#Mental Health Apps Market
sumitnews · 22 days
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soumyafwr · 29 days
Mental Health Apps Market Size, Analysis and Forecast 2031
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univdatosmarket · 4 months
Mental Health Apps Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20.5% from 2021-2027 to reach US$ 3.3 billion by 2027.
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clowningaroundmars · 1 month
the way that i am now downloading stock market news apps......... and squinting at these crazy ass news articles and learning finance terms n shit.... trying to read these number and graphs........
i am morphing into a middle aged dad of 3 kids. 🧍‍♂️
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respectissexy · 1 year
Tumblr is currently serving me an ad for "Voda, the LGBTQ mental health app" offering "daily meditations, self-care and AI advice" and as a therapist I am begging you not to download an app where an AI tries to help you with your mental health. Please do not. They tried to have an AI chatbot counsel eating disorder patients and it told them to diet. That shit is not safe. Do not talk to an AI about your mental health please. You don't need to talk to a professional but talk to a PERSON. Edited to add: OK, it's been a long day and I wrote this when I only had the information that was in the ad. It looks like they may not actually have a chatbot, but something that just... churns out pre-programmed advice? That's genuinely a lot safer! But calling it "AI advice" feels a little misleading. This app may be perfectly fine and safe to use, but should probably stick to the fundamentals that people want from a mental health app and not try to use AI hype to market, since the intersection of AI and mental health support is VERY DICEY and bad shit has happened there before. And you should probably do further research on how they are using your data, since that is also an area where mental health support apps have gone bad before.
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werewolfpdfs · 1 year
clicked on the lgbt mental health app ad. the ai advice thing (stupid. dumb.) is pre vetted so like. I guess the question becomes do you trust the ~medical professionals~ behind the curtain. and to that i say a resounding no <3
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bitchesgetriches · 6 months
{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about How to Pay off Debt
Understanding debt:
Let’s End This Damaging Misconception About Credit Cards
Season 2, Episode 10: “Which Is Smarter: Getting a Loan? or Saving up to Pay Cash?”
Dafuq Is Interest? And How Does It Work for the Forces of Darkness?
Investing Deathmatch: Paying off Debt vs. Investing in the Stock Market
How to Build Good Credit Without Going Into Debt
Dafuq Is a Down Payment? And Why Do You Need One to Buy Stuff?
It’s More Expensive to Be Poor Than to Be Rich
Making Decisions Under Stress: The Siren Song of Chocolate Cake
How Mental Health Affects Your Finances
Paying off debt:
Kill Your Debt Faster with the Death by a Thousand Cuts Technique
Share My Horror: The World’s Worst Debt Visualization
The Best Way To Pay off Credit Card Debt: From the Snowball To the Avalanche
The Debt-Killing Power of Rounding up Bills
A Dungeonmaster’s Guide to Defeating Debt
How to Pay Hospital Bills When You’re Flat Broke 
Ask the Bitches Pandemic Lightning Round: “What Do I Do If I Can’t Pay My Bills?” 
Slay Your Financial Vampires
Season 4, Episode 3: “My credit card debt is slowly crushing me. Is there any escape from this horrible cycle?” 
Case Study: Held Back by Past Financial Mistakes, Fighting Bad Credit and $90K in Debt 
Student loan debt:
What We Talk About When We Talk About Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: “The Government Put Student Loans in Forbearance. Can I Stop Paying—or Is It a Trap?”
How to Pay for College without Selling Your Soul to the Devil
When (and How) to Try Refinancing or Consolidating Student Loans
Ask the Bitches: I Want to Move Out, but I Can’t Afford It. How Bad Would It Be to Take out Student Loans to Cover It?
Season 4, Episode 4: “I’m $100K in Student Loan Debt and I Think It Should Be Forgiven. Does This Make Me an Entitled Asshole?” 
The 2022 Student Loan Forgiveness FAQ You’ve Been Waiting For
2023 Student Loan Forgiveness Update: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly 
Our Final Word on Student Loan Forgiveness 
Avoiding debt:
Ask Not How Much You Should Save, Ask How Much You Should Spend 
How to Make Any Financial Decision, No Matter How Tough, with Maximum Swag
Your Yearly Free Medical Care Checklist
Two-Ring Circus 
Status Symbols Are Pointless and Dumb 
Advice I Wish My Parents Gave Me When I Was 16 
On Emergency Fund Remorse… and Bacon Emergencies
Should You Increase Your Salary or Decrease Your Spending? 
Don’t Spend Money on Shit You Don’t Like, Fool
The Magically Frugal Power of Patience
The Only Advice You’ll Ever Need for a Cheap-Ass Wedding 
The Most Impactful Financial Decision I’ve Ever Made… and Why I Don’t Recommend It 
3 Times I Was Damn Grateful for My Emergency Fund (and Side Income) 
Buy Now Pay Later Apps: That Old Predatory Lending by a Crappy New Name 
Credit Card Companies HATE Her! Stay Out of Credit Card Debt With This One Weird Trick 
Ask the Bitches: Should I Get a Loan Even Though I Can Afford To Pay Cash? 
The Bitches vs. debt:
I Paid off My Student Loans Ahead of Schedule. Here’s How.
I Paid off My Student Loans. Now What?
Hurricane Debt Weakens to Tropical Storm Debt, but Experts Warn It’s Still Debt
The Real Story of How I Paid Off My Mortgage Early in 4 Years
Case Study: Swimming Upstream against Unemployment, Exhaustion, and $2,750 a Month in Unproductive Spending 
That’s all for now! We try to update these masterposts periodically, so check back for more in… a couple… months??? Maybe????
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soumyafwr · 30 days
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Mental Health Apps Market Size, Analysis and Forecast 2031
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csuitebitches · 1 year
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Current Holy Grails
What works for me and could work for you. Building so many things takes time and consistent effort. Always remember to start small and gradually increase your capacity to handle more things on your plate. Always remember: what works for me may not work for you.
✔️Habit tracking (app: Habit on iOS)
📝Confidence notes
🕛Defining a routine and its outcomes. Starting slow and easy is crucial
📲Having a separate Instagram account only for wellness and health
🏇Playing a sport/ having a hobby
🛌Having enough rest days/ down time
🍿Allowing my content consumption to be both entertainment and education
👗Wearing clothes that fit my body type, style and comfort as opposed to trends
💍Being single for years has allowed me to curate a deep relationship with myself and when I’m ready to date seriously, I will
🥰Checking in with your feelings and emotions often
📚Newsletters on various topics - start ups, entrepreneurship, history, art, news, travel and philanthropy
🎭Finding event experiences companies locally that curate events (My friends and I have agreed to go for a pasta making workshop, chocolate appreciation and wine tasting together!)
🎶Listening to classical music
👚Buying one high quality fashion piece > multiple fast fashion pieces, especially with winter wear
🤓Reading case studies every day about various topics - my current field, different companies, strategies, marketing etc
🗣️Practicing reading loudly and slowly every night; feeling every word on my tongue and letting the sound come from my stomach
🧠Brain games - I play mental math every day which takes me like 2 minutes to do. I also solve brain games from a book everyday after lunch; word games, crosswords, riddles, etc. It helps me not feel sleepy after eating
🙏🏼Praying and having a relationship with God
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dropintomanga · 4 months
AI Can't Be the Whole Solution for Manga
So this week I found out out a Japanese start-up called Orange, who wants to be the Netflix of manga by translating a lot of manga with new apps and tools for the world to fight against online piracy. And to do so, the company will use AI to machine translate all of their manga into English. They also received $20 million USD in funding (one of their investors is Shogakukan) for their goal. This company wants to release up to 500 titles a month at some point.
I honestly don't know how to feel about this.
I read a more in-depth report from Deb Aoki of ComicsBeat and Mangasplaining about this whole startup. There's a lot of tout given by Orange about how this will help the manga industry overseas. Terms like deep learning, accessible content, influencers, reducing cost of localization, etc. are thrown around. Orange already has done some work for Shueisha for some of its MangaPlus titles. While it's apparent that the North American market only gets a small fraction of the manga published in Japan, there's concerns over whether this endeavor will end well.
A good number of manga translators and editors in the North American localization scene have commented on how bad this can be. AI machine translation is far from perfect. While DeepL (a Japanese language translation app similar to Google Translate) is arguably better than Google Translate, there's still errors abound. AI machine translation doesn't seem to be at a stage where you can just show it off to the world and have it translate something like a research paper with context. And even if the translation was good, there still needs to be people to fix errors AI will miss and the jobs to fix those errors don't necessarily pay well since they're the equivalent of "data entry" jobs.
And speaking as someone who reads up on mental health news, AI is not good for picking up nuances and differences that can help people for the better. It's only good for standardizing universal treatments. AI can not be open to the vulnerabilities of other people. One recent story I read last year was about a eating disorder helpline that created a chatbot to help those with eating disorders and how it bombed. There were complaints about how the bot didn't address patients' concerns that they were feeling down or bad about their bodies. Even worse, the chatbot gave some horrible advice by telling people to follow behaviors that led to their eating disorders in the first place. The support staff was fired in favor of the chatbot and while the chatbot was taken down after the complaints, it still left a bad taste in my mouth because mental health problems can never be solved without the human element.
I see this with what's apparently going to happen with manga. I don't see this creating a better world for manga readers. I'm well aware that there are a few professional manga translators in the scene who aren't doing a good job, but I feel they're doing fine for the most part. There's a glaring issue though that most people aren't thinking about - the amount of content we have out there.
We're in a golden age of having so much catered to us that it's ridiculous. Anime, manga, webtoons, video games, board games, music, etc. There's a lot out there. And to have a Japanese startup proclaim that they want to put out up to 500 titles a month, who realistically has the time to read all of them? I wonder if that's the point of these ventures - beat down consumers with so much material to consume that they become apathetic to what's going on behind the scenes.
I do want people to read manga, but I don't want them to become so overwhelmed to the point of burnout and numbness. That's the last thing any manga fan should want. I'm already hearing complaints from my fellow manga peers about the amount of manga we're getting here. It's nice to see bookshelves and libraries filled with manga, but which titles are really being read?
I also think there seems to be no universal standard that EVERYONE can agree with regards to localization. You have the professional side that knows a lot due to being inside the industry, but can be hindered by the Japanese publishing side and pestered by fans who think they know better. And you have the fan side that thinks they know everything because of scanlations and miscellaneous fan translations.
If you're a professional, it's a rough job and I applaud all manga freelancers who do it. Sometimes, I may not agree with the localization choices. But I'm not going to raise a pitchfork and treat them like they're witches. I know a few of those folks in-person and see the human in them.
If you're a fan, you can't expect a very casual reader to understand Japanese terms being spoken out right off the bat. It takes a while to get used to those terms. I'll use myself as an example as a riichi mahjong player. I throw out terms like suji, kabe, mentanpin, ryanmen, etc. to my fellow players. However, if there's an absolute beginner I'm talking to, they will have no idea what the hell I'm talking about.
I know some fans are like "Whatever, understanding those terms make me stand out. Yeah, I'm different! Screw the normal world!" But that makes it sound like gatekeeping to a certain degree. It's fine to have that kind of knowledge, but binding it to the very fabric of your identity is not healthy when circumstances change.
Orange seems to want a universal standard for manga translation by incorporating a variety of people into their process, but the fact that people will only be involved AFTER the translation makes me skeptical and the company is being called out for some things on their website. Both professionals and consumers will be screwed here. AI is being pushed so hard by corporations because it can readily applied to real life jobs and regular people in many ways, compared to cryptocurrency/NFTs, which applies only to people with a crap ton of money to spend. I've seen instances of AI usage at the company I work at - some of it good, some of it bad.
But nothing will beat the will and heart of the people. I think that's what scares AI-promoting people. Turning us into total mindless consumers prevents us from being mindful people that want to do right by others. Sure, reading manga makes me happy. But I don't want to be the only one who's happy. I also want people to make informed choices about what to consume.
I also want some people to stop assuming that Japan is the most "anti-woke" country alive out of their rage against localization because it's totally not. Japan has problems and there's people living there speaking out against them. They're "woke" in their own way. I swear that almost everyone who thinks Japan is better than the West hasn't lived there at all and are basing things from a very filtered point of view. I actually feel sorry for them because their lives are just so focused on consuming without thinking for themselves - a perfect market for the AI-pushing crowd.
I'll finish by saying that this AI-powered manga translation venture needs to happen with the right kind of people already on the table through the whole process and where everyone benefits. Everything bad with AI, as far as I've seen, has left people behind with no compassion or empathy. Manga has taught the wonders of compassion and empathy for all and I don't see the Japanese business side of things preaching what their works speak.
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soie-lux · 2 years
Looking Back at My 2022 Goals: Leveling Up Mentally and Spiritually in 2023
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As 2022 comes to a close, take some time to reflect. Look back at the goals you set at the beginning of the year. How did you do? What are some things you wish you would've done differently?
My goals for this year were:
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I honestly didn't look back too much at this list throughout the year, but I can thankfully say many of my goals have organically been incorporated in my routines and daily life bit by bit as the year went on.
It doesn't matter if you started working towards your goals January 1st or December 1st, all that matters is that you had the discipline to start. To implement every single one of your goal's January 1st can be overwhelming to some, and discouraging when you fail to keep up the habits, which is why so many people drop their New Year's resolutions in the first 2-3 weeks. You don't have to sprint towards the finish line the second the new year begins. Be gentle with yourself. By implementing your goals slowly and gradually into you daily life, you are more likely to keep up with them.
One of my goals for 2022 was to do some form of joyful movement at least 5 days out of the week. I found pilates, stretching, and daily walks worked best for me rather than going to a gym. I want to be able to enjoy life freely for as long as possible and that means taking care of myself and my body. During the summer months, my 5am morning walks and pilates were Godsend. It required serious discipline to get to wake up so early, but it was so worth it! I feel so much stronger and energized! This is a habit I definitely want to carry into 2023. I wasn't consistent with my daily joyful movement it until May, and that's okay! Starting later is better than not starting at all.
Setting limits on social apps has really helped decrease my screen time. I've definitely noticed the less I spent online, the better I felt mentally and my mindset regarding online/media spaces has shifted drastically. I don't feel the need to be in the loop when it comes to the latest trends of what's "in" vs what's "out." No longer am I caught up in the happenings of celebrity and internet culture (the less you check into trending topics and gossip blurbs, you'll find yourself caring less and less about them, trust me). I noticed the more time I spent obsessing over social media and trying to fit into a specific aesthetic, the less I was able to truly be myself. Get off the internet and learn about yourself!! Forget about trends, what do you like to wear? What do you like to do? Don't let the internet fool you into behaving in a way that makes you feel artificial. Since I've learned this, life has become so much richer and simpler.
Quality over quantity has been a big theme for me this year. I wanted to apply this to my closet as well and create a capsule wardrobe filled with high quality pieces rather than fast fashion items. I've always been drawn neutral tones and earthy tones, but recently have developed a soft-spot for navy and burgundy. I've slowly been swapping out my polyester and acrylic items for pieces made of pure silk, linen, cotton, cashmere, and wool. I'm at a place now where I'd rather spend my money on one high quality basic that will last me years and years than numerous fast fashion items of equal monetary value.
Cooking and baking has always been a hobby of mine, but after some mental/health challenges, I found it hard to enjoying being in the kitchen. I don't remember the moment it all clicked, but the autumn months really helped me fall back in love with cooking. All the things I was doing to physically keep my body moving made me want to ensure I was fueling my body properly as well. I spent less time in grocery stores and more time at farmers markets talking to the farmers/vendors and learning about where the food I'm eating is actually coming from!! Organic produce, free-range eggs, grass-fed meats, locally made bread and locally harvested honey as much as possible. Cooking and baking things from scratch instead of buying it processed from the super market. Eating with the seasons. Making my first sourdough starter. Beginning with a few basic ingredients and witnessing something beautiful come into fruition from oven to plate. I'm so thankful I was able to discover an all-new joy for being in the kitchen this year, and I plan to continue to harness these skills in 2023.
I thank God for the way He has helped me grow in my faith this year. Spending time in His word daily. Praying to Him not just as part of my morning and nightly routine, but sometimes multiple times throughout my day just to chat or ask for guidance. Learning to put His will for my life above my own. Learning to trust Him with everything in my life and giving Him full control. Learning to serve others rather than always looking to be served. In the beginning of the year, my goal was to become "that girl," but now my goal is to become the woman of God the Lord wants me to be. I want to be a woman after His own heart. To spreads God's love with the world by being gentle, kind, wise, graceful, poised, soft-spoken, and selfless. I am in no way perfect, but I'm thankful for the growth I've seen this year and I thank God in advance for the work He will do in me this coming year.
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theawakenedstate · 9 months
7 Powerful Strategies for a Structured & Consistent Spiritual Growth Journey (With a Spiritual Planner)
If you were to sit down at a coffee shop with me and ask what was the top spiritual growth lesson I learned this year, I might surprise you with my answer. The hugest thing I learned this year was Strategy! Specifically, Structure, Organization, and Strategy naturally enhance my Intuitive Flow aka Spiritual Alignment. This gives me back my Time, Energy and Focus. I know it shocked me too when I started thinking about it.
At the start of the year, I enrolled in a very in-depth marketing course and it changed my entire content creation world! Have you noticed? 😉 The Main Aha moment from the entire program was that I realized how much I was lacking strategy across the board of my own life, so I started expanding that outward to other areas of my life.
Some of these being Fitness, my Spiritual practice, Goal Setting Process, My Meal Prep in the kitchen, my content Process and so forth. I’m going to be honest with you, if I can find a way to get out of doing things manually or Creating more Flow in my workflow – I am the first to do it!
Structure is not a bad thang.
Why Do We Need More Structure, Organization, and Strategy as a Spiritual Person?
The Short Answer: Awareness. As a Spiritual person bringing more Mindfulness and Conscious Awareness into my life has consistently proven to be the strongest method to Personal Well-being,Positive Mental Health and Emotional Empowerment. Why?
Conscious Awareness is the dynamic opposite of reactive behavior.
Without Structure, Organization, or Strategy, we’re just a loose cannon floating in the wind without a purpose to our actions. Without awareness, We cannot create real change. In other words, we’re either more reactive or running on unconscious impulses in our everyday decisions. I invite you to consider how many times you impulsively open an app on your phone and get back to me on that….how many times did you click it?
As we live in the digital age of society, we have to be aware of how much Reactive behavior is created purely from External Influence in our day-to-day lives for our own mental and emotional health.
Examples of reactive Influence:
For example, Your goal today is to Film a Video for Youtube. Scenario: scroll Instagram, you say 5 mins of scrolling. You see someone’s post about the full moon and then you get in your head ‘maybe i should be making a post about the full moon too?!” Suddenly half an hour later, you’re on Canva designing the perfect Full Moon Post. You didn’t realize you were actually procrastinating and forgot about the video! Or how about this one:
You read about the latest conspiracy theories and suddenly you’re externally influenced by them. Then you decide to start doom scrolling and suddenly you’re feeling paranoid or unsafe to leave the house! As Spiritual People, It’s important to have Mental Discipline to promote more mindfulness and conscious awareness so we can reduce our reactive thoughts with pure conscious thought. This helps your Intuition the most, besides it’s better for your health too.
One of the Strongest ways to do this is with more Structure, Strategy, or Intentional Planning!
The Benefits of Structure & Intentional Planning
When it comes to Structure usually one of the hugest excuses we put up is that “it’s not intuitive” to plan or structure our day. There is often a language of “I can’t use strategy because I lose my Flow or Intuition”. WRONG. This is what I’ve discovered:
1. You Have the Right Mindset to Accomplish Your Tasks naturally enhancing your Intuition
I actually find the opposite to be true. The more I’m intentional, I am literally programming my mind towards exactly what I wish to achieve and the mindset I need to go with it. This naturally enhances my intuition and I’m more likely to tap into Magnetic Aligned Action in my daily tasks, like a mofo GPS programmed to a destination!
2. You’re Naturally More Consistent with your Spiritual Practice
When we add more structure or Strategy to our Spiritual practice we are more likely to show up consistently to it. This allows us to give up our excuses of “I never have time, space or energy for my spiritual growth, journaling or yoga practice”. Also with the benefit of more structure, you’re more committed to doing the Inner work and Meeting the Promises you make to yourself. Hence More Confidence & Soul Certainty! (Solar plexus Chakra empowered! )
3. You Gain Back Your Time and Even Energy
Do you know how much, wasted energy goes into something when we’re not structured on the goal, task, or outcome? Sure we can argue here that Flow takes us on detours for a reason. However, think about how much time is often wasted when we’re not even clear or Intentional about what we’re going to do. For example, If you know what you’re going to eat for dinner tonight, you are less likely to spend an hour trying to figure out What’s for dinner or rummaging in the cabinets for ideas. Then on Hungry impulse, you make something really unhealthy because you’re now starving. In the same way, If you have a sacred space you go to each morning at 8 am to journal or meditate, you are more likely to show up and just do it. Instead of, you know waffling around with your own resistance and ego mind-chatter talking you out of it. Likewise, If you put on your workout gear, with the sporty bra, you are more likely to just jump into your workout. Case in point. Structure changes lives. 😉
So now that we know the benefits of Structure, What are some easy ways you can start to Incorporate More Structure into your Spiritual Life? We all need a little bit of Order inside of all of this collective chaos, right? Right.
7 Ways To Track, Plan, and Create More Structure for Your Spiritual Growth Journey
Since I carry my own Spiritual Awakened Life Digital planner with me every day and it helps clear my head on the daily, I started adding more of my spiritual growth into my Daily Planner. It felt pretty natural to start adding my spiritual journey into my daily, weekly & monthly planning sessions. Now when I go to Plan my Entire Week, I have my Birds Eye View of my Momma Everyday Tasks, My Career Tasks, and My Spiritual Growth all together! This helps me stay organized and helps my Mental well-being too.
Let’s be frank, Writing things down keeps my mind clear and sane. I am less stressed when I write things down, this makes me naturally more Intuitive and Present-minded.  Here are 7 ways I track and structure My Life included in both my planner & Journal
1 – Break down your Entire Week with Intentionality
Do you know what’s happening during the entire week or are you flying blind by the seat of your pants? Probably the most used page in my entire planner is The Weekly Intentions Page.
At the start of the week, I allow myself some time to loosely plan what my focus is for the week with Intention. Each day is broken down, I see my weekly schedule. I write down my Self-care ideas, Mind-Body Spiritual Practices, What I want to work on for fitness, business, Important Dates I have, School or family gatherings, Fun Activities, and so forth. I plan the Bird’s eye view of All of my goals both Spiritual, lifestyle, and business. There is something about the Bird eye’s view of my schedule that just clears my brain completely.
2 – Use Habit Trackers For Your Meditation or Spiritual Practice
One of the most unconventional things I do for my Spiritual practice is I like to use Habit Trackers for Radical Conscious Awareness. This is a mini trick that I NEVER see mentioned in personal development and It’s helped me with Self-Awareness repeatedly so I can Track my consistency, emotions and energy levels. Habit Trackers are really helpful if you have a hard time Following through on your spiritual practice or you have a lot of excuses to commit to a practice (real talk). The Habit tracker gives you a reward system to promote consistency, discipline, and Structure! You know if you commit to 25 days of Meditation, you now have the Awareness of How often you are meditating vs. just going off your impulse of meditating when you feel like it. You can also set up habit trackers with a Fun End Goal in mind, like if you do 25 days of meditation you treat yourself to an oracle deck or a gourmet chocolate – depending on your personality this may or may not work for you. Play with it!
In general, incorporating Habit Trackers into ANY SKILL or HABIT you’re wishing to bring to life is so so good for increasing motivation and consistency in any skill. I cannot recommend Habit trackers enough for Conscious Awareness and more Mindfulness.
3 – Track Your Self-Care & Mental Wellness
Another way you can Track Your Spiritual Growth with more Structure is to lay out a Self-Care Plan! With a Holistic Wellness Tracker you can Write down your weekly plan of Self-care & mental health. For example: How many hours you slept, your Spiritual practice, self-care routine, mindset work, Daily Joy and even Creativity. Keeping track of your Mental Wellness, allows you to see where you may be lacking. Maybe you need more daily joy, mindset love, consistency of spiritual practice or more daily recharge with a self-care ritual. When we keep track of our Mental Wellness, we’re more aware of how we might be letting things slip through the cracks like sleep or self-care for instance. This awareness also gives you a look into Why your mood or emotions might be behaving in a certain way. Now you’re aware you got only 5 hours of sleep last night, maybe you won’t be so hard on yourself that you’re not as productive as you should be. 🙂
4 – Increase Your Mindful Eating with a Food Log & Meal Prep
If you’re working on increasing more mindful eating, looking to lose weight, gain weight or simply eat more healthy, you could start recording a weekly food log for more Awareness. Some people are not aware of What They eat throughout an entire day or especially during the holidays! (guilty 🙂 ) This helps give you the Conscious Awareness of Tracking what you eat from Morning to Night. You might surprise yourself with this, maybe you’re not realizing what food groups you consistently crave or eat. In the same regard, maybe like me, your food diet has to change for your menstrual cycle and you cycle sync your diet around it. Being aware of the shift in what you’re eating during each phase of your cycle is also hugely beneficial to less painful symptoms and hormonal Mood swings.
Likewise, we have to talk about the Benefits of Meal Prepping! My man used to think I was crazy because I always Prep a week ahead on what i’m making for the week. Now I use Everyplate for designing my meal flow for the week and then on the weeks I don’t use Everyplate, I write down a list of ideas of new Pinterest recipes I want to try each day of the week. Maybe I don’t want a big fancy thing on Monday so this is an easy meal day and so forth. This is a very unconventional way to increase your Mindful Eating Habits by structuring ahead your meal plan for the week.
5 – The Mindful Breakfast of Champions: Using Daily Intentions in your Daily Schedule
Do you want to know How I stay organized with such a crazy schedule sometimes? One thing I cannot live without is my Daily Intentions! I always take the time every single morning to write my intentions for the day and often look at my planner for my daily schedule. (I’ll be honest, sometimes I am not THIS ORGANIZED with my schedule, I am a mom afterall and distractions happen allthetime…mylittlepony) but Daily Intentions are a MUST.
In my Spiritually Awakened Life Planner, I have it broken down by: Weekly Goals, Daily mantra/affirmation, Daily Vision, Spiritual Practice breakdown, Daily Joys, Movement Exercise isolation by muscle group, Daily Schedule, your Classic To-do List, followed by the big kahuna, Daily Intentions.
Do I do all of that every day 7 times a week? Not always, I like to take the weekends off and holidays 🤣 However, This combination keeps me Mentally Disciplined and Structured with Pure Intention for my Daily workflow. I’m like a Laser beam of intent when I do it!
Sometimes My Daily Schedule looks like this:
For example, After I do my Daily Affirmations and set up my Intentions, I look at asking myself: MIND: Did I do my daily journaling for my mindset and Intentions?
BODY: My Daily Movement and Muscle Isolation today?
SOUL: What is my spiritual practice today? WEEKLY GOALS: What’s my 3 Goals this week? TOP PRIORITIES: What are the Top 3 Things I must focus on today? BRAINDUMP TO-DOS: Write down my Daily To-do List. IMPORTANT DATES: What needs done this week? & What is happening? DAILY MANTRA: What is inspiring me lately? DESIRES: How do I desire to feel today? ➡️This Mindful Schedule setup allows me to easily live with more Intention in my Daily Routine and Spiritual Life. I invite you to consider: how can you start to add more Intention into your daily routine?
6 – Working with the Moon with Monthly Rituals
One way to bring more Flow into your Structure is by creating a practice of working with the Moon. You can set up New moon Intentions and Full Moon Releasing rituals to help you begin your journey into Moon Rituals. This is something I do periodically where I set up my Own Manifesting and Healing Rituals for the Moon. I use my Digital Planner as a Guide to help keep my notes in order.
You use the New Moon Sheets for your Goals and Intentions you wish to call in.
Then you use the Full Moon prompts for Healing, Releasing, Closure and Letting go.
It’s one of my favorite ways to add more rituals into my Spiritual Life. Working with the moon has enormous benefits to it. This is why I also recommend Moon charting If you’re new to working with the Moon so you can see the benefits yourself. Right now it’s featured in our Giftmas – 12 days of Gift giving for the Holidays.Try it out yourself!
7 – Yearly Vision & Goal Mapping Even By Quarter!
Here’s the truth, If you don’t sit down and ask yourself what you even want, how do you know? This is where Yearly vision and Goal Mapping come in. The #1 Way to get more Intentional with Spiritual Growth and Consistent Goals is to Know What you’re aiming at.
What is your Target? aka Your Vision, Goals & Soul Desires.
If you have no target – You have nothing to aim towards and this is what you tell the Universe. In my Spiritual Awakened Life Planner, There is Yearly Visioning, Quarter Goal Check in and Goal Mapping sheets. These help you develop clarity on your goals and desires, period. This is so you know how to go into the New Year with supreme FOCUS and know your WHY behind your Goals, keeping you in more alignment.
Getting Clear on your Spiritual Growth, regardless of what you’re wishing to accomplish, requires sitting down and looking at the Vision. You can’t get clear on growth or worry about your lack of consistency, if you don’t know what your direction even is. Likewise, you can’t make a resolution on trying to lose weight, without a REALISTIC PLAN to back that up.
Why Resolutions Often Fail is the Lack of Realism
This is why most resolutions fail. They don’t have the Mindset or Realism to back up their goals with consistent action due to lack of planning. The best way to add more Structure to your Spiritual Journey is to Get Clear on your goals. Do you have goals? What is the Vision for your Life? What do you even want? How do you desire to feel? Do your thoughts support your goals? Are you taking action on them? This is work we do heavily in Awaken Your Aligned Vision Workshop. The Workshop for Your New Year Goals to help set you up for success in the New Year. It’s now featured inside of The new Monthly Membership, The Soul-aligned Life Academy!
In conclusion, My biggest lesson of the year is that strategy is KEY to Intuitive Flow and Alignment. I know that Tracking my Spiritual growth, Daily Intentions & even goals in my one place every day lets me reflect. This is one of the most excellent ways to be consistent and add more structure to your Spiritual Awakened Life. I hope you enjoyed these powerful strategies to help you on your own spiritual growth journey.
How do you like to track your spiritual growth in your planner?
Drop a Comment and Let me know below!
Your Spiritual Growth is so important but are you consistent with it? Sure you could do All of this in a Journal or Squeeze into your Daily Lifestyle Planner…. However if you want everything just laid out for you, Check out my Spiritual Planner, The Spiritual Awakened Life Digital Planner. Available now in Celestial Midnight and Celestial Unicorn Design. A Perfect Companion for Your New Year Vision, Monthly Spiritual Goals, and Daily Intentional Planning. Find out more info and a BTS walkthrough below.
7 Powerful Strategies for a Structured & Consistent Spiritual Growth Journey (With a Spiritual Planner)
If you were to sit down at a coffee shop with me and ask what was the top spiritual growth lesson I learned this year, I might surprise you with my answer. The hugest thing I learned this year was Strategy! Specifically, Structure, Organization, and Strategy naturally enhance my Intuitive Flow aka Spiritual Alignment. This […]
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bytmm · 16 days
In my favorite sport, football, a pivot is the player who is there between the defense and the midfield; the job being to distribute the ball to the midfield to whichever side (left, right or middle) they feel the opposition's defense is weak or their own team's attack is strong. The player is the initiator of the attack. Another major job for pivot is to shield the defense and stop the opposition's attacks in the midfield. In layman’s terms, they provide the balance their team needs between defense and offense.
In life, pivot, according to Merriam-Webster, is a transitive verb that means to adapt or improve by adjusting or modifying. Moving to America in August of 2001, at the time, I hated it. I was happy, comfortable and enjoying London, that's all I knew. It was the start of my pivoting. 
23 years later, I am still pivoting and finding my way. Earlier in the year, I was let go from a job; I was part of a team that shaped one of the biggest football brands in the world. It hurt badly. It still does. I am human after all. Learning everyday how to deal with it, I had to pivot. Being an immigrant and working in a country that sells the idea of the American dream is a lot tougher than you can imagine but that’s a story for another time. These experiences build a lot of character, tough skin and skills that you cannot learn in a classroom.
As my freelance contract ends, I have had to sit down with my thoughts, fears, insecurities and reality. Reentering the job market, it is scary. Going from a full time job with a semblance of security, having health and dental benefits, to freelancing, hustling, sending hundreds of job apps, texts and emails a week, it is daunting. You don’t know where the next check is coming from or where  the next opportunity will come from, it puts fear into you. Especially when you keep getting rejected for jobs, opportunities and things you believe were for you.
I have never been one to share my current state with the world, maybe it's pride or the Nigerian mentality ingrained in me. I can take on the world, I don't need help. It's why I barely use LinkedIn. However, no man is an island. We all need help, we need an olive branch. Typing this even feels uncomfortable.
But there is always beauty in the madness. I am sure there is someone reading this feeling similar, trying to find hope in a hopeless world. Hold on. Keep fighting.
If you told me at 13, I would be able to work on the brands I have worked on, with the people I have worked with, I would laugh. But that is what we call life, a journey with varying routes to a destination.
We are more than numbers, we are more than our resumes, we have our stories, our talents, our strengths balanced by our flaws, paranoias and insecurity, that is the beauty of humanity.
Progress is not linear. Rejection is not bad. Some doors are closed for reasons. That opportunity wasn’t for you. That person was there for you to grow. Sometimes you need to step backwards, sideways and not always go forward to get to where you want.
Life is about pivoting and adapting.
Here’s to finding a job/opportunity soon. 🥂
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mariacallous · 4 months
The European Union has opened an investigation into Facebook and Instagram for the platforms’ potentially addictive effects on children, echoing two similar probes opened into TikTok earlier this year.
Meta-owned platforms will be investigated for their addictive and “rabbit hole” effects, and whether young users were being fed too much content about depression or unrealistic body images. Investigators will also probe whether underage children below 13 years old are being effectively blocked from using the services.
“We are not convinced that Meta has done enough to comply with the DSA [Digital Services Act] obligations—to mitigate the risks of negative effects to the physical and mental health of young Europeans on its platforms Facebook and Instagram,” Thierry Breton, the EU’s internal markets commissioner who is leading the investigations, said on X.
“We want young people to have safe, age-appropriate experiences online,” said Meta spokesperson Kirstin MacLeod, adding the company has developed more than 50 tools and policies designed to protect young people. “This is a challenge the whole industry is facing, and we look forward to sharing details of our work with the European Commission.”
The investigations into Meta and TikTok under the bloc’s new Digital Services Act rules were separate, a commission spokesperson said, adding that similarities between the cases simply reflected resemblances in how the platforms work. “There are some competitive effects in the markets where some platforms copy other platforms’ features,” they said.
The effects of social media on children has sparked intense debate in recent months, following the publication of the book The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. The NYU social psychologist argues that the prevalence of social media use among young people is rewiring children’s brains and making them more anxious. In October, a coalition of US states sued Meta, alleging the company’s products are harmful to children’s mental health.
The Digital Services Act is an expansive rulebook that aims to protect Europeans’ human rights online and took effect for the largest platforms in August last year. So far, the EU has investigations open into six platforms for different reasons: AliExpress, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, TikTok Lite, and X. Under the Digital Services Act, platforms can be fined up to 6 percent of their global revenue.
After the EU launched an investigation into a points-for-views reward system on TikTok Lite—a version of the app which uses less data—the company said it would suspend the incentive following concerns about its impact on children.
“Our children are not guinea pigs for social media,” Breton said at the time.
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softacademia · 27 days
Confidence on the job market is something I have been thinking a lot about, particularly in two areas.
(1) Video applications (or rather pieces of applications that require video, like a video response to questions or a video CV)
Why is the job market favoring those with the confidence and comfortability to speak to camera?
For roles where that is part of the job, I understand of course. But for the roles where speaking to camera isn’t a part of the position, why is this the move?
Is it an attempt to disrupt the use of AI in cover letters and resumes?
I think about how many people are nervous and anxious for in-person interviews, let know want to hear themselves on a recording or watch themselves back on video.
If I didn’t start creating content here two-ish years ago, I would have no experience doing video at all (and still I rarely do talking straight to camera on here or @tiktok) and how I would feel even more disadvantaged.
(2) I was not prepared for was “we’re always accepting resumes” or “send us a job description you might fit”. I know talent pools exist, and I’ve seen that before, but the latter of these examples above have really made me think about how mental health or levels of confidence might get in the way of shooting a shot like that.
How you have to have somewhat of an entrepreneurial mind or creative mindset to dream up your own job description. And that not everyone has that or wants to do that. Especially to get a job in this economy.
A few months ago I went to a talk for a ‘changemakers’ organization and asked a question about how their app process could be adapted to not favor extraverts so heavily - what it would look like to make space for those who want to make a difference in the world but don’t want to be ‘on’ socially all the time.
And I wish I could ask the job market the same question.
What if not everyone wants to build a personal brand or record a video CV or create their own job title? People are applying to 100s of jobs with minimal interviews and no offers - what would it look like to be creative in a more inclusive way?
What would it be like to consider confidence in a more inclusive way?
#softacademia #cambridgeuniversity #universityofcambridge #oxbridge #university #gonvilleandcaius #cambridgecolleges #jobsearch #jobsearching #mentalhealth #lightacademia #darkacademia
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play-now-my-lord · 2 years
The fundamental problem with tiktok as a mental health information platform is not the misinformation per se - doing research on medical conditions through the Internet has always required a strong bullshit filter and willingness to evaluate claims that strangers make. People lying or talking out their ass isn't the thing that worries me. It doesn't even terribly worry me that the audience skews very young and is thus kinda credulous - that's always been a problem the Internet has had. No, the problem I have is that for reasons I don't fully understand - I don't know if the culture is just hostile to it or if the app itself isn't made to accomodate it, and frankly it doesn't super matter which - it's trivial to present con artistry as garden-variety misinformation there. Like, if someone is telling me that some medicine will help me out of a misguided belief it helped them, or out of spite, it's gonna be, while not exactly trivial anymore to validity-check that, not super challenging. On the other hand, if they're selling some sugar pills for my medical problems for fifty a pop, they're capable of being way slicker about it than they are anywhere else. I worry not so much about the liars or even the charlatans as I do about predatory businesses. On basically every level where it matters, you are increasingly presented with an epistemic quandary - you can Trust The Science (and frankly if you don't have chronic health problems you have no fucking idea how useless, reactionary, and subject to overt corruption The Science is, especially in the US) or you can check out the open mic at an Herbalife convention in the slim hope someone there isn't trying to specifically sell you Herbalife. No middle ground. You can develop critical faculties to make the Herbalife convention less dangerously useless but that takes years, and that's the approximate lifespan of any given modern app's ecosystem.
I'm talking about mental and chronic health and Tiktok here, but the same problem is really present in politics, journalism, etc, and apply to Tumblr and Twitter and Facebook as well. (I single out Tiktok because as a purely outside observer it seems like the single place where people talk most freely in bad faith, but they do that everywhere with varying degrees of success.) Your information sources are either transparently useless and corrupt official channels or Some Guy who, odds are, is working directly or indirectly for a marketing firm or afloat on an MLM grift and not obligated to disclose that by anything or anyone.
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