#LOG Horizon
boxonarock · 10 months
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quick shiroe
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himuronanart · 1 month
With ZZZ Von Lycaon having entered my life and my friends immediately teasing me for becoming a furry, I thought back to the anthropomorphic characters I've liked and realized-
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I just like gentlemanly animals cuz they do chivalry better than humans ever could
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madame-helen · 1 month
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igriswholove · 6 months
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Oh hey! I found old drawings from Login Horizon !!!!
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thatkirisame · 4 months
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Akatsuki from Log Horizon
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its-to-the-death · 4 months
Glasses Swag Sequel Preliminary Round #9
Only one will make it into the bracket!
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the magus situation, or, "ak remembers log horizon exists and it exacerbates the brainrot"
(gonna be a long one)
so to the surprise of absolutely nobody i did in fact watch log horizon at one point in the past, and also tried reading the light novel but never ended up finishing it. my opinion on it is mostly "solid and had good potential, with some unfortunate quirks to how it's written". the anime is better than sao's, but the novel is worse
this isn't what this post is about
it's instead about a certain *spinoff manga*
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the fuckign west wind brigade manga in all its janky beauty. it's a story that takes place in parallel with (and overlaps with) the main story while focusing on different parts of the world and a completely different cast of main characters. it tends to be somewhat more light-hearted than the main story (but not by a lot)
it's also technically a harem story, but in the same way UQ holder is, which is to say that soujirou seta has that touta konoe charm that makes me go "yeah i fully get it this guy is impossible to hate"; he's more the guild dog than the guild leader half the time (affectionate)
spoilers for the west wind brigade manga incoming
so the afformentioned soujirou seta (middle character on the manga cover) is in fact the very first person to die after the catastrophe, and in the process he proved that even after the world became real, *respawning was still a thing*
which suddenly made the prospect of pk'ing much less ethically daunting, leading to a massive explosion in guilds of bored disillusioned trapped people with nothing better to do starting to kill and loot en masse, as was already a massive plotpoint in log horizon proper. some are big guilds, some are smaller
and some are technically solo
which brings us, finally, to magus
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*fucking magus* (affectionate?)
edgelord in a longcoat with the cringy speeches
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but it's not exactly sincere is it? it's all forced, constantly like he's talking as much to himself as to his "audience"
like he really *wants* to believe what he's saying
"it's all a game anyway, i can do whatever i want! definitely! right? RIGHT?"
it is, in fact, a coping mechanism
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because to admit it's real would mean it matters. would mean you're not actually hidden away anymore. no walls to hide behind. no mask
because it's all mask
it was the whole time
because it's easier that way
the persona and the longcoat an the fancy explanations for why it's totally correct and real, trust me! definitely not fucking desperate over here, no sirree!
it's the beater again. there's a beater in log horizon but you never meet them in the main story. because for this beater, the game doesn't end because it's over. but because they finally admit to themself it was never a game to begin with. which was of course the only way out, because log horizon doesn't have a win condition
if you can't "win", you need to stop playing
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but that's not quite the whole story, is it?
because you know how it is with beaters
there's always a little footnote at the end
this funny little common thread that all examples ive found so far seem to share
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yeah there's a massive very explicit gender angle to all of this because it's just part of the package at this point
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and that is how magus' redemption arc also has her turning into a girl
it's frankly amazing, the thematic parallels write themselves, it's so delightfully on the nose!
this whole thing is in fact one giant transgender allegory that's barely an allegory at all
the "edgy longcoat-wearer with terrible coping mechanisms" to "cute akward goth girl" pipeline is real
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sage-basil · 4 months
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the sage
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waffliesinyoface · 1 month
every time i log into ffxiv my brain, which has been terminally isekai poisoned, goes "hey imagine if everyone logged in got Log Horizon'd. would that be fucked up or what"
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buddygrouse · 2 years
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what the hell kind of name is rundelhaus code
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xionandpluto14 · 2 months
Sometimes it’s just you and your emotional support non canon ships against the world
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good-anime-food · 1 year
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Log Horizon
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loghorizonfunfacts · 5 months
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Log Horizon Fun Fact #279:
The Log Horizon TRPG website was coded by Yamamoto Yamane, a long-time Log Horizon fan and the author of the side story novel Kushiyatama, Do Your Best! (The novel started out as fan fiction before being picked up for official serialization)
May 3 was not only Catastrophe Day, but also the 10th anniversary of the TRPG website. Yamane tweeted about it, remarking that he's reminded about the rushed job he did (and the sloppy code that resulted) every time he looks at it.
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hoicacti · 17 days
The Log Horizon intro goes hard
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coronarycorsair · 1 year
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