#Measurable Results and Transparency
Performance Marketing
PICKMYURL Performance Marketing: Empowering Your Business Growth
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In today's highly competitive business landscape, standing out and achieving success requires a strategic approach to marketing. Enter PICKMYURL Performance Marketing—a dynamic and innovative solution that empowers businesses to optimize their online presence, drive targeted traffic, and achieve remarkable results.
This comprehensive platform combines cutting-edge technology, data-driven strategies, and expert guidance to maximize performance and unlock new opportunities for businesses across industries. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of PICKMYURL Performance Marketing, exploring its benefits, features, and how it can help your business thrive in the digital realm.
Performance Marketing
Understanding Performance Marketing: Performance marketing is a results-oriented marketing strategy that focuses on measurable actions and outcomes, such as conversions and sales. Unlike traditional marketing methods, which rely on broad messaging and brand awareness, performance marketing centers on delivering tangible results based on key performance indicators (KPIs). PICKMYURL Performance Marketing takes this concept to the next level by leveraging advanced analytics, targeting capabilities, and optimization techniques to drive maximum ROI for businesses.
The Power of PICKMYURL Performance Marketing: PICKMYURL Performance Marketing offers a plethora of powerful features designed to enhance your marketing efforts and boost your business growth. Let's explore some of its key components:
2.1 Data-driven Insights: With PICKMYURL, data lies at the core of every decision and strategy. The platform provides robust analytics and reporting tools, allowing businesses to gain deep insights into their marketing campaigns. By analyzing key metrics, user behavior, and conversion patterns, you can make informed decisions and optimize your marketing efforts for maximum impact.
2.2 Targeted Advertising: PICKMYURL Performance Marketing enables businesses to precisely target their desired audience through various channels, including search engines, social media platforms, and display networks. By leveraging advanced targeting options such as demographics, interests, and browsing behavior, you can ensure that your marketing messages reach the right people at the right time, enhancing the chances of conversions and sales.
2.3 Conversion Optimization: Converting website visitors into paying customers is a crucial aspect of any marketing strategy. PICKMYURL Performance Marketing provides a range of tools and techniques to optimize your conversion rates. From A/B testing and landing page optimization to personalized messaging and remarketing campaigns, the platform equips you with the necessary resources to turn prospects into loyal customers.
2.4 Performance Tracking: To measure the success of your marketing efforts, it's essential to have a comprehensive tracking system in place. PICKMYURL Performance Marketing offers robust tracking capabilities, allowing you to monitor key metrics, track conversions, and evaluate the performance of your campaigns. This data-driven approach enables you to identify areas of improvement, refine your strategies, and make data-backed decisions to achieve better results.
3. Benefits of PICKMYURL Performance Marketing: Implementing PICKMYURL Performance Marketing into your business strategy can yield a wide array of benefits:
3.1 Increased ROI: By focusing on measurable results, PICKMYURL Performance Marketing helps businesses optimize their marketing spend and generate a higher return on investment. With advanced targeting and conversion optimization techniques, you can ensure that your marketing budget is allocated to the most effective channels and campaigns, resulting in increased revenue and profitability.
3.2 Enhanced Customer Engagement: PICKMYURL Performance Marketing enables businesses to create personalized and engaging experiences for their target audience. By tailoring your marketing messages based on user preferences, behavior, and demographics, you can establish stronger connections with your customers, leading to higher engagement, brand loyalty, and repeat business.
3.3 Scalability and Flexibility: Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, PICKMYURL Performance Marketing provides a scalable solution that can adapt to your business needs. As your business grows, the platform can accommodate increased traffic, expand your campaigns, and handle larger datasets. This scalability ensures that your marketing efforts can keep up with your business's growth trajectory, allowing you to reach new markets and expand your customer base.
3.4 Real-Time Optimization: PICKMYURL Performance Marketing operates in real-time, providing you with up-to-the-minute insights and the ability to make immediate adjustments to your campaigns. With access to real-time data, you can identify underperforming ads, adjust targeting parameters, or tweak messaging to ensure optimal results. This agility and responsiveness empower you to stay ahead of the competition and seize opportunities as they arise.
3.5 Measurable Results and Transparency: One of the standout features of PICKMYURL Performance Marketing is its emphasis on transparency and accountability. Through detailed analytics and reporting, you can track the performance of your marketing campaigns, measure key metrics, and assess the effectiveness of your strategies. This transparency allows you to make data-driven decisions, allocate resources effectively, and demonstrate the impact of your marketing efforts to stakeholders.
4. Industries and Applications: PICKMYURL Performance Marketing is a versatile solution that can benefit businesses across various industries. Here are a few examples of how different sectors can leverage this powerful platform:
4.1 E-commerce: For online retailers, PICKMYURL Performance Marketing offers a comprehensive set of tools to drive traffic, increase conversions, and boost sales. From optimizing product listings and implementing targeted advertising campaigns to leveraging remarketing strategies and personalized recommendations, e-commerce businesses can create a seamless shopping experience and maximize revenue.
4.2 SaaS and Tech Startups: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies and tech startups can leverage PICKMYURL Performance Marketing to generate leads, nurture customer relationships, and drive user acquisition. By utilizing advanced targeting options and conversion optimization techniques, these businesses can reach their target audience, showcase the unique value of their solutions, and foster long-term customer loyalty.
4.3 Local Businesses: PICKMYURL Performance Marketing is equally beneficial for local businesses aiming to increase foot traffic and boost their online visibility. Through localized targeting, geofencing, and proximity-based advertising, businesses such as restaurants, salons, and retail stores can effectively reach potential customers in their vicinity, driving footfall and increasing local brand awareness.
4.4 B2B Marketing: Business-to-Business (B2B) companies can leverage PICKMYURL Performance Marketing to drive lead generation, nurture relationships, and improve customer acquisition. By implementing account-based marketing strategies, targeting key decision-makers, and utilizing data-driven insights, B2B businesses can enhance their sales funnel, streamline their marketing efforts, and achieve higher conversion rates.
5. Implementation and Support: Implementing PICKMYURL Performance Marketing into your business strategy is seamless and hassle-free. The platform provides comprehensive onboarding support, including guidance on campaign setup, tracking implementation, and performance optimization. Additionally, PICKMYURL offers dedicated customer support to address any queries or issues promptly, ensuring that you have a smooth experience throughout your marketing journey.
PICKMYURL Performance Marketing offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to maximize their marketing efforts, drive targeted traffic, and achieve remarkable results. By leveraging data-driven insights, advanced targeting capabilities, and conversion optimization techniques, businesses can unlock new growth opportunities, increase their ROI, and establish stronger connections with their target audience.
Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, PICKMYURL Performance Marketing empowers you to thrive in the digital realm, adapt to changing market dynamics, and propel your business towards success. Embrace the power of PICKMYURL Performance Marketing and take your business to new heights in the competitive world of digital marketing.
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Michael Esposito Staten Island - 10 Essential Strategies for Effective Influencer Marketing
In the bustling world of digital marketing, influencer marketing has carved out a niche that combines the power of social proof with the reach of digital platforms. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or a business venturing into the influencer realm for the first time, mastering the art of influencer marketing can significantly amplify your brand's visibility and engagement. Here are ten essential strategies to harness the power of influencer marketing effectively, inspired by the expertise of Michael Esposito Staten Island, an influencer marketer extraordinaire known for his impactful presence in the digital age.
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1. Define Your Goals Clearly
Having clear objectives is the cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign. Whether it's boosting brand awareness, increasing sales, or driving website traffic, setting specific goals helps in tailoring your strategy and measuring success effectively.
2. Understand Your Audience
Knowing your target audience inside out is crucial. Understanding their interests, behaviors, and preferences helps in selecting the right influencers who resonate with your audience.
3. Choose the Right Influencers
Choosing influencers who align with your brand's values and ethos is vital. It's not just about the numbers; engagement rates, audience trust, and content quality matter too. Michael Esposito from Staten Island exemplifies an influencer whose authenticity and digital savviness have made him a significant figure in the influencer marketing world.
4. Foster Authentic Relationships
Building genuine relationships with influencers can lead to more authentic and engaging content. Authenticity is key in influencer marketing, as it enhances trust and relatability.
5. Leverage Multiple Platforms
Don't limit your influencer marketing efforts to a single platform. Explore opportunities across various platforms where your target audience is most active, be it Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or others.
6. Focus on Quality Content
Quality content is what sets great campaigns apart. Collaborate with influencers to create content that is engaging, informative, and aligns with your brand messaging.
7. Utilize SEO Strategies
Incorporating SEO strategies, such as keyword optimization in content and leveraging influencer-generated content, can significantly improve your campaign's visibility online. Remember, good writing and SEO go hand in hand to create content that is not only engaging but also ranks well on search engines.
8. Track and Measure Results
To gauge the effectiveness of your influencer marketing campaigns, it's essential to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as engagement rates, conversion rates, and ROI. This data will help refine your strategy over time.
9. Stay Updated on Trends
The digital landscape is constantly evolving. Staying abreast of the latest trends and platform updates can help you adapt your strategy to maintain its effectiveness.
10. Emphasize Transparency
Transparency and disclosure are critical in maintaining trust with your audience. Ensure influencers clearly disclose sponsored content to comply with FTC guidelines and maintain audience trust.
Influencer marketing, when executed properly, can be a game-changer for brands looking to expand their reach and connect with audiences in a meaningful way. Michael Esposito Staten Island — Influence in the Digital Age serves as a prime example of how influencers can wield significant influence in driving engagement and brand loyalty through authenticity and strategic collaboration. By following these ten essential strategies, you can create effective influencer marketing campaigns that resonate with your audience and deliver tangible results.
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gothhabiba · 1 year
Some hints about evaluating scientific studies
Firstly, understand that something being published in a scientific journal (or an academic journal for the social sciences) does not automatically make it true. Publishers profit from publishing novel, eye-catching, surprising research, which means they are more likely to publish positive results than ones that didn't find a connection between given variables. This means that scientists' careers benefit when they get positive results. Certain institutions also benefit from certain findings above others (a committee for research on "obesity" that is funded by a government organisation tasked with ending it, for example, is likely to try to stretch the evidence to find a link between body weight and poor health outcomes). So how do people evaluate scientific studies, especially without being scientists themselves?
Literature reviews
Literature reviews, which aim to assemble and summarise most of the available or influential papers on a given issue, can be a good place to start when trying to research that issue. Typically, scientific studies shouldn't only be evaluated on a case-by-case basis (since even well-designed studies can be contradicted by other, equally well-designed studies), but a full survey of the different results people have gotten should be taken.
Background information and conflicts of interest
Try to find out who funded a given study. Who published the study? What do these people stand to gain from the results of the study being accepted? (For example: you might pay special attention to the experimental design on a study on whether a certain essential oil helps to reverse hair loss that was carried out by a company that sells that oil.)
In theory, many journals call for study authors to declare any conflicts of interest they may have in a special section of the paper. This section should also list funding sources. You might also look up the authors on linkedin or something to find where they're employed; also look into whether another conglomerate owns that company, &c.
Experimental design
If the study involves a survey, have the authors of the paper provided the questions that people were asked, so that you can evaluate them for potential ambiguity or confusing wording? Not being transparent about the exact wording of questions is a sign that a study isn't trustworthy.
What's the sample size? Is it large enough for the claim the study is making to be reasonable? (More on this in the next section.)
Does the experimental design make sense with what the researchers wanted to study? Are the claims that they make in the conclusion section something that could reasonably be proven or suggested by the experiment that they performed?
Does the experimental design "bake in" an assumption of the truth of its hypothesis? (For example, measuring skeletons to argue that they fall into statistically significant size groupings by sex, using skeletons that you sorted into "male" and "female" groups based on their size, is clearly circular).
How was data collected? People might change their answers to a survey, for example, if they have to speak to a person to give them, rather than writing them down anonymously. Self-reported information (such as a survey aiming to figure out average height or average penis size) is also subject to bias. A good study should be transparent about how the authors collected their data, and be clear about how this could have affected their results.
Also regarding surveys: do the categories that the authors have divided respondents into make sense? Are these categories really mutually exclusive? If respondents were asked to sort themselves into categories (e.g., to select their own race or ethnicity), is there any guarantee that they all interpreted the question / the boundaries of these categories the same way? How would this affect the results?
Interpretation of results
Could anything other than the conclusion that the authors came to explain the results of their experiment? For example, a study finding a correlation between two variables and assuming that this means one variable causes the other ("being in a lot of stress causes short stature" or vise versa) could be missing a secret third thing which is in fact causing both of those things (e.g., poverty). Check to make sure that the authors considered other explanations for their findings and ruled them out (for example, by controlling for other variables such as socioeconomic status).
Are the results of the study generalisable to the population that the authors claim they're generalisable to? For example, the results may not be true for the entire population if only cisgender men between the ages of 30 and 40 were tested. Sampling biases can also affect generalisability—if I surveyed my college to try to find out the percentage of women in the total population, you might ask "but is your college sure to have the same percentage of women as the Earth does?"
Are the results statistically significant, or are they within expected margins of error?
Many studies provide a p-value (a number between 0 and 1) for their results. In theory, a p-value represents the chance that the study's results could have been achieved by random chance. If you flip a coin ten times (so, your sample size is 10), it's not very odd to get heads six times and tails four times, and you wouldn't accept that as proof that the coin lands on heads more often than tails. The p-value for that result would be high (that is, there's a high chance that the coin appears unfair only because of random chance). On the other hand, if you flip a coin 100,000 times and it lands on heads 60,000 of those times, that's much better evidence that the coin is not a fair one. The p-value would be much lower. Typically, a p-value lower than 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
In practice, there's more than one way to calculate p-values, and so studies sometimes claim p-values that seem absurdly low. A low p-value is not proof of a claim in and of itself. Check to make sure that the authors of the paper also provide the raw data, and not just the p-values; this indicates a concern with other people being able to independently evaluate their results, rather than just trying to get The Best Numbers.
If the study cites something that seems foundational to their claims or interpretation, try tracing it back to the paper that was cited. Does the source actually claim what the authors of the first study said it did? Does the source provide proof or support for the claim, or does it seem flimsy, like a "common-sense" assumption?
Check the studies that cite the one you're currently looking at. Has anyone else tried to replicate the study? What were their results?
What if I really, really don't want to read scientific studies?
That's fine. Not everyone is concerned enough with specific scientific questions for regularly reading scientific papers to be reasonable for them. Just keep in mind that not everything in a scientific journal is necessarily true; that profit motives and personal and institutional bias impact results (e.g. when some studies revealed a lack of poor health outcomes for "obesity," and many scientists responded by calling it a "paradox" that needed to be "solved"); and that pop science and journalistic reporting on science are subject to distortions from the same sources.
Try finding commentators on scientific matters whose output you like, and evaluate their writing the same way you would evaluate any other critical writing.
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killerpancakeburger · 3 months
One man's penalty is another man's prize
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SUMMARY: When agreeing to lend a hand with the organisation of some military tests, you thought it would be limited to marking times and keeping scores. Statistically, there was no way that the... "creative" penalty you came up with would be selected, right?
And the chances for your boyfriend to be the one subjected to it had to be close to zero, right?
PAIRING: Soap x f!Reader (Soaps calls Reader Ma'am twice, that's it)
TAGS: Civilian!Reader, Fat!Reader, Smug!Soap x1000, a bit Possessive!Soap, Established Relationship, flirting, banter, teasing, partial nudity. Making Shit Up for the Plot/military inaccuracies. Suggestive content but nothing graphic.
A/N: crackfic...? Soap does push-ups fic. Soap wears booty shorts fic. That actually no one One (1) person asked for.
If you need "visual on the target", this piece by @rusticfurnace and this one by @wombywoo have been on my mind. (Hoping its ok to tag, if not, tell me)
For @glitterypirateduck Cod Vacation Mode Challenge, prompt 27.
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A drop of sweat falls from your temple and lands onto the stack of papers you were scribbling on. You wipe off your dripping wet forehead with the back of your arm.
The torrid sun is beating down hard on the ground and bodies alike.
This unforgiving heat left you no respite all day long, despite the fact that all you did was sit and take notes. Drenched in sweat, you fan yourself with your notepad. Perspiration keeps accumulating between the rolls of your stomach no matter how many times you dry it off. Today's the base annual testing day, an unofficial gathering meant to measure soldiers’ performance and entertain some friendly competition.
You would almost regret committing to helping today by playing scribes, but the sadistic satisfaction of seeing others toiling away while you twiddle your thumbs is enough to thwart that feeling. That, and Soap's little… display.
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head when you arrived this morning and stumbled upon him stretching his legs, bent over, fingers aiming for his feet, wearing the shortest, thighest shorts you've ever seen. Then he greeted you as if nothing was out of the ordinary. You glanced in interrogation at Gaz and Ghost, who were respectively wearing Bermudas and tracksuits, and were met with a shrug and an eye roll.
To make matters worse, he traded his blue shirt for a sleeveless top that did wonders for his arms and shoulders - as if his tanned biceps weren't already a work of art and a weapon of mass destruction all at once.
You don’t know which incubus possessed him to wear booty shorts, but you definitely aren't complaining.
You spend the day ogling him shamelessly, knowing he was putting on a show for you. He'd sponge down his glistening face with the bottom of his shirt, offering you a tantalizing view of his toned stomach. He'd throw dazzling smiles, teasing winks and blow kisses your way. At some point, he even emptied his water bottle on his head, resulting in his shirt turning transparent and sticking to his skin in an almost obscene way.
His myriad of attentions made you dizzy, in the best of ways. You may have made yourself look like a lovesick fool, with your blissfully happy smiles and your stupid giggles, but except for the people you were close with, no one would dare to nag you about it - lest a certain Scottish sergeant with a big mouth and no fear of confrontation gets all up in their face.
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Strong, bronzed hands heavily lean on your desk. Palms are turned towards you, fingers gripping the table's edge.
“M ‘ere fer my penalty.”
The voice is raspy, accent thick, tone charming and teasing at the same time.
You slowly look up from your paper to meet Soap's cerulean eyes; along the way you can’t help but peek at his tanned arms, his bulging biceps, the beads of sweat rolling down his neck, the familiar chin scar in the middle of his dark stubble. His shirt is soaked with sweat.
He's wearing the grin he has every time he lays eyes on you; a blinding, earnest thing. However, even that beguiling smile cannot hide the spark of triumph and playfulness in his gaze.
Johnny's terribly competitive, that's an open secret. It's no surprise that today's tests would fire him up. The perpetual FNG has a title to defend, after all, and with you watching, the stakes are high despite the tests’ results bearing no influence on their file.
But that excitement wasn’t supposed to target you.
“A penalty?” you repeat, unconvinced, twirling your pen between your fingers. “You?”
Doubt infused with sarcasm seeps in your tone, very much on purpose. You raise a skeptical eyebrow, on your guard. 
Your first instinct was to withdraw, prop yourself against the backrest, the distance between the two of you reduced to something too trivial to be proper, but you can’t back off from his implicit challenge. It's a well-crafted game with the two of you as its exclusive players. A dance of provocation and endearment, a mischievous yet comfortable back and forth.
The lack of privacy of it would usually discourage your bashful nature, who avoids confrontation at all costs. But the sergeant has figured out how to appeal to the competitive, driven part of you. So you stand your ground, brazenly, like you're the only two people in the world.
There is no way that Soap earned a penalty, no way that he lost. He's one of the best there is, if not the best - not that his ego needs the boost.
The SAS's youngest prodigue who beat all previous records, his name forever carved into the archives and his legend whispered among impressionable new recruits.
Not to mention that the way he said “my penalty” sounded more like “my prize” than anything else.
“‘ere. Proof.”
He hands out a piece of paper to you, a smug smirk not leaving his lips, one that is not without evoking the satisfied expression of the cat who got the cream. Your fingers brush his as you retrieve the “penalty receipt”, the contact feeling like flames licking your skin.
You take a break from defiantly holding his gaze to glance at the note. Its contents sends an ominous shiver down your spine, your eyes slightly widening in understanding.. and horror.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. The odds were, what, one in hundreds? Amplified by the fact that Soap was the one to get ahold of it, out of all competitors.
You vainly stare at your own scrawl, as if that could make the ink vanish, but reality simply gazes back. 
When asked to participate in making up a penalty, you wrote the silliest thing that came to mind, as a sort of inside joke only yourself would be privy to. Eight innocuous little words that would sign your downfall.
“Do fifty push-ups with me on their back”.
The fifty was an arbitrary pick between twenty that you judged too lenient, and a hundred that would take too long; however, you've thought a bit more about the “me on their back” part. You were heavier than the average soldier's rucksack - significantly so. It had to be a challenge, so you've made it this way.
Yet you never expected to actually end up on someone's back.
How Johnny managed to get his hands on your penalty out of all of them, you'd probably never find out, but you couldn’t deny that the “me” mentioned was you. Indeed, on top of your… recognizable handwriting, the note was adorned with little scribbles you had mindlessly doodled while bored. They were simple but easily identifiable: a foamy bar of soap, a deadpan skull, a jerrycan wearing a cap, and a stack of cash with a hat, or, put differently, the Task Force 141 stylized.
A version of the team that Soap was well-versed with, having witnessed you drawing it countless times.
There was no way out of the corner you were backed into - Soap put you on the spot, the brightest one possible, and that little shit knew it perfectly - did it on purpose.
You sigh exaggeratedly as you get up. You bypass your desk to stand in front of Johnny, not missing the way he looks you up and down. This is the first time he's seeing you in shorts, and despite how self-conscious you are about the girth of your chafing thighs, he makes it obvious how much he's enjoying the view. You cross your arms with an amused smile on your lips.
“You know you’re not supposed to enjoy your penalty, right? Kinda defeats the purpose.”
His smile mirrors yours as he bends over to whisper in your ear, close enough for you to feel his body heat, but not making a move to touch you.
“And ye do know I’d never let any of those eejits sweat and grunt under ye? That's my prerogative.”
Despite the shiver his gravelly voice sent down your spine,you throw your head back in laughter.
“Ooh so that's what this is! You're jealous.”
He remains unfazed by the accusation.
“Call it what ye want.”
“You do know I'm heavier than your rucksack, right? Much heavier? You’re going to hurt yourself.”
His eyes glint with hunger for challenge.
“Don't knock it til you've tried it.”
“Fine. Drop and give me twenty, pretty boy.”
His grin becomes blinding. He reaches behind to grab the back of his shirt and rips it off like it burned him. 
You gape despite yourself in front of his glistening chest, all tanned skin, white scars, hard stomach and soft pecs, and he gently lifts your chin up with his index finger to close your mouth, an extremely smug smirk adorning his lips.
“Yes, Ma'am. Right away, Ma'am.”
From a stranger's perspective, his reply drips with an insolence that matches the cockiness he exhibited all day. But you know better; you can hear the underlying docility in his tone, the one he expresses when you two are intimate.
He keeps his eyes on yours as he kneels, the display way too lascivious for how public it is. You bite your lips, frowning your eyebrows in warning, but say nothing as he obeys and performs the twenty push-ups asked - on one arm. It is good that the position prevents him from staring at you, because you reckon otherwise he'd be giving you the slyest grin.
More than the impressive show of strength; more than the way his skin glows with sweat; more than the flaunting of his imposing muscles; the knowledge that he's undertaking it all for you is what tightens the band of arousal in your stomach, along with multiplying the bubbles of happiness and affection in your chest.
“Gonna take a seat, bonnie?”
He's forced to heckle you since you were so caught up in your staring that you forgot that the next part of the penalty required your participation.
And of course, he chose the cheekiest way to do so. The question, innocent at first glance, sent you back into the bedroom. The last time he asked you that was right before you sat on his face. And the time before that was when you rid him.
You oblige yourself to focus on the here and now, and carefully straddle Soap's back.
“Are you sure you can- Woh.”
He interrupts you by suddenly lowering and rising his body, obliging you to grab his shoulders to keep your balance, but easily demonstrating that the added weight has very little impact on his performance. 
“Alright, alright, you convinced me,” you yield. “That's only one out of fifty, though.”
“And yet ye dare doubt me again,” he grumbles under his breath, initiating a steadfast pace.
It is a shame that your current position prevents you from watching his face, but you concentrate on other things instead. Never before did you have the opportunity to revel in the glorious vision that was his powerful back.
You tease him by periodically clenching your thighs without warning, squeezing the meat of his shoulders or ruffling the back of his drenched mohawk.
You let out an impressed whistle when he reaches fifty, before scrambling to liberate him. He pretends needing your help to stand up, and you give him your hands without hesitation. Once he's up, you affectionately shove his shirt into his naked torso, an implicit command to make himself proper.
Following his dressing, you two stare into each others' eyes, hands in hands, like lovebirds until his stomach roars like thunder. 
You giggle; he sighs exaggeratedly, suddenly bowed down by an invisible weight, like he wasn’t overflowing with energy a minute ago.
“M starvin’. Tae death.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed.”
He starts walking towards the canteen's building, after a suggestive wiggle of his eyebrows and his eyes motionning between you and the coveted reserve of food in a silent but strong proposition. You purposely let him take the lead so you can sneak behind him and grab a generous handful of his ass.
He turns his head towards you with mock outrage on his face, a hand pressed on chest, quickly replaced by appreciation.
“Been itching to do that all day,” you confess with an impish smile.
Walking side by side, you start happily humming, and just as you let your hand drop, he seizes it and puts it back on his buttock.
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bethanythebogwitch · 6 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: parrotfish
Which fish hangs out on a mermaid pirate's shoulder and repeats what she says in a high-pitched voice? The parrotfish, of course. Or at least in fiction they should (certainly will in my D&D world). But even in real life, parrotfish are still pretty interesting.
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(Image: a common parrotfish (Scarus psittacus) seen from the side in front of rocks and corals. It is a brightly-colored fish, mainly light blue but with patches and stripes of yellow and pink on the fins. Its mouth is open, revealing what appears to be a beak. End ID)
Parrotfish are fish famous for their mouths and eating habits. There are about 90 species known. While they were historically considered their own taxonomic family, they have since been reclassified a subset of the wrasse family and there is still some debate on how to classify them. Most species are on the smaller size, but a few can get very large. The largest species is the green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) at 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) and 75 kg (165 lbs) while the smallest species is the bluelip parrotfish (Cryptotomus roseus) reaching 13 cm (5 in). I could not find an average weight for the bluelips. What makes parrotfish really stand out visually is their colors and their mouths. Most species are very brightly colored, with distinct markings and males are usually more brightly colored than females. Their mouths are dominated by what appear to be beaks, which gave them their common name. These beaks are actually made of approximately 1,000 teeth arranged in 15 rows. As the teeth wear out, they drop off and are replaced by the row behind them. The teeth are made of fluorapatite, the second hardest biomineral int the world. To support their hardness, the fluorapatite crystals that make up the teeth are woven together in a structure very similar to chainmail, resulting in very hard teeth that measure in at a 5 on the Mohs scale of hardness. For reference, iron is a 4 and higher numbers are harder. The teeth can also handle 530 tons of pressure. You could put the weight of 200 black rhinos on a tooth and it would be fine. The beaks are powerful enough to bite through rock. Which is what they use it for, but more on that below. Another unusual feature of parrotfish is how they sleep. Some species make their own sleeping bags, which would be adorable if they weren't made of mucus. The mucus is produced using glands in the gills and looks like a transparent bubble. The fish sleeps in the mucus cocoon and when it wakes up, it eats the cocoon. There have been several proposed benefits of the cocoon. It contains chemicals that harm skin parasites while also providing a barrier that keeps new parasites from reaching the fish. It also likely blocks the fish's scent, helping it hide from predators.
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(Image: a green humphead parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) swimming over yellow coral. It is large and mostly a uniform green color, except for the front of its head, which is pink. It has a large, fleshy lump on the top of its head. End ID)
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(Image: a close-up of a parrotfish's beak. The top and bottom beaks are divided into two halves, left and right. The beak is bade of small, circular teeth that overlap each other. End ID)
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(Image: another common parrotfish seen from the front. It is inside of a mucus cocoon, which appears as a transparent bubble around the fish. Bits of sand dot the cocoon's surface. End ID)
Parrotfish live worldwide, though the majority of species are found in the Indo-Pacific. They live in warm, shallow waters with lots of rocky reefs, especially coral reefs. They use those powerful teeth to eat and what they eat most is algae. There are three main types of feeding behavior: excavating, scraping, and browsing. Excavators bite into rocks to get their food, scrapers crape food off of the surface of the rocks, and browsers go after larger food sources like seagrass and sponges. Some of the larger parrotfish species also make coral a large part of their diet. When they eat, they naturally get rock in their mouths, moreso in excavators. Because their food clings to the rock, spitting the rocks out would deny them food. Instead, parrotfish use pharyngeal teeth set in their throats to grind the rock into sand, which then passes through the digestive tract. When it exists the digestive tract, it is in the form of fine grains of rock. Or to put it another way, parrotfish eat rock and poop sand. A single parrotfish can produce up to 40 kg (88lbs) of sand yearly, and bigger species can produce even more than that. The process of rock being broken down by living things is called bioerosion and parrotfish are one of the most famous sources of bioerosion. The sand they produce can serve as the basis for new growth of coral or other species and helps reinforce nearby islands. In places like Hawai'i, the Caribbean, and the Maldives, it's estimated that up to 80% of the famous white sand is produced by parrotfish and they serve as a major source of incoming earth to support the islands. This makes parrotfish ecosystem engineers. Their eating of algae is also majorly important to their ecosystems. Algae can overgrow and smother delicate ecosystems like coral reefs and seagrass beds and decaying algae draws oxygen out of the water. Parrotfish help the health of their environments by keeping the algae population at healthy levels. Parrotfish also eat seaweeds and sponges that grow much faster than coral and can smother coral reefs. Parrotfish are considered keystone species in many reefs, including the great barrier reef and their population dropping correlates with reduced health of reefs. Damaged reefs tent to have larger parrotfish populations and those populations drop as the reef recovers.
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(Image: a group of many parrotfish feeding on coral. They are all the same species and are mostly blue, with yellow heads and stripes on the face. They appear to be biting the the coral. End ID)
Parrotfish are protogynous sequential hermaprodites. This means that all parrotfish are born female and can become male later in life. The transition is usually triggered when there are too many females or not enough males in a location, though in some species any fish that reaches a certain size will become male. Some parrotfish are solitary while others are social. In social species, the social groups consist of a large male and a harem of females that he protects and claims mating rights with. Other males will attempt to fight the male for dominance via headbutting and threat displays and occasionally one of his harem members will become male to challenge him. Males are usually more colorful than females, which they use to woo females, but also puts them at greater risk of predation. If the harem leader dies and is not replaces, one member of the harem will transition to male and replace him. Many species perform courtship dances during nights of the full moon. In non-social species, males will perform displays and fight with each other to attract females. In social species, the dominant male will mate with his harem while smaller males without harems will try to sneakily woo claimed females or sneak in and mate without being noticed. Parrotfish are broadcast spawners. The female releases her eggs into the water and the males releases sperm to fertilize them. The eggs will drift on the current until settling, after which the larvae will hatch. As with most fish species, only a very few of the larvae will reach adulthood.
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(Image: a Mediterranean parrotfish (Sparisoma cretense). It is mostly bright red, but with a yellow patch above the tail and a yellow stripe around the eye that runs down to the belly. A large patch behind the eye is blue. End ID)
Thankfully, most parrotfish species are not particularly endangered. The largest threat to them comes from habitat loss as pollution and climate change harms coral reefs. Reintroducing parrotfish to damaged reefs helps them recover. All species are edible, though there is no commercial fishery for them. While parrotfish are capable of delivering powerful bites, there are few reports of humans getting bit. That being said, I found one case where someone had skin on his penis bitten off by a parrotfish. And yes, that link has pictures. Enjoy.
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(Image: a blue parrotfish (Scarus coeruleus) looking at the camera. It is a blue fish with darker patches around the eye. Its snout is bulbous and the beak points downward. End ID).
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The moral injury of having your work enshittified
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This Monday (November 27), I'm appearing at the Toronto Metro Reference Library with Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen.
On November 29, I'm at NYC's Strand Books with my novel The Lost Cause, a solarpunk tale of hope and danger that Rebecca Solnit called "completely delightful."
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This week, I wrote about how the Great Enshittening – in which all the digital services we rely on become unusable, extractive piles of shit – did not result from the decay of the morals of tech company leadership, but rather, from the collapse of the forces that discipline corporate wrongdoing:
The failure to enforce competition law allowed a few companies to buy out their rivals, or sell goods below cost until their rivals collapsed, or bribe key parts of their supply chain not to allow rivals to participate:
The resulting concentration of the tech sector meant that the surviving firms were stupendously wealthy, and cozy enough that they could agree on a common legislative agenda. That regulatory capture has allowed tech companies to violate labor, privacy and consumer protection laws by arguing that the law doesn't apply when you use an app to violate it:
But the regulatory capture isn't just about preventing regulation: it's also about creating regulation – laws that make it illegal to reverse-engineer, scrape, and otherwise mod, hack or reconfigure existing services to claw back value that has been taken away from users and business customers. This gives rise to Jay Freeman's perfectly named doctrine of "felony contempt of business-model," in which it is illegal to use your own property in ways that anger the shareholders of the company that sold it to you:
Undisciplined by the threat of competition, regulation, or unilateral modification by users, companies are free to enshittify their products. But what does that actually look like? I say that enshittification is always precipitated by a lost argument.
It starts when someone around a board-room table proposes doing something that's bad for users but good for the company. If the company faces the discipline of competition, regulation or self-help measures, then the workers who are disgusted by this course of action can say, "I think doing this would be gross, and what's more, it's going to make the company poorer," and so they win the argument.
But when you take away that discipline, the argument gets reduced to, "Don't do this because it would make me ashamed to work here, even though it will make the company richer." Money talks, bullshit walks. Let the enshittification begin!
But why do workers care at all? That's where phrases like "don't be evil" come into the picture. Until very recently, tech workers participated in one of history's tightest labor markets, in which multiple companies with gigantic war-chests bid on their labor. Even low-level employees routinely fielded calls from recruiters who dangled offers of higher salaries and larger stock grants if they would jump ship for a company's rival.
Employers built "campuses" filled with lavish perks: massages, sports facilities, daycare, gourmet cafeterias. They offered workers generous benefit packages, including exotic health benefits like having your eggs frozen so you could delay fertility while offsetting the risks normally associated with conceiving at a later age.
But all of this was a transparent ruse: the business-case for free meals, gyms, dry-cleaning, catering and massages was to keep workers at their laptops for 10, 12, or even 16 hours per day. That egg-freezing perk wasn't about helping workers plan their families: it was about thumbing the scales in favor of working through your entire twenties and thirties without taking any parental leave.
In other words, tech employers valued their employees as a means to an end: they wanted to get the best geeks on the payroll and then work them like government mules. The perks and pay weren't the result of comradeship between management and labor: they were the result of the discipline of competition for labor.
This wasn't really a secret, of course. Big Tech workers are split into two camps: blue badges (salaried employees) and green badges (contractors). Whenever there is a slack labor market for a specific job or skill, it is converted from a blue badge job to a green badge job. Green badges don't get the food or the massages or the kombucha. They don't get stock or daycare. They don't get to freeze their eggs. They also work long hours, but they are incentivized by the fear of poverty.
Tech giants went to great lengths to shield blue badges from green badges – at some Google campuses, these workforces actually used different entrances and worked in different facilities or on different floors. Sometimes, green badge working hours would be staggered so that the armies of ragged clickworkers would not be lined up to badge in when their social betters swanned off the luxury bus and into their airy adult kindergartens.
But Big Tech worked hard to convince those blue badges that they were truly valued. Companies hosted regular town halls where employees could ask impertinent questions of their CEOs. They maintained freewheeling internal social media sites where techies could rail against corporate foolishness and make Dilbert references.
And they came up with mottoes.
Apple told its employees it was a sound environmental steward that cared about privacy. Apple also deliberately turned old devices into e-waste by shredding them to ensure that they wouldn't be repaired and compete with new devices:
And even as they were blocking Facebook's surveillance tools, they quietly built their own nonconsensual mass surveillance program and lied to customers about it:
Facebook told employees they were on a "mission to connect every person in the world," but instead deliberately sowed discontent among its users and trapped them in silos that meant that anyone who left Facebook lost all their friends:
And Google promised its employees that they would not "be evil" if they worked at Google. For many googlers, that mattered. They wanted to do something good with their lives, and they had a choice about who they would work for. What's more, they did make things that were good. At their high points, Google Maps, Google Mail, and of course, Google Search were incredible.
My own life was totally transformed by Maps: I have very poor spatial sense, need to actually stop and think to tell my right from my left, and I spent more of my life at least a little lost and often very lost. Google Maps is the cognitive prosthesis I needed to become someone who can go anywhere. I'm profoundly grateful to the people who built that service.
There's a name for phenomenon in which you care so much about your job that you endure poor conditions and abuse: it's called "vocational awe," as coined by Fobazi Ettarh:
Ettarh uses the term to apply to traditionally low-waged workers like librarians, teachers and nurses. In our book Chokepoint Capitalism, Rebecca Giblin and I talked about how it applies to artists and other creative workers, too:
But vocational awe is also omnipresent in tech. The grandiose claims to be on a mission to make the world a better place are not just puffery – they're a vital means of motivating workers who can easily quit their jobs and find a new one to put in 16-hour days. The massages and kombucha and egg-freezing are not framed as perks, but as logistical supports, provided so that techies on an important mission can pursue a shared social goal without being distracted by their balky, inconvenient meatsuits.
Steve Jobs was a master of instilling vocational awe. He was full of aphorisms like "we're here to make a dent in the universe, otherwise why even be here?" Or his infamous line to John Sculley, whom he lured away from Pepsi: "Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?"
Vocational awe cuts both ways. If your workforce actually believes in all that high-minded stuff, if they actually sacrifice their health, family lives and self-care to further the mission, they will defend it. That brings me back to enshittification, and the argument: "If we do this bad thing to the product I work on, it will make me hate myself."
The decline in market discipline for large tech companies has been accompanied by a decline in labor discipline, as the market for technical work grew less and less competitive. Since the dotcom collapse, the ability of tech giants to starve new entrants of market oxygen has shrunk techies' dreams.
Tech workers once dreamed of working for a big, unwieldy firm for a few years before setting out on their own to topple it with a startup. Then, the dream shrank: work for that big, clumsy firm for a few years, then do a fake startup that makes a fake product that is acquihired by your old employer, as an incredibly inefficient and roundabout way to get a raise and a bonus.
Then the dream shrank again: work for a big, ugly firm for life, but get those perks, the massages and the kombucha and the stock options and the gourmet cafeteria and the egg-freezing. Then it shrank again: work for Google for a while, but then get laid off along with 12,000 co-workers, just months after the company does a stock buyback that would cover all those salaries for the next 27 years:
Tech workers' power was fundamentally individual. In a tight labor market, tech workers could personally stand up to their bosses. They got "workplace democracy" by mouthing off at town hall meetings. They didn't have a union, and they thought they didn't need one. Of course, they did need one, because there were limits to individual power, even for the most in-demand workers, especially when it came to ghastly, long-running sexual abuse from high-ranking executives:
Today, atomized tech workers who are ordered to enshittify the products they take pride in are losing the argument. Workers who put in long hours, missed funerals and school plays and little league games and anniversaries and family vacations are being ordered to flush that sacrifice down the toilet to grind out a few basis points towards a KPI.
It's a form of moral injury, and it's palpable in the first-person accounts of former workers who've exited these large firms or the entire field. The viral "Reflecting on 18 years at Google," written by Ian Hixie, vibrates with it:
Hixie describes the sense of mission he brought to his job, the workplace democracy he experienced as employees' views were both solicited and heeded. He describes the positive contributions he was able to make to a commons of technical standards that rippled out beyond Google – and then, he says, "Google's culture eroded":
Decisions went from being made for the benefit of users, to the benefit of Google, to the benefit of whoever was making the decision.
In other words, techies started losing the argument. Layoffs weakened worker power – not just to defend their own interest, but to defend the users interests. Worker power is always about more than workers – think of how the 2019 LA teachers' strike won greenspace for every school, a ban on immigration sweeps of students' parents at the school gates and other community benefits:
Hixie attributes the changes to a change in leadership, but I respectfully disagree. Hixie points to the original shareholder letter from the Google founders, in which they informed investors contemplating their IPO that they were retaining a controlling interest in the company's governance so that they could ignore their shareholders' priorities in favor of a vision of Google as a positive force in the world:
Hixie says that the leadership that succeeded the founders lost sight of this vision – but the whole point of that letter is that the founders never fully ceded control to subsequent executive teams. Yes, those executive teams were accountable to the shareholders, but the largest block of voting shares were retained by the founders.
I don't think the enshittification of Google was due to a change in leadership – I think it was due to a change in discipline, the discipline imposed by competition, regulation and the threat of self-help measures. Take ads: when Google had to contend with one-click adblocker installation, it had to constantly balance the risk of making users so fed up that they googled "how do I block ads?" and then never saw another ad ever again.
But once Google seized the majority of the mobile market, it was able to funnel users into apps, and reverse-engineering an app is a felony (felony contempt of business-model) under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. An app is just a web-page wrapped in enough IP to make it a crime to install an ad-blocker.
And as Google acquired control over the browser market, it was likewise able to reduce the self-help measures available to browser users who found ads sufficiently obnoxious to trigger googling "how do I block ads?" The apotheosis of this is the yearslong campaign to block adblockers in Chrome, which the company has sworn it will finally do this coming June:
My contention here is not that Google's enshittification was precipitated by a change in personnel via the promotion of managers who have shitty ideas. Google's enshittification was precipitated by a change in discipline, as the negative consequences of heeding those shitty ideas were abolished thanks to monopoly.
This is bad news for people like me, who rely on services like Google Maps as cognitive prostheses. Elizabeth Laraki, one of the original Google Maps designers, has published a scorching critique of the latest GMaps design:
Laraki calls out numerous enshittificatory design-choices that have left Maps screens covered in "crud" – multiple revenue-maximizing elements that come at the expense of usability, shifting value from users to Google.
What Laraki doesn't say is that these UI elements are auctioned off to merchants, which means that the business that gives Google the most money gets the greatest prominence in Maps, even if it's not the best merchant. That's a recurring motif in enshittified tech platforms, most notoriously Amazon, which makes $31b/year auctioning off top search placement to companies whose products aren't relevant enough to your query to command that position on their own:
Enshittification begets enshittification. To succeed on Amazon, you must divert funds from product quality to auction placement, which means that the top results are the worst products:
The exception is searches for Apple products: Apple and Amazon have a cozy arrangement that means that searches for Apple products are a timewarp back to the pre-enshittification Amazon, when the company worried enough about losing your business to heed the employees who objected to sacrificing search quality as part of a merchant extortion racket:
Not every tech worker is a tech bro, in other words. Many workers care deeply about making your life better. But the microeconomics of the boardroom in a monopolized tech sector rewards the worst people and continuously promotes them. Forget the Peter Principle: tech is ruled by the Sam Principle.
As OpenAI went through four CEOs in a single week, lots of commentators remarked on Sam Altman's rise and fall and rise, but I only found one commentator who really had Altman's number. Writing in Today in Tabs, Rusty Foster nailed Altman to the wall:
Altman's history goes like this: first, he founded a useless startup that raised $30m, only to be acquired and shuttered. Then Altman got a job running Y Combinator, where he somehow failed at taking huge tranches of equity from "every Stanford dropout with an idea for software to replace something Mommy used to do." After that, he founded OpenAI, a company that he claims to believe presents an existential risk to the entire human risk – which he structured so incompetently that he was then forced out of it.
His reward for this string of farcical, mounting failures? He was put back in charge of the company he mis-structured despite his claimed belief that it will destroy the human race if not properly managed.
Altman's been around for a long time. He founded his startup in 2005. There've always been Sams – of both the Bankman-Fried varietal and the Altman genus – in tech. But they didn't get to run amok. They were disciplined by their competitors, regulators, users and workers. The collapse of competition led to an across-the-board collapse in all of those forms of discipline, revealing the executives for the mediocre sociopaths they always were, and exposing tech workers' vocational awe for the shabby trick it was from the start.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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ripplestitchskein · 3 months
Obliviousness as a protective measure being used in two separate and distinct ways to drive a relationship conflict is so fun tho?
Blitz is oblivious to himself. He does things instinctually and then has to either backtrack and play it off when he’s called out on it or he doesn’t recognize it at all. “I spent the entire morning listening to love ballads” doesn’t EVEN REGISTER. He just does things and doesn’t connect them to his emotional state at all and when people force him to actually look at it he forces the willful ignorance into being, he reacts in anger, in vitriol, in making excuses or flirting to keep that facade of “I don’t know about this. I don’t feel this way.” This is driven by being raised in an environment where he repeatedly went with his emotions and acted like himself and was shut down every time, by his dad, by audiences, by horrible tragedies.
Meanwhile Stolas is really self aware about his own feelings when he understands them, and expresses them very blatantly. He communicates them so well. He is withholding in neither affection or emotion and he’s extremely transparent. But he’s oblivious to everyone else. He doesn’t pick up on their issues in relation to his behavior. He doesn’t see how he affects people. And that’s really the result of being raised in isolation. He never had to consider his actions affecting others, there were never any others around and when they were they very much did not want to be there either because they were employees or hated him and all attempts to connect are either rebuffed or obligatory.
And now Stolas is the catalyst for Blitz becoming a bit more self aware and Blitz is the catalyst for Stolas to be a bit less self involved and it’s just really awesome, okay?
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Kenya can have democracy or neocolonial extraction, but not both – because democracy means addressing the demands of the Kenyan people for jobs, healthcare, education, housing, transportation and basic social protections under a fair and equitable fiscal regime, while colonial extraction means the destruction of economic and monetary sovereignty, austerity for the poor, extravagant lifestyles for the elites, corruption, injustice and socioeconomic exclusion under a fiscal regime that accelerates the engines of economic entrapment. One cannot democratize a system that hasn’t been structurally and economically decolonized yet. Despite Kenya’s democratic institutions, transparent elections, independent judiciary, freedom of speech and vibrant civil society spaces, its elected governments systematically undermine the social and economic demands of Kenya’s population – less because those governments wish to ignore the mandate given to them by the electorate, but because they face financial pressures from abroad that force them to prioritize external debt service and the financial needs of creditors and foreign investors. In 2019, Kenya used 19% of its export revenues to service external debt; today that number has jumped up to nearly 50%. When a country uses half of its export revenues to pay interest on its external debt instead of investing in the basic pillars of development and prosperity, it is not surprising to see the kind of revolt that we have seen in Nairobi against the 2024 finance bill. This makes Kenya a classic case of an economy steered from abroad, by colonial design rather than by accident. The fact that Kenya is in a debt trap after decades of following IMF policy prescriptions means that either the IMF is incompetent or it is engaging in intentional economic entrapment. I believe it’s the latter. It is time to end the entrapment and to decolonize the Kenyan economy.
10 July 2024
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fossette-promenade · 24 days
How I added a bustle to make a skirt larger:
My friend bought this Abilletage skirt, but it was a bit too small for them. They asked if I could alter it for them. I have very minimal sewing skills, but I accepted the project (because im a pushover). So here's how I did it.
First I had them put the skirt on and measured the gap. The skirt had a zipper and they couldn't zip it all the way. There was a 7 inch gap.
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I bought 2 yards of this very light bamboo cotton fabric that reminded me of chiffon. I wanted the fabric to flow because I wasn't confident I could make something structured.
I cut out an 8 inch "box" of fabric to act as the base (i stacked 2 bc the fabric was a little transparent) Then with the rest of my fabric, I cut 5 rectangles out to be each bustle layer. I used the gathering foot on my sewing machine to ruffle them up (i had to learn how to change the foot and tension, there are multiple youtube videos that were helpful)
I also made sure to finish my hems with a double fold hem. This made it look very professional!
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I made sure everything lined up before I altered the skirt. Then, the scary part! I seam ripped the skirt. I did not want to mess with the zipper, so I used the front seam. Then I added the plain 8 inch "box" on without the ruffles sewn on. I attached the ruffles by handsewing.
(before and after) it isn't very clean looking, but it's on the inside plus there's no raw edges showing!
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I didn't make a new waistband, I just folded over the top ruffle and stiched the sides closed.
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And here's the final result! I think it makes the skirt more classy, plus it fits bigger now! I know it doesn't look absolutely perfect, but I thought this might inspire some of you to try it yourself and gain some experience like I did!
Thank you for reading!
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elismor · 5 months
I see a lot of posts going by about comments and kudos and hits and...well... I've been thinking about the three quite a lot lately--as both a fic author and someone who spends a lot of my professional life looking at web metrics and determining which are actually important/accurate measures of user engagement.
Mileage varies, of course. And this is all just MY opinion, so do feel free to ignore it wholesale.
What I think when I see someone say that sorting by a hits to to kudos ratio is a good way to find "good" fic:
Hits are a measure of quantity (how many times your story or art has been viewed), but without knowing how AO3 defines a hit, it's actually kind of a meaningless number.  We know that our own views of our work do not count toward hits, but...if my BFF looks at my story 7 times in one day because she keeps trying to read it but getting interrupted...is that one hit, or seven? And if it's seven, then the numbers are artificially inflated because it's really just Bestie trying to get her Codex fix. And...if Bestie looks at it three times today and four tomorrow...is that 7 hits total, or two? 
Some transparency on the part of AO3 could clear this up handily, but until we get that...shrug. All it is is a number that may or may not be an accurate reflection of how many actual people looked at the page your fic is on.  Did they READ it? Or did they nope out?  No way to know.
Kudos are intended to be slightly more qualitative, but there is no way of knowing why the reader gave them. (Similar to likes here on tumblr.) It might be that they loved the piece. It might be a simple acknowledgement that the reader was there. It might even be a pity kudo. We have no way of knowing. It's, again, just a number.
Obviously, everyone is free to interpret both hits and kudos as positive reaction/interaction. I might do that myself if I didn't spend my workdays explaining to people that 50,000 "hits" to the website could be 50K people who came to learn about us or...simply the result of the computer labs on campus having the university homepage set to default.
Bigger numbers are just that....bigger numbers.
Comments are the only objective way to judge how someone is reacting to your fic or art.
So, what then? Sort by number of comments?
You can do that, sure. (I think. I confess I have never once gotten the AO3 search to work as well as people rave about.) But do keep in mind that many authors answer their comments. So, something with, say, 20 comments may be 20 people telling the author they loved it. Or it might be ten people and ten author-replies. OR, it might be three people having a conversation in the comments. You have to look and see.  
Bigger numbers are just bigger numbers.
Okay, fine Elis. What am I supposed to do then?
Look, I'm not your mother or your therapist and you are free to assign whatever meanings you like to these things. I, personally, find "good" fic through a combination of things including: recs, the fandom grapevine, dumb luck, events, and just...reading some of it and not feeling guilty if I nope out for some reason.
This all sounds a little depressing when laid out like this, huh? Especially when you take into account the downward trends in interacting and the rise of folks treating fic and art as content to be consumed. 
Here's what I have learned from writing fic for 30 years (well, 28 and counting):
As an author (and an artist, I would presume), you have absolutely no way of predicting which of your work will land and take hold and which will not. It's alchemy and luck and the weird (and not actual) algorithm of fandom. Sometimes, the piece you whipped out in 30 minutes and posted on the fly will land in the right person's inbox and they will share it and their friends will share it and it will get big.  Sometimes, the piece you slaved over for weeks and weeks will do that...sometimes it won't.  Sometimes your genius manifests and resonates, sometimes it does not.
My personal favorite fic of my own--the one I think is probably the best thing I have done in SW fandom-- has like 8 kudos and 4 comments (2 of which are my responses). Is it disappointing? Yes. Is it an indication that the fic is objectively "bad"? No.
The mercenary in me suggests that if you want to get lots of comments and kudos, you should pick the pairing that is THE pairing in the fandom and write for that--because that's where the eyeballs are, because that's where the connections are.  But that is not why I write, so it's just that--a very mercenary way of looking at things. Not that there is anything WRONG with doing it that way. Supply and demand run the world. If the people want Codywan and you want the people....give them Codywan. No shame in that.
And there is no shame in wanting or seeking validation for your work, either.
But it breaks my heart to see authors (and artists) give up on themselves when they do not receive piles of kudos and comments. It's not you. It's...the luck of the draw. It's...fandom. It's...an artificial and murky set of measurements that have almost no basis in anything meaningful.
Keep writing. Keep drawing. Keep sharing. You are what you make, not how people respond to it.
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xxinkyshadowxx · 8 months
No matter how hard I try or how much effort I put in The results are always average I can't go on like this Constantly being manipulated by useless measures of worth I've already come to hate this life So, I think I'll restart my life
My chest is completely filled with “abnormality” I'm becoming a me that isn't normal I ask myself over and over, "did I get it? A brand new me."
Look at me now, touch me right now I’ll throw away my ordinary clothes Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly I’ll show off everything as it is Therе are no performers on this coolеd-off stage So I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3 I'm not being manipulated I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy!
"Normality" cast a curse on me And I yearned for "abnormality" I don't have any interest in your differing opinions or pet theories; I’ve already locked the door I went beyond “love” and “hate” And fell deeply in love with “abnormality” a long time ago And from the ruins of that warped love, it was created— A brand new me
Look at me now, touch me right now I’ll throw away my ordinary clothes Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly I’ll show off everything as it is There are no performers on this cooled-off[1] stage So I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3 I'm not being manipulated I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy![2] In a dark room by myself Before the mirror at midnight "Who are you?" "Who am I?" I asked, but received no reply
Go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, go crazy, dance Oh, brand new me...
Look at me now, touch me right now Dressed up in transparent clothes Now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly I’ll show off everything as it is
There are no performers on this impassioned stage So I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3 I'm not being manipulated I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy!
My chest is completely filled with “abnormality” I'm becoming a me that isn't normal And from the ruins of that warped love, it was created—an unfulfillable love My chest is completely filled with “abnormality” I'm becoming a me that isn't normal I ask myself over and over, "did I get it?
A brand new me."
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loredwy · 2 months
Havent seen it around here, so here are some politician's reactions to the official announcement of Maduro winning the Venezuelan elections.
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[Logo] Presidency of the Republic, Costa Rica Government.
The Government of Costa Rica categorically repudiates the proclamation of Nicolás Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which we consider fraudulent. We will work with the democratic governments of the continent and international organizations to ensure that the sacred will of the Venezuelan people is respected.
— Rodrigo Chaves Robles, President of the Republic of Costa Rica
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Not this way! It was an open secret. They were going to “win” regardless of the actual results. The process up to election day and counting was clearly flawed. You cannot recognize a triumph if you do not trust the form and mechanisms used to achieve it.
— Luis Lacalle Pou, President of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay
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The Maduro regime must understand that the results it publishes are difficult to believe. The international community, and especially the Venezuelan people, including the millions of Venezuelans in exile, demand total transparency of the records and the process, and for international observers not committed to the government to attest to the veracity of the results.
From Chile we will not recognize any result that is not verifiable.
— Gabriel Boric Font, President of the Republic of Chile
As the Government of Chile, we make a firm call for the will of the Venezuelan people to be respected and for the results of the presidential election to be guaranteed. These are decisive hours in Venezuela and democracy must prevail above all.
— Alberto van Klaveren, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Chile
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I condemn in all its extremes the sum of irregularities with the intention of fraud on the part of the government of Venezuela.
Peru will not accept the violation of the popular will of the Venezuelan people.
Given the very serious official announcements of the Venezuelan electoral authorities, the immediate call for consultations of the Peruvian ambassador accredited to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been arranged.
Several countries in the region are coordinating joint actions so that the will of the Venezuelan people expressed yesterday is undoubtedly respected. There is no going back, take as long as it takes. Our ambassador in Venezuela, called in for consultations, leaves Caracas today.
— Javier González-Olaechea, Chancellor of Peru
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Panama joins to the generalized rejection regarding the electoral result in Vzla. We aspired for the popular will to be respected and such a situation was not expected. We will act individually and collectively in favor of Venezuelan democracy. We will announce measures that we will adopt in accordance with inter-American rules in the coming hours.
— José Raúl Mulino, President of the Republic of Panama
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Venezuelans chose to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro. The data announce a crushing victory for the opposition and the world is waiting for him to recognize defeat after years of socialism, misery, decadence and death.
Argentina is not going to recognize another fraud, and hopes that the Armed Forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will.
Freedom Advances in Latin America.
— Javier Milei, President of the Argentine Republic
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Throughout the region, there are politicians who try to cling to power and seek to rob our citizens of peace. That is what we are facing; that is the danger of dictatorship, and today we are witnessing how one more of them tries to take hope away from millions of Venezuelans.
Ecuador had the opportunity to prevent the interests of a few from prevailing over the will of millions. Venezuela deserves that opportunity; therefore, I have requested our foreign minister to take the necessary steps to convene the Permanent Council of the OAS to address the delicate situation in Venezuela.
— Daniel Noboa Azin, President of the Republic of Ecuador
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Venezuela deserves transparent, accurate results that adhere to the will of its people.
We receive the results announced by the CNE with many doubts. For this reason, the reports of the electoral observation missions are essential, which today, more than ever, must defend the vote of Venezuelans.
— Bernardo Arévalo, President of the Republic of Guatemala
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circeius-invidioso · 5 months
Heres an answer to a question you never asked.
Does water temperature affect your miniature painting results?
Short answer
Long answer.
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The current project began because of a question 3 germans raised in a forum (no this isn't the beginning of some joke) and the internet had no clear answer for it.
How does the temperature of the water used to thin the paint effect the final result?
Some say it doesn't.
Others say it does very little.
A tiny minority say that warm water makes warm colors brighter and cold water turn cold colors from decent to brilliant.
Today is the day we find the truth.
First things first.
Take a deep breath. Relax, grab a drink.
And let me explain to you the variables of this experiment.
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1️⃣ This is for the name of the information section. There are 5 separate ones.
Control, Warm I, Warm II, Cold I, Cold II
2️⃣ This is the water temperature used to thin the acrylic paint.
3️⃣ This is the darkest the color gets (the color is measured in RGB).
4️⃣ This is the lightest the color gets (the color is measured in RGB).
5️⃣ This counts the coverage and density of pigment.
6️⃣ This counts how glossy or matt the paint is when it dries.
7️⃣ This counts how fast it dries.
8️⃣ This counts how easily it spreads.
9️⃣ This counts the density of the thinned paint as well as other remarks.
Things that have been taken into account and other remarks.
Every paint has been applied in 3 even layers.
The same brush was used for the whole experiment.
Water and brush were cleaned and changed for every paint in order to avoid color bleeding that might ruin the merit of the results.
The results might vary in other acrylic paint brands. Every company has their own recipes.
The colors used in the test are red, yellow, green, blue, white and black. Two warm, two cold and two neutral. Makes sense.
Purified water was used.
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Before I assault you with six excel spread sheets and scare you.
Let me show you the nice colors.
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1️⃣ Paints thinned with 24 °C water. There is thinned and paint straight out of the tube.
2️⃣ Paints thinned with 6 °C water.
3️⃣ Paints thinned with -18 °C water.
4️⃣ Paints thinned with 40 °C water.
5️⃣ Paints thinned with 82 °C water.
With a first glance the results look quite similar. Maybe not. You be the judge of that.
But the devil is in the details.
And details we will see. Time for all those sexy, sexy excel sheets.
Take an extra second, breath in.
Hold it.
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Keep breathing.
I will explain everything.
Don't panic.
Here is the summary.
1️⃣ CONTROL / 24 °C
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The default painting mode. The most commonly used of all the thinning mediums.
And the results are as expected. Everything handles fine with variation between smoothness and opacity.
The flow is thick and there is some streaking but nothing too serious.
2️⃣ WARM I / 40 °C
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The first differences are beginning to show.
The Yellow and White are now more opaque compared to Control. All the while the application is a lot smoother and the paint flow easier.
When it comes to color there is no large visual difference.
3️⃣ COLD I / 6 °C
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It's getting ugly. We have lost a little bit opacity in 4 of the 6 colors.
We had some improvements in brilliance but also others have been hurt because of it. In general cold water seems to flatten the paints.
Srangely the cold colors dry faster now. Interesting...
4️⃣ WARM II / 82 °C
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Opacity has been unified across the board. The tones have been smoothened and for some paints the drying period has been prolonged.
But the most fun and useful of all, is the application.
The paint applies so smoothly, so buttery smoothly the brush practically was sliding on the paper. The area was fully covered in two layers.
No bumps, no bad feelings.
As for hue, the red is a tiny bit redder that before and the blue is a bit darker.
So far call me pleasantly shocked.
5️⃣ COLD II / -16 °C
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Absolute paint degradation.
The results were clumpy, stiff to apply and transparent.
It was a mess and the end product looks hurt.
I mean. Look at those numbers.
Look at it.
It's awful.
TLDR and other random cuts
As for final thots.
Warm water has a visible, tangible effect on acrylic paint. It smoothens, unifies and helps with application.
All the while cold water ruins acrylic paint, it clumpens and stiffens it. The colder it gets the worse it will look and the more you will need to completely cover an area.
But don't take that as gospel and start dipping all your brushes in boiling water.
Boiling hot water will eventually ruin acrylic brushes.
Treat this information I gave you as another tool in your miniature painter's belt.
Use it wisely. And don't kill your brushes by bathing them in hellish temperatures in order to get your paint to behave.
Those other random cuts
The science part is over. The field research concluded this is my own rambling now.
Hi, hello there my imaginary friend.
I had so much fun with this and I was super excited to share this with you. I got a day off work and I spent it filling out spread sheets and painting.
But also I realized that finding the answer to a single question bred so many more.
How are inks affected by temperature?
How do different kind of waters (distilled, purified, tap water, salt water) affect the final product?
That ceremonial primarch's armor paintjob cost I have left rotting in another abandoned doc. What's up with that? How much does 24 karat gold clad Dorn cost?
Numbers is so fun. Excel is so fun.
No I am not an Ultramarine is disguise.
Why do you ask?
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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[ 📹 Scenes of the massive devastation wrought on Khan Yunis, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, following months of Israeli bombardment, in addition to an invasion by the Israeli occupation forces (IOF), and their eventual withdrawal from the city. 📈 The death toll continues to rise in the Gaza genocide, now with an official count of over 34'262 Palestinians killed, while another 77'229 have been wounded over the previous six months.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨
On the 201st day of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of six new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 79 Palestinians, mostly women and children, while another 86 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.
Gaza's Ministry of Health added that ambulance and paramedic crews are still unable to reach many of the victims of the Israeli occupation's bombing and shelling, with many bodies remaining trapped under the rubble or strewn across Gaza's streets.
Following the discovery of hundreds of decomposing corpses of Palestinian civilians at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Yunis over the last several days, the South African Department of International Relations and Cooperation (SADIRC) called for "comprehensive investigations to ensure justice and accountability."
“Israel continues to disregard the rulings by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and UN resolutions unabated amid the unrelenting bombardment of Gaza, particularly the ICJ’s ruling which granted South Africa’s urgent request of March 6 for further provisional measures to prevent Israel from causing irreparable harm to the rights invoked by South Africa under the 1948 Genocide Convention in respect of the ongoing siege of Gaza,” the department said in a statement on Wednesday.
The department lombasted the Israeli occupation's failure to comply with orders given by the International Court of Justice at The Hague (ICJ), in the Netherlands, where South Africa accused the Zionist entity of "acts of genocide," leading the ICJ to order provisional measures to ensure Palestinian's right to life, basic healthcare services, and basic needs like food and potable water.
South Africa said the lack of accountability for the Israeli occupation has become increasingly clear, pointing to comments made by the United Nations Special Rapporteur that "Israel's" war on the "right to health" of Palestinians has resulted in the obliteration of Gaza's healthcare system.
“We further concur with the UN’s special rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories, Francesca Albanese, when she recently highlighted the continuation of Israel's impunity and exceptionalism is no longer viable, especially in light of the binding UN Security Council resolution 2728 which called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza."
“In this respect, we call on the international community to act to bring the perpetrators to justice and ensure accountability for the victims and their families," the department added.
On top of South Africa's demands for an International investigation into the Nasser hospital massacre, the United Nations Human Rights High-Commissioner, Volker Türk, also called for an independent investigation into reports mass graves found at Nasser and Al-Shifa Hospitals, saying there needs to be "independent, effective and transparent investigations into the deaths."
"Given the prevailing climate of impunity, this should include international investigators," Türk said, adding that "hospitals are entitled to very special protection under International humanitarian law. And the intentional killing of civilians, detainees and others who are hors de combat is a war crime."
In other news, the German Foreign and Development ministries issued a joint statement on Wednesday in which they stated that Germany intended to resume funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine, more commonly known as UNRWA.
Previously, authorities with the Israeli occupation accused the aid organization of employing Palestinians with connections to Hamas and the Resistance's deadly attacks on illegal Israeli settlements and military bases lining the Gaza Strip on October 7th, 2023.
"The German government has dealt intensively with the allegations made by Israel against UNRWA and has been in close contact with the Israeli government, the United Nations and other international donors," the two departments said in their statement.
The German government said their concern stems from the fact that other International aid organizations were dependent on "UNRWA's operational structures" in Gaza, adding that ensuring humanitarian aid reached the enclave was "more important than ever" given the current situation.
The German government also urged UNRWA to implement recommendations made in a report following a German investigation into the claims which identified "neutrality issues" at the aid organization.
"In support of these reforms, the German government will soon continue its cooperation with UNRWA in Gaza, as Australia, Canada, Sweden and Japan, among others, have already done so," the joint statement added.
While the international community called for investigations into mass graves and renewed funding for UNRWA, the Hebrew media published reports stating that authorities with the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) have conducted all the necessary preparations for an invasion of Rafah, claiming they were ready to launch the operation at a moment's notice upon the occupation government's approval.
The occupation army added that it would begin ground operations in Rafah "very soon," starting with the evacuation of over 1.4 million Palestinians packed into the city, having been displaced by the occupation's genocide from various sectors of the Gaza Strip.
A report in the Hebrew media said the plan would begin by forcing over a million Palestinians to evacuate over the next four to five weeks, herded into tent complexes that they claim have been erected by "International aid organizations," a plan the Israeli occupation says it presented to its allies and other agencies in the region.
Subsequently, the plan will move forward in several stages, based on a "regional division" into defined areas, where at each stage, the Israeli occupation army will "inform the local population" before making advances, giving the Palestinian population a chance to evacuate.
The IOF also announced on Wednesday the recruitment of two reserve brigades to "continue the defense and attack mission in the Gaza Strip under the command of Division 99."
According to a report on the occupation's plans, the 2nd Reserve Brigade of the 146th Division, along with the 679th Reserve Brigade belonging to the 210th Division, will be transferred from the north of the occupied Palestinian territories, near the border with Lebanon, to the Gaza Strip.
Meanwhile, the slaughter in the Gaza Strip continues to escalate, with a deadly renewal of the occupation army's bombardment on the northern Gaza Strip, in addition to various sectors of the enclave.
Occupation Forces demanded that residents of Beit Lahiya, a town in the northern Gaza Strip, leave their homes and migrate towards Gaza City and the Jabalia Refugee Camp, where six months of intense bombardment has left both the ancient city and refugee camp in ruins, beginning a whole new exodus of displaced Palestinian families.
Around 50'000 Palestinians had just returned to their damaged homes, hoping to rebuild, only to be told a short time later that they would have to evacuate once again, under threat of Israeli slaughter and bombardment.
At the same time, Zionist warplanes launched a series of firebelts on Beit Lahiya, demolishing large numbers of civilian homes, as well as a mosque, killing at least three civilians and wounding many others, while occupation artillery shelling concentrated on the town of Beit Hanoun, also in Gaza's far north.
Additionally, occupation fighter jets bombed a residential home belonging to the Dardouna family in the Al-Salam area, east of Jabalia, while yet another bombing of the Shteiwi family home in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, resulted in the deaths of two Palestinians and also wounded a large number of civilians.
Several civilians were also wounded following a strike on the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, when an IOF reconnaissance aircraft fired a missile which fragmented upon its explosion, hitting a number of Palestinians who were on the ground at the time.
Occupation warplanes also demolished the Al-Raed Tower in a firebelt on Al-Jalaa Street on Tuesday night.
The Zionist bombardment also hammered the central Gaza Strip overnight, with an occupation airstrike targeting a gathering of civilians near the Hyper Mall in the Nuseirat Refugee Camp, resulting in the deaths of four Palestinians, while yet another strike targeted agricultural land in the Trans Al-Baba area of Al-Zawaida.
Occupation artillery forces also shelled the eastern neighborhoods of the Al-Bureij Refugee Camp, while another air raid targeted the vicinity of the Al-Salhi Towers in the New Camp, north of Al-Nuseirat. Similarly, two more additional raids targeted the Wadi Gaza area.
In Khan Yunis, Civil Defense crews continued to recover the bodies of those killed and dumped into mass graves by the IOF at the Nasser Medical Complex, announcing on Wednesday morning the discovery of 51 additional bodies of various ages and categories, 30 of whom had been identified, while the rest remain unknown.
This brings the total number of bodies discovered at the Nasser complex to 324, while 9 more bodies were recovered from various areas of Khan Yunis.
In the meantime, occupation forces bombed a residential building belonging to the Al-Bahasba family east of Rafah City, in the southern Gaza Strip, killing at least three civilians, including a father and his two sons.
As a result of "Israel's" ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the population of Gaza has now risen to exceed 34'262 Palestinians killed, including over 14'690 children and 9'680 women, while another 77'229 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.
April 24th, 2024
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Clemett offered recommendations to improve how the Ministry of Environment regulates its Output-Based Performance Standards (OBPS) program. The program is aimed at regulating heavy emitters to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining their competitiveness in the sector. Industrial emitters exceeding emissions intensity thresholds must pay a carbon levy or use performance credits to offset the levy. "Nearly half of regulated emitters exceeded their permitted limit for 2019 and 2020. The Ministry does not report these results to the public," Clemett said. The report found that regulated emitters accounted for 16 per cent of Saskatchewan's total greenhouse gas emissions.
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mariacallous · 21 days
On Monday, the Venezuela Prosecutor’s Office issued an arrest warrant for Edmundo González Urrutia, the overwhelming victor of the country’s July 28 presidential election. It was the latest escalation in Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro’s campaign to shut down the country’s political opposition and assert victory in a contest he patently lost. But this latest move is poised to usher the ongoing political crisis into a more dangerous phase—possibly its endgame.
Opposition leader María Corina Machado, who was barred from running in the election, has skillfully held together a broad coalition of support for González both within the country and abroad. On Aug. 29, European Union foreign ministers made a point of speaking with González and reaffirmed that they would not recognize Maduro’s claims of victory. Support for the opposition from the Organization of American States and the European Council, as well as the diplomatic spotlight on Maduro’s increasingly violent tactics and lack of electoral transparency, has helped keep the country’s democratic space more open than it otherwise would have been. The United States also appears to have been in back-channel talks to bring about a transition. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s call and Vice President Kamala Harris’s personal letter to Machado and González were important high-level demonstrations of support. On Monday, the United States sent a more direct message and seized Maduro’s presidential airplane. Colombia and Brazil, seen as more sympathetic to Maduro, have called for the release of the electoral results and for dialogue with the opposition.
These efforts, however, have done little to persuade Maduro to change course and accept a democratic transition. As I have previously suggested, this struggle is in part because outsiders have consistently underestimated the resilience, ruthlessness, and adaptability of Maduro’s regime.
Given the other crises on the international stage, it may be tempting for international actors to regretfully move on from Venezuela and its problems. But that would be a mistake.
The situation in Venezuela remains extremely fluid. More than a month after González’s victory, thousands of Venezuelans continue to peacefully protest and defy their government—notwithstanding increasing repression by the security forces that has led to dozens of deaths, thousands of arrests, and driven opposition leaders into hiding. The Venezuelan people and opposition continue to deliver a consistent message to the world: This is the moment for change.
There is little appetite for returning to the Trump administration’s unsuccessful policy of so-called maximum pressure. Maduro not only withstood the pressure, but he also took it as a chance to further consolidate his power within the country. However, the calibrated approach to the current crisis taken by the international community also seems to have run its course. Last year’s Barbados Agreement, which was supposed to produce democratic elections in return for the lifting of sanctions, failed to stop Maduro from manipulating the electoral process and instead gave his regime a lifeline of renewed access to global oil markets.
Now, Maduro is playing the long game. Most foreign governments are unlikely to cut diplomatic ties with his regime, and he is narrowing the political space available for the opposition and using Venezuela’s institutions to legitimize his claims of victory. As the prospect of González being detained continues to grow, the question is what more the United States and others can do as Maduro pads his government with hard-line loyalists and prepares to inaugurate himself as president on Jan. 10.
The following are measures that may already be under consideration in Washington but should become reality as soon as possible if they are going to have any impact on a rapidly deteriorating situation:
First, Blinken and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan should personally and unequivocally warn that there will be serious consequences should Machado or González be detained or harmed. That has not happened to date, although Blinken has called for “the safety and security of the democratic opposition leaders and members” to be protected, and one of his assistant secretaries condemned Monday’s arrest warrant. But more personalized statements, like the message sent by Harris, carry extra weight at a moment of grave threat.
Second, the United States, with the European Union and other Latin American governments, should call for a United Nations General Assembly session on Venezuela with the goal of producing a resolution in support of a democratic transition and highlighting Venezuela’s plight on the global stage.
Third, while the Department of Treasury will imminently announce new sanctions on senior officials in the Venezuelan electoral council, as well as intelligence and security services, the fact is that the United States could accelerate the pace of individualized sanctions on a broader array of people responsible for repression and electoral fraud. Doing so would maximize impact at a time of considerable uncertainty. History shows that sanctions are more likely to be effective at times of high tension and in the short term, becoming less impactful over time.
Fourth, if González is arrested, it may also be time to revoke U.S. licenses for multinational oil corporations doing business with Venezuela. Global oil markets have adjusted to the energy shock of 2022—prices are actually falling—making Venezuela less of a linchpin. For Venezuela, the easing of sanctions has been a boon, with production rising from about 735,000 barrels per day in September 2023 to 908,000 in June 2024. There is no reason for the United States to help Maduro cushion his economy at this moment, and there is little evidence that the lifting of sanctions appreciably lessened out-migration from Venezuela as intended by the Barbados Agreement.
Fifth, the U.S. Department of Justice appears to be currently withholding sensitive information from the public that led it in 2020 to issue a $15 million reward for the arrest of Maduro—information that could severely damage Maduro’s legitimacy domestically and internationally if it were to expose ties to issues such as drug trafficking, corruption, and terrorism. Already in January, U.S. senators called for the release of the evidence on Maduro’s alleged money launderer, Alex Saab, who was released in a December 2023 prisoner exchange.
Sixth, and most consequential, the United States, in unison with other governments, could immediately recognize González as the president-elect of Venezuela, not just as the person who won the election. On Aug. 1, Blinken acknowledged the latter, saying, “It is clear to the United States and, most importantly, to the Venezuelan people that Edmundo González Urrutia won the most votes in Venezuela’s July 28 presidential election.” Washington appears hesitant to formally recognize González as president-elect: The State Department’s statement marking one month following the election, for instance, called more generally for electoral transparency and for the democratic will of the Venezuelan people to be respected. The European Union is also divided on how far to go. This shell game must end, especially if González is detained. The opposition has released copies of around 80 percent of the “actas” from more than 23,000 voting stations, and it’s abundantly clear that González won fair and square.
Some may argue that recognizing González would be a rerun of what happened in 2019 when Venezuela’s National Assembly supported Juan Guaidó as interim president in a short-lived challenge to Maduro’s unconstitutional election the previous year. The current juncture, however, is profoundly different. What happened in 2019 was about constitutional violations by the Maduro government; this time around, it’s about a blatant attempt to steal an election won by an opposition candidate.
Recognizing González as president-elect would radically shift the dynamic currently in play, energizing the opposition and Venezuelan public at a time when there is a danger that internal momentum may be lost because of increasing repression.
Beyond democratic aspirations, helping the opposition succeed is crucial for reasons that transcend Venezuela’s borders. Mass migration from Venezuela and its status as a hub of international criminality and terrorism have upset regional stability, and, with the largest oil reserves in the world, the country remains an important part of geoeconomic calculations on energy security for the United States—and for China, Russia, Cuba, and Iran.
We are at a unique juncture in modern Venezuelan history, with a democratic transition on the line that will affect us all if it fails. Venezuelans will need more, not less, support in the coming weeks if they are to have a chance of success.
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