#Luna Stargaze
ask-tulip-town-va-ver · 2 months
Welcome To Tulip Town!
this is the VA version of @ask-tulip-town ! where the VAs will answer in character (and I'll do a little doodle to go with it!)
come ask the Residents of Tulip Town, about anything & everything!!
just keep it sfw, there are minors here. thank you!
The Residents
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glitterwolfvi · 4 months
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Luna & Sol Stargaze! the theater siblings!
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cultoftuliptown · 1 year
Three more character designs made!
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Sol- Takes the role of Baal, the first son.
Luna- Takes the role of Aym, the second son
Eclipse- Takes the role of Forneus, mother of Baal and Aym
Don't worry, "Relics of the Old Faith" is canon in this AU, so these three will reunite!
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evesandfriends · 1 year
Embarrassing parents moment.
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ask-tulip-town · 1 year
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|| wanted to draw w/o worrying about quality, so take these ||
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tagging-tulip-town · 1 year
hi! I made this just for doing those "tag your oc" things! but for tagging Tulip Town
you can chat with me too but also ask me what I think a certain character would apply to something
my main is @transpuppetboy
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superherosightings · 7 months
Please tell me I wasn't the only one who saw Red Hood legit YEET Robin off a roof? It was freakin' hilarious watching Nightwing run and try to catch the poor kid 🤣
Unfortunately, my phone was dead, and I didn't get any video...
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s7ieben · 4 months
aquarelle and ink on paper – drawing, painting – 30 x 21 cm
S7IEBEN.art RedBubble
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tallbluelady · 1 month
🌦️ to see them out in their favourite kind of weather
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Clear skies make it easier to see the stars and fireworks!
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miraculouskittylover · 5 months
Forgotten (part 8)
Chat Noir coughed as he swayed on his feet. This wasn't happening. Not to him or his lady. Wait... his lady! He quickly shook his head, forcing the dizziness away. He grabbed his baton and look and Paintino, who was busy fighting Ladybug.
Ladybug looked around. "Where is Chat? Did he not manage to go to a safe place?" She dodged an attack from the villain. Her eyes glued themselfs on Paintino's painbrush. How could she ever break it? She would melt away if she touched it.
Chat Noir landed beside Ladybug, the adrenaline numbing the pain of his side, where he was still melting. "Uhm, maybe it's time for your lucky charm, LB!" Chat exlaimed.
"Oh yeah, you're right!" Ladybug summond her lucky charm. She got a... larg water bucket? What could she do with that? Ladybug looked around, trying to find a solution.
Chat was busy distracting Paintino. He jumped from roof to roof as he also tried to dodge the paint blows. He blocked an attack with his baton, and it melted away. "Oh... oh no..." Chat looked up as Paintino smirked.
Chat Noir, the akumatized paintbrush, the bucket of water... It all made sense now! Ladybug called Chat Noir on her jojo, as he was now far away.
"You called me, m'lady?" Chat was panting. "Yeah, here's the plan-" Ladybug said. She explained what they were going to do and then she hang up. This had to work. It HAD to. "We can do this. I believe in us." Ladybug thought to herself.
She put the bucket on the ground. It was in the park, so there was a lot of space. Chat came with Paintino running after him. It looked like Chat had one arm... Oh no! He had been hit in his arm too. His arm and side where close to melting away other body parts. Ladybug bit her lip. If this didn't work...
Chat jumped on the rim of the bucket. Paintino slammed his paintbrush in the bucket, in order to hit Chat. But he missed and the water in the bucket made the pain come of the brush. Chat quickly used his cataclysem on the paintbrush and the akuma was catched by Ladybug.
Chat was healed, and he helped Paintino, that was now a normal man, back to his feet.
Ladybug stared at Chat. Now that that was out of the way... she had to make him eat a meal... without him freaking out...
Yes I'm back! I hope this made up for leaving.
Shoutout: @stargazer-luna, @scarlettnoirxoxo
Comment 'paintbrush' for a shoutout in my next part!
Thanks for ready, byeeeee. 💕
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tag-that-oc · 9 months
Hey, sorry to bother you, but do you have any ship name ideas for Saxon and Latoya?
Or Edmund and Ailie, whichever is easier lol
hmm how about satoya or lataxon
ailiund or edlie
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glitterwolfvi · 1 year
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the theater Celestials
Luna, the sleepy one
Eclipse, their mom
Sol, the energetic one
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lilyhanaart · 22 days
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i don't think they're talking about the same moon, luna
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daily-lego-sets · 4 months
LEGO Harry Potter:
Hogwarts Astronomy Tower
Set: 75969
Pieces: 971
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ask-tulip-town · 1 year
Welcome to Tulip Town!
we're so excited to have you here!
come ask the Residents of Tulip Town, about anything & everything!!
just keep it sfw, there's minors here
(I'll make a better pinned later)
The Residents
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On and Off to the Stars
Story background: Yiyoung is employed by Kang Dae Hyung, an enigmatic figure who presides over the enigmatic hotel known as "Stargaze." As Yiyoung delves deeper into his role, he uncovers the hidden depths of Dae Hyung's soul, discovering a charming personality and kind-heartedness that sets him apart. With determination, Yiyoung and his friends embark on a quest to enhance the services provided to the ethereal guests, creating an app that grants spirits solace. Through this union, the worlds of love, despair, and supernatural encounters meld into a mesmerizing narrative that transcends salvation and torment in equal measure. P.S.: This was derived from the Lezhin bl manhwa named "on or off", I found the manhwa through the author on Twitter, and it was really cute so I decided to write a chapter. Oh, it was also inspired by Hotel del Luna...I kind of found them both together . . I kind of wrote this at midnight after 2 days of not sleeping so pardon me for any problems and incoherent lines (this is only my first publication) Word count: 6.4k Chapter 1
The city streets, bathed in the ethereal glow of streetlights, seemed to hold secrets whispered in the wind as I made my way to my new workplace. Shadows stretched and danced in a mysterious waltz, their elongated forms swaying to an unseen melody. A tingling sensation prickled my skin as if the very air hummed with enchantment.
Tonight, destiny had woven a thread that led me to the threshold of the extraordinary—a place where the mundane and the magical intertwined. The Stargaze Hotel stood tall and enigmatic, its façade imbued with a captivating charm that seemed to beckon me closer. Its windows shimmered with an inner light, casting a soft, inviting glow that whispered promises of marvellous encounters.
Approaching the entrance, the door handle greeted my touch with a gentle creak, as if it were a sentient being awakening from a deep slumber. A rush of cool air greeted me, carrying the scent of ancient books and forgotten tales. The corridor unfolded before me, bathed in a soft luminescence that emanated from the walls themselves, hinting at the hidden wonders that lay within.
As I ventured further, the atmosphere grew thick with enchantment, each step I took revealing another layer of the extraordinary. The air seemed to hum with echoes of forgotten spells and the laughter of mischievous spirits. Shadows whispered secrets as they flitted past, their voices carried on the breeze, tickling my ears with their ancient wisdom.
The walls of the Stargaze Hotel exuded an aura of quiet wisdom as if they had witnessed the ebb and flow of countless lives. Paintings adorned the walls, their subjects shifting and stirring in their frames as though yearning to escape into our realm. Curiosities filled every nook and cranny, their presence hinting at tales yet untold.
With each step, I felt my own spirit intertwining with the hotel's essence, drawn deeper into a realm where dreams and reality danced hand in hand. The Stargaze Hotel was more than just a place of lodging; it was a sanctuary for souls both living and departed—a tapestry of magic, compassion, and the yearning for connection.
As I embarked on this enchanting journey, I knew that my fate would become entwined with the whims and wonders of this extraordinary place. The Stargaze Hotel, with its secrets and spectres, held the key to unlocking a realm of endless possibilities, where love and courage could rewrite destinies, and where the ordinary was infused with a touch of the extraordinary. A portal to a world I had never even dreamed existed. But what awaited me beyond its gates? Would I be able to face the challenges that lay ahead? Or would I find myself consumed by a terrible loneliness, left alone once more to wander aimlessly through a land without hope?
And so, as I continued forward, the doors of the Stargaze Hotel slowly closed behind me with a whisper that echoed throughout the corridors, sealing away any further adventures in search of knowledge. With a click of the lock, the last remaining sign of the outside world seemed to have vanished.
And thus, I was left in the dark. No longer did I see the flickering lights of the city. No longer did I hear the chatter of strangers. No longer did I feel the warmth of sunlight on my skin. Darkness surrounded me, its embrace a promise that offered no safety but only uncertainty. I was trapped inside a strange land, and I was all alone. But then, out of nowhere, a voice spoke to me. It was a voice that I recognized instantly, one that had haunted my dreams since childhood. “Hello,” it said. “Welcome to the Stargaze Hotel.”
My heart leapt into my throat. For there in front of me stood a man, standing not three paces away. His form glowed like fire, burning brighter than all the candles in the building, and his eyes gleamed in the dimness. As he gazed back at me, it felt as if I stood in the centre of the Milky Way itself, staring into infinity. His enigmatic figure stood with an air of quiet authority, exuding an aura that seemed to transcend the realms of the living dead. His sharp penetrative gaze held an impenetrable depth. In those tense moments, I caught a glimpse of the enigma that was Kang Daehuyng, a man whose allure and mystery were destined to intertwine with my own journey within the Stargaze Hotel.
As I navigate my role in Stargaze, I come across a perplexing challenge that requires Kang Daehyung's expertise. With a mix of apprehension and determination, I decided to approach Daehyung directly, knowing that his input could make a significant difference in resolving the issue at hand. Heart pounding, I waited for the opportune moment to strike up a conversation with Daehyung, finding the courage to initiate a dialogue that could potentially forge a new connection between them.
"Mr Kang," I called out, my voice carrying a mixture of trepidation and determination. Kang Daehyung turned his gaze towards me, eyes glinting with suspicion.
"And what are you doing here? Were you so desperate that you followed me all the way here", Daehyung responded coolly, his tone laced with scepticism.
I paused for a moment, gathering my thoughts, before continuing in a steady voice, "I have an idea that could elevate our guest services… I've brought the report with me, could you please look it over?"
Daehyung's eyebrow arched sceptically, his arms crossed as a barrier. "Did Secretary Cha send you here?" he retorted, his expression guarded. "Or did you go through my calendar?", he added.
All the colour in my face flushed, and I felt my hands getting cold- ironically as if a ghost had taken over me. A smirk suddenly escapes from Daehyung's face. "Are you even willing to offer sexual favours?", he asks, amusement lacing his tone. "Huh?", I replied, shocked and honestly confused by Daehyung's offer. Contrast to what had felt a few seconds before his face flushed with embarrassment, unable to maintain eye contact. "Usually, I don't go for men. But with a face like yours, why wouldn't I?" Kang pauses, his brows furrowing slightly.
"Sure, I'll do it.", Yiyoung pauses, "I can do it with men too."
"Good", Kang responds curtly, turning around to walk toward his office. "Mr Kang!", Yiyoung says, catching up to him, stopping him short. "If you even want a chance to present follow me", says Kang Daehyung.
As I follow behind this greek God of a man, he notices his clean-cut appearance, much unlike his crude and unsavoury behaviour. Why did I follow him?
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