dareduffie · 7 months
when will people learn that live-action remakes will never be good as their original animated counterparts because the glory of animation is the colour, movement, and fantasy that's just untranslateable to live-action
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kenwhytock · 2 years
Lions Club Event: Food Drive 2022 by Drumbo Lions Club
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Inspired by (x)
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romancemedia · 7 months
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Cartoon Romances + Love by Moonlight
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mzannthropy · 8 months
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Maria Weinberg of Canada’s Oaklawn Farm Zoo told Buzzfeed News, ‘I was just going into the lion enclosure to give the lions some pumpkins to play with.” ‘As I was giving the other two lions their pumpkins I look back at Obi and saw he was sitting in the wheelbarrow. Hoping he would stay there long enough [so] I could get the pic, I let him sit there as long as he wanted, and after two or three minutes he jumped out and went and played with the pumpkins.’
In view of the famous lion chapter of Jane of Lantern Hill, let me share this lion in wheelbarrow with you.
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kaethefangirl · 1 month
And I'm back, women in anime are depicted so terribly its wild. I just wanted to come and say, fuck elizabeth (nnt/7ds), fuck orihime (bleach), and fuck hinata (naruto, but fuck her a little less cs i kind of like her)
It makes me angry that in almost every shonen, the main character has a personality and a life and things that they go through and have to overcome... and then theres the love interest. Always airheaded, always soft spoken, always kind, with no willpower at all. In bleach, I would ship rukia with ichigo so hard if she wasn't perfect with renji.
Bleach was actually insane because literally every female character had a personaltity except Orihime. I do like that Fairy tail is set apart from the rest because Lucy is kind of sort of the main character so she gets to have a personality too. Fanservice is like an obvious thing that I hate about anime and it takes away so much. If an anime was a 10 before factoring the fan service, it would be brought down to a 7 or 6 afterward. Orihime sucks over all, 2/10 love interest.
I'm pretty sure most of my hate of Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist) is stemmed from the countless anti-winry fanfiction I've read but she's a great standalone character. The only flaws I see in her is that she does the crying for the male mc thing, which is really out of character for her when I think about it. She has willpower, she's strong and independent, if anything she'd be travelling with them and staying strong for them because she understands that she's a liability if she breaks down crying at every bruise they get. That's more in character to me, but I suppose she is also a teenager so... I can't be too mad at her. All in all, Winry is an amazing female love interest. 9/10 love interst/mc.
Haruhi from Ouran Highschool really breaks the stereotype and gives us a refreshing view on women in anime. She wasn't obsessed with love, she didn't really care too much about anything. She wasn't the typical "yells at you for literally anything" female mc, or the "nice shy and airheaded" female mc. She wasn't even unique and I love that, she's genuinely a regular ass girl, and she was so hilarious. She's probably my favorite girl in anime if I'm being honest. 10/10 female love interest/mc.
Let's talk about Elizabeth. Elizabeth from 7ds is such a disgrace.. She sat and let Meliodas molest her and didn't care at all. You can tell when an anime is written by a man, and not to knock ALL anime written by men because there's some amazing ones out there, but things like that just make it so obvious. Diane and her obsession with Meliodas was weird too, it seemed a bit too much like a harem anime in season 1 and bits of season 2. Elizabeth was the typical soft spoken and overly kind love interest that I hate. Not a drop of personality there and then she has to blush with everything she says.. All in all, 0/10 love interest.
Last but not least, my dear Tohru Honda... Words cannot describe how much I love her. On the outside it looked like she was the typical soft spoken and overly kind female mc but she actually blew my mind. Her willpower is incredible, the fact that she stayed after finding out what Kyo really was and refused to leave. It wasn't a weird kind of moment where she was just blushing and refusing to leave because that's what the writers decided she was gonna do, but it was actually a great scene that showed who she was at her core. I loved how at the end of the series she disagreed with Kyo. "I might be nice but I do stand my ground." God, I love Tohru. It's like her kindness was genuine and real and so was her worry and concern for the Sohmas. All in all, 10/10 female love interest/mc.
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miss-lauryn-hill · 2 years
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@pscentral event 09: comfort
comfort movies
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queerism1969 · 5 months
There’s a nice nature documentary I watched before Christmas called ‘Queer Planet’ that looked at same-sex relations within nature, like lions, penguins, giraffes, flamingoes and some monkeys and apes too, and the experts explained why these natural occurrences aren’t well known today and how it was basically suppressed in the Victorian era. It’s on Sky Nature in the U.K. and I think it’s a Peacock production so I guess it’ll be on that in the US.
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mentalbaddiex · 1 day
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ivyllamauwu · 4 months
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Just saying🤷‍♀️
@cattivedonne with her amazing art and amazing works🫶🏼
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tempural · 6 months
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Stone lions for sticker club! Based off the lion statues I used to see in front of my old school.
Erroneously called "foo dogs" in English, stone lions usually come in pairs guarding the entrance of a building. The female lion protects the interior, and the male lion protects the exterior. Traditionally, both the lions are depicted with luscious manes. I chose to make my lady lion sleeker, along with her baby.
I'll be shipping these out on January 1st. Sub to sticker club if ya want this pair of designs in the mail 😸
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romancemedia · 11 months
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Deceased Cartoon Romances
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rapidreptile · 2 years
people will be mad if they see a single (one) pup hood (or otherwise slightly kinky piece of gear) out in public, but then just throw up their arms and say "that's just how it is" to the 3,000,000 billboards for EXCITE BLAST YOUR PENIS SUPER SEX CLUB that appear every 10 miles of every interstate
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lion-buddy · 1 year
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:( [feel free to use with credit ^^]
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sezzlelot · 3 months
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Look at them though 😍♥️🥰
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bloodycowboyclub · 2 years
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The Lion King (1994) AEW Dynamite: November 23rd, 2022
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