#Jim Phantom
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George Harrison Owned, Worn & Signed Pair of Beatle Boots
They were a gift from George to Stray Cats' drummer Slim Jim Phantom in 1985. He was visiting George at his estate Henley-on-Thames. Jim was in town to shoot a British TV special honoring Carl Perkins.
In one boot he wrote: "To Fat Jim from Slim George." He also "signed Ringo's name saying they were all experts in signing each others name & this would make it even more special." The other boot he wrote: "To Slim Jim with love from Fat George XMAS1985." (x)
The girls walked around to look at the kitchen, and George said to me, 'C'mon, I'm going to take you on the silly boot tour.' 
I gave my standard answer to George: 'Erm, okay, cool, yeah, great!'
We went up some stairs to what was like an attic. The room was mostly empty except for some antique carved wooden armoires that lined the walls. I kept thinking this was what Louis XIV's closets must have looked like. George opened the first one and showed me the leather jackets that the Beatles wore in Hamburg. That led into the collarless suits from The Ed Sullivan Show, which led to an array of all the mod colorful 'top gear' from Carnaby Street. He had all four Sgt. Pepper suits and a story with full-on Liverpool accent and impersonation.
'Paul calls me the other day and says, "Where's me Pepper suit? 'ave you got me Pepper suit? I'm doing a video, and I need me suit; I can't find it." I says, "Paul, I've had it for twenty-odd years. A couple of more days won't hurt now, will it?"
This is a private, never-before-heard scene from A Hard Day's Night. All I could think of saying was 'You mean Paul McCartney?' I didn't; I just smiled and nodded, listened. I had my free swing with the Pete Best question. I was honored to be the one that first heard this story.
There were some more closets and crazy clothes. Then we came to a huge pirate's chest on the floor. It was right out of Treasure Island. George got on the floor and opened it. It was filled with shoes. The ski boots from Help! were in there, the fuzzy Tibetan boots from the Let It Be era, everything. He was throwing them over his shoulders; it was raining shoes and boots. From the bottom of the chest, he pulled out an original pair of Beatles boots.  They were battle-tested ones - worn out, worked in, not an extra pair. 
'Here, take these,' he said. 'Erm, okay, yeah, great.' 'Wait. Give 'em back.' I handed them back. George produced a ballpoint pen, scribbled in them, and handed them back.
'Well, read it.' Inside one, he had written, 'To Slim Jim from Fat George,' and then signed his name.
In the other, he had done a perfect forgery of Ringo's signature. He told me they often signed each other's names. One of them would sign four signatures, and then it would be a different one's turn. A picture with all four different people having signed it could be rare. More inside stuff. He also said, 'If you ever need money, sell them! It's just a pair of old boots.' I came home with a pair of silly boots and a few original buttons. What a night!
Slim Jim Phantom on visiting Friar Park in 1985, The Stray Cat Struts: My Life as a Rockabilly Rebel
via harrisonstories
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satoshy12 · 8 months
New Gotham SWAT Commander Danny
After the Joker once again took the Gotham Gala hostage, the people in the Gala were surprised, as for once the police were able to do anything about it. As the SWAT came in and shot Joker and his goons down.
And saved the Hostage? Bruce Wayne's daughter Cassandra. Not normal.
All were confused; normally, the cops just wait for Batman or fail.
It turns out Gotham had a new SWAT commander who took the shots on the Joker.
Danny was pissed but happy too; he just worked here because his mother's brother, Uncle James, works here too.
Then Dad sent him here to learn about police work and see different kinds of things, not just Amity Park. Just defusing Bombs seem to get boring for Danny.
And the first thing he did at his job was kill a clown gang?
Well worth it.
I have no idea why people look so surprised; it's just a clown with a gun, not Superman.
A gun does the job.
And Cass was here too, the last time he saw her was as she teached Ellie ballet.
As Danny was new, he had no real idea about the crime world of Gotham.
When the Gordons visit, they don't talk about Gotham, and the people in Amity Park never cared about the outside world.
They have their Fenton shield as a defense against alien invasions or similar.
Danny meet the cute Cass as she teached Ellie Ballet, who was the Joker took hostage.
Danny shooting Joker had nothing to do with Cass. He saw it later it was Cass after they were done.
Danny was professional and not lead by emotion. A new clean cop in Gotham.
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emacrow · 4 months
Jim Gordon was only on duty during a storm, only to see a familar scene..
He was tracking down two shady people in that slipped into Crime Alley, only to lose them a bit, trying to gained speed on where they went, he turned to the alley except he heard a familar sound coming from a certain alley.
A little boy. Black hair, blue eyes, sobbing in the middle of a dirty floor. He was wearing a overgrown suit that look like it was made for a celebration.
Jim check his watch to see the date, April 28.
The Day that Thomas and Martha was gunned down in this very alley..
Gordon thought it was Bruce's innerchild spirit that die on this day. He walk up to the poor spirit and crouch down and give him a hug.
The boy was iced cold, tiny hands clinging onto his trenchcoat. Whispering heartfelt words that encourage Bruce's inner child unless in the past.
He has seen how Bruce today has grown up into the man he is, surrounded by children with similar situations and be the Justice of the night.
He didn't know how long he hugged the crying spirit, before he noticed the boy had stop crying, seamingly disappeared from his arms.
He hoped that it did the child in Bruce's heart justice in his mind..
As he got up, and walked out of that alley..
Unaware that the white ghost boy is floating about, following him intangible as he rubbed his red eyes, with a silent sniff.
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mfdragon · 9 months
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Guess who watched The Grinch movie recently.
Amazing film. Please consider this like an in between filler comic. Thank you 👌🏻 Merry Christmas everyone 🎄 ✨
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kekwcomics · 4 months
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Art: Jim Aparo
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pixieishottogo · 4 months
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Danny and the jokers corpse
Danny is getting sick of the corpse in his closet. Literally the dead body in his closet.
So about 2 weeks ago danny was going on a midnight walk, bad idea he knows, when he saw this random clown in an ally.
He tried to ignore the clown but he apparently wanted attention and decided to attack him.
His reflexes kicked in and since he's used to fighting ghosts he put too much force in and now he has a corpse in his closet.
Its not even that he wants the corpse, he just can't get rid of it, chemicals would be too suspicious, ectoplasm has the possibility of making him a ghost and everytime he tries to dump it something always comes up, like the place has people in it.
So he just decided to take it to the police and confess it was a self defence.
When he walked into the station and asked to speak to the boss about a clown, they all reacted like he'd just planted a bomb and went to get the boss.
Danny waited maybe 5 minutes before he was seen.
When he went in the office of this james 'jim' Gordon guy, the guy was really tense, asking what he knew about the clown,who's name is joker oddly enough, what his next plan was and the rest just flew over his head.
Do danny did what he always dose, something stupid.
He interrupted jim, said 'well he's not plotting anything now'
And opened the bag containing the jokers corpes and ploped it on the table.
Later danny opened his door to a guy with black hair and blue eyes smiling at him and asking to talk.
And in dannys defence jason is really fun and taunting THE batman it too good an opportunity to pass up
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ghosttrolls · 8 months
Watching Danny phantom is like. You have a boy in high school who suddenly has the power to protect his town from the otherworldly evils that are slowly creeping into the normal world, and though the town he lives in does not initially believe these evils exist at first, they slowly come to admit that it's true: the town has been under attack, but this one kid has been defending the entire place this whole time for them. He keeps this responsibility a secret from his parents, and the town does not know who he really is, because he fears how they would react, and he fears for their safety. So he chooses two people to tell, and they work together as a team to bring down bad guy after bad guy.
And then watching Trollhunters is like. There's a high school boy who suddenly gains powers to protect his small hometown from the otherworldly evils that slowly encroach into the public eye, and though at first the population doesn't believe these evils are real, they slowly realize that the town has been in danger for a while, and this one teenage boy has been protecting them this whole time. He keeps this responsibility secret from his mom and everyone else in his life for as long as he can, out of fear of what they'll say, and of putting them in danger. He chooses two friends to tell his secret to, though, and together they are able to save their town over and over.
Watching Danny Phantom is like, hey there's this old guy that is trying to insert himself into Danny's life as a guidance figure. This dude has a crush on Danny's mom hardcore, which is a bit awkward - WAIT A SECOND? He's also EVIL?? This older man who sometimes appears as a mentor and sometimes as a rival is the only adult person who knows Danny's secret, who he truly is. And they fight over that fact constantly.
Watching Trollhunters is like, there's an older man in Jim's life who's trying to offer him guidance, which is cool. He asks Jim if his mom is single, and that's awkward - WAIT HES AN EVIL BAD GUY??? Suddenly this guy appears in Jim's life not only as a mentor but often as a rival instead, and is the only adult who knows Jim's secret. They fight about that secret constantly.
Watching Danny Phantom is like, hey this episode results in his parents finding out his secret about his powers. At first they're shocked and scared for his safety, but they warm up to the idea pretty fast. We love you anyway, they say. We're here for you, we're so sorry you were so scared to tell us. But there's a larger problem, one that will end up wiping their memories. Promise us, they say, promise us you'll tell us again after the memory wipe. We will support you forever and always. Their memories get wiped. Danny does not tell them his secret again. They have to find it out for themselves in the last episode of the show.
Watching Trollhunters is like, in this episode Jim's mom finds out about his powers. At first she's shocked and scared, because she witnesses first-hand the danger he's been putting himself in, but eventually she relaxes that fear as she realizes he's good at his job. You've always been my hero, she says. But there's a bigger problem, and to fix it her memory will get wiped. Promise me, she says, promise me that after my memory is gone, you'll remind me. The burden is too big to carry on your own. I don't want you to lie anymore. Her memory is wiped, and Jim does not tell her. She has to recover her lost memories on her own.
Watching Danny phantom is like. Something made him this way. The burden feels heavy. He tries to undo it, he tries to live a life without it. He takes his powers away and walks around town like a normal kid. But everywhere he goes, he sees people who need help, and feels this tug. He realizes he couldn't just stop helping people, so he goes and gets his powers back. He made himself into a hero this time.
Watching Trollhunters is like. Someone made him this way. He starts regretting all the danger he's put his friends and family in, and all the mistakes he's made, so he wishes he never had powers. That wish is granted. But after living his life as a normal teenager for a while, he realizes the town can't win against the evil without him. He needs to step up and be the hero. And so he picks his sword back up again.
Watching Danny Phantom is like, why do they have an episode where they have to take care of flour sacks as if they're babies?? I don't remember that being required in high school.
Watching Trollhunters is like, oh great, TWO MORE episodes where they have to take care of flour sack babies. Where does this situation in high school cartoons come from anyway??
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bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Barbara Gordon is a lost Clone of Jazz Fenton
So, years ago the GIW or Vlad or Somebody decided to try and clone Jazz. (Probably GIW)
It was supposed to be an experiment to see how well Liminals could be cloned, or if they could be turned back into a Human/turned even more Liminal. Unfortunately, the experiment took place around the same time Danny began his campaign to take down the GIW, attacking multiple bases across the US. The single Viable Clone that was created escaped the Lab it was held in during the attack and ran into the nearby City, Gotham.
The Clone managed to survive on the streets for a few weeks before being found by a Cop named Jim Gordon, and adopted.
She was given a new name, Barbara Gordon, and she mostly forgot that portion of her life before getting her new Family.
Then, over a decade later, Barbara Gordon was shot in the Spine and paralyzed. Or, she should have been. See, as it turns out the Scientists managed to impart just a little bit of Liminality into her when they made her, not enough to be noticeable but just enough to let her heal from wounds that should have been permanent. (Basically any wound will heal if given enough time, nothing is permanent)
It did take a while, but since the wound never stopped healing like it should have, she eventually regained the ability to use her legs after about 3 years.
Also, while her spine was healing her Linimal Powers were activate for the first time in her life, meaning her Ecto-Signature was more powerful than usual. That meant that it could be sensed for the first time ever.
So one day, after a shift at the Library, Barbara is on her way home when a lady walking past her stops and starts stating intently at her.
Ellie didn't expect to meet her new sister like this, but life (afterlife?) works in strange ways.
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browsethestacks · 4 months
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The Phantom Stranger
Art by...
1) Jim Aparo
2) Dan Schkade
3) Iain Laurie
4) Scott Hampton
5) Mike Mignola
6) Dick Dillin And Frank McLaughlin
7) Gerry Talaoc
8) José Luis García-López
9) Sara Richard
10) Jim Aparo
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alexanderkirk-ncc1701 · 2 months
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polararts · 2 years
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The four horsemen
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satoshy12 · 1 year
We all know the Superman meme of the destroyed Building behind him… Well this game me this idea! It started when Danny got the power to repair objects as well as people. And as Amity Park didn't get much property damage, Danny couldn't really train his new power! So he asked Clockwork to help, which the old ghost did. In the best way he can. The next thing Danny knew, he was in a destroyed city! Yes, he can try his new powers! Healing and fixing property damage!
After Danny fixed the city, he was teleported back by Clockwork back into the Ghost zone.
From Gotham, Metropolis, Coast City, and similar places he visited by teleportation, he saved people and animals and healed them! From forest fires to natural disasters to violent attacks of villains.
Barbara had no idea how much she and her father James cried as she stood up and could suddenly walk. After she met the Meta boy while on the street, he pointed his blue glowing hand at her. Arkham had much fewer inmates too, as few were cured too. Mr. Frieze and his wife Nora, Warren White had no idea what to say, Harvey Dent was crying out of joy, Killer Coc could change now between humans and Croc, and Clayface got a cure to be back to normal, Man Bat too was back a human. Danny had saved them passively, as they were near him as he fixed the city. Victor gave the boy diamonds as gift for it, so he has at least a bit of pocket money.
Lex got his hair back and was cured of his cancer; he needs the boy. That he fixed up his Building with him and his employees inside was part of it too.
+ All the cities are fighting each other to get the tiny new Meta Boy! They need him! VERY MUCH!
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chocogoblin · 2 months
When I go through pinterest, I take a long hard squint at the black haired teenaged blue eye boys and go "is that danny phantom, jim lake, batfam, or percy jackson with weirdly blue eyes".
(it was percy jackson)
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pulpsandcomics2 · 2 months
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The Phantom
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i will never not be annoying about this performance it literally is not an exaggeration when i say it changed me
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