mintypsii · 10 months
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tinfairies · 1 year
Hey can i request a smut with Cruel!Aemond, pleaseeeeeeeee, maybe him with his niece, or some lady of any other house, what you think will fit better. Thank youuuu
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The Lady whimpered beneath the prince. His hand tightened around her throat as he narrowed his eyes. Tears stained her face, and she clawed at his hand. A desperate attempt to break free from him. Cute.
Aemond used his free hand to hike her skirts up. The two were currently in the library, a disagreement broke out between them, about what? The prince doesn't even recall. All he knows now is that this whore is bent backwards over a table, with his thigh pressed firmly between her legs.
She continued struggling, Aemond was stronger than he looked and held her in place easily. The wood dug into her back painfully, and she squealed as her skirts were pushed up to her waist. The cold air made her clamp her legs together, an attempt that was stopped by Aemond's leg.
He clicked his tongue and watched her like a cat watches a mouse. A smirk crosses his face and he abruptly lifts her to sit on the table. His hand quickly finds her throat again and he pushes himself between her legs. The Lady trembles, watching him with wide eyes. Her hands grip the edge of the table, she can't take her eyes off his.
Aemond pulls her face to his and roughly presses his lips to hers. She fights back, attempting to pull away. He doesn't care, he just wants to make a crime scene of her body. She manages find leverage to bite his lower lip, her teeth sinking into the soft flesh. Blood trickles down Aemond's chin and he throws her head back, his hand quickly lifting from her throat to slap her across the face.
Her body is thrown to the side from the force of the impact. Pain burns through her face and neck, she isn't given much time to process before she's being flipped onto her stomach. The air is knocked out of her as her chest hits the table. "Fucking cunt." Aemond growls and pulls her skirts back up to her waist.
One of his hands shoves her face into the wood, while the other goes to undo his pants. She begins to sob as she feels the tip of his cock press against her cunt. Hot liquid drips onto the mounds of her ass, and she realizes that it's his blood. It trickles down between her cheeks and wets her cunt, Aemond rubs the blood over her slit and pushes in abruptly.
The stretch burns and causes the Lady to cry out, her nails scrape the table as she begs for him to stop. She can feel the hot blood run down her legs, some of it is hers no doubt. Aemond thrusts into her, hard and fast. No care for her pleasure, although that was evident from the beginning.
Her sobs mix with his grunts and the wet, sloppy sound of her cunt being invaded. After a minute or two of this brutish treatment, she feels his cock throb inside her. Her tight cunt squeezes around him, begging for his seed. He spills inside her, his hands gripping her hips so hard they begin to bruise.
Aemond sighs and pulls away from her, she lays limp against the table. He kneels behind her and assesses his handy work, hot cum and blood leaks from her abused cunt. A smirk plays across his face as he stands again. Fixing his clothes, he tucks his cock back into his pants and leans over the Lady again.
"My dear, that was fun. Let me run you a bath and tend your wounds." his hands are on her again, gentle this time. She smiles softly and stares up at her husband.
"I'd like that"
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respectthepetty · 1 year
COLOUR THEORY REQUEST- because I KNOW you will know what to do.
When Uea is in the bathroom (normally his place of darkness, trauma) and Him looking at himself in the mirror and then when KING joins him in the bathroom and the colour changes 👀
I need some detailed insight pleaseeeeeeeee
In this tiny corner of Tumblr, I must appreciate King every day, so let me point out how IN LOVE* he is with with his Red Rascal, Uea, because King is drenched in red this episode, once again.
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*If the show tries to tell me that King has NOT been in love with King for a long time, I will refuse to accept it. REFUSE!
Now that I have properly acknowledged how much King is in love with Uea, I shall examine this ask:
Light and Reflections in Bed Friend
TW: physical, emotional, and sexual abuse
As you mentioned, the lighting and colors change when King is around Uea. The best example of this in the third episode was cut from the YouTube and Gaga version.
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Uea silently observes King smoking a cigarette out on the balcony after having sex. Uea normally retreats to a dark place (the bathroom) after sex, but here, we see him emerge from the darkness into the light, and he stands in the light for a bit.
The other interesting element of this scene is the way in which Uea is framed looking at King.
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We saw a similar framing in the second episode.
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Both times, we see King in reality, but a reflection of Uea. We also have two barriers between them: the bar(s) that separate their sides, and the doors themselves. Yet the doors are glass, and as Uea watches King smoke, one of the doors is open. There is a divide between them coming from Uea, but as Uea finds his way out of the dark, the barriers will be open, and the horizontal line connects them. Note that King is good at keeping them on the same side. He opens doors, rolls down windows, and locks doors so they are together with no means of a barrier. He doesn't leave room for barriers to exist.
But about the reflections...
Mirrors symbolize truth. The times we have fully seen King's reflection, we are told through the mirror that he cares for Uea.
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When he is asking Uea questions in his car, when he is searching for Uea, and when he asks Uea if he is okay, we see his worried-and-in-love face in his reflection. Note that King is never looking at himself in these reflections but at or for Uea. But Uea's reflection is cold in the mirror.
The very first scene in episode one is Uea in his brown bathroom. He looks content.
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After his night with King though, this is Uea in his brown bathroom.
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The bathroom is now blue, and Uea doesn't look at himself in the mirror. We know the bathroom is a place of punishment to Uea for being a slut, and the mirror is prominent there.
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In between these scenes, we get these moments.
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Uea looks at himself when he is out with his coworkers and his mom keeps calling. Immediately after, he begins to drink heavily. He stops at the window while drunk, but King literally picks him up and takes him to the car. Then, the Windex promo during his night with King. But note that as the night progresses (with King), the lighting gets brighter and warmer.
When episode three picks up, it is immediately after episode two when Uea threw his shirt at King and went to the bathroom to take a shower.
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At first, Uea looks down, but as he imagines King touching him, he looks at his reflection. And just like Alan in Moonlight Chicken, Uea gets a glow up as the blue dissolves from the scene.
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Uea is staring at his reflection, once more, when King walks out of the shower and makes Uea focus on him.
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Because that's what King does best. He helps Uea see himself as King sees him - attractive, desirable, and worthy of love. When Uea looks at his reflection, he doesn't see himself. He sees a slut. He sees the physical and emotional abused child. He sees the sexually abused child. He doesn't see the man he has become.
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But he is starting to see the man who stays - King. He hates what he sees, but within that reflection, King continues to show up as a fully realized person.
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Uea is looking through himself rather than at himself, if he looks at all, but King makes him focus on the present rather than the past, so the blues disappear. King is the blue that is touching Uea now. Very Win x Team of them.
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Look at all the pictures included above - Uea is always looking beyond while King only looks at Uea. Even when they fall asleep on their phones, Uea's phone has him reflected back while King's only has Uea.
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*And their COLORS! Uea is placed in his red on King's bed, and King is placed in his blue on Uea's bad. They have always slept comfortably in each other's color, which is why they are such good bed friends.
King is forcing Uea to confront himself. He is forcing Uea to step out into the light. He is forcing Uea to see himself the way King sees him, not as transparent being haunted by the ghosts of his past, but as a man who deserves the love King is giving him.
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They are going to be the death of me.
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And by they, I mean King and Uea and not the colors, lighting, and other visual elements that are reinforcing the narrative every damn scene.
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vazaez · 1 year
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please i want them to be friends sooooo bad these types of annoying ass friends that constantly tease and mess with each other but for some reason stay together
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sednonamoris · 1 year
i love your writing soosososoos much but PLEASEEEEEEEEE give price and hound a happy ending.... they matter so much to me heug heugh heughhhhhhhh... let them retire together and eat chips or whatever the fuck brits do
omg i’m so happy you love price and hound they are my darling little war criminals 🫶🫶 i like to imagine that they did end up in a shared flat in ireland (with regular visits to england for price’s football fix) bickering like an old married couple ‘til the end of their days… 💘
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babygirl-diaz · 2 years
Samtember 06: Redwing | Technology
1681 words | Rated G | for @samtember2022
Sam put on his favorite white-rimmed glasses and turned up the volume on Marvin Gaye’s “Got to Give it Up” and sat down on his stool as he got to work. He hooked up the toy he had fondly named “Redwing” to the computer and started making the changes he needed to work on. 
Sam was a world-class engineer and an entrepreneur, and Redwing was his newest creation. Something he made for his daughter, Riley. Just a few months ago, there was a kidnapping attempt on the 5-year-old. Not wanting something like that to happen again, Sam decided to create something that would protect his kid. He made Redwing resemble a falcon, and it could do so much. 
Sam did not hear anyone come in, as he moved to the music and typed away on the keyboard. It wasn’t until a tiny head popped up next to him that he realized that his little one had broken into the lab. 
“Whatcha doin’?” Riley asked. 
“Working on Redwing,” Sam replied. 
“Is she ready?” Riley asked, reaching out to touch Redwing, but Sam grabbed her hand. 
“No touching,” he told her sternly. To which the little girl just pouted. 
Soon ‘Superstition’ started playing and Riley danced along to it. “Papa, dance!” She insisted.
“I can’t, baby girl. I have way too much work,” Sam replied. 
“Papa, pleaseeeeeeeee….” Riley gave him the biggest puppy dog eyes, and how could he say no to that? 
Getting up from the stool, Sam went over to his little girl and started moving to Stevie Wonder along with her. 
Sam picked up Riley and took her small hand into his and started swaying them both to the music. “When you believe in things. That you don't understand... Then you suffer... Superstition ain't the way…” The father-daughter duo sang together and laughed. 
“I’m more of an Al Green guy, but this song is a classic.” 
Sam became alert when he heard another voice and turned around to find Tony Stark standing in the middle of his lab. 
“Cherie!” Sam called out to his AI. “What have I told you about letting in strangers?!” 
“Mr. Stark is listed as a friend,” Cherie replied. 
Sam threw a glare at Stark. “Did you hack into my AI?” 
Stark bit his lips and put his hands up in surrender. “I had a Friday off.” 
“What do you want, Stark?” Sam refused to let his little girl down, especially in the presence of his rival. So he kept her close. 
“I heard you were making something for the little one over there,” Stark commented and got closer to them. He reached out to touch Riley’s nose but Riley whined and turned her head away. 
“Back off, Stark,” Sam warned him. On the list of people who had a vendetta against him and could have possibly tried to kidnap his child, Stark was at number two. 
“Okay, okay, backing off,” Stark put his hands up in surrender again and smirked. 
“So is that it?” He asked, leaning over Sam’s workstation. 
“None of your business.” Sam went to his workstation and stood in front of it to hide his work from Stark. 
“Aw come on. Don’t be a spoiled sport. What happened to sharing and caring?” 
“It died since you stole my last idea,” Sam told him. 
“I didn’t steal it. I just released it first,” Stark said with a shrug. 
“And that’s exactly why I have already patented every single part of Redwing,” Sam told him. “You touch her and I will drag your pathetic ass to court.” 
Stark fake gasped and looked at Riley. “Daddy said a bad word. Court.” 
“That’s not daddy, silly,” Riley told him. “That’s papa. Daddy doesn’t live with us.” 
“Right… daddy left because daddy was smart,” 
Sam closed his eyes and counted back to himself. He really did not want to punch Stark in front of his daughter. 
“So what does your infamous creation do?” Stark asked. “I am curious.” 
“You can find out with the rest of the world,” Sam replied. 
“You’re no fun!” Stark fake pouted at him. “Anyway, you wanna be my date to the charity ball this Saturday?” 
“What?” Sam asked incredulously. “No! I don’t wanna be your date!” 
“You break my heart, Wilson,” Stark pretended to weep and subtly take to a photo of Redwing, but Sam caught him. 
“Man, get out of my house.” Sam really did not have the patience for him. 
“Fine, I’m going,” Stark replied and shoved his hands into his pockets. “Goodbye brat.” 
Sam was about to say fuck it and attack Stark when he added, “And goodbye, Riley.” 
Sam closed his eyes and groaned before letting Riley down once Stark left. 
“Papa, don’t let the bad guy bring you down,” Riley told him. She was very understanding for her age. Sam kind of wished she wasn’t. Because that meant she was growing up. 
“Thanks, baby girl,” Sam thanked her and unhooked Redwing from the computer. He then picked up Riley and put her on the workstation table. “You wanna see what Redwing does?” 
Riley excitedly nodded. 
“Redwing, bird mode,” Sam said. 
“Bird mode activated,” Redwing replied. 
“Redwing, talk,” Sam told her. 
“Redwing, talk,” Redwing replied like a parrot. 
“That’s so cool!” Riley replied, clapping her hands together. 
“That’s so cool!” Redwing repeated like a parrot once again. 
It was bizarre seeing a falcon talk like a parrot, but Sam didn’t care. 
“Redwing, chipmunk voice,” Sam told her.
“Chipmunk voice, activated,” she said in a chipmunk voice. 
“Riley is the bestest!” Riley said. 
“Riley is the bestest,” Redwing said in a chipmunk voice. 
Riley giggled behind her hand, making Sam smile and forget all about Stark. 
“You wanna see something cool?” Sam asked. 
Riley nodded enthusiastically. 
“Redwing, fly mode. Rainbow style,” he told the bird. 
Redwing immediately got into flight mode and then took off flying around the lab. Not only that, she left a trail of rainbow colors behind that dissipated in the air after a few seconds. 
“Wowwwwww….” Riley said in awe. She soon yawned and Sam decided that showtime was over. 
“Okay, time for bed, baby girl,” Sam told Riley, getting her off the work table. 
“But papa… I wanna play with Redwing,” she pouted. 
“Not today, sweetheart. You can play with her when she’s finished,” Sam told her. “Now come on, let’s get you to bed.” Sam took Riley’s little hand and led her to her bedroom. While she brushed and changed, Sam sent a message to his ex-husband. 
When Riley came back, Sam tucked her into bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Love you, baby girl,” he said. 
“Love you, papa,” she replied. “Goodnight.” 
Sam turned on the nightlight and left the door slightly ajar. “Goodnight,” he said on his way out. 
As soon as Sam left Riley’s room, the front doorbell rang and Cherie announced Sam’s ex-husband’s arrival.. 
Sam went to the door and opened it. “Hey, Buck.” 
“Hey, Sam,” Bucky came in and gave Sam a hug. 
Sam hugged him back and let out a breath of relief. Even though they had parted ways, Bucky’s presence always made Sam feel better. 
“Come on, let’s go to the workshop. I need to finish cleaning up,” Sam said, leading Bucky to the workshop. 
“Wow… is that your Redwing?” Bucky asked. 
“Not my Redwing. She belongs to Riley.” Sam replied. 
“She huh?” Bucky chuckled. 
Sam rolled his eyes at the other man and asked, “Do you wanna drink something?” 
“I know you’ve got the good whiskey, so, yeah, I’ll have that.” 
Sam went out and poured them their drinks and then returned with two glasses. He gave one to Bucky, who raised it towards Sam. “Cheers.” 
“Cheers,” Sam replied and took a sip. 
“So Stark…” Bucky trailed off. “The audacity of that man.” 
“I know,” Sam sighed. “I know you say that whoever tried to kidnap Riley was related to your work, but I still think it was him. He just wanted to get back at me.” 
“I don’t think Stark is capable of kidnap, Sam,” Bucky told him as he took a sip of his whiskey. 
“I don’t know if I believe that,” Sam replied. “Anyway… that’s why I’ve made Redwing over here. She will protect our little angel.” 
“What exactly does she do?” Bucky asked and picked up a little garbage and threw them in the trash. 
“When she’s finished, she will send me back a 360-degree video feed in multi-spectrum. She will also have tracking software. And scanning abilities, so that she can see through objects,” Sam replied. 
“That sounds…. Scary,” Bucky replied. 
“Oh, and she will also come with projectile grappling handcuffs,” Sam added. 
“I think you’ve gone a bit overboard,” Bucky replied. “No parent will buy that for their child.” 
Sam sighed. “I just want our child to be safe.” 
“There is only so much you can do to keep her safe, Sam,” Bucky told him. 
Sam hugged Bucky and sighed. “I know. But I wanna do whatever it takes.” 
Bucky wrapped his arms around Sam and held him close. “I know.” 
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.” 
A robotic voice came from somewhere, and Sam immediately pulled apart from Bucky. 
Bucky frowned and turned to look at Redwing before turning back to Sam. “What the hell was that?” 
“There is a glitch in her system,” Sam chuckled. “Sometimes she randomly starts saying I love you,” he replied. “Right now, she decided to say it at the most inopportune moment.” Sam turned off Redwing and put her back on the table. 
“Anyway, let’s clean up, and then we can watch a movie or something,” Sam suggested. “That is, if you have time?” 
“For you?” Bucky asked. “Always.” 
Sam felt his cheeks heat up at that. “Cherie,” he called out at his AI to change the subject. “Play some music,” he told her. 
Within a few seconds, Al Green’s “Let’s Stay Together” started playing over the speakers. 
“What the hell?” Sam said in a high-pitched voice. 
Bucky laughed off to the side. “I love technology.” 
Songs used in this fic:
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detshin · 3 years
Headcanon question: do you think Shinichi likes hugging Ran when they’re away from everyone else?
Do I think Shinichi likes to hug Ran when they’re away from the rest of the world? Dude. 
He likes to hug her any opportunity he has. 
Shinichi likes to pretend he’s in control. He pretends he’s cool with distance. He pretends that he doesn’t enjoy pda that much. He pretends to act tough and stuff. 
But if Ran is gonna hold onto him or hug him in front of literally the entire world, you can bet your ass that Shinichi will enjoy it, and he will hug back. He doesn’t care as long as he gets to be with her. 
As Heiji very cleverly said once: “Look at him! He’s acting all embarrassed but he’s totally enjoying it!” 
Shinichi is often misunderstood by his own façade, which is a shame really... because let’s be honest here and admit that Shinichi and Ran are far more touchy feely than portrayed to be most of the time. They gravitate towards each other naturally. Even if they’re not holding one another they still have to be close enough that their shoulders touch. Personal space who? They don’t know her.
So yeah. Shinichi will love hugging Ran anytime. 
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meetmyothersouls · 2 years
Whenever you can, more fluff pleaseeeeeeeee I love it, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzzy insideeee
No problem :)
Warnings: fluffy fluff
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You watched as the city lights flickered out side of your New York apartment, then one by one each street lamp, building, house and apartment in the surrounding area went dark, including yours.
Timothee swore from the kitchen, "A fucking black out? I didn’t think those still happened?!” 
You snorted a laugh as you patted the couch searching for your phone. A loud clatter of presumably pots and pans fell to the ground led to another swear from Timothee, “God damn it I can’t see anything!” 
“Here ya go!” you said proudly as you found your phone and turned your flashlight on, illuminating the kitchen. Timothee squinted as the light shone directly into his eyes.
“I’m not sure what we’ll do for dinner now that I can’t use the oven,” Timothee sighed. After months of filming and press conferences, it was your first night truly alone together and instead of dining at a restaurant or going out in public where paparazzi would bombard the two of you, Timothee decided to cook you a romantic dinner and the spend the night wrapped up in each other. 
“Well,” you said pointing your flashlight to the fridge, “there’s ice cream in there that will surely go bad if it melts...”
Timothee smiled at your idea. He brought out 2 pints of ice cream one chocolate and one cookies & cream and tossed them onto the table. He grabbed 2 spoons and a lighter. 
“What’s the lighter for?” You asked, intrigued. 
“We’re going to have a candle lit dinner, one way or another,” he said as he dug through a drawer in the kitchen in search of a candle. Minutes passed and the ice cream on the table already begun to drip down the sides of their containers. “Fuck the candle, lets try this,” he said as he opened his phone and started typing. 
He sat his phone on the table propped up against the wall, on it was a youtube video of a single candle flickering and romantic, jazzy music playing in the background. 
You snorted again, “okay, that is both creative and adorable, Tim.”
He leaned over and met you in the middle of the table. You brought your lips to his and he kissed you lightly. “Not technically a romantic dinner, but I think it’ll due given the circumstances.” 
“No, it’s perfect, I love you.” 
“I love you too.” 
Tags: @imnotoverlyobsessive @dayafied @soulofendlessbook @fashphotolife @chicchanelcigs @scentedkittenperfection @mxciscastleintheair @weasleytwinscumslut @marvelmaniac2000 @timotheeisthelomll @lovelyrocker @divine-1
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gamergirl929 · 3 years
I’m Coming Home (Tobin Heath x Reader)
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After nearly 2 years overseas with the military, you’re finally coming home, and you’re coming home to Tobin Heath. 
DISCLAIMER: The following is a MILITARY FIC, with everything going on, I wanted to put a disclaimer, just in case for those who may be triggered by what’s going on. 
This is pure fluff. 
Military homecomings.    
You’d always seen videos of military homecomings, the relatives of the returning soldier cheering and crying, sometimes even screaming as their loved one returned safely home.    
You only hoped that you would get a similar reaction, after being away for so long, nearly 2 years in fact, you were finally coming home, and you were coming home to Tobin Heath and you were coming home in the most public way possible.    
You rubbed your hands together, nervously pacing the backstage area, the boots on your feet growing heavier and heavier as your nerves grew.    
What if she wasn’t excited to see you?    
What if she didn’t appreciate the surprise?    
The questions plaguing you caused your mind to race.    
The sound of approaching footsteps make you tense, your head on a swivel as you attempt to find a hiding spot, but when you realize it’s Christen Press who’s rounding the corner your muscles untense.    
“Hey.” You smile as the forward envelopes you in a hug, the woman squeaking when you pick her up off her feet and spin her around.  
“It’s so good to see you Y/N.” She grins, giving you the tightest of squeezes.    
You had the pleasure of meeting Christen Press long ago, considering she was basically Tobin's other half, in a friendly sense.  
You put her down with a grin, smiling when she places her hands on your shoulders.  
"So, everything is set, are you ready?" She asks and you shrug.  
"What if she doesn't like the-OW!" You wince as Christen smacks you in the arm. 
"She's going to love it, because she loves YOU." She pokes you in the chest and you shrug, your cheeks dusted pink.  
"You think so?"  
The pair of you jump, your eyes widening when you see Emily Sonnett standing before you, the blonde's eyes wide.  
"Wait, aren't you-  
Christen dives on the blonde, slapping a hand over her mouth.  
"SHHHH! TOBIN CAN'T FIND OUT ABOUT THIS!" She whisper yells, glancing down the hallway that Emily had made her way down to get to the two of you to make sure they were in fact alone.  
Emily gives the two of you a thumbs up, Christen's hand leaving her mouth.  
"I'm great at keeping secrets."  
Your brows arch when Christen rolls her eyes.  
"She isn't."  
Emily pouts.  
"I want to help! What do you need me to do, distract Tobin?" She asks with a grin, wiggling excitedly.  
A smile stretches across your face.  
"I like her."  
Emily's grin widens.  
"See, Y/N likes meeeeeeeee! Pleaseeeeeeeee?" Emily begs and Christen sighs. 
"Okay, okay, but if you ruin the surprise, I'll kill you." She threatens and Emily's eyes widen.  
“No need to get violent.”  
You watched with great pride as Tobin player her heart out, the woman assisting Christen on two goals. 
Though the closer the end of the game got, the more the nerves within you riled up.  
You paced the hallway you’d taken up occupancy in, your thoughts drifting to the day you’d met Tobin Heath.  
Meeting Tobin Heath had been what some would call, fate, if fate meant nearly bulldozing over the forward while on your morning jog, then yes, you would call it fate.  
You grimace, your eyes wide as you screech to a halt, the woman crashing to the sidewalk, the woman she was walking with dropping down on the ground beside her.  
You jerk your headphones out, your eyes wide in horror.  
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” You say as you drop to your knees beside her, your eyes scanning her for any visible injuries.  
“It’s okay, I’ve had worse.”  
You frown as the woman begins to move to her feet, jumping up so you can help her up.  
When your hands meet hers, a spark shoots up your arm, something that she must feel as well considering she stiffens.  
The two of you pause, simply staring at one another, Y/E/C orbs locked with brown.  
“Hi.” You whispered, the woman’s lips splitting into a grin.  
Beside her, her brunette friend moves to her feet, her lips split into a massive grin.  
“I’m Y/N.” You whispered, giving her hand a squeeze, a squeeze she returned.  
“I’m Tobin.”  
You smile as your back rests against a nearby wall, remembering the day you met both Tobin and Christen, the two a package deal of sorts.  
Christen quickly became close with you as well, you were interested in dating her best friend after all.  
Unfortunately, the night you told Tobin how you felt was the night before you left for another deployment, but Tobin didn’t care, the woman’s lips meeting yours in an unforgettable kiss.  
She’d promised to wait for you, and she had, for two years she waited, and now, you were here, unbeknownst to her of course.  
You jump, a smile stretching across your face when you see Emily making her way towards you, donned in a yellow vest.  
“Show time?” She asks and you nod, your hands beginning to tremble.  
“Show time.”  
Emily makes her way back out to the bench, the blonde flopping down in the seat she’d just vacated beside Lindsey.  
“Where’d you go?” She asks and Emily shrugs.  
Lindsey’s eyes narrow.  
“You’re not a very good liar.” She snorts and Emily shushes her.  
“Just watch.”  
“Watch what?” Lindsey asks confused; the blonde’s question completely ignored by Emily.  
The final whistle blows, which signals to you that you’re to take your position at the tunnel’s entrance.  
Luckily for you Tobin keeps her head down, the woman high-fiving the Irish players on her way passed them.  
You can’t help but grin when you see her, your heart skipping a beat in your chest.  
You could only hope she would be as excited to see you, as you were her.  
“WE HAVE A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!” A voice booms over the intercom, players from the USWNT and the Ireland Women’s National Team glancing at one another in confusion.  
Tobin glances around, her brows furrowing when she sees the massive grin on Christen’s face.  
“What?” She asks and Christen shrugs, her smile widening.  
“Seriously Chris, what is it-  
“Join me in welcoming home! Y/N Y/L/N after two years of deployment!”  
Tobin’s eyes widen, the forward looking passed Christen to see you making your way out of the tunnel and towards her.  
Her lips split in an enormous grin, her brown orbs immediately filling with tears as she runs towards you, bypassing her teammates.  
You start to jog, unable to keep your composure as you run towards the woman who kept you going over the years.  
She leaps into your arms when she gets to you, the fans cheering as she wraps her legs around your middle.    
You spin the two of you around, smiling as Tobin surges in, her lips crashing against yours.  
Her nails scrape against the back of your neck as the two of you kiss, reluctantly pulling apart when you can’t stop grinning.  
Nearby, Emily grins, Lindsey smacking her in the arm.  
“You knew, didn’t you?! You asshole!”  
“If Em, knew then Christen HAD to have known...!” Kelley turns to Christen who shrugs.  
“Who do you think helped her set it up?” She nods to you, grinning when she sees you bury your face in the crook of Tobin’s neck, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“You’re here.” She whispers in your ear and you sniffle, nodding.  
“I’m here.”  
You pull back, your forehead resting against hers.  
You bump your nose against hers, the two of you chuckling.  
“I’ve missed you so much.” You sniffle, your lips splitting in a massive grin.  
“I love you.” You whisper softly, the woman’s eyes holding a glassy sheen.  
“I love you too.”  
Again, you close the distance between the two of you, Tobin’s lips meeting yours in a long overdue kiss.  
“I’ve missed you too.” She whispers against your lips, burying her face in your neck as she cries.  
“The thought of coming home to you is what kept me going, and now that I’m here I never want to let you go.” You confess, turning your head to kiss Tobin’s temple.  
“Wherever you are is home, you ARE my home, Tobin.” You whisper, Tobin pulling back, tears streaming down her face, tears you’re quick to wipe away from her flawless skin.
“And you’re mine.” She whispers, leaning in to press another long, passionate kiss to your lips before she again whispers.  
“And you’re mine.”
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viridwns · 3 years
JJK first years + Gojo with an s/o who has tics
(Based on my own tics and experience)
Characters: Itadori Yuji,Fushiguro Megumi,Gojo Satoru,Kugisaki Nobara.
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Itadori yuji
- He would laugh at all of them and sometimes trigger them for fun (if your okay with it ofcourse).
-his favorite ones are when you see cars or trucks.
-he would literally mimic you perfectly.
- you 2 would be walking or something and when you both see a truck you 2 go: "look a truck, HONK".
-let's all be honest here. He's dumb asf so he thought you could control and supress them.
-example: *points at Gojo* "look a motherfucking paintbrushhhh"
"Y/n can you please hold in your tics"
".....yu i can't do that."
-after that one mistake he would apologize like his life depended on it.
-he would be so gentle with you and try to get you fidgets or chewelry.
-would be upset if you accidentally hurt yourself with a tic, but he now knows you can't suppress them and that you hate it as much as he does.
-he's just a 10/10 bf.
-He hates it when you swear or flip him or someone else off.
-wouldn't let you hold ANYTHING for a while after you threw your milkshake at him.
-he is very patient with you if you have an active tic day.
-would summon his demon dogs to distract you.
-he didn't show it, but when you 2 were out together and you yelled at almost everyone you saw: "this is my fucking boyfriend bitch." He was very happy that even your tics want everyone to know that you are taken.
-would try anything to make the tics where you hurt yourself stop.
-would learn more about tics and how to handle someone with tics.
-he's just very sweet and patient.
-this bitch.
-would trigger your tics.
-he mimics you 24/7.
-he loves it when you flip random things off.
-secretly learns about tics and tries to make you comfortable.
-if someone would insult you when you have an active tic day in public, he would domain expansion their ass to hell.
-would try and make you tic something to piss of Nanami.
-so now whenever you see Nanami you say: *points at nanami* "my sleep paralyze demon run!"
-that one time he took you to work and you called sukuna a virgin bitch.
-yeah Gojo will call sukuna a virgin bitch from now on.
-you also flipped him off and called him a megumi simp.
-he was r o l l i n g.
-his s/o did not only call the king of curses a virgin bitch, but also a simp AND flipped him off.
-he's annoying, but wouldn't go too far.
-absolutely loves it.
-flipping off random things or humans?
-count her in.
-would do your hair and nails or makeup for you if your tics are too active.
-she loves fidgets too so you have like a thousand.
-would get a little stressed or impatient if your tics are very active.
-would react on all your tics.
-"all heil potatoes."
"Hallelujah. Amen."
"Very funny haha."
-would ask you things so you can blame it on your tics and not get in trouble for it.
-"can you please flip off gojo and call him a manwhore for me?"
"We talked about this."
-if you could get a dollar for everytime she bitch slapped someone for insulting or laughing at you, you would be richrichrich.
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The Tape (Conclusion)
Life with Harry seemed to settle down. You focused on recovery, he focused on work. You both spent the evenings cuddled up in bed watching episodes of the Bachelor and you fell asleep to the pounding of his heart beat every night. Life with Harry was exactly the way it had been before the tape leaked. You laughed as he danced around the kitchen in the evenings while making dinner and swooned in the taste of his lips as he pushed your back into the counter waiting for the ding on the oven timer. You were happy, he was happy, but there was still something missing... something just didn't seem right. Harry was still slightly distant about parts of his day, where he was going, what he was doing, why he would leave the room for phone calls. You had originally talked it up as stress with tour planning, but it wasn't that. He was keeping secrets...and you didn't like that.
You were lounging on the couch in one of Harry's shirts, scrolling through Netflix and hoping to find something that captured your attention. "Hey love, I'm heading to the studio for a bit." Harry walked in, phone to his ear and eyebrows furrowed together.
"I thought you were done recording?" you questioned, sitting up to meet his eyes.
His gaze dropped to the floor before he turned towards the kitchen. "Yeah...I uh.. I have some final cuts to run through."
You jumped up to follow him, "I thought we were going to spend the day together? You know since you have been working so much lately?"
"Ahh, well yes we will but once I'm done with this one thing."
"Harry." You crossed your arms and stared into the green eyes you loved so much.
"I'm sorry babe. We will spend the rest of the day together when I get home and I have a surprise planned too." He winked before pulling the door to the garage open.
"What kind of surprise?" You questioned, following him out of the house.
"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"
"Harry..." you whined, stomping your foot as if you were a toddler pouting about not getting a cookie before dinner.
Harry smiled, walked over and placed a warm kiss on your forehead, forcing you to meet his gaze with a gentle lift of the chin. "Now now love, don't be dramatic. You're going to love it. I think. I hope." He kissed your lips softly and smiled. "Now I'd love to stay and kiss you some more....but the later I leave, the later I return."
You kissed him and pulled him into a hug with a sigh. "Fine."
Harry chuckled and kissed you once more before climbing in the car. "I love you."
"I love you too." You watched as he pulled out of the driveway before sprinting back inside to where Harry kept his laptop. Something was going on and you wanted in on the action. Harry's laptop sprung to life as you anxiously tapped the space bar 100 times. You typed his password and clicked enter only to get the incorrect notification. You sighed. Why had he changed the password. You pulled out the desk drawers and sighed, there was nothing even remotely interesting in them. You looked through his planner and calendar and still nothing. You were out of luck. You leaned back in his office chair and spun around, chewing the bottom of your lip. There has to be something... You grabbed your phone and called the first person who came to mind. "Louis."
"Goodness love, what do you need now." Louis' voice called from the other end.
"What's Harry's laptop password?"
"Why do you need that?" Louis chuckled more interested in the conversation now.
"I uh...I need to do some work."
"What's wrong with yours?" Louis teased.
"Its broken." you lied.
"Sure it is." Louis laughed again and you knew he was rolling his eyes.
"Please Lou, what's the password?"
"Why do you think I know?"
"Because you know Harry. You know what hes doing and what he thinks about."
"Sorry girlie, but I dont have anything for ya."
"Ugh Louis...."
"What are you really trying to figure out?"
"Nothing...." you lied.
"Okay then I've got to go-"
"No wait. Fine." You sighed and leaned your head back. "I want to know what hes planning. Wheres hes at right now."
"You dont trust him?" Louis teased again.
"He's hiding something Louis. I know he is."
"Maybe. But still, that's not the way to find out."
"You know. You know what hes been up to."
"Now now love, no I don't."
"Ive got to go love, just be patient."
"Patient? What does that mean? Louis what-" The phone went dead and you groaned in frustration. Something was for sure going on. You contemplated your options. You could follow Harry. You could go confront Louis. You could try a couple more passwords before locking Harry out of his computer. None really pleased you though. Instead you called another lifeline.
The phone rang, and rang, and rang before the voice finally breathed a hello on the other end. "Liam!"
"(y/n)... what uh what can I do for you?"
"You mean I can't just call my friend?"
"No..well yeah, of course you can. But you normally don't so what do I owe the pleasure?"
"I need your help."
"Is something wrong?"
"Kind of...."
"I'll be there in 5." You smiled and jumped up from the chair.
"I love you Liam."
"Yeah, yeah. See you soon."
You ran downstairs and waited anxiously by the door until Liams car pulled in the driveway. You met him at the door with a smile and a big hug. "Thank you for coming!"
"So what's the problem? Are you okay? Is Harry okay?" Liam looked anxiously around.
"Yeah we are both okay."
Liam breathed a sigh of relief before turning his attention back to you. "Then what's the problem?"
"Well....." you dove into the story of Harry's behavior and the surprise, the change in his computer password, and your uncertain feeling about him hiding something.
"(y/n)...You know Harry loves you-"
"I know but with everything that happened I just feel like something is off." Liam bit his lip and looked away. "You know." you poked him in the chest. "you know what he's hiding."
"What? No I-"
"Liam Payne. Tell me now."
Liam sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I can't."
"Why not?"
"Just trust me okay? Hes not hiding anything, I mean he is but its nothing bad." Liam turned back towards the car. "I have to go."
"LIAM!" you screamed. "What do you think youre doing?"
"Trust him."
"I do trust him but-"
"No buts. Trust him and let it all play out. I can't be involved in this."
"That's what Louis told me." You crossed your arms and glared. "Youre supposed to be the good one."
Liam laughed and waved before climbing in the car. "Love you."
"Yeah yeah, love you too." You turned back to the house as he pulled away. Left with your endless thoughts and questions about everything.
You were sprawled out on the couch lost in thought when the door opened. "Hello?"
You sat up confused until Niall walked into view. "Niall?"
Niall smiled and ran to you for a hug, tackling you back to the couch. "Ive missed you." His arms closed around you and breathed in the cologne he always wore.
"What are you doing here?" You asked slightly confused.
"Well I just wanted to come and check in. We haven't really talked much lately. How are things with Harry?"
You dove into your explanation and watched Niall take it all in. He didn't seem to have as much info as the other boys. When you had finished explaining your feelings and concerns he smiled and shook his head with a small chuckle escaping his lips. "What?" you asked smiling and pushing his shoulder back. "Why are you laughing?"
"(y/n) Harry loves you more than anything else in this world. You shouldn't be worried."
"I'm not worried....I just feel like hes keeping something from me."
"He is."
"Harry is keeping something from you." Niall repeated again, scrolling through the channels looking for golf.
"And you know that because?"
"I talk to him pretty frequently."
"So then what is it?"
"Oh I can't tell you."
Anger flared and you took the remote out of his hands. "Why not?"
"Because its not my thing to share. It's Harry's."
"Okay but-"
"Trust him."
"(y/n) seriously its a good thing."
"Pleaseeeeeeeee" you grabbed his hands and gave your best sad face.
Niall smiled and tapped his finger to your nose. "I can't tell you. Harry would kill me." Niall stood up and laughed, and you would be really upset if I ruined the surprise.
"I would not."
"Yes you would." Niall grabbed his jacket.
"Where are you going?" you whined.
"I'm going home to watch golf and work on the new album. You have a date to get ready for anyways." You looked at the time on the tv. Niall was right, Harry would be home in an hour and you were still in the pjs you had worn the night before. "Let me know how it goes." Niall wrapped you in a hug and smiled softly, lost in another thought.
Once Niall had left you ran upstairs, jumping in a hot shower and pulling out outfits. You landed on a cute sundress, sandals, and left your hair down with gentle curls. You fixed your make up and smiled at the appearance in the mirror. You heard the door downstairs open and headed towards the stairs. "Harry?"
"Hey love." His deep voice called up. "Ready to go?" You met him in the kitchen, a gasp escaping your lips. Harry was in a suit, his hair slicked back, and a bouquet of roses in his hands. His shirt was unbuttoned, leaving the slightest view of the tattoos on his chest. Harry was biting his lip, looking you up and down with a smile. The blush in your cheeks got darker as he approached and placed a kiss on your nose. "You look stunning."
"Uh... you... thanks...I mean so do you." Sometimes you forgot the effects the boy had on you.
Harry laughed and tilted your chin up, his lips meeting yours. "Thank you my love."
Harry handed you the flowers and took your other hand pulling you towards the garage. "Where are we going?"
"Its a surprise."
"Really. Now come on." He opened the door for you and you climbed in, nervously twirling a piece of hair.
Harry smiled and leaned in for a kiss and you met his with a soft sigh. "Ready to tell me?" He just laughed and started driving.
After a decent drive, you arrived at a small park. It looked oddly familiar, but yet something was still a little different. Harry grinned, knowing you still weren't sure what was happening. He jumped out, opened the door, helped you out and smiled. "Know where we are?"
You looked around, a small pond down the trail catching your eyes. You nodded and grinned. "This is the park we went to that night. The night that you first told me you loved me." Harry nodded, pulling your hand and leading you down the path, away from the public and somewhere that seemed more remote. You laughed, thinking of the night. "I thought you were going to kill me that night."
"Kill you?" Harry scoffed, a laugh forming in his smile.
"It's not everyday a guy takes you into the woods, away from people, and out of reach of like anything."
"I like remote places. Theres only one thing to focus on when im there. You." He tapped your nose and you smiled. Harry placed his hands around your eyes and you grinned at the anticipation.
"I can't see."
"That's the point. Cant ruin the surprise quite yet." You walked a little farther and Harry stopped. "Okay love close your eyes."
"But I already can't see."
"Just do it." You closed your eyes and Harry removed his hands, stepping away. "Open them."
Your eyes fluttered open and your mouth dropped. Lights were strung throughout the trees leading to the creek. Harry was leaning nervously against the tree, the one where everything had began. The one that had a carved out heart with your initials. The one where he had pushed you back into and kissed you, telling you that you were his one and only love. You walked forward in awe, and Harry reached for your hand. You grabbed it and opened your mouth, "Haz..."
"(Y/n), you were my first real love, the person I wanted to spend forever with. You stood by me at my worst. You made me better. I know the past has been rocky, and I know theres a lot that we are still figuring out, but theres one thing that I know for sure will never change. You. You are the sunshine on a dark day. You are the best thing to ever happen to me. My rock, my cuddle bug, my best friend." Harry took a step back and nervously dropped to one knee, pulling out a box.
"(Y/N) I want to marry you. Will you please be in my life forever and make me the happiest man? Please marry me love."
You nodded and Harry smiled but kept going. "I'm going to need an actual answer dear. (Y/n) be my forever. Will you please marry me?"
"Yes" you nodded through the tears. Harry smiled, slipped the ring on your finger and tackled you in the biggest bear hug. He spun you around, your back hitting the tree and his lips landing on yours. Your fingers tangled in the curls and his teeth lightly tugged on your lip.
"I want you." Harry growled, his fingers slipping into the shirt you were wearing.
"You already have me." You giggled.
"That's not what I meant." You could feel him growing in his pants.
"Take me." You whispered in his ear.
"Oh I will, Mrs. Styles." Harry tugged the shirt off and you laughed pushing him lightly away for a minute.
"Sure you dont want to record this as a sex tape?" You teased.
Harry rolled his eyes and tugged his clothes off. "Good one." He snorted pulling your body back to his. "I dont need a tape." He kissed you softly. "Im never going to lose this, forget this, or need anything else. The other guys would kill me anyways."
"Were they all in on this?"
"Oh yes. They are in the parking lot waiting with champagne."
"Shhh....They can wait, I need you now."
Finally Done! What did you think?
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
Thinking about grumpy boy Harry and how you’re the only one that can get him out of the mood. You go to the venue a little bit after Harry and see everyone in a lounge hanging out together. You go over and say hi and ask where Harry is and someone’s like “eh idk he said hi and stormed off. Seemed to be in a bad mood” and you’re like “🤨alright well I’ll go see what’s up” so you’re going to his dressing room knocking and immediately he’s like “Not in the mood” which makes you even more determined to find out what his problem is so you say “baby it’s me” and not even seconds later he’s opening the door for you and letting you in. He doesn’t kiss you or anything and just makes his way back over to the couch plopping down and going on his phone. You sit next to him and run your fingers in his hair saying “you gonna tell me what’s wrong?” to which he says nothing under his breath. You push his phone on to his lap and take his chin turning him towards you and say “You gonna be honest this time?” and he just sighs and tells you what’s on his mind and why he’s crabby so you’re straddling his waist giving him kissies all over his face saying “my poor baby let’s get you out of this mood yea?” So you kiss his forehead his cheek his neck his nose hips lips just plastering kisses alllllll over his face and he’s already laughing at this and already starting to lighten up a bit. After a while of playing around you’re like “how about we go back out there and you apologize for being a grump to them?” And he’s like 😔ok whatever you say
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relaxxattack · 3 years
(i dont care to do c! tags bc theres. so many characters. if i dont say cc! then im talking abt the characters) normally i am not one to think much about the syndicate bc outside of ranboo being there to protect tubbo the syndicate Frustrates me a bit but. if phil starts to realize just how fucked over tubbo got by schlatt being erased from the narrative (and especially how shittily techno has treated tubbo) then i really hope they lean into like. the fact that the syndicate may soon turn into phil, niki, ranboo, and possibly the mystery member (im including mystery member mostly because i think tubbo is on good terms with almost everyone except like. dream, possibly wilbur but we'll see, and like the eggpire ppl but none of them are likely options but it is possible that the mystery member could just be neutral) all like. wanting tubbo to be safe and phil is *just* reasonable enough that i think he'd realize how unfair it is for tubbo to have been subjected to so much shit just for techno to introduce even more fear and the need to hide in his life
like phil already keeps the bee duo marriage and michael a secret, he lets tubbo come over and while of course its mostly from the semi lore vibes phil seems vaguely fond of tubbo already (i dont think phil and tubbo have father/son vibes tho, more just like. tubbo is just That Kid that adults cant help but adore even though the kid will rob them of house and home. slightly amused elder watching a tiny fucking gremlin make sex jokes and talk about soviet russia), niki from what i remember still cares about tubbo (probably because she cant redirect any anger towards him without realizing how unjustified it would be kcnsks she can come up with excuses for hating tommy but tubbo didnt do anything that niki has a problem with outside of her maybe having a bad view on butcher army if she knows about it?), ranboo is. ranboo. i dont need to clarify. and then like said theres a very low possibility of the fifth member *disliking* tubbo or being unable to sympathize with him.
people talk a lot about how techno needs to lose in a way that he cant easily come back from without introspection and i think while the rest of the syndicate standing up for tubbo would increase technos grudge against tubbo initially its also like. something that i think would maybe force techno to see tubbo as a person because now theres nothing techno can box (haha gettit. tubbox tubbo in a box tubbo getting boxed into certain roles by people who refuse to let him out techno esp doin this teehoo) tubbo into that wouldnt just. acknowledge that tubbo is a person. hes not apart of the government anymore, not planning any failed revolution, the most negative title to his name is being one of the nuke makers but even then thats out of fear and safety and techno knows that. otherwise tubbos current crimes are nothing thats special to tubbo (like. stealing and searching for evidence in ppls homes and stuff, the latter of which techno doesnr even know about). right now tubbos a husband, a father, a friend, a kid, *ex*-government, a person. and just.
i think that with how much foreshadowing about tubbos execution no longer being a secret amongst the witnesses and tubbo himself and soon being something that people close to techno like phil and ranboo know about as well (in that i want phil to learn that techno did it and for ranboo to learn about it in general bc hes just biased enough for tubbo and just smart enough that i think even if somehow he wasnt told who did it he could figure it out), and with the fact that tubbos lore has been confirmed to now be something thats actively going to be played into? i think (or at least hope) that it might spur phil and techno into finally seeing tubbos side of the story (and probably also get into the possibility of tubbo opening up to tommy and ranboo but i do think realistically either tubbo will try to play it off/not truly open up about how much its effected him or tubbo will at first shut down or go into complete repression mode, especially if phil and ranboo get the story from other people rather than tubbo himself [but god do i hope they confront tubbo himself]. either those two or tubbo talks about his emotions through fucking snapping at something/someone like he did at quackity when reminded of his execution, which as long as its Not tommy or ranboo ill absolutely be cheering on him for)
which is all a very convoluted way of saying uhh. *grabby paws at the ccs currently involved in the arc of clearing up personal misconceptions about l'manberg (and especially tubbos involvement and how easily those around him judged him based off of their versions of the story)* tubbo lore? tubbo healing tubbo talking about his problems? characters learning to see him as a person and recognizing how traumatized he is and that hes not uneffected but actively repressing any effects? please? (also ending note as the cherry on top of this essay that im sorry for dropping into your inbox: im kind of glad that tommys healing arc and tubbos possible healing arc are going to happen at similar times but are still separate. something something its nice to see acknowledgement that tommy and tubbo wont heal in the same way and arent going to know how to help each other but theyre still going through it together. their arcs are intertwining without removing their individuality and as someone w major co-dependency issues its kind of nice idk. you can be there for someone and still acknowledge that you have your own things to go through too and that while you wont be alone you shouldnt force those around you to support you. the bench trio are all helping each other out of free will and genuine love for each other while still realizing they have some problems they arent ready to talk about yet that arent forced to the open because theyre all doing their best to handle each other with care and i just. bench trio my beloveds. the kids are alright.) -🎭🎪 (also as the actual end note if theres ever a need to refer to me as something other than the emojis mask or eyez works fine but the idea of my name being the emojis is also Very Funny to me so do what you will)
im working on my aperture camera college assignment rn and my brain is sort of fried so i dont have an intelligent answer, but i got the happy chemical reading this.
yeah. i think we all know here that my favorite character is tubbo, and i REALLY hope we get him addressing anything that’s happened to him in canon. pretty much all of what you said sounds very good. *grabby hands* spare tubbo lore? please? spare tubbo lore?
perhaps during the three weeks wilburs off in the fucking woods (/lh) we could have a the-others-find-out-what-happened-to-tubbo-(and in DETAIL)-arc. pleaseeeeeeeee and ty
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mrskisaki · 4 years
Hello! Can I request modern AU! scenario of Law & his fem! S/O go to Disneyland? It's both for the first time to Disneyland. She's really excited and her inner child comes out. And she has begged to him come. Oh they will also meet later Mickey & Minnie Mouse. And that's it. Take your time.
Might not be exactly what you wanted since I dont know much about Disneyland.
Law & fem s/o go to Disneyland
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You had to do so much convincing to get him to actually consider going to Disneyland, even though he had a weakness for cute things, he did have a reputation to keep.
“Please law? I’ve never been there before, I heard it’s really fun and they have a lot of great food.”
”They have a bunch of fun rides! And if you don't like heights, they have games we could play instead! Please?”
”Lawwwww pleaseeeeeeeee, this”ll be a good chance for us to spend some time together since you've been busy at the hospital!”
After the umpteenth time, Law ends up caving to your begging. You and puppy dog eyes are undefeatable, he could never bring himself to say no for too long.
He complains the entire car ride while you sit in the passenger side, rambling about how fun the day is going to be and what activities you will do first.
Arriving at Disneyland parking lot, excited, you jump out of the car as soon as he parks. Bouncing, you rush to the other side and pull him out of the car him and drag him to the ticket post.
Obviously not as enthusiastic as you, he takes his time to look around as you two enter, already regretting his decision to say yes. He can't lie and say that he isn't happy that you're happy, the smile how your face and the obvious excitement in your voice brings a smile onto his.
However, that smile on his face doesn't last long. After being dragged to Alice in Wonderland, Splash Mountain, Haunted mansion, and a few other rides, he gets a headache from the music but toughs it out to not ruin your fun.
Nonetheless, after seeing how much fun you were having, he eases up a bit and begins to enjoy himself too. The Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage was his favorite, even though he would never admit it.
Every ride that took pictures was boughten, every Princess that was on duty was met, every snack that sounded good was eaten and would surely give you a stomach ache later. Arms were full of bags from various shops, and Mickey ears adorned both of your heads.
After hauling him around the theme park for four hours, going from ride to ride, gift shop to gift shop, you both begin to feel a bit exhausted.
Chewing a churro, you decided it was time to go home and take a nap but before that, there was one thing left you had to do.
Dragging him once again to your final destination, you knew you would have to beg him to stand aside you and take pictures with the two characters.
Entwining your fingers with his, you slow your pace and give him a kiss on the cheek
”Law, Thank you for bringing me here and spending the day with me. I love you so much”
”What do you want?
” You're not gonna say it back?”
”I love you too, what do you want?”
Batting your eyelashes, you peer up at him with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster.
”Please take a picture with me, Mickey and Minney.”
”Law please, after this we can leave. You can't come to Disneyland and NOT take a picture with them.”
”..fine, one picture and then we're leaving.”
As soon as that was declared, the two of you arrived in front of the said characters and waited for your chance to take pictures.
”Okay Law, you stand next to Minny and I’ll stand next to Mickey.”
“Let’s get this over with.”
Getting into position, you had to remind Law to smile. After the picture was taken, you gushed about how cute it was that he actually had a small genuine smile with the Mickey ears on his head.
“Okay now let’s go”
He grabbed your hand and led you to the exit before you could find a reason to stay longer.
“Thank you Law, I really appreciate it. I really love you.”
“I really love you too”
With your head leaning on his shoulder, you both walked with a comfortable silence between you two aside from the people in the background enjoining themselves and the music.
“Hey law?”
“Your driving”
Before he could respond, you sprinted to the car, placing the bags in the backseat, and hopped into the passenger.
Sighing, he took his time and walked to the car thinking back on the activities you've done today.
He would never admit it but he actually enjoyed the day and would do it again and that picture would be his favorite.
As he got into the car and started to drive off, he glanced over at you before turning the music up
”We should do this again sometime.”
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And Now I’m Your Favourite Person
Pairing: Remus x reader
Request: Hi babe Remus x reader where they are both best friends since Hogwarts (with a crush) and now they are both teachers in the castle all the students, even harry insists that they should dating, that they have a good couple and that they are the best teachers Remus in the end if he invites her out. Happy and fluff end🥺 pleaseeeeeeeee
A/N: Thank you for the request, nonnie!!! It came at just the right time, I was needing some good Remus love and I literally wrote this so quickly, I couldn’t stop. I hope you like it, I really loved writing it!! Ultimate Fluff Ahead, I warn you.
Wordcount: 2.3K
The papers were collected, everyone was standing up from their desks and before she knew it she was outside of the hall flying into Remus’ open arms.
“I think I did it!” She exclaimed, the post-exam relief washing over her and bringing a bright smile to both of their faces. “Did you get question four?” she asked, pulling back but their arms still attached to the other.
“Yes! Did you get question seven?” he asked, just as excited as her. She nodded energetically, removing her grip from Remus as their three friends wandered over, a blush rising on both of their cheeks as they looked away from each other.
“We’ve officially finished our N.E.W.T.S!” James laughed, swinging an arm over each of their shoulders as the whole group laughed, free of the stress which had been weighing them down for months. “We are going to party so hard tonight.” Sirius chimed in. “One last night before we all go our separate ways.”
“Hardly,” y/n laughed. “You’re moving in with James, Lils and I are moving in together. We’ll see each other all the time, this isn’t an end.”
“It’s a beginning.” Remus finished, smiling around James at her, his eyes sparkling. “Oh god, it’s happening again. I gotta move.” James said, pulling his arms back and moving beside Sirius, who was laughing as the two teens were once again blushing furiously.
“Come on, Hogsmead trip before the party?” Sirius asked. James and Peter nodded, following him out of the entrance hall into the grounds, Remus turning to y/n and offering her his hand, silently asking if she wanted to join.
She took his hand in her own, relishing in the warmth as she interlaced their fingers, pulling him into a run beside her as they caught up with their friends in the sunshine, looking forward to their lives as graduates.
“Hello Harry.” Y/n smiled down at the baby she was cradling in her arms, feeling like her heart was melting as his tiny fingers grabbed onto her single index finger, bright green eyes, the copy of Lily’s looking back at her. “I never get bored of looking after you, your mummy and daddy might just find you missing one day.” He gurgled back at her and her smile stretched even wider, not even listening to the soft footsteps padding into the room.
“Are you planning to steal our baby?” Lily asked, and y/n pulled harry closer to her chest defensively.
“I don’t think it’s stealing if he comes happily.” She responded, finally looking away from the baby she was carrying to where her friend was stood, and spotted two men walking into the room. “Besides, Remus would help me hide him, wouldn’t you?”
“In a heartbeat.” He responded, coming to stand next to her and admire Harry too. “I can’t believe how he’s a carbon copy of you, James.” James and Lily had soon left for their date night, leaving y/n and Remus in charge of the infant.
“They really are precious, aren’t they?” She asked in a quiet voice, watching him sleep in Remus’ arms as she sat next to him on the sofa, their legs touching. “Do you want one?”
“I suppose, having a baby of my own would be nice.” He answered, their voices hushed, trying not to wake Harry. “Do you?”
“One day, yeah.” She nodded, feeling his gaze turn on her. “With the right person, nothing would make me happier.”
She apparated outside the door to his flat, barely able to keep herself up as she pounded on the door, waiting for an answer. She didn’t have to wait long, however, the door swung open to reveal Remus, his eyes as red and swollen as hers was, wearing an old, oversized sweater of his.
“It can’t be true, Rem.” She sobbed, falling into his arms as he closed the door behind her, his own shoulders shaking as he held her close. “No, they’re not gone, Lily and James can’t be gone.” The tears were sliding down her face as she sobbed loudly, crying so hard she couldn’t breathe.
They both slid to the floor, grieving together, clinging to each other in an effort to not feel like they had been left alone in the world, to remind themselves that no matter what, they had each other. They sat there for hours, until there was nothing left in them to grieve, until they had exhausted themselves so much that they passed out where they were, on the floor, still holding onto each other.
Y/n woke up to light streaming in through the windows, the sky unnaturally sunny for the pain that they were experiencing. She pushed herself up and off the floor, ignoring the aches all over her body, making her way over to the kettle, setting two mugs on the side Remus stirred on the floor. With a groan and a stretch, he came to join her, sitting opposite each other, both holding their mugs and trying to absorb the warmth.
“What do we do now?” she was the first to break the silence, her voice quiet but may as well have been a shout by the way it rang through the air. He reached out for her hand, resting his on top of hers, and even now, even when their world was ending, she couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in her stomach at his touch.
“Now, we stay together. We move on. We live, but we never forget.”
“Just me and you, Rem.”
“Me and you.”
She sat in the courtyard, their favourite hang out from their days in Hogwarts, anxiously waiting for the blonde haired boy. When he appeared, aged since the time they spent here, having been through things neither of them would have imagined, she jumped to her feet, meeting him in the middle. “So?” she asked, barely able to get the words out in case she was given a response she didn’t want.
“I guess we’re both coming back to Hogwarts.” She squealed at his words, throwing her arms around his neck and squeezing him tightly as he lifted her up and spun her in a circle.
“I’m so proud of you, Rem.” She whispered once he had set her down, looking up at him, admiring his face, all the old scars and the new. She hadn’t realised how close they had gotten until an owl screeched overhead, disturbing the peace and causing the pair to jump apart from each other. “Well, Professor Lupin, let’s go and start preparing to go back to school.”
The school year had started, and they both knew this was where they were meant to be. Finally in a stable job, able to help young people through their troubles, and they both adored spending time with Harry and getting to know the person he was growing up to be. And as always, being in each other’s company was all they wanted, and were glad to have ample opportunity for.
Y/n was sat at her desk, marking some papers in her free time, trying not to let the work pile up and overwhelm her, when there was a soft knock at the door. She looked up to see the boy she had held as a baby, and smiled, ushering him in and offering him a seat next to her that she conjured up with a wave of her wand. “Do you want a tea? Have some chocolate, I’m sure Remus left some here on his last visit.” She mumbled, pulling open drawers and searching for the sweet treat her best friend loved so much. She finally found it, a bar of Honeydukes’ finest, and offered it to Harry, who took it gratefully.
“So how long have you and Professor Lupin been dating?” he asked, causing y/n to choke on the sip of tea she had taken and cough loudly in shock. “We aren’t, just long friends is all.” She managed to reply eventually.
“That’s not what the school thinks.” He laughed, “Everyone thinks you’re together, it’s near enough impossible to find you without the other. How long have you known each other then?”
“Since our first day here.” She smiled at the memory of the shy, guarded boy who smiled kindly at her when she joined his carriage in the train. “We’ve always done everything together. We would study together, plan the greatest pranks together, we set your parents up with each other – you’re welcome, and then we babysat you together, too. We even moved in together for a while, when your – when, when we were the only ones we had left.” She finished, her voice a lot smaller than when she had started. “And now we’re teaching together.” She brightened her voice, trying not to let Harry dwell on his parents any more than she knew he already must.
“And you’re telling me you went through all that together, and you still don’t love each other?” he asked, a disbelieving look on his face. Y/n shrivelled slightly in her seat. If even Harry, quite possibly the most oblivious boy she had met after his father, could see straight through her, then Remus surely did too and would have known how she felt all this time? She knew his silence throughout the years was an answer of sorts, and she had learned to be okay with that, in her own way.
“Of course I love him.” She sighed, throwing a smile his way, knowing the only way she could get through this was with a half lie. “But who said that had to be a romantic thing?” Harry nodded, finally letting the topic drop although she had a feeling that he wasn’t convinced in her words. He stayed in her office, talking about various things (Hagrid’s creatures, Snape’s detentions, upcoming Quidditch games) for a few more hours, until she shooed him back to his common room before he was caught out after curfew. A few minutes after he had gone, and she had managed to turn back to her papers, there was another knock at her door. Would she ever get these done?
She looked up, and all the irritability in her flooded out at the sight of who was there. She beamed at Remus as he walked further into the room, closing the door behind him and leaning against her desk. “Harry told me you were here.” He smiled at her, and she felt her heart race. Being back in their old school had done nothing but amplify all her old feelings for the boy, and she felt like a seventeen year old again whenever he was around. It was no wonder the school had these rumours flying around.
“Been looking, have you?” she handed him what was left of the chocolate she had shared with Harry, laughing at the way his eyes lit up in delight at the simple treat.
“What, is it a crime to look for my favourite person?”
“And now I’m your favourite person.” She smiled, a hint of sadness creeping up on her at the thought of her conversation with Harry earlier. How all he meant was best friend, and it would never be anything more.
“No, you’ve always been my favourite person.” His green eyes were soft, looking down at her with a rare emotion, one she didn’t catch often and could never quite figure out what it was when she did.
“Remus, I-”
“No, y/n, I want to say something, and I don’t want to be scared into not saying it again by my own brain. I know the rumours that are going around, about us. It’s funny, really. A whole new student body and yet the rumour about us has managed to stay in these walls. And I, Merlin this is difficult, I never wanted it to just be a rumour, and I don’t now. I didn’t want you to be in love with a monster, but you’d been by my side so long and you’d convinced me that maybe I wasn’t a monster, and I was going to tell you, I was ready. James was helping me, and then… After that nothing just felt like the right time, I couldn’t risk losing you in any way, not after everyone else was gone. But Harry, encouraging me, us, it felt like a sign of some sorts. It felt like James was back by my side, bored of listening to me go on and on about you, desperate for me to ask you out. This feels right now, finally, I feel ready to tell you that I love you, y/n, and I’ve been in love with you for over a decade.”
He stood there, his chest rising up and down rapidly with his breathing, his face wearing a wild expression as she tried to process his words. Before she had fully grasped them, before she had really taken them in, before she could appreciate the beauty of those three words, she had walked over to him and pulled him down by the front of his robes to meet his lips, so much softer than she had dreamed.
She pulled away, not wanting to open her eyes in case this had all been a dream, but the soft touches of his lips to her cheek, her nose, her forehead told her that it was all real, that he was finally hers. Her eyes fluttered open, meeting his green orbs, sparkling brighter than she had ever seen them. “I love you, Remus. I always have, and I always will.”
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spidey-boyy · 3 years
finished titans s3 ep 6- lady vic, here’s my thoughts!!
- gar and connor are too funny, love them
- yay another past relationship with dick to go over now.....
- can dick pleaseeeeeeeee stop going out on his own like, dude you literally have a whole team/family who’s willing to help if you just TaLk tO theM
- yessss kory and gar, tell him!!
- hope they go into gar’s feelings more and what’s going on with him and not just leave it at that bc i feel like this is one of the first times we’re going somewhere with him
- okay i’m still not over this,,,,, how it dick walking around as if he didn’t get himself thrown in prison how many months ago?? this isn’t the most pressing concern but i’m just curious. was it mentioned in a random line? did bruce pull strings?
- speaking of bruce, where exactly did he go when he killed joker? again, i might’ve missed it in some line but i’m curious 
- yay we got to see a little more of connor!!! i liked the scene with him and blackfire in the car. it was nice to hear more from her and connor was so sweet man. i just hope they don’t try to do anything romantic with them--
- okay dick is trying to actually talk to gar, love that
- i’m liking blackfire, she’s so funny to me and i like she has her own thing going on, but she’s still trying to contribute something and talking to other characters besides kory. i’m just curious to see where she goes since obviously kory didn’t really bring her there to be friends with the titans
- yeah what’s going on with kory and blackfire is totally like thor and loki, curious to see how that goes
- what exactly is jason trying to do?? i know he like wants to get back at dick and i guess the titans but why did he let those guys kill tim’s dad??? what’s that going to do
- i’m also trying to think of where jason’s character is going to go. this is me rambling, but i really liked his thing of thinking that he needs to be robin or a form of other entity in order to be something and his thing with not wanting to be fearful anymore,,,,,,, but how is killing people helping his situation? tbh i don’t really think he can be redeemed but also we have gar trying to defend him which i get, but idk how jason can become free of red hood or even his robin thing later on if he keeps on doing what he’s doing
- we have another character to put in the mix now….yay, again. look lady vic seems cool and all,,, but do we neeeeeed her??? she only pertains to dick out of the titans and now she’s just another person to keep up with when we have other characters that we haven’t even seen too much of yet
- do we have an update on rachel or donna?
- are we going to get more of tim too?
over all i enjoyed this ep! i thought it was paced well and i liked how we got to see everybody doing their thing and regroup in the beginning. i just hope that at some point they all come together some how, you know, as a teammmmmm
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