#LGBTQIA+ Asylum Seekers
gwydionmisha · 8 months
Have something you want to tell your Congress Critters? If you can't safely contact them in person, here are some other options:
Call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected to the representative of your choice. Here is one that will send your reps a fax: https://resist.bot/ To get your Critters' numbers to call direct: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
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no-passaran · 11 months
Hi, it's Asexuality Awareness Week and I would like to share one of the reasons why it's important to raise awareness: including asexuality in legal protection.
One of the reasons why legal protections are necessary is the case of asylum seekers. Asexual asylum seekers, who are endangered in their home country, are routinely not accepted as asylum seekers because the legislation protects LGBT people but doesn't include asexuality in the acronym.
Let's see a couple of examples:
In 2018, an Algerian man applied for asylum in the Netherlands, explaining that he feared being persecuted in his country of origin for being asexual and for refusing to marry his niece.
The Netherlands, a country that accepts LGBTI asylum seekers, did not accept this man's asylum request because asexuality is not mentioned as being in the LGBTI. The court also said that asexuality is not punishable in Algeria. But not being legally called by its name and explicitly punished does not mean asexual people don't face discrimination, forced marriages, and threats of violence and rape. (Marriage itself, by the laws in most of the world, must include "consummation", whether the people involved want to or not).
This is the case of a 26-year-old woman living in Senegal, using the pseudonym Jade. Her family, across the border in Guinea, demanded that she find a man to marry. Her sister told her that if she didn’t, their parents would force her to wed a man who would rape her.
In Guinea and Senegal, forced marriages are common – the same sister who threatened Jade was in one herself. Divorce is also heavily stigmatised – when one of Jade’s cousins told her abusive husband she wanted a divorce, he said he would shoot her, her mother and himself.
Jade is a sex-repulsed asexual woman. She feared being married to someone she didn’t love and being subjected to so-called “corrective rape” until she bore children.
She considered suicide.
Her mother suggested sending her to therapy to fix her "aversion to marriage", when Jade refused, the mother said she'd "fix" her herself. She had Jade lay on the floor while she put her hand on her chest and prayed over her, asking afterwards whether she felt any different.
For a while, Jade’s last resort was escaping West Africa permanently. After she began studying in the US, it became her first choice. When researching what her options were, she found the case from the Netherlands that we've talked about before this one. She also found that legislations that aim to protect LGBTQI around the world don't include asexuality.
At present, the only piece of legislation which explicitly mentions asexuality is New York’s Sexual Orientation Non-Discrimination Act of 2003. However, that didn’t help Jade. A New York lawyer told Jade that there was no information as to whether asexuality was grounds for asylum in the US. After a long process of trying in the USA, she couldn't make it but after a year and a half she found an opportunity to do an internship in Ireland, where she lives now.
Since leaving West Africa, Jade has learned that her parents had chosen a husband for her without her knowledge, not long before she managed to escape. She says that, had she not been able to escape, she wouldn't be alive today.
This is what people mean when they say "asexuals aren't LGBTI!", "We can't have asexuals stealing our resources!". These are the kind of resources they mean: the ones that could save the life of a person being discriminated against for not being heterosexual heteroromantic and not conforming to the normative ideas of what their love and sex life should be like. An issue that is deeply shared with the rest of the LGBTQIA+ community.
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There are many days I am horrified by what comes out of uk politicians mouths.
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But then something like this appears on my YouTube recommended viewing (what sins have I done to get the Daily Mail recommended to me?) and I have to recalibrate again. Because apparently the bar is so low in 'stupid things politicians seem to genuinely believe' it has to include "some places will Legally Kill you for being gay and that isn't enough to be a refugee" as being one of those stupid things.
Like I'm not an expert on asylum, I know very little. But. I'm going on common sense (foolish) and what I've read over the years in news coverage. And the UN act that Braverman has badmouthed covers people seeking freedom from persecution or risk to life as far as I'm aware. So the fact she's quoted as saying:
"But we will not be able to sustain an asylum system if in effect, simply being gay, or a woman, and fearful of discrimination in your country of origin is sufficient to qualify for protection."
Is. Insane.
How do you care so little about people? How?
Look, I don't like people. I feel were all needlessly complicated and I don't understand us. But. People should be allowed to be safe. People should be allowed to escape to somewhere else to be safe (arguments can be had as to how safe the UK wants to be/is considering The Fucking Stupid Bullshit The Government Keeps Saying And Doing). People should have access to food. People should have access to safe shelter.
People shouldn't be stuck on boats against their wills.
Like, its not hard. I don't like people. But that doesn't stop me caring about them or wanting them to be safe, fed, sheltered and as happy as is possible given the circumstances.
Fuck this government for thinking they can say this.
And, I guess fuck us for letting them get comfortable enough that they can.
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littlesheeneffect · 23 days
She's My Husband (Part 6) ❤️
Miles Maitland x yn (AFAB Genderfluid)
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Much of the gang was quiet the next two weeks. The solemnity of impending war and the news of horrible events wreaked everywhere. So our parties and dinners subsided quite a lot. We all tryied to blend into the framework of society a bit more, for the sake of not arousing added screwteny. Besides, expensive taste became near impossible to afford in such a short time. Nina, for instance, nearly lost her job, and at the same time, Abbie lost hers. Then came the issue with the police.
It was a dark stormy weeknight, a quarter to ten to be exact, when a rash banging came at my door. The laziness of my days left me being a bit of a nocturnal dear, so I was still up and about- thought the house was dimmed down for the evening.
Agast by a caller at such a time and the violence of the knock, I cautiously approached it. "Who is it?" I asked, a bit away from the door itself.
A whispered and muffled reply came back. Quickly recognizing the voice of Miles, I swung the door open and he quickly piled in- soaked and wearing a rain slicker.
I inquisitivly looked to & from out into the night before locking the door briskly and rushing over to Miles- who vainly attempted to pry his coat buttons off. "Oh my darling- I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to intrude on your evening!" He stammered through his cold state. "No, don't be-" though he cut me off as I helped with his buttons"- It's just that something awful has happened." "What?" I worriedly asked, as I helped him pull out of the coat.
"It's, it's poor Aggie." He turned to me now without his hat and the dampness curling his hair insanely, the damp palor of his cheeks evidenly cold. A shiver raked through his body and I quickly hushed him contrary to my worried curiosity of the event, and ushered him to a seat by the fire.
After a moment of him warming up and me setting a hot cuppa tea in his hands, he began.
"Aggie was at a formal dinner somewhere downtown- one her family's been attending for many years. Other aristocratic folks attended it as well, an and well- Aggie was Aggie. She made a somesort of spectacle they said, her family was nearly shunned and shamed to hedes and back." "Oh gosh," I shook my head. "But you see, that's not the worst of it." He took a shaky breath and continued.
"Aggie past out intoxicated sometime during the evening, and she was committed to an insane assylum, for social embarrassment." "What!!!" I exclaimed in shock.
One of the awfullest of places in our time was the horrible experimental homes for the insane. Hushed rumors held of the breakthroughs mentalists made through their electrical shock treatments, hydrotherapies, expiremental drugs, and exploratory surgeries. 'Oh no!" I gasped, mostly to myself.
"Yes, and what's more is the police now, they are going to be watching everyone who was close to her." "But, why? What did we do? And Aggie, she's always been a bit difficult but she isn't crazy!" Miles sniffled and took a sip of his tea, "I don't, I don't know. They said she didn't hold anything back and was talking endlessly about us all and our escapades. Poor Aggie- she never slowed down with the rest of us. Thing is, I am worried about going home. They'll be starting at the Maitland Hall first as she kept going on about the place when she was out of it." "Oh dear," I sighed and Miles suddenly sneezed.
"Oh no, you aren't going anywhere right now Miles- you already could've caught your death from this storm. You can stay here" I told putting a blanket round his shoulders, leaving my one arm still draped round his back lightly. He grinned a misty eyed smile back at me. "I'm more than happy to have you," I smiled, suddenly becoming caught in his twinkling gaze.
"Thank you, y/n darling", he muttered, a sweet smile tugging at the corners of his eyes. The still slightly moist curls wildly kissed his forehead and danced about his ears, adding to the beauty of his countenance.
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Neither of us looked away for some time, before I unintentionally stroked some of the curls back, by his left ear. The firelight glowed against our faces. "Y/n, when this settles down a bit..." his voice hesitated, as his eyes flickered about my features, "I'd like to take you to the Ritz." I smiled, "I'd like that too, Miles."
After another thirty minutes or so, of warming up and trying to relax from the terrible news, we retired for the evening. We had to share my bed as it was the only one. Though, it didn't bother either of us- we were so exhausted & fell asleep talking about how to play the piano.
...... To Be Continued ........
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qupritsuvwix · 4 months
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No one should be deported, period. But it only took a mental health episode for Sal Khan, an openly queer journalist and political refugee from Pakistan, to be detained by ICE.
Go to @aarw.boston’s Linktree and use the toolkit to write, email, call, and demand:
Free Sal Khan from ICE!!
Repost from @psychosisjones:
Happy Pride Month!!! This month is about revolution and liberation, so if you want to contribute to that, please help my friend who is currently being wrongfully held in ICE custody!!!
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purplelalys · 7 months
Sign this petition to ensure protection for asylum seekers in germany!
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queer-africa · 26 days
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Hi guys, it’s just 1 day to my birthday. Can someone make me feel loved that I can also celebrate it. I wish to have a good one like others. Being in homophobic environment surrounded by our rivals everywhere shouldn’t take away our happiness.
Please help me have a good one.
Also please help and donate to lgbtiqa asylum seekers in Kenya so that we can buy food and medicine. Sanitary for lesbians, safe housing, safe water and milk for babies.
Help and donate to me so that I can have a special birthday. Thank you 🙏
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Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya is home to 200,000 people, and of those 60,000 are LGBTQIA+ or queer. I learned about their situation from @kakuma-queer
Alongside the hardships of living in Kakuma, these people suffer persecution for their identities, including physical harm and verbal harassment from local townspeople and other refugees, denial of services and resources due to their orientations and identities, and lack of access to specialised healthcare.
A 2023 Amnesty International article:
A 2021 report by Organisation for Refuge, Asylum & Migration:
GoFundMe links:
GoFundMe fundraisers have been organised to get the money needed to improve the situation for queer people in Kakuma.
@kakuma-queer97 also has a PayPal to donate directly:
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lgbtiqrefugeesblog · 3 months
It’s a pride month and the message is still clear.
No one has to be persecuted for seeking asylum due to their gender identities.
No one has to be discriminated and or denied services because of their gender identity.
No one has to starve, limit movements, suffer unfavorable selectivity of the law, moreover, even in refugee laws because we are queer.
All LGBTIQ refugees in african refugee camp, and those displaced on the continent need immediate durable solutions.
We demand refugee laws in Africa to welcome and accommodate all queer refugees and asylum seekers regardless of who we fall in love with.
If they need reforms or condemning, let’s keep joining hands for our siblings in Africa.
Love knows no limits, and this June, we're shining a spotlight on all the incredible LGBTQIA brides in Gorom! Your love stories inspire us, and your journeys to the altar are milestones in the fight for equality and acceptance. Whether you're planning a grand celebration or an intimate gathering, your love deserves to be honored and celebrated. Let's make this month a joyful reminder that love conquers.
HAPPY PRIDE ✊🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
We shall be very proud and appreciative if you stand with us LGBTIQ refugees and asylum seekers in African camps in love and solidarity If you donate to us and also we enjoy and celebrate this #2024pride month.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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orangetubor · 9 months
Urgent news, many lgbtqi residents of kakuma refugee camp are now homeless. Here is a statement from my friend Peter:
As an LGBTQIA+🏳️‍🌈, I bear witness to the horrifying police brutality that unfolded before my very eyes, along with my fellow LGBTQIA+ advocates, freedom fighters, and refugees in Kakuma refugee camp. It was a day we had come together to celebrate our pride, a moment of unity and empowerment during Pride Month. However, what transpired shattered our sense of safety and belonging.In the midst of our joyful pride party, the police forcefully invaded our presence, displaying an alarming disregard for our rights and humanity. Our small tent house, adorned with rainbow flags symbolizing our pride and resilience, was ruthlessly torn down. We, the members of the LGBTQIA+ community, were subjected to brutal beatings by those who are entrusted with the duty to protect us, but who instead exhibited violent, homophobic, and transphobic tendencies.This appalling act served as a stark reminder that within Kakuma refugee camp and Kenya at large, there is no place for us. Even the officials who should be safeguarding our rights have become perpetrators of violence and discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ family. We pose no threat, for we bear no weapons and have not inflicted harm upon anyone. Yet, we are continually targeted by the refugee community, subjected to brutality, torture, persecution, discrimination, and social stigma solely due to our sexual orientation and gender identity.The conditions we endure in the camp are unbearable, pushing us to exist in a state of constant fear, insecurity, and suffering. We are forced to live in a primitive and inhospitable environment, stripped of our dignity and denied basic human rights. This relentless adversity places an immense burden on the LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees in Kakuma refugee camp, compromising our very survival.Therefore, I implore all those who champion human rights and stand against injustice to join forces and provide us with international support. We call upon activists, organizations dedicated to protecting LGBTQIA+ rights and lives, and the global community at large to unite as one, advocating for our freedom from the confines of Kakuma refugee camp. It is evident that this camp will never be a safe haven for us.We desperately need your unwavering support and solidarity. Ignoring our plight is not an option; it is through your intervention and collective efforts that we can secure our liberation. Together, let us work towards a world where every LGBTQIA+ individual can thrive, free from persecution and discrimination. Our lives and well-being depend on it..wish we find your support and solidarity on the less fortunate, thanks
(he sent this to me over whatsapp, you can also find it on his tumblr, @peterkats )
Please share this, spread international outrage, and get them help
The owner of the compound sold it, and many are now homeless. The nearest refugee camps are in Somalia, Zambia, Sudan and South Africa, which are miles away, they have no food or water, and many are sick or injured.
If you can, send aid through World Remit or Send Wave, to the phone number +254712692466, belonging to Abdul Luyombya, a friend of Peter's.
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number-1-haxorus-fan · 10 months
There are consistent abuses of LGBTQIA+ people happening in the Kakuma refugee camp due to government neglect and hateful ideas spread about them. If you can, please support them in any way you can. Here are a couple of news articles explaining what's going on in more detail:
Additionally, please reach out to @godwin5mizo if you're interested in helping, they're an activist advocating for the LGBTQIA+ people in Kakuma, and they're willing to help explain what's going on, and how you could help them. Please help spread the word.
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"Just because Biden's old doesn't mean he can't be president!"
No, no it doesn't. But you're either in denial or choosing to ignore the truth if you truly think people are questioning Biden's competency due to age alone.
Yes, older adults can absolutely hold office. There are many older adults who would be competent. But Biden is showing signs of memory loss. He's stumbling over his words. And he doesn't always seem to know what he's talking about. These are things that often happen as the mind and body age. Pretending they are completely unrelated to aging is ridiculous. And if Biden were a civilian, it would be one thing. But those are not qualities that are safe in a president.
Pretending that Biden is perfectly okay and that people are just ageist is not going to fix the problem.
People focus on the age argument because it's very simple to say, "Older people can hold office, too!" But you know very well it's not just age.
He is committing a fucking genocide!
Protesters are being teargassed, shot with rubber bullets, tased even if restrained, etc. You know, the things Trump supported?
Then there's immigration. There are still human rights violations at the border. And no, he didn't develop the problems, but as president it's his job to fix it. Now he decided to pause granting asylum, and suddenly he's bragging about border arrests being down 40%.
Maybe it was necessary to halt some immigration to fix the system. I really don't know. It's hard to address the issues of the system to help the people already in detention centers while new people are being detained. But the fact that it got to this point is nothing to brag about.
While asylum is paused, asylum seekers will die. These are people who are fleeing deadly situations, and they cannot always wait. It's easy to say that taking the time to fix a broken system will help more people in the long run, but the lives that are lost in the meantime can never be brought back. Taking the step of pausing asylum, even if it ends up being necessary, is nothing to brag about.
He hasn't restored abortion rights. LGBTQIA+ rights, religious freedom, and bodily autonomy have faced severe roll backs under his presidency.
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trans-sarah · 3 months
As an LGBTQIA+🏳️‍🌈, I bear witness to the horrifying police brutality that unfolded before my very eyes, along with my fellow LGBTQIA+ advocates, freedom fighters, and refugees in Kakuma refugee camp. It was a day we had come together to celebrate our pride, a moment of unity and empowerment during Pride Month. However, what transpired shattered our sense of safety and belonging.In the midst of our joyful pride party, the police forcefully invaded our presence, displaying an alarming disregard for our rights and humanity. Our small tent house, adorned with rainbow flags symbolizing our pride and resilience, was ruthlessly torn down. We, the members of the LGBTQIA+ community, were subjected to brutal beatings by those who are entrusted with the duty to protect us, but who instead exhibited violent, homophobic, and transphobic tendencies.This appalling act served as a stark reminder that within Kakuma refugee camp and Kenya at large, there is no place for us. Even the officials who should be safeguarding our rights have become perpetrators of violence and discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ family. We pose no threat, for we bear no weapons and have not inflicted harm upon anyone. Yet, we are continually targeted by the refugee community, subjected to brutality, torture, persecution, discrimination, and social stigma solely due to our sexual orientation and gender identity.The conditions we endure in the camp are unbearable, pushing us to exist in a state of constant fear, insecurity, and suffering. We are forced to live in a primitive and inhospitable environment, stripped of our dignity and denied basic human rights. This relentless adversity places an immense burden on the LGBTQIA+ asylum seekers and refugees in Kakuma refugee camp, compromising our very survival.Therefore, I implore all those who champion human rights and stand against injustice to join forces and provide us with international support. We call upon activists, organizations dedicated to protecting LGBTQIA+ rights and lives, and the global community at large to unite as one, advocating for our freedom from the confines of Kakuma refugee camp. It is evident that this camp will never be a safe haven for us.We desperately need your unwavering support and solidarity. Ignoring our plight is not an option; it is through your intervention and collective efforts that we can secure our liberation. Together, let us work towards a world where every LGBTQIA+ individual can thrive, free from persecution and discrimination. Our lives and well-being depend on it..wish we find your support and solidarity on the less fortunate, thanks
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marveltrumpshate · 2 years
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As LGBTQIA rights are human rights, and there are many members of fandom who are part of these identities, charities which support the work of ensuring equity for LGBTQIA individuals are part of the backbone of MTH. Please note the acronym used in each description is the one used on the organization’s website.
For more information on donation methods and accepted currencies, please refer to our list of organizations page.
Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration (ORAM)
ORAM assists people fleeing persecution based on their sexual orientation and/or gender identity and expression. They are with LGBTIQ asylum seekers and refugees every step of the way, from the asylum process to resettlement and rebuilding of their livelihoods. They provide legal assistance and resources, champion LGBTIQ rights, respond to emergency situations, and help asylum seekers and refugees get back on their feet economically so they can survive and thrive on their own.
OutRight Action International
OutRight advocates for human rights for LGBTIQ individuals worldwide and is the only advocacy group of its kind with a permanent voice in the United Nations. They commit to intersectional work on the local, national, and global levels. Their work includes partnering with activists to develop effective advocacy for LGBTIQ rights, training those partners in tactics to carry out those goals, and researching and documenting discriminatory and life-threatening conditions for LGBTIQ people.
Rainbow Railroad
Rainbow Railword helps LGBTQI individuals around the world escape persecution, violence, imprisonment, or death. Since 2006, they’ve assisted more than 3,100 people from over 38 countries in emergency situations find asylum in safe countries. Rainbow Railroad also monitors and reports on state-sponsored violence affecting the LGBTQI community in 70 countries that criminalize LGBTQI identification and relationships.
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