#Maddi Lane
rockposerdotcom · 10 months
FnA Records Announce 'Song & Dance Man: A Tribute to Warrant & Jani Lane'
‘Song & Dance Man: A Tribute to Warrant & Jani Lane‘ – featuring 19 tracks including 3 Tracks from Jani Lane’s Daughter and 1 track featuring Jani’s Brother is being released via FnA Records. FnA Records is excited to be releasing a Tribute album, ‘Song & Dance Man: A Tribute to Warrant & Jani Lane‘, to one of their favorite bands and songwriters. This project was seven months in the making and…
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matureddiva · 3 months
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satoshy12 · 7 months
People would say that because he and she are clones, they would date if they met. Well, they are right. Kon dated Dani after he learned about her being a clone and after spending more time with her. And he and she really spent much time together, and he was surprised to learn her family was totally okay with her being a Clone. And he met the Fenton's a few times, a nice family that was really nice. even if they are mad scientists. The junior reporters, Dani and Kon! For other people, it looks like a mini-Lois Lane and Clark Kent. + Dani said that she knew a few famous people but didn't know about other famous ones:" If Lois Lane didn't write about them, they couldn't be important. Or her sidekick, Clark Kent." (had this from a other prompt, forgot which one it was) Dani fully believes that Clark is Lois sidekick. + As Fenton invited his family for a family dinner, he asked Lex Luthor. He already knew Superman would say no anyway. Kon was surprised, as Lex actually came to the family dinner with the Fentons. And even more, how well he got along with Jack and Maddie Fenton at the dinner.
This became a Monthly family time.
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maturedladies · 2 months
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pornstar-beauties · 8 months
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bimbopurpose · 10 months
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youcalledsworld · 1 year
DP x DC prompt
While on the job Lois Lane accidentally gets sent to Danny Phantom's universe. She was saved and housed by the Fenton Family. She tells them she's from a different universe with superheroes and Danny keeps asking her about the different heroes.
One day she accidentally saw Danny transform into Phantom. She confronts him and decides to help him. She is surprised when actually listens to her when she teaches.
Lois even convinces him to tell his parents about being Phantom. They accept him but privately ask Lois if she could take Danny with her while they try to dismantle the GIW and to amend the anti-ecto acts.
After a lot of arguing Jack and Maddie convince Danny to go with Lois. Danny also asked if they could bring Danielle along with them. They tried to get Jazz to go but she decided to stay. They figured out how to send Lois back to her home universe.
Clark isn't surprised Lois figured out how to get back before the Justice League could help her. But he is surprised she came back with two kids who will be staying with them for the foreseeable future.
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bimbo-schooled · 1 year
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nerdpoe · 1 year
Of Kindness and Empathy 5
First, Second, Third, Fourth, AO3
Discrimination Hidden in Fantastical Law?
Is our government taking away the rights of Metas by pretending they aren’t Metas at all?
Lois Lane . Daily Planet . Updated 15th of April 20XX
Recently brought to light, the Anti-Ecto Acts are rife with controversy. They appear to be centered on one young teenage Meta Hero, Phantom, and mandate reporting others ‘like him’ to the ‘correct authorities’ for mandatory study and testing.
But the definition of ‘like him’ is open ended, and under current interpretation even Superman or The Flash could fall under that. Is this another attempt by Lex Luthor? The answer may surprise many, but the answer to that is no.
The Laws appear to have been backed by a billionaire named Vlad Masters, who sells inventions oddly specific to tormenting the teenage meta trying to save his small town.
Why is Masters so against this child? What is the end-game of the Anti-Ecto Acts? Is this another attempt to enslave or discriminate against Metas?
We went to the scene of Phantom’s rise to Heroics and got the story from those who were there first-hand, and to potentially find answers for why Masters is behind those Acts.
“Oh, those laws are flim flam, and everybody knows it,” one concerned citizen is quoted as saying, who’s name will not be disclosed for their safety, “Boxy here is the best sorter I’ve ever had, my warehouse has never been so organized! Who cares if he floats a little?”
“Phantom is the best,” a local high school student said, “Better than Superman! I bet if they got in a fight Phantom would lay him out!”
“Oh, Phantom? No, I have no intention of turning in my co-Hero,” Red Huntress, the other town hero, said, “those laws were just passed because the government wants to make deadlier weapons, and Phantom and his species are pretty much power houses.”
The members of the so called ‘Ghost Investigation Ward’ stated that they had no comment.
The Drs. Fenton are the loudest proponents that Phantom is dangerous. However after sitting down with them and running through the Anti-Ecto Acts and how they affect other Metas, and that Phantom was likely just a Meta trying to help, they admit that perhaps they forgot the humanity required for science.
“We just want our baby boy and little princess to be safe,” Dr Jack Fenton said, “but I guess we got so caught up in it that we forgot about everything else. We do that a lot, just look at us, blathering on about ghosts. Hey, do you want to see a portal to another dimension?”
Down in the basement there is, indeed, a portal to another dimension. This reporter stood outside of it and, after they prepared their RV, took a small tour as well.
Which leads to even more questions for these laws. Are they meant to target aliens instead? Would this dimension attempt to go to war with ours for these Acts?
The Drs graciously allowed us to search for a ‘Ghost’ to ask.
“Our King is not bothered by weaklings such as you,” Ghost Entity ‘Fright Knight’ said, “Your foolish laws could not begin to interfere with our Realm. They are but an annoyance that you greatly exaggerate to feel that you are more important than you are. Leave, mortal, lest our patience wear thin.”
Other ‘Ghosts’ reported that their King was likely not to seek war at all, and was a more peaceful sort who tended to avoid conflict if it was unnecessary.
They did assure us, however, that he was fun to spar against.
We declined invitations to ‘test our mettle’. 
“Baby Bop is a pretty great King,” Ghost Entity ‘Ember’ said, “He’s not all snobby or self-important, and he lets us govern ourselves pretty much. It’s actually pretty nice. You’d know if he was angry, don’t worry; he’d just crack your planet open like an egg.”
In conclusion, these Laws that were passed were done so by corruption and bribes. Why would the government need ‘deadlier’ weapons? Do they intend to go back on the many intergalactic treaties we have thanks to the Justice League?
Next issue, we at the Daily Planet will do a deeper dive to find the corrupted politicians responsible for passing such an Act.
@spooky-fm @markus209 @osnii @samgirl98 @skulld3mort-1fan @gabrielandjackthenephilim @suppengott @glow-worms-are-believers @zeldomnyo @everest-nightshade @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @spoopyspoony @deatlive @hnymp @latheevening226 @roseinbloom02 @tsukihimeyfan @arsonpotato @wanderingrutabaga @nanepet @bjurnberg @mentalcarebear @amuseofminds @fire-glass @thewondersoflebanon @ascetic-orange @botwadtict @notforyoucloudheads @idfk-man10 @leftmiraclechaos @midnightenigma 
@dannyisababyking @oliocelottafanfics @redafi @distractedducky @aconitewolfsbane @onyxlightdragon @blankliferain @theywontletmeusetheoneiwant @thedragonqueen1998 @bitchydragonninja @u-a-wizard-jamie @dodekakophonie @ashenfairytale @reach-for-the-horizon @quirky-gardener @thegatorsgoose @sknerd101 @stargirl1331 @andreaissy @leap-ing @plotwholls 
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40plusbimbo · 6 days
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matureddiva · 3 months
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maturedladies · 2 months
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pornstar-beauties · 8 months
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Short DP X DC Prompts #60
This one is a stretch but: In the Superman The Animated Series, Lois Lane has purple eyes. So does Maddie Fenton. The possibility of Maddie being a crazy aunt figure for Lois is just so incredibly funny to me
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honorarybuckley · 1 year
buck tries to not let the dream linger. he carries the revelations in his heart and answers questions when asked but for the most part between tests and visitors he does his best not to remember.
“chimney told me you saw daniel in your dream.”
he should have seen that coming. he hadn’t meant to share that particular detail with chim, only bringing it up in passing, and had thought, hoped, that he wouldn’t notice.
“what was he like? all grown up.” maddie’s breath hitches on the last word.
“he wasn’t real,” he tells her gently. “he was just a figment of my imagination.”
“no, i know. i know.” she goes back to wiping down the counter, the surface already sparkling, and he knows she isn’t going to drop the subject that easily. “i was just wondering how you imagined him, i guess.”
buck could lie. he was perfect. he was kind. he was everything i’ve imagined since i learned he existed. he’s kept a lot of details close to the chest. no one needs to know that the thought of bobby’s death is what sent him into respiratory failure. that maddie’s fear of having doug’s kid was what finally made him realize he was actually in a nightmare. that his subconscious couldn’t even fathom an eddie who didn’t have christopher, leaving him nothing but a memory. but this is maddie and he’s never been any good at lying to her.
“i saved him.” that’s right, his brother. didn’t realize that you people remembered that he had one.
“he was a doctor.” of all the hospitals you had to work here. “worked at first pres with you.”
“he teased me.” still a pretty boneheaded move…he’s just being dramatic.
“he drank beer and watched penn games with me and dad.” let’s just hope evan doesn’t jinx it. “he looked like dad.”
“he wouldn’t help me fix things with you and doug.” i try to butt out. you might want to try it.
“he tried to make me stay.” the real world sucks. that’s the beauty of this place. it can be anything that you want it to be.
“he did?” maddie asks, a tear falling swiftly down her cheek.
“he wasn’t real.” it’s a reminder for them both. buck watches her. watches the disappointment shining in her tear-filled eyes that she tries to hide by looking away from him. she may as well be screaming it.
they don’t care about you. why would they? you’re not good enough, never have been.
“he was, he was a face for all of the worst parts of me. all of my ugliest thoughts and i made him say them.” he doesn’t realize he’s crying as well until maddie reaches out to brush a tear away for him, the move so gentle and familiar that he grabs her hand before she can pull away fully.
“oh buck.” she wraps her arms around him, tucking her head beneath his chin and squeezing him tight three times. i’m alive. i’m alive. i’m alive.
in the end daniel wasn’t much of anything really. a passive player in buck’s mind. a handful of moments that buck thinks could have been memories if life had been different. he meant what he said to daniel at the end. he loves him. the idea of him, because cruelly that’s all buck was left with. but he does have his sister, who is warm and safe and real.
“do you think we could, maybe, talk about him sometimes?” he whispers into her hair. “i know it makes you sad but i, i’d really like to know what he was like. while he was here.”
maddie pulls back and to his surprise she’s smiling. “i’d really like that.”
“yeah?” he smiles too and it feels like the sun has come out from behind a cloud.
“yeah.” and she talks.
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bimbo-schooled · 1 year
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