#Leviathan demon slayer AU
random-vore-blog · 1 year
Return of the prince
The sea was super cold, and unforgiving. The waters roared with fury and slammed against the rocks that surrounded his small unconscious form. Tanjiro Kamado, a very well respected young lad, had crashed his ship into rocks, managing to cause a wreckage of his beloved ship. The waves rolled in, but his small unconscious form was on one of the rocks, legs unfortunate to get soaked by the salty water. A massive shark fin emerged from the water, yellow and light yellow with some white on the tip of the fin was almost impossible to miss.
A Short Fin Mako shark.
The fin swam around where Tanjiro's body was, slow. It wasn't long until the shark fin stopped swimming, disappearing under the water before a head emerged, scales scattered everywhere on the head. It was a Leviathan, not an overgrown or giant shark. Its hair was long and somewhat curly, a dark shade of grey that was nearly pitch black, yellow-golden eyes and weirdly coloured veins that were near the surface of its forehead and under its eyes, a smile plastered on its face.
It looked down at the unconscious sailor, eyes zeroed on the poor kid like a predator waiting to pounce on its prey. Its smile widened before placing both hands on each side from the rock the boy laid on unconsciously. Its clawed hands, from the tip of its fingers to its elbows, were eagle like. Its talons dug into the hard surface.
" My! What a pleasant surprise!"
It spoke, voice sounding like something from a fantasy world, it was definitely male. He brought his large head closer to the unconscious Kamado boy, inspecting him for any injuries. He was laying on his stomach, and his back seemed fine. That was, until he spotted the Hanafuda earrings. His eyes widened, smile faltering but it returned again but with more joy behind it.
" Oh... it seems that I have found you, Tanjiro. Master will be so happy to finally have you in his hand."
He gently turned the boy, which caused him to stir. His face scrunched up as he was gaining consciousness, fingers twitching. When Tanjiro woke up, the first thing he did was groan in pain and quickly put a hand on his shoulder, back turned to face Urogi. This was something that made him frown.
" U-gh... w-what... what happened?"
He heard the boy grunt, using his hand to hold his head in pain, to which Urogi found very worrisome. He said nothing, letting out a breathe that caused the small lad to turn around quickly, using one hand to feel for- what he assumed- to be his nichirin blade. The fear in his eyes grew when he didn't seem to find his weapon. Urogi leaned closer, lips inches away from the boy.
" Don't fear me, Young guppy. I bring no harm."
He spoke, four canine fangs clicking when he closed his mouth. He gave the poor boy the friendliest smile he could muster, trying to ease Tanjiro's nerves as much as possible. It didn't seem to work.
" D-don't c-c-come ne-nea-r me!"
The young boy said, scooting away with his body fully turned to face him, which gave Urogi a clear view of the boy's shoulder. It was not a pretty sight. His shoulder was, quite literally, busted open to the point that you could see the bone that attached his arm to the skeleton. How he didn't bleed out from the wounds was a miracle, or he crashed into the rocks recently. The possibility was huge.
" Look, Young guppy. If you aren't treated immediately, your wound could cause you to die of bloodloss or get infected and also lead you to your death."
He spoke gently, looking at the small human that Muzan had searched for, the one being he has been looking for, for more than 1000 years.
He saw the boy shift uncomfortably, knowing that he was speaking the awful truth. He needed Tanjiro's trust, before he could safely carry him to Muzan. If he didn't get the poor lad to M-
" Look, Young guppy, I am only trying to help you. Please, just trust me."
He said, voice desperate and reassuring. He didn't want to fail his Master and soon to be Master. Hopefully his kindness would be enough for the boy to trust him.
" I promise to not hurt you."
" O-oka-y..."
His eyes widened slightly, tail wagging underneath the dark waters in excitement. His eyes softened and he gently smiled a small kind smile.
" I am glad to hear that, Young guppy."
He said, before adjusting his position to be more comfortable than his previous position.
" Please don't be frightened for what I am about to do. I promise that it is safe."
The boy was confused, before he was frightened when he opened his maw, saliva dripping from the roof of his mouth. He started to panic, the cavernous maw of the Leviathan enveloping his smaller and more fragile body with ease. He felt the tongue lick his injury, causing it to burn and make him yell in pain.
" P-please d-do-n't-"
He choked, starting to sob and shake in fear. He heard and felt the Leviathan hum, almost as if it was purring in delight. Was this a trick? Was it going to finish him off after all?
He felt himself being maneuvered by the pink appendage near the back of its throat, causing him to start to panic even more and start to try to crawl away. It was fruitless, as he was pulled into the dark tube. The walls were gentle as it pulled him down, as if the creature knew how fragile his body was. He had tried to speak, but the saliva in the tube kept getting into his mouth.
A single swallow pulled him deeper, and it was all it took to send him down, into the inevitable organ that would bre-
He was gently deposited into the organ when his legs touched the sphincter to which the muscle allowed him to enter said organ. He slipped into a pool of something, and it didn't smell acidic.
" W-whe-where... is t-th-this? H-how am I not being eaten by this?"
He muttered, still fearful and shivering. It was a traumatizing experience. He heard a low rumble come from all around him, sending vibrations around the organ.
" How are you doing, Young guppy? Is everything alright in there?"
He flinched at the loud, yet, muffled voice that surrounded him. Why was it worried about him? Why did it ask if he was alright? Was it pla-
" ..."
" *Sigh* You must be so scared... such a traumatizing experience for you- but I promise that you are safe!"
" I-it's a-alri-alright..."
" I am glad. Rest now, you need it. Let me take care of you."
He felt his shoulder tingle, and the pain was gone. He turned to look at his shoulder, only to see that there was no deep wound anymore. He felt his eyes grow heavy and, without realizing it, he had fallen unconscious.
He gently and slowly lifted himself from where the boy was previously. He didn't want to wake up the poor child, he would have gone all the way to Sekido so that his head could be ripped off. As gently and as slowly as he could, he submerged himself under the dark and mysterious waters. He waited until he could swim without waking up the very tired child.
He began to swim to a deeper area of the ocean, making the ride not too bumpy for his little passenger inside his crop. He swam towards where he picked up Aizetsu's scent, and saw his brother.
" Aizetsu? What are you doing?"
He asked joyfully, smile plastered on his face.
" Found a poor victim of the storm..."
His brother said, webbed hand equipped with sharp nails- which were actually claws- placed on his chest. He decided to spill the news.
" I found him. The one Master has been looking for."
He saw his brother's eyes widen slightly, a small smile etched its way onto his face- despite it looking like a sad smile.
" Master will be proud."
" I agree."
He looked down at his chest, placing a taloned hand gently onto his chest where the kid was.
" Our little prince has returned."
( This is some lore in my Leviathian demon slayer AU! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and you are free to ask my au anything! Dares are also an exception!)
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(This is a gift for @leviathanverse. They made a really cool siren AU for Demon Slayer and we thought it would be neat if they somehow interacted with my Half-Demon! Tanjiro AU! So here you go buddy!)
When Worlds Collide
Warnings: swearing and a panic attack
“Oof!” Akaza roared as his large body landed on a pile of rocks. He raised his head and growled in anguish. “What the hell?” Akaza growled as he rubbed the top of his head. His large siren tail grazed against the sharp rocks.
The moon shone brightly against his light blue and yellow scales. “Where the hell am I?” He looked around only to see nothing but trees behind him and an endless ocean in front. “Did I crash into these?” Akaza lifted his tail as he started to think about what happened.
It had been a long and nasty fight at sea. Akaza was being tracked by an expert sailor the Muzan wanted dead. The sailor was quite young, yet formidable and he wore the hanafuda earrings that used to belong to the best demon slayer known to mankind. The needle fish siren wanted to dispose of the boy after failing his last mission to retrieve the Blue Spider Lily.
This was no easy task however. The sailor was incredibly determined and hit poor Akaza with everything he had. The siren was able to do some damage to the sailor’s ship, but he mostly took the hits himself.
Then, a great storm struck the area. The sailor and his crew were able to get away, but the siren wasn’t so lucky. Akaza ended up getting caught in a vicious vortex that must’ve sent him here.
“That damn sailor!” Akaza growled as he clenched his fist. “He won’t get away with this!” The siren looked around him once more to see a few lights on the ocean. They were searching boats! “Shit!” Akaza hissed. “I better go into my bipedal form.”
The siren pulled himself off of the sharp rocks and onto the soft ground. Then, his bones started to crack as his body started to change shape. The siren’s body shrunk to the size of a normal person and his siren tail split off into two legs. “Much better.” Akaza sighed.
Akaza was dusting off his new legs when a strange voice called out to him. “Lord Akaza! Lord Akaza!” The voice was familiar and awfully chirpy. “Urogi?” Akaza swiveled his head towards the dark forest. Suddenly, the familiar bird demon flew through the trees and landed in front of Akaza.
“Oh, Urogi!” Akaza chuckled softly. “I’m so glad to see a familiar face.” Urogi took his hand and he looked at Akaza with an odd worried expression. “Well I’m glad that I found ya! Lord Tanjiro wants to see you!”
Akaza raised an eyebrow in confusion. Lord Tanjiro? Was he a new moon? “Who’s Lor- woah!” Before Akaza could say anything, Urogi started to drag him through the forest. “Come on! We don’t have much time!” Urogi yelled as he ran through the woods.
Akaza’s mind felt dizzy with confusion. Lord Tanjiro? Not much time? What was this bird demon talking about? He didn’t say much during the time that Urogi was dragging him. The poor siren was just confused.
He was suddenly thrusted in front of a small house. “Hey! Don’t drag me around like that!” Akaza hissed at Urogi. “Sorry, but this is urgent!” He opened the door and jumped into the house. Akaza quickly followed the bird. “This better not be some sort of tri-“
He realized he was surrounded by endless doors and rooms. Akaza’s jaw dropped as he looked around. “W-where am I?” Urogi shot a look of utter confusion at him. “We’re at the Infinity Castle..You’ve been here many times before.”
“Huh?! I’ve never been here!” Akaza hissed. Urogi tilted his head, even more confused. He then shook his head. “Just follow me.” Urogi then started to fly through the endless doors. “Wait!” Akaza started to chase after the bird.
The endless doors stayed the same as they ran. Sometimes though, Akaza would occasionally look inside one to see what looked like bedrooms. His head started to spin now. He had no idea where he was or what was going on.
They eventually reached a room where a bunch of familiar demons were. Gyutaro and Daki were talking with a strange manticore demon. The other three Hantengu clones were chatting amongst themselves, Douma and Enmu were talking as they huddled with Rui. One thing was common with all of them, they were incredibly worried.
“What’s going on? Why’s everyone so worried?” Akaza’s voice softened as he walked through the room. “Haven’t you heard?” Urogi turns back towards him, worried. “Strifles is missing.” Akaza was even more confused. Why would they all create such a fuss over a non-ranking demon?
A loud roar came from the front of the room. Everyone turned their heads to face their noble leader. “Good evening everyone!” A gentle and kind voice called from the front of the room. “Kokushibo’s gonna be a bit late today, but he’ll be here shortly.”
“Who is that?” Akaza mumbled to himself. He decided that the best way to know for sure was to push his way through the crowd. “Get outta my way!” “Upper Rank Three coming through!” “Pardon me, Miss Daki.” “Excuse me!” The other demons grumbled and growled as Akaza made his way through.
“What the hell, Akaza?!” Sekido yelled as he shifted to the side. “Oh get a gri-“ it was then that Akaza saw someone who he would never expect to see. “Lord Akaza! That was incredibly rude!” The boy with the hanafuda earrings was here! Standing right in front of Akaza! The only differences were that he was taller and had the eyes of a demon.
“Wha-what’s going on?” Akaza said weakly. He felt like his whole world was crashing down. “Well if you weren’t being so rude, you would’ve known by now.” The boy said in a stern older brother voice. “Yeah! Don’t disrespect Lord Tanjiro!” Gyutaro hissed menacingly.
Lord Tanjiro? Strifles? Infinity Castle? What the HELL is going on? Everything seemed like it was spinning around Akaza. “Y-you aren’t the Demon King!” Akaza’s fists shook nervously, but he stood his ground. Tanjiro raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean? I was the one who revived you.” He said calmly.
“I NEVER DIED!!” Akaza roared as he dug his feet into the ground. All the other demons just looked at him, confused. “Did ya hit your head on those rocks, buddy?” Urogi asked. Akaza just shook his head. “You all must be crazy!” Even more confused mews and growls came from the demons.
“This has to a nightmare. It has to be!” Akaza mumbled to himself as he clenched his fists. He then leaped directly at Tanjiro. Luckily, Douma and Urogi caught him and held him in place. “You did this! I’m gonna make you regret it! I’ll kill you!” Akaza roared.
“Woah! Woah! Slow down big guy!” Douma held on tightly to the struggling demon. “Get off of me! I’ll fucking kill you all!” Akaza snarled as he struggled to get loose. “What the hell is happening here?!”
They all turned their heads to see..Akaza being accompanied by Kokushibo. Everyone’s jaws hit the floor. Two Akazas?! How?! Urogi and Douma instantly let go of the other Akaza and the poor siren merely fell to his knees. “Who a-are you?” Siren Akaza said weakly. “I’m you!” Akaza yelled
Siren Akaza faced the ground and started to grip his head tightly. “No no NO! This can’t be happening! Where am I?! What is this place?!” His breathing grew heavy as the room spun around him. He had to hold back tears from flowing down his face. “How will I get back?”
“I think I might know what is happening.” Kokushibo approached the panicking siren. “Lord Tanjiro, we all know how Strifles went missing yesterday.” Everyone nodded their heads. “Right..” Tanjiro said calmly. “What if he got transported into another universe?”
Tanjiro’s eyes widened as the room was filled with gasps and murmurs. “So basically, you’re saying that this different Akaza might have accidentally swapped places with Strifles?” Kokushibo nodded. “I believe so, yeah.”
Siren Akaza shot his head up. “Would you know how to take me back?!” His voice was desperate. He hated to sound that way, but he really had no choice. Kokushibo shook his head. “I don’t know a way that will one hundred percent work, all I’ve heard are theories.”
Siren Akaza turned back to the floor. “Great! Just great!” Tanjiro’s eyes filled with worry and sympathy as he approached the siren. He then gently wrapped him in his green and black checkered haori. “Hey. It’s okay. We’ll get you home.”
“Why would I trust you?!” Siren Akaza growled. “Because you really have no choice.” Akaza said flatly. “Besides, we want Strifles back!” Siren Akaza shot a look at him. “Do you have a plan?” Most of the demons shook their hands.
“Why don’t we start where you landed? That makes the most sense to me!” Urogi chirped happily. Siren Akaza stood up and looked directly in his eyes. “Sounds like a great idea, Urogi!” Tanjiro beamed. “Alright everyone! Let’s follow Urogi.”
The bird demon started to head towards the entrance of the Infinity Castle and all the other demons followed suit. Tanjiro waited for all of the demons to leave before placing a comforting hand on Siren Akaza’s shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll get you home.” Siren Akaza shook it off. “Yeah, you better.”
To be continued..
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kanroji-san · 10 months
Obanai!Mc AU & Mitsuri!Mc AU
Obanai!Mc: Yup! Sometimes i gotta beat the demons off with a stick
-Earlier that day-
Obanai!Mc:*Holding a stick and waving it as a weapon*BACK!? YOU DEMONS BACK I SAY!?!
Seven Brothers:*Surrounding them with growls trying to get to both of them*
Mitsuri!Mc: *Who was put behind Obanai!Mc with worried look*
Obanai!Mc*Grabbing a D.D.D. , showing a picture of them and their family to distract her (Mitsuri!Mc)* BACK!?!
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malachiexists13 · 22 days
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TLDR: I'm doing Kinktober this year using a list I made myself. The blank version is available in the post linked above. Below is the list I'll be editing over the month of October to show what I am writing/not writing and I'm only doing up to two prompts per day. You can submit multiple prompts and there's no limit to how many per character but I cannot promise that they'll all be written this year. Some may be saved for next year.
[OBEY ME] Lucifer || Leviathan || Belphegor || Solomon || Barbatos
[IKESEN] Mitsuhide Akechi || Mitsunari Ishida || Ranmaru Mori || Kanetsugu Naoe || Kenshin Uesugi || Kicho
[IKEVAMP] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart || Comte de Saint-Germain || Sebastian || Johann Georg Faust
[IKEPRI] Chevalier Michel || Licht Klein || Gilbert von Obsidian
[IKEVIL] William Rex || Ellis Twilight || Elbert Greetia
[GENSHIN IMPACT] Aether || Venti || Zhongli || Albedo || Xiao || Kaedehara Kazuha || Thoma || Gorou || Shikanoin Heizou || Tighnari || Cyno || Wanderer/Kunikuzushi/Scaramouche || Alhaitham || Kaveh || Lyney || Freminet || Neuvillette || Wriothesley || Kinich
[DEMON SLAYER] Giyuu Tomioka || Obanai Iguro || Michikatsu Tsugikuni || Yoriichi Tsugikuni
As the writer, I reserve the right to deny any prompts that I do not feel comfortable writing or any requests from people who are rude and/or disrespectful. If I do not post your request on the day you asked for, it means I either chose not to write it or I may have saved it for next year. Please do not harass and/or send me messages asking about it.
Requests OPEN
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Crossed Out - Not Writing It || Blue Text - Author Picked || Purple Text - Requested
DAY 1: Porn Actors AU || Anonymous Sex || One Night Stand
DAY 2: Handjobs || Fingering || Piercings
DAY 3: Orgasm Control || Squirting || Cumming Early/Prematurely
DAY 4: Make-Up Sex || Mirror Sex || Bondage
DAY 5: Phone Sex || Guided Touching || Rough Sex
DAY 6: Against A Wall || Sixty-Nine || Creampie
DAY 7: Sensory Deprivation || Sex Toys || Breath Play
DAY 8: Workplace Sex || Car Sex || Desk/Office Sex
DAY 9: Choking || Dacryphilia || Hate Sex
DAY 10: Accidental Stimulation || Humiliation || Clothes On
DAY 11: Wet Dreams || Sexual Fantasy || Femdom
DAY 12: First Time/s || Role Reversal || Dirty Talk
DAY 13: Striptease || Fetish Clothing || Lingerie
DAY 14: Discipline/Punishment || Praise/Degradation || Teasing
DAY 15: Bathroom Sex || Public/ Outdoor Sex || Hair-Pulling
DAY 16: Pregnancy Sex || Overstimulation || Lap Dance
DAY 17: Spanking || Roleplay || Blood
DAY 18: Dry Humping || Aphrodisiacs || Intoxication
DAY 19: Begging || Crossdressing || Stomach Bulge
DAY 20: Infidelity/Cuckolding || Threesome || Cunnilingus
DAY 21: Anal/Pegging || Size Difference || Shower/Bath Sex
DAY 22: Breeding || Heats/Ruts || Thigh-riding
DAY 23: Strap-On || Cum Dump || Knotting
DAY 24: Facesitting || Deepthroating || Masturbation
DAY 25: Exhibitionism || Getting Caught || Voyeurism
DAY 26: Double Penetration || Orgy || Switching Partners
DAY 27: Casual Sex/FWB || Monsterfucking || Daddy Kink
DAY 28: Biting/Marking || Jealousy || Possessiveness
DAY 29: Mommy Kink || Blowjob || Blindfolds/Restraints
DAY 30: Cockwarming || Somnophilia || Foreplay/Aftercare
DAY 31: Worship || Sub/Dom || Vanilla Sex || Free Space
DAY 1: Disaster ||
DAY 2: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 3: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 4: "Forgive Me, Baby?" ||
DAY 5: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 6: Hard to Say No ||
DAY 7: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 8: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 9: Detestation or Adoration? ||
DAY 10: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 11: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 12: A Bet ||
DAY 13: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 14: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 15: Apprehension ||
DAY 16: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 17: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 18: A Lesson in Botany ||
DAY 19: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 20: Sweet Addiction ||
DAY 21: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 22: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 23: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 24: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 25: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 26: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 27: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 28: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 29: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 30: Nothing to be seen here yet
DAY 31: Nothing to be seen here yet
All works found in these masterlists are only posted to Tumblr and Archive of Our Own under the name "Malachi Exists" or another variation with the number "13". If they are found elsewhere, that means it is a stolen work and should be reported as such.
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gennemi · 5 months
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My requests are open! I do Smut, Angst, and Fluff! You can submit your requests in as anon! As long as you are 18+! I don't mind doing Female/gender neutral or non binary reader! I'm fine with LGBTQIA+ related stuff!
Things I will do is: Headcanons, SMAU (Social Media AU), one-shots, and small drabbles as far as like anime goes!
I will also do Modern AU with Demon Slayer, One Piece and Attack on Titan! And No Curses AU with JJK!
I'm also starting to write for Attack On Titan and Obey Me!
My nos for smut:
-Non Con/Rape/Dubious Consent
-Scat, Piss/Throw up Kink
Others I won't write for:
-Large Age Gaps
-Minor/Adult relationships
I'm an active rper! I do rp Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Obey Me! , and Pokemon! Discord is in bio! MUST BE 18+ I DON'T RP WITH MINORS!!!
I will also tell you if I'm uncomfortable with doing a certain thing! Don't get mad/upset. I have boundaries with writing certain things to do with Smut, Fluff and Angst! I just don't feel comfortable with writing somethings that can be triggering!
I'm also starting a taglist!!! Lemme know if you want to be apart of my taglist either via DM or Inbox!!!
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A/N:The characters listed are the ones I'm mostly familiar with writing for!/can try to write for! I will add more later! I'll even do Live Action One Piece for some of the characters listed (Mihawk, Zoro, Shanks, and Buggy)
-Trafalgar Law
-Portgas D. Ace
-Dracule Mihawk
-Roronao Zoro
-Sanji Vinsmoke
-Monkey D. Luffy
- Shanks
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A/N: Same applies for this one also, it's only characters I can try/familiar with writing for! I will add more later!
-Sanemi Shinazugawa
-Genya Shinazugawa- SFW ONLY
-Tanjiro Kamado- SFW ONLY
-Muzan Kibutsuji
-Hantengu Clones
-Tengen Uzui + wives
- Kyojuro Rengoku
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Satoru Gojo
-Kento Nanami
-Yuji Itadori- SFW ONLY
-Megumi Fushiguro- SFW ONLY
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Grusha- Pokemon Violet/Scarlett
-Arven- Pokemon Violet/Scarlett
-Steven Stone-Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/XYZ
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A/N: Same applies here! Only characters I'm familiar/can try to write for! Will add more later!
-Levi Ackerman (Just him for now)
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A/N: same with here! I'll be writing for the brothers I'm more comfortable with rn, will add the rest of the brothers/characters later!
A/N: It will take me a while to get to writing the requests out!!!! And if my inbox is full I will close off the requests!!! And I will open them back up when I get caught up on requests!!! I'm sometimes busy so it will take a while!! I don't want to burn myself out on writing to much, so I will take breaks!!! My bio and this post will let you know if my requests are open or closed!!! I will also update my masterlist as I go!! I will do a separate masterlist for any series I do that will have longer parts!! Be patient with me as I'm only one person! It will take me a while to do requests!! I will probably be making a separate account for The Walking Dead/The Boondock Saints! But this is my Multi fandom Account!
That should be all for now!! Thank you!! Don't be shy to request anything!!! And ask to be apart of my Taglist!!!
My One Piece Tumblr: @traffydren
My discord: gennemi. (Period included)
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🖤✨𝑹𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕✨🖤
I rp!
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cosmo112 · 7 months
Preference of Characters: find my type challange!
@artsyfangirl <- you wanted this. LONG POST BTW
I expect a list in return ☹️🫵
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Genshin Impact :
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Obey me :
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Wuthering Waves:
Rover (male)
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What In Hell is Bad :
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BloodMoon (sometimes)
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Honkai Star Rail:
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Twisted Wonderland:
Rook Hunt
Floyd Leech
Jade Leech
Azul Ashengrotto
Malleus Draconia
Rollo Flamme
Sebek Zigvolt
Idia Shroud
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Hantengu (CLONES ONLY,)
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Favorite Tropes:
Yandere/affectionate stalker x willing victim (I am the victim)
Game character come to life
Demi-humans AU
Self aware AU’s
Yandere self aware AU’s
Multiple x reader
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thatringboy · 1 month
New NEW Rules Post
I am so sorry for posting in the main tags in so many fandoms
So apparently the last time I opened up for writing requests was in 2021. Crazy.
Anyways, here we go with the update on my rules for requests
Under a read more because this got longer than I expected, all tagged fandoms are ones I've written for before!
What I will NOT write:
Non-con/Dubious Consent
Yandere Themes. I do not negotiate on this one.
Your OC x someone else’s OC unless I have permission from both creators separately
Incest. I do not negotiate on this one.
Discrimination of any kind. I do not negotiate on this one.
Explicit Spoilers (depending on the request, I’ll tag as a spoiler if I really want to do the request, but to be safe, no spoilers)
Multi chapter stories (however, if you really want something to be in multiple parts, PM me with more details. I’m pretty flexible about this one and would love to partner with you about writing a full fledged fic)
What I will write:
Character x Character
Character x OC
Reader insert
Found Family situations/Platonic pairings
AUs/Fandom Crossovers (If I am not a part of one of the fandoms in the crossover, that doesn’t mean I won’t write it, but I’m gonna need more information so please PM me with info)
Theories about upcoming content (will tag as spoiler but is not the same as the above)
[For the items with the words “I do not negotiate on this one. “ at the end of them, that means that the request will automatically be denied and you will be blocked if the request contains forbidden topics/themes. Any request breaking rules that I have not explicitly said can be negotiated will be denied]
If you want a request that is NSFW, I'm not against it as my ao3 will surely show you the smut I've written before, however: All requests are to my discretion.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or send an ask to clear up anything!
You can send in requests in my PMs or in my ask box!
I hold the right to refuse any request without giving a reason as to why. If your request is denied and you are not anonymous, I will let you know. However, I do not owe you an explanation as to why.
Fandoms I will write for:
(bolded titles means you can find previous fics I've written about this fandom here on tumblr or on ao3 under the same username @/thatringboy. other fandoms are ones I have written for but not posted here or on ao3. I'm also open to exploring new fandoms!)
Percy Jackson
Demon Slayer
My Hero Academia
Genshin Impact/Honkai Star Rail
Hades game
Cookie Run Kingdom
Buddy Daddies
Heaven Official's Blessing
Six of Crows/Shadow & Bone
Twisted Wonderland
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for an Otaku
Wuthering Waves
Jujutsu Kaisen
Dungeon Meshi
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theguildawards · 2 years
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Hey everyone!
Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the nominations received for The Guild Awards this term!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin November 18th and end December 2nd midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session. 
Got a question? Check out our FAQ or send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @classysassy9791​, @phoenix-before-the-flame​, @kiliinstinct​, @ratretro​, @phoneboxfairy​
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
Best Action/Adventure
“The Phantom Fallacy“by @zal-eska
Best AU/AR
”The Little Rain Witch“ by AislingMorgan (FFN)
Best Canon
”Changes“ by Botan G (FFN)
Best Angst
”Unseeing Slayer“ by @appleciderr ”Service Call“ by FyreFalcon80 (AO3)
Best Dark
”Amber Sin“ by @winterlogysblog “Tear You Apart” by TheDiamondSword4000 (AO3)
Best Drama
”Homeward Hours“ by CrimsonStarbird (AO3) ”Misunderstandings“ by @master-dragneel ”Day of Parting“ by @heartofroses112 “Wrong Choices” by @nat-sul-ucy / loyallaraluv (FFN)
Best Humor/Parody
”Clueless“ by Grace Buckley (FFN)
Best Oneshot
”you don’t like apples?“ by @newgeht “I Shall Go On Living” by SageTheWriter (AO3)
Best Character Portrayal
”Homeward Hours“ (Zeref Dragneel) by CrimsonStarbird (AO3) ”The Iron Bars of Restraint“ (Natsu Dragneel) by Twilight Embers (FFN)
Best Romance
”properly“ by kikapea (FFN)
Best Serial
”Early Spring Snow“ by thecatastrophic (FFN)
Best Ficlet
”Not Ever“ by @xanvasofxords ”Warmth“ by @nalu-gifs
Best Fluff
”I’m Here for You“ by @nat-sul-ucy / loyallaraluv (FFN) “yeah but the muppets are for kids” by @jentuckyfriedchicken / lilyntlrs (AO3) “seven to a sky” by @valderaa
Best Completed
”Princesses on Parade“ by Raspberrysoda (AO3)
Best Action/Adventure
”Beauty the Beast“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “ナツ” by @junryou
Best AU/AR
”Two boys, one brain cell“ by @lauregalart ”They’re Dating“ by @myladyclover “Dragon Slayer Juvia” by @acnologias-ass
Best Canon
”Freed’s Smile“ by @bluessom1 “Untitled” by @jelyrvia “Gray Day” by @gymjunkie412
Best Angst
”Nice Weather“ by @lazy-w-leviathan ”Never Love an Anchor“ by @pencilofawesomeness
Best Dark
”Just a little Bite“ by @kiliinstinct ”Freed the Dark“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky
Best Humor/Parody
”They better not f*ck up her order“ by @rosavatar ”Untitled“ by @valdrift
Best Kiss
”More Jet/Freed sketches“ by @jethro-art “Happy San Valentine Day” by @crowind1 “Bite” by @phoenix-before-the-flame
Best Romance
”Hugs“ by @belleono “NALU END“ by 4stralfairy (DA)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
”🧊❄ X 🗝💫“ by @wow-darich ”The Lovers“ by @zai-doodles ”kissy kissy boyfriends!!!“ by @tehzeldamaster
Best Character
“Hey Fairy Tail fandom, it’s been a while” by @lauregalart “🎸💥 HAPPY GAJEEL DAY 💥🎸” by @butcherza “War… even inside his own heart” by @crowind1 “Day 19: Crown” by @phoenix-before-the-flame ”Mirajane“ by @al-eshka
Best Duo/Pairing
”more than friends, less than lovers“ by @kaicean ”Gajeel and Juvia“ by @kiliinstinct ”Call me Crazy“ by @bakutenshi ”Edolas NALU“ by @belleono ”Need This“ by @bakutenshi ”Atlas and Igneel“ by @khaoticvex
Best Group Depiction
”⌛️'The future is uncertain, but that can be a good thing.’ ⏳️“ by @silken-sails ”Inktober Day 15: Guild Insignia“ by @rosavatar ”Dragon Family Naptime“ by @pencilofawesomeness
Best Redraw
”phantom lord gajeel“ by @heartonxions ”You’re important to us“ by @kawaii-stars-x-ice-blog ”Cana’s cute little face“ by @bluessom1
Best Overall
”The Demon Prince & The Princess“ by @ht-burrows ”War… even inside his own heart“ by @crowind1 ”light and shadow, forever intwined“ by @cryopodsq ”Nalu and Gruvia Day 2022“ by @daisy-reflet ”The Lovers“ by @zai-doodles
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misty-purple-haze · 2 years
This will contain all that I’ve done so far, also I’m so so sorry for not doing it earlier as I had some work-
I’m so sorry once again-
Also, to search for requests search for the tags #answers on the blog!
Also, here’s the the account I made exclusively for dark obey me content which is done to showcase some of the darker AU’s and sides of our precious demon boys to our Mc or to some of those that managed to anger them! I’ve just started this account so go on there and send some requests if y’all are interested in the darker side of the boys, love y’all <3
@unholy-obeyme , Here is the MASTERLIST of the new account :D, also, feel free to submit some dark, and angst asks and don’t worry about holding back since everything is welcome here~
Also, all the contents of the above mentioned account will be extremely dark and contain topics that may be potentially disturbing so be careful okay? And some of the fics on the above mentioned acc is angsty so that’s a warning too. Be careful loves <33
Also, I’ve started a second masterlist where I will be posting all of my future works from now on so I hope y’all like it, it’s linked below <33
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Bonus Part
CHOOSE THEM NOT ME : Reverse! Replaced! Mc au (DISCONTINUED)
Prologue Part 1 Part 2
Prologue Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satan Asmodeus Beezlebub & Belphegor Diavolo Barbatos Simeon Solomon Luke
11:11 AM
Repent, Sinner
Just… STOP… please…
Mc with ED (TW)
You’re finally back…. (TW)
Our human is a… Ghost?!
Heavens hoe
How cruel can we be?
The night is far from over
Just… STOP… please…
Mc with ED (TW)
You’re finally back…. (TW)
Mc who knows too much
Mc watches demon slayer
Heavens hoe
I’m on buzzfeed unsolved?!
Your first man, now and forever
A night to remember
The night is far from over
Also, my dog wanted to say hi so here y’all go ✨
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musings-and-moans · 2 years
In Another Fantasy (A Fantasy AU Collab)
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Close your eyes and imagine your favorite fantasy universe, TV show, movie, anime, or otherwise. Did you do that? Good, how did that make you feel? Special? I bet it did. Now, imagine that you're there with your favorite anime character, and you could do, just about anything, from making potions in Hogwarts to walking along the streets of the Upper East Side, to traveling in a time machine that camouflages as a police box, to kissing Zuko in the fire nation, having sex in that secret sex cave where Jon Snow lost his virginity to Ygritte. Well, this collab is especially for you. <33
To celebrate 100+ followers for my NSFW side blog (and 250+ on my main, thank you all so so so much btw), I thought of coming up with a collab that would enable us, writers and artists, to showcase our love for our anime characters but in different universes. It's an NSFW Multifandom Fantasy AU Collab, where the reader and/or the anime character(s) of your choosing must be in an alternate universe. (Eg: Time Lord!Tetsuro Kuroo, Wizard!Kento Nanami, Khaleesi!Mikasa Ackerman, Dr. Strange!Satoru Gojo, and so on)
Fandoms I accept for this collab: Haikyuu, Jujutsu Kaisen, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Revengers, SPY x FAMILY, Hunter x Hunter, Kuroko No Basket, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer, Naruto, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Obey Me, Genshin Impact, Black Clover
Alternate Universes (for ideas): Any TV Shows (Gossip Girl, Bridgerton, Stranger Things), Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Legend of Korra, The Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, any of the Studio Ghibli movies, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, AND one anime character in another anime (Gojo in HxH or Itadori in KNB, etc) or one game character in anime (Leviathan in Black Clover, for etc). Feel free to brainstorm with me <33
Due date: November 23, 2023 (Doctor Who's 60th anniversary <3) (in case you want to submit it later, I don't mind at all :D)
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Rules (under the cut)
-> As it is a NSFW collab, all genres are allowed, INCLUDING dark content. That being said, minors, please please please DNI with this collab.
-> You don't have to be following me for this collab, but it's preferable (since it's a follower celebration collab), and I'd appreciate it if you don't unfollow me after everyone's posted <3
-> You can club your entry for this collab with other collabs as well <3
-> I accept character x reader, character x character, poly ships, love triangles, crossover ships (anime crossovers) , heck even selfships :D
-> All forms of writing are allowed (drabbles, fics, oneshots, headcanons, moodboards, etc)
-> No limit to word count, however, please do include a read more if your fic is 500+ words to avoid clogging the dashboard.
-> Multiple repeats of characters are possible, however, if they're repeated 4 times, then I'm locking them.
-> Exceptions: Tetsuro Kuroo (4 more slots open for him, but not Doctor Who!Kuroo), Ken Ryuguji ‘Draken’ (3 more slots open for Draken but not Divergent AU Draken or Hunger Games Draken) and Mitsuya (4 more slots open for him but not Hunger Games Mitsuya)
-> While the repetition of a character is allowed, it MUST be with a different au/role (Eg, once Doctor Strange!Satoru Gojo is locked, another entry on Doctor Strange!Satoru Gojo would not be accepted). Variety matters!
-> If you're including multiple characters in one story, the characters' entries are counted (love triangles especially)
-> When your entry is accepted, please reblog this post as much as you can. When you’re done, please tag me at @/musings-and-moans and use the following hashtag: #🧙‍♀️.inanotherfantasycollab for a guaranteed reblog :D and please don’t forget to attach a link to the master list. If you’re the first to write for any fandom that’s not listed, I’ll add that accordingly.
How to join:
-> Please send me your application requests for the collab through asks and not private DMs, and do specify if it’s a write-up or artwork, and please be respectful in your asks.
-> I will also allow changes if necessary (change of character/sport, dropping from the collab). So, you can send me an ask or DM me (only if we're server moots) if you want to drop out or change anything in your collab entry.
-> Do specify if it will be a writeup or an artwork, sfw, nsfw, angst or dc. (it can be nsfw and dc or sfw and angst, etc)
Format: [Role] Character x [Role] Reader by @[url] (SFW/NSFW/DC/Angst)
Eg: [Fire Lord Zuko] Shoto Todoroki x [Fire Nation Soldier] Reader by @[url] (NSFW)
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Members' List: Here!!
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tagging moots & networks (@tokyometronetwork @hanayanetwork )<33
@mrskenmakozume @blueparadis (thank you so much you two for brainstorming with me ily) @beware-of-the-rogue @scandescent @decayish @mxonigirimiya @ry0m3n @arcanestage @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @wakasa-wifey @wakatshi @haikyutiehoe @oikawas-milk-bread @aizumie @mekiza @hyeque @bxnten @xshinigamikittenx @portfolio-of-dreams @jordyn-degas @simpingforthisonedeer @festive @ceo-of-daichi @p-antomime @lunarmins @maitaro @sweetsbysatori @sweetforlevi @atsumeii @izu-fi @chronic-claire-universe @megumischubbycheeks @arlertslove @sennsational @asmos-pet @kagejima @winxcunt @milkyybuns @nanam-woah
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random-vore-blog · 1 year
Kotoha and Inosuke, my
He heard her song, a song she was taught by him to use whenever she was in danger.
His eyes fluttered open, teeth bared and fangs visible. He was furious, enraged and ready to kill those that dared to hurt what belonged to him. He came out of his resting chambers, swimming to where his treasures were. His acute sense of smell and hearing was far more advanced than a human's.
She held the bundle of blankets close to her chest, singing while backing away from the people that considered her a witch. She hated how the wind picked up as she sang, how it began to storm and those were all signs of his fury.
" Witch! Witch! Kill the witch!"
The people chanted, and one of them went for her. But, a large clawed hand squished him to nothing but a pulp.
" Run!"
" The gods have been angered!"
" It's the beast! Run for your lives!"
People scattered left and right, fear filling their beings when the hand lifted up, revealing a gruesome sight. Kotoha turned her body to look at whom the hand belonged to, and saw none other than her husband.
She smiled and sighed in relief. The creature, the Leviathan she has grown used to, moved its head to look down at her with his rainbow eyes. His pupils were slitted, the siren kanji for Uppermoon Two as clear as day. The leviathan lowered his head, lips inches away from her body before his eyes trailed to the bundle of blankets.
" Thank you, Douma..."
She was surprised when he lifted his head over her body and opened his maw, four demonic fangs evident compared to his other human-like teeth. Within a few seconds, the creature lowered its head and her torso was engulfed, jaws clamped gently around her form.
As if knowing how strong his jaws were.
She yelped slightly, being lifted into the air, her legs hanging outside his jaws, dangling as he slowly tilted his head. Inosuke was pressed against her chest, and she had to adjust her position. She slipped into his throat, the slippery muscles held them firmly before relaxing, pulling her and Inosuke down the slippery tube of flesh and saliva.
" He is devouring the witch!"
" We are saved!"
" The witch has been killed!"
She heard the people cheer, glad that he was devouring her and Inosuke. She slipped deeper into his throat, holding Inosuke against her chest. The muscles of the throat didn't put enough pressure that could hurt both of them, but it was tight enough to pull them down.
After what felt like forever, they both finally landed in a more open space. The shock wore off, and she began to panic. Scared, she held her son for comfort, soaked in the saliva that covered them both while they slipped down the throat. The clothes clung to her skin, and it made her more terrified.
" D-douma?"
Her voice was shaky, tears began to blur her vision as she tried not to cry.
" Douma- please-! Let us out!"
She huddled into a corner against a slippery wall, closing her eyes as she sobbed. She felt the organ she was in sway as he moved. Probably slipping back into the ocean and swimming to his den to enjoy his meal. She felt betrayed, heartbroken at the thought that he saw her and Inosuke as nothing but a food source. Her mascara mixed with her tears, lipstick smudged. The mascara stained her cheeks, and she had no more tears to shed. She was exhausted, and the humid air didn't help. Inosuke began to cry, and she rocked him in her arms, and calmed him down.
" Douma... please... let us... out... I don't want to die..."
Her voice was nothing but a whisper as her eyes finally closed, a single tear running down her cheek and onto the floor of the organ. Her body went limp, and Inosuke fell asleep again.
He felt her go limp in his crop, and felt guilt crawl up his spine when he heard her pleas. He entered his den, and curled up, the guilt gnawing at him and a pit grew in his stomach. He felt a ton of bricks weigh down his chest and shoulders.
" I am... so sorry... Kotoha..."
He whispered with guilt laced in his voice. He didn't mean to scare her. He never wanted this to happen, to let his instincts take control and store her. He never wanted this!
" Please... don't be afraid... I only wanted to protect you with the best of intentions..."
He propped himself up on one of his elbows, the free hand placed on his chest where his crop was. He gritted his teeth when the guilt grew.
" I'll explain everything... I-I promise..."
He laid back down with his head on both arms, closing his eyes and hummed. He hoped that he didn't tear their relationship to shreds.
The End
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g3nsh1nl0v3rm41n · 3 years
Your receipt
thank you for eating at g3nsh1nl0v3rm41n. This is what you have ate and how much you have to pay
Symbols meaning
Angst: ᯾ 
obey me ( Demon Brothers)
comforting mammon part 1 ☆
comforting mammon part 2 ☆
Buying mammon everything he wants ☆
Studying with Mammon hcs ☆
lucifer x mc ☆
satan x mc part 1 ☆
Satan x mc part 2 ☆
Neko!satan x reader ☆
Neko!satan hcs
belphegor x mc part 1 ♡ ᯾ 
belphegor x mc part 2 ♡ ᯾ 
Levi x mc mc cosplays ruri Chan part 2 ♡
Leviathan x mc mc cosplays Rui chan part 1 ♡
Beelzebub x reader ☆
genshin impact
comforting keaya ☆
Aether x reader ♡
coffee shop au ☆
4nemo boys x reader (separately)♡☆
Childe x reader ♡
(name) is mc from obey me? ☆ ᯾
4nemo boys x reader (separately)♡☆
4nemo boys x reader (separately)♡☆
thoma x reader(thoma’s bday special)
Venti x queen of celestial reader part 1 ☆
Venti x queen of celestia reader part 2 ☆
4nemo boys x reader (separately)♡☆
drunk!venti x traveler!reader  ☆
zhongli x god of light reader ☆
about celestia
celestia’s bottom cracked?
Co op
Roleplay ships
AOT(Squad captains)
who are the closest thing to a demon that you will ever encounter in this world. ᯾ 
A nice demon in our world? ☆
Hashira (Demon Slayer)
security breach
sun brainrot i mean hcs ☆
brother!sun x Older sister!reader (sibling love)
Random stuff 
fanfic I am currently reading
Coming soon
Total: a follow :)
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lyricaste · 5 years
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I got bored so, uh KnY!Damian because I said so
0 notes
ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
Anime Boys x Male reader
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3tFrVXR
by LexyWasNeverABonehead
Words: 28, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 殺戮の天使 | Satsuriku no Tenshi | Angels of Death (Anime), 신의 탑 | Tower of God, 炎炎ノ消防隊 | Enen no Shouboutai | Fire Force (Anime), この音とまれ! | Kono Oto Tomare!, 盾の勇者の成り上がり - アネコユサギ | Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari | The Rising of the Shield Hero - Aneko Yusagi, Dr. STONE (Anime), 鬼滅の刃 | Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba (Anime), Magi: Adventure of Sinbad (Anime), BNA: Brand New Animal (Anime), 天狼 Sirius the Jaeger | Sirius the Jaeger (Anime), 魔入りました! 入間くん | Mairimashita! Iruma-kun | Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (Manga), Black Clover - Tabata Yuki (Anime & Manga), 終わりのセラフ | Owari no Seraph | Seraph of the End, 異世界はスマートフォンとともに | Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni | In Another World With My Smartphone (Anime), B: The Beginning (Anime), Shall We Date?: Obey Me!, 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game), Violet Evergarden (Anime), Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, 七つの大罪 - 鈴木央 | Nanatsu no Taizai | The Seven Deadly Sins - Suzuki Nakaba (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Relationships: Byakuya Togami / Male reader, khun Aguero Agnis / Male reader, Baam | Jyu Viole Grace / Male reader, Isaac "Zack" Foster / Male reader, Kamado Tanjiro / Male reader, Hashibira Inosuke / Male Reader, Agatsuma Zenitsu / Male reader, Tomioka Giyuu / Male reader, Sabito / Male reader, Shinazugawa Sanemi / Male reader, Benedict Blue / Male reader, Meliodas / Male reader, Naegi Makoto / Male reader, Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!) & Original Male Character(s), Mammon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Original Male Character(s), Leviathan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Original Male Character(s), Satan (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Original Male Character(s), Asmodeus (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!) & Original Male Character(s), Beelzebub (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Original Male Character(s), Belphegor (Shall We Date: Obey Me!) & Original Male Character(s), Diavolo (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!) & Original Male Character(s), Barbatos (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Original Male Character(s), Simeon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!) & Original Male Character(s), Solomon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!) & Original Male Character(s), Kaeya & Traveler (Genshin Impact), Diluc & Traveler (Genshin Impact), Kong | Aether/Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Traveler & Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Traveler/Venti (Genshin Impact), Hyakuya Mikaela / Male reader, Shinra Kusakabe / Male reader, Chika Kudo / Male reader, Iwatani Noafumi / Male reader, Ishigami Senku / Male reader, Yunan (Magi) / Male reader, Sinbad / Male reader, Ogami Shirou / Male reader, Suzuki Iruma / Male reader, Asmodeus Alice / Male reader, koku | Killer B (B: The Beginning) / Male reader, Yuliy (Sirius the Jeager) / Male reader
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Comfort/Angst, Lemon, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Mild Smut, Lime, Fluff, My Own AU, Swearing, Character Death, Gay Sex
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3tFrVXR
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yandere-wishes · 4 years
💜Genie's Masterlist💜
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My old masterlist filled with classic yandere stories. You’ll find a wide array of delectable yandere stories for all your favorite characters. You can find a newer MASTERLIST here that has more polished stories. 
Twisted wonderland 
Dorm Leaders Ideal Darling
In The Streets Of London (Victorian/mystery AU)
Yandere! Twisted Wonderland The Lost Darling
Yandere! Dorm Leaders Alice In Twisted Wonderland
How the Original Villains Act With Their Twisted Wonderland Counterparts part 1
How the Original Villains Act With Their Twisted Wonderland Counterparts Part 2
Quick headcanons (TW, OM, Magi)
Yandere Reaction To Darling Signing A Contract With Azul
Dorm Leaders: Ideal Darlings 
Dorm Leaders (Riddle, Leona): Replacement Darling
All Teachers (NRC Staff): Yandere Behaviors 
The Sleep Over
Genie and the Savanclaw boys
Yandere Teams (Sharing a Darling)
Yandere! Enma Yuuken x reader
Sacrifical Bride (Yandere! Leona, Malleus and Idia)
General Yandere Headcanons.
Heartslaybul Dorm: Yandere Behaviors
Heartslaybul Dorm: Ideal Darling
Heartslabyul Kissing Headcanons
Riddle Rosehearts
Yandere Riddle Roseheart x reader Love Confession
Riddle: Wish
Yandere Riddle Roseheart Bewitching Rose (Love Letter)
Savanaclaw Kissing Headcanons
Yandere!Pirates! Savanaclaw (Halloween Special) 
Leona Kingscholar
Yandere! Leona Kingscholar My Obsession
Yandere Leona: My Queen (Love Letter)
Yandere Leona x reader x Chaka (Platonic) Innocence
Yandere! Leona Kingscholar X Reader X Yandere! Malleus Draconia  Ill-Fated
Octavinelle kissing headcanons
Yandere! Octavinelle boys with a darling who has a flying ability
Octavinelle Dorm as babies  (Headcanons)
Azul Ashengrotto
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto Valentine’s Day (Love Letter)
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto x reader Payment 
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto x reader Dance For Me
Floyd Leech
Yandere! Floyd Leech x reader Smooth Criminal
Scarabia Kissing Headcanons
Jamil Viper
Jamil Viper There Are Things Much Worst Than Death
In My Head // Yandere Jamil Viper X Reader
Kalim Al-Asim
 A Whole New World // Yandere Kalim Al-Asim x Reader
Pomefiore Kissing Headcanons
Pomefiore General Yandere Headcanons
Vil Schoenheit
Love Letter From Vil Schoenheit
Yandere Wishes Vil Schoenheit
Rook Hunt
Yandere! Rook Hunt  I Will Keep You Safe
Ignihyde Kissing Headcanons
Yandere! Ignihyde general headcanons
Idia Shroud
Yandere! Idia Shroud Secret Admirer
Random yandere headcanon Idia Shroud
Yandere Idia Shroud X Yandere Eliza X Reader  Rotten Love
Gambling man! Yandere Idia Shroud x reader
Eliza (Ghost Bride) 
Yandere Idia Shroud X Yandere Eliza X Reader  Rotten Love
 Yandere Eliza X Reader  Even In Death, We Shall Love
General Diasomnia Yandere Headcanons
Yandere! Diasomnia Sweet Curse
Diasomnia Kissing Headcanons
Lilia Vanrough
Yandere Lilia Vanrough Just my type
Malleus Draconia
Yandere Malleus Draconia A Rose By Any Other Name Would Still Be As Sweet
Yandere! Malleus Draconia La Belle Au Bois Dormant
Malleus Draconia Yandere Alphabet
Love Letter From Malleus Draconia
Yandere! Vampier! Malleus Draconia Sweet Blood 
Yandere! Leona Kingscholar X Reader X Yandere! Malleus Draconia  Ill-Fated
Disney Villains
Disney villains as Yanderes
Demon Slayer
Yandere!Demon Slayers As Demons (Includes Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke separate) 
Yandere Dorms
Which Yandere Dorm Are You??
Obey Me
Yandere Obey Me General Headcanons
All’s Fair In Love And War Yandere Lucifer And Belphegor
Yandere! Leviathan Aquaphobia
Yandere! Leviathan x Reader
Yandere! Satan Love Letter
Happy Birthday Yandere! Beelzebub And Belphegor
Happy Birthday Yandere! Beelzebub And Belphegor
Yandere Wishes Belphegor
All’s Fair In Love And War Yandere Lucifer And Belphegor
Jojo's bizarre adventures
Yandere Jojos x reader (part 1-7) 
My hero academia
Supernatural My Hero Academia
Yandere Nine and Mummy Headcanons
Tomura Shigaraki
Demon Tomura Shigaraki
My Dove Yandere! Hawks
kingdom hearts
Yandere Sora headcanons
Yandere Riku headcanons
Yandere Marluxia Headcanons
Love Letter From Roxas
Alone Yandere!Ghost!Zexion
Pain is love Yandere! Axel
Yandere Axel Headcanons
Organization 13
Organization Xiii Ideal Darling
Tony Stark
Love Letter From Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Blood Vampire! Wanda Maximoff
Yandere Wanda Maximoff Headcanons
Pietro Maximoff
Yandere Pietro Maximoff Headcanons
Peter Parker
Yandere Peter Parker Kidnapping
Finale Fantasy
Yandere Kuja Headcanons
Greek mythology
Isolation Yandere Hermes
Yandere Magi General Headcanons
Red Roses Yandere Kouen x Reader
Diabolik Lovers
Don’t take candy from a vampire // Yandere! Kou Mukami x reader
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strawbebehmod · 5 years
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Angel ed: destroyer of demons, slayer of leviathans, protector of humanity, still a hella gay birby boy.
Decided to draw some russellxedward for this au cause its been forever since i did anything with that ship. Bonus:
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