#Meat Water Ice Cubes:
jeremyd23 · 11 months
5 Healthy and Delicious Homemade Cat Treats for Summer
5 Healthy and Delicious Homemade Cat Treats for Summer: Today, the summers are getting hotter and hotter, and the average annual temperature is on the rise in many parts of the world. While sweating in your t-shirt and shorts, your cat can be found soaking up as much warmth as possible. 
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Do you worry about your pet’s Cat Treats for Summer? Thinking about what to eat him? Here are a few foods vets say will keep your beloved cat healthy this summer.
Packet-type dry food is available for cats. You can eat that food on the doctor’s advice. But apart from that there are some homemade dishes. It will keep your cat cool even in hot weather. Your feline friend will thank you for it!
5 Homemade Cat Treats for Summer
Now that summer has here, feline friends everywhere are looking for tasty ways to beat the heat. As a pet owner, you may be curious about what kinds of treats are healthy. And you should appealing to your cat. Here, we’ll look at some of the top summertime treats for felines.
Spinach and Rice:
Boiled spinach and rice are good for cats. The vitamins in spinach boost the cat’s immune system. Mix 1 part spinach with 4 parts rice and let him eat. It is better to mix it with water before giving it. But whether to give this food or not, know well from the doctor. 
Eggs and Rice:
Remove the yolk from the boiled eggs and mash only the white part. Then, Mix the egg white with rice and give it to the cat. Egg protein will meet most of the cat’s nutritional needs.
Meat Water Ice Cubes:
Boiling water for chicken is good for cats. But remember, it should not contain salt or any spices. Keep this water in the ice tray of the refrigerator and freeze it. Once the frozen ice cubes are ready, give them to your cat. It is good for the stomach and nutrition.
Watermelon Slices:
Watermelon meets some of the water needs of the cat’s body. But large amounts of watermelon can harm cats. Therefore, before eating watermelon, you must consult a doctor. One more thing to remember. 
Remove all the seeds from the watermelon before giving it. These seeds are harmful to the cat’s stomach.
Salmon and Sweet Potato Treats 
Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to a cat’s skin and coat health. And salmon is a fantastic source of these nutrients. Vitamins and fiber can also be found in abundance in sweet potatoes. 
One can of salmon, drained and mashed, one mashed sweet potato. Besides, a quarter cup of flour is all you need to make these tasty morsels. Make little balls from the dough and bake for 10 to 15 minutes at 350°F. These snacks are not only nutritious, but they also taste great!
#5 Healthy and Delicious Homemade Cat Treats for Summer: Today#the summers are getting hotter and hotter#and the average annual temperature is on the rise in many parts of the world. While sweating in your t-shirt and shorts#your cat can be found soaking up as much warmth as possible.#Do you worry about your pet’s Cat Treats for Summer? Thinking about what to eat him? Here are a few foods vets say will keep your beloved c#Packet-type dry food is available for cats. You can eat that food on the doctor’s advice. But apart from that there are some homemade dishe#5 Homemade Cat Treats for Summer#Now that summer has here#feline friends everywhere are looking for tasty ways to beat the heat. As a pet owner#you may be curious about what kinds of treats are healthy. And you should appealing to your cat. Here#we’ll look at some of the top summertime treats for felines.#Spinach and Rice:#Boiled spinach and rice are good for cats. The vitamins in spinach boost the cat’s immune system. Mix 1 part spinach with 4 parts rice and#know well from the doctor.#Eggs and Rice:#Remove the yolk from the boiled eggs and mash only the white part. Then#Mix the egg white with rice and give it to the cat. Egg protein will meet most of the cat’s nutritional needs.#Meat Water Ice Cubes:#Boiling water for chicken is good for cats. But remember#it should not contain salt or any spices. Keep this water in the ice tray of the refrigerator and freeze it. Once the frozen ice cubes are#give them to your cat. It is good for the stomach and nutrition.#Watermelon Slices:#Watermelon meets some of the water needs of the cat’s body. But large amounts of watermelon can harm cats. Therefore#before eating watermelon#you must consult a doctor. One more thing to remember.#Remove all the seeds from the watermelon before giving it. These seeds are harmful to the cat’s stomach.#Salmon and Sweet Potato Treats#Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial to a cat’s skin and coat health. And salmon is a fantastic source of these nutrients. Vitamins and fiber ca#One can of salmon#drained and mashed
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prismatic-bell · 2 months
Climate change is a bitch and summer is coming. If you don’t already have an air conditioner and/or fans, NOW is the time to get them.
—clothes made of cotton or linen
—air conditioner
—frozen meals that can be cooked in the microwave
—potable bottled water; you want five days’ worth per person and pet in your household
—bottled fruit juices; it does not matter if these are sugar-added because you’ll want the electrolytes
—electrolyte drinks
—electrolyte pills (you can get these online, I get mine from Amazon)
—popsicle molds to use with fruit and juice
—ice cube trays
—nonperishable salty snacks like peanuts
—one charger brick per adult in case of rolling blackouts or power outages; charge these at the beginning of May, and drain them via use once a month if they’re not needed
—check your home’s HVAC system if you didn’t do it at the beginning of winter. Make sure all the filters are clean and replace them if needed
—check the seals on your sinks and bathtub in case you have to run water to handle shortages
—make and freeze meals you can cook in the microwave or simply defrost. Remember to select light summer fare, not hearty winter soups and gravies
—purchase and freeze lunch meats and cheeses you can defrost and use this summer for sandwiches when it’s hot
—assemble your check-in list: elderly, pregnant, disabled, and immunocompromised friends and relatives who may struggle to get things they need when the heat wave hits. Have this list posted and ready to go through daily once the heat gets high. DON’T JUST ASSUME YOU WILL REMEMBER. WRITE IT ALL DOWN.
—create a list of emergency contacts in case of fire, heat stroke, and other heat-related emergencies. This should include your local version of 911 (I think in most of Europe it’s 112, but don’t rely on me as an American, LOOK IT UP NOW before you need it), your doctor’s phone number, and two emergency contacts. Keep it in a place where it can be easily found if someone needs to make these calls on your behalf.
—ask your doctor for an additional prescription for any medications you take, and fill it now. Extreme heat can cause disruptions in the supply chain. Make sure you cycle these meds; that’s to say, always use your oldest bottle first so you don’t end up with expired meds in an emergency.
—stock your first-aid kit. If you don’t have one, now is a good time to make one.
—if you own a car, get your yearly maintenance done now. You don’t want to be dealing with an inoperable vehicle if you need to evacuate.
Staying safe this summer starts now. Get your prep done.
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absentlyabbie · 1 year
don't be afraid of buying things that make your life easier. don't talk yourself out of it, beat yourself up for being "lazy", or shame yourself for not being able to do things the "right" way so you don't deserve to try it a different way.
if there's a thing out there that can make something faster, more bearable, less painful, more tolerable, anything like that at all, and you can afford it? you have the right, you deserve it, and you should do it.
i've stuck for the last several years with exclusively those detachable sprayer showerheads, because i need to be able to sit down in the bath and it makes the entire operation easier, so i'm less likely to risk a concussion or pass out or wobble and slip.
for the last few years, i've been using one with a little powerwash spray setting and i use it before and after every shower and it keeps my tub and shower cleaner so much longer, which is great because i hate cleaning the bath and can put it off for months, and scrubbing kills my shoulders.
sometimes, whether it's the executive dysfunction, or the depression, or knowing that i become entirely detached from the concept of time when in the shower, if i can't bring myself to get in the damn thing and do a full-blown shower, and i know i'd just be uncomfortable and not clean and still keep putting it off (because i can easily lose well over an hour once in there), i will kneel on my (cushy, quick-dry, memory foam) bathroom mat beside the tub and lean over it to wash my hair and face and maybe soap up to my shoulders. then later when it feels like a way more manageable and shorter task i can do a quick scrub and rinse.
i've bought cbd for when my joint pain makes sleeping otherwise impossible (even though it's expensive) and a work desk that has expandable legs to be a bed desk if i ever need to work sick (i'm lucky to be remote since my job change).
i've bought the screw-top, 40oz, insulated mugs and extra long plastic straws (do not @ me) and the pop-bottom giant cube ice trays all because every one of those helps ensure i drink more water every day (and so does the faucet-mounted water filter).
i buy specific individual snacks that require little to no prep so even when the execution of making a sandwich is Too Damn Much, i can still make myself do some calorie intake.
i talked myself into a cushioned mattress topper to relieve my spine and because it's way cheaper than a new mattress. i bought blackout curtains for our old apartment because the outdoor lights were insanely bright at all hours and made sleep even more elusive.
i've purchased slip on-only shoes or no-tie laces because i hate tying shoelace knots, my hands are less dexterous than ever (and hurt), and because i struggle with time management and it's one small thing to shave off just a little more time so i'm a little less late.
i didn't buy all of these things all at once, definitely. i am, sadly, made of meat and not money.
but i started budgeting, slowly, more and more of whatever amount of disposable income i had after bills towards "thing to make life suck less and not be so hard" and i can't regret it in the least.
i deserve not only small comforts and joys, but also less pain and difficulty, and ways to make challenging parts of life a little more within my reach with not quite as much effort.
so do you.
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sugarcoatednightshade · 10 months
Fuck it. I’m gonna teach every one of you how to make a kickass bone broth, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Buckle up losers it’s time to cook.
Step One: do you cook at home? Save the scraps. Even if you don’t cook, you’d be surprised by what counts. The ends of carrots. Onion skins. Garlic peels. The gross parts of celery. Animal bones (chicken wings and thighs, usually). Every time you cook, you’re going to put the scraps into a gallon freezer bag.
Step One B: if you don’t cook, you can buy all of these things. I’d recommend half a stalk of celery, some carrots, and two yellow onions to start with. Don’t bother making it look pretty, include all the skins and gross bits. We’re making stock, not soup.
Step Two: when the bag is full, buy a rotisserie chicken. This part may be superfluous if you’ve saved up enough bones, but bones are your flavor so it never hurts to have more if you’re unsure.
Step Three: peel the chicken. Separate the meat from the bones and set it aside. You can do whatever you want with this meat, but I recommend saving it for the soup you’re gonna make with this kickass stock.
Step Four: add the contents of the scrap bag to the largest pot you own. Add the bones. Add water until everything is just covered or until the pot is completely full. If you want to add whole spices like peppercorns and bay leaves, nows a good time, but it’s not required.
Step Five: put that shit on the stove on low heat. Leave it there until around half the water has evaporated. This will probably take a couple of hours, at least three or four. No need to stir.
Step Six: using a collider (pasta strainer), separate the solids from the liquids. That’s it. Enjoy your delicious and flavorful and nutrient-dense stock, idiot.
Obviously you can use that stock to make soup, but you could also use it to cook vegetables, pasta, or rice. Or you could drink it plain. You could freeze it in an ice cube tray and use it as dog treats.
If you choose to save it in the fridge, you’ll probably notice that it doesn’t stay as a liquid, instead having the texture and consistency of a soft jello or pudding. Don’t panic! It’s just the collagen from the bones aka gelatin. This means you did everything right and let it sit on the stove long enough. Your bone broth is filled with lots of nutrients!
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mega-punani · 4 months
For your Pirate AU, what are all the boys favourite food/dishes/treats/fruits/veggies and drinks(alcoholic and non alcoholic)? I don’t think anyone has asked this, but I was curious, for all of them? Sans, Papyrus, Blue, Stretch, Red, Edge, Razz, Cash, Bear and Cinnamon?
Also are people allowed to use your vers of AUs or even your AUs in stories with different twists?? Like say pirate AU(since I already mentioned them), and like doing the dragged from they’re universe of one piece to a total new that’s kinda modern time? Dealing with an MC that’s trying to keep them outta trouble as well as hide they’re secret but also it’s where a true pacifist route happened??
And of course give you credit but can they use your make, vers, variant, au, whatever you wish to call it in this case, in stories and other works?
Yaw! People can use the pirate stuff for whatever honestly. The au is kinda my idea but not really cause I'm just smashin 2 things together lol. I don't mind. Of course, designs are made by @the-skeleton-in-ur-closet so if you end up drawing or using the designs you GOTS to credit them (or I will hunt you down /hj) Also, the dragging the pirate au to a modern Y/N would be so FUCKING FUN. I loooove those tropes saur much.
Sans: Anything greasy and bready. Bro loves his carbs. Is a big fan of Ketchup too! Favorite drink is a hot mug of cocoa.
Papyrus: SPAGHETTI! And a wide range of pastas. He is also a huge fan of anything tomato. Looooves drinking iced teas, refreshing and sweet!
Blue: Huge fan of sugary and carbonated sodas but hates sparkling water. Blue is also a great enjoyer of greasy foods loaded with meat (like tacos). Likes fruits that are sweet and tropical.
Stretch: A refreshing jug of beer and potato based foods. He also has a deep love for spicy foods, even if he can't handle them well.
Red: MEAT. Bro loves him some bbq, steaks, and grilled goodies. He doesn't really have a favorite drink, but he'll enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning. 2 cubes of sugar and a dash of cream.
Edge: The stronger Edge's morning coffee, the less he will yell at the crew. This man needs his caffeine NEOW. Pasta is his guilty pleasure but he tries to suppress the fact that he wants to eat it constantly. He must set a good example by eating healthy...
Razz: Tea, wine, and cheese. Razz's holy trinity. Will nibble on a block of cheese in the middle of the night (scaring tf out of Bear)
Cash: A lover of alcohol. Every to all, especially the strong ones. He's a little embarrassed about this, but chocolate. Just cause he didn't get much as a kid,,,
Bear: Spicy foods and dairy. Spicy foods cause he can feel a strong kick from the food and it makes him all warm on the inside. He likes his dairy because it is still pretty new to him. (unfortunately, he is mildly lactose intolerant-)
Cinnamon: Desserts of all varieties. He loves him some sweet pastries, and he loves him some fudgy brownies. Cupcakes, muffins, cakes, donuts. Cinnamon got quite the sweet tooth. All of it can be paired with a hot cup of coffee that is 4 times more cream than coffee.
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vaspider · 8 months
Hey! Long time follower first time asker- is there a tag for your canning content?! I love it and I dream of one day having the space to do it. Currently I am happily making an absurd amount of mead.
Also if you have any tips on storing chicken stock I will be in your debt to hear them.
Have a good day!
No, but I should come up with a tag for it, since APPARENTLY I have a new special interest, which everyone else in my house figured out before I did.
Okay, I have one now, and it's on this post.
As far as chicken stock is concerned, unless you're going to invest in a pressure canner*, the only way you can safely store it is in the freezer. When I've done this in the past with stock I've made, I've cooked the broth down until its really really concentrated, then allowed the broth to cool until I can put it in the fridge without melting any plastic. Then I filled an ice cube tray with the chilled, concentrated broth, and put the cubes in a (labeled!! You will forget what's in the bag and when you made it!!) Ziploc bag and put it in the freezer.
Because you cooked it down to a concentrate, it'll take up less space in your freezer, and you can just chuck one of those hyper-concentrated cubes in a pot of boiling water to make stock!
* anything containing meat and low-acid foods must be canned using a pressure canner. Failure to use the right tools for the job can lead to botulism and that shit can be fatal. Always follow canning recipes precisely.
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Headcanons for Samwise Gamgee making his spouse meals at any chance he gets...
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He knows the importance of food and never ceases to remind you about how important it is to eat. He'll always prepare you breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, snacks, supper, dinner and tea. He never judges your portion sizes or how much you eat, he loves the shape of you and if you are curvy/plus size, he adores those curves.
He's a very good chef and you are always so thankful for him and his abilities.
Obviously he uses potatoes a lot, pretty much every meal because they're so versatile.
Eggs over easy with spices and herbs and herby breakfast potato cubes and a cup of hot tea.
"Made with love for my love."
Sausages, hash browns, bacon, beans, tomato, maybe more eggs.
Sandwiches with tomato, lettuce and turkey with a side of crisps for extra crunch.
"You want more? Was it good? You liked it?"
He's not only good at cooking, baking is also a skill he has.
Pancakes with berries and cream, scones and jam and clotted cream. Pastries like croissants and chocolate or maybe ham and cheese.
Toast with cheese, beans; simple but he always serves with an award winning smile.
"Here you go, beautiful. If you want more, I'll happily get you more."
Your favourite meal he makes is a roast dinner which could consist of ham, turkey, chicken or beef, roast potatoes, yorkshire pudding, sprouts, parsnips, carrots and a hearty load of gravy on top.
Sometimes he'll make a stew; leftover meat with carrots, potatoes, onions and gravy with crusty bread to dip.
Soup of all flavours (his lentil and bacon is the best though) with buttered bread. He always makes lots during the winter.
"To keep your stomach warm."
Fish with a side salad, thick chips and mushy peas.
Pasta that you help him make for scratch with a garlicky, onion tomato sauce with meatballs or sausages or even sometimes chicken with homemade garlic bread and cheese for the top.
Dessert is always delicious too...
Rich chocolate cake with ice cream and berries.
Sticky toffee pudding - a recipe passed down through generations.
Ice cream - all and every flavour you can imagine. He'll take you on walks, find berries and wild edible flowers and make ice cream from it.
Pastry stuffed with jam, cream and chocolate.
Waffles with caramel drizzled over the top.
Fruit salad, the fruit fresh from the garden.
After dinner, he'll bring you cups of tea and water with a kiss on the forehead.
Tea with biscuits.
Hot chocolate with marshmallows and fresh whipped cream for the top.
Toast as you read your book, winding down for the evening.
Before you go to bed, he double checks that you're satisfied and happy; that you're not in need of anything else. He's impossibly kind.
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biffhofosho · 7 months
Le Cirque du Fantasme | Part Three
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Word Count: 13.1k
A/N: IN UNDER THE FUCKING WIRE. I am never, ever proofing 20k on the same day I need to publish, especially when I have to work and hand out Halloween candy. I am so sorry if the editing is sloppy. I'll fix it when I'm not seconds away from passing out on my keyboard.
I really really really hope you enjoy. I love this universe, and I'm super proud of it.
Cvr | 01 | 02 | 03
Minhyuk couldn’t be more eager. He shoots to the pool of silk and waits for his fellow aerialist to disentangle himself from their starlet and join him. They fan out the ribbons and snap them like bed sheets until they are twice as wide as Mariam ever realized.
Jooheon offers his hand, and she takes it as he leads her to the mat. With her standing, they flare one ribbon around her neck and shoulders and then criss-cross it with the other around her whole back. When they are satisfied, they push her back, two of the men supporting her sides until she is laying in a cradle of silk.
“Comfortable?” Changkyun asks as he looks down on her with the vaguest hint of a smile.
“I’m good,” she answers.
Minhyuk crosses her legs at the ankles so he can wrap one of the silks around it and then wrap the other in the same fashion around her opposing ankle. He then ties them off together in a charming bow that tickles the back of her calves.
She’s immobile now, swinging in the air like meat in a smokehouse, and as she twists, she sees she’s admired with the exact same kind of craving.
“You really are an artist, Min,” praises Jooheon, a finger nibbled between his teeth as he ogles her.
“I have a beautiful canvas,” the aerialist replies cavalierly.
“That you do.”
Changkyun runs a finger from her knee down to her hip to toy with the hem of the bodysuit. He doesn’t say anything, but he doesn’t need to. The way those black eyes glide like oil along her body to her face makes her quiver. Though her legs are secured, her hands flounder on her belly as she waits.
“Will this hurt?” she asks as she studies the two sylphs bookending her.
Jooheon shakes his head as he massages her calf. “You couldn't be in more capable hands. Would you like to see?”
“Okay,” she says shakily.
Both aerialists hover over her, their smiles unique though their gentleness mirrors the other’s.
“We performers are nothing if not in total control at all times,” assures Changkyun. “Let us show you all the ways we can please you.”
Changkyun produces an ice cube between his fingers, and as he twists it, it scatters honeyed light brighter and brighter and brighter around her. Only then does she notice that a flame flickers on Minhyuk’s fingertip. He brings it closer to the ice cube, and Jooheon whispers lowly, “Open your mouth.”
Mariam does, and chilly drops of water explode on her tongue. She can’t help it—she moans.
“Tastes good, right?” says the redhead. “Let’s shift the balance a bit though.”
The flame on Minhyuk’s finger doubles in size so he had to hold it between his thumb now, too. This time, the cube melts completely in Changkyun’s palm. Slowly, the air sylph tips his cupped hand, and the water drizzles not in her mouth but along the open swath of her collarbone. It sizzles against her skin like candle wax, and she hisses and writhes and, again, her moan cannot be held back.
“Not all pain hurts the same. Some of it can be addictive.”
Changkyun’s barely finished his sentence before she’s pleading with huge, green eyes, “Please, more!”
The trio of men laugh.
“You were right,” says Minhyuk through his chuckle.
“Dreams are just a window to the heart,” replies Jooheon. “Let’s take things to the next level.”
“Up she goes,” announces Changkyun a minute later, and suddenly, she is rising.
As she ascends, she spirals, and Mariam glances to the left in time to see the blue-haired man hiking up the cable until her body is level with their faces, like a dumbwaiter bringing their meal to them.
Minhyuk holds her cheeks, and from this vantage, she has a dizzying inverted view of his sensual lips.
“Well, hello there,” he says before he pecks her on the lips.
She only has a moment to savor the sweetness of the encounter before he strokes the edge of her face and then dives in for another kiss. The upside-down angle allows the surface of his tongue to stroke her fully, and she tastes him completely—his pervasive heat and spicy cinnamon depths with a smoky aftertaste that lingers like a memory she’s never made but still feels like a part of her.
Mariam gets lost in his mouth until she feels scintillating pressure at her clothed sex. She has to tear her lips from Minhyuk’s just to breathe. When she lifts her head, she finds Jooheon’s eyes peering at her from around her trussed legs. She can’t see his mouth, but she can tell from his rainbow-arched eyes that he’s grinning.
“How’s that feel?” he asks, and a moment later, the pressure deepens until she feels an intrusion between her lower lips despite the lycra’s firm resistance.
Her head lolls back, and she lets out a pitiful sob. “I want more…”
Jooheon’s eyes firm up, and his gaze flicks between his two friends. “You heard the lady.”
Minhyuk shuffles to her side while Changkyun takes the opposite, and everything seems to happen at once. It may have been her own fault because it was exactly what she’d asked for, but the deluge of hedonism that follows completely overwhelms her.
Changkyun guides her sin-slackened lips to his, and while he numbs her mouth with a messy kiss, Minhyuk gropes her chest. The fabric of the bodysuit is unforgiving, pressing, pressing, pressing against her while it binds, but the fire sylph’s heat penetrates anyway. She arches into his hand and wishes for more, though she is too high for him to indulge in fully.
Or so she thinks.
“As darling as you look in this,” comes the silken voice beside her, “it is spoiling my fun.”
Mariam turns her head from Changkyun and finds Minhyuk hovering now. He doesn’t seem to have wings like Wonho, yet he’s clearly levitating. Again, it’s probably something she should be more shocked about, but it feels so natural, especially since it allows him to touch her exactly the way she yearns to be touched.
The fire sylph lifts the costume’s neckline roughly so that the chill of autumn can finally kiss her skin, and the next thing Mariam knows, his fingertip is scarlet, and he draws a line through the center of the bodysuit down to her navel. With the surgical precision of a laser, he burns through the fabric. The acrid sting of smoke singes the air. Her tits bounce free, her nipples hardening instantly, and Minhyuk tilts in the air so that he can bring the tip of that scorching tongue to her aching bud.
The sensation is intense, like the first kiss of a flame to a wick, and she ignites. Her back lifts in the ribbons as she tugs on them to deepen the arch into the aerialist’s mouth. Minhyuk swirls that red-hot tongue around her puckering edges, and while she’s never been particularly sensitive there, it feels like her every nerve ending has convened in his mouth.
She whimpers, but that is met with a soft tsk-tsk.
She lifts her head and strains all of her attention toward the ringmaster peering at her from behind her thighs.
“You know we’re performers, right?” he says.
“So it’s very important to us that you don’t hold anything back. The louder you are, the better we know we’re pleasing you.”
“But what about the people backstage?” she asks with a worried brow.
Jooheon smirks. “Well, maybe that's just an added bonus for me. I like to rub it in a little that the most beautiful girl who's ever walked into this tent chose me.”
Minhyuk selects that exact moment to engulf her nipple in his hot, wet mouth, and Mariam cries out at full force this time. Instead of pulling on the ribbons, she forks her hand through his hair and crushes him against her breast as she pants.
Her mouth is already hanging open, so it’s easy for Changkyun to turn her back to him, and he helps himself to it. His frozen tongue running over hers has her nipples tightening even further, which makes the sylph at her chest hum with pleasure. Minhyuk takes to nibbling the hardened flesh as his big hand slithers across her ribs to her other breast to tug and pinch with just the right pressure.
“Oh my god,” she breathes between heavy kisses. “Oh my god.”
“Now, that’s what I’m talking about,” Jooheon murmurs, pleased. “Off to a great start. Let’s send you over the edge though and see just how needy you can get.”
Fingers hook at last around the seat of the ruined bodysuit, and once it’s pulled to the side, her body temperature plummets. Were it not for the fire brand of Minhyuk’s mouth on her, she would be shivering.
Both Minhyuk and Changkyun lift their heads to look at the ringmaster.
“You have to see this,” says Jooheon.
The sylphs answer his call, and Mariam lifts her head to see where they’ve gone only to find them lined up in a handsome row, all three pairs of eyes fixed to her exposed pussy. Minhyuk has his arms propped on Jooheon’s shoulders, and Jooheon has an arm wrapped around Changkyun’s waist. Each man smiles drunkenly.
“Now, isn’t that the prettiest sight you’ve ever seen?” the ringmaster asks.
Suddenly, a tongue blazes up the length of her seam, and Mariam cries out before she sags in her basket of ribbons.
“Tastiest thing ever, too, mm-mm,” muses Minhyuk.
Changkyun shakes his head with a tsk-tsk-tsk.  “You’re absolutely dripping wet, princess. And I thought you were so innocent.”
Jooheon lets out a little chuckle. “Not our wild little Mariam here. Let me show you.”
The ringmaster draws the air sylph in closer, and just as he did with her at the ticket booth, he brushes his lips against his friend’s. Jooheon barely has time to come up for air before the fire sylph yanks their leader by the neck and jerks his lips to his as well.
It’s just a quick graze, but the sight unearths yet another primitive desire she’d never realized she’d been harboring.
Jooheon pulls back and suckles on his bottom lip. His already thin eyes are razor blades as he utters darkly, “You taste like her.”
Minhyuk chuckles. “Couple more minutes and we all will.”
The redhead leaves his friends’ sides to take up alongside Mariam’s. Since she’s hanging high up, he rests his chin on her shoulder and studies her like she’s the mythical creature instead of him. “You really are full of surprises, sweet Mariam.”
“I don’t know what that means,” she replies, but each word shakes as hard as her heart.
Minhyuk runs his spindly fingers back through her hair to free it from under her neck, and it dangles like the spare ribbons below her. He looks at her with such admiration that her throat goes dry. Slowly, he leans forward to kiss her cheek.
“You will.”
This time when the fire sylph takes her tits in his hot hands, he pulls a little rougher on her nipples, and she moans sharply. Everything inside her contracts, and the silks jostle the fasteners in the rafters. There’s no hiding her overwhelming arousal. Mariam feels it, especially when a jet of cold air rushes over the exposed mess. Instead of a shiver, she throbs and feels a different kind of tremor rip through her as she leaks a little more.
Changkyun quits blowing on her so he can instead whistle sharply next to Jooheon. “Shit. She’s dripping on the floor now? Unbelievable.”
“Enough’s enough,” growls Jooheon as he shoos away his fellow performer. “Time to dig in.”
While the air sylph bookends Mariam’s free side, behind her thighs, she feels a fingertip gloss up the arc of her ass to, at last, push into her eager core. Her breath catches, even as Minhyuk continues his play at her nipples and Changkyun sucks a patch at her throat. As good as everything feels, her whole being has centered on the welcome intrusion in her walls.
Jooheon withdraws his finger to the tip and pushes back in to the filthy symphony of her arousal.
“Wow,” he whispers, “you truly are a good listener, baby. Even your pussy is nice and loud.”
As if to hammer home the point, his finger picks up speed to coax forth a lurid squelching. It’s mortifying, but the friction is so delicious that Mariam sheds the last of her conservative pretenses. There’s no point in hiding how badly she has yearned for this kind of adoration, especially since there’s nothing she can do to hide the shamelessness between her legs.
The dark corners of her mind have been whispering temptations too illicit to ever admit, but Jooheon knows what she’s always been too afraid to acknowledge. She longs to be a buffet of sin that these beautiful men need to devour. She wants to be admired and used and reused until she can barely walk.
“Feels so good,” she whines.
“Do you want to feel more?” probes the ringmaster.
“So much more!”
“Good because so do we.”
Jooheon fixes that fabulous mouth to her core, and stars shoot across Mariam’s eyes. Her hands lash out this time for the two sylphs, and both of them hum delightedly at her touch. The dream-eater’s tongue is nowhere near as scalding as Minhyuk’s, but it is diligent and targeted. It should come as no surprise that someone whose career revolves around his skill with his mouth is a master between the legs, but after just a few broad strokes up her seam and then a few swirls and suckles at her clit, she is surprised at the way her belly is already screaming with a pressure she’s never quite felt before.
“You’re going to make me cum already,” Mariam warns frantically, and both sylphs shift their keen attention to her face.
“Good. Then cum,” Jooheon replies before he dives back in, suckling even more determinedly on her clit.
Mariam screams.
Her climax rips through her more savagely than anything she's ever experienced. Her bindings prevent her muscles from thrashing the way they need to, so, instead, she wriggles like a caught fish, and, as though to emphasize how pathetic she truly is, she's gasping for breath like one, too. Her hands inadvertently claw that the shoulders of the two aerialists as she struggles to cling to her own sanity.
A string of incredulous nonsense tumbles from her slackened lips as her head sags backward.
“How long has it been since you’ve cum, love?” marvels Changkyun as he threads his fingers through the dampening hair at her brow.
Mariam works to form a coherent sentence between her heavy panting and Jooheon’s fingers, which alternate between prodding her entrance and rubbing clit. “Not sure… I ever… have… Oh god!”
Minhyuk sneers and snarls. “So neglected. If I knew who’s been leaving you so unsatisfied, I’d burn—”
“Easy, Min,” reminds Changkyun.
But she can barely make out their words. The pressure between her hips hasn’t lessened, even with her release, and it’s so powerful that she can’t stop quivering in her binds.
Jooheon chuckles darkly. “Pretty little pussy still throbbing so pathetically.”
He sweeps his hand urgently back and forth across her lips now, and Mariam squirms from the intensity.
“It’s too much!” she squeals and bucks, but all three men shake their heads.
“Just a little more,” coaches the ringmaster. “Ride it out. Ride it all out. You can do it. Give it to us, baby.”
Her climax pulses onward, tapping her for every last bit of sanity she’s been struggling to hold onto. It’s like her first orgasm never stopped, only grown hotter and fiercer, and her cries march on. Her legs thrash in their ties, and she swings, though Jooheon’s there to snatch her waist and steady her.
“You did so well, sweetheart,” he assures, both hands rubbing the back of her legs as he places gentle kisses to her calves. “Breathe. Breathe.”
Mariam struggles to do anything but sag helplessly into the chiffon.
“I’m so tired,” she laughs, though it’s through a few tears.
“Quitting so soon?” says Jooheon with a heavy note of disappointment. “And we made you our main event, too…”
“No, I—”
“Aw, damnit,” murmurs Changkyun as he clutches his chest.
Minhyuk kisses her cheek then before he snares her gaze. “You nearly broke the man’s heart, darling.”
Mariam whips her head toward the air sylph and funnels all her sincerity at him. “I didn’t mean to!”
“It’s okay,” Jooheon comforts with a squeeze of her leg. “As long as you’re not leaving us yet.”
“No, I don’t want to!”
“You don’t?”
“No, no, no,” she begs. “I can’t leave you.”
She should add “yet,” but she can’t find the energy.
“Good,” says the ringmaster. “Have you cooled down enough? Are you ready for more?”
Mariam nods, and Jooheon’s quick to run a finger back up her slit. It makes her shiver, but it also makes the blue-haired man beside her grumble.
“Hey!” Changkyun protests. “It’s my turn.”
“I made the mess. I’ll clean it up,” Jooheon returns firmly.
At this, Minhyuk intercedes by swiveling Mariam like a lazy Susan straight to the air sylph’s mouth. With a tut, he says, “You know this is his favorite.”
“It’s one of my favorites, too,” pouts Jooheon.
The redhead scoffs. “You like everything. It’s Kyun’s favorite. Besides, you did set him up with that ‘cooled down’ pun.”
“That wasn’t intentional…” Minhyuk glowers at his dimpled friend, and the ringmaster lets out a long sigh. “Fine.”
Mariam catches a flash of Changkyun’s eyes as she’s lined up for him. They’re vortexes, and they’re pulling her inextricably to him. She’s never seen eyes so absolutely blackened by lust, and they are centered solely on her soaking wet heat.
The man doesn’t say a word. He just dives forward, his nose and mouth immediately pressed to her cunt in a hungry kiss. Desire roils off of her so palpably that she swears she’s steaming in the autumn air, but Changkyun’s mouth is another matter entirely. He feels like the fog that brought her here in the first place—cool, damp, cloying. He brushes over her leisurely, leaving his presence known with a chill that’s as luxurious as it is enticing.
Where Jooheon had eaten her out with the obvious intent of setting the record for fastest orgasm, Changkyun explores her folds like this has nothing to do with her—this is for him. He’s humming down there between her legs, his fingers curling around the meat of her thighs to press her harder into his mouth. When his tongue at last quests for her clit, his cool tip sends shivers jolting through her with every languid circle.
Mariam pants and clenches under Changkyun’s diligent attentions, and while the speed and friction isn’t nearly fast enough to bring her to her edge yet, it’s spectacular. She’s never had someone ravish her—consume her—before, but it brings a different kind of pleasure. She’s never felt so desired… or so needed. It’s altering her.
It’s not just her body that craves release anymore—it’s her soul. She’s becoming someone new.
Someone greedy.
Someone wanton.
Someone completely and utterly willing.
“So good… Please don’t stop,” she whimpers.
“What a polite little thing,” Minhyuk laughs as he twirls a lock of her hair around his finger. “What she means to say is make her cum already, Kyun.”
Mariam is really not in a hurry, not when Changkyun’s cool mouth is stirring such a delicious ache in her core, but then, it’s clear that’s not what the fiery aerialist really means.
“I knew I should have gone second,” grumbles Minhyuk. “He’ll be there all night if he has his way.”
At this, the blue-haired man lifts his mouth from his entrée just long enough to say, “If I have my way, she’ll never leave and I can be here as many nights as I want.”
The redhead doesn’t even have time enough to roll his eyes before Changkyun is back to savoring her. Still, Minhyuk’s obviously not one to let things go, especially not when it’s interfering with his own good time.
Mariam hisses as a sharp pain flares across the meat of her ass. Her head shoots up as she furrows her brow at Minhyuk, who is now staring at her cheekily with his chin resting on her hip.
“Hi, beautiful,” he says.
“Did you just bite me?” she says incredulously.
Jooheon steps forward, a scowl darkening his bright face. “Did you bite her?”
“I’m bored. I want pussy, and, in my defense, her ass is very biteable.”
“You’re insane,” scolds the ringmaster.
“Hey, it was just a play bite. It wasn’t like I was marking her. I’m not Hyunwoo.”
“No, I know. He’s more domesticated than you are.”
The two friends devolve into laughter until they sober up enough to return their attention to the man whose tongue hasn’t broken stride across their starlet’s cunt yet.
“He hasn’t heard a word we’ve just said,” Jooheon observes.
Minhyuk shrugs. “You know how he gets.”
“He hasn’t even,” stutters Mariam through a fresh wave of arousal, “ah, come up… for air.”
The redhead laughs. “He doesn’t have to. But he needs to for a second. Cube, Kyunnie. Come on.”
As though just to spite his friend, Changkyun doesn’t lift his mouth from her even as he presents his open palm, and quickly, a little block of ice assembles itself from thin air. Once it’s fully formed, Minhyuk plucks it from the other aerialist’s palm only to situate it in his own.
In a matter of moments, the ice has melted into a puddle. The redhead contorts his hand into a shallow funnel shape and drizzles the water, droplet by droplet, directly onto her clit. It’s so warm, like massage oil, but it sends pleasure like electricity through her limbs. It’s even more exquisite when the air sylph’s chilly tongue slakes desperately from the stream as it sluices over her hardened bud.
“I can’t hold it back anymore,” she shouts. Her fingers wrench the scarves around her, and her body winds up on itself.
“Give it to Changkyun, sweet Mariam,” says Minhyuk as he brushes her hair. “Feed him well.”
“Oh, no!” she calls mindlessly as she shatters.
Rockets of ecstasy fire through her veins. She jerks and shudders and struggles to breathe. It’s even more potent than her last climax, and she wonders if they manage to rip another from her, will she still be conscious after?
The intensity dulls, and Mariam’s limbs go leaden. Her belly is slack and painfully aware of how empty it still is. She’s given and given by now, but she hasn’t been refilled. Something about it makes her want to cry.
“Oh… Oh…” she blabbers.
Minhyuk chuckles. “Still so sweet after all that…”
“Very sweet,” the other aerialist agrees as he licks his fingertips and then his lips.
“I have got to do something about all this innocence.”
Minhyuk’s vow has Mariam chewing her lip in anticipation. This is it—the freedom she’s been seeking though she’s been too afraid to confront that part of herself. Her whole life has been framed to project the picture of the normal, simple girl, the one accepted in every corner of respectable society, but deep in her soul, she’s not simple. Now, she doesn’t need to be accepted by anyone but this troupe of, for lack of a better work, circus freaks.
The redhead moves Changkyun a few steps back, just to make it clear there will be no second helpings, before he grabs a hold of her legs and steers her toward his station. Once Minhyuk has positioned her all to himself, his hands begin to roam—greedily, enthusiastically, curiously—until, at last, they grope the apple of her ass. There, they squeeze rhythmically as the pretty man hums.
“I’ve been thinking,” he says. “It’s kind of funny how we have you tied and tarted up like this for us, but here the three of us are, tripping over each other to please you. Who exactly is in charge here?”
Mariam blinks as she tries to clear the fog from her gaze so she can form a coherent thought, and all three men groan.
Jooheon presses his mouth to hers in a rush, and his tongue thrusts in unexpectedly. She winds her hand automatically into his soft hair so she can press back into him just as urgently.
When, at last, he pushes back, the dimpled man exhales shakily as he murmurs, “How can you look like some lost little doe but kiss like some succubus? Damn, I think Min’s right. I’m beginning to think you’re the one here who can hijack all our dreams.”
“Mm,” says Minhyuk, “that’s a good start then because I don’t think I’m going to be satisfied until we’ve made you as desperate for us as we are for you.”
“I need you!” Mariam insists.
“You do?”
“Yes! Yes, I need you—all of you. So much.”
Minhyuk grins. “I don’t know… You’ve already cum a couple times. I feel like you’re just about done with us.”
“No, please no! I want more.”
“You want more?”
Mariam nods furiously as her voice shakes when she whispers, “Down there.”
“‘Down there?’” the aerialist parrots with a laugh that is definitely mocking. “Baby, I know you can do better than that. I thought you were desperate for us?”
“I am!”
“Tell you what, I’m going to get you there, I promise. Pretty soon you’re not going to be able to keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. For now, I’m gonna open you up first and show you you don't have to hide with us.”
Mariam grabs his wrist, and when his eyes shoot to hers, she implores, “Show me how to let go, Minhyuk.”
Beside her, Jooheon curses.
The fire sylph’s tongue probes the corner of his mouth before he nods. “Promising… Very promising.”
He leans forward to briefly kiss her over-eager clit, and Mariam yelps, but Minhyuk clearly has grander plans. He cups her heat, and she's overwhelmed, not just by his much warmer skin, but by the sheer size of his hand. He slots her sticky lips between his fingers as he glides up and down her sex. It's slow, methodical, and, thanks to her unending arousal, embarrassingly noisy.
Sometimes, he switches to rubbing both thumbs along her folds, and other times, he warms his fingertips a little more before he takes hold of her clit and rocks it back and forth enticingly between his finger and thumb. As soon as she starts singing from the delicious friction though, he moves elsewhere. Her entire consciousness is wrapped up between her thighs, and if she doesn’t get some relief soon, she’s worried she’ll never escape from the swamp of indulgence she’s mired in.
“Getting pretty swollen down here, sweet Mariam. Ripe as a peach…” Minhyuk leans forward so his fire brand of a tongue can lick up her seam and swirl once around her clit. She whines and cants her hips to his silken mouth, but he pulls back, catches her gaze, and crudely wipes the back of his hand across his lips to smear her sinful lip gloss across his cheek. “Mm, just as juicy.”
Unexpectedly, Changkyun shoots up to his toes to lick the indecent streak from his friend’s skin, and Minhyuk beams.
“Wow,” she whimpers, though it’s a borderline sob at this point, “you are very bad men.”
“You don’t mean that,” pouts Jooheon.
Mariam bites her lip. “It sounds bad. It all just seems so wrong.”
But Minhyuk isn’t nearly as bothered by the bad boy label as the ringmaster. “See, that’s how you know it’s just what you need. You crave the bad things, we all know it. Thanks to our pretty Honey there, I’ve seen what’s deep inside your sexy little mind, Mariam. Isn’t it exhausting, keeping up this charade that you’re like everyone else?”
“You don’t need to bother with us ever. You’re safe here. You can be all that you are and so much more.”
She’s writhing tragically in her binds, lurching in every way that she can to tempt Minhyuk’s fingers into her so she can plummet over an even sharper ledge, but he’s steadfast. He maintains a hypnotic stroke across her puffy skin. Mariam knows she’s throbbing—she can feel her heartbeat in her cunt—but he won’t give in because she hasn’t given in.
It’s not that she doesn’t want to, but the tenterhooks of her old life refuse to give way. She wants to let go, but she realizes she still has a few fingers clinging to the ledge because it’s more than a little terrifying, the thought of freefalling into the unknown.
“Just tell me what you need,” urges the fire sylph.
“And you complained about me taking forever,” Changkyun grumbles before she can answer, but Minhyuk just shakes his head.
“That was different. That was just about you. This is for a higher purpose.”
“This is definitely about you,” the other aerialist mutters.
Again, Minhyuk shakes his head. “That’s not true, is it, sweet Mariam?”
She has no idea what the fire sylph is talking about, but she’s delirious with the ceaselessly mounting pleasure, so she’ll concede everything at this point. “No!”
“Tell me what you want.”
“Aw, she’s cute when she begs,” coos Jooheon.
“You call that begging? It’s not nearly enough,” tuts Minhyuk. “You want something from me, baby, you need to make me feel your desperation. You’ve got to convince me.”
The aerialist parts her sex, and her hopes soar to the big top. Her core pulses. She cries out—whines.
But the dream is too beautiful to last, and he pulls his hands back again to return to painting her wet lust up and down her seam.
This time when Mariam cries, it’s accompanied with real tears. Her voice is small and pitiable. “Please…”
“Aren’t you being too hard on her?” Jooheon admonishes.
Minhyuk shrugs a shoulder. “Don’t talk to me. Talk to her. This is her own doing. I’m beginning to think she likes teasing herself.”
Jooheon scowls and circles back to her face. Her head droops back over the scarves now as she whimpers. Sweat beads roll up her brow to her hair line as her eyes roll back in her head. She’s a mess. Even without being able to see herself, she knows exactly how depraved she looks.
The dimpled man kisses her cheek suddenly and lets his lips linger there even as he whispers, “Come on, Mariam, baby, sweetheart. Give Min what he wants so we can all give you what we want. Just give in. Let go. Be with us.”
It’s not just Minhyuk’s fingers preparing to pry her next orgasm from her; it’s Jooheon’s urgency prying loose the last hold she has on the old Mariam.
She’s not innocent, and she doesn’t want to be. She’s wild. She’s wanton. She’s a Fantasme, and she belongs here.
“I want it! I want you!” Mariam shouts as she shoots up in the chiffon. “I don’t care anymore—I’ll do whatever you want. I’ll be whatever you want. Just please don’t stop. I have to cum. I need to cum for you. Please, Minhyuk, please, I need you.”
Her eyes meet his. She's sure the fire in her gaze mirrors the fire in his. Her hands knot in the ribbons as she pants and bucks.
“Anything, I’ll do anything,” she continues, though this time her voice is leaden like an anvil. “Please, I have to cum. Open me up! Put your fingers inside me, and let me cum!”
The fire sylph smirks. “Now, that’s how you beg. Attagirl, baby. You’re going to cum so hard for us, I promise.”
Minhyuk’s mercy overtakes her in the form of two very long, very dedicated fingers thrusting into her walls straight to the knuckle. A scream tears from her chest as he plumbs her every nerve. He’s warm and thick and burrowing so deeply into her that Mariam’s sure her humanity abandons her. It feels so right to be this wrong.
“You've been hiding your true self so far down,” he muses as his fingers drill to unfathomable depths inside her. “Let's see what we can do to set you free, pretty baby. We’re going to give you the whole world.”
“She’s close,” Jooheon says as he fondles her tits and studies her contorted features.
Changkyun threads his arm through the ribbons at her side and wheedles his hand between her pressed thighs. The chilled pad of his finger circles her blazing clit, and the assault on her remaining sensibilities overwhelms.
With Minhyuk’s fingers buried knuckle-deep in her cunt, Mariam cums. It’s too violent for sound itself. She simply contracts and explodes. Maybe her breathing even stops—she can’t be sure. It doesn’t matter anyway. She has never felt even a fraction as alive even as it feels like a death of sorts. She is shattered and unhinged on an elemental level.
Eventually, with all three men soothing and singing her back to reality, Mariam crystallizes into something new entirely.
Her eyes flutter open, and she finds Jooheon’s sweet face. His dimples are there, soft like a lover’s creases in the sheets. He’s staring at her as though he’s trying to imprint on her soul. She’s sure he has.
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asks.
She nods dumbly.
Her throat is dry, so she swallows hard and tries to find her voice, and when she does, it doesn’t quite sound like the gentle, even voice she’s always had. She sounds confident and assertive, even this wrapped up.
“I want all of you to fuck me.”
Minhyuk grins ear-to-ear. He turns to Changkyun and says smugly, “You’re welcome.”
“Changkyun first, Jooheon last,” she demands.
Minhyuk looks even more smug. “I’m not last this time.”
“That just means she wants me to leave the last impression,” replies Jooheon.
“Please,” the redhead says, “our girl is practical through and through. You think she wants to end the night with a cold pussy?”
“Minhyuk!” both his friends shout.
“I do have control over it, you know,” grouses Changkyun as an add-on.
At this, Mariam lays a hand on his forearm, and everyone stills. The air sylph looks as frozen as his mesmerizing skin. Under her hand, his ethereal opalescence feels as cold as marble though the texture is just as supple as her own flesh.
She smiles softly at him as she says, “I’m not worried, Changkyun. I can’t wait to be with you.”
Now, everyone is frozen. A line has been crossed between bound plaything and boundless creatures. There is more affection in her words than anyone anticipated, and it has changed the way they look at her.
“I don’t want to wait anymore either,” echoes Changkyun, and with a supportive nod from his fellow performers, he lowers her suspension and begins unwinding the ties at her ankles.
Both Jooheon and Minhyuk join in her unraveling as they twist and guide her form in the silks. They secure half of the chiffon around and between her thighs and then around her waist, and it’s very similar to the pose they’d taught her in warm-ups. Their organized devilry delights her though she quickly realizes that the tension at her hips will become too much all too fast.
Of course, the aerialists already know this, and it’s clear they’re not finished orchestrating her body. Minhyuk lifts her chest—and definitely takes some liberties as he does so—while Changkyun threads the other silk under her arms a few times. Now, her weight is evenly distributed as she dangles once more, this time with her ass up and out. He ties the two ends across her back, and the redhead grins.
“The prettiest little package…”
Instead of acknowledging his friend, Changkyun turns to Mariam. “Is this okay?”
She nods. “For now.”
“If you get sore or uncomfortable, just let us know.”
“You can’t imagine all the holds we’d like to truss you up in,” adds Minhyuk.
“I can’t wait any longer. Please fuck me,” she confesses, and she feels both sets of her cheeks must be red with such a truth.
The fire sylph is positively gluttonous at his triumph, and he belts out a deep laugh. “She does know naughty words after all. What fun!”
“Come on, Min,” says Jooheon with a clap on his friend’s back. “I wouldn’t mind some ringside seats for now.”
The pair agree to step back so Changkyun can fill the window of her vision. The air sylph strips out of his pants, the lycra peeling reluctantly from his sinew. Mariam had thought that, because the fabric was skintight to begin with, seeing him completely naked wouldn’t be nearly so memorable, but she was horribly and inexcusably wrong.
Completely bare, Changkyun is a sight to behold.
His every muscle is defined with merciless precision. His chest is sculpted just as his abs undulate in textbook swells. They all taper down to a symmetrical belt of muscle at his hips that begs to be worshipped. While his thighs are nowhere near as massive as Shownu’s or Wonho’s had hinted, they are sleek and defined—bitable, as Minhyuk might say.
And then there’s his cock… Just like the rest of him, it is smooth and ethereal, and though there has always been a translucence to him, she sees its grand length in inescapable full focus.
Mariam wants to taste him, to swallow him deep down in her throat. Shamefully, she wonders if it would be like sucking on a popsicle.
“Did she just drool?” Minhyuk barks with an incredulous laugh.
She looks down in horror to find a droplet on the floor beneath her, and her body heats further at her exposure.
Changkyun smirks. It’s unbearably sexy.
He takes himself in hand and pumps his shaft devilishly slowly.
“Later,” he promises, though, even more unfairly, he closes the gap between her mouth and his length so he is just out of reach. He gives himself a few more good tugs, and up this close, she can see how his fat cockhead bulges with every stroke of his fist.
Mariam whimpers.
With a low grunt, he jerks to the side and disappears at last from view, though she feels him a moment later at her backside when one heavy hand gropes her cheek and then her wet sex.
“Damnit,” he grunts as he cups her roughly. “I could fucking melt inside you, you’re so hot.”
Her fever was already at a boiling point, but anticipating what’s about to come next has her bubbling beneath her skin. She’s so eager, she might erupt just from the promise of his cock inside her.
“Maybe you should ease her into this, Kyun?” Jooheon suggests, but Mariam shakes her head.
“No more teasing, please. Just fill me.”
All three men groan.
“Damnit, it’s going to be hard for me to hold back,” Changkyun warns as he grips her hips and squares himself up with her seam. To Minhyuk, he orders, “Little lower.”
Mariam feels herself descend a bit, and her stomach leaps. She grasps the scarves at her chest like it’s her last handhold for sanity itself.
Changkyun’s chilled cock grazes her cunt. She shivers hard, but it’s much more from the anticipation.
“Goddamnit,” he groans. “Are you ready, doll baby?”
“Hurry, please. Put it inside me, Changkyun.”
Her lower lips part for the blunt head of his dick, and she swears she can hear a damp hiss. Even if he doesn’t hear the same thing, judging by his nails biting into the meat of her hips, the air sylph feels the intensity as keenly as Mariam does.
He sucks in a breath and pushes into her hole straight to his hilt.
They cry out in unison, both of them collapsing, her into her net of chiffon and him onto her back. The swing sways them like lovers dancing as they adjust to each other’s temperature.
She didn’t know what exactly she’d been expecting from a creature like Changkyun, but despite all her build-up, Mariam couldn’t have been more ill-prepared. Inside her, he feels decadent, bordering on overwhelming. Only a moment ago, she’d been fire; now, she’s plummeting. The coolness of his cock charges every nerve within her walls. Her whole being lives between her legs as she waits for him to stoke her fire again.
“Goddamnit, I need a minute,” he grunts, his head resting at her back.
But with every second that passes, his thickness bulges her core as it saps her heat, and Mariam devolves.
Her head lifts, her eyes finding Jooheon and Minhyuk, both of whom are palming themselves through their pants. The implication is exhilarating. They’re going to watch, then they’re going to join. They’re going to use her, and she’s going to thank them for it.
Her skin prickles. Her mouth waters. Her body trembles.
She’s never felt so insatiable in her life. Maybe it’s this place or maybe it’s them or maybe, just maybe, this is just who she’s always been underneath all her polite hiding.
“You’ve got to move,” she urges to Changkyun in a near panic. “I’m going to cum.”
“Just like this?” he asks incredulously as he shoots back up.
“Yes, move, please!”
Changkyun cinches her waist in his hands as he pulls out and glides back in. It’s so easy. Mariam has never, ever been this wet. Every inch of her is begging for it—for them.
Because of her obscene arousal as well as the freedom her suspension affords, he builds speed quickly. Even more deliciously, as he thrusts, he pulls her deeper onto him. Changkyun possesses her cunt with every single plunge, and that stimulation, coupled with the notion of her body belonging to him, sends her careening over the edge.
“C-cumming!” she squeals pitifully.
Her muscles seize and the ribbons tremble like plucked guitar strings. Changkyun stills within her, and there’s no mistaking the way his cock tumbles in temperature. Mariam had adapted to the enticing tingle of his chill, but the fresh burst of stimulation sharpens her descent.
“Goddamnit,” he hisses again as he rides out her orgasm. “So fucking good.”
She can’t stop shaking though. Wave after wave of cataclysmic release shudders through her, until her toes curl, until her mouth goes bone dry, until her mind empties and leaves her a true puppet dancing to her wielder’s dark designs.
“She just keeps cumming,” remarks Jooheon. “Unbelievable.”
“That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Minhyuk mumbles. He’s stroking the bulbous outline of his cock with a pretty sort of reverence, almost as though he’s completely lost in the showcase of her rapture. “Remind me to rub that in to that braggart, Kihyun.”
Mariam’s head droops and her body slumps in her trappings.
Minhyuk clucks his tongue. “What Is that? Four times now?”
“At least,” Jooheon agrees.
She can only assume they're right. It isn't that she's just lost count, it's that she can barely think at this point. She's been whittled down to a nucleus of pure pleasure-seeking.
She cries lightly. “I didn’t know I could cum this much.”
“And you can cum a lot more than that, too, but you're still new to this,” cautions the ringmaster. “It can get pretty intense, pretty fast, so if it does, you have to let us know, okay?”
“Okay. I’m okay.”
“Good,” says Jooheon. But his voice swings from relieved to ominous as he adds, “Fuck her however you want then, Kyun.”
“Not a fucking problem.”
Changkyun slides right back up to high speed and revels in her fresh slickness. Between their shared panting, filthy fucking, and the blood rushing in Mariam’s ears, it sounds louder than the music that had enticed her here in the first place.
He sighs. “You have the most incredible pussy, Mariam.”
“There he goes,” bemoans Minhyuk. “Drunk again.”
And again, Changkyun ignores his friend—or maybe he’s just lost and, like Mariam, wants to stay that way. The way he’s fucking her now feels like a man on cruise control and bent on enjoying all the scenery. His hands roam her shape, paying extra attention to the apple of her ass or the meat of her thighs, which he’s particularly fond of squeezing. Sometimes, when he fancies a more intimate grind, he leans forward so he can grasp her neck just hard enough to hold her in place while he gives it to her deeper than she’s ever had anyone before.
The chill in her walls has warmed from the fire of her release, so when the blue-haired aerialist fucks her roughly now, even a man with ice in his veins struggles to compete with the building friction. Her body thrums with every quick thrust, and before she even realizes it, Mariam feels fresh desperation in her belly.
“Squeezing me so tight,” murmurs Changkyun. “You want to cum again for me?”
“You do, and I’m going to cum, too,” he warns.
But then, a clap booms ahead of them, and it stills the man in her core.
“I’m tagging in,” says Minhyuk with a slap on his friend’s back before he muscles in behind Mariam.
Still, Changkyun holds firm to her hips as he grumbles, “Excuse me?”
“It’s for our Honey,” the redhead assures, and all eyes turn to the ringmaster, who’s looking back with those juicy lips fixed as steadily as his wicked eyes. “He asked. Me personally? I’d be happy to let you finish inside our girl right now.”
His blue-haired friend scoffs. “Yeah right. You’re not living if you’re not causing trouble, but if Honey’s asking, I can live with it.”
Caught in an endless eddy of bliss, Mariam can barely understand what they’re saying, but it doesn’t really matter anyway. She’s here for them and whatever they need however they need it. Still, it doesn’t stop her from complaining with a wail when Changkyun pulls out of her. She’s shocked to find she’s much, much colder without the air sylph inside her.
“Before you go…” says Minhyuk.
He dangles a pair of freshly forged handcuffs clearly cobbled together from more of the hoop detritus. With their warbled handholds and clumpy connecting chain links, they look more like crude Dark Age manacles than cuffs. It only makes Mariam's heart race faster.
“Cool these off for me, will you?” Minhyuk asks cavalierly to his fellow aerialist.
“Are you kidding me? She's already tied up.”
“Yes, but think of how absolutely helpless our sweet Mariam will look while I fuck her. I promise I'll take them off after I'm done with her.”
Mariam moans, and Minhyuk smirks as he pats her ass appreciatively. “See? It's what she wants.”
“You don't know that. You didn't even ask her!”
“You saw her dream, didn’t you?” the fire sylph reminds, though his tune changes when Jooheon clears his throat. “I guess you're right. Plus, it will be a lot of fun to hear her admit what I already know is true.”
Mariam has had a damn near impossible time wrenching her gaze from Jooheon’s thick frame, especially with his arms stacked in front of that sturdy chest, but when Minhyuk spins her in the silks, she has no choice but to look up at the redhead with big, watery eyes.
“Aw, come on, that’s not fair,” he pouts. “Okay, what do you say, baby? Do you want to be completely at my mercy?”
Her eyes hop from the flames dancing in Minhyuk’s to the impenetrable ice in Changkyun’s. She bites her lip and puts a voice to the dark thoughts swirling in her mind. “Do it, please, Minhyuk! Please. Anything.”
“There, see? All settled,” the fire sylph says triumphantly. He hands the red-hot steel to his friend to cool, and once Changkyun has, the redhead returns his attention to his eager victim. “Tuck your hands in beside you, my sweet.”
It’s a bit of a struggle wheedling her arms in alongside her, but once she does, Minhyuk is quick to position them in the small of her back. There, he cinches her hands into the malformed steel and pinches the openings closed with heated fingertips while Changkyun supervises. The fit is looser than she expected, but constriction comes from the scarves pressing harder than ever against her collar and chest now that her arms can’t dangle.
“If anything gets uncomfortable, think stoplights, okay? Red, yellow, green,” says Minhyuk.
Mariam nods. “Okay. All green.”
“Ah, such a good listener and an even faster learner. Mm, now, let’s see how fast you learn to love my cock.”
Minhyuk glides inside her before she can even finish her breath, which all rushes back out in a scream of relief. The chill at the loss of Changkyun is thwarted the moment his hot cock swells inside her cunt. The air sylph had sported a thickness that had stretched Mariam to her limits, but Minhyuk is just all-around big, and with the addition of the incredible heat that now massages her most secret parts, she loses the access to all other senses.
There is only Minhyuk’s cock. Powerful, penetrating, untamable.
He’s a fire brand inside her, lighting up her darkest recesses. He fucks like he talks, too—relentlessly. Mariam’s mouth hangs open. No words escape, just the tragic, tiny puffs of air he forces out as his cockhead hits places within her too delectable to name.
“Sweet baby with the sweetest pussy. How are we ever going to let you go?”
Don’t! she thinks. Not ever. Never, never, never!
But she can’t speak. It's all she can do just to think.
Firestarter that he is, Minhyuk rubs his cockhead quick and shallow like a striker across flint, and before Mariam even knows it, he has set her ablaze.
The intensity marshalling in her belly is unprecedented. Things are lightening around her. She wishes she could hold on to something just to be sure she isn't floating away, but her hands are still manacled at her back.
“Mariam, are you okay?” asks Jooheon with concern heavy in his voice.
“Gree-ee-een,” she croaks out through the ceaseless pounding. She isn't even sure if she means it, but considering she has no control over any part of herself right now, the automatic answer that comes from the lizard part of her brain must be right.
Forcing out the word opens a Pandora’s box of lewdness, and now the moans flood forth as she’s uncorked. It’s positively pornographic, but there’s absolutely nothing she can do to stop it.
“It’s now, it’s now,” she stammers.
And then she cums catastrophically.
Minhyuk shouts. He plunges his member in to his base to ride out her release. “Shit, you’re squeezing me for dear life, baby. You need my dick so bad you don’t want to let it go?”
“Stay,” gasps Mariam though she can’t even lift her head.
He does. He lingers deep in her core, riding out the tremors of her orgasm as he kneads her hips and ass. He folds over to rest his head on her shoulder as he slips a hand around to the basin of her belly and presses. His voice is criminally close to her ear as he hums. For once, he doesn’t say anything more.
He rocks in her walls again, and it sends them both lurching back and forth , like a couple on a porch swing. It would be far more romantic though if his manhood isn’t penetrating her so thoroughly.
With a contented sigh and a quick kiss to her shoulder blade, Minhyuk stands back up and picks up speed again.
Hair has curtained around Mariam’s face so she can’t see anything that isn’t the crimson ring floor. She wishes she could see Jooheon and Changkyun, but she’s so tired and, more to the point, she’s so helpless.
Minhyuk uses this to his advantage. Instead of thrusting into her, he slides her pussy up and down his shaft.
“This is heaven,” he groans out. “Your body is heaven, sweetheart.”
The best she can offer is a whimper of appreciation.
The metal clanks at her back with every piston, and her cunt sounds obscene. She knows she’s leaking on the floor since she can see the shiny droplets as she swings.
Behind her, Minhyuk is getting unusually loud—even for him. His breath is ragged, and there’s a throaty rumble at the end of every rut. He’s not just fucking her on him anymore but meeting her stride for stride.
Inside her, his cock is so warm. After all the overstimulation, she finds it addictively soothing. Mariam would be happy just to let him fuck her forever if it meant she’d get the deepest tissue massage of her life.
Her voice returns at last just to beckon him.
“Oh, fuck!” he snaps before he pulls out at lightning speed.
In his rush, he knocks into her leg and sends her wheeling like a carousel, and she gets the divine image of him ringing the neck of his dick, thumb pressed over the slit as and hunches over and pants.
“Whew!” Minhyuk belts out with a shaky laugh. “Didn’t think I was going to make it there.”
“Cutting it a little close, babe,” Jooheon says with a shake of his head. “You almost broke my heart.”
“I would never,” the fire sylph swears even as he continues to squeeze his member. “But I gotta tell you, your little VIP really is something exquisite. Must stand for Very Important—”
“Stop,” Changkyun barks from the other side of Mariam’s swaying frame. “Don’t say another word, Minhyuk.”
The redhead glowers at him. “When did you get to be such a prude?”
“Forget it,” the air sylph deflects. “Take those ridiculous things off her while you’re at it.”
At last able to control himself, Minhyuk softens the steel enough at the top of the cuffs to pry them open before he gingerly guides them off Mariam’s wrists. She’s only too happy to have her hands back, though she finds it’s not just her wrists that are sore but her shoulders, too.
Jooheon is there in front of her now. He takes one of her hands and manipulates it gently this way and that. The tendons flex exquisitely, and her eyes close as blood flows to her fingertips. He repeats the same thoughtful stretching to her other hand though, this time when he’s done, he threads his fingers through hers and holds her hand.
The ringmaster stoops down enough to snare her gaze. He smiles, and her soul melts like butter. “What’s your color, Mariam?”
“Mm, green,” she answers, vaguely aware of how her voice mirrors the trance she always seems to go into when she’s faced with his full attention.
“Are you sure? This has been pretty intense.”
“I’m sure.”
“Oh hell yes, thank god because I really don’t know what I would do if you’d said otherwise.”
Mariam shares a tired laugh with him and squeezes his fingers between hers. She bites her lip and risks a glance back at his dimpled face. “I really want you, Jooheon. You’ve been my dream since I found you.”
The ringmaster stoops and kisses her so roughly, she gasps, which is all the invitation he needs to flood her mouth with his tongue.
Images dance in her mind, a kaleidoscope of bodies grinding and tongues tasting and breasts bouncing and dimples—flashes and flashes of dimples in every single frame. The soundtrack is just as vulgar and vibrant, with panting and grunting and moaning of a single name.
He pulls back and searches her face frantically.
“Jooheon,” she whispers, an echo of the cries still looping in her head.
“Told you I’d replace your dreams.”
Mariam suckles her own lips, hoping to devour every last remnant of the new fantasies, and all three men grunt.
“Is there no end to your greed, babydoll?” asks Changkyun.
Jooheon shakes his head as though he understands her darkest thoughts, and maybe he does since he’s been in her head already.
Those soft dimples fall away as his eyes narrow. His voice is always commanding, but as the bottom drops out, his power is absolute. “Give her something else to suck on, boys. It’s the grand finale after all.”
The ringmaster takes his position behind her, and though Mariam wishes she had the pleasure of watching him ravish her, she’s happy to get lost in the feeling of his palms skirting up her thighs. His thumbs rub her engorged pussy lips for a moment before one slides to her clit budding between them and rubs it in easy circles.
“Wish I could hold you while I fuck you,” he says, “but it wouldn’t be fair to the guys. Since it’s the finale, we’ve all got to finish, right?”
Jooheon slides a finger inside her, and she cries out.
“Right, Mariam?”
“Right, Jooheon,” she assures.
Now, she feels his mushroomed tip begging for entry at her pulsing hole. She wishes she could see it, every vein and ridge and inch, so she could commit that, too, in vivid details to her dreamscape.
She waits eagerly.
He doesn’t enter.
Instead, he orders softly, “Show me you want it inside you.”
Her options are limited because of the silks, but that doesn’t stop Mariam squirming and wriggling as frantically as she feels inside, and when that isn’t enough, she resorts to the pleading that has gotten her everything else she’s desired.
“Please, Jooheon, please. Take me. Break me. Make me yours.”
His nails bite into the tender skin at her hips.
“What did you say?”
His voice is darker than a shadow in the dead of night. It only makes Mariam that much more impatient.
She feels her walls constricting, begging and beckoning for him to penetrate her. She hopes he can feel it, too, but just in case, she needs him to know exactly how unraveled she’s become. “I need you. I can’t live without your cock, Jooheon, please! Fill me up. I can’t take it.”
“Shit,” he curses. “Okay, baby, you’ve earned it. I’ll give you everything you want and so much more.”
At last, Jooheon delves into her core. Judging from his ever-quick and decisive words, Mariam had figured he’d be in a rush, but he explores her cunt leisurely, and it is devastating. She can feel the very shape of him opening her for him. Even if she hasn’t seen the full glory of his cock, she feels like she can commit it to memory now. Every muscle in her walls clings on for dear life. She swears his thick shaft has touched every nerve in her body, and she croons low and long after he bottoms out.
“Wow, Honey,” murmurs Minhyuk, “you should see how drunk on your cock our pretty baby is. All I can see are the whites of her eyes.”
Changkyun chuckles darkly. “And her mouth’s just hanging open.”
“Well, fill it. What are you waiting for?” says the ringmaster, and no one questions his orders.
Both aerialists step forward, dicks in hand. Changkyun is jerking his steadily, but Minhyuk looks like he’s still trying to hold back his orgasm. As if to confirm this, he guides his blue-haired friend to her lips.
“Hey, man,” grouses Changkyun, but his complaint dies the second her tongue darts out to taste his skin.
“You’re welcome,” Minhyuk returns as he stands aside to watch.
Mariam starts sucking gingerly at first. She’s out of practice. It’s been a while, and it occurs to her that she has no idea what’s she’s doing. She’s only ever had one partner, and everything they’d done together had been completely paint-by-number. She’s had sex and given a few blowjobs, but she’s never done both at the same time, let alone given two blowjobs simultaneously. It’s more than a little daunting, but that only adds to her arousal and her innate desire to please.
It’s almost refreshing sampling him. With as overheated as she is, it’s just like she imagined—like sucking on a popsicle in the dead of summer. Mariam ventures further down on his shaft than she’s probably ever tried before, and even though it tickles at the back of her tongue—just on the verge of a gag—the challenge is intoxicating. She wants to conquer it. She wants to make it down to his polished ice base, so she tries for a little more each pass.
Meanwhile, Jooheon finds a laid-back rhythm in her pussy, yet each thrust splits her open in a whole new way. He’s so good. It’s like he knows exactly how she’s always craved to be fucked—slow and thorough and desired. Each plunge has her yearning for the next. Nothing has ever been sweeter.
Changkyun’s cock pops out of her mouth as she moans, “Jooheon, Jooheon…”
It must be something the ringmaster has been hoping for because he lets out a moan of his own so velvety that it swaddles her heart. There’s something about it that feels special—personal. For Mariam, it goes beyond the pleasure of sex. It’s a sound so delectable that she knows she’ll feast on it forever in her memories.
The ringmaster goes rougher now in her walls to build up unrivaled friction. It’s so all-consuming she forgets her other obligations, but the sylphs sure don’t.
Minhyuk has regained his self-control, and it’s clear he’s getting antsy. Without a second thought, he lifts his friend’s dick back to her lips and shoves her mouth back on Changkyun’s tip.
“Keep sucking,” the redhead orders.
Mariam does.
She’s tired to her soul, and though she is in no way ready to end the best night of her life, Mariam’s finding it harder and harder to mine the stamina to please her lovers. Luckily, every hammer of Jooheon’s hips against hers bobs her head deeper onto Changkyun’s length, and when that’s not enough, that’s where friends are happy to step up to look out for each other.
“Let me help you, you ravenous little kitten,” says Minhyuk as he rocks her head on his friend’s cock.
That feeling of helplessness in the face of their lust makes her want to thank them and cum all at once, but she can do neither yet. As much as they’re giving her, they’re all just shy of gunning for the finish line. It’s for the best anyway. As addicted as Mariam is to the climaxes they’ve been serving her, she’s willing to put off her final one as long as possible.
They can use her forever if they want.
It's a symphony of sin in the room. Between the squelching between her legs, the garbles of her throat, and the barbershop trio of harmonized grunting surrounding her, it feels louder than the organ music that drew her here in the first place.
Jooheon leans forward enough to tug her nipples bouncing beneath her. It’s an unexpected ecstasy that makes her cry out with gratitude, though it’s muffled thanks to the cock in her mouth.
There’s nothing to compare this to. The very limits of Mariam’s body and mind are being tested. It’s everything. She can’t go back. She can never go back.
“My turn,” Minhyuk says abruptly and plucks her from Changkyun’s length with a smack of her lips. He turns her mouth to his straining tip and slides in immediately.
Mariam does her very best to service him the same way she did his friend, but the temperature difference is jarring. Her tongue throbs as it cradles his hot shaft. She purrs around him and sucks more eagerly to thaw her throat.
“Oh shit, shit…” he groans. “So fucking sexy.”
Mariam loves the way the fire sylph sounds. His usually feral personality has been chained by the pleasure her mouth is serving him, and instead of his boisterous taunting, he’s a desperate puppy eager for release from all this torture.
“You see his face, Mariam?” asks Jooheon as he rides her hard, and when he realizes he doesn’t have her full attention, he twists one of her nipples a little rougher until she gasps around his friend’s length. “You’ve got Minhyuk ready to blow. You want that, don’t you?”
She mumbles her eagerness around the cock blazing a path toward her throat.
“You’ve got to take good care of him, baby,” the ringmaster continues. “If you please my boys, you’ll please me. You want to please me, right, Mariam?”
She nods and hums, but she doesn’t answer because she can’t afford to. She continues slurping along Minhyuk’s throbbing shaft, and when she risks a teary glance up at him, she finds his face twisted with pleasure.
His hand knots in her hair, and the throbbing becomes a more urgent pulsing on her tongue.
“I can’t hold it any longer. Aw, baby, I’m gonna cum. Please swallow it.”
The “please” from him sounds so foreign, which makes it all the sweeter, and though Mariam has always been a spitter, she realizes that may be because no one had ever asked her to swallow. It had always felt wrong to even consider it. But now that Minhyuk is begging for it, she’s starved for his cum.
His huge hands fold over each other around the back of her head, and he ruts to the back of her mouth to pour his searing seed down her throat. There’s much more of it than she expected, but somehow, it’s also not enough, and when he tries to pull out, her lips follow, her tongue lapping up every trace of his offering.
“Aw, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he hisses as he races to pull her back. “Shit, baby, that’s too hot and I’m too sensitive. Fuck, I wish I could give you more. Kyunnie, feed our girl this time, would you?”
Minhyuk swivels Mariam’s head toward his friend, and she opens at once. Changkyun places his tip on her tongue, and he groans hard enough to shake the earth itself.
“Goddamnit, doll, your mouth is on fire.”
This time, Mariam doesn’t hold back. She’s too famished. She wants Changkyun’s cum, too, and she wants it bad.
Jooheon fucks her rougher now, so she knows he’s pleased with her display. The tension in her belly rises exponentially, and she finds herself smiling even as she devours the air sylph’s cock.
Changkyun’s hand skirts under her chin, his finger questing. “Look at me, babydoll, look at me. I want you to watch me cum.”
Mariam whines and does exactly as she’s asked. Just as she had for Minhyuk, she turns her eyes to the sylph and finds that elegant neck tipped back, his powder blue lips open as a fountain of grunts and groans spill forth. One of his hands slides to his throat and squeezes, and he unloads his icy spend into her belly.
He’s still spurting down her throat when he looks at her, brows knitted and nose scrunched with pleasure, and he makes the sexiest little howl as he empties himself of every last drop. He pulls out with a shiver that makes Minhyuk laugh.
“Never seen an air sylph tremble.”
“I don’t feel the cold unless I leave something so fucking warm,” Changkyun retorts. To Mariam, he says, “Thank you, baby.”
Jooheon grabs a handful of her rear and squeezes to remind her she is his and his alone now, and she collects the last of her energy to look over her shoulder.
There she finds the ringmaster glistening with sweat, all the way down his throat and chest and forearms. It even drips under her chin and onto her ass. She’d taste it if he asked her to.
Her core constricts, and Jooheon hisses.
“Did they taste good, sweetheart?” he asks.
“Yes, Jooheon.”
“You did so good, Mariam, so good. You’re doing even better for me. You’re squeezing me an awful lot, baby. Can’t wait to cum?”
She bites her lip and nods. “Please make me.”
“I will, I promise. We’ll cum together, okay?”
She can’t stop crying his name, and she wonders if she’ll ever be able to call out anything else ever again. Maybe that’s been his plan all along.
Mariam sags in her cocoon of silks as she rides out his energetic fucking. All three men have fit inside her differently, but when Jooheon takes control of her, his power is all-consuming. Each thrust drives the air from her lungs in high-pitched whines. Her hair flies around her face and her tits jiggle beneath her and more arousal trickles down onto Jooheon’s thick thighs.
Minhyuk stands before her, unabashed, his cock as soft as his eyes as he watches her take his friend’s pounding. The fire sylph is glowing, the sparkles in his skin all the more glittery post-release.
“Absolutely fucking stunning,” he observes as her eyes roll back in her head.
Mariam’s body is vibrating. From deep within her, something electric and violent is mounting.
“This is it,” says Jooheon. “Help me out, guys.”
The slyphs tag-team her, so that all three men surround her to hold her in place for the ringmaster to fuck at inhuman speed. Fingers thread together over her clit, hot and cold entwined, rubbing and rubbing and rubbing in perfect harmony while the cock inside her enlarges to unprecedented thickness until she can feel every vein goading the last of her consciousness from her.
The feeling overtaking her is so intense, her first instinct is to run from it. Maybe this is more ecstasy than a person can take. It feels like her muscles are being stretched to their limit, like strings being tuned on a violin until they fray.
She’s thinking yellow now, but she can’t bring herself to say it. She can’t say anything, but he does the talking for them.
“Gonna cum, baby. Cum with me.”
With one more drill of Jooheon’s cock, she explodes.
Mariam feels like a starburst, like a supernova.
A scream is torn from her lungs, and she collapses in her chiffon embrace.
She thinks maybe her soul left her for a moment. Maybe it hasn’t come back either because she feels dead to her bones.
“Still with us?” asks Jooheon as he runs his hand down her spine.
“I worried you might have passed out there for a second.”
“Mm, no. I’m here. I could take everyone here if you let me,” she boasts, though half of it is through a vicious yawn.
All three men laugh before Jooheon bends forward to kiss the tip of her nose. “Maybe you could, but what makes you think we’d want to share?”
Mariam’s lids droop as she studies his delicate dimples and chocolate eyes, and she nods in slow motion. “Next time then.”
Jooheon exhales sorrowfully. “If you come back, sure, next time. You can have as much of any and all of us as your voracious little heart desires.”
The trio releases the scarves slowly, and she emerges transformed—though, into what, she is unsure. They ease her down onto the mat, where Mariam curls into a ball, her core dribbling liquid indecency all over the floor. Jooheon covers her with his coat before he joins her to spoon.
Changkyun follows suit and mirrors her, their foreheads touching. Not to be left out, Minhyuk spoons Changkyun, completely unbothered by the fact that they’re both as naked as the day they were born.
Mariam’s not sure how long they lay like this, but she does know it’s not nearly long enough. Jooheon kisses her shoulder, and she knows what he’s going to say before he says it.
“I don’t want to go,” she says drowsily. “I don’t want to leave you.”
The ringmaster rolls her onto her back so he can cradle her cheek in his hand as he peers so deeply into her eyes that she can feel him inside her again. “And we don’t want you to go.”
“Then why are you going to make me?” She’s crying now, but she’s expended every ounce of energy on them, and she has no self-control left.
“If you can find us again, you can stay. It’s the rules of the circus, sweetheart, not our rules.”
Though her exhaustion is relentlessly overtaking her, Mariam finds enough strength to cling to Jooheon’s shirt as she implores, “That doesn’t make any sense. How do I find you? I don’t know how I got here in the first place.”
“I can’t—” He cuts himself off and sighs. His head hangs as his two friends clamp their hands on his shoulders. “I can’t tell you that, but if you do return, just know you’ll never have to leave again.”
Hopelessness surges in her chest as strongly as sleep does. Her eyes are shutting against her will, though they refuse to dam her tears.
Jooheon rubs his thumb along the rainbow of her cheek and adds gently, “If I did it, I know you can. Don’t forget us, Mariam. Don’t give up.”
“Never! Never, never! I won’t stop looking until I find you again.”
Jooheon kisses her slackening lips, but even overwhelmed with exhaustion like she’s never experienced, she finds the strength to taste his mouth one last time.
Mariam’s lost the fight to open her eyes again, but as she sinks down toward unconsciousness, she hears the last of their voices like she’s on a train pulling away from their discussion on the platform, and she’s powerless to stop the momentum.
“I don’t want her to forget us,” whines Minhyuk.
“She doesn’t have to forget, does she?” Changkyun asks.
“That’s not up to us, you know that,” Jooheon reminds. “It’s up to her.”
Minhyuk grumbles. “You humans never want to remember.”
“I remembered.”
“You’re different, Honey.”
“She’s different,” adds Changkyun.
“I know,” says Minhyuk. “That’s why I need her to remember.”
Jooheon’s voice is the last thing she hears as she reaches the bottom of the black abyss.
“Remember us, Mariam. Find us again, and we’ll never let you go…”
“Mariam! Mariam, open your eyes!”
“Jooheon?” she asks groggily. She rubs her eyes to help them adjust faster to the wan gray of pre-dawn.
The fog has lifted. Carmel is Carmel again, though, for a second, she sees stripes overhead and hopes the big top is just behind her. On second look, however, it’s only the diner’s green-and-white vinyl awning snapping in the early morning freeze.
“Who’s Jooheon?”
After a dozen furious blinks, she recognizes the face looming over her as that of Felix, one of the chefs.
Mariam’s not just confused, she feels hungover—or maybe still wasted—not that she’s ever been either, but that’s the only way to describe this sensation of imbalance. She doesn’t feel right.
“Are you okay?” the cook asks as he studies her beneath his scrunched brow.
“I’m okay, I think.”
“Did you pass out or something? Don't tell me you slept out here.”
Only then does Mariam lift her head and look around. It is still dark out, but Felix has the 6:00 a.m. shift, so it must be closer to 5:00 in the morning. She is on one of the benches in front of the diner. She doesn't remember falling asleep here.
She’s also still in yesterday’s clothes, and her server’s apron rests bunched up at the edge of the bench like a makeshift pillow. She rubs the sleep from her eyes and notices the imprint of the bench slats on her hand.
At last, she stands, and she feels the humiliating squish between her legs. Did she have a wet dream on the sidewalk? Thought is both horrifying and preposterous, but she can't decide which it is more of.
“I guess I did,” Mariam says cautiously.
“You don’t remember?” Felix looks seriously concerned now, and he rests a wrinkled hand on her shoulder. “Maybe I should call someone. Or I could run you down to the hospital?”
“No!” she shouts before she tempers herself. “No, that’s really not necessary. I must have just overdid it on my shift.”
Maybe that’s true. Her limbs have never felt so tired; her heart has never felt so heavy.
“On a Tuesday?” Felix presses.
“I guess I haven’t really been sleeping super great the last week. Must have just caught up to me.”
It sounds logical, Mariam thinks, enough to throw the cook off his line of questioning, but none of this makes any sense. She is sure she was lost in the fog. She is sure she went to a night circus. She is sure she has seen things that have altered the very fabric of her reality. She is sure she has felt things that she may never feel ever again.
At least, she was sure…
But sometimes her dreams cross the line, and it makes it hard to differentiate between the physical world and her subconscious. She knows she’s had one before that had felt so good—so real—she had woken up like this, soaked between the thighs and reluctant to reenter reality, but for some reason, she can’t recall it anymore. All she feels, sees, thinks about is her night circus and the beautiful creatures who inhabit it.
And she hears a name looping in her head in her own desperate voice.
Her nails bite into her palms just to be sure this is reality, and as they do, she feels another tightness, this one on her finger.
It’s a flower ring—rudimentary, handmade, and utterly beautiful. The steel is lumpy and singed, but the way it wraps around her finger, like a climbing rosebush permanently fastening itself to her, soothes her heart.
“You need me to see you home?” asks Felix. “I’m worried about you, kid.”
Mariam shakes her head. “I’m good, but thank you. I’ll see you tonight before shift change?”
He narrows his eyes but nods all the same. “Yeah. You sure you’re good?”
She cradles her ringed hand to her heart and feels as galvanized as the steel itself.
It was real.
It was all real.
They’re all real, and she will find them again soon, she feels it in her heart.
Mariam casts her eyes to the encroaching dawn as the last tendrils of the night fog fades away, and she answers quietly, “All good. I’m going to find my way home.”
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mylevisdontfitanymore · 10 months
So…forgive me if you’ve done something like this before but Steve/Nat/Bucky have been living rent free in my head for a while now and I thought…what if Nat was just having a really lousy time and Steve and Bucky just cooked her an authentic Russian meal to cheer her up but they can’t cook. So they keep practicing and tasting until they get it right…putting on weight as they go because…decadent cuisine, amirite? She notices her little pelmeni getting bigger but she doesn’t mind. She keeps tasting, taunting them, saying it’s not right, try again. Until they get it right, only they’re not the only chubby ones anymore…but Nat doesn’t realize it until she indulges in one of their truly amazing meals and ends up popping a button. Sexy times!
Completely ignores the fact that the last writing I did here was all but a month ago and returns like nothing happened.
I haven't done something like this before! I dig it! It's giving this scene between Wanda and Vision
Also, it reminds me of this Steve and Natasha fic that I adore "Shaping Happiness"
Inspiration/reminders aside... yes! This idea is great!
I went off the prompt a little bit because I couldn’t help myself, I hope it’s still enjoyable!
Warnings for Steve × Natasha × Bucky belly kink below the cut. Unbeta'd. Stuffing, weight gain, dirty talk, etc.
At first, all the food Steve and Bucky attempt to cook for Natasha to cheer her up is truly terrible.
Steve has never been much of a cook, so he claims it’s not his fault. Listen! He's unlucky enough to burn water! So, as Bucky rediscovers Steve’s kitchen ineptitude, he's quickly relegated to boiling water at most and tasting as Bucky cooks at least. Steve cannot be trusted with knives and veggies most of the time (Bucky will never understand how he’s a superhero who can hold his own in combat), nor can he be trusted to measure something correctly (he’d much rather just "eyeball" it), and there is never a time where it is acceptable to allow Steve to cook something. He will turn up the temperature, thinking it’s not cooking fast enough, and accidentally attempt to burn the entire apartment to the ground. So, Steve gets to taste.
Only taste.
Bucky will give him spoonfuls or bits and pieces, and Steve will greedily take them. Praising Bucky’s cooking ability (re: his non-disaster existence in the kitchen that Steve occasionally envies, lmao) and asking for more, please? Weaponizing those pretty baby blues when Bucky’s successful enough for things to be edible.
Obviously, Bucky is a better chef between the two of them, but he's out of practice (years of being the fist of HYDRA will do that to you) and unfamiliar with these kinds of foods. So, even though he's still got a few of his Ma's recipes in the very back of his brain (not that Depression-era foods to keep the family fed are very good compared to a lot of these Russian delicacies), nothing is really… right… when they first begin making comfort food for Natasha.
They try all the staples:
Solyanka (sweet and sour beef stew), zharkoye (beef (or whatever extra meat you have around the house) and vegetable stew), zharkeo (chicken stew), etc.
Borscht (red beet soup), okroshka (vegetables, egg, potato, and meat soup), rassolnik (beef, barley, and pickle soup), shchi (cabbage soup), ukha (fish soup), etc.
Pelmeni (meat dumplings), pirozhki (savory baked or fried puff pastries), blini (wheat crepe-like pastries with sweet or savory fillings), borodinsky (dark rye bread), vatrushka (sweet pastry with cottage cheese and raisins), shashlik (kebabs with cubed meat and vegetables), ikra (caviar on bread/blini), pirozhki (yeast dough stuffed with savory or sweet fillings), etc.
Morozheneo (extra creamy Russian ice cream), pashka (sweetened cheesecake), kartoshka (basically Russian cake pops, often chocolate), kissel (cherry soup), medovik (layered honey and condensed milk cake), etc.
Steve will often spend the time that Bucky is spending cooking by looking up new recipes, and new foods, making sure to take them from credible sources so they don’t end up in a “diner situation”
The diner situation was what happened when Bucky was first recovering and they were surviving on takeout because Bucky was too afraid to allow himself around knives again and Steve was struggling (unsurprising), so no cooking for him, and they went to an “all-American diner.” Hoping for a taste of home and instead finding that the diner served food that was God fucking awful and worst of all, nothing like the actual food of the day it was claiming to represent! It made them both feel worse - lonelier. No one understood what it was like. What the food was, what the culture was, what it was like.
They don’t want that.
They will not be making some bogus “Russian food” that isn’t actually authentic.
Anyway -
All traditional Russian cuisine that Bucky attempts while Steve watches and tastes and researches aren't any good at first.
Like, they suck so much that Steve and Bucky don't even serve them to Natasha. Tasha doesn’t even know what they’re doing. She’s always out on missions or on Capitol Hill with Fury whenever they try their hand at making her familiar Russian foods by their design. While alone together in the apartment, Steve and Bucky quietly try each creation themselves, can barely swallow it at first, and decide… not yet.
Not yet.
They both want it to be perfect.
So, even when Steve begins to use his puppy-dog eyes for evil, begging for more treats, more tastes, because, holy shit, Buck, that’s great! That has to be what that is supposed to taste like! They don’t share the plan with Natasha yet.
Not yet.
Natasha catches onto the fact that something is going on as she starts to squint her eyes and pinch Steve’s hip or ass, gratefully sighing, “at least between the two of you, someone is fully embracing the house-husband lifestyle.”
Embracing the house-husband lifestyle by packing on a few pounds. Just enough to soften Steve’s usually perfect abs into a flat belly (unless he’s stuffed or bloated) and turning his thighs and ass into soft, squeezable shapes.
Bucky and Steve have both retired, giving them all the more time to spend experimenting and practicing recipes for Natasha as house-husbands and homemakers. But Steve is the only one beginning to plump up. He’s stopped going for his morning run and afternoon workouts cold turkey. Bucky still goes to the gym. He finds it meditative. Cooking and working out seem to be some of the only things that completely clear his mind. Steve, on the other hand, has always been single-minded. And it seems like eating has taken up all of his focus.
There's no room for anything else.
Steve tastes as Bucky goes, describing the flavors the best he can, telling him what he might try adding and how the flavor compares to what his research has told him the dish is supposed to be like. Then, when the dish is done, Steve tries it first, while it’s still hot (even if it’s supposed to be served cooled, Steve can’t help but have a healthy serving before it goes into the fridge). He gives notes again. Bucky tries it when it's fully ready. He has a nibble or two, just enough to taste - nothing like the full servings that Steve takes. Bucky has already had his lunch, and he doesn’t want to spoil his dinner. Then, if it’s good, Steve eats the rest of whatever they’ve made.
All of the rest.
Bucky’s taken to telling Steve to “hide the evidence” since they don’t want Tasha to know until they’re ready for her…
Is it really hiding, though, if they both know where the extra food is ending up in the form of a pretty, shaping-up pot belly? Sticking straight out from Steve's well-defined chest.
Food for thought. Ha.
“What is Bucky feeding you when I’m away?” Natasha purrs, on her knees, her sharp, white teeth digging into the new slope of Steve’s belly. He chugged a whole, huge pot of stew when Natasha texted an approximate 10-minute ETA. Getting rid of the evidence except… the stew was full of melt-in-your-mouth meat and potatoes and salt. Heavy. This stew isn't fucking around and it's apparently delectable (Steve's word). So, it’s obvious where the stew has gone. Right into his pot belly.
Once Natasha arrived, Steve was still sweating and just beginning to bloat up like a balloon from the excess sodium. And Tasha's always present 6th sense for knowing how best to drive Steve up the wall, complained about how hungry she was.
A devious grin split Bucky’s face, asking what she was craving because they’d be sure to order lots of it. Whatever she wanted.
She said Indian food.
That’s not something Steve can resist. He loves Indian food. And, sure enough, he wolfed down a whole ‘nother dinner. Getting red in the face from the spice heat and temperature heat, his poor belly gurgling loudly in a fit of digestion.
Steve shrugs in reply to her question, biting his lip out of arousal but also out of desperation to hide the overfull groan that wants to come out of him. He’s been fighting burps and moans and hiccups all evening. Trying to not make his packed state so fucking obvious.
Bucky thought he was into seeing Steve like this - bloated and round - because he loves seeing his fella happy and healthy and fulfilled. Bucky thought he was into cooking and baking and experimenting with food for Natasha because he loves her, and he wants to make her happy and bring her comfort and just do something sweet for her. Those things are true. But, watching Natasha dig her painted nails into Steve’s soft parts…
There’s something else here, too.
Woo, boy.
“Mm,” Natasha is half-asleep, exhausted from yet another mission, yawning, and curled up like a cat in a sunspot between them. Her head is cushioned on Steve’s chest, “‘m pretty sure we could get rid of our pillows and be just fine.” She squeezes the pec that her head isn’t pillowed on in her hand, groping him, “got enough right here.”
Steve inhales shakily, turning bright red.
Bucky can tell by looking at him that he’s not insulted, far from it, that’s his this-is-making-my-dick-hard face. He's squirming, too. Blood going straight for his dick with a vengeance.
“Eh, just wait a little longer 'fore we make any rash decisions, m'kay, doll?” Bucky murmurs, amused, running his metal fingers through Tasha’s fire-red hair.
She grumpily frowns but then snuggles more into Steve’s jiggly chest, taking it as being warned about how tired she is rather than waiting because Steve’s going to get plumper. More cushion.
The more blindsided she is by the comfort, the better. Bucky wants it to take her out - to make her feel so much better that all she can do is accept it. She has a hard enough time allowing herself simple pleasures.
She deserves it all and more.
“Damn, Rogers, you ever think about doing a centerfold? I’m pretty sure Playboy would make an exception for you if we asked.” Natasha husks, her face all up in Steve’s business. Lips and teeth and tongue working at his little hole while her hands spread his extra full cheeks apart.
Steve simply whines, high-pitched and pathetic.
It’s a damn good response, considering her question and considering how Bucky has his cock rammed down his throat. Stuffing him.
Steve is suspended between them, face-planted onto Bucky’s cock, choking, his arms useless, half crushed under his chest against the bed, and arching back against Tasha. His legs shake under him when Natasha does something special with her sharp tongue. Steve’s in heaven. Choking on dick, throat full, and getting fucked with a hot, wet tongue deep inside his sweet hole.
Now, after weeks and weeks of practice, not just Steve’s big, heavy dick hangs down toward the bed... now his belly does, too. It jiggles when he squirms. Every time Bucky squeezes his growing gut, Steve makes a sound like he’s dying. It’s a different sound to what he makes when Natasha gropes his thickening ass or widening love handles. Also, different from the sound he makes when they feel up his expanding tits. All his sounds are sweet, but the sound he makes for his belly is especially guttural and desperate.
“Curves for days,” Bucky bites out, thrusting in hard. “Better than any of the girls in those pages.”
Steve chokes.
Tasha laughs, just this side of cruel. “Mmm-hmm,” she spanks his ass just to watch the fat flesh ripple, “getting more and more curves these days. I guess retirement is good for somethin’.”
The growl Bucky lets out is unintentional. It’s barely been a year since they retired. So, what will Steve look like in a year? What will Natasha look like when she’s face-first in his ass then? Will Natasha have to buy a longer strap to reach Stevie’s hole, much of the plastic length getting swallowed by his monstrous ass? How fat will Steve be if they keep going, his perfect, little, superhero figure ruined?
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
Bucky can’t take the thought. He ends up coming down Steve’s throat with a shout from behind gritted teeth.
Steve doesn’t mysteriously grow forever, though...
When they’re ready, Bucky and Steve arrange with Fury for Natasha to have a full three-day weekend off, no interruptions unless the world is literally being torn in two. Then, with the guarantee, they prepare.
First, Steve does research into the traditional Russian foods that would be used for a celebration - a feast - and arranges an entire multi-course menu for the occasion. His poor belly, so used to tasting and now able to recognize most of the dishes he comes across, wails the whole time he works. He’s not hungry. Not exactly. He just wants something in his mouth. He wants to taste. He can’t wait for the feast. Bucky has to remind him again and again that this is Natasha’s feast. She’s going to eat what she wants, and then Steve can destroy the leftovers.
Second, Bucky prepares all the dishes. One last time. Every detail on point. Practicing. Getting everything as perfect as he can. Making sure the dishes and drinks in each course compliment each other well.
Steve gobbles it all up, stuffed like a traditional American Thanksgiving turkey by the end of it. Panting around his bounty, all of it shoved down his throat, turning his belly into a red, tight beachball that Bucky wants to worship.
And for once, Bucky is relieved that Natasha is currently, before her long weekend, on a multiple-day mission. She’s out of the apartment and not returning tonight. He’s relieved because it means he doesn’t have to explain this to her.
Steve. Stuffed. Food-drunk and hard and moaning about it.
There’s no way this would be an accident. No one gets completely, illogically gorged like this without trying.
When did tasting bits and pieces become vacuuming up the entire dish Bucky made anyway? Bucky doesn’t exactly know. But he can’t complain. All he can do is rub Steve’s skin with lotion then jerk him off slow and tight, dragging it out until Steve is sobbing, holding his taunt gut desperately like he can keep himself together, keep himself from splitting at the seams, and then blacking out when he’s finally allowed to come because it feels so good.
Third, they prepare all the food before Tasha is set to arrive home. She’s been in debrief most of the morning, but before that, she caught a cat nap on the quinjet and then showered at Stark Tower. She should be refreshed. There’ll be no reason to delay the feast. Bucky doesn’t want to have to reheat it and ruin some of the delicate flavor.
He wants it perfect.
Steve waddles around, helping Bucky to set the table the traditional Russian way - including the shot of vodka next to the water and wine glasses. Steve waddles because Bucky had to make sure he had his fill of food before the feast. Otherwise, he would’ve probably been helpless not to hoover up all the decadence laid out in front of him. He’s created a monster. Even if it’s been hotter than sin to watch him lose self-control after so many years of being perfectly in control of every little part of himself and his life - but, there needs to be an intervention of that new habit today.
So, Steve is stuffed, barely holding himself together. Panting. Flushed. Sweaty. Aroused. Filled.
Bucky is so focused on the stew in front of him, steaming on the stovetop, as he ladles it into an appropriate bowl for serving that he doesn’t hear Natasha unlock the apartment door. The first thing he hears from her is a pleased moan.
“What is that smell?” She asks, her husky voice bright.
“I think you know what it is,” Bucky chirps back, charming.
“Mm-hm,” she hums. Bucky hopes he isn’t projecting when he thinks that she sounds delighted.
But, before he can get anything else out of her, he hears her gasp. He’s about to round the corner and check on her, make sure nothing is wrong after her mission, when -
“Oh, маленький поросенок,” she purrs, “this is why you’ve grown so plump, isn’t it?”
Bucky shivers, setting down both the ladle and the bowl, quickly stalking toward the dining table. Little piglet. God. Did he hear her correctly? Did - is… is that what she really just called Steve?
Little piglet.
The meaning of the words themselves, along with the sound of smooth, purred Russian in Natasha’s voice, leaves Bucky’s heart pounding in his chest.
This was part of the plan, too. Making Steve irrestiable, putting him on display, was part of the plan. He just didn’t -
He didn’t expect it to affect him so much.
He wanted it for Tasha.
Just for her, he left Steve at the dining table, sitting back in one of the heavy wooden chairs with his big belly wedged between the armrests as a gift. Huffing and puffing, stuffed as he already is. His hands resting on either round, bowed-out side of his tummy, rubbing himself lazily. He’s in a tight white t-shirt that’s been pushed up by his swollen middle, exposing a delicious, pale slice of his lower belly that’s been marked by hot, pink stretch marks. Even the serum can’t keep up with the ravenous appetite inside of Steve. The elastic of his grey sweatpants has been stretched to its limits and crushed under his gut. If his heavy belly is lifted up, jostled enough to make him moan, it becomes obvious just how low his sweats are on his hips because the top of his neatly trimmed, blond pubic hair is right there.
He looks delicious.
He looks like one of the Russian pastries Bucky has prepared. Golden and puffy. Hell, he might look more like the dough for the pastry before it’s baked - he’s certainly doughy and soft and he’s expanding out of his clothes like he’s expanding, growing from too much yeast.
Natasha is standing next to him now, her mouth open, staring at him, trying to figure out where to begin. A cat with a mouse, all hers to play with.
The moment she touches him, Steve arches his back, pushing into her touch. Hungry for even that.
He’s so gluttonous.
More. More. More.
More of everything. Anything.
“You gonna sit down, doll?”
Natasha shuts her full lips with a click but nods, almost shy with how her eyes flick toward him, then away. Demure in a way that she never is. Normally, if she wants something. She’s going to get it.
This is a different side of her, and Bucky already likes it.
Bucky pulls out a chair for her, the one directly across the table from Steve. She sits, and he pushes her in. He leaves quite a bit of space between her and the table, hoping her gluttonous side will appear and flourish, too. He wants to see her belly grow until it touches the edge of the table.
He wants her to eat until she can’t have another bite.
Maybe she’ll let him feed her like Steve lets him.
Maybe she’ll grow as round and fat as Steve has.
He enjoys having one little piglet as a lover, so what could be better than two?
More than excited, Bucky sits himself at the head of the table after bringing the first course. He serves Steve just as much as he serves Natasha, unable to not feed him when he looks so sweet. Even if the plan had been to stuff Steve beforehand so he would be sated (and also to allow him to sit for long enough that he’d be ready to play by the time Natasha was done eating).
Steve is...
He's perfect. Irresistible. Blue eyes dazed, eyelids heavy, cheeks red with heat, head hanging low enough to give him a full double chin. A preview of what’s to come if he keeps blowing up like a balloon. It’s delicious.
Tasha eats everything that Bucky serves her. Everything. Practically licking each plate or bowl clean. She praises his dedication, obviously noticing the care and preparation of the presentation but also tasting the care and prep. These are not flavors that are easy to attain. It’s not perfect. But Natasha is glad it isn’t perfect. That means they can do this again. And again and again and again. Until they have it perfect. Then. Even after that, they should do it. This is good.
Natasha is enjoying herself because, perfect or not, it does settle her. She feels like she could close her eyes and be in one of the rare moments of her childhood where she felt safe and comforted. Better than that, too. With her eyes open, she’s here with her lovers. Her маленький поросенок [little piglet] and her… her кормушка.
That feels right.
Her feeder.
That’s what Bucky is doing, feeding her, stuffing her, giving her everything she wanted and beyond. More than she could’ve imagined.
The fuller Tasha gets, the farther they get through the courses, the more settled she feels.
It’s hard, she realizes, to allow her abs to let go and expand with the bulk of the food she’s putting down, but, when they make it to the third type of stew, Bucky pauses to rub her belly over her tightening blouse and she moans and breathes heavy and let's go.
She unrounds.
She didn’t realize she was sucking in every moment of every day. Exhaustive. Letting go makes her toes curl. She watches Steve across the table and does as he does, mirroring him, squirming.
“Oh, Джеймс,” Natasha moans his name in Russian, James. Moving side to side, squirming, she can feel the food sloshing inside her. It’s so akin to the feeling of being fucked that it’s shocking. Full. Every sweet spot inside her hit. No wonder Steve loves this enough to have plumped up so deliciously, so rapidly.
She must be making a wet spot on her chair. The heat between her legs is so intense. She would love to squeeze her legs together and feel the throb of her pussy, stimulating herself, but she’s afraid she can’t move her legs. They’ve fallen apart. Spread. Making room for her belly to grow between.
Grow and grow and grow.
Until it’s inhibited by the size of her shirt and the band of her pants, belted tightly to her skin. Her blouse is too tight. The belt is cutting her in half. Without the belt, she’s sure her pants would be giving her trouble anyway. Together, it’s all agony. And these pathetic sounds she only makes when her lovers spend their day working her up and up and up, not letting her come until the sun has begun to set and all she can do is weakly clutch at them, crying, sobbing, and whimpering for her release. Begging to have it. And making a massive mess when she does, squirting hard enough the first time she was convinced she pissed herself. Just. Drenched. Broken like a dry branch snapping.
How does she feel like she’s there already?
Steve is watching her from across the table with this obscene, blatant, animal desire etched into his pretty face. She’s not sure she’s ever seen him look so dumb and dominant at once. Like he wants to take her, to devour her, but he doesn’t know how.
Not a thought in his head.
She doesn't blame Steve, though. It is exquisitely difficult to think when so stuffed. She's full up to her eyebrows, and every swallow is forcing her brain out of her head. No thoughts.
Bucky reflects the look on Steve’s face, just, without so much of the stupid. He’s clearly awed, but he knows exactly what he wants.
What he wants to do to her.
What he wants from her.
Before she can even realize what’s happened, Natasha is moaning, gruff and loud, and breathless all at once. She has a mouthful of food that she’s having a hard time swallowing, and her body doesn’t want more food. Her mind wants more food. She needs. More. Just a little more. Please? This feast has to end at some point, doesn’t it? So she might as well take all she can get while she can get it, right?
What happened? She turns her head towards Bucky, feeling entirely shit-faced drunk in a way that she… she hasn’t maybe ever felt.
Tasha swallows her mouthful of food, moaning as it slides into her. Stuffing her more. Deep. And -
Pop. Pop.
“AH!” She moans again, twisting her head too fast when she hears an answering clink, clink.
Her eyes follow the sound and find Steve’s plate and her answer.
Two of the three buttons she’s just popped off of her blouse, each feeling like an orgasm in their own right, has landed on his plate.
Steve is staring at them. Chin doubled. Hungry and dumb with his mouth open.
Natasha squirms as much as her overfull, clothes-breaking gut will allow for, crying out when she feels her bare skin come into contact with the edge of the table.
She's grown so huge.
Please, please, please.
She doesn’t know what she’s begging for, what her little, hurt, desperate sounds mean. She just knows she needs.
And the second Bucky pulls out her chair, rips her blouse open to allow her to fully expand, tears her belt out of the buckle, shreds her pants, and gets his head between her shaking thighs, she’s coming. Coming and coming and coming. It feels endless. Steve’s eyes are hot enough on her to feel like a physical touch that throws her over the edge that much more. The hot, wet press of Bucky’s mouth against her, her soaked tight core, is too much.
“Oh, oh, oh!” She can’t stop moaning as she orgasms, entirely swept up by the tide of pleasure and excess.
This is absolutely happening again. She's already -
She already knows.
She gets off so hard on it, stuffed to glutted at their dining table, Steve in the same condition, that Tasha thinks she may never get off on anything else ever. She's been ruined. She already knows.
She's ruined, and this is going to ruin her figure. All she can think about is how decadent Steve feels, fat and soft and lush, and her own body being that? Oh, it blows her mind. Their bodies together, both fat and soft and lush and curvy and round, next to Bucky - all solid, hard muscle. Oh, fuck, that obliterates her mind.
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spitinsideme · 2 months
Opinions on jello? Taste, texture, and appearance wise.
..there may be wrong answers to this (I am the number one jello hater I despise jello so mucb the concept of it is neat like I used to think jello looked like those reusable colorful ice cubes but h.holy fuck the texture of jellp is horrendous it reminds me too much about like fat in meats though that's worse . I will forever lack an understanding of how people eat jello or the fat bits in meat ir,, idk... pudding.. but at least it's something they enjoy I guess thats wgat matters)
..i didnt intend to type out a mildly sleep deprived rant at first i apologize 👍
i have never had jello in my life ??? i mean maybe i have but its not called jello here ?? we have jelly .. is that .. the same thing ?? ptobbaly, sounds the same to me so im going to go with jelly
i LOVE jelly so i am the wrong person to ask this i love slurping it up like its a drink i literally go slooorttrpp with it i love ut sonuch i coukd est so nany in one sitting its so good i love how soft it id and how it tastes my favrouite is the strawberry jelly but to be fair thats because we only grt two flavours here, orange and strawberry and orange sucks but strawberry is soo good its so soft and jiggly and i like to drink it and its felicious when its cold i have a co op nesr me that sells them for like 50p fot a dmall packet and its like ... maybe 20ml in there idontknow bit theyre pretty small and they taste so amaizng i havent had jelly in like 9 yers i think its been .. a very long tine bt they are DELICIOUS and jelly is the BEST qnd godbthey LOOK SO GOOD !!!!! I LOVE HOW SHINY THEY ARE !!! theyre nteven sticky they literally feel likr soft and cold and like .. like those wet slimes that are floppy and sloppy that you touch and feels like water anf isnt sticky but jelly id like mire .. solid .. than that .. everything about jelly is good 10/10
youre so right by th3 way, the fat bits in mest SUCK !!!! i usually cook the mest myslf so i hust take off th3 fat when im cutting and beating the chicken meat but god it tastes so fucking badbits so disgustinf also pudding sucks too idontknow what jello yoire having but it absolutely does not taste like pudding here it tastes like normal soft and jiggly and slurpy jelly
never apologuse for sending rants in my asks, in fsct, plesse contunye !! this is like a safr spwxe for all of you to sing your hestt out about things you love or hate or anythibg, be who you are on my blog abbygirl and send me long ass rants
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wrathofrats · 8 months
Day 4. Table sex/temperature play
Prompts by the icon @kroas-adtam !
Cirrus has fun with Aurora and some ice cubes.
Just some fluff, ghoulettes being cute and in love. Also being weird about ice bc I can be.
Aurora sat on the counter as cirrus attempted to prepare for dinner. Legs crossed in her sun dress as she idly took a sip of her glass of water. The abbey had been unfathomably boring that day. The rest of the ghouls left to finish up their chores as she laid bored in her room. Only coming downstairs when she heard the refrigerator door open.
“Whatcha making cir?”
Cirrus grabbed a large kitchen knife and began chopping up a large onion next to Aurora, barely stopping to look up at her.
Aurora often got in particular moods. Desperate for attention, for someone to eye her like a piece of meat, she enjoyed the way the other ghouls gawked at her when she was acting unashamed. Cirrus though wasn’t one to break easily. Aurora uncrossed her legs and leaned over, attempting to flaunt her cleavage in cirrus’ face no doubt. An unabashed action.
“Lasagna, that ok for dinner?”
Aurora nodded. She just watched cirrus as she worked, long fingers wrapped around the handle of the knife, strong arms flexing as she worked. It was truly a very mundane task, but Aurora couldn’t help but let herself get a tiny bit worked up over the sight.
It’s not her fault she’s a bit easy, and cirrus is attractive.
“Need something princess?” Cirrus asked cocking her eyebrow while starting to throw her pasta into a pot. She eyed the smaller ghoulette up and down, taking her time as she dragged her eyes over the way her low cut dress exposed the tops of her tits.
“No, why?”
“You’re staring pretty hard baby” she smirked. Cirrus always loved how worked up Aurora could get over nothing. She was ridiculously easy to tease sometimes, she couldn’t help but find it adorable.
“Just watching you”
“Oh? Anything on your mind darling?” She was trying to tease her now. See if she could make it any worse, have the poor thing squirm even if she doesn’t do anything to her. It’s a fun game.
“Nope” Aurora takes a sip from her glass of water again. Cirrus watches as a drop of water falls out of her mouth and trails down her neck and across her cleavage. She was wearing a low cut pink dress. Two cups that tied in the middle with a short ruffled skirt. Cute. Teasing. Aurora knows what she’s doing by wearing it.
“Are you sure?” Cirrus strides over to stand between her legs, bracketing her small frame between her arms. Aurora takes another sip and chews on a piece of ice before kissing cirrus deeply. Cirrus squeals a bit at the cold intrusion to her mouth before pulling away from the giggling multi ghoul.
“You brat”
“Why, do you want something to be on my mind? Do you have something on your mind you’d like to share?”
Cirrus looks down at the cup and back up to Aurora
“Actually, I do” she smiles
With one hand she pulls at the ties on the top of Aurora dress, cups hanging open exposing her breasts. It’s hard for Aurora to not roll her eyes but smile anyways.
“Really cir? If that’s what you wanted you could’ve just asked”
She doesn’t respond, just sticks her hand into Aurora cup and pulls out a large ice cube.
“Just let me do something princess” she says. She runs the ice over the top of auroras collarbones making her shiver, water running down her chest. Her skin is red and sensitive where the ice has trailed acrossed, making its way down slowly.
Aurora nearly jumps when the ice comes in contact with her nipples, making them stiff and sensitive immediately.
“Cir what are you-“ a hot mouth engulfs her breast making her shut up immediately. She shoves her hands into cirrus’s hair, holding her down where she continues to lick and nip at the sensitive bud.
With the other hand she continues to circle the ice around the unoccupied breast. Aurora can’t decide whether to continue to hold cirrus down or to try and slap away the cold ice that continues to glide across her skin.
Finally she lets up.
“You alright baby?” She asks. She has a stupid smile on her face staring at Aurora. Hair messed up, skin wet and red, top completely open, exposing her, panting. Poor thing looked like a mess.
“Are you just going to continue to tease me?”
Cirrus shoves a hand under her dress
“Maybe, might have to finish you off after dinner”
“You’re not fair”
“Yeah, but you’re so fun to tease”
Cirrus lifts her skirt quickly and pulls her legs apart, cunt already glistening
“Cirrus!” Aurora squeaks trying to put her skirt back down
“You’re not wearing panties?”
“Pervert” she chides
“You’re the one with no underwear. Wore a dress and sat up here knowing I’d find out didn’t you? You wanted me to find out?” Cirrus has a knowing smile on her face. As much as Aurora loved to deny it, she was a tease and knew exactly what to do to get her way.
“Maybe” she blushes as cirrus grabs a fresh ice cube.
This one trails up her thigh slowly, letting it melt down her leg before pressing the last of it against her cunt. Aurora gasps, squirms against the feeling and tries to push her hand away again to stop the sudden freezing intrusion.
“Can you please just touch me, stop being weird” she begs
“You seem to be liking it a lot babe. Just let me have my fun and I’ll help you out later, be patient princess”
She just whines as another ice cube runs up her thigh.
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ontologicalmoki · 1 year
 @clawedandcute​ I found it! 
It started with this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32049478 In which some Tatooine cuisine is described. 
Then @clarabrighet and @lurking-latinist helped me or at least listened to me ramble about more tatooine food items based on the selection described in that fic. The list is based on the one tatooine food we do know about, blue milk, the fact that Anakin eats bugs and must have learnt that from somewhere, and what I already know about desert cultures’ cuisine. Boba Fett hadn’t come out yet. Here:
Grape mellons - watery, not very sweet
Jawa berries - small, very sour berries that grow in rocky places
desert soy - not actually a bean but a soft nut that grows on bushes
barley - the one staple crop that grows, but its more like buckwheat than a cereal. 
Yellow pepper - from the seeds of a scrubby plant
Desert pear - sweet tree fruit with a short season, has a rigid exterior that has to be cracked.
crumbleroot - the starchy root of a thorny plant which, as may be indicated by the name, is really hard to harvest. by the time you dig it up and wash the dirt off it will be broken into a hundred little pea-sized chunks. Kinda sweet like jicama, kinda spicy like radish. 
citron - a short, herby plant with a heavy root ball that when cracked has a sour flesh inside with a high water content.
mango - actually more like a giant snap pea (or an ice cream bean if you know what that is). hard exterior and with hard, fatty fruits on the inside.
And of course, blue milk and bantha meat.
Food items:
Curried blue beans (made with desert soy, blue milk, and sand pear) served with fried raptor egg
Little candies made of spicy bean paste and shaped like Jabba the Hutt
Bantha steak strips, seasoned with pepper and sweet bark, with blue cheese and citron slices, served over steamed crumbleroot
Little cakes of mashed crumbleroot, sage, sweet bark, bantha meat, and Jawa berry, all wrapped in a mango leaf and baked
Dune worm stew, mostly dune worms and just a little gelatinous broth, with sage, citron leaf, yellow pepper, barley, and melon chunks. (Dune worms are hard to cook and fragile and so have a narrow range of uses. They are however abundant).
Skewered sand hopper, broiled and served with roasted grape melon and desert pear and dusted with yellow pepper
Jawa Berry pie, which is actually more of a Jawa berry, sage, sweet bark, bantha bacon, and barley scramble, baked in a tin without a crust, served with blue cream and honey on top
Desert soy and grape Mellon curry, served with fried egg and bright yellow with how much pepper is in it.
Egg wraps, where you fry an egg into like a tortilla and wrap stuff in it. Popular fillings are bantha meat, yellow pepper, refried soy beans, citron (often mashed up with sage and crumbleroot into a sauce), Jawa berry jelly (a powerfully sour substance to be used sparingly), desert pear, blue cheese, and yet more egg
Boiled barley sautéed in butter with crumbleroot, sage, sweet bark, and bantha bacon (or beetles).
Cubed bantha meat, marinated in pepper, sweet bark, and citron, scrambled with crumbleroot, raptor egg, and desert pear, and simmered in blue milk
Hard candy made of Jawa berry jam and honey
Citron pie, which is a glassy citron, honey, and sage marmalade (swirled with Jawa berry jam if you feel fancy) in a crispy barley crust, drizzled with a grape melon wine reduction, decorated with sage blossoms
Blue milk custard, served on a fried desert soy patty, with honey grape melon sauce, dusted with powdered sweet bark.
Just a soy patty fried in butter and smeared with either Jawa berry jam or citron marmalade. At its highest form it’s served with fresh blue cheese and citron leaves
Hutt candies but collectible, in different colors and looking like different members of the hutt family. (There’s a popular childrens game that involves passing them around a circle quickly so as not to be the last one in the middle, whose hutt gets smashed with a plate and eaten. Bean paste is very satisfying to smash)
A bean paste ball with a candied beetle in the middle, rolled in crystallised honey
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daintydoilypon · 1 year
You say you had to level up to evolve into a woman? What about trans women like me? What are our prerequisites ?
You just need an additional rock, what kind of rock? Depends on what kind of woman you wanna evolve into:
Leaf stone, you become a plant lady, I don't make the rules of nature. Though, you also might become a vegan. It's a 3.57% chance, so be careful with that rock if you like meat.
Water stone makes ya thirsty woman, make sure you have a water bottle by your bed or you'll wake up like Spongebob without his helmet in Sandy's dome. Will look good with wet hair now though.
Fire stone, you are the rare type of woman that runs hot, people will use you as space heater. If you don't like being touched, too bad, you are the heating pad now. Also might be spicy, what kind of spicy? That is something we all must find within ourselves.
Thunder Stone, thunder thighs. Tis a blessing and a curse, depends on the woman you ask, take that as you will.
Ice stone or touching the ice cube, 99.9% of women are always cold. It's a fact that we are heat leeches, it's in all the biology books, trust me. If you use this stone, you will gain the perk of cold feet, good weapon against your partner, but they may get sick of your cold feet shit and force you to wear socks to bed, which is a sin towards all. Weigh the pros and cons.
Dusk Stone, you will be active only at night, great for clubbing or gaming sessions depending on what kind of woman you are. May develop the move "insomnia", which takes several steps to replace with another move, bad for competitive play, but your nights will be legendary.
Dawn stone, you morning woman you. You get so much done in the day, but you will crash once the sun descends beyond the horizon, like those solar panel lights that only shine for like 3 seconds because you put them in a weird spot in your lawn, and you become a tired husk that must bath in lavender scented epsom salts, but that's treating yourself bby.
Love and friendship gives you the perk of self-love, which is rare in all womenkind. We pretend to have it, you know, 'fake it til you make it', and you will fall into this circle of love and hate at times, but the highs will be highs bby gurl.
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originemesis · 3 months
@deathinfeathers from xxx
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Rattling the serrated blade inside the freshly formed slit, as if in a ravenous attempt to crack open a stubborn oyster and get at the succulent meat beyond the shell like a starved sea otter. Only does she falter when the inbuilt audio system, which had provided the back-up beats to many a jam session, proceeds to spit the snarling din of disordered files in her face. Amidst the clamor of fractured sound-bytes her vocals stand out starkly...this absolute freak must've cracked the internal storage unit. What a sicko. The blood seethes in her veins, at the thought of some desperate posturer nosing through Adam's private data. "RAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHH BLEED, YOU FILTH!!!" Reeling her head back in preparation to butt the knife through every layer of glass, flesh and bone separating it from the off switch nestled somewhere inside the dome, but she is stopped short. A squawk tears itself free of her lungs when the demon whips his upper body backwards, slinging her up and over his head like a raging bull. She lands with a thud atop the counter, pinning an awkwardly folded wing between her back and the blackwood, which results in a disconcerting crack of a sound, stemming from somewhere within the feathered appendage. Ouch! If she is at all deterred it is only for the moment it takes her to get her bearings and evade being gored by those Dagger-esque horns. She'd left the knife lodged in the display, so she's quick to swing an arm behind the bar and make a grab for the first object she can find, which happens to be a bucket full of ice. Not exactly an ideal weapon but she slams that shit, full force, over the back of his head never the less, scattering the cubes and frigid water all across the floor. An opportunity to take him down to the ground if she can get him to slip in the mess she'd just made, she draws her knees in close to her chest, grasping the counter's edge for extra leverage, and bunny kicks him in the side with all the staggering power of a roided up kangaroo.
The fact that she was trying to screw the knife's edge past the punctured glass shell and into his skull was not lost on the first man who became very distinctly aware of the scrape of metal against the flesh beneath the hardy helmet's shell. What exactly did an exorcist have to gain from coming down outside of extermination and tearing his head off? There was no telling...no telling what heaven had gotten up to in his absence. Surely they all thought him dead or else Lute and the others...they would have come back for him, right? But here was one of his own flock determined to dive a blade between his eyes. Which begged the question...did they know all along? That he was down here? And was this their confirmation that he was not only worth coming back for, but better off wiped clean of their record before he could cause too many issues to divine reputation down in hell?
Such thoughts are enough in the ways of fuel to fire him up into a raging display worthy of cracking the delicate intricacies of a monochrome-feathered wing trapped under his downward thrashes as he behaved more like a bull in a china shop than an angel with clipped wings at the bar. He would have kept jackhammering his horns down upon her too until he'd smashed her to a gorey pulp on the counter if it wasn't for how viciously she connected the bucket to the back of his helmet, leaving an additional ringing inside his skull as he snarled and staggered back a stunned step from his attempted brutalization. The ice caught suddenly underfoot causes him to slip just a jerk of a step, but he catches the side of the counter with a harsh grip of talons that scratch the black wooded surface. It's a short lived folly though when a well-timed kick slams into his flank and knocks him back a few sliding feet that might have destroyed the wall behind them with his momentum and launch speed had he not curled over to dig vicious nails into the floor, thus coming to a scraping stop on all fours like the animal she seemed to think she was butchering.
"All right-...I'm fucking DONE with this!" The rumble of a growl in his chest turned snarl helped him straighten back up as well as a burst of light in front of his chest that helped lay the image of a golden axe strapped across his chest in its usual position for every band session he'd issue to his flock in the past. With the currents of the chords, he was able to control the movements of his girls at times when they needed a slight nudging back into place to keep their formation more fuck-shit-up friendly, and he was absolutely prepared to correct this one's before she got too ahead of herself thinking she could waltz up and leave with his head in one soundless transaction. Without missing a beat of his own, he slammed the start of a particularly booming riff aimed at knocking the wind into her wings hard enough to send her backwards again if she wasn't careful about keeping those sails of the shoulder tucked against his perfect disaster of a storm.
"COME AND GET ME THEN, YOU STUPID BITCH-" He demanded, striking down upon the strings with the radiant light of his resolve much less bright than usual- but still a force of bass to be reckoned with when cranked up enough and aimed.
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kamy2425 · 4 months
"The Meaning of Death" (Discworld Fanfic) Chapter 6: Dreams and Wishes
[Context for Tumblr Users: Rincewind and Eric have appeared in Coin's dimension]
There was something about this place that Rincewind reminded him of. The memories of a little picture book began to unfold. Not of the place nor whoever gave him that book, but just the image of one single page. A sourcerer whose hands spread wide apart as the magic around him flowed colorfully across the page. It was that single image that has given Rincewind that glimmer of self-discovery. It is what led him to become a wizard in the first place.Rarely has Rincewind reminisced of a past where he wasn't a wizard. Much less, a memory where he wasn't running for his life. It made him questioned where had all this bad luck started. And...if it was even possible to have that small feeling of not looking out for any danger or being scared. Just his eyes glued to a book, unaware of the world outside. He felt rather guilty of having that feeling. He even remembered the sillier times where his young self wished to be that figure in the book.
And it is what Coin has become. It is what this world is. 
There stood Rincewind, a wizard of no magic, and a little kid who has all the magic in the world. What would have happened if their lives were switched? To live in the fantasy that Rincewind always dreamed of? He didn’t have to imagine. 
Rincewind looked around. A world of just magic. A world that lives on one singular page. Never to flip on the other side. For Rincewind, it felt…kinda lonely. With all the magic in the world, Rincewind won't possibly be able to replicate that warmth and the comically banter that happens in the Mended Drum. There won't be a morning where Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler would try to sell him questionable meats at a fair price, or that isolated but cozy solitude that the library in the Unseen University provided, nor its librarian.
Coin raised his hands as plush chairs manifested from the ground to his two visitors. For himself, he sat on a large tree stump and wiggled his legs happily as he stared at the two with his golden brown eyes.
“Oh! Drinks!” Coin gasped, “That’s what’s missing!”
He clapped his hands together as a little cloud shaped all the drink he could conjure up.
Eric waved his arm, “Lemonade sounds great, friend!”
Pop! Lemonade with a handful of ice cubes landed onto Eric’s grip. Coin moved his head towards the other guest, “Do you fancy one of those adult drinks? A cup of beer, perhaps?”
“No, thank you…” Rincewind waved the little cloud away from his face, “I’m still flavoring Eric’s uh…delicious mystery soups from earlier, thank you all the same.”
“A cup of water perhaps, then?” Asked Coin as his eyes were holding Rincewind’s guilt hostage. 
“Water would be nice!” Rincewind quickly responded, “Thank you.”
He couldn’t find an opening to throw the drink in secrecy, so Rincewind had no choice but to drink it. He was surprised that it was just regular old water. Just without the pesky muddy-flavor. So really, this water was the most water that Rincewind has ever tasted in his whole life.
“You must have so many questions for me, do you not?” Coin asked.
“Well, um…” 
“After I escaped the Dungeon Dimension because of you,” Coin explained without much of Rincewind’s response, “I fixed my mistakes. And I decided to create this world. For myself.”
Rincewind jumped in place as Coin teleported from behind him and pulled onto his robe,
“Go on!” He said cheerfully,  “Ask me anything! I’ll make it for you!”
“I um…okay uh…” Rincewind struggled as he wasn’t good at talking to children, “Some new pair of socks would be nice.”
Coin chuckled and produced some red-colored socks with star patterns on them, “I can produce a brick if you'd like to continue that fight.”
“No, I’m okay with just the socks thank you.” 
I must be dreaming! He scratched his head, but actually, according to Eric he WAS dreaming. So what can he do? Wake up? What kind of danger would his body be if he doesn’t? Actually, now thinking about it… when was the last time he slept? Sleeping is nice and all, but Rincewind has learned something valuable about the art of wakefulness: 
The more times you close your eyes, the more you’ll miss the danger coming straight at you. 
“Excuse me,” Rincewind stepped away and dragged Eric along, “He just made me socks.”
“I can see that.” Eric replied, “Are they not your size?”
“No, it’s not that! They fit like a glove!” Rincewind shouted, until he remembered he wasn’t alone and lowered his voice, “Fit like a sock, I mean.”
“Look..uh….oh!” Rincewind leaned closer at whisper length, “He’s making wishes, isn’t he? And yet, you’re not like…asking him for any like…I don’t know, riches? babes? the whole ruling the world thing?
“Oooh, that!” Eric laughed, “Oh, no I’m way past that!” 
“What do you mean?” Rincewind glared as Coin just walked casually at their not-so-secret conversation.
“Well, the thing is…those wishes were something I wanted because everyone else wanted it, you know?” Eric explained, “Everyone in my town just, constantly going Eric, when are you getting a girl? Eric, when are you getting a real job? Eric, why are you such a lazy piece of-”
Rincewind immediately blocked Coin’s ears as Eric was mumbling in silence. Rincewind shook his head no as Coin laughed at the exchange.
“....Anyways, those things were just someone else’s wishes. And I believed ‘em.” Eric sank his shoulders, “I thought I wanted them.”
Coin stepped in and placed a hand on the other boy’s shoulders, “Our wishes and destinies had been shaped by someone else’s.But it shouldn’t define what we are underneath it all.”
A moment of philosophical silence flowed through the timeless breeze.
“Is it really that simple?” Rincewind asked, much more to himself than the crowd around him.
“May, I?” Coin extended a hand and pointed at the wizard’s head. “I wish to see the world and what’s become of it.”
Rincewind hesitated, there’s been times where cursed books and animated hats took a peek at his mind. Only, he was always close to death in those times. If something were to happen now, in this peaceful looking world, then it would probably be a good way to go about it. The wizard sighed as he leaned down on the ground and said, “Alright.”
They both closed their eyes. Coin could see all the events that occurred on the wizard’s timeline. All the failures, all the chaos, and all the little moments where he was at death’s door steps, unfolded within himself. 
“You have lived a pretty interesting life.” Coin pointed out, “To unknown lands, impossible dimensions, to even being in the far ends of the universe itself.”
“Look, I know what you’re about to say, but-”
“It must have been awful.”
“...why, thank you.”
Far away in the forest, a group of hooded figures observed the various footprints left on the ground.
The leader of the pack crouched down on one knee as he dipped his finger in the soft muddled floor. He lifted it up and gave it a strong whiff. It really was pointless, but someone had to do it for the whole atmosphere of the thing. At least he hesitated in giving it a taste sample.
“The box.” Said the leader, “It’s been here.”
“Gosh,” responded one of his minions, “You can tell all that with just a whiff?”
The leader pointed far off into the distance. It looked like the owner of those footprints rested, leaving a wide rectangular hole in the mud. Afterwards, the trail goes back to tiny little feet marching straight forwards. 
“Yes, I’m pretty sure.” He stood up and lowered his hoodie. The man was bald, but he covered that up with the number II marked on his forehead. He had to find someone to take out one of the lines, now that he has ascended after the whole fire fiasco a while back. It might look uneven, but everyone would know who is in charge.
“Men!” He shouted, “We find the box, we find the Wizard! We find the Wizard, we find our Orb!”
The group cheered in unison.
“We will not rest! We will not eat! We will find the Orb of Knowledge until our very last breath!”
“I prefer to breathe, to be honest.” Whispered one of the minions in silence, “It comes with living, after all.”
“Everyone!” Shouted the leader, the group stiffed in place. He swung his sword and aimed at the setting sun, where the footprints continue on the other side, “Forwards!”
The group vanishes in the distance, leaving their own trail behind as well.
Even further back, little demons looked over some of the same footprints. They were very confused about the additional number of feet that came along with it. 
“The wizard has an army!” Shouted the youngest demon of the group, “We’re doomed!”
“Not doomed!” 
The demons turned their little head towards the voice. While it appeared to be the shortest of the group, it made up with its longest looking horns sitting on top of its head. He moved to the front of his army and turned towards them.
“I, Killer Buzz the Second,” Said the leader, “Promises you, revenge will be all the sweeter once that Wizard is dead!”
The army cheered.
“Do not fear those shoes!” He pointed, “They are but lesser beings! What we make in size, we make up for it in numbers!”
The army cheered loudly. 
“We will not rest until we feast on the blood of our enemy!”
“We will honor Lord Beetlebuzz’s death! His past might have been lies, but his legacy will be the truth!”
“And if push comes to shove, all younger demons will be the first to be used as bait!”
The sound wave of the crowd died, but quickly found the momentum again, “...yay?”
Killer Buzz nodded in reassurance as he turned his back and pointed his pitchfork straight ahead.
The little army of demons marched. Their bodies were visible until reaching the far end of the grassy hill.
I've only seen one or two one-shots that had Coin in it. He's such an interesting character and a really great foil to Rincewind's whole Wizard thing. If you're interesting in the story, give it a full read in AO3! My first time writing about Discworld, and I hope I can provide that familiar warmth and magic that these books provide. I may not be an expert writer just yet, but I love Discworld, and hopefully this will help me get better at it!
Read the other chapters on AO3 here!
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tetrabytez · 6 months
Day 4(?) Of being on Cymbalta
• The headaches I experienced constantly the past few days are gone.
• My fibro flare ups and pain are a lot more infrequent now from what I have seen, however it's winter time, and they're usually less frequent during this time regardless. Will update in the summer. If I stay on the meds.
• I am yawning CONSTANTLY. My jaw fucking hurts.
• I have very little appetite, can barely finish half of what I was eating before starting the medication. Snack cravings are all but gone.
• Blurred vision in one eye from the pupil dilation - it's the eye that is worse than the other from my astigmatism.
• Everytime I eat, I get stomach aches. This is entirely new to me, as I've always had an iron stomach and have been able to basically eat anything I like. (Except for meat, which I am allergic to.)
• I am always cold, now. Bone chilled cold. It is very hard to get warm and stay warm. I have always preferred the cold to the heat, so this isn't as much of an issue for me as it might be for others, but it's still a problem in some instances. My toes are ice cubes 24/7 no matter what. I figured they'll start rapping any day now.
• My temperature regulation, despite being cold all the time now, is a lot better than previously. I no longer overheat.
• I want to sleep all the time, just like I did whilst on Zoloft. It's very hard to get out of bed after waking up.
• I get muscle spasms about as much as I used to when I would never drink water.
• My left thigh is weirdly tingly and numb sometimes, and it freaks me the fuck out.
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