#Life's Work and Legacy being made fun of. also because he probably sees himself as the 'True Face' of humanity
death2you · 1 year
apart from there being a void underneath ghostface’s mask a cool art motif, it could actually have a bigger meaning if it were true in the larger dbd lore
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iknowshocker · 4 months
Anon from the last question here 🙋‍♀️ LOVED your answer and love a good Kai psychoanalysis 🙌
You mentioned it’s hc that 1994 Kai is virgin!kai, which got me thinking… did he ever really have any romantic or physical experiences? (Legacies Kai never happened in my mind 🥲)
And kind of on the same note, what do you think life was like for him when he was 18-22? It’s hc for me that he was homeschooled, but we don’t really know anything from the time he turned 18 until he was sent to a prison world
omg hi!! thank you for the question i've been having so much fun answering! i should have made a place to talk about my boy sooner, i could yap about him all day 😂
(oh man legacies kai my deeply insane beloved) he's really cracked out in those episodes but there are a few little moments where he feels like himself that i hold onto lol i just wish they hadn't put in his fling with the immortal teenager like he was 👉🏼👈🏼 close to being the only man to make it out of the TVDu without an inappropriate relationship i know there's an age gap with bonnie but it's simply not the same imo
okay here we go 18-22 kai:
so i assume, in the most affectionate way possible, that he gave off major JD from the heathers vibes. (the black cargo pants with the heavy ass combat boots?? he's a scary boy and he knows it lmao)
that age of young adulthood is such a volatile time, but for kai his resentments are growing, it's getting closer and closer to the merge, and if he can just wait it out a little longer everything is finally going to change. so lots of pent up energy, studying like crazy, in general running himself into the ground to insure everything goes the way he desperately needs it to. this also explains why he built up to such a violent snap. it's the one thing he's been holding on to, he was literally born for it, and then they still take it away.
those stupid christmas sweater photos make me think that everyone was living at home up until may 10th. unlike liv/luke i think joshua kept jo/kai close because he felt he needed to watch kai. i've always found it interesting that Jo goes into the medical field but Kai has the anatomy knowledge to cut out her spleen correctly lmao i hc they both had an interest in medicine, with him looking for a cure probably and jo maybe helping him at least at first. crazy to think that they probably would have still become a dr regardless of which one of them won the og merge!
anyway yes i think they were stuck living at home, with kai basically being held hostage and Jo being forced into a caretaker role since their mother died giving birth to the baby twins. (that's not like fully confirmed but the timeline works out so to me it's basically canon lol)
i mentioned kai having PTSD centered on touch and i think that would make any sort of social stuff hard for him. he's been taught to think he's dangerous and he's not been given any tools to keep from being that way. i hc most of his knowledge of his power came from trial and error, because joshua was like "alright no magic for you keep that in check demon spawn" from the time it manifested. (listen i could write dissertations on how despicable it is that they KNEW about gemini siphons and just refused to find ways to help him) that sort of fear/mistrust over his own abilities starting at such a young age would be totally crippling.
i read a fic once where he sleep siphoned Jo when they were young and nearly killed her during a nightmare. i could absolutely see things like that happening, and it leaving him terrified to do it again. but then his sociopathy developing would give him the ability to lash out without worrying about the guilt of his actions. but just because he doesn't let himself feel guilty doesn't mean he doesn't know what he did was wrong. i can imagine it would be so conflicting to need magic to work/feel normal but the only way to get it is to hurt the only people around you day to day. just a nightmare all around.
(have you seen the deleted scene with Jo/Kai? because that monologue from him lives rent free in my mind. the panicked breathing, the sad eyes, the desperation in his tone !! i just can't handle it lmao they 100% cut it because leaving it in and still killing him would have caused riots in the streets)
being homeschooled would limit the entire family's outside interactions, but i imagine they usually left kai at the house when they went out to the shops/coven gatherings/general outings. he does have basic people skills when we meet him so it's not like he's 100% ostracized but i do think a lot of his personality is him mimicking things he's seen in movies/mirroring the people around him in a given moment. he's faking it based off of what he thinks would be correct and when he gets it wrong you can see him deflate.
if he was allowed to go out growing up, i think he probably stuck to Jo and let her do the talking. so when she started pulling away from him too and he didn't have a buffer, it was probably easier to just stay home instead of risking it on his own.
i'm a person who hears his version of "they isolated me" and Jos "our parents saw him pulling away, isolating himself" and lands somewhere in the middle. i think they had rules over him not touching anyone/made it very clear he couldn't be trusted and that left kai feeling like "okay well f you guys i'll just go back to my room" it was just easier for him to go ahead and leave instead of let them bully him into leaving.
like he's the oldest, but do we think the other siblings listened to him ?? nah, man, there's simply no way. by the time they reached 22, no one in the house but liv/luke showed much interest in him. and he had to know that the older they got, they'd grow to believe joshua/fear him too. that had to be freaking exhausting, not to mention hurtful as hell.
(i mean... "When your family decides that you are nothing but an irredeemable piece of trash, well…I guess the best thing to do is prove them right, right?” like by the time we get to the red wedding, they broke him. there's no more second chances or trying again or believing they'll change. he's done. but he had to get pushed to that point and i think it was building his entire life.)
i hc as the oldest Jo/Kai shared a car, but to be so honest i always assumed he taught himself how to drive (fast lol) in the prison world. i would love to believe they snuck out to concerts together or had little adventures growing up but i think Jo turned on him somewhere around the time she realized she wasn't going to be allowed to go off to college. she would have had her own resentments around being stuck with him because of him, and so i don't see them having much of a relationship past the age of like 16.
to circle back to romantic relationships, i just don't think kai ever had an opportunity to be close enough to anyone for anything to happen romantically or even platonically pre prison world.
that's why bonnie showing up is such a big deal. she's this beautiful, funny, smart witch and she's just suddenly !! in his world !! the fact that he can't help getting close to her means everything to me. there's something about her/her magic that just tugs him in. "yeah but i wanted to feel your hand on my chest" come ON once you know the implications of that statement how do people not melt. babes is so touch starved he's dying for anyyyyoneeee to love on him.
bonkai sidenote: im a firm believer that grams was playing matchmaker. i hc she knew kai growing up and tried to help him when she could, which is why they went the prison world route instead of simply getting rid of him. without a bennett to bind the spell it wouldn't have been possible, so she agreed to keep something else from happening to him. she literally tells bonnie she gave up her peace so that bonnie could find hers, knowing 100% she was sending her to a world where kai was waiting/he couldn't be killed/and they would have to work together to escape. even more than that, damon wasn't supposed to go !!! so grams knew they'd be alone and either assumed bonnie could handle him or believed there was enough good in kai that it wouldn't go badly for bonnie or both lol we know from the jump that grams adores bonnie, there's not a chance in hell she would have sent her there if she thought for a second kai would hurt her. i just don't think she realized how sick he would become on his own, and adding damon into the mix changes the dynamics because kai is trying to come off stronger than he is.
yikes sorry i dont know how to discuss him without discussing bonnie 🙈
again thank you for your ask!!
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tiredlilguy · 1 year
The Flags Origin's HC's
because I think about them a lot. there's probably some things that don't make sense here, or rather "out there" takes, but since the Flags are all squished into 70 pages let me have this... also it's hc's, so all in good fun ^^ (chew on this while i continue working on requests in the mean time), also sorry this is kinda angsty
also if you want to see my other hc's then look here
Pianoman (my beloved):
came from a family who was already Mafia, his parents and the generation before them and so on so forth, were Mafia
wore a family ring that the oldest child wears as a symbol of his families dedication to the Mafia
sort of think of it like a generation by generation kind of deal: the oldest has to take up the "family business"
his family had different specialties in what they did, Pianoman specifically became an artisan in crafting supernotes, but his family all had their own different talents
because of his success of almost becoming a mafia executive, his parents chose to retire peacefully and take care of all of his younger siblings
his parents can retire peacefully out of respect with no harm because their legacy is so well-respected
he's the oldest in his family, since birth had to deal with the pressures of "being the oldest", which made him a perfectionist in his own craft
100% Japanese, mainly because the family just deals with generational upbringing; though if he married someone of a different ethnicity that was in the Port Mafia, then that wouldn't be a problem so long as his spouse is PM
when he died, the second oldest took his place, but not for a while because his family heavily grieved his death (but because of their legacy, still tried to make up for their loss)
was a child actor, spent a lot of time away from his family to do films/work on sets/etc.
his affiliation with the Mafia didn't happen until way later in his acting career
had a back alley deal with a man that involved blackmail in order for his cooperation - was saught out because he was so good with words (the Mafia found out he wrote a few of the screenplays himself)
could not hold a gun up until after his first year of being with the Mafia, was Pianoman's partner until The Flags were formed
half European, has an older sister; when his family found out he was Mafia, they sort of distanced themselves from him
often treats Chuuya like his own brother sometimes because of his situation with his family
when he died, his family didn't bother to attend the funeral; but one day upon visiting Japan, his older sister visited his grave and left a note
the clean up after his death was a mess... the Port Mafia was accused of killing him and Chuuya had to witness crowds of people false-blaming him for his own friends death
Italian, grew up in a Mafia family in Italy (his father was the don), but was considered the weakest link
still though, his family cared for him very deeply, and despite being Mafia, he always tried to do the right thing (didn't kill until he was with the PM)
at a younger age, he was more of an observer; would witness how his family/the people that worked for his family worked technique wise
his family actually didn't want him to be a mafioso, and was glad to know that he didn't have any particular interest in it either (they wanted him to live a normal life as a citizen)
one night, his home was bombed and his family, friends, coworkers all died in the explosion; he was the only survivor
was being hunted down because he was the only survivor, snuck into Yokohama and made a deal with a man to join the Port Mafia
(this is already in my previous hc's but) after the explosion, his ears were permanently damaged and he's slowly growing deaf: was teaching the flags sign language
he was really happy with The Flags, and at that point when they were fully established, he knew that if he was going to die, it'd be around them
Blasian; grew up in an average family, but he himself got interested in mechanics at a young age
his family didn't approve of his interests, saying that it was rather dangerous, but his father always indulged him
dad is a retired air-pilot and used to teach Alb a lot of what he now knows
in high school, had a job as a mechanic, but told his parents he worked in a library (they did not believe him, but they also didn't bother to check either); he also had pretty bad grades
the mechanic he was working for happened to be with the PM and offered Alb a job as his apprentice for a much higher pay
his mentor was getting quite old and wanted to retire, offered the job to Alb because he saw the potential that Alb had and wanted him to succeed
his mentor was sadly assassinated during a job, and so Alb became the Mafia's wheelman
Alb covered all of this up by confessing that he was a mechanic (but didn't tell them he was with the Mafia) and then got promoted to working for the government
when he died, his parents had to sort of bit by bit discover everything that was going on behind their backs (but they couldn't be mad)
grew up in an orphanage and is completely unaware of his own family origins, but he's Japanese
was the orphanage nurses assistant and would often observe how injuries worked; eventually started taking care of his peers injuries himself
did quite well in the schooling that the orphanage taught, and they offered for him to take a test to go to med school (he succeeded)
had his normal doctor school in Japan at age 18, then after that was offered a full scholarship in North America to get his doctorate (we already know he graduated top of his class)
is not actually interested in God and if anything, wants to spite him: that stared his need to save people, but somehow ended up killing a few on the way (though not being caught)
when he came back to Japan to go find a job, he got a deal with the Mafia and took it because he thought "well, there's a lot of death in the criminal underground... so, yeah"
when he died, Chuuya didn't think anyone would come to visit, but upon visiting their graves the next day: he found piles of bouquets of flowers from the orphanage and his fellow classmates from the US
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nickfoo · 5 months
2, 7, and 18 for redestro if you're still taking these
Redestro ( Yotsubashi Rikiya ) This ones a bit long, so included the read more tab for your dash convenience.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Oh boy where do I start? That his whole character has little contradictions that are extremely fun and interesting? That he is a fantastic example of 'guy who seems in command and is terrifyingly powerful is actually kind of pathetic.' He is a very two-faced character what with his actual double life as a CEO and the leader of a villainous organization and the way he manages his emotions with such compartmentalization ( for afew reasons: his entire ability to turn into stress-hulk depends on his emotions and physical responses, and he's such a self-restrained, repressed character). That he never truly wanted to be in charge and the devote cult followers of his ancestor's legacy that have been in hiding for generations found him as a young child as the last living heir to the bloodline and even see him as a reincarnation of sorts and said to this child: 'you must rectify the regrets of your ancestor.' That he sees the position more as a burden and smothering in its expectations. His own clone seemed extremely ok with its situation of living a temporary life and dying. While he cares about those under him and tries to avoid unnecessary losses, he has also accepted the emotional distance that they are 'valuable goods' as soldiers and ultimately disposable to the cause -- and despite being their leader he is not exempt to that and views *his own* life this way as well. (Despite that he was more than willing to punish Shigaraki for taking the lives of his subordinates and expressed upset with Shigaraki's actions in taking their lives.) He seems to see himself as a necessary evil and is brutal and cunning to his opposition, but in his villain circle he's familiar and courteous to his colleges. He's a man who's been controlled his entire life so it seems natural he'd be on the people pleasing and submissive side and despite being terrifyingly strong, you could probably shove him in a locker. (except its very hinted at he's claustrophobic in canon. His own self-made iron maiden mech suit designed to cause him max physical and mental stress is called The Claustro. )
7. What's something that the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? While the fans are few, they are very good. Many of my head canons and appreciations for this underutilized character have come from other passionate fans who have done in-depth analysis and just fantastic fanfiction. (Stillness-in-green and leftofrevolution) I love the work they've done with the character and the in-world concepts when the original creator has left so much unused potential in the original media. Like that because there was an already still existing group of remnant followers that have been around for generations and who found Rikiya as a child, perhaps these figures are more like elders that even Rikiya himself must answer to or receive guidance from. Or expanding on his largely hinted at claustrophobia or how his quirk works with his anatomy like the dark ooze energy that coats him in his full stress form is corporeal and can leak from his marks sometimes. Like I said, there's not much but there are some diamonds to find if you hunt around. 18. What about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? I don't think 'admire' is the right word to use, but its a dynamic I enjoy between them. Rikiya's relationship with Geten isn't very detailed or fleshed out - very little with this group of characters is -but its an interesting one! Rikiya apparently found young Geten who had scattered from the remains of his clan during their inevitable collapse. Rikiya then took Geten in, and from what we can guess, schooling seemed to not work for Geten so Rikiya excused him from it. This was also because of Geten's own focus and obsession with refining his own strength in his quirk probably made him near impossible to any teaching. When Rikiya took him in, Geten seemed to gain great respect and devotion to him and wanted to be as useful as possible. Not so much to 'the cause' it seems, but more so to Rikiya himself. As Rikiya's life was his cause, Geten chose to be useful in advancing it. To Geten, becoming as strong as possible was his way of doing so. I like the notion that Rikiya has knowingly and unknowingly passed on some not so healthy ideals he himself carries to Geten through their relationship. Besides being villains, an unhealthy intensity of devotion and resolve. I don't think they're close enough to be a 'father-son' relationship, but not so far off from 'teacher-student.' Its somewhere in the middle maybe. But we do know Geten cares about Redestro enough that Rikiya being hurt caused his quirk evolution. We also know that Rikiya puts great trust and belief in Geten's capabilities. ( Though I do rlly enjoy the head canon that Rikiya never truly adopted Geten to avoid passing on his legacy burden to him. )
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herblay · 2 months
Every song on BRAT and which BNHA character it's about (aka redemption round) (but it's only tangentially about MY fic)
I made a shitty shitty post about which Charli song was which BNHA character. I wish to redeem myself. Bring this in line with my Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess post (tbh this is much more my usual music taste, the Chappell is a departure largely just because I LOVE her voice) and do a character per track. That said, it is about my shitty little fic, the one I'm writing on the Aye Oh Three, (it's called Never So Strong and it's bad but whatever it's Mido but she's a wonderful lesbian because I am gay and I like women) This is also slightly harder than Midwest Princess because uh. Genuinely none of the main characters on BNHA would ever do coke. And it's kind of needed for the vibes. (Wait actually Todoroki would probably do coke once. Just to see what it was all about. Lmao) Tbf even the villains are pretty tame. Like I genuinely don't believe Shigaraki has done coke. He doesn't have that energy.
This is a challenge. A personal goal. Can I make this work for characters who would not know how to cut a line? MAYBE. (also I'm really fucking lazy and piecing together the story I wrote into the order it's supposed to be in is really hard unexpectedly so this is just to give myself a break from that. I don't write chronologically and this makes editing a nightmare)
360: All Might. I said earlier this was about him, and it is. He's so Julia. He's everywhere, legacy is underrated, he sets the tone, etc. Like come on. The man IS the picture of the modern hero. This is him. He is the fucking icon.
Club classics: Mic. Wait I low-key hope he's tried coke once. Anyway. He's our DJ. He's our music man. And he's got a list of absolutely fucking banger friends. Classic. He is classic, and he would dance to his own shit. Let's fucking go. This works for him. (he's a really fucking minor character in my fic but he's important to me ok)
Sympathy is a knife: Bakugou. COULDN'T EVEN BE HER IF I TRIED. This is him at the start of his arc. The guy is spiraling and me too bestie. The jealousy and the fucking insecurity. Yes. Thank you. Banger. And the lack of just control making you feel helpless. Very yes that.
I might say something stupid: Yogi Toshinori. Yeah that's right. I'm gonna hurt your feelings. He definitely feels like an outsider as himself and not All Might. And that's just how it is. It sucks when you had the world and lose it. And it hurts. "I'm famous but not quite but I'm perfect for the background one foot in a normal life" BYE. "I don't know if I belong here anymore"
Talk talk: Uraraka. I just like her. I could see her being like this about liking someone but not really knowing if it worked. (COUGH MIDO EARLY IN THE STORY COUGH) And well. "I wish you'd just talk to me" because REAL. Besides that though the ~vibe~ of this song is very Uraraka. Light. Fun. Good.
Von dutch: Hawks thinks this is about him and who am I to take that away from him?! He should b in the club and this is for him when he goes to the club! And he does that little dance (what the commission wants) because without it he'd be nameless! (haha what) PUT YOUR HANDS UP
Everything is romantic: A struggle to narrow down but I'm going with All for One but like ironically. Like he's blasting this while he's watching the world burn at his behest. And hey I think he'd be big on the Romantic literature tradition. He's a French lit nerd in my heart so therefore. This. But again know it is not genuine he's just baiting you.
Rewind: Mitsuki Bakugou. I think she probably misses when her bestie Inko wasn't in constant worry hell and when her son wasn't a holy terror sometimes (yes yes save your fucking parenting discourse for somewhere that's NOT my Charli shitpost) and his little tiny bestie wasn't scared and breaking bones 24/7. Wouldn't it be cool to rewind.
So I: Hi this song makes me fucking CRY. BAWL. This is also any One for All successor to their predecessor. Midoriya to All Might, All Might to Nana, etc etc. It's okay to cry. It's okay. The gnawing guilt, the pain, the loss. Yes.
Girl, so confusing: This is Momo Yaoyorozu singing about Midoriya Izuku in my fic specifically and I love it. And they WILL work it out in the remix. (Yes Izuku is so Lorde) (Bite me)
Apple: Todoroki. Which one? Yes. All them kids are getting the fuck away. Like come on you can't tell me Shouto wouldn't be blasting this shit when he tells Endeavor he's not gonna act like his son. All of these kids deserve a banger about an absolutely rotten relationship.
B2b: Dabi and Hawks. Nuff said. I've been over this, I love them as a messy relationship with messy messy vibes. And a club BANGER.
Mean girls: Bubble Girl. I like her. I think she's more important than she is in canon and I want her to be the fucking break-your-boyfriend's-heart girl. She's so fucking cool. (Also a sidekick with a quirk that's objectively not that OP I KNOW she's fucking badass) (I deserved more Nighteye agency shenanigans in canon so I'm giving them to myself damnit)
I think about it all the time: All Might. Thinking about his child. Well, the child he adopted after said child did a fucking stupid thing just to try to save a bully. Iconic. And the fear of running out of time, the fear of losing a career you've worked so hard for? It works. Ty.
365: Brother really none of these characters would do coke. Not one of them. What am I supposed to do here? Well uh. I think I'll give this one to Gran Torino. Because fuck it man, I think he prolly did coke once. And I hope he was fucking BOUNCING off the walls.
BONUS TRACKS REAL QUICK: Hello goodbye is Midoriya Izuku with a little crush and I love it. Yapper, scared, hello hello hello hello hello. Guess is. Wow. None of these characters. I'm. Wow. Uh. Ig Midnight. But like. I love slutpop but IT DOES NOT WORK FOR THIS MANGA. Ig Dabi can have it. He seems like he'd be down to whore around. Send him to the Dare, Hawks is with it. Spring breakers is obviously the League and it's a banger and I support them. Never get invited cause they're such fucking haters, you could change their lives but like let's be so forreal you wouldn't dare. On the news w a DUI stare. I think Toga would eat with this song tbh. I love Toga.
This was fucking hard, I think I'm never doing Charli music for BNHA again, it requires a property where the characters have done coke. Copious amounts of it. And probably ecstasy too. And like. Pro heroes? Cops? Naw. On the other hand do you know what property could fucking KILL with Charli music? Assassination Classroom but they're all older. I know Karma would be doing coke. I know it. Ok that's all xoxo back to getting my fic in order.
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dont-leafmealone · 2 years
heard you wanted to talk about your elaborate playlists?👀👀👀
oh you are unleashing a storm here XD
so I think the coolest duo of playlists i have are my Sokka and Yue ones. They have so much overlap because the characters themselves are so intertwined - Yue's an excellent character in her own right, but we perceive her almost entirely through Sokka, and Sokka's arc is undeniably shaped by Yue.
Sokka's playlist has the following;
Son of Man by Phil Collins (from the Tarzan soundtrack) - I think it fits Sokka's arc well, growing and becoming wiser and stronger, but not *quite* a man yet.
I'm Still Here by John Rzeznik (from the Treasure Planet soundtrack) - this one was actually on my Jet playlist first, but then I realized it fits Sokka really well. Especially paired with the scene from the movie it's in, where the main character watches his father leave on a ship, and struggles with not having a father figure to fill the space.
If I Believed by Dylan Saunders (from Twisted: The Untold Story Of A Royal Vizier) - the reason for this one I think can be summed up with the line: 'science says you're dead and gone forever / reason says I'm talking to the air / but deep within my heart / some secret hidden part / illogically insists that you are there'. it fits him and his grief and the struggle between his logical mind and his heart so well.
The Ghost Of You by My Chemical Romance - another one I picked because of how it relates to both his grief over Yue and especially the guilt he internalized after losing her.
No Way by Darren Criss, Bonnie Gruesen, Lauren Lopez and Joey Richter (from A Very Potter Sequel) - this one's a kind of goofy little song from a harry potter parody musical, but it definitely encapsulates Sokka's can-do, no-nonsense attitude, leadership, and strategism to a T.
Meanwhile on Yue's side of things we have:
What The Water Gave Me by Florence + The Machine - this song fits her well, I feel like. While the lyrics seem to be about a suicide, it also fits Yue's sacrifice to bring back the moon spirit, giving back 'what the water gave her', her family bargaining with fate to keep her alive - it all aligns very well to me.
Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) by Florence + The Machine - also fitting the theme of sacrifice, this song feels like what I imagine Yue felt, choosing to sacrifice her life. Having to steel her courage and make peace with it.
I'm Not Strong Enough To Say No by BlackHawk - this one's fun because it works for both Yue and Sokka, but I really enjoy it being hers. The song is from the point of view of a man in love with a married woman, asking her to stay away so he won't be tempted, but in the show we see that Yue is the one who has trouble being around Sokka because she likes him too much.
Annabel by The Duhks - a song about mourning a lost loved one, asking after their spirit. It's on my Sokka playlist, but the sound of it is very Yue, I think, and in this context the song is *to* Yue so it's on her playlist too. I really like the line 'Annabel, Annabel, are you free? / will you wrap me in your legacy?'. It seems like something Sokka would ask while talking to himself and the moon, as I imagine he probably does.
Moonlight by Grace VanderWaal - a little on the nose with this one XD but I think lyrically it fits her (and Azula, but in a very different way). 'a doll made out of glass / all her friends think that she's great / but I can see through it all and she's about to break' fits so well to me. Her 'breaking' being taking charge of her life, giving herself agency, and choosing to save her people, doing what's best for them - on her own terms, not the ones someone else picked out.
I probably oughta stop here, this got really long lol.
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weeeeeeeegh · 1 year
I think you're missing a pretty BIG one that BBCP had also dropped the ball on and thats Nu's redemption arc. I know she got redeemed after CF in that godforsaken mobile game,but imagine a world where Nu is revived by the villains and despite having all these parameters probably set up by the villians,there's that spark of good in her to protect Ragna after she essentially saved his life in the last game in BBCS. She could've slowly broke out the programming bit by bit throughout the story and essentially rebel against the villains and it essentially breaks apart when she's sees Ragna trying to save. It could've even set something up nicely in BBCF when Ragna loses his memories,he has someone right there to help get back up to speed and understand himself again in Nu. Hell,Ragna for the first time in sad life,he would actually have someone actually reasonable accompany him on his journey and it would've opened more room for him to bond with someone that may have once tried to kill him but is now trying her best to make things right for someone she cares deeply about. But what do I know? I'm just a guy way too deep into this damn mess...
I've been thinking about Nu more as of recent, actually. I agree that I feel they missed being able to do something with her after CS showed that she does genuinely care for Ragna, but Azure influence made her batshit crazy. Personally I would have preferred for her to stay dead and just be a legacy character ala Justice and Kliff, but I know that's not how things worked out. Unfortunately, I think when Mori brought her back for CP, by that point the light novel and the anime had made it so that Lambda and Nu were more separate characters so they could keep yandere Nu around.
I'm sad about it too, because I really do want to like Nu more but she just feels too stagnant in the games. The Dark War stuff just made me neutral towards her.
I doubt Ragna gets joy from having to destroy/beat up someone that biologically looks like his sister and sounds like her. I think it would be interesting if Nu had to fight with her own programming to keep herself from killing Ragna. Maybe she can't stop herself from attacking him sometimes, but still warns him when she's about to attack, to show him that she really does care for him. It's something fun to what-if about for sure.
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wutheringmights · 3 years
Can I be greedy and ask for all of the boys ? And any characters you have strong opinions on? Pretty please? With lots of cherries and chocolate on top? ( for the ask meme ofc)
Anon, I'll finish up all of the boys in the Chain just for you. And trust me, I have an Infinite Amount of Strong Opinions. You have no idea how Opinionated I Am.
If anyone is coming in late to this, here are the boys I have done already and a short summary of my thoughts (click the hyperlinks to get the full Opinion):
Warriors: he's best when he's the trashy anti-Link, and I like him so much
Twilight: kind of boring, but I have a soft spot for him anyway because you never forget your first
Wind: should have been aged up a little so that he can have that identity crisis I'm craving
This... gets long. Really long. 3-hours-of-work-long. Before you read, please note that even when I speak negatively about something, it’s not to diss anyone who does like the thing. I’m not vague posting or being passive aggressive. This is all written in good humor and good faith. 
That being said, let’s a-go!
What I love about them: He has one of the best character arcs of all the Links. I love that he starts off being lazy and kind of a jerk, but grows as a person because he wants to save his friend. And I love that he's truly the most courageous Link. He has no other successful hero of past or legacy to lean back upon to reassure him. He walked into that fight with Demise with no assurance from anyone that he would succeed. Yet, he does it anyway. Because he's a true hero and someone had to be one. And he's rewarded with a curse that he does not initially take seriously. He thinks he's saved everyone, yet he's cursed his spirit, possibly his bloodline, and his entire legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule into a doomed cycle of destruction. All because he dared to face evil incarnate. I love him.
What I hate about them: You know how I called Twilight boring? I should have saved that critique for Sky. LU Sky is actually the most boring interpretation of his character. All of his negative traits? Gone. All of his positives? Also gone. He's the blandest version of himself, and like Twilight, I now feel like I gotta add some spice to him to make him more interesting while still keeping him recognizable. Even so, he's still one of my favorite Links.
Favorite Moment/Quote: When he kicks Twilight's ass at sword fighting. That's stuff is *chef's kiss*
What I would like to see more focus on: You would think that there would be more angst out there about him realizing that he's actually been cursed, but it's still kind of hard to find. He's the Cursed Knight! The beginning of a terrible legacy! Imagine meeting a bunch of heroes for the first time, and instead of being relieved at having someone who understands your experiences, you're filled with horror at realizing that your victory was a false one. You didn't win. Your spirit will never be at rest. Imagine dealing with that realization for the rest of your life. You could never be at peace.
What I would like to see less focus on: I love that he loves his wife, but he's more just the fact that he's married, y'know? I would like to see a little less blind devotion to Hylia and Zelda, and more complicated feelings about being manipulated into being the hero.
Favorite pairing with: Sun/Link/Groose OT3! I have no reasoning behind this other than I like Groose and Groose definitely had a crush on SkSw Link.
Favorite friendship: I won't answer Groose again even if I want to, so I'll say Warriors. I cannot begin to describe how elite this friendship would be if you gave it a chance. They're just two boys dealing with unique positions of leadership and responsibility. They would probably even bond over being shitheads at different ends of the shithead spectrum. It's so good, okay?
NOTP: Ghirahim. I'm not too adverse to this one, but the ship hinges on whether you can redeem Ghirahim or not. In my opinion, Ghirahim is awesome because he's such a fun villain. Redeeming him ruins the fun.
Favorite headcanon: I have a whole life story planned out for Sky. Basically, he lives to be close to 500 years old by the power of the Triforce. He is the Link throughout the Era of Chaos who banishes the Dark Interlopers to the Twilight Realm and seals the Triforce in the Sacred Realm. He actually seals himself in the Sacred Realm as well to keep the Triforce safe, and he fought Ganondorf in when he broke in. Sky, like Time and Wind, does not get a happy ending.
What I love about them: Four is origin of the heroes of Hyrule being known for being children. What a legacy to leave behind. He's such an interesting case of an incarnation of the Hero's Spirit, too. He fought Vaati, and he did his job so well that Demise's next incarnation had to be Ganondorf. Four did his job the best out of everyone, and it came at the cost of creating a magic sword that changed him permanently. I like to think that the Four Sword was not meant to split him, that it was a mistake he made with the design. And it's sad, isn't it? You made a defective sword, and like any good sword, it has a symbolic double edge. It gifted you with so much, and yet he can never be the same again. And his story is never well-remembered because it is overshadowed by the Links who fought the King of Evil. He's does so much, yet his legacy is underappreciated.
What I hate about them: I want to prepare you for this Opinion, because I know it's unpopular. Are you ready? Okay. I don't like the Colors. I'm sorry. I want to like them, but they don't interest me at all. Because they are parts of Four’s personality, they have to be one-note archetypes which does not make for exciting storytelling. I also haven't found a fic yet that has been from Four's POV that did the internal monologue of the Colors in a way that wasn't a pain in the ass to read. Maybe if someone can figure out how to do the Colors in a way that doesn't feel like a drag, I would like them more. But in the end, I think Four himself is more interesting than the Colors.
Favorite Moment/Quote: The fact that he didn't want to touch the Master Sword because he doesn't trust magic swords. That is every I need to know about his opinion on his own adventures.
What I would like to see more focus on: I want more of Four as Four. It's getting harder to find content of Four being his own person first and the Colors second.
What I would like to see less focus on: Four being the Colors first and his own person second. There is something about viewing Four as this cover identity for the Colors that doesn't feel right. There's a balance that needs to be strike between his ability to split, how that affects his every day life, and his own identity of being Four. I think I may have read one fic that hit that sweet spot for me, but still.
Favorite pairing with: Shadow. I'm such a sucker for befriending and falling for the enemy. That is all.
Favorite friendship: Dot! Their friendship is super cute. I like the idea of them being super close when they were younger and struggling to keep the friendship going as they age due to how much their paths in life diverge.
NOTP: This isn't necessarily a Four or an LU problem, but people who ship the Colors together? Bro. C'mon.
Favorite headcanon: I'm torn between two different Four and the Master Sword headcanons. On one hand, Four thinking that the Master Sword is just legend until he meets Sky and everyone else is just a fun idea. He sees the legendary sword for the first time and his mind is blown. On the other hand, I also like my Four with a side of hubris. What if he had the option on his quest to draw the Master Sword himself? What if he could tell that if he did that, the consequences would be terrible. He's not sure what would happen, but he knows it would be terrible. So he decided to make his own sword instead to disastrous results. Wouldn't that be tragic or what?
What I love about them: Last winter, I did a two hour powerpoint for my friends about the Legend of Zelda timeline. During that powerpoint, I was rating every iteration of Link. What I said about the Hero of Time then holds true to my thoughts of LU Time now. Time is the original Link, more so than Sky in the lore and Legend/Hyrule in real life. Every other hero is a reflection of him. So the fact that his story is about the loss of childhood and the tragedy of that is incredible, and you can see those themes reflected in every other game. Moreso, he’s the only Link with a confirmed tragic ending. Not only does he end his life unsatisfied, but his adventure is failure on every timeline. In the adult timeline, Hyrule is swallowed by the sea. In the child one, Ganondorf returns again. In the fallen timeline, Hyrule fell. I like the idea since that the games themselves are the legends that are past down about each hero, Hylians have also remembered Time as a tragic figure. Yet, they also remember that the happy moments for his life come from small acts of kindness. Even someone as sad as him finds joy in helping others, even if it’s just to small deeds that will not be heralded as grand heroic quests. It’s beautiful.
What I hate about them: This is more about Mask than Time, but Mask is not an adult in a child’s body. He did not rewind time in Termina enough to be considered mentally an adult. He’s a young teenager at best, and that’s me being generous. He is a child who was forced to be an adult and despite the gods being done with him, he cannot conceive of ever having a childhood again. So he can say all he wants that he’s an adult, but he is not. That’s just what he thinks he is.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Anytime we get a flashback to him being a younger adult is great. I want to see more of his in this his early adulthood.
What I would like to see more focus on: I think I just want more of Time being... not a bad leader, but being an imperfect one. I honestly think he’s only the leader because he’s the oldest and enough of the heroes recognize the title of Hero of Time. But he is not the leader type, and he is struggling to keep it together and has to defer to Twilight and Warriors for help a lot. 
What I would like to see less focus on: I’m not the biggest fan of Dad!Time for any of the Links. He’s not emotionally ready for it. And I think he defaults to treating the boys like adults because that’s how he wanted to be treated when he was their age. 
Favorite pairing with: Malon. He has this great partnership of equal respect with her and it’s just. So good.
Favorite friendship: Linebeck. I know. This exists only in my head. But if these two ever meet, you cannot convince me that they would not get along swimmingly. It would be so good (once Linebeck gets over his crush on Time and stops hitting on him, of course).
NOTP: Child Timeline Zelda. Let me explain: I fully believe in Bi Time supremacy, and when in OoT, he definitely had a crush on Sheik. However, one of the worst parts of rewinding time and being in the child timeline is that Zelda is a completely different person now. They may have been friends in the other timeline, but her life experiences are completely different now. She is not the same person as he once knew. And it’s tragic to know someone as who they could have been, not as they are.
Favorite headcanon: After Termina, Time spent a lot of time with the Nabooru because out of everyone he knew, she’s the only who took him seriously even as a child. She has big older sister energy, and he considers her a part of his family. However, being treated as such made it easier for him to ignore his issues and put off his healing process by a few years.
What I love about them: Veteran of Heroes! What a freaking title. I love that he keeps on finding adventures, and that he keeps hustling. Even if he complains about never getting a break, you can tell that he loves helping others. He loves being on the road, never settling down, and finding adventure after adventure. Honestly, if any of the Links had a calling to be a hero, it’s him. Is he tired? Sure. Is he a little jaded after having saved Hyrule and a bunch of other kingdoms multiple times? Yes. But at the end of the day, he likes being a hero. This is who he is. His complaining is not genuine; he just plays the martyr because, at this point, he’s earned the right to.
What I hate about them: If you can’t tell by now, I have a, uh, different interpretation of Legend from popular canon. Fandom Legend is not right to me. He is unrecognizable. It is hard to write him because I feel like I have to balance what other people think Legend should be versus how I think he is. The people who are big Legend enjoyers probably feel the same way about my version of Warriors, and that’s fine. I’m not going to gel with every character and I don’t expect everyone to gel with how I see characters either. It’s goes both ways, y’know.
Favorite Moment/Quote: I like how subtly he tried to approach the Wolfie problem at first, trying to ask questions and get more proof before confronting Twilight. It’s a good touch.
What I would like to see more focus on: If I had to choose one thing, it’s this one throw away line about him never wanting to settle down. I’m telling you, folks! He likes his lifestyle! And did you see him when he does presenting the origins of the hero? He’s not bitter about being a hero! Legend is moody, but he is not angsty about the whole hero thing. Have fun with him please!
What I would like to see less focus on: If you can’t tell by now, Legend is my least favorite Link. There is a lot I want to see less of, but just to name one thing, it’s the headcanon that Fable is his sister. I live and die by common born Link, and whether he’s a legitimate heir or the royal bastard, I am more than bored with the persistent Prince!Legend content.
Favorite pairing with: Marin. It’s a good tragic story and I like it well enough. She’s cute, and he’s cute with her.
Favorite friendship: Warriors. I’m with everyone else on these two have peak sibling energy. They tease and pick on each other, but only they are allowed to mess with each other. They’re each other’s bully, and it’s always good to see.
NOTP: I do not have enough energy to have a lot of strong opinions about Legend’s romantic relationships, but I will mentioned that I have lost a lot of love for Ravio recently and am liking seeing him with Legend less and less. I have no better reason for this than the fact that I finally played ALBW and hate how many of my hard earned rupees he’s taken from me by withholding important, lifesaving items. Rat bastard.
Favorite headcanon: Remember my headcanon about him being the coolest bad boy folk hero on the block because everyone thinks he kidnapped Zelda? Yeah, I still stand by that one. I did good there.
What I love about them: If there is any Link that I would call a gutter rat, it is this one. I struggle a bit to talk about Hyrule since his games gives us so little, but in the end, I always fall back on him being a hero of the people. He is the one who has nothing and relates the best to people who are at their lowest. Yet, he is still a hero. He earns the right to be a hero because he helped Impa in her time of need. He’s selfless and competent. Even if he never got a traditional education, I bet he’s wicked smart too. He is the Link that symbolizes all of the parts of the Triforce the most. And, god. I cannot talk about him without mentioning the blood sacrifice part of LA. It’s such a cool concept, and I cannot imagine what it must be like to go from being the rough and tumble, win-at-all-costs fighting to protecting yourself first because if you don’t, the consequences are disastrous. It’s paradoxical, and it must be such a different mindset to fall into. But it must also be a blessing in disguise since now he has a reason to finally care about himself.
What I hate about them: Who started the Hyrule is innocent headcanon? Come over here because we need to exchange some words. If there is anyone who would be a realist and know how the world works, it’s this guy. And while we’re here, who came up with the Hryule is always lost headcanon? I also have some words for you. And you know what? WHILE WE’RE HERE, who let him be named Hyrule? I’m have more than choice words for you. His name scheme is the bane of my existence and the express reason why I don’t write him more. God.
Favorite Moment/Quote: That one panel where he takes utter delight in Warriors hiding from his scorned lovers? That is a central pillar in my understanding of Hyrule.
What I would like to see more focus on: Again, his relationship with other people. Even if his games are lacking in NPCs, we know from lore that he’s a good guy who will jump in to help others. He must know plenty of people, and I want to see who exists in his world with him. 
What I would like to see less focus on: I have an on-going joke with my brother that certain characters are Catholic, even if Catholicism does not exist in the world of the thing we’re watching or playing. Of course, we’re not being serious. we’re just joshing around. So imagine the gut punch I feel whenever I see people say Hyrule is Christian and realize that they’re being serious. I just can’t take it seriously.
Favorite pairing with: Aurora. It’s cute and I’m a sucker for that hero and royalty dynamic, especially when the hero is a peasant. It’s so cheesy, but I love it.
Favorite friendship: Legend. But not the way everyone else pairs them up as the grumpy one and the sunshine one. I think of it more as them being the pinnacle of boys being boys. They’re shitheads. They do stupid shit together. They both have a dark sense of humor. They joke that they’re practically the same person sometimes.
NOTP: uhhhhhhhhh.... Is he paired with anyone else?
Favorite headcanon: I love the idea that he just likes his way of life and refuses to accept anyone saying otherwise. Legend wants to teach him to read? Sorry, but he’s never had to read before in his life so he’s pretty sure he’ll never need it anyway. Want to participate in the treasured Hylian tradition of piercing your ears when you come of age? Why would he ever do that when a monster could rip those earrings off? He’s stuck in his ways and it frustrates everyone else to no end, but he has no interest in ever changing.
What I love about them: When I was 9, I spent my time online on Legend of Zelda forums. I remember one of my forum friends saying that they wanted a Legend of Zelda game where Link lost. And I think of that friend whenever I think about Wild. BOTW Link is the best Link that has ever been. He is the epitome of every trait we associate with any Link. He’s smart and sassy. He’s hard working and kind. But underlining all of that is the fact that he’s still the one who failed. If Demise’s Curse in SkSw is the set-up, the Great Calamity is the payoff. And I haven’t even talked about how confirming him as being non-verbal before the Calamity does so much for his characterization. I don’t even know where to start or how to articulate it. By game storyline alone, Wild is one of my favorites.
What I hate about them: You guys knew this one was coming, but I’m going to have to say it anyway. Fandom Wild.... not good. I’ve said it for half of these boys so far, but god is it true. I have a way I see Wild that is rarely done in the fandom. Fandom Wild has a lot of the traits I also see in Wild, but to all of the extremes. I will mention one thing in particular as being a pet peeve, and it’s how some people headcanon him as always being nonverbal. I know what they’re trying to do, and I think they’re on to something, but they’re also missing the point of what BOTW Link’s character arc is. I just wish more people would forget fandom and work more off of the games for how to characterize him.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Weirdly enough, my favorite moment is when he got mad at everyone for making fun of his Gerudo outfit, so he dumped Goron Spice in his cooking. It’s encapsulates a part of his character I think a lot of people forget about.
What I would like to see more focus on: I think he has a really complicated relationship with his past. He said himself that his old self felt like a different person, and I think that should be explored a lot more. That idea actually fascinates me so much that instead of CTB, I almost wrote a character study fic about Wild. His emotions are not as simple as feeling guilty about letting his friends die and not preventing the Calamity. His emotions would be so complicated and because I don’t have the time to explore it, someone else needs to do it for me.
What I would like to see less focus on: There is a weird fascination with Wild having memory loss and essentially being like a kid again. And this feels infantilizing to me. It honestly bugs me a lot every time I see it.
Favorite pairing with: I can’t decide between Zelda, Mipha, and Revali. They’re all different dynamics and they’re all good.
Favorite friendship: Paya. I firmly believe that Paya is Wild’s best friend. I am the only one in the world who believes this. But I am also the only one in the world who is correct. 
NOTP: Wild is good with everyone. Good for him!
Favorite headcanon: An essential scene of my Wild character study I will never write is one where his horse dies. He goes into shock and walks back to Kakariko to talk to Impa. But once he goes to her, he breaks down in tears and has an absolute melt down over the horse. And Impa sagely says, “It’s not about the horse, is it?” She’s implying that he’s actually mourning the loss of his friends, Hyrule, his life, everything-- but through his tears, he keeps tell her that she’s wrong. He barely remembers them. He doesn’t know them. He doesn’t have any feelings about them. He just really loved that horse. But Impa refuses to listen to him, just repeating over and over again: “it’s not really about the horse.”
And that’s it! That’s all of my opinions! I know a lot of my opinions are polarizing, but everything I said is in good faith, and I am not trying to diss anyone for how they approach these characters.
I welcome you to send me your Opinions on the Links, even if it’s just to disagree with me. I’m cool with it, and I like knowing what everyone else thinks!
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sir, ma’am, person, or other pronouns, you cannot just post good writing ideas right before I sleep /j
I’d like to see that golden house prompt as a short story,,, possibly????😳
spoiler! i ain't good at choreographing fights but uh i THINK i was poetic enough so it still sounds cool??? hope that's ok!! this is also inspired by some of the brainrot i've been having and getting in the past few days so i can definitely make a part two!! also normal Childe’s there for a bit original prompt was of FL Childe injuring you during the golden house fight!! read Part Two here!!: The Sky’s Tears ~ * ~ Golden House is Falling Down Foul Legacy Childe x Reader Gender Neutral (no pronouns mentioned) Angst Warnings: Worrying, descriptions of anger, fighting (battles), a corpse, allusions to blood, pain, potential death, lightning, electrocution
~ * ~
Sometimes Childe worried you. It came with his job, you supposed. You were well aware of his status as a Fatui Harbinger, although you’ve never personally seen him at work- it had been a casual accident when you walked into him discussing plans with his subordinates. The two of you hadn’t been close back then, only acquaintances, and he made you swear to secrecy. Well, technically he had threatened you, but you didn’t particularly mind. You weren’t as in love with Liyue as some of your friends were, and you, unlike many people, understood the importance of a well-paying job. Having his position exposed to the public could very well get him fired. Those had been your concerns, so long ago. But now, as you hurried after the Traveler in all their glory, those pitiful worries seemed so far away, replaced instead by anxious thoughts flurrying by about life and death. You weren’t anyone of particular importance in the harbor, but you always made sure to pay careful attention to any rumors and gossip you heard. You always took them with a grain of salt, of course, but you had long ago learned that it was good to keep things you heard in your mind as potential possibilities. Liyue had a habit of having “impossible” events happen anyways. It really got on your nerves sometimes. Last week’s whispers had been full of a Fatui plan about meddling with the panicking government, after Rex Lapis had allegedly fallen from the sky, his status as the oldest living archon gone. Seeing that the Fatui’s reputation wasn’t particularly good, you had filed the thought away to consider later. A few days later, it came true. And Childe seemed to vanish into thin air, shifting your worries instantaneously over to him. It was funny, how close the two of you had gotten in the weeks he’d been in Liyue. At least, you were close to him. The Traveler was kind enough to let you accompany them to the famed Golden House, just to cover all possible leads. Their steps are light and quick as you approach the elegant building, all lined with gold and jade, and you can almost hear the tinkling sound of mora within. The Traveler stares up at the enormous door, clutching their sword. They seem prepared for a fight. You gulp, hoping that their stance is just how they stand as a default. The doors to the Golden House swing open, and the Traveler gestures for you to follow them, a determined look in their eyes. You enter together, and momentarily you’re distracted by the piles of mora scattered around the floor- probably more mora than you’d see in your entire life. Your eyes scan the room as the glimmer of coins snatches your attention, a tendency that friends and family had always teased you lightheartedly about- they’d call you a crow or a magpie. You didn’t mind being a bird. It sounded fun, to fly away from all your problems. Finally your gaze lands on the corpse of Rex Lapis, floating in the center-back of the room like a morbid decoration put on display. Despite it being very, very dead, it emanates an aura of power, and you involuntarily shiver, the temperature seeming to drop by a few degrees. Suddenly you hear the great doors of the Golden House slam shut, and someone’s voice questions why they, the Traveler, still lingered. The three of you, little Paimon included, turn in surprise. It’s Childe, the very person you were fretting over and looking for. You sigh quietly in relief, but your fleeting moment of calm is quickly dashed as the Traveler silently challenges him to a duel. Hastily you scramble to get out of the way, and just barely find yourself “out-of-bounds” when the arena for their fight flares to life as they both ready their weapons. Childe retrieves his bow with a twisted smile, a counterpart to the Traveler’s iron stoicness. But it seems his gaze lingers on you, and softens for a brief moment, something you tell yourself is just your imagination, because you doubt he was ever your friend to begin with. As someone whose work isn’t associated with adventuring, your knowledge of combat is limited, but even you can see the
skill of both the Traveler and Childe as their blades clash. Several times a burst of elemental energy strikes the burning walls of the arena, and you’re thankful for the barrier between you and them, because you have very little chance of surviving the power of their abilities. When Childe’s clothes darken and the mask falls over his face, you remember hearing something about a far more powerful and dangerous version of Visions- Delusions, items the Tsaritsa, Cryo Archon and ruler of Snezhnaya, rewards to her most loyal and deserving followers. Childe’s is Electro, and the crackle of static energy he slashes towards the Traveler makes your hair stand on end. You shield your eyes from the bright lights dancing around the arena, and when you reopen them, Childe has disappeared. And he reappears next to Rex Lapis’ corpse. Several things happen at once. The Geo Archon’s Gnosis is gone, taken by neither the Harbinger or the Traveler. Paimon looks worried, the Traveler looks shocked, and Childe enraged- You blink and he’s changed. Suddenly several feet taller, he now floats, some sort of terrible creature you’ve never seen before. Everything is loud, too loud, and you clap your hands over your ears, as the floor breaks away beneath you. And you fall with the Traveler and Paimon into the chamber below. You feel something catch you- an enormous clawed hand- and set you down more or less gently into a single large room. The room is the arena, an arena you stand in with no escape. The Gnosis is gone, and Childe is a monster, one of both Hydro and Electro and a foreign, starry magic that makes your skin crawl. And the battle only continues. Luckily the Traveler is adamant on staying away from you, drawing Childe’s attacks to the other side of the arena entirely, and for a majority of the fight the most you have to do is dodge falling arrows and water amalgamations. Childe’s furious questions about the Gnosis soon fade into hisses and growls as he loses himself more and more into the horrible joy of battle. You lean over, coughing slightly from the water that splashed you as a consequence of his attacks and the exertion from dodging and keeping your balance in the Hydro-soaked room. The Traveler screams, and you look up too late as a burst of electro slashes across your chest. Then everything goes white and high pitched, your senses bursting alongside the elemental energy as it runs up your damp skin and clothes. The pain from the combination of Hydro and Electro in your veins brings tears to your eyes, and it’s only amplified around your torso as you vaguely feel something warm and sticky dripping down. Someone shakes you, panicking, calling your name, but everything is white, cold noise. The sounds around you are muffled as the battle slows to a halt, and all you hear is ringing. Another hand, sharp and clawed, brushes against your arm, but it retreats when someone starts shouting. A blade is brandished as someone yells at a monster to stay away, he’s done enough damage, how dare he, and you hear a mournful, desperate chitter through the haze of static. Ah, that curious sound, it makes your heart ache. But what, or who, is it? The sword slices through the air as the monster is pushed away by a blonde-haired Traveler’s rage, and it soon joins into the pitching, ringing note in your ears before it tapers into silence and sorrow, leaving only the inky abyss of darkness crawling up to your eyes as the pain fades into weightlessness. This time, you let yourself fall. In the harbor, the Fair Lady is informed that the Golden House is falling down, falling down.
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! Headcanon #21
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Thank you so much for this ask, I appreciate writing angst because I know what can make hearts wrench and faces drench. Comedy is he’d because not everyone has the same sense of humor, but it’s a preference thing.
So, Lilith visits the brothers in their dreams, huh? You know what, I might just add MC in this cause ancestors are wonderful to see in your dreams, except if they were Hernan Cortez, f*ck that guy.
(Sorry for going out of order, I made the last headcanon 22, when it should have been 21, so this is gonna be 21 instead.)
Lucifer: Lucifer would probably be having one of his desk knockouts when he has his dream about seeing Lilith. He would feel a gentle tap on his back, and he would jerk awake, cause there was only one person who used to do that. He turns to see Lilith giving her sweet smile. It was like a dam cracked, but for Lucifer, a few tears welled up in his eyes and a few streaks left when Lilith embraced him. They proceeded to talk about the life she lived, how good it felt to contribute to a human legacy that ended up connecting back to her brothers even after a fall from grace. She says she is proud of Lucifer for keeping her in his heart, and for being so kind and protective to her and her descendant. And after leaving Lucifer with a kiss in his cheek, Lucifer wakes up to his eyes and cheeks wet, and his heart warm. He wipes his face and goes back to work with a relieved smile. He didn’t let her down.
Mammon: He had “woken up” in his room to someone sitting down next to him while he lay on the couch. He turned the lights on and he almost whimper-sobbed when he saw it was Lilith. He shot up and gave her a hug and she returned it, lightly stroking the back of his head, to which he made a sound between a purr and a somber growl. She proceeded to let him talk, get out his feelings and what’s been going on with him, he almost talked for the whole dream. But he suddenly stopped when Lilith began to gently pat his back, and began to thank him for protecting MC, and for doing his best to be there them. She also felt good that she could be there to help him vent, she was a very patient listener. And after one last kiss on the nose, Mammon jerked awake for real, tears still streaming, feeling sad that he didn’t get to ask how she was...
Leviathan: He fell asleep at his desk again, but this time, he was dreaming he woke up in his bathtub , and saw a familiar head of hair silhouetted by the light of his huge fish tank. He jumped up and went over to Lilith and she greeted him with a beautiful smile. It seemed MC definitely had Lilith’s smile. She began to ask him about how he’s doing and he went in on how much gaming, watching, and reading he has done, and proceeded to talk on and on about Rurichan and his anime passion. She listened to every single second of his speech, happy that Levi finally found something to live for after peace time was announced. He woke up asking her if she wanted to play a game, and found himself alone. He wanted to hang a bit longer and was sad that he woke up so suddenly... the first time that he actually wanted to voluntarily sleeping longer.
Satan: He is wondering who the person next to his usual reading spot is, but deep down, he feels it. Lilith smiles and says that it’s a pleasure to meet him. She asks questions about him, what does he like to do, what does he like to read, just questions about him, and Satan is more than happy to answer these questions. When she mentions she likes cats, they click, and talk everything about cats. Lilith describes a cat that her human family had, and Satan remembers seeing a cat like that in the Devildom, she was a very good girl. Soon, when it was time for her to go, she said that she had fun getting to know him, and that Satan had come a long way, and that his journey is his own path, no one else’s. She said that she’s excited to see the person he becomes. He wakes up, feeling validated, happy that Lilith didn’t see him as another Lucifer.
Asmodeus: Asmo had pretty beautiful dreams, but there was one where Asmo walked into his room and saw Lilith checking out his vanity where he had his make up, and his huge mirror. She turned and smiled at Asmo, “Just as beautiful as I remembered.” Was what she said and Asmo went over to her and hugged her close. “Lilith, you’re gonna make my mascara run!” “Well then we can fix that.” Asmo proceeded to sit at the vanity and had Lilith do his make up, applying eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, foundation, not necessarily in that order, and talking about how Asmo had been. Asmo was happy talking about himself and reminiscing about memories with Lilith. When she was done with him, she showed Asmo his face, and he was in love with his beautiful face. But then, suddenly, the tears started coming. “I... miss you, Lili... so much.” She kissed his cheek and smiled. “I miss you too, Asmo, when you wake up, strut like you have never strut before, and be fierce for the both of us. I love you so much.” “I love you too, Lili.” Asmo said as he woke up, in complete darkness, but his eyes felt wet. He lifted his sleep mask and realized he had been crying behind it while he was asleep. He felt mixed, happy because Lilith came to him and glad to see her, but sad because Lilith wasn’t on this plane of existence anymore... and he knew the face she put on him wasn’t there anymore.
Beelzebub: Beel was dreaming about going to the fridge for a midnight snack, and he found someone already in the fridge. He gasped as Lilith revealed herself from behind the open fridge, Beel suddenly lost his appetite and just hugged her, apologizing for not saving her, for not being strong enough to save her. But she just held him and stopped him apologizing. “I wouldn’t have wanted Belphie to die, you two are twins, and no one else could ever replace the other if one of you were gone... It wasn’t your fault.” She said as she held him close. After a good cry, Beel spent the rest of the dream being fed by Lilith. But when Beel woke up, Beel realized he was sleep eating again, and MC was the one who was feeding him. “Are you awake, Beel? You began crying and hugging me tightly... are you okay?” Beel blushed and gave a small smile, “I am now...”
Belphegor: He “wakes up” frantically because he feels someone that he never thought he would feel again, and he was fully prepared to kill whomever was playing such a cruel prank. But there she was, Lilith, just as he remembered her, except no halo over her head. He is overcome with emotions for the first time in a while. He went over to her, but as he went to embrace her, he fell apart, knees gave out as he almost felt her arms wrap around him. He just started sobbing into her shoulder. Lilith held him close and just rubbed his back tenderly, letting him get his emotions out. Eventually, he began to lightly whimper and mumble, “I’m sorry,” repeatedly as he held her back. She just held onto him and stroked his head, comforting him. She proceeds to say that she’s sorry for putting him through such pain, and that she wished that she could have came to him sooner. Belphie felt his embrace to her, and never wanted it to end. But when it did, he felt a bit happier, he was glad that she came to him, and hopes for another dream to see Lilith.
MC: The only time that you actually interacted with her was when she gave you an extra life. So it was good to finally see her again under non-life threatening circumstances. You both hug each other and it was like hugging your grandmother, you felt safe, snug, and loved. You then proceed to talk about everything that has happened after you brought the family back together, and you tell Lilith about all the shenanigans they got you into, meanwhile, she’s laughing, and affirming that those were indeed her brothers. She then proceeds to give you advice on little things to do to make them feel loved, like gently caress Lucifer’s hair when it gets in his face, lean into Mammon’s shoulder, gift Beel a whole goodie basket, get Belphie a gigantic beanbag pillow, you know, little things. You say your goodbyes and she says that she is proud of you for being so strong. You wake up feeling so content, yet sad, cause you wanted to talk to her some more.
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aj28gaming · 3 years
How post-game SDR2 should've been like
"I...almost got Junko to take over everyone's bodies and spread despair to the entire world."
He finally said it. He finally admitted it
After realizing everything, from how Nagito was right all along to how everyone else was and is far far worse than Nagito could ever be
And that includes Hajime, who just admitted to being the worst of everyone on this island.
Because he just now admitted to Nagito, his friend that he hated and abandoned throughout the killing game all because of a misunderstanding, that he almost caused the worst nightmare Nagito could ever dream of
Total, utter, despair. To the entire world
It took some time for Hajime to accept it, to accept, with the help of his multiple analytical talents of course, that he was probably the worst possible friend and person anyone can ask for.
Sure, Nagito was "weird," but boy was he right about almost anything.
His "hope" is truly the literal definition of hope.
As his "Ultimate literate" and "Ultimate English Major" would say,
hope /hōp/ 📷Learn to pronounce
noun 1. a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. "he looked through her belongings in the hope of coming across some information" Similar: aspiration, desire, wish, expectation, ambition, aim, plan, dream, daydream, pipe dream, longing, yearning, craving, hankering 2. ARCHAIC a feeling of trust. "our private friendship, upon hope and affiance whereof, I presume to be your petitioner" verb want something to happen or be the case. "he's hoping for an offer of compensation"
Everything checks out
No wonder Nagito called Peko Fuyuhiko's hope. No wonder Nagito said that Teruteru's hope was to see his mom and save the culinary family legacy.
No wonder Nagito said Mikan murdered for despair, after all her beloved was Junko Enoshima, the ultimate despair herself.
It's crazy how right Nagito was all along, how much empathy and understanding he has had for every one of their classmates.
It's just that, sadly, no one understood how right he was all this time.
Not even Hajime himself.
He always thought Nagito couldn't be trusted, that he was always scheming something or up to no good. Trying to plan something to mess with their heads or trick them once again.
Once again...
Hajime would laugh. Because, now, he finally realized how wrong he was with that mindset.
And he only developed that mindset after the first trial.
And what did Nagito do during the first trial?
Everyone thought Nagito tried to kill Byakuya out of pure insanity but failed thanks to Teruteru killing him instead. That's why everyone started to change their perception of him.
And what made it worse was that "maniacal laugh" he did during the trial, it amplified everyone's fear and hatred of him even more.
But that couldn't be farther from the truth.
You see, and Hajime has just found this out thanks to his observations and ultimate talents, Nagito doesn't laugh out of joy or happiness. No, not at all.
In fact, he laughs when he gets surprised, not because he is having fun. And considering the situation he was in, from indirectly causing two murders to being ganged up on by everyone else because of being suspected as the culprit, who wouldn't go crazy and stressed at a predicament like that?
He wasn't enjoying any of that one bit, in fact, it was quite the opposite.
Thinking about it now, it's starting to become painfully clearer. Nagito wasn't at all enjoying the killing game, he was terrified. He hated it more than anyone else, it was his personal hell after all.
That's why he kept clinging to hope. After all, it's normal for a person to cling to a shining hope in a despairful situation. A beam of light, a tiny spec of happiness.
A good ending. That's what Nagito wanted.
No wonder he kept talking about hope, he was desperate for it, everyone was.
But god did they mistreat Nagito.
And back to what Nagito actually did during the first trial.
You see, he wasn't actually trying to get anyone killed.
He was trying to become the first victim himself
It may seem weird at first because that would mean kickstarting the killing game, but it makes sense the more you think about it.
The killing game would've started regardless, and the murders and trials after the first prove that.
And Nagito knew this, which added to the reasons he was paranoid during the start. It was his personal hell, after all, seeing death surround him and his classmates once more.
As if his luck cycle hasn't already tormented him enough...
And so, that's why Nagito did it. He knew that no matter what, someone would've killed someone
He just wanted it to be him and no one else. So no one else has to die like the victims of his horrid luck cycle.
Damn his selflessness...
And that includes his stunt during the 5th trial.
Who can blame a guy, who just found out he is stuck with a bunch of terrorists and remnants of despairs that terrorized the entire world for god knows how long, for wanting those very people dead?
Those very people, that tortured, murdered, manipulated, brainwashed, blackmailed, amputated their bodies, for the sake of despair.
Who wouldn't want them dead? Who wouldn't go crazy at that revelation?
No one. No one at all.
Not even Hajime. After all, he did go crazy after finding out that very same fact that Nagito found out.
So crazy that he almost did the complete opposite of what Nagito tried to do and nearly got everyone to get taken over by Junko and to spread despair again.
To torture, murder, manipulate, blackmail...
All that to happen again. All because Hajime didn't want to die.
So much that he was about to commit the biggest mistake in human history, causing everyone's greatest fears to come to life once again.
All because of his stupidity, his uselessness.
Maybe he really was just a useless reserve course student after all...
No wonder Nagito hated everyone, no wonder Nagito hated Hajime the most.
Who wouldn't?
Damn Hajime's selfishness...
Damn him for thinking about himself instead of everyone else.
Damn him for not being there for his first friend who was the most stressed and vulnerable throughout the killing game.
Damn him for his uselessness, his stupidity.
Damn him...
And so, that's why Hajime admitted it. Despite knowing that what he almost did would've caused Nagito's worst fears to come to life again.
Despite knowing that this would give Nagito even more reason to hate him and despise him for the rest of his life.
Despite knowing how much despair Nagito is already in after finding out he is still trapped with the very people he hates and fears the most
Despite all this, Hajime still pushed himself to be honest. Because he couldn't take it anymore.
After everything he and the others have done to Nagito, how they treated him like a psycho when in reality he hated the killing game more than all of them combined, which was the main reason he went crazy, Nagito deserved to know the truth.
To know how despairful and horrible Hajime really is.
And so he said it, and the boy's response from the inside of his cottage was to be expected of course.
"What?" he barely croaked out, of course too shocked to even understand what he just heard.
Despite his heart-wrenching guilt already clawing the back of his mind into the deep crevices of hell, where he truly belonged at this point, he still pushed on.
"You could've caused despair!?" It was louder this time, the interrupting scold almost hurtful and loud enough to make Hajime want to cover his ears and walk away, to pretend like none of this was happening.
"Do you...have any idea what you could have done!?" Nagito took a quick breath in the middle, he was hyperventilating.
Makes sense, after all, it's not every day that you get told by your supposed "friend" that he almost caused everyone's nightmares and despairs to come to life by a press of a button.
It's not every day that you find out that same "friend" of yours would've picked causing terrorism and mindless torture to spread throughout the entire world instead of suicide.
It's not every day that you find out this "friend" of yours, who you helped and cared about the most throughout the killing game, would've caused you the most despair and trauma that your luck has ever given you in your entire life.
It's not every day that the person you care about the most, is also the person that would hurt you the most.
And Hajime knew this. Boy did he know this.
Which explains the protruding and continuous sweat dripping so much that they began to sting his eyes, the aching chest covering a heart beating so fast that he wouldn't be surprised if he passed out on the spot.
But he couldn't, he had to push through.
After all, it's all his fault. And he had to take responsibility.
And Nagito definitely deserved to know everything.
But still, it didn't stop him from facing away slightly, like a kid scared of getting punished by their infuriated mom.
"You...you could've caused despair! No! Complete terrorism! Everyone and everything would've been in total chaos and despair all because of you! You...you monster! You absolute monster!"
Every word followed by a broken and betrayed sob. Despite him being "prepared," it didn't stop Hajime from wanting to cry in shame and kill himself to just end all of this already.
"You...I...Why? Why would you do this?" Nagito begged, almost on the verge of tears.
"W-well...it's not like I went along with it in the end!" Hajime "reasoned."
Then, he realized his mistake far too late. Of course, it didn't matter if he did it or not, what matters is the fact that he considered the idea. And that fact couldn't be more true for Nagito.
So Hajime tried to backtrack his mistake, realizing soon after that his destiny was sealed, "Nagito, I didn't mean-"
"Do none of them matter? Countless people, murdered, tortured, manipulated into despair for despair, all because of you. Do they seriously not matter? You think it's okay just because you 'didn't do it in the end?' Of course not, just the fact that you considered it is horrifying enough!"
"WELL WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE DONE!?" Hajime snapped, realizing too late that due to his impulsiveness and anger, he asked the dumbest question anyone could ask.
"I WOULD'VE SACRIFICED MYSELF!" Nagito snapped back.
Nagito was breathing heavily now, so heavily it's practically an asthma attack mixed with tears and hyperventilation. Hajime could almost hear him trying to keep himself stable while his mental state continues to worsen the process.
His saliva spitting out of his mouth from him trying to breathe properly and lashing out in anger, agony, and betrayal.
Nagito was in tears so much that he almost can't see anything because of the number of tears accumulated in his eye sockets. He hated this, he hated this so much. It hurts him so much.
And what hurts him the most is that despite all of this, he still can't stop loving Hajime, he can't stop having him deep inside his heart...
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astroaedes · 4 years
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This reading was conducted on December 10th, 2020. Also it’s really long so sorry about that!
Major Arcana - The Hanged Man
Minor Arcana - Three of Wands; Ten of Coins
Court Cards - Page of Coins; Knight of Cups; Knight of Swords; King of Coins
Elemental/Zodiac - Air; Cancer; Sagittarius
Let’s start off with Cancer, the Ten of Coins, and the King of Coins. Mark most definitely wants a family. He has a very strong sense of community, belonging and tradition - he doesn’t just want children, he wants to create a lineage and a legacy. Which makes me think that he is the type of person that dates to marry. Mark has an end goal in mind so if he doesn’t see a long term future with someone then he won’t bother dating them. If he is dating someone then he is probably thinking in the back of his mind “this could be The One”. Mark definitely feels the need to provide for his partner and wants to make sure all their needs are met. I almost think he sees this as “practice” for when/if he becomes a parent. 
The Page of Coins appeared in his ideal type reading and I mentioned that I thought it represented Mark so I find it very cute that it has appeared again. Mark is so incredibly earnest and sincere in his relationships - like it honestly melts my heart. He knows that he still has a lot to learn about being a boyfriend and is dedicated to being the best. He would take note of every little thing about his partner and file it away just in case he needs that information for later. He wants to be The World’s #1 Boyfriend. Mark would find a lesson in every situation so that when he finally meets “The One” he will be the best version of himself. At the moment he is just a Page but one day he wants to be a King.
The Knight of Cups is the romantic soul of the tarot - they are searching for spiritual truth and unconditional love. They are part of a divine mission. To my understanding Mark is Christian, at the very least he believes in God, and I get the sense that his spirituality/religion plays a significant role in his understanding of love and relationships. There are aspects to the Air card which make me think this as well. Air can mean one of two things (according to the classical elements). It can be referring to aer which is the Earth’s atmosphere, it’s the stuff we breathe in and out and represents thoughts, ideas, and communication. Or it could be referring to aether which is what fills the universe, it’s what stars are made of and represents something greater than ourselves. Religion and spiritual beliefs can be highly personal so I definitely cannot comment on any of this with certainty but I do think that Mark has this notion of a “divine plan”. The right person will come along at the right time and it won’t be a coincidence, it will be because of divine will. I think this ties in well with this sincerity and desire to learn that I discussed with the Page of Coins. If God has brought him and his partner together then of course Mark will honour their relationship and seek knowledge from it. 
Sagittarius and the Three of Wands were kinda unexpected. They both appeared in Jaehyun’s relationship reading and I feel like he and Mark have pretty different attitudes towards love and relationships so I was kinda like “huh?” Both of these cards represent a desire for freedom and adventure, a desire for the creation of a life full of passion and excitement. Despite all this talk of family, legacy and divine plans Mark is still a fiery young Leo so he a needs a sense of lightness and joy in his relationships. He wants all these serious things but he also wants to have fun too. While Mark values devotion and commitment, he also wants both him and his partner to have a certain level of independence. Mark has a strong sense of self and shines bright in the world and his relationships must respect that.
Finally we have The Hanged Man and the Knight of Swords. Mark is incredibly driven, ambitious and relentless in the pursuit of his goals and he is easily frustrated when things start to slow down or his momentum is lost. There’s a mental aggressiveness to the Knight of Swords that maybe people wouldn’t associate with Mark but I think you can really see it in his work ethic and the sheer amount of sub-units and groups he is part of. The Hanged Man can be hard to make sense of sometimes but it can often indicate a pivot or change of perspective in someone’s life. It’s almost the opposite of the Knight of Swords - it represents an impasse, a moment of pause and reflection. I think Mark will really struggle to balance his relationships and his career. He is so unrelenting in his work and passions that it will be hard for him to slow down and shift his focus and priorities. Mark has large aspirations for both his future career and his future relationships so unless he can find a way to balance the two of them then one of them will have to suffer. If there is ever a point in the future where we see a huge shift or change in Mark’s career then we can assume it’s because he’s found The One.
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sheerfreesia007 · 3 years
Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 11
Title: Finding Love In Legacy Oaks pt. 11
Fandom: Kingsman
Pairing: Agent Whiskey x OFC
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 7,484
Warnings: Mention of injury
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo
Author Notes: So Bunny’s life isn’t all rainbow and sunshine, I’m just trying to write relatable things into this story and loved the idea of this happening to Bunny. There’s a method to madness for putting Bunny through a little bit of pain. Jack opens up a little bit about his family finally! We get a bit of family history from both Bunny and Jack. I can’t wait to show you how I draw these two idiots closer together! Hope you enjoy!
Gif Credit: Google
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Blinking her eyes rapidly Bunny sighed softly and rubbed at them feeling how strained and tired they were. Quickly saving her work on her laptop she closes down the web design program and powers down her laptop closing the lid. She turns in her desk chair and spots Butter sleeping in the plush dog bed that she keeps in her office, his tongue as always hanging out of his mouth as he lays on his back with his feet in the air. She chuckled softly, shaking her head as she heard him snore loudly from his comfortable spot. Just then her cellphone began ringing and she saw that Jack was calling her. Furrowing her eyebrows she answered the call and pressed the phone to her ear.
“Hey Jack, everything alright?” she greeted him and heard his soft warm chuckle on the other side of the phone.
“Hey Bunny, everything’s good. Just got a few moments to kill, you got time to just chat?” he asks warmly and Bunny can feel a warmth start to develop in her chest at the idea that he just wanted to call her to talk. Brining one foot up to rest on the desk chair she leans back and gets comfortable in the chair.
“Of course, you’ve got impeccable timing Jack.” Bunny replied with a soft chuckle.
“Work dragging you down?” he asked curiously and Bunny could hear shifting in the background on his end of the call, he was probably getting comfortable himself.
“Not dragging me down, but I’ve been staring at my laptop screen for the last few hours and it’s starting to do a number on my eyes. Thankfully I was able to get a good chunk of this project planned and mapped out.” She explained easily as she snuggled further into her desk feeling the cushions sink and surround her.
“Does that normally take a long time to get done?” Jack asks and Bunny is was pleasantly surprised at his questions, normally people didn’t really care to learn about the process of designing a website.
“Depending on what the client actually wants it could take a few hours to code the links and pages to open the right way. But normally it takes about half a day to plan and map out the website.” Bunny explained in layman terms so that she wouldn’t confuse him.
“And what’s the next step after that?” Jack asked curiously. Bunny smiled as she thought about the next part of the project that she would have to work on, it was her favorite part.
“Designing the face of the website. See the planning and mapping of the website is the background work, it’s how the website is coded to work. If you click on a link and it brings you to another page that’s the mapping part of it. The design is how it looks to the client. I can make it look a certain way based on what the client has requested.” Bunny explained passionately as she started getting even more comfortable in the conversation about her work.
“What was the most outlandish website you’ve been asked to design?” Jack asks with a soft chuckle and Bunny sits for a minute to think.
“I had a client come to me and request a website be made for his young daughter. Apparently she wanted a place to be able to post all about her latest obsessions. But there was no rhyme or reason to the website, random music played on different pages and the mouse would be different shapes for different pages. And it would randomly have sparkles falling like snow on the pages. Think of that Myspace era and dial it up to thousand percent. That project gave me so many headaches I think I invested in the aspirin companies.” Bunny explained with a groan and Jack laughed loudly on the other end of the phone call.
“Oh goodness, I remember those fads. They were horrible now that we’re well past them. I’m lucky that Es wasn’t old enough for that back then otherwise I’d be tortured by all of that. What was your favorite website design?” he said as he still chuckled.
“Oh yeah she’d have loved all of that stuff. What with her love of sparkle I’m surprised she hasn’t gotten you just let her glitter her whole room.” Bunny laughed happily and Jack scoffed softly.
“Don’t you dare give her that idea! She’s already tried to convince me to let her get more sparkly items for her room. I think my eyes are constantly blinded whenever I have to walk into or even past it. Bunny, too much sparkle.” Jack bemoaned to her and Bunny burst into laughter.
“Alright, alright I won’t mention glitter to her.” Bunny conceded as she laughed delightedly. She grinned as a lull in the conversation happened naturally and they both calmed a little.
“So favorite project?” Jack asked again. And Bunny grinned as she remembered her favorite project that she worked on.
“I have an annual client who comes to me to design her family reunion website. Nice elderly lady with a very large family, I’m talking like the last reunion two years ago had I think twenty grandkids. She normally contacts me in the beginning of spring to start designing the website so that it’s ready for early summer and their reunion is towards the end of the summer. It’s a week-long event for them where they go to the family lake cabin and just spend the week doing boating activities, there’s competitions between each branch of the family and there’s nightly outdoor movies and bonfires. It’s a lovely affair and all their pictures are so funny to see when she sends them to me to place on the website. It’s my favorite project because she’s such a sweet woman and I love listening to all her stories she tells me.” Bunny said warmly as she leaned further into her desk fondly remembering all the conversations she’s had with the woman.
“Have you ever met her in person?” Jack asks curiously and Bunny’s smile falters a little bit. “I only ask because you sound like she’s gotten close to you after being a client for a while.”
“Yes, I’ve worked with her for about five years now and have met with her in person every year while working with her on the websites. We usually go out to a long lunch and just spend the day talking about life and how we’ve been and also about the project. She’s truly a wonderful woman and she’s become kind of like a surrogate mom to me since mine lives so far away. But her family reunions are always fun to hear about and all the crazy adventures they get into.” Bunny says wistfully.
“You like the outdoors Bunny?” Jack asked warmly and Bunny grins widely at the question.
“I do, my family was always big on camping when I was growing up and while I don’t get to go as much now I still love to go camping and hiking. Butter and I have done a few mountain hiking trails together.” Bunny said fondly as she remembers her adventures with Butter.
“No way! Butter can hike? I’m surprised that little sausage roll can make it up your steps every day.” Jack teases and Bunny laughs into the phone.
“It’s all fur, don't let that fiend fool you.” Bunny said in a quiet confession and Jack laughed happily.
“Do you like outdoor activities?” Bunny asked curiously and Jack’s laughter faded in her ear.
“I do but it’s a little different than your idea of outdoors. My family back in Kentucky owns a large farm and I grew up there. Worked on the farm until I went to college and whenever I had a break I would come back home and help out when I could. Unfortunately when I started my career in security I wasn’t able to come home as often and help out. But the family still has the farm and it’s prospering so they’re all doing well for themselves.” Jack explained easily and Bunny nodded her head loving that he was actually sharing some information about himself with her. “We used to go out into the pasture a lot during the summers and sleep under the stars with a small campfire. It’s one of my favorite memories about the farm and my siblings.” Jack confessed warmly and Bunny felt that warmth that had started to grow in her chest began to spread and consume her body as she listened to Jack talk about his family’s farm.
“Do you have a lot of siblings?” Bunny asked, wanting to keep the conversation going and gather as much information about Jack as she was able to. He was still a mystery to her and while she knew he was a good man and cared greatly for his daughter she still didn’t know much about him. She wanted to begin a friendship that could hopefully turn into something so much more. And while they had begun flirting and teasing each other Bunny was ready to wait to see how this relationship blossomed. After the hell that she had been put through by her ex-husband Bunny was more than happy to wait and see how a relationship now panned out.
“I’ve got two sisters, one older that’s Rebecca or Becca. She's I think a year or two older than me. Then there’s Amelia, she’s the younger one, she’s five years younger. And finally there’s the baby of the family Will, he’s the youngest but don’t tell him that sometimes he acts like the oldest out of the four of us.” Jack replied easily and Bunny could hear the affection full in his tone over the phone. She could easily tell that he loved and cared deeply for his siblings. She smiled softly as she nodded her head. “What about you? Is it just you and your sister?” Jack asked.
“Actually I’ve got three siblings. There’s Sasha that you know about, she was adopted when I was eight and she’s two years younger than me, she’s the only one of us who’s got kids. Then there’s Jake, he was adopted when I was eleven he’s three years younger. And Freddie is five years younger than me and he was adopted when I was sixteen.” Bunny said smiling as she thought back to when her siblings were adopted and the parties that were thrown.
“So you’ve been through the adoption process?” Jack asks curiously and Bunny has to stomp down the urge and desire to be Esme’s mom that she had the other night at the sleepover.
“Yeah it was a bit hectic as a kid because my parents fostered a lot of kids while growing up and it was both good and bad. The kids that we were fostering, some had some serious mental health issues, like Sasha she has horrendous panic attacks and anxiety attacks all throughout her foster life with us. She still gets it sometimes but they’re not as severe she’s told me. And Freddie has bipolar disorder that he’s managing with a team of doctors, he’s got his good days and then he’s got some really bad days. I check up on him a couple times a month just to see how he’s doing and if he needs anything.” Bunny explained feeling a dull achy pain in her chest as she talked about her siblings’ mental issues. She hated seeing them troubled and if she could take away their pain she would in a heartbeat, Sasha and Freddie were the best type of people and the fact that they had to deal with these issues pained Bunny. She knew they were dealt a hard life but she hoped that by joining her family they had found some sort of peace, and while they had told her this before she hoped it was true.
“Wow, I didn’t realize that the foster kids your parents helped were dealing with those types of issues.” Jack said solemnly.
“Yeah there were others who needed more help than my parents could offer or give and those were the ones that were either placed with another foster family or the state government eventually took custody of them. They became a ward of the state.” Bunny explained softly.
“Well I’m hoping they got the necessary care they needed wherever they ended up.” Jack said in a calm, easing voice.
“I do too.” Bunny replied easily before her mind turned back to Esme once more and the sleepover fiasco was in the forefront of her brain again. “Hey while we’re talking about this stuff. I-uh wanted to let you know that Es had a run in with Cynthia and it wasn’t pretty.” Bunny began to explain. She took a breath in and heard absolute silence on the other end of the call and for a moment she thought the call had dropped. She began to move the phone away from her ear to check when she heard Jack’s deadly calm voice speak up.
“What did Cynthia do to Esme?” he asked in such a harsh cold tone that Bunny physically shivered in her seat.
“Es got caught up in all the excitement with the other girls at the sleepover and called me Mom in front of everyone. Cynthia heard and was a bit of a nasty witch to her and to be honest I can’t remember the exact words because I only saw red and ripped her a new one for her shit talking, but anyway she said something about needing to talk to you about her hanging out with me too much that she was thinking I was her mom.” Bunny explained in a rush as she felt the white hot blind rage she felt after Cynthia snapped at Esme.
“Easy Bunny, easy.” Jack said softly and Bunny took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “Es called you mom?” Jack asked quietly and Bunny felt her heart clench suddenly at his question.
“She did. And Jack I don’t mind one bit. She just got caught up in the chaotic energy the girls were causing and it was just a slip of the tongue. Honest.” Bunny said quickly to try and ease him if he was having second thoughts of her being around Esme so much. “And I talked to Es about it. Told her it’s no big deal and that I’d be lucky to have her as a kid. But I told her what Cynthia said was uncalled for and that she didn’t have to listen to her since she was mean to Es.”
Bunny felt uneasy as if she was rambling as she tried to explain to Jack what had happened the other night and as the silence fell over the phone conversation she felt her anxiety skyrocket inside her. She tried to wait patiently for Jack to say something but when he didn’t say anything after a while she sighed softly, figuring that he’d want to put a stop to them spending so much time together.
“I understand if you don’t want me watching her anymore or taking her to yoga.” Bunny said softly and dejectedly.
“Now hang on.” Jack said suddenly and confidently. “That’s not at all what I want.” Bunny heard his firm words and she felt hope unfurl in her chest making her breath catch silently. “You have been the best thing that has happened to both Esme and myself. You’ve helped me out so much with watching her for me. And Esme has had a rough time making friends in her new neighborhood and school but you’ve done wonders for her confidence that she now has a few friends. Bunny you not being in our lives is the last thing I would want.” Jack stated vehemently and Bunny felt tears prick at her eyes. “I’m more upset that Cynthia had the nerve to say something to Es about calling you mom. I can’t believe that woman.” He said honestly and Bunny sighed softly as she nodded her head.
“Yeah Cynthia I think has it in her head that the two of you are becoming a hot item.” Bunny said thoughtfully and Jack scoffed over the phone.
“She’s married Bunny.” Jack lamented softly to her and Bunny nodded her head at his words.
“I know that, but I don’t think she cares. Ever since I’ve met her she’s always been looking for the next best thing for herself.” Bunny said truthfully.
“She’s always been like this? It’s not just because of me?” Jack asked seriously and Bunny smirked softly, seeing an opportunity for her.
“You’re handsome Jack but you’re no Mark Strong.” Bunny teased him as she grinned widely.
“Oh ho! So you dig the older men huh Bunny?” Jack teased right back and Bunny blushed deeply.
“What can I say, he's dreamy.” Bunny said dismissively and Jack laughed softly.
“Well now I know who my competition is then.” Jack said sultrily and Bunny felt desire jolt down her spine making her gasp softly.
“C-competition?” she stuttered out softly before she heard muffled talking in the background on Jack’s end of the phone call. She could hear Jack responding to whoever was with him distantly as her mind began to race with the thought that Jack was competing for her affection.
“Hey listen Bunny I’ve got to get goin’. Thanks for taking my call and chattin’ with me. Tell Es I’ll give her a call at dinner time alright?” Jack said and Bunny let out her breath slowly through her nose.
“Yeah of course. I’ll let her know. I’ve gotta start getting ready to go get her from the bus stop anyway. We’ll talk to you then.” Bunny began to quickly ramble and she cringed softly as she heard his soft chuckle.
“And yes competition. Can’t let a Brit git one over the good ol’ American boy. Talk to you later Bunny.” Jack said in a low gravelly tone that made Bunny suddenly tense with arousal as she heard his tone and words. And then the line was hung up.
Huffing softly she slouched in her chair and pulled the phone from her ear slowly. Setting it down on the desk gently she turned and saw Butter was still passed out in his bed. Running a hand through her hair Bunny sighed softly.
“That man’s got a seductive tongue.” She said softly to the quiet office and Butter huffed in his sleep making her chuckle softly. “You said it Butter.”
As soon as Esme walked down the bus steps Bunny could tell that she was feeling down. Tilting her head to the side she watched as Esme walked down the sidewalk towards. The two older girls from the last bullying instance were walking behind her giggling and whispering to each other and Bunny felt rage rush her body with red hot anger. The girls looked up from Esme’s back and both instantly stopped talking as they spotted Bunny glaring at them.
“Girls.” Bunny said stiffly as Esme came to a stop next to her and the girls both gulped silently before one hesitantly let out a smile before the two made a dash for their houses. Bunny sighed softly and looked down at Esme who was dejectedly scuffing her sneakers on the sidewalk. “Bad day at school?” Bunny asked softly.
Esme shrugged her shoulders and continued to scuff her sneakers on the sidewalk. Butter looked up at Esme curiously before head-butting her calf with his head. Esme moved a little bit before stepping to the side to avoid Butter doing that again.
“Yep, bad day at school. Why don’t we go for a walk and if you wanna talk I’m all ears. If not, it's no big deal.” Bunny said softly as she looked down at Esme. Esme shrugged her shoulders once more and Bunny nodded her head before gently holding out her hand for Esme. The little girl took a hold of it after a moment's pause and Bunny began leading her and Butter towards the main park area of the community.
The three of them walked in silence and Bunny kept her head held high not wanting to constantly look down at Esme. She was worried it’d upset the little girl more if she constantly tried to check in with her. As the three of them finish crossing the street to the park area Esme starts to slowly perk up.
“Hey Bunny?” she asks suddenly and Bunny hides her smile as much as she possibly can and looks down at the little girl at her side.
“What’s up Es?” Bunny answers in a question and Esme smiles softly at her.
“Have you ever called someone Mom who wasn’t your mom?” Esme asks softly and Bunny nods her head adamantly.
“Oh yeah! So many women.” Bunny said with wide eyes and Esme giggled softly. “I’ve called a bunch of my teachers in school Mom. Let’s see who else, oh! I called Molly’s mom that once and she wouldn’t let me live it down. Wouldn’t stop insisting she was my mom now. And then there was that time that I accidentally called Mr. Quinten dad and it was a whole big thing with him.” Bunny confessed as she sighed and rolled her eyes. Esme giggled brightly as she walked next to Bunny as she began to skip alongside her. “Look Es, there’s nothing wrong with calling someone Mom. It happens all the time.” Bunny stressed earnestly as she stopped walking and bent down to Esme’s level.
“Really?” asked the little girl as she looked at Bunny with a lost expression on her face.
“Yep. Sometimes we just forget where we are and the name just comes out. Other times we see the person we called Mom as a mother figure. It just means that you see that person as someone who you can trust and go to for anything. And I’ll let you in on a secret, come here.” Bunny said surreptitiously as she gestured Esme closer to her. “It means so much to me that you could think of me like that. And I will do my best to be there for you no matter what, understand? You’re stuck with me kiddo.” She said fondly as she nudged Esme under her chin making her giggle. Just then Esme launched herself against Bunny and Bunny caught her easily in her arms holding her close to her.
“Thanks Bunny.” Esme whispered softly.
“Any time kiddo. Any time.” Bunny said softly into the little girl’s hair. “Now what do you say to go for a walk and just hang out before we crack down on homework and then dinner?” Bunny asked hopefully that the little girl was feeling a little bit better.
“Yeah! Oh can we roll down that hill over there?” Esme asked, suddenly excited as she pointed to the medium sized hill that obscured the soccer field from view. Bunny shrugged her shoulders before grinning at Esme and taking off with Butter running besides her.
“Beat you to the top!” Bunny called and Esme shrieked with indignation as she began running as quickly as her little legs could carry her after Bunny.
“You cheated!” Esme cried as she began chasing after Bunny.
“Only if I win!” Bunny called over her shoulder laughing heartily before she began huffing dramatically as Esme caught up to her. Esme giggled as Butter barked chaotically at Bunny’s side as if he was trying to get her to pick up her pace. Once Bunny saw Esme pass her she began to overtly huff and puff as she chased the little girl up the hill.
“I win!” called Esme and began to dance in celebration as she reached the top before Bunny. Bunny made a show of bending over and gasping for breath which made Esme laugh harder. Butter hopped around Bunny barking at her and Bunny laughed softly at the dog as he did his best impression of an angry coach. “Ok, ok. Let’s do this!” cried Esme happily as she threw her back pack to the ground and began to lower herself down to the ground at the top of the hill.
“Alright you go first and then when you come up I’ll go.” Bunny instructed and Esme looked up at her gleefully. “What? You thought I wouldn’t roll down a hill? I’ll have you know I’m an expert roller.” Bunny said self-importantly and Esme burst into happy laughter before she shook her head.
“Bunny!” The little girl drew out the name in an exasperated tone and Bunny laughed softly before gesturing for Esme to go. Butter began to bark excitedly and was jumping around Bunny’s legs as Esme prepped herself to roll down the hill.
“Alright I’m gonna time ya. On your mark!” Bunny called happily and Butter began to jump more furiously around her. “Get set!” was the next call out and Esme prepared to begin rolling as Butter began barking like crazy. “Go!” called Bunny and instantly realized her mistake as Esme began rolling down the hill at a moderate speed.
Suddenly Bunny’s legs were knocked out from underneath herself as Butter took off down the hill dragging Bunny along after him. Shrieking in surprise Bunny heard a distinct crack and felt the back of her head bounce on the ground when she met the ground. Groaning in pain she raised her hand to her head before feeling her arm being jerked after Butter as he dashed down the hill after Esme. Bunny felt every hit with the ground as Butter dragged her down the hill and she moaned softly as he finally came to a stop at the base of the hill.
“Bunny!” cried Esme worriedly and Bunny peeked one eye open to stare over at the little girl as she got up and rushed over to her. Bunny could feel the aches in her body from when she had collided with the ground. Gritting her teeth and hissing softly as she shifted on the ground trying to sit up.
“I’m okay Es. Butter just got a little too excited.” Bunny began to reassure Esme as she saw the little girl’s face filled with worry and concern. Bunny set her hand down on the ground and moved to sit up on the grass. Hissing in pain Bunny quickly pulled her wrist up to her chest and clutched it there for a moment feeling the sharp pain coursing through her wrist. She laid there for a moment with her eyes shut clutching her aching wrist to her chest trying to breathe through the pain.
“Bunny?” Esme asked softly and Bunny opened her eyes to see Esme now kneeling next to her body as Butter crawled along the ground towards the two of them.
“I should be okay just banged up.” Bunny reassured her and sat up completely still keeping her wrist close to her body to limit the chance of irritating it further. Shifting on the ground to get into a better sitting position she felt a sharp twinge coming from her right ankle. Moaning softly her right hand fell to her ankle to try and steady it as pain jolted quickly up her leg making her muscles seize. “Nope, nope. Not okay. Let me just see if I can stand up for a second. Hey Es, can you come hold Butter’s leash for me?”
Es stood quickly from her kneeling spot and gently unwound Butter’s leash that was wrapped around Bunny’s left wrist and arm. She led Butter a step or two away from Bunny as she stood there watching silently with worried eyes.
Bunny rolled onto her knees and gritted her teeth as she felt the pain in her ankle begin to throb. Slowly blowing out a breath through her mouth Bunny used her left leg to push up from the ground. Taking in a few quick breaths Bunny stood on her left leg and tentatively placed her right foot down flush with the ground. Placing a little more weight on it she felt it suddenly give out and she collapsed to the ground on her knees groaning in pain at the impact.
“Definitely not okay.” she said softly and felt tears prick her eyes as the pain consumed her suddenly. Quickly blinking the tears away she looked over and saw Esme shifting on her feet with watery eyes. “Hey it’s okay. We just need to go to the hospital. I'm pretty sure I broke my ankle.”
“Oh Bunny!” Esme cried softly and Bunny shook her head as she settled back onto the ground.
“Es do you see my phone anywhere? I need to call an ambulance, I can’t stand on my right leg.” Bunny said as she began patting down her pockets not feeling her phone. Esme looked around the ground in the area that they had landed before darting over to the side where the phone laid in the grass. Bunny grimaced as she shifted on the ground and grunted softly in pain as her ankle was jostled before turning to see Esme already holding her phone to her ear. Bunny watched in surprise as Esme effortlessly called 911 for her.
“Hi, I need an ambulance to Legacy Oaks community. My babysitter fell down a hill and she can’t stand on her right leg and her left hand hurts.” Esme explained easily and Bunny tilted her head slightly at how calm Esme was as she talked to the 911 operator. “Yes she’s breathing and sitting up. We are at the main field area by the soccer field. Closest intersection is Main Street and West Legacy Boulevard. Ok hold on.” Esme relayed easily before moving closer to Bunny and holding out her phone to her. “They want to ask you some medical questions.” Esme said hurriedly as she came to Bunny’s side and handed over her phone.
“Hello?” Bunny asked, still in shock at Esme’s behavior as she watched the little girl take a seat next to her and began to coo at Butter.
“Yes ma’am, we have an ambulance on their way to you and I just need to ask a few more questions.” Said the operator and Bunny nodded her head slightly.
“Of course.” She replied as her eyes stayed glued to Esme who was sitting there rubbing Butter’s back letting her fingers drag through his fur.
“So it’s your right ankle that is injured?” asked the operator and Bunny could hear keyboard keys clacking in the background and other voices relaying information about other calls.
“I can’t put any pressure on my right ankle, my leg gives out when I try to. And my left wrist is throbbing with pain whenever I move it.” Bunny relayed to the operator and heard the clicking of the keyboard as she talked.
“Ok, I’ve already let the ambulance crew know and they are on their way. Is there any special directions for them on how to find you?” asked the operator.
“No, we’re the only ones here in the main park area. They’ll be able to see us.” Bunny said and watched as Esme looked over at her silently.
“Ok, if anything changes, call us back but the ambulance should be there shortly.” Said the operator and Bunny thanked him before hanging up the phone.
“I have to call Jeremy and see if he could come grab Butter before the ambulance gets here. Are you okay?” Bunny explained as she looked down to her cracked phone screen and pulled up Jeremy’s contact info with a little difficulty before she looked up at Esme. Placing the phone at her ear she watched Esme look at her with slightly teary eyes and a worried face.
“Hey Bun-Bun!” cheered Jeremy happily as he answered the phone after two rings.
“Hey Jer, I have to go to the hospital. I’m okay but I think I broke or sprained my ankle and wrist really badly. Es and I are at the main park with Butter, would you be able to come get Butter before the ambulance gets here?” she quickly relayed to him hoping he’d be able to help her out.
“Of course, I’m just getting ready for work so I can swing by now and grab him. No problem. Are you sure you’re okay? Is Esme okay?” he responded easily before asking about the well-being of her and Esme.
“We’re okay, I think just a little shaken up is all.” Bunny said softly as she watched Esme sniffle softly and swipe her hand under her nose.
“Okay, I’m on my way. I'll be there in two minutes.” Jeremy said quickly and Bunny said goodbye before hanging up the phone.
“Are you okay sweetheart?” Bunny asked softly as she focused fully on Esme. The little girl looked at her with such saddened eyes that Bunny felt such a severe urge to pull her close and reassure her, but when her body shifted to move closer to Esme she gritted her teeth as pain shot up her leg and arm. “C’mere.” She cooed softly to Esme and the little girl moved closer to her side and pressed gently into it resting her head on Bunny’s right shoulder. “I promise I’m okay. Just probably broken bones. No big deal, okay?” she reassured the little girl as she gently wrapped her right arm low around Esme’s lower back.
“It’s my fault.” Esme said sorrowfully in a low tone and Bunny immediately shook her head at the girl’s words.
“No it’s not sweetheart. Accidents happen and it’s more my fault.” Bunny said easily as she kept shaking her head. Esme turned to look up at her confused. “I said ready, set, go and Butter knows those are play words. So I should have known better. It’s not your fault Es. Don’t think that it is because that’s the farthest from the truth.” Bunny said adamantly as she watched Esme closely.
“But if I didn’t want to roll down the hill then this wouldn’t have happened.” Esme said softly in such a heartbroken tone that Bunny felt her heart clench in response.
“Uh if you recall I also wanted to roll down the hill missy.” Bunny teased softly and Esme scoffed softly as her shoulders slumped forward. “Hey, I’m serious. It’s not your fault that I got hurt. It was just something that happened, it’s really no one’s fault.”
“But Bunny!” Esme cried indignantly as she tried to convince Bunny once more that it was her fault.
“Look, you couldn’t have predicted that this would have happened. And it’s not like you wanted me to get hurt when we decided to roll down the hill, right? And you didn’t push me. So it is not your fault. Accidents happen, we just have to deal with them and move on. Okay?” Bunny said firmly as she stared down at Esme. “Trust me I’m not mad or upset. My bones will heal and maybe if it’s broken I’ll get a cool cast and you can draw and sign it for me.”
“But-“ Esme began again and Bunny quickly shook her head as interrupted the little girl.
“Nope. No buts. It’s no one’s fault. I won’t hear anything else about it.” Bunny insisted as she shook her head at the little girl.
“Fine, but I still feel bad.” Esme huffed out softly and Bunny smiled warmly at her.
“You can feel bad for me all you want. It’ll help me lay it on thick to Jeremy and your Dad to help me out if it’s broken.” Bunny said, nodding her head eagerly and Esme giggled softly.
“I can help you too.” Esme said cheerily and Bunny nodded exaggeratedly making Esme giggle again.
“Uh duh. You’re definitely gonna be my number one helper.” Bunny said fondly and Esme nodded her head confidently as she watched Bunny determinedly. “Oh reminds me I should call your Dad and let him know what’s going on.” She said absentmindedly when suddenly Jeremy’s bright yellow jeep pulled up to the curb and Butter started barking excitedly as he recognized the car.
Bunny sat next to Esme as the two of them watched as Jeremy hopped out of the jeep in his security guard uniform and rushed over to them. He had a concerned expression on his face as he walked over to them and his eyes were darting first around Esme and then landed on Bunny.
“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly and Bunny nodded her head as she gritted her teeth when her wrist protested with her shifting movement on the ground.
“Yeah, just banged up. Took a tumble down the hill that’s all.” Bunny said as Jeremy came to a stop standing in front of her splayed legs. He looked down at her with a soft fond look in his eyes after he heard her explanation.
“You’re always getting up to something aren’t you?” he teased softly and Bunny stuck her tongue out at him making Esme giggle softly.
“First time it’s because I wanted to roll down a hill.” Bunny retorted and Jeremy scoffed softly.
“First time for everything trouble maker.” He quipped back and Bunny laughed as she shook her head at him.
“Whatever man.” She bemoaned to him as she shifted again on the ground and gritted her teeth as pain coursed through her again.
“So what hurts and how can I help?” he asked kindly and Bunny smiled in thanks to him.
“My right ankle and leg are in a lot of pain whenever I move it and I can’t put pressure on it. And my left wrist is in a lot of pain too. Not sure but I might have a concussion too, banged my head a few times on the ground as I came down.” Bunny relayed to him and Jeremy whistled low, Bunny nodded her head in response to his whistle and gritted her teeth as a dull ache began to form in her brain.
“Man you know how to fall hard when you do huh?” Jeremy asked teasingly and Bunny chuckled at him.
“What can I say? Gotta do it right the first time right?” she asked and Jeremy shook his head at her. Just as Jeremy was moving closer to her and Esme they all spotted the ambulance driving down the street. Jeremy turned and waved them down as Bunny shifted again and felt Esme lean slightly closer to her. “I’m okay. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Bunny reassured her softly as the paramedics parked the ambulance and hopped out.
“Hey guys, she’s over here.” Jeremy said easily as he directed the paramedics to Bunny.
“Are you her husband?” asked the male paramedic as he looked from Jeremy over to Bunny and Bunny grinned as she fluttered her eyelashes at Jeremy who laughed at Bunny’s antics.
“No, just my best friend.” Jeremy said fondly as he walked over with the paramedic.
“So what happened miss?” asked the younger female paramedic who was now kneeling down at Bunny’s other side with the medical bag set on the ground next to her. Bunny watched as she looked across Bunny to Esme and smiled softly at her. “Don’t worry honey, we're going to take good care of your babysitter.”
“Got knocked down the hill by my overly excited dog.” Bunny said as she gestured with her chin to Butter who was now rolling in the grass on his back trying to get the paramedics’ attention. Both paramedics laughed at Butter and Jeremy just shook his head as Esme giggled softly. “Banged my head a couple of times on the ground, did something to my left wrist, it's throbbing in pain, and my right ankle is in a lot of pain too. Can’t put any weight on the right leg either, tried to stand up and my leg gave out.” She explained as they all looked at her and Esme who was still cuddled into her side.
“Ok, well I suggest we take you to the hospital to get your wrist and ankle checked out to see if you just sprained them or broke them. Also if you choose to let us take you we’ll check for concussion in the ambulance. We can’t force you but that’s what I suggest.” Said the female and male nodded as he stood next to Jeremy.
“Yeah, let's go to the hospital.” Bunny said, nodding her head.
“Okay, Chase, can you grab the stretcher while I start her paperwork?” the female asked as picked up her metal clipboard and began filling out the paperwork with Bunny right there. “Do you want us to take her in the ambulance as well or will your friend be taking her?” the woman asked as she nodded her head at Esme. Bunny felt Esme’s hands come up to clutch at her bicep and she leaned closer to her silently.
“She’s gonna go with me if that’s alright with you guys.” She replied and felt Esme relax against her a little bit. The woman nodded her head and winked at Esme who smiled softly and relaxed further against Bunny.
“No problem with us.” She answered with a smile and finished filling out the paperwork. Bunny’s eyes darted over to Jeremy who was walking with Chase as he wheeled the stretcher over towards them. Once it was lowered to the ground Bunny looked over at Jeremy for some help which he gladly stepped over.
“I’m gonna just lift her up onto the stretcher. It’ll be easier.” Jeremy explained as he squatted down next to Bunny and Esme. “Hey Es, do me a favor and just hold onto Butter for me while I put Bunny on the stretcher okay. Once I’m done and they load her up in the ambulance you’ll be able to get in with her.” Jeremy said softly and kindly to the little girl who was still pressed up against Bunny’s side. Bunny could see the worry flash across Esme’s face and Bunny nodded her head at her.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let them leave without you. You’re coming with me.” Bunny reassured her and Esme looked up at her with concern. “Here take my phone that way you know for sure you’re coming with me since we still gotta call your Dad and let him know what’s up.” Bunny said as she handed over her phone to Esme who quickly took it and Butter’s leash leading him a few steps away from the stretcher.
“Alright c’mon lady let’s get you up on that stretcher.” Jeremy said as he slid his arms underneath Bunny’s knees and behind her back before standing up with her cradled in his arms. Bunny gritted her teeth lightly when her ankle fell with gravity as Jeremy lifted her. “I got you sorry.” Jeremy apologized and Bunny shook her head at him.
“No worries, it's okay.” Bunny said softly as he set her down on the stretcher and Chase lifted it up gently.
“Hey call me if you guys need anything and when you get done with everything and I’ll come pick you two up. That way you won’t have to worry about anything okay?” Jeremy said as Chase began to wheel you towards the ambulance.
“Okay. You sure? I’m sure I could call a taxi or something.” Bunny said as they all began walking towards the ambulance behind her.
“Yeah, call me and I’ll come pick you up. You’re already gonna have a lot going on so just call me.” Jeremy insisted and Bunny nodded her head as she watched him turn to Esme and held his hand out for the leash. “C’mon sweetheart let’s let them get her loaded up and then I’ll help you up there.”
“Thanks Jeremy.” Esme said softly as she hung back with Jeremy as the paramedics loaded Bunny into the back of the ambulance. Once they were done Bunny looked out at Esme and gestured her up once the female paramedic got situated in the back with her.
“Alright honey you’re gonna come sit on the bench over here okay?” she said as pointed to the bench seat next to Bunny’s stretcher on her left side. Bunny watched quietly as Esme climbed into the back with Jeremy’s help and came to sit down on the bench. When she was finally settled in her seat she gripped onto the stretcher railing and watched anxiously as the woman began to get a blood pressure cuff secured on Bunny.
“Alright we’re good to go. We’ll be heading to Three Sisters’ Hospital.” Chase said easily to everyone as he began to close the back of the ambulance. Bunny smiled at Jeremy as he nodded at her and then turned to Esme trying to ease her as they began their trek to the hospital.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "What If...T'Challa Became a Star-Lord?" from Marvel Studios' What If...
Salutations, random people on the internet who already scrolled past this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons!
You know, a lot of people lost so much when Chadwick Boseman died. His family has lost a husband and a father, his fans lost an inspiration, and to fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we lost both a hero and a king. His performance as T'Challa/Black Panther is by far the best the character has ever had, nailing the essence of the character while delivering so much more. So with the second episode of Marvel Studios' What If... one has to ask: Was Chadwick Boseman's final performance his best, or did the series failed to honor his legacy? Only spoilers can answer that question, so be wary as we analyze the second entry into Marvel's most ambitious series.
Now, let's review, shall we?
T’Challa himself: I enjoy that because his story has changed, so did T'Challa's personality. There's this sly cockiness that we've never seen from the character before, showing how much influence Yondu and his Ravagers had on him. And it's actually pretty fun seeing a character who was so calm and collected now act so...not that. With that said, just T'Challa is now Star-Lord, that doesn't mean he's a copy of Peter Quill.
The major differences lie in the impact that T'Challa left on the galaxy. Instead of stealing for himself, he chose to steal for planets in need as his own version of Robin Hood. And that, in turn, is a way more intriguing and compelling character to me than Peter Quill ever could be. There's just something about the nobleness of choosing to be a heroic outlaw instead of being strictly an outlaw. It proves that despite having his history altered drastically, there is no erasing that perfect and intelligent King that we all know and dearly miss. It sucks that we'll probably never see him again, but at least the last time we did it was to leave one epic impression for the fans.
Korath is T’Challa’s #1 Fan: Not what I would have expected, primarily since the character never acted so goofy, but I appreciate this change nonetheless. Because it's oddly wholesome seeing how much Korath admires T'Challa, to the point where he honestly believes that they're best friends. Also, it's funny. Like, really funny. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that this version of Korath is the funniest character in this episode. He's just too good.
It’s All Funny: Hey, we're on the Guardians of the Galaxy side of the universe. I'd personally be offended if it didn't have a sense of humor.
Yondu: Yondu seems to be the only one who hasn't changed that much through T'Challa's presence. Sure, he went straight because of it, but personality-wise, he's still the same. He still gives off the energy as this king of the idiots when dealing with his Ravagers, and you how he's this thief with a heart of gold. It's just that only T'Challa brought it out more than Peter did. Other than that, I personally don't mind that not much has changed. Yondu was already a fun character, to begin with, so I'm more than alright seeing him unaltered if it means we get to witness more of him.
The Galaxy is Better Because of T’Challa’s Influence: No, really, it is. Drax still has his family, Thanos renounced his genocidal ways, and Nebula not only remained in one piece but even has hair...somehow. It's impressive to see just how better everything turned out, and, in a way, it's also kind of funny when you think about it. Like, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the universe was in shambles because of Peter's existence...but it wasn't really better either, and I can't help my chuckles when witnessing how better off things were because he stayed on Earth.
Thanos: Not much to say here. It's fun seeing how chilled out Thanos is when he's not hellbent on wiping out half the universe. And I definitely chuckled a couple times when people called him out on his genocidal bulls**t. It's pretty enjoyable and made me glad we got to see his very surprising return.
Nebula: But this shocked me more. Korath becoming a T'Challa stan? Sure. Thanos acting as a respectful ally? Whatever. But Nebula becoming T'Challa's sexy thieve-in-arms girlfriend?! I don't think anybody in their right mind would have predicted that!
But putting aside the shock, this version of Nebula was surprisingly entertaining. It's nice seeing what she would've acted like without the tragedy as she acts like she's free as a bird but still a little devious. Although, despite having a much better life, that doesn't mean there isn't animosity between her and Thanos. He may not have torn Nebula apart as much as he did in the universe we know, but take notice of how she still has cybernetics in her left eye. That shows that T'Challa didn't get to fix everything, and I appreciate that the writers hadn't glossed over how much of a bad father the Mad Titan is, just because he's all sunshine and rainbows now. It allows a chance for Thanos to prove he really did change and gives Nebula an arc to forgive him. And while the pacing for that could have been better, it's still somewhat believable for me to get behind it. Thus surprising me even more with how not only did Nebula make a phenomenal appearance, but one that left quite the impact on the story.
The Collector: It's not just better heroes that T'Challa created. The Collector, for example, somehow became a genuine threat in this timeline instead of that pathetic dweeb in Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers: Infinity War. This again amazes me with how T'Challa miraculously created a buff-supervillain in his universe, where Peter did jack all. Maybe the galaxy really would have been better off without him...
Howard the Duck: This is the best way to utilize Howard the Duck if you ask me. He's a character that doesn't really scream "leading character" to me (unless given the correct type of writers), so it's better to let him stick to brief cameos and occasional supporting roles. It allows a goofy type of character to shine without causing audiences to roll their eyes over the idea of a talking duck saving the day.
Wakanda Theme Playing when T’Challa Found the Ship: It's just a cool callback. That's all.
Yondu Lying About Wakanda’s Destruction: A pretty solid reveal that shows how even though Yondu loves the kids he steals, he doesn't have the best intentions. What more can I add?
The Collector’s Wall of Weapons: The callbacks are nice, but I like implications from seeing Captain America's shield and Thor's hammer on that wall. It could mean that while the universe is a better place from T'Challa's influence, not everybody made it out alright.
Yondu’s Speech to T’Challa: I'm sure these beautiful and sentimental words have some implications toward Chadwick Boseman as an actor, but I was too busy being emotional to notice them. Well done.
What Happened to Peter Quill: Ok...I think we can just stop beating Peter down for dooming half the universe. Because how much lower can you get when finding out that this other guy practically saved everything with very little effort, only for you to end up as a worker at Dairy Queen? I'd honestly feel bad if I kept doing it at this point. The poor bastard…
(Sidenote: Love the implications that the world is still in danger because Ego still gets to Peter. It shows that despite the more interesting changes, not everything turns out all hunky-dory.)
The Tribute to Chadwick Boseman: A well-appreciated sentiment to cap off a perfect episode...or what would've been a perfect episode. 'Cause ya boy's got some nitpicks!
T’Challa Being Called Star-Lord: A small thing, but the reason why Peter called himself Star-Lord was because it was a nickname his mom called him. What's even the reasoning here? Because it makes no sense when you sit down and think.
The Black Order are still Boring: Out of all the improvements we've seen, it is still disappointing that these four remain as nothing more than cannon fodder for our heroes to go through before fighting the main boss. And pathetic. Immensely pathetic. I mean, for f**ks sake, THE MAW GOT KILLED BY THE PINK GIRL FROM GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY! Psychic powers and he still goes out like a b**ch!
Thanos Got Nerfed: The guy nearly killed the Avengers, with and without Infinity Stones, yet he can barely hold his own against these people who worked for him. C'MON NOW!
But those were just nitpicks. Despite them, I'd still consider this episode a solid A with 9.5/10. It was fun getting to see the changes T'Challa made to the galaxy, added with some pretty entertaining moments with other iconic characters. You couldn't have asked for a better final performance from Chadwick Boseman, and here's hoping that wherever he is, he knows that he shined brighter than any star in the galaxy.
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nina-wrote-this · 4 years
Last Romance - One Shot.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader 
Summary: You move on after Thanos’s Snap, but a ghost from the past still wants to make things right. 
Warnings: Sadness, break up and a lot of melancholic ;)
Word count: 1,555
A/N: Hello, loveees! So, this is my first Bucky One Shot and I have this idea after having a dream with Sebastian Stan :) I also used two songs as inspiration: Long Break – Moody Woody and Último Romance / Last Romance – Los Hermanos (they are my favorite Alt-Rock Brazilian band). I’ll put the links below the GIF and if you want to listen while read, it will be an even better experience! I hope you guys enjoy and let me know what you think! If you find any typos, please let me know (English isn’t my mother tongue)!  
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Song’s links: Long Break - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGh_Iyw6fgI | Último Romance - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27TT85GA9VM 
Telluride, Colorado.
2 years after they come back.
“Thank you, Mrs. Bradley! Have a good night!” You gently said getting the heavy paper bags with all the fresh ingredients for your wedding anniversary.
“For you too, Darling! Enjoy your husband!” The old lady smirks.
“You can count on that!”
Your life was perfect now. After Stark’s death and all the story with Thanos, most part of the heroes and allies decide to get there retire, and you are one of this people.
You cross the country moving from the Avengers compound to a small town in Colorado, laying down your weapons and abilities and getting your brushes and canvas. At somehow, you were still trying to save people, but now using art.
And you have him. The man who give you more than you expect: love, safety, partnership and calm. Blake was amazing. You two rebuild yourselves together when everything happened.
Blake used to be an Interpol agent and his wife and daughter died in a car crash when the Snap happened, there uber's driver faded away and the car fell off a cliff.
You two found each other in the help group Steve used to organized. You moved in together, you grow together, you cried together and fight together against your own demons. Blake supported your decision to risk your life on the time travel and fight the battle even knowing that the first man you ever loved would come back. Blake would love you regardless of the choice you would have made.
And you choose Blake, he was your future.  
You drive through the shy suburb of the small town, and thank for being there.  
At the end of the street, was your house. A yellow wood little house in the middle of a large grassy rectangle, surrounded by hibiscus and white roses.  
Soon you get in, you start putting your plans in action. Pasta, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, Blake's favorite – weird – cheese, 3 bottles of wine. Cut, cook, wash, decorate, another glass of wine… shit, I can’t get high yet.
The music that was playing on the living room suddenly stopped and a strange familiar metal sound came to your ears.  
After years surrounded by wars, crazy insane Titans, Hydra and Shield, your mind was pretty fucked up. So, yes, a nosy sound was something to worry about.
You walked slowly following what was bordering your thoughts, but you didn’t have to do too much. Just few steps, and you see him in the corner of the room. I’ll always be in the shadows, babe. The memory of his voice hits your mind like a shoot.
“You scare me…” You took one last sip of your wine.
“Your place is beautiful.” His eyes were haunted and his voice come out like a whisper.
You nodded smiling.  
“How are you?” He tried to approach but stopped himself.
“Good. You know, retirement does me good.” You cross your arms, protecting yourself from your old feelings. “And you, how have you been? Still living in Wakanda?”
He faced the floor taking a deep breath.  
“I… I left Wakanda right after you…” He hesitated and you knew why. “I'm working with Sam now.”
You try to keep smiling, but your eyes meet with his, and you could read them like an open book: He was broken.  
James has a fucked up brain, he has his issues and Hydra problems, but the way he looked like now was something deeper. Years before, you saw this same look but was in your own eyes, every damn day, when you woke up and see yourself on the mirror.  
He was alone, he missed you.
“James, say it.” You broke the silence and he frowned. “You invade my house at the exact moment my husband isn’t. The only thing that motivated you to came here is because you probably have something to say. So, please… Just say it!”
“I miss you!” He didn’t even search for the right words. “And I want you back. I need you back!”  
“Don't!” You turn your back to him walking back to the kitchen. “Don't tell me you come here today to say this after all these two years, James.”  
For the first time he come closer to you.
“What did you expect?” He asked confuse. “Y/N, do you really think I'm doing this for fun? You know this isn't easy for me, talk about these things, and I know you can read me easily than anyone.” He said fast.
“James, I know you're in pain. But, if is hard for you, believe me, it’s two times harder for me.” You point your finger to him. "For you was like fall asleep for a couple of hours, but for us, for me, was and still being an eternity.” Tears already falling in the corner of your eyes.
“So, what was the purpose, Y/N? Bring me back, so you could feel good to yourself and return to your happy fake life?” His voice sounded disappointed and his metal arm fisted against the sink. “эгоистичный!”
Your heart broke in little pieces and the control was gone.
"Don't you dare call me selfish!" Your voice was cracking and the regret filled his eyes. "Did you really think that I left you because I don't love you anymore?"
He took a long breath, and you try to hide your tears.
“You still love me?” He gets closer to you without losing the fragile eye contact.
“Is this matter now?” Your eyes break the contact running the kitchen and your hands falling down in redemption. “Don’t hurt yourself, моя любовь.” You asked.
He placed his hands on each side of your face and bring to his chest. The cold of the leather jacket in contact with your skin sent a shiver down your spine.
Even knowing this was – at somehow – wrong, you let yourself relax on his embracing. James was warm, his muscles created a protective barrier around you and his fingers caressed your body looking for all the parts where your skin were naked for him. Your arms crossed around his neck and on tiptoes you barred your face on his shoulder.
“You cut your hair…” Your cracking voice whisper to him trying to break the tension, while you run your hand through his hair strands.
“Like you always suggest.” He smirked bringing you to face him. Yours foreheads touched and his eyes found your soul. “Come back, Y/N! I do anything to have you back, моя любовь…” His lips brushed against yours. “Whatever you want, just tell me, and we will do it, okay?”
For a couple of seconds, you imagined your life with James. Maybe both of you living in a big farm, waking up together, getting back the time you two lost. Kisses, shy touches, his overprotection full time, your crazy manias and his strange neuroses. Was perfect. Was much better than the time you guys lived in Wakanda.  
But was too late.  
You were sure you didn’t take the break up decision alone. You have asked him what life he wanted for himself and he choose to continue Steve's legacy, but you wasn’t available to live that kind of life anymore. Follow different ways was the best decision.
He tried to kiss you hardly, but you get back.
“I can’t, James…” You grabbed his black shit. “We can’t…” He closed his eyes and kissed your forehead. He felt the goodbye was happening again.  
The car's engine rumbled on the garage bringing you back to reality. Blake was arriving home.
“Y/N, we can…” James tried, but you knew what you have to do.
“Go.” You direct to the backyard door. “Now!”
“Where is my beautiful, lovely, super hot wife?” Blake screamed at the front door.
James leaves the house without looking to you, without any noise.
You clean the tears of your face, put on the best happy face and waited for your husband get in the kitchen.
“There she is!” His sexy voice said.
You turn around and there was Blake: dressed with his Professor social attire, flowers in one hand.  
Blake you’re perfect.  
“Hello, Mister sexy voice!” You kissed him slowly and intense.
But you’re not James…
He gets his hands free and finally hold you spinning around ourselves.
“You okay, honey?” He took a look on your eyes. “Looks like you cried, or something like that… Is everything good?”
Blake is perfect.
“Yes, honey!” You smile shooking your head and squeezing your eyes. “It’s just the wine!”
But he is not James…
The living player come back with the song. Último Romance / Last Romance, Los Hermanos. Your honeymoon song.
“Right on time!” Blake automatically pressed his body against yours and start following the music melody, singing slowly.
“I love you, Y/N. Happy wedding anniversary!” He kissed your neck.
“I love you too, honey. Thanks for everything…” You rest your head on his shoulder.
You two stayed on that moment, seams like forever. When your eyes find the kitchen’s window you locked on James's eyes, staring your perfect moment.
“E ninguém dirá que é tarde demais / And no one will say it’s too late
Que é tão diferente assim / That’s so different
Do nosso amor a gente é que sabe / About our love, is us who knows”
A/N: What you guys think about some continues of this one shot? Maybe like, Y/N and Bucky's  time living in Wakanda, or Y/N’s wedding day, Y/N and Bucky’s break up... I really enjoy write this story ahahahah :) 
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sdongha · 3 years
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hellooo hellloooo i’m stork and i’m so excited to get started!! this is shin dongha and um... just don’t be too mean to him please </3 he’s the 1st hope pledge and a chess prodigy who hasn’t had much contact with the outside world... he’s decided to prove he can make it as a virtue, even though he’s privately made fun of his family’s undying loyalty to the society since he was little... i have a very brief tldr and his bio up so far, w some info under the cut too!! like this post and let’s get plotting ^___^ here or discord works!! also fair warning i haven’t been in a tumblr rp since... 2018...? so i’ll be a little rusty LOL
dongha comes from the shin family, who are 1. massive and 2. kind of have their fingers in every pie because there’s just so many people, but the main family industries are transport/shipping/food and restaurants. they are a hope lineage legacy family, but like in the skeleton description their rate of success is... not great!
as a result of failed pledges who had to drop out of skku, they also have a lot of international connections!
dongha is an only child though. it’s a little weird in his family. his parents are also grossly in love.
he’s raised with the intention of being the best at something with relatively little competition. society bait. they start him playing chess when he’s like... three years old.
ALL of his parents’ effort is going into raising their son
he’s a little spoiled. a little smothered. more on that later. also wow actually a prodigy for real maybe?!
homeschooled by a tutor, spends all his time flying around from country to country going to chess competitions
not like the best in the world but probably the best in the country [FOR HIS AGE]
eventually grows too old to be called a child prodigy, the competition is also getting stiffer... shin family’s pet project not doing so hot anymore...
enrolls in skku, really enjoys “normal life” for the first time, breaks through his chess slump! and then oh no he gets involved in the society...
so re: his family and the society. the shins are like. Obsessed with making it as the hope virtue, and actually part of the reason they have so many kids is to have more shots at it! it comes from being one of the “lower class” families way back when, even though they’re financially and otherwise on-par with the other legacy families
dongha was an attempt at a different strategy. instead of maximizing number of chances, what if they just poured a ton of resources (and genuine parental attention) into one kid? he is not aware of this. like at all.
he turned out pretty well! surprisingly well-adjusted, if a little naive. definitely a romantic. wants his life to be a movie <3 ! (i can’t wait for the jp1 skeleton to get filled LOL)
he doesn’t necessarily believe that people are all going to be nice — he’s still got a head for strategy and was the outcast among his 42839043 cousins — but the world follows very specific rules in his head and it always shocks him when those rules aren’t followed
excellent at compartmentalizing and rationalizing his own decisions. it’s just “what he had to do”! doesn’t see himself as manipulative even though he can be. it’s like... “anyone would do that!”, right?
wanted a private life, could literally just play chess and live off his trust fund, but then insoo sparked a sense of competition in him about the society...
since he was homeschooled, might not have that many prior connections or knowledge of high society.. but i’m game for anything!
also there’s some ??!? happenings involving his grandpa (his grandpa doesn’t like him and insoo’s blackmail and) but i’m still figuring out what exactly LOOOL
cancer sun, sag moon, aquarius rising
okay i feel like i said everything and nothing at all at the same time please just hmu to plot or anything!!
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