#Jane is going to kill Jeff-
stray-fox666 · 7 months
Jane and Jeff
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curdled-blood · 2 months
Insomniac Jane ?!?! Her wife Mary has a normal sleep schedule and has to deal with Jane never fucking sleeping hwhdhwba
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
Thinking thoughts about these guys again
Creepypasta/MH - Things That Make Them Think of You
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Clockwork, Nina the Killer, Tim/Masky, "Ticci" Toby
Jeff the Killer
Violence. Specifically, committing it
I know that sounds bad, but he gets so high off of that stuff
The adrenaline rushing through his veins, the wild smile that comes to his face, the noise, the sights... it's euphoria for him
And when he reaches his peak, endorphins at maximum saturation, that's when he thinks of you
It's almost like he subconsciously asks himself if there's anything in the world that could make him happy like this, and his subconscious responds by conjuring an image of you
As if he couldn't get any happier, thinking of you just pushes him higher
This happens a lot...
He'll be killing someone, already over the moon, then he'll blast to Mars when he thinks of you
And he starts associating you with violence; even if you're the gentlest person in the world
It's the happiness it brings him that links it to you
Though if you're a psycho (affectionate) like him, there might be another reason he associates it with you lol
It just gets worse over time; eventually he can't even see other people committing violent acts without thinking of you
He'll be watching a horror movie, and blood will splatter the screen and he'll be like: Nice. Y/n's nice too. Y/n... <3
Jane the Killer
Quite the opposite of Jeff; it's the quiet moments that get her thinking of you
(my reasoning is confusing but I'll try my best to explain T-T)
And there are two reasons for this
One, because whenever she gets a moment to think to herself, her brain always wants to think of you first
Maybe it's just hunting that hit of dopamine it gets when she imagines your smile, or the way your hands feel in hers...
Or maybe it's just that it's become a habit for her to think of you so often, so it's second-nature that she does so when she gets the chance
But the second reason is that she loves peace, and you are her peace :)
She's a vengeful person with a lot of turmoil inside, so when her environment is peaceful, she tries to follow suit
She's just taking what she can get before she has to go back to hate and obsession
So she imagines the peaceful things in her life
Namely, you
Even if you're not a very peaceful person, she feels at ease when she's with you
So, when it's quiet, she thinks of you to quiet herself
Memories of forehead touches and holding hands are more than enough to fill the silence :)
Literally everything.
I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but Clockwork will find the most random things that remind her of you
She’s got a very creative mind; she can find the subtlest of things that make her think of you
Oftentimes they’ll be disturbing things…. Like a dead animal or smth
But she gets a little smile when she thinks of you anyway :)
She’ll probably send you a picture of whatever it was that reminded her of you
So you’ll just get a text out of nowhere like:
[picture of a dead wasp] “thought of you <3”
After a while you’ll learn to just not ask
Because you’ll definitely get one of these texts AT LEAST every other day, if not every day
Sometimes they’re actually nice things though! Like a song or a pretty sunset :)
Or something she saw while shopping that made her think of you; she always makes sure to steal …obtain those things
And ofc she gifts them to you 😌
Nina the Killer
I think it depends on your aesthetic
To me, Nina is someone who’s very in tune with aesthetics
Even if yours is super niche, or it doesn’t fit under a specific category like “emo” or “butch” or even “clowncore,” she’s got it DOWN
And so it’s always things that fit your aesthetic that make her think of you
Maybe it’s a view: a dark forest, a bright sunset in your favorite color, a sunny park, an eerily empty sidewalk…
Maybe it’s clothing: pants, shirts, dresses, jackets… always the exact kind of thing you’d wear :)
Maybe it’s music: she listens to music like. All the time. So she’s definitely at least dipped her toes into a genre that’s so totally you
Or maybe it’s something miscellaneous: a pop tart flavor, a blanket, a picture, the color on a soda dispenser…
No matter what it is, you’re guaranteed to love it
She always manages to surprise you with yet another random thing perfectly suited to your aesthetic
And she’s always on the hunt for more >;)
If it’s something she can physically bring to you, you best believe she will though
And if you decide you hate it (you won’t, but maybe later when your aesthetic changes), you guys light a bonfire and burn it together :)
It’s a Polaroid picture of you
He’s not in the picture; it’s just you
The flash is on, illuminating you and leaving the background in dark obscurity
He took it himself one night when he was just enamored with the way you looked
He did it casually, just telling you to look at the camera
The rest was all you; maybe you smiled, maybe you threw up a peace sign…
Whatever you did, he felt it captured your essence perfectly
He stared at the photo for a long time after it came out, and he still stares at it frequently
He carries it deep in his wallet where no one can find it
He’ll pull it out when he needs to think of you, usually when he’s especially down
Which is pretty often, my boy is troubled :(
He’ll trace his fingers around the edges, remembering that night
Your voice fills his ears, your scent fills his nose, and suddenly he’s aching to see you in person again
And he will; he’ll probably call or text you soon :)
“Ticci” Toby
Honestly? Probably something super obscure related to some kind of inside joke between you two
I’ll paint an example
Maybe you two were in the kitchen together, and you wanted him to get out the milk for you
But you ended up calling it a “mug of jilk” instead of a “jug of milk”
Toby, of course, bursts into laughter
He teases you for ages afterwards, calling milk “jilk” and always pointing out jugs of milk with a knowing grin
You’re in on it too though
You always snicker whenever he does those things
Maybe that’s why it becomes so special to him; it amuses the both of you
He gets to laugh and hear you laugh :D
So (in this case) he’ll think of you whenever he sees a mug of j (oh gosh oh no you guys got me too) jug of milk
And he probably takes pictures to send you too
You’ll just get a text that says “jilk mugs spotted ‼️” and a picture of the milk aisle at the grocery store
He likes to imagine your laugh when he sends texts like those :)
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Thank you so much for reading!! Take care my lovey doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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tryingtofindava · 24 days
creeps with a goth gf
𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐰 𝐚 𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡! 𝐆𝐅*ೃ༄
lolz didn’t know what specific creeps u wanted so imma just choose who!! ^_^ ALSO THE READER IS A TRAD GOTH!!
(INCLUDES: Jeff the Killer, Ticci Toby, Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Kate the Chaser, Clockwork.)
: ̗̀➛Back to Source
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╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐞𝐟𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
Has at least nearly roundhouse kicked you bcs he thought u were Jane on MULTIPLE OCCASIONS… (he’ll say he’s sorry in the most dull non apologetic way ever and probs doesn’t mean it.)
“My bad, I guess.”
He doesn’t care abt aesthetic that much I believe, as long as he finds you hot lolz.
Though when he’s out killing people and he sees something that catches his eye that he’d class ‘gothy as fuck’ he’d snatch it for you… so that’s sweet ig.
He deadass brought you a dead bat once…
╰┈➤ 𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲
Midwest emo x trad goth, what a combo :3
His first words to you ever was that you looked like you crawled out a Tim Burton movie (he was tryna impress u with his film knowledge).
Type of guy to ask to make a shared Spotify playlist and try and learn all of the songs you like and force himself to learn the lyrics for you.
“T-this would luh-look so cool o-on you!!”
╰┈➤ 𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She’s a trad goth too lmao.
You two definitely share clothes, no matter what it may be. Corsets, dresses, boots, gloves. Anything in the closet really you two own together :)
ALSO she WILL help you doing your makeup, not because you need the help just because she likes to practice so she doesn’t get rusty. (She mostly wears her mask so she doesn’t rlly do a whole lotta makeup besides lashes and lipstick)
Like Toby will take you thrifting (without the breaking in part).
╰┈➤ 𝐍𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
She thinks your so so so super duper awesome sauce.
She’s a scene girly, so she LOVES the fact that your twos aesthetics are so different and unique from eachother.
Also likes helping to do your makeup, because she just wants to be able to do trad makeup to impress you.
WILL ASLO TAKE YOU TO THE THRIFT SHOP. (these guys like thrift shops okay)
Would love if you guys swapped wardrobes for a day.
And you’ve deffo caught her in your clothes MULTIPLE times :3
╰┈➤ 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐫
She doesn’t care all that much what you’re aesthetic is lolz.
She just wants someone in her life to love and to love her back.
But she does compliment your look nervously when the convo gets a lil too quiet.
Though you to catch her staring at you lovingly while doing your makeup.
She may bring you back little things that caught her eye that reminds her of you, that being anything rlly. BUT ESPECIALLY CLOTHING.
╰┈➤ 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤
She will compliment you every chance she gets. Mostly calling you hot and sexy.
SHE’S GOT THE HUMOUR OF A 12 YEAR OLD BOY WHO HASN’T HIT PUBERTY!! (And you love it and hate it at the exact same time.)
Like I mean she makes goth mommy jokes ALL THE TIME… there’s no stopping her. She cackles so hard afterwards after u scold her for it too.
“I love my big tiddy goth girlfriend<3”
“Nat, I swear to fuck-“
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till dawn || eyeless jack || part three
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SMUT. MINORS DNI. 18+. TW: LOTS OF PLOT, being chased teehee scary, unrealistic demon sex bc be so honest w yourself that’s why you’re here, breeding kink, bondage/choking kink. there will be one more part, a finale to this lil series :’) i think for my next series for the creeps im gonna go with either jeff or masky, haven’t decided yet. ANYWAYS, enjoy!!
the finale to till dawn is here
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, threatening to burst through your rib cage.
The sound of crunching leafs echoed behind you, one set of footsteps in particular on your heels. Eerie laughter filled your ears as you threw one foot in front of the other, desperate to get away.
You had decided to follow Jack once he left your house. It wasn’t a logical thing to do, knowing that from what Jack talked about other beings like him existed. You knew Jack was a one of one and so were the others he told you stories about. He promised to introduce you to them someday, but not today.
Curiosity got a hold of your better judgment, causing you to slowly trail behind him. Curiosity was about to kill the cat. You could feel your lungs burning, a whooshing sound flying past your ear. You gasped as a rusty axe had been thrown into the tree beside your head. It had nearly nipped you, your ear millimeters from the blade.
What you didn’t realize, was that the moment you walked into these predators territory, you’d become the prey.
Jack knew you had followed him. He was fine with you doing so. Up until now, he had assumed the Supernatural borders prevented any human from entering. As an animalistic growl escaped his throat, weaving through the trees, he realized he had never been more wrong.
Toby was close behind you, Jack could hear his mouth twitching with pride as he got closer to you. Your presence had alerted every creep within a five mile radius, none of them aware of who you were. It was Jacks job to stop them from getting to you, ignoring the loud drum of your heartbeat. Thankfully Jack was the fastest, his killing style driven by animalistic primal hunger. He was gaining distance on Toby, reaching one hand out and grabbing him by his hair.
You forced yourself to not look back, to not question the sudden silence of your purser. Typically you thought of yourself to be a decent runner, now realizing track in high school could’ve never prepared you for a situation like this. Once all you heard was silence, you allowed yourself to slow down. Panting, you leaned against the sharp forest bark of one of the trees. Everything around you looked the exact same, like a never ending loop.
It was official. You were lost.
The sound of rushing water intrigued you, your eyes darting in each direction to find the source. Despite the eerie feeling of being alone in such a dark forest, you felt like multiple sets of eyes were watching you. Stalking you. Hunting you. The moonlight dimly lit the forest floor, your feet carrying you in what you believed to be the direction of the river. You had been camping before, the sounds of bugs or owls having previously been a comfort.
But here, in this forest, there were neither of those things. You trudged towards the river, a large river bank coming into view. The water was harsh as it crashed against the rocks below it. Murkiness and darkness prevented you from seeing the bottom of the river, unaware of how deep it was. Or from seeing what creatures lurked below.
Jack was close to catching up with you, his focus on Jeff and Jane as they slowly closed in on you. Jane was nimble, using her small frame and agility to swing through the trees. As Jack watched them both close in on you, it occurred to him neither of them realized the other was present. If the situation wasn’t so dire of your safety he’d watch in amusement just to see what happened next. Jeff went for the kill first, Jacks body flying forward to stop him. But Jane had beat him to it.
The loud crashing sound behind you caused you to jump, instantly turning around. A man and woman, whom you could almost think to be siblings, were visibly fighting in front of you. “What the fuck Jane? Can you not see i’m doing something here?” The man growled. Unsettling crimson blood dripped down the carvings on the side of his face. His cheeks were mutilated beyond belief, his eyes nearly popping out of his skull.
Fight or flight was not crossing your mind, your body frozen in fear. “I found her long before you did dipshit,” Jane snarled. Knives occupied both of their hands, her unsettling, soulless black abyss for eyes glancing at you. “She’s a cute one, I can see why you wanted the kill. Sadly she’s mine Jeffrey, all mine,” She smirked. Jack went to intervene, the overwhelming sound of two more heartbeats stopping him. Shit, Masky and Hoody. Surely Slender had sent the proxies to check on the situation, Toby beating them due to his speed.
Jack felt conflicted, trying to rationalize what to do. If he intervened Jeff and Jane now, he would have to take both of them on as well as the proxies. His gaze landed on the two pale killers, both of them still bickering. But, if he managed to stop the proxies fast enough, he could come back and retrieve you. The proxies wouldn’t be hard to find, their heartbeats and smell practically giving Jack a map. He felt awful leaving you, the petrified look of horror written across your face as you watched the fight in front of you.
As the sound of the proxies grew closer, Jack turned around, chasing after the sound of pounding hearts.
“You always do this! I find a good kill and here comes Jane!” Jeff argued. Jane rolled her eyes. “It’s not my fault we have the same type,” She debated. Slowly you tried to back away, hoping they’d be so involved in their debate they’d forget about your presence. “You’re such a bitch, always copying me and my shit, find another hobby will ya?”Jeff spat harshly.You swallowed as you kept your eyes on them, trying to figure out if you could out run them.
Both sets of eyes landed on you, your blood running cold. You could feel the hairs stand up on the back of your neck, everything in you screaming to run. Their eyes contained a certain unnatural hunger, the kind that would only be satisfied by watching you bleed. “You know, the more I think about it, maybe we can call it even just this once, since it’s a special occasion,” Jeff said softly, glancing at Jane. As his eyes moved you noticed that he didn’t blink, his never ending gaze shifting back and forth. His eye sockets were hollow, your mind struggling to make sense of his rancid appearance. He had no eyelids?
“Maybe we should, how often do humans stumble through our forest like this?” Jane replied, chuckling. The two had seemed to come to a decision, moving in unison. They seemed to be patiently waiting for a chase, waiting for you to run. As you turned your back you heard an animalistic growl, one that you could only assume came from one of the pale killers.
What you didn’t realize, was that Jack was ready to rip Jeff apart limb by limb. The two pale killers were blindsided, Jane gasping as she fell to the ground. The demon had Jeff pinned to the ground, snarling above him. It was forbidden to kill another creep, especially on Slender’s grounds. “EJ what-” Jeff began babbling, the animalistic snarl from Jacks throat silencing him. Jane scoffed as she stood up, brushing off her dress.
“If you wanted the kill yourself there’s no sense in being so dramatic, just say so,” She quipped. Jacks gaze stranded from Jeff, settling on Jane as she fully regained her confidence. Jack was never one to hurt a lady, so instead he came up with a different solution. Standing up fully he picked her up, harshly gripping her arms as he tossed her into the nearby river.
You could hear her screams of despair as you continued running into the forest. Whipping your head around to look behind you, for the first time since you had entered the land of terror no one was following you. Your legs burned, your mind spinning. You felt dizzy, your vision beginning to be clouded with stars. The only thing you had on you was your phone. Shakily you took it out of your pocket, thumbing in the password.
Who would you even call? Jack didn’t have a phone, you had no service. You sighed, blankly scrolling between the apps you couldn’t use. Your eyes widened as your screen went black. Did it die? On seventy nine percent? You tilted your head to the side as a camera came into focus, a young blonde man with black and red eyes staring back at you. “Oh wow, hello there gorgeous! EJ sure does know how to pick em huh?” He asked. His pointy ears twitched. That was the final straw. You tossed your phone onto the ground, stomping on it with your boot. The glass shattered, your once prized possession now garbage.
Tilting your head back you let out a pained sigh. How long was it before these maniacs caught up with you? Looking around you found a decent stick. In comparison to the knives and axes the others were equipped with it would be nothing, but you’d go down fighting.
You quickly turned around, gripping your stick tightly. Wincing as the wood cut the palm of your hand, you braced yourself. Swallowing, you tried to find the noises creator. A gush of wind breezed past you from a different direction, your eyes darting to your left. What if they were all circling you? Like a pack of wolves? What if this was in the end?
In the dull moonlight you were able to make out a tall figure, your fight or flight kicking in. Hastily you rose your stick, slamming it down on the shadow in front of you. A large hand grabbed your stick, snapping it half, before sending you on the ground. Your collision with the ground knocked the air out of your lungs, your back hitting the dirt below. Instinctively you began thrashing, a strong set of hands pinning you down.
“Hey, hey, HEY, calm down! Look at me!” Jacks voice was firm, filled with worry. Were you going insane? Seeing Jeff was definitely enough to make someone do so. He didn’t want you to end up like Nina. You blinked a few times, Jacks mask long discarded. Blood dripped down his nose, staining his upper lip. A gash sliced across his cheek, the same crimson paint dripping down his gray skin. “Jack?” You panted.
Your heart was beating a mile a minute, Jacks attention temporarily preoccupied as you attempted to catch your breath. His mind returned to normal the moment you began rambling.
“Holy shit there was a guy with an axe who sounded literally like a ticking time bomb and then this like mutilated albino couple wanted to kill me as well and then this dwarf-”
Jack gripped your shoulders, shaking you.
“Why would you come here? Do you understand how difficult it is for me to protect you here?” He panted. His body was becoming tired. Sprinting across Slender forest and fighting off all of his friends was exhausting, even for him. Your eyes were widened as his hands gripped you harder unintentionally. “You single handedly alerted every monster in the goddamn area that there was fresh meat on the market,” Jack continued. You winced in pain as his grip tightened.
“Jack, you’re hurting me.”
His eye sockets widened, the demon releasing you. He stayed on top of you, the two of you blankly staring at one another. “You’re bleeding,” Jack commented. The deeper he inhaled the stronger the scent became, electric cravings crawling across his skin. You didn’t have a chance to tell him where it was coming from, the demon grabbing your wrist to examine your palm.
The blood wasn’t bad, a small stream dripping down the precious little lines of your palm. To think that when he wanted to, he could hunt down whoever he wanted. That truly, you belonged to him. No matter the danger that he created or that others around you did, he was able to restrain himself. To protect you. The scent of your blood made his stomach flip, his body flooding with desire. Your legs shifted under him, your body becoming warmer as he touched you.
Your voice was low, a desperate whisper, “Jack…”
The worry that clouded Jacks mind was washed away by the sound of your soft voice. The only sound that could calm him down and make him feel at ease,was the enchanting sound of you saying his name. You yanked his hoodie, desperately bringing his lips to yours. Your blood soaked into the clothing, a groan escaping Jacks throat.
The delicious sound of your heart beginning to race flooded his ears, his hips slowly grinding on yours. You whimpered, pawing at his hoodie to bring him impossibly closer. Your lips melted against his, submitting to his rougher desperate kisses. His large hands slithered up your shirt, squeezing and kneading at your breast. You groaned into his mouth, the demon trying to be careful as to not nip you with his teeth.
“Here?” You panted, whimpering as he pushed up your bra. Jack kissed down the side of your neck gently, the throbbing pulse of your throat almost too much for him to handle. “I’ll make it quick love, I just need to let everyone in a five mile radius know who you belong to,” Jack huffed, bringing your right nipple into his mouth. You felt his multiple tongues attack the bud, his name spilling from your lips. With a pop he released your nipple, kissing down your stomach.
“How long until they come looking for us again?” You asked nervously, Jacks nimble fingers quickly unbuttoning and sliding down your jeans. He looked up at the sky. “I’d say till dawn,” He guessed. You giggled as he repositioned himself between your legs, your jeans shoved down to your ankles. “Guess you better hurry up then,” You say. His slender fingers began teasingly rubbing your slick through your panties, the thin cloth drenched.
“Let’s make sure you can take me first you troublemaker,” Jack teased, grinning at the sound of you moaning for him. He slid two of his slender fingers in front of you, your walls squeezing him as he curled them inside of you. Desperately you bucked your hips upwards, throwing your head back as he hit your g spot. “All that running made you awfully sensitive, huh?” Jack joked, relishing in the sight of you grabbing at his wrist, the one that was connected to the hand inside of you.
“Jack, fuck, please,” You whined. Jacks eye sockets widened.
He hesitated, “Please what?”
Your cheeks flushed red with embarrassment, the humiliation of him making you say what you needed settling in. “Please fuck me,” You pleaded, your voice cracking. Jacks hands were quick to work on his belt, the sound of the metal clinking sending a chill down your spine. You bit your lip as you eyed the leather, Jack noticing. A devilish sadistic thought entered his mind, his lips curling upwards.
“You want to try something new?” Jack asked, slightly guessing. You nodded, meeting his gaze. You vocalized a plea, Jack quick to flip you over. Your bare knees hit the dirt of the forest, the smell of the earth flooding your nostrils. Instinctively you went to arch your back, Jack stopping you by yanking you back by your shirt. “You might want to stay on all fours,” He purred in your ear, kissing your earlobe. He wrapped his belt around your neck, holding the metal buckle in his hand.
It cut off a decent portion of your airway, a groan escaping your lips at the sensation of being choked. “You’re into bondage now? Such a whore for me,” Jack chuckled darkly, stroking his cock. He rubbed his tip up and down your folds, trying to lubricate his cock as best as possible. Despite how drenched you got every time he was around, you always struggled to accommodate his size. And every single time it sent Jack into a frenzy, determination to make it fit ensuing.
He glanced up at the sky, the sun rising very faintly in the distance. “We don’t have very long, be a good girl and take it,” Jack snarled, shoving himself inside of you. You felt your body being split in two, his spare hand snaking down to your clit. He rubbed circles around the sensitive bud, trying to relax your body as much as possible. “You wanna be good for me don’t you slut? Relax for me,” He huffed, bottoming out inside of you. You were tense, grabbing handfuls of leafs and dirt.
He could feel you spasm around him as you struggled to accommodate to his size, whimpering as your vision became hazy. After what felt like forever to Jack, he could feel your body relax. “There we go, such a good girl for me aren’t you?” Jack purred in satisfaction. He pulled back his hips, taking himself out of you. He then brought himself back inside, pleased to hear the sound of you letting out a choked out moan. He continued to swirl around your clit, his thrust becoming faster.
You felt light headed as the leather pressed against your throat, choking on the sinful noises that echoed through out the forest. “Fuck, if I had known letting you into Slender’s forest would’ve gotten you so hot and bothered, I would’ve done it a long time ago,” Jack panted, his cock abusing your g spot. You were seeing stars, each thrust sending you into orbit. “Taking me so well, just like a good mate should,” He growled. His grip on the belt tightened, your airway temporarily cut off.
His thrust became more animalistic, the gears in his head turning. The savage and primal instinct washed over him, his coherent thoughts now vanished. Instead they were replaced with one thought and one thought only:
Breed breed breed.
“Fuck, you’re going to look so pretty with my cum leaking from that pretty cunt of yours,” Jack snarled. He released the belt, the leather flying forward and onto the ground. His large hands instead grabbed your waist, squeezing the flesh so harshly you swore you’d have bruise in the shape of his fingers. “Jack, fucking shit,” You moaned, his thrust merciless and brutal. He showed no sign of stopping, no sign of slowing. You could feel a familiar knot form in your stomach, one that Jack had made more times than you could count.
“I can feel you getting close for me. Need you to cum for me, need to fill you,” Jack huffed, holding back his own orgasm. Your back arched as you fell further forward, the side of your face pressed against the dirt. The sun was beginning to rise, your thighs trembling. “Jack I-,” You mewled, your orgasm washing over you like a ton of bricks. Jack couldn’t resist himself, fucking you through your orgasm. His hips began to stutter, the demon screwing his eyes shut as he came deep inside of you.
Dazed, you continued to hold your ass up in the air as Jack pulled out of you. The sight of his cum seeping out of your cunt was divine. With two fingers he scooped up the dripping cum, pushing it back inside of you, ignoring your whimpers. Gently he guided you onto his lap, wiping the dirt off of your face with his thumb. The sun began rising, the beams of sunlight dancing in between the trees as they hit the forest floor.
Jack could hear your heart rate begin to turn to normal as you inhaled deeper breaths. “Cmon, gotta get you dressed before the others get back from their hunt,” Jack murmured encouraging, readjusting your bra to fit you correctly. Still in a daze, you leaned your head against Jacks shoulder, allowing him to redress you. A small breeze blew past the two of you, the faint smell of blood hitting Jacks nose. He was sure the other creeps would be back any moment now, their kills fresh blood still staining their skin and clothes.
Quickly he dressed himself, scooping you into his arms. You had never been picked up bridal style before, instinctively you nuzzled your head against Jacks chest. Making sure you both had everything, Jack quickly looked around, noticing your shattered phone. He began walking towards the mansion, taking note you were beginning to drift off.
“Yeah, I think it’s time you met Ben. He owes you a new phone anyways.”
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Look headcannons | Creepypasta + mood boards!
This includes style and how I imagine their normal fits in this modern day. Also like race n whatnot.
Also, their everyday outfit is what they wear to kill their assignments! Their general aesthetics is like stuff they wear around the house or when they buy groceries or smthing. I’m sorry if I generally describe them the same way, but I promise how I vision them is different. Once I learn to draw it’s literally over for y’all.
Their everyday outfits are typically similar and nothing like their general aesthetic because of convenience reasons.
I don’t ever follow cannon so please don’t hate! Also don’t take the bodies too seriously! Y’all are beautiful just the way you are.
Jeff the killer
Face: triangle shaped face, slightly upturned nose with a slight curve from breaking his nose, hooded bright blue eyes, sharp jawline, thin lips. Unhealed but healing mouth scars, slightly discolored blotchy skin and unusually wide eyes. Wears guyliner. His mouth scars are like wide open btw. Super thin eyebrows tbh.
Physic: he’s got some boob, 5’11. Wide shoulders, a lil toned, but he’s got some squish. He’s got some MADDDD cake. His legs are hella muscular too.
General Aesthetic: lazy edge lord. Sweatpants, band tshirts, converse, slides. BLACK CROCS. Kinda pink sometimes tho, but that’s only cuz of Ben’s influence. He’s got a crazy collection of pajama pants tho (he has my kuromi pants from a secret Santa gift)
Everyday outfit: black ripped skinny jeans, black hoodie with a black turtleneck underneath. Wears some nice earrings tho and has an eyebrow piercing. Has a similar strap to EJ, but just on his thigh, it carries his knife and money. So yes he has a thigh strap.
Jane the Killer
Face: oval shaped face, bow shaped lips, high cheekbones, dark brown upturned eyes, upturned nose. Skin is a little patchy from the past burns, otherwise she is almost fully healed due to Slenders help. Has slight gashes on her cheeks but they’re mostly closed. Thicc arched eyebrows.
Physic: pear shaped, more booty than her chest. 5’8, seems a lot taller. A bit bony, long armed and long legged. A little toned, tho her arms especially, she’s got some DEFINEEED arms.
General Aesthetic: elegant lady going to the art museum. Wears a lot of longer pleated skirts (either knee length or longer), long silk dresses, heels, occasional converse. Shirts are form fitting and typically elegant or professional. Loves silk, satin fabrics and the occasional velvet.
Everyday outfit: a black sleeveless turtleneck with black flared pants and black fingerless gloves. When it gets really cold she wears a dark red coat with grey fur on the lining. Has a thigh strap and a chest strap to carry her weapons.
Ben Drowned
Face: heart shaped face, male button nose, small lips, completely black eyes with blood running down them. Pale skin and hella sharp cheekbones. Sharp ass jaw too.
Physic: 5’9. Broad shoulders, a little scrawny. Defined chest and shoulders, his stomach hella toned, he doesn’t got much cake but a barely adequate one. No boobs for this guy either. No honka honka for him :(
General Aesthetic: a lil punk and a lil basic. Like he wears a lot of plaid and also a lot of baggy band tshirts, so not really but sort of. He’s got the emo hair, he wears green plaid skinny jeans with a graphic tshirt and black combat boots a lot. Or converse. He’s got a lot of facial piercings too. So he’s just barely punk. He’s getting there tho.
Everyday outfit: a light green baggy tunic that kinda has a deep V 😏 and some black baggy pants that the tunic is tucked into. His shoes are black combat boots. Across his waist he wears a brown leather belt that has a small compartment on his hip where he can put his shit in.
Face: downturned lips, tan skin, a clock for an eye. Her other eye is monoloid shaped tho and brown. Hair is dark brown and messy straight. Button nose definitely.
Physic: pretty boxy and muscular. 5’11. She doesn’t have much boob or butt since she’s so muscular. There is a slight contrast between her chest and her stomach, but not that much. She’s defined and toned.
General Aesthetic: it switches everyday. Sometimes she’s pretty tomboy and other times she’s 2000 emo. She wears converse, short shorts, low waisted pants that have the bedazzled butt pockets, cropped tshirts and tank tops. So maybe 2000s party girl?
Everyday outfit: black zip up hoodie with fur lining the neck, lowrise dark blue bootcut jeans, dark red tank top. Brown ankle boots.
Ticci Toby
Face: male version of a button nose, diamond shaped face, bow shaped lips, multiple face piercings (snakebites, eyebrow piercing), slight stache on his chin and above his mouth (he shaves). Fluffy brown hair. The gash on his mouth is basically healed. Very very pale skin, pretty hazel eyes u could get lost in forever. Average brown eyebrows.
Physic: almost concerningly skinny, like he just barely makes the mark of being healthy. It’s cause he forgets to eat. 6’1. His shoulders are broad but he’s like a triangle if anything. Not much cake :(
General Aesthetic: boring white boy. Nowadays he only wears turtlenecks and tank tops with some boring ass pants. Tho they are tight on him 😏 he left behind his old hoodie habit. He picked up motorcycling gloves and vans.
Everyday outfit: a black, long sleeved, form fitted turtleneck with a black back harness for his axe’s. Black skinny jeans and converse for convenience. He still wears his goggles and face mask!
Judge Angels
Face: triangle shaped face, her chin has a prominent point. Almond shaped black eyes, heart shaped lips. Olive toned skin, pretty tan. Has a prominent crack on her left canine tooth. Upturned nose, crooked smile. Blond straight hair that greatly contrasts her skin. Blond short eyebrows.
Physic: short and petite, 5’2. Lean, doesn’t really have much muscle, or at least doesn’t look it. Pretty flat chested and a normal ass. She has calves of steal tho.
General Aesthetic: white and messy, likes baggier clothing and more trashy punk looks. Like she wears Tripp pants, oversized tshirts, big hoodies. She doesn’t really wear makeup except for some shittily done eyeliner. Her hair is still blond but now it has the occasional black streak.
Everyday outfit: one of those baggy tops that have the cuts down the sides yk what I’m talking about? Anyways it’s white with a bunch of charcoal on it that she stole from Bloody painter. For bottoms she wears black knee high combat boots and a pair of black, low waisted, wide leg shorts. Obviously under the shirt she has a sports bra. She also wears fishnet gloves.
Face: Grecian nose, dark gray skin, almond shaped yellow eyes, a square shaped face, medium lips. I think his teeth are hella white tbh but he’s definitely got fangs of some sort. Thicc black brows.
Physic: pretty boxy, like he’s lean n all, but he is kinda straight up and down. Average cake, average waist, average muscle and tone. He’s still hawt tho, his hands 😩 6’3
General Aesthetic: helluva boss reject. Wears trench coats and boots and skinny jeans, business pants. The occasional hoodie. Doesn’t wear a beanie anymore. Or converse. Tho his wardrobe has lots of skulls. He kinda does a 360 with his wardrobe, going for more of an old school pirate vibe.
Everyday outfit: wears a long black trench coat that clips in the middle of his waist, black skinny pants, below the knee black boots, black button up (the last three buttons unbuttoned) are underneath his trench coat.
Nurse Ann
Face: diamond shaped face, button nose, mid/weaker jawline, thiccer lips, not a prominent cupids bow. Definitely pale/Greyish skin tone. Her hair is brown and is like boob length, also somewhat wavy.
Physic: curvy, kind of apple/pear shaped. She’s definitely well endowed with the bewbs and butt, has a more rounded stomach too, has thicc thighs and calves as well. 5’4.
General Aesthetic: fantasia 2000 princess type beat. I feel like she’s a huge fan of midnight blue and fantasy type of outfits. She loves dresses of any length with frill, lace and intricate designs. She loves puffy/billowed sleeves and mostly wears flats or boot heels. She’s also particular about silver star/moon designs.
Everyday outfit: I don’t think her outfit changed at all tbh, I think she still wears the black nurse costume and hat, tho I do think she’s added more weapons in her collection. I think she’s started focusing on needles and chemical injecting, tho she still uses her iconic chainsaw.
Bloody Painter
Face: oval shaped face, thin lips, bright blue almond shaped eyes, Grecian nose, a lil tan ngl, black messy hair (idk how to describe his haircut tho, it’s a lil long, straight and fluffy??)
Physic: kind of in the average or boney ratio. He has bony hands and forearms but aside from that he’s got medium sized shoulders and a slightly smaller waist. Ngl I feel like he does have some random curve at the bottom so some honka cake, but not much. 5’11
General Aesthetic: painter in despair. I think he likes Jean jackets, he’s like the male version of arthoe. He likes black/blue jeans, kinda looks like he came from the outsiders, wears baggy leather jackets too. Mostly sticks with tshirts with random bull on it. Also always has a brown satchel with him.
Everyday outfit: I feel like black cargo pants, black turtleneck and a black chest harness, probably combat boots too. On his chest he still has the smiley pin, but aside from that, for his assignments he goes pretty neutral and just for convenience. EJ totally helped him pick out his outfit too his first assignment.
Face: square shaped face, upturned nose, chubby cheeks, vintage shaped lips?? Idk how to describe it. I feel like her hair is a messy black Bob now, but like pretty messy I mean it. Kinda tan. Definitely has freckles.
Physic: 5’7, pretty boxy. The best I can describe her is like Audrey Hepburn built. Idk why I feel like her and A.H are so similar. She’s boney and relatively small like that.
General Aesthetic: a little vintage sometimes, like she switches decades a lot. She wears fashion trends from the 1950s to modern day, both feminine and masculine styles. So she wears dresses, miniskirts, jeans, colored turtlenecks. Really her closet is very alive. She has stolen from her assignments hella tho ngl.
Everyday outfit: a black miniskirt with a tighter grey turtleneck, red tights, black calf length boots. When it’s cold she has a cropped jacket with a fuzzy hood and insides.
Face: oval shaped face, tan skin, dark brown hair (short and messy,) dark brown eyes, uhhh mid-somewhat sharp jawline, straight nose.
Physic: strong, average short 5’9. Builds more bulk, has strong arms and shoulders but a smaller waist, he’s got some MADD V-line. He’s got a nice smackable amount of cake.
General Aesthetic: 😏😏😏. He wears flannels, darker colored skinny jeans, SOMETIMES THO he wears 70’s pants that are like right around the hips and like highwaisted and whatnot with a sleeveless cropped tshirt. He’s oddly vintage with stuff like that, but in a rock singer type of way. He only just started getting into this tho.
Everyday outfit: dark blue skinny jeans, black tshirt, tan jacket that has a LOTTA compartments.
Laughing Jill
Face: button nose, oval shaped face, high cheekbones, an average (a lil weak) jawline, pale skin, black irises. Thinner lips. Thin slightly arched eyebrows.
Physic: southern mommy. SORRY. 6’2 tho Bc shes mythical. I think she’s a wide hourglass too?? Like she is big chested and she def has a gyatt, she’s got tummy. She isn’t really defined at all.
General Aesthetic: Harley Quinn wannabe. Just likes the mix matches jumpsuit idea. Like she loves mixing and matching contrasting colors and especially black and white. She mixes in some lavender too. Is always wearing the most dangly earrings too.
Everyday outfit: an above the knee length skirt with a black petty coat underneath, a long sleeveless vest that goes to her mid calf and buttons together under her boobs. Her shirt is a plain white button up with puffy sleeves. For shoes she wears black heeled boots. Her hair is in a curly bun with a tiny off center hat.
Face: Roman nose, not that pale, diamond shaped face, pretty light brown eyes. Pretty strong jawline. Short black hair (dyed recently)
Physic: muscular, 6’2. Hes beefy. Like he’s got boob muscle, ass muscle. HE IS SCARRRY. Think like a smaller Miguel O’Hara almost. He’s less beefy than that, but like yk still beefy.
General Aesthetic: tbh think he went for a goth/alt vibe. He mixes feminine and masculine occasionally. Wears like long skirts sometimes, like a kilt almost?? Wears the fishnet tights as shirts, has multiple Spencer’s belts and necklaces.
Everyday outfit: black fishnet top with a black fitted tshirt over it, black baggy pants. Multiple finger rings. Multiple belts and waist bands.
Sally Williams
Face: circle shaped face, slightly downturned nose, wide green eyes. Small lips, lil bit of a chubby face. She does not eternally bleed from the head. Her hair is long and curly past her shoulders. She’s pretty dark.
Physic: a normal, average weighted 8 yr. 4’8.
General Aesthetic: she likes more vintage, boxy styled dresses from the twentieth century, like 1960s European box dresses inspired by Iggy and kids dresses from the 20s. She actually really likes the vintage youth outfits Bc of Shirley Temple. She LOVES Shirley Temple.
Everyday outfit: a pink and white designed dress that pleats at the bottom. Black Mary janes and white socks. She carries a small white clutch that slings across her torso. Her hair is in a long braid.
Laughing Jack
Face: pale as a mf, triangle shaped face, high cheek bones, cone nose, black hooded shaped eyes. Sharp ass jawline. Small forehead. Hair is shorter and more curly.
Physic: toned as an mf but SCRAWNY, like he’s dangly and flexible. It’s scary and arousing. He has no cake tho, no boobs either. He’s very lightly defined but that is IT. 6’9
General Aesthetic: likes the David Bowie Jareth Labyrinth aesthetic, kind of similar to EJ, but not really. He just also really likes poets shirts and vests. He loves dressing sort of Royal or regal. HE LOVES to wear baggy button ups but he NEVER buttons them up all the way 😏
Everyday outfit: I feel like his main outfit hasn’t changed much, the only thing I see him changing is the wraps around his waist possibly changing to a corset instead for his convenience.
(I’d like to remind that Lazari doesn’t have assignments as she is not a pasta, so her everyday wear is less convenient.)
Face: tan, dark brown straight hair (occasionally pink), square shaped face, Roman nose, bow shaped mouth, thicc brown brows.
Physic: depends on her age she changes physically. But she’s probably like average in all ages, just less lean and a little chubbier. Height ranges from 4’11 to 5’8
General Aesthetic: colorful and a little childish. She wears overalls and paints on her pants a lot. Think of her like 2019 in a nutshell. She wears mom jeans and Angel tops and bucket hats. Hates crocs tho. All of her jeans have some 90s cartoon character painted on them.
Everyday outfit: a black Spider-Man tshirt with black overalls cuffed at the bottom. Red converse, fun silly socks, her hair in a long braid.
Jason the Toymaker
Face: diamond shaped face, pale, Roman nose, shoulder length bright red hair. Bright green eyes. Kinda got that Jareth haircut. Sharp ass jawline. Thin nicely shaped eyebrows. The makeup does not come off.
Physic: triangle. Slutty man waist. Not that toned tbh but he has enough. HES GOT SOME NICEE BONEY HANDS. His arms have decent strength and buff ness, but it’s rlly not that obvious. 6’8
General Aesthetic: old clowncore ig. Or like fantasy 1800s boyfriend aesthetic. He wears mostly beige or rained colors tbh and then a dash of black and red. Otherwise he makes up his outfits in abstract shapes and styles.
Everyday outfit: his usual tbh, bro has not changed much.
Face: square shaped face, wide eyes, no cupids bow shaped lips. Completely black eyes. Completely white hair that goes just past her jaw. Messy hair. Has stitches on the side of her mouth.
Physic: broad shoulders, smaller breasted, not much of a different with her waist. Does have low hips, like a long torso with shorter legs. 5’9
General Aesthetic: crust punk. Wears shit that is torn up and dirty. Lots of DIY and ripped up tights. Low rise black skinny jeans. And cropped shirts that go like just under the boob.
Everyday outfit: cropped black ripped jacket, plain black tshirt and lowrise shitty ripped skinny jeans and black combat boots. Under her ripped jeans is her striped ripped stockings.
Homicidal Liu
Face: slightly upturned nose, still has the stitches on his face, green eyes. Lighter brown neck length hair. Kinda has like a slight wolfcut tbh. A lil tan.
Physic:I feel like he’s a lil buff. Like 5’9-5’10. Not as buff as Jeff. Has some thiccness tho mostly in his shoulders tho so he’s more toned than Jeff.
General Aesthetic: spider noir energy. He loves trench coats and business pants. No matter what he’s always wearing black gloves. He’s always wearing business shoes too.
Everyday outfit: black turtleneck and black trench coat with black pants and black knee boots. He has patches on his coat with holes in it, but they’ve been patched up with his striped scarf, same with his pants. His main fit is patched together with his old scarf.
Nina the Killer
Face: triangle shaped face, olive skin tone, button nose. Curly black hair (often straightened) with purple and pink streaks, thicc upturned lips. Her scar is healed, but still very open like Jeff’s. Her eye situation depends on her state of mind.
Physic: 5’4, pretty skinny and toned. Mostly proportionate. Aight sized boobs and butt, generally just dainty idk. Built like the girl from house of 1000 corpses.
General Aesthetic: risqué Monique Chabot in post war France. She wears short skirts, only cropped tshirts and small dresses. She does not get cold at all omg. A lot of times she’ll wear heals or platforms. Never flats or converse tho anymore.
Everyday outfit: platformed knee high boots, black tights with black thigh highs overtop, a black and pink plaid miniskirt, a black crop top that’s a random band tee. A fluffy cropped black jacket that’s zipped up halfway, for style purposes. Fluffy earmuffs if it gets cold and her hair in an emo high ponytail.
Face: oval shaped face, hella pale, Grecian nose, heart shaped lips tbh, almond shaped purple eyes. His hair is still the long pretty blue color as always, always up in a ponytail.
Physic: built exactly like LJ but more meaty, like he’s got more toning on his thighs and legs and stomach. Like he looks a lot healthier than LJ for sure. His outfit definitely makes his muscle pop a lot too 😏 6’6
General Aesthetic: he wants to be Ramona flowers, but he literally can’t Bc he can never find men clothes that is like hers.
Everyday outfit: tbh, his outfit has NOT changed like at all otherwise in color scheme. When his hair was a light green, his outfit became more warmer toned b4 he grew out of that phase and went back to his OG look.
Kate The Chaser
Face: square shaped face, round white eyes, black messy hair just barely past the shoulders, small lips, high cheekbones, Roman nose. No brows, they are drawn on.
Physic: a little thicc, broad shoulders and broad hips. I’d say a wide hourglass figure, but she’s like hella muscular. She has a proportionate amount of ass. 5’6
General Aesthetic: she wants to look like Siouxie, very 80s goth. Allison from the breakfast club energy. She loves wearing long skirts with big sweaters and doing the beehive hair. She loves scarves too and has a hella collection.
Everyday outfit: black wide legged jeans with a billowy maroon sweater and black combat boots. Sometimes she’ll add one of those long black detective jackets, but that’s off missions.
Eyeless Jack
Face: grey skin, Grecian nose, rectangle shaped face, high cheekbones, medium sized lips. Split tongue. Almond shaped black eyes. His hair is dark brown and somewhat long and wavy/curly. Medium thicc arched brows.
Physic: 6’7 and very strong. He’s not ripped like bulging, but he is definitely defined. He’s got ass and thighs, his waist isn’t as small as Dr Smileys, but there’s still a medium difference between his shoulders vs his waist.
General Aesthetic: he wants to be cottage core so bad, like the poets shirt and tunics. He does wear cream colored tunics and billowy pants. Tho sometimes on special occasions he dresses like a basic bitch. He’ll get out the tight business pants and black button up.
Everyday outfit: a black button up, black jeans and navy blue converse. He wears one of those chest strap things tho that carries his scalpel and other weapons. He wears a black leather jacket too <3
Dr Smiley
Face: pale, dark red eyes, tiny pupils. Shoulder length, fluffy black hair. Diamond shaped face, Roman nose, thin lips. Defined jaw. Johnnie Gilbert looking guy. Thin arched brows.
Physic: lean and tall. He’s got broad shoulders and an itty bitty waist fr. He’s bony af tho (except for the thighs,) he’s got NO cake. No junk in the trunk for him. 6’1
General Aesthetic: professional emo/dark academia. He’s ALWAYS wearing black turtleneck and dress pants. He always has a red satchel too.
Everyday outfit: he still wears his black medical mask and white doctors coat, underneath that though he wears a black short sleeved turtleneck, so his arms are out when he’s not wearing his coat 😏 his pants are just basic dress pants tho. Aside from the shirt, he wears basically the same thing he always has.
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amaesama · 2 years
𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑤𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑝𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑓 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛
So the Slenderman has chosen another troubled soul to manipulate, force to do his bidding, induct into the mansion, great! We’re all one big happy family here, so I’m sure you’ll fit in just fine! Whatever may have happened in the past is over now. This is your new home, and everything is going to be just fine.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⨂ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮
Everyone is really weary of newcomers.
For the first few days of you being there you will absolutely 100% catch people staring at you, like ‘what is this new thing and what do we do with it.’
The first people to come and talk to you are Nina, Jane, Liu and Dina.
Nina wants to make new friends so she’ll try her best to be nice and welcoming to you, she might be a bit too much at first but she means well.
Jane and Liu are there to warn you of any potential pastas to stay away from (*cough*Jeff*cough*), Liu will do most of the talking because he’s lovely.
Sully won’t front straight away, he will watch you when you talk to Liu to see what you’re like but otherwise he’ll leave you alone.
Jane will try to introduce you to Clockwork but 9/10 she’ll be ‘busy’ so it might take a while to get to know her.
Dina is an absolute sweetheart and they will try their best to be welcoming to you and make sure nothing bad will happen.
There’s a chance that they might try to introduce you to Helen but he just will not make an effort to talk to you, you’ll have to find another way to get to know him.
Dina will also introduce you to Ann and Johnathan, Johnathan will be a bit more talkative but you have a feeling that’s only because he wants something out of a relationship with you.
Ann won’t be all that interested. If you actually want to pursue a friendship with her then get beat up and she might be in the infirmary. Might be.
Speaking of the infirmary, that’s the best place to find him E.J, he spends most of his time down there, so if you ever want to talk to him or need something from him he’ll be down there.
He’s not too social and it’s rare to see him anywhere else, but he will always help someone if you’re injured. If you spend time to get to know him he’ll be very happy, though (he’ll probably ask if he can have your kidney somewhere along the line, he’ll assure you that the operation will be safe but he’ll respect you if you say no).
BEN and Sally are also two people that will be the first to talk to you.
Like Nina, BEN tries his best to spark conversations with people. He’ll probably play a few pranks on you though so be careful.
Sally just wants to play so she talks to everyone, she has no ill intentions so she’s a pretty safe person to be around.
You’ll 100% see Hoodie and Masky around as they basically do everything the Slenderman asks them to do, and if you’re new that’ll be to train you and do the whole initiation process. You’ll see Toby less frequently, but still pretty regularly in comparison to most other people.
Jeff will test if you’re good enough to be friends with him by setting Smile Dog on you. If you don’t run away from him or if you don’t try to kill him you’re good.
However, being friends with Jeff means you probably won’t be friends with Sully. Liu is a bit more accepting (strangely enough) but he’ll still be a bit iffy, he believes you should be friends with whoever you want but he probably won’t be around you if he’s there.
Ok onto actual life in the mansion.
Very rarely will you have a proper meal.
And by very rarely I mean only if you make yourself something or on one of the pasta nights.
A pasta night is something that happens every month (or every other month if no one can be bothered) where someone makes a shit ton of pasta for dinner for laughs.
It’ll almost always end in an argument because there are so many dysfunctional people living in the mansion.
And then there’s an argument on who should clean up, in the end they came up with a router where everyone takes turns.
E.J only comes along to these nights because he feels he has to, he can’t eat the food so he just kind of sits there.
Not many people can cook, so it’s usually either Tim, Brian, Clockwork or Liu who make the pasta.
No matter what your background is there will most likely be someone who went through the same thing, so if you’re happy with talking about it and so are they then you’ve basically got a therapist buddy.
Smile Dog is the family pet except instead of seeing him as a full blown family dog he’s treated like a person, minus all the responsibilities and stuff.
He’s a freeloader. That’s what I’m trying to say.
Also a great guard dog.
Not every room is an en suite so there’s a chance you’ll have to share a bathroom with like 5 others. And sharing a bathroom with literal serial killers? Not fun.
They’ll always flush, don’t worry, but some of them take excruciating long. Jeff is known to take long ass showers and sing obnoxiously loud (because he’s a dick) so avoid the bathroom that’s closest to his room.
Honestly it might be best to befriend someone with an en suite. Helen has one (mostly because people were annoyed that he kept going to refill his water when he’s painting), and he’ll probably be indifferent to you using his bathroom.
E.J also has one and he basically lives in the infirmary so he probably won’t notice if you use his, but you’ll have to ignore the mini fridge in his room. You just know what he keeps inside it.
He also doesn’t like being called ‘E.J,’ he mostly puts up with it. With two Jacks around it can be confusing so he understands why people call him that, but when the other one isn’t around he doesn’t get why people call him this. Call him Jack and you’ll be in his good books.
The proxies have their own bathrooms as well, and since they’re always out you might be able to use theirs.
Hardly anyone can be bothered to clean their rooms so they all live in their own mess.
If you complain about it enough then you could potentially bully some people into cleaning them.
Jeff is the worst.
Absolutely vile.
Jane has one of the best rooms because she’s a literal goddess so of course it is.
Helens is covered in paint.
Jacks is passable if you ignore the mini fridge.
Tim’s absolutely sticks of cigs so you probably don’t want to go in there.
Toby’s is- yep. It’s definitely… something!
Also for room arrangements, the people who hate each other are located a far away as possible from each other to reduce conflict. There are multiple floors, probably around 3, with the ground floor being where the living room, kitchen, infirmary and all that stuff is.
Floors 2 and 3 are mostly bedrooms. Liu, Jane, Nina, BEN, E.J, Helen, Dina, and a few others are on floor 2.
Jeff, Tim, Brian, Toby, Kate, Ann (if she’s at home) and some others are on floor 3.
Bless you if you end up on floor 3. It’s so noisy. Mostly because of Jeff.
During the day you probably won’t see many people, you may see them crawl out of their holes to get food but that’s pretty much it.
You’ll most likely get into a few fights because these fuckers are aggressive and argumentative.
Say anything mean to Sally and everyone will hate you forever.
It’ll take a while for you to fully feel like you fit in (a few months to a year) so try to keep on everyone’s good side and everything will be just fine.
If not then you’ll be hated forever. These assholes know how to keep a grudge.
You won’t see Slenderman.
You’ll FEEL him, but hardly ever see him.
If he does contact you it’ll be via Tim or one of the other proxies, or he’ll talk to you telepathically.
If you’re in the house then he’ll always be watching you.
╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ⨂ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯
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lldolphin · 9 days
feat. jeff the killer, nina the killer, jane the killer, clockwork, toby, laughing jack, eyeless jack.
i feel like he smells like cigarettes and blood. like he REEKS of blood, but its not like a disgusting stinky ass smell. i think the pastas often shower in victims homes.
he doesn't actually hate his brother. he's actually happy that he survived. its just, hes an asshole and doesn't know how to resolve confict, so he doesn't talk to liu.
probably makes fun of toby alot. for everything.
i dont actually think they all live in a manor. realistically, they dont know each other. jeff specifically, lives in an old warehouse. (im a hypocrite. i still write them living in a manor despite my own headcannon 😜)
he has like, really long hair. its long, black, heat damaged at the ends and, middle parted. he doesn't have a cute uwu emo boy haircut. he probably DID before he snapped, but thats long gone.
he pierced himself on his nose, ears, bridge, eyebrow, and lip. his ears got infected.
RAGING lesbian
she doesn't even talk to jeff. she hates him, yeah, but she doesn't actively try and reach out and/or kill him. she has trauma from him. she doesnt seek out the main cause of her ptsd.
she probably has a smoker voice. like she sounds like a chain smoker.
she definitely WAS goth before, but she doesn't really dress it now. it would be hard to be on the run, killing, and constantly getting into combat dressed in full goth attire.
not to mention, it would make her so noticeable to police and detectives.
i imagine her wearing the leggings with the rips down the legs, and a tank top with maybe some band on it.
definitely a little chubby.
shes definitely poc. you cannot tell me otherwise.
she didn't cut up her face. she puts on makeup. lets be real.
she still keeps her pretty scene hair. its black with a few pink raccoon tails.
i dont think she actually ever killed anyone.
her parents put her in a psych ward after going through her computer.
id say, realistically, she got super interested in jeffs case. after a while, she became obsessed with him.
her parents quickly ended that whole thing, sending her to the ward.
she escaped and literally never went back home.
like, she has missing posters out there.
she spends her whole time trying to find jeff.
shes never actually met him.
shes RIPPED.
i like to think shes also lesbian, and jane and her definitely have a situationship
green eyes
okay. there is no POSSIBLE way a human can put a clock inside of their eyeball. she just went crazy and probably stabbed her eye out or some shit.
look, i KNOW that the clock is her whole gimmick, but come on yall.
tank top, blue hoodie and jeans.
very tumblr 2014 core outfits.
she probably did wrestling in school
her hair is like almost ginger, but still brunette.
his hair is really fluffy.
he has brown eyes.
his mouth gash never healed because he never got it taken care of.
i feel like his breath smells REALLY good. mans is so nervous abt his scent, hes scared he'll smell like jeff.
always has a tic tac in his mouth.
he has scars on his tongue, he used to bite down on it when he would tic.
black hoodie and blue jeans. black converse. simple outfits yall.
he made himself watch shocking content in his early years to TRY and feel something. It didn't work, but it helped him snap and become insane.
he doesnt work for slenderman, but he heard about it and his schizophrenia makes him hallucinate him. So, he THINKS he works for him, but he doesn't.
hes not annoying uwu "hey masky" boy. he's quiet and afraid of fucking up any attempt at social interactions or relationships. when he DOES get comfortable with people he knows, ex; masky, hoodie, etc..hes LOUD and really vulgar about his jokes.
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brights-place · 4 months
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Jeff The Killer with an Mute! S/O
Pairings: Jeff the killer X Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of gore, Dating headcannons
A/N: Jeff the killer dating an mute reader that me and my friends were talking long and hard about how each creepypasta would date an S/O who is mute :>>
- When you were first introduced he tried to annoy you and get you to talk smack back to him caus he wanted to fight someone since Jane was on an mission and Jeff itched for an fight
- He’s suspicious of you at first when you don't reply - Even more so that you don’t talk. But if you prove you’re  not a threat in other ways, he doesn’t actually mind it all that much... JK HE DOES MIND LIKE WHY AIN'T YOU FIGHTING OR YELLING AT HIM!
- He complains and cruses you out as you just stared at him - Jeff is annoyed how you hangout with Smile dog who makes sure to make you feel comfy which makes Jeff confused since well... Smile wasn't nice to people actually nobody really was I mean they were Creepypastas they were creatures and beings that could kill
- When he tried to fight Liu since well that's whats siblings do you smacked him up top the head as liu cackled at how Jeff was flabbergasted as you stared him down
- He gets annoyed by everybody and since your silent he comes out of nowhere and hangs out with you as he says "Shut up" when not knowing you were mute cause he never knew you were mute
- Ends up going on tangents or rants about the others while you just sit there and kind of annoyed yet staring down at him making sure he is comfortable - He knows it can get annoying to just have to listen but he’s extremely grateful for the outlet. - he can bitch about his day only to turn around and find you still there, listening intently. 
- Sooner or later he watches you do sign language talking to EJ, Toby, and Nina as you just nodded shook your head or just did sign language which he connected the dots quickly finding out that you were mute
- most of the time he is translating for those who can't understand you when you use sign language when Jeff can't is when he's on his missions and off to kill some people
- Other then that he would be by your side making sure your safe and are alright When he speaks he forgets that he's doing sign language while speaking whenever your near and people point it out he rolls his eyes
- He gets used to your silence and can't help but when he feels pissy just walks towards were you are in your room or in the kitchen kick open the door and grab you and lay his head on your shoulder
- He didn't understand sign language so he just focused on when you're looking at something or someone in a certain way, how your eyebrows furrow. how you squint your eyes, the way your lips curve up or downwards with something he likes and dislikes.
- He could read your thoughts and what you want to say but can't at all but try to explain in sign language to you and say's fuck it and just speaks to you as you nod your head listening. - He switches from checking to verbal confirmation to physical confirmation - When you two are out at night not doing missions you take an stroll before jeff then goes on an rampage out of boredom - You were making sure that jeff was careful when you noticed an couple watching them afar since you knew that they had an child but also knew that why you two killed the two parents cause they were Junkies and quiet emotionally abusive towards their own child so of course you had to kill the two so you brought Jeff!
- When he is on an mission his knife digging into the skin of an 30 year old couple while their daughter was fast asleep in her room not knowing about what was happening downstairs.
- You couldn't help but watch Jeff ripping the parents skin with his knife carving an smile as he turns towards you when you stomped your foot lightly two times on the floor is what you two used to say its time to go since he well he and you have your own secret language
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 4 months
Helllooo ^^
Could i request an enemies to lovers trope (im a sucker for it 😔) w EJ, Hoodie and Jane?
frick I love this ask
Enemies to lovers with Jane the killer, Hoodie, and Eyeless Jack
All is below the cut :)
Jane the Killer :
Probably thought you were working with Jeff for a while
I’d imagine you were maybe friends with BEN? Since BEN and Jeff are close
Jane assumed you and Jeff were at least on good terms
And she HATED it
Hated you, for being friends with him
Would verbally fight with you, except she would never let you speak or explain yourself
But one day it all changed!!!!
You and Jeff got into a heated argument and Jane talked to you after, having this “I told you he was shit” attitude
You yelled at Jane, telling her that you and Jeff were never friends and in fact, you disliked Jeff
But from then you and Jane bonded
Took a little while, but I’d imagine you found something in common and it started from there
Eventually she confessed, becuz we all know that Jane would confess first (we would all be way to scared to)
And now y’all hate on Jeff together!!!
Hoodie :
You were a new proxy, a very uhhhh, energetic one?
You were always go go go, loud, etc
And Hoodie, while he didn’t mind it at first (hell he even enjoyed it), very slowly got annoyed
Then, one day, you and him are on a mission together and you fuck up
You fix it quickly, killing them fast after missing the first time
But he was enraged
Yelled at you for fucking up
Since then, he refused to go on missions with you
But one day, you Toby and Cody all go on a mission together
It goes wonderfully and y’all even stop at like Waffle House after
Hoodie finds this out after you all come in laughing your asses off and having a good time
He likes your laugh
From that point, he tries to listen for it more, and then lowkey starts to be around you more
He doesn’t really talk much, not until he over hears you say something that you like and he also likes
And then after a mission, he offers to buy you it or bring you to a restaurant with it (let’s say you both like the same kind of coffee or pastry or something idk)
And you immediately agree
And then it just blossoms? He realizes that you weren’t that bad, you just had a bad day and fucked up
Everyone fucks up now and then, and that’s ok. Everyone makes mistakes and life moves on, it’s normal.
You teach him that life is nothing without some kind of failure, and for that he is forever grateful
Eyeless Jack :
At first, he wanted to eat you
Then, once he learned that you were a new resident in the forest, he just left you alone
Jack doesn’t hate without reason, I could see him disliking someone for being annoying, but never without a reason ya know?
I’d imagine one day you got in the middle of his kill, costing him a new meal
He was pissed, duh
Would not talk to you, refused to help you, etc
And you felt TERRIBLE
So, one day, you show up at his cabin with a couple of meals for him, all an assortment of organs and such
You ramble on about how you didn’t know which one he liked best and that you overthought it and panicked and so you just grabbed an arrangement
He was grateful
Then one day you got hurt, he helped you and patched you up
And then you two started a small routine where you would bring him some food, he would patch you up and get you some supplies
Eventually y’all just moved in together cuz it was more convenient and easier for everyone (and totally not cuz you had a big crush on him no no no-)
And eventually y’all are just like “yo I hated u at first but like can we date?”
Like of course Jack would make it romantic (as romantic as an eyeless demon could be) and will do better than just “we’re dating now, idc what you say”
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
can i request jeff, jane, nina, and liu all having feelings for the same fem!reader? i want to see them all just realize that they like the same person and i need to see the drama unfold and you can choose who the reader ends up with! thanks :))
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a/n: of course! hope you enjoy, and thanks for sending in the request <3
jeff, jane, nina and liu falling for the same fem!reader.
warnings: reader is a creepypasta, the mansion is a thing here yes, mentions of stalking, swearing, mentions of blood, this is actually pretty lighthearted so dw there's nothing dark in here, you can tell i tried really hard not to use y/n but alas i had no choice, i giggled a lot writing this tbh.
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Well, how the hell did this happen? You might be wondering that. Allow me to tell you.
It all begins with Jeff. He meets you first, and therefore he falls first. It was an accident, really, one that he intended on keeping a secret. And by keeping it a secret, I mean only his two most trusted companions know about it.
Let's just say BEN is never being told anything ever again because the little shit told Sally, and that's how Nina found out about you. Sally just innocently told her that Jeff had feelings for you during a tea party, and now Nina is very curious about you because, well, who is this silly woman who stole Jeff's heart?
Nina obviously does the most logical thing, and she stalks you a bit. She had to learn more about you! She was curious, and she wanted to know what it was about you that caught Jeff's attention the way it did!
Whatever it was, it caught her attention as well because suddenly her heart started racing whenever she saw you and when you spoke to her she could barely keep herself together.
Next to learn about Jeff's feelings for you was Jane. Jane, as we all know, wants to kill Jeff. Seeing that you were suddenly hanging around both Jeff and Nina certainly caught her attention. She needed to know if you were going to get in the way of her plans the way Nina has a habit of doing.
And fuck. At first, she didn't particularly care much about you after deciding you weren't an obstacle. You were just some random chick that caught Jeff and Nina's attention, nothing more and nothing less.
Then, one day, she saw you return to the mansion covered in blood. And holy. Holy shit. Oh my. She suddenly became very aware of your presence whenever you were around, and she found herself falling for you the same way Jeff and Nina have.
The last one to fall for you is definitely Liu. He does keep tabs on everyone who comes into contact with Jeff, but he doesn't particularly learn anything about them unless it helps him to achieve his goal, and he ultimately decides that he doesn't need to learn about you. He's not the type to use Jeff's friendships against him.
No, he met you purely by coincidence. Not even at the mansion, he was just out visiting his parent's (and his) graves, and well, turns out someone you cared about is buried in the same cemetery! The world sure is a small place, isn't it? One thing leads to another and suddenly he's falling for you too.
So, now all four of them have feelings for you and it goes like this: Jeff knows Nina (And Liu, but shh.) has feelings for you, Nina knows Jeff has feelings for you, Jane knows both Nina and Jeff have feelings for you, and Liu knows that Jeff, Nina, and Jane have feelings for you. And you? You're oblivious to all of this. It's a weird, complex mess.
It's even more of a mess when all their feelings for you are thrown out to the ground in front of you. On the off chance that you somehow managed to get the four of them into a room together, it's Liu who admits his feelings first. You were just making a joke about how Liu might be in love with you since he was being such a gentleman helping you with whatever task you had.
And Liu? Well, his response was something along the lines of, "You're only now noticing?"
And that made you pause. And everyone else pause. You're the one to break the silence first, "Did... did you just confess to me? Is this a confession?" But before Liu could even respond, it was Jane who spoke up next.
"Wait! Wait just a moment!" And she'll aggressively point at Liu, basically jabbing her finger into his chest, "You're telling me that you have feelings for her as well?" And she's shocked, truly, because how did she not notice that Enemy Number Two had feelings for you?
And that has Nina jumping in like, "Woah, hold on a sec, you have feelings for Y/n as well? Since when??"
And the three bicker amongst themselves while you turn your gaze to Jeff because, surely, he doesn't have feelings for you as well, right? You would be wrong.
"In my defense, I fell for you first."
Now, none of them would pressure you into deciding who to date but it is clear that they would at least like to know if you have feelings for any of them.
If you have feelings for none of them, then they would respect that. Nina would obviously pout, but she'd cheer up rather quickly and treat you the way she normally does. Jeff would be hurt and would probably distance himself from you a bit, but he still values you as a friend. Similar to Jeff, Jane would probably distance herself from you as well, but she'd miss your company too much so you two would go back to being friends relatively quickly. Liu understands. He honestly wasn't even expecting anything to come out of his feelings for you, he just didn't want to keep them from you because it felt weird hiding them. You're still going to be a good friend to him.
If you have feelings for Jeff, then boy oh boy will that make him happy. He wouldn't shove it into Liu's face because I mean, c'mon, that's his brother, but Nina and Jane? They're probably never going to hear the end of it. She picked me over you, how's that make you feel? Terrible, right? I hope it does.
If you have feelings for Jane, she will probably tense up a bit as she processes this information. She'd get a bit shy as well, awkwardly coughing into her fist and going quiet. She's not the type to rub it into anyone's face that you chose her, but she'll definitely use this to mock Jeff in the future.
If you have feelings for Nina, she will be ecstatic! Overjoyed! Honestly, she'll have to restrain herself from picking you up and spinning you around from how happy she is! She seems like the type of person to hiss at the other three (especially Jane) if they get too close to you, but she wouldn't rub it in their faces. Well... she might. But just a bit.
If you have feelings for Liu, then he would like... actually be caught off guard. He was completely content with staying friends with you, so he honestly didn't know how to process the fact that you returned his feelings. He's happy, nonetheless! Now, he isn't the type to rub his relationship into the faces of people he dislikes, but Sully is, so. But none of that matters to Liu, he's just happy you like him back.
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raythekiller · 1 year
🗒 ❛ Personality Headcanons ༉‧₊˚✧
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Featuring: Jeff The Killer, Ben Drowned, Ticci Toby, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Hoodie
#Notes: just my general take on the creeps. hope y'all enjoy! requests open :)
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Jeff The Killer
He's a total fucking prick, for a lack of better word. He doesn't care about other's feelings, he thinks he's better than everyone so he's "allowed" to treat people badly, and he has anger issues to top that. Protesting against his bad treatment is gonna earn you some screaming at best and some blood spilled at worst, depending entirely on his mood.
He has the potential to be a good friend and person in general, he just doesn't want to. However, you might catch him trying to awkwardly comfort Toby or Ben when they have mental breakdowns. Well, not as much "comfort" but more of a shy pat on the back and a "Stop being a little bitch" comment, but that's his way of showing that he cares. Take it or leave.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ben Drowned
Generally a pretty chill guy. He's not an extrovert, but he's still fairly outgoing when it comes to meeting new people (when he does leave his room, that is. He's kind of a shut in). Since he died when he was about twelve, I think he's forever stuck into the pre-pubescent boy mentality, so he can be quite the little shit.
That means he's also kind of a pervert and just immature in general. The type to play certain games just to gawk at the female character's slutty outfits and make fart jokes. He can also be very sarcastic and witty when he wants to, just a total smartass. Also, he's a pothead.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Ticci Toby
Probably one of, if not the nicest creep in the manor. Very upbeat and cheerful, at least most of the time. As someone that has bipolar disorder, it personally doesn't make me very violent and as unstable as Toby is canonically said to be. What does make me does things though is my BPD, so I headcanon he has that as well. He's all sunshine and rainbows until someone says something in a slightly off tone and suddenly he's screaming and throwing his hatchets at the fucking wall.
That also means he's extremely clingy. He wants every last bit of attention he can get and is extremely possessive of people he likes. And, while he is nice most of the time, when he's having an episode he's probably the most cold and cruel person you'll ever met.
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꒰⸝⸝₊⛓┊Eyeless Jack
One of the most chill creeps. He's not aggressive and kills only when he needs to eat, and tries to make it quick and painless for the victim. He eats any organs, not just kidneys. Also, he's a fucking great cook, Hannibal Lecter style. He really likes reading and is extremely intelligent, probably knows two or more languages, and is probably the most mature member of the manor after Slenderman.
He's not actually blind, but he's not not blind either. He sees the temperature of things instead of the actual object. He hates drama and argument and loud noises, so he normally stays away from the other creeps (especially our favorite trio, Jeff, Ben and Toby), but he gets along really well with Jane.
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Another prick, though a more reserved one than Jeff. He's a perfectionist and natural leader, so he expects everyone to obey him without questions and no mistakes allowed. He has this rivalry going on with Toby because, even though he's the leader and Slenderman's right hand, he feels the tall guy has a certain favoritism or soft spot when it comes to Toby (which is true).
He gets very aggressive after missions and just wants to be left alone for at least a few hours, just until he calms down a little. After he's rested, he's actually pretty decent to be around, becoming less defensive and more accepting of others.
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The coolest guy ever. He's calm but great to be around and is always willing to listen to others when they need to vent. He's kind of the manor's therapist and gives great advice. He's mute, so he talks either through sign language or writing down on paper. He also plays guitar and likes to write his own songs sometimes. Ben and Sally really look up to him as a kind of cool uncle.
Since he's so level headed, he's always the one to calm Masky down when he's being a bit much. Toby really appreciates this, since he's normally getting the short end of Masky's bad moods. As mentioned, he's great with the younger members of the manor and just kids in general and they all love him. The type of uncle to give them candy while saying "Don't tell your parents" playfully.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
the creeps!!
how about... creeps x reader who is having a ptsd response due to something/someone from their before life?
your choice!
EEE thank you for giving me a little freedom with this one hehe, you're a doll <33 (hope these are okay; I realize these aren't exactly "comforting" but these guys are messed up,, I don't think you can really expect comfort from them lol)
!!TW!! for depiction/mention of PTSD! Proceed with caution lovelies!!
Creepypasta/MH: How They React When Your PTSD is Triggered
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Clockwork, Jane the Killer, "Ticci" Toby, Tim/Masky
Jeff the Killer
I'm going to be so real with you, his first response is not going to be to comfort you
He is going to kill whoever triggered you, or burn it if it's not a person
You can try to stop him, but he's not going to
Honestly he might lowkey be making it worse, doing it right there and then with you watching
Well, he'll probably tell you to close your eyes and plug your ears first
(But if you want to participate, he'll just say: "let me do this for you, babe.")
All you'll know is that one minute it's/they're there, and the next Jeff is taking you by the shoulders and leading you away quickly
Just ignore the char/blood on his hoodie
He'll ask if you want to talk about it while you're walking
If you decline he'll ask again when you're back home
While he doesn't really need a reason to kill for you, he still wants to know what that scumbag did (or just what happened)
If you're mad at him for what he did, he's not going to care
In his eyes, he did the right thing, and he's not going to apologize for it
Anything that hurts his love deserves to perish, if not for their sake then for his
He can't stand the thought of someone/something that makes you unhappy existing in this world
If you ever stress about it again, he will actually focus on you, holding you, consoling you by repeating "they're/it's gone, they/it won't hurt you anymore..."
There's an eerie smugness to his voice as he says it...
I feel like you guys would've already talked about your trauma
She's prone to attacks too, so it was a mutual discussion about triggers/what helps/what doesn't
So she knows exactly what's going on when you're triggered
Her first concern is you, trying to quell the attack before it gets too bad
She'll do something you told her helps ASAP
It'll make her feel better if you let her stay with you, but she understands if you need space
What she'd really like is to hold your hand and get your mind off of it by talking about something else
She'd be fine if she was the only one talking
Just as long as you're showing signs of improvement
When the attack is over, she'll give you time to process it
But eventually she will want to bring it up again
Specifically, she wants to make plans to... uh... "eliminate" the thing that triggered you
And those plans will be vividly detailed
If you don't want to take part in that, she'll make them (and execute them) herself
She just thought you'd wanna take part; I mean, it's how she """solved""" her trauma
She won't follow through if you explicitly tell her not to, but otherwise she operates under the assumption that this is a plan, not a fantasy
When you have another attack, she won't talk about how it/they can't hurt you anymore; she'll just focus on doing the things you said helped
Jane the Killer
She's pretty good at observing people, so I think she'd be able to sense your attack early on
Even if she doesn't know about your PTSD
The first thing she does is remove you from the situation, wrapping an arm around you and rushing away
She sends the meanest scowl to anyone who looks at you funny while you go
Then she focuses on grounding you; she's not too good with feelings, but she's logical enough to try and figure something out to help you
She won't talk much; just an occasional "breathe with me" or "focus on me" while she holds your hands and maintains eye contact
It doesn't show but she's actually so nervous, she has no idea if she's really helping you
She'll be right there with you through the worst of it, and she'll be there if you want to talk after
She will want to know what caused it, if she hasn't figured it out already
I honestly don't think she'll want to "eliminate" it/them
But she will talk the nastiest, goriest, most illegal shit about it/them
She gets all giddy when you grin about it too; internally she's going yeah!! made them smile!! (happy dance)
She'll try not to bring it up intentionally, but whenever it does come up she makes sure to express her strong distaste
If you ever actually want to... take care of things, she'll help with the cleanup, but she'll want you to have the satisfaction of planning and doing it yourself
I mean, she dreams of having that satisfaction herself (looks at Jeff)
Regardless of whether or not you want to do something illegal, ultimately she respects that it's your trauma and you get to deal with it however you like
"Ticci" Toby
Murder. Arson.
Literally his knee-jerk reaction
He just looks between you and the suspected trigger, points a thumb in its direction and says: "Want me to kill that guy/light that thing up?"
If you say yes he'll do it straight away; he doesn't care who's watching
He'll ask if you want to help first though ofc
Then he'll run away giggling like a second grader, grabbing your hand on the way
When you slow down he sighs satisfactorily, saying how fun that was
If you're still distressed (or if you refused his earlier offer), he finally takes notice of your emotions
He'll ask you quite bluntly what's wrong
When you explain it to him, he just nods solemnly
He knows from experience that having a rough past sucks, so he understands completely
If you haven't already he suggests that you "take care of it"
But if you agreed to murder/arson earlier he just grins again and says "Well then it's good that we did that back there!"
If you ever have an attack again he'll either remind you that the thing/person is gone, or he'll nag you about "taking care of it"
He'll begrudgingly put an arm around you though when you don't immediately calm down
He might offer you something to fidget with, too; that always helps him when he's anxious
Just try not to be too alarmed when it's a box cutter or a butterfly knife or something weird that he puts in your hand
I feel like he'd be a little awkward when you start to panic
He'll panic a little too, asking what's wrong and if/how he can help
He'll do anything you say, but if you're unable to respond he just puts his arm around your shoulders and takes you into another room
He'll hug you against him, patting your back awkwardly while you process the attack
He doesn't know what else to do :(
He probably realizes what's happening after a few minutes, and he only gets more awkward when that happens
He sucks at dealing with his own trauma; he is literally the worst person for you to be with right now
At least that's what he thinks
When you start to calm down he asks if you want to talk about it, but then immediately curses himself for asking such a stupid question (he doesn't even want to talk about his trauma; why should anyone else? (just his thoughts))
If you do want to talk it turns into a very deep and candid discussion in which you both open up a bit
He'll ask if there's anything that helps at all
Honestly he's asking for you as much as himself; he'd love to try anything that works for you
I don't think he'd suggest or condone killing/destroying the trigger; from his experience that just brings more issues
He'll basically just tell you "yeah, it sucks, and we just have to deal. Which sucks times two."
Very helpful, thank you Tim 👍
At least he always holds you whenever you have an attack <3
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Thank you so much for this request!! And thanks for reading, take care sweethearts <33
(divider by saradika)
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Creepypasta As Hazbin Hotel
Ben: so what do you think
Jeff: I’m sorry what the fuck was that
Helen: we’re not filming a porn as a commercial
Puppeteer: why not
Nina: I like being forced
Jeff: keep that to yourself, Nina
Nina: Puppeteer sir
Puppeteer: call me dickmaster
Nina: Puppeteer.
Nina: it’s a solution to our biggest problem
Jeff: oh yeah herpes that’s a bitch
Nina: no our other biggest problem
Jeff: oh uh ugly people?
Jeff: math?
Jane: face my wrath
Jeff: who are you
Jane: I attacked you literally last week
Jeff: ?
Jane: we’ve done battle like twenty times
Jeff: well you must’ve been really bad at this
Liu: oh god, here I go, Jeff. just another fucking day with Jeff. hey hey hey fuck my life
Liu: looks like you have everything under control here
Lyra: of course I do, fuck you, now shoo, go take care of the piss baby
Liu: so you should…?
Jeff: do nothing?
Liu: great idea!!
Toby: you still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Jeff: uh fuck you
Toby: just saying
Sally: *gasp* the bad boy is back
Sally: never leave me again
Brian: we’re about 80% sure she’s harmless
Jeff: this is stupid
Lyra: this is not stupid!
Lyra: it’s just the GAMEEEEE
Lyra: Liu did it well so please try to do the same!
Jeff: I’m too sober for this
Jeff: I’m looking forward to stabbing the other residents
Slenderman: WHAT WHY
Slenderman: people are being nice because they want you to feel welcome
Jeff: *middle finger*
Liu: *middle finger*
Toby: *laughs evilly*
Nina: I have my doubts
Tim: Puppeteer’s minions are all over the place and I need you to get rid of them
Jeff: oh well in that case I’d be delighted to
Tim: humanely
Jeff: well that’s a lot less fun
Jeff: this time everyone has to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you
Jeff: I love to suck-
Tim: I swear to fuck if you say dicks
Jeff: popsicles, you sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter
Jeff: but you know, dicks too
Sally: sometimes I kill mother bugs in front of their children as a warning to others
Jeff: NINA?!
Clockwork: uh my name’s Clocky
Jeff: no one gives a shit
Jeff: call me fake one more time, motherfucker
Jeff: i dare you
Toby: fake
Jeff: fucking asshole- *hits his head on roof*
Toby: you done?
Liu: Lyra, sweetie, you uh you good?
Lyra: nope no not really!
Sally: maybe it’s time
Lazari: no
Sally: to ask
Lazari: don’t say it
Sally: your dad
Lyra: wait that’s it
Jeff: kill everyone?
Lyra: noooooo
EJ: what’s the hold up?
EJ: you got daddy issues?
Lulu: no we’ve just never been close
Lulu: after Mom died he never really wanted to see me
Lulu: he calls sometimes but only if he’s bored or needs me to do something
EJ: daddy issues
Brian: this is the first time she’s called you in years
Brian: this has to be perfect
Brian, picking up the phone: HEYYYY BITCH
Jeff: you may have heard of me from my radio broadcast
Tim: hmmm NOPE I guess that’s why Toby called it the Hazbin Hotel hahaha
Jeff: hahaha it was actually my idea
Tim: hahaha well it’s not very clever
Jeff: haha fuck you
Toby: OKAY
Brian: you like girls! so do I! We have so much in common
Clockwork: how you been?
Jeff: good! Until five minutes ago
Sadie: hey Sally what you been up to, girlie?
Sally: fighting bugs
Sadie: and how’s that going for you
Sally: they’re winning
Sally: but not for long
Lulu: how come he can have faith in me but my own father can’t?
Jeff: oooooh drama *pulls out popcorn*
Slenderman: hi
Slenderman: Slenderman
Slenderman: that’s my wall that you just blew up
Jeff: don’t fucking shush me bitch
Sadie: I need a break but hug a koala for me
Nina: omg can you imagine an actual KOALA
Jeff: anyway you sure fucked up didn’t you
Jeff: oh Lyra, you look an absolute mess
Sadie: I won’t hurt anyone for you
Jeff: who’s asking?!
Ben: Jeff and Toby just left like they were running away from their responsibilities
Ben: should we be alarmed?
Helen: are you fucking high?
Lulu: oh I’m just kidding
Lulu: I know you’re an ace in the hole
Ann: a what now?
Sally: I named all the stains on the carpet
Sally: that one’s Fred
Liu: look I can’t resist a fight okay
Liu, about Jeff: especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead
Lyra: live tonight however you want because-
Toby: we’re all gonna die!
Dina: alright let’s give it up for not dying!
Dina: love not dying!
Dina: … drinks?
Jeff: I mean personally I’m excited it’s been a long time since I stabbed someone and really meant it you know what I mean
Lazari: I dub thee king roach
EJ: oh to understand your twisted little mind
Jeff: anyway I guess
Jeff: please don’t die tomorrow
Jeff: okay bye
Lyra: rip Jane’s cunt mouth out her ass
Jeff: would you just- chill, Lyra, fuck
Zero: they appear to have some kind of shield sir
Puppeteer: oh really? I didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT
Jeff: I’m about to end your fucking life
Puppeteer: fuck you, you red piece of- too much fucking red- fuck shut up
Ben: hahaha poetry
Jeff: what just happened? Ffffuck
Toby: these fucking angels won’t stop coming
Jeff: HA
Toby: okay I walked right into that one
Jane: Before I take your life I’m going to tear that other eye out of your face
Clockwork: try it bitch
Jeff, to Jane: live
Jeff: live knowing that you only do because I let you
Slenderman: see you messed with my daughter so now I am going to FUCK you
Zalgo: …
Clockwork & Lyra: …
Jeff: 😏
LJ: well this just got interesting
Sally: it’s fuck you up, Dad
Slenderman: wait what did I say?
Liu: how’s mercy taste, you little bitch
Slenderman: take your little friends and GO HOME
Slenderman: please
Puppeteer: I’m The Puppeteer
Helen: and I’m-
Puppeteer: nobody gives a shit who you are, Helen
Zero: anyway congrats to Slenderman and his crew for not being totally fucking useless for once
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darkpeacemusic · 13 days
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The Creeps (or at least some of them) relationship headcanons!
EJ and Nina (dating, soon to be engaged)
Tim and Brian (dating)
Liu and Toby (one-sided on Liu's side)
Toby and Kate (one-sided on Toby's side)
EJ and Lazari (one-sided on Lazari's side)
Jeff and Kagekao (one sided on Jeff's side)
Ben and Lost Silver (mutual feelings)
Nurse Ann and Dr. Smiley (dating)
Helen and Dina (dating, though Dina doesn't know that he is cheating behind her back for his best friend, Sully)
Jane and Mary (married)
(Note: In my AU, Sully is not a part of Liu, he is actually Liu's younger twin.)
Best friends:
Clockwork and Jane
Nina and Kate
Lulu and Sally
Ben and Jeff
Tim and Brian (best friends tuned gay happy couple)
Jeff and Liu (Brothers forever 🖤)
Jeff and Ben (Jeff thinks of Ben as the little brother he never had)
Jeff, Sally, and Lulu (they think of Jeff as their big brother)
Ben and Sally (brother and sister type of duo)
Brian, Tim, and Toby (Tim and Brian are the surrogate dads to Toby)
Sally and Nina (they have a love-hate sister bond)
Lazari and Lulu (her and Lazari used to be close like sisters but they had a falling out after Lazari left to work for her father)
Close friends:
Brian, Tim, and Liu (all attended the same college and have been friends since)
Nina, Jeff, and Liu (been close friends since childhood before Jeff and Liu had to move)
Jack and Jeff (the first official friend Jeff made when he moved into the Slender Manor)
Kate and Toby (one-sided on Kate's side, some say she may be aware of Toby's crush on her)
Kate, Tim, and Brian (they work pretty well together)
EJ and Nurse Ann (co-workers in the infirmary)
Liu, Ben, and Sally (mostly because of how Jeff thinks of Sally and Ben as his younger siblings)
Toby and Nina (goth kid duo)
Jane and Sully (mostly due to their mutual hatred against Jeff)
EJ and Ben
Ben and Lulu (complicated friendship)
Jane and Liu (one-sided on Jane's side)
Tim, Brian, and Jeff (they interacted a few times when Jeff was little and thought he was kind of cool)
Jeff and Toby (Toby thinks Jeff is annoying while Jeff thinks Toby is weird yet they still think each other as friends)
Sally and Kate (Kate likes to play with Sally sometimes when she comes over)
Lazari and Ben
Tim, Brian, and Nina
Liu and Nurse Ann
Liu and Kate (he only interacts with Kate whenever he mistakes her for Jeff)
Dina and Jane
Nurse Ann and Lazari
Nurse Ann and Ben
Nurse Ann and Jeff
Sally and Toby
Sally and EJ
Ben and Toby
Jeff and Kate
EJ and Toby
Jeff and Clockwork
Toby and Clockwork (bitter exes)
Clockwork and Kate
Clockwork and Nina (mostly because of how Jane hates Nina)
Brian and Jane (didn't hate her as much as Tim did, but still thought she was a rude bitch)
Jeff and Jane (archenemies)
Nina and Jane (enemies)
Tim and Jane (mutual hatred ever since college)
Liu and Clockwork (one-sided on Liu's side since she's best friends with Jane though doesn't really think too much of him and just refers to him as "Jeff's Older Brother")
Liu and Jane (one-sided on Liu's side)
Ben and Jane (Ben heard of the times Jane had tried to kill his best friend and big brother)
Nurse Ann and Dina (archenemies)
(Credit to @crushedsweets for the template go check out their account!)
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skinwalker-bratz · 8 months
How to show your love to your creepypasta s/o
Part 1
Listen to him. (It will show that you are truly interested on him he will love that)
Beat him until he's a bloody pulp (it will show that you're not dating him because you're a fangirl)
Steal his underwear and hang it in your bedroom door (will show everyone who you belong to)
Carve the same smile in your face (will show how compromised you are with him)
When he fall drunk, peg him (if he can do that to you, of course you can do the same. That will show him who's the one in charge in the relationship and make him respect you)
Eyeless jack
Tell him how much he's handsome and that he's not a monster.
Use his underwear (it will make you smell like him and he'll love that)
Eat one of his kidneys (no one ever done this before, and for being the first he'll see how brave you are and will respect and love you more)
Hide his mask around the mansion (EJ is insecure about his face, so doing this you'll make him overcome his insecurity)
Sabotage one of his surgeries (he's definitely tired of always having success in his surgeries and probably misses failure. Give him that taste and he'll love you)
Jane the killer
Show her that she can always trust you. (Jane definitely don't trust anyone especially the creeps, so be an exception)
Destroy her mask and wig. (She's already stunning she doesn't need any of those)
Bring Jeff's head to her bed at 3 am and put it close to her face (when she wake up she'll see that you made the greatest surprise of killing her rival and she'll love you more for that)
Always stay close to her even when she go take a shit in the bathroom (it will show how protective you are)
Use her underwear and bras (it will show everyone that you already have someone)
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