#James Bachman
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astralbondpro · 2 years
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That Mitchell and Webb Look // S04E06: Episode Six
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somosorigen · 1 year
The Mortuary Collection… ¡Arrepiéntanse Pecadores!
Hasta que se me hizo, con eso de que hay producciones que no llegan por una u otra razón a nuestro país, uno tiene que verlas por el medio que sea, (risas) y The Mortuary Collection es una de esas obras que deben de verse si o si, pues esta colección de cuentos macabros son deliciosos… Continue reading Untitled
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nerds-yearbook · 6 months
General Grievous made his first appearance in a animated Clone Wars short on April 8, 2004. The episode also featured Voolvif Monn (the wolfman Jedi) who was chosen to appear as a winner of a Cartoon Network choose a Jedi contest. ("Chapter 20", The Clone Wars, Star Wars TV Event)
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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John James Audubon and James Bachman
The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. New York: J.J. Audubon, 1845-1846-1848-1851
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Ryan Pollie - The Fridge 1-2
Dopo anni di canzoni garage pop Pollie si lancia con coraggio nel mondo dei video-performance con una proposta elettronica quantomeno peculiare.
Etichetta: autoprodottoPaese: USAAnno: 2023 Continue reading Untitled
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arthistoryanimalia · 1 year
Today is #AudubonDay, commemorating pioneering naturalist and artist John James Audubon who was born #OTD (26 April 1785 - 27 January 1851). I put together this overview of the 5 now extinct and 3 other possibly extinct birds whose images are recorded in The Birds of America for the blog:
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Plate 26: Carolina Parrot, 1827 (Carolina Parakeet, Conuropsis carolinensis) Plate 62: Passenger Pigeon, 1829 (Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius) Plate 66: Ivory-billed Woodpecker, 1829 (Ivory-billed Woodpecker, Campephilus principalis) Plate: 185: Bachman’s Warbler, 1834 Bachman’s Warbler, Vermivora bachmanii) Plate 186: Pinnated Grous, 1834 (Heath Hen, Tympanuchus cupido cupido) Plate 208: Esquimaux Curlew, 1834 (Eskimo Curlew, Numenius borealis) Plate 332: Pied Duck, 1836 (Labrador Duck, Camptorhynchus labradorius) Plate 341: Great Auk, 1836 (Great Auk, Pinguinus impennis)
All plate images courtesy of the John James Audubon Center at Mill Grove, Montgomery County Audubon Collection, and Zebra Publishing. The entire digitized collection is available for viewing and downloading here.
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queering-ecology · 7 months
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Queer Ecologies: Sex, Nature, Politics, Desire Chapter 2 : Enemy of the Species by Ladelle McWhorter (part 3)
Species Troubled Past
1830s, USA—the abolitionists movement was growing. “it was simply wrong to enslave fellow human beings, no matter what benefits to society might result and no matter what racial differences might exist in intelligence, strength, health or ability” and old justifications for slavery no longer carried weight so slavery defenders turned to science—“Negroes and Caucasians were in fact distinct species” (79)
‘Important’ Names: John Bachman- naturalist, South Carolina Josiah Nott- physician, Alabama, “the most vocal of slavery’s scientific proponents” Samuel G. Morton- world-renowned anatomist and professor medicine, Philadelphia James Cowles Prichard- biologist, England
Nott used Prichard’s definition of species, “separate origin and distinctness of races, evinced by a constant transmission of some character peculiarity of organization” and referenced Morton’s study that found “significant racial differences in cranial capacity” to claim that Caucasians, Negroes, American Indians were separate species (79)=polygeny
Monogeny =the theory that humanity is one unitary species; Bachman offered this definition of species: “those individuals resembling each other in dentition and general structure. In wild animals […] they must approach the same size; but in both wild and domesticated animals they must have the same duration of life, the same period of utro-gestation, the same average number of progeny, the same habits and instincts, in a word, they belong to one stock that produce fertile offspring by association” (2005, 220) (80)
Racial diversity already existed in the USA, so Nott argued that ‘Mulattoes’ (crosses between Negroes and Caucasians) were sterile hybrids like mules and thus met Buffon’s requirement and qualified as two distinct species (80)-- he used his ‘observations’ as a physician who had treated many enslaved people to support this.
“Between 1846 and 1850 most respected scientists in the United States converted to polygeny”. Types of Mankind (1854)-published by what is now known as the American School of Anthropology.
Returning to Foucault’s words the author states, “concepts […] are for cutting. They are never merely benign representations of a natural arrangement.” (81) “Species could be made to function oppressively to separate white from blacks because […] it was already a tool for marking separations in natures heterogenous continuities in the interest of prevailing human practices” (81).
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The Origin of Species (1859) Charles Darwin, who like many others maintained that the concept of species was practically meaningless, given the inevitability of evolution. “There are not eternally fixed types, nor are there eternally distinct lines of descent. All life on earth, no matter how morphologically or functionally distinct at present, conceivably could be traced back to a single germ line” (81) To me this concept is also what Mitakuye Oyasin means—we are all related. I believe my ancestors knew this ‘scientific’ truth long before Charles Darwin was alive.  Charles Darwin never answered the question on the origin of species—species must change over time but not when change amount to a new species (82).
The theory of natural selection was remarkable, proponents agreed but it was incomplete—clearly certain groups like Africans, Pacific Islanders, and indigenous people from North and South America had not evolved sufficiently to produce ‘civilization’ (82) (Between indigenous peoples and those who supposedly created ‘civilization’, only one group has nearly destroyed their very environment at almost every turn—making them remarkably unfit and poorly adapted to the planet--and it isn’t indigenous peoples). But even those in the ‘higher races’ could fail to adapt—criminals, idiots, the mad, the degenerate, the chronically ill…like the ‘lower races’ these weaklings should be eliminated by natural selection. BUT, the Caucasian elite grew increasingly anxious…was humanity still evolving? Or was civilization circumventing the evolutionary process? Could it even reverse itself?—devolution. Modern technology and medicine= saving more people who might have once not survived, “allowing those with inferior traits to mature and reproduce” (82).
Madison Grant, was one of the many theorists who was concerned about devolution. He was a  New York attorney and a conservationist who co-founded the Save-the-Redwoods League and the Bronx Zoo and helped establish Glacier and Denali National Parks. (83) Grant believed humans had evolved under harsh environmental conditions. Anglo Saxon history and the rising tide of inferiority that was everyone else…”Mistaken regard for what are believed to be divine laws and a sentimental belief in the sanctity of human life, tend to prevent both the elimination of defect in infants and the sterilization of such adults as are themselves of no value to the community. The laws of nature require the obliteration of the unfit” (Grant 1916,44-45) (83). (When in fact it is humans caring for one another that built humanity and underlies the entire point and purpose of civilization). Grant advocated for the sterilization of the criminal, diseased, insane and other weaklings and those he termed ‘worthless race types’ like Jews, blacks and indigenous peoples. Immigration, they believed, should also be curtailed to prevent undesirables from entering the USA. “Immigration is thus, from the racial standpoint a form of procreation and like the more immediate form of procreation it may be either the greatest blessing or the greatest curse” (Stoddard 1925, 252) (84).
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So elite influential men and their allies created organizations such as the Immigration Restriction League (full of Harvard alumni), the American Breeders’ Association (later renamed the American Genetics Association), and what later became the American Psychiatric Association-- and they won passage of an immigration restriction bill (1917)—it instituted literacy tests, put caps on the number of immigrants, national quotas and denial of entry basis on the condition called ‘constitutional psychopathy’. This effectively screened out anyone who did not conform to gender norms or anyone who admitted to homosexual desire. “Further, any immigrant who, during the first give years of residence in the United States, committed a crime or showed signs of any allegedly hereditary physical or mental defect, including sexual inversion, could be deported” (84). Congress also barred people who were ‘feebleminded, morally degenerate, or sexually suspect’.   Then in 1924, they reduced the number of people who could immigrate to the US by an annual total of 150,000, making it the exclusive country in the world. These provisions stayed in effect well past the middle of the twentieth century (85).
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The introduction of the Simon-Binet IQ test in 1912 made identifying those were ‘intellectually unfit’ quick and easy (85)—public schools became screening grounds. Certain children would be segregated from their classmates until they could be institutionalized. The test was modified by eugenicist psychologist Henry Goddard to include a grade of ‘feeblemindedness beyond the imbecile. Individuals with a test measured mental age of eight to twelve years were classified as morons.’ (85) “Women who had children out of wedlock were automatically classified as such but any deviation from heterosexuality and prescribed gender roles could earn a person the label of moral imbecile in addition to the label of degenerate, lunatic or psychopath” (85-86). Hundreds of thousands were locked up for life as a result of these efforts to forestall a perceived threat to natural selection and evolution of humanity.
Quietly, eugenicist physicians had been sterilizing ‘defectives’ in prison, hospitals and asylums since the 1880s. In 1927, the Supreme Court endorsed these eugenic practices in Buck v Bell (86). By 1927, the number of Americans legally sterilized without their consent would reach 65,000~ (86).
“Adolf Hitler learned a great deal from American eugenicists, particularly about involuntary sterilization” –1934 Nazi involuntary sterilization law was based on the Model of Eugenical Sterilization Law drafted by American biologist Harry Laughlin (1922). He advocated for the sterilization of about 10% of the U.S population, those deemed ‘socially inadequate’ such as the (1) feeble-minded; (2) Insane, (including the Psychopathic); (3) Criminalistic (including the delinquent and wayward);(4) Epileptic; (5) Inebriate (including drug habites); (6) Diseased (including the tuberculosis, the syphilitic, the leprous, and others with chronic infections and legally segregable diseases); (7) Blind (including those with seriously impaired vision); (8) Deaf (including those with seriously impaired hearing); (9) Deformed (including the crippled); and (10) Dependent (including orphans, ne-er-do-wells, the homeless, tramps and paupers) (Laughlin) (86-87).
By 1934, nearly thirty US states had enacted such laws, though few were as drastic as Lauglin’s suggestion. Some provinces in Canada and in Europe also followed. “The Nazis […] has some serious eugenic catching up to do” (87).
By 1937, the Nazis had sterilized approx. 250,000 Germans before they began to eliminate defectives through eugenic ‘euthanasia’ (87)—genocide.
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Though such things were never enacted in the US, proponents of eugenics considered it and continued to push their sterilization agenda (Partlow and his three-man committee designed to sterilize any sexual perverts, Sadists, homosexualists, Masochist, Sodomists or two-time convicted rapists. They would have no right to judicial review. The bill passed state legislature when it was vetoed twice by Governor Bibb Graves) (88).
As the details of the Nazi regime became more widely understood in the US, the eugenics movement lowered its profile and changed tactics. “Eugenics should therefor operate on a basis of individual selection” and “Eugenics, in asserting the uniqueness of the individual, supplements the American ideal of respect for the individual” (89)
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getoutofmytown · 2 years
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Chapter 21: Men, Start Your Engines; In Three, Two--
Beyond the perimeter of Old Silent Hill, Bachman met Bradbury Street. Upon entry they evidently crossed an invisible wall, for their initial step into the neighborhood brought them into ongoing snowfall. The men came to a mutual standstill in the crossroad. Harry had been right. James gawked at the puffy flakes drifting to the earth from a low, grey sky. When Harry’d described it James had believed him. He also thought he was full of shit, and had been prematurely sour that it’d likely been a one-time event specifically for Harry. But no: he stood in snow, and its natural beauty didn’t deserve to be here.
He wanted to say something. Nothing in particular lay on his tongue but he felt the need to say something, and he looked at Harry for inspiration.
There was a man beside him whose tired eyes were closed and had a faint smile resting upon his lips. Snowflakes passed over his cheeks and collected on his hair, never staying for long, while white dusted his shoulders and tumbled down his back. James found himself studying his profile, feeling like he’d only now noticed the incline of his forehead, the beak-like arch of his nose, the elfin point of his ear. There were many things about the veteran he hadn’t seen until the past couple hours; it was as though he were meeting Harry for the first time all over again.
The snow fell in Old Silent Hill, and Harry Mason had once found peace in its silence, his face turned to the sky.
James felt like he was witnessing a re-enactment of a historical event. Seventeen years ago Harry lost his daughter here. Seventeen years ago he also took repose in the streets of Old Silent Hill and let the snow take him someplace soothing amidst a nightmare world. Seeing the way Harry truly seemed to be at ease in it and made jealousy tingle within James. He’d never found something like that for himself in his foggy dungeon. He wondered what Harry must’ve looked like those many years past, taking respite in improbable snow; or what he looked like then at all.
Harry sucked in a breath and opened his eyes. He twisted the pipe in his hands and smiled at James. “Pretty, huh? Home sweet home.”
“Isn’t it just fucking nuts?” He laughed and looked down, scuffing at the snow that never melted and never piled on inches. “Man. I can’t believe I miss this sometimes. I can’t believe I’m happy to see it, and I think that makes it exponentially worse. Whew. Alright,” he declared, clearing the moment to get back to business. “Let’s take a literal walk down memory lane, shall we?”
10/3/22 - happy third anniversary, Get Out Of My Town. you are the love of my life, the bane of my existence, and every last shining shred of my soul. 🥚💖🙏
thank you EVERYONE who has ever peeked at my writing, ever clicked the link, ever read a sentence of GOOMT. no matter how much i complain, i am every day THRILLED and blessed to get to share this ongoing behemoth of a story with you. it means everything to me to know that my fun and fancy has become the fun and fancy of others, too.
heres to many chapters, many months, and many years more of not only GOOMT, but of friendships, growth, and learning. i love you all so very, very much. 
onward and upward into the fog!
don’t touch that dial, now; we’re just getting started..
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47-61 · 1 year
The Pete McVries Reading List
so McVries is a big reader. I collected some books by the authors he mentioned into a reading list. They are chronological by publication date and go up to 1979. If I missed any authors he mentioned in other parts of the book, let me know & I will update.
The Catcher in the Rye (1951) - J.D. Salinger Nine Stories (1953) - J.D. Salinger A Separate Peace (1959) - John Knowles Franny and Zooey (1961) - J.D. Salinger There Must Be a Pony! (1961) - James Kirkwood Morning in Antibes (1962)- John Knowles Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction (1963) - J.D. Salinger U.T.B.U. (Unhealthy To Be Unpleasant), (Play, 1965)- James Kirkwood Indian Summer (1966) - John Knowles Phineas; Six Stories (1968) - John Knowles Good Times/Bad Times (1968) - James Kirkwood The Paragon (1971) - John Knowles P.S. Your Cat Is Dead (1972) - James Kirkwood Spreading Fires (1974) - John Knowles Some Kind of Hero (1975) - James Kirkwood A Chorus Line (co-authored with Nicholas Dante), (Play/Musical, 1975) - James Kirkwood Hard Feelings (1977) - Don Bredes A Vein Of Riches (1978) - John Knowles
Poetry of John Keats Poetry of Algernon Charles Swinburne
and because I am a huge nerd I put a list of books that I would recommend to McVries under the cut
My recommendations to McVries: Demian - Hermann Hesse Beneath The Wheel - Hermann Hesse This Side of Paradise - F. Scott Fitzgerald Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut. Actually not entirely sure he'd like Vonnegut but I'd recommend it based on his worldview. The Stranger - Albert Camus Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë. Actually sure throw in Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë too Pete seems like someone who wuthers Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce The Poems of Sylvia Plath The Poems of T.S. Eliot The Long Walk - Richard Bachman. I think he'd love that one
also I know it's ridiculous to put in A Chorus Line but it's simple logic. McVries likes James Kirkwood -> James Kirkwood co-wrote the book for A Chorus Line -> McVries likes A Chorus Line. this is the hill I have chosen to die on. It's canon. You will have to pry this from me after i'm rotting in my grave if you want me to relinquish this. Does McVries like musical theatre? I don't know. Who cares. Does he like A Chorus Line? Yes. Is this incredibly important to me because it's in my top 5 musicals? Yes. Okay thanks. anyway McVries and I would have been friends in high school
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Thanks for the tag/how could you do this to me, @hergan416 😂
Rules: pick a song for each letter of your url and tag that many people. There are so many Es in my url and so few songs I know that start with E. 😭 Which is how Cascada somehow ended up on this list.😅 I literally ended up trawling a website listing songs by letter until I found enough songs that I know and like to fill the Es. The rest were pretty easy to gather from my various playlists/memory of songs I've liked.
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Shut Up and Dance - WALK THE MOON
Ever Fallen In Love - Pete Yorn
Runaway W. You - SVRCINA
No - Meghan Trainor
Eat Your Young - Hozier
Ego - Sarah Kennedy
Daffodil - Florence + The Machine
Swan Upon Leda - Hozier
No Angels - Bastille ft Ella Eyre
Electric Feel - MGMT
Wild - Troye Sivan
Hunter - Heather Dale
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet - Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Power Over Me - Dermot Kennedy
Evacuate the Dance Floor - Cascada
River - Bishop Briggs
Fallin' - Why Don't We
I Really Like You - Carly Rae Jepson
X - Ex's & Oh's - Elle King (cheating, I know. Do you know how few songs start with X??!?!)
Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene - Hozier
The Other Side - The Greatest Showman OST
It's All Coming Back To Me Now - Celine Dion
Omens - Shawn James & The Shapeshifters
New Blood - Koda
Ain't no way I'm tagging that many people! But as always, if this seems fun to you but no one has tagged you yet and you feel awkward just doing it, say I tagged you!
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theprincipality · 8 months
About Me.
Hey guys.
I’d like to tell y’all a little about me.
I’m a fan of the MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe) and a fan of both the WandaNat and BlackHill ships.
I’m also a fan of Supernatural, Monster High, What We Do In The Shadows, Lucifer, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Bitten and Teen Wolf.
I’m obsessed with listening to the Teen Wolf main opening title song. It’s just so catchy and also in my gym playlist.
My favorite Teen Wolf characters are:
Lydia Martin.
Scott McCall.
Derek Hale.
Stiles Stilinski.
Malia Tate/Hale.
Melissa McCall.
Eli Hale.
My favorite X-Men characters are:
Anna-Marie Darkholme/Marie D’Ancanto A.K.A Rogue.
Remy LeBeau A.K.A Gambit.
Raven Darkholme A.K.A Mystique.
Kurt Wagner/Darkholme A.K.A Nightcrawler.
Katherine ‘Kitty’ Pryde A.K.A Shadowcat.
Piotr Rasputin A.K.A Colossus.
Ellie Phimister A.K.A Negasonic Teenage Warhead.
Warren Worthington A.K.A Angel.
Bobby Drake A.K.A Iceman.
James ‘Logan’ Howlett A.K.A Wolverine.
Laura Kinney A.K.A X-23.
Scott Summers A.K.A Cyclops.
Jean Grey A.K.A Phoenix.
Ororo Munroe A.K.A Storm.
Charles Xavier
My favorite MCU characters are:
Natasha Romanoff A.K.A Black Widow.
Wanda Maximoff A.K.A Scarlet Witch.
Maria Hill.
Pepper Potts.
Tony Stark A.K.A Iron Man.
Steve Rogers A.K.A Captain America.
Wade ‘fucking’ Wilson’ A.K.A Deadpool.
Vanessa Carlysle.
My favorite Supernatural characters are:
Dean Winchester.
Sam Winchester.
Bobby Singer.
Jack Kline.
Kelly Kline.
The Impala/Baby/The Metallicar.
Rowena MacLeod.
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod.
Archangel Gabriel.
Archangel Michael.
My favorite Lucifer characters are:
Detective Chloe Decker.
Beatrice ‘Trixie’ Espinoza.
Charlotte Richards.
Detective Daniel ‘Dan’ Espinoza.
Archangel Lucifer Morningstar.
Mazikeen Smith A.K.A Maze.
My favorite Vampire Diaries characters are:
Hope Mikaelson.
Elijah Mikaelson.
Niklaus Mikaelson.
My favorite Monster High characters are:
Clawdeen Wolf.
My favorite What We Do In The Shadows characters are:
Nandor The Relentless.
Colin Robinson.
Nadia Of Antipaxos.
Laszlow Cravensworth.
I grew up on 2000s rock since I was born in that era.
I grew up on Prince, Scissor Sisters, Aerosmith, INXS, Whitesnake, Dire Straits, Warrant, Bon Jovi, Bachman Turner Overdrive, Steppenwolf, Belinda Carlisle and Michael Jackson,
I also grew up on Van Halen, Asia, Kansas, Scorpions, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, AC/DC, Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Metallica, Maneskin, Motörhead, Joan Jett & The Blackhearts, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Joan Osborne, KISS, The Runaways, Blue Oyster Cult, Def Leppard, Alice In Chains and Lynyrd Skynyrd,
And here’s some other notable mentions I grew up on. Ram Jam, Sheryl Crow, Rascal Flatts, Divinyls, Redbone, Judas Priest, Skillet, Muse, My Chemical Romance, Slipknot, Rammstein, Kate Bush, ZZ Too, Kid Rock, Lady Antebellum, Linkin Park, 3 Doors Down, Evanescence.
Simple Plan, Simple Minds, Nickleback, Stan Bush, Foo Fighters, Chesney Hawkes, Carrie Underwood, Jason Aldean, Alice Cooper, Cher, Guns N Roses, Spineshank, R.E.M, P!nk, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Black Crowes, Temple Of The Dog, Nirvana, Tears For Fears, Fleetwood Mac, Stevie Nicks, Survivor, Twisted Sister, Styx, Texas and The Killers.
As you can see, I’m a huge rock fan. But I also grew up on Kesha, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Ken Ashcorp, Britney Spears, Louden Swain, Shakira, Crash Adams, Artic Monkeys, Ally Venable, Big & Rich, The Interrupters, Annapantsu, Meghan Trainor, Celtic Woman, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy and Taylor Swift.
This is stuff about me I’d like you guys to know. I’ll be back to post more soon.
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SH1 - Roots of Old Silent Hill's street names
Finney St: Jack Finney (Author of The Body Snatchers)
Matheson St: Richard Christian Matheson (Where There's a Will, Mr. Right)
Bloch St: Robert Bloch (Psycho)
Bradbury St: Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451)
Midwich St: Name of the town in Village of the Damned, adaptation of the novel "The Midwich Cuckoos" by John Wyndham.
Levin St: Ira Levin (Rosemary's Baby)
Bachman Road: Richard Bachman (Stephen King's pen name)
Ellroy St: James Ellroy (L.A. Confidential)
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jeanmoreaux · 1 year
top five book quotes that haven't left your mind since you've read them!! <3
omg juno that’s a such a superior prompt!! so the way i decided on this is literally just the first 5 quotes that popped into my head because that has to mean something, right?
also some of these quotes are SO LONG (don’t worry i don’t know them by heart). i thought i indulge in the ones that are not just punchy one liners (for once). everything is under the cut <3
“I saw my life branching out before me like the green fig tree in the story. From the tip of every branch, like a fat purple fig, a wonderful future beckoned and winked. One fig was a husband and a happy home and children, and another fig was a famous poet and another fig was a brilliant professor, and another fig was Ee Gee, the amazing editor, and another fig was Europe and Africa and South America, and another fig was Constantin and Socrates and Attila and a pack of other lovers with queer names and offbeat professions, and another fig was an Olympic lady crew champion, and beyond and above these figs were many more figs I couldn't quite make out. I saw myself sitting in the crotch of this fig tree, starving to death, just because I couldn't make up my mind which of the figs I would choose. I wanted each and every one of them, but choosing one meant losing all the rest, and, as I sat there, unable to decide, the figs began to wrinkle and go black, and, one by one, they plopped to the ground at my feet.” — the bell jar by sylvia plath
He smiled, "Why, you will go home and then you will find that home is not home anymore. Then you will really be in trouble. As long as you stay here, you can always think: One day I will go home." He played with my thumb and grinned. "N'est-ce pas?" "Beautiful logic," I said. "You mean I have a home to go to as long as I don't go there?" He laughed. "Well, isn't it true? You don't have a home until you leave it and then, when you have left it, you never can go back." — giovanni’s toom by james baldwin
“Once having set up her idols and built altars to them it was inevitable that she would worship there. It was inevitable that she should accept any inconsistency and cruelty from her deity as all good worshippers do from theirs. All gods who receive homage are cruel. All gods dispense suffering without reason. Otherwise they would not be worshipped. Through indiscriminate suffering men know fear and fear is the most divine emotion. It is the stones for altars and the beginning of wisdom. Half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood.” — their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston
“When a person dies, he only appears to die. He ist still very much alive in the past... All moments, past, present and future, always have existed, always will exist. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever.” — slaughterhouse-five by kurt vonnegut
“I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; I would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. I would know him in death, at the end of the world.” — the song of achilles by madeline miller
honorable mentions:
“Humans were so circular; they lived the same slow cycles of joy and misery over and over, never learning. Every lesson in the universe had to be taught billions of times, and it never stuck. Maybe it was good that the world forgot every lesson, every good and bad memory, every triumph and failure, all of it dying with each generation. Perhaps this cultural amnesia spared them all. Perhaps if they remembered everything, hope would die instead.” — blue lily, lily blue by maggie stiefvater
“For me, culture is as much about what we encourage as what we actually permit,” […] “Most people don't do what we tell them to. They do what we let them get away with.” — beartown by fredrik bachman
“I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you “ — the chaos of the stars by kiersten white (technically cheating because i have not read this book i only know this quote but i think about it every now and then sooooo)
ask me my top 5 anything
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
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Eric and Donna's Playlist, via Spotify (by einsteinsugly/megannoodlesoup). 79 songs, and counting!
If season 8 is canon...
"Africa" by Toto
"Blackbird" by The Beatles
"So Far Away" by Carole King
"Smoke from a Distant Fire" by Sanford Townsend Band (almost verse specific, but whatever)
"What You Won't Do For Love" by Bobby Caldwell
Verse specific...
"Come On Eileen" by Dexy's Midnight Runners (a song Donna hates)
"Ebony and Ivory" by Paul McCartney
"Everybody Wants To Rule the World" by Tears for Fears
"Land of Confusion" by Genesis
"New York State of Mind" by Billy Joel
"Shout" by Tears for Fears
"We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel
Some contemporary jams (from the 21st century)...
"100 Years" by Five for Fighting
"Daughters" by John Mayer
"Drive" by Incubus
"Drops of Jupiter (Tell Me)" by Train
"Island In The Sun" by Weezer
"Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
"The Only Exception" by Paramore
"Perfect" by Ed Sheeran
"Shut Up and Dance" by Walk the Moon
And the rest...
"Advice for the Young at Heart" by Tears for Fears
"Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Simon and Garfunkel
"California Dreamin'" by The Mamas and The Papas
"Can't Buy Me Love" by The Beatles
"Change the World" by Eric Clapton
"Christmas Time is Here" by the Vince Guaraldi Trio
"Circle of Life" from the Lion King
"Come Sail Away" by Styx
"Come Together" by The Beatles
"Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey
"Do You Believe in Magic?" by The Lovin' Spoonful
"Dream On" by Aerosmith
"Dream Weaver" by Gary Wright
"Dude (Looks Like a Lady)" by Aerosmith (Donna jokes that this is Eric's song)
"Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" by The Police
"Fernando" by ABBA
"Groovin'" by The Young Rascals
"Head Over Heels" by Tears for Fears
"Hello It's Me" by Todd Rundgren
"Here Comes The Sun" by The Beatles (shared with Jackie and Hyde)
"Hip To Be Square" by Huey Lewis and the News (Donna refutes this)
"How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved by You)" by James Taylor
"I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith
"I'm In Love With a Girl" by Big Star
"In My Life" by The Beatles
"I Want To Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
"Just The Way You Are" by Billy Joel
"Lean on Me" by Bill Withers
"Let's Stay Together" by Al Green
"Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi
"Love is the Answer" by Utopia
"Love of My Life" by Queen (also shared with Jackie and Hyde)
"Low Rider" by War
"Make Me Smile" by Chicago
"Maybe I'm Amazed" by Paul McCartney
"Moondance" by Van Morrison
"Night Moves" by Bob Seger
"No Matter What" by Badfinger
"Our House" by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young
"Peaceful Easy Feeling" by The Eagles
"The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News
"Reelin' in the Years" by Steely Dan
"Saturday in the Park" by Chicago
"She's So High" by Tal Bachman
"Silly Love Songs" by Wings
"Something" by The Beatles
"Somewhere in My Memory" John Williams (from Home Alone)
"Smooth" by Santana ft Rob Thomas (shared with Jackie and Hyde)
"Still The One" by Orleans
"Thirteen" by Big Star
"Time" by Hootie and the Blowfish
"Walk This Way" by Aerosmith
"With a Little Help From My Friends" by Joe Cocker (The Wonder Years version)
"Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney
"Yesterday" by The Beatles
"You're My Best Friend" by Queen
"You've Got a Friend" by Carole King
"You've Got a Friend" by James Taylor
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noloveforned · 1 year
start your holiday weekend off with no love for ned on wlur tonight from 8pm until midnight. last week's show is below to stream, preferably while laying in a hammock.
no love for ned on wlur – may 19th, 2023 from 8-10pm
artist // track // album // label the super friendz // 10 lbs. // mock up, scale down // murderecords second grade // strung out on you // easy listening // double double whammy holiday ghosts // favourite freak // absolute reality // fat cat pynch // tin foil // howling at a concrete moon // chillburn system exclusive // party all the time // party all the time 12" // mt. st. mtn. dr. sure's unusual practice // twenny twenny vision // while aus burns ep // marthouse bridge collapse // blockbreaker // wilderness 7" // crime on the moon heavy mother // the other side of this life // comical uncertainty cassette // feel it connections // in space // cool change // trouble in mind mary anne's polar rig // beautiful mess // makes you wonder // rama lama kosmetika // opaque // illustration // spoilsport tiny ruins // in light of everything // ceremony // ba da bing! cian nugent // siamese sharks // she brings me back to the land of the living // no quarter kara jackson // free // why does the earth give us people to love? // september daniel bachman // think before you breathe // almanac behind // three lobed vasco trilla and ra kalam bob moses // harmonic convergence // singing icons 2xcassette // astral spirits james brandon lewis // womb water // eye of i // anti- sun ra arkestra // rose room // hendersonia- sun ra performs fletcher henderson // enterplanetary koncepts flammer dance band // uansett underlag // dedikasjon til inspirasjon // lyskestrekk lonnie liston smith with adrian younge and ali shaheed muhammad featuring loren oden // love brings happiness // jid017 // jazz is dead benny johnson // baby i love you // visions of paradise // barely breaking even el michels affair and black thought // that girl // glorious game // big crown helene smith // true love don't grow on trees // i am controlled by your love // numero group yungmorpheus featuring fly anakin // cassava bread // from whence it came // lex dry cleaning // hot penny day (charlotte adigéry and bolis pupul remix) // swampy cassette // 4ad david west and elizabeth bruk // little sister // elizabeta ep // (self-released) genevieve artadi // forever forever // forever forever // brainfeeder superviolet // dream dating // infinite spring // lame-o floodlights // something blue // painting of my time // spunk
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