#Like your lesbian bestie doesn’t need to know this
plistommy · 1 month
Steve: What’s going on guys?
Eddie: Robin here thinks I’m the one in this relationship who… y’know
Steve: Ughhh stop bothering him, Robin! And just so you know, I’m actually the one who bottoms.
Robin: That’s not wHAT I MEANT?!!
Eddie: -meaNT THE ONE WHO COOKS!!!!
Steve: Oh! Yeah, I do that too :)
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victimsofyaoipoll · 8 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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zoolitsky · 1 month
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Please don’t get upset if you disagree with any of these!! This is just how I see the characters ^^ More context about the headcanons under the cut!
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Transfem lesbian!!
Basically married to Vivi (who isn’t pictured but she gives me demigirl bisexual energy with a preference to girls)
And she’s still beautiful and wonderful and Sanji still simps for her. Chubby people are gorgeous
She’s technically pale but tanned a bit from being outside so much
Aaand bandaid because she’s literally just a normal girl and is susceptible to minor injuries unlike the other weird built different ppl on the crew (aside from Usopp)
sPEAKING OF USOPP!!! She’s absolute besties with him like they talk about everything and anything and gossip and all that jazz. They’re so special to me.
I’m not sure if bipolar fits entirely, but there’s definitely something with her mood swings and the intensity of her emotions. If this is insensitive at all please inform me
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Agender aroace reindeer fella??? SiGN ME UP
Both male and female reindeers have antlers so I used that to my advantage because gender silly
I think Chopper uses they/he/it, but slightly prefers to be referred to by their name rather than pronouns
Chopper has attachment issues, but I couldn’t find anything other than avoidant attachment disorder (which doesn’t seem entirely fitting). But it definitely gets very attached to others when it trusts them and has a hard time moving on.
Also I just like to draw Chopper more reindeer-like than Chopper’s canon design but aside from that I don’t really make too many design changes? Just… floofy Chopper… 🩷🩷🩷
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Panromantic asexual!!
Down bad for Sanji (he has terrible taste /j)
I had a revelation after drawing this so Usopp isn’t actually cis lol- they’re a demiboy but in a genderfluid kind of way, some days he feels more masculine and other days they feel more androgynous
I have very mixed feelings about the hair highlights,, I lowkey might not keep them but it was an experiment
FRECKLES!!! USOPP HAS FRECKLES PASS IT ON PASS IT ON!!!! 💛💛💛 Bandaid like Nami because!! They’re literally just a normal teenager!!!
Usopp has anxiety and borderline personality disorder because the feelings of superiority and inferiority? The constant fear? Being immune to Perona’s ghosts from dealing with mental illness their entire life???
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Asexual grayromantic
If he had a partner it would be gay regardless of his own gender expression (I’m projecting because I feel gay when I’m attracted to anyone)
Genderfluid, some days they prefer different pronouns but most of the time they use all at once (also is this ironic bc Luffy can’t swim but is swimming in fluid pronouns)
King of the pronouns!!! King of the genders!!! Will steal your pronouns and gender!!! Watch out!!!
I gave her vitiligo on a whim to be 100% honest, but I feel like it’s very fitting and also very fun to draw ❤️❤️❤️
I only did a headshot here because I have another post with a bunch of other drawings of this Luffy
I feel like I don’t need to explain but Luffy is very very AuDHD to me
He has so much energy and is easily distracted and gets really focused on things and likes to talk about anything and everything
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Bisexual-est guy on the planet (loves all boobs /hj)
Down bad for Usopp (they have great taste)
Demiboy but in an interchangeable kinda bigender way, he’s just both enby and male at the same time
Darker roots!! Sanji’s body hair is always notably darker than his blonde hair so I decided on darker roots
Depression in the sense it’s the reason he smokes. It’s a kind of coping mechanism.
It makes them dazed enough that they don’t have to fully feel their own despair
Imagine Sanji wheezing and struggling to breathe after a fight!! Emotional scene with Chopper trying to convince them to stop smoking!!
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Married to Franky 💜💜💜
Intersex demigirl! Like- the whole being called a monster/demon her whole life and trying to find someone who accepts her is such a good (unintentional) metaphor for the gender discovery experience,,
GIVE ROBIN THEIR MELANIN BACK!!! I don’t care if it wasn’t their original colors… neither were the blue eyes but I’m giving both to them because they deserve it!!
I wanted to give Robin more of a curly hair texture but I was concerned it would start to not really resemble her. I might play around with it another time though and see if I can achieve something still recognizable
Do I even have to explain that-
They are traumatized and get flashbacks and night terrors
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Married to Robin 🩵🩵🩵
He was abandoned by his birth parents, he has a name he doesn’t use anymore, calls everyone bro regardless of gender, HE LITERALLY REBUILT HIS ENTIRE BODY-
Even though Franky’s a cyborg I gave him visible top surgery scars. I think he would show them off with pride and doesn’t necessarily need/want to be seen as a cis man. He’s just a man who once had boobs yk?
The underside of his hair is an even brighter blue because silly!!
ADHD—he hyperfixates like a madman and is also very loud and passionate. Also idk if this is an actual ADHD thing but like he’s super empathetic and cries easily? I’m like that too so idk lol
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Demihomoromantic asexual
Hopelessly, dare I say pathetically, in love with Luffy. I want to clarify that this doesn’t make Zoro less gay and this doesn’t make Luffy less genderfluid.
Also as much as I adore trans Zoro, I think the fact that he’s a cisgender feminist is important. So I headcanon him as cis.
I can’t decide whether or not I like the striped hair,, I’m still on the fence about it lol
Covered in scars because he’s done so much training and fighting, I know they kind of look like something else but they aren’t, don’t worry
Idk why but I always give him a dark green undershirt
Autistic!! He has a narrow range of emotions, makes nonverbal grunts, super into swords, he’s blunt, follows routine, etc.
Aaaand that’s all of them! Phew! Thank you so much for reading 💖
Reblogs, asks, and comments are super appreciated!!
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matty-bear · 21 days
hey! i love your fanfics. crazy idea, but what if Nick finally gets his lesbian tattoo artist bestie that he's been longing for?! a cross of the two perspectives. Also, crazy thought, what if the Lesbian has only come out to Nick and not the rest of the group, so Matt keeps trying to win her over, but Chris is sure she's got her mind set on him... OMG i would melt if you wrote this!!! (can it be from Nick and y/n perspective? if you think that'll work that would be amazing!!) love ya xx
0I, New Tattooist, New Romantic Tension 
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type: request !
pairing: idk ! LOL (nothing romantic is gonna happen srry guys 💔)
warnings: SFW, fluff
summary: in desperate need for another tattoo, nick texts mez and asks for an appointment. unfortunately for him, she’s not gonna be available for quite a while. to save the boy's despair and cure his needs, mez suggests nick to go to you. it took a bit of convincing, but the oldest triplet ends up in the shop with you. who knew that the blooming friendship between the two of you would cause some issues regarding nick’s younger brothers to form ?  
notes: idk why finishing this took so long 😓 u guys don’t wanna know when i started writing this 😭 anywho hope u guys enjoy the first part of this ! not sure if it will be a mini series but i def know that i won’t be able to satisfy anon’s request in a single post :3 we need plot guys 💔 hope anon doesn’t mind that their request is gonna turn into a multi part fic 😭
WC: 5.6K
'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•''•.¸♡ ♡¸.•'
“Guys~” Nick lets out a loud whine as he plops down on the sofa. He allows his head to fall back and rest on the back cushion, his eyes shutting momentarily as he shifts a little to get more comfortable. From the kitchen, both Matt and Chris stare at the brunette blankley. The two boys exchange eye contact for a moment before one of them speaks up. 
“You got boy trouble or something?” Chris asks as he turns on his heels and approaches the cupboard. At the boy’s question, Nick abruptly lifts his head and narrows his eyes at the younger boy. 
“Oh, please. I’m not a teenage girl, Chris. I don’t have ‘boy trouble.” Nick mumbles under his breath, his eyes rolling. 
“Then why are you huffing and puffing?” Matt chimes in, his light footsteps barely sounding through the house as he enters the living room. As the boy takes a seat on the opposite sofa from the one Nick is sitting at, the latter sighs again, this time raising a hand to run it over his face. 
“I need to get another tattoo.” The brunette huffs out. “It’s genuinely bringing me pain like I need to get one or I might drop dead.” 
Chris goes to open his mouth to comment on his brother’s statement, however is quickly cut off by the boy speaking again. “Is this what getting addicted feels like? Is getting tattoos my drug?” 
Matt lets out a breathy laugh as he raises the can of soda up to his lips. He takes a quick sip before he replies, “I’d like to think so.” 
“Why don’t you text Mez and ask if she can come over? You have her number for a reason.” Chris suggests as he sets a small skull-shaped glass on their marble countertop. As the boy pops open his can of pepsi with a loud hiss, Nick forces his lips together in thought. Matt silently watches with an unamused expression as the older takes his pointer finger and lightly taps it on his chin. 
“You know what, I think I will.” Nick declares, a wide, child-like smile spreading across his lips as he digs in his pocket for his phone. As the boy busies himself with searching for Mez’s contact, Chris mumbles a small ‘you’re welcome’ under his breath as he picks up his now full glass of pepsi and heads towards the living room. He cautiously takes a seat near Matt, being careful not to spill any of his previous beverage as he sits down. 
“Okay, what’s a good greeting message?” Nick asks, both of his thumbs twilling around his keyboard. Matt raises his head to allow his gaze to shift from his phone to the brunette across from him. 
“Are you serious?” The boy asks, his voice monotone. 
Matt takes a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose, trying to collect the remaining bits of his sanity and brain cells before he replies, “You don’t need a greeting message Nick. Just text her that you want a tat and ask when she’s available.” 
“Alright, alright. My God, no need to be so aggressive.”
“I’m not- Never mind.” Chris snickers under his breath as Matt leans back against the sofa, completely done with the current conversation. Nick flashes the boy an innocent, tight lipped smile before averting his focus back to the device in his hand. After taking a moment to allow the dials in his brain to turn, he finally begins to type out a text. 
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After hearting the female’s message, Nick lets out yet another loud whine. The sudden noise causes Matt and Chris to divert their focus from their devices to look over at him. 
“Is she not available or something?” Chris asks, a single eyebrow raising as he eyes his brothers ‘distressed’ state. 
“No. She’s checking her availability right now.” Nick replies, a loud, dramatic sigh escaping his slightly glossed lips as he allows his phone to slip out of his hand and fall to the cushion with a soft thump.
“Well, you seem like you’re going through it right now so-“ 
“I am.” Matt narrows his eyes at Nick as the boy cuts him off. The brunette takes a deep breath to collect himself before he continues, “You seem to be going through it so I suggest that you go eat something. You know, to calm down your nerves and get your mind off you innerly dying.” 
“I have a feeling that I should be offended by that but I'm gonna do what you suggested anyways.” 
“I didn’t have any negative or hurtful intentions behind what I said but whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.” Nick gets up off the sofa with a soft huff, his eyes darting to his two brothers who have both returned to busing themselves on their separate devices.
The boy huffs softly and makes his way to the kitchen, the hollow sound of his platform shoes thumping against the wooden floorboards filing the house. 
Upon arriving at the kitchen, the brunette swiftly opens both doors of the fridge. The moment he goes to scan the contents inside, the feeling of his phone vibrating in his pants pocket causes him to halt his actions.
Without hesitation, the boy whips his phone out, the sight of Mez texting him back sending an excited spark down his spine. With a rather large smile, the boy unlocks his phone and opens up his chat with the mentioned female. 
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It didn't take Mez very long for her to send Nick the tattooist’s Instagram. The brunette eyes the @ in the chat for a moment before sighing softly and copying it to his board. The boy didn’t know why he was so anxious about this whole situation. Mez wouldn’t try to set him up with another tattooist who’d do him dirty, right? 
Before Nick allows his thoughts to spiral, he quickly opens up Instagram and clicks on the magnifying glass at the bottom of his screen. In a few taps, the boy pastes the @ in the search bar and taps on the first account that pops up. Immediately, the brunette is greeted by your profile. The boy subconsciously hums faintly as he begins to scroll through the profile, his eyes scanning the countless numbers of posts illustrating the work you’ve done. 
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It didn’t take long for the boy to be super impressed by the numerous tattoos you’ve done and the amazing quality each of them have. It seemed to him like some of your best works were simple lined tats with no color, which for him is a perfect fit for what he’s looking for.
While your colored works are wonderfully done, he wasn’t looking for media like that at the moment. The moment the brunette saw an Edward Scissorhands tattoo that you had made for a client about a week back, he immediately knew you were the one. 
With no further hesitation, the boy scrolls all the way back to the top of your profile. He taps on your bookings highlight and allows his eyes to scan the quick and simple information found there for a moment. Surprisingly to him, you have a lot of open spots. Who knew such a talented tattooist like you would have so many openings? 
Closing out of the highlight, his eyes immediately lock on the number in your bio. Unbeknownst to Nick, the boy began to grow a small, excited smile on his lips as he held his thumb over the number. When it highlights with a light blue color, he removes his finger and swipes out of Instagram.
He quickly opens up his messages app and the moment he goes to open up a new chat, a loud and sharp ringing sound pierces his ears. The boy immediately flinches at the sound, both of his hands shooting up to cover his ears in hopes of muffling the ringing. 
“Nick, shut the fucking fridge! What the hell are you doing?” Matt exclaims, his voice carrying a sense of irritation as he looks over at the older boy standing in front of the refrigerator.
Nick’s mouth shapes into a small oval as he raises his head and locks his eyes on the inside of the fridge. After allowing himself to come back to reality, he takes a few steps back in order to softly shut the fridge’s doors. 
“My bad. Wasn’t paying attention.” Nick apologizes, his free hand raising to rub his nape out of slight embarrassment. 
“You’re fine. You were letting all the cold air out. I was starting to feel it from way over here.” Matt reassures the male, the tone of his voice much softer than it was moments ago. 
“Dramatic ass.” Nick mumbles, his eyes narrowing as he shoots a quick glare at the younger boy. Matt simply shrugs at the brunette’s statement, deciding not to add to the conversation at hand as he brings his phone up to his face again.
Nick can’t help but sigh at the male, his eyes rolling as he turns on his heels to walk to the dining table. Instead of pulling out a chair and seating himself down, the boy stands behind the dark wooded furniture. 
When his chest hits the back of the chair, he subconsciously allows his left arm to drape over it, his right elbow resting on the back and bending upwards as he holds his phone up to his face. It takes a moment for the boy to remember what he was originally doing, considering how the fridge so rudely interrupted his train of thought. However when he opens his messages and sees the new chat holding your phone number at the top, everything comes back to him. 
Without a second thought, the boy allows his thumbs to type a message. After briefly scanning over what he wrote, he sends it with a confident tap. 
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“WHOOP! WE GOT AN APPOINTMENT!” Nick exclaims happily, both of his hands shooting up in the air in pure joy. 
“With Mez?” Chris asks as he quickly reaches for the remote next to him. He quickly pauses the show that’s faintly playing on the television and turns his body slightly to give the older male his full attention. 
“No.” Nick’s arms shoot down and plop down on both of his slides with a loud slap. A small frown can be seen creeping onto his plush lips as he paddles out of the kitchen and back into the living room. He plops down on the same seat he sat in moments prior before Chris decides to continue the conversation. 
“With who then?” Both Matt and Chris knew that Nick was, as said previously, ‘attached’ to Mez. The brunette has stated multiple times in vlogs that he won’t allow anyone but Mez to tat him. You know, ‘until she gets sick of Matt going on random tangents about Wingstop’s spice scale.’ 
“She sent me another girl's instagram since she doesn’t have any available for a whole month. She does pretty good work, actually. Like I'm very impressed.” Nick replied, his lips slightly shaping into a pout as he faintly nods. 
“Wait, I wanna see.” In an instant, both Matt and Chris scramble off the sofa and seat themselves down on either side of the older brunette. With an encouraging nudge to the side from Chirs, Nick narrows his eyes at the boy and adverts his focus back to the device in his hand.
The boy has to swipe his screen a few times before your profile on instagram pops up again. When he goes to open his mouth to make a quick comment about your work, Matt snatches the device from his palm.
In response, Nick’s jaw drops and he slowly turns his head to look over at the younger boy who’s now focusing on scrolling through your account. The boy radiated major ‘old person energy’ in accordance to Nick due to him holding the device very far to his face, his eyes squinting slightly as his eyes scan the screen. 
“Now why would you think that snatching my phone from me is a good idea? You stupid fuck.” Nick asks, irritation laced in his tone as he seemingly stares bullets at the boy next to him.
At the sight of the latter waving him off and paying no attention to him, the brunette huffs heavily and turns his head to look over at Chris, who has an unreadable expression on his face. When the boy realizes the older is looking at him, his eyes shift over to him. 
“You’re just gonna let him do that?” Chris asks, a single eyebrow rising slightly. Nick simply shrugs in utter defeat, not knowing what to do. When he goes to reply, the sound of Matt speaking up catches his attention. 
“Holy fuck, look at his Eeyore.” The brunette gushes, his eyes widening and shining out of astonishment as he turns the device in his hand over so it faces his two brothers. Immediately, the latter two examine the detailed Eeyore tattoo done on someone’s calf. 
“Holy shit, it looks like she took it right out of the cartoon. That’s literally unreal.” Chris states, his jaw slacking in utter shock. 
“I’m telling you she’s really fucking good.” Nick says as he crosses his arms over his chest. 
“So when’s the appointment?” Chris asks as he reaches to grab the phone from Matt. 
“This friday.”
“You know you need to upload and possibly edit that day right?” Matt questions the older boy with a single raised eyebrow.
“I know, Matt.” Nick replies sassily, side-eying the younger boy before looking over at his phone which is still in Chris’ grasp. “We’ll film the car video tonight and I'll spend all day editing tomorrow so I don't have to worry about it on Friday. I got it all under control, promise.” 
“Alright… But if the fans start having another freak out because your ass didn’t upload on time, don’t come crying to me because you planned shit terribly.” 
“Matt. I got it.” At the sight of the intense glare that Nick is sending him, Matt raises both his arms up in the air in defense. When the boy allows his arm to fall to his lap, Nick huffs softly, a faint thinking expression painting his features for a moment. “Can we go pick something up?” 
Matt’s eyebrows furrow in slight confusion at the sight of the older sending him a blank expression. “Like… to eat?” 
Nick can’t help but roll his eyes at his brother’s stupidness. With his pointer finger and thumb pinching the bridge of his nose, he replies, “No to own. I’ve decided we’re getting a dog today.” Before Matt (and chris’) stunned expressions turn into one of excitement, the brunette continues, “Of course, something to eat! I’m fucking starving.” 
Matt’s expression falls and shapes into one of disappointment before he sluggishly stands up. “Let’s go then.” The brunette mutters with a heavy sigh. 
Immediately, a wide smile appears on Nick’s lips as he hurriedly grabs his phone back from Chris and also stands up. Matt goes to open his mouth to ask the brunette where he wants to eat, however stops himself when the boy seemingly bolts downstairs and to the garage. As Nick’s rapid footsteps fade, Matt turns to Chris with an unamused expression. When the boy points at the staircase, which the older took moments before, Chris simply shrugs and gets up from his seat. 
“I’m kinda hungry too.” The brunette mumbles, his speech getting cut short as a yawn rips through him. Matt allows the younger to stretch out his sore limbs before he pushes his head and walks to the staircase. “Ow, mother fucker!” 
After two days of conversing with you and making a few adjustments to the tattoos Nick wants, the boy finally finds himself in the car on the way to the tattoo shop. Matt is (obviously) driving the boy to the said shop and Chris has joined the two in his designated passenger seat.
The brunette told the two that he would ‘feel lonely all by himself’ so Nick reluctantly agreed to him joining. Now, the three boys are sitting in comfortable silence in the car, the faint beats of Melanie Martinez, Mac Miller, and Lil Skies all playing through the speakers. 
“When you said that you were going to get the tattoos done in the shop, I was a little surprised.” Matt speaks up, his soft voice cutting through the silence. 
Nick lifts his head up from his phone and looks up at the rear view mirror to momentarily lock eyes with the younger boy. “Really?” 
Matt shrugs his shoulders and focuses on the road ahead of him before adding, “I mean you always get your tats done at home. I’ve never seen you go to get one done at a tattoo shop.” 
Nick hums softly, his lips forcing together into a straight line for a few seconds. “Well, I've never gotten a tattoo done by y/n before and letting her in my house without properly getting to know her would be a little…” 
“It wouldn’t set right with you?” Chris asks, finishing the boy's sentence for him. 
“Yeah.” Nick nods his head in agreement before continuing, “Besides, y/n said that she's more comfortable in the shop and I would never want to make her uncomfortable.” 
“I love how considerate you are of other people, Nick.” At the sight of Chris turning in his seat to look back at him, Nick sends the younger a weary look and shuffles in his seat a little. 
“Thanks…” Nick mumbles, not really knowing how to respond to his brother’s sudden compliment. Chris sends the male a soft smile before turning forwards in his seat again. 
Comfortable silence fills the car once more as the three boys focus on their separate tasks. After a few minutes, the GPA displayed on the center console alerts Matt that they’ve arrived at the tattoo shop. The boy takes a quick glance at the illuminated screen before looking ahead of him and taking in his surroundings. When his eyes land on the shop, he nods faintly to himself and finds an empty spot to park in on the side of the street. 
“Do you want us to come with you Nick or no?” Matt asks as he pulls the gear shift down to park. 
The mentioned male quickly picks his head up, snapping out of the slight gaze he was in, before he looks through the windshield. “Uhh…” Nick trails off as he eyes the tattoo shop a few feet away. “I can go in by myself, it’s fine. You guys can go somewhere or something if you want.” 
“We can wait here for you.” Chris ensures the brunette as he turns back to look at him. 
“Alright. I’ll go in then I guess.” Nick mumbles softly as he reaches for the door handle. With a soft tug down, the door begins to slide open, allowing the boy to slip out of the car. 
“Have fun!” Matt exclaims with a small smile. Nick simply waves his hand in response and pushes the button on the door handle to shut it. After hearing the faint click, the brunette turns on his heels and begins walking towards the tattoo shop.
A sudden wave of anxiety washes over him and the boy finds himself biting down on his lip subconsciously as he walks down the pavement. Getting a new tattoo isn’t new for him so why is he so nervous? 
Upon stepping in front of the shop door, the brunette seemingly has a small stare down with the black, metal door handle. 
Don’t be a pussy, Nick. Just go in already. You're literally embarrassing yourself. 
With a heavy intake of air, Nick finally grabs onto the handle and pulls the door open. Immediately, the sound of the bell ringing above his head rings in his ears as a small greeting. The boy can’t help but wince slightly at the loud sound as he steps inside the shop. As the door shuts behind him with a soft click, the brunette takes a few moments to take in the new and unfamiliar surroundings. 
The interior was decently dark and decently large to say the least. Despite only being able to see the entrance of the shop, the male carefully examines all the furniture and decorations. Most of the furniture was black apart from the off- white tiled ceiling, framed movie posters which decorated the majority of the walls, and the occasional plants tucked in the corners or the front desk. 
Speaking of which, the moment Nick walked into the shop, a dark haired male twirled around in his spinning chair. He was sitting a little ways away from the front and after sitting up a little, his eyes landed on Nick. The male allows his eyes to study the brunette for a moment before he rolls closer to the desk. Upon reaching the dark furniture, he props his feet up on another chair nearby. 
“Newcomer?” The male asks, his slight raspy voice ripping through the silence in the shop. 
At the sudden voice, Nick flinches slightly and quickly whips his head around. At the sight of the male staring right at him, his brain struggles to search for a simple response. The male ahead of him can’t help but chuckle at the brunette ahead of him and reluctantly slips off the chair he’s perched on.
In a few steps, he stands directly behind the desk and bends his upper half to lean over the furniture. The male proceeds to drum his polished nails on the wooden surface, waiting for Nick to reply to his question. 
After a few moments, which seemed like an eternity for Nick, he finally opens his mouth. “Yeah.” He manages to get out. 
The male in front of him slightly nods his head and reaches over to the clipboard next to him. “You have an appointment?” He asks as his free hand begins to dig in a drawer nearby. 
“Yeah, I do. It’s with y/n.” 
The male yet again nods his head, this time with a soft chuckle. As the male retreats his hand from the drawer, a ballpoint pen now in his hand, he begins to flip through the pages in the clipboard. “That girl has been getting new bookings left and right. It’s fucking insane.” 
“Well, she is pretty talented.” 
“Oh, definitely. Gotta say she’s the most talented person in the shop.” Nick nods his head in agreement and finally begins to walk towards the large front desk. He silently watches as the boy in front of him scans the countless number of sheets in front of him, his pierced eyebrows furrowing slightly in concentration.
After a moment, the boy mumbles a small “ah” and taps the tip of the pen on the paper. He swiftly lifts his head and locks eyes with the brunette in front of him before saying, “Name please.” 
“Nick.” The boy instantly replies. 
“Alright, Nick. I’m gonna have you sign a few papers before I bring you to y/n’s space. Is that alright with you?”  
“Yeah, of course.” 
“Perfect…” The male mumbles softly. He turns on his heels to grab a small packet of papers behind him. When he turns back around, he sets the pack as well as a pen on the table and slides it towards Nick. “Here you go. Sit wherever you’d like and give me the papers back when you’re done.” 
“Will do.” The male gives Nick a small nod as he grabs the stack. As the brunette walks to the waiting room, the boy plops back down on his spinning chair, a soft sigh escaping his lips. The male begins to busy himself by pulling out a miniature sketchbook from the front desk and doodling small designs on the empty pages as Nick gets busy filling out the documents. 
“I filled everything out.” Nick’s sudden statement startles the tattooist behind the front desk and snaps him out of his slight daze. The male quickly gets up from his seat and walks up to the boy with a small smile. After setting his sketchbook down, he sets an open palm out in front of him, gesturing Nick to set the pack in his hand, which he does. 
“That didn’t take very long.” The male comments as he begins to scan through the packet. “You sure you filled everything out?” He teases. 
Nick can’t help but squint his eyes at the boy before replying, “I’ve filled them out before so it really wasn’t that difficult to finish.”
“Have you now?” 
“Yeah. I’ve gotten tattoos done before.” 
“Really?” Silence fills the shop for a moment as Nick stares down at the male in front of him. After recollecting his thoughts and holding himself back from saying anything smart, he replies, “Yeah, I have a whole sleeve done and some of my leg.” 
The male hums softly, finally lifting his head from the packet to lock eyes with Nick. “Proof or you’re lying.” 
A heavy sigh escapes Nick's lips and he pushes down the strong urge to call you and get him out of this annoying predicament. What’s this dude's deal? After receiving a single eyebrow raise from the male in front of him, the brunette reluctantly rolls up the sleeve of his black zip-up. He turns his arm slightly to allow the male to get a quick look at the designs littering his skin before he rolls his sleeve back down with a faint huff.   
“Hmm. Nice.” Nick rolls his eyes yet again at the bland reaction he gets. As he crosses his arms over his chest, the male before him chuckles slightly and stashes the packet of papers in a vanilla folder nearby. “Shall I get you to y/n?” 
“Please.” After gesturing Nick to follow him with a single wave of the hand, the male slips out from behind the desk and begins to walk to the hall a few steps away. As he begins to walk off, Nick quickly chases after him. As he trails close behind him, he can’t help but allow his eyes to trail down both of his arms, which are filled with numerous tattoo designs. 
From what the brunette could see, there was not a single empty space of the male's skin, even his elbows held intricate designs. Before his gaze wanders further down, the male stops abruptly in front of a door. Nick, not paying attention to anything around him, bumps into the boy a little harshly, a soft ‘fuck’ escaping his lips as he stumbles back. 
“My bad.” Nick mumbles out a quick apology as he rubs his nape, the apples of his cheeks taking on a soft red hue. 
“You’re all good. Just be more careful when you’re staring at people.” The tatted male replies. The boy doesn’t allow Nick to defend himself before he knocks on the door they stopped at. “y/n! Nick’s here!” 
“Come in!” You shout out, your voice sounding muffled due to you being on the other side of the door. 
“You heard the woman.” The black haired male states. He sets a hand on Nick’s shoulder and squeezes the male's clothed skin before adding, “Have fun, kid.” And with that, he retreats back to the front. 
Nick stands in front of your door, his jaw slightly dropped in shock as his brain tries to comprehend what just happened. When your worried voice calls out to him, the brunette snaps out of his daze and quickly opens the door in front of him. Nick slowly pushes open the dark surface and peeks his head inside the room. 
“Nick!” You exclaim excitedly, a wide smile visible on your lips. “Come in, come in!” 
Nick quickly slips inside the room and shuts the door behind him, a small smile of his own decorations his features as he locks eyes with you. “Hey y/n! Great to finally meet you in person.” 
“Same here! Gotta say right off the bat, I absolutely LOVE the Edward Scissorhands tee.” At your compliment, Nick looks down at the graphic tee covering his torso, his smile widening ever so slightly. 
“Thanks!” The male beams. Nick takes a quick moment to examine your space, the room giving off a completely different vibe in comparison to the shop. The first thing the male took note of was the color of the walls. They were a soft pastel pink, which seemed to be the perfect shade considering how your chosen decor complimented the color perfectly. 
Speaking of decorations, the brunette could make out a few Sony Angles and other small figures set on shelves attached to the walls and on the main desk, as well as a few posters of presumably your favorite artists and shows. When his eyes locked on the Cry Baby and Portals posters, Nick couldn’t hold back the gasp that escaped his lips. 
“You like Melanie?” The male asks, his jaw dropping in pure shock. 
“I love her! I attended her LA show The Trilogy Tour as well the K-12 Tour!” You reply with a wide smile.
“NO FUCKING WAY!” A small giggle escapes your lips when you watch as Nick’s jaw drops. 
“Yes fucking way.” 
“Bro…” A soft laugh escapes you when Nick rubs his face with his hands, a loud groan sounding from him moments later. 
“I fucking love Melanie. I have yet to see her live and it’s KILLING ME.” 
“Well…” You start as you roll towards your desk and pull out the main drawer. “When she goes on tour again, we can both go.” 
Nick’s hands slap down to his sides with a loud slap. “Don’t fuck with me…” The brunette states, his eyes narrowing as he sends a small warning glare in your direction. 
“I’m not!” You defend with a small laugh. Nick’s expression quickly shifts into one of excitement as you slip a small folder out of your drawer. “Now, I promise we’ll go back to talking about Mel but I think we should start getting you tatted.” 
“Oh, yeah! Where should I sit?” 
“In the recliner chair please. Also, do you mind rolling up your pant leg for me?” 
“Of course!” Without a word more, Nick scurries over to the wrapped recliner and seats himself down on it. After swinging both his legs over so he’s laying down fully, he sits up and reaches down to his leg. As he begins to roll up his pant leg, you roll over to him, vanilla folder in hand. 
“So.” You state as you set the folder on your lap. “You excited?” 
“Very.” Nick replies with a bright smile. You can’t help but smile softly at the brunette as you reach over to the nearby rolling tray holding all your needed supplies and pull it over. Before you go to grab the pair of black gloves, you freeze in your spot and furrow your eyebrows. Noticing the sudden change in your demeanor, Nick turns his head to face you, a worried expression instantly painting his features. “What’s wrong?” 
“There’s no music playing.” You mumble, a soft sigh escaping you as you sit up. Nick can’t help but chuckle at how upset you became over something so small. “Was it always this quiet?” 
“Yeah.” When the brunette softly nods his head, a frustrated groan escapes you. 
“Mike must have turned it off again. I swear to God, that dude drives me to the brink of insanity sometimes.” You begin to ramble under your breath as you walk towards the door. 
“Mike?” Nick asks, his head tilting to the side as he grows confused. 
“The dude at the front desk. He’s also the one that walked you here.” When Nick’s mouth shapes into a small oval and he nods his head in understanding, you reach for the doorknob and twist it to open the door. “I’ll be right back, hold on.” When you slip out of the room and shut the door behind you, Nick finds himself examining your room again.
He begins to hum a random tune under his breath and subconsciously bops his head along to it as he gets more comfortable on the recliner. After a few moments, the door opens and reveals you. When you step inside the room, you flash Nick a small smile and make your way over to him again. 
“Sorry about that. I needed to get the speaker since I let Jen use it for her last session. You don’t mind if I play some music right?” You ask as you set the miniature bluetooth speaker on the counter behind you. 
“I don’t mind it at all. I actually prefer listening to music while getting tattoos done. Helps calm me.” Nick replies with a smile. 
“Okay, perfect.” Whipping your phone out of your cargo pants, you immediately open up Spotify. After scrolling through your playlists, you finally settle on your go to one and push play.
As Red Wine Supernova By Chappell Roan plays on the speaker, you put your phone away and finally reach for the black rubber gloves on your tray. “So, before we start, I am going to prep your skin for the stencils. When that is finished, I’ll set the stencils on the area we discussed over text and move it if needed. And then, we can start. Sounds good?” 
“Sounds perfect.” Nick confirms with a firm nod of his head. 
“Alright, let’s get started then!” 
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manygeese · 9 days
Part two to my playlist as Percy Jackson characters
now with ratings! if you don’t agree, feel free to leave reasons that u do like the ship but please be civil abt it 👍 Warning i have not read all the books
these aren’t strictly canon guys and if u don’t like on of the ships ignore it and read the ones u do like :)
PercyxAnnabeth. I can’t rate them anything but 10/10 I think because they are the foundation
“Stand By Me” by Ben E. King. Represents their loyalty to each other even as the world is going to hell :) “Nobody touches her” anyone?
FrankxHazel. I think it’s cute but the age gap is weird but I like the devotion. Not my favorite but wholesome. 6.8/10?
“She’s Got a Way” by Billy Joel. Very wholesome, very pining-coded, very devoted. Reminds me of how Frank is over here like “I would kill myself for you” about Hazel in SoN
Will SolacexNico. I think it’s cute but I have not read the novel about them and have only read up to SoN bc my library doesn’t have MoA. 8/10, what I’ve seen in fanon is rlly cute
“Romeo’s Tune” by Steve Forbert. Very young love. Very frolicking in a grass field with my beloved.
JasonxPiper. I don’t like it, it’s giving comphet. Literally built on a lie but they are besties. Romantic- 2/10. Platonic- 8/10.
“Our Last Summer” by ABBA. Again, young love, but more like a fling. Very reminiscent but also sweet. This is if I HAD to give them a romantic song.
LeoxJason. I love it so much it is canon in my mind. The fanart for these silly little guys is so cute but also they are the next Romeo and Juliet. I look at them and I go “OOF” in a good way. 10/10
“Beyond the Sea” by Bobby Darin. They’re always waiting for the right time but it never comes 😔. Sorry in my mind they are happy and live in a cottage. This song is optimistic though!!! Don’t think about it too hard
PiperxAnnabeth. I think it’s cute but I think I haven’t seen them enough to really think about them. VERY COOL THOUGH!!! 7/10.
“High on You” by Survivor. They lift each other up and make each other better! Also matches the energy I think they’d have- hardcore, like U-Haul lesbians hardcore
LeoxNico. I think it’s sweet. I see it as a “getting together romantically after years of friendship” thing. They’re very similar to each other and they’d definitely bond over their pasts! 8/10
“Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone. They back each other up and give each other unconditional love, help each other unlearn bad habits, help each be better and all that :)
JasonxNico. Again, haven’t seen a lot of canon content about them but I do know Nico gets outed to Jason and I think they’d just be friends after that. Like I don’t think Nico would be 100% comfy in a romantic setting? Romantic- 5.9/10. Platonic- 8/10.
“Sleeping With the Television On” by Billy Joel. They’re unsure of themselves, too shy to make the first move on the other, etc. Pushing each other away and all that pining jazz.
JasonxPercy. They’re bros. All the way. I could see how it could go from bros to boyfriends, but I’m stuck in the bro mindset. Romantic-8/10. They could have a lot of fun banter. Platonic-10/10.
“If It Wasn’t For The Nights” by ABBA. They need each other, but they get mad at each other a lot :( Narrative foils!!!!!
Clarisse LaRuexSilena Beauregard. Tragic, the parallels to Patroclus and Achilles and PARALLELING! Amazing. Personally, I really like the poly ship where it’s Clarisse, Chris, Selena, and Beckendorf (cuz i love Beckendorf and I think they’d be a great support system for each other). By themselves, 9/10. Points deducted cuz they only really interact in TLO.
“Only the Good Die Young” by Billy Joel. The title should explain everything.
LeoxFrank. In the same vein as Jercy because they’re bros. I think a poly relationship between Hazel, Leo, and Frank could be sweet too. But by themselves, romantically, 7/10. Platonic- 10/10, would shenanigan together.
“It’s Not Unusual” by Tom Jones. They both give off very “jealous of their partners” vibes. Also they like the dance.
Reblog with any other ships you like! I might do a part two :)
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toffyrats · 6 months
i need you guys to hear me out on this.
high school musical split timeline.
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a few notes below the cut—
first a disclaimer: i have not watched hsmtmts, all of this is js based on what people have told me. did chad n taylor break up somewhere in there i don’t know.
hsm2 doesn’t seem to have much of an impact in the timeline. in the red timeline it simply doesn’t happen- everyone goes their own way (pun intended) and ryan and sharpay win the talent show. even then, ryan starts to get slightly fed up with her which shows in the 3rd movie.
the continuity issues between sharpays fabulous adventure and hsmtmts bothers me. thats why sfa is even here in the first place
graduation in the blue timeline plays out basically the same way as hsm3, except for two things. one, taylor and chad don’t go to prom together (obviously). they just end up tagging along with ryan and kelsi who went as gay man lesbian girl besties and ryan and chad share a very awkward but sweet dance or two together. two, as much as i love it, want it all isn’t included. sharpay knows ryan’s over her, she doesn’t need a musical number to make it seem like he isn’t.
zeke and sharpay’s deleted scene was so cute and very needed. i hate all the scenes we had w rocketman when we couldve had that. pretend it happens in both timelines
chad doesn’t cut his hair in the blue timeline. both in hsm3 and hsmtmts. this is more of a personal nitpicky choice but it has to be done
tell me your thoughts, also tell me if this doesn’t make sense, tell me if anything abt hsmtmts doesn’t line up, tell me everything LMAO
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tempting-andromeda · 7 months
Can I please have headcannons for Sadie with fem s/o who is secretly in love with Sadie. She wants to confess her feelings but is scared of how she might react. Fem reader drops little hints here and there and eventually confesses one night at camp when everyone is asleep and they are the only ones awake. I would love to see how Sadie and fem reader deal with being secret lovers in 1899 since it wasn’t smiled upon back then and very dangerous to be lesbian/gay/bi, etc and i would love to see how they are out, open and free with the other camp members and how they are comfortably out to John Abigail Jack uncle and Charles post RDR2. And please do a little fast forward to after the events of the game when John Charles and sadie k*ll Micah and sadie is happily settled down with fem reader and their poodle dog! Just living a quiet happy wholesome life where sadie works as a bounty hunter and comes home to fem reader cooking a delicious meal sorta life. Cozy, warm vibes and a happily ever after together forever 💖💖💖💖💖 sorry if this is cheesy and cliche I just love this little idea I have in my head of Sadie happily married to her fem s/o (low key of course because it was illegal to be LGBT in the 1800s and I would love to see how Sadie and fem reader navigate their life before and after the events of the game) !! Love your blog! 🥰✨✨✨
Sadie Adler
I think it would genuinely take sadie a bit to get back into a relationship
She’s traumatized and she just lost jake and so she doesn’t even realize you were dropping hints
You two get close and there’s this lingering emotion but she purposefully ignores it
It takes until like a month or so for her to finally acknowledge it and at first she doesn’t want to be in a relationship
Super against it because she’s a mess
When you confess she somehow rejects you but returns the feelings at the same time
Takes everything at a slow pace
It’s not like internationalized homophobia or anything…homegirl had like the worst experience ever a few months back
Likes to hold your hand
It’s such a tender thing
Separating your finger and bending them slowly while you both lay on your sides facing one another while you try to sleep
A very complicated “we’re not dating but we are”
Likes standing around you just to have your company but sometimes she just looks like a body guard with her arms crossed
Kisses your finger tips
Idk I just think she wouldn’t be ready for actual kisses so she works her way up
Everyone knows you two are somewhat a thing because even if you both wanted to hide it Sadie will practically growl at anyone who stares too long
Likes to go off with you and doesn’t tell you what you’re doing
Give you a quick “come on” and doesn’t answer any questions
Thinks anything can be a surprise if she wanted to to be
She wants to go to the gunsmith to get a new rifle? She’s gonna take you and act like she has the most romantic date planned
After the events of rdr2 she’s healed a lot more
She wasn’t on her own for like…8 years so she’s definitely grown
More into physical touch
Loves coming behind you and grabbing your waist while she nuzzles into your neck and kisses it
She’s a cheeky bastard
How can she do anything wrong she’s just a girl with a gun
Tells you all about her bounties and sometimes if you get her too into it she’ll recreate some moments
Jumping up out of bed to act out slashing a guys neck and getting blood on her
She’s so dramatic and she’s giving you a lopsided grin
Picked the poodle up as an apology for getting stabbed when she hunted down Micah with John
She saw how Abigail reacted with John and she didn’t want to be in the dog house
Always insists a meal needs more seasoning no matter how much you add
It either needs more salt or pepper
She’s real hesitant about pda and to other people y’all have an elaborate story about how both of your husbands died and you’re widowers together
Just besties
She has horrible jealousy isssues
She’s not worried you’d cheat
She just possessive
Tried to invite John and Abigail over for dinner frequently but after the first time she couldn’t do it again
Had to protect her peace
And she got tired of everyone mid way and didn’t know how to tell anyone she just wanted to nap with her wife
Whenever y’all do hang out with the marstons she somehow gets kicked out of the wife circle and is forced to Interact with John
She has fun but John is just so much to deal with
She’s absolutely shit at cooking
She can cook meat but anything else?
She complains if you try to get her to cook
If you do make her cook or you can’t she just goes into town and buys something that’s easy or already made
Likes to join you in the kitchen when you cook though
She’ll stand behind you with her hands on your hips telling you to cut the potatoes bigger or smaller
Whenever it’s just you two or any of your friends she loves to call you her wife
Smiles all goofy and everything
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jenyifer · 9 months
How to make Only Friends Sapphic
So jumping off of my previous post about the theory that BostonNick sharing clothes is one of the most lesbian coded things I can think of and checking Jojo’s Twitter and seeing this
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I thought I’d give some suggestions as a girl lover myself. I think that BostonNick is already two steps away from being a lesbian couple. You ever played mind games with a girl who wants to “be free to explore her options”? And I can promise you Nick is barely a stalker in comparison to what me and my friends can do to someone we like. Nothing illegal persay but…. Questionable Stalking is done on both sides under the guise of “we have seen true crime and live online”. Nick and Boston already live together basically pre break up. I think they shared clothes and Boston was using Nick every time he felt too many emotions or insecure. I think this is part of the reason he kept bringing nick with him to events but I want to talk about that in its own post.
Now TopMew another super lesbian coupling. Mew is raised by lesbians so his underhand passive aggressive ways are very familiar. Top being in love with the competitive game of getting Mew or Boeing is also text book. Sometimes the chase is worth more than the capture. I also think as lesbians we try to prove our relationships are picture perfect for instagram we finally find someone to take on all those date ideas we saved off while single and lonely.
The couple you’d have to change the most is SandRay. As Severe Depression Panic Attack girlie myself I get good morning texts and good evening checks from my Ex everyday. It’s not out of love or anything it’s a bond we share so. Firstly Mew or Boston would be checking on Ray it doesn’t matter if he hides it or if he can’t stop drinking etc the “hello are you alive text or call” would be essential or a lesbian would call the cops or that one person who can knock knock on their door to check. Ray would also know all of Bostons one night stand stories simply because he’d check in with Boston the next day to make sure Boston hadn’t been kidnapped or raped. It’s common practice with my friends who are adventurous anyways. Second Sand would have moved in with Ray or moved Ray in with him. No buts ands or protests about it. There would be a uhaul involved. Nick would have been carrying the boxes too because see a sister in need who you crushing on “you can change them just get them under your roof”. I also think Ray being a sugar mommy on the DL would be a thing just replacing Sand’s shit with higher end things. Because he cares and then Sand pushing back. The confusion with Mew is 1000000% on brand for a lesbian relationship though. As I said my ex is my bestie and I can’t get rid of her she won’t let me. It’s a big reason why I don’t like talking about Mew because his attitude towards Ray feels like a mircoscope mirror at the moment and I hate it. But it’s common to stay besties with your ex as a lesbian we are eachothers chosen family we don’t abandon eachother. And yeah sometimes feelings stick around even if it’s not for the best. Even if it hurts new interests.
I think the most fascinating change would be the interaction of the girls because we get terribly involved in our friends business most of the time. Sometimes people fall off completely absorbed in their new flame but if you have a good group of girls they’ll pull you back to reality. Also Mew’s revenge on Boston would have been the stuff talked about in legends. Punishing someone in your chosen family goes hardcore mode real fast. I also think SandNick’s relationship is already Sapphic enough I mean… who hasn’t gone camping with their bestie to see the stars touch grass then kissed them found out yeah no feels there and snuggle cuddled to sleep. That is literally me sophomore year of college except we went to a reserve where there were gators in the lake and when we woke up and went the 2 min walk to the beach there they were waiting to eat us whole.
Also your gay guy friend in Cheum would have to be more prominent. ESPECIALLY IF CHEUM IS AN ATTACHED LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP GAY. Cheum would be all up in everyone’s business super judgy with Mew but always there. Cheum would plan things and Mew would make the others show up. I can just see Cheum’s eye roll at the weekly check in because Ray needs to be reminded of his friends and Cheum would understand that. Also Cheum and April would throw the best dinner parties with wine and messy gossip. Cheum and April would def leave everyone at the party but that would be expected.
Anyways I had fun imagining it I hope you had fun reading. I tried not to be mean to Mew again so hopefully I’ve achieved that tone. I really am trying to work on it. Reading other people’s meta interpretations has really helped. Thank you!!!
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Hi :) . I'm so sorry to dump all this stuff on you, but I've seen you giving some really good advice, and I was wondering if you could help me a bit? (warning-this is probably going to be longer than necessary because I cannot sum up anything haha)
So I have this friend (we'll call her A). She's quite annoying, she follows me around a lot, she gets moody when I spend time with my other friends, she pressures me into doing things, she doesn't respect my personal space, but she doesn't realise how uncomfortable I feel about the things she does. I probably sound really rude and awful saying this, but I honestly don't know how to say it in a nicer way (sorry if I do sound awful)- she's not neuro typical, and that might be a reason why she's like this (again, so sorry, I sound like I'm hating here). But I feel like I have to lie about so many things for her. Honestly? I don't like spending time with her. But I really don't want to hurt her feelings, and she trusts me with a lot of personal things.
So I have another friend, and this time there's nothing wrong with our relationship. We're besties. But she is VERY protective. Like she's threatened to gouge people's eyes out (she was joking, don't worry, I asked her). Worst of all, she sort-of-bullies my other friend. Now, if my other friend was someone else, I would pass it off as ok. That's because she SEEMS fine with it. But my friend? I know she probably isn't fine, inside. She's been through so, so much, and I'm guessing that she isn't in a good state mentally. She acts like she's fine, but she isn't. I sound awful here, but I'm certain about this. I've seen her crying. And I know it isn't my business, but I want to help her. But I can't. I don't know how. I feel pressured to pick between those three, sometimes. I don't want to disappoint anyone, but they don't get along, so I have to juggle, if that makes sense?
And finally...my sexuality! *audible gasps*. (yeah at this point I would give up haha). So I'm confused. Because I'm a weird mix of demisexual, lesbian, and pansexual? And I can't ask my parents about it, because they don't understand and I don't even know if they support.
Yeah I'm sorry for that haha also I'm sorry for all the apologies I'm like 70% sure I have anxiety? Here's a tortoise:🐢. Thank you :)
Hi hon! Okay I’m gonna address each of these one at a time:
The first friend: first of all, you’re not mean. I’m neurodivergent, and I get where you’re coming from. Here’s the thing. I see what you meant about your friend probably not understanding what she’s doing. But that doesn’t mean you should just let her! It means you can explain to her that you’re uncomfortable and work with her to find compromises that work for both of you. You don’t need to sacrifice your boundaries just to accommodate her neurodivergence. That’s not fair to you.
For your other friends: sounds like first of all, your bully friend might need to think more about how she affects others. If you’re comfortable, you could gently tell her you’re concerned. You don’t have to choose between one or the other by voicing your concerns, and if the bull friend makes you choose, that’s HER choice, you know?
For your sexuality: explain more? I’d love to help if I can!
Naming you tortoise anon!
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zootopiathingz · 6 months
I watched Zootopia like 6 months ago on a whim, and now the fixation is still hyper...ing.
Anyways, Judy and Nick are the best and deserve everything (I genuinely couldn't remember anyone else's names the first time I saw it) aaaaand yeah it's sad that the Fandom is basically nonexistent.
Actually, it's still going strong(?) on AO3 (i've made a few one-shots (shameless self promotion I'm Not_Quite_A_Moron there)) but still, kinda sucks.
Anyways, random headcanon time:
Nick has two moms (he doesn't have specific names for both of them, he just yells "MOM!" anytime he needs help)
Judy actually really likes eating meat, Nick just has to convince her to try it
Nick became really closed off and touch starved after the Junior Ranger Scouts incident, so now, he's a chronic cuddler (especially with Judy (which she loves))
Judy's on the autistic spectrum (she often stims by tapping her foot, and she likes to display affection via playful punches to the arm)
Judy was born on the same day that Nick got muzzled, as if the universe itself felt bad and said "here, have a rabbit" (definitely didn't steal this one from Tumblr nope certainly not)
Nick doesn't really like Gazelle's music, he's more of a rock kind of guy, but he'll stomach any song for Judy’s sake
Judy's asexual (Take one look at the nudist club scene and tell me she isn't at least demi)
Bestie I’d just like to say AAAAAAAAAA
Sorry, but I just got SO excited when I saw someone submitting headcanons! It’s been way too long since I’ve been able to have a good ol’ Zootopia discussion. Oh and I’ll certainly check out your fics! My user is Pixarpnflover so be on the look out for some kudos!���
Anyway, I love the idea of Nick being raised by two moms! There was supposed to be a plotline about his dad—John Wilde, I believe was his name—but got scrapped along with a lot of other content. So until it’s actually mentioned in canon I’m choosing to believe his mom in the flashback was in fact a raging lesbian lmao🤷‍♀️ also would that make him a double mama’s boy?🤔
Ooo an herbivore converting to a meat diet? How intriguing! I like to think now that she lives in the city that Judy would be open to trying new foods, which would include poultry and fish. I can see her favoring sushi or even turkey.
Nick being openly affectionate after meeting Judy, and reserving most of that said affection for her? Hell yeah. He’s very unapologetic about it too. He’s waited far too long to share that amount of vulnerability and comfort with someone. No way he’s ever going to hold back🫂
Autistic Judy my beloved🙌🏻 You cannot convince me she’s even a little bit neurotypical, I will not believe you lol. I love that her natural rabbit behavior could actually be interpreted as stimming!
Dude, I have believed this headcanon for so long!! The second I found out their age difference, I just knew there had to be some kind of coincidence going on there. I mean, Nick could’ve just said “when I was a kid” when beginning the story, but instead he specified his age (or an estimate, at least) and I think that a choice on the writers’ part. Anyway, I’m a big believer in fate/soulmates, so even just the idea of Judy being born, destined to cross paths with Nick someday to heal his childhood trauma and make his life better, just melts my heart❤️😭
Haha yeah, you can tell the concert at the credits that Nick was only there for Judy😆 Not to say he wasn’t enjoying himself, he just wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as everyone else. But ya know, the things ya do for your girlfriend!😋 I can also imagine Judy listening to music she doesn’t necessarily enjoy either. A certain loud rock song starts playing on the radio and before she can even think about changing the station, Nick goes “oh I like this one!” And so she smiles and suffers through it. She may even end up liking it anyway!😌
As for this last one, I kinda have to disagree. Not to say she isn’t ace or demi, and no hate to anyone who shares this opinion! But idk, to me I don’t think someone not wanting to see a bunch of people walking around ass-naked makes them ace or a prude (which I’ve seen some fanfics try to claim her to be?) I mean, I’m horny asf and I’d be just as uncomfortable walking around a nudist club😆😅
…I never thought I’d type a sentence like that lol
Anyway, thanks for sharing these! I sure hope the fandom comes back someday, but in the meantime I’ll be here waiting and open to exchanging more headcanons! :3
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michellezagenda · 5 months
not to keep bringing up the same old but your screenshot of that tt vid of "signs ur a lesbian teeheh" and the comphet nonsense should be a big topic to discuss among bisexual women who might feel alienated by other bisexual women. what i mean is, is that no wonder some bi women proclaim to be gay when they're not since the average bi woman tends to be more leaning towards OSA rather than SSA (nothing wrong with that ofc!), tend to want to end up with men rather than women, and/or exclusively date men and only want to hookup with women for fun. its like always looking at the word bi as meaning "only taking the opposite sex seriously and only seeing the same sex as a short term thing" and then when we don't relate to that, we or other people then chime in and say "oh that means you're a lesbian bestie!" which is just. no its hard because ssa-leaning bis/febfems are hated everywhere and get attacked from all sides, yes even in gay/lesbian circles as well. reddit has banned r/febfem so there's just no safe way of meeting other likeminded bi women without going through the hordes of bi women who spit on you for not wanting a male partner or make you apologize to them repeatedly for not wanting to talk about their partners enough. they also proclaim that we are trying to get on the good side of lesbians when all we want is to have a chance at having a serious relationship with a woman; that's not lesbian behavior, that's just same sex attraction behavior. sorry if this got long lol but yeah idk, it's hard to feel secure in our sexuality when our sexuality feels hated on by everyone and then when we do try to make our own spaces, it gets shut down eventually, and then we're just floating through space with no secure anchors to hang onto. and so i think this is why some bi women insist on being called lesbians; its the one only true way of finding community with other women who do want something serious and long-term. its wrong yeah but it makes sense, you know? what says you queen?
yea i get feeling alienated as a bi woman, i still feel alienated bc i just don’t like men as much as a lot of them do. i still find myself trying to force it too…
I wish that bisexuality was treated normally so everyone can know that just because you experience certain things as a bi woman doesn’t make u a lesbian and yea we need spaces where we can talk about being mostly ssa as bi women. This is why so many bi women call themselves lesbians, accidentally or not. I still don’t call myself a febfem bc 1) i think it’s pointless for me personally and 2) idk what the future holds
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totallynotawes · 10 months
WC: 1233 || CW: Suicide, Character Death, Mention of Self-Harms, Hurt/Comfort.
Steve and Robin are high school sweethearts, two peas in a pod, twins from different parents, besties for life. They knew everything about each other, all the details, Steve knows Robin's secret about being a lesbian and can’t be as expressive as she wishes, how she’s terrified to talk to Vickie, how she was heartbroken when Chrissy died. He helped her through it all, Dealing with Venca and the upside down was not easy for anyone, if anyone knew how hard it was it was Steve, besides Will Byers. 
Barbara Holland died in Steve’s pool. He dragged Eddie’s dead body out of the upside down. He and Robin were drugged and beaten to almost death underneath Starcourt by Russians. Steve knows the depression, the PTSD, the feeling of it all. 
But when Robin suddenly shut him and the whole group out, Steve started worrying. She didn’t show up to school, work, or hangouts and when she did, she still shut everyone out. Steve made sure no one knew how he felt, he just shrugged off the children's concerns saying Robin was fine, She’s busy, She’s sick..again. He hated lying to the kids, they didn’t deserve that.
Once Steve got home, he closed the front door gently and leaned against it, sliding down to the floor. He hugs his knees and starts hyperventilating. Robin hated him, it's because he ran off to save Eddie and not her even if she wasn’t hurt. After a moment he gets up and quickly leaves his house, driving to Robin’s.
Steve walks up to Robin’s door and knocks on it. Robin opened the door and went to shut it but the brunette stopped it with his arm. “Come on, we’re getting burgers and going to the quarry, I’m not taking a no for an answer. Grab your shoes.”
Robin nods slowly, grabs her shoes by her door, and follows Steve to his car. They drive in silence only noise is the radio but very low. Steve left the car for five minutes to go into the diner and get their food. 
Robin is laying her head on the window, looking out and watching the houses disappear and trees becoming full sight as they make it up the quarry. She follows Steve out of the car to the cliffside of the quarry and watches him lay down a blanket. They both sit down and start eating quietly.
“You missed it today,” Steve spoke, “Dustin and Eddie came into Family Videos and they were talking about their nerdy shit. And you know how they get, They start laughing and pushing each other around, well Eddie pushes Dustin onto a shelf, and it just dominos down onto the other shelves. Keith got so pissed and kicked them out, but now I gotta clean it all up tomorrow.” He chuckles and sighs, looking at Robin “You think you’re gonna come to work tomorrow? I’ll need the help.”
“No,” Robin finally spoke for once and put relief in Steve’s body. “I’m not going to be around.”
Steve frowns “What do you mean?” He watches Robin get up and walks to the edge of the cliff. He scrambles to get up and get behind her. “What are you saying, Robin?!”
“I can't do it, no more. I’m tired.” Robin looks at Steve with tears streaming down her face. “We don’t know if Venca or that mind flayer thing is actually dead and I’m not staying to find out. I’m sorry.”
“Oh..” Steve realizes what she meant “Wait! Please, Robin! Don’t leave me!” He grabs her hands. “You’re my only friend, I can’t lose you.”
“You got Dustin and Eddie, I know how much you love Eddie and I know you’re scared to admit it to yourself, go be with him.”
“That doesn’t matter, you are my soulmate, my best friend for life, We were supposed to grow old and make the kids' life a living nightmare with their kids, we’re supposed to stay together til the end of time, not like- like-” Steve lets out a sob “Not like this Robin, please don’t.” 
“Steve, please, I can’t do it anymore, I can never sleep, I’ve covered myself in cuts,” Robin says and pulls off her jacket, revealing cuts all over her arms.
“I’m covered in cuts as well!” Steve cries out and pulls off his sweater. “Why else do you think I wear sweaters?! Robin, you can’t leave me alone, not like this. I don’t want to be alone, not again!” He cries out and grabs Robin's arms.
“I’ve made my decision, Steve. Thank you for the wonderful life despite the supernatural shit.” Robin grabs Steve’s cheek and kisses his forehead. “I love you, Steve.” She says as she backs away and falls off the cliff.
Steve stood there, frozen. He couldn’t move until he heard a splash. He moves closer to the edge and looks down, not seeing Robin's body in sight. He turns away and runs to his car before speeding, going well over a hundred, passing every stoplight and car.
Steve stops in front of Eddie’s trailer and quickly walks to the door, banging on the door. 
“Damnit! I’m tired of you reporters! It’s been months! What more do you want?!” Eddie yells as he opens the door “Steve?” He raised an eyebrow “What’s wrong?” He asked as Steve collapsed onto him.
Steve lets out a sob and nonsense that causes Eddie to pull the male inside and close the door. He leads them to the couch and sits down. “Hey, hey, what’s going? Why are you crying and banging on my door?” He forces Steve to look up at him.
“Ro-Robin!” Steve managed to get out.
“What about her? Did something happen to her?” Eddie asked worriedly.
“Sh-She,” Steve chokes on his sob. “She jumped.”
“Jumped? Where?” Eddie asks trying to puzzle everything together as well as being patient.
“Qu-Quarry.” Steve pushes his face into Eddie’s shoulders, letting out loud sobs.
“Robin jumped at the Quarry?” Eddie questioned and Steve shook his head hesiatedly.
“In quarry.” Steve corrects
“She jumped in the quarry?” Eddie asks and Steve nods. He was confused before realizing, “Oh.. Steve, baby, I’m sorry.” He hugs him tightly, pulling him into his lap.
“She said she couldn’t han-handle it anymore, said she’s tired, she left me, my only true soulmate left me before I could even process it all. I didn’t get to tell her I love her.” Steve cries out and sits up, looking at Eddie. “I know we’re only platonic soulmates because she’s gay but she meant the world to me. She h-help me figure out who I am, helped me discover new things in this god-forsaken world. Now she’s gone, abandoned me in this world all by myself.” He sniffles and buries his face into Eddie’s neck again. “I was going to follow her just so we aren’t separated from one another.”
Eddie listens to Steve and tightens his grip on the man. “I know, I know but I’m glad you didn’t take that leap, You still have so much to look forward to in life and Robin wouldn’t want you to follow, she wants you to continue on and live on your dreams.”
Steve nods and looks up at Eddie “Thank you, Eddie, I love you.”
“I love you too, Steve,” Eddie says and kisses his forehead. “I’m proud of you.”
Sorry for any errors this is the first time I posted any of my fics. So please be kind and don't hate. If you hate it, block me idc. I go for more darker fic writing. I have tons of fics I've been working on just never finish and have been scared to share them. So have this one, sorry for making y'all cry.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 10 months
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Uraraka Ochaco
she is absolutely a victim of yaoi. let her have her crush and let her be a person BEYOND HER FEELINGS FOR ONE MAN!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS A WONDERFUL HERO! AND HAS AN INTRICATE PERSONALITY BEYOND IZUKU! 
One of Midoriya “Deku” Izuku’s first friends (the first real one, to be exact), training to be a hero alongside the rest of her class. Despite her character arc and evolution of goals, which tie in strongly with the themes of the series, fans view her as an “obstacle” because of her canonical crush on Izuku. As a result, fan works pairing Izuku with a guy minimize the positive impact she’s had on his life and diminish her role, with some even demonizing her and turning her into a jealous bitch to justify Izuku not dating her. The simple possession of a crush has lead to her being overlooked and mistreated by the fandom, such as the common take she’s had no growth since the obtainment of her crush (feelings she actively pushes to the side as to not possibly create a distraction from her goals). These takes are accompanied by claims her character solely revolves around Izuku, ignoring the fact that many other guy characters have their characters revolve around him, some even more than her. 
Shes literally so fucking cool and passionate and she has a genuinely interesting place in the setting and YET she is constantly sidelined by both the show and the fandom in favor of her canonical love interest/main character and i'm going to be mad about it forever. 90% of the time is should she date the MC, or just that shes "a queen" or "a girlboss". Bc who cares about her growing up in poverty or her relationship with her parents or interest in rescue work? All that matters is that shes not a threat to YOUR favorite MLM ship but dw! Its still feminist because she can punch people <3
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
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hxhhasmysoul · 5 months
Hello....Do you mind if I ask, cause you also love HxH. Your top 5 (or top 3) fav JJK characters will be besties with who (in your opinions) if they were in other universe, with your top fav characters from HxH? Hope my questions are not confusing. Thanks if you want to answer....
Well this isn't exactly what you asked for but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway XD Thank you for this ask <3
When I started to think about this, my brain went places. Not all of these are my favs, some of these characters I dislike but the headcanons kept coming.
Yuuji would befriend 3 out of the main 4 of HxH easily. He’d be into Gon’s Jajanken, Gon’d love to know about the Black Flash. Gon’d drag Yuuji on adventures, because Yuuji needs someone else to set the course and Gon’s great at that. Yuuji would geek out with Killua about pop culture. He’d feel great compassion for Kurapika but Kurapika doesn’t do friends so it’d be just that. Leorio would love Yuuji because he’s overpowered but very kind and less intense than Gon. I’m sure Leorio would go do karaoke with Yuuji. 
Alluka and Nanika would instantly love Yuuji. They would also try to befriend and fix Sukuna. They’d think that surely he has good in him, like Nanika, and if only they manage to reach him, he can form a loving bond with Yuuji and others too. It was likely them who introduced him to Hello Kitty, he was never the same after that. Alluka would also love Kirara, see her as a mentor and I think Kirara would love her back.
Apart from Yuuji, Leorio would also like Nanami and Higuruma. He’d respect Nanami for choosing to help people and be happy that Nanami could choose a life not ruled by money. And Higuruma wanted to work the system from the inside and Leorio wants to do that too, maybe he could reignite the hope in Higuruma. He wouldn't be sure about Toudou but then again Toudou wouldn't mind his masturbation references XD.
Canary is very clever and can manipulate others so she’d respect Kenjaku’s plots and enjoy their personality. She would also like Maki, they’d train together with various weapons. 
Nobara would judge Kurapika on their stuck up personality and lack of concern for others. She’d find Leorio cringe. But she’d be friends with Canary, because quick lesbian friends. With Gon, Killua and Alluka she’d initially be like meh, brats. But she’d warm up to them. Gon’s as driven and independent as she is, and she already has a sweet bff in Yuuji, so she likes that type. And Killua and Alluka she’d adopt as younger siblings. They want to escape the oppressive confines of a closed community and creepy traditions, she’d sympathise with that. Plus she’d bond with Killua about clothes. It’d take time with him, because they are both so petty but as soon as they’d bond on being petty about something together, they’d be inseparable to the despair of everyone around them.
Megumi would become distinguished rivals with Kurapika. They both know that the group can’t fit more than one pretentious over intellectualised teenager with a lot of trauma. But Kurapika doesn’t really want to hang around so Megumi would win that spot by default of not having a doomed revenge to drive him. He’d likely warm up to Gon and later to Leorio. He’d initially think Leorio is a bit like Gojou but then he’d learn that Leorio is a far better, actually reliable person and he’d grow to respect him. Killua would grate him because Killua is as knowledgeable as Megumi but far more talented and his relationship with Alluka and Nanika would always remind Megumi of how he fucked up his own relationship with his sister. He would try to play cool but envy’d be eating him inside.
Initially I thought Hisoka would like Mei Mei. But tbh I think that their creepy shared interest wouldn’t bring them together, more like they’d be territorial about their “toys”. He’d likely vibe with Mahito, they both love to mess with people and murder them for fun, and Kashimo who’d be Hisoka’s buddy and rival, I think they’d keep a tally of who won with a larger number of strong opponents. 
I think if Bisky was transported into the JJK world, she’d think she ended up in heaven. So many hot men, like from her magazines. She’d try to score with as many as she could. And so many poorly trained but amazingly talented kids, so many gems she could polish to shine brightly. She could maybe even reform Sukuna, show him what true mentoring is about. He really wants to teach others but kills them in the process, that’s not very efficient. Kinda sub par mentoring. And she'd likely become besties with Yuki.
Uraume would bond with Pitou, they both are non binary, both have a sense of humour and they both loyally serve overpowered men who think they are very smart and who eat people. 
Illumi would study the 3 clans, he doesn’t do friends, but he might find new inspiring methods to apply to his own family. He'd be also weirdly drawn to Chousou though he wouldn't approve of how Chousou enacts his brotherly obsession, he doesn't try to control his brothers enough. Chousou would obviously despise him.
Now Ging and Kenjaku would have a similar and dissimilar relationship Ging and Pariston have. Similar because Ging would want to study Kenjaku under a microscope, like he wants to do with Pariston. And I suspect they’d both respect each other’s curiosity. Though Ging has some semblance of morality so Kenjaku’s methods and possibly world ending goals wouldn’t fully vibe with him. But they’d be sharing parenting tips and successes. Like look at my overpowered kid I made as an experiment and then abandoned to just gently nudge his life this way or that way so he’d excel. Ging would be fascinated with Kenjaku’s baby making methodology and Kenjaku would go to Greed Island with the sole purpose of getting the pregnancy stone card. 
Gojou would follow Pariston around begging him to reveal his secrets, how did Pariston manage to have the whole Hunters Association dance to his tune. How did he learn to play these political games and win? Gojou sucks at that so much. How is Pariston so effortlessly glamorous on a level Gojou could only dream of? 
Ijichi and Beans would form a support group. 
So would Palm and Yorozu.
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genshin-hater · 10 months
What are your favorite Genshin Friendship-Ships?
i feel like this fandom focuses heavy on romantic shipping, but there are so many good canon and fanon friendships!!! there are so many fun buddies and besties in this game!! I’ll go first:
Fischl & Bennet
Bennet mentions that they hang out/know each other during his hangout event and i find the concept of them being buddies (but fischl REFUSING to go adventuring with him) to be so fun and silly. Absolutely insane goth girl going through her Middle School phase. Absolute disaster boy who still manages to be a ray of sunshine. very black cat with golden retriever who will NOT go away and fischl pretends not to care but she really values his company and the fact that he doesn’t treat her like a weirdo for being herself, and HE appreciates that she doesn’t mind that its always raining when he’s around. also they are both trans and take hrt together TEEHEE
Hu Tao & Xin Yan & Xiangling
PYRO GIRL GANG. MENACES TO SOCIETY. THEY GO SHOPPING AND GET BRUNCH TOGETHER A LOT. They are a problem Always, but rotate out who is being the biggest nuisance on the reg. Xiangling is typically the most well behaved, but any time food gets involved all bets are off. Very powerpuff girls, these three. When xiangling and xin yan come to visit hu tao at work, zhongli clocks out early
Beidou & Kazuha
okay i low key also ship them romantically but the idea of their friendship is SO GOOD. “Hey bestie, im wanted for crimes and terrorism rn, can i crash on your couch?” “yeah sure no prob dude” I LOVE THEM LOL. Everyone on the crew thinks they’re sleeping together because kazuha bunks with her, NOPE. they are up late painting each others nails. She is complaining about ninguang and how she doesn’t know if she’s Actually 💅🏾🏳️‍🌈 and kazuha is like wow! lesbians really are useless at romance! cuz beidou are u like. blind. They have fun, she keeps him around cuz he’s funny and has a good heart and quite frankly sometimes she needs a Vibe Check and no one will call you out like a best friend. He loves traveling with her, obvs. Even when offered a job by the shogunate he chose to stay on the ship and i refuse to believe ‘i would miss gossiping with Beidou :(‘ wasn’t part of that decision.
anyway those are my bestie head canons, please share yours if you have any!!
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bigmack2go · 3 months
I havent posted abt atwow in much too long so…
Lesbian or aro-ace kiri
Non-binary kiri👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Tuk went from the most feminine female to the genderlessed baddass in the history of gerless badasses
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^human au Tuk🤷🏼‍♀️^
Gender confused Rotxo [male or non binary] (in the end he just decides they doesn’t need a lable)
Tsireya and neteyam are besties!
Just found out it isnt canon that koko loro and rotxo r triplets LIKE BRO THE LOOK T H E S. A. M. E.
Ao'nung and rotxo both would be one of those guys to wear a purple hoodie with a black daun-jacket all fall and winter as their only outfit but it somehow always stays clean. Any way aonung would have that style in a very straight way (this man is everything but straight 💀😭)
Double eyebrowpircing human rotxo
Kiri has freckles and she would 100% be on wich-tok, tumblr, and collect christals if she were human
And tsirey pulls of e. V. E. R. Y. Eyeliner look, style and color
I just wanna say i believe in sully-brothers-wearing-toothnecklaces supremacy
Rotxo-> purple hoodie with goofy pictures
Kiri is one if those remus-lupin-cardigans girls to cry to lana del ray in the bathroom (me)
And she showed tsireya lana-del-ray
and kiri hhas a septum and an eybrowpricing maybe even a lip or toungeonr
And loak is a basketballer i just know it
And he would be one of those people who could just where whatever combined with what ever and call it style and it would work.
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While neteyam on the other hand would have the best and most homosexual (-/j) style that exists in this universe like bri he be so fine
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And allthough he almost never does he could ahundret percend pull of indiekid (he usually pulls of normal indie but ykyk)
PLUS neteyem eventually beat some actual style into him
Also if this isnt human loak i dont want it
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Neteyam also would have the best music taste and you K N O W it
Neitiri would obviously be of faith and Neteyam too. Neteyam would be one of those guys thats friends woth the cool kids but solehow hea the only one in that friendgroup that has morals.
Aonung our beach boy surfer boy he's so QuiRcy Ahhh 🤪🤪 (i just cringed at my self) Tangtop and bathshorts summerjob at some random pool am i wrong??
and tuk did karate
And aonung almost cried when he got his tatoos. For. every. Single. One.
Now that would be totally fine if he didn’t go around telling everyone how tough he was and how it didnt even hurt, just tickled. (Nete was there for some of them. He bust raises his eyebrows and silently judges him when he says shit like that)
Rotxos tail curls when hes rly happy or exited
If rotxo was to cook smt he would 100% burn it and when i say burn it i dont mean Oh No ITs AIL bLaCk AnD cRuSTy NO I MEAN
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Oh and also i just know he loved golf back on earth
Jake showed them all human stuff like lana del ray and shit and spider is in LOVE woth spiderman like broooooo uts just a little too accurate
And they're all Beyoncé obsessed bc jake showed them
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Some of these are from my friend btw but she doesn’t have tumblr. ALSO i made none of the incredible artworks! The TikTok of the artist is in each photo!
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