#Long haired Kimi my beloved
avida-heidia-5 · 5 months
Did you know that Kimi Räikkönen once made a cameo in a music video for Arttu Wiskari’s song “Sorateiden Sankarit” (“Heroes of the Gravel Road” in Finnish). Here’s proof! 💙❄️
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Look at that hair! 😍😍😍
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effervescentdragon · 2 years
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I needed you to see this. Long haired lotus kimi, god awful sunglasses, and the fucking bird.
THIS IS A CHERRY ON TOP OF A PERFECT DAY ❤️❤️❤️ lotus!kimi my beloved! Thank you friend, THANK YOU!
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the-crows-typist · 4 years
Hello! I recently read your azul's ficlet and i'm close to crying at how beautiful it is (its 4am emo hours). If its okay, may I request a ficlet of Jade with a gn!reader with the word 'sleep' or 'rest' (pick whichever suits better!). Thank you in advance! 💖
CW: Spoilers for the movie Your Name (Kimi no na wa), character death, body switching, angst with a happy ending, and slow burn (sort of)
Feedback in greatly appreciated!
Thank you to @opalmaplehibiscus , @jellyfishstuckinwonderland , and @raven-at-the-writing-desk for the input in the making of this fic. I greatly appreciate your help.
The Possibilities are Endless
“My name is..”
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“Please remember me...!”
The crowds on the train pushed them apart, a braided bracelet was tossed towards Jade. A lifeline connecting both of them together, a connection between two souls; the face of one that was desperate to keep holding on, they yelled one last time just as the doors of the train closed and their grip on the bracelet wrap loosened.
“My name is—!”
Jade opened his eyes and he was in his room, his very dark room.  To his side was his closet and to the other a white wall. The sound of bubbling water churned behind the window of his dorm room and with one slow blink, he pulled himself up and hunched over.
The same dream, the same voice, the same bracelet tossed to him.
He craned his head to his lamp stand where the colorful wrap lay next to his earring, he doesn’t remember where he got it nor does he remember why he wanted to keep it for so long. He took the bracelet and looked at it and thought back to the voice in his dream.
“Please remember me...!”
Pushing himself off he moved to the mirror to fix his appearance, with his brush and hair gel in hand he let out a gasp when the lights of vanity shined light on a note. A note written on his cheek with a marker, a message he didn’t remember writing.
“Who are you?”
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It was during breakfast that Jade began to notice the strange happenings around him, how Azul asked if he was feeling better or how Floyd said he was wearing his earring again. “What do you mean,” Jade questioned. “I always wear it.”
“You weren’t yesterday. And you looked so lost like some little guppy, you even forget how to get to class yesterday morning.” Floyd complained, eating his breakfast with a huff. “Was it a prank? Cuz’ you got me good.”
What was he doing yesterday?
He woke up, went to school...No. That wasn’t what happened. He didn’t recall anything from the previous day. In fact, he remembered being at  a different place.
In a city full of buildings and faraway from the sea, the familiar smell of white roses, the smile of an unfamiliar fellow and a bento box he had no recollection of him cooking or making.
His uniform wasn’t black but a cream with a tint of yellow, his magical pen was nowhere to be seen and was instead replaced with a pen nib brooch.  He touches his cheek, remembering the message written on his cheek. “Who are you?”
“C’mon, you gotta tell me.” Floyd pestered, his arm over Jade’s neck “Was it a prank?”
“Perhaps.” The twins laughed, Floyd pulling close but in his mind he thought of the message, his incapability to remember the previous day. He needed more answers but only questions filled his head.
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His notes were a mess and full of sketches. There were sketches of Night Raven’s facade and the students, his classmates. A slew of messy messages on paper, the handwriting worrying as if the person writing was stressed beyond belief.
“The uniforms are black, the gems are pens.”
“Nothing but roses for miles.”
“Wishing well???”
“Where am I?”
“Mr Leech, please read the next line.”
“Yes, sir.”
Trein’s brow raised and he blinked. “Well, today you actually remember your name. Perhaps you were just feeling ill.” A hum of laughter passed through the class. “And your hair is fixed as well; I was beginning to think you and your brother switched places when you came into class with a messy bed head.”
Jade blinked, tilting his head. “I...see. I’ll make sure to not make that mistake again, professor.”
“Good. Continue on reading.”
“Magic transcends all meaning when twilight occurs, when the sun and the moon share the sky for a single moment.” Trein explained, using a magical pointer. “The word twilight means ‘half-light’ when the light of the sun glows and causes refraction in the atmosphere and signaling the end of the morning and welcoming of night or visa versa. At times like this does magic become unpredictable and free-forming and when realities begin to overlap each other for the time twilight occurs. This was used to the advantage of the earliest magician in recorded history.”
Trein faced his students. “Nowadays, these times of day are known as dusk and dawn as the world twilight has fallen out of favor in recent years.”
“It’s probably because of that one book.” A student yelled from the rows behind and Trein nodded his head. “Ah, yes, ten years ago was an odd time for the word ‘twilight’.” Trein blinked, shaking his head slightly. “Who would have thought the human body produced so much diamonds but that is beside the point.” The bell rang and the students began taking their books. “Be sure to read up on your lesson today, we will be having a quiz tomorrow on the topic.”
Jade stayed in his seat for some time and stared at the diagram on the board.
In the back of his mind, a flash of a memory comes to him. He remembers a train stopping by and the droves of people coming in and out. Jade was alone that time, buying something some seeds or fungi. The sun was setting at the time, the yellow sun turning orange and the sky dimming to a nightly violet.
He didn’t know the person who called out his name nor did he remember what they looked like but he did remember the smile they had, as if they were looking for him for a long time, it was a  face relief. 
“It’s me.”
He didn’t know who this person was nor did he ever remember their face and yet, at that instant he seemed to have known them his entire life. In his heart was a feeling of warmth, of glee, of content and relief; he was confused by it all. A strike of panic pierced his heart when that smile turned into a confused and upset frown. “You don’t...remember me..?”
The next stop came and people began filing out, pushing the two of them away from each other. “Jade, please remember me!” They said as they were pushed out by the crowd. Reaching up, they pulled the braided tie from their hair and threw it out of him. “Please remember me..!”
He caught the braided tie just as the other let go and doors began to close.
“My name is—!”
“Is there something wrong, Mr Leech?” He blinked, looking to Trein with confusion. He had missed the door and stood by the wall of the classroom. “Ah—I’m sorry.” There was a hissy laugh from Lucius as Trein set him down on the table to collect his papers. “You seem to be in deep thought, is there something on your mind?”
“No, professor, I was just thinking about our topic today.” Jade lied through his teeth and Trein took it with a huff. “I know twilight is a regular phenomenon but I didn’t know that it was an important time of day for mages and magicians.” A nod came from his professor. “Many people nowadays don’t see its importance as magical materials and magic itself have grown and changed over time. With the new technology and the new breakthroughs we have, the archaic practices of the past have since then been abandoned.”
Trein looked to the window and Jade followed his gaze, the sun began to set and the color of orange and violet painted the sky. “Twilight has begun.” Picking up his beloved cat, Trein stretched his back and moved to face the student in front of him. “It’s best to get back to your dorm, you might miss the curfew.”
“Professor, have you ever experienced anything during twilight? Like the way you’ve explained it during class?” Jade asked suddenly, his professor’s eyes widened then looking to the side to think for a moment. “I have but they were more of dreams than the otherworldly claims of recording happenings. I would often see myself in another person’s shoes, seeing a world I did not know about, it wasn’t a pleasant experience but...It was interesting, for a dream at least.”
“I see. Thank you very much, professor. I’ll be on my way.”
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He stared at his messy notebook unblinking, the messy handwriting and the sketches were foreign to him. He drew a few doodles but he never put any detail to it nor was he able to do sketches of his peers in movement.
“Where am I?”
Taking his pen, Jade wrote a message. What had happened to him wasn’t a dream, he knew that and he knew that what he was about to do wasn’t a sure fire guarantee that whoever wrote this will see it but the unpredictability of the situation allowed him to push through with an eagerness to see the end results.
“You are in Night Raven College. My name is Jade.”
The night loomed over the dorm, the once blue waters a dark purple and tinge of black. Twilight has ended. Jade closes his eyes for a moment and sighed, thinking back about the lesson and to the confused glances of his peers.
“Please remember me...!” The voice begged, the image of a braided bracelet flowing through the air as it flew towards him. Tugging his sleeve, the bracelet was wrapped around his wrist snugly; its design was simple and bright mix of blue, yellow, and red.
“Please remember me...!”
Jade tugs his sleeves back down, only stepping out of to his bed when he felt tired. The bracelet was removed from his wrist and sat next to him.
“My name is—!”
The voice echoed through his mind, he felt that he should remember it,  he felt like he should know who it was, and all he felt was frustration and eagerness to see this unpredictable situation through. He closed his eyes wanting to rest his eyes rather than sleep.
“So this is what Night Raven College looks like. It’s very pretty, your uniforms are very pretty too but I’m not used to the environment there. It’s probably because of the walls or the silence.”
It had been a few days since the messaging through the notebook began with Jade and his pen pal, of sorts.  It seemed that his new pen pal had been observing weird happenings to them too. Their classmates telling them of their weird behaviors, one time all they ate were mushrooms.
“I don’t even like mushrooms and because of you I ate a whole lot of them in just one day!”
It seemed that his odd dreams of seeing another world unlike his own weren’t dreams after all. The white and yellow uniforms, the sweet smell of lilies, and the pen nib brooch all pointed to Royal Swords Academy. Apparently the person he switched bodies with studied there.
“And I was told that I ate eel for lunch and it upset my brother. It seems both of us are even on this regard.”
He always wrote messages on his notebook the moment he got home and he preferred it that way rather than waking up to writings on his face and arms. The marker ink was hard to wash off, even with large amounts of sudsy soaps.
“We have a notebook to communicate for a reason, please use that.”
“I like writing on your hand, Jade.”
There were moments that he expressed frustration with them, even anger but that soon dissipated into childish antics of messages written on skin, eating disgusting foods they came to like, and a bond that transcended physical reality. They were from two different worlds and yet, here they were being friends.
All this was just like a dream to him.
“Hey, about that braided bracelet...Where did you get it? I had one just like it before it disappeared; I used to wear it on my hair.”
“I’m afraid I don’t have an answer to that. It just came with me, I suppose. I couldn’t part with it for some reason so I’ve been wearing it ever since.”
“I guess we just so happened to have the same braided tie, huh? Hehehe!”
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After class, Jade went to experience the twilight hour for once and see the students filter out of school and run about. It was the end of the week and it was a time for fun, brooms flew overhead and magical swirls of dust were thrown about by fun-loving students.
“What I like about your school is that none of you are afraid to get dirty and have fun.” He remembered his pen pal writing. “I love RSA but the uniforms and the rules we live by stop us from having fun like all of you there in NRC.”
He couldn’t blame them, RSA had some rules to go by and the uniforms really stopped them from having fun too. The chaos that he saw in RSA wasn’t like those in NRC, not by a long shot but he could see the charm it had in it despite the difference in school life.
Jade wanted them to experience this first hand one day. In their own body, of course.
 He went back to his room when the sun had disappeared and the moon stood in its place. Sitting by the notebook, he took his magical pen from his pocket and began writing his response to his pen pal’s recent message. 
“RSA has beautiful scenery, there’s no doubt about it. It’s a nice change of pace from the gothic feel NRC has, I find it rather peaceful. Though the sudden music lessons do tend to throw me off but that is something I will eventually come to get used to.
He tapped his pen on his desk, humming at his short reply. He looked at his wrist; the braid coiled around his wrist and was vibrant under the yellow light of his lamp. Unlike them, he never really gave hints of what his school life was about nor did he give details of what it was like to spend a day in RSA.
“We had a lesson about the magical phenomena known as Twilight. Apparently around that time, magic becomes different and realities begin to overlap...Do you think that’s what’s causing us to switch bodies?”
 “Twilight...I’ve heard of that phenomenon too! It actually makes sense, maybe that’s what's causing it but if it’s really true then that’s some real strong magic!” 
Jade slept that late that night, the braided tie next to his forehead. For once, he didn’t dream of the train station but of a hand coming up to take his own. No, it wasn’t his hand, it was his pen pal’s hand, and it grasped softly then tugged for him to follow. 
He was on a mountain, the sky glittering with millions upon millions of stars. It was a beautiful sight, his eyes widening as the stars grew closer and closer, the heat around him rising and rising; burning his skin and singing his hair. The world around him was destroyed and the last thing he heard was the terrified scream of someone he was beginning to hold dear. 
He awoke with a gasp, his eyes tearful and his lungs out of breath. Next to him were a concerned Azul and his brother Floyd. “We could hear you gasping from the hallway.” Azul explained but Jade kicked off his covers and ran to his desk, his notebook, their means of communication was empty. The messages he had collected with them were gone and only his own remained.
His brother tugged at his shoulder. “Look at me.” He was whirled around, their foreheads touching. “Breathe. You’re gonna give yourself an attack if you don’t breathe.” 
He closed his eyes, leaning against his brother to breathe harshly. A pair of hands pats his back, Azul’s and Floyd’s, in an act of comfort but none of their touches reached Jade. He was too confused, too shaken up, too anxious. “It was just a bad dream.”
A dream...
What he had seen in the eyes of his pen pal was all a dream...?
Pen pal?
“It’s best that you get some more rest.” Azul said, pulling Jade back to his bed. “I’ll explain to the teachers what happened to you.” Floyd nudged him down and pulled the covers up until his brother’s chin. “We need you well rested, Jade. We’ll have the others check on you every once in a while.”
He forced himself to breathe slowly and carefully, his eyes screwed shut and thoughts in a whirlwind. His memories scrambling and confusing, he tries to remember the train station, the lake that was on RSA’s sloping hills and the falling meteorite.
Had there been a meteor shower? There was no news of it, no indication.
A hand caressed his head, shushing his sounds to silence. 
“Sleep, Jade.”
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The next day, Jade spent all his time in the library with books about stars and meteors and sleep being the furthest thing from his mind. He poured through the articles about meteor showers, checking online news sites, and pouring through scientific documents.
No recent reports of a meteor shower anywhere near the area of RSA or NRC. 
A frustrated sigh left Jade’s lips and he held his head with a huff, burying his fingers into his hair when a fluffy tail rubbed and pawed against his arm. “Good to see you’re up and about, Mr Leech.” Trein stood over him as Lucius stepped over the articles to sit on one of the books. 
“I didn’t know you were taking a liking to astronomy.” The professor commented, taking an article and reading through it. “Meteor showers, eh? I haven’t seen those for some time. The last one was beautiful but also very tragic.”
“What do you mean, professor?” Jade stared up at his teacher, slightly surprised.
“You weren’t in NRC at the time this happened but there was a meteor shower that passed by Twisted Wonderland, it was a festive time...But that soon became a tragedy when a fragment broke off from one of the passing meteorites.” He sighed, closing his eyes and setting the paper down. “Though NRC and RSA have been rivals for a long time, I can’t bear to think such a catastrophic event would happen to them.”
His heart skipped a beat, eyes wide in surprise. “You mean to say...”
“A meteorite fragment fell on RSA three years ago, specifically on the field just outside the school where some students were watching the shower. Those poor children...” 
The white crystal of his magical pen glowed bright and Jade pushed himself off his chair, figure hunched forward and head hung low. Lucius let out a meow as he scrambled away from the student. “Mr Leech, what are you doing?” Trein demanded but his voice fell on deaf ears, Jade remembers his last dream, the last time he switched bodies. He remembers the falling meteorite, the scream that wasn’t his own, he remembers them.
His pen pal.
In a burst of magic, Jade disappeared from his position leaving a scared Lucius and a confused and upset Mozus Trein.
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The landscape around him was heavy, the crater left by the meteorite was massive and no traces of life were seen within the impact zone. The memory of the meteorite fragment falling right on top of his pen pal, killing them instantly played again and again in his head. Jade, normally so aloof and calm, fell to his knees.
They died. 
They died where he stood.
For the first time in a long while, Jade screamed his heart out. A wail of agony loud enough to echo through the empty void that was essentially his pen pal resting place. He sunk to his knees and continued crying until his throat became hoarse and painful.
He laid on his side as the sun went down, the braided tie peeked out of his blazer. 
“Please remember me—!”
The train station...Was that a dream too? What had he been doing when he was in there? What was he there for?
Who was calling out his name.
The sun set over him, the sky turning orange and violet. It was twilight hour.
 There was a touch to his shoulder and a soft shake. His head turned, his eyes widened. A student from RSA stood over him. They smelled of white lilies, uniform a mix of white and yellow, and their magical crystal a pen nib brooch. There was a familiar gleam in their eyes, a smile he came to know from the many days they had switched bodies. 
His pen pal smiled at him, offering their hand for him to take. “It’s really you, Jade. It’s actually you.” 
They laughed, pulling Jade into a hug; his tall figure dwarfing them easily as they hugged his chest. Jade sighed, returning the hug soon after and rocking each other back and forth for a few moments the sun shined in the horizon.
“I thought I lost you, y’know?” They said, looking up at him. “I just...I suddenly couldn’t reach you.” 
“I thought you had died. I saw the meteor fall on you.”
They looked at each other for a moment and a laugh was shared, their foreheads linked together soon after. “I know but...somehow, maybe...I don’t really know what happened to me. I just couldn’t reach you to tell you what happened on that day. I nearly forgot about you and I cried for days wondering why.”
Pulling away, they looked down to Jade’s wrist. “Hey, that bracelet...”
“You gave it to me in the train station.”
It was all coming back to him now. This person, his pen pal, was someone he held dear for a long time.
He felt comfort.
“Oh yeah! I did, didn’t I?”
“Do you want it back?”
“No. Keep it.”
The two held hands for some time but were immediately thwarted by them pulling out a marker. “Hey, why don’t we write our names? That way, if we ever forget each other there’ll always be a reminder. Ah, but I don’t have any paper with me...”
Jade offered his palm, his smile teasing and knowing. “You always liked writing on my skin.”
They shared another laugh and the marker’s cap was pulled off, Jade looking over the horizon as they wrote their name on his palm. “Your turn.” 
He took the pen from them and as soon as he wrote the starting strokes of his name, the marker fell from his grasp.
The twilight hour had ended and the moon took over the sky.
“Eh...? What am I...doing...?” 
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Jade was found by his peers not long after, taking him in and letting him rest as they descended the crater near RSA. Mozus Trein was their chaperone, explaining to the staff of the rival school and covering his own students.
“Someone he knew died here,” He explained, looking at Jade being covered with a blanket by his brother. Jade’s eyes were closed and he leaned against him, clearly exhausted from the ordeal and exposure to the elements.
“I’m very sorry to hear that, professor.” Said one RSA’s employees, brows upturned and frowning deep. “The meteorite crash was a very tragic event for all schools. I can’t imagine how much grief that young boy has gone through knowing that a friend of his died that day.”
“I hope you can look the other way on this. I know we shouldn’t come into each other’s premises without proper—“ 
“It’s quite alright. I’ll explain the situation to the headmaster once everything has settled.”
Floyd pulled his brother to his chest and stood up, Azul placing a hand on his back. 
“Let’s go home, Jade.” 
Jade wasn’t alone that night, Floyd and Azul wouldn’t allow him to be alone. They slept next to him, keeping him company but while the two slept, he couldn’t. The moon shone against his window and gave his room a very soft blue glow. He raised his hand to his face, the message from someone he held dear was still visible but slightly smudged.
“Thank you.”
Bitterness rose in his chest and to his throat, his brows furrowed in frustration. The tears forming stung his eyes.
“You idiot,” he brought his palm to his face, sniffling. “I can’t remember you this way.”
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A year had passed and the dreams stopped coming after that night. Jade had picked up the habit of sitting outside during twilight hour, watching the set and holding the bracelet that never left his wrist for more than a second. He wore it everywhere he went but when asked; he never had a proper reason for it.
“I feel complete wearing it.”
The yearly magical shift festival brought troves of customers and onlookers, Jade and his brother sat on a bench and let their legs rest after a long day. “I’m gonna go get something to eat. You want anything?”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll buy some myself.” 
Jade was left alone after that and he closed his eyes for a moment, his nose taking in the different smells of food and perfumes.
There was a familiar smell of white lilies.
“Excuse me.” 
A person stood in front of him, holding a brochure. They were a uniform of white and yellow and a pen nib brooch. They smiled at him and familiar warmth bloomed in his chest. “I don’t mean to disturb you or anything.” 
Their smile was sheepish but it felt as if he’d seen it somewhere before.
“Do we know each other by any chance?”
“I think so.” Jade’s smile was easy and suddenly their eyes began to water. “I had a feeling we did.”
“Hey,” Jade reached over and intertwined their hands, the bracelet’s colors were vibrant against his skin and theirs.
“May I…”
“Can I…”
“...Know your name?”
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amjustagirl · 4 years
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Chapters: one. ~ two. ~ three. ~ four. ~ five. ~ six. ~ seven.
Wordcount: 2.3k
Summary: Akaashi Keiji catches glimpses of another life in his dreams. He dreams of fields of endless gold, of constellation of stars that light up the night sky. He hears echoes of the birdsong in her laugher, the songs of the gods in the wind. 
(Loosely inspired by ‘Your Name’, aka Kimi No Nawa, featuring Haikyuu’s own pretty Tokyo boy)
Wordcount: 3.5k
Masterlist here
AO3 Link here
Author’s note: This fic is a little different from my usual work, so I’m a little nervous about publishing it. If you do like it, would love if you leave a comment / reblog / anything!
If you’d like to be included in the taglist, do drop me a msg/ask!
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‘It’s rare to see young men like you buying flowers for their mother’, the florist comments offhand as she wraps his order of yellow chrysanthemums in paper. 
Akaashi smiles, accustomed to the friendly florist by now. ‘I guess I’ve always had a partiality for flowers’, waving to the florist as he leaves to head to Shibuya to meet Bokuto for Izakaya. He’s running late, but Bokuto doesn't mind, hooting good naturedly at the comedy show playing on the television in the rundown bar. 
‘Agaaaashi, you made it!’ Bokuto rises from his seat to give him a jovial fist bump. 
‘Of course I did’, he responds dryly. ‘Wild horses wouldn’t keep me from my appointment with you’. He spends most of dinner listening to Bokuto’s recent exploits both with the national team and MSBY. Excitement still sparkles in the older man’s eyes as he recounts each and every match he’s played in, and Akaashi idly wonders how it is that Bokuto seems to have managed to pack on even more muscle in the short span of a month, the last time they met up was to see Bokuto off at the airport for the World Cup. 
‘You should have continued playing volleyball in university’, Bokuto crows in between mouthfuls of yakiniku and beer and Akaashi shakes his head at the refrain he’s so used to hearing from his senpai.
‘I wouldn’t be able to maintain my grades if I wanted to take volleyball seriously in university, plus there’s no guarantee I’d even get off the bench’, he answers self-effacingly. 
‘But you have the best tosses, Akaaaaaashi!!’ Bokuto declares, his words slightly slurred, and Akaashi wonders if he should start to inch Bokuto’s beer away from him. After consuming far too much barbecued meat (Bokuto took the liberty of ordering twice of what Akaashi would normally order, waving his protests off by stating grandly that he’ll take care of the bill, he’s the one working after all!), Bokuto slips into a food-drunk stupor, happy to listen to his anecdotes of university life, and he takes the chance to ramble on about his advanced Japanese classical literature course that he finds far more fascinating than his class on modern literature to his best friend. 
They stumble out of the izakaya when the line outside grows far too long to be ignored, Bokuto draping a heavy arm over Akaashi’s shoulder, the red tint on the tips of his ears betraying his slightly tipsy state. As they stand at the traffic light patiently waiting for the light to change from red to green, Bokuto turns to him and grasps his shoulders in his large, warm hands. 
‘I’m really proud to have you as a friend, Akaashi’, Bokuto tells him seriously. ‘And I’m going to prove to you that I can be the best ace so you can be proud of me too’. The molten gold glimmering in Bokuto’s gaze fills him with far more warmth than any alcohol could possibly achieve. 
‘I’m already proud of you, Bokuto-san’, he answers, his earnestness resounding in every word of his short declaration. Bokuto beams at him in response and bounds across the pedestrian walkway in approximately three strides, ignoring Akaashi’s chiding to ‘look before you cross the road, even if you have the right of way!’
Many things may have changed since high school, but some things still stay the same.  
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His dreams take a strange turn that night.
He’s back in the Fukurodani gym with his teammates, but it’s not accurate to say he’s with them - rather, he’s watching his past self from afar, seated on the bench, a wrist guard on his right arm. He doesn’t remember ever injuring himself enough to warrant a wrist guard at any point during his high school volleyball career, but it’s probably just another oddity of being in a dream.  
‘I wish your wrist was feeling better, Akaashi. I miss your tosses already’, the pout in Bokuto’s voice pronounced.
‘It’s just for a while - I’ll be right as rain tomorrow!’ he hears himself say cheerfully - but that doesn’t make sense either. No one in their right mind has ever described the way he speaks as cheerful, and the rest of his teammates glance over at him curiously. Then his past self awkwardly tucks his legs under the bench, ankles crossed almost as if he’d like nothing better than to fold himself away with all the cloth vests they use for practice – but that doesn’t make sense either, he doesn’t even know why he’s behaving like some fish out of water. While volleyball doesn’t come naturally to him as it does to someone like Bokuto-san, and there are times he feels like he’s struggling to swim upstream, his fingers still itch to toss a ball up into the sky in a perfect arc even now. 
‘I told you, I don’t get what you insist on waxing lyrical on him being a star you can’t help but follow,’ he hears her voice chime in his consciousness, inexplicable though her presence in this scene may be, he hears himself answer - ‘just be patient and watch’. 
Anahori, their substitute setter tosses the ball up in the air and it’s a good toss, he will give him that, but it’s still not quite as high a toss that Bokuto likes. Bokuto runs right up to the net to leap into the air, back arching to slam the ball to the ground with such force that it’s a commanding full stop punctuating any doubts about his place on the team as its captain and ace. 
‘You see! When he plays well, he's like a supernova, shining with a light so bright it almost blinds my eyes.’
‘Waxing lyrical again, Keiji-kun?’ He can hear her tease him gently. ‘Go on, carry on with your celestial metaphors’.
‘How about a shooting star then’, he replies, amused. ‘If a shooting star shot up from the earth instead of falling from the sky.’ 
‘You sound like you like the guy. Are you sure you don’t?’ She asks. ‘You sure sound like you do.’
His legs are tangled in his sheets when he thrashes awake, mouth open in a gasp for air. That was a new twist in his collection of dreams, the first time he’s dreamt of something other than that phantom girl’s life in months, but even when the dreamscape doesn’t even feature her, she still manages to invade his dream. 
Worse - his dreams are now edging into territory he hasn’t mapped out in years. His teenage infatuation with Bokuto-san died a natural death after he realised that he’d mistaken his admiration for the ace for romantic feelings. Besides, there was no way Bokuto-san would ever be in love with him, not when he’d chosen to devote the next decade of his life to his sport. So why are his dreams dragging him deeper into a labyrinth of memories that aren’t even his own?
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‘Why are you squandering my pocket money in a maid café of all things’ he says, sounding uncharacteristically put out. But then again he would be annoyed if anyone managed to drag him into the pink and white monstrosity his dream has deposited him into.
Bokuto’s happily seated across from him (or rather, his past self), exclaiming ‘ooh - isn’t the ketchup art on this omurice amazing, Akaashi? They managed to capture my hair so well!’, and to his horror his past self nods encouragingly and only laughs when Bokuto whines about not wanting to destroy this ‘piece of art the maids took so much time to create’ by eating the damn omurice. 
‘Don’t be such a killjoy, Keiji-kun’, she giggles. ‘Look at him, he’s having such fun, and besides, your day will reset so your money won’t be wasted anyway!’. 
Bokuto, distracted by the catchy beat of the J-pop song blasting over the speakers, is cajoled by a trio of pretty maids to join them on stage to dance along with them. He pops his hips to the beat of the music, throwing up cheesy hand signals with such gusto that it makes him (yes, present day Keiji) want to smile. 
But his past self evidently hasn’t lightened up yet, because he hears himself say crossly – ‘You do realise this is a waste of time when we could be doing something more useful like homework, especially since  Bokuto-san and I already spend most of our time training?’
‘Oh Keiji-kun, life is too short to be spent worrying like that. Because before you know it, you’ll grow into an old man who doesn’t know how to have any fun’.
‘I have fun’, he says petulantly, a faint sulk in his voice. 
‘Oh really? Then stop worrying and live a little. Maybe you should take a leaf out of your beloved Bokuto-san’s book – look how much fun he’s having!’
Bokuto clearly seems to be having the time of his life because now he’s prancing around the stage playing some silly game with the maids. 
‘I told you, I don’t think of him that way.’
‘And I’ve told you I’ve borrowed your skin for far too long to know when you’re not telling me the whole truth, Keiji-kun’, she sing-songs. ‘You wished for more time with him, didn’t you, so aren’t I doing a good deed by helping you figure out what Bokuto might like to do with you?’
‘Bokuto-san doesn’t have spare time on these things – and you’re just making an excuse to explore cafes in Tokyo at my expense!’ 
‘Two birds, one stone. Don’t be pedantic, Keiji-kun!’ 
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The next time he’s back in one of those dreams, he finds his past self dressed in a blue yukata along the Sumida river, tugging Bokuto away from the takoyaki store. He remembers Bokuto dragging him away from the rest of the team on a quest to buy some snacks at the food stalls set up around the park, insisting that his stomach’s growling too loudly to wait until the fireworks display is over ‘come on, even you can hear my stomach at this rate, Akaaashi!!!’ – but that’s where the dream starts to diverge. 
‘If you queue for takoyaki, we’re going to miss the fireworks, and you don’t want to miss that, do you Bokuto-san?’ he says, hand firmly on Bokuto’s yukata sleeve. 
‘That’s right! But shouldn’t we join the rest of the team? They’ve got a spot by the river just over there!’ 
‘We won’t get there in time with this crowd – come on! If we hurry, I know the perfect spot to watch the display’, weaving his way through the crowd to shimmy up the trunk of a tree and settle himself comfortably against a large branch. 
‘Woah – Akaashi! I never knew you could climb trees!’ Bokuto calls, sounding impressed.
‘Well, don’t stand there, come join me!’ 
The tree creaks ominously as the larger boy scales its trunk, branches already heavy with red lanterns groaning in protest as he settles himself in the branch opposite Akaashi. And not a moment too soon, because a collective gasp ripples through the crowd along the river as the night sky explodes into rainbow hued fiery streaks.
‘It’s amazing, Akaashi!’ Bokuto hollers with his face tilted up to the sky. 
‘You’re amazing, Bokuto-san’, he says fondly, reaching over to bump Bokuto’s shoulder with his fist and the older boy beams at him, the sheer delight in his smile brighter than the fireworks in the sky. There is a sea of stars in his eyes, and Akaashi wants to shrivel in shame at the way his younger self looks like he’s mentally planning to pirate a boat to cross the straits to Bokuto’s heart. 
‘There is no way I’m going to do that’ he hears himself say, sounding mildly cross. 
‘Eh – it’s cute. ‘sides, doesn’t he look so happy’ he hears her say, sounding overly chipper. 
‘You could spend your time instead learning how to play so Bokuto-san won’t pout when you sit out of practice and you wouldn’t have to pretend you sprain your wrist every time we swap.’
‘Are you mad? Do you really think they won’t think something’s up when I can’t even do a simple serve?’ 
‘Fine. You have a point’, he answers begrudgingly. 
‘Of course I do. Come on Keiji, live a little. Enjoy your time with the lodestar of your life’.
‘Can you not say things like that?’ he says dryly. 
‘It’s your fault for reading so much Shakespeare to me!’ she replies with a grin in her voice.
He texts Bokuto the minute he wakes up. ‘Bokuto-san, apologies if this seems weird, but do you remember if we ever climbed a tree when we watched fireworks with our team?’ 
Bokuto takes a while to respond, but that’s to be expected, it’s his mornings are usually filled with practice and conditioning. But when he does respond, his text makes Akaashi’s brow curl. ‘Nope, but sounds fun! What’s up Akaashi!!’ 
Akaashi drops his head in his palms. Good to know he’s not losing his grip on reality at least. 
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But his sleep for the following weeks continues to be filled with dreams in the same vein. 
He dreams of scenes that have never taken place in real life - him challenging Bokuto-san to ramen eating competition, the older boy winning handily of course, crowing like a child when he slurps the last mouthful of tonkatsu broth - ‘eh Akaashi, eat faster!’, him dragging Bokuto-san to the arcade near school, demolishing middle schoolers in endless games of dance dance revolution (there is no way he is actually able to move like that in real life) and losing far too much money in claw games - ‘Akaashi I really want that toy pleaseeee’ - and even he would admit it’s absolutely adorable if not for the fact that he can’t explain why these dreams keep invading his head like a wildfire that refuses to die. 
‘I honestly don’t understand you’, she says and again, why on earth is she in this set of dreams - she doesn’t belong in them -
‘What exactly do you not understand?’
‘If you like him that much, why aren’t you jumping at the chance to hang out with him? All you do is nag me about how I’m wasting his time, I’m wasting your time, but I don’t understand -  isn’t time meant to be spent on the people you love? Unless you’re confusing love with admiration, because yes, I get that you admire his talent, but you don’t seem to have all that much patience for spending time with him outside of school.’ 
‘I suppose I do like him, but…’
‘Finally you admit it, but I don’t like the sound of that word.’ 
‘It’s nothing’, he finally says, and she huffs in annoyance, clearly wanting him to explain but he stubbornly refuses to say another word. 
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His past self is skidding down the hallway with Bokuto hot on his heels yelling ‘Akaaashiii you owe me a Yakisoba bunnnnn’ when he hears an almighty crash behind him. As he spins around, Bokuto’s sprawled on the floor, papers and books scattered around him. The older boy grimaces as he sits up, grabbing at his ankle in pain. 
‘Bokuto-san, are you ok?’ he cries, running back towards the older boy. 
‘I might have twisted my ankle. Argh this is bad - prelims are just next week!’ Bokuto groans, clutching at his ankle desperately. 
‘Don’t worry. You’ll be fine tomorrow, trust me’, his past self says with complete certainty, and flags down a passing student to call for a teacher. 
‘Look what you’ve done now. Are you happy with yourself?’ he hears himself say accusingly. ‘Everything might reset tomorrow, but look - he’s hurt himself today. Is this what you’ve been trying to prove to me?’ 
‘I’m sorry, Keiji’ he hears her say, her voice watery. ‘I didn’t think -’ 
‘Of course you didn’t, you never think about the consequences of your actions, do you?’ he says, glass shards in his words. 
His dream fades to black. He never hears her answer. 
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His sleep remains relatively undisturbed for the next fortnight, just in time for his mid-term exams which he aces, even his course on classical Japanese literature. He’s relieved of course, because his final year grades matter most when it comes to recruitment, yet there’s a part of him that’s buried deep between ventricles and pumping flesh that childishly wonders what his dreams are going to show him next.
His wish is answered when he opens his eyes to an ocean of stars, white pinpricks of light against the vast tapestry of the purple night sky. His head is pillowed on tufts of grass and the wind whispers against his feet.
The sight takes his breath away. 
He’s a born and bred city boy, and he knows from experience it’s near impossible to see stars in the city sky amidst light pollution and masquerading satellites.  
‘Is this your way of apologising?’ he asks, his voice wry. 
‘Is it working yet?’ he hears her ask, an uncharacteristically timid note in her voice. He laughs, a fond sound, and he can hear her huff a breath through her mouth. ‘I am sorry though, Keiji. I never meant to hurt him’. 
‘It’s fine, no damage done. Besides, I was thinking about what you said.’
‘Me? About what? I know I’ve said plenty to you so far’, she says curiously. 
‘About Bokuto-san’, he supplies, and she stays silent, waiting for him to go on. The stars twinkle down at him, and if he closes his eyes, he can imagine the galaxy reaching down to lend him its infinite strength. ‘You were right about how…I felt about Bokuto-san. I thought what I felt for him was something more than it really was - now I’m starting to realise I just admire his strength, and I don’t see our paths ever converging, especially if he’s going to chase his dreams of going pro all the way’. 
‘You don’t have to chase someone else’s light when you’re brilliant in your own right’, she says gently. 
‘Thanks’, he answers thickly, as if the word feels a little awkward in his mouth. 
‘So -’ she pipes up, and he can tell she’s trying her best to paper over the sudden lapse of silence. ‘Will you tell me stories about the stars, Keiji?’
He laughs fondly, raising a hand to catch the stardust from the sparkling constellations overhead. ‘I could tell you the story of Andromeda, chained to rocks as a sacrifice to satisfy the cruel demands of the sea monster?’ 
‘Ugh no gory stories, I want a happy ending!’ 
‘It has a happy ending, I promise. Just be patient and listen, okay?’ 
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Akaashi wakes up before his past self can finish telling the tale of Persues’ rescue of Andromeda from the jaws of defeat. It’s barely three in the morning, but he knows it’s futile to try to go back to sleep. He wanders to the window, and wonders whether the lone star hanging in the cloudy sky is merely a satellite in disguise. 
Against his better judgment, he dials Bokuto’s number. 
‘What’s up, Akaashi!’ he hears the older man mumble sleepily, sheets rustling. 
‘Was it obvious I had a crush on you in high school?’ he asks plainly. If seeking closure is what he needs to end this slew of dreams, then he’s going to do it, never mind the embarrassment thick in the blood in his veins.
Akaashi’s pretty sure he can hear Bokuto blink rapidly. ‘A crush on you’, he repeats, and for good measure he adds - ‘sometime in your third year of high school’. 
‘Ehhhh…’ Bokuto’s voice trails off over the phone. ‘You did?’ 
The sigh that trips out of Akaashi’s mouth is worn, weary. ‘I did’, he confirms, embarrassment writhing in his belly. 
‘But you stopped right? Just before I graduated? You started becoming distracted after Spring High and I thought you were just worrying about university entrance exams.’
‘I suppose.’ And Akaashi should really get a grip on himself but his dreams have been doing a number on him so to his horror, he starts to ramble. ’ It’s probably the lack of sleep, but look - this sounds really stupid but I was having a lot of really weird dreams and I don’t understand what’s happening but I’m hoping getting this off my chest helps me get some more sleep and I hope you don’t think I’m completely weird and don’t mind still being my friend -’
‘Woah, ‘kaashi, slow down! You’re overthinking again - what, you think I’m not going to be your friend anymore?’ Bokuto booms, laughing widely. 
‘Uh. I don’t know?’ 
‘Relax! I’m flattered, but I think it’s a good thing we never went out! You were already so stressed dealing with me in high school Washio used to joke about your hair falling out, but I’ve changed! Now I’m just an ordinary ace!’ 
‘Bokuto-san, I don’t think anyone would call you ordinary’, Akaashi interjects, rubbing circles against his temple. 
‘You know what I mean!’ Bokuto laughs, the sound so round and boisterous that it makes Akaashi quirk his lips up in affection. 
‘Yes, Bokuto-san. Anyway, sorry for disturbing your sleep.’ 
‘Anytime, Akaashi!’ They bid each other goodnight, and the relief he feels after the call settles on his chest like a blanket, and he falls back to sleep. 
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@1tooru @kageyamakock @animeflower26 @underrated-fruit-tarts-official
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket, SE03, Ep3
This ep is exactly like se02, ep 24, meaning it was divided clearly into two parts. While the graduation theme unties the two parts, you can point things out exactly like ep,24:
1st part : Machi’s story= the important part.
2nd part: scattered parts here & there that concern yuki, ep, 24 his interactions with akito, here his interactions with Motoko).
plus, an ep cliff hanger: (e, 24 the dvd given to kureno, here, Isuzu’s mysterious fate).
it is exactly the same even a small kyo/tohru moment!. School graduation instead of the zodiac’s new year gathering. 
Really awkward pacing, but that’s furuba, we celebrate when they DO connect dots for once! lets talk abt the REAL ep: MACHI.
-Machi’s awkward presence:  
Although I love Machi, I’ve voiced my concerns abt her character in Furuba:
It seemed that Machi was solely created to be a step in yuki’s success journey more than a character on her own right. After getting motherly love (tohru) leaving the nest, Yuki needed friendship (kakeru), then as an independent man, he needs romantic love: (Machi). This is all fine initially but I was yearning for more individuality for Machi as a character. All furuba characters were given space to be unique including minor characters like Motoko who narrated her own story each time she’s on screen & we lived it with her within two seasons & a number of eps.
 However, Machi’s background was introduced thro her brother’s exposition in se02 & that moment was a yuki/ kakeru bonding moment.
Thro kakeru’s exposition  we learned how similar yuki & machi are (the parental neglect, high expectations, cold sibling relationship, Big brother saves himself by himself, big brother pushing for redemption & the younger sibling’s still trapped silently ). While that makes for romantic appeal between the two which makes the writer’s job easier, it steals from Machi individuality.
Then her part in ep, 24 was shown & I was given hope for Machi’s individuality as her own inner voice spoke volumes abt her as a person away from yuki (romantic interest) or Kakeru (big brother). Having a lot of screen time, while can make a character more believable to the audience, is never a factor in character’s depth nor individual worth. Heck! kyo (part of the main trio & the main character’s love interest) has only ONE ep in se02 to explore his issues & by far it is my fave ep in se02 as it established kyo’s trauma, psyche, mental issues & emotional baggage better than I could ever imagine! You can DO WONDERS with little time if you knew what to do. That’s what happened with Machi this ep (half ep).
-Machi’s shines! (trauma & romance):
I was so relieved to learn that altho both Machi & yuki despised perfection as it suffocated them, the writer (thankfully) went abt a different approach with Machi. Unlike Yuki who went silent cuz he felt his voice didn’t matter as he was used as a tool, Machi went silent cuz she was was NOT needed, & not only discarded but painted as WRONG. If you admit that raising me this way is wrong, then what does this make me? What should I do with myself? I’m wrong! boring, a failure, & a presumed killer!! all while I was absolutely doing my best! all while I was having good intentions! It is devastating but It makes Machi real. A character on her own right with her own trauma, struggle, pain & outlook on life. Although, the writer made the whole yuki/Machi meeting orchestrated by Kakeru to quickly make the two siblings one step closer, it worked cuz kakeru chose to not interfere after setting the scene. He played a subtle mach maker & tried to find happiness for his sister silently. Kakeruy is yuki’s best buddy & Machi becoming the girlfriend, the trio will have to hang out more which will slowly but surely warm Machi towards Kakeru. While the flat visit is the part where Machi open the lid to Yuki with a spark of romance at the end, the chalk scene is the romantic part! Not only did Yuki noticed her panic & saved her by breaking a piece of chalk, she secretly remembered his promise! “ lets make footprints on the snow”. The snow that was another source of anxiety attack, is now sth she looks forward to & prays for! Truly romantic!!! Well-done writer.
Side Notes:
I know furuba is shoujo & it’s abt love, but C’mon! where did Nao/ Motoko come from??!! XDD Who is left without love interest? Kyo’s rejected fangirl loved by one of kyo’s buddies? The maids in love with Akito? Momiji? Who does Kimi love besides money? XD
Yuki once observed that kyo makes tohru happy with small things, Today he did the same! A broken piece of chalk.
Yuki/ Machi romantic scenes contrast Yuki/ tohru forced romantic scene at the earlier seasons. There is no lame cringy lines like “ I’ll kidnap you & go to a vacation” or kissing a ribbon. There is NO acting or pretentious lines. Here a piece of chalk did the trick, an understanding of her tears & a head pat, a promise to walk on snow together! Congratulations Yuki, You made it into romantic boyfriends category! XD. also, good writing!
The Bra scene is the real comedy in the ep.
Arisa’s “ kyon, we won’t forgive you if you hurt tohru” is gold cuz kyo WILL. When it’s time to confess he knew kyoko & she HATES him & doesn’t forgive him, tohru would be hurt! Even if she wasn’t in love with kyo!!! Knowing your beloved’s last words were hateful is painful!! Add to this that tohru loves kyo & would be struggling between forgiving him or not!! Add to this that kyo might NOT want to be forgiven!!
“ I won’t forgive you”. kyo’s haunting reminder that he’s unforgivable is now shared by kyoko, yuki, Hana & Arisa!! 
look, you might argue that furuba’s romantic writing might be a bit awkward with all sorts of romantic couples, age gaps, the need for everybody to be in love one way or the other & so on, but the traumatic behavioral writing is the best!!!!! I was never disappointed with how Takaya write abused traumatized children’s behavior. One of my fave scenes is yuki/ kyo in the stairs in se02 where kyo lashed out on yuki & yuki was over it. While that scene was rightfully celebrated for yuki’s triumphant attitude as he got over his trauma, I love it for the realistic trauma filled attitude of kyo, all charged with kyoko’s flashback! He’s in deep & he’s all by himself! Kyo will hurt tohru cuz he loves her just like how kazuma hurt him by forcefully taking his bracelet cuz he loves him. Kyo will be thinking it is for the best, who would want to be with someone that kyoko of all ppl hates!
 I’ll tolerate all the weird love couples in furuba, but the moment trauma is written weakly I’ll drop the show. There is NO way, kyo will confess kyoko’s lines then go “sorry abt that tohru, we’re good?” 
Back to Machi, I really hope that her trauma isn’t merely wrapped up cuz yuki loved her. Furuba was never abt love heals, it is abt love helps. We might not see more of her trauma for reasons of space, or not related to the current plot lines, but I really hope we hear her talk abt herself with yuki even few lines. Although, I feel that the focus now will be on setting her for yuki’s next stage in character development: honesty in the love confession. He’ll tell her abt the curse as the trailer hinted at. That’s their first love life struggle. But if I were to take a guess, it will be dealt with quickly like her trauma. She loves yuki dearly & as long as he walks with her in snow (human or rat, lol), it’s all good. <3
Hior’s mom is love.
Kagura’s new style is love! she isn’t dressed overly cutely anymore, but had a more comfortably style & I love her hair! also her friendship with Isuzu! <3. I wish Isuzu would really know there are ppl worried abt her in her life. Haru isn’t the only one.
Akito put Isuzu in the cat room, didn’t she? The place she left is similar to the place young Kazum wandered to in se01, ep25. & those scissors....
I never thought that the mere sight of shigure’s face will disgust me. XD. I still find him so intriguing, but yeah need time to get over the fact that he slept with Ren & counted it even with Akito, then slept with Akito afterwards! EWWW! so disgusting & I’m here to see this drama escalate!
Yuki / Machi moment was interrupted! XD It’s not fun when it happened to you, yuki? XD.
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p3kchan · 4 years
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Summary: Taishiro toyomitsu grew up with his best friend (f / n) (l / n) with the same dream of becoming heroes, they fall in love and end up confessing their feelings, They continue with their relationship until the last year in Shiketsu where a (f / n) Something serious happens to her and he leaves the city for years, and then returns with the same feelings in his heart, waiting to be reciprocated again.
- Eddit Kurosawa : Your name.
- English is not my first language, let me know if you see any errors in the text.
- Enjoy tuesday.
Chapter 2 : Autumn.
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[8 years later]. Autumn . | Osaka. | 16:24 p.m
Omniscience narrator
What once seemed like a wild wind in the middle of autumn alone no longer seemed so scary, in fact, she loved autumn, the golden leaves rustling at her feet, the morning breeze that freed her mind, the stained landscape of a homey and beautiful orange, the season of delicious chestnuts, but, there was nothing more beautiful in autumn than Taishirou's smile, I arrive in Japan with the horrible feeling of a horrible destination, but as soon as I least expected it, he, arrived to his life, Eddit learned that he should not lose hope, that even if he were small, always a small ray of light would get through his mind, although not everything was beautiful, although there were difficulties, he decided to always stand up, to get up for a long time Let her fall, don't lose hope, because there are still people who love her and take care of her, because ... not everything is hurt.
He was walking with Taishirou a little closer together than they normally would, Eddit wanted not to be conscious, but he always knew, any gesture, any look is capable of racing his heart, nerves whirled his mind and he struggled to bring up a topic from conversation, lucky the boy next to her seemed to have a knack for that.
- Eddit, you know, if you want you can come study with me today, I know you are not doing very well lately with the exams.
- Oh yeah well, I'll see if I can go, I'll send you a message later, but, hey! I'm not that bad at it, it's just that I've been a little more relaxed lately.
Then suddenly a warm hand fell on my head, tousled my wild hair, accompanied by a joyous laugh.
- That's the silly point! You don't find out about anything lately, and just because you're lazy! -he said in a playful tone- you are coming this afternoon and I am going to teach you to concentrate.
A little thought crossed Eddit's mind - concentrate? With you?. What Eddit didn't know was that the thought had escaped her mind and she had expressed it out loud. Taishirou was puzzled.
- Yes! With me! Some brat problem? - Taishirou took advantage of the trance for the insult, of the girl grabbing the briefcase where she carried all her school contents, raising it over her head taking advantage of the difference in height.
- Hey! Tai! Give me that! I swear to god, it's important!
- Ahhh sssi? Do you want to get it back? You will have to do better than that! An arrogant smile was plastered on her face. But she is not far behind, with a quick jump on her knee reaching for the briefcase they are successful.
- Ehh! Hears ! That's cheating!. Eddit rushed out immediately breaking the leaves on her way, with a funny laugh, happy for the iconic scene. As far as she was unaware, Taishirou had caught up with her in long strides, catching her in his arms to fall into a pile of fallen leaves from the trees.
- Get off me! You weigh a lot! - Eddit said between amused laughs.
- That's the idea! - Without further ado he began to attack the girl with his hands, walking along her sides.
- Hahaha! Eh-eh- Eh, pa-stop, please! You tickle me- At this point, he could not stop writhing on the ground, the electrifying sensation that was passing through his body was indescribable, so much so that he had not realized the moment when the tickling stopped, only left with a Taishirou who towered over her with a dreamy and loving gaze.
It was then that he began to realize the situation, their bodies were closer than ever, he could feel the slow breaths that warmed his face, the arms wrapped around his body, and, as he had never noticed, some beautiful golden orbs that looked like lost in his lips .., then in his gaze, .. until finally his lips collided with hers, melting into a kiss that exchanges all the repressed emotions of their 8 years together.
Finally Taishirou broke away, suddenly realizing the situation, and lowering his head from the clouds. - E-Eddit, I, sorry, I, you, me-
In a gentle movement Eddit moved the palm of her hand to cup Taishiro's face with a look full of love.
- I love you - It was not necessary to describe Taishiro's shocked face, he could not believe the girl's words, until another sweet kiss confirmed it.
I could not be happier at that moment, all there was was the afternoon breeze, the rustle of the leaves, the happy feeling of home in the environment and her, his beloved. With a calm and dreamy voice, she finally declared:
- I love you too, Eddit.
I walked towards my house with a silly smile on my face, I did not think it would happen, I had not clarified my feelings at all, but I knew that he was special to me, he is the only person who has made me really smile, apart from my mother and sister.
While quietly whistling a little song I came to my house, everything was too quiet than normal, where was everyone? It's not that I don't like it, so I can have a little more peace of mind, maybe Dad hasn't arrived yet.
- Eddit, you're late. (And there was what I feared the most, my father enraged at the door, how bad.) - Eddit, don't you see what time it is? What have you been doing huh? Training to master the technique of our family? no right? Look at your sister! It's smaller than you and I've already mastered it!
- But father, I'm not Kirai! (Sigh)
- Look at Eddit. (Suddenly a dim black light began to activate in my father's eyes) - There is something that I have not explained to you .. (He began to approach me dangerously, I started to back away scared)
- The kurosawa have two ways to activate their special ability, the first is through hard work that I have tried to impose on you, and the second ..
It all happened too fast, a knife approaching at frightening speed towards me.
To be continue.
Let me know what you think in the comments!
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danganronpa-21 · 5 years
Naegiri Week Day 4: Plant
I’m only posting this like four minutes late; it still counts as day four... and other things I tell myself to avoid my shame. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. I had a bit of trouble writing it, but the basic premise is about Makoto & Kyoko working through life changes together.
Warning for animal death.... I know. I’m sorry.
Makoto and Kyoko had had another child, before the others. 
Before Seiko, before Koichi, before even Hope. Once upon a time, there was a fourth child, with dusty silver hair and piercing amber eyes. A girl that they’d found on the streets; one that they adopted into their home. 
Before they had their own kids, Makoto and Kyoko had Kimi.
Now, strictly speaking, Kimi wasn’t a legitimate child. In fact, she was quite old. She must have been about thirteen when they found her, crouching under an overhang in the rain. The poor thing was freezing cold, water dripping from her shivering body. They could see the tremors that overtook her, yet when Kyoko reached her hand out, she pulled away in fear. The apocalypse clearly had not been kind to the poor girl, for she shied away so quickly from their attempts at friendship. Even as the years went by, and Kyoko’s belly swelled with the presence of her first child, she recalled the way she and Makoto looked at each other that night. How that wordless questioning led to a very happy life for her.
Truth be told, having Kimi wasn’t the same as having a little girl of her own. Sure, her presence became good practice in some ways, but it wasn’t really the same thing. For starters, where children brought the little patter of feet, Kimi brought the pattering of paws. Cat paws, to be specific.
A thirteen year old gray nebelung was Makoto and Kyoko’s first baby. Well… maybe more of Kyoko’s first baby, by just a hair. Much as Makoto loved Kimi, the two of them spent plenty of time quarreling. She could still remember the way they’d argue; always about something different. Sometimes about where it was appropriate for Kimi to pee, or what objects she should knock off the countertops… but nothing beat where Kimi should sleep.
There was nothing quite like hearing her husband whisper-yelling in the middle of the night. There were quite a few nights where her eyes would flutter open to reveal a new quarrel between man and cat, and she’d simply have to put up with it. If she closed her eyes, her brain could still paint the picture. The fat grey cat in her husband’s hands, mewling in frustration at him. She wriggled like a worm to escape his grasp, but he always refused it. Makoto was always holding her, and always panting slightly.
“For the last time, Kimi,” It was his scolding voice he used, the same one his  misbehaving students got, “That is my face. I know you want to sleep on it, but if you do that, I can’t breathe.”
Kimi hissed in response, and Makoto jerked his head back in surprise. In the most accusatory tone he muster, he retorted to her: “Hey! Don’t you take that tone with me!” 
She chuckled at the memory. Kimi was always funny like that. Always getting into trouble, and sleeping in the weirdest places. There was even one time, shortly after she found out about her pregnancy, that they’d thought she slipped out in the middle of the night. The couple searched the house in a tizzy; both of them near tears at the thought of losing their beloved pet. They searched for about half an hour until Kyoko, wrought with anxiety, found Kimi napping in one of the laundry baskets. Oh, how they’d snuggled and patted the little kitty when they’d found her. And the treats? She swore the already plump cat gained five pounds that day. 
Thinking about their first baby now; she couldn’t deny how hard it was. Though they were only a month away with the actual byproduct of their love, Kyoko still longed for Kimi. To feel her soft fur beneath her fingers, and the purrs that rolled out from her throat effortlessly. The way Kimi would brush up against her when  she was sad had been so soothing during so many trying times. Whether it was the series of arguments she and Makoto got into at the beginning of their engagement, or the woes of carrying a child she couldn’t comprehend… Kimi cuddled and supported Kyoko through all of it. She was always around with a helpful head bonk and a nuzzling of her cheek. There could be no tears when noble little Kimi was around. 
What Kyoko remembered most about her, though, was the way she kept the baby warm. Yes, for whatever reason, the pregnancy awoke almost a caring instinct within the cat. The moment she caught wind of her owner’s expanding belly, she took to curling up on it and later around it. At first, they thought maybe it was just a matter of where was most comfortable to sleep — like the way she always tried to drift off on Makoto’s face. However, as time went on and her stomach grew, they noticed it was a routine thing. Whenever Kyoko grew stressed or upset, Kimi would come plodding over and hop up for a belly snuggle. 
“She must just know,” Makoto had said, reaching down to stroke her as she slept, “She’s got a sibling to protect.”
A sibling to protect. 
Makoto was awfully attached to that idea. It seemed at every turn he brought it up; chatting eagerly to her about the way the two might get along. Somehow, apart from the baby names and the personalities it could have, this was a thought that Makoto’s mind favoured. The relationship their kid would have to their cat. There had had many a conversation about it; one in particular she liked to reminisce about. 
It was when she was about five months; she remembered it from the way the weight showed on her stomach. They were curled up in front of their TV, watching some comedy film she didn’t really find funny. His hand placed on her belly, waiting patiently to see if their daughter would kick. Kimi curled herself up in his lap; the next best spot after Kyoko’s lap. She liked the heat that emanated from Makoto’s body best. 
“You know, Makoto, I’ve been thinking… and I realized that having this baby… it is almost as if we are experiencing a new beginning. A new chapter in our lives.”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. “I feel like that too,” He murmured into her hair, “Like we’ve been given a gift by fate.”
A gift by fate, she thought. She supposed it was a good way to look at having a baby. After all the trouble they saw in their lives, she wagered that they deserved a gift of life to call their own. Someone to care and nurture for. Someone to bring hope into their world by doing nothing but being themselves. 
“Exactly. A gift by a fate… but one that will ultimately change our lives. Everything is going to be so… so different now.”
“Is different okay?”
“Different is wonderful,” She assured him, resting her head on his shoulder, “It just means that we’ll likely have much to adapt to. Every aspect of our lives right down to Kimi will need be altered.”
To this, Makoto chuckled, and reached a hand down to pet Kimi. The feline responded with a pleased purr, urging him to scratch at her favourite spots. Based on the placement of his hand, he was in prime ear scratching position. “I don’t think we have to worry about Kimi too much,” He laughed, “She’s going to be the best big sister in the world. Aren’t you, Kimi? That’s why you’re our good girl!”
A cute mew escaped Kimi’s mouth at the praise. Somehow she always knew when she was being called a good girl. Makoto’s tendency to use his baby voice probably helped, Kyoko imagined. 
“A big sister, huh…” 
“Yeah! Just think of the way the two of them will play together! The two of them chasing our feet under the covers, and gently bopping each other on the nose! Our son or daughter will love doing that stuff with her! Kimi can even teach them about the world. She’ll be amazing.”
Kyoko fought off the frown that threatened to consume her when his words echoed in her mind. The hope was that their cat would be able to meet their baby, and do so many of those cute things… But fate stole that away from them. 
Somewhere within the last two months or so of Kyoko’s pregnancy, Kimi started acting strangely. At first, it was a simple matter of hiding. Rather than rushing to the door and mewling excitedly at them when they returned home, it seemed as if she ran and hid at the first sign of them. She dove under beds and dressers, snuck behind the refrigerator and the dryer, and even returned to her laundry basket hiding spot. What was worse, though, was that she seemed irritable every time they found her. It was as if when they were there, she wished only for them to go away. She detested them for pulling her out of her hiding spots, and did not hesitate to show it. 
Eventually her behaviour began to shift even further; before they knew it, she changed completely. Soon, the feral turned sociable sweetheart they knew became a reclusive being of bitterness. Whenever they walked through the door, she wanted little to do with them. She became irritated if they tried to touch her, and wanted to be independent from them at all costs. Even when she would wake up in the middle of the night wheezing and nearly unable to breathe, she scorned them. She would hiss and swat at Makoto when he tried to give her the medication to treat it. It was as if she suddenly didn’t care for them at all. 
The couple couldn’t understand why their once loving companion had suddenly turned against them. Despite her originally being feral and wary, Kimi warmed up to them right away. They were her humans, and she’d always loved them. She would cuddle them when they were sad, play with them when they were bored, and try to feed them when she thought they were hungry. Kimi never acted like this prior to those last few months, and the thought scared them half to death. At the time, they were wondering if she intended to gear up to run away. They didn’t think that she could really be dying. They didn’t realize that it had been three years since they picked her up off that despairful road, and that being sixteen years old meant that Kimi was old.
The whole thing only became clear to them when she stopped eating. God, Kyoko would admit that she bawled when that happened. But she’d always preface that when it occurred, she was seven months pregnant and dealing with insane baby hormones. So, you know, the crying like a little girl was understandable for the typically stoic detective. And, to be fair, Makoto cried too, but he had no “excuses”. He was just an emotional guy.
Her heart stung when she reflected back on the moments she spent next to Kimi and her bowl; her face stained with tears. She could remember the way her lip trembled and her hands shook, and the way Kimi stared at her as if she didn’t know what to do. 
“Why will you not eat?” She asked the feline, sniffling. Cautiously, she reached a hand over to pat her head, only to have her recoil from her touch. The movement only made the heavily pregnant detective cry harder. “Please, Kimi.”
Her husband’s hand found a place on her shoulder. She had been so distraught that her first desire was to shove it off, but she dismissed it. He sought only to help her, that much she knew well.
“I think we should take her to see someone.” He said, his voice soft and caring, like he feared his every word would make her upset. She could hear the way he tried to hide its tremble. “Apparently there’s a former vet operating in the marketplace that’s pretty good. We could take her to see him… see if we can get her to eat.”
She smiled slightly, wiping at her wet eyes with the back of her hand. In a way, she kind of liked the way he used “we”. It made her realize that she wasn’t totally alone in the way this made her feel. He was going through it just as much as she. It was the way he phrased things again, after the vet told them the news.
“So what do we want to do?”
They were both crying then; totally shamelessly, too. Snot dripping from their noses and tears smeared across their faces and the wails of anguish at knowing this was coming. The whole nine yards. She remembered that he’d tried to keep it together for her at first, fighting off the tears to ask the vet for time to think about it. However, the moment the vet freed Makoto of his burdening presence, he broke down. 
“What can we do?” Kyoko whimpered, pitifully attempting to catch her breath between sobs. “She’s dying. If we keep her alive, she suffers until she dies. You heard what he said, she’s old and sore…”
Makoto sniffled, wiping snot on the back of his hand. Still as gross as it was the first four times he did it, she remarked internally to herself. But now was not the time for snarky statements. They were grieving. 
“B-But if we choose to put her down, then w-w-we… we have to say goodbye.”
She nodded. “I know… I know…”
“God,” Makoto murmured, clutching at the fabric of his jeans and scrunching it up, “I forgot how hard this is… Holding the decision of another being’s life in your hands…”
Kyoko didn’t have the words to answer that statement. Though the killing game’s trials were not comparable to the decision to euthanize their pet, they still held the same emotion. She could remember feeling something like this, when Junko decided it was Sakura’s turn to go. 
“I… I t-thought this was supposed to be our new beginning… I thought we were supposed to be done with making choices like this, and we could just… g-go on being happy for once!”
“I know…” was the only thing Kyoko could think to say. It was something that Makoto shook his head to. “I know…”
“I don’t want her to be in pain, b-b-but… I’ll miss her when she’s gone.”
When she’s gone, Kyoko thought. When she no longer curls up on my belly, or pushes Makoto’s glasses off the counter. When she doesn’t pee on the cabinets when we leave her for too long, or poke her head in on me while I’m in the shower. It seemed so unthinkable that some day soon, Kimi might be gone.
They buried Kimi in their garden seven years ago, next to a little birch sapling. To give her the new beginning she promised. 
Over the years, that beginning grew. It grew and grew into a powerful tree. It was long, and tall, with a white trunk and olive green leaves. A very proud tree, for a very proud cat, who had her little sister hanging upside from her branches like a monkey.
“Look at me, Koichi! Look! I’m up so high!” The little girl giggled, swinging back and forth like an acrobat preparing to make a great landing. “Bet you can’t do this!”
From further down, the voice of Kimi’s little brother sounded. “I don’t think I want to,” He whimpered, “That looks so scary, Hope! What if you fall?”
“I’ll be fine!” She brushed some of her hair away from her face with her free hand, “This is Kimi’s tree, remember? Mommy and Daddy planted it for her! That’s why as long as I’m up here, I’m totally safe!”
Kyoko could do little more than fold her arms frustratedly when she caught this sight. Though she adored that her daughter knew the story behind the tree, her son was right. Hanging from the tree like that was far too dangerous to be okay. 
“Hope, come on! Get down from there!”
Her daughter immediately started to whine. “But Mooooooommy…! How am I supposed to be a great gymnast some day if I can’t do stuff like this?”
She opened her mouth to protest the girl, but thankfully, her husband swooped in to take charge. He was already halfway up the tree, trying to apprehend the overly eager seven year old. It was hard not to snicker at his determination… or at the way his feet would slip ever so slightly when he stepped wrong.
“You can practice on Friday, when you’re at the gym, pumpkin. It’s not safe to do it here.”
“But what about Kimi? I thought you said she was like our family’s protector spirit, and that we could play together.”
Kyoko chuckled softly. She did like the way he told that story. And it seemed like her daughter did, too. 
“Of course she is,” Makoto said, finally climbing up close enough to swing his daughter into a safer position in the tree, “And she told me that she wants you to practice on Friday, because we planted her to play safely with you.”
Hope’s lower lip stuck out in a pout, but she obliged, taking hold of the branch tightly. The sight made her mother sigh with immediate relief. Life was so much more comfortable when she wasn’t anticipating her children’s next disaster, but she supposed it was more interesting that way. 
And she and Makoto had Kimi to thank for that.
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ateeztories · 4 years
If I Need You I’ll See You In My Dreams. (FULL: so far) word count: 11k+
Angst, Fluff, “Coming of age” 
Very Easy Read. 
Seonghwa, Wooyoung, y/n imagine.
*AU where Wooyoung never followed Yeosang to KQ. That, however, does not mean they are any lesser friends with each other.*
To anyone who’s reading this, I just wanted to say that this is the first time I’m writing anything creative or anything at all so feel free to give any feedback/criticism. I would certainly appreciate it. Thank you~ so long peeps.
Song recommendation: End by Jeremy Zucker 
While reading i’d recommend listening to “Friend A” from Shgatsu Wa Kimi No Uso (Your Lie In April) maybe on a loop O_o
Pilot: Dreams
Seonghwa… You wanted to see him, one last time.
That day, you kissed your boyfriend Wooyoung goodbye at the airport and left him behind in Korea. He kissed you back.
He loved you, and you loved him. Wooyoung, he was the sweetest and the kindest person. He was your person.
He has work to worry about. You were going to miss him so much. Miss his bear hugs and all the other kinds, but you weren’t sad that he wasn’t coming. Only because you had your beloved friend Ji Yeon coming along. She had been with you through your middle school, high school and even ended up going to the same college. She was there for you through thick and thin. You and Ji Yeon were actually, best friends forever. The kind you read in stories and it astounded both of you.
It has been a week since you landed in Canada, there were things to see and to wonder about. You didn’t like to go to crowded places. You just wanted to enjoy the virtue of things that were unappreciated by the people. Go to places no one has ever been to.
That was something you both had in common.
It was Ji Yeon that “introduced” you to the group Ateez. She knew what it meant to you, but she was stubborn and did it anyway. Still, that was ages ago. College was taking over all your time and energy.
This was the break you needed.
You had long forgotten about them. You forgot about him.
“Can you believe this??” Ji Yeon Screamed while plopping down on the bed.
“this is the weirdest coincidence ever”
“We should go see it!!!!”
“The concert is in THREE days!!” 
All the suppressed memories rolling inside of your mind; all the while Ji Yeon’s voice turns in to mumbled white noises.
“let’s go then,”
you said, trying to sound as casual as possible.
As if you didn’t feel a thing.
Seonghwa… You wanted to see him... From afar. For the last time.
For the last time and never again.
Part 2: Wanna Go Back
“I said I’ll go,”
you said without a drop of emotion displaying on your face.  Unlike your heart and mind that was going bat-shit crazy right then.
“Awesome!! I just booked two tickets” Ji Yeon replied. Trying not to sound more suspicious than she already appears to be. You didn’t bother to question her intentions because that was simply none of your concerns at the moment.
Plus she would never do anything to hurt you. Ever.
It has already been three days since Ji Yeon asked about the concert. You have been trying to contact Wooyoung. Even though, because of of the time difference and his work schedule, it never worked out. The calls were full of Hello’s and farewells. You missed him more than anything.
But now it was just another one of your ever-growing worries.
It’s today,
The thought of seeing his face in person never left your mind. It makes your heart feel some sort of way.
The way it feels to walk into a flaming pit of fire.
The way you feel at the drop of a roller coaster.
The way you feel when you see the person you once loved so dearly.
These thoughts made you feel guilty. It made you feel like a bad person.
“If Wooyoung knew what was going through my mind right now, what would he think of me?”
There was nothing you could do besides getting past those thoughts.
You felt all sorts of emotions as you walked into the concert hall.
“What are the chances that Ateez goes on tour here, at the same time we come to Canada??” Ji Yeon said.
“Ya… no shit”
Noticeably, you weren’t feeling it. you just wanted to get over it. You needed closure, and a part of you hated that feeling. Ji Yeon was no stranger to your mood swings. She caught on quite fast. Faster than you thought. Three days faster.
Somehow she knew what she was doing. Except, she didn’t know the whole story.
You walked through big brown doors into a seemingly small venue. You saw fan-girls falling into line behind the barricade like a bunch of tiny colonized ants. They bumped into your shoulder, passing you by as you walked among them, step by step. You looked around scanning the venue, while clinging to Ji Yeon.
“Maybe we should just go back,” you said with the least bit of persuasion.
“Are you kidding me? those tickets were NOT free” Ji Yeon said with a face that only you could decipher. 
You knew there was going back.
The venue became full, there was no chance for him to see your face. Even if he did, there was no way he would recognize you. It’s been too long since he last saw you.
Eventually and gradually, the stage became brighter as the audience became darker. This assured you, he wasn’t seeing you today.
Ateez members entered the stage one after another.
You saw his silhouette.
His tall figure that was impossible to forget. You saw his face, he looked different. Different from the face that was buried in your memories.
The music began to play and the performance started. The crowd went wild while you stared blindly onto the stage… standing still, wondering what you went there to do that day. You questioned your intentions in the midst of being unable to look away from his direction.
You eyes flickering at the thought of getting closure
“What closure?”
“How is this closure?”
You thought, staring at his face full of demeanor.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. you took it out slowly looking down, though your eyes could not leave the stage. You wearily look at your phone.
Your face lit up, eyes shimmered. This was the first time you were able to reach him in three days. You unintentionally jumped up and down in excitement.
You forgot all your worries and unwanted feelings.
You signaled Ji Yeon and she was telling you to get out and take the call.
The song, Utopia, was coming to an end. The members stood on the stage when Jongho approached  them while singing the last verse. It was a beautiful piece of art deserving of endless admiration.
Fan chants were echoing throughout the entire room: “Kim Hongjoong! Park Seonghwa! Jeong Yunho! Kang Yeosang! Choi San! Song Mingi! Choi Jongho! Lee Junyeong!!!”
As you were moving across the crowd making your way out, you looked at the stage for the last time. There he was… looking like the same old person that you knew. Head tilted up and with his eyes closed. His black hair wet with sweat that dripped down his chin and onto his shirt.
Still, you hated him for what he did.
You have Wooyoung now.
He is waiting for you to answer. He is waiting for you. You looked away and pushed your way out through the crowd. Went out of the nearest door which led you outside. It was dark, the street lights flickered and they were stable at the same time.
Not one single soul to be seen.
The door closed behind you as you answered the phone in a haste. “Wooyoung I miss-”
“Let’s break up”
Unable to take another step.
How to react?
“Woo- Wooyoung?”
your voice, weak, surprised and baffled in disbelief.
You can still hear noises from the inside. muffled screaming of the fans.
The music has ended.
There was silence and everything else.
“How to turn back time?”
Where did it all go wrong?“
Part 3: Your Lie 
 "Wooyoung I miss-“
"Let’s break up”
People say your body freezes when you don’t know what to do.
“Should I fight this?” …
“Should I just run away?”
When he said those words… You just froze.
Unable to take another step
“How do I react?” You think.
Think, and there is nothing.
Your mind is empty, exhausted and deluded.
Legs giving out, your body crumbles onto the ground as you sit on the pavement of the building, your knees nearly touching your chest.
Your mind completely disregards the sound of the door behind, opening and closing.
You finally find the strength to say the words lingering at the tip of your tongue.
“What do you mean you want to break up?”
“Why now?”
“Just tell me what is going on, we can figure this out together.”
Silence… Stillness.
You can hear Wooyoung’s breath. You can hear his longing sighs. His voice stutterers to break this ominous silence.
 You could finally hear his voice loud and clear.
“I think you already know y/n.” His voice almost sounds drunk.
“There is nothing to figure out.” Has he been crying?
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You respond.
“Wooyoung please…”
“Please… can you just wait until I reach Korea”
“I’m going to book the first flight tomorrow”
“Just hold on one more day”
“Please,” You sounded hopeless and desperate.
The silence of the surrounding creates goosebumps all over your exposed skin. The cold freezing winds making you sink into your own body. You are sniffing, your breath is shivering, and it is not because of the freezing winds. In the verge of tears, a lump in your throat. Your heart is beating so fast to the point you almost want to throw up at the thought of being without him.
You could hear footsteps behind you. You could see in the corner of your eyes, a tall shadow of a person. At this moment, you don’t care. Nothing matters as the only beautiful thing in your life slips away from your fingertips.
The tall figure gently walked to the side of you and stopped at the edge of the pavement. You didn’t look up at his face. You thought it was just a person coming out to get a breath of “fresh” air, a break from the chaos that is inside. Air that has now been polluted by the thoughts in your mind. He sat down beside you in a peaceful manner. Oddly enough, you weren’t scared of the stranger sitting beside you. All you could think about was Wooyoung.
Though it felt familiar.
You were now curious,  this stranger that carries a homely scent, an intimate familiarity. You lookup slowly… Upon his direction… All the while holding Wooyoung on the other side of the phone… You look.
He was looking at the distant empty roads across the parking lot. Your eyes grew wider.
It’s Seonghwa… Park Seonghwa!
At that instant, Wooyoung’s voice echoed through and out of the space enclosing you.
“Fine! I cheated on you!”
You heard Wooyoung’s reckless voice breaking the silence, as you stared into Seonghwa’s eyes.
You can’t believe your ears. Your heart is beating so fast. To the point, you almost want to throw up at the thought of him being with someone else. All the moments you both shared, gone in a fleeting minute. All the feelings of love and devotion suppressed deep inside your mind.
You can’t believe your eyes. The person that sits beside you at this moment. The person you missed for the longest time, and the person you hated the most. Now knows your most vulnerable secret.
You are looking at his face, but you’re not looking at him.  Your mind wanders to places no one wants to be in.
“I cheated on you. Is that what you want to hear?”
You are still looking up at Seonghwa’s direction. There is no doubt he can hear Wooyoung’s voice coming through the phone in this heart wrenching silence.
“This is it,” you thought. You were never gonna see Wooyoung again. He dares to break up with you over a phone call. End it all, after being together for two years.
Alone, you still loved him. All the feelings were suppressed. Yet they were still there.
All of this is happening so fucking fast. But, It felt like forever.
You still couldn’t say a word to Wooyoung.
Words are coming out of your mouth but your voice doesn’t make any sound. Your heart is shattered into dust. The street lights are flickering and glistering in your teary eyes.
Wooyoung continues, sounding spiteful than he’s ever been.
“Did you really think you were the only person I was with? Oh y/n you are too naive”
“This is not him,” You thought, while saying nothing and nothing at all. You continued to listen to him, step on what’s left of your heart.
“y/n, Did you honestly think I love-”
Seonghwa grasped the phone out of your hand and hung up. He latched on to the phone while keeping his head down.
Not once, ever since he sat down beside you, did he look at your face.
You looked at him. Then you gazed up into the distance.
There was silence yet again.
The deafening silence.
The silence that you loathed more than anything.
Part 4: The Story
Saying his name, just thinking about it, makes your heart, break into a million little pieces. You wanted to cry, cry your eyes out and throw up all the feelings that were bottled inside.
“y/n” Seonghwa muttered as he extended his arms to hold on while turning your way. To hold on to you… to comfort you.
“Don’t…”  you said. Keeping a straight face. While taking a deep breath, in an attempt to keep your composure. Because you can’t cry. Not in front of him. You don’t need his pity. And he doesn’t deserve to feel bad for you. It puzzled you, how difficult it was to not cry out loud. Scream at the top of your lungs. Yet he does not get to see you cry. After all, he left you. left you to wonder where he vanished to, without a word. Without even saying goodbye, he disappeared.
“Don’t touch me,” you said. Calm, but stern. You’re not a high schooler anymore. You’re not young anymore. You’re not his friend anymore.
Nothing less and nothing more.
You gaze up at the distance roads, turning your face away from Seonghwa’s direction. There is a horizon between the field across the road and the night sky full of stars. It’s a magical view for a night like this. A night that carries a sob story for people to read about.
You look at Seonghwa with eyes that hold a thousand, million words. His soft black hair is reflecting against the moonlight. It is blowing across his face as the wind sweeps the tension among you. The tension that holds a history belonging to you and only him. His hair… it had so much character. Once again, he looks like the person you know.
He had blonde hair when you first saw him on TV for the first time. It was peachy and unfamiliar. It carried a cold persona. You couldn’t recognize him at a glance. When you finally understood, you stared at his face for hours on end.
“So that’s where he ran off to…” you remember thinking. You remember going through a roller coaster of emotions all alone.
Flashbacks rushing back into your mind like an old movie reeling, roll after roll, scene after scene. Each moment you spend together; good, bad, exhilarating and frightening.
You were just friends, but more than that. You weren’t lovers but you loved each other. It was a beautiful time to be alive.
How hard it was for you; he may never know. But there was someone… not Ji Yeon, someone else. And that person was Wooyoung. He was there for you when you cried for so many nights and poured your heart out to him. You never thought of this moment, never thought how painful this moment would be. This moment he chooses to part ways.
“It’s happening all over again.” You said.
Thoughts, speculations, tearing through your mind, “There has to be something going on… he is not the type of person to do this.” All the while knowing that this, won’t change the fact that he broke up with you. He’s leaving you…
He left you.
It’s hard to face reality. Reality is sitting beside you. It is staring at you right in the face.
“It’s not fair,” you spoke under your breath.
You look up at the starry yet gloomy sky and blink the tears away.
“Why is everything going wrong today?” you wonder.
You squeeze your eyes shut tight to stop the tears. Still, they come creeping down your eyelids and stream along your glowing cheeks. One fell, two fell, tears came pouring out of your eyes. You put your guard down. No… your “guard,” was never there. It was denial, spite and history.
With both hands you cover your face and eyes to hide,. Your entire body trembles to the beat of your sobbing. You can feel the muscles in your face shaking. You can taste the salty tears as they fall onto your lips. You hear yourself silently screaming to release the pain you hold inside your throat. Your heart sinks deeper and deeper, each time you let out air. It wasn’t pretty, it wasn’t pleasant. You felt pathetic and miserable.
As the night gets darker and your sobs get louder, you feel the embrace of Seonghwa. You feel his touch for the first time in two years. It’s warm in this cold weather. It brings you comfort and relief. You continued to cry like a little child as he held on to you.
“I’m sorry,” He said.
Guilt, regret, pity, sorrow and all the feelings you can feel. These two words held so much meaning and you can hear every single one of them through his gentle voice.
Seonghwa left, but he was always there. In the back of your mind. From the day he stepped in to that classroom. There was always comfort in his presence. Even the thought of him made you feel warm inside. There was never a guard between the two of you. The walls between you collapsed a long time ago and they were never going to come back up.
“Can I say the same for him?” You ask yourself. Whilst being wrapped up in his arms and feeling hollow inside.
He was your person before anyone else. 
Were you his?
Part 5: Friends
Park Seonghwa…He is with you, you feel his warmth, the feeling you craved at this moment. Your face is buried in his chest. Sobbing like a broken machine. A broken soul.
The history behind you two was always complicated, and it will always be, complicated.
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You were walking along the narrow sidewalk on the first day of high school. You stopped at an intersection, to wait for Ji Yeon. Waited and waited, you called her cell phone, and no one answered. You walked into the grocery store nearby to wait for her. You jump at everything so the ringing sound as you stepped into the store while opening the door startled you. It was a lovely day outside, but the sunlight was hot. You decided to get some ice cream for you and Ji Yeon. You were leaning, concentrated, picking her and your favourite ice creams. 
You heard the ringing once again and It scared the hell out of you. Your head shot up and turned towards the door with eyes wide. He stepped into the store while caressing his messy school boy hair.
There he was… Seonghwa.
That was the first time you saw him. He was wearing the same kind of uniform; you knew he went to your school. He looked… handsome. Not your stereotypical “idol” handsome.  Oh, the irony. It made your heart flutter, even though he looked like he could make you squirm with just a glance. His presence made you feel some kind of way. His aura was overwhelmingly attractive. You stared at him for a good minute until he noticed you. Which is when you were taken back to reality with a slap in the face. You looked away so quickly, you felt something snap in your neck. You were a deer in headlights. 
You picked up the first two ice creams that caught your hand and went up to the counter hoping to escape this humiliation. While you were waiting for the cashier to scan the items, you felt a strong presence behind you. It was him… standing tall, making you feel all kinds of intimidated. “how did he get there so fast??” you contemplate during this mental chaos.
You paid the cashier at lightning speed and ran towards the exit. You looked back just for the sake of it while opening the doors, only to see him staring at you. He smiled at you. It looked more like he laughed at you but “What do I know,” you thought while making a face that felt like a smile while walking out of the store. If only the muscles in your face moved properly, it wouldn’t have looked like you just ate the world’s most sour lemon.
You walked outside to see Ji Yeong standing at the intersections waiting to cross the street. You sneaked up on her placing both ice creams on her cheeks. Ji young turned around in a flash raising her hand to almost knock you out. “Oh it’s just you” “Why do you sound disappointed? Are you sad you couldn’t knock me out??” Mundane conversations never felt so good at that moment. The big sister you never had. No… The big sister you always had, watching over you. Making sure you always have your life together. And you were the same. Clumsy, but you tried. She was the more mature one.
“Why is your face so red?” Ji Yeong asked tilting her head. While grabbing the ice cream out of your hands. “O? Oh there was-” At that moment, Seonghwa walked out of the store. Ji Yeong’s attention immediately went to him, she looked at you and him again. “She’s too smart for her own good.” you think while looking at her face that is now grinning like a clown
“I- I think he goes to our school,” you said avoiding her eyes “Ohohoho, you think??” Ji Young said still smirking like a damn clown. She looked up at you with squinty eyes with an even wider grin. You knew she was about to do something you’re both going to regret.
Ji Yeon looked at Seonghwa who was walking towards the school. “HEY, YOU!!!” She screamed. Seonghwa looked back afraid for his life.
“HEYYY WHAT ARE YOU DOING???“ You said, silently screaming.
Ji Yeong ran towards him whilst dragging you with her.  
How she has the courage to do things like this, you never understood. But you were always grateful for that. But this time you weren't so sure, “Why in the world is she doing this??” you wonder all the while being dragged by the mighty hands of Ji Yeon. Seonghwa still standing, scared for his life by the sight of Ji Yeong running towards him amid pulling you like a suitcase. The way Ji Yeon suddenly stopped running and the moumentum she had built up made you crash onto Seonghwa.
“Sorry,” you said, frowning at Ji Yeon and blushing like no one’s business.
“You okay?” He asked with coughing out a laugh. You heard his voice for the first time. His voice matched so perfectly to his oh so handsome face. 
Leaves started falling slowly, winds brushed through the three of you standing on the sidewalk. Autumn has never looked so beautiful.
You remember walking to the school together, he parted ways to walk with his friends at the Entrance. His friends, you became close to them too.
You walked into the classroom that belonged to you for the year. Took a deep breath. ”everything will be fine,“ you more so wished.
Ji Yeon ended up in a different homeroom, unfortunately. Her outgoing self was fine. However, you were scared.
You chose your seat close to the window. A place that made the classroom feel much bigger. Looking outside somehow made you calm. And the sound of birds and wind crashing on the windows made you feel like you were outside.  
That’s when he entered the classroom. His eyes scanned the room and stopped at you. He slowly walked towards you.
“Is this seat taken?” He asked… with a smile? You don’t remember.
“No, you can sit here,” You said with a faint curious smile tracking his face as he sat down. There was that feeling again… But this time it was different. It felt normal, a beautiful, typical feeling… It was like he was always there in your comfort.  
You two were quiet for a long minute.
“I can’t believe we’re in the same homeroom,” He spoke with that gentle voice again.
This was the beginning of a questionable yet charming, melancholic, and longing friendship that lasted for years… It was normal, doesn’t any friendship start out like this?
But a part of you knew how special this was.
Today, you are holding him once again… after years, 
Crying because of another man.
Crying because of Wooyoung… His old friend… 
Your old friend.
You just want this never-ending night to be over.
You needed time, to stop crying… Time to think.
Part 6: Timing
You hated “Time”… 
Life happens… Time goes on without a care for your emotions, without a care for anyone’s feelings. 
Time, the passage that left you behind at the peak of your teenage years. 
It felt good at times but just some days, you could feel it. Feel the emptiness lingering at the back of your mind. 
But now, you needed time. More than anything, you needed time to think about what had just happened today. 
The memories of the early teenage years reeled in your thoughts. All the while, your head was buried in his chest. 
He no longer belongs to you.  You… are not his anymore. 
You’re not anyone’s… anymore, and these thoughts frightened you. 
His embrace comforted you while you melted away at his warmth. It distracted you from breaking apart this endearing connection. 
As the night went by, you finally gathered the courage to pull away from him. 
You’re not crying anymore, although your face was now swollen, red and soaked with fallen tears. You notice that his shirt was drenched in your tears as you bring your arms up to dry your face. You glance at his face with an apologetic smile.
“Are you okay?” Seonghwa look at you, only to look away at the distant roads.
A bitter laugh escaped your mouth… “I’m not okay,”  You sighed. 
“My boyfriend… just broke up with me,” You say while staring into the night sky.
“I know. I…heard”, Seonghwa stutter.
“Your boyfriend sounds like a jerk”, He spoke again, knowing full well, that it was Wooyoung. His old friend.
Hearing him say that angered you. 
Wooyoung stuck by you during your worst times. He made you laugh with his whole being. He was there for you… He took care of you, and you did the same.
 "He was there for me", You think. The person who called you today wasn’t him. You were still in denial. After all the things that happened, you still couldn’t shake away the pieces of hearts you left with him. The feelings you left with him when you kissed him goodbye at the airport.
“It’s Wooyoung…don’t you remember? You were friends with him in high school" You say although you knew… that he knew.
"And you don’t know anything about him,” You said, irritated by his words.
He did… probably more than you ever knew about Wooyoung.
 Your thoughts yell at him… “HE was there for me when YOU weren’t!”
He doesn’t get to say those things when he was the one that left you. 
Maybe saying “sorry” doesn’t make it all okay. Maybe it didn’t matter to Seonghwa if he said goodbye that day or not. 
Maybe…he didn’t see you the same way, you saw at him.
All your pent up anger started pouring out of your body. But you were stern. 
You stood up… looking forward, steadily. Head held up high with all the force you could muster.
Is it time?
Is it time to finally confront him? 
there was that helpless silence again. 
The concert ended a long time ago. The fans must have left the venue.
you looked at your phone to see a text from Ji Yeon.
“I’ll be waiting in the car if you need me" 
 You walked forward. Not having the guts to face him, you started to speak, facing your back at him…
Thinking that this, would be the last time.
The last time you will ever speak to him.
The last time he will ever hear your voice. 
"You know what? … You could have at least told me why"  
"Why you had to leave like that,” Your voice trembled at the thought of confrontation. 
“You could have at least-”
“I did…" 
 Seonghwa cut you off. 
You didn’t turn to look at him, but your face looks confused and baffled at his statement.
"My letter… I wrote you a letter” You could hear the disbelief in his voice as he recalls the day he left. 
“Seonghwa…What are you talking about?” You ask while your eyebrows narrow in doubt and shaking your head in denial.
“The letter… It was so sudden… they gave me such a short time to decide and leave the city… I didn’t even get much time to say goodbye to my friends… And you” He continued. 
“I didn’t want to text or call you and leave suddenly, so… I wrote you a letter" 
You could not believe what was coming out of his mouth. your mind was unstable at his excuses.
"He can’t possibly be serious right now…What letter?” you think as you hear Seonghwa’s muffled voice described what happened that day. 
You took a step forward and started to walk away. 
“I wrote it and gave it to Wooy-" 
You hear Seonghwa stop himself as the realization hits both of you. 
You were no longer walking away. 
You froze.
You could hear, the sound of wind brushing through the tree branches in this Midsummer night. 
 The whole world stopped and Time stood still. For the first time in your life, time was no longer passing you by. It stood still, and waited… for you to get on the passage that once left you behind. 
For the first time, a piece fell perfectly into your puzzling life. 
It fell into the perfect place while all the others blew in the wind…
Part 7: Let You Go (You & Wooyoung POV)
Maybe it was never meant to be…
“Maybe it’s time to let you go”
He thinks.
The day you left Korea he knew, you were going to slip away. He had friends that knew Seonghwa. He knew that it was only a matter of time. He knew that you were going to meet him there.
At the back of his mind, he also knew that you needed this.
He knew that maybe, it was time to let you go.
He loved you. 
He loves you. 
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On the first day of High School, he laid eyes on you for the first time, when he saw you walking with Seonghwa and Ji Yeon.
Seonghwa parted from you and Ji Yeon to walk with Wooyoung and his other friends. 
His bitter unrequited, one sided crush... began that day.
“Who is that?” he asked Seonghwa, unable to take his eyes away from you. 
You were radiating like a star in the daylight. 
It was magic to him. 
“Uhhh… she’s y/n, I just met her today. And that's her friend Ji Yeon” Seonghwa said. 
He saw your eyes sparkling at the sight of Seonghwa…
The day he saw you for the first time, he knew that you were never going to look at him the same way.
The way he looked at you.
The way you… looked at Seonghwa.
He became friends with Seonghwa’s friends, which meant that he became friends with you and Ji Yeon. 
Four Years of endearing friendships with you, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Ji Yeon. The world belonged to the four of you. There were other people, coming in and out of your lives…
Yet the world revolved around the four of you when you were together. 
Each and every one of you would do anything, to get back those four years… 
To go back the time you were friends and nothing less or nothing more.
Everyone knew the relationship between you and Seonghwa was special. Everyone except you and Seonghwa. 
Wooyoung didn’t know about the things that happened between just the two of you, except, he would notice the subtle changes. He saw the walls between you and Seonghwa slowly fall apart. It didn’t matter how high or how strong they were, he noticed. Ji Yeon noticed. 
 He was never going to come between the two of you. 
The times Wooyoung spent with you, the four of you were always there. 
Amid everything, he found everything that you did so endearing, adorable and he respected you for who you are. He loved everything about you. He saw that you were clumsy, intelligent and wise. He saw your flaws and quirks and still loved you anyway. He would get butterflies in his stomach each time he saw you enter a room. He could feel his heart beating faster when you were sitting inches apart. 
 He also knew that he wasn’t the only one feeling this way.
The only difference was that you didn’t see him the way you saw Seonghwa. 
It was painful, to say the least.
But he saw how happy you were around Seonghwa. He wasn’t going to take that away from you.
Wooyoung being Seonghwa’s best friend, they only wanted the best for each other.
The day before Seonghwa left.
It was past 10:00 pm 
Wooyoung got a phone call from Seonghwa that day.
“I need to tell you something”
“I need you to do this one last favor… for her" 
He said.
It was a strangely quiet night that day.
There was a park next to Wooyoung’s apartment. A place the four of you used to hang out at night time looking at stars. A place where you all made late-night conversations that dove deep into your souls. The place that triggered conversations leading to teardrops that reflected the moonlight. It was merely a playground but for you four, it was perhaps the symbol of your friendship. 
Wooyoung knew exactly where to go when Seonghwa called him to meet up. He saw Seonghwa’s back. His figure that was sitting on a bench crouched down. His demeanor had dark clouds forming at the top of his head.
At that moment he knew. 
Seonghwa always talked about leaving… to go follow his dreams. It meant leaving his friends and everyone he loved. Wooyoung never thought this day would come. Although he knew how much talent and potential Seonghwa had, he never through this day would come. He never thought that Seonghwa would actually leave all of you.
Wooyoung approached Seonghwa. 
He had an envelope in his hands. He was fiddling with it as if he didn’t know what to do with the envelope in his hand. It was as if he wanted to give it away as soon as he could.
"Hey”, Wooyoung said while making his way to Seonghwa.  
Seonghwa’s head turned towards Wooyoung in an instant. He stood up slwoly while looking at Wooyoung concerned. 
“Hey,” Seonghwa muttered. reluctant to let anything come out of his mouth.
“You said you wanted to tell me something?… Is everything all right?? Let’s just sit down first”
“No,” Seonghwa said… as if he was in a hurry to run away.
“Actually, I’m leaving…
Wooyoung let out a laugh “What are you talking about? Where are you going?" 
He laughed because of how ridiculous Seonghwa sounded when he said those words without any context.
He laughed… 
Because, at the back of his mind, he knew exactly what Seonghwa was talking about.  
Seonghwa knew that Wooyoung didn’t need an explanation.
After all, they were best friends. 
"I… I wanted to tell you at least.”
“I want to tell y/n too but right now, I don’t think I can look her in the face and say goodbye”
“Or even a phone call... she’d hate me”
“Just this once, can do me one last favor? Will you give this to her” Seonghwa asked Woooung. 
“Of course,” Wooyoung said without hesitation.
There were no other intentions. The letter was meant to be for you and it was going to end up in your hands. 
Seonghwa finally gave Wooyoung, the letter. The letter that holds a thousand words and feelings to be unraveled.
His hands… they felt heavy. 
It seemed like he was about to burst into tears. Looking down, trying to trap the tears from leaping out of his eyes. Wooyoung felt the same. He thought that he was about to lose his best friend. They both held in tears because it’s not like them to cry. 
It’s not like them to cry they thought, because they were who people thought they were. 
Because when they act differently, people judge.
Because people are who determines what kind of children they are. 
This was the mindset of these two teenagers. 
Teenagers soon to learn what life is. Learn to love themselves as they are. Teenagers who were to learn how to truly love others. Learn to not care about what the world thinks of them. They would soon learn that as long as they were good, honest people, that it’s okay to cry if they feel like it. Cry happy tears, sad ones and all the other kinds. 
But at that moment, they were just teenagers full of feelings and dreams.  
And those teenagers were willing to do anything… right or wrong, to fulfill those feelings and dreams.
They talked for hours after. The typical things best friends talk about. 
Both of them were known for their way with words. Perhaps the lack of it. But that night, they talked about the most mundane things for hours on end, while keeping a lump in their throats. 
They said their goodbyes. 
Wooyoung watched Seonghwa walk away.
Nothing was going to break the friendship they had. 
Nothing except Time, Distance and somebody else.
Everyone hates those right? 
Wooyoung biked to school that day. It was sunny and cold.
His mind was filled with a thousand, million thoughts as he swept through the cool winds.
An envelope tucked safely inside of his bag, he parked his bike and made his way into the classroom.
He stopped himself by the classroom doors, at the sight of you. 
You were sitting by the window as usual. Enjoying the warm sunlight hitting your face. Not aware of how heartbreakingly beautiful you looked. The small crack in the window blew wind across your face making you look even more breathtaking. 
“There it goes again,” He thought.
That feeling in his heart, every time he saw you. 
It always started in a blur…
Everything would go quiet and then, like a train getting faster and faster, his heart would start pounding like crazy. 
Ji Yeon came up behind him and put her hand around his shoulders. At that instant, he snapped back to reality. The classroom was full of noise once again and he began to notice the people around him. 
“What are you looking at?” Ji Yeon asked jokingly. 
“Hm?” He asked without making eye contact and pretending to be clueless.
Everyone knew about his feelings for you. Everyone but you and Seonghwa. 
“Nevermind, let’s sit down the class is about to start,” Ji Yeon said with a smirk on her face. 
He went to sit at the desk behind you, while Ji Yeon sat beside you.
You turned to Ji Yeon, “Do you know where Seonghwa is? I didn’t see him in the morning and he’s not picking up my calls.”
“Did you try texting him?” Ji Yeon asked.
“Ya, but he’s the type to rather call than text you know,” you talked with a concerning tone.
“Don’t worry, he’s probably just too lazy to drag his ass out of bed” Ji Yeon, being herself, tried to make you feel at ease. You let out a laugh only to bring yourself back to worrying.
Wooyoung saw that you were worried. He tapped you in the shoulder while calling your name. 
You looked behind at him with the same expression. “Hm? what is it?” “Do you know where Seonghwa is?”
Wooyoung didn’t know what to say. Nothing was coming out of his mouth. He managed to say just one thing.
“Can you meet me after school? There’s something I need to give you.”
You looked at his face in confusion and curiosity, only to agree to him. 
“Sure… of course,” You said while nodding. 
The teacher entered the classroom. You and Ji Yeon went about the day thinking that Seonghwa was just saying home for the day. You were planning to call him after school. Maybe drop by his house to see if he’s okay. Not in a million years, you would have thought that he left his friends. That he left you. 
The last bell rang. Students were rushing out of the school. 
Wooyoung was standing by the gate, waiting for you. 
He was holding the envelope in his hands. This time he looked at it carefully. It was white in color and had a pretty border around the corners. Your name was written on it with Seonghwa’s handwriting. 
He noticed you walking towards him. 
Thoughts began reeling in his mind, all the while he stared at you from a distance. 
“What did he wanna say to you?" 
"Why did he only tell me?" 
"Why am I the one delivering this to you?”
“It’s not fair,” He looked at the bright blue sky only to turn his head back your way.
 Those feelings came back. 
He was a teenager after all. A teenager that was willing to do anything for his feelings. 
 Wooyoung was a good student. A good person. 
But it only took a split second to ask those questions. 
“What if you never get it?" 
"What if you never find out?”
“Will things be different… between us?”
He thought, watching you getting closer and closer to him. 
When you approached him he was looking at you. Although it seemed as if he was staring into another world. 
“Earth to Wooyoung!!” You said while waving your hand in front of his face. 
He looked at you once again as if he looked at you for the first time ever. 
The envelope was no longer in his hands. 
It was yet again safely tucked away in his bag… never to end up in your hands. 
Or so he thought. 
“Oh hey," 
Wooyoung said under his breath. 
You held out your hand expecting something.
"You said you were gonna give me something”
“Huh?” he said as if he was caught off guard. 
He’s doing something he shouldn’t be doing. Yet he thought that this was his only chance to make anything happen between the two of you. 
“Oh…” he put her hand away gently. 
“I wanted to treat you today…” He said. 
“Treat me?" 
"Yeah… let’s go get some food. Do you want to call Ji Yeon too?" 
 He said, trying to sound less suspicious than he already does.
"No, she said she wanted to go home early today.”
“Something to do with her mom.”
He nodded, “Okay let’s go then”
“What do you wanna eat?” He asked looking straight ahead while walking out of the gates of your high school.
“Anything… as long as you’re buying,” You said, sounding like the happiest person on earth. 
It made him laugh. It made him happy, to see you happy. 
 But he knew that your happiness wasn’t going to last long. He knew that you were never going to see Seonghwa after that day. Never in a way that would able for you and Seonghwa to truly be together. He had to find a way to tell you all about it. Any other way that wouldn’t involve you seeing that letter.
The air was cool that day, but not cool enough to restrict him or you from buying ice cream. He knew you loved ice cream. No matter how cold it was out, you would never refuse to buy your favorite ice cream. Let along someone else buy it for you. 
You noticed the worry in Wooyoung’s face. He has been like this all day. He knew you were smart enough to figure out that something was wrong, but never acted upon it. Even while paying the cashier, he was thinking of the things he should tell you. 
You two were walking on the sidewalk, next to each other, when you suddenly jumped in front of him and said, 
“Jeong Wooyoung… is there something you want to tell me?" 
You weren’t expecting him to be serious about this but when you said those words, he stopped dead in his tracks. His head lowered and then he looked at you with his soft eyes like he was sorry. 
”But what for?“
You thought.
"There…” he pointed to a park that was nearby. 
“Let’s go over there and talk,” he said.
They walked over to the park. You kept looking at his face but he had his head steady and looking straight. 
A part of you knew that this was about Seonghwa. You had been worrying about him that whole day.
Still, you weren’t ready for what you were about to hear.
“We’re here now… just tell me.”
“You have to promise me that, you won’t freak out... o-or cry...”
“Okay sure, get on with it already”. 
You kept staring at him, as though you didn’t want him to speak anymore. 
“He left the city,”
Wooyoung said under his breath. He didn’t want you to feel this way. He thought you were about to break down in front of him. 
Instead, you showered him with questions that were pouring out of your mind.
“What do you mean?" 
"Where did he go?”
You didn’t move. you kept staring at him with teary eyes until you got the answers you wanted. 
Wooyoung kept quiet. He didn’t know what to say. He knew that you would find out soon enough. He knew that it was better to just tell you at that moment. But all that came out of his mouth was, 
“I’m sorry”
“What do you mean you’re sorry?”
“You’re supposed to know these things!!”
There was no one at the park. You could’ve screamed at the top of your lungs if you wanted to but you didn’t. No one would understand the frustration, the anger and the sadness you were feeling inside. Yet you kept yourself composed. 
“You’re his best friend… How could you not know?” You said finally.
Wooyoung tried to speak. 
“He didn’t-”
“I don’t wanna be here anymore," You cut him off.
You stood up. 
"Thank you… for the ice cream,” you spoke.
At that moment he knew that you weren’t angry at him. 
You were angry at Seonghwa for leaving. Perhaps leaving without a word. For disappearing into thin air like your friendship meant nothing.
You went home that day resenting everything about Seonghwa. You assumed that he didn’t want to be contacted by you or anyone he knew. 
So you didn’t. 
It was emptiness more so than anger or resentment. 
You felt betrayed and cheated… 
From the wrong person. but you didn’t know. 
Wooyoung watched you walk away that day. 
He felt ashamed and guilty but he didn’t want to lose you.
If he were to tell you what he had done then, he knew that it would be the end of it all. It was too late.
Although it wasn’t forever, he knew he had to live with it, until one day. 
What he didn’t know was that this would be the day when everything will be destroyed between everyone he loved.
Months went by before the time you learned about Seonghwa’s whereabouts. You were at home cleaning the living room and there was a music show playing on the TV.
That was the day you found out. 
Where he had been all this time. 
You saw him on TV for the first time… in months. 
At first, you couldn’t recognize him. 
 “How can a person change in such a short time,” you thought.
You thought while staring into the TV.
It read “ATEEZ” at the bottom of the screen. 
“What a weird name,” You thought.
“Was this his big secret?” You thought.
You thought and you though… 
You couldn’t stop thinking.
His hair was peachy blonde. It looked unfamiliar and yet, he looked like the same old Seonghwa, the longer you looked. His built was familiar and beautiful as always. 
He looked like he was having the time of his life. 
“He seems happy…” You thought.
The emptiness you felt for the longest started to fill with sadness. 
You felt your legs giving out and fell onto the ground. 
“Why is this affecting me so much?” You wonder. 
You felt emotions you’ve never felt before. 
You felt your heart getting tighter at every breath you took.
“He could have just said goodbye…" 
“ If you just said something to me…”
"We would have been fine…”
 You thought.
You were no longer the same person you were before. 
You went to Wooyoung and he was there for you. 
Everything you wanted… he had.
He was there to make you laugh when you were sad. 
He was there to take you to places when you needed it.
He was there to bury you in his arms when you felt like you were alone in this world. 
He was there when you were crying your heart out because of Seonghwa at that time. 
That was the reason for this endearing relationship.
The endearing relationship that was built on a lie. 
  ━━━━━━༻ p r e s e n t ༺━━━━━━
Wooyoung sits on the empty beach at midnight. 
The place you two kissed for the first time. 
There is a bottle of alcohol by his side and a worn-out envelope in his hands. It didn’t look white anymore… and the corners looks folded and messy.
Yet it was unopened. 
Unopened and still waiting for lingering feelings to be freed into the world. 
The feelings waiting to be read to you.
Still waiting to land in your hands. 
He recalls the phone call he made to you as he gets sober into the night.
The moonlight reflects on the ocean. 
It looks beautiful and blue and yet his head is down. 
“Fine! I cheated on you!!” He remembers saying. 
Except he didn’t. 
“Maybe it would be easier for you to hate me if I said those words,” He thinks.
“You would have met him by now,” He thinks
“Maybe its time to tell the truth,” He thinks.
His phone starts vibrating on the ground. 
Making it sink more in to the sand with each vibration.
He finally looks at his phone. His eyes are red from crying.
He sees his phone lighting up with your name on it through the tiny sand rocks.
He tries to brush up his hair that sticks to his face.
Amid the sounds of waves crashing the sand, 
Despite the dark yet beautiful scenario he sits before, He only thinks of you.
He reaches for the phone.
As Wooyoung answers your call, and as he brings it onto his ear, he thinks…
“Maybe it’s time to let you go…" 
The beach was empty that night. 
Yet there was the sound of ocean waves rumbling onto the sand only to fade back away at his feet.
The beach was empty that night because people were too busy to admire the moon light reflecting on the calm waters on a Tuesday night.
The beach was empty that night and his remorse, shame and regret managed to fill the air around him. 
Making him lonelier than anyone could ever know.
Part 8: If I Leave Now… (back to “second person”)
If we only saw what we wanted to see…
What would we see?
If we only heard what we wanted to hear…
What would we hear?
“Right now all I see is the ground at my feet. I see the two years I spent with Wooyoung flashing before my eyes." 
"Right now… all I hear is the sound of the wind. My mind… is immersed in the sounds of laughter from those times I spent with him…" 
"Were they real to him?”
Your back faces Seonghwa. You were about to leave, thinking you said what needed to be said. 
“Wooyoung… I  gave it to him…”
“Did you ever get it?…” Seonghwa asks, not taking his eyes away from your sight. Expecting your answer to be “Yes” and nothing else. 
But his voice… You could hear the little trembles of insecurity and doubt.  
It’s been years since you hear Seonghwa’s voice. You can feel his gaze on you for the first time in forever.
You can’t stand to hear his shaky voice. 
You can’t bear to turn around to look at his face.
All you could think about is running away.
Runaway to find the answers. 
Runaway only to run back to the person you don’t want to see.
“I have to go…" 
"I have to talk to Wooyoung.”
You say.
You could only imagine what Seonghwa’s face looks like. Eyes wide and his soft hair brushing across his creased forehead. You knew Seonghwa enough to know that this isn’t what he wanted to hear at this moment. 
Would anyone?
You hear things you don’t want to hear.
The last thing you want to hear is that the mundane yet wondrous two years you spend with Wooyoung was a lie. 
Despite the severed feelings, you were willing to carry those memories with you because it made you happy in a puzzling way.
But now those memories, tainted with regret and bitterness. 
Just because at the start of it all, there was a lie. 
Countless thoughts go through your mind and you still can’t wrap your head around what happened today. 
Although you knew that closing your eyes, does not make this day any less real, that’s all you can bear to do. 
You close your eyes… 
You close your eyes and hope to wake up from this nightmare.
“If I leave now…”
“If I leave now, when will I see you again…”
“If I leave now… will I find my way back to you.”
The wind sweeps past you as you take a deep breath. 
You open your eyes facing the sky full of stars before letting yourself do whatever your heart desired at the moment. 
You want to see his face before you leave. 
Your eyes wander at his direction and the body carried the rest. 
Your footsteps are reaching him as he stares at you hopelessly. 
There you are… standing in front of him. 
The familiarity lingers as you step closer to him. 
He has changed so much but in your eyes, the same old Seonghwa stands before you with his hair black as the midnight sky. Eyes shimmering with tears, so close to trailing down his cheeks. 
You can’t stand to look at his face.
“I didn’t need a letter…” You speak. 
“I didn’t need a letter to know what you felt about me." 
Your voice trembles as you speak.
Your hand finds its way to his face. Cupping his soft cheeks while your fingertips touch the ends of his hair.
your face tilts as his hand traces up yours overlapping yours. He held it tight as if he’s been waiting to hold your hand forever and as if he never wanted to let it go.
"I know…" 
"I wanted to say goodbye… I’m sorry.” Seonghwa spoke with his, oh so handsome voice. 
“His voice… It’s different now." You think.
Not a care for his apology because it’s not his fault. 
It was never his fault. 
"It’s not your fault,” you say. 
Your eyes shut tight as you feel tears creeping up.
You think…
“Till next time”
“I have to go”
“What am I supposed to say?”
“If I leave now… I want to kiss you goodbye”
You think and you think, all the while your eyes wander all over his face. 
You find yourself moving closer and closer to him as he holds your hand tight. 
A kiss on his temple… 
Unable to pull away, your face lies on his cheeks as you feel his eyes close tightly. You feel his teardrops falling on to your face and trace down your neck.
“Stay,” He says. 
A kiss on the cheek. Boundaries and unspoken feelings. 
A kiss on the cheek. It makes you want more.
As if you were saying that you will be back. As if you were saying that 
“If I leave now… we will see each other again.”
“I’ll be back… I promise.” You say.
He wraps his arms around you as you were about to pull away.
“If you leave now… I promise… I will find my way too you again.”
You think about the words he said as you look outside the car window. 
Ji Yeon is at the driver’s seat. Concerned as usual.
Refreshing air is coming in as you drive past countless fields on a lonely road. You immerse in the way you felt in his arms and his comforting words that gave you butterflies. 
“What are you gonna do about Wooyoung?” Ji Yeon asks breaking your thoughts while keeping her head on the road. 
You run your fingertips through your hair, taking a deep breath. 
“Hmm… I don’t know." 
"I have to call him.”
You say with no emotion. 
Ji Yeon didn’t say anything. Maybe she knew you wanted space. 
The whole drive back to the hotel was quiet. Except for the sounds of horns and the city noises once you entered the highway. 
One problem goes away while another creeps in. 
Love is blind they say...
Maybe in another universe, we could have been together…
Maybe in another universe, he never lied to me…
Maybe in another universe, the four of us could have still been friends…
But this is the real world and If I leave now… I will find my way back to the right person.
 Part 9: I’m Okay
Sitting on the passenger’s seat. You wait as you reach your hotel room, suffocating in this silence that somehow comforts you. The sky is as dark as ever, yet the stars shine through, making you hopeful despite everything that happened today.
Is it ignorant, to feel hopeful now?
Is it selfish to feel like my future is somehow going to be better from now on?
A life without that person?
Ji Yeon is driving and you looking outside the cracked open windows. Looking at other passengers waiting to pass through traffic.
“They have no idea what happened today at the venue. They have their own lives to worry about.”
"Why do I even care about this?”
You look at Ji Yeon who is concentrating on the road.
“I’m not alone."  You think.
"Despite everything that happened today… despite everything that will happen when I finally call him, I will not be alone.”
It’s hard to look around only to realize that you’re alone. But you always had Ji Yeon. The friendship you two had was rather complicated but she was always there. Like she is now. Even though it may not seem like it.
“She has her own life… Just like those passengers waiting in traffic. Each with a story to tell on their own. Mundane, Adventurous, Tragic, Exhilarating, whichever it may be… at this moment, we’re all waiting for the traffic to pass us by.
I’m not alone… I have Ji Yeon, I have Seonghwa and the rest of the world.”
Just like those people, Ji Yeon has her own story and you were glad to be a part of it.
You let out a chuckle because of these ridiculous thoughts reeling in your mind when you should be thinking about that phone call.
“Is something on my face??”
Ji Yeon asks, not taking her eyes away from the road.
“…Oh? What do you mean?” You say whist being startled and snapping out of these absurd thoughts.
“Well for one, you’re looking at my face AND laughing- is something on my face- are you thinking about weird stuff again?” Ji Yeon says while finally looking at your direction with narrowed eyebrows, after stopping the slow-moving vehicle.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN WEIRD STUFF??” You ask as you look away, not being able to maintain eye contact.
“I don’t know… you think about one small thing and go off on meaningless ‘thought trains’ She tries to make air qutes with her hands while driving. 
“And then you space out and STARE at things LIKE MY FACEEEE jUST nOw and THEN you start smiling like some creepy- that’s weird honey-”
You can’t believe she just said that. That she called you out like that. In disbelief, you look at Ji Yeon with your mouth wide open.
Before you know it, you both start bursting out into laughter. It echoes throughout the car and out onto the highway.
“Thank you…
For being on my side.
For being in my life.”
“Like everything, this will fade away.
Just like the waves crashing onto the words scribbled on a lonely seashore… Reality awaits to crash and take away our laughter.
But I hope we can do it again.
Laugh like everything is just fine.
Laugh like our stars are aligned, exactly how we want them to be.”
You two finally reach the Hotel room after what anyone would call a quiet car ride.
You threw your phone and purse onto the bed along with yourself.
Ji Yeon placed her stuff and the car key on top of the nightstand.
“I’m gonna hit the shower, those Atinys were so damn sweaty jumping around and screaming in my ear.”
Ji Yeon says waving her hand in the air while walking into the washroom.
You let out a laugh “yeah right… Like YOU didn’t jump around and scream in MY ear”
“What do you have for Yeosang anyway? Let me guess… He’s your bias?” You say while staring on to the ceiling of the hotel room.
“Whatever.” You hear Ji Yeon say along with the sound of the shower turning on.
You were exhausted and drained of energy but you managed to sit on the edge of the bed. Your phone lays on to your side and it lights up with notifications. Notifications from meaningless advertisements and people you’d consider acquaintances. It lights up again and again as if it is inviting you to do the very thing you’ve been wanting to do when you parted ways with Seonghwa.
You hear the sound of the shower running in the background as you pick up your phone. It feels heavy. Everything… feels heavy now. The most recent phone call was from Wooyoung.
You were tired to think anymore… To deliberate whether to call or not to call him.
You take a deep breath and without a second thought, you call him. You close your eyes and open your eyes and the phone rings with Wooyoung’s name lighting up the screen.
“Wooyoung… It’s me.” You speak.
Your heart drops as you hear him say your name.
Your heart drops as you hear the waves crashing and the sound of the wind through the phone.
You know exactly where he is.
“Are you sober now?” You ask, with the most impassive voice you could muster to mask.
“How did you know-” Wooyoung stops himself realizing that you knew him better than anyone.
“So you met him… Did he tell you about it?”
“Did you figure-”
When I hang up this phone, It’s over”
You can’t listen to his voice anymore. The voice that brought so much pain to you just a few hours ago… You want to say the things you want to say and hang up.
“I’M ending this. I’M breaking up with you… Not you…
I think I deserve at least that much.”
It’s quiet on the other side, yet you could almost hear his thoughts.
There’s no need to explain why. There is no need to explain what caused all of this. He should know that better than anyone else.
After a few seconds of silence, you hear him speak.
“I’m sorry.”
Sorry doesn’t cut it.
But we’re adults now. Shouldn’t we be more mature?
We make mistakes when we are young, and carry those mistakes into adulthood.
Some people forget.
Some people forgive.
Some people grow out of them.
Is it ignorant to forgive somebody?
To forgive somebody but never want to see their face again?
Is it the “mature” thing to do?
To be okay with something that cannot be fixed?
To let go and cut ties?
To know when somebody regrets the things they’ve done?
To know that living with such regret is punishment enough for them?
For him?
The friendship, the deep-rooted bond between the four of you went above and beyond lies and secrets.
That’s what made you say…
“It’s okay.”
It’s okay because now you know.
It’s okay because maybe, he is sorry.
Because now you can end it.
And move on.
For good.
“One last thing… When I get back, I’ll come to find you…”
“Not for you… but for that letter.”
“Goodbye, Wooyoung.”
“When I hang up this phone, It’s over”
Words you say lingers in your mind as you lie on your bed once again.
You hear Ji Yeon turning off the shower and come out of the washroom.
“That was an awfully long shower Ji Yeon,” You say with a tiresome voice.
Ji Yeon nervously laughs and says “yea… sorry were you waiting for a long time?”
“No.. You’re just on time”
You get up and make your way into the shower.
“Hey, are you okay?…” Ji Yein stops you and asks.
“Yeah… It’s been a long day... I’m just tired.”
… … …
“Yeah… I’m okay.
Maybe it’s time to start believing those words.”
 Chapter 10~
To be continued…?  :) 
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millepara · 5 years
aikatsu on parade episode 18 spoilers (Raki STILL cute)
if this is the Raki PR ep then the only new coord/game content we haven’t touched in the anime yet is the MC Shining Line unit. I guess there is the unit cup but I thought that was just a gimmick to unify all the unit content added in s3... what if it is an actual thing in the anime though and that’s what they’re saving all the new s3 songs/performances they’ve blatantly glossed over for?!?!? ohh my god I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up about what are presumably the last dregs of aiparade but a monthish-long arc about actually spending time with the new units would be... ideal
seeing Hime-senpai, Koharu, and Sora at a table w Raki makes me realize that a lot of my favs (including Mirai + Hibiki) have fashion design in common... how did I miss this until now. I guess bc Yurika and Ako have nothing to do with it
Kimi no Entrance is a good song y’all are just mean (.png)...... still unable to skip past the op bc it’s too cute. I guess I don’t play it that much on the game but the fact that it’s a personal struggle to play any non-Yurika or Reflect Moon song is unrelated
the theme of this fashion show according to my beloved Hime-senpai is ‘collaboration’ and also ‘a dress unlike what you usually wear, to show a new kind of brilliance’. is Raki going to design her PR with help from someone else...?
Sora’s onpa design sketch coords are so much better than her oldkatsu ones.... I would wear any one of these.... anyway it would be really cute if Raki picked up ‘kuru kuru kyawawa’ from her
HUH her dress is basically already finished!! there’s some details that are different, but... what could the conflict for this ep possibly be at this point ;;
:o Hime-senpai wearing a dark color... she looks good in it (of course!!) what’s the design on her shirt
oh, they’re all wearing it? so some kind of fashion show logo...?
Raki’s determination to finesse her design right up until the show makes me suddenly really want to watch project runway again
I wonder if we get to see new MLH/RBP/BS designs too, even if they’re anime still shot-only? it would be a really good ep for Koharu’s PR to show up too!! not that I have a single expectation
oh SHIT it’s the best and coolest and my most fav oldkatsu performance nobody blink....... this was the first aikatsu stage that really kicked me in the face and made me rewatch it a million times, I’m really glad we got to see the Ran duet version again too!!
MINOWA HIKARIIIII!!!!!!!! AHHHH oh my god I can’t believe she gets to speak this much!!!! thank you!!! thank you!!!!!
oh, Raki’s coord is a little fancier than it was before. almost there, Raki! I believe in you!!
Hime-senpai eyecatch...... 💖
!!!! Sakuya in RBP!!! cute! (kind of weird too!) oh, apparently they’ve remembered Kaguya is still studying abroad? weird timing but I’m glad for any attempt at continuity really--hey hold on now she’s right there in the audience. what
oh, we don’t get a LPR Start Dash Sensation. I like this coord (and cgi) better though so w/e
...though apparently this appeal still reminds me of the great and terrible wrong they did to Sumire in the Starlight Queen Cup and how it irrationally tempered my view of the entirety of Akari gen. hmm!
aww, Hime-senpai put singing-voice-twin Akari in MLH. Hime-senpai’s smile is still the most beautiful though
I mean, that is a really cute ribbon. one of the cutest, I’d say
PR Raki is sooooo cute and adorable and precious!! I’m so proud of her... whoa, wait, is this the first time she’s said her brand name in the anime? that can’t be, right?? unfortunately I haven’t payed close enough attention this season to remember ;; I’ve failed my chosen profession of aikatsu professor.. .  .
I wonder what the Maple in Maple Ribbon is for? her hair color or something? they could’ve chosen literally any sweets word, why that one? guess I’ll never know
the cutest version of Kimi no Entrance yet. I like the movement all those ribbons lend to her coord.
a color-changing aura!! of course.
suddenly unbelievably depressed that Tsubaki is still chasing Sena around, clueless as to why he won’t spare her a glance... please, find yourself a new designer, that one’s never going to work out. you deserve better than Akari’s castoffs....
next time is a valentine’s ep, so ofc M4 show up, and also... the sweets image girls? that’s an, interesting, combo.............
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embersrevived · 5 years
Send me >_
It would seem that her present anime binging companion had really gotten into the spirit of the event, really before they had begun the first episode. While she did appreciate his enthusiasm for the titular theme song of the old 90s anime they had just begun … No. No, she wouldn’t say a word. He was clearly enjoying himself. As was she, despite finding herself in the midst of an ever so slightly awkward scenario at the moment. It would be a rather mean to dampen her comrade’s spirits with an unnecessary (and uncalled for) slight critique of his vocal abilities. Or showing any reaction that was in any way indicative of the sensitivity of her tympanic membrane (and/or selective misophonia in general) to his attempted vocals. 
The moder’s voice only proceeded to amplify in volume as the music during the song’s uplifting refrain became more intense. A dissonance of high-pitched warbles attempting to match the theme song’s intensity with a bit of bolstering from Shiro’s own enthusiastic anticipation for the start of the obscure season. 
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Chuckling, she patted Shiro’s shoulder, both as a quiet acknowledgement of his little … performance. Also as a gentle reminder that everyone should perhaps lower their voices prior to the start of the next episode so that they may direct their attention to the dialogue that was to ensue. After all, it wasn’t every day that one revisited the cheesy albeit simultaneously dark themed origins of a much beloved classic anime and card game. 
…And there were twenty-four episodes they were going to plow through, hopefully he didn’t intend to burst into a spontaneous sing-a-long session each time the Season 0 theme started playing. Perhaps she should consider fastforwarding that part for the future episodes? 
“Wow, that Ushio guy really looks like he could fit right in that Jojo anime, doesn’t he? He’s akin to that Brand Dino guy’s less attractive, green-haired cousin or something…” She giggled, albeit somewhat nervously, hoping that her failed attempt to draw parallels betwixt the two animes would distract her binge buddy from belting out any more vocals. 
Honestly, perhaps Nadir shouldn’t have been so hard on Shiro’s singing, she wasn’t exactly Idol or X-factor material herself. And good gods, hopefully Shiro would call her out and clarify for her what “Brand Dino’s” actual name was. Perhaps this way she’d finally stop trying to pretend like she could make references to other anime that she in reality had zero clue about.  
And oh lord, someone please stop her before she delved into a nonsensical babble about the titular “Joseph Johnsonstar” character. 
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quillbetweenboots · 5 years
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A sequel to PLEDGE
by Lala J. Thorpe
Pairing: Uruha x Rin; Kai x Nacchii
Rating: M
             “Aishiteru yo.”
           The phrase kept ringing to Rin’s ears as if it had become a sweet lullaby for her. She was certain that Uruha was able to keep his promises in spite of those immense obstacles they had gone through. The feelings of affection erupted inside her since he was finally discharged from hospital in which Rin was appointed by Uruha’s band-mates to be his personal caregiver. She must be careful in case the paparazzi caught her.
           Some gigs were postponed due to Uruha’s recovery. The doctor suggested that they must not take risk before his wound was completely healed. Both Rin and Uruha grew closer and had gone more affectionate towards each other. She often spent the night in his penthouse to keep him company.
           It was a month before Rin’s departure to Paris for the college enrolment. But the doubt had been clouding her mind since she and Uruha were getting inseparable even though Paris always became a special topic in their conversation. The marriage planning also got more vivid. Deep down, she wished she hadn’t registered for the French university in the first place if it meant to be separated from her beloved guitarist. She wanted to stay where Uruha was and lived as a common college student in Japan.
           “Have you prepared everything for your departure?” asked Nacchii one day in her flat.
           Rin didn’t answer.
         “Rin, you okay? You’ve been occupied with heavy thoughts since yesteday. Is something bothering you?” Nacchii shook Rin’s body lightly.
           “Ne, Nacchii. Do you think Sensei’s proposal to me is a bad idea?”
           “What are you talking about?! Of course not! You both are smitten to each other and I can see Sensei is so head-over-heels in love with you.” Nacchii almost snapped.
           Rin chuckled dryly. “I feel that too. That’s why I’ve made a decision.”
           “What decision?”
           “I’m not gonna leave for France. I want to stay here. With Sensei, with you and Kai-san, with the rest of the band members. I can’t leave Sensei alone, Nacchii. It’s hard to think clearly when I’m away from him when dirty gossips about the band is going to fill the papers. My anxiety of course will get worse. I don’t want my depression to come back haunting me once again.”
           Nacchii’s jaw dropped hearing her best-friend’s statement. She was too taken aback to respond.
           “Rin…you’re joking, right?”
           Rin shook her head. “No, I’m not.”
           “What the hell are you saying? Are you gonna just abandon your big dream just to stay here with your boyfriend?! What is he gonna say if he learns about it, Rin?! Do you think Sensei will let you do this for the sake of him?!” Nacchii grabbed Rin’s shoulders hoping that it was just a silly prank.
           But Rin stayed affirmed. “I knew you’d be mad at me for this sudden decision. But I’ve made up my mind. I won’t go.”
           Nacchii loosened her grip and fell in disbelief. “You’re so unbelievable.”
 The next day….
           Nacchii was pacing inside her apartment whilst clutching on her phone to ease her nerve. Kai’s name was visible on the screen but she was still hesitate to tap the call button. It had been a week since their last meeting. Their last bedding, precisely. Kai had been busy with the band for the tour preparation that he had no time to ring her. She had been craving for his cute giggle and his touch. Her palms felt sweaty. She didn’t want to be a disturbance for him but she had to do it.
           “Moshi moshi.”
           “Ah! Moshi moshi! Ogawa Nacchii desu.”
           “Hi, what’s up? I’m sorry I haven’t been able to text you. How are you?” He said cheerily from the other line.
           “I’m fine, thanks. Am I disturbing you, Kai?”
           “Err, I just finished a meeting with the band and staffs. Do you need something?”
           Nacchii gulped. “A-actually, I want to talk about something. I’d like us to meet too of course. If…that’s possible?”
           “My my, have you been missing me that much, little girl? It really can’t wait, huh?” Kai let out his giggle which caused her stomach to flutter.
           “Y-yes…” she stammered.
           “Erm…how about dinner tomorrow? And you-know-what afterwards?”
           Her hand rubbed the back of her neck to cool down the sudden high temperature. “That will be fine.”
           “Alright then, let’s meet up at our usual spot tomorrow at 7.”
           “Ano…could you please ask Uruha-sensei to join us?”
           <Nacchii’s POV>
           At the cafe
           I arrived ten minutes earlier to our agreed time. Sitting at our favourite spot at the corner close to the window, my eyes wandered through the peaceful environment outside this place. I never quite fancied a luxury place where I had to dress up like a respectable lady just to have a dinner with my boyfriend. Thankfully, Kai understood it as long as we could avoid the excessive crowd.
           I glanced at my watch counting down the second while trying to slow down this tension. It wouldn’t be a date with just the two of us but another person which happened to be my primary concern here. A few minutes later, the sight of Kai with brown leather jacket, black fedora, and ray-ban glasses came into the view followed by Uruha-sensei. My heart skipped a bit beholding their gentlemanly gestures whilst approaching my seat.
           I stood up and bowed at them. “Minna-san, konbanwa.”
Kai took a seat beside me and Uruha-sensei in front of me.
“I’ve brought Uruha with me. What do you wanna talk about?” Kai enquired, circling his muscular arm around my shoulders.
“I presume this is important?”
I cleared my throat and straightened my position. “I’m sorry if it sounds so sudden. It’s about Rin, Sensei.”
“Rin? What about her?” the confusion was drawn upon his concealed eyes.
“It’s exactly a month before her departure to France, right? Yesterday…Rin told me something.”
“What is it?”
I gulped before collecting my breath to continue. “That she has decided to not go to France. She wants to stay here. She doesn’t want to be apart from you, Sensei. It’s also about her anxiety disorder which may endanger your long-distance relationship.”
“Chotto matte!” Kai jolted up. “Then she wishes to cancel her departure? And her college enrolment too?!”
I nodded and kept clutching on my sweaty hands.
Sensei’s jaw dropped. “Did she really?”
“That’s what she said to me.”
The brief silent fell among us. The news I brought had smashed the shit out of Sensei. I looked down on my hands upon my red plaid shirt before Kai slowly took it in his warm palm.
“That’s why…I’d like to ask you, Sensei. Please speak to Rin. Persuade her, force her to reconsider her decision. It’s something she’s gonna regret later. We’ve been best friends for so long and I know how much she has been fighting for her dreams through blood, sweat, and tears. Her journey through this was not an easy one. Please, Sensei. Do whatever it takes to keep her from staying because she’s the stubborn one. I beg you. For the sake of Rin and her long-life dreams.”
Uruha-sensei rubbed his face with both of his hands. He was quietened down from listening to my plea. I knew this must be flabbergasting for him as he himself also witnessed how hard she fought at the last minute before national exams. He was the one who gave her a crucial hand to achieve her goal.
“Well…” He cleared his throat. “Thank you for telling me this, Ogawa-san.”
The dinner went uncomfortably quiet. Sensei had to leave early before he finished his dessert. The last thing that caught my eyes was how Sensei’s lips quivered to keep his composure before bidding us good night.
“Ne, Kai. Am I at fault here for telling Uruha-sensei? It feels like I’ve betrayed my own best friend,” I asked while stirring my melted chocolate ice cream.
He shifted his seat closer to mine. He gave my head a reassuring pat. “I think Uruha is really grateful for learning about this. Nazenara, kare wa kimi tachi no sensei deshita ne? Of course he wants the best for his beloved student. Even though he seems to be emotionally unavailable outside, yet deep down he really cares for his close ones. Especially his own girlfriend.”
I nodded at him. “Somehow I felt relieved though.”
Kai pinched my chubby cheek softly. “Don’t look so concerned. He’s a big man. He knows what to do. Now….” He leant forward to my ear and whispered. “Where should we be going after this?”
 <Nacchii’s POV ends>
 The thoughts were clouding Uruha’s mind since the dinner a few hours ago. It was past midnight already but he was yet feeling drowsy and this sudden fever came approaching him. A can of beer was standing on the patio table. The news had struck him like a lightning bolt. As much as he loved having Rin beside him, he really couldn’t let her chance slip away. Rin had fought so hard to finally arrive in this step.
“Do whatever it takes to keep her from staying because she’s the stubborn one. I beg you. For the sake of Rin and her long-life dreams.”
Nacchii’s words kept ringing in his head. She begged him to do anything to make Rin carry on with her dreams. Those words implied that he had to do anything even the cruellest way to his young lady.
“Gomen, Rin.”
He typed a short message for Rin before getting drowned into more delirium.
 <Uruha’s POV>
After parking my Aston Martin, I walked off to the riverside of Sumida Park where the cherry blossoms started to signal the early spring. The park was adorned with night city lamps reflected upon the river. I had asked her to meet me here as it happened to be her favourite city spot.
“Ah! Sensei, konbanwa!”
I turned to the voice source and found Rin there, standing up five metres away from me and found  her imposing figure dressed up in her favourite knee-length gold ochre skirt and sleeveless shirt covered in black bolero. Her long raven-coloured hair was set loose. She wore her brightest smile which caused my stomach to turn.
“Konbanwa.” I replied coldly.
“You look good, Sensei,” she complimented.
“So do you.”
“You asked me to meet you here. What’s our plan for tonight?”
“You’re in a good mood, aren’t you?”
“I am! Let us take a walk!” She took my hand and pulled me to walk with her.
“Rin, matte. I just want to talk to you,” I said before she could go on.
“Huh? Dou ka shimasu ka?” She asked me with that pure expression. Rin, I swore you’re driving me insane with that sweet face of yours. I felt the lump in my throat that I couldn’t respond her straight away. I reluctantly pulled away my hand from her soft grip.
“I want to break up with you.”
The night breeze felt so much colder now. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.
“What…?” She spoke with severely trembling voice, attempting to manage her heavy breathing. Those dark brown eyes already glistened with tears. One tear slid down her rosy cheek. Oh Rin, how I wish I could wipe your tears away. This urge to pull her into an embrace was unbearable that I had to turn away from glancing any further at her face contorted in obvious pain.
“But why? After all we’ve been going through? After all those promises you made that you’ll give everything to make me happy? What about our marriage plan, Sensei? What about—“
I scoffed loudly before she could continue. “You don’t understand, Rin.”
“Then pray tell me!” She almost yelled. “Where did I do wrong, Sensei? Sensei, look at me!” She shook my body almost violently.
I sighed loudly before forcing myself to scowl at her.
“D’you know what? You’re just a bundle of nuisance to me. Did you really think I was serious about our marriage? I’m in a band, Rin. And you becoming my wife will just be a pain in the ass for me from broadening my career to the world. You’re still a child. So stop nagging me and get back to your dream of becoming a literature academician in France.”
With that last horrible sentence, I released myself from her grip to march away and left her standing petrified with large amount of pain dominating her. My chest was burning with ache from seeing her choking in tears as I walked with vast steps. The mental image of her dropping to the ground crying her heart out was playing inside my head. Please, forgive me, Rin. My head kept repeating apologetic words inside even though all I did was unforgiveable. I’m sorry I had to tell that horrible lie. But I love you. I love you from the very bottom of my heart that I can’t let you abandon your lifelong dream just to stay with this terrible rotten guy.
I leant back to my driver’s seat headrest as I closed the car door. Turning up the air conditioner, my eyes caught a picture of me and Rin on the dashboard. It was taken right before the graduation ceremony with her holding a bouquet of sunflowers I gave her. Her smile was bright as ever. The tears I had been holding were finally flow down on my cheeks before I knew it. Resting my head on the steering wheel, my mind flew back to the horrific incident where I was nearly murdered from protecting her that day. This love for her was no joke. Just let me suffer from this burden alone as long as she got to chase her dream.
<Uruha’s POV ends>
             The annoying tick tock sound of the clock was filling the dim desolate room where a girl was lying on the floor staring blankly at the ceiling. Her hand was clutching on her chest. It was nearly midnight and she tried so hard to muffle her sobs from getting worse. Her encounter with Uruha had left a massive wound within her heart. But it also left her a big question mark. How could someone be so swift in changing feelings after all he had done to her?
“Rin, are you awake?”
The knocking sound startled her. She got up to open the door where she found her best friend standing with that concerned look upon her face.
“Oh, Rin…” Nacchii quickly pulled her into a hug. The sobs that Rin had been holding were now flowing freely. She was weeping so hard in Nacchii’s embrace as it had become too much to hold alone.
“Sshhh…let it all out. I’m here,” Nacchii said as she herself tried her hard not to cry. Rubbing Rin’s back slowly, she carefully brought her to sit on the bed without letting go from her embrace.
“Nacchii…!” The weeping got louder. Nacchii couldn’t say anything except comforting Rin. The two young ladies stayed in disgruntled silence with the sound of Rin’s sobs saturating the room. Recalling how she told Uruha about this, a large lump suddenly appeared in her throat regretting her action which had brought a heartache to her best friend. But she didn’t expect that Uruha would do such thing instead of making a slow persuasion to Rin. As much as Rin was hurt, she knew that Uruha held more unbearable pain from telling that lie.
Nacchii stayed there listening to Rin’s long sobs and rant without for one second thinking about leaving her sleeping alone that night. A realisation hit her when she caught a glimpse of several fresh knife cuts upon Rin’s arms with a little blood still trying to escape from her flesh. She felt extremely guilty for every pain her best friend currently suffered from.
 A month later (Narita Airport)
The chatter of people was overheard through every corner of the airport. It was 7:30 in the evening and the flight to Paris was about to be announced in a few minutes. After a dramatic farewell with Nacchii and Kai with overflowing tears, Rin finally was able to breathe properly. A breakup with Uruha had taken its toll on her during the last four weeks. Nacchii tried her best to help her get back to her initial plan of leaving for Paris.
“I’m gonna miss you so much!” said Nacchii with croaky voice whilst giving her a really tight hug.
“Me too. Be fine without me.”
“Take care, Mizuno-chan. Let’s meet up if we have the chance to do a European tour,” added Kai tapping Rin’s head.
European tour, huh? Uruha had talked about it over and over how he really wanted to do this tour planning carefully and more seriously. Everything about him was still fresh inside her head. And thinking about him once again brought back the ache. Hoping those all wouldn’t come back haunting her once she set her feet on France. The flight announcement was delivered and it was finally the time.
“Here we go.” Straightening up her clothes and fixing her glasses, she inhaled and exhaled before walking on. She checked on her documents once again before being examined by the staffs.
But someone was running on his fastest speed to reach for Rin. He looked around to find the sight of tall long-haired girl in the midst of the crowd. And there he saw her.
When Rin was about to hand her documents to the staff, the voice echoed through the hall.
She turned around and found Uruha with sunglasses but she could see there was a slight of devastation upon his face. He was wearing a crumpled blue shirt with two top buttons open.
“Sensei?” A twinge emerged inside her chest.
Suddenly, there was a tear visibly escaping his glasses. As shocked as it was, Rin was too confused and anxious as the queue was awaiting. She kept staring at Uruha and her puffy eyes were too obvious to be witnessed by him. But she ought to walk on before the staffs warned her.
She looked at him once again who’s standing still with his visible chest heaving up and down. Tears already welled up in her eyes and began clouding her glasses. The line was pushing her as she had very little time to have the last glimpse from the guitarist.
Her chest felt so heavy and she burst into tears. But relief also gushed inside her. Uruha blew a kiss and waved at her clumsily while he alone bit his lips to hold his sniffle.
Rin waved back and mouthed at him quietly. “Sayonara, Sensei.”
“Good bye, Rin. Until we meet again,” he replied under his breath.
 Autumn in Paris
<Rin’s POV>
Jeez, I hated it when the professor exceeded the actual time and he was non-stop talking about unrelated history instead of the exact Milton and Neo Classical Age. This subject attracted me since I first laid eyes on the course, yet apparently the teaching method wasn’t quite my favourite. It was four fifteen in the afternoon and most of my classmates had demonstrated their yawns. I stared outside the window where the yellow brownish leaves already appeared. It was September in the middle of autumn. A rather loud sigh escaped my mouth while tapping my pen on my notes. This class didn’t get any more boring. Suddenly a LINE notification popped up on my phone screen.
「水野ちゃん、元気か?」 04:16 p.m.
[I hope I don’t disturb your study. I just landed in Paris this morning with the lads.] 04:16 p.m.
[Tomorrow is our show. I’d like us to have dinner tonight if it’s convenient for you.] 04:17 p.m.
I nearly choked once I tapped the read button. My heart was beating rapidly which caused this sudden nausea to emerge. These hands began to tremble as I read his text over and over again.
                                                               04:19 p.m. [Good afternoon, Kai-san. I’m fine thanks.]
                               04:19 p.m. [I’m glad you landed safely. Please enjoy Paris by any means!]
                                                                        04.19 p.m. [おライブでがんばってください! ^^]
         04:20 p.m. [I’ll be happy to have dinner with you, Kai-san. Thank you for the invitation.]
 [Let’s meet up at 8 then. I’ll text you the place later.] 04:23 p.m.
「じゃあまたね!;)」 04:23 p.m.
             My mind wandered if he too would be there. We hadn’t contacted each other properly since that bitter goodbye in Narita. We’d been busied with new activities. Once the class dismissed, I roughly shoved all my stuffs into my rucksack and ran home.
Later that evening, I walked down along Champs-Élysées Avenue to meet Kai-san at Le Fouquet’s. He mentioned he wanted to arrive earlier to try its signature dishes. The roads started to be crowded. It was still bright but the city lamps already emblazoned the sidewalks beautifully.
Once I entered this fancy place, I looked around to find the drummer who was dressed in black denim jacket.
I nearly jumped when somebody tapped on my shoulder.
“Kai-san! Hontou ni bikurishita!” And he already gave me his sweet giggle. He led me to his seat where I also discovered another surprise.
“NACCHII???!!!!” I almost screamed as I saw my best friend sitting there dressed up in black hoodie, brown wig, and big spectacles.
“Sshhh! Lower down your voice! They’re gonna hear you,” Kai-san warned me.
“Hi! Mi-zu-no-chan,” she greeted emphasising every syllable of my surname.
“Wh-what are you doing here? You said you’re having very tight schedules with your classes. And Kai-san, where are the others?!” I enquired.
“Calm down calm down. I ran away from the others to have a quiet night with this bestie of yours. Just so you know, she sneaked up inside the plane where I and the crew were in,” explained him.
Nacchii showed me a peace sign while sticking her tongue out.
“Screw you, bitch!” I slapped her lightly.
“Oh by the way, I’m sorry to inform you that you are not to be seated with us tonight,” said Kai-san.
“W-wait what? So?”
“There.” He turned me around and pointed at a seat at the corner. “I see that somebody is expecting you.
There was a familiar figure sitting facing the window with his back on me. The shoulder-length hair was too conspicuous for me to not notice. He was wearing a dark grey t-shirt and sipping his hot drink idly.
“Go greet ‘im.” Nacchii pushed me slowly. I looked back at them both for a second before slowly walking towards the person at the corner. There was this buckle under my feet causing me to nearly stumble. My heart was thumping so wild with every step I took. When I got closer, my eyesight was getting blurry too. Damn this anxiety! I reluctantly positioned myself in front of him trying not to surprise him.
He looked up at me with the sunglasses still on. Then, he showed me a soft smile before standing up.
“Konbanwa.” He bowed.
“K-konbanwa.” I bowed back while keeping my composure.
“Have a seat.”
I nodded and sat in front of him where I finally noticed his beautiful side profile whilst talking to the waiter asking for a menu for me. That sharp jawline, his long slightly bearded chin, and ducky lips were too much for me to handle after all these long months.
“Hisashiburi da na,” he spoke.
“Hisashiburi desu.”
“How’s life going here? I’m sorry I couldn’t manage to contact you frequently. It’s been tough the last few months,” he apologised.
“Uun. Daijoubu desu. I understand you got a lot to do at home for this tour’s preparation. So, it’s okay. I’m glad at lease we’re able to see each other again here.”
He giggled softly without looking away from me. “You look beautiful, Rin.”
The butterflies inside my tummy got wilder and I felt this sudden seat crept up upon my cheeks.
“Sensei mo…kakkoii desu yo.”
The dinner went well although it was filled with awkwardness in first minutes but Sensei managed to bring out some interesting topics. He didn’t change much since the last time we had a date except that longer hair. I told him about my struggles with culture shock here and many things about my study which exceeded my expectation about literature major. We talked and laughed at everything. Sensei might not be as humourist as Reita-san but the soft voice of his laugh always snatched my sanity away.
An hour later, he asked me to take a walk along Champs-Élysées Avenue which I directly agreed. Nacchii and Kai-san had escaped to somewhere ‘safe’. We stopped in front of a performing street musician with his acoustic guitar who’s surrounded by tourists, when all of a sudden, Sensei slipped his warm large hand on mine and held it tight. And once again the blush on my cheeks intensified.
We continued walking and when we were in the middle of a quiet alley, he suddenly stopped.
“Hm? Doushita no?”
Sensei removed his glasses and put them inside his pocket which now I was able to witness his beautiful orbs. He gripped my shoulders and stared at me deeply. Then, he pulled me into his embrace and held me tight like it was the end. I rested my head upon his chest and hugged him back, losing myself into his fragrance.
“I missed you so much, Rin,” he whispered in creaky voice.
I shut my eyes and tightened my hug. “I missed you too, Sensei. It’s been a while.”
I could feel the wild thumps inside his chest and his heavy breath. He put a gentle kiss on top of my head while running his hand through my hair. After burying his head on my shoulder for a sec, he pulled away to put a deep gaze on me. Tilting his head, he leant closer and kissed me. It was a soft kiss at first, but he demanded me to open my mouth to be fully claimed by him. I circled my hands around his neck as he deepened the kiss.
“Rin…I need you.” And his kiss continued to my neck giving me the goose-bumps.
“Nghh…” A soft groan escaped me. As I gripped his jacket firmly, I felt this bulge growing inside Sensei’s jeans. Sensei kept giving his warm touch when suddenly his large hand landed on my breast.
“S-sensei, matte kudasai!” I forced him to stop when a sign of guilt was shown on his face.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” he apologised quickly.
“That’s not it.” I took both of his hands. “If we wish to continue, we should move from here. I don’t want the media to find us unguarded in public area.”
We rushed to his hotel which took 20-minute-walking. By the time we got into his room, we stared at each other for a moment to take a breath. Some suspicious eyes followed us along the way that Sensei had to pull me into a run.
Sensei took my hands and caressed them.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked. “I understand if you don’t want to continue. And I…don’t want to jeopardise your future.”
I gazed deeply into his eyes which were full of desire and untold emotion. Questioning myself if I were bold enough, I pulled myself together to nod at him vehemently.
“Yes. But…please be gentle with me.”
Sensei nodded giving his approval. His warm hand started caressing my cheek mildly while we kissed. Our kiss deepened as to fight for dominance. He took of his jacket and tossed it somewhere without stopping his touch on me. My hands slowly ran through his flesh inside his tee. His kiss continue trailing to my neck as his fingers also began to unbutton the two top buttons of my shirt. He paused for a moment when his hand landed on my breast before taking off his t-shirt showing off his lean muscles. I went on unbuttoning my shirt with trembling hands to reveal my breasts. Brushing my hair away from my shoulder, he swept his tongue hungrily inside my mouth and continued its journey to my neck giving it a suction of pleasure.
Sensei’s lips arrived at my collarbone and gave it numerous of hickeys. His right hand reached for my back and unhooked my bra. Sensei grabbed my waist and gently placed my body upon the white-covered bed. He paused to look at me and through my uncovered body.
“What’s wrong?” I asked nervously.
He shook his head and smiled. “I’m just admiring how beautiful you are.”
Sensei positioned himself on top of me carefully. His mouth went on sucking my bosom with his fingers started playing with my nipple.
“Let me make you mine tonight.”
“Nghhh…Sensei…!” A soft moan escaped my lips as I ran my hand through his silky hair and held onto his neck.  I arched back as he made contact with my breasts, cupped my nipple, and circled it with his tongue. His hot breath tickled my flesh whispering sweet nothing between his kisses. This erecting sensation inside his ripped jeans was getting bigger.
His left hand caught my breast and gave it a light massage causing my vagina to dampen. Trailing his kisses down to my belly with his fingers caressing my thighs, he pulled down my skirt and rubbed my already wet pants before removing it too. The warm tongue once again transferred an unbearable sensation upon my vagina.
“Aakkhh!” I nearly scream when I felt a finger came inside my womanhood.
“Hold it,” he whispered before adding one more finger into it.
“AAKH! S-sensei, itaihh!” I groaned in pain as I grabbed his hair to hold on. The desire inside was becoming an inferno. Sensei released his fingers and began unbuttoning his jeans to reveal his already bulging manhood. We both were fully naked. He took my hand and place it on his junior.
“Go caress him,” he commanded with seductive voice.
I nervously groped his manhood and pampered it as gentle as possible with my amateur touch. Sensei was hissing and moaning with pleasure when I touched its tip and felt the pre-cum liquid releasing itself.
“Enough with the foreplay. I want you.” He couldn’t help but showed off his smirk. His dazzling orbs sparkled with lust.
Sensei adjusted his weight on top of me before slowly thrusting his member into me.
“Nghh! AAAKKHHHHH!!!” It was like an abrupt electrocution striking inside me. He began to move his throbbing junior with steady rhythm. My mind forgot all his initial casual caring and could only think of burning passion that would explode at any moment.
“Gosh…you’re so tight. Hnngg…akh!” He groaned as he began to claim my lips with wild kiss. Gentle bites were given to my lower lips and neck. His thrusts were now hard and fast.
“Aaaaahhh….i-itai…” My ovaries were throbbing with this unfamiliar pleasure. I began to feel a tremor in my lower stomach as I knew my orgasm was approaching within two or more movements from him.
“Senseiihh….” I dug my nails on his back.
“God, Rin, I need you. I need you so much…” His pleading and gentle but brutal movement caused my mind to go blank. We’re both now covered in beads of sweat. A loud moan escaped his mouth with the potential orgasm nearing its peak.
“R-Rin…I’m gonna cum.” And then there was this warm sensation inside my ovaries. Reaching my climax, my walls were tightening along with his cum inside me.
He finally released himself and lay down on top of me between my breasts. We were panting so hard with this pleasure. I ran my hand through his muscular upper arm and towards his lovely-scented hair. He reluctantly lifted his torso to look at me. Caressing my sweaty forehead gently, he gave it a tender kiss.
“That was amazing,” he whispered connecting our brows, before lying down beside me.
He continued running his fingers through my damp hair when suddenly a frown appeared on his face.
“I’m sorry for telling you that horrible lie,” he confessed. “I know I shouldn’t have done that if it caused you that much pain. I was devastated for doing that to you.”
I shook my head. “Daijoubu yo. I understood you did it so that I would go on pursuing my dreams, right?”
“But still. I couldn’t look at your pained expression any longer that night. I was overcome with extreme guilt after what you’ve done to me. Soshite, Nacchii told me about how depressed you were after that break up.” He took my right arm to see the scars from those knife cuts. Giving them tender wet kisses, he continued. “I’m…really sorry for causing you so much pain, Rin. Hontou ni sumanakatta.” His voice got creaky with that last sentence.
“I’ve already forgiven you, Sensei, by the time you showed up at Narita before my departure. And I was really glad you came. Please don’t feel guilty anymore because we’re now together again, deshou?” I assured him.
“Can we start anew, Rin?”
“Of course we can.”
Sensei pulled me tightly into his warm embrace.
“Hontou ni kokoro kara aishiteru yo.”
5 notes · View notes
feafankids · 5 years
Cato/Tempest Support Log (C-S)
The first two fankids in our long support log are Cato (son of Aversa) and Tempest (daughter of Frederick)! Written by Ruu and edited by Tana.
C Support
Tempest (neutral): Training’s done, the stew is simmering, we have plenty of firewood. Miranda and Jordan say the med tent is finely stocked, and same to the weapons tent.
Tempest (pleased): *sigh* Seems I finally have a second to myself.
Tempest: Ah, how lovely. A moment for me... Hm.
Tempest (neutral): ...
Tempest: No one will notice if I just... * leaves*
((Scene Transition))
Tempest (pleased): Ah, I thought it would be pretty here. I’m glad I could finally investigate.
Tempest: I know Papa will adore these flowers for sure.
(enter Cato)
Cato (playful): Terrifying Tempest, is that you?
Tempest (neutral): Huh?!
Cato (neutral): Of course it is. Why should I suspect anyone else.
Tempest (stern): How did you find me, Cato?
Cato: I looked around camp everywhere for you. Had a question about cleaning weapons.
Tempest (neutral): You were looking for me? Wait—You were going to actually DO something?
Cato (sleepy): Shocker, I know. My sword’s all scratched up.
Tempest: Well, there should be more cleaning rags and wax in the weapons tent.
Cato (neutral): Checked. Nothing.
Tempest: Hmm. That’s awfully strange. I suppose someone must have finished it off.
Tempest (injured): Well I do know one thing—
Cato: And that is?
Tempest: The innards of this plant here is used to make wax and provides a similar sheen. It would make your sword look better until we can see an armourer.
Cato: You’re a flowers-dork?
Tempest (neutral): I dabble in garden management. I spent many a day in my childhood amongst the forests of Ylisse.
Cato: And I’ve got a rag. Mind if I join you?
Tempest: If you wish.
B Support
Cato: Hey Tempest, thanks for that tip. My sword looks better than ever.
Tempest: Hm, I’m glad.
Cato: What was that flower again?
Tempest: Bathing Beauty.
Cato (happy): Pfft.
Tempest (please): Haha.
Cato (neutral): Hey look at me for a sec.
Tempest (carefree): What—*laugh* Cato why are you so close? Gods, just grab my face why don’t you.
Cato (serious): Your eyes are bloodshot.
Tempest (neutral): ...
Tempest (injured): I suppose I’m just tired.
Cato: Come to think of it, I didn’t see you come back to camp last night after cleaning the sword...
Cato: Tempest, were you out there all night long?
Tempest (stern): I don’t think it’s any of your business, Cato.
Cato: We marched today too!
Tempest: I’ve seen much worse in the future. A simple overnighter will not be the death of me.
Cato: Yeah but over-exhaustion will. You really should sleep.
Tempest (injured): I wish I could, but when there’s jobs to do I can’t sleep. And there is always work.
Cato: Why?
Tempest: Because it’s my nature.
Cato (disgusted): Bad Tempest!
Tempest (neutral): I beg your pardon?
Cato: Just because lazy buggers like me do our jobs horribly doesn’t mean you have to pick up the slack. That’s for the adults to worry about.
Tempest (remorse): But we came back to save our parents—
Cato (neutral): And they gotta put in the work to survive. We both do. And are you good to old Freddybear dead?
Tempest (Injured): Gods, you call him that too?
Cato (serious): Would he be joyous and happy if his daughter died?
Tempest: ...I suppose not.
Cato: Right. Now you’re enrolled in Professor Cato’s Relaxation Routine.
Cato (neutral): Now, what makes you calm?
Tempest (neutral): Doing odd jobs around camp.
Cato (serious): Not that.
Cato (neutral): You like nature right?
Tempest: Yes, I enjoy nature.
Cato (flirty): Then c’mon.
Cato: We’re going to pick flowers or something! Lay in a field or whatever! You’re gonna relax!
Tempest (stern): Cato? Cato! Don’t go into that patch!
A Support
Cato (disgusted): A...A...ACHOO!
Cato: This gods-damned rash is burning my whole body. Fuc—
Tempest (stern): I told you not to go into that bush.
Cato (distressed): I was tryna get you relaxed!
Tempest (neutral): It’s on your face too. Here, Brady said to keep applying the lotion every half hour.
Cato (serious): I can do it myself.
Tempest: You can’t see, now come here.
Tempest (neutral): My, you have very pretty eyes. Crimson, just like the autumn leaves in the north.
Cato (flirty): Sounds like you’ve been spending time with Kimi...
Tempest: ...
Tempest (pleased): There.
Cato (neutral): Why are you sitting back down?
Tempest (neutral): Because I’m going to stay with you.
Cato: You ain’t gonna run off and save the rest of the camp?
Tempest: No.
Tempest: My friend needs my help. A knight pledges herself to the people before the kingdom.
Tempest: A kingdom is nothing without its people.
Cato: ...
Tempest: Do you need anything?
Cato (disgusted): I want this freaking rash to stop flaring up but that’s not happening.
Tempest: Well I suppose we have time to kill then.
Tempest: May I ask questions about you?
Cato (neutral): Shoot.
Tempest: Why do you shy from my touch?
Cato (distressed): Gods.
Tempest: I’m serious. Every time you come close you seem pained. And when I approach you move away like I burnt you.
Tempest (remorse): ...Do I make you uncomfortable?
Cato (serious): *sigh* Gods...
Cato: No Tempest, it’s just some junk from childhood.
Cato: Nothing I want to get into.
Tempest (injured): Ah. My apologies.
Cato (neutral): I’m trying to get better. Hence why I was so touchy with you before. I thought you could help me with it.
Tempest (neutral, blush): Do I ease you?
Cato: You have a presence I enjoy.
Tempest: Thank you.
Cato: I probably should’ve told you.
Tempest (pleased): Perhaps.
Cato: I’ll try to do better. But, as a friend, could you just be a little easier with me?
Tempest: I will be as gentle as buds on a blooming flower.
Cato (happy): Thanks Temmie.
Tempest: You’re quite welcome.
Tempest: Truth be told, this confession makes me want to take your lessons to heart.
Tempest: We could both become better people together.
Cato (neutral): Oh?
Tempest: Yes. So you have to hurry up and get well so I can learn how to relax.
Cato: If it’s the healer’s orders...
S Support
Cato (neutral): Asters, violets, Black-eyed Susans... There’s scorpion grass and baby’s breath... Think that will be okay?
Tempest (neutral): What do you have there?
Cato (happy): Temmie! Hey...
Tempest: What have you behind your back Cato?
Cato (flirty): It’s just a little thank you gift. For taking care of the camp and me.
Tempest: I can go if it’s not ready...
Cato (neutral): Nah, just... Close your eyes? For me?
Tempest: Of course.
Cato: ...
Cato: There.
Cato: Okay, open ‘em.
Tempest (blush, pleased): A flower bouquet! How sweet.
Cato: I grabbed them for you. Astrid gave me some guidance.
Cato: I even gave her a high five after.
Tempest: That’s wonderful progress!
Tempest (neutral): I also stopped training with Kjelle before we both fell over. A vast improvement from working to exhaustion.
Cato: That’s really great Tempest.
Cato: I’m sorta proud of both of us...
Tempest: As am I. We’re both making great improvements in short time.
Tempest: These flowers look wonderful.
Cato (blush): You like ‘em?
Tempest: I adore them. May I?
Cato: *breath in* If I can try something after.
Cato: Thanks, but they’re your flowers.
Tempest: Yet you look lovely with them. Scorpion grass looks wonderful with your shade of hair…
Tempest: Anyways, you wanted to try something?
Cato: Right.
Cato: Close your eyes?
Tempest: All right.
Tempest (injured): …
Cato (eyes closed): ...
Tempest (blush, neutral): Cato, you took my hand and kissed it!
Cato (serious, blush): I tried my damnedest okay...
Tempest: No, no, don’t take it the wrong way...
Tempest: I liked it.
Cato (sleepy, blush): *sigh* Thank Naga.
Cato (neutral, blush): I think you’re my strength Tempest.
Tempest (pleased, blush): I was thinking the same thing.
Tempest: Perhaps we should stick together. I would hate to be without my strength.
Cato (happy, blush): Me too.
Cato, Feigning Fighter
Tempest, Devoted Darling
While still glared at his Plegian roots, Cato learnt to open himself up to touch even further. Scholars say that there was not a time where he wasn’t holding his beloved Tempest’s hand or by her side. When their army service was complete, they found land that backed onto a large forest, at Tempest’s request. The two lived out the rest of their days happily together.
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guil-t-pleasurez · 5 years
Be Mine - Chapter 1
“A recovering yandere struggles to overcome her fatal obsession. After her last relationship ended in blood and tears, Noa struggles to get her life back on track. But if she’s ever to move on from the murder, she’ll first have to overcome the looming curse that threatens to pull her apart at the seams.”
(A psychological horror, with elements of J-horror and lots of gore! Heavy LGBT themes as well.)
* * *
Though the sun had yet to greet their exhausted eyes, and their skin swamped with sweat’s cool kiss, the villagers toiled on. They had no choice but to work, sacrificing their short remaining time to make a worthwhile legacy. With every cracked hand, every bleeding blister, they paved the way for that new generation. They gave it their all, in the hopes that it would be all worth it in the end. In the hopes that their children will carry on, will stop the small village from rusting away. It’s all they have left, their desperate hopes and prayers.
Noa Kuronuma stood isolated from their sweat and grunts, lingering inside the sanctuary of a cool kitchen. A faint smile tugged at the teen’s gnawed raw lips. She hardly noticed any of their hard labor, how much time they spent trying to protect folks like her and her mother. None of that mattered to her. Those people weren’t her beloved, after all. She began to hum to herself, just under her breath, as she continued to stir that bubbling pot. The bitter scent flooding the air was only sated by a dash of sugar here and there, bringing the dish crashing back to its mouth-watering potential. Noa breathed a sigh of relief at the return of delectable desires.
She reached up and ran one hand through the sweaty clumps of dark hair, then two. As the dish continued to simmer and pop, the girl abruptly tightened her grip, nails chewed to bits, bloody and raw as she dug them deeper against her scalp. Sinking her fangs in, so to say, before tugging at the sinful strands. Dripping and stinging with each unfortunate clump, Noa managed to tear out one, then another. She almost reached up for one more handful of bloodied hair, but clearly thought better of it. Her hand lowered once more, lingering over the pot in a sort of uncertain confusion. Then, at last, she released.
The dark strands sank fast into the goopy mixture, blending in with the chocolate batter as if they belonged there all along. Noa’s grin widened more than ever, shifting the pot quickly from the burner before the heat had a chance to singe the hair past any hopes of savoring its taste. Her beloved won’t care much for the scent of burnt hair, not when there was an opportunity for sweets instead.
Kimi… Her heart sang at the very thought of the younger girl, already envisioning her look of surprise and gratitude, as their hands met and lingered. It made Noa squirm, making the most unbearable faced as she beams like a blushing fool. But for Kimi, it’s worth it. For Kimi, anything was worth it.
Humming to herself with renewed vigor, Noa slowly poured the batter into the waiting molders. As she stepped back to watch the sweets cool into the proper form, Noa couldn’t help but resume chewing at her bottom lip once more. Even once it was raw and unbearable. She had to. It was the only way.
Noa’s eyes remained locked onto the slowly ticking timer, unable to tear her gaze away from the casually flickering numbers. She could feel the warmth of the cookies spreading, rising inside the heat of that cozy oven’s embrace, but was unable to bring herself to see them. The numbers filled her vision, locking her jaw in place with rigid stasis. She only stared silently on, as time marched on and the early morning melted into a muggy summer afternoon.
Only once the timer finally screamed out, did Noa finally snap her gaze free. She sprang back to her feet, flinging out one hand to catch the oven door so it could slam open against the wooden floorboards. The smack echoed around the tiny kitchen, interrupted only by the sudden hiss of flame on exposed flesh. Noa didn’t appear to notice the scent of singed hair and charred skin as she tugged the cookie tray out of the oven, spinning around before depositing it onto a waiting countertop. The corners beneath immediately blackened, staining the counter with its heat and melting plastic. Noa didn’t see a thing, her mind already in the clouds as her seared red palms transferred each steaming dessert from the tray that had nestled it, into the waiting bag that smiled up at her.
She began to hum just under her breath – a song even she couldn’t recall – when at last the deed was done. A pretty pink ribbon bound across the top, the perfect presentation to preserve such delectable goodies. Noa’s smile stretched wider still, strained. Hugging the bag close to her chest, close to her eccentric heartbeat, Noa finally straightened at last.
Spinning on her heel, the girl danced her way out the kitchen, down the hall, and out the front door. “Kimiii-chan~!” The call lingered overhead, rich and shimmering until the teen finally slowed to a sudden unexpected halt. When Noa’s eyes caught those emerald orbs instead of her beloved’s warm hazel, her chest clenched and her eyed narrowed. She carefully held the wrapped box closer than ever to her heart, and said quite accusingly, “You’re not Kimi!”
The brown-haired girl still lingering before her simply raised an eyebrow, making a show of glancing about to see if anyone else was hearing this nonsense. “Of course not,” Mimi finally countered, tone sickly sweet as she looked Noa up and down. “Little sis was running a bit late this morning. Guess you’ll just have to deal with me in the meantime!” She winked. “So sorry about that.”
Noa didn’t respond, only backed slowly away. She tightened her grip on the box once more, shoulders hunched and brow slightly furrowed. Unfortunately for Noa, Mimi’s eyes are also drawn to the secretive package in question, sucked in by the sudden movement. Slowly, her smirk widened. “Ooh, yum! Mind if I try a bite?”
“No.” Noa seemed horrified by the very idea, bristling as she stepped further away from the offending girl. “No! Are you kidding me? This is for my girlfriend – I made it special! You don’t get any!”
Mimi’s grin only widened, as she cocked her head to one side and continued to watch Noa intently. “Oh, you’re gonna give me a taste,” she said simply, almost nonchalant. Her green eyes almost seem to glisten, as if she were a cat staring down its prey.
Noa had been midway through smoothing down her skirt when her classmate’s words slowly sank in. She paused, eyes still halfway through a blink before getting frozen by the sudden chill of those words. “And… why the hell would I do that?” she asked, vaguely exasperated. A free hand drifted over, resting on a waiting hip. “I just told you, these are for-”
Mimi’s lips curved up into the faintest of smirks, mirroring the other girl’s pose with an added aura of indifferent cockiness. “Cuz I know where onee-san was,” she said simply, seeming to delight in the way that Noa’s eyes immediately lit up at the name. Then she reached over and plunked the topmost cookie from its nestled home. Mimi closed her eyed for a moment, eyelashes fluttering as she wafted that delectably warm aroma just under her upturned nose.
Noa blanched, a bead of sweat rolling down the nape of her neck. She didn’t even consider wiping it away, too busy fumbling with the basket of treats as she babbled, “H-Hey…! That’s not-!”
Again, her protests were only easily shoved aside, instead bringing that pale dough up to her plump lips. Mimi lingered briefly, lips hesitating just before taking a bite. The presence of those rosy lips against the crumbling dough seemed almost like a teasing kiss, eyelashes fluttering back open and catching Noa’s eyed. Mimi smirked more clearly now, offering a tiny peck to the pastry before licking away some of the crumbs.
Noa’s stomach clenched.
Mimi finally seems satisfied, when she saw Noa’s utterly devastated expression. She sank her pearly whites deep into the dough, breaking off a massive chunk of cookie. Noa flinched. Mimi chuckled slightly just under her breath, taking the time to slowly chew and mull over ever last texture. Until at last she swallowed, shuddering slightly with an unexpected satisfied pleasure.
A strand of dark hair coiled out from the remaining half of cookie. Mimi still refused to look away from Noa, as she popped that last piece into her waiting mouth. This time she chewed slower than ever before, as if trying to savor the flavor of that offending strand.
But no, there was no way she could know about that! It’s impossible. No no no no-
Noa hugged the basket close to her chest as if that might somehow protect the treats from such a beast. She glared at Mimi, spitting at her in utter outrage, “These cookies are for Kimi!”
“I know.” Mimi took her time licking each crumb from her fingers, before finally glancing back at Noa. That same lazy smirk curled across her face, eyes half lidded as she watched her. “… They’re good. Tastes just like you.”
* * *
“Kimi!” Noa’s voice sang out once more, as she danced along the sidewalk. Each swinging movement made her heart sing even louder, the blood rushing through her skull a frantic and steady beat. She paid no mind to the cars rushing by, whipping her long hair against her face, blinding her with each sharp sting. She barely noticed the way her heels throb inside her shoed, blisters blossoming across the surface only to explode in all their pus-bloomed glory. All that mattered to Noa, was that her beloved was waiting for her, just at the end of that block.
Two adults lingered just outside the house, whispers on their lips and dirt lingering under their worn fingernails. They barely acknowledged the approaching teenager, far too caught up in their own concerns. It was only once Noa came to a sudden halt, clearing her throat as loudly as she dared, that they both flinched and glanced sharply at her.
The mother was the first to react, blinking in surprise and a slight confusion. “Oh! You’re… You must be one of the girls from Mimi’s class. You’re here to see her? I’m sorry, she’s not-”
“Actually,” Noa interrupted, voice chipper and almost oblivious, “I’m here to see Kimi. Is she in?”
Both parents exchanged a bewildered look, before turning back to face her. “To see… Kimi? But she’s not even in your year. How do you know-”
“Well, she’s Mimi’s little sister, isn’t she? She talks about her all the time,” Noa lied. Still beaming, she lifted the bag of treats so that they could catch a whiff of the delicious scent. “That’s why I brought these for her! Mimi’s already had some, you see.”
The father still looked somewhat uncertain, but the mother’s expression immediately melted into near sobbing relief. She nodded fiercely, reaching out to grasp at her husband’s sleeve and dragging him aside. Noa barely gave them a passing glance as she flounced by, stepping into the cool air-conditioned hall and making a beeline for the stairway. One burned hand lingered on the railing, trailing after her as she danced up each stair. “Kimi,” she sang out again. “Kimi-”
“-is in her room,” a sudden unexpected whisper interrupted her song. Noa whipped around, watching those green eyes peering out from behind a crack of door. Mimi’s eyes are half-closed, watching Noa lazily as she smiled thinly. She brought one hand to her lips as if to shush the confused girl, extending the other to point towards the left. “Go ahead, she’s waiting for you. Just walk right in. I’m sure she’ll be so happy to see you…”
Noa had never liked Mimi. She had never trusted her fellow classmate. Still… her eagerness to see her beloved, to share that special treat with her love, was far too appealing. She fell hook, line, and sinker for that girl’s twisted schemes.
Noa said nothing in response, just turned her back and ran the rest of the way up the stairs. Her nose crinkled in disgust, heart climbing to her throat but that same frozen smile stretched taunt across her face. She crept forward ever so carefully, tiptoeing down the left side until at last she reached the closed door at the very end of the hall. Her hand barely hesitated, excitement mounting as she reached out to grasp the handle. Giving it a sharp twist and stumbling into the large bedroom. “Kimi!” she laughed, holding out the bag just as her eyes drift upwards. Just as her gaze fell upon the scene awaiting her, the sin now revealed. “Kimi, I made you a little something. How about a taste-”
It finally sank in. That smile finally cracked, frozen in place. Her heart beating louder and louder, flooding her skull with unearthly thudding. Stabbing through the brain, spiraling through the senses and leaving her reeling. The world blurring – through tears, through sweat? It’s all too much, too much…
That girl. It was all her fault. Not Kimi’s, not her precious Kimi. Kimi would never do such a horrid thing, would never betray her beloved in such a way.
The icy bite of her scissors sang out, tugging at her very soul. ‘Fix it,’ they hummed against her stained hands. She didn’t remember picking them up. She didn’t remember how they got that vivid crimson color, that dripped from each blade down to the floorboards. Noa could taste that metallic flavor at the tip of her tongue, could feel it trickling down her throat. It was suffocating, but delectable. Horrible, but reassuring. Noa swallowed. ‘You can do it. We can fix this. We can-’
We can’t. We can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we can’t we—
Should I stich my name into your skin?
Should I carve you open, feel your heart beat against my own?
Should we make this final leap, and hold each in that bloodied embrace?
Noa slowly smiled, even as the tears welled. Kimi. Her beloved, her light, her love, her life. Kimi. Why would she do such a thing? Why did she make Noa do something so horrific? What did she think would possibly happen? She must have known. She must have made that decision for them both. Noa would do anything for her lovely Kimi – if this is the path she carved out for them both, then this is the path she will gladly take. Noa closed her eyes, pressing the pulsating flesh to her lips. With a soft sigh, she took a careful bite.
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murasakihime · 7 years
fic: Still loving you
Gift for: @littleevilaccident Pairings: Sasaki Haise x Touka Kirishima, Ken Kaneki x Touka Kirishima (mentioned), Nishio Nishiki x Kimi Nishino (mentioned). Characters: Touka Kirishima, Sasaki Haise, Nishio Nishiki, Saiko Yonebayashi, Urie Kuki,  Tooru Mitsuki and Ginshi Shirazu. Rating: K+
Happy new year, Tokyo Ghoul fandom! May Ishida sensei celebrate 2018 by not killing any of our beloved characters xD
@littleevilaccident you mentioned that you loved every version of Kaneki so I decided to write about his Haise version. This fic is placed after Haise was introduced to Touka. I also took the liberty to make NishiKimi a thing (even if they were separated during that arc) because it’s holiday season and Touken already provides enough angst. So I guess it’s a bit Au- ish?
@tgsecretsanta2017 thank you for creating this beautiful holidays event =)
“For the last time, can you please put on that dress?” Nishio’s voice had started to get impatient.
“No way am I wearing that ridiculous dress!”  
“Please Touka, only for a moment! I need to be sure it’s on Kimi’s size”
“Gosh, Nishiki!” Touka exhaled frustrated. Nishiki was as stubborn as always. “I’m not even wearing the same size with Kimi”.
“Really?” Nishio said while he looked her more carefully. “Yes, you’re right. Kimi has bigger boobs”
“Nishiki!” Touka tried to kick him but he blocked her leg with his hand.
He gave her satisfied smirk which managed to frustrate her further.
The fact that we usually train together is to blame for that, she noted to herself.
She felt that someone was watching them. She turned and saw the seller looking at them with a very shocked face. Surely, not everyday people were entering shops and kicking each other.
“Can I help you with something?” she asked them with cold politeness which barely hided her true feelings behind her words. What she meant to say was that she wouldn’t allow them to make a mess on her shop any further.
“Actually, yes” Nishio who had just noticed her a moment ago replied.  “I need to buy a gift for my girlfriend”.
“And what would your beautiful girlfriend would like to try on? “She asked looking at Touka.
“It’s not for me!” Touka’s red face showed her embarrassment as she quickly tried to solve the misunderstanding. It was absurd to think that she was dating anyone, especially an idiot as Nishiki.
She let the girl to help Nishiki, feeling slightly guilty that she was letting a stranger deal with that idiot but it couldn’t be helped. She needed a break after spending an hour into that shop.
Touka was never fond of shopping. Back in high school she used to go shopping with Yoriko and only because it was nice to see Yoriko’s beaming face once she found what she was looking for. But those times belonged to the long past. Nowdays, she wasn’t hanging around with Yoriko and she rarely went  to the mall, too.
She should have never agreed to accompany Nishiki to his search for Kimi’s Christmas gift. Why she even agreed to do it in the first place?
Nishiki interrupted her thoughts as he screamed in her ear “Boo!”
That unexpected sound made her jump a bit and she almost dropped her bag down.
Touka turned to face him, only to see him enjoying himself way too much for being able to scare her.
Why she was even friends with him? Sometimes she thought that they should go back to being only coworkers.
“I found the perfect gift for Kimi, even without your help!” he declared in a very happy tone.
“Congratulations” Touka stated in an uninterested tone.
I hope he’s not waiting for me to ask him what he brought because I won’t.
“I can’t wait to see my Kimi wearing this!” he said not noticing Touka’s apathy to his excitement.  “She’s gonna look so cute! Way too cute!!”  His face had the expression of absolute joy as he was lost to his imagination of his girlfriend.
Do all people look that silly when they are in love? Touka wondered.
Then I’m glad I’m not in love with anyone, she lied to herself as she always did when that subject came up.
There was no use to think about him. After all, he didn’t exist anymore; at least not as she would like to remember him.
Kaneki Ken was forever lost.
Touka turned away her head so Nishiki wouldn’t be able to notice the silent tears forming in her eyes.  No one should be allowed to see her weakness for him. It was easier to pretend she didn’t felt anything about him anymore if no one knew about it.
As she focused looking on the entrance of the shop, a confusing shape entered her vision. A single figure appeared in her vision. A figure that was as well-known as it was dear to her.
How was possible for Kaneki to stand in front of her when he was lost? Still, her eyes didn’t lie to her because as the figure approached, a familiar face smiled at her.
“Touka –san” a warm voice said and yet all Touka could hear was the formality that was too distant to belong to a dear friend.
Haise Sasaki was standing in front of her.
How could she let herself be deceived by a ghost of the past? It wasn’t like it was the first time she met Haise. She had already met him twice- once when he visited the RE café and once when she bumped into him in the hospital. She should have known better.
And yet, why did he look at her with those puppy eyes? He wasn’t supposed to look at her in the way Kaneki did. And she definitely wasn’t supposed to be drawn to him. What was wrong with her?
She realized that he was waiting for her to reply to his acknowledgment so she said “Haise-san, I didn’t know I’d find you here”.
“We’re also here!” a voice behind Haise complained.
Touka unwillingly moved her eyes from Haise to the source of the voice.
Haise’s squad was standing right behind him. She recognized the always looking bored man, the fragile male with the shy smile, the small girl and the blond man who always blushed when he was around her for some reason. Judging by his expression he was the one who had spoken this time. Was Haise so distracting that she missed them? Certainly something was wrong with her!
“I’m happy to see you, too” she said to all of them and at the same time to no one in particular.
The blond took her words at heart as he managed to blush even further. That didn’t escape from the small girl’s gaze, who unsuccessfully tried to stifle a laugh.
Touka noticed that Haise was intensely looking at Nishiki. She remembered that Nishiki had told her about his meeting with Haise during the Torso investigation and how the latter was able to see his face.
Oh crap! Her inner thoughts screamed, he’s gonna recognize him, isn’t he?
The blond followed Haise’s gaze and gotten a completely wrong idea because he shouted  “Touka-san! Is that your boyfriend?!”
Now everyone was looking at Touka and she felt her cheeks getting redder.  Once again, the people were getting the wrong idea, nothing new. But how dare that blond draw all that attention to her and make such silly accusations? What would Haise think? And why she even cared?
“No, he’s just my friend!!” she quickly corrected him and as she was feeling Haise’s gaze on her she lowered her voice and continued “I don’t have a boyfriend”.
Idiotic girl, she scolded herself. Why did you have to share that unnecessary information, no one cares about?
That moment Nishiki finally decided to speak. But much to Touka’s disappointment he just found a way out of the shop and the awkward situation of meeting Haise. He said that his girlfriend was waiting for him, and then excused himself.
Touka was left looking at him as he was moving away thinking that now she was really trapped. He couldn’t blame Nishiki for wanting to get out of that situation but she wished he had found an excuse that could also give her a reason to get away.  Now she was stuck with Haise and his squad.
“I’m really sorry for Shirazu’s behavior” Haise politely bowed to her. Once he raised himself once again, Touka was surprised to see that he had an ashamed look on him; like he was the one who had asked that prying question instead of his coordinative.
“It’s okay” she said not really meaning it. But she didn’t want to see his face ashamed anymore.
Why so apologetic? You always apologized for the things you didn’t do, she thought. Still, you never apologized for leaving me behind.
But this was so wrong. It wasn’t Haise who had left her behind. It was Kaneki. And she had no right to project her feelings on the wrong person; like he had no right to still make her feel butterflies on her stomach.
She spend the next half hour mumbling answers to the questions Haise’s subordinates made and avoiding his gaze as much as she could. Yet she could feel that his eyes  never left her face. Her head began to hurt and the conflicting feelings she held in her heart were too much for her to bear. She whispered an excuse she didn’t even believed herself and she hurried towards the exit.
She ran, and she ran and she ran until she couldn’t breathe anymore. She didn’t stop once she walked out from the shop, she didn’t even stopped once she reached the park. Only when she felt the fatigue consuming her body she stopped.
“Touka-san! Touka-san!” She heard Kaneki’s—no , Haise’s voice calling her so she turned around to face him.
Haise stopped running once he approached her. Now he was just looking as exhausted as she was supposing she was looking, too. She observed him as he was trying to catch his breath and make a failed attempt to tidy his clothes a bit. He was a cute sight nonetheless.
“Touka-san, I don’t know how to say it…well, I hope you won’t take it the wrong way…and…”  he offered her an awkward smile as he run one of his hands on his hair. “ And I’m definitely not the creepy type of guy...so I’ll understand if you are not interested”.
“Um, what are you talking about?” Touka asked him having no clue was he was trying to tell her.
Haise’s cheeks burned on a crimson red color as he said “Would you like to go out with me at some time?”
Touka knew that the right answer would be no. She had decided long ago not to be involved with Kaneki’s new life as Haise. Besides, the guy wasn’t really the guy she had fallen in love with. Kaneki was long dead and that person just happened to share the same body with him. This was so wrong in so many levels.
And yet, a part of her soul she really wanted to accept. If Kaneki had abandoned her and had been lost forever from this world would it be so wrong for her to fall in love with Haise,too?
I’m not betraying your memory Kaneki. But you have been gone for far too long and I feel so lonely. And Haise is the only person I can really love. He’s another part of your soul, and I love every part of you; unconditionally, passionately, eternally.
“I’d love to go out with you at some time” she replied shyly.
A radiant smile appeared on Haise’s face and Touka couldn’t help but return it as well.
The rain inside her soul stopped. The sun had finally returned.
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kelphero47 · 7 years
Drop pop candy - Lavashipping
Back again with another songfic of my OTP. Based on the song by reol. Check out the companion picture done by shelbot98.
This is so stupid.
Kai knew this was stupid.
The Ninja had been called to help catch a mysterious figure who had been attacking young girls in a local park in Ninjago City. They had made a plan to lure them out. Nya had originally volunteered to act as bait but after they learned the attacker had a thing for targeting short brunettes. Jay had then stepped up, having already been dressed up like a girl before, yet he was too tall to fit the description. So, the task had been given to Kai, the shortest of the group (much to his annoyance), and he was not at all pleased.
Kai  had been dressed up in an outfit Nya helped him pick out to help make  him look younger and makeup which helped covered his scar while making him look 'cuter' as his sister put it. The worst part however was the fact that the others had made her brush his hair down so that his fringe covered his right eye. The icing on the cake being a large bow attached to the top of the back of his head to complete the look. He looked like a girl. He didn't feel pretty though.
That plan brought him to his current situation as he was standing out in the rain with his umbrella. Waiting. The short skirt blew in the breeze as it brushed past part of his knees not covered by his socks. He was walking around the area by himself as the others hung back to watch if anything happened.
It was so boring.
Kai sighed as he turned a corner to a more unused section of the park. The rain pitter-pattered against the leaves of trees before falling gracefully to the ground. The sound was constant and calm. Until it was interrupted by something a lot more interesting. He followed the noise to a stray box on the ground, damp from the downpour.
Inside  said box was a kitten no bigger than his hand. It was the most adorable  thing he'd ever seen. It made small sounds at his arrival as raindrops  hit its head. Kai smiled at the tiny creature. He took pity on it and  placed his umbrella down over the box to shield it.
Amefuri demo kasa wa sasanai no  'Even when it's raining, I don't use an umbrella'
(Hajimemashite to neko wa naku)  '(The cat meow "It's a pleasure to meet you")'
Okiniiri no hiiru o nurasu no  'My beloved high heels get soaked'
He  kneeled down in front of it as the raindrops began to soak into his  clothes. The heels he was wearing scraped across the floor, they were  going to be ruined after this. Kai reached out a hesitant hand towards  the kitten which it sniffed before nuzzling into the outstretched  appendage. He  laughed when it began to lick his fingers, "Hello there." He cooed,  almost sweetly, which made the kitten meow loudly in response.  
"What's  your name?" He asked as he picked up the small creature carefully in  his palm and brought it in front of his face. It was a pure black with  soft brown eyes that stared at him in wonder. It reminded him of...
Thinking  of the earth ninja made him smile more. He had also been displeased  with the decision to use Kai as bait but had been quite happy seeing him  in his current clothing, despite his earlier protests. The two had yet  to start dating as Kai was too nervous to make the first move, in case  he was wrong in reading the others feelings about him, so he waited. Sometimes he was tired of waiting.
Nanigenai you na nichijou ga ima hora  'See now, how the run-of-the-mill everyday life'
Kawaritai to aiiro ni somari dasu   'Is being dyed in blue as if wanting to change'
It was the same every day.  The same longing stares, the same nervous interactions, the same   lingering touches. But, somehow neither of them had made any move to   take it further. Kai blamed himself for that. He was hesitant.
He  was brought out of his thoughts by the kitten shifting in his hands and  move closer to his face. It leaned forward to the point it could lick  in nose. Kai giggled at that as he brushed his thumb over the kitten's  cheek, which it seemed to enjoy.
Mizutamari ni utsuru ichibyou kan  'That one second when it appears in the puddle'
Tada ichido kono me de mite mitai dake nano  'I just want to see it one time with my own eyes, that's all'
"You  know what? You remind me of someone." Kai explained to the kitten,  despite knowing it wouldn't understand him. "Yeah, he's strong and  considerate and always looking out for me. We're just friends at the moment, but you  know... Anything can happen." The kitten seemed to respond as it gave  another loud meow. "You'd like him and he'd like you, hopefully."
"And I'd like you."
Odoru yo sekai ga yuraide mawaru no!  'I am dancing, the whole wide world shaking up goes round and round!'
Todoku yo sokudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's pick up the speed'
Kai  jumped at the new addition to the one-sided conversation between him  and the kitten. The voice was silky smooth and smug to the point it sent  shivers down his spine. He turned around to see a man slightly older  than him leant against a tree leering at him. For obvious reasons he  didn't like that look. Kai held the kitten closer as he stood up to fully face the stranger, "Hello."
"You lost, Hot Stuff? You're a little off the beaten path." The man questioned giving Kai a not very subtle look over. "And wet."
"Well... I.. Um..." Kai hesitated in responding as the other stepped forward into his personal space, "Could you back up a little bit?"
"I don't think I will." The man smirked as Kai tried to back away himself only to stop when his heels hit the box behind him, "The name's Jonah. What's yours?"
"Kai."  He glanced around hoping the others were going to make an entrance  soon. This guy had to be the attacker, he could feel it.
"As in 'water'?" Jonah asked jokily as he re-enter Kai's personal space.
"As in 'fire'," Kai explained as the kitten in his hands gave a loud meow.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo asayake mo inai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Although the guy from yesterday isn't here in the early morning light, that's okay, that's all okay'
"What's that?" Jonah reached for Kai's hands  before the ninja took off running. He didn't trust that guy. Said guy  smirked at his actions as he muttered to himself, "Oh, she'll do  nicely." Kai didn't look behind him as he ran for the main path and out  of the dense tree canopy. Where were the others? Why weren't they here  yet? They said they'd be just out of view for when he needed them, well  he needed them right now.
He  heard Jonah's footsteps calmly walking behind him. God, why were his  legs so short? He hated tall people sometimes, and Jonah was a good  couple heads taller than him. He was almost as tall as...
zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi o kimi o  'I love you more and more! With every day, with you'
Why  was everything reminding him of Cole today, he sounded like a love  struck teenage girl. Uh, now was not the time. Kai finally looked back  at Jonah to find him not even there. He slowed down almost to a complete  stop as he surveyed the area around him. His focus was broken by  another loud meow from the small creature nestled safely in his arms.
This  lapse in concentration meant he didn't notice the presence behind him  until it was pressed up against his back. Kai spun around to come face  to face with Jonah's chest which made him stumble back. The wet floor  allowed his heels to skid and his legs to fall out from under him. He  met the ground with a thud as Jonah loomed over him.
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou o omoi aeteru  'By doing this we can again love one another today'
The kitten escaped his grip to stand on his lap. It hissed at Jonah as he crouched in front of Kai. He swatted the animal away making it skid across the floor until it hit the dirt the other side  of the path. Kai moved to go help it until Jonah wrapped a hand around  the back of his neck to hold him in place. He kept still as the other  moved closer so that he was once again pressed up against his back. He  felt his breath on his ear and heard him inhale deeply through his nose.  "You smell wonderful..." Jonah sighed as he tapped the bow on the back  of Kai's head. "All wrapped up like a present for me to open... And I think I will."
Before Kai could respond a foul smelling rag was placed over his mouth and nose. He held his breath for as long as he could until the need for air became too strong and he was forced to take a deep, gasping breath. Without him wanting to, his vision began to fade to total darkness.
*Time skip*
Jay had been sent to check up on Kai as the others hung around at their temporary  base at the park caretaker's shed. Nothing had happened yet so they  were preparing to give up for the day when he came back in a frantic  mess. All they understood from his rambling were the words 'Kai' and  'gone' before they were out of the door.
The group of ninja   didn't stop running until they reached the quiet path where Kai once   stood.  His umbrella rested on the ground above a box but the area held no other evidence of his existence there. Cole was the first of them to go for the object, as the others spread out around the area, before he heard a quiet noise beside him.  He glanced down to see a ball of fluff shaking on the wet floor. It let  out another pitiful noise as he crouched down beside it.
He registered it was a kitten by the meow it let out when he touched  it. Cole tentatively picked it up to bring it in front of his face. It  looked up at him with curious eyes and he smiled at it. He knew it was  stupid but he couldn't stop himself from asking, "Have you seen my friend, Kai?"  
What he didn't expect to happen was for it to meow loudly as if responding to him. He knew it was crazy, "You have?" He almost cried  when it meowed again, "So do you know where he is?" It fell at that  question and Cole actually felt tears rolling down his face at that  point.
Hoho o tsutau kanojo no shizuku wa  'The water droplets that are trailing down along her cheeks'
(Mite minai furi neko wa naku)  '(The cat meows pretending not to see)'
Utsumuita sink taikutsu narabeta  'Looking down the sink the boredom starts piling up'
"Cole... Are you talking to a  cat?" Lloyd's concerned voice came from behind him as he clung to the  tiny animal in his hands. He could hear the entire group behind him  before he felt a hand rest on his shoulder. Cole looked over his   shoulder to see Zane crouching next to him as the others all held   expressions of confusion, "Are you alright?"
"No...  I'm not." Cole held out the feline in front of him, "He doesn't know  where Kai is." He explained as the others looked between themselves,  unsure what to do.
Yasashisa de tsumugareta uso demo  'That we're spun out of the yarn of kindness'
Kanashimi ni irodorareta jitsu demo  'And even the truth that has been taken by sadness'
"Why... Would a cat know where Kai is?" Jay asked chuckling nervously at the end.
"I  don't know." Cole shrugged before resting his hands on his lap in  defeat. He felt so useless. Useless to help the sweetest person in his  life. The person he loved. They just didn't know it yet. "He was taken  and we weren't here. We promised we'd be right here, protecting him!" He  yelled making the others wince, they knew what he said was true.
They stood there in an awkward silence as their friend broke down on the ground. Nya leant her head on Jay's shoulder seeking comfort, "What are going to do?"
Mizutamari ni sawagu amatsubu no  'The raindrops acting out in the puddle of water'
Fuchi o sotto yubisaki de nazoru you  'As if your finger tips are gently tracing the edge'
Cole  looked up at this point to seek answers from the group at Nya's  question. Lloyd decided to step up at this point with a determined look  etched on his face, "We're going to find him."
"But how?" Jay questioned as he patted Nya on the side of the head.
Egaite kanadete kirameku negai ga kanau yo!  'Draw it out, play it out. Sparkling wishes will be granted!'
Todoku yo koudo o agete  'We will reach it, so let's raise the altitude'
"It would be logical to assume whoever took Kai would have to live nearby. After all,  for Kai to be taken he would either have to overpowered drastically to  point he wouldn't put up a fight or somehow knocked out." Zane concluded  as he surveyed the area, "With  the surrounding area still being intact we can assume no major fight  went on and he was mostly likely surprised allowing the latter option to  occur. Either way carrying around an unconscious person would be  suspicious so their home would have to be close as not to draw too much  attention."
"That's right!" Lloyd smiled as he reached to help Cole off the floor while addressing the entire team. "So, all we have to do is ask around the neighbourhood for... What was their description again?"
"Authorities presume the attacker to be a male, large build and possibly in his late teens to early twenties." Zane listed off word for word.
"A person matching that description and we're bound to get leads." Lloyd explained hoisting the earth ninja to his feet.
*Time skip*
Kai had woken up in this dark room hours ago. He had been placed on a surprisingly soft bed in what  looked like a completely ordinary bedroom. Except the door was made of  what seemed like steel and his wrists had been chained to the bedposts. Jonah had yet to make an appearance, much to Kai's relief, as he lay on the bed.
Kakenuketai no uchuu made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and make it into space in one fell swoop'
Ukabeta hoshi mo tsuki ni mo aenai kedo sore de sore de ii no  'Even though I cannot go and meet the stars and moon up above, that's okay, that's all okay'
The only indicator to anything outside of the room was  a window on the far wall which shone with moonlight. He flinched when  he heard a click echo through the room as the door was opened from the  other side. Kai didn't look in his direction when Jonah entered the  room, still leering at him, "Evening Beautiful."
"F**k off." Kai snapped as he pulled on his restraints, "Where am I?"
"Somewhere  safe... Where we can be alone." Jonah waved off his questions  nonchalantly as he moved to sit beside Kai on the bed. He raised a hand  to the exposed skin of his thigh to caress it lightly with his thumb.  Kai's breath hitched as he moved the offending appendages  under his skirt to feel more skin, "Such a vulgar mouth you have  though... I wonder what other kinds of naughty noises it can make."
"You dare and I'll kill you." He growled as the other continue to slide his hand up further.
"As if you could in this situation." Jonah laughed as he grabbed his ass, "Just enjoy yourself, I certainly know I will."
"Y-You know I'm a g-guy, right?" Kai stuttered as his face heated up at the others unwanted touches.
"I know..." Jonah leaned in close to whisper in his ear, "And that just makes this better." Kai shivered as he blew against the shell of his ear. He felt them lick it before moving to do the same to his neck causing him to gasp, "Looks like someone's sensitive."  
He  tried to think of anything other than being in that room, under the  control of this nutcase. He thought about the kitten he met earlier, his  friends and Cole. They all must be looking for him by now. The thought  warmed his heart. Cole was trying to find him.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Motto aishiteru! Hibi to kimi to  'I love you more and more! With every day and you'
He  wished Cole was here instead of this guy. Holding him close and making  him feel safe. Unlike the sicko feeling him up at the moment making him  feel dirty and ashamed at his own reactions. Kai felt tears roll down  his face as Jonah continued to caress his thighs and lick the expanse of  his neck and shoulders, "P-Please stop."
Isso uzukumatte nankai nakijakutte  'And just crouch down, then cry your eyes out many times'
Sou yatte mata kyou to meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"I  don't think I will." Came Jonah's sadistic response as he moved to look  the brunette in the eyes, "Not when you're already crying so sweetly  for me, just begging for it."
"No..." Kai gasped as the hand on his thigh moved the grab onto his underwear but before they could do anything more he screamed at the top of his lungs.
*With the others*
Cole wandered the streets of the small neighbour with his family as they searched for their missing brother. He cradled the now sleeping kitten in his arms, not having the heart to leave it anywhere. He looked up at the sky to admire the moon and the star as they lit up the night sky.
Boku o terashite buruu muun  'Shining brightly upon me, blue moon'
From speaking to various people in the area they had narrowed down their search to a much smaller radius. However,  the late hour meant they had no else to question making the remaining  search harder. He just hoped Kai was okay, wherever he was. Cole had  spent some time during his search thinking about the object of his affections. His smile. His laugh. His passion. All of them warm, like him.
Nagai yume kara mou sameta  'I've already awoken from a long dream'
Asu no hougaku e tsuretette yo!  'Take me away along towards the path of tomorrow!'
Cole didn't have much more time to think about Kai as his thoughts were broken by a blood   curdling scream ripping through the air. That sounded like... "Kai!" He took off in the direction of the sound with the others close behind   him. He just hoped he wasn't too late.
Sokudo o agete  'So let's pick up the speed'
*Back to Kai*
Kai began kicking his   legs about the moment Jonah flinched at his scream. He managed to nail   him in the face before his ankle was grabbed. "Little B***h, can't stay still can you?" Jonah growled as he reached for something under the   bed. Kai turned pale when it turned out to be rope which was used to tie  his ankles together. Jonah laughed as he leaned over him again to get closer to him face, "There we go. Now just stay plenty quiet so I won't have to do the same to that pretty mouth of yours."
"Bite me." Kai could feel his fire bristle at his fingertips, he didn't want to use it this close to a flammable objects.
Kakedashitai no ashita made hitottobi  'I just want to break out and run until tomorrow in one fell swoop'
Kinou no kare mo yuuyake mo inai kedo sore de sore de iino  'Although the guy yesterday isn't here in the late evening glow, that's okay, that's all okay'
"Don't mind if I do." Jonah smirked as he moved to bring  his lips to Kai's neck. He was about to mark to clear, tender flesh  there when a loud crash came from downstairs. His head shot up towards  the door before he glanced between it and the body underneath him.  Sighing, he got up and left the room but not until after he gave the  other a sly warning, "Try to escape and the next part won't be  pleasurable."
Kai  wanted to throw up when the man went out of view, leaving him alone. He  pulled on the chains again, listening them creak under the strain but  not giving way. Instead he turned his attention to a faint conversation  going on far   outside the room. Whoever it was seemed to have pissed off Jonah as he   was far louder than those responding to him. Then it happened.
Zutto tsuzuiteku kitto susunderu  'Always keep on going, it's definitely moving forward'
Another voice yelled back at him in syllables he recognised. It was Cole and he sounded angry. A crash followed the shouting before it sounded as if someone was running up the stairs. They stopped close to the door but made no move to open it. Kai yanked on his restraints once more as he called, "I'm in here!"
The metal of the door proceeded to creak as his rescuer forced open the door. It gave way suddenly to reveal a heavily breathing ninja in black.
Motto aishiteru! Hibi mo kimi mo  'I love you more and more! With each day and you too'
"Kai!" Cole rushed over to the side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah..."  Kai sighed as he looked away blushing, "Just get me out of here,  alright." He pulled on the chains around his wrist, "These kind of  hurt."
"Sure." Cole easily broke the metal around his wrists then picked him up bridle style without hesitation. Kai made no move to protest as he buried his head in the crook of the others neck. He was shocked when Cole placed his head on top of his in comfort, "Are you sure you're alright?"
"No..." Kai hiccupped he began crying onto his shoulder, "H-He did things..."
"What kind of 'things'?" Cole questioned, his tone turning darker to match the scowl on his face.
"Like licking me and touching my thighs..." He sniffled clinging to Cole's gi, "And he tried to..."
"To?" Cole coaxed as he felt a wet patch begin to form in the fabric of his uniform. That guy was going to be dead when he was finished with him. When Kai didn't respond he sighed and stroked the back on his head. "Come on now, it's okay. Just tell me what he did?"
Isso nana koronde nankai okiagatte  'And just fall over and over, then get back up many times'
"He tried to touch me 'there'." Kai explained as he tried to pull down the hem of his dress. It took Cole a few moments to understand where 'there' was. When he did however, he felt something in his own head snap. He was almost completely silent as he carried Kai carefully down the stairs and placed him the arms of a bewildered Zane.  
He  then turned his attention to the guy cowering on the floor in front of  the group, "How dare you..." Cole grabbed Jonah by the front of his  shirt to drag him off the ground to rest eye level with him, "How  f**king dare you!"
"Cole, don't-" Lloyd rested a hand on his friend's shoulder.
"No!  This piece of trash deserves what's coming to him." Cole narrowed his  eyes as the man he was holding gripped his wrist in fear.
"He's  not worth it... Just look at him." Lloyd scowled as the man looked at  him desperately, "It's better if we leave the cops to deal with this,  and take Kai home." Cole glanced over to the small teen in the ice  ninja's arms as Nya and Jay began trying to comfort him. He felt his  grip loosen to the point the man fell to the floor.
Sou yatte mata kyou mo meguri aeteru  'By doing this we can again see one another today'
"You're  right... You're right." Cole chuckled dryly at his friends before  moving past him to the others. He watched Nya smooth out her brother's  fringe despite his weak protests. He got closer to stand beside her and  address Zane, "Can I have him back?"
"Of  course." Zane smiled sadly as he gently placed Kai into Cole's waiting  arms, "I took the liberty of removing the rope from around his ankles."
"Thank  you," With those words Cole made his exit out of the front door leaving  the others behind to take out the trash. He smiled as he felt Kai rest  his head on his shoulder and relished in way his eyes were half-lidded. "Is someone tired?"
"Mmmm."  Kai groggily nodded against his shoulder so that his hair tickled his  neck. He shifted so that he was better facing Cole so that they could  look each other in the eyes. Cole couldn't help himself as he kissed Kai  on the top of the head in an affectionate gesture, "Wha-"
"Kai listen,  I've liked you for a while now and today just put into perspective how  easily I could lose you." He explained as Kai made a small frown, "So  please, give me a chance to show how much you mean to me."
"Yes."  Kai smiled as Cole moved in closer to initiate a kiss. They were an  inch apart when a soft noise interrupted them from the confines of the  earth ninja's gi.  "Is that what I think it is?" Kai laughed when Cole blushed reaching   into his uniform to take out a small ball of fur. He giggled when it   uncurled itself to reveal the kitten he had found earlier, "Oh my gosh. You shouldn't have."
"It's nothing."
Omoi atte iku korekara zutto  'Continue to love one another from now on and always'
Do make requests for songs and ships if you want. I like a lot of ships.
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orangebatsanctuary · 8 years
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The first story of Inaho x Slaine anthology has launched!
Story by CountLestanna 
Art by Ayuki
The Kimi no Na wa x AZ by CountLestanna, what a perfect match paro for our beloved 2 world boys, Mars & Earth vs. (secret)
Read on OrangeBat Sanctuary website:  http://www.orangebat-sanctuary.com/countlestanna
or click ‘Keep reading’ below.
Enjoy reading!
*Friendly reminder, the live game will be played in February 2017, so read well and go strong to win the book & grand prize!
Once in a while when I wake up, I find myself crying. The dream I must have had that I can never recall
The sensation that I’ve lost something lingers for a long time after I wake up.
I’m always searching
For something
For someone
This feeling has possessed me, I think from that day
That day when the stars came falling
It was almost as if it were a scene from a dream
Nothing more, nothing less
Than a beautiful dream
“Slaine…” someone that he barely recognized whispered.
“Don’t you….remember me?” the person asked, surprised as though he was expecting him to know them. They were on a crowded train, the person glanced around, looking hurt almost as if his heart had been shattered. Forcing a smile, the stranger who knew his name turned to move towards the exit. Slaine, not knowing what else to say, suddenly shouted, earning stares from the crowd but all he could see was him….. The strange person that he had just met,
“W-wait! W-what’s your name!”
“Inaho….Kaizuka Inaho”he smiled a genuine smile that stunned Slaine completely.
He reached out as the person called Kaizuka Inaho hands him a bracelet with an orange fruit charm and disappears.
Somewhere in the distance, Slaine heard sounds of something vibrating and woke up with a start, breathing fast, his eyes wide.
It was just….a dream.
 I should make breakfast …wait where am I?
Slaine looked around at his surroundings that appeared extremely….unfamiliar. A hamster was running around on its wheel in a tank, Tatami mats and traditional paper sliding doors commonly found in old Japanese homes. There was a calendar nearby and his room was….very neat. Something was off. He looked down, only to see….egg-patterned pajamas. Since when did he wear egg-patterned pajamas?
The door slid open loudly all of a sudden. Slaine jolted up in surprise, shivers running down his back.
“Nao-kun~ for ONCE I caught you falling asleep later than usual~ Hurry up and get out of bed! I made breakfast.”
Standing at the door was a tall lady with straight black hair all geared up in what looked like office attire? And smugly looking at him with a proud smile on her face.
“Eh? Nao? Me?” Slaine said pointing at himself. Her eyes narrowed slightly before widening in surprise.
“UWOO Nao kun! ARE YOU BLUSHING? You sure are acting strange this morning! Of course not that I’m complaining~ my little brother must finally be growing up! What a happy day! Maybe he’ll finally get a girlfriend. Well get ready! You’re already late Nao hahaa~” Slamming the door closed this time, she skipped off humming to herself happily while Slaine stared, still utterly confused and shocked.
Who was he?
Where was he?
What was he doing here?
How was this possible?
Was he still dreaming?
So many questions flooded his mind as he slowly stood up, staggered a little and moved towards the mirror. Looking at the mirror, he screamed with terror, or rather a young man with red eyes and chestnut brown hair screamed for the very first time, completely scaring his sister out of her wits and making her dash into his room once again, her eyes showing a great amount of concern. And so, Slaine’s day began in the craziest of ways, in a way he had definitely not expected, being stuck in a body not his own.
“Good morning Nao kuuunn,” Yuki yawned and rubbed her eyes as she stumbled into the kitchen of their small traditional house barely awake and seated herself in front of the low table with a breakfast of rice and vegetables.
“Morning Yuki nee, would you prefer scrambled or rolled omelet?”
“Scrambled, I suppose.”
“Well that’s too bad, today it’s rolled omelette” Inaho deadpanned as he transferred them onto the empty plate set before her from the pan, piping hot and looking absolutely delicious. In the background, a reporter on the news channel was explaining about the rare phenomenon of the Tiamat Comet passing by the Earth atmosphere very soon.
“Mmm looks delicious as usual Nao kun!” She exclaimed happily, unlocking her phone only to catch her first glimpse of the time this morning.
“Eeeeehhh nao-kun! Why didn’t you wake me uupp??!! I’m late for work…again. At this rate I will get fired once more and we’ll NEVER move to Tokyo!” Yuki complained, her hands piling her bowl with rice so that she could stuff her mouth, rushing to finish her breakfast.
“Careful Yuki nee, if you don’t chew slowly you might choke. “ He calmly advised as he moved to the sink to wash his dishes.
Looking very much like a hamster with its cheeks full of nuts, Yuki turned to look at Inaho and spoke, or at least tried to, “Ywou sheem nwormal tfoday Nao.” swallowing her rice as she finished her sentence.
“Normal?” Inaho raised his eyebrows slightly
“Yeah! You were nuts yesterday! Seemed like you were possessed by a spirit or something.” She answered as she stuffed down another mouthful of food, quickly finishing her meal.
“That is illogical.” He said as he picked up his bag, and slipped on his shoes, sliding the door closed before opening it once again as a thought occurred to him.
“You’d be able to make it to work on time if you left in about five minutes Yuki-Nee. See you later.” he stated as he shut the door once more and left the house, tapping away at his phone.
Back home, Yuki mumbled about how her brother was back to his jerk self and continued complaining about being late as she ran around the house getting ready. She was definitely going to be late. Maybe she should start looking for new jobs…
Inaho walked down the road towards the high school, which was on the other side of the little lake town that he lived in, looking through sales advertisements and coupon offers.
Ah egg sale tomorrow…
He locked his tablet after saving the time of the sale on his schedule.
I’ll have to wake earlier than usual tomorrow then…I will need to get food for pancake soon too..
His thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of a bicycle followed by a high pitched voice calling him from behind
“Inaho!” Inko called, waving from the back of the bicycle while Calm pedaled forward.
“Oh…Morning Inko, Calm.”
“Good Morning~” Inko chirped, leaning over Calm who didn’t look very pleased about that as he shrugged and looked at her.
“Will you get off already?” he complained while Inko pouted, folding her arms before saying, “Why? Meanie hmph.”
“You’re heavy!!” he bit back, sulking to which Inko said,
“That’s really rude!” annoyed.
Meanwhile, Inaho had tuned out of the conversation and had walked quite a distance ahead of them.
Noticing this, Calm and Inko shouted, “OI INAHO WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!” both still in quite a bit of a bad mood after their little bicker.
Inaho merely continued walking as Inko got off the bicycle and ran forward to catch up with him.
“Your hair seems alright today Nao” she remarked trying to catch her breath.
“It is combed neatly as usual, why?” Inaho asked.
Calm having caught up with them added in, “Yeah! Did your sister properly exorcise you?”
“My sister is too lazy to do such things.” He replied quietly.
“Haaah? You were totally possessed yesterday you know?!” Calm continued as he cycled slowly beside them as they crossed a bridge above a stream.
“Oh Calm just cut it out already. Nao was probably just stressed right?” She turned to Inaho expecting an answer.
“What-“is all she got from him.
Calm bent over looking at him surprised, “You really don’t remember do you?”
The sound of pens scratching paper echoed through the room as the teacher wrote on the chalkboard and circled important characters before turning around. Inaho took out his notebook and flipped open the pages as she turned around to explain the characters written on the board.
“Tasokare means ‘Who is that?’ and is the origin of the word Tasokare Doki. Twilight, the time when it is neither night nor day. When the world blurs and one might encounter something not human. Older expressions include ‘Karetaso Doki’ or ‘Kawatare doki’ “
Half listening, he looked at the page with ‘Who are you?’ written in large lettering that covered the whole page. He looked at it slightly annoyed. This was an anomaly in his very neatly written notes. Tearing the page off, he crumpled it, and started to write on a new page.
“Excuse me? Is it not ‘Kataware Doki’?” one of his classmates asked.
“Kataware Doki? Kataware Doki is local dialect don’t you think? I heard Itomori’s elderly still use the classic language.” She replied pointedly.
“Alright next, Kaizuka-san” She called.
Placing his pen down, he stood up answering,
“So you remember your name today Kaizuka-san.” She said, slightly amused.
The class broke into laughter to which Inaho tilted his head, slightly confused. He thought this was indeed strange.
“You don’t remember? Inko asked baffled as she sat down on the wooden chair, opening her lunchbox. Their little spot in the field overlooked the lake before them, the water calm and glistening under the sunlight.
“Yesterday you forgot where your own locker and table were!” she explained as she took a bite of her sausage.
“Your hair was sticking up in all directions and you had forgotten your phone!” Inko stated seriously.
“That is highly unlikely. Maybe you were imagining things.” Inaho replied still refusing to believe Inko.
My memory is uncharacteristically hazy however. Maybe she has a point …for once.
“It was like you had amnesia you know?” Inko continued as Calm quietly listened as he read a magazine on the table his legs dangling freely.
“Strange..it was just a dream though. My memory is unclear.” He mumbled to himself.
“Aha! I got it! That was…,” Calm paused as he flipped open the pages to his magazine excitedly and practically shoved it in Inaho’s face.
” Your previous life! Or maybe your subconscious was linked to the Everett multiverse!” he said loudly, almost falling off of the table he was sitting on. Inaho merely blinked and took another bite from his milk bread.
“Stay out of this! Nothing you say makes sense anyway Calm.” Inko said, pushing the magazine, away from Inaho.
“Did you write that in my notebook? I can only think of one person who does such….unnecessary things.” Inaho stared at Calm.
Looking confused, he said, “Eh??? What notebook?”
“Hmm nevermind. Must’ve been some other brainless person.” Inaho mumbled to himself.
“Are you calling me BRAINLESS?” Calm exclaimed mortified.
“But Nao-kun you were really weird yesterday. Are you feeling alright?” Inko asked, concerned, ignoring Calm completely.
“I am quite sure that I am alright Inko.” Inaho said pointedly.
“Could be stress you know? Finals are coming up.” She pointed out.
“Ugh don’t remind me.” Calm complained grimacing.
Sighing, in unison they complained, “I can’t stand this town anymore.”
“It’s too small and close-knit. I want to graduate and go to Tokyo already” Inko grumbled.
“I don’t really blame you. There’s really nothing in this town huh...” Calm sighed.
“Trains come only every two hours.” She said, waving her hands, as they passed by the rail tracks of their town.
“The convenience store closes at 9pm!” Calm complained as they passed by the convenience store.
“No bookstore. No dentist.” Inko shook her head disapprovingly.
“But 2 pubs for some reason.” She added exasperatedly.
“No Jobs. No brides. Not to mention short daylight hours.” Calm sighed face palming as he rolled his bicycle, walking beside Inaho and Inko.
Inaho looked at them  and said, “If you two are going to complain excessively, I’ll be heading home first. Bye.”
He left them with their mouths gaping wide.
“He really needs to work on his social skills.” Calm said half-jokingly knowing that that would probably never happen.
As night time fell, Inaho took out his constellation book and stepped of the house, and into their back garden that was surrounded by unkempt rose bushes that were slowly dying. They had never managed to actually maintain them for a long time. Inaho had tried, but gardening was the one thing he wasn’t good at despite the amount of books that he had read about it. Meanwhile,. Yuki was still out working for the mayor of the town, Miss Magbaredge.
Their father had abandoned their family the moment their mother had died, only a day after having given birth to him. Which meant that theyThey had had to live with only Inko and Calm’s family dropping bycoming to help them until Yuki was old enough to work. There were multiple times he had had to comfort his sister whenever he had found her crying as she looked at an old photo album.. Rarely, he thought of how it would have been if their parents had stayed, but he shook the thought away immediately as it wasn’t going to help him in the present. And so, he moved forward only thinking of the future, even though it could still get tiring for him.
He knew that Yuki nee would go out and about looking for signs of where their father could be, but always came home disappointed every night. Laying their picnic mat on the grass, he threw on his jacket and sat himself down, picking out the constellations one by one and drawing the charts, sometimes referring to his phone for additional information. It had become a ritual for him ever since he found it hard to sleep whenever Yuki nee wasn’t home yet. This was the only reason that made him wish he could move to the city with his sister. They needed a change in their lives, a change that would let her move on from their parents leaving. But for now they’d have to make do in this small town.
Unable to stay awake any longer, he yawned and fell asleep, wrapped in a picnic blanket in the backyard.
Inaho awoke to the sun shining its rays mercilessly on his face.  Squinting, he sat up yawning as his eyes got used to being awake once more. That’s strange, he remembered falling asleep under the stars, so why was he in….an apartment? Simple things like a fan, desk and cupboard were situated within the small space. Taking in his surroundings, he took note of how messy the room was with clothes strewn all over the place and its complete disarray of furniture.
“Meow~” he heard as a black cat walked to the bed and lay down on his lap. He froze, afraid, his eyes widening, expecting to begin sneezing uncontrollably, except that it never came. Hesitantly, he reached down and began petting the cat.
This is admittedly nice…What a strange dream…..
Gently, he coaxed the cat into moving off of his lap and shifted to the edge of the bed. He continued taking note of his surroundings as the cat walked towards its food bowl and began meowing incessantly.
It seemed that only the desk and ironing table were free of items. There was a uniform hanging on the cupboard handle all nicely ironed and ready to be worn.
Having taken in his surroundings, he looked at his hands, wait…those were not his hands. They were definitely paler and somewhat bigger. Planting his feet down on the floor and getting off of the bed, he walked over to the mirror and looked into the most beautiful teal eyes that he had ever seen; something about them reminded him of shattered glass marbles.
He moved his hand up to touch the unfamiliar blonde hair, when a blue phone vibrated from the tidy desk and alerted him of its presence. Something black caught his eye.
Oh a bat keychain
Meanwhile, the cat began pawing at him, breaking him out of his trance. He went to pick up the phone and saw five messages from a ‘Harklight’. He checked the date, it was exactly the day after he fell asleep under the stars. This was definitely not any regular dream. His dreams usually consisted of eggs, not beautiful foreign men and cats that he miraculously weren’t allergic to..
Reading through the messages, he realized this person must be late for their class, whoever they were. A quick inspection of the uniform revealed an emblem that read ‘Vers International High School’ in tiny lettering below the acronym ‘V.I.H.S’. Above the right pocket, a badge with the name ‘Slaine Troyard’ on it had been engraved with a student council title situated below it.
“Quite a miracle for someone so messy to be student council.” he muttered to himself, noticing that Troyard’s voice was much more melodic and softer compared to his own.
Picking up a towel from one of the messy piles, he went to the bathroom to get ready for Troyard’s day. The cat followed behind only to be shut out. It hissed in annoyance and went back to its comfy bed.
Having stripped down, Inaho couldn’t help but notice a few things.
Troyard sure is….well-endowed.
Feeling his back he felt a few deep running scars.
It seems that he wasn’t treated well.
Stepping out of the shower all fresh and clean, he wrapped himself in the towel and dried himself before dressing in the very elaborate uniform. It even had a beret for some reason.
How troublesome….
Inaho thought. After 10 minutes of fiddling with the beret he put it away in Troyard’s bag and decided to forgo it. It was an extremely hot day anyway. He didn’t want to boil like an egg.
Ah…I need breakfast…
Inaho peeked into the fridge only to be majorly disappointed with the complete lack of eggs. It seemed that Troyard didn’t even have a frying pan, but for some reason, had frozen meat in the fridge that probably was past its expiry date. He found a bag of cat food hidden at the top of the cabinet and refilled the cat’s bowl before he continued to forage the kitchenette for food. Finally, he came across a cabinet stashed with can after can of red bull and millions of cup noodles. Inaho felt himself die inside and decided that he wouldl have to eat out somewhere, and at the same time, throw out all this trash.
“Right, I haven’t figured out where this is….”
With a last ditch attempt to tame Troyard’s hair, Inaho stepped out of the apartment and was met with the sight of a huge city with tall buildings, the Tokyo tower not far from sight. His eyes widened; this was the place that he had wanted to move to for a long time along with his sister, if only for Yuki-nee to have a fresh start. Inaho took the lift down to the first floor and began looking for a route to the high school that Troyard went to via the phone. Having memorized it, he put the phone away and began his journey, the beret sticking out of the bag.  
He reached the school thirty minutes later than he had expected and took out his phone once more, walking past classrooms as he looked through the camera roll trying to find a picture of a timetable and came up with none. Many of the other students were strolling out of class. Looking at the time, he realized that it must be the lunch break now. Perhaps he should text that ‘Harklight’ person. Just as the thought crossed his mind, someone swung their hand over his shoulder.  
“Why didn’t you answer any of my messages Slaine?” A raven haired guy asked concerned, the beret on his head a little lopsided. Inaho blankly stared back and asked, “Harklight?”
“Are you sure you’re alright Slaine? Catching a fever perhaps? Where is your beret?” Harklight continued bombarding Troyard with questions as another friend of his came wheeling over by the looks of it, while he conveniently blanked out, looking far into space. Troyard’s friend in a wheelchair looked at him with a raised eyebrow,kicked him lightly on the leg and caught his attention.
“Oh! Slaine, you’re very late you know. The teacher was quite upset to not see you there. Are you feeling alright?”
The blue-eyed girl looked at him expectantly.
Troyard must talk a lot….
Looking at the both of them blankly, he replied curtly, “I overslept.”
Sighing, Harklight glanced at Slaine disapprovingly and said,
“Did those all-nighters finally get to you? Didn’t we tell you that we would help you if you needed it?”
“I suppose that I have forgotten.”
The blue-eyed girl with pink hair began poking at him.
“You seem a little off today still. How about we go to the café later? That always cheers you up!” She said happily.
“No thanks. There is a grocery sale later today. You are welcome to join me.”
Harklight and the girl looked at him, confused, their faces showing utter bafflement.
“Groceries? Slaine? But you never buy groceries….all you do is stock up on cup noodles and cat food.” She asked, her eyes squinting slightly in suspicion.
“We’ll follow you anyway, Slaine! Right Lemrina?” Harklight looked over at her with a smile.
Sighing she waved her hands and said,s, “Alright, alright , I’ll follow you two as long as one of you drops me off at home later.”
Folding her arms she waited, probably expecting Harklight to push her.
“You know that you can move around yourself for now right? You don’t look tired Lemrina~” Harklight teased.
Pouting, she followed them back to class on her own.
Tokyo was as busy in the evening as it was in the day, Inaho realized as he walked through the bustling streets with Lemrina and Harklight. This time, Harklight was pushing Lemrina’s wheelchair as she dozed off every few minutes and awoke again.
It sure was easier to get past crowds and see further as Slaine, he noticed. Slaine was indeed much taller than he was, and Inaho found the view from above quite refreshing. However, it would be harder for him to get to the front with the egg sales going on.
“You’re very silent today Slaine. Did something happen?” Harklight asked, looking at him as he wheeled Lemrina along.
“Nothing of interest…Ah we are here.” Inaho replied, Slaine’s voice coming out instead. He had to admit it was still quite strange to hear someone else’s voice come out instead of his own.
Picking up a basket, he strolled into the already crowded supermarket and went straight to the meat and poultry section where he picked up a few eggs and some fresh meat. After grabbing a few more items, he went to the cashier to pay and waited on the other side for Harklight, who had gotten some things for himself,to finish as well. Lemrina was boredly examining her nails.
“Are we finally done? This has got to be the most normal thing you have done Slaine, I have to admit.” Lemrina remarked with an air of disinterest.
“I will be leaving first. There is much to do.” Inaho said, somewhat quietly.
“Slaine did someone bully you into acting like a robot? You’ve been sounding like one all day.” Harklight asked, very concerned.
“Maybe it’s a fever,” he mumbled, hoping that they got the message that he wanted to be left alone. Harklight sighed and stepped back.
“I have to drop Lemrina and go to work now Slaine, but if you have anything you need, please call us okay?” Harklight said as he placed a hand on Slaine’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. He left pushing a somewhat cranky Lemrina out of the supermarket. Inaho decided to go home immediately; he had a cat to feed after all.
Having trudged through the dark, lamp-lit streets to Slaine’s apartment, Inaho shook off his shoes and went straight to the kitchenette, placing the newly bought kitchen utensils and cooking items in their respective drawers and refrigerator compartments. He threw away whatever was unhealthy, like the red bull and the cup noodles, leaving behind only a few of the cup noodles stashed away for emergencies. The cat came and walked past him curiously before going back to sleep in its bed.
I still need to figure out its name….
Clearing his thoughts, he set to preparing bentos for the week ahead. He didn’t care who this person was, or if they were a stranger, as long as he was within this body he was not going to settle with junk food or a breakfast without eggs.
After preparing the food for the week, he wrote down the expenses used on a notepad on the desk and a few other points with an orange ink pen.
Hello Bat,
I’ve thrown away most of the cup noodles and all of the red bull,
There are Bentos in the fridge that should last a whole week.
Please eat a nutritious breakfast every day.
Signed, Kaizuka Inaho
Tired from all the cooking, Inaho fell asleep on the desk, which was going to give Slaine a very bad neck in the morning.
Bzzzttt Bzzztt
Slaine slowly opened his eyes to the sound of vibrating coming from somewhere. He stretched and looked out the window. It was still somewhat dark outside, yet, he felt well rested for the first time in his one year of living in Japan. His cat, Tharsis, jumped up onto his lap and purred nudging him with her nose lovingly. He looked down at her and smiled, petting her gently. “Morning Tharsis, you won’t believe the dream I had while I was asleep.”  He murmured to her softly.
Tharsis meowed back, happy to finally receive proper attention.
What a strange dream that was�� Slaine thought as he picked up his vibrating phone and switched off the alarm. He checked the time: ‘6:30a.m’. Looking carefully, he could have sworn that it was only the 15th of April when he had went to sleep the previous day.
Then why is it showing the date to be 17th April? Did I really sleep for 2 days? That’s not possible. Perhaps I should close my eyes for a little.
Tharsis meowed at him again, nudging him to continue petting her. Absentmindedly he did so as he closed his eyes and placed the phone down, trying to recall a day that seemed to have already passed, yet one that he couldn’t quite remember.
Frowning, he opened his eyes once more and looked at the table, moving his head closer to it to stare at a piece of paper with handwriting that was more serious looking than his own.  Picking it up, he skimmed through the sentences of the little note, his face scrunching up in disbelief as he let out a shout, startling his cat off of his lap.
He took off out of his chair and ran to the cabinets of his kitchenette and almost shrieked as he saw all his cup noodles and red bull bottles gone.
“No no no no this can’t be happening.” He muttered to himself crazily as he realized what was going on. The realization hit him like a bomb.
That Orange and I are exchanging bodies without a doubt! But how? And why?
Lying down on bed, he began wailing over his loss of convenient cheap food and also realized that he had missed his work shift the previous day and rolled over. Looking through his phone once again, he noticed a missed call from Asseylum senpai and his boss Cruhteo. He shivered at the thought of meeting his boss today.
Oh my boss is going to kill me…. At least I have food I guess.
He got out of bed and sadly cooked himself eggs for the first time in ages and ended up burning them. He ate them anyway and stuffed down some bread and milk.
Refilling Tharsis’ bowl, he went to shower, noticing another difference. There was an orange scented shower gel sitting right beside his strawberry scented shower gel.
How much money did that Orange spend seriously…? I was saving up for a gift for Asseylum senpai!
Annoyed he took the orange soap and placed it elsewhere, away from his sight and began cleaning himself, feeling much better after a comfortable and warm strawberry scented shower.
Humming to himself, he put on his uniform and beret, and stepped out of the house with his bag slung over his shoulder. For once he felt better that he left his apartment early enough to journey to school slowly. He tried not to think of what would happen later at work. Hopefully, Kaizuka that idiot hadn’t been too strange with Harklight and Lemrina.
He reached the school earlier than expected and ended up wandering around before setting foot in his classroom. That was when he realized, that he had no  time to finish his homework considering that he was busy living Kaizuka’s life in the beautiful, small town the other day.
He couldn’t possibly tell the class teacher, ‘Sorry my assignments aren’t done because I was busy living someone else’s life!’ Even the ‘my dog ate my homework’ excuse seemed more reasonable compared to that. He frantically searched his bag and pulled out his assignment file to see if he could finish rushing his work in what little time he had before class. Opening his physics assignment, he looked at it in disbelief, his mouth gaping wide open. There were little post-it notes with tips written here and there that were extremely useful. Slaine had always struggled with physics but that guy had managed to make it understandable for him. To sum it up, he was impressed by Kaizuka’s knowledge in the subject. He managed to finish the assignment for his first class in less than thirty minutes thanks to the help that the post-it notes provided. He sighed with relief as Harklight and Lemrina entered the classroom and waved at him.
“Slaine! Good morning~ I hope that you are feeling better today? And my oh my are you early today.” Lemrina asked, poking him again and eliciting quite the reaction from him. He squirmed sideways on his seat as she poked him once more.
“Harklight! Look he’s back to normal!”
“Seriously asking though, why were you acting like a robot yesterday? It was amazing how you could go without blushing for a whole day.” Lemrina asked excitedly, as she practically jumped up and down her wheelchair, clasping her hands together.
“U-uhm I don’t know? Ah! Stop poking me Lemrinaaaaa.”
Slaine protested as he wiggled away from her while blushing and backed away straight into Harklight’s arms.
“Did you have breakfast Slaine?” Harklight asked, smiling cheerfully.
“Yeah I did. I had some eggs…even though I burnt them.” He mumbled out the last few words but Harklight caught them anyway and shook his head at Slaine.
“Slaine you shouldn’t eat burnt food . You know it is not good for you.” Harklight said as he pulled out a sandwich for Slaine.
“Here, Lemrina prepared that for you because she knew that despite having gone grocery shopping to get healthier food, you were probably too lazy to actually have a proper breakfast.” He chided as Lemrina snickered beside him.
Slaine merely scratched the back of his head and smiled, taking the offered sandwich from Harklight.
“Haha sorry Harklight, I’ll try to eat properly tomorrow. Thank you for the breakfast Lemrina!” he said as he opened the Ziploc bag and began eating it.
“Don’t expect sandwiches from me every day Slaine. Today is special.” Lemrina replied as she folded her arms and looked at him smugly, her blue eyes shining.
“You better eat fast Slaine, we have ten more minutes before our first class.” Harklight reminded him.
Slaine looked at Harklight and laughed, “Are you my mom, Harklight~?” he asked playfully while tilting his head to the side.
“N-no, but I care for you very much!” He half-shouted,his cheeks flushing.
Lemrina pulled at Harklight’s sleeve to make him lower his head. She whispered in his ear, ‘you like him, don’t you~’ and smirked, watching him turn absolutely beet red.
“W-what? What did you tell him Lemrina?” Slaine asked, very confused.
“Nothing,” she replied innocently and hummed, wheeling away to her seat in the classroom.
Harklight who was a stuttering mess by that point stumbled over to his own seat as well, taking out his things as well.
Slaine doodled mindlessly on his notebook until class began. They somehow turned out looking like that town from his dream. He wondered what that person must be doing now.
Probably getting more eggs….
He snickered to himself at the thought.  However, he realized that they couldn’t go on as themselves forever like this whenever they switched. Their friends would become suspicious and their lives would be in danger of being changed in ways they did not wish for it to change. He chewed at his pencil thoughtfully and wrote down a few rules and boundaries that he should probably set for that Kaizuka fellow if ever they switched again.
Maybe I could ask him to help me with physics….
As class began, Slaine found himself lost in his thoughts.
Slaine waved goodbye to Harklight and Lemrina as he slung his bag over his shoulder, he ran to the bus stop to catch the bus to his workplace. The fancy Italian restaurant which he worked for was quite a while away.
This time he was right on time for his daily shift. Wearing his uniform, he stepped into the kitchen announcing his arrival and quickly got to work taking dishes away, serving them and taking orders. He was silently praying not to come across his boss, but with his luck, his prayers would not be answered. And so, he threw himself into working extra hard that day to make up for not having helped out like he should have had twenty four hours ago. Worst comes to worse, his salary would be docked.
Finally, when the restaurant closed at ten, he began to clean up the place with the other waiters. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he set to cleaning the tables, when he felt a tap on the shoulder. He turned around, coming face to face with Asseylum Senpai. His face turned a bright shade of red as his crush began talking to him.
“Are you quite alright, Slaine? We helped cover for you by telling Mr.Cruhteo that you were sick, but we wanted to make sure with you.”
She explained, her beautiful eyes looking at him with worry. Slaine merely nodded, his tongue which was suddenly unco-operative and gulped.
Patting Slaine on the shoulder, she gave a whispered get well soon and left the restaurant staff area. The rest of the waiters glared at him making him want to shrink away into a corner, never to be seen again. Instead, he calmly went to the staff changing room and changed into his home clothes, consisting of a Batman shirt and comfortable shorts before leaving. He left the building and finally went home. The moment that he stepped into the house, Tharsis walked up to him and walked past his legs rubbing them. He knelt down and picked her up smiling.
“Tharsis at least let me take off my shoes! You sweet little cat.” He laughed. He placed Tharsis on the floor and collapsed on the sofa, taking out his phone. Tharsis decided to settle on his lap once more as he scrolled through his schedule, setting reminders and important things that he would have to do tomorrow, so that in case Kaizuka took over, he would be able to handle it and keep his life going as normal as it could possibly go.
He still wanted his cup noodles back. Exhausted, he fell asleep on the couch with Tharsis still on his lap asleep as well.
Three days ago
 “Nao-kun are you alright? Did something happen? Are you injured?” She began fussing over him, her arms flailing around.
“A-ah y-yes I’m fine. I apologize for startling you.”  He replied coming down from his panic.
Sighing with relief, Yuki hugged him and pat him gently before pulling away and staring intently at him,
“Nao-kun, I need to leave for work now. Will you be alright today?”
She asked, looking him straight in the eye.
“I-I think so?” Slaine replied quite hesitantly, still very much confused and somewhat scared, his face giving it away. Whoever this lady was, she was probably a relative of the person whose body he was in at that very moment.
Sister, perhaps?
“If you’re feeling unwell at all tell me, alright Nao-kun? You’re normally not like this.”
“A-alright. I’ll be fine….sister?”
“Hmmmm?? That doesn’t sound quite right.” She moved in closer to look at him, but gave up knowing that she would almost run late for work.
“Call me and I’ll come home early alright? I have to go now, take care! Oh, and breakfast is on the table.” She stood, looking at him one last time and walked out the door, waving her hand.
Still quite stunned from what happened, Slaine stared into blank space.
What was he doing here again?
Once again, the phone with the extremely hideous orange cover beeped, snapping him out of his daze. He picked it up, unlocking it to see an alert that said,
Egg sale ~ be there at 6:30AM
What a strange person, he actually takes note of sales….
Slaine mused as he continued looking through the phone as a text appeared, from a person named Calm which read,
Inaho, aren’t we meeting before heading to school as usual? Where are you? We’ll be late at this rate.              7:30AM
Coupled with a few choice emoji.
He looked at the time, 7:40AM and began panicking once more as he frantically began searching for clothes that looked like a uniform, somewhere within the room. After having thrown clothes around the room everywhere, he found a perfectly ironed uniform that was ready to be worn.
Quickly throwing it on, he grabbed some of the toast and eggs that were on the table and practically ran out of the house with the bag, his hair in disarray.
Wait, where was the school? If I asked around, I’ll seem like an idiot. I am running out of time.
He heard a bicycle bell ring behind him followed by a voice calling him.
“Oh! Found you Inaho! You just left the house didn’t you? Your sister just passed by saying that you overslept. And so,” He placed one foot down on the floor dramatically and grinned, pointing to himself before continuing, and spoke again. “I, Calm Craftman, your lovely hero for today shall get us both to school right on time! Hop on Inaho!” He exclaimed as Slaine thought,
Oh well, what could possibly go wrong….
And hopped onto the back of the cycle, bringing his arms around Calm.
This Inaho person is quite small.
“Alright off we gooooo,” Calm said excitedly and literally sped through the streets on the bicycle, making Slaine cling to Calm tightly.
“Uhm CALM!, watch out!” Slaine shrieked out as a car came in front of them. With no other direction to go, Calm hastily turned to the left, straight down the hill towards the cold lake, both of them screaming, as they plunged into the water. When Slaine resurfaced gasping for breath, taking in his surroundings frantically looking for Calm. Thankfully, he heard a splash close to him. Calm had resurfaced as well. By the look on Calm’s face, he guessed that the bicycle was history.
“Would it have hurt you to at least see where you were going while speed cycling?” Slaine asked Calm, looking quite iIndignant. It was certainly a new expression that Calm had never seen from Inaho before. Shaking his head, Calm forgot what Inaho had said and began swimming to the lake’s shore. Slaine followed, his anger showing on Inaho’s face very clearly as he stepped onto the lakeshore sopping wet, his clothes clinging to him uncomfortably and water in his ears.
Calm shrugged and said gloomily, “ I guess we’re running?”
“Well, after you, oh great Bicycle rider”
Slaine stated, his words dripping with sarcasm, to which, Calm looked at him flabbergasted until he realised they were running out of time and began sprinting in the direction of the school,wi
I am never getting on a bicycle with this guy again.
Slaine thought as he began running after Calm.
“Hmm we’re just on time with five minutes to spare. Let’s go. I think it would be better if we went to the nurse’s office first”
Calm said hesitantly, scratching his head.
The second accident he faced that day was in art class; he wasn’t tall enough to reach the supplies situated above and was very frustrated. Everytime he reached out forto the box, it would move further back into the cabinet, which made him huff with annoyance once more.
Calm and Inko observed from the sidelines, never having seen Inaho this bothered before, especially to even draw anything different from constellations or blue prints. Slaine tip-toed once more on the stool and lost his balance, toppling onto the floor, bringing his classmate Rayet who was beside him down as wellwith him. He was now face to face with his very irritated classmate who looked like she was about to punch him.
Blushing intensely, he rolled off of her as fast as he could and stood up, bowing and apologizing repeatedly. She merely raised an eyebrow and looked over at Calm and Inko as she folded her arms.
This day is going horribly, someone save me.
As though reading his mind, his friends dragged him away from the place and off to lunch the moment the bell rang, signaling the end of the class.
Later that day, Slaine offered to treat Rayet to coffee the next day, as an apology., Sshe raised her eyebrows and looked at him with judging eyes once more and,  curtly replyingied with an, “I’ll consider it.” And left, leaving Slaine to give out a long sigh of relief and collapsed on the floor, very tired from the ordeal.
Inko found him like this and ended up taking pictures and giggled to herself as Calm, also tired and weirded out over Inaho’s very abnormal behavior that day, carried him back to his own home.
He was hoping this was all just a very strange dream. For the very first time he had witnessed Inaho properly apologizing. It had truly been an eventful day in Calm’s opinion. It seemed Inko had enjoyed seeing Inaho like this as well. He couldn’t help but think how strange today was however…maybe he should sleep as well.
When Slaine awoke next, he heard the sounds of something turning continuously coming from the tank which held the hamster. It was running on the wheel. He peered into the tank where the food was held and saw that there was enough for the hamster to eat.
I wonder what its name is….and wow this guy is a genius, that is an in built hamster feeder by the looks of it.  It seems to release the appropriate amount of food into the tank at the appropriate times.
Slaine began examining the contraption curious as to how it worked but came up with nothing. A journal sat beside the tank, labelled, pancake’s growth.
Pancake’s growth? That sounds odd.
He picked it up and began flipping through it. It had so many photos of the orange speckled white hamster with different captions below them. He smiled at some of them.
Day 1: Hamster is situated
Day 2: Have named the hamster Pancake
Day 25: Pancake is Overweight. Adjusting food portions
Day 35: Pancake is running all over the room, back up needed.
Day 50: Pancake is on my head. I do not know how to bring him down.
Slaine burst out laughing at the last pic, Kaizuka looked like a deer with headlights. He guessed that perhaps his sister had taken that picture. Slaine decided to snap a picture of his own and printed it, pasting it in the journal.
He wrote down,
‘Troyard’s adventure with Pancake’
Satisfied, he closed the book and lay down in bed, flipping through the phone’s gallery. He came across more pictures of the hamster and a whole album of ‘Yuki’s favourite recipes’
That’s sweet of him. He seems to be the serious type but is an actual sweetheart. How cute.
He pondered as he flipped through, finding random pictures of stars and constellation maps as well as diagrams from library books.
The next day, he awoke in his own body, and the day that had gone by simply became a hazy memory
Looking back, Slaine thought it would be best for him to keep a proper schedule to make sure this person he had not quite met, wouldn’t mess up his life more than it already was a mess. And so, Slaine wrote down his first rule in his phone’s diary.
1.      Please stop wasting my money on groceries Kaizuka
Placing the phone away on his desk, he fell into a deep sleep as the city continued buzzing with life down below.
And so their crazy days continued, their lives turning upside down as the world around them continued changing, the day of the comet coming ever closer.
Two days later, Slaine found more groceries and bentos in his kitchenette with another note that said, ‘Please do eat more healthily. Eggs are nutritious and are rich in protein.’
The very next day a complaint came up on Inaho’s phone from Slaine.
‘Why do I have to always wake up so early to cook for your sister! She always just teases by saying that your damn eggs aren’t as TASTY as usual!’
He simply replied with a, ‘Just follow the recipe.’ To which Slaine huffed and muttered angrily to himself sarcastically,
“Very helpful Orange, Very helpful indeed.”
Once again, on the next day, Inaho received yet another complaint from Slaine, this time a voice recording that probably would have made him deaf if he had been wearing his ear piece. “KAIZUKA YOUR ADVANCED PHYSICS CLASS CONFUSES ME” followed by sounds of a paper being crushed were heard.
To this, Inaho countered by stating, “I do not understand the point of this….literature elective you have taken either.”
Listening to this, Slaine muttered to himself about how this emotionless orange will never understand the true beauty of words.
This time, Slaine received a note from Inaho about how he had a coffee date with ‘Seylum-san’. Having read this, Slaine nearly combusted on the spot and tapped furiously onto his phone about how he shouldn’t address his senpai so casually, complete with a million angry emoji.
Once again, he was met with a calm reply,
‘What, she asked me to or at least asked you to.’
He typed back a confused, ‘WHAT’ prompting Inaho to explain further about how he helped sew Asseylum’s ripped skirt like he sewed many of Yuki’s clothes before and at the bottom, added a
‘By the way, you have another coffee date with her.’
Now he was sure Slaine had a crush on her, but this was going too far,
He shouted as he wrote on Inaho’s cheeks the word, “Idiot” with a permanent marker.
That’ll teach him!
Inaho wasn’t fazed at all, he replied within the notes,
‘It is good to have a healthy lifestyle I left a few more bentos for you in the fridge. I shall leave a few recipes next time. Cup noodles are not good for you.’
“Kaizuka don’t touch my cup noodles again, I’ve hidden it somewhere else hah!”
“Nope I found it. It is in the trash now. Your health comes first.”
“Why are you throwing around names? Bat boy”
“Sh-shut up don’t bring my batman t-shirts into this”
“How do you say I love you in Scandinavian? Your friends asked the other day. Why are they shocked with my Japanese?”
“DON’T SPEAK IN DIALECT YOU IDIOT. Oh god they asked that again please tell me you didn’t use google translate.”
“I in fact did use Google translate”
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Slaine typed out,
“Don’t you KNOW that google translate is UNRELIABLE Orange?!!!”
 “I am aware but it was the only way out of my…..situation.”
 “What did they ask?”
 “Harklight asked”
 “That doesn’t answer my question. Orange, why is Harklight returning a cookbook to me?”
 “He likes cooking did u not know? Oh and I heard, you’ll be able to see the comet tonight”
 Slaine had expected to spend time as Kaizuka again the next day, but after that day, they never switched again. Dialing the by now familiar number, he called Kaizuka but it never did reach him.
Odd, that he never did see the comet, that Kaizuka spoke of.
He stared at the bracelet he wore, as though it had all the answers to his questions.
I want to get to the bottom of this.
And so, Slaine began writing down plans for travelling to this town he only knew from having seen it through Inaho’s eyes. He took a few days off of work and planned endlessly, finally taking all of his research and throwing them within a file. He had decided to leave Tharsis at Lemrina’s house for now. She had been more than happy to take care of her.
He took a deep breath in and let it out. Determined to find Kaizuka Inaho somehow, somewhere, he left the apartment, ready to go--
--Only to bump into someone tall, a certain friend of his, said person’s name being Harklight.
“Where do you think you are going, Slaine?” Harklight questioned with a stern look.
“A-ah uhm? Going to meet a friend?” he replied, stuttering.
“Without someone too, what if that internet friend was some creep.”
Picking up some of Slaine’s belongings, he walked in front of him and stopped as though remembering something,
“Uhm? Which way is it?”
To that, Slaine visibly face palmed and sighed.
“Fine just follow me alright? Don’t get lost Harklight. I know you’re as hopeless as I can be when it comes to directions.”
“Alright alright, Slaine sama~” he chimed as he walked beside Slaine, who was now intently looking at the train map. They bought lunch and got into the train that travelled to an area near the Itomori town that Slaine was very familiar with at this point.
“So..Slaine where is this friend of yours living at?”
“I don’t know. I just know from the scenery of the town.” Slaine responded as he opened up his travel notebook looking through the directions he had written down.
“But that isn’t very useful is it?”  Harklight declared thoughtfully, placing his hands on his chin.
“I’ve selected a few locations to search while doing my research on the area. Hopefully, we’ll find the town.”
Harklight peered over Slaine’s shoulder, looking at the directions he had written down.
“Oh it’s by the mountains? Interesting. “He hummed as he opened his lunchbox to eat his Katsudon.
“Mmm this smells good.” He commented before digging in eagerly.
Slaine opened his own lunch box somewhat absentmindedly, thinking about how a phone number possibly couldn’t exist or be unreachable, especially after having used it multiple times himself. It made no sense.
They searched and searched and searched for two days straight, and despite Slaine’s extensive research they hadn’t been able to find it. Slaine was about ready to give up by then, his shoulders slumping as he gloomily walked into a ramen restaurant for lunch. Having ordered, he began discussing with Harklight about plans on returning to the city. That was when he turned his head to the right. His eyes came across a few sketches and drawings of scenery that looked to him as if it were a second home.  It was the beautiful town of Itomori. He had finally found a first lead! Excited, he called the shop owner and began asking as to who had drawn those pictures. He pointed to his friend who had been keeping low all this time at the front of the restaurant.
“Oh you mean Marito’s art? He’s from that town in his drawings.” The owner remarked casually.
“Really? Could you tell me where it is? I was trying to find my way there to meet a friend of mine.” Slaine asked excitedly while Harklight observed the drawings and,
“Wait you mean Itomori Town? But it can’t be!” Harklight looked at Slaine as though he had popped out two heads.
The man named Marito turned around and began speaking with a grim look on his face, “Kids these days never read the news, Itomori town was destroyed by meteorite shower three years ago boy. I was one of the few who weren’t in town that night and I lost my whole family. Been living here ever since.”
“N-no way..It can’t be..but!” Slaine breathed out, disbelief etching his face. He thought he was going crazy. Maybe he had finally lost it.
Harklight snapped his fingers before Slaine’s face and caught his attention, looking quite concerned. Slaine snapped out of his anxious thoughts and focussed his mind back to the situation at hand. This time Harklight took over, helping him ask what he could not ask. “Would you mind if you could show us the way there Marito-san?” he requested while Slaine stood by the side quietly, the gears in his mind turning.
 It was a silent drive to the town, the moment they reached, Slaine unlocked the door and ran out almost stumbling over a rock and falling. An area that was covered by tape that was now flying in the breeze stood before him. He jumped over the tape and stopped. What was once Itomori town, was now a gigantic lake. Only the school remained somewhat intact. However, it still showed signs of ruin. Broken lamppost pieces lay here and there, with cars smashed. It looked like the apocalypse had occurred.
“But…we spoke with each other. It’s all right here in my phone!” Slaine said giving himself hope that just maybe Kaizuka Inaho was alive. Just as he said that, the entries and exchanges they had had with each other began disappearing one by one until they were all gone, leaving nothing but an empty space. He brought down his phone, looking defeated.
It makes no sense at all.
Harklight placed a hand on Slaine’s shoulder and squeezed it, trying to reassure him, but Slaine was no longer with them. He was far gone within his own thoughts.
Marito strode over and gestured for Harklight to get back into the car with Slaine. Slaine was in a daze for most of the ride, still trying to figure out how he had missed this and how they had been communicating this whole time.
They checked in at an Inn near the restaurant and tried to rest. Harklight who was tired from the day was out like a light in five seconds flat. However, Slaine couldn’t sleep at all. Cautiously stepping around Harklight, he padded his way out of their room and went up to the library up above. He scanned the shelves looking for Historical records on Itomori and found the disaster’s death toll. Taking the book off of its shelf, he placed it on the table and flipped through the pages, looking for the kaizukas. And there it was, as clear as day, everyone he had known in that small town, were listed as dead, including Inaho. His shoulders trembled as he choked down a crying sound, tears falling from his eyes and onto the names. The fact that they were dead, finally sinking in.
Harklight peered through the library door and closed it, giving Slaine privacy and some time. He had awoken when he found that it was suspiciously cold on the side he had snuggled up to. He was extremely worried for his best friend. He hadn’t seen him like this ever since that day he witnessed Slaine’s own father give him scars on his back. He wondered about who could have possibly been as important to Slaine to make him cry those tears of pain.
Morning came, and Slaine was still a mess, he was starting to forget important things that happened during his switch with Inaho. Little things, however, he did remember one small important point of time. It was time to visit that place at least once before forgetting all about Inaho.
 He prepared to leave after telling Harklight to go back to Tokyo early. After having sent his best friend off, he set for his journey up into the mountains near Itomori with some onigiris and other items. He ran into shelter as it began raining heavily. Wishing, he had brought his raincoat, he sat at the small cave to eat while he waited for the downpour to stop. Looking around, he hoped there were no other bugs in there. He quickly left the cave, his backpack slung over his shoulder, the rain having slowed to a drizzle. At this time, the forests looked breath-taking, with water dripping off of leaves slowly catching the evening light and flowers smelling sweeter than ever. The earthy smell of rain hung in the air as the sun began to go down.
It was too bad Slaine couldn’t stop for too long, he had to constantly keep reminding himself of Inaho’s name which was starting to get really hard to remember. He picked up his pace, and finally, reached the ancient wisteria tree that sat at the very top of the mountain.
It was in bloom at this time of the year. It looked as pretty as it did the last time he came as Inaho with its purple flowers swaying gently in the wind, some of them floating down onto the ground. He went to touch a few of the flowers between his hands gently. Below that tree, was a grave covered in many flowers. He had remembered that Inaho and Yuki’s mother was buried here after her unfortunate passing. After paying his respects to her, he sat down below the tree, hoping that somehow he would be able to turn back time, that somehow he could meet that boy he had bickered with so much over the months. He fell asleep below that tree, tired from all the hiking.
 He dreamt of Inaho’s past, beginning with his birth. Inaho was a strange baby, he hadn’t cried at all. He saw Inaho’s father leave when he was barely two years old, leaving him with a crying Yuki. He saw how their friends had helped them survive alone together. He witnessed Inaho’s and Yuki’s first picnic under the blooming Wisteria tree. The times Yuki left the house and didn’t come back home early, worrying Inaho out and finally to the time, they began switching, their lives fading together. The very last memory he saw was, Inaho looking straight to the sky as blazing meteorites fell from the sky. The heavens were falling and Inaho hadn’t moved, he had stared somewhat mesmerized as the town blew up before him.
Slaine shouted to no one in particular, to make Inaho run, do something anything.
He awoke with a start, except he wasn’t in his own body anymore. He looked at his hands and they were the familiar smaller ones that belonged to Inaho. He almost cried from happiness as he looked at the calendar. He still had time before that comet would fall. He still had time to change everything. It was truly a miracle. Running out of the room, he found Yuki and hugged her, tears streaming down his face. Yuki was to say the least stunned. She looked at him closely and asked,
“Who are you? You’re not Inaho are you?”
This time it was Slaine who was blabbering, as he explained to Yuki what would happen if they didn’t evacuate the town. She hummed to herself and said,
“I’ll try my best to help you. Inaho mentioned that the comet was acting strangely when he was stargazing but you have to come back some day to see us okay? I want to meet his new friend in person! He was in Tokyo yesterday you know.”
Taking in the words carefully, he jogged his memory and found that Inaho had come to see him except they hadn’t known each other yet. It was the most unfortunate meeting they had had. The only thing that had come out from it was the bracelet he wore to this day. He borrowed Calm’s new bicycle from him and cycled off to the mountains, Calm’s bike meeting another unlucky accident as it fell into a ravine. Slaine ran back to the Wisteria tree, hoping and praying Inaho was there and he was.
Inaho awoke to the sound of the swaying branches of the wisteria tree. He looked around, blonde hair falling into his eyes. That was odd, only one person he knew had blonde hair like this. He brought his fingers through it and stood up taking in his surroundings. He was familiar with this place, but why was Slaine here?
He stood up and walked to the side of the mountain, his breath hitching as he took in what was a disaster zone. Itomori was gone, completely destroyed.
So the comet’s nucleus had split after all
The sun was setting slowly as the birds of the forest began returning to their homes, the sky was getting darker until he felt someone’s presence behind him.
In a second, they were back in their own bodies and for the first time, they looked into each other’s eyes. Inaho whispered out, ‘Kataware Doki’ to himself .It was indeed twilight, the time where you might meet someone or something not human. Looking at Slaine for the first time had stunned him, he looked absolutely ethereal like a being out of a fantasy.
Slaine smiled at him and said, “You were three years too early you idiot, orange.”
Inaho replied with a smile as well, “Well, it’s not like I knew this would happen Bat.”
They shuffled closer to each other and hugged as Slaine cried tears of happiness.
“I thought I had lost you forever you know.” Slaine sniffled out as Inaho pat him soothingly.
He pulled away and took out a permanent marker telling Inaho that they should write their names on each other’s hands before they forgot. Except when Slaine brought his marker to Inaho’s hand, he disappeared. Twilight had ended. Neither of them were able to write their names down.
 Slaine’s life flashed before his eyes as he saw the marker fall. Were they never meant to meet? Who was that guy? Why was he here? He shouted to the sky, “What is your name?” as tears fell from his eyes. He kneeled down onto the ground.
He was found by someone who had been hiking that day, looking lost, he never did remember why he was there but sometimes he knew he was looking for someone. It always felt like he was looking for them. His bracelet was still with him, a constant reminder as to the fact that he had lost someone important to him but didn’t know who it was.
Years later, he began looking for jobs and was turned down interview after interview. His friends remarked that maybe it was his suit and tie. They told him he should remove that kiddy bracelet he wore. He didn’t. There were instances where he felt like he had passed by someone he knew but was too afraid to call out to the stranger. And so, their lives went on until one day, he heard familiar voices at a café while having coffee with Asseylum.
“Calm, why are you so gloomy today, here have some cake.” A lady with short black hair spoke as the man named Calm opened his mouth grumpily as she fed him.
Slaine watched as they acted like a couple and shook the feeling of knowing them off and continued talking with Asseylum reassuring her that it was nothing.
Three years had gone by and it was spring once more, when Slaine spotted a brunette on another train who had looked at him with wide eyes. It was a fleeting moment but he knew that that person had to be the one. The one he had been searching for all these years. He dashed out of the train, running out of the station and walked around the neighbourhood.
 Inaho had seen that ethereal face before, but he couldn’t quite figure out why he knew that person, he got off at the next stop and ran towards the neighbourhood beside it and there was the person, standing by the stairs, who looked at him and passed by shaking his head before yelling at him, “Hey! Have we met before?”
Inaho smiled, “I thought so too” he said gently.
 Both of them asked each other in unison,
“What is your name?”
Author’s Note:
I admit this fic was actually really hard to finish writing since I am not used to writing more than a thousand words for every chapter update I normally do. However, thanks to the support of the other authors and the Aldnoah family I was able to make it on time.
I would like to specially thank, Hakumei_Hogosha , Ayuki , Plum and Chloe for helping me edit and beta this and supporting me throughout the writing process.
The addition of Pancake is a special dedication to Ayuki’s pet hamster. I believe this project has truly brought the az family closer.
I would like to thank Ayu for supporting everyone including myself when we were stressing over this fanbook project. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this fic and will join us for the games soon!
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