#It’s 2:40 am- I should probably sleep
tardis--dreams · 1 year
God i could have such a chill evening if it wasn't for that doctor's appointment tomorrow morning looming over me
#this wouldn't be so stressful if i didn't have to take a train to get there#the ride is only 4 minutes but i have to walk to the dr's office for 1.8 km which is about 24 minutes#but i haven't really been to this town before and don't know the way so i have to use maps to get there#and the appointment is at 8:30am and the train i would Like to take is scheduled for 7:54 am which would be fine#if the fucking bahn worked and was punctual for once but there's no punctual trains in this godforsaken country#so my anxiety tells me that this train will arrive 8:15 am at the earliest instead of at 7:58am#so i would be late and i can't be late i would just kill myself#but if i want to play it safe i have to take the train 30 minutes earlier which would mean I'd have one hour#to walk there and I'm Really not in the mood of just spending 30 minutes waiting outside like a weirdo because i have too much time left#so my options are either take the risk and be relatively punctual rather than having 35 minutes left to spare#or just waste an hour of my life because I'm too afraid to potentially be late#also the fact i have to wait for a train back home again and cannot plan this at all because idk how long I'll be in the office#is so annoying#and also I've never been to this doctor and i don't know how the whole thing will go and how the rooms and everything look like#and it's stressing me out#also that i have to plan at least 2 hours for an appointment that probably won't take longer than 5 minutes#because of the fucking trains#anyway#i should go to sleep now#40 hours without sleep and not more than 4 hours on average the days before have left me broken lmao#i gotta practice my lines though. i cannot go in without a rehearsed script. gotta be careful around doctors and choose your words wisely#otherwise they won't take you seriously or think you're overdramatic and dismiss any concern as 'anxiety'#yeah no i don't trust them- i hate relying on them- let me be free ahhh#void screams
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sea-salted-wolverine · 2 months
No one should ever go to Kasilof. It is a terrible place with terrible weather and overflowing porta potties and overstuffed dumpsters with child snatching and dogfighting and some crazy guy swinging a sword that got shot by the cops. Awful stuff really. Best avoided. Just not worth the bother.
That was the gist of the news stories leading up to the kasilof sockeye runs this year it was no issue at all to find a camping spot and it wasn't nearly as crowded so I totally agree with the mainstream media on this one. It's a den of vice and iniquity. Stay away. The rent lowering gunshots clipped a reporter.
So this year we went down with a largish caravan of 4 family's worth of people and junk and a limit of 170 fish to catch. We're soo good at planning and logistics that this went off with no hitch and no arguments (lying). Since we also had a very pregnant lady and excited 2 year old who would not be fishing but were still counted towards the limit we planned on being there for a while, at least 3 days if not more. We also had the damn dog.
So at least I was planning on a few days of chill fishing and a long slog. My brother in law left an hour or so early with his girlfriend and had one job, to find us a good spot to descend upon and set up our camp. They did not do this. One job. The fishing was hot so they didn't even really bother to park, we pulled up on his truck kinda packed off to the side of the road and he was down in the water with a pile of fish on the beach because he didn't even have a cooler ready.
So by the time we bitched him out, found a campsite, set up camp and squared everything away, it was approaching midnight. This is normal, you fish the tides as they come and its not like it gets dark so wandering the beach all night long is expected so long as you're considerate of those trying to sleep.
But then.
My Sunshineman brought his boat. I knew he brought his boat, I was in fact the one arguing that he needed to do things like park and set up camp rather than do exactly what his brother did and throw himself into the river as soon as he saw fish coming in, while neglecting those little things like, food and sleep. But since we were done setting up, he wanted to go fishing from his boat. At midnight.
I had been up early that morning to do terrible things in the bilge of a different, much larger boat that resulted in fun colored bruises on my ribs and sore shoulders, so I wasn't particularly feeling the vibe on this one. I helped launch the boat and then bowed out to go pass out in a pile of blankies in the sand.
In the time it took two set up camp and launch the boat Adak, the dog, managed to get into a fight and have his face ripped up. He is huge and he is stupid but he doesn't take shit but he was on leash while the other dog was running loose, so the impulse was to pull him back, if he had been left to his own we probably would have gotten away with out anyone getting bit.
He's fine and chicks dig scars but its indicative that I had no idea this happened 25 yards away from me until adak came up to me and smeared his face all over my pants. My pants already had engine grease, bilge slime, grass stains, fish guts, coffee, mud, sand and a few baby boogers on them so what's a little dog blood too?
So yea, not my circus, not my monkeys, in tent, pants off, pjs on, cozy bitch in the blankies, out like a light, nothing better than sleeping on the beach.
Except for the fact that your husband wakes you up at 2 AM asking for help.
I'm convinced he kept it vague on purpose.
I'm up. I'm out of the tent. I'm still in my pj's. I have my drysuit on over top. My waders have a hole in them. It is, I cannot stress this enough, 2 AM.
The boat is a 16 foot mil surplus zodiac with a 40 horse Johnson, if you care about that sort of thing. It gets nice comments from people who do care. We usually run one person to drive, 2 to work the nets, and one optional person to handle fish as they come in. Sunshine went out with our 2 friends who AFAIK crawled off the boat and directly into bed after 2 solid hours of midnight deathmatch fishing, because I watched them stumble out of the boat and didn't see them again until breakfast. The boat was entirely full of fish. THEY CAUGHT 49 FISH IN LESS THAN 2 HOURS. Kasilof reds are usually smaller than Kenai reds but there must have been a secondary run because half were the average 6 or 7 pound fish and the rest were something like 10 lbs each.
At some point sunshine must have woken up his brother because he materialized from somewhere and we got the fish out of the boat into a cooler so we could drag them up to clean them. Then came the thing that we're all still more than a smidge irritated about. Sunshine went back out in the boat, by himself, to go get more fish while BIL and I cleaned the ones he had just brought back. We couldn't even yell at him because a good chunk of the beach was asleep.
So at about 4 am the sky has decided to shift from twilight to morning and I am sitting on a cooler of gutted fish in a superbly uncomfortable drysuit having a moment of perfect communication with the bald eagle sitting on the light pole at the end of the dock. We would both enjoy breakfast, preferably of fish. But it is four fucking am in the morning. And we should both be alseep. Breakfast is not a meal best enjoyed at 4 am. A nap sounds best.
Sunshine comes back with 3 more fish. I honestly do not remember what happened to those fish. Either I gutted them or he gutted them or maybe they got raptured into fishy heaven, (which looks suspiciously like the inside of a cooler) I legitimately do not know, because I think my REM cycle was starting up again.
I get a hand to haul the cooler back to camp. I peel out of the dry suit and was asleep back in my cozy sleeping bag blanket pile before Sunshine even made it to the tent.
At something like, idk, 6am, someone started splitting wood. loudly. I was awake enough to identify that it was near, and probably not a problem and I distinctly remember making the semi conscious decision to sleep through it. At about this point my phone died and for the rest of this trip I had no idea what time it was. I intended to take pictures and document things and whatnot and that just did not happen. The phone stayed dead and my hands stayed busy.
I woke up last, presumably because the demon that compels my mother-in-law to get up at 5 AM every morning had already woken everyone up with the wood splitting. She was toasting breakfast burritos, and it wasn't as if I had slept through the whole morning because I wasn't even the last to get a burrito.
My FIL made a joke that at least one of us got a full 8 hours and BIL earned back all his brownie points by jumping in to defend me unprompted. She was indeed up at ungodly hours playing with knives and dead fish. How dare you impune her honor simply because she looks so dewy fresh after sleeping in the dirt?
I did at least get the chance to put a net in the water from the beach but we were limited out by 1pm. That's enough fish fast enough that we were dumping out food and drinks coolers because we planned on freeing up space as we went. So I had our camp that we had intended to stay in for as long as a week broken down and hundreds of pounds of fish gutted and iced in a few hours. While drinking, because we had several days worth of food and drinks and beers that had been displaced by fish. The solstice vodka lemonade from matanuska brewing is great btw.
We had planned to overlap the end of our trip with the beginning of my mom and sister coming down so we could fish together, so I called mom as were were leaving the beach. From Sunshineman's phone of course, mine being dead at the bottom of a bag somewhere. As the current time was something like 16 hours from when we arrived, she assumed I forgot something or was just calling to tell her about the nice weather, or terrible weather, or confirming the news report's porta potty horror story. She didn't expect us to pull in a years worth of food in a single tide cycle.
So we get home without incident, and get to cleaning and fileting and packing and labeling at, some, late, evening time, maybe? I'm time blind on a good day and if I had a watch it would be covered in fish slime.
So yeah, this year's fish camp was condensed into a single solid slug of dense firey whatthefuckFISHfishFISHcleanpackgutgohome. Niece creature didn't want to change our of pj's so she wore the same outfit for her entire trip which is spectacular from a laundry standpoint because a toddler given free reign to a muddy fishy beach goes about as well as expected. She had a ball and then napped through almost the entire cleaning and packing process when we got home, which is what I wanted to do but instead I fileted triple digits worth of fish.
Mom went down later for the weekend and she got rained on for 3 days and caught 7 fish and a flounder. We caught the hot run and came home with fish but at what cost?
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saltygilmores · 1 month
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Season 3, Episode 12. "Lorelai Out Of Water" Part 1
Ladies, we have more filler. I can't complain. This episode was so easy that I watched it twice.
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Lorelai has offered her garage as rehearsal space to Hep Alien. But first! They have to clean out said garage, which they haven't attempted to enter in years. Then they debate whether or not Lorelai ever remembered to call the Garage Cleaner Uppers that one time a few years ago. Thrilling stuff! It's been a while since we've last had a sexually tense Luke vs Taylor showdown.
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Gilmore Girls is bought to you by our sponsors, Office Depot, Circuit City, and Blockbuster Video. Hold on. I'm getting word that Office Depot still exists. Really?
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Nothing to see here folks, just Rory comparing her mother to a woman famous for having sex with rockstars...then insinuating that she should sleep with Zach. I'm sorry Rory, this MILF only has eyes for one teenage boy. One who is a lot less talented than Zach.
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This is weird, but hoo boy, it's about to get weirder.
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Well well well. Who would have ever thunk that the deeply repressed Christian girl has a submssion kink? Soggy Rygalski is her Daddy ordering her around and reminding her that her drumming is inadequate. Lane personally requested that Dave verbally berate her in front of the other band members in order to...distract them? The plan is that if they see Dave treating Lane like a kicked dog, they won't realize they're crushing on each other? That's kinda messed up? This presumes that Dave and Lane are both confident that Brian and Zach will see Dave treating her like crap and have no thoughts about it except "I guess they're not smooching." Although we've yet to see if this plan, once put in motion, actually works. Anyway. Sure Lane's Dom Daddy is a lispy geek in a patterned sweater, but SaltyGilmores does not judge. It’s always the quiet ones am I right?
Seems like they’ve found a creative way to get off while staying in God's good graces. Have fun you kids.
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"Rory, this is all I have" Thanks to Rory I can cross off the "cockblocking" square from my End of Episode Bingo Card.
Rory tries to come to Lane’s defense, but since it was all just part of Lane and Soggy’s sex games it wasn’t actually necessary.
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Oh, we know why.
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From the messed up mind of AmyShermanPalladino.
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"Yes Daddy"
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SAME. Oh. She's talking about the place. The place with all the coffee. Alex's kids are named Hilary and Jeff, 6 and 9.
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Once again, Lorelai is no Miss Cleo.
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Of course she said yes. Alex is totally worth waking up at 5 am for. Back in The Hollow, Lane is chipping away at Mama to obtain permission to go to the prom and hatching another harebrained scheme to bring Soggy Rygalski into Mama's good graces, it involves a Korean wedding and Rory is invited apparently. Whatever.
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Well well well. Look who took the place of Stars Hollow Beauty Supply's worst (dead) employee. No respect for the dead, huh. Not even a little shrine or memorial plaque or photocopy of her obituary displayed on the counter. Tragic. #Honk
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Where did Lane get 40 bucks? At the Inn, Lorelai is speaking to Sookie regarding her Fishing Date Regrets.
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He sounds dreamy. Tell me more.
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And the Mid Season Temporary Love Interests just keep on comin! Now we just have to wait for Lindsay. Oh dear God. I just remembered Max comes back in this season too. And maybe even soon. Help. While Lorelai seems to have terrific chemistry with her new temporary Luke substitute (Alex), Luke's Lorelai substitutes (Rachel, Nicole) have always fallen flat and seemed dreadfully boring to me. That's probably on purpose. We're stuck with her for a while. Whatever.
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Hey look everyone. There's the baby. Where have you been, young man? I've hit my 30 screenshot maximum. Stay tuned for part 2. (As always, your comments, feedback, reblogs and tags make my day)
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leixwhite02 · 9 months
how do you sleep?
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synopsis: when rafe cheats on reader she can’t comprehend how he can sleep at night when she’s up thinking
warnings: major angst, cheating, mention of sex, no fluffy ending, just pure angst
a/n: i kinda got sad writing this ngl… but i love angst fics when im angry and rn i’m angry 😭
part 2
masterlist || taglist
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it’s been a full week since you found rafe in bed with another girl, to say you were still hurting was an understatement. she was pretty, and looked nothing like you… makes you stay up late at night thinking if he ever loved you.
which is where you’re at now, you glance over at your clock on your nightstand next to your bed. 3:25 am, you don’t remember when was the last time you got a full nights sleep since it’s happened. your up wondering if he’s thinking about what he did, or even giving you a single thought. you sit there and think why you? you thought he loved you… as you’re thinking flashbacks come back to you.
your just now coming home from a long day at work ready to cuddle next to rafe and forget about today. you’re day has been shitty and all you need is your boyfriend.
as you make your way upstairs assuming that’s where he is being no where else in the house. as your walking up the stairs you think your hearing things, hearing a girls moans…
slowly you make your way up the stairs making little to no noise, as you turn the handle and open the door you see what you thought was the unspeakable, rafe and a blonde model like girl having sex, in your bed…
you shake the flashbacks out of your head before it gets too much, wiping the tears that have fallen down your face. you don’t know why you’re still hurting even after a week but you can’t believe rafe who preached he loved you daily, all of it was a lie.
you lay in bed for another 40 minutes deciding that maybe some water might help you sleep, as your going down the stairs all you can think about as you look around your apartment, all the moments you and rafe shared before all went to hell.
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rafes pov
i dread everyday without her, why did i have to be so stupid and make a drunken mistake? he wonders if she’s off with someone new or sleeping peacefully without him there. he’s thought about his choices over the past week, trying to forget but never could.
as he lays in bed, he stares at his ceiling then at the girl laying next to him in bed. he regrets keeping her after the fight with y/n but he needed a distraction. she’s probably off at clubs grinding up against the men anyways, he thinks as he looked at her.
rafe couldn’t even remember her name, all he could think about was y/n, she was the only thing on her mind and he needed to fix things with her as soon as he could. but would she be willing to take him back after everything?
as rafe ponders over what he should do he get out of bed and moves to the en-suite in his room. he looks at himself in the mirror, looking back at him was the monster that hurt a sweet girl.
“fuck” he mutters to him self, deciding to splash water on his face to cool himself down. he walks out of the en-suite and out of the bedroom he walks downstairs to the living room. maybe he should reach out to her? try and fix everything.
that’s exactly what he does, grabbing his phone out of his pocket he pulls up her contact to send her a text. he thinks for a while about what he’s going to say to her, does he send her a long paragraph on being sorry or start simple with a hey?
after thinking for a while he type out the text he wants “hey, can we talk?” and sends it going back upstairs to tell the girl in his bed that she needs to leave.
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a/n: sorry to leave you guys on a cliffhanger, if you want me to write a part 2 i can when i get the chance! i hope you guys enjoyed this, being my first writing, i would love feedback on how i can make my writing better!
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fullmoonfireball · 11 months
Pikmin 2 Personality Quiz Translation
quick disclaimer: I am not especially fluent in Japanese, I'm just some shmuck trying their best, so take these translations with a grain of salt. especially since there's some i'm really unsure of here.
feel free to play along with this link! or just scroll all the way down to the "results" section at the bottom if you just want to see the descriptions
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Thank you for Accessing [This Page]
Ahh, thank you! You came right away. I'm so happy.
Hey... If you don't mind... I could examine your personality!
View Content
(note: there's some usage of katakana in the paragraph where it typically wouldn't be, notably for the pronouns 'watashi' and 'anata', so I decided to bold those.)
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Pikmin Personality Quiz
Q1: What is the most important thing in your life?
Q2: Of the following 5 colours, which do you prefer?
Q3: Who can you not say no to?
My parents
My lover
My boss
There isn't anyone (None)
Q4: What word best describes your lifestyle?
(note: these are all onomatopoeia in the original, so an exact translation would be impossible, or at least unreasonable. hopefully this does the job fine.)
Q5: You're flying in a spaceship. What happens to you next?
I crash
I sleep
I explore an undiscovered planet
I fall
I go back home
(note: "I fall" could equally be "I fail". it's hard to say with so little context, but either way it's not good.)
Q6: How much money do you have saved up?
No more than 100 yen
No more than 1000 yen
No more than 10,000 yen
No more than 100,000 yen
More than that! I'm rich!
(I'm here for translations, not currency conversions, but this would be (in USD, since I'm pretty sure most of you are American even though I'm not): $0.67, $6.67, $66.72, and $667.21 respectively. the fact this was probably made for children really shows here.)
Q7: What's your favourite game?
The leisurely Animal Crossing.
Pikmin, of course.
As expected, it's Zelda.
Obviously Mario, right?
Actually, it's none of these.
Q8: What's your favourite creature?
Pellet Posy
Iridescent Flint Beetle
Q9: What's your LEAST favourite creature?
Beady Long Legs
Titan Dweevil
Bumbling Snitchbug
(note: this quiz seems to specifically be related to the New Play Control version of Pikmin 2, so the inclusion of the Titan Dweevil isn't QUITE as spoilery as it seems on first glance)
Q10: What's your favourite place?
Valley of Repose
Awakening Wood
Perplexing Pool
Wistful Wild
Inside the Onion
Q11: During a space trip, you're met with an accident, and end up shipwrecked on an uninhabited planet. What kind of planet is it?
A jungle planet
A sandy planet
A mechanized planet
A planet of bugs
It's actually Earth
Q12: If were shipwrecked on an uninhabited planet and could only bring one thing with you, what would it be?
My secret safe
My Game Boy Advance
My passbook
A novel
Q13: If you were to start a family in the future, how many children would you have?
I don't know
A lot
Q14: How would you describe your interactions with others?
Easy to get carried away
I don't care
Q15: Seriously, how old are you?
10 or less
20 or less
40 or less
60 or less
What a rude thing to ask!
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Check your personality!
(note: if you click this button before answering all of the questions, you will get a popup saying "Q[earliest unanswered number] has not been entered.")
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Your personality is [most like]...
The President.
Your strength is that you are honest about your feelings. Your energy as a leader is undefeatable.
However, you should maybe consider other people's feelings at least a little bit.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
The President's wife.
She's straightforward about her feelings, more so than you.
She always toys with you.
However, that's because she believes in you.
→ Back
(note: I have absolutely zero confidence in that middle sentence.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
A hard-working man who loves his family. He is popular among the Pikmin for his leadership.
However, he's a bit unlucky.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Olimar's wife.
No matter how destitute, she will always support you with great love.
There can be no secrets (such as a certain safe) between lovers or husband and wife.
You two can keep it together and not let the recession get to you.
→ Back
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Your personality is [most like]...
You're not so good at communication. People tend to misunderstand you, and have no idea what you're thinking.
Maybe you should voice your feelings more often?
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Louie's nana.
Her narrow eyes make her look like she can't see anything. But trust me, she definitely sees the real you.
Even if it's hard, please indulge her as much as you can.
→ Back
(note: another really hard phrase to translate on the partner pages, yowch. this time, it was the last line of her description.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
The Hocotate Ship.
On the outside, talkative to the point of being a blabbermouth.
But on the inside, actually a bit dry.
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Mr. Beady Long Legs.
A strong personality that will really shake your heart. Whether it's out of fear or love, your heart will keep thumping.
Once you get over these feelings, a new you awaits...... Probably.
→ Back
(note: because "さん" is gender neutral, this could equally be Ms. Beady Long Legs. hocotate ship yuri, i GUESS.)
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Your personality is [most like]...
The Pikmin.
Serious and hard-working. Your strong suit is cooperating with others. The type to thoroughly devote yourself.
But maybe you could assert yourself a little more?
THIS → is the perfect partner for you!
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Your perfect match is...
Mr. Bulborb.
It will lead you with a WILD personality.
A big maw awaits you.
Please look forward to some wild kisses.
→ Back
(note: again, could be Ms. instead)
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ryuichirou · 3 months
what kinda underwear do you think the male cast would wear?? i like to think Jade would go without some days, so improper!! OTL Floyd with the colorful patterns, whether he actually wears them tho is a 60/40. i can see him in those cliche heart boxers very, very easily. Do you think any of the cast would keep their lovers' underwear, like a souvenir? I could see Lilia doing it. 1/3 (the rest is just horny posting for a fish)
2/3 (this is *not* an art request just me being down bad for a semi-crazy assfish) I would die to see jade leech in lingerie OTL i cant think of any scenarios where he'd wear it, but god is it a beautiful mental image. Considering his take on clothing (being a mer+weird asf) I don't think he'd have any actual hangups about it, but he still wouldn't do it under normal circumstances. i think part of the appeal for me, is that you wouldnt expect a guy like him (big, top, JADE) to wear sumn like it
3/3 in conclusion  they took away my license because of how  fast i was undressing him
Hi Anon!
This is such a great theme for hcs, and I am very sorry that it took so long, but please understand: this is a very complicated subject, I just had to do research before writing it. Well, in actuality I was just googling all kinds of underwear over and over again until the picture in my head for every single boy looked right lol We’ll get to hcs shortly, but first I’ll reply to the other things you’ve said!
Btw, this ask is from MARCH, that’s how far behind I am in replying to those.
Totally agree about Lilia stealing his lover’s undies as a souvenir. This is his trophy, and he is very proud of them. He should have a display in his room…
Floyd also has his stealing undies moments. Some of the boys he sleeps with could be smitten with him enough to try to gift him their underwear, and Floyd would go “??? Why the fuck do I need these”. But sometimes? He just steals them lol He totally stole a couple of Riddle’s undies. He doesn’t really store them well though, so they’re just lying around his and Jade’s room…
Rook. Rook would also take trophies. And he would take such good care of them it’s insane. Now this is someone who would have a display somewhere… somewhere where no one would be able to see it unless he wants them to…
I also think Ortho would do it one time just because he wanted to play out the trope of having someone else’s panties in his room, oops! He’s a weird boy.
Can’t say much about Jade in lingerie, but it really would look good, not gonna lie….
Riddle – god I want him to have cute ones with a strawberry print, but realistically he is probably wearing just some plain tighty whities…. unless they have a pretty embroidered “R” on it, which is somehow even worse. I love him so much. Wait, would he be the one to wear undies with the weekdays written on them?
Ace – just some boxer briefs, nothing crazy; he used to have very colourful ones when he was younger, with fun prints and all, but nowadays he tries to be a bit more stylish and mature about it, so a lot of times he goes for dark-red/red/black ones.
Deuce – pretty neutral, but he does have a “lucky” pair of trunks that he always wears when he has something important going on that day… He also has a pair of very good seamless running underwear (deep blue with some light blue patterns), and he kind of cherishes them because it’s an expensive gift. Just wear them and run, Deuce…
Trey – he prefers boxers, the ones that are basically just shorts and aren’t tight. They also look pretty plain, but he has some with the tartan print. Usually green or red… He would look like a Men’s Health model if he wore something less loose and more stylish, but he loves his stupid tartan boxers!
Cater – boxer briefs, but the “leg” part is somewhat shorter; he has a variety of different ones, but it’s almost always some variation of grey and orange. He buys the ones that seem cool to him, even the sillier ones are on the cooler side; he is very happy that his sisters don’t have power over what kind of underwear he wears… he thinks about it every time he looks in the mirror after taking a shower.
Leona – probably something high-end and luxury, but he also doesn’t wear them all the time. He wears something short, slick and sporty when he does anything sport-related and needs support for his balls, but other than that – nah, putting on underwear is just another annoying unnecessary extra thing to do.
Ruggie – he bought the cheapest ones available in bulk when he was like 13, and he still wears them (they were a little big for him when he first got them). His grandma said that it has to be cotton, but other than that – it doesn’t matter, and Ruggie believes it wholeheartedly. So I guess some neutral grey briefs? Nothing too fancy.
Jack – oh this boy. He doesn’t like underwear that doesn’t give him good support, so all of his options fit pretty close to his body. I guess his signature ones would be briefs in which one leg is just plain black, and the other leg has a print of half of the wolf face… what, you think it’s cringe? At least it’s not the ones where the wolf’s face is in the crotch area… Jack actually thinks those are cringe too – he got a pair of those from Ace, Deuce and Epel for his birthday (google wolf underwear)
Azul – Calvin Klein and Hugo Boss are his best friends. Very… gentlemanly. He always picks the ones that would make him feel like a successful young man. They’re not too short, but a little shorter than regular boxer briefs, and always very tight. To some maybe even uncomfortably tight, but Azul doesn’t mind it at all for some reason. He has exactly 10 pairs of grey and purple ones, exactly 10 pairs of black and purple ones and a couple of white ones.
Floyd – a big collection, kind of like with his shoes and socks. He hates plain ones, but some of his undies aren’t obnoxious – he has a couple of pretty stylish and bright ones that aren’t too crazy. But yeah, a lot of them are pretty obnoxious and bright lol He loves loose boxers, but also has some tighter ones too.
Jade – yeah he’d go commando lol But not all the time. His choice of underwear is… eclectic. Of course, he has some plain ones (a couple of those are similar to Azul’s but in a different colour and size), but also? He has some surprisingly silly ones. Of course with mushrooms and stuff, or something that too cursed even for Floyd to wear. It just tickles Jade when he has a secret…
Kalim – luxury underwear! Mostly white + yellow/golden/orange ones, but he has some black ones as well. Super high quality, super special design, super cool-looking actually. And Kalim doesn’t even know that his underwear is different from the rest of the guys, but if he ever was to try on some other type of underwear, he would immediately feel discomfort and say that it doesn’t feel right against his skin. Too rough…
Jamil – his is also pretty high quality; even though his family serves the Asims, I feel like this is exactly why Jamil can afford a good pair of underwear. It’s not even remotely near the price tag of Kalim’s though, god forbid, no one should allow to wear underwear this expensive..! Anyways, since Jamil likes to go sleeveless, he probably prefers underwear that doesn’t cover his thighs at all, so just some regular tight briefs. It’s mostly black+deep red, his favourite colour combo.
Vil – there he is, the underwear guru. He has all kinds of underwear and sometimes changes it multiple times per day depending on his activity: he wears seamless short briefs for yoga so it’s not visible through his leggings, but still gives him support, he wears longer boxer briefs for jogging so his thighs don’t rub against each other too much, he wears some other type for flying… his collection is expensive, high quality and very well organised… What was that? A thong? Of course he wears a thong sometimes, it looks hot. And lingerie too, when it’s appropriate. Come on now.
Rook – there he is, the man who used to wear underwear with holes in it and didn’t even care. Point at him, laugh at him, and then say thank you to Vil Schoenheit who took one look at this creature and said “I can fix him”. Anyways, nowadays Rook wears a pair of seamless boxer briefs that hug his body tightly but don't feel suffocating; he owns a bunch of these in different colours. He also owns a jockstrap, and finds it kind of functional, but it makes his butt too prominent, so he doesn't wear it. It’s for special occasions only...
Epel – he fought his mum for the right to buy himself some new cool underwear before coming to NRC (having colourful undies your mom bought you when you were 12 SUCKS!), but he didn’t even get to wear them much because Vil saw them and gave him a lecture about how this is the worst type of underwear he could wear (pure polyester, are you serious??), and that Epel doesn’t care about the well-being of his down-there at all. Long story short, Vil got him some red+purple boxer briefs for the regular wear (not too tight, very comfy!) + a couple of  black pairs for magift (longer ones?? Epel didn’t even know it existed). Epel was actually worried that he would get some stupid girly underwear, but wow these are… kind of nice. But he would never admit that the ones Vil got are much better!!
Idia – he usually wears the grey ones with triangles that STYX issues for its personnel. They are pretty comfy, and you can just grab a box and boom – you don’t have to think about your underwear ever again, EASY. But also Idia has some kind of childish loose boxers… with his favourite characters, of course. This isn’t just underwear, it’s also merch. Perfect for rewatching 300 episodes of your favourite anime.
Ortho – how much he wishes he could wear underwear…! But if we’re talking about real!Ortho, I think he would also like good ol’ regular loose boxers. But overall his underwear collection is less childish than Idia’s, at least because he has some Calvin Kleines.  And yes, of course it’s black and neon blue. He doesn’t really like the STYX ones because they make him sad, but he wears those from time to time because he wants to match with Idia.
Lilia – the moment he discovered funky underwear he was never the same. It’s the same thing he does with socks: he buys everything that seems fun, even if it ends up not being his size: he just gifts it away to younglings, so it’s all good! I think every Diasomnia boy has at least one pair of underwear that doesn’t match his style at all, because it was Lilia’s gift… anyways, Lilia either wears black ones with bright patterns (black + neon green+pink!), or something completely obnoxious. Nowadays he’s also thinking whether he could pull off something cute+sexy…
Silver – he wears whatever and doesn’t think about it twice, as long as it’s clean and has no holes in it. The majority of his underwear are pretty boring regular boxer briefs + just regular boxers that aren’t as tight. He also has one silly pair with blue and pink birdies… a gift from father, of course. He always smiles when he wears them.
Sebek – his default is black+green briefs; his thighs are getting too powerful, so he doesn’t like shorts-type underwear these days. But he does wear one lengthier pair – and it’s special equestrian underwear that has padding on the crotch. Sometimes the boy just wants some extra protection against rubbing okay… it’s not as much of a problem for the rest of the equestrian club boys for some reason.
Malleus – it’s clearly custom-made just for him: it’s black, made of high quality special type of silk + has beautiful lacing. Honestly, Malleus panties are a piece of art. I guess it’s like traditional Briar Valley type of design, but super extra fancy; he is the future King, after all. It’s hard to say if it’s comfy or not, but it looks quite dramatic. Malleus also has some underwear that is lengthier, almost like leggings. 
Bonus round!:
Crowley – doesn’t wear anything. Don’t tell anyone.
Crewel – a big variety, a lot of bold patterns, but his favourite pair is a part of black trunks with a white zebra print. Shocking, I know. He has some pretty sexy ones though, maybe even a thong.
Trein – granpa undies… grandpa undies.
Vargas – unfortunately, probably a jockstrap.
Sam – well wouldn’t you want to know? :)
Che’nya – he almost never wears underwear. And he flashes people. He is a very, very bad cat. He only wears underwear when he knows his pants are going to slide down because he doesn’t know how to use a belt properly, and people are going to see that he is wearing boxers with cartoon hedgehogs tickling each other in a weirdly sexual manner. Bad, bad cat.
Neige – pretty plain ones! Almost all of his underwear is either white or light blue. Some of them have silly prints, almost too cute for a guy… He gets tons of very cool expensive underwear for free as promo, but he donates the majority of them without even unpacking it. Thank you for your kindness, but people need undies more than Neige <3
Rollo – he is similar to Riddle, but I also think he would be that one kid who wears some priestly old-timey looking cotton shorts, because these are more traditional, and traditions are to be cherished. One could think that this is a part of his school’s uniform, but nah, Rollo is just a little weirdo… looks good on him though.
Fellow – I’m sorry, it’s probably kind of bad :( it used to be a decent pair of boxer briefs that he got when they suddenly got lucky enough with money, but now it’s well-worn and has some holes in it. It also used to be bright orange, but now it has a pale sort of peachy hue… he wants to get something new to wear, but whenever they get the money, clothes aren’t really a priority.
Gidel – his aren’t as bad because Fellow always wants Gidel to have something at least a little bit better than what he has, but Gidel’s pair of boxers is clearly too big for him. It’s pinned around his waist just so he doesn’t lose them… it has some guy’s name written on the butt part, and while Fellow finds it kind of depressing (maybe he remembers the guy he stole those from), Gidel thinks it’s pretty funny.
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folkdances · 6 days
so the problem is that i'm 20 basically. quebec does college between high school and university and you can take a 2 or 3 year degree. 2 year degrees are meant to facilitate going into uni whereas 3 years are basically trade school. i didn't have the necessary prerequisites for the 2 year sciences program because i was in sec. 5 during the pandemic and my parents are immigrants and my high school didn't explain anything re:cegep so long story short i picked the wrong course and then couldn't switch it because my school was doing this split grade thing to stop the spread of the virus and they didn't want to risk anything by putting me into the other section. yay. and of course my parents wouldn't let me do social sciences so i got stuck in this stuuuupid fucking 3 year that i hated so so badly and i couldn't switch out because my dad started playing sunk-cost fallacy mindgames with me and then when i graduated cegep my parents were like "well why didn't you just take a semester of prereqs and switch into sciences" BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LET ME. but that's water under the bridge anyway so i'm doing 2 semesters of prerequisites at university now and i hate it also because admissions screwed up my file it was 100% their fault but i had no proof backing up my side of the story so there was nothing i could do about it so maybe it'll take me 3 semesters. i will have to talk to a counselor about this because as things are i will only be taking a singular 3-credit class in the third semester which is frankly absurd. but anyway so after that i need to take a science undergrad because of course i am doing science prereqs. and i love love love science but it's not the thing i'm like passionate about spending my whole life doing you know? so i focused on psych because it's at this intersection between humanities and sciences where i won't be like suicidal if i have to do it for the rest of my life. but the thing is for maybe 5? probably more years now my biggest dream has been to go to law school like i am not exaggerating i tried going to sleep just now and spent 40 minutes thinking about law school before i got so upset i cracked open my laptop instead of continuing to try to go to sleep. genuinely the idea of being a lawyer makes me so happy i could cry i love law i want to help people i want to make a change in the world but at the baseline i love law! i love civil litigation i love crim law i love labour law family law personal injury international law i love it all so deeply any one of my friends could attest to you that it is the number one thing i am interested in and fascinated by and i'm sure this sounds so silly and trivial to everyone but it is so important to me. but the problem is that i am 20 and will be 21 by the time i finish my prereqs meaning i will be 2 years behind everyone i graduated high school with. finishing my undergrad will take 2-3 years so i will be 23-24 by the time i finish. and law takes 3-4 years so if i were to get in (which is unlikely because they have an ~11% admissions rate) i would graduate anywhere between 27-29. that's just too much. if it were up to me i would have no problem with it but i don't know if there's any way my parents would be okay with that because it's a lot of money and a lot of time for a degree that i don't even know they'll like. ignoring the fact that my only hope for law is mcgill because they don't require the lsats which i cannot afford to take anyway. so i should just die basically
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astravv · 9 months
prompts pt 2 - requests OPEN
a/n : hello I got a bit of writer’s block so to keep this stream of fanfics going so here’s some prompts! angst, smut, and fluff. females included this time..
not all prompts were made by me!
smut prompts
1. “you look so pretty like this”
2. “i’m not wearing any underwear right now”
3. “i want to spend all night learning every sound you make”
4. “i think about you when i touch myself”
5. “open your mouth for me”
6. “shut up and cover your mouth. do you want to get caught?”
7. “lie back, let me take care of you”
8. “do you want to take this somewhere more.. private?”
9. “is this okay or do you want me to stop?”
10. “i’ve always wanted to do this with you”
11. “i want to watch you take off your clothes”
12. “you want to do this right now, even though we could get caught?”
13. “lay back and touch yourself, i want to watch”
14. “show me where you like to be touched”
15. “let’s fulfill that fantasy you have”
16. “friends? friends don’t know the way you taste”
17. “i know you think about me in the shower”
18. “you’re only calling me because you’re desperate”
19. “don’t make this something it isn’t, i’m not your girlfriend / boyfriend. i just want some company”
20. “i can fuck you better”
21. “when i touch myself, i think of you. when i’m with them, i still think of you”
22. “you should probably take me off the speaker phone, unless you want to share”
23. “you know how i like it when there’s people around”
24. “are you sure it doesn’t hurt?”
25. “how about you ride me?”
26. “does your ass hurt?”
27. “you like the thought of someone walking in on us, huh?”
28. “i’m sorry, you don’t enjoy being teased?”
29. “who gets to touch you like this?”
30. “you’re really good at that”
31. “i can’t wait to be inside you”
32. “sex is not all i think about”
33. “tits are meant to be played with and sucked on”
34. “tonight, you’re mine”
35. “i’ve had sex with you a lot in my head”
36. “hey, wanna fuck?”
37. “oh, so you’re a virgin?”
38. “do i make you nervous?”
39. “is that how you want it? rough?”
40. “is there any way i could repay you?”
fluff prompts
1. “hey why are you staring? is there something on my face?”
2. “you’re so oblivious aren’t you?”
3. “are you sure about this?”
4. “stay with me tonight”
5. “i’ll keep you warm”
6. “kiss me”
7. “you’re my favorite person”
8. “i’d follow you to the end of the earth”
9. “i think you’re probably the only one who understands how i feel”
10. “to me, you are perfect”
11. “just hold me”
12. “just one more kiss, please?”
13. “you look gorgeous”
14. “you’re all that matters to me”
15. “i am so proud of you”
16. “we should run away together”
17. “you bought me flowers?”
18. “you are the only thing that makes sense to me”
19. “you can stay for as long as you want”
20. “dance with me”
21. “i’m falling in love with you”
22. “everyday, i fall deeper in love with you”
23. “we will never be able to get to sleep if you keep fidgeting like that!”
24. “i’d never turn down a kiss from you”
25. “you are so addicting, my love”
26. “are you wearing my hoodie?”
27. “you’re such a flirt” — “only with you”
28. “break the rules with me”
29. “i love hearing you laugh”
30. “you make me smile on the darkest of days”
angst prompts
1. “i loved you”
2. “was it worth it?”
3. “that was the one thing i asked you not to do”
4. “you weren’t there, you were always with her / him.”
5. “you left me alone”
6. “we don’t work together”
7. “you’re too late”
8. “you were my everything”
9. “why do you go out of your way to hurt me?”
10. “we could’ve had everything, but no, you had to throw it all away”
11. “who are you anymore?”
12. “you’ve broke my heart too many times”
13. “i would’ve never done this to you”
14. “i’ve waited hours to tell you how i feel, but it seems that you don’t give a shit”
15. “i will never forgive you”
16. “let me go”
17. “please don’t make me go, i want to stay”
18. “i loved you, and you used me”
19. “i want you, why can’t you want me?”
20. “i can’t keep doing this anymore”
mondstadt : kaeya , diluc , albedo
liyue : zhongli , ganyu , keqing , yelan , xiao , baizhu
inazuma : ei , yae miko , kokomi , itto , ayato, kazuha
sumeru : alhaitham , cyno
fontaine : neuvillette , furina , wriothesley
sneznhaya : childe , dottore , pantalone , arlecchino
how to request
please put which character you would like in the fic (max 1), which prompt you would like, if you want you can add a little context, and either female or gender neutral y/n.
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thegorysaint · 4 months
Long Time No See
Hello everyone! I'm finally at the tail end of the rough month I had (and years).
 I wanted to get back to streaming today but i think i will take a couple extra days and start on Tuesday. Now I will explain what happened, so if you are not interested in that you can skip the read no problem : )
Mid May I got a really bad case of gastritis that lasted for 3 to 4 days, meaning, I had really bad stomach ache, I honestly dont remember but i probably ate something too spicy. Then after that week on a Sunday at 2 am I got what i thought was an allergic reaction to some ham and salami. I went to the ER when I started feeling itchy all over and my face swollen.
I stood around the ER for about hour and a half and I was not getting treated, so i just decided to go at the drugstore for at least some allergic medicine, i was feeling better on the way home but as soon as i was pulling up I felt bad again, i was really tired, it was almost 6 am so i went to take a nap to rest and let the medicine work. I woke up an hour later with a rash all over my arms and itchy all over my neck and chest. I googled to see if there was a 24/7 doctor nearby and luckily there was one.
After explaining everything I got a shot for the allergic reaction and some pills to take the next 3 days. Omg, it was so bad, at that time i didnt know the shot should of taken care of the reaction, so i thought it was normal and was gonna go away with the pills. The rash was going away little by little the next couple of ways but still very itchy and visiting the bathroom too many times during the day (not the good kind of bathroom visits).
After going to the same clinic but different Doctor, i was diagnosed with Food Intoxication, not food poisoning or allergic reaction, I had a fever that i didnt notice. So they were gonna give me antibiotics pills but i asked to get the injections, because I know antibiotics are really bad for my gut and i was already at my limit with the bathroom visits. Luckily the Doctor said ok and i had to take only 3 injections, 1 each day, and some pills in case i felt more pain or fever. Literally 40 minutes after the first injection i felt great, no pain in my stomach or guts, it got so relaxed that i was able to burp and without feeling nauseous for the first time in a week.
I was finally so relaxed that i was able to sleep a full night. After the 3 days have passed i was feeling so good, better than what i've felt in the last couple of months. I was able to eat without wanting to puke it out as soon as it touched my mouth, and the bathroom only saw me once a day. Funny thing is, my brother came for a surprise visit so, while i was still recovering physically, he helped me to recover mentally, he stayed for a week and by the end of it i was feeling so good and full of energy (even tho I was under the sun sweating my butt off a couple of days).
He left before this past weekend so i've been just recharging my social battery. I was feeling so good i got into the pool a couple times to just relax, pretty much I had a vacation week because my bro was here (totally making me want to go to my hometown again but the heat is worse there for some reason).
So, for now I just need to get my energy back and not let the bad energies to return, I'm trying to focus this week on getting my sleeping schedule back to normal (something i fixed before i got sick), and trying to get in the rhythm of drawing again. I want to get some stuff before I go to visit my bro for a couple of months around mid August or September but I really need to sell some stuff I dont need. Also kinda making plans to move to Japan as soon as possible, the forecast for my country is not good with the election and if the new term people have it their way, Mexico is heading to a really bad place.
I wanted to visit USA before going to Japan to visit friends but obviously I havent been making enough money to save up, so unless i win the lottery that aint happening because my mom doesnt want to go to USA for whatever reason. That means I will start fully focusing on getting on track with projects so I can afford a living.
Sorry for the delay of all my stuff, last year was really bad mentally and physically for me, and sentimentally was devastated for the second year in a row, now I will try to focus on not getting attached to people for a while and just work work work (dont worry, that just means im not going to search for a romantic long term relationship, specially not long distance online)
So, I apologize for my lack of professionalism and I really appreciate your patience, it really means a lot.
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sleep-can-wait · 11 months
So lately life has been shit.
I honestly thought it'd get better so I didn't really say much but it hasn't so yeah. I have boards coming up (common knowledge at this point) and it's so stressful everyday I feel like crying. The teachers scream at you to get out of their classroom if you so much as turn your head to look at the person back of you because I guess they're stressed too over boards.
The amount of homework I have is piling so high it could touch a cloud eveyday I have to complete, what, 5 past papers that each take 1 hour minimum long? There's so much to do and impossible headlines and all the teachers are acting so terrible and strict and every single fucking day I dread entering a classroom.
If I don't do the homework on time a disappointment I'm not taking anything seriously I'm a failure I have 10 papers each 40 questions long to complete in 2 days I can't do it that fast.
To make it worse I barely am at home cuz I'm running around to get my eyes checked, fix my glasses, do the groceries, and other random shit I have no time for.
I stay up to 2 am every night trying to complete everything and my body has taken a toll and I'm starting to get really sick plus my periods have started and the week before I had awful pre- period cramps and my stomach feels like its getting stabbed over and over again every minute of every day.
I'm scared I'm terrified I'm so so so stressed it's all getting to ridiculously large and I shake every time I'm about to enter a classroom because goddamn have the teachers's blood pressure skyrocketed.
That's why I no longer read Aru Shah fanfic or am no longer active on wattpad. That's why I keep disappearing for long periods of time with no explanation and don't have the time to catch up on everything I missed once I come back. That's why I'm so isolated from everyone and no longer deserve the title Archivist.
It's up to you guys to feel whether I should keep the title of Archivist in this fandom or not. Whatever your decision is, I'll accept it and I do understand completely why. I'll just revert back to my og nickname as Sleep because honestly, I need that shit right now.
No, this isn't goodbye, it's just why I'm so unactive and maybe why I'll be a little less online from here. It's why I don't really participate in the discussions this fandom has anymore, and trust me when I say it shatters my heart to be so alone and far away in this fandom. It's hella lonely and sometimes I feel like I should just quit and leave because being left out is my greatest fear. But I won't. At least not yet.
Thank you for reading.
-Your Local Archivist (probably won't be that for much longer though)
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erisenyo · 4 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @noexoozes for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 40!! Though a few of them are drabbles/shorter things from tumblr that I've been slowly porting over, so without those its 32
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 1,638,585 lol holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for? ATLA! Though I'm thinking about having a go at the Radiant Emperor for @radiantemperorweek if my schedule allows it 🤞I've also been Consumed lately by a particularly pairing of the Game Changers series by Rachel Reid, with a few specific things I'd love to see that were offscreen in the books, so we shall see there as well...
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Love is in the Hair - post-canon established Zukka, one-shot, banter, silliness, identity shenanigans with people not realizing they're sharing political gossip with the Fire Lord
These Things Written - part one of the series that started it all, "what if Zukka was canon", three-part full series rewrite, lots of angst, lots of smut, lots of feels (and technically the next two parts are also on this list, but instead-)
Lessons in Proper Asset Management - post-canon established Zukka, smutty one-shot, Sokka's competence kink vs Zuko being really good at finance, absurdity ensues
Part-Time Plumber, Full-Time Problem - Modern AU smutty Zukka one-shot, based on a grindr exchange about needing a wrench, identity shenanigans, banter, and Mai and Suki absolutely roasting their respective BFFs
Ten Rules For Sleeping With You - canon and post-canon get-together > established relationship fic, all the things Sokka has learned when it comes to sleeping next to Zuko
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I am very behind right now, but I appreciate the time and thought people put into them so much, and I love chatting back!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ohh I love a happy ending, so this is hard. Its probably Darling I Think There's Maybe Something You Should Know, part of my Zukki series where we end with Sokka and Suki realizing Zuko doesn't think they're together, and has been going on other dates.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I love a happy ending, so this is hard in a different way! I'll go with To Be Named, To Be Known (To Be Loved), because ending with a big wedding and laughter just sets a particular mood :)
8. Do you get hate on fics? I wouldn't classify it as hate as much as people occasionally disagreeing with certain characterization, usually Iroh or Katara from the Burning Bright series, and having a lot of feelings about it.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Lol you bet I do. And basically all of it? I think the only thing I haven't written technically is f/f and that's just because I haven't had time for my foursome get-together fic yet
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Not yet and I'm not sure I will, sometimes the framework of two stories fits well together, but I tend more toward AUs than crossovers
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! These Things Written was translated into Russian
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Technically Night Call, though that was more like tumblr posting back and forth that suddenly got long enough for AO3 haha
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? I primarily write Zukka, but I have so many favorites! I love Zukki, Jetko is great, my Jeeko longfic idea has had me in its grips for years, there are ships across other fandoms I love to read. I'm a multishipper at heart.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I...don't actually have any of these. I only post thing when they're already finished, and I don't do well writing multiple works at one time, so I tend to just finish things sequentially rather than have a bunch of WIPs floating around. (Ideas that I want to write but may never...that's a whole different question.)
16. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm really good at writing fun smut scenes that still back a lot of emotional punch, and I love dialogue! I also think I'm good at inverting tropes and reader expectations in fun ways to draw out/build narrative tension.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Descriptions, probably. I struggle to make place and people descriptions feel integrated into the next, rather than like clunkily bolted on. Usually I feel like its interrupting the pacing and I end up cutting it significantly back.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'd be cautious of it if I didn't speak it myself, unless I was trying to represent someone with a similar level of competency, just because there are so many nuances of word choice and sentence structure and translation that would probably go over my head.
19. First fandom you wrote for? ATLA!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? This is impossible to answer! I love them all so much in such different ways. To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun will always be up there, writing Azula was so much fun. I think Of Tea and Turtle Ducks (and the Turtle Duck Guy) absolutely knocked the whole overarching metaphor out of the park, To Cleave These Roots We've Made is maybe my best like angst/emotional intensity fic, All Along You Were There (But I Missed It) just delivered on the mood and vision I had so well and showcased this warm romance so perfectly, and I'm really cheating so I'm going to make myself stop there haha
And lets see, tagging @sword-and-stars @spacecasehobbit @ranilla-bean @lizardlicks @hot-flippin-mess and anyone else who wants to play!
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dailyautophagy · 22 days
do you ever feel like you are doing the right things
that sentence is kinda different depending on which word you emphasize
but please emphasize Ever cause that’s what I did lol
I will shower for the second day in a row today
It feels wasteful lol but also like I can’t just keep leaving the day on me and then be shocked when I get a pimple lol like 👍 hey retard, your pores need to get cleaned out, they are tiny gutters. How many pores do we have?
You ever type a question and then highlight it to look it up instead of actually opening a different app and typing it again
Look lol
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you ever do that?? It just OPENS safari for you lol
iPhones are a drop of evil in the bucket of WORLD EVIL so like stfu about the child slaves like who’s making androids because I think my iPhone maker kid is probably friends with your android maker kid. And I can’t worry about everything happening in the world or I’ll implode, so…. TRAFFICKING IS WORSE. These kids just have to hurt their hands. BOTH ARE NOT OKAY. But there are levels to the evil shit… there are levels to everything
Like scale of 1-10 where 1 is got no dessert and 10 is got molested how bad was your childhood
….. anyway lol so you know how some things just do not feel right lol
How do we do things we know are wrong
Not even WHY but literally how lol what brain function is that
we aren’t just input/output creatures??…. I mean, we are lol input food, output waste, but with thoughts it’s like - input information, scumbag brain decides to ignore half that information and run with some part of it, output action…
it just doesn’t make sense that I KNOW going to sleep early and getting up early is good for my literal brain chemistry - and still don’t do it consistently
like amyloid plaque cannot build up if you sleep correctly because our body CLEANS ITSELF INTERNALLY at night lol so yo if you eat late and your body has to DO DIGESTION guess the fuck what your scumbag brain is like hey I know if I don’t digest this food it will rot and kill you so I have to do this BEFORE i can start all of the other INTERNAL CLEANING sooo - oopsie if we don’t get to everything. and then we wonder why Alzheimer’s and dementia are a problem.
Barbara O’Neill taught me more about the brain than fucking …. Any class. Granted I didn’t take brain chemistry classes lol but do you know how many prerequisites I would have to take before I could get to this information lol idk if that’s how shit works anymore - I remember more of highschool than college tbh because I didn’t smoke weed until the senior year of highschool and then NEVER STOPPED like how do I have a job lol paperwork, is how. DO YOUR PAPERWORK. Cover your ass. Everything will be okay.
usually going back to sleep feels good so i assume it’s the right thing but alas sometimes just because something feels good does not mean it is the right thing lol like doing DRUGS
Also this man mowed the lawn yesterday and I didn’t even suck on his penis about it
I have take not one but two large shits so now I am going to shower instead of laying back down til 630 lol
Can I just say how much I love not having kids
But I do have the time to make kids breakfast like set up a school room lol like teachers can’t even imagine a class size of single digits let alone 1-2 lol it would be SO EASY no wonder home school kids seem weird they know everything before everyone else and then probably look around at society like ‘these stupid fucks’ lol
There was a kid in my neighborhood named Walter and we played with k’nex and he didn’t have a TV and I think my parents knew his parents were doing a better job than them …. They were lol
Okay time to shower for another 40 minutes :D
Kidding, should be less time cause I don’t need to scrape off layers of dead skin from my AGING FACE. Castor oil you bitch, rub it on you after shower, why you never remember to do it????
I guess morning rambles are my thing now
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mattatouilletkachuk · 5 months
Sunny’s Off-season Writing Prompts
Rules: you can request something that isn’t on this list, however, I am less likely to write it.
The players that I write for can be found here. If there is a player you want me to write that isn’t on the list just message me and maybe they’ll be added.
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1. B wrapping their arms around A’s waist and pulling them close, whispering in A's ear: "Stay close to me."
2. “Is now a bad time to mention that I’m claustrophobic?”
3. “We never speak of this again, do you hear me?”
4. “I don’t want anyone else looking at you.”
5. “You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”
6. “I promise you that I will always be there for you.”
7. “You’ve been laying on my arm all day and I can’t feel it.”
8. “You snore. Loudly.”
9. “I don’t understand how I slept so good last night.”
10. “I never would have guessed that you were a cuddler.”
11. “I crave your affection, but I crave your silence even more - shut up.”
12. “I love the idea of growing old with you.”
13. “You do know you’re stuck with me, don’t you?” “Thank God, I am.”
14. “I will die with you. I won’t ever leave your side.”
15. “Does all this mean nothing to you?”
16. “You make me feel so alone.”
17. “I’m not giving up on us, ever.”
18. “Whatever we are, I like it.”
19. Having sex once when you’re not arguing instead kinda tipsy but not drunk, and it’s all giggles and laughter and sweet nothings and the next morning being like “oh fuck i actually like them”
20. “we should probably stop this” “yeah” … “we’re not going to though, right?” “oh absolutely not.”
21. One of them bursting into tears in the middle of an argument.
22. “Stop arguing with me in front of the kids!” “For the last time, they’re not our fucking kids.” 
23. “I think…I can love you.”
24. feeling each other instantly relax as they both quickly get comfortable
25. “she says we bicker like an old married couple”
26. “Is that my sweater?”
27. “They’ve been missing for 3 days and you’re not worried?”
28. “Honey, I’m home!”
29. “Can I sleep with you?”
30. “You’re definitely your mother/father’s child.”
31. Going to order their usual order, but the other one puts their hand up and says, “Usual, right? I got it.”
32. Too hot to cuddle
33. Characters A and B cuddle in a hammock.
34. "I am staying hydrated. All of my drinks are iced." "That does not count."
35. "There is no shame in using a pool floatie." "Yes, there is. I'm shaming you."
36. Gets caught skinny dipping
37. Character A can't get out of the water after seeing B.
38. A just got out of a bad breakup and is determined to have a meaningless summer fling; until they end up falling head over heels for B.
39. Reaction to the first sundress of the season
40. Getting flustered when they are asked to apply sun screen to the other person
41. (A)'s dog went missing on the beach, and is found by (B).'
42. "I should've worn sunscreen."
43. "When will this summer finally end?"
44. Wondering if bringing flowers to the date is too much. 
45. Putting a flower in the other’s hair. 
46. Only realizing how meaningful the flowers gifted to them are when the other explains why they picked those specific ones.
47. “a picnic?! have you swallowed a romance novel?”
48. Finding a bees nest and having the other person deal with it.
49. Picnic gone wrong
50. “Your mom gave me pictures of you when you were a baby.” 
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futurebellyache · 1 year
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Dominated By His Daughter
Synopsis:A daughter is disappointed by her father. He's a loser who spends all his free time as a lump on the couch.
She makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to help him feel like more of a man.
“Daddy, you need to get over it. Mom fed herself to that random dude 3 years ago. She’s probably behind three layers of women by this point.”
Mackenzie sat across from her father in his mess of a living room, the sad figure laying on the couch on a Friday night right in front of the TV. His couch had developed an imprint with how often he used it over the last few years. 
“Daddy, you need to get out there. Find a new girl. Or at least find somebody on your level who will churn into inches on your ass and cock. Trust me, you’d be surprised what a good bulge can do to attract a woman.”
She had been pestering him since she’d arrived. His daughter Mackenzie, fresh out of college and even fresher from the club. A thin dress that hugs her curves, her hair done up in a bun, and jingly rings and hoops hanging from her ears and clinking as her hands move as she speaks, helping drive home the point she’s trying to drive into her father. He went by Noah, but his daughter had always been a bit of a daughter's girl, even during her teenage years.
Meanwhile, her quiet lump of a father was short, chubby, and the owner of a small dick that his family had mocked him for. All because devouring somebody had never been a priority in his life. He had never admired those men with tight pants and massive shlongs. But no matter what he thought, the world was different…
“Mackenzie… just go to bed. It’s 2 am. I appreciate it, but no woman will ever want me again. Your mom was the one and she was so tired of me she lept down a stranger's throat.”
Her disappearance had happened so suddenly. And he had walked off just as quickly. They’d exchanged a full sentence and she was hanging from his midriff in a bulge. They were lost in the crowd, forever taking his wife from him…
Mackenzie stands up and walks right next to her dad, looming over the prone figure and staring daggers into him.
“If you want to be a man, you'll get off this couch soon and eat somebody. I can’t have my own family wallowing in despair for another year. Daddy, come to the club tomorrow and let’s feed you some bitch!”
She tugs at his arm. He grumbles, rolling over to face his daughter and revealing his boyish face. Soft and hairless. Hardly the features of a 40-year-old man. 
“I’m not going. They’ll just make fun of me. Maybe even eat me instead… If you’re so eager to help me, just let me eat you. Simple solution… Now leave me-”
He’s cut off as her foot connects with his cock. He had been too groggy to react, she had pulled his pants down and now teased his little dick with her toes
His face flushes instantly, and he can't help but physically react to this humiliation. Certainly not the first time he'd been teased like this… but by his daughter? 
"Y-You can't… please… just stop… I can't.."
She watches with glee as he sits back and takes it. Like some adult sex toy for her to have her way with.
“No daddy, you’re right. If I want to help you and stop seeing this manlet cry himself to sleep on this ruined couch, then being my daddy’s dinner is the only way."
His cock finally has a solid form, his cute little tip peaking out from between her toes.
"Won't I be a delicious meal? Prime meat? Your belly should be begging for a chance to touch me. You should be too. Say it daddy. Say you would love to gobble up your daughter. Tell me you want to lick up and down her curvaceous body. Tell me you want to feel me turn into thick brown ropes and drop from your fat ass."
He had never been good under pressure. And his daughter was sending him into a swirl of pleasure and taboo. Plus… eating family… and the fact her underwear and the curve of her rear were totally visible from this perspective…
But fuck it felt so good! He can't help but imagine his own flesh and blood as a thick slop draining into his intestines. Her foot rubs his cock up and down, against his gut. Almost provoking it into activity as the thought of daughterly meat draws a loud grumble from it. 
"Yes…ha.. Mackenzie… I… ngh… want it…No… I can’t… fuck, fuck It’s so sexy though! Okay! But…ha… are you sure? There's no going back…"
Her leg releases his dick from its pin and her rump plants itself atop his dick. Her hips grind against him and her smile widens. Noah’s breathing is fast and rapid as she lurched in front of him. It was impossible to look away from her. At what she wanted, and the consequences of devouring his daughter.
"Then do it Daddy. You have to eat me. Put me in my place with that fat gut of yours. Grab my ass and feel it…"
The friction and warmth was delightful, and Noah hadn’t felt a woman’s touch for so long. His dick warms up to this change in events and meekly pokes against her soft ass. Long, lust-filled gasps escape his lips as his daughter grabs his hands and plants it right on her ass. His digits knead the fat he'd watched grow all those years…
“Wow, is this really how big it gets? Yeah, you are going to need the best of the best. The only cure for this chode dick is to swallow down a thick girl like me. Let me teach your guts exactly how to turn a beauty like me into 20 pounds of steaming shit~”
He wants to push her off, talk some sense into her. But being controlled like this feels good. And he hardly has the chance as her hands create a wedge and push through his lips. Plus… her ass is genuinely amazing. He grinds his dick into it with the power he can muster. Her ass holds it between her cheeks and holds it with the divine fat of her ass. Her slobbers over her hands as his daughter watches. Her own eyes are filled with a desire he can’t quite understand. Did she want this? She must… but it seemed odd to give herself to her lazy dad…
She was stronger, it took work to stay as fit as she was. He couldn't stop as her arms fought past his gag reflex. Frankly, he almost felt like he was choking on her. The largest thing he’d ever swallowed before this had been a hotdog. And now he was consuming his thick daughter…
The last he saw of his daughter’s face was a determined look focused on his lips before pushing its way in with her arms. It all became a blur after that. The pain of swallowing his first meal and the displeasure of it forcing its way down… He could only focus on the soft and pleasurable bits. Such as her taste. His daughter was divine, with a rich flavor that matched her typical attitude toward others. Helpful but pompous. She always knew better and she would make sure you knew it. Her flavor was amplified by her desire to grind every bit of herself across his tastebuds.  Through muffled flesh, he hears her say,”Remember this taste daddy. You’ll never taste anybody better. When you finally get some subby whore into your gullet, you’ll be thinking of me~”
And her tits, the biggest shame was that she was clothed. He could feel how spongy and soft they were through her dress. Her flavor bleeds through but the dress itself dampens it. At the very least he can taste her ass. His tongue explores its curvature and pulls her panties off so he can savor every inch before her wiggling hips push inside. Even without leverage, Mackenzie still had the advantage when it came to power.
Her size fills his shirt and rips it as his normally plump tummy is round and heavy. His poor dick is lost somewhere beneath it.
He takes a moment to recover as the last of her slithers its way inside him. She pushes out and struggles to get comfortable. All that action builds into one immense hhhhuuurRRRRPPPPPP.
His daughter twitches inside of him as the walls meekly hug her. Her tits are visible as the walls conform to her curves.
“Wow… was that really it? I’ve seen guts break bones after belches. Your stomach is just so weak…”
Her hands seem to press out and test the limits of its strength. Noah bounces left and right as his daughter stretches his gut to its limits.
“Mackenzie… Please… It hurts… I take it back… oghh… We can go to the club.  You can get out. I promise, we can go out together. Just don’t…”
A hand forcing it’s way up his throat and grabbing his tongue is her response. He’s thankful his gut hadn’t made any acids yet, or it may have stung his throat. He prepares for her to lurch upwards, escape his pathetic insides… But the hand slinks back down of its own accord.
“Are you kidding? This gut couldn’t handle a child. You need practice, and more importantly, the curves to lure some horny woman in. Did you know that less than 10% of preds have only eaten one prey? It’s cause people are super attracted to the voracious benefits. You need this dad. You’re gonna churn your only daughter into a loaf of colon filler and you will flush it away. And after that… You’re gonna move on and find another woman to do the same. Do you understand, daddy?”
His lumpy gut twitched as it spoke. Her rear was positioned perfectly atop his dick. Her speech had him huffing by the end of it as sweet pleasure overcame him. He would have said yes to anything. Her whims were his needs. He was never particularly strong-willed. And with her weight on his privates and her slightest touch aching his guts… it appealed to those masochistic urges inside of him.
“Yes… I’ll… poop you in the toilet… ha… Make a big ol’ mess of my sweet daughter.”
“Haha! That’s the right attitude! Your belly has to fully digest me. It may take your weak ass gut more than a few hours… But you can do it!”
Grrwwgg Wwoorrgg… Gllcckkk….
His stomach finally senses meat inside him, acids ooze all around his daughter and she gets the first taste of the full digestive might of his insides.
"Wow, is this really how powerful your acids are? How the fuck am I gonna be your shit if you can't even digest me! You’re gonna have to try a hell of a lot harder if you don’t want me crawling out of your ass tomorrow."
His stomach was bouncing atop his dick, his hand hesitantly hovering in the air above his writhing gut. He wouldn't dare touch her, his own ego being pushed to its limit by the daughter who'd fed herself to him. He gasped as his dick was smothered by her ass through his own gut fat.
"Uh, hello loser? Are you gonna let your meal have its way with your dick? Fuck, if you don't start putting me in my place, you're gonna be shitting out my bones one by one. You have to break me dipshit! Goooood, you're hopeless.
All her activity does help spread the acid across her flesh. She scoffs at how little they actually seem to affect her. "Wow, no wonder mom left for that other guy's gut. You really don't know how to treat a woman. These acids are so weak. Starting to wonder if you're even capable of turning me to shit. Maybe we’ll have to find some tiny little thing to trap in here for a week to full gurgle up. Cause damn, it’s looking like you can’t handle something like me."
He can't believe how hard his dick is, his meager member standing at full mast and almost seeming respectable embedded in the mass of his gut. It was at least enough to pressure his daughter's ass through his own flesh.
His hips gyrate and twist, seeking any pleasure he can get out of his daughter. Jiggling softness held back by his own pudge smother his dick in warmth. The acids are tingling her skin and Mackenzie inside is biting her lip as everything around her sways with her dads motions. Her heaving tits are basted in her daddy’s juices. 
“Wow daddy… You’re only concerned with yourself right now? Not even thinking about helping me get off. You have been listening right? I’m gonna be shit! The least you could do is let your poor daughter climax one last time…”
“I’m sorry… your ass just feels so good…”
His gut clenches and his body quivers. Pleasure rocks his mind and his own shaking just stimulates his dick. Precum surges as the full load burgeoning beneath his daughter's ass begins to flow. He gasps as cum coats the bottom of his belly. Sticky white cream trapped beneath his belly line and his thighs. His body rocks with the climax, he has never had a peak this high. Not even with his wife…
“Fuck! Now that’s more like it! All that activity finally woke your belly up. Think it finally noticed it had a hundred pounds of meat to munch on…”
Noah lays back gasping, it’s so late. He’s so tired. And his stomach is so full… His eyes drift shut as his own activity slows down.
His daughter is surprised by the sudden stillness. She pressures where his dick was, but gets no response.
“Hello? Why did you stop, you were finally doing something right for once. If you keep going you may…” Suddenly she realizes his heart has returned to a healthy cadence. 
“Did you just fucking fall asleep on me! You son of a bitch! You pay attention to your prey the entire time you chode of a man!”
Her hands press into the slippery walls around her. Her fingers start to singe from the acid creeping its way into the crevices of her skin. But she stretches her gut out with the help of a full-strength kick. He grunts in pain, clutching his gut as his mind is barely conscious of why this was happening.
All she really succeeded in doing was squeezing out some gas. Sure, she could struggle and draw out a few more belches and maybe wake him up at some point, crawling out was always an option…
“You son of a bitch… Fine, sleep. I’ll be around when you wake up. I’ll give you hell then… No way this gut can slop me up in a short amount of time anyway.”
It had been a full twenty-four hours and this waste of life was still asleep!
His weekend was spent on the couch, his daughter was barely strong enough to speak after it. She was mostly gone. The tits and ass she had always been proud of had been turned into her loser dad's dinner. In fact, the first of her was likely gathering in his colon. She had heard the sputtering gas escaping his rear. Hell, she had felt it leave him.
She was far too gone now to ever reprimand him. She was past the point of being able to speak above the churning noises his belly made. She was no longer a human. No longer anything of note. Just a slurry of meat in her dad's gut. Perhaps to some, this seemed idiotic. She often spoke so ill of him. And he did deserve that…
But deep in her still-beating heart, she loved him. That had never changed. She was his daughter. She knew he’d be happier after this. Women may turn his way. He may find a new wife. Or just find a girl willing to slosh around in his gullet. Either would boost this weak man’s ego.
“Still… a loser…”
Her final insult levied into the digestive turbulence. It cares not though, as one gut-clenching belch ends her. 
He awakes the next morning, laying on his back on the couch. He almost expects a chastising comment from his daughter. But… he glances down at his belly, reaching a single hand across its surface and taking note of its obvious decrease in size. It was more of a basketball-sized orb, with lumps poking out that had to be bone he hadn't been able to digest.  His dick was already erect, nestling itself well as he sits up and buries it beneath his daughterly chyme. He swears it even pokes out further than he thought it could…
"I… I actually did it."
It was still rather large, his gut was clearly not done with all of her. Still simmering and digesting her densest chunks. She was gone, taking with her every cruel and mean comment. 
But… he thinks back to what she said. How she had described him… How turned on it all still had him. He should feel miserable considering how much of it was all true…
But the fact she had let herself be digested by such a loser? The pathetic man she had called a father? He could hardly contain the cum swelling from his dick. Eager to slather the organ holding what remained of daughter in his sticky white cream. Even more so than it already was…
But a more urgent need arises. The parts he digested of his daughter want out. He stands, hoping to reach a toilet… But his daughter is in control, even now as a lump of his shit. His gut worgles out a deathly grumble, the kind that tells you that what’s inside is leaving now. He has no choice as the first of her emerges, and he stands up and turns his rump towards the coffee table, the one his wife had picked out all those years ago.
He grunts, feeling an immense bone covered in shit push its way out. Mush squeezes its way alongside it as he struggles to get it all out. His ass was not prepared to ever push out something this hefty. He gasps and grunts as it leaves his poor pucker, and takes an unbearable amount of time. When he even feels an odd metallic sensation scrape his asshole. That moment when it finally escapes his pucker and it clatters to the table, he breathes out in relief, and a wave of soft shit quickly buries the first of her bones. But then there's another…and another… Each bone takes so long to squeeze out, his ass begs for release, but his daughter won't allow it. Forcing his asshole to embrace the inadequacy of his digestive power. If only his stomach had been strong enough to churn her bones… He really was just so pathetic. Even a willing prey had been so difficult for him.
His belly works over the hours of shitting he has to do, delivering the last bits of ex-girl for his rump to deal with. Every bit of jewelry she had survived with her bones, a horrid fate for his raw asshole. Every turd is pain…
But he loves it. He has sprayed the couch white with cum. Taking note that every climax almost seemed to lengthen his cock. Give it the strength to shoot its load even farther. He was surprised he even had seed to spurt. No doubt thanks to the immense calorie load his daughter gave him.
When he is finally done, he slumps into a chair just a few feet away. One his ex-wife had often used. Honestly, he almost regrets not aiming at it to cum on. Now even he had to admit that his couch was ruined. Getting this much cum out seemed impossible…
“I wonder how much of Mackenzie my body processed into shit…” 
Not exactly his primary concern given the rank pile in the cent of his living room. But his brain was exhausted from the sheer manual effort of it all. But, the most twisted part of it all…
He was really looking forward to doing it again. Finding some lovely girl and making a mess out of her. Have them begging to churn up in him… Though maybe somebody like his daughter wouldn’t be bad too. Somebody who torments and forces it all to happen…
His eyes shut as he lounges back, thinking about what he can do with everything he can do now that he was a predator, and had the girth to show it. 
His last words before sleep takes him are a heartfelt,”Thanks… Mackenzie…” 
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wassup, im back with (posting about) trying to get my life back together
i didnt quit the 100 days of struggling, or whatever, i was really just, well, struggling. to be alive, i guess.
yesterday was the peak of me feeling the most unstable over the last week or two, i think it was mostly due to my period being around the corner, so hormones are going crazy and you know the old shenanigan of - you know that your period is coming, when you start feels borderline suicidal and depressed.
ngl, it was scary as hell, because i think it was 40/60 of why i was feeling so down - 40 being the initial struggle, 60 being the fear coming from "i dont want for things to scale back to how they once were". because how they once were is best described the one sinlge word - hell.
anyway, the drama aside, i am now feeling much much better, thankfully, and i have a more positive outlook on life. at least for now.
so, we're missing the days from the 4th of July. insert the eagle scream. i will try to recount them from my memory to the best of my abilities, more so for myself and to keep track of days.
3/100 days of getting my life back together
Friday, July 5, 2024
quite frankly, I don't remember where the day went. i looked around for some notes or whatever else scattered in my place and im not sure what exactly was i doing. the only highlight of that day, was that i finally payed off the first paying for my dentist check and i think that is the most information I have. i think i woke up at 2:30 pm, so that would explain the short day. i remember studying a little bit in the evening and it probably was the software engineering notes, aka SE, since i think i was studying in bed and i do notes for se on my tablet.
4/100 days of getting my life back together
Saturday, July 6, 2024
on this day i met up with my friends for some socialization, i guess. we talked and had some boba. i studied on my way there and back, which came up to about an hour of studying in total. the rest of the day is, again, a mystery to me. maybe i should start keeping a journal to help myself. because i freaking bought one on that day fdskflsd
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5/100 days of getting my life back together.
Sunday, July 7, 2024
okay, here i was really happy, because for the first time in weeks i managed to not only wake up at 8 am, but also went to bed somewhere between 22-23 at the clock. granted, i fell asleep an hour later, after i woke up, because i was suddenly hit with a wave of sleepiness and tiredness, but, i guess, one small step at a time. i mean it did fuck up my sleeping schedule for today, because i ended falling asleep somewhere between 2 and 3 am, but we have what we have.
the highlight of yesterday was finally finishing up a job i was postponing for MONTHS, which was printing out all the documents we would need, for my mom to apply for a job. i won't be going into too much details of why and etc, but yeah. at the end of the day i had 8 copies of 4 documents printed out, and was feeling more or less good about it.
at the second 4 copies batch printer decided to start playing games, and first chewed on the paper it was printing, and then i decided to try a new approach to try to speed things up, but it only ended up damaging one of the copies, so i had to redo that. but at the end of the day, the job was done.
i didn't study at all that day, because as i said at the start of this post - this was the day, when my head decided, that it's a great time to go sad-mode.
i also started taking some vitamins that have been laying around for a few months now, because i feel really crappy and i need some help, that maybe they can provide, before i get my eating habbits and everything else back in place. for now i am hoping they could be my crutches.
oh, and also i did some yoga to stretch my body. nothing huge, but i guess it's something good?
6/100 days of getting my life back together
Monday, July 8, 2024
and now we are back to present day. woke up at about 11:30 or so. played a little bit of guitar for the first time since MONTHS, i started learning the scientist, we'll see how it goes. i figured to reward myself, i would put a new fun sticket on it, if i finished learning it.
anyway, it is now 15:35 as i am writing this, i will be now cleaning up a little bit and getting back to studying.
DB 4 (finish up)
SE 4 (finish up)
DB 5
SE 5
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the-men-in-black · 29 days
i decided to watch both 2 and 3 back to back and i feel like i just got kicked in the chest 40 times. what an emotional rollercoaster. i dont even think i could formulate my opinions like i did for the first movie. i think 3 was my favorite out of the trilogy because god. man. augh. probably doesnt help that when i turned on music afterwards my playlist decided to immediately throw everything goes on by porter robinson at me (which if you havent listened to that song i think you should because its very much thematically appropriate). i am taking 300000 psychic damage. i need to make fanart now. i will never stop thinking about these movies now what have you done to me (/silly)!!!!!
Yay! I am an evil wizard and the mib franchise is my evil wizard staff. They're ate like that though, I get it. Send ne your fanart if you wanna I loooove stuff like that. And I will listen to that song as soon as I can (I am writing from a sleeping bah in a tent in a field in wales)
If you want a completely different type of psychic attack watch international <3 jkyou don't have to it has no relevance to the trilogy, it's set after and the only reoccurring character is O.
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