chaoticdilfkisser · 8 months
Yall give me your CU ocs to draw with mine pleaseee
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Hello 👋 I was wondering if you could write about Remus Lupin bitting one of Harry’s friends, and they’re relatively alright with it but lovely Remus hates himself for it- a bit of angst but with happy ending?
Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Summary - The marauders are back at Hogwarts at the age of 34 for yet another adventurous night after years but this time it didn't end rather well but Remus had his family.
A/N Okie so this was a wonderful idea and I just had to write it and I might have tweaked my request status a bit. But, anyway, a few things before you start, everybody is alive, no voldy, no nothing. And since you didn’t specify which one of Harry’s friends, I naturally went for Ron to add in the drama. Also, this happens in their third year and Remus and Sirius are well, married, sorry if it isn't a pairing you are comfortable with. And this may be a bit rushed, idk but I loved it tbh.
Remus ran his fingers over the scars on his knuckles. Remus was gifted with such a beautiful life, his friends and family so close to him, leading a life filled with love and happiness, the sound of innocent laughter always echoing in his ears no matter what.
Over the years, he and his best friends had grown from adventurous teens to adventurous adults, still spending every full moon like a tightly-knit pack, running into the woods and barking in their animal forms. They had never grown out of it and Remus was more than grateful for it. It was truly a wonder, regardless of how much they had grown, married and having kids of their own, never spared a thought if any other was in need of help.
Thirty-four. It was bewildering how he managed to pass twenty-seven years tuning into a full-on beast with insane thoughts and no memory of his human self, only noticing the stag, dog and the rat that managed to keep him accompanied no matter what. He pitied the wolf at times, he would never have the chance to know what love is, never understand how people care about others and would protect their loved ones.
Remus knew what love is, Sirius taught him that like his life depended on it. Remus shivered every time he thought about this. They were no longer the playful and traumatized teens, they were adults with responsibilities now and it was terrifying. But Remus found comfort in the very aspect of it, teaching and just as his friends insisted he did become the Defence Against Dark Arts professor and he more than just loved it.
And now after years, they were back in the shrieking shack for the next full moon, this time, honestly dreading it. Remus suspected that Harry and his friends were rather curious about their shenanigans in the shrieking shack. Harry, of course, knew that Remus was a werewolf he had known it ever since he was realised, his father, Moony, Padfoot and Wormtail would go missing for hours and then his mother would be with Uncle Moony, treating all the new scars that Harry was told is a sign of bravery from a young age by his godfather.
For some odd reason, Dumbledore had requested that Harry must not know was that it was his very own Uncle Moony spending his night away in the shrieking shack for which Sirius had reasoned was solely for the drama it ensued.
“Moony, stop fretting,” James said, patting him on the shoulder and pulling him away from the window sill he was standing before, “It is Harry we are talking about, I think he would be rather cautious,”
“That’s the stupidest things you have ever told in your whole life, Prongs,” Sirius commented, smirking and looking out of the window, to see when the full moon rises.
“Hey!” James glared at him, “I mean, yes, he could be a curious little shit but he is…good,”
“This is not about if he is good or not, James,” Remus snapped. He took a deep breath and sat on a chair that had been placed near the wall, away from the three of them.
“Right, sorry,” James said, looking at him apologetically and remained silent giving Remus an opportunity to continue, “Just like you said, he is a curious child and his friends almost give him a run for his money and there is so little chance to no chance that they would not be coming here to “find out“ what’s going on! And like what if I accidentally hurt someone!?”
Remus shuddered as he said those words. Contrasting how he was speaking moments ago, he looked up to see Peter, James and Sirius looking at him and he fixed his eyes to Sirius’ and he whispered, “They could die or even worse become a monster like me,”
“Moony, enough,” Sirius said, calmly, drawing the attention to himself rather than Remus, “The full moon will be in minutes, there is nothing we can do,”
“Remus,” Peter sighed, emerging from the corner he stood in, “First of all - you are not a monster. Second of all - we are here, nothing wrong is gonna happen,”
”What if something does?” Remus argued. He didn’t have to see to know that Sirius closed his eyes to calm himself down.
“Sirius, do you hear yourself!?” Remus stood up abruptly, “Your words drip with irresponsibility!”
“It’s not irresponsibility, Moony,” he said, motioning Peter to take over as he walked towards Remus, “it’s the reality. What do you think we should do, then?”
For once, Remus Lupin was out of ideas. He didn’t know what to say but he knew Sirius was right, there was almost nothing they could do other than control the wolf and every full moon they deal with would be a unique tale of itself, never certain of what could happen. It was woven with time.
“It’s time,” Peter said, grimly. Remus took a shuddering breath and fell into Sirius’ arms, who was still in his human form, unlike the stag and rat, watching their moves carefully.
Remus was right. In the Gryffindor boys’ dormitory, Harry Potter laid wide awake, staring at the ceiling, the noises in the shrieking shack and the tales about it resonating in his mind. He was confused about what might be there and curious to find out when nobody would tell him the truth although they seemed to know. And today, they would unveil it.
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James was rather happy that the full moon would end in a couple of minutes but he was not allowed to stay that way when he saw the wolf stop dead in tracks, sniffing the air. They all behaved rather weirdly, sometimes hilarious, in these forms but this time, it seemed different, like the wolf had encountered something out of order.
The stag and the dog stood cautiously, ready to pounce any moment while the rat, discreetly moved in the direction of the wolf’s sight and to a bush. They could hear whispers and murmurs as the animals and humans stood still on both sides, afraid of what might show and for the first time they all saw the wolf stand so extremely still.
And then slowly, a mess of unruly, jet black hair emerged from behind the bush. The wolf took deep, rapid, breaths that almost sounded like growling, bared its fangs.
The black hair further raised until they could see the bright green eyes, behind the round glasses and the wolf noticing the presence of the human, pounced.
The dog was rather quick to act and jumped on the wolf, redirecting its path but a stag and a dog wasn’t enough for the wolf to be distracted from its meal. Hunger in the pit of the wolf’s stomach derived its senses insane.
Harry stood up to his full height, wide eyes watching the wolf push a familiar black dog away from itself and leapt forward, fangs sinking into the flesh before it blacked out, falling to the ground.
He is going to get an earful from his father.
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“Careful, Mr Lupin,” Madam Pomfrey rushed to him as Remus tried to sit up and take a look around. She gently pushed him back to a sleeping position on the hospital bed. Through half-lidded eyes, he frantically murmured Sirius’ name over and over again.
“Hey, hey, calm down, love,” Sirius was at his side, holding his scarred hand. Remus held onto it tightly and asked, “What happened?”
He could see Sirius hesitating to tell him and the vague memories remaining in his head from the night was not doing him any better.
“Sirus, please tell me what happened!?” He asked, anxiety rising in the bit of his stomach, the nasty churning feeling retuning. Sirius gently pushed the strands of hair from his forehead and leaned up, pressing his lips to Remus’ forehead.
“Th-the kids-” Sirius started just for him to be interrupted as Remus sat up, abruptly. He didn’t have time to sort out his chaotically, messy feelings and the one thing in his mind was what happened to the kids.
“Moony, Moony,” Sirius hurried to calm him down that, if anything, just made Remus panic even more in his hazy state of mind. Sirius placed his hands against Remus’ shoulder, pushing him gently to sit on the edge of the bed when he tried to stand up.
“Nobody is hurt, Remus,” he said, crouching a bit to look at Remus in the eyes but sighed with a pang in his chest when he saw Remus’ eyes unfocused and roaming above his head, at the various hospital beds.
Remus gasped and his heart sunk to the bottom when he saw the bed surrounded by kids and adults. It was Ron Weasley. His teeth had sunk into the boy’s shoulder blades where he could clearly see the bandages wrapped tightly around. He couldn’t imagine the pain the poor boy would have felt.
Remus Lupin felt like a terrible monster.
Why him? Why is it always him!? Just when he thought everything would be alright when he began to let himself wallow in the joy of being back at Hogwarts. And because of him the boy, merely thirteen, would have to become a monster every month.
“You are awake,” James, who seemed to have been outside the hospital wing, rushed to him, "Oh, thank gods-”
”I told you this would happen,” Remus whispered, hoarsely, staring at the foot of the empty bed before him. His mind was racing with unwanted thoughts. He felt mad at himself, at his friends, at the kids but was immediately engulfed in a pang of even bigger guilt.
A dry sob involuntarily escaped from his lips. He couldn’t understand how Greyback did that to the kids when here he was dying with guilt. He didn’t dare think of that one terrible evening when he was just seven.
Remus struggled to take a deep breath. “Moony, look at me, please,” Sirius said and these words in Remus’ head felt like a command. He slowly raised his head to look into those mesmerising grey eyes, sparkling like they always did in the sunlight. Those grey eyes were the only ones that had the ability to calm him down in seconds yet he found it difficult at the moment to regain his normal breathing pace.
“Hey, it's alright. I am here. We all are right here,” Sirius pushed the strands of hair out of his face as Remus tugged at his own shirt, as though it would help him breathe properly.
Sirius looked at James who immediately moved to the nearest window, pushing it open. The gush of fresh, cold breeze for some reason warmed his shattered heart. Remus, although still shaking, managed to take deep breaths.
“Listen to me, alright?” Sirius said, cautiously and slowly, “Nothing is wrong, everybody is doing good - I said you to just listen, Lupin. Ron did get a few injuries but, thankfully, since it was time for you to transform back, the bite was equivalent to that of a domestic dog or something,”
Remus didn't have the ability to comprehend what he was saying and just gawked, opening and closing his mouth like a fish.
Sirius smiled gently, looking at Remus’ wide, confused eyes. “Ron will not transform every month. You didn’t “ruin“ his life, which I am sure at this point you have confirmed. And Madam Pomfrey had down all the necessities so he would be alright in a couple of days,”
“Oh,” Remus breathed, chuckling lightly but happily. Ron was alright. He was alright! He wouldn't turn into a monster every month, he wouldn't have all those hideous scars, he wouldn't be weak every other day, he wouldn't seem to look way older than he actually was. He would be able to lead a peaceful childhood.
James sat next to him while Peter sat on the bed before him, “Now you might be wondering why is Molly crying buckets when her son would be alright,”
“No, I’m not James,” Remus rolled his eyes, pushing James away and shaking his head with a light smile. He discreetly wiped the tears forming in the edge of his eyes.
“Uncle Moony!” Harry yelled, and ran to his uncle. Remus tried to stand up as his nephew rushed into his arms, the boy holding onto him so tightly. Remus slowly wrapped his arms around the boy and felt Sirius stand up behind him, providing support to his weak frame.
“But you should ‘cause I have prepared an answer for it. If you are not asking me why then Padfoot go ahead,” James said and watched with a smirk as Sirius cleared his throat, and asked, “Why?”
”Thank you very much for your certainly not forced question - it is because she is a mother!” James said going jazz hands just for him to be hit with three pillows.
“I’m sorry, Uncle Moony,” Harry whispered into his uncle’s chest, feeling guilty as ever. He heard the man sigh and the arms wrapped around him grew tighter. Remus took off Harry’s askew glasses and whispered, “It’s okay to me, Haz but your mum,”
Harry giggled, burying his face into Remus’ chest, “I love you, Uncle Moony,”
“I love you too, Haz” Remus ruffled the boy’s already messy hair.
"Wait!" Peter said, jumping up and stood beside Harry, smirking, "Can we, I dunno, take points from him?"
"No! that's stupid!" James complained, shaking his head, "Gryffindor needs to win the house cup. We can ground him or something but not take away points,"
"Yes! Can I ground him, please?" Sirius asked.
"No,, absolutely not," Remus said, holding the boy closer to him, "Nobody is gonna ground the poor boy. Leave him alone,"
"Gah! You're no fun, Moony," Peter said, shaking his head in disapproval.
James, after controlling his laughter said, “Also, Harry, your mum told me to yell at you as a favour for her and she would do her job when you come home for break,”
"Uncle W," Harry said, making Peter chuckle at the nickname the boy insisted in calling him saying it was too weird calling his uncle "Wormtail", "I will steal your cheese sticks,"
"No," Peter groaned, dramatically, "Cheese sticks, my weakness,"
“But you won’t yell at me, dad,” Harry said, pulling away from Remus and putting his glasses on.
“I will,” James said, seriously.
“It is not that you won’t, Prongs,” Sirius said, from behind Remus, “It is that you cant,”
“Oh shut up,” James said, rolling his eyes.
Remus couldn’t help but allow his eyes to skip towards Ron every often and harry, of course, noticed it. “Ron is alright, Uncle Moony. He was actually saying it doesn’t hurt much anymore and he was rather bewildered why his mother was crying too. Oh! he also says you guys were so cool yesterday,”
“We know, prongslet, we are the coolest people ever to exist,” Sirius flipped his hair, dramatically. Harry laughed.
Remus took a deep breath. He would never forgive himself for what had happened, but he had his family with him and they sure would make him forget it. These wonderful people were his family.
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karakozakov · 4 years
Fic Rec time!!!
Hey everyone! Since I’ve been reading fics nearly everyday and of various fandoms I’ve decided to make a fic rec list. The fics are classified by the show, and include summary and details. Enjoy! 
Warning: long post
Since this post is epically long, I’ll make more posts on the fic recs. Haikyuu isn’t over and other fandoms like Kuroko no Basket and Free! are also going to have their own posts!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Four out of Six by sugamama_crowshi
Relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Words: 12,450 |  Language: English |  Chapters: 1/1 | Warning: Major Character Death
“I’m going to die soon.”
Daichi looked up from his reading at Suga’s sudden words.
“I said I’m going to die soon,” he repeated calmly.
The setter, who was lying on his back on the bed, rolled over onto his side and looked down at where Daichi was sitting on the floor. Daichi set down his book beside him. Suga gave him a small smile. Daichi frowned.
“Don’t say that.”
“Why not? Because it’s true?” When Daichi didn’t reply, Suga reached out and tousled his hair. “I’m sorry. I know it’s hard for you to hear me say things like that. But it helps me come to terms with it. Do you understand?”
Daichi closed his eyes and sighed. “I do.” But that doesn’t mean I’ve come to terms with it yet.
When Suga is diagnosed with cancer, it takes everything in Daichi's power to accept that within the year his best friend would no longer be alive. But that didn't mean he'd given up hope. So when Suga presents Daichi with his bucket list, Daichi does everything in his power to make Suga's last six request come true.
Kaleidoscope  by gAAmAtsU16
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Words: 36,804 | Language: English | Chapters: 10/10
Iwaizumi Hajime thought moving to the countryside for a new life was the greatest mistake he could’ve done. Then he meets Oikawa Tooru, blind and sightless, and he teaches him that Love may literally be blind but is not limited to only sight.
cool teens don't wear skinny jeans  by ebenroot
Relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Words: 31,620 | Language: English | Chapters: 5/5
'He was supposed to ask Suga for his number or ask if he was busy next Friday night and if he was interested in seeing a movie or something. Instead, he said in a slightly cracking and not at all calm voice, “I think I lost my kids.”'
that fic where babysitter no. 1 Daichi loses three kids in the city, gets into a bunch of shenanigans, and tries to ask Suga on a date.
All in the Cards by Killthespare
Relationships: Kageyama Tobio/Hinata Shouyou, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi, Tsukishima Kei/Yamaguchi Tadashi
Language: English | Words: 120,248 | Chapters: 20/20 | Warning: Mature
The Card Kingdoms Stand United.
...of course, this would be a lot easier if Hearts had their King. It's too bad that Oikawa Tooru emphatically does not want the job. Meanwhile, the threat of war looms on the horizon and Hinata Shouyou just uncovered a plot that could rock the entire kingdom to the core.
When You Wish Upon a Star by emerald1963
Relationship: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English | Words: 31,975 | Chapters: 8/8
Hajime has no idea how this situation is even possible, but he’s one hundred percent certain that it’s all Oikawa’s fault.
Oikawa blames the aliens.
The Iwaoi body swap fic that this fandom needs, if not the one it deserves.
Fingers Crossed by SapphyreLily
Relationships: Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Matsukawa & Hanamaki
Language: English | Words: 10,608 | Chapters: 1/1
Seijou 4 Week Day 7 - Secret Agent AU
A friendly mask on, but a knife in hand, behind your back. Deception and lies. That's what it meant, to be agents.
A Twist of Faete by chatielee, crackpairingprincess
Relationship: Ushijima Wakatoshi/Oikawa Tooru
Language: English | Words: 82,983 | Chapters: 12/12
As far as birthdays go, you only get a few special ones. The first being, well, the first. Then, when you hit double digits and turn 10. At 13, you're finally a teenager. 16, you can start driving. At 18, you're considered an adult.
But being traded off to a Faerie king that wants to marry him is not what Oikawa had wanted for his birthday.
Add New Contact by booksong
Relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
Language: English | Words: 8,556 | Chapters: 1/1
"Daichi was leaning contemplatively on the sill of his open window, waiting for the icy breeze he was letting into his room to wake him up to how utterly stupid he was being. He’d always hated stories, real or fictional, about people doing ridiculous and self-destructive things for love, but now here he was, palming his smartphone idly and wondering with complete seriousness if it would survive an eight meter drop with substantial but repairable damage."
(Or; All Daichi's electronics are endangered the moment he realizes he can't get that sweet, patient, ridiculously attractive IT tech off his mind.)
the dragon, the witch, and the mistakes we made along the way by crocustongues
Relationships: Iwaizumi & Oikawa & Matsukawa & Hanamaki
Language: English | Words: 8,021 | Chapters: 1/1
An alchemist, a djinn, a fey, a dragon made entirely out of chocolate, and a human touched by the goddess Ceres walk into a bar.
And blow it up.
(or, the true meaning of the saying, nothing adventured, nothing gained).
hang out fall in love by carafin for wafflesquire
Realtionship: Matsukawa Issei/Hanamaki Takahiro
Language: English | Words: 5,689 | Chapters: 1/1
In which Hanamaki's humble medical practice is threatened by an intractable asshole a witch doctor who's just moved into the shop down the street. Medical/Witchcraft AU.
As far as Hanamaki’s concerned, and as far as bad life decisions go, setting up your witch clinic right next to an actual, proper, medical clinic is practically akin to setting up an all-you-can-eat buffet right next to a gym. Or a sex toy shop next to a church. Or a vegetable patch next to a goat farm. Or – yeah, the point is, this Matsukawa guy has totally cornered the market in Terrible-Life-Decision-Making-Skills.
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Chapter 11 of that one story in which Robin #3 is magic, literally.
Read on AO3
Robin woke up again when somebody knocked gently against his door. Sleepily, he crawled out of his bed and walked over to the door. He had fallen asleep in yesterday’s clothes and given the bright sunlight already shining through the curtains, Robin must have slept through the night.
Tentatively he opened the door just a crack. He expected Alfred, not Nightwing to be standing there, looking quite nervously. He was dressed in civilian clothes and it painted a quite different picture than that of the serene vigilante of before. He seemed tired, vulnerable.
“Can I come in?”
Robin opened the door wordlessly and stepped aside to make space for him.
Nightwing entered the room and looked around. The room was a little more lived-in than it had been when Robin first saw it, but it still wasn’t anything special. Still, somehow he was embarrassed by it. Robin had been made to be striking and the room wasn’t special compared to all the others in the manor.
“It’s nice,” Nightwing said, walking up and down.
He was uncomfortable in Robin’s presence and stalling time on top of it. With a sigh, Robin sat down at his desk chair.
“Do you want anything in particular, Nightwing?”
Nightwing frowned at him, confusion sprinkled all over his face like his freckles.
“Night- you can call me Dick, if you want to.” Dick stopped talking, halted, and realization took hold of him. “You do know who I am, right?”
“Richard ‘Dick’ John Grayson,” Robin replied easily, the knowledge of the previous Robin’s identity as clear as if he’d downloaded it from the batcomputer. “Twenty-one-years old, Blüdhaven vigilante operating as Nightwing . You’re also a founding member of the Teen Titans, a group of mostly teenagers to young adults, most of whom were former sidekicks of-“
“Woah, woah, kid, slow down.” Dick held up his hands in a placating manner, now grinning sheepishly. “I see you know your stuff. But yes, you can call me Dick if you want to.”
Robin rolled his eyes. “Well, I have to ‘know my stuff’ as Robin. Not that I’m doing much of that right now.”
Dick winced and, deflating like an old balloon, sat down on Robin‘s unmade bed.
“It’s not an easy time for Bruce- all of us really. Jason’s death… Nobody but that fucking clown is to blame, but Bruce still feels responsible.”
Dick’s eyes hardened and his voice edged on the corner of terrifyingly dangerous just after mentioning the Joker.
“But I’m not Jason!” Robin argued. “I’m not much of anyone but Robin, and Batman doesn’t even let me be that!”
Robin crossed his arms over his chest, already in a fool mood. The day had hardly started and he was already angry. Great. Dick observed him silently and Robin didn’t want to know what kind of impression he was making on the other vigilante.
“I might not be able to change Batman’s opinion on that, not given the terms we are on now, but I could use another set of eyes.”
Dick seemed to be hesitant saying those words, but Robin almost immediately began vibrating with energy.
“You want my help?” Robin asked, almost toppling his chair when he hurried to stand up.
Dick nodded seriously. “Yes, that’s why I came to the Cave originally. I’m tracking a ring of arms dealers and Batman has the better tech, but I think I’ll work just as fast with you helping out. So do you want to-“
“Yes!” Robin shouted. “Yes, yes, yes, please. I’ve been trying to solve old cold cases from the police, but without leaving the manor my investigations have been going super slowly and please let me help!”
Dick laughed and stood up. “Alright, alright. Down to the kitchen again then? Alfred's made breakfast and my files are downstairs. I suppose I have to get them from the Cave. You can change into something fresh in the meanwhile.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
As soon as Dick had left the room, Robin rushed to his wardrobe and quickly put on new clothes. A pair of sweatpants, gray this time, and a comfortable black and yellow Batman sweatshirt later, Robin was sitting at the kitchen table, munching on his cornflakes while Dick was sorting through his files.
Alfred had tsk’ed once in disapproval, but given that Robin wasn’t supposed to be in the Cave, they had to take their work upstairs.
Working alongside Nightwing was fun. The vigilante was perceptive and Robin admired how efficiently he worked, and how well he knew his city and its criminals. He gave Robin a quick rundown of what organization they were dealing with, how they operated and what had tipped Nightwing off.
Then the two of them started tracing the organization’s work back to Gotham, slowly dismantling them. After a couple hours had passed, they had connected the dealers with their buyers and began strategizing how to take them down.
“You’re pretty good at this,” Nightwing told Robin.
Robin smiled, this time with nothing holding him back. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself either, Nightwing.”
Nightwing messes up Robin’s hair delightfully, not even stopping when Robin shrieked.
“I told you, it’s Dick. If you’re gonna stick around a while longer, it’s only right you call me by my name.”
Robin pushed away the sheets of paper they had covered with mindmaps and leaned forward on the table, mustering Dick.
“Are you also going to stick around?”
Dick scratched the back of his head, eyes darting to the family photo sitting on the window sill. It was a small picture in a wooden frame depicting Alfred, Bruce, Dick and Barbara somewhere in the gardens. Right next to it was another picture of Jason, probably only a few months after his adoption, in his school uniform, standing in the foyer together with Bruce. Bruce was beaming and Jason smiling shyly. Robin wouldn’t know what he’d do if Batman ever smiled at him like that, probably start crying.
“I think I’ll show up a little more often,” Dick finally answered. “The Titans- they’re fine. Blüdhaven, of course, still needs me, but she’s not called Gotham’s sister city for nothing. If Gotham gets worse, Blüdhaven does as well. It’s in my best interest to keep an eye on Gotham as well.”
Dick said Gotham , but Robin guessed what he actually meant was Batman .
“I’ll make sure everything works out here in your absence,” Robin promised. “Or, I’ll try my best at least.”
“That’s more than enough, trust me,” Dick smiled.
That was when Alfred entered the kitchen and with barely ten words, told them to pack up so he could prepare lunch. Quickly, Robin and Dick cleaned up and put the various sheets they had stolen from the arts and crafts room in different folders so Dick could take them home comfortably.
Dick put everything in his blue messenger back and set off to deposit it back in his room. Since he said nothing to Robin, Robin decided to follow him. The family wing looked just like it did a month ago, freshly cleaned with nothing out of place.
Dick opened the door to his room and let Robin inside. Now that Robin was seeing Dick’s room for a second time, he could see how well it fit Dick. The CD player in the corner was angled in such a way that you got the best sound and the stacks of CDs next to it were a wild mix of modern pop, the 80s and bands that used to be popular a couple of years ago.
The right wall of the otherwise blue room was covered by a large mural. The skyline of a city with a lot of air balloons swinging gently in the wind above.
“Where is that?” Robin asked.
“Huh?” Dick turned his head to look in the same direction as Robin. “Oh. That? That’s Paris about ten years back? It was the first big vacation Bruce and I took. We went to Europe and tracked through France. Nobody knew who we were, it was quite refreshing. Especially since I hadn’t gotten used to the fame that came with being Bruce Wayne’s ward yet. There was a tournament or so near Paris and the sky was full of the balloons. It was the highlight of the vacation for me. And if not for the drug-dealing ring we accidentally shattered, I think it would have been Bruce’s as well.”
Robin, who had sat down on the bed, did a double-take at hearing about Dick and Bruce's adventure.
“You accidentally took down a drug-dealing ring? How do you even do that?”
Dick laughed and sat down on the ground, leaning against his bookshelves. “Okay, so it’s probably not even that funny, but you know how Bruce has a sixth sense for crime? So we’re walking down that beautiful alley and Bruce just freezes and squints at some shady dudes in one corner…”
Dick latched onto the story, narrating in great detail Robin and Batman’s adventure in Europe. And because he kept making references to other missions and the like, Dick kept going off track and told Robin more and more stories.
The longer he talked, the happier did Dick seem to become, and Robin too was pulled in by his enthusiasm. Some of these stories Robin knew, but the more he learned, the more did he realize that factual knowledge couldn’t compare to Dick’s vibrant description of the time Batman and Robin saved the holidays. The life Dick had lived was so colorful and fantastic - Robin wanted something like that for himself.
He could do without taking a swim in the sewers, but he’d give everything for Batman to look at him with the same fond exasperation Dick talked of.
“And that’s the reason why Bruce and I shared a hotel room,” Dick ended his monologue. “Talking rooms - is there a reason we relocated to the guest wing?”
Robin shrugged. “I think that’s Alfred’s doing. Bruce wasn’t sleeping well here.”
“Or at all?” Dick guessed with a sigh. “It’s no surprise with Jason’s room next door.”
“I found him in there in my first week,” Robin blurted out. “I don’t know what he was doing. He was just sitting on the ground and I had no idea how to act!”
“Don’t blame yourself,” Dick said. “Everybody grieves in a different way.”
Robin knew that Dick was trying to reassure him, but his words weren’t helping. Robin was well aware of how grief worked, it was part of their job and so he knew it, but he still couldn’t do anything to support Batman because he kept locking Robin out.
“But I still want to help him and I can’t because he won’t even let me come near him.”
“I promise I’ll talk to him when he gets him tonight. Maybe I can get Bruce to slow down a little. We’re not as close as we used to be, but maybe I can improve the situation a little.”
“And what should I do in the meantime?”
Dick reached up and pulled a book out of his shelf. Easily, he threw it at Robin. “Live a little.”
Robin caught the book and turned it around so he could read the cover. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.
The book looked rather old and worn. A quick flip through revealed pages covered in all kinds of ink and markers.
“What’s this?” Robin asked.
“The first Harry Potter book,” Dick answered. “I had to read it for class a couple years back and took a lot of notes in it. Kids your age are supposed to like it-”
“You mean one month going on one decade?” Robin replied snarkily, but Dick didn’t even  bother to reply to that.
“-and even beyond that. It’s just a fun book to read. Try to broaden your horizon a little further away from Robin or you’ll go mad.”
Dick fell silent and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he tilted his head slightly. He was observing Robin - no, the mask Robin couldn’t take off.
“And we need to do something about that too. You can’t keep running around  in the house with a mask and without a name.”
Robin just rolled his eyes. He supposed this was where he differed from regular humans. Robin was all he was and all he ought to be. He didn’t need to broaden his horizon.
“I have a name! I already told you that! It’s Robin.”
“Yeah, no.” Dick shook his head. “Robin is a title . You need a name.”
Robin didn’t get it. Maybe this was another one of these civilian life things he was supposed to follow now? It seemed that no matter how hard he tried, the others just didn’t understand that Robin was all he would ever be and all he was supposed to be. It was fine, he didn’t mind if he would actually get to do his job.
“I’m fine without, really,” Robin insisted.
From Dick’s sigh, Robin deduced that he didn’t believe him, but it wasn’t like this discussion would go anywhere anytime soon.
“Just try it, alright? You don’t just have vigilantism in your DNA.”
Robin was going to argue that he very much did, going by the components that constructed his DNA and its donors, but decided against it in the last second. If Dick was too stubborn to see it, Robin would just have to accept it and move on. At least he’d have some more entertainment for the next weeks.
“Thanks for the book,” Robin said instead.
Dick smiled. “No problem. You can tell me what you thought of it when you’ve read it. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on it. Bruce would always try to overinterpret the book instead of just enjoying it.”
Robin blinked.
“How do you just enjoy it?”
Dick began to laugh and threw back his head so far, that it knocked against his bookshelf, but even the sudden pain from that didn’t seem to deter him.
“I’m serious!” Robin said, his cheeks flushed red. “Explain!”
But Dick kept on laughing, bright and joyful.
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Thinking Bout You (Teen!Klaus Hargreeves X Teen!Reader) {SMUT}
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Fandom: The Umbrella Academy Pairing: Klaus Hargreeves X Reader Word Count: 4,309 Warning: Contains EXPLICIT sexual content! Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. I also kind of hint at them having had sex when they were 16/17, but in this fic they’re both 18 when they have sex.  The reason they’re teenagers in this is because I wanted family bonding with everyone being the same age, and Reginald trying to keep them apart. Author's Note: I'm still going to write a sequel to my Colin Ritman fic and my Peter Parker fake dating fic, but I watched Umbrella Academy (twice!) and I'm in love with Klaus and couldn't find like any smut for him so I decided to write my own. This is a semi AU in that Ben is alive and all the siblings are close because I just want them all to be happy 💖 Please let me know what you think! This is my first time writing for any Umbrella Academy characters and I did my best to keep everyone in character. 
You raised an eyebrow as you heard your window sliding open, turning your head and grinning as you locked eyes with your boyfriend, Klaus.
You climbed off your bed and shut your door with a soft click.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, looping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
He smiled a little sadly. “Just wanted to see you.”
You looked at him curiously, noting the tear tracks on his cheeks that had since dried. “Reginald locked you in the mausoleum again, didn't he?”
Klaus reluctantly nodded, and you sighed as you pulled him over to the bed, laying down and encouraging him to rest his head on your chest.
He did so without complaint, curling into your warm body eagerly.
“I hate him.” You said simply, carding your fingers through his hair. “Do you want me to talk to him?”
Klaus shook his head. “No. Thank you, though. It'll just make things worse.”
You sighed but accepted his response.
He hummed and looked up at you to let you know that he was listening.
“How about I go find us some food? And when I get back up we'll watch a movie.”
Klaus smiled and nodded. “That sounds nice.”
You pressed a kiss to his forehead and padded out of the room. You let your parents know that Klaus was over, which they appreciated, before putting a bag of popcorn in the microwave and turning on the stove so you could make tea.
When the water finished boiling, you made two cups of tea and put them on a tray along with the popcorn and a package of cookies.
You carefully made your way up to your room and pushed the door open, blinking in surprise when you realized that there were now six more people in your room.
Five teleported over to you and snagged the popcorn from the tray before disappearing back onto your bed.
You raised an eyebrow at Klaus.
“I told them I was coming over, and they decided to join me.” He said with a shrug, and you chuckled.
“Alright, well, I only have two cups of tea, does anyone want me to make more?”
“I would love a cup.” Allison said sweetly, and Vanya raised her hand to indicate that she wanted one too. Diego and Luther both shook their heads.
“Please,” Ben said, smiling.
“Do you have hot chocolate?” Five asked. He didn't give you a chance to respond before he was teleporting into your kitchen and, you assumed, digging through your cabinets.
You handed one cup of tea to Klaus before kissing him sweetly. “Feel free to pick a movie, guys.” You said, gesturing to your bookshelf that was filled with dvds. “I'll be right back!”
Thankfully, Five had gotten the water started for you, and as you poured the tea, he teleported the cups upstairs, so the only thing you had to carry up were two more bags of popcorn.
“I'm going to need to get a bigger bed.” You said, laughing. Klaus, Ben, and Vanya were seated on your bed, Allison was on a bean bag chair in front of your bed, and Five and Luther were sitting on pillows on the ground.
You tossed a bag of popcorn to Allison and handed the other one to Ben as you plopped down on your bed. Klaus’ arm instantly wrapped around your waist, pulling you close to him.
You curled into him happily as the opening credits to The Princess Diaries started. You wondered if Allison had rumored the boys to get them to agree to watch it, and the wink she shot you confirmed your suspicions.
You glanced around at your boyfriend and your best friends, and you smiled contentedly. You loved spending time with all of them.
About halfway through the movie, you heard someone pounding furiously at your front door. The blood drained from all of your faces; there was only one person that could be.
“Quick, get out of here, I'll cover for you.” You said, ushering everyone over to your window. Five started teleporting people home as fast as he could while you gathered up all the cups and popcorn bags and hid them in your closet.
You heard your parents opening the door and their surprised voices before someone began angrily stomping up the stairs to you room.
“Where are they?” Reginald hissed as he flung open the door to your room.
“Where's who?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
“My children have been missing for almost an hour. They're supposed to be training, not watching whatever...that is.” He said with a huff, gesturing to the tv.
“Even if they were here, which they're not, they're training all the time. They need a break sometimes.”
“I decide when they get a break.” Reginald barked.
You scowled. “You never give them a break. They're kids! They should be allowed to have fun.”
Reginald glared at you for a moment. “I forbid you from speaking to any of my children ever again.”
You chuckled. “Your kids make their own choices. Besides, they're almost adults, and you won't be able to control them forever.”
“Stay away from my children.” Reginald said before turning and leaving your room abruptly.
You could hear him stomping angrily down the stairs.
You fought back a scream as you felt a hand suddenly covering your mouth, scrambling to turn around and blinking in surprise when you saw that it was Klaus. You pulled his fingers away from your mouth.
“What are you still doing here?” You hissed, pushing him towards the window. “You need to get out of here or your dad's gonna kill you.”
“I was hiding in the closet. Wow, didn't think I'd ever be saying that.” Klaus said, chuckling. “I wanted to make sure nothing happened.
You opened your mouth to respond but Klaus moved towards you before you could.
Klaus’ hands cupped your cheeks as he leaned in and kissed you deeply. “You are so amazing. I can't believe you said that to my dad.”
“I hate how he treats you and your siblings. It's not fair. You all deserve so much better.”
“At least I can move out of that hell hole soon.”
Your eyes lit up. “We should get a place together! I have some money saved up from working at the mall.”
“Are you sure you wanna be around me 24/7?” Klaus teased. “I'm a handful.”
“All I've wanted for the last two years is to be around you 24/7. You're my favorite person, and I can't think of anything better.”  
Klaus’ eyes were suddenly glossy with unshed tears. “How on Earth did I get so lucky?” Klaus asked and pulled you towards him, kissing you like he couldn't get enough. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You responded easily, smiling as you tugged him into another kiss before pushing him towards the window. “You gotta go though, baby. Your dad is gonna be pissed, and I don't wanna make it any worse.”
Klaus sighed and reluctantly began climbing out the window.
“Tell the others I'm sorry I got you in trouble and that I love you all.”
“We know that already, silly.”
You chuckled. “I know, but a reminder never hurts.” You pressed one more quick kiss to his lips before his face dipped past your window sill. “I'll see you tomorrow!” You called out as his feet hit the ground, and he started running to his house.
You hoped that he and the others wouldn't get in too much trouble.
You hoped in vain.
Not only did Reginald punish the kids, he strictly enforced not letting his children see you. This was especially hard for you and Klaus.
Klaus managed to sneak out with Five's help once to let you know what was going on, but his father had locked him in the mausoleum for almost a whole day afterwards, so you agreed that it was for the best if you just waited until after his 18th birthday to see each other.
It was only a few months away, how bad it could be?
It was the worst for you and Klaus, obviously, but it was miserable even for his siblings. Not only did they miss you, but Klaus was grumpy and easily irritated which made them grumpy and irritated. It was a vicious cycle.
By the time their birthday finally rolled around, they were all eager to get out of the house and see you.
Klaus skipped up to your door before knocking loudly. His heart fluttered when you opened the door a half a second later.
“__y/n__,” Klaus breathed, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. You arched into the touch, sighing happily.
“Klaus, oh my god, I missed you so much.” You sobbed, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.
Klaus tilted your head so he could kiss you, his lips finding yours easily, and you moaned at the action, forgetting that Klaus’ brothers and sisters were right next to him.
You pulled away when Five coughed loudly, your cheeks flushed.
“You guys can go,” Klaus said roughly, trying to push you through the doorway while waving for his siblings to leave.
You gently smacked his arm. “We'll have time later to do whatever you want.” You murmured into his ear before opening the door wider and letting everyone into your house.
“It's so good to see you all.” You said sincerely, hugging each sibling individually. “I'm sorry this happened.”
You were immediately hit with a chorus of “It wasn't your fault.”, “Our dad's just a dick.”, and “I'm sorry too.”
You led everyone into the kitchen, Klaus’ arm around your waist, where there was a large cake that said “Happy Birthday
Klaus, Ben, Five, Vanya, Allison, Luther, Diego!” in red frosting.
“It was so hard to fit all your names on there that I had to start over twice.” You said, chuckling, and the others laughed too. “Happy birthday! I have presents in my room, let me go get them.”
“I'll help!” Klaus volunteered immediately, following you up the stairs to your room.
You barely made it through the door before Klaus had you pressed against the wall, his lips finding your neck as his fingers worked on unbuttoning your jeans.
“Klaus, baby, not yet.” You insisted, pulling him away from you with some effort. “As soon as we get presents handed out and cake eaten we'll come back up.”
Klaus whined. “But I want you now.”
You sucked in a breath. “I want you now too but your siblings are waiting for us downstairs.”
“So we'll make them wait.” Klaus suggested, voice rough.
You shook your head. “I don't wanna rush. I'll make it up to you once they're gone, promise.”
Klaus sighed dramatically and buttoned your jeans back up. “Fine.”
You chuckled and pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Klaus said, admiring your butt as you bent over to pick up some presents. “Where’s mine?” Klaus asked curiously, noting that his name wasn't on any of the boxes you picked up.
“Your present is...better given in private.” You said after a moment, and you watched as Klaus swallowed thickly and his eyes darkened.
“You're trying to kill me, aren't you?”
“Of course not. I'm not the one who can see the dead.” You teased, and Klaus’ lips twitched into a smile. “Now can you help me carry these?”
Klaus grabbed half of the boxes from you and carefully made his way downstairs with you following behind. You were only a little surprised to see that Ben and Five had already cut into the cake, and they were each happily eating a slice.
“Okay, guess we're doing cake first, then presents. Everyone get a slice.” You said with a chuckle, depositing the presents on the counter before hopping up beside them.
Klaus handed you a paper plate with the slice of cake that had his name on it and a fork.
“You're supposed to eat first, it's your birthday.” You said fondly, accepting the plate anyway.
Klaus shrugged. “I know.” He went back to the table to grab a piece for himself before jumping onto the counter beside you. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Thank you for the cake and the party.”
You grinned. “You're welcome. I hope everyone likes their presents.”
Klaus looked you up and down. “I know I'll like my present.” He purred.
You almost choked on your cake. “You are incorrigible.”   
“You guys are gross.” Ben called out from across the room, and Klaus responded by flipping him off.
“Nobody asked you.” Klaus singsonged, and Ben just rolled his eyes.
“Okay,” You said, jumping down from the counter once everyone had finished their cake. “Present time!”
You dispersed presents quickly, smiling as everyone tore into the umbrella-print wrapping paper that you hadn’t been able to resist.
Vanya's lower lip trembled when she saw what you had gotten for her: a beautiful violin case engraved with her name, and a note attached reminding her that you were always happy to attend her recitals.
You heard Allison squeal with excitement as she opened her gift, a variety of new makeup and skincare products she had been dying to try.
Diego got an ornate hunting knife with his name engraved into the handle, and he hefted it around in his hands, checking the weight, before he gave you a thumbs up.
Ben had received several of your favorite books that you thought he would like, and he blew you a kiss before eagerly beginning to flip through the pages.
You had gotten Five a silver pocket watch with a picture of all of you together carefully glued inside. He quickly attached it to the belt loops on his shorts and slid it into his pocket.
Luther had been the hardest for you to find a gift for, as he never really asked for or wanted much. After much deliberation, you had decided on a long, thick, wool coat. Luther put it on and grinned at how well it fit, walking over to you and hugging you tightly. “Thank you, __y/n__.” He said warmly. “I love it.”
The other siblings began chorusing their thank yous, and the smile on your face was brighter than the sun. Klaus thought you never looked more beautiful than you did in that moment.
Luther drew you, Klaus, and the others into a group hug that you all needed.
“I love you all, so much.” You said sincerely as the hug broke apart.
“We love you too, __y/n__.”
“And we can't thank you enough for keeping this bonehead happy.” Diego said teasingly, clapping his hand on Klaus’ shoulder.
“Where's Klaus’ present?” Vanya asked politely, feeling guilty that she hadn't noticed sooner.   
Your cheeks flushed as Klaus spoke up for you. “I get my present once you're all gone, so feel free to leave whenever.”
“V, let's go home so I can do your makeup!” Allison suggested excitedly, and Vanya nodded, smiling as Allison took her free hand and led her towards the door.
“Later.” Five said, shrugging at Klaus’ request and disappearing
“Fine with me, I wanna start reading these.” Ben said cheerfully and followed his sisters, his books clutched tightly to his chest.
“I wanna practice with this baby,” Diego agreed, admiring the knife you had given him as he walked out the door.
“Thank you again, __y/n__.” Luther said and gave you a wave before he too was gone.
“You didn't have to rush them out like that,” You said, frowning slightly.
Klaus caged you in against the counter, his lips brushing against your ear. “It's my birthday too, __y/n__, and I'm tired of waiting for my present.”
You swallowed thickly as you felt your cheeks grow warm.
“Let's go upstairs then.” You said after a moment of silence, and Klaus grinned.
“That's the best idea you've had all day.” Klaus murmured, licking his lips as he followed you up the stairs.
“Are your eyes closed?” You asked, poking your head out of the bathroom. Klaus was lying on your bed in nothing but a pair of black boxers, and you swallowed thickly as you admired his toned stomach and long legs.
He looked absolutely beautiful.
“Yes.” You made your way over to the bed and straddled his waist. His eyes instantly flew open, and when he saw the lingerie you were wearing, he groaned loudly.
You were wearing a black, baby doll style negligee. The cups were lacy, and the rest was sheer. You also wore thigh high socks, and when you lifted up the hem of the baby doll, Klaus realized you had no underwear on.
“Figured there was no need for them.” You purred, and Klaus groaned again as his fingers trailed along your slit.
“You're already so wet, baby.” He murmured, slipping one of his fingers inside you and gathering your wetness. He pulled it out after a moment and licked it clean.
“God, I missed you.” You murmured, bucking your hips impatiently.
“Just Klaus will do.” He teased and leaned up to kiss you deeply. You moaned into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck and grinding down against his throbbing erection.
Klaus groaned at the action, and you felt yourself grow wetter at the sound.
“I'm so lucky.” You said softly, running your fingers through his hair. Klaus leaned into your touch and hummed happily.
He grabbed your other hand and pressed kisses to your fingertips before placing a kiss on your palm.
“I'm luckier.” Klaus assured, and you giggled.
“It's not a competition.”
“Of course not,” Klaus agreed, kissing your shoulder. “But if it was…”
You rolled your eyes fondly. “I'm not gonna argue with you on your birthday.”
“Good.” Klaus’ lips found yours again, his kisses growing rougher and messier as you rolled your hips against his.
You whined suddenly, and Klaus raised an eyebrow at you.
“Do you want something, love? Speak up.”
“Can you eat me out? Please?”
Klaus chuckled and flipped you over gently, kissing down your chest and stomach before he reached your thighs.
“With pleasure.”
You moaned as he nibbled at your thighs before bringing his mouth to your dripping core.
“Somebody missed me, huh?  Klaus said teasingly, and your hands twisted in his hair as you nodded.
“So much. Missed everything about you.”
“I wonder,” Klaus began, licking one long stripe up and down your pussy. “How many nights you made yourself cum,” He slid one long finger inside you as he sucked at your clit. “Imagining my cock fucking you.”
You gasped, amazed you had been able to forget just how dirty Klaus’ mouth was. “Every night.” You answered honestly.
“Really?” Klaus said approvingly, flicking his tongue in and out of you at a rapid pace.
You nodded. “It was the only thing that could get me off.”
You lost your train of thought as he slipped a second finger into you alongside the first, plunging them deep inside you while he wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked. The slurping sounds he was making were absolutely filthy, and you knew you were dripping all over his face.
Reluctantly, you tugged his head away from your pussy and up to your face so you could kiss him deeply. “I need you to fuck me right now.”
Klaus inhaled sharply. “Your wish is my command.” He reached over to your nightstand to grab a condom but your hand on top of his made him pause.
“I want to feel you tonight. All of you.” Klaus almost came at your words alone.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, baby, I'm sure. Now fuck me.” You whined impatiently, wiggling your hips as Klaus wriggled out of his underwear. His lips met your as he lined his cock up with your entrance, and you both gasped as he easily slid all the way in.
“You feel so fucking good.” You praised, and Klaus smiled.
“You feel better.”
He pulled almost all the way out before he thrusted back in sharply. You moaned in unison and pulled him down so you could kiss him.
“I,” Klaus fucked into you deeply. “Love,” Another hard thrust. “You.” He punctuated the last word with a deep thrust.
“I love you too.” You murmured back with a smile. Klaus’ lips moved to your collarbone, licking and sucking, before travelling to your neck.
Before you could stop him, he sucked a dark purple hickey where you wouldn't be able to hide it without a scarf or turtleneck, making you frown.
“Klaus,” You whined. “My parents are gonna see that.”
Klaus chuckled, the sound rumbling against your throat. “So? I want everyone to know that you're mine.”
You inhaled sharply, and Klaus felt your pussy tightening around his cock. “You can't just say things like that.”
“Why not? You like my dirty mouth.” Klaus teased, reaching a hand in between your bodies so he could begin rubbing your clit.
“No, I love your dirty mouth.” You corrected, and Klaus groaned and captured your lips in a dirty kiss.
You smiled into the kiss before gently pushing Klaus off of you, whimpering as his cock slipped out of you.
“Something wrong, love?” Klaus asked in concern, and you shook your head as you flipped over and propped yourself up on your hands and knees, wiggling your butt at him.
“Just wanted to switch positions before you made me cum.” You purred, and Klaus almost choked on his tongue. He moved behind you immediately, using one hand to guide himself to your entrance and using the other to squeeze your breast.
“You’re so hot.” Klaus murmured. You felt your cheeks flush, and Klaus didn’t miss the way you clenched around him. “So sexy,” He continued, rolling your nipple between his fingers as he fucked into you hard. “The most beautiful person on the planet.”
You moaned as Klaus’ lips began sucking and biting your neck and shoulders, feeling yourself get impossibly wetter and closer to cumming.
“You gotta stop talking like that or I’m gonna cum,” You said with a whine, and Klaus nibbled on your earlobe as his hand moved from your breast to your clit.
“What’s wrong with that?” He asked huskily. “If you wanna cum baby, then go ahead and cum all over my cock.”
With Klaus whispering dirty things in your ear, his fingers rubbing your clit at a punishing pace, and his cock pounding into you roughly, it only took a few more minutes before you were twisting your neck around so you could sloppily kiss him and cumming with a loud moan. You loved cumming around his cock, and you knew Klaus loved it too, loved to feel the way you tightened up as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm.
Once you were finished, Klaus pulled out of you and flopped onto his back, and you quickly moved between his legs so you could take his cock into your mouth.
It only took a few pumps of your hand before he was spilling into your throat with a groan, his hands fisted in your hair.
You swallowed it down eagerly, swirling your tongue around to gather the excess before Klaus gently eased you off. He dragged you into a kiss, licking into your mouth and groaning as he tasted himself.
“You're too good to me.” Klaus murmured as you cuddled up to his chest, and one of his hands began stroking your hair.
“Nonsense.” You disagreed, peering up at him and pressing a kiss to his jaw. “You are so much better than you give yourself credit for.”  
“You're just saying that.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Klaus, look at me.” You said firmly and gently grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at you. “You are kind and smart and talented, and you have the biggest heart of anyone I've ever met. I am so lucky to know you and love you.”
Klaus quickly wiped his eyes. “I love you so much.”
He pulled you into a kiss, and you could feel his love and adoration for you pouring out.
You smiled as he broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his and sharing his air. After a beat of silence, you climbed off your bed, rummaging around in your desk drawer before returning with a small gift box.
“What's this?” Klaus asked, raising an eyebrow at you as you extended your arm out to him. “I thought you were my present.”
“It's your birthday, you deserve more than one present.” You said with a shrug.
Klaus lifted the top of the box and found a simple black ring inside. Examining it, he realized that there was an engraving on the inside.
I love you always <3
“It's a promise ring.” You said after a moment of silence. “I know we're too young to get married yet, but I know that I want to marry you someday.”
“You do?” Klaus asked, and he sounded more surprised than you were expecting.
You smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “Of course I do.”
Klaus’ lower lip trembled as he carefully took the ring out of the box and slid it onto his ring finger.
“I can't wait to marry you.” Klaus said softly, admiring the ring on his hand. “I'm never taking this off.”
“Good.” You said, grinning widely. “Happy birthday, love.”
“Happy birthday to me.” Klaus agreed, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You cuddled against Klaus, enjoying the warmth of his bare skin against yours. You still couldn't believe you had gotten so lucky. Klaus was thinking the same thing.
End. <3
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kauladoeswriting · 4 years
Life Will Change, Prologue
What you see here is possibly my weirdest passion project, and frankly I’m  a little terrified to share it. But what the hell, I might as well get it over with. If I keep tweaking it it’ll never get posted. No beta we die like men. Yell at me if there’s any weird continuity errors.
While knowledge of neither series is necessarily needed, it will probably make it more enjoyable. Fandom: Rockman.EXE/Persona 5 Fusion Wordcount: 1764
Next Chapter
November 18th, 2016
After School...
"After him!" 
 The night sky glittered through the windows as Joker ran by, moving along the sills of the window with grace born in practice and time. 
 "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were intentionally leading them on," Nurse commented in his ear. 
 "Psh, nah. You know how no nonsense he is! He wouldn't do that!" Ribbon responded. Despite her words, her tone revealed she was as joking as Nurse.
 "He's going to get caught if he doesn't stop," Rock scolded. "There's an air vent to your left, Joker. Take it."
 "Lighten up, Rock!" crooned Light. "You and Nurse worry way too much!"
 "Worry? You misunderstand me, Light. Joker's just an idiot." They could almost imagine Nurse tapping her foot without even seeing it.
 "I think none of you are taking this with appropriate seriousness." Soldier jumped in. "The only ones even trying seem to be myself, Rock, and Popup." No one could see Soldier, as he was off by himself, but they could hear his frown loudly over the comms.
 "Because we should act like a dog?" Light asked, immediately followed by a yelp as someone smacked him. If Joker had to guess, it was Ribbon or Popup.
 "How about you're all a distraction and really need to be quiet?" Joker asked, grinning all the same. He had taken Rock's advice, pulling himself up into the vents and let himself out into maintenance hallways, avoiding the guards chasing him for now.
With a quick look around to make sure he really alone, he crept down the hallway, leaping from shadow to shadow. He ducked behind a plush chair as a pair of guards ran by, hoping to catch any one of the nine thieves currently running about the building. They ran by the leader, but of course, they didn’t notice him.
 They never did. 
 Climbing through the building had led Joker to the upper floors. Okay, going up made things a little tougher, but he had accepted that escaping from down below was hopeless on foot. “HALT!”
 Oh, wonderful. He was found again. How were they tracking him so fast, exactly?
“There’s no way around! Joker, you’ll have to fight your way through!” Rock’s voice echoed in his ear, the navigator trying his hardest to manage all of the escapes at once. (He really didn’t envy the navigator’s job.)
 Drawing his sword from his sheath, he took a wide slash, striking both of the blob like security guards and causing them to dissolve. In a moment, they were more solid demons, something he could actually fight. Have to finish this quickly!     Joker grabbed his mask, summing a figure with long flowing hair next to him. “Let’s do this in one shot.” The figure readied it’s blade, wreathed in dark energy.
“EIGAON!” The swordsman next to him drew his sword back, and then in one fluid movement, tore straight through the opposing shadow. Not waiting a moment longer, Joker drove his sword straight through the chest of the shadow’s friend, drawing his pistol quickly and shooting it for good measure.
 “And that’s that.” He said, pleased, tucking his weapons back into their respective holsters. “Good one Joker! Now get going!” Rock encouraged. 
 “Watching him fight is fun, can we look for more things to- OW! Will you stop that?” Light complained, more shuffling as he evidently swung back this time. “Are you trying to get us in trouble?” Ribbon asked.
 Shaking his head, Joker took off down the hall way, continuing his hunt for a safe way out. Whatever map he was using, apparently Rock was unable to give him more useful directions.
 He was at the top of the building now, looking for a way out when the guards found him a second time. He could fight his way out, or he could do the fun thing…. How much did he feel like channeling Light?
 With guards on both sides, and a 5 on 1 match seeming unlikely, even with his skill and variety, Joker decided that channeling Light was in fact the best option here. Pivoting on his heel, Joker faced the huge window directly to his left, and with a few steps back, launched himself straight into it, guarding his face with his arms. For the briefest of seconds, Joker let himself fly through the air, before shifting to head down and land on his feet. For a precious few seconds, Joker thought he might have actually made it outside safely, and that he’d escape from the building unharmed. 
 And then all at once, the world in front of him lit up with the spotlights of SWAT officers. Oh. Oh hell. Pivoting on his heel, Joker jumped up to grab the fire escape ladder, encouraged by the chanting of his teammates in his ears. He climbed as quickly as he could.
 In the back of his mind, he could feel everyone yelling at him, warning of incoming danger. Not just his teammates either. Officers greeted him at the top of the ladder. Even though he knew they were coming, Joker couldn’t help looking surprised. Even more so, when they stomped on his hands, forcing him to let go and sending him spiraling back to the ground.
 This time, Joker wasn’t able to control his plummet.
The following was a flurry of motion and noise, as his comm link was torn away and he lost contact with his teammates, amid their worried commentary. “So young, huh?” Commented one officer, grabbing Joker’s face and roughly examining it, as if to get an idea who he was behind his mask. “To think that an actual kid has been committing this string of crimes…” Joker hoped the glare came across the way he wanted it to. With his arms pinned with an adult’s full bodyweight to his back, there’s not much else he can do. “You were sold out, you know.” Another officer, this one far more arrogant sounding, knelt down next to Joker. “You can thank your teammates for this.”
And then Joker’s world went dark.
When Joker came to, it was not to the same beautiful building he had fallen asleep in. Rather, it was in a concrete room he had never seen before, with two officers staring him down. He blinked slowly, trying to process the world around him.
 His face was bare. His mask was missing. And looking down revealed that he wasn’t wearing a a tuxedo of any kind, or any kind of weapons; just his day clothes. 
 “Assault, Murder, Grand Larceny, Obstruction of Justice, Property Damage, and more.” The officer was reading his charges. “Quite an impressive rap list for someone who is like, 17 years old?” He asks. Joker glared, not willing to respond to them. If they expect him to cooperate with them, they had another thing coming.
 Apparently, the officer with the clipboard had the same idea. “Now, kid. You can make this easy, or you can make it hard. We have a confession prepped for you. All you have to do is sign.” Still not willing to open his mouth, Joker shook his head no, trying as much to shake the worry of his teammate’s safety as he is  trying to push away the orders of the officer. He needed to hold his ground. They knew the plan, he had to trust they carried it out.
 The officer didn’t agree with Joker’s vow of silence, shoved the chair over, throwing the teen to the ground. “Think you can be a real smart guy, eh? We’ll get your name, one way or another, kid.”
 Blue eyes wandered to the camera in the back corner, behind the officer. The officer turned to see what Joker was looking at, and then laughed. “Are you hoping for the camera to save you kid? That someone will see this and come to your rescue? Let me burst your bubble; They don’t come to save criminals like you.” The clipboard is roughly shoved in Joker’s face again, as someone realized they should probably release his hands if they expected him to write. “Don’t even think about lying kid. You’ll just be caught immediately.” He chuckled, as if it were funny. “Not that you could anyways.” Deciding to cooperate to avoid another harsh hit like that, even though he was confused by the statement, Joker raised his hand to write his name on the clip board.  
Ijuuin Enzan
The officers looked at the name for a moment. “Isn’t it that kid of that CEO…?” Asked one. 
“The one who got in trouble over assaulting a politician?” The other officer confirmed it with a nod.
“You’re going away for a long time kid.” The one that had shoved the clipboard in his face kicked him again, almost completely for ‘good measure’ at this point.
And then he was alone.
Enzan finally climbs to his feet and at least rights hs chair. He was stuck in this room for the foreseeable future. He was waiting for a certain someone, but that person had to actually show up… and a part of him couldn’t help but worry that all their planning was for naught.
Those worries were assuaged when a woman with her hair in a ponytail, wearing a clean pink suit with a blue tie. If anyone could make that look professional… “Ijuuin-kun. I apologize, but we’ll need to make this as quick as you can manage.” She got right to work, setting the folder in her arms down and spreading them across the table. “I have had some time bought for me by my superior, but unfortunately they seem insistent you don’t get a fair shot.” Enzan couldn’t say he was surprised. With a rap sheet like his, he can’t imagine anyone wanted to see him walk free. If only they knew….
“We have been told...things about how you committed your crimes.” Manabe began slowly. “However, the explanations are… spotty at best.” 
Enzan nodded. They sounded unbelievable to him even know, and he had been at this for the better part of a year.
“They say you steal hearts, and fittingly, all those your target have make a complete 180 in their behavior. Ijuuin-kun, I need you to tell me everything so I can make an effective defense. I know their… methods, may make talking a little hard, but I need you to try.” Her nose crinkled a little bit at the comment. “You have to try.” “From the beginning?” Enzan spoke finally.
“From the beginning.” Manabe agreed.
“Well. It started in early April ...”
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cuppalevi · 4 years
Blue Guitar | Chapter 1: Feast Your Eyes
Series Summary: Leone Abbacchio's trying his best to get his shit together for Narancia. But when Narancia ends up inviting him to a concert he's playing for, Leone ends up under the sheets of the popstar, Bruno Buccellati. It turns out dating a popstar has complications. Especially when a certain someone named Diavolo has tricks up his sleeves.
Chapter 1 Summary: Leone Abbacchio gets invited to Bruno Buccellati’s concert by Narancia and he steals a pack of oranges from Giorno.
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Pairing: Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Buccellati
AO3 Link | Masterlist 
“You should go! You’re always at home.” Narancia remarked as he pressed down on the buttons of his Playstation controller, eyes trained on the television screen before him as he raced his F-Mega car against a computer opponent.
Grumbling, Leone flipped the pancake he was cooking on the stove for them, satisfied (and proud of himself) when the pancake was a good, golden brown color. “I like staying at home.”
Leone Abbacchio once worked as a policeman. Ever since he was charged for being a dirty cop for accepting bribery and letting his partner die in a stakeout, his life has gone downhill. It seemed that the only thing able to numb his pain was alcohol.
Narancia rolled his eyes, “Ugh, you’re such an old man.”
Narancia Ghirga was the only driving force that kept Leone from going crazy. When he had taken Narancia in, he was determined to get his act straight for the teenager. Narancia was a teenage runaway he met when he was drinking his ass off at the pub.
The raven-haired teen was strumming his guitar two seats away from Leone at the minibar when a random dude yelled at the teen to stop playing the guitar.
At first, Leone just minded his own business- with no intentions to get involved. But when he heard the thud of the guitar fall down to the floor, he looked in the teenager's direction. His eyes widened when he saw the boy's head whipping to the side when this guy had punched him.
Enraged, Leone had stood up from his stool and with no remorse, landed a swift punch to the offender.
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Leone grunted, wiping the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.
He was still definitely drunk.
Before he knew it, he had gotten himself into a brawl that the manager had broken apart. Resulting in being kicked out of the pub with a bruised eye and an aching torso.
"You didn't have to do that you know."
The man turned to see the teenager he had taken multiple hits for. He was looking down at the stone pavement, as he fiddled with his hands.
"A thank you would have sufficed. Got my ass kicked thanks to you." Leone rolled his eyes, wincing as he tried to straighten his posture, only to crouch and aid his stricken stomach.
The teen furrowed his brows, "I didn't even ask for your help. You could have just let them and you wouldn't have gotten hurt."
Leone clicked his tongue, "Yeah, well, guys like him are scums anyway. Picking on a kid." His stomach hurt badly, and the hospital was miles away from where they were now. Maybe he could just sleep it off, Leone thought. It’s probably not that bad.
The teen raised his head to look at Leone with furrowed brows and a frown on his lip, "I'm not a kid."
"Just go home already. Your parents are probably worried sick," Gruffed Leone, taking slow strides as he began the route back to his apartment.
"Tch. Padre doesn't care, he doesn't even bother looking for me. I ran away from home." The teenager had started walking along with him, his purple eyes glinting under the moonlight as the took each step. “I’m Narancia, by the way.”
“Leone Abbacchio,” The adult replied, turning his head at Narancia.
The boy seemed lonely, to be honest. If he did run away from home, then it’s most likely he’s got nowhere to stay. Leone contemplated if he should look for a place for Narancia to stay, seeing as sleeping in the streets wouldn’t suffice.
“Have you got any relatives you could stay with?” Asked Leone, swiping his bangs away from his face as the apartment complex had started come to view.
Narancia shook his head, “Nope. Nobody.”
Leone sighed, his heart overcoming his mind, “You can stay at mine for the time being.” He missed the way that Narancia raised his head and looked at the adult beside him with hope in his eyes.
That was two years ago when Narancia was fifteen. At first, Leone wasn’t fond of the idea of having another mouth to feed when he can barely sustain himself. But it just seemed that his sympathy broke through his walls and let the teenager live with him. Even so, Leone would never admit it, but he was damn glad he picked up Narancia that night.
Leone scoffed, “ Sta 'zitto, I’m too busy trying to find a new job to go to a concert.” He switched the stove off and placed the two plates with a stack of pancakes on the small dining table right by the kitchen.
When the teen heard the clink of plates against the wooden table, he paused his game, removing the headphones that sat on his ears and headed to the dining table where Leone was drizzling maple syrup over his meal.
“You’ll get to see me play my guitar upstage and you even get a VIP pass for backstage.” Narancia grinned as he sat down on a seat, inhaling the scent of the freshly cooked pancake presented before him.
Leone handed the teen the bottle of maple syrup, “I’ve seen you play your guitar hundreds of times.”
Narancia pointed his fork at him, his head leaning against the palm on his hand as it rested on the surface. “That’s different. This time I’m playing it in front of hundreds of people. It’s my first gig, Abba.”
The long-haired man hummed, “And I’m proud of you, definitely. But do you really want this old man spoiling your fun?”
Narancia rolled his eyes, stuffing his mouth with pancakes. “You’re not gonna be spoiling my fun, besides, I want you to meet Buccellati and the band.”
Leone sighed- this kid is relentless- “Don’t speak when your mouth is full. The band? Band of troublemakers you mean?”
“The good kind of troublemakers, Abbacchio.” Narancia smirked, “Come on! Please? Pretty please?” Then he turned to the grown-up with a smile. The kind of smile that a child makes when they want something. That cute, irresistible, innocent smile that Narancia had mastered which makes it hard for Leone to say NO to.
Leone clicked his tongue.
“Okay, I’ll clean Blues’ litter box and feed her for one whole week.” Narancia compromised, eyes beaming at the adult.
Leone hummed, squinting his eyes as he pursed his lips in thought. “Two weeks.” He countered.
“Deal!” Narancia grinned, taking another bite of his pancake as he internally cheered for himself.
Chuckling, Leone gulped down a glass of orange juice as he watched Narancia eat his pancakes happily. Although he would much rather stay at home, he can’t lie that he’s excited to see Naranicia play upstage. Leone remembered the day the teenager had been so excited when he announced that he landed a job as an acoustic guitarist in Bruno Buccellati’s band.
Suddenly, the two hear a loud meow. They whip their heads to the source and see the black-furred feline, Moody Blues. Her bright blue eyes staring at the two adults as she climbed down from the window sill and approached the dining table.
“Well look who’s back from her nightly adventures.” Leone commented.
Moody Blues hopped onto Leone’s lap and purred. The cat rubs her head on Leone’s chest and releases another meow.
Narancia had been coming home from school once when he heard tiny cries coming from the alleyway he passed on the route home. Curiously, the teen approached the source of the sound and found a cardboard box just resting beside a trash bin. And when he looked in, he saw a frail kitten, crying for something-- most probably her mama or maybe some food.
The kitten reminded him of himself before Leone had generously taken him in. So without a second thought, he carried the box home. Of course, Leone was surprised to see Narancia come through the door with a kitten, telling the teen that they weren’t capable of taking care of a pet.
"Please Abba? I promise to take good care of her!" Narancia had begged him with tear-filled eyes.
And since Leone hated seeing Narancia cry, Leone sighed and eventually gave in. Eventually working out ways on how they’d take care of the kitten.
It really should be a crime of how persuasive Narancia was.
It had been two years since then, the cat which Leone named Moody Blues was purring on his lap.
“She’s practically gone all the time. Wonder what she’s doing out on the streets.” Narancia mentioned, finished up the last of his pancakes.
Leone scratched the back of the feline’s ears, “At least she comes back home. Oh, and your two weeks begin now.”
Narancia groaned but stood up nonetheless, heading to the cupboard where they kept the cat food. He opened up the bag and poured a good amount onto the dark purple food bowl with a silver “Moody Blues” printed on. After that, he placed the food bowl down on the floor and called on Moody Blues.
“Here you go, girl,” Narancia called.
The cat hopped down from Leone’s lap and crawled towards Narancia. She released a meow as she rubbed herself on the legs of the teen, purring thankfully for the meal he’s given her.
“Right, what time is this concert?” Leone questioned as he got up and collected the plates and glasses to wash them up in the sink.
“Well we should be there at 7:30 PM since the band and I need some last-minute rehearses. Buccellati is also treating us to dinner,” Narancia said, “But the concert starts at 9.”
“I don’t even know who this Buccellati is,” Leone remarked as he started up washing the dishes.
Narancia had gone back to his game, determined to win against the F-Mega computer opponent. “You’re always listening to Monteverdi, you hardly get to listen to new songs.”
Leone rolled his purple-yellow eyes, “I didn’t know we were questioning my music tastes.”
"Seriously though, you should start listening to Buccellati. He's got great songs."
"I'll consider it." Were Leone's last words before the rest of the morning was met in silence.
It was now 7 in the morning, Leone was just getting ready to go to the grocery store. After Leone had finished up in the bathroom, he called Narancia from the living room who- to no surprise- was still glued to his gaming console and told him to get ready for school.
In his defense, it was way too early to play video games.
The man stood in front of his dresser, brushing down his mane of pale hair. When he first applied to the police force, his hair was trimmed in a crew cut. But since he wasn’t a cop anymore and months have passed, his hair progressed to grow quite quickly. Before he knew it, it went past his shoulder. He found himself liking his long hair so he opted to keep it.
"Abba, can you get those oranges that you always bring home from the store?" He heard Narancia's voice from the open crevice of his bedroom door.
"Of course I can,” Leone had tied a black elastic around his bunched up hair, pulling the mane into a ponytail before he grabs his wallet and exits his bedroom. “Make sure you lock up, okay? And don’t forget your textbooks this time.” He heads to grab his house keys before adorning himself in a black coat.
“Yeah, got them all packed.” Narancia held up his back-pack with a grin. “See ya later, alligator!”
“After a while, crocodile.”
Leone had found himself walking down the aisle of the grocery store, scanning at the different varieties of fruit displayed in front of him. He’s got a shopping cart grasped in his left hand while the other was buried in his coat pocket. He was looking for the oranges that Narancia loved. Once, Leone had brought home said oranges, and ever since, Narancia had become addicted to the fruit.
“It’s got a different kind of sweetness to it,” Narancia had told him when he asked why it became his favorite.
His eyes trailed over the citrus section when his eyes beamed at the packet of the oranges he was looking for. It was the last of the stock as well. As he went to grab the pack, another hand had seized the item. Dismayed, he went to look at the person who grabbed his oranges and they landed on a young, blonde-headed fellow.
“No, signore. Bruno’s supposed to have an interview tomorrow. He won’t be available until then,” The blonde spoke into the receiver of the phone he was holding.
Leone furrowed his brows and clicked his tongue, “Excuse me, I was going to get those-”
But before he could continue speaking, the blonde male raised a finger as if to silence him, conversing with the person he was talking to on the phone. Leone thought the guy looked ridiculous with three large, round curls sat above his forehead as the rest of his hair was braided behind him. He also looked young.
Leone rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“ Si, thank you for understanding. Ciao, ” The blonde spoke into the phone and ended the call.
“I got those oranges first,” Leone spoke up, glaring at him.
The kid before him removed the sunglasses he was wearing and set his gaze at Leone. “Is that so? They wouldn’t be in my hand if you got them first.” He raised a brow and gestured to the pack of oranges gripped in his hand.
“I was going to grab them but then you-”
“I don’t have time for your complaints, I’m a busy man and my time is short. Just wait for the next stock,”
Leone fumed, lips curled into a snarl. The blonde was about to walk away but then Leone had pulled him back harshly with a tight grip. “Listen here, brat. I got here first, those oranges are mine.”
The lengths he would go through just to please a troublesome kid at home.
The blonde scoffed, “They’re literally just oranges, get another pack. Now let go of me, please.” He tugged on his arm, trying to free himself from this man’s grip on his arm.
“There’s isn’t another pack because that’s the last one,” Leone growled, “I got here first, now hand them over.” Leone wasn’t one to pick up random fights in the grocery store t get the last pack of oranges. However, in this case, he’s definitely not gonna let some donut-headed blonde take the oranges (That he set his eyes on first) that Narancia had generously asked him to buy.
“Please, let go of me or I’ll call security,” The male calmly replied.
“Shut up, I have a kid at home who wants these oranges. I’ll let go once you hand me the oranges,” Leone was holding himself back from punching this kid.
“ Signore, I grabbed the oranges first. Therefore they’re mine.”
Leone poked the kid’s chest, glaringly. If you could squint, you’d probably see the steam fuming from Leone’s ears from how frustrated he was. “ Bastardo, I have seniority here so what I say goes. Are you still going to decline?”
The blonde peered at Leone, and with one motion, he swats at Leone’s hand that has been poking his chest. He glared back at Leone with glinting green eyes. “I’m afraid things will get ugly if you keep going, signore. Trust me, you don’t know what I’m capable of.” He taunted, tilting his head menacingly as if to threaten Leone.
Gritting his teeth, Leone opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted by another voice joining their conversation.
“Is there a problem, Giorno?”
The two heads turned to see another male. One clad in exquisite clothing with a stylish fedora that sat on his head and adorned white-framed sunglasses. “We’re meant to be at our destination in five minutes,”
Leone found himself staring at the man. There’s something about him that he can’t put his finger on. He finds himself yearning to see the face behind the shades.
“Apologies, Bruno. This man keeps insisting that I stole his oranges,” Said Giorno, moving away from Leone to approach this man called Bruno, the pack of oranges still in his hand.
Leone frowned, “That’s because you did,” He argued, still set on going home with the said oranges.
“All this ruckus for a pack of oranges, boss?” Bruno hummed at Giorno who rolled his eyes.
“I really did get them first,” Giorno claimed.
A huff leaves Leone’s mouth, “I had my eyes on them first.”
Giorno rolled his eyes once more, “Sure, whatever you say. We’re in a hurry, can we please get this over with?”
“I’m not letting you leave with those,” Leone pointed to the pack of oranges in Giorno’s hand.
“I just wanna get them for my kid,”
Wow, Leone could not believe that he’s started to call Narancia his kid. Oh boy, that kid is certainly gonna be the death of him eventually.
Bruno nudges Giorno at his side, “The guy’s got a kid. We can get oranges at another store,”
Giorno raises an offending brow to the man beside him, “ You asked for the oranges, Bruno. I’m only doing what you asked me to do.”
Bruno lets out a sigh, “As I said, we can get oranges at another store. We’re running out of time as well, I still have do warm-ups before tonight.”
Reluctantly, Giorno shakes his head and tosses the pack of oranges to Leone’s direction.
Fucking finally, Leone cheered in triumph.
“Thanks,” Leone mumbled, putting the pack of oranges to his shopping cart.
“Can we go now?” Giorno impatiently asked Bruno who was eyeing Leone scrutinizingly.
With a quirk at the corner of his mouth, he tipped his head to Leone. “Sorry for the trouble, bello,” He slid the shades down the bridge of his nose to get a better look at Leone.
Leone’s cheeks flushed red at the comment, much to Bruno’s delight. He stared back at the striking blue eyes that seemed to see through his soul.
“We’ll get going now,” Bruno smirked at him, putting the shades back in place- unfortunately (For Leone) covering the beautiful eyes he had- before turning to Giorno and nodding at the direction at the exit.
With one last glance, Bruno looked Leone up and down before walking away with Giorno by his side. Then, Leone released a breath he didn’t know he was holding. His fist was clenched tightly, but it wasn’t out of anger, it was more of due to the pile of shudders crawling up his spine. Admittedly, Bruno had managed to charm him. To the point where a small flicker of hope that Leone would see him again, especially without that brat Giorno.
Leone released a puff of breath, shaking his head and then heading to the counter to pay for those damn oranges.
< To Be Continued I \ I |
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dekatsu · 5 years
Pulitzer for the writer ask!
pulitzer: tell about/link a piece where you felt your writing was the best.
It’s a story I wrote for my old fandom. One really close to my heart and so I deleted it when I left and took it with me. Cause it’s mine, you know… I pulled an all-nighter for it and it’s really close to my heart since I wrote it when I was rather down. It makes me happy so I go back and read it whenever I’m feeling bad. 
I know you didn’t ask for it but I posted it below and made it bkdk cause I can. Bkdk might seem ooc though and I changed a little here and there to make it fit more but not much, since I like it the way it is. It’s kinda long.
There are times when Katsuki feels tired. It’s a bone deep exhaustion that pulls on him like nothing else, leaving him staring off into space as he tries to find out exactly why he feels like this; like an empty vessel. It is a feeling that comes and goes, leaving trails of sadness behind.
It’s not depression, Katsuki knows. He’s too young for that. He feels too young for this feeling, really. He shouldn’t feel like this, lost and just… just somewhere between where his body is and where his mind drifts to.
Katsuki tried consulting the Internet. It’s his first source for information and enough research with the right method always gets him answers. And all he found out about this was “It’s adolescents. Being at an age where one is not quite aware where they stand anymore: if kid, teen or adult. It will pass when one finds their way in life or a purpose. A dream, some call it. And some are stuck in that space forever, almost always accompanied by depression.”
Katsuki doesn’t like that. But then he doesn’t have a better answer either. He doesn’t think much about the drifting though. All he knows is that music helps. He likes playing the piano. While his fingers meet with familiar black and white tiles, he can lose himself to music he produces. It’s soothing.
But he hasn’t been able to play lately. Exams are around the corner and if there is one thing Katsuki priorities, it’s his grades. He’s a straight A student, his dedication for studying born somewhere between his mom’s constant pressure and his own interest for knowledge.
People would probably call him a nerd. Katsuki frowns at the terminology. It sounds so underwhelming for all his intelligence. But then again, he doesn’t hang around with others much, so that’s not something he is confronted with. Which is good, if you ask him.
But then that leads him to whatever this emptiness is born because he lacks contact with other humans. He’s not stupid, in fact, he can deduce that some of it might just be loneliness. But he’s got a few selected - he would call them friends, but then he’s not really that close with anyone - people he likes to be around every now and then. That’s all he needs to meet his dosage of human contact.
But bugged with this feeling, he can’t help but make his way to an old classroom-turned-storage room, where the piano is placed until it’s needed for whatever event. One of the ups of being a good student is that he’s got the teachers’ trust. Getting the key is no problem at all.
His fingers already itch to play when he gets to the door. Surprisingly though, it’s unlocked. Katsuki hesitates for a moment before pushing the door open just a crack. Usually he’s alone, never disturbed even.
He steps in, looking around. Katsuki sees him lying on the old couch of the theatre club, arm across his face and spread out casually. Well, if this isn’t surprising. Izuku, Katsuki thinks his name was. Not someone he associates with. If anyone could be described as his opposite, it probably would be this guy.
He’s the attention seeker, and always the centre of all. To see him alone for once, it’s something new. Katsuki stands there in the doorway, contemplating whatever to stay or turn around. In the end the piled-up stress wins out and he closes the door, moving to his usual chair in front of the piano.
Izuku is free to go whenever he wants. It’s not like Katsuki can move the piano. And this room is somewhat soundproof, for one. The sound doesn’t carry too loud into the hallway so that anyone who isn’t standing in front of the door, or close enough, won’t hear.
And then his fingers move. It’s a slow thing, his body easing, his shoulders going limp and he feels relaxed for the first time in weeks. God, he missed playing.
Studying is fine, exciting even for the right subjects. But this, this is so much better.
He plays a slow tune, moves his hands over the tiles, loving the way they give under pressure.
By the time he’s done playing and massages his hands, fingers going stiff after the exertion, he feels better. The feeling is not gone but not quite as suffocating anymore.
He stands up to open a window when he catches movement to his left. Turning around he sees Izuku watching him. Now that he gets a look at Izuku’s face, he can see a similar exhaustion on his features. But he thinks he may see slight traces of wetness as well. He can’t tell.
Katsuki goes for the window, opening it and turning to lean his lower back against the sill.
“You played the piano.”
It’s not really a question, more a statement but the following silence makes Katsuki feel awkward, so he nods. “As you just heard.”
“I don’t mean now,” Izuku tells him, pulling his arm up to drape it across his face again. “You played it before. I’m not sure how often but sometimes I would come by and just listen outside. It’s nice.”
Katsuki stares at him, not sure what to say, so he doesn’t say anything. Instead he turns around and enjoys the fresh air. The room is covered in dust, so this really helps.
“Why did you stop?”
“I didn’t.”
“You weren’t here for a while.”
It hits him then what Izuku means. He came to listen, deliberately seeking out time to stand around in front of the door. Katsuki frowns. “Exams,” he says. And then because he can’t help himself, he asks, “do you care?”
Izuku doesn’t reply for a while and when there is the sound of shuffling, he turns around. Izuku is sitting up and rolling his shoulders. “Like I said, it’s nice.” He gives Katsuki a smile before going for the door.
Katsuki knows a fake smile when he sees one. But he doesn’t say anything.
Before Izuku leaves though, he turns around and stares at him. “What?” Katsuki asks, suddenly feeling uneasy.
“You playing tomorrow again?”
“I don’t know. Whenever I feel like it.”
“Mind if I join you?”
Katsuki shrugs. He doesn’t really care. Izuku nods at him before leaving. It’s weird, seeing someone who is always surrounded by people like this. Somewhat vulnerable but tightly closed off. It doesn’t fit with the other image he had of Izuku.
There is a sudden strong breeze which makes Katsuki shiver. He hurries to close the window and moves over to the piano. He trails his fingers over the tiles one last time before tidying up and leaving.
He feels better. Not good but better.
Katsuki hadn’t quite expected it but Izuku does in fact attend his little piano sessions. He does not quite know how Izuku does it, but the few times he wanders there during exam period, Izuku is always lying on the old couch and listening. At the end of each session he just stands and says a thanks before walking out.
It is weird because Katsuki doesn’t appear on set days but irregularly.
Katsuki doesn’t reply or acknowledges his thanks because he doesn’t play for Izuku. He would dwell on it but with his mind on exams and exhausted otherwise, he doesn’t have the time for it.
It’s after the exams that he turns up to an empty room for the first time in a while. He had grown used to Izuku’s presence in the room but it’s nothing he requires. After all, he plays for an audience of one: himself.
He’s halfway through a new melody he had learned on YouTube when the door cracks open and Izuku comes in, cheeks flushed and panting. He’s got two bags and Katsuki concludes that he was busy with club activities. Soccer, if he remembers correctly.
Katsuki’s hands falter over the tiles slightly, losing the melody. He furrows his eyebrows as his hands come to a halt. When he turns, he sends Izuku a glare.
“Sorry,” Izuku mouths back, wincing.
Katsuki tries to play the melody again but he doesn’t get it quite right anymore. He gives up, sighing. No use in trying for the day anymore.
“You are stopping?” Izuku asks, a note of disappointment in his voice.
Katsuki just shrugs. “I can’t get it right anymore. I need to look it up again. You disturbed the flow.”
“I didn’t mean to. Sorry,” he apologizes again and Katsuki shrugs. Might as well open a window. “Soccer?”
“Yes. We were on halt for exams but kicking again now.” His excitement is shining through his eyes as he beams a smile at Katsuki.
It’s almost too much for him but he nods in reply. “I’m bad in sports.”
“And good in everything else.”
“Exactly,” Katsuki deadpans.
Izuku laughs at that, body shaking. It’s a weird sound somewhere between wheezing and laughing, more air than sound. Katsuki catches himself smiling in return, and then frowning.
“I wish I had your grades,” Izuku tells him after his laughter fades.
“Study harder.”
Katsuki realises soon that something is wrong with Izuku. They have been each other’s company for a while now, exchanging small talk but mostly just sitting in silence as Katsuki plays his music. So Katsuki can say he knows Izuku, somewhat.
Only he really doesn’t. The Izuku he knows is not the Izuku he sees with others. Loud, annoying, big in his movements and talking. A whole lot of talking. This is the Izuku he knew before seeing him in his space, on the couch and looking like he just cried.
He observes it carefully. At some point, he starts to differentiate between his Izuku and Izuku. Not that it means anything. It’s a way for him to keep them apart and then find out - not now, they are still strangers to one another - which the real one is. Sometimes his eyes meet Izuku’s as he stares and sometimes Izuku is staring at him.
Katsuki silently compares himself and Izuku to two animals, carefully observing the other in their territory and trying to figure out if it’s threat or prey.
Maybe both, maybe neither.
“When did you start playing the piano?” Izuku asks. He’s in one of his better moods today, not lying on the couch but sitting and staring. At least he is always polite enough to wait until Katsuki is done playing before he starts small talk.
“I started at six. But stopped half a month later. My mother wanted me to concentrate on school.” Katsuki stands, going for the window. It’s his routine. Play and then air out. “I mostly taught myself everything after. Learned new things from YouTube. But I can only try it here, with this.” He nods at the piano.
Izuku hums in thought. His eyes roam the room before they settle on something and he moves. “I taught myself the guitar. YouTube as well. I’m no master but I can play easy cords.”
Katsuki huffs. “Why am I not surprised?”
“What do you mean?” Izuku looks genuinely lost when he asks.
“It fits your character. Guitars are flashy, and so are you. At least when you are not in here with me,” Katsuki adds. He feels a need to, since there is obviously another Izuku outside of here.
There is a small flicker of emotion across Izuku’s face, but he hides it fast. Just nodding in acceptance. Katsuki turns to look out the window. If he pushes too fast, Izuku will flee, like a scared animal.
“If you,” Izuku starts but then hesitates for a moment. Katsuki turns to see his conflict but remains silent, waiting. “If you teach me the piano, I will teach you the guitar.”
Well, Katsuki thinks, this is unexpected. He nods, carefully observing Izuku to work out a motive. Why would he want this?
Izuku stares back at him, expressionless before he gives him a tentative smile. Whatever he saw in Katsuki’s expression, it was enough for him not to flee.
He thinks Izuku is testing this. And he thinks Izuku is this, reserved, unsure and hesitant. He enjoys silence and is careful to choose his words, and sometimes up to cry. So, the other one must be a front? An adaption into society maybe?
Katsuki doesn’t know but maybe he will find out.
Katsuki learns the guitar, his fingers fumble with the strings and start throbbing when he pulls too hard. He’s clumsy. But Izuku is patient, teaches him and sometimes holds his hands in place to make his muscles familiar with the movement.
Katsuki thinks he prefers the piano. And that’s why he compromises with Izuku to only learn one piece. Otherwise his fingers will be too sore to play the piano after hours of holding his pen up.
“There we go.” Izuku smiles at him, clapping his hands when Katsuki finally finishes a successful try. It was a hard climb, took him one week and now he can say he plays the guitar. It’s only one melody but that’s all he ever needs.
Izuku learns the piano much faster, taking the order of tiles in and pressing them accordingly. He lacks the speed, fingers cramping up every now and then but he’s getting there. With enough practice, he will nail the timing as well.
And then they play the melody together. Izuku wanted to try it and Katsuki shrugged. So here they are, each playing with one hand and Katsuki must consciously hold back from using his other.
It works, mostly, until Izuku hits two tiles at once and the tension that had been building up between them crumbles into a heap of laughter.
Izuku strains his finger and comes back with a small bandage around it the next day. Katsuki looks at him, impressed. “Wow.”
“If anyone asks,” Izuku says, “this happened in a fight, where I played the hero.”
Katsuki snorts at him. But when Izuku asks he still signs the white thing for him. His name is the first, and it shouldn’t mean anything, but it does because Izuku didn’t gather any signs during all their classes and maybe waited until now for the first.
The next day the white is colourful and ugly. Izuku listens to his piano and when Katsuki is done, smiles at him.
“At least I don’t have to skip on soccer.” He kicks his feet up.
Sometime between their time spent together and his observation of Izuku, Katsuki thinks he figured it out.
It’s not a matter of what’s real and what’s fake but a matter of balance. The need for attention and then the need for isolation. It’s part of how Izuku functions, how he keeps up with his social circle.
Katsuki is probably the only one who knows both sides of the coin that is Midoriya Izuku. He shouldn’t feel special or smug, but he does. There is a fluttering sensation when he thinks the other Izuku is a secret only for him. And maybe that realisation makes Izuku’s presence in his space more important.
Katsuki carefully stuffs these thoughts into a small corner and decides not to linger on them.
He doesn’t know how much time passed since their first encounter in his room - months probably -
but now he knows that Izuku was in fact crying.
Because when he walks in, Izuku is lying on the couch, tears bypassing his hands to leave wet traces on his skin. Katsuki closes the door and goes to his piano. His fingers fly easily, filling the room with sounds and drowning any Izuku might make.
He plays for far longer than he usually does, not looking back at Izuku at all. Only when he hears a shuffling from behind somewhere, he stops. Izuku is by the window, opening it now and taking a deep breath. “Thanks,” he mutters but doesn’t turn.
Katsuki hums as reply and that’s it until they go home.
Katsuki learns to distinguish between Izuku’s fake behaviour and his real.
His smile and laugh right now are fake. His eyes don’t wrinkle around the corners, there are no wrinkles on his nose and his freckles stay unamused. Katsuki frowns. He’s fast becoming aware of Izuku’s habit to pretend when he is uncomfortable or isn’t really in the mood. Or just doesn’t find something funny.
He continues to observe Izuku across the classroom. Observe, not stare, he tells himself. Whatever Izuku’s friend told him, it isn’t funny but Izuku laughs something polite. And then he looks back, as if sensing Katsuki’s stare. Their eyes meet and Izuku knows he knows. And shrugs.
Katsuki knows a flutter when he feels it and this time there is a skip accompanying it.
“You faked that smile,” Katsuki tells him later when they meet.
Izuku stares at him for a long time and then nods. “I don’t like mom jokes.”
“Why not just say so?”
“Sometimes it’s easier to laugh along rather than sour the mood.”
Katsuki doesn’t understand that but he doesn’t say anything more either. He’s far from social, Izuku obviously the better one between them.
“Don’t do that around me,” he says later.
“I won’t,” Izuku promises.
It feels like triumph, somehow.
It’s a bad day. Katsuki isn’t quite sure why but then, he never is. The feeling hits him fast and hard, more so than usual. He’s suddenly exhausted, sad. And it piles. The itch returns to his fingers and he can’t wait to just play. He thinks about Izuku being there, and what he might think.
But then, he saw Izuku at his weakest, too. And Izuku trusted him enough to come back.
Katsuki doesn’t think he would judge him.
When he enters the room, and plays the piano, it’s nothing unusual.
But then he starts drifting, mind going places his body can’t follow but his fingers move steadily over the tiles. When he’s calm again, there again, he stops playing. It took him longer than usual but that’s ok.
The feeling is back under until another time. Katsuki sighs.
When he turns around, Izuku is staring at him. He looks worried, face hard and eyes serious.
“I called out a few times,” Izuku tells him, licking his lips. He’s nervous, and maybe doesn’t know if he’s allowed to ask.
“It happens, sometimes.“ That’s all Katsuki will say.
Apparently, it’s enough for Izuku because he smiles back, something like understanding crossing his features. “I see,” he says.
They don’t talk about it. Or about why Izuku cries. But that’s ok. Maybe they will get there someday but for now a steady presence and comfortable silence is more than enough.
It doesn’t take long for them to grow familiar. Maybe it’s the knowledge that they each have a secret of the other. Or maybe it’s the slow acknowledgement of what lingers in the air between them, Katsuki isn’t quite sure. What he knows though is that there is something more, something that could be nice, if explored.
There are touches and traces of gooseflesh, long moments of staring or just sitting back to back while thinking and sometimes doing homework. Izuku asks him for help in math and Katsuki teaches him. It’s easy, really. It’s so easy, that Izuku falls into the habit of laughing around him a lot more. Really laughing, with wrinkles and lines. And his green eyes glow with joy under the fake light of their room.
Katsuki likes that look on him, and one afternoon when they are huddled up together and Izuku smiles at him, he blurts out something stupid.
“Your face really blooms.”
Izuku looks at him, surprised and confused.
“You know, when you smile. It’s like,” Katsuki brings his hand up to his face and curls his fingers together before expanding them. “Or something,” he says, feeling stupid for his inability to describe in words.
So much for eloquence.
But Izuku snorts another laugh and Katsuki finds the courage to continue. “You go from hard edges and features to soft all over. Your eyes get huge. It’s cute.”
“It’s really not,” he denies but avoids Katsuki’s eyes for the rest of the day.
And then it’s all game. A careful game of keeping close but cautious. Because they don’t compliment each other. But Katsuki broke that with his weird outburst and now Izuku got the go ahead and Katsuki knows he has it, too.
Finding their feet in this shifting thing is hard but they will get there, eventually.
For now, Katsuki is happy to note that they are on the same boat. Izuku feels the same. He can read it in every freckle on Izuku’s face and so smiles behind his books, anticipating the future.
“So, what’s your type?” Izuku asks. He looks completely earnest. So much so that Katsuki has to choke back an amused laugh. He doesn’t want to let Izuku think he isn’t taking this seriously when Izuku obviously is.
It’s a fight not to let his amusement show through as he contemplates how to answer Izuku. If this isn’t straight forward, Katsuki thinks. He decides not to say anything and just stare back at Izuku. They are sitting across each other, Izuku on his couch and Katsuki on the chair.
Izuku meets his gaze for quite some time, apparently determined to see this through. When Katsuki still gives him no answer he makes an impatient gesture with his hands. “Come on!”
Katsuki just shrugs. “I don’t really have a type.”
“Don’t pull that one on me.” Izuku leans forward, elbows on his knees as he observes Katsuki. “Everyone has a type, and so do you.”
“You would know.”
Izuku nods.
And then Katsuki thinks he can be straight forward, too. He’s mostly confident about Izuku’s feelings but for a small voice in the back of his head, whispering a silent “you are reading too much into it.” Katsuki ignores that voice.
“Right, so?” Izuku presses and Katsuki relents. Apparently, he, too, had enough of this circling each other’s. Izuku made the first step and Katsuki will take the leap.
“First,” he starts, holding his fingers up to count on them. “Short hair preferably. Freckles, a lot of them. Big green eyes, to complement my small red ones. Outgoing, since I lack social skills. Someone needs to cover for that. But someone who enjoys silent company as much as I do. Laugh lines, I would like to trace those. Good at soccer because I suck at sports. Someone who likes my piano and is interesting enough to hold my interest.” Katsuki holds his fingers up, not looking at Izuku until he adds, “oh, and a blooming face.”
When he does look up, he can’t help a small smug smile. Smugness isn’t attractive, he tells himself, but the colour on Izuku’s cheeks is.
He doesn’t say any more and waits for a reaction. But when Izuku just continues to stare at him, he holds his fingers further up into Izuku face.
Izuku reaches out with his hands, folding his fingers together and holding his hands down. Izuku’s touch is warm against his own and Katsuki just waits. When Izuku does react, all he gets is a nod.
And then Izuku is leaving the room.
Katsuki can wait for Izuku. He’s got time. And Izuku would be worth it. But the whisper gets stronger somewhere back there, so he stands up and goes for the piano.
Nothing better to drown out voices than music.
Izuku ignores him for most of the day, careful to avoid him throughout all classes and never meeting his eyes. There is a new feeling Katsuki discovers. Something between being denied and being wrong.
He knows he isn’t wrong but Izuku’s behaviour is peculiar. It’s strange and unsettling. Katsuki tries to ignore it and reads the same paragraph five times before finally giving up. He can’t concentrate.
When he’s in their room, he sighs, deflating. Waiting is hard, harder than he wants to admit. It brings a feeling of helplessness along, which Katsuki is starting to hate.
So maybe he can’t wait.
He sits down in front of the piano, tracing the tiles. And then he starts playing. A slow tune, one he taught Izuku. Izuku is good at this one, even if slightly stiff. He’s getting there.
He doesn’t stop when the door creaks, and silently wills his nerves to calm down. He stares determinedly at the tiles, his movement growing clumsy. Izuku pulls up a chair and sits next to him, just watching.
When Katsuki drops his right hand, Izuku picks up with his own and joins him.
He lets out a breath he doesn’t remember holding. Nothing to worry about, after all. Small voices be damned.
Izuku gets some notes wrong, but otherwise they finish it well, the melody flowing and ending. And when it’s gone, Katsuki doesn’t know what to do with himself. He thinks Izuku would know but he suddenly lacks courage to look at him.
He is still staring at the tiles when Izuku finally speaks. “Who told you your eyes are small? Not that they aren’t but it’s kind of hard to imagine anyone having the courage to do so.”
Katsuki clicks his tongue, glaring at Izuku. “Yours are as small, too, if you don’t laugh.”
“You wish.”
“Do you not look into the mirror?” Katsuki asks him. The uneasiness is gone, Izuku’s behaviour during the day forgotten because they still have this. And maybe more
“That’s not true!” Izuku’s protest is weak though because he tries to glare and squints his eyes. Katsuki just looks at him for a long moment. And then Izuku is smiling, and his eyes get huge and he looks beautiful. “Ok, ok, whatever you say.”
“Blooming,” Katsuki repeats because he thinks Izuku needs to know.
“Of course. So, who told you?”
“My mother.” Katsuki frowns. “Though hers are as small, if not smaller. She just uses makeup, which is cheating.”
“Of course, it is.”
“Definitely,” Katsuki agrees. But then he realises Izuku used sarcasm and rises an eyebrow. “What?”
“I use it, too. Eyeliner, I mean. Sometimes. It’s great, makes the eyes more prominent. And it looks good.” Izuku stills when he realises Katsuki is staring and shifts suddenly. “What?” he asks.
“You always look good,” Katsuki tells him honestly. And he means it. Even when Izuku stinks up the room after practice, all dishevelled and hair somewhere between bird’s nest and thunderstruck.
Izuku gives him a look. One he’s fast coming to realise means this is a significant moment. A moment between them.
And he takes a chance when he leans forward, into Izuku’s space. At first, Izuku doesn’t react and continues to stare but then he leans forward, too, and Katsuki thinks this is it.
He closes his eyes on the first touch, lingering long enough for his lips to prickle against Izuku’s before he pulls back. Izuku presses against him, not allowing him to stray far so that they are forehead to forehead.
When Izuku sighs, content, he feels suddenly. The blood rushes to his cheeks, settling there. Izuku chuckles at him, the sound more pleasant than ever. “Now you blush.” It’s teasing and Katsuki allows it.
“You ignored me for the whole day. I was nervous. Anxious,” he explains. His hand moves, cups Izuku’s cheek and traces the hints of laugh lines and freckles.
“I’m sorry.” He says it sincerely, looking Katsuki dead in the eyes. And Katsuki thinks he knows why Izuku didn’t come to him immediately. This is new, and maybe a little scary, certainly overwhelming. But he’s here and willing to take this on with Izuku. He vows to tell Izuku as much.
But then Izuku sees his acceptance and nuzzles into his hand. Katsuki sucks in a sharp breath, and his body moves before his thoughts catch up, inhaling Izuku’s next breath before he kisses him again.
Izuku stills, surprised, but then he turns into the kiss, hands on Katsuki’s shoulders and sinks into it. Katsuki’s hand leaves his cheek to slide into his hair.
This, he thinks, this is it.
The next day, much to Katsuki’s displeasure, Izuku takes out his eyeliner and tries to persuade Katsuki to try it. Katsuki strongly denies him, until Izuku says he would look good. Curiosity mixes with the sudden want to indulge Izuku and he sighs, long suffering before finally giving in.
When Izuku starts on his other eye, Katsuki speaks. “What happens here, stays here.” He will not admit to this, ever.
And then it’s over, Izuku holding up the offending object as he takes in his work. The smart smile across his lips thins out suddenly. Katsuki waits and observes. There is a hint of amusement, thanks to Katsuki’s comment. And adoration, which Katsuki still tries to get used to. It’s something new, something Izuku wears for him and it makes his chest swell. He will get behind why, sometime. And then there is a note of amazement and something else.
Arousal, he would place it.
And suddenly he feels wrung up, and moves, not able not to react. It’s not something they can try now, not when they are still learning each other’s. But there is another thing they know already.
He takes Izuku’s hand, the one holding the eyeliner and says, “you like it.”
“I do,” Izuku confirms.
That’s all Katsuki needs as he leans forward. And this time, Izuku doesn’t hesitate, pressing into Katsuki and parting his lips. Katsuki stills shortly but accepts the invitation.
We will figure this out, is Katsuki’s last thought before all he can do is feel Izuku’s tongue against his own.
Later, the eyeliner becomes a much-adored friend. He pointedly ignores Izuku’s I told you so look.
The feeling of emptiness doesn’t disappear, but the exhaustion lessens. He still drifts sometimes, especially while stressed but Izuku’s silent company is like an anchor and when he’s ready to be back, Izuku opens a window for him.
Izuku, too, still piles it up. When it hits, it tears him down and Katsuki likes to sit by and play his music as Izuku takes his time and calms down.
When the time comes, they will talk about it. But for now, this is good, this is enough.
It’s company, he thinks, and could be home.
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linettiewizowski · 5 years
So I saw this one post from someone on their opinion of the love square. And I really wanted to point out a few things but their replies are turned off.... So I'm answering it here anyways.
(This rant is very long, not kidding, if ya feel like reading what's basically a big ass PowerPoint then go right ahead)
- Being a child does NOT give you a pass to stalk, be possessive over, steal from, invade the boundaries, invade the personal space, of someone you have a crush on.
That is wrong. Children should not be allowed to carry on such innapropriate, behavior. No one should.
- Children need guidance and protection. They cannot always learn or handle things on their own....that should be obvious with Marinette and especially Adrien.
°I don't think Tom & Sabine ever expected Marinette to be a stalker....so they would never think to teach her otherwise.
- Yes I know she does realize what she's doing is wrong.....but then she just continues anyways. (Or maybe it only seems like she didn't stop because the episodes are out of order? But even then she STILL acts like this in newer episodes so I'm still sticking to what I said.)
°Adrien.......needs to be taken away to a safe & stable household. (Please let Emelie awaken soon, maybe she'll set things straight. Gabriel deserves a divorce & prison.) Even so, Gabriel does recognize such unhealthy behavior. Gabriel also would not at all expect his son to behave so innapropriately. I am purdy sure he thinks Adrien is "perfect." He even calls Adrien "perfection" in one episode. - It would not even cross his mind to teach his son proper etiquette concerning a crush.
>Ahem, Adrien's possessive, territorial, pushy, somewhat obsessive, Jealous, sometimes moody behavior concerning his feelings for Ladybug.
Constantly hitting on her, flirting with her, getting up in her space, when she has repeatedly showed him that she is NOT interested in him. Even when she revealed she had feelings for another boy he kept pushing.
- The episode where he thought he had right to be angry when she "stood him up" when - The way "Chat" said it & the way "Lady" reacted? Lady only saw it as a dinner between friends.....He then went on to set up an obviously romantic candlelight dinner.
- Once again, Ladybug has made it specifically clear, she is not interested.
Lady did not even fully agree to said dinner. She said she had plans.
Adri-Chat asked "If they end early, come join me?" Lady said "We'll see."
- That is not a yes, that is a maybe. He didn't even take HER plans into account, didn't even think "Well maybe her plans didn't end early." He just gets mad. And Lady should not have been made to feel guilty just because Adri-Chat cannot seem to take/understand a no & a maybe.
- Adri-Chat getting jealous when that one artist expressed his crush on Ladybug and going on to cross Lady's boundaries by lying about the reality of his & Lady's relationship.
(Yes I know, that dude was an adult and Lady-Mar actually a teen. But at that point in the show I'm pretty sure no one could guess the age of Lady & Chat (strangely) and like Spooderman no one thought them to be actual children.) Adri-Chat did that without thinking or even asking for Lady's input. Not cool at all.
- Acting all happy, triumphant when they regained their memories in Oblivio and Alya caught a pic of their amnesiac selves kissing.
What Adri-Chat says: "We're meant for eachother Milady, you're the only one who doesn't see it." (Okay sigh, this boy.)
1. That is a totally uncalled for, arrogant and presumptuous thing to say to Ladybug.
2. (Entirerly From Adri-Chat's perspective) Oblivio erases memories right? So Adri-Chat doesn't even consider the erasion of Lady's supposed crush on this other boy. Leading her to fall her HIM yes, but that's not the point.
Neither of them were in their right minds, as they had no memories. From HIS perspective Lady did not remember her crush on this other boy, if she did, she would not have fallen for Chat at the time of the memory erasion.
Adri-Chat does not at all think about that, all the while STILL ignoring her feelings for the other boy. Nope, he thinks this is some kind of encouragement to keep harassing her because "Maybe she'll choose me one day?" A.K.A. "Maybe she'll come around one day?" - (contemplating calling it sexual harassment because the characters of course do not get sexual, it being a kid's show) But his intent is to get her to date him....Hm. It is still harassment though.
>Ahem,hem. Marinette's obsessive, compulsive, possessive, territorial, jealous, fanatical, controlling, a LOT of times single minded, stalker behavior concerning her feelings for Adrien.
°Same drill - Not dating (Even if they were, still wrong just adding in)
°Adrien has not at all made his feelings clear on anyone (from Mari's perspective)
°Has not shown romantic interest in her.
°Adrien is not aware of her behavior at all. Not even when he spots all of the pictures of him in her room does he get it. (Being too naive is a very bad thing Adrien.)
°Marinette sometimes acts as if Adrien belongs to HER and no one else can have him. She goes to great, ridiculous and sometimes extreme heights just to keep girls she sees as rivals away from him.
She goes overboard, embarrasses herself, acts immature & compulsive. Sometimes she gets mean.
°Chloe & Lila being horrible is no excuse for her to treat Adrien like a possession, and also like he isn't an intelligent person who cannot notice obvious/strange things or protect himself.
(The plot is confusing yes, Adrien not noticing Mari is Ladybug, giving Chloe multiple chances/still being her friend, Being sympathetic to Lila.
While ALSO in some cases being close to connecting the dots to Mari being Lady, Condemning Chloe's outrageous behavior even in one instance totally putting his foot down, and being one of the only people to see through Lila's lies and side with/protect Marinette....though not exactly how he should.) Chalk it up to not that great writing = serious plotholes.
°Adrien can kiss, hang out with, travel with, talk to and date whoever he wants. Mari has NO right to manipulate situations where he can't do that. I.E Controlling behavior.
°Now, Kagami is not a bad person. (More than Half the fandom's treatment of her is very disappointing.) Yes I know, she can be harsh, standoffish and cold sometimes. But-
°She does not intend to be mean, she does not, nor does she want to bully anyone. She does not bully Marinette. She just wants Marinette to stop being indecisive and flighty because Kagami ALSO likes Adrien (and by the way she was raised) does not think people should be so indecisive & hesitant or they'll miss important chances for them to take in life.
°Kagami does not think Mari is right for Adrien no, but as soon as she thinks Adrien is interested in Mari? She immediately backs off & respects his wishes. She only engages again when Adrien shows interest in her again.
°Then later on in the show she even attempts to make friends with Mari genuinely because she wants to make friends.....(and Mari doesn't understand because of Kagami's awkwardness but is also simultaneously clouded by her feelings for Adrien.) Kagami actually feels hurt when she finds out that Marinette initially didn't like her.
Kagami is a GOOD girl.
°Now, what Marinette did to Kagami in Animaestro before that was very unacceptable.
Temporarily teaming up with Chloe to sabotage/publicly humiliate/embarrass Kagami to "not let her get Adrien" "not let her take Adrien away," mess with Adrien's perception of her.
- Jumping to outrageous conclusions out of paranoia, panic and fear. (My cute child needs to be sat down and sternly talked to about this.)
- Trying to manipulate & take away Adrien's choice to decide whether he wants Kagami or not.
(I think this probably marked the episode where Mari's unhealthy/toxic behavior starts to spiral as new episodes come out. (And these ARE out of order so wth is up with Mari's unhealthy escalation lately?)
- Using Tiki for personal, jealous purposes to humiliate Lila in front of Adrien. Acting so irrational and heated in front of 2 civillains(from her perspective) Mari?
- Invading Adrien's home/room, touching everything, lying on his bed....sniffing his things? 😧 Without his consent just to leave a present....when she could have just left it on the window sill, not barge into his room and NOT act very creepy.
- Everything she did & said when she thought that Adrien was one of the wax statues.
😮😬😖 Marinette, honey noooooOOOooo.
Toxic/Unhealthy behavior. It very much is.
Let's not pretend please.
This is not acceptable period. I very much side-eye another's perceptions on the matter when they say "I knew people like this" "They turned out alright."
Oh...did they? Or is this simply what YOU are saying and we, the internet people don't have the full story?
I Kill Bill squint my eyes at the opinions of people who so easily dismiss toxic/unhealthy behavior.
This is not simply a discussion on fictional characters btw, but on the behavior itself ECT. and the fact that this person brought in real people as an example.
(Btw Any teens reading this? Young adults? Please remember to use protection when having sex. Babies are a high stress responsibility that a person who is either still a kid or a very young adult should not be handling or have to handle. "Results may vary" and all that. Another person's experiences aren't guaranteed to be yours and we already have COUNTLESS evidence that having babies while young is NOT a good idea. Please & Thank you.)
In response to a little tidbit in that person's post.) Anyways.
- Being mature while in a relationship is very important. That much is apparent.
In the context of the show for these 2 teens they are in love with one another.
You cannot behave like all of THIS if you wish to maintain a relationship with someone.
This is not grounds for a healthy, safe, respectful relationship.
°Not respecting your friend or spouse, their choices, their boundaries, their space, their being makes you a borderline abusive person.
(Guys c'mon.) If Adrien & Marinette were real people? They would be very creepy, toxic kids. Hell we DO have some very toxic people, even children that act like this in real life. This is a no. All the no.
- Other ships in the show being unhealthy does not in no way invalidate or downplay the fact that Adrien & Marinette's behavior is unhealthy.
- There are many, many, many, many instances of their unhealthy behavior, not "just two." It's insulting that this person treats the fans who point this out as if we are some idiots who do not watch the show and therefore can not call out this obvious lie.
- There being moments where Adrien & Marinette actually behave theirselves for once does not at all erase or invalidate every single one of their toxic moments.
- The show does not do a good job of writing scenes where getting into these characters heads that behaving this way is unacceptable, at all. No character development there.
(Them giving up on persuing eachother at the end of the season does not address the toxic behavior. That is just them being tired of not getting the results that they want from their crushes.)
- It's hard for me to debate as well. Calling the whole ship unhealthy/toxic? In real life, no way josay would this be okay, in the show? Marinette & Adrien at their core ARE good kids. And they DO sometimes realize their mistakes. But it really, truly isn't enough. There is either not much or no consequences to their innapropriate behavior at all.
(You might say Chat Blanc, but that was circumstance because they didn't reveal their identities to each other in full, not consequence for Mari's creepy room invasion, that was separate.)
It's so debatable. These unhealthy behaviors should NOT be encouraged and the Love Square shouldn't be shipped during them.
I'm just gonna say that I hope with all my might that the writers get it into their heads that this is NOT okay to market to children and that they CANNOT expect kids to understand or tell what toxic behavior is or that the innapropriate things Adri & Mari do are okay.
THAT is a large issue above all else here.
(Let's get some major character development please.)
- "Sometimes you have to sacrifice when you love someone."
This sounds way left field and is not at ALL what the fans who protest Adri & Mari's toxic behavior are talking about.
- "I think a lot of the criticism comes from people who just don't understand love. Maybe they've never been in love."
How absolutely patronizing, condescending, presumptuous in itself and very ignorant.
That's not even. How do I respond to that?
I am not repeating myself, I already wrote a whole darn essay. My answer to this is all of the above.
And lastly-
"But the love square is FAR from toxic.
Far, far, far from it."
...Hm. Hm Hm. Hm. Yes of course. 😐😐😐
Okey. I think I'm done here. It's literally been an hour gathering my thoughts, typing and editing this. Anybody who actually read all of this, feel free to comment? Note? I dunno, I'm new to Tumblr. Calling comments/replies "notes" is weird to me.
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swordsandparasols · 6 years
Gwanghae:  History vs The Crowned Clown
TVN’s much anticipated sageuk, The Crowned Clown has aired and…my feelings are somewhat mixed.  It’s good-certainly better than 100 Days Husband, and faster paced than the first episodes of Mr. Sunshine-but there are choices I question.  In particular, it’s taking the popular path of using violence against women to show abuses of power.  At this point it isn’t gratuitous, but if the show makes it a trend and makes it the main way to show the differences between the strong and weak in society and the palace, it could be a dealbreaker.  We’ll see how the next couple weeks go.
 The main point of this post, though, is the complicated and interesting history behind Gwanghae. The Crowned Clown is loosely based of Masquerade, a Prince & Pauper type story about Joseon’s fifteenth king, Gwanghae, who is quite the controversial figure, to the point where he’s one of only two of Joseon’s kings who was not given a posthumous title, instead sill being known by his princely title of Gwanhaegun.  (The other is Yeonsanggun, who is less controversial and more sraight up reviled.) I have not seen Masquerade (I intended to before the series started, but it didn’t happen) but The Crowned Clown is a “serial numbers filed off” version of history.  It sticks closer to history than, say, Grand Prince, or even some sageuks that don’t bother filing off the serial numbers.  The biggest divergences (outside of the core premise of the king having a performer who looks just like him temporarily take his place in the palace) are that principle figures are deaged considerably, and the size of the royal family being scaled down.  Unfortunately, this means some of the most interesting bits no longer apply.
 Gwanghae was the second son of Seonjo, with both he and his older brother being born to one of Seonjo’s consorts.  Seonjo had 23 children with 6 consorts, over half of them sons.  Unfortunately, not a single one of those 23 children were with his queen.  Fast forward some and an alarming number of those sons are reaching adulthood.  (Seonjo’s brood had a fairly decent childhood survival rate at this point.)  No crown prince has been selected and Queen Uiin unfortunately couldn’t get pregnant and produce a legitimate heir to conveniently solve the problem no matter how many temples she prayed at.  Also inconvenient was the fact that Seonjo’s oldest son, Imhae, was generally considered totally incompetent, so that easy route wasn’t a very good idea either.  
 Fortunately or unfortunately (depending on whether you’re a noble or royal with the means to head for the hills, or a commoner stuck dealing with invading armies) in 1591, the Japanese decided they would just cross over through Joseon in order to attack China, resulting in a full scale invasion.  Seonjo promptly sent a “The Japanese are coming!” letter to China and went of the defense.  IT didn’t do him much good though and in 1592, he and most of the court fled to the Ming border.  Who stayed behind?  Second prince Gwanghae, who spent the next seven years as the defacto ruler of Joseon, seeing to defenses and overseeing reconstruction.  (This is hat’s going on in the sageuk parts of Live Up To Your Name, and is the basis for the movie Warriors of the Dawn, which also feature Yeo Jin Goo as Gwanghae, but more age appropriate that time.)  After the war, making Gwanghae Crown Prince was now the easy and obvious choice.  He’d already done the job for over half a decade, after all.  Sure, he wasn’t the oldest or legitimate, both of which were generally preferable, but he was the best they had.
 Then in 1600, Queen Uiin died and Seonjo married the much much much (as in, younger than some of his kids) Queen Inmok, who promptly  gave him two legitimate children in the space of 6 years.  Princess Jeongmyung, who was no threat to the established status quo, and Prince Yeongchang, who very much was.  “What’s this?”  the court asked “A LEGITIMATE heir?  And a baby who will probably still be a kid when the king croaks and therefore easier for us to influence than that stubborn and strongwilled Gwanghae?  SIRE WE MUST HAVE A DISCUSSION!!!”  Suddenly that bit where Gwanghae effectively saved the country and did a good job ruling for seven years when they all ran off with their tails between their legs didn’t seem s important anymore.
 For better or worse, Seonjo died in 1608, when Prince Yeongchang was still a baby, and before any changes could be made regarding who the crown prince was.  This did not make significant parts of the court stop conspiring to replace Gwanghae with Yeongchang, and eventually Gwanghae was forced to send Yeongchang into exile, where he died the next year at 12 years old.  That Gwanghae either had him poisoned or one of his supporters took it upon themselves to have him poisoned on Gwanghae’s behalf  Is the generally accepted but, strictly speaking, not proven cause.  Somewhere around this time, Queen Inmok and Princess Jeongmyung are sent into exile.  As a side note, Jeongmyung was believed dead for a while, prompting the basis for the series Hwajung, which, to my knowledge, is the only show dealing with the period that acknowledges that she existed, though others have been happy to have Yeongchang secretly survive until adulthood.  The Dowager Queen and princess were also imprisoned and lived in near-poverty.  This part most likely was something forced by dominant court factions that Gwanghae couldn’t prevent, but that didn’t mean he didn’t get the blame.  Given that they believed him to be responsible for the little prince’s death, I’m sure they were also pretty happy to blame him for the situation.
 Despite the bad handling of some family things, Gwanghae ended up a pretty good king, though not popular.  He was a good politician, literary arts thrived under his rule (as long as you didn’t write Hong Gil Dong, that one went badly), he rebuilt multiple palaces that had been destroyed during the wars and redistributed lands to the common people.  He reintroduced identification cards, attempted to bring smaller political factions to the fore instead of the court being and endless battle between two dogs fighting over a bone with no other opinions getting a say, and attempted to implement systems to make taxation easier on citizens, but was unable to widely implement it, only successfully doing so in one province.  It did eventually spread to the rest of Joseon, but not until decades after he died.  Realizing that Korea could not realistically stand on the same ground as some other countries in terms of military might, he sought to strengthen foreign relations, with the Ming Empire, Japan, and the Manchus.
 During all this, though, well, he just wasn’t popular.  SOMETIMES PEOPLE JUST DON’T LIKE YOU! (And think you had the wrong mom.)  Plots were constant, causing paranoia to run high. (Given that he was later overthrown by his nephew-the much weaker King Injo-he was right to be paranoid.)  All this leads up to Masquerade, in which the appropriately aged Gwanghae seeks a double to help him avoid being assassinated.
 In The Crowned Clown, most, if not all, of this background is gone.  Gwanghae became king at 33 years old.  Yeo Jin goo is a decade younger and is playing a character the same age.  (Jang Hyuk’s Seonjo is also a good 20 or so years younger.)  Gone are the military accomplishments.  Also gone are all his siblings except for Yeongchang.  In addition, Queen Inmok is significantly older, not younger.  Yi Hun’s (this version of Gwanghae) paranoia starts almost immediately after he becomes king, including many violent outbursts.  With Yi Hun being so much younger and without the other siblings, but still illegitimate, the drama of his being crown prince while others prefer Yeongchang due to legitimacy is much more rote.  This isn’t to say it’s badly done or boring or without it’s own drama or problems because it isn’t, it’s just way less interesting and not nearly as charged as the actual history was.
 Given that this is a TV series that skews younger (and more female for the audience) than the movie, and that filing the serial numbers off  gives them more freedom with the ending, I’m guessing that we’ll eventually learn that Yi Hun’s paranoia and outbursts were at least partly due to being poisoned, and the series will end with him  becoming a better king, and the titular clown, Ha Seon, returning to his nomadic life, but with more awareness of how to fight injustice.  That or they’ll kill Yi Hun and Ha Seon will become king with only a few people any the wiser.  (It also wouldn’t surprise me if they revealed that Yeongchang’s death was faked.)  Given that Yeo Jin Goo is a much beloved former child actor-in part because of his many child and teen years spent playing the younger versions of leads in sageuks-who only very recently transitioned into adult roles, I don’t really expect a too-brutal ending.
 Incidentally, any time I’m reminded that Yeo Jin Goo is all grown up now, my reaction is along these lines:
 This despite the fact that he’s always looked a bit older than his age due to having fairly broad and strong features.
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Hey, could you do a winchester x sister christmas fic, where they're in their teens or something and John hasn't given her a present even though the boys get some? Idk, something along those lines maybe. You're writings amazing, btw Xxx
Word Count: 2879
Warnings: not really anything unless you count being forgotten by santa
A/N: so i made her the middle child because it made the most sense if she was going to be forgotten but anywaysssss HAPPY HOLIDAYS/MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!! Srry it took so long and i know i said it would be out later but there was a party i had to attend and yeahsh
It wasn’t like she really expected anything. Every year was the same old repeat of the last- give or take the monster her family was hunting- but it didn’t stop the little pang of hope in her chest from saying that maybe this year will be different, maybe this year he’ll care.
Y/N doesn’t know why she does it. John never cared. He never does.
Y/N had her own motel room (John didn’t want to take part of her “shark week” when he was in a good mood, but at least she got her own place) across the hall from the boy’s. Dean tried to stay with her the first night- damn his brotherly instincts- but John insisted that “Y/N would be alright,” and that Dean “was needed on more important matters.”
But it was Christmas, and there was no way in hell that Y/N would sit by while her brothers got first dibs on whatever meal was left over from the previous night. She would at least take some of their food.
The hall wasn’t very big. A window to her right displayed the parking lot, vacant of any classic cars. An inch of relief fell upon her. She crossed the hall.
It took her less than ten seconds to pick the lock. Sam was always trying to catch up to her, but they all knew the youngest Winchester couldn’t match her skill set. Y/N smirked. The door clicked and swung open.
The room was empty, except for a few discarded beer bottles and half-eaten Chinese food containers. The fridge was barely open- Dean’s habit would eventually spoil all the food they had- and Y/N had to hold back a sigh as she made her way across the room.
Everything had to remain exactly where it was so when they came back, they wouldn’t know she was there. Y/N wasn’t too concerned; she was the “Expert Stealther,” as Sam and Dean called her. She had a couple videos of standing behind Dean without being noticed, capturing the exact moment he started squealing like a pig when he noticed her. He demanded she delete those videos, but she never would.
Her shoes were slung over her shoulder, like they always were when she turned into the “Expert Stealther,” as to not leave any mud or imprints on the floor. She was careful to not step in any dirt or clothes piles, making a few leaps; boys are disgusting. Eventually she made her way into the kitchen area, covering her hand with her shirt to leave no fingerprints as she opened the fridge door. A shift caught her eyes.
Y/N froze for half a second before relaxing, acting as though she wasn’t aware of whatever was there. She pretended to lower herself into the fridge as she reached for the gun behind the milk jug. Sam insisted that it was a good idea, and never until that moment had anyone truly considered otherwise.
She listened for any sounds from the room, picking up only the low hum of the generator and a few footfalls out in the hall as the maid rolled their cart. She lifted her head an inch, looking towards the curtain where she saw the movement. There was a space between the fabric and the window sill that was scarcely big enough for a small child, let alone an adult. Honestly, Y/N doubted that even a rat could fit in there without disturbing the curtain-
Y/N recoiled. She could handle zombies, ghouls, wendigo and rugaru, but a rat?
Hell no.
Grabbing the empty garbage can that stood beside the fridge, Y/N creeped up to where the supposed vermin rested. Taking a deep breath, she swung back the curtain and slammed the can down. Something bumped against the sides. Y/N shuddered in disgust. Motels.
The garbage can was heavy enough on its own. She left it where it was and made her way back to the fridge when something else caught her eye. A brown package poked one of its corners out from under the pillow. Frowning, she started to pull the package from under the pillow. Footsteps walked past the door. Y/N froze.
After a minute, she relaxed. The brown paper still stood out against the dirty white pillow. She swallowed, stealing a glance at the door.
It’s not mine. I shouldn’t take it.
But what exactly is it?
Before giving herself a chance to mull it over again, Y/N snatched it from its spot. A crumpled piece of brown wrapping paper came with her hand. Her eyes bulged out of her head before she realized that the package containing whatever had been in there had already been opened. She relaxed for a second before confusion overtook her once again. It didn’t quite click until she saw Sam, from Dad on the bottom of the page.
John Winchester wasn’t notorious for his gift-giving capabilities. None of them could even remember the last time he gave them anything other than an order. And it wasn’t like he suddenly became “Dad of the Year” just because he gave a couple presents to her siblings.
But it hurt a bit, knowing that he remembered them and not her.
Y/N wasn’t quite sure what she expected. It wasn’t like she was waiting for a new car or a private island, but remembering her brothers and not his only daughter….
John had really hit a new low.
A familiar rumble echoed into the room through the thin walls from the parking lot. Y/N whipped her head around, quickly but carefully placing the paper back under the pillow from whence it came. She quickly glanced around the room for anything that might give away her presence, but the sound of car doors slamming sent a jolt up her spine. If John found out that she had been snooping around in his room, the forgotten present would be the very least of her worries.
Retracing her steps quickly, she made sure to lock the door as she jumped from their room to hers. She quickly settled on her bed, making sure to even out her breathing. The sound of her brothers and John chattering drifted its way into her room. Her jaw clenched at the sound of laughter between them. Y/N couldn’t remember the last time John laughed, let alone with her brothers. He couldn’t really play favourites, could he?
The sound of their closing door answered her question before she could even finish asking it.
“Say,” Sam asked through a mouthful of chips, “what d’you think dad means with all this?” He was laying sprawled on the bed he shared with Dean, snacking on some Frito Lays John had bought him from the vending machine outside. It truly was an unusual experience, but John had just smiled at him and clapped him on the back. Now, he was in the shower, blasting out loudly, as the boys conversed in hushed tones.
“Huh?” Dean’s mouth, filled with fries, muffled most of his voice. Sam threw a chip at him.
“It’s just not like him,” Sam continued, dodging a fry. “You know, to be all…”Dean raised an eyebrow.
“You know,” Sam trailed, giving Dean a knowing look. Dean shrugged.
“Fatherly,” Sam said lowly. Dean stopped his hand, halfway to his mouth with a bunch of fries.
“Dad…” he faltered. “He works hard. It isn’t exactly easy raising three kids on your own. Especially when you work in this life.”
“Doesn’t seem much like raising us as kids,” Sam mumbled. “More like soldiers.”
“Hey,” Dean snapped. “Now I know it isn’t all fun and games, but the man works hard. Cut him some slack.”
They both fell silent, watching the TV they both forgot they had turned on. After a minute, Dean got up, grumbling something about grabbing a drink that Sam didn’t quite catch. He made his way to the fridge, which was closed. Huh.
“Did you go into the fridge before we left?” Dean turned around to his younger brother, watching as he dropped more chips into his mouth. He shook his head, keeping his eyes glued to the screen. He frowned slightly in confusion. He never fully shut the door. It was an old habit, from when John was in their motel room, sleeping, and Dean had to find a way to get food to his siblings without causing any commotion. Y/N though he was just lazy.
Whatever she had to think. As long as she could eat.
Without giving it much more thought, he reached for the fridge handle when a small thump sound caught his attention.
Thump. Thump.
He reached for the TV remote, shushing Sam’s whines when he turned it off. He listened intently, Sam following suit. He tracked the noise to an upturned trash bin, moving a few millimeters every couple seconds. Dean looked at his brother in confusion. He shrugged back at him. Taking out his knife (he ignored Sam’s sigh of annoyance in the background) and keeping a steady eye on the black can, he tipped it over slightly.
A grey blur rushed out, scaring Dean. He fell onto the bed beside him, clambering on as the rodent streaked across the room into a hole beside the fridge he hadn’t noticed. Sam laughed at Dean’s panicked hustle onto the mattress. Glaring at him, Dean crumpled up the brown wrapping paper he landed on into a ball and threw it at Sam, who just laughed more when it hit him weakly in the chest. Casting a quick glance at the floor, he rolled off the cot and straightened himself out, as much as he could. He caught Sam looking thoughtfully at the packaging.
“What,” Dean smirked, “scared a mouse’ll pop out at you too? I would be; they’re vicious.” Sam rolled his eyes, giving Dean an apathetic look.
“No.” He sat up a bit straighter. “Hey… what do you think dad got for Y/N?”
Dean froze. He looked back at the upturned garbage bin. Slowly, it clicked together slowly. The fridge. The basket. The mouse.
Y/N was trying to sleep. It was hard, seeing as it was the middle of the afternoon and cars blared their horns on the road. Sighing, she rolled over, shoving a pillow over her head. It didn’t muffled much.
There wasn’t really any reason for her to be upset. Her father wasn’t great- hell, he wasn’t even good- but somehow managed always to keep Y/N’s hopes up just enough to keep her vying for his approval. It really irritated her; she knew he wasn’t deserving of her loyalty, yet somehow he kept receiving it without much demand. She really wanted this time to be different; she wanted to turn away from him, become independent from his rules.
It was nice to fantasize, but she knew it couldn’t happen. She flopped onto her back.
She hadn’t left her room since the day before, when she found the gifts. Y/N didn’t quite know how she should’ve felt, but some mixture of jealousy and anger and disappointment reeked from her blanket. Maybe that was just her. She couldn’t be bothered to check, seeing as she hardly moved at all. Nobody came in to check on her, to ask how she was doing, to give her Christmas presents a day late.
A few knocks rattled her door. She recognized the pattern immediately: Dean.
“Go away,” she grumbled loudly, shoving her face into her pillow once again. Y/N heard her brother sigh on the other side of the door.
“Y/N/N,” Dean called out in a huff, “I know you’re in there. Let us in.”
So Sam’s with him. “Shark week,” she called out to him, grunting out the monosyllables. Another sigh from Dean. She heard the low murmur of the boys talking outside her door. A minute later, her lock jostled and, after twenty seconds, clicked open.
Her brothers bustled in, carrying bags of something that Y/N couldn’t quite make out. She could see their shit-eating grins, though.
“What’re you-” she started, stopping when Sam threw a chocolate bar at her. “What the hell, Sammy?”
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.” He smiled so widely at her that she couldn’t resist letting herself slip up from her grumpy disposition for a moment.
“What the hell are you two doing?” She asked, sitting upright. “Don’t you have a hunt to be on?”
“Dad’s interviewing suspects,” Dean said. He shifted through the contents of one bag, picking up a package wrapped in newspaper and tossing onto Y/N’s bed. “So, since we didn’t get to celebrate a late Christmas. Or an early one, depending on how you look at things.”
“Why?” she asked, opening up the candy bar. “Since when have we ever celebrated Christmas?”
“Since now,” Sam chimed. He smiled at his older sister. She noticed the sympathy his eyes held for a moment before turning cheery again.
“So you just want to have a nice Christmas get-together,” she said slowly, shifting her gaze from one nodding sibling to another, “and this has nothing to do with the fact that John forgot about me?”
The boys froze. Sam flicked his eyes towards Dean, who bit the inside of his cheek. Y/N met his gaze head on, daring him to deny it.
“Okay, okay,” he conceded. “You’re right. I-we, realized that dad had only gotten us presents. So, we decided that you’d be a total bitch for the next couple days if-” Sam kicked him. Dean glared and rolled his eyes.
“We wanted you to have a nice Christmas,” her younger brother explained. “Well, not that this is great or anything, but it probably beats watching your brothers get presents while you… don’t.”
“True enough.” Y/N shifted closer to the bags, eyeing them greedily. Dean smirked when he followed her line of sight.
“Yeah,” he laughed, “thought you’d throw a hissy-fit if you were left out.” Y/N bit her cheek and lowered her gaze for half a moment.
“Not that- not that we’d let it happen,” rushed Dean. “We just, uh-”
“Chill,” she laughed. “It’s cool. Now,” she made grabby hands at the bags once again, “gimme.”
Sam laughed as he threw the first present her way. She smiled back at him.There were only a couple presents, and they weren’t entirely the best she could’ve gotten (“Really, Dean? Tampons?”), but it was good. Hell, it was great. Sam was laughing, Dean was there- all of his blood and bones where they should be, no bruises forming at the base of his temple from a hunt or other… unknown source- and Y/N was sitting on her bed, enjoying their presence in a moment that held no danger.
She often imagined this was what heaven is like.
“So,” Y/N tossed some popcorn into her mouth, “what did you guys get?” The boys froze, glancing at each other. “It’s alright,” she assured them. “There’s no hard feelings against you for it.”
“I got a book,” Sam said after a minute. “Well, a textbook, really. I wasn’t really expecting it.”
“Really?” Y/N’s eyebrows flew into her hairline. Her father rarely acknowledged their need for education; the very concept of buying them school supplies would’ve laughed them out of the room. And maybe a little bit of “tough love,” as he called it. “What for?”
“It’s a history book,” he said plainly. “So not much. But it was pretty cool.”He shrugged it off, but Y/N knew what it meant to him. He wanted out of this life. This gift maybe meant that dad wanted it at one point, too.
“What about you, Dean?” She turned her attention to the eldest Winchester, who was observing the scenes displayed before him with a content smile on his face. He wiped it off the moment he as Y/N looking at him.
“New gun.” He said it nonchalantly, though his face broke out into a shit-eating grin. “Ivory grip, smooth finish.”
“Damn,” she huffed. “Got your own gun, huh?” She couldn’t deny it: she was almost jealous.
“Watch your mouth,” Dean said, half joking, half serious. “and yeah. Guess I’m just that responsible.”
Y/N and Sam exchanged a glance before busting out laughing. Dean glared at them, throwing a bag of popcorn at Y/N. He reached for the TV remote, turning the volume way up to drown out their chuckles.
“Move,” he said, practically sitting on top of his sister. “Friends is on.”
“Don’t be such a Ross,” she grumbled lightheartedly. Dean scoffed at her as she pried herself out from under his dead weight. Sam plopped down on the foot of the bed, propping himself up on his elbows. Pretty soon, he had dozed off, and Y/N wasn’t too far behind.
“Thanks for doing this,” she murmured. Dean looked down at her, raising an eyebrow.
“You really think I’d let you be forgotten?” He smiled sincerely at her, something Y/N didn’t see often.
“Hmm,” she yawned, shrinking further into the blankets. “I don’t know. Maybe.”Dean rolled his eyes, making sure not to disturb Y/N from her slumber. Slowly, he sank into the mattress, trying to match his sister’s level.
“I’d never forget you,” he murmured into her hair. Dean didn’t have the heart to pull away when she unconsciously moved closer towards the sound of his voice.
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suhnnyskiess · 3 years
so we had a power outage yesterday night and today's morning so i spent and absurd amount of time writting for this tiktok prompt that was saying how we’re all worried whether or not we could pull our anime crushes when we should be thinking whether or not our anime crushes could pull us
And like hhhhh *head in hands* here goes nothing. Bc i spent my whole morning writting. for my top 4 HQ boys, kenma was the fifth but i didn’t finish the idea.
Okay but Iwaizumi could probably mmm okay if I were a second year and i had a crush on him i would probably ignore him? Like not ignore per se but probably would not even think he could like me, not bc im unlovable or anything (i think im pretty awesome) but bc i mean, I'm not even in his radar. Like in HS i was that student who despised sports except volleyball bc it was fun!! So maybe we befriend by me coming to the volleyball team to ask the coach if i can borrow a ball to play with my friends and the coach at firs was like 😐 so i go ☺️ and give him my student ID so he can be sure i will comeback and not steal his ball and if something happens he knows my info and he agrees!! So i go play with my friends and when i comeback the coach is not there anymore it's just Oikawa and Iwaizumi so i greet them and ask them where should i put the ball and they are like _oh, its you_ so i go ☺️☺️ yes its me! Thank them and i ask them for ny ID and Iwa gives it back so "Thanks iwaizumi san!" And go back my merry way and it becomes a ritual everyother day i come ask for the ball and return it to Iwa and one Friday we are having an event of sorts so all third years we have the day off classes and instead we have activities to do as a group and I go back to ask the couch for the ball but it's only Iwa so i ask him if he wants to play! He agrees and its funny bc hes still taller than me and some friends but we have fun! We get closer after that and we start greeting each other in the hall and maybe i even start going to see the team practice more often and its weird bc I'm next to Oikawas fangirls and i don't understand the hype? But its better than be alone and i always leave before they notice me until one day i lose track of time and i stay till the end of practice and Iwa sees me with bunch of oikawa's fangirls and I oblivious greet him and I'm flustered bc oh no what if he thinks im creepy but when i go down and tell him how he was doing great he goes ?? I thought you were watching oikawa? Why would I watch him when there's you? And we both realize what i just said so i yeet myself out bc thats embarrassing ❣️ and the next time he sees me he askes me why i did that and i just laugh and change the subject, its fun being friends with him. So if he told me he liked me i would be too shocked?? So I wouldn't be too sure to accept his confession but i would probably agree to hang out just the two of us, bc i would be interested but knowing myself i would eithrr be too conscious to accept or to eager so idk
BUT if we are talking about time skip! iwa the thoughts are the same like, if i do end up working in journalism or anything similar and idk let's say i end up working in sport news or something i probs would say _hi!_ to him or something and be friendly bc you always have to be nice even more so to the people you interview lmao so idk we end up as friends but he never asks me out bc i don't even process he might like me, sorry iwa chan. Like i am very oblivious lol.
Oh boy do I have been thinking hhhhh like you see the thing is with atsumu im pretty sure we would be like strangers to enemies to lovers I'm so sure of it. Like if he were my upperclassmen i would silently hate him and if we were in the same year i would straight out dispise him and roll eyes and be like 😐😐 why are you so cocky??? Like yeah hes actually very handsome and talented but ??? Hes soooo cocky around his fans like who does he think he is??? Idk I've always hated men lol So its most likely I would have banter around him in class like idk its my turn to speak in class he audibly yawns or coughs to interrumpt me so i accidentally forget to tell him to bring his USB for next day presentation bc schedule changed or when labs suddenly changed and we aree having chem lab and i remind everyone but it slips my mind to remind him stuff like that and one day we get paired up for math bc i suck and he doesn't suck as much so we have to work together and im trying to keep this stern vibe but he's joking around with Suna in the other table and I'm just losing my mind bc i need to pass and i ask him to kindly help me before i lose my mind so he kinda shifts like _sorry i know grades are important to you_ andf i go 👁️👁️ bc _...thanks_ and he ends up actually working so maybe he isn't as bad after all and maybe just maybe we can be friends.
Omg i got carried away 😭😭😭😐
So yeah i think after befriending him and seeing how he's not that bad i kinda do fall for him, but i would try to keep my "friends vibe" and be like everything is okay until one day its sports day or whatever and the volleyball team is playing against another good school and this is our last match as third years in a school event and everyone knows the Miya twins are Amazing and they are excited but i talk to atsumu in the changing rooms and just wish him good luck and i run back to the stairs bc that went awkward so the game begins and everyone is cheering bc we are winning but the other school wins the second set and now the third keeps us on our toes but of course everyone is giving their all and when finally atsumu sets osamu the final pass we win and everyone is screaming in excitement and us third years who where on the public go running towards them and we are all celebrating and I immediately go hug atsumu bc !!! We won and he hugs me back bc !!! We won!!! But then i realize we are too close and i get nervous again so try to move but he doesn't let me and 👉🏽👈🏽 i look at him and he looks at me and maybr something happens i don't know
Short answer is yes, he could pull me.
nOw if we talk about time skip atsumu i don't think he's as cocky as when he was a teen, cuz like he's an adult of sorts. I sill don't know how could we meet tho, I have friends who play volleyball so maybe one day i ask if I can see them play and they are having a friendly match with some other people in the gym and I agree bc we are having food after the game so- Maybe we meet there, add him on socials and i realize he's a famous player 😐😐😐 and i talked to him casually but then i see a message request and its from him so we kinda statt talking. As I said, i don't know if I could realize if its mutual or not bc i never notice if someone i like likes me and if i notice its bc i know they don't like me, bc i only have noticed when strangers??? Not strangers perse but ppl who i don't like back like me lol. So if he ever asked me out on a date i wouldn't even know it was a date 😭😭 and when people start asking us if we are dating i would be like mmm🧐 no we just went to eat😋😋 so he would have to freaking spell it out for me if he likes me 😩
Kuroo would be too cocky to even pull me like with how i was in Highschool i would have most likely think he was playing around or too himbo for my liking bc yeah hes nice and all but? I remember having classmates that could fit the Kuroo criteria and some girls did crush on them but like? Maybe i would too but probably i would quickly be over it LMAO Like yeah i would probably get flustered if he flirted  but i would recover easily bc lmao he's just being friendly. Like hes too nice for me to nice something, lets say we both are studying in the library with other classmates and hes helping us with chem I would simply think hes being nice or a good freind even bc ??? hes nice yknow or if he helps me carry my bag or lunch when im walking the stairs I don’t know i think he would probably get desperate that i never see his actings towards me or wthv so one day he simply goes “I have to tell you something” and i think everyone but me knows so i just nod and walk with him outside the classroom and he well says what he feels and i honest to kid you not i would simply go :o really? BC HDOSFJDSIFJSS HES A NICE FRIEND so maybe idk, really depends but if i did like him i would propably get flustarted bc i would probably realize at that moment i do like him but if im not like thinking I would the awkward thing you do when someone likes you and you are just like Oh thanks idk what to say back lol c-ya So yeah idk i do think hes very handsome and smart and likeabale but i can’t see myself straight out accepting bc i tend to bee very dumb with feelings <3
Timeskip Kuroo however would maybe do pick my attention, he has a stable job, has friends, is athletic like he could easily pull me bUT would depend really on my mood bc that could also be too normal?? Idk man haven't dated anyone seriously to know what timeskip could be like. BUT LIKEEE YESSS IMAGINE another friend with a normal 9 to 5 job that hates capitalism as much as me and we both complain about having to live in this fucked up system and trying to subvert as much as we can HHHH AND HES AN EYE CANDY TOO??? yes i am objectivfying him.
Bokuto in HS would have me swooning over him in silence and not me ever telling him i liked him. Or i would jokingly say i like him but never to serious bc he's way too popular and i know the point of this is too see if they could pull me sbdkdld
So okay, hmmmm as i said i would probably be too shy to approach him if he was an upperclassmen, if we were the same year i would talk to him and even help with homework bc thats what i did with some jocks but i just think i wouldn't notice if he liked me 😭😭😭 Like if he ever asked me out i would think its a secret camera or something??? Like why would he??? But if he is serious about it I think I would say yes???
Timeskip bokuto is in a similar story as iwa, if i do end up working in journalism and i meet him by chance it would be cute?? To see him show interest in me but i don't know if I would accept or notice? Bc I'm working and i should be professional but if he asks me out after they won s game i would probably say yes bc how can i not say yes to him LOOK AT HIM HHHHH *screams*
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