#Love spells tips
gummi-ships · 8 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Thundaja
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chthonic-sorcery · 1 month
The Stele of Aphrodite : an Ancient Greek Love Charm ☆💗☆
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Many love spells in the ancient world, particularly in the PGM are that of what are known as fetching charms, or binding spells: love spells targeting specific people. However, there are a number of more generalized love spells, ones with no particular target, such as the Stele of Aphrodite.
The Stele of Aphrodite is Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) spell number IV. 1265-74, and dates back to the late Hellenic period of ancient Greece. It was used primarily for love magic, specifically to invoke the favor and obsession of a desired individual, as well as for favor and success within friendship, popularity and beauty. The stele was believed to harness the power of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, to sway the emotions and actions of whoever sees you in favor of the practitioner.
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Step by step instructions on how to create your own below ☆
Read the full article for free here
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wandoffire · 6 months
Hey :)
A quick link for everything.
Law of attraction 🧲
Raising your vibration
Simple spiritual practices
Spell Jars: 🫙
Good luck
Career / money
Herbs: 🌱
For energy
For sleep
For digestive health
Essential oils: use ideas and types
Crystals: 💎
Colour meanings
Crystals for...
Care tips
Moon phase journaling 🌙
Energy cleanse mist
Peaceful sleep spell bag
Lucid Dreaming
Love 🫶
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bruxasdebolso · 3 months
Self-love Spell Jar
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This is a basic spell jar for self-love. It can be made with things you probably already have in your house.
• Make sure to cleanse the container before adding the ingredients;
• White candle can substitute any color candle;
• Rosemary can substitute any herb;
• You can add or remove ingredients as you want, remember to follow the ingredient's correspondence;
• Always set your intention;
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icanseethefuture333 · 10 months
Random ass question, but what do you think is the best way for a 4/10 girl to become at least a 7 out of 10? I’m aware that “beauty is subjective” but I’m literally below average, 4/10 is being lenient for me lol
How to have confidence in your physical appearance 🎀
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First of all sweetie,
let's not rate ourselves on a scale about how pretty we are! It's really degrading and I feel like you deserve so much better than that. Living in a generation where filters are oversaturated, people using AI to edit their photos, and incels with porn addictions and have never felt the touch of a woman, will call the most beautiful girl "mid". It's so understandable why one's self esteem can feel low at times. You need to change the way you talk about yourself (especially me). Beauty always start from within - as redundant as that sounds. You can't feel pretty if you're not focusing on the reason why you feel this way. A pretty soul (and self concept!) makes a prettier face. Moving on, let's get into the actual tips of a glow up 💖
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Let's address the elephant in the room 🐘: you're not ugly, just acting pitiful
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Have you ever wondered why you have seen those people who are considered "unattractive" or "unconventionallly pretty" by others be in successful relationships or popular with their peers? It's because they have confidence. Have you ever been attracted to someone that may not necessarily fit the beauty standards or be considered a jaw dropping model, but you thought they were cute anyways because of their personality or charm? That's exactly what I mean. You can be a pretty face or have a nice body, but have terrible self esteem. Living in California my whole life I come across this everyday. There is plenty of beautiful people here, but there is also a lot of people with no sense of humor and no offense, but have no personalities. In other words, you can be attractive, but superficial and boring.
To feel beautiful or more like a "10" even on your worst day is mainly having a good self concept. You need to think with the mindset of "I am the baddest bitch even on my worse days and nobody can make me feel different about that, not even me." Our concept can be changed, reshaped, rebuilt, morphed, etc, into any way we want it to be. Our self concept and dominant thoughts are created by our previous past experiences and what people have told us what we are. For example, if you were bullied in your youth and somebody picked on you for your features. Why would you give a fuck about what a bully thinks??? A person who humiliated and traumatized someone at a weak point in their life does not matter. Their opinion, their actions, their thoughts - doesn't matter. You can change yourself anytime you want, we are animals, we are literally mean to be apart of this cycle called life and our habits, attitudes, opinions, etc, can change at any moment. We are meant to grow and adapt. You get to decide who you are, what you feel, and how you wish people to perceive you. Nobody else. So when you repeatedly say things to people like "I'm not beautiful", they're gonna get tired of it honestly and be like "Yk what damn bitch I guess you are ugly!" because it gets tiring to hear someone complain about the same thing even when they just reassured them (again, I'm guilty of this too). So when you depend on someone to make you feel good about yourself, that's just codependency. You are also giving them the power to manipulate you. Don't do that. Be free and be independent, love yourself. It's your self esteem and you cannot be dependent on anybody else to fill that void you have within yourself.
As Katt Williams said, "It's the esteem of your motherfucking self!"
Why it's not your fault you don't 'feel" pretty
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Like I said above, you are most likely a product of your surroundings. Most people are not raised by their parents to have good self esteem or to teach them how to be confident or emotionally secure. There are many environmental factors to insecurity and that it is okay if you are never 100% feeling confident about yourself. People in the media construct this ego to seem "cool" and act conceited as a way to avoid being seen as weak to society. You can be confident and also have insecurities. Confidence is just about being secure with the essence of who you are and setting boundaries when necessary with other people when it comes to that. A confident person doesn't tolerate disrespect.
"Conceited" or confident?: how to avoid confusing the two
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I think the most irritating thing to me that is normalized these days is narcissism and conceited people. People will literally act boastful and cocky then say "I'm just confident". Behaving like a narcissist or saying that you are one is not cute and never will be because it's literally a personality disorder, a mental health condition. Everytime I hear this it makes me want to roll my eyes so far back into my head. Try to avoid being this person with a "God complex" because there's a difference between a person who is being loud and fake with "confidence". A real confident person makes moves in silence and is genuine with themselves. If you have to brag or put another person down to feel like hot shit, then you're not a confident person, period.
Tips to enhance your beauty
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As I said before anon you are already a 10 in my eyes, but I understand how it feels to not feel pretty at times and we all have our days when we are looking "rough". Here are some self care tips I do that helps me feel pretty and pampered physically ✨️
Get some beauty sleep! This is not just a saying. When your body has time to rest it gives you time to reset & have more energy for the next day. Getting plenty of sleep helps prevent dark circles & puffy eyes as well. If you struggle with falling asleep spray lavender pillow spray, drink tea, or play asmr/soothing sounds.
Skincare & hygiene, this is such a crucial step that everyone should practice in their daily lives. All of us have different skin textures and when we neglect our skin it causes a dry, oily, or bumpy surfaces. Now skin texture is totally normal but if you notice the days where you are not washing your face frequently enough, your skin either looks dull, dirty, or you experience more pimples / acne breakouts. Not to mention how dirty we feel when our body is projecting a certain odor. You don't need to have an extravagant routine, but at least try to have about 4 hygienic products (soap, deodorant, lotion, & body spray/prrfume) and 4 skincare products (facial cleanser (I recommend double cleansing!), serum, SPF/Sunscreen, & face lotion).
Mirror work, saying affirmations in the mirror has proven to be helpful for people's self esteem & feeling more confident with their physical appearance.
Change your wardrobe! Start dressing for your body type & how your ideal self would. It might feel uncomfortable at first but you will feel so much more beautiful! You could try finding videos on tiktok of people with your body type to help (for example, if you are plus sized, you could search your desired aesthetic & find people with the same shape as you).
Detox from social media 📱, learn when it is time to take a break from your phone & engage with the real world. Scrolling for hours on your phone can be really harmful especially if you're reading negative comments or watching videos that are self depreciating.
Follow people who uplift you, not tear you down. If you are following people who obviously are negative or affect your self esteem somehow, then you do not need to be supporting them.
Make appointments! Whether that is a doctor appointment or lash, nail, or hair appointments. Take care of your mind, health, and body. You could ask your doctor what vitamins you should take or also seek a counselor/therapist to find the root of your insecurities in a safe place. Also sometimes just getting my hair or nails done makes me feel more confident!
Learn to treat yourself. Buy yourself flowers or a gift you always wanted but never received. This could be anything, it doesn't necessarily mean to spend money. For example, cooking your favorite food, having a lazy day, etc. Remember that you deserve to be happy!
Lastly, beauty spells, glamour magick, and manifestation are popular methods for people who wish to enhance their physical appearance. I do all of these myself and I always feel so hot afterwards!
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I hope you found these tips helpful beautiful ♡!
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enchanting-jewel · 1 year
Self-Love Mini Spell
You will need:
Rose quartz
Pink candle
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Self-love doesn’t come very easily to some of us. But loving yourself is the stepping stone to a successful relationship. It motivates us to practice positive behavior. Self-love is not falling into self-hatred or shame when we mess up. If you are doubting yourself and need a little self-love boost, try this little spell daily until you truly love yourself inside and out.
Light your pink candle and hold the rose quartz in your dominant hand. Say out loud while looking in the mirror:
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“I love myself fully and unconditionally. I treat myself with love and respect. I make positive choices for myself. As I will it so mote it be.”
Focus on how you feel and will feel when you obtain self-love. Imagine all the positive choices that lie ahead and picture yourself choosing happiness and positivity. When you are done, blow out your candle.
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Good luck, don’t forget you’re beautiful inside and out!
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maryhale1 · 7 months
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❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️How to create a Love altar to attract true love:
1. ✨Select a Dedicated Space✨Choose a quiet and undisturbed area where you can set up your altar.
2.✨Symbolic Items✨ Place items that symbolize love and romance, such as rose quartz crystals, heart-shaped objects, and items that hold personal significance.
3.✨Candles✨Use candles in colors associated with love, like pink or red. Light them during your altar sessions to enhance the energy.
4.✨Fresh Flowers✨ Include fresh flowers, preferably in pairs, to symbolize a blossoming and flourishing love.
5.✨Personal Touch✨Add personal items, like a photo of yourself or an item that reminds you of a happy and loving moment.
6.✨Intention Setting✨Focus on your true love intentions while arranging and interacting with the altar. Envision the kind of love you desire.
7.✨Regular Maintenance✨ Keep the altar clean and refreshed regularly. Replace flowers, cleanse crystals, and maintain the positive energy.
8.✨Meditation and Visualization✨ Spend time in meditation, visualizing the love you wish to attract. Feel the emotions associated with being in a loving relationship.
Remember, the key is sincerity and positive energy. Use this altar as a tool to align your intentions with the energy of love.
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lionheartapothecaryx · 6 months
| shop spiritual wares, oils, waters & curio 🌛🔮
Spiritual Properties of Violet
Planetary Ruler: Venus, Moon
Element: Water
Associated deities & religious rites: Ostara, Spring Renewal, Aphrodite, Io, Orpheus, Venus, Attis, Ares, Persephone
Magical Uses: Love, Attraction, Protection, Rebirth, Healing, Faith, Love Offerings and more
One of my favorite plant allies, in my personal Venusian practice.
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violet-hearth · 3 months
Herb Butter
Also known as compound butter and is a way to preserve herbs and flavour butter.
Best used for savory foods, can be an amazing way to elevate kitchen witchcraft.
Generic Recipe Base
8 tablespoons or 1/2 cup butter
1-3 teaspoons of finely chopped fresh herbs of choice (combine herbs for more flavour profiles)
rosemary, coriander, chives, parsley, dried chilies, sage, dill, garlic, lemon, edible flowers etc.
optionally 1 teaspoon lemon zest
optionally salt to taste
Soften butter at room temperature then add to a bowl with the herbs and zest. Using a fork, mask it all together until thoroughly combined.
Add salt to taste and combine
Scoop the butter onto a piece of waxed or parchment paper and roll into a log - optionally place in a shaped dish. Place in fridge to set
Fisherman's Butter
To be added to a seafood salad, white fish, shrimp, or on bread. Would pair amazingly with a holiday featuring fish, a holiday honouring an ocean deity, or to bring to a group meal.
8 tablespoons butter
1 tablespoon parsley
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/2 tablespoon rosemary
1/2 - 1 tablespoon fish sauce (vegan works too)
salt and pepper to taste
Yuletide Butter
Serve in a communal or partnered meal to bring in love, prosperity and community during the colder months - best served with chicken, warm bread, or potatoes.
3 tablespoons butter
OPTIONAL: 1 table spoon of scotch
2-3 cloves crushed garlic (protection, love, lust)
1/2 teaspoon zest of clementine (love, home blessing, luck)
1/4 teaspoon clove (love, money)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon (love, protection, prosperity)
1/4 teaspoon smoke paprika (heat, energy, fire)
1/2 teaspoon salt (protection)
Adapt the recipes as needed for what you have and to your own practice <3
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hiddenhearthwitch · 1 year
🌹 Self Love Spell Bath Ritual 🌹
It's super important to make time to take care of yourself and nurture your soul. I created a simple self love bath ritual just for that! Remember, the most important aspect of any ritual is your intention and the energy you bring to it. Trust in the power of self-love and allow yourself to fully embrace the experience.
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Rose quartz crystal (for self-love and healing)
Epsom salt (for relaxation and cleansing)
Pink candles (for love and emotional healing)
Fresh roses or rose petals (for love and beauty)
Your favorite bath oils or salts (optional)
Your intention and positive energy
Begin by setting the mood in your bathroom. Dim the lights, play soothing music, and create a serene atmosphere that promotes relaxation and self-care.
Fill your bathtub with warm water. As the tub is filling, add a handful of Epsom salt. Epsom salt helps to draw out toxins from your body and promotes a sense of relaxation.
Light the pink candles and place them around the bathroom. Their soft, gentle glow will create a calming and loving ambiance.
Take the rose quartz crystal in your hands and focus on your intention for the self-love bath. Visualize yourself surrounded by unconditional love and acceptance. Feel a sense of warmth and compassion emanating from the crystal.
Gently place the rose quartz crystal in the bathtub. As it comes into contact with the water, imagine its loving energy infusing the water, filling the tub with healing vibrations.
If you have fresh roses, scatter their petals on the water's surface. Alternatively, you can sprinkle dried rose petals in the bath. The roses symbolize love and beauty, further enhancing the self-love experience
Step into the bath and submerge yourself in the warm water. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax fully and release any tension or negative thoughts.
As you soak in the bath, meditate on self-love and self-acceptance. Repeat positive affirmations such as "I am worthy of love and happiness" or any other affirmations that resonate with you. Visualize any emotional wounds healing and being replaced with self-love and compassion.
Stay in the bath for as long as you desire, enjoying the peaceful and loving energy. You can also use this time to journal, reflect, or simply indulge in self-care activities.
When you feel ready to end the ritual, thank the rose quartz crystal and roses for their healing energy. Blow out the candles (if safe to do so) and take a moment to express gratitude for the experience.
Once you've finished your bath, drain the water, and rinse off any remaining rose petals. Take a moment to ground yourself, feeling the loving energy you've cultivated within you.
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harvestmoss · 11 days
🌹 Love & Sex Magic Basics
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Some good knowledge to have in the back of the mind when performing love and sex magic, alone or with others, yourself or for others. Sex and love magic often work together.
As always, I do not want minors on these posts, this is an 18+ only post.
Blog post include...
TIME - The best times to cast love and sex magic.
SPACE - The best places to performance.
TOOLS - Great talismans and objects to have near you when performing.
COLOURS - Best colours to use.
NUMBERS - Numbers use and to invoke.
WATERS - Spell waters to use for enhancements.
OILS - Spell oils best suited for love and sex magic.
BOTANICALS & APHRODISIACS - Flowers, herbs, foods, etc. These are the botanicals to use for love and sex magic, especially the aphrodisiac ones.
NOTES - Extra good knowledge to know when performing love and sex spells.
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🌑 New Moon: The new moon is associated with our shadow self. Due to history and religion, we often associate sex and desires with our shadow self, something kind of unacceptable. It's such a primal human feeling, lust. So sex magic benefits from the New Moon greatly.
🌒 Waxing: The moon is getting bigger and brighter. Creating an ideal phase for magic around growth. Say you're in a relationship already, you'd want it to grow better and stronger, this is an ideal time to add extra passion into your sex life too.
🌕 Full Moon: Everything is full and intense on the Full Moon. Generally, all spells are enhanced during Full Moon, so you may cast sex magic here to enhance them. See what works best for you whenever it is the Full Moon or New Moon.
♀️ Friday: These are the best days for love and sex magic. This day is in honour of Venus. But you may also know it as the day of Aphrodite, Freya, and Oshun. Generally, love spirits are most powerful during Fridays.
🕒 The Clock: Typically, daylight brings abundance, growth, and positive influences. Night brings out the shadow self, intuition and emotional self. You could prepare spells in the daylight and performe them during night. See what works best for you. I wouldn't worry too much about the exact clock.
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🛏️ The Bedroom: The bedroom is home to the bed, a place we spend roughly ⅓ of our lives in. I believe it oozes with great magical threshold and potential. It's the home to our subconscious mind and desires. A bed is also where we typically perform pleasurable acts. Performaning sex magic in the bedroom is more potent than that of the living room.
🛁 The Bathroom: Not the place we typically have acts of pleasure, but it is a place we're often bare and naked in. we take baths, or get ready and make sure we looks alright, make sure we smell good, some do their makeup here, so on and so forth. I often perform glamour magic in the bathroom, and if you do glamour magic in conjunction with sex magic, your sex magic has a greater chance of success. Glamour magic is about attraction, and sex magic is specifically attracting pleasure. Think of them as collaborative partners occasionally.
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🌿 Priapic Wand: A wand with a phallic object attached to the end, usual that of an acorn or pinecone. Mainly used to encourage the growth of Spring and is a symbol of Imbolc and Beltane. You may attache ribbons and bells to it as well.
🌿 Mermaid Wand: Mermaids or sirens are said to have lured sailors into the sea with their beauty and sexual nature. A mermaid wand is simply a piece of driftwood.
🌿 Copper Wand: Copper holds romance and feminine energy, so copper wands are often used in love spells, tope it with a rose quartz to enhance the powers.
🦢 Swan/Rooster Feathers: Swans are often a romantic symbol of grace and beauty, we often see swans in artworks being their iconic heart symbol together, they're also a bird that mates for life. Roosters on the other hand help ward off evil and are a symbol of male energy. I see rooster feathers often used in love magic, perhaps because the rooster is such a lady's man?
🔧 Iron: Representing primal male power. Iron helps invoke sexual desire and remedy lack of libido. Iron is also hard, stiff, and endures a lot. So we're hoping that it's magical properties will tranfer through to the spells. Soaking iron in water and using that water to bath your man, specifically the part that's actually useful about us, will enhance us to perform better.
🕯️ Candles: Candles are already used in every spell there is, I'm mainly placing it here since I've found that when you involve another person and light their name on fire it invoke passion and sexual drive.
💕 Adult Toys: I suggest having literal symbols of sex near you or being used when performing sex magic. Even greater if you have one specifically for the use of these rituals. Similarly, having pornography to stimulate you is favoured, or a partner.
🐎 Horseshoes or Horse Symbols: Horseshoes are often associated with luck and protection. But can also be a powerful love talisman. Horse shoes incorporate iron (as discussed above), the shape of a horse shoe is reminiscens a cresent moon, often associated with female energy, and it may also be associated with the symbol of double horns which is a symbol of the female genitalia (Statues showing off the vulva frightened off ghosts because the vulva is a symbol of life and ghosts are dead). The symbol of a horse adds additonal meaning, especially that of a stallion, being that of powerful virile animals. If you were to hammer a nail through a horseshoe, well, isn't that obvious why?
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🍎 Red: A primary colour, red is associated with life and passion in many cultures. Red is connected to the body through health, sex, lust, love, romance, passion, confidence.
🍊 Orange: Symbolising connections in our life. It has associations with power, vitality, energy, growth, success, and ambitions. Great colour to use when you're already in a relationship.
💗 Pink: Often a feminine colour, therefore, it represents those quirks and stereotypes. Unconditional love, playfulness, love, gentleness, beauty, feelings. It's also the lesser colour of red, so if you'd want more intimate sex rather than rough, I recommended pink.
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2️⃣ Two (2): For obvious reasons, it is the number of unity, of harmony.
5️⃣ Five (5): I have heard to invoke the power of Oshun (Orisha of Love), you should use the number five.
6️⃣ Six (6): To invoke the power of Aphrodite (Lady of Love), use the number six.
8️⃣ Eight (8): To invoke the power of Inanna-Ishtar (Queen of Heaven), use the number eight. Eight is also the number associated with eternity and infinity if you lay it down, so use it to keep a relationship and sex life intact.
🔢 Numerology: Generally, lesser numbers are beginnings and bigger numbers are endings. So use lesser numbers to start a passionate life and bigger numbers to have greater orgasms, etc. See what works best for you.
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🕊️ Angel's Water: This water began as a complexation remedy in the sixtheenth-century before slowly becoming a love potion. It's name is a reference to the Angels that seduced the daughters of man in the Book of Genesis. It's also known as Aphrodite Water with it's main ingredient being Myrtle, which is said is what Aphrodite was covered in when she emerged from the ocean.
💞 Florida Water: Originally marketed as a cologne. Florida Water has attractive qualities due to it's scent with rosemary and citrus aspects. IT draws in luck, fantastic energies, and happiness.
🌹 Rose Water: Roses are often associated with love and romance, especially the red variant. Rose Water, or any flower water for that matter, are often used in love spells and beauty spells.
🍷 May Wine: Ritual potion for Midsummer’s Eve and Walpurgis Night. Some of my potions require mixing ingredients into a wine, and I choose May Wine, if I don't have that, red wine is fine.
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💖 Love Oil: Used for love and sex spells, as well as being used for attraction.
💘 Come To Me Lover Oil: Consider this a deluxe version of Love Oil. Perfect for sex magic and attraction of people, used mainly for specific purposes, such as drawing in a specific kind of sex life or person.
🐈 Black Cat Oil: Break bad spells and hexes, attract positive attention, especially that of the opposite gender. Depending on what oil base you choose, jojoba or castor oil for protection and almond oil for love spells.
🌿 Cleopatra Oil: Captures the true essence of legendary Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. Used for glamor spells, love and sex magic.
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💐 Botanicals: Basil, carrots, catnip, chamomile, cardamom, coriander, cubeb, gardenia, grains of paradise, hibiscus, hyacinth, iris, jasmine, lady’s mantle, lavender, lovage, mint, onion, orchid, poppy, rose, rosemary, saint john’s wort, southernwood, strawberries, thyme, tormentil, vervain.
Botanicals associated with romance and sex and/or can enhance your love and sex spells.
🍾 Aphrodisiacs: Caviar, champagne, chocolate, coriander, apricots, peaches, cherries, grapes, figs, pomegranates, garlic, hibiscus tea, honey, hot peppers, mint, onions, radishes, saffron, shellfish, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, sushi, vanilla, tomato.
Ingredients in which have shown to have aphrodisiac effects, some more than others.
☁️ Myrrh and Frankincense: They may not be obvious, with their religious background and association. However, they were burned in ancient Egypt, and myrrh was associated with Isis, the goddess of fertility, and frankincense with that of Rah. The lunar and sun goddess and god. Burn together with a partner or burn myrrh if you're more fem leaning and frankincense if you're mask leaning. Burn myrrh if you're attracting a woman and burn frankincense if you're attracting a man. What if you're nonbinary or the partner is? Burn both.
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Some extra good things to note before, during, and after performing love and sex spells.
Bathing your hands in Rose Water to enhance spells before performing - You may also use thyme.
Performing naked for sex magic increases the chances of success. Alternatively, clothing that makes you feel sexy.
Wearing a red ribbon around your waist for sexual seduction enhancement. You may use red string and incorporate knot magic, or a red gather belt, or regular belt. Something red around your waist, essentially.
In sex magic, you'll want to stir counter-clockwise. This is to invoke passion and vigour in your sex life. While clockwise is the opposite and lessens the libido. You may also think of it as counter-clockwise for deviance and clockwise for "vanilla".
Stir near your thighs and genitals to enhance success and better sex.
Stir near your heart for romantic love.
The hair off of someone's head is often used in love spells to draw them near you and make them love you. However, if you acquire their pubic hair, more sexual and aroused feelings will be invoked.
Use your sexual bodily fluids to charge and enchant sigils and other objects.
Use menstrual blood to enhance love spells. Are you someone who do not bleed like me? Worry not! Prick your ring finger, preferably that of the left (unless you're married, then that of the right) and the blood will have a similar effect to that of menstrual blood.
Are your love spells not working on your lover? Acquire a piece of their hair and let gentle water drip on ti it continually and the resistance should wear off. Sometimes your lover may even be cursed with lack of sexual performances, so bathing in iron would help or eating any of the aphrodisiac ingredients would help too.
It helps to be in the mindset when performing love and sex spells, so being aroused and excited for sex spells helps them perform better. Being in a romantic mood helps for love spells, so feed yourself well with cherries, peaches, and chocolate. As well as having your favourite adult toys out when doing sex magic or also warming yourself up and then performing sex magic.
That should be it, go out and have lots of good sex and love!
Excuse grammar mistake and spelling errors, English is not my first language.
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boringgg-bunnyyy · 4 months
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my roses are blooming which means it’s time to start preparing my favorite ingredient:
rose sugar 🌹
every year my most prized item in my cupboard is my homemade rose sugar
i start by simply harvesting my rose petals (i prefer to use my red roses because i swear they have a better taste/smell) 🌹
then i make sure to give them a through wash (you don’t want to accidentally eat a bug, or maybe you do… that’s your business) 💧
then, and this is so important, i leave them to dry, typically wrapped up in paper towels and in a place critters can’t get to them (microwave, oven, etc) 🥀
once they are dry i chop them up (or leave them whole, it’s up to you) and simply mix them into regular, granulated sugar 🔪
if you want the flavor to be really strong add a ton of chopped petals, for a milder flavor add less and keep them whole… there’s no real measuring in the bunny’s cottage, we just wing it
once the sugar and roses are mixed, i seal it up in a jar and leave it to rest for at least 6 weeks before using 🫙
after that time passes you can sift out the petals, or leave them in for extra taste, then you’re free to use the sugar however you want, my personal favorite is making rose sugar cookies to gift my friends at Valentine’s Day because each little cookie is like its own love spell
Important Disclaimer: never use flowers that have been chemically treated! I harvest from my own garden because I know they are safe, if this is not the case for you, you can find food grade flowers in most occult stores or online
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folkandbooks · 11 months
Some women used to do (or still does) love spells out of necessity. For them I hold no judgements. But if you’re trying to bind your high school crush into being obsessed with you I’ll just say I have opinions about that.
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psychopomp-recital · 4 months
Yall gotta stop seeing Death as just the end of life.
Theres so much more to it you can utilize!! Get out there and petition Death to help you break those generational habits! Death to the cycle! If you ask really nicely I’m sure it’ll help you kill those insecurities too.
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instantpansies · 8 months
toast spotted jumping on a trend months later super rare sighting!! my redhead sons with adhd and self esteem issues <3333 (leaf coneybear from 25th annual putnam county spelling bee and norm the robot from phineas and ferb) (i love them so much)
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ummm lines under cut (also norm saying damn but he would never say that in real life)
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@imabiscuitinthousandworlds a different style for you
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magickmama777 · 7 months
Here’s your nightly reminder to cover the mirror in your room before you go to sleep 😌🌃
Protection sigils to lock your mirror is a nice little touch as well 🪄✨
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