name to support you. Just imagine that megamind scene. Thats what he would do.
You and Nene would be besties fr. He would just stand there, nearby, and look pretty (support it too)
Maybe would make your device less glitchy, or sth, to make your wins in games easier (or if it's a calm game, play with you).
He may try cooking with you. Wether it turns out good or bad, he will eat it anyways.
He would also ask what's your favorite animal is! Why, you may ask?
he will make a r o b o t of it for you. H e w i l l.
He will watch Ghibli films with you, and may try cosplaying! (He will ask Mizuki for that)
His favorite Ghibli movie would probably be "Howl's moving castle".
Oh, you like vocaloid? WELL GUESS WHO HE-- [disconnected]
*drops small Mikudayo/[your fave vocaloid] little bots on your bed*
Purple head WILL make you/give you headphones, to make it easier to go throughout the day. You need to blockout those loud noises, y'know?
If you like being dramatic, he will definitely join in. You two will create random story and be in character. "Off with your heads!", Rui: "Yes, on it fufufu!"
You will join wxs in creating "lore/scene" for their songs.
Genshin Impact:
He tries to visit you as much as he can.
The alchemist tries making you some nice animal, that is a COMBINATION OF YOUR FABORITE ANIMALS????
He may do some with food, try to make you something p e r f e c t
Does it fail? Does he succeed? I will leave it to your imagination!
"What's vocaloid? What's Ghibli? Can you explain?"
I think he would love "Spirited Away" and is another enjoyer of "Howl's moving castle".
Will draw you a lot, and I mean A LOT
He wants you to be remembered forever. You, everything about you. The way you look like, the way you carry yourself, your personality. All of this, captured in paintings and doodles.
Since you don't like loud noises, will create you some sort of headphones-thingy (like the things on Alhaitham).
Will join in your hobbies, choir or instruments, he will try to do it aswell and enjoy it with you.
Since you don't like most weird textures, he would try to leave you outside of his lab during experiments heh
"Hey Sage, is this what you call a vocaloid?" *crawling WopperFlower that slightly looks like VFlower from your description*"
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depravitycentral · 11 months
i love that you don't shy away from yandere themes that are considered gross! Period blood for example and invading reader's privacy in the bathroom. (Thankfully there's no sc*t 😅) A lot of your posts are 10k+ so I was wondering about your writing process
Do you write it all in one sitting? How long does it take you? If you get a block in the middle, do you just give up on it or force yourself to finish it? What's your favorite thing you've written?
Aww thank you for the reassurance! I'm never totally sure how things like that will be received - my goal when I write yandere works is to tap into the more creepy and gross side of the yandere, and I think that can turn a lot of people off from reading my stuff. Thank you for being a trooper and dealing with it, though; you have my heart <3
(Also please don't worry, scat will NEVER make an appearance on my blog. Other icky, nasty body fluids? Sure, but I have to draw the line somewhere and that's where I've chosen.)
As far as my writing process goes, I kind of go in spurts! This weekend I've been feeling weirdly productive and I had a lot of free time (a rare commodity), so I was able to sit down and pound out some of those profiles. I tend to get inspiration for a character and write like 60-75% of their profile in one sitting, then suddenly lose all motivation and want to stop to take like a snack break or do something else for a while. A lot of times when I'm that close to being done I just force myself to finish it, which sometimes has better results than others. (The Nobunaga nsfw profile, for example, was completed about 65% of the way done when I suddenly crashed on it, but I banged it out from start to finish in one sitting, so if there are lulls in the writing that's probably why.) If I leave something halfway done, there's all kinds of little notes and bullet points written down on the document with ideas I was working with, but sometimes I wait so long to return back to that specific work that I totally forget/don't understand what the bullet points are saying, which sucks.
For time, I would say it takes me somewhere around 3-4 hours to write each profile if I'm really focused, but the total time (including brainstorming) is probably averaged more around 5-6 hours. The nsfw ones have less content so they take less time, but the general ones are the ones I have to really think about and analyze, which often tends to require watching a few more episodes with that character in it just to get a good feel for them as I head into writing. (Unfortunately, haikyuu has become virtually impossible to find for free nowadays, so for all my haikyuu works I'm mostly just working off memory. I'm a little worried they aren't super accurate to the characters, but the show must go on.)
I don't really have a favorite thing I've written! Occasionally I'll look through my blog and see something I posted and go oh really? Was that me? Did I post that? I don't remember most of the details of things I post, so it's actually kind of a treat for me to go back and reread my work because it's like I'm reading a brand new fic. (Aside from all the grammar errors I suddenly find. Ugh.) I will say that all the Feitan stuff came much easier than I thought it would - I was kind of dreading writing for him because he's so popular among the fans and is kind of difficult for me to grasp, but once I started it just kind of kept coming. So if I had to choose, maybe his profiles!
Thank you for all the questions - self reflection is always a good thing! And thank you for sending in this ask - the little rush of serotonin I get whenever I see a notification that something new is in my inbox is crazy.
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shmothman · 6 months
pacing alone in my room talking to myself (posting my entire story for my mushishi SI on tumblr dot com)
They are… more or less a cryptozoologist, although they’d never call themself that. They’re a biologist, it’s just that not everyone believes the species they study are real. It doesn’t help that most of the literature on them is at least a hundred years old, and now is relegated to the sphere of rural folklore and folk medicine—and the occasional eyewitness accounts of strange phenomena, not unlike cryptid and ghost sightings. The paraphyletic group known as mushi are just undescribed fungi and protists, they insist, and are repeatedly laughed at by every institution they pitch their research to. (They’ll show them, they think.) Angry and running out of options, they take a field trip on their own to a rural mountain in Japan. They’ve always been described to appear in areas less touched by humans. (They can’t see the mushi all around them, but they’ve accidentally stumbled upon a large branch of the light vein.)
They aren’t expecting to more or less trip and fall into it.
As if in a trance, they walk toward it, step into it—until a voice calls out for them to stop, a hand pulls them back. He has white hair and an eye of pure darkness.
And when they wake up, he’s still there, telling them to wake up, coaxing them out of strange dreams.
(Mushi can totally make time travel happen. Shhhh it’s magic.)
Now, missing most of their memory (at least about who they are, they remember things about the world in the 21st century as a whole) they have to adjust to life in Meiji-era Japan, and as interested as Ginko is to figure out how this happened (he’s a nerd. he’s a big fucking nerd be honest with yourselves), he’s a little less stoked that he’s stuck with a brash, confusing, time traveling idiot until the two of them can figure out how to get them back to their own time, or until they can figure out a way and a place to stay as he moves on. (I think you can see where this is going.)
There’s a bit of Gender Stuff that goes on with my SI, and they end up deciding to “pretend” to be a boy bc they don’t want to be seen as a woman, and also it makes it easier to believe that they’re his “apprentice” (which ends up being their go-to excuse), but Ginko’s take on all that is “well, none of my business.” And he doesn’t really care, anyway. Doesn’t stop him from falling in love, at least. You’ll pry my demisexual headcanons out of my cold head hands, as per usual.
Despite pretending to be his apprentice, they can’t… actually see mushi. They didn’t gain that ability by falling into the light vein. They do come to be able to feel them, in a vague sort of way, though they’re always asking Ginko to draw them for them. Luckily, dealing with unseen things is basically what a microbiologist does (though they can’t even see mushi under a microscope, damn) so they can fake it well enough when they need to. And Ginko can’t help but feel quite a bit proud when they start being able to identify mushi by description, and sometimes even by feel.
They travel together for months, become close friends, and against their better judgment, they both get attached. Fall in love. But they can’t… they’ll both have to leave sooner or later… My SI falls first. They know it can’t be, and they know he can’t see them that way, but that doesn’t stop the feelings, the hopes, the imagining. And then he goes through the same thing. He’s much better at repressing his feelings than they are, though 🤣 And he’s much quicker to figure out that they like him. I mean, it’s pretty goddamn obvious. To literally everyone. (Well, anyone who doesn’t think my SI is much younger than him—I HC him as 34ish and I do have. A baby face—and also a boy. Although… even then. If You Know, You Know. There were gay people back then too.)
So cue the Sef-mandated months of mutual pining while they gallivant around japan solving mushi mysteries together and generally getting into Will-They-Won’t-They scenarios until even I, the real life version, am sick of the slow burn.
Until they come to a village where my SI just… fits in. Even in the couple days they’re in town, it’s clear that the villagers would accept them, help them make a life there. My SI is having a great time, though they have no actual intention of staying; it’s just nice to make some friends. Attend a little village party or something.
And they wake up and Ginko’s gone.
No note, no nothing. He just left.
They’re hurt beyond words, but at this point they know him. In his own way, he’s trying to give them the one thing he can’t have or provide: a normal life—or, as normal a life as they could have now. But of course he didn’t ask them what they wanted. (He knew what they’d say—after all, he knows them, too.)
Angry and hurt, they run after him, but they choose the wrong way at a fork in the road, and they lose all hope of finding him again.
And they know they should cut their losses: he left for a reason. But they’re stubborn and mad and quite frankly, he’s the one thing they have in this goddamn world and they’ll be damned if they’re gonna lose him without doing everything in their power to make him see reason.
So they find their way to the town where Adashino lives. Sooner or later, Ginko will show up there.
It’s still many months before he does.
Months for them to rehearse what they’re going to say to him, months to grieve and try and try and try to get over him. (They end up spilling the whole thing to Adashino too, bc the two of them end up being buddies, and even Adashino is like. C’mon Ginko.) And they think they’ve got it all figured out. They’re going to yell at him. They have every right to!!
And then he finally shows up at Adashino’s doorstep, and they look at each other, and my SI just starts to cry.
Let it be known that Ginko is also angsting the entire time they’re apart, some real sad boy hours. This cover is playing in the bg the entire time, basically. But this is how his life has to be. They have a chance to be happy, so he has to make sure they take it. And now he’s staring them in the face again, and he hates that the only thing he can feel is relief. Thank goodness, you’re back. Thank goodness, he doesn’t have to wake up and get disappointed that they aren’t there. Thank goodness, he can pretend it’s a nuisance when they sidle up to him in the cold even though it’s all he wants them to do. But they’re crying. And he knows he hurt them. He just… he assumed they’d chase after him, then lose heart when they couldn’t find him and return to that village to go live their life.
He should’ve known better. He knows them.
They… talk. And then they kiss. And then they fuck.
And they leave together.
There’s trust that needs to be healed, and feelings they both have to work through, but… they can do it together. And continue to get each other out of mushi-related scrapes constantly. And keep each other warm as they hike through the snow in winter.
There’s no way back to their time, but even if there was, they wouldn’t take it.
Anyway this is my ginko selfship playlist PEACE
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finchmarie · 1 year
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Another sketch page. I really like figuring out the dynamics between my dudes (maybe one day I’ll roll some men folk even. I think blueberry boys are in my future!)
I think Mass Effect sketches in a similar fashion may be next as I work through my insanity Soldier run.
As last time a bunch of info dumping on my Legacy.
Theron & Charlie just before Nathema. She’s very in love and therefore about to be real pissed. Just so furious because it’s easier than being heartbroken. In my canon run it’s Winter, Charlie, Codex & Lana that ultimately track him down.
Codex and Emer (pronounced ey-mer) passing some time on Odessen. Codex hasn’t found Vector yet at that point, and they enjoy fooling around with Emer. Not just for the physical connection but because it brings them a greater understanding of the inner workings of the Sith and Dark Council.
Codex is the product of their Cipher training, they’re calm, collected and nearly impossible to read. They typically report directly to Lana and actually become very close with Esskelle who shares many of their personality traits. They both also have a bit of a masochistic streak.
Emer didn’t romance Quinn. I’m considering Risha, Elara or even Senya. Emer is fairly typical Sith she’s passionate and full of rage she readily brings to battle. She’s also petty and egotistical. However she’s fiercely loyal to those in her good graces. She loves Vette like a sister and it is to Vette’s credit that Emer is not a complete monster.
Esskelle taking a hit in training. Showing off her tattoo that is a massive pita. I still need to work out a full design for her arm. I also need to work out how she lost it. I want to say as an injury while being trapped in carbonite, or during an encounter with Vaylin. She’s still clunky with it but is quickly learning how to use the weight to her advantage.
Aric doing some training. Mostly cause I love cat man and his VA, but also cause I need to practice drawing masc folks.
Izzy (Isra’fael) doing some exercising. She’s a smuggler who has a decent reputation and joined the Alliance to make money (which she has). She’s hyper competitive with Charlie and it frustrates her to no end that Charlie is better than her in most things despite being (in her mind) dumber and less prepared. In pushing herself constantly she’s become a valuable asset that Hylo is particularly fond of. She also gets on very well with Vette as they share similar backgrounds and a love for a good caper.
Aric and Leyliana’s reunion makes me feel stuff. Him thinking she’s been dead for five years and then she appears out of the blue and he’s skeptical and nervous but she smells and looks and speaks just like he remembers. I’m gonna have to write about it for real here soon.
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squeiky · 2 years
"Someone I'm supposed to remember."
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"Sometimes I lay at night, thinking about you. All the time we've spent together, all the memories we've made together... I never want to forget it.. but I always do."
Artist's note:
This is more a vent per say, rather than a means of shipping, but due to the context and way I executed the drawing- I'm tagging this as sonadow.
There is an bit of a but of a rant/vent an ID and a bonus edit version of this drawing after the readmore. Feel free to skip whichever or.
(I titled them all so it easier to skip stuff. When scrolling fast)
[ID: A traditional pencil drawing; Text in the top reads: "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU CAN'T REMEMBER"
On the right and left side are drawings of sonic the hedgehog with his eye portion sketched out.
The left side has 4 drawings, one of sonic smirking with a fist, below that is a drawing of his shoes and next to it is a drawing of super sonic w/ 2 chaos emeralds. Below that is a grumpy sonic checking the watch on his arm.
On the right is a drawing of sonic, hands on hips with his back facing front. The one below that is of sonic laughing with his hand in his chest, then underneath that is sonic at a side angle, smiling whilst talking. Next to that is sonic having a toothy smirk, with a finger waggle as well.
Shadow the hedgehog is in the middle, both hands on the lower portion of his chest, with his quills (very messy) all extended outwards. Creases are all around him as his on a bed. There are 2 pillows on both sides of him. To the right of him are some earphones desgined for hedgehogs that has a headphone wire attached to it. (It's unplugged) and a book with a pencil ontop of it.
On the lower left of him (around the knees) is a phone, only a reflection of the screen shows as it's presumably off.
Shadow looking upwards, with a gazed, zoning out type expression. His identifiable scowl is no where to be seen.
Underneath all of that, are 2 comic panels.
The first one/ the one on the left is of shadow on lying his left side, with one arm over his torso while the other is tucked underneath his head (like a makeshift pillow.) His legs are also shown His, one over the other. His eyes are looking down, now the more iconic angry eyes.
A dark pillar of sorts is behind him, and to the side of that the text reads, " So then, Why".
The right panel is a close up of one of his eyes. It's pretty detailed and you can see some hints of fluff/small quills on his face as well as a bit of his big o'l hedgehog nose.
His iris has a drawing of supersonic reaching out towards one of his extended arms. There are stars around them, and sonic's eyes are still crossed out.
Text to the right of the eye read: "Are you so FAMILAIR?"
:End ID]
Still edited, but just a different version of the post above. It's a little less brighter, but it's more accurate to how the drawing actually looks irl:
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I never really understood how shadow gained his memories back.
This is coming from a personal level, but him struggling with these identity and memory issues always kind of stuck with me.
As someone who struggles with memory, it's really hard to trust what people say is true or not.
Someone recently told me they've known me for years, and I thought I only knew them for a few weeks.
Like, this is somebody I'm supposed to know. They're so familiar, yet to somehow their still a stranger.
It's shit like that, that always bugs me.
Then people tell me of these stories and things I went through, and it's like I'm listening to another person explain to me what my life was like. It just feels like I'm listening to someone read a storybook.
It's all so distant, beacuse I just can't really remember. I can't connect with my own self, and honestly I don't even know if should. Sometimes I question whether I should even try to learn my psst, or if it would even matter at all..
It makes it hard to trust people too. Cause there's liars out there, and when you've got memory problems it makes it easy for them to put stuff in your head.
(Always thinking about that just gives me way to much anxiety and makes it impossible for me to connect with people.. it's like I got eggshells for shoes.)
I try not to think about it too much, and just move on in life...but the feelings still there.
It just sucks.
I have a really good memory too...(I think?) beacuse when I can remember things its crisp and detailed. (Atleast..sometimes.)
Either than that, there's just entire gaps between my life I can't remember.
I have a freind who tells me about all my adventures I had with her. So I'm just here, lying down on my bed, contemplating all these memories I had with her.
All those memories I can't remember.
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
You got any more ideas on the other rogues (any rogues, specially Harvey) who like a thicker girl??? 💕🍑
mhmmmmmmmmm YEP because there's nothing stopping me from insisting that all of these men are weak in the knees for a literal fuckin marshmallow of a woman (tastes sweet, looks soft and round) 💚
healing fat girl problems one scenario with a criminal at a time, if there are any rogues i didn't get to let me know and i can try my best!
minors DNI!! 🔞 cw for nsfw stuff
someone get this man a big tiddy goth girlfriend, STAT. he uses the word plump a lot there's something classic and gothic about it to him. he's into white knuckle clinging and he can sink his fingers into every bit of you with ease so your body is a literal playground for him. there's not a bit of you he hasn't tried to taste or bite, and he finds it absolutely insane how much he enjoys pressing himself into you, between your thighs, your butt cheeks, your breasts. something about being enveloped in warm skin makes him feel safe and calm.
chubby power couple of gotham alert. he worships the ground you walk on and NEEDS to be seen with you, like you're a bit of a trophy and he loves showing you off. he's so happy just to have you on his arm and sharing his umbrella with him. also, it helps with his own self-image, being able to see obvious beauty in someone his shape and size makes him more confident. also, as someone who desires status and places a lot on his cumulative resources, someone who is large gives him a sense of value in you, that you're worth a lot more because there's more of you.
two face
there's something insanely glamorous about a plus size woman in a silk dress. y'know the way that silk kind of clings to the stomach and highlights the belly button and the shape of all the lumps and bumps HNG omg. and that's probably what would draw him to someone in the first place. he's quite aggressively complimentary, and if you were ever to say something slightly mean about yourself on a bad day, he would be ready with a retort. don't like the way your thighs chafe when you walk? that's fine, you can spend the rest of your life in bed with your legs spread for him. think your boobs are too big and maybe saggy? less effort for him to be able to put his face between them when you're on top. feel iffy about your double chin or neck one day? please remember that it's easier on his hand when he's choking you, which is one of his favourite things to do.
harley quinn
harley would absolutely find a chubby gal to be the cutest, most adorable thing ever. like she'll consider you a little stuffed animal that she is fiercely protective of. she'll squeeze your chubby cheeks and call you puddin' and she'll put a lot of effort into making you a matching outfit that shows off your curves. she's a tits gal for sure, but she loves prodding all of your lumpier bits and squealing over how CUTE you are.
no matter how big you are, you're smaller than him and he likes to remind you of that by petting your head and treating you like a delicate angel. also, this might just be a me thing, but i missed out on being lifted and carried as a fat girl, but he's SO STRONG. forget about walking anywhere ever again, he's carrying you in his big strong arms. he's so aware of how hard his body is, it's nice to have something soft and squishy to hold against him. ALSO ass man ass man ASS MAN loves smacking it and watching it jiggle
poison ivy
your body and the way your curves flow make her think about the curves of flower stems, or the way that vines will curl and wave to find their way to the light. if you have stretch marks, she likes to stoke them and comments that they remind her of delicate petals with the lines that are on them, like hydrangeas. she's absolutely obsessed with thick legs, thighs and calves, because how are you not constantly arousing yourself by getting to walk around on those sturdy stalks god damn. she literally pictures you like an oil painting, cherubic, soft and dewy, literally surrounded by wildflowers at all times. she can swear she smells them when you walk past her.
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bonerot19 · 2 months
What are your feelings about Lost Days? Specifically the ending?
Personally I think “I don’t care about the world” doesn’t seem at all accurate to Jason’s actions. Like def unreliable narrator vibes otherwise why is he continually making his life harder.
Also the pit rage thing, people say it’s not canon but def hinted at in LD. I dislike when it’s used to brush aside Jason’s very valid anger but otherwise no strong feelings on it, what about you?
lastly, any takes about Talia and Jason’s relationship? Not the.. ending.. bits.. but other than that? I just don’t think there’s good evidence (doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be interesting to explore in fanfics ofc) that their relationship is white or black. I think Talia’s an immensely complicated person who has to continually make impossible choices in very brutal manners because of the circumstances of who she is and who she loves. As a result, there’s no such thing as ‘good mom’ or ‘bad mom’ Talia. But yeah.
I'll preface this by saying I haven't read lost days in a long while (and actually completely forgot that I had read it one point until I was reading a fic and was like......OH! FAMILIAR!) it's on my reread list, so I remember the broad strokes but not specifics (memory of a goldfish) so I can't comment on the first question rn but I'll keep it in mind on my reread after finals!
as for the pit rage - I have a lot of thoughts:
I think it can be an interesting plot device to diverge from canon - like I think it's interesting when someone has the pit amplify emotions (and therefore make it "pit rage" for Jason because he is angry). I think, in that situation, it can be a cool representation of real life intrusive thoughts and rage.
I have rage issues and trouble controlling my emotions and, sometimes, when I'm really angry, I understand the phrase "seeing red" to a lowkey scary degree. and I like it when fictional universes have magical things that represent real life things. I don't think it takes away from the real life thing, I think it acts as a analogy, making it easier to understand.
does Jason need a magical rage problem to represent his very real rage and anger issues? no. is it maybe helpful/easier to express how angry he is when you can say he's seeing green? yeah.
I like it a lot less when it's used to negate his emotions entirely or explain away his actions. (there's a lot of bad canon writing that has Jason do OOC things, so I'm chill with explaining that stuff away or ignoring it entirely) but when it comes to his return to Gotham and UTRH, I think his autonomy should remain intact. he wasn't lashing out because he was "insane" he was lashing out (and constructing a criminal empire as a teenager lmao) because he was hurt and angry and, maybe, he wanted to watch the world burn, a little bit. he wanted other people to feel the pain he was feeling bc it was unbearable. that's what teenagers are like. (if comics would stop drawing him to look 47, maybe that would come across better)
anyway - like all fanon interpretations and expansions, there are things I like and things I don't and I think it all comes down to interpretation. and I wouldn't ever condemn someone or their writing for interpreting something in a way I disagree with (hell, the more I get back into this fandom and the more comics I read/reread, the more I disagree with some of the Red Hood stuff I have written. that's fine. we're all learning and growing here)
she's so precious to me and honestly a big reason I want to reread Lost Days. the poor woman has undergone so much character assassination in canon.
I completely agree that there is no "black and white" interpretation of her. she is complex (even when canon doesn't want her to be). she is a product of her environment, she is rebelling against her upbringing. she loves Damian, she does bad things to him sometimes. she is constantly stuck between a rock and a hard place.
with Jason, I do understand why people say her relationship with him is purely transactional (she does what she does for him for Bruce not Jason) and they're probably right. BUT I really like the interpretation of Talia that cares about him. I like the idea that she did try to restore his mind and train him in order to return him to Bruce, but that she grew attached and came to care about him (maybe/probably not as a mother, but as a mentor and perhaps cool, if emotionally distant, aunt)
I do enjoy fics where people write Talia as caring about Jason like a son, that's fun for me. give him a mom. (I do prefer giving him Selina or Natalia but like, any mom that isn't Sheila will do atp)
(and yeah idk, do what you want, but Talia and Jason fucking didn't happen in My Brain. I read that and went oh, no. lol. and never looked back)
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everygame · 2 months
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Mighty Bomb Jack
Developed/Published by: Tecmo Released: 17/04/1986 Completed: 04/02/2024 Completion: Finished it with the standard ending and then used the Switch Online SP version to see the “best” ending.
There’s a few games out there that I categorise as “chippy” video games. Cabal. Robocop. Bomb Jack! Arcade games that would be in a beat-up, generic cabinet in the chip shop. A machine where you could barely see the screen for the ambient grease–plus the monitor is dull and burnt out anyway.
Do I view these games as such because specifically I remember seeing them in the chippy in my youth, not because Tecmo, Data East or Tecmo were all in on the chip shop industry? Of course. But Bomb Jack’s such a great example of a “chippy” video game anyway. It’s not the kind of game that’s going to draw a crowd in the arcade. It’s sort of off, visually, and in play. But if you’re waiting for them to do you a fritter, you’re going to put a 20p in anyway.
So what’s weird about Bomb Jack? It’s a single screen platform game, but it’s all about air control. Bomb Jack doesn’t just have a wee jump, he’s got this massive, drifty leap, and you control it by directing him with the joystick: up makes him jump higher, pushing down makes him fall faster. You’re trying to collect all the bombs on each stage, but preferrably in order--you always want to collect the next lit one. While you’re avoiding enemies of course, which is really what makes it so weird–you’re in this weird middle ground of not quite flying but trying to float and drift around the enemies that are seeking you. It’s like Pac-Man–you’re trying to nail your perfect route–but much messier. Less predictable.
Honestly, I sort of like Bomb Jack. I don’t think it’s a game you ever quite get comfortable playing–other jump styles are so much more ingrained–but there’s a pleasure to trying to execute your routes anyway.
Mighty Bomb Jack, however. Mighty Bomb Jack isn’t just Bomb Jack on the NES/Famicom, because it’s 1986, and while that might have flown before Super Mario Bros. (and it did: ports were massively successful on home computers in the UK) it’s just not going to cut it with savvy Famicom players. So Tecmo did what any sensible developer would do: they turned Bomb Jack into a platform game with scrolling levels, and then because that wasn’t enough, they made sure it was full of weird Tower of Druaga-esque secrets and warps. And for good nature, they kept in some single screen Bomb Jack levels because, well, it’s Bomb Jack.
The issue with Mighty Bomb Jack is immediately apparent. Bomb Jack’s big, drifty leap makes for a very strange feeling platform game where you have to like… go right. Enemies act just like they do in the original, too, meaning that you really just want to jump and drift them off screen immediately lest they seek you. Which actually makes most of the game sort of trivial because the levels are all short and once you know the pathing it’s all about getting through them as quick as possible. The warp system is also probably one of the most easily understood you can imagine (no Atlantis No Nazo confusion here) as you simply have to pick up the lit bomb last on each single-screen stage for it to skip you forward a full level. I’m not 100% sure this was as (originally) intended, because it would surely make more sense for you to be rewarded with a level skip for collecting every bomb in order, but it works because that’s still hard to do and if you skip a levels and die, you go back to the level you started skipping from. So there’s an interesting risk/reward there: you can choose to skip some levels, then purposefully not warp before an easier level to “save” your place if you think you might die later–or just use it to skip to how far you got in the game before.
Though I’m making it sound like a bit of a walkover, to avoid this there’s all that Tower of Druaga-type stuff. Levels are packed full of secrets that require you to jump in the correct place, or at the correct time, or multiple times, to make things appear. There are secret warps, secret treasure rooms, and you can’t beat the game with the “best” ending by warping there; you have to collect two crystal balls and 5 secret coins that (like all of these games) basically require you have prior knowledge to find. One of the most interesting things about Mighty Bomb Jack, actually, is there’s a completely obscure performance ranking known as “Game Deviation Value” and you can’t be too greedy because if you ever collect too many power-ups, you’re immediately sent to a “Torture Room” where you have to jump 50 times while avoiding enemies, just to go back to playing the game with all your power-ups removed!
Until you get to the very end–a punishing gauntlet of single screen challenges that throw you back to an earlier zone where you have to perform a challenging dance just to find a secret to get to the ending–Mighty Bomb Jack isn’t really that hard. It’s just very complicated. I haven’t even tried to explain here the system of powering up into different coloured Bomb Jacks because I’ve played all the way through this and I still don’t entirely understand it. This is a really good example of a team trying to hit the zeitgeist and overegging it entirely; but to be fair, if they’d just ported Bomb Jack instead even I’d be saying “well it’s just Bomb Jack, innit.” 
Of course, when I played this, I abused the warping so I just played the single screen Bomb Jack levels mostly because I like those best. You cannae win.
Will I ever play it again? Switch Online is a bit unusual as it often puts up “versions” of games that are just essentially save states to the ending/second loop or whatever, and while some are pointless, I rather like that here they put out a “High Deviation Value!” version where you are right at the horrible ending gauntlet with everything required to get the best ending. I could have bothered to do it for real, but it’s unpleasantly onerous so I didn’t. Anyway, as a result I have no reason to play this again.
Final Thought: That said, Mighty Bomb Jack is a rare example where the North American release was actually easier than the Japanese version, with many sections of the original requiring you jump way more times than you would ever think to and the entire best ending locked behind weird tricks like having to go to the next section with your score ending in 70. I suspect this is why the High Deviation Value version exists because who on earth has time for that.
Hi. If you've been following this tumblr, you will be familar that I usually try and drive to towards my ko-fi after every article. However, I would instead like to ask you for a favour--could you check out the fundraiser my best friend Steven is running to help cover travel insurance costs? I know there are so many deserving causes, but Steven has a stage 4 brain tumour and it would mean the world to me if you considered donating, or sharing his page, to help make his remaining time the best ever.
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
rebrand conflict
idk how to decide what is a good or bad decision in terms of like...wanting to rebrand. i wish i could count back to how long i have used "morrysillusion" overall, i dont have a specific date. but i know after the white/brown antelope/wolf fursona, i think i dropped "moreyytilatot"? i think i tried to just go by "morey" in some form (i recall "princemorry" url). and then i dropped the 'nisovinsillusion' url maybe in early 2016? but i also had the coffini url here for a good while after. i cant remember if i used morrysillusion outside of tumblr around that time so. idk...
and heres the thing-- i dont really feel disconnected from my username, its fine and i think its p cool. but also in my head i keep wanting to change it, and part of that is wanting to claim a super old username i have no bad associations with. and i think part of that is bc of all the ways i am trying to do the things i was denied through my younger years-- so i am just reliving a lot of nice things and recalling the vibes and online trend etc i had. but also like.... attitude? personality wise? i feel like im not reflecting that w my current "brand" so to speak. at the very least if i didnt change my username, i still dont feel like the current look is something i want. i think the urge on the username change is just an additional feeling to push away from what i have been under this name.
the username i keep wanting to fall back to is 'spikeinthepunch/spikedpunch' (had the short one on xboxlive and the long one on deviantart) which was a short lived username but has no negative relations to anything, and i wished i kept it for a bit longer. and its kind of an edgy username lol. but in my recent years of growing as an adult, moving out, and being my own person, i feel soooo different than how my accounts have been presenting me. i guess ive been like soft, simple, and stiff in presentation? i think i fell into this when i was thinking id keep doing art commissions etc in a "professional" way, and especially bc i was doing my CN internship around then and wanted to still look presentable for the industry when looking for jobs. and while i certainly would love to work in the creative industry potentially, i obviously dont need to keep up that Normal-er image, i never should have, but also at that age and time i didnt feel like i could be that way at all. i was far more nervous of people interpreting me badly, negatively, etc if i was more edgy or mature. i was young and not dealing with my issues and so fixated on trauma etc.
this is also lining up w my plans to rework my website too. and i think a lot of this feeling also comes along w my "mascot" who i think is lovely! but him being a "mascot" makes him.... very detached from me as a person. i havent had any sonas to relate to in almost over a year... and my mascot was never meant to be a sona, just a Guy to represent my vibe (the colors, aliens) and social media appearance. and i guess i dont like that vibe anymore. i havent even felt all too into the shift i made to Mikike just having a vague spacesuit either, i felt i was just forcing that in order to fit the simple minecraft skin format for readability. (if people were to draw my skin, making it plantigrade and less animal would be easier)
and of course an additional observation i have had in more recent times are manic episodes that make me uproot parts of my life and change a lot of stuff about my identity etc. it may not seem like that happens online but its bc i manage to hold back on changing things abt my online branding lol- but it often results in making sideblogs for whatever new fandom/media i attached to in my episode and irl changing my entire appearance to fit and much more (and promptly drop both in about a month or so- its why i have so many abandoned sideblogs). this is obviously the bigger issue bc its what makes it Very hard for me to not do this (n yes i am in a bit of an episode rn despite my medication so...). and shocker, so many of my username/url changes and failure to ever keep one long enough to form an identity is related to that as well! its a surprise i havent done it in years but it was the expectation to stay with one identity, one look, in order to be Normal and recognized in a professional way, and i dont like that.
making this post and dumping thoughts has me thinking on a solution. as i said i dont really feel detached from my username. but what i dont relate to the most now is the way i feel i have gotten stuck in presenting myself online, and as a "brand". i want to toss out my color scheme, my mascot, my outward attitude. i want to let myself actually present in a way i like and not in a way that feels "clean". when my wcrp got shut down i had to come to the idea of acceptance and letting go of things i cannot control. and the reality of what truly doesnt matter in terms of what people may think of me. that was a huge pressure left on me for YEARS thanks to 2014-16 tumblr mindset and it is so so much harder to break esp if you want to try and be a creator and build an audience. i felt like i had become aware of this, and i have, but i didnt really click the fact that i wasnt into my current online presence bc i was still living with a piece of that era.. the fear of getting popular and being 'called out' for something for years ago, that wasnt even serious or bad, feeling like i was stepping carefully everywhere even when nothing was wrong. this doesnt entirely tie to WHY i want to do all the above. its just an observation on one of the things that hold me back too. just staying the same and staying safe. i hardly ever post, and while its something i chose to do its also a 'bonus' to not giving people much things to read off of me and assume from too.
this is getting too long and i think i have my point. idk what im gonna do but im thinking a lot abt how i should take control of my online life.
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Hey proseman! It's timeline time!! Legacy: 8, 15. Sarril: 6! And then be nice to him with a 7. And did you think you'd ever get an ask from me that didn't have Ecstasy in it. She's your sexy, sexy albatross, bitch. Ecstasy: 4, 12
oh bitch i know you love her dont you worry you’ll get your ecstasy time. dyke looking ass :/
also since i’m answering this 2 years late i’m not doing sarril fksdfhskdj i’m prioritizing my tiefs instead. war is hell (war is my inability to reliably write).
8. The timeline in which they gain everything they want, except the thing they wanted the most.
(TW in this one for fucked-up hell stuff and the pretty much unprovoked goring/murder of a low-tier devil who can’t fight back.)
It’s hot, in the Hells. Even for something like Legacy now is - she’s still changing, and she’s somewhere in between tiefling and devil, that amorphous middle that means she’s still hot. All the time.
Zariel doesn’t really trust her yet, but that’s okay. It turns out that her grandmother is still surprisingly warm, even down here, and Legacy is just as soothed by her talons in her hair now as she ever was up top.
It turns out that there’s still plenty for a devil’s lackey to do, even if they’re not trusted, especially when they still have the same amount of power as they did when they were - alive? on the Material Plane?
Legacy hasn’t figured which she is. “Dead” and “alive” aren’t exactly the same when you’re no longer really where alive people go.
The fact is, it no longer matters to her. When she’s finished transforming - perhaps Zariel’s left hand while Baba is her right - she’s betting she cares even less than she does now.
Anyway, it’s hot. It might be hot for a long, long while. Still, she could have it worse.
Two of the imps - what were their names? - Drogmud and Golvan, or something like that - are bothering one of the lemures. Legacy doesn’t know its name, and she probably never will.
Drogmud and Golvan - okay, that’s definitely isn’t right but it was definitely a D and a G - flit around the mass of flesh that resembles a head, poking sharp fingers into it and drawing blood. They’re giggling, a harmony with its quiet pained moans.
Down here, things are simple. There’s a hierarchy, easy enough to learn and easier still to understand - the ones on the bottom get crushed, the ones on top get power.
Legacy’s on top. She enjoys Zariel’s palace and Baba’s attention (Bheyd in front of Zariel, and Orias everywhere else) and the fact that she’s not being ground under boots.
There’s a dim memory, from up top, of a large tome and the word lemure. The footsoldiers of the Hells, the bottom of the ladders. Dying over and over again in an endless war.
Legacy’s only died once. Twice, arguably. She remembers the terror of it. The cold, the dark. She can’t imagine doing it for eternity, without any letting up, without any hope of promotion, just slow oozing over cracked pavement, babbling gibberish in Infernal. Laughed at by even imps. Bleeding for the bad humor of two devils that don’t ever get much bigger than housecats.
Golvan pokes again, this time getting one of the lemure’s eyes. It makes a truly pitiable sound and finally smacks at the imps that have been bothering it this whole time.
Legacy watches it miss. But that doesn’t matter.
Legacy watches the imps descend upon it like locusts. Teeth and claws turn the lemure to meat, the gibbering mouth of it shrieking in pain, wordless and pleading.
That could have been her, she knows, without Baba. Her horns have started to branch and they’ve started looking bleached, and there’s nubs in her back of growing wings - they itch like hell - but she could have been... that. She’s lucky. She has what she wanted.
The lemure finally gives up, shrieking turning to choking. The imps leave the flesh before it starts to dissolve, bored now that their meal isn’t fighting and complaining. That lemure will, over a few days, rejuvenate wherever its remains are thrown out and be right back to where it was before - bothered by imps, or maybe torn to shreds by demons, later. One of the nameless masses. Never promoted. They could have been the most evil person in the Material Plane or simply have made one too many bad decisions, and they’ll be here forever.
And that could have been her. If she hadn’t stayed with Baba, if she had passed up the power she has now, she’d be the one watching the tiefling see her ripped apart, asking for help and getting none. She wouldn’t be the one watching.
No, this was the right decision. Power is - this is what she wants.
She should get back to Baba.
Legacy kicks the wet flesh as she passes it, and barks to the imps, “Clean up your own messes, or you’ll join them.”
She doesn’t look back to see what they do with it.
15. The timeline in which they let a chance go by.
There’s a lot of noise on the docks at this time of day. This part of Os Kvelya is a little crowded, because the Lower Docks’ streets aren’t quite wide enough for the volume of people they serve. Legacy’s always wondered how deliberate a choice it was, if some city planner ever decided they could go just a little narrower to fit in one more tiny apartment on the block.
Still, even with that noise, there’s an easy way to figure out what is and isn’t normal. The normal noise is like a low drone, occasionally shattered by sharp noise from only a couple feet away as a mom cries out a name to keep her child nearby or a worker gets berated for getting in late. Normal conversation. Normal day in the docks.
What isn’t normal is a scream like that.
A scream like that gets attention, and more importantly, gets Legacy’s attention.
She makes her way to it immediately. With a scream like that, something’s happened, and with a scream like that, there’s something for someone like Legacy to do.
She’s not the first one on the scene, unfortunately. There’s a crying woman - the source of the scream, probably - and a dead body. More than that, there’s a group.
Some albino wolf sniffs at the corpse as - going off the veil and the authoritative shouting Legacy had just heard - a Gravedigger and a city guard start their own investigation.
Legacy pauses. Considering.
Chance lets the world pause, too, to let her decide.
She steps back with the crowd. Bad luck that she wasn’t there first, but she’s not getting involved with a Gravedigger et al.
The world turns on.
Chance takes another path.
4. The timeline in which they knew beforehand of something they would have prevented if given the chance.
Raini’s meant to leave today, for the Hells.
Ecstasy isn’t going to let her. She knows better. There’s some... sixth sense she has, who the hell knows where it’s from. Maybe it’s another gift of Asmodeus’, the same way the horns and tail are. Maybe it’s that damned gun, still draping over her shoulders and whispering her own voice in her ear.
Either way, Raini’s meant to leave today.
She’s deeply asleep when Ecstasy sneaks out of bed. Ecstasy’s very good at sneaking, and after a night like last, Raini’s not stirring anytime soon. Maybe that’s the only reason Ecstasy’s doing this.
No, there’s more to it. She knows, somehow. If Raini goes to the Hells, she won’t be coming back. Not dead, but - gone. Ecstasy knows the same way she just knows Infernal.
“Arvest,” she hisses, shaking the bundle belowdeck. “Up, now.”
Arvest, confused but compliant, follows Ecstasy up to the deck, the sun only just starting over the horizon, like it’s considering just going back to bed with everyone else. “What do you need, Captain?”
“I need a Sending,” Ecstasy tells them. “And I need you to mess around with it.”
Arvest blinks slowly. “How?”
“Listen. I need you to send this to Cylthia, okay? And make yourself sound like Raini, or as close as you can.”
Arvest holds up a finger, then fishes out a wire. Ecstasy lets them work. They usually mess with their material components when they need to mess with a spell. They consider it for a second, bending it around and pinching the end of the loop so it’s a little pointed. The ends of the wire get twisted together, then Arvest holds it up. It looks a little like a feather. “What’s the message?”
“Cylthia,” Ecstasy starts.
The feather vibrates a little and almost echoes, Raini’s voice, Cylthia.
“I’m not coming to Hell.” not ... Hell. “I know we talked, but I'm enjoying my retirement. Bring someone from the B team and apologize for me.“ retirement ... team ... apologize ...
Arvest does their thing, then tilts their head. Cylthia responding.
“She’s confused,” they report. “At least, more or less.”
“Send back.”
Arvest holds up the feather again.
“What's confusing? I was clear, I'm not going. Take Dezon or something. Leave without me. I don't want to explain to four more people. Go.”
Arvest goes silent again. “I think she bought it.”
“Okay, good. I don’t think she can cast Sending to check, so. When Raini doesn’t teleport in, they’ll take it as legit.”
Ecstasy avoids Arvest’s questioning, disapproving look. Raini’s not going anywhere. Raini’s going to sleep through their meeting time and teleport to an empty room. By then, the other Motherfuckers will already be in the Hells, and Raini won’t be able to get to them.
She’ll be incensed that Ecstasy didn’t wake her up, and when the story comes up, furious at the lie, but she’ll be here. That’s what matters. That’s all that matters.
12. The timeline in which they had a person in their life when they needed one the most.
Here’s the thing about Ecstasy. She had everyone she needed. Her parents were great, her childhood was fine. She became one of the most feared slash respected ship captains in the world. What does she have to complain about? Where does anyone get off, saying she needs someone?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m just so thirsty, says the voice in her ears. You can’t imagine. She will need a funeral. Isn’t this a small price to pay for the power I give, though? It’s your own fault, you fucking forgot, didn’t you? I get so thirsty, I warned you. Wipe the blood out of your nose. I’ll drink that too, don’t think I won’t. If no one else is around.
Ecstasy considers throwing the gun into the ocean beneath them. But that won’t fix the corpse behind her. It probably won’t stop her making another, either, it’ll just make them harder to kill.
She’ll need another first mate.
“Ecstasy?” comes the voice from behind her.
It’s not- it’s Raini, not- Ecstasy recognizes the voice, anyway. One of the ship passengers not cooling to ambient.
You sound angry, says the voice. Sing-song.
“What?” Ecstasy asks again, angrier.
She turns. Raini’s got her hands up. “Excuse me. You’re the one brooding over here.”
Ecstasy glares. For a woman who’s been here a sum total of five times, Raini’s kind of an uppity bitch.
“What,” she repeats.
Raini crosses her arms. “When are you moving her?”
“When I’m ready.”
“She can’t stay on the deck forever. Get someone to bury her. Hell, I’ll do it. I used to be in a temple.”
Ecstasy, despite herself, despite everything in her head right now, is surprised. “You were?”
Raini rolls her eyes. “You don’t have to sound so surprised. Yeah. I’ve got it.”
Ecstasy finally flicks her eyes to the body. The blood probably won’t stain the deck - it’s treated - but. But.
“You need to take care of her,” she finally says.
“I’ll bring my coworkers, minus Lent. They’ll take her off.” Ecstasy gets the impression Raini is trying to be nice.
“Bring Zize,” Ecstasy says. “I’m - I don’t want this anymore.”
“Alright. Sure. You’re the captain.” Raini looks to her too. “You’re... are you, you know?”
“No,” Ecstasy says. “But thanks.”
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
I have 3 more lines from the flashback I want to talk about:
[But I’m not as kind of a person as Tommy is,” she told him]
[“I don’t think I’m a kind person either,” Wilbur then admitted]
[“I don’t think either of us were meant to be kind.”]
These lines give us a lot of insight into how Wilbur thinks about himself. And it hurts. Because Wilbur thinks he isn’t meant to be kind. Wilbur falls under the common misconception that being kind is something you are, not something you choose to be. Tommy is kind and Wilbur is not. And that has to hurt, because Wilbur knows he isn’t kind. He knows he's mean and petty and he leans into it because it’s easier than fighting what he’s meant to be.
But what hurts even more, is that he’s wrong. It’s about whether he was meant to be kind, it’s about whether the world was kind to him. Because it’s a lot harder to be kind to the world when to world isn’t kind to you. And the world wasn’t kind to him or Nikki. So they are mean because everyone is mean to them. But they are kind to Tommy (most of the time), just like everyone else. So Tommy is kind.
But now the world isn’t kind to either of them. And Tommy keeps being kind, keeps looking for kindness because he knows it's there. While Wilbur keeps being mean because that’s what he’s always gotten and that’s what he’ll get here as well. It’s funny how the people around them seem to match their attitude. Tommy gets kindness and Wilbur gets power plays.
I was so proud of those lines ty for pointing them out!!!
I want to say, when niki says "neither of us were meant to be kind," she's referring to the fact that the world hasn't been kind to either of them, so they're not going to be kind back. so it's basically what you said, and but it's less of a "some people are just born kind" and more "fate decided we weren't meant to be kind because it decided the world wasn't going to be kind to us".
I haven't delved into a ton of Niki's own problems and backstory, but something to remember with her character especially when she says stuff like that is that she was eight years old when she got sent over to Eldingvegr to basically be a lifelong diplomat. she was practically a baby when she was taken from her home planet and dumped onto a completely foreign one, assigned to basically act as a shadow to two boys she has never met before. an eight year old did not make the choice to become an emissary. that was a choice made for her. of course she deeply loves both wilbur and tommy and is happy she met them, but she holds resentment towards themis for doing that to her. so that's a bit of insight into niki's whole view towards the world
also, there's a difference here between the act of being kind, and actually being a kind person. wilbur and niki both have moments where they can be kind towards certain people, but neither one of them thinks of themselves as a person whose first instinct is to be kind to others. tommy, however, is kind to others right off the bat. it's a very interesting contrast to draw. different viewpoints of the world and the different reactions they get as a result. lots of fun there :)
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ralofofriverwoods · 8 months
hii i admittedly don’t remember much about your ocs so i dont have specific ones in mind, but here r some ask prompts for whichever ocs u wanna answer it for: 5, 6, 9, & 21
(i can’t be assed to try and copy paste them all on mobile <3)
That's alright lol I have not posted much sensible stuff about them. Once I get the master post up it’ll be good I think
This was wayyyy longer than I thought it would be 😭 so answers are under read more
I color coded the names bc it’s easier to read for me
5 - how far is your oc willing to go to get what they want?
Virthik will go pretty far, but once it gets too inconvenient or dodgy he tends to split off of whatever the original idea was, and try and do it himself. Or he just gives up on it all together, if it’s not super consequential. Path of least resistance and all that
Farlian refuses to hurt friends and aquaintances she likes, and prefers to not mess with regular people, especially when they’re just kinda normal n well mannered. She’s pretty good at persuasion tho, so it’s much easier to avoid killing/hurting people
Zuft’zahr can and will drain you of your life savings if it’s important enough, and has enough contacts to get what he wants when he wants it. He just prefers less extreme stuff so he doesn’t have to write as many letters.
6 - how easy could your oc be convinced to do something that goes against their morals?
Virthik has. Questionable morals to begin with, but he won’t cross the boundaries that he does have for almost anything. He’s gotta draw a line in the sand somewhere, even if it’s a little bit weird and scraggly and too deep in some places
Farlian can be convinced, it just takes a lot of time and energy. If it’s presented well enough she could be tricked, but whatever is done would have to be fast so she couldn’t ponder too long.
Zuft’zahr has also got arguably questionable morals, he’s just a little more flexible with it. If there’s a good reason to go against what he feels is right he’ll do whatever is needed, but he doesn’t like crossing his boundaries too much. He’d much rather look over all the options for hours before making a decision over taking someone’s word for what it is. Which he has done before lol his fav shout is slow time for a reason
9 - do you have a specific lyric or quote you associate with your oc?
Hsgdhshsjs oh boy do I. I have so many. So so so many. I will only list a few but I have almost every song on my liked playlist(600+ songs) assigned to at least 1 character
Ok so farlian I associate with a lot of dirt poor robins songs, mostly the songs All There Is(deluxe edition), Enchanté, To The Heights, and Babylon. Ofc there are quite a few but I am also a little biased bc they’re amazing. The lyricist is what I imagine she would sound like, so it’s a very hard task to choose just one lyric. I’m sure I have a quote assigned to her somewhere but I have like 13 different oc info storage places and I would not be able to find it in a reasonable time lol
I associate Virthik with a lot of moodier ajr songs, like The Good Part and The Dumb Song, but that may be a little bit of projection when I feel frustrated haha. I also associate him with some rock songs like paper machete, little sister, what the peephole say, friends in low places, etc. generally more angry+loud stuff or sad mad stuff, if that makes sense.
I don’t have near as much for Zuft’zahr, unfortunately, but I know for a fact he would listen to lemon demon songs a LOT. And maybe some of The Correspondents
21 - does your oc have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
Virthik has got some chronic shit going on just kinda. All over. Turns out turning into a fucked up gutted dragon semi frequently really takes a toll on the body. It’s not too bad all the time, but it’s normally semi evident. When it flares up he mostly just tries to avoid the northern parts of Skyrim, so the cold doesn’t exacerbate it. He’s also trying to make some potions to help out some,
He’s also got anxiety, ‘specially in often populated spaces like dragonsreach and the bigger cities. He definitely prefers hanging with the dragur and dwarven automata. he’d rather die than admit it, but it’s definitely there. Most of the time it’s manageable but sometimes just skipping a crowded area for a few hours is best. Hes also been trying to do breathing excercises, since he found out about the whole Dragonborn thing. It’s mostly for the shouts, but it helps with the anxiety too.
Farlian has whatever flavor of adhd that I have and doesn’t really focus on any one thing fully, but like. I’m not diagnosed by anyone other than my friend who has it, so take that with a cup of salt. She just gets all of my not sad brain juice, so whatever I have she has.
Zuft’zahr has a glaring lack of issues compared to virthik especially, but his role in the big metaphorical picture is ‘the reference material’ or the grounding force. So he’s meant to be like taking a step back, grabbing a bite to eat and a nap, and looking at your problem again in a few hours with a clear mind. He gets to be a little bit more ‘normal’ because of that
I’m always trying to learn more abt different mental stuff, but If I don’t know about it in great depth I won’t add it to a character explicitly. Makes it hard to simulate their character if I don’t know exactly how their brain works, yk?
Buhh sorry this took so long I was not able to focus on it for more than like 10-15 minutes at a time, so It was hard to make it make sense. But I hope u liked my answers!!
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