#K9 Event
eyelovesong · 2 years
♡ Valeri Eyes x Kustom9 by { S0NG } ♡
゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤Coming to Kustom9 ~ Opens on 11/15﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚
V1 & V2 sets come with Mesh, Catwa, Genus, Omega, Lel Evo X & BOM.
8 eyes in each pack. 16 total in Fatpack.
Special price during event only (499L-999L).
🌹 Event Landmark
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apixellife · 8 months
A little weird
Things in life, both SL and RL, have been weird for colleen’s human. Somewhere it feels like a loss of joy. The excitement of Halloween has never kicked in, absolutely not normal!! She’s done most of her blogging over on Flickr tbh [https://www.flickr.com/photos/colleen_criss/]. She’s spending less time in SL and playing MMORPGs and even that is waning. But she still reads blogs and sales and…
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nerds-yearbook · 3 months
In Logopolis episode 4, aired March 21, 1981, Tom Baker's Doctor regenerated into Peter Davison's Doctor. In a departure from past and future regenerations, Davison's Doctor helped prepare for his own death as a mysterious character known as the Watcher. In the episode the Doctor died falling from a radio telescope in a battle with the Master. The episode also marked the last time the Doctor was listed as Doctor Who in the credits until the revived series. ("Logopolis: Part Four", Doctor Who TV Event)
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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BODY SKIN  | Bare – Autumn skin EVOX – HEAD | LeLUTKA – Ora Head 3.1 EVO X HAIR | Nova – Ignite BODY | Reborn – OUTFIT DRESS | Poison Rouge – Fionna dress – NEW!@Anthem ACCESSORY | AZOURY – Host umbrella ACCESSORY | Black Lotus  -Eva earrings ACCESSORY | Black Lotus – Nova gloves   BACKDROP | Paleto – Memphis backdrop
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newattitude · 2 months
Tanaka - Lush Poses par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  Unorthodox - Slay Curls 
 Pose : Lush Poses - Reflections - Female Bento Pose - XXX EVENT 
 Backdrop : Blaink. - Skate Park V2 
 NEW ATTITUDE ● New Attitude Blog ● Twitter ● Tumblr ● Pinterest ● Instagram ● Flickr ● Facebook ● Deviants Art
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cptjh-arts · 11 months
AUGust Challenge
Day 5! Prompt was Future
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Here is the Link for the prompt list and Day 1.
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
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pawsitivevibe · 2 years
Has anyone been to the Canadian Pet Expo in Mississauga, and is it worth going to?
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king-k9 · 6 months
sorry but I do not like those posts that are like "fuck everyone else! do what you want :D" like damn didn't know I could just decide to not pay my rent or my medical bills. didn't know all sexism/racism/abelism/etc in society suddenly vanished now that I decided to ~do whatever I wanted~ with no setbacks. bye property management I'm gonna go backpacking in the middle of nowhere for 3 months. where am I gonna get the money for the supplies? rental agreement violation? taxes? why should I worry about any of that if I'm ~doing what I want~ Get real.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 10 months
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Wow! As the header says, my blog just went past 5k followers - I'd like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who hopped on for this journey; I'm having the time of my life sharing my writing with you all.
In celebration and as a way to have a little fun - I'll be opening my inbox for a day and letting those who want to send in something fill it up!
Now, I know you're probably asking yourself 'Hal, I thought you said requests are going to be closed so you can finish the ones you have and work on the AUs?' And you'd be correct - I did say that. I'm not going to be writing full-length works for this event.
To anyone who sends something in (and follows the rules I have in place on my Request Form (be sure to check it even if you've already read it, I added some more characters and other stuff)) I'll be writing one-to-two page drabbles!
All this being said, after this post is uploaded I'll be opening my inbox up to anyone who would want to participate and closing it exactly one day after!
Thank you again for being the best community ever - I'm incredibly lucky to be surrounded by kind and respectful individuals as well as mutuals who are mind-numbingly sweet. I could not have achieved all of this without you; I think that's beautiful.
This post will also serve as the Masterlist for all of the expected drabbles, so if you'd like to keep updated on what's going to be happening/being written soon, this would be a good place to hang out!
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IMAGES USED: A black retriever in an extensive mountainous landscape by Maud Earl & L'angelo, la morte e il diavolo by Roberto Ferri || TOTAL: 5
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➣The Perfect One
╰┈➤ ❝ [He stares at the rings under the glass with an acute narrowness to his eyes. He inspects every one as if a bomb might go off at any second, not missing a single detail in the metal.] ❞
➣Get In
╰┈➤ ❝ [Coming home with bruises and stitched wounds, you drag him into the bathroom to wash away the memories.] ❞
➣Hum Me A Tune, Blue-Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [You listen to his heartbeat as he keeps you to his chest, his breath tickling your hair.] ❞
➣Here Now
╰┈➤ ❝ [He nearly misses one of the most important moments of your lives together.] ❞
➣Burst Veins
╰┈➤ ❝ [He never noticed you weren't behind him.] ❞
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IMAGES USED:  Fallen Angel by Roberto Ferri & Nature of Fear by Nicola Samori || TOTAL: 5
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➣Nervous Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [No one understands how you two get along - not when you're so different. It makes you second-guess yourself. He notices.] ❞
➣Blood Like Obsidian
╰┈➤ ❝ [Simon can only fight against so many nurses as they shove him back from your operation room.] ❞
➣Supposed To Happen
╰┈➤ ❝ [You died and left him a child he had no idea existed. How can he even begin to try and understand?] ❞
➣Digging Gaze
╰┈➤ ❝ [You indulge in a one-night-stand after you'd both called it quits, only, it leads to more problems. When he sees you again, how will he react to the swelling of your stomach?] ❞
➣Sole Survivor
╰┈➤ ❝ [Your father died years ago, and so you fall under the stiff, and unyielding, protection of your Uncle Simon. But it's not all bad. He can be funny when he wants to be.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: White and Black by Vadim Gorbatov & Saint Augustine by Philippe de Champaigne || TOTAL: 7
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➣Didn't Mean It
╰┈➤ ❝ [Arguments are rare, certainly ones that leave you in tears.] ❞
➣Him, Her, and the Dog
╰┈➤ ❝ [The woes of pining after a woman whose deadly K9 looks like it hates his guts.] ❞
➣Drunken Sappiness
╰┈➤ ❝ [You can't say you've ever had a boyfriend as perfect as Kyle.] ❞
➣How Do You Listen To That?
╰┈➤ ❝ [It was three a.m. when you all got the call to load up, but what's the best way to wake both yourself and the Sergeant up?] ❞
➣Finally Broken
╰┈➤ ❝ [Childhood friends turned lovers. The realization was far more violent and instantaneous than you'd like to admit.] ❞
➣Don't Look At Her
╰┈➤ ❝ [The bomb starts ticking down, rapidly firing to zero. Gaz won't let Price near you. Not after he'd remembered the Captain's actions when they'd first met.] ❞
➣In His Head
╰┈➤ ❝ [Collection of his SFW and NSFW quirks.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: Scene from the Great Flood by Joseph-Désiré Court & Saint Jerome in Prayer by Carlo Dolci || TOTAL: 7
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➣Life Snaps By In Flashes
╰┈➤ ❝ [A collection of memories from the second he laid eyes on you. All flashing past in the soft buzzing of the overhead lights.] ❞
╰┈➤ ❝ [Being a medic wasn't pretty, but when your boyfriend was the subject under your needle you can't help but enjoy his unwavering gaze. Today, he has something to share with you.] ❞
➣From Ten To Twenty & Beyond
╰┈➤ ❝ [You've known him ever since the incident on the playground, and now you can't help but imagine that same boy as you watch him make supper with flour in his hair.] ❞
➣Find Me
╰┈➤ ❝ [You're finally back in One-Four-One's hands, but that doesn't mean you're saved. Johnny tracks you down after a violent episode.] ❞
➣Still The Same Fools
╰┈➤ ❝ [There was always a rivalry between you two - that hasn't changed even if both of you have. Years later, the boiling point is finally met.] ❞
➣Is This Why?
╰┈➤ ❝ [He finally sees why you never introduced him to your parents.] ❞
➣Oblivious Pining
╰┈➤ ❝ [Johnny hangs off you like a silent beast. Not that you would notice, of course.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: King Gustav III of Sweden and His Brothers by Alexander Roslin & Geography lesson by Eduard Karl Gustav Lebrecht Pistorius || TOTAL: 6
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➣Paint The Dawn; Paint My Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [In the midst of war and death, there's little time for pleasure. All you had was a ripped-up sketchbook to call your own, its contents littered with the rough face of your comrade.] ❞
➣Hold Her Close
╰┈➤ ❝ [Keegan cares for his young daughter.] ❞
➣When The Fighting Stops & The Silence Sets In
╰┈➤ ❝ [Continuation of (Don't) Go To War: the aftermath of recovery and a budding relationship.] ❞
➣Movies and Stale Popcorn
╰┈➤ ❝ [Oak and Keegan finally get to watch that movie.] ❞
➣To The Boy of My Childhood
╰┈➤ ❝ [Ten years came and went fast, but the memory of the Walker boys stayed. One more than the other. You never got to tell him you loved him.] ❞
➣Keep The Sheets Warm, My Love Is Coming Home
╰┈➤ ❝ [If this wasn't enough to prove that you were the only person for Hesh, you didn't know what did.] ❞
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IMAGES USED: Saint Catherine of Alexandria by Caravaggio & Amor Vincit Omnia by Caravaggio || TOTAL: 17
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➣New Paint
╰┈➤ ❝ [Fighting to forget you, MacTavish finds comfort in whoever he can. Yet, like the layers of paint on the walls, it always peels back to you.] ❞
➣A Song of Gnashing Teeth
╰┈➤ ❝ [There was never a day where the two of you weren't butting heads - everyone was at their wit's end. Of course, you would both be forced to cooperate at some point.] ❞
➣Listen To My Voice
╰┈➤ ❝ [He orders you to focus on him as the sounds outside the cell get closer. He promises nothing will happen to you. You know he's lying.] ❞
➣Look At The Stars; Look At Me
╰┈➤ ❝ [Stargazing in the middle of an overgrown and wild glade.] ❞
➣Alive and Breathing
╰┈➤ ❝ [You're sick. Very sick. John takes drastic action.] ❞
➣I Can See It In Your Eyes
╰┈➤ ❝ [It's finally time to meet the family.] ❞
➣A Green-Eyed Monster
╰┈➤ ❝ [You'd slept together, sure. No strings attached. Then why are you trying to make him jealous? Who cares, the point is that it's working.] ❞
➣Dance With Me Before The Chill Sets In
╰┈➤ ❝ [Tired? Yes, but he's never too tired for you and your loveliness. But maybe you need to remember to lock the door when you're home alone.] ❞
➣Raining Cats and Dogs
╰┈➤ ❝ [Roach has a deep love of storms.] ❞
➣Bright-Eyed History Lesson
╰┈➤ ❝ [A librarian with a fascination for war history and a soldier who loves how her eyes light up. Like a dog, he can't stop himself from coming back; smiling like a fool.] ❞
➣Hold Me Longer
╰┈➤ ❝ [Mornings spent in the sanctity of warm sunlight and bare skin.] ❞
➣A Love Like Ours Makes Us Strong
╰┈➤ ❝ [Rodolfo came back, alive but bruised. How do you explain how terrified you were?] ❞
➣Sleeping On The Porch
╰┈➤ ❝ [As it turns out, your husband never really died. It's safe to say you're not overjoyed.] ❞
➣Love Echoes In Silence
╰┈➤ ❝ [You can feel him watching you, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a small smile. Humming to yourself, you listen to the birds outside the window.] ❞
➣Ain't Giving Up My Pride
╰┈➤ ❝ [You get on his nerves, partially because you want to. But what happens when he finally snaps?] ❞
➣Count The Hours
╰┈➤ ❝ [Collection of what the One-Four-One do on their down-hours with their Lovers] ❞
➣Wide-Eyed Panic
╰┈➤ ❝ [Why were you behind the couch?] ❞
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eyelovesong · 11 months
♡ Kielo V2 Eyes x Kustom9 by { S0NG } 💖
゚+*: 🎀 :*﹤Coming to Kustom9 ~ Opens on 07/15﹥*: 🎀:*+゚
V1 & V2 sets come with Mesh, Catwa, Genus, Omega, Lel Evo X & BOM.
8 eyes in each pack. 16 total in Fatpack.
Special price during event only (499L-999L).
🚌🫧  Event Landmark
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satrs · 10 months
k9 for kaiser please!!!
To the event
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୨୧ TAGS; NSFW CONTENT. MDNI! pwp. Size kink. unprotected intercourse. dirty talk. petnames(sweet little girl). cervix fucking/belly bulge.
୨୧ WC; 0.3k
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You felt your heart pumping in your throat, and his dick too.
“What’s the matter? Cat caught your tongue?” The way the words left his mouth was almost mocking, smug smile adoring his sharp lips as his hand caressed your cheek lovingly.
Your mouth agape and thighs clenching with each movement of his hips, feeling his massive girth stretching your small cunt almost painfully.
He knew. He knew how big he was, and how your whimpers indicated how far he stretched you out, and how his tip is tickling your cervix with each rough trust of his hips.
He loved every second of it, eyes not wavering from where his dick sank into you, heavy breath leaving him as he noticed a small bump forming at the bottom of your tummy.
“See? I’m right. There.” With each pause he did an experimental thrust into you to see the bump disappear and appear again, prideful smile plastered on his lips.
His hands made quick work to your thighs, folding them in half to get a better angle, low grunt escaping him as he felt your tight pussy clench around him, almost trying to suck him in.
“Micha’, I’m so full.” He chuckled at your weak voice, firm grip on your thighs, making sure they stay in place as he put some of his body weight on you, easily covering your small frame.
“I know you are, I can see”, he teased, one hand creeping down to push down onto the bump on your tummy, ripping a exhausted whimper from you.
His blood pressure was running high with each drilling thrust he did, large hand abandoning your tummy to squeeze one of your tits, easily covering them with his palm.
“My sweet little girl,” his breathing turned ragged as he neared his end, sweat covering his forehead while his thrusts turned irregular, “taking me in so well.”
He knew that you were close again by the sound of your small cry, cooing you to calm you down. He was no where finished, not until he molded your tiny cunt into the shape of his cock.
“Just a little more, mkay?”
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©︎𝐊-𝐀𝐙𝐔𝐒. all rights reserved. Do NOT plagiarize, copy, modify, republish, or translate my work in any way!
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stargazerlily7210 · 5 months
Do new Whovians know about Chameleon Circuit?
Not the chameleon circuit, the ever broken TARDIS mechanism.
Chameleon Circuit, the fan band from, like, 2009-2011?
Because their music honestly still holds up. I'd forgotten about them until the 2023 specials threw me right back into my DW hyperfixation head first. But damnit if they're not at least as good as I remembered. Some of the songs are even better than I remembered!
Now, unfortunately, they only made the two albums in 2009 and 2011. Therefore, most of their songs refer specifically to events and characters from series 4 and 5, the ones that don't are more about the general lore.
So I wouldn't recommend checking them out unless you've seen series 4 and 5.
But they're on YouTube and Spotify, if you're interested in some utter bops.
May I recommend:
Gallifreyan History 101, The Sound of Drums, Mr. Pond, K9's Lament, and The Doctor is Dying/Still Got Legs (yes they're two different songs but I like listening to them together)
To start you out
You're welcome.
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simp-ly-writes · 7 months
A Shadow Company Visit (pt.3)
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Can be read as a standalone.
Pairing: Commander Philip Graves x Reader & Shadow Soldiers
Summary: What happens when you show the Shadows the newest addition to the company? (plus task force 141).
Warnings: 1000+ words, a bit of overprotective themes, mentions of anxiety and children, light teasing.
A/N: okay... this should be the last of my kinda headcannons... for now lol. no mentions of pregnancy.
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
A Shadow Company Visit Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) you are here
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↳ The entire headquarters is silent as they all stare at their commander in a mix of shock, awe and them overwhelming excitement as they all cheer for their new sibling
↳ Graves shares a video of the event with you later that night in bed while holding your frame against his chest, smiling softly while moving your hair out of your eyes as feels you giggle and kick your feet slightly in reaction
↳ The once tension throughout the base from your missing appearance was replaced with ease as Graves returned to work the next day; thankful as ever- the ER Tent had never seen so much popularity than it did then
↳ When the child arrives and all the documentation if filled. Graves takes some time away from the Shadow Company; much to the Shadows disappointment yet understanding of the situation and leaves a board of commanding officers in charge
↳ You take leave from your work as well; all hands are on deck as you watch Graves run around and turn the house baby-proof as you struggle to console the crying child, the stressed retired K9 you both rescued and build the rocking chair; Chaos to say the least...
↳ Yet as the weeks and months go on; you both find enough rhythm within this new family dynamic to somewhat return to your jobs. You decided to turn your job completely online for the rest of the year and do your work from home
↳ Some days, Philip begs for you to take a day away with him to the company since you're other 500 shadow children miss you as well... guilt starting to eat you alive; you agree to a nanny for the day as you hop into the black company truck
↳ Going through an all too familiar gate with ease, Philip glances other at your laughing- reminiscing form, his hand holding your thigh as he drives and later parks the vehicle
↳ Walking around the other side he helps you down as you make your way throughout the complex, giving your hellos and hugs back to everyone; large smiles spread across everyones faces; happy to have you back (snacks and band-aids much appreciated)
↳ While taking a break in the office, Philip makes a few too many jokes on having a 2nd child already as you glare at his head and mention back to the 500 other shadow children that need both of your attention as well
↳ You both hear footsteps run down the hallway from the doorframe as you both shake your heads at their childish antics
↳ As your baby turns into a toddler and grows throughout the years. You both decide to finally bring them on base for a small tour... all the Shadows coo lovingly at them in Philips arms; he holds them with pride against the uniform as their small hands grasp at the patches
↳ The child goes through parts of the obstacle course and everyone cheers encouragements as you hold them through it. Philip waits at the end of the course and gives them a sticker badge while setting them atop his shoulders, tickling the bottoms to their shoes as you snap a picture of the scene
↳ You feed everyone at the cafeteria and everyone rushes over with napkins as the child spills their cup and worries about you catching a cold from the cool liquid seeping into your shirt
↳ You end up switching into one of Philips deployment shirts, a blue-button-up after he complains about investors looking at you too long.
↳ Nearing the late afternoon, you place earcovernings over the child and your head as you show them all the aircraft that they look at with wonder; a little pilot we have here, you think to yourself- not noticing that you said to aloud as a hum of approval is sounded from behind you both
↳ Taking the child in arms quickly, you hide them behind your frame as Shadows rush over, noticing your distressed state from a distance. Another fumbles for a phone to contact their commander in a moments notice if needed
↳ Yet once you see that it is only Laswell and the 141 task force, you way your hand as everyone stands at ease once more and returns to their duties, taking the time to ensure your safety in the hanger before leaving fully
↳ Laswell rushes up, her baby fever hitting an all time high as she uncharacteristically giggles while holding out her finger for them to wrap their hand around and squeal in reaction
↳ Soap jokingly covers his ears and Price smacks him upwards upon the back of his head. Simon gives you a sincere yet short congratulations from behind the mask; you see his eyes crinkle at the child in your arms as Gaz rushes over and asks to hold the little one
↳ While handing them over as Gaz places them on his back, airplane style and moving thew through the hanger, giggles echoing through the lofted space as you, Laswell and the Captain catch up (Ghost and Soap look at one another and the baby multiple times; you make no comments to this small observation)
↳ You hear a Shadow call the appearance of your partner from an approaching vehicle as it stops and they all stand to attention; he moves towards you smiling and then it falling when he notices the child missing in your arms and instead within Gaz's, "Don't drop my kid Kyle, I promise you that I'll burry your ass if you do so"
↳ "I'm not as cruel as you on a good-day can be Graves" Kyle responds back with vice; further covering the child's ears over the headphones and you mouth a thank you in their direction from the small yet welcomed action
↳ You pull on Philips tactical vest to give him a kiss on the cheek as a distraction against him building a rebuttal, he places an all too familiar hand across your lower back; tension throughout the group is apparent as the child is returned into your arms, resting their head against your shoulder as they mumble tired into your skin as you rock their frame gently against your body
↳ You step out of Philips hand as you use your other once to provide hugs to the visiting members and offer smiles once again. Whispering a last apology to them all as you step out with the sleeping child; moving towards the car parked outside
↳ As you step into the vehicle you watch as Philip gives out strict commands to your driver to safely transport you both back home; the Shadow nods confidently back- they would never risk your or their siblings safety; no matter the cost and that was an answer their commander loved to hear as they patted them on their shoulder and steps back into the hanger to further address he guests on the next mission
↳ You watched as Philip confidently strut his way across the pavement while rubbing the back of your child's back; a smile finding its way across your features once more, the child sighing happily in your arms as you relaxed against the leather seats. You hoped that life would continue to go this way, together as one large (and slightly dysfunctional) shadow company family
↳ the car stops and a message echos throughout the interior of the vehicle quietly, purposefully trying not to awake the child, "we have arrived"
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╰┈➤ A/N: And that is part 3 completed! (and maybe the finish to this series) what did you all think of it all? :)
A Shadow Company Visit Series (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt.3) (pt.4) you are here
Tags: @unicorngirly1 , @rockcollector3000 , @coffeeandtealol
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newattitude · 10 months
Seniha par ✰ ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  Seniha - Barbara Set - Kustom 9 
 NEW ATTITUDE ● New Attitude Blog ● Twitter ● Tumblr ● Pinterest ● Instagram ● Flickr ● Facebook
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Writing blog for One Piece and Haikyuu: x
Archive of Our Own: x
Rules: x
All x reader writings are gender neutral unless specified.
If you ever make art inspired on my works, @ me so I can see it and reblog it!! 🫶♥️
Edit 04/26: if you have trouble accessing any links, you should be able to find each individual work by searching for the name in the search bar in my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Call of duty
König (my beloved)
Smoke break - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort, protective König | you are a bartender and your stalker creeps you out. König catches on and fixes the problem.
A glimpse - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort, injured reader, a bit of pining on both sides | you get injured in a mission, and König feels he could've done better.
The sound of your voice - x reader | light angst, fluff, comfort | Konig feels self-conscious when telling you about his current obsession, but his voice is like a balm to your tired mind.
Jealous König drabble - x reader
König comforts you - x reader
Cheater - x reader (platonic)
Alejandro Vargas
Choices have consequences - x reader | light angst, culinary crimes, mention of food insecurity | Alejandro made a passing comment about your food that you didn't like one bit, so you humble him.
"V" - x reader | pure tooth rotting fluff, pillow talk, marriage talk, you're both so smitten ugh | Alejandro and you discuss the idea of getting a matching tattoo instead of rings.
Are you looking for a wife? - fem!reader | fluff, injured reader, medical drug use, stoner talk | Whenever you get ketamine as pain relief, you lose all thought-to-speech filter.
Heart-Stopping - fem!reader | tiny angst, fluff, medical innacuracies. mention of violence/injuries, pregnancy announcement, crack-ish | Only Alejandro can kill Alejandro. You may easily give him a heart attack, though.
Infused Masterlist - fem!reader | graphic depictions of violence, drug use, minor character death(s), angst, fluff, hurt/comfort | A love story told through mate.
Simon "Ghost" Riley
No better than a Victorian man - x reader | suggestive, Simon being a tease | You like to look at your lieutenant, especially when there's barely anything to look at
A bedtime story - GN!reader | platonic | you have no choice but to keep LT's secret for a relaxed, soothing sleep to you grave.
Ghost x chubby!reader headcanons - x m!reader
Tea - GN!reader | angst, hurt no comfort, character deaths | Last minute confessions.
Ghost x reader x Soap
Bird Hunting - x fem!reader | angst, hurt, kidnapping, drugging, sexual harassment, violence (warnings will update as series progresses)
Rotten Apple - x fem!reader | hurt/comfort, referenced past child neglect, abusive/narcissistic parents | Set after the events in BH | Sweetened apples turn sour when rotten apples are around.
Emotional Support Bird - x fem!reader | fluff, domestic, Soap and Ghost share a braincell | Canary rambles about a ln emotional support dog she saw at the market. Ghost and Soap have an idea.
Emotional Support Bird Pt.2 - x fem!reader | fluff, hurt/comfort, Ghost x Canary centric - Soap is only mentioned here | Ghost has a nightmare, and Canary an idea.
Emotionally Supported Bird (Pt. 3)- x fem!reader | fluff, hurt/comfort | Canary knows exactly where to seek solace in the middle of the night.
Ghost x Soap x K9handler!reader
The Mission - x K9 handler!reader | fluff, K9 Dolly's POV mostly | K9 Dolly is sent on her first solo mission.
John Price
Salt and pepper - x gn!reader | fluff | The realization of age hung heavily on his shoulders. Luckily for him, you're more than ready to share it with him.
141 x reader
Lucy - x fem!reader (platonic) | crack | an interesting story behind the origin of Y/n's callsign.
Affectionate reader - x GN!reader (platonic) | fluff | headcanons and a little drabble on the Task Force receiving and enjoying your affection.
Affectionate reader Pt. 2 - x GN!reader (platonic) | angst | The team loses it's spark (you)
Affectionate reader Pt. 3 - x GN!reader (platonic) | hurt/comfort | it's the team's turn to show you affection
Incorrect Quotes
Father Figure
Gummy worms
Farmers' market
Couples' advice
Valentine's Day blurbs
WIPS ← check here for your request!
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