#Malon is fine btw
smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 25- alternate prompt- betrayal and also drugging lol
Ok guys this is where whumptober begins to have a plot, so buckle up cuz these last few days are gonna be a lot (except for day 26 that has no connection to this lol). Anyways I had so much fun writing this, I hope you have fun reading it. Talon is a joy to write.
Warnings: drugging and kidnapping
The men searching for the heroes were in a busy town one second, then plopped in the middle of an open field the next second. Talon was dizzy and tried to reorient himself while Ammon placed a steady hand on his shoulder.
“Don’t throw up Talon,” he said, and Talon only gave a thumbs up. The other men chuckled as they recovered from the sudden change in scenery, and Leon looked around the field.
“Where are we?”
The others looked around, none of them recognizing the area. Talon expected the same thing for him, but he actually recognized some of the scenery. The fence along the edge, the trail that leads to the castle, and most importantly, Lon Lon Ranch. It stood proudly in the distance, practically begging for Talon to come home. He almost started crying right then and there, and the others looked at him in confusion.
“Talon? Is everything alright?” Leon asked, eyeing where he was looking.
“That over there is Lon Lon Ranch! That’s my home! It’s just over there!” Talon exclaimed, unable to mask his excitement and relief.
“Well what are we waitin’ for?” Rusl ran to Talon’s side. “Let’s get you home!”
Talon started running to Lon Lon Ranch, with the others closely behind him. Talon was practically bursting with joy as he got closer to his home. The smell of hay and horses already hit his nostrils. His daughter’s beautiful singing already filled his ears. Oh Malon…
I’m almost home, sweetie.
Talon ran through the entrance and glanced at the sign above the horse pen.
“Some place ya got,” Rusl muttered, looking at the house and barn. Talon frowned. Something wasn’t right. He looked at the sign again and gasped.
“‘Ingo’s Ranch?’” He read. “What the heck?”
The others looked at Talon in confusion, and he simply pointed at the sign, a baffled look on his face.
“What’s wrong?” Benji asked. “Is this not your ranch?”
“No! I mean, yes, it is! But it’s supposed to be called Lon Lon Ranch, not Ingo’s Ranch!”
“Who’s Ingo?”
Talon turned and glared at the house. “He’s my colleague. He’s helped around the ranch for years. I don’t know why his name is suddenly plastered all over now.”
The men all gave each other worried looks, and Ammon stepped up.
“Maybe it’s because you went missing, and so the ranch’s ownership went to him?” He suggested, but Talon shook his head.
“That still ain’t right! Even if somethin’ were to happen to me, the ownership of the ranch would go to my daughter Malon! Not Ingo! I—“ fury built up inside Talon and he balled his fists, marching to the house. “I have some questions I need to ask him!”
The others followed Talon as he burst through the door, and he saw that Ingo wasn’t there. He frowned and marched over to his office, where Ingo sat, counting rupees.
“INGO!” Talon shouted, a little too loud, and the man jumped ten feet in the air, spilling rupees everywhere.
“T-Talon? You’re alive? I-I mean,” Ingo stood up and smoothed out his fancy looking clothes, the look of surprise still on his face, “you’re alive and well! Oh what a relief—“
“Why do you look so surprised to see me?”
“Oh! Uh, well,” Ingo sat back down and relaxed his posture, “you went missing, we all assumed you were dead.”
“So you stole my ranch and changed the name?”
“You were gone! What was I supposed to do?”
“Give it to my daughter!” Talon got close to Ingo, “where is she?”
“Where is who?”
“Oh! Malon! Uh… she’s uh…” Ingo looked around, sweat pouring down his face, but he took a deep breath and gave Talon a smile. “She’s in her home.”
Talon stepped back and let out a breath. Of course that was where she would be. Talon had a new home built within the ranch, a home where Malon and Link would’ve had room to raise their baby on the way (and where they could play their music without disturbing Talon). The farmer turned around and left the office.
“Wait! Let me take you to her!” Ingo called out to him.
“Good idea, that way we can deal with the property of the ranch, and give its ownership back to me!”
Ingo scoffed. “This ranch shouldn’t belong to you.”
“It’s been passed down the family for generations Ingo, of course it belongs to me!”
“Well you never did anything with it! All those years, while I worked my butt off you just sat there sleepin’ the day away! This ranch would’ve failed if not for me!”
Talon glared at him for a moment, but he didn’t defend himself. “Well then, it sounds like it’s time to give the ranch to Malon then,” he said, and turned around and kept walking. Ingo growled and caught up to Talon.
“Now you listen here, I— WAH!” Ingo jumped at the six men standing awkwardly in the dining room. Talon had almost forgotten that they were there, waiting for him. “Who are these people? What is that?” Ingo pointed at Kass who made an offended expression. Talon sighed and put his hand on Ingo’s shoulder.
“They’re my friends, Ingo. Now come on.”
Ingo huffed and spun around, marching out the door. Talon looked at his friends who all had varying expressions of confusion and worry.
“Y’all can just stay here, I’ll be right back,” Talon assured.
“Are you gonna be ok?” Ammon asked.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be fine. Just wait right here.”
The men nodded and Talon turned around to follow Ingo. As they walked to Malon’s house, Talon’s emotions kept running rampant. He was furious, worried, irritated, but most of all, he felt betrayed. Talon had worked with Ingo for years now, and for him to turn around and do something like this? It hurt. Link’s warnings echoed through Talon’s head. Link never liked Ingo. He always said that he was a selfish and greedy man, and that someday he was going to betray him and try to steal the ranch. Link had always said bizarre things, but this in particular made Talon upset. Ingo was his friend. He would never do something like that. But in the end, Link was right, and Talon felt hurt by it.
They entered the home and Ingo marched right in, heading straight for a door in the kitchen.
“Malon?” Talon called out, excitement to see his little girl practically eating him up inside. Ingo hovered near the door, then shrugged.
“She’s probably down in the basement,” Ingo muttered, looking around nervously, “she uh, she tends to go down there a lot.”
Ingo opened the door and went down the stairs, and Talon followed. He observed the small set of stairs as they went down. He rarely went into their home, let alone their basement, so this was all new to him. Ingo opened another door at the bottom and gestured for Talon to go in. The farmer narrowed his eyes at the dark room, only lit up by the setting sun. He went inside and looked at the tidy room.
“Malon?” He called out, seeing no signs of life in the room. Suddenly, something pushed him harshly into the room, and Talon fell to the ground. He looked up and saw Ingo shut the door, and Talon’s heart dropped at the sound of a click. “INGO!” Talon shouted and tried to open the door, but it was locked. He heard Ingo’s maniacal laughter from the other side, and Talon banged on the door. “Ingo! Let me out!”
“No! I’m never gonna let you out! I fought hard to get this ranch, and you are not going to ruin it!”
“Ingo… I… I trusted you! My whole life I trusted you! How could you do this?”
“Because I deserved the ranch! Not you, not your stupid daughter, and not that twat of a husband!”
Talon felt his blood boil at the insults thrown and he banged on the door some more.
“You’re gonna regret this! My friends will know what will happen and they will get me out!”
Talon heard Ingo swear on the other side of the door. He must’ve forgotten about them, which was good, there’s no way Ingo could win against any of them. They were all so much stronger than Talon could ever be.
“You should’ve stayed on the other side of that portal thing, Talon, it would’ve made everyone’s lives easier,” Ingo said, in a dark tone.
“Portal? What—“ Talon gasped when he remembered the portal. The portal that led him to the others, the portal that took him from his home, the portal that he was shoved into… “Ingo, you pushed me in that portal? Were you— were you trying to kill me?”
Ingo didn’t respond, and Talon banged on the door. He heard footsteps going up the stairs, and Talon knew that he was alone.
“INGO! Get back here! Where’s my daughter? Ingo!” Talon banged on the door but it was in vain. He was trapped here, his ranch gone, his daughter missing, and his friend… no longer a friend. Talon stepped back, feeling weary from all that’s happened. He slid to the floor, despair creeping up as he curled up. He prayed that the others would find him, they were his only hope now.
“They’ve been gone for a while,” Linebeck commented, looking out the window as the sun began to hide behind the horizon.
“They’re probably arguing some more, that got pretty heated back there,” Rusl glanced at the door where the two men stormed out. “I don’t like leaving him alone with him.”
“Talon will be fine, that Ingo guy sounds like a wimp,” Ammon assured, tapping the table with his finger. Rusl sighed.
“A wimp that took control of his beloved ranch.”
The room grew silent, and the men continued to wait, until the door opened, and Ingo walked through, looking angry.
“Oy, where’s Talon?” Ammon asked, and Ingo tensed up.
“Uh, he’s… dealing with paperwork. To give the ownership to his daughter,” he said in an unsure tone. The men all glanced at each other, confused at his nervous stance. “In fact, he’s gonna be a while, would any of you like some milk?”
Rusl hummed. “Milk wouldn’t hurt.” The others only grunted in response.
“Splendid! I’ll bring out some milk! And uh,” Ingo stared at Kass, “do you… do you need a bowl or—“
“A regular cup will do,” Kass huffed, and Ingo nodded, disappearing into the kitchen.
“Uh, no offense Kass but how will you drink out of a regular cup?” Linebeck asked. Kass glared at him and the sailor quickly looked away. “Never mind.”
It was silent until Ingo came in with drinks. The others slowly drank the milk while Rusl chugged his.
“Mm, fresh milk, there’s nothin’ better,” he muttered to himself, but frowned. “Though, this tastes a little strange.”
“What? You’ve never had cow’s milk before?” Ingo asked, looking more nervous.
“Oh, no, I haven’t.” Rusl stared at his milk. “I’ve only had goat milk.”
Ammon leaned forward. “I have had cow’s milk, and I do think that this tastes a little weird. You sure it’s not spoiled?”
Ingo’s nervousness melted into offense. “Of course it’s not spoiled! I always keep track of that stuff! How dare you assume that I don’t!”
Ammon raised his hands defensively and leaned back into his chair. “I never liked milk that much anyways,” he mumbled, going back to sipping the milk.
“Well I think it’s delightful,” Kass said, setting down his empty drink with Linebeck staring at him in shock. “Thank you for the milk, Ingo.”
“Er, you’re welcome.”
Leon set his half empty cup and crossed his arms, glaring at Ingo. “How long is Talon supposed to be?”
Ingo looked at all the men, chuckling darkly as they all took sips of the milk. “Oh, not long, do not worry.”
The others glanced at each other again, weirded out by his attitude, but they returned to the drinks, hoping that Talon would be back soon.
The room got darker as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, leaving Talon feeling even more hopeless. Surely the others would’ve noticed his disappearance, right? Surely they would’ve come for him now, right? Ingo wasn’t tough enough to go toe-to-toe with the men in there, even Linebeck could easily win against Ingo if it came to it. But still, it all worried Talon too much. Ingo was desperate to keep the ranch to himself, and that made him dangerous.
Talon sighed and rested his head in his hands. Nothing worried him more than Malon though. Malon was tougher than Talon could ever be, but with her pregnancy, Talon knew that she couldn’t do as much as she used to. Where she was concerned Talon, since he had no idea where she could possibly be. Was she somewhere on the ranch? Locked up in a hidden place just like Talon? Was she kicked out? Alone and homeless while trying to deal with her pregnancy on her own? And what worried him the most, did Ingo do anything to her? Surely with Malon here, she would be a threat to Ingo, and if Ingo went so far to try to kill Talon, would he…?
Talon whimpered at the thought. He couldn’t live with himself if anything happened to Malon or the baby. He was so excited to be a grandfather, and was so excited to see Malon and Link being parents. If Ingo ruined that… Goddesses, Talon wouldn’t be able to control himself. Anger bubbled inside his chest as he thought about everything that happened. He wanted to beat Ingo senseless for what he did, but with him locked up in the basement, there was nothing he could do.
The anger went away and Talon slumped. If he was only a little bit like the others, he’d probably be strong enough to get out on his own. They were all so strong, capable, and smart. Even the ones that didn’t fight were cunning in their own ways, using the skills they were good at to their advantage. But Talon had nothing. He was slow, scared, and lazy, just like what Ingo said. Adventuring wasn’t meant for him, he only slowed the others down.
Talon laid down and sighed. He could sleep, that’s what he always did when he was stressed. But for some reason, since being on this adventure, sleep didn’t come to him so easily anymore. Talon tossed and turned, thoughts churning in his head that was driving him mad. The thought of Ingo betraying him, the thought of him ignoring Link’s warnings about him, the thought of Malon, alone and scared, thinking that he was dead…
Talon shot up. He couldn’t take this anymore. His baby girl needed his help and he had to stop feeling sorry for himself. If he wanted to be like the others, then he needed to act like it! Talon stood in the middle of the room and hummed.
“How am I gonna get outta here?” He mumbled. Everything was neatly put away and shoved against the walls, so Talon didn’t see anything he could use. The windows in the room were too tiny for Talon to fit through, so that was out of the question. He looked at the locked door and observed it. It was just a regular door, but maybe… he could bust it open?
Talon started to tear through the boxes, trying to find something that he could use to break it down. He eventually found a big hammer and figured that it would do the job. He marched up to the door and slammed the hammer against it. It didn’t break, but it definitely left a mark. Talon huffed and continued hitting the door, finally breaking it off its hinges. Talon let out a huff, set the hammer down, and grabbed a pitchfork.
“I’m comin’ Malon!”
Rusl groaned as consciousness began to return to him, along with pain. He lifted his head and hissed as his neck ached something awful. He didn’t realize he was sleeping with his head hunched forward, but now that he thought about it, why was he sleeping with his head hunched over? Rusl reached up to rub his neck, but found his movement limited, and he was wide awake when he realized what was happening. His hands were tied together in front of him, and a rope was wrapped tightly around his chest, pinning him to a column. He looked around frantically, noticing his tied legs as well. Oh no…
“Hey look, Rusl’s awake.”
Rusl looked to his left where Ammon and Linebeck sat at the same column, tied up the same way he was. He looked to his right and saw Benji and Kass in the same predicament.
“Wha— Leon?” Rusl called out, and he heard a grunt behind him.
“I’m right behind you,” he heard the first knight murmur. Rusl was slightly relieved, but he looked down at himself again, worry creeping up again.
“What happened?”
“That lunatic drugged us,” Linebeck explained.
“Tied us up in the barn, he did a really good job at it too,” Ammon added on, wiggling his wrists slightly.
“Wh— but—- why? What purpose will that do?” Rusl still couldn’t wrap his head around this. Was this Ingo guy stupid or crazy?
“You missed his whole evil speech,” Benji started, his hands gesturing dramatically, “he wants the ranch to himself and said that Talon was a danger to that. Apparently with us here, we could help Talon steal his farm from him or something like that.”
“So… he’s holding Talon somewhere?”
“Unfortunately, that seems to be the case.”
Rusl groaned and bumped his head against the column he was tied to. “What can we do? We have to save Talon!”
Ammon shrugged. “There’s not much we can do right now. Unless someone is somehow able to slip these ropes, we might just have to trust that Talon can save himself.”
“But Talon… he’s not a fighter.”
“I mean, neither is Ingo,” Linebeck commented, “I’m sure if Talon had to face him, he’ll be fine.”
Rusl groaned again. He hated sitting here doing nothing while his friend was in danger, and he was sure the others felt the same way, but there really was nothing he could do. The ropes were too tight for him to just slip out of, and Ingo seemed to have stripped everyone of their weapons. He supposed that the only thing they could do was to trust Talon, and hope that he could at least save himself.
Talon grumbled as he left his own home. Malon was nowhere to be seen, and even stranger, his friends were no longer waiting in the kitchen. It seemed that everyone was gone from his ranch. Except Ingo. Talon had seen him rushing from one place to the next, grabbing things left and right, before disappearing into the home where he probably went to sleep. Luckily, he seemed to be distracted so much to the point where he never noticed Talon, even when the farmer was right in the open. With Ingo resting in his home, it gave Talon the freedom to investigate the ranch. He checked every building, finding nothing of Malon and his friends. Malon missing worried Talon, but his missing friends worried him even more. They wouldn’t just abandon him, he knew that much, but he didn’t know why he didn’t see any of them. It was impossible for Ingo to have done something to all six of them, but then again, Ingo somehow took over Lon Lon Ranch, so Talon supposed there was more to Ingo than he realized. When Talon finished investigating Malon’s house again, he realized that he never checked the barn, and before he could run to it, he heard grumbling.
“Stupid… what do I do? What do I do?”
Talon ducked to cover and saw Ingo mumbling to himself as he walked to the barn. Talon waited until he went inside before he followed, being as quiet as he could. He slowly opened the door and saw Ingo babbling to himself. Rage took over Talon and he swung the door open, charging at the man who stole his home. Ingo yelped as he was knocked to the ground, and Talon pulled him up and slammed him against the wall, surprised at how light he was.
“Why, I oughta beat you senseless, Ingo!” Talon yelled out, threatening to punch him in the face.
“W-wait! Talon! Calm down, let's talk about this!” Ingo begged, and Talon grumbled, gathering his shirt in his hands.
“Where’s my daughter? What did you do to her?”
“Nothing! I swear!”
“You better not be lyin’!”
“I’m not! I promise! Malon wanted to stay in the ranch! She wanted to take care of the horses, but I didn’t let her! I kicked her out!”
“You kicked her out? Why?”
“Because she’s pregnant! Come on now, I couldn’t let a pregnant woman do the hard work of a farmer! I’m not that cruel.”
Talon rolled his eyes. “Oh yeah, you’re not cruel at all. Except for the fact that you pushed me in that portal hoping that it would kill me, you kicked my pregnant daughter out of her home, you betrayed my trust, and you stole–” Talon gestured to the barn but gasped when he saw all six of his friends tied to columns, all watching him surprised. Talon tightened his hold on Ingo and started shaking him aggressively. “YOU KIDNAPPED MY FRIENDS? What is WRONG WITH YOU?”
“Mercy! MERCY!” Ingo yelled out as he was shaken. Talon stopped and glared at Ingo.
“You’re insane, Ingo, I can’t believe I trusted you! I can’t believe I never trusted Link when he warned me about you! I… agh…” Talon looked down, ashamed. He had so much to apologize to Link for. Talon shoved Ingo into the wall and grabbed his pitchfork, slamming it into his loose clothes against the wall. Ingo let out a shout when it went in, and looked surprised when there was no pain. “Don’t move,” Talon said, and grabbed one of his friend’s swords. He walked over to Linebeck and Ammon, who were smiling at him.
“Talon, I’m so relieved you’re alright,” Ammon said.
“Yeah, we were worried about you,” Linebeck added as Talon cut the ropes around them. “That was awesome. I almost wished you punched the guy.” Talon waved it off and focused on cutting the ropes. “Are you alright?”
Talon sighed. “I don’t know, I’m sorry y’all had to get roped up in this. Literally.”
Linebeck snorted slightly, then let out a sigh of relief when the ropes were cut. “Thank goodness, those were starting to cut off my circulation.”
Talon didn���t comment on it as he cut the ropes around their hands, and the two men went over to Ingo. Linebeck lingered near him while Ammon grabbed his own sword to help Talon untie the others. Once they were all freed, Talon went to send for a town guard. Ingo didn’t belong here anymore, and Talon just wanted this to be over.
The town guard arrived a lot sooner than Talon expected. It was early in the morning, with the sun just barely peeking over the horizon. The guard was writing down all the information about Ingo, while the others stayed back.
“Oh come on, the things I did weren’t that serious!” Ingo whined.
“I dunno how to tell you this sir, but kidnapping, attempted murder, and stealing are pretty serious crimes.” The guard deadpanned. He grabbed Ingo and gave Talon a slight bow. “Thank you sir, I’ll make sure he’s taken care of.”
Talon gave him a nod, and watched as the two started to head to castle town. Rusl and Leon came up behind Talon, both resting a hand on each shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Rusl asked, and Talon only sighed.
“I don’t know, I’m really tired and… I just… Ingo was my friend.”
“I get that,” Leon patted his shoulder. “It’s not easy to have someone you care about betray you like that.”
Talon shrugged and rubbed his eyes. “I think I’m gonna get some sleep before I go out lookin’ for Malon.” Talon turned to his home, with the other two following him.
“Do you know where she is?” Rusl asked.
“I’m not sure. She could be in Kakariko, or castle town, or even Gerudo for all I know.”
“Gerudo?” Leon frowned. “Why would she be in Gerudo?”
“Well… her mother was half Gerudo, so I’d imagine that they’ll be her only support right now.”
Rusl and Leon looked at each other in surprise.
“I didn’t know you married a Gerudo,Talon.”
“Half Gerudo, but yeah, she was a wonderful person, Malon is so much like her in more ways than she’ll know.” Talon smiled at the memory of his daughter. Her beautiful singing voice, her inhuman strength, her strong will and love for horses, those were all traits her mother bore.
“It sounds like you really love your daughter Talon,” Rusl said softly with a smile. “I hope you can find her, safe and sound.”
“Me too…” Talon paused before the door and turned around. “Um… would y’all mind comin’ with me? I don’t really wanna be alone.”
Leon and Rusl looked surprised, but they quickly smiled and nodded their heads.
“Of course Talon.”
Talon smiled and entered his home, ready to rest his weary mind.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
i don't know if you're willing to take even more requests, so if not, please feel free to ignore this ask ^^ but if you want to, maybe wild's family dealing with the aftermath of him becoming an amputee just a few days ago (totk whump)? thanks!! 💜
I saw “whump” and blacked out and wrote this lol. It’s been too long since I purposefully gave Wild a hard time. Going back to my roots XD
This was supposed to be more focused on his entire family (...and his arm), but I half wrote out a scene and it just didn’t work so only a few of them are there, sorry 😓 I hope you enjoy anyways though! I had fun writing it hehehe.
...And this oneshot is especially ambiguously canon, since we don’t know if Wild truly loses his arm or it just gets it messed up or what in totk. Speculation yay!
(And in case anyone was worried, there are no totk spoilers present in this fic :)
Twilight sat at his brother’s bedside in silence, watching his chest go steadily up and down.
The doctors had done everything they could (as had Hyrule) and now all there was to do was wait for Wild to wake up— truly wake up, not just break into the feverish mumbling that had so far marked every time his eyes had opened.
Twilight sighed, and pressed his wrists to his eyes. It was late, ridiculously late, and almost all the rest of his family had gone home to sleep (despite much bargaining and pleading on his younger brothers’ parts), except for himself and his parents.
And Time and Malon had stepped out to talk privately with each other.
Which meant Twilight was left alone with Wild, watching him lie pale and still in his bed, trying not to think about the fact that his brother was missing an arm.
Wild’s face twitched in his sleep, and Twilight ran a hand over his head, brushing a few loose strands of hair from his little brother’s face. He’d known Wild was on a dangerous mission, but he’d been rather busy with his own work, and while he always worried about his family, he knew that Wild could handle himself.
He’d been concerned when it had been almost a week since he’d had any contact with his brother, but he’d kept his worries at bay, rationalizing that the mission was merely taking its time, and Wild would soon be back with a crazy story and a grin to match.
And then he’d gotten the call that his brother had been found half-dead and missing an arm.
Twilight swallowed and looked down at Wild’s bandaged arm, feeling sick.
The few days since Wild had been found had been a blur of terror and waiting and Hyrule pushing himself until he dropped, worries and questions of “what had happened” overcome by the fear that they would never know because Wild might not make it.
They were out of the worst of the danger now, but his brother was still so still, so lifeless. And he looked small where he was laying in the bed, much smaller than any teenager had any right to, and Twilight almost drew blood as he bit his lip.
Wild hadn’t been able to tell anyone where he was going when he left, only shrugging and saying it was “highly confidential”. He’d admitted to Twilight that it had to do with Flora, but that was the only thing any of them knew about his mission.
Whatever it had been though, it was the reason Wild had gotten an extremely private hospital room the moment Time had found him and brought him here, and Twilight couldn’t be more thankful for the privacy.
The door to the room opened, and Twilight watched his parents come in, both with wearied expressions, though Time was hiding his better.
“Any change?” Time asked as he sat down in a chair at Wild’s bedside, and Twilight shrugged.
“Resting a little easier. But... still not great. His arm seems like it’s bothering him,” he admitted quietly. “He woke up a little earlier, but didn’t say anything. He’s been lying still ever since.”
Malon put an arm around Twilight as she sat down next to him, and he leaned into the small hug his mother gave him, no words needed.
They were silent for a minute, but then Wild suddenly twitched in his sleep, a mumble escaping his lips, and Twilight and his parents both leaned forward hopefully.
Wild shifted, and Twilight held his breath as his brother’s eyelids fluttered. Then Wild opened his eyes, the lids heavy with exhaustion, and Twilight smiled, and heard his parents exhale in relief. They hadn’t seen Wild awake barely at all.
Twilight carefully leaned over Wild and took his hand, and his brother’s eyes opened a little more, looking more lucid than Twilight had seen so far.
“Hey Link,” he said softly, and his brother’s gaze moved to his face. “How are you doing cub?”
Wild breathed out slowly, and closed his eyes for a minute before reopening them, a bit wider this time. He looked around the room, taking in Malon and Time and Twilight as well, and the slightest hint of a smile pulled at his lips.
“Tired,” he admitted in a raspy voice, and a strained chuckle went up from Time. “Really tired. And...”
He shifted a little, and glanced down at his arm, then fell still as he stared at it.
“...oh. Right,” he whispered.
He seemed to pale a bit as Twilight looked at him, and experimentally moved his arm just a little, face lighting up with a wince.
Twilight awkwardly cleared his throat.
“Does it hurt much Wild?” he asked in a gentle voice, but Wild just kept staring at his arm and didn’t reply for several long minutes.
“It feels like its still there,” he said in a low whisper. He didn’t elaborate.
The room fell still for a moment, but Malon didn’t let it last, coming forward and hugging Wild for a long time. Wild returned it as best as he could, and Malon kissed his head before she pulled back and gave him a steady look.
“Are you okay hon?” she asked in a tone that suggested she wouldn’t settle for anything less than the truth. “How much do you remember?”
Wild hesitated, and licked his dry lips, looking uncertain on what exactly to say. He was silent for a long time, eyes on his lap, and Twilight exchanged looks with his father.
“Link?” Time asked softly, and Wild’s face crumpled, his eyes squeezed shut. He breathed in shakily, and Twilight took his hand again, giving it a comforting squeeze while he got ahold of himself.
“I failed,” Wild finally whispered.
What was left of Wild’s arm twitched, and Twilight continued to hold his remaining hand, gently running his thumb along the back.
“I let her fall Twi,” Wild whispered, voice distraught. “I let her fall, I was so close to grabbing her, I...”
He swallowed, and looked at his arm, eyes staring blankly at the stump.
“I failed her.”
Twilight felt something in his stomach churn at the wilt in Wild’s voice, grief sharp in his eyes. He didn’t know what had happened, but for his little brother to come back so wounded and with such utter defeat in his voice...
...what had happened?
“Wild, you did your best,” Time said sternly, putting his hand on Wild’s chin and gently tilting it so that his son was looking at him. “I know you did. I don’t know what happened, but I know for a fact you did all that you could.”
“I was too slow,” Wild croaked, and Twilight could see his eyes starting to water, “I was too slow and she’s gone.”
He squeezed his eyes shut again, trying to keep the tears at bay, and Twilight sat on the bed next to him and pulled his brother into his arms. Twilight felt him swallow, and squeezed him even tighter, Malon leaning forward and running a hand through his hair.
Twilight didn’t have to ask who “she” was.
He had a feeling he already knew.
“Twi, she’s gone,” Wild choked into Twilight’s shoulder, and his brother began to cry, silent sobs that made his whole body shudder.
“It’s not your fault,” Twilight whispered as he rubbed his back, but Wild only pressed his face into his shirt, grief overwhelming his exhausted body and mind.
All his family could do was hold him.
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
trying to think which zelda npcs i think are the hottest. this is tough
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eeunoia · 2 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Greek Myths 
pairings: yang jungwon x reader
synopsis: yang jungwon, the notorious playboy of your school tries to play his little game with you but ended up losing.
word count: 10k
important note: i originally planned to write enhypen as greek gods but then i didn’t find some love stories that i like so i end up using some love stories that aren’t greek gods. also these are like modern versions of greek mythology love stories.
warnings: grammar errors, swearing, playboy jungwon and lots of kissing. let me know if i missed some!
note📎: i hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @en-sun @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core @sleepyenhasasha @soobin-chois @rcveribin @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nyfwyeonjun @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @niinjo @ssomsworld @purplepuppychild @iceeee​  (still working on my tag-list)
tag-list: @luvvdsttfaye @nikililmj @psh-pjh @rylexe @095won @belle643 @luvrjn @jangwonie​ @softb-tterfly​ @3chae​ @jovibaes​
© 2022 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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“Jungwon, please! Don’t leave me. You can’t!” a girl’s desperate plea can be heard by the busy corridors of Eeunoia University. She took a hold of his arm to stop him from taking further steps.
Jungwon that was walking pass by her and happily goofing around with some of his frat brothers turned to face her. Her pleading eyes that have tears at the side of it blinked anxiously at the sight of Jungwon’s blank face. She looked at him with a little fear as she finds it unusual how different his aura was from the Jungwon she’s dating.
He still has those angelic cat-like-eyes but they’re looking a lot more intimidating right now. His eyes were half lidded and looking so dead, with no life. Like as if he’s looking at someone, he’s not very fond of.
“I said we’re done already. Did you not hear me?” his tone screams finality and she saw how he pushed his cheeks using his tongue. It’s obvious that he’s slowly getting enough of this, but the girl couldn’t just let him slip away.
They’ve been going out for two weeks straight and as far as she knows, Jungwon and her were perfectly fine last Saturday. Why did he end it so suddenly? 
“No! We were just fine last Saturday. What happened? Did I do something wrong? What is it? I will change it... just stay.” she begged, tears now streaming freely down her eyes.
She doesn’t even care if the students around her are looking right now. All she can think of is that she wants him to stay with her. She loves him and she knew he does too... atleast that’s what she thought.
Jungwon put both of his hands inside his pockets and tilted his head over to the side while he stared at the girl without any expression. He really hates girls who gets too clingy and are not good with break-ups. She used to be so cute when he first started dating her, but she gets too annoying and demanding so he decided to end it with her.
“Nothing’s wrong with you. I just don’t want to be with you anymore.” he answered honestly.
It broke her heart. To hear that he really doesn’t want to fix it anymore. She pursed her lips trying to stop it from shaking too much because of her messed up emotions.
“B-But I thought you love me...”
Jungwon scoffed at what he heard before he broke into a smirk. The girl looked at him with an explained expression. She doesn’t know what first she should feel. Embarrassed because a lot of students are watching right now? Sad because he’s clearly not going to get back together or anger since he’s playing with her?
Jungwon walked closer to her with a playful smirk over his pretty lips showing off those deep dimples of him. He leaned his face closer to her up until both of their foreheads are touching. He smiled, “Come on, (random name). You know how I don’t settle for one girl for a long time.” he said before dropping a gentle kiss at her forehead before leaning away.
He ran his fingers over his hair messing it up a bit that just made him even more handsome for her eyes. Her aching heart prevent her to speak any words. She just stood there looking dumb while Jungwon was smirking right in front of her.
“It was fun, right? The two weeks were fun and you got your popularity that you wanted. What more do you want from me?” he said sarcastically. He scoffed and she doesn’t know what to feel when she saw how life drains from his eyes as he became emotionless.
“Now get lost. You’re seriously starting to piss me off.”
A suffocating emotion slowly makes the girl’s chest aching as her eyes waters even more. She cried silently before she lowered her head as Jungwon turned around to walk away from her without even glancing back.
“Don’t you think that was too rude, Wonie?” his friend, Jay, was smirking while he waits for him to catch phase with them. They were just there watching one of Jungwon’s drama once again.
They’re used to it because Jungwon often changes his girls often. They don’t even know why girls are still willingly to be involve with him when he’s obviously the notorious playboy of their university.
“She’s annoying.” Jungwon uttered and just shrugged his shoulders off. As they walk through the hallways on their way to their class, he saw some of girls eyeing his direction. He smirked at the one in the middle and nodded at him. He smiled in satisfaction when he saw how she blushed just by that small interaction.
On the other hand, you sighed while you watch the commotion that the school’s playboy just caused. You shook your head slowly before facing back the bulletin board to post the campaign paper your club had created. After pinning it, you were about to walk away but you let out a groan before walking towards the girl that he just dumped.
“Here,” you handed her some tissues and when she looked at you, you can’t help but to feel a bit of pity for her. Her downcast eyes just made you realized how hurt she is with what happened.
She muttered a small thank you but you didn’t said anything after that and just left. She is pityful but you think she’s the one who brought herself into that mess. Everyone in their right minds know they shouldn’t get involve with Yang Jungwon.
Yes, he maybe one of the most handsome student here on your university. But his personality is just a major turn-off for you. He changes his girlfriends like as if he’s just changing his clothes. You find it very awful and very not so gentlemen. One of the things you hate is when someone plays over somebody else’s feelings. And he’s obviously someone mischievous enough to treat girls that way. You hated his guts and you hated the girls who fell for him even more. Maybe they’re blinded by his beauty and charm but still, they could’ve tried to resist.
“Hey, what’s with the long face? Something happened?” you snapped back to reality when you heard someone talked to you.
You just arrived at your class and your best friend just arrived as well. Thankfully, she isn’t late this time because she’s surely get punished soon if she don’t fix her time schedules.
You pouted and let out another stressed out sigh. You don’t even know why you’re getting yourself stressed with that when you can just don’t care about them.
“Yang’s at it again.”
Your friend let out a chuckle, “Come on, it’s not like you’re not used to it yet.”
“I don’t understand why they still fall for him? Okay, he’s handsome... and? What more?”
“Well he’s from a very wealthy family. He’s currently taking his pre-law course, captain of the rugby team of our university and the frat leader of Enhypen.” she said and your brows furrowed at what she just told you. With a pissed off expression you stared at her that she only responded with a chuckle.
“You asked, I just answered.” she even shrugged her shoulders off. You groaned and rolled your eyes again.
“Whatever! I still don’t think that’s enough reason for girls to fall in love with him, specially if he already have this reputation of being the campus playboy.” your eyes dropped to your textbooks and you fixed them and even arranged them properly.
You glanced at your friend when she tapped your shoulder, “We just never know until we’re the one in the situation.”
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You slightly cursed when you suddenly lets go of the things you are holding causing it to scatter around the floor. You sighed and squats down to go get it when a couple of male students hurried themselves to go help you.
With a slight surprised eyes you watch them unknowingly. You don’t know what’s happening but when they handed you your things, you were left with no choice but to politely thanked them. You met each of their eyes as you bow and smiles softly. With flustered and blushing cheeks, some of them quickly turned to look away.
Your head tilted over to the side because of confusions but you decided to just shrug it off. You started walking towards the direction you were heading before you caused that mess.
Your brows were slightly furrowed while fixing the papers on your hand.
“y/n!” your head turned to look over the guy who just called you. A smile spread across your face when you saw Jeongwoo jogging his way over you.
“Jeongwoo!” you greeted. He flashed his lovely smile before messing your hair because you looked really cute.
You didn’t mind his action because you were used to it. You two had been friends for a while now and you can say you are close to him. Your eyes trailed down to his jersey uniform.
“Oh, practice?”
He nodded his head, still with that smile. “Yes. Where are you heading?” he asked and even offered a hand to help you with the things you are carrying.
You let him and muttered a short ‘thanks’ for him. “To the office of the event organizer. I’m going to submit out proposal for the tree planting project.”
Jeongwoo showed an amused expression, “Ah yeah, when is this? Can I help you with anything?”
Your eyes grew a bit big at the sudden offer. “Really? You want to help with the tree planting program?” you asked trying to get a sure answer from him. Your tone sounded cheerful and excited that Jeongwoo can’t help but to chuckle.
“Of course.”
You cheered, “Great! I’ll tell you if it’s already approved so you can sign up for it. With you joining I’m sure a lot of girls will too.” since he’s pretty popular in your university, you’re sure you’ll get some more people because of him.
He gave you a fake upset face, “Ouch! Are you using me?”
You smirked and nodded continuously that made him snicker a laugh before pinching your nose. “Okay, this is my stop. Thanks for walking me here. See you around, Jeongwoo!” you waved at him before going inside the office.
Jeongwoo’s smiling brightly while still looking at the door you just entered. You may not have any idea but he likes you. He likes you more than friends.
“Jeongwoo...” he glanced over to his side and his smile faded together with his shoulder falling.
“What do you want Jian?” he asked completely uninterested as he started heading back to the gymnasium.
The girl followed him right away and as she catches phase, she pulled his jersey to keep him from walking away.
“Let’s talk.” she said with a serious face.
“We have nothing else to talk about.” he said and he unclasped her hold to his jersey but she was stubborn enough to just grab it again.
He sighed and threw his head back as he shut his eyes in annoyance. “Is it her?! Is she the reason why you can’t like me?!” she shouted right at him.
Jeongwoo clenched his jaw. He’s been rejecting Jian over and over again but seems like she’s not someone who gives up easily. He sighed and slowly faced her. His eyes were very serious even at the sight of Jian’s teary eyes.
“Yes. I like her. I like her very much and I don’t think I can like someone else other than her.” Jeongwoo honestly told her.
It broke her heart but her pained expression slowly turned at rage. She smirked as tears flows from her eyes.
“I will make sure you’re not going to get her. You hear me?” she swear.
Jeongwoo shakes his head before finally unclasping her hold and continued on heading back to the gymnasium.
On the other hand, back to Enhypen’s frat house, you can hear continuous smacking of lips from the quiet living room. The house was pretty much vacant as everybody else were at their own classes.
The girl that was sitting over Jungwon’s lap hissed as she pulls away for a while to get some air, she looked at Jungwon’s face and can’t help but to admire his pretty face. His hair was messy because of her and his eyes looked so sexy half-lidded. His lips were a little swollen because of their continuous make out sessions.
“You’re so hot.” she said under her breath. Jungwon smirked, “I’ve been told, honey.” he said that earned a giggle from her.
She was about to lean in again for another kiss when they both almost jolted because of the loud sound that the door made because someone entered.
Jungwon’s hand settled over the girl’s waist to keep her from falling, “What the fuck?” he cursed with a pissed look over his face when he saw his cousin walking inside with an upset face.
“Jungwon, I need to talk to you.” she said right away. She didn’t even mind that his cousin have yet another new girl over his lap.
Jungwon flashed her a smile, “Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something?”
“I don’t care! I said I want to talk to you!” she said like a 5 year old spoiled brat.
Jungwon knew he couldn’t do something because she’s not going to leave him alone unless he gives her what she wanted. After letting out a sigh, he glanced at the girl on his lap. He smiled a little, “See you tomorrow, honey.” he said, he can’t even remember the girl’s name.
She pouted and grunted a little before giving him a soft kiss at his cheeks. “Tomorrow hot stuff.” she even sent him a wink that just made the young men chuckle.
When she managed to get out of the house, Jungwon sat down properly and tried fixing his crumpled polo. He then sighed and fixed his hair after.
“What is it that you want?” he asked his cousin that was now sitting at one of the couches.
He rolled his eyes before handing her some tissues. She’s crying and even if she’s a brat, Jungwon hates to see her like this. She’s still his cousin after all.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“No.” Jungwon answered quickly that made her frowned.
“Please do your cousin a favor!” she said and pouted, begging him. He sighed again and rolled his eyes.
“What kind of favor?”
“I want you to make y/n fall in love with you and dump her in the worst way you can.”
Jungwon tilted his head at the sound of the said name. He furrowed his brows, “You mean (l/n) (y/n)?”
She nodded her head continuously that made Jungwon laugh a little.
“No.” he was quick to turn her down.
“Why?!” she shrieked. She already asked Jungwon for this kind of favor before. Two of them was one of the most popular girls in your university but he didn’t have any problem about it. Then why is he saying no to you?
“I think she’s boring. She’s no fun, Jian.” Jungwon shrugged his shoulders off.
She pursed her lips. “Please? I promise this will be the last time I will ask you to do these kind of favors.” she even clasped both of her hands together.
Jungwon stared at her. His mind wanders over you and he thinks if he’s going to pursue you, you won’t be easy. It will surely be a thrill for him and that’s what’s interesting about everything. Thrill.
“Alright.” he finally agrees. She cheered in happiness and even went close to give him a hug. He groaned, “Move away. You ruined my make out session.”
She rolled her eyes before walking her way out, “Seriously drop her. She’s such a bitch.”
Jungwon shakes his head before heaving out a sigh after. A smirk slowly appeared over his lips when he thinks about his new target.
‘This will be fun...’ he thought to himself.
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“Are you that bored with your life that you’re going for y/n, Jungwon?” his friend was smirking at him while he waits for you to come to the locker’s area.
Jungwon shrugged his shoulders off and responded without glancing to Jay. “Jian asked for a favor and I think it will be a challenge to pursue her.” he clicks his tongue at the side of his cheeks as he leaned over the lockers and crossed his arms.
“Challenge? I bet it would be impossible, dude! Jake even tried to ask for her number and she turned her down with no mercy.” Sunghoon said laughing at the memory.
“Hey that was a year ago!” Jake hissed at his friend and even hit his arm once.
“Nah, I think Jungwon will do a pretty good job.” Heeseung commented with a smirk over his face. Jungwon scoffed and offered a fist bump to his friend that he gladly obliged.
“Do you want to bet on it? I bet for a month.” Ni-ki said and snickered a chuckle with a mischievous smirk.
“A month? No. I think Jungwon will give up after 2 weeks.” Sunoo interrupted and Jungwon gave his friend an unamused grin.
“Give your frat brother some trust, Sunoo.” Jungwon joked and just earned a chuckle from his friend.
“I bet for a month and a half.” they all looked at Jian who just arrived the scene. She have this evil grin plastered over her face.
Jake chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, “Sometimes I’m scared with you, our little evil princess.”
Jungwon just smirks at them before Jay gave him a light tap over his shoulder and tilted his head towards somewhere. When he turned his head, he saw you walking confidently towards your locker. You completely ignored the eyes that are silently watching you.
“See you later guys.” Jungwon muttered before pushing himself off from the lockers and slowly made his way at you.
The girls that he passed by can’t stop staring at him. He gave them small smiles and just focused on you. On the other hand, you’re too occupied with what you’re doing that you failed to noticed Jungwon approaching your way.
“Hi.” you got a bit startled when someone suddenly talked beside you and you’re even more surprised to see who it was.
You gave him a confused expression, “Uhm, hello?” you said awkwardly. Honestly, you don’t know how you should react. This will be the first time you and Yang Jungwon will interact. It’s so out of blue and so sudden.
A smirk spreads across his face when you ignored him right after saying an awkward hello. He thought it was really funny and cute at the same time.
“Do you have any plans after dismissal?” he asked and you stopped your hands from fixing your things inside your locker when you heard his question.
With a confused face, “Why?”
“I was planning to ask you out on a date.” he confidently said.
You blinked a couple of times while still staring at the handsome Yang Jungwon right in front of you. His hair was naturally down and even if it’s not done, he still looked perfect. His pretty eyes were a bit too flirty looking at the moment and his smirks just matches his vibe so well. His dimple at the side was just giving him more appeal. In short, his visual are God-like.
“Take a picture, baby. It last longer.” he interrupted your thoughts.
You frowned before rolling your eyes at him then resumed on your business. He chuckled at how you just reacted at him. It was annoying. His confidence and his sexy chuckle are annoying for you.
“So is that a yes?”
“Why not? Do you have plans?” he asked and when you glanced his way, his eyes looked innocent while waiting for your answer.
You scoffed, “Yes and going on a date with you is not a part of it so leave me alone, Yang.” you told him off easily before closing your locker to get yourself out of there.
Jungwon blinks a couple of times after what you just said at him. He can hear his friends laughs from a far but he didn’t care. A smirk slowly appeared over his face before starting to follow you.
“Then can I atleast give you a ride?” you glanced at him when he walked beside you.
You sighed a bit frustrated, “Seriously, what are you up to?” you asked him and stopped from your track to face him.
Jungwon stopped too and smiled brightly at you, “I want to go out with you.” you blushed because of his straightforward answer but you didn’t let it caught you off-guard.
“Why not?” he answered your question with another question.
Your shoulder fell before you looked at him straight at his eyes. Jungwon spaced out a bit. He’s well aware that you are beautiful. Based on the rumors about you around the campus and the number of guys you already turned down, he quite knows your history of being an anti-romantic. But he never knew you are this beautiful up close. He never got the chance to look at you for more than a minute.
“I have no time for your games.”
“Well lucky for you because I’m not playing.” he said smirking before putting one of his hands inside his pocket.
You glared at him before rolling your eyes, “Whatever, leave me alone!” you shouted and started running away from him.
Jungwon didn’t have the chance to stop you but instead he just stared at your figure that was starting to get smaller as your distance grew.
“You are seriously interesting, y/n.” he mumbled to himself before he threw his keys up in the air and catch it, playing with it as he walks on the different direction.
You have no idea what just happened. As far as you remember, you didn’t do anything that can make Yang Jungwon notice you. It’s been years that you two are schoolmates but not even once did he showed interest over you. Just this once!
You tried to shove away those thoughts from your mind because you think it’s just a waste of time. He’s probably just bored and he saw you. Yeah, that’s probably just it.
You thought he’s going to stop after that but you were wrong. Completely wrong. He started bugging you out. It’s not even helping that you have some class with him. He sits beside you, greets you whenever you two encounter each other and out of all of that, he always flash you those charming smile of him. If he’s not a playboy you would instantly let your guard down. He’s such an eye candy.
“What’s with Yang Jungwon and you? I thought you hate him.” your friend said while you two were at the library. She also noticed how Jungwon’s all over you all the time. She’s probably very confused because she knew you’re really not fond of him.
“I don’t hate him but I also don’t like him.” you clarified without glancing her way and just continued flipping the pages of the book you were reading.
“Oh, okay. So what’s up with the two of you?”
“Nothing.” you answered right away because it is true.
“I don’t believe you.” She chuckled and even rested her head at the back of her hand to look at your way.
You sighed because you know she’s not going to let go of it without you giving her full details. “I am saying the truth. I don’t know what’s up with him. He just suddenly started acting like that.”
“He’s been following you around for almost two weeks straight.”
“Yeah and he’s super annoying.”
Your best friend laughed, “I think you two looks cute together.”
You looked at her with a frowned face, “Are you serious right now? Me and him are never going to happen.”
She smirks and shrugged her shoulders off. “I don’t know. My senses tells me otherwise tho.” she said that made you blushed but just choose to shrug the thought off and ignore it.
After library period, you and your best friend were on your way to your next class when you bumped into Jeongwoo.
“Y/n! I heard your tree planting program was approved. Congrats! When can I sign?” he asked you.
You broke into a bright smile, “Probably next week. I will still have to prepare a lot of things and finalize some more details for it.”
He nodded before messing your hair a bit, “Okay. Just let me know if I need to sign up already.” he said and you excitedly nods at him.
After dismissal that day you hurried yourself over the lockers to avoid getting seen by Jungwon. Your best friend left moments ago already because she said she still needs to go somewhere. You’re at your locker and was already fixing your things when Jungwon appeared.
“Hey, miss.” he greeted. You lets out a sigh before slowing down because you realized there’s no point on hurrying because he already saw you.
“Hi Jungwon.” your tone doesn’t sound very happy to see him but still it made him chuckle.
“Any plans today?” he asked a very familiar question for you.
When you turned to look at him, you were silent for a while because he looked breathtaking right in front of you. His hair was a bit damp, his cheeks are slightly red and so is his lips. He’s wearing his plain white t-shirt paired with some sweats while his duffel bag hangs over one of his shoulders.
“Y-Yeah..” you answered and gulped while looking away.
Jungwon smirked because he saw how you looked flustered at the sight of him. Obviously, he got an effect on you but you were resisting it so much. It doesn’t pissed Jungwon off actually. For him, it’s even more fun this way.
“What are your plans?”
“What made you think I will tell it to you?” you fired back, he chuckled at how fierce you are at him.
“Just trying my luck today, baby.”
You pursed your lips as you felt something inside your stomach turns at the sound of his sudden endearment for you. While you are putting your last textbook inside your locker, you felt your phone vibrating continuously so you quickly fished it.
“Hello?” you answered the call when you saw that it was from the orphanage you are volunteering for for the past few years.
Jungwon just leaned at the locker beside you, silently watching your face. When some passes by his part, he just greets them a little but don’t tear his gaze away from you for long.
He stared at your expressive pretty eyes. He doesn’t know but he’s always been being drawn by those eyes. The way he stares at him just hits different for Jungwon. It gives him a different kind of satisfaction.
“What? For how long is he missing? Wait, I’ll go there right away!”
Jungwon shifted from his position and furrowed his brows at the sight of your worried face. He silently watches how you ended the call and closed your locker right away. You turned away and started walking out from the building. Jungwon quickly follows and grabbed you by your arm.
“Please Jungwon I don’t have time right now. I need to go somewhere as soon as possible so can you please spare me today?” you glanced at him with a frustrated face.
To your surprise, Jungwon doesn’t have that mischievous smirk over his face. His brows were furrowed in a worried way. He sighed, “Let’s go, I’ll give you a ride.”
“No thanks. I can take the bus--”
“You said you need to there as soon as possible. It would be easier than public transportation.” he said in a serious tone. You figure he have a point, so you agreed and you both went to the parking lot.
He swiftly opened the back seat and placed his duffel bag inside before opening the car for you. You blushed and thank him before he smirked. He walked around and you can’t help but to continue admiring him.
“Where to?” he asked.
You gulped and told him the address of the orphanage. Even if he’s a little confused, he didn’t asked anything and just started driving. You pursed your lips nervously and fiddled with your fingers. He was just silent the whole ride, maybe he felt like something’s going on so he refused to pissed you off today.
The moment you arrived, you quickly went down and head inside. Jungwon did the same thing and went after you. Some people and kids quickly went to go greet you. He stood by his car and leaned over it while watching you from afar.
He saw you talking to some of the staffs of the said orphanage. Jungwon’s mind was blank while watching you genuinely talking to those people. He always thought you’re a responsible person but this... this is just a new side.
When one of the staff pointed him, you glanced at it and your eyes grew when you saw him not yet leaving. You excused yourself and went towards Jungwon.
“H-Hey, I’m sorry for just leaving just like that. Thank you for driving me here. I owe you one.” you said.
Jungwon’s serious face remained, “Is everything okay?”
You’re slightly taken aback. His tone sounded so soft. Like as if he isn’t the overly confident, Yang Jungwon you knew.
“Ah one of the kids of the orphanage run away again. I have to go look for him because he only listens to me. I already know where I can find him so you can go already. Sorry for the trouble and thank you so much.” you said and tried to pull a very sincere smile for him.
He pushed himself off from leaning over his car before running his hand once over his still damp hair. “Then let’s go find him.”
You blinked twice at what you heard.
“Y-You’re going to help me?”
Jungwon smirked a little then nodded without hesitation. You blushed and slowly smiled before turning to wave at the staffs before riding his car again. Jungwon bowed at the staffs before he walked towards the driver’s seat again.
“Now, where will we find him?”
You told him to go somewhere and even before he can stop his car, you already saw Hyunjae sat down looking so down.
“Hyunjae..” your voice came out like a whisper before you glanced at Jungwon’s side, “Please stop here, Won.” you said and Jungwon stopped his car a bit light headed. That’s the first time you called him by that.
You went out and quickly go to approach Hyunjae. When he saw you, guilt instantly appeared over his but he lowered his face to avoid your eyes.
“Hyunjae, you made me so worried.” you mumbled before caging him with an embrace. He sniffed and returned your hug.
“I want my Mom, y/n. Why isn’t she coming back yet?” your heart broke at his question for you but you just remained hugging his little figure.
You pursed your lips trying hard not to start crying. Hyunjae just turned 6 and is still very innocent. He have no idea that the people at the orphanage were clueless to who his Mom is. He left her a year ago in front of the orphanage. He only have a vogue memory of her but he still believes she will come back for him.
“We need to go back to the orphanage okay?” your tone sounded so gentle as you lean away and met his sulking face. The corners of his eyes have tears over it.
“No! I don’t want to!” he suddenly throw tantrums and you can’t even blame him. He always does this whenever he gets sick of waiting for his Mom.
It broke you even more seeing him like this because deep inside, you know you can’t do anything about it. You have no idea who his Mom and have no clue if she will ever come back for him.
“Hyunjae, but we need--” your words were cut off when someone suddenly squats beside you and placed his hand on top of Hyunjae’s head.
The young boy glanced at Jungwon who’s now beside you. He smiled softly at Hyunjae, “Hi Hyungjae.”
“Who are you?” the boy asked a bit rudely as he furrowed his brows hardly towards Jungwon’s direction.
Jungwon scoffed, “I’m y/n’s boyfriend.”
Your eyes grew at what he said and slightly nudged him. He smiled downward in a cute way before shrugging his shoulders off then focused back on Hyunjae.
“Do you want to go eat at McDonald's then we go at a park?” he offered to the younger one that made his face slowly reflect peace.
Jungwon smirked inside his mind. You just stayed there, holding and caressing Hyungjae’s small hand.
“But you have to promise me you won’t cry anymore.”
Hyunjae pouts, “B-But my Mom...” he trailed and lowered his head.
When you looked back at Jungwon, you are slightly taken aback when you saw something flickered through his eyes while watching and listening to Hyunjae. His eyes reflected sadness and longing...
He pursed his lips, “I know its sad but you have a lot of people who loves you and if you continue to cry, they will be sad.”
Hyunjae slowly lifts his head and looked at your direction. You flashed him your warm smile even if you have tears at your eyes as well. He looked worried when he saw that you really looked sad. He sighed and slowly wiped off his tears using his small hands.
Jungwon lets out a small chuckle before messing his hair, “Good! Now let’s go get you food.” and he offered to carry him that he quickly accepts.
You sighed and just watch them slowly walked towards the direction of the fastfood. A smile slowly creeped over your face, you didn’t know Jungwon have this side.
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“Thank you so much for tonight, Jungwon.” you said while you both walked under the bright moon.
Jungwon turned a little to look at you and he just smiled, “You’ve been thanking me ever since I gave you a ride. I think you thanked me enough, y/n.” he said.
You pouted and reached over him to fix Hyunjae’s jacket. He’s past asleep over Jungwon’s arms. After getting some food, you guys went to a near park and played together until he felt tired. Jungwon carries him and he ended up falling asleep over his shoulders.
“Y/n, thank you so much for bringing him back. I’m sorry to trouble you.” one of the staffs told you. You quickly dismissed it and told her that it’s completely okay.
Jungwon gently handed the sleeping Hyunjae to the staff and soon bid good-bye to them. After that, both of you headed back to his car because he said he will drive you home. You told him you can just take the bus so he can go home already but he hardly refused and initiated that he would take care of you.
You pursed your lips and fiddled with your fingers as you hesitate if you should ask something or not. It’s not like the atmosphere was awkward, you just really want to open a topic and ask him about anything. You watch how he easily maneuvered over the car’s steering wheel. He’s making it look a lot easier.
“You can ask me anything, y/n.” you jolted a little when Jungwon talked. He saw your cute reaction and chuckled because of it.
“Uh... It’s nothing really. I just got curious why you looked so sad when Hyunjae talked about his Mom.” you said and even bite your lower lip because you feel so shy.
You once again saw how his eyes looked sad after you mentioned it. You were about to dismiss the question but he suddenly talked.
“I kind of relates to him. I don’t have my Mom beside me anymore.” he answered with a low tone. Your mouth gapped, can’t really find the right words to say.
“She died because of an accident four years ago.” he said and the sadness over his eyes were unexplainable.
“I’m sorry, Jungwon.” you sincerely said. He glanced at you for a while and flashed a small smile.
“Nah, it’s okay.” he said and continued driving. You two fell silent and you can’t take off this heavy feeling inside your chest.
There’s something telling you that all of these— all of the troubles Jungwon causes are more like a mask to not let other people see what he truly feels. Somehow, it makes you sad for him and also it made you so curious.
“Anyway, I heard you have a tree planting project for the school already. What’s with the orphanage?” you glanced at his direction and tear your gaze off from the window.
“Oh! The tree planting program was for the school and this... this is my personal project. I volunteered to help at the orphanage.”
“Why not?” you told him with a small teasing smile as the memory of him answering you with that flashes through your mind.
He lets out a chuckle, “Seriously, you are indeed amazing.”
He stopped the car right in front of your house. You pouted and unclasped your seatbelt before looking at him straight at his pretty eyes, “I think there’s something amazing about you too, Yang Jungwon.” you quickly leaned in to give him a peck over his cheeks before rushing to go out of his car.
Jungwon was stunned at his position. He can’t remember how many minutes is he spacing out but all he can think of was your cute kiss. The moment he snapped back to reality, he chuckled and smiled brightly before happily driving away.
The next day, you woke up a bit more happier. You have no idea what is it about but you’re really in a good mood. When you arrived at the university, you quickly fetched your things over your lockers before going to your first class.
It went smoothly and as you glanced at the clock, your smile spreads as you hear the school bell rang. Some students inside the class stood to leave but some remained because their next class is here. You remained sitting and placed your bag at the vacant chair beside you, saving a seat.
Your friend arrived moments after and sat at the other side. Her eyes glanced at the vacant chair beside you and just pushed the thoughts away and proceed on listening to the things you were saying.
Later on, as some students started to fill the room, your eyes darted over Jungwon who looked so good with his hair a bit damp once again. He have rugby practice and so you thought he will be a little late. You saw how his eyes roamed around like as if trying to find someone.
You smiled a little and your friend furrowed her brows when she saw it. She was about to ask you why but you raised your hand to catch Jungwon’s attention. A smile quickly spreads over his lips before he started going to your direction.
Your eyes watched him get closer before removing your bag at the chair you reserved for him. He leaned it give you a quick peck at your cheeks before sitting down.
“Hi beautiful.” he smiled widely.
You chuckled and raised your hand to slightly fix his messy hair, “Hello. How’s practice?” you asked.
Jungwon’s smile grew, “It was great.”
You nodded while still staring at his eyes. He’s doing the same thing and didn’t even tried breaking the eye contact. Like as if both of your lives depend on it.
“Wait, did I missed something?” you turned your head to glance at your friend and your cheeks blushed when you saw how she’s smirking teasingly.
You chuckled and just shake your head before focusing on your class. The whole day was just like that, you tried focusing on your classes while Jungwon pops out of nowhere from time to time. You had your lunch together with him.
“Class dismissed.” your teacher said and the students around you quickly stood up to leave. You started fixing your things as well.
“Y/n, is the signing up for tree planting still going on?” your smile grew big when you heard that question from one of your classmates.
“Yes! Are you going to sign up?”
She nodded, “Great! Tomorrow we’ll be by the auditorium if you want to sign up.”
“Cool. See you tomorrow then?” her eyes shifted at your back and you saw her eyes grew slightly big then her cheeks blushed.
When you looked over your shoulder, you saw Jungwon entering the room and going straight to you. He smiled as your eyes met, “Hey, you done?” he asked, not even glancing at the girl.
You nodded before glancing back at the girl, “See you tomorrow!” she nodded and exits herself.
You resumed on fixing your things while Jungwon sat at the table beside you and watch you intensely. He let his duffel bag drop at the concrete floor.
“What’s up tomorrow?” he asked gently. You looked at him then smiled.
“We’ll be looking for people who will sign up for my tree planting program.”
He nodded his head before an idea pops inside his mind. “If I manage to gather 500 people for your tree planting will you go out with me?” he asked boldly and your head turns at his direction with a furrowed brows.
You let out a little chuckle when you saw he looked so serious about it. “Are you serious? We have like just 50 people right now.” you informed him.
There’s a lot of students in your university, yes. But you bet most of them are busy with some other things or probably just won’t volunteer for this kind of programs.
He shrugged his shoulders, “So?”
“Well... maybe?” you answered and Jungwon scoffed before tilting his head over to the zone.
“Just answer yes or no, baby.”
You pouted and stared through his eyes and once again it was like you’re being hypnotized by his pretty eyes.
“Okay, fine. Yes.”
He smirked before nodding, “Prepare to be my girlfriend starting tomorrow.” he confidently said before gently grabbing your bag from you so he can carry it himself.
You rolled your eyes at him, “Get me my 500 people first.”
He smirked then leaned to give you a peck over your cheeks, “Oh I will.”
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The following day, you’ve been very busy that you didn’t even saw Jungwon around the campus. You pouted sadly, feeling a little sad that you can’t stare at his eyes. He doesn’t have a same class with you today and so you didn’t even see him. He also didn’t pester you the whole day.
Something inside your chest tightens at the thought that he might be finally bored of you. And maybe the fact that you asked him to get you 500 people in order for you to start dating him sure is a bit overboard. But he was the one who suggested that?
You huffed a sigh and just shoved that thought away for a while to head over to the auditorium to check how’s the signing up for the tree planting was. On your way their, you come across some students.
“Y/n!” your head looked over your best friend when she called and greets you with big smiles. You tried showing her a bright mood as well.
“Hey, I’m sorry I was late. The teacher holds us for 5 more minutes. How’s the signing up?”
She smirked, “We have more than 450 right now.” she announced that made you so surprised.
“W-What?” you asked amused.
She chuckled and shrieked a little. “Yes! We have almost 500 people. A lot are still in line right now.”
“B-But how..?”
She laughed at your cute reaction and pulled you towards the auditorium. From your position, you can see the table you guys sets up for the signing up. It was really crowded and a long line were at the side. You would think of it like as if they’re buying a ticket on some concert or something.
Your eyes trailed at the people by the table. You pouted when you saw Yang Jungwon looking very busy while his friends were there too.
“Yang Jungwon came up with an idea that everyone who signs up will get to either hug or kiss his friends. Hilarious right?” she laughed and you can’t help but to chuckle as well.
“Seriously, I think you just tamed the playboy.” she said with a serious tone and a happy smile.
You chuckled and slowly made your way towards him. He was too busy that he didn’t even notice you.
“Are you this desperate to date me, Yang Jungwon?” his head raised at your teasing voice.
He smirked, “Just in time, baby. A few more people and you’re mine.”
You chuckled and shook your head at him. He was chuckling too when his friend said, “500. We have 500.” Jay said in a teasing voice.
You blushed while still looking at the long line. You slowly turned to face Yang Jungwon smirking. You blushed even more as you watch him tilting his head to the side as he rest both of his hands at the table to lean closer to you since you’re at the other side.
“You’re mine now.” he uttered gently to you.
You bit your lower lip before smiling at him then you wrapped your arms around his neck, “No. You’re mine.” and you leaned to him to give him a kiss at his lips that earned cheering from the crowd.
After three days, you guys decided to go to your first date as a couple. You’re a little worried and nervous but also excited because you’ll be going on a date with Jungwon.
First thing you went to was at the zoo since you’ve mentioned to him once that you always wants to go to a zoo with your boyfriend and so he granted your wish.
You screamed as he made you pose with a snake. He was giggling while holding his phone to take pictures and videos of this cute memory.
“Won, I’m scared! Hurry!” you said and screamed again when you felt it moving. You shut your eyes cutely and Jungwon just couldn’t stop himself from smiling widely.
After the staff took it off from you, you hurried your way back to your boyfriend and he cages you into a tight hug before kissing you on your head. “You did it, baby. You’re so brave.” he compliments you for overcoming your fear.
You two soon roamed around holding each other’s hand. Posing and taking pictures of each other, enjoying your first date. You had lunch after that and you guys talked about a bunch of things.
“You prefer letters and roses than any other things as a gift?” Jungwon asked a bit amused when you opened that up to him because he asked what do you prefer when your boyfriend will give you a gift.
You two are eating samgyupsal and he was busy grilling the meat while you wait patiently, talking. You nodded your head at him and he just smiled.
“Why? Do you hate them?”
“Not really. I just think they’re a bit cheesy.”
You scoffed, “That’s because you’re a playboy!” and you can’t help but to feel a little pissed just by thinking that he dated so many girls before you.
“How many girls have you taken here?” there’s bitterness all over your tone and Jungwon can’t help but to chuckle.
“Just you.” he answered and even if you’re suspicious of it, you can’t stop butterflies to move around your stomach.
“No, I’m serious.” he said and when you looked at his eyes you saw how genuine he looks.
“Then what do you do with your past girlfriends?” you asked and his hand stopped from grilling the meat. He glanced at you and you saw him gulped nervously.
“Do you seriously want to know?”
You blushed, “Never mind! Just grill the meat.” you said and he soon broke into laughter.
“You’re so cute, baby.”
“Shut up.” you said still blushing.
He stopped laughing and just smiled warmly at you, “You’re the first one I took seriously, so stop being jealous.”
You stopped asking anymore after that and you were smiling nonstop. You guys went to amusement park and enjoyed your time there as well. You ride many rides, buys each other matching headbands even if he doesn’t want to, take lots of pictures and laughs a lot. You’re just having the best time of your life.
As the night fall, you told him that you want to take a walk around while you two just casually talks. Jungwon bought you ice cream and lets you borrow his hoody while you walked around hand in hand.
“Thank you so much for today, Won. I really enjoyed and honestly, I don’t want this day to end.” you said all pouty while you sway your hands gently.
Jungwon glanced at you and just stared at you with affection. He knew he’s in trouble the moment he pursued you. You started making him feel things nobody else did. You made him view things differently and even if the world’s cruel, Jungwon believes that with you in it, it’s way more better. He knew in this game he was playing, he lost way back.
He squeezed your hand slightly that made you face him. You’re a little taken aback when you saw how his eyes looked so much affectionate.
“Y/n...” he started. He pursed his lips and gulped and was about to talk again when you felt something dropping from the sky.
You furrowed your brows before glancing up and soon broke into a fit of giggles when it suddenly rain. You soon tried pulling Jungwon to somewhere that have a shade but he just stood there.
“Hey, what are you doing?! Let’s go or we’ll be soaked!”
He was just staring at you before he smirked and pulled you towards him. The rain soon poured hardly that made you both soaking wet. You screamed and Jungwon just chuckled before embracing you tightly.
You chuckled and returned his warm hug before you felt him gently swaying your bodies. He chuckled and pulls away before making you twirl around. You two end up dancing under the rain while giggling with each other. The moment was so perfect and romantic you can’t even explain how you’re overwhelmingly happy.
When he pulled you close to him again, he stared at your eyes lovingly.
“Thank you so much for making me happy, y/n.” Jungwon said sincerely.
You pouted and smiled before cupping his face, “You made me happy.”
He chuckled before leaning in and kissing your head, “I like you so much.”
You broke into a sweet smile, “I like you more.” he leaned in and gave you a sweet passionate kiss.
After your intimate moment under the rain, you both were giggling while you’re on your way back to his car. You sneezed and Jungwon chuckled before lowering the air-condition.
“You cold, love?”
“A little. How about you?” you asked worriedly and even tried fixing his hair that sticked over his forehead.
“Not really. Wear your seatbelt for me, okay? We’ll go somewhere to take a shower and change.” he said and you nodded while obeying him.
“Where are we going?” you asked a bit curious.
“To my house.” he answered and you were left with no choice but to just let him drive.
It was just a short drive and you pretty much arrived soon. When you did, you were amazed at how big their house is. You are informed that he came from a wealthy family but still, he sure is a big deal.
“Come in, baby.” he said when he noticed you looked a little shy.
He gently grabbed your hand and chuckled at your cuteness. You saw a middle-aged woman wearing a uniform approach you. Like you, she seemed to be surprised too see Jungwon with someone.
“Good evening, young master.” she greeted him. Jungwon didn’t showed any emotion. His smile a while ago disappears.
“Prepare us some dinner and take it to my room.” he said coldly that the woman nodded to. You just remained silent and Jungwon’s hold tightens over you.
You smiled a little to the woman before he started pulling you up the stairs towards a bedroom. You assumed it was his.
Your eyes roamed around his room while he went inside this walk-in-closet you assumed.
“Do you live alone here in your big house?” you curiously asked as you slowly roamed and checked around his room.
“I live with my Dad.” he answered from inside.
You nodded and your eyes trailed over the only picture frames by his bedside. It was a young Jungwon and you smiled sweetly while looking at his cute face before your eyes shifted over to the beautiful girl. It was his Mom.
You jolted a little when you felt two strong arms hugged you from behind. He chuckled, “Sorry for scaring you.”
You smiled, “She’s so pretty.” you said while looking at his picture with his Mom. He looked at it too and Jungwon’s surprised that it doesn’t hurt anymore like it used to. He still feel longing for her but with you by his side, it sure is a lot more better.
He rested his face at your shoulder after dropping a light kiss at your neck, “She would tell you the same thing if she’s here.” he mumbled and you smiled brightly before reaching over his hair and gently caress it.
He asked you to take a shower and after you did you saw that it was pouring outside really hard. Jungwon got back to his room holding some food by a tray, “It’s pouring hard outside. We’ll stay here for tonight.”
You nodded your head, “Won’t your Dad mind?”
“He’s often not home. Come here, baby. Let’s eat.”
You two ate dinner while you’re on his shirt and one of his boxers. Jungwon were smirking allthrough out the whole time you are talking. He will occasionally wipe the corner of your lips and give you kisses in between.
When you feel tired, you guys laid down over his bed and cuddled up. He gently ran his hand over your hair, caressing it softly. You’re getting a little sleepy already because of his warmth and affection and his scent. You don’t know what it is but you love it so much, very comforting.
You were about to drift to dreamland when you suddenly heard a low sweet singing voice. You furrowed your brows as you leaned away from his chest, “You know how to sing?”
He blushed a little, “N-No.” you smiled and chuckled.
“You have such a wonderful voice. Why didn’t you join any school performances?”
Jungwon scoffed, “No way. I think it will ruin my frat boy image.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re such a baby.”
“No I’m not.” he said and kissed you by your lips.
Jungwon opened his eyes after a couple of minutes and saw that you’re fast asleep. He gently moved away from you and stared at your sleeping face. A warm smile spreads across his face before he got his phone.
“Hey Jian. I’m pulling out from the bet. I lost.”
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Ever since that day, you two were inseparable. Jungwon sticked to you all the time and act like he will die if he doesn’t see you even for a while. You two were just so happy together.
“Are you serious right now?” you got this smirk over your face as you watch how cute sulky Jungwon is.
He’s leaning beside your locker and have this cute upset face. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms to make you know that he’s really upset.
“Jeongwoo is just a friend.” you explained to him but he still looked so upset.
“But he likes you.”
“So? I’m --” you got cut off when suddenly a student approaches you.
Jungwon furrowed his brows hardly at the interruption and pushed himself off from the locker.
“Hey we’re still talking.” he said rudely that slightly scared the girl. You saw how she hesitated to tell you what she wants so you hit Jungwon at his chest.
“Hey, be nice.” you gave him a warning look before turning towards the girl and gave her a small smile.
“Fine.” and he stood behind you, towering your figure before he hugged you from behind.
You must say your relation is not perfect but both of you are very much happy together. Weeks passed and the more you know each other you can’t help but to fell in love even more.
“Are you going to attend our acquaintance party?” Jungwon asked while he drives his car using one of his hand and his other resting at your thigh.
You guys are on your way to their frat house because his friends are throwing this party. You don’t really like parties but ever since you dated Jungwon, you started attending them more often. It was fun. Or maybe just because you are with him.
“I don’t know, baby. It’s Hyunjae’s birthday so I have to be there.”
He nodded his head, “Yeah, right. We can plan something for him.”
“But what about acquaintance? You’re not going?” you asked while he slowly parks his car.
“If you’re not going, I’m not going.” and he placed a kiss at your cheeks before both of you head over inside the party.
It was a normal one. You socialized and partied with them until you feel tired. You st down at one of the chairs and when Jungwon noticed, he walks over you.
“Hey, you want to go to my room?”
You nodded because you really could use a rest. When you arrived at the familiar room, you made yourself comfortable at Jungwon’s bed and nuzzle through his pillows. It smelled like him.
When you felt the bed sunk a little, you raised your head to see Jungwon by the edge. He was smiling at you, “Give me love right now.”
You chuckled and forced yourself up from his bed to give him kisses and hugs. As you both enjoy your intimate moment, you both looked over the door and saw his cousin.
You got shy and the sarcastic smile over her face just makes you feel something odd.
“Oh hi.” she said with this sarcastic tone. Jungwon’s jaw clenched before he held you tightly.
“What you doing here, Jian?”
She smirked, “Nothing! Just going to ask y/n if she already know.”
You smiled awkwardly, “Know what?”
Jungwon clenched his jaw nervously, “Get out of here.” he said seriously.
“I guess you still didn’t know, y/n.”
“Know what?” you’re starting to feel pissed because your question is not being answered.
Jungwon stood up but his cousin smirked and said the words that made your world stop.
“It was all just a bet.”
Your heart broke as you slowly looked at Jungwon with teary eyes, “Is it true?”
Jungwon licked his lower lip. You wanted not to believe her but the look on his face says that it was indeed true.
“Is it true?!” you repeated your question.
He sighed, “Yes, but—” you pushed him off.
“Fuck you!” you screamed and head your way out of his damn room.
As you head down the stairs, you find it a bit hard as the place were pull of rowdy people. The moment you made it outside, you’re crying so bad. You suddenly felt a hand grabbing your arm.
“Baby, wait.” Jungwon’s eyes were bloodshot as he went after you.
He’s a mess. He doesn’t know what to do right after seeing how he hurt you. You cried and shoved his hold off of you.
“Y-You played with me...” your heart ached like its been stabbed a thousand of times after what you just found out. This was the first time you let someone enter your heart and this is what you get in return.
A fucking bet... you are just a game for him.
“Please, I love you. Don’t leave me.” he uttered, voice cracking a bit. You wanted so bad to believe him but you just can’t. The pain inside your heart was just too much.
“You expect me to believe you?” you chuckled sarcastically before shaking your head. Jungwon’s heart fell as you slowly steps away.
“Leave me alone, we’re over.”
Even before Jungwon can say something, you left with nothing but anger lingering towards him inside your broken heart.
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It’s been a week ever since that night and you tried very hard to avoid Yang Jungwon. He was a mess without you. He couldn’t function well and his friends are starting to worry already because this is so not him. He tried to talk to you everday but he always fail too.
You forced yourself out of your bed and started getting ready to go to the orphanage. Today’s the acquaintance party and also Hyunjae’s party. You’re sure Jungwon will be at the party so there’s no way you’ll attend that.
When you arrived at the orphanage, your eyes looked a little surprised at the grand decoration for Hyunjae’s party. A staff smiled and greeted you right away when you arrived, “The decoration is great.”
She smiled, “Jungwon went here a while ago with some people who helped decorating everything. He paid for all of these just for Hyunjae, y/n.”
Your smile faltered at the mention of his name. “H-He did?” the staff nodded and signaled something to someone. Another staff came rushing towards her.
“Here, he asked me to hand you this too.” she said while giving you a beautiful bouquet of roses.
You were silent as your tears started to form your eyes. You did remember how he said he find it cheesy to give stuff like these. Then why..?
You turned your head when you felt someone tugging the edge of your shirt. When you looked at the person, it was Hyunjae. You quickly wiped off your tears and kneeled down to be at the same level of his face before smiling widely.
“Jungwon hyung asked me to give you this, noona.” he said and handed you a letter.
Your heart raced at the sight of it. You pouted at Hyunjae. He reached over your face and gently wipe off your tears, “He told me I should wipe your tears for him. He tried to hide it but I know hyung is very sad too, noona.”
You smiled at him and pulled him into a hug. You greeted him happy birthday before giving him your gift. He thanked you and you told him you’ll just go somewhere.
When you arrived inside your car, you opened the letter Jungwon left for you.
Hi baby. I know you’re probably very mad at me right. I don’t even know if you’ll read this but I don’t care. I will still try and I will never get tired trying. I will admit it, I started pursuing you because of a bet but I backed out from it, love. I lost way long ago. I’m sorry and I will understand if it will take time for you to forgive me. I will not get tired and give up so easily. I really am in love you, y/n. - love, your jungwon.
You sniffed and cried silently inside your car for minutes before you decided to drive towards the university. You head towards the auditorium where the early programs are being held. You were about to enter when a hand grabbed you.
“Jian?” you were surprised to see her in front of you and she looked like she’s guilty of something.
“I n-need to tell you something.”
You pursed your lips and let her talk.
“Okay, first. I’m really sorry for ruining what’s between you and Jungwon. That was really awful of me.” she said sincerely and you still remained silent.
She sighed, “Second, I want you to know that my cousin is serious with you. He backed out from the bet long ago.”
“After your first date.” she said and your heart raced at what you heard. That was a month ago.
“So please... Please forgive him. Blame me but please don’t leave my cousin. He loves you so much and I never seen him that happy ever since his Mom left him.”
Your heart melt at what she said before you smiled softly at her. You both turned your head when you heard a loud cheer inside. “You should go inside.”
When you entered, there’s a lot of students inside. You roamed your eyes around trying to look for Jungwon. He was nowhere to be seen.
“Mic test...” your heart fell at that familiar voice.
Your eyes quickly shifted over to the stage and it looked surprised to see Yang Jungwon at the middle. He sighed as he faced the crowd.
“So I don’t usually do this but..” he sighed and gulped nervously. Your heart ache at the sight of his slightly puffy eyes.
“I want to dedicate this song for the girl who managed to tame my heart. To the girl who loves helping other people. To the girl who thinks giving letters and flowers are not cheesy. To the girl who I love the most.” the crowd cheers for him.
“Y/n, I know you’re not here but this is for you.” he said as a melody started playing through the background.
(song title: to the bone)
“Oh, maybe if you can see. What I feel through my bones. And every corner in me, oh. There's your presence that grown. Maybe I nurture it more. By saying how I feel. But I did mean it before.” he sang and you can saw how the crowd were impressed at how lovely his voice was.
Your eyes started to get teary because of it as he continues to sing with his heart.
“I want you to the bone. I want you to..”
He opened his eyes for a while and saw how the crowd were jamming slowly to the song. His heart was aching and he can feel his eyes starting to get teary again but he tried to focus on singing.
“Take me home, I'm fallin'. Love me long, I'm rollin'. Losing control, body and soul Mind too for sure, I'm already yours.”
You bit your lower lip as you slowly make your way closer to the stage.
“Walk you down, I'm all in. Hold you tight, you call and I'll take control, your body and soul. Mind too for sure, I'm already yours.”
You smiled despite the tears streaming down your face and watched Jungwon lovingly.
“Would that be alright? Yeah Hey, would that be alright?” he continued.
“I want you to the bone, yeah. So bad I can't breathe, no. I want you to the bone.”
The song continued but then his eyes caught you. He was stunned and couldn’t believe his eyes. When you smiled at him wider, he quickly ran towards you to cage you into a big warm embrace. The crowd cheered so much at the scene.
“You’re here...” he said before he leaned away to cup your face and stare at you.
You smiled, “You really have a lovely voice.”
He chuckled and wiped off your tears, “I know we started wrongly but I wish you can give me a chance to prove my love for you.”
You smiled, “I love you, Jungwon.”
His heart raced and smiled widely despite the tears over his eye. “I love you more, y/n.” and with that he leaned in to give you a kiss that filled with all his love.
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wishiwould · 2 days
Too explain a bit about the fic if its alright. Of the Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem cast, only Marth and Elice were good guys and regulars, as well as to a much lesser, extent Jagen.
Marth had a different personality, though to be fair this was based off long running Smash headcanons.
However Elice as nothing like Marth's older, motherly andkind sister, being a spunky and immature tomboy that is much younger than Marth. An early picture revealed Callistohime designed her after a picture of Sheeda (now localized as Caeda, the name is either Persian or Gaelic) from an anime picture. She found out Elice was older, Sheeda/Caeda was Marth's love interest & didn't like it, but lightly designed Elice to look different from Sheeda.
Whilst Callistohime didn't bash Caeda/Sheeda in the fic, same for Merric Marth's best friend & Elice's love interest, they weren't included & she made negative comments about them sometimes.
Similarly Jagen went from Marth's fatherly and elderly vassal to a man not much older than Marth without a fatherly relationship.
Basically every other character with an FE name that wasn't evil was a nothing character, usually a red shirt.
And every other one of Marth's allies or friends was a villain and the only one that was important was Navarre, whom, is depicted as a pure villain.
Unlike Zelda, Fire Emblem is almost always a story about multiple characters & there's alot of important & sympathetic central characters from all sorts of kingdoms in Marth's games.
Similarly none of the Kingdoms in FE matched & outside of Altea/Aritea, were just background decor or just a place that the villains were from. Like Akaneia (Archanea in the localization) is the most important kingdom in the games, the sub-franchise is known as Akaneia & there's also a game with Akaneia in the title.
Altea is a small place even though its Marth's kingdom, you could compare it to Link coming from Kokiri forest, but Hyrule is central. Marth says at one point, Altea is nothing without the other kingdoms.
Similarly whilst the antagonist forces rule Akaneia in the second game, you could compare it to Ganon taking control of Hyrule & its military in games like "A Link to the Past". In Time Cannot Erase, only Altea was important & Akaneia only showed up in the first part as the enemy.
But people get very attached to fictional characters, which is why so many FE fans, especially of Marth's games got upset. I guess think of it like "Impa", "Malon", "Linebeck" and "Ruto" being the names of villains in a fanfiction labeled as a Zelda crossover, I suppose?
I feel besides some hearsay of the anime, I think most of the info on the fanfiction was based around Marth's trophy in Melee and to be fair there, Marth's trophies in Melee & Brawl are very badly translated. I do wonder where she got the character names or decided to use them though? And several of the characters did show up in the short lived OVA.
BTW, one of the videos critiquing the fic is still up on youtube if you want to read it? This one is focused on constructive criticism and not any attacks to be clear. Its called "Callistohime Rant"
Hey Nonnie,
I've really enjoyed the exchange we've had so far, but I have to be honest: rehashing the details of CallistoHime's fanfiction is actually a bit triggering ^^; In the literal sense--it brings me back to those times, and brings back symptoms of anxiety I haven't really experienced since then.
I do appreciate the opportunity you gave me to apologize, and to hear your apology and explanation! That was nice. And, even though it's a liiiiiiiittle close to triggering territory, I'm actually fine hearing about other FE titles and things like that--or anything else under the moon!
...Well, maybe not ANYTHING else under the moon. For full disclosure, unfortunately Zelda in general and Zelda fandom in particular does still trigger me, and it's hard for me to read fan-fiction because of my experiences with Callisto.
All this to say, whether on anonymous mode or not, I'd love to keep speaking to you! But not about Callisto's fanfiction.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 10 months
hellooo there, I have with me cookies and some fluffy blankets and hot chocolate, any chance I could chill out with you and Sky :D
(btw lol it's totally fine that you thought I was offering soup in the one ask I sent a lil while ago, I can bring you soup as well XD )
Hi Soup Anon! :D Oh my gosh yay I've been craving cookies for like a week that sounds delightful! Come hang out with me and Sky! <3
We're just watching blorbo shenanigans at the moment! Currently playing: Time and Malon are workaholics who are now having a day off and have no clue what to do with it.
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scarletlizzard · 6 months
hello yes i am here for songs of the day hope ur day was good and i wish i could completely catch up to the shenanigans but u have been running around with no end in sight 🤪
category is: songs that help me remember who tf I am
Enemies - Post Malone
Sissy That Walk - RuPaul (not a fucking WORD)
Soundclash - Flosstradamus x Troyboi
- 🧊
Hello, hi! Oof, sorry, I went a little crazy with the anons ranked! Did you watch the Broski report today? She name dropped you!
Yesss posty!! Not a word, no worries, champ! (📸📸📸📸) I was not expecting that Soundclash song, but pleasantly surprised!
Category is: songs that make me cry every time I hear it
Matilda- Harry Styles (don't get me started)
All I Want - Kodaline (I blame the fault in our stars)
Asleep - The Smiths (iykyk)
I'm literally fine btw!! This is just a category 🤙
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carbonated-fenwater · 4 years
We're officially into week two of hiatus so here's all my Shitty RWBY character headcannons:
Ruby Rose
- before Atlas, she had stupid contact names for everyone in her scroll
- really good at makeup but doesn’t have the patience for it
- “I’ve graduated from Combat Skirts. I wear a Combat Kilt now”
- has in fact practiced her “leader face” in the mirror before
- does morning affirmations that go along the line of “You are The Huntress. You are the baddest, silver eyed bitch in Remnant. Zwei is proud of you. The moon does not care if you cry during your lunch break today so you shouldn’t either.”
Weiss Schnee
- actually hates sweet stuff. Like she had access to all really high quality stuff when she was a kid and as she grew up she kind of grew out of it
- only one on the whole team who takes her coffee black and makes fun of the others for it
- purposefully smacks people in the face with her braid but always plays it off as an accident
- Brokest Rich Bitch in Atlas
- "Hey Weiss, can you spot me?" *riffling through her FAT wallet, "Sorry can't, I'm Atlas broke."
- Is actually blind in her left eye and whenever someone sneaks up on her on that side she will reactively glyph them into the ceiling
Blake Belladonna
- nyan-binary
- playing a game of what weird stuff she can do and convince her friends that "it's a Menagerie thing."
- *wearing her boots in bed* it’s fine we do this all the time at home
- “Hey guys watch how far I can jump and still land on my feet!”
- *stubs her toe on a table* “This is a hate crime”
- she picked that up from Sun btw
- absentmindedly fluffs up her hair when she’s nervous or thinking
- no one has EVER seen her go to the bathroom in her Atlas outfit. They don’t know how she survives
Yang Xiao Long
- desperately needs a haircut and she Knows it but she'd too stubborn to give up the "don't touch my hair" schtick
- uses her semblance to dry her hair because it takes 6 hours otherwise
- her and Jaune hanging out together = “We’re just Blonde Bois doing what blonde bois do”
- everyone learned very fast after reuniting not to ask Yang for a hand
- drinks Kool-aid like a monster
Jaune Arc
- terrified of needles
- when practicing with his semblance in training he would rub his hands together and yell, "CLEAR!"
- hates coffee but started drinking it in Atlas in an attempt to seem more professional and grown up
- plays guitar but plays banjo better
- can also play spoons
- hates shoelaces with a Passion which is why his boots use snap ons
- has had Nora and Yang spin him really fast on office spinny chairs to help him get over his motion sickness
- one of those people who shushes inanimate objects when they make noise. The rest of JNOR has also picked up this habit
Nora Valkyrie
- uses her semblance to shock people
- "If I run and leap at Jaune, he will almost certainly catch me in his arms"
- the friend that you love to hate for being a morning person
- sometimes will just,,,, pick up her teammates and be like “that’s enough for today we’re going back to the room and you’re lying down and drinking some water”
- napping queen. Seriously No One can just clock out and catch a fresh 30 zs just anywhere like she can
- one of those people who doesn’t like coffee, hot chocolate, or tea and Only drinks whole milk
Oscar Pine
- notorious impulse buyer
- Hates soda. He drank it once and thought he was dying
- unironically says shit like "farm fresh baby" and "This would’ve never happened back on the farm" in response to things
- John Mulaney's entire "Zoning Out" bit
- “I was in Ironwood's office, he was reading me the results of the mission. It was important, I listened. And then I zoned out!”
- “Sometimes my wizard- I have this wizard- he'll be like, 'Are you watching the Grimm?' And I'm always like, 'I'm holding onto Yang, and I'm not gonna fall off. But no, I'm thinking about chickens."
- Chicken Fried by Zach Brown Band
- the inside of Oscar’s head constantly sounds like a Letterkenny Cold Open
Lie Ren
-is an excellent cook but bakes like Eugene Lee Yang on Without a Recipe
- has an entire vocabulary of just sounds that only Jaune and Nora fully comprehend
- “Hey Ren, you want some tea?” “Hzzm” “Two sugars or one?” “Hrrm” “You got it buddy.”
- L’oreal, because he’s worth it
- tongue piercing I will not elaborate on why
- instituted a “Team ALPN/JNOR Swear Jar” after he heard Oscar say “fuck” once under Jaune’s supervision
Qrow Branwen
- smells like campfire smoke. Everyone thinks it's a really good cologne but he just smells like that
- gonna do the obvious one: distracted by shiny things
- one of his rings is a fidget ring
- Went through a karaoke phase
- listens to Post Malone and cries sometimes
- has done the gallon challenge
Penny Polendina
- likes to mess with people by carrying around nuts, bolts, and screws and just dropping them behind her
- intentionally misinterprets very basic forms of greeting
- remember that one scene from Lilo and Stich with the record player?
- feeds the stray cats and dogs in Mantle
- she and her dad will make fun little toys in their free time and give them out to kids. She almost always has a spare teddybear or something for when she’s down in Mantle in case she needs to comfort a kid
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...Time and Legend seeing Malon and Marin cosplayers... And they requesting to have pictures taken with them... And maybe the Marin cosplayer sneaking in a peck on Legend's cheek and his feelings are hella conflicted cause on one hand it isn't Marin and she didn't ask for permission on the other hand he knows it's probably the closest he's ever gonna get to getting a kiss from Marin because she was only a dream and how do these people know about her and-
... Btw, what time zone do you live in, shouldn't you have gone to bed hours ago?
rip legend but also he would treasure that forever
also i live in UCT+1 apparently but its like 8;30am for me now so realistically yeah i shoulda slept hours ago but i didnt LMAO ill be fine, promise <3
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
I legit cannot handle how big my crushes on Time, Malon, and Twilight are. And the other boys too- uggghh. I’m the anon who talked about Isekai Reader btw. And I imagine Time and Twilight would be completely oblivious, to a point, of Reader’s infatuation with them.
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knivesandkinksfw · 3 years
rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims
I was tagged by @spookyspookyprincess thank you so much ❤️
1. "Tired" by Stone Sour
2. "Stay" by Post Malone
3. "Lay Down" by Priestess
4. "Nobody Move, Nobody Get Hurt" by We Are Scientists
5. "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" by ODB
6. "Frontier Psychiatrist" by The Avalanches
7. "The Kill" by Thirty Seconds To Mars
8. "Splash" by Sub Focus feat. Coco
9. "Pay No Mind" by Hanni El Khatib
10. "Mr Blue Sky" by ELO
Thanks again for tagging me, not a bad selection if I do say so myself even though I got Lay Down twice lol 😂
Time to tag people. If you don't want to that's absolutely fine btw.
@hneybee-s @ukgymleader @redactedmanc @xcrocea @a-brats-world @virginmayoooo @lilariesmoon @unrulybodies and anyone else who wants to do it.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
I'm not sure if you take fic requests or not, but feel free to ignore this
But I read that father's day fic with IAU Time and Wars (wonderful fic btw!!!) and I thought, how does IAU Legend, Twi, Wind, Four, Wild, and Hyrule celebrate father's/mother's day with Time/Malon?
I do short periods where I take fic requests, but they’re closed right now, sorry anon 😅 But I do have some things about mother/Father’s Day I can tell you at least :)
For both holidays, the kids usually try and at least make their parents cards, or a little gift, depending on things. They usually just do cards though. Time probably takes them all out fishing one time, and that goes... okay (nobody drowns, so that’s a win in his book).
Twilight usually tries to get his younger siblings to not fight with each other on the day (Wild and Legend, ahem), and also just do more around the house so whichever parent it is doesn’t have to do as much. Legend does try not to start dumb arguments with Wild (it’s harrrrd, Wild is always doing dumb stuff), and also tries to be more helpful. On Mother’s Day, he also spends more time as a rabbit, since he knows his mom likes animals (Malon loves both his forms, but she does think it’s sweet).
Wild (once he’s old enough) often makes breakfast in bed, and gets his siblings to help (sometimes this is fine... sometimes it is not). He always works extra hard on his card too, he wants to show his parents how much he appreciates them. And when he’s a little bit older, he starts wondering about his birth parents a little, and often spares a thought or two towards them on mother’s/father’s day. Hyrule is similar, in that he wants to show his parents how much he appreciates them (and will never stop being grateful that they took him in), though he does also wonder about his birth parents like Wild does.
Wind and Four mostly do the same, try not to fight, help Wild make breakfast, make nice cards (Wind tends to use lots of stickers). Four always makes his parents a little gift, even if it’s something small (pipe cleaner flowers, popsicle stick something, etc), though they do get a little nicer once he’s older and better at making things.
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twodrunkgirlspod · 4 years
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Hi, welcome to the Two Drunk Girls Podcast’s Episode List! Here you will be able to find all of our episodes and even little sneak peeks at the topic/topics for the next week’s episode!
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter for all things Two Drunk Girls and an inside look on what nonsense and dumbassery we get up too while recording each episode!
Episode 1: Tyler Posey’s Jaw, this is our introduction where you’ll get to learn about how we met, what we will be discussing on upcoming episodes and most importantly you’ll learn about our cats and our concern for Tyler Posey’s jaw.
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 2: Astrology and Post Malone, this is our discussion of all things astrology from understanding your zodiac sign, how your energy effects yourself as well as others and crystals! Also this is where Sarah discusses her love for not one but two bald men.
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 3: Robert Pattinson Hates Twilight, believe it or not this is actually our fave things of the moment episode! We will let you in on what we are currently obsessing over such as books, movies, tv shows and of course drinks and we will even share a few things we are looking forward to! But as always there will be mini rants like how Twilight the movies ruined the books….
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 4:The Broken Heart’s Gallery! This is a review and just our thoughts and feelings on the amazing movie with the always amazing Billy with a booty(his name is actually Nick in the movie but it’s fine) and Lucy the CFO(chief feelings officer). 
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 5: Mental Health. This episode gets a little heavier with topics such as depression and anxiety and how we cope with them as well as discussing when we first realized we had these and other issues. This is all about our mental health journey.
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 6: Sarah touched Niall’s face (coming October 6th) this is all about our road trip seeing Niall Horan on his last three shows of his Flicker World Tour and we also talk a little about our experience at Flicker Sessons! Sarah goes into detail about what it was like meeting Niall!
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 7: Spooky Spot! This episode we discuss our travel memories! We tell you all about our favorite places as well as some we would be perfectly fine never going back to....like ever. Listen now to hear a great story involving Ciara, a slide, a skirt and few drinks. 
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 8: Pia’s Big Announcement! This episode is very special as we have the amazing Pia as a special guest! Pia specializes in helping woman gain confidence while building the body they want. She is a wonderful human who has a very special announcement so you’ll want to listen!  
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 9: Love and Monsters movie review! We are once again giving you all our thoughts on this movie staring the always wonderfully adorable Dylan O’Brien! If you’re into giant man eating bugs, smart mouthed little girls, loyal dogs and guys named Joel who will travel 85 miles for a shot at love then you’ll not only love the movie but you’ll enjoy this episode as well! 
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 10: Writing! This is the episode all about writing in honor of NaNoWriMo! We discuss what we like to write, who some of our favorite authors are, our writing style, our writing process and of course we talk about if writing Fanfiction makes you a proper writer or not(btw it does). 
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 11: Billy Hargrove deserved better! This week is all about Stranger Things! Here at Two Drunk Girls we know three things for certain, mornings are for coffee and contemplation, friends never lie and Barb, Bob and Billy all deserved better. 
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 12: Leave Me Malone! This is a very special episode as it’s all about Austin Richard Post aka Post Malone. We talk about our concert experiences, how friggin awesome his glow up has been(thanks Cathy), the amazing energy you feel at his shows and Sarah just blabs on about how much she loves him. Oh and we get drunk! So it’s a fun one!
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Epsiode 13: What is Dating? This episode the two drunk girls are in fact drunk! We discuss weird pickup lines, our best dates, ghosting and just how weird and confusing it is to date these days and how sometimes we just download dating apps to reassure ourselves we’ve still got it...and by it we just mean people think we are cute still.
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
Episode 14: Let’s talk about sex! This week we talk all about the importance of consent, communication, unrealistic bedroom goals and much more! I mean sex is a fun topic and we get....into it on this episode! 
Available on: Apple Podcast, Anchor, Breaker, Spotify, Google Podcasts, RadioPublic
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eeunoia · 1 year
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N in an Apocalypse
part two
pairings: kim sunoo x reader
summary: being stuck in an apocalypse made you lose and gain something.
short background: before the outbreak happened, the spread of the infection happened when one of the student went to the science laboratory and got bitten by an infected animal.
warnings: blood, violence, mention of abuse and everything about a zombie apocalypse. (let me know if i forgot something)
word count: 8k
important note📎: sorry if the style of my update changed. i’m only using phone from now on, please understand. i will fix it once i get the chance.
note📎: Hi I just want to give you heads up that some scenes may be similar from the series. I give full credits to them! I hope you guys liked it! it really means a lot to me whenever you let me know what you think about them, re-blogs and comments are well appreciated. btw, i love you guys and thank you for supporting me up until now. have a nice day/night! 🤍
permanent tag-list: @rubyanne @en-sun @studioreader @map-of-border @hwangjangmi @crjwon @love13tter @kako-chan @classicroyalty @angel-hyuckie @jun-malone @ncityy04 @bridgebridgebirdiebridge @fearlesskz @abdiitcryy @hime98 @moonsclover @hoonstrology @ddeonubaby @yeoungie @acciomylove @mymeloem19 @jvngw0n @dreamyenskz @minamoons @clar-iii @notmyselfbuttrying @herasalvatore @nyfwyeonjun @rcveribin @yizhoutv @person-standing @black-bread1230 @one16core @sleepyenhasasha @soobin-chois @rcveribin @kyutiepeachy @chareadingpurposes @hwalllllllelujah @solelyenha @90sni-ki @nourhan-8 @nyfwyeonjun @nikipedia07 @yangbreads @drunkjazed @kimmchijjajang @hoonbrry @axartia @all4haru @hiqhkey @sta-rie @niinjo @ssomsworld @purplepuppychild @iceeee @wtfhyuck @tobiosbbyghorl @edensgardenn @nikililmj @ayayiiie @moonlightisland
tag-list: @luvvdsttfaye @nikililmj @psh-pjh @rylexe @095won @belle643 @luvrjn @jangwonie @softb-tterfly @3chae @jovibaes
© 2023 eeunoia — all rights reserved.
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You are still looking at Sunoo’s eyes when both of your heads snapped over to the side when one of your classmates screamed. You saw how his face are now filled with bloods that came from the infected reaching over him through the window.
Your brows raised in worry, but soon eases down when you saw that your classmates came to help him right away. Heeseung told them to stack some tables and chairs to block them from grabbing or pushing in more. You all obliged and do as he say with no words. Sunoo was near you all along, never leaving your side.
Honestly, you’re really thankful for him. This is beyond your expectation. While you are placing the chairs, your eyes caught a cut by one of his hands. You furrowed your brows and quickly reached over him.
“Y-You have a cut.” you stated and glanced at him. Sunoo’s amused at the first time seeing your worried eyes darted at him.
He gulped and felt emotions errupting over his chest. He couldn’t explain the things you are slowly making him feel. He licked his lower lip and can’t even find the words he’s about to say. It was like his brain just short circuited.
“It was cut with the w-window...” his words trailed slower as your hand graced his soft ones. He gulped, mind clouded by the thought of your sudden affection.
“Oh no. We need to clean it.” you said very worried and started roaming your eyes around the room to look for the first aid kit.
Sunoo was about to stop you and assure you that he was fine, but it was too late. You already left and went to get the first aid. He stood there, right where you left him. His eyes followed you silently.
“Found it.” your smile was so bright the moment you took a hold of that small box. You walked back to Sunoo and he can’t help but to smile at you, eyes gazing softly.
“Let me see.” you reached over his arm and leaned closer to see the cut by his hand. It was bleeding and you bet its a bit deep.
You winced a little like as if it was you who will suffer the pain. Sunoo chuckled, “How is it?” he asked.
You glanced at him, “A bit deep. I need to clean this then put some ointment.”
He didn’t even glanced at his cut and kept his stares right at you. He nodded with a small smile before you finally started cleaning his cut to put the ointment in. Through out the whole session, he was just silently watching you carefully cleaning his wound. He have this small smile, admiring you.
“There, finish.” you uttered and even smiled proudly when you saw how you finally put an ointment and something to cover his cut.
Sunoo smiled and finally took glance of what you did, “Wow. Thank you, I feel so much better.” he said sincerely.
You glanced at him and you can’t help but to blush at the sight of him smiling warmly. You stared at him and he did the same thing, none of you talked and just enjoyed that small moment.
“You lost it?! How could you!” both of you turned your heads when you heard someone raising their voice.
The first one you saw was (nk’s y/n) lowering her head and in front of her was (sh’s y/n). She seemed very mad. Sunghoon took action right away and walked closer to stop her. Someone walked pass by you, and you saw that it was Sunoo because he quickly went closer to (nk’s y/n).
You watch how he stood in front of her, protecting her from (sh’s y/n)’s rage. You blinked a couple of times while watching the scene carefully. Something with the way Sunoo acted right away and the way he held (nk’s y/n) makes you feel something bitter.
You knew they were close. Ni-ki and Sunoo are good friends and since they hang out a lot of times, its not surprising that (nk’s y/n) gets to go with them because of Ni-ki. The two of them are always together, anyway. Sunoo and (nk’s y/n) closeness are pretty noticeable by a lot of people that some rumors about them liking each other circulated the whole campus.
For you, it was somehow justifiable. From the way the two of them acts and how Sunoo watches her with smiles over his face just explains a lot of things. You teared your eyes away from the scene and gulped. You tried breathing, filling some oxygen to your lungs. In some reasons, you kind of felt something unexplainable.
You almost hit yourself unconsciously. Not just because Sunoo showed you little kindness, you’ll start to assume things about it. Maybe because the treatment was foreign for you that’s why you can’t help but to put other meaning to it. You forgot that Sunoo was naturally kind. At least now, you are aware.
You looked back at them when you heard (nk’s y/n)’s cries. Your heart aches with her because she just knew Ni-ki was not here with you. Unconsciously, you roamed your eyes around and realized that he is really not here. You are too occupied with Sunoo that failed to notice it.
If it was the old you, you probably the first one to know that he was not here. You watch how Sunoo comforts (nk’s y/n). Like her, he looked so worried and sad after knowing that his friend was not here.
Slowly you started looking around, to observe your surroundings. Heeseung was at the corner, face blank and spacing out. Even with the commotions going on, he seemed to be mentally absent. At the far other corner was Sunghoon together with the still angry (sh’s y/n). He was still saying something to her, but you’re too far to even hear.
Some of your classmates are slowly minding their own businesses. You, too, decided to walk towards an empty chair and sat over it. Things are clearly getting worst and out of hand. Hopefully help will come sooner.
You snapped back to reality when a chair moved beside you and when you glance, Sunoo made (nk’s y/n) sit down beside you. He glanced at you and you were quick to look away.
You pursed your lips and looked at her worriedly. She’s still crying and you completely understand. Or do you?
Your fist balled. It finally dawned unto you that you don’t fully understand what she feels, because to start with you never lost anyone yet. All your life, you were all alone. You have no one beside you.
Yes you might have imagined how would it be having somebody, but that’s it. It was all in your head.
“Hey,” you snapped back to reality when you heard Sunoo’s soft voice as he kneeled in front of (nk’s y/n) so he can see her eyes.
You watch silently. “It will be all right. Ni-ki’s very athletic and he’s smart! I’m sure he’s somewhere safe.” he tried comforting her and reached over her cheeks to wipe off those tears.
You looked away and gulped, feeling that lump between your throat. That's not something you should feel, but you cannot help it. Your whole emotions are a mess right now and they’re the least of your concern in situations like this.
After letting out a sigh, you slowly and carefully reached over (nk’s y/n)’s shoulder, “Sunoo’s right.” you tried saying those two words that almost made you tremble. That was the very first time you tried comforting somebody.
You didn’t even know if you did well, but you saw from your peripheral view that Sunoo glanced at you. When (nk’s y/n) turned and looked at you with her tearful eyes, you almost thought you messed that up. The thought was interrupted when she suddenly hugged you, crying even more.
“I’m scared, Y/n! I don’t want to lose him too.” her voice cracked due to crying, but that’s not what left you in shock.
The fact that she knows your name is what surprised you the most. You blinked a couple of times before you slowly leaned in and gave in to her embrace. It was warm, despite the cold emotions enveloping the two of you. You caress her back then continued muttering comforting words.
Your heart ache with her, but also pounding with so much emotions because of the things you are currently experiencing. All of these are new for you, and none of it is what you’re expecting.
When she managed to calm down, you both are still sat beside each other. None talked after that, and you respect that she doesn’t want to talk about it. You just remained their beside her. Sunoo was with the other boys, roaming the room and checking for something useful.
The silence were broken when one of your classmates suddenly talked.
“Y-Yah (friend’s name)... y-you’re bitten.” they were referring to (jw’s y/n)’s best-friend. You saw her standing near her, tears started to form her eyes.
Your eyes watered as well just by watching a heart breaking scene. Her nose was bleeding, but she still managed to show bright smiles to cheer for you guys. You pursed your lips, trying hard to stop yourself from crying and shedding tears. How come you feel so much pain just by seeing her say her goodbyes? You aren’t even close with her.
You are still watching when you felt (nk’s y/n) hugging you. You can hear her soft sniffles, “J-Just how many more are we going to lose?” she mumbled, only for you to hear.
She was right. It was very cruel. You are just normal students, trying to survive school and then suddenly you’re fighting to survive this outbreak. This isn’t something you are expecting to happen. This things are just seen in movies, you didn’t actually thought this could occur in real life.
The whole room fell silent and the loss were very evident. Jungwon was beside (jw’s y/n) comforting her. She was obviously affected by the loss of someone important for her.
You jolted when you heard another glass being shattered. Those infected that were just outside are not stopping until they can get inside the lab. They’re starting to breakthrough and seriously, its worrying you.
“Its just a matter of time before they managed to get inside.” Sunoo said, while staring seriously at that side of the room.
You glanced at him before you looked back at the awful scene. “You’re right.”
Seems like the other boys noticed that as well, because Sunoo was called by Jungwon to talked about something. The boys started discussing something serious.
“Why, hyung?” Sunoo asked the moment he walked closer to his friends.
“We need to find another place. This one is not safe anymore. Soon, they will break their way in.”Jay said getting straight to the point. There's no time for them to spare.
Just like how Sunoo thought a while ago. It sure is starting to get alarming. Jungwon agreed right away as he nod his head. Then they silently started to think of a way to escape this room. Clearly, they’re in a very complicated spot.
They can’t go outside the doors since its packed and surely even before they can make it out, the whole room will be filled with the infected and they will be a feast for all of them.
All of them thought the same and almost lost hope. It was almost like a dead end for all of them.
“Is there no other way out?”
“None. It's just these two doors and the window.” Sunghoon answered and instantly, all of them looked at the big windows.
Sunoo saw how his friend was staring right at them like as if plotting something inside his head.
“We can try going outside of the window.” Jungwon said after a couple of minutes. Even before Sunoo can react to what the younger one said, he started following him as he walked towards the hose that according to him will serve as their ‘ladders’ to go at the room beneath them.
“Will this be strong enough to hold us?” Jay asked curious and even pulled the hose up to check the length of it.
Sunoo roamed his eyes over his friends as they discuss this seriously. Seems like he’s the only one finding this very odd and extreme. As he watch them silently, he came to realize that there’s no such things as extreme or risky at moments like this. What happening was already something unexplainable so taking big risks should be the preferable choice than get eaten by the infected.
Sunoo planned and helped them came along with things needed for what they’ll do. They searched the whole place, trying to find more things.
On the other hand, your brows furrowed while watching the boys busy themselves. Even if you’re wondering and curious, you can’t make yourself go approach Sunoo and asked him what’s going on.
Thankfully, to feed your curiosity, he came close to you so he can check you and (nk’s y/n).
“What’s going on?” she beats you to asking the question.
Sunoo’s eyes are darted to you so he glanced at her to answer her question, “The room is not safe anymore. We’re moving to a different one.”
Your heart raced at what he said. While you hear (nk’s y/n) complains and rants about it, you silently looked at the side of the room where the infected were. It wasn’t looking too good for you. Obviously, they will surely break in. That would be really dangerous.
“Hey,” you jolted when you felt a hand held you.
You twist your head and looked at Sunoo. “Sorry...” he apologized, but his worried expression remained.
“Are you okay?” he asked. You licked your lips, cheeks burning red because you feel a bit embarrassed for being so jumpy.
“Yeah, sorry.”
He kept his stares for a bit more before he nodded his head. “We’ll be moving rooms.”
“Where are we going? I mean... I’m not seeing any exit.” you stated with a very worried tone.
Sunoo sighed and then pointed at the window. Just in time, you saw how the other boys are throwing the hose outside. Your heart fell just by thinking about going through the window.
“N-No, that’s too dangerous.”
Sunoo licked his lips as he saw panic lured at your eyes. He understands, like you, he was a little hesitant at first as well. It was pretty high and the rope you’ll be using was  sketchy.
“It will be all right. You can do it.” he comforts you and held both of your shoulders.
Your eyes teared away from the window and looked over at Sunoo. He leaned down so he can see your eyes perfectly, “I’ll be just here. I’ll look out for you.” his voice sounded too soft for your stomach not to churn.
You gulped and licked your lower lip once, not breaking the eye contact.
“I h-have fear of heights.”
Both of his brows raised, finally understanding the panic in your eyes the moment he mentioned that you’ll get out through the windows. He sighed and stood properly before pulling you towards the closest chair and made you sit.
He sat down and cupped your face then leaned closer. You hitched your breath because of his action, “Just don’t look down and you’ll be good. Okay?”
You sighed and slowly found yourself lost in his comforting beautiful fox-like eyes, they were softly gazing at you. You nodded and a smile appears over his lips.
“That’s my girl. I know you can do it.”
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You were spacing out while waiting for your turn to go down the audio-visual room. The first one to go was Sunghoon, to check if its really safe to move there. After a couple of minutes, he shouted that it is safe and that your homeroom teacher is even there.
You are happy to hear about it, but the fact that you still have to go through the window terrifies you. Yes, Sunoo did managed to calm you down, but you can't just make your fear go away that easily. You are still very worried and scared.
A hand held your arm and as you turn to look at the person, it was (nk’s y/n). She smiled at you, “I heard from Sunoo that you’re afraid of heights?”
You nodded and pursed your lips. She nodded once, “I can go first before you so you can see that its totally safe, okay?”
Your stares remain at her and you can’t help but to feel that unfamiliar warmth. Is this how it feels to have people caring for you? It surely feels very heart warming. You cannot explain the joy and other emotions its giving you. All you know is that its something you truly love to feel.
You smiled, eyes becoming slightly teary. “T-Thank you.” you mumbled, shy.
She chuckled and lightly taps you.
“That’s what friends do!” she exclaimed that caught you off-guard.
‘Friend?’ She’s your friend now? You have a friend now?
Even before you can say something, she was called by one of your classmates because its already her turn to go down the rope. She glanced at them and nodded before looking back at you.
“Let’s go, y/n! I’ll wait for you there.” she then smiled and started walking towards them.
You followed shortly and Sunoo stood beside you after he helped her get up to the table. You watch how Jay instructs her carefully, like telling her the things she needs to do. She listens attentively and you silently utter a prayer that she’ll make it down safely.
“(nk’s y/n) very adventurous. That’s only a piece of cake for her.” your head turns at your side and saw how Sunoo was staring down at you, despite talking about (nk’s y/n).
It seems like he was watching you for a while now so you felt a little shy. You don’t know how you look, worrying for her.
He nodded, “Ni-ki and her grew up together and both of them are truly fearless.”
You slowly smiled along with him before you glanced back at her who’s now getting ready to go down. Her eyes caught yours and she waved with a smile, “See you there!” she said and you nodded.
When she slowly went down your mind started to go blank as well. “She said we’re friends. I have a friend now.”
Sunoo’s stares remain darted at you. Hearing that from you made him feel things. He felt bad because you really don’t deserve to feel like you have no one. He also feel slightly angry to himself for not noticing you in his class right away. He should’ve not focus on his small circle and tried even more to socialize.
People around him may think that he’s someone very friendly and that he’s the social butterfly, but the truth is he’s someone who likes to keep his circle small. Despite being nice to everyone around him, he doesn’t let them in his circle easily. For Sunoo, he wants those who he trusts the most to be the ones around him everytime. And he really thinks you’ll be one of them from now on.
He sighed and gulped before pushing his doubt beside. He’s afraid to make bold moves, afraid that it’ll scare you off. But he really thinks you deserve a hug.
Carefully, he held your arm and pulled you closer to him. He caged you with a tight warm embrace.
“You won’t be alone from now on.”
You smiled and nuzzle over his chest. After a couple of seconds, you pulled out of the hug and smiled at each other. Soon, you are the one who will go down next.
Sunoo accompanied you and helped you get up to the table. He’s looking at you when you glanced at him. He nodded and gave you an encouraging smile.
“Don’t look down and breath.” he reminds you before Jay took over to assist you.
“Take your time, y/n. Carefully use your other leg to look for the next loop. Sunghoon will be by the other window waiting for you.” he said and you nodded before finally going down.
The moment the cold wind blew towards you, you lost it. Heart raced in uncomfortable phase. It was like you are starting to have difficult time in breathing. You closed your eyes and grunt. You tried taking continuous breathings.
“You’re doing great! Try to reach for the other loop, y/n.”  that was Jay.
You don’t know for how long you are staying there, but you are already shedding tears. The feeling of being out the window and just having a rope to support you was extremely terrifying you.
“You got this y/n.” your eyes snapped open when you heard Sunoo’s voice cheering for you.
You raised your head and saw him beside Jay, smiling. “Slowly, okay? Don’t look down!”
You bit your lower lip and nodded before slowly lowering your other leg to reach for the next loop.
“Slowly...”  you mumbled.
“That’s it! You got it, y/n!” it was now Sunghoon who’s below you, seeing you finally managed to find the next loop.
You sighed out and after that, the next loops are now easier to find. It still very scary, but experiencing that once made you familiar of the feeling and slowly get yourself used to it.
As you arrived to the last loop, you heard some of them cheering from above and Sunghoon’s arm wrapped over your waist to assist you inside.
“You did great.” he smiled and helped you get down.
You were greeted by a warm hug by (nk’s y/n). “Y/n! You did great!” she compliments you and you can’t help but to smile, despite the tears over your face.
“I was so s-scared.”
She pulls off from the hug, “You’re here now and you did a very good job.”
You thanked her and soon, your homeroom teacher greeted you by a hug as well. She mumbles how she’s very glad to see you fine. Your heart felt warm, having them around you right now. Even if you’re in a very dangerous situation, you feel much better knowing that you aren’t alone.
One by one, your classmates made it to the audio-visual room. When Sunoo arrived, he quickly greeted you with a hug and a smile.
“You did so well.” he didn’t forgot to compliment you.
“You too.”
Both of you pulled off from the hug when you all heard that Jungwon’s in trouble. One of the zombies managed to hold over one of his leg.
“Wait, is that Ni-ki?” you snapped your head over to (nk’s y/n) when you heard Sunghoon said that.
She furrowed her brows and walked closer the window, “Ni-ki?” she asked hopeful.
“Kick it, hyung!” just by hearing that voice, you are certain it is really Ni-ki.
The happiness over (nk’s y/n)’s face when she heard that was unexplainable. She bit her lower lip and held your arm, anticipating for when they will manage to get inside.
“What do you think am I doing?!” Jungwon shouted back, seems like they’re really having a hard time shaking off that one infected student.
“I will jump to you hyung!”
All of your eyes grew big when you heard what he just said. Panicking, some of their friends went near the window. Jay even climbed over, just in case they needed some help.
“Jump? He lost his mind.” Sunoo mumbled and shake his head before approaching too to check if they can do something about it.
But even before they can make an alternative solution, Ni-ki already took the risk of jumping over his Jungwon hyung making everyone scream.
You saw how Sunoo rolled his eyes and let out a sigh before walking back close to you. Your worried eyes remained.
“Are they okay?”
He nodded, “Yes. Don’t worry.”
Soon enough, you really did saw the two of them going inside. (nk’s y/n) rushed her way towards her best friend and cage her in a tight embrace. She was crying hard that made Ni-ki’s playful smirk dissipate.
After that, some of your classmates found a computer. They all went to crowd it while you and (nk’s y/n) decided to sit down at the corner.
“I really thought I would lose him... I was so scared.” she suddenly said and as you finally follow her line of sight, she was looking at Ni-ki.
You pursed your lips. “I’m glad he’s okay too.”
She smiled and glanced at you. “Do you think I should confess to him?”
Your eyes grew big at what she said. You didn’t really expect her to have feelings for Ni-ki since they pretty much are bickering every time and you definitely didn’t expect her to tell that to you so suddenly.
She chuckled, “Is it really not that obvious? Maybe why he have no clue, huh?”
You cleared your throat. “I w-was just surprised.”
“How about you, y/n? Do you like someone?”
She once again caught you off-guard by the sudden attack of question.
“M-Me?” it was a little embarrassing how you’re stuttering just by talking about these things. When you try to remember the people that you watch while talking about the people they like, they don’t get as shy as you are right now.
Maybe because its your first time?
“Yes, you. Do you like someone?” she repeats her question and glanced at you. She was waiting patiently and honestly, its making you really nervous.
“Promise, it will be just between the two of us.” she added.
You gulped and dropped your gazes at your fidgeting fingers. “Sunoo.” you mumbled too softly that she failed to catch it the first time.
“Who?” and she even leaned closer so she can hear it properly.
You sighed and shut your eyes. “Kim Sunoo.”
You didn’t open your eyes just yet and when you fail to hear any reaction from her, you opened your eyes and saw that she have the biggest and brightest teasing smile.
“That’s crazy because I actually think he likes you back!”
Your eyes grew big and cheeks suddenly turned bright red because of what you heard. You shake your head.
“N-No. Impossible. He’s just nice to everyone—”
“Trust me he does! I mean it. Kim Sunoo do—”
“I what?”
Both of you snapped your heads towards the right when suddenly someone talked. Your heart fell when you saw Sunoo looking at the two of you with a confuse and curious face. Seems like he heard his name. Your face turned red as you quickly felt nervous by thinking he just heard what you two was just talking about.
Behind Sunoo follows Ni-ki with a serious face. Feeling intimidated by his gaze you looked away while (nk’s y/n) chuckles cutely.
“Nothing!” she said and when you look at her. Ni-ki was already standing beside her holding her hand, trying to get her attention.
You felt a warm hand reaching over yours and heart thumping fast just by the contact with his skin.
“What is it?” you gulped before slowly trailing your eyes towards Sunoo.
He got this anticipating look on his face.
You bit your lower lip and found yourself drawn over his stares. He didn’t looked away and just enjoyed your moment. So did you. Even with your heart thumping so fast, cold sweats forming over your skin, and mind going blank, you managed to keep your eyes darted at the pretty boy in front of you.
“N-Nothing.” you stuttered.
The corner of his lips lifted before he looked away, finding you adorable. His gaze dropped at his fingers playing with yours. He smiled and sighed.
“Nothing, hmm?” he doesn’t know what to say, because he was starting to get occupied by the thought of you and also the look on your eyes just a while ago. They were alluring... making him feeling a lot of things.
You two eventually changed the topic and talked about some other things. It was just random topics and you enjoyed it. You always wonders how people can stand talking for a long time without running out of things to talk to. But after actually experiencing it, you realized it is possible to talk nonstop. Especially if its with someone you really like.
Your heads snapped over to the side when one of your classmates yelped. You stood in surprise as the boys quickly went to rescue. An infected managed to get himself tangled by the hose you used and tried to grab your classmate. Thankfully, it was soon resolved but it cost the computer.
You thought its finally over, but (sh’s y/n) once again made a commotion saying that Sunghoon got scratched by the infected a while ago. Sunoo furrowed his brows while standing beside you, silently watching.
“You shut up! And if he transforms suddenly you can save all of us?” (sh’s y/n) said, trying to stand her point that he really did got scratched.
Ni-ki and Sunoo sighed heavily, unamused. Clearly, they’re slowly getting tired of the scenes she was consecutively making. You also think it was unnecessary, but at some point you also think that maybe she’s just really scared. Fear can do a lot of things to people.
“Okay! That’s enough!”
Finally, your home room teacher stepped in between and tried to resolve the problem. You can see how offended and upset Sunghoon looked. Jay was standing beside him, mumbling calming words to keep him from taking any more steps towards (sh’s y/n).
“I think she really pushed hyung’s button now.” Sunoo commented and sighed.
You pouted and didn’t say anything. They often fight even before, but this so far is the most extreme one. You never seen Sunghoon looked upset whenever they argue before.
They came up with the solution of letting Sunghoon stay inside the recording room for an hour. Some suggested that thirty minutes will be enough, but he insisted.
While waiting for an hour, you all tried to get some rest. Sunoo stood up and you followed him using your eyes. He went towards where some of your classmates are crowding. Holding one cup over his hand, he tried getting some water.
“Thank you.” and you took a sip from the water he got for you.
You are slowly getting comfortable with the things he’s doing for you. He is truly nice.
“Aren’t you thirsty?” you tried offering your water and he smiled right away.
“I already had water before I gave you, don’t worry.”
You smiled and nodded.
“I don’t want to offend you, but can I just ask something?” he suddenly opens up. You looked at him with raised eyebrows
“Are you new to this school?” he asked, he looked nervous for some reason. “I don’t think I see you a lot around the campus so I thought that maybe you’re a transferee?”
You put the cup down and chuckled a little. “We’ve been classmates for three years now.”
His eyes grew big as his mouth gapped open. It made you let out more chuckles. His reaction was really priceless. He looked so surprised, like as if he doesn’t want to believe it himself.
“A-Are you serious?”
You nodded continuously, “Yes.”
He raised one of his hand and covered his mouth, “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
You smiled, “You don’t have to feel sorry. It was always like that.”
He pursed his lips, unable to find the right words to say. He just kept his stares at your eyes, enjoying the moment. Looking at them, you can’t see any pity over them. More like he looked regretful. You’re not sure about what, but he looks like it.
Your head dropped when you felt his warm hands enveloping yours. He carefully lifted your hand and started to caress it slowly. As you lift you head, you met his soft stares.
“I wish I knew you sooner.”
You smiled, “Really? I’m a very boring person.” and you followed it with a chuckle to ease the awkwardness.
“You’re not.” he smiled, “Trust me, you’re not.”
You smiled and nodded. Sunoo scootted closer and made you rest your head over his shoulder as you continue your conversation. Even before you know it, (sh’s y/n) was already getting inside the recording room to say sorry to Sunghoon.
Everyone silently watched.
“You know we used to tease hyung because he’s always too obvious about his feelings for her.” Sunoo said.
With a surprised look, you glanced at him. “Sunghoon likes her?”
Sunoo laughs, “Yeah. Funny, right?”
You chuckled and nodded your head before looking back at the two. After hearing what Sunoo said, seeing him hugging her tightly right now just made sense. That’s why he was always there whenever she was in trouble.
Your homeroom teacher soon said that everyone should get some rest because its been a really long and tiring day. After she said that, you suddenly felt your whole body aching. The exhaustion finally got into you. With all the running and things you did a while ago, its not much a surprise to have every part of you aching.
“Wear this. It’s cold.” you looked at Sunoo’s coat that he took off for you to wear.
“What about you?”
“I’m good. Just take it.”
You nodded and accepted his coat before you silently watch him walk towards by the door. Since its really not safe to just leave the doors unattended, the boys agreed to take turns in guarding them. You salute them. They’re really not responsible to do all of these, but still they choose to look after you. In your opinion, you wouldn’t have got here without them.
While watching Sunoo chat with his friend, your eyes suddenly started to feel more heavy. You’re trying to fight it, but soon enough tiredness took over and you fell asleep.
On the other hand, after almost two hours of guarding the door, Sunoo got replaced with Jay so he tapped his shoulder and headed your way.
A small smile appeared across his face seeing you sleeping peacefully. Carefully, he sat beside you and gently placed your head at his shoulder for a more comfortable position.
“I’ll protect you.”  he whispered.
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The next day, some of your classmates came up with an idea to go down the faculty room to get a phone to call for help. It happen to be the room down where you guys are currently are.
Your licked your lips, kind of nervous for what they’re thinking of. It’s very dangerous and knowing that it could be full of infected people just makes it even worst.
“Are you sure about this?” your home-room teacher asked, a bit hesitant to let her students go.
“Yes. We need to at least try.” Jungwon said.
You pursed your lips and your teacher was left with no choice, but to let them. They asked who will go with Jungwon and you saw the fear over (nk’s y/n)’s face when she saw her bestfriend raising his hand.
“No, why would you do that?” she whispers towards him.
You watch silently as Ni-ki tries to console her. Sunoo held your arm, “Hey,”
You glanced and pouted, “I feel bad letting you boys do the risky stuff.”
He shakes his head and smiled.
“We’re doing these because we want to protect all of you.” he said, assuring you.
You didn’t say anything else after that and Sunoo was called by Jay. Since they’ll be left here, Jungwon asked them to keep things secure while they’re out to get a phone.
You are silent as you help them gather magazines to wrap towards the two boys. (nk’s y/n) was beside you, very quiet. Only her soft sniffs can be heard.
You reached for her hand and squeezed it a bit, trying to let her know that you’re there for her and that everything’s going to be fine. She smiled, despite the tears over her eyes.
You helped her put magazines over Ni-ki. Both of them are silent, like as if there’s a heavy atmosphere lingering around them. Ni-ki was just watching her carefully while (nk’s y/n) continues to wrap him up.
“I’m going to get some tape.” she said and exits herself as she wipes off the tears on her eyes.
You sighed and resumes on what you are doing.
“y/n, right?” your eyes lifted over to Ni-ki when he said that.
You gave him a short nod.
“Please look after (nk’s y/n) while I’m gone. I heard from her that you two had been pretty close lately.”
You didn’t expect to hear those things. Still a bit caught off-guard, you tried flashing a small smile at him.
“D-Don’t worry. I will.”
He smiled a little. “Thanks.”
After finishing setting them, they both left the audio-visual room through the window. Everyone watches silently, praying that they will be back safe.
You held (nk’s y/n)’s hand. “He will be back.”
She glanced and flashed a small smile. “He better be.”
You have no idea for how long have you been waiting, but the next thing you knew Ni-ki was back alone. He said that a lot of infected were inside the faculty. Something happened that lead Jungwon to go the other way, leaving him to go through the window alone.
You saw the fear, sadness, regrets over Jungwon’s friend’s faces. You walked over Sunoo and held his arm. His head twist towards your direction and your heart almost crack at how sad he looked.
“I s-should’ve volunteered.”
You shut your eyes and slowly pulled him into a hug, “I’m sure he’s alright.” you mumbled too softly just for him to calm down.
The absence of Jungwon sure gave a lot of impact. Everyone was quiet and for almost an hour, nobody talks or dared to open up what just happened.
Not until one of your classmates remembered about the drone they got from the science lab. Hope errupts as they one of them tried to maneuver it outside the room, off to search for Yang Jungwon.
You all watch in silence as some gave directions to where the drone should fly. At first, all you can see are flocks of infected students scattered around the whole building. Some vacant rooms and a whole other mess. You can almost see the disappointment over their faces, but Sunghoon suddenly saw something.
“Isn’t that the baseball bat you gave Jungwon?” he asked and quickly caught everyone’s attention.
The cheers were so loud the moment Jungwon was seen at the screen of your classmate’s phone. Sunoo cheered as he hugs you beside him. You smiled widely and jumped in joy with him. You are so glad he’s okay and even find Jake.
Soon, another plan was made. The next objection was to move to where Jungwon and Jake are then from there, you guys will move to the rooftop. They figured that if help will come, the easiest way that they can pick you up is from there.
“Aren’t they drawn by noise?” Jay asked.
Everybody nodded their heads before he suddenly looked over the recording room.
“Why don’t we use the speaker to lure them in and while they’re busy doing that, we can just run towards the music room.” he said.
Your mouth gapped at how smart he is for actually coming up with such an idea. As expected, all of you agrees and then you started gearing up for the move.
“Are you all set up?” you glanced at Sunoo who came up behind you.
You smiled and nodded your head. “Yes. How about you?�� and you roamed your eyes from his head to toe.
You nodded and glanced at his eyes.
“Stay near me, okay?”
Letting out a chuckle, you reached over his uniform to slightly fix his collar. “I will. Look out for yourself too. I can handle myself.”
“I will protect you.”
You chuckled and nodded, “I know, but you have to protect yourself too.”
He held your hand as you all head outside the audiovisual room after successfully luring them over the other side. It was very thrilling and you can almost feel your heart bursting. Sunoo’s hand was holding you tight as he walk in front of you.
It was going well until you made it to the next stairs up to the floor where Jungwon was. One of your classmates bumped into the metal railing a loud sound to errupt, catching the attention of a lot of biters.
When you all glanced at the side, you couldn’t explain the fear you felt the moment you saw how they slowly turn their heads over at your direction one by one.
“Run!”  Jay shouted that snapped you back to your senses.
Screaming and panicking, all of you tried running up stairs. Sunoo quickly pulled you and made you go first.
“Both of you go first!” he said and Ni-ki even placed (nk’s y/n) near you as he ready himself to fight the infected running after you.
You nodded and started going upstairs. You screamed and fell over the floor when someone pushed you. Jungwon and Jake went out to come help you.
You grunt and tried getting up, but your feet was stuck at a chair. It needs to be lifted up for you to pull your feet. You tried moving it but it was too heavy for you. Something heavy was preventing the chair to move.
“y/n!” (nk’s y/n) exclaimed and quickly went to help you. She tried lifting the heavy thing, but it didn’t even move.
“Go ahead (nk’s y/n)!”
“No! I won’t leave you here!”
You are starting to shed tears because of fear. Fear of getting her in trouble too. She yelled as she tried to lift it once again. Like you, she’s starting to cry too.
You are about to tell her to leave, but someone pulled her. “Go first. We’ll take care of her.” Ni-ki suddenly appeared out of nowhere.
You turned your head when you felt a hand holding your arm, “Are you okay?” Sunoo’s worried eyes were the first one to greet you. He cupped your face.
“I’m f-fine. I just got stuck.”
Sunoo nodded and looked over Ni-ki. “I can try to lift this hyung. Then you can pull y/n’s feet out.” Ni-ki suggested.
They nodded and even counted. Jay was about to walk pass with (j’s y/n), but noticed the three of you so he helped as well. In no time, they got you out.
“Are you okay? Does it hurt?” he quickly asked. You shake your head and he quickly placed you behind him.
Suddenly, a storm of new infected students came separating you from the others.
“Shit.” he cursed when he noticed that you’re trapped.
A lot of them are blocking you from getting in the music room.
“Hyung!” Jungwon was by the other side fighting off those who keeps on coming their way.
"Go inside, Jungwon! We'll be just fine here." Jay shouted. “Go!” he added that left the younger one with no choice but to go.
You felt Sunoo’s hold over your hand tightened.
“Sunoo try the rooftop!” Jay shouted and he agreed right away.
He started pulling you and you helped him move the chairs that were blocking the way. These should be moved because later, they will follow you guys.
Sunoo was the first one to get inside to check if there are some infected students. As expected, it was vacant. He let you in first and asked you to wait as he tries to go help the others.
“Please be careful!”
You are worriedly eyeing the door of the rooftop, waiting for Sunoo. You jolted from time to time when you hear thudding sounds from outside.
“S-Sunoo?” you calls out, but there was no response.
You took a step towards the door and contemplating whether to open it or just wait.
You screamed when it suddenly opened, revealing Sunoo. He have a lot of new fresh blood over his uniform. There was no one else behind him.
“They went the other way. I c-couldn’t—” you didn’t even let him finish and you quickly run towards him to give him a hug.
“I thought I lost you!”
He was taken aback for a while before he slowly bury his face at the crook of your neck, “I’m here...” he said in a comforting voice as he tries to calm you down because you are crying.
“Shh, I’m here now baby.” and he placed a soft short kiss at the side of your head.
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“Are you cold?” he asks. You slowly shakes your head, but he still moved closer and fixed his coat over you.
“When do you think are they going to arrive?” you ask.
“Sooner. We need to prepare for them.” he said.
You nodded. The two of you then moved the chairs out from the way of the rooftop for your classmate to have more room when they arrive. While fixing the chairs, you suddenly stopped after hearing this loud noise coming from downstairs.
“Is that..?” you looked over Sunoo who was stoned at his position as well.
“They’ll be here soon. Wait at the corner, baby.” he said and went near the door to wait. He will open it for them.
You did as you told and worriedly watch him. Soon enough, you heard them coming and the first one to enter was (nk’s y/n).
She quickly run towards you when she saw you and caged you in embrace. “Y/n!”
“(nk’s y/n)!”
You two are busy hugging each other when suddenly, Jungwon and Sunghoon arrived as well. Just then, you all realized that (sh’s y/n) was not there and (random name) was the one who did it.
You bit your lower lip, feeling bad about what happened.
“I can’t believe she really did that.” (nk’s y/n) said in a sad tone.
Ni-ki and Sunoo went and tried to stop Sunghoon from going after her, but it was too late.
“If something happen to Sunghoon hyung too, its your fault.” Ni-ki said towards (random name) as he walks pass her.
You saw horror and guilt on her face with tears shedding.
You sighed and looked over Sunoo to give him a hug. He returned it and placed a soft kiss at your head. “Do you think help will come?”
“They will.” he assured you.
You nodded and smiled. After an hour, you all stood up as you heard a helicopter from a distance. Everyone cheered as you all waved your hands, happy to see them. Finally, you’ll be saved now.
Someone held your hand and it was Sunoo. You smiled, tears already forming at the side of your eyes.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” you said, leaning closer so he can hear you.
He smiled, “I will always take care of you from now on.”
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apocalypse master-list
part one › here
main master-list
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atinykidult · 4 years
match ateez members with your favourite songs :'D
(Sorry this took me so long 😭 Life’s been hectic, though in the best way possible!)
THEME — Honestly, this was really hard because my favorite songs have lyrics about people in love or people leaving the person they loved and not much else. Oops. Anyway! Thank you again for this ask, Vivi, because it was super fun/thought provoking! ^^ (And sorry it’s a long read >.>)
HONGJOONG — I Like Me Better, Lauv
I knew from the first time, I'd stay for a long time 'cause I like me better when I like me better when I'm with you
I gave this precious song to Hongjoong because I could see him hearing it and looking at the members fondly, saying. “I like me better when I’m with you.” Because Ateez is his family, and I think he likes himself 1000% better with them.
SEONGHWA — Youth, Troye Sivan
My youth, my youth is yours Trippin' on skies, sippin' waterfalls My youth, my youth is yours Runaway now and forevermore
So, I know San’s sung this, but I think it fits Seonghwa’s vibe?? I feel like he’s someone who would think about growing old with someone, but also romanticizing spending his youth with his SO, too.
YUNHO —  Without You, Parachute
I don't want to fall asleep without you I don't want to take one breath without you Oh, and I don't even know one thing about you But give me everything about you
I see Yunho as our love at first sight member. He’s so bright and pure, I think he matches this song really well! Plus, as a lover, he would be very much so the type to want to know every single detail and quirk.
SAN — Walking the Wire, Imagine Dragons
We're gonna be higher We're walking the wire, wire, wire So look out down below
So I matched this song to him because I could see San seeing life as a tightrope. He’ll go walking it with the people he loves, and be joyful enough to want to look over the edge, too, just for the view.
YEOSANG — If the World Was Ending, JP Saxe and Julia Michaels
But if the world was ending You'd come over, right? You'd come over and you'd stay the night Would you love me for the hell of it?
I’m going out on a limb here to say Yeosang falls in love slowly and carefully. But that he has the biggest heart out there. So, in the context of this song, he would be completely aware if his partner didn’t match him entirely. But he would be the kind of person to also recognize that “loving for the hell of it” isn’t so bad.
WOOYOUNG — Post Malone, Sam Feldt and RANI
See the ocean there in your eyes In slow motion, we see the sun rise We are, we are in a zone
I see Wooyoung as someone with a strong zest for life. He’s not someone who’s going to do life halfway. So, I gave him my hype song—the one that makes me want to go run toward the sunset. It might be too bright for some people; their loss. 
MINGI — Push My Luck, The Chainsmokers
I think I might push my luck with you Does another night feel alright to you? If I ask right now, would you think it through? (Hey) I think I might push my luck with you
I relate Mingi to everything sweet and cinnamon-roll-esque. So I thought this one might match how he falls in love: A little self-consciously, but so sincerely. He would think he’s pushing his luck pursuing whoever he loved, but he’d do it so sweetly.
JONGHO — A Song for You, Gaho
I’ll be missing you I’ll think of you Even if I'm left alone in the end I'll be fine
I maybe chose this because I’m picturing Jongho covering it. (It’s a wonderful thing to imagine, btw, it’s so different from what he does but he’d kill it.) Anyway, I could see him writing a song for someone he broke up with, killing it, remembering the good times, and realizing very maturely for his age: “I’ll be fine.”
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