#Maybe I'd do a Spider-Man crossover
allastoredeer · 5 months
What crossover could you imagine meshing well with Hazbin Hotel?
Helluva Boss (☞˚▽˚)☞
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thevoidstaredback · 3 months
I was thinking about writing a Spider-Man and Batman crossover like Leap of Faith and Dark Matter, but I convinced myself otherwise. Not because I don't think I'd do a good job or because I'm already working on a million and a half stories, but because of this:
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I tend to go really dark with my writing if I don't make sure to not let myself get lost in the words. I don't think I could bring myself to put Peter through anything I'd come up with. Maybe in the future, but definitely not right now
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phantoms-lair · 2 months
45 for the crossover roulette.
"You okay?"
Peter looked up at the kid wearing a domino mask.
"Okay, kind of dumb question, but can you move? I don't think you want to be there if Klarion's next portal summons a monster."
"Who's Klarion?" Peter asked, confused.
"That," said the boy who on closer inspections was wearing...a really weird outfit and cape with a stylized R on the chest. He was pointing to what looked to be a floating kid in a school uniform with pale, almost blue skin and hair styled into horns. 'Klarion' was laughing as space and time seemed to rend around him.
"Okay, and what does Klarion want?" Peter asked, almost afraid to know.
"Chaos." Cape Boy said grimly. "No other goals. That's why we got you through a portal too, even though you're a hero."
"How do you know I'm a hero?" Not that it didn't feel good to be called that, but Cape Kid (Better, that one had alliteration) seemed to be putting a lot of faith in someone who fell through a random portal.
"You can see through the portals right before something falls out." Cape Kid point to one that now showed a stormy seas. "So we saw you saving that lady before you fell through. Awesome flip by the way. Can you teach me it? My older brother is an acrobat and I'd love to be able to show him up."
"Sorry," Peter apologized. "It's kind of something I can only do because of my mutati-" His Spider sense screamed and on instinct he grabbed Cape Kid and pulled him out of the way of a massive tentacle that slammed out of the sea-scape.
"ROBIN!" a voice called out.
"I'm okay B," Caped Kid, er Robin called out (guess that was what the R was for). "Portal Friend pulled me out of the way."
A man dressed in all in black landed next to them. For all the eared cowl and cape should have looked silly, this man carried it as intimidating. "Thank you. Your name?"
"Spiderman". It was impossible to see through the cowl, but Peter got the sense of an unimpressed eyebrow raised.
"It's no worse that Batman," Robin chided.
"It's not about the name. It's about the fact that he's trying to carry himself as an adult when he's clearly around your age."
What. The. F-.
"What are you talking about?" Peter tried to bluff. Sure he wasn't the tallest. But with the added muscle he looked more like a short adult than a teenager, right?
"You're in High School. Not even a senior." Batman said with absolute certainty.
Maybe he was psychic or something? Peter deflated.
"You're a teenager trying to carry yourself as an adult and you were fighting alone." It sounded like that that bit was what was upsetting him.
"Well, no one else knows I'm a teenager." Peter said nervously. "Most teenagers can't pick up cars." Not could most adults, but that was besides the point. "So any other heroes in NYC think I'm an adult too."
"B says they're idiots," Robin translated cheerfully.
"Robin," Batman's tone held warning.
"Am I wrong?" Robin asked cheekily
"We need to focus on the matter at hand."
"That means I'm right," Robin stage whispered.
Peter couldn't help himself, he grinned. "So how can I help?"
"If you can keep Klarion distracted, I should be able to help Zatana get into place to stop the portals."
Peter grinned. "Oh don't worry, I can be very distracting."
"That was hilarious," Robin was almost bent in two laughing.
"Thank you, thank you." Peter mock bowed. "Man, Nightwing is going to be sorry he missed this. Oh Man, when you shot that web right in his face, gluing his mouth shut when he was gloating? That was great. Or when your asked what they were feeling him at the Victorian orphanage to turn his skin blue, and implied he just came out because he had the munchies-"
"Have you eaten?" Batman asked, ignoring Robin.
"Sorry?" the question took Peter off guard.
"Your suit was already scuffed when you arrived, so you'd either already been in a fight or at the end of a long patrol. You kept up a lot of high-energy movement and a powers like yours usually come with an increase in caloric needs. Have you eaten?" Batman repeated.
Peter's stomach answered for him with a low rumble.
"Batburger," Robin asked hopefully.
"...It's because of the fries, isn't it."
"You need to eat healthier."
"It's totally because of the fries." Robin nodded to himself.
"The fries?" Peter asked, confused.
"So this guy go the idea to open up a fast food burger place themed after Gotham's local vigilantes. The food pretty good for what it is, but recently they added a new option to the menu, seasoned fried with a spicy kick. But they called it Jokerizing the fries, and B is upset because he thinks it's trivializing what the Joker's victims go through."
Peter had no idea who the Joker was, but was guessing a villain. "...So would you say B's a little salty about the fries?"
Batman just looked to the smog filled sky, as if asking why all vigilantes acrobats had the same sense of humor.
"Finger's Deli."
"Yeah sure, their sandwiches are good." Robin shrugged. "What's your usual order?"
Oh, he was talking to him. "A cuban with pickles, squished real flat."
"Squished?' Robin asked. wrinkling his nose.
"It makes it crunchier." Peter defended.
"Stay here," Batman ordered, then fired his grapple gun and flew away. Hmm, maybe that was a feature he could add to his web slingers. "So do we know how I'm getting home?" Peter asked tentatively.
"No worries." Robin assured. "Zatana said everything Klarion pulled through will pop back into it's own reality in the next few hours. Yourself included."
"Cool, cool." So that was his big worry down. "Is Batman, like, your Dad or something?"
"He is." Robin confirmed "Not supposed to admit it, but it's kinda obvious. Like everyone assumes it anyways?"
"I can't imagine fighting crime with my un- a relative."
"Problems with your Dad?" Robin guessed.
"Not...really? He died when I was little. I don't even really remember him or Mom." Peter confessed.
Robin winced. "Sorry, I forget how often vigilantes are orphans."
"Oh yeah, a lot of us. Including me and my brother and B."
"Adopted." Oh, that made sense. "Yeah, B keeps adopting kids who remind him of himself and then wonders why we're such drama queens who will go out in costumes to fight crime, including sneaking out if he tries to ban us." Robin laughed. "I can't complain though. Stealing his tires was the best decision I even made."
Peter made a choking noise "What?"
Robin shrugged. "I was young, homeless, and knew I could get top dollar for them. Like enough to keep me fed during winter. He catches me, I hit him with a tire iron because I'm sure I'm either going to juvie or he's going to steal my bones or something, and he just...asks me if I want to eat something. Took me to Batburger."
"Before the fries?"
"Before the fries?" Robin laughed, but it was a melancholy joy. "B's the best thing that ever happened to me. He gave me food and home, and never asked anything in return except for me to live my best life. I decided I wanted to be Robin because...I know what it's like to be that hopeless. And I want to give hope to everyone the way B gave it to me."
"There was a time when I was really afraid we were going to be homeless," Peter admitted. "And I know that's no where as bad as actually being, but..." Where was he going with this? He didn't like thinking of his early days. His disastrous wrestling career that ended in Uncle Ben's Death, trying to go to the Fantastic Four for a job and them telling him he couldn't get paid for being a hero.
Robin snorted. "I was there too, before the actually homeless thing happened. Don't feel like you haven't suffered enough to be at the trauma party because the absolute worst didn't happen. I'm guessing this is better since you have-" he gestured to Spiderman's costume, "-that setup." Pater laughed. "Dude, this outfit is completely scavenged. I sewed it out of old wrestler outfits. Made these," He pulled back his gloves, "out of scavenged metal and my uncles tools. The web fluid...okay I may have 'borrowed' some of what I needed from the high school chemistry department, but I've got a living culture now that just needs upkeep."
"That stuff's alive?" Robin's eyebrows shot up. "Sort of? It's a protean chain, crystalline in shape, but compressed. Once released it decompresses and expands exponentially before drying. Upside it also breaks down on it's own and is environmentally safe." Peter shrugged. "We are doing better though. My Guardian applied for some programs and I got a job. We're doing pretty okay now." Uncle Ben's life insurance had also helped. But there was no way he was counting that. He'd rather be homeless with his Uncle alive.
"I'm glad they applied for those programs. There al a lot of people who are either too proud, or think it's something that will be used against them." Robin said. And there was that melancholy twinge in his tone again. Had his parents refused those same programs before he was orphaned?
"I'm back." Batman interrupted in the same tone he had all night. He had a large plastic bag with him. Had he ordered in costume or changed out and changed back? Was this something he and Robin did often?
He sat down with them, pulled out the sandwich on top and then set it aside. He then pulled out another sandwich and a little side dish cup and handed them to Robin.
"Steamed vegetables?" Robin complained.
"I told you. You need to eat healthier." Batman said simply before handing the remaining bag contents to Peter. Three cubans -squished flat, a fruit cup, mac and cheese, and his own steamed vegetables.
"This is too much," Peter protested.
"It's not, I assure you." Batman paused. "Unless you meant it was too much to eat in one sitting, in which case it hopefully can travel with you when you go back."
"If I have to eat the veggies you do to," said Robin, tearing into his muffuletta.
"You don't even know me..." Peter said, "Why are you being so nice?"
Batman put his pastrami on rye down. He seemed to be cycling through several things to say.
"What does your support look like at home?"
"Like, my legal guardian?" Peter asked, confused.
"Does he know about your alternate identity?"
"She doesn't. She can't. She would blame herself for not figuring it our earlier, and the last thing I want to do is hurt her again. Besides, she's not exactly a fan of Spiderman."
"Even worse. I had to send my best friend's Dad to jail. He will kill me, maybe literally, if he finds out I'm Spiderman."
"Work friends?" Robin asked, knowing Peter also held a job.
Peter snorted at that. "Don't have any. And even if I did it wouldn't be safe. My boss is the main printer of the articles about how Spiderman's a menace and needs to be hunted down."
Batman was frowning. "Other heroes?"
"Not really close to any. I've done some impromptu team-ups, but I think most of them find me kinda of annoying." Peter admitted.
Batman pinched his nose. "Because they assume you're an adult and picked up on your tones and mannerisms being more like a teenagers and rather than challenge the assumption of your age, decided you were an adult who was immature." he took a deep breath. "Spiderman this kind of life...it isn't one the works if you're by yourself. I was doing this for years before Robin joined me, but back then I had someone behind the scenes, even if he did nothing more than welcome me home at the end of each night. People need support, and that includes you. Whether it's your guardian, a friend of a fellow vigilante, as a human you need someone to lean on. Everyone does."
"And no offense, but it sounds like your civilian life is kind of a toxic echo chamber about your vigilante identity." Robin added. "That can not be good for your psyche."
"It's fine." Peter insisted, stuffing one of the sandwiches in his mouth. Neither Batman or Robin looked like they believed him.
"And maybe they're not wrong. Maybe I am bad at being a hero." Peter said, oddly defensively for someone deriding himself.
"I don't think that's true at all." Batman said gently. "I've barely known you an hour, Spiderman. And in that time you saved an elderly lady from your world, saved Robin, and helped fend off an avatar of Chaos."
"It was a good day." Peter muttered, busying himself with his sandwich.
"I think it's more you're a good person." Batman said kindly.
"Maybe, but that doesn't mean I'm not a screw up."
Batman's smile turned to a frown. "Who told you that?"
Technically lots of people. "Nobody had to."
"I don't believe that." Batman said with full confidence. Which was heartwarming until-
"Was it your Guardian?"
"Aunt May would never!" Peter spat out. "She's kind and so supportive. She's always been there even thought it's my fault-" Peter broke off.
"What's your fault?"
"It's my fault my Uncle's dead." Peter's voice cracked. Robin started to rise to his feet, but Batman stalled him with a raised hand.
"What happened?" Batman asked in his calm and even voice.
"I saw a guy getting robbed and I did nothing. I let it happen. All because the guy who was being robbed was a crook who'd cheated me out of money I'd earned. I thought it was karma. But that thief broke into our house when I wasn't home and he shot him!" Peter felt strangely exposed. He curled in on himself.
"You've never told anyone about this, have you?" Batman said, a statement more than an ask.
Peter shook his head.
Slowly Batman moved to put his hand on his shoulder. "I could tell. Because it seems you've never had anyone tell you it wasn't your fault."
Peter's head shot up. Adrenaline crashed through his body and he wasn't even sure why. "I let the guy go."
"You made a mistake in judgement. But given you had already been cheated by the man being robbed, you also had no way of knowing that first robbery wasn't personal."
"I still should have done something! With great power comes great responsibility." Peter insisted.
"Perhaps. But no amount of responsibility can equate to being omniscient. There was no way you could have foreseen what would happen."
"Spiderman, when I was just a child myself, there was a movie I wanted to go see. I convinced my parents to take me." Robin moved in, shoulder to shoulder with Batman, reassuring him. "The movie was wonderful, everything I'd hoped. And then on the way home we were mugged. Neither of my parents made it."
Peter's breath caught in his throat.
"I blamed myself for wanting to see the movie and it took a lot of time and a very stubborn old man to help me understand it wasn't my fault. And I'm guessing the only reason no one's told you that is no one know you're blaming yourself. You're not responsible for your Uncle's death any more than I was responsible for my parents. You are a child. You deserve a support system. You deserve people you can open up with all the way. You deserve to not be constantly punishing yourself for giving the wrong person a second chance."
"I know I'm not persuasive enough to make you believe with one talk. And once Klarion's portal reverses I'll not have a chance to talk to you again. So please find someone in your world you can trust. If not your Aunt, another hero. If they're worth the title, they'll help."
"Maybe, I-" Peter cut off as his spider-sense gave a low tingle. "Uhhh, I think something's happening." "You're going back." Batman grabbed the rest of Peter's food and shoved it into his arms. "Tale the food and please talk to someone. You're doing so well and you deserve to have help and support." "I-" Anything Peter was going to say was cut off as Peter suddenly found himself sitting alone on a roof in NYC, the daylight suddenly glaring to eyes that had adjusted to the darkness of Gotham. He was back home. Batman and Robin were gone. He sat down on the roof and almost on auto pilot pulled out one of the sandwiches he was still holding. The paper was oddly deformed, he noticed as he unwrapped it. Almost like it had been-
Batman had squished his sandwiches after buying them. Because the deli hadn't and he'd wanted Peter to have the sandwich he wanted. It was such an Uncle Ben thing to do.
Maybe Batman was that world's Uncle Ben. Maybe Robin was that world's version of him. It was nice to think of that. That somewhere in the multiverse there was a world where he and Ben were in this together. Batman had said there was someone waited for him at home. That world's Aunt May?
He'd said he needed help, that he was allowed to ask for help. And Uncle Ben had never been wrong before.
Captain America let out a breath as the last of the Doombots fell. This had been a big one. An all hands on deck, fate-of-NYC. And God above it felt like this was becoming a monthly event. He was looking forward to heading home and taking a good long shower when Spiderman landed next to him.
"Hey Cap, can talk to you? For just a minute?"
As much as he wanted that shower, it was rare to see the cocky and wisecracking Webhead sound insecure. "Certainly. Shall I assume this requires more privacy that an open street?"
"Yeah, that would be good." Spiderman nodded enthusiastically. "We could go to a roof-no you don't have webslingers. That's rude."
Now Cap was getting concerned. Spiderman was acting...very not himself. He lead Spiderman away from the battle to a series of alleys he knew very well. If this was an imposter, he wasn't letting him pick the secondary location and made sure he had an advantage in terrain. Spiderman couldn't get full momentum of his swings here, but he himself could ricochet his shield into a near barrier. "Well?"
"Sorry," Spiderman said after a moment. "I'm trying really hard not to talk myself out of this for a third time."
The third time? Interesting.
He took a deep breath. "My name is Peter. I'm 16 years old. I'm barely keeping my head above water and I need help."
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the-wandering-mage · 1 month
Gotham Bats ruin and save Spiderman's Operation Nest
This is like a story concept written out for a Spider-Man Batfam crossover fic I don't have the time to write fully. This is more developed than a prompt but, still is thought I'd share and maybe you guys will enjoy it and/or somebody will pick it up and develop it into a fully fledged fic. So here it goes-
A more spidery Spider-Man is dropped into a DC universe right into Gotham. It's the beginning of fall in Gotham which is a problem for a Spider seeing as he is stranded in another universe with nothing but his Spidey suit and his AI companion. He has no access to the synthesized hormone cocktail he's been taking in the winter to keep him from going into hibernation. Now Peter could get together the stuff to synthesize the medication but, he need a stable place to set up a running lab to make it as he'd need it fresh and take it on the regular. That is a lot of work and resources he'd have to come up with and maintain. Also he is a depressed boi and a long nap actually sound really good. So instead of trying to set up a lab he starts Operation Nest. He is going to find a small enclosed space and prepare it for his long winters nest.
Peter also decides pretty quickly with all the crazy dangers of Gotham and all the warnings of what Karen was able to find after connecting to this world's version of the Internet to keep the suit on and just be Spider-Man full time. The suit would keep him safe from chemical attacks and the overall pollution of Gotham as well as keep him anonymous in the very likey event he has to use his powers to defend himself. Which will let him keep a nice civilian identity that Karen crafted come spring if he chooses to.
Peter's first two objectives in Operation Nest are to get money and find a location. The first Karen helps him with easily setting up a company, then filing and selling some benign patents, since this world is really behind in tech. She also helps him get more immediate cash without crossing into stealing just by doing online commissions for simple tech support type things while the patent money is still pending. Peter gets a laptop that he uses to help with some of the tech work even though Karen can literally do five jobs at once under several fake IDs she made herself.
Most of the day for Peter however is spent looking for real estate. Which is harder in Gotham than one might think considering the rival gangs, rival super villains constantly blowing up things, and all the homeless fighting over whatever is left of the abandoned buildings. The only good thing about all this is a giant spider nest will go relatively unnoticed amongst all the other craziness. Peter's adventures running all over Gotham trying to find a place to hunker down for a couple of months cause him to run into all sorts of characters.
Peter is in a weirdly apathetic state towards himself with all his trauma so he saves people obviously, and is still empathic, maybe more so with trying to get the villians to be better people and just talking with them like real people but, he is really basley about his own safety. He has already lost everyone he cares about and he's faced down Thanos, so none of the villians at this point faze him. He doesn't see them as a threat to himself. He ends up making a bunch of friends with villains by continuing what May believed in, what Ben believed in, and helps the villains out so they can hopefully make a change.
The bats hear about him and decide to investigate but all of them get terrible first impressions and they assume he's a villain or going to be one if they don't find him. Peter is OP and scary. He's not given up his friendly neighborhood spider-man but he has stopped trying as hard to look human type of friendly. He just has slow given into being a spider and is creepy. He also leaves spider webs everywhere, since his natural ones don't dissolve like the artificial ones that he uses sparingly. This also freaks them out and there is debate on whether what they are hunting is a meta human or an intelligent spider creature. Also at least one bat at the beginning runs into one of the webs and at least one gets temporarily stuck to a criminal they are trying to free from a cocoon
By the time the bats find Spider-Man they are all convinced that he's a villain plotting something big but really they've just been stalking Peter as he completes his to do list for Operation Nest. All the dangerous equipment and suspicious purchases from villains were really to get his nest set up. Peter knew his friends had some of the stuff he needed like a cytogenetic freezer to keep some of his food from spoiling over the course of a few months since he doesn't want anyone making deliveries to his house while he's hibernating. His friends were happy to help although he still paid them despite their insistence not to.
Karen thinks it's hilarious. Although they acknowledge itd be better to just explain the situation to the bats before Peter is in active hibernation and let them find them. They totally ruin their bust by opening the doors of a small dilapidated old tailors shop in the fashion district, where Peter had set up his nest in the basement. Peter isn't happy with them feeling very territorial. He wants them not to touch anything as he shows them into his nest. He warns them and they are a bit freaked out when he hisses at them when they inevitably ignore he's instructions out of curiosity but then settle a bit when they notice how tired he is. Cass probably gets them to back off. He explains things enough so they leave him to his hibernation with the promise of hanging out in the spring.
Or alternatively. Karen is too busy setting things up she doesn't notice with her smaller processing power disconnected from Stark Tech as she is to notice the Bats noticing them. Then she is being wired into the Nest when they start getting close so, she doesn't know they are closing in. Then she is doing system checks to make sure she is able to monitor Peter when he's hibernating and can use the machines and mechanical arms to help Peter for the parts of his hibernation he will be awake or partially awake to handle his bodily needs before cocooning back into his Nest made of his natural webs and blankets.
Karen doesn't know they are there until they break her perimeter alarms and she is forced to use her defensive measures since Peter has just gone into hibernation like a day ago. The bats having more resources than Karen at their disposal and coming at her from all angles breach her defenses and get into The Nest. Karen does her best to rouse Peter with alarms blaring but she is only able to get him into a semi state of consciousness. Not enough to move him without drugging him which would be dangerous for his health and with so many coming for her charge she does her best to throw her mechanically arms in front of him to guard him where he is.
The bats once they see a sleepy confused Peter with a strange woman's voice begging them to leave him alone they feel bad realizing they judged him wrong. Especially after seeing him adorably yawn with his fangs popping out.
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motherloads · 1 year
Right Side of My Neck
Pre! Identity Reveal. Alt. timeline of my first Tim Drake fic ◡̈
Me when me when I see readers fawn over my other fics, asking for pt. 2 but what I give is this: Tim Drake and Spider-Woman! Reader *cheering noises*
Summary: The reader is a new hero in Gotham City, known as Spider-Woman. Despite knowing of the no-meta rule, she continues to patrol the city in broad daylight.
What's to say that the bats are allowing this? At every meeting, they try and stop the unknown woman from fighting their battles. With no idea of who she is, they are struggling to maintain their no-meta rule.
Unknowingly, she forms a friendship with Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown. Shameless flirting ensues when she starts to connect the identity of the bats.
Who is she but not a Spider who captures her prey?
-> Pairings: Tim Drake x Reader
-> Marvel/DC Crossover
->Warnings: None!
not proof read! oops,,,
You looked back at me once.  But I looked back two times.
"At some point, you need to realize that maybe, just maybe, you need to start advertising the no meta rule?" Stephanie Brown questions Bruce Wayne. She taps her feet impatiently, watching the man skim through the news reports of Spider-Woman. His separate file regarding the woman is on his other monitor.
"I do not have a no meta-rule,"  Bruce grumbles as he cross referencing similar heroes who tried to debut in the past. None match up and it was as if Spider-Woman did not exist before. Not in any city, town, or country was she ever sighted. It was as if she was a ghost.  
"Technically you do," Duke shrugs, "You always growl about no meta's being allowed in Gotham. I was the exception, remember?"
"I do not growl," Bruce points a glare at Duke who shrugs shamelessly. "Aren't you supposed to be out patrolling? Go find the new hero, only god knows what she's up to."
Duke ignores his comment, deciding to suit up for patrol to escape Bruce's ongoing investigation. 
"I thought we agreed to not use feminine pronouns," Steph reprimands, "They haven't revealed their identity. We can't just assume they go by she and her." 
"I'm too old for this," Bruce sighs, "But fine. Can someone atleast try and follow their tale? I have meetings back to back today." 
"I'll get Tim on this," Stephanie agrees, "But, before that. I think Alfred sent us his grocery list for the week." Stephanie waves goodbye to Duke and Bruce. 
"Spider-Woman is a menace!" Her coworker reads out loud, "A menace to society and for the vigilantes in black. God! Jameson is one hell of a woman to be blasting the new hero out this way." He throws the newspaper away, shaking his head in annoyance, "I think they're pretty cool! Their helmet matches perfectly with the Red Hood. I wonder if they have some sort of alliance."
"I don't think so." Another coworker pipes up, bagging the groceries for her customer, "I don't think they have the ability to kill villains the same way Red Hood does. They probably have some moral code? I think they'd match Nightwing the best."
"Definitely not Robin. He's too...aggressive for Spider-Woman to deal with. Plus, he's a kid, so they'd probably argue." Her final and third coworker shrugs, "I honestly like that they're a solo hero."
"What if there is more like them? Like a Spider-Society where they protect the multiverse," She spoke out against her coworkers, grinning shamelessly at her reveal, "Spider-Women in the Spider-Verse."
"Now where do you get that idea from?" A new voice muses. They all turn their heads to see Timothy Drake. His eyes, as tired as ever, make eye contact with the girl. He smiles at her in response to her staring, "Seems like a far-fetched idea." 
"I know them," She grins, leaning against her counter, looking at Tim from beneath her lashes. She senses him squirm in response to her look, "Might even know their identity." She teases. 
"Care to share? I'd love to know, for research purposes." 
Her grin widens at his response, cocking her head innocently at Tim who continued to squirm in her gaze. "Why? Want to ask them out on a date?" 
"No-No. I'm just curious! Does that mean you don't know?" 
She pushes herself off the counter, continuing to check Tim out. She noticed the array of coffee flavors and things that are normally on her customer's grocery list. She assumed he was doing his own for his butler, Alfred. 
"Of course not. I'm just a college student." She shrugs, "50.42. Will that be cash or card?"
Tim mumbles his answer, passing her his card for the transcation. His face still felt hot from her onslaught, but he decided to ignore how fast his heart was beating. Instead, he focused on her hands. Her hands were a light shade of purple as if she was healing from a bruise. 
"Hey wha-" He gets cut off when she passes his card back to him. She tilts her head at him, making his heart stop again. 
"What?" She asks.
"Nothing, Nothing. I-See you later?" She nods in response, watching Tim walk away from her counter quickly. She felt a laugh bubble up from inside of her.
"God, you're shameless." Her coworker sneered. She only laughs in response. 
"If I were a villain, where would I be?" She hummed, moving across the rooftop she was on. Her helmet's eyes furrowed, zooming in on a robbery in a nearby bakery.
"Gotcha," She whispers, moving down to the bakery. She notices the baker being held at gunpoint as customers run out of the store. She paid no mind to the customers who tried to push her aside as she stepped foot into the scene.
"Hey! Mr. Big Bad Wolf! Has anyone ever told you not to huff and puff in a bakery before?!" She paused at her words, suddenly realizing her mistake, "Sorry, Sorry. I think I mixed up my fairytales."
The robber immediately drops his gun and himself to the ground. Shaking like a leaf, the robber immediately starts blabbing out an apology. "I swear I had no bullets! I swear- I just need money! My kid's in trouble! He's sick and I-" She cuts him off, webbing the gun and bringing it to her.
"The shelter across the streets offers monthly emergency grants to 20 lucky folks each month. Luckily, the application opens tomorrow. I'd recommend you apply to it instead and-" She pulls out her wallet, free from any sort of identification. Counting silently, she slides a hundred to the man. "This should cover the medicine until you receive the emergency grant. If not, just tell the clerk Spider-Woman sent you."
The man nods frantically, taking the hundred and running out of the bakery. The baker sighs in relief, sliding down the wall hazardously, "I thought today was my last day, genuinely..." "Not your time yet, I suppose," She begins to skim through the selection, humming to herself as she reads the items out loud, "Lemon Pie sounds good. I'll take a slice." The baker immediately stands, rinsing their own hands from the dirt on the floor. In the blink of an eye, they were packaging a whole lemon pie.
"I said one," Spider-Woman frowns as the baker pushes the box to her. She could smell the lemon wafting off of the pie from where she stood.
"It's a thank you. Also on the house," The baker responds instead, "I'm Felicia by the way. Felicia Hardy."
"Nice to meet you, Felicia," Spider-Woman nods as Felicia smiles warmly. Her smile disappeared when the door jiggled. A person came into the bakery.
She felt no reaction with her spider senses. No imminent danger was presented. When she looks, she is immediately face-to-face with Nightwing, "Funny seeing you here. I swore just yesterday you were at Bludhaven, Mr. Wing!"
"Had some business to take care of here," The man easily grins, nodding at the baker in return as she stares in awe. "A little bird told me you were sighted in a bakery. Wanted to see the situation." The minute he ended his sentence, she felt another presence in the bakery.
"Little Bird? Does it happen to be Robin?" She questions casually, leaning against the countertop. She rested her hand on the bag with her lemon pie.
"How do you always know," A younger voice scoffs. The occupants in the bakery turn to the corner shrouded in darkness. There, stood Robin in his little mighty glory.
"The spider in the corner told me so," She responds instead, "Now...are you both going to take me in?"
"That's the plan," Nightwing grins, "Want to put your lemon pie on the side?"
"No, it's fine," She tightens her grip on the bag, "Got places to be, Mr, Wing. You'd understand, right?"
"Answer our question first," Robin spits out, stepping forward into the light. His katana, held menacingly and glinting from the lights was pointed at her. "Why did you let the robber go? He could have been lying and you let a man go. He could kill someone!"
"Listen, kid," She sighs, "I don't have to tell you anything- We aren't teammates and in no way, do I want the Bats in my business." She pauses at her words, feeling her nose wrinkle from under her helmet. Stepping closer to Robin, she takes a long, deep breath.
"You have a dog?" Both Nightwing and Robin tense at her words, "A smell lingers from you. You live on a farm?" She turns her head to Nightwing and does the same to him, "Do you like swimming? You have chlorine in your hair." When both of the vigilantes stayed rooted in their spot, both from equal shock, she continued. "You smell like someone I see around here. Are you in contact with Tim Drake?"
With that, she shoots four simultaneous webs at the duo's feet. Rooting them to their spot, she salutes them and runs out of the bakery.
At this point, the constant meetings with the Bat's made her realize the similarities they all hold with one another and a particular person she loved to tease. Nightwing and mini Robin were not the only ones who had that particular scent.
When she met Black Bat, she noticed how the smell was not as intense but still lingered on her person. Specifically to the gadgets she had on her self, they had a combination of metals that had created it and everything that screamed Tim.
When she met Signal, it wasn't the same. He had more of a scent on him compared to Black Bat. Specifically his hands and shoulders, although she wasn't sure why. When she began to do her research and find blurry photos of Signal and pictures she had taken of Tim, she realized Tim stood shorter than the vigilante.
Batman himself never strayed close enough to where she can smell him. He always maintained a distance, as if he knew what she had been researching. But he had no clue, right?
Tim's scent lingered on Red Hood and apparently they likely had many fist fights with one another because of how strong it stayed on the older man's fists. Hell, if she was near him close enough (which was almost always never) she can catch a hint of blood.
Spoiler had the second biggest scent out of all of the Bat's. Tim's scent was everywhere to her hair, skin, suit, and shoulder. This had made her go crazy, but don't tell anyone else that it was embarrassing when she had stumbled into Spoiler's arms to make sure there wasn't anything apparent on her face.
But doing so made her realize how similar she smelled to Stephanie.
Red Robin had been the one who easily dodged her efforts to get anything off of him. If she thought Red Hood was hard, then she was in for quite a shock when Red Robin kicked her helmet, knocking her back a notch.
"I know what you're trying to do!" He shouts at her, "The others have told me you have been taking big sniffs at them, what are you even planning?"
"I'm testing a hypothesis," She grits out, adjusting her helmet's lenses as Red Robin kicked them out of place, "I just need to confirm something, just hold still!"
"No!" He calls out, taking out his grappling hook in a quick motion. He makes no sound of a goodbye as he shoots away. Scoffing under her breath, she easily sticks a web onto the mans shoulder.
Pulling herself back, she launches herself onto the vigilante's back. He yelps in shock, not expecting her to latch on around his waist. Her arms wrap around his neck as she tilted his head back. Taking a hard sniff, her senses went into overdrive when she realized how familiar his smell was.
Sighing in relief, she leans her head further into his shoulder, she is interrupted from her thoughts as he lands on a rooftop. Trying to remove her, he grabs at the arms that would not budge. Then, he tried her legs. It was the same outcome.
"Come on!" He growls, "Get off!"
"No," She spits back, "You're an asshole!"
"I didn't even do anything! You're the one smelling the entirety of all the Bats! What next? Going to sniff Joker?!"
She steps one foot down but immediately goes to kick the back of his legs. Red Robin falters as he falls to the floor. Above him, she sits on his lap. They both stare at one another.
"I was wondering why every single Bat had this one recognizable scent," She begins, her frown masked by her helmet, "It drove me crazy, Red. Absolutely crazy that I thought the person I knew was being stalked."
She sees Red Robin's mask furrow in confusion. Still, he made no effort to move her off of him. "Even smelled the clothes he let me borrow. To see how similar it was."
Removing her helmet, Red Robin stares in shock as the spider's eyes were revealed. A familiar color he couldn't help but feel a blush rise from his face and around his ears. He noticed her eyes shift to his neck, that was most likely red as well.
He could not see her lower half, she had it covered with a mask the same color as her suit.
"Tim, did you know that cologne never truly washes out?" She leans close to his face, brushing a strand of his hair away from covering his mask. Tim felt his breath hitch at the name unroll from her tongue. One syllable and one identity reveal. "I think you need to prioritize washing the smell out." She tilts her head, her eyes crinkling as she smiled under the mask.
"How-" Now, Tim pushed her off of him. Doing his own move, which she made no effort to stop, he landed between her thighs. She was on the floor, staring up at him. He was on his knees as his breathing became uneven.
"Right side of my neck always smelled like you," She muses, "Whenever you gave me a hug, it would always linger. I liked it a lot."
Without a second thought, Tim pulls off the woman's mask.
He stares at a familiar face, who smiles at him. The cute smile he always felt shy about and guilty that he constantly lied to them. The cute smile that was apart of his profile picture of her.
The cute smile of the person who he would have never thought was the vigilante they were chasing after.
He breathes out her name.
"Hey, Tim."
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @sassyandclassy94, thank you so much for tagging me in this kind of stuff!
How many works do you have on AO3? Five
What's your total AO3 word count? 135,767
What fandoms do you write for? Marvel (specifically Spider-Man), Lockwood and Co, and The Boys in the Boat. I do have a 1917 fic on there, but I'm not currently working on it
Top five fics by kudos?Proof That Harley Keener Has A Heart - 381 The Injury of Finally Knowing You - 234 Star-Crossed in the Worst Way - 135 All I've Ever Known - 78 When Our Fingers Touch, I Feel My Way Back Home - 4 (I weep)
Do you respond to comments? I want to and I'm trying to get better at responding! A lot of times, I just get distracted lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angriest ending? I've actually never finished a fic (yikes) but I predict it'll probably be my WWII coxstroke AU, just because of war and stuff. As much as I want the ending to be happy (and a lot of it will), I want to be realistic to a soldier's mindset at the end of a grisly war.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, never finished a fic, but I think it'll be my Locklyle fic. They need a happy ending and I'm also still mourning the cancellation of Lockwood and Co., so yeah. Probably them.
Do you get hate on fics? Strangely, I haven't. Maybe not enough people have read them, but I've never really gotten a mean comment. Shoutout to what haters I might have though, love you guys
Do you write smut? Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe. I've never really written any sexual content until recently. I'll probably write some sexual content but not like full on smut. I don't think I'd be good at it lol
Craziest crossover? I've never written one!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, thank goodness
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I'm absolutely open to it!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I think it'd be fun! Especially now that I'm mutuals with a lot of fic writers in the tbitb fandom
All time favorite ship Oooooooooooo, it's probably Harley Keener/Peter Parker. They've had a special place in my heart for a LONG time
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably something I haven't written yet. I'm trying my best to finish all the stories I have posted except my 1917 one, just because I'm no longer super involved in that fandom. I'd like to do a Joseph Liebgott story or maybe a Joshler/Twenty One Pilots fic, but I don't know if I will.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and a lot of angst. I gotta make my characters suffer lol
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? As long as y'all are good with it obviously coming from Google translate, then sure
First fandom you wrote in? It was Once Upon A Time when I was in like seventh grade. I had a OUAT Peter Pan fic on Wattpad that actually got pretty popular. I'm sad I never finished it (it is gone forever, sadly).
Favorite fic you've written? Definitely Proof That Harley Keener Has A Heart. That fic has been a labor of love for almost five years and I'm very excited to finally finish that slowburn
There's no 20th question apparently lol
Tags: @seasidesandstarscapes @sparrow-in-the-field @kcsplace @arokel @dogwooddiaries @crushribbons (love you guys <3) and anyone else who wants to play!
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bloodonmysqueegee · 1 year
Ok I'm gonna do a bit of a tangent here:
Superior Spider-Man is coming back. Here's some things I'd love to happen, as well as some general predictions :]
(Here's some doodles to start)
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We still don't know the time period of when this volume will be like if it's in the past or not, but I'm going to assume it's in the present timeline.
The way he'll be brought back will be some contrived bullshit. There's honestly no other way to do it aside from maybe a scenario where he comes back as a multiverse variant, but I don't think they're gonna do that. (I don't really mind, things happen, but still)
He'll get at least one change to his suit. Even if it's something subtle like changing the eyes from black to white in vol 2 (not saying they should, but I think it'd be cool to see them cook up a new alt. costume)
His story will have something to do with the multiverse stories that Slotts also been writing at the time (I haven't read those so I can't say if they're good or not, but either way adding superior to anything tends to bring more interest anyway)
What I want:
For Superior to be brought back as a separate entity from current comic doc ock (would he probably be brought back in some bullshit way? Yes.) But imagine the story potential that could have! Also it would potentially save superior from being erased again
For him to have a down to earth conversation with 616 Peter. PLEASE. Just let them talk about their problems, they share so much with eachother! Let Peter confide in him about the bullshit stories he's been in.
Superior is self aware of the current state of spiderman books and how much of an ass pull his vol 2 death was
Allow him and Anna Maria to remain platonic! They were lovely to see as friends in vol 2, I don't really want them to be romantic together though, give us some good platonic bestie rep
Allow superior to be in other media now that he's back! Crossovers! Go nuts! He's such an interesting character to bounce off of.
LET HIM BE HAPPY. GIVE HIM A BREAK. Have him sit down with a coffee in casual clothes and acknowledge that yes, he is doing better
Stuff I REALLY want (but won't happen)
Superior goes back to e-1048. Even if it's for one issue. I know I'm insane for those two, but we really need more content of them. Hell, have him move away from 616 to get away from his past life troubles and live in 1048 with someone that enjoys his company.
Superior gets a moment to just relax. Let the man sleep. I need a panel of him napping or relaxing.
ACKNOWLEDGE THAT HE HAS GROWN AND CHANGED. Yes, there's room for improvement, but he was a generally good person in vol 2 and I don't want them to forget all his development please PLEA
And most importantly: this new arc better not end with him dying or getting erased again or I'll lose I'll hope in humanity.
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lunanovakat · 10 months
Sneak Peek of a Future Project
This is barely even half of this first chapter and it keeps growing... I wanted to share the rough draft before it gets too big and seven-years pass before it's one day uploaded.
I've just been so in love with Marvel/DC crossovers lately, I have so many DC or Marvel crossovers tbh, and honestly I have so many WIPs that leaking peeks of them are probably how half of them are going to be able to see the light of day.
Feel free to pester me in curiosity bc I'd love to rant about my never-ending list of work and maybe also use them as an excuse to not feel hella stressed.
Still thinking of a name for it, so we'll see how that comes out.
Sandman's in jail for the millionth time - exhausting as always but worth it - the general destruction the man was known for having been kept to a minimum, thankfully, and Spider-Man waved away by shifting cops who aren't really sure how to treat the hero-framed villain-vigilante. And it's nice, even if he's going home to a too cramped one room apartment he could barely even afford without any friends or family to make him think life was worth living.
Something under his skin mourned his life - maybe grieving with him, it was a funny thought considering no one knew who Peter Parker was anymore and anyone who would've had moved on to better things or died.
His chest aches - he pushes it down, he has the funny feeling Mr. Falcon was disappointed in him.
Has a funny feeling several heroes he knows or knew were slightly disappointed in him for some reason, and the thought of them made the gaping void in his chest twinge-
Actually, his chest is aching, painfully, enough that Peter cringes and tries to swing towards a roof to check if he received a wound he hadn't noticed - something like Mr. Dr. Strange panicky and worried about magic as Peter's spidey-sense screams like a Banshee. His hand phases through his web, not misses or is unable to reach, the web phases right through his hand mid-swing and he starts to fall - and fall -
And fall.
New York dusk, a colorful kaleidoscope of faint smog and red-orange-yellow, turns into a darkly dreary cloudy smog filled night, but Peter's head hits concrete and all he knows is unconsciousness.
He doesn't wake up for three days - he doesn't feel as human when he wakes up either.
The first thing he realizes, brain melting out of his ears and his organs humming, is that he's not in New York anymore.
He's not even in the same dimension.
"Um.. Excuse me?" A young, familiar voice whispers to her - a voice she's heard on patrol since she'd been a child, again and again - and it has Barbara already rolling her eyes at Dick's antics before she even knew what they'd be - always a bother and a brother, and great at doing both.
She loved him, she did, too much blood spilt for the other for either of them to ever be anything less than family with one another but she was busy and, unless Dick had coffee and some good news, she wasn't really in the mood for one of his playful 'cheer-up' schemes. Dick would understand, obviously, once she had a chance to explain herself and relax when the livelihoods of others weren't actively hanging over her head but she was wrung thin for the moment.
"Not now, Dick - you know B wants this report tonight." They needed to find the missing teens and they needed to find them quickly, they'd already found too many bodies already. And still no reason as to why, which might bother her just as much as the death toll.
Half of her suspects magic, the other half of her hopes it's just a new killer hoping to make a name - either way Barbara is tired and the deaths are wearing away her conscience.
Barbara expects a gusty sigh, or an audible cringe, something so like Dick that her tension melts away and she, for a moment, is able to relax in the presence of family she knows will look out for her - instead, horrifyingly, she's met with a quietly stuttered out, "Oh.", and she snaps her head up to find the wide-eyed baby-face of a child looking back at her.
One that looks so much like the Dick she grew up with, had worked as Batgirl with, that Barbara feels winded for a few seconds and unable to restart her brain.
"Sorry," The boy starts after an awkward bit of silence, "I didn't - I'm sorry for bothering you." And he goes to turn away, shoulders high and anxious, and she can't let that happen.
"No!" Barbara snaps quickly, cringing at the flinch the boy offers her action in return - god, he was like a skittish pre-teen version of Dick, except his hair and eye-color were wrong - sitting up as straight as she could and plastering on an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry - really - I thought you were a friend of mine named Dick."
There's a dark, ugly purple bruise on the kid's cheek and Barbara feels sort of sick noticing it. And the darker, spotted with irritated red, bruises she can see under the collar of the kid's rough looking shirt that climb up his neck like he had been strangled don't make her feel any better. Something sits, angry, in her gut at both being on a poor kid that looked like Dick got frisky with a brunette without protection - and, well, just a small kid to begin with.
God, had Dick had a secret child? No. That couldn't be...
But maybe he had - Dick had had a wild series of flings when he was eighteen and the kid looked like he was around ten.
If she wanted to stretch it, she could say he was ten through thirteen - or, maybe, fourteen or fifteen but really young looking, but he looked too young to just look young.
"Like Tom, Dick, and Harry?" The kid asks, still tense and awkward but trying to ease himself into a false sense of comfort, offering Barbara a smile that's too much like Dick's it makes her heart squeeze with how out of place the kid looks like he feels.
With how out of place it looks on someone who isn't Dick.
"Exactly, kiddo." Barbara confirms, a flicker of amusement at the boy's disgruntled look stoking a warmth to replace the heaviness in her gut, and she motioned towards the phone on the desk next to her, "A friend of mine said he planned on dropping by soon - since it's so late, I assumed you were him. I've just been so busy with my second job that I didn't realize the person speaking to me didn't have the same voice as my friend - Dick'll have a field day with that, but I'm not going to tell him."
By now, the kid was relaxed - still tense in a way that made her heart ache and something angry and hot want to crawl up her spine, but far more relaxed since she accidentally insulted him. He still looked too much like Dick that her mind was trying to connect the two and was short-circuiting when no leads or explanations came up for her to grapple around with.
Barbara had been there for Dick whenever a pregnancy scare or scam happened to him, knew almost every past flame Dick had as much as she didn't want to, but she knows there had to be an explanation. A piece to the puzzle was missing or she was overlooking something, and she couldn't let the kid leave just yet without a possible answer to her question - for all she knew, some past flame had been severely unhinged and stole a used condom or something, stranger things had happened.
"Now that that's out of the way - sorry, again - what can I help you with?" She smoothly added on, still keeping up her friendly smile to the mini-me of her best friend, "If you're looking for a specific book or curious about what our library has to offer, you can ask me any question you'd like."
Mini-Dick, because he looks so much like him - so terrifyingly identical in a way she nearly thinks cloning at first, but then saw the lighter skin and the warm brown eyes and the dark brown hair and way his jaw curved more upwards instead of staying in Dick's diamond cut - and she doesn't know his name, flushes slightly when he offers her a wider and relieved smile. It's Dick's smile, the way it crinkles a dimple in one cheek and not the other and makes the kid twinge his nose just a little as his eyes squint and his brow-bridge twitches, and it takes Barbara's breath away.
If this kid wasn't Dick's son, she'd fight condiment king in her civilian clothes without a single complaint for a month. Cloning would make the kid more similar to Dick, only minor patches in Dick's genetic code needing to be corrected with someone else's, and even if someone knew that Dick was Nightwing there wasn't anything overly impressive in Dick's DNA to make him worth cloning.
It could be a ploy to get to Bruce, as Batman, but something in the bottom of her lungs told her the kid was too genuine and too skittish to be some sort of plant - Dick's smile altered enough, nose twitching the wrong way and the outer corner of his eyes crinkling more than the inner unlike Dick's that did both equally, the kid could claim it as his own. Alike but different, not a replica but just how the kid was.
"Oh, thanks - I, um, I was wondering where the public computers are?" The kid starts, a tension in his frame leaving in minutiae milliseconds, the shape of Dick's eyes warming like the honey-brown of his irises, "And, uh, if you had anymore of those 'Welcome to Gotham City' pamphlets? A.. Nice lady at the diner nearby said there was one…"
Dick's kid - because it has to be his son, not a brother or cousin or clone when he looks so much like Dick but different too, and so distantly like Dick's parents who she's seen photos of mixed with pieces of some people else - shifts on his feet, small and awkward and wary, and Barbara's heart all but shatters in her chest at the realization the kid is running from something. No one came to Gotham willingly, and never with a good and happy reason either, add in the bruises she can see as plain as day all over the kid -
The tip of a thick scar, jagged and crude, peeks from the collar of his shirt when leans in on himself a little too much - hiding himself, hoping he'd be small enough no one spots him, shifting on his feet silently and waiting to flee, aware of his surroundings but pretending not to be-
Barbara knows a kid in a bad situation when she sees one - she feels like crying at seeing Dick looking so small and wary and scared, even if the kid was pretending he wasn't. Trying to hide his wariness as much as possible instead of focusing on Barbara, a known friend of Dick and the Oracle, pretending he was okay even when he wasn't - either he was a kid who was really just running, the greatest actor she's ever seen, or a kid being used and terrified of it.
He was so tiny, either way.
She could barely breathe, he was too tiny.
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romancomicsnews · 1 year
Why it's the right time for a third season of The Spectacular Spider-Man
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While Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man: The Animated Series were my introduction to the character of Spidey, Spectacular Spider-Man was how I truly fell in love with the character.
I was obsessed with the show as a child. I had nearly every action figure, I'd rewatch episodes (shoutout "Group Therapy", it's my favorite), and even tried to make the theme song my ringtone.
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As I went on in my years and consumed so much Spider-Man content, I always found myself comparing it to Spectacular Spider-Man.
Did the voice match as well as Keaton's, was the style of the character simple yet unique to what we've seen before, how are the quips?
I did this so much, that earlier this year I wondered if I was just wearing nostalgia glasses. That maybe I was misremembering as one does. So, I rewatched the entire show with my partner...
...and I was NOT.
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It is concise, it is beautiful, and every episode at the very least is fun. There is no villain that doesn't get their due, there is no arc that isn't important, and there is not a moment where Josh Keaton is embodying the best voice for Peter Parker or Spider-Man.
As you might've been able to tell by my Young Justice article, I am a huge fan of the storytelling ability of Greg Weismann. But I think it is really put on display in this show. Every beat feels important, most characters have solid arcs, and suspense and danger always feel real and earned.
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With my rewatch, Spectacular Spider-Man's recent inclusion in Across the Spider-Verse, and the fanbase continuing to rage on, I thought I'd put my two cents in as to why it's time this show is brought back.
Clearly I'm biased but I don't care.
1. New Villains
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Spectacular Spider-Man had a great way of bringing in classic villains and even B-list villains and making them iconic.
My favorite example of this was The Shocker, who in this version was also Montana, leader of the Enforcers.
By doing this, they made one of Spider-Man silliest enemies into a character who feels like the most qualified killer in every room he's in.
Because such time has passed since season 2, new and different Spider-Man villains have entered the zeitgeist. The Prowler, The Spot, and Mr Negative are great examples of villains who weren't well known when the show was originally going on.
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There were also several different villains teased during the 1st and 2nd season. The promise of Carnage, Hydro Man, Man-Wolf, and Hobgoblin never came to be, and fans of the show remember!
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Much like every character, several villains in the show were left on cliffhangers. Hammerhead and Silver Sable were left without any bosses. Harry was left fatherless. Black Cat hates Spider-Man for letting her father stay in prison. And New York was left without a Big Man.
It'd be very exciting to see who might take over after a situation like that.
2. New Heroes
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Unlike other superhero shows, Spectacular Spider-Man lacks many if any team ups.
Since it's cancellation, we have had several Spider-Verse crossovers, and Spider-Gwen and Miles Morales have entered the main stream.
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Making Gwen a Spider and introducing Miles into the friend group could add more tension to the Peter and Harry dynamic as he feels left out and an eerie feeling something is going on.
The potential for Spectacular Spider-Man to enter a wider Marvel universe is now possible, with Disney now owning the rights for television.
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We could see Peter join the Avengers, fight alongside Ms. Marvel, even switch bodies with Wolverine.
I'm not saying this SHOULD happen, but we do know that Greg Weismann knows how to build out a universe.
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3. Not Enough (Good) Animated Spidey Content
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Since Spectacular Spider-Man, we've had two different animated Spider-Man shows. Ultimate Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man.
While Ultimate Spider-Man had a silly interesting tone, and an overarching story that was interesting at times, it paled in comparison to what came before.
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Many of the characters lacked depth, and the jokes just didn't hit the same. But at least that show had charm.
Marvel's Spider-Man did not.
The animation was boring, the characters lacked the fun and whimsy of both the others, and every character felt exaggerated. It was painful to watch.
The next Spider-Man show we are getting is entitled Spider-Man Freshman year, set within the MCU.
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While it looks promising and different, due to the writers strike, the MCU constantly pushing projects back, and Marvel Studios constantly over working VFX and animation studios, I don't see this one coming out any time soon.
Which leaves a window for Spectacular Spider-Man to fill. We've gone too long without animated Spidey content on television!!
and most importanty:
4. Josh Keaton is just the Best Spider-Man
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Holland. Maguire. Garfield. Johnson. Lowenthal. Moore. The question keeps coming up. Who is the best Spider-Man?
But oh they are all wrong.
So soon the public forget how perfect Keaton's acting is. He nails the quips like Garfield. The inner monologues like Maguire. The awkward nerdiness like Holland. And he nailed the blacksuit storyline.
He perfected it all.
Keaton's Spider-Man is on pair with Kevin Conroy's Batman. It is the voice I hear when I read the comics, and it works on every level.
At 44, Keaton still sounds like Peter Parker, and could continue doing the show now as if it never ended. But frankly, we don't know how long that will last, or how long Keaton would be interested in continuing this version of the character. Now is the time to give him that call!
In this era of oh so many Spider-Men, it's time the king took back his crown. There's a reason he's the animated Spider-Man that made it into Across the Spider-Verse.
Now is the time to bring it back. The fans want it. Keaton wants it. It would be a win for everyone.
Let's just hope Disney isn't stupid enough to miss that.
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anonymouscomrade · 3 months
i know i haven't said much about it but that Marvel vs Capcom collection is a HUGE DEAL, a few of these games NEVER got home ports worth bothering with until now and this is the first time Marvel vs Capcom 2 has been legally available outside of an expensive-ass Arcade 1Up unit for over a DECADE. if this does well then it might mean a) the possibility of MORE Capcom crossover collections (Capcom vs SNK, namely), and b) the possibility of a REAL Marvel vs Capcom 4, where maybe Disney sits the fuck down and shuts the fuck up and lets Capcom make an actual good game without their lawyers shitting all over the place
anyway a quick rundown of the games:
THE PUNISHER: definitely the odd game out in this collection but it's a great belt-scrolling beat-em-up. the only home version this got back in the day was a half-assed Genesis port
X-MEN CHILDREN OF THE ATOM: i can count the number of times i've played this on one hand because it was years after the fact and it's like going back to World Warrior when Super Turbo exists. still groundbreaking though because it has Akuma from Street Fighter as a hidden character, which was almost certainly how the ball got rolling on this whole thing. another noteable thing about this is that i'm pretty sure they got all the voice actors from the 90s X-Men cartoon to reprise their roles, which was really cool
MARVEL SUPER HEROES: so there was this arcade a few towns over when i was a kid, i got to go there maybe once every six months or so and it was the only arcade i knew of that wasn't actually a Pizza Hut that decided to stop rotating its arcade games out in the early 90s until they went out of business in the mid-00s. anyway that arcade had the original Marvel vs Capcom the first couple times i was there, and i always looked forward to being able to play that until one day when i went and the MvC1 cabinet was sitting there with the MvC1 marquee and side art still on it but very obviously NOT a MvC1 board sitting inside and it had been converted into THIS game instead and BOY was i disappointed. anyway i gave it a try and it's alright. i probably would have liked it more if i'd gotten to play it first when it was new. Spider-Man is voiced by the same guy who voiced him in the 90s Spider-Man cartoon so that's a plus again
X-MEN VS STREET FIGHTER: pretty sure this got started when Capcom called up Marvel and was like "hey remember that X-Men game we made a few years back? what if we took the assets from that and plugged Street Fighter Alpha characters into it?" and because we were still several years away from MUGEN and arcades still mattered, everyone involved got dollar signs in their eyes. this game is legitimately the reason why anyone in Japan gives a shit about Marvel and in most revisions the entire roster is hilariously broken and capable of infinites, though the collection seems to use a revision of this game that tried to cut down on that. this game was the first in the series to use the 2v2 tag team format and practically invented the crossover fighter
MARVEL VS STREET FIGHTER: i don't have a ton of experience with this one but what i keep hearing about it suggests they went way too hard trying to balance it and ended up breaking it in the opposite direction (where it's hard to do much with anyone). anyway, X-Men vs Street Fighter and Marvel vs Street Fighter were made in a time where the arcades weren't quite dead and home consoles hadn't quite caught up to what arcade machines could do, so they never got home versions worth playing outside of Japan. the Playstation versions of these games suuuuuuuucked because animation frames had to be cut to fit in memory and also THEY HAD TO CUT THE TAG TEAM FORMAT and turn the games into 1-on-1 fighters, problems that would go on to plague the PS1 version of Marvel vs Capcom. the Saturn versions of these games were better but they never left Japan and they needed the RAM cart, so this is the first time an arcade-perfect official release of either of these games has made it to the states
MARVEL VS CAPCOM: by FAR the best presentation in the whole series. amazing attract mode theme song, the hypest character select theme of ANY fighting game i've ever played. every character has their own theme song and all of them fucking rule. it does have a small-ish roster, with a few weird choices (FIVE shotos? War Machine instead of Iron Man? to be fair, some other company had exclusive videogame rights to Iron Man at the time) and a few REALLY inspired ones (Venom! Gambit! Captain Commando! MEGA MAN!) i already said the PS1 version of this was awful but the Dreamcast got a GREAT port that i played the hell out of back in the day
MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2: huge roster, the most playable characters of any fighting game at the time! 3v3 tag-team action! call your teammates for assist attacks you can customize at the select screen! simplified control scheme so you can double-tap light attack buttons to automatically combo into medium attacks! the first fully 3D backgrounds in the series! all of them are generic places instead of being specific locales from Capcom games and Marvel comics! nobody has individual endings anymore and the story is completely incomprehensible unless you've read the japanese arcade manual! a lot of the supers' visual effects are somehow the worst in the series! the soundtrack is entirely generic jazz music and not even slightly appropriate for a fighting game! "I'm Gonna Take You For A Ride" is an iconic character select theme and you will come to loathe it after about eight seconds because that's how long one loop of it runs! you can count the number of competitively viable teams on one hand! if you try to play it online you'll get triple-perfected by people who've been playing this game longer than most of you have been alive! and it will somehow still be one of the best fighting games you'll ever play
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ironchef13 · 9 months
Miles Morales X Poppy PlayTime Crossover idea
Ok since Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 is coming out sometime in 2024, I thought I would post an idea that pits Miles Morales, Spider-man of the Spiderverse movie series, against the horrors of Poppy Playtime. Since A.) there are few crossovers of both Poppy Playtime and Spiderverse fandoms. and B.) this crossover can happen in Miles own home dimension. Ok so this idea has a few concepts that I've read from other stories, but I'm adding Miles into the mix. So, my idea goes like this.
Miles Morales is in his second year at Visions academy. After all the Multiverse drama he thinks he's finally got being Spider-man and being Miles Morales figured out. He's keeping some space from the rest of the Spider-Gang for a while after the Spot incident. While they did still help him, they also lied, and basically abandoned him when he needed them most. And as much as it hurts them the spider-gang respects his decision. Anyway, while at school Miles meets a new student that just transferred to Visions. Her name is Daisy and her most notable feature is her bright red frizzy hair, freckles and slightly pale skin (like a certain doll but taller). While they become fast friends Miles begins to notice weird things with Daisy. Like she wakes up screaming in the middle of the night due to night terrors and she carries weird looking toys with her and sometimes talks to them when she thinks no one is looking. Things finally come to a head when Daisy shows Miles a weird videotape she received in the mail. It shows a commercial of an old Toy factory in Brooklyn that got shut down a few years ago under unusual circumstances. The factories name PlayTime Co. Daisy then confides in Miles that she has been having Nightmares of this factory for years and that she is going to the abandoned factory to get answers. While Miles is against the idea, he reluctantly wishes her luck and covers for her at school. when in reality he is going to follow Daisy in secret as his Spider-man persona. When they both reach the factory, they immediately get trapped inside with Daisy discovering Miles has followed her. Eventually trying to find a way out becomes a battle of survival when they learn of what Playtime Co was really doing behind closed doors. They are forced to face off against killer sentient toys that also have some connection to Daisy. Especially toys like Poppy, Huggy Wuggy, Mommy Long Legs, Bunzo, Cat-Bee, Candy Cat, Kissy Missy, Boxy Boo and some of the Smiling Critters. Will Miles and Daisy survive Playtime co? Will Daisy recover her lost memories? and will Miles live long enough to see the rest of the Spider-Gang again? we'll have to wait for someone to write this story and find out.
-Another note I'd like to add is maybe while this is all happening Gwen would suddenly sense Miles in danger and rush over to his dimension to help out- I hope someone out there finds this idea inspiring.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good Night.
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stackthedeck · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers Thank you @babblingflowers for the tag!!
How many works do you have on ao3?
45 minus the podfic which i don't count but maybe I should
what's your total ao3 word count?
3.What fandoms do you write for?
writing now mostly marvel comics specifically fantastic four and spider-man but before that it was that weird soup of marvel where it's both the comics movies and shows blended into a beautiful mess
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Getting together for the kids, space boys, one little slip, what's mine is ours, let's see how far you've come
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to be really good about it, but in the same way I get overwhelmed by responding to online messages comments have been a lot but I still love them so much! I always respond if it's a recent fic and I swear I will reply to the 60 in my inbox soon
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
either "put me together and take me apart" because it ends with Matt and Peter breaking up because they're still grieving their exes but it feels so much less sad because they get back together in the sequel.. Or "ignorance is bliss" because Jon (tma) forgets Martin exists
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
One little slip, Johnny and Peter get together and go to a premier as the human torch and spider-man
Do you get hate on fics?
Not on any that are currently up...
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah, it's been very gender queer lately idk what that means but smut has just become a vessel to display the beauty of queer bodies recently
Do you write crossovers?
not anymore, but my second most popular fic is one so...
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah I had a good omens fic translated into russian it was good old fashion lover boy
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but I'm trying to cyberbully one of my friends into co-writing one with me (Ash if you're seeing this, we've gotta do it)
What's your all-time favorite ship?
All time is hard it's gotta be Percabeth but like currently it's parksborn
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I will finish them it'll happen I swear to god it will, don't look at the parksborn divorce fic I promise it'll update one day
What are your writing strengths?
I think what I have up currently on ao3 has really good dialogue but in my current wips I'm really vibing with like I guess internal thoughts, they feel in character but not it's not so much information that it feels like telling instead of showing
What are your writing weaknesses?
schedules, discipline, finishing anything, my pacing is a little weird at times and I'm always worried about "he would not fucking say that"
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't because I don't know any languages other than English, I'd reach out to someone that actually spoke the language but the reader would probably just google translate it and that'd take them out of the story and the translation wouldn't be good but I guess I could do a footnote. Idk I haven't found a story that has use for it yet
First fandom you wrote for?
Why couldn't it have been the first fandom I read for? ...it was Hamilton, I'm not happy about it either
Favorite fic you've written?
either the parksborn divorce fic because of an unpublished scene or it's you, it's always been you because of the spideypool fight. I think I just love reading couples fighting where they go for the throat (metaphorically if not also physically)
guess I've gotta tag people @evilwickedme @waterme-stories @seek--rest and all the other lovely writer mutuals who I'm forgetting
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20s-turtle-posting · 11 months
For the tmnt ask game, 5 and 23?
5. If you were a ninja turtle, what color would your mask be?
green :3 its my favorite color! I'm not exactly what shade I'd go for bc there's so many to pick, but definitely something green.
23. If you could have a tmnt crossover with ANY other series, which would it be?
SPIDER-MAN. PLEASE. Maybe its just the worms in my brain but omggg it would be so fun!! I'm pretty sure both franchises have recognized each other with funny little jokes, but I would do ANYTHING to get a Batman vs TMNT style movie or Power Rangers style comic crossover, but with Spider-Man
Peter would get along so well with all the turtles man like fr. He'd be able to talk shop with Donatello, he'd laugh with Mikey's jokes and exchange quips, and I earnestly think he'd get along with Leo and Raph on an emotional level very well. Like Leo's sense of honor and duty, and how Raph feels isolated in the world? AUGH. Peter fucking Parker knows those feelings so well. Plus he could spar with them! Spider sense vs highly skilled ninjutsu?? Hell yeah, also he and the turtles are both harder to hurt and they might not have to hold back as much
And also I think he'd like talking with Master Splinter <3
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katebishopofearth · 3 months
20 questions for 20 writers
tagged by @wheelsup-sevenup
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 69 (nice 😏)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 317,923
3. What fandoms do you write for? Marvel (mostly ironwidow) and Our Flag Means Death. I have some Clexa fics from back in the day but haven't written for the fandom in years.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? i'm kinda surprised by these but i guess that older fics and multichapter fics have more time to accumulate kudos? - Something Worth Living For (2498 kudos) - A Night of Drunken Revelry (564 kudos) - iron masks and spider kisses (534 kudos) - Broken (485 kudos) - The Art of Taking a Blade (461 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES. I try to reply to every comment because each one is literally the best part of my day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oof. The shit I've put Natasha through lol. Probably falling. which is Natasha reflecting on her life as she falls to her death on Vormir. dream. is also up there, it's about kid!Natasha learning to love Yelena as a sister.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? "happiest" is not quantifiable lmao. In the context of canon, maybe Something Worth Living For, it was cathartic and healing to give Clarke and Lexa their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Yup it's happened a handful of times, luckily few and far between, but they always feel like getting a splinter stuck in my skin for days afterwards.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I've written light smut of the sapphic variety. I'm ace so smut is never about the sex for me, it's about character dynamics, power and intimacy. For example, the (non-explicit) sex scene in iron masks and spider kisses is about Toni baring her deepest secrets to Natasha and letting herself be vulnerable with her, and Natasha's acceptance of Toni's scars and past.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nope. My brain doesn't work that way.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I think that some of my very early ironwidow fics have ended up on Wattpad :/
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yup I've written a few early ironwidow fics for a challenge waaaaaay back in 2014, with the talented @auripigmentum, @kuailongs and SatinSatire. They helped me find my footing with writing ironwidow: Chemical Reaction (Tony gets kidnapped, Nat comes to his rescue), Never Simple (Natasha finds out secrets about her own past, angst ensues), and Good Intentions (speakeasy era AU that still lives in my head rent-free)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? i'd be lying if i said anything other than ironwidow. It's the ship I keep coming back to for over a decade.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Oh god. The teen vigilante Avengers AU I was writing in 2014. Idk if it'll ever see the light of day but it was my all-consuming pride and joy for months.
16. What are your writing strengths? idk, you tell me. probably putting characters through angsty situations lmao. Also action scenes (thank u Warrior Cats).
17. What are your writing weaknesses? actually writing lmao. It's hard to get into the mood/mindest for writing. Also writing multichapter fics – my attention span isn't built for anything longer than a 5+1.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I rarely do this because I know that code-mixing (mixing two or more languages when speaking) is incredibly nuanced, varying depending on language, context, and individual speakers. I pretty much only do this when the character canonically code-mixes in speech, and I try to stick to how they would speak, in order to sound as natural as possible.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Warrior Cats when I was about 12 on deviantart. Good times.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Oh MAN. It's hard to choose a favourite child. I don't think this is my most well-written fic, but the question is asking for a favourite fic not a well-written one, and it's probably iron masks and spider kisses. I loved exploring fem!Toni, and her relationship with her gender and femininity. It's a specific flavour of ironwidow that I haven't found in many other fics (tho there are a couple out there that definitely influenced how i wrote this fic). It's also truly a labour of love – I started writing this around the time Endgame was coming out, and wrote it over a time of enormous change, angst and upheaval in my life.
This was so much fun! I love talking about my writing haha and sharing older fics.
Tagging: @queeenpersephone @autumnwoodsdreamer @missmacfire also i'm realising that i don't remember which of my mutuals is a writer (it's 1 am u can't blame me for this) so if you're a writer – especially if you're on the OFMD fic server – consider yourself tagged!
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cchickki · 11 months
20 fanfic questions
thank you so much for the tag @soft-girl-musings
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 words count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
band of brothers, hemlock grove, mass effect, overwatch, peaky blinders, spider man, uncharted, unsere mutter unsere vater, crouching tiger hidden dragon, the last of us
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tomorrow never came surprise! say yes to heaven, say yes to me beyond the deep a woman at war (rewritten)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes!! feedback means so much to me, it's what keeps me going and i honestly appreciate all comments more than anyone will ever know.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
there's a few, but my oldest fic the ugly truth i think had the angstiest ending (there's other fics that aren't finished and i don't want to spoil them so i won't add them to this list)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably my fluffy one shots like surprise! and say yes to heaven from the spiderverse
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have in the past when i attracted more readers on fanfiction.net, mostly misogynists so they're not worth the time of day
9. Do you write smut. If so what kind?
i do, and i don't really know how i'd generalize it. mostly from requests sprinkled in with a few scenes here and there. but in my fics i like to focus on the act being one out of love than lust mostly.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i've never written a crossover before
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i've had suspicions before that people have copied parts of my fics in their own in different fandoms, but i don't think it's blatant enough beyond the realm of "inspiration" to actually accuse anyone. i don't think i'm popular enough on here or on a03 anymore for this to continuously happen though.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
maybe? i swear someone said they translated a woman at war back in the day for me.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
kind of? there's a history beta i have on fanfiction.net that has helped me with a woman at war (rewritten) on writing certain historical parts in the story to make them as accurate as possible.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
shepard x kaidan, i can engross myself in reading about that ship all day everyday
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
my peaky blinders fic joanne, i really enjoyed writing it and i received a lot of positive feedback on it on fanfiction.net. but i really hate the direction the show went and it really killed my inspiration for finishing the fic. i would love to, but who knows.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i've heard that how i'm able to write/articulate emotion and atmosphere is good.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
storyboarding in the sense of planning, i tend to wing it so i think that's why a lot of my fics become unfinished or might fall flat at the end.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i think it's worth it if you can find a reliable translator instead of google translate.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
the last of us
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
a woman at war - that story is my baby and i cherish it deeply. was a complete emotional roller coaster to write for from a community that i love and value deeply, it also helped me so much grow and evolve as a writer. it will forever hold a special place in my heart.
no pressure tags: @not-those-kids, @swaps55, @feyhunter78, @durrtydawg, @mallaidhsomo
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leatafandom · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @reallyreal-madeingold!! It was long, so I thought I'd make a new post I did not know you wrote a Willow/Spike, and I am going to have to check it out tonight I adore them.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? I have 122 works on my Ao3
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 887,007, which for some reason made me laugh really hard, seven little words.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Mostly for Supernatural, but I've written for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Spider-man/Deadpool, Merthur, Arrowverse, and starting to write some more DC stories
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Distraction: Scars - One of my favorites of mine, a spideypool story.
This is a Bad Idea - This is just a little smut I wrote for spideypool
Waiting for the Perfect Time - A Merthur piece I wrote with some HC of mine
Distractions -Voice(s) - This is part two of the Spideypool Distraction series
Breakfast - Another Merthur smut piece.
5. Do you respond to comments? I do! I love comments, I normally respond to them whenever I'm updating a story or posting a new one anymore though so sometimes it takes me a bit to get back to people, but I do!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Umm I feel like I've answered this before, but I don't remember what I said and now I don't know what to say. Maybe Not Yet? It is a prequel to Waiting for the Perfect Time and without reading that one, it does not have a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I feel like I write a lot of bittersweet and untraditional happy endings. I leave them in a better place than they were a lot of the times, but they are not always happy. Despite my want to always go for no happy endings I tend to write them anyway. But~ ah I think maybe Conversations in the Dark I feel like that one is pretty optimistic at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No I wouldn't say hate maybe some discouraging comments but not hate, no.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hahaha, I write porn, let's be clear. It's not sex there is a difference. Ah, I write a lot of rough stuff, some bloody stuff, some soft loving stuff, mmm, and I've been starting to write some more variations of bodies doing it. So that's fun
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I don't write crossovers, but I have done a crossover between two of my stories, and it was crazy. It was like two years in the making and it was so much fun. Taste of Cherry is a crossover between a very rom-com soul bond sabriel fic I wrote and a dark horror-themed version of sabriel. It was thrilling to have them meet and play off each other.
11. What's the craziest one you've written? Totally missed this one before but ah idk I write some weird stuff. Maybe Holy Hole? Since I made a world just so I could have a sabriel tentacle smut fic.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup a few, I am always open to getting my fics translated so more people can enjoy them. I just ask that the translator asks first, tells me, and share the link to the translation so it's easy to find from the original. It's a joy whenever someone wants to.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! It was very recently, and a wonderful experience! Freaks Like Us, is a Buffy verse fic featuring Dru, Spike, and Angelus and lots of smut. It was so fun to write with @aufredpratt and to get help and advice writing women.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Oh, this is so hard, I love so many ships from so many fandoms. I...I don't know especially since it's different when talking about who I'd love to write the most and who I like to read the most. I'm sorry I refuse to choose. x_x
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Once and Future Soulmates. It's an unpublished WIP that I just picked up again yesterday, but it is such a big Merthur project, and I'd love to finish it but also oh my god it's so much.
16. What are your writing strengths?  I'm bad at these kinds of questions. I think characterization and world-building. I like poking at stuff until it breaks and then making sure it won't do that. My worlds have many layers that never come up, but they're there.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes (though I think I'm getting better... maybe), word choice, and conveying fear and some other emotions.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Unless its one I'm fluent in, or have someone who is helping me I probably won't and find another way to convey language being said in another language.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Lord of the Rings~~
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Still Distractions: The K-word/Distractions: The New Kid. They both overlap the same year in Spideypool's relationship. I love how it came out and I will always be happy to have written out my HC comic mass up of them. Maybe they're just still my all-time OTP....
No Pressure Tags: @idabbleincrazy @heavenssexiestangel, @michaelmilligan, @fantasticstoryteller, @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes, @incorrectcoldflashblog, @toutes-les-routes @angst-is-love-angst-is-life anyone else who would like to!
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